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04 Secondary School Curriculum Form 1-3

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Secondary School Curriculum


Curriculum Development Division

PART 3 ..........................................................................................Error! Bookmark not defined.
Curriculum Content ....................................................................Error! Bookmark not defined.
Framework for Mathematics Curriculum .......................................................................... 4
Form One ............................................................................................................................... 5
Form Two .............................................................................................................................. 7
Form Three ............................................................................................................................ 9
CURRICULUM CONTENT .............................................................................................. 11
Form One Term One ........................................................................................................... 12
Form One Term Two ........................................................................................................... 30
Form One Term Three ......................................................................................................... 45
Form Two Term One ........................................................................................................... 54
Form Two Term Two .......................................................................................................... 86
Form Two Term Three ...................................................................................................... 117
Form Three Term One ....................................................................................................... 129
Form Three Term Two ...................................................................................................... 151
Form Three Term Three .................................................................................................... 164

The general learning outcomes for each strand in mathematics are:


• Students will provide evidence of their powers of reasoning with abstract entities and use
equations and inequalities to model situations from the real world.


• Students will demonstrate spatial sense and apply geometric concepts, properties and
relationships to routine and non-routine problems in the world around them.


• Students will demonstrate an understanding of and apply concepts and skills associated
with linear measurement, two dimensions, three dimensions, and consumer arithmetic, in
relation to other strands, disciplines and in real life situations.

Number Operations and Number Theory

• Students will demonstrate number sense, master computation, understand the structure of
number and apply the laws and principles of number.

Sets, Relations and Functions

• Students will explore, recognize, represent and apply set notation, set language, patterns
and relationships to relevant situations in the real world.

Statistics and Probability

• Students will solve problems involving the collection, display, analysis and interpretation of
data; design, represent and solve problems involving uncertainty; and use statistics and
probability in decision making.

Framework for Mathematics Curriculum

The framework for the mathematics curriculum spans the three levels of Forms One, Two and
Three. There are six (6) strands, Number Operations and Number Theory; Sets, Relations and
Functions; Statistics and Probability; Geometry; Measurement and Algebra, that are addressed
at each form level. Each strand has been divided into topics, and a suggested sequence is
provided across the three terms in each level, according to the strands and their corresponding

Referencing System for Curriculum Content

The key used for referencing the content in the curriculum document follows the following
format: Form Level  Strand  Topic  Learning Outcome.

Learning Outcomes are defined for the Topics which are associated with each of the six (6)
Strands that are addressed at all three (3) Form Levels, as follows:

Form Level Strand Topic Learning Outcome

1 – Form One 1 – Number Operations and 1 – 1 subtopic 1 – 1st learning outcome
2 – Form Two Number Theory 2 – 2nd subtopic 2 – 2nd learning outcome
3 – Form Three 2 – Sets, Relations and Functions 3 – 3rd Subtopic 3 – 3rd learning outcome
3 – Statistics and Probability ⋮ ⋮
4 – Geometry
5 – Measurement
6 – Algebra

The following are examples for referencing Strands, Topics and Learning Outcomes at the Form
One Level:

Strand 1.5 Form OneMeasurement

Topic 1.5.4 Form OneMeasurementArea
Learning Outcome Form OneMeasurementAreaStudents will be able to
measure surface area

Form One


THEORY: Whole Numbers NUMBER THEORY: Fractions NUMBER THEORY: Decimals
historical development; sequence the number representation; naming fractions; representation; matching number names;
names and numerals; place value; rounding; classification; conversion; equivalent; place value; ascending and descending order;
estimation of quantities; rectangular, triangular comparing and ordering; rational and whole round; rational form; convert fractions to
and square numbers, factors and multiples, odd numbers; problem solving decimals; terminating, non-terminating and
and even , prime and composite, square roots; recurring decimals; problem solving
LCM and HCF; problem solving GEOMETRY: Points and Lines
explanation; parallel and perpendicular lines NUMBER OPERATIONS AND
Statistics GEOMETRY: Angles converting fractions, decimals and
formulation of problems; discrete data; tally and description; comparison; conversion of percentages; comparing and ordering;
frequency table; pictographs and block graphs; turns to degrees; classification ; measuring; problem solving
drawing conclusions; mode from a frequency drawing; problem solving
table GEOMETRY: Transformations
GEOMETRY: Triangles lines of symmetry; reflection; symmetrical
GEOMETRY: Solids and Plane Shapes sum of interior angles; relation between side shapes; problem solving
properties; nets; create solids from nets; and opposite angle; classification; drawing;
polygons; tessellations problem solving ALGEBRA: Algebraic Equations
translation of word problems to algebraic
ALGEBRA: Introducing Algebra varying GEOMETRY: Quadrilaterals equations; solution of linear equations
quantities; constants and variables; symbols; sum of interior angles; classification,
algebraic terms; word statements to expressions; drawing; solve problems NUMBER OPERATIONS AND
identification of expressions; substitution; NUMBER THEORY: Consumer
simplification of expressions; distributive law STATISTICS AND PROBABILITY: Arithmetic
Statistics equivalence of bills; best buy; solve problems
bar graphs; interpretation of bar graphs; - profit, loss, percent profit and percent loss,
problem solving (mode, median, mean) sales tax and discount; solve problems -
percentages, simple interest

Framework for Mathematics Curriculum Form One
Sets NUMBER THEORY: Directed Numbers
description; definition; subsets; types; concepts; concepts; number line; addition; subtraction;
Venn diagrams multiplication; division

MEASUREMENT: Introducing MEASUREMENT: Mass and Weight

Measurement mass and weight; conversion of units;
standard units; non-standard units; equivalent problem solving
measures; metric to imperial measures;
comparison of the metric with the denary MEASUREMENT: Time
system measuring; conversion of units; problem
MEASUREMENT: Linear Measure
lengths; conversion of units; problem solving ALGEBRA: Expressions
substitution; creation of expressions to
MEASUREMENT: Perimeter represent the nth term of a sequence;
concept of perimeter; calculation of perimeter calculating nth term of a sequence
for plane figures; calculation of perimeter for
compound shapes; problem solving SETS, RELATIONS AND FUNCTIONS:
MEASUREMENT: Area problem solving
concept of area; unit of measure; measuring
space; calculation of area for triangles, squares
and rectangles

Form Two


NUMBER OPERATIONS AND NUMBER GEOMETRY: Coordinate Geometry GEOMETRY: Angles, Triangles and
THEORY: Integers concept of a plane; concept of coordinates; Parallel lines
order; relationships; operations; real world Cartesian coordinate system; locate points; exterior angle; interior angle; opposite
situations; problem solving state coordinates; plot points interior angles; parallel lines;
transversal; classification of angles;
THEORY: Laws and Properties of Numbers Graphical Representation of Linear
commutative, associative and distributive laws; Equations and Linear Inequalities GEOMETRY: Geometric Drawings
properties of closure, identity and inverse; interpret graphs; draw graphs; define linear and Constructions
applications; scientific figures, standard from relations; modes of representation; simple construction of line segment; bisection
and scientific notation; estimation; operations; linear inequalities of line segment; drawing angles;
problem solving bisection of angles; construction of
GEOMETRY: Transformations - angles
NUMBER OPERATIONS AND NUMBER Translations and Reflections
THEORY: Number Bases similarity and congruency; properties; STATISTICS AND PROBABILITY:
place value; base conversion; role of the binary representation in the Cartesian Plane; vector; Statistical Analysis
system; expanded notation; computation in object; image; reflection; mirror line; state frequency distribution; mean, median,
different bases; problem solving coordinates mode; appropriateness of a statistic;
nominal, ordinal, interval and ratio
ALGEBRA: Substitution MEASUREMENT: Units of Measurement data; data analysis
concept of a variable; translation of verbal and Conversion of Units
statements; concrete and symbolic; substitution measuring instruments; units; read and STATISTICS AND PROBABILITY:
interpret scales; measure quantities, convert Data Displays
ALGEBRA: Simplification of Algebraic linear units; conversion between metric and ungrouped frequency distribution; pie
Expressions imperial; convert square units chart; histogram; line graph;
concept of algebraic expression; concrete, appropriateness of a data display;
pictorial and symbolic representation; like and interpret data displays; make inferences
unlike terms; coefficient and operational sign; from line graphs
order of operations; simplify expressions

Framework for Mathematics Curriculum Form Two
ALGEBRA: Solution of Linear Equations MEASUREMENT: Circles
expressions and equations; solution for an parts of a circle; concept of pi; formula for
equation with variables on both sides; use of circumference; estimate circumference;
distributive law; translate verbal statements; formula for area; estimate area; problem
problem solving solving

ALGEBRA: Solution of Linear Inequalities MEASUREMENT: Area and perimeter of

real world context; notation; solution sets; compound shapes
solving inequalities; number line representation; calculate perimeter; conservation of area;
problem solving calculate area; problem solving (including
the circle and the semicircle)
Sets MEASUREMENT: Volume and Capacity
subsets; disjoint sets; intersection of sets; union of Prisms
of sets; Venn diagram; counting; problem properties of solids; classification; concept of
solving volume, concept of capacity; calculation of
volume; estimate volume; problem solving
Relations, Mappings and Functions MEASUREMENT: Problem Solving
relation; concept of arrow diagram; concept of involving Rate, Ratio and Proportion
domain and range; concept of relation mapping concepts of rate, ratio and proportion;
and function; differentiate among relation distance, speed and time relationship; speed
mapping and function; mapping rules formula; transposition of speed formula;
proportion techniques; problem solving
Ordered pairs MEASUREMENT: Consumer Arithmetic
Concept or an ordered pair; representation; hire purchase; salary and wage; proportion;
domain and range; relations; satisfying a percentage; percent increase or decrease;
relation; representation on the Cartesian plane; currency conversion; problem solving
verify a relation

Framework for Mathematics Curriculum

Form Three


THEORY: Real Numbers and Number problem solving with rates: salaries, wages, bases and exponents; evaluation of exponential
Bases overtime, utility bills; concept of compound forms; interpretation of laws of indices;
problem solving using the four operations; interest; calculation of compound interest; problem solving
irrational numbers; approximation of irrational problem solving involving compound interest
numbers; subsets of the set of real numbers ALGEBRA: Simplifying Algebraic
and representation of their relationships; sums ALGEBRA : Solution of Linear Equations Expressions
and differences in base 2 and base 3 Involving Algebraic Fractions binary expressions; product of two binomial
solution of linear equations involving algebraic expressions; simplification of algebraic
MEASUREMENT: Area and Perimeter of fractions; problem solving products; HCF of two algebraic expressions;
Compound Shapes Involving Parts of the simplification of algebraic quotients
Circle ALGEBRA: Solution of Linear Inequalities
interpret formulae for length of arc and area of Involving Algebraic Fractions ALGEBRA: Factorisation of Algebraic
sector; apply formulae for length of arc and solution of linear inequalities involving Expressions
area of sector; apply formulae to determine algebraic fractions; representation on the binomial factorisation; factorisation of
perimeter and area of compound shapes number line and the Cartesian plane; problem expressions involving sums and differences
involving parts of a circle solving up to four terms

MEASUREMENT: Surface Area and ALGEBRA: Solution of Simultaneous ALGEBRA: Quadratics

Volume of Prisms and Pyramids Equations quadratic expression; factorisation;
calculate surface area; calculate volume; terminology: simultaneous equations; differentiation between expressions and
problem solving modelling problems using mathematical equations; solution of the quadratic equation
concepts; solution of simultaneous equations by the method of factorisation
MEASUREMENT: Scales and Scalar by the methods of calculation; problem solving
Measurement GEOMETRY: Polygons
determine distances using scales; create 2-D SETS, RELATIONS AND FUNCTIONS: concept of a polygon in concrete,
drawings given a scale; create 3-D models of Venn Diagrams representational and abstract modes; problem
prisms from nets; calculate length, area, and representation of the real number system; solving
volume given a scale factor; use of appropriate problem solving; simultaneous equations
units and tools for problem solving

Framework for Mathematics Curriculum Form Three
concept of congruency of triangles; proof of Graphs of Linear Equations STATISTICS AND PROBABILITY:
congruency of triangles; apply properties to concept of gradient; calculation of gradient; Introduction to Probability
problem solving positive and negative slopes; concept of outcome of an experiment; concept of
parallel lines; concept of y-intercept; equation probability; terminology: event, certainty,
GEOMETRY: Similarity of a straight line; linear relations on the change, fairness, possibility, risk; application
concept of similarity; conditions for similarity; Cartesian plane; modelling for problem of the probability formula; calculation of
deductions given information; application of solving probability; range of values for probability;
the properties of similar triangles; concept of a notation; probability in decision making;
scale factor; concept of an enlargement; SETS, RELATIONS AND FUNCTIONS: problem solving
application of the properties of enlargement to Graphical Solutions to Simultaneous
problem solving Equations
representation on the Cartesian plane;
GEOMETRY: Right-Angled Triangles and application of graphical methods to determine
Pythagoras Theorem an ordered pair; application of the concept of
demonstration of Pythagoras theorem; the point of intersection to problem solving
application of Pythagoras theorem; modelling
for problem solving

GEOMETRY: Trigonometric Ratios

concept; definition; calculation; application;
concept of angles of elevation and depression;
application of trigonometric ratios to solve for
angles of elevation and depression

GEOMETRY: Construction
logic and reasoning for supporting conjectures;
construction of triangles; construction of
parallel and perpendicular lines; lines, angles
axes and direction; compound shapes; circles;
quadrilaterals; regular polygons; 2-D and 3-D
geometric objects



Form One Term One

Strand: 1.1 Number Operations and Number Theory
Topic: 1.1.1 Whole Numbers
Learning Outcomes Suggested Teaching and Learning Suggested Assessment Strategies
Students will be able to: explain the historical development  use technology tools to conduct research  performance task - compile a portfolio
of the denary system  provide information (in a variety of comprising information on the historical
forms) about the origin of numbers development of the denary system
 performance task - group presentations sequence the number names and  use technology tools to represent the  oral quiz
numerals up to 999 999 999 position of numbers  self-assess using technology tools - CAI
 explore activities involving reading and  peer assessment using an online activity
writing number names and numerals;  paper and pencil test
matching number names and numerals;
and comparing and ordering numerals in
ascending and descending order state the place value of each digit in  review/check for prior knowledge about  performance task - group presentations :
a numeral up to 999 999 999 the denary system (using base 10 explaining the place value of digits in
materials) numerals (including money) using base
 re-teach as necessary ten materials including place value mats

CURRICULUM CONTENT Form One Term One (cont’d)

Strand: 1.1 Number Operations and Number Theory

Topic: 1.1.1 Whole Numbers
Learning Outcomes Suggested Teaching and Learning Suggested Assessment Strategies
Students will be able to:
 independent practice  peer-assessment/self-assessment
 paper and pencil test round numbers to the nearest tens,  review/ check for prior knowledge of the  performance task - journal writing to
hundreds, thousands and up to rounding rule explain the ‘rounding rule’
millions  re-teach as necessary  paper and pencil test
 independent practice (e.g. complete
worksheets) estimate a given quantity of items  review/check for prior knowledge using  performance task - use objects to
using 100 as a benchmark (using practical activities display a known quantity and allow
‘mental grouping’) and verify by  discussion about real life application of their peers to estimate and verify the
counting estimations (e.g. the number of bricks amount
for building a house, number of people  journal writing - importance of
in a large crowd) estimation in real life differentiate between or among  explore activities using manipulatives  performance task - group presentations
(a) rectangular, triangular and (e.g. counters to illustrate the geometric on patterns observed
square numbers shape of different numbers)  teacher observation of journal entries
(b) factors and multiples of  use technology tools to conduct research
CURRICULUM CONTENT Form One Term One (cont’d)

Strand: 1.1 Number Operations and Number Theory

Topic: 1.1.1 Whole Numbers
Learning Outcomes Suggested Teaching and Learning Suggested Assessment Strategies
Students will be able to:
numbers  cooperative learning to describe patterns
(c) odd and even numbers observed and explain rules
(d) prime and composite numbers
(e) square numbers and their
square roots calculate the Lowest Common  problem solving (use various strategies  teacher observation using checklist
Multiple (LCM) and Highest to solve real-life problems involving  paper and pencil test
Common Factor (HCF) of a set of LCM and HCF)  mental quiz
numbers  independent practice (develop  self-assessment using CAI
algorithms for calculating LCM and  peer assessment using games
HCF) solve problems involving whole  use Polya’s problem solving  performance task - group presentations:
numbers (write answers to a strategy/approach to solve problems to justify responses/solutions and choice
specified degree of accuracy)  cooperative learning of strategies
 model by ‘thinking aloud’ the process  performance task - compile a portfolio
of different problems and their solutions
 paper and pencil test

CURRICULUM CONTENT Form One Term One (cont’d)

Strand: 1.3 Statistics and Probability

Topic: 1.3.1 Statistics
Learning Outcomes Suggested Teaching and Learning Suggested Assessment Strategies
Students will be able to: formulate a problem to be  cooperative learning to formulate  performance task - projects which are
investigated or formulate questions problems expected to span learning outcomes
that can be addressed via statistical  use of technology tools to conduct [] to [] e.g. What healthy
data research, and hence assist in formulating snacks should the café sell and why?
problems  teacher observation (checklist)
 peer-assessment/self-assessment collect discrete data to address the  discussion to cite examples of discrete  teacher observation of data collected
problem data and their sources (e.g. newspaper, using checklist
internet, magazines, books)
 guided practice to collect data using
techniques such as counting, direct
observation, interviews, surveys,
research, questionnaires, experiments
and databases tally ungrouped discrete data into a  review/check for prior knowledge  teacher observation of notebook entries
frequency table  re-teach as necessary using checklist
 independent practice to construct  peer-assessment/self-assessment
frequency tables

CURRICULUM CONTENT Form One Term One (cont’d)

Strand: 1.3 Statistics and Probability

Topic: 1.3.1 Statistics
Learning Outcomes Suggested Teaching and Learning Suggested Assessment Strategies
Students will be able to: construct pictographs and block  review/check for prior knowledge  teacher observation (checklist)
graphs, to represent data collected  re-teach as necessary  performance task- multimedia
(using appropriate scale factors)  use technology tools to create data presentations of data displays
displays interpret pictographs and block  use questioning strategies to determine  oral questioning
graphs students understanding  peer-assessment/self-assessment
 cooperative learning (students formulate  paper and pencil test
and answer questions given pictographs
and block graphs) draw conclusions from pictographs  cooperative learning  oral questioning
and block graphs  independent practice  peer-assessment/self-assessment
 use questioning strategies to determine  paper and pencil test
students’ understanding find the mode for data taken from  guided instruction  mental quiz
frequency table  independent practice  teacher observation of notebook entries
using a checklist

CURRICULUM CONTENT Form One Term One (cont’d)

Strand: 1.4 Geometry

Topic: 1.4.1 Solids and Plane Shapes
Learning Outcomes Suggested Teaching and Learning Suggested Assessment Strategies
Students will be able to: classify the different solids  explore/investigate the properties of  performance task - compile a portfolio
according to their properties solids using manipulatives/models of solids, their drawings, and a
 cooperative learning to classify solids description of their properties
 discussion about faces, edges and  performance task - group presentations:
vertices on the classification of solids draw the net of a solid  explore/investigate the nets of solids by  performance task - compile a portfolio
engaging in practical activities involving comprising nets of solids
the use of manipulatives/ models  performance task - group presentations
 cooperative learning to draw and display displaying nets of solids (e.g. using
the nets of solids multimedia)
 use technology tools to draw the nets of
solids create a solid using its net  cooperative learning to construct solids  students construct solids given a variety
 discussion about the solids constructed of nets
 teacher observation of solids constructed
using a checklist
 teacher interviews

CURRICULUM CONTENT Form One Term One (cont’d)

Strand: 1.4 Geometry

Topic: 1.4.1 Solids and Plane Shapes
Learning Outcomes Suggested Teaching and Learning Suggested Assessment Strategies
Students will be able to: classify polygons according to their  explore/investigate the properties of  performance task - compile a portfolio
properties polygons using manipulatives of polygons, their drawings, and a
 cooperative learning to classify, draw description of their properties
and name polygons  performance task - group presentations:
on the classification of polygons create patterns involving the  observe patterns in the environment (e.g.  performance task - compile a portfolio
tessellation of plane shapes tiling patterns, patterns in vinyl and gift comprising patterns created
paper) that can tessellate  teacher observation of display of
 use of technology tools to create patterns patterns created using a checklist
that tessellate  performance task - group presentations
displaying patterns created solve problems involving solids and  use Polya’s problem solving  performance task - compile a portfolio
plane shapes strategy/approach to solve problems of different problems and their solutions
 problem solving activities using Virtual  paper and pencil test
Learning Environments/Learning
Management Systems
 independent practice using worksheets

CURRICULUM CONTENT Form One Term One (cont’d)

Strand: 1.6 Algebra

Topic: 1.6.1 Introducing Algebra
Learning Outcomes Suggested Teaching and Learning Suggested Assessment Strategies
Students will be able to: investigate varying quantities  provide examples to help transfer  performance task - journal writing about
learning contexts with varying quantities
 use of technology tools distinguish between constants and  questioning to develop the concept of a  performance task - journal writing
variables constant and a variable use symbols to represent unknown  cooperative learning to identify  performance task - group presentations
quantities (variables) situations from everyday life and other  performance task - journal writing
subjects where variables can be used translate word statements into  model by ‘thinking aloud’ the process  pop quiz
mathematical expressions  independent practice (worksheets)  paper and pencil test identify an expression  use compare and contrast activities  performance task - journal writing to
(difference between term and describe the structure of an expression
expression)  pop quiz
 investigate the structure of expressions substitute whole numbers for  model by ‘thinking aloud’ the process  paper and pencil test
variables in expressions  independent practice using worksheet  mental mathematics quiz

