Oh No 17 March

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Oh No!!!!!

Searching For
Finding Solutions

George Saint Georges


Here are some cold, hard facts.

Children are tortured, raped, some murdered, and all endure unfathomable evil so that the
criminals, men and women, who do such actions can gain power, wealth and can nd their
physical pleasure in their actions.

This is not a new phenomenon. It has been going on, especially in some families, for years,
decades, centuries, millennia.

This book is a survey of literature. Books in this genre of en detail what goes on in the lives of
these innocent children. These rst-hand accounts of the miraculous few who, though born into
unimaginable evil, became aware as adults that they had been forced, manipulated, and even mind
controlled to become evil. They broke free, and now choose to live lives of love and forgiveness.
Their accounts are both horri c and amazing in that they overcame impossible odds and were
able to change.

No ONE person alive can survive the amount of torture and degradation they went through.

Nor could they survive it either. Yet, they did. How?

Their human survival mechanisms did the only thing they could do, which was to create a
separate personality housed in their body that could bear the pain, agony, and psychological
devastation. The perpetrators of the violence know intimately how this works, for they too have
many multiple personalities that allow them to function, for the most part undetected, in daily

You have come into contact with vast numbers of these people in your life. Both criminals and the
children that they hurt. Have you noticed?

You've seen hundreds if not thousands on the television or other screens.

Once a child learns to create a di ferent personality due to torture and rape, the next personality
manifested comes easier, and then the next is easier still. Each di ferent personality, or alter, can be
trained and manipulated to do di ferent jobs, as each one is unique. One might be gif ed with a

photographic memory, another with great patience, then maybe a violent alter appears. Some are
hyper-sexualized, another one functions in adulthood as a minister of the gospel, or a doctor,
dentist, teacher, or politician. Most personalities inside the body of one person are not aware of
the others; that's usually the way the one physical body and the main, original birth personality
can survive.

These children are sold or rented out to business leaders, police, church leaders, family members,
etc; and especially politicians and royalty. The adult participation in the child rape is documented
on lm or digitally, and everyone blackmails each other and become one big, depraved, “happy”

And this is how our world is governed, has been governed, and will continue to be governed until
enough people become aware and gure out how to change and not be a willful or ignorant

That is the purpose of this book, not only to bring awareness, but more so to inspire the Good
that resides within you to do tangible things to change your world. In so doing, actions change
the whole world-- at least when enough individuals change to e fect the collective.

Other literature is going to be surveyed as well—the scienti c and published writings of

professionals. These healers have documented these phenomena through their work in helping
those who have lived through the rapes and torture. Not surprisingly, many of these healers have
their own rst-hand experiences of rape and torture as a child, and have devoted their lives to
helping others caught in the cycle.

This will not be an easy book to read. The research to write it was traumatizing. No apologies
from the author about the content, it must be faced head-on and with open hearts and eyes, and
with compassion to those who so bravely have chosen to share their life histories with us. Each
one of them risked their lives in doing so and it is an honor to acknowledge their courage.

Read a chapter at a time, or stop whenever you need to. Take a break from the book. Go take a
walk. Love someone. Make positive changes in your life. When you're able, read another page or

A word of warning. Most books that deal with this topic have a statement like this:


The book contains a wealth of so-called triggers. You read it at your own risk. For victims, it can

be di cult to process and may even trigger ashbacks.1”

Chantal Frei, Speaking Out.

Speaking Out!, p. v

This book is never going to be for sale. It is research, an educational project, and therefore falls
under fair use for copyright purposes.

The children represented in these accounts were physically and nancially exploited most of their
lives, it is not ethical to pro t from their misery as well. Please purchase their books if you choose
to know the rest of their lives.

There will be many quotes from the people who have lived these unbelievable experiences.


In her book Healing the Unimaginable, Dr Alison Miller very brie y touches upon her
encounters with the organized political group, the False Memory Syndrome Foundation (FMSF)
that intimidated and brought lawsuits against many mental health care professionals who were
treating people that had experienced horrendous torture and rape as very young children.
Although it is true that many of these people did not recover their memories until decades af er
the events happened, that is a natural for people who have been hurt so deeply.

Dr Miller became aware of these issues when she was working with many patients at the same
time who had multiple personalities, and she states this in her textbook for helping clients with
similar presentations:

“Since many of the lawsuits were about cases where ritual abuse was alleged, the
remaining leaders in the eld of dissociative disorders pulled back and took a
skeptical position regarding the existence of ritual abuse. This lef the therapists
such as myself, whose clients were reporting this, in a position of isolation. We were
attacked by skeptics when we mentioned ritual abuse in online discussion forums.
We had no local colleagues who understood what we were dealing with. There were
no textbooks to guide us. We saw those from whom we had learnt being publicly
ridiculed and humiliated. So, most of us learnt to do our work in private,
developing our own techniques, without reporting them publicly.”

She continues: “We know that there is not one massive Satanic cult, but many
di ferent interrelated groups, including religious, military/political, and organized
crime, using mind control on children and adult survivors. We know that there are
e fective treatments. We know that many of the paralyzing beliefs our clients lived
by are the result of lies and tricks perpetrated by their abusers. And we know that,

as therapists, we can combat this evil with wise and compassionate therapy.”2

In Ritual Abuse in the Twenty-First Century, Randy and Pamela Noblitt edited a book with 21
chapters, each one representing a unique research article from professional publications. The
authors are from the Americas, Europe, Africa, Australia and Asia. They all report the same
phenomena: world-wide, organized and systemic torture and rape of children and adults creating
people with multiple personalities. There are di ferent groups with varying agendas and
techniques, some more scienti c and pharmaceutical based, some more spiritual leaning, but they
all use the two fundamentals, torture and rape of children.

Is it easier to accept the premise of the False Memory Syndrome faction than to look at the sheer,
unrelenting terror that these children have gone through? Is it not more compassionate to try and
know about the problem and search for a solution?

Dr Marcel Polte's Foreword to Dark New World Order Part 1 is so good that it deserves to be
copied verbatim.

“Crushed, abused, discarded and forgotten.

The crimes of ritual sexual abuse happened in schools, churches, youth groups,
scout troops, orphanages, foster homes, sporting clubs, group homes, charities, and
in family homes as well.

It happened anywhere a predator thought they could get away with it, and the
systems within these organizations allowed it to happen and turned a blind eye.

It happened day af er day, week af er week, month af er month, and decade af er

decade. Unrelenting torment.

When a child spoke up, they weren't believed and the crimes continued with

Who would you guess penned or spoke these words?

These words were spoken on the 22nd of October, 2018 by Scott Morrison, Prime Minister of
Australia, and were printed in the newspaper as well.

He unequivocally states that the memories of these children were not falsi ed. He spoke an
apology for a continent, a country; but the same crimes are committed in every continent and in

Healing the Unimaginable, pp. 7-8.
Dark New World Order, p. v.

every country. An apology is a start.

Mr Morrison could have included these places where rapes and torture happen: lodges of secret
societies, military bases both above ground and below; in judicial chambers, police stations,
hospitals, legislative o ces, governor's mansions; in corporate boardrooms, resorts, palaces,
national parks, child protective agencies; anywhere and everywhere.

That the “crimes continued with impunity” is a veiled admission that executive branches
worldwide do not protect the safety of children, judicial branches are ine fective, and it is certain
that those with in uence cover it up. Many crucial leaders are criminal participants as well. That's
how it works.

Assume that the Prime Minister knew what he was talking about, take a look into the darkness,
and use all the compassion that you can muster to nd a solution.


Thank you so much for downloading this book. It is the hope of the author that you will
complete this painful journey with him.

Why write a book that most people don’t want to read? What is the goal of this work?

Wise old man to a teenager-- “In my careful observation, son, I see that the world works the way
it does due to two things. The average person’s ignorance and apathy. What do you think?”

“I don’t know, and I don’t care.”

This book will de nitely address the rst issue, the not knowing. Later, if you choose, you can
develop compassion on the ve human souls who braved to share their painful stories, plus the
millions (billions?) of children and adults that they represent.

It is developing this love that is so important.


What are the reasons to read this?

For those who have experienced some or all of the horrid things revealed herein, there is pain
involved in reliving the history that these accounts will unfortunately bring up. That is very
understandable. However, your knowledge and experience is needed for the solution to end this
cycle. Have a friend or therapist who will stand by you and help as you heal and grow. So the
greatest thanks go to you for braving this journey with all the others who are reading this work.

Secondly, there are those that pro t from the exploitation of children. They de nitely don’t want
to read about their own criminal activities. But they are part of the solution as well, when they
realize that what they are doing is wrong, stop it, and make restitution. This book will reach
some in this category, and thank you for your willingness to change your self. You can choose to
be on a di ferent team.

Lastly, there are those who don’t want to look at this because it is too painful, even though you
didn’t grow up in a horri c home. You have avoided this issue until now, so now is the time to
become a part of the solution, instead of passively allowing this evil to thrive.


Perhaps a story is in order. The author heard of a man who was tasked with taking care of the
families of deployed military. He had gone through training to take care of families. He had also
recently deployed, and intimately knew the stresses on the families that had loved ones in a war
zone. The training did not teach love for the families, but that was a choice he made because he
knew rsthand what deployment to a war did to his own family.

A few months into his unit’s deployment, he received a call that one of the families in his care was
about to lose their children. He went to the home and spoke to civilian and military police, and
all the social workers gathered at the house.

They told him that the mother was su fering from extreme depression, and her house was a
re ection of it. She had a handful of small children, had recently experienced a death in her
family; had just had another baby, was su fering from post-partum depression. And the icing of
the cake was that her husband was in harm’s way halfway around the world and not due home for
another eleven months.

That enlisted guy went up and talked to the lady and assessed the situation. The woman, whom
he had never met, was terri ed. The house was unbelievable. There were little rabbit trails
running through the house, just wide enough for one person to pass. The sides of the path were
waist-high, and were composed of dirty diapers, lthy clothes, trash, food, and heaven knows
what else. The children were going to be rightfully removed for their safety.

The mom mentioned that a set of grandparents were willing to take the older children, and that a
nearby friend had o fered her a place to stay. Since they were living in government quarters, she
was also about to lose her home, and she was worried, for good cause. The house as it was was

The sergeant then talked to the social workers and police outside. He related the possible
arrangements for the older children. He then asked for the twelve hours or so needed to devise a
plan, as it was late at night. The military police, housing representatives and the social workers
agreed to a truce for the time being.

The next morning a call was made to the leader of the family readiness group, and the situation
was explained. That leader agreed to step up and put together a team to nd a solution.

She called interested family members. A meeting with them was scheduled later that morning.

The work of the enlisted man was simple—to explain the vastness of the problem, and the
rami cations if nothing was done. He also stressed guarding the privacy of the situation for the
sake of the children and the poor mother. He asked the Family Readiness Group if they wanted
to help-- they did; so he acquired a key to the house, communicated with his boss, called the

social workers and relayed the plan. He only served as a liaison. He had no idea what the solution
to the problem was.

The family members in the family readiness group sensed that they were truly loved, with no
expectations in return. They knew their military leader cared that they, too, were people in a very
di cult and scary situation. Even the depressed mom could almost feel the love.

That family group got together and made a plan. The higher headquarters loaned a truck,
illegally for sure, so that all the trash could be hauled o f. Grandma and Grandpa came and got
the older children. Mom and baby moved to the friend’s house. The enlisted guy got a key and
gave it to the leader of the family group and reminded her that he was a phone call away.

Those ladies began to clean. It took days. One called in sick, she said that she couldn’t work there
any more because she started vomiting. She was thanked and told she didn’t need to go back. The
Senior Military Leadership and the support team from mental health communicated. The mom
got counseling in a hurry.

At the end of the project, there were truckloads of trash to haul to the dump, and a truckload of
dirty clothes that had to be laundered. An inspection had to be made of the house by the military
authorities to make sure that it was within guidelines. The ladies returned the keys because the
house was in pristine shape and passed the inspection with ying colors.

The mother got the help that she needed, and in time the children and she were reunited in their
new clean home, all because of the e forts of some simple, everyday people. A miracle had

That military guy told me that the social worker called him and said that she hadn’t seen anything
like that since the 1950’s. He told her that it was absolutely amazing to see an insurmountable
problem disappear in such a short time, and he really didn’t do much other than to set up an
environment where people were loved. The nal outcome of the family was lef up to the
individuals in the family, but they were given a ghting chance.


The author will take you on the tour of a di ferent building. It is lled with lth and horrors, and
instead of being waist high, it is up to eyeball level. The saddest part is this: we all live in this
house, and are so depressed or hardened that we are oblivious to the problem that surrounds all
of us. The tour is a long and horri c one, and the courageous will go through each room and
survey the lth, searching for truth and the answers.

Expect emotions to arise out of nowhere as you read. Call or text your friend. That is, if they
don’t call you rst.


This book is not primarily about healing, but there has to be a plan for healing if some of these
accounts bring up feelings that aren’t so pleasant; whether they be memories or anger, fear or

One of the techniques used by many people to heal themselves is so simple, but highly e fective.

It is easy to recognize programming when we real-eyes that trauma is the basis of

mind control.

Write out your fears, traumas, and immobilizing negativities using a pen and paper
in order to activate the part of your brain that critically analyzes information. It’s a
brain trick that shif s emotional fear and trauma to logic since it takes the logic
part of the brain to move a pen. Typing doesn’t stimulate free thought the same
way writing by hand does. So pick up a pen and paper, write out your fear, and
then add a SOULution which is another brain trick to stimulate your brain to re
in ways that lif you above immobilizing negativity.

Everyone everywhere should be applying this simple mind brain function to bring
peace, stability, free thought and free choice back into everyday life. Writing by
hand must be restored to the education system so our children can learn how to
think rather than be indoctrinated what to think.4

Many who are traumatized have also been hampered in their ability to place themselves in time. It
may seem that they “space out,” and lose track of time. If this happens to you, I would suggest
the technique that Stella Katz used in her own healing. She simply set a timer, and when it rang it
brought her back into conscious thought.

You will be encouraged very strongly to follow these suggestions to get the most bene t and healing
from working through this book.

1. Get a notebook especially for this. Whether you use pen or pencil is a personal choice.

2. Write Chapter 2 on the rst page. Date your rst page, and then before you begin to read, jot down
the time.

3. When you are nished, note the time and write it down, and then immediately pen your thoughts,
fears, memories, or whatever comes into your mind.

4. With each negative thing that comes out, look inside yourself, or soul, for a possible solution or
SOULution. Write it down on paper without judging its merits, just let the ink ow. That opens up

https://trance-formation.com/see-through-illusions /

pathways in the mind for healing to begin and new, better ideas to come into your mind.

5. There will also be opportunities for you to let your intuition guide you in actions to take. Please
write these down as well.

Thank you!

Chapter Two


Start time:

Hotel Rooms and Introductions

What is the goal of this book?

The goal is simple, to get this book into the hands of more than a million people in America who
will read it until the end. The author is humbly asking for your help in getting this distributed.
There is no cost nancially to acquire the book, but he is aware of the emotional price that has to
be paid to work your way through it.

Why a million people? Critical mass. If the hearts of the reader are moved into action, then
housecleaning will begin on a larger scale than thought possible. You will discover your gif and
begin to use it, and you will shock yourself with your abilities and the impact that it will have.

So there will be a metaphorical tour of a lthy house. Doesn’t it make sense to start where the
mess is the biggest?

In Ritual Abuse in the Twenty-First Century, there is a chapter detailing a scienti c survey
—“Exploring Commonalities Reported by Adult Survivors of Extreme Abuse: Preliminary
Empirical Findings.”

The results of this survey will be the road map for the metaphorical hotel presented in this book.
The authors of this chapter did a controlled scienti c study of people who had experienced
extreme abuse. The study was done online and completely anonymously, as the researchers found
it the best way to ensure the safety of the respondents and their therapists.

You can easily access all the data, methodologies and responses from this survey. Check the

1471 people replied to the survey. There were over 30 countries represented from every continent
except Antarctica. The participants were asked to respond a rmatively to each scenario that they
had experienced. The answers were then compiled.


We will use as our virtual “rooms” the types of abuse and torture that over 50% of the
respondents reported as having happened to them. Here are the rooms we will choose from to

Room 86% Receiving physical abuse from perpetrators

Room 79% Sexual abuse by multiple perpetrators
Room 77% Being threatened with death if I ever talked about the abuse
Room 72% Witness physical (abuse/torture) by perpetrators on other victims
Room 71% Forced drugging
Room 70% Incest
Room 69% Sleep deprivation
Room 67% Bondage
Room 63% Use of blood in abuse, and also, use of feces in abuse
Room 62% Witnessing animal mutilations/killings
Room 61% Sensory deprivation
Room 55% Forced to abuse other victims
Room 54% Witnessing murder by perpetrators
Rooms 53% Being caged
Blinding lights
Forced to participate in animal mutilations/killings
Rooms 52% Bestiality
Pornography (child)
Room 51% Near drowning experience caused by perpetrators
Rooms 50% Electroshock
Forced to murder (or made to think I had murdered) a
Non-lethal weapons abuse*6

What a horrible building to live in! And there were more people in the upper oors than the
lower ones.

If these things didn't happen to you in your childhood, try and imagine what it would have been
like to undergo this--being too small to be able to defend yourself, and obviously not having an
adult in your life to stop it. Powerless in the face of evil.

Look rst at Room 77%. Death threats for telling anyone about your rape and torture. From
your childhood! Death threats from people that you have seen murder others. Imagine
experiencing this and it never hearing the end of it. How would this shape, scar and mar your

Ritual Abuse in the Twenty-First Century pp. 73-75

What kind of building did you envision as housing all of these rooms? Are the rooms connected
by hallways? Probably a multistory building as well? Perhaps a hotel?

The lyrics of a famous song obliquely hint at this hotel of horrors. You’ve heard it. The world is
programmed to hear and then ignore the words and concepts behind this song. Familiarity breeds
contempt. Or apathy.

The true meaning of these lyrics will unfold and clarify as you read this book. Here’s a link to the
lyrics of Hotel California.7 Have you ever sung along to this song on the radio? Note the usage of
the following words:

Heaven, hell, candl , twisted, bends, forget, wine, spirit, sixty-nine, pretty boys, alib , mirrored
ceilings, prisoners (some by choice), feast, stab, sacrificial kniv , the beast, programmed to receive,
check out, never leave.

Look for these themes to be repeated in the rest of the book. You may have a di ferent opinion of
what that iconic song is truly about af er you are done visiting the rooms in this hotel.

Any foundation has to be rock-solid if the structure is to be of any use. The foundation of this
book is rst-hand testimony with corroborating evidence that is required to determine truth in
any criminal case.

This author chose ve individuals whose experiences as children form the evidence that they
amassed by living in many of the rooms in the hotel. They published their books in spite of being
continually threatened with death. They chose to share parts of their lives with the world in order
to shine light on the darkness. These brave souls, enmeshed in evil since birth, lef that lifestyle
though they were tortured, raped again, and threatened with death as they recovered their lives.
Their stories are important. Others will chime in from time to time.

They represent children of every country in the world, every culture, and every shade of skin
coloring. This particular evil knows no prejudice. It preys on all that it can.

Chantal Frei, Speaking Out! My Life Under and Escape From Satanic Ritual Abuse8

Chantal was raised in Switzerland. The adults that she knew as parents were members of a
Christian church. Her father was an elder in that church. Her torturers were of en royalty in
Europe. In her book, she doesn't name names of the criminals. However, in an interview on
German television, she does name the perpetrators. Americans are familiar with many of them.

Speaking Out! My Life Under and Escape From Satanic Ritual Abuse

The motive of her slavers was mainly to provide sexual entertainment for the wealthy and to
prostitute her to royalty. She was groomed for leadership for the next generation.

