CRP Poposal Final Fairoos
CRP Poposal Final Fairoos
CRP Poposal Final Fairoos
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Assessor Feedback:
LO1 Examine appropriate research methodologies and approaches as part of the research
Pass, Merit & Distinction P1 P2 M1 D1
Resubmission Feedback:
* Please note that grade decisions are provisional. They are only confirmed once internal and external moderation has taken place and
grades decisions have been agreed at the assessment board.
Action Plan
Summative feedback
For the course "Computing Research Project," Mr. V. Niruban is my lecturer. He does an
excellent job at lecturing. He employed a variety of innovative teaching techniques and helped
us to complete our assignments on time. In addition, he exhorted us to exert our utmost effort.
Assessor Date
F.M FAIROOS 08/15/2022
Student signature Date
1. A Cover page or title page – You should always attach a title page to your assignment. Use
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4. All the assignments should be printed on A4 sized papers. Use single side printing.
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10. If you use other people’s work or ideas in your assignment, reference them properly using
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11. If you are proven to be guilty of plagiarism or any academic misconduct, your grade could be
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I hereby, declare that I know what plagiarism entails, namely to use another’s work and to present
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Assignment Title
Title or working title of research project (in the form of a question, objective or hypothesis): Research
project objectives (e.g. what is the question you want to answer? What do you want to learn how
to do? What do you want to find out?): Introduction, Objective, Sub Objective(s), Research
Questions and/or Hypothesis
Research Questions
What is the relationship between online security on remote working among Banking
• What is the relationship between Perceptions of the key challenge on online security
among the banking Industry?
• What is the relationship between Device Security production on online security among
the banking industry?
Research Objectives
To determine the relationship between online security on remote working among Banking
The first line of defense against cyberthreats and cybercrimes is knowledge and readiness.
Information security training is one such method. There are two types of training. The first
is geared for security experts and tries to expand knowledge of the most recent dangers as
well as skill levels in fending them off and minimizing their effects. The purpose of this
essay is to investigate the notion of a cyber range and to provide a thorough study of the
literature on unclassified cyber ranges and safety test beds (M. M. Yamin, 2020). In this
review, we create a taxonomy for cyber range systems and examine the literature that has
already been written, focusing on architecture and scenarios as well as capabilities, functions,
and resources, among other things. The dangers and potential solutions for the Remote
Working-based Smart Grid are examined in this article.
Protecting the operational assets and goals of the US Department of Health and Human
Resources and promoting optimal security practices in the protection of information systems
against unauthorized actors and cyber threats are made feasible by compliance with
established federal rules and standards (I. M. Venter, 2019). Automation reduces human
error in order processing, increasing the effectiveness of order delivery. Internet-based
attacks may put it at risk. By considering the defensive budget and the dependency on
features, we develop a novel attacker-defender model in this study to protect crucial assets
from a quantum response adversary. Every asset in the solution has a protection level that
indicates if it needs to be protected (Bell, 2019). This article provides an overview of the
datasets used, a comparison, and deep learning techniques for spotting cyber security
breaches. We present an overview of intrusion detection systems that use deep learning
particularly. First, the general deep learning technique is introduced together with its
theoretical applications to the network intrusion detection issue. We then examine several
machine learning methods for two objectives of network intrusion detection (J. Yan, 2018).
data from a virtual private network, an Android smartphone, traffic from remote workers,
and an internet connection (M. A. Ferrag L. M., 2020). The development of an intrusion
detection system (IDS) that can quickly and automatically identify and categorize
cyberattacks at network and host rates (IJRAR, 2019)
Reference List
I confirm that the project is not work which has been or will be submitted for another qualification
and is appropriate.
Adults who work in banks as well as elderly people who actively use the banking sector will
participate. An approximate 30-person random sample group will be chosen from among
these participants to participate in the study.
Describe the processes you will use to inform participants about what you are doing:
As the researcher, I will create a Google Form Questionnaire and distribute it to everyone.
This could facilitate the collection of data for the study.
Will participants be given the option of omitting questions they do not wish to answer?
