Ged 106 Part2 Reviewer
Ged 106 Part2 Reviewer
Ged 106 Part2 Reviewer
- The cover
letter is a chance for you to highlight the skills and
Preparing Cover Letter and Curriculum Vitae achievements which are especially relevant to that
COVER LETTER- is a one-page document that is particular employer. It will be a brief summary of
sent and read in conjunction with your CV. It your experiences to date, tailored to competencies
highlights the relevant skills and Achievements. required by the employer.
How long should be the cover letter?- Cover page ● Gaps in you CV- Employers can be
is a one-page business letter that contains 3-4 suspicious about extensive periods of
paragraphs. Follow the employer’s instruction and unexplained time on CV and as general
advice offered by them. If this is not available, rule, it is always best to explain these
something around 400 words is about right and gaps.
certainly not more than one page of A4 paper.
● Truthfulness-As well as being against the
Useful Cover Letter tips law to lie on your cv, you should be
willing to talk about anything on your cv
● Make It Personal. To make your cover at interview, even details in your interest
letter seem more personable, it's a good and extracurricular section.
idea to address the reader directly
Fonts- Arial and Calibri are recommended as they
● Research is Key! are clear and simple.
Curriculum Vitae- When you apply for a job, it is
Personal Details- name, address,
usual to include a curriculum Vitae, or CV (called telephone, emails, date of birth,
resume in the Us). This is a list of your personal nationality, etc.
details, educational history, qualifications, Personal Statement- brief summary of
experience and interest- that is to say, the story of your status and personality, make it
your life from a professional point of view. relevant to the job you are applying for.
Educational/Professional Qualification-
-professional CVs are approximately two to three Include dates, places etc.
pages Work Experience- include detailed data
THINGS YOU NEED TO CONSIDER/CHECK relevant to the job you are applying for.
BEFORE MAKING YOUR CURRICULUM Languages- Specify your command of
language: level, certification, etc. Some
people put this information in “Other
● Tailoring-Your CV need to match the information”
particular job you are applying for. Other Information- Include any other
information that has not been included
● Lay out and Design- You can influence before and can be relevant for the job i.e.:
where the employer looks on your CV by driving license, computer literate etc.
the amount of space you allocate to certain References/Referees- Include two people
section. You should also think carefully that know you professionally so that they
about your choice of headings to highlight can give reference about your work when
key experience asked, you should provide as much
information as possible about them (email,
● Language-The aims is to make your CV telephone, work address, etc.) so that your
as persuasive as possible. Present future employer can contact them easily.
information in the most positive light but
remember there is a clear distinction FORMAT TO IMPRESS- Make your CV and
between doing this and exaggerating.Make cover letter as easy on the eye as possible, keep
sure your spelling and grammar is them succinct, ensure you structure your
accurate. achievements in logical and clear way, and proof-
read for spelling and grammar errors.
● Spellings and grammar- Always use the
spell check on your computer but
remember it’s not fool proof and make PAGE 2
sure it is set to UK English
Online interviews In this case companies create a script of
- Virtual interviews have become quite pre-recorded interview questions and
common and they are a way for responses to the questions that are video-
employers to interview candidates delivered to the candidate via the
using online tools. It is also called a Internet.
video, remote or digital interview. - Candidates are then able to answer using
- An online interview is an online their keyboard, audio, or video, and
research method conducted using based on their answers the “System”
computer-mediated communication, automatically branches to the most
such as instant messaging, email, or relevant information for that particular
video. Online interviews require candidate, as well as the most
different ethical considerations, appropriate next question.
sampling and rapport than practices
found in traditional face-to-face
interviews. Advantages of Online Interviews
3 types of Online interviews 1. LOWER COSTS
MOST IMPORTANT ELEMENT IN ● Mention that you had written earlier and
WRITING BUSINESS LETTER. haven’t received a response yet.
•Business writing should be clear and concise. ● You can mention here if you had called.
•Avoid endless series of short, choppy sentences ● State your request or interest
•Observe formality, and sincere ● Invite for contact and thank for their
•Be diplomatic and respectful.