Svali, Svali Speaks: Breaking Free o Cult Programming9

Svali was a member who rose in the ranks of the Illuminati. Her special talent and skill was
“training” children, and updating the programming on those members who showed any signs of
disloyalty to the cult, or to those whose programming was losing its power. She was from San
Diego, and her day job was a worship leader in an Evangelical church. Her group was Neo-Nazi/
German in origin, and they focused on business, military and world domination. Although her
day personality was Christian, their practices in the cult were based on ancient mystery religions
harking back to Babylon, Mesopotamia and Egypt.

Stella Katz, quoted in Healing the Unimaginable10

Stella did not write a book, but she is cited extensively in Dr Miller's book. Her testimony is so
poignant and compelling that it was important for Dr. Miller to dedicate a whole chapter to her
insights, and they are important for this book as well. Her avor of torture/rape was a Kabbalistic
Jewish brand, highly spiritualized and ritualistic. As Dr Miller's practice was in Canada, the
assumption is made that Stella is Canadian as well. Although she did not mention the cult goals,
she had attained the rank of high priestess and was a “trainer” as well. Knowing the techniques
used on others was powerful knowledge bringing healing to herself. She did most of her
deprogramming work herself, as did Svali.

David Shurter, Rabbit Hole: A Satanic Ritual Abuse Survivor's Story11

David grew up in a satanic family, his father was a high priest. He was groomed to inherit the
spirit or demon of the antichrist. He lived in Omaha, Nebraska. His family was intimately
involved in the tra cking of boys from the nearby Boys Town to the halls and basements of the
White House and other places of power in Washington, DC. His account is di ferent in that he
doesn't much detail the horrors that he went through as a child, but focuses on his adolescence
and how he was able to leave the family/cult through intense therapy. He states that he did not
disassociate, but he also relates how he had a foreign entity merged into his body. He names many
of the men and women in Omaha that were so intimately involved with the creation of young
boys/men destined for the political homosexual market. He also brings up newspaper articles
verifying all that he claims, which is ironic in that the newspaper was deeply involved in the evil as

Cathy O'Brien with Mark Phillips, Trance Formation o America: The True Life Story o a CIA

Svali Speaks: Breaking Free of Cult Programming
Healing the Unimaginable
Rabbit Hole: A Satanic Ritual Abuse Survivor's Story

Mind Control Slave12

Cathy grew up in Michigan, where her multi-generational incestuous family sold her to the CIA
for the purposes of making money for both the family and the CIA. They used her as an operative
or spy for sexual and intelligence purposes. Cathy lists these persons that raped her as a child: Sen
Robert C. Byrd, Presidents Gerald Ford, George Bush Senior, Ronald Reagan, Bill and Hillary
Clinton, Vice President Dick Cheney, Prime Minister Trudeau of Canada, and many, many other
names that many Americans are familiar with. She was a “Presidential Model” child sex slave, and
her training was in CIA, US Military and other governmental locations. Her book was published
in 1995, and not one of her accused has led a libel claim against her.

Trance Formation of America: The True Life Story of a CIA Mind Control Slave

End time:

Thoughts, memories, fears, etc:

Possible solutions for each negative listed above:

The Lobby


Start time:

You’re just arrived outside of an amazing ve-star work of art. The opulence is overwhelming as you look
at it. No costs have been spared in its construction. It is spotless on the outside, and as beautiful a building
as you can ever remember. Obviously, no one can ever really a ford to rent a room here, but, strangely, the
same customers seem to keep coming back, as if on schedule. You would never dream of even attempting
to stay at a place that would cost two month’s salary or more for just an overnighter. Plus, you’ve heard
the rumors of the other costs associated with staying here, and you’re not willing to even contemplate

Ready to tour? (You look inside.)

Take a quick inventory. Do you have your partner that agreed to read along with you? Check.
Did you remember to bring your remote control? Check. Have you entered the time and date in
your notebook so that you can ensure to get paid?

What’s the remote for?

Any time you need a break, you will nd your remote at the end of you nger. Use it to close the
book and blank your screen. Then, when the time is right for you to read again, it will open the
book again for you.

It’s time to test it to make sure that it works.

Press the button that closes out your book or shuts down your electronic device. When the
screen is blank, then you can restart. Then nd your way back to Chapter Three.

Now you have practiced what is necessary if you need a break or time to heal.

Shut the book. It’s that simple!

It’s your responsibility to take care of yourself, and please use your remote when needed.

More healing will be waiting for you when you get back.

Time to scout out the hotel.

You look inside.

Beautiful people work here. They are charming, handsome, shapely, warm. Chosen for their
comeliness and allure, they all look like they could be movie stars. All are professional, e cient,
warm and welcoming. They are carefully winnowed from the huge pool of applicants. Their
dress is immaculate, and they exude the wealth that they receive each payday.

However, there is the other side. They are sworn to secrecy and have signed Non-Disclosure
Agreements. In other words, they are not allowed to talk to anyone about their jobs and what
goes on at their work. They face threats and extreme intimidation should they make the slightest
misstep. They are always fearful for their job.

The sta f are also trained to detect anyone that could be searching to nd what really goes on
inside the walls of the hotel, and to discretely escort them out of the building, or, to call security
and have them more forcefully removed and very strongly encouraged to not come back.

But you have the perfect cover, and your remote control is also a cloaking device that disguises
your intent to nd truth. Such power at your ngertips.

Besides, you are here to make long overdue repairs on the building!

You decide to stride in as if you are the magnate that owned the place. The sta f instantaneously
respond to the power that your body language projects, and you generate smiles and nods in spite
of the fact that you are wearing company coveralls that are showing their age and use.

You greet the beautiful person at the front desk, ash your badge, introduce yourself as Dee and
say that you are here with Construction Unlimited.

They have been expecting you, warmly greet you, and give you the passkey to all the rooms.

That was easy!

As you walk away you can’t control the smirk smacking you in the lips. Dee, Construction
Unlimited. If they only knew of your mission and the power that resides within your heart….

What you know of the rst stop is that of the thousands of children that were brought to this
hotel, 86 of 100 passed through this room. Repeatedly. As a truth seeker who has a bent for true

crime situations, curiosity wins out over trepidation. So you walk up to the elevator, push the
eighth oor button, take ve very deep and cleansing breaths on the way up, and the adventure

You have arrived at your rst destination. Room 86%.

End time:

Thoughts, memories, fears, etc:

Possible solutions for each negative listed above:

Room 86%

Extreme torture

Start time:

Welcome to Room 86%. Readers, you will walk in with your partner who agreed to read with

Use your passkey to open the door. Take a look around. This is a dark place, but fortunately you
can come and go as you please. All the children that have been brought here never had that

If you have experienced these things or similar, remember that you are in a safe place now, and can
leave the room at your discretion. You are empowered.

The journey begins. Chantal will talk to you rst.


Torture does not always happen externally. There is black torture, which leaves marks on the

body. In this case, one is physically injured. And there is white torture. In this case, one is not

physically injured. A child who has been locked in a cellar for three days, naked, without food

and without water, will bear no noticeable marks of the mistreatment if it is given a bath, food, and

new clothes. The following method of white torture was used by the perpetrators on me and other


I still remember a room in which there were some emergency hospital beds. We children were

put in there. At the right rear side of the room there were some people, mostly dressed in white,

standing behind a pane of glass. It was similar to the ward room in a hallway in a hospital. They

could watch us. They gave us goggles of a sort to wear. These were fixed very tightly and could

not slip. We ourselves were also strapped to the beds so that it was impossible for us to move. I

remember strange pictures and strange colors from movies that were shown to us. But there was a

different movie for each eye. I remember that I was unable to concentrate. I tried to fixate on

the left or the right, but I couldn't. The goggles had been put on in such a way that it was also

impossible to close my eyes. One had to watch. There was no alternative. This lasted hours or days;

how long I can no longer say. It felt like half an eternity until we were released from it. I

remember very strong headaches and migraine attacks already as a small child.

Black torture is used less often on those children who are supposed to survive. There were

marks and injuries, but most of the time I could either take care of myself or I concealed the

bruises and wounds with clothes, or I pretended to be sick and stayed at home. Yes, I was often
absent from school, and later also my apprenticeships or work.

Second Step: To Not Want

This step is very similar to the first step, and actually reinforces it. It will be done
intermittently with the first step over the next few years of the child's life. Again, the child is
left alone in a training room, or isolated room, without food or water for a long period of time. An
adult will enter the room, with a large pitcher of ice water, or food. If the child asks for either,

Speaking Out!, p. 135-6.

as the adult is eating or drinking in front of the child, he/she is severely punished for being
weak and needy. This step is reinforced, until the child learns not to ask for food or water
unless it is offered first. The ostensible reason the cult gives for this step is that it creates a
child who is strong, and can go without food and water for longer and longer periods of time.
The real reason this is done is that it creates a child who is completely disassociated from its
own needs for food, water, or other comforts, who becomes afraid to ask outside adults for help.
This creates in the child a hyper-vigilance as she/he learns to look for outside adults for cues
on when it is okay to fulfill needs, and not to trust her/his own body signals. The child is already
learning to look outside itself to others to learn how it should think or feel, instead of trusting its
own feelings. The cult now becomes the locus of control for the child.


We (by which I mean the training group for which I worked) purposely split
children because when a child splits on its own, without any guidance, the alters
that are created are unlikely to become productive members of the group, and cannot
be controlled. We knew that a child who had to bear all the pain and torture to
which we subjected it would die unless it had parts to absorb the trauma. It was
also important that the children whom we trained have a personality acceptable to
the outside world that could go to school and play with outside children without
giving up the secrets....15

The infant up to six weeks of age is allowed to cry endlessly while its basic
needs are ignored. Once the baby stops crying, its needs are attended to. During this
time the child remains in the home unless the trainer feels that the mother cannot or
will not do what is needed for the child. As the baby becomes accustomed to neglect,
it learns to calm down in minutes instead of hours. It is monitored during this
process. A child of that age can be abandoned for up to two days, depending on its
size... It is left cold and without any diaper change, and is not held or touched at all.
Its hands and feet are bound so that it cannot comfort itself by sucking a thumb.
During the first six months the baby is taught to dissociate its own pains and needs.

Svali Speaks, pp. 46-47
Healing the Unimaginable, p. 94.


Both my parents were beyond imagination. My father was a violent man,

abusive in every way. In his younger years he was a gangster-wanna-be,
gambling, drinking, and having sex with children—his own and others. My mother
was a narcissist who was aggressive and victimizing when she was inebriated.
Both were intelligent and physically attractive and neither had a problem
with what was occurring in our family, as both financially benefited from selling
their children for sex, which there was a strong market for.

My father was very proud of being a generational satanist in a bloodline

coven of witches. Through their associations with a group called the Colonial
Dames, our family discovered we were one of the first in power within our
nation beginning with the original thirteen colonies, first to arrive in America, as
well as also distantly related to Beethoven, along with our satanic history. I
was expected to take my place as my father's son, so my grooming began the
day I was born, 12-06-66.16


VanderJagt introduced me to a new friend he had made now that he was in

Washington, D.C. as a U.S. Congressman—U.S. Senator Robert C. Byrd, Democrat from
West Virginia. Byrd had been a U.S. Senator as long as I had been alive, serving as
Senate Whip and later as President Pro Tempore of the Senate and as the all powerful
Senate Appropriations leader. Byrd commanded attention and respect from all who
came in contact with him, particularly from my father. When we were left alone in his
room, he loomed over me in a threatening stance. His cold, blue slitty eyes locked onto
mine. I undressed and climbed into his bed as ordered. I was momentarily relieved to
find that his penis was abnormally tiny—so small it didn't even hurt! And I could
breathe with it in my mouth! Then he began to indulge himself in his brutal perversions,
talking on and on about how I was “made just for him” due to the vast amounts of
pain I could withstand. The spankings and police handcuffs I had previously endured

Rabbit Hole, p. 10

were child's play compared to Senator Byrd's near death tortures. The hundreds of scars
on my body still show today. With VanderJagt, sex was a matter of “how much I could
give,” whereas with Byrd it was “how much could I take.” And I was forced to take more
pain than any human could logically withstand. I was dedicated to Byrd at age
thirteen, which meant he would be directing my future in Project Monarch, and my
father would raise me according to his specifications.


There are hundreds, if not thousands of memoirs of these children, now adults, preserved in
books, blogs or videos.

These are the accounts of those who miraculously escaped from becoming a torturer or rapist
themselves, although in a few cases, the “trainers” were well along the path of evil before they
chose to leave. During the healing process, many of these people have been threatened with death,
along with their therapists.

Many of the authors cited in the bibliography mention the term “abreaction,” An abreaction
means that the “apparently normal personality” or external alter of someone re-experiences all of
the torture. The alter that was designed and created to absorb all the pain suddenly releases the
memories of the event to those alters that didn't experience it. The sights, sounds, smells, feelings,
thoughts, emotions, tastes—they all come ooding back at once.

Soldiers with PTSD call these experiences “ ashbacks.” Soldiers, who are adults, still have the
capability to completely forget what they went through until a smell, sight or sound triggers it.
Imagine a child who has experienced these tortures daily for years and years, suddenly
remembering and feeling these horrors in their thirties or forties.

There is nothing of redeeming value happening here in this room. As you will see, this touches
the richest and most powerful, all the way down to the desperate parents who sell their child so
that they can feed their other children. And every man, woman and child that is alive is negatively
a fected by it.


It’s time to leave Room 86%. Before you leave, look to see if any children are still lef in the room.
Use your superpowers to instantly whisk them away to safety, where the adults take care of their
needs and never hurt them. You can do it, you did it as a child. It’s called imagination. Or

Trance Formation of America, p. 90.

Thank you for helping them, you will surely have more opportunities in real life. Maybe sooner
than you could have expected!

Notice that the perps have mostly ed, but there is one there who, because of your presence in
that dark room, has realized that he needs to do a 180 in his life. Tell him to pursue restitution and
turn himself in.

Is the room completely empty now? Great!

Use your creative power and remove all the walls! Destroy that secrecy which has given safety and
security to criminals. You can choose how to remove them. It doesn’t have to be violent.


You have just planted the seed of what to do when you encounter a similar room in your real life.
You will create the solution, and your intuition will tell you exactly what needs to be done.

Then you will do it. Fearlessly.


The research for this took a toll on this author. Therefore, he has an educated guess at what could
be going on inside the reader.

If you have any compassion, it might be very di cult to read about these things. Do not let
discouragement creep in. The reason that you are reading this is because inside you is part of the
solution to this very ancient problem.

Be quiet. Or share with a trusted friend, if you are so fortunate to have one. Get alone in nature.
Take a walk. Pray.

This evil indeed is ancient. Wars have not stopped it. Legislation has not stopped it. Counseling
has not stopped it. NGOs are a huge part of the problem. Some churches have been a huge
instigator and bene ciary of keeping the problem going. Governments encourage it.
Corporations do as well. Governments use their military to further the problem.

You are reading this. Thank you. If you so choose, you will do your part to stop it.

You are a creative being, and when you and other like-minded people come up with their
solutions, all sharing their piece of the pie with one another, the answer will come.

End time:

Thoughts, memories, fears, etc:

Possible solutions for each negative listed above:


Room 79%

Sexual abuse by multiple perpetrators


Start time:

Take the elevator down to the seventh oor. Next up is Room 79%. Your remote still works, you
can shut the book at any time you please or feel the need to. This book will be always be awaiting
your return.

Your strength is increasing. As you experience the thoughts, feelings and emotions, let it create in
you an unending desire to help create a better world for all children.

The events you are reading about or visualizing as happening in this virtual hotel room are in the
past. The narrators have had much healing from what has occurred in their lives. That healing is
available to all who read this, who have experienced it rst-hand, and for those whose loved ones
have gone through similar things.

If one man or woman can heal from this, then it stands to reason that anyone can and that all have
the opportunity to try.

The authors of the survey decided to use the term “sexual abuse” to categorize the events that
happened to these children.

The author tends to see this as gang rape. The decision to use that term is that it criminalizes the
actions of the perpetrators, and also doesn’t minimize the severity of the crimes.

Sex with children is rape. It is a criminal behavior.

What do your guides have to say about it?


An enormously beautiful, long limousine with a chauffeur stopped in a parking lot somewhere in

the country. I got out. At the time I was about four or five years old, and, as far as I can

remember, I was wearing a little white and blue dress and red shoes. There was a man waiting

for me. He introduced himself to me with his real name. A few years later, he became the

president of the U.S. Over the years, I was to meet him again and again. He asked me in English

what my name was and what I could do. He was very sweet and kind to me. I told him my

name and explained that I was an “all-rounder.” The only explanation I can offer for why I

said that at that time is that it was programmed into me beforehand. Anyway, he was very

pleased with me! The parking lot I was driven to belonged to a very large, luxurious country-style

manor house. I went there with the man and there were several people waiting for us. I was

told we wold be playing “restaurant” and I would get to serve the “a la carte” menus. So we

started the game. It consisted of all the participants telling me their sexual preferences and me

being the one who had to please everyone. I had to serve everyone sexually, and they were all

allowed to choose what they would like. I remember upbeat country music that was supposed to
create a festive, fun atmosphere.


Pornography--A child used in pornography (which may include bestiality) can also be of any
age or sex. Child pornography is also big business in the cult, and includes snuff films. (Ed. A film

Speaking Out!, p. 90.

where the child is tortured and eventually killed). Children are trained in this role from
preschool on, often with the help or approval of the child's parents. The parents are paid or
given favors by the cult in return for selling their child or allowing their child to be trained in
this area....

The infant will also be abused, to create fragments. Methods of abuse can include: rectal
probes; digital anal rape, electric shocks at low levels to the fingers, toes, and genitalia; cutting
the genitalia in ritual circumstances (in older infants). The intent is to begin fragmentation
before a true ego-state develops, and customize the infant to pain and reflexive dissociation
from pain (yes, even tiny infants dissociate; I have seen it time and time again; they will glow
blank and limp, or glassy, in the face of continued trauma.)


At home during the first year of life

The child is sexually abused with fingers and dildos. If the mother cannot do these things
because she has bonded with the child, the child is given to someone else, or the mother has to
take it to the trainers....

Starting at about two months, fingers are inserted in the child's orifices to widen
the openings. This is done very carefully, so as not to tear. Little boys' penises are
stroked pleasurably until they are erect. Little girls are also stroked, with jellies
used as lubricants. By eighteen months the vagina or anus should be wide enough to
accommodate a full-sized penis. The trainer shows the guardian how to do this. One
the fingers are no longer large enough, a kit is used with a series of size graded
smooth wooden phalluses.

The trainer is trained to think that by stretching the orifice in this way, she is
protecting the child from physical harm and intense pain when the child is later raped.
The trainer teaches this to the guardian....


Svali Speaks, pp. 27, 43-44.

The belief that someday I would take my father's place as high priest in
a highly organized but secret cult afforded me no advantage with regard to
my own pain and trauma. However, I must say, the ritualistic rapes of us
children by cult members were nothing in comparison to what else was
happening. At what I always believed to be a local funeral home on the
outskirts of town, my father and his friends furthered their enjoyment by
playing horrible games of hide and seek. We children were told that if we
were found, we would be killed.

All my life, I dreamed that I was often put in caskets inhabited by a

corpse. Later in life, I realized these nightmares were real events and not
something from my dream world. Sometimes children were buried alive in my
dreams, which later was revealed as truth.20


The first time I reported in, (Dick) Cheney shuffled through the clutter on his desk,
picked up a paper and began reading: “Number one. I am NOT your friend, and I don't
want to see you unless I order you to report in. Number two. Follow the Colonel's
[Aquino] orders, as it is the chain of command. What he orders you to do, is a
command from me. Follow it to the letter, as though your life depends upon it, because
[he looked up and grinned wickedly] of course, it does...”

