MTA & Ca (OH) 2
MTA & Ca (OH) 2
MTA & Ca (OH) 2
DEN 207Y1
Community Dentistry, DDS II
the most appropriate treatment approach. This research was conducted in an attempt
to find the best treatment for necrotic immature permanent teeth, specifically mineral
select, and critically appraise the relevant literature. To formulate a list of keywords for
the selection of key search words, the PubMed literature database was utilized.
Inclusion criteria selected for studies in English, and only those that had been completed
on humans in vivo. The systematic search and critical appraisal of the relevant literature
resulted in one article by El‐Meligy & Avery that compared MTA and Ca(OH)2
results of this study determined that the clinical and radiographic success rate for MTA
was 100% and for Ca(OH)2 was 87%. MTA and Ca(OH)2 each have advantages and
disadvantages, this report identifies these differences, but determines that further
randomized controlled studies are required before it can be stated that either option is
teeth.1 Traumatic injuries to immature permanent teeth may eventually result in pulpal
necrosis and the arrest of root development.2 Apexification is the treatment of choice
for immature necrotic teeth.1 In such non‐vital teeth, the root has not yet completely
developed and thus it is comprised of thin dentinal walls which are prone to fracture
during normal masticatory forces.3 Furthermore, the root apex of a non‐vital immature
tooth is relatively large and open to the neighbouring environment.3 Due to the lack of
apical closure, an intact seal of the root canal to retain the root canal filling material is
not possible.4 As a result, when such a tooth requires endodontic treatment, it presents
formed at the root apex, allowing for proper condensation and retention of the root
canal filling.5 The standard treatment is currently the apexification procedure involving
the use of calcium hydroxide (Ca(OH)2). This treatment option has been fairly successful,
yet it poses some problems that could be addressed as new materials emerge and as
research in this area continues. Albeit popular and the standard treatment option,
Ca(OH)2 may not be the most ideal material for apexification due to the variability in
Ca(OH)2 is quite time consuming, requiring about 7 to 8 months on average for apical
barrier formation.2 Also, the time required to achieve apical closure is not reliable and
can range anywhere from 3 to 21 months4, which undoubtedly can be frustrating for the
patients who have to attend multiple appointments over such a prolonged treatment
time. Due to the lengthy treatment time, there is a risk of the patient not returning for
appointments results in more time lost from work, costing the patients’ parents the cost
of additional treatment as well as time lost from work. Another concern is that the
tooth remains prone to fracture until the treatment is successful. Dr. Malkhassian, an
endodontist at the University of Toronto, suggests that the longer the tooth has been
necrotic, the less likely that Ca(OH)2 will lead to apical closure. Such issues with Ca(OH)2
are the reason that new materials may replace Ca(OH)2 as the standard treatment for
Recently, mineral trioxide aggregate (MTA) has received a great deal of interest
among dental clinicians.1 In 1998, the US Food and Drug Administration approved MTA
for use in endodontic procedures.6 MTA allows for an immediate apical barrier to be
formed and thus immediate obturation of the root canal system.2 MTA may therefore
Aside from apexification, two other techniques have just recently evolved as
treatment options for immature necrotic teeth: revitalization and tissue engineering.7
These two treatment modalities were not included in this paper because more research
into these areas is needed. As new treatment options become available, it is of utmost
importance to research what options are the best in an evidence‐based manner in order
to strive to give patients the best possible treatment. The purpose of this paper is to
compare apexification techniques using the traditional Ca(OH)2 method and the more
apexification of MTA versus Ca(OH)2. A systematic method was used in order to identify,
select, and critically appraise the relevant literature in order to answer a formulated
evidence‐based manner. The PICOC used was: permanent immature necrotic teeth
To compile a list of keywords for the PICOC question and systematic search, a
PubMed. The keywords (Fig. 1) and inclusion criteria were then used to search for
relevant literature using PubMed. The inclusion criteria for the PubMed search were
The PubMed search produced 162 results. The titles were read by the authors as
a group, and 31 articles deemed potentially relevant to the topic were kept for further
analysis. The abstracts of the 31 remaining articles were then assessed by the group and
6 articles were judged as relevant to the topic according to inclusion criteria. These
inclusion criteria were: in vivo, minimum of 15 cases, studied either Ca(OH)2 or MTA, not
Each of the 6 articles were read and critically appraised by at least two group
afterward. The critical appraisals were completed using a detailed checklist to assess
appraised, only one article compared MTA and Ca(OH)2 (Fig. 3). The other 5 articles
were one‐sided, investigating only one material, and therefore did not meet all of the
inclusion criteria. However, these additional articles were included in the discussion as
they were able to demonstrate the efficacy of each individual treatment. Evidence was
Fig. 1. Keywords and search strategy entered into PubMed to search for relevant
Population: Intervention: (Apexification* OR
apexogenesis OR
(necrotic OR non‐vital (MTA OR mineral trioxide apexogeneses)
OR nonvital OR necrosis aggregat* OR portland
OR necroses OR cement)
(premature OR
immature OR (Calcium hydroxide OR
underdeveloped OR Ca(OH)2 OR CaOH2)