Yes ☐ No ☒
If “NO” please explain why below and ensure that you cover any ethical issues arising from this.
Confirm whether participants will be asked for their informed consent to be observed.
Yes ☐ No ☒
Will you debrief participants at the end of their participation (i.e. give them a brief explanation of
the study)?
Yes ☒ No ☐
Will participants be given information about the findings of your study? (This could be a brief
summary of your findings in general)
Yes ☒ No ☐
How long will the data and records be kept for and in what format?
Although data will be retained in pdf and doc formats, all forms of data will be erased after
the research is complete.
Will data be kept for use by other researchers?
Yes ☐ No ☒
If “YES”, please provide further details:
Section 6: Declaration
I have read, understood and will abide by the institution’s Research and Ethics Policy:
Yes ☒ No ☐
I have discussed the ethical issues relating to my research with my Unit Tutor:
Yes ☒ No ☐
I confirm that to the best of my knowledge:
The above information is correct and that this is a full description of the ethics issues that may arise
in the course of my research.
Date: 08/15/2022
Please submit your completed form to: ESOFT Learning Management System (ELMS)
Research Proposal
Yours Truly
Mr. F.M Fairoos
Acknowledgement ................................................................................................................... 19
Chapter - 01 .............................................................................................................................. 24
Chapter – 02 ............................................................................................................................. 31
Chapter - 03 .............................................................................................................................. 35
CONCLUSION ........................................................................................................................ 48
REFERENCES......................................................................................................................... 49
1.0 Introduction
National initiatives to improve the pandemic situation during the COVID-19 pandemic, which
mandated remote work for all whose jobs allow it, have also helped to support a considerable
rise in the number of firms who provide employees the option to work remotely. This chapter
provides a background on and introduction to the subject. In addition to highlighting the
study's issue, it aims to clarify the study's rationale and motive. information about the context,
the research questions, the delineation, and the goals, all of this is mentioned, as well as the
study's importance. Finally, it highlights the study's chapter profile. Secure remote computing
capabilities and connections to data centers and cloud applications allow Secure Access
solutions to keep IT-based enterprises operating even when things go wrong. However,
because it adds fresh and unidentified cyber dangers, this method calls for extra vigilance.
This research covers information security and cybersecurity, the impact of remote working
on cybersecurity, the Internet of Things and security device concepts, as well as the
fundamentals of remote working and its advantages and disadvantages. It also covers
behaviors to discuss in challenging situations. Businesses made quick progress in enhancing
and strengthening their safe remote work from home policies. The shift to remote work and
the pressing need for remote work capabilities influences IT infrastructure, organizational
continuity, and information security in addition to potentially harming user productivity. In
addition to looking at cybersecurity concerns, difficulties, and measures, this study also looks
at how corporations shifted personnel and other resources.
Not only is the protection of business information crucial while working remotely, but also
the protection of personal data. Considering the COVID-19 outbreak, the paper examines the
cybersecurity vulnerabilities brought on by shifting employee behaviors and remote work.
research challenge. The COVID-19 pandemic is having a negative impact on the banking
industry's cybersecurity in terms of employee habits and digital skills, awareness of cyber
hygiene, and the quick adoption of remote working solutions, compelling employers to
modify organizational cyber-risk management procedures to suit employee habits. The
hazards to organizations' and firms' cyber security have escalated because of remote working
during the COVID-19 epidemic. (Presidency, 2021)
Over the past few weeks there has been an increase in cyberattacks designed to trigger a
response by exploiting our natural sensitivity to COVID-19 related information. Examples
include clicking malicious links and downloading malware infected attachments or
applications. Insecure endpoints and weak remote access authentication are two main elements
that increase the risk of such attacks succeeding. Examples of insecure endpoints are notebooks
or other mobile devices without the latest security patches installed. Password based
authentication without a second factor is considered weak in the context of remote access.
There are various phishing attacks (email, SMS, voice) targeting vulnerable people and systems
using coronavirus or COVID-19 as a title to entice people.
• What is the relationship between Perceptions of the key challenge on online security among
the banking Industry?
• What is the relationship between Device Security production on online security among the
banking industry?
