Cask of Amontillado Questions

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Fortunato is dressed like a court jester or clown and he is, in fact, a fool who

The thousand injuries of Fortunato I had borne as I best could, but falls into Montresor's trap. The clothing makes the man in this story.
when he ventured upon insult I vowed revenge." Obviously, Fortunato Fortunato is fooled by Montresor, but it is also partly Fortunato's own foolish
hasn't harmed Montresor a full 1,000 times. the line makes me less ego that leads him into peril, as he feels competitive with Luchresi and
sympathetic because I can't imagine Fortunato has done anything so wants to present himself as the better man

terrible as to deserve a brutal killing.

A Priest maybe while he is on his deathbed to cleanse his soul before

he dies.

Even if a victim gets revenge on the person who wronged him/her,

there's no complete revenge if the victim is soured by the
event/poisoned by the pursuit of revenge

First, he dangles a rare treat, the Amontillado,

before Fortunato, who is a known wine
connoisseur. Second, he nds Fortunato on a party
night when he's already a bit drunk and his
defenses are down. Third, he continues to ply
Fortunato doesn't know that Montresor was going to Fortunato with alcohol to further blur his
kill him, the closest people to you can be your biggest judgment.
enemy. He knows his weaknesses. Pretty Little Liars
because A always has the upperhand.

He told them he would be gone all night and

ordered them to stay in the house instead of
going to the city-wide party
Montresor is the classic unreliable narrator. We should not fully
Enough," [Fortunato] said. "The cough's a mere nothing; it will not kill believe everything he says, as he is clearly mentally deranged. He's
me. I shall not die of a cough." 2. Montresor has brought a trowel a murderer who never gives us a full or satisfying reason for the
with him to the catacombs, which he jokingly shows to Fortunato, murder.
who is too thick to ask questions.

When the two men are drinking the Medoc, Fortunato says, "I 1. The drops of moisture trickle among the bones. the buried that repose around us." Then, Montresor says, 2. We passed through a range of low arches, descended, passed on,
"And I to your long life." This is ironic because Montresor intends for and descending again, arrived at a deep crypt, in which the foulness
just the opposite to be true. of the air caused our flambeaux rather to glow than flame.

When Montresor offers the Medoc wine to Fortunato, what is the

reason he gives for wanting the other man to drink? What is the real Whatever he did it wouldn't be as bad shown that what Montresor did
reason? Why does Montresor also have a drink?

It's most likely a combination of the dampness of the tunnels and the
nitre, or potassium nitrate, in the air. He does not feel sick about
what he's done to Fortunato

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