Family Influence On Drug Abuse
Family Influence On Drug Abuse
Family Influence On Drug Abuse
Rehabilitation Centre
Journal details including published articles and guidelines for authors can be found at:
To cite this Article: Foo YC, Tam CL, Lee TH. Family Factors and Peer Influence in Drug Abuse:
A Study in Rehabilitation Centre. International Journal of Collaborative Research on Internal
Medicine & Public Health. 2012; 4(3):190-201.
Correspondence concerning this article should be addressed to Yie-Chu Foo, P.O. Box 857, 98000 Miri, Sarawak,
Malaysia | Tel: (+6012) 876 3690 | Email:
Paper Received: 16 January 2012 | Paper Revised: 06 March 2012 | Paper Publication: 12 March 2012
190 International Journal of Collaborative Research on Internal Medicine & Public Health
2) Jeffery Cheah School of Medicine and Health Sciences, Monash University Sunway Campus, Selangor Darul
Ehsan, Malaysia
3) School of Business, HELP University, BZ-2, Pusat Bandar Damansara, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
* Corresponding Author
Background: Drugs have been around for ages and it comes in many different forms
throughout its existence. With changes in the forms of drugs, technology and other
environmental dynamics over time, underlying mechanisms causing drug abuse could have
evolved too. Therefore, there is a need to relook into the causal factors for people to abuse drugs.
To the authors’ knowledge, there is little if not no in-depth study (interview) conducted in this
topic in Malaysia.
Aims and Objectives: Therefore, the authors sought to study in-depth how different factors
have affected people’s drug abuse in Malaysia. This paper aimed to study the significance of
peer influence, family issues, unemployment, curiosity, tension release, and other personal
problems in drug abuse at contemporary time.
Methodology: The study design of interview and semi-structured questionnaires were used.
Seven participants from a rehabilitation centre were recruited and interviewed individually.
Results: This study revealed that family factors (such as family economic standing) and peer
influence played an important role in an individual’s drug abuse habits. Other factors such as
curiosity, tension release and betrayal of spouse also contributed to participant’s drug abuse. The
study also found that a person’s drug abuse is usually caused by a combination of several factors
instead of just one sole factor.
Conclusion: As combinations of causal factors for each individual’s drug abuse are different,
individualized intervention was proposed for drug abusers to maximize end results.
Reviewing the aforementioned studies, family peers, specifically deviant friendship.12 Hence,
conditions indeed affect people’s substance peer influence does indeed play a role in
initiation and continued use. affecting a person’s substance use.
Peer’s influence has also been frequently While research evidence of substance use
studied in relation to substance use. Previous situation in Malaysia is limited, qualitative
studies found similarity between peers in data is especially scarce. Though quantitative
terms of substance use11,12 and this similarity study is a primary source for establishment of
has been explained in two ways; socialization a certain fact, theory, effectiveness of a
and selection process of peers.11 Peer program, and so forth, qualitative study is
influence is the outcome of socialization; that crucial in providing more in depth information
is, the peers an individual has influence his or of a specific issue within a bigger setting.16 In
her behavior12. According to the social this paper, the specific issue would be the
development model that explains the growth influence of family and peers while the bigger
of pro-social and anti-social behavior along setting is substance use in Malaysia. In order
human’s life course, amount of involvement to have better understanding on family and
with and reinforcement from individuals who peer influence in Malaysians’ substance use,
use substance is an influence for a person’s the method of case study would be used in the
increased substance use while the amount of current research. The aims of this study would
pro-social involvement such as volunteer work be to find out how family factors such as
is an influence for a person’s decreased parents’ substance use, disharmony in the
substance use.13 household, family economy deprivation and
so forth contributed to a person’s substance
Verkooiken, Vries, and Nielson studied the use. This study also aimed to investigate if
impact of group identity on the use of tobacco, peers of participants also misuse drugs and
alcohol, and marijuana among 3,956 how peers influence participants’ substance
adolescents and found that identification with use.
pop, techno, skate/hip-hop, and hippie groups
was linked to higher probability of substance To conclude, problem assessment which
use while identification with the quiet, sporty, consists of procedures and tools was found to
religious, computer groups was linked to be useful in obtaining process information
lower probability14. Individuals who perceived through interview sessions.17 The general aim
group members as likely to use substance of this study is to obtain information on the
were more likely to misuse the substance participant’s drug abuse and related problems.
themselves.14 This would help to identify contributing
factors that associated with drug abuse.
Within a sample of 154 Asian American men Through the collection of baseline data, it
aged averagely 21.57 years whom within the would also help the society and practitioner
last 30 days, 27% binged drinking, 18% for the proper design of treatment plan.
misused marijuana, 8% used illicit drugs, and
3% misused cocaine. Peer drug use was
revealed to be the strongest predictor of
substance use.15 A longitudinal study with 206 Methodology
males examining the relationship between
adolescence and adulthood’s peer influence Study Design
and substance use found adulthood’s
This is a qualitative multiple case study where
substance use to be affected by adolescence’s
seven participants were interviewed. It was
also a retrospective study as participants were in details how the chosen reasons affect them.
required to recall their family situations, their They were also asked about their relationship
peers and substance use experience. The with family members and peers before
independent variables were family and peer admission into the centre using scales (see
influence while the dependent variable was Materials section for details of the scales). A
substance use (defined as admission into the drawn rating scale using the three main
rehabilitation centre). languages (English, Malay, and Chinese) were
demonstrated so the participants mentioned
the number or just point on the demonstrated
scale in order to indicate their responses.
