Event Logistics
Event Logistics
Event Logistics
Kjetil K. Haugen
c Tapir Academic Press, Trondheim 2011
ISBN 978-82-519-2783-3
ISBN 978-82-519-2784-0 (epub)
Tapir Academic Press publishes textbooks and academic literature for universities
and university colleges, as well as for vocational and professional education. We
also publish high quality literature of a more general nature. Our main product
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Kjetil K. Haugen
I wish to thank several of the local (and not so local) planners of the Event
Management Programme; Professors Harry A. Solberg (Sør Trøndelage Uni-
versity College), Holger Preuss (Johannes Gutenberg University, Mainz, GER)
and Hallgeir Gammelseter as well as Associate Professor Nigel Halpern (both
from Molde University College) who made invaluable contributions to the
A group of local Event Arrangers, Head of Molde International Jazz Fes-
tival; Jan Ole Otnes, Co-founder of Molde International Jazz Festival; Petter
Petterson JR., VP of International sales in Renkus-Heinz Professional Audio
Systems; Karl Brunvoll, Producer at the local theatre “Teatret vårt”; Hal-
vard Fiksdal, and local politician; Torgeir Dahl, formed an early planning
group which made considerable impact on the final master programme.
Finally, a large group of international professors in sports, tourism and
event management have committed themselves to aid the programme through
the supervision of masters’ theses.
I am very grateful to all of them!
Assoc. Prof. Asmund Olstad has read through the manuscript, thank’s a
lot Asmund!
1 Introduction 15
1.1 What is Logistics? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
1.1.1 Looking for a definition . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
1.1.2 The importance of logistics, now and in the future . . . 17
1.1.3 Logistics theory, practice and research . . . . . . . . . 19
1.2 Services, Manufacturing and Events . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
1.3 Event Logistics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
1.4 Events and Uncertainty . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
2 Event Forecasting 27
2.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27
2.2 The fallacy of traditional time-series-based forecasting . . . . . 27
2.2.1 A simple example . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28
2.2.2 Utilizing explanatory information - the reason behind
the 2004 bump . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30
2.3 The case of football demand forecasting . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32
2.3.1 An old MFK case . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32
2.3.2 The effect of Pre-sales . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48
2.3.3 Capacity constraints . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52
2.4 Aggregated versus disaggregated forecasts . . . . . . . . . . . 54
6 Event Transportation 77
10 Event Sequencing 93
Appendices 95
Bibliography 107
Index 111
List of Figures
2.1 Plot of yearly ticket sales at Teatret Vårt - Molde; 2000 – 2009 29
2.2 Moving average (orders 2, 3 and 4) forecasting on the Teatret
Vårt data. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30
2.3 Moving average (orders 2, 3 and 4) forecasting on the adjusted
Teatret Vårt data. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32
2.4 MFK - Home match attendance, 1995 – 2001 . . . . . . . . . . 33
2.5 MFK - Home match attendance, 1995 – 2001 with average
values before and after observation 39 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34
2.6 SPSS output from the model . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38
2.7 SPSS output from the reduced model . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39
2.8 Forecasts vs. observed attendance for the 2002 season . . . . . 44
2.9 Short and long term forecasts compared to actual attendance
- 2002 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47
B.1 The first twenty data points for the regression analysis . . . . 99
Chapter 1
• Quantitative Logistics
• Qualitative Logistics
Discrete Event Simulation and Forecasting. All techniques are very relevant
for logistics planning in general.
The above (perhaps) somewhat blurred discussion, brings us to a possible
definition of Quantitative Logistics:
• Forecasting
• Production Planning
• Inventory Management
• Transport Planning
Given the above definition, many “ordinary people” (whoever they might
be) would perhaps argue that the real “sexy” company decisions are not lo-
gistics decisions. Defining the physical aspects of the product by creative
design and/or marketing strategies and complex pricing strategies are far
more challenging than the somewhat boring logistics decisions. To a certain
extent, the author may agree and if we take a slight look at the market evalua-
tion, we will probably find support for such a hypothesis - product designers
and marketing people normally make more money than those occupied in
the storage rooms. Still, a more modern view of logistics may change this
traditional thinking.
Before moving into the next subsection, here a few a few words on Qual-
itative Logistics. Qualitative Logistics approaches logistics problems from a
more philosophical perspective. The main difference compared to the quanti-
tative branch is perhaps related to the use of mathematical tools. Qualitative
Logistics research uses, as the name indicates, far less formal mathematical
tools, and degenerates to a more verbal “social science”-like angle of attack.
To some extent a few central topics, which may be found in this category, is
discussed in Chapter 8, still with a focus on events and with a quantitative
Even if the above arguments indicate that logistics as such may be viewed
as less important in a future competitive setting, it does of course not indicate
that logistics problems are irrelevant in event production. On the contrary,
organizing big “one-shot” events such as Olympic games possess huge and
very challenging logistics problems related to classical logistics topics such
as inventory management, production planning, transportation and infras-
tructural planning. Even relatively small (and size-wise insignificant) events
such as a small music festival in a small country like Norway holds numerous
logistic challenges.
f (N ) = X (1.1)
C(N ) = CF + w · N (1.2)
C(N ) is hence the cost of hiring the labour N and it is assumed linear
with a fixed part CF and a proportional part where w is naturally interpreted
as the wage. Now, the “microeconomic story” continues, by an assumption
of profit-maximising behaviour by the firm and existence of a given market
price p, as follows: (Π() is company profits)
w w
N = g( ) and utilising equation (1.1) once more X = h( ) (1.6)
p p
The point here is of course not the beautiful argument leading to supply
curves - a necessary building block in general equilibrium theory - but the
basic assumption of equation (1.1) or as shown in figure 1.1
The point here is the extreme simplicity of the mechanism defined through
figure 1.1. In a microeconomic context, it is surely easy to extend to both
multiple inputs as well as outputs, but the more fine tuned (and in certain
instances) important company decisions such as number of set-ups, inventory
volumes, safety stock and so on will clearly not fit easily into the above theory.
As such, logistics may be viewed as a more fine tuned way of modelling
production functions. That is, the simple functional relationship defined
by figure 1.1 is simply too simplified to spawn essential decisions for most
real-world companies.
1.2 Services, Manufacturing and Events 21
Logistics research
The above definitions tell us that most human economic activity that is
not defined as Manufacturing may be labelled Services. Obviously, manufac-
turing is related to physical goods and the ownership transferability as well
as storage possibilities. Typically, most services do not have such properties,
but very often parts of services; the report of a lawyer, the prescription or
an X-ray photo of the physician or the DVD of a concert are clearly man-
ufactured goods. Still, the main product without this added manufacturing
possess the main characteristics of a service.
Our main interest here is of course the “Event” concept. It seems fair
to categorize most events within the services category. After all, our com-
mon understanding of the concept implies individuals selling certain services
to spectators like music, sports or theatre. Still, it cannot be taken that
all events naturally fall within the services category. Think, for instance,
of a painting sales exhibition. The paintings are sold (hopefully), implying
ownership transferability. Furthermore, the paintings are physical objects in-
volving storage possibilities. Still, many painting exhibitions might easily fall
into our meaning of events. Consequently, the events concept may perhaps
not fall easily into the service category as a sub-group.
