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Explore the utterly alien Tyranids and the swarms they gather to consume their prey.

SHOWCASE 34 .. 47
Tyranids miniatures arrayed for battle.


Command the Vardenghast Swarm in fast-paced games of Combat Patrol.


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Forge your army's narrative with these bespoke Crusade rules.
Introduction ................................................................................. 106 Battle Traits ......... ............... ........................................................ 112
Devouring Worlds .................... ................................................... 107 Battle Scars .................................................................................. 114
Agendas ................................ ............. ... ....... ................................ 110 Crusade Relics ................... ......... .............. .. ........... ............ .......... 116
Requisitions ................................................. ................................ I I I Crusade Badges...... ........ ..... ........ ......... ...................... .............. 120


All the points values you will need to muster your army.
estimony of former Governor acts of sabotage, the grisly murders, of what the remaining spores did to

Jandid Tuhstot of the the weapons thefts, all were the our world. In the southern tundras,
planet Hiittos, recovered by malicious acts of malcontents, I average temperatures had almost
Deathwatch Kill Team Akritos of declared, who would be hunted down doubled, humidity the same. The
Watch Fortress Mortguard and and punished. There had been no Gadiin Salt Flats and Hu'luruth Sand
presented to Inquisitor Czakyn known encounters with the xenos Sea, devoid of life for millennia, now
Uziyr of the Ordo Xenos . in the entire sub-sector and, thanks resembled forests of chitin-covered
to the efforts of my ancestors and alien protrusions sprouting out from
Thought for the Day: myself, Hi.ittos was as well guarded as the ground, many billowing clouds
Life is the Emperor's it ever had been. of yet more spores. Perversely, crop
currency, spend it well. yields collapsed to all but nothing.
Then the Shadow descended. And I Livestock succumbed to the foulness
'It has been four months since they knew how wrong I had been. in the air in their millions.
came. Two since I abandoned my
wife and daughters to save myself. I We lost contact with our neighbour- Hi.ittos is ... was ... a fortress world
do not pray for forgiveness, for I am worlds of Xornst and Gedaglel, the first and foremost. Every major
unworthy of it. I only beseech the Sinenfrar Anchorage naval base as settlement was a citadel, defended
most holy God-Emperor that this well as the forge moon Aleph B-7. not only by high walls, nests of
record may survive the death that All had been staunch friends, our automated turret-slaves and armies
now rapidly engulfs my world, so that relationships with their masters built of disciplined soldiery, but by
perhaps other territories of Mankind up over many centuries of careful secondary keeps and bastions. My
may not suffer as ours has. That I, diplomacy and generous aid. Once family had proudly maintained these
body and soul, am now damned, is the ear-bleeding screaming of our for seven generations. All was for
beyond all doubt. My fate however Astropaths finished, and the servitors naught. Carefully grown ammunition
does not have to be shared by others. scraped and washed away what little stockpiles were exhausted at Fort
remained of the poor souls, there was Khairn and Highwalle in hours. The
It began much longer than four total silence. It was as if we were the barrels of anti-air weapons previously
months ago. The signs were last Human world in the galaxy. maintained to perfection melted with
inconspicuous, but they were there. the sheer volume of fire my gunners
Only in hindsight now do I see them. I kept this from the people, and put through them in an attempt to
At the time I was ignorant, blissfully most of my advisors. But I could not stop the colossal swarms of winged
so. As were my generals, my advisors, hide the monsters' ships. I could not beasts that dominated our skies. The
my priests. Not one now lives, all deny the existence of the filth that hordes were endless. From the Spire
probably little more than bubbling plunged through our atmosphere, nor of His Boundless Might I saw tides of
bio-gruel in some nutri-pit awaiting the vanguard-beasts that stalked our creatures that filled the landscape
consumption by the bio-ships that lands and darkened our skies. to the horizon, towering monsters
dominate the skies above. What larger than our mightiest battle tanks
were the signs? Tectonic activity I was informed that atmospheric striding above the masses. I saw
that toppled hab-blocks; gravitic scans claimed that some trillion tons them sweep through forests and tear
upheaval that cast orbital stations to of spore-matter was released over us every tree down as if they were some
the ground or flung them into deep within a matter of days. Many were nation-sized avalanche. My world
space; bizarre tidal patterns that explosives, part of a preliminary seethed with xenos. Armoured relief
dried seas and drowned townships. bombardment that saw hundreds columns we dispatched to the first
Then there were the deaths and the of thousands of souls melted by bastions attacked were rolled over by
disappearances. For many months searing acids or pierced through with seas of claws and fangs. And things
they were merely the problem of venomous spikes. A great portion only grew worse.
local Enforcer detachments, and I were amniotic pods, filled with
heard nothing of them. Until they spawning fluids in which gestated The Honoured Citadel and the Keep
grew numerous enough, that is. savage, blade-limbed beasts. It was of Saint Melehew both fell from within
only weeks later, around the time as boreholes opened in the ground
Rumours became known then, of that Gazilus Keep and the Spire of behind their shielded walls, and
xenos - Tyranid - involvement. I His Everlasting Greatness fell, that sinuous, clawed beasts poured out
dismissed them as nonsense. The we gained a greater understanding like a spreading pool of promethium.

~ . -
• --
~ • -
- -
In the space of little more than through our craft with sickening am the only one left that I know of.
two weeks it was impossible to ease. Winged nightmares descended One by one those with me perished.
manoeuvre armies in the field - every from the sporeclouds that blocked The slightest cut on a mountain rock
fortress not yet overrun by the xenos out the light of our star, gutting resulted in an immediate infection
was alone, and under siege. Batteries sentries, drenching our craft and walls that left the pilot in screaming agony.
of artillery-beasts pounded our walls with gouts of acid or bombarding Her copilot fired the shot that ended
with living ordnance that rabidly them with hails of ravenous living her torture. My senior aide threw
ate at metres-thick walls. Miles of ammunition and spore mines. himself from a ledge, the reality that
minefields were undone when the there was no escape hitting him. I
xenos merely advanced through It has been many weeks since a have no idea what happened to my
them. We cheered when first we saw handful of us escaped the sinking Chief Medicae. Others were slain by
'the stupidity of the alien' in action. of the seafort Divine Anchor via lone beasts the rest of us were able
Then we realised how the losses of airlift. We only escaped in this to kill or drive away.
even millions of creatures made no manner because the Tyranids had
difference to our foes. In their wake overwhelmed so much of our world A justly deserved end will soon be
came the ram-beasts, the wall- they no longer appeared to need to mine. I have failed on every possible
crawlers, the tunnel-delvers and the continue spawning beasts for aerial level - we were not even able to
cannon-haulers. How quickly did they supremacy. I shall never forget what send word. An alien disease has me
seem to adapt to our defensive ploys I saw from my craft's portholes. Alien within its grasp. My limbs are numb,
and stratagems! Our meticulously bio-structures dominated Hiittos' my tongue is dry as sand, my head
planned bombardment patterns surface. Gigantic lumpen barnacles throbs. Even at these chilled heights I
became all but worthless. They pumped out clouds of matter to sweat profusely.
seemed to just ... know our garrison- further poison the planet, alongside
rotating routines that theoretically pulsating, brain-like nodes that From here where I sit I can see the
ensured all our soldiers were well resembled lethal fungi. Immense final death unfold of the planet
rested, attacking when some of our capillary towers stretched high into entrusted to me. Before me is the
troops were exhausted and others not the poisoned sky, the glistening chitin Radahirn Ocean. The water level is
yet fully ready to take their places coating their flanks crawled over by visibly dropping, hour by hour - they
on the battlements. Or, the Tyranids chains of lesser beasts fulfilling some are even taking our seas. There are
just never stopped attacking, making sick alien purpose I cannot know. enormous beasts with great, slowly
it all but impossible for our troops Digestion pools spread for miles, flapping wings and immense open
to recover and resupply as would replacing our once great lakes with maws moving through the sky. I may
be optimal, and that our strategies reservoirs of bubbling biomatter. be at high altitude, but the air is
required. Of course we made Tides of creatures, bloated with thinner here than it should be. I know
alterations. Each change the xenos consumed flesh, vomited their guts enough of mountaineering to know
learned more quickly than the last. into the pools, or threw themselves that. They will not even leave our air!
entirely into the bilious liquid.
One by one our defences fell. The There is an isthmus I can see, upon
Golden Citadel; three thousand Amidst the seas of feeder-beasts which is sat one of the xenos capillary
years old. The Tidegaard, having consuming all in their path, we would towers. Now I believe I can tell
overlooked the Jade Ocean for see every so often an explosion, or a what they are truly for. High up, foul
centuries, was toppled into the burst of fire. Were these heroic final xenos bio-ships cling to their flanks
frothing waves below. Keep stands by other survivors? Or merely like twisted calves at their mother's
twenty-five vanished from the abandoned ordnance detonating at udders. They are feasting, I am
landscape, sinking into a huge pit. random? I will never know. I cannot sure, hungrily filling themselves to
We boarded aircraft and fled, so rejoice in the deaths they inflicted. burst on the hideous gruels that are
many of us did, taking to mountain The biomatter of the dead xenos what remains of my people. I have
fastnesses and seaborne strongholds. was surely recycled by the xenos witnessed the planet's death from
The latter certainly proved no regardless, in no time at all. sinister start to hideous conclusion. I
sanctuary. Monsters burst from the see the power of our foe and, though
waves, their concentric circles of Our aircraft ran out of fuel a week I have shown boundless weakness
immense razor sharp teeth rotating ago. Now I stand in the snow, not far these past months, I do not see how
in opposing directions. They chewed from the peak of Mons Saint Hila. I we could ever have won.'

The Tyranids are a race of alien predators that This speaks to one of the few other certainties
are invading the galaxy from the void beyond Humanity possesses regarding the Tyranids:
T83740X043-41 its edges. Like swarming insects falling upon their entire race seems fashioned solely for
JORMUNGANDR RETURNS precious crops, they devour all before them war. It has been observed that few individual
It was thought that Hive Fleet - consuming all life upon each world in their Tyranids display anything more than the most
Jormungandr was defeated at the path, and leaving nothing but airless rocks in rudimentary sentience. Rather, each Tyranid
Battle of the Black Nebula, the their wake. They are a threat to every sentient appears to be but a single cell of a sprawling
few xenos ships to escape the species in the galaxy, and their numbers galactic superorganism. Mankind has dubbed
long and bloody battle scattered are evergrowing. this guiding presence the Hive Mind.
to the stars. Years later
however, this hope is turning For centuries now, the Magi Biologis and Ordo THE HIVE MIND
to despair. In the Thalassi Xenos of the lmperium have sought to make As far as the Magi Biologis can determine,
Sector, where many of the sense of the Tyranid threat. It speaks volumes it is the Hive Mind that drives the Tyranid
fiercest ground battles against that - at the outset of the Fourth Tyrannic War, swarms ever onwards towards the galactic core.
the hive fleet we r e fought, and with Humanity having fought more battles Through the synaptic control web generated
reports speak of a return. This against these rapacious aliens than can be tallied by specialised node-beasts amidst the Tyranid
sector is not alone, however. - these luminaries remain bewildered and ranks, the influence of the Hive Mind stretches
Reports hail also from Palangyre horrified in equal measure by the alien nature of across battlefields, worlds and even the vastness
and Rordrid, suggesting that the Tyranids. of the void itself. Wherever the grotesque
somehow, despite the apparent bio-ships of the hive fleets swarm to attack,
triumph at the Black Nebula, Hive It is clear that the Tyranids' technology is the presence of the Hive Mind moves with
Fleet Jormungandr is back, and entirely biological, and far in advance of them and allows them to hunt and fight with
perhaps even more powerful than anything Humanity has encountered in all supernatural synchronicity.
before. Many patrol fleets have its long millennia of conquest. Their many
been lost, fleeing trade hulks types of war-beasts are armoured in chitinous What precisely the Hive Mind is Mankind
tell of bizarre organic vessels plates, or possessed of natural defences such remains ignorant to. Attempts have been made
embedded in drifting comets and as chameleonic abilities or veiling clouds of to tame the fear of the unknown by claiming
refugee barques are replete with exhaled spores. Tyranid guns, blades, transport that this alien sentience is a god, a galactic
stories of seemingly impregnable craft, even void ships all are living beings, metapredator, a gestalt psychic presence and
fortresses falling into miles- many taking the form of grotesque symbiotes countless other even stranger explanations. Yet
deep sinkholes. Battle Groups grafted to their host creature for use in battle. the truth is that the Hive Mind is as far beyond
of Indomitus Fleet Sextus have The ammunition fired by Tyranid weapons the understanding of the galaxy's sentient races
been dispatched to meet this is similarly organic, be it voracious chitin- as they are beyond the comprehension of the
growing threat, warned that the armoured beetles, gouts of concentrated acids cattle they farm and butcher. This - it seems - is
sinisterly patient hive fleet or bio-plasma, armour-piercing shard-beasts all that biological life represents to the Hive
uses entire asteroids infested or eruptions of bioelectricty. From blades that Mind; not equals to be communicated with, but
with Tyrannocyte clusters and gnaw the flesh of their victims to tailored toxin simple prey to be found and then devoured.
burrowing beasts as weapons. spores, weaponised parasites and even stranger
weapons, the Tyranids display an infinite DEATH OF WORLDS
capacity for turning the mechanisms of life to Since the first Tyranid hive fleet was
the task of spreading death. encountered, the numbers of these alien
invaders have increased at an alarming rate. and war engines are destroyed one by one, torn
More and more hive fleets surge from beyond apart or overrun, and their crews devoured. The
the galaxy, each displaying new and nightmarish barricades fall. Defenders become screaming,
adaptations and horribly inventive methods of fleeing prey. Under the influence of microscopic HIVE FLEET HYDRA
predation. They coil and probe like the tendrils Tyranid spores, even the biosphere of the planet The bio-fleets of Hive Fleet
of some terrifying extragalactic monster. They turns against the prey, choking them with toxins Hydra follow in the wake of
push in from the fringes, drive up through the and dissolving them into raw biomass ready tendrils of other hive fleets.
galactic plane and crush and destroy everything to be devoured. Only once victory is assured To maintain their reserves of
they touch. do the Tyranids begin to feed; raw biological biomass, Hydra's bio-ships
gruel flows up fat feeding tubes to replenish the scavenge mercilessly,
The first warning that most worlds have of the waiting hive ships, who suckle at the world like devouring the shattered
Tyranids' approach is the Shadow in the Warp. fat ticks until nothing remains but a lifeless orb remnants of defeated Tyranid
This psychic signal rolls ahead of the hive fleets to be left hanging, cold and dead in the void. as well as prey species. It also
like a smothering metaphysical fog bank. Its descends upon planets that
nullifying psychic static chokes astropathic have only recently withstood
communication, leaving worlds isolated in the
FIRST CONTACT other Tyranid onslaughts,
face of the swarm. It worries at minds and souls finishing off weakened worlds.
alike, spreading paranoia and fear amongst the The first recorded encounter between the When the swarms of Hydra
prey. Psykers are the worst affected, for their Imperium and the Tyranids came on the unleashes their true fury, they
strange senses are far more susceptible to this world ofTyran Primus in 745.M41. It was employ boundless reserves
insidious assault. Should they seek to employ the conflict that would see Humanity put a with extreme speed and
their powers while engulfed by the Shadow in name to this new alien menace, and saw the ease, spawning overwhelming
the Warp, there is every chance they will be beginning of Hive Fleet Behemoth's rampage. numbers of organisms pre-
driven mad or even slain by the chittering alien Yet it was not the only early contact between honed by the lessons learned
cacophony that overloads their minds. the Tyranids and their prey. from the consumption of
Tyranid biomatter. One of
Then come the Tyranids themselves. Hive ships It is difficult to say when Humanity first Hydra's strategies is to seed
slide from the darkness like oceanic predators encountered the Tyranid menace. Some records the upper atmosphere of a
rising to feed. They smash aside the defence suggest that Humanity - and also the Aeldari world with Tyrannocytes, full of
platforms and warships that seek to hold them of Craftworld Iyanden - discovered a bizarre slumbering broods of warrior
back, settling in orbit above the prey worlds and Tyranid megastructure in the Tiamet System, organisms. Wherever the
disgorging untold trillions of warrior organisms on the jungle world of Ziaphoria, as early as swarms take casualties, pulses
to begin the hunt. At first the prey fight back, M35. This edifice is said to have spanned a in the synaptic network cause
defence lasers scouring spore-craft and winged continent, and to have projected from its mass floating Tyrannocytes to race
monsters from the skies, aircraft spiralling of chitin and encephalitic tissue a horrifically to the battlefield, creatures
amidst the descending predators with their powerful psychic signal that drove the Aeldari inside stirring awake to rapidly
guns blazing. On the ground, staunch warriors into fatal seizures. Rumour has it amongst the replace the losses twofold.
man their battlements and unleash storms of Ordo Xenos that this structure, and others like
fire to reduce attacking Tyranids to hillocks of it, remain to this day, seemingly raised by the
charred corpses. Yet as more waves attack, and strange beasts of Hive Fleet Tiamet for some as
yet more, the guns begin to fall silent. Aircraft yet undisclosed purpose.
Then there are the ominous tales from the denuded rocks. In truth, what the explorators
Helican Sector in M36, speaking of nightmarish had found were the first worlds to be devoured
winged horrors that match Ordo Xenos by Hive Fleet Behemoth after its long and
intelligence on Hive Fleet Ouroboris. The lifeless sojourn through the intergalactic void.
supposedly indigenous Genestealers of the Thus far it had only consumed worlds without
moons ofYmgarl have also been discovered in sentient life to defend them, for its reserves
the years since to be vanguard organisms for were depleted from years of hibernation. Soon
the onrushing Tyranid hive fleets. It is believed enough it would channel the newly-absorbed
that the T'au Empire may have battled the toxic biomass into huge swarms of war-beasts ready
swarms of Hive Fleet Gorgon for centuries. Who to begin the invasion proper. Yet the explorators
can say, meanwhile, what insidious forerunners lacked the context to perceive the peril implicit
of the Tyranid threat have been encountered by in this ominous mystery. The Tyran outpost
races such as the Necrons, not to mention more dutifully continued to file reports of dead
minor or isolated alien empires. Those entirely worlds, and the warning went unheeded.
devoured by the Tyranid menace do not survive
to tell their tales, after all. That the Tyran outpost had any chance to
prepare for the onslaught was due to sheer
Yet for those few Humans both privileged chance. A returning survey ship encountered a
enough to possess knowledge of the Tyranids, immense cloud of unidentified objects on the
and unfortunate enough to seek to counter their edge of the Tyran System. When those same
threat, the death ofTyran Primus remains the objects turned out to be strange, biological
first known contact with this ghastly new foe. mines, the survey ship fought its way clear of
the converging cloud and limped back to Tyran
THE DEATH OFTYRAN Primus bearing its dire warning. A handful of
The first clue of the horror soon to fall upon days later, the invasion began.
Tyran Primus was discovered by Imperial
explorators. In performing a census of the Commanded by Adeptus Mechanicus Magos
worlds near to Tyran Primus, they discovered Varnak, the outpost ofTyran Primus was
entire planets scoured of all biological life. Not no easy prey. Nestled in an ancient chain of
even the simplest bacteria survived on these volcanic islands, the base was fortified to resist

the fearsome storms and beasts of Tyran's wild defenders and hurled itself at the coolant lines.
oceans. Moreover, it boasted a substantial One by one, the Thunderbolts tumbled from
garrison of Adeptus Mechanicus and Astra the skies, engines choked by spores, cockpits T04958X066-41
Militarum soldiery, several squadrons of fighter torn apart by shrieking Harpies. As more and THE DARKENING SKIES
craft and four huge orbital defence lasers set more of the defence network went dark, the Hive Fleet Ouroboris, noted for
deep inside ceramite silos. Sheathed in void Tyrannocytes began to fall onto the base itself. its colossal flocks of winged
shields, these huge installations were further organisms, descends from the
supported by a formidable network of gun An hour later the Tyran outpost was as galactic north like the talon
emplacements and Proteus-class bunkers. good as lost. The bastions were overrun, the of a monstrous raptor. Many
It was a defensive strength that had seen defence lasers silent. Even the Guardsmen of Imperial worlds lie in its path,
Tyran Primus hold off more than its share of Catachan, men and women who had reckoned as do several Ork empires and the
alien and heretic assaults over the centuries. themselves amongst the most stalwart of Laevenir Archipelago, a region
Against the onslaught of Hive Fleet Behemoth, warriors, abandoned their posts and fled into long held secure by the Aeldari.
however, the outpost's defences would be found the driving rain in search of an escape that did The Silver Drakes Space Marine
wholly wanting. not exist. Here and there, pockets of resistance Chapter intercepts the hive fleet,
still held out under the watchful gaze of a brave engaging one of its tendrils and
Tyran Primus' defence lasers opened fire the or foolhardy officer, but one by one these were inflicting heavy losses, though
moment the first alien ships made orbit. For extinguished. Only the command bunker the Chapter becomes isolated,
more than an hour, the storm-wracked skies remained, and its walls began to crack under heavily outnumbered. Its surviving
were split by incandescent blasts as the base's the impact of massive blows. Through the few warriors dig in, and call for aid.
gunners desperately fended off the invaders. functioning displays, Varnak saw the flood of On orders of Commander Dante,
Then, just as the cooling systems of the defence aliens rampaging through his base, destroying the Blood Dragons, Sable Knights
lasers began to glow white and overheat, the everything they found. Finally, the adamantine and Charnel Guard answer. Before
invaders withdrew. Magos Varnak ordered his gate of the bunker crashed inwards, and the they can arrive, however, the
small fleet to harry the withdrawing vessels, Tyranids poured into the command complex. Silver Drakes are approached by
but this strategy proved folly. Penetrating Guardsmen and Skitarii fought back with unexpected potential allies - a
the spore cloud masking the alien fleet, the flamers and phosphex, but aliens swarmed delegation of Aeldari hailing from
pursuing vessels discovered that fewer than through the searing fires and hacked their the Laevenir Archipelago.
a dozen bio-ships had been destroyed out of way onwards.
a fleet of several thousand. Having lured the
cruisers away from Tyran, the void swarm fell As Hormagaunts poured into the command
upon the Imperial vessels with a vengeance. The centre, Varnak whispered a final prayer to the
slaughter that followed was terrible; one vessel Omnissiah and triggered a switch, sending
after another torn apart by tendrils, or swept a data-codex plummeting into the depths of
clear of life by boarding swarms of Genestealers, the base. This codex would be Tyran Primus'
Rippers and other monstrous bioforms. enduring legacy, for it would be recovered
many months later by Inquisitor Kryptman,
With the Imperiurn's cruisers destroyed, the hive a man who would dedicate his life to
fleet returned to Tyran Primus. Thousands of opposing the Tyranid menace. But for
Tyrannocytes descended on the world. Though Kryptman's arrival, Tyran Primus' fate
the laser defences destroyed many, countless might have gone unnoticed by the
more crashed into the seas. The waters thrashed wider Imperium for long years. He
and boiled as the invaders burst from their found a blasted and sterile planet,
pods and tore their way through the ferocious unrecognisable as the teeming ocean
inhabitants of Tyran's oceans, before scaling the world it had once been.
outpost's walls. At first, the disciplined volleys
of the Imperial Guard drove the creatures back. The planet had been sucked dry,
Officers bellowed orders through the pouring every scrap of vegetation and
rain. Torrents of firepower scythed through the every drop of water consumed.
alien ranks. Wave after wave of Hormagaunts As Kryptman reviewed the
and Genestealers were torn apart, their corpses auto-logs contained within
choking the rain-lashed killing zones between the data-codex, the full
the bastions. Thunderbolt fighters darted horror of Tyran's downfall
through the lightning-lashed skies, blasting was revealed. Wasting
apart incoming pods with precision fire before not another moment, the
turning to intercept new targets. Inquisitor set forth to
warn the rest of the galaxy
Then the northern defence laser fell silent. of the oncoming horror
Thousands of Gargoyles had thrown themselves from beyond the stars - a
into it, clogging the massive beam projectors. horror Kryptman named
Moments later, the eastern defence laser ceased 'Tyranids' for the world
firing as an enormous Carnifex rammed they had consumed. The
through the reinforced wall, trampled over the Tyrannic Wars had begun.