Three sessions of interview were given to each
The participants were seven clients from a participant. The interviews were all conducted
Christian-based rehabilitation centre for in the afternoon, the earliest started at
female drug addicts and ex-prisoners in 12.15pm and the latest started at 3.42pm. The
Malaysia. The age of the participants was 23, durations taken for each interview ranged
24, 25, 33, 35, 50, and 53 years respectively. from 40 to 60 minutes.
See Table 1 and 2 for further details.
An administrative staff who was also the case
worker in the rehabilitation centre was also
being interviewed in depth regards to each of
Procedures the participants using the same checklist. This
was to cross-check the responses (from
Approval was first obtained from the participant and from the staff) and hence
coordinator of the centre. The participants increase the reliability of the information
were then interviewed individually in a obtained. In addition, the adopted therapy
separate room so that they would not feel from the center and other related coping skills
uncomfortable to reveal their past experiences has also being explored. This would raise the
in front of many people. The participants were awareness among the community to play an
briefed on the study and then assured that they important role in reducing the relapse rate.
could withdraw from the study at any point of
time if they wish to. The interviewer
consequently read and explained the consent
letter in the language the participants Materials
understood (English, Malay or Mandarin).
Several researches have delineated the
They were then asked if they had any
relationship between family and peer factors
enquiries before signing the consent letter.
and drug abuse. The scales used in the current
The participants were first asked about their study were adopted based on several
family background and personal details. The sources.18,19,20 There were 20 questions
interviewer then proceeded to bring out the regarding participants’ relationship with
topic of participants’ history of substance use parents and 10 questions regarding
and the reasons contributing to drug abuse. participants’ peers. Higher score (min: 20 and
Participants were given a list to choose from 10; max: 80 and 40 respectively) indicates
for the reasons (i.e., peer influence, family problematic relationship with parents and
issue/conflict, unemployment, curiosity, peers showing problematic behaviors
tension release, personal problems, and respectively.
others). They would then be asked to describe
participant who mentioned there was no trust wondered and wanted to experience what it
in the family. The first participant claimed would be like to take drugs and was not aware
family issue/conflict to be her drug abuse of the addictive power and negative impact it
contributor was not coded as clinical because could bring. Releasing tension was also one of
she rated the items according to her biological the reasons for some to take drugs for them to
parents instead of the stepfather whom played get away from reality, gaining temporary
a major role in the family’s conflict. escape from life stresses. Personal problems
were like betrayal of husband and personal
Four participants stated peer influence to be financial problem. Among all these listed
one of the factors causing their drug abuse. factors, peer influence and curiosity were the
Their peers influenced them by suggesting and most prevalent. Therefore, future research
persuading them into trying out the substance, could focus on these two factors to find out
and then provided them with the source until the mechanism and consequently the
participants learnt the way to get the source interventions and precautions accordingly.
themselves. Some try out drugs in many
different ways in a group too. They reinforced
each other’s negative behavior. In fact, both
positive reinforcement (e.g., acceptance into Cognitive-behavioral therapy
the group) and negative reinforcement (e.g.,
The administrative staff who was also the case
withdrawal or scorn) could occur here. Again,
worker in the centre mentioned that CBT was
using the questionnaire, only one was coded
the primary approach in treating addiction of
as clinical in peer influence.
drug users in the centre. Cognitive approach
This study’s result is consistent with the meta- generally focuses on changing the thoughts
analysis21 that concluded peer use of drugs to and behavioral approach would consider
be more influential than parent influences in thoughts to be behavior and incorporate the
affecting a person’s substance use. It also fits cognitive theory into their practical treatment.
in the assumption that relationship with Such CBT was found to be effective. The
parents serve as a protective layer for therapist would direct activity and reinforce
offspring to be distant from substance while goal-oriented behaviors among their clients.
peers directly influence individuals’ behavior For example, they would ask questions and act
into substance abuse.22 This is logical as a as the participant-observer. The administrative
child has a distant or awful relationship with staff further explained that CBT in the centre
family especially parents, he or she would turn is properly designed to help the client to cope
to peers for comfort and reassurance. In order with different levels of stress.
to obtain approval and further acceptance
Without the necessary coping skills, the client
from peers, without proper guidance from a
will experience decrease in their self-efficacy,
trusted adult, the individual has high
feeling unable to cope with their situation.
probability to follow whatever required by the
This in turn will increase the probability of
peers even if it is illegitimate or unreasonable.
relapse. The participants strongly adhered to
the twelve-step program principles in their
daily routine in the centre. The twelve-step
Other Significant Factors program is a spiritually focused program
outlining 12 steps for healing from different
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tension release, and personal problems.
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Passed away
4 when she was Housewife Beautician Single
Upper Wholesaler/ Marketing
5 Housewife Single
secondary dealer executive
Lower Accounting
6 Hawker Hawker Divorced
secondary clerk
Never gone to Lawnman/
7 Farmer Farmer Divorced
school cleaner