JSA New Mohan Sir

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Ref No: JSA/01 Rev.0 DATE:25-03-2024

Vendor Name: Kirby Building Systems India Pvt ltd
Project: Uday
Location of work: Chandan Vally


The tools and equipment used: All mechanical hand tools- hammer, spanner set, plumb bob, right angle, water leveller etc., powered tools- grinder m/c, single phase welding m/c, drilling m/c, groove cutting m/c,
Sieving m/c, stitching m/c, Tool lanyard, Boom lift, scissor lift, farina 15/17/20tn, pulley , ratchet belt, guide ropes.

The training and skill required for the job [EHS Training]: JOB specific training and STA, material manual handling, chemical handling, hot work and Power Tool Training, Roof work, height work, lifting

Personal Protective Equipment Required: Safety Shoes, Hard hat, Reflective Jacket, Safety goggles, Hand gloves(L-5/L-3), Ear protection, Welding face shields, and Leather hand gloves, Apron, Hand Sleeves,
and Leg Sleeves High Visible Jackets, rubber hand gloves, N95 filter nose mask, grinding face shield, Leather apron set, welding face shield, full body harness, Tool lanyard, fire blankets.

Prepared By: Contractor Kirby HSE OFFICER Name: Signature: Date:

Reviewed By: Kirby Engineer Name: Signature: Date:

Reviewed by KF PM Name: Signature: Date:

Reviewed by KF PEB ENGINEER Name: Signature: Date:

Approved By KF SAFETY Name: Signature: Date:

Approved By DAIFUKU PM Name: Signature: Date:

Approved By DAIFUKU SAFETY ENGINEER Name: Signature: Date:


BST training for all team members.

Job specific training to all work men.

Tbt for all workers on dialy basis before starting the work

Task related work permit must be taken from the authorized personals

STA daily shared to the workmen at work location and must duly sign on it

Personal Protective equipments(Hand gloves,shoes,jackets,goggles,head hat,cut

resistance gloves,filternnose mask,leather apron,leather hand gloves,leather hand
and leather sleeves)must available with worker and ensure to deploy trained

Dialy PPE'S/Tolls/equipmenyts inspection check list to be maintained

All the tools/Equipments must be inspected by competent personals

Strictly prohibited carrying gutkas/any other unwanted to eat inside the plant
permises.Monthly colour code/tagging standard must follow for every
hand/powered tools

Training task card must available with the worker before start of the work Monthly
inspection and colour coding for all machinery,tools and tackles with valid inspection
Requirement Untrained personal site engineer,safety officer,supervisor
Work area must be barricated with job specific signages

work permits STA,MOS,JSA,TPI,MSDS,Project information and emergency numbers

displaying at work location

Work permit taken from area owner approval at designated location

work area clearance from authorized person/department

Ensure timely intervals for workers outside area

good housekeeping to be maintained for every 2hrs of time interval

follow the standard of barricades to be maintained

Daily maintained worker BOS & Ensure job specific training card to all members

1) Unauthorized access to work work area to be sectioned off using barries and safety sign
area,personal will try to access which will remain in site until completion of lifting/shifting
Access/Egress 2) Slip ,trip Site engineer,safety
hazards officer,Supervisor.
Provide the safe access with hard barricaded with sign boards

Ensure the enough manpower

1) Lack of awareness about work leads Engage competent and experienced workers
to personnel injury Check up the medical for all workersand staff and get the
2)Vehicle collision on site medical reports

Before enteringbthe site, safety induction training must be

conducted and gate passes should be ensured

Ensure all person have a safety training card

Equipment Ensure the fixing up of defects,ground condition surface is Site engineer,safety
mobilization & levelled officer,Supervisor.
Ensure the equipment is in good condition before entering in to
Adopt safe execution and permit to work system
A signal man should be deployed while vehicle is in movement

PPE must be worn before the entry of construction site


1)Electrocution due to touch of Deploy flagman when entering the site

2)vehicle hit personnel/equipment Instruct suppliers to stack material properly and secured
For over head lines obtain cleareance & divert it required
A trained signal/falgman to be deployed and make available all
the working time
A frequent gap should be maintained between man and
machinerynwork.To be avoid the collision and interaction
Truck movement with PEB Site engineer,safety
Material officer,Supervisor.

