Women Empowerment in Local Governance: The Gender and Development Program in Barangay Basak San Nicolas, Cebu City
Women Empowerment in Local Governance: The Gender and Development Program in Barangay Basak San Nicolas, Cebu City
Women Empowerment in Local Governance: The Gender and Development Program in Barangay Basak San Nicolas, Cebu City
Eric Awi1, a
Colegio de San Juan de Letran-Manila1
Good local governance connotes gender equality and women empowerment. This study focused on how local government
uplifts the morale of the women constituents. Also, this study identified the gender-related concerns in the local government
and the programs and projects in the local government towards women empowerment. The researcher anchors this study on
the CIPP model of Daniel Stufflebeam (1983) to view and evaluate the programs developed by the local government and
their decision-making process. This study employs a descriptive qualitative design and analysis of secondary data. The selected
local government is Barangay Basak San Nicolas in Cebu City. The GAD programs have its essentials in providing the way to
configure an integral part of policy research that will be focusing on policy shaping communities and necessitating potential
political accommodation. The barangay could work hand in hand with other NGOs. There must be a cross-sectoral strategy
between the GAD officers and NGOs. Building more networks could possibly help the GAD programs in the barangay.
During the Estrada administration, the NCRFW Barangay Basak San Nicolas (BSN) is a densely
continued its gender mainstreaming approach and populated coastal barangay located in the southern part
made important strides in regional networking through of Cebu City, facing the island of Mactan and the islet
its central role in hosting the First Women Ministerial of Kawit in Cebu Strait. It is about three (3) to five
Meeting on APEC held in Manila in 1998. Despite its best (5) kilometers from Cebu City Proper or about fifteen-
efforts, the NCRFW could not maximize its advocacy minute drive from Colon (commercial area) via the Cebu
role due to the credibility problem of a national leader South Road It has thirty-six (36) sitios (neighborhood
whose respect for women was always in doubt in the zones) and is bounded by barangays Mambaling, Punta
public perception. Under the administration of Gloria Princesa, and Tisa on the North by Cebu Strait and
Macapagal-Arroyo, a Framework Plan for Women, a slice Mambaling on the East, and Basak Pardo on the South.
of the Philippine Plan for Gender Development based It is approximately three (3) to five (5) kilometers from
on the Beijing Platform for Action agenda was adopted. existing dumpsite of the city located in Inayawan
The plan is focused on three strategic areas: the further South. BSN has a population of 32,000 or 5,090
promotion, defense and protection of women’s human families (City Health Data, 1994) about half of which
rights; the promotion of the economic empowerment are urban poor. According to its barangay captain, total
of women and the development of engendered good 1996 population is estimated to be around 45,000.
governance systems at the national and local levels.
Formerly characterized by vast rice fields, the
One of the most critical areas of cooperation barangay was referred to by the Cebuanos as ‘basakan’
of NGOs and NCRFW has been the implementation which means rice field area or simply rice field.