• To determine the relationship between Perceptions of the key challenge on online security
among the banking Industry.
• To determine the relationship between Device Security protection on online security
among the banking industry.
Chapter – 02
The first line of defense against cyberthreats and cybercrimes is knowledge and readiness.
Information security training is one such method. There are two types of training. The first is
geared for security experts and tries to expand knowledge of the most recent dangers as well
as skill levels in fending them off and minimizing their effects. The purpose of this essay is to
investigate the notion of a cyber range and to provide a thorough study of the literature on
unclassified cyber ranges and safety test beds (M. M. Yamin, 2020). In this review, we create
a taxonomy for cyber range systems and examine the literature that has already been written,
focusing on architecture and scenarios as well as capabilities, functions, and resources, among
other things. The dangers and potential solutions for the Remote Working-based Smart Grid
are examined in this article. The paper focuses on different types of cyberthreats and goes in-
depth on the cyber-security environment of the Smart Grid. We specialize on identifying and
assessing network vulnerabilities, posing problems for defenses, and calling for protection. We
work to give a thorough understanding of cyber-security flaws and remedies as well as a road
map for future cyber-security study in smart grid applications (Salah, 2018). Based on the idea
of adaptive focused testing, a model for the control V&V process for cyber security is created
in this study to address the issue. To identify and rank fault-prone information security controls,
a quantitative technique is also developed. The model created may offer a different and more
trustworthy foundation for expert subjective assessment, according to verification (C. Lee,
2018). This article focuses on the significance of various cyber defense standards and the
design of the framework for cyber security. We talk about cyber security measures, security
assaults, and dangers. Then we talk about the various aspects of standardizing cyber security.
We also talk about numerous government initiatives to safeguard cyber security as well as the
national information security strategy. Finally, we offer a few crucial recommendations for
information security and safety (J. Srinivas, 2019). In this essay, the standards for the Federal
Government's assessment of cybersecurity practices for the US Department of Health and
Human Services are covered. (IJRAR, 2019)
Protecting the operational assets and goals of the US Department of Health and Human
Resources and promoting optimal security practices in the protection of information systems
against unauthorized actors and cyber threats are made feasible by compliance with established
federal rules and standards (I. M. Venter, 2019). Automation reduces human error in order
processing, increasing the effectiveness of order delivery. Internet-based attacks may put it at
risk. By considering the defensive budget and the dependency on features, we develop a novel
attacker-defender model in this study to protect crucial assets from a quantum response (QR)
adversary. Every asset in the solution has a protection level that indicates if it needs to be
protected (Bell, 2019). This article provides an overview of the datasets used, a comparison,
and deep learning techniques for spotting cyber security breaches. We present an overview of
intrusion detection systems that use deep learning particularly. Since the dataset is essential for
intrusion detection, we categorize 35 well-known cyber datasets into seven groups: network
traffic dataset, electric network dataset, internet traffic dataset, virtual private network dataset,
android device dataset, remote working traffic dataset, and internet link (M. A. Ferrag, 2019).
Intrusion detection systems (IDS) are typically developed using machine learning techniques
to recognize and classify cyberattacks at network and host rates swiftly and automatically.
When dangerous assaults are frequent, constantly changing, and call for a scalable response, a
variety of problems come into play. Information security experts have access to many malware
databases for additional study (R. Vijayakumar, 2019). The goal of this project is to create
automatic and effective deep learning techniques to extract valuable feature representations
from enormous quantities of unlabeled raw network traffic data. We propose a unique intrusion
model for the network and test our approach on two brand-new intrusion detection datasets.
Our strategy is based on stacking dilated convolutional auto encoders. Several studies have
been carried out to see if our plan is effective (Y. Yu, 2017). By creating the detection engine
utilizing a variety of complex deep learning models, comparing, and statistically analyzing
these models, we evaluate the practicality of off-line deep learning based NID Sets in this work.
First, the general deep learning technique is introduced together with its theoretical applications
to the network intrusion detection issue. We then examine several machine learning methods
for two objectives of network intrusion detection (J. Yan, 2018). data from a virtual private
network, an Android smartphone, traffic from remote workers, and an internet connection (M.
