Isaacv1.06.j820 20211029 170525 10708 12184

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[INFO] - timeBeginPeriod( 1 )

[INFO] - OpenGL version 4.6.0 NVIDIA 388.13

[INFO] - GLSL version 4.60 NVIDIA
[INFO] - Framebuffer ID: 1
[INFO] - Renderbuffer ID: 1 size 1024x1024
[INFO] - Initializing theoraplayer with theora support.
[INFO] - Initializing Theoraplayer Video Playback Library (2.0)
- libtheora version: Xiph.Org libtheora 1.2.0alpha 20100924 (Ptalarbvorm)
- libvorbis version: Xiph.Org libVorbis 1.3.4
[INFO] - Changing number of worker threads to: 1
[INFO] - Running Lua Script: resources/scripts/enums.lua
[INFO] - Lua mem usage: 705 KB and 726 bytes
[INFO] - Running Lua Script: resources/scripts/main.lua
[INFO] - Lua mem usage: 756 KB and 494 bytes
[INFO] - Binding of Isaac: Repentance v1.06.J820
[INFO] - load archives: 8523 milliseconds
[INFO] - Initialize ColorOffset Shader
[INFO] - Initialize Pixelation Shader
[INFO] - Initialize Bloom Shader
[INFO] - Initialize Color Correction Shader
[INFO] - Initialize HQ4X Shader
[INFO] - Initialize Shockwave Shader
[INFO] - Initialize OldTV Shader
[INFO] - Initialize Water Surface Shader
[INFO] - Initialize Water Surface V2 Shader
[INFO] - Initialize Hallucination Shader
[INFO] - Initialize Colormod Shader
[INFO] - Initialize Color Offset Champion Shader
[INFO] - Initialize Background Shader
[INFO] - Initialize Water Overlay Shader
[INFO] - Initialize Color Offset Dogma Shader
[INFO] - Initialize Color Offset Gold Shader
[INFO] - Initialize Dizzy Shader
[INFO] - Initialize Heat Wave Shader
[INFO] - Initialize Mirror Shader
[INFO] - preload anm2: 131 milliseconds
[INFO] - Setting PersistentGameData ReadOnly to False
[INFO] - Viewport: 960x540
[INFO] - Framebuffer Width: 960
Render Width: 960
Window Width: 960
Multiplier: 2.250010
DP per point: 1.000000
Point Scale: 2.000000
[INFO] - Viewport: 1365x768
[INFO] - Framebuffer Width: 1366
Render Width: 910
Window Width: 1366
Multiplier: 3.200010
DP per point: 1.000000
Point Scale: 2.000000
[INFO] - HQX4 size: 910x512
[INFO] - playing cutscene 1 (Intro).
[INFO] - Renderbuffer ID: 1 size 2048x1024
[INFO] - Framebuffer Width: 1366
Render Width: 1366
Window Width: 1366
Multiplier: 0.312500
DP per point: 1.000000
Point Scale: 3.200000
[INFO] - HQX4 size: 1366x768
[INFO] - Cutscene: correct anm2 timing: f0 -> f3
[INFO] - Viewport: 1365x768
[INFO] - Framebuffer Width: 1366
Render Width: 910
Window Width: 1366
Multiplier: 3.200010
DP per point: 1.000000
Point Scale: 2.000000
[INFO] - HQX4 size: 910x512
[INFO] - Menu Manager preCrossfade
[INFO] - Menu Manager Init
[INFO] - Menu Title Init
[INFO] - Menu Save Init
[INFO] - Menu_Save Pre Prompt init
[INFO] - Menu_Save loading slot drawings
[INFO] - Menu Save Reset
[INFO] - Setting PersistentGameData ReadOnly to False
[INFO] - Loading PersistentData 1 from SteamCloud!
[INFO] - Loading PersistentGameData from Steam Cloud: rep_persistentgamedata1.dat.