of the GAD Budget. Although it was mainly spent Before World War II, it was also referred to as San
on gender and development projects of the different Nicolas since it was under the San Nicolas Parish of
Gender is used to describe culturally and socially Protection to women workers was given during
determined characteristics, sex to refer to those the early part of the Republic; RA 679 laid down rules
characteristics which are biologically determined. By for the employment of women and minors; these
realizing that gender is culturally determined we should were expanded by RA 6237 and RA 6725. RA 1584
know that what we have created, we can also change, granted maternity leave privileges to women working
perhaps slowly and with struggle and pain. Organizations, in the government. In 1960, The Bureau of Women
programs and projects which follow the GAD approach and Minors was established in the Department of
not only question and examine the sexual division of Labor. Women in the micro and cottage industries
labor but also the sexual division of responsibility. were provided protection by RA 7882. A law exists
The GAD approach is committed to issues of equity. which prohibits lesser compensation for women as
The following clearly shows what is meant by equity: against male employees for work of equal value; RA
7655 also prohibits favoring of male employees with
“A fox and a stork may be given equal opportunity to eat respect to promotion, training, study, and scholarship
from a dish. Who gets most depends on whether the dish is opportunities. The most comprehensive law on
wide and shallow to suit the fox, or deep and narrow to suit women is the so-called Roco-Rasul bill (named after its
the stork. For equitable impact, each would have to eat a sponsors, then Representative Raul Roco and Senator
share of the food from its own dish” (CCIC, 1991:110). Santanina Rasul) the Woman in Development and
Nation-Building Act (RA 7192). On the economic
The GAD approach has often been synonymous aspect, it provides equal rights to wives entering into
with the autonomy view (as opposed to the above contract and loan agreements. It opened military schools
mentioned integration view), which looks beyond the to women as well as the police academies. Furthermore,
functions of women and men in society, to examine the it allowed women equal access to social and cultural
relations between them, the impact of these relations clubs. Passed in 1991, the law led to the acceptance of
on development, and the forces that both perpetuate the first batch of women into the Philippine Military
and change these relations. The GAD approach can Academy, and the increase in the number of women in
be put more simply as an approach which questions the police service. Moreover, with the implementation
traditional views of gender roles and responsibilities of the act, borrowing for livelihood assistance became
and then tries to develop strategies which in the end lead easier for women, who can now obtain credit on their
to empowerment. In the GAD approach women are own. There is now a pending bill in Congress, which
seen as ‘agents for change, rather than passive recipients calls for gender balance in policy and decision-making
of development assistance* (Rathgeber, 1990:494). government positions, elective or appointive, sponsored
by Rep. Loretta Ann Rosales (Pananaw, April-July 2003).
Many people have said that the GAD approach
has been ‘invented’ to talk about women’s issues The Women in Development and Nation
under a new terminology. In a workshop recently, Building Act also provided that a percentage of
participants almost walked out when they discovered foreign assistance be earmarked for programs for
that women’s issues were being discussed (Zwart, women. This was followed through in the General
1992). They said that if they had known that women’s Appropriations Act (GAA) which, in 1995, set aside
issues would be on the agenda that they would have 5% of funds for gender and development (GAD)
never come! It is indeed seen as much ‘safer’ to talk projects. Recently, the Department of the Interior
about gender issues than to talk about women’s issues, and Local Government (DILG) and the Department
but if people do not understand the issues which of Budget and Management (DBM) issued a joint
are being discussed, a different term will not help memorandum circular requiring local government units
much either. The struggle for women’s emancipation to also set aside funds for GAD projects. However,
is much more than using the right terminology, or the mandatory requirement is only 5% of the local
adding a woman to a project or program (1992: 16-21). government’s development fund, which is only 20% of
its IRA (Internal Revenue Allotment). There are many
Gender Reforms from Congress more laws and policies affecting women, but these are
the most significant. Within these parameters, however,
Through the initiative of the first sectoral creative agency heads and local chief executives
representative of women in Congress, Republic Act have come up with their own programs on GAD.
6949 declared March 8 as a special working holiday,
in consonance with International Women’s Day. The Other local government units have followed.
Philippines celebrates March as women’s month. The first cities to establish gender offices are Davao
Assistance to mothers was provided by RA 6972 which in Mindanao, Angeles in Luzon, and Bacolod in the
established a day care center in every barangay. RA 8505 Visayas. Probably the first municipality to do so is
14 Awi
Balayan, Batangas, which has won a Galing Pook the caregivers (Review of Women’s Studies, 2002).
