3is Lesson Plan

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Time & Dates Quarter FOURTH

A. Content The learner demonstrates understanding of key concepts of measures of
Standards position.
B. Performance The learner is able to conduct systematically a mini-research applying the
Standards different statistical methods.
C. Learning M10SP-IVa-1. Illustrates the following measures of position: quartiles,
Competencies deciles and percentiles.
/Objectives (Write the II. Objectives. At the end of the lesson, the students are expected:
code for each LC) a. illustrate quartile as a measure of position;
b. compute quartile of of ungrouped data, and
c. share the importance of finding the quartile for ungrouped data in real life
A. Subject Matter Measure of Position: Quartile of Ungrouped Data
A1. Integration A1. Science and English
A2. Strategy A2. Interactive, Discovery and Collaborative Approach
1. Teacher’s Guide pp. 322-328
2. Learner’s Material pp. 364-372
3. Textbook Pages Elementary Statistics text/workbook by Carmela O. Zamora-Reyes, Lorele
B. Ladaosaren, pp. 1-2,7-12, 65-67, 69-70, 73-74.
4. Additional Materials Powerpoint, Laptop, Instructional Materials
from LR Portal
B. Other Learning https://www.academia.edu123840588/A-brief-lesson-plan-for-demo
IV. PROCEDURES Teacher’s Activity/ies Learner’s Expected

Kindly stand for a prayer, may I ask

Ronalyn to lead a prayer?
Bowing their heads.
Good morning class.
Good morning ma'am.
Before you take your sit, kindly pick up
some pieces of paper or trash and
arrange your chair properly.

Class secretary, don't forget to check the

attendance. Yes ma’am.

How are you today? We’re fine ma’am.

Imposing of classroom rules

I just want to remind you about our

classroom rules:

1. Always come on time.

2. Wear your complete uniform.
3. Do not use gadgets during class
4. Do not eat inside the classroom while
the class is still going on.
5. Pay respect. Do not talk when
someone is talking in front.

Please always bear these rules in your

mind. Those students who will apply
these rules will gain points everyday and
these will reflect your behavior.
Am I clear?
Yes ma’am.
That’s good.
1. Review
Who can recall about the lesson we
discussed last meeting?
Measure of central tendency
Very good. ma’am.
Then what are the measure of central
tendency? Mean, Median and the mode.

Very good.
What is mean? The average of the data set.

What about median? The middle term of the data.

What about mode? The most frequent occuring

value in the data.

Very good. Well then let us continue with

our lesson.
2. Motivation
Today, we will have an activity, are you
familiar to the game four pics 1 word? I
will divide the class into two. This side
will be the group 1 and the other side will
be the group 2. I will only give you 2
minutes for your group to discuss and a
representative will be chosen to discuss
it in front. Did you get it?
Yes ma’am
Is the instruction clear? Any questions?
None Ma’am.
Time starts now.


Group 1, present it to the class now. (Group 1 representative
present their work)
Group 2, present it to the class now.
(Group 2 representative
present their work)
Let us give everyone the “Aling Dionisia’s

Now, do you think you got the right

answer? Yes ma’am.
All the groups are right.

1. Discussion Based on your answers class, what is

our topic for today? Measures of Position, ma’am.

Very good.

This morning we will discuss on the

Measures of Position. Measures of
Position has two types of data the
Ungrouped Data and Grouped Data. But
for today’s lesson we will focus on
Measures of Position of Quartiles for
Ungrouped Data. In this topic you are
expected to;
d. illustrate quartile as a measure of
e. compute quartile of of ungrouped
data, and
f. share the importance of finding the
quartile for ungrouped data in real life
setting. Yes ma’am.

Observe and listen carefully for we will

be having another activity later. Is that

We will now discuss the quartiles for

ungrouped data and how to compute
each quartile in a given set of data.
Measures of Position tell where a
specific data value falls within the data
set or its relative position in comparison
with other data values.
The most common measures of position
are quartiles, deciles and percentiles. Rica: Quart Ma’am.

Rica, what is your understanding about

the word quartile? It comes from what

Very good Rica!

John: It means four Ma’am.
What do you mean by the word “quart”


Wow, you’ve got the idea John!

Quartiles are three values that split

sorted data into four parts, each with an
equal number of observations. Quartiles
are a type of quantile. First quartile: Also
known as Q1, or the lower quartile.
Second quartile: Also known as Q2, or
the median. Third quartile: Also known
as Q3, or the upper quartile. (Jamaica raises his hands)
Jamaica: I think ungrouped
What about ungrouped data? What is data means scattered data
your understanding about the phrase Ma’am.
“ungrouped data”?

Very good Jamaica!

Ungrouped Data - When the data has

not been placed in any categories and no
aggregation/summarization has taken
placed on the data then it is known as
ungrouped data. Ungrouped data is also
known as raw data.

And so, we will now discuss on the

quartiles of ungrouped data.

The quartiles are the score points which

divide a distribution into four equal parts.