Throughout the next three years U.S. Army Lt. Colonel Aquino used me in the Hands-
On Demonstrations on numerous Army, Navy, Air Force and NASA installations across
the U.S. according to Reagan's plan and Cheney's orders. The Top Brass privy to the
demonstrations ranged from three at a time to roughly twenty. In closing Aquino
always “persuaded” them to line up while I was forced to perform sexually on command
with each one. The larger groups were physically painful, while the smaller groups often
involved unapproved variance from the routine, such as revealing Reagan's bestiality
perversions. The wide array of “switching” my personalities that Aquino incorporated into

Rabbit Hole, p. 18.

the demonstrations, and the vast amount of high voltage and torture to which I was
subjected, left me exhausted and physically devastated for days after each one of
Reagan's Hands-On Mind-Control Demonstrations.


David Shurter also had many rst-person encounters with LTC Aquino, the exact same individual
that Cathy names. As she was experiencing these events, George Bush Sr. had replaced Reagan as
President, and Dick Cheney was his Secretary of Defense. It is important to restate that none of
the implicated individuals or their estates have led lawsuits for defamation. Democrat politicians
were and have been just as involved in this evil as their counterparts on “the other side of the

It’s time to get the children to safety again. Are you one of the adults that is ensuring that they
have a safe place to live as they heal? Are you someone who knows where to look to nd children
and ush out the criminals?

Are you an in uencer, a leader? Or is your gif simply being a friend to someone who has gone
through this?

None is more important than the other, but not enough good people have exercised their gif s in
this area. Yet.

Is there a better time than today, right now, this very instant, to do that rst concrete action
towards becoming the solution?

Why not call your friend and try something in your areas of strength right there in your own
community, next door, in your house, wherever you choose.

But, the criminals still have a screen to hide their actions. Walls that they feel safe enough behind
to commit crimes.

What action are you going to take to obliterate the walls that have enabled room 79% to continue

Do it now!!!

Children everywhere will be thankful to you when they are safe again.

Trance Formation of America, p. 132.


The main methods to create the fear and control necessary to manipulate whole societies were
found in the rst two rooms, extreme torture and rape of children.

The rooms that follow are mainly variations on those two themes, but they must be looked at to
familiarize oneself with the nooks and crannies that the evil is hiding in and behind.

The television and movie industry, along with the musical industry, has successfully normalized
hyper-sexual behavior in America and also around the world. It has numbed the average human to
not notice when evil occurs. Especially when the criminals are famous, powerful, and

It was not a happy day when the author realized that a song from the early 1980's was about
entrapment by a child who was prostituted for the purpose of blackmailing the “John.”

Bette Dav Ey

Keywords from the song:

“Pure,” tease, please you, precocious, pro blush, sighs, expose, spy, take her home, lay you.22

Another song that tries to normalize pedophilia is “My Sharona.”

Get it up for the younger kind

My, Sharona.23

“Don’t Stand So Close to Me” has the same theme:

Inside him, there's longing…

This girl is half his age24

Each of these songs were massive hits.

Was undue in uence placed upon disc jockeys to play these songs to create enough buzz to rocket


them up the charts?

Were the authors and performers of these song themselves abused as children? Likely so.

Were the music producers and record labels using their casting couches, money, drugs and
contracts to ensure that these messages were sold to an unsuspecting public?

If you're from the generations that heard these songs again and again, did you hear the melody,
the beat, or hum along when you read the lyrics?

Again, if you are reading this, you are becoming part of the solution to eradicating this evil from
the earth. It will require changes made by your free will. You are not powerless against evil, even
though Presidents and other powerful people are involved.

You can also overcome the brainwashing by songs and movies of this kind.

You have love. You have compassion. You have creativity.

Your ngers can just as easily turn the radio o f as turn it on.

Your hands can remove the television from your house, just like they brought it in.

If the media is trying to program, we can resist the programming and instead concentrate on
things of value and joy.

Tomorrow, because you are reading this book, you will likely encounter one or more people who
have been tortured or raped.

What positive actions can you do that will make a di ference in their life?

They need unconditional love, to be smiled at, to be acknowledged as a human and not as a slave.

You have the power to create change.

What choices will you make: are you willing to bring good into your life and those of others?

End time:

Thoughts, memories, fears, etc:

Possible solutions for each negative listed above:

Room 77%

Threatened with death for revealing abuse


Start time:

Cowards. Only cowards who are not willing to take responsibility for their own actions have to
resort to threatening a two-year-old with death. They relish in their power over tiny humans who
cannot physically ght back with any hope of success. They are gutless wonders. They will lose
the instant that they come face to face with a determined adult. Curs tuck their tails between their
legs and ee, howling in terror.


The tour continues down the hall. Look back and check to make sure the rooms you lef don’t
have doors or walls any more.

Good. You did a great job, and that’s one more place that evil can’t come back to do its work.

What’s the next challenge going to be? What is to be learned about the way evil works its bidding
upon humanity?

Room 77% is waiting, and it’s very, very quiet.


Silence is the perpetrators strongest weapon, and they use it on their victims purposefully and

skillfully. So-called “silence rituals” are carried out time and again. And this is already done in early

childhood, when the child begins to speak. This means that after a ritual, another ritual is

performed to seal what has happened under oath. This includes methods such as being buried

alive, almost being suffocated, almost being drowned, or witnessing what happens to a “traitor,”

being sacrificed, or burned or skinned alive. If such killings are then carried out, for example, still

in a violet room, the silence of a victim is reinforced at the same time, because the already pre-

installed color programming meets a new trauma.

In the one cemetery where I was always taken for rituals, I was buried with a body that

was already half decomposed. That is, I had to lie down next to it. The coffin was closed, and,

judging from the movements, I had to assume that they had buried us. I panicked; yes, I

consisted only of panic, but I did not scream, because I already knew that I must not speak up

and fight back. After half an eternity they brought me out again and took my oath of silence.

They promised me that if I ever told anyone, I would end up like that corpse. I would decompose

like that, and no one would ever think of me... I swore NEVER TO TALK!

In these silence rituals, during a torture session, in an almost empty state where the pain in

enormous, one is asked if one swears to remain silent forever. It is said that if one agrees, the pain

will stop. If not, a sibling or the mother will be killed, or the pain will never stop. A child will do

ANYTHING for the hope that the pain may stop, absolutely anything. It is fully manipulable. Once

you have agreed to be silent as a child, you are shown what will happen if you do talk. You are

told over and over again that you would be considered a weirdo if you told anyone anything like

that, that you would either be called a liar or shut away in a mental institution, because no one

believes such a thing, not even your own mother, not even your uncle or your piano teacher, and

certainly not your best friend, let alone the priest or the nice neighbor. It is always repeated to

you that everything is being watched, and if you do talk at some point, bad things will happen...

you know... a sudden car accident or cardiac arrest. Death is always present. It is also crystal

clear that what happens within your own four walls, in your own family, in your own church,
among your own friends, is nobody's business... isn't it? But of course, that is clear.


Fifth step: The code of silence

Many, many different stratagems are used to put this in, starting at around the age of two
years old, when a child starts becoming more verbal. Usually, after a ritual or group gathering,
the child is asked about what they saw, or heard, during the meeting. Like most obedient
children, they will comply. They are immediately severely beaten, or tortured, and a new alter is
created, who is told to keep or guard the memories of what was seen, on pain of their life.
The new part always agrees. The child and this new part are put through a ceremony of
swearing to never ever tell; and alters are created whose job it is to kill the body, if the other
parts ever remember.

The child is also put through severe psychological torture to insure that it will never be
tempted to tell, including: being buried alive; near drowning; watching “traitor's deaths” involving
slow painful torture, such as being burned, or skinned alive; being buried with a partially rotted
corpse and being told that they will become a corpse like it if they ever tell, etc. The
scenarios go on and on, invented by people with endlessly cruel imaginations, in order to ensure
the secrecy of the young child. These methods have been perfected over hundreds of years
of practice by the cult with its children. The reason these things are done is self evident: the
cult is involved in criminal activities, as explained in the first few chapters of this book, and they
want to ensure the continued silence of its children. Survivors are afraid/unwilling to disclose
their abuse… The child will be exposed to setups and role plays throughout their growing up
that reinforces this step.

Speaking Out! pp. 137-138.

Suicide is taught after the rebirth and is attached to Loyalty programming. Once
children are old enough to understand the concept of death, they are told that if they
are found out by anyone outside the group, they must simply die. This is why so many
survivors who have never before attempted suicide begin these attempts once they get
into therapy. This is also why so many kids in foster homes attempt to kill
themselves or run away.26


Not speci cally mentioned in his book, but the buried alive silencing technique used on him we
read about in the last chapter.

In 1966, Cathy took her rst communion at the Catholic church in Muskegon, MI. Later that evening…


VanderJagt unlocked the rectory door of the old church across the street from the
new St. Francis structure, explaining that we had to “have a very important talk now
that I had eaten the body of Christ.” The talk, blood trauma, and sexual abuse that
ensued conditioned my mind to readily accept programming throughout the years that
deliberately merged both U.S. Government and Jesuit mind control efforts for New
World Order controls.

“I work for the Vatican, and now, so do you,” VanderJagt told me. “You have just
entered into a covenant with the holy Catholic church. You must never break that

Still capable of questioning at that time, I asked, “What is a covenant?”

VanderJagt answered, “A covenant is a promise to keep secrets, the secret that the
church knew all along. The Pope has all the secrets locked away at the Vatican. Your
Uncle Bob and I have been to the Vatican. It is time you entered into the holy
covenant and learned the secrets of the church that were written long before Christ
even came into being. The Dominican monks kept the covenant that Noah carried into

Healing the Unimaginable, p.111.

the new world. They kept the secret with them. It was written on parchment and kept in
a secret place in the Vatican. They took a Vow of Silence to never reveal its location,
or its content. You must enter into the covenant. You must carry the secret to your
grave. Keep it secret from your mom, dad, everybody.”

VanderJagt proceeded to fill my suggestible young mind with biblical interpretation

that laid the groundwork for future “inter/inner dimensional” programming themes
utilized by Project Monarch programmers....

Father Don joined VanderJagt in a ritual which bathed me in the blood of a

slaughtered lamb, and subsequently, through this hideous blood trauma, locked their
stated perceptions and a basis for mind control programming deep in my mind. This
basis for programming was anchored in the Vow of Silence which the Jesuit monks take
“not only to keep secrets, but so they can still their mind and hear their inner
guidance.” Certain that the “Rite to Remain Silent” which they had performed would
ensure that I keep their secrets, Father Don and Guy VanderJagt subjected me to their
pedophile perversions. The two joked that I had become “a good Cathy-lick.”

After the Rite to Remain Silent was installed, the voices of my multiple personalities
that I had previously heard in my head ceased. In the silence of deliberately created
memory compartments, I could only hear the voices of my abusers who created them...
commanding my silence.

If you notice in Cathy's accounts, there is a lot of word-play, double meanings, and twisting of
words to both confuse and talk “over” the mind-control person. Her enslavers also mention very
ancient things, whether they exist or not. If it existed, the secret covenant with Noah would date
back around ve thousand years ago. Less ancient, but still very old, is the Vatican, and the
Dominican and Jesuit orders.

Note the emphasis on keeping secrets and also having secret societies. The societies have secrets
because some of their actions are criminal, evil, and revolting to anyone with an ounce of
compassion. Is one secret that some of the Jesuits and Dominicans rape and torture children, and
then threaten them with death? What about all the other secret societies that you know o ?

Trance Formation of America, pp. 86-87.

What’s their biggest secret?

If you follow the conversation between VanderJagt and Father Don to its logical conclusion, they
claim to have inside information from the bowels of the Vatican that suggests that the covenant
with Noah included sacri ces (the sheep was killed for its blood), torture, brainwashing and child
rape, because that is the ceremony they performed on Cathy.


Lies and fear. Manipulation. The loudest voices in the room are seemingly the only voice in the
room, and the only ones that matter. However, they are only speaking lies.

You will learn in a later chapter that raped and tortured children become the newscasters. You have
already looked at lyrics of massively in uential songs that glorify pedophilia. Cathy told you
unequivocally that politicians silence all voices but their own. Obviously, some clergy are
involved as well. There’s always been enough bad apples to ruin those who are trying to do good.

As of today, as you read this book, they have had the upper hand because the majority, and those
who were hurt and injured by this evil, have remained silent. And the voice of evil has been piped
through our televisions, our radios, in our courthouses, everywhere.

Isn’t it time to renounce your vow of silence? It matters not whether you were tortured or just
have been intimidated to not talk of these things. Peer pressure works, but only if you allow it.
You have a voice and it needs to be heard.

The answer to removing the walls of Room 77% is to speak them out of existence.

Use the voice that evil cannot and could not silence.

Use your words out loud. Speak them clearly and with the greatest conviction, for they are truth.
Lies and liars will ee.

Are the seventy-seven/hundred freed from this room? Did you remember to take care of the
children and their needs rst?

NOW SPEAK TO THE WALLS! (Isn’t it so satisfying to see them dissolve away?)


Now consider speaking out loud to yourself. Speak hope, peace, joy, excitement over what you
just did. Or maybe you’re giggling with joy now that the spell has been broken that once bound
you to silence. Maybe tears are owing, or your voice was so loud that there only remains a

beautiful silence now that the room is cleared. There’s nowhere for evil to hide, and the skulkers
are desperately seeking a new place to slither to.

Room 77% now has birds singing in it, lled with the sound of a peaceful brook over a shallow
falls. Children are laughing and playing, and adults are singing happy songs to one another.

Your world is changing right in front of your eyes, because you just spoke it into existence.

End time:

Thoughts, memories, fears, etc:

Possible solutions for each negative listed above:

Interview with Svali


Start time:

Time for a semi-break.

You are now going to depart the hotel, whether you imagined it to be in California, your State or
country’s capital city, down the road from your house, or wherever. It will be there when you
return, but now it’s time to take a trip with Svali, because her experience is so similar to Cathy’s….

The following is a transcript of Svali being interviewed by a gentleman named Greg Szymanski.

Greg: So you reached the age of 12, and then you’re told by your parents you’re going to an
induction ceremony in the Vatican.

Svali: Yes.

Greg: Can you tell us how that happened and what occurred at that ceremony when you went

Svali: (deep breath, voice becomes stressed) Okay. Um, this isn’t easy to talk about, as you
When I was twelve, I was flown over to Germany. And I was at, I’ll call them the German
Fathers’ house, over there. And, there was some preparation for a few days, beforehand, and I
was told that there would be a very important ceremony. And it was considered a sealing
ceremony at that point. And basically I was told a little bit about what I was expected to do
during the ceremony.
When we got there, we went through the Vatican. Underneath the Vatican there is a

large room that I described to you when we talked before. It has 13 catacomb chambers leading
into it. And what they do is as you go down these steps into the room, you can see that it’s
circular, so they’re all rounded. They bring out the mummies from the catacombs. And they set
them beside each one [each of the 13 catacomb chambers], and they say “That’s the spirit of
the Fathers watching over the ceremony.”
During the ceremony, there was a large table in the center of the room. It was on top of
this huge golden pentagram. They had a ceremony there.

Greg: So how many kids, how many other children were with you being inducted into the
Family or the Order, as they call it?

Svali: There were two other children at that point. But there were several adults too.

Greg: Okay.

Svali: See, the Church also bring in adults to swear their allegiance, too, just so you know. I
was told, and I don’t know if this is true, that if you want to rise to a certain position within the
Catholic Church hierarchy, you do have to go through that ceremony as well.

Greg: Okay, so you’re down in this room. Your parents weren’t present.

Svali: No. No. The German Father and the French Father were.

Greg: Okay, and at that point tell our listeners what you witnessed.

Svali: (pause, additional voice stress) Well, there was a table. It looked like dark glass in the
center of the room. It was made out of a stone, but it was very shiny and darkened black. It
may have been something like obsidian or onyx, I’m not sure. This was the only time I’ve seen
stone like that.
Around the corners it had these gold channels that, you know, collect fluids. A little boy was
placed in the center of the table and drugged. I think he was drugged, because he was very
quiet. He didn’t move or say anything.

Greg: This was a little three or four-year-old boy, right?

Svali: Yes. Yeah. Yeah.

Greg: Then they continued to do a child sacri ce.

Svali: Yes, they did. Yes. I told you about that before. Yeah.

Greg: Now af erwards, quite, what an unbelievable experience for a youth, a 12-year-old. What
went through your mind when that happened?

Svali: I was terrified! I mean, I was absolutely horrified. I… I… I… I can’t describe the terror
you feel when you go through something like that.

Greg: And do you remember the words they were saying as this was going on?

Svali: (pause) The man was in scarlet – he was speaking in Latin. And basically he was
saying, “Please accept the sacrifice on this day.” And then he said, “This sacrifice will seal the
ceremony.” And then he did it.
Again, I was so terrified that… (sighs) Have you ever been in a situation where your heart’s
racing, but you can’t do anything? You’re just kind of sitting there, and you’re kind of fading in
and out?

Greg: Well, I can remember as a youth being frightened, but I don’t think I’ve ever…

Svali: (crosstalk) No. All right.

Greg:… had anything quite like what you’ve had.

Svali: Imagine your heart rate going up to about 220. You can’t move. You’re kind of shaking,
but you’re trying not to show it.

Greg: Mm hm.

Svali: It was horrible. Actually, I keep thinking inside, “I can’t wait ’till it’s over. I can’t wait.”
You don’t say this, but inside you’re just saying over and over, “I can’t wait ’till this is over. I can’t
wait ’till this is over. I can’t wait ’till it’s over.”

Greg: Mm hm.

Svali: Afterwards, the man in scarlet, he had a huge golden ring on his hand. He came over
to the center of the room. Each of the people that were swearing that day had to go forward
and kneel before him and kiss his ring, and swear my allegiance to the New Order, to the New
World Order for all… until my death.

Greg: Hm. Now at that point you were escorted out.

Svali: Yes. Yeah. After the ceremony was all over. I mean, the other people also did theirs
as well. They had to swear their allegiance too.

Greg: And they were the same age as you?

Svali: The two children were, but there were also three adults that went forward and did
the same. And afterwards, we were told, (slowly and precisely): “May the same to you or worse
occur should you ever break this oath.”

Greg: Hm. So it’s basically… whew! Imagine at that age, what [this would do]. And you weren’t
really prepped for this, were you? You were told there was a ceremony, but you didn’t expect
anything like this, from what I’ve gathered talking to you.

Svali: It was very difficult to go through, just because the sense of horrific oppression down
there was the worst I’ve [ever felt.] I’ve gone through some ceremonies in my life in the
Illuminati, you do go through them. But I have to say that in my experience this was the worst,
just because… I can’t explain the amount of darkness in that room. It was just pure evil. And
unless you’ve ever been in a… seen a person… it was just horrible.


It is impossible to know what happened when VanderJagt visited the Vatican, but the similarities
between Svali's account and Cathy's are many and disturbing. Cathy was swearing allegiance to
the Rite to Remain Silent, Svali to the New World Order—both were compelled to keep the
secrets until they died. Sacri ces were made to ratify the deal.

The miraculous thing is that these two, and so many others, have risked their lives in the face of
threats from internationally known world leaders to tell their stories, and most importantly, to
choose to not be slaves any more, to not perpetuate rape and torture, and to learn to live a life of


healing and forgiveness.

Isn’t it time to evacuate the bowels of the Vatican?

There are surely some wonderful, loving people doing their jobs there, but until now their work
has been negated and overwhelmed by the evil under the surface.

Get those good folks to safety. How are you going to choose to clean this place? You have free
will. This author will sit back, watch and rejoice, as those walls come tumbling down as well.
Thank you for your help. It’s been a long time coming.
So today, or tomorrow, because you are reading this book, someone who has been threatened
with death to reveal these “secrets” will cross your path.

What will you do?

Will you remain in the false belief that you don't have power to enact change for the better?