● Close with signature.
•Unique purpose, consideration, reader's feeling,
and character.
Guidelines to Request an Endorsement NETIQUETTE
Contains the main purpose of the letter, the REMEMBER THE SPACING AND FONT
very reason for writing. FORMAT
Written in a straightforward, simple and
coherent manner 1. Alignment - all proper business letter styles are
2. Spacing - letter should be single-spaced between
Is the polite yet business-like ending of the sentences to maximize space on the page
letter. This ends with a comma (,) 3. Font - standard font style is Times New Roman,
SIGNATURE BLOCK size 12, though commonly used fonts such as Arial
and Helvetica are acceptable.
The name of the sender is written o the first 4. Margins - One inch margins are the best because
line they maximize the space.
His/her signature above his/her name BLOCK- position all the parts if the letter to the
left, single space, and justified
COMMON TYPES OF BUSINESS LETTER SEMI-BLOCK- all parts of the letter are tabbed on
the left, single space and justified except the
heading and the closing which are tabbed in the
Send with a package, report or other item. Its center
purpose is to describe what is enclosed and
provide a description of what the receiver MODIFIED BLOCK
should do with it. The paragraphs are indented instead of
COMPLAINT LETTERS placing them on the left
Is to demonstrate that you are displeased Heading is on the center
without being over-the-top angry Date and be placed in the right side three
ADJUSTMENT LETTER spaces after the heading
The recipient’s address is on the left
This is a response to a complaint letter Closing is on the right
It is to show being humble in the response and
to offer potential solution
Are meant to acknowledge that you receive an A message sent from one computer to another
item from someone, or that you are aware of a over the Internet, using a set webmail server
fact or error they pointed out address.
MEMOS Email may be informal in personal contexts,
but business communication requires attention
Often based to spread information news and to detail, awareness that your email reflects
directives inside a company you and your company, and a professional
tone so that it may be forwarded to any third with your most recent job listed at
party if needed. the top of the section.
An email message can be sent to multiple
recipients at the same time.
It is also known as an "electronic mail
message." Advantages:
Academic Communication
Topic: Relevance of Wearing School Uniform
o It entails formally and effectively
among USTP Students
presenting ideas in scholastic
environment. Thesis Statement: Wearing school uniform among
Education-USTP students promotes unity and
o Also called Scholarly Communication. loyalty towards one another.
o Refers to methods of communication that PRELIMINARY QUESTIONS:
are highly structured and generally only
used in pedagogical settings. 1. What do the design and the color of the school
uniform among Education-USTP students reflect?
o Examples: Textbooks, Presentations,
Research Articles and Lectures 2. Besides unity and loyalty matters, why is the
wearing of school uniform among Education-USTP
students relevant?
Academic Paper 3. How does the wearing of school uniform among
Education-USTP students promote unity and
o Also called scholarly paper.
loyalty among students themselves?
o An academic paper begins with a
thesis - the writer of the academic
paper aims to persuade readers of
an idea or solution to a problem REFERENCE- List the source you have
based on EVIDENCE - not used in your paper.
personal opinion. Supports your
o In academic journals and paper.
contains original research results Should be
or reviews existing results or latest edition.
shows a totally new invention. CITATION - To properly address the
It may include: author of selected references
APA format
⇨ Academic assignments citation
5. PUBLISHING - To inform
In this final stage, write or type your final - To argue a specific point
work neatly and choose a way to present - To persuade
your work to an audience.
Write or type your final draft. Stylistic Elements of Good Academic Writing
Read it aloud before printing/submitting it.
Double check for errors.
Share your writing with others. - It is significant that you use language that
fits your audience and matches your
purpose. Inappropriate language uses can
QUESTIONS THAT WILL HELP GENERATE undermine your argument, damage your
IDEAS credibility, or alienate your audience.
Four Main Types of Academic Writing - Act as signposts to guide readers through a
text to make it easier for them to get the
1. Descriptive gist of what is being conveyed.
Evidence-based Reasoning