The Business Dictionary [2] also defines Events:
1.2 Services, Manufacturing and Events 23
This definition, still not very clear, adds an important point; time and
place. An event takes place in time and place not necessarily tomorrow or
next week, but at a predefined location at a specific point in time (or a set
of specific points in time). So, this sheds light on our art sales exhibition.
An art dealer shop is (typically) not an event as it is available all the time,
while our sales exhibition takes place only a limited time period and may as
such be categorized within the event category.
So, what else? Well, we may talk about “one-shot” events or repeated
(regular) events. The Molde International Jazz Festival will typically qualify
as a repeated event; it takes place more than once, but it is perhaps not
an ordinary service, as it is not present all the time. Olympic games or the
upcoming5 cross-country skiing world championship in Oslo are typical “one-
shot” events. Not necessarily meaning that they will not take place again.
After all, this skiing WC is the third one in Oslo since 19666 . The point is
simply that the market does not know if and when such an event will return.
This sub-categorization is important from a Logistics planning point of
view. It should be relatively obvious that “one-shot” events are significantly
more challenging than regular events when it comes to all phases of logistics
planning and operation.
Another sub-categorization that might be relevant for Event Logistics is
that of entertainment versus professional events. Clearly, when we think
about events, our first thought is perhaps related to the entertainment in-
dustry. However, many events such as research conferences or seminars have
all characteristics of events and may (and should) clearly be defined as such.
The main difference between the two is perhaps on the demand side, which
may behave significantly different. Still, this difference may not lead to too
much differences from an analytic (logistic) point of view.
Let me try to sum things up a bit. Clearly, most events are named events
because they are not available all the time. Certain events are predictable
in time and place. We know, for instance, that Molde football club will play
15 home matches in the Tippeligaen next season, but definitely not at the
At the time of writing.
Cross country World Championships were arranged in Oslo in 1966, 1982 as well as
now in 2010.
24 Introduction
location or choice of the market. Others are not very predictable in space;
think about the recent WC football at Russia and Qatar. As such, the fact
that an event is not necessarily present at any point in time may perhaps be
the most striking feature of the concept. The actual content of the event or
to what degree it can be placed within the service category is, as I see it, not
the main point. Consequently, the time and place dimension will be leading
our further analysis of Events and Logistics.
Event Forecasting
2.1 Introduction
All logistics planning needs demand forecast data. Even the most extreme
JIT-production environment, with a maximal flexible production system and
virtually no set-up times or costs, must at some level predict future demand.
This is kind of obvious for events, as most resources needed to produce the
event normally is proportional to the size of the audience. Typical examples
are food, drinks, housing, seating, transportation and so on.
Table 2.1: Yearly ticket sales at Teatret Vårt - Molde; 2000 – 2009
In figure 2.1, the data in table 2.1 is plotted. Examining the figure, we
observe some (expected) variations between years, but a peculiar bump in
2004. Actually, the number of sold tickets in 2004 was close to 30% larger
than the second largest year (2007), and more than 40% larger than the
period average.
Examining figure 2.1 further, it is fairly obvious that any seasonal varia-
tions are hard to justify. After all, why should some kind of cyclical pattern
2.2 The fallacy of traditional time-series-based forecasting 29
1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010
Figure 2.1: Plot of yearly ticket sales at Teatret Vårt - Molde; 2000 – 2009
Some kind of cyclical patterns over years may of course be present, for instance,
related to leadership changes. Changing top management will in this business very often
be triggered by low demand rates and top management changes may be observed as
relatively long term cycles. However, predicting such management changes in the future
(and the effect of them) may be more or less impossible.
Refer to Appendix A for the actual moving average calculations
30 Event Forecasting
Original data
2-order Moving
30000 Average
Table 2.2: Yearly ticket sales at Teatret Vårt - Molde; 2000 – 2009
As can be observed from figure 2.3, things look a little bit better in the
sense that the simple time-series based forecasts hit better. However, this
approach to event forecasting is still not good. The main reason is obvious.
We do have much and very relevant information, which we, in many instances,
control ourselves, that are not (and should be) included in the analysis. In
this case, we choose which actors to employ, which plays to stage, which
days to play, how many shows, the prices and marketing and so on. All this
information is simply not used at all by using a time series approach. And,
as this type of information is typically available (more or less) at different
time-spots before the actual event takes place, the possibility of using it
(efficiently) is interesting.
The answer to this demand would be avoiding time-series based models
and instead focus more on causal models (regression models). Such an ap-
proach seems far more appropriate for event forecasting. In order to demon-
strate this approach, a case from the local football club - MFK will be pre-
sented in the next section.
11 28897+38092+39306+34184+31436+37923+39451+31861+29398
This number is calculated as 9 =
34505.333 ⇡ 34505
32 Event Forecasting
1 4 7 10 13 16 19 22 25 28 31 34 37 40 43 46 49 52 55 58 61 64 67 70 73 76 79 82 85 88 91
Figure 2.4 holds home match attendance for MFK during the period
between 1995 and 2001. As can be readily observed from the figure, apart
from the relatively large variation between matches, something seemed to
happen around observation 40 (39 to be exact). This final observation is
perhaps easier to observe if average attendance before and after this time is
calculated and plotted alongside the original observations. This is done in
figure 2.5.
As figure 2.5 indicates, something must have happened around observa-
tion 39 or April 1998, which is the corresponding date. Actually, the exact
difference in the two averages amounts to 7274 4397 = 2877 or a percentual
(average) increase of around 65%. Obviously, something did happen. The
happening was a new stadium - today named “Aker Stadion”, nominated for
FIABCIs Prix d’Excellence in 1999 and winner of the Norwegian City prize
the same year.
34 Event Forecasting
Original Match
2000,00 attendance
Average before and
0,00 after observation 39
1 6 11 16 21 26 31 36 41 46 51 56 61 66 71 76 81 86 91
Figure 2.5: MFK - Home match attendance, 1995 – 2001 with average values
before and after observation 39
A regression model
A linear multiple regression model postulates a causal type of relationship
between an output variable (Yi ) and a set of N input variables Xi1 . . . , XiN .
On mathematical form: (it may prove handy also to define the number of
observations say M , hence i 2 1, . . . , M )
Yi = 0 + j Xij + ✏i (2.1)
The point here is not to dig deep into regression theory, but to look at it
as a case. As such, additional information related the theory may be found
in most logistics type of books (in a simple form) [21] or more advanced
specialized texts like e.g. [15].
Roughly, the application of regression modelling in forecasting can be
described through a 3 step process:
3) Use the finished model (after completing stages 1) and 2)) to find fore-
casts for a suitable future time period.
Perhaps the most challenging stage is the first one. Ideally, one would like
(from a scientific point of view) to have some underlying theory defining the
Y and the X’s. A classical example from physics may be helpful. Applying
Newton’s second law of mechanics, the following equation can be used to find
the distance s needed in vacuum for some object falling s length units:
s = gt2 (2.2)
Now, an experiment can be staged, where various values of s can be
defined, 1 m, 2 m and so on. And the time spent in falls t1 , t2 etc. can
be measured. Consequently, a set of s’s and t’s are the outcome of the
experiment. All the t’s can be squared and we can define Yi = si and Xi = t2i .
Then, the following version of (2.1) can be formulated:
Yi = 0 + 1 Xi + ✏i (2.3)
possibly with the added constraint 0 = 0. Then, after staging the regres-
sion process, the interesting unknown g (standard gravity) can be calculated
by the estimated regression parameter ˆ1 through ĝ = 2 · ˆ1 .