(good local unit) award for its integrated gender
sensitive health program. In northern Luzon, Mayor Theoretical Framework
Mary Jane Ortega has an active gender program. In
Metro Manila, Quezon City and Marikina are the Program Evaluation Theory – CIPP Model
first to establish offices for GAD, with Quezon City
establishing its Gender Resource and Development The study used the Program Evaluation Theory
Office in 2001 and Marikina its Women’s Council in (PET) of Daniel Stufflebeam (1983). He views
2002. With the creation of its GAD Office under the evaluation as an integral part of policy research focused
Office of Mayor Feliciano Belmonte, Jr., there is also a on policy that is shaping communities and necessitating
corresponding GAD Council which maps out projects potential political accommodation (Alkin, 2004).
for women (Palma, RWS, 2002). For its part, Marikina
City under Mayor Marides Fernando is hosting an The said theory evaluates programs developed
international conference of women mayors late this by the government that will ensure the beneficiaries
month. Davao City and Misamis Occidental province or government agencies that is being assessed.
have GAD Codes. These are models used for similar PET scrutinized the result of the programs that
efforts in other local government units. Without are being put into practice based on statements
formal offices established for gender concerns, many of its beneficiaries and analysis of secondary data.
mayors have initiated or supported gender programs.
For instance, Mayor Betty Verzola of Kalinga uses 5% CIPP (Context, Input, Process, and Product)
of her internal revenue allotments (IRA) to support model was developed by Stufflebeam in 1960s to
a livelihood program to further develop the weaving evaluate the decision-making process of a certain
skills of women in the community. Quezon City has agency that is being assessed. It is a model that
established a Grameen type banking where its indigent utilizes four types of evaluation: context, input,
women can avail of livelihood loans without collateral process, and product. Stufflebeam describes the
from a Bulacan rural bank (Almario-Zabat, 2003); they CIPP model of evaluation as a cyclical process.
borrow through their cooperative. A study has shown
the success of this program, where payment of loans CIPP analyzes data to determine goals, priorities
is almost 100% and families have been assisted in small and objectives. It aims to provide an analytic and
entrepreneurial projects. In Sta. Maria, Bulacan where rational basis for program decision-making based on
NGOs are active, then Mayor Reylina Nicolas (now a cycle of planning, structuring, implementing and
Congresswoman) count on the women as partners reviewing and revising decisions. For example, to be
of the municipal government in many projects. able to obtain a certain goal, examination of existing
objectives of the program might be needed. It involves
Among women mayors and Barangay captains, steps and resources to meet the goals and objectives
health and family concerns seem to be priority and might also include identifying successful external
programs. Some women Mayors have won awards for programs and materials as well as information. This
their health service; among these is movie actress-Mayor process of evaluation deals with information about how
Vilma Santos Recto of Lipa City. Two women barangay the program is implemented. By using the program,
captains in Quezon City have been enthusiastically evaluators learn such things as how well it is following
sponsoring awareness workshops on violence against the plans and guidelines, and budgeting problems.
women, where the policewomen’s desk officers
and prosecutors tell women residents of incidence CIPP evaluation model is recommended as a
of violence and how they can bring cases against framework to systematically guide the conception,
perpetrators. In another Quezon City barangay, the design, implementation and assessment of service-
captain has added three day care centers to one existing learning projects. It provides feedback and judgment of
which is co-funded by the City government; her three the project’s effectiveness for continuous improvement.
centers are fully funded by the village. Two Quezon
City barangays have healing centers for survivors of This theory used in the study because of the domain
violence in intimate relationships. A pioneering work created by the proponent, which is “CIPP model”.
is night care for children of working mothers, piloted in Through this model, it was able to examine thoroughly
Taytay, Rizal, and an industrial area where women work the implementation and results of GAD program in
in night shifts. The national government’s Department the local government to its beneficiaries. Thus, gave
of Social Welfare and Development (DSWD), its local a more rational explanation that will benefit the said
counterpart, the municipal government of Taytay, program for gender equality specifically in Cebu City.