 25% of the data has a value ≤ Q1

 50% of the data has a value ≤ Q2
 75% of the data has a value ≤ Q3

The formula of finding the quartile.

Qi= i (n +1)/4
i= 1,2,3
n is the number of sample

Example 1: Find the Q1, Q2, and Q3 of

the following set of data.

First we need to do is to arrange the data

in ascending order.
Qi= i (n+1)/ 4
Q1= 1 (15+1)/ 4
Q1= 1 (16) /4
Q1= 16/4
Q1= 4th data Marichu raise her hand.
The Q1 is 6.
Understand class who wants to answer Qi= i (n+1)/ 4
Q2? Q2= 2 (15+1)/ 4
Q2= 2 (16) /4
Okay Marichu answer the Q2. Q2= 32/4
Q2= 8th data
The Q2 is 10.

Omaiya raise her hand.

Qi= i (n+1)/ 4
Very good. Q3= 3 (15+1)/ 4
Who wants to answer Q3? Q3= 3(16) /4
Yes Omaiya. Q3= 48/4
Q3= 12th data
2. Formative The Q3 is 14.
Assessment Very good.
Let’s proceed to another example.
I want you to choose your partner and
then answer the problem in a 1/2 sheet
of paper.
Is the instruction clear? Yes ma’am.

Find the first quartile (Q1), second

quartile (Q2) and the third quartile (Q3), Okay ma’am.
given the scores of 11 students in their Q1= 3 (10)
Science project. Q2= 6 (25)
{25,18,30,8,15,5,10,35,40,43,45} Q3= 9 (40)

Pass your paper in 5 minutes.

3. Application
To further enhance your knowledge, let’s
practice what you have learned about
quartiles. I’m going to divide you into
Three groups. I want those who haven’t
answered yet to participate in this group
activity. I will give you 3 minutes to do
this. Find the first quartile(Q1)group 1,
second quartile(Q2) group 2 and the third
quartile (Q3) group 3, given the scores of
10 students in their Mathematics activity. (Students participated in the
{18,20,22,23,25,30,32,36,40,42} group activity.)

Time is up! Q1= 2.75 (lies between the

2th and 3rd data 20 and 22)
May I know your answer now. group 1
Q2= 5.5 (lies between the 5th
and 6th data 25 and 30) group
Q3= 8.25 (lies between the
8th and 9th data 30 and 32)
group 3
Do you now understand our lesson for
today? Students: Yes Ma’am.
Do you have questions? Clarifications?
Students: None Ma’am

4. Generalization
As a recap, the quartiles are the score
points which divide a distribution into
how many parts? Rica:
Four equal parts.

25% of the data has a value of what?

Danica: 25% of the data has a
value ≤ Q1.
50% of the data has a value of what?
James: 50% of the data has a
value ≤ Q2.
75% of the data has a value of what?
Mark: 75% of the data has a
value ≤ Q3.
Q1 is called what?
Ivan: Q1 is called the lower
Q3 is called what? quartile.

How about for Q2? Lucas: Q3 is the upper quartile.

Michael: Q2 is second quartile

or the median.
C. INTEGRATION Share the importance of quartile in daily
living. Quartiles are surprisingly useful
in a variety of contexts. They
can help you understand your
dataset's central tendency and
variability and even help you
find outliers. Using a boxplot to
graph them can help you
understand the distribution of
your data.

The concept of quartiles is typically used

in the field of statistics and data analysis,
rather than in the sciences. However, if
you are studying a scientific topic that
involves data analysis and you need to
calculate quartiles.
D. Application Okay, let’s proceed to your final activity
today. The name of our activity is
“SOLVE ME” . In your activity I will divide
the class into three groups.

Directions: Write your answer in the
cartolina. I will give you a cartolina and
marker. Answer it directly then 2
representative each group will explain
their answer. I will give 5 minutes to
answer. And share the importance of
quartile in daily living.


Find Q1, Q2, and Q3.
Find Q1, Q2, and Q3.
Find Q1, Q2, and Q3.

Paste your work in the blackboard.

Group 1, present it to the class now. ( Group 1 representative

present their work)
Group 2, present it to the class now. ( Group 2 representative
present their work)
Group 3, present it to the class now. ( Group 3 representative
present their work)
E. Evaluating learning On a 1/2 sheet of paper, answer the
following: (Answer in 10 minutes)

Aqua Running has been promoted as a

method for cardiovascular conditioning
for the injured athlete as well as for the
others who desire a low impact aerobic
workout. A study reported in the journal
of Sports Medicine investigated the
relationship between exercise cadence
and heart rate by measuring the heart
rates of 20 healthy volunteers at a
cadence of 48 cycle per minute ( a cycle
consisted of two steps)
The data are listed here:
87 109 79 80 96 95 90 92 96 98
101 91 78 112 94 98 94 107 81 96
Find the lower ,middle and upper
quartiles of the data.
F. Additional activities What is Linear Interpolation and how is it
for application or useful in finding the measures of position
remediation of quartiles? You may search in the
internet and write your answer in your

Goodbye Class! Goodbye and thank you Ma’am


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