This way of doing regression analysis is per se “theoretically correct”.
However, most practical situations involves neither the ability to control
the output variable (e.g. MFK cannot (or will not) define the attendance
at a match) nor do we have a unified theory defining what variables (and
what relationships between them) explaining MFK attendance demand. Still,
various theories may provide sensible variables to be included in a model. As
such, most regression cases within economic or logistics theory may prove
fairly inadequate from a stringent theoretical point of view.
1) Sports factors
2) Economical factors
3) External factors
36 Event Forecasting
The sports factors are related to the quality of the team and it’s oppo-
nents. The basic hypothesis is related to two different mechanisms, absolute
and relative quality. We would expect that the better the team is (abso-
lutely) the more people would like to watch it, but in addition, some kind of
sports oriented mechanism related to what is commonly defined as “uncer-
tainty of outcome” should perhaps also play some part. That is, if the team
is relatively too good compared to a given opponent one would expect that
public interest for the match might decrease.
The economic factors should largely be related to price and income.
Higher product prices ought to bring demand down while increased public
income should have an opposite effect. All kinds of marketing and sponsoring
choices by the club might of course also have effects.
Surely, there is a “field” of club decisions in between these two groups
such as coaching and player choices (made by the club) that in many cases
also may influence spectator interest12 .
The final category contains all other possible factors not naturally be-
longing to the two other groups such as weather, TV-match or not, match
day, a new stadium and so on. Back in 2002, I proposed the following list:
• Weather
• TV-match
The first thing to observe from the list above is the absolute absence of
economic variables. No prices, seasonal tickets, marketing, and so on. The
reason is simple: lack of this information or, perhaps more correct, a high
acquiring cost. Finding historic ticket prices turned out to be a difficult
task for the given period. At the same time, MFK has not had a very
“active” price policy in the years we discuss here, so it was expected that
these information bits should play a minor part in explaining attendance
demand anyway.
Furthermore, the list contains blue and red elements. The blue elements
were included while the red ones were not. The main reason for not including
the red elements was more out of convenience, I had relatively short time to
prepare the analysis and chose to do things relatively simple.
The actual model in mathematical form looks as:
and with the explanation of the actual variables in (2.5) shown in ta-
ble 2.3. The first part of the table contains continuous variables, while the
final part contains binary variables (e.g. variables only taking values of 1 or
Variable Explanation
atti Attendance in match i (i runs from the first match 1995 up to last in 2001)
mf k posi MFK’s position on the league table before match i
mot posi Opponents’ position on the league table before match i
mot 3si Opponent i’s average table position the three last years
mf k f orm MFK’s average points scored in the last 3 matches
mot f orm The opponent’s average points scored in the last 3 matches
rbk A binary variable; 1 if RBK is the opponent, 0 otherwise
mai 16 A binary variable; 1 if the match is played on May 16th., 0 otherwise
stadion A binary variable 0 up until data point 39, 1 otherwise
brann A binary variable; 1 if BRANN is the opponent, 0 otherwise
jazz A binary variable; 1 if match is played during the jazz festival, 0 otherwise
To give the reader a more direct feeling for the model and its data, the
first 20 data points are shown in Appendix B. Now, the normal procedure is
38 Event Forecasting
to apply some kind of statistical tool (Excel or as in this case SPSS are typical
candidates) to estimate (find values for) the unknown regression parameters
ˆ0 , . . . ˆ10 13 .
The results (parts of the output from SPSS14 ) are shown in figure 2.6:
We shall limit our interest in figure 2.6 to the third column: Unstan-
dardized Coefficients and the last one named Sig. The third one contains
the values of the parameters ˆ0 , . . . ˆ10 while the last column contains sig-
nificance probabilities. These significance probabilities tells us (popularly
described) whether it is probable that the actual estimates really are differ-
ent from zero. So a very small value indicates that the parameter itself with
relatively large probability may in fact be zero. As a consequence, those pa-
rameter estimates with (say values larger than 0.1 (90% significance level))
should be removed from the model. In figure 2.6, all these are marked in
The typical next step would then be to take out the insignificant variables
and rerun the regression model; now as:
The use of the notation β̂j is due to the fact that the numerical (estimated) values
principally are different from the model values in equation (2.5)
All necessary data for this analysis have been found on the RSSSF-website [6]
2.3 The case of football demand forecasting 39
Let us take a slight look at the information on the bottom of figures 2.6
and 2.7. The R2 is an interesting statistic to judge. Roughly, it tells us how
much of the variation is explained through our model. Comparison of the two
figures, shows a very minor decrease in R2 indicating that the model (2.5) is
a better choice than the big original model. The fact that R2 is more or less
unchanged after the removal of a set of insignificant variables is normally
taken as a “proof” of reasonable modelling. The final model’s R2 of 0.7
means that 70% of the total variation is explained by the model. Comparing
such a figure to most real world regression models indicates a surprisingly
good fit, especially as many obvious relevant variables are excluded initially.
If we sum up the results so far, it seems as if MFK audience only cares
about the home team’s form, the opponent’s form is irrelevant. The same
holds for the status of the opponent (mot 3si), which also is insignificant
apart from the very significant opponent RBK. So, the only “sporting” or
40 Event Forecasting
event oriented variable that is included is the home team’s form. So, one
could say that MFK audience care more about special events (16th of may
and the jazz festival) and less about the game itself. The fact that table
position before the match both for MFK and the opponent plays no signif-
icant role is perhaps somewhat surprising, but does to some sense confirm
the fact that MFK audience is less interested in football than showing up at
the “right” matches.
The basic results of the model could perhaps be summed up as follows:
this variable for in Norway. Note also, that the difficulty of using these types
of models for forecasting purposes depends a great deal on what variables we
turn up including in the model. Roughly in this case, only one variable seems
hard to predict. But remember that the original formulation also includes
other teams form-variables – a much harder forecasting problem.
Anyway, let us return to the present case. The table below (2.5) sums up
MFK’s form for the “observed” seasons:
Season (t) 95 96 97 98 99 00 01
Nt 26 26 26 26 26 26 26
Pt 47 33 45 54 50 40 44
1.8 1.3 1.7 2.1 1.9 1.5 1.7
The first row in table 2.5 contains the observed seasons. The second row
contains number of matches (Nt ) in each of the observed seasons. The third
row contains number of points (Pt ) obtained in each season, while the final
row contains computed average point score per season ( N t
). Now, our task
is to find an estimate (in principle dynamic) on the 3 last games average
for the next (upcoming) season. It seems very difficult (though perhaps not
impossible knowing the schedule) to produce individual match forecasts. So,
top make things simple we settle for a static (constant) value for our proposed
forecast for mf k f orm. Various options exists ranging from a total period
average up to using only the previous season. In this case, either of these
estimates turns out to be the same as can be seen from the simple average
calculation below:
1 X Pt 1.8 + 1.3 + 1.7 + 2.1 + 1.9 + 1.5 + 1.7
= ⇡ 1.7 (2.5)
7 t=1995 Nt 7
42 Event Forecasting
Now, we can build our forecasts for the upcoming season. We assume that
we need to forecast all home matches and that next seasons match schedule
is available. This schedule is normally available well ahead of beginning of
the season, typically before Christmas. Table 2.6 shows this information (the
sequence of home matches for MFK) for the 2002 season:
Now, the necessary information to build the forecast for all home games
in the upcoming season is available. Moving back to figure 2.7 we observe
that the constant has a value of 2978.85. This means that no matter what
(model-wise), at least this number will show up. The same holds for the
stadium variable which adds 2815.065 to the attendance forecast. Conse-
quently, under a reasonable assumption of no significant changes in the sta-
dium infrastructure, 2978.85+2815.06 = 5793.91 will show up independently
of any other variables. Now, the effect of the performance quality of MFK
can be added if we accept the argument above on an average point score
forecast of 1.7. We get:
Figure 2.8: Forecasts vs. observed attendance for the 2002 season
decision we need the forecast for, can be executed before the next home
game. In a logistics setting, such decisions will typically relate to lead times.