What positive actions will you take?

Can you rehearse them in your mind, play-act them in the privacy of your inner place, and then
present those loving thoughts and words when you have the chance to share them?

Isn't that a much better option than submitting to the “Rite to Remain Silent” as if you had been
threatened with it?

Now it’s time to travel back to the hotel, and see what’s going on there.

End time:

Thoughts, memories, fears, etc:

Possible solutions for each negative listed above:

Room 71%

Forced drugging


Start time:

Sometimes children are given drugs to numb the pain and erase the memories of the violence that
they endure. Obviously, they are not always drugged, so then the pain is intense. However, sex
with the children is never voluntary, as they are not of age.

How are the drugs obtained? Is it possible that there are pharmacists involved in these operations
throughout the world?

Drug tra cking is intimately involved with the human tra cking. The two are probably

The former President of the Philippines, Rodrigo Duterte was known for his out-and-out war
with drug dealers in his country. This is what he said as he was leaving o ce:

MANILA - Outgoing President Rodrigo Duterte has urged the military and the
police to continue the ght against illegal drugs in the country.
Duterte, whose infamous war on drugs is the subject of a suspended inquiry
by the International Criminal Court for possible crimes against humanity, said he
is worried about the persistence of the illegal drug trade despite his
administration's crackdown.
“This is what worries me, because it seem like despite of my warning, the
amount con scated by the police increases...Despite of my dire warnings, illegal

drugs still exist. What can we do?29”

Duterte was also famous for this revelation:

DAVAO CITY – Mayor Rodrigo Duterte late Thursday named the priest, who
allegedly molested him and several other high school boys, when he was a teenager
studying at the Jesuit-run Ateneo de Davao University (AdDU) here.
Duterte, who vowed to keep his mouth shut pending a talk with Davao
Archbishop Romulo Valles on Friday, said the priest who made him and several
other boys lost their innocence was the late Fr. Paul Falvey, S.J., one of the Jesuit
priests at AdDU when he was still in his rst year high school.
“It happened during our generation, two years ahead of us and two years
following us,” Duterte told reporters Thursday night. “It cost him some P25
million because other victims led a case, it was a case of fondling—you know
what—he did during confession, that’s how we lost our innocence early,” the
mayor told reporters here around 9 p.m. Thursday.
He said he did not le a case because he was still a young boy at that time,
and he was afraid. “It was a sort of sexual awakening for each of us,” he said, “We
realized quite early that ganun talaga ang buhay (life was like that), “Paano
magreklamo (How would you complain)?” he asked, “Takot kami (We were

Is this just coincidence, or is there indeed a connection between drugs and what the President
experienced that he called “abuse?”

Is it another quirk that the President “vowed to keep his mouth shut” when he wanted to talk
about the perpetrators? Is this a common theme? Things are becoming clearer now, aren’t they?

It’s time to examine Room 71%. That’s right, seven out of ten children in this category remember
being drugged as they were hurt or raped. Maybe there’s a connection af er all.

So take a deep breath, and remember that you can exit the room at any time. Also, these events
happened in the past and the people who wrote of this have healed and are able to live much
better lives. Keep that hope in the forefront of your mind as you peer into this room. The door
opens, and Chantal begins.


But there was still my night life. I went to bed in the evening and got up in the morning to go


to school. What happened on certain nights in the time in-between, I no longer knew in the

morning. Sometimes after I went to sleep, my father would wake me up and pick me up. Every now

and then I would get a sweet syrup. Today I know that there were drugs in it. Drugs are often

given to children in these circles to make them compliant, but also to make sure they don't
remember things (like where they were taken).

I was sixteen years old. I had chosen to follow Jesus at that age with our pastor, and we

celebrated my confirmation. And then came April 1987. I remember being at the small airfield near

our home one afternoon. The young people sometimes met there, where there was also a small pub.

I remember how I suddenly fainted. Today I think it must have been because of a medicine

or a drug. When I came to, I was wearing a tight, red dress of lace.

I was in a huge hall. For me it seemed as if everything was in red, candles, windows,

tablecloths, red light, red floor.... Everything was red. A woman with long black hair was escorted

in by two people in black robes. She was in the advanced stages of pregnancy. She and I were

wearing the same lace dress. The two attendants laid her on the pale, white light altar that was

in the center. Her eyes were wide open.

A strange restlessness arose in the hall. I remember feeling great tension in the audience. I

noticed people around me talking to each other. I heard music and singing. It was a festive

atmosphere. I was sitting at the bottom of a staircase in the midst of other people when a man

standing on a kind of stage asked me to come to him. I was handed a large curved knife.

Speaking Out!, p. 31.

I knew the man. It was a very famous Austrian singer and entertainer, whom I will call Paul

Heinrich here. I don't remember how it happened, but I knew then that it was a wedding

celebration. My wedding with Satan. I didn't see Satan in person, but Paul Heinrich played my

husband for this ceremony. He moderated and accompanied the ceremony.

I lost my composure! I screamed, was angry, completely overwhelmed, felt panic, a huge chaos

and confusion of feelings, emotions that could not be sorted out or put into words. But I had to

obey! There was no alternative for me. I had to stab into the woman's belly. I was forced to kill

her. Paul Heinrich stood next to me and gave me the instructions how to do it. He guided my hand.

The woman screamed. Nobody else moved. Everything was red. Full of blood. The altar, the dress,

the woman, I, the floor. Everything. I had to cut the baby out of the mother's living body. It

was alive. Someone lifted it out of the womb. Then I was ordered to cut the baby. With the same

knife. Someone held the child by the feet with the head down. I was supposed to cut the baby in

two with the knife. I couldn't. Then they also put it on the altar, and I had to finish my work.

After that I was allowed to rest a little. Paul Heinrich took me in his arms and congratulated

me. He accompanied me to a table that was a little lower and we sat down. I don't remember if

there were chairs or if we were on our knees. The table was decorated with red roses and red

candles. I remember music. Classical music. Then women or men came and served us our wedding

menu. Meat and something red in wine glasses. I knew this was the baby's meat. It made me

throw up. But then they put something into my mouth, and I had to keep eating, nor was I

allowed to vomit.

After that it went on. I remember how I, too, was brought to the altar. I was wearing a

different dress, also a red one with lace. I don't remember how it happened.

I was “put inside” the woman's body. Before that, the woman's internal organs had probably

been cut out. They took specific inner organs and put them into my body. I had to take them into

my mouth and lick them. There were other men dressed in red and black robes. The masturbated

in front of me and ejaculated on me and the dead woman. I was aggressively raped several times

by Paul Heinrich, who embodied Satan- my husband. Afterwards also by other men. I fainted again

and again. But I kept coming to, only to faint again. Blood, sperm, urine, rape, offal. I couldn't

make a sound anymore....

Some people were present at the feast. In my memory, there were perhaps around sixty

downstairs in the hall. Perhaps there were more present, but I did not notice them. Among them

were some prominent people whom I recognized in the course of the ritual celebration, well-known

aristocrats, politicians, actors, professional athletes, a founder of an organization for organ donation

(which was officially founded in 1991), the wife of a president whose name everybody knows, and

another young woman.

I must not mention these well-known names here for legal reasons, so as not to jeopardize the

publication of this book...


Drugs: any number of opiates, barbiturates, hypnotics, sedatives, anesthetic agents.

Resuscitative drugs, antidotes are also kept, clearly labeled and indexed. Many drugs, especially
experimental ones, are only known by code names, such as “alphin 1.”

For countless centuries, Illuminati trainers and leaders have used role playing to reinforce as
well as program children, and it is a favorite mode of teaching up to this day. A typical drama set
up, or role play, will involve a “visit through time.” The child is told, while drugged or hypnotized,
that it and the other children with it (usually, a small group will go through this programming
together) are going to “time travel.” The trainer or teacher is seen as immensely powerful by
the children, as he or she magically transports them through time....

Most recent cult experimentation has been in the area of drug effects: using different
drugs both alone and in new combinations and dosages, to induce trance states and open the
person to training. Drugs are looked for which will shorten the time interval needed to induce
trance state, which are quickly metabolized, and leave no detectable residues the next day.


Drugs: Different drugs are used for different purposes, such as to aid
suggestibility, to restrain the child, or to whip him or her up into fury. Injections of
sulfur or Naltrexone will create pain all over (a punishment program). Curare will
paralyze the body36

Children are given as brides and consorts of Satan when they are nine years old.
They take vows to Satan to love and obey Him, to give themselves to him freely in

Speaking Out!, pp. 75-78.
Svali Speaks, p.14.
Ibid, p. 91.
Ibid, p. 130.
Healing the Unimaginable, p. 95.

body and soul. This is the first time they “officially” lose their virginity. They are
prepared physically by their trainer. They are bathed in special oils. They are taught
prayers and chants. They are painted head to toe with colors signifying their rank and
circle. The alter that will become a priestess or breeder is called forward. She is
dressed in white and drugged with pain killers and hallucinogens. She is then walked
to center circle where she takes part in a Black Mass. During the offertory part of
the service the children are called forward and raped whether by a member of the
congregation dressed in a costume of Lucifer, or by the Grand Master or High priest,
who uses a phallus with sharp spikes sticking out. After the service these children
will become a permanent part of the circle.37


Sedation before and electro shocks to my head afterward helped me to

forget a lot of it, keeping my experiences in a fog that only manifested in my
dreams. Never wanting to look back and remember, I was adept at avoiding
the past until, although it wouldn't happen until well into my adulthood, I
would see the man in my dreams, which changed everything for me.....

It is hard to explain what it was like to see Col. Michael Aquino for the
first time as an adult. Just seeing a video of the man being interviewed on a
national talk show physically sucked the air from my lungs, leaving me unable
to breathe for a while.38


The following night, after Jack Greene completed his show at the Black Poodle, he
drove my friend and me to a nearby participating afterhours club, the Demon's Den.
There, Cox was to pick us up and take us to Hendersonville. Instead, we were slipped a
drug and taken “on a tour” of Union Station, Nashville's then abandoned train
station, where supposedly the only train still running through there was the Freedom

Senator Byrd's attempted cultivation of superstition through my Catholic schooling

should have maximized the impact of the occult ritual I was subjected to in the tower of

Ibid, pp. 111-112.
Rabbit Hole, pp. 34-35.

the old stone and slate turn-of-the-century train depot. But the pain and horror was
sufficiently effective in itself—even without my adhering to superstition—to produce the
intended mind shattering results. Cox took my friend and me on a “flashlight tour”
through the rubble of Union Station, until we came to a homeless man sleeping on the
ground. Cox ordered me to “kiss the railroad bum good-bye,” then shot him between the
eyes while I was still only inches away. He then used a machete to chop off the man's
hands, which he put in a zip lock bag. He then led us up the rickety stairs into the tower
of the old depot. There Jack Greene, his band members, and others dressed in black
robes were gathered around a black leather alter (sic) in a room lit by candles and
draped in red velvet. In total shock, I was laid on the alter (sic) and subjected to rape
and torture while the participants indulged in sex, blood, and cannibalism ritual.

It is time to take care of room 71%. The children are always the rst priority. There also might be
someone who has listened to the accounts and has decided to change their life’s path.

When the room is empty, do what you need to do.


Have you come to the realization that both Svali and Stella were perpetrators of this evil to
children, yet decided to change? True, they were forced into it, tortured to believe that there was
no other choice to continue in their family traditions. But somehow, they chose to escape and a
path opened up for them. The way out begins to be revealed when the choice is made.

There will be others like them that encounter this book and choose to change. It is wisdom to
remember that some were tortured children as well, and it took them until they changed their
minds to break free.

It is amazing how just being honest to these ve authors and taking the sections in the books
where the they mentioned drug use started to tie together certain themes.

Satan, marriage to him, ritualized murders, blood drinking, cannibalism, orgies, torture, rape,
“highest” society, entertainers and musicians, elaborate decorations—all for evil's sake.

It is interesting how Chantal and Stella mention drug use speci cally in the “wedding” ceremony
to satan. Chantal is from Switzerland, raised in a “Christian” home, and the experience she related
took place in Barcelona, Spain. Stella is likely from Canada and her cult has a Jewish foundation,
event place unknown. However, the outcomes and similarities are too strong to be ignored.

Trance Formation of America, p. 100.

Cathy and David both had very close and personal “encounters” with LTC Aquino, and both are
lled with intense dread and feelings when they write about him. Svali and Cathy both had
similar experiences with representatives of the Vatican, or those that purported to be so.

It is hard to fathom experiencing just one of these events, much less being forced to participate in
them, and worse, forced to become a perpetrator and a murderer.

What kind of guilt did these people go through when they nally came out of the programming
and false reality that they had lived in every day of their lives?

Do you imagine that they would try to self-medicate with illicit or prescription drugs and

Is it clear that the hurting child within would do anything in its power to stop the pain and

Is this phenomenon why there are so many drug and alcohol addicts?

In addition to having to create multiple personalities to survive, how much PTSD would be
caused by having to ritually murder a mother and her child on your “wedding” day? What would
it feel like to be brutally tortured and raped af erwards?

That these events have a strong spiritual power is evident. They produce fear, for sure, in all, and
especially with those that have a conscience remaining.

As rich, famous and powerful as these evil people are, you can become even more powerful doing
things that are good, and it doesn't take tons of money.

It starts with a decision.

How will you choose to look at a drug addict, an alcoholic, a homeless person? Might they have
su fered untold horrors in their youth?

How much would it cost you to show kindness to one person who you will now see with totally
di ferent eyes?

If you are reading this book with a goal to make a positive di ference, that thought and desire will
put you in the position to do something simple for you but great for the recipient.

Love is expensive to do well, but it doesn't take money. It does take a change of heart and actions.

It’s important to look at some of the words that keep on reappearing. Knives. Blood. Ceremony.
Altar. Virgins. (Did you catch the irony in Stella's account when she says that although the child
has been raped since birth, it is still considered a “virgin?”) Priest. Priestess. Hearts. Rape.
Torture. Orgies. In uencers of all types. Household names. Sacri ce. O fering. Cannibalism.

These words and concepts have histories, and they are ancient. This will be looked at in detail in a
following book.

Lastly, did you catch the misprints (or subtle hints) in Cathy's account? “Alter” instead of “altar?”
“Alter,” ironically enough, is the term of choice for those in the mental health eld to describe the
di ferent personalities split o f from the individual through rape and torture. An “altar” is a table
of stone, wood or other materials that the sacri cial victim is bound to before he or she is raped,
tortured or killed in honor of some perceived deity or spirit. The words sound either similar or
exactly alike, according to the diction of the speaker. Are these words connected in a metaphysical
sense, besides just sounding alike?

The accounts here are beyond description. They have to be looked at from the viewpoint of
someone who has lived it. It is mind-blowing that these authors have found within themselves
the strength and hope needed to escape, against impossible odds.

With that same strength and hope, are you looking for the piece of the answer that is within you
that needs to be exercised so that this evil will stop?

This might be a good time to use your remote control and close the book.

Take good care of yourself, you have read things that most people have successfully avoided their
whole lives. Instead of choosing fear or despondency, you have the right and the ability to do
something worthwhile. A hurting person will cross your path soon. Simply love them in a gentle
way. You might never know what they have been through.

End time:

Thoughts, memories, fears, etc:

Possible solutions for each negative listed above:

Room 70%



Start time:

Incest is foundational principal on how power, wealth and prestige are kept within the family.
Parents and other family members rape their children. Parents also sell their children so that they
can pro t nancially. This happens in the powerful families—in order to keep and maintain
power and wealth.

Incest also happens in the poorest of families. It may have been handed down as a practice for
generations. Some children in poorer families are sold to create an income to provide for the rest
of the family. If the value of a child is only money, then the parents or relatives using the child as
well is the next logical step.

Are many countries kept at the poverty level intentionally so that a ready supply of children can
be kept coming through the pipeline to be hurt, used sexually or killed?

As you might have noticed, there is quite a bit of overlap in the di ferent rooms visited so far. For
example, blood was mentioned of en in the chapter on drugging; rape and torture are the
foundation in every room.

Sexual assault by a family member is one of the deepest betrayals a child can experience. Every
child is completely dependent upon its family to meet the basic needs—food, clothing, shelter,
safety and love. When the criminal act occurs, the child’s safety and feelings of love and
acceptance are shattered, and the e fects obviously simmer beneath the surface of that child for
years and of en decades.

The child usually, if not always, believes that he or she was responsible in some way or another.
Guilt, shame, self-loathing and a cascade of similar emotions change the trajectory of the child’s
path. The adult perpetrator, if known to the child, usually threatens the child to keep silence, as

you saw in Room 77%.

This is probably the chapter that will hurt the worst for a lot of readers. For those who haven’t
experienced it, the heartbreak that comes from empathizing with these accounts is very di cult.
And every reader knows someone who has experienced this, whether you know about it or not.
Not many people will divulge their darkest family secrets, and for good reason. It hurts, is
extremely embarrassing, and divulging is extremely di cult. A complicating issue is that the child
usually loves and is attached to the parental gure as well.

For those readers who know this topic from personal experience, you have options, as always.
You can skip ahead to go to the next room and see what is happening there. You might want to
stay here to see what others have experienced—it might lessen your feeling of aloneness. You
might need to read it to see how the children coped with it while it was happening and how you
possibly did similar things.

The truth is here. These ve individuals, for sure, wrote about the darkest parts of their lives to
allow the light to shine on it and to remove the darkness and shadows. I doubt that any of them
felt great pride in assigning blame to close family members. Some wrote under pseudonyms,
others chose to use their real names.

There is always risk in healing. A great physician will ask his patient if he or she desires healing.
That inner desire to be whole and well is the rst step in any healing process. There is risk in
reading these accounts. There is risk in ignoring them. The choice is ultimately yours.

This chapter will remain the same in both versions of the book. The authors voices will not be
paraphrased or altered in any way.

Your remote control is still working. You can always leave and come back if you need to.

You realize that you have been on the seventh oor for a while, this is the fourth and last room to
visit on this level.

These rooms, unfortunately, represent the most common occurrences.

Use your passkey to open the door to Room 70%.


I watched the door handle and was completely hypnotized by it. A feeling of panic arose in

me that completely paralyzed me. Would the door handle go down today or not? That was the

question I asked myself every time I went to bed. And then suddenly it went down... I froze. My

father came into my room. “No!!!” it cried inside me. “I can't! I can't take this!” But I didn't move

an inch, nor did I scream for help. I gave myself an order inside to walk away. And I just

walked away inwardly. What happened there did not happen to me. It happened to “the other

one.” The one who was in bed. After all, I had to go back to school in the morning. I had to

sleep. I couldn't be active at night, and certainly not let myself be raped. So I delegated it, and

“the other one” had to take over. The next morning I always got up, had breakfast with my father
and then went to school. In bad weather, he sometimes drove me there on his way to work....

The following is a continuation of the sexual preparation that Svali spoke of earlier


The infant is abandoned, or uncared for by adults, intentionally during the daytime, the picked
up, soothed, cleaned up and paid attention to in the context of preparing for a ritual or group
gathering. This is done in order to help the infant associate night gatherings with “love” and
attention, and to help the bonding process to the cult, or “family.” The infant will be taught to
associate maternal attention with going to rituals, and eventually will associate cult gatherings with
feelings of security.

As the infant grows older, i.e. at 15 to 18 months, more fragmenting is intentionally done by
having the parents as well as cult members abuse the infant more methodically.


The following happens at home:

The child is sexually abused with fingers and dildos....

Speaking Out!, pp. 43-44.
Svali Speaks, p. 44.

