Activity 3.2

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Analysis of adequacy of integrating

nutrition in current plans and budgets of provinces,
cities, and municipalities
Through this activity, you will be able to assess the presence of nutrition considerations in your
LGU’s CDPs and LDIPs.
Section Actual reference to
nutrition Suggestions for strengthening the
Assessment of the adequacy
integration of nutrition in the section
of integrating nutrition
Example, for situation analysis: Relate
(Copy from the (please check the appropriate the problem of malnutrition across
document, place page column) sectors and recognize the multi-level
numbers) (immediate, underlying, basic) causes of
malnutrition. In addition, review the
current coverages and quality of services
Strong1 Weak2 Absent
and programs against existing standards.
(Col 3a) (Col 3b) (Col 3c) (Column 4)
(Column 1) (Column 2)

Situation analysis Unavailable / Conduct training on the formulation of

comprehensive Barangay Development Plan
(may be in planning planning platform for incorporating the Local Nutrition Action
environment, sector profiles, barangay Plan, Nutrition-in-Emergency Plan, etc.
ecological profiles)

Local CDP / Capacity training for the members of

reflects/identifies 2 Municipal Nutrition Committee as well as
Priority development
priority programs for Nutrition Forum for Punong Barangays
nutrition emphasizing that Nutrition can also be a
part of their political platforms

Nutrition goals are in / Target for 2025: Achieve a 25%

general and lack of reduction in the number of children
specific target and under-5 who are stunted; Ensure that
timeframe for there is no increase in childhood
completion. overweight; Increase the rate of exclusive
breastfeeding in the first 6 months up to
VISION: A nutritionally- at least 30%; Reduce and maintain
sound Municipality of childhood wasting to less than 5%;
Goals San Fernando with a Provide nutrition interventions to at least
minimal malnutrition 75% of total household;
problem, a food secured
home and community,
and a population with
maximum mental
performance and

Objectives Nutrition-specific / Must also conduct a community-based

objectives were forum and information-sharing.
reiterated to the BNS
and BNC, however in
the barangay level

1 The participants are advised that the categories of “Strong” and “Weak” used in this table are not meant to be precisely defined with robust
and sophisticated indicators. The categories “Strong” and “Weak” were designed to enable participants to give a sense of whether the current
sections of the PDPFP/CDP contain elements, considerations, and factoring of nutrition in which case could be considered “Strong”.

If the sections contain an incomplete or just a passing narrative about nutrition, it can then be considered “Weak”.
sometime neglected to
re-echo due to non-
prioritization of nutrition
programs for the

Strong linkages in the / Shall additional manpower for

municipal level. Local documentation and posting of nutrition
Strategies Offices continuously activities. (lack of manpower)
participates in various
nutrition programs

With approved / Shall conduct more bench-marking

Municipal Sangguniang activities for replication of effective and
Bayan Resolution for relevant nutrition programs for the
Programs, projects, and
Work and Financial community
Plan2023 and Municipal
Nutrition Action Plan

Reflected on the WFP / Additional manpower for implementation

2023 and identified 17
Implementation plan Programs/Activities for
implementation in
calendar year 2023.

With budget allocation / Institutionalization of Local budget for

worth 2.5M in year nutrition especially Milk Feeding
Resources 2023. Supported with Program.
other budget allocation
(May pertain to budget, see
coming from provincial,
regional, national, and
other stakeholders

Lack of manpower and / Possible establishment of separate Office

the office have also for Nutrition and Population. Creation of
Monitoring and evaluation designated with PPAs in additional plantilla position.

The Local Government Unit continuously support the implementation of nutrition programs in the
Overall analysis of plans
municipality however hindered with the lack of manpower and budget allocation for maximum
and budgets
implementation of nutrition PPAs.

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