CURRICULUM CONTENT Form One Term One (cont’d)

Strand: 1.6 Algebra

Topic: 1.6.1 Introducing Algebra
Learning Outcomes Suggested Teaching and Learning Suggested Assessment Strategies
Students will be able to:
 use technology tools identify like and unlike terms  guided practice  self assessment using technology tools
 use compare and contrast activities paper and pencil test (matching items) simplify algebraic expressions  guided practice  teacher observation of notebook entries
involving the four operations  cooperative learning (worksheet)  paper and pencil test simplify algebraic expressions using  review/check for prior knowledge of  teacher observation of notebook entries
the distributive law distributive law  paper and pencil test
 re-teach as necessary
 guided practice
 cooperative learning

CURRICULUM CONTENT Form One Term One (cont’d)

Strand: 1.2 Sets, Relations and Functions

Topic: 1.2.1 Sets
Learning Outcomes Suggested Teaching and Learning Suggested Assessment Strategies
Students will be able to: classify a set by describing and  discussion to explain the meaning of the  teacher observation using checklist
naming the set word 'set'  performance task - write a journal entry
 co-operative learning to distinguish to explain the meaning of ‘set’, and to
among groups of objects based on name sets
attributes or functions (objects should
also be drawn from various local
contexts, e.g. local birds, flowers,
sportsmen, etc.)
 direct instruction to name sets define sets by listing the elements or  provide examples to help transfer  oral questioning
describing them in words learning  paper and pencil test
 check for understanding apply the knowledge of  guided practice to divide a set into a  performance task - use illustrations to
classification to divide a set into a number of subsets describe and list subsets from a given set
given number of subsets  discuss the concept of ‘subset’  oral questioning
(including symbol for subset)

CURRICULUM CONTENT Form One Term One (cont’d)

Strand: 1.2 Sets, Relations and Functions

Topic: 1.2.1 Sets
Learning Outcomes Suggested Teaching and Learning Suggested Assessment Strategies
Students will be able to: distinguish among empty, equal,  cooperative learning to investigate the  performance task - illustrate the different
equivalent, finite, and infinite sets different types of sets, using objects in types of sets using objects in the real
the environment world
 check for understanding  oral questioning describe the concepts of universal  provide information about concepts in a  oral report to describe the type of sets
sets, complement of a set, union of variety of ways  paper and pencil test
sets, intersecting sets, subsets, and  check for understanding (worksheet)
disjoint sets  use of real-world situations to illustrate
sets use Venn diagrams to represent the  simulations (use role-play to develop  performance task - create posters to
relationships between two sets concepts and translate information to illustrate relationships among sets
drawings)  teacher observation of notebook entries
 demonstrate the relationships in a variety  paper and pencil test
of ways

CURRICULUM CONTENT Form One Term One (cont’d)

Strand: 1.5 Measurement

Topic: 1.5.1 Introducing Measurement
Learning Outcomes Suggested Teaching and Learning Suggested Assessment Strategies
Students will be able to: explain the need for standard units  use of technology tools to conduct  performance task - group presentations
of measures research related to the use of measures in on research conducted
the community and the need for standard  performance task - journal writing about
units of measures the need for standard units of measures
 cooperative learning to engage in
practical activities using standard and
non-standard units
 discuss the attributes being measured as
it relates to the instrument used distinguish between standard and  cooperative learning to engage in  teacher observation using a checklist
non-standard units of measures practical activities involving the use of  teacher interviews
standard and non-standard units of
measure compare equivalent measures  use of technology to conduct research  performance task - group presentations:
qualitatively, between metric and about the relationship between metric explain the use of both the metric and
imperial systems and imperial systems of measure the imperial systems of measure in the
 cooperative learning to engage in local context

CURRICULUM CONTENT Form One Term One (cont’d)

Strand: 1.5 Measurement

Topic: 1.5.1 Introducing Measurement
Learning Outcomes Suggested Teaching and Learning Suggested Assessment Strategies
Students will be able to:
(e.g. 1 km is just over mile; 1 m is practical measurement activities  pop quiz
involving the metric and imperial
about 1 yard; 1 kg is a little more
than 2 lbs; 1 ton (imperial) is a little
more than a tonne (metric))  direct instruction to convert measures
from metric units to imperial units and
vice versa compare the metric system with the  discussion about the relationships  oral report to justify the use of a
denary system to determine the between the metric and denary systems particular unit of measure for quoting a
relationships between the sub-units  cooperative learning to explain the given quantity (e.g. kilometres rather
of the metric system relationships between the sub-units of than metres in real-life situations)
the metric system

CURRICULUM CONTENT Form One Term One (cont’d)

Strand: 1.5 Measurement

Topic: 1.5.2 Linear Measure
Learning Outcomes Suggested Teaching and Learning Suggested Assessment Strategies
Students will be able to: measure length using appropriate  cooperative learning to estimate length  performance task - students demonstrate
units and using different instruments and measure length in real world how to estimate length and verify by
(e.g. rulers, measuring tape, trundle situations measuring e.g. measure height using a
wheel)  discussion about the different units used metre rule
to measure length and the different  teacher observation (checklist)
instruments  oral report on recording measurements
 direct instruction about the various units using a combination of linear units and
used for measuring length using whole numbers (e.g. 3m and
 independent practice to draw lines of 10cm), fractions (e.g. 310 m) or decimals
varying lengths (e.g. 3.1 m) convert linear measure from one  discussion about the relationships  teacher observation of notebook entries
unit to the other (using the different between different units of measure using a checklist
units of measure - millimetres,  demonstrate and explain how linear  paper and pencil test
centimetres, metres, kilometres) measures are converted from one unit to
 cooperative learning using worksheets

CURRICULUM CONTENT Form One Term One (cont’d)

Strand: 1.5 Measurement

Topic: 1.5.2 Linear Measure
Learning Outcomes Suggested Teaching and Learning Suggested Assessment Strategies
Students will be able to: solve problems involving length  problem solving activities involving  performance task - journal writing about
length problem solving activities
 paper and pencil test
 performance task - group presentations
of solutions and strategies used

CURRICULUM CONTENT Form One Term One (cont’d)

Strand: 1.5 Measurement

Topic: 1.5.3 Perimeter
Learning Outcomes Suggested Teaching and Learning Suggested Assessment Strategies
Students will be able to: identify perimeter of plane shapes  explore/investigate the concept of  performance task - journal writing:
‘distance around’ using manipulative explain the meaning of the term
 independent practice to identify distance ‘perimeter’
around shapes in the environment calculate the perimeter of plane  direct instruction using manipulative  teacher observation of notebook entries
shapes  independent practice to calculate  performance task - draw various shapes
perimeter (worksheets) with the same perimeter
 use technology tools  paper and pencil test
 problem solving to estimate and verify
the perimeter of shapes and determine
reasonableness of answer solve problems involving perimeter  problem solving activities using Virtual  paper and pencil test
(write answers to a specified degree Learning Environments/Learning
of accuracy) Management Systems

CURRICULUM CONTENT Form One Term One (cont’d)

Strand: 1.5 Measurement

Topic: 1.5.4 Area
Learning Outcomes Suggested Teaching and Learning Suggested Assessment Strategies
Students will be able to: explain the concept of area  explore/investigate the concept of ‘area’  performance task - journal writing:
using manipulatives explain the meaning of the term ‘area’
 independent practice to identify area of
shapes in the environment identify the unit for area  discussion about the different units used  oral quiz
to measure area  paper and pencil test - matching
 provide examples to help transfer
 use compare and contrast activities with
other units measure surface area  demonstrate using manipulatives  performance task - measure area of
 cooperative learning using tangrams to objects in the environment
develop spatial concepts  peer-assessment/self-assessment
 independent practice to estimate and  performance task - journal writing on the
verify the area of regular shapes measurement activity
 independent practice to approximate
area to the nearest whole number,
fraction or decimal

CURRICULUM CONTENT Form One Term One (cont’d)

Strand: 1.5 Measurement

Topic: 1.5.4 Area
Learning Outcomes Suggested Teaching and Learning Suggested Assessment Strategies
Students will be able to: calculate the area of triangles,  direct instruction using manipulatives to  teacher observation of notebook entries
squares and rectangles develop formulae  performance task - draw various shapes
 independent practice to calculate area with the same area
 problem solving to estimate and verify  paper and pencil test
the area of shapes and determine
reasonableness of answer


Form One Term Two

Strand: 1.1 Number Operations and Number Theory
Topic: 1.1.2 Fractions
Learning Outcomes Suggested Teaching and Learning Suggested Assessment Strategies
Students will be able to: represent fractions using area, linear  direct instruction using manipulatives  performance task - group presentations
and set models  model by ‘thinking aloud’ the process of fractions represented by different
 cooperative learning to create models to models
represent fractions name fractions using words and  review/check for prior knowledge  oral questioning
symbols  re-teach as necessary classify fractions as proper  review/check for prior knowledge  performance task - use manipulatives to
fractions, improper fractions and  re-teach as necessary classify fractions
mixed numbers  cooperative learning  oral questioning convert from improper fraction to  review/check for prior knowledge  oral questioning
mixed number and vice versa  re-teach as necessary  pop quiz
 cooperative learning create equivalent fractions  review/check for prior knowledge  oral questioning
 re-teach as necessary  pop quiz
 cooperative learning to develop and  self-assessment using CAI
practice the algorithm  paper and pencil test

CURRICULUM CONTENT Form One Term Two (cont’d)

Strand: 1.1 Number Operations and Number Theory

Topic: 1.1.2 Fractions
Learning Outcomes Suggested Teaching and Learning Suggested Assessment Strategies
Students will be able to: compare and order fractions in  guided practice to develop a method to  paper and pencil test
ascending and descending order compare and order fractions  self-assessment using CAI
using equivalent relationships  cooperative learning to practice the  peer-assessment using online activities
procedure (worksheets) state the relationship between  guided practice to express a whole  oral report to explain the relationship
rational numbers and whole 𝑎 between rational numbers and whole
number in rational form ( , where a and
numbers numbers
b are whole numbers and b ≠ 0) and vice
 teacher observation of notebook entries
 explore activities involving the
relationship between fractions and the
division of two whole numbers with
answer less than one e.g. 3 ÷ 4 = 4 solve problem involving fractions  guided practice to develop algorithms (if  paper and pencil test
necessary)  teacher observation of notebook entries
 problem solving activities including
Polya’s problem solving approach
 model by ‘thinking aloud’ the process

CURRICULUM CONTENT Form One Term Two (cont’d)

Strand: 1.4 Geometry

Topic: 1.4.2 Points and Lines
Learning Outcomes Suggested Teaching and Learning Suggested Assessment Strategies
Students will be able to: explain what is meant by the terms,  direct instruction using manipulatives  performance task - group presentations
(a) point,  provide examples to help transfer of research conducted
(b) straight line learning  teacher observation of notebook entries
(c) line segment  use technology tools to conduct research
(d) ray differentiate between parallel and  review/check for prior knowledge  teacher observation of worksheet
perpendicular lines  re-teach as necessary assignment
 independent practice to identify parallel  performance task- journal entry about
and perpendicular lines in shapes parallel and perpendicular lines
 peer-assessment/self-assessment

CURRICULUM CONTENT Form One Term Two (cont’d)

Strand: 1.4 Geometry

Topic: 1.4.3 Angles
Learning Outcomes Suggested Teaching and Learning Suggested Assessment Strategies
Students will be able to: describe an angle as a measure of  explore/investigate turns in the  performance task - demonstrate different
turn environment, such as opening and turns using geo-strips whole turn, half
closing of doors and the movement of turn, quarter turn
hands in clocks  performance task - journal writing of
 discussion (using manipulatives) to class activities
develop an understanding about angles  teacher observation of notebook entries
(e.g. angles are dynamic/moveable or
static/fixed) compare and order angles using  explore activities involving the use of  performance task - group presentations
direct comparison (no unit) geo-strips to form angles which are on procedures used for comparing and
superimposed on each other to allow for ordering angles
direct comparison so that angles can be  peer-assessment/self-assessment
compared and ordered easily
 cooperative learning
 demonstrate procedures followed and
explain solutions derived express whole turns, half turns and  discussion about the standard unit of  oral report to summarize discussions
quarter turns in degrees measure  teacher observation of notebook entries
 link new information (degrees) to state
the number of degrees represented by a
whole turn, a half turn and a quarter turn

CURRICULUM CONTENT Form One Term Two (cont’d)

Strand: 1.4 Geometry

Topic: 1.4.3 Angles
Learning Outcomes Suggested Teaching and Learning Suggested Assessment Strategies
Students will be able to: classify angles according to type  discussion about the different types of  performance task- group presentation to
(acute, right, obtuse, straight and angles and represent them using explain the difference among the types
reflex) drawings of angles
 cooperative learning to classify angles  pop quiz measure angles in the range 0° to  demonstrate and discuss the procedure  performance task- demonstrate and
360° using protractors for measuring angles explain how to measure angles using a
 cooperative learning to engage in protractor
practical activities involving the  performance task - journal writing
measuring of angles using protractors  peer-assessment/self-assessment
 independent practice (worksheets)  paper and pencil test - measure angles to
compare and order draw angles of various sizes  guided practice to manipulate drawing  performance task- demonstrate how
tools angles are drawn using a protractor
 cooperative learning for practice  teacher observation (checklist) solve problems involving angles  explore problems involving angles in a  paper and pencil test
real world context

CURRICULUM CONTENT Form One Term Two (cont’d)

Strand: 1.4 Geometry

Topic: 1.4.4 Triangles
Learning Outcomes Suggested Teaching and Learning Suggested Assessment Strategies
Students will be able to: deduce that the sum of the interior  investigate the sum of the interior angles  performance task - presentations on
angles in a triangle is equal to 180 in triangles using manipulatives findings
 discussion about the relationship  performance task - journal writing
discovered (sum of angles)
 provide examples to help transfer
learning deduce the relationship between the  investigate the relationship between the  performance task - group presentations
size of the angle and the length of size of the angle and the length of the on findings from investigation
the side opposite the angle side opposite the angle using  performance task - journal writing about
manipulatives relationship
 discussion on relationship discovered classify triangles based on their  review/check for prior knowledge  performance task - use illustrations of
properties as acute angled, right  re-teach as necessary triangles and classify them
angled, obtuse angled, isosceles,  guided practice to measure angles, and  paper and pencil test - matching
equilateral, and scalene hence classify the triangles
 independent practice to identify various
types of triangles

CURRICULUM CONTENT Form One Term Two (cont’d)

Strand: 1.4 Geometry

Topic: 1.4.4 Triangles
Learning Outcomes Suggested Teaching and Learning Suggested Assessment Strategies
Students will be able to: draw triangles given  explore activities involving the drawing  performance task - group presentations
(a) given the lengths of two sides of triangles of the triangles drawn and explanations
and included angle  demonstrate and discuss procedures used of procedures for drawing triangles
(b) given the length of one side and to draw triangles  peer-assessment/self-assessment
two angles  cooperative learning for practice solve problems involving triangles  explore problems involving triangles in a  paper and pencil test
real world context  teacher observation of notebook entries
 collaborate in groups for scaffolding and
sharing of ideas

CURRICULUM CONTENT Form One Term Two (cont’d)

Strand: 1.4 Geometry

Topic: 1.4.5 Quadrilaterals
Learning Outcomes Suggested Teaching and Learning Suggested Assessment Strategies
Students will be able to: deduce that the sum of the interior  investigate the sum of the interior angles  performance task - presentations on
angles in a quadrilateral is equal to in quadrilaterals using manipulatives findings
360o  discussion about the relationship  performance task - journal writing
discovered (sum of angles) classify quadrilaterals according to  review/check for prior knowledge  performance task - compile a portfolio
their attributes  guided practice to measure angles and of quadrilaterals, their drawings, and a
lengths of sides, and hence classify the description of their properties
quadrilaterals  paper and pencil test - matching diagram
 independent practice to identify various
types of quadrilaterals draw quadrilaterals given  check for understanding by creating  performance task - group presentations
measurements of sides and angles models of quadrilaterals, to be drawn, of the quadrilaterals drawn and
given lengths of sides and sizes of using manipulatives e.g. straws explanations of procedures for drawing
angles  demonstrate and discuss procedures used quadrilaterals
to draw quadrilaterals  peer-assessment/self-assessment
 independent practice solve problems involving  problem solving activities  performance task - group presentations;
quadrilaterals  cooperative learning journal writing; portfolio; project
 paper and pencil test

CURRICULUM CONTENT Form One Term Two (cont’d)

Strand: 1.3 Statistics and Probability

Topic: 1.3.2 Statistics
Learning Outcomes Suggested Teaching and Learning Suggested Assessment Strategies
Students will be able to: construct bar graphs using  review/check for prior knowledge  teacher observation using a checklist
appropriate scale factors  re-teach as necessary  performance task - multimedia
 use technology tools to create data presentations of data displays
displays interpret data from bar graphs  use questioning strategies to determine  pop quiz
students understanding  peer-assessment/self-assessment
 cooperative learning (students formulate  paper and pencil test
and answer questions given bar graphs) solve problems involving mode,  review/check for prior knowledge  teacher observation using a checklist
median and mean (mode, mean)  short written responses
 re-teach as necessary
 use questioning strategies that require
students to go deeper into understanding
mode, median and mean as measures of
central tendency
 cooperative learning using worksheets

CURRICULUM CONTENT Form One Term Two (cont’d)

Strand: 1.1 Number Operations and Number Theory

Topic: 1.1.3 Directed Numbers
Learning Outcomes Suggested Teaching and Learning Suggested Assessment Strategies
Students will be able to: demonstrate an understanding of the  discuss the use of negative numbers in  oral quiz
concept of directed numbers real-world contexts represent positive and negative  guided practice to represent numbers  teacher observation of notebook entries
numbers on the number line (positive and negative) on the number  performance task - using negative
line numbers to measure quantities in real-
world scenarios perform the four basic operations on  simulation of games involving the  performance task - group presentations
directed numbers number line (e.g. stepping backwards involving solutions to problems
and forwards), two-coloured counters,  performance task - journal writing of
puzzles and number charts class activities
 use of technology tools to work with  short written responses to solve
different types of numbers and solve computational and word problems
problems involving the four operations
 discussion of videos related to directed
numbers on YouTube and other Virtual
Learning Environments

CURRICULUM CONTENT Form One Term Two (cont’d)

Strand: 1.5 Measurement

Topic: 1.5.5 Mass and Weight
Learning Outcomes Suggested Teaching and Learning Suggested Assessment Strategies
Students will be able to: measure the mass and weight of  guided practice to engage in practical  performance task - estimate the mass
objects in kilograms and grams real-life situations involving estimation and weight of objects, verify their mass
and measuring of mass and weight and weight by measuring, and determine
 discussion about the different units used reasonableness of answer
to measure mass/weight and the different
 performance task - journal writing about
the students’ personal estimation skills
 demonstrate how measurements can be
recorded using a combination of units  oral report to justify the appropriateness
(e.g. 3kg and 100g), fractions (e.g. of the use of the various units and
1 instruments
310 kg) or decimals (e.g. 3.1 kg) convert units of measure (grams to  discussion about the relationships  paper and pencil test
kilograms and vice versa) between different units of measure  mental math test
 explore using measuring instruments
 demonstrate and explain how measures
are converted from one unit to another
 independent practice using worksheets

CURRICULUM CONTENT Form One Term Two (cont’d)

Strand: 1.5 Measurement

Topic: 1.5.5 Mass and Weight
Learning Outcomes Suggested Teaching and Learning Suggested Assessment Strategies
Students will be able to: solve problems involving mass and  problem solving activities to measure  paper and pencil test
weight mass and weight  performance task - group presentations
 independent practice involving of solutions to problems and strategies
calculations and conversion used
 peer assessment using games

CURRICULUM CONTENT Form One Term Two (cont’d)

Strand: 1.5 Measurement

Topic: 1.5.6 Time
Learning Outcomes Suggested Teaching and Learning Suggested Assessment Strategies
Students will be able to: measure the duration of events using  discussion about the different  paper and pencil test - match times
appropriate units instruments that can be used to tell and shown on standard digital clocks, 24
measure time hour digital clocks and analog clocks to
 discussion about the different units used the minute and record the time
to measure time  performance task - estimate and verify
 independent practice to record the duration of events justifying the
measurements using parts and the whole appropriate units used
(e.g. 3hrs and 30 mins), fractions (e.g. 32  performance task - explain
reasonableness of answers obtained from
hr) or decimals (e.g. 3.5 hr)
estimation and actual measuring convert measures of time from one  discussion about the relationships  self-assessment using CAI
form to the other (using the different between different units of measure  peer-assessment using games
units of measure - seconds, minutes,  demonstrate and explain how units of  mental math test
hours, days, weeks, years) measure are converted from one unit to  paper and pencil
 independent practice using worksheets solve problems involving time  problem solving activities involving  performance task - group presentations
measurement of time of solutions and strategies used
 paper and pencil test

CURRICULUM CONTENT Form One Term Two (cont’d)