HIVE FLEETS nightmarish void-monsters descends, they and
their endless spawn can strip a system of life in a
Even a single hive fleet is a terrible threat, matter of weeks.
and many such tendrils of the Hive Mind
now push their way deeper into settled space. CUNNING PREDATORS
Worse still, one of the greatest strengths of In their ongoing attempts to codify the Tyranid
the Tyranids is their ability to learn and adapt threat - and in doing so, perhaps to diminish its
to the tactics of their prey; as more and more omnipresent terror - Imperial xenobiologians
HIVE FLEET KRONOS hive fleets surge to attack, so the Hive Mind have named many hive fleets. It has been
The Hive Mind has been learns ever more swiftly how best to make war observed that each such distinct bio-flotilla
forced to adapt since the upon the galaxy. exhibits certain unifying traits that mark its hive
Great Rift's emergence, for ships and warrior organisms out from those
the galaxy-spannin g chain Though they vary enormously in size, of other hive fleets, and serve to characterise
of warp storms has caused composition, appearance and predatory the horror of its onslaught. Colouration is one
innumerable daemon method, most Tyranid hive fleets have some such unifying factor; the creatures of Hive
incursions, each of which has key characteristics in common. All consist Fleet Behemoth, for example, tend towards
destroyed enormous amounts of a number of hive ships, each a gargantuan hides of blue and mauve, while those of Hive
of biomass. Hive Fleet Kronos void-going organism sheathed in feet-thick Fleet Kraken are blood red, and those of the
advances with caution, an chitinous armour and with a fleshy hide ubiquitous Hive Fleet Leviathan are most
immense Shadow in the Warp adapted to shrug off the killing cold of space. often purple. What significance such unifying
preceding it. Kronos' Shadow Though a near infinite variety of physical forms colouration has to a single-minded species like
actively drains the life from have been observed amongst hive ships, most the Tyranids is unclear. Theories abound of
psychically capable prey, boast an array of trailing tendrils and hooked everything from instinctual recognition between
syphoning their energies and talons large enough to coil around miles-long bioforms of different fleets, to predatory
leaving them as husks. Empyric warships and crush them to sparking wreckage. terror tactics or even attempts to confuse and
manifestations falter and Immense beaks, fanged maws and colossal mesmerise prey with shifting patterns displayed
fade beneath the suffocating feeder-probosci are much in evidence, equally upon chitinous armour plates.
shroud - eyewitness accounts well-suited to consuming the harvested biomass
have even described warp of a dying world or devouring a captured space Each hive fleet also displays distinctive hunting
rifts shrinking before the fortress. Yet for all their monstrous might, it patterns and strategies, almost as though each
hive fleet's approach, and is the seething hordes of warrior organisms were an attempt by the Hive Mind to refine
daemonic entities snuffed like borne within the organ-chambers of each hive different methods of predating the galaxy's
candle flames. ship that represent the greatest threat to their sentient life forms. The warrior organisms of
prey worlds. Hive Fleet Jormungandr, for example, favour
Once engaged in battle, subterranean assault and deploy immense
Kronos focuses heavily on Those few brave souls who have trodden the swarms of tunnelling, serpentine bioforms to
ranged warfare, keeping its capillary-tunnels and pulsating cavities of a strike at their victims from below. Hive Fleet
warrior organisms out of the hive ship and returned alive tell of monstrous Gorgon, by comparison, is infamous for the
enemy's reach to enable bioscapes. Endless waves of warrior organisms toxic spore clouds and biowarfare agents it
easier withdrawal and are spawned from within the bubbling organ- unleashes in battle, its prey forced to fight
deploying feeder organisms sacs of their reproductive chambers. Arcing not only the tentacular abominations tearing
in a highly efficient manner bioelectric currents leap between synapse through their ranks, but also the microscopic
to consume the biomass of nodes the size of electro-pylons, or wreathe Tyranid spores seeking to clog their lungs and
slain Tyranids. Following the dormant forms of Norn Queens even now dissolve their organs from within. Other hive
battle, it quickly withdraws to awakening to command the invasion swarms fleets have been observed deploying ground-
recover its strength. To do this from afar. Waves of hissing sentry-beasts scurry shaking masses of living tanks, sky-darkening
Kronos targets worlds rich in along dripping intestinal tunnels and tear swarms of winged monsters, elusive broods
psychically capable prey. Hive through membranous walls to fall upon the of chameleonic apex predators, endless tides
Fleet Leviathan appears to aid invaders from all sides. At their backs come of expendable war-beasts and countless other
it in this, the other hive fleet hulking Tervigons, unsleeping brood-beasts that strategic permutations in greater numbers than
conquering worlds but leaving spawn ever more hunter organisms from their other hive fleets.
them unconsumed apparently grotesquely swollen thoraxes. But worst of all is
so that Kronos can rapidly the sight of endless swarms of war-beasts, from Many hive fleets also exhibit a remarkable
gorge upon the amassed lesser Hormagaunts, Termagants and Gargoyles, ability to learn and adapt from each defeat. A
biomatter in preparation for to the immense and nightmarish bio-titans, tactic that serves desperate defenders well on
future wars. held in biostasis and promising apocalypse for one battlefield may prove utterly worthless on
whatever world they are vented upon. the next, as the Tyranids manifest some rapidly
adapted countermeasure. Veteran warriors
Even a single hive ship has the power to tear confidently deploying tank-busting rounds that
its way through a flotilla of defence monitors previously saw the larger Tyranid monsters
before sowing an invasion swarm onto the burst like sacks of offal stare
surface of a planet. Yet hive ships rarely travel in horror as those same shells
alone. When an entire living fleet of these rebound from newly-thickened

decisively defeated, either planetside or in the
void, some portion of its strength almost always
escapes. Either running on primal instinct
or guided by the Hive Mind, organisms go to
ground, or flee the theatre of war altogether. For
a single world, this can mean fresh nightmares
when the foe thought defeated rises up again
from hidden lairs, sometimes years or even
centuries after the original Tyranid attack.

On a wider scale, this phenomenon is even

more problematic. Should a tendril of a hive
fleet be shattered by battle or catastrophe, its
survivors become splinter fleets - lesser echoes
of the former threat, small enough to slip away
into the void and regather their strength. In
time, a splinter fleet will attack again, having
devoured enough biomass to replenish its ranks,
and often benefitting from the lessons of its
primogenitors' defeat.

Settling like a colossal and terrible pall
across countless worlds, the Shadow in the
Warp heralds the coming of the Tyranid hive
fleets. It is a nightmarish phenomenon that -
whether by accident or design - has proved a
cripplingly effective weapon against many of
the galaxy's sentient races.

The warp is a strange dimension of ever-

shifting energies that lies behind the skin of
realspace. It is a churning and mysterious
infinity amidst whose currents the passions,
obsessions, sorrows and joys of all living things
find reflection. The warp has been both boon
and bane to the galaxy's sentient races. It is a
armour carapaces. Wings of bombers soar source of near-limitless power for those who
overhead to rain death on the swarms below, can harness it; it is the ocean from which flows
only to discover that this time, the Hive Mind the gifts of all psykers. It is also the means by
has spawned flocks of winged bioforms that which Humanity spread out across the stars,
fall upon their aircraft and tear them apart. and by which the Imperium of Man achieves
Tailored gene-toxins that dissolved Tyranids interstellar travel and communication to this
into twitching soup in a previous engagement day. Yet it is also the realm of timeless and
are found to be utterly ineffective against malevolent sentiences born from the primal
the altered body chemistry of the next wave emotions of all living things, and hell-bent on
of war-beasts the Hive Mind hurls in. Most consuming reality.
unsettling of all is when such adaptations begin
to manifest pre-emptively, not only on different It it because of these hostile entities, known
battlefields but amongst the swarms of entirely as daemons, that extreme caution must be
separate hive fleets. How the Tyranids are able exercised when dealing with the warp. However,
to communicate such hard-won lessons is there is no alternative but to take the risk;
unclear, but that they can suggests nightmarish without using the energies of the sea of souls,
possibilities to the increasingly beleaguered each settled system becomes an isolated candle
prey races. flame amidst the endless darkness, just waiting
to be snuffed.
One of the most insidious aspects of the Tyranid It is this helpless state of isolation that the
threat is how hard it is to eradicate even a Shadow in the Warp imposes upon the Tyranids'
single one of its tendrils. Should a hive fleet be prey. The phenomenon itself is a smothering

psychic signal that surrounds the hive fleets, Nor are Humans the only victims of this
extending vast distances from them in all phenomenon. For most branches of the Aeldari INEXPLICABLE
directions. Though even races as advanced as race, merely being in proximity to the Tyranids PHENOMENA
the ancient Aeldari remain unable to explain brings torment that they must struggle to ignore The longer the scholars of
how, the Shadow inveigles its way into mortal if they are to even stand a chance to fight back. the galaxy study the Tyranid
senses and interferes with their connection Moreover, the precognitive psychic gifts upon menace, the more bewildered
to the warp. For even the most dull-witted of which their dwindling race relies are all but they become by the xenos'
creatures this is an unsettling experience and useless once the Shadow in the Warp settles interactions with the warp.
causes heightened anxiety, paranoia and panic about them. In some ways, the Tyranids
to spread through prey populations. A sense of appear empyrically inert.
all-pervading dread goads frightened mobs to Warp sorcery falters as easily as more sanctified The Ordo Xenos have pieced
violence and sees doomsayers take to the streets psychic powers, leaving even the servants of together records that show
even before the first warnings of the Tyranids' the Dark Gods howling in powerless fury as splinter fleets swallowed by
approach are received. the Tyranids descend on them. Only truly warp rents, only to emerge
psychically inactive races, such as the T'au or from other immaterean
It is amongst psychically attuned beings, Necrons, have less to fear from the Shadow, but phenomena in entirely
however, that the Shadow in the Warp is felt even then the insidious Hive Mind has methods different regions of the galaxy.
the worst. Human psykers, Ork Weirdboyz and by which it can weaponise its gestalt will against Should most races' craft be
virtually the entire Aeldari race are amongst them to claim victory. plunged through the warp like
such unfortunates, their psychic sensitivity this they would likely emerge
rendering them dangerously vulnerable to the PSYCHIC WARFARE badly damaged or mutated,
Shadow's insidious effects. Some have described It is unclear precisely how Tyranid war-beasts if they emerged at all. The
the phenomenon as a numbing blanket of static manifest powers that echo the psychic abilities hive ships appear unharmed,
that fills their thoughts and makes it hard even of the varied races they prey upon. Yet the however, surging from the
to think or speak. To others it is the chittering longer the hive fleets drive their tendrils into roiling tides of warp space as
and squealing of a billion nameless horrors, the the galaxy, and the more of their swarms that hungry and as deadly as ever.
endless scraping of talons across their minds, emerge from the outer darkness of the void, the
or the onset of existential dread so acute that more Tyranids have been observed adapting ever Inquisitors of the Ordo Xenos
it is all they can do to keep breathing beneath more bioforms whose abilities do just that. Some and the elite Deathwatch
its pall. xenobiologians postulate that these creatures are have discovered another
syphoning warp energy in a controlled manner, such insidious phenomenon
Those attempting to actively employ psychic wholly removed from anything achieved by any in the last few centuries.
powers while engulfed by the Shadow in the other known life form. Others believe that it Genestealers are amongst the
Warp are hit hardest of all. Even to access their is the synaptic energies of the Hive Mind itself most prolific of the Tyranids'
gifts at such times requires extreme effort, and that are being channelled, crackling through vanguard organisms, moving
those who try are as likely to be driven mad or the encephalitic synapse tissues of the Tyranids ahead of the swarms and
slain by explosive cranial haemorrhage as to before being unleashed in hissing blasts of infiltrating Human worlds. The
manifest even the weakest flicker of power. lethal energies, projected as shimmering force Genestealers infect abducted
fields, amplified into sanity-shredding psychic prey organisms with a gene-
Crucially, Astropaths attempting to send distress screams or employed to drive lesser swarm- curse that brings them under
calls out to the wider Imperium find their beasts into frenetic killing fury. For those facing the Genestealers' sway. As
mental cries choked off, more often than not the Tyranids, such academic theorising rings time passes more and more of
painfully dying before they can force anything hollow; it matters only that the Tyranids are able the prey populace are forcibly
out through the smothering psychic blanket. to employ a ghastly range of apparently psychic inducted or born into the
Navigators are equally afflicted; their third eyes abilities to tear apart the minds and bodies of resultant Genestealer Cult,
are blinded and their minds overwhelmed by their prey, seemingly with ease. which remains hidden until
the Shadow so that attempts to guide evacuation the day it erupts in full-blown
craft to safety, or warships to the rescue of rebellion. As though this were
beleaguered worlds, end in disaster and death. It not threat enough, it has also
is thanks to the Shadow in the Warp that most been suggested that the cults
Imperial worlds beset by the Tyranids themselves broadcast some
must fight alone, cut off from aid manner of indecipherable
and unable even to scream. mass psychic signal. What
seems apparent is that the
hive fleets can perceive this
subtle beacon, and follow it to
fresh feeding grounds. Such an
unholy fusion of Human and
Tyranid psychic and synaptic
potential hints at ominous
and terrible nightmares yet

to come ...
111::,!s nf ne~dk-like teeth and ,bambers rilled :it incr~dibl~ dbtnnce,. By mc,rns unknown

'Battle is grim enough as it

is. Seeing the blackness
illuminated by a million
charges, salvoes and blasts,
never quite sure whether
they will strike you or simply
streak off into the void
beyond. You never really
feel like you are aware of
it all, like an unseen volley
could career into your hull
at any second and send the
ship rocking from stem to
bow. But the Tyranids, they
are something else. To see a
soft, probing tongue pressed
against the portholes,
seeming so harmless, so
ineffectual, lulling you into
a feeling of safety before
beaks, teeth and claws
shatter the illusion and your
ship's hull alike. Hearing the
explosions and commotion
as another raft of assault
boats slam into you is one
thing, but then hearing the
assault boats scream and
howl as they dismantle your
ship from within, feasting on
whatever fool defenders they
find in their way is something
entirely indescribable. I have
experienced it once, and I
haven't enough limbs spare
to survive it a second time.'
FIRST TYRANNIC WAR hulking masses of heavily armoured war-beasts
such as Carnifexes and Tyrannofexes much in
Behemoth was the first hive fleet recognised evidence. Supported by lumbering bio-artillery
by the Imperium of Man. After annihilating and teeming swarms of lesser beasts, these
the outpost at Tyran Primus, it thundered living fortresses stampede across the land and
on through settled space, carving a direct smash headlong into whatever bars their path.
line towards the Ultramarines' stellar empire Wave upon bludgeoning wave is unleashed by
of Ultramar. Driven on by a primal hunger the brutish-looking hive ships in orbit, the Hive
it seemed unable to fully control, the hive Mind seeking simply to smash its prey to their
fleet appeared as unstoppable as it was knees with its clubbing blows before finally
bestially unsubtle. delivering the coup de grace and beginning its
victory feast.
It was only thanks to the effort oflnquisitor T92841X888-41
Kryptman, who followed in Hive Fleet BLOODHAND'S SKULLREAP
Behemoth's wake, that warning reached
SECOND Having long ago amassed an
Ultramar ahead of the Tyranid menace. The TYRANNIC WAR uncountable volume of Human
Ultramarines gathered virtually the entire skulls, Roghrax Bloodhand of the
strength of their Chapter to meet the xenos Following the defeat of Hive Fleet Behemoth, World Eate rs swore to collect a
onslaught. They marshalled the mighty defence some Imperial observers believed the Tyranid skull from every warrior species
regiments of Ultramar and the strength of entire threat over. Humanity has outlived countless in the galaxy. His masterwork
void fleets to their banner. Still it was to prove such xenos threats, they pointed out, each took a dramatic new turn with the
barely enough to halt Behemoth's rampage. destructive in their own right yet ultimately coming of the Tyranids. Bloodhand
minor in the grand scheme of the wider made haste for the Eastern Fringe,
The Tyranids overran one world after another, Imperium. Several centuries passed before leading his fleet directly into
consuming biomass and redoubling their this assumption was proved the worst sort of the path of Hive Fleet Kraken.
ranks as they drove towards the Ultramarines' foolish optimism. The Hive Mind has poured more and
Chapter planet of Macragge. The idyllic more warrior organisms into the
garden world of Prandium was stripped bare. The onset of the second Tyranid invasion - sub-sector-sized abattoir of a
The caverns of Calth became bloody charnel which would subsequently be named Hive Fleet conflict Bloodhand created, and
houses. One slaughter followed another. Yet it Kraken - was subtle and insidious. This new word has spread among Ork tribes,
was at Macragge itself that the fate of the First hive fleet divided its strength amongst many Orukhari and Khorne-worshippers
Tyrannic War would be decided. Here, Chapter separate tendrils. This allowed Kraken to assail alike. All see k bloodshed and
Master Marneus Calgar led his warriors in a many planetary systems all at once, and also spoils . Imperial observers have
masterful campaign, doing all they could to spread the Shadow in the Warp across a much noted Hive Fleet Kraken has
resist the hive fleet's attack waves and bleed wider area of space. As a result, it took a long evolved a number of new strains
away its strength. Calgar himself was sorely while for word of the invasion to reach Imperial of warrior organisms in this
wounded by the monstrous bioform known as authorities. Many worlds were devoured during ever-growing bloodbath. Tendrils
the Swarmlord during the Battle of Cold Steel that delay. and splinter fleets battling
Ridge, and for a time it appeared that Hive blood-frenzied World Eaters
Fleet Behemoth would consume all before it. Once the Imperial counter-attack began and the have become even more ferocious
Eventually, a puissant ambush performed by the Second Tyrannic War was officially declared, and savage. Those assailed by
Ultramarines' mauled void fleet and the newly Humanity discovered the true nature of this Drukhari raiders have developed
arrived ships of Battlefleet Tempestus saw the new threat. Hive Fleet Kraken was a wily incredible resistance to pain,
hive fleet shattered above the ringed world of ambush predator that sought ever to encircle, venoms and paralysing to xins,
Circe. Meanwhile, on the surface ofMacragge, outflank and surprise its prey. Vanguard and those engaged in attritional
the Tyranid swarms were finally defeated by organisms swarmed before it, destabilising wars against the Orks have become
the unyielding resistance of the Ultramarines worlds with acts of surreptitious slaughter and greatl y enlarged.
garrisoning the planet's polar fortresses. Yet the sabotage. Tunnelling organisms undermined
victory came at a terrible cost to the defenders; Human defence lines, slipping past especially
the Ultramarines' precious 1st Company were formidable points of resistance to attack from
slain to the last by the ferocious onslaught unexpected quarters. Kraken attacked on more
of Hive Fleet Behemoth. It was a wound the fronts than the Imperium could defend, forcing
Ultramarines would not soon recover from. its prey to sacrifice lower-priority worlds and
systems in order to protect more strategically
THE BEHEMOTH vital locations. All the while, the pale hides and
Splinters of Hive Fleet Behemoth scattered from crimson chitin of Hive Fleet Kraken was sighted
Macragge and continue to bedevil Ultramar in more and more systems, and the armies of
and the wider Imperium to this day. They are Humanity could do little but retreat before the
characterised by a brutish lack of subtlety quite alien invaders.
at odds with the cunning of more recently
arrived tendrils. Those who have fought against A number of Space Marine Chapters sprung to
lhi hive fleet and somehow survived report the fore during this desperate fighting retreat.

Their valour was undeniable, as was their Warp smothering and tremendously potent.
success in wounding and slowing the advancing Here was the Tyranid threat writ larger
threat of the hive fleet. Yet their defiance cost and more terrible than ever before. Great
T43289X312-41 the Space Marines dear. The Scythes of the armies, even entire xenos races, fled before its
THE RED SCAR BLEEDS Emperor and the Lamenters were both mauled inexorable advance.
One of the largest Tyranid bio- terribly, driven to the brink of extinction, while
fleets ever detected descended the Knights of Eternity Chapter was wiped Amongst the first Imperial war-leaders to take
on the Baal System and the wider out altogether. the fight to Hive Fleet Leviathan was Inquisitor
Red Scar region in the waning Kryptman. Believing the ends justified any
years of the 41st Millennium. The decisive battle against Kraken came when means, the aged Inquisitor employed every
Dozens of the Blood Angels' the hive fleet drew its greatest tendrils together resource he had amassed in his long and bloody
successor Chapters came to and drove them towards the hive world of Ichar career. He unleashed a wave of Exterminatus
their aid against the truly IV. No one has been able to determine why the strikes upon worlds in the path of Leviathan's
colossal megaswarms of Hive hive fleet's behaviour changed, but it was in tendrils. Kryptman reasoned that, if enough
Fleet Leviathan. The war that this moment that Imperial commanders had planets could be rendered lifeless in the path of
followed was apocalyptically a chance to score a decisive victory over the the swarm, the Tyranids would be starved and
brutal, with the scions of rapacious xenos. The Tyranids deployed many their onslaught slowed. His horrific methods
Sanguinius stretched to the point previously unseen warrior organisms during met with some success, but they were too much
of near total destruction on the grinding and bloody conflict that followed, even for his Machiavellian peers. Trillions of
their legendary home world. The even unleashing bio-titans for the first time. Imperial lives had been lost to Kryptman's
Space Marines were only spared Yet it was Chapter Master Marneus Calgar purge. He was accused of heretical arrogance
defeat - ironically - thanks to who led the fight-back, arriving on Ichar IV at and declared Excommunicate Traitoris.
the emergence of the Great Rift, the head of a mighty Ultramarines force and
the cataclysmic shock waves of coordinating a masterful defence that finally Yet Kryptman was not done. He next engineered
which shattered the bio-fleet saw the xenos scoured from the planet's surface the release of a brood of captured Genestealers
in Baal's orbit, destroying and the surrounding void. Hive Fleet Kraken within the bounds of the Ork empire of
thousands of bio-ships, while had been decisively defeated - albeit at the cost Octarius. Sure enough, a tendril of Hive Fleet
others were swallowed by the of Ichar IV's ruination - yet with dozens of Leviathan was drawn after the synaptic signal
warp storms. Despite this event, splinter fleets and lesser tendrils still scattered, it of the brood, ploughing into the greenskins'
splinter fleets were still spread was far from a spent force. empire and igniting a ferocious war. Kryptman
throughout the Red Scar, feasting had hoped the xenos would annihilate one
on world after world, and Baal's another; however, he was mistaken. Untold
surface remained host to millions
THIRD TYRANNIC WAR numbers of greenskins provided the Tyranids
of warrior organisms. with a nigh-inexhaustible supply of biomass
Only years after the defeat of Hive Fleet that saw their swarms grow daily. The Orks,
The Red Scar's future still Kraken at Ichar IV, Hive Fleet Leviathan meanwhile, thrive upon battle. In the Tyranids
remains in doubt, even with the drove its tendrils up through the galactic they found the fight of their lives. Larger
return of Roboute Guilliman and plane. The largest and most widespread hive and more belligerent greenskins
his delivery of many thousands fleet to date, Leviathan showed clear signs of were reported all the time by the
of Primaris Space Marines and having learnt from the fates of Behemoth and outmatched Imperial forces
the arcane technologies required Kraken. Its swarms continue to pose an all- caught up amidst the alien
to produce more. Commander Dante pervading threat to life in the galaxy. war. Soon enough, the
has established the Angel's fighting in the Octarian
Halo, an ambitious plan to By the time of Hive Fleet Leviathan's invasion, Empire threatened to spill
conquer vital worlds in close numerous other lesser hive fleets had been out across neighbouring
proximity to Baal and possessed recognised as threats by the Imperium. Some Imperial sectors.
of important resources. With were splinters of Behemoth or Kraken. Others
these locations secure, the Blood were entirely separate and strangely adapted
Angels will have the means to entities in their own right. Many - once
supply further waves of Imperial Leviathan began its onslaught - moved to
reconquest of the Red Scar. The support, shelter behind or even parasitise this
Blood Angels and Flesh Tearers largest of hive fleets yet known.
achieved vital victories on
the sentinel world of Kheru and Leviathan's swarms were legion; its
industrial world of Ashallon, tendrils spread out so that no corner of
but the battles for the fortress the galaxy was safe from the Tyranid
world of Bhelik Alphus and the menace. Imperial forces who survived
shrine world of Acrabellar remain the onslaught of Leviathan reported
fiercely contested. an alarming upsurge in the number
of psyker-analogue warrior organisms
amongst its ranks. The synaptic network
that linked this hive fleet appeared
especially powerful, its Shadow in the

Hoping to stem the tide before it reached critical
mass, Inquisitor Nasir Sahansun and many of
his comrades sought to establish a defence line -
the Cordon Impenetra - that would contain the
tumultuous xenos war. Yet their containment
wall was far from complete by the time Tyranid
and Ork forces assailed it. The situation grew
more grave by the day.