Provided the whistle to the flagman

Vehicle allow to operate by qualified operator vehicle &
pedestrain pathways bmarked convex mirror provided turning

Provided the flagman

1) Due to defective equipments accident may Schedule pre inspection a week prior
occurs 2) Inspect the crane ,Farana,& MEWP equipments for good
personal injury condition as per mentioned in checklist

If meets criteria approve,if found any defects instruct vendors

for fixing up
Pre inspection of equipments Site engineer,safety
and other materials Ensure the defects and ensure the condition before entryt in officer,Supervisor.
the site

Ensure there should not be any obstructions on the way walk

Job specific PPES
1)Fall of person & personal injury A ladder should be provided to climb on trailer of vehicle
2)Hit injury /property damage
3)fall of materials
4)Fall of person diuring climbimg Area where vehicle is parked should be level and the wheel
on trailer 5) Truck hit to the nearby personnel chook or stoppers should be ensure
or stationary structure
6) work related upper limb disorder Use only designated vehicle access follow (STOP-LOOK & GO)
7)Sharp edges A trained signalman ,supervisor to be deployed and make
available all the time during vehicle movement
Speed limit should be maintained dring entering of vehicle
Deployed qualified rigger for unloading
Use farana to unload the material by securing properly
loose or small material removed first
Identify the place of slinging
All the crews should be trained
Unloading of PEB Structures Access should be provided through ladder to climb on the Site engineer,safety
and other material
trailer bed officer,Supervisor.
Ladder should be placed properly
Pathway must be clear and visible for operator
Use wheel stopper when parking the vehicle
Flag man full time available when moment of vehicle
Unwanted person not allowed on this area
Safe manual handling procedure must be explained in STA
before commencement
Check for of activity
sharp edges before commencement of work and
insulate adequately
All sharp edges cover with softener

Packing will be place before material keep on the floor

Job specific PPES ( Cut resistance hand gloves,shoulder

pads)must be provide to the workman

1) Fall of material due to failure /damage of A competent flagman and supervisor should be availabe all the
liftingtools & tackles time during vehicle movement & unloading of material
2)Collapse of crane / farana
3) By pass of SWL
4)Swing of material Deplay a qualified rigger flagman,for unloading
Use farana to unload the material by securing properly
Inspect the material condition before doing slinging in the
loos or small material removed first
During unloading of materials no body shall stand beside
All mechanical equipments should be inspected as perclient
Slinging of safety checklist
material prior
Site engineer,safety
unloading/removi Prepare a lifting plan to define the rigging method applied to officer,Supervisor.
ng slings trailer each material and equipment to be hoisted
help of farana Use of tag line during lifting/shifting of any equipment
use rigger & signal man during lifting work
Only one trained signal man will give sing to be operaed
Two guid ropes of maximum 3 mtr length must use guide the
material during shifting
The position of person holding guide rope should be material
The light of material from ground should be materials not be
extende 300 to 500 mm during shifting by farana