Suppose we need to order soda for the next home match, and this soda can
be ordered now and be delivered within a time period sufficiently short (the
lead time) to reach the next home match. Obviously, we will not need fore-
casts for the rest of the upcoming home matches for the decision. However,
other decisions, stadium capacity, for instance, or other decisions of more
long term character (TV rights, sponsor money etc.) might need forecasts
for longer periods of time.
In this case, the only difference in the methods relates to the values used
for the mf k f orm variable. Given a situation, where we produce forecasts
from match to match, the forecast for the next match then leads to a different
information availability compared to the situation above. (Recall that we
used a very simple average over seasons for our value of 1.7 for this variable.)
Now, standing immediately before a match, we know the point score
obtained by the home team in the 3 previous matches. Consequently, we
can use this information and avoid using the forecasted constant 1.7-value,
and can instead compute “correct” values for this variable. Surely, we need
more information, but this is readily available at [6]. Table 2.8 holds the
necessary information. (In addition, we need the three last home matches of
2.3 The case of football demand forecasting 45
Table 2.8: MFK - complete performance statistics for the 2002 season
As can be observed from table 2.8, MFK had a very decent season in
2002, gaining a total of 50 points ending up being second. What is inter-
esting from our point of view, is the ability to produce dynamical forecasts
for the mf k f orm-variable. The calculations are straightforward. Recall the
definition - the average points scored in the 3 previous games. As a conse-
quence, the first home game (match 1 in the table) is calculated on previous
season data (see above.) The second home match (match 3 in the table),
is then computed by the two first games of the 2002 season (1+3=4 points)
and adding the draw (1 point) from the previous season, giving the value of
⇡ 1.67. The rest of the numbers are calculated similarly.
Now, the short term forecasts (ST Ft ) can easily be computed by the
following formula: (t runs over all home matches in table 2.8.)
> 5793.91 + 476.102 · mf k f ormt 8t\{8, 15, 19}
5793.91 + 476.102 · mf k f ormt + 1860.794 t 2 {8}
STFt =
> 5793.91 + 476.102 · mf k
> f ormt + 1265, 718 t 2 {15}
5793.91 + 476.102 · mf k f ormt + 5156.216 t 2 {19}
MFK gathered 4 points in matches 24 (3), 25 (0) and 26 (1) in the 2001 season. As a
consequence, the mf k f orm variable is computed as 34 ⇡ 1.33
46 Event Forecasting
Applying equation (2.7) with the data from table 2.8, results are obtained
as shown in table 2.9:
Table 2.9: Short term forecasts and observed attendance - 2002 seasons
Comparing these short term forecasts with the original ones as well as the
historical attendance data is easily done through a figure, as in figure 2.9.
It is easily observed from figure 2.9 that the short term forecasts are
initially better. The green curve is closer to the red curve (though not very
much). In the mid parts we observe some variations, but from around home
match 5 up to 7, the new short term forecasts perform better. However,
by the end of the season, we see the opposite situation, where the original
forecasts perform better than the short term ones. So, it is not obvious which
of these two forecast methods that will turn out to be the best one. In order
to compare with more exactness, some kind of error measures needs to be
calculated. In logistics, MAD17 (Mean Absolute deviation) is normally used,
and in order to shed some more light on this comparison, MAD for the two
models are computed in table 2.10.
As table 2.10 indicates, both methods perform relatively equally, but the
short term (presumably best) forecasts perform worst. So our initial hypoth-
esis of utilizing more and better data leading to general forecast improvement
in the one-step (short term) final method did not work out. In fact this is
a good example, because it shows that there are no guarantees when fore-
M AD = N1 t=1 |Ft Dt | with Dt being actual demand, N number of observations
and Ft forecasted demand.
2.3 The case of football demand forecasting 47
Forecast LT
Forecast ST
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
Figure 2.9: Short and long term forecasts compared to actual attendance -
Table 2.10: Short term forecasts and observed attendance - 2002 seasons
48 Event Forecasting
casting is the business. However, the reason for these somewhat unexpected
results is actually very easy to find (in retrospect). This season, the 2002
season was a season where the big favourite (RBK) started out very poorly
and the dark horse LYN lead the league most of the season. MFK, however,
started out reasonably and stayed second most of the season. It might be that
this season, turned on fans expectations for a league win (the first one ever),
and the form variable turns out to improve the forecasts in the early parts
of the season. However, during the season, LYN deteriorated (slowly), while
the big favourite RBK started to improve. It might well be that the MFK
audience lost their hopes (especially I believe) after the home loss against
RBK in home match 9. As such, one might have expected an overestimation
of attendance figures by the end of the season - especially by the short term
model. The facts are that MFK actually played very well by the end of the
season. But it might very well be that the audience had kind of lost hope
for the first ever victory. This can kind of be observed from table 2.9 for
matches, 10, 11, 12 and 13 where the short term forecasts systematically
overestimates attendance compared to the long term forecasts.
This (retrospective) hypothesis can of course be relatively easily tested
by restricting the MAD calculations up to and including home match 9, the
match against RBK. Doing so, we find a MAD of 1221 in the long term case,
and 1118 in the short term case, a MAD (significant) decrease around 10%,
which of course corresponds better with our initial hypothesis.
single event or more than one event. Seasonal tickets pre-sells a whole home
season of matches, and certain special combined tickets (day-passes) are sold
in festivals covering up more than one event. This latter products are often
referred to as bundles (bundling) in economic theory.
Some (relatively limited) research has been done mainly on time-series
modelling - see for instance [10] and [17]. We will not pursue this models
further, but limit our discussion to causal (regression-type) models. We
choose to do this, not only due to the complexity of the time-series cases,
but also due to the “event-arguments” presented previously.
Obviously, we see different types of pre-sale situations, not only various
bundling options as discussed above, but also different choices when it comes
to numbers and time periods. Certain event-producers may choose to limit
the possible number of pre-sold tickets to less than ticket capacity others may
not. Certain event producers may choose to define a pre-sales period ending
in reasonable time before the normal sales takes place. A football club such
as MFK is a good example of both of these types of situations.
MFK’s home ground - Aker Stadion - has a capacity of 11167[1] today.
Still, the stadium record is 1330818 from a game against RBK (who else)
back in 1998 [1].
MFK chose (before this season) to limit the number of seasonal tickets to
less than the capacity. Surely, this is a kind of luxury problem (e.g. having
the option of selling out capacity on pre-sales), but certain football clubs
have this option (typically the biggest and most popular, like MUFC and
Barcelona. But due to some special circumstances this season, (hiring a
new coach named Ole G. Solskjær) this option seemed to pop up for MFK.