This was but one example of the multitudinous

catastrophic war zones that erupted wherever
Hive Fleet Leviathan struck. The shrine world of
Saint Caspalen was transformed into an abattoir
by the combined efforts of tunnelling horrors
and the insidious stealth organism known as
Deathleaper. Here was proof that faith alone, no
matter how fervent, was no defence against this
terror from the outer dark.

Battlefleet Ultima lost more ships than they

could afford during the Battle of Bloodstar,
their captains discovering too late that the Hive
Mind had learned much of ambush tactics
since last they had battled its swarms. The
mighty forge world of Gryphonne IV also fell
to the tendrils of Hive Fleet Leviathan, all of its
precious knowledge lost to the devouring maws
of unthinking beasts. The systems of Pyrehaven,
Ninth Gift, Josmire's Rest and Abdralla all
fell silent and dark, their last cries warning of
Tyranids attacking from the far reaches of the
Segmentum Obscurus to the heartlands of the
Segmentum Solar.

It was as the flames of the Third Tyrannic War

raged higher that the Great Rift tore open.
This calamitous chain of warp storms split
the Imperium in two, leaving fully half the
Emperor's realm cut off from the Astronomican.
Such lost and darkened systems were easy prey
for Leviathan. Even those worlds fortunate
enough to remain within the Emperor's light
were battered by daemonic phenomena, plagues
of mutation and catastrophic collapses in
communication and coordination. Everywhere,
Hive Fleet Leviathan surged forward, taking
advantage of Mankind's confusion as a lunging
predator into the midst of panicked prey.

Yet the Hive Mind did not have things all its
own way. Though the bedlam caused by the
Great Rift aided it in many ways, it also saw
swathes of the galaxy plunged into maelstroms
of empyric madness or overrun by malevolent
warp entities. Such beings offer no sustenance
to the swarm, and so Hive Fleet Leviathan was
forced to adapt new methods for fighting these
inimical hosts, before they starved it of biomass
by slaughtering or tainting its prey beyond
consumption. In this way, the Hive Mind
inadvertently joined the fight against Chaos
- albeit entirely for its own sake - while still
devouring all prey races that crossed its path.
FOURTH despatched to counter-attack the Tyranids'
advance. These were the Solblades - small,
TYRANNIC WAR fast -moving and elite forces, one of which was
led by Valoris himself. Solblades consisted
To the galaxy's great misfortune, Hive Fleet of such warriors as Space Marines, Sisters of
Leviathan had yet to reveal the full extent of Battle and Imperial Knights. Given complete
its power. More mass slaughter and terrible autonomy to operate as they saw fit, their only
destruction was still to come, as fresh tendrils guidance was to slow or halt the Nautilon and
HIVE FLEET TIAMET of the hive fleet slid into the Segmentum Promethor tendrils by any means possible. Their
It has caused much alarm Pacificus in the galactic west. efforts were more successful than any Imperial
among groups of the Imperium commander expected. Relentless guerrilla
and xenos races that the The first warnings of the dire Tyranid threat campaigns, furious hit-and-run attacks,
Tyranids of Hive Fleet Tiamet encroaching upon the Imperium's western establishment of keeps and citadels on worlds
appear to be adapted for border were, to all intents and purposes, in the Tyranids' path and training of Imperial
defence. With Tyranids hitherto ignored. The colossal, creaking bureaucracy of defence forces on threatened worlds led some
being known for relentless the Emperor's domain placed written records strategos to dare dream that perhaps the tendrils
attacks and swiftly moving on of panicked aid requests at the bottom of of Leviathan could be broken before they
to new targets, a sign that they overflowing missive stacks, or else failed to reached the Segmentum Solar. These desperate
have something to protect notice the total silence of entire systems. Only hopes were soon dashed. A third tendril
was a disturbing change after gaining a powerful foothold did Leviathan's attacked, spearing up through the galactic plane
in behaviour. true surge through the Segmentum Pacificus without warning and bypassing the bulk of the
begin, spearheaded by two colossal tendrils. Solblades entirely.
Hive Fleet Tiamet has Dozens of Imperial systems were assailed or
earned its name for its being overwhelmed, alongside Ork empires, Necron A significant bulk of the newly discovered
concentrated around the tomb worlds, pirate lairs and Leagues of tendril of Hive Fleet Leviathan - codenamed
Tiamet System, where some Votann holdings which also found themselves Grendyllus - slithered relentlessly for the
Imperial xenosavants dare embroiled in ferocious fights for survival that Bastior Sub-sector, where Lord Solar Leontus
believe it has been nurturing few endured for long. and the colossal battle station Phalanx of the
some kind of monstrous Imperial Fists had chosen to make their bases
bio-construct on the world of Still it took precious time for the great, good of operations. Though mass mobilisation,
Ziaphoria. For many years the and powerful of the Imperium to understand fortification and armament had been carried out
hive fleet has been content to the scale of the danger facing looming to the throughout the sub-sector, several of its systems
lie relatively dormant, striking galactic west. Though within various Imperial had been wracked with civil wars, insidious
out only opportunistically at regions the Tyranid invaders were recognised unrest and more. Xenolographers, Logisticars
prey who have come too close. as a genuine threat, and the two tendrils given and field commanders all reached similar
code names ofNautilon and Promethor, conclusions when assessing the Tyranids'
Things have now changed. unreliable information resulted in the Imperial apparent strength versus that of the Imperial
More and more psykers response being tragically inconsistent. On defenders. Bastior would fall if it stood alone.
complain of the buildup of some worlds planetary governors ordered huge Countless calls for reinforcements were sent out,
a terrible psychic scream militias be assembled and mighty defences to any Imperial forces which might hear.
emanating from the Tiamet constructed. From others planetary leaders fled,
System. Also, the hive fleet's abandoning their homes before it was too late. The most significant battle of the Bastior
tendrils are pushing further Others still did nothing, declaring in earnest Sub-sector was that for the planet of Sanctum,
and further out, crushing their piety that with the protection of the Emperor home world to the White Templars Chapter.
foes beneath the heavy bulk of there was no danger, or through catastrophic Lord Solar Leontus commanded the ground
their warrior organisms, which complacency believed the threat was minimal or defence from the fortress monastery of Holdfast,
possess unusually resilient non-existent to them. and the Phalanx was ready to annihilate any
chitinous armour plates and Tyranid void-beast that threatened it in orbit.
flesh capable of rapid regrowth. Few agents of the Imperium saw the true The first stage of the titanic conflict took place
It is only a matter of time threat for what it was - the two tendrils of Hive within the colossal asteroid field known as the
until Tiamet's true purpose is Fleet Leviathan were on a parallel path, one Dornwall. Though Imperial commanders knew
revealed, and what the bio- that would see both storm straight into the it could not be held, they believed by defending
construct it defends is. When Segmentum Solar if not halted. Slowly, however, this partial barrier they could slow the Tyranid
this occurs, it is without any the truth was revealed as word from refugee advance, inflict terrible losses and shatter the
shadow of doubt that a new boats, astropathic screams and intercepted vox formations of their hive ships. Hollowed-out
nightmare will befall the galaxy. fragments were put together. Under the auspices asteroid bases were soon made into grisly
of Imperial heroes such as Trajann Valoris and abattoirs as warrior organisms flooded their
Lord Solar Leontus, a coordinated response to narrow corridors and defenders fought to the
this new onslaught by Hive Fleet Leviathan did death to stop them. Brutal ship-to-ship fighting
at last begin to cohere. While larger and slower created massive fields of debris and left hive ship
forces were drawn together from those reserves carcasses tumbling through the frozen void. The
not committed to the Indomitus Crusade, defenders used their knowledge of the terrain
a wave of swift and elite response fleets was to good effect, launching devastating ambushes

to isolate hive ships and blow apart void-beasts It was during this earth-shaking clash that
before they could retaliate. Despite heroism and one Norn Emissary launched an attempt on
sacrifice of a great many Imperial crews, the Leontus' life. Before the creature could land the T12647X901-41
Tyranids' numbers were utterly overwhelming. killing blow, however, Trajann Valoris himself THE MAELSTROM
Bio-ships smashed through the Dornwall and intervened; he and his bodyguards of elite Following Hive Fleet Leviathan's
billions of warrior organisms went on to make Custodians slayed the vicious beast at great cost defeat at Baal thanks to the
planetfall on Sanctum. Among them were a trio in lives. He and his Solblade had heard the call Great Rift's emergence, thousands
oflethal Norn Emissaries, beasts spawned for for aid, and battled their way to Sanctum to of bio-ships are scattered by
the most vital of the Hive Mind's objectives. The relieve the beleaguered world. He was not alone. empyric storms. Hundreds are
dedicated goal of one was the slaughter of the Many other Solblades had come to Sanctum's cast into the Maelstrom, where
Lord Solar. relief, battering their way through the blockade Huron Blackheart, one of the most
ofbio-ships that surrounded the planet, their powerful Heretic Astartes warlords
On Sanctum's surface, Imperial forces were warriors racing to the world's surface to purge it in the galaxy, and lord of the
under standing orders to retain mobility and of the xenos invaders. Red Corsairs, rules. Bio-ships
avoid being besieged for as long as possible. fall upon Blackheart's fleets
Towering God-Engines duelled with monstrous Though the fighting that followed was no less in huge numbers, and merciless
bio-titans in mountain passes. Mega-swarms bloody than that earlier in the war for Sanctum, combat rages between his forces
of warrior organisms and armies of infantry the sudden arrival of determined Imperial and the Tyranids. The power of
fought tooth and nail in forests and moors, reinforcements turned the tide against the the colossal warp tempest in
bathing the landscape in blood. Despite their Tyranids, and the Grendyllus tendril eventually which they fight proves to be no
valiant efforts, Imperial forces were pushed recoiled from Sanctum. Nevertheless, xenos detriment to the hive fleet, whose
back to Sanctum's keeps battle by bloody battle, infestation of the wider war zone continued to hive ships spawn neurobeasts and
with no sign of the reinforcements that had gather pace and more Imperial reinforcements psyker organisms at a prodigious
been called for so desperately. Colossal swarms were desperately needed. A reprieve had rate as they accumulate biomass.
ofTyranids descended upon the Holdfast, and been won, but the Fourth Tyrannic War had
the slaughter of the siege was truly apocalyptic. truly begun.
fte screams of the Sanctioned shot no fewer than four Phrankyns their knees, screaming, as they were

Psyker ended the instant the bolt for it - she had discovered tell-tale reduced to steaming slurry by the
entered her brain. Two of her signs of a foul xenos implantation in foul gush.
fellows were killed in quick their necks. 'Mark of the Neurolictor',
succession, their agonised regimental xenosavant attaches had For a moment, Dartani sympathised
cries snuffed out with the called them. Whatever a Neurolictor with the fleeing troops, as smaller
boom of Commissar Dartani's bolt was, their hideous influence caused gaunt forms rushed through the gap
pistol. The Tyranids had caused it, sentries to open fire on their forced by the Hierodule in quick,
she knew. The xenos· effects on the comrades, ignore movements of bounding leaps. Who could possibly
weak-minded were seemingly as swift Tyranid infiltrators as though they stand against such brutal, ugly
as they were horrific. could not see them and much worse. alien power? What was the point in
trying? She bit her tongue to punish
Dartani took a deep breath. For the Filth, she thought, spitting onto the herself for such cowardice. Duty is
time being, it seemed, the Tyranids mud around her feet. the point. Dartani swore she would
were holding back. A reprieve, thank subject herself to the lash when this
the Emperor, she thought. as soldiers Dartani could not dwell for long was all over. Pain was the greatest
raced to move the bodies of the on the heinousness of the foe. The reminder of responsibility, and the
executed psykers from the Imperial Commissar heard a chorus of alien greatest teacher.
lines. The Commissar's unit, the screeches and chaotic Imperial fire,
seventh company of the Ist Phrankyn before a Tyranid swarm ploughed 'This is Commissar Dartani,' she
Musketry were deployed on a ridge in through Imperial lines some half voxed to her platoon. 'All positions to
the centre of their battalion's section a mile to the right of seventh hold.' She knew however that with the
of the trenches, with a good view company's position, the attack line severely shattered not far away it
of the Imperial defensive lines in spearheaded by a colossal monster. was only a moment of time until-
the area. Before them was a three- Layers of thick chitin plates covered
hundred-yard open kill zone bar the its back, scorched by ineffectual 'Seventft company is to fall back in good
occasional blackened stump. Beyond Imperial weapons fire. It possessed order to prepared tertiary defences. Fourth
was a thicket of woodland that had an enormous maw lined with platoon to maintain position to provide cover
only escaped destruction because ferocious teeth and a pair of colossal ffrst, then to be covered in their retreat.' The
supplies of artillery shells had been scythe-like claws. It projected itself soldier speaking in her personal vox
diverted to another front before the forwards on a pair of heavily muscled bead was Sergeant Markell, the acting
1st Musketry had even arrived. rear legs, balancing the sheer mass company commander. The officers
of its head and weapons with a long, were all dead or mangled now.
The Commissar knew the break in the thick tail that stretched up into the
fighting only meant that the ferocious air behind it. Dartani recognised it It must have been serious if orders
aliens were massing for yet another from her orientation pamphlet as a were to pull straight back to tertiary
assault. Dartani had little conviction Scythed Hierodule, a massive - if defences, skipping the second
that her company would hold. It had thankfully rare -Tyranid siege-beast. entirely. Commissar Eraskis, stationed
only been a week since deployment with the battalion commander, must
and already it was at forty percent of The Commissar watched, mouth have approved of the plan. As such,
its starting strength. agape, as the beast crushed wounded Dartani overlooked what many would
Guardsmen beneath its clawed feet, have called cowardice.
In her forty-year service, Dartani had and drove its wicked claws through
wrestled Kroot Hounds, duelled the hull of a Leman Russ battle tank. 'We will do our duty, Musketry,'
Nicassar pirates, punched Orks in the Missiles streamed towards it, plumes Dartani said to her troops, who were
face and even survived the ravages of of exhaust trailing behind them. They visibly shaken by the Tyranid surge.
the Dvorgite. But she had never seen struck the monster's flank, and it There were no Tyranids here ... yet. A
anything like the Tyranids before. barely flinched. Imperial Guardsmen simple withdrawal, if achieved, would
Truly, 'suffer not the alien to live' was fled before it. Dartani saw, horrified, ensure they were well prepared to
a phrase uttered for these most foul as a spout protruding from the take the fight back to the xenos soon.
creatures. What they were capable Hierodule's back throbbed, bulged
of was ... unnatural. It was evil. Their and then burst, spraying a dark Vox messages soon followed from the
ability to corrupt especially. She had liquid over the soldiers. They sank to other platoons. Dartani kept her eyes

--- • -
.. -
to her unit's front. She scanned the So bizarre was the sight that no his faithful, this the Commissar knew,
tree line, panning her vision from left one, including Dartani, had yet and it was proven once more when
to right and back again, counting to engaged the Tyranid monstrosities she saw an abandoned launcher and a
six slowly. The count was vital - it was before them. number of missiles next to it in a firing
too easy to scan the terrain without position to her left. Thank you, God-
truly looking. Dartani's vox activated with crackling Emperor.
hisses that made her wince. 'Or ...
Then Dartani saw it, drifting between toon ... ull ... ba,' the voice sounded Dartani's head pounded so fiercely
the trees. It possessed what like Sergeant Markell, but the signal it took most of her strength to reach
appeared to be a huge brain, framed was so broken it was impossible to her weapon, shove a missile into the
in a cog-like ring of purple chitin. She tell. The voice started again before back of it and raise it to her shoulder.
could see energy crackling around the being replaced with a high-pitched The brain-beast's presence caused
encephalous matter, viscous fluids scream so harsh Dartani ripped her whole body to throb with pain.
coating its throbbing form. Cog-like out her earpiece. She felt sure the But she clenched her teeth, prayed,
ring of hardened purple chitin creature before her caused the and did what duty demanded. She
resembling the hood of a venomous communications breakdown. The squeezed the trigger. The missile shot
striking serpent stretched out around Commissar felt a heavy build up of from the end of the launcher, smoky
the beast's head. Seemingly like pressure in her head. The ache was plumes and sparks trailing behind
every Tyranid monstrosity Dartani agony. Raising her shaking bolt pistol it. Dartani saw it strike an invisible
had so far seen, it possessed a mouth arm, she aimed at the Tyranids. alien energy shield surrounding the
full of wickedly sharp teeth and a brain-beast. The missile bounced
set of claws. Descending below the 'God-Emperor, guide my aim! Let me off in a flare of light and detonated
hideous monster was a pair of pale, slay the abominations in your name! ineffectually. The Commissar went
whip-like tentacles, a long, armour- Fourth platoon, open fire!' to reload the launcher. It was then
plated tail ended with brutal-looking she realised she couldn't move.
hook claws and two other, smaller Dartani's soldiers followed her The brain-beast floated towards
appendages that resembled it. example and started firing even as her, moving without hurry, its lesser
Despite the fact that the beast did surely their heads were wracked with escort-beasts in tow, seemingly
not appear to possess eyes, Dartani pain. She saw a heavy bolter team knowing it had won. Dartani could
somehow knew it was looking directly struggle with their weapon and bring not even open her mouth to curse
at her. Thanks to the shape of its its fire to bear in controlled bursts. it, spit at it or invoke the Emperor's
mouth and teeth it appeared to be The sight of their courage fortified name. All she had were her thoughts.
grinning in a way that was malign, her own resolve. The team had She chose to hate, hate, with all her
cruel and darkly intelligent all at been firing only for a few seconds strength, mind and soul.
the same time. Moving with the when the brain-beast launched a
beast, scuttling over the floor in an bright violet ball of roaring energy Dartani smelled the alien's foul stink,
eerily coherent shoal was a host of at the gunners. The explosion was and heard the screams of her soldiers
diminutive, eyeless creatures with furious when it struck their position. as the lesser beasts butchered them
short blade-arms. Two more monsters Nothing remained besides warped around her. She could not move her
accompanied the primary brain- fragments of heavy bolter and tatters head to see her soldiers' deaths, and
beast, almost resembling smaller of charred uniform. for that she felt shame.
versions of it. They too possessed
oversized encephali and long Dartani pulled the trigger of her bolt As the brain-beast drew up to her
tentacles that distended beneath pistol again and again, screaming with it took her head with two of its
them as they glided, seemingly rage for the destroyed soldiers. She tentacles, handling it with surprising
defying gravity, over the ground. did not blame the Emperor as her fire care. Its maw opened wide. Still she
appeared to have little impact on the couldn't move.
Dartani felt hatred rise deep in her approaching foe. Faith was not faith
heart, as well as her bowels sour. if it was not tested, and for a warrior Emperor curse you, filth.
God-Emperor, your might is incomparable, to hold the Emperor responsible for
your power unquenchable. Lend me but a his or her failure to select the correct The creature brought her head into its
mote of it and i will see your will be done here weapon for the task at hand was maws, driving its teeth into the filthy
this day. blasphemy. The Emperor rewarded flesh of her neck.

Tyranid weaponry and wargear is entirely FLESHBORER
organic. Some examples such as heavy The fleshborer is an organic burrow within
carapaces of chitinous armour, chameleonic which dwell borer beetles. When the weapon
flesh or spore-spewing gas bladders are is fired it stimulates the beetles to launch
integral to the warrior organisms that employ themselves from the barrel with their flea-like
them on the hunt. The rest appear to be grown rear legs. The creatures then spend their final
in the churning innards of the hive ships and seconds oflife chewing frenziedly through the
symbiotically grafted to the bioforms that will bodies of their victims. Fleshborers can launch
wield them. from many different types of beetle, from
creatures with hardened, armour-piercing chitin
Tyranid warrior organisms and their living to ones with biochemical incendiary fluid; the
weaponry make for a repulsive and truly latter are grimly referred to as torchbugs.
frightening sight. It is hard for their enemies
to perceive where the war-beast ends and its SPINE FIST
armaments begin, for the two are inextricably Usually wielded in pairs, spinefists connect
linked via pulsing tubules, chitinous growths themselves to their host organism's internal
and membranous swathes of melded flesh. Few airways via rubbery flesh tubes driven into
can fail to miss the vicious fangs and talons that their bodies. With a sharp exhalatory spasm,
almost all Tyranids boast, nor the slime-slick the warrior-beast sends pressurised air surging
and quivering analogues of gun or blade that through its spinefists in order to launch a hail of
most carry. Yet in truth any part of a warrior chitinous spikes at the foe. These foul projectiles
organism's anatomy may prove a weapon, from are coated with tailored neurotoxins so that
sacs of virulent toxins or corrosive bioacids, to the slightest scratch is fatal to the prey. That is,
fleshy barbs ready to stab forth and impale prey, of course, if any of their victims survive being
or other, even stranger and more gruesome impaled upon dozens of wicked chitin shards
weapons. For those not trained in identifying long enough to feel the toxins' bite.
such threats and counteracting them, a myriad
of horrible fates await. Many warriors have BARBED STRANGLER
met their end after believing they had severed The barbed strangler fires a seedpod the size
a Tyranid's weapons from its body, or after of a Human fist. The living ammunition is
parrying an obvious blow from a chitinous channelled from a bloated gestation sac by a
blade, only to be impaled upon concealed thick feeder arm into a simple launcher that
stingers, struck by tail-borne bio-weapons, or is little more than a muscled tube. After being
enmeshed in lashing nests of secondary tendrils. launched by a muscle spasm, the seedpod
grows to maturity at a grossly accelerated pace,
In truth, the distinction between Tyranids and becoming a flailing mass of hooked tendrils
their wargear only exists within the minds capable of puncturing flesh, spreading out in
of prey species, for every Tyranid is as much all directions with blinding speed. They gouge
a living weapon as the symbiotes it wields. eyes, entangle weapons and lash around throats
Moreover, the utterly alien nature and rapid before constricting savagely. Should it penetrate
adaptability of this organic technology is more flesh before reaching maturity, the unfortunate
than a match for even the most advanced victim is ripped apart in an explosion of gore as
prey races. It allows the Tyranids to drag their sinuous tentacles burst out from their own body.
victims into a feverish arms race in which most
prey are ill-equipped to keep pace, and that Stranglethorn cannons are heavier versions
soon sees them outmatched, outmanoeuvred of the barbed strangler, firing much larger
and fatally outnumbered. and more aggressive seedpods. The growing
seedpod's writhing mass of metal-shredding
DEVOURER tentacles can tear apart vehicles as they work
The devourer is a deceptively simple projectile their way in through vision slits or chinks in
weapon whose barrel-analogue is a long tapered their armour plating, shredding their targets
cone of slowly decomposing meat. Inhabiting from the inside out.
this foetid mass are colonies of squirming
parasitic worms. By sending a bioelectric shock VENOM CANNONS
from the body through the cone, the weapon's Venom cannons fire shards of concentrated
wielder launches showers of ravenous worms at and crystallised acid, coated in a metallic
any nearby targets. These worms then burrow residue and launched at incredible speeds. Even
through their victims' nervous systems until the lighter breed of venom cannon is highly
they reach the brain, causing such agony effective at punching through well-armoured
in the process that even those not slain are targets. Meanwhile, the heavier variant launches
often driven mad. The largest devourers fire its weightier projectiles at hypersonic speed, the
brainleech worms, a particularly sizeable and tank-killing rounds wreathed in an electrostatic
unpleasant adaptation of the basic bioform. charge that detonates upon impact.