1)Failure of lifting tools & tackles fall of use appropriate lifting tools & tackles match the capacity
materials accordong to materials weight
2)improper slinging All the lifting tools & tackles should be inspected along with
Shifting of their TPI,Licence ,PCB
material from Colour blindness to be done for operators
storage yard to Packing should be provided in between sling & material Site engineer,safety
designated Slinging must be done by experience person officer,Supervisor.
work location
SWL of the sing must be matched according to the material
with the help of weight
crane farana
Cg of the material and crane hook condition must be checked
before lifting
This much ensure that there should not be any overhead cable
1)Contact with overhead line line passing through the lifting and marchinhg area till the
2)Hit the person injury/property location of erection
3)Flinger pinch between sling TheTag pathway should
line must be cleartofrom
be secured any
avoid obstacle
the and
swing of it should
4)Damage web slings be supervised under the scope of an engineer & safety
supervisor deploy only a trained and qualified rigger ,operators
5)Column stuck by and flagman
overhead structure /power cable Ensure emegency rescue plan available at site
and hand injury Maintain safe distance with all moving equipment min 1 mtr
7)Failure of slings /shackles failure Ensure material is unloaded manually/by using farana safely one at a time
equipment All the crews should be provided with C-5 resistance gloves
8) Rigging slipping while Ensure stacking of material orderly no material should be
standing column to vertical stacked on the ground
9)column tipping All the crew should be trained on rigging,safety procedures & JSA
load/column unsecured prior Before lifting verify there is no sharp edges
todisconnection from farana provided sharp edges protections
All the crew should be provided by FBH for a task working on
10)worker struck by load,pinch points height more than 4ft and above MEWP
11)iMproper rigging activity Ensure free from over head obstacles
12) Dropped load Wear cut resistance hand gloves L5 and ensure hand & fingers
13)Crane failure due to are clear to pinch points
hydrolic system All the lifting tools & tackles should be inspected for each & every use
14)Cause of serious Ensure rigging is appropriate for the load
Column erection 15) Use of 4-anchour rods column to be braced.
by use of Miscommunication
Ensure column is stable prior to disconnection of rigging Site engineer,safety
crane/farana - Workers and personnel clear from area during column standing officer,Supervisor.
fixing of sling to
column Ensure that the load line remains vertical and taught column standing
Keep hand and feet clear of base plate when lowering column on anchor rods
Compotent rigger must be appointed in this activity also crane operator
Crane operator must follow rigging supervisor only
Ensure that double tag line is used
1-check slings and crane for certification prior to work
2-A minimum of two tag lines to be attached to loads at all times
3- Ensure rigging is checked by rigging supervisor prior to lift
4-check out rigger stability for soft ground
1- use lift purpose for crane in accordance with lift plan
2-crane operator not to be exceed SWL at any time
3- Rigging supervisor and crane operator to check load plan
against load chart prior to lift
4-position cranes so that minimum radius can be maintained to
complete the lift
Material must be properly secured with sling & shackles before
lifting up
Crane will be set up at level surface with out riggers pads
out riggers will be fully extended crane
Ensure there is a traffic coordinator or banks person during
transferring the porta cabin in other location

1)Tools /screws on the boom plat form Inspection boomlift and lifting tool & tackles by using checklist
fallingmaterial tools only authorized operator nshould be permitted to operator
Both lifting & height work permit should be obtained before
start ing task

De slinging of Ensure that no one should pass in and around the area of lifting
Activities Site engineer,safety
column by use of officer,Supervisor.
boom lift Ensure column should be left unsecured
All hand tools to be secured with standard tools lanyard for
carry small materials always maintain work platform

Secured the tools while working on height

Ensure no one is working underneath
1)Fall hazards Remove all the slippery materials from the access area
2) Hit hazards use inspected safety harness while working on height
3) operator error
Don’t kept heavily materials on working platform(scissor/boomli
Trained workers deploy to perform the task at height
All tools shall be used lanyard protection
No body is allowed to stand undermath when the work is going
Qualified operator and flafman must available at site
Un authorized entrymust be resisted at lifting area the
material to be lifted by farana /boomlift should not exceed the
working on MHE SWL Capacity of the equipment operator must be authorized
/qualified ensure trained flagman
equipments Site engineer,safety
(Scissor lift/Boom officer,Supervisor.
lift) Proper access has to be given to the vehicle
Flag man should be there which vehicle with 2m
Ensure Stopper for while parking
well trained operator must be operating
horn miust be ther while moving backward direction
work has to be performed with the closed supervision
All time available safety at site
Ensure experienced operator(valid licence) of equipment
No person working below the barricated area by boom
keep the boom area clearance

