FETiCON 2023 Procceding
FETiCON 2023 Procceding
FETiCON 2023 Procceding
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
Dr. H. U. Hambali, Department of Chemical Engineering, University of Ilorin - Chair
Dr. A. B. Ehinmowo, Department of Chemical and Petroleum Engineering, University of Lagos, Nigeria
Dr. E. O. Ige, Afe Babalola University, Ado-Ekiti, Nigeria
Dr. T. D. Akpenpuun, Department of Agricultural & Biosystems Engineering, University of Ilorin, Ilorin.
Dr. S. A. Yahaya, Department of Biomedical Engineering, University of Ilorin – Secretary
Prof. Omodele A. A. Eletta
Prof. O. A. Lasode
Prof. J. K. Odusote
© 2023
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
It is with immense pleasure and a profound sense of accomplishment that we present the Book of Proceedings for the University
of Ilorin 1st Faculty of Engineering International Conference (FETiCON 2023). This collection represents the culmination of
a remarkable event that took place between 5th and 7th June 2023, bringing together brilliant minds from diverse disciplines
within the realm of engineering and technological development.
FETiCON 2023 was envisioned as a platform to foster collaboration, share cutting-edge research, and inspire innovation that
could drive sustainable technological development and nation-building. The conference was meticulously designed to
encourage meaningful interactions among scientists, scholars, engineers, and industry leaders, creating an environment
conducive to intellectual exploration and discovery.
Within these pages, we present a compilation of research papers, presentations, and insights that encapsulate the rich tapestry
of ideas and advancements shared during the conference. The contributions come from a diverse array of professionals and
scholars who have dedicated their expertise to addressing some of the most pressing challenges facing our world today.
The thematic areas covered in this book encompass a wide spectrum of engineering disciplines, including Aeronautic
Engineering, Agricultural and Biosystems Engineering, Biomedical Engineering, Chemical Engineering, Civil Engineering,
Computer Engineering, Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Food Engineering, Materials and Metallurgical Engineering,
Mechanical Engineering, and Water Resources and Environmental Engineering. Each contribution reflects the dedication and
passion of its respective authors, whose commitment to their fields of study is commendable.
This Book of Proceedings also serves as a testament to the invaluable support we have received from numerous individuals
and organizations. We extend our deepest gratitude to our sponsors, whose generous contributions made this conference
possible. Their commitment to promoting knowledge exchange and technological advancement is truly commendable.
We are equally indebted to our keynote speaker, plenary presenters, and all the presenters who enriched the conference with
their insightful contributions. Their expertise and thought-provoking ideas have set new benchmarks for future research
Our heartfelt appreciation also goes to our Vice Chancellor, Professor Wahab Olasupo Egbewole and all principal officers,
our Dean, Professor Olumuyiwa Ajani Lasode, the faculty members, students, and dedicated conference planning committee
who worked tirelessly to ensure the smooth organization and seamless execution of FETiCON 2023. Your efforts have left an
indelible mark on the success of this conference. We also remember the good effort of Late Professor M.F. Akorede, with
whom this journey was started. May the good Lord continue to rest his soul in peace.
Lastly, we express our gratitude to the University of Ilorin and all supporting institutions for their unwavering support and
encouragement. Their commitment to promoting excellence in engineering and technology education has been the bedrock of
our endeavors.
In conclusion, we hope that this Book of Proceedings will serve as a source of inspiration, knowledge, and collaboration for
researchers, students, policymakers, and industry leaders alike. We are confident that the research and ideas presented here
will contribute significantly to the advancement of engineering knowledge and the attainment of sustainable development
Thank you for being a part of FETiCON 2023, and we look forward to future collaborations and endeavors that will continue
to shape the landscape of engineering and technological development.
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
This paper assessed the prediction capability of time series smoothing techniques in predicting the stream flow of
Hadejia River. Four smoothing techniques were employed for the analysis of 36 years monthly stream flow data
(1965 – 2000). The techniques are Moving Average (MAS), Holt and Winters (HWS), Simple Exponential (SES),
and Fourier (FS) methods. The performance evaluation parameters used in assessing the suitability of the
techniques were mean squared error (MSE), root mean squared error (RMSE), mean absolute percentage error
(MAPE), coefficient of determination (R2), and Nash-Sutcliff Coefficient of Efficiency (NSE). The predicting
capability of stream flow using MAS, HWS, and SES was found to be inadequate (MSE, RMSE, MAPE, R2, and
NSE values are out of range) whereas the FS technique was found to be suitable. Aside the month of June where
R2 and NSE were 0.43, all other model's parameters of FS were adequate. The MSE was found to vary between
3.92 and 247.10, RMSE between 1.98 and 15.72, MAPE between 13.51 and 546.06, R2 between 0.434 and 0.923,
and NSE between 0.430 and 0.923. The study concludes that Fourier smoothing technique is the most suitable for
predicting the stream flow of the study area among all the techniques assessed.
KEYWORDS: Nash-Sutcliff, River, Smoothing, Stream flow, and Root Mean Squared Error.
Stream flow, or discharge, is the volume of water that moves over a designated point over a fixed period of time
which is directly correlated to the amount of water moving off the watershed into the stream channel (EPA, 2012).
Precise prediction of stream flow is of great importance for the effective management of water resources systems
(Karran et al., 2014; Adhikary et al., 2018; and Güneş et al., 2021). Among other benefits, stream flow prediction
can influence important decisions such as water allocation, cropping strategies, water market planning,
environmental watering, operating multi-storage water supply schemes, and drought management.
Many techniques have been applied in predicting stream flow values. Examples can be found in Post and Jakeman
(1999) and Chiew et al. (2018) where they applied the Rainfall-Runoff model; Patel et, al. (2016) and Mehraein
et. al., (2022) applied different regression techniques; Adnan et al. (2017a); Liu et al. (2020) applied Artificial
Neural Network; Parisouj et al., (2022) applied coupled model by combining model-driven models and machine
learning. Further examples could be found in Adnan et al., (2017b); Machekposhti et al., (2018) where they
applied time series Autoregressive Integrated Moving Average (ARIMA) and Autoregressive Moving Average
Model (ARMA) models. Time series smoothing models were also applied at various times. Examples can be
found in Lukman and Tanan (2020), Papacharalampous and Tyralis (2020) and Brito et al. (2021). This paper is
therefore set to assess the prediction capability of time series smoothing techniques in predicting the stream flow
of Hadejia River, Nigeria.
The smoothing technique is defined by an expression Yt where t = 1,2,..n and the time series of concern defined
by PtYt+h where the predictor Yt+h is that which returns minimum mean square error and εt that follows N(0,1) a
white noise. Four smoothing methods are deployed in predicting the stream flow of the study area. The methods
are; moving average, Holt and winters, simple exponential, and Fourier. The smoothing models are observed to
be non-stationary that do not assume homoscedasticity (Rosenblad, 2021); the techniques chosen were thus all
applied to the untransformed (raw) data.
2.1 Moving Average Method
The moving average model takes into account past (and optionally future) observations to predict values and it
works as a filter that removes white noise. An observation influences all future predictions and it is defined by
Equation (2.1). The analysis utilized the equal weights method at 95% confidence level with q=2
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
𝑌𝑡 = 𝜇𝑡 + 𝜀𝑡
! 𝜔𝑌
𝑖=𝑞 𝑖 𝑡+𝑖
𝜇𝑡 = 𝑞𝑙
𝑖=𝑞 𝑖
The concept of the Fourier smoothing is to transform a time series into its Fourier coordinates, then remove part
of the higher frequencies, and then transform the coordinates back to a signal. This new signal is a smoothed
The paper utilized xlstat (an Excel extension) for the analysis. Four smoothing techniques were employed for the
analysis of 36 years monthly stream flow data (1965 – 2000) of the Hadejia River to ascertain their suitability in
predicting the flow of the river. The techniques are Moving Average (MAS), Holt and Winters (HWS), Simple
Exponential (SES), and Fourier (FS) methods. The fitness of each method is ascertained by sets of performance
evaluation parameters. The parameters were mean squared error (MSE), root mean squared error (RMSE), mean
absolute percentage error (MAPE), coefficient of determination (R2), and Nash-Sutcliff Coefficient of Efficiency
i. The MSE measures the amount of error in statistical models. It assesses the average squared difference
between the observed and predicted values. When a model has no error, the MSE equals zero. As model
error increases, its value increases. Values closer to zero represent a relatively fit model.
ii. The RMSE is commonly used in model performance evaluation that computes and reported in the same
unit as the model output of concern. It works well for continuous long-term simulations. The values of
RMSE range between zero and infinity (0 - ∞) with 0 as the optimal value (Moriasi et al., 2015). Values
closer to zero represent a relatively fitter model.
iii. The MAPE measures the accuracy of a forecast system. It measures this accuracy as a percentage and
can be calculated as the average absolute per cent error for each time period minus actual values
divided by actual values. MAPE values range from zero to infinity (0 - ∞), where the lower the value
the more accurate the prediction is.
iv. R2 is widely used in hydrological modelling studies, thus serving as a benchmark for performance
evaluation. The values of R2 range between zero and one (0 – 1). For a monthly flow simulation, R2 >
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
0.85 shows a very good model, 0.75 < R2 <= 0.85 a good model, 0.60 < R2 <= 0.75 a satisfactory model,
and R2 <= 0.60 shows not satisfactory model (Moriasi et al., 2015).
v. The NSE is used to evaluate model performance for several output responses (including stream flow)
and can also be used to determine how well a model simulates trends for output responses of concern.
The values of NSE range between minus infinity and one (-∞ - 1.0) with an optimal value of 1.0. For a
monthly flow simulation, NSE > 0.8 shows a very good model, 0.70 < NSE <= 0.8 shows a good model,
0.50 < NSE <= 0.70 a satisfactory model, and NSE <= 0.5 shows not satisfactory model (Moriasi et al.,
The HWS shows a relatively better prediction capability than MAS. As presented in Table 4.1, aside R2 which
varies between 0.030 and 0.481 all other performance evaluation parameters return relatively better results than
that of MAS. The MSE results vary between 28.75 and 687, RMSE between 4.564 and 26.223, MAPE between
32.024 and 355.772, and NSE between -0.451 and 0.481. The HWS model also predicts better during the period
of low flows as results of R2, NSE, RMSE, and MSE are better from January to April (even though the R2 and
NSE were not adequate) which corresponds to the period of low flow. The result agrees with the work of Toro et,
al., (2008) where HWS performed relatively better than MAS and lower than SES (as is also the case here which
can be understood better after reading the next paragraph).
4.3 Simple Exponential Smoothing (SES)
The SES shows a relatively better prediction capability than HWS. As presented in Table 4.2, the MSE varies
between 17.853 and 721.072, RMSE between 4.225 and 26.853, MAPE between 32.365 and 333.473, R2 between
0.005 and 0.621, and NSE between -0.064 and 0.415. The model also predicts better during a period of low flow
as the performance evaluation parameters return a better result between January and April. The result is in
agreement with the work of Lukman and Tanan (2020) where SES was observed to be weak in predicting monthly
stream flow by returning the same average discharge value for each month (January – December). In the work,
the model accuracy was found to be -0.08 while the MAPE value was found to be 142.55 which are all within the
range of the values found by this study. The result is also in agreement with Toro et al., (2023) where SES predicts
stream flow relatively better than HWS. Overall, the model performance is also inadequate in predicting the stream
flow of the study area. For this limitation, Dullah et al., (2023) proposed the integration of a nonlinear
autoregressive neural network with HWS and SES which improves the precision of the prediction beyond
applying the HWS or SES alone. Overall, the predicting capability of stream flow of the study area using HWS is
4.4 Fourier (FS)
The FS technique returns a much better predicting capability in the study area than the previous three models
(MAS, HWS, and SES). Aside the month of June where R2 and NSE were 0.43, all other model parameters are
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
good. The MSE was found to vary between 3.92 and 247.10, RMSE between 1.98 and 15.72, MAPE between
13.51 and 546.06, R2 between 0.434 and 0.923, and NSE between 0.430 and 0.923. The model also shows greater
prediction capabilities in the period of low flow even though its predicting capabilities for the remaining months
(except June) are adequate. The model's performance evaluation parameters are presented in Table 4.2 while Fig.
4.1 presents the results showing the observed versus simulated stream flow across all months. This result can be
supported by the work of Bayazit et al., (2001) where they found Fourier analysis to be able to simulate monthly
stream flow relatively well with reasonably small variations within the simulations.
This paper assessed the prediction capability of four time series smoothing techniques (moving average, Holt and
winters (linear), simple exponential, and Fourier) in predicting a monthly stream flow of Hadejia River, Nigeria.
The predicting capabilities of moving average, Holt and winters, and simple exponential were found to be
inadequate. The Fourier method returns a relatively better technique for predicting the stream flow of the river.
The Fourier performance evaluation parameters return RMSE value in the range of 1.98 and 13.51, R2 and NSE
values in the range of 0.4 and 0.9. This paper, therefore, recommends the application of Fourier in predicting of
monthly stream flow of the Hadejia River
Table 4.1: Performance Evaluation Parameters of MAS and HWS
Moving Average (Equal Weight Method) Holt and winters (Linear Holt)
Jan 9 2.93 87.25 0.8310 0.827 28.754 5.362 95.254 0.544 0.481
Feb 98 9.88 197.35 0.8130 -1.661 24.096 4.909 78.273 0.433 0.406
Mar 453 21.29 485.61 0.7590 -9.134 30.413 5.515 84.124 0.418 0.397
Apr 1529 39.11 1033.31 0.4570 -54.176 20.834 4.564 129.466 0.354 0.332
May 4091 63.96 753.90 0.3820 -107.96 35.882 5.990 244.330 0.176 0.151
Jun 11612 107.76 568.83 0.0002 -113.525 150.934 12.286 355.772 0.030 -0.387
July 32130 179.25 303.59 0.0170 -0.217 150.849 12.282 36.356 0.050 -0.301
Aug 91420 302.36 266.30 0.0003 -308.587 291.167 17.064 32.024 0.222 -0.399
Sep 262559 512.40 295.91 0.2390 -359.085 681.905 26.113 36.995 0.268 -0.415
Oct 779165 882.70 1220.54 0.4590 -1011.316 687.656 26.223 74.955 0.235 0.038
Nov 2196079 1481.92 5455.70 0.8800 -7891.579 253.197 15.912 88.477 0.388 0.181
Dec 6099860 2469.79 21138.40 0.8470 -49721.141 105.049 10.249 186.070 0.366 0.236
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
Fig 4.1: Observed Versus Simulated Stream Flow Across All Months.
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Alonso Brito, G. R., Rivero Villaverde, A., Lau Quan, A., & Ruíz Pérez, M. E. (2021). Comparison between
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30(4), 3065–3075. https://doi.org/10.15244/pjoes/130767
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
Karran, D. J., Morin, E., & Adamowski, J. (2014). Multi-step streamflow forecasting using data-driven non-linear
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Kumar, M., Jawaharlal, H., Krishi Vishwavidyalaya, N., Seetpal, M., Patel, S., Hardaha, M. K., Seetpal, M. K.,
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Lukman, M., & Tanan, B. (2021). Time Series Modeling by using Exponential Smoothing Technique For River
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Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, 1088(1), 012100. https://doi.org/10.1088/1757-
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Papacharalampous, G., & Tyralis, H. (2020). Hydrological time series forecasting using simple combinations: Big
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Post, D. A., & Jakeman, A. J. (1999). Predicting the daily streamflow of ungauged catchments in S.E. Australia
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Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
This paper discusses the technologies involved in generating electricity through geothermal energy and its
environmental impacts. The inability of the federal government of Nigeria to maintain steady power supply for
the populace has necessitated the need to research into alternative sources of power supply. The focus of this work
is on geothermal energy as one of the renewable energy source. In this work, the technology of geothermal was
analyzed. The details of how electricity can be generated from geothermal technology were explained. A review
of recent previous works by others researchers and the major components of geothermal energy system were
discussed. Effort was made in this report to discuss the classifications of geothermal energy and the merits of
using geothermal energy as source for electricity generation. The environmental impacts of using geothermal
technology to generate electricity were also highlighted. The geological features and subsurface temperature data
of oil and shallow water wells from both Northern and Southern part of this country shows the possible presence
of geothermal energy due to the thermal gradient. If tapped, this will serve as alternative energy, as being utilized
by several other countries since it can produce base load electricity which is reliable and sustainable unlike many
other renewable energy sources that are affected by weather and seasonal variations.
KEYWORDS: geothermal energy, renewable energy, electricity generation, alternative energy and environmental
This study focuses on technologies of geothermal electricity generation and its environmental impacts in Nigeria.
Geothermal energy refers to the production of energy using the internal heat of the earth’s crust. This heat comes
from the radioactive decay of minerals and continual heat loss from the earth’s original formation. Nigeria is
blessed with many abundant natural mineral resources such as gypsum, iron core, gold, bitumen, coal, among
others. All the natural minerals resources are as a result of the decayed plants and animal residues. The epileptic
electricity power supply has become a fundamental issue affecting the economic development of Nigeria.
Geothermal energy, which results from the radioactive decay of minerals within the Earth’s core and solar energy
systems have been discovered and utilized by several countries. Nigeria is still far behind in tapping the abundance
of geothermal energy resources (Dorcas, etal. 2016). Figure 1 show the geological setting and location of the
major structural units in Nigeria where geothermal energy can be utilized. Classification systems used for
classifying geothermal resources are based mainly on their temperatures, geologic settings and intrinsic properties
of reservoirs. This work treats geothermal energy resources as renewable, alternative and sustainable energy
resources with capabilities of generating electricity and heat for direct use applications and commercial purposes.
The earth possesses vast underground stores of energy supply in form of heat, whose potentials are yet to be fully
realized. The earth is divided into shells; the crust, the mantle and the core. Its interiors where this heat energy
occurs, reach temperatures greater than 4,0000C. The heat generated and stored in the earth is known as geothermal
energy. Geothermal energy is generated from the earth’s core, almost 6,400km beneath the earth’s surface. The
double-layered core is made up of hot melted rock (magma) surrounding a solid iron center. Very high
temperatures are continuously produced inside the earth by the slow decay of radioactive materials, a natural
process in all rocks. Surrounding the outer core is the mantle, which is about 2,900km thick and made up of
magma and rock (Colin, etal. 2011). The outermost layer of the earth, the land forming the continents and ocean
floors, is called the crust. The crust is not a solid plate; it is divided or broken into pieces called plates. Magma
from deep within the earth gets to the earth’s surface through openings at the edges of these plates and volcanic
processes are very common at these edges. Deep underground, rocks and water trapped in the earth absorb heat
from this magma.
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
Figure 1: Geological setting and location of the major structural units in Nigeria. Source: (Kurowska, E, and
Schoeneich, K , 2010)
a) Hot water is pumped from deep underground through a well under high pressure,
b) when the water reaches the surface, the pressure is dropped, which causes the water to turn into steam,
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
c) the steam spins a turbine, which is connected to a generator that produces electricity,
d) the steam cools off in a cooling tower and condenses back to water and
e) the cooled water is pumped back into the Earth to begin the process again.
Methods Adopted:
The methods adopted for the realization of this work are descriptive and analytical techniques. The technique
enables the author to give a clear description of the technology of geothermal and also do analysis on
environmental impacts in Nigeria.
Geothermal power plants draw fluids from underground reservoirs to the surface to produce steam. This steam
then drives turbines that generate electricity. There are three main types of geothermal power plant technologies
namely: dry steam, flash steam, and binary cycle.
This type of power plants uses hydrothermal fluids that are mostly steam and which is relatively natural
occurrence. The steam is drawn directly to a turbine, which drives a generator that produces electricity. After the
steam condenses, it is frequently re-injected into the reservoir. Figure 2 is a diagram showing the processes
involved in dry steam power plant.
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
Since steam is directly used to run a steam turbine, it eliminates the need for burning of coal or other fossil fuels
to generate electricity. Figure 2 shows a schematic diagram of a dry steam power plant. When the steam cools, it
condenses to water and is injected back into the ground to be used again.
Flash steam plants take high-pressure hot water from deep inside the earth and convert it to steam that drives
generator turbines. When the steam cools, it condenses to water and is injected back into the ground to be used
again. Single flash power plants are usually considered as the most economical alternative for available
geothermal resources temperature above 190 °C. Higher temperature resources will produce more liquid and
steam for natural pressure conditions. Figure 3 is a typical example of flash steam power plant. It illustrates the
stages of flash steam power plant from production well to Load.
Binary cycle plants use the heat from the hot water to boil a working fluid, usually an organic compound with a
low boiling point. The working fluid is vaporized in a heat exchanger and used to turn a turbine. The water is then
injected back into the ground to be reheated. In this first unit, the organic Rankine cycle was used to generate
electricity using Iso-pentane as a working fluid. Figure 4 is a sketch showing step by step processes involved in
binary cycle power plant.
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
The environmental impacts of electricity generation using geothermal as it affect Nigeria were discussed. The
three major affected areas are water quality, air pollution and land use. The environmental effects of geothermal
energy depend on how geothermal energy is used or how it is converted to useful energy. There are positive and
negative effects of using geothermal technology in generating electricity.
Positive effects
1. Reduced energy costs: Geothermal energy systems provide consistent and stable energy at lower costs,
leading to significant savings for consumers.
2. Job creation: Geothermal energy installation and maintenance requires skilled labor, creating job
opportunities for locals and boosting the economy.
3. Increased tax revenue: Geothermal energy projects generate tax revenue for the government, leading to
an increase in funds available for public services and infrastructure development.
4. Improved energy security: Geothermal energy is a local and indigenous source of energy, reducing
reliance on foreign sources and promoting energy security.
5. Reduced greenhouse gas emissions: Geothermal energy produces almost no emissions, leading to a
reduction in air pollution and greenhouse gas emissions.
6. Increased electricity reliability: Geothermal energy systems are highly reliable, providing consistent and
stable electricity supply with minimal disruptions.
7. Potential for export: Nigeria has significant geothermal energy potential, providing opportunities for
exporting excess electricity to neighboring countries.
8. Increased tourism: Geothermal energy installations can attract tourists and visitors to the region, boosting
the local economy and creating additional job opportunities.
9. Improved public health: Reduced air pollution from geothermal energy can lead to improved public
health outcomes, including reduced respiratory illnesses and related healthcare costs.
10. Increased property values: Properties with geothermal energy systems have higher resale values, leading
to increased property tax revenue for local governments.
Negative Effect
Geothermal power plants have impacts on both water quality and consumption. Hot water pumped from
underground reservoirs often contain high levels of sulfur, salt, and other minerals. So it is not the best
for consumption.
Air emissions
The distinction between open- and closed-loop systems is important with respect to air emissions. In
closed-loop systems, gases removed from the well are not exposed to the atmosphere and are injected
back into the ground after giving up their heat, so air emissions are minimal. In contrast, open-loop
systems emit hydrogen sulfide, carbon dioxide, ammonia, methane, and boron. Hydrogen sulfide, which
has a distinctive “rotten egg” smell, is the most common emission (Kagel, 2007).
Land use
The amount of land required by a geothermal plant varies depending on the properties of the resource
reservoir, the amount of power capacity, the type of energy conversion system, the type of cooling
system, the arrangement of wells and piping systems, and the substation and auxiliary building needs
(Kagel, 2008).
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
3. Geothermal energy produces base load electricity as it is available 24 hours a day, 365 days a year, unlike
many other renewable energy resources that are affected by weather and seasonal variations.
4. They are cost effective
5. The energy source is reliable, sustainable, and environmentally friendly
6. Geothermal power has the potential to help mitigate global warming if widely deployed in place of fossil
The technologies of geothermal electricity generation were discussed. From the discussion, it is clear that, federal
government of Nigeria should focus attention on geothermal electricity generation as an alternative power source.
This is because of the benefits it has over the currently used conventional power sources. The environmental
impact of geothermal electricity generation is almost zero. There is need to encourage Nigerian`s to invest on
geothermal electricity generation as alternative source for power generation
Dorcas S. Eyinla, Michael A. Oladunjoye, Thompson H.T. Ogunribido and Olumuyiwa A. Odundun (2016). An
Overview of Geothermal Energy Resources in Nigeria. Environtropica – An International Journal of the
Tropical Environment. Pages61-71, ISSN 1597-815X
Colin, F.W, Reed, J.R and Anderson A.F.,( 2011). Updating the Classification of Geothermal
Resources. U.S Geological Survey (USGS), Menlo Park, CA 94025, Department ofEnergy, Geothermal
Technologies Program Washington, DC.