Strand: 1.6 Algebra

Topic: 1.6.2 Expressions
Learning Outcomes Suggested Teaching and Learning Suggested Assessment Strategies
Students will be able to: substitute directed numbers for  direct instruction to substitute variables  paper and pencil test
variables in expressions in expressions by directed numbers  pop quiz
 independent practice using worksheets create an expression to represent the  use technology tools to obtain examples  performance task - compile a portfolio
n term in a sequence of patterns and sequences (e.g. dance; comprising examples of patterns and
use geometrical shapes to create sequences
patterns)  performance task - group presentation to
 guided practice to determine rules about explain the expression derived for the
patterns and sequences e.g. make total number of matchsticks to form the
squares by joining matchsticks (e.g. shapes in the pattern below
4 matchsticks will make 1 square,
7 matchsticks will make 2 squares etc.)  oral report to summarize the lesson (e.g.
 independent practice using worksheets no. of matches to make n squares = 3n + 1)
 paper and pencil test calculate the nth term of a sequence  review substituting a value into an  short written responses
expression  peer-assessment/self-assessment
 cooperative learning using worksheets  mental mathematics
CURRICULUM CONTENT Form One Term Two (cont’d)

Strand: 1.2 Sets, Relations and Functions

Topic: 1.2.2 Sets
Learning Outcomes Suggested Teaching and Learning Suggested Assessment Strategies
Students will be able to: solve problems involving sets  collaborate in groups to derive possible  group presentations
solutions to the problem  self-assessment using graphic organisers
 focus attention on the strategy used  peer-assessment using model solutions
 use Polya’s problem solving  short written responses
strategy/approach to solve problems


Form One Term Three

Strand: 1.1 Number Operations and Number Theory
Topic: 1.1.4 Decimals
Learning Outcomes Suggested Teaching and Learning Suggested Assessment Strategies
Students will be able to: represent decimals (up to  use manipulatives to represent base ten  performance task - use illustrations such
thousandths) concretely on a place fractions as base ten materials and place value
value mat, pictorially and  model by ‘thinking aloud’ the process of mats to represent fractions
symbolically reading number names and numerals  oral report to communicate ideas use
 guided practice on the use of the decimal notation as another form of
number line to represent the position of writing base ten fractions e.g. 0.1 is the
numbers same as 10
 teacher observation - observe how
students write decimal notation and base
10 fractions in their notebooks match number names to decimal  check for understanding by matching the  pencil and paper test to match number
fractions and quantities number names (e.g. two and five tenths) names to decimal fractions; match
and decimal fractions (e.g. 2.5), to the number names to quantities
quantities they represent  teacher observation- observes how
 independent practice (worksheet) students write number names and
decimal fractions in their notebooks

CURRICULUM CONTENT Form One Term Three (cont’d)

Strand: 1.1 Number Operations and Number Theory

Topic: 1.1.4 Decimals
Learning Outcomes Suggested Teaching and Learning Suggested Assessment Strategies
Students will be able to: state the place value and value of  guided practice to determine the place  paper and pencil test to write decimal
digits in decimal fractions value and value of digits in numerals fractions using the expanded notation
using base ten materials including place form and vice versa
value mats  oral report to explain the place value and
 independent practice (worksheets) value of digits in numerals using base
 use of technology to conduct research to ten materials including place value mats
describe the pattern of adjacent place  performance task - project to conduct
positions moving from left to right and research, followed by group
right to left of the decimal point(e.g. presentations
money) compare and order decimal fractions  guided practice to use number lines to  performance task - use illustrations such
in ascending and descending order represent the position of numbers as number lines to represent positions of
 independent practice using worksheets numbers
 oral reports to communicate reasoning
so as to justify responses/solutions apply the ‘rounding rule’ to round  direct instruction about the ‘rounding  performance task - use illustrations such
decimal fractions to the nearest rule’ as number lines to represent positions of
whole number, tenth or hundredth  use technology to ‘round’ decimal numbers
position of numbers fractions (e.g. spreadsheet)  oral report to explain rounding rule
CURRICULUM CONTENT Form One Term Three (cont’d)

Strand: 1.1 Number Operations and Number Theory

Topic: 1.1.4 Decimals
Learning Outcomes Suggested Teaching and Learning Suggested Assessment Strategies
Students will be able to: express a decimal fraction in  direct instruction to write decimals as  peer-assessment/self-assessment with
𝑎 fractions and reduce the fractions to the checklist
rational form ( , where a and b are
lowest term  paper and pencil test
whole numbers and b ≠ 0)
 provide examples to help transfer
 independent practice using worksheets convert fractions to decimals  direct instruction to convert fractions to  paper and pencil test to write decimals
decimals as fractions
 investigate the relationship between  performance task - write a journal entry
decimals and the division of two whole about the main idea of the lesson
numbers with answer less than one  performance task- use Microsoft excel
3 or calculator to verify answers
e.g. 3 ÷ 4 = 3.00 ÷ 4 = 0.75 (= 4 ) identify  use technology tools (e.g. calculators,  performance task - use spreadsheet or
(a) terminating spreadsheets) to convert fractions to calculator to illustrate conversion of
(b) non-terminating decimals fractions to decimals
(c) recurring decimals  discuss patterns observed and name the  oral reports - to explain the difference
different types of decimals among the types of decimals solve problems involving decimals  problem solving activities involving  worksheet with graded exercises
(add, subtract, multiply, divide) decimals in real world contexts  paper and pencil test

CURRICULUM CONTENT Form One Term Three (cont’d)

Strand: 1.1 Number Operations and Number Theory

Topic: 1.1.5 Percentages
Learning Outcomes Suggested Teaching and Learning Suggested Assessment Strategies
Students will be able to: convert among fractions, decimals  direct instruction for converting among  pencil and paper test - match fractions to
and percent fractions, decimals and percent percent; represent fractions involving
 explore real-life situations involving hundredths as percent
percent  teacher observation - observe how
 use technology tools to verify solutions students convert among fractions,
decimals and percent in their notebooks
 performance task - use spreadsheet or
calculator to verify answers compare and order fractions,  guided practice to convert fractions,  teacher observation - observes how
decimals and percent decimals and percent to a common form students compare and order fractions,
so as to be able to compare easily decimals and percent
 guided practice to use number lines to  performance task - use illustrations such
represent the position of numbers as number lines to represent positions of
 independent practice using worksheets numbers
 paper and pencil test solve problems involving percent  problem solving activities involving  teacher observation using checklist
percentages  paper and pencil test
 performance task

CURRICULUM CONTENT Form One Term Three (cont’d)

Strand: 1.4 Geometry

Topic: 1.4.6 Transformations
Learning Outcomes Suggested Teaching and Learning Suggested Assessment Strategies
Students will be able to: describe the properties of a  discuss observations made by analysing  performance task - use illustrations such
translation patterns created via translation as patterns or pictures to show
 discuss the meanings of the terms translations
‘translation’  oral report to describe the translation of
 cooperative learning to engage in an object to its image
practical activities involving the  teacher observation- observes how
translation of objects (using students show translations and
manipulatives) reflections in their notebooks identify lines of symmetry in shapes  discussion about observations made by  performance task - use illustrations such
and letters analysing patterns created using as a Mira to display lines of symmetry;
symmetry use of technology to display lines of
 cooperative learning to engage in symmetry
practical activities involving folding and  performance task - journal writing of
superimposing and using a Mira reactions to class activities
 discussion about the lines of symmetry  peer-assessment/self-assessment
in shapes and letters

CURRICULUM CONTENT Form One Term Three (cont’d)

Strand: 1.4 Geometry

Topic: 1.4.6 Transformations
Learning Outcomes Suggested Teaching and Learning Suggested Assessment Strategies
Students will be able to: describe the reflection of an object  discuss observations made by analysing  performance task - use illustrations such
in a line patterns created via reflection and cut-outs, Miras and geoboards to show
symmetrical and asymmetrical shapes the reflection of objects
 cooperative learning to engage in  performance task-journal writing of
practical activities involving the reactions to class activities
reflection of objects in a line and using  teacher observation - observes how
manipulatives such as cut-out shapes, students display reflections in their
Miras and the geoboard notebooks create  cooperative learning to engage in  performance task - use illustrations to
(a) symmetrical shapes practical activities involving the creation show the creation of shapes and patterns;
(b) patterns using reflection of shapes and patterns using reflection display shapes with lines of symmetry
 discussion about the shapes and patterns  paper and pencil test to draw shapes
created with line symmetry; draw a symmetrical
shape given half of the shape and a line
of symmetry solve problems involving translation  problem solving activities involving  performance task
and reflection translation and reflection  observation checklist/rubric
 paper and pencil test

CURRICULUM CONTENT Form One Term Three (cont’d)

Strand: 1.6 Algebra

Topic: 1.6.6 Algebraic Equations
Learning Outcomes Suggested Teaching and Learning Suggested Assessment Strategies
Students will be able to: translate word problems into  guided practice to demonstrate balancing  performance task - illustration of how
algebraic equations of equation e.g. use of coloured cut-outs strips of coloured cut-outs are used to
for concrete representation represent equations
 independent practice using worksheets  oral report to summarize ideas solve linear equations with one  cooperative learning to create linear  performance task - students formulate
variable equations related to real-life situations equations and produce model solutions
 independent practice to solve simple  peer-assessment/self-assessment using a
linear equations checklist

CURRICULUM CONTENT Form One Term Three (cont’d)

Strand: 1.1 Number Operations and Number Theory

Topic: 1.1.6 Consumer Arithmetic
Learning Outcomes Suggested Teaching and Learning Suggested Assessment Strategies
Students will be able to: state the combinations of $5, $10,  guided practice to determine equivalence  performance task - tabulate the number
$20, $50 and $100 bills equivalent  cooperative learning to determine of $5, $10, $20, $50, $100 bills
to $1000 equivalence equivalent to $1000
 performance task - illustrate the
equivalence of money by using ‘play
money’ determine the best buy from a  cooperative learning to compare the  performance task - create a shop/store
choice of similar items with respect mass of two similar products to and determine ‘best buys’, using role
to price determine which is the better buy play
 simulation of a shop to role play a Unit  oral report explaining why a certain item
Price Game - Are you getting value for was purchased instead of other similar
money ones, with respect to price
 discussion about unit prices - finding the  performance task - journal writing of
unit prices does not give information reactions to class activities
about the quality of what is bought, but
it can help us to make a decision solve problems involving  cooperative learning to create and solve  performance task - create a shop/store
percentage (calculate profit and loss, real-life problems: opening a business and transact business using role play
percentage profit and loss, sales tax (e.g. transporting, gardening, shop  peer-assessment/self-assessment using a
and discount) keeping, store); calculate percentage checklist

CURRICULUM CONTENT Form One Term Three (cont’d)

Strand: 1.1 Number Operations and Number Theory

Topic: 1.1.6 Consumer Arithmetic
Learning Outcomes Suggested Teaching and Learning Suggested Assessment Strategies
Students will be able to:
increase/decrease on the cost  performance task - compile a portfolio
price/original value, profit and loss, comprising items collected by students
percentage profit and loss, hire purchase,  oral report to explain/justify bargains
bills and sales tax (VAT) and discount  performance task - journal writing of
 independent practice to calculate selling reactions to class activities
price and cost price given percentage
profit, loss or discount solve problems involving simple  observe pattern (use tables of values)  performance task - students explore
interest and derive the simple interest formula investments as advertised and present
 simulation of a bank scenario, to carry reports on their analyses
out transactions involving loans and  performance task - project e.g. go to the
savings bank or credit union and find out:
 discussion to define the terms - - What does a bank do with the extra
principal, rate, time, interest, amount money it receives as an interest or
 investigations and discussions of real- loan?
life situations from banking, - Who can get loans from a bank?
investments, borrowing of money etc.  performance task- explain to a friend in
a letter how the simple interest formula
was used in a spreadsheet


Form Two Term One

Strand: 2.1 Number Operations and Number Theory
Topic: 2.1.1 Integers
Learning Outcomes Suggested Teaching and Learning Suggested Assessment Strategies
Students will be able to: differentiate between natural  explore integers in the real world context  oral report - describe how numbers are
numbers, whole numbers and  compare and contrast activities using a classified and explain the relationships
integers graphic organiser among them
 use computer drawing tools to create  group presentation - role play
concept maps  teacher observation - informal
 create number lines, number trees, and observation of notebook entries
Venn diagrams to display numbers order integers  compare and order integers using the  performance task - use virtual
number line manipulatives to order integers on the
 use spreadsheets to order integers number line
 develop meaning for integers to  oral quiz
represent and compare quantities using a  worksheet formulated by
STREAM approach teachers/students

CURRICULUM CONTENT Form Two Term One (cont’d)

Strand: 2.1 Number Operations and Number Theory

Topic: 2.1.1 Integers
Learning Outcomes Suggested Teaching and Learning Suggested Assessment Strategies
Students will be able to: perform the four basic operations on  use patterns to develop operations  performance task - journal entry or letter
integers  represent addition, subtraction, writing to explain how perfume
multiplication and division concretely calculations with more that
and symbolically  self-assess using technology tools - CAI
 use spreadsheet to add, subtract,  paper and pencil test
multiply and divide integers
 independent practice to demonstrate
proficiency recognize situations in everyday life  provide samples from print media  performance task - create PowerPoint
where integers are used demonstrating the use of integers presentation demonstrating the use of
 use word processor, drawing tools and integers in our daily lives
images to create a collage of real world  short written responses - explain the use
situations involving integers e.g. golf, of directed numbers in a real world
accounting, temperature, sea level etc. context
 investigate situations involving integers
located in real world contexts

CURRICULUM CONTENT Form Two Term One (cont’d)

Strand: 2.1 Number Operations and Number Theory

Topic: 2.1.1 Integers
Learning Outcomes Suggested Teaching and Learning Suggested Assessment Strategies
Students will be able to: solve simple problems involving  solve simple computational problems  graded exercises from textbook or
integers from real world situations involving teacher designed worksheet
integers  self-assess using technology tools - CAI
 evaluate and integrate multiple sources  paper and pencil test
of information
 develop an evidence-based opinion or

CURRICULUM CONTENT Form Two Term One (cont’d)

Strand: 2.1 Number Operations and Number Theory

Topic: 2.1.2 Laws and Properties of Numbers
Learning Outcomes Suggested Teaching and Learning Suggested Assessment Strategies
Students will be able to: apply the commutative, associative  discuss operations on numbers  apply a practical understanding of laws
and distributive laws  use situations where the laws of to aid mental computation
arithmetic apply  mental quiz
 develop acrostics to summarise  group presentation using situations from
strategies real life contexts
 independent practice to demonstrate
proficiency explain the concept of  apply appropriate domain-specific  students make entries in their journals to
(a) closure vocabulary to communicate concepts describe the concept using illustrations
(b) the identity element  investigate and discuss the properties of  draw a concept map using a graphic
(c) and inverse operator the identity element, inverse operator organiser
and closure using closed and open
number systems
 identify situations where the laws and
properties of numbers may be used express a value  provide examples to help transfer  mental quiz
(a) to a given number of significant learning  self-asses using technology tools - CAI
figures  use spreadsheet or calculator for practice  paper and pencil test
(b) using standard form
CURRICULUM CONTENT Form Two Term One (cont’d)

Strand: 2.1 Number Operations and Number Theory

Topic: 2.1.2 Laws and Properties of Numbers
Learning Outcomes Suggested Teaching and Learning Suggested Assessment Strategies
Students will be able to:
(c) in scientific notation and reinforcement
 develop automaticity with drill and
practice compute estimates in relevant  provide examples of problem solving in  groups present solutions to problem
problem situations using appropriate real world contexts using estimation situations
approximation techniques techniques  mental quiz
 investigate estimation techniques using  self-asses using technology tools - CAI
manipulative  peer assessment using student designed
 apply approximation skills in performing worksheet
mental computations
 collaborate in groups to derive possible
solutions to problems perform the four basic operations on  guide practice using modelling and  graded exercise from textbook or teacher
numbers expressed in index form, coaching designed worksheet using real life
having positive indices only  provide examples to scaffold students in contexts
the application of strategies during  paper and pencil test
guided practice
 independent practice to demonstrate
CURRICULUM CONTENT Form Two Term One (cont’d)

Strand: 2.1 Number Operations and Number Theory

Topic: 2.1.2 Laws and Properties of Numbers
Learning Outcomes Suggested Teaching and Learning Suggested Assessment Strategies
Students will be able to: solve simple problems using mental  apply Polya’s problem solving strategies  mental quiz
computation to simple computational problems  self-asses using technology tools - CAI
situated in real world contexts  peer assessment using an online
 apply estimation techniques to problem activity/games
 paired problem-solving: one student
talks through the problem, describing his
thinking processes while his partner
listens and asks questions to help clarify
thinking and vice versa
 develop automaticity with drill and

CURRICULUM CONTENT Form Two Term One (cont’d)

Strand: 2.1 Number Operations and Number Theory

Topic: 2.1.3 Number Bases
Learning Outcomes Suggested Teaching and Learning Suggested Assessment Strategies
Students will be able to: state the place value of a digit in  activate prior knowledge of the denary  performance task - design a model for
relation to its number base system counting in different bases
 introduce the concept of number bases  worksheet with items that allow for
using time translation from one base to another
 provide examples to help transfer
 oral questioning to determine
 explore different number base systems
re: digits and place value
 develop a glossary of terms for number
bases: base, binary, denary, digit, index covert a numeral given in any base  perform counting activities to develop  mental quiz - count in different bases
to a base 10 numeral the place value system for a given base  performance task - devise a strategy for
 practice following an algorithm counting in different bases
 use acrostics to recall the steps in the
 independent practice for reinforcement

CURRICULUM CONTENT Form Two Term One (cont’d)

Strand: 2.1 Number Operations and Number Theory

Topic: 2.1.3 Number Bases
Learning Outcomes Suggested Teaching and Learning Suggested Assessment Strategies
Students will be able to: demonstrate appreciation of the role  guide students to use research skills to  performance task - conduct research and
of the binary number system in the investigate the origin and development present group report to discuss the role
development of computer and use of the binary system of the binary system in the development
technology  investigate the role binary system in of computers
computing technology
 evaluate and integrate multiple sources
of information write the value of numerals in  guide practice in the use of language to  performance task - journal entry
expanded notation for any number provide the bridge between the concrete explaining the procedure
base system representations of math and the more  self-assess using technology tools - CAI
abstract and symbolic form  paper and pencil test
 engage in critical reading and writing of
technical information convert the value of numerals in any  practice skill following an algorithm  graded exercises from textbook or
base to their equivalent in base 10  use acrostics to recall the steps in the teacher designed worksheet
conversion  self-assess using technology tools - CAI
 students work in pairs to complete a  paper and pencil test
conversion exercise and then evaluate
their partner’s work
CURRICULUM CONTENT Form Two Term One (cont’d)

Strand: 2.1 Number Operations and Number Theory

Topic: 2.1.3 Number Bases
Learning Outcomes Suggested Teaching and Learning Suggested Assessment Strategies
Students will be able to: convert numbers to a single base in  engage in critical thinking to derive an  graded exercises from textbook or
order to perform operations efficient solution teacher designed worksheet
 students collaborate to devise a strategy  paper and pencil test
 focus attention on the strategy used represent large and small numbers  integrate skills and concepts e.g. integers  performance task - journal entry
in scientific notation and notation explaining the procedure
(a × 10–6 to a × 106)  provide a variety of examples using  mental quiz
concrete and symbolic representations  paper and pencil test
 use the vocabulary of mathematics to
express mathematical ideas precisely:
mantissa, exponent
 independent practice to develop
proficiency solve simple computational  create simple computational problems  graded exercises from textbook or
problems in any base: located in real world situations teacher designed worksheet
(a) addition  solve problems involving four  self-assess using technology tools - CAI
(b) subtraction operations  paper and pencil test
 apply estimation techniques to problem
 students evaluate each other’s work

CURRICULUM CONTENT Form Two Term One (cont’d)

Strand: 2.6 Algebra

Topic: 2.6.1 Substitution
Learning Outcomes Suggested Teaching and Learning Suggested Assessment Strategies
Students will be able to: explain the concept of a variable  introduce variables in mathematical  performance task - students review the
statements using geometric shapes ‘’ concept through the tasks and log their
which students can ‘fill’ description in their journals
e.g.  + 7 = 15  teacher reviews description for
 assign different values to a variable  appropriate domain-specific vocabulary
(i.e. fill the variable) in a mathematical
statement to see the effect on the result
 use pan balance virtual manipulative to
fill variables in mathematical statements,
using a value to make the statement true
 discus the attributes of a variable translate between word statements  guide practice in the use of language to  journal entries to reflect student
and mathematical statements, provide the bridge between the concrete activities
involving two basic operations representations of math and the more  teacher observation using checklist
abstract and symbolic form
 organise and consolidate mathematical
thinking through communication
 use the language of mathematics to
express mathematical ideas precisely
CURRICULUM CONTENT Form Two Term One (cont’d)

Strand: 2.6 Algebra

Topic: 2.6.1 Substitution
Learning Outcomes Suggested Teaching and Learning Suggested Assessment Strategies
Students will be able to: demonstrate understanding of the  use questioning strategies that require  graded exercises from textbook or
relationship between abstract and students to manipulate concepts and teacher designed worksheet
concrete ideas through language to describe  oral questioning to assess students’
models understanding of the concept
 apply appropriate domain-specific
vocabulary to communicate concepts
 analyse and evaluate the mathematical
thinking and strategies of others
 engage in critical reading and writing of
technical information substitute integers for unknown  present examples to transfer learning  graded exercises from textbook or
quantities in mathematical  model by ‘thinking aloud’ to focus teacher designed worksheet
statements attention on the strategy used  paper and pencil test
 use concrete, pictorial and verbal
representation to develop an
understanding on invented and
conventional symbolic notations
 independent practice to develop

CURRICULUM CONTENT Form Two Term One (cont’d)

