The document is a pay slip for an employee named Naveen Singh for the month of February 2024. It details his earnings of Rs. 10,000 including a basic salary of Rs. 8,000 and LTA allowance of Rs. 2,000. It also lists reimbursements totaling Rs. 10,000 and a net payable amount of Rs. 10,000.
The document is a pay slip for an employee named Naveen Singh for the month of February 2024. It details his earnings of Rs. 10,000 including a basic salary of Rs. 8,000 and LTA allowance of Rs. 2,000. It also lists reimbursements totaling Rs. 10,000 and a net payable amount of Rs. 10,000.
The document is a pay slip for an employee named Naveen Singh for the month of February 2024. It details his earnings of Rs. 10,000 including a basic salary of Rs. 8,000 and LTA allowance of Rs. 2,000. It also lists reimbursements totaling Rs. 10,000 and a net payable amount of Rs. 10,000.
The document is a pay slip for an employee named Naveen Singh for the month of February 2024. It details his earnings of Rs. 10,000 including a basic salary of Rs. 8,000 and LTA allowance of Rs. 2,000. It also lists reimbursements totaling Rs. 10,000 and a net payable amount of Rs. 10,000.
Pay slip for the month of February,2024 Employee Pay Summary Employee Name Naveen Singh PAN NA Designation Steward Bank Name Bank Of Baroda Employee ID 256417 Bank A/C No. 16800100006856 Date of Joining (dd-mm-yyyy) 01-Dec-2023 P.F.A/C Number NA Department F&B Service UAN Number NA Location JodhPur Rajasthan 29 Days Worked
EARNINGS Master Earnings Particulars Deductions
Basic ₹8000.00 ₹8000.00 Income Tax Deduction ₹0.00 House Rent Allowance ₹0.00 ₹0.00 Profession Tax ₹0.00 Special Allowance ₹0.00 ₹0.00 P.F. ₹0.00 Statutory Bonus ₹0.00 ₹0.00 Other Deduction 1 ₹0.00 ₹0.00 ₹0.00 Other Deduction 2 ₹0.00 LTA Allowance ₹2000.00 ₹2000.00 Other Deduction 3 ₹0.00 Overtime ₹0.00 ₹0.00 Other Earning1 ₹0.00 ₹0.00 Other Earning2 Gross Earnings ₹10000.00 Total Deductions ₹0.00 REIMBURSEMENTS Reimbursement1 ₹8000.00 ₹8000.00 Reimbursement2 ₹2000.00 ₹2000.00 Total Reimbursements ₹10000.00 NETPAY AMOUNT Gross Earnings ₹10000.00 Total Deductions ₹0.00 Total Reimbursements ₹10000.00 Total Net Payable ₹10000.00 Total Net Payable ₹10000.00 (Ten Thousand Only) **Total Net Payable= Gross Earnings-Total Deductions+ Total Reimbursements L.O.P .Days: 6 THIS IS A COMPUTER GENERATED SLIP AND DOES NOT REQUIRE SIGNATURE