Garba M . L, Kurowska E, Schoeneich K and Abdullahi I (2022) Rafin rewa warm spring, a new geothermal
discovery. American International Journal of Contemporary Research 2: 231-236.
Omanga USA, (1998) Preliminary geophysical investigation of the source of heat of the wikki warm spring,
Bauchi, Nigeria. A Thesis Submitted to the Department of Physics, Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria, in
Partial Fulfilment for the Award of the Degree of Master of Science in Applied Geophysics, 1-93.
Kurowska E and Schoeneich K, (2017) Geothermal exploration in Nigeria. Proceedings of World Geothermal
Congress, Indonesia, 25-29.
Kagel, A, (2007). A Guide to Geothermal Energy and the Environment. Washington, DC: Geothermal Energy
Kagel, A. (2008). The State of Geothermal Technology. Part II: Surface Technology. Washington, DC:
Geothermal Energy Association.
Rybach, L. (2007). “Geothermal Sustainability”. Proceedings European Geothermal Congress,Unterhaching,
Germany, 5 p.
Kurowska E. and Schoeneich K. (2010). Proceedings World Geothermal Congress 2010 Bali,Indonesia, 25-29
April 2010.
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University of Ilorin, Nigeria
E. E. C. Igbonoba, A. Obayuwana
Department of Computer Engineering, University of Benin, Benin City, Edo State, Nigeria.
Email: igbonoba2000@live.com
This research work focused on accident detection system for emergency medical aid; the study identifies the
society's slow response to medical emergencies as a major problem. In order to enhance and maximize the
anticipated reaction time, this system aims to provide an early detection of accidents and transmit the information
promptly to the emergency unit. The study was carried out in Benin city, Nigeria utilizing a test bed methodology
that included a wireless embedded system, a cloud platform, and several electronic sensors and modules, including
a Global system for mobile communications (GSM) module (SIM800l), a Global positioning system (GPS)
module (NEO-6M), an accelerometer (ADX335), a shock sensor, an Atmega328p microcontroller, etc. The
developed device was connected to the cloud platform via GSM module, which also served as the device's GPS
receiver and shock sensor. The accelerometer and shock sensor were utilized to identify crashes. The detection
rate provided by the created accident detection algorithm served as the metric for the system's accuracy. The
response time ranges between 9 and 12 seconds was obtained as time taken to identify the accident and alert the
closest hospital. This verifies the systems' degree of accuracy when used in real-time.Keywords: Cloud Platform,
database, internet of things, web application, wireless system.
The internet of things (IoT) is a term used to describe physical objects that can be connected to a network and
exchange data with other objects and systems via the internet or other communication networks. Its main focus is
on information that is gathered in real time and decision-making based on this information (Mouha, 2021). The
emergence of IoT holds potential for the creation of intelligent systems and applications, such as smart farming,
smart homes, among others. Its use in transportation management or systems is receiving a lot of attention from
academia and business, and, it is considered as a way to improve road safety in smart cities (Gomathy et al., 2022).
Vehicles equipped with a variety of sensors make it possible to not only keep an eye on the surroundings and the
vehicle itself in real time, but, it also makes incident detection easier. The current trend in the death rate from road
accidents made the use of this technique necessary. Despite the significant efforts made by international road
safety organisations to reduce the number of deaths related to road accidents by organising awareness campaigns,
discouraged drinking and driving, promoting the use of seat belts and airbags, and other innovative traffic
solutions, accident crashes still remain high.
The problem of false alarms emerges because the majority of these works primarily focus on the accidents
detection with little or no technique for accident reporting (alert system). The majority of these road fatalities
occur as a result of emergency management authorities' and medical personnel's poor reaction times (Devi and
Anila, 2018; Adelabu, 2017). If emergency medical care is offered at the scene of an accident, an accident victim's
odds of survival may rise dramatically (Aloul et al., 2014). Getting to collisions faster is one of the most efficient
strategies to reduce road traffic deaths. Several tools, like e-Notify, are available to aid in the detection and
reporting of road traffic accidents (Aloul et al., 2014 and Bhatti el al., 2019). Each vehicle must have an on-board
unit (OBU) to use the e-Notify system. Even though this might be a good option, it is pricey and not all vehicles
might have on-board devices. The eCall system was created by the European Commission, who also mandated its
installation in every vehicle created after 2015. The emergency number 112, 999 in the UK, and some other
countries are alerted when the eCall system discovers an accident (Zhao, 2000; Ali and Alwan, 2015).
The goal of this project is to combine low-cost devices, several sensors, a database of hospital profiles, an effective
detection algorithm, and IoT infrastructure to increase the accuracy of accident detection and emergency response
times for traffic incidents in Benin City, Nigeria. According to a recent World Health Organization (WHO) report,
Africa has the highest annual death and injury rates at 1.35 million and 50 million, respectively (WHO, 2018).
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
Furthermore, Nigeria recorded over thirty nine thousand (39,000) fatalities from these statistics. Road accidents
are the eighth leading cause of fatalities globally, according to the Association for Safe International Road Travel
(ASIRT), and it is projected to be the fifth leading cause of fatalities in the near future unless significant changes
are made with the aid of technology and increased public awareness (ASIRT, 2020).
According to ASIRT, managing road accidents and the resulting social harm costs every country a significant
amount of money—about two percent (2%) of its annual budget (ASIRT, 2020). In response to the depressing
figures listed above, researchers have developed strategies to address the issues of accident collisions and
fatalities, including drivers monitoring systems, smart traffic systems, establishing road management agencies,
emergency management devices etc.
The objective of the study is to: - enhance and maximize the anticipated reaction time to road crashes thereby
reducing mortality rates associated with road crashes in the society. A test bed methodology that included a
wireless embedded system, a cloud platform, and several electronic sensors and modules were adopted.
The existing assistance system in the event of a car accident focuses mostly on one sensor (Amin et al., 2012).
Researchers Vinod et al. (2019); Rajkiran and Anusha (2014) and Vinod et al. (2019) presented a system that uses
GPS to automatically detect accidents and alerts all nearby hospitals and law enforcement agencies. This
hardware-based system only uses one sensor to identify accidents; if this sensor malfunctions, the entire system
fails. Some technologies detect accidents and alert rescue crews using the gravitational pitch. These systems, like
those described in Bhatti et al. (2019), suffer from the same issue of using just one sensor. Relying on a single
sensor increases the possibility of false positives, or the reporting of an accident when none actually occurred.
Some systems, described in Suo et al. (2012), employ accelerometer data as a trigger to alert emergency services
of a collision.
The result obtained showed that the system was able to react quickly to accident crashes. Finally, the results show
that the emergency response time - the time it takes to locate the accident and notify the closest hospital is between
9 to 12 seconds. This demonstrates the accuracy level of the technologies when utilized in real-time.
In this research, four layers model design namely: perception or sensory layer, network layer, intermediate layer,
and application layer was adopted in order to achieve the intended goal (Bhatti et al., 2019; Pathik et al., 2022).
The IoT architecture used is graphically depicted in Figure 1.
3.1 Methods
In order to decrease the reaction time for rescue operations, a novel IoT technology was created to identify accident
crashes and notify the required personnel. The cloud system and the wireless embedded device were linked to
function as one unified entity from the designed methodology. Figure 2 depicts the system's architecture modeled
from (Ali and Alwan, 2015).
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
The GSM module, GPS module, accelerometer, shock sensor, and other types of modules and sensors were used
to create the wireless embedded device. To create the working system, these components were interfaced with a
microcontroller as illustrated in the block diagram of Figure 3.
Power Supply
GSM Module
Gps Module
@Ekwunife O.C.
The various wireless embedded device modules were created to carry out their specific tasks in order to
accomplish the predetermined objectives as shown in the system circuit diagram in appendix A.
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
The Waterfall Model was the software development approach employed. The waterfall model divides a project's
operations into a series of linear phases, each of which is composed of specialized tasks and is dependent on the
previous phase's deliverables. The method is common in some branches of engineering design. Although progress
moves mostly in one direction ("downwards" like a waterfall) through the phases of conception, initiation,
analysis, design, construction, testing, deployment, and maintenance, it tends to be among the less iterative and
adaptable approaches in software development. Given that the software system needs to connect with the hardware
sensing device and other software systems, it is employed here to enable optimize the architecture of the
development process. The process' most frequent steps are shown in Figure 5.
The connections between the various system components are shown in Figure 6. The GPRS gateway transmits
data from the embedded device to the web application. Figure 6 depicts the data movement diagram that explains
how data moves throughout the cloud system, from the wireless electronic device to the backend, database,
webpages (frontend), and google map. Static Maps API and Locations API were used to create the web
application. Google offers a consumer application and web mapping platform called Google Maps. It provides
route planning for walking, driving, flying (in beta), and taking public transportation, as well as satellite imagery,
aerial photography, street maps, 360-degree interactive panorama views of streets (Street View), and real-time
traffic conditions.
Google map
Web pages/ Backend
Frontend web server
Figure 6: Cloud structure showing data flow (Ali and Alwan, 2015)
In this work, the database system was implemented using MongoDB. Instead of using tables and rows like
standard relational databases, it employs collections and documents. The system's database was modeled using
the embedded data model, which MongoDB offers in addition to the normalized model. With this method of data
modeling, the designer has the option of including all relevant data in a single document. The MongoDB
collections for the hospitals providing ambulance services near Benin City were carried out showing its: - hospital
name, address, location, phone numbers and number of ambulances and other data available.
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
The system is designed to function in a manner that the device's end-user sensor values are communicated to the
backend web server using an HTTP POST request (every 10 seconds). These readings include the device's latitude
and longitude as determined by the GPS receiver, the shock sensor, and the accelerometer. This device data is
supplied into the body of the request in the JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) format. When the web server
receives this data, it analyses it to determine whether an automobile crash has been detected or not. In the event
of an unplanned system reboot, it is also possible to quickly access the last device location by storing the received
data in a database system. In order to compute the route between the location of the device at the moment and the
closest hospital, the backend additionally connects to the Google Maps API platform (all hospital locations are to
be stored on the database). The affected person's information is then transmitted by SMS to the closest hospital
providing ambulance services. Figure 7 shows the working principle of the system.
On the platform, a few hospitals in Benin City were registered, together with the integrated wireless gadget. Figure
9 displays screenshots of the registration page from the web application's graphical user interface.
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
The platform for registering the hospitals offering ambulance services is presented in the screenshot above with
information relating to the hospitals, such as name, email, latitude, and longitude. These were collected and
utilized to find the closest hospital and, call in case of an accident crash.
In an open area, the device was turned on and moved around. The first screenshot, Figure 10, depicts the device's
movement on a map, and the second screenshot, Figure 11, depicts the distance between the device and the
registered hospitals. The screenshot information in Figure 11 indicates that the University of Benin teaching
hospital was the closest hospital location to the device at the time the test was conducted.
Finally, after the apparatus smashed against a wall while being supported by ball-shaped desk legs, the following
observations were noticed on the platform: the shock state that was initially FALSE became TRUE (which showed
device has detected an accident). With the information saved on the device, an SMS was sent to the closest
hospital. The movement on the map then came to an end. The system was tested for accuracy and the result
tabulated as shown in Table 2
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
Four tests were run on the system to ascertain its reaction and response time based on the results shown in table
2. As an experiment, the system was able to react quickly to an accident crash. The data that were displayed
indicate that the response time ranges between 9 and 12 seconds. This is the amount of time it took the system to
identify the accident and alert the closest hospital with an ambulance service. Furthermore, the complete circuit
diagram for hardware implementation of the wireless embedded device for the delivery of the internet of things
architecture for accident detection and reporting for emergency medical assistance is presented in appendix A.
Finally, the internet of things accident detection and alert system for emergency medical aid was developed
employing a variety of current technologies. A profile and database of hospitals providing ambulance services,
the development of a web-based platform for accident detection and alert system with integrated emergency alert
system, and IOT-based embedded device for the detection and transmission of location and status of vehicular
accidents' crashes were all successfully accomplished by the new system. Finally, the results show that the
emergency response time - the time it takes to locate the accident and notify the closest hospital is between -9 to
12 seconds. This demonstrates the accuracy level of the technologies when utilized in real-time. The research was
successfully implemented and evaluated, and because the design is relatively adaptable, further enhancements in
the coverage area can be achieved.
Mouha, R. A. (2021). Internet of Things. Journal of data analysis and information processing, Vol. 09. No.2, pp.
77-101. https://doi.org/10.4236/jdaip.2021.92006
Gomathy, C. K., Rohan, K., Reddy, B. M. K. & Geetha, V. (2022). Accident detection and alert system. Journal
of engineering, computing and architecture, ISSN NO:1934-7197, Vol. 12, Issue 3, pp. 32-43.
http://www.journaleca.com/ Page No: 32
Devi, P. & Anila, S. (2018). Accident Detection and Reporting System using Internet of Things. International
Journal of Current Engineering and Scientific Research (IJCESR), ISSN: 2393-8374, Vol.5 (12), pp.57- 61
Adelabu, W. O. (2017). Design and Construction of a Vehicle Tracking and Accident Alert System Using GPS
and GSM Module. Afribary. http://www.afribary.com/works/design-and-construction-of-a-vehicle-tracking-and-
Aloul, F., Zualkernan, I., Abu-Salma, R., Al-Ali, H., & Al-Merri, M. (2014). iBump: Smartphone application to
detect car accidents. International Conference on Industrial Automation, Information and Communications
Technology, ISBN: 978-1-4799-4909-0, pp.52-56.http://doi:10.1109/IAICT.2014.6922107
Zhao, Y. (2000). Mobile Phone Location Determination and its Impact on Intelligent Transportation Systems.
IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, Vol. 1. No.1, pp. 55-64.
Ali, H. M. & Alwan, Z. S. (2015). Car Accident Detection and Notification System Using Smartphone.
International Journal of Computer Science and Mobile Computing, Vol. 4(4), pp. 620–635.
World Health Organization. (2018). Global Status Report on Road Safety. World Health Organization: Geneva,
Association for Safe International Road Travel. (2020). Road Crash Statistics. Available Online:
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
Amin, M. S., Jalil, J. and Reaz, M. B. I. (2012). Accident Detection and Reporting System Using GPS, GPRS
and GSM Technology. 2012 International Conference on Informatics, Electronics & Vision (ICIEV), pp. 640-
643. https://doi: 10.1109/ICIEV.2012.6317382.
Vinod, S. Kumar, P. S. &Vimal, V. R. (2019). IOT Based Automatic Accident Vehicle Location Sharing Systema
Smart Emergency System, international journal of scientific & technology research, ISSN: 2277-8616,Vol. 8,
Issue 10, pp.1249-1252,
Rajkiran, A. & Anusha, M. (2014). Intelligent Automatic Vehicle Accident Detection System Using Wireless
Communication. Int. J. Res. Stud. Sci. Eng. Technology, Vol. 1, pp. 98–101.
Bhatti, F., Shah, M. A., Maple, C., & Islam, S. U. (2019). A Novel Internet of Things-Enabled Accident Detection
and Reporting System for Smart City Environments. Sensors, Vol. 19(9). https://doi.org/10.3390/s19092071
Suo, H., Wan, J., Zou C. & Liu, J. (2012). Security in the Internet of Things: A Review. International Conference
on Computer Science and Electronics Engineering (ICCSEE), pp. 648-651.
Pathik, N., Gupta, R.K., Sahu, Y., Sharma, A., Masud, M., & Baz, M. (2022). AI Enabled Accident Detection and
Alert System Using IoT and Deep Learning for Smart Cities. Sustainability MDPI 2022, Vol. 14, Issue 13, pp. 1-
24. https://doi.org/10.3390/su14137701
Appendix A
The appendix A is the complete circuit diagram for hardware implementation of the wireless embedded device
for the delivery of the internet of things architecture for accident detection and reporting for emergency medical
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
The microclimate of indoor production systems is highly dependent on the macroclimate of the ambient. As a
result, the microclimate fluctuates with time with respect to the macroclimate and eventually making it have higher
measurable climate parameters than the macroclimate. This study was carried out at Sangju Smart Farm
Innovation Valley, Sangju-si to compare and analyse changes in the thermal environment in two adjacent single-
span tunnel greenhouses covered with two layers of polyethylene films (200 μm thick) and a layer of thermal
curtain (3.5 mm thick). While one greenhouse was equipped with five circular airflow fans (HUMITEM-GH), the
other had five horizontal airflow fans (Conv-GH). The Seolhyang variety of strawberries was used as the test crop.
The greenhouse temperature (Ta), relative humidity (RH), vapour pressure difference (VPD), solar radiation (SR),
and carbon dioxide (CO2) data were collected using standard methods and data was analysed using MINITAB
software. The statistical tools used for data analysis were descriptive statistics, analysis of variance (ANOVA),
and t-Test. The total yield and marketable yield in the HUMITEM-GH was higher than the Conv-GH by 116.33
kg and 97.69 kg, respectively. There were significant differences between the two greenhouses microclimate both
in the daytime and night-time with the HUMITEM-GH having higher and near-optimal climate parameters. This
result has shown that the newly developed HUMITEM air circulation fan has a superior air circulation and flow
capability than the conventional air circulation fans. This information may be of interest to farmers, horticulturists,
and researchers who are involved in protected vegetable production.
KEYWORDS: CAF; HAF; HUMITEM; air-circulation; distribution; airflow
A greenhouse is an indoor cropping system that allows the manipulation and control of environmental, nutrition,
and biological variables. Additionally, it makes it possible to implement management techniques for successful
crop production. Regardless of the unfavourable external conditions that may exist at the location, a variety of
ornamental, food and cash crops can be cultivated steadily indoors. Throughout the growing season, the ideal
indoor microclimate necessary for crop growth and development must be maintained (Iddio et al., 2020;
Ogunlowo et al., 2022). Indoor cultivation is a widely accepted technique that has been adopted by small-,
medium- and large-scale farmers with an estimated 5,630,000 hectares of protected agriculture all over the world
as of 2019 (Hickman, 2019). Averagely, more than two countries per continent are engaged in greenhouse crop
production and more than 60 countries where greenhouse commercial production is practised. Indoor cultivation
has numerous advantages namely the ability to control the indoor thermal environment, protect against pest
infestation and disease attack, multiple cropping, Off-season cropping, increased crop productivity per unit land
area and labour, vertical cropping technology, guarantee food security, maximize high-quality products while
minimizing production cost and increased water and chemical use efficiency (Katsoulas and Stanghellini, 2019).
Despite the numerous benefits of indoor agriculture, there are some drawbacks namely: high initial investment,
and a shortage of greenhouse-specific tools and machinery (Reddy, 2016).
The internal microclimate of a greenhouse is primarily influenced by the climatic conditions of the surrounding
environment. As a result, to achieve optimal crop production within the greenhouse, the microclimate in terms of
light level (SR), air temperature (Ta), soil temperature (Ts), relative humidity (RH), and carbon dioxide (CO2)
must be manipulated to the recommended ranges for specific crops (Akpenpuun and Mijinyawa, 2020). Adequate
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
control strategies are required to keep the environmental variables within the optimum limits because these
variables directly influence the efficiency of the cultivation system in terms of yield and expended energy either
for cooling or heating (Yang et al., 2022). Several studies have been conducted to investigate the impact of
greenhouse microclimate parameters such as temperature, vapour pressure deficit, relative humidity, carbon
dioxide concentration soil temperature, and solar radiation level and have shown that ranges of these parameters
outside the optimum harm crop growth, development, and yield (Sim et al., 2020; Kim et al., 2022). Multiple
cooling strategies can be used in greenhouses to provide an appropriate microenvironment including (i) shading
methods such as applying whitewash or plastic nets or thermal screens, (ii) fans-pads evaporative cooling systems,
fogging and evaporative roof cooling, and (iii) ventilation systems such as forced ventilation, using air circulation
fans in combination with natural ventilation through sidewalls and roof vents as ventilation aids even distribution
of climatic variables (Shamshiri et al., 2018).
In the greenhouse, airflow is restricted by the structural members, plants, and equipment, resulting in a sharp
increase in indoor temperature. Therefore, knowing the behaviour of meteorological elements, such as
temperature, RH, VPD, SR, and CO2 in a greenhouse, is essential to exploiting the benefits of protected
cultivation. To achieve the optimal comfort level indoors in terms of Ta, RH, VPD, SR, and CO2 appropriate
climate control pieces of equipment are needed. Even though, there are several fans (different sizes and power
ratings) for the greenhouse industry the choice of a particular circulation fan depends on the greenhouse's size,
design, and desired environmental condition. As the air moves inside the greenhouse environment, gradients of
these meteorological elements are formed throughout the structure and can result in a heterogeneous microclimate,
which may be undesirable for plants (Cesar et al., 2021). In addition to these parameters, it is also important to
monitor and control pests and diseases, as well as maintain proper soil moisture and nutrient levels. Regular
monitoring and adjustments to the greenhouse environment would help ensure the optimal growth and
productivity of plants. The objectives of this study were to compare and analyze changes in the thermal
environment of two tunnel greenhouses equipped with newly manufactured HUMITEM air-circulation fans (a
circular airflow fan) and Conventional air-circulation fans (a horizontal airflow fan) and to determine the resultant
effect of the air-circulation fans on the microclimate using statistical analysis.
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
diameter: 23 cm) were installed to aid ventilation and distribution of climate variables. The fans in both
greenhouses were installed at a distance of 13.2 m from each other. The side vents opened automatically when
the greenhouse air temperature was above the set temperature point of 20 ℃, correspondingly. The optimum air
temperature range to enable strawberry development and growth occurs between 18℃ to 24℃. Since the
experiments were conducted in the winter, a boiler was installed to keep the greenhouses’ air space temperature
range within the optimum range. The boilers’ heating range was 15,000 kcal/h to 62,802 kcal/h, while the heating
and continuous hot water supply efficiency were both 90% each. The boilers were set to switch on and start the
heating process when the greenhouse air temperature was 9 ℃ and switched off as soon as the greenhouse air
temperature rose to 10 ℃.
The Seolhyang variety of strawberries was the model crop in the experiments and was transplanted on five 51.2
m long greenhouse benches, that were spaced 1.3 m centre-centre. The strawberry plants were planted in two rows
per bed with a centre-centre row spacing of 25 cm apart, resulting in a plant density of 410 per bed and 2050
plants per greenhouse. The same open-loop drip-fertigation system supplied both greenhouses with water and
nutrient solution five times daily at an interval of 1 h 30 min, beginning at 08:30, and the duration of each
fertigation period was 3 minutes. Standard cultivation practices adopted by Akpenpuun et al. (2021) were
followed. Figure 1 shows the sensors’ location.
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
The HUMITEM-GH and Conv-GH indoor climate data were recorded for 92 days (29 December 2022-30 March
2023). The daytime climate indices minimum values were 6.24 oC, 39.22%, 0.04 kPa, 0.37 W/m2, and 318 ppm
for HUMITEM-GH and 5.57 oC, 19.73%, 0.04 kPa, 0.69 W/m2, and 355 ppm for Conv-GH. Table 1 presents the
comprehensive descriptive statistics of the of the daytime and night-time climate data.
Table 1. Descriptive statistics of both greenhouses’ daytime and night-time microclimate indices
Microclimate indices Temperature (oC) RH (%) VPD (kPa) SR (W/m2) CO2 (ppm)
HUMITEM- Mean (±sd) 20.41±4.04 75.63±12.09 0.68±0.42 110.58±84.79 636.9±204.32
GH Variance 16.34 146.05 0.18 7189.13 41745.91
Standard error 0.07 0.22 0.01 1.53 3.69
The Ta distribution ranges of 6 oC-10 oC, 11 oC-15 oC, 16 oC-20 oC, 21 oC-25 oC and 26 oC -30 oC had a
frequency of 36, 401, 609, 1786, and 233, respectively, in the HUMITEM-GH, while in the Conv-GH the
frequencies were 208, 645, 1433, 768 and 1, respectively. The frequency of the RH distribution ranges of 41%-
55%, 56%-70%,71-85% and 86%-98% in the HUMITEM-GHwas 3, 129, 939 and 1994, respectively, and 50,
371, 650, 639 and 1355, respectively, in the Cov._GH. The frequency VPD distribution was 92, 3064 and 1in the
HUMITEM-GHand 119, 3040 and 25 in the Conv-GH for VPD ranges of 0.09 kPa-0.29 kPa, 0.30 kPa-2.00 kPa
and >2.00 kPa, respectively.