1)Body parts pitching between groundand All the crews should be provide with FBH FOR A task working
rafter on height more than 4ft and MEWP
2) cut injury
3)Improper hand tools All the crews should be provided with C-5 resistant gloves
4)Stuble hazard proper rigging plan should be followed
proper bed or stands should be provided for rafter assemble
Rafter erection Site engineer,safety
Rafter assembly provided job specific PPE'S (C-5 cut resistant gloves)and work officer,Supervisor.
related safety briefing to the crew deployed
on ground
Do not keep hand near hammering point
Hand tools should be hold firmly to avoid slip during work
Working area must be clean from loos pipes
Donot walk on the rafter lifting work area
Access should be clear for working area

1)Pinch point between slings Ensure job specific PPE Like cut resistant gloves
2)failure of slings/shackles slip and fall Ensure softener packing between slings and materials
of material,failure of equipment Follow the safe method of material handling
3)Collapse of rafter due to failure of Visual inspection of lifting tools & tackles should be done
listing tools & tackles before the start the activity Site engineer,safety
Rafter erection by 4) Lack of supervision officer,Supervisor.
Farana/crane Provide insulation to column before securing slings to avoid cut
of slings
Sling & D-Shackle should be checked before fixing
Crane should be placed on level firm surface only
Supervisor must be on site at all times work is in progress

Life line post inspection should be carried out by weighting

sandbags by third party agencies and MTC (Material test
certificate)has to be kept as record,also life line rope has to be Site engineer,safety
Life line post 1)Slip of spanners and fall of life line post inspected and kept as a record officer,Supervisor.
Ensure proper positioning of lifeline post as per standards.
1)Fall of person /material Working area must be barricaded and display with signage of
2) Nut bolt from height lead to unauthorized entry restricted
person injury
Inspect all the hand tools & power tools before use and ensure
the availability of monthly colour code inspection tag on them

Nut and bolt Area supervisor must be ensure there should not any loos Site engineer,safety
tightening by materials at structure officer,Supervisor.
using boom lift
only trained crew must be work
There not be multi activity at a time
person must not carry loos materials at height
Ensure provision of tool kit bag
Ensure hand tols must be tied with tool lanyard to prevented
from fall
1) Pinch point between Sling and purlin bunch Ensure job specific PPE Like cut resistance gloves
crews should be trained to keep their hands away from pinch
2) Improper slings points
Ensure softner packing between sling and material.
Purlin erection (a)
Fixing of slings to Follow the safe method of material handling as mentioned in Site engineer,safety
purlin bunch and WMS officer,Supervisor.
Sling must be done by rigging & experience person
Oblique pilling is not allowed for materials lifting
Material should not be foul with boom during lifting


1) Fall of person /material & tools Job specific PPE to be provided as per OSHA Standard lokeFBH
with double lanyard should be hooked to life line
Anchoring of FBH hook on life line rope shall be ensured
Tightening of nut & Canvas bags should be provide to crews to carry their essentials
bolt with purlin to Catch nets/safety nets to be provided where ever required Site engineer,safety
rafter by reaching officer,Supervisor.
on the top roof Ensure no material must be carried on boomlift,climbing on
man should be determined as per standard SWL
Crews should anchor their FBH hook with boom basket while
working with boom
1) Fall of person /material & tools Ensure the hook of FBH should be anchored with boom lift
2)Flying of sheet basket
check property all the lifting tools before using
Ensure PP Rope radius should not be less than 16mm
Ensure proper access should be provide for the boom lift
Roof sheet Provide edge protection at roof area to avoid fall of person Site engineer,safety
installation Provide safety net officer,Supervisor.
Ensure moving wind and supervise the work
Only trained crew should be deployed
Physical condition of crew should be checked before deploying
them at height work
Don’t keep any materials tools at roof edge
1)Fall of material,fall of person, Ensure that safety harness hook anchored with the basket of
Wall cladding/sheet flying of sheet scissor lift Site engineer,safety
installation officer,Supervisor.
1) Sharp edges 2) Fall of material/person Inspect the sling web before use visually and sign on checklist
Ensure that proper access should be provided for
boomlift/scissor lift Site engineer,safety
Sheet bundle
shifting by use of All the material carried by crews should be secured with tie officer,Supervisor.
appropriate ropes & lifting of material also should be carried by rope tying
in proper standard knots
1) Slip & trip hazard due to improper stacking All the working area should be made obstacle free and proper
of materials 2)Swing of material ,hit injury housekeeping should be done.
due to wind
Material should be stacked in standard manner
A tagline rope should be provide to lifting & shifting material to
avoid swing on material
Lifting of sheet
and placing
manually No person is allowed in the radius of lifting area and the
specific signage should be displayed out of entry restricted
lifting work in progress
If the working is done avove the roof edge protection must be
1) Fall of person,material/flying of sheet Provide all the PPE to the crews which required for work at
2) Personal injury from work piece
twisting/spinning If wind pressure is high stop the work use anemometer to
3)Electrocution check wind pressure