IMPALER CANNON capable of ripping through adamantine and
This cruel weapon fires chitinous harpoons that bonded ceramite as though it were nothing
are more than capable of punching through more than tattered cloth. The damage such
even tank armour. At the base of each projectile vicious claws can inflict on living flesh can best
nestles a parasitic shard-beast that feeds off its be described as catastrophic, with a single swipe
projectile's internal fluids until the moment the usually sufficient to disembowel or tear the
weapon is fired. At that point the shard-beast's throat from the prey.
innards are torn out, leaving it trailing fin-like
HIVE FLEET GORGON projectiles that it uses to steer its shard into BONE MACE
No hive fleet yet encountered the body of the victim during its last moments This unsubtle mass of knurled bone, chitin
matches Gorgon's ability of life. spikes and coiled tendons is most often seen
to hyperadapt to its prey, grafted to hulking Carnifexes. A dense tangle
no matter how strategically DEATH SPITTER of tensile ligaments connect the bone mace
flexible they might be. The A deathspitter is a complex multi-creature organism to its monstrous wielder, their steely
hive fleet heavily favours toxic weapon symbiote that fires large, maggot-like strength and instinctive whipcord contractions
biowarfare, deploying immense organisms that possess highly corrosive innards. further augmenting the already colossal might
billows of weaponised spores Next to the weapon's brooding chamber is an of the siege-beast as it swings the mace at its
which no rebreather or sealed oozing set of fangs that drags a maggot creature victims. A solid blow from this weapon can
compartment can seem to from the nest and strips it of its protective shell easily stave in a fortified bunker, smash a battle
keep out. Hive Fleet Gorgon with a loud grinding noise. The deathspitter tank onto its side or pulp any foolish warrior
launches attacks in which reacts to the caustic flesh spilt by the maggot's unfortunate enough to stand in its path.
warrior organisms are wreathed agonised throes with a violent spasm, firing the
in rolling clouds of these morsel of still-living flesh at high speed. The SPORE MINES
spores, a mere lungful of which projected creature shrieks through the air until Launched from Biovore sporecaster organisms
can see an enemy's organs it strikes its target in a shower of volatile fluids or atmospherically seeded in their thousands
bloat and burst with self- and gobbets of caustic slime that melt through from the bellies of hive ships, Spore Mines are
replicating organisms as their armour and flesh with equal vigour. living bombs in possession of rudimentary
flesh sloughs from their bones. intelligence. If they do not detonate on
SCYTHING TALON impact, they possess internal gas bladders that
Every Hive Fleet Gorgon Many Tyranid warrior organisms employ allow them to drift across the battlefield, and
organism possesses a toxin sizeable deadly blade-limbs to hack, tear and sensitive tendrils that trail behind them as they
gland containing semi-sentient impale their victims at close quarters. Such feel for vibrations of prey organisms. Once
spores. As battles progress weapons rarely exhibit any degree of subtlety, triggered, the Spore Mines detonate themselves,
and the Tyranids taste their employing the simple expedient of putting unleashing a violent storm of chitinous shrapnel
foes' flesh, the spores tailor massive strength of muscle and sinew behind and sprays of toxic, venomous or acidic
themselves to the prey's a long rigid talon of razor-edged chitin. Yet no fluids upon their unfortunate victims. Spore
nature, thus becoming warrior who ever saw these scything talons rip Mines have been known to drift for days, just
biological anathema to the through an entire rank of screaming victims waiting for an unwary foe to come near, before
enemy. In little time at all, before tossing their bloodied and mangled detonating with brutal effect.
a slight cut a foe suffers or remains through the air would ever mistake
even mere skin contact with a simplicity for ineffectiveness. PREDATORY PROJECTILES
warrior organism can kill. Such The Hive Mind has proven monstrously
is the ingenuity of Gorgon's BONE SWORD inventive in its ever-adapting arsenal ofliving
capabilities, they have even Specially grown from dense chitin, boneswords projectiles. From blunt force trauma and
been known to overwhelm the have a sentient symbiote grafted into their hilts. violent impalement, to bioelectric shock,
supernaturally-virulent warp This small gobbet of neurotransmissive flesh acidic corrosion, haemorrhagic detonation or
plagues of the Death Guard. takes care of regrowing the bonesword's organic death by toxin, the ranged weapon-forms of
blade should it ever be damaged. Moreover, its the hive fleets inflict all these fates and more
Most recently, Gorgon has vast web of nerve tendrils are embedded along upon their prey. Warrior organisms have even
been preying on agri worlds, the entire length of the weapon, transmitting demonstrated the ability to produce their own
and some Inquisitors believe and amplifying the synaptic energies of the form ofbio-plasma that is more than capable
spore-tainted foodstuffs have wielder into a lethal field that extinguishes of reducing armoured warriors to mounds of
already been unwittingly victims' life energies with every blow. This effect glowing ashes.
spread far and wide ... is amplified by proximity to other weapons
of the same kind, making paired boneswords FLESH HOOKS
especially deadly. Nestled within the thoracic cavities of warrior
organisms, these chitin-barbed hooks are
RENDING CLAW launched through violent muscle spasm. Not
These oversized claws are rendered particularly only do they inflict bloody wounds as they
deadly by their organic sheaths of diamond- punch into their victims, but the sinewy cords
hard and wickedly sharp chitin. With the that connect them to their host organism can
tailored muscle and sinew of a Tyranid warrior be swiftly reeled back in, dragging impaled prey
organism behind them, rending claws are quite into the monster's embrace.

Scything talon


Barbed strangler

Predatory projectiles Flesh hooks

Rending claw Bone mace


Venom cannon Spinefist

Impaler cannon



"''''"" cw,,, u,,,, With it he had killed hundreds
Sahansun's honesty because he had
was surrounded by piles of of aliens and their weak, Human several hundred agents in the region
dataslates, servo-scrolls, leafs sympathisers. It was an instrument who could verify, many of whom
of parchment and heavy tomes. of his will as an Inquisitor of the were in Sahansun's service. Nothing
His entire chamber was filled Imperium, a symbol of his authority. escaped Uziyr. He knew all about
with such documents. the Tiamet situation. He had links
Agents now went on Uziyr's behalf to the Iron Lords Chapter keeping
A vox-recording played through the where he could not, returning with the Barghesi of the Grendl Stars out
chamber, the last words of a planetary more and more resources such as of Tyranid maws. Through Aeldari
governor crackling to their grim those filling his chamber, which in Corsair intermediaries he even knew
conclusion. 'I do not see how we could ever turn informed the next missions he of that dying race's plight in the
have won.' set for them. Laevenir Archipelago.

Elements of the voluminous research None of what Uziyr had learned of On every front, the tidings were grim.
sources Uziyr had collected flashed the Tyranids was good. Each source The Tyranids were outmatching every
through his memory. revealed more and more of the dire race in the galaxy, or so it seemed.
threat they posed. Uziyr picked up a dataslate. Upon it
•.. .our continued existence as a species was a report composed by one Magos
appears now tenuous at best.. .,' claimed ' ...with each avenue of enquiry ... we Biologis Salik of the NewHallefus
the Departmento Munitorum's ffnd ourselves faced with contradiction Biomedical Research Station . That
Strategic Intelligence Collectives in and endlessly branching alien illogic ... ,' station had been raided by the
one report. complained xenosavant grade second Inquisitor's Aeldari contacts, partly
Lortimer Gartholemew Junt II in his at his request, so that he could get
' ... over the coming centuries we may be out- studies. He fumed, also, over the' ... his hands on whatever the Magi had
evolved to the point of extinction ... ,' agreed frustrating paucity of veriffable certainties in stored there: samples, records, and
a transcript of the words of Magos relation to almost all aspects of the Tyranids' the like. Salik and his colleagues
Biologis Alder Garrick, who had xenobiological makeup, adaptational had done good work. Had they only
spoken at the Conclave of Har. methodology and so forth .. .' . Junt was not agreed to work with me they never would
done with that either. He concluded a have needed to meet their end as they did,
Mankind was in trouble, and few piece regarding the so-called Parasite Uziyr thought, shaking his head. He
individuals knew that better than of Mortrex saying ' .. .so unnatural, so scanned the Magos' piece.
Inquisitor Uziyr of the Ordo Xenos. enigmatic and unclean are the mysteries of
He had dedicated decades to the Tyranid that I consider both my faith ' .. .Tyranids seem to evolve 'as needed
researching the threat of the Tyranids, and, yes, even my sanity to have been maintaining all adaptations that are deemed
abandoning all other work in his sorely tried .. .'. useful.. . making modiffcations to their own
obsession. He was centuries old, kept metabolism while still in the developmental
alive by a suite of bionics, arguably The fool doesn't know the half of it, stage ... they have been seen to survive the
heretical rejuvenant treatments thought Uziyr. He was sure the loss of all limbs without expiring ... may fully
and the life support system he xenosavant considered himself recover from seemingly lethal wounds .. .'
was now fused into - all extremely learned, intelligent and well-read
expensive. Even so, his thin hair had on the Tyranids. And perhaps, As if that wasn't bad enough, the rate
long turned white, and his skin was comparatively, he was. But Uziyr knew of adaptation was compounded when
heavily liver-spotted. Once he had more. Much more. He had two dozen Tyranids of different hive fleets met.
been strong, full of vim and vigour. spies attending the Munitorum's
Those years were deep in his past Strategic Intelligence Collectives. ' ... note increasing magnitude upon
now. Nonetheless, he always kept his There was nothing collated by that successive contacts ... note corresponding
favourite weapon from those times grouping of number-counters and increases in magnitude amongst previously
with him. Polantair, it was called, a macropedants that he didn't know. contacted hive ffeet upon contact with a
masterwork laspistol, gifted to him Inquisitor Nashir Sahansun, creator new ffeet .. .'
by his former master when he was a of the Cordon Impenetra, owed him
mere Interrogator. It was a beautiful much, and so told him everything Uziyr could remember that off by
weapon, with a hardwood casing of the calamitous events in the heart from the reports by Biologis
filigreed with twists of golden thread. Octarius Sector. Uziyr could be sure of Task Group 773/z. He sighed and took

~ . . .-

- -
a healthy swig from his hip flask of he had sunk deeper and deeper into chambers. The man was surely dead.
amasec, which hadn't left his side in melancholy. For many years he had Whether the Tyranids or one of Uziyr's
some years. He had a trio of servitors seen that as the price for service to esteemed Inquisitorial colleagues
dedicated to ensuring it never ran the Emperor and Humanity. It was a had got there first, he did not know.
dry, and that his storage cellars burden he had to bear so that others Either way, the loss was unfortunate.
always had plenty in reserve. He might live free of the Tyranid menace. Men and women with their eyes open
cared not for any particular vintage, or He had known that the Emperor gave to the true scale of the Tyranid threat
source-world. As long as it burned his his greatest followers the greatest were desperately needed.
throat, brought a few seconds' relief tests. But it had been a long time now
from despair and gave his brain new since Uziyr had prayed. But are they really? What difference do tliey
ideas well enough he drank it. make? I grasp tlie danger - wliat have I
' ... in several reported instances entire sectors done? How many worlds have I saved?
Poor swine who have to ~ght these beasts have disappeared beneath it .. . '
don't have this luxury, he thought The brutal truth was that he had
bitterly as he put the flask down. ' ...all too often the target of their attack made precious little difference.
Uziyr snorted , remembering an old becomes apparent only affer it has been Perhaps no more than a score of
report. He ruffled through some old enveloped and rendered unapproachable .. .' systems endured a Tyranid invasion
papers on his desk. There it was. thanks to his intervention, and some
' ... tlie consumption of the planet under of them had been consumed by Hive
' ...discipline is hard to maintain against such attack is continuous from Llie moment the Fleet Hydra or Kronos in follow-up
a horrifying foe as many men are driven hive s/iips ac/iieve low orbit. ..' attacks regardless.
mad with despair or frozen with terror at
their approach .. .' The lines raced through his mind Every night, Uzi yr was haunted
over and over. The Shadow in the by the terrible conclusions the
'Such a gift for understatement,' Uziyr Warp ... the relentless attacks ... the Collective had reached. He would
muttered to himself. Though he had Tyranids were so well optimised not have been surprised if now these
executed many a soldier and even for planetary conquest, it was as estimates were already too hopeful.
agent for cowardice over the years, if victory was assured for them
he struggled to blame any individual before a single invasion beast ' ... number of instances in wliich Tyranid bio-
for feeling terror at the thought of made planetfall. The xenos' rapid forms have ... survived the Exterminatus .. .'
facing the Tyranids, or to be broken success, and the Imperium's apparent
at the mere sight of the xenos' inability to contain their rapacious ' ... the hive ffeets we liave tlius far
onrushing hordes. onslaught throughout the galaxy, was encountered represent hut the vanguard of a
frighteningly apparent. far larger force ... '
When pondering the horror of the
Tyranids, Uziyr's mind was never far ' ... ongoing loss of agri worlds and mining ' ... tliere may in fact be more liive ffeets tlian
from the robust analyses and detailed facilities is slowly hut surely bleeding Ultima tliere are worlds .. .'
reports of the Munitorum's Strategic Segmentum wliite .. .'
Intelligence Collectives. Even if its ' .. .current mobilisation levels will need to he
work somewhat ... strayed from the ' .. .at current rates of loss the lmperium's increased a minimum of 500% if we are even
Departmento Munitorum's technical hold at tlie eastern extent of tlie to stand a c/iance of slowing the advance of
remit at times, and the Inquisitor had Astronomican will be entirely gone witliin tlie Hive Mind ... every able-bodied man
no care for those who compiled it, two centuries .. .' and woman on every world in tlie Ultima
the data the organisation collected Segmentum, Segmentum Paci~cus and
was incredibly useful. It was also So said Commissar General Vortigus Segmentum Solar will need to be draffed into
thoroughly disquieting. Hornth, in a surprisingly frank appeal tlie Imperial Guard .. .'
for additional resources in which he
It was Uziyr's life purpose to study had accused senior commanders of And that was before the Riff, hefore
the resources produced by the dangerous ignorance of the threat Pankallis, before Bastior, Uziyr thought.
lmperium's bureaucracies regarding posed by the Tyranids. Uziyr was still He eyed Polantair. It promised him
the Tyranids, so far as he was rankled that he had been unable to oblivion. It promised him escape.
concerned at any rate. As each year locate the Commissar General since a All it would take was one pull of
passed, and as he continued his work, copy of the report made its way to his the trigger.

II The massed gunlines of the Astra
Militarum inspire no fear in the Hive
Mind. No matter how many Tyranids the
men and women of the lmperium may klll
in their artillery bombardments and
lasgun volleys, there are always more
bio-organisms to throw into the
meatgrinder. On unnumbered battlefields,
the defenders of the lmperium have run
out of ammunition and even rocks to
throw before they have destroyed the last
Tyranid swarms.

II Death leaper is the perfect terror

weapon, one designed to destroy
the enemy's morale and break their will to
oppose the swarm. Space Marines know
no fear, and the Ultramarines hold a deep
hatred for the Ty ran ids that will see them
furiously fight the xenos whenever they
clash. These factors do not hamper
Death leaper's effectiveness. If its enemies
will not panic or run, then it is equally
capable of ending the threat they pose
with its long, clawed talons.

Hive Fleet Leviathan Hormagaunts

Hive Fleet Leviathan Lictor Hive Fleet Leviathan Genestealers

The Orks of □a Deffkeep believed
their gargantuan, labyrinthine
fortress impenetrable. Hive Fleet Kraken
proved them wrong. The months-long
bloodbath that fol lowed the Tyranids'
storming of the fort saw millions on both
s,ides slain, mounds of corpses growing so
high they could be seen towering well
above the bastion's spiked parapets. With
bio-organisms tunnelling beneath and
winged nightmares dominating the skies,
there was nowhere for the Orks to run.

II Once, lyanden was the most

populous and powerful of the
Asuryani craftworlds. Then came Hive
Fleet Kraken. Though the Aeldari fought
valiantly, they were ground down by the
relentless hordes ofTyranids. The Aeldari
avoided annihilation, with barely a fifth of
the craftworld's population alive, and to
this day only ghosts inhabit entire domes
of their colossal world-ship. To the
Aeldari's despair, it would not be the last
time they would have to face this most
rapacious of foes.
ft On Karmeas, a world ravaged by a
M splinter fleet of Hive Fleet Kraken,
the Space Wolves clashed with the
Tyranids in cities torn apart by the xenos
invasion. The scions of Leman Russ were
scattered in the ensuing chaos, each
squad fighting its own battle for survival.
The Rune Priest Arnfel the Black engaged a
fearsome Maleceptor, its bulging
encephalic matter pulsating with alien
psychic energy. It was to be the final clash
of his saga.

R Many space hulks that drift through

llil the galaxy are infested with nests of
hibernating Genestealers awaiting
opportunities to infiltrate unsuspecting
prey worlds. When they are disturbed, the
newly awoken Genestealers flood echoing
corridors and chambers in a torrent of
chitin and claws. They have been the doom
of countless explorers, relic hunters, and
even Space Marine Terminators.
Hive Fleet Leviathan Biovore

Hive Fleet Leviathan Termagant Hive Fleet Leviathan Termagant

with devourer with shardlauncher

Hive Fleet Leviathan Screamer-Killer

Hive Fleet Leviatha11 Norn Assimilator
II When the Tyranids board a prey
warship, the vessel ceases being a
colossal weapon of war. It becomes a
deathtrap. Such was the fate of the
Tempest-class battlecruiser Fury of the
Will and its entire war group, assaulted by
the Ty ran ids of Hive Fleet Behemoth. The
millennia-old vessel and its fellow
void craft were lost with all hands, the
wreckage only discovered two centuries
later with every scrap of biomass stripped
from it.

IP.II On an industrial world at the very

ail edge of forge world Metalica's area
of influence, a splinter fleet of Hive Fleet
Behemoth has unleashed tides of
bio-organisms to rampage over the
surface. The pollution smog that once filled
the air has been usurped by a haze of
xenos spores that have already begun the
consumption of the planet. Though the
Skitarii legions defending the world fight
with all the cold discipline they are
renowned for, they are doomed.
n Some World Eaters savour few
llil enemies as much as the Tyranids,
for the xenos present a near endless
supply of skulls to offer the Blood God. For
the Tyranids, the Heretic Astartes are
merely another form of prey, to be
overwhelmed and consumed. Though
many bio-organisms might be slain by the
Chaos Space Marines, it matters little, their
biomass is recycled anew as if no damage
was done.

IP.I For the piratical Orukhari, who

liil plunder the galaxy of not only souls
but beasts for their depraved experiments
or hellish gladiatorial arenas, Tyranid
bioforms are great prizes indeed. But they
do not come quietly. Countless arrogant
Commorrite raiding parties have sought to
capture Tyranid organisms, only to be
ambushed and slaughtered by their
intended targets.

Hive Fleet Leviathan Neurolictor

Hive Fleet Leviathan Neurogaunts

Hive Fleet Leviathan Neurotyrant and Neuroloid

On the following pages you will find a painting guide to help you bring your Tyranids Combat Patrol to life. By
following the steps set out here you will be able to paint your models in the colours of Hive Fleet Leviathan to a
Battle Ready standard, and also learn useful techniques that you can apply to your collection as it grows.

You Will Need

To make the most of
this painting guide, we
recommend you use a
Citadel brush and the
Citadel Colour paints
shown below. We also
recommend using multiple
thin coats where needed to
achieve good coverage.










Top Tip Basing

Before you follow any
other steps, we suggest
priming your models
with an even coat of
Wraithbone Spray paint.
You can use several thin
coats ofWraithbone Base
paint instead.
■ Apply a neat layer of Astrogranite Debris, being careful near the edges.IJ Once
the layer of Astrogranite Debris is completely dry, apply a shade of Nuln Oil.
II Drybrush the base gently with Wraith bone then apply multiple thin coats of

Abaddon Black to the base edge to finish.
Tyranid Skin Joints and Tongues

D If you sprayed your models, apply a thin basecoat of Wraith bone Base paint all D Apply a Volupus Pink basecoat to these areas,
over. You do not need to do this if you prepared your model s with Wraith bone Base making sure not to let your paint overflow onto other
paint. II Apply a layer of Magos Purple to the skin areas. D Re-layer the skin with parts. D Apply a highlight of thinned Wraithbone.
thinned Wraith bone, leaving Magos Purple in the recesses. Take your time and keep a point on your brush.

Chitinous Carapaces Claws, Hooves and Weapon Carapaces

a Apply an even layer of Sigvald Burgundy. On ce the first is dry, a Apply a smooth basecoat of thinned Abad don Black to all claws,
add a second layer to get a deep, rich colour. Now pick out all hooves and weapon carapaces. Make sure your paint isn't too thick
the outer edges and raised ridges of each carapace segment with a or you may lose some detail. D Next, use the edge of your brush to
thinned Genestealer Purple highlight to get sharp definition. highlight the raised edges with thinned Dark Reaper.

Barblaunchers Wings and Termagant Weapons

a Apply a thinned Mephiston Red basecoat to all the fleshy innards D Apply a shade of Fuegan Orange, being careful not to get any
o( theweapon, taking care not to get any on the carapace or skin. D on the adjacent areas.D Once the shade is completely dry,
Once the basecoat is completely dry, carefully shade these parts carefully highlight the raised areas with thinned Wraithbone to
with Nuln Oil. heighten definition.

Neural Masses Eyes Teeth

a Make a wash of Dark D Using a smaller brush, apply a neat basecoat of D Use Nuln Oil to paint the teeth and the inside of the
Reaper by thinning it thinned Yriel Yellow to your Tyranids' eyes, including mouth, avoiding the tongue, using multiple coats to

heavily with water and those on the weapons. D Taking care not to let any get a dark colour. D Once the shade is dry, pick out
apply evenly to the area. spill over, apply a shade of Fuegan Orange to the eyes. the teeth with a thinned Wraith bone highlight.

The datasheets required to use the Vardenghast Swarm Your WINGED TYRANID PRIME model has the Psychostatic Veil
can be found on the following pages. These are simplified Enhancement. You can replace this with Secretion Goad.
versions of those found in Warhammer 40,000. A unit's
datasheet will list all the abilities it has. This will include a
Faction ability - Synapse - that is referenced on each unit's
datasheet. You can also use the Shadow in the Warp ability.
Both of these abilities are described below.
SYNAPSE Grotesque neuro-symbiotes squirm through the
Some Tyranids serve as synaptic conduits or nodal relays encephalitic meat of this organism's cranial node.
through which a portion of the Hive Mind's iron will flows, They emit a nauseating barrage of localised
overriding the natural instincts of the swarm to direct psychostatic that triggers dread, revulsion and visual
the teeming warrior-beasts to function as a single, gestalt hallucinations in nearby prey. Foes whose only chance
organism on the battlefield. is to steady their aim and strike true against this vile
monster instead stagger back, weapons falling from
While a TYRANIDS unit from your army is within 6" of one shaking hands, survival instincts drowned by a flood
or more friendly SYNAPSE models, that TYRANIDS unit is said ofpanic and pain.
to be within Synapse Range of those models and of your
army. Each time a TYRANIDS unit from your army takes The bearer has the Lone Operative ability and
a Battle-shock test, if it is within Synapse Range of your a 4+ invulnerable save. In addition, each time a
army, take that test on 3D6 instead of2D6. melee attack targets the bearer, subtract 1 from the
Hit roll.
Tyranids flood the battlefield with the psychic signature of
the hive fleet, an icy, alien dread that gnaws at the minds
of their prey and smothers even the most stalwart courage.
When faced with such unfathomable horror, many are driven
insane or suffer catastrophic neural damage.

Once per battle, in either player's Command phase, if one

or more units from your army with this ability are on the
battlefield, you can unleash the Shadow in the Warp. When
you do, each enemy unit on the battlefield must take a
Battle-shock test.

By palpitating a bio-implant within its thoracic
cavity, this creature is able to trigger a surge of
hyper-acidic secretions in the venom glands of
nearby warrior organisms. Battle armour and
flesh alike bubble and dissolve under this sudden
caustic onslaught.

Once per turn, when a friendly TYRANIDS unit

within 6" of the bearer is selected to shoot or fight,
the bearer can use this ability. If it does, until the
end of the phase, improve the Armour Penetration
characteristic of weapons equipped by models in
that friendly unit by 1.



You will use the Alpha Xenoform secondary objective. You You can use the following Stratagems:
can replace this with Chitinous Tide.



ALPHA XENOFORM Inhumanly swift reaction times and tensile muscle-spasms

This organism is linked to the ineffable alien might allow the warrior organisms to weave and dodge around
theirfoes' attacks.
of the Hive Mind and serves as a conduit of its
will. There is no action it takes nor dread deed of WHEN: Your opponent's Shooting phase or the Fight phase,
butchery it performs that does not further - on just after an enemy unit has selected its targets.
however minor a scale - the designs of their wider TARGET: One TYRANIDS INFANTRY unit from your army that
galactic super-predator. was selected as the target of one or more of the attacking
unit's attacks.
At the end of each phase, you score 4VP if your EFFECT: Until the end of the phase, each time an attack
WINGED TYRANID PRIME model destroyed one or more targets your unit, subtract 1 from the Hit roll.
enemy models that phase.