The analysis of variance (ANOVA) test performed on the daytime data with degrees of freedom of 1 and 6128
gave Fstatistics, Fcritical and Pvalue values of 1075.39, 6.64 and <0.01, 854.55, 6.64 and <0.01, 81.47, 6.64 and <0.01,
387.29, 6.64 and <0.01 and 20.93, 6.64 and <0.01, respectively, for Ta, RH, VPD, SR and CO2. The ANOVA on
the night-time data with the degree of freedom of 1 and 11450 gave Fstatistics, Fcritical, and P-value of 678.17, 6.64
and <0.01, 3896.91, 6.64, <0.01, 1187.87, 6.64 and <0.01 and 3748.96, 6.64 and <0.01, respectively, for Ta, RH,
VPD and CO2. The daytime and night-time comparisons were significantly different at 1% and 5% confidence
The t-test two-sample assuming equal variances result also shows the comparison of the Ta, RH, VPD, SR, and
CO2 were significantly different at P-value less than 1% and 5%, tcritical value of 1.96 for daytime data and 2.58 for
the night-time data. The t-test result further shows that the comparison between the HUMITEM and conventional
greenhouses satisfied the alternative hypothesis that there is a significant difference in the climate of the two
greenhouses. This further suggests that the microclimate variables being compared were affected by the type of
fan used.
The highest daytime temperature recorded in the HUMITEM-GH and Conv-GH was 25.39 °C and 26.20 °C on
21/02/2023, while the least daytime temperature in the HUMITEM-GH and Conv-GH was 6.24 °C and 5.57 °C,
respectively, recorded on the 24/01/2023. Finally, HUMITEM-GH and Conv-GH Ta were 24.91 °C and 24.69 °C,
respectively, on 30/03/2023 the last day of the experiment. The daytime and night-time Ta in the HUMITEM-GH
was considerably higher than the Ta in the Conv-GH by 3.35 °C and 1.04 °C.
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
Likewise, the highest daytime and night-time RH values were 96.27% and 97.20%, and 97.86% and 97.71%,
respectively, for HUMITEM-GH and Conv-GH, while the least daytime and night-time RH values were 39.22%
and 19.73%, and 46.28% and 20.76%, respectively, for HUMITEM-GH and Conv-GH. Most of the time during
the day, RH in the HUMITEM-GH was higher than RH in the Conv-GH because the HUMITEM circulation fans
were able to move a greater volume of air around the greenhouse and outside than the conventional air circulation
fans. The difference between the least RH in the HUMITEM-GH and Conv-GH was 19.49% in the daytime and
25.52% in the night-time. Even though HUMITEM-GH and Conv GH both had slightly higher RH levels, the
differences between the two were not particularly noteworthy.
The HUMITEM-GH and Conv-GH had respective mean daytime VPD of 0.68±0.42 kPa and 0.78±0.50. In the
HUMITEM-GH and Conv GH, respectively, the maximum values of VPD during the daytime were 2.07 kPa and
2.25 kPa. The HUMITEM-GH mean daytime VPD was slightly lower than Conv-GH VPD. The night-time VPD
mean was 0.13±0.09 kPa and 0.19±0.11 kPa in the HUMITEM-GH and Conv-GH, respectively. VPD in the Conv-
GH was higher than HUMITEM-GH most of the time during the day and followed the same trend as RH. Although
slightly higher VPD was observed in the Conv-GH than in the HUMITEM-GH, the overall difference was
statistically insignificant. However, both greenhouses had roughly the same mean night-time VPD and a similar
pattern of variation.
The daytime CO2 range in the HUMITEM-GH, Conv GH, and outdoor was 318.0-2083 ppm and 355.0-1514 ppm,
respectively. The night-time CO2 range in the HUMITEM-GH and Conv GH was 344-2669 ppm and 356-1081
ppm. According to the descriptive statistics, the mean daytime CO2 in the HUMITEM-GH and Conv-GH were,
respectively, 636.90±204.32 ppm and 616.48±139.02 ppm. The night-time CO2 mean was also 936.26±224.97
ppm and 730.78±117.81 ppm, respectively, in the HUMITEM-GH, Conv GH, and outdoor. The result of the
analysis of variance showed that the CO2 levels in both greenhouses were statistically significant at a 99% level
of confidence (df1 = 1, df2 = 6128). Also, the t-Test showed that the CO2 levels were statistically significant.
Since both greenhouses had the same orientation, structural layout, covering material, and dimensions from the
start, the SR of the HUMITEM-GH and the Conv-GH had the same pattern, but the differences were statistically
The total yield in the HUMITEM-GH and Conv-GH was 444.51 kg and 328.18 kg, respectively, making the yield
in the HUMITEM-GH higher than the Conv-GH by 116.33 kg. The marketable yield was 388.05 kg and 290.36
kg, respectively, for the HUMITEM-GH and Conv-GH. The mean marketable yield was 6.93±4.28 kg and
5.19±3.72 kg in the HUMITEM-GH and Conv-GH, in that order. The total and marketable yields in the
HUMITEM-GH were statistically significant from the Conv-GH at the confidence level of 95%.
The daytime Ta recorded in the HUMITEM-GH and Conv-GH was in the range of 6.24 °C-26.81 °C and 5.57 °C-
26.20 °C, correspondingly, while the night-time Ta was 6.07 °C-23.77 °C and 5.57 °C-20.84 °C, respectively for
the HUMITEM-GH and Conv-GH. Pearce et al. (1993) reported that temperatures between 10 °C and 30 °C
positively impact the growth rates of fruit in a closed environment. Balendonck et al. (2010) experimented with
measuring the extent of climate unevenness and determining the number of sensing points for precise estimation
of the spatial and temporal climate variable distribution in four commercial greenhouses observed averaged spatial
differences of 1.0 °C - 3.4 °C for temperature, whereas in this experiment average spatial differences were 0.26
°C-5.24 °C and 0.65 °C-5.69 °C in the HUMITEM-GH and Conv-GH. During this research, the maximum
daytime and night-time temperature difference between HUMITEM-GH and Conv-GH were found to be 0.60 °C
and 2.94 °C with the HUMITEM-GH having higher temperatures than the Conv-GH. Sim et al. (2020) reported
day- and night-time temperatures in the range of 15℃-25℃ and 5℃-10℃, correspondingly, in an air-inflated and
conventional double-layer greenhouse. It was observed that just as spring began in March, the mean temperatures
in both greenhouses increased by 0.55 oC and 1.46 oC, respectively, in the HUMITEM-GH and Conv-GH. This
increase in greenhouse air temperature could be explained by a greater number of sunny days and photoperiod per
day as a result of higher solar radiation intensity compared to winter.
The RH recorded in the HUMITEM-GH and Conv-GH was in the range of 40.22%-97.20% and 19.73%-97.79%,
and 46.28%-97.86% and 20.76%-97.75%, correspondingly, for daytime and night-time. Jayasekara et al. (2018)
reported 85% in a double-layer greenhouse that was heavily saturated at night, however, during the daytime, RH
was as low as 40%. Kroggel and Kubota (2017) recommended a maximum night-time RH of 95% and an optimum
daytime humidity in the range of 40%–60% to avoid tip burn. Only the HUMITEM-GH had its RH within the
recommended ranges. The change in weather from winter to spring which caused an increase in temperature
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
resulted in increased plant growth and physiological activity including evaporation and consequent increase in the
RH by 6.22% and 8.04% in the HUMITEM-GH and Conv-GH, respectively.
The VPD recorded in the HUMITEM-GH and Conv-GH was in the range of 0.04 kPa to 2.07 kPa and 0.03 kPa
to 2.25 kPa, and 0.03 kPa -1.57 kPa and 0.03 kPa -1.73 kPa, correspondingly, in the day and night. The difference
between the outdoor VPD and that inside the HUMITEM-GH was 0.18 kPa. Amani et al. (2020) and
recommended ranges of 0.3 to 1.3 kPa and 0.8 to 1.0 kPa, correspondingly. Although the lower limit of VPD
recorded in both greenhouses was lower than the recommended 0.5 kPa, the frequency of the VPD values that
were within the recommended range of 0.3 to 2.0 kPa was 2921 and 2972 for the HUMITEM-GH and Conv-GH,
respectively. The VPD in both greenhouses was significantly different with the HUMITEM-GH having higher
VPD values that are within the recommended range that the Conv-GH.
The CO2 recorded in the HUMITEM-GH and Conv-GH greenhouse was in the range of 318 μmol·mol-1-2083
μmol·mol-1 and 355 μmol·mol-1 1514 v μmol·mol-1, correspondingly. There is evidence that CO2 concentrations
in the range of 800 μmol·mol-1 and 1500 μmol·mol-1 can considerably improve growth, while exposure to a CO2
concentration of less than 350 ppm, the outdoor CO2 concentration indoors, could be detrimental to growth (Kim
et al., 2022). The mean daytime and night-time CO2 concentration in the HUMITEM-GH was higher than the
concentration in the Conv-GH and there was a significant difference between the two greenhouses. However, the
CO2 concentration in the HUMITEM-GH was still in the ranges of 340-1000 μmol·mol-1, 800-1000 μmol·mol-1,
1000 -1500 μmol·mol-1 and 900-1000 ppm recommended by Garcia and Kubota (2017), and Durkin (1992),
correspondingly. The lower CO2 concentration recorded in HUMITEM-GH can be attributed to the operation of
the HUMITEM fans which had a higher capacity for circulation and increased ventilation rates.
The SR recorded in the HUMITEM-GH and Conv-GH was in the range of 0.37 W/m2-520.74 W/m2 and 0.69
W/m2-448.68 W/m2, respectively. These SR ranges are similar to the SR range of 8.7 W/m2 -549.8 W/m2 and 3.2
W/m2-631.6 W/m2 recorded by Akpenpuun et al. (2021) in single-layer and double-layer greenhouses. The SR in
both greenhouses was nearly the same as there was no significant difference between the amount of radiation
received by each greenhouse. This might be because both greenhouses were side by side and structurally the same
and the fans had no interference with SR reception. The HUMITEM-GH and Conv-GH receive more solar
irradiance (20 W/m2 over 10 hours) in March when the sun was more southerly compared to November to
February (9 W/m2 over 8 hours) when the sun was more easterly.
The finding from the research highlights the importance of selecting the appropriate air-circulating fan to improve
the microclimate of a naturally ventilated greenhouse. The study found that by using HUMITEM air-circulating
fans, the distribution of climate variables was significantly improved, resulting in a near-optimal growing
condition. The significant difference between the Conv-GH and HUMITEM-GH yield can be attributed to the
significant difference between the Conv-GH and HUMITEM-GH microclimates. The use of HUMITEM air-
circulating fans could have a significant impact on the commercial production of plants, providing farmers and
horticulturists with a tool to optimize the growing conditions of their crops. The improved distribution of climate
variables can increase the efficiency of the greenhouse environment, thereby, resulting in higher yield, reduced
energy consumption, and consequently resulting in cost savings for growers.
Funding: This study was supported by the Korea Institute of Planning, and Evaluation for Technology in Food,
Agriculture, Forestry, and Fisheries (IPET) through the Agriculture, Food, and Rural Affairs Convergence
Technologies Program for Educating Creative Global Leaders, funded by the Ministry of Agriculture, Food, and
Rural Affairs (MAFRA) (717001-7). This research was supported by the Basic Science Research Program through
the National Research Foundation of Korea (NRF) funded by the Ministry of Education (NRF-
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Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
Department of Food Engineering, Faculty of Engineering and Technology, University of Ilorin, Nigeria.
Email: Sanusi.ms@unilorin.edu.ng
This study aimed to create ready-to-eat extruded snacks using underutilized broken brown rice flour, Bambara
nuts flour, and pineapple peel powder as primary ingredients in a 50:45:5 ratio. The effects of extrusion exit
temperature, feed moisture content, and barrel screw speed on protein, total phenolic content, 2,2-diphenyl-1-
picrylhydrazyl (DPPH) radical scavenging activity, and vitamin C were assessed and modelled using polynomial
regression. The Pareto chart showed that protein and vitamin C were significantly influenced by the quadratic
effect of barrel screw speed, while total phenolic content was significantly influenced by barrel screw speed, and
DPPH radical scavenging activity was significantly influenced by extrusion exit temperature. The extruded snacks
had protein content ranging from 12.87 to 16.36%, total phenolic content ranging from 14.17 to 18.02 mg GAE/g,
DPPH radical scavenging ranging from 14.57 to 16.25%, and vitamin C ranging from 12.05 to 14.25 mg/100g.
The developed regression model predicted the quality attributes well, with a coefficient of determination ranging
between 0.99 and 1. The optimum extrusion conditions for maximizing quality attributes differed, and the
development of extruded snacks from brown rice, pineapple peels, and Bambara nuts would promote sustainable
food production and reduce food waste.
KEYWORDS: Bambara nuts, Pineapple peels, Brown rice, Extrusion, Ready-to-eat extruded snacks
There is a constant increase in the consumption of ready-to-eat extruded snacks by many individuals, especially
children, which form a significant part of the daily diet (Ziena and Ziena, 2022). Children and adults are often
captivated by numerous ready-to-eat products such as extruded snacks and noodles, credited for their pleasing
smell, taste, texture, appearance, and ease of consumption. However, the raw materials commonly used in
extrudates are cereals and grains, which are low in certain essential nutrients such as protein, antioxidants, and
vitamins, consequently leading to malnutrition thus, there is a growing demand for healthier snacks.
Bambara nuts (Vigna subterranean) is a legume crop that has substantial socio-economic significance in emerging
markets and is considered a "crop for the future," but is currently underutilized (Diedericks et al., 2020;
Muhammad et al., 2020). The nuts consist of a high proportion of protein, ranging from 17 to 27%. They also
contain a reasonable amount of carbohydrate and fat (Muhammad et al., 2020). Fruit waste, such as pineapple
peel, is an excellent source of low-cost proteins and antioxidants, such as polyphenol compounds and DPPH
radical scavenging activity (Roda and Lambri, 2019). They are also rich in vitamins C, vitamin A, and vitamin B6
(Franklyn et al., 2018). Rice flour from brown rice has become a suitable and established material for numerous
ready-to-eat extruded snacks due to its suitability, hypo-allergenicity, pleasing flavour, and good digestibility
(Dalbhagat et al., 2019; Sanusi and Akinoso, 2021). It is a good source of dietary fibre and antioxidants. Brown
rice contains a higher protein content than hulled rice due to the presence of bran but is relatively low in vitamin
C. Thus, it is necessary to enhance the protein, vitamin C, and antioxidant properties of products produced from
rice. The chemical composition and antioxidant properties of extruded snacks could significantly influence the
acceptability of the final product. The inclusion of Bambara nuts and pineapple peel into rice-based snacks could
increase the quality attributes of the extruded snacks and provide a promising technique to improve product
quality. However, there is a scarcity of information on the utilization of broken brown rice, Bambara nuts, and
pineapple peel to develop extruded snacks.
Extrusion technology has revolutionized numerous traditional techniques for manufacturing snacks due to its high
suitability, flexibility for different raw materials, and ability to modify the quality characteristics of raw materials
through transformations such as starch gelatinization, protein denaturation, pigment degradation, and amylose
formation (Offiah et al., 2019; Dey et al., 2021). Extrusion conditions significantly influence the overall
compositions and quality of extruded products when they experience shear forces, extreme temperatures, and
extreme pressure treatment, which have been widely studied in the literature (Sukumar and Athmaselvi, 2019;
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
Choton et al., 2020; Sahu et al., 2022; Sanusi et al., 2023). However, a few research works focused on the effect
of extrusion conditions on the quality attributes (protein, total phenolic content, DPPH radical scavenging activity,
and vitamin C content) of brown rice-Bambara nuts-pineapple peel extruded snacks. Therefore, this study aims to
examine the effect of extrusion conditions on the quality attributes of brown rice-Bambara nuts-pineapple peel
extruded snacks.
2.1 Materials
Broken brown rice and Bambara nuts were purchased from a local market in Ilorin, Nigeria, while pineapple peels
were obtained from a fruit store in Ilorin, Nigeria. The broken brown rice was weighed and milled into flour using
a hammer mill (Nukor, Model: SG 30, South Africa). Bambara nuts were soaked in lukewarm water (40°C) for
12 h, the hull removed, and dried using a fabricated forced-air dryer at 60ºC for 12 h. The dried Bambara nuts
were then milled into flour using a hammer mill. The pineapple peels were washed and blanched at 55°C for 30
min to reduce microbial contamination. The blanched pineapple peels were drained, dried at 45ºC in a fabricated
forced-air dryer, and then milled into a fine powder using an electric grinder (Grinder GR708HA, China).
The study utilized an integration of Taguchi and response surface methodology (RSM) to investigate how
extrusion conditions; extrusion exit temperature (120°C, 130°C, and 140°C), barrel screw speed (300 rpm, 360
rpm and 420 rpm) and feed moisture content (16%, 17% and 18%) affect the protein, total phenolic content, DPPH
radical scavenging activity, and vitamin C content of the brown rice-bambara nut-pineapple peels extruded snacks.
The Taguchi design results were analyzed by the second-order polynomial model of RSM, where the linear,
quadratic, and interaction relationships of EET, BSS, and FMC were related to the protein, total phenolic content,
DPPH radical scavenging activity, and vitamin C contents, as shown in Equation 1:
Y = C + β1x1 + β2x2 + β3x3 + β1x12 + β2x22 + β3x32 +β12x12 + β13x13 (1)
Here, C represents the model constant coefficients, β1x1, β2x2, and β3x3 are the linear terms, β1x12, β2x22, and β3x32
are the quadratic terms, and β12x12 and β13x13 are the interaction terms. The responses (protein, total phenolic
content, DPPH radical scavenging activity, and vitamin C) are represented by Y, while x1, x2, and x3 denote the
extrusion exit temperature (EET), barrel screw speed (BSS), and feed moisture content (FMC), respectively. The
models' fitness for the quality attributes was evaluated using the coefficient of determinations (R2, R2adj, and
R2pred). The study also employed analysis of variance (ANOVA) to determine the p-values at a 95% confidence
level and Fischer values (F-value) of the quality attributes. The significant extrusion parameter based on their
linear, quadratic and interaction effects were determined using the Pareto chart in Minitab software version 20.3,
with a reference line indicating the p=0.05 threshold for statistically significant effects.
2.4 Brown rice-Bambara nuts-pineapple peels extruded snacks production
A twin-screw extruder (Model: HN-65, Zhouheng Product, Jinan City, China) was used for producing the brown
rice-bambara nuts-pineapple peel extruded snacks. The flour blends were fed into a co-rotating twin-screw
extruder that contains a barrel, three electric band heaters, and a standard co-rotating screw. Water of 16%, 17%,
and 18% of the entire mass (3 kg) blends were added and mixed using a mixer (Sokany Stand Mixer, Model: Cx-
6612, China). The set temperature of the first and second heating bands of the extruder was 80°C and 100°C,
respectively while the last heating band was varied between 120°C, 130°C and 140°C. A constant feed speed of
120 rpm was used to feed the samples into the barrel through the hopper, where proper cooking took place. The
fed blends passed through the three heating barrel zones at different barrel screw speeds of 300, 360, and 420 rpm
during the extrusion cooking. The cooked samples passed through a die orifice with a diameter of 4 mm in the
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
barrel. The extruded products were cut at a speed of 1500 rpm. The final extruded products were collected, dried
using a forced-air dryer at 80 ± 5°C and packed in a zip-lock nylon at room temperature for storage.
e. Quality attributes
The protein content was evaluated using the standard method of Association of Analytical Chemists (AOAC)
(2010). The total phenolic content and 2,2 -Diphenyl-1- Picrylhydrazyl (DPPH) radical scavenging activity were
evaluated based on the procedures described by Sanusi et al. (2023). The method described by Gumul et al. (2013)
was used to determine the Vitamin C.
The experiments were replicated, and the data were analyzed using the SPSS package (SPSS 20.0, SPSS Inc.,
Chicago, IL, USA) through one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA). Significant differences between means were
determined using Duncan's multiple tests with a confidence interval of 95%.
Table 1. Effects of extrusion conditions on quality attributes of rice-bambara nuts-pineapple peel extruded
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
Figure 1. Pareto chats and Contour plots of protein content and vitamin C content of rice-bambara nut-pineapple
peels based extrudates snacks. (a) Pareto chat of protein content, (b) Contour plot of BSS and EET of protein
content, (c) Contour plot of FMC and EET of protein content, (d) Pareto chat of vitamin C content, (e) Contour
plot of BSS and EET of vitamin C content (f) Contour plot of FMC and EET of vitamin C content.
The measurement of total phenolic content in food products is important because it can help to determine the
potential health benefits of consuming that food. Foods with higher total phenolic content are generally considered
to be healthier options. The total phenolic content of the extruded snacks under the effect of extrusion conditions
ranged from 14.17 - 18.02 mg GAE/g (Table 1). The highest TPC was found at 17% FMC, 130ºC EET, 300 rpm
BSS and 18% FMC, 140°C EET, 300 rpm BSS while the lowest was found at 18% FMC, 120ºC EET, and 420
rpm BSS. The linear effect of barrel screw speed had the most impactful effect on the total phenolic content
(Figure 2a) and this could be attributed to the high shear forces generated by the screw which can break down cell
walls and release phenolic compounds from the food matrix, thereby increasing their availability. The total
phenolic content of the extruded snack increased at higher EET and lower BSS (Figure 2b). At lower FMC, the
total phenolic content of the extruded snacks increased significantly (Figure 2c). This result also supports the
findings of Samyor et al. (2018) in the production of red rice and passion fruit powder-based extrudates. The
linear, quadratic, interaction effect of EET, BSS, and FMC were significant at p<0.05 on the total phenolic content
of the extruded snacks. Equation 4 shows the polynomial regression model developed for predicting the total
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
phenolic content. Furthermore, the high F-value (272390.7), and the R2, R2 adj. and R2 pred of the model are 1 thus
affirming its high precision for the prediction of total phenolic content.
𝑌012 = −56.68 − 0.15𝑥( + 0.17𝑥) + 7.25𝑥* − 0.0051𝑥() − 0.00010𝑥)) − 0.61𝑥*) − 0.00092𝑥( 𝑥) + 0.0108𝑥( 𝑥* 4
Figure 2. Pareto chats and Contour plots of total phenolic content and DPPH content of rice-bambara nut-
pineapple peels based extrudates snacks. (a) Pareto chat of total phenolic content, (b) Contour plot of BSS and
EET of total phenolic content, (c) Contour plot of FMC and EET of total phenolic content, (d) Pareto chat of
DPPH radical scavenging activity, (e) Contour plot of BSS and EET of DPPH radical scavenging activity (f)
Contour plot of FMC and EET of DPPH radical scavenging activity.
Blends of broken brown rice flour, Bambara nut flour, and pineapple peel powder were used to produce ready-to-
eat extruded snacks at a ratio of 50:45:5. The extrusion exit temperature, feed moisture content, and barrel screw
speed significantly affected the protein, total phenolic content, DPPH radical scavenging activity, and vitamin C
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
contents of the snacks. Polynomial regression models were developed to predict the influence of extrusion
conditions on quality attributes, with R2, R2 adj, and R2 pred ranging between 0.99 and 1.0, indicating high adequacy.
Optimum extrusion conditions for maximizing quality attributes differed, and the developed models could aid in
optimizing the quality attributes of extruded snacks, leading to improved product development. Furthermore, the
development of extruded snacks from brown rice, pineapple peels, and Bambara nuts would promote sustainable
food production and reduce food waste.