[INFO] - read checksum: 0188d9b8, generated checksum: 0188d9b8
[INFO] - Reading Achievements
[INFO] - Done Reading Achievements
[INFO] - Reading Counters
[INFO] - Done Reading Counters
[INFO] - Reading Level Counters
[INFO] - Done Reading Level Counters
[INFO] - Reading Collectibles
[INFO] - Done Reading Collectibles
[INFO] - Reading Mini Bosses
[INFO] - Done Reading Mini Bosses
[INFO] - Reading Bosses
[INFO] - Done Reading Bosses
[INFO] - Reading Challenge Counters
[INFO] - Done Reading Challenge Counters
[INFO] - Reading Cutscene Counters
[INFO] - Done Reading Cutscene Counters
[INFO] - Reading GameSettings
[INFO] - Done Reading GameSettings
[INFO] - Reading Special Seed Counters
[INFO] - Done Reading Special Seed Counters
[INFO] - Reading Bestiary Counters
[INFO] - Done Reading Bestiary Counters
[INFO] - Saving PersistentGameData to Steam Cloud: rep_persistentgamedata1.dat.
[INFO] - Loading GameState 1 from SteamCloud!
[INFO] - GameState Version Loaded: 138
[INFO] - Setting PersistentGameData ReadOnly to False
[INFO] - Loading PersistentData 2 from SteamCloud!
[INFO] - Loading PersistentGameData from Steam Cloud: rep_persistentgamedata2.dat.
[INFO] - read checksum: 122f49a0, generated checksum: 122f49a0
[INFO] - Reading Achievements
[INFO] - Done Reading Achievements
[INFO] - Reading Counters
[INFO] - Done Reading Counters
[INFO] - Reading Level Counters
[INFO] - Done Reading Level Counters
[INFO] - Reading Collectibles
[INFO] - Done Reading Collectibles
[INFO] - Reading Mini Bosses
[INFO] - Done Reading Mini Bosses
[INFO] - Reading Bosses
[INFO] - Done Reading Bosses
[INFO] - Reading Challenge Counters
[INFO] - Done Reading Challenge Counters
[INFO] - Reading Cutscene Counters
[INFO] - Done Reading Cutscene Counters
[INFO] - Reading GameSettings
[INFO] - Done Reading GameSettings
[INFO] - Reading Special Seed Counters
[INFO] - Done Reading Special Seed Counters
[INFO] - Saving PersistentGameData to Steam Cloud: rep_persistentgamedata2.dat.
[INFO] - Loading GameState 2 from SteamCloud!
[INFO] - SteamCloud could not find or open rep_gamestate2.dat. No Game State
[INFO] - Setting PersistentGameData ReadOnly to False
[INFO] - Loading PersistentData 3 from SteamCloud!
[INFO] - Loading PersistentGameData from Steam Cloud: rep_persistentgamedata3.dat.
[INFO] - read checksum: 122f49a0, generated checksum: 122f49a0
[INFO] - Reading Achievements
[INFO] - Done Reading Achievements
[INFO] - Reading Counters
[INFO] - Done Reading Counters
[INFO] - Reading Level Counters
[INFO] - Done Reading Level Counters
[INFO] - Reading Collectibles
[INFO] - Done Reading Collectibles
[INFO] - Reading Mini Bosses
[INFO] - Done Reading Mini Bosses
[INFO] - Reading Bosses
[INFO] - Done Reading Bosses
[INFO] - Reading Challenge Counters
[INFO] - Done Reading Challenge Counters
[INFO] - Reading Cutscene Counters
[INFO] - Done Reading Cutscene Counters
[INFO] - Reading GameSettings
[INFO] - Done Reading GameSettings
[INFO] - Reading Special Seed Counters
[INFO] - Done Reading Special Seed Counters
[INFO] - Saving PersistentGameData to Steam Cloud: rep_persistentgamedata3.dat.
[INFO] - Loading GameState 3 from SteamCloud!