Starting at about two months, fingers are inserted in the child's orifices to widen
the openings... (This has been quoted before, in an earlier chapter.)42


Sleep deprivation came with the territory of growing up in my house,

given how violent the household was. Often, my enraged father would wake
us up at night and beat us; then, having worked himself into frenzy, he would
rape us. As a result, I had difficulty with sleep for years into adulthood.43

...It is incomprehensible how a man could be willing to allow a child to be

molested without feeling compelled to do something about it. Hearing you say
this clarified for me that not only did you know what was happening, but you
also condoned it. You found it acceptable that your wife was molesting your
youngest son.

I am finally remembering what you did to me, dad. I remember you, your
third wife, and me, all of us naked while I was forced to lie on your third
wife while she held my butt so you could rape me. I don't need you to
validate this for me, and I have had more than enough of your lies. It defines
why I have had many of the problems I have with my life, why sex and
intimacy are almost an impossible combination for me, and why I feel so
alienated from the world, although I have a plethora of love in my life. The
explanation is unfortunately simple: I had monsters for parents.

You know, dad, I can't even fathom what it must be like for the two of
you to look in the mirror and realize that you are nothing more than a
couple of perverted child rapists, monsters, who are not only capable of but
guilty of incredibly sick sex crimes against children. Your very own children….

What it must be like for you to know that you have created such pain
in your life, that you are the kind of people other parents warn their
children about....

Healing the Unimaginable, pp. 97-98.
Rabbit Hole, p. 30.

One of the hardest aspects of all of this for me, dad, is that even
though I hate you beyond belief, I also love you. You are my father, and
boys need their fathers. So knowing myself, I realize I will reach a point of
forgiveness, although I am far from that now, and I find it heartbreakingly
frustrating that you and I will not be able to work this through in order to
heal. Obviously you and your third wife suffered severe abuse as children,
but you had no right to inflict the same devastation on us.....

Physically, mentally, emotionally, and sexually, you have been nothing less
than a monster.44


My pedophile father, Earl O'Brien, brags that he began substituting his penis for my
mother's nipple soon after I was born. My multigenerational incest-abused mother,
Carol Tanis, did not protest his perverse actions due to (reportedly) having similar abuse
as a child which caused her to acquire Multiple Personality Disorder. My earliest
recovered memory was that I could not breathe with my father's penis jammed into my
little throat. Yet I could not discern his semen from my mother's milk. I do not recall
thinking, but I am aware through education that this early sexual abuse distorted my
primitive concepts of feeding, breathing, sexuality, and parental perceptions.

I recall as a toddler being unable to run (I could barely walk) to my mother for help
as my instincts demanded. Through my gulping sobs, my terror rose as I tried to clear my
throat of my father's semen and draw a breath of air. My mother finally arrived at my
side. Rather than comfort me, she accused me of throwing a temper tantrum and
“holding my breath.” She responded only by throwing a glass of cold water in my face. I
was shocked! As the water splashed my face, I knew she would not help, and it was up
to me to save myself. I automatically Multiple Personality Disordered. I was, of course,
too young to logically understand that what my father was doing to me was wrong. I
accepted his strangling sexual abuse as a normal and natural part of my home life and
split off a personality to deal with the pain and suffocation to satisfy his perversions.
Therefore as a child, I was dissociative of my father's abuse. I was totally unable to

Ibid, pp. 155-157.

recall his sexual abuse, even in his presence, until I saw and felt his penis. Then the
terror, which was my conditioned response, triggered access to that part of my brain
that previously endured the trauma. I was remembering the abuse and how to deal with
it. This part of my brain developed into a personality of its own—which belonged to my
father—which he rented out and later sold to the U.S. Government as will be explained
and detailed in the following pages.

Other parts of my conditioned mind dealt with other abusers, abuses and
circumstances. My father was (as revealed by my own investigations) apparently a
multigenerational incest child from a large, poor, and horribly dysfunctional family. His
mother earned a living as a prostitute for local lumbermen after his father died when he
was two years old. My father's brothers and sister were all sexually and (occult) ritually
abused just as he was. They grew up to be drug addicts, prostitutes, street derelicts, and
pedophiles who also sexually abused me and my brothers and sisters. I developed more
personality splits to deal with the traumas of these torturous relationships.

As always, there is work to be done when exiting a room. Room 70% has walls that need to come
tumbling down.

What safe house did you send the children to?

Are the ones who decided to stop what they were doing on a path to get help?

If yes to the above, dissolve the walls that hid the evildoers.


Now it is time to talk about internal walls. If this has happened to you, you might have created
barriers inside that try to contain the inexpressible? Is it possible that the individuals who hurt
you are lurking inside you still, hiding behind the walls that you made? They are surely associated
with them.

Is there anything wrong in bringing down those interior walls, now that their function is not
needed as healing is taking place instead?

You can choose to remove them, just as easily as you have done with all the hotel walls. You have
lots of practice, so decide what is your favorite method of deconstruction.

Trance Formation of America, p. 80.

Expect peace and love to come ooding in to cleanse what used to be behind impenetrable


There are a few words of importance here. “Multi-generational.” “Family.”

Most people on this earth have a mix in their ancestors, some abusers, and some that chose not to
continue the practice. That each and every human on this planet is somehow a fected by this
scourge is undeniable. Therefore, each step taken to heal those a fected and each abuser who
chooses to stop makes a huge di ference-- rst, in the lives of those being hurt, and then in the
transformed life of the former criminal.

The impact when people change will have a ripple e fect. That's why the author is writing this
book, and hopefully that's why you are continuing to share the heartbreak and agony by reading
this. When torture and rape are replaced by real and honest love, good things happen.

There is no way to know how many generations back the evil has gone on. Surveying historical
texts that talk of these things will shed light; indeed, the texts are many. The ones that the author
is familiar with from his upbringing will be looked at later, just as these works from our ve main
witnesses are being examined.

This research points to the probability that rape and torturing others is a learned behavior, mainly
taught by parents and family units.

Imagine if there was so much societal pressure on the people who are practicing this evil that they
stopped worldwide; it would only take a few generations for goodness to ourish in this world.

With your new awareness of the problem, knowing symptoms of those who are victims and
perpetrators; what new actions will you come up with to nd your piece of the puzzle?

Place it where it belongs, and you might even nd that you nd another piece, and then another.

How about a block party looking for puzzle pieces?

Isn't this a battle worth winning?

How are you going to engage the enemy today, and what will you look for tomorrow?

If you have love and compassion, you are well on your way...

End time:

Thoughts, memories, fears, etc:

Possible solutions for each negative listed above:


Skipped percentages


Start time:

It's time to take a break from the very heavy and heartrending issues brought to our attention by
the authors. They never got a break in their childhood, as there was no safe home for them to go
to, no one to protect them. As Prime Minister Morrison stated, people in authority turn a blind
eye, and the children continue to bear the burden. The system is rotten from bottom to top, it
likely needs replacing rather than reform.

Most of the following items are mentioned in the ve autobiographical accounts. However, to
keep the book length manageable the following items will just be given passing mention. That in
no way negates their importance and the e fect these have on the lives of the recipients.

Room 70% Sleep deprivation—if you’ve experienced it, you know how the e fects can linger
long into adulthood.

Room 67% Bondage—isn't doing these things to one's own children the very de nition of
slavery? There is not a color, nationality or religion that has the corner on doing this evil, it is an
equal opportunity employer. The whole world is enslaved and enslave by this evil practice.

Room 63% Feces used in abuse

Room 62% Witnessing animal mutilation

Room 53A% Being caged

Room 53B% Blinding lights

Room 53C% Forced to participate in animal mutilation—a child is of en forced to kill a favorite

Room 51% Near drowning experience

Room 50% Non lethal weapon abuse (many of the authors related how they were shot or
knifed, just in case you were wondering)


It is not easy to read this book. Rest assured, doing the research has been very painful, so thank
you for sharing in this authors' pain, as well as that of those that daily su fered it.

It is important to choose to not be paralyzed.

We have free will to choose what to think about. We have free will to choose what to do.

Maybe the fear and/or spiritual power created by this evil has kept the majority from rising up to
eradicate this.

It is time for loving and thoughtful action. You are still reading this, you have a very important
piece of the solution, one of the keys to unlock a better future; words, thoughts and actions that
will make a huge di ference in the life of a hurting child, no matter how old the body they

If happiness is a choice, then depression is as well.

Choose wisely.

You are powerful, and what you say, think and do are incredibly important. Come up with an
idea, try it, change if needed, and notice how things start to change in your life.

It did not cost you any money to get this book.

It will not cost you any more to share it with those who have their special part to play.

You could start a discussion group.

You could coordinate a neighborhood project.

You will create something that is unique to you, and in so doing, set in motion a beautiful world.

The chapter dealing with incest leads to the inevitable conclusion that these children never had a safe place
to call home. If evil parents choose to change, there will likely need to be loving supervision for their
children for some period of time.

Foster parenting with real, loving and giving parents will become a huge need if the world
changes. Are you willing to show love for children by providing a safe and loving home for them?

Your gif might be listening. Listen.

If you encourage, encourage.

If planning, plan.

Do you envision? See.

Whatever you have, no matter how small or insigni cant it seems, is vitally important.

These evil people have thrived on their ability to create fear.

It is possible to choose to never fear again.

Take some time to meditate on that hope and compassion that resides within, and build upon it.

End time:

Thoughts, memories, fears, etc:

Possible solutions for each negative listed above:

Room 55%

Forced to abuse others


Start time:

In this chapter I combine the 72% (Witnessing physical abuse on others) simply because they
overlap so much. In other words, having two children to torture at the same time is an e cient
way for the evildoers to do their work.

If you choose, you can download the sample from Amazon of this book: Forgiveness and Child
Abuse—Would You Forgive? by Lois Einhorn PhD.46 In her writing, she says that one of three
girls and one of seven boys in America are sexually harmed before the age of eighteen. She talks
about her childhood where she and her sister were forced to hurt each other, which is what this
Hotel Room 55% is about.

Do you remember how to activate the remote? This author has used his many, many times, and
the truth was always waiting for him to explore when he was ready again.

Let love hold you while you read this. That love will also give you guidance at the end of the
tour. You will know the exact path to make a di ference in the life of someone that you will meet
that has stayed for a while in this room, who needs a way out.

The pass key still works! Obviously, the front desk has been unable to detect the removal of so
many of their room. Guess the remote has some sort of cloaking device, as well!



My desire to spend a lot of time with children was fulfilled by the perpetrators. Outside life had

been rather difficult. We were outsiders as a family. We were German-Swiss in French-speaking

Switzerland, which was not a walk in the park at the time. We were often called the “sales

boches,” which means “dirty Germans,” and were also occasionally asked to go back to “our Nazi


But the perpetrators made sure that my wish came true anyway. I was together with

children, also to “prepare” or instruct them for sexual abuse. I had to make them into model sex

slaves, just like myself. Training to be a sex slave starts very early. Little babies are prepared for it

by having fingers stuck into their vaginas, whereby the vagina is gradually stretched over time, so

that a penis can penetrate as soon as possible without leaving any traces. Or they are given a penis

to suck on instead of the mother's breast. Small baby penises are “trained” to become erect penises.

To accomplish this task, I was mainly taken abroad. Most of the children I had to abuse for

this purpose had been placed in Amerois Castle in Belgium, in basement rooms of the Dagger Complex
(NSA) in Darmstadt (Germany) and in the White House in Washington.

I was also forced to teach smaller children what I had already learned myself. Namely, to be

sexually abused. To endure sexual abuse. In these circles, one is told, “DYING MUST BE LEARNED.”

Dying includes massive sexual violence. The earlier you learn it and survive it, the stronger you are

then when you did. For this reason, I was trained to do it to others myself. But since I was a

child, and at the same time I was also raped over and over again, that didn't work for me at all

Speaking Out!, p. 58.

either. How, pray tell, can a girl of about eight prepare babies for sexual abuse? How does

something like that work? Is it even possible? The sad answer is: Yes, it can! And the perpetrators,

among whom are scientists, psychiatrists, psychologists, physicians, and other highly educated

people, know exactly that this works. They misuse this knowledge and thus specially create such

other “ego-states.” They deliberately inflict trauma so that a child dissociates. For this they use the

whole science of developmental psychology.

At that moment, when I had to do it—I could not actually do it, but was nevertheless urged to

do it under the most massive threats—I had formed an old, ugly, creepy, fat, evil man in my

imagination. This was a man who could do it. This was a man who was certainly capable of

performing such atrocities. So I left again, and the man took over my job. So I was out of it. I

didn't know about anything. As a girl, how could I possibly know what a disgusting evil man was

doing? I couldn't. I'm a kid. And he's an adult. This is how the different “ego-states” came about.

The perpetrators knew this and had encouraged it. And the perpetrators triggered these other

“ego-states” every time they needed them. I had become absolutely dependent in this way.

Individual psychology teaches that you should approach people with your concerns, knowing

that you cannot force anyone.... I believed that for a long time. But in this case it is not true. Or

is it? They could not force the little girl that I was. And yet they had forced me. By splitting me


Ibid, pp. 44-45.


The child is brought into a room where there is a trainer and another child of
approximately the same age, or slightly younger, than the child being taught. The child is
severely beaten, for a long period of time, by the trainer, then told to hit the other child in
the room, or they will be beaten further. If the child refuses, it is punished severely, the
other child is punished as well, then the child is told to punish the other child. If the child
continues to refuse, or cries, or tries to hit the trainer instead, they will continue to be beaten
severely, and told to hit the other child, to direct its anger at the other child. This step is
repeated until the child finally complies. This step is begun around age 2 to 2 ½, and is used to
create aggressive perpetrator alters in the young child. As the child becomes older, the
punishing tasks become more and more brutal. Children are expected to become perpetrators
of others at very young ages, and will “practice” on children younger than themselves, with the
encouragement and rewarding by the adults around them. They will also be mimicking these
adults, who role model perpetration constantly as normal.

Another set up will involve twinning, which deserves special mention here. The Illuminati will
often create twin bonds in their children. The ideal is to have a set of real twins, but of
course this is not always possible. So, the child is allowed to play with, and become close to,
another child in the cult from earliest childhood. At some point early on, the child will be told that
the other child is actually their “twin,” and that they were separated at birth. They are told
that this is a great secret and not to tell anyone, on pain of punishment. The child, who is
often lonely and isolated, is overjoyed. It has a twin, someone who has a special bond to them by

The children do everything together. They are taught together, do military training together.
They tell each other secrets. They are also frequently friends in the daytime as well. They

Svali Speaks, pp. 48-49.

are taught to cross access each other just as real siblings would be.

But at some point, they will be forced to hurt each other. If one “twin” is considered
expendable, the ultimate set up will be one in which one twin is forced to die while the other
watches. One twin may gather secrets from the other twin, be forced to disclose them to a
trainer or cult leader, then may be forced to kill the other. If they refuse, the other twin will
be brutalized by the trainer, and the refusing twin told that the child was hurt because of
their refusal to comply. Many setups will involve one twin being forced to betray the other,
turning on the other child after intense programming This betrayal set up will devastate both
children, and they will learn the true lesson: trust no one. Betray, or be betrayed.

The children will also have adult role models on every hand, since the cult is a very political,
hierarchical, back stabbing society.


We will look at Stella's account in a later chapter.


Many of the atrocities were proclaimed as being done in my honor, so

naturally I was often forced to participate in them. Cannibalism (eating of the
heart among other body parts), bestiality (forcing kids to have sex with
dogs, for example), murder (sacrifices made with knives usually), and rape (of
both little boys and girls) were common practice with my family's friends, and
as a result, I suffered constant nightmares during my childhood and into my
adult life of children coming from their graves to enact their justified revenge
on me. It was because of these dreams that I would eventually seek
counseling as an adult.

Get the children out of here now! Safety awaits.

Svali Speaks, pp. 98-99.

How many of you parents are now willing to open your house and your hearts to at least one
child who has experienced this so that they can have a chance at a di ferent childhood?

The walls here in the hotel need to come down, how will you do it? See it happening with great
clarity in your mind’s eye.

Thank you for getting rid of the refuge that evil has thrived in. You will get lots of chances in
your daily life, that’s why all the practice with the rst creative gif , your imagination.

All hiding places for this room are now gone. Good job.


Accounts in this chapter describe beaten and tortured children, threatened

with more torture, who refuse to in ict pain intentionally on another child.

Read the last sentence until the importance of the truth contained sinks in. It doesn’t matter how many
times you have to read it. This is a key concept in changing our world.

A child’s innate behavior is love, and they know the di ference between right and wrong.

Children causing great violence to children is a learned behavior. It is extremely di cult to teach this to a
child, even one that has been beaten and/or raped numerous times. In fact, the perpetrators have to ensure
that a suitable alter has been created by the child, because deep down, the child knows wrong and refuses
to do it. If you have been taught the concept of “original sin,” this might be a jarring revelation and hard
to believe.

If you read the sample recommended at the beginning of this chapter, Lois and her sister refused to hurt
each other until they were beaten to do it. Children have to be taught to be evil, even those inculcated
with the darkest evil from birth.

Remember this as well, these ve children bear the DNA of at least one parent that has been set aside for
evil purposes for their entire life. The children were destined by the parents to continue the tradition.

Add to that this: the “child” that nally does the evil was a personality intentionally split by the actions
of an adult perpetrator and is distinct from the original child. This was hard for the author to see, hard to
think about, and nally almost impossible to believe it to be true, but the accounts are all the same. If the
children and their alters were not tortured and manipulated, lied to and coerced, they would have never
even contemplated participating in evil. They intuitively knew in the depth of their soul that it was
wrong, and they would have gladly chosen their own death rather than to have a portion of their soul to
harm another. And decades later, these souls sought, and found, forgiveness and redemption.

They honestly wrote about the horri c things that had been done to them, and more importantly, what
they had been forced to do to others. It must have been di cult for them to express their experiences and
feelings on paper, but they did so, and that helped their healing process.

This is something that is worth taking days o f from reading to contemplate. See if a solution to the
problem lies within this seeming paradox.


But before you go, consider this concept of “twinning” that Svali talked about. Betrayal at the ultimate
goal in life, and it is forced upon the child by a trainer, an adult, a parent. The ultimate twin betrayal is the
murder of the twin, biological or not. Oh, and the “adults” and the leaders highly reward the behavior of
the betrayer.

Have you ever read this theme elsewhere? Involving a birthright and a blessing?

This twinning tactic will come up again.

This hurts to write, to read, to think about.


It is an honor that you have continued to read about this darkness for so long.

Find a peaceful place, hold hands with a friend or spouse, protect a child, walk a dog, do positive action
and focus not on the evil, but nding the solution with everyone else who is led to these words.

You are important. Your voice is important. You are the one needed to tip the balance.

End time:

Thoughts, memories, fears, etc:

Possible solutions for each negative listed above:


Room 52%


Start time:

What an unpleasant subject. But 52% of the respondents to the survey said that they had
been forced to have sex with animals. Many of them were filmed doing so.

So sorry that we have to deal with such revolting things, but remember, there are innocent
children who are forced into these things, day after day, week after week, year after year.

How to stop it? Ask your intuition and heart to help you to find answers. If there is a
problem, there is a solution, and it is finally possible to choose to be part of the solution.
Isn’t that much better than ignoring the problem hoping that it will go away of its own

The door to Room 52% opens, and you hear these words…


At what age sex with animals started as part of the training I don't remember, but it probably

started when I was about seven years old. I remember dogs, snakes and zebras. Some dogs were

especially involved during sex orgies. These were probably dogs specially trained for these purposes.

With such dogs I was kept on course. And especially with a neighbor's dog. The owner was a

businessman, owner of a tombstone company and a professed Freemason. But I was also kept on

course with snakes. Sect members occasionally kept snakes as pets. A music teacher at that time

kept one. It was to her I went for the alto flute lesson. If I made a mistake, she either hit me

on the head with the flute or, if the mistake was especially clumsy, she came to me to insert a

snake into my vagina. I only remember seeing zebras sporadically at the Chateau Amerois. There

were also horses there. However, I have no such memory of horses, which does not mean that
sodomy was not practiced with those animals.

