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Medal Log 20220615
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Medal Log 20220615
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Medal Log 20220615
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[Info | 3:54:49 PM] [Medal Log Init] 3.529.0.
0 - 6/15/2022 3:54:49 PM
[Warning | 3:54:50 PM] Failed to init Honeycomb dataset medal-recorder - Bad
[Info | 3:54:50 PM] Available electron port not found, set port to default 10603
[Info | 3:54:50 PM] Server: RESTService/
[Info | 3:54:50 PM] CLR: 4.0.30319.42000
[Info | 3:54:50 PM] Server running at
[Info | 3:54:50 PM] Current DPI awareness: 0
[Info | 3:54:50 PM] Change DPI awareness to PROCESS_PER_MONITOR_DPI_AWARE. result=0
[Info | 3:54:50 PM] User saved as 43422635 - huugoo
[Info | 3:54:50 PM] Saving Clip folder: C:\Medal
[Info | 3:54:50 PM] C:\Medal - folder verified
[Info | 3:54:50 PM] [ESM Event] - ConfigChanged
[Info | 3:54:50 PM] Clip folder: C:\Medal
[Info | 3:54:50 PM] Backup clips folder is D:\Medal
[Info | 3:54:50 PM] Initial app settings--
[Info | 3:54:51 PM] Trigger key is F12 - FPS setting is 60 - Width setting is 1280,
Height 720 - Clip length is 30 - Detect all games setting is False - Encoding
setting is GPU - Overlay setting is True - Sound setting is True - Bookmark Sound
setting is True - Mic input setting is True - Mic gain is 0.44 - Game sound gain is
0.5 - Auto upload setting is False - Auto upload state setting is 3 - environment
setting is production - WindowsGameMode setting is False - Clip folder is- C:\Medal
- Bitrate setting is 10 - Controller trigger key is select - Saving Trigger Key
Enabled setting is True - Saving Controller Trigger Key Enabled setting is True -
Saving mouseTriggerEnabled setting is False - mouseTrigger is Middle - Selected
audio device is Auto - MedalEncoder.ClipRecoverySetting - Selected mic device is
Auto - BookmarkModeEnabled setting is False - StreamingModeEnabled is False -
DevelopmentModeEnabled setting is False - Mono audio setting is False - Selected
webcam device is <None> - WebcamEnabled setting is False - Switch game trigger key
is F10 - Show Cursor setting is False - Game Audio Only setting is False - In
Memory Buffer setting is True - Mic noise gate enabled setting is False - Mic noise
gate open threshold is -100 - Mic noise suppression enabled setting is False -
MedalEncoder.MicTestingStateSetting - Audio Notifications setting is False - Hold-
To-Record setting is True - GPUPrioritySetting is True -
IncreaseMaxFrameLatencySetting is True - Aspect Ratio is Custom - Windows Graphics
Capture setting is False - Recording Enabled setting is True -
AdvancedOverlaySetting is False - ICYMI setting is False - ICYMI setting:
{ enabled: [Rocket League, League of Legends, CS:GO, Fortnite, War Thunder, Apex
Legends, Splitgate: Arena Warfare, Valorant, Yu-Gi-Oh! Master Duel], disabled: [] }
- ICYMI Clip length is 30 - ICYMI Sound setting is True - ICYMI use Overwolf
setting is False - Push to talk enabled setting is False - Push to talk trigger key
is Tab - Output Format setting is matroska, Extension .mkv - Multiple Audio Streams
setting is False - Push To Talk Mouse Trigger is None - BFrames Enabled setting is
False - UseStringID is False - Push to talk Controller trigger key is None -
External File Sources setting is {"nativeOptions":
{"label":"OBS","value":"obs","enabled":false,"freeUpSpace":false}],"folders":[]} -
Quality Preset setting is Performance - Stream Key is 123 - StreamingBitrate
setting is 3 - StreamingResolution setting is 720 - Selected GPU device is Auto -
[Info | 3:54:51 PM] request user
[Info | 3:54:51 PM] request environment
[Info | 3:54:51 PM] Found encoder: NVIDIA NVEnc H.264 Encoder
[Info | 3:54:51 PM] Hardware encoder detected
[Info | 3:54:51 PM] Video codec set: n264 - hardware encoding
[Info | 3:54:51 PM] C:\Medal - folder verified
[Info | 3:54:51 PM] ControllerManager stopping...
[Info | 3:54:51 PM] ControllerManager stopped.
[Info | 3:54:51 PM] Attempting to start process watcher
[Info | 3:54:51 PM] Set security permissions for C:\Users\Hugo\AppData\Local\Medal\
[Info | 3:54:51 PM] Set security permissions for C:\Users\Hugo\AppData\Local\Medal\
[Info | 3:54:51 PM] codecName- n264, fcc type- eMFCC_NV12
[Info | 3:54:51 PM] Output Mode: Clip Output
[Info | 3:54:51 PM] Saving ICYMI Events [Rocket League: Enabled:True,
ForceDisabled:False, Events:[Goal: Enabled:True, ForceDisabled:False], [Save:
Enabled:True, ForceDisabled:False], [Epic Save: Enabled:True,
ForceDisabled:False]], [League of Legends: Enabled:True, ForceDisabled:False,
Events:[Enemy Slain: Enabled:False, ForceDisabled:False], [Triple Kill:
Enabled:True, ForceDisabled:False], [Quadra Kill: Enabled:True,
ForceDisabled:False], [Penta Kill: Enabled:True, ForceDisabled:False], [Double
Kill: Enabled:True, ForceDisabled:False], [Ace: Enabled:True, ForceDisabled:False],
[Player Slain: Enabled:False, ForceDisabled:False], [Baron Steal: Enabled:True,
ForceDisabled:False], [Baron Kill: Enabled:False, ForceDisabled:False], [Turret
Kill: Enabled:False, ForceDisabled:False], [Inhibitor Kill: Enabled:False,
ForceDisabled:False], [Dragon Steal: Enabled:True, ForceDisabled:False], [Dragon
Kill: Enabled:False, ForceDisabled:False], [Herald Steal: Enabled:True,
ForceDisabled:False], [Herald Kill: Enabled:False, ForceDisabled:False]], [CS:GO:
Enabled:True, ForceDisabled:False, Events:[Enemy Killed: Enabled:True,
ForceDisabled:False], [Headshot: Enabled:True, ForceDisabled:False], [Player Death:
Enabled:False, ForceDisabled:False]], [Fortnite: Enabled:True, ForceDisabled:False,
Events:[Eliminated Player: Enabled:True, ForceDisabled:False], [Knocked Down
Player: Enabled:True, ForceDisabled:False], [Victory Royale: Enabled:True,
ForceDisabled:False], [Battle Royale Death: Enabled:True, ForceDisabled:False],
[Victory: Enabled:True, ForceDisabled:False], [Double Elimination: Enabled:True,
ForceDisabled:False], [Multi Elimination: Enabled:True, ForceDisabled:False],
[Defeat: Enabled:True, ForceDisabled:False], [Headshot: Enabled:True,
ForceDisabled:False], [Long Distance Shot: Enabled:True, ForceDisabled:False],
[Ludicrous Shot: Enabled:True, ForceDisabled:False]], [: Enabled:False,
ForceDisabled:False, Events:[: Enabled:False, ForceDisabled:False]], [War Thunder:
Enabled:True, ForceDisabled:False, Events:[Kill: Enabled:True,
ForceDisabled:False], [Death: Enabled:True, ForceDisabled:False]], [Apex Legends:
Enabled:True, ForceDisabled:False, Events:[Eliminated: Enabled:True,
ForceDisabled:False], [Knocked Down: Enabled:True, ForceDisabled:False], [Champion:
Enabled:True, ForceDisabled:False]], [Splitgate: Arena Warfare: Enabled:True,
ForceDisabled:False, Events:[Kill: Enabled:True, ForceDisabled:False], [Double
Kill: Enabled:True, ForceDisabled:False], [Triple Kill: Enabled:True,
ForceDisabled:False], [Assist: Enabled:True, ForceDisabled:False], [Killing Spree:
Enabled:True, ForceDisabled:False], [Killection Agency: Enabled:True,
ForceDisabled:False], [Headshot: Enabled:True, ForceDisabled:False], [Portal Kill:
Enabled:True, ForceDisabled:False]], [Valorant: Enabled:True, ForceDisabled:False,
Events:[Kill: Enabled:True, ForceDisabled:False], [Spike Planted: Enabled:True,
ForceDisabled:False]], [Yu-Gi-Oh! Master Duel: Enabled:True, ForceDisabled:False,
Events:[Victory: Enabled:True, ForceDisabled:False], [Defeat: Enabled:True,
ForceDisabled:False]], [Apex Legends: Enabled:True, ForceDisabled:False, Events:
[Eliminated: Enabled:True, ForceDisabled:False], [Knocked Down: Enabled:True,
ForceDisabled:False], [Champion: Enabled:True, ForceDisabled:False]], [CS:GO:
Enabled:True, ForceDisabled:False, Events:[Enemy Killed: Enabled:True,
ForceDisabled:False], [Headshot: Enabled:True, ForceDisabled:False], [Player Death:
Enabled:False, ForceDisabled:False]], [Fortnite: Enabled:True, ForceDisabled:False,
Events:[Eliminated Player: Enabled:True, ForceDisabled:False], [Knocked Down
Player: Enabled:True, ForceDisabled:False], [Victory Royale: Enabled:True,
ForceDisabled:False], [Battle Royale Death: Enabled:True, ForceDisabled:False],
[Victory: Enabled:True, ForceDisabled:False], [Double Elimination: Enabled:True,
ForceDisabled:False], [Multi Elimination: Enabled:True, ForceDisabled:False],
[Defeat: Enabled:True, ForceDisabled:False], [Headshot: Enabled:True,
ForceDisabled:False], [Long Distance Shot: Enabled:True, ForceDisabled:False],
[Ludicrous Shot: Enabled:True, ForceDisabled:False]], [League of Legends:
Enabled:True, ForceDisabled:False, Events:[Enemy Slain: Enabled:False,
ForceDisabled:False], [Triple Kill: Enabled:True, ForceDisabled:False], [Quadra
Kill: Enabled:True, ForceDisabled:False], [Penta Kill: Enabled:True,
ForceDisabled:False], [Double Kill: Enabled:True, ForceDisabled:False], [Ace:
Enabled:True, ForceDisabled:False], [Player Slain: Enabled:False,
ForceDisabled:False], [Baron Steal: Enabled:True, ForceDisabled:False], [Baron
Kill: Enabled:False, ForceDisabled:False], [Turret Kill: Enabled:False,
ForceDisabled:False], [Inhibitor Kill: Enabled:False, ForceDisabled:False], [Dragon
Steal: Enabled:True, ForceDisabled:False], [Dragon Kill: Enabled:False,
ForceDisabled:False], [Herald Steal: Enabled:True, ForceDisabled:False], [Herald
Kill: Enabled:False, ForceDisabled:False]], [Rocket League: Enabled:True,
ForceDisabled:False, Events:[Goal: Enabled:True, ForceDisabled:False], [Save:
Enabled:True, ForceDisabled:False], [Epic Save: Enabled:True,
ForceDisabled:False]], [Splitgate: Arena Warfare: Enabled:True,
ForceDisabled:False, Events:[Kill: Enabled:True, ForceDisabled:False], [Double
Kill: Enabled:True, ForceDisabled:False], [Triple Kill: Enabled:True,
ForceDisabled:False], [Assist: Enabled:True, ForceDisabled:False], [Killing Spree:
Enabled:True, ForceDisabled:False], [Killection Agency: Enabled:True,
ForceDisabled:False], [Headshot: Enabled:True, ForceDisabled:False], [Portal Kill:
Enabled:True, ForceDisabled:False]], [Valorant: Enabled:True, ForceDisabled:False,
Events:[Kill: Enabled:True, ForceDisabled:False], [Spike Planted: Enabled:True,
ForceDisabled:False]], [War Thunder: Enabled:True, ForceDisabled:False, Events:
[Kill: Enabled:True, ForceDisabled:False], [Death: Enabled:True,
ForceDisabled:False]], [Yu-Gi-Oh! Master Duel: Enabled:True, ForceDisabled:False,
Events:[Victory: Enabled:True, ForceDisabled:False], [Defeat: Enabled:True,
ForceDisabled:False]], [: Enabled:False, ForceDisabled:False, Events:[:
Enabled:False, ForceDisabled:False]]
[Info | 3:54:51 PM] job.respond 78368c5d-2e19-4241-a785-588e03be6726
[Info | 3:54:51 PM] Process watcher started
[Debug | 3:54:51 PM] job.respond "ok"
[Info | 3:54:51 PM] Executing Request: set.useStringId - {
"enabled": true
[Info | 3:54:51 PM] Saving UseStringID True
[Info | 3:54:51 PM] job.respond 6124733b-2208-4010-83a6-d4ef25573500
[Info | 3:54:51 PM] Executing Request: set.gameSoundAudioDevice - {
"audioDevices": [
[Debug | 3:54:51 PM] job.respond "ok"
[Info | 3:54:51 PM] Saving unplugged audio devices -
[Info | 3:54:51 PM] Found available electron port 10603
[Info | 3:54:51 PM] requestuser reply {"key":"57341b01-c37f-442d-ad81-
[{"id":"joPTNOxoJ","categoryId":"06pjlvE8T","name":"Mobile Master","description":"A
mobile app
[Info | 3:54:51 PM] Selected audio output devices Auto
[Info | 3:54:51 PM] Username is base64 translated to huugoo
[Info | 3:54:51 PM] job.respond 89bd0dc3-4b66-47e9-affb-f06d6825bacf
[Info | 3:54:51 PM] Executing Request: set.micAudioDevice - {
"audioDevice": "Auto"
[Debug | 3:54:51 PM] job.respond "ok"
[Info | 3:54:51 PM] Selected mic device Auto
[Info | 3:54:51 PM] User updated 43422635 - huugoo
[Info | 3:54:51 PM] request environment reply "production"
[Info | 3:54:51 PM] job.respond 143b795b-8759-44a3-aa41-c54f411188bc
[Info | 3:54:51 PM] Executing Request: set.devmode - {
"enabled": false
[Debug | 3:54:51 PM] job.respond "ok"
[Info | 3:54:51 PM] Saving environment production
[Debug | 3:54:51 PM] encoder options reply "ok"
[Info | 3:54:51 PM] Saving DevelopmentModeEnabled False
[Info | 3:54:51 PM] job.respond 61aa7bca-4b5a-4c9b-aa84-473e63221d88
[Info | 3:54:51 PM] Executing Request: set.bookmarkModeEnabled - {
"enabled": false
[Debug | 3:54:51 PM] job.respond "ok"
[Info | 3:54:51 PM] Saving BookmarkModeEnabled False
[Info | 3:54:51 PM] [ESM Event] - ConfigChanged
[Info | 3:54:51 PM] job.respond a32d5c64-9c76-4739-bf39-4539f57cffe5
[Info | 3:54:51 PM] Executing Request: - {
"enabled": false
[Debug | 3:54:51 PM] job.respond "ok"
[Info | 3:54:51 PM] Saving WebcamEnabled False
[Info | 3:54:51 PM] [ESM Event] - ConfigChanged
[Info | 3:54:51 PM] job.respond 19fe78d6-887a-469d-be37-6e11bb394465
[Info | 3:54:51 PM] Executing Request: - {
"position": {
"index": 1,
"value": "Top Right"
[Debug | 3:54:51 PM] job.respond "ok"
[Info | 3:54:51 PM] Saving WebcamPositionIndex: 1
[Info | 3:54:52 PM] [ESM Event] - ConfigChanged
[Info | 3:54:52 PM] job.respond 9a6f32b3-f623-4b57-adf6-9498c12361ca
[Info | 3:54:52 PM] Executing Request: - {
"selected": {
"id": "<None>",
"label": "<None>",
"value": "<None>"
[Debug | 3:54:52 PM] job.respond "ok"
[Info | 3:54:52 PM] Selected Webcam device <None>
[Info | 3:54:52 PM] [ESM Event] - ConfigChanged
[Info | 3:54:52 PM] job.respond c9ba73ae-5f3d-439d-b02e-c4af2bd09e6e
[Info | 3:54:52 PM] Executing Request: set.gpu.device - {
"selected": "Auto"
[Debug | 3:54:52 PM] job.respond "ok"
[Info | 3:54:52 PM] Recording mic: True
[Info | 3:54:52 PM] Selected GPU device Auto
[Info | 3:54:52 PM] MedalWriter Created
[Info | 3:54:52 PM] Video codec set: n264 - hardware encoding
[Info | 3:54:52 PM] [ESM Event] - ConfigChanged
[Info | 3:54:52 PM] job.respond 5c857cc3-2c57-457d-9d7b-4a12db8b1376
[Info | 3:54:52 PM] Executing Request: set.switchGameTriggerkey - {
"key": "F10",
"key.base64": "RjEw"
[Debug | 3:54:52 PM] job.respond "ok"
[Info | 3:54:52 PM] Saving switch game key settings RjEw
[Info | 3:54:52 PM] Key setting is base64 translated to F10
[Info | 3:54:52 PM] job.respond cbf8da65-4a14-45f9-83f6-85ffaf0d4e7a
[Debug | 3:54:52 PM] job.respond "ok"
[Info | 3:54:52 PM] Contains args: True
[Info | 3:54:52 PM] No other MedalEncoder instances running
[Warning | 3:54:52 PM] Failed to load remote config from backend The remote name
could not be resolved: ''
[Warning | 3:54:52 PM] Failed to load remote config from backend The remote name
could not be resolved: ''
[Warning | 3:54:52 PM] Failed to load remote config from backend The remote name
could not be resolved: ''
[Warning | 3:54:52 PM] Failed to load remote config from backend The remote name
could not be resolved: ''
[Warning | 3:54:52 PM] Failed to load remote config from backend Remote config
download repeatedly failed
[Info | 3:54:52 PM] Remote config saved from cached file
[Info | 3:54:52 PM] Disabling windows game mode to improve performance..
[Info | 3:54:52 PM] Windows game mode disabled.
[Info | 3:54:52 PM] Saving WindowsGameMode 0
[Info | 3:54:52 PM] Video codec set: n264 - hardware encoding
[Info | 3:54:52 PM] request windowsgamemode reply "ok"
[Info | 3:54:52 PM] Sending available web cam devices {"availableDevices":
[Info | 3:54:52 PM] Sending available GPU devices NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1660 Ti
[Info | 3:54:52 PM] Executing Request: set.triggerkey - {
"key": "F12",
"key.base64": "RjEy"
[Info | 3:54:52 PM] Saving key settings RjEy
[Info | 3:54:52 PM] Key setting is base64 translated to F12
[Info | 3:54:52 PM] job.respond 7dc308f1-7dd1-491f-8e9e-3c9d82eaff50
[Info | 3:54:52 PM] Executing Request: set.triggerKeyEnabled - {
"enabled": true
[Debug | 3:54:52 PM] job.respond "ok"
[Info | 3:54:52 PM] Saving Trigger Key Enabled True
[Info | 3:54:52 PM] job.respond 2ed07cc5-fe49-449c-8efa-46729859007a
[Info | 3:54:52 PM] Executing Request: set.setPushToTalkTriggerKey - {
"key": "Tab",
"key.base64": "VGFi"
[Debug | 3:54:52 PM] job.respond "ok"
[Info | 3:54:52 PM] Saving key settings VGFi
[Info | 3:54:52 PM] Key setting is base64 translated to Tab
[Info | 3:54:52 PM] job.respond 87752e9e-da7a-48cc-a108-9a10228ebd42
[Info | 3:54:52 PM] Executing Request: set.setPushToTalkMouseTriggerKey - {
"name": "None",
"index": -1
[Debug | 3:54:52 PM] job.respond "ok"
[Info | 3:54:52 PM] Saving push to talk mouse settings None
[Info | 3:54:52 PM] job.respond c637e6f0-ee8d-4779-949c-a5b63982b2b6
[Info | 3:54:52 PM] Executing Request: set.setPushToTalkControllerTriggerKey - {
"name": "None",
"displayName": {
"xbox": "None",
"playstation": "None"
[Debug | 3:54:52 PM] job.respond "ok"
[Info | 3:54:52 PM] Saving push to talk controller key settings None
[Info | 3:54:52 PM] job.respond 9b60c5fe-e4df-4e9e-a704-ab0d9076a798
[Info | 3:54:52 PM] Executing Request: set.setPushToTalkEnabled - {
"enabled": false
[Debug | 3:54:52 PM] job.respond "ok"
[Info | 3:54:52 PM] Saving Push to talk enabled False
[Info | 3:54:52 PM] [ESM Event] - PushToTalkEnable
[Info | 3:54:52 PM] job.respond 8d9df702-94c2-4a2c-9377-75393bc5e7a0
[Info | 3:54:52 PM] Executing Request: set.mouseTrigger - {
"trigger": {
"name": "Middle Click",
"index": 1
[Debug | 3:54:52 PM] job.respond "ok"
[Info | 3:54:52 PM] Saving mouseTrigger settings Middle Click
[Info | 3:54:52 PM] NVAPIManager: C:\Users\Hugo\AppData\Local\Medal\recorder-
3.529.0\DLLs\MServer.exe - profile not found
[Info | 3:54:52 PM] job.respond 93d45947-1d3f-44d2-85d4-c4844963f791
[Info | 3:54:52 PM] Executing Request: set.mouseTriggerEnabled - {
"enabled": false
[Debug | 3:54:52 PM] job.respond "ok"
[Info | 3:54:52 PM] Saving mouseTriggerEnabled Enabled False
[Info | 3:54:52 PM] job.respond cedbfac4-cc95-4e6e-963f-013d82b3c828
[Info | 3:54:52 PM] Executing Request: set.controllerTrigger - {
"name": "select",
"displayName": {
"xbox": "Back",
"playstation": "Select"
[Debug | 3:54:52 PM] job.respond "ok"
[Info | 3:54:52 PM] Saving controller key settings select
[Info | 3:54:52 PM] job.respond e18d6a9b-0126-475f-9a16-6ae5d7f26aaf
[Info | 3:54:52 PM] Executing Request: set.controllerTriggerEnabled - {
"enabled": true
[Debug | 3:54:52 PM] job.respond "ok"
[Info | 3:54:52 PM] Saving Controller Trigger Key Enabled True
[Info | 3:54:52 PM] job.respond e9158554-ea7f-4b87-85f9-ed0820bfadda
[Info | 3:54:52 PM] Executing Request: set.inMemoryBuffer - {
"enabled": true
[Debug | 3:54:52 PM] job.respond "ok"
[Info | 3:54:52 PM] Saving In Memory Buffer True
[Info | 3:54:52 PM] [ESM Event] - ConfigChanged
[Info | 3:54:52 PM] job.respond 29b5bf4b-b739-4dc6-9978-e7208881f650
[Info | 3:54:52 PM] Executing Request: set.cliplength - {
"cliplength": "30"
[Debug | 3:54:52 PM] job.respond "ok"
[Info | 3:54:52 PM] Saving clip length 30
[Info | 3:54:52 PM] [ESM Event] - Queued - ConfigChanged
[Info | 3:54:52 PM] job.respond 7733d74f-8f8b-441e-941a-aec73493515d
[Info | 3:54:52 PM] Executing Request: set.inMemoryBuffer - {
"enabled": true
[Debug | 3:54:52 PM] job.respond "ok"
[Info | 3:54:52 PM] Saving In Memory Buffer True
[Info | 3:54:52 PM] [ESM Event] - ConfigChanged
[Info | 3:54:52 PM] job.respond 4b66c273-93f6-42a0-b9bb-45ef88fe8055
[Info | 3:54:52 PM] Executing Request: set.icymicliplength - {
"cliplength": "0"
[Debug | 3:54:52 PM] job.respond "ok"
[Info | 3:54:52 PM] Saving ICYMI clip length 30
[Info | 3:54:52 PM] job.respond a22a8aa2-acf0-4552-8b28-176c16d7064c
[Info | 3:54:52 PM] Executing Request: set.inMemoryBuffer - {
"enabled": true
[Debug | 3:54:52 PM] job.respond "ok"
[Info | 3:54:52 PM] Saving In Memory Buffer True
[Info | 3:54:52 PM] [ESM Event] - ConfigChanged
[Info | 3:54:52 PM] job.respond 3892e0a7-237b-4d30-aad3-a760695db64d
[Info | 3:54:52 PM] Executing Request: set.resolution - {
"resolution": "High"
[Debug | 3:54:52 PM] job.respond "ok"
[Info | 3:54:52 PM] Saving resolution High
[Info | 3:54:52 PM] Saving bitrate 10
[Info | 3:54:52 PM] [ESM Event] - ConfigChanged
[Info | 3:54:52 PM] Sending Bitrate Setting
[Info | 3:54:52 PM] [ESM Event] - ConfigChanged
[Info | 3:54:52 PM] SendBitrateSetting reply "ok"
[Info | 3:54:52 PM] job.respond 6add2259-9d2e-45a3-a82a-78679e266209
[Info | 3:54:52 PM] Executing Request: set.fps - {
"fps": "60"
[Debug | 3:54:52 PM] job.respond "ok"
[Info | 3:54:52 PM] Saving FPS 60
[Info | 3:54:52 PM] Hook data extracted
[Info | 3:54:52 PM] [ESM Event] - Already queued! - ConfigChanged
[Info | 3:54:52 PM] job.respond 3fc46070-eab5-4e35-b9b3-53e5695cf105
[Info | 3:54:52 PM] Executing Request: set.micinput - {
"micinput": 1
[Debug | 3:54:52 PM] job.respond "ok"
[Info | 3:54:52 PM] NVAPIManager: C:\Users\Hugo\AppData\Local\Medal\recorder-
3.529.0\MedalEncoder.exe - profile not found
[Info | 3:54:52 PM] Saving Mic Input True
[Info | 3:54:52 PM] job.respond a1bb5ba9-0edd-4632-87ab-8eb6eae66b7d
[Info | 3:54:52 PM] Executing Request: set.monoAudio - {
"monoaudio": false
[Debug | 3:54:52 PM] job.respond "ok"
[Info | 3:54:52 PM] Saving Mono Audio False
[Info | 3:54:52 PM] job.respond 6b2c4eff-c57b-407a-94f8-04bea43c49ac
[Info | 3:54:52 PM] Executing Request: set.overlayalerts - {
"overlayalerts": 1
[Debug | 3:54:52 PM] job.respond "ok"
[Info | 3:54:52 PM] GPU Scheduling registry exists
[Info | 3:54:52 PM] ----[ESM State]: Initializing----
[Info | 3:54:52 PM] Saving Overlay Alerts True
[Info | 3:54:52 PM] job.respond 4b88335b-780b-4f9d-a73a-802f3a6371ab
[Info | 3:54:52 PM] Executing Request: set.soundalerts - {
"soundalerts": 1
[Debug | 3:54:52 PM] job.respond "ok"
[Info | 3:54:52 PM] Saving Sound Alerts True
[Info | 3:54:52 PM] job.respond 08470341-fb66-4451-b2cc-75d872776b36
[Info | 3:54:52 PM] Executing Request: set.bookmarksoundalerts - {
"bookmarksoundalerts": 1
[Debug | 3:54:52 PM] job.respond "ok"
[Info | 3:54:52 PM] Saving Bookmark Sound Alerts True
[Info | 3:54:52 PM] job.respond 3fcd31af-d056-4b87-bff9-940d42d098fe
[Info | 3:54:52 PM] Executing Request: set.aspectRatio - {
"aspectRatio": 2
[Debug | 3:54:52 PM] job.respond "ok"
[Info | 3:54:52 PM] Saving Aspect Ratio Custom
[Info | 3:54:52 PM] [ESM Event] - ConfigChanged
[Info | 3:54:52 PM] job.respond 98b98a51-422c-4eaf-8672-de8482d49eb0
[Info | 3:54:52 PM] Executing Request: set.detectallgames - {
"detectallgames": 0
[Debug | 3:54:52 PM] job.respond "ok"
[Info | 3:54:52 PM] Initializing DirectX overlay
[Info | 3:54:52 PM] Initializing Injection overlay
[Info | 3:54:52 PM] Removed existing vulkan registry info [C:\Users\Hugo\AppData\
[Info | 3:54:52 PM] Removed existing vulkan registry info [C:\Users\Hugo\AppData\
[Info | 3:54:52 PM] Updated vulkan registry info [C:\Users\Hugo\AppData\Local\
[Info | 3:54:52 PM] Saving Detect All Games False
[Info | 3:54:52 PM] job.respond ca4ee68f-df63-477c-a1ec-434688b89f4f
[Info | 3:54:52 PM] Executing Request: set.encoder - {
"type": "GPU"
[Debug | 3:54:52 PM] job.respond "ok"
[Info | 3:54:52 PM] Video codec set: n264 - hardware encoding
[Info | 3:54:52 PM] [ESM Event] - Already queued! - ConfigChanged
[Info | 3:54:52 PM] job.respond b9d737e4-789e-4caa-bf22-bc4fbf16f3f4
[Info | 3:54:52 PM] Executing Request: set.clipFolder - {
"clipFolder": "C:%path.sep%Users%path.sep%Hugo%path.sep%Videos%path.sep%Medal
"clipFolder.base64": "QzpcVXNlcnNcSHVnb1xWaWRlb3NcTWVkYWxc"
[Debug | 3:54:52 PM] job.respond "ok"
[Info | 3:54:52 PM] Saving Clip folder: QzpcVXNlcnNcSHVnb1xWaWRlb3NcTWVkYWxc
[Info | 3:54:52 PM] Clip folder setting is base64 translated to C:\Users\Hugo\
[Info | 3:54:52 PM] C:\Users\Hugo\Videos\Medal\ - folder verified
[Info | 3:54:52 PM] [ESM Event] - ConfigChanged
[Info | 3:54:52 PM] job.respond abf0f222-108c-4fde-aa8b-7d7755554a76
[Info | 3:54:52 PM] Executing Request: set.bitrate - {
"bitrate": "10"
[Debug | 3:54:52 PM] job.respond "ok"
[Info | 3:54:52 PM] Saving bitrate 10
[Info | 3:54:52 PM] [ESM Event] - ConfigChanged
[Info | 3:54:52 PM] job.respond 4eb5828e-609f-48af-a07d-e640f5ec4010
[Info | 3:54:52 PM] Executing Request: set.autoUploadState - {
"autoUploadState": 3
[Debug | 3:54:52 PM] job.respond "ok"
[Info | 3:54:52 PM] [ESM Event] - Initialized
[Info | 3:54:52 PM] Running as admin False
[Info | 3:54:52 PM] Saving Auto Upload State 3
[Info | 3:54:52 PM] job.respond a2169b07-5906-4a98-82ae-95a9dfb5362f
[Info | 3:54:52 PM] DetectAllGames False
[Info | 3:54:52 PM] Executing Request: set.autoUpload - {
"autoUpload": false
[Debug | 3:54:52 PM] job.respond "ok"
[Info | 3:54:52 PM] Recorder Initilization Complete
[Info | 3:54:52 PM] Saving Auto Upload False
[Info | 3:54:52 PM] job.respond 0da11ce1-b4bb-461a-85d9-b1373b3df6fa
[Debug | 3:54:52 PM] job.respond "ok"
[Info | 3:54:52 PM] Executing Request: get.availableMicDevices -
[Info | 3:54:53 PM] System supports GAO.
[Info | 3:54:53 PM] Sending available mic devices Micrófono de los auriculares con
micrófono (Wireless Controller)
[Info | 3:54:53 PM] CPU supports ICYMI.
[Info | 3:54:53 PM] job.respond 4793c091-c0a8-49b9-9fba-cda943cb9bbd
[Info | 3:54:53 PM] Executing Request: get.availableAudioDevices -
[Debug | 3:54:53 PM] SendAvailableMicDevices reply {"success":true}
[Debug | 3:54:53 PM] job.respond "ok"
[Info | 3:54:53 PM] Sending available audio devices Audífono de los auriculares con
micrófono (Wireless Controller), Audio digital (S/PDIF) (2- High Definition Audio
Device), VX2418-P FHD (NVIDIA High Definition Audio)
[Info | 3:54:53 PM] Saving Output Format mkv
[Info | 3:54:53 PM] job.respond ea8d9153-fe71-4719-8f21-4f7587bd3eae
[Info | 3:54:53 PM] Executing Request: get.micAudioDevice -
[Info | 3:54:53 PM] Sending selected mic device Auto
[Info | 3:54:53 PM] job.respond 45c34da2-7ac2-4c6b-bf7a-1103311086e3
[Info | 3:54:53 PM] Executing Request: get.gameSoundAudioDevice -
[Info | 3:54:53 PM] [ESM Event] - ConfigChanged
[Info | 3:54:53 PM] Sending selected audio output devices Auto
[Info | 3:54:53 PM] job.respond c13cb85c-de19-4837-9631-de70f615be16
[Info | 3:54:53 PM] Executing Request: set.gameSoundGain - {
"gain": 50
[Info | 3:54:53 PM] Saving game sound gain 50
[Info | 3:54:53 PM] ----[ESM State]: UpdatingGameDatabase----
[Debug | 3:54:53 PM] SendAvailableAudioDevices reply {"success":true}
[Debug | 3:54:53 PM] job.respond "ok"
[Info | 3:54:53 PM] job.respond 2361c47e-b869-48cb-986d-c1fce1536292
[Info | 3:54:53 PM] Executing Request: set.micGain - {
"gain": 44
[Debug | 3:54:53 PM] job.respond "ok"
[Debug | 3:54:53 PM] SendSelectedMicDevice reply {"success":true}
[Debug | 3:54:53 PM] SendSelectedAudioDevices reply {"success":true}
[Debug | 3:54:53 PM] job.respond "ok"
[Info | 3:54:53 PM] 1 logs of- job.respond "ok"
[Info | 3:54:53 PM] Checking for new version from
[Info | 3:54:53 PM] Saving mic gain 44
[Warning | 3:54:53 PM] Failed retrieving version data: The remote name could not be
resolved: ''
[Info | 3:54:53 PM] No update is available.