The authors appreciate the Department of Food Engineering, University of Ilorin for supporting this study with
Alam, M. S., Jasmeen, K., Harjot, K., & Kalika, G. (2016). Extrusion and extruded products: Changes in quality
attributes as affected by extrusion process parameters: A review, Critical Reviews in Food Science and
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Association of Official Analytical Chemists AOAC. (2010). Official methods of analysis (18th ed.). Washington
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Basilio-Atencio, J., Condezo-Hoyos, L., & Repo-Carrasco-Valencia, R. (2020). Effect of extrusion cooking on
the physical-chemical properties of whole kiwicha (Amaranthus caudatus L) flour variety centenario:
Process optimization. LWT, 128, 109426.
Choton, S., Gupta, N., Bandral, J. D., Anjum, N., & Choudary, A. (2020). Extrusion technology and its application
in food processing: A review. The Pharma Innovation Journal, 9(2), 162-168.
Dalbhagat, C. G., Mahato, D. K., & Mishra, H. N. (2019). Effect of extrusion processing on physicochemical,
functional and nutritional characteristics of rice and rice-based products: A review. Trends in Food
Science & Technology, 85, 226-240.
Dey, D., Richter, J. K., Ek, P., Gu, B. J., & Ganjyal, G. M. (2021). Utilization of food processing by-products in
extrusion processing: A review. Frontiers in Sustainable Food Systems, 4, 603751.
Diedericks, C. F., Venema, P., Mubaiwa, J., Jideani, V. A., & van der Linden, E. (2020). Effect of processing on
the microstructure and composition of Bambara groundnut (Vigna subterranea (L.) Verdc.) seeds, flour
and protein isolates. Food Hydrocolloids, 108, 106031.
Franklyn da Cruz, L. I. M. A., Simões, A. J. A., Vieira, I. M. M., Silva, D. P., & Ruzene, D. S. (2018). An overview
of applications in pineapple agroindustrial residues. Acta Agriculturae Slovenica, 111(2), 445-462.
Gbenyi, D., Nkama, I., Badau, M., & Idakwo, P. (2016). Effect of extrusion conditions on nutrient status of ready-
to-eat breakfast cereals from sorghum-cowpea extrudates. Journal Food Processing & Beverages, 4(2),
Gumul, D., Ziobro, R., Zięba, T., & Rój, E. (2013). Physicochemical characteristics of cereal extrudates with
different levels of defatted blackcurrant seeds. Journal of Food Quality, 36(6), 385-393.
Muhammad, I., Rafii, M. Y., Ramlee, S. I., Nazli, M. H., Harun, A. R., Oladosu, Y., & Arolu, I. W. (2020).
Exploration of bambara groundnut (Vigna subterranea (L.) Verdc.), an underutilized crop, to aid global
food security: Varietal improvement, genetic diversity and processing. Agronomy, 10(6), 766.
Offiah, V., Kontogiorgos, V., & Falade, K. O. (2019). Extrusion processing of raw food materials and by-products:
A review. Critical reviews in Food Science and Nutrition, 59(18), 2979-2998.
Roda, A., & Lambri, M. (2019). Food uses of pineapple waste and by‐products: a review. International Journal
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Sahu, C., Patel, S., & Tripathi, A. K. (2022). Effect of extrusion parameters on physical and functional quality of
soy protein enriched maize based extruded snack. Applied Food Research, 2(1), 100072.
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
Samyor, D., Deka, S. C., & Das, A. B. (2018). Effect of extrusion conditions on the physicochemical and
phytochemical properties of red rice and passion fruit powder based extrudates. Journal of Food Science
and Technology, 55(12), 5003-5013.
Sanusi, M. S., & Akinoso, R. (2021). Modelling and optimising the impact of process variables on brown rice
quality and overall energy consumption. International Journal of Postharvest Technology and
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Sanusi, M. S., Sunmonu, M. O., Alasi, S. O., Adebiyi, A. A., & Tajudeen, A. A. (2023). Composition, Bioactive
Constituents and Glycemic index of Brown Rice-Watermelon Seeds Extruded Snacks as Stimulated by
Extrusion Conditions. Applied Food Research, 100287.
Sukumar, A., & Athmaselvi, K. A. (2019). Optimization of process parameters for the development of finger
millet based multigrain extruded snack food fortified with banana powder using RSM. Journal of Food
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Ziena, H. M., & Ziena, A. H. M. (2022). Nutritious novel snacks from some of cereals, legumes and skimmed
milk powder. Applied Food Research, 2(1), 100092.
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
Department of Agricultural and Bio-resources Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Ahmadu Bello University,
Email: m.abdulsalamim@gmail.com
The objective of this work was to introduce an advanced wastewater treatment technology; co-polymerized
polyvinyl difluoride (PVDF)-polyethylene glycol (PEG) membrane system for anaerobically-pretreated palm oil
mill effluent (POME) treatment. The co-polymerized hollow fibre membranes were fabricated using a wet
spinning technique and then used to remediate POME as the feedstock. The physicochemical properties of the
POME were analyzed before and after treatment with the hollow fibre. The analyzed parameters included
chemical oxygen demand (COD), colour, total suspended solids (TSS), turbidity (TDS), and total nitrogen (TN).
A preliminary test was carried out using distilled water before continuing with POME as a feed solution. The
average permeate flux obtained by the PVDF-PEG membrane was 70 L/m2.hr with a slight flux decline that is
probably due to the attachment of foulants compounds on the membrane surface and pores. The synthesized
modified membrane reduced the COD, colour, TSS, TDS and TN by 92.1, 86, 97.89, 99.98 and 80.26 %,
respectively. In conclusion, it can be said that the modified PVDF-PEG membrane demonstrated excellent
performance in treating the POME to produce a permeate with better qualities.
The commonly applied nanoparticles to modified polymeric membranes includes ZnO, TiO2, Ag2O3, Al2O3,
graphene oxide, SiO2 and CuO (Jhaveri & Murthy, 2016). Tan et al., (2017) enhanced the permeation and
antifouling properties of a bared PVDF membrane by incorporating synthesized Zn-Fe oxide (ZIO) into the matrix
structure. The nanocomposite membrane with 0.5 wt % ZIO loading demonstrated a significant increase in
permeate flux to the magnitude of 25% raise compared to the bared PVDF membrane. Also, Shen et al., (2012)
modified the matrix structure of polymeric membrane using ZnO nano-additive. The result showed that the
additive had significant influence on the pores structure as well as the hydrophilicity of the membrane. Over 254%
improvement in permeability flux was reported at the loading of 0.3 g ZnO nano-additive. Furthermore, the
authors validated that the porosity of the modified composite membrane increased with the presence of the nano-
additive, which ultimately justified the reported high flux. The Nano-ZnO has large surface area that expedite the
formation of hydroxyl (–OH) functional group on the surface. The presence of –OH enhanced hydrophilicity of
the PVDF polymeric membrane, thus mitigating fouling rate. Analogously, TiO2 Ag2O3 and Al2O3 also exhibit
similar features when incorporated into the matrix structure of polymeric membrane. (Subramaniam et al., 2017)
synthesized titanate nanotubes using nano-TiO2 as a precursor to modify the PVDF membrane. The results
substantiated that under photo-catalytic condition, the involvement of TiO2 in the dope formulation improved the
permeation consistency (35.8 L/m2h) of the resultant nanocomposite membrane. Negligible fouling was observed
at 0.5 wt % TNT loading throughout the 4 h continuous filtration. Another report has shown strong agreement
with this observation, and the results indicated that the antifouling performance of TiO2 was due to generated –
OH under UV spectrum and its aptitude to exhibit self-cleaning. Also, attention has long drifted to the use of
nano-Ag2O3 to modify polymeric membrane (Biswas & Bandyopadhyaya, 2017). The nano-additive released Ag
ions to inhibit the metabolism of the microbial-foulants, thereby preventing the generation of the extracellular
polymeric substance (EPS). Thus, this ultimately curtailed the organic and bio-fouling. Maximous et al., (2010)
investigated the antifouling impact of Al2O3 and the results showed that at optimum 0.05 wt % loading, the
modified composite polymeric membrane was less prone to fouling. Besides, the presence of Al2O3 in the matrix
structure of a polymeric membrane not only reduces the fouling but also improves the flux consistency.
Most of the widely used nanoparticles, particularly as mentioned above, are photo-catalytic driven to address the
fouling issue. This implies that the presence of ultraviolent radiation is a prerequisite to precede the antifouling
performance. More so, the issue continues releasing antifouling radicals and superoxide could seriously jeopardize
the stability of the composite matrix structure. In line with this, Tan et al. (2017) reported that the structural
instability of the modified nanocomposite PVDF-ZIO membrane was discernible after four filtration cycles due
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
to the collapse of the incorporated nanoparticles. This could significantly undermine the overall antifouling
performance and also re-expose the modified membrane to inconsistencies in permeation flux along with frequent
fouling challenges. Moreover, the nano- ZnO, TiO2, Ag2O3, Al2O3 and CuO are relatively expensive and the
running cost could be unsustainable for industrial applications (Jhaveri & Murthy, 2016).
Meanwhile, nano-MgO has remained one of the antimicrobial and super hydrophilic nanomaterials yet to be fully
explored in improving filtration and antifouling performance of polymeric membrane (Parvizian et al., 2017). The
nano-MgO has the ability to release reactive oxygen species (ROS) which directly extract lipid from the cells of
the microbial-foulants. This ultimately disrupted the metabolic activities and hindered biofilm formation. More
interestingly, the nano-MgO not only averts bio-fouling formation but, it is also capable of evincing self-cleaning
mechanism. The nano-MgO precursor is readily available and comparably cheaper than other nanomaterials (such
as TiO2, Ag2O3, Al2O3, and ZnO). Therefore, MgO-nanoparticles intimate a promising additive capable of
enhancing antifouling properties and permeation performance of polymeric membranes for industrial filtration
purposes. Currently, application of a modified Nano-MgO (MGO) composite PVDF-PEG membrane for
separation of color pigment from POME has not been reported.
In view of these, the present study focuses on modifying the structure of an in-house fabricated PVDF-PEG
ultrafiltration membrane at various loadings of MGO. The impacts of the incorporated MGO were examined based
on the morphological changes, hydrophilicity, the permeability flux and fouling resistance of the resultant
membrane. Furthermore, the rejection and color separation efficiency were studied, and also the used membranes
were characterized using Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy. The outcome of the study demonstrated that
the involvement of the MGO in the dope formulation significantly improved the antifouling properties and the
permeation performance, alongside with color separation from palm oil mill effluent (POME) via the synergy of
surface deprotonation and pore size screening mechanism.
2.1. Materials
Nano-MgO (MGO: particles size (BET) < 50 nm; MW = 40.30 g/Mol; purification 99.9%), Pellets PVDF (Kynar
740) and polyethylene glycol (PEG: 12,000 g/mol) were procured from Sigma Aldrich (M) Sdn Bhd, Selangor,
Malaysia. The PVDF was applied as the major membrane matric polymer, while the PEG as co-polymer to
enhance pore formation. The N,N-dimethylformamide (DMF), ethanol and glycerol were also obtained from
Sigma Aldrich (M) Sdn Bhd, Selangor, Malaysia, and respectively used as doping and post-treatment solvents
without any further purification. LiCl2.H2O was purchased from Acros Organic Industry, Chemicals and
Reagents, Semenyih, Selangor, Malaysia Also, POME sample was collected from an Oil Palm Milling industryin
2.2. Synthesis of Nanocomposite PVDF/PEG-MGO
The dope formulation was preceded by adding nano-MgO into DMF and then subjected to sonication using digital
ultrasonic water bath (VWR 142-0300) at 75 oC for a period of 20 min. Subsequently, LiCl2_H2O was added into
the mixture with steady agitation of 350 rpm and 75 oC for a period of 24 h. Essentially, this procedure assists in
dispersion of the MgO as well as ensuring good blending of the mixtures. The mixture was followed by adding
the dehydrated PVDF pellets and the co-polymer, PEG. The combination was stirred continuously at 350 rpm and
100 oC for another 24 h using a hot-plate stirrer (Monotaro; C-MAG HS7, Malaysia) to achieve a homogenous
solution. The amount of the MgO contained in the dope solutions were varied as contained in Table 1.
Table 1: dope formulation
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
It is important to note that same spinning parameters were applied for all of the samples. The dopes were spun
through dry-jet wet swirling technique employing an annular spinneret. The inner and outside diameter of annular
spinneret was 0.55 and 1.15 mm, respectively. During the fabrication of the membrane, tap water and distilled
water was used as the external and internal coagulant. In addition, the pick speed control, collecting drum speed,
extrusion rate, air gap, external coagulant temperature, room temperature and room humidity remains constant at
7 rpm, 11 rpm, 5 mL/min, 10 cm, 25 oC, 29.5 oC and 72.7%, respectively. The spun fibers were drench in a
continues flow water-bath at least for a period of 24 h to dislodged solvent remnants. In order to minimize
shrinkage, post-treatments were applied on the fibers by immersing in ethanol for 12 h, then followed by drenching
in glycerol for 5 h, respectively. The post-treated fibers were air-dried for at least 24 h to ensure complete
2.4. Morphology Characterization
The cross section and surface morphology of the synthesized Nano-hybrid fiber were examined using scanning-
electron-microscope, (SEM: S-3400N). The composite fibers were immersed into liquid nitrogen for f 5 minto
ensure sharp breaking of the fiber to reveal the cross-sectional structure. Then, the fractured samples were
sputtered coated with gold thin layer, and the voltage acceleration was maintained constant at 20 kV during the
image capturing.
where J denotes the flux in L/m2_h, V is the volume of permeate (L), As is membrane surface area (m2) and ∆t is
filtration time in h.
The membrane fibers were subjected to filtration of diluted POME with 4285 ADMI color concentration using
same set-up as applied when pure water was used as feed. Initially, the membranes fibers were submerged in the
POME solution for 90 min to initiate adhesion of thin layer color pigments on the fibers. This procedure assists
in achieving accurate color rejection performances of the fibers (Subramanium et al. 2017). The apparent color
content of the feed POME and permeate were analyzed in ADMI using UV-spectrophotometer (DR4000U,
HACH) at an absorbance wavelength of 400 nm. The POME decolorization efficiency was determined using
Equation (2):
%𝐶,-./012 = >1 − 3 ? × 100 (2)
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
Figure 1b (Shen et al. 2012) . In addition, some spongy macro-voids were also noticed towards the inner ultra-
thin layer. This observation is in agreement with previous studies reported (Shen et al. 2012). From Figure 1b, it
can be deduced that the 0.5g MgO loading was successfully and homogenously dispersed within the matrix
structure. This also show good compartment at this loading.
Figure 1: Cross-section and surface view of the SEM analysis of the (a) neat and (b) modified membrane with
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
Figure 2: Pure water and POME Permeability flux for the Neat and Modified Membrane
Figure 3 present the remediation performance of both the neat and modified membrane. The neat membrane
successfully reduced the COD, colour, TDS, TSS and TN concentration in the POME by 80.15, 67.5, 83.6, 87.01
and 70 %, respectively. However, under same conditions of operations, the modified membrane presented a
superior performance with an upturn of 92.1, 86, 97.89, 99.98 and 80.26%, respectively. The better separation
performance of the modified membrane may be due to the incorporated nano-MgO. The blended nanoparticles
serve as filler which is capable of reducing the pore sizes and thus improve the selectivity (Nunes-Pereira et al.,
2017). More so, nano-MgO introduces hydroxyl functional group (OH--) into the matrix structure, and this
enhances waterlike characteristic of the polymeric membrane, thus the permeability flux (Khamkongkaeo et al.,
Hybrid PVDF-PEG hollow fibers blended with nano-MgO was fabricated using phase inversion technique. The
loading at 0.50 g-MGO presented auspicious performance with 198.35 and 70 L/m2h of pure water and POME
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
filtration flux, respectively. Also, the synthesized modified membrane reduced the COD, colour, TSS, TDS and
TN by 92.1, 86, 97.89, 99.98 and 80.26 %, respectively. As against 80.15, 67.5, 83.6, 87.01 and 70 %, respectively
for the neat membrane. Therefore, it can be deduced that nano MgO-hybrid PVDF-PEG membrane with 0.50 g-
MgO loading presents a better permeate flux and separation performance compared to the neat membrane.
The Authors wish to acknowledged the support of Universiti Putra Malaysia
Biswas, P., & Bandyopadhyaya, R. (2017). Biofouling prevention using silver nanoparticle impregnated
polyethersulfone (PES) membrane: E. coli cell-killing in a continuous cross-flow membrane module.
Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, 491, 13–26. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jcis.2016.11.060
Jhaveri, J. H., & Murthy, Z. V. P. (2016). A comprehensive review on anti-fouling nanocomposite membranes
for pressure driven membrane separation processes. Desalination, 379, 137–154.
Khamkongkaeo, A., Mothaneeyachart, N., Sriwattana, P., Boonchuduang, T., Phetrattanarangsi, T., Thongchai,
C., Sakkomolsri, B., Pimsawat, A., Daengsakul, S., Phumying, S., Chanlek, N., Kidkhunthod, P., &
Lohwongwatana, B. (2017). Ferromagnetism and diamagnetism behaviors of MgO synthesized via
thermal decomposition method. Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 705, 668–674.
Maximous, N., Nakhla, G., Wong, K., & Wan, W. (2010). Optimization of Al2O3/PES membranes for
wastewater filtration. Separation and Purification Technology, 73(2), 294–301.
Nunes-Pereira, J., Silva, A. R., Ribeiro, C., Carabineiro, S. A. C., Buijnsters, J. G., & Lanceros-Méndez, S.
(2017). Nanodiamonds/poly(vinylidene fluoride) composites for tissue engineering applications.
Composites Part B: Engineering, 111, 37–44. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.compositesb.2016.12.014
Parvizian, F., Sadeghi, Z., & Hosseini, S. M. (2017). PVC Based Ion-Exchange Membrane Blended with
Magnesium Oxide Nanoparticles for Desalination: Fabrication, Characterization and Performance.
Journal of Applied Membrane Science & Technology, 21(1), 11–24.
Shen, L., Bian, X., Lu, X., Shi, L., Liu, Z., Chen, L., Hou, Z., & Fan, K. (2012). Preparation and
characterization of ZnO/polyethersulfone (PES) hybrid membranes. Desalination, 293(2012), 21–29.
Subramaniam, M. N., Goh, P. S., Lau, W. J., Tan, Y. H., Ng, B. C., & Ismail, A. F. (2017). Hydrophilic hollow
fiber PVDF ultrafiltration membrane incorporated with titanate nanotubes for decolourization of
aerobically-treated palm oil mill effluent. Chemical Engineering Journal, 316, 101–110.
Tan, Y. H., Goh, P. S., Ismail, A. F., Ng, B. C., & Lai, G. S. (2017). Decolourization of aerobically treated palm
oil mill effluent (AT-POME) using polyvinylidene fluoride (PVDF) ultrafiltration membrane incorporated
with coupled zinc-iron oxide nanoparticles. Chemical Engineering Journal, 308, 359–369.
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
Department of Agricultural and Bio-resources, Ahmadu Bello University, 810107, Zaria, Nigeria
Email: m.abdulsalamim@gmail.com
Renewable energy is getting more attention due to the depleting of non-renewable fossil fuels and its effects on
global warming issues thus trigger the intense research in finding better alternative energy with low emission. The
present work aims to study the potential of hydrogen gas production (for renewable energy) by electrocoagulation
process from landfill leachate. The central composite design from response surface methodology (RSM) software
was implemented to investigate the process variables in the hydrogen production system. The effects of three
independent variables; namely pH (4-8) and voltage (3-9V), using different types of electrodes (Al, Fe, and Ni)
were studied. At optimal condition of voltage 9V and initial pH 6 at 20 minutes, the Al electrode recorded an
upturn maximum H2 yield of 697 ppm, while 554 and 551 ppm were obtained with Ni and Fe electrode,
respectively. More so, a good correlation between the actual and the predicted data was observed as elucidated by
the coefficient of determination (R2).
Since hydrogen gas burns quickly, emits no greenhouse gases, has a higher energy density, requires little ignition
energy, and has a very high research octane number, it is commonly regarded as a fuel of the future (Nanthagopal
et al., 2011). It is important to clarify that the octane number is a measurement of a fuel's resistance to knocking
in spark-ignition internal combustion engines, and it is typically used to rate gasoline. Hydrogen's high RON
indicates that it has a high resistance to knocking, similar to premium gasoline. However, 95% of the hydrogen
produced worldwide now comes from fossil fuels, mostly from the steam reforming of natural gas (Ogden, 1999).
Numerous other processes, including electrolysis, thermolysis of water, and the thermocatalytic reformation of
hydrocarbons, are also referred to as industrial hydrogen production processes (Demirbas et al., 2010). However,
the scope of large-scale hydrogen production using these techniques is undesirable because of the concurrent
synthesis mixture with the oxygen (Smolinka et al., 2009). This is especially true for the electrolysis of water.
But electrocoagulation (EC) technology is a method of treatment that uses electrical current to treat pollutants by
including coagulant. According to Shammas et al. (2010), in addition to lowering residue for waste production,
coagulation has the ability to remove small particles inside pollutants and set them into motion with the applied
current. EC can be used to de-fluoridate water and is capable of removing a wide range of contaminants under a
variety of circumstances, including suspended particles, metals, petroleum products, colour from dye solutions,
and aquatic humus (Holt et al., 1999). This demonstrates that the treatment conditions—such as pH, voltage,
electrode types, etc.—have a significant impact on how well the EC process works.
For instance, Shivayogimath et al. (2014) explored the impact of pH values (4, 5.8 and 8) on the elimination of
COD throughout the course of a batch run lasting 40 minutes at a 3V applied cell voltage. It was shown that the
COD removals increased with a longer reaction time for all three pH values. However, a pH value of 5.8 resulted
in the best COD elimination. With 35 minutes of the reaction period and this pH, COD was reduced from 4820
mg/L to 2250 mg/L, yielding a COD removal efficiency of 53.3%. Similar to this, Abdallah et al. (2013) confirmed
that pH might considerably affect the generation of both hydrogen and oxygen.
According to the results of the experiments, the synthesis of hydrogen and oxygen is improved the further away
from pH 7 there is in the range of pH from 3 to 13. Furthermore, according to Song et al. (2008), it was discovered
that an ozone electro-coagulator with an optimal pH of 10, dye concentration of 100 mg/L, a current density of
10 mA/cm2, salt concentration of 3,000 mg/L, the temperature of 30 ℃, ozone flow rate of 20 mg/L, and electrode
distance of 3 cm effectively removed 96% of colour and 80% TOC. Sengil et al. (2009) reported the results of the
second investigation, which used electrocoagulation with iron electrodes to remove 98% of Reactive Black 5 from
synthetic wastewater.
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
A dye concentration of 100 mg/L, a pH of 5, a current density of 4.575 mA/cm2, a salt concentration of 3,000
mg/L, a temperature of 20 ℃, and an inter-electrode spacing of 2.5 cm are the ideal treatment conditions.
Additionally, it has been noted that electrocoagulation using Al electrodes has a greater removal effectiveness
than electrocoagulation using Fe electrodes (Wang, 2009). According to Ilhan (2008), under the identical
treatment settings, Al electrodes provide greater COD and NH3N elimination of 56% as opposed to 35% for the
Fe electrode. According to Shivayogimath et al. (2013), the pH of 6 and a voltage of 9V guarantee the best
hydrogen yield when utilising Al electrodes.
It is noteworthy that leachate has the capacity to electrocoagulate hydrogen gas at yields that are close to the
theoretical maximum of 4 mol H2/mol of hexose consumed (Pawar et al., 2013). The EC method for using leachate
to produce hydrogen is still only being widely adopted by a small number of companies. Due to the large quantity
of garbage that is being accumulated today and how negatively it will damage the environment for decades, there
have been few research on the production of hydrogen gas from leachate, despite the fact that it is essential to
fixing the leachate problem. The major goal of this work is to investigate the potential for producing hydrogen
gas by the EC process utilizing several electrode types (Al, Ni, and Fe), and then to use response surface
methodology (RSM) to optimize the operating conditions (pH and voltage).