Strand: 2.6 Algebra

Topic: 2.6.2 Simplification of Algebraic Expressions
Learning Outcomes Suggested Teaching and Learning Suggested Assessment Strategies
Students will be able to: explain the concept of an algebraic  activate prior knowledge of variables,  performance task - students review the
expression constants and operations concept and log their description in their
 integrate skills and concepts e.g. journals
operations on constants and variables  teacher reviews description for
 collaborate to investigate the structure of appropriate domain-specific vocabulary
the monomial, binomial and trinomial
 apply appropriate domain-specific
vocabulary to communicate concepts represent terms concretely,  use questioning strategies that require  oral questioning to assess students
pictorially and symbolically learners to activate mental manipulation understanding
 use technology tools to manipulate and  teacher observation using checklist
investigate objects in concrete, pictorial
and symbolic from
 present models for students to analyse
and evaluate identify like and unlike terms  present examples to transfer learning  oral questioning to assess students
 compare and contrast activities using: understanding
manipulative, pictographs, symbols  teacher observation using checklist

CURRICULUM CONTENT Form Two Term One (cont’d)

Strand: 2.6 Algebra

Topic: 2.6.2 Simplification of Algebraic Expressions
Learning Outcomes Suggested Teaching and Learning Suggested Assessment Strategies
Students will be able to:
 use the language of mathematics to
express mathematical ideas precisely differentiate between the coefficient  present models for students to analyse  oral questioning to assess students
and operational sign and evaluate understanding
 compare and contrast activities  graded exercises from textbook or
 small group discussion to verify teacher designed worksheet
concepts using supporting information  worksheet with graded exercises
from alternative sources for  oral quiz
 apply differentiation skills to perform
computations in graded exercises perform operations on terms  collaborate in groups for scaffolding and  performance task - students complete
represented concretely, pictorially sharing of ideas exercises using manipulative
and symbolically  guide practice to represent knowledge  teacher observation using checklist
using a network of interrelated  self-assess using technology tools - CAI
mathematical ideas
 perform activities to model operations
using algebra tiles, pictographs and
CURRICULUM CONTENT Form Two Term One (cont’d)

Strand: 2.6 Algebra

Topic: 2.6.2 Simplification of Algebraic Expressions
Learning Outcomes Suggested Teaching and Learning Suggested Assessment Strategies
Students will be able to: simplify algebraic expressions  present examples to transfer learning  teacher observation using checklist
 develop and analyse algorithms to  graded exercises from textbook or
perform simple computations using: teacher designed worksheet
- the four basic operations  oral quiz
- the order of operations  paper and pencil test
- commutativity, associativity and
 students ‘think aloud’ to verbalize their
thinking - by talking, writing, or drawing
the steps used in a strategy

CURRICULUM CONTENT Form Two Term One (cont’d)

Strand: 2.6 Algebra

Topic: 2.6.3 Solution of Linear Equations
Learning Outcomes Suggested Teaching and Learning Suggested Assessment Strategies
Students will be able to: differentiate between expressions  use questioning strategies that require  graded exercises from textbook or
and equations critical analysis of concepts teacher designed worksheet
 compare and contrast activities to  oral quiz

differentiate structures solve linear equations of increasing  check for prior knowledge to verify  oral questioning
level of difficulty having variables mastery of concepts and skills before  students develop flow charts to solutions
on both sides advancing of simple linear equations using
 model by ‘thinking aloud’ activities so computer software
that students can follow demonstrated
thinking processes
 use flow charts to explain the processes
used to solve the equation
 develop acrostics to summarise
strategies and aid memory in the
retrieval of algorithms
 independent practice to develop

CURRICULUM CONTENT Form Two Term One (cont’d)

Strand: 2.6 Algebra

Topic: 2.6.3 Solution of Linear Equations
Learning Outcomes Suggested Teaching and Learning Suggested Assessment Strategies
Students will be able to:
 focus on the strategy used:
- cover-up method
- balance method solve linear equations involving use  apply the strategies used in []  graded exercises from textbook or
of the distributive law using a  explore problems in a real world context teacher designed worksheet
variety of representations to include fractions with denominators  oral questioning
having natural numbers but no variable rewrite verbal statements in terms of  check for prior knowledge to verify  peer-assessment using worksheet with
algebraic equations mastery of concepts and skills before model solutions
advancing  teacher observation
 guide practice in the use of language to
provide the bridge between the concrete
representations of math and the more
abstract and symbolic form
 organise and consolidate mathematical
thinking through communication
 use the language of mathematics to
express mathematical ideas precisely

CURRICULUM CONTENT Form Two Term One (cont’d)

Strand: 2.6 Algebra

Topic: 2.6.3 Solution of Linear Equations
Learning Outcomes Suggested Teaching and Learning Suggested Assessment Strategies
Students will be able to: solve word problems using  check for mastery of required skills  performance task - students complete
algebraic equations before advancing worksheet with graded exercises
 use Polya’s problem solving strategy  peer-assessment using model solutions
 practice skills repeatedly  paper and pencil test
 apply customised rubrics for steps in the

CURRICULUM CONTENT Form Two Term One (cont’d)

Strand: 2.6 Algebra

Topic: 2.6.4 Solution of Linear Inequalities
Learning Outcomes Suggested Teaching and Learning Suggested Assessment Strategies
Students will be able to: define inequalities in the contexts of  guided discussion to identify  use questioning to assess students’
society, politics and economics mathematical inequalities in the context understanding of the concept
of society, politics and economics, in  students make entries in their journals to
terms of constraints and comparisons describe the concept
 introduce the concept using various
representations: real-life examples,
manipulatives, models, technology, and
symbolic representations
 incorporate writing activities and group
work to observe student thinking and
identify misconceptions and gaps in
understanding use mathematical language to  guide practice in the use of language to  performance task - students complete
represent inequalities provide the bridge between the concrete graded exercises from their textbook or
representations of math and the more worksheet
abstract symbolic forms
 model real world situations involving
inequalities using mathematical

CURRICULUM CONTENT Form Two Term One (cont’d)

Strand: 2.6 Algebra

Topic: 2.6.4 Solution of Linear Inequalities
Learning Outcomes Suggested Teaching and Learning Suggested Assessment Strategies
Students will be able to:
 develop a ready reckoner chart for
conversion from verbal to symbolic and
vice versa use mathematical language to  present models for students to analyse  performance task - students complete
rewrite word problems involving and evaluate graded exercises from their textbook or
inequalities  use questioning strategies that require worksheet
critical analysis of concepts  paper and pencil test
 discuss coding and syntax
 provide examples to scaffold students in
the application of strategies during
guided practice
 present opportunities to build on
students’ inherent sense of curiosity and
discovery identify the set of numbers to which  review the subsets of the real number  teacher observation using checklist
the solution of an inequality belongs system (excluding irrational numbers)  mental quiz
 discuss how solutions to inequalities  self-asses using technology tools - CAI
incorporate a range of values  peer assessment using an online activity
 integrate concepts: use the number line
to represent the range for a solution
CURRICULUM CONTENT Form Two Term One (cont’d)

Strand: 2.6 Algebra

Topic: 2.6.4 Solution of Linear Inequalities
Learning Outcomes Suggested Teaching and Learning Suggested Assessment Strategies
Students will be able to: solve simple inequalities  use Polya’s problem solving strategy to  performance task - students are given
understand the problem simple real world situations to create
 understand the meaning of equivalent linear models
forms of an inequality  teacher observation with checklist
 use the balance method to solve simple
 develop acrostics to summarise
strategies and aid memory in the
retrieval of algorithms represent linear inequalities on the  check prior knowledge to verify mastery  performance task - represent inequalities
number line of concepts and skills before advancing on the number line of the form:
 model by ‘thinking aloud’ activities so x>a a<x<b b>x>a
that students can follow demonstrated x≥a a≤x≤b b≥x≥a
thinking processes x<a a<x≤b b>x≥a
 develop acrostics to summarise x≤a a≤x<b b≥x>a
strategies and aid memory in the where a, b ∈ Z
retrieval of algorithms  oral questioning to assess students’
 independent practice to develop understanding
proficiency  graded exercises from textbook or

CURRICULUM CONTENT Form Two Term One (cont’d)

Strand: 2.6 Algebra

Topic: 2.6.4 Solution of Linear Inequalities
Learning Outcomes Suggested Teaching and Learning Suggested Assessment Strategies
Students will be able to: represent solutions to linear  model the process before they begin to  graded exercises from textbook or
inequalities on the number line work independently teacher designed worksheet
 review the concept of integers and  paper and pencil test
model their placement on the large-scale
number line
 integrate and apply strategies used in
[] and [] write solutions to inequalities using  present models for students to analyse  graded exercises from textbook or
set builder notation and evaluate teacher designed worksheet
 use questioning strategies that require  paper and pencil test
critical analysis of concepts
 discuss coding and syntax
 provide examples to scaffold students in
the application of strategies during
guided practice

CURRICULUM CONTENT Form Two Term One (cont’d)

Strand: 2.2 Sets, Relations and Functions

Topic: 2.2.1 Sets
Learning Outcomes Suggested Teaching and Learning Suggested Assessment Strategies
Students will be able to: interpret information relating to  investigate and discuss the attributes of a  oral questioning
subsets, disjoint and intersecting subset, a disjoint set and the intersection  students complete exercises in their
sets of sets textbook or worksheet
 use manipulative to demonstrate
conceptual understanding of key
concepts count the number of elements in the  discuss counting, double counting,  teacher observation
union and intersection of two sets union and intersection  students complete exercises in their
 use manipulative to demonstrate: textbook or worksheet
- union of sets  students summarise concepts explored
- intersection of sets without double and make entries in their journals
 practice counting objects from a finite
universal set that have been assigned to
sets on the Venn diagrams represent information for sets on the  investigate attributes of the Venn  students draw Venn diagrams to show
appropriate Venn diagram diagram which characterise its structure the relationship among different types of

CURRICULUM CONTENT Form Two Term One (cont’d)

Strand: 2.2 Sets, Relations and Functions

Topic: 2.2.1 Sets
Learning Outcomes Suggested Teaching and Learning Suggested Assessment Strategies
Students will be able to:
 use a checklist to accurately complete a numbers
Venn diagram  worksheet using graphic organisers
 provide real world situations for students
to complete Venn diagrams count the elements in the union of  practice using real world situations with  performance task - students research and
two sets, intersecting and disjoint union and intersection of sets/subsets conduct polls to complete graded
 independent practice in writing the worksheet
notation for counting and using the  students complete exercises from
notation to communicate information textbook
about sets
 discuss double counting in relation to the
universal set, a set and any subset in the
Venn diagram
 derive the rule for counting the elements
in a union of two sets:
- n(A ⋃ B) = n(A) + n(B) – n(A ⋂ B)
- n(U) = n(A ⋃ B) + n(A ⋃ B)'

CURRICULUM CONTENT Form Two Term One (cont’d)

Strand: 2.2 Sets, Relations and Functions

Topic: 2.2.1 Sets
Learning Outcomes Suggested Teaching and Learning Suggested Assessment Strategies
Students will be able to: solve problems involving two set -  practice problem solving using algebraic  students complete graded exercises to
Venn diagrams, given the number of equations and substitutions into the rules solve a Venn diagram for the unknown
elements in the sets they have derived: number of elements in one or more
- n(A ⋃ B) = n(A) + n(B) – n(A ⋂ B) subsets e.g.
- n(U) = n(A ⋃ B) + n(A ⋃ B)´ - for one subset

 practice solving a Venn diagram for all

subsets based on information given from x
a real world context - for two subsets

 attempt graded exercises in text book or

worksheet x x
x x use a Venn diagram to solve word  solve word problems from real world  worksheet using graphic organisers
problems involving two sets contexts involving sets of  paper and pencil test
 use Polya’s problem solving strategy

CURRICULUM CONTENT Form Two Term One (cont’d)

Strand: 2.2 Sets, Relations and Functions

Topic: 2.2.2 Relations, Mappings and Functions
Learning Outcomes Suggested Teaching and Learning Suggested Assessment Strategies
Students will be able to: generate relations between two sets  engage in an activity to classify and  oral questioning
relate two sets of objects/subjects based  students complete exercises in the
on specific rules/factors textbook or worksheet
 create as many connections as possible
using words to explain simple
relationships between sets of
objects/subjects explain the concept of an arrow  introduce the concept embedded in a  performance task - students review the
diagram context concept and log their description in their
 use concrete representation to introduce journals
the concept then reinforce with verbal,  teacher reviews description for
pictorial and symbolic representations appropriate domain-specific vocabulary
 discuss rooted misconceptions, coding
issues, unfamiliar terms/phrases
 apply appropriate domain-specific
vocabulary to communicate concepts

CURRICULUM CONTENT Form Two Term One (cont’d)

Strand: 2.2 Sets, Relations and Functions

Topic: 2.2.2 Relations, Mappings and Functions
Learning Outcomes Suggested Teaching and Learning Suggested Assessment Strategies
Students will be able to: use arrow diagrams to illustrate  discuss and state relationships that exist  students complete graded exercises
relationships between sets in real world situations which represent using an interactive computer program
groups as sets
 use arrow diagrams to show
relationships that exist in everyday
situations involving sets of people,
places, and objects draw arrow diagrams to show  provide a variety of contexts where  students make entries in their journals
simple mathematical relations students can use arrow diagrams to  self-asses using technology tools - CAI
demonstrate relations and types of  peer assessment using an online activity
mappings with integers
 employ technology tools to represent
mathematical relations using arrow
diagrams explain the concepts of a domain  activate prior knowledge of sets  performance task - students review the
and a range  introduce the concepts embedded in a concept and log their description in their
context journals

CURRICULUM CONTENT Form Two Term One (cont’d)

Strand: 2.2 Sets, Relations and Functions

Topic: 2.2.2 Relations, Mappings and Functions
Learning Outcomes Suggested Teaching and Learning Suggested Assessment Strategies
Students will be able to:
 use concrete representation to introduce  teacher reviews description for
the concept then reinforce with verbal, appropriate domain-specific vocabulary
pictorial and symbolic representations
 apply appropriate domain-specific
vocabulary to communicate concepts explain the concept of a relation, a  provide examples of arrow diagrams to  performance task - students review the
mapping and a function explore/investigate attributes of the concept and log their description in their
different types of relations journals
 small group discussion to classify  teacher reviews description for
relations according to their attributes appropriate domain-specific vocabulary
 discuss rooted misconceptions, coding  students complete a matching exercise
issues, unfamiliar terms/phrases using an interactive computer program
 apply appropriate domain-specific
vocabulary to communicate concepts differentiate among a relation, a  compare and contrast activities using a  mental quiz
mapping and a function graphic organiser to distinguish between  short responses using graphic organisers
relations, mapping and functions  paper and pencil test

CURRICULUM CONTENT Form Two Term One (cont’d)

Strand: 2.2 Sets, Relations and Functions

Topic: 2.2.2 Relations, Mappings and Functions
Learning Outcomes Suggested Teaching and Learning Suggested Assessment Strategies
Students will be able to: solve for missing terms in an arrow  focus attention on the thinking processes  students complete graded exercises
diagram, given a relation involving to develop awareness of strategies that using an interactive computer program
two sets can be applied to other learning  paper and pencil test
 paired problem-solving: one student
talks through the problem, describing his
thinking processes while his partner
listens and asks questions to help clarify
thinking and vice versa

CURRICULUM CONTENT Form Two Term One (cont’d)

Strand: 2.2 Sets, Relations & Functions

Topic: 2.2.3 Ordered Pairs
Learning Outcomes Suggested Teaching and Learning Suggested Assessment Strategies
Students will be able to: explain the concept of an ordered  introduce the concept embedded in a  performance task - students review the
pair context concept and log their description in their
 use concrete representation to introduce journals
the concept then reinforce with verbal,  teacher reviews description for
pictorial and symbolic representations appropriate domain-specific vocabulary
 discuss rooted misconceptions, coding
issues, unfamiliar terms/phrases
 apply appropriate domain-specific
vocabulary to communicate concepts represent relations as sets of ordered  guided practice to generate ordered pairs  oral quiz
pairs from arrow diagrams  self-asses using technology tools - CAI
 link new information to prior skills by  paper and pencil test
substituting values from ordered pairs to
validate rules defined by the relation
 check for understanding by working
backward to describe the relation given a
set of ordered pairs

CURRICULUM CONTENT Form Two Term One (cont’d)

Strand: 2.2 Sets, Relations & Functions

Topic: 2.2.3 Ordered Pairs
Learning Outcomes Suggested Teaching and Learning Suggested Assessment Strategies
Students will be able to: write the domain and range, given a  provide examples to help transfer  oral questioning
set of ordered pairs representing a learning  mental quiz
relation  use questioning strategies that require  worksheet using graphic organisers
learners to go deeper
 students self-assess (self-monitor) using
a customised math error self-correction
checklist identify the relation that exists  provide examples to help transfer  oral questioning
between elements in a given domain learning  mental quiz
and its corresponding range  use questioning strategies that require  students complete graded exercises
learners to activate prior knowledge and using an interactive computer program
mental manipulation  paper and pencil test
 independent practice to demonstrate
proficiency verify whether or not an ordered  integrate topics and concepts using  students complete graded exercises
pair satisfies a given relation substitution in mathematical statements using an interactive computer program
 provide examples to scaffold students in  paper and pencil test
the application of strategies during
guided practice

CURRICULUM CONTENT Form Two Term One (cont’d)

Strand: 2.2 Sets, Relations & Functions

Topic: 2.2.3 Ordered Pairs
Learning Outcomes Suggested Teaching and Learning Suggested Assessment Strategies
Students will be able to: write ordered pairs to satisfy a given  independent practice to demonstrate  students complete graded exercises
relation proficiency using an interactive computer program
 use technology tools as an instructional  paper and pencil test
support to explain, model, scaffold, and
guide practice represent relations on the Cartesian  guide practice using modelling and  performance task - students complete
plane, given as a set of ordered pairs coaching graded exercises in their graph book
 engage students in activities to relate
what they know from past experiences to
their current learning, so that they can
associate what they learn with the larger
 use technology tools as a virtual
manipulative for reinforcement verify if a given set of ordered pairs  use technology tools as a virtual  students complete graded exercises
represents a linear relationship manipulative to explain, model, scaffold, using an interactive computer program
and guide practice in identifying a linear  paper and pencil test

CURRICULUM CONTENT Form Two Term One (cont’d)

Strand: 2.2 Sets, Relations & Functions

Topic: 2.2.3 Ordered Pairs
Learning Outcomes Suggested Teaching and Learning Suggested Assessment Strategies
Students will be able to:
 model higher thinking skills and provide
opportunities for students to summarize
and symbolize new learning into new
 small group discussion to verify
concepts using supporting information
from alternative sources for


Form Two Term Two

Strand: 2.4 Geometry
Topic: 2.4.1 Coordinate Geometry
Learning Outcomes Suggested Teaching and Learning Suggested Assessment Strategies
Students will be able to: explain the concept of a plane  introduce the concept embedded in a  performance task - students review the
context concept and log their description in their
 explore planes and their properties using journals
virtual manipulatives  teacher reviews description for
 develop spatial skills by exploring the appropriate domain-specific vocabulary
orientation of geometrical objects in a  oral questioning
plane explain the concept of coordinates  introduce the concept embedded in a  performance task - students review the
of a point context concept and log their description in their
 activate prior knowledge: ordered pairs journals
 use concrete representation to introduce  teacher reviews description for
the concept then reinforce with verbal, appropriate domain-specific vocabulary
pictorial and symbolic representations
 discuss rooted misconceptions, coding
issues, unfamiliar terms/phrases
 apply appropriate domain-specific
vocabulary to communicate concepts

CURRICULUM CONTENT Form Two Term Two (cont’d)

Strand: 2.4 Geometry

Topic: 2.4.1 Coordinate Geometry
Learning Outcomes Suggested Teaching and Learning Suggested Assessment Strategies
Students will be able to: develop an understanding of the  use an atlas to investigate properties of a  students practice role-play, starting at
Cartesian Coordinate System positioning system relative to the the origin moving to another location in
equator and the Greenwich meridian a plane using a maximum of two
 collaborate in groups movements:
- to investigate hemispheres and - no horizontal or vertical displacement
quadrants in a Cartesian system - horizontal displacement only
- to navigate a Cartesian system using - vertical displacement only
grid lines - horizontal displacement followed by
 create a positioning system using vertical displacement
perpendicular number lines intersecting
at 0
 draw the carefully labelled Cartesian
system with scale, axes and origin locate points on the Cartesian plane  investigate reference system for locating  performance task - students engage in a
using a system of coordinates points on a grid/atlas homework exercise to practice locating
 guide discussion on reference systems points in the Cartesian system:
and their universal convention(s) - drawing and labelling the x and y axes

CURRICULUM CONTENT Form Two Term Two (cont’d)

Strand: 2.4 Geometry

Topic: 2.4.1 Coordinate Geometry
Learning Outcomes Suggested Teaching and Learning Suggested Assessment Strategies
Students will be able to:
 discuss how an ordered pair (x, y) can be - labelling the origin
interpreted in a Cartesian system - graduating axes using scales
 use google map to print a map of the - plotting points on the grid
school on a grid and allow students to  students complete graded exercises
locate rooms given specific coordinates using an interactive computer program state the coordinates of a point on  provide a variety of exercises for guided  performance task – use technology tools
the coordinate plane practice using different spaces produce a map of their own ‘Paradise
 engage students using an interactive Island’ on a Cartesian coordinate system
computer program to practice stating the and state the coordinates of at least ten
coordinates of points in a Cartesian tourist attractions
system plot points on the Cartesian plane  model the process before students begin  students complete graded exercises from
to work independently textbook or teacher designed worksheet
 review the concept of positive and  self-assess using technology tools
negative numbers (integers) and model (interactive computer program) - CAI
the placement of integers on the large-  pen and pencil test
scale number line