A. Ferrag L. M., 2020). The development of an intrusion detection system (IDS) that can
quickly and automatically identify and categorize cyberattacks at network and host rates
Since research philosophy is a broad subject, we won't go into great depth here. Assumption,
knowledge, and the nature of the investigation are all factors in research philosophy. It talks
about a certain method of learning. Philosophy enables us to comprehend the assumptions
made by researchers, who may have diverse conceptions of the nature of knowledge and truth.
This issue must be addressed. (Dudovskiy, 2011) Positivism
Positivism is a philosophy that upholds the idea that only knowledge that is "factual" and
obtained through the senses, including measurement, is reliable. Researcher responsibilities in
positivist studies are restricted to gathering data and objectively interpreting it. In other words,
while conducting the study, the researcher maintains her objectivity and dissociates herself
from her own values. Results of these studies' research are frequently observable and
quantifiable. (Dudovskiy, 2011) Realism
The basis of the realism research philosophy is the notion that reality is independent of the
intellect. This ideology is predicated on the notion that knowledge development is best handled
scientifically. (Dudovskiy, 2019) Interpretivism
Interpretivism, sometimes referred to as interpretivism, includes researchers in the
interpretation of study components; as a result, interpretivism incorporates human interest into
a study. Accordingly, interpretive scholars argue that access to reality (given or socially
produced) is solely through social creations like language, awareness, shared meanings, and
tools. (Dudovskiy, 2019) Pragmatism
The extreme ideologies of positivism and interpretivism concerning the nature and sources of
knowledge are mutually irreconcilable. These two primary paradigms generally encompass
many dissertation subjects. At the same time, there is occasionally a need for seasoned
researchers to change their philosophical assumptions over time and migrate to a new place on
the continuum. Pragmatic researchers, who are often seasoned researchers, apply the updated
philosophical premises.
The research onion recommends that once the learner has selected the proper approach, the
proper research should be chosen. The deductive technique begins with the formation of a
specific hypothesis based on the researcher's observation of the literature review, and then it
gradually attempts to test this hypothesis and determine whether it is true in certain settings.
The inductive method, in contrast, begins with observations that the researcher then utilizes to
develop a new hypothesis. (15writers, 2012) Inductive
The inductive method, sometimes referred to as inductive reasoning, begins with observations,
and theories are then put forth at the conclusion of the research process because of the
observations. Finding patterns in observations and developing explanations and theories for
those patterns through a set of hypotheses are both components of inductive inquiry. When
conducting an inductive investigation, no theories or assumptions would be relevant at the
outset, and the researcher is free to change the study's path after it has started. (Dudovskiy,
2019) Deductive
In a deductive approach, a hypothesis (or several hypotheses) is developed based on an existing
theory, and a research plan is then created to test the hypothesis. Deductive reasoning,
according to a common definition, involves moving from the specific to the broad. It may be
true in many instances if a theory or case example seems to imply a causal relationship or link.
To determine whether this relationship or link did exist under more general conditions, a
deductive design could be used. (Dudovskiy, 2019)
The researcher is then asked to design the study's approach. According to the research onion,
tactics might be case study research, action research, experimental research, interviews,
surveys, and systematic literature reviews. The method is selected depending on the
information needed for the study and its goal. Survey
A survey method is a procedure, instrument, or technique you might use to interview a
predetermined group of individuals to collect data for your project. Typically, it makes it easier
for participants in the research to communicate with the individual or group conducting the
study. Depending on the sort of study you're conducting and the kind of data you ultimately
want to collect, survey methodologies might be either qualitative or quantitative. For instance,
you may use Form plus to design and manage an online survey that lets you gather statistical
data from respondents. You can set up a focus group or perform an in-person interview for
qualitative research. (formplus, 2021) Ethnography
To closely watch people's behavior and interactions, ethnography is a sort of qualitative study
that entails becoming fully immersed in a specific community or organization. The written
summary of the study that the ethnographer provides later is also referred to as ethnography. It
is possible to get a comprehensive grasp of a group's common culture, traditions, and social
dynamics using the flexible research approach of ethnography. But there are also some moral
and practical difficulties with it. (Caulfield, 2020)
As potential options for doing research, the research onion proposes mono-method, mixed-
method, and multi-method. A single technique is used for the investigation in a mono-method.