Leachate samples of about 75 litres were taken from one of the Malaysian treatment facilities in Selangor for the
electrocoagulation process. The samples were initially kept in a refrigerator at 4 degrees Celsius. Aluminium,
Nickel, and Iron electrodes of three different types, a DC-voltage rectifier with a variable device (BK PRECISION
- DC regulated power supply model 1621A), a gas bag and delivery tube (TEDLAR 0.6 LITRES), and acidic
buffer solutions (prepared sulphuric solution) were sourced and used in the subsequent experiments.
The electro-coagulation experimental setup for this study is presented in Figure 1. The experimental set was
applied distinctly for the three types of electrodes (Al, Ni and Fe) considered in this study. This shows that
electrodes were continuously changed. Initially, 800 ml of the leachate sample was filled into the glass container
of 1.3L. The glass container was placed on the hot plate magnetic stirrer (E) while the instalment of electrodes
plates (A and B) was connected to the power supply for adjusting different voltage (F) throughout the experiment.
After each experiment, the gas collected in the gas bag (D) through the delivery tube (C) was transferred out using
a syringe into the Crowcon gas analyser. The volume of gas in ppm was detected and shown in the device for
comparing and recording.
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
Figure 1. Experiment set-up for the electrocoagulation process for H2 production from leachate (A-anode
wiring, B-cathode wiring, C-tubing of gas flow, D-gas bag 0.6L, E-hot plate magnetic stirrer, F-DC
regulated power supply)
Design-Expert version 7.0 was used to develop the experimental layout based on the considered two independent
factors (voltage and pH). The developed experimental layout was applied independently using the selected
electrodes (Al, Ni and Fe). The summary of the experimental layout is presented in Table 1. The experimental
factors were varied to different levels which ranged from 4-8 and 3-9V for the pH and voltage, respectively.
Table 1. Summary of the CCD experimental layout for the combined pH-X1 and voltage-X2 factors
Variable Parameters Level
+1 0 -1
X1 pH-A 4 6 8
X2 Voltage (V)- B 3 6 9
The central composite design (CCD) component of the response surface methodology (Design-Expert version
10.0) was employed in the optimization of hydrogen gas production from the electrocoagulation process through
leachate as a substrate. Based on the experimental layout, a total of 13 runs of experiments were required to
perform with 4 replications of the centre point. The regression model was calculated by analysing the analysis of
variance (ANOVA), p-and F-value. The adequacy of the model was expressed by the coefficient of determination,
R2 followed by the predicted- R2 and adjusted R2 value. The model describes the interaction among the parameters
influencing the response by varying them concurrently by 3D surface graph and ANOVA. The value of R2 was
compared to visualized the modelling abilities towards the experimental data. Hence, readings of predicted values
against the experimental values were plotted and investigated for its suitability for optimal conditions. These
procedures were applied distinctly for the three types of the electrodes considered in this study, and then the H2
yield under the varying conditions was compared.
e. Analytical Methods
At the end of each experiment using a particular type of the electrode, the collected hydrogen gas in the gas-bag
was retrieved with a syringe, H (Model: TERUMO-60ml) and then analysed using Crowcon gas analyser, G (as
depicted in Figure 2). Also, the physicochemical characteristics of the leachate were analysed using calorimetric
methods in accordance with (APHA Standard Method, 2007).
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
Table 2 presents the physicochemical properties of the leachate sample alongside the Malaysian discharge limit.
Virtually all the examined parameters exceed the standard limits, and this further confirms that releasing of such
waste without proper remediation is unhealthy for the environment. It was only the pH that can be considered
within the acceptable limit, but as for the other parameters they were far above the Department of Environment
Malaysia (DOE) limit (Table 2). It is important to note that the level of contaminants concentrations in leachates
depends on several factors such as deposition durations, method of depositions, environmental factors as well as
the types of waste (Kabuk et al., 2013; Shivayogimath et al., 2013). Thus, it is crucial to determine the initial
physiochemical characteristics of the leachate before treatment to establish the basis for comparison with the DOE
standard and level remediation.
b. Experimental results
Based on the CCD experimental layout, the treatments were applied and the corresponding hydrogen gas produced
using Al; Ni and Fe electrode were recorded into the experimental matrix, as presented in Table 3. Essentially,
the three electrodes were subjected to similar treatment conditions.
Table 3. Experimental matrix for treatment factors with respective H2 values for the electrodes
Factor Factor Hydrogen Gas (ppm)
1 2
Run A: pH B: Al- Ni- Fe-
Voltage Electrode Electrode Electrode
1 9 6 510 332 422
2 8 9 696 538 551
3 4 6 463 450 262
4 6 6 697 683 550
5 4 3 153 77 101
6 6 6 697 690 546
7 4 9 697 809 554
8 6 6 697 554 551
9 6 2 151 89 109
10 8 3 156 108 103
11 6 2 173 77 109
12 6 6 695 550 551
13 6 6 600 457 552
The highest volume of 809 ppm of the hydrogen gas was obtained at 9V voltage and pH of 4 with Ni
electrodewhile, 697 and 554 ppm were recorded with Al and Fe electrodes, respectively. At this same voltage
magnitude of 9V but pH of 8, the H2 yield with Ni reduced to 538 ppm, while for AL and Fe electrode remains
approximately stable at 696 and 551 ppm, respectively. As the voltage reduced to 2-3V, the H2 yield using Ni
electrode dramatically reduced to 77 ppm and this recorded the least hydrogen gas production in this study. At
treatment condition of 6 V and pH of 6, an upturn performance of 697 ppm was obtained with the Al electrode as
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
against 554 and 551 ppm for the Ni and Fe electrodes, respectively. It can be noticed that higher voltage favours
more hydrogen gas production. This remark is in strong agreement with previous studies (Shivayogimath et al.,
2013; Bazrafshan. et al., 2007 and Yao Hua Ch. et al., 2008).
Table 4. Analysis of variance (ANOVA) of the model for H2 production using Al, Ni and Fe electrode
The fit of the regression models for the three electrodes was also expressed by the coefficients of determinations
R2, which were found to be 0.9789, 0.9387 and 0.9251 for Al, Ni and Fe electrodes, respectively. The data were
further diagnosed by plotting a linear graph between the actual and predicted values, as presented in Figure 3a, b
and c, respectively. It can be observed that the data points were all around the diagonal line, and this implies
insignificant deviations. More so, the respective adjustable and predicted R2 values were (0.9638; 0.5123),
(0.8948; 0.6374) and (0.8165, 0.6021). Thus, the excellent correlation values of R2 shows that the regression
models are adequate to navigate the design space, and as such, they are suitable for predicting the H2 yield.
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
Figure 3. Linear correlation between the actual and predicted H2 yield using (a) Al-electrode, (b) Ni-
electrode, and (c) Fe- electrode
d. Response Surface of the synergistic effect of treatment factors on the optimal hydrogen gas production
As shown in Figure 4a, b and c, hydrogen gas production increases with the voltage but decreases gradually as
the voltage decreases to lower ranges. The surface response alongside with contour of Figure 4a, based on the
optimization criterion, the optimal hydrogen yield (697 ppm) was obtained at the voltage 9V and pH of 6 with Al
electrode, though the corresponding predicted value was 833.091 ppm. Figure 4(b) illustrated the optimized
condition for H2 production using the Ni electrode. Similarly, higher voltage (9V) favours H2 production with an
optimal yield of 554 ppm and the predicted values of 617.391 ppm, but this is considerably lower compared to
that of the Al-electrode. This observation is in good agreement with the report of Shivayogimath et al., (2013).
Furthermore, Figure 4(c) depicts the surface response of the combined effect of voltage and pH on the optimal
hydrogen production using the Fe. An optimal value of 551 ppm with a corresponding predicted value of 672.372
ppm was obtained. Generally, it can be noticed from these figures that the impact of the pH on the H2 yield was
not significant. Bazrafshan. et al., 2007 and Yao Hua Ch. et al., 2008 reported that the increase in pH may be as
a result of hydrogen evolution at the cathodes electrode. Chafi et al. (2011) contested that the surge in pH was
only due to the release of CO2 from the wastewater, though H2 bubble were generated as disturbance during the
process. They further explained that, at lower pH, the CO2 is over-saturated in wastewater and as such H2 is
released leading to an increase in the pH value. In this study, the pH did not affect the treatment processes
significantly despite the wide range of the variation.
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
Figure 4. contour plots and response surface of the synergistic effect of combined pH and voltage on
optimal hydrogen gas production using (a) Al-electrode, (b) Ni-electrode, and (c) Fe- electrode
The electrocoagulation process based on varying voltage and pH, using different types of electrodes (Al, Ni, Fe)
for hydrogen production from leachate was successfully optimized using response surface methodology (RSM).
CCD optimization component of RSM was applied in this study and the results show that the Al electrodes give
an upturn optimum H2 yield of 697 ppm at the most suitable treatment parameters of pH 6 with the voltage of 9V
for 20 min treatment durations. While, the H2 yield under these same conditions using Ni and Fe electrodes were
554 and 551 ppm, respectively. The respective model coefficient of correlation (R2) for the experimental and
predicted H2 value were 0.9789, 0.9387 and 0.9251. This shows the precision of the regression model is adequate
to navigate the design space, and as such, it can be efficiently used for the prediction of hydrogen production from
leachate under the electrocoagulation process conditions.
The authors would like to acknowledge the general support provided by Universiti Putra Malaysia.
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Şengil, İ.A.; Kulaç, S.; Özacar, M. (2009). Treatment of tannery liming drum wastewater by
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Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
R. T. Iwar*, G. O. Ogbeh
The effects of toxic substances including heavy metals (HMs) in the human environment have become a
significant source of worry for the wellbeing of man and his dwellings. This work focused on the containment of
HMs pollution in dumpsite soils through phytoremediation using Stinging Nettle (Urtica dioica) as macrophyte.
The effects of macrophyte density (1 – 3 plants/m2) and bio-degradable chelating agent (Citric acid) concentration
(3 – 9 mmol/kg) on the phyto-extraction efficiency of Pb was considered in this study. Soil trials were taken from
a municipal dumpsite (depth 0 – 20 cm) in Makurdi, North-Central Nigeria which was already found to contain
elevated Pb concentrations (106.20 mg/kg) for the phytoremediation experiments. Control pots that received same
treatment without the addition of citric acid were also set up and monitored for comparisons. The bio-
concentration factor for Pb was less than unity (BCF < 1), while the translocation factor was greater than one (TF
> 1) at all macrophyte densities with the maximum occurring at macrophyte density of 3 plants/m2. Overall, uptake
of Pb by Urtica dioica increased with increment in the macrophyte density and at moderate lime concentration (6
Thus, Urtica dioica is an efficient natural hyper-accumulant for Pb pollution control in tropical soils.
KEYWORDS: Chelating agent, Dumpsites, Heavy metals, Soil, Phytoremediation, Stinging Nettle.
The persistence and toxicity of heavy metals in the environment has been a global ecological and human wellbeing
concern in recent times. Both natural and human-induced practices contribute to the accumulation of heavy metals
in various environmental matrices including soils, water, food and air. The most common anthropogenic causes
emerge through improper solid and liquid waste management practices. These result in the creation of huge
quantities of non-useful substances that prompt the discharge of harmful features to the environment including
heavy metals (Abdu ,Yusuf, 2013; Nuhu et al., 2014; Ma et al., 2015). Additionally, the quantum of heavy metal
occurrence in soils is influenced by the geological composition of the soils (Sivarajasekar et al., 2018).
Food security, green revolution and agricultural endowment are greatly related to the quality and quantity of soil
available. However, as a result of rapid urbanization and spring-up of industries, the quantity and quality of soils
available for agricultural production have been greatly retarded (Sivarajasekar et al., 2018). Heavy metals are
among the most worrisome group of soil pollutants due to their toxicity to humans and the ecosystem. When
present in soils , heavy metals solubilize in the soil-water-nutrient interaction and are taken up by plant/crop roots
and translocated to the whole parts of the plants where they are persistently stored in stems and leaves of the
plants. When such crops are consumed by man and his animals, they are exposed to the toxic and carcinogenic
effects of heavy metals (Ayoub et al., 2010; Ihedioha et al., 2017).
Research efforts in the past have been focused on ascertaining the status of heavy metal (Pb, Zn, Cd, Ni, Cu etc.)
contamination in and around dumpsites with little efforts given towards its removal for the safety of the ecosystem
(Wang et al., 2016; Gabarron et al., 2017). Unfortunately, active or non-active municipal solid waste dumpsite
soils which are associated with alarming heavy metal pollution status are frequently utilized for urban agriculture;
a situation that subjects the end consumers of such food to the deleterious consequences of the toxic heavy metals
due to bio-accumulation and food chain contamination problems (Wu et al., 2018).
The most common methods for remediating heavy metal contamination in soils include; electro-chemistry,
biochar addition, bioremediation and phytoremediation. Among these methods, phytoremediation which is the
application of growing ornamental plants for the removal of toxic pollutants including heavy metals in soils is
mostly considered. Phytoremediation is favoured for soil remediation because of its low cost, efficiency and low
energy inputs when compared with the other methods. Several researchers have reported the deployment of
phytoremediation as a treatment for reducing heavy metals in polluted soils. These researches cut across various
continent of the world and have utilized different plants/macrophyte for phytoremediation trials. For instance, in
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
Asia, Massadeh snd Massadeh (2019), used citrus lemon (Rutaceae), Ceratonia siliqua L., Olea europaea
(Oleaceae), Washingtonia filifera, and Myoporum (Myoporaceae) to examine the removal of copper (Cu) and
zinc (Zn) ions from aqueous solutions, while in Africa, Ameh et al., (2020), used groundnut (Arachis hypogaea)
and beans (Phaseolus vulgaris) plants to examine the removal of cadmium, chromium, copper and lead from soil.
Phytoremediation as a sole strategy is conventionally limited for large scale uses targeting non- bioavailable heavy
metals in soils. This is largely due to the long durations associated with the process (Wang et al., 2019). Thus the
use of improved techniques such as induced phytoremediation, chelate-assisted phytoremediation and genetic
manipulation of the macrophyte prior to its use for phytoremediation has been recently advocated.
The choice of phytoremediation and its successful implementation for heavy metal control in soils is dependent
on the availability of plant species that are hyper-accumulants of heavy metals. To this end, it is pertinent to study
the suitability of local plants for their efficacy in phytoremediation with respect to heavy metals decontamination
of soil of which several tropical ornamental and food crops are yet to be tested in this regard. The macrophyte of
choice in the current work: Stinging nettle (Urtica dioica) was previously tested for its heavy metal uptake in soils
without much success due to the non-bioavailability of heavy metals in the polluted soils (Shams et al., 2009;
Murtic et al., 2021: Sharifi et al., 2023). Recently, researchers have advocated the use of improved techniques for
enhanced phytoremediation of heavy metals by Urtica dioica. For instance Viktorova et al. (2016) asserted that
the phytoremediation ability of Urtica dioica can be greatly enhanced by genetic manipulation of the macrophyte
using constitutive CaMV 35S promoter. Another improved technique is the use of biodegradable and non-
biodegradable chelating agents to improve the bioavailability of heavy metals towards its effective phyto-
extraction by the chosen macrophyte. These techniques have been explored by some researchers for enhanced
phytoremediation of heavy metals using macrophyte such as Amaranthus caudatus L. and Tagetes patula L.
(Aghelan et al., 2021), Sasa argenteostriata (Yang et al., 2022), and Pfaffia glomerata (Huang et al., 2021) among
others. The use of biodegradable chelating agents for improved phyto-extraction of heavy metals from
contaminated soils is promoted ahead of the use of the non-biodegradable types due to its environmental
friendliness and non-secondary pollution disposition. The most commonly tested biodegradable chelating agents
and plant species have been chronicled by Shinta et al. (2021).
Despite the huge potentials of improved phytoremediation and environmental safety of biodegradable chelating
agents towards heavy metal extraction from polluted sites, these techniques have not been tested using Urtica
dioica; A macrophyte that has already shown significant prospects as a hyper-accumulant of heavy metals should
the technique be improved. Therefore, this study was set out to fill this knowledge gap with the following specific
objectives: (1) to comparatively study the phytoremediation of Pb by Urtica dioica under the application of citric
acid (a biodegradable chelating agent) and non-application scenario in a controlled environment pot experiments
using actual contaminated dumpsite soils, (2) to test the effects of macrophyte density and chelating agent
concentration on the phytoremediation of Pb using Urtica dioica.
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
and degrading materials in the samples. The soils were initially homogenized by thorough mixing before putting
same in polyethylene bags, enclosed with aluminium foils and transported to the laboratory and experimental site
for further analysis and use respectively (Ihedioha et al., 2017).
In the laboratory, the soil were homogenized again and characterized for the physico-chemical properties (details
not reported here) and then stored at room temperature before analysis for heavy metal content. For the
determination of Pb concentration in the soil sample, the method of Hedge et al. (2009) was followed for sample
digestion, while the concentration of Pb (mg/kg) in the sample was determined using a flame atomic adsorption
spectrophotometer (Shimadzu model AA 700) equipped with a deuterium lamp and air/acetylene head burner as
carrier gas system in accordance with the method of Wamalwa et al. (2018) at a wave length of 283.3 nm. Quality
assurance was done by determining the concentration of Pb in spiked and unspiked control soil samples and the
computing the percentage recovery following the procedure of Naz et al. (2018).
2.2 Experimental Set-up
The experiments were set-up in perforated cylindrical plastic pots of 250 mm2 top areas and depth of 200 mm. the
experiments were conducted for a total duration of 60 days with an additional initial seven day acclimatization
period. The pots were filled with homogenized samples of contaminated soils (3 kg) with an inherent Pb
concentration of 106.20 mg/kg. A drainage water collection vessel was placed underneath each experimental pot
to collect and recycle water/nutrients in the system. The pots were initially treated with deionized water at 60 %
of field capacity and left for one week. After that, the already established Urtica dioica plants grown in a nursery
were transplanted into the experimental pots at the desired plant densities and following standard agronomic
practices. Edge effects were minimized by routine randomization of the experiment pots in the screen house. The
planting densities adopted were 1, 2 and 3 plants/m2. Initially, the pots were planted with 6, 10 and 14 plants and
later tinned to 4, 8 and 12 plants to give planting densities of 1, 2 and 3 plants/m2 respectively as desired. The
chelator treatments using citric acid were started on day 30 after transplanting at dosages of 3.0, 6.0 and 9.0
mmol/kg and planting density of 3 plants/m2. Similar control pots that received only deionized water without the
additions of citric acid (chelating agent) were also set up and monitored for comparison. Each experimental
treatment was replicated thrice and arranged in a completely randomized design form.
In order to maintain the cleanliness of the experimental environment, weeding was done manually without the use
of herbicides and insect infestation were prevented by the screen house, thus no insecticides were used. Photo and
dark periods of 14 and 10 hours/day respectively were maintained throughout the experimental period in the screen
house. Similarly, room temperatures of 30 ± 2 °C and 23 ± 2 °C were maintained during the day and night times
respectively. Fig. S1 in appendix shows the schematic of the experimental set-up. The average height (ft) of the
macrophyte was monitored using a flexible tape over the growing period at an interval of 5 days with emphasis
on the experimental pots with three plants/m2 and varying citric acid concentrations (0 -9 mmol/kg).
2.3 Determination of Pb Concentration in Harvested Plant (Urtica dioica) Parts and Data Analysis
At the end of the 60 days experimental period, the experiments were terminated and the Urtica dioica plants were
separately harvested from the experimental pots and prepared for further analysis. The roots and shoots of each
plant category were carefully separated using a disinfected knife. The separated parts of the plants were separately
and carefully washed with deionized water; air dried and weighed using a digital weighing balance (Adam model
PW 184). Each weighed sample was labelled and placed in dry plastic pots for further determination of the inherent
Pb concentrations (mg/kg). Again the concentration of Pb in the component parts of the plants for each
experimental treatments and control were determined after ashing in a muffle furnace set at 800 °C (Carbolite
model GPC 12/81 + 103, Sheffield, England) and digestion using a flame atomic adsorption spectrophotometer
in accordance with the methods of Rashid et al. (2016). Then the phytoremediation potentials of Urtica dioica for
Pb under the various experimental treatments and control were determined as the Bio-concentration Factor (BCF),
Translocation Factor (TF) and Enrichment Factor (ECr) using equations 1, 2 and 3 respectively (Das et al., 2014;
Madanan et al., 2021). The percentage reduction in Pb concentration in the soil was measured to indicate the
chelating efficiency using equation 4, ANOVA was used to analyse the data sets (P = 0.05). The growth (height)
profile of Urtica dioica was also measured at an interval of 5 days for the 60 day experimental period using a
flexible meter rule.
𝐵𝐶𝐹 = B (1)
Where s = the combined concentration (mg/kg) of Pb in the plant aerial parts and roots
q = the initial concentration of Pb (mg/kg) in the soil.
𝑇𝐹 = , (2)
Where, z = Pb concentration in aerial parts of the plant
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
the levels of citric acid considered (P = 0.05) as shown in Table S3 and S4 in the Appendix respectively. Pb
removal efficiency ranged from 68.90 ±6.12 – 88.35±2.08 % (Table S5 in appendix) with the lowest and highest
values observed in the control and pots with citric acid concentration of 9.0 mmol/kg respectively (Fig. 1).
ANOVA also showed that there was no significant difference in the Pb uptake efficiency of the 6.0 and the 9.0
mmol/kg set set-ups. Thus it was recommended that the moderate citric acid concentration of 6.0 mmol/kg is
optimal for bioavailability and subsequent uptake of Pb from polluted soils by Urtica dioica macrophyte. Thus in
this study it was found that a planting density of 3 plants/m2 and citric acid concentration of 6 mmol/kg are ideal
for efficient removal and translocation of Pb by ornamental Urtica dioica macrophyte.
3.3 Growth of Urtica dioica at varying Chelating Agent Concentration in Polluted Soils.
The average height of Urtica dioica as a phytoremediation plant was monitored for 60 days in the pots containing
3 plants/m2 and at the various chelating agent concentrations. The control pots which had 0.0 mmol/kg of citric
acid were found to exhibit higher growth as compared with the pots that received various citric acid
concentrations. Initially, before the introduction of the chelating agent to the experimental pots (0 -30 days), the
plant height were not different, however, when the chelating agent was introduced (30 – 60 days), the growth of
the macrophyte began to decline with increase in the concentration of the citric acid (Fig. 2). This was ascribed to
the toxicity of Pb, which hindered its optimal growth. As stated earlier, when the concentration of citric acid was
increased, the bioavailability of of Pb in the soils for phytoextraction by Urtica dioica was also enhanced. This
situation encouraged Pb toxicity to the plants, leading to a diminished growth pattern as evidenced in Fig 1. Similar
toxicities were documented by other researchers (Zair et al., 2014).
In this work a novel macrophyte: Urtica dioica (Stinging nettle) was used for the first time towards the
phytoremediation of Pb in polluted dumpsite soils. The influence of macrophyte density and biodegradable
chelating agent concentration on the phytoremediation ability of the macrophyte was carefully studied in
macrocosm pot experiments conducted under a controlled environment (screen house). The bio-concentration
factor and enrichment factor were lower than unity at all planting densities and were significantly higher at higher
plant density (3 plants/m2), while the translocation factor indicated the excellent phyto-extraction capability of
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
Urtica dioica as values were > 1 for all planting densities and significantly reduced with increase in the plant
density. The Pb removal efficiency was found to depend on the chelating agent (citric acid concentration) and
significantly increased with an increase in the chelating agent concentration up to a moderate value of 6.0
mmol/kg. The growth of Urtica dioica in the polluted soil media was inhibited by an increase in the chelating
agent concentrations which promoted the bioavailability of Pb, its subsequent phyto-extraction and translocation
which increased Pb toxicities in the plants morphological physiological functions.
It was therefore concluded that Urtica dioica is a good candidate for phytoremediation of Pb polluted soils at
higher planting densities and moderate chelating agent concentrations.
Figure2: Effects of Citric Acid concentration on the Growth of Urtica dioica in Pb Contaminated soils
The authors acknowledge the Laboratory space provided by the Department of Soil Science, Joseph Sarwuan
Tarka University, Makurdi for the conduct of laboratory tests. The Department of Agricultural and Environmental
Engineering, Joseph Sarwuan Tarka University, Makurdi is also acknowledged for providing the screen house
where the experiments were set-up.