[INFO] - SteamCloud could not find or open rep_gamestate3.dat. No Game State
[INFO] - Setting PersistentGameData ReadOnly to False
[INFO] - Menu Game Init
[INFO] - Menu Daily Init
[INFO] - Menu Character Init
[INFO] - Menu SpecialSeed Init
[INFO] - Menu Challenge Init
[INFO] - Menu Collection Init
[INFO] - Menu Stats Init
[INFO] - Menu Mods Init
[INFO] - Menu Options Init
[INFO] - Menu Controller Init
[INFO] - Menu Key Config Init
[INFO] - Menu Cutscene Init
[INFO] - Menu Bestiary Init
[INFO] - Menu Custom Challenge Init
[INFO] - Setting PersistentGameData ReadOnly to False
[INFO] - Loading PersistentData 1 from SteamCloud!
[INFO] - Loading PersistentGameData from Steam Cloud: rep_persistentgamedata1.dat.
[INFO] - read checksum: 132eddf4, generated checksum: 132eddf4
[INFO] - Reading Achievements
[INFO] - Done Reading Achievements
[INFO] - Reading Counters
[INFO] - Done Reading Counters
[INFO] - Reading Level Counters
[INFO] - Done Reading Level Counters
[INFO] - Reading Collectibles
[INFO] - Done Reading Collectibles
[INFO] - Reading Mini Bosses
[INFO] - Done Reading Mini Bosses
[INFO] - Reading Bosses
[INFO] - Done Reading Bosses
[INFO] - Reading Challenge Counters
[INFO] - Done Reading Challenge Counters
[INFO] - Reading Cutscene Counters
[INFO] - Done Reading Cutscene Counters
[INFO] - Reading GameSettings
[INFO] - Done Reading GameSettings
[INFO] - Reading Special Seed Counters
[INFO] - Done Reading Special Seed Counters
[INFO] - Reading Bestiary Counters
[INFO] - Done Reading Bestiary Counters
[INFO] - Saving PersistentGameData to Steam Cloud: rep_persistentgamedata1.dat.
[INFO] - Loading GameState 1 from SteamCloud!
[INFO] - GameState Version Loaded: 138
[INFO] - Initialized player with Variant 0 and Subtype 13
[INFO] - Preload sound 0.
[INFO] - RNG Start Seed: 3TM3 4HBG (3283673825) [Continue, 1]
[INFO] - Setting PersistentGameData ReadOnly to False
[INFO] - Adding costume for 185 (Dead Dove) which was added before and never
[INFO] - Adding costume for 643 (Revelation) which was added before and never
[INFO] - delete 0 generated rooms.
[INFO] - [RoomConfig] load stage 24: The Shop (mode 1)
[INFO] - allocate 262 rooms.
[INFO] - [RoomConfig] load stage 0: Special Rooms (mode 1)
[INFO] - allocate 171 rooms.
[INFO] - [RoomConfig] load stage 0: Special Rooms (mode 0)
[INFO] - allocate 1237 rooms.
[INFO] - Room 1.6004("The Shop" (copy))
[INFO] - SpawnRNG seed: 4141766340
[INFO] - Lua mem usage: 756 KB and 394 bytes
[INFO] - music stopped playing
[INFO] - Spawning greed mode wave from room variant 38.
[INFO] - Spawn Entity with Type(219), Variant(0), Pos(320.00,600.00)
[INFO] - Spawn Entity with Type(219), Variant(0), Pos(120.00,640.00)
[INFO] - Spawn Entity with Type(219), Variant(0), Pos(520.00,640.00)
[INFO] - Music::Crossfade: music already playing, only adjusting target volume.
[INFO] - Spawning greed mode wave from room variant 12.
[INFO] - Spawn Entity with Type(253), Variant(0), Pos(320.00,200.00)
[INFO] - Spawn Entity with Type(253), Variant(0), Pos(120.00,640.00)
[INFO] - Spawn Entity with Type(253), Variant(0), Pos(520.00,640.00)
[INFO] - Music::Crossfade: music already playing, only adjusting target volume.
[INFO] - Spawning greed mode wave from room variant 6.