Snakes. A strong occult sign. Snakes are often kept as pets in Satanic ritual circles. Torture is

also performed with them. For example, snakes are inserted into the vagina as punishment or as

sexual foreplay before sex rituals. Or children are locked in a room with snakes so that they panic

and are bitten. The survivors can then continue to be used and employed, depending on their
survival status.

Stella describes a long and elaborate ritual involving rape, torture, hand puppets, drugged
children, and people dressed as animals and demons scaring and torturing the children. Lies and
deceptions are the basis for this ritual, but the goal is to convince alters of the children that they
are animals and demons, and of course, the alters can be called out at will by those who have the
keys. Towards the end she says:


A total of thirteen demons are wanted, including the original one, and six animals.
The job of demons is to come up during rituals and during times of potential
disloyalty. If the child is about to disclose something to an outsider, a demon will
come up and scare him, so as to ensure compliance. The demons are set up in a
hierarchy. They are given names of actual demons. Animal alters are used for
purposes consonant with that animal's nature, such as a cat going through the
bushes at night. The large animals such as dogs are also used for sexual intercourse
with real animals.* The child usually gets to pick their own animal names.53

(*Stella is saying that the alters that believe they are large animals are the ones used to have sex with
real animals.)


David spoke of bestiality earlier....

Speaking Out!, p. 87.
Ibid, p. 107.
Healing the Unimaginable, pp. 107-108.


Soon after we moved, my father was reportedly caught sending kiddie porn through
the U.S. Mail. It was a bestiality film of me with my Uncle Sam O'Brien's dog, Buster.

That's enough of her story for now, it will continue in the next chapter.

It’s your time to shine again, and take positive action on the concealment aspect of evil.

Start with the walls.

Find something clean and pure to focus on, wash your thoughts and realize that you have a
battle to win, and win it you will!

End time:

Thoughts, memories, fears, etc:

Possible solutions for each negative listed above:

Trance Formation of America, p.81.

Room 52%

Forced to participate in child pornography


Start time:

Child Pornography is how a lot of money is made to fund evil, and this is also a favorite tool to
blackmail people so that they are easily controlled. The children who are used in pornography
grow up, and many remain addicted to it because that was what they knew in their childhood.
They then become slaves to it and this creates a large consumer block.

It’s time to do a little back of the napkin math. The DID Research Org cites studies that suggest
that the number of people in the United States that have Multiple Personalities range from
0.1-2%. Other research estimates DID as 3-5% of the population.55 The approximate number of
people living in the US is 330 million. Using a rough estimate of 1%, that would mean that there
are roughly 3,000,000 people in the country with Dissociative Identity Disorder. If about half of
them were forced to make child pornography, that number is roughly one and a half million. If
that number was divided equally among the f y state, that would be 30,000 people, enough
child porn “stars” to populate a good-sized town.

It’s not just a US problem.

More than 200 Australians have collectively paid more than $1.3 million to watch
live streamed child sexual abuse lmed in the Philippines.
And the o fenders of en request how they want the child to be sexually abused as
the crimes are happening, a new report says.

Sexual torture creates a demand for child pornography, and it is a huge business.

This is only the tip of the iceberg. The internet has streamlined the distribution of CP, and it has
also allowed the perpetrators to target speci c children worldwide. Many children, unaware of
the danger of online predators, have their own smart phones. This is a problem everywhere there’s


cell phone coverage.

There are solutions to this—there will be people with tech expertise who will gure out
innovative solutions. Thank you in advance.

But sometimes it’s important to make things realistic, and very close to home.

Imagine a room with some two hundred people in it. You look around. Likely there are two to
ten people with multiple personalities in the room, who have gone through many or all of the
things we have looked at. They might look just as normal as you do.

Yet statistically, at least one of them is or was a porn “star.” As a child.


How will you become available to help any of these hurting individuals?

When you choose to give a listening ear. By being non-judgmental in any way. How about
keeping your words simple such as-- “I believe you,” “I know,” “I’m willing to help,” “What do
you need.” Being open to helping, you will naturally draw that hurting person into your life.

The children in Room 52 have been clothed, and have been carefully transported to loving,
healing, and nurturing environments.

Time to look at the af ermath and learn from those who have experienced it rst-hand. Open
Room 52%!


(Svali is going to talk about the jobs that members of her cult had. Notice the in uencing aspect
of their jobs.)

Prostitutes: Prostitutes can be a male or female of any age. They are trained from earliest
childhood to give sexual favors to one or more adults in return for payment to the child's
parents or their local cult group. Occasionally, the prostitute may be given to a member of the
cult, on a temporary basis, as a “reward” for a job well done. Child prostitution is a big business
for the cult, and training very young children in this role is taken very seriously. Child prostitutes
are also used to blackmail political figures or leadership outside the cult.

Pornography: A child used in pornography (which may include bestiality) can also be of any

age or sex. Child pornography is also big business in the cult, and includes snuff films. Children
are trained in this role from preschool on, often with the help or approval of the child's
parents. The parents are paid or given favors by the cult in return for selling their child or
allowing their child to be trained in this area.

Media personnel: These are very bright, verbal people. They will be sent to journalism
school and will work for local or regional media upon graduation. These individuals have many
contacts within the organization as well as the outside world.... They tend to do biased research
in their articles, favoring only one viewpoint, such as denying the existence of DID (dissociative
identity disorder, formerly known as multiple personality disorder) or ritual abuse.

Pornography: The Illuminati are linked in many cities with pornography/prostitution/child

prostitution/and white slavery sales. Again, several layers are present, as a buffer, between the
true “management” and those either engaged in the activities, or in paying for/funding and
eventually being paid for the activities.

In Healing the Unimaginable, Dr Miller uses Stella’s description of cult sexual training.

You can imagine the results of such things as dressing alters up in costumes (e.g.
strap-on penises for girls) to make them believe they are of the opposite sex,
deliberate pairing of pain and pleasure, bestiality, necrophilia, and training to
participate in sexual abuse and/or torture of other children while being sexually
stimulated and experiencing sexual pleasure. It is no surprise that paraphilias and
bizarre sexual addictions are common in this population. Groups who make the
worst kinds of pornography, including child pornography, sado-masochistic
pornography, and necrophilic and “snu ” (killing) pornography, create their own
markets by training children and adolescents to respond sexually to other children,
animals, violence, dead bodies, and death.58


Nervous and eager to get sex over with, I asked if I could use the
bathroom, at which time he told me that he wanted me to shower as well.

Svali Speaks, p. 27.
Ibid, p. 21.
Healing the Unimaginable, p. 226.

Having just taken a shower before I walked down, I thought it a strange
request but, in no position to disagree, I simply asked where the towels were.

Considering David's experience with the pervert and the holes in the wall,
you'd think I would have been nervous about being filmed. In retrospect, I
realize that I probably was, and that the whole thing was some weird sort of
setup, but at the time I was too nervous at the prospect of what I would
have to do to think much about it.59


My mother's oldest brother, Uncle Bob, was a pilot in Air Force Intelligence and
often boasted that he worked for the Vatican. Uncle Bob was also a commercial
pornographer, producing kiddie porn for the local Michigan Mafia, which looped back to
Mafia porn king and U.S. Representative Jerry Ford. I split off more personalities just to
deal with my Uncle Bob, his “friends,” and the perverse business he shared with my

My father's sixth grade education had earned him a job as a worm digger for local
sport fishermen. By the time I was six years old, however, his pornographic exploitation
of my older brother Bill and me had provided enough income to move us into a bigger
house nestled in the Michigan sand dunes. My father was right at home there. The
tourists and drug dealers who littered the eastern shore of Lake Michigan further
supplemented his income by paying for perverse sex with us children. My father also
became involved in illicit drug sales.

Soon after we moved, my father was reportedly caught sending kiddie porn through
the U.S. Mail. It was a bestiality film of me with my Uncle Sam O'Brien's Boxer dog,
Buster. My Uncle Bob, also implicated in manufacturing the porn, out of apparent
desperation informed my father of a U.S. Government Defense Intelligence Agency TOP
SECRET Project to which he was privy. This was Project Monarch. Project Monarch was a
mind control operation which was “recruiting” multigenerational incest abused children
with Multiple Personality Disorder for its “genetic mind control studies.” I was a prime
“candidate,” a “chosen one.” My father seized the opportunity as it would provide him

Rabbit Hole, p. 77.

immunity from prosecution. In the midst of the pandemonium that ensued, Jerry Ford
arrived at our house with the evidence in hand for a meeting with my father.

“Is Earl home?” he called to my mother, who nervously stood behind the screen door,
hesitating to let him in.

“Not yet,” my mother replied, her voice shaking. “He should have been home from
work by now—I know he's expecting you.”

“That's OK.” Ford turned his attention to me. I was standing outside on the front
porch, and he crouched down to my level. Patting the large, brown envelope containing
the confiscated porn tucked under his arm he said, “You like doggies, huh?”

“Buster is a nice doggy,” I replied. “He's funny.” Not understanding why the dog had
been whisked away when the porn was confiscated, I complained, “Buster's gone.”

“Buster's gone?” Ford asked.

“Yeah. My Uncle Sam took him away,” I told him.

Ford laughed loudly at the irony of my statement. In my limited view, I thought he

found it humorous that Buster was gone. My father pulled into the driveway, honking
the horn of his new tan convertible. Ford stood up. With his fly eye level to me, I noticed
his penis was erect and reached for it as conditioned.

“Not now, honey,” he said. “I have business to tend...” Ford went inside with my
parents to seal my fate.

Not long after that my father was flown to Boston for a two-week course at
Harvard on how to raise me for this off-shoot of MK Ultra, Project Monarch....

By this time, my father's sexual exploitation of me included prostitution to his

friends, local mobsters and Masons, relatives, Satanists, strangers and police officers.
When I wasn't being worked to physical exhaustion, filmed pornographically, prostituted
or engaged in incest abuse, I dissociated into books. I had learned to read at the young
age of four due to my photographic memory which was a natural result of MPD/DID.

Government researchers involved in MK Ultra Project Monarch knew about the
photographic memory aspect of MPD/DID, of course, as well as other resultant “super
human” characteristics.

(Cathy had been prostituted out to Pierre Trudeau earlier.)

Grandpa Van knew Jerry Ford, and subsequently was acquainted with Pierre

(Ed. He was the Prime Minister of Canada at the time, and is the father of Justin Trudeau, the
current Prime Minister.)

“What do you know about the French?” Grandpa Van asked me as I sat on his living
room floor petting the dog he just brought home. Improperly cued and dumbfounded by
his question I remained silent. “I know you've met Pierre Trudeau,” he prompted. “I also
know you love doggies. So I bought this dog, for your grandma now, so you could enjoy
him, too. His name is Pepe. He's a French Poodle.”

“I know all about the French,” I said, mentally comparing the large French Poodle in
front of me to Trudeau. “They have pretty nails...” I stroked Pepe's painted toenails. “They
have funny hair...” I petted Pepe's fur. “And they pee a lot,” I giggled....

Uncle Bob filmed Pepe and I pornographically on numerous occasions, producing

bestiality films that I would later learn Pierre Trudeau was privy to. Pepe remained a
part of my experience long after Grandpa Van divorced himself from my Grandma, and
long after I developed beyond Trudeau's perversion for little children.

Time to dissolve some walls in Room 52%.


Wow. Just wow.

Trance Formation of America, pp. 81-82.
Ibid, p. 89.

What percentage of adults involved in the production of pornography were likely used as
children? Are they still under mind control as well?

Do you remember what Prime Minister Morrison said in his apology?

“It happened anywhere a predator thought they could get away with it, and the systems within
these organizations allowed it to happen and turned a blind eye.”

Could it be that maybe the “systems within these organizations” are up to their eyeballs in the
rape and exploitation of children?

If what Cathy alleges is true, and there has not been one defamation lawsuit yet, then it is easy to
see why this evil persists to this moment.

If Jerry Ford from Michigan sounds familiar, it's because his criminality was greatly rewarded.
Gerald R. Ford. Yes, President of the United States of America. He was a purveyor of child
pornography, an enabler of the producers of it, and a pro teer from the terror of innocent

Cathy names other Presidents —Reagan, George H. W. Bush, Bill Clinton/Hillary. She also tags
prominent politicians like Prime Minister Brian Mulroney, Defense Minister Dick Cheney,
Senators Robert Byrd and Patrick Leahy along with many others. Chantal Frei names names in
her German news interview where she discusses her book. Actors, musicians, royalty, First Lady
of the United States.62

If the executives of nations are perpetrators, is it any wonder that this particular evil continues


Time to address fear. Does it matter that it is powerful, rich men and women are doing these
things? Underneath the power they are weak and easily controlled people. They have never faced
a majority or even one that held them accountable. Undoubtedly, most of them were treated
horribly as children, but unlike Cathy, Svali, David and Stella, they have continued to do evil.
They had the chance to leave, but instead chose wealth and power.

If the children who experienced such trauma at the hands of powerful people no longer fear them,
then should you choose to be afraid?

Elite Rituals - I´ve been there - Interview with Chantal Frei; https://www.youtube.com/watch?

Might it be time to see what a person who has deprogrammed another has to say about fear? You
have been reading her writing for a while now, let’s see what Cathy has to say in one of her blogs.

As in all aspects of MK Ultra mind control programming, it is imperative that we

deprogram the program rst in order to reclaim and retain free thought. It is easy
to recognize programming when we real-eyes that trauma is the basis of mind

Write out your fears, traumas, and immobilizing negativities using a pen and paper
in order to activate the part of your brain that critically analyzes information. It’s a
brain trick that shif s emotional fear and trauma to logic since it takes the logic
part of the brain to move a pen. Typing doesn’t stimulate free thought the same
way writing by hand does. So pick up a pen and paper, write out your fear, and
then add a SOULution which is another brain trick to stimulate your brain to re
in ways that lif you above immobilizing negativity.

Everyone everywhere should be applying this simple mind brain function to bring
peace, stability, free thought and free choice back into everyday life. Writing by
hand must be restored to the education system so our children can learn how to
think rather than be indoctrinated what to think.

Mind control is being systematically and strategically used on a global scale by a

self-appointed cabal determined to terrorize humanity into compliance with their
slave society agenda. These people are not like us and they do not like us. Yet they
only have as much power as we give them or let them steal.
When we reclaim our free thought free will, it is easy to Stop Complying with this
cabal we did not elect.63

Letter writing campaigns to your Congressman or Senator are likely destined to fail, especially if
they are blackmailed or active participants in criminal behavior.

If Ford blackmailed Trudeau, who blackmailed the ueen of England, who blackmailed....

That's all just one big “happy,” sick, dysfunctional family.

Pornography is how they blackmail each other. With children. With sacri ces.

And that is false power.

Now, can you imagine what it will be like when millions of courageous people in one voice

https://trance-formation.com/see-through-illusions /

demand that they be held accountable for their crimes? Are you leaders ready for when they are
forced to step down from their positions of power? Are you ready to serve instead of wielding

You have real power within, and it is up to you to discover it and put it into action as soon as you

End time:

Thoughts, memories, fears, etc:

Possible solutions for each negative listed above:

Room 63%

Use of blood in abuse


Start time:

Thank you for continuing to read these disturbing and troubling accounts. Unfortunately,
until people come into the realization of how bad things really are, at what levels of society
they occur at, and know the historical basis for these things, they will likely continue
unabated. Change will not come from the top. It has to come at the root.

Three rooms left to explore. Hold on!

It’s time to go back up a floor to Room 63%. This room not only has been emptied, but a
professional forensics team has gone through it, reports have been filed, and then it had to
be cleaned from top to bottom.

The remote might come in useful in this chapter. It’s not a sprint with this book, nor a
marathon. It’s more a training exercise waking up muscles that will be needed to bring
about change for good.

If you discovered a hotel like this in your neighborhood, would you want it to continue
unabated, or do you want to do something about it?

The door is open, to all hotels, so walk right on in. Room 63% has five young children in
it. The lights are on as well.


It happened at the cemetery in Rances VD, Switzerland. I must have been about seven years

old at that time. I was probably picked up at night. Anyway, I remember it was dark when I

was standing in the small cemetery at the upper right corner where children are buried. A knife

was put in my hand. My father and my dealer, Rene, the cult leader of “Les Adorateurs du Soleil,”

were standing there. I caught sight of a little boy about four years old with blond hair. A woman

was standing next to me. I could see only half of her face. She was wearing what I remember to

be a purple scarf that she was somehow hiding in. Her hair was tousled, as if she had just gotten

out of bed and hadn't combed through it yet. She wore light blue jeans that didn't quite reach her

ankles. She didn't look at me, didn't make a sound, and I didn't notice any facial expression on her


The boy was facing me. I noticed his glassy eyes looking straight ahead at me. I looked at my

father and I looked at the cult leader. The look on my father's face told me exactly what I had

to do. I knew I had to do it; otherwise, they would kill my mother or my siblings. I also had the

impression that the boy knew just as well what was coming next. I remember how it happened

very quickly. I had to cut the boy's throat. After that, other people joined in. In my memory,

they were all wearing dark clothes. Some wore robes. The blood of the young boy was collected in

a bowl. Everyone had drunk from it. I had to do the same. After that, I was ordered to undress

and to spread this blood on me. And then another ritual was performed on me with a dead person.

On the left side of the cemetery near the small wall. I was forced to perform various sexual acts
on this dead person. This was my ritual of silence.

Often the blood of sacrificed children was collected in bowls. Afterwards they drank the blood

and we children who were present had to do the same. Sometimes meat was served to us

Speaking Out!, pp. 59-60.

afterwards. The flesh of dead children, which was then consumed and shared as a “body.” In

this way I had to celebrate with Satanists their “communion.” The body and blood had to be as
innocent as possible. A Satanic supper for the glory of Satan, their god.

Satanists who murder children prefer to drink the blood of an infant who has been tortured.

They say that the blood of tortured babies contains a high level of adrenaline. If this adrenaline
is taken, it serves to strengthen, to preserve youthfulness, and it promises a long, healthy life.


Helpers at rituals: Cleaners clean up meticulously after rituals. They will scour the site after
a ceremony, rake the area, etc. They are taught this job from preschool years on.

Preparers: set up tables, cloths, candles, and paraphernalia quickly and efficiently. This job is
learned from infancy on.

Cutters: are taught to dissect animal or human sacrifices (they are also known as the
“slicers and dicers” of the cult). They can do a kill quickly, emotionlessly, and efficiently. They are
trained from early childhood on.

The child will be forced to participate in the sacrifices, and will have to go through blood


The baby is rarely breast fed, as this creates too much of a bond with the mother.
However, the mother's milk is used, as babies prefer the taste and will accept it

Ibid, p. 63.
Ibid, pp. 70-71.
Svali Speaks, pp. 28-29.
Ibid, p. 138.

more readily. The milk is mixed with small amounts of the mother's blood so the
child gets used to the tinny taste.69


As my father's son, I was expected to practice blood sacrifice. There is a

misconception that satanists only kill babies, but it was my experience that a
baby doesn't offer enough blood. In blood sacrifice, it's all about the blood,
and I was taught by my father and his friends that the endorphins released
into the blood when a person is under a great deal of fear and pain act as an
aphrodisiac for torturers who drink the blood at the crescendo of suffering.
Only elite members are allowed at sacrifices, and everyone attending was
required to partake. Blood from the victim's wounds drained down an altar-
like table into a chalice, from which everyone drank.70


In total shock, I was laid on the alter (sic) and subjected to rape and torture while
the participants indulged in sex, blood, and cannibalism ritual.

The room has been cleaned, but now the facade of hiding has to be exposed, removed, and
forbidden to return. Create this reality in your mind if you so choose.


Where does the concept of blood sacri ce come from? Animals and human? What is the history
of it?

Isn’t it time to write a new history?