[Info | 3:54:53 PM] [ESM Event] - GameDBUpdateComplete
[Info | 3:54:53 PM] GameDB: C:\Users\Hugo\AppData\Local\Medal\recorder-3.529.0\
[Info | 3:54:53 PM] job.respond 4ed6f8a4-d12c-4996-a3f7-2bd46df5c049
[Info | 3:54:53 PM] Executing Request: set.showCursor - {
"enabled": 0
[Debug | 3:54:53 PM] job.respond "ok"
[Info | 3:54:53 PM] Custom database location is C:\Users\Hugo\AppData\Roaming\
[Info | 3:54:53 PM] ----[ESM State]: ScanningForGame----
[Info | 3:54:53 PM] Saving Show Cursor False
[Info | 3:54:53 PM] job.respond 89dc6400-a1fe-43ba-bdfb-70b927d78b72
[Info | 3:54:53 PM] Executing Request: set.gameAudioOnly - {
"enabled": 0
[Debug | 3:54:53 PM] job.respond "ok"
[Info | 3:54:53 PM] Saving Game Audio Only 0
[Info | 3:54:53 PM] job.respond c146398e-9ae2-4556-a92c-149bb5e86da7
[Info | 3:54:53 PM] Executing Request: set.holdToRecordEnabled - {
"enabled": 1
[Debug | 3:54:53 PM] job.respond "ok"
[Info | 3:54:53 PM] Saving Hold-To-Record enabled: True
[Info | 3:54:53 PM] [ESM Event] - ConfigChanged
[Info | 3:54:53 PM] job.respond e5996a64-a7be-4b87-bfe0-d2e032979b2c
[Info | 3:54:53 PM] Executing Request: ICYMIEnabled - {
"enabled": 0
[Debug | 3:54:53 PM] job.respond "ok"
[Info | 3:54:53 PM] Saving ICYMI False
[Info | 3:54:53 PM] job.respond f79e63ff-ec2a-42bd-bf97-9c1d1a0e0e65
[Info | 3:54:53 PM] Executing Request: set.icymisoundalerts - {
"soundalerts": 1
[Debug | 3:54:53 PM] job.respond "ok"
[Info | 3:54:53 PM] Saving ICYMI Sound Alerts True
[Info | 3:54:53 PM] job.respond b8e486cc-04b1-4021-9842-052e13c1f21c
[Debug | 3:54:53 PM] PollDesktopJobQueue reply [{'uuid':'7dc308f1-7dd1-491f-8e9e-
[Debug | 3:54:53 PM] job.respond "ok"
[Info | 3:54:53 PM] Executing Request: set.windowsGraphicsCapture - {
"enabled": 0
[Info | 3:54:53 PM] Saving Windows Graphics Capture 0
[Info | 3:54:53 PM] [ESM Event] - ConfigChanged
[Info | 3:54:53 PM] job.respond 61b751ce-be17-48ca-b40e-c942e66b6bbf
[Info | 3:54:53 PM] Executing Request: set.recordingEnabled - {
"enabled": 1
[Debug | 3:54:53 PM] job.respond "ok"
[Info | 3:54:53 PM] Saving Recording Enabled 1
[Info | 3:54:53 PM] [ESM Event] - EnableRecording
[Info | 3:54:53 PM] job.respond 807859ec-5a88-47b8-b06c-5ee27d8be27e
[Info | 3:54:53 PM] Executing Request: set.micNoiseGate - {
"enabled": 0
[Debug | 3:54:53 PM] job.respond "ok"
[Info | 3:54:53 PM] Saving mic noise gate enabled 0
[Info | 3:54:53 PM] job.respond 6645d394-9ced-4a92-b306-3ac52c8af19a
[Info | 3:54:53 PM] Executing Request: set.micNoiseSuppress - {
"enabled": 0
[Debug | 3:54:53 PM] job.respond "ok"
[Info | 3:54:53 PM] Saving mic noise suppression enabled 0
[Info | 3:54:53 PM] job.respond 69da2b68-cf11-40c7-b44d-47256d64f052
[Info | 3:54:53 PM] Executing Request: set.micNoiseGateThreshold - {
"open_threshold": -100
[Debug | 3:54:53 PM] job.respond "ok"
[Info | 3:54:53 PM] Saving mic noise gate threshold -100
[Info | 3:54:53 PM] job.respond 83bbec45-74c2-40b8-bdb3-f383d6487504
[Info | 3:54:53 PM] Executing Request: set.externalFileSources-{"nativeOptions":
[Debug | 3:54:53 PM] job.respond "ok"
[Info | 3:54:53 PM] Setting up external recorders
[Info | 3:54:53 PM] External recorder shadowplay is disabled
[Info | 3:54:53 PM] External recorder relive is disabled
[Info | 3:54:53 PM] External recorder obs is disabled
[Info | 3:54:53 PM] External recorder setup complete
[Info | 3:54:53 PM] Saving External File Sources {
"nativeOptions": [
"label": "NVIDIA ShadowPlay",
"value": "shadowplay",
"enabled": false,
"freeUpSpace": false
"label": "AMD ReLive",
"value": "relive",
"enabled": false,
"freeUpSpace": false
"label": "OBS",
"value": "obs",
"enabled": false,
"freeUpSpace": false
"folders": []
[Info | 3:54:53 PM] job.respond 8f286484-36b5-41c0-a28e-e4e65ccba507
[Debug | 3:54:53 PM] job.respond "ok"
[Info | 3:54:53 PM] Saving ICYMI Events [Rocket League: Enabled:True,
ForceDisabled:False, Events:[Goal: Enabled:True, ForceDisabled:False], [Save:
Enabled:True, ForceDisabled:False], [Epic Save: Enabled:True,
ForceDisabled:False]], [League of Legends: Enabled:True, ForceDisabled:False,
Events:[Enemy Slain: Enabled:False, ForceDisabled:False], [Triple Kill:
Enabled:True, ForceDisabled:False], [Quadra Kill: Enabled:True,
ForceDisabled:False], [Penta Kill: Enabled:True, ForceDisabled:False], [Double
Kill: Enabled:True, ForceDisabled:False], [Ace: Enabled:True, ForceDisabled:False],
[Player Slain: Enabled:False, ForceDisabled:False], [Baron Steal: Enabled:True,
ForceDisabled:False], [Baron Kill: Enabled:False, ForceDisabled:False], [Turret
Kill: Enabled:False, ForceDisabled:False], [Inhibitor Kill: Enabled:False,
ForceDisabled:False], [Dragon Steal: Enabled:True, ForceDisabled:False], [Dragon
Kill: Enabled:False, ForceDisabled:False], [Herald Steal: Enabled:True,
ForceDisabled:False], [Herald Kill: Enabled:False, ForceDisabled:False]], [CS:GO:
Enabled:True, ForceDisabled:False, Events:[Enemy Killed: Enabled:True,
ForceDisabled:False], [Headshot: Enabled:True, ForceDisabled:False], [Player Death:
Enabled:False, ForceDisabled:False]], [Fortnite: Enabled:True, ForceDisabled:False,
Events:[Eliminated Player: Enabled:True, ForceDisabled:False], [Knocked Down
Player: Enabled:True, ForceDisabled:False], [Victory Royale: Enabled:True,
ForceDisabled:False], [Battle Royale Death: Enabled:True, ForceDisabled:False],
[Victory: Enabled:True, ForceDisabled:False], [Double Elimination: Enabled:True,
ForceDisabled:False], [Multi Elimination: Enabled:True, ForceDisabled:False],
[Defeat: Enabled:True, ForceDisabled:False], [Headshot: Enabled:True,
ForceDisabled:False], [Long Distance Shot: Enabled:True, ForceDisabled:False],
[Ludicrous Shot: Enabled:True, ForceDisabled:False]], [: Enabled:False,
ForceDisabled:False, Events:[: Enabled:False, ForceDisabled:False]], [War Thunder:
Enabled:True, ForceDisabled:False, Events:[Kill: Enabled:True,
ForceDisabled:False], [Death: Enabled:True, ForceDisabled:False]], [Apex Legends:
Enabled:True, ForceDisabled:False, Events:[Eliminated: Enabled:True,
ForceDisabled:False], [Knocked Down: Enabled:True, ForceDisabled:False], [Champion:
Enabled:True, ForceDisabled:False]], [Splitgate: Arena Warfare: Enabled:True,
ForceDisabled:False, Events:[Kill: Enabled:True, ForceDisabled:False], [Double
Kill: Enabled:True, ForceDisabled:False], [Triple Kill: Enabled:True,
ForceDisabled:False], [Assist: Enabled:True, ForceDisabled:False], [Killing Spree:
Enabled:True, ForceDisabled:False], [Killection Agency: Enabled:True,
ForceDisabled:False], [Headshot: Enabled:True, ForceDisabled:False], [Portal Kill:
Enabled:True, ForceDisabled:False]], [Valorant: Enabled:True, ForceDisabled:False,
Events:[Kill: Enabled:True, ForceDisabled:False], [Spike Planted: Enabled:True,
ForceDisabled:False]], [Yu-Gi-Oh! Master Duel: Enabled:True, ForceDisabled:False,
Events:[Victory: Enabled:True, ForceDisabled:False], [Defeat: Enabled:True,
ForceDisabled:False]], [Apex Legends: Enabled:True, ForceDisabled:False, Events:
[Eliminated: Enabled:True, ForceDisabled:False], [Knocked Down: Enabled:True,
ForceDisabled:False], [Champion: Enabled:True, ForceDisabled:False]], [CS:GO:
Enabled:True, ForceDisabled:False, Events:[Enemy Killed: Enabled:True,
ForceDisabled:False], [Headshot: Enabled:True, ForceDisabled:False], [Player Death:
Enabled:False, ForceDisabled:False]], [Fortnite: Enabled:True, ForceDisabled:False,
Events:[Eliminated Player: Enabled:True, ForceDisabled:False], [Knocked Down
Player: Enabled:True, ForceDisabled:False], [Victory Royale: Enabled:True,
ForceDisabled:False], [Battle Royale Death: Enabled:True, ForceDisabled:False],
[Victory: Enabled:True, ForceDisabled:False], [Double Elimination: Enabled:True,
ForceDisabled:False], [Multi Elimination: Enabled:True, ForceDisabled:False],
[Defeat: Enabled:True, ForceDisabled:False], [Headshot: Enabled:True,
ForceDisabled:False], [Long Distance Shot: Enabled:True, ForceDisabled:False],
[Ludicrous Shot: Enabled:True, ForceDisabled:False]], [League of Legends:
Enabled:True, ForceDisabled:False, Events:[Enemy Slain: Enabled:False,
ForceDisabled:False], [Triple Kill: Enabled:True, ForceDisabled:False], [Quadra
Kill: Enabled:True, ForceDisabled:False], [Penta Kill: Enabled:True,
ForceDisabled:False], [Double Kill: Enabled:True, ForceDisabled:False], [Ace:
Enabled:True, ForceDisabled:False], [Player Slain: Enabled:False,
ForceDisabled:False], [Baron Steal: Enabled:True, ForceDisabled:False], [Baron
Kill: Enabled:False, ForceDisabled:False], [Turret Kill: Enabled:False,
ForceDisabled:False], [Inhibitor Kill: Enabled:False, ForceDisabled:False], [Dragon
Steal: Enabled:True, ForceDisabled:False], [Dragon Kill: Enabled:False,
ForceDisabled:False], [Herald Steal: Enabled:True, ForceDisabled:False], [Herald
Kill: Enabled:False, ForceDisabled:False]], [Rocket League: Enabled:True,
ForceDisabled:False, Events:[Goal: Enabled:True, ForceDisabled:False], [Save:
Enabled:True, ForceDisabled:False], [Epic Save: Enabled:True,
ForceDisabled:False]], [Splitgate: Arena Warfare: Enabled:True,
ForceDisabled:False, Events:[Kill: Enabled:True, ForceDisabled:False], [Double
Kill: Enabled:True, ForceDisabled:False], [Triple Kill: Enabled:True,
ForceDisabled:False], [Assist: Enabled:True, ForceDisabled:False], [Killing Spree:
Enabled:True, ForceDisabled:False], [Killection Agency: Enabled:True,
ForceDisabled:False], [Headshot: Enabled:True, ForceDisabled:False], [Portal Kill:
Enabled:True, ForceDisabled:False]], [Valorant: Enabled:True, ForceDisabled:False,
Events:[Kill: Enabled:True, ForceDisabled:False], [Spike Planted: Enabled:True,
ForceDisabled:False]], [War Thunder: Enabled:True, ForceDisabled:False, Events:
[Kill: Enabled:True, ForceDisabled:False], [Death: Enabled:True,
ForceDisabled:False]], [Yu-Gi-Oh! Master Duel: Enabled:True, ForceDisabled:False,
Events:[Victory: Enabled:True, ForceDisabled:False], [Defeat: Enabled:True,
ForceDisabled:False]], [: Enabled:False, ForceDisabled:False, Events:[:
Enabled:False, ForceDisabled:False]]
[Info | 3:54:53 PM] job.respond 69a65f10-7e42-40cf-b77f-9c8095505d45
[Debug | 3:54:53 PM] PollDesktopJobQueue reply [{'uuid':'61b751ce-be17-48ca-b40e-
isabled':false}}},'11':{'GameName':'League of
Disabled':false},'2':{'EventName':'Knocked Down
bled':false},'4':{'EventName':'Battle Royale
arget','ForceDisabled':false},'10':{'EventName':'Long Distance
rown','ForceDisabled':false}}},'494':{'GameName':'Splitgate: Arena
bled':false}}},'4190':{'GameName':'Yu-Gi-Oh! Master
Disabled':false},'2':{'EventName':'Knocked Down
bled':false},'4':{'EventName':'Battle Royale
arget','ForceDisabled':false},'10':{'EventName':'Long Distance
rceDisabled':false}}},'bQnfO2HXP':{'GameName':'League of
isabled':false}}},'7YQF9Aijgg':{'GameName':'Splitgate: Arena
stone','ForceDisabled':false}}},'15Afg8KCCdu':{'GameName':'Yu-Gi-Oh! Master
[Debug | 3:54:53 PM] job.respond "ok"
[Info | 3:54:53 PM] recordingstopped
[Info | 3:54:53 PM] [Game Status]: game/stopped - [2]
[Debug | 3:54:53 PM] SendAvailableWebCamDevices reply {"device":{"options":
[Debug | 3:54:53 PM] SendAvailableGPUDevices reply {"success":true}
[Info | 3:54:53 PM] Initilization complete reply "ok"
[Debug | 3:54:53 PM] recordingstopped reply "ok"
[Debug | 3:54:53 PM] game/stopped reply "ok"
[Debug | 3:54:55 PM] {"GPU":{"1 Name":"NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1660 Ti","1
Status":"OK","1 Caption":"NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1660 Ti","1
DeviceID":"VideoController1","1 AdapterRAM":"4.0 GB","1 AdapterDACType":"Integrated
RAMDAC","1 Monochrome":"False","1 InstalledDisplayDrivers":"C:\\WINDOWS\\System32\\
DriverVersion":"","1 VideoProcessor":"GeForce GTX 1660 Ti","1
VideoArchitecture":"5","1 VideoMemoryType":"2"},"HardDrives":{"C:\\ Name":"Drive
C:\\","C:\\ Drive type":"Fixed","C:\\ Volume label":"","C:\\ File
system":"NTFS","C:\\ Available space to current user":"321.2 GB","C:\\ Total
available space":"321.2 GB","C:\\ Total size of drive":"465.2 GB","C:\\ Root
directory":"C:\\","D:\\ Name":"Drive D:\\","D:\\ Drive type":"Fixed","D:\\ Volume
label":"","D:\\ File system":"NTFS","D:\\ Available space to current user":"930.8
GB","D:\\ Total available space":"930.8 GB","D:\\ Total size of drive":"930.9
GB","D:\\ Root directory":"D:\\"},"CPU":{"1 Name":"11th Gen Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-
11700 @ 2.50GHz","1 DeviceID":"CPU0","1 Manufacturer":"GenuineIntel","1
CurrentClockSpeed":"2496","1 Caption":"Intel64 Family 6 Model 167 Stepping 1","1
NumberOfCores":"8","1 NumberOfEnabledCore":"8","1
NumberOfLogicalProcessors":"16","1 Architecture":"9","1 Family":"198","1
ProcessorType":"3","1 Characteristics":"252","1 AddressWidth":"64"},"OS":{"1
Caption":"Microsoft Windows 10 Pro","1 WindowsDirectory":"C:\\WINDOWS","1
ProductType":"1","1 SystemDirectory":"C:\\WINDOWS\\system32","1
CountryCode":"34","1 CurrentTimeZone":"120","1 EncryptionLevel":"256","1
OSType":"18","1 Version":"10.0.19044"},"Sound":{"1 Name":"Dispositivo de High
Definition Audio","1 ProductName":"Dispositivo de High Definition Audio","1
PowerManagementSupported":"False","1 Status":"OK","1 StatusInfo":"3","2
Name":"Dispositivo de High Definition Audio","2 ProductName":"Dispositivo de High
Definition Audio","2 DeviceID":"HDAUDIO\\
PowerManagementSupported":"False","2 Status":"OK","2 StatusInfo":"3","3
Name":"Dispositivo de audio USB","3 ProductName":"Dispositivo de audio USB","3
PowerManagementSupported":"False","3 Status":"OK","3 StatusInfo":"3","4
Name":"NVIDIA High Definition Audio","4 ProductName":"NVIDIA High Definition
Audio","4 DeviceID":"HDAUDIO\\
PowerManagementSupported":"False","4 Status":"OK","4 StatusInfo":"3"}}
[Info | 3:54:57 PM] [ESM Event] - Delayed fire - ConfigChanged
[Info | 3:54:57 PM] [ESM Event] - ConfigChanged
[Info | 4:09:53 PM] [ESM Event] - GameDBCheckForUpdate
[Info | 4:09:53 PM] ----[ESM State]: UpdatingGameDatabase----
[Info | 4:09:53 PM] Checking for new version from
[Info | 4:09:53 PM] Remote Info:
[Info | 4:09:53 PM] Local Info:
[Info | 4:09:53 PM] No update is available.
[Info | 4:09:53 PM] [ESM Event] - GameDBUpdateComplete
[Info | 4:09:53 PM] GameDB: C:\Users\Hugo\AppData\Local\Medal\recorder-3.529.0\
[Info | 4:09:53 PM] ----[ESM State]: ScanningForGame----
[Info | 4:09:53 PM] recordingstopped
[Info | 4:09:53 PM] [Game Status]: game/stopped - [2]
[Debug | 4:09:53 PM] recordingstopped reply "ok"
[Debug | 4:09:53 PM] game/stopped reply "ok"
[Info | 4:24:53 PM] [ESM Event] - GameDBCheckForUpdate
[Info | 4:24:53 PM] ----[ESM State]: UpdatingGameDatabase----
[Info | 4:24:53 PM] Checking for new version from
[Info | 4:24:53 PM] Remote Info:
[Info | 4:24:53 PM] Local Info:
[Info | 4:24:53 PM] No update is available.
[Info | 4:24:53 PM] [ESM Event] - GameDBUpdateComplete
[Info | 4:24:53 PM] GameDB: C:\Users\Hugo\AppData\Local\Medal\recorder-3.529.0\
[Info | 4:24:53 PM] ----[ESM State]: ScanningForGame----
[Info | 4:24:53 PM] recordingstopped
[Info | 4:24:53 PM] [Game Status]: game/stopped - [2]
[Debug | 4:24:53 PM] recordingstopped reply "ok"
[Debug | 4:24:53 PM] game/stopped reply "ok"
[Info | 4:39:53 PM] [ESM Event] - GameDBCheckForUpdate
[Info | 4:39:53 PM] ----[ESM State]: UpdatingGameDatabase----
[Info | 4:39:53 PM] Checking for new version from
[Info | 4:39:53 PM] Remote Info:
[Info | 4:39:53 PM] Local Info:
[Info | 4:39:53 PM] No update is available.
[Info | 4:39:53 PM] [ESM Event] - GameDBUpdateComplete
[Info | 4:39:53 PM] GameDB: C:\Users\Hugo\AppData\Local\Medal\recorder-3.529.0\
[Info | 4:39:53 PM] ----[ESM State]: ScanningForGame----
[Info | 4:39:53 PM] recordingstopped
[Info | 4:39:53 PM] [Game Status]: game/stopped - [2]
[Debug | 4:39:53 PM] recordingstopped reply "ok"
[Debug | 4:39:53 PM] game/stopped reply "ok"
[Info | 4:41:17 PM] [Medal Log Init] 3.529.0.0 - 6/15/2022 4:41:17 PM
[Info | 4:41:17 PM] Honeycomb init successfully
[Info | 4:41:17 PM] Available electron port not found, set port to default 10603
[Info | 4:41:17 PM] Server: RESTService/
[Info | 4:41:17 PM] CLR: 4.0.30319.42000
[Info | 4:41:17 PM] Server running at
[Info | 4:41:17 PM] Current DPI awareness: 0
[Info | 4:41:17 PM] Change DPI awareness to PROCESS_PER_MONITOR_DPI_AWARE. result=0
[Info | 4:41:17 PM] User saved as 43422635 - huugoo
[Info | 4:41:17 PM] Saving Clip folder: C:\Medal
[Info | 4:41:17 PM] C:\Medal - folder verified
[Info | 4:41:17 PM] [ESM Event] - ConfigChanged
[Info | 4:41:17 PM] Clip folder: C:\Medal
[Info | 4:41:17 PM] Backup clips folder is D:\Medal
[Info | 4:41:17 PM] Initial app settings--
[Info | 4:41:18 PM] Trigger key is F12 - FPS setting is 60 - Width setting is 1280,
Height 720 - Clip length is 30 - Detect all games setting is False - Encoding
setting is GPU - Overlay setting is True - Sound setting is True - Bookmark Sound
setting is True - Mic input setting is True - Mic gain is 0.44 - Game sound gain is
0.5 - Auto upload setting is False - Auto upload state setting is 3 - environment
setting is production - WindowsGameMode setting is False - Clip folder is- C:\Medal
- Bitrate setting is 10 - Controller trigger key is select - Saving Trigger Key
Enabled setting is True - Saving Controller Trigger Key Enabled setting is True -
Saving mouseTriggerEnabled setting is False - mouseTrigger is Middle - Selected
audio device is Auto - MedalEncoder.ClipRecoverySetting - Selected mic device is
Auto - BookmarkModeEnabled setting is False - StreamingModeEnabled is False -
DevelopmentModeEnabled setting is False - Mono audio setting is False - Selected
webcam device is <None> - WebcamEnabled setting is False - Switch game trigger key
is F10 - Show Cursor setting is False - Game Audio Only setting is False - In
Memory Buffer setting is True - Mic noise gate enabled setting is False - Mic noise
gate open threshold is -100 - Mic noise suppression enabled setting is False -
MedalEncoder.MicTestingStateSetting - Audio Notifications setting is False - Hold-
To-Record setting is True - GPUPrioritySetting is True -
IncreaseMaxFrameLatencySetting is True - Aspect Ratio is Custom - Windows Graphics
Capture setting is False - Recording Enabled setting is True -
AdvancedOverlaySetting is False - ICYMI setting is False - ICYMI setting:
{ enabled: [Rocket League, League of Legends, CS:GO, Fortnite, War Thunder, Apex
Legends, Splitgate: Arena Warfare, Valorant, Yu-Gi-Oh! Master Duel], disabled: [] }
- ICYMI Clip length is 30 - ICYMI Sound setting is True - ICYMI use Overwolf
setting is False - Push to talk enabled setting is False - Push to talk trigger key
is Tab - Output Format setting is matroska, Extension .mkv - Multiple Audio Streams
setting is False - Push To Talk Mouse Trigger is None - BFrames Enabled setting is
False - UseStringID is False - Push to talk Controller trigger key is None -
External File Sources setting is {"nativeOptions":
{"label":"OBS","value":"obs","enabled":false,"freeUpSpace":false}],"folders":[]} -
Quality Preset setting is Performance - Stream Key is 123 - StreamingBitrate
setting is 3 - StreamingResolution setting is 720 - Selected GPU device is Auto -
[Info | 4:41:18 PM] request user
[Info | 4:41:18 PM] request environment
[Info | 4:41:18 PM] Found encoder: NVIDIA NVEnc H.264 Encoder
[Info | 4:41:18 PM] Hardware encoder detected
[Info | 4:41:18 PM] Video codec set: n264 - hardware encoding
[Info | 4:41:18 PM] C:\Medal - folder verified
[Info | 4:41:18 PM] ControllerManager stopping...
[Info | 4:41:18 PM] ControllerManager stopped.
[Info | 4:41:18 PM] Attempting to start process watcher
[Info | 4:41:18 PM] Set security permissions for C:\Users\Hugo\AppData\Local\Medal\
[Info | 4:41:18 PM] Set security permissions for C:\Users\Hugo\AppData\Local\Medal\
[Info | 4:41:18 PM] codecName- n264, fcc type- eMFCC_NV12
[Info | 4:41:18 PM] Output Mode: Clip Output
[Info | 4:41:19 PM] Username is base64 translated to huugoo
[Info | 4:41:19 PM] User updated 43422635 - huugoo
[Info | 4:41:19 PM] job.respond b6cf7fee-f82c-4b2c-9e36-cbdea1626311
[Debug | 4:41:19 PM] job.respond "ok"
[Info | 4:41:19 PM] Saving ICYMI Events [Rocket League: Enabled:True,
ForceDisabled:False, Events:[Goal: Enabled:True, ForceDisabled:False], [Save:
Enabled:True, ForceDisabled:False], [Epic Save: Enabled:True,
ForceDisabled:False]], [League of Legends: Enabled:True, ForceDisabled:False,
Events:[Enemy Slain: Enabled:False, ForceDisabled:False], [Triple Kill:
Enabled:True, ForceDisabled:False], [Quadra Kill: Enabled:True,
ForceDisabled:False], [Penta Kill: Enabled:True, ForceDisabled:False], [Double
Kill: Enabled:True, ForceDisabled:False], [Ace: Enabled:True, ForceDisabled:False],
[Player Slain: Enabled:False, ForceDisabled:False], [Baron Steal: Enabled:True,
ForceDisabled:False], [Baron Kill: Enabled:False, ForceDisabled:False], [Turret
Kill: Enabled:False, ForceDisabled:False], [Inhibitor Kill: Enabled:False,
ForceDisabled:False], [Dragon Steal: Enabled:True, ForceDisabled:False], [Dragon
Kill: Enabled:False, ForceDisabled:False], [Herald Steal: Enabled:True,
ForceDisabled:False], [Herald Kill: Enabled:False, ForceDisabled:False]], [CS:GO:
Enabled:True, ForceDisabled:False, Events:[Enemy Killed: Enabled:True,
ForceDisabled:False], [Headshot: Enabled:True, ForceDisabled:False], [Player Death:
Enabled:False, ForceDisabled:False]], [Fortnite: Enabled:True, ForceDisabled:False,
Events:[Eliminated Player: Enabled:True, ForceDisabled:False], [Knocked Down
Player: Enabled:True, ForceDisabled:False], [Victory Royale: Enabled:True,
ForceDisabled:False], [Battle Royale Death: Enabled:True, ForceDisabled:False],
[Victory: Enabled:True, ForceDisabled:False], [Double Elimination: Enabled:True,
ForceDisabled:False], [Multi Elimination: Enabled:True, ForceDisabled:False],
[Defeat: Enabled:True, ForceDisabled:False], [Headshot: Enabled:True,
ForceDisabled:False], [Long Distance Shot: Enabled:True, ForceDisabled:False],
[Ludicrous Shot: Enabled:True, ForceDisabled:False]], [: Enabled:False,
ForceDisabled:False, Events:[: Enabled:False, ForceDisabled:False]], [War Thunder:
Enabled:True, ForceDisabled:False, Events:[Kill: Enabled:True,
ForceDisabled:False], [Death: Enabled:True, ForceDisabled:False]], [Apex Legends:
Enabled:True, ForceDisabled:False, Events:[Eliminated: Enabled:True,
ForceDisabled:False], [Knocked Down: Enabled:True, ForceDisabled:False], [Champion:
Enabled:True, ForceDisabled:False]], [Splitgate: Arena Warfare: Enabled:True,
ForceDisabled:False, Events:[Kill: Enabled:True, ForceDisabled:False], [Double
Kill: Enabled:True, ForceDisabled:False], [Triple Kill: Enabled:True,
ForceDisabled:False], [Assist: Enabled:True, ForceDisabled:False], [Killing Spree:
Enabled:True, ForceDisabled:False], [Killection Agency: Enabled:True,
ForceDisabled:False], [Headshot: Enabled:True, ForceDisabled:False], [Portal Kill:
Enabled:True, ForceDisabled:False]], [Valorant: Enabled:True, ForceDisabled:False,
Events:[Kill: Enabled:True, ForceDisabled:False], [Spike Planted: Enabled:True,
ForceDisabled:False]], [Yu-Gi-Oh! Master Duel: Enabled:True, ForceDisabled:False,
Events:[Victory: Enabled:True, ForceDisabled:False], [Defeat: Enabled:True,
ForceDisabled:False]], [Apex Legends: Enabled:True, ForceDisabled:False, Events:
[Eliminated: Enabled:True, ForceDisabled:False], [Knocked Down: Enabled:True,
ForceDisabled:False], [Champion: Enabled:True, ForceDisabled:False]], [CS:GO:
Enabled:True, ForceDisabled:False, Events:[Enemy Killed: Enabled:True,
ForceDisabled:False], [Headshot: Enabled:True, ForceDisabled:False], [Player Death:
Enabled:False, ForceDisabled:False]], [Fortnite: Enabled:True, ForceDisabled:False,
Events:[Eliminated Player: Enabled:True, ForceDisabled:False], [Knocked Down
Player: Enabled:True, ForceDisabled:False], [Victory Royale: Enabled:True,
ForceDisabled:False], [Battle Royale Death: Enabled:True, ForceDisabled:False],
[Victory: Enabled:True, ForceDisabled:False], [Double Elimination: Enabled:True,
ForceDisabled:False], [Multi Elimination: Enabled:True, ForceDisabled:False],
[Defeat: Enabled:True, ForceDisabled:False], [Headshot: Enabled:True,
ForceDisabled:False], [Long Distance Shot: Enabled:True, ForceDisabled:False],
[Ludicrous Shot: Enabled:True, ForceDisabled:False]], [League of Legends:
Enabled:True, ForceDisabled:False, Events:[Enemy Slain: Enabled:False,
ForceDisabled:False], [Triple Kill: Enabled:True, ForceDisabled:False], [Quadra
Kill: Enabled:True, ForceDisabled:False], [Penta Kill: Enabled:True,
ForceDisabled:False], [Double Kill: Enabled:True, ForceDisabled:False], [Ace:
Enabled:True, ForceDisabled:False], [Player Slain: Enabled:False,
ForceDisabled:False], [Baron Steal: Enabled:True, ForceDisabled:False], [Baron
Kill: Enabled:False, ForceDisabled:False], [Turret Kill: Enabled:False,
ForceDisabled:False], [Inhibitor Kill: Enabled:False, ForceDisabled:False], [Dragon
Steal: Enabled:True, ForceDisabled:False], [Dragon Kill: Enabled:False,
ForceDisabled:False], [Herald Steal: Enabled:True, ForceDisabled:False], [Herald
Kill: Enabled:False, ForceDisabled:False]], [Rocket League: Enabled:True,
ForceDisabled:False, Events:[Goal: Enabled:True, ForceDisabled:False], [Save:
Enabled:True, ForceDisabled:False], [Epic Save: Enabled:True,
ForceDisabled:False]], [Splitgate: Arena Warfare: Enabled:True,
ForceDisabled:False, Events:[Kill: Enabled:True, ForceDisabled:False], [Double
Kill: Enabled:True, ForceDisabled:False], [Triple Kill: Enabled:True,
ForceDisabled:False], [Assist: Enabled:True, ForceDisabled:False], [Killing Spree:
Enabled:True, ForceDisabled:False], [Killection Agency: Enabled:True,
ForceDisabled:False], [Headshot: Enabled:True, ForceDisabled:False], [Portal Kill:
Enabled:True, ForceDisabled:False]], [Valorant: Enabled:True, ForceDisabled:False,
Events:[Kill: Enabled:True, ForceDisabled:False], [Spike Planted: Enabled:True,
ForceDisabled:False]], [War Thunder: Enabled:True, ForceDisabled:False, Events:
[Kill: Enabled:True, ForceDisabled:False], [Death: Enabled:True,
ForceDisabled:False]], [Yu-Gi-Oh! Master Duel: Enabled:True, ForceDisabled:False,
Events:[Victory: Enabled:True, ForceDisabled:False], [Defeat: Enabled:True,
ForceDisabled:False]], [: Enabled:False, ForceDisabled:False, Events:[:
Enabled:False, ForceDisabled:False]]
[Info | 4:41:19 PM] job.respond 0ba9c7ce-f150-47e6-a203-14d802f899aa
[Debug | 4:41:19 PM] job.respond "ok"
[Info | 4:41:19 PM] Executing Request: set.useStringId - {
"enabled": true
[Info | 4:41:19 PM] Saving UseStringID True
[Info | 4:41:19 PM] job.respond 189babd9-0ac3-4d4f-b36c-62ea4a0db7ef
[Info | 4:41:19 PM] Executing Request: set.gameSoundAudioDevice - {
"audioDevices": [
[Debug | 4:41:19 PM] job.respond "ok"
[Info | 4:41:19 PM] Saving unplugged audio devices -
[Info | 4:41:19 PM] Process watcher started
[Info | 4:41:19 PM] Found available electron port 10603
[Info | 4:41:19 PM] requestuser reply {"key":"57341b01-c37f-442d-ad81-
[{"id":"joPTNOxoJ","categoryId":"06pjlvE8T","name":"Mobile Master","description":"A
mobile app
[Info | 4:41:19 PM] Username is base64 translated to huugoo
[Info | 4:41:19 PM] Selected audio output devices Auto
[Info | 4:41:19 PM] User updated 43422635 - huugoo
[Info | 4:41:19 PM] request environment reply "production"
[Info | 4:41:19 PM] job.respond aa2b848e-42d7-47e0-841c-1887b6406e04
[Info | 4:41:19 PM] Executing Request: set.micAudioDevice - {
"audioDevice": "Auto"
[Debug | 4:41:19 PM] job.respond "ok"
[Info | 4:41:19 PM] Saving environment production
[Debug | 4:41:19 PM] encoder options reply "ok"
[Info | 4:41:19 PM] Selected mic device Auto
[Info | 4:41:19 PM] job.respond d2259592-3d46-443c-9530-c960bbf04323
[Info | 4:41:19 PM] Executing Request: set.devmode - {
"enabled": false
[Debug | 4:41:19 PM] job.respond "ok"
[Info | 4:41:19 PM] Saving DevelopmentModeEnabled False
[Info | 4:41:19 PM] job.respond 2bacb0a3-744a-4809-ad2e-0728200e286c
[Info | 4:41:19 PM] Executing Request: set.bookmarkModeEnabled - {
"enabled": false
[Debug | 4:41:19 PM] job.respond "ok"
[Info | 4:41:19 PM] Saving BookmarkModeEnabled False
[Info | 4:41:19 PM] [ESM Event] - ConfigChanged
[Info | 4:41:19 PM] job.respond eb693103-b9d3-4d3a-b3b8-6b8771b0a6ce
[Info | 4:41:19 PM] Executing Request: - {
"enabled": false
[Debug | 4:41:19 PM] job.respond "ok"
[Info | 4:41:19 PM] Saving WebcamEnabled False
[Info | 4:41:19 PM] [ESM Event] - ConfigChanged
[Info | 4:41:19 PM] job.respond 9025cfb2-4182-41d5-b424-d79a1be5e2cd
[Info | 4:41:19 PM] Executing Request: - {
"position": {
"index": 1,
"value": "Top Right"
[Debug | 4:41:19 PM] job.respond "ok"
[Info | 4:41:19 PM] Saving WebcamPositionIndex: 1
[Info | 4:41:19 PM] [ESM Event] - ConfigChanged
[Info | 4:41:19 PM] Recording mic: True
[Info | 4:41:19 PM] job.respond 03f5d8ce-7ebd-438c-9cdb-cbde47a4e9b5
[Info | 4:41:19 PM] Executing Request: - {
"selected": {
"id": "<None>",
"label": "<None>",
"value": "<None>"
[Info | 4:41:19 PM] MedalWriter Created
[Debug | 4:41:19 PM] job.respond "ok"
[Info | 4:41:19 PM] Selected Webcam device <None>
[Info | 4:41:19 PM] [ESM Event] - ConfigChanged
[Info | 4:41:19 PM] job.respond 37a0ef33-06bf-4d6f-b278-55339ef1caa6
[Info | 4:41:19 PM] Executing Request: set.gpu.device - {
"selected": "Auto"
[Debug | 4:41:19 PM] job.respond "ok"
[Info | 4:41:19 PM] Contains args: True
[Info | 4:41:19 PM] No other MedalEncoder instances running
[Info | 4:41:19 PM] Selected GPU device Auto
[Info | 4:41:19 PM] Video codec set: n264 - hardware encoding
[Info | 4:41:19 PM] [ESM Event] - ConfigChanged
[Info | 4:41:19 PM] job.respond cc4167d3-1332-44af-81a6-7593f0753aea
[Info | 4:41:19 PM] Executing Request: set.switchGameTriggerkey - {
"key": "F10",
"key.base64": "RjEw"
[Debug | 4:41:19 PM] job.respond "ok"
[Info | 4:41:19 PM] Saving switch game key settings RjEw
[Info | 4:41:19 PM] Key setting is base64 translated to F10
[Info | 4:41:19 PM] job.respond 28dd8fd2-1524-47ac-b396-f95debefd6f5
[Info | 4:41:19 PM] Executing Request: set.triggerkey - {
"key": "F12",
"key.base64": "RjEy"
[Debug | 4:41:19 PM] job.respond "ok"
[Info | 4:41:19 PM] Saving key settings RjEy
[Info | 4:41:19 PM] Key setting is base64 translated to F12
[Info | 4:41:19 PM] Remote config saved
[Info | 4:41:19 PM] job.respond bb9e2282-3684-4c66-a89d-7208eb936f5d
[Info | 4:41:19 PM] Executing Request: set.triggerKeyEnabled - {
"enabled": true
[Debug | 4:41:19 PM] job.respond "ok"
[Info | 4:41:19 PM] Disabling windows game mode to improve performance..
[Info | 4:41:19 PM] Windows game mode disabled.
[Info | 4:41:19 PM] Saving WindowsGameMode 0
[Info | 4:41:19 PM] Saving Trigger Key Enabled True
[Info | 4:41:19 PM] job.respond cdfaf442-9c9d-4c7a-a36a-9ab1fdf8d5a8
[Info | 4:41:19 PM] Executing Request: set.setPushToTalkTriggerKey - {
"key": "Tab",
"key.base64": "VGFi"
[Info | 4:41:19 PM] Video codec set: n264 - hardware encoding
[Debug | 4:41:19 PM] job.respond "ok"
[Info | 4:41:19 PM] Saving key settings VGFi
[Info | 4:41:19 PM] Key setting is base64 translated to Tab
[Info | 4:41:19 PM] job.respond bf563b94-8080-4ea6-a416-b5215e7c9663
[Info | 4:41:19 PM] Executing Request: set.setPushToTalkMouseTriggerKey - {
"name": "None",
"index": -1
[Debug | 4:41:19 PM] job.respond "ok"
[Info | 4:41:19 PM] Saving push to talk mouse settings None
[Info | 4:41:19 PM] job.respond b0b07f83-35ac-41f1-85c7-af20db2130ba
[Info | 4:41:19 PM] Executing Request: set.setPushToTalkControllerTriggerKey - {
"name": "None",
"displayName": {
"xbox": "None",
"playstation": "None"
[Debug | 4:41:19 PM] job.respond "ok"
[Info | 4:41:19 PM] Saving push to talk controller key settings None
[Info | 4:41:19 PM] request windowsgamemode reply "ok"
[Info | 4:41:19 PM] job.respond fe831023-70a0-4184-aaba-25c23c05b389
[Info | 4:41:19 PM] Executing Request: set.setPushToTalkEnabled - {
"enabled": false
[Debug | 4:41:19 PM] job.respond "ok"
[Info | 4:41:19 PM] Saving Push to talk enabled False
[Info | 4:41:19 PM] [ESM Event] - PushToTalkEnable
[Info | 4:41:19 PM] job.respond f51c84d8-7328-4f1a-954c-3a0b14b116ce
[Info | 4:41:19 PM] Executing Request: set.mouseTrigger - {
"trigger": {
"name": "Middle Click",
"index": 1
[Debug | 4:41:19 PM] job.respond "ok"
[Info | 4:41:19 PM] Saving mouseTrigger settings Middle Click
[Info | 4:41:19 PM] Sending available web cam devices {"availableDevices":
[Info | 4:41:19 PM] Sending available GPU devices NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1660 Ti
[Info | 4:41:19 PM] job.respond 13fd4ef3-cee5-484a-8a9b-0a7fe01cf383
[Info | 4:41:19 PM] Executing Request: set.mouseTriggerEnabled - {
"enabled": false
[Debug | 4:41:19 PM] job.respond "ok"
[Info | 4:41:19 PM] Saving mouseTriggerEnabled Enabled False
[Info | 4:41:19 PM] job.respond 7d353508-e64d-431d-be34-05a68405a3b5
[Info | 4:41:19 PM] Executing Request: set.controllerTrigger - {
"name": "select",
"displayName": {
"xbox": "Back",
"playstation": "Select"
[Debug | 4:41:19 PM] job.respond "ok"
[Info | 4:41:19 PM] Saving controller key settings select
[Info | 4:41:19 PM] job.respond d608508a-a716-46fa-bb46-397a3db158ed
[Info | 4:41:19 PM] Executing Request: set.controllerTriggerEnabled - {
"enabled": true
[Debug | 4:41:19 PM] job.respond "ok"
[Info | 4:41:19 PM] Saving Controller Trigger Key Enabled True
[Info | 4:41:19 PM] job.respond 01f45ade-732b-4e5d-9af8-63daa8434bc9
[Debug | 4:41:19 PM] PollDesktopJobQueue reply [{'uuid':'b6cf7fee-f82c-4b2c-9e36-
[{'id':'joPTNOxoJ','categoryId':'06pjlvE8T','name':'Mobile Master','description':'A
mobile app
isabled':false}}},'11':{'GameName':'League of
Disabled':false},'2':{'EventName':'Knocked Down
bled':false},'4':{'EventName':'Battle Royale
arget','ForceDisabled':false},'10':{'EventName':'Long Distance
rown','ForceDisabled':false}}},'494':{'GameName':'Splitgate: Arena
bled':false}}},'4190':{'GameName':'Yu-Gi-Oh! Master
Disabled':false},'2':{'EventName':'Knocked Down
bled':false},'4':{'EventName':'Battle Royale
,'ForceDisabled':false},'10':{'EventName':'Long Distance
rceDisabled':false}}},'bQnfO2HXP':{'GameName':'League of
isabled':false}}},'7YQF9Aijgg':{'GameName':'Splitgate: Arena
stone','ForceDisabled':false}}},'15Afg8KCCdu':{'GameName':'Yu-Gi-Oh! Master
[Debug | 4:41:19 PM] job.respond "ok"
[Info | 4:41:19 PM] Executing Request: set.inMemoryBuffer - {
"enabled": true
[Info | 4:41:19 PM] Saving In Memory Buffer True
[Info | 4:41:19 PM] [ESM Event] - ConfigChanged
[Info | 4:41:19 PM] job.respond 98a6439e-f384-4009-99bb-309f1da5b51c
[Info | 4:41:19 PM] Executing Request: set.cliplength - {
"cliplength": "30"
[Debug | 4:41:19 PM] job.respond "ok"
[Info | 4:41:19 PM] Saving clip length 30
[Info | 4:41:19 PM] [ESM Event] - Queued - ConfigChanged
[Info | 4:41:19 PM] job.respond b557f35b-d799-468e-8e9a-20887166a658
[Info | 4:41:19 PM] Executing Request: set.inMemoryBuffer - {
"enabled": true
[Debug | 4:41:19 PM] job.respond "ok"
[Info | 4:41:19 PM] Saving In Memory Buffer True
[Info | 4:41:19 PM] [ESM Event] - ConfigChanged
[Info | 4:41:19 PM] job.respond 5ccd66e3-4e8c-4a1e-b1d4-a5e4a08b74f8
[Info | 4:41:19 PM] Executing Request: set.icymicliplength - {
"cliplength": "0"
[Debug | 4:41:19 PM] job.respond "ok"
[Info | 4:41:19 PM] Saving ICYMI clip length 30
[Info | 4:41:19 PM] NVAPIManager: C:\Users\Hugo\AppData\Local\Medal\recorder-
3.529.0\DLLs\MServer.exe - profile not found
[Info | 4:41:19 PM] job.respond 79d0daec-4052-4eee-ac8e-11755492a481
[Info | 4:41:19 PM] Executing Request: set.inMemoryBuffer - {
"enabled": true
[Debug | 4:41:19 PM] job.respond "ok"
[Info | 4:41:19 PM] Saving In Memory Buffer True
[Info | 4:41:19 PM] [ESM Event] - ConfigChanged
[Info | 4:41:19 PM] job.respond 0d39cabc-fccf-4c27-b900-56e504530e0e
[Info | 4:41:19 PM] Executing Request: set.resolution - {
"resolution": "High"
[Debug | 4:41:19 PM] job.respond "ok"
[Info | 4:41:19 PM] Saving resolution High
[Info | 4:41:19 PM] Saving bitrate 10
[Info | 4:41:19 PM] [ESM Event] - ConfigChanged
[Info | 4:41:19 PM] Sending Bitrate Setting
[Info | 4:41:19 PM] [ESM Event] - ConfigChanged
[Info | 4:41:19 PM] SendBitrateSetting reply "ok"
[Info | 4:41:19 PM] job.respond c9e405dc-2c2a-433b-8424-8157d1914609
[Info | 4:41:19 PM] Executing Request: set.fps - {
"fps": "60"
[Debug | 4:41:19 PM] job.respond "ok"
[Info | 4:41:19 PM] Saving FPS 60
[Info | 4:41:19 PM] Hook data extracted
[Info | 4:41:19 PM] [ESM Event] - Already queued! - ConfigChanged
[Info | 4:41:19 PM] job.respond f8b38cd3-5902-487c-b7ea-8f3a5af9e416
[Info | 4:41:19 PM] Executing Request: set.micinput - {
"micinput": 1
[Debug | 4:41:19 PM] job.respond "ok"
[Info | 4:41:19 PM] Saving Mic Input True
[Info | 4:41:19 PM] job.respond 964c1fc6-927d-4315-9634-4e3913e06509
[Info | 4:41:19 PM] Executing Request: set.monoAudio - {
"monoaudio": false
[Debug | 4:41:19 PM] job.respond "ok"
[Info | 4:41:19 PM] Saving Mono Audio False
[Info | 4:41:19 PM] job.respond 7ecb8455-006f-450b-8d62-2503dd96170e
[Info | 4:41:19 PM] Executing Request: set.overlayalerts - {
"overlayalerts": 1
[Debug | 4:41:19 PM] job.respond "ok"
[Info | 4:41:19 PM] Saving Overlay Alerts True
[Info | 4:41:19 PM] job.respond a4f5eff7-9471-4bbd-9e27-8f289e31ec22
[Info | 4:41:19 PM] Executing Request: set.soundalerts - {
"soundalerts": 1
[Debug | 4:41:19 PM] job.respond "ok"
[Info | 4:41:19 PM] Saving Sound Alerts True
[Info | 4:41:19 PM] job.respond 88f8fdcc-127d-4e52-a92f-424c83abc365
[Info | 4:41:19 PM] Executing Request: set.bookmarksoundalerts - {
"bookmarksoundalerts": 1
[Debug | 4:41:19 PM] job.respond "ok"
[Info | 4:41:19 PM] Saving Bookmark Sound Alerts True
[Info | 4:41:19 PM] job.respond eb6ec685-e92e-4ab6-befe-699cc983938a
[Info | 4:41:19 PM] Executing Request: set.aspectRatio - {
"aspectRatio": 2
[Debug | 4:41:19 PM] job.respond "ok"
[Info | 4:41:19 PM] Saving Aspect Ratio Custom
[Info | 4:41:19 PM] [ESM Event] - ConfigChanged
[Info | 4:41:19 PM] job.respond 363d38a6-3983-4492-94d3-c6f7ef64dbf1
[Info | 4:41:19 PM] Executing Request: set.detectallgames - {
"detectallgames": 0
[Debug | 4:41:19 PM] job.respond "ok"
[Info | 4:41:19 PM] Saving Detect All Games False
[Info | 4:41:19 PM] job.respond 003c3b74-1fa3-4259-871c-6a4293de9dfd
[Info | 4:41:19 PM] Executing Request: set.encoder - {
"type": "GPU"
[Debug | 4:41:19 PM] job.respond "ok"
[Info | 4:41:20 PM] Video codec set: n264 - hardware encoding
[Info | 4:41:20 PM] [ESM Event] - Already queued! - ConfigChanged
[Info | 4:41:20 PM] job.respond df3a0dc1-b096-4088-b92c-7665813fe553
[Info | 4:41:20 PM] Executing Request: set.clipFolder - {
"clipFolder": "C:%path.sep%Users%path.sep%Hugo%path.sep%Videos%path.sep%Medal
"clipFolder.base64": "QzpcVXNlcnNcSHVnb1xWaWRlb3NcTWVkYWxc"
[Info | 4:41:20 PM] NVAPIManager: C:\Users\Hugo\AppData\Local\Medal\recorder-
3.529.0\MedalEncoder.exe - profile not found
[Debug | 4:41:20 PM] job.respond "ok"
[Info | 4:41:20 PM] Saving Clip folder: QzpcVXNlcnNcSHVnb1xWaWRlb3NcTWVkYWxc
[Info | 4:41:20 PM] Clip folder setting is base64 translated to C:\Users\Hugo\
[Info | 4:41:20 PM] C:\Users\Hugo\Videos\Medal\ - folder verified
[Info | 4:41:20 PM] [ESM Event] - ConfigChanged
[Info | 4:41:20 PM] job.respond 45e15abd-8d8b-4144-b487-a31fe2d10447
[Info | 4:41:20 PM] Executing Request: set.bitrate - {
"bitrate": "10"
[Debug | 4:41:20 PM] job.respond "ok"
[Info | 4:41:20 PM] Saving bitrate 10
[Info | 4:41:20 PM] GPU Scheduling registry exists
[Info | 4:41:20 PM] ----[ESM State]: Initializing----
[Info | 4:41:20 PM] [ESM Event] - ConfigChanged
[Info | 4:41:20 PM] job.respond edaf793f-db91-4f14-9a08-52d215e00613
[Info | 4:41:20 PM] Executing Request: set.autoUploadState - {
"autoUploadState": 3
[Debug | 4:41:20 PM] job.respond "ok"
[Info | 4:41:20 PM] Saving Auto Upload State 3
[Info | 4:41:20 PM] job.respond 89edac57-1983-440a-a481-01bea3088a31
[Info | 4:41:20 PM] Executing Request: set.autoUpload - {
"autoUpload": false
[Debug | 4:41:20 PM] job.respond "ok"
[Info | 4:41:20 PM] Saving Auto Upload False
[Info | 4:41:20 PM] job.respond 879d189d-e40c-49be-9348-021fd5712a50
[Debug | 4:41:20 PM] job.respond "ok"
[Info | 4:41:20 PM] Executing Request: get.availableMicDevices -
[Info | 4:41:20 PM] Initializing DirectX overlay
[Info | 4:41:20 PM] Initializing Injection overlay
[Info | 4:41:20 PM] Removed existing vulkan registry info [C:\Users\Hugo\AppData\
[Info | 4:41:20 PM] Removed existing vulkan registry info [C:\Users\Hugo\AppData\
[Info | 4:41:20 PM] Updated vulkan registry info [C:\Users\Hugo\AppData\Local\
[Info | 4:41:20 PM] Sending available mic devices Micrófono de los auriculares con
micrófono (Wireless Controller)
[Info | 4:41:20 PM] job.respond 4d2cf358-b7a9-4779-889c-1d98c685e076
[Info | 4:41:20 PM] Executing Request: get.availableAudioDevices -
[Debug | 4:41:20 PM] SendAvailableMicDevices reply {"success":true}
[Debug | 4:41:20 PM] job.respond "ok"
[Info | 4:41:20 PM] Sending available audio devices Audífono de los auriculares con
micrófono (Wireless Controller), Audio digital (S/PDIF) (2- High Definition Audio
Device), VX2418-P FHD (NVIDIA High Definition Audio)
[Info | 4:41:20 PM] job.respond c8e95e70-c702-449d-81df-3f028c489258
[Info | 4:41:20 PM] Executing Request: get.micAudioDevice -
[Info | 4:41:20 PM] Sending selected mic device Auto
[Debug | 4:41:20 PM] SendAvailableAudioDevices reply {"success":true}
[Debug | 4:41:20 PM] job.respond "ok"
[Info | 4:41:20 PM] job.respond 28134f1f-e26f-47a9-b796-cc7b67511d8d
[Info | 4:41:20 PM] Executing Request: get.gameSoundAudioDevice -
[Debug | 4:41:20 PM] SendSelectedMicDevice reply {"success":true}
[Info | 4:41:20 PM] Sending selected audio output devices Auto
[Info | 4:41:20 PM] [ESM Event] - Initialized
[Info | 4:41:20 PM] Running as admin False
[Info | 4:41:20 PM] DetectAllGames False
[Debug | 4:41:20 PM] job.respond "ok"
[Info | 4:41:20 PM] job.respond cdcc987f-cc6c-46d4-8d0e-d56c3830dda0
[Info | 4:41:20 PM] Executing Request: set.gameSoundGain - {
"gain": 50
[Info | 4:41:20 PM] Recorder Initilization Complete
[Debug | 4:41:20 PM] SendSelectedAudioDevices reply {"success":true}
[Debug | 4:41:20 PM] job.respond "ok"
[Info | 4:41:20 PM] Saving game sound gain 50
[Info | 4:41:20 PM] job.respond e5e93d2e-f79a-411c-b2f1-782105496f68
[Info | 4:41:20 PM] Executing Request: set.micGain - {
"gain": 44
[Debug | 4:41:20 PM] job.respond "ok"
[Info | 4:41:20 PM] Saving mic gain 44
[Info | 4:41:20 PM] job.respond ca572e54-f315-45a0-9fd8-8b4efe3f196e
[Info | 4:41:20 PM] Executing Request: set.showCursor - {
"enabled": 0
[Debug | 4:41:20 PM] job.respond "ok"
[Info | 4:41:20 PM] System supports GAO.
