Reviewer Chem 16.1 PDF
Reviewer Chem 16.1 PDF
Reviewer Chem 16.1 PDF
A. Experiment #6: Calorimetry
B. Experiment #7: Paper Chromatography
C. Experiment #8: Dynamic Equilibrium and Heats of Solution
D. Experiment #9: Distillation of Rubbing Alcohol
E. Experiment #10: Gases
F. Experiment #11: Colligative Properties
G. Experiment #12: pH, Conductivity, and Relative Strengths of Acids and Bases
• process of measuring the amount of heat released or absorbed during a chemical reaction
• 1st law of thermodynamics: the total internal energy of the universe is constant = energy can
neither be created nor destroyed, it can only be converted from one form to another
o Law of Conservation of Energy = universe is an isolated system
Types of Calorimetry
• Constant Pressure Calorimetry = Coffee Cup Calorimeter or Styroball Calorimeter
• Constant Volume Calorimetry = Bomb Calorimeter
Calorimetry set-up
Paper Chromatography
• “chroma” + “graphein” = to illustrate/write color
• A technique for separation of mixture
• Developed by Mikhail Tsvet
o In his experiment, he added plant extracts (with color) on top of calcium carbonate
powder. Then he added water to it and after all water has passed on the packed
powder, separation of color is formed
o Each color corresponds to a certain compound
• Types of Chromatography
o Column Chromatography and Planar Chromatography
Chromatographic Set-up
• Mobile Phase
o Moving part (H2O)
• Stationary phase
o Staying part (paper)
• Sample mixture
o To be separated
How does separation occur?
• Two competing factors: There is a competition between the attraction of the sample to the
solvent and to the paper.
o Solubility to solvent (mobile phase)
o Adsorption to paper (stationary phase)
• For paper chromatography
o Higher solubility to solvent: moving faster
o Higher adsorption to stationary phase: moving slowly
• Primary reason of solubility and adsorption: intermolecular forces of attraction (IMFA)
• Separation is based on polarity
o Molecular polarity
§ Due to tendencies of some element to attract more electron (electronegativity),
they tend to disrupt electron cloud molecule, which leads to partial charge
o Polarity is dependent on:
§ Electronegativity of atoms
§ Geometry
o General rule of polarity: Like dissolves like
o Derivatives of Polarity: IMFA (arranged according to decreasing strength)
§ Ion-ion
§ Ion-dipole
§ H-bonding
§ Dipole-dipole
§ Ion-induced dipole
§ Dipole-induced dipole
§ London dispersion forces
Intermolecular Forces of Attraction
• London Dispersion Force
o For all types of molecules
• Dipole-dipole
o Polar + polar
• Hydrogen bonding
o Special type of dipole-dipole (H-O, H-N, H-F)
• Ion-dipole
o Ion + polar molecules
• Ion-ion
o Ion + ion (ionic)
Retention Factor
• Degree of attraction of components to the mobile phase
• If the component is:
o More polar = lower Rf
o More nonpolar = higher Rf
Le Chatelier’s Principle
• If a dynamic equilibrium is disturbed, the system would react with the change to attain
equilibrium again (counteract with the change)
• Aims to restore balance
• Proposed by Henry-Louis Le Chatelier
Two types of equilibria
• Acid-base equilibria
o Effect of pH
§ pH = ¯H+
§ ¯pH = H+
o Color changes are observed
o We collected colored pigments (dyes) which contain anthocyanins that serve as natural
indicators (have similar properties as phenolphthalein)
• Solubility equilibria
o Effect of the nature of solute and solvent (miscible and immiscible)
§ Solubility occurs when the IMFA of the solute-solvent > solute-solute & solvent-
solvent IMFA
§ Ex. Water & oil
• Water-water’s dominant IMFA is H-bonding
• Oil-oil’s dominant IMFA is LDF
• Water-oil’s dominant IMFA is dipole-induced dipole
• H-bonding > Dipole-induced dipole > LDF
• Thus, they would not interact with each other and form an immiscible
§ Ex. Water & alcohol
• Water-water’s dominant IMFA is H-bonding
• Alcohol-alcohol’s dominant IMFA is H-bonding
• Water-alcohol’s dominant IMFA is H-bonding
• Thus, they would interact with each other and form a miscible liquid
o Change in strength of the IMFA leads to change in the volume of solvent mixture
o System wants to attain highest IMFA possible because it is most stable, and its harder
to break
Acid-base equilibria example
Reaction: H+ + In ßà HIn+
pH = ¯H+ = reverse reaction
¯pH = H+ = forward reaction
𝑝𝐻 = −log [𝐻G ]
Solubility Equilibria
Effect of Nature of Solvent and Solute
• Glycerol + Water = Miscible (both polar)
• Glycerol + Naphthalene = Insoluble (polar and nonpolar)
• Ethanol + Naphthalene = Slightly Soluble (even if ethanol is polar, it still has an ethyl (C2H5)
group that is nonpolar, thus attracting nonpolar solutes)
Effect of Solubility examples
• I2 + H2O will not dissolve completely because I – I interaction is stronger (ion-ion) but will still
dissolve because of I + I Û I2
