Cri323 1ST Exm RVWR
Cri323 1ST Exm RVWR
Cri323 1ST Exm RVWR
Both statements is false- statement 1: an act There must be at least two witnesses for the
which provokes or gives occasion for a war prosecution testifying on the same over act -
involving or liable to involve the Philippines is The two-witness rule in the prosecution or the
a crime inciting to war. Statement 2: crime of treason means:
Correspondence with the hostile country is a
crime of violation of neutrality. Failure to file necessary complaint with the
prosecution- what is meant by dealy in the
Prison correctional- penalty for espionage. delivery of detained persons to propee judicial
Espionage- the offense of gathering, authorities.
transmitting, or losing information respecting Prison mayor and a fine not to exceed 10,000-
the national defense with the intent or reason the penalty for the crime of conspiracy to
to believe that the information used to the commit treason is:
injury of the republic of the Philippines or the
advantage of foreign nations. Expulsion- A public officer compels a person to
change place of residence is liable for the crime
Reclusion temporal to death- in crime of of:
treason, what is the penalty if the offender is a
non resident alien. Sedition- it is a felony which in it's general
sense is raising of commotions or disturbances
Arbitrary detention- the deprivation by public in the state outside of legal method.
officer of the liberty of a person without any
legal ground Both false - statement 1: delaying release is a
crime committed when a public officer fails to
Piracy- it is a robbery or forcible depredation deliver a detained perspn to the proper judicial
on the high seas without lawful authority and authorities. Statement 2: a private person who
done with animo furandi. detains a person without legal grounds is a
Prison correctional in it's medium and liable for the crime of arbitrary detention.
maximum periods- what is the penalty for a Mutiny- the unlawful resistance to a superior
crime arbitrary detention, if the detention or the raising commotions and disturbance in
lasted for more than 3 days but not more than board ship against the authority of it's
15 days. commander.