[Info | 4:41:20 PM] Saving Show Cursor False
[Info | 4:41:20 PM] job.respond 354acc3b-8b42-4c27-90db-c80b4baa1ef1
[Info | 4:41:20 PM] Executing Request: set.gameAudioOnly - {
"enabled": 0
[Debug | 4:41:20 PM] job.respond "ok"
[Info | 4:41:20 PM] CPU supports ICYMI.
[Info | 4:41:20 PM] Saving Game Audio Only 0
[Info | 4:41:20 PM] job.respond 871e4686-53b7-4ce7-81b9-e333fe5eef16
[Info | 4:41:20 PM] Executing Request: set.holdToRecordEnabled - {
"enabled": 1
[Info | 4:41:20 PM] Saving Output Format mkv
[Info | 4:41:20 PM] [ESM Event] - ConfigChanged
[Debug | 4:41:20 PM] job.respond "ok"
[Info | 4:41:20 PM] Saving Hold-To-Record enabled: True
[Info | 4:41:20 PM] [ESM Event] - ConfigChanged
[Info | 4:41:20 PM] job.respond 33bfc169-411f-493f-b06c-baf07bab40aa
[Info | 4:41:20 PM] Executing Request: ICYMIEnabled - {
"enabled": 0
[Debug | 4:41:20 PM] job.respond "ok"
[Info | 4:41:20 PM] ----[ESM State]: UpdatingGameDatabase----
[Info | 4:41:20 PM] Saving ICYMI False
[Info | 4:41:20 PM] job.respond 085d10e0-d700-47d4-8a9f-443dd52ec769
[Info | 4:41:20 PM] Executing Request: set.icymisoundalerts - {
"soundalerts": 1
[Debug | 4:41:20 PM] job.respond "ok"
[Info | 4:41:20 PM] Checking for new version from
[Info | 4:41:20 PM] Saving ICYMI Sound Alerts True
[Info | 4:41:20 PM] job.respond 3f03e991-9e03-4923-b5b2-69b3587a2a8a
[Info | 4:41:20 PM] Executing Request: set.windowsGraphicsCapture - {
"enabled": 0
[Debug | 4:41:20 PM] job.respond "ok"
[Info | 4:41:20 PM] Saving Windows Graphics Capture 0
[Info | 4:41:20 PM] [ESM Event] - ConfigChanged
[Info | 4:41:20 PM] job.respond 674e1545-6478-4e08-abe4-a1c913a42ec8
[Info | 4:41:20 PM] Executing Request: set.recordingEnabled - {
"enabled": 1
[Debug | 4:41:20 PM] job.respond "ok"
[Info | 4:41:20 PM] Saving Recording Enabled 1
[Info | 4:41:20 PM] [ESM Event] - EnableRecording
[Info | 4:41:20 PM] job.respond f450f01f-dfa9-4571-b15a-37d973ccb547
[Info | 4:41:20 PM] Executing Request: set.micNoiseGate - {
"enabled": 0
[Debug | 4:41:20 PM] job.respond "ok"
[Info | 4:41:20 PM] Saving mic noise gate enabled 0
[Info | 4:41:20 PM] job.respond 34c698bb-4f75-410f-a84f-956acec48ba2
[Info | 4:41:20 PM] Executing Request: set.micNoiseSuppress - {
"enabled": 0
[Debug | 4:41:20 PM] job.respond "ok"
[Info | 4:41:20 PM] Saving mic noise suppression enabled 0
[Info | 4:41:20 PM] job.respond 3212b440-3b58-464d-b54a-d9161037bdb9
[Info | 4:41:20 PM] Executing Request: set.micNoiseGateThreshold - {
"open_threshold": -100
[Debug | 4:41:20 PM] job.respond "ok"
[Info | 4:41:20 PM] Saving mic noise gate threshold -100
[Info | 4:41:20 PM] job.respond fdd7a4cb-337e-4cad-b8c6-27c89a10e48a
[Info | 4:41:20 PM] Executing Request: set.externalFileSources-{"nativeOptions":
[Debug | 4:41:20 PM] job.respond "ok"
[Info | 4:41:20 PM] Setting up external recorders
[Info | 4:41:20 PM] External recorder shadowplay is disabled
[Info | 4:41:20 PM] External recorder relive is disabled
[Info | 4:41:20 PM] External recorder obs is disabled
[Info | 4:41:20 PM] External recorder setup complete
[Info | 4:41:20 PM] Saving External File Sources {
"nativeOptions": [
"label": "NVIDIA ShadowPlay",
"value": "shadowplay",
"enabled": false,
"freeUpSpace": false
"label": "AMD ReLive",
"value": "relive",
"enabled": false,
"freeUpSpace": false
"label": "OBS",
"value": "obs",
"enabled": false,
"freeUpSpace": false
"folders": []
[Info | 4:41:20 PM] job.respond 6fc0b105-6fd6-4a83-ad76-4d907ea3823c
[Debug | 4:41:20 PM] PollDesktopJobQueue reply [{'uuid':'98a6439e-f384-4009-99bb-
[Debug | 4:41:20 PM] job.respond "ok"
[Info | 4:41:20 PM] Saving ICYMI Events [Rocket League: Enabled:True,
ForceDisabled:False, Events:[Goal: Enabled:True, ForceDisabled:False], [Save:
Enabled:True, ForceDisabled:False], [Epic Save: Enabled:True,
ForceDisabled:False]], [League of Legends: Enabled:True, ForceDisabled:False,
Events:[Enemy Slain: Enabled:False, ForceDisabled:False], [Triple Kill:
Enabled:True, ForceDisabled:False], [Quadra Kill: Enabled:True,
ForceDisabled:False], [Penta Kill: Enabled:True, ForceDisabled:False], [Double
Kill: Enabled:True, ForceDisabled:False], [Ace: Enabled:True, ForceDisabled:False],
[Player Slain: Enabled:False, ForceDisabled:False], [Baron Steal: Enabled:True,
ForceDisabled:False], [Baron Kill: Enabled:False, ForceDisabled:False], [Turret
Kill: Enabled:False, ForceDisabled:False], [Inhibitor Kill: Enabled:False,
ForceDisabled:False], [Dragon Steal: Enabled:True, ForceDisabled:False], [Dragon
Kill: Enabled:False, ForceDisabled:False], [Herald Steal: Enabled:True,
ForceDisabled:False], [Herald Kill: Enabled:False, ForceDisabled:False]], [CS:GO:
Enabled:True, ForceDisabled:False, Events:[Enemy Killed: Enabled:True,
ForceDisabled:False], [Headshot: Enabled:True, ForceDisabled:False], [Player Death:
Enabled:False, ForceDisabled:False]], [Fortnite: Enabled:True, ForceDisabled:False,
Events:[Eliminated Player: Enabled:True, ForceDisabled:False], [Knocked Down
Player: Enabled:True, ForceDisabled:False], [Victory Royale: Enabled:True,
ForceDisabled:False], [Battle Royale Death: Enabled:True, ForceDisabled:False],
[Victory: Enabled:True, ForceDisabled:False], [Double Elimination: Enabled:True,
ForceDisabled:False], [Multi Elimination: Enabled:True, ForceDisabled:False],
[Defeat: Enabled:True, ForceDisabled:False], [Headshot: Enabled:True,
ForceDisabled:False], [Long Distance Shot: Enabled:True, ForceDisabled:False],
[Ludicrous Shot: Enabled:True, ForceDisabled:False]], [: Enabled:False,
ForceDisabled:False, Events:[: Enabled:False, ForceDisabled:False]], [War Thunder:
Enabled:True, ForceDisabled:False, Events:[Kill: Enabled:True,
ForceDisabled:False], [Death: Enabled:True, ForceDisabled:False]], [Apex Legends:
Enabled:True, ForceDisabled:False, Events:[Eliminated: Enabled:True,
ForceDisabled:False], [Knocked Down: Enabled:True, ForceDisabled:False], [Champion:
Enabled:True, ForceDisabled:False]], [Splitgate: Arena Warfare: Enabled:True,
ForceDisabled:False, Events:[Kill: Enabled:True, ForceDisabled:False], [Double
Kill: Enabled:True, ForceDisabled:False], [Triple Kill: Enabled:True,
ForceDisabled:False], [Assist: Enabled:True, ForceDisabled:False], [Killing Spree:
Enabled:True, ForceDisabled:False], [Killection Agency: Enabled:True,
ForceDisabled:False], [Headshot: Enabled:True, ForceDisabled:False], [Portal Kill:
Enabled:True, ForceDisabled:False]], [Valorant: Enabled:True, ForceDisabled:False,
Events:[Kill: Enabled:True, ForceDisabled:False], [Spike Planted: Enabled:True,
ForceDisabled:False]], [Yu-Gi-Oh! Master Duel: Enabled:True, ForceDisabled:False,
Events:[Victory: Enabled:True, ForceDisabled:False], [Defeat: Enabled:True,
ForceDisabled:False]], [Apex Legends: Enabled:True, ForceDisabled:False, Events:
[Eliminated: Enabled:True, ForceDisabled:False], [Knocked Down: Enabled:True,
ForceDisabled:False], [Champion: Enabled:True, ForceDisabled:False]], [CS:GO:
Enabled:True, ForceDisabled:False, Events:[Enemy Killed: Enabled:True,
ForceDisabled:False], [Headshot: Enabled:True, ForceDisabled:False], [Player Death:
Enabled:False, ForceDisabled:False]], [Fortnite: Enabled:True, ForceDisabled:False,
Events:[Eliminated Player: Enabled:True, ForceDisabled:False], [Knocked Down
Player: Enabled:True, ForceDisabled:False], [Victory Royale: Enabled:True,
ForceDisabled:False], [Battle Royale Death: Enabled:True, ForceDisabled:False],
[Victory: Enabled:True, ForceDisabled:False], [Double Elimination: Enabled:True,
ForceDisabled:False], [Multi Elimination: Enabled:True, ForceDisabled:False],
[Defeat: Enabled:True, ForceDisabled:False], [Headshot: Enabled:True,
ForceDisabled:False], [Long Distance Shot: Enabled:True, ForceDisabled:False],
[Ludicrous Shot: Enabled:True, ForceDisabled:False]], [League of Legends:
Enabled:True, ForceDisabled:False, Events:[Enemy Slain: Enabled:False,
ForceDisabled:False], [Triple Kill: Enabled:True, ForceDisabled:False], [Quadra
Kill: Enabled:True, ForceDisabled:False], [Penta Kill: Enabled:True,
ForceDisabled:False], [Double Kill: Enabled:True, ForceDisabled:False], [Ace:
Enabled:True, ForceDisabled:False], [Player Slain: Enabled:False,
ForceDisabled:False], [Baron Steal: Enabled:True, ForceDisabled:False], [Baron
Kill: Enabled:False, ForceDisabled:False], [Turret Kill: Enabled:False,
ForceDisabled:False], [Inhibitor Kill: Enabled:False, ForceDisabled:False], [Dragon
Steal: Enabled:True, ForceDisabled:False], [Dragon Kill: Enabled:False,
ForceDisabled:False], [Herald Steal: Enabled:True, ForceDisabled:False], [Herald
Kill: Enabled:False, ForceDisabled:False]], [Rocket League: Enabled:True,
ForceDisabled:False, Events:[Goal: Enabled:True, ForceDisabled:False], [Save:
Enabled:True, ForceDisabled:False], [Epic Save: Enabled:True,
ForceDisabled:False]], [Splitgate: Arena Warfare: Enabled:True,
ForceDisabled:False, Events:[Kill: Enabled:True, ForceDisabled:False], [Double
Kill: Enabled:True, ForceDisabled:False], [Triple Kill: Enabled:True,
ForceDisabled:False], [Assist: Enabled:True, ForceDisabled:False], [Killing Spree:
Enabled:True, ForceDisabled:False], [Killection Agency: Enabled:True,
ForceDisabled:False], [Headshot: Enabled:True, ForceDisabled:False], [Portal Kill:
Enabled:True, ForceDisabled:False]], [Valorant: Enabled:True, ForceDisabled:False,
Events:[Kill: Enabled:True, ForceDisabled:False], [Spike Planted: Enabled:True,
ForceDisabled:False]], [War Thunder: Enabled:True, ForceDisabled:False, Events:
[Kill: Enabled:True, ForceDisabled:False], [Death: Enabled:True,
ForceDisabled:False]], [Yu-Gi-Oh! Master Duel: Enabled:True, ForceDisabled:False,
Events:[Victory: Enabled:True, ForceDisabled:False], [Defeat: Enabled:True,
ForceDisabled:False]], [: Enabled:False, ForceDisabled:False, Events:[:
Enabled:False, ForceDisabled:False]]
[Info | 4:41:20 PM] job.respond 21ea9488-f60c-41a4-a77f-7d8cf98d23dc
[Debug | 4:41:20 PM] job.respond "ok"
[Info | 4:41:21 PM] Remote Info:
[Info | 4:41:21 PM] Local Info:
[Info | 4:41:21 PM] No update is available.
[Info | 4:41:21 PM] [ESM Event] - GameDBUpdateComplete
[Info | 4:41:21 PM] GameDB: C:\Users\Hugo\AppData\Local\Medal\recorder-3.529.0\
[Info | 4:41:21 PM] Custom database location is C:\Users\Hugo\AppData\Roaming\
[Info | 4:41:21 PM] ----[ESM State]: ScanningForGame----
[Info | 4:41:21 PM] Game Found Custom Database: Discord
[Info | 4:41:22 PM] 1 logs of- Game Found Custom Database: Discord
[Info | 4:41:22 PM] Process name found in custom database Discord | Caption |
Discord | and class | Chrome_WidgetWin_1
[Info | 4:41:22 PM] Game found Discord Handle: 66456
[Info | 4:41:22 PM] Monitor: 65537 Current DPI: 96, 96
[Info | 4:41:22 PM] Setting up window hooks
[Info | 4:41:22 PM] Window hooks complete
[Info | 4:41:22 PM] Active game initialized Discord
[Info | 4:41:22 PM] [Game Status]: game/started - Discord[5]
[Info | 4:41:22 PM] recordingstarted 5 - Discord
[Info | 4:41:22 PM] Start recording game Discord
[Info | 4:41:22 PM] [ESM Event] - GameFound
[Warning | 4:41:22 PM] Discord already running
[Info | 4:41:22 PM] recordingstopped
[Info | 4:41:22 PM] [Game Status]: game/stopped - [2]
[Info | 4:41:22 PM] ----[ESM State]: OBSInjectionState----
[Debug | 4:41:22 PM] SendAvailableWebCamDevices reply {"device":{"options":
[Debug | 4:41:22 PM] SendAvailableGPUDevices reply {"success":true}
[Info | 4:41:22 PM] Initilization complete reply "ok"
[Info | 4:41:22 PM] Process detected as: 32 Bit
[Info | 4:41:22 PM] Attempting to hook... [0]
[Info | 4:41:22 PM] Starting log reader.
[Debug | 4:41:22 PM] recordingstarted reply "ok"
[Debug | 4:41:22 PM] recordingstopped reply "ok"
[Debug | 4:41:22 PM] game/stopped reply "ok"
[Info | 4:41:22 PM] [OBS-Log] graphics-hook.dll loaded against process: Discord.exe
[Info | 4:41:22 PM] [OBS-Log] (half life scientist) everything.. seems to be in
[Info | 4:41:22 PM] [OBS-Log] [INFO] [MAIN] Overlay init starting.
[Debug | 4:41:22 PM] {"GPU":{"1 Name":"NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1660 Ti","1
Status":"OK","1 Caption":"NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1660 Ti","1
DeviceID":"VideoController1","1 AdapterRAM":"4.0 GB","1 AdapterDACType":"Integrated
RAMDAC","1 Monochrome":"False","1 InstalledDisplayDrivers":"C:\\WINDOWS\\System32\\
DriverVersion":"","1 VideoProcessor":"GeForce GTX 1660 Ti","1
VideoArchitecture":"5","1 VideoMemoryType":"2"},"HardDrives":{"C:\\ Name":"Drive
C:\\","C:\\ Drive type":"Fixed","C:\\ Volume label":"","C:\\ File
system":"NTFS","C:\\ Available space to current user":"321.2 GB","C:\\ Total
available space":"321.2 GB","C:\\ Total size of drive":"465.2 GB","C:\\ Root
directory":"C:\\","D:\\ Name":"Drive D:\\","D:\\ Drive type":"Fixed","D:\\ Volume
label":"","D:\\ File system":"NTFS","D:\\ Available space to current user":"930.8
GB","D:\\ Total available space":"930.8 GB","D:\\ Total size of drive":"930.9
GB","D:\\ Root directory":"D:\\"},"CPU":{"1 Name":"11th Gen Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-
11700 @ 2.50GHz","1 DeviceID":"CPU0","1 Manufacturer":"GenuineIntel","1
CurrentClockSpeed":"2496","1 Caption":"Intel64 Family 6 Model 167 Stepping 1","1
NumberOfCores":"8","1 NumberOfEnabledCore":"8","1
NumberOfLogicalProcessors":"16","1 Architecture":"9","1 Family":"198","1
ProcessorType":"3","1 Characteristics":"252","1 AddressWidth":"64"},"OS":{"1
Caption":"Microsoft Windows 10 Pro","1 WindowsDirectory":"C:\\WINDOWS","1
ProductType":"1","1 SystemDirectory":"C:\\WINDOWS\\system32","1
CountryCode":"34","1 CurrentTimeZone":"120","1 EncryptionLevel":"256","1
OSType":"18","1 Version":"10.0.19044"},"Sound":{"1 Name":"Dispositivo de High
Definition Audio","1 ProductName":"Dispositivo de High Definition Audio","1
PowerManagementSupported":"False","1 Status":"OK","1 StatusInfo":"3","2
Name":"Dispositivo de High Definition Audio","2 ProductName":"Dispositivo de High
Definition Audio","2 DeviceID":"HDAUDIO\\
PowerManagementSupported":"False","2 Status":"OK","2 StatusInfo":"3","3
Name":"Dispositivo de audio USB","3 ProductName":"Dispositivo de audio USB","3
PowerManagementSupported":"False","3 Status":"OK","3 StatusInfo":"3","4
Name":"NVIDIA High Definition Audio","4 ProductName":"NVIDIA High Definition
Audio","4 DeviceID":"HDAUDIO\\
PowerManagementSupported":"False","4 Status":"OK","4 StatusInfo":"3"}}
[Debug | 4:41:23 PM] game/started reply "ok"
[Info | 4:41:24 PM] [ESM Event] - Delayed fire - ConfigChanged
[Info | 4:41:24 PM] [ESM Event] - ConfigChanged
[Info | 4:41:26 PM] [d3d8]
[Info | 4:41:26 PM] Audio mode: 0
[Info | 4:41:26 PM] AdvOverlay: 0
[Info | 4:41:26 PM] [ESM Event] - GameCaptureStart
[Info | 4:41:26 PM] ICYMI initializing. Config Enabled: True - Settings Enabled:
[Info | 4:41:26 PM] [OBS-Log] Hooked IDXGISwapChain::Present
[Info | 4:41:26 PM] [OBS-Log] Hooked IDXGISwapChain::ResizeBuffers
[Info | 4:41:26 PM] [OBS-Log] Hooked IDXGISwapChain1::Present1
[Info | 4:41:26 PM] [OBS-Log] Hooked IDXGISwapChain::Release
[Info | 4:41:26 PM] [OBS-Log] Hooked DXGI
[Info | 4:41:26 PM] ----[ESM State]: GameCapture----
[Info | 4:41:26 PM] [Game Status]: capture/started - Discord[5]
[Info | 4:41:26 PM] Started Filter
[Debug | 4:41:27 PM] capture/started reply "ok"
[Info | 4:41:42 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 4:41:56 PM] Active game GameRecordingFailedToStartUnknown
[Info | 4:41:56 PM] [ESM Event] - WindowCaptureStart
[Info | 4:41:56 PM] Stopped Filter
[Info | 4:41:56 PM] [Game Status]: capture/stopped - Discord[5]
[Info | 4:41:56 PM] Free shared texture resources
[Info | 4:41:56 PM] Shared texture resources freed
[Debug | 4:41:56 PM] capture/stopped reply "ok"
[Info | 4:41:56 PM] ICYMI initializing. Config Enabled: True - Settings Enabled:
[Info | 4:41:56 PM] Check for late hook install: True
[Info | 4:41:57 PM] codecName- n264, fcc type- eMFCC_NV12
[Info | 4:41:57 PM] Output Mode: Clip Output
[Info | 4:41:57 PM] Recording mic: True
[Info | 4:41:57 PM] Setup Mic Audio
[Info | 4:41:57 PM] Mic device set. Audio name:Micrófono de los auriculares con
micrófono (Wireless Controller), Index:1, SampleRate:16000, Channels:1,
[Info | 4:41:57 PM] Mic noise suppression set: False
[Info | 4:41:57 PM] Mic noise gate set: False, Threshold: -100
[Info | 4:41:57 PM] Setup Loopback Audio
[Info | 4:41:57 PM] Default device is Audífono de los auriculares con micrófono
(Wireless Controller)
[Info | 4:41:57 PM] Audio device set. Audio name:Audífono de los auriculares con
micrófono (Wireless Controller), Index:0, SampleRate:32000, Channels:2,
[Info | 4:41:57 PM] Window capture video resolution is {Width=1280, Height=698} -
Aspect ratio is Custom
[Info | 4:41:57 PM] Window capture aspect ratio 640:349
[Info | 4:41:57 PM] Acquired window capture device.
[Info | 4:41:57 PM] [Game Status]: capture/started - Discord[5]
[Info | 4:41:57 PM] codecName- n264, fcc type- eMFCC_NV12
[Info | 4:41:57 PM] Memory buffer size (MB): 75
[Info | 4:41:57 PM] Started Filter
[Info | 4:41:57 PM] Capture area is 0,24,1920,1040
[Info | 4:41:57 PM] Hiding: 0,24,1920,1040
[Info | 4:41:57 PM] ControllerManager starting...
[Info | 4:41:57 PM] Check for input devices
[Info | 4:41:57 PM] Keyboard hook started F12
[Info | 4:41:57 PM] First video data from screen capture
[Info | 4:41:57 PM] Added DirectInput Device: Wireless Controller
[Info | 4:41:57 PM] Audio device (eMFDT_ExtAudio) System volume: -3
[Info | 4:41:57 PM] Set sound gain {0},{1},{1} - 6.4 - 0
[Info | 4:41:57 PM] Audio config- 1,2 - 0 | tracksplitbits - 101 | mix channels -
[Info | 4:41:57 PM] Creating overlay frame from: C:\Users\Hugo\AppData\Local\Medal\
[Info | 4:41:57 PM] Added Mouse Device: Mouse
[Info | 4:41:57 PM] ControllerManager started.
[Info | 4:41:57 PM] [ESM Event] - WindowCaptureSetMonitor
[Info | 4:41:57 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 4:41:57 PM] ----[ESM State]: WindowCaptureStandard----
[Info | 4:41:57 PM] Screen: 0
[Info | 4:41:57 PM] Hiding: 0,24,1920,1040
[Debug | 4:41:58 PM] capture/started reply "ok"
[Info | 4:42:00 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowFocus
[Info | 4:42:00 PM] Showing: 0,24,1920,1040
[Info | 4:42:01 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowFocus
[Info | 4:42:01 PM] Showing: 0,24,1920,1040
[Info | 4:42:01 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 4:42:01 PM] Hiding: 0,24,1920,1040
[Info | 4:42:01 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 4:42:01 PM] Hiding: 0,24,1920,1040
[Info | 4:42:02 PM] [ESM Event] - WindowCaptureSetMonitor
[Info | 4:42:02 PM] Screen: 0
[Info | 4:42:02 PM] [ESM Event] - WindowCaptureMoved
[Info | 4:42:02 PM] Capture area is 0,0,1920,1080
[Info | 4:42:02 PM] Active game GameRecordingSuccessfullyStarted WindowCapture
[Info | 4:42:02 PM] Using standard overlay.
[Info | 4:42:02 PM] Starting DirectX overlay for Discord
[Info | 4:42:02 PM] Capture mode: DXGI
[Info | 4:42:03 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 4:42:03 PM] Hiding: 0,0,1920,1080
[Info | 4:42:05 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 4:42:05 PM] Hiding: 0,0,1920,1080
[Info | 4:42:05 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 4:42:05 PM] Hiding: 0,0,1920,1080
[Info | 4:42:06 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 4:42:06 PM] Hiding: 0,0,1920,1080
[Info | 4:42:06 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 4:42:06 PM] Hiding: 0,0,1920,1080
[Info | 4:42:07 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 4:42:07 PM] Hiding: 0,0,1920,1080
[Info | 4:42:08 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 4:42:08 PM] Hiding: 0,0,1920,1080
[Info | 4:46:51 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 4:46:51 PM] Hiding: 0,0,1920,1080
[Info | 4:46:51 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 4:46:51 PM] Hiding: 0,0,1920,1080
[Info | 4:46:53 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 4:46:53 PM] Hiding: 0,0,1920,1080
[Info | 4:48:26 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 4:48:26 PM] Hiding: 0,0,1920,1080
[Info | 4:48:29 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 4:48:29 PM] Hiding: 0,0,1920,1080
[Info | 4:48:30 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 4:48:30 PM] Hiding: 0,0,1920,1080
[Info | 4:48:31 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 4:48:31 PM] Hiding: 0,0,1920,1080
[Info | 4:48:36 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 4:48:36 PM] Hiding: 0,0,1920,1080
[Info | 4:48:36 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 4:48:36 PM] Hiding: 0,0,1920,1080
[Info | 4:48:37 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 4:48:37 PM] Hiding: 0,0,1920,1080
[Info | 4:48:40 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 4:48:40 PM] Hiding: 0,0,1920,1080
[Info | 4:48:44 PM] Game Found Type 1: Fortnite
[Info | 4:48:44 PM] Process name found FortniteClient-Win64-Shipping | Caption |
Fortnite | and class | UnrealWindow | Detect all Games | False
[Info | 4:48:44 PM] Game found FortniteClient-Win64-Shipping Handle: 329030
[Info | 4:48:44 PM] Monitor: 65537 Current DPI: 96, 96
[Info | 4:48:44 PM] Setting up window hooks
[Info | 4:48:44 PM] Window hooks complete
[Info | 4:48:44 PM] Active game initialized Fortnite
[Info | 4:48:44 PM] [Game Status]: game/started - Fortnite[10cJzcPADb]
[Debug | 4:48:44 PM] game/started reply "ok"
[Info | 4:49:09 PM] FortniteClient-Win64-Shipping has been in focus for over 20
seconds. Switching recording.
[Info | 4:49:09 PM] Switching recording to FortniteClient-Win64-Shipping
[Info | 4:49:09 PM] Alerting Electron of switching game
[Debug | 4:49:09 PM] GameSwitched reply "ok"
[Info | 4:49:09 PM] Stop recording game Discord
[Info | 4:49:09 PM] recordingstopped
[Info | 4:49:09 PM] recordingstarted 10cJzcPADb - Fortnite
[Info | 4:49:09 PM] Start recording game Fortnite
[Info | 4:49:09 PM] [ESM Event] - GameFound
[Debug | 4:49:09 PM] recordingstopped reply "ok"
[Debug | 4:49:09 PM] recordingstarted reply "ok"
[Info | 4:49:09 PM] Stopped Filter
[Info | 4:49:09 PM] [Game Status]: capture/stopped - Discord[5]
[Info | 4:49:09 PM] Stopping window capture...
[Debug | 4:49:09 PM] capture/stopped reply "ok"
[Info | 4:49:09 PM] Window capture stopped.
[Info | 4:49:09 PM] Mic disabled
[Info | 4:49:09 PM] Keyboard hook detached
[Info | 4:49:09 PM] ControllerManager stopping...
[Info | 4:49:09 PM] ControllerManager: PollInput stopped.
[Info | 4:49:09 PM] ControllerManager stopped.
[Info | 4:49:09 PM] ----[ESM State]: OBSInjectionState----
[Info | 4:49:09 PM] Process detected as: 64 Bit
[Info | 4:49:09 PM] Attempting to hook... [0]
[Info | 4:49:09 PM] Starting log reader.
[Info | 4:49:10 PM] [OBS-Log] graphics-hook.dll loaded against process:
[Info | 4:49:10 PM] [OBS-Log] (half life scientist) everything.. seems to be in
[Info | 4:49:10 PM] [OBS-Log] [INFO] [MAIN] Overlay init starting.
[Info | 4:49:13 PM] [d3d8]
[Info | 4:49:13 PM] Audio mode: 0
[Info | 4:49:13 PM] AdvOverlay: 0
[Info | 4:49:13 PM] [ESM Event] - GameCaptureStart
[Info | 4:49:13 PM] ICYMI initializing. Config Enabled: True - Settings Enabled:
[Info | 4:49:13 PM] ----[ESM State]: GameCapture----
[Info | 4:49:13 PM] [Game Status]: capture/started - Fortnite[10cJzcPADb]
[Info | 4:49:13 PM] Started Filter
[Info | 4:49:13 PM] [OBS-Log] Hooked ID3D12CommandQueue::ExecuteCommandLists
[Info | 4:49:13 PM] [OBS-Log] Hooked D3D12
[Info | 4:49:13 PM] [OBS-Log] Hooked D3D9
[Info | 4:49:13 PM] [OBS-Log] Hooked IDXGISwapChain::Present
[Info | 4:49:13 PM] [OBS-Log] Hooked IDXGISwapChain::ResizeBuffers
[Info | 4:49:13 PM] [OBS-Log] Hooked IDXGISwapChain1::Present1
[Info | 4:49:13 PM] [OBS-Log] Hooked IDXGISwapChain::Release
[Info | 4:49:13 PM] [OBS-Log] Hooked DXGI
[Info | 4:49:13 PM] [OBS-Log] Found D3D11 11.0 device on swap chain
[Info | 4:49:13 PM] [OBS-Log] d3d11 shared texture capture successful
[Info | 4:49:13 PM] Free shared texture resources
[Info | 4:49:13 PM] Shared texture resources freed
[Info | 4:49:13 PM] Hook data extracted
[Info | 4:49:13 PM] [OBS-Log] ----------------- d3d11 capture freed
[Info | 4:49:13 PM] [OBS-Log] d3d11 shared texture capture successful
[Info | 4:49:13 PM] Looking for adapter with LUID: 42474
[Info | 4:49:13 PM] Found adapter: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1660 Ti
[Info | 4:49:13 PM] IncreaseFrameLatency success
[Info | 4:49:13 PM] SetGPUPriority result: 3
[Info | 4:49:13 PM] mapId 1
[Info | 4:49:14 PM] [OBSCaptureState] Shared texture capture failed attempt 1.
Unable to find the specified file.
[Info | 4:49:15 PM] Free shared texture resources
[Info | 4:49:15 PM] Shared texture resources freed
[Info | 4:49:15 PM] Hook data extracted
[Info | 4:49:15 PM] Looking for adapter with LUID: 42474
[Info | 4:49:15 PM] Found adapter: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1660 Ti
[Info | 4:49:15 PM] IncreaseFrameLatency success
[Info | 4:49:15 PM] SetGPUPriority result: 3
[Info | 4:49:15 PM] mapId 2
[Info | 4:49:15 PM] [+] Texture Mapped file accessed.
[Info | 4:49:15 PM] [OBSCaptureState] Shared texture success. Handle: 3221230722
Format: R10G10B10A2_UNorm
[Info | 4:49:15 PM] [OBSCaptureState] DX Version: 11
[Info | 4:49:15 PM] Input Resolution: 1920x1040 - AR: eMST_LetterBox
[Warning | 4:49:15 PM] Resolution dimensions corrected!
[Info | 4:49:15 PM] Output Resolution: 1280x-694
[Info | 4:49:15 PM] Frame factory initialized on device Auto, LUID:42474
[Info | 4:49:15 PM] Output Mode: Clip Output
[Info | 4:49:15 PM] codecName- n264, fcc type- eMFCC_NV12
[Info | 4:49:15 PM] Memory buffer size (MB): 75
[Info | 4:49:15 PM] Recording mic: True
[Info | 4:49:15 PM] Setup Mic Audio
[Info | 4:49:15 PM] Mic device set. Audio name:Micrófono de los auriculares con
micrófono (Wireless Controller), Index:1, SampleRate:16000, Channels:1,
[Info | 4:49:15 PM] Mic noise suppression set: False
[Info | 4:49:15 PM] Mic noise gate set: False, Threshold: -100
[Info | 4:49:15 PM] Setup Loopback Audio
[Info | 4:49:15 PM] Default device is Audífono de los auriculares con micrófono
(Wireless Controller)
[Info | 4:49:15 PM] Audio device set. Audio name:Audífono de los auriculares con
micrófono (Wireless Controller), Index:0, SampleRate:32000, Channels:2,
[Info | 4:49:15 PM] Cursor image was loaded from the game
[Info | 4:49:15 PM] ControllerManager starting...
[Info | 4:49:15 PM] Check for input devices
[Info | 4:49:15 PM] Keyboard hook started F12
[Info | 4:49:15 PM] ControllerManager started.
