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At the end of phase F, students have the ability to describe the bioprocesses that occur in cells,
and analyze the relationship between organ structure in the organ system and its function as
well as abnormalities or disorders that arise in the organ system. Furthermore, students have
the ability to apply the concepts of inheritance, growth and development in everyday life and
evaluate new ideas about evolution. The concepts learned are applied to solve life problems
which are resolved using process skills independently to create ideas or products to overcome
these problems. Through process skills, scientific attitudes and profiles of Pancasila students
are also built, especially independent, critical reasoning, creative and working together.
Phase F Based on Elements
Element Learning Outcomes
Understanding At the end of phase F, students have the ability to describe cell structure and
Biology the bioprocesses that occur such as membrane transport and cell division.
Students analyze the relationship between the structure of organs in an organ
system and its function as well as abnormalities or disorders that arise in that
organ system. Students understand the function of enzymes and recognize
the metabolic processes that occur in the body. Furthermore, students have
the ability to apply the concepts of inheritance, growth and development in
everyday life and evaluate new ideas about evolution.
Process skills 1. Observe
Able to choose the right tools to carry out measurements and
observations. Pay attention to relevant details of the object being
2. Questioning and predicting
Formulate scientific questions and hypotheses that can be
investigated scientifically.
3. Plan and conduct an investigation
Students plan and choose appropriate methods based on references
to collect reliable data, considering risks and ethical issues in using
these methods. Students select and use tools and materials, including
the use of appropriate digital technology to collect and record data
systematically and accurately.
4. Process, analyze data and information
Interpret the information obtained honestly and responsibly. Use
various methods to analyze patterns and trends in data. Describe the
relationship between variables and identify inconsistencies that
occur. Use scientific knowledge to draw conclusions consistent with
the results of the investigation.
5. Evaluate and reflect
Evaluate conclusions through comparison with existing theory.
Demonstrate the advantages and disadvantages of the inquiry process
and their effect on the data. Point out problems in the methodology
and propose suggestions for improvement for the next investigation
6. Communicate results
Communicate the results of the investigation as a whole, including
safety, environmental and ethical considerations supported by
arguments, language and scientific conventions appropriate to the
context of the investigation. Demonstrate systematic thinking
patterns according to the specified format.

No. Learning Objectives (Lo) Learning Materials Allocatio
1  Students are able to explain the chemical Cell 8 JP
components that make up cells.
 Students are able to identify the various
organelles that make up a cell
 Students are able to explain the structure
and function of cell organelles
 Students are able to explain the
processes that take place in cells.
 Distinguish between the structures and
organelles that make up animal cells and
plant cells.
2  Students are able to understand the Membrane Transport 5 JP
normal diffusion process and facilities.
 Students are able to understand the
process of osmosis
 Students are able to understand the
active transport process.
 Students are able to understand the
processes of phagocytosis and
 Students are able to analyze the
relationship between membrane
transport mechanisms and everyday life.
 Students are able to understand the
transcription mechanism in protein
 Students are able to understand the
translation mechanism in protein
 Students are able to understand the
relationship between transcription and
translation processes in protein
 Students are able to understand the
mechanism of amitotic division.
 Students are able to understand the
mechanism of mitotic division.
 Students are able to understand the
mechanism of meiotic division.
 Students are able to differentiate
between the processes of amitosis,
mitosis and meiosis.
3  Students are able to understand the Tissue structure of plant 11 JP
structure of the permanent tissues that organs
make up the plant body.
 Students are able to understand the
differences between various types of
permanent tissue that make up the plant
 Students are able to understand the
function of each permanent tissue that
makes up the plant body.
 analyze the relationship between
structure and function of cells in
permanent tissue.
 Students are able to understand the
structure of the organs that make up the
plant body.
 Students are able to understand the
differences between the various types of
organs that make up the plant body.
 Students are able to understand the
function of each organ that makes up the
plant body.
 analyze the relationship between the
structure and function of cells in organs.
4  Students are able to understand the Animal Organ Tissue 13 JP
characteristics, functions and types of Structure
epithelial tissue.
 Students are able to understand the
functions and components of connective
 Students are able to understand true
connective tissue.
 Students are able to understand the
structure and function of fluid connective
 Students are able to understand the
structure and function of supporting
connective tissue.
 Students are able to understand the
structure and function of muscle tissue.
 Students are able to understand the
structure and function of neural
5  Students are able to explain the function Movement System 10 JP
of the skeleton.
 Students are able to explain the structure
of the frame.
 Students are able to explain ossification
 Differentiate between cartilage and hard
 Students are able to identify types of
bones based on their shape.
 Describe the relationships between bones
 Students are able to explain the various
types of muscles.
 Students are able to explain the nature of
muscle action.
 Students are able to explain the energy
for muscle work
 Describe the mechanism of muscle
6  Students are able to explain the Bloodstream system 8 JP
components of blood which consist of
blood plasma and blood cells.
 Students are able to identify blood types
in humans
 Students are able to explain the process
of blood transfusion in humans
 Students are able to explain
abnormalities or disorders in the
circulatory system
 Students are able to explain technology
that can be used to overcome disorders of
the circulation system
7  Students are able to explain the organs of Digestive System 13 JP
the digestive system and their functions
 Students describe the function of the
digestive glands.
 Students are able to explain
disorders/abnormalities of the digestive
system in humans in everyday life
 Students are able to explain technology
related to disorders of the human
digestive system.
8  Students differentiate the processes of Respiratory system 8 JP
chest breathing and abdominal breathing.
 Students can understand the organs that
make up the respiratory system
 Students relate the air capacity of the
lungs to the way and strength a person
performs respiration.
 Students diagnose the symptoms of
diseases/disorders of the respiratory
 Students analyze the effect of air
pollution on abnormalities in the
structure and function of respiratory

Banda Aceh, January 31 2024

Headmaster, Subject teachers

(…………………………………..) (MAYA SARI)

NIP. ........................................ Npm. 2106103010084

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