Donot allow any other single or host to work below the height
Provide lanyard to rope to avoid fall of tools and provide catch
nets if required
Do not block ways all the area should be obstacle free for
emergency evacuation
Site engineer,safety
Deply at least 2 crews for housekeeping officer,Supervisor.
Secure work piece being drilled using damp/vies.Donot drill
with one hand while securing the work piece with the other

Ensure the condition power tools carried by crews

Clip fixing with Inspect the hand tools /power tools as per checklist if found
purling by using damaged remove from service
drill machine
Apply monthly inspection tag colour code and ensure its
availability till the next inspection
Check the condition of the cord no
wrapping,damage,modification found in tools

All the electrical connections should be taken through

Donot pass the cord through sharp & torn edges
Only trained and qualified must involve in connection
Train the crews on usage of hand tools & power tools
Ensure the maximum stacking height of material
Material should not be over stacked
All the stacked materials should be tied with rope and secured
If the wind exceeds than permissible level then the activity site
engineer,safety officer,supervisor has to be hold.
1)Breakage of grinding wheel 2)Electrocution Inspect the grinding machine by using checklist
If found fit for work it must be used by keeping wheel guard in

The maximum speed marked on the wheel should not be


RPM should be equal or greater than grinding machine

The operator must inspect the wheel for cracks and defect
before and after use
The operator must keep machine away from his body at least
for 30 seconds on starting of machine
Grinding /cutting Site engineer,safety
for sheet work Check for the condition of machine before like if it is used officer,Supervisor.
check for inspection tag of update colour code

Condition of the cord should be checked whether it is damaged


Check for the source rooted it has to pass from all the
Check for the source of power whether it is rooted through
No cable must lay on ground or low lying ,use S hook to route
the cable.
1) Eye injury and dust allergy from dust and Wear safety glasses or a face shield and nose mask
debris discharged during drilling
2)personal injury due to drill bit Ensure that the bit or attachments are properly seated and
slipping,grabbing or snapping tightened in the chuck.donot use a dull or bent drill bit.Keep
3)Personal injury from work piece drill bit clean and oiled
twisting /spinning Secure work piece being drilled using damp/vies.Donot drill
4)Hand /finger injury while with one hand while securing the work piece with the other
changing drill bit 5) personal injury due to
misuse of hand drill
6) Hearing loss
Drilling work Disconnect power supply before exchanging or adjusting drill
bit Site engineer,safety
activity for sheet officer,Supervisor.
Electrician must inspect hand drill before each use & ensure to
follow monthly colour code system.ensure chuck key is
removed before starting hand drill.
Donot over reach or reach under or around stack being
drilled.do not lean or push on hand drill with any more force
than necessary.
Wear hearing protection -ear plugs
1)Burn injury Deploy only trained and qualified welders,fire watchers.
2)Eye irritation Working area must be ensured free from combustible material
3)Exposure to or flammable materials
heat ,spark,fumes 4)Fire
5)Noise 6)Electrocution Afire booth or blanket to be arranged to arrest the emerging

Wear required welding PPE welding shield,heat resistant

gloves,apron & organic vapour resporator
Only competent crews must be deployed for hot work tasks

First aid box must be available at work location with consist of

burn injury heal kit
Arrange fire extinguisher deploy fire watcher all the time
during hot work

Wear face shield & Welding gloves

An eye wash stations should be provided near working

House keeping of working area should be ensured

Inspect the work area and ensurer area is clear combustible
and flammable materials below and beside.