under‐developed OR
Fig. 2. Checklist to Assess Evidence of Efficacy of Therapy or Prevention
1. Was the study ethical? ___
2. Was a strong design used to assess efficacy? ___
3. Were outcomes (benefits and harms) validly and reliably measured? ___
4. Were interventions validly and reliably measured? ___
5. What were the results?
Was the treatment effect large enough to be clinically important? ___
Was the estimate of the treatment effect beyond chance and relatively precise? ___
If the findings were “no difference” was the power of the study 80% or better ___
6. Are the results of the study valid?
• Was the assignment of patients to treatments randomised? ___
• Were all patients who entered the trial properly accounted for and attributed at its
i) Was loss to follow‐up less than 20% and balanced between test and controls ___
ii) Were patients analysed in the groups to which they were randomised? ___
• Was the study of sufficient duration? ___
• Were patients, health workers, and study personnel “blind” to treatment? ___
• Were the groups similar at the start of the trial? ___
• Aside from the experimental intervention, were the groups treated equally? ___
• Was care received outside the study identified and controlled for ___
7. Will the results help in caring for your patients?
Were all clinically important outcomes considered? ___
Are the likely benefits of treatment worth the potential harms and costs? ___
Adapted from: Fletcher, Fletcher and Wagner. Clinical epidemiology – the essentials. 3rd
ed. 996, and Sackett et al. Evidence‐based medicine: how to practice and teach EBM.
Abstract: 31 articles
Read‐through: 6 articles
Accepted: 1 article
The systematic search and critical appraisal of the literature resulted in one
article that compared apexification results using either MTA or Ca(OH)2 in a randomized
split‐mouth controlled clinical trial with blinding (Fig. 4). This article provided the
strongest evidence compared to the other five articles which used weaker study designs
(Table 2). In this study, El‐Meligy and Avery compared the clinical and radiographic
findings of each treatment option in its ability to close root apices in necrotic permanent
teeth with immature (open) apices.4 Since radiographs and clinical findings were used as
opposed to histological evidence, some error in detecting a seal formation could have
been possible. Evidence extracted from this article, including the critical appraisal, was
summarized in Table 1.
For their study, El‐Meligy and Avery selected 15 healthy and cooperative children
ranging from 6 to 12 years old, who had at least 2 necrotic permanent teeth requiring
apexification treatment. These children were selected from the Pediatric Dental Clinic at
the Faculty of Dentistry, Alexandria University, Alexandria, Egypt, and they were invited
for a 12‐month treatment period. A total of 30 teeth were evenly divided into either the
El‐Meligy and Avery found that the clinical and radiographic success rate for MTA
was 100% and for Ca(OH)2 was 87%. Both examiners in the study reported identical
apexification treatment.4
Split‐mouth trial
Based on the results, the merits of using MTA instead of Ca(OH)2 can be seen,
mainly for its ability to achieve apical closure as successfully as Ca(OH)2, but in less
time4,8‐11. Calcium hydroxide has been deemed the standard treatment for apexification,
but the duration of treatment is variable and can range from 3 to 21 months.4 The
diameter of the apical opening, the level of damage and necrosis of the tooth, and the
variable repositioning methods are some of the factors that may affect the duration of
treatment.4 During that time frame, the tooth is vulnerable to re‐infection from coronal
leakage if the temporization technique fails. In addition, the root canal is still in the
midst of apexification for this prolonged period of time, so it is weak and prone to
immediately after disinfection. MTA is an effective apical plug and demonstrates good
adaptation at the margins of the root apices. Furthermore, MTA sets relatively fast, in
approximately four hours, and is biocompatible at the root apex.4 Due to its fast setting
time, patient compliance is much less of a concern as there are fewer follow‐up
makes it more difficult to work with compared to Ca(OH)2 and it is much more expensive
for the initial treatment.4 A single 1‐gram packet of MTA intended for one use costs
approximately $300.4 However, the overall cost may not be much more for MTA,
considering that it may take a few treatments for Ca(OH)2 to work, and more
appointments can results in lost income due to missing work for those appointments.
