Hybrid beamforming-SLNR1
Hybrid beamforming-SLNR1
Hybrid beamforming-SLNR1
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Abstract—Millimeter-Wave (mmWave) channels are mmWave propagation channel imposes more challenges for
characterized as being sparse and Line of Sight (LoS) having robust communication links between the transmitter
dominated. Applying hybrid beamforming in mmWave and the receiver. The two main limitations imposed by the
systems guarantees Multi-User (MU) transmission with low
hardware requirements. Zero Forcing (ZF) precoding can mmWave channel are the high path-loss due to the high carrier
be utilized at the digital layer of the hybrid beamformer to frequency and the blockage due to the small wavelength [4].
mitigate the Inter User Interference (IUI). However, due to Henceforth, in order to tackle both the high path-loss limitation,
the sparse nature of the mmWave channels, a ZF precoder together with the hardware limitation, hybrid analog-digital
may provide limited performance due to the highly correlated beamforming recently emerged as a potential solution [5].
MU channel matrix. The aim of this paper is hence to address
the interference mitigation problem in the analog domain Hybrid beamforming enables employing massive antenna
before handling it at the ZF digital level. Signal to Leakage arrays, with much less RF chains and mixed analog-digital
and Noise Ration (SLNR) based users selection algorithm is devices. Through such an approach, it is possible to tackle the
introduced for maximizing the Spectral Efficiency (SE) of the high channel path-loss by taking the advantage of the massive
system with low complexity requirements. We finally highlight antenna array, while respecting some hardware limitations. In
by simulations the potential gains achieved by the introduced
interference aware users selection approach. addition, hybrid beamforming schemes still allow for serving
Multi-User (MU) scenarios through Spatial Division Multiple
Index Terms—Multi-User MIMO, mmWave, Users Access (SDMA) since multiple RF chains are considered.
Selection, Condition Number, Signal to Leakage and Noise
Ratio (SLNR), Hybrid Beamforming Hybrid beamforming focus mainly on serving multiple
streams for Single User or MU scenarios in the spatial domain.
Many work in the literature recently focused on MU hybrid
I. INTRODUCTION beamforming [6]–[8] by decoupling the beamforming design
The millimeter-Wave (mmWave) technology has emerged problem into two problems in the analog and digital domains
as one of the main building blocks for the fifth generation (5G) that can be addressed separately or jointly. In [8], the authors
wireless communication systems [1]. A clear rationale for this is decouple the two problems and solve the analog problem using
the ability of mmWave systems to extend the utilized spectrum the Line of Sight (LoS) beamsteering to maximize the received
grid, therefore allowing for much larger available bandwidths signal by each UE. Then, in the digital part the MU interference
that can be utilized for extending the network’s coverage and is tackled through applying the Zero Forcing (ZF) digital beam-
boosting the data rate. But beyond that, due to the small forming. This framework is crucial to consider at mmWave fre-
wavelength used, the mmWave systems offer the other potential quencies, due to the high LoS dominated channels and clustered
advantage of allowing for massive Multiple Input Multiple UEs deployments planned for mmWave small cells leading to
Output (MIMO) antenna arrays with reasonable form factors. high spatial correlation of the MU channel. These high spatially
Hence, such systems are expected to unleash the gains of correlated channel matrices turns out to be ill-conditioned for in-
massive MIMO arrays and pencil beamforming approaches at version, thus limiting the performance of the ZF beamforming.
both the Base Station (BS) and User Equipment (UE) sides [2]. It is then understood that users selection algorithms are
On the other side, implementing mmWave systems means crucial for mmWave hybrid beamforming techniques that rely
dealing with a lot of practical limitations at the hardware on ZF at the digital layer. A lot of works have been dedicated to
level, specifically in the analog part and in the mixed analog users selection for fully digital ZF precoding [9]–[11]. In most
to digital devices. Besides, the channel characteristics are of the contributions, the selection was mainly done based on the
completely different compared to these at lower range of orthogonality of the channels of the selected UEs using linear
frequencies. Concerning the hardware limitations, applying algebraic approaches for the ’orthogonality’ terminology. Other
the digital beamforming/combining for massive MIMO arrays works translated the orthogonality metric into other simpler, yet
at mmWaves requires one Radio Frequency (RF) chain and similar metrics to relax the complexity constraints imposed in
one Digital to Analog Converter (DAC) / Analog to Digital the orthogonality based algorithms such as: the angle between
Converter (ADC) per antenna. This is limited by the existing subspaces [12], [13], also based on chordal distance in [14] and
hardware components at such frequencies, which are quite ex- based on matrix determinant for representing the orthogonality
pensive, complex and power hungry [3]. Moreover, the wireless in [15]. Complementary to ’orthogonality’ based approaches,
the digital domain. The RF and Base Band (BB) architectures 1) Problem Formulation for Digital ZF: Given a digital
are decoupled as in [8]. Then the problem of the sum SE ZF precoding system is considered, the sum SE maximization
maximization is formulated as: problem is formulated as follows:
FRF ,FBB = argmax log2(1+SINRk ) C =argmaxlog2det(I|C| + |HC FBB,C |2) (15)
FRF ,FBB (7) C |C|ζC
2 where γ represents the Signal to Noise Ratio (SNR) and
s.t. kfRF,kk∈F,kFRF FBB kF =|C|
ζC represents the ZF normalization factor. Applying ZF as the
|h F f
|C| k RF BB,k | digital precoding ensures that |HC FBB,C | = I|C|. Thus, the
SINRk = δT P 2 2
(8) problem can be dually approached as choosing the optimal
|C| i6=k |hk FRF fBB,i | +σ
such that F represents a codebook with all the possible set of UEs C that minimizes the normalization factor ζC .
