English-1AS F
English-1AS F
English-1AS F
1. An article is a word that goes before a noun, giving some basic information about the noun:
Singular or plural;
Specific or general.
Examples : There’s a cat in the Sally is an accountant. There are some fun places to
garden! go in my town.
We need an apple and an orange
I need a stamp for this for the fruit salad. Here are some photos of our
letter. last holiday.
An uncountable noun is a word that only has the singular form, e.g. ‘sugar’.)
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The shopping bags are still in the car. I’ll get them.
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4. No article
Here are the main cases when we don’t use an article:
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2 Present Simple
3 &
4 Adverbs of Frequency
1. Present Simple
Do not
I, You, We, They
Negative Form Verb
Does not
He, She, It
There are however some special cases for the rule: he/she/it+Verb+s :
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To be You, We, They Are You’re Are not Aren’t Are you/we/they?
He, She, It Is He’s Is not Isn’t Is he/she/it?
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2022-2023 [ English – 1st secondary year ]
5 Adverbs of manner
1. Adverb of manner
An adverb of manner modifies or changes a sentence to tell us how something happens,
such as whether it was quickly or slowly.
To make an adverb of manner:
He writes well and his illustrations ware beautifully drawn.
The cake was lovingly made
She whispered softly then he said ‘What?’ loudly.
If there is a preposition before the verb’s object, you can place the adverb of manner before
the preposition or after the object.
It landed on the rug softly.
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The placement of an adverb of manner can sometimes alter the entire sentence, so it’s
important to take car when using them when there’s more than one verb in a sentence.
She quickly asked me to hand over the phone.
The asking is quick.
She asked me quickly to hand over the phone.
She asked me to quickly hand over the phone.
The handing over is quick.
She asked me to hand over the phone quickly.
An author can Use it at the start of the sentence to grab the reader’s attention and draw a
focus on the adverb, this emphasizes the meaning of the adverb.
Slowly, she opened the door.
Quickly, he ran back to his mother.
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6 Adverbs of degree
1. Adverb of degree
An adverb of degree modifies the sentence to tell us the intensity of something. They are
normally placed before the adjective, adverb or verb that they modify, but there are some
Adverb of degree Modifying Example
Extremely Adjective It was extremely hot last summer.
Just Verb I just finished my homework
Very Adverb or adjective He drove very fast.
It was very cold.
Almost Verb I almost fell over.
Enough Adjective It’s not big enough.
Is the coffee hot enough?
I got here early enough to find a seat.
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2. Rule
Adverb of degree + adjective + infinitive verb
Adjective + adverb of degree + infinitive verb
The soup is very hot to eat.
The meat is not cooked well to eat it.
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7 Prepositional Verbs
1. Prepositional verbs
Some verbs are followed by prepositions so the meaning of the verb changes according to
the preposition that follows the verb.
We don’t use a preposition after the verb phone.
I have phoned my friend.
Verb + proposition Meaning Example Nouns
To accuse someone of To think that someone has They accused him of the An accusation
done something especially accident. He was driving
something bad. too fast.
To apologize for To say you are sorry about We want to apologize for An apology
something you have done. today misunderstanding.
To apply for To make a formal written He wants to be better An application
request for a job, a place et a paid. That’s why he
college etc… applied for that job.
To belong to To be the property of someone This book belongs to me. A belonging
or to be a member of a group It’s mine!
or an association.
To complain of To say you are not satisfied They are complaining of A complain
about something or someone. the night noise.
To remind someone of To make someone remember He reminds of his father. A reminder
something or someone He resembles him.
To stare at To look at someone or I don’t understand why A stare
something for a long time he is staring at me. It’s
without moving your eyes. embarrassing.
To suspect someone of To say that someone has done he was arrested because A suspicion
something wrong or illegal. he was suspected for
To leave for To go away from one place you When are you leaving for A leave
are in now to go to another London?
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1. Must/musn’t
Must is a modal verb that does not have a past or a future form. Modal verbs are:
Followed by an infinitive without to.
Don’t add ‘–s’ after he/she/it.
