Remote Access 2020
Remote Access 2020
Remote Access 2020
Name: Date:
Staff please have your Manager complete below. Physicians please provide your CPSO: __________
Cerner Scheduling
Physician Access
Pharmacist Applications
Share/Home Drives
Other: ________________________________
I acknowledge that I have received and read the Remote Access training documentation and
understand my responsibilities in using this software. I acknowledge that I have read and
understand the North York General Hospital’s policies and procedures on privacy and data
I understand that:
I can use the remote access software from my home (or office) computer or
personal computing device; I cannot use it from an internet kiosk or any public
personal computer or computing device.
I must keep my passwords confidential and secure. I will not share my username
and/or password with anyone, nor will I attempt to use those of others.
I agree that I will not access, use, copy, modify disclose or dispose of any confidential,
personal or personal health information that I learn of or possess because of my affiliation
with North York General Hospital, unless it is necessary for me to do so in order to
perform my job responsibilities. I also understand that under no circumstances may
confidential, personal or personal health information be communicated either within or
outside of North York General Hospital, except to other persons who are authorized by
North York General Hospital to receive such information.
To comply with hospital security guidelines, any account that is not accessed for a period
of 90 days will be deactivated. The account can be reactivated by calling the North York
General Hospital Helpdesk.
I understand that failure to uphold these responsibilities may result in the termination of
my employment or affiliation with North York General Hospital and may also result in
legal action being taken against me by North York General Hospital and others.