analog beamformers based on the hardware constraints and δT The normalization factor for digital ZF precoder ζC is
represents the total transmit power. The hybrid beamforming calculated as follows [21]:
problem is decoupled into two problems, one to design the ana- X 1
ζC = (16)
log beamformer and the other is to design the digital one. The λk
analog problem is solved for fRF,k for each UE separately, but where λk represent the k−th eigen-value of the propagation
yet simultaneously and it is formulated as (here the UE index k channel HC .
is omitted for readability, since each UE is tackled separately): 2) Problem Formulation for Hybrid Beamforming (LoS
(P ) Beamsteering - ZF): Here we reformulate the problem of
2 H H the sum SE maximization given the analog beamformers are
f =argmaxλmax |αp| at(φp) ff at(φp)
f (9) already calculated and the equivalent channel ĥk is available at
the BS for each UE k. Then formulating the problem as in Equa-
s.t. kfk=1 tion 13, with expressing the constraint kFRF FBB kF 2
=|C| in
The steering vector is calculated based on the knowledge the objective function and solving it for the best UEs set to be
of the best path AoD φk,pLoS as follows: selected for maximizing the sum SE can be written as:
fLoS =at(φpLoS ) (10) γ
C =argmax log2det(I|C| + |ĤC FC |2) (17)
Thus, the equivalent channel for each UE k, ĥk is formed C |C|ζC
Lemma 1: The normalization factor for hybrid beamforming
before the digital layer processing as follows:
based on LoS beamsteering in the analog domain and ZF
precoder in the digital domain in a pure LoS channel, with
ĥk =hk FRF , (11)
assuming that the channel amplitudes α are normalized, ζC
where, hk ∈C1×M ,FRF ∈CM×L,ĥk ∈C1×L, then the MU is calculated as follows:
equivalent channel Ĥ can be denoted as
X 1
Ĥ= [ĥT1 ,...,ĥT|C|] (12) ζC = (18)
Hence, the sum SE problem can be formulated as: k=1
The assumption that α is normalized is just taken into
|C| δT 2 account in the derivation, since in pure LoS it just applies linear
|C| |ĥk fBB,k |
FBB =argmax log2(1+ δ P ) scaling for the steering vectors of the UEs. Thus, it is clear
2 2
i6=k |ĥk fBB,i | +σ
k=1 |C| that in both digital and hybrid beamforming cases, the sum
s.t.kFRF FBB kF =|C| SE is controlled by the propagation channel’s eigen-values.
(13) The proof is given in Appendix A. Therefore, the sum SE
Given the fact that, the per UE SNR maximization problem maximization problem can be reformulated, for a constant
was already tackled in the analog domain, ZF is utilized in number of selected UEs |C|=L as follows:
the digital domain to suppress the MU Inter User Interference
(IUI). Thus, the digital beamformer is given as: C =argmin ζC (19)
FBB =FZF = ĤH (ĤĤH )−1 (14) B. Condition Number based User Selection
The normalization factor of the hybrid beamforming ζC
IV. USER GROUPING STRATEGIES is limited by the minimum eigen-value of the propagation
A. Problem Formulation and Analytical Analysis channel matrix HC or equivalently the minimum eigen-value
of the equivalent channel ĤC from Equations 18 and 32.