The endorphin that David mentions is called adrenochrome. It's a powerful steroid produced by
the adrenal glands when under great stress and is carried throughout the body in the bloodstream.

Adreno is a graphical processing unit that is used by many computer related companies to power

Healing the Unimaginable, p. 99.
Rabbit Hole, pp. 17-18.
Trance Formation of America, p. 100.

their processing. Google uses it.

Chrome is the name of Google's search engine, and it ties into the graphical processing unit when
it searches for images.

If inducing fear creates a high for the perpetrator, then it stands to reason that if people choose to
not fear, then the perps will have to nd a new high.

And if the average person refuses to live in fear, the perpetrators will have lost all leverage that
they have had for thousands upon thousands of years.

Choose a positive emotion instead of fear. Watch how radically your life will change for the

End time:

Thoughts, memories, fears, etc:

Possible solutions for each negative listed above:

Room 50%



Start time:

Some societies see all others as “cattle.” Worthy only of being prodded with electricity.

This is certainly the attitude held by the “trainers” to their younger slaves, the “trainees.”

This is Room 50%. There is adjoining door to the other remaining part of this room. These are
the last two rooms investigated in this journey. Thank you for your courage, bravery and
determination to make it to the end. It is in sight. There are electrodes everywhere in this room,
but the power source has been disconnected.

What is there to learn in this room?


I can still see the room they took me to. There were many cots there. There were some people

in the room—all dressed in white. They received me lovingly. Then they told me how well they

understood my pain and that now they wanted to do something good for me. They knew my deep

inner pain, the pain of being separated from my real parents. They were, after all, trainers. They

lovingly asked me if I would like to see my mom and dad. I agreed, of course. But in order to see

them, I would have to do something first. They also asked me if I wanted to do that. Or course,

I wanted to do that. The main thing was that I could see my parents again, whom I missed so

much. Then then put me on a cot and attached electrodes to my head. In the process, I was tied

down so that I could not move. During the painful electric shocks, they showed me my biological

mom and dad on a big screen. I longed for them so much. My parents were smiling in the photo

and seemed happy while I was being tortured here. Afterwards, they told me that my parents

would be happy without me, and they never wanted to see me like this—in this condition—ever
again. But the trainers had kept their promise. I had seen my parents.


Shock equipment: models and types are quite varied, depending on age and company. Most
have a set of rubber covered wires, with electrodes that may be connected with Velcro,
rubber (steel tips embedded under finger and toe nail beds), or gel pads (larger body areas
such as chest, arms, legs). Some are tiny electrodes, which can be taped next to eyes or
placed within genitalia. These are connected to the “shock box,” which has controls that can
determine amount of electricity, and frequency, if interval shocks are desired.


Helmet: The helmet is a piece of equipment used for imaginary brain surgery.
Small electrodes in the helmet send small shocks to different areas of the head. This
can be used as a form of punishment or to convince people they have had brain
surgery. In punishment, these individuals are given a real scenario about something
they have actually done (such as talk to an outsider), or an imaginary act, like killing
a loved one or pet. Each time they deny it they are shocked. The shocks get
progressively more severe as they continue to deny until eventually they admit to
what they have done. The trainer will get them to repeat that confession numerous
times, while recording their words. They will often then be put on the light machine,
and while the light flashes they hear themselves repeating whatever hideous crime
they have committed in their own voices. At the end of the session they will believe

Speaking Out, pp.94-95.
Svali Speaks, p. 14.

they have committed the crime.

Electronic board: This is a bed equipped with electrodes. It is used in teaching

touch triggers. The child is hooked up to the electrodes. A small shock is
administered that hurts but does not injure. It is accompanied by a repeated word or
instruction. This lesson takes several months to complete. It will allow the child to
be triggered by a simple touch, either given by an internal touch-trained alter or
another person. Each time a person/alter touches one of these triggers with a finger
in a specific manner, the child will feel the shock and will bring forward a specific
lesson or specific alter who will carry out the lesson.

The electronic board is used for many different things. Without a doubt it is the
most effective kind of training. The touch must be done is a specific manner in order
for the lesson to be triggered. This is so an outsider cannot set off the triggers


Sedation beforehand and electro shocks to my head afterward helped me

forget a lot of it, keeping my experiences in a fog that only manifested in my


That night, I wore my Catholic uniform as instructed and went into a dissociative
trance as my father drove me to the local National Guard Armory where I was
prostituted to Ford. Ford took me into an empty room, pushed me down on the wooden
floor as he unzipped his pants and said, “Pray on this.” Then he brutally sexually
assaulted me. Afterward, my memory was compartmentalized through use of high
voltage. I was then carried out to the car where I lay in the back seat, muscles
contracted, stunned, in pain, and unable to move.

Whether I was in a military, NASA, or government building, the procedure for

maintaining me under total mind control remained consistent with Project Monarch

Healing the Unimaginable, pp. 95-96.
Rabbit Hole, p.34.

requirements. This included prior physical and/or psychological trauma; sleep, food and
water deprivation; high voltage electric shock; and hypnotic and/or harmonic
programming of specific memory compartments/personalities. The high tech equipment
and methodisms I endured from that time on gave the U.S. Government absolute
control of my mind and life.

I was escorted away from the two by a nurse, who purported to be tending to my
injured arm. In fact, she was preparing me for the “Tinker-belle cage,”--an electrified
metal cage with an electrified grid bottom. Locked inside, I was subjected to high direct
current voltage to compartmentalize the Peter Pan theme mind control programming
that I endured.

The wide array of “switching” my personalities that Aquino incorporated into the
demonstrations, and the vast amount of high voltage and torture to which I was
subjected, left me exhausted and physically devastated for days after each one of
Reagan's Hands-On Mind-Control Demonstrations.

Cathy reports many more experiences with stun guns, they seem to have been government-issued
to the politicians that raped and tortured her.

There is a technical side to this mind control, and electricity plays a huge role in punishment and


Since there’s an adjoining room, you decide to remove the walls af er you’ve explored on the
other side.

How many people have come to mind that would bene t from reading this book? Send them the
link! Please share this important information with others so that those who have lived through
such evil will know that they are no longer alone.


Ibid, p. 97.
Ibid, p. 105.
Ibid, p. 132.

Government is not the answer. They have all allowed this to go on for century af er century.

The answer lies partly inside everyone who reads this, and pooling our love, lives and gif s
together will change what used to accepted as status quo.

What plan is forming in your mind?

End time:

Thoughts, memories, fears, etc:

Possible solutions for each negative listed above:


Room 50%

Forced to murder a baby or made to believe


Start time:

Go back in time to your imagined room with 200 or so people in it. Remember, at least two have
multiple personalities, and one of them has experienced a situation like these.


We slid a little closer to each other in this dark little house. She spoke German. I understood

her to some extent. She wore long, light strawberry-blond hair. She was shy. So was I. There were

maybe four or five of us in the hut, near the edge of a forest. We had to wait.

I had already experienced this situation several times. Waiting with other children, waiting until

we were sent into the forest and shot at. I was then allowed or made to choose a child to

protect. A child who was to be spared along with me. They then shot the others, not me and the

one child. But I never knew what happened to the child afterwards.

Inwardly, I had already decided in favor of Gabriela this time. I liked her. We had met a

few times before and, as far as we were allowed, had become a little closer. We tried to give each

other a little protection, warmth and comfort. Then we were off. We were chased naked through

the forest. Gabriela and I ran as fast as we could. I thought to myself, I’m going to run away

with Gabriela now, far away from this place. I wanted to escape together with her.

Suddenly, a man with disheveled, thin blond hair appeared behind us. He wore a long gray

coat. He grabbed me and Gabriela. Then he put a pistol in my hand and ordered me to shoot

Gabriela. There were screams, tears of despair. The man tortured us. I was threatened that if I

didn’t do it, my siblings and my mother would be killed. I would be the one to bear the


Finally, I was ordered to shoot Gabriela. I had to shoot her between the legs. Gabriela died a

slow, agonizing death. She bled to death and was in terrible pain. I had to watch her. The man

tied me to a tree right next to her. I don’t know how many hours it took. Gabriela died. They cut

Gabriela into many pieces with a saw and disposed of her in black garbage bags. Where I do not
know. I had passed another of my exams.


We have already read her account of how her cult taught betrayal through the concept of


The following memory was never a dream. I just knew this happened. When
I was about seven, I was brought into a room in which a dark-haired boy sat
with a dog and three men. Judging from how the boy was clinging to the

Speaking Out!, pp. 83-84.

animal, I believed it to be his dog, but looking back I realize he could have
been clinging to the dog out of fear.

While being intensely observed, I was forced to watch as the boy was
first tortured with cigarette burns and threats of death, then forced to kill
his dog with a knife. Afterward, sobbing and terrified, he was tied to the
chair. I was told he was weak and therefore unworthy to live. As a tribute
to me, I was ordered to kill him and release him from his life bonds.

Saying “no” under such circumstances, especially as a child, was not an

option, but even so I found myself unable to commit such an act. I complained
that I couldn’t do it because he was looking at me, my hope being that my
excuse would excuse me from committing murder.

The men were not to be daunted. Grabbing hold of the boy’s head,
proclaiming that they were doing it in my honor, they removed his eyes with
a scalpel. I still hear the boy’s screams. Once they realized that the screams
were bothering me, they removed his tongue. The sounds of his gurgling
screams were finally enough; I plunged the knife handed to me into his chest.

The point of the ritual I can’t say, but I remember that the men didn’t
take their eyes off me. Whether it was a government project or a ritual
committed by fanatical weirdoes, try as I may, I will never forget those eyes.


This is for you, Miranda, and for all the other Mirandas who came before you and
who have come after you. May your souls be forever in peace.

Miranda was four years old when she died on an altar of Satan, at the hand of
her five-year-old friend.

The only difference between Miranda and the other little girl was the family to
which she was born. The five-year-old was fortunate, or not so fortunate, depending
on the way you look at it, to be born to a family of the inner circle. She was destined

Rabbit Hole, pp. 32-33.

to be great and was groomed to be so, and Miranda’s death was part of this
hideous grooming. Miranda was born to the lower circle. From the moment of her
conception she was fated to die. She was probably conceived during an orgy, paternity
unknown. Her birth would have been at home, or in the home of another coven member.
She would never have seen a doctor unless he was of the coven, or anyone for that
matter outside the group. She never went to nursery school, or the zoo, or any public
place. No outside human being would have known of her existence.

From the moment of her birth she was neglected and abused, physically,
emotionally, sexually, and spiritually. She was given only the bare necessities for
survival. She was never allowed to associate with other little children or have any
kind of friends. About six months before her death, she was, for the first time,
allowed to have a little friend. The bond created between these children was

For those six months the friendship was encouraged in every way, and it
flourished, neither child knowing what was to come. When someone is starving to
death, and food is offered, they don’t often stop to ask the cost. When children are
deprived of love, any affection is welcomed. When that child suddenly has someone, the
bond that is created is an everlasting thing.

For Miranda and her little friend, the bond that was created was nothing more
than a deliberate cruel joke. The children were told that something special is coming,
and that they are to be a part of it. They got excited as children do; talking and
whispering and giggling about what it might be. As the day approached, they were
primed and pumped and hyped up, just like children anticipating a special gift from

On that special day, they were bathed in sweet smelling soaps, and covered in
sacred oils. Their hair was neatly curled and groomed and their bodies were painted
with sacred symbols.

For those six months, they had been inseparable. And now they were to join in a big
celebration at which they would be the honored guests. They were dressed in
ceremonial garb. The little friend in white satin, and Miranda in a beautiful red
chiffon dress, all soft and flowing. She looked like a princess and felt, for the first
time in her little life, like someone special. Her blonde hair fell in ringlets flowing
gently over his shoulder and down her back. Hand in hand, Miranda and her little
friend were led into the center circle by the High Priestess. The bell rang nine times,

and chanting began. The High Priest began the offerings, and then after what seemed
like forever, he picked up Miranda and carefully placed her on the altar. Her hands
and feet were bound, and as the fear welled up inside her, she began to cry. The
priest then picked up her little friend and held her as she knelt beside Miranda. When
Miranda saw her friend she immediately quieted and smiled. The priest picked up the
sacred athame and placed it into the hand of the little friend.

Holding her hand in his, he raised her hand, and with one swift thrust, pierced
Miranda’s heart. Miranda looked up at her little friend and smiled through her pain
and tears, and said “You was my friend” and died.

The little friend was left kneeling on the altar at Miranda’s side holding the
knife with the blood of her friend dripping off the end of it. Knowing that she had
just killed her best friend. The High Priest picked her up again, and said, “You are
forever ours.” They cheered. She was passed around the circle and praised. The shock
of what had happened was so great she couldn’t even cry.

Well, Miranda, thirty odd years later, your friend is finally crying and can’t
seem to stop. There are too many Mirandas. There are TOO many children that
society doesn’t know about, or care to know about. They turn their heads away and
pretend that this stuff just doesn’t happen. And worst of all, some are claiming
that our memories of Miranda and kids like her are false.

Well, Miranda I know that you existed. I know that my memories are very real
and so were you. I promise to you here and now that as long as I am alive, the world
will know that you and others like you are not figments of our overactive
imaginations. And Miranda, I swear to you that the voice I silenced so long ago, your
voice, my friend, will scream through mine, until somebody finally hears, and puts an
end to the slaughter of all the little Mirandas.

No one on this earth will ever tell me that you never existed. Be at peace, my
little friend.81

Healing the Unimaginable, pp. 211-212.

The Walls

There were no instructions at the end of the previous chapter. Unfortunately there were some
bodies that needed loving attention. There are adults who have a hurting child living inside them
that need your love and understanding.

And you, dear reader, are hurting as well. It will take some time for the healing to come, but it
surely will.

It will start when you take action, to do what is your part in nding and eradicating this evil.
There are children of all ages that need your love in action.

And then there are the walls.

The damned hiding places.

You have the power to create.

I don’t have to tell you what to do to them. You know.

Trip Around the World

Start time:

One of the e forts to destroy native peoples in North America was to round up their children and
send them to camps or schools to “educate” them. In Canada, this was enforced by the Royal
Canadian Mounted Police, of the “they always get their man” fame. These schools all over the
continent were run by the US and Canadian Federal Governments and of en employed various
religious organizations, notably, the Catholic Church.

You might have heard of some of the litigation that has taken place where it has been found that
there was both torture, rape and murder of the students. These schools were operated for a
hundred years or so, and the e fect on the communities is evident. Alcoholism, drug abuse,
dysfunctional families are the result of the combined government/church plan. Large nancial
settlements con rm the reality of the crimes that happened.

The Bishop of the Diocese of Rapid City, South Dakota in 2019 issued a letter entitled
Publication of Allegations of Sexual Misconduct.82 It lists 21 names of priests “against whom
there is a credible claim of sexual abuse of a minor.” The priest are in two broad categories. The
rst 11 are priests of various orders. The second is all members of the Society of Jesus, or the

In the rst group, there are three priests of special mention. John Corry’s rst date of reported
abuse was 1953, and his last was in 1979. William Lambert’s rst was in 1958, his last, 1984. Twenty
six years between rst and last reported, what happened in the interim? In third place was Dennis
Riss, from 1980-1990. Ten years?

Of the 21 priests, only one was red. Only one was suspended. The others continued unimpeded
for their lifetimes.


Donald Murray started his career in 1945. In 1964 he was released from the Diocese to become the
Full-time Director of Sky Ranch for Boys, where he served until his death in 1975.

The Bishop in his letter states: “The Diocese of Rapid City remains committed to reaching out to
victims of childhood sexual abuse…” Is that why Murray was released to work at a ranch for boys?

The Jesuits don’t have much information about their doings. Their histories seem to have been
scrubbed. It is worth noting that many of them worked on the Rosebud Indian Reservation, in
the school system for the St. Francis Mission.

It was a similar mission where Bev Sellars, a Native aboriginal of Canada ended up for her
formative years. The mission? St. Joseph’s Mission in British Columbia. Courts found, like they
did in South Dakota, that torture and rape happened there as well.

You decide to go and visit her, and see what she has to say.

Af er introductions, she begins to tell her story.

Once I was strapped on the legs for wearing a dress without wearing jeans
underneath. We were required to wear dresses for meals but with jeans underneath
so that our bare legs didn’t show. We did wear dresses without the jeans to church
and to class, so I didn’t see any di ference in wearing just the dress to dinner. We
were in line waiting to go to the dining room when I was yanked out of line. The
nun started strapping my bare legs and accusing me of wanting to show them o f
to the boys. That was the furthest thing from the truth. If it had occurred to me
that the boys would look at me because of my bare legs, I would have tried to wear
two pairs of pants. When I went to bed that night I could still see the strap marks
on my legs. We didn’t have anything except the priest’s or nun’s conscience to
protect us, and many times their conscience went out the window. Because
children would struggle to endure the strapping for as long as possible without
crying, the authority gure would strap harder or somewhere the skin was more
tender and that would hurt more. The older ones who attended the school during
my sister Dolly’s time said there was a nun who they swore had an orgasm when
she would strap kids. They said her face got all red and you could tell she really
enjoyed giving the strap.83

As a result of these conditions at the school, along with the sexual abuse that the priests were later
tried for and found guilty of, Bev’s brother Bobby’s personality changed radically. He became
very mean and abusive. At the age of eighteen he died. He was found dead in a creek at the
bottom of a cli f.

They Called Me Number One, pp. 86-87

In the 1990’s the tribal council found out that Bobby had been sexually abused at the Mission.
The change in his behavior then made sense to the community.

You listen while Bev speaks, and learn much. She has guarded optimism. She says this as you ready
yourself to depart:

There is a saying that only two things in life are certain: death and taxes. I always
remind people that there is one more thing that is certain and that is that First
Nations people will always be in our territories. We have been here for thousands
of years and we will be here for thousands more. We do not have a homeland to
which we can return. This is our homeland and we are not going anywhere.
Aboriginal people will, of course, make mistakes in governing ourselves just as any
nation in the world today makes mistakes. Aboriginal people have to be allowed to
make our own mistakes and then, and only then, can people legitimately criticize
us. So let’s talk about forgiveness only when real dialogue and change take place in

East Asia is next. You nd yourself in a plane on a trip to Cambodia, to meet up with a woman
named Somaly Mam.

You have heard that as an orphan she was sold into slavery as a child. It happened around the time
of the Vietnam War, and Cambodia had their own civil war going on as well. The ravages of war
create a surplus of homeless children who are easy picking for the entrepreneur. Somaly was rst
sold to an old man, who kept her as a slave and beat her endlessly. He was a gambler and incurred
debts, so to repay, he sent Somaly to a Chinese merchant for some oil. The store owner took her
to the back of the store and raped her. In Cambodia, many men feel that sex with a virgin restores
health and vitality to the rapist, and is also a cure for AIDS.

She ultimately ended up in a brothel where she was continually beaten and prostituted by her
female pimp. She escaped to a di ferent one. She seemed to be caught in an endless cycle of
torment. You meet with her, and this is the part of her story that stuck in the forefront of your


It was if there was nothing at all I could do right—no way I could escape. I felt I
must somehow be carrying this destiny with me, as if the sign of some devil had
fallen across my life.

Li beat me with his cane and tied me naked to a bed. Anyone who came was given

Ibid, pp. 189-190.

the pleasure of looking at me. Despite everything I’d been through I was
fundamentally modest, and this experience was horrible. That night his brother
and all their friends took their turn with me while I was still tied up. It went on
like that for a week. I was sick, shaking with fever.

I think that was when Li discovered something I was really afraid of. He was
scienti c about punishment: he wanted us completely cowed. He must have
realized I wasn’t terrorized by the basement room, because when I was taken down
there I didn’t scream helplessly like the other girls…
But one night Li dumped a bucket of live maggots on me…85

Somaly did break free. She now works helping other women caught in the web of human
tra cking and sex slavery to nd new and better lives. She’s helped over 4,000 women get on
their feet through her foundation, and since her book was rst published in 2005, surely many
more lives have been transformed through her vision and work. She has helped girls from not
only Cambodia, but also Thailand, Laos and Vietnam.