[INFO] - Spawn Entity with Type(86), Variant(0), Pos(320.00,600.00)
[INFO] - Spawn Entity with Type(86), Variant(0), Pos(160.00,640.00)
[INFO] - Spawn Entity with Type(86), Variant(0), Pos(480.00,640.00)
[INFO] - Music::Crossfade: music already playing, only adjusting target volume.
[INFO] - Spawning greed mode wave from room variant 81.
[INFO] - Spawn Entity with Type(38), Variant(1), Pos(320.00,560.00)
[INFO] - Spawn Entity with Type(38), Variant(1), Pos(120.00,640.00)
[INFO] - Spawn Entity with Type(38), Variant(1), Pos(200.00,640.00)
[INFO] - Spawn Entity with Type(38), Variant(1), Pos(320.00,640.00)
[INFO] - Spawn Entity with Type(38), Variant(1), Pos(440.00,640.00)
[INFO] - Spawn Entity with Type(38), Variant(1), Pos(520.00,640.00)
[INFO] - Music::Crossfade: music already playing, only adjusting target volume.
[INFO] - Spawning greed mode wave from room variant 96.
[INFO] - Spawn Entity with Type(41), Variant(1), Pos(160.00,240.00)
[INFO] - Spawn Entity with Type(41), Variant(1), Pos(240.00,240.00)
[INFO] - Spawn Entity with Type(41), Variant(1), Pos(400.00,240.00)
[INFO] - Spawn Entity with Type(41), Variant(1), Pos(480.00,240.00)
[INFO] - Spawn Entity with Type(283), Variant(0), Pos(320.00,320.00)
[INFO] - Music::Crossfade: music already playing, only adjusting target volume.
[INFO] - Spawning greed mode wave from room variant 114.
[INFO] - Spawn Entity with Type(253), Variant(0), Pos(200.00,600.00)
[INFO] - Spawn Entity with Type(253), Variant(0), Pos(440.00,600.00)
[INFO] - Spawn Entity with Type(253), Variant(0), Pos(120.00,640.00)
[INFO] - Spawn Entity with Type(253), Variant(0), Pos(520.00,640.00)
[INFO] - Music::Crossfade: music already playing, only adjusting target volume.
[INFO] - Spawning greed mode wave from room variant 126.
[INFO] - Spawn Entity with Type(239), Variant(0), Pos(320.00,200.00)
[INFO] - Spawn Entity with Type(239), Variant(0), Pos(360.00,200.00)
[INFO] - Spawn Entity with Type(239), Variant(0), Pos(400.00,200.00)
[INFO] - Spawn Entity with Type(239), Variant(0), Pos(440.00,200.00)
[INFO] - Spawn Entity with Type(239), Variant(0), Pos(480.00,200.00)
[INFO] - Spawn Entity with Type(239), Variant(0), Pos(520.00,200.00)
[INFO] - Spawn Entity with Type(239), Variant(0), Pos(120.00,640.00)
[INFO] - Spawn Entity with Type(239), Variant(0), Pos(160.00,640.00)
[INFO] - Spawn Entity with Type(239), Variant(0), Pos(200.00,640.00)
[INFO] - Spawn Entity with Type(239), Variant(0), Pos(240.00,640.00)
[INFO] - Spawn Entity with Type(239), Variant(0), Pos(280.00,640.00)
[INFO] - Spawn Entity with Type(239), Variant(0), Pos(320.00,640.00)
[INFO] - Total entity spawn time: 940 ms
[INFO] - Total ANM2 loading time: 588 ms
[INFO] - AnmCache memory usage: 20780592 bytes in 1367 entries.
[INFO] - Music::Crossfade: music already playing, only adjusting target volume.
[INFO] - Spawning greed mode wave from room variant 153.
[INFO] - Spawn Entity with Type(48), Variant(1), Pos(120.00,200.00)
[INFO] - Spawn Entity with Type(48), Variant(1), Pos(520.00,640.00)
[INFO] - TriggerBossDeath: 1 bosses remaining.
[INFO] - TriggerBossDeath: 0 bosses remaining.