CURRICULUM CONTENT Form Two Term Two (cont’d)

Strand: 2.4 Geometry

Topic: 2.4.1 Coordinate Geometry
Learning Outcomes Suggested Teaching and Learning Suggested Assessment Strategies
Students will be able to:
 reinforce associated terminology when
discussing position relative to the x and
y axes, e.g.
- ‘right’/‘positive’
- ‘left’/‘negative’
- ‘up’/’positive’
- ‘down’/’negative’
 plot points to form/complete familiar
shapes or symmetrical designs so
students can easily self-monitor their
own progress

CURRICULUM CONTENT Form Two Term Two (cont’d)

Strand: 2.2 Sets, Relations & Functions

Topic: 2.2.4 Graphical Representation of Linear Equations and Linear Inequalities
Learning Outcomes Suggested Teaching and Learning Suggested Assessment Strategies
Students will be able to: interpret linear relations as graphs  guide practice in the use of language to  students generate examples of linear
on the Cartesian plane provide the bridge between the concrete relationships
representations of math and the more  performance task - students complete
abstract and symbolic forms graded exercises in their graph book
 model by ‘thinking aloud’ to guide
students in developing comprehension
strategies to summarise, elaborate, and
 engage students in activities to relate
what they know from past experiences to
their current learning, so that they can
associate what they learn with the larger
concept draw graphs on the Cartesian plane  students participate in activities and  teacher observation with checklist
make associations to activate prior  performance task - students complete
knowledge graded exercises in their graph book
 use technology tools to investigate

CURRICULUM CONTENT Form Two Term Two (cont’d)

Strand: 2.2 Sets, Relations & Functions

Topic: 2.2.4 Graphical Representation of Linear Equations and Linear Inequalities
Learning Outcomes Suggested Teaching and Learning Suggested Assessment Strategies
Students will be able to:
 independent practice to demonstrate
proficiency define linear relationships  provide examples to help transfer  oral questions
learning  students make entries in their journals
 investigate real world factors that are
associated using a linear relationship
 use graphing calculator to create models
 use questioning strategies that require
students to manipulate concepts and
ideas through language to describe
models represent relations arising from a  represent knowledge using a network of  graded exercise from textbook or
real world context in a variety of interrelated mathematical ideas: ordered worksheet
ways pairs, tables, arrow diagrams, and linear  performance task - students are given
graphs simple real world situations to create
 engage students in discussion for deeper linear models
understanding to develop inference

CURRICULUM CONTENT Form Two Term Two (cont’d)

Strand: 2.2 Sets, Relations & Functions

Topic: 2.2.4 Graphical Representation of Linear Equations and Linear Inequalities
Learning Outcomes Suggested Teaching and Learning Suggested Assessment Strategies
Students will be able to: draw graphs of simple linear  check for mastery of required skills  teacher observation using checklist
inequalities before advancing  performance task - students practice
 integrate skills and concepts: treat the x drawing graphs of the form :
and y axes as number lines, then - x > a, x ≥ a, x < a, x≤a
associate solutions on the number line - y > b, y ≥ b, y < b, y≤b
with a regions on the Cartesian plane where a, b ∈ Z
 solve simple linear inequalities in one  pen and pencil test
variable only, and represent them on the
Cartesian plane
 practice skills repeatedly applying
customised rubrics for specific sub-tasks

CURRICULUM CONTENT Form Two Term Two (cont’d)

Strand: 2.4 Geometry

Topic: 2.4.2 Transformations – Translations and Reflections
Learning Outcomes Suggested Teaching and Learning Suggested Assessment Strategies
Students will be able to: describe the concept of a  provide materials with diverse sensory  teacher observation using checklist
transformation attributes and allow students sufficient  students transform figures using
time and space to discover properties computer graphic software:
 perform transformation using virtual points, lines, plane shapes
manipulatives on the computer  students review key terminology by
 explore transformations using the Van creating a glossary in their journal:
Hiele model of Geometric thought congruency, orientation, vector,
 discuss key terminology and their translation, mirror line, reflection
meaning for translations and reflections, symmetry
in particular
 use graph paper to perform
transformations recognise the properties of  translate figures using computer  teacher observation using checklist
translations graphing software/drawing tools  students make entries in their journals
 explore translations using the Van Hiele stating the properties of translations

CURRICULUM CONTENT Form Two Term Two (cont’d)

Strand: 2.4 Geometry

Topic: 2.4.2 Transformations – Translations and Reflections
Learning Outcomes Suggested Teaching and Learning Suggested Assessment Strategies
Students will be able to: represent a translation on a  guide instruction  students make entries in their journals
coordinate plane  locate the coordinates of the object or describing an algorithm for performing a
the image given the ‘translation translation
directions’ and the coordinates of the
image or the object respectively describe a translation using a vector  use questioning strategies that require  teacher observation for use of
students to activate prior knowledge and mathematics language
mental manipulation  performance task - students complete a
 provide examples to help develop graded activity sheet to describe a
relational understanding between the translation in the coordinate plane using
𝑥 a translation vector, given the object and
form of a vector (𝑦), and coordinates of
the image
a point (x, y)
 use technology tools as an instructional
support to model concepts and scaffold

CURRICULUM CONTENT Form Two Term Two (cont’d)

Strand: 2.4 Geometry

Topic: 2.4.2 Transformations – Translations and Reflections
Learning Outcomes Suggested Teaching and Learning Suggested Assessment Strategies
Students will be able to: locate the position of an object or an  provide examples to help transfer  students complete a graded activity sheet
image given the translation vector learning to translate objects given the translation
 use technology tools to reinforce concept vector: points, lines, regular polygons
 guide practice in the use of language to
provide the bridge between the concrete
representations and the more abstract
and symbolic forms
 model by ‘thinking aloud’ the process recognize the properties of  reflect figures using computer graphing  teacher observation using checklist
reflections software/drawing tools  student make entries in their journals,
 explore translations using the Van Hiele stating the properties of reflections
model reflect an object in the coordinate  use questioning strategies that require  teacher observation using checklist
plane using horizontal and vertical learners to activate prior knowledge and  students make entries in their journals
mirror lines mental manipulation describing an algorithm
 provide examples to scaffold students in  performance task - students complete a
the application of strategies during graded activity sheet to reflect objects in
guided practice vertical and horizontal mirror lines
CURRICULUM CONTENT Form Two Term Two (cont’d)

Strand: 2.4 Geometry

Topic: 2.4.2 Transformations – Translations and Reflections
Learning Outcomes Suggested Teaching and Learning Suggested Assessment Strategies
Students will be able to:
 independent practice to demonstrate
 develop acrostics to aid memory in the
retrieval of algorithms state the coordinates of the object or  independent practice labelling and  performance task - students locate and
the image under in reflection in the stating the coordinates of the point state:
mirror line P(x, y) and its image P'(x1, y1) under a - the coordinates of the image given the
line of reflection and the coordinates of
 use technology tools as a virtual
the object
manipulative for reinforcement
- the coordinates of the object given the
line of reflection and the coordinates of
the image locate mirror line graphically  use manipulative to explore properties of  performance task - students locate, draw
reflections and label the mirror line for an object
 use technology tools as a virtual and its image
manipulative for reinforcement
 independent practice to demonstrate

CURRICULUM CONTENT Form Two Term Two (cont’d)

Strand: 2.5 Measurement

Topic: 2.5.1 Units of Measurement and Conversion of Units
Learning Outcomes Suggested Teaching and Learning Suggested Assessment Strategies
Students will be able to: identify the appropriate measuring  activate prior knowledge of relevant  performance task - students create a
instrument(s) for a given quantity concepts in measurement portfolio using measuring instruments
 present opportunities to build on found around the home
students’ inherent sense of curiosity and  quiz - students match measuring
discovery instruments with quantities
 visit the science laboratory and
investigate the different types of
measuring instruments
 use a STREAM approach to explore
phenomena in the environment and
discuss their measurable attributes
 differentiate among instruments used for
measuring a unique quantity e.g.
length – ruler, tape measure, Vernier
calliper, micrometre screw gauge
Trundle wheel etc.

CURRICULUM CONTENT Form Two Term Two (cont’d)

Strand: 2.5 Measurement

Topic: 2.5.1 Units of Measurement and Conversion of Units
Learning Outcomes Suggested Teaching and Learning Suggested Assessment Strategies
Students will be able to: identify the most appropriate unit  visit the science laboratory and  performance task - students create a
for measuring a given quantity collaborate in groups to measure portfolio matching units and quantities
quantities e.g. time, length, area, using measuring objects found in their
capacity, mass and temperature home environment
 small group discussion to verify
concepts using supporting information
from alternative sources for
 select and use appropriate units and tools
to measure quantities to a specified
degree of accuracy read and interpret scales accurately  present situations in real world contexts  performance task - students visit the
where accuracy in measurement is science laboratory and work in groups
important reading different measuring instruments
 investigate how scales are graduated  teacher observation using checklist
 differentiate instruction to cater for
heterogeneous levels of student ability
and skill

CURRICULUM CONTENT Form Two Term Two (cont’d)

Strand: 2.5 Measurement

Topic: 2.5.1 Units of Measurement and Conversion of Units
Learning Outcomes Suggested Teaching and Learning Suggested Assessment Strategies
Students will be able to:
 use questioning strategies to connect the
degree of error and the degree of
 read scales on measuring instruments
stating their degree of error measure quantities to a given degree  activate prior knowledge of use of the  performance task - measure quantities to
of accuracy protractor a specified degree of accuracy using the
 model the process before students begin appropriate SI unit of measure for
to work independently length, area, capacity, mass, temperature
 use technology tools as an instructional and time on the 24-hour clock
support to explain, model, scaffold, and
guide practice
 student self-assess (self-monitor) using a
customised math error self-correction
 independent practice to demonstrate

CURRICULUM CONTENT Form Two Term Two (cont’d)

Strand: 2.5 Measurement

Topic: 2.5.1 Units of Measurement and Conversion of Units
Learning Outcomes Suggested Teaching and Learning Suggested Assessment Strategies
Students will be able to: convert from one set of units to  develop conversion in the metric system  performance task - use technology tools
another within the metric system using the denary system to create ready reckoners
 use questioning strategies that require  teacher observation using a checklist
learners to activate prior knowledge and  mental quiz
mental manipulation  pen and pencil test
 present opportunities to build on
students’ inherent sense of curiosity and
 collaborate in groups to derive possible
solutions to the problem convert quantities from one system  review the importance of standardized  performance task - use technology tools
of measure to another using the measure to create ready reckoners
unitary method  compare measures using measuring  performance task - rewrite a simple
recipe from imperial measure using
instruments graduated in metric and
metric measure
imperial systems
 performance task - use graded exercises
 model by ‘thinking aloud’ the process in to compare quantities to include other
the application of an algorithm metric and imperial systems of units

CURRICULUM CONTENT Form Two Term Two (cont’d)

Strand: 2.5 Measurement

Topic: 2.5.1 Units of Measurement and Conversion of Units
Learning Outcomes Suggested Teaching and Learning Suggested Assessment Strategies
Students will be able to:
 collaborate using instruments to create a
conversion chart for measure, e.g.
degree  revolution
centimetre  inch
metre  yard
kilometre  mile
gram  ounce
kilogram  pound
litre  gallon
Celsius  Fahrenheit
 to practice estimation in conversion convert the units for area  introduce the concept embedded in a  students make entries in their journals
context using a STREAM approach describing an algorithm
 model by ‘thinking aloud’ the process in  performance tasks - use technology tools
the application of an algorithm to create a conversion chart for,
 collaborate in groups to develop and mm²  cm², mm²  m², cm²  m²,
algorithm for conversion m²  km²
 independent practice  pen and pencil test

CURRICULUM CONTENT Form Two Term Two (cont’d)

Strand: 2.5 Measurement

Topic: 2.5.2 Circles
Learning Outcomes Suggested Teaching and Learning Suggested Assessment Strategies
Students will be able to: identify the parts of a circle and  complete a chart, defining the parts of  create a graphic organiser using a word
their relations the circle processor and drawing tools
 describe the parts of the circle using
mathematical terminology derive the numerical value of pi  measure the circumference and diameter  performance task - students describe a
of different circles with string and ruler, task for determining the approximate
then investigate the relationship between value of 𝜋, in their journals
circumference and diameter derive the formula for the  develop the formula for the  performance task - students use
circumference of a circle circumference of a circle: investigation with circular objects in
- Measure the circumference their environment
- Measure the diameter
- Calculate the ratio, =𝜋
- State the relation between
circumference, diameter and 𝜋, with
circumference as the subject

CURRICULUM CONTENT Form Two Term Two (cont’d)

Strand: 2.5 Measurement

Topic: 2.5.2 Circles
Learning Outcomes Suggested Teaching and Learning Suggested Assessment Strategies
Students will be able to: use the formula for the  apply substitution skills to the formula  students complete an online task
circumference of a circle C = D 𝜋 or C = 2 𝜋r to calculate the  students complete graded exercises from
unknown value of the circumference, textbook or teacher designed worksheet
diameter, or radius of a circle
 practice using calculator for computation estimate the circumference of a  estimate the length of the diameter, then  self-assess using technology tools - CAI
circle multiply by the factor 3  mental quiz using diagrams

 practice estimation skills derive the formula for the area of a  evaluate and integrate multiple sources  performance task - students make
circle of information journal entries with supporting
 explore transformations of an irregular diagrams, showing the derivation of the
shape into a familiar shapes e.g. cut a area of a circle
circle into equal sectors and transform
into a parallelogram
 analyse and evaluate the mathematical
thinking and strategies of others

CURRICULUM CONTENT Form Two Term Two (cont’d)

Strand: 2.5 Measurement

Topic: 2.5.2 Circles
Learning Outcomes Suggested Teaching and Learning Suggested Assessment Strategies
Students will be able to: use the formula for the area of a  apply substitution skills to the formula  performance task - graded exercises
circle A = 𝜋r to calculate the unknown value
from textbook and worksheet
of the area, radius or diameter of a circle  paper and pencil test
 practice using calculator for computation estimate area of a circle  use a variety of methods to approximate  students make entries in their journals to
the area of a circle describe the method of estimation used
 estimate the area of a circle using a grid  mental quiz
to count squares and ½ squares
 show that squaring a diameter is an
approximation for area solve problems involving circles  use group activities to solve problems  paper and pencil test
which will develop reasoning skills
involving area and circumference of a

CURRICULUM CONTENT Form Two Term Two (cont’d)

Strand: 2.5 Measurement

Topic: 2.5.3 Area and Perimeter of Compound Shapes
Learning Outcomes Suggested Teaching and Learning Suggested Assessment Strategies
Students will be able to: recognise the conservation of area  design and sketch compound shapes: cut  performance task - students work in
out plain shapes from compound shapes; groups
calculate area of each shape; add up  teacher observation using checklist
areas represent compound shapes as the  guide instructions for individual activity  students make entries in their journal
union of plane shapes  practice using tangrams to develop
spatial skills
 apply spatial skills to reconstruct
compound shapes using different sets of
plane shapes calculate the area of a compound  practice using tangrams to develop  performance task - students transform a
plane shape spatial skills compound shape into two or more
 reconstruct compound shapes into a set standard plane shapes, calculate the
of smaller shapes, then use familiar areas, then sum the areas
methods to calculate areas using known  attempt graded exercises from textbook
lengths and worksheet

CURRICULUM CONTENT Form Two Term Two (cont’d)

Strand: 2.5 Measurement

Topic: 2.5.3 Area and Perimeter of Compound Shapes
Learning Outcomes Suggested Teaching and Learning Suggested Assessment Strategies
Students will be able to: use logic and reasoning to make and  present situations for investigation  presentations - students collaborate to
support conjectures about regular  collaborate to investigate and discuss conduct investigations, document
geometrical shapes ideas for research (e.g., area of a findings in their journals, then make
rectangle is twice the area of a triangle) presentations to their peers
 conduct research online calculate the area of compound  activate prior knowledge of area of plane  students complete graded exercises from
shapes involving triangles, shapes textbook or worksheet
quadrilaterals, circles and circle  use Polya’s problem solving strategies  self-asses using technology tools - CAI
quadrants  collaborate in groups to derive possible
solutions to problem situations calculate the perimeter of compound  identify the actual edges of the  performance task - students work in
shapes involving triangles, compound shape by tracing the length of groups to select a set of compound
quadrilaterals, circles and circle each edge of the compound shape shapes, then present at least two
quadrants  differentiate between the actual edges of strategies for determining the perimeter
the compound shape versus the edges of  pen and pencil test
its combined parts
 explore strategies for determining
unknown lengths of sides

CURRICULUM CONTENT Form Two Term Two (cont’d)

Strand: 2.5 Measurement

Topic: 2.5.3 Area and Perimeter of Compound Shapes
Learning Outcomes Suggested Teaching and Learning Suggested Assessment Strategies
Students will be able to: solve problems involving estimates  attempt graded exercises in the textbook  peer assessment using model solutions
of perimeter and area, including or worksheet  paper and pencil test
finding the dimensions of a shape,
given its perimeter

CURRICULUM CONTENT Form Two Term Two (cont’d)

Strand: 2.5 Measurement

Topic: 2.5.4 Volume and Capacity of Prisms
Learning Outcomes Suggested Teaching and Learning Suggested Assessment Strategies
Students will be able to: classify solids  questioning strategies to elicit critical  game - students are placed in groups and
analysis and evaluation by students quizzed
 discuss the properties of solids then
classify solids according to their
 compare and contrast prisms and
 collaborate to create a glossary of terms  performance task - students work in describe the properties of solids
used to describe the attributes of solids groups to develop a table of properties
e.g. surface, height, edge, vertex, cross- for regular solids
section  observation - teacher observes students
working in groups recognise the relationship between  use standard solids of various sizes to fill  students make entries in their journals to
the concepts of volume and capacity empty vessels distinguish between the concepts
 use a variety of containers to measure
 read a scale to determine capacity
 demonstrate the relationships in a variety
of ways

CURRICULUM CONTENT Form Two Term Two (cont’d)

Strand: 2.5 Measurement

Topic: 2.5.4 Volume and Capacity of Prisms
Learning Outcomes Suggested Teaching and Learning Suggested Assessment Strategies
Students will be able to: calculate the volume of solids  guide students to generate a rule for  students complete graded exercises in
calculating volume of cubes and cuboids textbook or worksheet
 stack unit cubes to form cubes and  self-assess using technology tools - CAI
cuboids  pen and pencil test
 explore the properties of solids to
generate a rule for finding the volume of
a cylinder and other prisms estimate the volume of solids  collaborate to work in groups and  students complete graded exercises in
discuss textbook or worksheet
 estimate the unknown volume of objects  self-assess using technology tools - CAI
by making comparisons with known  mental quiz
standards, given the volume of an object solve problems involving volume  develop a worksheet with graded  students complete graded exercises in
and capacity activities and model answers textbook or worksheet
 paper and pencil test

CURRICULUM CONTENT Form Two Term Two (cont’d)

Strand: 2.5 Measurement

Topic: 2.5.5 Problem Solving involving Rate, Ratio and Proportion
Learning Outcomes Suggested Teaching and Learning Suggested Assessment Strategies
Students will be able to: explain the concepts of  introduce the concepts embedded in a  performance task - students review the
(a) rate context concept and log their description in their
(b) ratio  develop concepts as comparisons of like journals
(c) proportion and unlike quantities  teacher reviews description for
 use questioning strategies that require appropriate domain-specific vocabulary
critical analysis of concepts  draw a concept map using a graphic
 small group discussion to verify organiser
concepts using supporting information
from alternative sources for
corroboration use proportion techniques  provide examples of problem solving in  complete graded exercises in textbook or
real world contexts using ratio and worksheet
proportion techniques
 work in pairs to investigate and analyse
situations in real world contexts
involving ratio and proportion
 guide students in activities with the
application of proportion

CURRICULUM CONTENT Form Two Term Two (cont’d)

Strand: 2.5 Measurement

Topic: 2.5.5 Problem Solving involving Rate, Ratio and Proportion
Learning Outcomes Suggested Teaching and Learning Suggested Assessment Strategies
Students will be able to: develop the relationship between  engage in practical activities:  record keeping – use a stop watch to
time, speed and distance - measuring distances, track personal running rate
- measuring time using stopwatches to
record time in seconds or minutes
 develop the concept of speed as a rate
 collect real data and discuss situations
involving speed, comparing the distance
covered with time taken
 use questioning strategies to derive a
unit for speed rearrange the formula for time,  paired problem-solving: one student  teacher observation with checklist
speed and distance talks through the problem, describing his  students make entries in their journal
thinking processes while his partner - writing distance as speed multiplied by
listens and asks questions to help clarify time
thinking and vice versa - writing time as distance divided by
 model by ‘thinking aloud’ the process to speed
focus attention on the strategy used  quiz to reinforce the relationships
 practice changing the subject using the between distance, speed and time
balance method
CURRICULUM CONTENT Form Two Term Two (cont’d)

Strand: 2.5 Measurement

Topic: 2.5.5 Problem Solving involving Rate, Ratio and Proportion
Learning Outcomes Suggested Teaching and Learning Suggested Assessment Strategies
Students will be able to: apply the formula for calculating  compute unknown quantities by  students make entries in their journals,
time, speed and distance substituting values into the formula writing speed as distance divided by
 practice substituting arbitrary units for a time
given quantity apply a variety of direct proportion  perform group activity  use information about self to analyse:
techniques - convert arbitrary units for speed - status of health
- write speed as distance per unit time - athletic potential
- use speed and time to calculate
distance by direct proportion solve a variety of problems  use real world contexts to create  peer assessment using model solutions
involving time, distance and speed problems  paper and pencil test
 attempt exercises from textbook and