[Info | 4:49:15 PM] MedalWriter started. Bitrate: 10M
[Info | 4:49:15 PM] First video data portion from the hook
[Info | 4:49:15 PM] Free shared texture resources
[Info | 4:49:15 PM] Shared texture resources freed
[Info | 4:49:15 PM] Hook data extracted
[Info | 4:49:15 PM] Looking for adapter with LUID: 42474
[Info | 4:49:15 PM] Found adapter: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1660 Ti
[Info | 4:49:15 PM] IncreaseFrameLatency success
[Info | 4:49:15 PM] SetGPUPriority result: 3
[Info | 4:49:15 PM] mapId 2
[Info | 4:49:15 PM] [+] Texture Mapped file accessed.
[Info | 4:49:15 PM] [OBSCaptureState] Shared texture success. Handle: 3221230722
Format: R10G10B10A2_UNorm
[Info | 4:49:15 PM] [OBSCaptureState] DX Version: 11
[Info | 4:49:15 PM] Input Resolution: 1920x1040 - AR: eMST_LetterBox
[Warning | 4:49:15 PM] Resolution dimensions corrected!
[Info | 4:49:15 PM] Output Resolution: 1280x-694
[Info | 4:49:15 PM] Audio device (eMFDT_ExtAudio) System volume: -3
[Info | 4:49:15 PM] Set sound gain {0},{1},{1} - 6.4 - 0
[Info | 4:49:15 PM] Audio config- 1,2 - 0 | tracksplitbits - 101 | mix channels -
[Debug | 4:49:15 PM] capture/started reply "ok"
[Info | 4:49:17 PM] Notification message received
[Info | 4:49:17 PM] job.respond 7fea8390-9eac-4d05-bc94-030434728a77
[Debug | 4:49:17 PM] job.respond "ok"
[Info | 4:49:18 PM] Active game GameRecordingSuccessfullyStarted Unknown
[Info | 4:49:18 PM] Using standard overlay.
[Info | 4:49:18 PM] Starting DirectX overlay for Fortnite
[Info | 4:49:53 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 4:49:55 PM] 2 logs of- [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 4:49:55 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowFocus
[Info | 4:49:57 PM] 1 logs of- [ESM Event] - GameWindowFocus
[Info | 4:49:57 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 4:49:58 PM] 1 logs of- [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 4:49:58 PM] [ESM Event] - WindowCaptureSetMonitor
[Info | 4:49:58 PM] [ESM Event] - WindowCaptureMoved
[Info | 4:49:59 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 4:50:19 PM] 1 logs of- [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 4:50:19 PM] Check for input devices
[Info | 4:50:19 PM] OnDeviceStateChanged : DataFlow=loopback DeviceState=Active
[Info | 4:50:19 PM] Sending available audio devices Audífono de los auriculares con
micrófono (Plantronics Blackwire 3225 Series), Audífono de los auriculares con
micrófono (Wireless Controller), Audio digital (S/PDIF) (2- High Definition Audio
Device), VX2418-P FHD (NVIDIA High Definition Audio)
[Debug | 4:50:19 PM] SendAvailableAudioDevices reply {"success":true}
[Info | 4:50:20 PM] Check for input devices
[Info | 4:50:20 PM] OnDeviceStateChanged : DataFlow=capture DeviceState=Active
[Info | 4:50:20 PM] Sending available mic devices Micrófono de los auriculares con
micrófono (Plantronics Blackwire 3225 Series), Micrófono de los auriculares con
micrófono (Wireless Controller)
[Debug | 4:50:20 PM] SendAvailableMicDevices reply {"success":true}
[Info | 4:50:20 PM] Sound Property Changed
[Info | 4:50:20 PM] Check for input devices
[Info | 4:50:20 PM] OnDefaultDeviceChanged : DataFlow=Capture
[Info | 4:50:20 PM] Setup Mic Audio
[Info | 4:50:20 PM] Mic device set. Audio name:Micrófono de los auriculares con
micrófono (Plantronics Blackwire 3225 Series), Index:1, SampleRate:48000,
Channels:2, BitsPerSample:-32
[Info | 4:50:20 PM] Mic noise suppression set: False
[Info | 4:50:20 PM] Mic noise gate set: False, Threshold: -100
[Info | 4:50:20 PM] Audio device (eMFDT_ExtAudio) System volume: 5
[Info | 4:50:20 PM] Set sound gain {1},{1} - 1.4 - 0
[Info | 4:50:20 PM] Audio config- 0,1 - | tracksplitbits - 10 | mix channels - 0,1
[Info | 4:50:20 PM] Audio device (eMFDT_ExtAudio) System volume: 5
[Info | 4:50:20 PM] Set sound gain {0},{0},{1},{1} - 1.4 - 0
[Info | 4:50:20 PM] Audio config- 2,3 - 0,1 | tracksplitbits - 1010 | mix channels
- 0+2,1+3
[Info | 4:55:13 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 4:55:14 PM] 3 logs of- [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 4:55:14 PM] Window is moving, fallback canceled
[Info | 4:55:14 PM] [ESM Event] - WindowCaptureSetMonitor
[Info | 4:55:14 PM] [ESM Event] - WindowCaptureMoved
[Info | 4:55:14 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowFocus
[Info | 4:55:16 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 4:55:18 PM] 6 logs of- [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 4:55:18 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowFocus
[Info | 5:11:56 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 5:11:57 PM] 1 logs of- [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 5:11:57 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowFocus
[Info | 5:11:58 PM] Fallback set game in focus
[Info | 5:11:59 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowFocus
[Info | 5:12:03 PM] Fallback set game defocus
[Info | 5:16:00 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 5:17:10 PM] 6 logs of- [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 5:17:10 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowFocus
[Info | 5:17:10 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 5:17:11 PM] 6 logs of- [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 5:17:11 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowFocus
[Info | 5:17:11 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 5:24:48 PM] 6 logs of- [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 5:24:48 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowFocus
[Info | 5:24:51 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 5:49:28 PM] 6 logs of- [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 5:49:28 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowFocus
[Info | 5:49:37 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 5:49:40 PM] Fallback set game in focus
[Info | 5:49:53 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 5:49:53 PM] 2 logs of- [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 5:49:53 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowFocus
[Info | 5:49:54 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 5:49:55 PM] 6 logs of- [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 5:49:55 PM] Fallback set game defocus
[Info | 5:49:55 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowFocus
[Info | 5:49:55 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 5:49:58 PM] 6 logs of- [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 5:49:58 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowFocus
[Info | 5:50:05 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 5:50:08 PM] 6 logs of- [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 5:50:08 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowFocus
[Info | 5:50:21 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 5:50:25 PM] 3 logs of- [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 5:50:25 PM] Fallback set game in focus
[Info | 5:50:32 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 5:50:32 PM] 2 logs of- [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 5:50:32 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowFocus
[Info | 5:50:35 PM] Fallback set game defocus
[Info | 5:50:39 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 5:50:40 PM] 3 logs of- [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 5:50:40 PM] Fallback set game in focus
[Info | 5:51:00 PM] Discord has been in focus for over 20 seconds. Switching
[Info | 5:51:00 PM] Switching recording to Discord
[Info | 5:51:00 PM] Alerting Electron of switching game
[Info | 5:51:00 PM] Stop recording game Fortnite
[Debug | 5:51:00 PM] GameSwitched reply "ok"
[Info | 5:51:01 PM] recordingstopped
[Info | 5:51:01 PM] recordingstarted 5 - Discord
[Info | 5:51:01 PM] Start recording game Discord
[Info | 5:51:01 PM] [ESM Event] - WindowCaptureStart
[Debug | 5:51:01 PM] recordingstopped reply "ok"
[Info | 5:51:01 PM] Keyboard hook detached
[Info | 5:51:01 PM] ControllerManager stopping...
[Debug | 5:51:01 PM] recordingstarted reply "ok"
[Info | 5:51:01 PM] ControllerManager: PollInput stopped.
[Info | 5:51:01 PM] ControllerManager stopped.
[Info | 5:51:01 PM] Stopped Filter
[Info | 5:51:01 PM] [Game Status]: capture/stopped - Fortnite[10cJzcPADb]
[Debug | 5:51:01 PM] capture/stopped reply "ok"
[Info | 5:51:01 PM] Stopping MedalWriter.
[Info | 5:51:01 PM] Mic disabled
[Info | 5:51:01 PM] MedalWriter stopped.
[Info | 5:51:01 PM] Free shared texture resources
[Info | 5:51:01 PM] Shared texture resources freed
[Info | 5:51:01 PM] ICYMI initializing. Config Enabled: True - Settings Enabled:
[Info | 5:51:01 PM] Check for late hook install: True
[Info | 5:51:01 PM] codecName- n264, fcc type- eMFCC_NV12
[Info | 5:51:01 PM] Output Mode: Clip Output
[Info | 5:51:01 PM] Recording mic: True
[Info | 5:51:01 PM] Setup Mic Audio
[Info | 5:51:01 PM] Mic device set. Audio name:Micrófono de los auriculares con
micrófono (Plantronics Blackwire 3225 Series), Index:1, SampleRate:48000,
Channels:2, BitsPerSample:-32
[Info | 5:51:01 PM] Mic noise suppression set: False
[Info | 5:51:01 PM] Mic noise gate set: False, Threshold: -100
[Info | 5:51:01 PM] Setup Loopback Audio
[Info | 5:51:01 PM] Default device is Audífono de los auriculares con micrófono
(Plantronics Blackwire 3225 Series)
[Info | 5:51:01 PM] Audio device set. Audio name:Audífono de los auriculares con
micrófono (Plantronics Blackwire 3225 Series), Index:0, SampleRate:48000,
Channels:2, BitsPerSample:-32
[Info | 5:51:01 PM] Window capture video resolution is {Width=1280, Height=698} -
Aspect ratio is Custom
[Info | 5:51:01 PM] Window capture aspect ratio 640:349
[Info | 5:51:01 PM] Acquired window capture device.
[Info | 5:51:01 PM] [Game Status]: capture/started - Discord[5]
[Info | 5:51:01 PM] codecName- n264, fcc type- eMFCC_NV12
[Info | 5:51:01 PM] Memory buffer size (MB): 75
[Info | 5:51:01 PM] Started Filter
[Info | 5:51:01 PM] Capture area is 0,24,1920,1040
[Info | 5:51:01 PM] Hiding: 0,24,1920,1040
[Info | 5:51:01 PM] ControllerManager starting...
[Info | 5:51:01 PM] Check for input devices
[Info | 5:51:01 PM] Keyboard hook started F12
[Info | 5:51:01 PM] First video data from screen capture
[Info | 5:51:01 PM] Audio device (eMFDT_ExtAudio) System volume: 5
[Info | 5:51:01 PM] Set sound gain {0},{0},{1},{1} - 1.4 - 0
[Info | 5:51:01 PM] Audio config- 2,3 - 0,1 | tracksplitbits - 1010 | mix channels
- 0+2,1+3
[Info | 5:51:01 PM] ControllerManager started.
[Info | 5:51:01 PM] [ESM Event] - WindowCaptureSetMonitor
[Info | 5:51:01 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowFocus
[Info | 5:51:01 PM] ----[ESM State]: WindowCaptureStandard----
[Info | 5:51:01 PM] Screen: 0
[Info | 5:51:01 PM] Showing: 0,24,1920,1040
[Debug | 5:51:01 PM] capture/started reply "ok"
[Info | 5:51:02 PM] Notification message received
[Info | 5:51:02 PM] job.respond 9abfd7b4-1279-4c53-980c-90acdae3ee30
[Debug | 5:51:02 PM] job.respond "ok"
[Info | 5:51:06 PM] Active game GameRecordingSuccessfullyStarted WindowCapture
[Info | 5:51:06 PM] Using standard overlay.
[Info | 5:51:06 PM] Starting DirectX overlay for Discord
[Info | 5:51:06 PM] Capture mode: DXGI
[Info | 5:52:08 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 5:52:08 PM] Hiding: 0,24,1920,1040
[Info | 5:52:08 PM] Creating overlay frame from: C:\Users\Hugo\AppData\Local\Medal\
[Info | 5:52:08 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 5:52:08 PM] Hiding: 0,24,1920,1040
[Info | 5:52:08 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 5:52:08 PM] Hiding: 0,24,1920,1040
[Info | 5:52:08 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 5:52:08 PM] Hiding: 0,24,1920,1040
[Info | 5:52:12 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 5:52:12 PM] Hiding: 0,24,1920,1040
[Info | 5:52:12 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 5:52:12 PM] Hiding: 0,24,1920,1040
[Info | 5:52:12 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 5:52:12 PM] Hiding: 0,24,1920,1040
[Info | 5:52:12 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowFocus
[Info | 5:52:12 PM] Showing: 0,24,1920,1040
[Info | 5:52:34 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 5:52:34 PM] Hiding: 0,24,1920,1040
[Info | 5:52:34 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 5:52:34 PM] Hiding: 0,24,1920,1040
[Info | 5:52:34 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 5:52:34 PM] Hiding: 0,24,1920,1040
[Info | 5:52:34 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 5:52:34 PM] Hiding: 0,24,1920,1040
[Info | 5:52:37 PM] Fallback set game in focus
[Info | 5:52:38 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 5:52:38 PM] Hiding: 0,24,1920,1040
[Info | 5:52:38 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 5:52:38 PM] Hiding: 0,24,1920,1040
[Info | 5:52:38 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 5:52:38 PM] Hiding: 0,24,1920,1040
[Info | 5:52:38 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowFocus
[Info | 5:52:38 PM] Showing: 0,24,1920,1040
[Info | 5:52:41 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 5:52:41 PM] Hiding: 0,24,1920,1040
[Info | 5:52:41 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 5:52:41 PM] Hiding: 0,24,1920,1040
[Info | 5:52:41 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 5:52:41 PM] Hiding: 0,24,1920,1040
[Info | 5:52:41 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 5:52:41 PM] Hiding: 0,24,1920,1040
[Info | 5:52:44 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 5:52:44 PM] Hiding: 0,24,1920,1040
[Info | 5:52:44 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 5:52:44 PM] Hiding: 0,24,1920,1040
[Info | 5:52:44 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 5:52:44 PM] Hiding: 0,24,1920,1040
[Info | 5:52:44 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowFocus
[Info | 5:52:44 PM] Showing: 0,24,1920,1040
[Info | 5:52:47 PM] Fallback set game defocus
[Info | 5:53:37 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 5:53:37 PM] Hiding: 0,24,1920,1040
[Info | 5:53:37 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 5:53:37 PM] Hiding: 0,24,1920,1040
[Info | 5:53:38 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 5:53:38 PM] Hiding: 0,24,1920,1040
[Info | 5:53:38 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 5:53:38 PM] Hiding: 0,24,1920,1040
[Info | 5:53:41 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 5:53:41 PM] Hiding: 0,24,1920,1040
[Info | 5:53:41 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 5:53:41 PM] Hiding: 0,24,1920,1040
[Info | 5:53:42 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 5:53:42 PM] Hiding: 0,24,1920,1040
[Info | 5:53:42 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowFocus
[Info | 5:53:42 PM] Showing: 0,24,1920,1040
[Info | 5:54:08 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 5:54:08 PM] Hiding: 0,24,1920,1040
[Info | 5:54:08 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 5:54:08 PM] Hiding: 0,24,1920,1040
[Info | 5:54:08 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 5:54:08 PM] Hiding: 0,24,1920,1040
[Info | 5:54:08 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 5:54:08 PM] Hiding: 0,24,1920,1040
[Info | 5:54:08 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 5:54:08 PM] Hiding: 0,24,1920,1040
[Info | 5:54:08 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 5:54:08 PM] Hiding: 0,24,1920,1040
[Info | 5:54:08 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 5:54:08 PM] Hiding: 0,24,1920,1040
[Info | 5:54:08 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowFocus
[Info | 5:54:08 PM] Showing: 0,24,1920,1040
[Info | 5:54:16 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 5:54:16 PM] Hiding: 0,24,1920,1040
[Info | 5:54:16 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 5:54:16 PM] Hiding: 0,24,1920,1040
[Info | 5:54:16 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 5:54:16 PM] Hiding: 0,24,1920,1040
[Info | 5:54:16 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 5:54:16 PM] Hiding: 0,24,1920,1040
[Info | 5:54:17 PM] Fallback set game in focus
[Info | 5:54:27 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 5:54:27 PM] Hiding: 0,24,1920,1040
[Info | 5:54:27 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 5:54:27 PM] Hiding: 0,24,1920,1040
[Info | 5:54:27 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 5:54:27 PM] Hiding: 0,24,1920,1040
[Info | 5:54:27 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 5:54:27 PM] Hiding: 0,24,1920,1040
[Info | 5:54:27 PM] Fallback set game defocus
[Info | 5:54:28 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 5:54:28 PM] Hiding: 0,24,1920,1040
[Info | 5:54:28 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 5:54:28 PM] Hiding: 0,24,1920,1040
[Info | 5:54:29 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 5:54:29 PM] Hiding: 0,24,1920,1040
[Info | 5:54:29 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowFocus
[Info | 5:54:29 PM] Showing: 0,24,1920,1040
[Info | 5:54:30 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 5:54:30 PM] Hiding: 0,24,1920,1040
[Info | 5:54:30 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 5:54:30 PM] Hiding: 0,24,1920,1040
[Info | 5:54:30 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 5:54:30 PM] Hiding: 0,24,1920,1040
[Info | 5:54:30 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 5:54:30 PM] Hiding: 0,24,1920,1040
[Info | 5:54:35 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 5:54:35 PM] Hiding: 0,24,1920,1040
[Info | 5:54:35 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 5:54:35 PM] Hiding: 0,24,1920,1040
[Info | 5:54:35 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 5:54:35 PM] Hiding: 0,24,1920,1040
[Info | 5:54:35 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowFocus
[Info | 5:54:35 PM] Showing: 0,24,1920,1040
[Info | 5:55:39 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 5:55:39 PM] Hiding: 0,24,1920,1040
[Info | 5:55:40 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 5:55:40 PM] Hiding: 0,24,1920,1040
[Info | 5:55:40 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 5:55:40 PM] Hiding: 0,24,1920,1040
[Info | 5:55:40 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 5:55:40 PM] Hiding: 0,24,1920,1040
[Info | 5:55:41 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 5:55:41 PM] Hiding: 0,24,1920,1040
[Info | 5:55:41 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 5:55:41 PM] Hiding: 0,24,1920,1040
[Info | 5:55:41 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 5:55:41 PM] Hiding: 0,24,1920,1040
[Info | 5:55:41 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowFocus
[Info | 5:55:41 PM] Showing: 0,24,1920,1040
[Info | 5:55:43 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 5:55:43 PM] Hiding: 0,24,1920,1040
[Info | 5:55:43 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 5:55:43 PM] Hiding: 0,24,1920,1040
[Info | 5:55:45 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 5:55:45 PM] Hiding: 0,24,1920,1040
[Info | 5:55:45 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 5:55:45 PM] Hiding: 0,24,1920,1040
[Info | 5:55:45 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 5:55:45 PM] Hiding: 0,24,1920,1040
[Info | 5:55:45 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 5:55:45 PM] Hiding: 0,24,1920,1040
[Info | 5:55:45 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 5:55:45 PM] Hiding: 0,24,1920,1040
[Info | 5:55:45 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowFocus
[Info | 5:55:45 PM] Showing: 0,24,1920,1040
[Info | 5:55:48 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 5:55:48 PM] Hiding: 0,24,1920,1040
[Info | 5:55:48 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 5:55:48 PM] Hiding: 0,24,1920,1040
[Info | 5:55:48 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 5:55:48 PM] Hiding: 0,24,1920,1040
[Info | 5:55:48 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 5:55:48 PM] Hiding: 0,24,1920,1040
[Info | 5:55:49 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 5:55:49 PM] Hiding: 0,24,1920,1040
[Info | 5:55:49 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 5:55:49 PM] Hiding: 0,24,1920,1040
[Info | 5:55:50 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 5:55:50 PM] Hiding: 0,24,1920,1040
[Info | 5:55:50 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 5:55:50 PM] Hiding: 0,24,1920,1040
[Info | 5:55:52 PM] Fallback set game in focus
[Info | 5:55:54 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 5:55:54 PM] Hiding: 0,24,1920,1040
[Info | 5:55:54 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 5:55:54 PM] Hiding: 0,24,1920,1040
[Info | 5:55:54 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowFocus
[Info | 5:55:54 PM] Showing: 0,24,1920,1040
[Info | 5:55:58 PM] Fallback set game defocus
[Info | 5:56:18 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 5:56:18 PM] Hiding: 0,24,1920,1040
[Info | 5:56:18 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 5:56:18 PM] Hiding: 0,24,1920,1040
[Info | 5:56:18 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 5:56:18 PM] Hiding: 0,24,1920,1040
[Info | 5:56:18 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 5:56:18 PM] Hiding: 0,24,1920,1040
[Info | 5:56:23 PM] Fallback set game in focus
[Info | 5:56:24 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 5:56:24 PM] Hiding: 0,24,1920,1040
[Info | 5:56:24 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 5:56:24 PM] Hiding: 0,24,1920,1040
[Info | 5:56:24 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 5:56:24 PM] Hiding: 0,24,1920,1040
[Info | 5:56:24 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowFocus
[Info | 5:56:24 PM] Showing: 0,24,1920,1040
[Info | 5:56:28 PM] Fallback set game defocus
[Info | 5:56:40 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 5:56:40 PM] Hiding: 0,24,1920,1040
[Info | 5:56:40 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 5:56:40 PM] Hiding: 0,24,1920,1040
[Info | 5:56:40 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 5:56:40 PM] Hiding: 0,24,1920,1040
[Info | 5:56:40 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 5:56:40 PM] Hiding: 0,24,1920,1040
[Info | 5:56:43 PM] Fallback set game in focus
[Info | 5:56:53 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 5:56:53 PM] Hiding: 0,24,1920,1040
[Info | 5:56:53 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 5:56:53 PM] Hiding: 0,24,1920,1040
[Info | 5:56:53 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 5:56:53 PM] Hiding: 0,24,1920,1040
[Info | 5:56:53 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowFocus
[Info | 5:56:53 PM] Showing: 0,24,1920,1040
[Info | 5:56:58 PM] Fallback set game defocus
[Info | 5:57:01 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 5:57:01 PM] Hiding: 0,24,1920,1040
[Info | 5:57:01 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 5:57:01 PM] Hiding: 0,24,1920,1040
[Info | 5:57:01 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 5:57:01 PM] Hiding: 0,24,1920,1040
[Info | 5:57:01 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 5:57:01 PM] Hiding: 0,24,1920,1040
[Info | 5:57:02 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 5:57:02 PM] Hiding: 0,24,1920,1040
[Info | 5:57:02 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 5:57:02 PM] Hiding: 0,24,1920,1040
[Info | 5:57:02 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 5:57:02 PM] Hiding: 0,24,1920,1040
[Info | 5:57:02 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowFocus
[Info | 5:57:02 PM] Showing: 0,24,1920,1040
[Info | 5:57:08 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 5:57:08 PM] Hiding: 0,24,1920,1040
[Info | 5:57:08 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 5:57:08 PM] Hiding: 0,24,1920,1040
[Info | 5:57:08 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 5:57:08 PM] Hiding: 0,24,1920,1040
[Info | 5:57:08 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 5:57:08 PM] Hiding: 0,24,1920,1040
[Info | 5:57:13 PM] Fallback set game in focus
[Info | 5:57:15 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 5:57:15 PM] Hiding: 0,24,1920,1040
[Info | 5:57:15 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 5:57:15 PM] Hiding: 0,24,1920,1040
[Info | 5:57:15 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 5:57:15 PM] Hiding: 0,24,1920,1040
[Info | 5:57:15 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowFocus
[Info | 5:57:15 PM] Showing: 0,24,1920,1040
[Info | 5:57:16 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 5:57:16 PM] Hiding: 0,24,1920,1040
[Info | 5:57:16 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 5:57:16 PM] Hiding: 0,24,1920,1040
[Info | 5:57:18 PM] Fallback set game defocus
[Info | 5:57:18 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 5:57:18 PM] Hiding: 0,24,1920,1040
[Info | 5:57:18 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 5:57:18 PM] Hiding: 0,24,1920,1040
[Info | 5:57:22 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 5:57:22 PM] Hiding: 0,24,1920,1040
[Info | 5:57:22 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 5:57:22 PM] Hiding: 0,24,1920,1040
[Info | 5:57:22 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 5:57:22 PM] Hiding: 0,24,1920,1040
[Info | 5:57:22 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowFocus
[Info | 5:57:22 PM] Showing: 0,24,1920,1040
[Info | 5:57:32 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 5:57:32 PM] Hiding: 0,24,1920,1040
[Info | 5:57:32 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 5:57:32 PM] Hiding: 0,24,1920,1040
[Info | 5:57:32 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 5:57:32 PM] Hiding: 0,24,1920,1040
[Info | 5:57:32 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 5:57:32 PM] Hiding: 0,24,1920,1040
[Info | 5:57:33 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 5:57:33 PM] Hiding: 0,24,1920,1040
[Info | 5:57:33 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 5:57:33 PM] Hiding: 0,24,1920,1040
[Info | 5:57:33 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 5:57:33 PM] Hiding: 0,24,1920,1040
[Info | 5:57:33 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 5:57:33 PM] Hiding: 0,24,1920,1040
[Info | 5:57:37 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 5:57:37 PM] Hiding: 0,24,1920,1040
[Info | 5:57:37 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 5:57:37 PM] Hiding: 0,24,1920,1040
[Info | 5:57:38 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 5:57:38 PM] Hiding: 0,24,1920,1040
[Info | 5:57:38 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 5:57:38 PM] Hiding: 0,24,1920,1040
[Info | 5:57:38 PM] Fallback set game in focus
[Info | 5:57:39 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 5:57:39 PM] Hiding: 0,24,1920,1040
[Info | 5:57:39 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 5:57:39 PM] Hiding: 0,24,1920,1040
[Info | 5:57:40 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 5:57:40 PM] Hiding: 0,24,1920,1040
[Info | 5:57:40 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowFocus
[Info | 5:57:40 PM] Showing: 0,24,1920,1040
[Info | 5:57:43 PM] Fallback set game defocus
[Info | 5:57:48 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 5:57:48 PM] Hiding: 0,24,1920,1040
[Info | 5:57:48 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 5:57:48 PM] Hiding: 0,24,1920,1040
[Info | 5:57:49 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 5:57:49 PM] Hiding: 0,24,1920,1040
[Info | 5:57:49 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 5:57:49 PM] Hiding: 0,24,1920,1040
[Info | 5:57:49 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 5:57:49 PM] Hiding: 0,24,1920,1040
[Info | 5:57:49 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 5:57:49 PM] Hiding: 0,24,1920,1040
[Info | 5:57:50 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 5:57:50 PM] Hiding: 0,24,1920,1040
[Info | 5:57:50 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 5:57:50 PM] Hiding: 0,24,1920,1040
[Info | 5:57:53 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 5:57:53 PM] Hiding: 0,24,1920,1040
[Info | 5:57:53 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 5:57:53 PM] Hiding: 0,24,1920,1040
[Info | 5:57:53 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowFocus
[Info | 5:57:53 PM] Showing: 0,24,1920,1040
[Info | 5:57:54 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 5:57:54 PM] Hiding: 0,24,1920,1040
[Info | 5:57:54 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 5:57:54 PM] Hiding: 0,24,1920,1040
[Info | 5:57:55 PM] Window object destroyed: -- 329030
[Info | 5:57:55 PM] Game is closed
[Info | 5:57:55 PM] Fortnite exited.
[Info | 5:57:55 PM] [Game Status]: game/stopped - Fortnite[10cJzcPADb]
[Info | 5:57:55 PM] Stopping log reader.
[Info | 5:57:55 PM] Stopping periodic game extension jobs.
[Info | 5:57:55 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowFocus
[Info | 5:57:55 PM] Showing: 0,24,1920,1040
[Debug | 5:57:55 PM] game/stopped reply "ok"
[Info | 5:57:56 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 5:57:56 PM] Hiding: 0,24,1920,1040
[Info | 5:58:00 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 5:58:00 PM] Hiding: 0,24,1920,1040
[Info | 5:58:02 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 5:58:02 PM] Hiding: 0,24,1920,1040
[Info | 5:58:03 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 5:58:03 PM] Hiding: 0,24,1920,1040
[Info | 5:58:03 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 5:58:03 PM] Hiding: 0,24,1920,1040
[Info | 5:58:03 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 5:58:03 PM] Hiding: 0,24,1920,1040
[Info | 5:58:03 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 5:58:03 PM] Hiding: 0,24,1920,1040
[Info | 5:58:08 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 5:58:08 PM] Hiding: 0,24,1920,1040
[Info | 5:58:08 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 5:58:08 PM] Hiding: 0,24,1920,1040
[Info | 5:58:08 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 5:58:08 PM] Hiding: 0,24,1920,1040
[Info | 5:58:08 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 5:58:08 PM] Hiding: 0,24,1920,1040
[Info | 5:58:11 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 5:58:11 PM] Hiding: 0,24,1920,1040
[Info | 5:58:11 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 5:58:11 PM] Hiding: 0,24,1920,1040
[Info | 5:58:11 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 5:58:11 PM] Hiding: 0,24,1920,1040
[Info | 5:58:11 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 5:58:11 PM] Hiding: 0,24,1920,1040
[Info | 5:58:15 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 5:58:15 PM] Hiding: 0,24,1920,1040
[Info | 5:58:15 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 5:58:15 PM] Hiding: 0,24,1920,1040
[Info | 5:58:15 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowFocus
[Info | 5:58:15 PM] Showing: 0,24,1920,1040
[Info | 5:58:19 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 5:58:19 PM] Hiding: 0,24,1920,1040
[Info | 5:58:19 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 5:58:19 PM] Hiding: 0,24,1920,1040
[Info | 5:58:19 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 5:58:19 PM] Hiding: 0,24,1920,1040
[Info | 5:58:19 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 5:58:19 PM] Hiding: 0,24,1920,1040
[Info | 5:58:23 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 5:58:23 PM] Hiding: 0,24,1920,1040
[Info | 5:58:23 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 5:58:23 PM] Hiding: 0,24,1920,1040
[Info | 5:58:24 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 5:58:24 PM] Hiding: 0,24,1920,1040
[Info | 5:58:24 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 5:58:24 PM] Hiding: 0,24,1920,1040
[Info | 5:58:27 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowFocus
[Info | 5:58:27 PM] Showing: 0,24,1920,1040
[Info | 5:58:31 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 5:58:31 PM] Hiding: 0,24,1920,1040
[Info | 5:58:31 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 5:58:31 PM] Hiding: 0,24,1920,1040
[Info | 5:58:31 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 5:58:31 PM] Hiding: 0,24,1920,1040
[Info | 5:58:31 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 5:58:31 PM] Hiding: 0,24,1920,1040
[Info | 5:58:32 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 5:58:32 PM] Hiding: 0,24,1920,1040
[Info | 5:58:32 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 5:58:32 PM] Hiding: 0,24,1920,1040
[Info | 5:58:33 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 5:58:33 PM] Hiding: 0,24,1920,1040
[Info | 5:58:33 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 5:58:33 PM] Hiding: 0,24,1920,1040
[Info | 5:58:34 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 5:58:34 PM] Hiding: 0,24,1920,1040
[Info | 5:58:34 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 5:58:34 PM] Hiding: 0,24,1920,1040
[Info | 5:58:34 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 5:58:34 PM] Hiding: 0,24,1920,1040
[Info | 5:58:34 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 5:58:34 PM] Hiding: 0,24,1920,1040
[Info | 5:58:37 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 5:58:37 PM] Hiding: 0,24,1920,1040
[Info | 5:58:37 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 5:58:37 PM] Hiding: 0,24,1920,1040
[Info | 5:58:38 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 5:58:38 PM] Hiding: 0,24,1920,1040
[Info | 5:59:37 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 5:59:37 PM] Hiding: 0,24,1920,1040
[Info | 5:59:37 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 5:59:37 PM] Hiding: 0,24,1920,1040
[Info | 6:11:27 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 6:11:27 PM] Hiding: 0,24,1920,1040
[Info | 6:11:28 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 6:11:28 PM] Hiding: 0,24,1920,1040
[Info | 6:11:28 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 6:11:28 PM] Hiding: 0,24,1920,1040
[Info | 6:11:28 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 6:11:28 PM] Hiding: 0,24,1920,1040
[Info | 6:11:28 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 6:11:28 PM] Hiding: 0,24,1920,1040
[Info | 6:11:28 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 6:11:28 PM] Hiding: 0,24,1920,1040
[Info | 6:11:28 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 6:11:28 PM] Hiding: 0,24,1920,1040
[Info | 6:11:28 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 6:11:28 PM] Hiding: 0,24,1920,1040
[Info | 6:11:28 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 6:11:28 PM] Hiding: 0,24,1920,1040
[Info | 6:11:30 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 6:11:30 PM] Hiding: 0,24,1920,1040
[Info | 6:11:30 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 6:11:30 PM] Hiding: 0,24,1920,1040
[Info | 6:11:30 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 6:11:30 PM] Hiding: 0,24,1920,1040
[Info | 6:11:30 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 6:11:30 PM] Hiding: 0,24,1920,1040
[Info | 6:11:30 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 6:11:30 PM] Hiding: 0,24,1920,1040
[Info | 6:11:30 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 6:11:30 PM] Hiding: 0,24,1920,1040
[Info | 6:11:30 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 6:11:30 PM] Hiding: 0,24,1920,1040
[Info | 6:11:30 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 6:11:30 PM] Hiding: 0,24,1920,1040
[Info | 6:11:52 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 6:11:52 PM] Hiding: 0,24,1920,1040
[Info | 6:11:52 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 6:11:52 PM] Hiding: 0,24,1920,1040
[Info | 6:11:52 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 6:11:52 PM] Hiding: 0,24,1920,1040
[Info | 6:11:52 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 6:11:52 PM] Hiding: 0,24,1920,1040
[Info | 6:11:53 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 6:11:53 PM] Hiding: 0,24,1920,1040
[Info | 6:11:53 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 6:11:53 PM] Hiding: 0,24,1920,1040
[Info | 6:11:53 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 6:11:53 PM] Hiding: 0,24,1920,1040
[Info | 6:11:53 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 6:11:53 PM] Hiding: 0,24,1920,1040
[Info | 6:11:54 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 6:11:54 PM] Hiding: 0,24,1920,1040
[Info | 6:23:16 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 6:23:16 PM] Hiding: 0,24,1920,1040
[Info | 6:23:16 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 6:23:16 PM] Hiding: 0,24,1920,1040
[Info | 6:23:16 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 6:23:16 PM] Hiding: 0,24,1920,1040
[Info | 6:23:16 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 6:23:16 PM] Hiding: 0,24,1920,1040
[Info | 6:25:18 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 6:25:18 PM] Hiding: 0,24,1920,1040
[Info | 6:25:18 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 6:25:18 PM] Hiding: 0,24,1920,1040
[Info | 6:25:18 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 6:25:18 PM] Hiding: 0,24,1920,1040
[Info | 6:25:18 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 6:25:18 PM] Hiding: 0,24,1920,1040
[Info | 6:27:29 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 6:27:29 PM] Hiding: 0,24,1920,1040
[Info | 6:27:29 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 6:27:29 PM] Hiding: 0,24,1920,1040
[Info | 6:27:29 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 6:27:29 PM] Hiding: 0,24,1920,1040
[Info | 6:27:29 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 6:27:29 PM] Hiding: 0,24,1920,1040
[Info | 6:27:50 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowFocus
[Info | 6:27:50 PM] Showing: 0,24,1920,1040
[Info | 6:28:05 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 6:28:05 PM] Hiding: 0,24,1920,1040
[Info | 6:28:05 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 6:28:05 PM] Hiding: 0,24,1920,1040
[Info | 6:28:05 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 6:28:05 PM] Hiding: 0,24,1920,1040
[Info | 6:28:05 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 6:28:05 PM] Hiding: 0,24,1920,1040
[Info | 6:28:51 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowFocus
[Info | 6:28:51 PM] Showing: 0,24,1920,1040
[Info | 6:29:05 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 6:29:05 PM] Hiding: 0,24,1920,1040
[Info | 6:29:05 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 6:29:05 PM] Hiding: 0,24,1920,1040
[Info | 6:29:05 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 6:29:05 PM] Hiding: 0,24,1920,1040
[Info | 6:29:05 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 6:29:05 PM] Hiding: 0,24,1920,1040
[Info | 6:29:10 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 6:29:10 PM] Hiding: 0,24,1920,1040
[Info | 6:29:10 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 6:29:10 PM] Hiding: 0,24,1920,1040
[Info | 6:29:10 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 6:29:10 PM] Hiding: 0,24,1920,1040
[Info | 6:29:10 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowFocus
[Info | 6:29:10 PM] Showing: 0,24,1920,1040
[Info | 6:29:37 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 6:29:37 PM] Hiding: 0,24,1920,1040
[Info | 6:29:37 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 6:29:37 PM] Hiding: 0,24,1920,1040
[Info | 6:29:37 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 6:29:37 PM] Hiding: 0,24,1920,1040
[Info | 6:29:37 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 6:29:37 PM] Hiding: 0,24,1920,1040
[Info | 6:29:43 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 6:29:43 PM] Hiding: 0,24,1920,1040
[Info | 6:29:43 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 6:29:43 PM] Hiding: 0,24,1920,1040
[Info | 6:29:43 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 6:29:43 PM] Hiding: 0,24,1920,1040
[Info | 6:29:43 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowFocus
[Info | 6:29:43 PM] Showing: 0,24,1920,1040
[Info | 6:29:49 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 6:29:49 PM] Hiding: 0,24,1920,1040
[Info | 6:29:49 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 6:29:49 PM] Hiding: 0,24,1920,1040
[Info | 6:29:49 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 6:29:49 PM] Hiding: 0,24,1920,1040
[Info | 6:29:49 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 6:29:49 PM] Hiding: 0,24,1920,1040
[Info | 6:29:53 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 6:29:53 PM] Hiding: 0,24,1920,1040
[Info | 6:29:54 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 6:29:54 PM] Hiding: 0,24,1920,1040
[Info | 6:29:54 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowFocus
[Info | 6:29:54 PM] Showing: 0,24,1920,1040
[Info | 6:29:55 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 6:29:55 PM] Hiding: 0,24,1920,1040
[Info | 6:29:56 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 6:29:56 PM] Hiding: 0,24,1920,1040
[Info | 6:29:58 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowFocus
[Info | 6:29:58 PM] Showing: 0,24,1920,1040
[Info | 6:29:58 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 6:29:58 PM] Hiding: 0,24,1920,1040
[Info | 6:29:58 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 6:29:58 PM] Hiding: 0,24,1920,1040
[Info | 6:29:59 PM] [ESM Event] - WindowCaptureSetMonitor
[Info | 6:29:59 PM] Screen: 0
[Info | 6:29:59 PM] [ESM Event] - WindowCaptureMoved
[Info | 6:29:59 PM] Capture area is 0,0,1920,1080
[Info | 6:30:02 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 6:30:02 PM] Hiding: 0,0,1920,1080
[Info | 6:30:03 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 6:30:03 PM] Hiding: 0,0,1920,1080
[Info | 6:30:05 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 6:30:05 PM] Hiding: 0,0,1920,1080
[Info | 6:30:05 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 6:30:05 PM] Hiding: 0,0,1920,1080
[Info | 6:30:06 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 6:30:06 PM] Hiding: 0,0,1920,1080
[Info | 6:30:06 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowFocus
[Info | 6:30:06 PM] Showing: 0,0,1920,1080
[Info | 6:30:07 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 6:30:07 PM] Hiding: 0,0,1920,1080
[Info | 6:30:07 PM] Window is moving, fallback canceled
[Info | 6:30:08 PM] [ESM Event] - WindowCaptureSetMonitor
[Info | 6:30:08 PM] Screen: 0
[Info | 6:30:08 PM] [ESM Event] - WindowCaptureMoved
[Info | 6:30:08 PM] Capture area is 0,24,1920,1040
[Info | 6:30:08 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowFocus
[Info | 6:30:08 PM] Showing: 0,24,1920,1040
[Info | 6:30:08 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 6:30:08 PM] Hiding: 0,24,1920,1040
[Info | 6:30:08 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 6:30:08 PM] Hiding: 0,24,1920,1040
[Info | 6:30:08 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 6:30:08 PM] Hiding: 0,24,1920,1040
[Info | 6:30:08 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 6:30:08 PM] Hiding: 0,24,1920,1040
[Info | 6:30:09 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 6:30:09 PM] Hiding: 0,24,1920,1040
[Info | 6:30:09 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 6:30:09 PM] Hiding: 0,24,1920,1040
[Info | 6:30:11 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 6:30:11 PM] Hiding: 0,24,1920,1040
[Info | 6:30:11 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 6:30:11 PM] Hiding: 0,24,1920,1040
[Info | 6:30:13 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowFocus
[Info | 6:30:13 PM] Showing: 0,24,1920,1040
[Info | 6:30:17 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 6:30:17 PM] Hiding: 0,24,1920,1040
[Info | 6:30:20 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 6:30:20 PM] Hiding: 0,24,1920,1040
[Info | 6:30:21 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 6:30:21 PM] Hiding: 0,24,1920,1040
[Info | 6:30:22 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 6:30:22 PM] Hiding: 0,24,1920,1040
[Info | 6:30:22 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 6:30:22 PM] Hiding: 0,24,1920,1040
[Info | 6:30:23 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 6:30:23 PM] Hiding: 0,24,1920,1040
[Info | 6:30:23 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 6:30:23 PM] Hiding: 0,24,1920,1040
[Info | 6:30:23 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 6:30:23 PM] Hiding: 0,24,1920,1040
[Info | 6:30:23 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 6:30:23 PM] Hiding: 0,24,1920,1040
[Info | 6:30:26 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 6:30:26 PM] Hiding: 0,24,1920,1040
[Info | 6:30:26 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 6:30:26 PM] Hiding: 0,24,1920,1040
[Info | 6:30:26 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 6:30:26 PM] Hiding: 0,24,1920,1040
[Info | 6:30:26 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 6:30:26 PM] Hiding: 0,24,1920,1040
[Info | 6:30:30 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 6:30:30 PM] Hiding: 0,24,1920,1040
[Info | 6:30:30 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 6:30:30 PM] Hiding: 0,24,1920,1040
[Info | 6:30:30 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 6:30:30 PM] Hiding: 0,24,1920,1040
[Info | 6:30:30 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 6:30:30 PM] Hiding: 0,24,1920,1040
[Info | 6:31:57 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 6:31:57 PM] Hiding: 0,24,1920,1040
[Info | 6:31:58 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 6:31:58 PM] Hiding: 0,24,1920,1040
[Info | 6:31:59 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 6:31:59 PM] Hiding: 0,24,1920,1040
[Info | 6:32:07 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 6:32:07 PM] Hiding: 0,24,1920,1040
[Info | 6:32:09 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 6:32:09 PM] Hiding: 0,24,1920,1040
[Info | 6:32:09 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 6:32:09 PM] Hiding: 0,24,1920,1040
[Info | 6:32:19 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 6:32:19 PM] Hiding: 0,24,1920,1040
[Info | 6:32:20 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 6:32:20 PM] Hiding: 0,24,1920,1040
[Info | 6:32:28 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 6:32:28 PM] Hiding: 0,24,1920,1040
[Info | 6:32:32 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 6:32:32 PM] Hiding: 0,24,1920,1040
[Info | 6:32:38 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 6:32:38 PM] Hiding: 0,24,1920,1040
[Info | 6:32:42 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 6:32:42 PM] Hiding: 0,24,1920,1040
[Info | 6:32:42 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 6:32:42 PM] Hiding: 0,24,1920,1040
[Info | 6:32:43 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 6:32:43 PM] Hiding: 0,24,1920,1040
[Info | 6:32:44 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 6:32:44 PM] Hiding: 0,24,1920,1040
[Info | 6:32:44 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 6:32:44 PM] Hiding: 0,24,1920,1040
[Info | 6:32:45 PM] Game Found Type 1: Fortnite
[Info | 6:32:45 PM] Process name found FortniteClient-Win64-Shipping | Caption |
Fortnite | and class | UnrealWindow | Detect all Games | False
[Info | 6:32:45 PM] Game found FortniteClient-Win64-Shipping Handle: 919102
[Info | 6:32:45 PM] Monitor: 65537 Current DPI: 96, 96
[Info | 6:32:45 PM] Setting up window hooks
[Info | 6:32:45 PM] Window hooks complete
[Info | 6:32:45 PM] Active game initialized Fortnite
[Info | 6:32:45 PM] [Game Status]: game/started - Fortnite[10cJzcPADb]
[Info | 6:32:45 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 6:32:45 PM] Hiding: 0,24,1920,1040
[Info | 6:32:45 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 6:32:45 PM] Hiding: 0,24,1920,1040
[Info | 6:32:45 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 6:32:45 PM] Hiding: 0,24,1920,1040
[Info | 6:32:45 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 6:32:45 PM] Hiding: 0,24,1920,1040
[Debug | 6:32:46 PM] game/started reply "ok"
[Info | 6:32:46 PM] Notification message received
[Info | 6:32:46 PM] job.respond c03e7e5a-cb1d-40b9-8ecf-58094710da34
[Debug | 6:32:46 PM] job.respond "ok"
[Info | 6:32:47 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 6:32:47 PM] Hiding: 0,24,1920,1040
[Info | 6:32:49 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 6:32:49 PM] Hiding: 0,24,1920,1040
[Info | 6:32:50 PM] Fallback set game defocus
[Info | 6:32:50 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 6:32:50 PM] Hiding: 0,24,1920,1040
[Info | 6:32:50 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 6:32:50 PM] Hiding: 0,24,1920,1040
[Info | 6:32:51 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 6:32:51 PM] Hiding: 0,24,1920,1040
[Info | 6:32:52 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 6:32:52 PM] Hiding: 0,24,1920,1040
[Info | 6:32:52 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 6:32:52 PM] Hiding: 0,24,1920,1040
[Info | 6:32:53 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 6:32:53 PM] Hiding: 0,24,1920,1040
[Info | 6:32:53 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 6:32:53 PM] Hiding: 0,24,1920,1040
[Info | 6:32:54 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 6:32:54 PM] Hiding: 0,24,1920,1040
[Info | 6:32:54 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 6:32:54 PM] Hiding: 0,24,1920,1040
[Info | 6:32:57 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 6:32:57 PM] Hiding: 0,24,1920,1040
[Info | 6:32:57 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 6:32:57 PM] Hiding: 0,24,1920,1040
[Info | 6:33:00 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 6:33:00 PM] Hiding: 0,24,1920,1040
[Info | 6:33:15 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 6:33:15 PM] Hiding: 0,24,1920,1040
[Info | 6:33:16 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 6:33:16 PM] Hiding: 0,24,1920,1040
[Info | 6:33:16 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 6:33:16 PM] Hiding: 0,24,1920,1040
[Info | 6:33:22 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 6:33:22 PM] Hiding: 0,24,1920,1040
[Info | 6:33:24 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 6:33:24 PM] Hiding: 0,24,1920,1040
[Info | 6:33:24 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 6:33:24 PM] Hiding: 0,24,1920,1040
[Info | 6:33:24 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 6:33:24 PM] Hiding: 0,24,1920,1040
[Info | 6:33:24 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 6:33:24 PM] Hiding: 0,24,1920,1040
[Info | 6:33:27 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 6:33:27 PM] Hiding: 0,24,1920,1040
[Info | 6:33:27 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 6:33:27 PM] Hiding: 0,24,1920,1040
[Info | 6:33:27 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 6:33:27 PM] Hiding: 0,24,1920,1040
[Info | 6:33:27 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 6:33:27 PM] Hiding: 0,24,1920,1040
[Info | 6:33:30 PM] Fallback set game in focus
[Info | 6:33:52 PM] FortniteClient-Win64-Shipping has been in focus for over 20
seconds. Switching recording.