All the fire fighting equipments like extinguisher,buckets,fire

blanket should be available near to work area.

Use fire blanket above equipment and cover it on side on boom

lift to restrict the flying of sparks
Welding work for
sheeting support No painting work to be carried out while hot work Site engineer,safety
and fabrication Ensure fire blankets with welding booth and extinguishers at officer,Supervisor.
work location
Ring signage regarding "Hot work in process"must be displayed

Remove all flammable materials from work area

Ensure job specific PPEs at work location
Ensure only qualified person for welding work

Ensure trained fire watcher at hot work area.

Ear plugs shall be worm at all times while working compressors

Ensure the condition power tools carried by crews

Inspect the hand tools /power tools as per checklist if found
damaged remove from service

Apply monthly inspection tag colour code and ensure its

availability till the next inspection

Check the condition of the cord no

wrapping,damage,modification found in tools
All the electrical connections should be taken through
Donot pass the cord through sharp & torn edges
Only trained and qualified must involve in connection
Train the crews on usage of hand tools & power tools
Ensure the maximum stacking height of material
All the stacked materials should be tied with rope and secured
1)Exposure to chemical Exhaust ventilation should be provided to maintain good air
2)poisoning from substance through skin circulation
contact and splash into eyes
3)Fire from point fumes The painter should wear chemical splash
4)Inhalation/fall of chemical in eye goggkes,gloves,organic vapour respirator
5)Health hazards
MSDS of paint should be obtained and displayed to understand
HFR rating of point
Train the painter on hazards and control measures
Ensure all the paints are approved through chemical clearance
Store the paints in designated storage area with spill protection

No painting must be done at hot work area Site engineer,safety

Painting work Donot leave the cointainer open close the container with lid officer,Supervisor.

MSDS & HFR must be displayed on the cointainer

Mixing to be done as per manufacturing data &MSDS
Paint to be applied by brush reducing the potential of
combustible flumes
Ensure fire extinguishers readily available
Ensure the Safety goggles/face shield
MSDS tag,filter nose mask,rubber hand gloves,compulsory for
painting work at location
Ensure use rubber gloves,safety glasses,apron and respirator
nose mask to be worn at all times
1)Poor supervision 2)In sufficient Night manpower details must be submitted
illumination 3)Snake bite 4)Slip trip
hazard Ensure proper house keeping before and after the work
proper illumination of minimum 250 LUX should be provided in
the work area

Ensure that the work area is barricaded to prevent any

unauthorized entry

Night work Supervisor should have the emergency torch light Site engineer,safety
A Vehicle should be their for demobilization of workers
Ensure workers aware about the present in the snakes of work
Safety person should be present at night working
Remove all loose materials from the work location

All materials stacking orderly ensure ground surface level is


1) Scrap disposed
2)slip trip and hazards while
carrying contact with sharp Prior to start the work inspects the work area and removes the
edges/objects 3)Heat stress obstructions and trip hazards if any.

House keeping Ensure close supervision till complition of work Site engineer,safety
House keeping must be done before and after task complition
no trip & fall hazards

Display the waste daily and weekly as waste saily and weekly
as per category.
1)Fall of person from
height Conduct a through risk assessment to identify areas where
2) Fall of material from safety nets are necessary.Evaluate the height of the work
area,potential fall hazards,and the type of work being
height performed.
3)Fall of vehicles Choose appropriate safety nets based on the specific
4) Sharp edges requirements of the site,including size,strenght,and
5) material.Safety nets should meet relevant safety standards and
Pinch Points
Develop a detailed installation plan, considering factors such as
the layout of the construction site, the position of structural
elements, and the accessibility of the work area.