Abdu, N., Yusuf, A. (2013). Human health risk characterization of lead pollution in contaminated farmlands of
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soils contaminated with lead. J. Environ. Health Sci. Eng. 19(1): 503 – 514.
Ameh, G. I., Nwamba, O. H., Njam,V, S., Ofordile, E, C.(2020).Phytoremediation of heavy metals using some
selected leguminous crops. Afr. J. Agric. Res. ISSN: 1991-637X. https://doi.org/10.5897/AJAR.
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
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University of Ilorin, Nigeria
The removal of dyes such as crystal violet (CV) from effluents is a major concern worldwide due to their toxic
and carcinogenic nature. Recently, biodegradation through microorganisms has emerged as a potential method for
eliminating these pollutants. This study was carried out to investigate the extent and the kinetic parameters of
biological degradation of crystal violet by mixed-microbial cultures from cow dung and soil. A solution containing
100 mg/l of CV was prepared and added to a reactor inoculated with cow dung and another with soil. The reactors
were stirred continuously for 300 mins with concentration of CV measured every 15 mins. For 1 g/l initial
inoculum size, 92% and 75 % of CV degradation was achieved with cow dung and soil respectively. Adsorption
test showed both cow dung and soil have negligible adsorption capacities. Kinetic parameters like maximum
growth rate (mmax) and half-saturation constant (KS) were estimated to be 2.65 day-1 and 0.45 g/l for cow dung.
However, 0.82 day-1and 1.33 g/l as mmax and KS for soil were estimated respectively. These results showed mixed
microbial cultures from cow dung and soil can effectively degrade CV. It also suggests that cow dung is a more
efficient inoculum than soil in degrading CV.
KEYWORDS: Crystal Violet, biodegradation, kinetic parameters, microorganisms, cow dung, soil
The presence of dyes in effluents of various industries like textile, cosmetics, pharmaceuticals, rubber and plastic
poses a serious threat to the environment when they are discharged without sufficient level of treatment (Hussain
et al., 2020; Singha et al., 2021). Dye-coloured effluent directly discharged into rivers and lakes does not only
introduce aesthetic problems but, also obstruct penetration of light, as a result hindering aquatic plant
photosynthesis, reducing dissolved oxygen concentration and creating toxic conditions to aquatic flora and fauna
(Dutta & Bhattacharjee, 2022). The environmental issues surrounding the presence of colour in effluent is a
continuing problem for dyestuff manufactures, dyers, finishers and water companies, because increasingly
stringent colour consent standards are being enforced by regulatory bodies to reduce the quality of colour in
effluent and water courses (Kannan & Sundaram, 2001; Al-Tohamy et al., 2022). Crystal violet (CV) is one of
the most used dyes in textile and pharmaceutical industries. It is very notorious due to its structural stability and
resistance to heat and light. Crystal violet is toxic, mutagenic and carcinogenic (Mudhoo et al., 2020; Patil et al.,
2022). This detrimental effect means eliminating crystal violet from effluents cannot be over emphasized.
There are various physicochemical techniques for the treatment of effluents containing dyes such as adsorption,
precipitation, reverse osmosis, chemical oxidation, photodegradation, advanced oxidation, coagulation,
membrane filtration, electrochemical processes, and ultrasonic irradiation (Abdi et al., 2020; Samsami et al.,
2020). However, most of these methods of decolorizing and treating dye-containing effluents are not widely used
due to high investment cost, formation of sludge, formation of hazardous by-products and intensive energy
requirements (Abdi et al., 2020; Al-Tohamy et al., 2022). Physiochemical methods of dye removal are effective
only if the effluent volume is small and still generates toxic sludge. This has therefore resulted in considerable
interest in the use of biological techniques for the treatment of these effluents. Biodegradation and bioremediation,
especially through bacteria, is becoming an emerging and important sector in effluent treatment. Recently,
microbial degradation of textile effluent has been reported as eco-friendly and more economical than
physiochemical methods (Shah, 2013).
Biodegradation utilizes microorganisms such as bacteria, fungi and protozoa to breakdown the organic wastes or
contaminants into smaller less harmful substances. Such biological processes are cheaper, produce less sludge,
cost effective processes and have the potential to remove or decolorize the dye completely (Kalyani et al., 2009;
Hussain et al., 2020). Microorganisms from different sources such as animal waste, food waste, sewage, sludge,
cow dung, soil, etc. have the potential to achieve a higher degree of dye-degradation and can process a complete
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
mineralization of dyes under optimal conditions (Asad et al., 2007). Although the ability of isolated bacteria to
metabolize CV dye has been investigated by a number of researchers (Chen et al., 2007; Mondal et al., 2010;
Parshetti et al., 2011), biodegradation of crystal violet and other dyes can be less effective because of the inherent
characteristics of dyes like anti-septic and anti-fungal nature, complex chemical structure, toxicity, high weight,
and strong molecular bonds (Mani & Bharagava, 2016). To date, there is little information, if any, on the extent
of crystal violet degradation using mixed microbial cultures (unacclimated) and the biokinetic parameters.
Thus, this present study work was carried out to investigate the comparative effectiveness of crystal violet
degradation using mixed microbial cultures from cow dung and soil. The study also aimed to estimate and compare
the main kinetic parameters of biodegradation for both cow dung and soil.
2.1 Materials and apparatus
The materials and main apparatus used include: analytical grade crystal violet (Sigma Aldrich, Germany),
analytical grade ammonium chloride (99.5% Sigma Aldrich, Germany), magnetic stirrer (TOP-SH2, China), UV-
vis spectrophotometer (Zuzi 4201/20, France) and weighing balance (Ohaus SP202, Scoutt Pro, USA). Distilled
water was produced using water distiller (SZ-96 Mon Scientific, Nigeria). Other apparatus used were stopwatch
and glassware.
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University of Ilorin, Nigeria
rX = X ...................(3)
KS + S
−rS = .................(4)
KS + S Y
where rx indicates the cell growth rate (mg biomass/l/h), rs is the substrate utilisation rate (mg CV/l/h), X the cell
concentration (mg /l), S the CV concentration, mmax the maximum growth rate (h-1), KS the half-saturation constant
(mg CV/l) and Y the biomass growth yield on CV (mg biomass/mg CV). The mmax and Ks were calibrated on the
basis of the time profiles of CV Concentration during the biodegradation experiment. The values of mmax and Ks
calculated using non-linear regression of the Monod equations. Y was assumed to be equal to 0.47 mg biomass/mg
substrate, on the basis of the biomass yield reported in many textile effluent studies (Insel et al., 2002; Henze et
al., 2008).
Table 1: Adsorption of crystal violet on the cow dung and soil used in this study
Inoculum Concentration CV adsorbed Kd
(g/l) (mg CV/g inoculum) (l/g)
Cow Dung 1 1.465 0.014
Soil 1 0.473 0.0019
The adsorption coefficient (Kd) between CV and the inoculum obtained in this study is in agreement with the
values reported by Fent et al. (2003) in a different study, which observed Kd values (units converted for
consistency) between 0.0055 and 0.074 l/g. The results in Table 1 also shows that cow dung has better adsorption
potential as compared to soil.
3.2 Biodegradation experiment
Figures 1 and 2 show the concentration profiles of CV in the reactors with 1 g/l and 3 g/l initial inoculum size
CV Concentration (ppm)
Cow Dung
0 50 100 150 200 250 300
Time (min)
Figure 1: CV concentration profile in the reactors inoculated with 1 g/l Cow dung and 1 g/l Soil
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
Figure 1 shows that CV degradation was faster with cow dung as compared to soil when the initial inoculation
size was 1 g/l. It further shows that about 92 % of CV was degraded within 300 minutes. However, only about
75% degradation of CV was achieved with soil. It was also observed that the CV concentration dropped by about
30 % and 20 % within the first 60 minutes for cow dung and soil respectively. On the other hand, as observed in
Figure 2, increasing the inoculation size from 1 g/l to 3 g/l significantly improved the degradation rate of CV in
the reactor with soil, achieving almost 93% degradation within 200 minutes. It can also be observed that increasing
the inoculum size of both cow dung and soil virtually doubled the rate of CV degradation where 65% and 42% of
the CV removal was achieved within 60 minutes respectively. It is important to observe that most studies reported
in the literature were carried out using isolated bacteria (pure culture). Roy et al. (2018) reported 81.25 %
degradation of CV after 72 hours using isolated bacteria. Ayed et al. (2009) also achieved up to 92% decolorization
of CV within 3 hours using isolated bacteria. In another study, Parshetti et al. (2011) achieved 100 %
decolorization of CV within 5 hours using isolated radiobacter. Indeed, this study has shown that mixed microbial
cultures (not isolated) can achieve high CV degradation similar to the ones achieved with pure cultures.
CV Concentration (ppm)
Cow Dung
0 50 100 150 200 250
Time (min)
Figure 2: CV concentration profile over in the reactors inoculated with 3 g/l Cow dung and 3 g/l Soil.
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
0.35 µ
max = 2.65 day-1
0.3 Ks = 0.45 g/l
Rate of CV removal (dS/dt)
0.15 experiment
0 50 100 150 200 250 300
Time (min)
Figure 3: Rate of CV degradation over time. Comparison of experimental and model data for batch experiment
with cow dung. The estimated mmax and Ks are reported on the graph
0.16 max = 0.82 day-1
Rate of CV removal (dS/dt)
0 50 100 150 200 250 300
Time (min)
Figure 4: Rate of CV degradation over time. Comparison of experimental and model data for batch experiment
with soil. The estimated mmax and Ks are reported on the graph
This study has shown that crystal violet can be degraded by mixed microbial cultures inoculated from cow dung
and unacclimated soil in a batch reactor. The observed extent of CV degradation with cow dung was 90 – 92 %
for cow dung and 75 – 93 % with soil. CV adsorption on cow dung and soil used as inoculum was measured and
was found that adsorption was a negligible for CV removal in this case. This study shows that increasing the initial
inoculum size increases the rate of degradation for both cow dung and soil. Kinetic parameters like maximum
growth rate and half saturation constant were estimated to be 2.65 day-1 and 0.45 g/l for cow dung. The values for
soil were found to be 0.82 day-1 and 1.33 g/l, and these are in agreement with the literature. The results obtained
suggest that cow dung is a more efficient inoculum than soil in degrading CV.
We acknowledge the Department of Chemical and Petroleum Engineering, Bayero University Kano for making
this work possible by providing the lab space and technical support.
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
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Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
PAPER 28 – Mathematical Model for the Prediction of the Transport and Fate of Oil
O. A. Aworanti1, O. O. Agbede1*, S. O. Alagbe1, S. E. Agarry1, K. K. Salam1, A. O. Popoola3, D. A.
Ogunsola4, A. O. Alade2, A. O. Ajani1, A. O. Alabi2, A. O. Adedapo1*, R. A. Adeniji1
Biochemical and Bioenvironmental Engineering Research Group, (BBERG), Department of Chemical
Engineering, Ladoke Akintola University of Technology, P. M. B. 4000, Ogbomoso, Nigeria.
Bioenvironmental, Water and Engineering Research Group, (BWERG), Ladoke Akintola University of
Technology, Ogbomoso, Nigeria
Environmental Engineering Research Group, (EERG) Department of Chemical Engineering, Ladoke Akintola
University of Technology, P. M. B. 4000, Ogbomoso, Nigeria.
Department of Mechanical Engineering, Ladoke Akintola University of Technology, P. M. B. 4000,
Ogbomoso, Nigeria
The mathematical model (MT) was used to identify and predict oil spill (OS) movement. The MT was developed
based on the solution governing the partial differential equations of flow to simulate the processes of spreading
and advection of oil slick on the surface and the oil droplet concentration distribution in the H2O column,
respectively. The oil movement (OM) was estimated by the vector sum of the wind drift, the surface current,
spreading and diffusion. The transport of the oil phases in the water (H2O) column was computed using the
advection–diffusion equation. The variables determined were: oil spread rate on the H2O surface, concentration
of oil per area of spread in the H2O column, concentration of oil per time in the H2O column and spreading area
per time. The kinetic models were developed to determine the rate of OM on the H2O surface and column. The
result obtained indicated that the concentration of the OS on H2O surface per surface area of spread decreases as
the surface area increases while the concentration of the OS decreases with time. The concentration of the OS per
unit area at an area of 100m2 reduced from 0.06432 to 0.01114 kg/ m3 at 200 m2.
KEYWORDS: Oil spill, Wind speed, Oil slick, Time, Water column
Rapid economic growth has caused a significant increase in fossil fuel consumption in recent decades. World oil
production increased to about 74 million barrels per day by January 2005, and was fairly constant until 2011 when
it started to increase to 77.8 mb/d in 2014 (Murray, 2015). The world production of crude oil is about 3 billion
tons per year and half of it is transported by sea (Goldemberg, 2006; Ibeawuchi, 2016). Oil is often spilled during
its transportation through the sea in accidental discharge or through accident during road transportation with the
aid of tankers. Most oil has a density less than water, which makes it to float in water. Oil tends to spread into a
thin layer on the surface of water as sheen (Claireaux and Davoodi, 2010).
The discharged oil is of different varieties such as crude oil, refined petroleum products (such as gasoline or diesel
fuel) or by-products and can be further categorized into light, medium and heavy oils. Very light oils such as jet
fuel, and gasoline is highly volatile and evaporate quickly. Very light oils are one of the most acutely toxic oils
and generally affect aquatic life (fish, invertebrates, and plants) that live in the upper water column. Light oils
(diesel, light crude, heating oils) are moderately volatile and can leave a residue of up to one-third of the amount
spilled after several days. Light oils leave a film on intertidal resources and have the potential to cause long-term
contamination. Medium oils (most crude oils) and heavy oil can cause severe and long-term contamination to
intertidal areas but medium oils are less likely to mix with water, while heavy oils (heavy crude, No. 6 fuel oil
and Bunker C) do not readily mix with water and have far less evaporation and dilution potential (Okoye and
Okunrobo, 2014). Heavy oils have severe impacts on waterfowl and fur-bearing marine mammals. These oils tend
to weather slowly. Clean-up of heavy oil is difficult and usually a long-term process. Very heavy oils can float,
mix, sink, or hang in the water. These oils can become oil drops and mix in the water, accumulate at the bottom,
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
mix with sediment and then sink. (Anderson et al., 1993). When liquid oil is spilled on the sea surface, it spreads
over the surface of the water and forms a thin film called, oil slick (Okoye and Okunrobo, 2014). The movement
of the slick is governed by the advection and turbulent diffusion due to current and wind action (Koch and
Bavumiragira, 2019).
When an oil spill occurs on water, the three (3) major step of controlling and managing it is as follows; mechanical
containment, recovery and clean up. When an oil spill happens on water, it is critical to contain the spill as quickly
as possible to minimize danger and potential damage to persons, property, and natural resources. Containment
equipment is used to restrict the spread of oil and to allow for its recovery, removal, or dispersal. The most
common types of equipment used to control the spread of oil and recover oil from the surface are floating barriers,
called booms, skimmers sorbents, netting systems, sorbent booms, improvised booms and barriers, bubble barriers
and chemical barriers, while the clean-up techniques are bioremediation and dispersants. Bioremediation involves
the use of microorganisms or biological agents to break down or remove oil. Selection of the most appropriate for
a specific oil spill situation will depend on the particular conditions. Once an oil spill has been contained, efforts
to remove the oil from the water can begin. After a large oil spill, the oil slick is sometimes treated with a
dispersant. Dispersants emulsify petroleum by reducing the interfacial tension between petroleum and water. The
small droplets that are formed are dispersed into a water column to a depth of several meters, preventing wind-
induced drift of the oil slick. It is claimed that treatment by a dispersant enhances the biodegradation of petroleum.
Oil spillage affects both animals and human staying close to the shore or those whose livelihood depends on the
surrounding water and ultimately trigger health-associated problems. For effective management of oil spread on
the surface of the water, laboratory investigations have been conducted to study the variables that affect the spread
of oil with some submissions that makes it possible to manage it. Extending laboratory work by using them as a
basis for the prediction of oil spills will assist in monitoring and taking proactive decisions to minimize the effect
of spillage in the environment.
In the majority of cases, a mathematical model is the only available tool for rapid computation of the spilled oil
fate, and for simulation of the various clean-up operations. Two major processes transport oil spilled on water:
spreading and advection. For small spills (<100 barrels), the spreading process is complete within the first hour
of the release. Winds, currents, and large-scale turbulence (mixing) are advection mechanisms that can transport
oil at great distances.
In general, the oil movement can be estimated as the vector sum of the wind drift (using 3% of the wind speed),
the surface current, spreading and larger-scale turbulence (diffusion).
The governing equation for oil spread on the water in radial coordinate (r), is derived by taking an elemental
volume of oil.
(Rate of mass input) – (Rate of mass Output) + (Rate of production from Source) = (Rate of production from
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
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The velocity of water current in the radial direction = U A0 ; Area of circle (at r) = 4pr 2 | r ; Concentration
(at r) = C A0 | r
Rate of mass output of the spill = velocity ´ area ´ concentration ; Velocity of water current in radial
direction = U A1 ; Area of circle (at r+dr) = 4pr | r + dr ; Concentration (at r+dr) = C A1 | r + dr ;
Rate of Mass Input = area x flux; Area or circle = 4pr 2 ; Flux = N A = -D
¶c ¶c
Rate of mass input = -D | r 4pr 2 | r = -4pr 2 D | r (3)
¶r ¶r
¶c ¶c
Rate of mass output = -D | r + dr .4pr 2 | r + dr = -4pr 2 D | r + dr (4)
¶r ¶r
Rate of Mass Input for Convection and Diffusion
Rate of mass input = U A0 .4pr 2 C A0 | r -4pr 2 D |r (5)
Rate of Mass Output for Convection and Diffusion
Rate of mass output = U A1 .4pr 2 C A1 | r + dr - 4pr 2 D | r + dr (6)
Rate of Production from source
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
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Rate of Accumulation
Rate of Accumulation = Volume x rate of concentration = 4pr 2 dr ´ (8)
Combining equations 5, 6, 7, 8
é ¶c ù é ¶c ù
êU A0 .4pr C A0 | r -4pr D ¶r | r ú - êU A1 .4pr C A1 | r + dr -4pr D ¶r | r + dr ú
2 2 2 2
ë û ë û
+ RA ´ 4pr 2 dr = 4pr dr ´
é ¶c ù é ¶c ù
êëU A0 C A0 | r - D ¶r | r úû êëU A1C A1 | r + dr - D ¶r | r + dr úû ¶c
- + RA = (10)
¶r ¶r ¶t
lim dr ® 0
¶c d é ¶c ù
= êU A C A - D ú + R A (11)
¶t dr ë ¶r û
¶h d é ¶h ù
= êUh A - D A ú + R (12)
¶t dr ë ¶r û
D A = gh 2 ( r - r 0 ) (13)
Boundary Conditions
¶C A ¶C A
= 0 at r = 0 at the centre ; = 0 at r = R
¶r ¶r
2.2 Numerical Solution
¶c d é ¶c ù ¶c ¶C A ¶ 2c
= êU A C A - D ú + R A ; =UA - D 2 + RA (14)
¶t dr ë ¶r û ¶t ¶r ¶r
In the presence of strong currents, the mass transport phenomenon becomes advection-dominant, which increases
the requirement for the accuracy of a numerical scheme to be applied for the integration of the transports Equation
14. To decrease the numerical diffusion (approximation error) below the physical one, the accuracy of
approximation of the advection terms. Development of a high-order numerical scheme for advection terms can be
illustrated as follows:
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
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¶c ¶C A
=UA (15)
¶t ¶r
2.2.2 Explicit Method of Finite Difference
Fig 4: Subdivision of the r-t domain into intervals of Dr and Dt for finite–difference representation of the one-
dimensional, time-dependent fluid advection equation.
Then, the concentration C[r, t] at a location r and a time t is denoted by the symbol C in
Various derivatives appearing in the above fluid convection equation are approximated as above.
The first derivative of concentration with respect to the time variable (t) at a position (iDr) and at a time (nDt) is
represented by;
¶c C n+1 - Cin
|i ,n = i (17)
¶t Dt
The first derivative of concentration with respect to the radius (r) at a position (nDx) and at a time (iDt) is
represented by;
¶c A C ni +1 - C ni
|i ,n = (18)
¶r Dr
Substituting equations 3.18 and 3.17 into equation 3.15
Cin+1 - Cin C ni +1 - C ni
=UA (19)
Dt Dr
Dt i +1 Dt
Cin+1 - Cin = U A C n - C ni ; \a = U A = Courant Number (20)
Dr Dr
C in +1 - C in = a C ni +1 - C ni ] ; [
C in +1 = C in + a C ni +1 - C ni ] (21)
Gravity, inertia, viscosity and surface tension forces cause the horizontal expansion of an oil slick (i.e. spreading).
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Oil spreading Radius (OSR) = Gravity inertia + Viscosity + Surface tension force. Using experimental evidence,
Lehr et al.(2003) suggested that an oil slick spreads as an ellipse according to the following:
Ae = ´ Rmax ´ R min (22)
é r - r 0 ù 3 13 1 4
Rmin = 1.7 ê ú V t (23)
ë r û
4 3
Rmax = Rmin + 0.03U 3 t 4 (24)
Using the modified Fay-type spreading equation considering the influence of wind
2 2
é Dr ù 3 2 é Dr ù 3
A = 2290 ê ú V 3 + 40 ê VU W ú t ; Dr = r - r0 (25)
ë r0 û ë r0 û
Simulation Data (Lehr et al., 2003)
The following data were used to simulate the model: V = 600m , Uw = 10 m / s,20 m / s , r = 1000kg / m 3 ,
It was observed from the graph (Figure 5&6) that rate of spread of the oil spill increases with time covering more
areas. The rate of spreading was greatly influenced by the meteorological condition of the water body. At a wind
speed of 10 m/s, the oil spread to an area of 40 m2 within 300 seconds. At a wind speed of 20 m/s, the rate of
spreading is almost double.
Fig 5: Plot of Area of spill against time Fig 6: 2D Plot of oil spill Area against Time
The graph (Figure 7) shows the volumetric concentration of oil per area of spread. it can be deduced that the
concentration of the oil spill on the water surface per surface area of spread decreases as the area increases. The
concentration of the spilled oil per unit area at an area of 100m2 reduced from 0.06432 to 0.01114 kg/ m3 at 200
m2. This is due to the effect of other weathering processes like evaporation, emulsification, dispersion and other
oil fate processes that occur when the oil enters the water column.
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From Figures 8a and b, it was observed that the concentration of oil spills decreases with time. This is due to the
fact that as the oil spread with time, the surface area of the oil increases thus leading to faster evaporation of the
light oil fraction and the entrainment of the rest component into the water column. Comparing the result of the
simulated data of the oil spill, it was observed that the modified oil spreading model gave a better simulation of
the spill situation with the inclusion of the wind speed.
(a) (b)
Fig 8: 2D Plot of Volumetric oil (a) and oil spill concentration (b) against time
Fig 9: 2D Plot of Volumetric oil concentration and Area of Spreading with time
An oil spreading model has been developed to predict the movement of surface oil slicks on water bodies. Using
this model, the area of spreading and concentration of the oil spill at different time intervals can be solved. With
the required simulation data input into the model, the simulation results show the process of oil slick movement
on the water surface. This model would help to develop proper contingency plans as well as assist in deciding the
best containment and recovery approach in case of a spill. Though the model can predict the concentration of oil
spill and the area of spread at different time intervals, the followings are recommended:
• The meteorological data of water bodies should be readily available for immediate simulation in case of
an oil spill
• Different oil spill models should be tested to discover the best that would simulate the accurate condition
of the oil spill
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Anderson, E.L., E. Howlett, K. Jayko, V. Kolluru, M. Reed, and Spaulding, M. (1993). The worldwide oil spill
model (WOSM): an overview in Proceedings of the 16th Arctic and Marine Oil Spill Program, Technical
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Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
Over 75% of all mobile network traffic will be exhausted and generated by smartphones by 2019(Cisco online,
2020). As such there is an ever-growing interest from mobile network operators to better understand and assess
the performance of their networks as viewed by end-users directly. The wide usage of internet based services has
been traced down to the emergence of high-speed mobile network situated on Universal Mobile
Telecommunication Systems (UMTS), Long Term Evolution (LTE) and other telecommunications standards.