[Info | 6:33:52 PM] Switching recording to FortniteClient-Win64-Shipping
[Info | 6:33:52 PM] Alerting Electron of switching game
[Info | 6:33:52 PM] Stop recording game Discord
[Info | 6:33:52 PM] recordingstopped
[Info | 6:33:52 PM] recordingstarted 10cJzcPADb - Fortnite
[Info | 6:33:52 PM] Start recording game Fortnite
[Debug | 6:33:52 PM] GameSwitched reply "ok"
[Info | 6:33:52 PM] [ESM Event] - GameFound
[Debug | 6:33:52 PM] recordingstopped reply "ok"
[Debug | 6:33:52 PM] recordingstarted reply "ok"
[Info | 6:33:52 PM] Stopped Filter
[Info | 6:33:52 PM] [Game Status]: capture/stopped - Discord[5]
[Info | 6:33:52 PM] Stopping window capture...
[Debug | 6:33:52 PM] capture/stopped reply "ok"
[Info | 6:33:52 PM] Window capture stopped.
[Info | 6:33:52 PM] Mic disabled
[Info | 6:33:52 PM] Keyboard hook detached
[Info | 6:33:52 PM] ControllerManager stopping...
[Info | 6:33:52 PM] ControllerManager: PollInput stopped.
[Info | 6:33:52 PM] ControllerManager stopped.
[Info | 6:33:52 PM] ----[ESM State]: OBSInjectionState----
[Info | 6:33:52 PM] Process detected as: 64 Bit
[Info | 6:33:52 PM] Attempting to hook... [0]
[Info | 6:33:52 PM] Starting log reader.
[Info | 6:33:52 PM] [OBS-Log] graphics-hook.dll loaded against process:
[Info | 6:33:52 PM] [OBS-Log] (half life scientist) everything.. seems to be in
[Info | 6:33:52 PM] [OBS-Log] [INFO] [MAIN] Overlay init starting.
[Info | 6:33:56 PM] [d3d8]
[Info | 6:33:56 PM] Audio mode: 0
[Info | 6:33:56 PM] AdvOverlay: 0
[Info | 6:33:56 PM] [ESM Event] - GameCaptureStart
[Info | 6:33:56 PM] ICYMI initializing. Config Enabled: True - Settings Enabled:
[Info | 6:33:56 PM] ----[ESM State]: GameCapture----
[Info | 6:33:56 PM] [Game Status]: capture/started - Fortnite[10cJzcPADb]
[Info | 6:33:56 PM] Started Filter
[Debug | 6:33:56 PM] capture/started reply "ok"
[Info | 6:33:56 PM] [OBS-Log] Hooked ID3D12CommandQueue::ExecuteCommandLists
[Info | 6:33:56 PM] [OBS-Log] Hooked D3D12
[Info | 6:33:56 PM] [OBS-Log] Hooked D3D9
[Info | 6:33:56 PM] [OBS-Log] Hooked IDXGISwapChain::Present
[Info | 6:33:56 PM] [OBS-Log] Hooked IDXGISwapChain::ResizeBuffers
[Info | 6:33:56 PM] [OBS-Log] Hooked IDXGISwapChain1::Present1
[Info | 6:33:56 PM] [OBS-Log] Hooked IDXGISwapChain::Release
[Info | 6:33:56 PM] Free shared texture resources
[Info | 6:33:56 PM] Shared texture resources freed
[Info | 6:33:56 PM] [OBS-Log] Hooked DXGI
[Info | 6:33:56 PM] [OBS-Log] Found D3D11 11.0 device on swap chain
[Info | 6:33:56 PM] Hook data extracted
[Info | 6:33:56 PM] [OBS-Log] d3d11 shared texture capture successful
[Info | 6:33:56 PM] Looking for adapter with LUID: 42474
[Info | 6:33:56 PM] Found adapter: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1660 Ti
[Info | 6:33:56 PM] [OBS-Log] ----------------- d3d11 capture freed
[Info | 6:33:56 PM] [OBS-Log] d3d11 shared texture capture successful
[Info | 6:33:56 PM] IncreaseFrameLatency success
[Info | 6:33:56 PM] SetGPUPriority result: 3
[Info | 6:33:56 PM] mapId 1
[Info | 6:33:56 PM] [OBSCaptureState] Shared texture capture failed attempt 1.
Unable to find the specified file.
[Info | 6:33:57 PM] Free shared texture resources
[Info | 6:33:57 PM] Shared texture resources freed
[Info | 6:33:57 PM] Hook data extracted
[Info | 6:33:57 PM] Looking for adapter with LUID: 42474
[Info | 6:33:57 PM] Found adapter: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1660 Ti
[Info | 6:33:58 PM] IncreaseFrameLatency success
[Info | 6:33:58 PM] SetGPUPriority result: 3
[Info | 6:33:58 PM] mapId 2
[Info | 6:33:58 PM] [+] Texture Mapped file accessed.
[Info | 6:33:58 PM] [OBSCaptureState] Shared texture success. Handle: 3221226562
Format: R10G10B10A2_UNorm
[Info | 6:33:58 PM] [OBSCaptureState] DX Version: 11
[Info | 6:33:58 PM] Input Resolution: 1920x1040 - AR: eMST_LetterBox
[Warning | 6:33:58 PM] Resolution dimensions corrected!
[Info | 6:33:58 PM] Output Resolution: 1280x-694
[Info | 6:33:58 PM] Frame factory initialized on device Auto, LUID:42474
[Info | 6:33:58 PM] Output Mode: Clip Output
[Info | 6:33:58 PM] codecName- n264, fcc type- eMFCC_NV12
[Info | 6:33:58 PM] Memory buffer size (MB): 75
[Info | 6:33:58 PM] Recording mic: True
[Info | 6:33:58 PM] Setup Mic Audio
[Info | 6:33:58 PM] Mic device set. Audio name:Micrófono de los auriculares con
micrófono (Plantronics Blackwire 3225 Series), Index:1, SampleRate:48000,
Channels:2, BitsPerSample:-32
[Info | 6:33:58 PM] Mic noise suppression set: False
[Info | 6:33:58 PM] Mic noise gate set: False, Threshold: -100
[Info | 6:33:58 PM] Setup Loopback Audio
[Info | 6:33:58 PM] Default device is Audífono de los auriculares con micrófono
(Plantronics Blackwire 3225 Series)
[Info | 6:33:58 PM] Audio device set. Audio name:Audífono de los auriculares con
micrófono (Plantronics Blackwire 3225 Series), Index:0, SampleRate:48000,
Channels:2, BitsPerSample:-32
[Info | 6:33:58 PM] Cursor image was loaded from the game
[Info | 6:33:58 PM] ControllerManager starting...
[Info | 6:33:58 PM] Check for input devices
[Info | 6:33:58 PM] Keyboard hook started F12
[Info | 6:33:58 PM] ControllerManager started.
[Info | 6:33:58 PM] MedalWriter started. Bitrate: 10M
[Info | 6:33:58 PM] First video data portion from the hook
[Info | 6:33:58 PM] Free shared texture resources
[Info | 6:33:58 PM] Shared texture resources freed
[Info | 6:33:58 PM] Hook data extracted
[Info | 6:33:58 PM] Looking for adapter with LUID: 42474
[Info | 6:33:58 PM] Found adapter: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1660 Ti
[Info | 6:33:58 PM] IncreaseFrameLatency success
[Info | 6:33:58 PM] SetGPUPriority result: 3
[Info | 6:33:58 PM] mapId 2
[Info | 6:33:58 PM] [+] Texture Mapped file accessed.
[Info | 6:33:58 PM] [OBSCaptureState] Shared texture success. Handle: 3221226562
Format: R10G10B10A2_UNorm
[Info | 6:33:58 PM] [OBSCaptureState] DX Version: 11
[Info | 6:33:58 PM] Input Resolution: 1920x1040 - AR: eMST_LetterBox
[Warning | 6:33:58 PM] Resolution dimensions corrected!
[Info | 6:33:58 PM] Output Resolution: 1280x-694
[Info | 6:33:58 PM] Audio device (eMFDT_ExtAudio) System volume: 5
[Info | 6:33:58 PM] Set sound gain {0},{0},{1},{1} - 1.4 - 0
[Info | 6:33:58 PM] Audio config- 2,3 - 0,1 | tracksplitbits - 1010 | mix channels
- 0+2,1+3
[Info | 6:34:01 PM] Active game GameRecordingSuccessfullyStarted Unknown
[Info | 6:34:01 PM] Using standard overlay.
[Info | 6:34:01 PM] Starting DirectX overlay for Fortnite
[Info | 6:34:04 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 7:01:19 PM] 225 logs of- [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 7:01:19 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowFocus
[Info | 7:01:20 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 7:01:21 PM] 1 logs of- [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 7:01:21 PM] [ESM Event] - WindowCaptureSetMonitor
[Info | 7:01:21 PM] [ESM Event] - WindowCaptureMoved
[Info | 7:01:22 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 7:01:24 PM] 1 logs of- [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 7:01:24 PM] Fallback set game in focus
[Info | 7:01:27 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 7:01:29 PM] 5 logs of- [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 7:01:29 PM] Fallback set game defocus
[Info | 7:01:29 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 7:01:49 PM] 6 logs of- [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 7:01:49 PM] Fallback set game in focus
[Info | 7:02:01 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 7:02:04 PM] 3 logs of- [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 7:02:04 PM] Fallback set game defocus
[Info | 7:02:12 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 7:03:55 PM] 3 logs of- [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 7:03:55 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowFocus
[Info | 7:03:55 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 7:03:56 PM] Window is moving, fallback canceled
[Info | 7:03:56 PM] [ESM Event] - WindowCaptureSetMonitor
[Info | 7:03:56 PM] [ESM Event] - WindowCaptureMoved
[Info | 7:03:56 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowFocus
[Info | 7:04:57 PM] Detected Fortnite MatchID: c57a5118e76f48e990944596c7d7781b
[Info | 7:05:07 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 7:05:09 PM] Fallback set game in focus
[Info | 7:05:11 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowFocus
[Info | 7:05:14 PM] Fallback set game defocus
[Info | 7:07:59 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 7:08:04 PM] 4 logs of- [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 7:08:04 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowFocus
[Info | 7:08:05 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 7:08:23 PM] 6 logs of- [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 7:08:23 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowFocus
[Info | 7:08:26 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 7:08:57 PM] 3 logs of- [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 7:08:57 PM] Detected Fortnite MatchID: e5df8f9d74174feebcdfeba29cb22a01
[Info | 7:09:29 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 7:09:29 PM] 2 logs of- [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 7:09:29 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowFocus
[Info | 7:09:47 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 7:09:47 PM] [OBS-Log] ----------------- d3d11 capture freed
[Info | 7:09:48 PM] [OBS-Log] Found D3D11 11.0 device on swap chain
[Info | 7:09:48 PM] [OBS-Log] d3d11 shared texture capture successful
[Info | 7:09:48 PM] Free shared texture resources
[Info | 7:09:48 PM] Shared texture resources freed
[Info | 7:09:48 PM] Hook data extracted
[Info | 7:09:48 PM] Looking for adapter with LUID: 42474
[Info | 7:09:48 PM] Found adapter: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1660 Ti
[Info | 7:09:48 PM] IncreaseFrameLatency success
[Info | 7:09:48 PM] SetGPUPriority result: 3
[Info | 7:09:48 PM] mapId 3
[Info | 7:09:48 PM] [+] Texture Mapped file accessed.
[Info | 7:09:48 PM] [OBSCaptureState] Shared texture success. Handle: 2147490050
Format: R10G10B10A2_UNorm
[Info | 7:09:48 PM] [OBSCaptureState] DX Version: 11
[Info | 7:09:48 PM] Input Resolution: 1920x1080 - AR: eMST_LetterBox
[Info | 7:09:48 PM] Output Resolution: 1280x-720
[Info | 7:09:48 PM] [OBS-Log] ----------------- d3d11 capture freed
[Info | 7:09:48 PM] [OBS-Log] Found D3D11 11.0 device on swap chain
[Info | 7:09:48 PM] [OBS-Log] d3d11 shared texture capture successful
[Info | 7:09:48 PM] Free shared texture resources
[Info | 7:09:48 PM] Shared texture resources freed
[Info | 7:09:48 PM] Hook data extracted
[Info | 7:09:48 PM] Looking for adapter with LUID: 42474
[Info | 7:09:48 PM] Found adapter: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1660 Ti
[Info | 7:09:48 PM] IncreaseFrameLatency success
[Info | 7:09:48 PM] SetGPUPriority result: 3
[Info | 7:09:48 PM] mapId 4
[Info | 7:09:48 PM] [+] Texture Mapped file accessed.
[Info | 7:09:48 PM] [OBSCaptureState] Shared texture success. Handle: 1073756546
Format: R10G10B10A2_UNorm
[Info | 7:09:48 PM] [OBSCaptureState] DX Version: 11
[Info | 7:09:48 PM] Input Resolution: 1920x1040 - AR: eMST_LetterBox
[Warning | 7:09:48 PM] Resolution dimensions corrected!
[Info | 7:09:48 PM] Output Resolution: 1280x-694
[Info | 7:09:49 PM] [ESM Event] - WindowCaptureSetMonitor
[Info | 7:09:49 PM] [ESM Event] - WindowCaptureMoved
[Info | 7:09:49 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowResize
[Info | 7:09:49 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowFocus
[Info | 7:09:51 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 7:09:51 PM] [OBS-Log] ----------------- d3d11 capture freed
[Info | 7:09:51 PM] [OBS-Log] Found D3D11 11.0 device on swap chain
[Info | 7:09:51 PM] [OBS-Log] d3d11 shared texture capture successful
[Info | 7:09:51 PM] Free shared texture resources
[Info | 7:09:51 PM] Shared texture resources freed
[Info | 7:09:51 PM] Hook data extracted
[Info | 7:09:51 PM] Looking for adapter with LUID: 42474
[Info | 7:09:51 PM] Found adapter: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1660 Ti
[Info | 7:09:51 PM] IncreaseFrameLatency success
[Info | 7:09:51 PM] SetGPUPriority result: 3
[Info | 7:09:51 PM] mapId 5
[Info | 7:09:51 PM] [+] Texture Mapped file accessed.
[Info | 7:09:51 PM] [OBSCaptureState] Shared texture success. Handle: 2147493634
Format: R10G10B10A2_UNorm
[Info | 7:09:51 PM] [OBSCaptureState] DX Version: 11
[Info | 7:09:51 PM] Input Resolution: 1920x1080 - AR: eMST_LetterBox
[Info | 7:09:51 PM] Output Resolution: 1280x-720
[Info | 7:09:52 PM] Window is moving, fallback canceled
[Info | 7:09:52 PM] [ESM Event] - WindowCaptureSetMonitor
[Info | 7:09:52 PM] [ESM Event] - WindowCaptureMoved
[Info | 7:09:52 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowResize
[Info | 7:09:52 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowFocus
[Info | 7:16:15 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 7:16:18 PM] 11 logs of- [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 7:16:18 PM] [OBS-Log] ----------------- d3d11 capture freed
[Info | 7:16:18 PM] [OBS-Log] Found D3D11 11.0 device on swap chain
[Info | 7:16:18 PM] [OBS-Log] d3d11 shared texture capture successful
[Info | 7:16:18 PM] Free shared texture resources
[Info | 7:16:18 PM] Shared texture resources freed
[Info | 7:16:18 PM] Hook data extracted
[Info | 7:16:18 PM] Looking for adapter with LUID: 42474
[Info | 7:16:18 PM] Found adapter: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1660 Ti
[Info | 7:16:18 PM] IncreaseFrameLatency success
[Info | 7:16:18 PM] SetGPUPriority result: 3
[Info | 7:16:18 PM] mapId 6
[Info | 7:16:18 PM] [+] Texture Mapped file accessed.
[Info | 7:16:18 PM] [OBSCaptureState] Shared texture success. Handle: 1073752898
Format: R10G10B10A2_UNorm
[Info | 7:16:18 PM] [OBSCaptureState] DX Version: 11
[Info | 7:16:18 PM] Input Resolution: 1920x1080 - AR: eMST_LetterBox
[Info | 7:16:18 PM] Output Resolution: 1280x-720
[Info | 7:16:19 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 7:16:19 PM] 2 logs of- [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 7:16:19 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowFocus
[Info | 7:16:19 PM] [OBS-Log] ----------------- d3d11 capture freed
[Info | 7:16:19 PM] [OBS-Log] Found D3D11 11.0 device on swap chain
[Info | 7:16:19 PM] [OBS-Log] d3d11 shared texture capture successful
[Info | 7:16:19 PM] Free shared texture resources
[Info | 7:16:19 PM] Shared texture resources freed
[Info | 7:16:19 PM] Hook data extracted
[Info | 7:16:19 PM] Looking for adapter with LUID: 42474
[Info | 7:16:19 PM] Found adapter: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1660 Ti
[Info | 7:16:19 PM] IncreaseFrameLatency success
[Info | 7:16:19 PM] SetGPUPriority result: 3
[Info | 7:16:19 PM] mapId 7
[Info | 7:16:19 PM] [+] Texture Mapped file accessed.
[Info | 7:16:19 PM] [OBSCaptureState] Shared texture success. Handle: 1073757058
Format: R10G10B10A2_UNorm
[Info | 7:16:19 PM] [OBSCaptureState] DX Version: 11
[Info | 7:16:19 PM] Input Resolution: 1920x1080 - AR: eMST_LetterBox
[Info | 7:16:19 PM] Output Resolution: 1280x-720
[Info | 7:16:20 PM] [ESM Event] - WindowCaptureSetMonitor
[Info | 7:16:20 PM] [ESM Event] - WindowCaptureMoved
[Info | 7:16:20 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowResize
[Info | 7:16:20 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowFocus
[Info | 7:16:26 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 7:16:26 PM] 1 logs of- [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 7:16:26 PM] [OBS-Log] ----------------- d3d11 capture freed
[Info | 7:16:26 PM] [OBS-Log] Found D3D11 11.0 device on swap chain
[Info | 7:16:26 PM] [OBS-Log] d3d11 shared texture capture successful
[Info | 7:16:26 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 7:16:26 PM] Free shared texture resources
[Info | 7:16:26 PM] Shared texture resources freed
[Info | 7:16:26 PM] Hook data extracted
[Info | 7:16:26 PM] Looking for adapter with LUID: 42474
[Info | 7:16:26 PM] Found adapter: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1660 Ti
[Info | 7:16:26 PM] IncreaseFrameLatency success
[Info | 7:16:26 PM] SetGPUPriority result: 3
[Info | 7:16:26 PM] mapId 8
[Info | 7:16:26 PM] [+] Texture Mapped file accessed.
[Info | 7:16:26 PM] [OBSCaptureState] Shared texture success. Handle: 3221226626
Format: R10G10B10A2_UNorm
[Info | 7:16:26 PM] [OBSCaptureState] DX Version: 11
[Info | 7:16:26 PM] Input Resolution: 1920x1080 - AR: eMST_LetterBox
[Info | 7:16:26 PM] Output Resolution: 1280x-720
[Info | 7:16:26 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 7:16:27 PM] 1 logs of- [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 7:16:27 PM] [ESM Event] - WindowCaptureSetMonitor
[Info | 7:16:27 PM] [ESM Event] - WindowCaptureMoved
[Info | 7:16:27 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowResize
[Info | 7:16:29 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 7:16:29 PM] 2 logs of- [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 7:16:29 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowFocus
[Info | 7:16:29 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 7:16:29 PM] [OBS-Log] ----------------- d3d11 capture freed
[Info | 7:16:29 PM] [OBS-Log] Found D3D11 11.0 device on swap chain
[Info | 7:16:29 PM] [OBS-Log] d3d11 shared texture capture successful
[Info | 7:16:29 PM] Free shared texture resources
[Info | 7:16:29 PM] Shared texture resources freed
[Info | 7:16:29 PM] Hook data extracted
[Info | 7:16:29 PM] Looking for adapter with LUID: 42474
[Info | 7:16:29 PM] Found adapter: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1660 Ti
[Info | 7:16:29 PM] IncreaseFrameLatency success
[Info | 7:16:29 PM] SetGPUPriority result: 3
[Info | 7:16:29 PM] mapId 9
[Info | 7:16:29 PM] [+] Texture Mapped file accessed.
[Info | 7:16:29 PM] [OBSCaptureState] Shared texture success. Handle: 2147486978
Format: R10G10B10A2_UNorm
[Info | 7:16:29 PM] [OBSCaptureState] DX Version: 11
[Info | 7:16:29 PM] Input Resolution: 1920x1080 - AR: eMST_LetterBox
[Info | 7:16:29 PM] Output Resolution: 1280x-720
[Info | 7:16:30 PM] [ESM Event] - WindowCaptureSetMonitor
[Info | 7:16:30 PM] [ESM Event] - WindowCaptureMoved
[Info | 7:16:30 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowResize
[Info | 7:16:30 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowFocus
[Info | 7:16:31 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 7:16:31 PM] 2 logs of- [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 7:16:31 PM] [OBS-Log] ----------------- d3d11 capture freed
[Info | 7:16:31 PM] [OBS-Log] Found D3D11 11.0 device on swap chain
[Info | 7:16:31 PM] [OBS-Log] d3d11 shared texture capture successful
[Info | 7:16:31 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 7:16:31 PM] 1 logs of- [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 7:16:31 PM] Free shared texture resources
[Info | 7:16:31 PM] Shared texture resources freed
[Info | 7:16:31 PM] Hook data extracted
[Info | 7:16:31 PM] Looking for adapter with LUID: 42474
[Info | 7:16:31 PM] Found adapter: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1660 Ti
[Info | 7:16:31 PM] IncreaseFrameLatency success
[Info | 7:16:31 PM] SetGPUPriority result: 3
[Info | 7:16:31 PM] mapId 10
[Info | 7:16:31 PM] [+] Texture Mapped file accessed.
[Info | 7:16:31 PM] [OBSCaptureState] Shared texture success. Handle: 2147491330
Format: R10G10B10A2_UNorm
[Info | 7:16:31 PM] [OBSCaptureState] DX Version: 11
[Info | 7:16:31 PM] Input Resolution: 1920x1080 - AR: eMST_LetterBox
[Info | 7:16:31 PM] Output Resolution: 1280x-720
[Info | 7:16:32 PM] [ESM Event] - WindowCaptureSetMonitor
[Info | 7:16:32 PM] [ESM Event] - WindowCaptureMoved
[Info | 7:16:32 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowResize
[Info | 7:16:43 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 7:16:43 PM] 2 logs of- [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 7:16:43 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowFocus
[Info | 7:16:43 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 7:16:43 PM] [OBS-Log] ----------------- d3d11 capture freed
[Info | 7:16:43 PM] [OBS-Log] Found D3D11 11.0 device on swap chain
[Info | 7:16:43 PM] [OBS-Log] d3d11 shared texture capture successful
[Info | 7:16:43 PM] Free shared texture resources
[Info | 7:16:43 PM] Shared texture resources freed
[Info | 7:16:43 PM] Hook data extracted
[Info | 7:16:43 PM] Looking for adapter with LUID: 42474
[Info | 7:16:43 PM] Found adapter: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1660 Ti
[Info | 7:16:43 PM] IncreaseFrameLatency success
[Info | 7:16:43 PM] SetGPUPriority result: 3
[Info | 7:16:43 PM] mapId 11
[Info | 7:16:43 PM] [+] Texture Mapped file accessed.
[Info | 7:16:43 PM] [OBSCaptureState] Shared texture success. Handle: 1073745410
Format: R10G10B10A2_UNorm
[Info | 7:16:43 PM] [OBSCaptureState] DX Version: 11
[Info | 7:16:43 PM] Input Resolution: 1920x1080 - AR: eMST_LetterBox
[Info | 7:16:43 PM] Output Resolution: 1280x-720
[Info | 7:16:44 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 7:16:44 PM] [OBS-Log] ----------------- d3d11 capture freed
[Info | 7:16:44 PM] [OBS-Log] Found D3D11 11.0 device on swap chain
[Info | 7:16:44 PM] [OBS-Log] d3d11 shared texture capture successful
[Info | 7:16:44 PM] Free shared texture resources
[Info | 7:16:44 PM] Shared texture resources freed
[Info | 7:16:44 PM] Hook data extracted
[Info | 7:16:44 PM] Looking for adapter with LUID: 42474
[Info | 7:16:44 PM] Found adapter: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1660 Ti
[Info | 7:16:44 PM] IncreaseFrameLatency success
[Info | 7:16:44 PM] SetGPUPriority result: 3
[Info | 7:16:44 PM] mapId 12
[Info | 7:16:44 PM] [+] Texture Mapped file accessed.
[Info | 7:16:44 PM] [OBSCaptureState] Shared texture success. Handle: 1073755138
Format: R10G10B10A2_UNorm
[Info | 7:16:44 PM] [OBSCaptureState] DX Version: 11
[Info | 7:16:44 PM] Input Resolution: 1920x1080 - AR: eMST_LetterBox
[Info | 7:16:44 PM] Output Resolution: 1280x-720
[Info | 7:16:44 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 7:16:45 PM] 2 logs of- [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 7:16:45 PM] [ESM Event] - WindowCaptureSetMonitor
[Info | 7:16:45 PM] [ESM Event] - WindowCaptureMoved
[Info | 7:16:45 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowResize
[Info | 7:16:52 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 7:16:52 PM] 2 logs of- [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 7:16:52 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowFocus
[Info | 7:16:52 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 7:16:52 PM] [OBS-Log] ----------------- d3d11 capture freed
[Info | 7:16:52 PM] [OBS-Log] Found D3D11 11.0 device on swap chain
[Info | 7:16:52 PM] [OBS-Log] d3d11 shared texture capture successful
[Info | 7:16:52 PM] Free shared texture resources
[Info | 7:16:52 PM] Shared texture resources freed
[Info | 7:16:52 PM] Hook data extracted
[Info | 7:16:52 PM] Looking for adapter with LUID: 42474
[Info | 7:16:52 PM] Found adapter: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1660 Ti
[Info | 7:16:52 PM] Window is moving, fallback canceled
[Info | 7:16:52 PM] IncreaseFrameLatency success
[Info | 7:16:52 PM] SetGPUPriority result: 3
[Info | 7:16:52 PM] mapId 13
[Info | 7:16:52 PM] [+] Texture Mapped file accessed.
[Info | 7:16:52 PM] [OBSCaptureState] Shared texture success. Handle: 3221235394
Format: R10G10B10A2_UNorm
[Info | 7:16:52 PM] [OBSCaptureState] DX Version: 11
[Info | 7:16:52 PM] Input Resolution: 1920x1080 - AR: eMST_LetterBox
[Info | 7:16:52 PM] Output Resolution: 1280x-720
[Info | 7:16:53 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 7:16:53 PM] 3 logs of- [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 7:16:53 PM] [ESM Event] - WindowCaptureSetMonitor
[Info | 7:16:53 PM] [ESM Event] - WindowCaptureMoved
[Info | 7:16:53 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowResize
[Info | 7:16:53 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 7:16:53 PM] [OBS-Log] ----------------- d3d11 capture freed
[Info | 7:16:53 PM] [OBS-Log] Found D3D11 11.0 device on swap chain
[Info | 7:16:53 PM] [OBS-Log] d3d11 shared texture capture successful
[Info | 7:16:53 PM] Free shared texture resources
[Info | 7:16:53 PM] Shared texture resources freed
[Info | 7:16:53 PM] Hook data extracted
[Info | 7:16:53 PM] Looking for adapter with LUID: 42474
[Info | 7:16:53 PM] Found adapter: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1660 Ti
[Info | 7:16:53 PM] IncreaseFrameLatency success
[Info | 7:16:53 PM] SetGPUPriority result: 3
[Info | 7:16:53 PM] mapId 14
[Info | 7:16:53 PM] [+] Texture Mapped file accessed.
[Info | 7:16:53 PM] [OBSCaptureState] Shared texture success. Handle: 3221236994
Format: R10G10B10A2_UNorm
[Info | 7:16:53 PM] [OBSCaptureState] DX Version: 11
[Info | 7:16:53 PM] Input Resolution: 1920x1080 - AR: eMST_LetterBox
[Info | 7:16:53 PM] Output Resolution: 1280x-720
[Info | 7:16:54 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 7:16:54 PM] [ESM Event] - WindowCaptureSetMonitor
[Info | 7:16:54 PM] [ESM Event] - WindowCaptureMoved
[Info | 7:16:54 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowResize
[Info | 7:16:54 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 7:16:54 PM] 1 logs of- [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 7:16:54 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowFocus
[Info | 7:16:54 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 7:16:54 PM] [OBS-Log] ----------------- d3d11 capture freed
[Info | 7:16:54 PM] [OBS-Log] Found D3D11 11.0 device on swap chain
[Info | 7:16:54 PM] [OBS-Log] d3d11 shared texture capture successful
[Info | 7:16:54 PM] Free shared texture resources
[Info | 7:16:54 PM] Shared texture resources freed
[Info | 7:16:54 PM] Hook data extracted
[Info | 7:16:54 PM] Looking for adapter with LUID: 42474
[Info | 7:16:54 PM] Found adapter: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1660 Ti
[Info | 7:16:54 PM] IncreaseFrameLatency success
[Info | 7:16:54 PM] SetGPUPriority result: 3
[Info | 7:16:54 PM] mapId 15
[Info | 7:16:54 PM] [+] Texture Mapped file accessed.
[Info | 7:16:54 PM] [OBSCaptureState] Shared texture success. Handle: 1073756290
Format: R10G10B10A2_UNorm
[Info | 7:16:54 PM] [OBSCaptureState] DX Version: 11
[Info | 7:16:54 PM] Input Resolution: 1920x1080 - AR: eMST_LetterBox
[Info | 7:16:54 PM] Output Resolution: 1280x-720
[Info | 7:16:55 PM] [ESM Event] - WindowCaptureSetMonitor
[Info | 7:16:55 PM] [ESM Event] - WindowCaptureMoved
[Info | 7:16:55 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowResize
[Info | 7:16:55 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowFocus
[Info | 7:16:55 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 7:16:55 PM] 2 logs of- [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 7:16:55 PM] [OBS-Log] ----------------- d3d11 capture freed
[Info | 7:16:55 PM] [OBS-Log] Found D3D11 11.0 device on swap chain
[Info | 7:16:55 PM] [OBS-Log] d3d11 shared texture capture successful
[Info | 7:16:55 PM] Free shared texture resources
[Info | 7:16:55 PM] Shared texture resources freed
[Info | 7:16:55 PM] Hook data extracted
[Info | 7:16:55 PM] Looking for adapter with LUID: 42474
[Info | 7:16:55 PM] Found adapter: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1660 Ti
[Info | 7:16:56 PM] IncreaseFrameLatency success
[Info | 7:16:56 PM] SetGPUPriority result: 3
[Info | 7:16:56 PM] mapId 16
[Info | 7:16:56 PM] [+] Texture Mapped file accessed.
[Info | 7:16:56 PM] [OBSCaptureState] Shared texture success. Handle: 1073748994
Format: R10G10B10A2_UNorm
[Info | 7:16:56 PM] [OBSCaptureState] DX Version: 11
[Info | 7:16:56 PM] Input Resolution: 1920x1080 - AR: eMST_LetterBox
[Info | 7:16:56 PM] Output Resolution: 1280x-720
[Info | 7:16:56 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 7:16:56 PM] [ESM Event] - WindowCaptureSetMonitor
[Info | 7:16:56 PM] [ESM Event] - WindowCaptureMoved
[Info | 7:16:56 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowResize
[Info | 7:16:58 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 7:17:07 PM] Detected Fortnite MatchID: 08b155aedb3f407fb57b1fdea2fd4ac4
[Info | 7:17:44 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 7:17:44 PM] 2 logs of- [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 7:17:44 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowFocus
[Info | 7:17:44 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 7:17:44 PM] [OBS-Log] ----------------- d3d11 capture freed
[Info | 7:17:44 PM] [OBS-Log] Found D3D11 11.0 device on swap chain
[Info | 7:17:44 PM] [OBS-Log] d3d11 shared texture capture successful
[Info | 7:17:44 PM] Free shared texture resources
[Info | 7:17:44 PM] Shared texture resources freed
[Info | 7:17:44 PM] Hook data extracted
[Info | 7:17:44 PM] Looking for adapter with LUID: 42474
[Info | 7:17:44 PM] Found adapter: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1660 Ti
[Info | 7:17:44 PM] IncreaseFrameLatency success
[Info | 7:17:44 PM] SetGPUPriority result: 3
[Info | 7:17:44 PM] mapId 17
[Info | 7:17:44 PM] [+] Texture Mapped file accessed.
[Info | 7:17:44 PM] [OBSCaptureState] Shared texture success. Handle: 3221233922
Format: R10G10B10A2_UNorm
[Info | 7:17:44 PM] [OBSCaptureState] DX Version: 11
[Info | 7:17:44 PM] Input Resolution: 1920x1080 - AR: eMST_LetterBox
[Info | 7:17:44 PM] Output Resolution: 1280x-720
[Info | 7:17:45 PM] [ESM Event] - WindowCaptureSetMonitor
[Info | 7:17:45 PM] [ESM Event] - WindowCaptureMoved
[Info | 7:17:45 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowResize
[Info | 7:17:45 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowFocus
[Info | 7:26:16 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 7:26:16 PM] 3 logs of- [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 7:26:16 PM] [OBS-Log] ----------------- d3d11 capture freed
[Info | 7:26:16 PM] [OBS-Log] Found D3D11 11.0 device on swap chain
[Info | 7:26:16 PM] [OBS-Log] d3d11 shared texture capture successful
[Info | 7:26:16 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 7:26:16 PM] Free shared texture resources
[Info | 7:26:16 PM] Shared texture resources freed
[Info | 7:26:16 PM] Hook data extracted
[Info | 7:26:16 PM] Looking for adapter with LUID: 42474
[Info | 7:26:16 PM] Found adapter: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1660 Ti
[Info | 7:26:16 PM] IncreaseFrameLatency success
[Info | 7:26:16 PM] SetGPUPriority result: 3
[Info | 7:26:16 PM] mapId 18
[Info | 7:26:16 PM] [+] Texture Mapped file accessed.