The mixed method, which is based on combining two or more research techniques, is
frequently used to describe the use of qualitative and quantitative approach. The multi-method,
in addition, employs a larger range of techniques.
It refers to the length of the research's time. Cross-sectional and longitudinal observations are
the two main categories that may be made based on time horizons. When all the observations
are for a single moment in time, as in most surveys, cross-sectional data is employed.
Contrarily, longitudinal data refers to observations for a given variable that are present over a
period of multiple years, quarters, months, or days.
1. Primary Data Collation: This actual, first-hand data was gathered by the data
researchers, as the name suggests. Before anybody conducts any more or connected study,
this procedure is the initial information collecting stage. If the researcher gathers the data,
outcomes from primary data are quite accurate. The disadvantage of first-hand research is
that it could be time consuming and expensive. (simplilearn, 2021)
Primary Data Collection
• Interviews
A sizable sample of people are surveyed by the researcher, either through in-person
interviews or other forms of mass contact like phone or mail. This approach is by far the
most typical way to collect data.
• Focus Groups
Focus groups are employed frequently, much like interviews. A moderator gathers the
group, which could number between six and twelve people, to discuss the topic.
• Questionnaires
A straightforward, easy-to-use approach of gathering data is through questionnaires. A
series of open-ended or closed-ended questions on the topic at hand are presented to the
2. Secondary Data Collection: Data that has previously undergone statistical analysis and
is second-hand is referred to as secondary data. This information is either information the
researcher has looked up on their own or information they have given others the task of
gathering. It is, to put it simply, second-hand information. Secondary information raises
questions about accuracy and authenticity even though it is simpler and less expensive to
obtain than primary information. Most secondary data is quantitative.
Unlike primary data collection, there are no specific collection methods. Instead, since the
information has already been collected, the researcher consults various data sources, such
• Financial Statements
• Sales Reports
• Retailer/Distributor/Deal Feedback
• Business Journals
• Trade/Business Magazines
• The internet
Collecting, modelling, and analysing data to derive insights that help decision-making is the
process of data analysis. Various methods and procedures exist for doing analysis, depending
on the field and the objective of the inquiry.
Both quantitative and qualitative research serve as the foundation for all these different
Quantitative Analysis: Quantitative research methods emphasize objective measurements and
the statistical, mathematical, or numerical analysis of data collected through polls,
questionnaires, and surveys, or by manipulating pre-existing statistical data using
computational techniques. Quantitative research focuses on gathering numerical data and
generalizing it across groups of people or to explain a particular phenomenon. The final written
report has a set structure consisting of introduction, literature and theory, methods, results, and
discussion. (Ware, 2022)
Qualitative research methods: Qualitative research methods are created in such a way that
they may disclose a target audience's behaviour and perceptions in relation to a certain issue.
In-depth interviews, focus groups, ethnographic research, content analysis, and case study
research are examples of qualitative research methodologies that are commonly utilized.
Qualitative techniques produce more detailed findings, and conclusions may be formed from
the data with relative ease. The social and behavioural sciences are where qualitative research
methodologies started. Our world has become increasingly convoluted in recent years, making
it harder to comprehend what individuals believe and perceive. Because it is more
conversational and descriptive, online qualitative research methodologies make it simpler to
comprehend. (Questionpro, 2009)
03 Commercial Bank 65 5
04 Amana Bank 50 5
Total 320 30
3.5 Generalizability
The topic of my study, the results, and their applicability to related industries and social
contexts can all be generalized from one study to the next under equivalent theoretical
conditions. This paper Evaluate the impact of online security on improving remote working
among team working in banking industry during the pandemic This paper can be expanded for
further research.
H0: There is no significant relationship between Perceptions of the key challenge on online
security among the banking Industry
H1: There is a significant relationship between Perceptions of the key challenge on online
security among the banking Industry
3.10 Timeline
Figure 5Timeline