the Catholic and Protestant churches in the town,
and the factory management organization combined
efforts to provide the service. Mothers who are off
work some nights volunteer their services to assist
GAD as Health Service Sector Cebu City released their GAD plan for the year
According to Fe Israel, the focal person of GAD 2013 for economic services. The issue raised were
program in Barangay Basak San Nicolas, the health of lack of capital, lack of gainful employment, lack of
the constituents in the barangay is one of the important opportunity to participate in economic activity. Israel
aspects that they focus on especially there are informal said that the barangay is currently working with the
settlements in the barangay. Barangay Basak San city government for livelihood training seminars for
Nicolas is one of the barangays in a highly urbanized women. Women’s higher labor force participation and
independent city, which is Cebu City. Many people from employment rates have been associated with better
rural areas migrated to urban for better opportunities educational achievements and rising female/male
(Awi, 2012; Domaboc, 2010). As a result, number of earnings ratios, but empirical evidence that attributes
families added to the population in the barangay and it improvements in female-male pay ratios to employment
affects mainly to the health to the children and women in export-oriented industries is not available (Dollar &
particularly pregnant and lactating women. Through Gatti 1999; Joekes 1995 in Dejardin, 2008). According
this issue, Food and Nutrition Program aimed to help to its Spring 1994 newsletter: “The Center intends to
the children and pregnant women in the barangay. Israel provide opportunities for factory women and family
stressed out that, “this is the best way we can do to our beloved subcontractors to reform the male-dominated workers’
constituents especially to the pregnant women who have no money union, and to develop women workers’ union and workers’
especially in maintaining their good health during their pregnancy. movements through the promotion of feminism”.
Through Food and Nutrition Program of GAD in the barangay,
at least we could help them to having a healthy pregnancy.” The researcher witnessed the economic activities
of women in some part of the barangay. Some are doing
The Food and Nutrition program is also a program crafts, some are selling viands and some are doing buy
in the city government. This is another program that the and sell. But these women got their capital from other
barangay collaborates with the city government perhaps sources. One constituent said, “I got my capital from an Indian
the supplies of vitamins and other health-related guy (laughs). I don’t know where to get a capital for my business.”
supplies cannot be shouldered all by the barangay. The
result of the said program showed that it increased Women are usually disadvantaged in terms of
awareness on proper nutrition and health practices and power and material and status rewards (Acker, 1990;
decrease in incidence of malnutrition. Regular monthly Moghadam, 1999). Women workers make up the
meeting of the barangay nutrition scholar, seminar- overwhelming majority of the workforces of labor-
training conducted or attended by BSN, year-end intensive, export industries in developing countries,
evaluation activity, and house visitation to the pregnant dominate the international migration of care services
women are the performance indicators of the barangay. workers, and tend to be concentrated in the most
vulnerable jobs of global production systems (Dejardin,
In lieu with this, Phil health Program for Indigent 2008). Women have the potential to change their own
Families was also in line to decrease morbidity of economic status, as well as that of the communities
women due to pregnancy. The qualification of this and countries in which they live. Yet more often than
program are the persons who have no visible means not, women’s economic contributions go unrecognized,
of income, or whose income is insufficient for family their work undervalued and their promise unnourished
subsistence, as identified by the Department of Social (ICRW, 2010). Women’s economic empowerment is
Welfare and Development (DSWD), based on specific somewhat advancing women’s human rights because
criteria. All indigents identified by the DSWD under of their capacity of bringing economic change for
the National Household Targeting System (NHTS) themselves (ibid). ICRW research has found that
for Poverty Reduction and other such acceptable technology helps women increase their productivity
methods, shall automatically be enrolled and covered as well as launch income-generating pursuits and
under the Program. The female spouse of the entrepreneurial ventures. Those kinds of outcomes
families identified by DSWD may be designated as the empower women to become stronger leaders and
primary member of the Program (philhealth.gov.ph). to more effectively contribute financially to their
families, communities and countries. Investing in
GAD as Economic Service Sector women’s economic empowerment sets a direct path
towards gender equality, poverty eradication and
According to Israel, “in GAD, we also help families inclusive economic growth. Women make enormous
who are in need especially those single mothers or women contributions to economies, whether in businesses,
whose husbands do not have enough income to support their on farms, as entrepreneurs or employees, or by doing
family.” She added, “Most of the issue raised by the women unpaid care work at home (UNWOMEN, 2014).