Whether by rending their prey apart at close quarters or

slaying them with hails of carnivorous or acidic projectiles
at range, the Tyranids' every attack serves to render their
victims down into just more biomass to feed the swarm.

WHEN: Your Shooting phase or the Fight phase.

TARGET: One TYRANIDS unit from your army that has not
been selected to shoot or fight this phase.
EFFECT: Until the end of the phase, each time a model in
your unit makes an attack that targets the closest eligible
target, you can re-roll the Hit roll.


CHITINOUS TIDE Numerous, expendable and seemingly without number,

Tyranids attack in living waves ofpredatory warrior fresh waves of Termagants flow into battle by the minute.
organisms whose only impulse is to overwhelm and WHEN: The Reinforcements step of your Movement phase.
tear apart their foes. Allowing such an enemy to TARGET: One TERMAGANTS unit from your army. You can use
break through your defence lines and choke offyour this Stratagem on that unit even if it is destroyed.
routes of retreat is a sure way to seal your own doom.
EFFECT: If your unit is not destroyed, return up to 06
destroyed models to it. Otherwise, add a new unit to your
At the end of your turn, you score SVP if you army identical to your destroyed unit, in Strategic Reserves,
control one or more objective markers that are containing 206 models.
within 6" of your opponent's deployment zone.


Prime talons Melee 6 2+ 6 -1 CORE: Deep Strike

FACTION: Shadow in the Warp, Synapse

Death Blow: If this model is destroyed by a melee attack, ifit

has not fought this phase, roll one 06: on a 4+, do not remove
it from play. The destroyed model can fight after the attacking
unit has finished making its attacks, and is then removed
from play.



CORE: Deadly Demise 1, Feel No Pain 5+

FACTION: Synapse

Talons and betentacled maw Feeding Frenzy: Each time this model makes a melee attack
Melee 06+1 3+ 6 -1 2
.. (ANTl'.PSYKER 4~, DEVASTATINGWOUN~S] __ that targets a unit that is below its Starting Strength, add 1 to
the Hit roll. If that target is also Below Half-strength, add 1 to
the Wound roll as well.



FACTION: Synapse

Skulking Horrors: Once per turn, when an enemy unit ends a

Normal, Advance or Fall Back move within 9" of this unit, ifthis
unit is not within Engagement Range of one or more enemy
units, it can make a Normal move of up to 06".

At the start of the Declare Battle Formations step, before any units have been set up, this unit can be
__ splitinto 1"'_o_u~i!5.• ~ach_containin_~.t~-~-models. __



Termagants Psychophage

FACTION: Synapse

Disruption Bombardment: In your Shooting phase, after this

unit has shot, if an enemy INFANTRY unit was hit by one or
Chitinous claws and teeth Melee 4+ 4 0
more of those attacks. Until the end of your opponent's next
turn, that enemy unit is disrupted. While a unit is disrupted,
subt ract 2 from its Move characteristic and subtract 2 from
Advance and Charge rolls made for it.


Terror ofVardenghast Barb gaunts


talons.... .
.... ... .
Melee 6 3+ s -1 CORE: Fights First, Infiltrators, Stealth

FACTION: Synapse

Pouncing Leap: You can target this unit with the Heroic
Intervention Stratagem for OCP, and can do so even if
you have already used that Stratagem on a different unit
this phase.


Von Ryan's Leapers

Welcome to the rules section of Codex: Tyranids. Whether forging your own tales of glory and infamy
with narrative play or pitting yourself against your opponents in nail-biting matched play contests,
the following pages present all the rules you will need to bring your Tyranids collection to life on
the tabletop.

These include Detachment rules that Tyranids armies can use, along with the Tyranids army rules -
Synapse and Shadow in the Warp - which are common to many of your units. This section also includes
datasheets for Tyranids units; you can find out more about how to use datasheets on pages 37-38 of the
Core Rules.


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On the following pages you will find several TYRANIDS Detachments you can select from, as described in
the Core Rules (see the Select Detachment Rules step, page 56). If you are playing a Crusade battle, see the
equivalent step in the Mustering a Crusade Army section of the main Crusade rules. Each Detachment is a
themed fighting force that focuses on one particular combat style employed by the Tyranids - the rules they
include are as follows:

♦ DETACHMENT RULE use the Renowned Heroes Requisition to give your

If you select to use a Detachment, a CHARACTERS Enhancements, as described in the main
Detachment rule listed here will apply either to your Crusade rules.
whole army or to particular units within it.
♦ ENHANCEMENTS Your chosen Detachment gives you access
When mustering your army, your chosen to the Stratagems listed here in addition to the Core
Detachment enables you to upgrade CHARACTERS Stratagems listed in the Core Rules. During the
using the Enhancements listed here, as described in battle, you can spend Command points (CP) to use
the Core Rules (see the Select Units step, page 56). these Stratagems. You can find out more about how
If you are playing a Crusade battle, you can instead to use Stratagems on pages 41-42 of the Core Rules.

Some Tyranids serve as synaptic conduits or nodal relays through
which a portion of the Hive Mind's iron will flows, overriding the
natural instincts of the swarm to direct the teeming warrior-beasts
to function as a single, gestalt organism on the battlefield.

If your Army Faction is TYRAN I OS, while a TYRAN IDS unit from
your army is within 6" of one or more friendly SYNAPSE models,
that TYRANIDS unit is said to be within Synapse Range of that
model and of your army. Each time a TYRANIDS unit from your
army takes a Battle-shock test, if it is within Synapse Range of
your army, take that test on 3D6 instead of 2D6.


Tyranids flood the battlefield with the psychic signature of the
hive fleet - an icy, alien dread that gnaws at the minds of their
prey and smothers even the most stalwart courage. When faced
with such unfathomable horror, many are driven insane or suffer
catastrophic neural damage.

If your Army Faction is TYRANIDS, once per battle, in either

player's Command phase, if one or more units from your army
with this ability are on the battlefield, you can unleash the
Shadow in the Warp. When you do, each enemy unit on the
battlefield must take a Battle-shock test.

_E_N_HA_N_C_EM_E_N_Ts_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ____,,(±)


Every warrior organism is fashioned by the This leader-beast possesses highly sophisticated neural
ineffable alien will of the Hive Mind. Their pathways, allowing it to identify priority strategic assets
flesh and chitin is endlessly mutable, honed and adapt the disposition of its warriors to seize them
into whatever form will prove most lethal before the foe even recognise their value.
to their prey.
TYRANIDS model only. After both players have deployed
At the start of the first battle round, select their armies, select up to three TYRANIDS units from
one of the following Hyper-adaptations your army and redeploy them. When doing so, you
to be active for TYRANIDS units from your can set those units up in Strategic Reserves if you
army until the end of the battle. wish, regardless of how many units are already in
Strategic Reserves.
Swarming Instincts
Each time a TYRANIDS model with this PERFECTLY ADAPTED
Hyper-adaptation makes an attack that This creature was created for one purpose: to completely
targets an INFANTRY or SWARM unit, that eradicate the defenders of the target prey world.
attack has the [SUSTAINED HITS 1] ability.
TYRANIDS model only. Once per turn, you can re-roll
Hyper-aggression one Hit roll, one Wound roll, one Damage roll, one
Each time a TYRANIDS model with this Advance roll, one Charge roll or one saving throw
Hyper-adaptation makes an attack that made for the bearer.
targets a MONSTER or VEHICLE unit, that
attack has the [LETHAL HITS] ability. SYNAPTIC LINCHPIN
With a neuro-cortex that pulsates with the irresistible
Hive Predators power of the Hive Mind, this leader acts as a blazing
Each time a TYRANIDS model with this synaptic beacon to the lesser creatures of the swarm,
Hyper-adaptation makes an attack that the better to direct their actions and react to the
targets a CHARACTER unit, on a Critical ever-changing state of battle.
Hit, that attack has the [PRECISION] ability.
TYRANIDS model only. While a friendly TYRANIDS unit
is within 9" of the bearer, that unit is within Synapse
Range of your army.

The same weapon rarely works against this leader-beast
twice, as its alien physiology adapts at an astonishing
rate to counter the attacks of the foe.

TYRANIDS model only. The bearer has the

Feel No Pain 5+ ability. At the start of any turn, if the
bearer has fewer than its starting number of wounds
remaining, until the end of the battle, it has the Feel
No Pain 4+ ability instead.


Prey stare in horror as chitinous armour regrows and Tyranids in battleform an unstoppable avalanche of
flesh, muscle and sinew knots back together. flesh and chitin that buries the Joe alive.

WHEN: Your opponent's Shooting phase or the WHEN: Fight phase, just before a TYRANIDS unit from
Fight phase, just after an enemy unit has selected your army Consolidates.
its targets.
TARGET: One TYRANIDS unit from your army that was EFFECT: Until the end of the phase, each time
selected as the target of one or more of the attacking
your unit Consolidates, models in it can move an
unit's attacks.
additional 3" as long as your unit can end that move
EFFECT, Until the end of the phase, models in your within Engagement Range of one or more enemy
unit have the Feel No Pain 6+ ability. If your unit is units. If your unit is within Synapse Range of your
within Synapse Ran~e of your army, models in your army and not within Engagement Range of any
unit have the Feel No Pain S+ ability instead. enemy units, instead of making that Consolidation
move, it can make a Normal move of up to 6".

These warrior organisms destroy all as their
adrenaline surges. Guided by the instincts of leader-beasts, the swarm
can be tasked with focusing its hunting instincts.
WHEN: Fight phase.
TARGET: Up to two TYRANIDS units from your army WHEN: Your Command phase.
that are within Synapse Range of your army and are TARGET: Up to two TYRANIDS units from your army
eligible to fight, or one other TYRANIDS unit from your that are within Synapse Range of your army, or one
army that is eligible to fight. other TYRANIDS unit from your army.
EFFECT: Until the end of the phase, each time EFFECT: Select one Hyper-adaptation. Until the start
a model in any of those selected units makes of your next Command phase, that Hyper-adaptation
an attack, an unmodified Hit roll of S+ scores a is active for those selected units in addition to any
Critical Hit. other that may be active for your army.
RESTRICTIONS: You cannot select the
same Hyper-adaptation you selected at the start of
DEATH FRENZY the first battle round.

Tyranids care nothing for self-preservation, lashing

out even in death.
WHEN: Fight phase, just after an enemy unit has
selected its targets. As the battle rages, mare organisms pour in to
TARGET: One TYRANIDS unit from your army that was bolster the swarms.
selected as the target of one or more of the attacking WHEN: Your Command phase.
unit's attacks.
TARGET: Up to two ENDLESS MULTITUDE units from
EFFECT: Until the end of the phase, each time a your army that are within Synapse Range of your
model in your unit is destroyed, if that model has not ·army, or one other ENDLESS MULTITUDE unit from
fought this phase, roll one 06: on a 4+, do not remove your army.
it from play. The destroyed model can fight after
EFFECT: You can return up to D3+3 destroyed models
the attacking model's unit has finished making its
to each of those selected units.
attacks, and is then removed from play.

_E_N_HA_N_CE_M_E_Nr_s_ _ _ _ __ __ _...:,@


In their efforts to lay the monstrous beasts The crushing menace of the Hive Mind rolls off this
of a Crusher Stampede low, the prey only monstrous creature in waves, causing it to loom even
succeed in further enraging the rampaging larger in the minds of its quailing prey and lending it
monsters. The surviving beasts are driven absolute dominance of the battlefield.
to fight with greater fury the more of their
number that fall. TYRANIOS MONSTER model only. Add 3 to the bearer's
Objective Control characteristic.
Each time a TYRANIOS MONSTER model
from your army makes an attack, add 1 ENRAGED RESERVES
to the Hit roll if that model's unit is below Contained deep within this organism's body is a
its Starting Strength, and add 1 to the pulsating sac filled with a cocktail of adrenostimulant
Wound roll as well if that model's unit is fluids linked to a ring of vascular-pneumatic sphincters,
Below Half-strength. allowing them one last-ditch strike.

TYRANIOS MONSTER model only. If the bearer is

destroyed by a melee attack, if it has not fought this
phase, roll one D6: on a 3+, do not remove it from
play. It can fight after the attacking model's unit has
finished making its attacks, and is then removed
from play.

A contraganglion knot in this creature's cranium
channels and amplifies the smothering power of the
Shadow in the Warp to nullify its prey's psychic abilities.

TYRANIOS MONSTER model only. Once per battle, when

a Psychic Attack is allocated to the bearer, it can
use this ability. If it does, until the end of the phase,
the bearer has the Feel No Pain 5+ ability against
Psychic Attacks.

With its basic logic centres and instinctive drivers
augmented, this warrior organism is capable of singling
out and hunting down valuable prey without direct
synaptic oversight.

TYRANIOS MONSTER model only. Each time the

bearer makes a melee attack that targets
a MONSTER or VEHICLE unit, add 1 to the
Wound roll.


Highly acidicfluids spray from the creature's Encircling and entrapping such physically powerful
wounds, lethal to those nearby. andfearless beasts is nigh on impossible.

WHEN: Your opponent's Shooting phase or the Fight WHEN: Your Movement phase.
phase, just after a TYRANIDS MONSTER model from
TARGET: One TYRANIDS MONSTER unit from your army
your army with the Deadly Demise ability that cannot
that has not been selected to move this phase.
FLY is destroyed.
EFFECT: Until the end of the phase, models in your
TARGET: That TYRANIDS MONSTER model. You can use
unit can move through enemy models as if they were
this Stratagem on that model even though it was
friendly models, and until the end of the phase any
just destroyed.
Desperate Escape tests those models must take are
EFFECT: Do not roll one 06 to determine whether automatically passed.
mortal wounds are inflicted by your model's
Deadly Demise ability. Instead, mortal wounds are
automatically inflicted. SWARM-GUIDED SALVOES

RAMPAGING MONSTROSITIES One cannot hide from a gestalt entity with a million
eyes, even in the densest cover.
WHEN: Your Shooting phase.
Tyranid monsters have reserves of energy that they
unleash in waves of devastating fury. TARGET: One TYRANIDS MONSTER unit from your army
that has not been selected to shoot this phase.
WHEN: Fight phase.
EFFECT: Until the end of the phase, ranged
TARGET: One lYRANIDS MONSTER unit from your army
weapons equipped by models in your unit have
that has not been selected to fight this phase.
the [IGNORES COVER] ability, and until the end of
EFFECT: Until the end of the phase, each time a the phase each time a model in your unit makes an
model in your unit makes an attack, you can re-roll attack, you can ignore any or all modifiers to that
the Hit roll. model's Ballistic Skill characteristic and any or all
modifiers to the Hit roll.

This monster is even more terrifying to behold than
other bioforms of its kind. Employing their sheer bulk and vicious chitinous
horns and spikes, the largest Tyranids crash headlong
WHEN: Fight phase, just after an enemy unit has
through the foe, often with devastating results.
selected its targets.
TARGET: One lYRANIDS MONSTER unit from your army WHEN: Your Charge phase, just after a

that was selected as the target ofone or more of the lYRANIOS MONSTER model from your army ends a
attacking unit's attacks. Charge move.
EFFECT: That enemy unit must take a Battle-shock
test and, until the end of the phase, each time a EFFECT: Select one enemy unit within Engagement
model in that enemy unit makes an attack that Range of your model and roll six 06: for each 4+, that
targets your unit, subtract 1 from the Hit roll. If that enemy unit suffers 1 mortal wound.
Battle-shock test was failed, subtract 1 from the
Wound roll as well.


_E_N_HA_N_C_EM_E_N_Ts_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __.(f)
When Hormagaunts, Termagants and An overriding need to sink their fangs into the flesh of
other such expendable warrior organisms their prey drives these creatures toward the foe.
attack en masse they make up for their
comparative fragility with sheer numbers. TYRANIDS model only. Add 2" to the Move
Coupled with the speed and ferocity characteristic of models in the bearer's unit.
of their onslaught - which only seems
to increase as the prey try to gun the NATURALISED CAMOUFLAGE
creatures down or drive them back - the These warrior organisms possess limited chameleonic
gathered broods soon overrun even the properties that conceal their advance. The benefits of
most determined defenders. such deceptions decrease as they approach their prey,
but can be enough to bring them safely into range
Each time an enemy unit is selected to to strike.
shoot, after that unit has finished making
its attacks, if one or more models from TYRANIDS model only. At the start of the first battle
one or more ENDLESS MULTITUDE units round, select up to three friendly ENDLESS MULTITUDE
from your army were destroyed as a units within 9" of the bearer. Until the end of the
result of those attacks, each such unit can battle round, each time a ranged attack targets one of
make a Surge move. To do so, roll one those units, models in that unit have the Benefit of
D6: that unit can be moved a distance in Cover against that attack.
inches up to the result, but that unit must
end that move as close as possible to the PIERCING TALONS
closest enemy unit (excluding AIRCRAFT). A simple but potent biomorphic enhancement of these
When doing so, those models can be warrior organisms sees some amongst their number
moved within Engagement Range of boast diamond-sharp talon tips. Lashing suddenly
enemy units. A unit cannot make a Surge from amidst the mass of thrashing weapon limbs these
move while it is Battle-shocked. plunge through armour to pierce organs and rupture
delicate systems.

TYRANIDS model only. Each time a model in the

bearer's unit makes an attack, on a Critical Wound,
improve the Armour Penetration characteristic of that
attack by 1.

Biostimulants course through the bodies of these
warrior organisms, combining with goading synaptic
impulses to lend them an unholy turn of speed.

TYRANIDS model only. Each time the bearer's unit Piles

In or Consolidates, models in this unit can move an
additional 3".


For a moment, a minuscule sliver of the Hive Mind's The sheer weight of Ty ran id numbers begins to tell as
ineffable will is focussed through these warrior they bury their victims in lashing, biting horror.
organisms, driving them to pounce upon either
WHEN: Your Shooting phase or the Fight phase.
valuable prey or else some vital strategic target.
WHEN: Any phase, just before an army that has not been selected to shoot or fight
ENDLESS MULTITUDE unit from your army that
this phase.
is within Synapse Range of your army makes a
Surge move. EFFECT: Until the end of the phase, weapons
equipped by models in your unit have the
[SUSTAINED HITS 1) ability, and If your unit contains
EFFECT: When making that Surge move, you can 15 or more models, each time a model in your unit
re-roll the 06 to determine how far your unit moves, makes an attack, an unmodified Hit roll of 5+ scores
and your unit can end that move as close as possible a Critical Hit.
to the closest objective marker (instead of as close
as possible to the closest enemy unit]. All other rules
for making Surge moves still apply. BOUNDING ADVANCE

UNENDING WAVES Synaptic impulses from the Hive Mind urge greater
speedfrom the swarm 's warrior organisms.
WHEN: Your Movement phase.
No matter how many warrior organisms are slain,
more are already surging forward over their corpses. TARGET: One ENDLESS MULTITUDE unit from
your army.
WHEN: Any phase.
EFFECT: Until the end of the phase, each time your
unit Advances, do not make an Advance roll. Instead,
your army that was just destroyed. You can use
until the end of the phase, add 6" to the Move
this Stratagem on that unit even though it was characteristic of models in your unit.
just destroyed.
EFFECT: Add a new unit to your army identical to
your destroyed unit, in Strategic Reserves, at its PRESERVATION IMPERATIVE
Starting Strength.
RESTRICTIONS: Any destroyed CHARACTER units that
Triggered by incoming projectilefire, o synaptic pulse
were attached to your unit are not returned.
spurs the danger-senses of lesser warrior organisms
and causes them to scatter like a shoal evading
predators. Only once the explosions have stopped and
the dust cleared do the bioforms bunch up once again.
WHEN: Your opponent's Shooting phase, just after an
Skittering, darting and pouring over one another, the enemy unit has selected its targets.
Tyranids make for hard and confusing targets.
WHEN: Your opponent's Shooting phase or the army that was selected as the target of one or more
Fight phase, just after an enemy unit has selected of the attacking unit's attacks.
its targets.
EFFECT: Until the end of the phase, your unit is
TARGET: One ENDLESS MULTITUDE unit from your treated as containing fewer than five models forthe
army that was selected as the target of one or more purpose of the [BLAST) ability.
of the attacking unit's attacks.
EFFECT: Until the end of the phase, each time an
attack targets your unit, subtract 1 from the Hit roll.


_E_N_HA_N_C_EM_E_N_Ts_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ____.®


Even as the beasts of the Assimilation This nightmarish creature seems virtually unkillable, its
Swarm stalk across the battlefield they every hurt healing in moments as it guzzles down the
make use of the abundant biomass yielded hunks of bubbling biomatter that were once foes.
up by the prey world's slow demise.
Warrior organisms heal even the most TYRANIDS model only (excluding MONSTERS models).
grievous wounds in moments, or stagger The bearer's unit can be regenerated up to twice per
upright and return to the fight after phase, instead of once.
they seemed slain. A strain of revolting
vitality flows through the Tyranid broods INSTINCTIVE DEFENCE
as though leeched direct from their The swarm's warrior organisms fight with instinctive
dismayed victims. and single-minded ferocity to protect the all-devouring
organisms in their midst.
In your Command phase, each HARVESTER
unit from your army that is within range TYRANIDS model only. While the bearer is within 6"
of an objective marker you control can of one or more friendly HARVESTER units, you can
Regenerate one friendly TYRANIDS unit target the bearer's unit with the Heroic Intervention
that is within 6" of it. A unit can only be Stratagem for 0CP. In addition, while the bearer is
regenerated once per phase. Each time a within 6" of one or more friendly HARVESTER units,
unit regenerates, do one of the following: models in the bearer's unit have the Fights First ability.

■ One model in that unit regains up to BIOPHAGIC FLOW (AURA)

D3 lost wounds. Parasitised biomass and revivifying fluids flow through
■ One destroyed INFANTRY model the Assimilation Swarm like lifeblood.
(excluding CHARACTERS) is returned
to that unit with its full wounds TYRANIDS model only. While a friendly HARVESTER
remaining. If that unit is an ENDLESS model is within 12" of the bearer, when using the
MULTITUDE unit, up to 3 destroyed Feed the Swarm ability, that HARVESTER model can
models are returned instead. Regenerate one friendly Tyranids unit that is within 9"
of it, instead of one within 6".

These warrior organisms boast additional fanged maws,
jabbing probosci and haemophagic membranes that
consume the fluids of their prey.

TYRANIDS model only. Add 1 to the Strength

characteristic of melee weapons equipped by models
in the bearer's unit. The first time the bearer's unit
destroys an enemy unit in the Fight phase while the
bearer is within 6" of one or more friendly HARVESTER
units, until the end of the battle, add 1 to the Attacks
characteristic of melee weapons equipped by models
in the bearer's unit.


Should a foe successfully slay one of the swarm's These organisms have employed consumed
assimilation organisms, they only mark themselves minerals to exude an additional hardened protective
as a priority for predation and consumption in turn. layer over their chitinous armour.

WHEN: Any phase. WHEN: Your opponent's Shooting phase or the

TARGET: One HARVESTER unit from your army that Fight phase, just after an enemy unit has selected
was just destroyed. You can use this Stratagem on its targets.
that unit even though it was just destroyed. TARGET: One HARVESTER unit from your army that
EFFECT: Until the end of the battle, each time a was selected as the target of one or more of the
friendly TYRANIDS model makes an attack that attacking unit's attacks.
targets the enemy unit that just destroyed your EFFECT: Until the end of the phase, models in your
HARVESTER unit, add 1 to the Wound roll. unit have the Feel No Pain 5+ ability. If your unit is
within range of an objective marker you control, until
the end of the phase models in your unit have the
RECLAIM BIOMASS Feel No Pain 4+ ability instead.


Dead Tyranids are consumed and reconstituted by SECURE BIOMASS

the swarm just as readily as the lifeless carcasses
of their prey.
When rich sources of biomass are identified the
WHEN: Any phase, when a TYRANIDS unit from your
warrior organisms of this swarm will stop at nothing
army is destroyed, before the last model in it is
to destroy resistance and claim them.
removed from play.
TARGET: One HARVESTER unit from your army that is WHEN: Fight phase.
within 6" of that destroyed unit. TARGET: One TYRANIDS unit from your army that has
EFFECT: Regenerate one friendly TYRANIDS unit not been selected to fight this phase.
within 6" of your HARVESTER unit [See Feed EFFECT: Until the end of the phase, me lee weapons
the Swarm]. equipped by models in your unit have the [LETHAL
HITS) ability. If your unit is a HARVESTER unit, each
time a model in that unit makes a melee attack, a
TYRANNOFORMED successful unmodified Hit roll of 5+ scores a Critical
Hit as well.