Don’t use ‘do’ in negatives and questions.
Must = Express present and future necessity: rules and obligation that comes from the
speaker, he thinks it’s necessary.
Mustn’t (the first t is silent) = must not = prohibition: you can’t do something. It’s
necessary that you don’t do it.
I must go to the doctor.
You must be here at 7:00 am.
He must come with us.
We mustn’t arrive early.
You mustn’t wait here.
She mustn’t call him at work hours.
Must we arrive early?
2. Have to/haven’t to
Have to is used to talk about present and future rules and obligations: it’s an external
obligation another person thinks it’s necessary. It’s weaker than must :
Don’t have to means absence of necessity: you can do something but you don’t need to
do it.
Have to has a past form ‘had to’ and future form ‘will have to’. Had to is the past form of
must and have to.
Use do/don’t, does/doesn’t, did/didn’t in questions and negative sentences in present
and past tense.
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I have to study for the exam tomorrow.
He has to stop smoking.
You don’t have to wait here.
You don’t have to pick me up at the station. I can take a taxi.
The car broke down and we had to call a taxi.
You don’t have to wait here.
Do you have to get up early tomorrow?
Did you have to get early yesterday?
Did you have to buy a new sound card?
I can hear, you don’t have to shout.
You mustn’t smoke here!
All Applicants must fill the form.
All applicants have to fill the form.
I had to go to the bank yesterday because I was short of money.
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9 Connectors : reason/consequence
1. Connectors
Connectors are words or groups of words that help to connect words, phrases or sentences.
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Prepositions pronoun.
Owing to A cause Adverbial: it Ishak could not attend the
(= because of, as complements a class owing to his illness.
a result of) verb.
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Subordinating Conjunction
1. What is subordinating conjunction?
A subordinating conjunction is a word or phrase that links a dependent clause to an independent
clause. This word or phrase indicates that a clause has informative value to add to the sentence’s
main idea, signaling a cause-and-effect relationship or a shift in time and place between the two
Dependent clause = subordinate clause.
It does not express a complete unit of thought on its own; it cannot stand as its own
It depends upon an independent clause—one that can stand on its own as a complete
sentence—to form a complete idea
[Main clause] Mrs. Weaver had to work full-time [Subordinate clause] in order to earn a
living for herself and her family of five children.
They never parked the big van in front of the house in order to upset the neighbors.
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2022-2023 [ English – 1st secondary year ]
11 Forming Nouns
1. Noun
A word that refers to a person, place, thing, event, substance or quality.
Nurse, cat, party, oil, poverty.
2. Verb
A word or phrase that describes an action, condition or experience.
Run, look, feel.
3. Adjective
A word that describes a noun.
Big, boring, pink, quick, obvious.
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2022-2023 [ English – 1st secondary year ]
Past Simple
1. Regular verb
2. Irregular verbs
I, You, We, They,
Affirmative Form Irregular past of the verb
He, She, It
To be You, We, They Were You’re Are not Aren’t Are you/we/they?
He, She, It was He’s Is not Isn’t Is he/she/it?
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2022-2023 [ English – 1st secondary year ]
1. What is a syllable?
A syllable is a unit of spoken language that forms an entire word or parts of words.
Syllables are sometimes referred to as the 'beats' of a word that form its rhythm, and
breaking a word into syllables can help English learners with phonetic spelling
A syllable is a single, unbroken vowel sound within a spoken word. They typically contain a
vowel, or two if one is silent, and perhaps one or more accompanying consonants.
All words are made from at least one syllable. The word :
o ‘Butter’ contains two syllables: ‘but’ and ‘ter’.
o 'Tie' has one syllable.
o 'Rescue' has two syllables - Res + cue
o 'Alphabet' has three syllables - Al + pha + bet
o 'Activity' has four syllables - Ac + tiv + i + ty
o 'Electricity' has five syllables - E + lec + tri + ci + ty
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There are more types of syllables that you might come across in more advanced grammar, including:
ai ay ow oe ie ee oi ea oa
2022-2023 [ English – 1st secondary year ]
Forming Nouns