Based on the results of El‐Meligy and Avery, the success rates of MTA and
statistically significant difference, the relative difference of 13% that they found could
unimpressive P‐values can result from studies showing a strong treatment effect if there
is a low sample size. Using a conventional power of 80%, a relative difference of 15%
between treatment options, we found that a sample size of 76 patients would be
are performed in the future, MTA may show a significantly higher success rate than
The study by El‐Meligy and Avery had little bias as the control and experimental
groups were randomized and the observers were blinded to treatment when examining
the results.4 Clinical examination and radiographic observations were recorded, which
observation without the use of radiographs would not have been a sufficient
examination as a patient may not experience pain, sensitivity or any other noticeable
of apex formation following either treatment. The greatest weakness in this study was
that too few subjects were used (only 15 samples in each group).4 A larger sample size
According to the current research available, MTA and Ca(OH)2 have similar
success rates.4,8‐11 Thus, the decision to use either treatment depends on other factors,
such as cost, ease of treatment, and patient compliance. If a patient opts for the
Ca(OH)2 treatment because it is less expensive, the patient should also keep in mind the
intrinsic cost of time as treatment takes 3 to 21 months and the risk due to the inherent
vulnerability of the tooth during that time.4 In addition, if the treatment fails, the cost of
re‐treatment will have to be paid again and the patient will need to spend considerably
more time at the dentist office, potentially resulting in further expenses and lost wages.
Choosing MTA treatment will certainly cost more initially, however the treatment will be
done within the first appointment and the failure rate after the first treatment is lower
Five studies were found during the systematic search (Table 2) that tested either
MTA or Ca(OH)2 , but did not compare the two techniques.8‐12 All five studies showed
that the individual treatments were highly successful. Interestingly and possibly raising
suspicion of their findings, all of the papers studying Ca(OH)2 claimed that it was 100%
effective.9‐12 This was due to the fact that the clinicians continued treating the subjects
until apical closure was achieved, and focussed on the duration of treatment as opposed
to initial success. That being said, the major limitation of this systematic review of the
literature is that it was limited to only one well‐performed study.4 Additional resources
and the results of other randomized controlled trials would have been largely
advantageous. Contacting the author would have added more insight into the topic,
however there were time constraints with the submission of this review. In addition, the
research was limited to publications in the English language, and grey literature was not
included as it was not part of the systematic search method while it may have provided
further insight.
more subjects, comparing MTA and Ca(OH)2 for apexification is recommended. MTA has
several apparent advantages and has the potential to replace Ca(OH)2. Dr. Calvin
Torneck, an endodontist from the University of Toronto, suggested that MTA will only
have a place in endodontic therapy if cheaper synthetic materials are made in the
future. He also stated that a synthetic MTA is currently being developed in Brazil. There
are also other upcoming and exciting treatment options for the apical closure of a
Revascularization, which is the regeneration of the apex via blood clot stimulation13 and
stem cell regeneration, the regeneration of the apex using stem cells14 are two new
areas of research. Ca(OH)2 has been the standard material for apexification for many
years and has been shown to achieve success, while undoubtedly possessing multiple
drawbacks. With the addition of MTA to the option list and apical regeneration being
considered, the future for successful treatment of necrotic immature permanent teeth
is promising. Continued research will certainly lead to faster and more reliable
3. Al Ansary MA, Day PF, Duggal MS, Brunton PA. Interventions for treating traumatized
necrotic immature permanent anterior teeth: inducing a calcific barrier & root
strengthening. Dent Traumatol. 2009;25(4):367‐79.
4. El‐Meligy OA, Avery DR. Comparison of apexification with mineral trioxide aggregate
and calcium hydroxide. Pediatr Dent. 2006;28(3):248‐53.
5. Friedlander LT, Cullinan MP, Love RM. Dental stem cells and their potential role in
apexogenesis and apexification. Int Endod J. 2009;42(11):955‐62.
6. Schwartz RS, Mauger M, Clement DJ, Walker WA 3rd. Mineral trioxide aggregate:
a new material for endodontics. J Am Dent Assoc. 1999;130(7):967‐75.