In this paper we try to involve the analog domain in
Therefore, the problem in Equation 19 can be reformulated
considering the interference/correlation between the selected
again as maximizing the minimum eigen-value of the
UEs, since the analog beamforming don’t handle this task and
equivalent channel as follows:
relies on the digital precoding stage. This is achieved through
applying spatial correlation minimization (interference aware)
C =argmax λmin (20)
UEs selection. C
where λmin is calculated as λmin =min{λ1,...,λ|C|}. Con- Algorithm 1 Condition Number Based Selection
sequently, this can be directly translated to minimizing the con- 1) Initialize i=1, C0 =Φ, T0 =K, β ≥1
dition number ρ of the MU equivalent channel ĤC as follows: 2) While (i≤min(|Ti−1|, L)) do
3) if (i=1)
C =argmin ρ(ĤC ) (21) 4) find
C k =argmax ĥk
such that the condition number ρ(ĤC ) is calculated as: k∈Ti−1
r 5) else
λmax find
ρ(ĤC )= (22)
λmin k =argmin ρ(ĤCi−1 ∪k )
where λmax is the maximum eigen-value of the equivalent k∈Ti−1
channel and is calculated as λmax =max{λ1,...,λ|C|} 6) end if
7) Ci =Ci−1 ∪k
1) Proposed Algorithm: After formulating the problem 8) Ti ={r ∈Ti−1, r ∈C
/ i, ρ(Ĥr∪Ci )<β }
to minimizing the condition number of the MU equivalent 9) i=i+1
channel ρ(ĤC ), here we propose an algorithm to select the 10) end
UEs based on this objective.
Initially, the first selected UE in the set C is the UE that
has the maximum equivalent channel norm ĥk . Then
the algorithm iterates with maximum number of iterations |ĥr Vi−1Vi−1 ĥH
k |
Ti ={r ∈Ti−1,r ∈C
/ i, }<α (24)
(maximum number of UEs selected) equals to the number of kĥr kkĥk Vi−1k
the RF chains L. where Vi−1 is a matrix, which its columns form an
Within each iteration i a filtration process is done to filter the orthonormal basis for the null space of the equivalent channel
UEs and find the candidate set Ti based on a certain correlation ĤCi−1 at the iteration i−1 and is obtained from the SVD of
threshold, defined by a threshold condition number β ≥1. This ĤCi−1 as follows:
threshold β represents a trade-off parameter between the UEs
1 0
diversity gain which can be maximized in case β →inf and the ĤCi−1 =Ui−1Di−1[Vi−1 Vi−1 ]H
low MU correlation gain maximized in case β →1. In this pa- Vi−1 =Vi−1 0
per we consider serving |C|=L UEs, thus we set β →inf. How- In case α = 0, this represents full (strict) channel
ever, we introduce the threshold β here for completeness and orthogonality scenario, and increasing α relaxes the channel
generic introduction of the algorithm. Then, in each iteration the orthogonality constraint. Again, throughout the paper we
selected UE k is selected such that to minimize the condition use only the full multiplexing case (α = 1). Then, in each
number of the MU equivalent channel together with the pre- iteration the selected UE k is the one with the maximum
viously selected UEs in the previous iterations Ci−1 as follows: channel component orthogonal on the subspace spanned by
the interference (previously selected UEs Ci−1) as follows:
k =argmin ρ(ĤCi−1 ∪k ) (23)
k∈Ti−1 k =argmax ĥk Vi−1 (26)
The proposed algorithm is summarized in Algorithm (1). k∈Ti−1
2) Complexity Analysis: In order to evaluate the proposed The SUS algorithm is summarized in Algorithm (2).
algorithm and have a fair comparison with the other UEs
selection algorithms, we analyze the worst case (upper bound) Algorithm 2 Semi-Orthogonal Users Selection [9], [10]
computational complexity. The computational complexity 1) Initialize i=1, V0 =I, C0 =Φ, T0 =K, α∈[0,1]
analysis is based on the maximum number of Singular Value 2) While (i≤min(|Ti−1|, L)) do
Decompositions (SVDs) needed in our algorithm, since SVD is 3) find
the most complex operation applied in the proposed algorithm k =argmax ĥk Vi−1
with a complexity of O(nm2 + n3) for an m × n matrix. k∈Ti−1
Henceforth, the computational complexity in the worst case (in 4) Ci =Ci−1 ∪k
case β →inf) is of the order O(|K|L3), given that K is the set 5) Vi =P⊥(ĤCi ) as in Equation 25
of all the UEs and L is the number of the transmit RF chains. H
|ĥr Vi−1 Vi−1 ĥH
k |
6) Ti ={r ∈Ti−1, r ∈C
/ i, kĥr kkĥk Vi−1 k
7) i=i+1
C. Semi-Orthogonal User Selection 8) end
1) Algorithm Description: In this subsection we briefly
describe the SUS algorithm proposed in [9], [10], which we 2) Complexity Analysis: Similar to the aforementioned
use as a baseline for our introduced UEs selection algorithms. condition number based UEs selection algorithm, here we also
Within each iteration i a filtration process is done to filter analyze the computational complexity of the SUS algorithm
the UEs and find the candidate set Ti based on a certain based on the number of SVDs needed in the worst case
orthogonality threshold α∈[0,1] as follows: scenario (upper bound - in case α = 1). In this case the
Table I
COMPUTATIONAL COMPLEXITY OF THE PROPOSED ALGORITHMS paper. In this approach, the UEs with the highest received
signal power are selected without considering the interference
CN SUS [9] Simple SUS [10] SLNR [18] (leakage/correlation) between the selected UEs. Henceforth,
it aims at sub-optimally maximizing the sum SE in a similar
O(|K|L3 ) O(|K|L3 ) O(|K|L2 ) O(|K|L) fashion to the hybrid beamforming approach in Equation 7.