You really enjoy seeing her work and talking with the girls that she is helping. She can really relate
with them and they sense that they can trust her.

What a happy resolution to a sordid past. The ability to nd and do good is an amazing human
characteristic, and Somaly is a prime example.

What good are you going to do today for someone who will cross your path?


Since you’re relatively close, you decide to go to a trial in Australia. A woman by the name of Jeni
Haynes is going to have a unique opportunity. She was tortured and raped by her father, and she
developed over 2500 personalities to document every detail, to protect herself and her mother,
and to somehow survive the ordeal her father put her through.

The physical evidence is there in her body. She has permanent damage to her eyes, jaw, bowel,
anus and tail bone.

The judge has agreed to allow six of her personalities to speak as eyewitnesses for the prosecution.
You get there just in time to see the beginning of the trial.

The plan

Judge Huggett enters the courtroom. Everyone rises. She starts proceedings for the

The Road of Lost Innocence, p. 53.

State v Richard Haynes, and explains that because it’s a rape case, the complainant
will be a forded anonymity. Sean (her attorney) clears his throat. ‘I have
instructions from the complainant on this,’ he says.

The defense lawyer’s head whips around to look at the prosecution. This is highly

‘The complainant wishes to waive her right to anonymity,’ explains Sean. ‘She is
here in the room.’

The judge asks me to stand up. My legs are shaking so violently, I have to hold on
to the chair in front of me for support. The judge addresses me directly. ‘Is what
the prosecution said correct?’ she asks.

‘Oh yes,’ I reply.

‘Do you understand the consequences of this decision?’ she asks.

‘Oh yes. I understand that there will be positive and negative consequences, and I
also understand that once I waive my right to anonymity, I can’t take it back,’ I

‘Would you like some time to think about it?’ she asks.

‘I’ve had twenty-three years to think about it, I think that’s more than enough. I
know exactly what I am doing,’ I reply.

‘Does the defense have any objections?’ the judge asks.

‘No,’ says my dad’s lawyer without even looking at him.

‘Okay, the complainant seems of sound mind and is aware of the consequences of
her actions. I approve of her application to waive her right to anonymity,’ she says.

Dad’s face drops and, for a second, the air of arrogance around him dissolves into
something else. Fear? Maybe. Bewilderment? Absolutely.

JUDAS (one of the alters allowed to testify)


In the courtroom, Jeni takes a seat. But in her mind, there are reworks going o f.
We were all in on it, you see, this plan of hers. We took a vote and agreed. By
waiving our right to anonymity, we also waived Dad’s. This was our plan all along.
We wanted Dad’s name written in the newspaper for all to see, we wanted everyone
to know what he did. If a victim chooses to remain anonymous, the defendant
stays hidden in the shadows. In media reports about our case, I would be a

nameless 49-year-old victim and Dad would be a faceless 74-year-old man. But he
isn’t an anonymous 74-year-old man. He’s an evil, despicable, torturous monster,
and now the whole world was going to know it.

For twenty-three long years I’ve bitten my tongue, afraid of the explosions that
would come out if I dared to open my mouth. Even af er I went to the police, they
told me I had to stay silent until we went to court. I’ve paid the price for that
silence. I bit my tongue until it bled. I swallowed my words and choked on them.
No more. I want to tell the crowded courtroom exactly who my father is. I want to
say it out loud for the world to hear. I want everyone to know his name. Richard
Haynes. Because as long as abusers stay veiled as anonymous, nameless, faceless
men, they will keep getting away with it.

Jeni has a plan and it’s working.86

The trial goes on, Jeni’s father pleads innocent, so Jeni and her alters are forced to take the stand.
Symphony, the alter who was created to keep Jeni alive, was on the stand and was asked a
question. She needed help in answering, so she pulled out Jeni’s hand-puppet named Sweep.
Sweep had been used by Richard Haynes to both violate and terrorize Jeni and all her alters.
When the defendant saw the puppet, his face turned white and he asked for an adjournment to
consider changing his plea to guilty.

He pleaded guilty to twenty- ve of the charges. At the sentencing hearing, he received a judgment
of 45 years without the possibility of parole.

The driving force behind Jeni going to trial was simple, it was to keep her father from hurting any
other child. It took ten years from the time she rst led a police report to the trial, but she
persevered and has validated the claim that DID or MPD is not mental illness, but a very
advanced and clever self-defense technique created by very young children.

Enjoying the time spent talking with Jeni and just a few of her alters gave a new awareness to
another avenue of ending the scourge. You say your goodbyes and decide this time to travel to
Africa, because you have heard of another court case.

To South Africa to meet Thuli.

Thuli is a young black woman living in the Johannesburg/Soweto area. She lived with her father
and mother, and she had heard her parents ghting because her mother was pregnant before she
met him. This argument was when she was six years old. She was sick and didn’t go to school,
and her father said that he was “not going to feed a horse, if he was not going to be able (to) ride
it.” At which point, the violence began.

The Girl in the Green Dress, . 16-18.

Mom took Thuli to the hospital where they con rmed the rape, then to the police station and
led charges. Nothing happened.

The rapes continued. Mom and daughter ran away and were free from the violence for two years,
but they got found. Both continued to be raped.

Another trip to the police station, more charges led. Same result, nothing.

Mom went to the old people in the community to try and solve the problem. Almost the whole
community beat the father, but it did nothing to stop his behavior.

Thuli speaks:

I lef school when I was in standard ve because my father told me that he would
not pay for me anymore, that as long as I could read and write my name down on
paper, that was it, and that a woman’s work was supposed to be in the kitchen. By
then he was no longer sleeping with my mother. I think I was the second wife.

Twice my mother and I tried to open a case against my father in Orange Farm, but
again nothing was done.

When I was fourteen years old I found out I was HIV positive.87

Thuli got pregnant when she was f een. The father of the child died of AIDS that he contracted
from her.

The rst time I saw my baby in hospital af er giving birth to him, I decided that
this was not going to be a life that I was going to live anymore. I named my son
Blessed, because he was not infected with the AIDS virus, and from that day on I
changed. I didn’t want to take drugs anymore, or alcohol. I just went back home
and tried to reason with my father about everything.

The rape continued… I was trying to protect my mother and me at the same time…
but at one point I began refusing to sleep with my father and then he told me that
if I was not going to give it to him then he would go to my son. He told me he
would rape my son to prove a point, that he could infect us all in the house, and
that he was not going anywhere.

Then one day we were sitting at home and my son came inside. He had fallen
outside and came in crying, and my father put him on his lap and started rubbing
him the wrong way. He put his hand on my son’s private parts and then I just
jumped and took my son. That is when I saw that my father was serious and that

My Piece of Sky, p. 344

he was actually going to do it. Whenever he said he would do something, he did it.

I would never have tried to kill my father, but he threatened to molest my son.88

Thuli hired two men to kill her father, and they did. Eventually the two men, Thuli and her
mother were arrested. Thuli was sent to jail. Justice was nally swif … She was in jail for thirteen
months and then was released to face trial.

In court I told the judge that if the police had done something I would not have
tried to kill my father; that I was not a murderer, but they gave me no choice
because no one wanted to help me. I even told them that I had tried to kill him
myself, but I couldn’t do it. He just would not die. It was like he refused death. So I
had to call on men to help me.

I told the judge that my father was starting to molest my son, to kill my son with
HIV, what would I have done, and I replied that I didn’t know, being his wife…

With us blacks, if you have got a problem, it is your own problem, it is not theirs...

Finally sentencing day came. Thuli was prepared to go back to prison.

But luckily the judge didn’t see it that way.

The judge told me that I had paid all my dies and that although it was very bad to
kill someone, he want’ going to send me to prison because he heard that I had a son
and that I had ve to ten years lef to live. He said to me, “Your father destroyed
your life, so I am going to give you the only thing that I can and that is time with
your son.

“The accused has killed her father and has to be punished … The court has to
impose an appropriate sentence to t the crime … Her father destroyed her life. In
order to escape from an abusive father the accused and her mother ran away, but he
followed them and continued to rape them. The mother laid charges but to no
avail. The charges were never followed up by the police … Her life and future are
under threat. Despite taking antiretroviral drugs her life is not secured. She is
already being punished and is carries the punishment in her body. There is
nothing the court can do to extend her punishment.89”

Her life was still rough. However, she told about her status to her local church and the pastor
allowed her to lead women’s groups. She has a group who live with, or have experienced domestic
violence, and another larger group of women who are all HIV positive.

Ibid, p. 346.
Ibid, pp 353-355.

She was interviewed by Mariella Furrer August 2008. On 27 September 2009, she was shot just
below the pelvic bone by her father’s brother and lef for dead. She spent weeks in the hospital.

A case was opened, but no arrests have been made.

One more stop before returning home. On the way back to the States, you y over Bolivia and
the Dominican Republic. Olga Trujillo’s father was from the former, and he met his wife when
he was on assignment in the DR as a journalist. The family moved a lot, but nally landed in the
United States.

Like Jeni and Thuli, Olga’s father was overly violent to his daughter. You decide to hear a little of
her story as well.


I developed DID from enduring a tragically violent childhood. I dissociated to

protect myself from the violations and sexual attacks by my family. When an
attack was too traumatic for me to experience and live with, I would cognitively
leave my body and observe the incident from outside myself. From outside my
body I could watch the attack on me as if it were happening to someone else,
someone who looked like me. The attacker would have only seen a deeply vacant
look. Af erward I put the experience into its own little room and closed and locked
the door, as if splicing the scene out of a movie… Each room was to be locked shut
and not opened again until I experienced a similar attach, pain, look, feeling, or
place that matched what was already in a room behind a locked door.

Over time and with repeated attacks, these rooms became separately functioning
parts of my mind. In other words, traumatic experiences became separate aspects
of my consciousness. I like to refer to them as parts of me.90

This is an account of her three year old alter, that she has ttingly named “Three.”

In my parent’s bedroom, my father was on top of my mother on the bed with his
pants pulled down. Her nice work blouse and her bra had been ripped o f and I
could see her breasts. Her skirt and slip were askew and a large hole gaped in the
crotch of her pantyhose. I grabbed his arm and tried to pull him o f, and yelled at
him that he was hurting Mame and he should stop. He turned his attack on me.

He hit me across the face over and over and said, “I’m going to teach you what
happens to girls who don’t respect their fathers.” I grabbed his leg and screamed,
“No Popi, no!” But I knew in some distant way that I wasn’t going to be able to
stop him, that I had been hurt like this before, and that he was going to hurt me in

The Sum of My Parts, pp. 13-14.

a way that made me feel really bad. As he started to rip my clothes o f, I panicked.
I gasped for air. The room started to spin and my head felt fuzzy. When he pinned
me on the oor, I felt like I was going to jump out of my skin, and I couldn’t catch
my breath. I thought he was going to kill me. My head felt fuzzier.

I wanted Mame to stop him. I could hear her telling him to stop, but her voice
seemed at and weak. I searched her face but found only a blank stare, and none of
the concern or love I was looking for. I could tell my mom wasn’t really there; she
had gone away in her head. Popi deliberately hurt me in front of my mom. Raping
me in front of her was a way of hurting her too. Popi told me that Mame didn’t
care about me, that she never really wanted me, and that she didn’t really love me.
And she wasn’t trying to stop him. His words and my mom’s seeming apathy were
devastating, leaving me wondering, Do she love me? Do she really care?

My mind got fuzzier and fuzzier and everything in the room seemed far away. I
stopped struggling and became very still. My eyes couldn’t focus on my father or
anything else in particular. I could no longer hear his words clearly. Deep inside
myself, like a turtle in her shell, I became smaller and smaller, until nally the
panic of being trapped subsided. My breathing calmed and I lef my body. I felt
myself rising up from the oor, where I was pinned. It was a very strange sensation
to me, almost like splitting into two little girls. My hands felt weird, and I noticed
that I had more ngers than I should. Each hand split and formed into two
separate hands. While I could still feel the pain Popi was in icting, it was fading
and becoming more distant. At last, I split o f my mind and oated up to the
ceiling, where I watched in safety.

I looked down at my tiny body tangled under my father’s. I could tell that it was
me he was hurting, but somehow it didn’t feel like me. Being able to watch the
attack as if it were happening to someone else helped me feel calmer and safer. I
couldn’t feel or even hear anything. My father could tell from the look on my face
that I wasn’t really there, and this seemed to push him to make the rape as painful
as he could and hit me more to make me come back. But by then I was too far away.

This protective response happened with no conscious e fort on my part. My minds

adapted instinctively to the terror and chaos by dissociating. Life was simply too
painful to feel, and over time, I grew to welcome the comfort of numbness that
dissociation brought.91

Olga is now a professional speaker and does consulting work. She teaches about trauma and how to
create support for those that have experienced the trauma. She also became a lawyer and worked with the
Department of Justice for many years.

Many survivors go on to get professional degrees. Jeni earned two master’s degrees and a PhD

Ibid, pp. 10-11.

focusing on victims of crime. Dr. Lois Einhorn described her childhood horrors in her book Forgiveness
and Child Abuse. Many who survive dedicate their lives to helping others.

Every continent is represented here. This is a worldwide problem. The solution will have to be
worldwide, as well.

You wish Olga continued success and get back to the airport.

What a whirlwind trip this has been! Every story, every location was unique. Yet they are all
hauntingly similar, if not almost the same. Pain forced upon children by parents or authority gures,
mixed with sexual assault, trying to devastate and destroy the child. Some children survive miraculously
through dissociating, others die and their pain ends with it.

The return ight allows plenty of time for re ection. What are your strengths and abilities, and
what will be your plan of action going forward?

There is also time for healing, and to ponder on the new insights you have on others and yourself.
Tired from the travel and the learning, you fall asleep and awaken as the plane is making its nal

End time:

Thoughts, memories, fears, etc:

Possible solutions for each negative listed above:

The Answer
Record enough facts and the answers will fall to you like ripe fruit. Franz

Sometimes, af er puzzling over an impossible situation for a very long time, the beginning of a
solution begins to appear. It might be nudged by a song, a dream, or reading something totally
unrelated, but it has a connection. It was important to record the facts as experienced by Chantal,
Svali, Stella, David and Cathy. From every book in the bibliography a fact was ascertained, and a
clearer picture was formed of the problem. The author’s goal was not primarily to inform the
public of what’s happening under their noses. Cathy’s book was published rst in 1995. This was
not primarily a book to help survivors work through their emotions and heal. If healing comes
and your heart has awakened, then that’s a happy coincidence. This book was about the solution.

That thread for me was found in Dr. Polte’s book, MK ULTRA Mind Control, Ritual Abuse
and a Global Agenda. He talks how the OSS, the O ce of Strategic Services, the forerunner of
today’s CIA, brought German scientists into the United States af er World War II. Great value
was given to those specialists in psychology and psychiatry. They were given new identities and a
new citizenship, were integrated into the fabric that is America, and some of them continued
what they had practiced on prisoners in the camps of Europe.

The US Government was desiring to create the perfect spy, and what could be better than a
normal-looking person who had another personality that had a photographic memory inside his
or her body? Better yet if each could be controlled by either a speci c code word, signal or touch.
The best spy was the one who had this ability yet believed that there was only one soul in the
body. The Germans had success with it, even though it required the atrocities that you have just
looked at. The American government wanted to improve on it.

Dr. Polte, is German, and has local sources available that are not easily obtained in the United States.

He writes:

Now it becomes clear how a secret can be kept safe from any outside in uence. The
captured agent ees into an alternative, previously programmed torture
personality that has learned to survive unimaginable pain and psychological agony.

And what is even more important: The su fering torture part of this person knows
nothing about the part that has memorized the con dential information. As a
consequence, the part present in the torture cannot reveal any secret, no matter
what happens to it.

He cites a survivor, Ulla Frohling and says:

Moreover, the individual personality parts di fer from each other not only in their
memory and behavior—including facial expressions and gestures.

So Frohling notices alters have di ferent memories, behaviors, facial expressions, and gestures.

He then uses the work of Dr Michaela Huber, a researching psychologist expert in Dissociative
Identity Disorders. Her research shows that

“The alternative “inner persons” can also be characterized by a deviating brain

wave activity. Their electroencephalograms (EEG) are as di ferent as if they came
from di ferent people.”

The next sentence in his book cites the work of Ira Bohlen.

“Physical characteristics such as blood count, blood pressure, heartbeat, hormonal balance,
allergies, visual impairment and diseases also change with the switch between personalities.”

He nishes with this:

“Michaela Huber was even able to observe how the eye color of one of her patients
changed from brown to blue when there was a change between two speci c parts
of her personality.”

The skeptic could easily excuse the memories, behaviors, facial expressions and gestures with one
word. Actor.

The critic could say that Dr. Huber was just scared and imagined that her patient’s eye color

But how do you fake an electroencephalogram?

Two more things stand out, and must be acknowledged. A patient’s blood work and hormonal
balance changed with the switch of the personality. It would make sense that blood sample “A”
was drawn while personality “A” was presenting. Then the appropriate cue was given for
personality “B” to come to the front, and then blood sample “B” was drawn, labeled, and the two
compared. How did the blood work change so quickly in the same body with no external input?

So how do these facts lead one to the solution?

Look at what those adults did when they were children. When tortured by all those di ferent
things, the child responded with one thing. That child created.

All children with DID created at least one distinct and separate personality from the original that
they were born with. It didn’t matter if the torturers were trying to make the child create an alter
or not. The child created an alter that could bear whatever pain was thrown its way, whether
physical, sexual, spiritual, emotional, or psychological. The child not only created a di ferent
personality, but sometimes one with superhuman abilities, to endure pain, and maybe another
with photographic memory or eyesight beyond comprehension.

That is not too surprising, now that the stories have been heard and understood on how and why
alters are created.

What the science of the German researchers and scholars suggest is that some children even have
the ability to create a di ferent body to coexist with and inside the one that they were born with.
It makes sense. If a female child has to create a male alter, then the boy would necessarily have
lower levels of estrogen. The alter that was created to absorb pain might have had to have much
higher levels of Vitamin K in order to clot the blood and allow bones to heal from all the trauma,
as well as having a di ferent heartrate and mindset.

Children create.

The beaten and battered child creates a better world to live in by generating a di ferent child to
bear all the pain. Chantal brought into existence a mean, old, fat man when forced to hurt
children because there was nothing intrinsically like that within her. She had no choice but to
create it or die from the torture.

Children create.

The Creator Within You

If you can walk today, it is because your inner child saw someone walking and decided that it was
a much better way of getting around. If you can read, you desired it rst. If you can play a musical
instrument, build buildings, drive a car--they all have the same genesis. They start with one
thought in a child’s mind. Then action turned that idea into reality, though sometimes you
needed some guidance from older children. (They may have looked suspiciously like
grandparents, teachers or other loving adults.)

Every living soul that is reading this book has within them a child, because we were all one at the
rst part of our life. It is that child that I am addressing now.

You are the Creator within.

You practiced many times in this book the idea of removing the hiding places where children are
hurt. It was planned. If it’s a good thing to do in your mind, then there’s no time like this very
instant to start, to manifest that reality in this physical world. Did you see yourself dissolving the
hotel walls in a non-violent way? It’s time to stop crawling. There are walls waiting to be found
and removed by you.

You read in the “Trip Around the World” Chapter examples of what people are now doing with
their lives to make a di ference in this arena.

You need no more examples. You are a Creator. You choose and create the role you want to play.
Since you already know what is in the heart of your deepest child, listen intently to that little
voice, gure it out.

Then manifest it.

Twenty One
Your turn!

It is now your right and responsibility to write your own book and live it.

——The Beginning——


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