CURRICULUM CONTENT Form Two Term Two (cont’d)

Strand: 2.5 Measurement

Topic: 2.5.6 Consumer Arithmetic
Learning Outcomes Suggested Teaching and Learning Suggested Assessment Strategies
Students will be able to: calculate the total Hire Purchase  guide discussion with megastore  students make entries in their journals
price advertisements with items on sale for  worksheet for homework assignment
Hire Purchase
 discuss how hire purchase is calculated
 conduct role play allowing students to
virtually sell items on hire purchase
 discuss the advantages and
disadvantages of purchasing on hire
purchase apply the terminology of salary and  discuss different careers and their terms  presentation - students are given
wage of remuneration situations with different conditions and
 students role play to create a payroll for required to present the situation which
their virtual employees provides optimal benefits
 engage students in activities which guide  students complete worksheet to solve
them to distinguish among the terms: problems involving wages and salaries,
wages, hourly rate, minimum wage, overtime and commission
overtime, basic salary, piece work,

CURRICULUM CONTENT Form Two Term Two (cont’d)

Strand: 2.5 Measurement

Topic: 2.5.6 Consumer Arithmetic
Learning Outcomes Suggested Teaching and Learning Suggested Assessment Strategies
Students will be able to:
salary and commission.
 allow students to create a glossary of
terms daily, monthly, yearly, fortnight,
basic wage, double time, triple time,
time and a half, commission, duration of
work, incentive bonus
 discuss the advantages and
disadvantages of working for:
- wages with tips
- salary with commission
- fixed salary explain the concept of percent  develop percent as a ratio by comparing  performance task - students complete
a quantity to one hundred table to calculate the percentages of
 distinguish between percent and given quantities
percentage  paper and pencil test
 investigate percent as a part and a whole
- between 0% and 1%

CURRICULUM CONTENT Form Two Term Two (cont’d)

Strand: 2.5 Measurement

Topic: 2.5.6 Consumer Arithmetic
Learning Outcomes Suggested Teaching and Learning Suggested Assessment Strategies
Students will be able to:
- greater than 100%
- equivalence with fractions increase or decrease a number by a  discuss with students how to increase or  students complete textbook exercises or
given percent decrease a number by a certain percent worksheet
 construct ready reckoners
 use numeracy strategies to develop skills
in performing calculations convert currency using rates  activate prior knowledge of rates  teacher uses checklist to assess collage
 collaborate to create a collage using  make a portfolio to include:
images of different currencies and their - history of development of foreign
notation exchange table
 interpret a foreign currency exchange - current table from newspaper
rate table and discuss strategies for - locate countries on the world map
converting different currencies - currency used in countries identified
 role-play monetary transactions using - budget for trips to two different
foreign currency to practise calculations countries
with exchange rates  group presentation

CURRICULUM CONTENT Form Two Term Two (cont’d)

Strand: 2.5 Measurement

Topic: 2.5.6 Consumer Arithmetic
Learning Outcomes Suggested Teaching and Learning Suggested Assessment Strategies
Students will be able to: use a table of rates to solve  calculate equivalent currency:  performance task - students collaborate
problems involving currency - using simple ratios and proportion in groups to prepare a purchase order for
conversion - using the unitary method items supplied from different countries
 use approximations in converting with different currencies
currency values by rounding to two  performance task – students convert the
decimal places individual costs on a list of items
 attempt exercises from textbook and purchased in one country to another
worksheet currency of another country solve problems involving rates:  attempt graded activity sheet with real  paper and pencil test
foreign exchange, salaries, wages world situations on consumer arithmetic
and utility bills


Form Two Term Three

Strand: 2.4 Geometry
Topic: 2.4.3 Angles, Triangles and Parallel lines
Learning Outcomes Suggested Teaching and Learning Suggested Assessment Strategies
Students will be able to: identify the exterior angle of a  engage students in activities to relate  students complete graded exercises
polygon what they know from past experiences to using an interactive computer program
their current learning, so that they can  oral quiz
associate what they learn with the larger  paper and pencil test
 engage students in activities to develop
their spatial skills
 independent practice to develop
proficiency calculate the size of an exterior  paired problem-solving: one student  students use the formula they have
angle given the size of the interior talks through the problem, describing his derived to solve for angles in triangles
angle thinking processes while his partner and quadrilaterals
listens and asks questions to help clarify
thinking and vice versa
 engage in problem-solving activities

CURRICULUM CONTENT Form Two Term Three (cont’d)

Strand: 2.4 Geometry

Topic: 2.4.3 Angles, Triangles and Parallel lines
Learning Outcomes Suggested Teaching and Learning Suggested Assessment Strategies
Students will be able to:
involving angles use the relationship between the  guided practice to develop broad-based  performance task -students complete a
exterior angle of a triangle and the mathematical abilities, including project to prove that the exterior angle is
opposite interior angles to solve discerning relationships, logical equal to the sum of the interior triangles
problems reasoning, and use of a wide variety of in a triangle
methods for solving new problems  students complete graded exercises
 model by ‘thinking aloud’ to focus using an interactive computer program
attention on the strategy used  mental quiz
 engage students in independent practice  paper and pencil test
to demonstrate classify the angles formed when  provide examples to help transfer  students make entries in their journals
parallel lines are cut by a transversal learning  oral quiz
 engage students in activities to develop  paper and pencil test - matching pairs of
their spatial skills angles
 engage students in activities to relate
what they know from past experiences to
their current learning, so that they can

CURRICULUM CONTENT Form Two Term Three (cont’d)

Strand: 2.4 Geometry

Topic: 2.4.3 Angles, Triangles and Parallel lines
Learning Outcomes Suggested Teaching and Learning Suggested Assessment Strategies
Students will be able to:
associate what they learn with the larger
 engage in compare and contrast
activities using a graphic organiser to
differentiate among types of angles use the angle relationships involving  engage in activities to develop their  students complete graded exercises
parallel lines cut by a transversal spatial skills using an interactive computer program
and angles of triangles to solve  independent practice to demonstrate  peer assessment using model solutions
problems proficiency  complete graded worksheet
 guided practice to develop broad-based  paper and pencil test
mathematical abilities, including
discerning relationships, logical
reasoning, and use of a wide variety of
methods for solving new problems

CURRICULUM CONTENT Form Two Term Three (cont’d)

Strand: 2.4 Geometry

Topic: 2.4.4 Geometric Drawings and Constructions
Learning Outcomes Suggested Teaching and Learning Suggested Assessment Strategies
Students will be able to: construct a line segment using ruler  model by ‘thinking aloud’ the process in  students perform a demonstration of the
and a pair of compasses the application of an algorithm task with explanations
 independent practice to demonstrate  teacher observation with checklist
proficiency  performance task - students complete
 practice using measuring instruments exercises in textbook or worksheet
with accuracy bisect a line segment  check for prior knowledge to verify  students perform a demonstration of the
mastery of a skill before advancing task with explanations
 differentiate instruction using CAI to  teacher observation with checklist
cater for heterogeneous levels of student  performance task - students complete
ability and skill exercises in textbook or worksheet
 practice skills repeatedly applying
customised rubrics for specific sub-tasks
 develop acrostics to aid memory
retrieval of algorithms use a pair of compasses and a  check for prior knowledge to verify  students perform a demonstration of the
straight edge to bisect an angle mastery of a skill before advancing task with explanations

CURRICULUM CONTENT Form Two Term Three (cont’d)

Strand: 2.4 Geometry

Topic: 2.4.4 Geometric Drawings and Constructions
Learning Outcomes Suggested Teaching and Learning Suggested Assessment Strategies
Students will be able to:
 differentiate instruction using CAI to  teacher observation with checklist
cater for heterogeneous levels of student  performance task - students complete
ability and skill exercises in textbook or worksheet
 practice skills repeatedly applying
customised rubrics for specific sub-tasks
 develop acrostics to aid memory
retrieval of algorithms create designs of simple plane  use manipulative to practice  students perform a demonstration of the
shapes and patterns in 2D related to manipulating plane shapes to build task with explanations
architecture and landscaping, using spatial skills  teacher observation with checklist
bisection of line segments and  use technology tools as an instructional  performance task - students complete
angles support to explain, model, scaffold, and graded exercises in textbook or
guide practice worksheet
 focus attention on strategy used
 independent practice to demonstrate

CURRICULUM CONTENT Form Two Term Three (cont’d)

Strand: 2.4 Geometry

Topic: 2.4.4 Geometric Drawings and Constructions
Learning Outcomes Suggested Teaching and Learning Suggested Assessment Strategies
Students will be able to: draw angles using a protractor  brainstorm what students already know  students perform a demonstration of the
about the topic task with explanations
 revisit mathematical concepts to  teacher observation with checklist
reinforce new skills  performance task - students complete
 practice using measuring instruments graded exercises in textbook or
with accuracy worksheet
 differentiate instruction to address the
variety of learning styles
 practice following an algorithm use ruler and a pair of compasses  model by ‘thinking aloud’ the activities  students perform a demonstration of the
only to construct standard angles, so that students can follow demonstrated task with explanations
which are multiples of 30º thinking processes  teacher observation with checklist
 provide examples to help develop  performance task - students complete
relational understanding graded exercises in textbook or
 present opportunities to build on worksheet
students’ inherent sense of curiosity and

CURRICULUM CONTENT Form Two Term Three (cont’d)

Strand: 2.4 Geometry

Topic: 2.4.4 Geometric Drawings and Constructions
Learning Outcomes Suggested Teaching and Learning Suggested Assessment Strategies
Students will be able to:
 apply mathematical reasoning processes,
skills and strategies to new situations
and problems construct an angle of equal size to a  students ‘think aloud’ to verbalize their  students perform a demonstration of the
given angle using a pair of thinking - by talking, writing, or drawing task with explanations
compasses the steps they used in solving a problem  teacher observation with checklist
 independent practice to demonstrate  performance task - students complete
proficiency graded exercises in textbook or
 focus attention on the strategy used worksheet

CURRICULUM CONTENT Form Two Term Three (cont’d)

Strand: 2.3 Statistics and Probability

Topic: 2.3.1 Statistical Analysis
Learning Outcomes Suggested Teaching and Learning Suggested Assessment Strategies
Students will be able to: interpret a frequency distribution  guide practice in the use of language to  performance task - students work in
provide the bridge between the concrete groups to collect raw data from
representations and the more abstract classroom environment and represent in
and symbolic forms a frequency table
 use questioning strategies that require
students to manipulate concepts and
ideas through language to describe
 collaborate in groups for scaffolding and
sharing of ideas calculate  guided instruction using frequency  self-asses using technology tools - CAI
(a) the mean; distributions to calculate the mean,  peer-assessment using worksheets with
(b) the median; median and mode model solutions
 mental quiz
(c) the mode  independent practice with the use of
 paper and pencil test
from a frequency distribution of technology tools e.g. spreadsheets for
ungrouped data checking

CURRICULUM CONTENT Form Two Term Three (cont’d)

Strand: 2.3 Statistics and Probability

Topic: 2.3.1 Statistical Analysis
Learning Outcomes Suggested Teaching and Learning Suggested Assessment Strategies
Students will be able to: explain the appropriateness of  check for prior knowledge to verify  students prepare a concept map for the
different measures of central mastery of concepts and skills before measures of central tendency
tendency in analysing a particular advancing  students prepare a report on the use of
set of data  present opportunities to build on measures of central tendency
students’ inherent sense of curiosity and  performance task - students analyse a
discovery data set and compare the measures of
 compare and contrast activities using a central tendency
graphic organiser identify data types in terms of  introduce new mathematical concepts  performance task - design a
nominal, ordinal, interval, ratio with a guiding question questionnaire to investigate different
 present situations to analyse the types of data
characteristics of different types of data
 compare and contrast using a graphic
organiser analyse data  collaborate to investigate and discuss  performance task - construct frequency
ideas for research tables using data collected from a
 present and justify conclusions, using questionnaire
summary statistics in the form of  presentation - justify conclusions based
frequency distributions on data analysis

CURRICULUM CONTENT Form Two Term Three (cont’d)

Strand: 2.3 Statistics and Probability

Topic: 2.3.2 Data Displays
Learning Outcomes Suggested Teaching and Learning Suggested Assessment Strategies
Students will be able to: describe ungrouped frequency  collaborate in groups to collect examples  students make entries in their journal
distribution of statistical data representing real world
 discuss methods of representing
statistical data in a tabular form differentiate between discrete and  use questioning strategies that require  performance task - draw a concept map
continuous data learners to activate prior knowledge and using a graphic organiser
mental manipulation  teacher reviews student product for
 introduce new mathematical concepts interrelated mathematical ideas
with a guiding question
 present situations to analyse the
characteristics of different types of data
 compare and contrast using a graphic
organiser construct statistical charts  practice using measuring instruments  students create charts using a variety of
(a) pie charts with accuracy data types provided by the teacher
(b) bar charts  activate prior knowledge of block graphs  portfolio - students prepare a selection of
(c) histograms and scales charts based on data collected

CURRICULUM CONTENT Form Two Term Three (cont’d)

Strand: 2.3 Statistics and Probability

Topic: 2.3.2 Data Displays
Learning Outcomes Suggested Teaching and Learning Suggested Assessment Strategies
Students will be able to:
(d) line graphs  student self-assess (self-monitor) using a  observation checklist to assess charts
customised math error self-correction and graphs
 develop acrostics to aid memory
retrieval of algorithms for construction
of charts identify appropriate means of  use questioning strategies that require  students make entries in their journals
representation for the different types students to manipulate concepts and  oral questioning
of data ideas through language to describe
 collaborate in groups for scaffolding
and sharing of ideas
 discuss and list the characteristics of
different types of statistical charts
 guided practice to represent knowledge
using a network of interrelated
mathematical ideas for representation

CURRICULUM CONTENT Form Two Term Three (cont’d)

Strand: 2.3 Statistics and Probability

Topic: 2.3.2 Data Displays
Learning Outcomes Suggested Teaching and Learning Suggested Assessment Strategies
Students will be able to: interpret information from pie  discuss attributes of discrete and  students formulate questions related to
charts, bar charts, histograms and continuous data the data in graphs and draw conclusions
line graphs  work in groups to collect samples of about the data
statistical charts representing real world  paper and pencil test on the
phenomena interpretation of data displays
 differentiate among the attributes of
statistical charts used to represent
discrete versus continuous data
 collaborate in groups for scaffolding and
sharing of ideas
 independent practice to demonstrate
recall, comparison and analysis use line graphs to define  provide examples to help transfer  students will be given data on a real
relationships and draw conclusions learning world sample to represent in a table,
 engage students in discussion for deeper draw a line graph and answer related
understanding to develop inference skills questions
 independent practice to demonstrate  group presentations
proficiency using real world data  peer evaluations
collected from their environment

Form Three Term One

Strand: 3.1 Number Operations and Number Theory
Topic: 3.1.1 Real Numbers and Number Bases
Learning Outcomes Suggested Teaching and Learning Suggested Assessment Strategies
Students will be able to: solve problems with real numbers  provide examples using a variety of  presentations of student constructed
involving the four operations problem solving strategies problems with model solutions
 cooperative learning to design and solve  paper and pencil test
problems involving real life scenarios identify irrational numbers in their  investigation - use interactive  journal writing (include examples of
decimal forms (as non- terminating technology to explore numbers in irrational numbers)
decimals) quotient form and in decimal form  self-assessment/peer-assessment
 peer coaching - students discuss with a
partner, giving examples of irrational
numbers approximate the value of irrational  guided demonstration of approximation  self-assess using interactive software
numbers between 1 and 100 to four technique  paper and pencil test
significant figures  independent practice using teacher
designed exercise

CURRICULUM CONTENT Form Three Term One (cont’d)

Strand: 3.1 Number Operations and Number Theory

Topic: 3.1.1 Real Numbers and Number Bases
Learning Outcomes Suggested Teaching and Learning Suggested Assessment Strategies
Students will be able to: identify the subsets of the set of real  model the desired outcome  students prepare a project report
numbers: rational numbers, integers,  students use an activity to categorize  oral questioning by peers about the types
whole numbers, natural numbers, numbers into subsets according to of numbers, and the relationships among
and irrational numbers common properties and name each them
subset  students create a graphic organiser represent the relationship between  use computer graphing software to  journal entries showing illustrations of
subsets of the set of real numbers construct a visual representation of the the concepts
(a) on the number line relationships among subsets  peer assess using teacher designed
(b) using a number tree  draw Venn diagrams to represent the worksheet with model solutions
(c) using Venn Diagrams relationships between different sets of  paper and pencil test
numbers calculate the sums and differences  activate prior knowledge of the denary  peer assess using teacher designed
of numbers in base 2 and base 3 system (base 10) worksheet with model solutions
 demonstrate a variety of techniques for  paper and pencil test
addition and subtraction
 students collaborate in small groups to
practice adding and subtracting numbers
 independent practice to develop

CURRICULUM CONTENT Form Three Term One (cont’d)

Strand: 3.5 Measurement

Topic: 3.5.1 Area and Perimeter of Compound Shapes Involving Parts of the Circle
Learning Outcomes Suggested Teaching and Learning Suggested Assessment Strategies
Students will be able to: interpret formulae related to the  activate prior knowledge: parts of a  oral questioning to assess student
circle: circle, calculation of circumference and understanding
(a) length of an arc of a circle area of a circle, operations with fractions,  performance task - students create a
(b) area of a sector of a circle substitution poster to display the formulae using
 use instructional materials to review appropriate illustrations for support
known formulae for circles  journal entries describing the concepts
 use questioning techniques accompanied
by manipulatives and models to develop
the formula
 engage students in discussion for deeper
understanding to develop inference skills
 provide examples to help transfer
learning apply formulae related to the circle:  scaffold exercises to include  self-assess using technology tools - CAI
(a) calculate the length of an arc of manipulatives, then transition to  complete a graded exercise from
a circle symbolic representation only textbook or worksheet
(b) calculate the area of a sector of  use problem situations to apply the skill  paper and pencil test
a circle in real world contexts
 independent practice in the application of
the formula to develop proficiency

CURRICULUM CONTENT Form Three Term One (cont’d)

Strand: 3.5 Measurement

Topic: 3.5.1 Area and Perimeter of Compound Shapes Involving Parts of the Circle
Learning Outcomes Suggested Teaching and Learning Suggested Assessment Strategies
Students will be able to: apply formulae to determine  activate prior knowledge: formulae for  students are asked to deduce strategies
measures of compound shapes perimeter and area of plane shapes for finding perimeter and area of
involving parts of the circle:  provide examples to help transfer compound shapes, then present their
(a) perimeter of a compound shape learning solutions to the class
(b) area of a compound shape  present 2-D drawings of compound  performance task - students complete
shapes from the real world and have the simple projects involving measurements,
students divide the shapes into the least e.g. determine costs involving compound
number of known simple shapes shapes involving parts of the circle
including sectors - fencing a space
 students collaborate to devise a strategy - tiling a space
to solve problems  self-assess using technology tools - CAI
 students calculate the area of the plane  paper and pencil test
shapes which contribute towards the
compound shape and sum them up to
obtain the area of a compound shape
 students evaluate each other’s work

CURRICULUM CONTENT Form Three Term One (cont’d)

Strand: 3.5 Measurement

Topic: 3.5.2 Surface Area and Volume of Prisms and Pyramids
Learning Outcomes Suggested Teaching and Learning Suggested Assessment Strategies
Students will be able to: calculate surface area of  use models and nets of solids to develop  self-asses using technology tools - CAI
(a) prisms (cube, cuboid, triangular the formulae  peer-assessment using model solutions
prism)  provide a variety of examples for  paper and pencil test to assess knowledge
(b) pyramids (cone included) cooperative learning using virtual of and use of formulae
 independent practice using manipulative calculate volume of  activate prior knowledge for volume  self-assess using online games/activities
(a) prisms  provide a variety of examples for  peer-assessment using model solutions
(b) pyramids cooperative learning using virtual  paper and pencil test
 independent practice using manipulative solve problems involving  problem solving activities (including  performance task - compile a portfolio of
(a) surface area Polya’s problem solving strategy) different problems with model solutions
(b) volume  model by ‘thinking aloud’ the process  self-asses using technology tools - CAI
 cooperative learning using virtual  peer-assessment using model solutions
learning environments  paper and pencil test

CURRICULUM CONTENT Form Three Term One (cont’d)

Strand: 3.5 Measurement

Topic: 3.5.3 Scales and Scalar Measurement
Learning Outcomes Suggested Teaching and Learning Suggested Assessment Strategies
Students will be able to: determine distances on maps and  activate prior knowledge: scale factor  oral questioning to assess student
models in accordance with a given  use questioning strategies to determine understanding
scale students’ understanding  performance task - e.g. students, in small
 investigate situations involving a scale groups, measure parts of the school
on a map, located in real world contexts environment and produce a map project
 cooperative learning to engage in report
practical activities involving scales,
using virtual learning environments create accurate 2-D drawings of  activate prior knowledge: congruency,  performance task - students compile a
simple geometric figures, charts, and similarity portfolio of well labelled drawings,
graphs, given a specific scale  teacher demonstration using indicating lengths and scale factor
requirement manipulatives  teacher observation using checklist and
 collaborative learning : student work in scoring rubric
small groups to produce 2-D drawings  paper and pencil test
from teacher designed activity
 guided practice using virtual learning
 independent practice using grid paper

