ICSE Class 10 Commercial Studies

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Candidates offering Commercial Applications (Group III) are not eligible to offer
Commercial Studies (Group II).
There will be one written paper of two hours duration carrying 80 marks and Internal Assessment of 20 marks.

1. Stakeholders in Commercial Organisations (f) E-commerce

(a) Meaning of stakeholder, types: Internal Introduction and benefits over traditional
(shareholder, employee and employer – methods of transactions, E-tailing, E-
meaning of each) and External stakeholders advertising, E-marketing and E-security
(supplier, creditor, government and society (meaning only). ERP and its modules (brief
– meaning of each); differences between concept).
internal and external stakeholders. 3. Finance and Accounting
(b) Expectations of employers (owners and (a) Capital and Revenue
managers), employees, creditors and
Capital and revenue receipts, capital and
suppliers, government and society from a
revenue expenditure (meaning, difference
commercial organization.
and examples) deferred revenue expenditure
2. Marketing and Sales (meaning and examples)
(a) Marketing (b) Final accounts of Sole Proprietorship
Meaning and objectives of marketing. • Meaning and preparation of Trading
Difference between marketing and sales. account, Profit and Loss account and
(b) Product and service Balance sheet based on the given trial
Meaning and difference between a product balance with the adjustment of closing
and a service (with examples). stock only.
(c) Pricing • (Preparation of manufacturing account,
profit and loss on sale of assets,
Meaning and objectives
intangible and fictitious assets, prepaid
(d) Advertising and Sales promotion and accrued expenses and incomes are
Advertising: meaning, difference between excluded.)
advertising and publicity. Advertising (c) Costs
Agency; meaning and functions only, Social
Fundamental concept of Cost Classification
advertising media - Concept and examples
only. of costs- based on behaviour (fixed,
variable, semi-variable), nature (direct,
Sales promotion – meaning and techniques;
difference between advertising and sales
promotion. (d) Budgeting
(e) Consumer Protection Meaning and utility of budgeting;
comparison between budgeting and
Consumer Protection Act (2019); features of
the Act, rights of a consumer, Consumer forecasting; types of budgets: sales,
exploitation; meaning and types, production, cash, purchase and master –
Importance of consumer awareness. meaning only.

(e) Sources of Finance ATM, Credit & Debit cards- meaning &
(i) Capital Market difference, caution to be taken while using
these cards.
Meaning and functions of Capital
Market. (c) Financial fraudulent practices
(ii) Sources of raising capital. Credit card fraud, false accounting,
insurance fraud, intellectual property fraud,
Long term: Meaning of shares internet and cyber fraud. A brief
(Types; preference and equity) and understanding of these types of financial
debentures, differences between the two. fraud.
Short term: loans from commercial banks
(cash credit, overdraft, discounting of
bills – meaning only). A minimum of three assignments are to be done
during the year, as assigned by the teacher.
4. Human Resources
Recruitment, selection and training. EVALUATION
(a) Recruitment – meaning; sources: internal The project work is to be evaluated by the subject
and external; advantages and disadvantages teacher and by an External Examiner. The External
of internal and external sources. Examiner shall be nominated by the Head of the
(b) Selection - meaning and steps, types of school and may be a teacher from the faculty, but
selection tests. not teaching the subject in the relevant
(c) Training – meaning, objectives and methods section/class. For example, a teacher of
of training (on the job and off the job). Commerce/Accounts of Class XI may be deputed to
be the External Examiner for Class X Commercial
5. Logistics
Studies project work.
Meaning of logistics and its classification.
The Internal Examiner and the External Examiner
(a) Transportation
will assess the candidate’s work independently.
Modes of transportation: land (road and
rail), air and water; merits and demerits of Award of marks (20 Marks)
each. Subject Teacher (Internal Examiner) 10 marks
(b) Warehousing External Examiner 10 marks
Meaning, importance and types (public,
private and bonded – meaning only). The total mark obtained out of 20 are to be sent to
the Council by the Head of the school.
(c) Insurance
Meaning; Types of insurance: Life The Head of the school will be responsible for the
insurance, General insurance; (Fire, online entry of marks on the Council’s CAREERS
Health and Marine - meaning only) portal by the due date.
principles of insurance.
6. Banking
(a) Central Bank
Central Bank: Meaning and functions,
Difference between the Central Bank and
Commercial Banks.
(b) Internet Banking
Modes of transferring money / Net Banking:
NEFT, RTGS, IMPS, mobile wallets:
meaning only.

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