Equally, the availability of higher data transmission speed (throughput) enables mobile internet users to go beyond
internet surfing, by enabling services such as file transfer, file download, video streaming and voice over internet
protocol (VOIP). However, the Mobile network operators (MNOs) tend to limit the existing data-rate achievable
by the users because of the high cost involved in acquiring spectrum (Tsiaras, et al, 2011). At the same time, the
increase in the rate of subscribers have enhanced competitive advantage and provision of affordable services,
thereby imposing additional challenge on the MNOs in providing a satisfactory level of service performance to
the mobile internet users (Ibarrola et al, 2011), (Shaikh et al, 2010). Specifically, mobile networks are vulnerable
to channel availability (such as decreased channel availability) that dynamically changes overtime because of the
local congestion, which often result into compromising the user session (Goleva et al, 2012). The stated instances,
increase in limited data rate and local congestion can seriously have impact on network telecommunication service
experienced by users. Quality of experience is used in achieving evaluation of telecommunication service because
it gives customers and service providers a comprehensive understanding of how users experience the service.
Quality of experience metrics allow service providers to identify areas that require improvement and take action
to ensure the highest levels of customer satisfaction. Quality of experience metrics also provides valuable insights
into customer trends, behaviors, and preferences that can be used to optimize services and improve the customer
experience. Quality of service (QoS) focuses on technical performance metrics such as network latency and packet
loss, while quality of experience (QoE) focuses on the subjective experience of customers such as how satisfied
they are with the service and how easy it was to use. QoS measures the technical performance of the service, while
QoE measures the customer experience of the service. QoS is typically measured by service providers, while QoE
is usually measured by customers. Both customers and service providers benefit from QoE evaluation of
telecommunication service. Customers benefit from improved service experiences, as service providers use QoE
data to identify areas for improvement and optimize services. Service providers benefit from greater customer
satisfaction, as well as insights into customer trends and behaviors that can be used to target campaigns and
services more effectively. In this paper we look at ways to achieve QoE in telecommunication networks.
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Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
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Position accuracy GPS, current cell Current cell GPS, current cell
Traffic Overhead Little or no overhead High overhead No overhead traffic
Requires human Trained users required Yes No (passive)
intervention (active)
Scalability Reduced, more drive test Difficult, technology Handles all sizes of traffic/
requires more dependent measurements
specialized equipment
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University of Ilorin, Nigeria
Firstly, I will like to praise the almighty Allah, Alhamdulillah for His mercy and wisdom, I will like to
acknowledge Dr. (Mrs) C. O. Alenoghena for her immense contribution and guidance in seeing I achieve this
work, her dedication is second to none, her patience and nurturing really made this work possible and for that I
appreciate her. May God almighty bless you ma.
A. Singh, A. Mahmoud, A. Koensgen, X. Li, C. Göerg, M. Kus, M. Kayralci and J. Grigutsch, Enhancing Quality
of Experience (QoE) Assessment Models for Web Traffic,” in 5th International Conference, Cork, Ireland,
Apajalahti K, Walelgne EA, Manner J, Hyvönen E. Correlation-based feature mapping of crowdsourced LTE
data. In: Proceedings of IEEE 29th Annual International Symposium on Personal, Indoor and Mobile Radio
Communications; Bologna, Italy; 2018. pp. 1-7.
Akpabio, J. (2020). Quality of Experience and User Experiences in Telecommunication Services: A Study of
Mobile Network Users in Nigeria. International Journal of Engineering and Technology (UAE)
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Bartlett, J. (2021). 10 Best Practices for Improving Your Telecommunications Quality of Experience.
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C. Tsiaras, A. Sehgal, S. Seeber, D. Dönni, B. Stiller, J. Schönwälder and G. D. Rodosek, “Towards evaluating
type of service related Quality-of-Experience on mobile networks,” in 7th IFIP on Wireless and Mobile
Networking Conference (WMNC), 2014
Dimitris. T, Nikos. P, Lazaros, M and Eirini. L, A survey on parametric QoE estimation for popular services.
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E. Ibarrola, J. Xiao, F. Liberal and A. Ferro, “Internet QoS Regulation in future networks: A user-centric
approach,” in ITU Kaleidoscope Conference, 2011
Fida M, Marina MK. Impact of device diversity on crowdsourced mobile coverage maps. In: Proceedings of 14th
International Conference on Network and Service Management; Rome, Italy; 2018. pp. 348-352.
J. Shaikh, M. Fiedler and D. Collange, “Quality of Experience from user and network perspectives,” Ann.
Telecommun DOI: 10.1007/s12243-009-0142-x, Springer, pp. 47-57, 2010.
Kousias K, Midoglu C, Alay O, Lutu A, Argyriou A. The same, only different: contrasting mobile operator
behavior from crowdsourced dataset. In: Proceedings of IEEE 28th Annual International Symposium on
Personal, Indoor, and Mobile Radio Communications; Montreal, Canada; 2017. pp. 1-6.
M. A. Calle and J. G. Restrepo, "Quality of experience in telecommunication networks," in IEEE Latin America
Transactions, vol. 13, no. 4, pp. 1024-1030, April 2015, doi: 10.1109/TLA.2015.7104132.
M. Rugelj, M. Volk, U. Sedlar, J. Sterle and A. Kos, “A novel user satisfaction prediction model for future network
provisioning,” Telecommunication system, 56 doi: 10.1007/s11235-013-9853-4 Springer, pp. 417-425,
M. Alreshoodi and J. Woods, “Survey on QOE\QOS corelation models for multimedia services,” International
Journal of Distributed and Parallel Systems (IJDPS) 4(3), pp. 53-72, 2013.
Mancuso V, Quirós MP, Midoglu C, Moulay M, Comite V et al. Results from running an experiment as a service
platform for mobile broadband networks in Europe. Computer Communications 2019; 133: 89-101. doi:
Oluwole, T.O., & Adejumo, O.O. (2018). Quality of experience (QOE) of mobile and fixed broadband services
in Nigeria. International Journal of Telecommunications and Network Security, 2(1), 6-12.
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platform for mobile broadband networks in Europe. Computer Communications 2019; 133: 89-101. doi:
P. Le Callet, S. Möller and A. Perkis, “Qualinet White Paper on Definitions of Quality of Experience Output
version of the Dagstuhl seminar 12181,” 2 June 2012. [Online]. Available:
http://www.qualinet.eu/images/stories/whitepaper_v1.1_dagstuhl_output_co rrected.pdf.
R. Goleva, D. Atamin, S. Mirtchev, D. Dimitrova and L. Grigorova, “Traffic Sources Measurement and Analysis
in UMTS,” in the proceedings of the 1st ACM workshop on High Performance Mobile Opportunistic
System, Paphos, Cyprus, 2012, pp 29-32.
S. Barakovic and L. Skorin-Kapov, “Survey and challenges of QoE management issues in wireless networks,”
Journal of conputer networks and communications, pp. 1-28, 2013
T. H. Falk and W.-Y. Chan, “Single-Ended Speech Quality Measurement Using Machine Learning Methods,”
IEEE Transactions on Audio, Speech, and Language Processing, 14(6), pp. 1935-1947, 2006.
Xu F, Li Y, Wang H, Zhang P, Jin D. Understanding mobile traffic patterns of large scale cellular towers in urban
environment. IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking (TON) 2017; 25 (2): 1147-1161. doi:
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Microgrid (MG) development has contributed to widespread connections among distributed generation (DG)
units. In this paper, a two-area MG system comprise of different micro sources was developed. The dynamic
nature of various renewable energy resources (RESs) wind power fluctuations, and changes in applied load are
the significant challenges faced in an islanded microgrid (IMG) frequency control. With respect to this, two-level
control technique-based load frequency control (LFC) was developed. The aim is to develop a control scheme that
maintains zero steady-state errors for deviation in frequency and inter-area power flow within the acceptable limits
in two-area IMG. The developed LFC was implemented using a PI controller at a lower level and a PID controller
at a high level. Each controller measures and solve the integral of time multiplied absolute error (ITAE) to compute
the optimal gain of the PI controller using the quasi-opposition Jaya algorithm (QOJAYA). At the same time, the
PID coordinates the activities of the two-area and provides reference signals to the lower-level controllers. The
feasibility of the developed scheme was verified through time-based simulations in MATLAB/Simulink
environment. Its performances were compared with the Improved Salp Swarm Algorithm Type II fuzzy PID
control scheme using settling time and maximum deviation as performance metrics.
KEYWORDS: Islanded microgrid, Microgrid, Load frequency control, Renewable energy Resources.
Power energy is one of the key factors for any nation's growth and future prosperity, therefore, there is need to
balance power generation and power demand, keeping in mind economic, technical, and environmental reasons
for the choice of means of generation of electrical power. One of the major challenges of energy planners is to
decide whether the investment in today's energy infrastructure should be based on emerging technology (RESs)
or traditional fossil fuels. Renewable energy resources (RESs) are clean sources of energy that are increasingly
displacing “dirty” fossil fuels in the power sector (Bayindir et al, 2014). The integration of RESs has considerably
increased in recent years largely due to its environmental and economic friendly. This gives the concept of
microgrid (MG) wider acceptability (Ravindra et al, 2014). It simply comprises distributed generators (DGs),
energy storage devices, and load confined within an area with a small geographical spanning (Kortz, 2017). An
MG can be operated in two modes: Islanded/off-grid mode and the grid-connected mode. Islanded microgrids
(IMGs) power systems (PS) provide access to electricity to the rural and remote areas and isolated islands. IMGs
differ from the central power grid, in structure, size, and functionality. IMGs consist of various RESs, like Wind
and Photovoltaic (PV) which supply unstable power to MG. High penetration of RESs of inverter-based results
in low system inertia. The reduced inertia in the MG lead to an increase in the rate of change of frequency, which
may, in turn, lead to instability in the MG. Going by the factors mentioned above, IMG frequency control requires
an intelligent and efficient controller (Palizban and Kauhaniemi, 2015; and Li et al, 2018).
The frequency of a PS depend on the active power balance. As the frequency is a common factor throughout the
system, a change in active power demand at one point is reflected throughout the system by a change in frequency.
In the islanded mode of operation, generation (having an intermittent source) and loads (demand-based) are
varying continuously, so frequency control plays an important role in system stability (Li et al, 2018). Frequency
control remains one of the most important issues in the power system. Future power systems need more robust
and optimal LFC approaches that can handle new challenges posed by modern PS. By considering the
aforementioned factors, IMG frequency control requires an intelligent and efficient controller (Palizban and
Kauhaniemi, 2015).
To study the dynamic response of IMG against the change in load or source power various mathematical models
of IMG have been reported in the literature. The designed of an optimal quasi-oppositional harmony search
algorithm (QOHSA) based on a load frequency controller was discussed in (Shankar and Mukherjee, 2016),
Kayalvizhi and Kumar, (2017) proposed a new centralized fuzzy adaptive MPC for LFC of an IMG, an intelligent
ABC-Based terminal sliding mode controller for load-frequency control of islanded micro-grids was presented in
(Bagheri et al,2020), in (Han et al, 2015), for load frequency in an autonomous MG, a μ-based robust controller
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
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was proposed. Load frequency control method using PSO-based ANN control was presented in (Safari et al.
2018), an improved-salp swarm optimization (I-SSO) for LFC in IMG was discussed in (Prakash et al, 2018).
However, the control strategies gave a good dynamic response, but they depend on the designer’s experience. The
aim of this paper is to develop a two-level supervisory load frequency control scheme for maintaining both
frequency and tie-line power to their nominal values under different uncertainties. The two level control (i.e.,
lower level PI and higher level PID) controller is proposed to create necessary IMG control mechanism. The
different gain parameters of proposed controllers are optimized by using Quasi-Oppositional JAYA (QO-JAYA)
algorithm and finally to justify the supremacy of proposed two level control scheme its performances were
compared with type-II fuzzy controller optimized using ISSO.
The transfer function expression for the individual system is as shown in equation 1 to 8 (Prakash et al., 2018):
Wind turbine generator (GWT (s)) = (1)
where TWT is the time constant of the wind turbine
Photo Voltaic (PV) (GPV(s)) = (2)
where TPV is the time constant of the PV
Microturbine (GMT(s)) = (3)
where TMT is the time constant of the MT
Diesel Generator (GDG(s)) = (4)
where TDG is the time constant of the DG
Fuel Cell (GFC(s)) = (5)
where TFC is the time constant of the FC
Flywheel Energy Storage (GFES(s)) = (6)
where TFES is the time constant of the FES
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Battery Energy Storage (GBES(s)) = (7)
where TBES is the time constant of the BES
The total power generation in each area of the MG system is
Ptotal = PDG + PMT + PFC + PWT + PPV ± PBES ± PFES (8)
2.1 Control Topology
In an interconnected (PS) with two or more interconnected control areas (CAs), the generation within each area
must be controlled to maintain the load demand with that CA and schedule power interchange with its neighboring
CAs. In the LFC problem, each area has its generator or coherent group of generators responsible for a generation.
The tie-lines are the utilities through which the contracted and uncontracted (in abnormal conditions) energy
exchange between the CAs is provided. In two areas islanding MG, the communication system is required to
provide a means to exchange data and monitor various elements for control and protection purposes. In centralized
control, a central controller (CC) acts as an interface between all the CAs and the distributed management system.
Central control collects data and determines controlling actions for all units. Extensive communication and
computation are required in centralized control, this requirement makes the centralized control infeasible (Singh
et al, 2019). In decentralized control, each unit has a local controller (LC). The units are controlled independently
by their LC because decentralized control assumes that the communication between subsystems is negligible. The
controller does not rely on control of other controller’s action. To achieve reliable and efficient control
decentralized approach a strong coupling between the system units is required (Badal et al, 2019). As a result of
the above situations, a two-level optimal coordination control method for the LFC of the multi-area IMG is
preferred over the convention methods for load frequency control due to their computational efficiencies, solution
accuracies, and improved reliability. Two-level load frequency control scheme, the lower control level comprised
of proportional-integral (PI) to regulate each of the micro-source to control the MG’s frequency and inter-MG
power exchanges. At the higher control level, a proportional-integral-derivate (PID) will be applied in each MG
as a supervisory controller to determine the set-points for the decentralized PI controllers in the lower layer. The
control scheme is proposed to have the capability of switching from the two-level supervisory LFC to a
decentralized LFC (i.e. comprising of only the local PIs) when the PIDs in the higher level (or communication
between them) failed.
The objective function for the two-level LFC problem are formulated as follows:
3.1 Formulation of Two-Level based LFC Objective Function
The lower control level comprises of proportional-integral (PI) to regulate each of the micro-source to control the
MG’s frequency and higher level comprises of PID controller to supervised the control activities of the two CAs.
The Integral of Time multiplied Absolute Error (ITAE) criteria is used as the objective function for both the two
control level as expressed in equation 9 and 10 respectively.
JLC = ITAE =𝑚𝑖𝑛 ∫O 𝐴𝐶𝐸D = ∫O 𝐵∆𝑓 (9)
Where B denotes the biasing factor and ∆𝑓 is the frequency deviation in p.u.
JHC = ITAE =∫0 𝐴𝐶𝐸𝑖 , for i= 1,2 (10)
𝐴𝐶𝐸1 = 𝐵∆𝑓 + ∆𝑃𝑡𝑖𝑒
where ∆𝑃𝑡𝑖𝑒𝑖 change in tie-line power between the ith area and the other area.
While minimizing ITAE the following constraints are need to be maintained
i. Load-generation balance as equality constraint as expressed in equation (11)
∑ 𝑃𝐺𝑖 =∑ 𝑃𝐷𝑖 + 𝑃𝑡𝑖𝑒 𝑖 (𝑡) (11)
ii. Frequency band: the frequency is constrained within the certain upper and lower band as;
≤ 𝑓𝑖 ≤ 𝑓𝑚𝑎𝑥
iii. Controller gains constraints: the controller proportional, integral, and derivate gains are constrained with
some upper and lower limits for practical considerations, as shown in (13-15);
𝑝𝑖 ≤ 𝐾𝑝𝑖 ≤ 𝐾𝑃𝑖
𝐼𝑖 ≤ 𝐾𝐼𝑖 ≤ 𝐾𝑚𝑎𝑥𝐼𝑖
𝐾𝑚𝑖𝑛 𝑚𝑎𝑥
𝐷𝑖 ≤ 𝐾𝐷𝑖 ≤ 𝐾𝐷𝑖
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University of Ilorin, Nigeria
Here b and w represent the index of the best and worst solutions among the current population. i, j, k are the index
of iteration, variable, and candidate solution.
A(i, j, k) means the jth variable of kth candidate solution in an ith iteration. r(i, j, 1) and r(i, j, 2) are numbers
generated randomly in the range of [0, 1]. The random numbers r(i, j, 1) and r(i, j, 2) act as scaling factors and
ensure good diversification.
For this purpose, the best and worst solutions are to be identified. The solution with the highest rank (rank = 1) is
selected as the best solution. The solution with the lowest rank is selected as the worst solution. The number of
function evaluations required by the MOQO-Jaya algorithm = population size * no. of generations for a single
simulation run.
i. Non-dominated Sorting of the Population
In this approach the population is sorted into several ranks (fronts) based on the dominance concept as follows: a
solution xi is said to dominate other solution xj if and only if solution xi is no worse than solution xj concerning
all the objectives and the solution xi is strictly better than solution xj in at least one objective. If any of the two
conditions are violated, then solution xi does not dominate solution xj. Among a set of solutions P, the non-
dominated solutions are those that are not dominated by any solution in the set P.
ii. Constraint-Dominance Concept
A solution i is said to constrained-dominate a solution j, if any of the following conditions is true. Solution i is
feasible and solution j is not. Solutions i and j are both infeasible, but solution i has a smaller overall constraint
violation. Solutions i and j are feasible and solution i dominates Solution j.
iii. Crowding Distance Computation
The crowding distance is assigned to each solution in the population to estimate the density of solutions
surrounding a particular solution i. Thus, the average distance of two solutions on either side of solution i is
measured along each of the M objectives. This quantity is called the crowding distance (CDi).
𝑓𝑗+1 𝑗−1
𝑚 −𝑓𝑚
𝐶𝐷𝑗 = 𝐶𝐷𝑗 + (20)
𝑓𝑚𝑎𝑥 𝑚𝑖𝑛
𝑚 −𝑓𝑚
where j is a solution in the sorted list, fm is the objective function value of mth objective, 𝑓𝑚𝑎𝑥
and 𝑓𝑚𝑖𝑛
are the
population-maximum and population-minimum values of the mth objective function.
i. Crowding-Comparison Operator
Crowding-comparison operator is used to identifying the superior solution among two solutions under
comparison, based on the two important attributes possessed by every individual i in the population i.e. non-
domination rank (Ranki) and crowding distance (CDj).
3.3 Algorithm for Optimal Tuning of PI and PID Controller Parameter Using QO-Jaya Algorithm
i. Read input data i.e., frequency, active power generation limits of all controllable DGs, and constraints.
ii. Read algorithm parameters i.e. population size, maximum number of iterations, and declaration of both
upper bound and lower bound of variables.
iii. Generate quasi-opposite population using equation (16)
iv. Select good (P) solutions from initial population and quasi-opposite
v. Perform greedy selection to identify best and worst solutions in the selected population using equation
(20) and compute new solution using equation (19).
vi. If the new position is better than old.
vii. Evaluate the objective function for the two control level
viii. Repeat steps (iv) to (vii) until a convergence criterion is met.
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
Figure 2a: Variation of load (∆PL) Figure 2b: Variation of area1 frequency due to ∆PL
Figure 2c: Variation of area2 frequency due to ∆PL Figure 2d: Variation of tie-line power due to ∆PL
Case 2 Wind Power Fluctuation (ΔPWind)
In this case, the wind turbine is considered as white noise since the environmental fluctuations are continuous and
unstable. Figure 3a shows the wind power perturbation and Figure 3(b-c) represents the MG output frequency
response by comparing the proposed controllers. The tie-line power deviation is given in Figure 3 (d).
Figure 3a: Variation of wind power (∆PW) Figure 3b: Variation of area1 frequency due to ∆PW
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
Figure 3c: Variation of area2 frequency due to ∆PW Figure 3d: Variation of tie-line power due to ∆PW
The critical analysis on dynamic responses and Table.1 reveals that, the proposed control scheme outperformed
the ISSA tuned type-II fuzzy PID controller.
Table 1: Summary of two area IMG Response Following RLP with ISSA-Type II Fuzzy PID and Proposed
States Controller Performance
Settling time (sec) Improvement Maximum Improvement
f1 (Hz) Proposed Control 4.79 29.556% -0.0007 30%
ISSA 6.80 -0.001
f2 (Hz) Proposed Control 4.63802 25.161% 0.00 0%
ISSA 6.20 0.00
DPtie Proposed Control 5.18 19.32% 0.00018 21.74%
ISSA 6.42 0.00023
ITAE Proposed Control 8.2523 6.367%
ISSA 8.8312
The dynamic responses has been depicted through different conditions reveal that proposed control
scheme exhibits more effectiveness over ISSA optimized type-II fuzzy PID controller. Overall critical
discussions on this section reveal that proposed control scheme exhibits superior performance in regard
to LFC study of an islanded multi-area interconnected MG system.
In this work, a two level control scheme is proposed for the comprehensive LFC analysis of a multi-area
multisource interconnected islanded microgrid system. The developed control schemes are meant to enable both
centralization and decentralization of power system. The proposed controller simulation outcomes are compared
with the Type II fuzzy PID control scheme under different scenarios. From the simulation outcomes of all
scenarios, the proposed controller exhibits a better dynamic performance in terms of fast settling time, overshoot
reduction and less frequency deviation error over Type II fuzzy PID controller.
Annamraju A. and Nandiraju S. (2018): Robust Frequency Control in an Autonomous Microgrid: A Two-Stage
Adaptive Fuzzy Approach, Electric Power Components and Systems, DOI:
Bagheri, A., Jabbari, A., and Mobayen, S. (2020). An Intelligent ABC-Based Terminal Sliding Mode Controller
for Load-Frequency Control of Islanded Micro-Grids. Sustainable Cities and Society, 102544.
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International Journal of Renewable Energy Research, 4(4),1094–1107.
Kayalvizhi S. and Vinod Kumar D. M., (2017) "Load Frequency Control of an Isolated Micro Grid Using Fuzzy
Adaptive Model Predictive Control," in IEEE Access, 5,. 16241-16251, 2017, doi:
Kortz D. (2017) Microgrids: reliable power is a small package. Barkely Lab Science Beat.,
Li J., Liu Y., Wu L., (2018), Optimal Operation for Community-Based Multi-Party Microgrid in Grid-Connected
and Islanded Modes, IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid. 9(2) (2018)756-765.
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
Mishra, D., Nayak, P. C., and Prusty, R. C. (2020). PSO optimized PIDF controller for Load-frequency control of
A.C Multi-Islanded-Micro grid system. 2020 International Conference on Renewable Energy Integration
into Smart Grids: A Multidisciplinary Approach to Technology Modelling and Simulation (ICREISG).
Palizban O., Kauhaniemi K., (2015) Hierarchical control structure in microgrids with distributed generation:
Island and grid-connected mode, Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews. 44 (2015) 797-813.
Prakash C. S., Sonalika M., Ramesh C. P., Sidhartha P. (2018) Improved -salp swarm optimized type-II fuzzy
controller in load frequency control of multi area islanded AC microgrid, Sustainable Energy, Grids and
Networks (2018), https://doi.org/10.1016/j.segan.2018.10.003
Rao, R. V., and Rai, D. P. (2017a). Optimization of welding processes using quasi oppositional based Jaya
algorithm. Journal of Experimental and Theoretical Artificial Intelligence, 29(5), 1099–1117.
Ravindra K. Kannan B. Ramappa. N (2014) “Microgrid a Value-Based Paradigin, the need for the redefinition of
microgrids, IEEE Elect Mag 2(1); 20-29.