7. Huang GT. Apexification: the beginning of its end. Int Endod J. 2009;42(10):855‐66.
8. Sarris S, Tahmassebi JF, Duggal MS, Cross IA. A clinical evaluation of mineral trioxide
aggregate for root‐end closure of non‐vital immature permanent incisors in children‐a
pilot study. Dent Traumatol. 2008;24(1):79‐85.
10. Finucane D, Kinirons MJ. Non‐vital immature permanent incisors: factors that may
influence treatment outcome. Endod Dent Traumatol. 1999;15(6):273‐7.
11. Walia T, Chawla HS, Gauba K. Management of wide open apices in non‐vital
permanent teeth with Ca(OH)2 paste. J Clin Pediatr Dent. 2000;25(1):51‐6.
12. Kinirons MJ, Srinivasan V, Welbury RR, Finucane D. A study in two centres of
variations in the time of apical barrier detection and barrier position in nonvital
immature permanent incisors. Int J Paediatr Dent. 2001;11(6):447‐51.
Meligy & Avery 15 children, MTA Ca(OH)2 Ca(OH)2‐ 87% Randomized controlled Concluded that there Recall
each with 2 N=15 N=15 clinical and trial, split mouth, blinded, was no statistically examination at
2006 necrotic radiographic valid with good efficacy; significant difference 3, 6, & 12
permanent success however, small sample between the months
Comparison of teeth with size, & the follow‐up radiographic and
Apexification immature MTA – 100% period was only 1 year clinical success of
With Mineral apices (24 clinical and Ca(OH)2 and MTA
Trioxide maxillary radiographic
Aggregate and central success
Calcium incisors and 6
Hydroxide lateral
incisors); age
Alexandria, 6‐12yrs
Controlled Trial
Table 1. Evidence‐based table for the randomized controlled trial comparing MTA and Ca(OH)2
Author, Date, Population Intervention Control Outcome Critical Appraisal Conclusion, Strength Number of
Location (number (number Comments of Evidence and Sessions
studied) studied) Classification
Sarris et al. 17 non‐vital MTA None Apical closure: A pilot case study, no MTA has advantages 3 visits in total:
immature N=17 Clinical control groups, no over Ca(OH)2, but 1‐root canal, 2‐
2006 permanent Success=94.1%, blinding cost and difficulty MTA placement
incisors from Radiographic should be (only 1 for MTA
Leeds Dental 15 children (12 Success=76.5% considered. Further itself), 3‐
Institute, UK males, 3 studies required. obturation
mean age 11.7
Domingeuz et 26 non‐vital Ca(OH)2 None Apical closure was Case study, no control, no Apexification with Mean 3.23
al. permanent N=26 obtained in 100% follow up after Ca(OH)2 is effective in sessions
incisors with of cases treatment, no blinding inducing apical
2005 open apices; closure
19 children (14
University of boys, 5 girls);
Seville, Spain age 6‐9 years
Finucane D & 44 non‐vital Ca(OH)2 None Apical closure This is a case series; it had Apexification is Mean number of
Kinirons MJ immature N=44 obtained in 100% no control group, no successful and is sessions is 1.9
permanent of cases, follow up after treatment determined by rate and the average
1999 incisors; age of and no blinding of change of Ca(OH)2 duration was 8
children not and the number of months
Northern mentioned Ca(OH)2
Ireland, UK dressings placed
Walia et al. 15 Ca(OH)2 None 100% success Retrospective study, no Ca(OH)2 is successful Mean 1.8
discoloured, N=15 within 1 year, with control group, no treatment for sessions
2000 non‐vital, 80% requiring 1 or blinding, no follow up apexification; factors
permanent 2 dressings after apical closure was are periapical
Chandigarh, incisors with obtained infection, frequency
India open apices; of dressings and age
12 children,
age 7‐16 years
Kinirons et al. 107 non‐vital Ca(OH)2 None Apical closure Retrospective study, not Strong evidence to Pts were seen 6
immature N=107 obtained in 100% randomized, not blinded show frequently weeks after
2001 permanent of cases; changing changing the Ca(OH)2 initial placement
incisors; the Ca(OH)2 more dressings the faster and at 3 month
UK children frequently the formation of an intervals
increased rate of apical barrier thereafter until
closure however it did not barrier
compare this to MTA formation was
nor was the study of detected
preferred design ie
not a RCT