CURRICULUM CONTENT Form Three Term One (cont’d)

Strand: 3.5 Measurement

Topic: 3.5.3 Scales and Scalar Measurement
Learning Outcomes Suggested Teaching and Learning Suggested Assessment Strategies
Students will be able to: create 3-D models of prisms from  activate prior knowledge: polygons, nets,  performance task - students compile a
nets solids portfolio of several prisms and their
 engage students in activities to develop corresponding nets
spatial skills  teacher observation using checklist and
 model the outcome using manipulatives scoring rubric
and technology tools
 independent practice to demonstrate
proficiency calculate the corresponding change in  activate prior knowledge: area, volume,  performance task - students describe in
a quantity for a given scale factor: ratio, proportion, squared and cubed their journals how measures are
(a) length values calculated given a scale factor for,
(b) area  questioning strategies to elicit critical - length
(c) volume analysis and evaluation by students - area
 engage students in discussion for deeper - volume
understanding to develop inference  paper and pencil test
 cooperating learning to compare
measurable attributes of similar plane
shapes and solids

CURRICULUM CONTENT Form Three Term One (cont’d)

Strand: 3.5 Measurement

Topic: 3.5.3 Scales and Scalar Measurement
Learning Outcomes Suggested Teaching and Learning Suggested Assessment Strategies
Students will be able to: use appropriate units and tools to  activate prior knowledge: linear measure,  teacher designed task with rubric to
measure quantities to a degree of area, volume, units of measurement, evaluate knowledge, comprehension and
precision, for problem-solving in a conversion of units, approximation reasoning skills
particular context  use authentic teacher designed activities
for student collaboration
 present opportunities to build on
students’ inherent sense of curiosity and
 use the STREAM approach for problem
solving tasks
 use of technology tools for simulations,
calculations, documentation

CURRICULUM CONTENT Form Three Term One (cont’d)

Strand: 3.4 Geometry

Topic: 3.4.1 Congruency
Learning Outcomes Suggested Teaching and Learning Suggested Assessment Strategies
Students will be able to: explain the concept of congruency  discussion of properties of real life  oral presentations
of triangles objects which are equal  performance task - journal writing:
 use manipulatives/models to identify explain the meaning of the term
properties of congruent triangles ‘congruency’ using diagrams
 guided instruction to lead students to
investigate the ratios of the lengths of
the corresponding sides of plane figures prove the congruency of triangles,  model by ‘thinking aloud’ activities so  oral discussion - students verbalize their
using the minimum conditions: that students can follow demonstrated thinking
(a) all corresponding sides are thinking processes  self-assessment/peer-assessment using
equal in length (SSS);  cooperative learning: provide a variety virtual learning environments
(b) corresponding sides and the of examples for students to practice  paper and pencil test
included angle are equal (SAS);  independent practice to develop
(c) pair of corresponding angles proficiency
and the included side are equal
 develop acrostics to summarise facts
and aid memory in the retrieval of such
(d) pair of corresponding angles
and a non-included side are
equal (AAS);
(e) right angle triangle: hypotenuse
and one side are equal (HS)
CURRICULUM CONTENT Form Three Term One (cont’d)

Strand: 3.4 Geometry

Topic: 3.4.1 Congruency
Learning Outcomes Suggested Teaching and Learning Suggested Assessment Strategies
Students will be able to: apply the properties of congruency  problem-solving (including Polya’s  performance task - identify the application
in triangles problem solving approach) of congruent triangles in a real world
(a) to explain simple shapes and  demonstrate in a variety of ways with a situation and solve problems using the
patterns; variety of examples application of the principle
(b) to solve problems  cooperative learning  graded exercises from textbook and
 oral presentations
 paper and pencil test

CURRICULUM CONTENT Form Three Term One (cont’d)

Strand: 3.4 Geometry

Topic: 3.4.2 Similarity
Learning Outcomes Suggested Teaching and Learning Suggested Assessment Strategies
Students will be able to: explain the concept of similarity  activate prior knowledge: congruency,  performance task - journal writing to
proportion explain the meaning of the term
 present examples using concrete, visual ‘similarity’ using illustrations
and abstract representations  performance task - group presentations
 use technology tools to provide using posters to represent the concept
examples and non-examples of similar
objects in real world scenarios
 students are given similar pairs of plane
geometrical figures then observe and
compare their features to write a
definition of similarity
 guided instruction to lead students to
deduce that the ratio of lengths of
corresponding sides are in proportion, in
similar figures determine the conditions required  use manipulatives/models to investigate  teacher observation using checklist
for a set of triangles to be similar: properties of similar triangles  multimedia presentations of sets of
(a) all three pairs of corresponding  guided discussion using compare and similar triangles
angles are the same (AAA); contrast activities
CURRICULUM CONTENT Form Three Term One (cont’d)

Strand: 3.4 Geometry

Topic: 3.4.2 Similarity
Learning Outcomes Suggested Teaching and Learning Suggested Assessment Strategies
Students will be able to:
(b) pairs of corresponding sides are  provide a variety of examples for
in the same proportion (SSS in students to identify similar triangles,
same proportion); working in small groups
(c) two pairs of sides in the same (include non-examples as well)
proportion and the included
angle equal (SAS); deduce whether triangles are  use questioning strategies (to lead  journal writing (describe condition for
similar, given information about students to discover that the ratios of the triangles to be similar)
their angles and sides lengths of the corresponding sides are in  complete a teacher designed worksheet
proportion) which requires students to match similar
 model by ‘thinking aloud’ the process triangles
 provide examples for students to transfer
learning apply the properties of similar  problem-solving (including Polya’s  self-asses using technology tools - CAI
triangles to solve problems problem solving approach)  peer assessment using model solutions
 model by ‘thinking aloud’ the process  oral presentations
 cooperative learning  paper and pencil test

CURRICULUM CONTENT Form Three Term One (cont’d)

Strand: 3.4 Geometry

Topic: 3.4.2 Similarity
Learning Outcomes Suggested Teaching and Learning Suggested Assessment Strategies
Students will be able to: explain the concept of a scale factor  activate prior knowledge: ratio,  oral questioning to determine levels of
conversion of units of measure understanding of the concept
 explore real world situations where scale  students describe the concept in their
factors are used: maps, drawing plans, journals, using illustrations
microscopes, cameras, copiers, etc.
 compare and contrast activities with
lengths, similar plane figures and solids
 working cooperatively students state the
definition of a scale factor explain the concept of an  activate prior knowledge: scale factor  oral questioning to determine levels of
enlargement similarity, transformation understanding of the concept
 compare and contrast activities with  students describe the concept in their
reflections, translations and
journals, using illustrations
 students investigate the concept in real
life situations e.g. using magnifying
lens, projector, font size in word
processing, zoom features on a copier

CURRICULUM CONTENT Form Three Term One (cont’d)

Strand: 3.4 Geometry

Topic: 3.4.2 Similarity
Learning Outcomes Suggested Teaching and Learning Suggested Assessment Strategies
Students will be able to:
 associate terminology with the concept:
- enlargement about a point
- centre of enlargement apply the properties of enlargement  use graph paper for representation of  teacher observation of journal entries
of plane geometrical figures to solve models of plane figures  performance task - project report and/or
problems (positive scale factors  use simple plane shapes for students to oral presentations: students work in
only) investigate the relationship between the groups to draw a plan of their school
areas of the object and image under an using computer drawing tools, and present
enlargement it to their classmates
 use simple examples of enlargements,  paper and pencil test
double and triple, to relate to a scale
 use graded activity sheet with guided
instructions for students to investigate
instances where scale factors are whole
numbers or fractions
 students solve a variety of problems
involving enlargements, using similar
CURRICULUM CONTENT Form Three Term One (cont’d)

Strand: 3.4 Geometry

Topic: 3.4.3 Right-Angled Triangles and Pythagoras Theorem
Learning Outcomes Suggested Teaching and Learning Suggested Assessment Strategies
Students will be able to: demonstrate understanding of  activate prior knowledge: hypotenuse,  performance task - investigation and
Pythagoras theorem congruency, similarity written report including description of
 investigate Pythagoras Theorem using Pythagoras’ Theorem
technology tools for simulations,  group presentations on findings of
documentation and reporting relationships among sides in right angled
 explore possible relationships between triangles
the lengths of the sides, and deduce that  teacher observation of performance tasks
linear relationships are not possible and journals to assess the level of
 explore squared relationships by placing understanding of concepts, and the
square cut-outs on each side of the representation of ideas
triangle and deduce the relationship
among the sides of a right angled
 discuss the meaning of a squared length
as a measure of area
 use of guided discovery for students to
deduce the theorem

CURRICULUM CONTENT Form Three Term One (cont’d)

Strand: 3.4 Geometry

Topic: 3.4.3 Right-Angled Triangles and Pythagoras Theorem
Learning Outcomes Suggested Teaching and Learning Suggested Assessment Strategies
Students will be able to: apply Pythagoras theorem to  activate prior knowledge: order of  teacher observation of note book entries
determine lengths of sides in the operations, inverse operations  worksheet with teacher designed
right angled-triangle  graded exercises from textbooks and activities
 independent practice model real world situations using  use of practical situations for students to  self-asses using technology tools - CAI
Pythagoras theorem, in order to create and solve problems, finding  peer-assessment using teacher designed
solve problems missing lengths of sides of right-angled worksheet with model answers
triangles  pen and paper test
 cooperative learning to develop problem
solving strategies including Polya’s
problem solving approach
 use of calculator to simplify complex
calculations, and approximations

CURRICULUM CONTENT Form Three Term One (cont’d)

Strand: 3.4 Geometry

Topic: 3.4.4 Trigonometric Ratios
Learning Outcomes Suggested Teaching and Learning Suggested Assessment Strategies
Students will be able to: explain the concept of a  activate prior knowledge: right-angled  oral questioning to determine students’
trigonometric ratio triangle, similar triangles, ratio, understanding of the concept
equivalent fractions  performance task - create posters to
 investigate corresponding angles of illustrate concepts
similar right-angled triangles to explore  paper and pencil test - multiple choice
the relationship between an angle and
the ratio of two sides in a triangle
 explore the reasoning underlying
trigonometric ratios
 provide examples to help transfer
learning using virtual manipulatives state the three trigonometric ratios  students explore the words opposite and  teacher observation of journal entries
for the angle 𝜃: adjacent as they apply to real life and  paper and pencil test - matching exercise
𝑜𝑝𝑝𝑜𝑠𝑖𝑡𝑒 through discussion relate them to the
(a) sine 𝜃 =
ℎ𝑦𝑝𝑜𝑡𝑒𝑛𝑢𝑠𝑒 angles and sides of the triangle
𝑎𝑑𝑗𝑎𝑐𝑒𝑛𝑡  Students create a series of examples of
(b) cosine 𝜃 =
triangles with fixed angles and identify
(a) tangent 𝜃 = the adjacent and opposite sides
 independent practice for reinforcement
CURRICULUM CONTENT Form Three Term One (cont’d)

Strand: 3.4 Geometry

Topic: 3.4.4 Trigonometric Ratios
Learning Outcomes Suggested Teaching and Learning Suggested Assessment Strategies
Students will be able to: calculate a trigonometric ratio for an  activate prior knowledge: substitution  performance task - students work in
angle 𝜃, in a right-angle triangle:  provide examples to transfer learning groups using graded exercises from
(a) sine 𝜃  practice using calculator for complex textbook and worksheet

(b) cosine 𝜃 calculations and approximations  paper and pencil test

 independent practice to develop
(c) tangent 𝜃
proficiency apply trigonometric ratios to  activate prior knowledge: solving  self-asses using technology tools - CAI
calculate the length of a side in a equations, substitution  peer-assessment using checklist
right-angled triangle  guided practice to demonstrate  graded exercises from textbook and
application of the ratios worksheet
 teacher designed activity sheet with  paper and pencil test
graded exercises and model answers
 independent practice using ‘maths error’
checklist for reinforcement explain the concept of  activate prior knowledge: concept of an  performance task - produce journal
(a) angle of elevation angle entries to describe the concept with the
(b) angle of depression  discuss terminology related to the use of illustrations
concept: elevation, depression,  teacher observation of journal entries
horizontal, incline, decline and visual representations with checklist
CURRICULUM CONTENT Form Three Term One (cont’d)

Strand: 3.4 Geometry

Topic: 3.4.4 Trigonometric Ratios
Learning Outcomes Suggested Teaching and Learning Suggested Assessment Strategies
Students will be able to:
 provide concrete examples to transfer
 students explore their environment and
search the Worldwide Web to identify
contexts for the concepts
 students collaborate to state a definition
of the concept apply trigonometric ratios to solve  provide problems in real world contexts  self-assess using technology tools – CAI
for angles of elevation and involving angles of elevation and  peer-assessment using model solutions
depression depression to stimulate the students’  paper and pencil test
inherent sense of curiosity
 use questioning and discussion to guide
 provide exemplars to guide students
 students work collaboratively to
complete teacher designed activities and
compare solutions with model answers
 students focus on the strategy used

CURRICULUM CONTENT Form Three Term One (cont’d)

Strand: 3.4 Geometry

Topic: 3.4.5 Construction
Learning Outcomes Suggested Teaching and Learning Suggested Assessment Strategies
Students will be able to: use logic and reasoning to make and  use questioning to assess students  oral questioning
support conjectures about understanding of concepts  students make journal entries of theorems
geometrical shapes  teacher designed activities for the recall (along with proofs supported by
of facts and algorithms illustrations, where necessary)
 teacher designed tasks to allow students  paper and pencil test
to collaborate and investigate properties
so as to scaffold the development of their
understanding and reasoning
 guided discussion to link concepts construct triangles, when given:  discussion involving the use of  performance task - students perform a
(a) the lengths of three sides manipulatives (e.g. straws) to model demonstration of the task
(b) the lengths of two sides and the triangles to be constructed  teacher observation using a checklist
included angle  cooperative learning using virtual  paper and pencil test
learning environments
 independent practice construct,  use manipulatives to demonstrate  teacher observation using a check list
(a) parallel lines parallel and perpendicular lines  self-assessment/peer assessment using
(b) perpendicular lines  guided practice using technology tools technology tools
 cooperative learning to demonstrate the  teacher observation of notebook entries
procedure for their peers

CURRICULUM CONTENT Form Three Term One (cont’d)

Strand: 3.4 Geometry

Topic: 3.4.5 Construction
Learning Outcomes Suggested Teaching and Learning Suggested Assessment Strategies
Students will be able to: use lines, angles and the axes of  research/investigate using the World  presentations of research findings
reference to describe and represent Wide Web  paper and pencil test
direction (e.g. in using a  use technology tools to provide
navigational compass) information
 project-based learning apply the properties of equality of  provide examples to transfer learning  presentations of student constructed
angles and parallelism of sides to  demonstrate in a variety of ways using a models/project report
construct compound shapes variety of examples  teacher observation of journal entries
 project-based learning  paper and pencil test construct a circle,  teacher demonstration  performance task - teacher designed
(b) given the radius;  students use online tutorial - CAI worksheet with graded exercises
(c) given two chords  students focus on the strategy  paper and pencil test
 teacher observes students with a
checklist while the students perform the
task construct squares, rectangles, and  teacher demonstration  performance task - teacher designed
parallelograms, using given  students use online tutorial - CAI worksheet with graded exercises
information  students peer assess using a prepared  paper and pencil test
 worksheet
CURRICULUM CONTENT Form Three Term One (cont’d)

Strand: 3.4 Geometry

Topic: 3.4.5 Construction
Learning Outcomes Suggested Teaching and Learning Suggested Assessment Strategies
Students will be able to: construct regular polygons with up  review the construction of triangles and  performance task - students describe the
to 6 sides quadrilaterals process for constructing a regular
 use questioning and discussion for polygon, using illustrations, in their
developing the students’ reasoning journals
 extend known strategies to the  graded exercises from textbook or
construction of regular polygons using worksheet
ruler, compass and protractor.
 teacher designed worksheet with graded
problems relating to construction of a
variety of regular polygons. construct representations of 2-D  teacher demonstration  performance task - teacher designed
and 3-D geometric objects using  students focus on the strategy worksheet with graded exercises
geometrical instruments  teacher observes students with a  paper and pencil test
checklist while the students perform the
task draw representations of 2-D and  students use online tutorial - CAI  performance task - students use the
3-D geometric objects using  teacher observes students with a computer to prepare a portfolio of teacher
computer software checklist while the students perform the designed tasks
task  teacher observation of the process using a
checklist and rubric


Form Three Term Two

Strand: 3.5 Measurement
Topic: 3.5.4 Consumer Arithmetic
Learning Outcomes Suggested Teaching and Learning Suggested Assessment Strategies
Students will be able to: solve problems involving rates:  investigations of calculations in real  observation of students using scoring
(a) salaries world scenarios (e.g. how T&TEC rubric (simulations)
(b) wages determines the amount that is to be paid  oral presentations of findings from
(c) overtime for electricity used) investigations.
(d) utility bills (electricity and  guided discussion (use findings from  paper and pencil test
telephone) investigations to develop algorithms for
 simulations/role-play - students model
real world scenarios explain the concept of compound  activate prior knowledge: simple interest  performance task - students review the
interest  introduce the concept embedded in a concept and make entries in their journals
context to describe the concept
 provide examples to help transfer  paper and pencil test
 create a glossary of terms related to
compound interest

CURRICULUM CONTENT Form Three Term Two (cont’d)

Strand: 3.5 Measurement

Topic: 3.5.4 Consumer Arithmetic
Learning Outcomes Suggested Teaching and Learning Suggested Assessment Strategies
Students will be able to: calculate compound interest on  research/investigate how returns are  group presentations of returns on
different types of investments calculated in real world scenarios investments, including ‘best’ investment
(e.g. interest calculated on credit union option
loans, bank deposits, stock units, etc.)  performance task - compile a portfolio
 cooperative learning to develop and comprising examples of compound
practice the algorithms interest on investments
 problem based learning: students  paper and pencil test
determine the ‘best’ investment option
from a given selection solve problems involving compound  provide a variety of examples for  self-assessment/peer-assessment using a
interest students to practice teacher designed activity with model
 guided practice using Polya’s problem solutions
solving approach  paper and pencil test
 cooperative learning for scaffolding re:
problem solving in real world contexts
 independent practice for reinforcement

CURRICULUM CONTENT Form Three Term Two (cont’d)

Strand: 3.6 Algebra

Topic: 3.6.1 Solution of Linear Equations Involving Algebraic Fractions
Learning Outcomes Suggested Teaching and Learning Suggested Assessment Strategies
Students will be able to: solve linear equations involving  activate prior knowledge: order of  performance task - complete a teacher
algebraic fractions, where operations; inverse operations; solution designed worksheet
(a) numerator contains a single of simple linear equations  paper and pencil test
variable  guided practice for higher order thinking
(b) numerator contains a binomial  provide ‘wait time’ for independent
of degree one practice
with whole numbers only in the  cooperative learning
denominator solve problems with linear  problem solving activities (including  self-assess using technology tools - CAI
equations involving algebraic Polya’s problem solving strategy)  peer-assessment using a collection of
fractions  model by ‘thinking aloud’ the process problems and model solutions
 cooperative learning using virtual  paper and pencil test
learning environments
 discussion to develop technique

CURRICULUM CONTENT Form Three Term Two (cont’d)

Strand: 3.6 Algebra

Topic: 3.6.2 Solution of Linear Inequalities Involving Algebraic Fractions
Learning Outcomes Suggested Teaching and Learning Suggested Assessment Strategies
Students will be able to: solve linear inequalities involving  activate prior knowledge: fractions,  self-assess using technology tools - CAI
algebraic fractions inequalities  peer-assessment using a collection of
 guided practice problems and model solutions
 provide wait time for independent  paper and pencil test
practice represent solutions of linear  activate prior knowledge: number line,  self-assess using technology tools - CAI
inequalities involving algebraic coordinate geometry  peer-assessment using checklist
fractions  cooperative learning  paper and pencil test
(a) on the number line;
(b) on the Cartesian plane solve problems on linear  problem solving activities (including  performance task- compile a portfolio of
inequalities, from real world Polya’s problem solving strategy) different problems and their solutions
scenarios  model by ‘thinking aloud’ the process  self-assessment using a checklist
 cooperative learning using virtual  peer-assessment using a collection of
learning environments/virtual learning problems and model solutions
environments  paper and pencil test

CURRICULUM CONTENT Form Three Term Two (cont’d)

Strand: 3.6 Algebra

Topic: 3.6.3 Solution of Simultaneous Equations
Learning Outcomes Suggested Teaching and Learning Suggested Assessment Strategies
Students will be able to: explain the term ‘simultaneous  activate prior knowledge: linear  journal writing: describe concept, using
equations’ equations, graphs of linear equations examples
 investigate whether a pair of x and y  oral presentations - describe with
values satisfy two linear equations examples simultaneous equations
involving the variables
 provide problem situations to explore the
concept in a real world context
 investigate the concept symbolically,
using graphing calculators to investigate
the point of intersection for a pair of
linear equations model problems in real world  activate prior knowledge of  performance task - students complete
contexts using mathematical mathematical notations graded exercises from their textbook or
notation:  guide practice in the use of language to worksheet
(a) expressions; provide the bridge between the concrete  paper and pencil test
(b) equations; representations of math and the more
(c) systems of equations abstract and symbolic form
 provide examples of simultaneous
equations in real world contexts
 independent practice for proficiency

CURRICULUM CONTENT Form Three Term Two (cont’d)