Anyway, they chose to limit the number of pre-sold tickets. Such a strategy,
given that demand is bigger than supply, will of course also lead to the second
type of situation; that is, pre-sales ends before regular sales starts.
So, as of today, (December 2010), MFK has sold out their defined avail-
able seasonal tickets and as a consequence, they know (with certainty) that
the total demand for all next year’s matches will be larger than or equal to
this number. What they do not know with certainty is how many of these
seasonal ticket customers will show up on the stadium in each of the matches.
From a logistical point of view, these numbers are perhaps just as interesting
as the financial consequences of having certain income. After all, most lo-
gistics problems is about handling actual demand at the event when it takes
place. However, to keep complexity at a reasonable level, we assume that all
seasonal ticket customers show up at the stadium in our simplified treatment
The reason for this difference is due to varying FIFA/UEFA regulations on the number
of seats.
50 Event Forecasting
of the situation.
Let us investigate the situation from a mathematical point of view. Using
the notation from above, total demand for a certain match t, attt , can be
expressed as:
attt = attST NT
t + attt (2.8)
where attSTt and sttN
hold customers buying seasonal and normal tickets
respectively. Alternatively and slightly more complex, a new decomposition
could be added;
t = attST
+ attST
where attSTt
holds seasonal ticket customers showing up at match t,
while attt are not showing up. Now, suppose MFK (or any general event
producer) are able to perform the decomposition (2.8) on historical data.
The meaning of this statement is simply that they have registered not only
the total demand, but one of the other components of equation (2.8) as well
- typically this would be attSTt . Then, the following strategy for adjusting a
regression model to adopt pre-sales situations is feasible:
1) Compute attN
by 2.8
3) Predict attN
by the model from 2) and add the known (or forecasted)
attt to produce a final forecast for attt .
and defining;
S ( 0, . . . , N) = ✏2i (2.12)
The classical regression problem can then be formulated as
min S 2 ( 0 , . . . , N) (2.13)
β0 ...,βN
than a certain value (7000 in the example). Hence, this information should
be added to equation (2.13) as a constraint. In general terms, say that the
amount of seasonal cards already sold is named Y. Then, the minimization
problem of equation (2.13) can be reformulated to:19
The seemingly slight difference between equations (2.13) and (2.14) has
significant consequences for solution strategies. The optimization problem
of equation (2.13) is unconstrained on a “well behaved” function with a
well known analytical solution. However, the problem of equation (2.14)
is constrained (a quadratic objective with a linear constraint) and is hence
normally classified as a quadratic programming problem (QP). A QP is
in general relatively easy to solve (normally marginally harder than an LP).
However, neat analytical solutions do in general not exist, and in most cases
we need to apply specialized software, for instance, LINGO, CPLEX or the
Excel solver.
Let me try to sum up a little bit. The fact that events in most situa-
tions (naturally) open up the option of pre-sales, should and will in most
cases lead to better (more accurate) forecasts. However, to achieve these
improved forecasts, the methodology may change and may lead to increased
methodological complexity.
should be used. Both models (2.15) and (2.16) are QP’s (like the model of
equation (2.14)) and must be solved by mathematical programming software
as opposed to standard regression analysis tools like SPSS, which was applied
to produce the forecasts in tables 2.7 and 2.9.
54 Event Forecasting
share ↵
ˆ i , one could produce the wanted disaggregated forecast for singular
event i by:
F̂i = ↵
ˆ i · F̂T OT (2.18)
There is, however, some obvious practical problems involved in arriving at
reasonable ↵ˆ i ’s. At least, we can differentiate between two types of events. 1)
Certain events will have the same content in each event from one arrangement
to another. Sports events will typically be like this. The 100 meters run is
(more or less) the same from one Olympics to another. 2) Other events, like
musical festivals will, however, have different artists on the opening and final
days from one year to another. As a consequence, one must be careful by
copying consumer preferences in between events.
Another problem, typically arriving in sports mega events, is related to
difference in location. Almost always, sports mega events, (Olympic games,
football World Championships etc.) are relocated form one instance to the
other. And very often very far. For football WC’s for instance, it is Europe
one year, Latin America 4 years later, and then perhaps Africa or Asia after
4 new years. Consequently, possible ↵ ˆ i ’s fitting good one year might fit very
bad 4 years after, as the average spectator may change substantially moving
from one continent to another. In such a situation, a combination of infor-
mation related to the actual mega-sports event but paired with attendance
(spectator) behaviour related to localization should perhaps be a guidance
for establishing “good” ↵ ˆ i ’s.
In addition to the above mentioned problems, time keeps moving fast.
Typically, at least a year (musical festivals) and up to 2 or 4 years (sports
mega events) passes between events, and consumer behaviour observed in
one event might change simply due to time.
As a consequence, arriving at good forecasts for arrangements within
events may be hard. Still, the need is obvious to be able to perform logistics
Chapter 3
profile of the demand forecasts will not be constant. Our example from
Chapter 2 shows this very clear. Our forecasts did not hit perfectly, and
demand throughout the 2002 season did not turn out to be constant.
Still, the simple EOQ formula has proven itself to be practically valuable
due to its simplicity and as a tool for finding approximate solutions.
Home game 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Forecast 6602 6602 6602 8462 6602 6602 7865
Home game 8 9 10 11 12 13 -
Forecast 6602 11758 66022 6602 6602 6602 -
Table 3.1: Forecasted attendance demand for MFK home games - 2002 season
Home game 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Forecast 66 66 66 85 66 66 79
Home game 8 9 10 11 12 13 -
Forecast 66 118 66 66 66 66 -
Table 3.2: Forecasted coke demand for MFK home games - 2002 season
By further assuming that the inventory costs (h) between home games
are $0.2 and order costs (K) each time coke is ordered, amounts to $100,
the EOQ formula can be applied as an approximate solver for finding the
optimal purchase strategy.
In the formula, the only missing information is , average periodic de-
mand, which is easily found by adding all numbers in table 3.2 and dividing
by 13 to obtain the average. We find:
10 · 66 + 85 + 79 + 118
⇡ 72.5 (3.2)
3.1 Inventory Management - Introduction 59
Home game 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Forecast 66 66 66 85 66 66 79
Ordered 269 - - 269 - - -
Inventory 203 137 71 255 189 123 46
Home game 8 9 10 11 12 13 -
Forecast 66 118 66 66 66 66 -
Ordered 269 - - 269 - - -
Inventory 247 129 63 266 200 184 -
Table 3.3: Purchase plan for coca cola; MFK home games - 2002 season
Note that we have chosen to buy 269 also before home game 11. As our
planning horizon, stops at home game 13, we will end up with “too much”
inventory in the final period. Obviously, we could have adjusted to end up
with a smaller amount of rest inventory after the last home game, but as this
is coke, we might perhaps just as well keep some for the next season.