Install anchor points securely to support the safety nets. Anchor

points should be capable of withstanding the anticipated loads
fastened andand forces in
properly the eventtoofprevent
tensioned a fall. sagging or

Safety net Install edge protection measures, such as toe boards or Site
guardrails, to prevent workers and equipment from accidentally engg/Safety
installation falling over the edge of the work area.
Provide training to workers on the proper use of safety nets and
the importance of fall protection measures. Promote awareness
of safety protocols and encourage adherence to established

Conduct regular inspections of safety nets to identify any signs

of damage, wear, or degradation. Replace damaged nets
promptly and ensure that maintenance activities are performed
according to manufacturer guidelines.

Keep detailed records of safety net installation, inspections,

maintenance, and training activities. Ensure compliance with
relevant safety regulations and standards, including OSHA
(Occupational Safety and Health Administration) guidelines.

By following these safety measures, construction sites can

effectively mitigate the risk of falls and provide a safer working
environment for workers.

1)Heat Exhaustion
2)Heat Stroke Encourage frequent hydration by providing ample cool drinking wate
3)Dehydration Workers should drink water regularly, even if they do not feel thi
Provide shaded rest areas where workers can take breaks and cool d
5)Heat Rash
temporary shelters or canopies to create shaded areas on the constru
6)Heat Syncope
8)Reduced Cognitive Function Schedule physically demanding tasks for cooler times of the day, such
9)Increased Risk of Accidents morning or late afternoon. Limit exposure to direct sunlight during the h
10)Long-Term Health of the day.
Provide lightweight, breathable clothing that allows for ventilation an
evaporation. Consider using cooling vests or other cooling PPE to help re

Train workers on the signs and symptoms of heat-related illnesses, suc

exhaustion and heat stroke. Encourage workers to recognize these sym
HEAT themselves and their colleagues and to seek help if needed.
STRESS Gradually introduce new or returning workers to hot working condition
their bodies to acclimatize to the heat. Monitor workers closely dur
acclimatization period for signs of heat stress.

Implement frequent rest breaks in shaded or air-conditioned areas

workers to cool down and rest. Encourage workers to take breaks as nee
listen to their bodies.

Use weather forecasts and heat stress monitoring tools to assess the ri
related illnesses on site. Implement additional precautions when heat s
are elevated.
Assign supervisors or designated personnel to monitor workers for sig
stress and ensure that safety measures are being followed. Provide su
assistance to workers who may be struggling with the heat.

Have an emergency response plan in place for dealing with heat-relate

including procedures for providing first aid, seeking medical assistan
evacuating workers if necessary.

rage frequent hydration by providing ample cool drinking water on site.

orkers should drink water regularly, even if they do not feel thirsty.

e shaded rest areas where workers can take breaks and cool down. Use
ary shelters or canopies to create shaded areas on the construction site.

ule physically demanding tasks for cooler times of the day, such as early
or late afternoon. Limit exposure to direct sunlight during the hottest hours
of the day.

e lightweight, breathable clothing that allows for ventilation and sweat

on. Consider using cooling vests or other cooling PPE to help regulate body

orkers on the signs and symptoms of heat-related illnesses, such as heat

tion and heat stroke. Encourage workers to recognize these symptoms in
themselves and their colleagues and to seek help if needed. SITE ENGG/SAFETY
ly introduce new or returning workers to hot working conditions to allow
bodies to acclimatize to the heat. Monitor workers closely during the
acclimatization period for signs of heat stress.

ement frequent rest breaks in shaded or air-conditioned areas to allow

o cool down and rest. Encourage workers to take breaks as needed and to
listen to their bodies.

ather forecasts and heat stress monitoring tools to assess the risk of heat-
lnesses on site. Implement additional precautions when heat stress levels
are elevated.
supervisors or designated personnel to monitor workers for signs of heat
nd ensure that safety measures are being followed. Provide support and
assistance to workers who may be struggling with the heat.

emergency response plan in place for dealing with heat-related illnesses,

ding procedures for providing first aid, seeking medical assistance, and
evacuating workers if necessary.

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