Strand: 3.6 Algebra

Topic: 3.6.3 Solution of Simultaneous Equations
Learning Outcomes Suggested Teaching and Learning Suggested Assessment Strategies
Students will be able to: solve simultaneous equations by  demonstrate the processes using  performance task - students complete
methods of calculation: appropriately sequenced examples graded exercises from textbook or
(a) elimination  provide a variety of examples for guided worksheet
(b) substitution practice  self-assessment using a checklist
 cooperative learning using algorithms to  peer assessment using a collection of
determine an ordered pair that satisfies problems and model solutions
two linear functions simultaneously  paper and pencil test
 independent practice using teacher
designed activities solve problems using simultaneous  problem solving activities (including  performance task- compile a portfolio of
equations from real world scenarios Polya’s problem solving strategy) different problems and their solutions
 model by ‘thinking aloud’ the process  self-assessment/peer -assessment using on
 cooperative learning using virtual line activities
learning environments/virtual learning  paper and pencil test

CURRICULUM CONTENT Form Three Term Two (cont’d)

Strand: 3.2 Sets, Relations and Functions

Topic: 3.2.1 Venn Diagrams
Learning Outcomes Suggested Teaching and Learning Suggested Assessment Strategies
Students will be able to: display, using Venn diagrams, the  activate prior knowledge: Venn diagram,  performance task - students complete
relationship among the subsets of number theory graded exercises from textbook or
real numbers  use questioning strategies that require worksheet
students to manipulate concepts and  paper and pencil test
ideas using mathematics language
 provide examples to transfer learning
 explore the real number system using the
Venn diagram as a concept map solve problems involving set  activate prior knowledge: set notation  teacher observation of journal entries for
notation for subsets of the universal  guided demonstration to represent visual representations of solutions
set in the Venn diagram information accurately on Venn  paper and pencil test
 cooperative learning to investigate the
relationships among sets, both visually
and algebraically
 graded worksheet with Venn diagrams
involving two sets, with regions to
shade, or with shaded regions to identify

CURRICULUM CONTENT Form Three Term Two (cont’d)

Strand: 3.2 Sets, Relations and Functions

Topic: 3.2.1 Venn Diagrams
Learning Outcomes Suggested Teaching and Learning Suggested Assessment Strategies
Students will be able to: solve problems involving two  activate prior knowledge: sets, subsets,  performance task - students complete
subsets of the universal set using intersection of sets, disjoint sets, number worksheet using graphic organisers
Venn diagrams, to reflect: of elements in a set, double counting  performance task - students complete
(a) intersection of sets (review)  guided demonstration of the application graded exercises from textbook
(b) subsets of a set of the formula:  paper and pencil test
(c) disjoint sets n(A∪B) = n(A) + n(B) – n(A∩B)
 problem based learning: students
construct and solve problems involving
real world scenarios use Venn diagrams to determine, in  activate prior knowledge: ordered pairs,  oral questioning to assess students’
discrete cases, an ordered pair that relationship between linear functions understanding
satisfies two linear functions and sets, intersection of sets  performance task - students complete
simultaneously  use questioning and discussion to help graded exercises from textbook or
students deduce that an ordered pair may worksheet
be used to represent the point of  paper and pencil test
intersection of a two linear functions
 work cooperatively to complete teacher
designed activities
 independent practice for reinforcement

CURRICULUM CONTENT Form Three Term Two (cont’d)

Strand: 3.2 Sets, Relations and Functions

Topic: 3.2.2 Graphs of Linear Equations
Learning Outcomes Suggested Teaching and Learning Suggested Assessment Strategies
Students will be able to: verify that slope, gradient, and  provide opportunities for students to  portfolio - samples of slopes,
steepness all represent the same investigate slopes in the environment descriptions of slopes using various
concept  discussion about slopes to develop terms
meanings of ‘slope’ (‘gradient’ and  journal writing - description of slopes
‘steepness’) using illustrations
 cooperative learning (using graphing  group presentations on investigations of
grid on transparency, students slopes in the environment
superimpose pictures of slopes from the
environment, and identify and discuss
slopes of lines) calculate the gradient of a line  activate prior knowledge: ratio, directed  self-assessment /peer assessment using
segment, with end points A(𝑥1 , 𝑦1 ) numbers, substitution teacher designed worksheet – students
and B(𝑥2 , 𝑦2 )  guided practice to develop the algorithm: use rubrics to assess self/ each other in
𝑦2 − 𝑦1 𝑦1 − 𝑦2 pairs or small groups
𝑚 = =
𝑥2 − 𝑥1 𝑥1 − 𝑥2
 pen and paper test
 independent practice for reinforcement identify the slope of a straight line:  use questioning and discussion to assess  performance tasks - draw of straight
(a) positive slope students’ understanding of the concepts lines with positive and negative slopes
(b) negative slope  cooperative learning for compare and  teacher observation of notebook entries

CURRICULUM CONTENT Form Three Term Two (cont’d)

Strand: 3.2 Sets, Relations and Functions

Topic: 3.2.2 Graphs of Linear Equations
Learning Outcomes Suggested Teaching and Learning Suggested Assessment Strategies
Students will be able to:
contrast activities with straight lines
 independent practice using software to
generate straight lines with positive
and/or negative slopes explain the concept of parallel lines  investigate a variety of examples of lines  journal writing describing parallel lines
with the same gradient with illustrations
 explore the relationship between lines  teacher observation of notebook entries
which have the same slope  presentation of work using multi-media
 use questioning strategies to develop the  oral questioning
concept of ‘parallel lines’
 cooperative learning using technology
tools to draw lines of the same
slope/gradient and make comparisons explain the concept of the  guided discussion using graphical  journal writing to define the y-intercept
y-intercept of a straight line representation of straight lines to of a straight line
develop the concept of intercepts  oral presentation/questioning
 investigate the negative, zero and
positive values of the y-intercepts along
the y-axis
 independent practice

CURRICULUM CONTENT Form Three Term Two (cont’d)

Strand: 3.2 Sets, Relations and Functions

Topic: 3.2.2 Graphs of Linear Equations
Learning Outcomes Suggested Teaching and Learning Suggested Assessment Strategies
Students will be able to: state the equation of a straight line  guided practice representing the  self-assess using technology tools - CAI
given the gradient and y-intercept of equation in the form y = mx + c  peer-assessment using games
the line in the form y = mx + c  work cooperatively to complete teacher  mental quiz
designed worksheet  teacher designed worksheet represent linear relations as graphs  activate prior knowledge: relations on  performance task - students use real life
on the Cartesian plane, written in the Cartesian plane situations, develop linear relations and
any form  students practice rewriting equations of represent graphically
the form ax + by = k in the form  teacher designed worksheet
y = mx + c model real world situations using  teacher designed activities for problem  self-assessment/peer-assessment using
straight lines, in order to solve solving teacher designed worksheet and rubric to
problems  use a STREAM approach to model a real score each other in pairs or small groups
world situation  performance task - students complete a
 cooperative learning to develop project and present a documented report
strategies and produce model solutions of their findings to the class
to problems  paper and pencil test
 independent practice for developing

CURRICULUM CONTENT Form Three Term Two (cont’d)

Strand: 3.2 Sets, Relations and Functions

Topic: 3.2.3 Graphical Solutions to Simultaneous Equations
Learning Outcomes Suggested Teaching and Learning Suggested Assessment Strategies
Students will be able to: represent a pair of linear relations  activate prior knowledge: relations,  performance task - students use graphing
on the same Cartesian plane ordered pairs, Cartesian plane calculator to plot graphs
 cooperative learning: use technology  graded exercises from textbook and
tools to plot graphs of linear relations worksheet
 independent practice using graph paper  paper and pencil test
for reinforcement apply graphical methods to  activate prior knowledge: simultaneous  oral questioning - to interpret students’
determine an ordered pair that equations understanding of meaning of the point
satisfies two linear functions  discuss the solution to two linear of intersection
simultaneously equations whose graphs are given  group presentations on findings of real
 engage students in activities to relate life situations involving solutions to
what they know from past experiences to simultaneous equations
their current learning, so that they can  paper and pencil test

associate what they learn with the larger

 use of graphing calculators for
scaffolding tasks
 independent practice with graph paper

CURRICULUM CONTENT Form Three Term Two (cont’d)

Strand: 3.2 Sets, Relations and Functions

Topic: 3.2.3 Graphical Solutions to Simultaneous Equations
Learning Outcomes Suggested Teaching and Learning Suggested Assessment Strategies
Students will be able to: apply knowledge of the point of  collaborate in groups using exemplars to  teacher observation of student journals
intersection to solve a pair of linear model real world situations using using a checklist
simultaneous equations simultaneous equations and then  self-assess using technology tools - CAI
interpret the solution  paper and pencil test
 students focus on the strategies being
 independent practice using teacher
designed activities with model answers,
and a customised ‘maths error’ checklist


Form Three Term Three

Strand: 3.6 Algebra
Topic: 3.6.4 Laws of Indices
Learning Outcomes Suggested Teaching and Learning Suggested Assessment Strategies
Students will be able to: identify the base and the exponent  activate prior knowledge of factors and  journal writing using illustrations to
of a number written in index form, products explaining concept
b  provide examples to help transfer  mental quiz
learning evaluate expressions of the form b ,
 activate prior knowledge of directed  self-assess using technology tools - CAI
where b ∈ N and a ∈ W numbers using games (e.g. tic-tac-toe,  peer-assessment using an online
what do you know?) activity/games
 guided practice to develop algorithms  paper and pencil test
 cooperative learning to practice skill interpret the laws of indices  activate prior knowledge: product,  performance task - create a chart to
factor, quotient, numerator, denominator represent the laws of indices
 present examples for students to analyse  mental quiz
and evaluate  self-assess using technology tools - CAI
 discuss coding and syntax  peer-assessment using a checklist

CURRICULUM CONTENT Form Three Term Three (cont’d)

Strand: 3.6 Algebra

Topic: 3.6.4 Laws of Indices
Learning Outcomes Suggested Teaching and Learning Suggested Assessment Strategies
Students will be able to:

 students represent numbers as products

of prime factors
- recognizing numbers with repeated
- writing numbers in index form
 guided discovery using examples to
generate rules stated algebraically:
- 𝑎𝑛 × 𝑎𝑚 = 𝑎𝑚𝑛
- 𝑎𝑛 ÷ 𝑎𝑚 = 𝑎𝑛− 𝑚
- (𝑎𝑛 )𝑚 = 𝑎𝑛𝑚
- 𝑎0 = 1
- 𝑎− 𝑛 = 𝑎𝑛 apply the laws of indices to solve  problem solving activities including  performance task - students complete
problems Polya’s problem solving strategy graded exercises in textbook or worksheet
 develop acrostics to aid memory in the  paper and pencil test
retrieval of algorithms
 worksheet with graded activities

CURRICULUM CONTENT Form Three Term Three (cont’d)

Strand: 3.6 Algebra

Topic: 3.6.5 Simplifying Algebraic Expressions
Learning Outcomes Suggested Teaching and Learning Suggested Assessment Strategies
Students will be able to: evaluate binary expressions  activate prior knowledge: order of  self-assess using technology tools - CAI
operations, substitution technique,  peer-assessment using an online
directed numbers
 collaborate to peer-assess/peer-monitor
 self-assessment/peer-assessment, using
using a customised checklist for math
teacher designed worksheet with
error corrections
 independent practice to develop
 paper and pencil test
proficiency identify the LCM of two algebraic  activate prior knowledge: LCM concept  self-assess using technology tools - CAI
expressions  engage students in activities to relate  peer-assessment using an online
what they know from past experiences activity/games
to their current learning, so that they can
 paper and pencil test
associate what they learn with the larger
 paired problem-solving: one student
talks through the problem, describing
his thinking processes while his partner
listens and asks questions to help clarify
thinking and vice versa

CURRICULUM CONTENT Form Three Term Three (cont’d)

Strand: 3.6 Algebra

Topic: 3.6.5 Simplifying Algebraic Expressions
Learning Outcomes Suggested Teaching and Learning Suggested Assessment Strategies
Students will be able to: multiply two binomial expressions  activate prior knowledge of the  self-assess using technology tools - CAI
distributive law  peer-assessment using worksheets with
 discussion to develop the F.O.I.L model solutions
technique  paper and pencil test
 cooperative learning
 independent practice to develop
proficiency simplify a product when factors  activate prior knowledge using index  self-assess using technology tools - CAI
contain algebraic expressions with form in base 10  peer-assessment using interactive
common bases  provide a variety of examples using computer games/activities
concrete and symbolic representations  mental quiz
 peer coaching using teacher designed  paper and pencil test
activities simplify a quotient when numerator  teacher demonstrates how rational  self-assess using technology tools - CAI
and denominator contain algebraic algebraic expressions can be simplified  peer-assessment using worksheets with
expressions with common factors: using techniques as applied in arithmetic model solutions
(a) denominator is a monomial  provide a variety of examples using  paper and pencil test
(b) denominator is a linear concrete and symbolic representations
binomial  independent practice for reinforcement

CURRICULUM CONTENT Form Three Term Three (cont’d)

Strand: 3.6 Algebra

Topic: 3.6.6 Factorisation of Algebraic Expressions
Learning Outcomes Suggested Teaching and Learning Suggested Assessment Strategies
Students will be able to: factorise a binomial expression  activate prior knowledge: HCF,  self-assess using technology tools - CAI
(review lesson) commutative law and distributive law  peer-assessment using worksheets with
 explore the factorisation of numbers model solutions
using number trees and extend it to  mental quiz
algebraic expressions  paper and pencil test
 apply H.C.F. and the distributive law to
determine binomial factors
 cooperative learning using algebra tiles
 independent practice using graded
worksheet factorise algebraic expressions  provide examples to transfer learning  teacher observation of journal entries with
involving two, three and four terms  teacher demonstrates how the strategies checklist
for finding H.C.F. of a set of numbers  oral questioning of students while on task
can be applied to algebra  paper and pencil test
 students use the H.C.F. method to
factorise expressions in two and three
terms (not quadratic).
 guided instruction to group terms and
apply the distributive law an appropriate
number of times, with four terms

CURRICULUM CONTENT Form Three Term Three (cont’d)

Strand: 3.6 Algebra

Topic: 3.6.7 Quadratics
Learning Outcomes Suggested Teaching and Learning Suggested Assessment Strategies
Students will be able to: identify the form of the quadratic  activate prior knowledge: constant,  performance task - students complete
expression variable, coefficient, linear expression activities with manipulatives
 cooperative tasks involving use of cut-  teacher observation with checklist
out manipulative and algebra tiles for
concrete representations
 provide examples to transfer learning
 explore the difference of two squares as
a quadratic expression in each variable factorise quadratic expressions of  activate prior knowledge: factor,  performance task - complete graded
the form: binomial worksheet with the aid of the manipulative
(a) x2 + bx + c  engage in hand-on activities with cut-out  oral presentations of solutions
(b) a2 – b2 manipulative and algebra tiles for  teacher observation with checklist
concrete representation of the concept  mental quizzes on difference of two
 guided instruction to extend the squares and complete squares
distributive law to factorise expressions  paper and pencil test - multiple choice and
provide a variety of examples for free response
students to use ‘guess and check’
 independent practice using graded

CURRICULUM CONTENT Form Three Term Three (cont’d)

Strand: 3.6 Algebra

Topic: 3.6.7 Quadratics
Learning Outcomes Suggested Teaching and Learning Suggested Assessment Strategies
Students will be able to: differentiate between the quadratic  activate prior knowledge re: linear  journal writing using examples to describe
expression and the quadratic expressions and equations the difference between quadratic
equation  provide examples to transfer learning expression and quadratic equation
 use compare and contrast activities  oral presentations solve quadratic equations, using the  activate prior knowledge: solution of  self-assess using technology tools - CAI
method of factorisation, in the equations, factors, zero products  peer-assessment using worksheets with
form:  guided practice with model solutions model solutions
(a) x2 + bx + c = 0;  cooperative learning for peer assessment  paper and pencil test
(b) x – k = 0, k ∈ N, k is constant
2 2
using a customised checklist for math
 students collaborate to discover the form
of the factorisation for the difference of
two squares
 use the STREAM approach to model the
concept e.g. height, h, at time, t, along
the path of a projectile
 develop acrostics to summarise
strategies and aid memory in the
retrieval of algorithms

CURRICULUM CONTENT Form Three Term Three (cont’d)

Strand: 3.4 Geometry

Topic: 3.4.6 Polygons
Learning Outcomes Suggested Teaching and Learning Suggested Assessment Strategies
Students will be able to: develop the concept of a polygon  classify and name polygons by their  teacher observations with checklist and/or
through different modes: number of sides and angles rubric
(a) concrete  discuss the properties of a triangle, and  oral questioning
(b) representational extend the discussion to figures with four,
(c) abstract five or six sides and angles
 teacher identifies the equilateral triangle as
a ‘regular’ figure and students collaborate
to extend the concept to figures with four,
five, or six sides, using drawings and/or
constructions solve simple geometric problems  engage students in activities to develop  teacher observations with checklist and/or
involving polygons spatial skills to support their reasoning rubric
 derive the formula to calculate the sum of  oral questioning
the interior angles of a polygon of n sides  students complete graded exercise from
 solve simple problems involving missing textbook or worksheet
angles in polygons
 apply properties of straight lines, regular
figures and the sum of all interior angles,
to determine the size of each
interior/exterior angle in a regular polygon

Strand: 3.3 Statistics and Probability
Topic: 3.3.1 Introduction to Probability
Learning Outcomes Suggested Teaching and Learning Suggested Assessment Strategies
Students will be able to: investigate the outcome of an  conduct an experiment to investigate  performance task - small group
experiment the possible outcomes collaboration to design an experiment
 discuss and record results and investigate its outcome
 use dice, spinners, coins, random  student submits a report
selection to generate experimental data  group presentation
 understand concepts of certainty,
fairness explain the concept of probability  develop the concept as a ratio  students will state the definition of
 investigate the derivation of the probability in their journals
probability formula  students will justify the range of
 students participate in activities and probabilities for the occurrence of an
make associations to activate prior event
 model by ‘thinking aloud’ activities
so that students can follow
demonstrated thinking processes
 use questioning strategies that require
students to manipulate concepts and
ideas through language to describe
models explain basic terminology  collaborate using technology tools to  students make entries in their journals

Strand: 3.3 Statistics and Probability
Topic: 3.3.1 Introduction to Probability
Learning Outcomes Suggested Teaching and Learning Suggested Assessment Strategies
Students will be able to:
associated with probability develop a glossary of terms  multiple choice quiz
(a) event  guide practice in the use of language  oral presentations by small
(b) certainty to provide the bridge between the groups/pairs
(c) chance concrete representations of math and
(d) fairness the more abstract and symbolic forms
(e) possibility  investigate the relation between
(e) risk possibility and probability
 discuss situations which involve ‘risk’
and ‘chance’ and note their distinction
 discuss the characteristics of
games/activities that determine their
fairness apply the probability formula  explore real world situations which  self-assessment/peer-assessment -
can be measured using a ratio: using teacher designed worksheet and
Probability of an event rubric to score self/each other in pairs
No. of favourable outcomes or small groups
Total number of possible outcomes
 journal entry - explanation of formula
 independent practice using teacher for calculating probability of event
designed activities calculate the probability of an  compare the occurrence of events  worksheet comprising of questions

Strand: 3.3 Statistics and Probability
Topic: 3.3.1 Introduction to Probability
Learning Outcomes Suggested Teaching and Learning Suggested Assessment Strategies
Students will be able to:
event: using a ratio expressed in the form of a formulated by teacher/students
(a) that is certain to take place rational number  paper and pencil test
(b) that will not take place  students collaborate to develop a
variety of examples
 students complete a graded exercise
from textbook or worksheet
 independent practice demonstrating
proficiency demonstrate an understanding that  use questioning strategies that require  oral questioning to assess student
the probability of an event learners to activate prior knowledge understanding
occurring lies between 0 and 1 and stimulate logical reasoning  performance task - students make an
 investigate the range of values used to entry in their journal to explain the
represent the probability of all events reasoning behind the range of values
 deduce the range of values for the for probability
probability of an event occurring using
a variety of experiments state the probability of an event  guide practice in the use of language  students make entries in their journals
using mathematical notation to provide the bridge between the

Strand: 3.3 Statistics and Probability
Topic: 3.3.1 Introduction to Probability
Learning Outcomes Suggested Teaching and Learning Suggested Assessment Strategies
Students will be able to:
concrete representations of  students do an interactive online quiz
mathematics and the more abstract and for immediate feedback
symbolic forms
 represent the probability of an event A
occurring: P(A) = p, 0 ≤ p ≤ 1
 represent the probability of an event A
not occurring: P(A') = 1 – p, 0 ≤ p ≤ 1
 independent practice demonstrating
proficiency identify real world situations  integrate topics and concepts: decision  group presentation
where probability is used in trees, chance, probability
decision making  investigate STREAM activities to
make connections with other
disciplines in real world contexts, e.g.
- Science: insurance based on life
expectancy (HFLE),
- Technology: playing the lottery with
a random draw, etc. solve simple problems involving  guided practice to represent  performance task - students design and
theoretical probability, knowledge using a network of conduct an experiment, then prepare a

Strand: 3.3 Statistics and Probability
Topic: 3.3.1 Introduction to Probability
Learning Outcomes Suggested Teaching and Learning Suggested Assessment Strategies
Students will be able to:
experiments and simulations interrelated mathematical ideas written report on their findings, using
 present opportunities to build on statistical diagrams to support their
students’ inherent sense of curiosity analyses
and discovery e.g. the design of
 work in groups to investigate
phenomenon and analyse data
 use of technology tools for
simulations, documentation and


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