The total costs of this purchase plan are easy to calculate. We simply
add all inventory numbers together, multiply by the inventory cost of 0.2 and
add 4 times the order cost of 100. This gives a total cost for the approximate
plan of 2113 · 0.1 + 4 · 100 = 611.3
xt + I t 1 I t = d t 8t (3.5)
0 x t Mt t 8t (3.6)
It 0, 8t (3.7)
t 2 {0, 1} 8t (3.8)
The optimal order quantity Q⇤ is then (in the continuous case) found by
F (Q⇤ ) = (3.9)
cu + co
R Q∗
where F (Q⇤ ) = a f (Q)dQ. If we choose a discrete probabilistic formu-
lation (e.g. change from the continuous f (Q) to a discrete Px (Q) = P (x
Q)), the solution changes slightly to:
Px (Q⇤ ) (3.10)
cu + co
f(Q) f(Q)
Uniform h
9000 13000 9000 13000
or slightly rewritten as
The above linear system of equations with two unknowns are easily solved
by subtracting 3.15 from 3.14 giving:
(13000 9000) · b = 0.0005 ) b = ) b = 0.000000125 (3.16)
FT (Q) = (a + b · Q)dQ (3.19)
66 Events and Inventory Management
FU (Q) = hdQ = [hQ]Q
α = h(Q ↵) (3.20)
b b
FT (Q) = (a+b·Q)dQ = aQ + Q2 = a(Q ↵)+ Q2 ↵2 (3.21)
α 2 α 2
Now, the left part of equation (3.9) is taken care of through the two alter-
native expressions for F (Q) in equations (3.20) and (3.21). The remaining
necessary information is then related to obtaining values for cu and co . Luck-
ily24 , this information (at least partially) is available. It turns out that the
t-shirt’s ordinary (in festival) price last year (2010) WAS 180 NOK, while
the post festival price is 30 NOK (see [8]). Unfortunately, we also need in-
formation on the buying price (or production cost) for the t-shirts. This
information is typically harder to obtain. After all, if the festival buys cheap
t-shirts from China and sell them expensively, market knowledge about it
may affect demand negatively. Hence, most event producers in this situation
will be reluctant in providing this information publicly. As a consequence,
we are left by guessing, and a reasonable guess could be 50 NOK as the
total buying/producing costs for each shirt. Now, cu and co can be easily
calculated. cu is calculated as the profit loss of ordering under the actual
demand. If too little is available, a potential profit of 180 50 is lost; hence,
cu = 130. co is the profit loss occurring if one orders too much. In that case
the t-shirts are bought at 50 and sold at 30 leading to aco = 50 30 = 20.
Now, the often referred to critical ratio (right hand side of equation (3.9))
can be computed as:
cu 130
critical ratio = = ⇡ 0.867 (3.22)
cu + co 130 + 20
Hence, our two different proposed models for demand uncertainty lead to
the following equations to be solved for Q⇤U and Q⇤T :
a (Q⇤T ↵) + Q⇤2
T ↵2 = 0.867 (3.24)
Thanks to Assistant Professor Olav Hauge for this information
3.3 Extensions of the “News-boy” concept 67
Q⇤U = + ↵ = 3466.67 + 9000 ⇡ 12467 (3.25)
Equation (3.24) is quadratic in the variable and will hence involve slightly
more complex algebraic manipulation. The solution is left for the reader as
an exercise.
The main point to observe her is how “close” the solution (12467) is to the
upper demand limit of 13000. The reason is obvious, as we loose a lot (130)
on under-ordering, but very little on the opposite (20), it is a good strategy
to order many. Actually, the managing director of the jazz festival (Jan Ole
Otnes) stated in various TV interviews before the festival that they would
order 10000 t-shirts and expecting to get rid of all. Our analysis indicates
a slightly different strategy, but again, we lack a lot of information here as
opposed to being insiders.
Event Production
4.1 Introduction
Min Z = [cH Ht + cF Ft + cI It + cR Pt + cO Ot + cU Ut + cS St ] (4.1)
70 Event Production
W t = W t 1 + Ht F t 8t (4.2)
Pt = Knt Wt + Ot Ut 8t (4.3)
I t = I t 1 + P t + St d t 8t (4.4)
Ht , Ft , It , Ot , Ut , St , Wt , Pt 0 8t (4.5)
as this; all worker groups can not perform all tasks involved in the production
process. Such issues may be taken care of model-wise, but will introduce a
kind of multi-product setting as we have to define different tasks within a
single or multi-product setting. So for the time being, we try to keep things
simple and overlook such complicating matters.
Following up the above arguments, we define groups of workers. Let us use
the subscript j for groups, j 2 {1, . . . , J}. Given this assumption, we need
to redefine some cost elements. Suppose we make the following transition:
New Parameters:
cR ! cR
j : Production cost (salary) per unit in workgroup j
cH ! cH
j : Hiring cost per worker in workgroup j
cF ! cFj : Firing cost per worker in workgroup j
K ! Kj : Productivity of worker in workgroup j
Given the above redefinitions, the revised model is easily set up as:
cH F R
⇥ ⇤
Min Z = J Hjt + cj Fjt + cj Pjt (4.6)
j=1 t=1
The model above (equations (4.6) – (4.10)) is easily explained. The ob-
jective (4.6) adds up all costs through workgroups j and time periods t.
Each work group j in time period t contains workers based on the number of
workers in the previous period, Wj,t 1 , plus the hired amount minus the fired
amount - equation (4.7). The production amount generated by workgroup j
is computed by multiplying the productivity (Kj ) for the group by possible
working days (or hours or whatever might be suitable) and by the number
of workers in the group - equation (4.8). Finally in equation (4.9), the com-
mon produced amount (for the single product) is computed by adding up all
production contribution over all groups to meet demand.
Table 4.1: Data for the event aggregated production planning example
We observe from the example of table 4.1 that the P group costs more
salary-wise CPR = 10 as opposed to CVR = 1. On the other hand, both hiring
and firing is significantly more expensive for the V -group. The P -group is
also assumed twice as productive as the V -group.
Furthermore, to keep things simple, we look at a 2-period model where
we assume (perhaps reasonably) that demand increases from the first to the
second period. (Most events tends to put the most significant artists at the
end.) We use d1 = 20 and d2 = 50 to simulate this. Finally, we assume
the organization has 5 professional employees before the event, and zero
volunteers, that is, WP 0 = 5, WV 0 = 0. The linear programming model is
implemented in LINGO, and model formulation and solution is presented in
Appendix E.
Looking at the solution in Appendix E, we observe that in spite of the
cheapness of the volunteers, the optimal solution involves only the usage of
professionals. To test whether the model seems reasonable, we could try
to increase the cost of professionals to see if we get a change in workforce
74 Event Production
where we observe that the early (now very expensive) professionals are
fired in the first period and the now (relatively) very cheap volunteers are
hired up at the necessary level in both periods 1 and 2. As a consequence,
the basic logic of our model seems to work.
An interesting question to raise is whether this model only produces either
or solutions related to usage of different workforce groups. A proof is left for
the reader as an exercise.
leads to a necessity for having vast and efficient information and networking
structures available.
Within this framework, competition and cooperation becomes relevant
subjects to handle. If the MIJF wants artist A, who is also wanted by
a competing festival in Norway (for instance the Kongsberg International
Jazz Festival), the ability to handle such competitive/cooperative situations
becomes evident. As a consequence, more elaborate tools than ordinary
optimization, is needed. Game theory is such a tool that deals with strategic
interaction between agents.
Applying game theory as a tool for better understanding and handling
the challenges related to competition and collaboration seems to be growing
in modern supply chain management analysis. Certain relevant textbooks
are arriving like, for instance [7], as well as relevant research material. Some
relatively new (personal) research, illustrating how simple game theory may
be applied in a kind of event supply chain management setting might even
be relevant to investigate - [27], [14].