Swarms of diminutive Tyranid phage organisms

carpet even the most vital strategic assets, steadily RAPACIOUS HUNGER
breaking them down for assimilation.
WHEN: Command phase.
The hunger of the Tyranids can never be satiated.
TARGET: One HARVESTER unit from your army that is
within range of an objective marker you control. WHEN: Your Fight phase.

EFFECT: That objective marker remains under your TARGET: One TYRANIDS unit from your army that just
control, even if you have no models within range of destroyed an enemy unit.
it, until your opponent controls it at the start or end EFFECT: Your unit immediately Regenerates (See
ofany turn. Feed the Swarm]. When doing so, if your unit is a
HARVESTER unit and you choose for one model to
regain up to 03 lost wounds, that model regains up to
3 lost wounds instead.

_E_N_HA_N_C_EM_E_N_TS_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ____.(f)


In the early stages of an invasion, the This warrior organism has identified installations
Hive Mind harries and unbalances its and routes of communication and supply vital to
foes with lightning-fast flanking attacks, the prey. As the Tyranid invasion commences so the
before encircling them for the final, beast orchestrates ambushes and terror raids against
bloody slaughter. these priority targets, ensuring that those enemy
reinforcements who do reach the battlefield do so in
TYRANIDS units with this ability are eligible bloodied disarray.
to charge in a tum in which they Fell
Back. VANGUARD INVADER units with this TYRANIDS model only. While the bearer is on the
ability are eligible to charge in a tum in battlefield, each time your opponent sets up a
which they Advanced. Reserves unit on the battlefield, roll one D6: on a 2+,
that unit must take a Battle-shock test.
During the earliest stages of a Tyranid CHAMELEON IC
invasion, the rare bioform Imperial Subdermal crystals in this organism's carapace capture
observers have named Deathleaper has and redirect light, helping to conceal it.
been seen fulfilling a leadership and
coordination role amongst the swarms. VANGUARD INVADER model only. The bearer has the
Employing pheromone trails and goading Stealth ability and each time a ranged attack targets
imperatives, the creature provides guidance the bearer's unit, models in that unit have the Benefit
to other warrior organisms that is the of Cover against that attack.
localised equivalent of synaptic control.
DEATHLEAPER loses the Hunter Organism This hunter seeks vital priority prey that has been
rule and can be your WARLORD. pheromonally marked for swift slaughter.

VANGUARD INVADER model only. At the start of the

battle, select one enemy unit. Each time the bearer
makes an attack that targets that enemy unit, add 1 to
the Hit roll and add 1 to the Wound roll.

While no true synapse beast, this bioform has been
grafted with a limited synaptic symbiote, the influence
of which increases its host's ability to formulate and
enforce large-scale predatory strategies.

TYRANIDS model only. After both players have deployed

their armies and determined who has the first tum,
you can select up to three VANGUARD INVADER units
from your army and redeploy all of those units.
When doing so, any of those units can be placed into
Strategic Reserves, regardless of how many units are
already in Strategic Reserves.


Vanguard organisms strike from unexpected Hissing clusters of sciIlia warn of the slightest prey
quarters with calculated and emotionless alien movements, allowing the Tyranids to react.
savagery that is appalling to behold.
WHEN: Your opponent's Movement phase, just
WHE!l : Your Shooting phase or the Fight phase. after an enemy unit ends a Normal, Advance or Fall
TARGET: One VANGUARD INVADER unit from your Back move.
army that has not been selected to shoot or fight this TARGET: Up to two VANGUARD INVADER units from
phase, and one enemy unit. your army that are within 9" of that enemy unit, or
EFFECT: That enemy unit must take a Battle-shock one otherTYRANIDS INFANTRY unit from your army
test. Until the end of the phase, each time a model in t hat is within 9" of that enemy unit.
your unit makes an attack that targets that enemy EFFECT: Those selected units can each make a
unit, add 1 to the Hit roll. If the Battle-shock test was Normal move of up to 6".
failed, add 1 to the Wound roll as well.
RESTRICTIONS: You cannot target units that
are within Engagement Range of one or more
enemy units.

These bioforms have been adapted to strike with

pinpoint precision at the pre-assessed weak points of VANGUARD ONSLAUGHT- STRATEGIC PLOY STRAIAGEM
selected prey that require elimination.
Hyper-attuned senses warn vanguard organisms
. WHEN: Fight phase. when they are being targeted by the prey.

TARGET: One VANGUARD INVADER INFANTRY unit WHEN: Your opponent's Shooting phase, just after an
from your army that has not been selected to fight enemy unit has selected its targets.
this phase.
TARGET: One VANGUARD INVADER unit from your army
EFFECT: Until the end of the phase, me lee weapons that was selected as the target of one or more of the
equipped by models in your unit have the attacking unit's attacks.
[PRECISION] ability.
EFFECT: Until the end of the phase, your unit can
only be selected as the target of a ranged attack if
the attacking model is within 12" or, if your unit has
the Lone Operative ability, if the attacking model is
VANGUARD ONSLAUGHT- STRATEGIC PLOY STRATAGEM within 6". Your opponent can select new targets for
Warrior organisms eruptfrom concealment straight the attacking unit's attacks.
into advanced positions.

WHEN: Your Movement phase. INVISIBLE HUNTER

Reserves, or up to two VANGUARD INVADER units from
your army that are in Reserves. Hunter-slayer organisms can melt away before the
eyes of theirfoes, only to strikefrom a new direction.
EFFECT: Until the end of the phase, for the purposes
of setting up those selected units on the battlefield, WHEN: End of your opponent's Fight phase.
treat the current battle round number as being one TARGET: Up to two VANGUARD INVADER units from
higher than it actually is. your army, or one TYRANIDS INFANTRY unit from
your army.
EFFECT: Remove the targeted units from the
battlefield and place them into Strategic Reserves.
RESTRICTIONS: The targeted units must be more than
3" away from all enemy units.

_E_N_HA_N_C_EM_E_N_TS_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ____.@


The leader-beasts of these swarms act The Hive Mind channels lethal energy through its
as conduits to the will of the Hive Mind. synaptic bioforms.
Irresistible imperatives lash out from them
like whips that drive lesser bioforms to TYRANIDS PSYKERmodel only. Improve the Strength
hurl themselves at the prey, to fight on and Armour Penetration characteristics of psychic
through fatal wounds or to attack with weapons equipped by the bearer by 1.
redoubled savagery.
At the start of the battle round, you can A maelstrom ofpsychostatic disruption boils about
select one of the Synaptic Imperatives this bioform. It degrades artificial and biological
shown below. Until the end of the battle cognition alike, causing teleport signals to fluctuate,
round, that Synaptic Imperative is active geopositioning cogitators to spew contradictory data,
for your army and while a TYRANIDS unit and onrushing enemy warriors to reel in confusion.
from your army is within Synapse Range
of your army, it will benefit from it. Each TYRANIDS SYNAPSE model only. Enemy units that
Synaptic Imperative can only be selected arrive on the battlefield from Reserves cannot be set
once per battle. up within 12" of the bearer. In addition, once per
battle, during the first or second battle round, when
■ Synaptic Augmentation: While this your opponent declares that a unit will arrive on the
unit is within Synapse Range of your battlefield from Strategic Reserves, the bearer can use
army, models in this unit have a 5+ this Enhancement. If it does, roll one D6: on a 4+, that
invulnerable save. enemy unit cannot arrive on the battlefield this turn.
■ Surging Vitality: While this unit is
within Synapse Range of your army, SYNAPTIC CONTROL
add 1 to Advance and Charge rolls The Hive Mind's synaptic network is so strong that even
made for this unit. the mangled remains of mortally wounded beasts can
■ Goaded to Slaughter: While this unit be compelled to fight on.
is within Synapse Range of your army,
each time a model in this unit makes a TYRANIDS SYNAPSE model only. Each time an attack is
melee attack, add I to the Hit roll. allocated to the bearer, subtract 1 from the Damage
characteristic of that attack.


This grotesque biomorphic symbiote buries itself in its
host's thorax and emits a droning psychic note. The
longer prey are exposed to the sound, the worse their
atavistic terror response becomes...

TYRANIDS SYNAPSE model only. While an enemy unit is

within 9" of the bearer, worsen that unit's Leadership
characteristic by 1.


In the hean of the swarms, the Shadow in the Warp Psionic shielding crackles around these
can literally kill with its smothering power. leader-beasts, helping to ensure their survival.

WHEN: Any phase, just after an enemy unit fails a WHEN: Your opponent's Shooting phase or the
Battle-shock test. Fight phase, just after an enemy unit has selected
its targets.
TARGET: One SYNAPSE unit from your army within 12"
of that enemy unit. TARGET: One SYNAPSE unit from your army that was
selected as the target of one or more of the attacking
EFFECT: Roll six 06: for each 3+, that enemy unit
unit's attacks.
suffers 1 mortal wound.
EFFECT: Until the end of the phase, each time
an attack targets your unit, worsen the Armour
SYNAPTIC CHANNELLING Penetration characteristic of that attack by 1.

a .....

Tyranids are one with the Hive Mind; individuality is a IMPERATIVE DOMINANCE
disadvantage that they surpass.

WHEN: Command phase.
At need, the focused will of the Tyranid leader-beasts
TARGET: One SYNAPSE unit from your army. can goad warrior organisms to exhibit strategically
EFFECT: Until the end of the turn, while a friendly beneficial behaviours at the instant they are
TYRANIDS unit is within 9" of the selected unit, that needed most.
unit is within Synapse Range of your army. WHEN: Your Command phase.

TARGET: One TYRANIDS unit from your army that is

IRRESISTIBLE WILL within Synapse Range of your army.
EFFECT: Select one Synaptic Imperative, even if you
have already selected that imperative this battle.
Whether paralysing its prey orforcing them Until the start of your next Command phase, that
to stumble out of cover with its force of will, or Synaptic Imperative is active for your unit instead
else puppeteering nearby warrior organisms, of any other Synaptic Imperative that is active for
the leader-beast ensures the prey targets are your army.
struck down.

WHEN: Your Shooting phase or the Fight phase.

TARGET: One SYNAPSE unit from your army that
has not been selected to shoot or fight this phase, SYNAPTIC NEXUS- STRAllaGIC PlOY STRATAGEM

and one enemy un it with in 24" of and visib le to the The seemingly omniscient Hive Mind processes the
SYNAPSE unit. sensory input of its swarms at an impossible rate,
EFFECT: Until the end of the phase, each time a and compels its broods to react accordingly.
friendly TYRANIDS model makes an attack that WHEN: Your Movement phase.
targets that enemy unit, if the attacking model's unit
TARGET: One TYRANIDS unit from your army that is
is within 6" of your SYNAPSE unit, re-roll a Hit roll of 1
within Synapse Range of your army and made a Fall
and re-roll a Wound roll of 1.
Back move this phase.
EFFECT: Your unit is eligible to shoot and declare a
charge this turn.

CORE: Deadly Demise D3, Leader

FACTION: Shadow In the Warp, Synapse

Will of the Hive Mind: Once per turn, one friendly TYRANIDS
unit within 12" of one or more models with this ability can be
targeted with a Stratagem for OCP, even if another unit from
your army has already been targeted with that Stratagem
this phase.

Onslaught (Aura, Psychic): While a friendly TYRANIDS unit is

• This model's monstrous bonesword and lash • This model's monstrous scything talons can be within 6" of this model, ranged weapons equipped by models
whip can be replaced with one of the following: replaced with one of the following: in that unit have the [ASSAULT) ability.
• 1 heavy venom cannon 1 heavy venom cannon*
• 1 stranglethorn cannon • 1 stranglethorn cannon* UNIT COMPOSITION
• 1 monstrous scything talons
• 1 Hive Tyrant
"This model cannot be equipped with both a stranglerhorn cannon and a heavy venom cannon. This model cannot be equipped
This model Is equipped with: monstrous bonesword and lash
.. .-~~~~- ~~~-~~-~-~- ~ _hea~~ -~-~~~~- -~~~~~~-•- ~~~ c~"-~-~!.~~~~~!~~~-~- ~;~-~-~?~.~~~~ -~-~t:,~~~~~~~~-"! ~?.~.~.~~:. _
whip; monstrous scything talons.

CORE: Deadly Demise D3, Deep Strike

FACTION : Shadow In the Warp, Synapse

Will of the Hive Mind: Once per turn, one friendly l'YRANIDS
unit within 12" of one or more models with this ability can be
targeted with a Stratagem for OCP, even if another unit from
Mons«Dus scyv,ing1alor($ 1m11.unAC1CsJ Melee· 4 2-> -2
your army has already been targeted with that Stratagem
Tyrant talons Melee 5 2+ -2 2 this phase .
.............. .. ...
Paroxysm (Psychic) : At the start of the Fight phase, you can
WARGEAR OPTIONS select one enemy unit within 12" of and visible to this model
and roll one 06: on a 1, this PSYKER suffers 03 mortal wounds;
• This model's monstrous bonesword and lash whip can be replaced with one of t he following:
on a 2+, until th e end of the phase, subtract 1 from the Attacks
0 1 heavy venom cannon characteristic of weapons equipped by models in that unit.
• 1 stranglethorn cannon
• 1 monstrous scything talons
• 1 Winged Hive Tyrant
This model is equipped with: monstrous bonesword and lash
whip; Tyrant talons.



CORE: Deep Strike, Leader

FACTION: Shadow in the Warp, Synapse

This model can be attached to the following units: GARGOYLES, TYRANID WARRIORS WITH MELEE Alpha Warrior: While this model is leading a unit,
BIO-WEAPONS, TYRANID WARRIORS WITH RANGED BIO-WEAPONS weapons equipped by models in that unit have the
[SUSTAINED HITS 1] ability.

Death Blow: If this model is destroyed by a me lee attack, if it

has not fought this phase, roll one 06: on a 4+, do not remove
it from play. The destroyed model can fight after the attacking
model's unit has finished making its attacks, and is then
removed from play.

■ 1 Winged Tyranid Prime
This model is equipped with: Prime talons.



CORE: Leader

FACTION: Synapse, Shadow in the Warp

Node Lash (Psychic): While this model is leading a unit, each

time a model in that unit makes an attack, add 1 to the Hit roll.
If the target is Battle-shocked, add 1 to the Wound roll as well.
Psychic Terror {Psychic): If one or more models from your
army with this ability are on the battlefield when you unleash
the Shadow in the Warp, subtract 1 from the Battle-shock test
each enemy unit on the battlefield must take as a result.

■ 1 Neurotyrant Neuroloids: In your Command phase, you can select up to two

friendly TYRANIDS units within 18" of this model's unit. Until
This model is equipped with: Psychic Scream; Neurotyrant claws and lashes. the start of your next Command phase, the selected units are
always considered to be within Synapse Range of your army.
Designer's Note: Place a Neuroloid token next to each selected unit to
remind you,


CORE: Deadly Demise D6

FACTION: Shadow in the Warp, Synapse

Singular Purpose: At the start of the first battle round, select

one of the following:
• Select one enemy unit. Until the end of the battle, each time
this model makes an attack that targets that unit, you can
re-roll the Hit roll and you can re-roll the Wound roll.
• Select one objective marker. Until the end of the battle,
while this model is within range of that objective marker,
While this model has 1-5 wounds remaining, each time this model makes an attack, subtract 1 from the it has the Feel No Pain 5+ ability and an Objective Control
Hit roll. characteristic of 15.
Unnatural Resilience: This model has the Feel No Pain 4+
UNIT COMPOSITION ability against mortal wounds.

• 1 Norn Emissary
This model is equipped with: Psychic Tendril; monstrous scything talons; monstrous rending claws.

• Before selecting targets for this weapon, sefect one of its profiles to make attacks with.


CORE: Deadly Demise D6

FACTION: Shadow in the Warp, Synapse

Singular Purpose: At the start of the first battle round, select

one of the following:
• Select one enemy unit. Until the end of the battle, each time
this model makes an attack that targets that unit, you can
re-roll the Hit roll and you can re-roll the Wound roll.
• Select one objective marker. Until the end of the battle,
while this model is within range of that objective marker,
it has the Feel No Pain 5+ ability and an Objective Control
characteristic of 15.
Harpoon Barbs: Once per turn, when an enemy unit within
Engagement Range of this model is selected to Fall Back, roll
one D6: on a 2+, that unit suffers D6 mortal wounds.

This model Is equipped with: toxinjector harpoon; monstrous scything talons.


CORE: Infiltrators, Lone Operative, Stealth

FACTION: Shadow in the Warp, Synapse

• 1 Neurolictor Feeder Tendrils: Each time this model destroys an enemy

CHARACTER model, you gain 1CP.
This model is equipped with: piercing claws and talons.
Neural Disruption: In your Command phase, select one
enemy unit within 12'" of this model. That unit must take a
Battle-shock test.
Psychological Saboteur [Aura): While an enemy unit is within
12" of this model, if that unit is Battle-shocked:
• Each time a model in that unit makes an attack, subtract 1
from the Hit roll.
• Each time a friendly TYRANIDS model makes an attack that
targets that unit, add 1 to the Wound roll.


CORE: Leader, Scouts 8"

FACTION: Synapse

Vicious Insight: While this model is leading a unit,

This model can be attached to the following unit: GENESlEALERS weapons equipped by models in that unit have the
Hypnotic Gaze (Psychic): At the start of the Fight phase,
select one enemy unit within Engagement Range of this
model. Until the end of the phase, each time a model in that
unit makes an attack, subtract 1 from the Hit roll.

• 1 Broodlord
This model is equipped with: Broodlord claws and talons.



CORE: Deadly Demise D3, Leader

FACTION: Shadow in the Warp, Synapse

Hive Commander: At the start of your Command phase, if this

model is on the battlefield, you gain 1CP.
Malign Presence: Once per battle, after your opponent uses
This model can be attached to the following unit: TYRANT GUARD a Stratagem, if this model is yourWARLDRD and is on the
battlefield, it can use this ability. If it does, until the end of
the battle, increase that Stratagem's cost to your opponent
by 1CP.
Domination of the Hive Mind (Aura): While a friendly
TYRANIDS unit is within 9" of this model, that unit is within
your army's Synapse Range.

• 1 The Swarmlord- EPIC HERD
This model is equipped with: Synaptic pulse; bone sabres.



CORE: Feel No Pain 5+, Leader

FACTION: Synapse

Alpha Leader: While this model is leading a unit, each time a

model in that unit makes an attack, you can re-roll the Hit roll.
This model can be attached to the following unit: CARNIFEXES
Unstoppable Monster: At the start of each player's Command
phase, this model regains upto O3 lostwounds.

• 1 Old One Eye - EPIC HERD
This model is equipped with: Old One Eye's claws and talons.

• Before selecting targets for this weapon, select one of its profiles to make attacks with.


.. ~.".rb_~~-oviP.°.~i:°.r [AN:".:INFANTRY 3+1EXTl!A~TT~Cl(S) ... Melee 1 2+ 3 -2 CORE: Deep Strike, Lone Dpera1ive, Stealth
Clawed limbs Melee 6 2+ 5 -1
FACTION: Synapse

Parasitic Infection: Each time an INFANTRY model is

destroyed by an attack made with this model's barbed
ovipositor, after this model has finished making its attacks,
you can add one new RIPPER SWARMS unit to your army
consisting ofD3 models and set it up within 3" of this model.
If you do, that RIPPER SWARMS unit can be set up within
Engagement Range of the destroyed model's unit [but not
within Engagement Range of any other enemy units).
It Itches!: At the start of the Fight phase, select one enemy
unit within Engagement Range of this model. That enemy unit
must take a Battle-shock test.

• 1 Parasite of Mortrex
This model is equipped with: barbed ovipositor; clawed limbs.



CORE: Deep Strike

FACTION: Synapse

Melee 4+ 3 0 Winged Swarm: In your Shooting phase, after this unit has
shot, ifit is not within Engagement Range of any enemy units,
it can make a Normal move of up to 6". If it does, until the end
of the turn, this unit is not eligible to declare a charge.

• 10-20 Gargoyles
Every model Is equipped with: fleshborer; blinding venom.



Hormagaunt talons Melee 3 4+ 3 -1 FACTION: Synapse

Bounding Leap: This unit is eligible to declare a charge in a

turn in which it Advanced.

■ 10-20 Hormagaunts
Every model is equipped with: Hormagaunt talons.



Fleshborer !AS!,I.Ulll 18" 1 4+ 0 1. FACTION: Synapse
!ihardl~uni;her faun . ~.?-VYI 111" 03 4 0 1
Skulking Horrors: Once per turn, when an enemy unit ends a
Spike ri~~-[R Em! 24" 1 4 +- -1 1
Normal, Advance or Fall Back move within 9" of this unit, if this
-~ ra~le_w,_cb_[A~~u._~~~;"lNr.'IVOU~D~:.'°RRElir).. t_8" - ••••06... NIA 0 1 unit is not within Engagement Range of one or more enemy
Termagant d_evoure r.. 18" 2 4+ 0 units, it can make a Normal move of up to D6".

Termaga·m spiner~1.ss,utt, ~ rot. TWiN-LJIIKooJ___ , __!~ ___ -2 __ ±;_ 0

■ 10-20 Termagants
Every model is equipped with: flesh borer; chitinous claws
and teeth.

■ All models in this unit can each have their fleshborer replaced with 1 Termagant devourer.
■ All models in this unit can each have their fleshborer replaced with 1 Termagant spinefists.
■ For every 10 models in this unit, 1 model's ranged weapon can be replaced with 1 shardlauncher.
■ For every 10 models in this unit, 1 model's ranged weapon can be replaced with 1 spike rifle.
■ For every 10 models in this unit, 1 model's ranged weapon can be replaced with 1 strangleweb.



B~rbed s_1ra~-~ler _
I~-~ 36" 06+1 4+ 6 -1 1 FACTION: Shadow in the Warp, Synapse
............... 24" 3 4+ 5 -1 1
Adaptable Predators: This unit is eligible to shoot and declare
Devourer 18" 5 4+ 4 0 1
a charge in a turn in which it Fell Back.
.SP,i~efi~_s [~SS~l\PIS11JL:1'_VI_N-_u~~~~l ___ 12" 2 4+ 4 0 1
Venom cannon (BLAST] 36" D3 4+ 9 -2 2
■ 1 Tyranid Prime

• 2-5 Tyranid Warriors

Every model is equipped with: devourer; Tyranid Warrior
claws and talons.

• Any number of models can each have their devourerreplaced with one ofthe following:
1 deathspitter
1 spinefists
■ For every 3 models in this unit, 1 model's devourer can be replaced with 1 barbed strangler.

• For every 3 models in this unit, 1 model's devourer can be replaced with 1 venom cannon.



Melee 6 3+ -2 FACTION: Shadow In the Warp, Synapse

Adaptive Instincts: At the start of the Fight phase, select one

of the following:

■ Aggression Imperative: Until the end olthe phase, each

time a model in this unit makes an attack, re-roll a Hit roll
of 1.
■ Bioregeneration: Until the end of the phase, each time a
saving throw is made for a model in this unit, re-roll a saving
throw of 1.

■ 1 Tyranid Prime
■ 2-5 Tyranid Warriors
Every model is equipped with: Tyranid Warrior claws
and talons.



Genestealer claws and talons Melee 4 2+ 4 -2 CORE: Scouts e·

FACTION: Synapse

Vanguard Predator: Each time a model in this unit makes an

attack, re-roll a Hit roll of 1. If the target is within range of one
or more objective markers, re-roll a Wound roll of 1 as well.

■ 5-10 Genestealers
Every model is equipped with: Genestealer claws and talons.


Chitinous claws and teeth Melee 4+ 3 0 FACTION: Synapse

Neurocytes: While this unit is within Synapse Range of a

friendly TYRANIDS unit (excluding NEUROGAUNT units]. it has
the SYNAPSE keyword.

■ 1-2 Neurogaunt Nodebeasts*
■ 10-20 Neurogaunts
Every model is equipped with: chitinous claws and teeth.
* This unit can only contain 2 Neurogaunt Nodebeasts if it contains
20 Neurogaunts.


CORE: Deep Strike

FACTION: Synapse

Death From Below: At the end of your opponent's turn, if this

unit is not within Engagement Range of one or more enemy
units, you can remove it from the battlefield and place it into
Strategic Reserves.
■ All models in this unit can each have theirthoracic bio-weapon replaced with 1 armoured thora x.

Armoured Thorax: The bearer has a Save chara cteristic of 4+.