constituents is that they have lack of capital because women
here are street smart. You will just give them money and
18 Awi
DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSION to the public. However, this time, another cooperative
for women may be created if it would have proper
This paper evaluates the gender and development and clear rules on how to join and again, proper
programs in the local government vis-à-vis women dissemination of the plan. The barangay must conduct
empowerment in the specific locality. There are social a monthly trainings or seminar to the constituents
services in the barangay under gender and development about GAD program. Door-to-door approach to the
programs – women’s month, solo parent act orientation, women would also help in getting them aware about
and VAWC protections –that are seemingly helpful to the programs, activities, projects and the benefits they
the women in the locality. In terms of participation, get from it. The barangay may use the power of social
there are only few women participated on the IWD media to inform most people in the area. Monthly
celebration together with other barangays in Cebu City. check-up to the status of women – who are registered
Most of the women are not aware of the programs voters in the barangay – in each household could pave
or activities of the GAD programs. Women in the way to the development of women empowerment
barangay have important matters to attend to than for they would build trust to the local government.
attending or joining seminars or events. The GAD
officers perhaps lack of initiative in disseminating In relation to Program Evaluation Theory of
the important activities for women. As a result, many Daniel Stufflebeam particularly CIPP model, the GAD
women were somehow ignorant when they were asked programs have its essentials in providing what could be
questions regarding the GAD programs in the barangay. the way to configure an integral part of policy research
that will be focusing on policy shaping communities
It is an opportunity and a great chance of and necessitating potential political accommodation.
having a relative in the same political arena. The Since it can be developed during and after the program
relationship of the barangay chairperson and the city was implemented, the researcher was able to provide
mayor works on the development of the area. The certain proofs from the existing data used in primary
City government has played a significant factor in the data analysis. Those data mainly provide insights
programs implemented in the barangay. Almost all the that GAD can be relied upon the CIPP or “Context,
projects or activities under GAD program is depending Input, Process, and Product” as the basis in creating
on the development plan of the city. Given that city a much-improved policy. The context evaluation refers
government has bigger budget than the barangay, there to the objectives and goals of GAD program, which
are programs and projects that are solely implemented is to empower the women in the local and create
by the city, the barangay must have its own number projects to develop the roles and responsibilities of
of programs and activities for women, not only for women and men. Input evaluation identifies nature
women but also for all its constituents. The barangay of the different projects under GAD program.
could work hand in hand with other NGOs. There The Process evaluation deals on how well these
must be a cross-sectoral strategy between the GAD activities are implemented and the Product evaluation
officers and NGOs. Building more networks could identifies the outcomes if it is indeed effective.
possibly help the GAD programs in the barangay. The
focal person and her staffs shall have enough Gender From the data gathered in the interview and
Training to enhance her leadership. Local governments secondary data analysis, the researcher found out
need to know how to establish meaningful consultation the strengths and weaknesses of the program. The
mechanisms to gather information from a wide range GAD programs in barangay Basak San Nicolas are
of women at the community level on their gender- somehow effective since there are people who were
specific needs and interests. Local government staffs able to join the activities and were able to know their
need the skills to perform gender-sensitive analyses in benefits and services offered by the program. What
order to understand the information they collect and makes it ineffective is most of the women, some
devise policy, programs and budget plans accordingly knew but did not join, are not aware of the activities.
(O’Conell, 2010). Local councilors and officials need to Some are not aware of GAD per se. The local
develop gender expertise and capacity, especially in key government should pay attention to this serious matter.
local administration units such as planning, budgeting The programs were good and helpful to the locale.
and service delivery (O’Conell in capacity.org, 2010)
This study may significantly add help to all
Enhancing economic opportunities could be of barangays in implementing GAD programs. Lastly,
help to the women in the locale. Women are street this may contribute on the field of Development
smart and could find ways how to make money expands studies especially in gender mainstreaming in the
even how small the amount is. The GAD together with local government as it gives impact on policy
the participation of other officials in the barangay formation of GAD towards women empowerment.
could establish a cooperative for women. The barangay
has a cooperative bank but only the officials and staffs
benefit from it and it was not properly disseminated
Luz Y Saber Vol. 12 No. 2 (December 2018)
Women Empowerment in Local... 19
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