We will not pursue these topics in more detail here as the lack of relevant
event oriented research material is so obvious. Still, it seems fairly easy to
predict that future will hold a lot of interesting research material covering
event supply management.
Chapter 6
Event Transportation
dt = ↵t t · pt (7.1)
where dt is the calculated demand if price pt is chosen in time period t
and ↵t and t define the time varying linear demand curves.
Now, to make things reasonable, we need to change the objective to in-
clude revenue. When we allow ourselves to change prices (include prices as
82 Events and Dynamic Pricing
decision variables), it dos not make sense to minimize costs as the original
lot-size model did. Hence, we need to move to profit maximization and as
profits are calculated by subtracting costs from revenue we need to calculate
the per period revenues of this problem. This is straightforward: (quantity
times price)
xt + I t 1 I t = d t 8t (7.4)
0 x t Mt t 8t (7.5)
It 0, 8t (7.6)
t 2 {0, 1} 8t (7.7)
pt 0 8t (7.8)
possibility and set-up. If we move our vision to services, which by the way
resembles events much more, we observe (naturally) that set-up as well as
storage are of less importance. This is of course in accordance with previous
discussion on the topic (see Chapter 4). Hence, a strategy in to adopt this
situation to services or events for that matter could simply be to remove
storage possibilities (take out the It variables) as well as set-up (remove
the t variables). This is of course possible, and if this is done, we are left
with a problem (basically) only containing the objective. This problem is
simply a multi-period (decoupled) classical monopoly, and the solution is
straightforward: (M R = M C)
↵ t ct
p⇤t = (7.9)
2 t
This is of course a very simple solution, and given that reality fits, it could
definitely be applied. However, as usual, reality may not fit. For instance,
in both service and event production, certain dependencies may exist. If one
applies a dynamic pricing strategy say for pre-sales of tickets to a concert
known to the audience, the cheap tickets (if unlimited) will sell fast and
hence affect future demand after this point in time. Furthermore, the ability
to actually predict independent demand curves over time might be difficult
and in some sense fairly infeasible. Given these two arguments, it is perhaps
obvious to think about uncertainty of demand and the concept of Revenue
Management is focusing on this as well as the above modelling features. The
point is basically very simple. If one really wants to apply dynamic pricing
in events, reality may be too complex to just use the simple approach of
equation (7.9). We will not pursue these topics further here, just point at
some survey literature that may be both relevant and helpful in investigating
further options in event dynamic pricing and/or revenue management. The
paper by McGill and Van Ryzin [20] may be a good starting point
Chapter 8
8.1 Introduction
Logistics is a somewhat immature discipline and (perhaps especially) the less
quantitative agents on the research and application side tends from time to
time to spend a lot of time on buzz-words. Logistics vocabulary is full of
such buzz-words, as JIT (Just in time), Modularization and Postponement
to name the most important ones. Let me try to be slightly clearer: the inten-
tion here is NOT to say that these words and their meaning is unimportant,
neither for manufacturing, service nor event production agents. Still, one
might get the feeling from time to time that these words introduce ground
breaking news. The main point of this short chapter is to explain the most
relevant concepts and outline their importance for event logistics.
T C(Q) = K +h (8.1)
Q 2
Now let us do exactly the opposite of what we did in Subsection 3.1.3 of
Chapter 3, interpreting K as a set-up cost instead of the normal (Inventory
management) order cost, and hence Qλ as number of set-up’s. In addition, we
need to assume that production runs infinitely fast, but these assumptions
play little or no role in the argument.
Now, the standard argument goes as follows. We minimize total costs by
solving T C 0 (Q) = 0, which produces the EOQ formula (3.1).
86 Events and “hype logistics”
T C(Q) = h (8.2)
and we minimize it by minimizing Q. Minimizing Q (it can of course
not be zero) means a very small Q and negligible average inventory. This is
the basic point in JIT. Keep almost no inventory and produce small series
or demand as it emerges, and this is important. Either, you will have to
invest large sums of money in both technology and the right manpower to be
able to force both set-up costs and times to zero. (Whether this turns out
to profitable is of course another story.) Alternatively, you could be lucky,
living in a part of the world where labour is cheap and flexible, yielding
similar consequences.
Looking at event production, inventory is not a topic for the finished
goods. As such, the main point in JIT of minimizing inventory is simply
not relevant; however, this is important. The above argument also has con-
sequences related to uncertainty in demand. If demand is highly uncertain,
the value of a flexible production system is higher than in the deterministic
case. So, by increasing organizational flexibility the producer also manages to
handle uncertainty much smoother. The necessity of forecasting is of course
(in principle) far less if the producer can meet any kind of demand at any
point in time with the given technology and manpower. An event producer
will in many cases face considerable demand uncertainty. As such, a JIT-type
of production system is good. The reason for choosing volunteers is of course
a part of this, as a volunteer plays the role of a cheap and willing worker,
able to show up at any point in time and do whatever is needed. Hence, JIT
is nothing new in event production, actually it is the oldest concept of all in
the event setting.
8.3 Postponement
Postponement means, as the word indicates, to postpone or delay the produc-
tion process. In a situation with demand uncertainty, it may be a good idea
to try to postpone major parts of production as late as possible or at least
8.4 Modularization 87
8.4 Modularization
Modularization means being able to produce a maximal number of finished
products with a minimal number of components (modules). Apart from the
fact that being able to modularize a production process may be cost efficient
(cheaper than the alternative), it is a strategy to achieve postponement.
If you are able to produce everything based on a small number of basic
components, you can postpone until customer preferences are revealed. The
classical example is a car engine, with which minimal tuning can change
from 100 HP until 350 HP. The single module engine can hence spawn a lot
of different products meeting customer preferences fast.
In events, we actually see modularization resemblance. Again, the local
jazz festival is a brilliant example. In latter years, the festival has chosen
88 Events and “hype logistics”
1 if location i is picked
i = (9.1)
0 elsewhere
90 Event Facility Location
a model for this situation, we need a slightly more complex binary variable.
We define:
1 if artist i is located at location j
ij = (9.6)
0 elsewhere
Then, a minimal total cost artist-location-assignment can be found by
solving the following problem:
Min Z = ij Cij (9.7)
i=1 j=1
ij = 18j (9.8)
ij = 18i (9.9)
Above, (9.8) picks one (and only one) artist to each location j, while (9.9)
secures that each artist i gets a location.
The problem defined by equations 9.7 – 9.10 is commonly referred to as
an Assignment Problem in logistics or OR research literature. This problem,
as most name-tagged mathematical programming problems in logistics, has
undergone a vast research effort related to extensions and specialized algo-
rithmic development. Because of space concerns, the chapter concludes here
and the interested reader is directed to the excellent review by Pentico [22].
Chapter 10
Event Sequencing
Event Sequencing may be defined as how to sequence (or schedule) sub events
within a bigger event optimally.
Sequencing in classical manufacturing logistics is related to relatively
short-time or operational decisions and is normally defined in a machine
setting. How should jobs be fed into a single or a set of machines (serial,
parallel or networking structure) to achieve certain targets. In most cases,
such targets are related to efficiency in the form of various measures of speed
or capacity utilization. So a classical machine scheduling problem focuses on
job sequence decisions (sorting jobs) to achieve certain efficiency goals.
In events, typically neither speed, nor capacity utilization is a big issue.
On the other hand, demand is a big issue, and if demand may be affected
by certain event sequencing decisions, then event sequencing might be both
commercially important and challenging.