[Info | 7:26:16 PM] [OBSCaptureState] Shared texture success. Handle: 1073747906
Format: R10G10B10A2_UNorm
[Info | 7:26:16 PM] [OBSCaptureState] DX Version: 11
[Info | 7:26:16 PM] Input Resolution: 1920x1080 - AR: eMST_LetterBox
[Info | 7:26:16 PM] Output Resolution: 1280x-720
[Info | 7:26:17 PM] [ESM Event] - WindowCaptureSetMonitor
[Info | 7:26:17 PM] [ESM Event] - WindowCaptureMoved
[Info | 7:26:17 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowResize
[Info | 7:26:36 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 7:26:36 PM] 2 logs of- [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 7:26:36 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowFocus
[Info | 7:26:36 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 7:26:36 PM] [OBS-Log] ----------------- d3d11 capture freed
[Info | 7:26:36 PM] [OBS-Log] Found D3D11 11.0 device on swap chain
[Info | 7:26:36 PM] [OBS-Log] d3d11 shared texture capture successful
[Info | 7:26:36 PM] Free shared texture resources
[Info | 7:26:36 PM] Shared texture resources freed
[Info | 7:26:36 PM] Hook data extracted
[Info | 7:26:36 PM] Looking for adapter with LUID: 42474
[Info | 7:26:36 PM] Found adapter: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1660 Ti
[Info | 7:26:36 PM] IncreaseFrameLatency success
[Info | 7:26:36 PM] SetGPUPriority result: 3
[Info | 7:26:36 PM] mapId 19
[Info | 7:26:36 PM] [+] Texture Mapped file accessed.
[Info | 7:26:36 PM] [OBSCaptureState] Shared texture success. Handle: 1073757506
Format: R10G10B10A2_UNorm
[Info | 7:26:36 PM] [OBSCaptureState] DX Version: 11
[Info | 7:26:36 PM] Input Resolution: 1920x1080 - AR: eMST_LetterBox
[Info | 7:26:36 PM] Output Resolution: 1280x-720
[Info | 7:26:37 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 7:26:37 PM] [OBS-Log] ----------------- d3d11 capture freed
[Info | 7:26:37 PM] [OBS-Log] Found D3D11 11.0 device on swap chain
[Info | 7:26:37 PM] [OBS-Log] d3d11 shared texture capture successful
[Info | 7:26:37 PM] Free shared texture resources
[Info | 7:26:37 PM] Shared texture resources freed
[Info | 7:26:37 PM] Hook data extracted
[Info | 7:26:37 PM] Looking for adapter with LUID: 42474
[Info | 7:26:37 PM] Found adapter: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1660 Ti
[Info | 7:26:37 PM] IncreaseFrameLatency success
[Info | 7:26:37 PM] SetGPUPriority result: 3
[Info | 7:26:37 PM] mapId 20
[Info | 7:26:37 PM] [+] Texture Mapped file accessed.
[Info | 7:26:37 PM] [OBSCaptureState] Shared texture success. Handle: 1073757698
Format: R10G10B10A2_UNorm
[Info | 7:26:37 PM] [OBSCaptureState] DX Version: 11
[Info | 7:26:37 PM] Input Resolution: 1920x1080 - AR: eMST_LetterBox
[Info | 7:26:37 PM] Output Resolution: 1280x-720
[Info | 7:26:38 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowFocus
[Info | 7:26:38 PM] [OBS-Log] ----------------- d3d11 capture freed
[Info | 7:26:38 PM] [OBS-Log] Found D3D11 11.0 device on swap chain
[Info | 7:26:38 PM] [OBS-Log] d3d11 shared texture capture successful
[Info | 7:26:38 PM] Free shared texture resources
[Info | 7:26:38 PM] Shared texture resources freed
[Info | 7:26:38 PM] Hook data extracted
[Info | 7:26:38 PM] Looking for adapter with LUID: 42474
[Info | 7:26:38 PM] Found adapter: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1660 Ti
[Info | 7:26:38 PM] IncreaseFrameLatency success
[Info | 7:26:38 PM] SetGPUPriority result: 3
[Info | 7:26:38 PM] mapId 21
[Info | 7:26:38 PM] [+] Texture Mapped file accessed.
[Info | 7:26:38 PM] [OBSCaptureState] Shared texture success. Handle: 1073757890
Format: R10G10B10A2_UNorm
[Info | 7:26:38 PM] [OBSCaptureState] DX Version: 11
[Info | 7:26:38 PM] Input Resolution: 1920x1080 - AR: eMST_LetterBox
[Info | 7:26:38 PM] Output Resolution: 1280x-720
[Info | 7:26:39 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 7:26:39 PM] [OBS-Log] ----------------- d3d11 capture freed
[Info | 7:26:39 PM] [OBS-Log] Found D3D11 11.0 device on swap chain
[Info | 7:26:39 PM] [OBS-Log] d3d11 shared texture capture successful
[Info | 7:26:39 PM] Free shared texture resources
[Info | 7:26:39 PM] Shared texture resources freed
[Info | 7:26:39 PM] Hook data extracted
[Info | 7:26:39 PM] Looking for adapter with LUID: 42474
[Info | 7:26:39 PM] Found adapter: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1660 Ti
[Info | 7:26:39 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 7:26:39 PM] 2 logs of- [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 7:26:39 PM] IncreaseFrameLatency success
[Info | 7:26:39 PM] SetGPUPriority result: 3
[Info | 7:26:39 PM] mapId 22
[Info | 7:26:39 PM] [+] Texture Mapped file accessed.
[Info | 7:26:39 PM] [OBSCaptureState] Shared texture success. Handle: 1073758082
Format: R10G10B10A2_UNorm
[Info | 7:26:39 PM] [OBSCaptureState] DX Version: 11
[Info | 7:26:39 PM] Input Resolution: 1920x1080 - AR: eMST_LetterBox
[Info | 7:26:39 PM] Output Resolution: 1280x-720
[Info | 7:26:40 PM] [ESM Event] - WindowCaptureSetMonitor
[Info | 7:26:40 PM] [ESM Event] - WindowCaptureMoved
[Info | 7:26:40 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowResize
[Info | 7:27:18 PM] Detected Fortnite MatchID: e29924424cde44bf8af40243b72e67d1
[Info | 7:27:58 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 7:28:00 PM] 6 logs of- [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 7:28:00 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowFocus
[Info | 7:28:00 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 7:28:00 PM] [OBS-Log] ----------------- d3d11 capture freed
[Info | 7:28:00 PM] [OBS-Log] Found D3D11 11.0 device on swap chain
[Info | 7:28:00 PM] [OBS-Log] d3d11 shared texture capture successful
[Info | 7:28:00 PM] Free shared texture resources
[Info | 7:28:00 PM] Shared texture resources freed
[Info | 7:28:00 PM] Hook data extracted
[Info | 7:28:00 PM] Looking for adapter with LUID: 42474
[Info | 7:28:00 PM] Found adapter: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1660 Ti
[Info | 7:28:00 PM] IncreaseFrameLatency success
[Info | 7:28:00 PM] SetGPUPriority result: 3
[Info | 7:28:00 PM] mapId 23
[Info | 7:28:00 PM] [+] Texture Mapped file accessed.
[Info | 7:28:00 PM] [OBSCaptureState] Shared texture success. Handle: 1073758786
Format: R10G10B10A2_UNorm
[Info | 7:28:00 PM] [OBSCaptureState] DX Version: 11
[Info | 7:28:00 PM] Input Resolution: 1920x1080 - AR: eMST_LetterBox
[Info | 7:28:00 PM] Output Resolution: 1280x-720
[Info | 7:28:01 PM] [ESM Event] - WindowCaptureSetMonitor
[Info | 7:28:01 PM] [ESM Event] - WindowCaptureMoved
[Info | 7:28:01 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowResize
[Info | 7:28:01 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowFocus
[Info | 7:29:11 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 7:29:11 PM] 1 logs of- [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 7:29:11 PM] [OBS-Log] ----------------- d3d11 capture freed
[Info | 7:29:11 PM] [OBS-Log] Found D3D11 11.0 device on swap chain
[Info | 7:29:11 PM] [OBS-Log] d3d11 shared texture capture successful
[Info | 7:29:11 PM] Free shared texture resources
[Info | 7:29:11 PM] Shared texture resources freed
[Info | 7:29:11 PM] Hook data extracted
[Info | 7:29:11 PM] Looking for adapter with LUID: 42474
[Info | 7:29:11 PM] Found adapter: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1660 Ti
[Info | 7:29:11 PM] IncreaseFrameLatency success
[Info | 7:29:11 PM] SetGPUPriority result: 3
[Info | 7:29:11 PM] mapId 24
[Info | 7:29:11 PM] [+] Texture Mapped file accessed.
[Info | 7:29:11 PM] [OBSCaptureState] Shared texture success. Handle: 3221240322
Format: R10G10B10A2_UNorm
[Info | 7:29:11 PM] [OBSCaptureState] DX Version: 11
[Info | 7:29:11 PM] Input Resolution: 1920x1080 - AR: eMST_LetterBox
[Info | 7:29:11 PM] Output Resolution: 1280x-720
[Info | 7:29:11 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 7:29:12 PM] 1 logs of- [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 7:29:12 PM] [ESM Event] - WindowCaptureSetMonitor
[Info | 7:29:12 PM] [ESM Event] - WindowCaptureMoved
[Info | 7:29:12 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowResize
[Info | 7:29:13 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 7:29:13 PM] 2 logs of- [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 7:29:13 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowFocus
[Info | 7:29:13 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 7:29:13 PM] [OBS-Log] ----------------- d3d11 capture freed
[Info | 7:29:13 PM] [OBS-Log] Found D3D11 11.0 device on swap chain
[Info | 7:29:13 PM] [OBS-Log] d3d11 shared texture capture successful
[Info | 7:29:13 PM] Free shared texture resources
[Info | 7:29:13 PM] Shared texture resources freed
[Info | 7:29:13 PM] Hook data extracted
[Info | 7:29:13 PM] Looking for adapter with LUID: 42474
[Info | 7:29:13 PM] Found adapter: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1660 Ti
[Info | 7:29:13 PM] IncreaseFrameLatency success
[Info | 7:29:13 PM] SetGPUPriority result: 3
[Info | 7:29:13 PM] mapId 25
[Info | 7:29:13 PM] [+] Texture Mapped file accessed.
[Info | 7:29:13 PM] [OBSCaptureState] Shared texture success. Handle: 2147499138
Format: R10G10B10A2_UNorm
[Info | 7:29:13 PM] [OBSCaptureState] DX Version: 11
[Info | 7:29:13 PM] Input Resolution: 1920x1080 - AR: eMST_LetterBox
[Info | 7:29:13 PM] Output Resolution: 1280x-720
[Info | 7:29:14 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 7:29:14 PM] 1 logs of- [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 7:29:14 PM] [OBS-Log] ----------------- d3d11 capture freed
[Info | 7:29:14 PM] [OBS-Log] Found D3D11 11.0 device on swap chain
[Info | 7:29:14 PM] [OBS-Log] d3d11 shared texture capture successful
[Info | 7:29:14 PM] Free shared texture resources
[Info | 7:29:14 PM] Shared texture resources freed
[Info | 7:29:14 PM] Hook data extracted
[Info | 7:29:14 PM] Looking for adapter with LUID: 42474
[Info | 7:29:14 PM] Found adapter: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1660 Ti
[Info | 7:29:14 PM] IncreaseFrameLatency success
[Info | 7:29:14 PM] SetGPUPriority result: 3
[Info | 7:29:14 PM] mapId 26
[Info | 7:29:14 PM] [+] Texture Mapped file accessed.
[Info | 7:29:14 PM] [OBSCaptureState] Shared texture success. Handle: 2147489090
Format: R10G10B10A2_UNorm
[Info | 7:29:14 PM] [OBSCaptureState] DX Version: 11
[Info | 7:29:14 PM] Input Resolution: 1920x1080 - AR: eMST_LetterBox
[Info | 7:29:14 PM] Output Resolution: 1280x-720
[Info | 7:29:15 PM] [ESM Event] - WindowCaptureSetMonitor
[Info | 7:29:15 PM] [ESM Event] - WindowCaptureMoved
[Info | 7:29:15 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowResize
[Info | 7:29:15 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 7:30:08 PM] 4 logs of- [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 7:30:08 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowFocus
[Info | 7:30:08 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 7:30:08 PM] [OBS-Log] ----------------- d3d11 capture freed
[Info | 7:30:08 PM] [OBS-Log] Found D3D11 11.0 device on swap chain
[Info | 7:30:08 PM] [OBS-Log] d3d11 shared texture capture successful
[Info | 7:30:08 PM] Free shared texture resources
[Info | 7:30:08 PM] Shared texture resources freed
[Info | 7:30:08 PM] Hook data extracted
[Info | 7:30:08 PM] Looking for adapter with LUID: 42474
[Info | 7:30:08 PM] Found adapter: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1660 Ti
[Info | 7:30:08 PM] IncreaseFrameLatency success
[Info | 7:30:08 PM] SetGPUPriority result: 3
[Info | 7:30:08 PM] mapId 27
[Info | 7:30:08 PM] [+] Texture Mapped file accessed.
[Info | 7:30:08 PM] [OBSCaptureState] Shared texture success. Handle: 2147494722
Format: R10G10B10A2_UNorm
[Info | 7:30:08 PM] [OBSCaptureState] DX Version: 11
[Info | 7:30:08 PM] Input Resolution: 1920x1080 - AR: eMST_LetterBox
[Info | 7:30:08 PM] Output Resolution: 1280x-720
[Info | 7:30:09 PM] [ESM Event] - WindowCaptureSetMonitor
[Info | 7:30:09 PM] [ESM Event] - WindowCaptureMoved
[Info | 7:30:09 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowResize
[Info | 7:30:09 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowFocus
[Info | 7:30:36 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 7:30:36 PM] 1 logs of- [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 7:30:36 PM] [OBS-Log] ----------------- d3d11 capture freed
[Info | 7:30:36 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 7:30:36 PM] [OBS-Log] Found D3D11 11.0 device on swap chain
[Info | 7:30:36 PM] [OBS-Log] d3d11 shared texture capture successful
[Info | 7:30:36 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 7:30:36 PM] 1 logs of- [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 7:30:36 PM] Free shared texture resources
[Info | 7:30:36 PM] Shared texture resources freed
[Info | 7:30:36 PM] Hook data extracted
[Info | 7:30:36 PM] Looking for adapter with LUID: 42474
[Info | 7:30:36 PM] Found adapter: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1660 Ti
[Info | 7:30:36 PM] IncreaseFrameLatency success
[Info | 7:30:36 PM] SetGPUPriority result: 3
[Info | 7:30:36 PM] mapId 28
[Info | 7:30:36 PM] [+] Texture Mapped file accessed.
[Info | 7:30:36 PM] [OBSCaptureState] Shared texture success. Handle: 2147484674
Format: R10G10B10A2_UNorm
[Info | 7:30:36 PM] [OBSCaptureState] DX Version: 11
[Info | 7:30:36 PM] Input Resolution: 1920x1080 - AR: eMST_LetterBox
[Info | 7:30:36 PM] Output Resolution: 1280x-720
[Info | 7:30:37 PM] [ESM Event] - WindowCaptureSetMonitor
[Info | 7:30:37 PM] [ESM Event] - WindowCaptureMoved
[Info | 7:30:37 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowResize
[Info | 7:30:58 PM] Detected Fortnite MatchID: 415df24d42ae4bcd8978002071a7ef6c
[Info | 7:31:41 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 7:31:41 PM] 2 logs of- [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 7:31:41 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowFocus
[Info | 7:31:41 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 7:31:41 PM] [OBS-Log] ----------------- d3d11 capture freed
[Info | 7:31:41 PM] [OBS-Log] Found D3D11 11.0 device on swap chain
[Info | 7:31:41 PM] [OBS-Log] d3d11 shared texture capture successful
[Info | 7:31:41 PM] Free shared texture resources
[Info | 7:31:41 PM] Shared texture resources freed
[Info | 7:31:41 PM] Hook data extracted
[Info | 7:31:41 PM] Looking for adapter with LUID: 42474
[Info | 7:31:41 PM] Found adapter: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1660 Ti
[Info | 7:31:41 PM] IncreaseFrameLatency success
[Info | 7:31:41 PM] SetGPUPriority result: 3
[Info | 7:31:41 PM] mapId 29
[Info | 7:31:41 PM] [+] Texture Mapped file accessed.
[Info | 7:31:41 PM] [OBSCaptureState] Shared texture success. Handle: 3221239682
Format: R10G10B10A2_UNorm
[Info | 7:31:41 PM] [OBSCaptureState] DX Version: 11
[Info | 7:31:41 PM] Input Resolution: 1920x1080 - AR: eMST_LetterBox
[Info | 7:31:41 PM] Output Resolution: 1280x-720
[Info | 7:31:42 PM] [ESM Event] - WindowCaptureSetMonitor
[Info | 7:31:42 PM] [ESM Event] - WindowCaptureMoved
[Info | 7:31:42 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowResize
[Info | 7:31:42 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowFocus
[Info | 7:31:42 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 7:31:42 PM] 4 logs of- [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 7:31:42 PM] [OBS-Log] ----------------- d3d11 capture freed
[Info | 7:31:42 PM] [OBS-Log] Found D3D11 11.0 device on swap chain
[Info | 7:31:42 PM] [OBS-Log] d3d11 shared texture capture successful
[Info | 7:31:42 PM] Free shared texture resources
[Info | 7:31:42 PM] Shared texture resources freed
[Info | 7:31:42 PM] Hook data extracted
[Info | 7:31:42 PM] Looking for adapter with LUID: 42474
[Info | 7:31:42 PM] Found adapter: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1660 Ti
[Info | 7:31:42 PM] IncreaseFrameLatency success
[Info | 7:31:42 PM] SetGPUPriority result: 3
[Info | 7:31:42 PM] mapId 30
[Info | 7:31:42 PM] [+] Texture Mapped file accessed.
[Info | 7:31:42 PM] [OBSCaptureState] Shared texture success. Handle: 3221235906
Format: R10G10B10A2_UNorm
[Info | 7:31:42 PM] [OBSCaptureState] DX Version: 11
[Info | 7:31:42 PM] Input Resolution: 1920x1080 - AR: eMST_LetterBox
[Info | 7:31:42 PM] Output Resolution: 1280x-720
[Info | 7:31:43 PM] [ESM Event] - WindowCaptureSetMonitor
[Info | 7:31:43 PM] [ESM Event] - WindowCaptureMoved
[Info | 7:31:43 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowResize
[Info | 7:31:50 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 7:31:50 PM] 2 logs of- [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 7:31:50 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowFocus
[Info | 7:31:50 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 7:31:50 PM] [OBS-Log] ----------------- d3d11 capture freed
[Info | 7:31:50 PM] [OBS-Log] Found D3D11 11.0 device on swap chain
[Info | 7:31:50 PM] [OBS-Log] d3d11 shared texture capture successful
[Info | 7:31:50 PM] Free shared texture resources
[Info | 7:31:50 PM] Shared texture resources freed
[Info | 7:31:50 PM] Hook data extracted
[Info | 7:31:50 PM] Looking for adapter with LUID: 42474
[Info | 7:31:50 PM] Found adapter: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1660 Ti
[Info | 7:31:50 PM] IncreaseFrameLatency success
[Info | 7:31:50 PM] SetGPUPriority result: 3
[Info | 7:31:50 PM] mapId 31
[Info | 7:31:50 PM] [+] Texture Mapped file accessed.
[Info | 7:31:50 PM] [OBSCaptureState] Shared texture success. Handle: 2147494274
Format: R10G10B10A2_UNorm
[Info | 7:31:50 PM] [OBSCaptureState] DX Version: 11
[Info | 7:31:50 PM] Input Resolution: 1920x1080 - AR: eMST_LetterBox
[Info | 7:31:50 PM] Output Resolution: 1280x-720
[Info | 7:31:51 PM] [ESM Event] - WindowCaptureSetMonitor
[Info | 7:31:51 PM] [ESM Event] - WindowCaptureMoved
[Info | 7:31:51 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowResize
[Info | 7:31:51 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowFocus
[Info | 7:32:56 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 7:32:58 PM] 3 logs of- [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 7:32:58 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowFocus
[Info | 7:32:58 PM] Fallback set game in focus
[Info | 7:32:58 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 7:32:58 PM] 1 logs of- [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 7:32:58 PM] [OBS-Log] ----------------- d3d11 capture freed
[Info | 7:32:58 PM] [OBS-Log] Found D3D11 11.0 device on swap chain
[Info | 7:32:58 PM] [OBS-Log] d3d11 shared texture capture successful
[Info | 7:32:58 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 7:32:58 PM] 1 logs of- [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 7:32:58 PM] Free shared texture resources
[Info | 7:32:58 PM] Shared texture resources freed
[Info | 7:32:58 PM] Hook data extracted
[Info | 7:32:58 PM] Looking for adapter with LUID: 42474
[Info | 7:32:58 PM] Found adapter: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1660 Ti
[Info | 7:32:58 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 7:32:58 PM] IncreaseFrameLatency success
[Info | 7:32:58 PM] SetGPUPriority result: 3
[Info | 7:32:58 PM] mapId 32
[Info | 7:32:58 PM] [+] Texture Mapped file accessed.
[Info | 7:32:58 PM] [OBSCaptureState] Shared texture success. Handle: 2147491650
Format: R10G10B10A2_UNorm
[Info | 7:32:58 PM] [OBSCaptureState] DX Version: 11
[Info | 7:32:58 PM] Input Resolution: 1920x1080 - AR: eMST_LetterBox
[Info | 7:32:58 PM] Output Resolution: 1280x-720
[Info | 7:32:59 PM] [ESM Event] - WindowCaptureSetMonitor
[Info | 7:32:59 PM] [ESM Event] - WindowCaptureMoved
[Info | 7:32:59 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowResize
[Info | 7:33:05 PM] [Key] Triggered save clip
[Info | 7:33:05 PM] [ESM Event] - SaveClip
[Debug | 7:33:05 PM] clip saved Fortnite FortniteClient-Win64-Shipping
UnrealWindow UUID- 0233afea-ce13-4177-b85b-69d9da32ef7f
[Debug | 7:33:05 PM] clip 1655314385 create reply "0233afea-ce13-4177-b85b-
[Info | 7:33:08 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowFocus
[Info | 7:33:08 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 7:33:08 PM] [OBS-Log] ----------------- d3d11 capture freed
[Info | 7:33:08 PM] [OBS-Log] Found D3D11 11.0 device on swap chain
[Info | 7:33:08 PM] [OBS-Log] d3d11 shared texture capture successful
[Info | 7:33:08 PM] Free shared texture resources
[Info | 7:33:08 PM] Shared texture resources freed
[Info | 7:33:08 PM] Hook data extracted
[Info | 7:33:08 PM] Looking for adapter with LUID: 42474
[Info | 7:33:08 PM] Found adapter: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1660 Ti
[Info | 7:33:08 PM] IncreaseFrameLatency success
[Info | 7:33:08 PM] SetGPUPriority result: 3
[Info | 7:33:08 PM] mapId 33
[Info | 7:33:08 PM] [+] Texture Mapped file accessed.
[Info | 7:33:08 PM] [OBSCaptureState] Shared texture success. Handle: 2147496962
Format: R10G10B10A2_UNorm
[Info | 7:33:08 PM] [OBSCaptureState] DX Version: 11
[Info | 7:33:08 PM] Input Resolution: 1920x1080 - AR: eMST_LetterBox
[Info | 7:33:08 PM] Output Resolution: 1280x-720
[Info | 7:33:09 PM] Generating clip: C:\Users\Hugo\Videos\Medal\Clips\Fortnite\
[Info | 7:33:09 PM] Buffer duration: 55.63
[Info | 7:33:09 PM] [ESM Event] - WindowCaptureSetMonitor
[Info | 7:33:09 PM] [ESM Event] - WindowCaptureMoved
[Info | 7:33:09 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowResize
[Info | 7:33:09 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowFocus
[Info | 7:33:10 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 7:33:10 PM] 1 logs of- [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 7:33:10 PM] [OBS-Log] ----------------- d3d11 capture freed
[Info | 7:33:10 PM] [OBS-Log] Found D3D11 11.0 device on swap chain
[Info | 7:33:10 PM] [OBS-Log] d3d11 shared texture capture successful
[Info | 7:33:10 PM] Free shared texture resources
[Info | 7:33:10 PM] Shared texture resources freed
[Info | 7:33:10 PM] Hook data extracted
[Info | 7:33:10 PM] Looking for adapter with LUID: 42474
[Info | 7:33:10 PM] Found adapter: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1660 Ti
[Info | 7:33:10 PM] IncreaseFrameLatency success
[Info | 7:33:10 PM] SetGPUPriority result: 3
[Info | 7:33:10 PM] mapId 34
[Info | 7:33:10 PM] [+] Texture Mapped file accessed.
[Info | 7:33:10 PM] [OBSCaptureState] Shared texture success. Handle: 2147492610
Format: R10G10B10A2_UNorm
[Info | 7:33:10 PM] [OBSCaptureState] DX Version: 11
[Info | 7:33:10 PM] Input Resolution: 1920x1080 - AR: eMST_LetterBox
[Info | 7:33:10 PM] Output Resolution: 1280x-720
[Info | 7:33:10 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 7:33:11 PM] 2 logs of- [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 7:33:11 PM] Fallback set game in focus
[Info | 7:33:11 PM] [ESM Event] - WindowCaptureSetMonitor
[Info | 7:33:11 PM] [ESM Event] - WindowCaptureMoved
[Info | 7:33:11 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowResize
[Info | 7:33:12 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 7:33:16 PM] 7 logs of- [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 7:33:16 PM] Fallback set game defocus
[Info | 7:33:17 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 7:33:49 PM] 16 logs of- [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 7:33:49 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowFocus
[Info | 7:33:49 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 7:33:49 PM] [OBS-Log] ----------------- d3d11 capture freed
[Info | 7:33:49 PM] [OBS-Log] Found D3D11 11.0 device on swap chain
[Info | 7:33:49 PM] [OBS-Log] d3d11 shared texture capture successful
[Info | 7:33:49 PM] Free shared texture resources
[Info | 7:33:49 PM] Shared texture resources freed
[Info | 7:33:49 PM] Hook data extracted
[Info | 7:33:49 PM] Looking for adapter with LUID: 42474
[Info | 7:33:49 PM] Found adapter: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1660 Ti
[Info | 7:33:49 PM] IncreaseFrameLatency success
[Info | 7:33:49 PM] SetGPUPriority result: 3
[Info | 7:33:49 PM] mapId 35
[Info | 7:33:49 PM] [+] Texture Mapped file accessed.
[Info | 7:33:49 PM] [OBSCaptureState] Shared texture success. Handle: 3221233090
Format: R10G10B10A2_UNorm
[Info | 7:33:49 PM] [OBSCaptureState] DX Version: 11
[Info | 7:33:49 PM] Input Resolution: 1920x1080 - AR: eMST_LetterBox
[Info | 7:33:49 PM] Output Resolution: 1280x-720
[Info | 7:33:50 PM] [ESM Event] - WindowCaptureSetMonitor
[Info | 7:33:50 PM] [ESM Event] - WindowCaptureMoved
[Info | 7:33:50 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowResize
[Info | 7:33:50 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowFocus
[Info | 7:34:17 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 7:34:17 PM] 4 logs of- [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 7:34:17 PM] [OBS-Log] ----------------- d3d11 capture freed
[Info | 7:34:17 PM] [OBS-Log] Found D3D11 11.0 device on swap chain
[Info | 7:34:17 PM] [OBS-Log] d3d11 shared texture capture successful
[Info | 7:34:17 PM] Free shared texture resources
[Info | 7:34:17 PM] Shared texture resources freed
[Info | 7:34:17 PM] Hook data extracted
[Info | 7:34:17 PM] Looking for adapter with LUID: 42474
[Info | 7:34:17 PM] Found adapter: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1660 Ti
[Info | 7:34:17 PM] IncreaseFrameLatency success
[Info | 7:34:17 PM] SetGPUPriority result: 3
[Info | 7:34:17 PM] mapId 36
[Info | 7:34:17 PM] [+] Texture Mapped file accessed.
[Info | 7:34:17 PM] [OBSCaptureState] Shared texture success. Handle: 3221234626
Format: R10G10B10A2_UNorm
[Info | 7:34:17 PM] [OBSCaptureState] DX Version: 11
[Info | 7:34:17 PM] Input Resolution: 1920x1080 - AR: eMST_LetterBox
[Info | 7:34:17 PM] Output Resolution: 1280x-720
[Info | 7:34:18 PM] [ESM Event] - WindowCaptureSetMonitor
[Info | 7:34:18 PM] [ESM Event] - WindowCaptureMoved
[Info | 7:34:18 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowResize
[Info | 7:34:48 PM] Detected Fortnite MatchID: 2f8fc2ef86574037abca9056648ed0c1
[Info | 7:35:32 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 7:35:32 PM] 2 logs of- [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 7:35:32 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowFocus
[Info | 7:35:32 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 7:35:32 PM] [OBS-Log] ----------------- d3d11 capture freed
[Info | 7:35:32 PM] [OBS-Log] Found D3D11 11.0 device on swap chain
[Info | 7:35:32 PM] [OBS-Log] d3d11 shared texture capture successful
[Info | 7:35:32 PM] Free shared texture resources
[Info | 7:35:32 PM] Shared texture resources freed
[Info | 7:35:32 PM] Hook data extracted
[Info | 7:35:32 PM] Looking for adapter with LUID: 42474
[Info | 7:35:32 PM] Found adapter: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1660 Ti
[Info | 7:35:32 PM] IncreaseFrameLatency success
[Info | 7:35:32 PM] SetGPUPriority result: 3
[Info | 7:35:32 PM] mapId 37
[Info | 7:35:32 PM] [+] Texture Mapped file accessed.
[Info | 7:35:32 PM] [OBSCaptureState] Shared texture success. Handle: 3221237506
Format: R10G10B10A2_UNorm
[Info | 7:35:32 PM] [OBSCaptureState] DX Version: 11
[Info | 7:35:32 PM] Input Resolution: 1920x1080 - AR: eMST_LetterBox
[Info | 7:35:32 PM] Output Resolution: 1280x-720
[Info | 7:35:33 PM] Window is moving, fallback canceled
[Info | 7:35:33 PM] [ESM Event] - WindowCaptureSetMonitor
[Info | 7:35:33 PM] [ESM Event] - WindowCaptureMoved
[Info | 7:35:33 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowResize
[Info | 7:35:33 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowFocus
[Info | 7:35:34 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 7:35:34 PM] 4 logs of- [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 7:35:34 PM] [OBS-Log] ----------------- d3d11 capture freed
[Info | 7:35:34 PM] [OBS-Log] Found D3D11 11.0 device on swap chain
[Info | 7:35:34 PM] [OBS-Log] d3d11 shared texture capture successful
[Info | 7:35:34 PM] Free shared texture resources
[Info | 7:35:34 PM] Shared texture resources freed
[Info | 7:35:34 PM] Hook data extracted
[Info | 7:35:34 PM] Looking for adapter with LUID: 42474
[Info | 7:35:34 PM] Found adapter: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1660 Ti
[Info | 7:35:34 PM] IncreaseFrameLatency success
[Info | 7:35:34 PM] SetGPUPriority result: 3
[Info | 7:35:34 PM] mapId 38
[Info | 7:35:34 PM] [+] Texture Mapped file accessed.
[Info | 7:35:34 PM] [OBSCaptureState] Shared texture success. Handle: 2147492290
Format: R10G10B10A2_UNorm
[Info | 7:35:34 PM] [OBSCaptureState] DX Version: 11
[Info | 7:35:34 PM] Input Resolution: 1920x1080 - AR: eMST_LetterBox
[Info | 7:35:34 PM] Output Resolution: 1280x-720
[Info | 7:35:34 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 7:35:35 PM] 2 logs of- [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 7:35:35 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowFocus
[Info | 7:35:35 PM] [OBS-Log] ----------------- d3d11 capture freed
[Info | 7:35:35 PM] [OBS-Log] Found D3D11 11.0 device on swap chain
[Info | 7:35:35 PM] [OBS-Log] d3d11 shared texture capture successful
[Info | 7:35:35 PM] Free shared texture resources
[Info | 7:35:35 PM] Shared texture resources freed
[Info | 7:35:35 PM] Hook data extracted
[Info | 7:35:35 PM] Looking for adapter with LUID: 42474
[Info | 7:35:35 PM] Found adapter: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1660 Ti
[Info | 7:35:35 PM] IncreaseFrameLatency success
[Info | 7:35:35 PM] SetGPUPriority result: 3
[Info | 7:35:35 PM] mapId 39
[Info | 7:35:35 PM] [+] Texture Mapped file accessed.
[Info | 7:35:35 PM] [OBSCaptureState] Shared texture success. Handle: 2147497218
Format: R10G10B10A2_UNorm
[Info | 7:35:35 PM] [OBSCaptureState] DX Version: 11
[Info | 7:35:35 PM] Input Resolution: 1920x1080 - AR: eMST_LetterBox
[Info | 7:35:35 PM] Output Resolution: 1280x-720
[Info | 7:35:36 PM] [ESM Event] - WindowCaptureSetMonitor
[Info | 7:35:36 PM] [ESM Event] - WindowCaptureMoved
[Info | 7:35:36 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowResize
[Info | 7:35:36 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowFocus
[Info | 7:37:45 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 7:37:45 PM] 4 logs of- [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 7:37:45 PM] [OBS-Log] ----------------- d3d11 capture freed
[Info | 7:37:45 PM] [OBS-Log] Found D3D11 11.0 device on swap chain
[Info | 7:37:45 PM] [OBS-Log] d3d11 shared texture capture successful
[Info | 7:37:45 PM] Free shared texture resources
[Info | 7:37:45 PM] Shared texture resources freed
[Info | 7:37:45 PM] Hook data extracted
[Info | 7:37:45 PM] Looking for adapter with LUID: 42474
[Info | 7:37:45 PM] Found adapter: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1660 Ti
[Info | 7:37:45 PM] IncreaseFrameLatency success
[Info | 7:37:45 PM] SetGPUPriority result: 3
[Info | 7:37:45 PM] mapId 40
[Info | 7:37:45 PM] [+] Texture Mapped file accessed.
[Info | 7:37:45 PM] [OBSCaptureState] Shared texture success. Handle: 1073746690
Format: R10G10B10A2_UNorm
[Info | 7:37:45 PM] [OBSCaptureState] DX Version: 11
[Info | 7:37:45 PM] Input Resolution: 1920x1080 - AR: eMST_LetterBox
[Info | 7:37:45 PM] Output Resolution: 1280x-720
[Info | 7:37:46 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 7:37:46 PM] 1 logs of- [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 7:37:46 PM] [ESM Event] - WindowCaptureSetMonitor
[Info | 7:37:46 PM] [ESM Event] - WindowCaptureMoved
[Info | 7:37:46 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowResize
[Info | 7:37:47 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 7:37:51 PM] 1 logs of- [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 7:37:51 PM] Fallback set game in focus
[Info | 7:37:51 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 7:37:55 PM] 11 logs of- [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 7:37:55 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowFocus
[Info | 7:37:55 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 7:37:55 PM] [OBS-Log] ----------------- d3d11 capture freed
[Info | 7:37:55 PM] [OBS-Log] Found D3D11 11.0 device on swap chain
[Info | 7:37:55 PM] [OBS-Log] d3d11 shared texture capture successful
[Info | 7:37:55 PM] Free shared texture resources
[Info | 7:37:55 PM] Shared texture resources freed
[Info | 7:37:55 PM] Hook data extracted
[Info | 7:37:55 PM] Looking for adapter with LUID: 42474
[Info | 7:37:55 PM] Found adapter: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1660 Ti
[Info | 7:37:55 PM] IncreaseFrameLatency success
[Info | 7:37:55 PM] SetGPUPriority result: 3
[Info | 7:37:55 PM] mapId 41
[Info | 7:37:55 PM] [+] Texture Mapped file accessed.
[Info | 7:37:55 PM] [OBSCaptureState] Shared texture success. Handle: 1073754754
Format: R10G10B10A2_UNorm
[Info | 7:37:55 PM] [OBSCaptureState] DX Version: 11
[Info | 7:37:55 PM] Input Resolution: 1920x1080 - AR: eMST_LetterBox
[Info | 7:37:55 PM] Output Resolution: 1280x-720
[Info | 7:37:56 PM] Fallback set game defocus
[Info | 7:37:56 PM] [ESM Event] - WindowCaptureSetMonitor
[Info | 7:37:56 PM] [ESM Event] - WindowCaptureMoved
[Info | 7:37:56 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowResize
[Info | 7:37:56 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowFocus
[Info | 7:38:09 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 7:38:09 PM] 1 logs of- [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 7:38:09 PM] Window object destroyed: Fortnite -- 919102
[Info | 7:38:09 PM] Game is closed
[Info | 7:38:09 PM] Fortnite exited.
[Info | 7:38:09 PM] [Game Status]: game/stopped - Fortnite[10cJzcPADb]
[Info | 7:38:09 PM] Stop recording game Fortnite
[Info | 7:38:09 PM] recordingstopped
[Info | 7:38:09 PM] Keyboard hook detached
[Info | 7:38:09 PM] ControllerManager stopping...
[Info | 7:38:09 PM] ControllerManager: PollInput stopped.
[Info | 7:38:09 PM] ControllerManager stopped.
[Info | 7:38:09 PM] [ESM Event] - GameClosed
[Info | 7:38:09 PM] Stopped Filter
[Info | 7:38:09 PM] [Game Status]: capture/stopped - Fortnite[10cJzcPADb]
[Info | 7:38:09 PM] Stopping MedalWriter.
[Debug | 7:38:09 PM] recordingstopped reply "ok"
[Debug | 7:38:09 PM] capture/stopped reply "ok"
[Info | 7:38:09 PM] Mic disabled
[Info | 7:38:09 PM] MedalWriter stopped.
[Info | 7:38:09 PM] Free shared texture resources
[Info | 7:38:09 PM] Shared texture resources freed
[Info | 7:38:09 PM] ----[ESM State]: ScanningForGame----
[Info | 7:38:09 PM] Switching recording to Discord
[Info | 7:38:09 PM] Alerting Electron of switching game
[Info | 7:38:09 PM] recordingstarted 5 - Discord
[Info | 7:38:09 PM] Start recording game Discord
[Info | 7:38:09 PM] [ESM Event] - WindowCaptureStart
[Info | 7:38:09 PM] Stopping log reader.
[Info | 7:38:09 PM] ICYMI initializing. Config Enabled: True - Settings Enabled:
[Info | 7:38:09 PM] Stopping periodic game extension jobs.
[Info | 7:38:09 PM] Check for late hook install: True
[Debug | 7:38:09 PM] GameSwitched reply "ok"
[Debug | 7:38:09 PM] recordingstarted reply "ok"
[Info | 7:38:09 PM] codecName- n264, fcc type- eMFCC_NV12
[Info | 7:38:09 PM] Output Mode: Clip Output
[Info | 7:38:09 PM] Recording mic: True
[Info | 7:38:09 PM] Setup Mic Audio
[Info | 7:38:09 PM] Mic device set. Audio name:Micrófono de los auriculares con
micrófono (Plantronics Blackwire 3225 Series), Index:1, SampleRate:48000,
Channels:2, BitsPerSample:-32
[Info | 7:38:09 PM] Mic noise suppression set: False
[Info | 7:38:09 PM] Mic noise gate set: False, Threshold: -100
[Info | 7:38:09 PM] Setup Loopback Audio
[Info | 7:38:09 PM] Default device is Audífono de los auriculares con micrófono
(Plantronics Blackwire 3225 Series)
[Info | 7:38:09 PM] Audio device set. Audio name:Audífono de los auriculares con
micrófono (Plantronics Blackwire 3225 Series), Index:0, SampleRate:48000,
Channels:2, BitsPerSample:-32
[Info | 7:38:09 PM] Window capture video resolution is {Width=1280, Height=698} -
Aspect ratio is Custom
[Info | 7:38:09 PM] Window capture aspect ratio 640:349
[Info | 7:38:09 PM] Acquired window capture device.