■ 3-6 Raveners
Every model is equipped with: thoracic bio-weapon; Ravener
claws and talons.


FACTION : Synapse

Disruption Bombardment: In your Shooting phase, after this

unit has shot, select one enemy INFANTRY unit hit by one or
Chitinous claws and teeth Melee l 4+ 4 0 more of those attacks. Until the end of your opponent's next
turn, that enemy unit is disrupted. While a unit is disrupted,
subtract 2 from its Move characteristic and subtract 2 from
Advance and Charge rolls made for it.

■ 5-10 Barbgaunts
Every model is equipped with: barblauncher; chitinous claws
and teeth.


CORE: Deadly Demise 1

FACTION: Synapse

Seed Spore Mines: Once per turn, in your Shooting phase,

Chitin-barbed limbs Melee 2 4+ 0 when selected to shoot, one unit with this ability can use it
instead of making any attacks with its ranged weapons. If it
does, you can add one new SPORE MINES unit to your army
and set it up anywhere on the battlefield that is wholly within
48" of this unit and more than 9" horizontally away from all
enemy units. That SPORE MINES unit contains 1 model for
each model in this unit.

• 1-3 Biovores
Every model is equipped with: Spore Mine launcher;
chitin-barbed limbs.


CORE: Deadly Demise 1

FACTION: Synapse

Chitin-barbed limbs Melee 2 4+ 5 0 Burning Spray: In your Shooting phase, after this unit has
shot, select one enemy unit hit by one or more of those
attacks. Until the end of the phase, that enemy unit cannot
have the Benefit of Cover.

• 1-3 Pyrovores
Every model is equipped with: flamespurt;
chitin-barbed limbs.


Bio-plasma (ASSAIJU. BUST) 12" 4+ 1 CORE: Deadly Demise 1
Dea1hsp111ers with silmor maggots 24" 4+ 7 -2 1
FACTION: Synapse
Devourers wid1brainleech worm s 18'' 4+ 6 0 1
Heavy veriom canno11 (BI.AS'I J 36' D3 4+ 9 -2 3 Blistering Assault: Each time an enemy unit is selected to
~ ' '
Spine banks (/.SSAU,TJ G" s 4+ 5 0 1 shoot, after that unit has shot, if any models from this unit
- ., - '
,. .. , ................. ... ..... . .... .. lost one or more wounds as a result of those attacks, this
S1rangl11lhorri cann~ IB~I 36" OS+J. 4+ 7 -1 2 unit can make a Blistering Assault move. If it does, roll one
06, adding 2 to the result: each model in this unit can be
moved a distance in inches up to the result, but this unit must
finish that move as close as possible to the closest enemy
,,_ unit. When doing so, those models can be moved within
C~r~lf~x ~it!;.. s~yth,ing
•. .. , ....... -.J ..
Melee 2 4 -2 Engagement Range of that enemy unit. Each unit can only
Carn!,fex scythl ng_m_loh~.. . Melee 6 4+ 9 -2 make one Blistering Assault move per phase.
Chitinous claws and teeth G 0
• 1-2 Carnifexes
• Any number of models can each have their Camifex extra scything talons replaced with one of
Every model is equipped with: Carnifex scything talons;
the following:
Carnifex extra scything talons; chitinous claws and teeth.
1 deathspitters with slimer maggots
1 devourers with brainleech worms
1 heavy venom cannon
1 stranglethorn cannon
1 Carnifex crushing claws
• Any number of models can each have their Carnifex scything talons replaced with one of the following:
1 deathspitters with slimer maggots
1 devourers with brain leech worms
0 1 Camifex crushing claws

• Any number of models can each be equipped with 1 bio-plasma.

• Any number of models can each be equipped with 1 spine banks.


Lictor claws and talons [PRECISION] Melee 6 2+ 7 -2 2 CORE: Fights First, Infiltrators, Lone Operative, Stealth

FACTION: Synapse

Feeder Tendrils: Each time this model destroys an enemy

CHARACTER model, you gain 1CP.

Fear of the Unseen (Aura): While an enemy unit is within 6"

of this model, worsen the Leadership characteristic of models
in that unit by 1. In addition, in the Battle-shock step of your
opponent's Command phase, if such an enemy unit is below
its Starting Strength, it must take a Battle-shock test.

• 1 Deathleaper- EPIC HERO
This model is equipped with: Lictor claws and talons.

This model CilnODl be your Yi'1<RL0RD .



CORE: Deadly Demise D3

FACTION: Synapse

Symbiotic Targeting: In your Shooting phase, after this model

has shot, select one enemy unit hit by one or more of those
attacks. Until the end of the phase, each time a friendly
TYRANIDS model makes an attack that targets that unit, re-roll
While this model has 1-5 wounds remaining, each time this model makes an attack, subtract 1 from the a Hit roll of 1.
Hit roll.

■ 1 Exocrine
This model is equipped with: bio-plasmic cannon;
powerful limbs.


CORE: Deadly Demise D3, Hover

FACTION: Synapse

Spore Mine Cysts: Each time this model ends a Normal move,
you can select one of the following:
■ Select one enemy unit it moved over during that move and
roll six 06: for each 3+, that unit suffers 1 mortal wound.
■ Add one new SPORE MINES unit containing 03 models to
your army and set it up anywhere on the battlefield that is
wholly within 6" of this model and more than 9" horizontally
away from all enemy units. You cannot select this option for
more than one model per turn.

While this model has 1-4 wounds remaining, each time this model makes an attack, subtract 1 from the
■ 1 Harpy
This model is equipped with: stinger salvoes; twin
stranglethorn cannon; scything wings.


CORE: Deadly Demise D3, Hover

FACTION: Synapse

Airborne Predator: Each time this model makes a ranged

attack that targets a unitthat can FLY, add 1 to the Hit roll.

■ 1 Hive Crone
This model is equipped with: drool cannon; stinger salvoes;
While this model has 1-4 wounds remaining, each time this model makes an attack, subtract 1 from the tentaclids; scything wings; thorax spur.
Hit roll.



CORE: Deadly Demise 03

FACTION: Synapse

Grisly Spectacle: Each time th is model is selected to fight,

after resolving its attacks, if one or more enemy units were
destroyed by those attacks, each enemy unit within 6" of this
model must take a Battle-shock t est.

While this model has 1-5 wounds remaining, each time this model makes an attack, subtract 1 from the
Hit roll.
■ 1 Haruspex
This model is equipped with: grasping tongue; ravenous maw;
shovelling claws.


FACTION: Synapse

Defensive Stance: Each time you target this unit with the Fire
Overwatch Stratagem, while resolving that Stratagem, hits are
scored on unmodified Hit rolls of 5+, or unmodified Hit rolls of
4+ instead if this unit is within range ofan objective marker
that you control.

• Any number of models can each have their shockcannon replaced with 1 impaler cannon. UNIT COMPOSITION
■ 3-6 Hive Guard
Every model is equipped with: shockcannon; chitinous claws
and teeth.


Lictor claws and talons [PREt1s10N[ Melee 6 2+ -2 2 CORE: Fights First, Infiltrators, Lone Operative, Stealth

FACTION: Synapse

Feeder Tendrils: Each time this model destroys an enemy

CHARACTER model, you gain 1CP.

Pheromone Trail: Once per battle round, you can target one
model with this ability with the Rapid Ingress Stratagem
for OCP.

• 1 Lictor
This model is equipped with: Lictor claws and talons.


CORE: Deadly Demise D3

FACTION: Shadow in the Warp, Synapse

Encephalic Diffusion (Aura, Psychic): While an enemy unit is

within 6" of this model, each time a model in that unit makes
an attack, subtract 1 from the Hit roll and, if that enemy unit is
Below Half-strength, subtract 1 from the Wound roll as well.

While this model has 1-5 wounds remaining, each time this model makes an attack, subtract 1 from the
Hit roll.
■ 1 Maleceptor
This model is equipped with: psychic overload; massive
scything talons.

. . Before selecting targets for this weapon, select one of its profiles to make attacks with.


Distensible jaw
Melee 3+ 5 0 3 CORE: Deep Strike
__ IAJj~l'.IN_F~H.T_RY _4+ '. _D_E~~STATI_H.G_IYO_U_N_DS:_E_X_TllA ATTACKS] _

__~ayi·l·o~.s~yt~ing t~lo.n~._. Melee 16 3+ 8 -2 FACTION: Synapse

I DAMAGED: 1-5 WOUNDS REMAINING Terror From The o·eep: Each time this model is set up on the
battlefield using the Deep Strike ability, roll one D6 for each
While this model has 1-5 wounds remaining, each 1ime this model makes an attack, subtract 1 from the enemy unit within 12" of this model: on a 2-4, that unit suffers
Hit roll. D3 mortal wounds; on a 5+, that unit suffers 3 mortal wounds
and must take a Battle-shock test

■ 1 Mawloc
This model is equipped with: distensible jaw; Mawloc
scything talons.


CORE: Deep Strike

FACTION: Synapse

Bio-minefield: Enemy un~s cannot start or end an Advance

move within 6" of this unit

Floating Death: Each time this unit or an enemy unit ends

a move, for each model in this unit that is within 3" of one
or more enemy units, select one of those enemy units. That
model in this unit is destroyed, then roll one D6: on a 2-5, that
enemy unit suffers D3 mortal wounds; on a 6, that enemy unit
suffers D6 mortal wounds.

■ 1-2 Mucolld Spores

Every model is equipped with: nothing.


CORE: Deadly Demise 1, Feel No Pain 5+

FACTION: Synapse

Talons and betentacled maw Bio-stimulus (Aura): While a friendly TYRANIDS unit
Melee 06+1 3+ 6 -1
.. [ANTl'.P~!~ER 4~,. DEVASTATING WDU~~sJ. is within 6" of this model, models in that unit have the
Feel No Pain 6+ ability.
Feeding Frenzy: Each time this model makes a melee attack
that targets a unit that is below its Starting Strength, add 1 to
the Hit roll. If that target is also Below Half-strength, add 1 to
the Wound roll as well.

■ 1 Psychophage
This model is equipped with: psychoclastic torrent; talons
and betentacled maw.


CORE: Deep Strike

FACTION: Synapse

Chitinous Horrors (Aura): While an enemy unit is within

Engagement Range of this unit, halve the Objective Control
characteristic of models in that enemy unit

■ All models in this unit can each be equipped with 1 spinemaws.

■ 1-3 Ripper Swarms
Every model is equipped with: chitinous claws and teeth.


CORE: Deadly Demise 1

FACTION: Synapse
Screamer-Killer talons Melee 10 3+ 10 -2 3 Death Scream: In your Shooting phase, after this model
has shot, select one enemy unit hit by one or more of those
attacks. That unit must take a Battle-shock test, subtracting 1
from that test.

■ 1 Screamer-Killer
This model is equipped with: bio-plasmic scream;
Screamer-Killer talons.


CORE: Deep Strike

FACTION: Synapse

Bio-minefield: Enemy units cannot start or end an Advance

move within 6" of this unit.

Floating Death: Each time this unit or an enemy unit ends

a move, for each model in this unit that is within 3" of one
or more enemy units, select one of those enemy units. That
model in this unit is destroyed, then roll one D6: on a 2-5, that
enemy unit suffers 1 mortal wound; on a 6, that enemy unit
suffers D3 mortal wounds.

■ 3-6 Spore Mines
Every model is equipped with: nothing.


CORE: Deadly Demise D3

FACTION: Synapse

Seed Mucolids: Once per turn, in your Shooting phase, when

selected to shoot, one unit with this ability can use it instead
of making any attacks with its ranged weapons. If it does, you
can add one new MUCOLID SPORES unit containing 1 model
■ 1 Sporocyst to your army and set it up anywhere on the battlefield that is
wholly within 18" of this model and more than 9" horizontally
This model is equipped with: Sporocyst bio-weapons; flensing whips.
away from all enemy units.

Hive Defences: You can target this model with the Fire
Overwatch Stratagem for OCP, and can do so even if you have
already targeted a different unit with that Stratagem this turn.
This model can only be targeted with that Stratagem once
per turn.


CORE: Deadly Demise D6

FACTION: Shadow in the Warp, Synapse

.. Ma5.sive c~u~hin~~l~ws_ Melee 4 4+ 12 -3 D6+1 Spawn Termagants: In your Command phase, you can
.......... .. -,
• Massive scything talons - strike Melee 4 3+ 9 -2 D6 select one friendly TERMAGANTS unit withins·· of this model
and return up to D3+3 destroyed models to that unit. A
• Massive scything talons - sweep
Melee 8 3+ 7 -1 2
TERMAGANTS unit cannot be selected for this ability more than
once per phase.
Brood Progenitor (Aura, Psychic): While a friendly
While this model has 1-5 wounds remaining, each time this model makes an attack, subtract 1 from the TERMAGANTS unit is within 6" of this model, ranged
Hit roll. weapons equipped by models in that unit have the
[LETHAL HITS) ability.

• This model's massive scything talons can be replaced with 1 massive crushing claws.
■ 1 Tervigon
This model is equipped with: stinger salvoes; massive
scything talons.

• Before selecting targets for this weapon, select one of its profiles to make attacks with.


CORE: Deadly Demise D3

FACTION: Synapse

Massive toxic lashes [ANTI-INFANTRY2+] Melee 12 3+ 6 2 Grasping Tendrils: Each time an enemy unit [excluding
TITANIC units} within Engagement Range of one or more
units from your army with this ability is selected to Fall Back,
you can roll one 06: on a 3+, t hat enemy unit must Rema in
Stationary instead.

Hypertoxlc Miasma (Aura): At the end of your Movement

phase, roll one 06 for each enemy unit within 6" of this model:
on a 2-3, that unit suffers 1 mortal wound; on a 4-5, that
unit suffers 03 mortal wounds; on a 6, that unit suffers 06
mortal wounds.

■ 1 Toxlcrene
This model is equipped with: massive toxic lashes.



CORE: Deep Strike

FACTION: Synapse

Subterranean Tunnels: Each time this model is set up on

the battlefield using the Deep Strike ability, it can be set up
anywhere on the battlefield that is more than 3" horizontally
away from all enemy units. When doing so, if this model is set
While this model has 1-5 wounds remaining, each time this model makes an attack, subtract 1 from the up within 9" of one or more enemy units, until the end of the
Hit roll. turn, it is not eligible to declare a charge.

■ 1 Trygon
This model Is equipped with: bio-electric pulse; Trygon
scything talons.


CORE: Deadly Demise D3, Deep Strike

FACTION: Synapse

Aerial Seeding: This model must start the battle in Reserves,

but neither it nor any units embarked within it are counted
towards any limits placed on the maximum number of
Reserves units you can start the battle with. This model can
This model has a transport capacity of 20 TYRANIDS INFANTRY models, or 1 TYRANIDS MONSTER model be set up in the Reinforcements step of your first, second
with a Wounds characteristic of 12 or less. Each INFANTRY model with a Wounds characteristic of more or third Movement phase, regardless of any mission rules.
than 1 takes up the space of 3 models. Any units embarked within this model must immediately
disembark after it has been set up on the battlefield, and they
must be set up more than 9" away from ail enemy models.
UNIT COMPOSITION After this model has been set up on the battlefield, no units
• 1 Tyrannocyte can embark within it.

This model is equipped with: Tyrannocyte bio-weapons; Rensing whips.



Ac.i d spra y ITOIIRENT) 18" D6+6 N/A 6 -2 2 CORE: Deadly Demise D6
Aeshborer hive [HElYY, ~~~AI.M_ED ~~ ~ ~M..UMK£0J 24" 2D 3+ 5 0 1
FACTION: Synapse
~U.p\u'.e ~~~no~ IH;"Y~). 48" 2 3+ 18 -4 2D6

-- ~~in~_er s~iV.°.~s . iM" a 3+ 5 0 1 Resilient Organism: Once per battle, when an attack is
allocated to this model, you can change the Damage
characteristic of that attack to 0.

• 1 Tyrannofex

While this model has 1-5 wounds remaining, each time this model makes an attack, subtract 1 from the This model is equipped with: Aeshborer hive; stinger salvoes;
Hit roll. powerful limbs.

• This model's fleshborer hive can be replaced with one of the following:
• 1 acid spray
• 1 rupture cannon


FACTION : Synapse
...cru~.h.in~.~1.aws and rE!~din~~.1.a."'.s.[TY11~-LINKED] .. Melee 4+
Guardian Organism: While a CHARACTER model is leading this
..S~yth.i ~~.~3.lo~s .3.~~. ren.di ~~. ~.l.aV1s .. Melee 5 3+ 5 -1
unit, that CHARACTER model has the Feel No Pain 5+ ability.

• Any number of models can each have their scything talons and rending claws rep laced with one of
the following: • 3-6 Tyrant Guard
1 bone cleaver, lash whip and rending claws Every model Is equipped with: scything talons and
1 crushing claws and rending claws rending claws.


To xic lashes [ANTI-INFANTRVZ+J Melee 3+ 3 0 CORE: Stealth

FACTION: Synapse

Foul Spores (Aura): While a friendly TYRANIDS unit is within

6" of this unit, each time a ranged attack targets that unit,
models in that unit have the Benefit of Cover against that
attack. In addition, while a friendly TYRANIDS unit [excluding
MONSTERS) is within 6" of this unit, models in that unit have
the Stealth ability.

■ 3-6 Venomthropes
Every model is equipped with: toxic lashes.


Leaper's talons Melee 6 3+ 5 -1 CORE: Fights First, Infiltrators, Stealth

FACTION: Synapse

Pouncing Leap: You can target this unit with the Heroic
Intervention Stratagem for OCP, and can do so even if
you have already used that Stratagem on a different unit
this phase.

■ 3-6 Von Ryan's Leapers
Every model is equipped with: Leaper's talons.


FACTION: Shadow in the Warp, Synapse

Spirit Leech (Aura, Psychic): While an enemy unit is within

6" of this unit, if this unit contains a Neurothrope, each
time that enemy unit fails a Battle-shock test, it suffers 03
Chitinous claws and teeth Melee 2 S+ 3 0 mortal wounds and one model in this unit regains up to 03
lost wounds.
Warp Field (Aura, Psychic): While a friendly TYRANIDS
unit is within 6" of this unit, models in that unit have a 6+
invulnerable save.

■ 1 Neurothrope
■ 2-5 Zoanthropes
Every model is equipped with: Warp Blast; chitinous claws
and teeth.

. . Before selecting targets for this weapon, select one of its profiles to make attacks with.


In this section you'll find additional rules for playing Crusade battles that are bespoke to TYRANIDS
units. You can find out more about Crusade armies in the main Crusade rules.

This section contains the following rules:


As the hive fleets tighten their stranglehold on Themed to the unique nature of the TYRANIDS, these
the galaxy, more and more worlds succumb to Battle Scars represent long-lasting effects units from
their unending hunger. The rules presented on the your Crusade force may come to carry.
following pages allow you to devour one world after
another, strengthening your force as your foes fall. CRUSADE RELICS
In addition to the Crusade Relics presented in other
AGENDAS Crusade publications, TYRANIDS CHARACTER models
TYRANIDS armies can attempt to achieve unique can claim one of the Crusade Relics found here.
Agendas in addition to those found in other
publications. These represent the faction's unique CRUSADE BADGES
goals and their particular methods of waging war. Here you will find three Crusade Badges
representing goals you can set yourself when
REQUISITIONS campaigning with your Crusade force. Once one is
TYRANIDS armies have access to a number of achieved, you could set yourself a new goal, or take
bespoke Requisitions in addition to those found in the opportunity to start a new Crusade force.
other publications.

As they gain experience and prowess, TYRANIDS
units in your Crusade force can be given one of
the Battle Traits in this section instead of one
presented elsewhere.
Your Crusade force can only work on devouring
one world at a time. When devouring a world, INDUSTRIAL WORLD
your Crusade force will move through three stages
in order: the first stage is Invasion, followed by STAGE BIOMASS BATTLES PLAYED
Predation and then finally Consumption. During
each phase, your force will devour more of the Invasion 3 203
world's biomass. Once you have devoured enough
biomass and participated in enough battles, you will Predation +D3 4
complete your current stage and move on to the next
stage in devouring that world. If at any point your Consumption +3 5
Crusade force finds itself without an active world to
devour, generate a new one as described below.
When generating a world to devour, your Crusade STAGE BIOMASS BATTLES PLAYED
force's Biomass and Battles Played points begin at
0. To generate a world to devour, roll one D6 and
Invasion 3D3 2
consult the table below. Predation +2D3 D3
Consumption +2D3 D3


May also be a forge world,
manufactorum world, refinery STAGE BIOMASS BATTLES PLAYED
world, etc.
Invasion D3+3 D6
May also be an agri world, feudal
Predation +2D3 D6
world, Knight world, etc. Consum ption +D6 D6
May also be a capital world, shrine COMPLETING A DEVOURING STAGE
world, etc. To complete a stage and move on to the next, your
Crusade force needs to have acquired at least as
Next, consult the relevant table on the right to many Biomass and Battles Played points for that
generate the Biomass and Battles Played points stage as were generated for it above. Keep a Battles
needed for each stage of that world's destruction. Played tally during each stage; these tallies do not
Generate the number of points needed for the carry over into the next stage but simply act as a
Invasion stage first, then generate the number of minimum requirement for advancement.
points needed for the Predation stage by adding
the value in the table to what you generated for the ■ Each time you win a battle, your Crusade force
Invasion stage for that world type. Finally, generate gains 1 Biomass point.
the points needed for the Consumption stage in the ■ Each time you lose a battle, your Crusade force
same manner, but add the value in the table to that loses 1 Biomass point (to a minimum ofO).
of the Predation stage instead of the Invasion stage.
Note that Biomass points accrued during a previous Additional ways of earning Biomass points can
stage of a world's destruction still count towards the be found in the Agendas section. Once you have
targets for the current stage. reached a particular stage of devouring, you gain
access to new Requisitions that you can purchase
once per world.

For example, Scott has completed the Invasion stage

of an industrial world that required 3 Biomass
points and 4 Battles Played points. During that
stage he instead earned 5 Biomass points, which will
now carry through to the Predation stage. This may
mean he has already met that stages Biomass points
requirement, and only needs Battles Played points
to complete that stage.


In the first stages of a Tyranid invasion, swift and So thoroughly infested with Tyranid swarms has
adaptable broods ofbioforms assess and then rapidly the prey world become, that broods prowl almost all
counteract the defences of the prey. Some organisms environs and surge from every tangled thicket and
may already have infiltrated the target world, and only blasted ruin to attack. Even defenders who consider
now burst from their hiding places to wreak bloody themselves safe within formidable fortifications can
havoc. Others pour down from spore-blighted skies be suddenly and violently disabused of that notion
and flow into battle, the myriad heralds of yet greater amidst a rush of chitinous bodies and stabbing talons
horrors still to come. from an unexpected quarter.

Purchase this Requisition before a battle once per Purchase this Requisition before a battle once per
world. Select two VANGUARD INVADER units (excluding devoured world. Select one ENDLESS MULTITUDE unit
CHARACTERS and MONSTERS) from your Order of from your Order of Battle. For the next battle only,
Battle. For the next battle, you can swap these that unit has the Infiltrators ability (Core Rules).
units' Battle Traits (and change their Crusade point
totals accordingly). After the battle, they must be BATTLE EXPERIENCE
swapped back. Units from your Crusade army with any of the
following keywords gain an additional lXP from the
BATTLE EXPERIENCE Battle Experience rule if they control an objective
Units from your Crusade army with any of the marker in No Man's Land at the end of the battle:
following keywords gain an additional lXP from the
Battle Experience rule if they are wholly within your ■ BIOVORES
opponent's deployment zone at the end of the battle: ■ EXOCRINE

As the Tyranid ecosystem takes hold, strange living
structures sprout forth that are vital to the final
consumption of the world. Those Tyranid organisms
charged with protecting these grotesque bio-structures
now become exceptionally aggressive even as vile
eater-beasts devour every scrap of available biomass
and ferry it back to the waiting assimilation structures.

Purchase this Requisition after a battle once per

devoured world. Choose a CHARACTER or MONSTER
unit that was not destroyed in that battle; that unit
immediately gains SXP.

Units from your Crusade army with any of the
following keywords gain an additional lXP from the
Battle Experience rule if they were not destroyed at
the end of the battle:

If your Crusade army includes any TYRAN 10s units, you can select Agendas from those presented here.