Thus, decoupling the UEs selection from the interference
management problem and relying on ZF for nulling the Inter
User Interference (IUI) at the digital layer. Therefore, this
computational complexity is also of order O(|K|L3) [10].
strategy aims at maximizing the SNR of the selected UEs.
However, in [10] a simplified, yet equivalent, SUS algorithm
Thus, the maximum received signal algorithm is similar to
was introduced that avoids applying SVD decompositions
the maximum SLNR one explained in Algorithm (3) with
and requires an upper bound total number of flops expressed
replacing Step (5) to be similar to Step (4), which is:
as 12|K|L2 + 8L3 + 7|K|L − |K| − 17L2, henceforth the
computational complexity for the simplified SUS in [10] can
be represented of order O(|K|L2). k =argmax ĥk (28)
Table II 10
Round Robin
8 Min Condition number
Bound - Sum SE
Simulation Type Monte Carlo (1000 realizations)
Transmit Array Architecture ULA
Figure 3. Comparison between the per stream SE for the different user
selection strategies introduced in a pure LoS environment with different spatial
correlation given different number of transmit antennas with fixed angular
Min. Condition number
spread ∆φ= π3 ,γ =10dB,|K|=7,|C|=3
0.8 Max SLNR
Max Signal 9
0.7 Bound - Eigen-values Round Robin
Bound - Sum SE 8 Max Signal
0.6 SUS = 1 Max SLNR
Round Robbin 7 Min Condition number
Bound - Sum SE
0.3 4
0.2 3
0.1 2
0 1
-15 -10 -5 0 5 10 15 20 25 30
Normalization Factor (dB) π/3 π/2 3π/2 2π
Angular Spread (radians)
Figure 1. Comparison between the normalization factor for the different user
selection strategies introduced in a pure LoS environment given that M =16, Figure 4. Comparison between the per stream SE for the different user
|K|=7, |C|=3, and ∆φ= π3 . selection strategies introduced in a pure LoS environment with different spatial
correlation given different angular spread with fixed number of transmit
antennas M =16,γ =10dB,|K|=7,|C|=3
Bound - Eigen-values
8 Bound - Sum SE
Round Robin
∆φ = { π3 , π2 , 3π
2 ,2π}. It is shown that, with increasing the
Min. Condition number angular spread, the spatial correlation/interference decreases,
Spectral Efficiency (bps/ Hz)
SUS α = 1
due to the higher angular separation between the UEs.
6 Max Signal Thus, enhancing the performance of non-interference aware
algorithm (Maximum received signal algorithm) significantly,
from 1.5 bps/Hz difference with the SE upper bound at
4 ∆φ= π3 to 0.4 bps/Hz difference at ∆φ=2π.
In this paper we provided a detailed study on the UEs
1 selection topic with hybrid beamforming in mmWave systems.
We proved that in highly correlated environments, due to
-20 -15 -10 -5 0 5 10 15 20 clustered UEs deployments (limited angular spread) and
SNR (dB) average number of transmit antennas, interference aware
UEs selection is crucial and achieves considerable gains over
Figure 2. Comparison between the per stream SE for the different user
selection strategies introduced in a pure LoS environment given that M =16,
non aware UEs selection approach based on maximizing
|K|=7, |C|=3, and ∆φ= π3 . the received signals. However, in perfect channel conditions
(Massive transmit antennas and large angular spreads), selecting
the UEs based on their received signal strength can be sufficient.
We derived analytically an optimum interference aware UEs
In Figure 4, the SNR is fixed γ =10 dB and the number of selection based on the condition number of the MU channel and
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