[Info | 7:38:09 PM] [Game Status]: capture/started - Discord[5]
[Info | 7:38:09 PM] codecName- n264, fcc type- eMFCC_NV12
[Info | 7:38:09 PM] Memory buffer size (MB): 75
[Info | 7:38:09 PM] Started Filter
[Info | 7:38:09 PM] Capture area is 0,24,1920,1040
[Info | 7:38:09 PM] Hiding: 0,24,1920,1040
[Info | 7:38:09 PM] ControllerManager starting...
[Info | 7:38:09 PM] Check for input devices
[Info | 7:38:09 PM] Keyboard hook started F12
[Info | 7:38:09 PM] First video data from screen capture
[Debug | 7:38:09 PM] game/stopped reply "ok"
[Info | 7:38:09 PM] Audio device (eMFDT_ExtAudio) System volume: 5
[Info | 7:38:09 PM] Set sound gain {0},{0},{1},{1} - 1.4 - 0
[Info | 7:38:09 PM] Audio config- 2,3 - 0,1 | tracksplitbits - 1010 | mix channels
- 0+2,1+3
[Info | 7:38:09 PM] Creating overlay frame from: C:\Users\Hugo\AppData\Local\Medal\
[Info | 7:38:09 PM] ControllerManager started.
[Info | 7:38:09 PM] [ESM Event] - WindowCaptureSetMonitor
[Info | 7:38:09 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 7:38:09 PM] ----[ESM State]: WindowCaptureStandard----
[Info | 7:38:09 PM] Screen: 0
[Info | 7:38:09 PM] Hiding: 0,24,1920,1040
[Debug | 7:38:09 PM] capture/started reply "ok"
[Info | 7:38:10 PM] Notification message received
[Info | 7:38:10 PM] job.respond b4397fb9-cc31-451e-ba07-76e38c99e3b0
[Debug | 7:38:10 PM] job.respond "ok"
[Info | 7:38:14 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 7:38:14 PM] Hiding: 0,24,1920,1040
[Info | 7:38:14 PM] Active game GameRecordingSuccessfullyStarted WindowCapture
[Info | 7:38:14 PM] Using standard overlay.
[Info | 7:38:14 PM] Starting DirectX overlay for Discord
[Info | 7:38:14 PM] Capture mode: DXGI
[Info | 7:38:20 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 7:38:20 PM] Hiding: 0,24,1920,1040
[Info | 8:30:29 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 8:30:29 PM] Hiding: 0,24,1920,1040
[Info | 8:33:08 PM] Check for input devices
[Info | 8:33:58 PM] 3 logs of- Check for input devices
[Info | 8:33:58 PM] OnDeviceStateChanged : Cannot get the device
[Info | 8:33:58 PM] Sending available audio devices Audífono de los auriculares con
micrófono (Plantronics Blackwire 3225 Series), Audífono de los auriculares con
micrófono (Wireless Controller), Audio digital (S/PDIF) (2- High Definition Audio
Device), VX2418-P FHD (NVIDIA High Definition Audio)
[Debug | 8:33:58 PM] SendAvailableAudioDevices reply {"success":true}
[Info | 8:33:58 PM] Sending available mic devices Micrófono de los auriculares con
micrófono (Plantronics Blackwire 3225 Series)
[Debug | 8:33:58 PM] SendAvailableMicDevices reply {"success":true}
[Warning | 8:33:58 PM] PS4 controller input lost
[Info | 8:33:58 PM] Device disconnected [06aed660-b6b5-11ec-8001-444553540000]
[Info | 8:33:58 PM] OnDeviceStateChanged : Cannot get the device
[Info | 8:33:58 PM] Sending available audio devices Audífono de los auriculares con
micrófono (Plantronics Blackwire 3225 Series), Audio digital (S/PDIF) (2- High
Definition Audio Device), VX2418-P FHD (NVIDIA High Definition Audio)
[Debug | 8:33:58 PM] SendAvailableAudioDevices reply {"success":true}
[Info | 8:33:58 PM] Sending available mic devices Micrófono de los auriculares con
micrófono (Plantronics Blackwire 3225 Series)
[Debug | 8:33:58 PM] SendAvailableMicDevices reply {"success":true}
[Info | 8:33:59 PM] Check for input devices
[Info | 8:33:59 PM] Sound Property Changed
[Info | 8:33:59 PM] OnDefaultDeviceChanged : DataFlow=Render
[Info | 8:34:36 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 8:34:36 PM] Hiding: 0,24,1920,1040
[Info | 8:34:36 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 8:34:36 PM] Hiding: 0,24,1920,1040
[Info | 8:34:36 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 8:34:36 PM] Hiding: 0,24,1920,1040
[Info | 8:34:36 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 8:34:36 PM] Hiding: 0,24,1920,1040
[Info | 8:34:40 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 8:34:40 PM] Hiding: 0,24,1920,1040
[Info | 8:34:40 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 8:34:40 PM] Hiding: 0,24,1920,1040
[Info | 8:34:40 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 8:34:40 PM] Hiding: 0,24,1920,1040
[Info | 8:34:40 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 8:34:40 PM] Hiding: 0,24,1920,1040
[Info | 8:34:56 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 8:34:56 PM] Hiding: 0,24,1920,1040
[Info | 8:34:56 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 8:34:56 PM] Hiding: 0,24,1920,1040
[Info | 8:34:57 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 8:34:57 PM] Hiding: 0,24,1920,1040
[Info | 8:34:57 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 8:34:57 PM] Hiding: 0,24,1920,1040
[Info | 8:35:04 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 8:35:04 PM] Hiding: 0,24,1920,1040
[Info | 8:35:04 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 8:35:04 PM] Hiding: 0,24,1920,1040
[Info | 8:35:04 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 8:35:04 PM] Hiding: 0,24,1920,1040
[Info | 8:35:04 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 8:35:04 PM] Hiding: 0,24,1920,1040
[Info | 8:38:00 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 8:38:00 PM] Hiding: 0,24,1920,1040
[Info | 8:38:00 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 8:38:00 PM] Hiding: 0,24,1920,1040
[Info | 8:38:00 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 8:38:00 PM] Hiding: 0,24,1920,1040
[Info | 8:38:00 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 8:38:00 PM] Hiding: 0,24,1920,1040
[Info | 8:38:05 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 8:38:05 PM] Hiding: 0,24,1920,1040
[Info | 8:38:05 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 8:38:05 PM] Hiding: 0,24,1920,1040
[Info | 8:38:05 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 8:38:05 PM] Hiding: 0,24,1920,1040
[Info | 8:38:05 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 8:38:05 PM] Hiding: 0,24,1920,1040
[Info | 8:43:53 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 8:43:53 PM] Hiding: 0,24,1920,1040
[Info | 8:43:53 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 8:43:53 PM] Hiding: 0,24,1920,1040
[Info | 8:43:53 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 8:43:53 PM] Hiding: 0,24,1920,1040
[Info | 8:43:53 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 8:43:53 PM] Hiding: 0,24,1920,1040
[Info | 8:48:13 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 8:48:13 PM] Hiding: 0,24,1920,1040
[Info | 8:48:13 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 8:48:13 PM] Hiding: 0,24,1920,1040
[Info | 8:48:13 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 8:48:13 PM] Hiding: 0,24,1920,1040
[Info | 8:48:13 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 8:48:13 PM] Hiding: 0,24,1920,1040
[Info | 8:55:41 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 8:55:41 PM] Hiding: 0,24,1920,1040
[Info | 8:55:41 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 8:55:41 PM] Hiding: 0,24,1920,1040
[Info | 8:59:52 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 8:59:52 PM] Hiding: 0,24,1920,1040
[Info | 8:59:52 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 8:59:52 PM] Hiding: 0,24,1920,1040
[Info | 8:59:52 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 8:59:52 PM] Hiding: 0,24,1920,1040
[Info | 8:59:52 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 8:59:52 PM] Hiding: 0,24,1920,1040
[Info | 9:09:49 PM] OnDeviceStateChanged : Cannot get the device
[Info | 9:09:49 PM] Sending available audio devices Audífono de los auriculares con
micrófono (Plantronics Blackwire 3225 Series), Audio digital (S/PDIF) (2- High
Definition Audio Device)
[Debug | 9:09:49 PM] SendAvailableAudioDevices reply {"success":true}
[Info | 9:09:49 PM] Sending available mic devices Micrófono de los auriculares con
micrófono (Plantronics Blackwire 3225 Series)
[Debug | 9:09:49 PM] SendAvailableMicDevices reply {"success":true}
[Info | 9:09:49 PM] Check for input devices
[Info | 9:09:49 PM] Sound Property Changed
[Info | 9:59:47 PM] OnDeviceStateChanged : Cannot get the device
[Info | 9:59:47 PM] Sending available audio devices Audífono de los auriculares con
micrófono (Plantronics Blackwire 3225 Series), Audio digital (S/PDIF) (2- High
Definition Audio Device)
[Debug | 9:59:47 PM] SendAvailableAudioDevices reply {"success":true}
[Info | 9:59:47 PM] Sending available mic devices Micrófono de los auriculares con
micrófono (Plantronics Blackwire 3225 Series)
[Debug | 9:59:47 PM] SendAvailableMicDevices reply {"success":true}
[Info | 9:59:47 PM] OnDeviceStateChanged : DataFlow=loopback DeviceState=Active
[Info | 9:59:47 PM] Sending available audio devices Audífono de los auriculares con
micrófono (Plantronics Blackwire 3225 Series), Audio digital (S/PDIF) (2- High
Definition Audio Device), VX2418-P FHD (NVIDIA High Definition Audio)
[Debug | 9:59:47 PM] SendAvailableAudioDevices reply {"success":true}
[Info | 9:59:47 PM] Check for input devices
[Info | 9:59:48 PM] 1 logs of- Check for input devices
[Info | 9:59:48 PM] Sound Property Changed
[Info | 10:04:05 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 10:04:05 PM] Hiding: 0,24,1920,1040
[Info | 10:04:19 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 10:04:19 PM] Hiding: 0,24,1920,1040
[Info | 10:04:19 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 10:04:19 PM] Hiding: 0,24,1920,1040
[Info | 10:05:07 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 10:05:07 PM] Hiding: 0,24,1920,1040
[Info | 10:05:07 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 10:05:07 PM] Hiding: 0,24,1920,1040
[Info | 10:05:07 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 10:05:07 PM] Hiding: 0,24,1920,1040
[Info | 10:05:07 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 10:05:07 PM] Hiding: 0,24,1920,1040
[Info | 10:05:29 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 10:05:29 PM] Hiding: 0,24,1920,1040
[Info | 10:05:29 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 10:05:29 PM] Hiding: 0,24,1920,1040
[Info | 10:05:29 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 10:05:29 PM] Hiding: 0,24,1920,1040
[Info | 10:05:29 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 10:05:29 PM] Hiding: 0,24,1920,1040
[Info | 10:08:46 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 10:08:46 PM] Hiding: 0,24,1920,1040
[Info | 10:08:51 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 10:08:51 PM] Hiding: 0,24,1920,1040
[Info | 10:12:36 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 10:12:36 PM] Hiding: 0,24,1920,1040
[Info | 10:12:36 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 10:12:36 PM] Hiding: 0,24,1920,1040
[Info | 10:12:36 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 10:12:36 PM] Hiding: 0,24,1920,1040
[Info | 10:12:36 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 10:12:36 PM] Hiding: 0,24,1920,1040
[Info | 10:13:29 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 10:13:29 PM] Hiding: 0,24,1920,1040
[Info | 10:13:29 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 10:13:29 PM] Hiding: 0,24,1920,1040
[Info | 10:13:29 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 10:13:29 PM] Hiding: 0,24,1920,1040
[Info | 10:13:29 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 10:13:29 PM] Hiding: 0,24,1920,1040
[Info | 10:13:30 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 10:13:30 PM] Hiding: 0,24,1920,1040
[Info | 10:13:30 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 10:13:30 PM] Hiding: 0,24,1920,1040
[Info | 10:13:31 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 10:13:31 PM] Hiding: 0,24,1920,1040
[Info | 10:13:31 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 10:13:31 PM] Hiding: 0,24,1920,1040
[Info | 10:13:31 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 10:13:31 PM] Hiding: 0,24,1920,1040
[Info | 10:13:31 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 10:13:31 PM] Hiding: 0,24,1920,1040
[Info | 10:13:32 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 10:13:32 PM] Hiding: 0,24,1920,1040
[Info | 10:13:32 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 10:13:32 PM] Hiding: 0,24,1920,1040
[Info | 10:22:01 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 10:22:01 PM] Hiding: 0,24,1920,1040
[Info | 10:22:01 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 10:22:01 PM] Hiding: 0,24,1920,1040
[Info | 10:22:02 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 10:22:02 PM] Hiding: 0,24,1920,1040
[Info | 10:22:03 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 10:22:03 PM] Hiding: 0,24,1920,1040
[Info | 10:22:03 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 10:22:03 PM] Hiding: 0,24,1920,1040
[Info | 10:22:03 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 10:22:03 PM] Hiding: 0,24,1920,1040
[Info | 10:22:03 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 10:22:03 PM] Hiding: 0,24,1920,1040
[Info | 10:22:03 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 10:22:03 PM] Hiding: 0,24,1920,1040
[Info | 10:22:03 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 10:22:03 PM] Hiding: 0,24,1920,1040
[Info | 10:22:38 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 10:22:38 PM] Hiding: 0,24,1920,1040
[Info | 10:22:38 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 10:22:38 PM] Hiding: 0,24,1920,1040
[Info | 10:22:38 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 10:22:38 PM] Hiding: 0,24,1920,1040
[Info | 10:22:38 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 10:22:38 PM] Hiding: 0,24,1920,1040
[Info | 10:22:40 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 10:22:40 PM] Hiding: 0,24,1920,1040
[Info | 10:22:40 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 10:22:40 PM] Hiding: 0,24,1920,1040
[Info | 10:22:40 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 10:22:40 PM] Hiding: 0,24,1920,1040
[Info | 10:22:40 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 10:22:40 PM] Hiding: 0,24,1920,1040
[Info | 10:22:42 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 10:22:42 PM] Hiding: 0,24,1920,1040
[Info | 10:22:42 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 10:22:42 PM] Hiding: 0,24,1920,1040
[Info | 10:22:42 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 10:22:42 PM] Hiding: 0,24,1920,1040
[Info | 10:22:42 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 10:22:42 PM] Hiding: 0,24,1920,1040
[Info | 10:24:36 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 10:24:36 PM] Hiding: 0,24,1920,1040
[Info | 10:24:36 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 10:24:36 PM] Hiding: 0,24,1920,1040
[Info | 10:24:36 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 10:24:36 PM] Hiding: 0,24,1920,1040
[Info | 10:24:36 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 10:24:36 PM] Hiding: 0,24,1920,1040
[Info | 10:26:12 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 10:26:12 PM] Hiding: 0,24,1920,1040
[Info | 10:26:12 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 10:26:12 PM] Hiding: 0,24,1920,1040
[Info | 10:26:12 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 10:26:12 PM] Hiding: 0,24,1920,1040
[Info | 10:26:12 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 10:26:12 PM] Hiding: 0,24,1920,1040
[Info | 10:27:22 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 10:27:22 PM] Hiding: 0,24,1920,1040
[Info | 10:27:22 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 10:27:22 PM] Hiding: 0,24,1920,1040
[Info | 10:27:22 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 10:27:22 PM] Hiding: 0,24,1920,1040
[Info | 10:27:22 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 10:27:22 PM] Hiding: 0,24,1920,1040
[Info | 10:28:10 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 10:28:10 PM] Hiding: 0,24,1920,1040
[Info | 10:28:11 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 10:28:11 PM] Hiding: 0,24,1920,1040
[Info | 10:28:11 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 10:28:11 PM] Hiding: 0,24,1920,1040
[Info | 10:28:11 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 10:28:11 PM] Hiding: 0,24,1920,1040
[Info | 10:32:18 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 10:32:18 PM] Hiding: 0,24,1920,1040
[Info | 10:32:18 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 10:32:18 PM] Hiding: 0,24,1920,1040
[Info | 10:32:18 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 10:32:18 PM] Hiding: 0,24,1920,1040
[Info | 10:32:18 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 10:32:18 PM] Hiding: 0,24,1920,1040
[Info | 10:32:19 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 10:32:19 PM] Hiding: 0,24,1920,1040
[Info | 10:32:19 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 10:32:19 PM] Hiding: 0,24,1920,1040
[Info | 10:32:19 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 10:32:19 PM] Hiding: 0,24,1920,1040
[Info | 10:32:19 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 10:32:19 PM] Hiding: 0,24,1920,1040
[Info | 10:35:44 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 10:35:44 PM] Hiding: 0,24,1920,1040
[Info | 10:35:44 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 10:35:44 PM] Hiding: 0,24,1920,1040
[Info | 10:35:44 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 10:35:44 PM] Hiding: 0,24,1920,1040
[Info | 10:35:44 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 10:35:44 PM] Hiding: 0,24,1920,1040
[Info | 10:35:48 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 10:35:48 PM] Hiding: 0,24,1920,1040
[Info | 10:35:49 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 10:35:49 PM] Hiding: 0,24,1920,1040
[Info | 10:37:58 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 10:37:58 PM] Hiding: 0,24,1920,1040
[Info | 10:37:58 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 10:37:58 PM] Hiding: 0,24,1920,1040
[Info | 10:37:58 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 10:37:58 PM] Hiding: 0,24,1920,1040
[Info | 10:37:58 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 10:37:58 PM] Hiding: 0,24,1920,1040
[Info | 10:44:47 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 10:44:47 PM] Hiding: 0,24,1920,1040
[Info | 10:44:47 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 10:44:47 PM] Hiding: 0,24,1920,1040
[Info | 10:44:47 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 10:44:47 PM] Hiding: 0,24,1920,1040
[Info | 10:44:47 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 10:44:47 PM] Hiding: 0,24,1920,1040
[Info | 10:46:52 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 10:46:52 PM] Hiding: 0,24,1920,1040
[Info | 10:46:52 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 10:46:52 PM] Hiding: 0,24,1920,1040
[Info | 10:46:52 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 10:46:52 PM] Hiding: 0,24,1920,1040
[Info | 10:46:52 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 10:46:52 PM] Hiding: 0,24,1920,1040
[Info | 10:46:52 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 10:46:52 PM] Hiding: 0,24,1920,1040
[Info | 10:46:53 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 10:46:53 PM] Hiding: 0,24,1920,1040
[Info | 10:46:53 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 10:46:53 PM] Hiding: 0,24,1920,1040
[Info | 10:46:53 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 10:46:53 PM] Hiding: 0,24,1920,1040
[Info | 10:46:53 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 10:46:53 PM] Hiding: 0,24,1920,1040
[Info | 10:48:31 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 10:48:31 PM] Hiding: 0,24,1920,1040
[Info | 10:48:34 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 10:48:34 PM] Hiding: 0,24,1920,1040
[Info | 10:48:38 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 10:48:38 PM] Hiding: 0,24,1920,1040
[Info | 10:50:18 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 10:50:18 PM] Hiding: 0,24,1920,1040
[Info | 10:50:18 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 10:50:18 PM] Hiding: 0,24,1920,1040
[Info | 10:50:21 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 10:50:21 PM] Hiding: 0,24,1920,1040
[Info | 10:51:07 PM] Triggered switch game
[Info | 10:51:07 PM] [ESM Event] - SwitchGameRecording
[Info | 10:51:07 PM] Cannot switch game recording to
[Info | 10:51:07 PM] Running Discord
[Info | 10:51:07 PM] Triggered switch game
[Info | 10:51:07 PM] [ESM Event] - SwitchGameRecording
[Info | 10:51:07 PM] Cannot switch game recording to
[Info | 10:51:07 PM] Running Discord
[Info | 10:51:07 PM] Triggered switch game
[Info | 10:51:07 PM] [ESM Event] - SwitchGameRecording
[Info | 10:51:07 PM] Cannot switch game recording to
[Info | 10:51:07 PM] Running Discord
[Info | 10:51:07 PM] Triggered switch game
[Info | 10:51:07 PM] [ESM Event] - SwitchGameRecording
[Info | 10:51:07 PM] Cannot switch game recording to
[Info | 10:51:07 PM] Running Discord
[Info | 11:04:03 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 11:04:03 PM] Hiding: 0,24,1920,1040
[Info | 11:04:03 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 11:04:03 PM] Hiding: 0,24,1920,1040
[Info | 11:04:05 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 11:04:05 PM] Hiding: 0,24,1920,1040
[Info | 11:04:06 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowFocus
[Info | 11:04:06 PM] Showing: 0,24,1920,1040
[Info | 11:04:06 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 11:04:06 PM] Hiding: 0,24,1920,1040
[Info | 11:04:07 PM] [ESM Event] - WindowCaptureSetMonitor
[Info | 11:04:07 PM] Screen: 0
[Info | 11:04:07 PM] [ESM Event] - WindowCaptureMoved
[Info | 11:04:07 PM] Capture area is 0,24,1920,1040
[Info | 11:04:07 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowFocus
[Info | 11:04:07 PM] Showing: 0,24,1920,1040
[Info | 11:04:09 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 11:04:09 PM] Hiding: 0,24,1920,1040
[Info | 11:04:09 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 11:04:09 PM] Hiding: 0,24,1920,1040
[Info | 11:04:09 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 11:04:09 PM] Hiding: 0,24,1920,1040
[Info | 11:04:09 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowFocus
[Info | 11:04:09 PM] Showing: 0,24,1920,1040
[Info | 11:04:10 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 11:04:10 PM] Hiding: 0,24,1920,1040
[Info | 11:04:10 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 11:04:10 PM] Hiding: 0,24,1920,1040
[Info | 11:04:10 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 11:04:10 PM] Hiding: 0,24,1920,1040
[Info | 11:18:40 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowFocus
[Info | 11:18:40 PM] Showing: 0,24,1920,1040
[Info | 11:18:42 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 11:18:42 PM] Hiding: 0,24,1920,1040
[Info | 11:18:43 PM] [ESM Event] - WindowCaptureSetMonitor
[Info | 11:18:43 PM] Screen: 0
[Info | 11:18:43 PM] [ESM Event] - WindowCaptureMoved
[Info | 11:18:43 PM] Capture area is 328,192,1592,872
[Info | 11:18:43 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowResize
[Info | 11:18:43 PM] [ESM Event] - ConfigChanged
[Info | 11:18:43 PM] Stopped Filter
[Info | 11:18:43 PM] [Game Status]: capture/stopped - Discord[5]
[Debug | 11:18:43 PM] capture/stopped reply "ok"
[Info | 11:18:43 PM] Stopping window capture...
[Info | 11:18:43 PM] Window capture stopped.
[Info | 11:18:43 PM] Mic disabled
[Info | 11:18:43 PM] Keyboard hook detached
[Info | 11:18:43 PM] ControllerManager stopping...
[Info | 11:18:43 PM] ControllerManager: PollInput stopped.
[Info | 11:18:43 PM] ControllerManager stopped.
[Info | 11:18:43 PM] ICYMI initializing. Config Enabled: True - Settings Enabled:
[Info | 11:18:43 PM] Check for late hook install: True
[Info | 11:18:43 PM] codecName- n264, fcc type- eMFCC_NV12
[Info | 11:18:43 PM] Output Mode: Clip Output
[Info | 11:18:43 PM] Recording mic: True
[Info | 11:18:43 PM] Setup Mic Audio
[Info | 11:18:43 PM] Mic device set. Audio name:Micrófono de los auriculares con
micrófono (Plantronics Blackwire 3225 Series), Index:1, SampleRate:48000,
Channels:2, BitsPerSample:-32
[Info | 11:18:43 PM] Mic noise suppression set: False
[Info | 11:18:43 PM] Mic noise gate set: False, Threshold: -100
[Info | 11:18:43 PM] Setup Loopback Audio
[Info | 11:18:43 PM] Default device is Audífono de los auriculares con micrófono
(Plantronics Blackwire 3225 Series)
[Info | 11:18:43 PM] Audio device set. Audio name:Audífono de los auriculares con
micrófono (Plantronics Blackwire 3225 Series), Index:0, SampleRate:48000,
Channels:2, BitsPerSample:-32
[Info | 11:18:43 PM] Window capture video resolution is {Width=1280, Height=720} -
Aspect ratio is Custom
[Info | 11:18:43 PM] Window capture aspect ratio 16:9
[Info | 11:18:43 PM] Acquired window capture device.
[Info | 11:18:43 PM] codecName- n264, fcc type- eMFCC_NV12
[Info | 11:18:43 PM] Memory buffer size (MB): 75
[Info | 11:18:43 PM] Started Filter
[Info | 11:18:43 PM] Capture area is 328,192,1592,872
[Info | 11:18:43 PM] Hiding: 328,192,1592,872
[Info | 11:18:43 PM] ControllerManager starting...
[Info | 11:18:43 PM] Check for input devices
[Info | 11:18:43 PM] Keyboard hook started F12
[Info | 11:18:43 PM] First video data from screen capture
[Info | 11:18:43 PM] Audio device (eMFDT_ExtAudio) System volume: 5
[Info | 11:18:43 PM] Set sound gain {0},{0},{1},{1} - 1.4 - 0
[Info | 11:18:43 PM] Audio config- 2,3 - 0,1 | tracksplitbits - 1010 | mix channels
- 0+2,1+3
[Info | 11:18:43 PM] Creating overlay frame from: C:\Users\Hugo\AppData\Local\
[Info | 11:18:43 PM] ControllerManager started.
[Info | 11:18:43 PM] [ESM Event] - WindowCaptureSetMonitor
[Info | 11:18:43 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowFocus
[Info | 11:18:43 PM] Screen: 0
[Info | 11:18:43 PM] Showing: 328,192,1592,872
[Info | 11:18:43 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowFocus
[Info | 11:18:43 PM] Showing: 328,192,1592,872
[Info | 11:18:44 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 11:18:44 PM] Hiding: 328,192,1592,872
[Info | 11:18:44 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 11:18:44 PM] Hiding: 328,192,1592,872
[Info | 11:18:46 PM] [ESM Event] - WindowCaptureSetMonitor
[Info | 11:18:46 PM] Screen: 0
[Info | 11:18:46 PM] [ESM Event] - WindowCaptureMoved
[Info | 11:18:46 PM] Capture area is 0,0,1920,1080
[Info | 11:18:47 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 11:18:47 PM] Hiding: 0,0,1920,1080
[Info | 11:18:48 PM] Active game GameRecordingSuccessfullyStarted WindowCapture
[Info | 11:18:48 PM] Using standard overlay.
[Info | 11:18:48 PM] Starting DirectX overlay for Discord
[Info | 11:18:48 PM] Capture mode: DXGI
[Info | 11:19:15 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 11:19:15 PM] Hiding: 0,0,1920,1080
[Info | 11:19:30 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 11:19:30 PM] Hiding: 0,0,1920,1080
[Info | 11:19:36 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 11:19:36 PM] Hiding: 0,0,1920,1080
[Info | 11:19:40 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 11:19:40 PM] Hiding: 0,0,1920,1080
[Info | 11:19:40 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 11:19:40 PM] Hiding: 0,0,1920,1080
[Info | 11:19:40 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 11:19:40 PM] Hiding: 0,0,1920,1080
[Info | 11:19:40 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 11:19:40 PM] Hiding: 0,0,1920,1080
[Info | 11:19:42 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 11:19:42 PM] Hiding: 0,0,1920,1080
[Info | 11:19:42 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 11:19:42 PM] Hiding: 0,0,1920,1080
[Info | 11:19:42 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 11:19:42 PM] Hiding: 0,0,1920,1080
[Info | 11:19:42 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 11:19:42 PM] Hiding: 0,0,1920,1080
[Info | 11:19:43 PM] Game Found Type 1: Fortnite
[Info | 11:19:43 PM] Process name found FortniteClient-Win64-Shipping | Caption |
Fortnite | and class | UnrealWindow | Detect all Games | False
[Info | 11:19:43 PM] Game found FortniteClient-Win64-Shipping Handle: 787808
[Info | 11:19:43 PM] Monitor: 65537 Current DPI: 96, 96
[Info | 11:19:43 PM] Setting up window hooks
[Info | 11:19:43 PM] Window hooks complete
[Info | 11:19:43 PM] Active game initialized Fortnite
[Info | 11:19:43 PM] [Game Status]: game/started - Fortnite[10cJzcPADb]
[Debug | 11:19:43 PM] game/started reply "ok"
[Info | 11:20:03 PM] FortniteClient-Win64-Shipping has been in focus for over 20
seconds. Switching recording.
[Info | 11:20:03 PM] Switching recording to FortniteClient-Win64-Shipping
[Info | 11:20:03 PM] Alerting Electron of switching game
[Info | 11:20:03 PM] Stop recording game Discord
[Info | 11:20:03 PM] recordingstopped
[Debug | 11:20:03 PM] GameSwitched reply "ok"
[Info | 11:20:03 PM] recordingstarted 10cJzcPADb - Fortnite
[Info | 11:20:03 PM] Start recording game Fortnite
[Debug | 11:20:03 PM] recordingstopped reply "ok"
[Info | 11:20:03 PM] [ESM Event] - GameFound
[Debug | 11:20:03 PM] recordingstarted reply "ok"
[Info | 11:20:03 PM] Stopped Filter
[Info | 11:20:03 PM] [Game Status]: capture/stopped - Discord[5]
[Info | 11:20:03 PM] Stopping window capture...
[Debug | 11:20:03 PM] capture/stopped reply "ok"
[Info | 11:20:03 PM] Window capture stopped.
[Info | 11:20:03 PM] Mic disabled
[Info | 11:20:03 PM] Keyboard hook detached
[Info | 11:20:03 PM] ControllerManager stopping...
[Info | 11:20:03 PM] ControllerManager: PollInput stopped.
[Info | 11:20:03 PM] ControllerManager stopped.
[Info | 11:20:03 PM] ----[ESM State]: OBSInjectionState----
[Info | 11:20:03 PM] Process detected as: 64 Bit
[Info | 11:20:03 PM] Attempting to hook... [0]
[Info | 11:20:03 PM] Starting log reader.
[Info | 11:20:04 PM] [OBS-Log] graphics-hook.dll loaded against process:
[Info | 11:20:04 PM] [OBS-Log] (half life scientist) everything.. seems to be in
[Info | 11:20:04 PM] [OBS-Log] [INFO] [MAIN] Overlay init starting.
[Info | 11:20:08 PM] [d3d8]
[Info | 11:20:08 PM] Audio mode: 0
[Info | 11:20:08 PM] AdvOverlay: 0
[Info | 11:20:08 PM] [ESM Event] - GameCaptureStart
[Info | 11:20:08 PM] ICYMI initializing. Config Enabled: True - Settings Enabled:
[Info | 11:20:08 PM] ----[ESM State]: GameCapture----
[Info | 11:20:08 PM] [Game Status]: capture/started - Fortnite[10cJzcPADb]
[Info | 11:20:08 PM] Started Filter
[Info | 11:20:08 PM] [OBS-Log] Hooked ID3D12CommandQueue::ExecuteCommandLists
[Info | 11:20:08 PM] [OBS-Log] Hooked D3D12
[Info | 11:20:08 PM] [OBS-Log] Hooked D3D9
[Info | 11:20:08 PM] [OBS-Log] Hooked IDXGISwapChain::Present
[Info | 11:20:08 PM] [OBS-Log] Hooked IDXGISwapChain::ResizeBuffers
[Info | 11:20:08 PM] [OBS-Log] Hooked IDXGISwapChain1::Present1
[Info | 11:20:08 PM] [OBS-Log] Hooked IDXGISwapChain::Release
[Info | 11:20:08 PM] [OBS-Log] Hooked DXGI
[Info | 11:20:08 PM] [OBS-Log] Found D3D11 11.0 device on swap chain
[Info | 11:20:08 PM] [OBS-Log] d3d11 shared texture capture successful
[Info | 11:20:08 PM] Free shared texture resources
[Info | 11:20:08 PM] Shared texture resources freed
[Info | 11:20:08 PM] Hook data extracted
[Info | 11:20:08 PM] Looking for adapter with LUID: 42474
[Info | 11:20:08 PM] Found adapter: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1660 Ti
[Info | 11:20:08 PM] [OBS-Log] ----------------- d3d11 capture freed
[Info | 11:20:08 PM] [OBS-Log] d3d11 shared texture capture successful
[Info | 11:20:08 PM] IncreaseFrameLatency success
[Info | 11:20:08 PM] SetGPUPriority result: 3
[Info | 11:20:08 PM] mapId 1
[Info | 11:20:08 PM] [OBSCaptureState] Shared texture capture failed attempt 1.
Unable to find the specified file.
[Info | 11:20:09 PM] Free shared texture resources
[Info | 11:20:09 PM] Shared texture resources freed
[Info | 11:20:09 PM] Hook data extracted
[Info | 11:20:09 PM] Looking for adapter with LUID: 42474
[Info | 11:20:09 PM] Found adapter: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1660 Ti
[Info | 11:20:09 PM] IncreaseFrameLatency success
[Info | 11:20:09 PM] SetGPUPriority result: 3
[Info | 11:20:09 PM] mapId 2
[Info | 11:20:09 PM] [+] Texture Mapped file accessed.
[Info | 11:20:09 PM] [OBSCaptureState] Shared texture success. Handle: 1073756674
Format: R10G10B10A2_UNorm
[Info | 11:20:09 PM] [OBSCaptureState] DX Version: 11
[Info | 11:20:09 PM] Input Resolution: 1920x1080 - AR: eMST_LetterBox
[Info | 11:20:09 PM] Output Resolution: 1280x-720
[Info | 11:20:09 PM] Frame factory initialized on device Auto, LUID:42474
[Info | 11:20:09 PM] Output Mode: Clip Output
[Info | 11:20:09 PM] codecName- n264, fcc type- eMFCC_NV12
[Info | 11:20:09 PM] Memory buffer size (MB): 75
[Info | 11:20:09 PM] Recording mic: True
[Info | 11:20:09 PM] Setup Mic Audio
[Info | 11:20:09 PM] Mic device set. Audio name:Micrófono de los auriculares con
micrófono (Plantronics Blackwire 3225 Series), Index:1, SampleRate:48000,
Channels:2, BitsPerSample:-32
[Info | 11:20:09 PM] Mic noise suppression set: False
[Info | 11:20:09 PM] Mic noise gate set: False, Threshold: -100
[Info | 11:20:09 PM] Setup Loopback Audio
[Info | 11:20:09 PM] Default device is Audífono de los auriculares con micrófono
(Plantronics Blackwire 3225 Series)
[Info | 11:20:09 PM] Audio device set. Audio name:Audífono de los auriculares con
micrófono (Plantronics Blackwire 3225 Series), Index:0, SampleRate:48000,
Channels:2, BitsPerSample:-32
[Info | 11:20:09 PM] Cursor image was loaded from the game
[Info | 11:20:09 PM] ControllerManager starting...
[Info | 11:20:09 PM] Check for input devices
[Info | 11:20:09 PM] Keyboard hook started F12
[Info | 11:20:09 PM] ControllerManager started.
[Info | 11:20:09 PM] MedalWriter started. Bitrate: 10M
[Info | 11:20:09 PM] First video data portion from the hook
[Info | 11:20:09 PM] Free shared texture resources
[Info | 11:20:09 PM] Shared texture resources freed
[Info | 11:20:09 PM] Hook data extracted
[Info | 11:20:09 PM] Looking for adapter with LUID: 42474
[Info | 11:20:09 PM] Found adapter: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1660 Ti
[Info | 11:20:09 PM] IncreaseFrameLatency success
[Info | 11:20:09 PM] SetGPUPriority result: 3
[Info | 11:20:09 PM] mapId 2
[Info | 11:20:09 PM] [+] Texture Mapped file accessed.
[Info | 11:20:09 PM] [OBSCaptureState] Shared texture success. Handle: 1073756674
Format: R10G10B10A2_UNorm
[Info | 11:20:09 PM] [OBSCaptureState] DX Version: 11
[Info | 11:20:09 PM] Input Resolution: 1920x1080 - AR: eMST_LetterBox
[Info | 11:20:09 PM] Output Resolution: 1280x-720
[Info | 11:20:09 PM] Audio device (eMFDT_ExtAudio) System volume: 5
[Info | 11:20:09 PM] Set sound gain {0},{0},{1},{1} - 1.4 - 0
[Info | 11:20:09 PM] Audio config- 2,3 - 0,1 | tracksplitbits - 1010 | mix channels
- 0+2,1+3
[Debug | 11:20:11 PM] capture/started reply "ok"
[Info | 11:20:13 PM] Active game GameRecordingSuccessfullyStarted Unknown
[Info | 11:20:13 PM] Using standard overlay.
[Info | 11:20:13 PM] Starting DirectX overlay for Fortnite
[Info | 11:20:13 PM] Notification message received
[Info | 11:20:13 PM] job.respond 94f6d80d-f3d8-4edd-bf1d-bf80362d696b
[Debug | 11:20:13 PM] job.respond "ok"
[Info | 11:20:13 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 11:20:13 PM] [OBS-Log] ----------------- d3d11 capture freed
[Info | 11:20:13 PM] [OBS-Log] Found D3D11 11.0 device on swap chain
[Info | 11:20:13 PM] [OBS-Log] d3d11 shared texture capture successful
[Info | 11:20:13 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 11:20:13 PM] 2 logs of- [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 11:20:13 PM] Free shared texture resources
[Info | 11:20:13 PM] Shared texture resources freed
[Info | 11:20:13 PM] Hook data extracted
[Info | 11:20:13 PM] Looking for adapter with LUID: 42474
[Info | 11:20:13 PM] Found adapter: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1660 Ti
[Info | 11:20:13 PM] IncreaseFrameLatency success
[Info | 11:20:13 PM] SetGPUPriority result: 3
[Info | 11:20:13 PM] mapId 3
[Info | 11:20:13 PM] [+] Texture Mapped file accessed.
[Info | 11:20:13 PM] [OBSCaptureState] Shared texture success. Handle: 3221228290
Format: R10G10B10A2_UNorm
[Info | 11:20:13 PM] [OBSCaptureState] DX Version: 11
[Info | 11:20:13 PM] Input Resolution: 1920x1080 - AR: eMST_LetterBox
[Info | 11:20:13 PM] Output Resolution: 1280x-720
[Info | 11:20:14 PM] Fallback set game in focus
[Info | 11:20:24 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 11:20:24 PM] 2 logs of- [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 11:20:24 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowFocus
[Info | 11:20:24 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 11:20:24 PM] [OBS-Log] ----------------- d3d11 capture freed
[Info | 11:20:24 PM] [OBS-Log] Found D3D11 11.0 device on swap chain
[Info | 11:20:24 PM] [OBS-Log] d3d11 shared texture capture successful
[Info | 11:20:24 PM] Free shared texture resources
[Info | 11:20:24 PM] Shared texture resources freed
[Info | 11:20:24 PM] Hook data extracted
[Info | 11:20:24 PM] Looking for adapter with LUID: 42474
[Info | 11:20:24 PM] Found adapter: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1660 Ti
[Info | 11:20:24 PM] IncreaseFrameLatency success
[Info | 11:20:24 PM] SetGPUPriority result: 3
[Info | 11:20:24 PM] mapId 4
[Info | 11:20:24 PM] [+] Texture Mapped file accessed.
[Info | 11:20:24 PM] [OBSCaptureState] Shared texture success. Handle: 3221228482
Format: R10G10B10A2_UNorm
[Info | 11:20:24 PM] [OBSCaptureState] DX Version: 11
[Info | 11:20:24 PM] Input Resolution: 1920x1080 - AR: eMST_LetterBox
[Info | 11:20:24 PM] Output Resolution: 1280x-720
[Info | 11:20:25 PM] [ESM Event] - WindowCaptureSetMonitor
[Info | 11:20:25 PM] [ESM Event] - WindowCaptureMoved
[Info | 11:20:25 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowFocus
[Info | 11:20:25 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 11:20:25 PM] [OBS-Log] ----------------- d3d11 capture freed
[Info | 11:20:25 PM] [OBS-Log] Found D3D11 11.0 device on swap chain
[Info | 11:20:25 PM] [OBS-Log] d3d11 shared texture capture successful
[Info | 11:20:25 PM] Free shared texture resources
[Info | 11:20:25 PM] Shared texture resources freed
[Info | 11:20:25 PM] Hook data extracted
[Info | 11:20:25 PM] Looking for adapter with LUID: 42474
[Info | 11:20:25 PM] Found adapter: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1660 Ti
[Info | 11:20:25 PM] IncreaseFrameLatency success
[Info | 11:20:25 PM] SetGPUPriority result: 3
[Info | 11:20:25 PM] mapId 5
[Info | 11:20:25 PM] [+] Texture Mapped file accessed.
