Venu Gopal 1994
Venu Gopal 1994
Venu Gopal 1994
Of the current world fish landing of around 100 million tonnes, con-
sumer preference is restricted to only a few selected items. A significant
proportion of total available fish forms the by-catch of shrimp trawling,
and includes non-conventional species which are not commercially
exploited. Nevertheless, these fish are sources of nutritive proteins
which could be utilized for satisfying human protein requirements. The
necessity of exploitation of under-utilized fish species as well as reduc-
tion of postharvest fishery losses have been pointed out by several
authors (James, 1986; Morrissey, 1988; Burt, Hardy and Whittle, 1990;
Sikorski, 1990).
Water, equal volume;
~ L Enzyme, 0.15-0.3%
Incubation, 45-50·C, 4 h
Heat to 90·C to inactivate enzyme
Separation (oil, residue)
Liquefied fish protein
Spray dry
FPH powder
(a) (b)
Figure 10.2 Reaction progress curves for solubilization of fish meat by immobil-
ized bacterial cells. The fish meat (4 g) in 50 ml water was incubated with 4 g of
immobilized bacterial cells. The degree of solubilization was expressed as
percent of total nitrogen in the supernatant. •, B. megaterium; 1:::., A. hydrophila;
0, P. marinoglutinosa; x, mixture of beads of above cells. From Venugopal et al.
(1989). Copyright 1989, reprinted by permission of John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
The foregoing sections were intended mainly to point out the possibili-
ties of fish meat solubilization through biotechnological means.
Although only limited studies have been carried out in this respect,
scope exists for the use of microorganisms for the preparation of FPHs.
Since the raw material is non-commercial fishery resources, the method
for solubilization should be economically viable. Therefore, proteolyti-
238 Production of fish protein hydrolyzates
Figure 10.3 Bead-holding assembly for the solubilization of meat. From Venu-
gopal et al. (1989). Copyright 1989, reprinted by permission of John Wiley &
Sons, Inc.
cally active immobilized microbial cells appear to be ideal for the pur-
Instead of the batch process (Venugopal et al., 1989), the possibility
exists for development of continuous reactors for meat solubilization.
Continuous reactors for food processing involving hydrolysis have been
recently reported. Sims and Cheryan (1992) observed the feasibility of
using a membrane reactor for the hydrolysis of liquefied corn starch.
Enzyme bioreactors for continuous production of casein hydrolyzate
have been reported by Haque and Mozaffar (1992) and Mason (1975).
Development of a continuous system f;)r fish solubilization necessitates
that the meat should be in a free-flowing state, so that the substrate
could be run through a reactor containing immobilized microbial cells.
Recent studies have shown that washed meat mince from low cost fish,
References 239
such as threadfin bream, Atlantic mackerel, capelin and shark, could be
readily converted into a gel (Venugopal and Shahidi, 1994; Venugopal,
Doke and Nair, 1994). The washing step, which is accomplished by
repeated treatment of the mince with chilled water, removes soluble
nitrogenous compounds and pigments as well as significant proportions
of lipids, and helps gelation (Lanier, 1986). The free-flowing characteris-
tic of the gel helps continuous hydrolysis in a suitable reactor. The
washed mince is highly deodorized and can give protein hydrolysates
having significantly less odor. The treated proteins could be concen-
trated by appropriate means such as spray drying. Studies in our
laboratory have already shown the possibility of preparing highly func-
tional, spray dried powders from protein gels of some low cost fish
Immobilized microbial cells having proteolytic activity could also be
used to improve the drying properties of fish stick water, a by-product
from the fishmeal industry. Drying of the stick water often poses
problems due to a viscosity increase accompanying the concentration of
proteins. Conventionally, viscosity during drying operations is reduced
by the addition of proteases such as alcalase (Jacobsen and Rasmussen,
1984). It is likely that the stick water could be treated with immobilized
proteolytic microorganisms prior to dehydration. A third possible area
of application is for the reduction in the fermentation time required for
fish sauce production, which is usually prepared by the action of
autolytic enzymes on fish muscle (Greig and Estrella, 1988). As observed
recently by Dervakos and Webb (1991), while several advantages could
be claimed for viable cell immobilization, the technique may also intro-
duce certain problems relating to cell over-growth and leakage as well
as mechanical stability of the matrix, depending upon individual appli-
cation. Successful industrial applications of the process for fish protein
processing would therefore depend upon careful evaluation of the
advantages of the process for protein hydrolysis.
I thank Dr M.D. AIur for his valuable help in the experimental work
described in this chapter.