In order to overwhelm the prey, devour the biomass In preparation for the complete assimilation of
of the dead and seed the world with toxic spores; the biomass on this prey world, it is necessary to
swarm must cover all. seed Tyranid structures on the battlefield, from
sporecaster organisms to digestion pools.
At the end of the battle, gain 1 Biomass point
for each table quarter that wholly contains one At the start of your Shooting phase, you can select
or more ENDLESS MULTITUDE units from your one INFANTRY unit (excluding CHARACTERS) from
Crusade army that are not within 6" of the centre your Crusade army that is not Battle-shocked and
of the battlefield. Each ENDLESS MULTITUDE unit is eligible to shoot. If that unit is more than 12"
wholly within your opponent's deployment zone away from any Tyrannoform Spore markers, it
gains 2XP. can implant tyrannoform spores. If it does, at the
end of your turn, place one Tyrannoform Spore
marker, 40mm in diameter, anywhere within l" of
that unit. At the end of the battle, each unit that
implanted one or more tyrannoform spores in this
manner gains XP equal to double the number of
Tyrannoform Spore markers they placed in this
manner, and your Crusade force gains a number of
Biomass points as shown in the table below.


The Hive Mind has marked those prey organisms 3 1

whose swift destruction it wishes prioritised. The
hunt begins. 4 D3
At the start of the battle, your opponent selects five 5+ 3
different units from their army to be Prey Targets
(if your opponent's army has fewer than five units,
they select as many as possible). Each time a unit TYRANID ATTACK
from your Crusade army destroys a Prey Target
unit in the Fight phase, make a note of it. At the Every last prey organism that stands against the
end of the battle, each unit from your Crusade swarm must be overrun - butchered - and their
army gains a number of XP equal to double the biomass consumed so that fresh waves of bioforms
amount of Prey Targets they destroyed, and your may be spawned.
Crusade force gains a number of Biomass points as
shown in the table below. At the end of the battle, if there are no enemy
models remaining on the battlefield, each TYRANIDS
unit from your Crusade army that is on the
ENEMY PREY BIOMASS battlefield gains 3XP, your Crusade force gains
4 Biomass points, and you gain 2 Battles Played
points for this battle instead of 1.
1 0
2-3 1
4+ 03

If your Crusade force includes any TYRANIDS units, you can spend Requisition points [RPs) on any of the
following Requisitions.


The hive fleets must constantly hunt, slay and As the needs of the swarm change, so the Hive Mind
consume prey worlds in order to replenish or is able to break down the physical form of its synaptic
increase their ranks. node-beasts while preserving their neuro-ganglia and
the cached sense-impressions therein. This neural
If your Crusade force includes any TYRANIDS mass is then encased in a new and more suitable
units, the Increase Supply Limit Requisition physical form.
costs you 2RP to use.
Purchase this Requisition at any time. Select one
SYNAPSE unit from your Order of Battle and replace
it with a new SYNAPSE unit. You cannot purchase
RESPAWN WARRIOR ORGANISMS 1RP this Requisition if doing so would cause your
total points to exceed your Crusade force's Supply
The Hive Mind can break down the biomass of Limit. The newly added SYNAPSE unit starts with
its warrior organisms, reabsorbing them and the same number of XP as the unit it replaced and
restructuring their bodies and neural pathways at a immediately gains the appropriate number of Battle
molecular level before spawning them anew. Honours for its rank.

Purchase this Requisition at any time. Select one

TYRANIDS unit from your Order of Battle that has no ADAPTED PHYSIOLOGY 2RP
Battle Scars. That unit loses any or all Battle Traits
it currently has. For each Battle Trait it lost, you can Every warrior organism is fashioned by the ineffable
now select a new Battle Trait for it. alien will of the Hive Mind. Their flesh and chitin
is endlessly mutable, honed into whatever form will
prove most lethal to its prey.
Purchase this Requisition at any time. Select one
The gestalt consciousness of the Great Devourer TYRANIDS CHARACTER from your Order of Battle with
is omnipresent throughout the hive fleets, always a Crusade Relic. You can exchange this for any
urging its mindless, ravenous swarms on toward other Crusade Relic they are currently eligible for,
whatever strategic goals will see them best feed, grow adjusting their Crusade points as required.
and spread.

Purchase this Requisition during the Select Agendas

step of the battle. You can select one additional
Agenda to use during this battle. At least one of
the Agendas you select must be a Tyranids Agenda
(see opposite).
units never gain XP, and so
can never gain Battle Honours. STRENGTH BORN OF HUNGER
However, they are also assumed to These warrior organisms are possessed of a ravenous
pass any Out of Action tests they
are required to take (no dice is
rolled) and so never accrue Battle
hunger, their eagerness to tear and rend flesh lending
their blows additional.frenzied strength.
Add 1 to the Strength characteristic of melee weapons
Scars. You can mark the XP section equipped by models in this unit.
of their Crusade card as 'N/11. to
remind you.
The sensory acuity of this brood has been heightened
such that no prey can hide from them.
■ Each time a model in this unit makes a melee attack,
you can ignore any or all Hit roll and Weapon Skill
modifiers for that attack.
■ Each time a model in this unit makes a ranged attack,
that attack has the [IGNORES COVER] ability.

This brood possess heightened tactical instincts that
allow them to hunt efficiently even without direct
synaptic oversight.
While this unit is within 18" of a friendly SYNAPSE
model, this unit counts as being within 6" of that model
for its Synapse ability.

These warrior organisms are well protected by their
pseudo-sentient carapaces and partial regenerative
capabilities. It takes a great concentration offire to do
them any real harm.
Each time a ranged attack is allocated to a model in this
unit, add 1 to any armour saving throw made against
that attack.

Moving with lithe rapidity, these warrior organisms
close the distance to their prey and begin their
killing frenzy.
Each time you make an Advance or Charge roll for this
unit, you can re-roll the result.

The bioforms of this brood have been imbued with
tensile strength and whipcord sinews that allow them
to spring upon their prey, lending their pouncing
onslaught additional impact to maximise carnage.
Each time a model in this unit makes a melee attack,
if this unit made a Charge move this turn, add 1 to the
Hit roll.

'Norn Emissaries, Norn Assimilators
and other examples of these monstrous
bioforms are being sighted with
increasing frequency. Unusually for
Tyranids of such apparent neural
autonomy, these creatures do not
appear to fulfil a leadership role.
Instead they operate alongside
the swarms in a way that suggests
These leader-beasts emanate the unfathomable will of
independent thought and goals. The
the Hive Mind, an alien consciousness so vast it drives

Norn-beasts do exhibit varying levels
prey creatures mad.
of synaptic capability. Yet these
At the end of your Movement phase, select one enemy seem to be employed by the towering
unit within 6" of and visible to this unit. That enemy unit monsters not in aid of the wider
must take a Leadership test, subtracting 1 from the roll. strategic picture, but simply to
If failed, until the start of your next Movement phase, spend lesser warrior organisms to aid
that enemy unit cannot be selected to Advance and its them in concluding their own hunts.
Move characteristic is reduced by 2".
Such bioforms subjected to
PSYCHIC SHADOW after-action battlefield analysis by
Such is this creature's psionic power that enemy strategos have been identified as
sorceries unravel in its presence.
Each time a ranged Psychic Attack targets this unit, this
unit has the Benefit of Cover and the Feel No Pain 5+
Ii pursuing their own - for want of a
better term - missions. These tasks
are atypical of the ways in which the
ability against that attack. vast mass of Tyranids prosecute their
predatory wars: the abduction of
PSIONIC RESONANCE individuals: the theft of significant
So potent is the psionic presence of this leader-beast
intelligence or relics: the sabotage
that it is able to act as a nodal amplifier to imperatives of installations and so forth. The
unleashed by other nearby synaptic organisms.
Once per battle, this unit can be targeted with a
Stratagem for OCP, even if another unit from your
a Norn-beasts demonstrate a frightening
degree of intelligence and guile in
their single mindad pursuit of their
goals, not to mention an agility and
Crusade army has already been targeted with that swiftness that seems wholly unnatural
Stratagem this phase. in creatures so large.

ALIEN RESILIENCE The origins of these terrifying

The damaged flesh and chitin of this farmidable warrior ~ bioforms remain as mysterious
organism regrows at an astounding rate. "" and provocative as the questions
At the start of your Command phase, one model in this of what higher purposes may be
unit regains 1 lost wound. served by their deployment. Some
Imperial biologians theorise that
ARMOURED BIOMORPH the organisms are fashioned by the
This brood boasts thickened and extended Norn Queens themselves to act as
chitinous carapaces. extensions of their - and by proxy
the Hive Mind's - will, perhaps even
Add 1 to the Toughness characteristic of models in
in the literal sense of detaching
this unit.
themselves from the greater mass
of the Queens' physical forms and
PSYCHIC ABERRATION returning to a conjoined state when
So potent is this bioform's synaptic presence that it their duties are done. So grotesque
acts as afocusing lens for the psychic might of the and darkly suggestive a notion
Hive Mind.
Once per battle, at the start of any phase, you can
select one TYRANIDS unit that is Battle-shocked
fl is this, that it has triggered
several 'llinor conflicts and numerous
accusations of heresy between cabals
and within 12" of this model. That unit is no of the Ordo Xenos. So does even
longer Battle-shocked. rumour of the Tyranids' tf'Ue nature
spread fear and division .amongs
those who shoul d stand un1ted a& ns
their endl-es~ nunger.'
- CoHiectures Upon lftt T1r111t1toform
Menace, Horatius Glo;e. 8iot/f1onliaan
Maximal to tlrr Court of GoP1 or htlltfr

Lingering neural trauma has left this braod with a
damaged connection to the synaptic network.
This unit is never considered to be within Synapse
range of your army.
Severed entirely from synapse control, this brood is
forced to fall back upon its own hardwired instincts
in battle.
This unit cannot be targeted with Stratagems.

Overdeveloped prey-response instincts drown out

the higherfunctions of this brood, causing them to
obsessivelyfocus on the nearest prey to the exclusion
of more strategically important targets.
Each time this unit is selected to shoot, models in this
unit can only target the closest eligible enemy unit
when resolving this unit's attacks.

So overcome with biochemical adrenaline and
predatory aggression is this brood, that its warrior l;a;a
organisms seek constantly to hurl themselves upon the Em
nearest possible prey and tear them to pieces.
Each time this unit declares a charge, one of the targets
of that charge must be the closest eligible enemy unit.

Generate a Battle Scar from the

main Crusade rules.
The galaxy has long been haunted
by immense nightmare vessels known
as space hulks. Insane amalgams of
warp-lost shipwrecks, planetary
fragments and unholy biomass,
these chimerical derelicts grow to
NEURAL DISSONANCE colossal size. Adrift on currents
of unreality and fractured time,
Due to neurosynopticfeedback or cranial damage, this
bioform struggles to mesh fully with the Hive Mind.
This unit cannot benefit from any Stratagems or
Detachment Rules that require the SYNAPSE keyword.
a space hulks manifest in realspace
without warning. Despite the inimical
tangle of each space hulk's interior,
infernal entities, renegade warbands
and various alien beasts infest
SYNAPTIC DECAY the gheist-ships and employ them
Physical and neural damage has eroded the strength as an unpredictable means to cross
of this organism's synaptic signal, leaving it unable to
fully impose its will upon the swarm. Ii the interstellar gulfs. Broods of
Genestealers - and occasionally other
Reduce the range of this model's Synapse abil ity to 3". vanguard organisms - spread 1n such
a fashion.
Although able to still provide the warrior organisms When a space hulk translates from the
around it with basic synaptic imperatives, this beast is warp into settled Imperial space,
no longer able to control their behaviour. it may drift through busy shipping
lanes and pass close to multiple
While this unit has this Battle Scar, it loses the
worlds before vanishing again into
Synapse ability.
the immaterium. At such times,
Genestealers infesting the hulk
CASTS NO SHADOW will do everything in their power
This organism's psychic presence is all but to reach and infiltrate Imperial
non-existent, its ability to deepen the Shadow in the society. Possessed of instinctual
Warp stolen away f ram it. cunning and a singular will wedded
While this unit has this Battle Scar, it is affected by your to nigh-supernatural resilience,
army's Shadow in the Warp ability [and thus must take this is a task Genestealers are well
a Battle-shock test when it is used] . suited to. Some drift away from the
hulk within ancient saviour pods or
detached structural wreckage and
Generate a Battle Scar from the manage to endure atmospheric entry.
main Crusade rules. Others may slink aboard the void ships
of incautious salvagers, or even the
vessels of Imperial boarding parties
sent to purge them as a threat.

However they manage it, if even one

Genestealer reaches a settled world
it can spell doom. Vanishing into the
planetary underbelly, the Genestealers
spread their genetic curse amongst
the populace. Over slow generations
this process r esults 1n the growth
of a Genestealer Cul ; hypnotised or
xeno-tainted HU111ans utte rly inculcated
into the worship of the Tyranids as
benevolent gods fr0111 beyond t he stars.
Beginning with the l owest ranks of
Imperial society, the cult spreads s
tendrils and gathers streng h. All
the whil e i ts aes al Broodmind grows
in psychic strengtn until i beCOlllll
a beacon t nat raws the Tyranid ;Vtt

grounds , By
realise t hat
ao late..
It was during the early years of
the Era Indomitus that Abaddon the
Despoiler unleashed his Balefleets.
At the heart of each heretic war fleet
sailed a titanic abomination known as
an Ark of Omen, macro-class warships
converted from space hulks through When a TYRANIDS CHARACTER model gains a Crusade Relic, you
daemonic cybersorcery. One particular can select one of the Crusade Relics presented here.
Ark - the Sobbing God - sailed under
the command of Scourgemaster Ulghata.
This renegade warlord was a champion ARTIFICER RELICS
amongst the ranks of The Cleaved -
revolting post-human warriors whose SPIRIT-LEECH CORTEX
souls were pledged to the plague god This rare cranial biomodification allows its monstrous host to
Nurgle and whose armour constantly psionically drain the life from its prey, feeding off their animus and
leaked reeking, oily blood. It was as using it as fuel to both regrow and augment its own form.
the Sobbing God Balefleet pursued an
infernal quest on the orders of the PSYKER model only. Each time an enemy unit loses a wound as
Despoiler that it dropped out of the the result of a Psychic Attack made by the bearer:
warp and straight into the midst of a
tendril of Hive Fleet Kraken. ■ The bearer regains l lost wound.
■ Until the start of your next Command phase, add 1 to the
Bio-ships converged on the heretic Strength of the bearer's melee weapons.
vessels with vast weapons spitting
bone lances and gouts of acid. Even BALEMIND MEMBRANE
as its escort vessels were torn This foul net of neuro-membranes infests the cranial cavities of its
apart, the SObbing God was boarded host and amplifies their offensive psycho-synaptic aptitude.
by multiple swarms. Ulghata and his
Cleaved waged a fighting retreat into Model with one or more Psychic weapons only. Each time the
the heart of his flagship and were bearer makes an attack with a Psychic weapon, you can re-roll
there besieged. The broods of Hive the Hit roll and you can re-roll the Wound roll.
Fleet Kraken are cunning and the
depths of the Ark offered endless
pipes, vents and crawlways through ANTIQUITY RELICS
which they could outflank the defence
lines of The Scourged. In that MORTREXITE IMPLANT ATTACK
desperate hour, as his forces looked This bio-artefact can penetrate the thickest armour in order to
sure to be overrun, Ulghata struck a implant dozens of Ripper parasites within a host. In seconds, the
bargain with an ancient sentience that ghastly creatures grow to fall size, devouring the host from the
had languished within one of the Arks' inside out and bursting forth in a shower ofgore.
constituent vessels before it had even
joined with the space hulk. ■ Melee weapons equipped by the bearer gain the
In an instant the Ark of Omen, the ■ Each time the bearer fights, if one or more enemy models
Cleaved and all those bioforms still (excluding VEHICLE models) are destroyed when resolving
aboard were snatched from realspace by those attacks, after that fight is resolved you can select one
the entity's power. The next report of friendly RIPPER SWARMS unit within 12" of the bearer. If you
their presence came from an entirely do, add one Ripper Swarm model to that unit. If any of those
different sector of Imperial space. destroyed enemy models had the MONSTER keyword, add D3
The Sobbing God was sighted attacking Ripper Swarm models to that RIPPER SWARMS unit instead.
settled worlds in the Fel~oth Nebula,
yet now it was a vessel divided.
Almost a third of the Ark of Omen
seetlled with extrusions of Tyranid
bio-architecture, while the rest of
the immense warship was riddled with
mutation ano suppurating disease.
The Sobbing God was now a ship at war
with itself, yet wherever it went it
also vented both renegade and Tyranid
forces onto the luckless worlds that
fell beneath its deformed shadow.
At the hilt of each of these enormous, curving blades is a
shell of diamond-hard chitin. This houses the brain of the
weapon-symbiote. With a mental command, the wielder can
generate a surge ofpsychic energy through this organism that
incinerates the sabres' unfortunate victims from the inside out.

MONSTER model only. Select one of the bearer's melee weapons.

That weapon gains the following ability:

Slayer Sabres: Each time the bearer fights, after that fight is
resolved, select one enemy unit hit by one or more attacks made
with this weapon this phase, then roll one D6: on a 2+, that unit
suffers D3 mortal wounds, or D6+ 1 mortal wounds instead if
that unit has the PSYKER keyword.

First named by Inquisitor Kryptman, the Norn Crown is a unique
parasitic organism that burrows needle-like cerebral bores directly
into the brain of its host, forming a neuro-synaptic link that acts
as a hyper-conduit for the Hive Mind. Through this abhorrent
union, the Hive Mind's indomitable will can pour forth to
augment and control the hordes of lesser Tyranids that scuttle in
the leader-beast's wake.

■ While the bearer is on the battlefield, once per battle, you can
use the Shadow in the Warp ability one additional time.
■ While the bearer is on the battlefield, increase the range of
friendly SYNAPSE units' Synapse ability to 9".

You can use this section to determine the points (pts) value of each unit from your army. Each entry
lists the unit's size (which may include a lower and upper limit} and the associated points value for that
size. You can learn more about using points to muster your army on pages 55-56 of the Core Rules.

Barbgaunts Mucolid Spores The Swarmlord

5 models ............................................. 55 pts 1 model............................................... 40 pts 1 model. ............_ _ _ _ ...... 250 pts
10 models ........................................ 110 pts 2 models ............................................. 80 pts
Biovores Neuro aunts 1 model. .................................... _ ..... 200 pis
1 model ............................................... 45 pts 11 models .......................................... 45 pts
2 models ............................................. 90 pts 22 models .......................................... 90 pts Trygon
3 models ........................................... 135 pts
1 model _ _ _ __ .... 170 pis
Brood lord l' rannocy1e
1 model ..................... .......................... 60 pts
1 modeL. ................... _ _ _ .... 95 pts
1 mode1 ----·······.. ••••••••••••••••• 90 pts
Neurot rant
Carn ifexes Tyrannofex
1 mo del ....·---·-........................_ .., 95 pts
1 model............................................. 125 pts 1 model ............................................. 190 pts
2 models ........................................... 250 pts Norn Assimilator
T rant Guafd
1 model .........._ ................................ 305 pts
Deathlea er 3 models ............................................. 9 S pts
1 model............................................... 75 pts Norn Emissary 6 models ........................................... 190 pts
1 model.....- ....................................285 pts
Exocrine Tyranid Warriors
1 model ............................................. 125 pts Old One E e with Melee Bio•weapons
1 mode L .......................................... 140 pts 3 models ............................................. 95 pts
Gargoyles 6 models ........................................... 190 pts
10 models .......................................... 70 pts Parasite of Mortrex
20 models ........................................ 140 pts 1 model ............................................... 75 pts Tyranid Warriors
with Ran ed Bio•wea ons
Genestealers Psychophage 3 models ............................................. 70 pts
5 models ............................................. 95 pts 1 model... ..............................- ........ 125 pts 6 models ........................................... 140 pts
10 models ........................................ 190 pts
P rovores Venomthro es
Harpy 1 model ............................................... 30 pts 3 models ............................................. 70 pts
1 model............................................. 165 pts 2 models ............................................. 60 pts 6 models ........................................... 140 pts
3 models ............................................. 90 pts
Haruspex Von Ryan's Lea ers
1 model ............................................. 120 pts Raveners 3 models ............................................. 70 pts
3 models ............................................. 75 pts 6 models ........................................... 140 pts
Hive Crone 6 models ........................................... 150 pts
1 model ............................................. 195 pts Winged Hive Tyrant
Ripper Swarms 1 model............................................. 190 pts
Hive Guard 1 model............................................... 15 pts
3 models ............................................. 95 pts 2 models ............................................. 30 pts Winged Tyranid Prime
6 models ........................................... 190 pts 3 models ............................................. 45 pts 1 modeL ........................................... 65 pts

Hive T rant Screamer•Killer Zoanthro es

1 model ........................- .................. 21 5 pts 1 mode l ............................................. 175 prs 3 models ............................................. 90 pts
6 models ........................................... 180 pts
Hormagaunts Spore Mines
10 models .......................................... 70 pts 3 models ............................................. 45 pts
20 models ........................................ 140 pts 6 models ............................................. 90 pts

Lictor Sporoc st
1 model ._......................-.-..- ........ 70 pts 1 mode l.......................- ... ,............... 125 pis

Malece tor Termagants

i model ............................................. 160- pts 10 models .......................................... 60 pts
20 models ........................................ 120 pts
1 model............................................. 135 pts Terv1gon
1 model. ............................................ 190 pts



In addition to the points values printed here - which you can always
use in agreement with your opponent - this Codex is supported
with live on line points values so that you can enjoy the most
balanced and exciting games ofWarhammer 40,000. Scan this OR
code to see the latest points values for your army.

Assimilation Swarm Invasion Fleet Unend ln Swarm
Biophagic Flow ............................. 10 pts Adaptive Biology ......................... 25 pts Adrenalised Onslaught .............. 15 pts
Instinctive Defence .................... 15 pts Alien Cunning ............................... 30 pts Naturalised Camouflage ............ 30 pts
Parasitic Biomorphology ........... 25 pts Perfectly Adapted ........................ 15 pts Piercing Talons ............................. 25 pts
Regenerating Monstrosity ........ 20 pts Synaptic Linchpin ....................... 20 pts Relentless Hunger ...................... 20 pts

Crusher Stam ede Synaptic Nexus Van uard Onslau ht

Enraged Reserves ....................... 20 pts Power of the Hive Mind .............. 10 pts Chameleonic ................................ 15 pts
Monstrous Nemesis ................... 25 pts Psychostatic Disruption ............ 30 pts Hunting Grounds ......................... 20 pts
Null Nodules ................................. 10 pts Synaptic Control .......................... 20 pts Neuronode .................................... 30 pts
Ominous Presence ...................... 15 pts The Dirgeheart ofKharis ............ 15 pts Stalker ............................................ 10 pts


Stretching out across the dark void, your swarms spread the
soul-crushing Shadow in the Warp to sow dismay amongst the
foe. With every successful act ofpredation, every prey bastion
broken open and its defenders devoured, every massed clash won
by means both insidious and monstrous, the power ofyour tendril
grows. You have amassed much biomass and driven vanguard
organisms like talons into the yielding flesh ofyet more bounteous
hunting grounds. Now is the time to push forward at the Hive
Mind's urging and let the true feast begin.

■ You have successfully devoured one world.

■ You have won at least two battles.

One after another the prey worlds fall to the rapacious hunger
ofyour swarms. Whether teeming wildernesses offerocious flora
and fauna, populous megalopolis worlds covered in mountainous
cities, or indomitable fortress worlds clad in plasteel and ferrocrete
from pole to pole, none can resist your hunger. With each fresh
victory your bioforms harvest more and varied quantities of
biomass, opening up new options for adaptation and increasingly
efficient consumption of the prey. Yet more worlds still lie before
you. All must fall. All must be devoured.

■ You have successfully devoured three different types of world.

■ You have won at least six battles.

Immense swarms flood entire star systems at your urging. An
unending torrent of biomass pours back into your tendril,
fortifying it further with every world devoured. You are the will of
the Hive Mind made manifest. You are the death of worlds, and
you are unstoppable!

■ You mive.succes&fully devoured five worlds in ludJng at le.asl

one of each type.
■ Ytlu hi11,ve. \ on at least ten battles.
■ A CHARACTER rom your Crusade force has reamed the
Legendary rank.
■ A CHARACTER from your Cru adc force possesses the Norn
Crown Crusade Rcli1a.


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