[Info | 11:20:25 PM] [OBSCaptureState] Shared texture success. Handle: 2147487362
Format: R10G10B10A2_UNorm
[Info | 11:20:25 PM] [OBSCaptureState] DX Version: 11
[Info | 11:20:25 PM] Input Resolution: 1920x1080 - AR: eMST_LetterBox
[Info | 11:20:25 PM] Output Resolution: 1280x-720
[Info | 11:20:25 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 11:20:27 PM] 5 logs of- [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 11:20:27 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowFocus
[Info | 11:20:27 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 11:20:27 PM] [OBS-Log] ----------------- d3d11 capture freed
[Info | 11:20:27 PM] [OBS-Log] Found D3D11 11.0 device on swap chain
[Info | 11:20:27 PM] [OBS-Log] d3d11 shared texture capture successful
[Info | 11:20:27 PM] Free shared texture resources
[Info | 11:20:27 PM] Shared texture resources freed
[Info | 11:20:27 PM] Hook data extracted
[Info | 11:20:27 PM] Looking for adapter with LUID: 42474
[Info | 11:20:27 PM] Found adapter: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1660 Ti
[Info | 11:20:27 PM] IncreaseFrameLatency success
[Info | 11:20:27 PM] SetGPUPriority result: 3
[Info | 11:20:27 PM] mapId 6
[Info | 11:20:27 PM] [+] Texture Mapped file accessed.
[Info | 11:20:27 PM] [OBSCaptureState] Shared texture success. Handle: 2147494722
Format: R10G10B10A2_UNorm
[Info | 11:20:27 PM] [OBSCaptureState] DX Version: 11
[Info | 11:20:27 PM] Input Resolution: 1920x1080 - AR: eMST_LetterBox
[Info | 11:20:27 PM] Output Resolution: 1280x-720
[Info | 11:20:28 PM] [ESM Event] - WindowCaptureSetMonitor
[Info | 11:20:28 PM] [ESM Event] - WindowCaptureMoved
[Info | 11:20:28 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowFocus
[Info | 11:20:29 PM] Fallback set game defocus
[Info | 11:23:00 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 11:23:01 PM] [OBS-Log] ----------------- d3d11 capture freed
[Info | 11:23:01 PM] [OBS-Log] Found D3D11 11.0 device on swap chain
[Info | 11:23:01 PM] [OBS-Log] d3d11 shared texture capture successful
[Info | 11:23:01 PM] Free shared texture resources
[Info | 11:23:01 PM] Shared texture resources freed
[Info | 11:23:01 PM] Hook data extracted
[Info | 11:23:01 PM] Looking for adapter with LUID: 42474
[Info | 11:23:01 PM] Found adapter: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1660 Ti
[Info | 11:23:01 PM] IncreaseFrameLatency success
[Info | 11:23:01 PM] SetGPUPriority result: 3
[Info | 11:23:01 PM] mapId 7
[Info | 11:23:01 PM] [+] Texture Mapped file accessed.
[Info | 11:23:01 PM] [OBSCaptureState] Shared texture success. Handle: 3221232130
Format: R10G10B10A2_UNorm
[Info | 11:23:01 PM] [OBSCaptureState] DX Version: 11
[Info | 11:23:01 PM] Input Resolution: 1920x1080 - AR: eMST_LetterBox
[Info | 11:23:01 PM] Output Resolution: 1280x-720
[Info | 11:23:01 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 11:23:02 PM] 2 logs of- [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 11:23:02 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowFocus
[Info | 11:23:02 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 11:23:02 PM] [OBS-Log] ----------------- d3d11 capture freed
[Info | 11:23:02 PM] [OBS-Log] Found D3D11 11.0 device on swap chain
[Info | 11:23:02 PM] [OBS-Log] d3d11 shared texture capture successful
[Info | 11:23:02 PM] Free shared texture resources
[Info | 11:23:02 PM] Shared texture resources freed
[Info | 11:23:02 PM] Hook data extracted
[Info | 11:23:02 PM] Looking for adapter with LUID: 42474
[Info | 11:23:02 PM] Found adapter: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1660 Ti
[Info | 11:23:02 PM] IncreaseFrameLatency success
[Info | 11:23:02 PM] SetGPUPriority result: 3
[Info | 11:23:02 PM] mapId 8
[Info | 11:23:02 PM] [+] Texture Mapped file accessed.
[Info | 11:23:02 PM] [OBSCaptureState] Shared texture success. Handle: 3221233154
Format: R10G10B10A2_UNorm
[Info | 11:23:02 PM] [OBSCaptureState] DX Version: 11
[Info | 11:23:02 PM] Input Resolution: 1920x1080 - AR: eMST_LetterBox
[Info | 11:23:02 PM] Output Resolution: 1280x-720
[Info | 11:23:03 PM] [ESM Event] - WindowCaptureSetMonitor
[Info | 11:23:03 PM] [ESM Event] - WindowCaptureMoved
[Info | 11:23:03 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowFocus
[Info | 11:23:22 PM] OnDeviceStateChanged : DataFlow=capture DeviceState=Active
[Info | 11:23:22 PM] Sending available mic devices Micrófono de los auriculares con
micrófono (Plantronics Blackwire 3225 Series), Micrófono de los auriculares con
micrófono (Wireless Controller)
[Debug | 11:23:22 PM] SendAvailableMicDevices reply {"success":true}
[Info | 11:23:22 PM] OnDeviceStateChanged : DataFlow=loopback DeviceState=Active
[Info | 11:23:22 PM] Sending available audio devices Audífono de los auriculares
con micrófono (Plantronics Blackwire 3225 Series), Audífono de los auriculares con
micrófono (Wireless Controller), Audio digital (S/PDIF) (2- High Definition Audio
Device), VX2418-P FHD (NVIDIA High Definition Audio)
[Debug | 11:23:22 PM] SendAvailableAudioDevices reply {"success":true}
[Info | 11:23:22 PM] Check for input devices
[Info | 11:23:22 PM] Sound Property Changed
[Info | 11:23:22 PM] OnDefaultDeviceChanged : DataFlow=Render
[Info | 11:23:22 PM] Setup Loopback Audio
[Info | 11:23:22 PM] Default device is Audífono de los auriculares con micrófono
(Plantronics Blackwire 3225 Series)
[Info | 11:23:22 PM] Audio device set. Audio name:Audífono de los auriculares con
micrófono (Plantronics Blackwire 3225 Series), Index:0, SampleRate:48000,
Channels:2, BitsPerSample:-32
[Info | 11:23:22 PM] Added DirectInput Device: Wireless Controller
[Info | 11:24:04 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 11:24:04 PM] 1 logs of- [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 11:24:04 PM] [OBS-Log] ----------------- d3d11 capture freed
[Info | 11:24:04 PM] [OBS-Log] Found D3D11 11.0 device on swap chain
[Info | 11:24:04 PM] [OBS-Log] d3d11 shared texture capture successful
[Info | 11:24:04 PM] Free shared texture resources
[Info | 11:24:04 PM] Shared texture resources freed
[Info | 11:24:04 PM] Hook data extracted
[Info | 11:24:04 PM] Looking for adapter with LUID: 42474
[Info | 11:24:04 PM] Found adapter: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1660 Ti
[Info | 11:24:04 PM] IncreaseFrameLatency success
[Info | 11:24:04 PM] SetGPUPriority result: 3
[Info | 11:24:04 PM] mapId 9
[Info | 11:24:04 PM] [+] Texture Mapped file accessed.
[Info | 11:24:04 PM] [OBSCaptureState] Shared texture success. Handle: 2147486274
Format: R10G10B10A2_UNorm
[Info | 11:24:04 PM] [OBSCaptureState] DX Version: 11
[Info | 11:24:04 PM] Input Resolution: 1920x1080 - AR: eMST_LetterBox
[Info | 11:24:04 PM] Output Resolution: 1280x-720
[Info | 11:24:05 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 11:24:06 PM] 4 logs of- [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 11:24:06 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowFocus
[Info | 11:24:06 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 11:24:06 PM] [OBS-Log] ----------------- d3d11 capture freed
[Info | 11:24:06 PM] [OBS-Log] Found D3D11 11.0 device on swap chain
[Info | 11:24:06 PM] [OBS-Log] d3d11 shared texture capture successful
[Info | 11:24:06 PM] Free shared texture resources
[Info | 11:24:06 PM] Shared texture resources freed
[Info | 11:24:06 PM] Hook data extracted
[Info | 11:24:06 PM] Looking for adapter with LUID: 42474
[Info | 11:24:06 PM] Found adapter: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1660 Ti
[Info | 11:24:06 PM] IncreaseFrameLatency success
[Info | 11:24:06 PM] SetGPUPriority result: 3
[Info | 11:24:06 PM] mapId 10
[Info | 11:24:06 PM] [+] Texture Mapped file accessed.
[Info | 11:24:06 PM] [OBSCaptureState] Shared texture success. Handle: 2147499714
Format: R10G10B10A2_UNorm
[Info | 11:24:06 PM] [OBSCaptureState] DX Version: 11
[Info | 11:24:06 PM] Input Resolution: 1920x1080 - AR: eMST_LetterBox
[Info | 11:24:06 PM] Output Resolution: 1280x-720
[Info | 11:24:07 PM] [ESM Event] - WindowCaptureSetMonitor
[Info | 11:24:07 PM] [ESM Event] - WindowCaptureMoved
[Info | 11:24:07 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowFocus
[Info | 11:24:48 PM] Detected Fortnite MatchID: 0cf4154c41af4987a5bed75d577c8ac6
[Info | 11:25:23 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 11:25:23 PM] 3 logs of- [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 11:25:23 PM] [OBS-Log] ----------------- d3d11 capture freed
[Info | 11:25:23 PM] [OBS-Log] Found D3D11 11.0 device on swap chain
[Info | 11:25:23 PM] [OBS-Log] d3d11 shared texture capture successful
[Info | 11:25:23 PM] Free shared texture resources
[Info | 11:25:23 PM] Shared texture resources freed
[Info | 11:25:23 PM] Hook data extracted
[Info | 11:25:23 PM] Looking for adapter with LUID: 42474
[Info | 11:25:23 PM] Found adapter: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1660 Ti
[Info | 11:25:23 PM] IncreaseFrameLatency success
[Info | 11:25:23 PM] SetGPUPriority result: 3
[Info | 11:25:23 PM] mapId 11
[Info | 11:25:23 PM] [+] Texture Mapped file accessed.
[Info | 11:25:23 PM] [OBSCaptureState] Shared texture success. Handle: 3221241602
Format: R10G10B10A2_UNorm
[Info | 11:25:23 PM] [OBSCaptureState] DX Version: 11
[Info | 11:25:23 PM] Input Resolution: 1920x1080 - AR: eMST_LetterBox
[Info | 11:25:23 PM] Output Resolution: 1280x-720
[Info | 11:25:24 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 11:25:24 PM] 2 logs of- [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 11:25:24 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowFocus
[Info | 11:25:24 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 11:25:24 PM] [OBS-Log] ----------------- d3d11 capture freed
[Info | 11:25:24 PM] [OBS-Log] Found D3D11 11.0 device on swap chain
[Info | 11:25:24 PM] [OBS-Log] d3d11 shared texture capture successful
[Info | 11:25:24 PM] Free shared texture resources
[Info | 11:25:24 PM] Shared texture resources freed
[Info | 11:25:24 PM] Hook data extracted
[Info | 11:25:24 PM] Looking for adapter with LUID: 42474
[Info | 11:25:24 PM] Found adapter: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1660 Ti
[Info | 11:25:24 PM] IncreaseFrameLatency success
[Info | 11:25:24 PM] SetGPUPriority result: 3
[Info | 11:25:24 PM] mapId 12
[Info | 11:25:24 PM] [+] Texture Mapped file accessed.
[Info | 11:25:24 PM] [OBSCaptureState] Shared texture success. Handle: 2147494786
Format: R10G10B10A2_UNorm
[Info | 11:25:24 PM] [OBSCaptureState] DX Version: 11
[Info | 11:25:24 PM] Input Resolution: 1920x1080 - AR: eMST_LetterBox
[Info | 11:25:24 PM] Output Resolution: 1280x-720
[Info | 11:25:25 PM] [ESM Event] - WindowCaptureSetMonitor
[Info | 11:25:25 PM] [ESM Event] - WindowCaptureMoved
[Info | 11:25:25 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowFocus
[Info | 11:29:08 PM] Detected Fortnite MatchID: 40e3e77cd24a4cf4a95f1cb5feb6770d
[Info | 11:30:28 PM] Detected Fortnite MatchID: 0644835a3e2440f09583c810bff08635
[Info | 11:32:41 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 11:32:41 PM] 2 logs of- [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 11:32:41 PM] [OBS-Log] ----------------- d3d11 capture freed
[Info | 11:32:41 PM] [OBS-Log] Found D3D11 11.0 device on swap chain
[Info | 11:32:41 PM] [OBS-Log] d3d11 shared texture capture successful
[Info | 11:32:41 PM] Free shared texture resources
[Info | 11:32:41 PM] Shared texture resources freed
[Info | 11:32:41 PM] Hook data extracted
[Info | 11:32:41 PM] Looking for adapter with LUID: 42474
[Info | 11:32:41 PM] Found adapter: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1660 Ti
[Info | 11:32:41 PM] IncreaseFrameLatency success
[Info | 11:32:41 PM] SetGPUPriority result: 3
[Info | 11:32:41 PM] mapId 13
[Info | 11:32:41 PM] [+] Texture Mapped file accessed.
[Info | 11:32:41 PM] [OBSCaptureState] Shared texture success. Handle: 2147493378
Format: R10G10B10A2_UNorm
[Info | 11:32:41 PM] [OBSCaptureState] DX Version: 11
[Info | 11:32:41 PM] Input Resolution: 1920x1080 - AR: eMST_LetterBox
[Info | 11:32:41 PM] Output Resolution: 1280x-720
[Info | 11:32:43 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 11:32:43 PM] 2 logs of- [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 11:32:43 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowFocus
[Info | 11:32:43 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 11:32:43 PM] [OBS-Log] ----------------- d3d11 capture freed
[Info | 11:32:43 PM] [OBS-Log] Found D3D11 11.0 device on swap chain
[Info | 11:32:43 PM] [OBS-Log] d3d11 shared texture capture successful
[Info | 11:32:43 PM] Free shared texture resources
[Info | 11:32:43 PM] Shared texture resources freed
[Info | 11:32:43 PM] Hook data extracted
[Info | 11:32:43 PM] Looking for adapter with LUID: 42474
[Info | 11:32:43 PM] Found adapter: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1660 Ti
[Info | 11:32:43 PM] IncreaseFrameLatency success
[Info | 11:32:43 PM] SetGPUPriority result: 3
[Info | 11:32:43 PM] mapId 14
[Info | 11:32:43 PM] [+] Texture Mapped file accessed.
[Info | 11:32:43 PM] [OBSCaptureState] Shared texture success. Handle: 2147486082
Format: R10G10B10A2_UNorm
[Info | 11:32:43 PM] [OBSCaptureState] DX Version: 11
[Info | 11:32:43 PM] Input Resolution: 1920x1080 - AR: eMST_LetterBox
[Info | 11:32:43 PM] Output Resolution: 1280x-720
[Info | 11:32:44 PM] [ESM Event] - WindowCaptureSetMonitor
[Info | 11:32:44 PM] [ESM Event] - WindowCaptureMoved
[Info | 11:32:44 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowFocus
[Info | 11:32:52 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 11:32:52 PM] 3 logs of- [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 11:32:52 PM] [OBS-Log] ----------------- d3d11 capture freed
[Info | 11:32:52 PM] [OBS-Log] Found D3D11 11.0 device on swap chain
[Info | 11:32:52 PM] [OBS-Log] d3d11 shared texture capture successful
[Info | 11:32:52 PM] Free shared texture resources
[Info | 11:32:52 PM] Shared texture resources freed
[Info | 11:32:52 PM] Hook data extracted
[Info | 11:32:52 PM] Looking for adapter with LUID: 42474
[Info | 11:32:52 PM] Found adapter: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1660 Ti
[Info | 11:32:52 PM] IncreaseFrameLatency success
[Info | 11:32:52 PM] SetGPUPriority result: 3
[Info | 11:32:52 PM] mapId 15
[Info | 11:32:52 PM] [+] Texture Mapped file accessed.
[Info | 11:32:52 PM] [OBSCaptureState] Shared texture success. Handle: 3221242370
Format: R10G10B10A2_UNorm
[Info | 11:32:52 PM] [OBSCaptureState] DX Version: 11
[Info | 11:32:52 PM] Input Resolution: 1920x1080 - AR: eMST_LetterBox
[Info | 11:32:52 PM] Output Resolution: 1280x-720
[Info | 11:32:53 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 11:32:53 PM] 2 logs of- [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 11:32:53 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowFocus
[Info | 11:32:53 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 11:32:53 PM] [OBS-Log] ----------------- d3d11 capture freed
[Info | 11:32:53 PM] [OBS-Log] Found D3D11 11.0 device on swap chain
[Info | 11:32:53 PM] [OBS-Log] d3d11 shared texture capture successful
[Info | 11:32:53 PM] Free shared texture resources
[Info | 11:32:53 PM] Shared texture resources freed
[Info | 11:32:53 PM] Hook data extracted
[Info | 11:32:53 PM] Looking for adapter with LUID: 42474
[Info | 11:32:53 PM] Found adapter: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1660 Ti
[Info | 11:32:53 PM] IncreaseFrameLatency success
[Info | 11:32:53 PM] SetGPUPriority result: 3
[Info | 11:32:53 PM] mapId 16
[Info | 11:32:53 PM] [+] Texture Mapped file accessed.
[Info | 11:32:53 PM] [OBSCaptureState] Shared texture success. Handle: 1073749378
Format: R10G10B10A2_UNorm
[Info | 11:32:53 PM] [OBSCaptureState] DX Version: 11
[Info | 11:32:53 PM] Input Resolution: 1920x1080 - AR: eMST_LetterBox
[Info | 11:32:53 PM] Output Resolution: 1280x-720
[Info | 11:32:54 PM] Window is moving, fallback canceled
[Info | 11:32:54 PM] [ESM Event] - WindowCaptureSetMonitor
[Info | 11:32:54 PM] [ESM Event] - WindowCaptureMoved
[Info | 11:32:54 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowFocus
[Info | 11:32:57 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 11:32:58 PM] 2 logs of- [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 11:32:58 PM] [ESM Event] - WindowCaptureSetMonitor
[Info | 11:32:58 PM] [ESM Event] - WindowCaptureMoved
[Info | 11:32:58 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 11:35:05 PM] 60 logs of- [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 11:35:05 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowFocus
[Info | 11:35:05 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 11:35:05 PM] [OBS-Log] ----------------- d3d11 capture freed
[Info | 11:35:05 PM] [OBS-Log] Found D3D11 11.0 device on swap chain
[Info | 11:35:05 PM] [OBS-Log] d3d11 shared texture capture successful
[Info | 11:35:05 PM] Free shared texture resources
[Info | 11:35:05 PM] Shared texture resources freed
[Info | 11:35:05 PM] Hook data extracted
[Info | 11:35:05 PM] Looking for adapter with LUID: 42474
[Info | 11:35:05 PM] Found adapter: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1660 Ti
[Info | 11:35:05 PM] IncreaseFrameLatency success
[Info | 11:35:05 PM] SetGPUPriority result: 3
[Info | 11:35:05 PM] mapId 17
[Info | 11:35:05 PM] [+] Texture Mapped file accessed.
[Info | 11:35:05 PM] [OBSCaptureState] Shared texture success. Handle: 2147496642
Format: R10G10B10A2_UNorm
[Info | 11:35:05 PM] [OBSCaptureState] DX Version: 11
[Info | 11:35:05 PM] Input Resolution: 1920x1080 - AR: eMST_LetterBox
[Info | 11:35:05 PM] Output Resolution: 1280x-720
[Info | 11:35:06 PM] [ESM Event] - WindowCaptureSetMonitor
[Info | 11:35:06 PM] [ESM Event] - WindowCaptureMoved
[Info | 11:35:06 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowFocus
[Info | 11:37:37 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 11:37:38 PM] 6 logs of- [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 11:37:38 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowFocus
[Info | 11:37:38 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 11:37:38 PM] [OBS-Log] ----------------- d3d11 capture freed
[Info | 11:37:38 PM] [OBS-Log] Found D3D11 11.0 device on swap chain
[Info | 11:37:38 PM] [OBS-Log] d3d11 shared texture capture successful
[Info | 11:37:38 PM] Free shared texture resources
[Info | 11:37:38 PM] Shared texture resources freed
[Info | 11:37:38 PM] Hook data extracted
[Info | 11:37:38 PM] Looking for adapter with LUID: 42474
[Info | 11:37:38 PM] Found adapter: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1660 Ti
[Info | 11:37:38 PM] IncreaseFrameLatency success
[Info | 11:37:38 PM] SetGPUPriority result: 3
[Info | 11:37:38 PM] mapId 18
[Info | 11:37:38 PM] [+] Texture Mapped file accessed.
[Info | 11:37:38 PM] [OBSCaptureState] Shared texture success. Handle: 3221228546
Format: R10G10B10A2_UNorm
[Info | 11:37:38 PM] [OBSCaptureState] DX Version: 11
[Info | 11:37:38 PM] Input Resolution: 1920x1080 - AR: eMST_LetterBox
[Info | 11:37:38 PM] Output Resolution: 1280x-720
[Info | 11:37:39 PM] [ESM Event] - WindowCaptureSetMonitor
[Info | 11:37:39 PM] [ESM Event] - WindowCaptureMoved
[Info | 11:37:39 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowFocus
[Info | 11:37:59 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 11:37:59 PM] 3 logs of- [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 11:37:59 PM] [OBS-Log] ----------------- d3d11 capture freed
[Info | 11:37:59 PM] [OBS-Log] Found D3D11 11.0 device on swap chain
[Info | 11:37:59 PM] [OBS-Log] d3d11 shared texture capture successful
[Info | 11:37:59 PM] Free shared texture resources
[Info | 11:37:59 PM] Shared texture resources freed
[Info | 11:37:59 PM] Hook data extracted
[Info | 11:37:59 PM] Looking for adapter with LUID: 42474
[Info | 11:37:59 PM] Found adapter: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1660 Ti
[Info | 11:37:59 PM] IncreaseFrameLatency success
[Info | 11:37:59 PM] SetGPUPriority result: 3
[Info | 11:37:59 PM] mapId 19
[Info | 11:37:59 PM] [+] Texture Mapped file accessed.
[Info | 11:37:59 PM] [OBSCaptureState] Shared texture success. Handle: 3221242178
Format: R10G10B10A2_UNorm
[Info | 11:37:59 PM] [OBSCaptureState] DX Version: 11
[Info | 11:37:59 PM] Input Resolution: 1920x1080 - AR: eMST_LetterBox
[Info | 11:37:59 PM] Output Resolution: 1280x-720
[Info | 11:38:00 PM] Fallback set game in focus
[Info | 11:38:00 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 11:38:11 PM] 6 logs of- [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 11:38:11 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowFocus
[Info | 11:38:12 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 11:38:12 PM] [OBS-Log] ----------------- d3d11 capture freed
[Info | 11:38:12 PM] [OBS-Log] Found D3D11 11.0 device on swap chain
[Info | 11:38:12 PM] [OBS-Log] d3d11 shared texture capture successful
[Info | 11:38:12 PM] Free shared texture resources
[Info | 11:38:12 PM] Shared texture resources freed
[Info | 11:38:12 PM] Hook data extracted
[Info | 11:38:12 PM] Looking for adapter with LUID: 42474
[Info | 11:38:12 PM] Found adapter: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1660 Ti
[Info | 11:38:12 PM] IncreaseFrameLatency success
[Info | 11:38:12 PM] SetGPUPriority result: 3
[Info | 11:38:12 PM] mapId 20
[Info | 11:38:12 PM] [+] Texture Mapped file accessed.
[Info | 11:38:12 PM] [OBSCaptureState] Shared texture success. Handle: 1073756162
Format: R10G10B10A2_UNorm
[Info | 11:38:12 PM] [OBSCaptureState] DX Version: 11
[Info | 11:38:12 PM] Input Resolution: 1920x1080 - AR: eMST_LetterBox
[Info | 11:38:12 PM] Output Resolution: 1280x-720
[Info | 11:38:13 PM] [ESM Event] - WindowCaptureSetMonitor
[Info | 11:38:13 PM] [ESM Event] - WindowCaptureMoved
[Info | 11:38:13 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowFocus
[Info | 11:38:15 PM] Fallback set game defocus
[Info | 11:47:37 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 11:47:37 PM] 2 logs of- [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 11:47:37 PM] [OBS-Log] ----------------- d3d11 capture freed
[Info | 11:47:37 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 11:47:37 PM] [OBS-Log] Found D3D11 11.0 device on swap chain
[Info | 11:47:37 PM] [OBS-Log] d3d11 shared texture capture successful
[Info | 11:47:37 PM] Free shared texture resources
[Info | 11:47:37 PM] Shared texture resources freed
[Info | 11:47:37 PM] Hook data extracted
[Info | 11:47:37 PM] Looking for adapter with LUID: 42474
[Info | 11:47:37 PM] Found adapter: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1660 Ti
[Info | 11:47:37 PM] IncreaseFrameLatency success
[Info | 11:47:37 PM] SetGPUPriority result: 3
[Info | 11:47:37 PM] mapId 21
[Info | 11:47:37 PM] [+] Texture Mapped file accessed.
[Info | 11:47:37 PM] [OBSCaptureState] Shared texture success. Handle: 2147500034
Format: R10G10B10A2_UNorm
[Info | 11:47:37 PM] [OBSCaptureState] DX Version: 11
[Info | 11:47:37 PM] Input Resolution: 1920x1080 - AR: eMST_LetterBox
[Info | 11:47:37 PM] Output Resolution: 1280x-720
[Info | 11:47:40 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 11:47:41 PM] 2 logs of- [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 11:47:41 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowFocus
[Info | 11:47:41 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 11:47:41 PM] [OBS-Log] ----------------- d3d11 capture freed
[Info | 11:47:41 PM] [OBS-Log] Found D3D11 11.0 device on swap chain
[Info | 11:47:41 PM] [OBS-Log] d3d11 shared texture capture successful
[Info | 11:47:41 PM] Free shared texture resources
[Info | 11:47:41 PM] Shared texture resources freed
[Info | 11:47:41 PM] Hook data extracted
[Info | 11:47:41 PM] Looking for adapter with LUID: 42474
[Info | 11:47:41 PM] Found adapter: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1660 Ti
[Info | 11:47:41 PM] IncreaseFrameLatency success
[Info | 11:47:41 PM] SetGPUPriority result: 3
[Info | 11:47:41 PM] mapId 22
[Info | 11:47:41 PM] [+] Texture Mapped file accessed.
[Info | 11:47:41 PM] [OBSCaptureState] Shared texture success. Handle: 2147495298
Format: R10G10B10A2_UNorm
[Info | 11:47:41 PM] [OBSCaptureState] DX Version: 11
[Info | 11:47:41 PM] Input Resolution: 1920x1080 - AR: eMST_LetterBox
[Info | 11:47:41 PM] Output Resolution: 1280x-720
[Info | 11:47:42 PM] [ESM Event] - WindowCaptureSetMonitor
[Info | 11:47:42 PM] [ESM Event] - WindowCaptureMoved
[Info | 11:47:42 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowFocus
[Info | 11:50:16 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 11:50:16 PM] 3 logs of- [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 11:50:16 PM] [OBS-Log] ----------------- d3d11 capture freed
[Info | 11:50:16 PM] [OBS-Log] Found D3D11 11.0 device on swap chain
[Info | 11:50:16 PM] [OBS-Log] d3d11 shared texture capture successful
[Info | 11:50:16 PM] Free shared texture resources
[Info | 11:50:16 PM] Shared texture resources freed
[Info | 11:50:16 PM] Hook data extracted
[Info | 11:50:16 PM] Looking for adapter with LUID: 42474
[Info | 11:50:16 PM] Found adapter: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1660 Ti
[Info | 11:50:16 PM] IncreaseFrameLatency success
[Info | 11:50:16 PM] SetGPUPriority result: 3
[Info | 11:50:16 PM] mapId 23
[Info | 11:50:16 PM] [+] Texture Mapped file accessed.
[Info | 11:50:16 PM] [OBSCaptureState] Shared texture success. Handle: 3221234626
Format: R10G10B10A2_UNorm
[Info | 11:50:16 PM] [OBSCaptureState] DX Version: 11
[Info | 11:50:16 PM] Input Resolution: 1920x1080 - AR: eMST_LetterBox
[Info | 11:50:16 PM] Output Resolution: 1280x-720
[Info | 11:50:16 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 11:50:16 PM] 2 logs of- [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 11:50:16 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowFocus
[Info | 11:50:17 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 11:50:17 PM] [OBS-Log] ----------------- d3d11 capture freed
[Info | 11:50:17 PM] [OBS-Log] Found D3D11 11.0 device on swap chain
[Info | 11:50:17 PM] [OBS-Log] d3d11 shared texture capture successful
[Info | 11:50:17 PM] Free shared texture resources
[Info | 11:50:17 PM] Shared texture resources freed
[Info | 11:50:17 PM] Hook data extracted
[Info | 11:50:17 PM] Looking for adapter with LUID: 42474
[Info | 11:50:17 PM] Found adapter: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1660 Ti
[Info | 11:50:17 PM] IncreaseFrameLatency success
[Info | 11:50:17 PM] SetGPUPriority result: 3
[Info | 11:50:17 PM] mapId 24
[Info | 11:50:17 PM] [+] Texture Mapped file accessed.
[Info | 11:50:17 PM] [OBSCaptureState] Shared texture success. Handle: 2147489986
Format: R10G10B10A2_UNorm
[Info | 11:50:17 PM] [OBSCaptureState] DX Version: 11
[Info | 11:50:17 PM] Input Resolution: 1920x1080 - AR: eMST_LetterBox
[Info | 11:50:17 PM] Output Resolution: 1280x-720
[Info | 11:50:18 PM] [ESM Event] - WindowCaptureSetMonitor
[Info | 11:50:18 PM] [ESM Event] - WindowCaptureMoved
[Info | 11:50:18 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowFocus
[Info | 11:52:43 PM] OnVolumeNotification (mic): Master Volume 1.0
[Info | 11:52:43 PM] Audio device (eMFDT_ExtAudio) System volume: 5
[Info | 11:52:43 PM] Set sound gain {0},{0},{1},{1} - 1.4 - 0
[Info | 11:52:45 PM] OnVolumeNotification (mic): Master Volume 1.0
[Info | 11:52:45 PM] Audio device (eMFDT_ExtAudio) System volume: 5
[Info | 11:52:45 PM] Set sound gain {0},{0},{1},{1} - 1.4 - 0
[Info | 11:53:26 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 11:53:26 PM] [OBS-Log] ----------------- d3d11 capture freed
[Info | 11:53:26 PM] [OBS-Log] Found D3D11 11.0 device on swap chain
[Info | 11:53:26 PM] [OBS-Log] d3d11 shared texture capture successful
[Info | 11:53:26 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 11:53:26 PM] Free shared texture resources
[Info | 11:53:26 PM] Shared texture resources freed
[Info | 11:53:26 PM] Hook data extracted
[Info | 11:53:26 PM] Looking for adapter with LUID: 42474
[Info | 11:53:26 PM] Found adapter: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1660 Ti
[Info | 11:53:26 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 11:53:26 PM] IncreaseFrameLatency success
[Info | 11:53:26 PM] 1 logs of- IncreaseFrameLatency success
[Info | 11:53:26 PM] SetGPUPriority result: 3
[Info | 11:53:26 PM] mapId 25
[Info | 11:53:26 PM] [+] Texture Mapped file accessed.
[Info | 11:53:26 PM] [OBSCaptureState] Shared texture success. Handle: 2147491266
Format: R10G10B10A2_UNorm
[Info | 11:53:26 PM] [OBSCaptureState] DX Version: 11
[Info | 11:53:26 PM] Input Resolution: 1920x1080 - AR: eMST_LetterBox
[Info | 11:53:26 PM] Output Resolution: 1280x-720
[Info | 11:53:31 PM] Fallback set game in focus
[Info | 11:53:31 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 11:53:31 PM] 2 logs of- [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 11:53:31 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowFocus
[Info | 11:53:31 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 11:53:31 PM] [OBS-Log] ----------------- d3d11 capture freed
[Info | 11:53:31 PM] [OBS-Log] Found D3D11 11.0 device on swap chain
[Info | 11:53:31 PM] [OBS-Log] d3d11 shared texture capture successful
[Info | 11:53:31 PM] Free shared texture resources
[Info | 11:53:31 PM] Shared texture resources freed
[Info | 11:53:31 PM] Hook data extracted
[Info | 11:53:31 PM] Looking for adapter with LUID: 42474
[Info | 11:53:31 PM] Found adapter: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1660 Ti
[Info | 11:53:31 PM] IncreaseFrameLatency success
[Info | 11:53:31 PM] SetGPUPriority result: 3
[Info | 11:53:31 PM] mapId 26
[Info | 11:53:31 PM] [+] Texture Mapped file accessed.
[Info | 11:53:31 PM] [OBSCaptureState] Shared texture success. Handle: 2147487618
Format: R10G10B10A2_UNorm
[Info | 11:53:31 PM] [OBSCaptureState] DX Version: 11
[Info | 11:53:31 PM] Input Resolution: 1920x1080 - AR: eMST_LetterBox
[Info | 11:53:31 PM] Output Resolution: 1280x-720
[Info | 11:53:32 PM] [ESM Event] - WindowCaptureSetMonitor
[Info | 11:53:32 PM] [ESM Event] - WindowCaptureMoved
[Info | 11:53:32 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowFocus
[Info | 11:53:36 PM] Fallback set game defocus
[Info | 11:54:38 PM] Detected Fortnite MatchID: 9a2aee7177c146a29cbd2fd81b3fbb4f
[Info | 12:07:25 AM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 12:07:25 AM] Window object destroyed: Fortnite -- 787808
[Info | 12:07:25 AM] Game is closed
[Info | 12:07:25 AM] Fortnite exited.
[Info | 12:07:25 AM] [Game Status]: game/stopped - Fortnite[10cJzcPADb]
[Info | 12:07:25 AM] Stop recording game Fortnite
[Info | 12:07:25 AM] recordingstopped
[Info | 12:07:25 AM] Keyboard hook detached
[Info | 12:07:25 AM] ControllerManager stopping...
[Info | 12:07:25 AM] ControllerManager: PollInput stopped.
[Info | 12:07:25 AM] ControllerManager stopped.
[Info | 12:07:25 AM] [ESM Event] - GameClosed
[Info | 12:07:25 AM] Stopped Filter
[Info | 12:07:25 AM] [Game Status]: capture/stopped - Fortnite[10cJzcPADb]
[Info | 12:07:25 AM] Stopping MedalWriter.
[Info | 12:07:25 AM] Mic disabled
[Debug | 12:07:25 AM] recordingstopped reply "ok"
[Debug | 12:07:25 AM] capture/stopped reply "ok"
[Info | 12:07:25 AM] MedalWriter stopped.
[Info | 12:07:25 AM] Free shared texture resources
[Info | 12:07:25 AM] Shared texture resources freed
[Info | 12:07:25 AM] ----[ESM State]: ScanningForGame----
[Info | 12:07:25 AM] Switching recording to Discord
[Info | 12:07:25 AM] Alerting Electron of switching game
[Info | 12:07:25 AM] recordingstarted 5 - Discord
[Info | 12:07:25 AM] Start recording game Discord
[Info | 12:07:25 AM] [ESM Event] - WindowCaptureStart
[Info | 12:07:25 AM] ICYMI initializing. Config Enabled: True - Settings Enabled:
[Info | 12:07:25 AM] Check for late hook install: True
[Info | 12:07:25 AM] codecName- n264, fcc type- eMFCC_NV12
[Info | 12:07:25 AM] Output Mode: Clip Output
[Debug | 12:07:25 AM] GameSwitched reply "ok"
[Debug | 12:07:25 AM] recordingstarted reply "ok"
[Info | 12:07:25 AM] Recording mic: True
[Info | 12:07:25 AM] Setup Mic Audio
[Info | 12:07:25 AM] Mic device set. Audio name:Micrófono de los auriculares con
micrófono (Plantronics Blackwire 3225 Series), Index:1, SampleRate:48000,
Channels:2, BitsPerSample:-32
[Info | 12:07:25 AM] Mic noise suppression set: False
[Info | 12:07:25 AM] Mic noise gate set: False, Threshold: -100
[Info | 12:07:25 AM] Setup Loopback Audio
[Info | 12:07:25 AM] Default device is Audífono de los auriculares con micrófono
(Plantronics Blackwire 3225 Series)
[Info | 12:07:25 AM] Audio device set. Audio name:Audífono de los auriculares con
micrófono (Plantronics Blackwire 3225 Series), Index:0, SampleRate:48000,
Channels:2, BitsPerSample:-32
[Info | 12:07:25 AM] Window capture video resolution is {Width=1280, Height=698} -
Aspect ratio is Custom
[Info | 12:07:25 AM] Window capture aspect ratio 640:349
[Info | 12:07:25 AM] Acquired window capture device.
[Info | 12:07:25 AM] [Game Status]: capture/started - Discord[5]
[Info | 12:07:25 AM] codecName- n264, fcc type- eMFCC_NV12
[Info | 12:07:25 AM] Memory buffer size (MB): 75
[Info | 12:07:25 AM] Started Filter
[Info | 12:07:25 AM] Capture area is 0,24,1920,1040
[Info | 12:07:25 AM] Hiding: 0,24,1920,1040
[Info | 12:07:25 AM] ControllerManager starting...
[Info | 12:07:25 AM] Check for input devices
[Info | 12:07:25 AM] Keyboard hook started F12
[Info | 12:07:25 AM] First video data from screen capture
[Info | 12:07:25 AM] Audio device (eMFDT_ExtAudio) System volume: 5
[Info | 12:07:25 AM] Set sound gain {0},{0},{1},{1} - 1.4 - 0
[Info | 12:07:25 AM] Audio config- 2,3 - 0,1 | tracksplitbits - 1010 | mix channels
- 0+2,1+3
[Info | 12:07:25 AM] Creating overlay frame from: C:\Users\Hugo\AppData\Local\
[Info | 12:07:25 AM] ControllerManager started.
[Info | 12:07:25 AM] [ESM Event] - WindowCaptureSetMonitor
[Info | 12:07:25 AM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowFocus
[Info | 12:07:25 AM] ----[ESM State]: WindowCaptureStandard----
[Info | 12:07:25 AM] Screen: 0
[Info | 12:07:25 AM] Showing: 0,24,1920,1040
[Info | 12:07:25 AM] Stopping log reader.
[Info | 12:07:25 AM] Stopping periodic game extension jobs.
[Debug | 12:07:25 AM] game/stopped reply "ok"
[Debug | 12:07:26 AM] capture/started reply "ok"
[Info | 12:07:30 AM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 12:07:30 AM] Hiding: 0,24,1920,1040
[Info | 12:07:30 AM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowFocus
[Info | 12:07:30 AM] Showing: 0,24,1920,1040
[Info | 12:07:30 AM] Active game GameRecordingSuccessfullyStarted WindowCapture
[Info | 12:07:30 AM] Using standard overlay.
[Info | 12:07:30 AM] Starting DirectX overlay for Discord
[Info | 12:07:30 AM] Capture mode: DXGI
[Info | 12:07:31 AM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 12:07:31 AM] Hiding: 0,24,1920,1040
[Info | 12:07:31 AM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 12:07:31 AM] Hiding: 0,24,1920,1040
[Info | 12:07:32 AM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 12:07:32 AM] Hiding: 0,24,1920,1040
[Info | 12:07:33 AM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 12:07:33 AM] Hiding: 0,24,1920,1040
[Info | 12:07:33 AM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 12:07:33 AM] Hiding: 0,24,1920,1040
[Info | 12:07:34 AM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 12:07:34 AM] Hiding: 0,24,1920,1040
[Info | 12:07:34 AM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 12:07:34 AM] Hiding: 0,24,1920,1040
[Info | 12:07:34 AM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 12:07:34 AM] Hiding: 0,24,1920,1040
[Info | 12:07:35 AM] Window object destroyed: -- 66456
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