[INFO] - MiniBoss 2 added to SaveState
[INFO] - Music::Crossfade: music already playing, only adjusting target volume.
[INFO] - Spawning greed mode wave from room variant 138.
[INFO] - Spawn Entity with Type(287), Variant(0), Pos(320.00,200.00)
[INFO] - Spawn Entity with Type(38), Variant(1), Pos(480.00,400.00)
[INFO] - Spawn Entity with Type(38), Variant(1), Pos(120.00,440.00)
[INFO] - Spawn Entity with Type(287), Variant(0), Pos(320.00,640.00)
[INFO] - Spawning greed mode wave from room variant 8.
[INFO] - Spawn Entity with Type(212), Variant(0), Pos(320.00,160.00)
[INFO] - Spawn Entity with Type(212), Variant(0), Pos(240.00,240.00)
[INFO] - Spawn Entity with Type(403), Variant(0), Pos(320.00,240.00)
[INFO] - Spawn Entity with Type(212), Variant(0), Pos(400.00,240.00)
[INFO] - TriggerBossDeath: 0 bosses remaining.
[INFO] - deathspawn_boss, color idx 17
[INFO] - Boss 59 added to SaveState
[INFO] - Music::Crossfade: music already playing, only adjusting target volume.
[INFO] - Spawning greed mode wave from room variant 47.
[INFO] - Spawn Entity with Type(41), Variant(0), Pos(160.00,200.00)
[INFO] - Spawn Entity with Type(41), Variant(0), Pos(320.00,200.00)
[INFO] - Spawn Entity with Type(41), Variant(1), Pos(480.00,200.00)
[INFO] - Spawn Entity with Type(41), Variant(0), Pos(240.00,240.00)
[INFO] - Spawn Entity with Type(41), Variant(0), Pos(400.00,240.00)
[INFO] - Spawn Entity with Type(50), Variant(1), Pos(320.00,280.00)
[INFO] - Spawn Entity with Type(41), Variant(0), Pos(240.00,320.00)
[INFO] - Spawn Entity with Type(41), Variant(0), Pos(400.00,320.00)
[INFO] - Spawn Entity with Type(41), Variant(1), Pos(280.00,640.00)
[INFO] - Spawn Entity with Type(41), Variant(0), Pos(360.00,640.00)
[INFO] - TriggerBossDeath: 0 bosses remaining.
[INFO] - MiniBoss 4 added to SaveState
[INFO] - Spawning greed mode wave from room variant 52.
[INFO] - Spawn Entity with Type(401), Variant(0), Pos(200.00,240.00)
[INFO] - Spawn Entity with Type(401), Variant(0), Pos(320.00,240.00)
[INFO] - Spawn Entity with Type(401), Variant(0), Pos(440.00,240.00)
[INFO] - TriggerBossDeath: 2 bosses remaining.
[INFO] - TriggerBossDeath: 1 bosses remaining.
[INFO] - TriggerBossDeath: 0 bosses remaining.
[INFO] - deathspawn_boss, color idx 1
[INFO] - Boss 57 added to SaveState
[INFO] - Saving PersistentGameData to Steam Cloud: rep_persistentgamedata1.dat.
[INFO] - Room 14.3(Devil (Shop) (copy))
[INFO] - SpawnRNG seed: 3054374058
[INFO] - Spawn Entity with Type(33), Variant(1), Pos(80.00,160.00)
[INFO] - Spawn Entity with Type(33), Variant(0), Pos(560.00,160.00)
[INFO] - Spawn Entity with Type(33), Variant(0), Pos(200.00,200.00)
[INFO] - Spawn Entity with Type(33), Variant(0), Pos(440.00,200.00)
[INFO] - Spawn Entity with Type(5), Variant(150), Pos(280.00,320.00)
[INFO] - Spawn Entity with Type(5), Variant(150), Pos(360.00,320.00)
[INFO] - Lua mem usage: 756 KB and 394 bytes
[INFO] - Caught exception, writing minidump...

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