Identifying sequence demand links on the event scene is straightforward.
Think about a football league, the sequence of games may obviously affect
demand both positively and negatively. A simple example may clarify: sup-
pose the local team should meet the main opponent RBK. If this match (say
a match in Molde) takes place at a point in time (late in the season) where
much of table placement uncertainty is revealed, local attendance demand
may be low. On the other hand, if the table placement (and season timing)
is such that this given match is very important for final placement, demand
might be very high. Strictly speaking, this problem is not solved by the
event producer, but by the league owner or the regulator. It is of course still
relevant, but perhaps of less importance for most event producers.
The same situation is also present for festivals. Normally, demand (in
general) is higher towards the end of the festival28 . Then the question of how
Most festivals start before a week-end and ends during a week-end. The same type of
94 Event Sequencing
to sequence the artists may be relevant. For instance, a certain very high
quality artist may draw audience more or less independent of the timing of
his performance, while other artists may need some “calendar help”.
Another point, is the booking situation. Most artists have schedules
already, and the possibility of fitting certain artists into certain specific time-
slots may affect not only local demand, but also costs related to hiring the
So, we can conclude that event scheduling is relevant. Various mathe-
matical models can now of course be discussed and adapted to the situations
described above. This is an important point, and in order to actually do
this, some critical input information is needed, namely the “demand link”.
In order to have any hope of solving such problems formally, information
on how the schedule (or sequence) affects demand must be quantitatively
present. Such information is hard to establish and in most cases simply un-
available. Obviously, scheduling decisions must be made, and they are made
all the time by all event producers; still a formal analysis of such problems
may demand data that is not present, and (perhaps) very costly obtained29 .
Due to the above arguments, we refrain from more formal modelling ap-
proaches in this chapter. Still, it seems fairly obvious to this author that
most event producers could get far better products if some more systematic
approaches are applied in their event scheduling.
pattern may also be present, even at one-day events, where attendance demand may grow
through the event independently of artist scheduling.
If the cost of obtaining necessary input information is very high, the question of
performing formal analysis becomes a trade-off, which does not necessarily point at doing
the analysis as the optimal solution.
Appendix A
The actual moving average calculations underlying figures 2.2 and 2.3 are
given in tables A.1 and A.2:
In the above tables, the forecasts F̂tj are computed by the standard for-
F̂tj = Dt i (A.1)
j i=1
where Fˆtj denotes forecasted demand for time period t given moving av-
erage of order j and Dt is observed historic (actual) demand data.
98 Calculations in figures 2.2 and 2.3
att mfk pos mot pos mot 3si mfk form mot form rbk mai 16 stadion brann jazz
4430,00 1,00 3,00 5,30 3,00 3,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00
5434,00 1,00 11,00 15,00 3,00 1,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00
7300,00 1,00 3,00 15,00 3,00 4,30 0,00 1,00 0,00 0,00 0,00
5830,00 2,00 8,00 13,00 2,30 2,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00
5046,00 2,00 10,00 9,00 1,30 1,30 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00
12990,00 2,00 1,00 1,00 2,00 2,30 1,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00
4857,00 2,00 5,00 5,00 1,30 2,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 1,00
2966,00 2,00 14,00 15,00 1,30 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00
4379,00 2,00 5,00 5,30 2,00 2,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00
3606,00 2,00 7,00 7,00 1,30 1,30 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00
2228,00 2,00 13,00 7,70 0,70 1,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00
2335,00 2,00 4,00 3,00 1,30 1,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00
3435,00 2,00 9,00 6,70 0,30 0,70 0,00 0,00 0,00 1,00 0,00
4918,00 13,00 12,00 15,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00
5051,00 9,00 10,00 15,00 1,00 1,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00
3083,00 7,00 12,00 8,00 1,00 1,30 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00
8365,00 4,00 1,00 3,00 3,00 2,00 0,00 1,00 0,00 0,00 0,00
4486,00 4,00 6,00 6,30 2,30 1,30 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00
3500,00 3,00 12,00 10,30 1,70 1,30 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00
3592,00 5,00 6,00 4,00 1,30 1,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00
Table B.1: The first twenty data points for the regression analysis
Appendix C
LINGO model in
Subsection 3.1.3
X1-I1 = 66;
X2 +I1 - I2 = 66;
X3 +I2 - I3 = 66;
X4 +I3 - I4 = 85;
X5 +I4 - I5 = 66;
X6 +I5 - I6 = 66;
X7 +I6 - I7 = 79;
X8 +I7 - I8 = 66;
X9 +I8 - I9 = 118;
X10 +I9 - I10 = 66;
X11 +I10 - I11 = 66;
X12 +I11 - I12 = 66;
X13 +I12 - I13 = 66;
X1 <= 942*d1;
X2 <= 942*d2;
X3 <= 942*d3;
X4 <= 942*d4;
102 LINGO model in Subsection 3.1.3
X5 <= 942*d5;
X6 <= 942*d6;
X7 <= 942*d7;
X8 <= 942*d8;
X9 <= 942*d9;
X10 <= 942*d10;
X11 <= 942*d11;
X12 <= 942*d12;
X13 <= 942*d13;
Appendix D
Case solution in
Subsection 3.1.3
The LINGO solution for the MIP problem of equations (3.4) – (3.8) with
data for the MFK 2002 season is presented below:
Total variables: 39
Nonlinear variables: 0
Integer variables: 13
Total constraints: 27
Nonlinear constraints: 0
Total nonzeros: 90
Nonlinear nonzeros: 0
D4 0.000000 -465.2000
D5 1.000000 100.0000
D6 0.000000 -88.40000
D7 0.000000 -276.8000
D8 0.000000 -465.2000
D9 1.000000 100.0000
D10 0.000000 -88.40000
D11 0.000000 -276.8000
D12 0.000000 -465.2000
D13 0.000000 -653.6000
I1 217.0000 0.000000
I2 151.0000 0.000000
I3 85.00000 0.000000
I4 0.000000 0.8000000
I5 211.0000 0.000000
I6 145.0000 0.000000
I7 66.00000 0.000000
I8 0.000000 0.8000000
I9 264.0000 0.000000
I10 198.0000 0.000000
I11 132.0000 0.000000
I12 66.00000 0.000000
I13 0.000000 1.000000
X1 283.0000 0.000000
X2 0.000000 0.000000
X3 0.000000 0.000000
X4 0.000000 0.000000
X5 277.0000 0.000000
X6 0.000000 0.000000
X7 0.000000 0.000000
X8 0.000000 0.000000
X9 382.0000 0.000000
X10 0.000000 0.000000
X11 0.000000 0.000000
X12 0.000000 0.000000
X13 0.000000 0.000000
Appendix E
PP1 = 2*WP1;
PV1 = 1*WV1;
PP2 = 2*WP2;
PV2 = 1*WV2;
[1] Aker stadion – from wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Retrieved from
the internet: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aker\_Stadion, 2010.
[3] Forbrukerrådet raser mot elkjøp: - nei, det går ikke an! Retrieved
from the internet: http://www.vg.no/nyheter/innenriks/artikkel.
php?artid=10012513, 2010.
[8] Molde International Jazz festival. Jazzshop. Retrieved from the in-
ternet: http://www.moldejazz.no/2003/site/main/produkt.php?page\
_id=2706, 2010.