• I2 + KI in H2O will dissolve because KI + I2 Û I3- (represented by the change in color)
Effect of temperature examples
NH4Cl + water = endothermic (lumamig)
NH4Cl + ∆H Û NH4+ + Cl-
temperature = more dissolved = forward reaction
Acetone + EtOH
IMFAsolute-solvent < IMFAsolute-solute + IMFAsolvent-solvent
Thus, it is an endothermic reaction, ¯T, V because the substances do not want to interact
Response to IMFA
• IMFA = ¯V
• ¯IMFA = V
Response to Concentration
• A + B ßà C + D
• More A: forward reaction
o To reduce A, increase C
• More C: reverse reaction
o To reduce C, increase A
Response to Temperature
• Exothermic: A + B à C + heat
o Decrease temperature to form heat
• Endothermic: A + B + heat à C
o Increase temperature to absorb heat, to compensate with high temperature
Response to Pressure
• ¯V, P = forward reaction (less gass molecules)
• V, ¯P = reverse reaction (more gas molecules)
• have weak IMFA, they are loosely connected
• no definite shape/volume; compressible
• have their own
o pressure
o volume
o temperature
o moles
Gas Law Formula Description
Boyle’s Law 𝑃P 𝑉P = 𝑃R 𝑉R At constant T, as P, ¯V
Charles’ Law 𝑉P 𝑉R At constant P, as V, T
Gay-Lussac’s Law 𝑃P 𝑃R At constant V, as P, T
Combined Law 𝑃P 𝑉P 𝑃R 𝑉R Obtained by combining Boyle’s,
𝑇P 𝑇R Charles’, and Gay-Lussac’s Law
Ideal Gas Law 𝑃𝑉 = 𝑛𝑅𝑇 𝐿𝑎𝑡𝑚
𝑅 = 0.0821
Objectives of the experiment
• The presence of gas law: the effect of presence of moles of gas molecules to pressure and
volume and response to temperature
• How to use a eudiometer
o Eudiometer is a classical instrument used to collect gas particles from a reaction to
determine the volume of the gas
• Same as a barometer
• Solvent: water
• Three cases = three different formulas
𝐶𝑎𝑠𝑒 𝐴 = 𝑃:-8ff74 8I- = 𝑃g8- −
𝐶𝑎𝑠𝑒 𝐵 = 𝑃:-8ff74 8I- = 𝑃g8-
𝐶𝑎𝑠𝑒 𝐶 = 𝑃:-8ff74 8I- = 𝑃g8- +
* The discrepancy in level of water (represented by h) is due to difference in pressure of the outside
(atmospheric pressure) and inside (pressure of trapped air)
Determining pressure in eudiometer
In the experiment, we were interested in the pressure of captured H2 gas in the reaction of Mg and HCl
Mg + 2HCl à H2 + MgCl2
We are interested in the pressure of H2 only but water has a contribution to pressure due to vapor
𝑃4-k 8I- = 𝑃:-8ff74 8I- − 𝑃l8:7- L8f?-
Determining Moles (n) of H2 gas
PV = nRT
Colligative Properties
Colligative properties
• Properties of solutions which are dependent on the concentration of solute molecules/ions
• independent from identity of solute
Types of colligative properties
• Boiling Point Elevation (BPE)
• Freezing Point Depression (FPD)
• Vapor Pressure Lowering (VPL)
• Osmotic Pressure (OP)
Relationship of BPE and FPD to Concentration
∆𝑇 = 𝑖𝐾𝑚
∆𝑇g = 𝑖𝐾g 𝑚
∆𝑇n = −𝑖𝐾n 𝑚
• T = change in temperature compared to original solution
• K = proportionality constant (different for BP and FP)
o Kf of water= 1.86 C/m
o Kb of water = 0.512 C/m
o Dependent to solvent, not solute
o Determined empirically
• m = molality
o?H7; ;?H@:7
o 𝑚 = pq ;?HL7(:
• i = Van’t Hoff factor
o Ratio between the actual concentration of particles produced when the substance is
dissolved and the concentration of a substance as calculated from its mass
o Van’t Hoff Factor is dependent on the type of electrolyte the solute is
§ For Strong Electrolytes, i = total ions it produces upon dissolution
§ For Weak Electrolytes, i = less than the total ions it produces upon dissolution
§ For Non-electrolytes, i = 1
§ Example: (NH4)3PO4, i = 4
• (-) sign for FPD designates its decrease
• Boiling Point Elevation
o ∆T is (+) “elevation” à harder to boil
• Freezing Point Depression
o ∆T is (-) “depression” à harder to freeze
Determination of i
• 𝑖 = ∆+ rstuvws&
• 𝑖 = 2 theoretically in the experiment
• 𝑖 > 2, due to instrumental errors
• 𝑖 < 2, due to high molality concentration; oversaturated solutions (this is why we’d rather have
diluted/unsaturated solutions)
Addition of salt to the ice bath
• Salt decreases the freezing point of ice
• Induces melting of ice
• Melting of ice is endothermic
• More ice melting = more endothermic reaction
• Would lower the temperature of the solution
• Lowered temperature = achieve freezing point
o Glacial acetic acid does not conduct electricity alone, but when diluted, it conducts
H+ and OH- concentration
• pH paper = pH solution
o pH < 7; acidic
§ Strong acids: 0-1
o pH = 7; neutral
o pH > 7; basic
§ strong bases: 13-14
• pH = – log [H+]
• pOH = – log [OH-]
• pH + pOH = 14
Actual pH vs Theoretical pH
• based from pH paper
• based from concentration of H+ in the solution prepared
Relative Strengths of Acids and Bases
• Direction of reaction is determined by the relative strengths of the acids and bases.
• The more acidic/basic the reactants, the more the reaction would proceed to react the reactants
• The reaction would proceed forward