Sanjari M. J. and Gharehpetian G. B., (2013) Small Signal Stability Based Fuzzy Potential Function Proposal for
Secondary Frequency and Voltage Control of Islanded Microgrid, Electric Power Components and Systems,
41:5, 485-499.
Shankar, G., and Mukherjee, V. (2016). Load frequency control of an autonomous hybrid power system by quasi-
oppositional harmony search algorithm. International Journal of Electrical Power and Energy Systems, 78,
Di = damping coefficient ith area = 0,012 (pu/Hz); Mi = Inertia constant of ith area = 0.2 (pu/s); i= 1,2; TFC =
Fuel Cell time constant = 4s; TBES = Battery energy time constant = 0.1s; TFES = Flywheel energy storage time
constant =0.1s; TDEG = Diesel engine generator time constant = 2s; TMT = Microturbine time constant = 2s;
TWTG = Wind turbine generator time constant = 1.5s; TPV = Photo Voltaic cell time constant = 1.8s. B =
Frequency biasing factor = 0.425 pu MW /Hz. ; R = Regulation =0.05 Hz/Mw; T12 = Time coefficient=1.6 s.
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University of Ilorin, Nigeria
ABSTRACT The rapid growth in the wind power market among other Renewable energy sources (RES) is
attracting the attention of scientists and researchers because the integration of Wind Turbine Systems (WTs) with
the grid to complement the conventional sources in meeting up with global electrical energy demand is becoming
a challenging task. The Doubly Fed Induction Generator (DFIG) has become very popular due to its low converter
rating and flexible control of its active and reactive power, higher power quality, and better dynamic performance.
Consequently, protecting the DFIG-based WTs from grid faults turn out to be indispensable. In this study, a 2
MW grid-connected DFIG-based WT model with a Hybrid scheme for Fault Ride-Through (FRT) capability and
stability improvement was developed. The design and simulation were performed in MATLAB/Simulink
(R2019b) software. The test system was subjected to disturbances leading to High Voltage Ride – Through
(HVRT) by applying three–phase balanced fault without any compensation device than with conventional R-type
SSFCL and finally with the Hybrid scheme. The performance of the Hybrid scheme shows fault current limitation
and voltage compensation improvement over the R-type SSFCL. The THD of supply voltages with the Hybrid
scheme is lower than 5%. This indicates that the Hybrid scheme complied with IEEE519 for harmonics content
in power supplies.
KEYWORDS: DFIG, DC Chopper, Energy Storage, Fault current limiter (FCL), Fault Ride-Through, R-type
Wind energy amid several sustainable renewable energy sources (RES) that include hydro, solar (photovoltaic),
tidal, biomass and geothermal, has become the most widespread energy source as a result of its cheap cost of
maintenance, high production ability, availability in numerous parts of the world and absence of air pollution.
Also, wind power is an intermittent energy source in the power system network but with this effect over 666GW
of power would be generated worldwide using wind energy source in 2019 (Hossain, 2018). Electrical energy
generation using Wind Turbine (WT) is accomplished by means of different configurations of induction or
synchronous generators in connection with power electronic devices (Gardner et al., 2012). The most commonly
used generator for wind turbine system are: Squirrel Cage Induction Generation (SCIG); Permanent Magnet
Synchronous Generator (PMSG); Brushless Doubly Fed Induction Generator (BDIG; and Doubly Fed Induction
Generator (DFIG). The DFIG becomes the most preferable for WT system owing to its merits which include
reduced mechanical stress, pliable control of active and reactive power, variable speed operation, and low power
rating of the connected power electronics converters (Amalorpavaraj et al., 2017). Conversely, one of the main
drawback of the grid-connected DFIG-based WT is that it is very difficult to improve the performance of the
DFIG via weakening the flux due to the fact that the stator of the DFIG is connected directly to the grid where the
grid voltage directly controls the stator flux as such, a current surge is produced in rotor side converter (RSC) due
to sudden change in machine magnetization caused by any voltage dip (Zhu et al., 2017). As a result of the large
share of WT in supplying electric power to the grid and maintaining the overall system reliability, most countries
necessitated that DFIG-based WT systems remain coupled to the grid in case of fault for certain period so as to
satisfy condition of grid code (Fault Ride Through) (Xiao et al., 2018). Grid code states that wind farms must
remain coupled to the grid for a certain period of time during fault and offer reactive power support to voltage dip
(Alaraifi et al., 2013). Strictly, wind farm should adhere to the grid code since its disconnection leads to
destabilization of the grid. The sensitivity of DFIG-based WT system due to the direct connection of its stator
with the grid and the impact of fault current on the rotor, lead to large rotor current to be developed. The large
current inrush in the rotor side causes the failure of the rotor side converter (RSC), destabilizes the DC-link voltage
and DFIG eventually loses control (Uddin et al., 2017). The destabilized DC-link voltage decreases the life span
of DC-link capacitor and reduces the efficiency of the converters (Amalorpavaraj et al., 2017).
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
Control improvement and hardware modification are the two existing method of enhancing the FRT (Xiao et al.,
2018). Some techniques have been developed to minimize the overcurrent through grid fault or Transient stability
(TS) of wind turbine by modelling grid side converter (GSC) or RSC control such as dual control and
demagnetizing current control techniques (Alaraifi et al., 2013; Xiao et al., 2018).
Conventional crowbar is one of the hardware solutions that has been used to divert the overcurrent to power
dissipated resistive circuit from RSC (Tohidi & Behnam, 2016; Uddin et al., 2017). Even though the current is
diverted from converter using this method, but the generator acts as an induction machine that takes reactive
power from the grid (Uddin et al., 2017). The DC chopper strategy is also commonly used to decrease the rotor
overcurrent and to decrease the DC-link overvoltage for improving the operational safety of WT (Xiao et al.,
2018). Conversely, this techniques is unable to arrest the oscillation of electromagnetic torque which might be
destructive to the gearbox in some exciting situations (Nataraj et al., 2018; Yasoda et al., 2016).
DC chopper associated with storage system is implemented to prevent overvoltage in DC-link capacitor (Abbey
& Joos, 2007; Uddin et al., 2017). A resistive type solid state fault current limiter (R-type SSFCL) is also used to
enhance the capability of DFIG in FRT by withstanding fault up to a small duration but its limitation transpires
during long duration faults (Dai et al., 2016; Uddin et al., 2017). Temporarily, R-type SSFCL scheme can only
decrease the peak value of rotor fault current, but it doesn’t have capability to remove the back EMF in rotor
windings which is induced from transient stator flux and lead to a stator frequency plus rotor harmonics in rotor
windings (Zou et al., 2016).
In order to decrease the negative impact of varying wind speed to DFIG output active power, shorten the recovery
time after grid fault, limit the short-circuit current during faults and improve the transient stability of the system
simultaneously, this paper implements a hybrid scheme which composes of R-type SSFCL, Energy Storage
System (ESS) and DC chopper (DC-C) with modified control of RSC. The advantages of different schemes are
combined to achieve a better response. The hybrid scheme aimed to have the ability of protecting RSC and DC-
link capacitor by limiting the fault current and damp out the transients quickly. The scheme is also intended to
smooth electromagnetic torque by reducing the mechanical stress on the WT.
The dq voltage, current and flux equations of the equivalent circuit of DFIG are as follows (Amalorpavaraj et
al., 2017):
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
𝑣<A = 𝑅A 𝑖<A + − 𝜔- 𝜆BA
𝑣BA = 𝑅A 𝑖BA + + 𝜔- 𝜆<A
𝑣<, = 𝑅, 𝑖<, + <;
− (𝜔- − 𝜔, )𝜆B,
𝑣B, = 𝑅, 𝑖B, + <;
+ (𝜔- − 𝜔, )𝜆<,
Where: vds and vqs are dq stator voltages, vdr and vqr are dq rotor voltages; ids and iqs are dq stator currents, idr
and iqr are dq rotor currents; 𝜔- is the supply angular frequency and 𝜔, is the rotor angular frequency; λds and
λqs are the dq stator flux linkages, λdr and λqr are the dq rotor flux linkages. Rs and Rr are the stator and rotor
resistance respectively.
If 𝐿A and 𝐿, represent the stator and rotor inductance respectively, then the stator and rotor side inductances can
be obtained using:
𝐿A = 𝐿2A + 𝐿.
𝐿, = 𝐿2, + 𝐿.
Where: Lls and Llr are the stator and rotor leakage inductance respectively and Lm is the magnetizing inductance.
The flux linkage equations for both stator and rotor are given by
𝜆<A = 𝐿A 𝑖<A + 𝐿. 𝑖<,
𝜆BA = 𝐿A 𝑖BA + 𝐿. 𝑖B,
𝜆<, = 𝐿. 𝑖<A + 𝐿, 𝑖<,
𝜆B, = 𝐿. 𝑖BA + 𝐿, 𝑖B,
The real power (𝑃A ) and reactive power (𝑄A ) generated by DFIG are given by
𝑃A = h𝑣BA 𝑖BA + 𝑣<A 𝑖<A i
𝑄A = 4 h𝑣BA 𝑖<A − 𝑣<A 𝑖BA i
Operating Principle of DFIG
The operational analysis of DFIG in transient and steady state conditions is very significant to understanding its
performance under grid faults. The fault analysis is essential for the implementation of FRT capability
(Amalorpavaraj et al., 2017). It has been stated that the stator of DFIG is directly connected to the grid while its
rotor is connected to the grid through slip rings over a partial-scale back-to-back power converter. The back-to-
back converter composed of a RSC and GSC connected to a dc-link. The dc-link is basically a capacitor which
aids as energy storage and also serves as dc-link voltage ripples limiter. The converter converts within 20 – 30
% of total generated power. It also controls torque, speed and reactive power to or from the grid (Alsmadi et al.,
2018). The three-phase windings of the rotor are energized through three-phase current which is supplied via the
RSC. Consequently, the rotor magnetic field interacts with stator magnetic field to develop torque as a vector
product of the two vector fields (Fletcher et al., 2010).
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University of Ilorin, Nigeria
Control of DFIG
The control of DFIG functions essentially to regulate the power extracted from the WT, limit the power during
high wind speed and to adjust the exchange of reactive power between the WT system and the grid. The control
involves pitch control for the turbine, RSC and GSC control for the DFIG (Wessels et al., 2011). The rotor
current controls the RSC which varies the torque and excitation while the GSC ensures constant dc-link voltage
(Uddin et al., 2017). Figure 2 shows the control block diagram of DFIG. Many DFIGs deploy close-loop current
control using Voltage Source Inverter (VSI) or vector-control technique.
Figure 2: Control Block Diagram of DFIG-based Figure 2: Figure 3: Grid Code FRT Requirement for WTs
(Uddin et al., 2017).
WT (Wessels et al., 2011)
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University of Ilorin, Nigeria
The Fault Current Limiter employed has a switch model controlled by a gate signal and a virtual impedance. When
in ON-state the switch model has an internal resistance (Ron). In OFF-state, this internal resistance is infinite.
When the gate signal (g) is set to 1, the switch model is ON-state. A diode in parallel with a series RC snubber
circuit having Ron and (Lon) at ON-state is also integrated. Ron being carefully chosen as 1 × 105` Ω and the
Snubber resistance as 10` Ω were adopted from Beheshtaein et al., 2017 for both the controlled switch and diode
respectively. The Diode impedance was infinite in OFF-state mode. The limiting fault current is expressed as (13).
. \ (;) \ (;)
𝐼2D. (𝑡) = < ≈ <
c< [c?@A c?@A
Where: 𝑍2D. is the limiting impedance, 𝑈A (𝑡) is the voltage of secondary transformer. It is assumed that 𝑍A ≪ 𝑍2D. .
A PI current controller and an active damping loop were realized to sense and trigger the control scheme. For
mitigation, the current measurements was accomplished using Multiple Second – Order Generalized integrators
PLL (MSOGI-PLL) for its fast response and less computational burden. Appendix D illustrates the employed FCL
block with its components.
The performance of the Hybrid scheme and the conventional R-type SSFCL in ensuring FRT ability was
established by injecting grid faults (single-phase to ground faults) into the system. For fault considered in the
work, the situation of voltage sag was accomplished by means of switching a highly inductive load at 0.3 seconds
while the deeper voltage sag was achieved by means of a fault implementation block in MATLAB/Simulink
environment. The fault was chosen between any phase and the ground. The switching time was also chosen
between 0.4 to 0.6seconds while the fault resistance and ground resistance were both selected to be 0.0001Ω.
Additionally, a snubber resistance of 1MΩ and infinite snubber capacitance were selected for a more severe fault
condition. Lastly, a capacitive load was switched ON at 0.6 seconds to give the voltage swell. The supply voltage
RMS values at PCC, the DFIG stator current response, DFIG electromagnetic torque, rotor speed of DFIG, DFIG
rotor current response, and DC – Link voltage through Unbalanced Fault (Single-Phase to Ground) are shown in
Figure 5-11 respectively.
Figure 5: Unbalanced Fault (single phase to ground) supply Figure 6: DFIG stator current response after applying
Voltage a temporary unbalanced single-phase to ground fault
Figure 7: Electromagnetic Torque (Tem) response curves Figure 8: DFIG Rotor Speed under Unbalanced Fault
of the DFIG (single phase to ground) supply Voltage (single phase to ground) supply Voltage
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
Figure 9: DFIG Rotor Current under Unbalanced Fault Figure 10: DC-link Voltage during Unbalanced Fault
(single phase to ground) supply Voltage (single phase to ground) supply Voltage
It can be observed that the proposed hybrid scheme performed well and has the capability to improve the transient
stability of the DFIG based variable speed WG system for unbalanced single-phase to ground faults as shown in
Table 1-4. The voltage level is maintained at ±0.1 p.u. of the nominal value at PCC point and can mitigate the
high current significantly during the fault time compared to R-type SSFCL scheme. The hybrid scheme also,
stabilizes the machine speed during a fault, thus DFIG faces low stress and improves the transient stability. The
THD (%) of supply voltage are 29.93pu, 4.01pu and 1.01pu without any compensation device, with R-type SSFCL
and Hybrid scheme respectively. The percentage improvement in the voltage when Hybrid scheme was used was,
75.37% compared to that of R-type SSFCL. Correspondingly, the percentage decrease in output current profile
was approximated to about 87.20%.
Table 1: Performance indices values for unbalanced single-phase to ground fault
Table 3: Comparison among the series devices for the percentage of THD
Parameters Controller
THD (%) Improvement
Hybrid Scheme 1.01
Voltage 75.37%
R-type SSFCL 4.10
Table 4: Comparison among the series devices for the percentage TRD
Parameters Controller
TRD (%) Improvement
Hybrid Scheme 1.01
Current 87. 20%
R-type SSFCL 7.89
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
This paper developed a hybrid scheme consisting of Resistive-type Solid-state Fault Current Limiter (R-type
SSFCL), Breaking Chopper (BC) and Energy Storage System (ESS) for Doubly-Fed Induction Generator (DFIG)
based Wind Turbine (WT) system. The developed scheme focused on enhancing Fault Ride-Through (FRT)
capability of DFIG based WT through the Hybrid scheme thus protecting the strict grid code requirements for the
WT integration to grid networks. The scheme also guaranteed the protection of the converters against short-circuit
currents. The Hybrid scheme performance indicates that there was an improvement in terms of fault current
mitigation and voltage compensation over R-type SSFCL thus making the Hybrid scheme a better option for
guaranteeing an improved DFIG-based WT systems FRT capability.
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Appendix A: Parameter of 2.0MW WT System
Items Specifications
Generator Data -
Synchronous speed (rev/min) 1500
Rated power (MW) 2.0
Rated line-to-line stator voltage (𝑉,.A ) 575
Frequency (Hz) 50
Pole pair 4
Slip (s) -0.2
𝑅A (pu) 0.023
𝐿2A (pu) 0.18
𝐿. (pu) 2.9
𝑅,d (pu) 0.016
𝐿d2, (pu) 0.16
Rotor nominal voltage (Vrms) (V) 1975
Inertia Constant H (s) 0.685
Friction factor (pu) 0.01
Converter Data -
GSC Max. Current (pu) 0.8
GSC Coupling Inductor [L,R] (pu) [0.3 0.003]
DC link voltage (V) 1150
DC link Capacitor (F) 10000e-6
Line filter Capacitor (for Q = 50Var) (F) 120e3
Turbine Data -
Nominal Mechanical Output Power (MW) 2.0
Nominal wind speed at Cp Max (m/s) 11
Initial wind speed (m/s) 11
Cut in speed (m/s) 6
Cot out speed (m/s) 30
Appendix B: DFIG and Converters control parameters
Items Specifications
Dc link regulator gains [kp, ki] [8 400]
GSC regulator gains [kp, ki] [0.83 5]
Speed regulator gains [kp, ki] [3 0.6]
RSC regulator gains [kp, ki] [0.6 8]
Q&V regulator gains [kp_Var, ki_V] [0.05 20]
Pitch controller gain [kp] [150]
Pitch compensation gains [kp, ki] [3 30]
Frequency of GSC PWM carrier (Hz) 2700
Frequency of RSC PWM carrier (Hz) 1620
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Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
Multiple applications of vegetable oil for food, industrial applications and biodiesel production have necessitated
the need to boost product yield. Process factors that influence oil and biodiesel yield were investigated. Factors
studied for oil extraction were, moisture content (%wb), roasting temperature (oC), roasting time (min), extraction
temperature (oC) and time (min). Reaction time (min), reaction temperature (oC), catalyst concentration (%wt)
and molar ratio were investigated for biodiesel yield. Central composite rotatable design of response surface
methodology experimental design was used for the study. Results obtained were analysed at (p =≤ 0.05). The oil
yield from the sandbox seed ranged from 20.9-53.6%. The maximum oil yield of 53.6% was obtained at the
processing conditions of 10.0%wb moisture content, 95 oC roasting temperature, 15 min roasting time, 65 oC
extraction temperature and 90 min extraction time. The biodiesel yield ranged from 80.00-96.12% and, maximum
biodiesel yield of 96.12% was extracted at 72.0 min reaction time, 50.0 oC reaction temperature, 0.9%wt catalyst
concentration and 1:6 molar ratio. Mathematical models to predict sandbox seed oil and biodiesel yields at varying
process conditions were developed. Coefficient of determination (R2) relating the oil extraction and biodiesel
production were 0.81 and 0.74, respectively. The results from the study provide data for equipment and process
designs for oil extraction and biodiesel production from sandbox and other oilseeds.
KEYWORDS: Hura crepitans, Oil extraction, oil yield, biodiesel production, biodiesel yield.
Sandbox (Hura crepitans Linn.) is a dicotyledon tree of the (spurge) family Euphorbiaceae. It is a native tree of
the tropical zones of the Amazon rainforest of North and South America (Adewuyi et al., 2014). Sandbox seed
has been suggested to contain a high oil content in addition to a number of important properties that can be useful
for food and feed production, paints, and cosmetics amongst others industrial application and pharmaceutical
potentials (Olatidoye et al., 2010; Onwe and Bamgboye, 2020; Basumatary, 2013). It is however grouped under
underutilized species of plant (Adewuyi et al., 2014). According to Idowu et al. (2012), sandbox is used as shade
trees in many parts of the world because their wide spreading limb. In corroboration, Adewuyi et al. (2012) noted
that sandbox is an underutilized plant in Nigeria and the seeds are unused. Solvent extraction has made it more
profitable to recover most oil from seeds, nuts, and other materials with relatively low oil content, as up to 98%
of oil can be recovered using solvent extraction (Matthäus, 2012). Oil is extracted from oil-bearing matters using
crude liquids like acetone, ether, chloroform, petroleum, spirit, carbon tetrachloride, diethyl ether, and carbon
tetra chloride. Various oilseeds have been studied to determine the best extraction conditions for the highest oil
yield: sesame seed (Hashim et al., 2014; Elkhaleefa and Shigidi, 2015); rubber seed (Awais et al., 2015); soybean
seed (Lawson et al., 2010); dried Bitter Gourd seed (Umamaheshwari and Dinesh Sankar Reddy, 2016); canola
seed (Blake, 1982); un-sieved rice bran and sieved rice bran respectively (Sivala et al., 1991); sunflower kernels
(Southwell and Harris, 1992) and grated coconut (Hammonds et al., 1991); Neem (Azadirachta indica) seed
(Awolu et al., 2013); Sorrel (Hibiscus sabdariffa) seed (Betiku and Adepoju, 2013); almond seed (Akubude et
al., 2017); Dika nut (Abidakun et al., 2012); groundnut (Olajide et al., 2014); Shea kernel (Olaniyan and Oje,
2007); African star apple seed (Ajala and Adeleke, 2014); Moringa seed (Adejumo et al., 2013). The global
concern of the rapid depletion of the petroleum and its potential extinction, coupled to environmental pollution
emissions from its combustion exhaust, has made biodiesel from organic lipids an available substitute to petroleum
diesel (Reyes and Spulveda, 2006; Goering et al., 1982). Organic lipids like vegetable oils, animal fats, waste oils,
and recycled lubricants are combined with alcohol, primarily methanol or ethanol, in a displacement reaction
known as transesterification to create fatty esters like methyl/ethyl ester (biodiesel). Factors that influence methyl
ester yield from lipids have been studied (Zhang et al., 2003; Ma and Hanna, 1999; Meher et al., 2006; Van, 2005
and Schuchardta et al., 1998). Oil extraction by solvent extraction method from sandbox seed have been reported
(Okolie et al., 2012; Muhammed et al., 2013; Adewuyi et al., 2014; Shonekan and Ajayi, 2015; Nwanorh, 2015;
Ottih et al., 2015). Biodiesel was produced from sandbox seed oil (Adewuyi et al., 2012; Adepoju et al., 2013;
Igbum et al., 2012). The present work is focused on investigating the effects of process parameters on sandbox
seed oil and biodiesel yield respectively.
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Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
3 8 90 10 70 1.0 23.00
4 6 85 5 65 2.5 38.33
5 8 90 10 60 2.0 42.87
6 10 85 15 75 1.5 40.00
7 10 85 5 75 2.5 40.12
8 4 90 10 70 2.0 20.86
9 10 85 15 65 2.5 48.88
10 8 90 10 80 2.0 44.00
11 12 90 10 70 2.0 30.00
12 8 90 10 70 2.0 45.00
13 6 95 15 65 2.5 40.00
14 8 90 10 70 2.0 50.00
15 8 90 10 70 2.0 49.80
16 10 95 15 75 2.5 46.54
17 6 85 15 65 1.5 35.66
18 10 95 5 65 2.5 36.00
19 8 80 10 70 2.0 38.10
20 8 90 10 70 2.0 47.77
21 10 85 5 65 1.5 36.56
22 6 95 15 75 1.5 39.00
23 10 95 5 75 1.5 42.40
24 6 85 5 75 1.5 39.60
25 6 85 15 75 2.5 40.55
26 6 95 5 65 1.5 40.06
27 6 95 5 75 2.5 38.99
28 8 90 10 70 2.0 46.44
29 8 90 0 70 2.0 21.00
30 10 95 15 65 1.5 53.60
31 8 90 20 70 2.0 47.99
32 8 100 10 70 2.0 51.33
Where mc = moisture content of sandbox seed, ɤtp = Roasting temperature, ɤtm = Roasting time, ɛtp = Extraction
temperature and ɛtm = Extraction time
The oil yield from the sandbox seed ranged from 20.86-53.60%. The highest oil yield of 53.60% obtained was
similar to 53.61 and 53.81% obtained by Okolie et al., (2012) and Muhammed et al. (2013), and higher than 37.75,
36.70 and 42.70% obtained by Adewuyi et al. (2014), Shonekan and Ajayi, (2015) and Nwanorh, (2015). The
value was however lower than the 57.26% obtained by Ottih et al. (2015). According to Anwar et al. (2006);
Orhevba et al. (2013), differences in oil yield during extraction are a function of extraction methods employed,
and also biological and environmental conditions.
Increase in oil yield was observed as the moisture content increased from 4-10%wb, after which the yield declined
(Fig. 3.1). The highest oil yield was obtained at 10% seed moisture; the decline in oil yield at moisture contents
above 10%wb could be attributed to the observation that the ground sandbox seed forms a slurry paste at moisture
contents above 10%, making further oil removal difficult. The trend is in agreement with reports on soybeans, and
un-sieved and sieved rice bran (Lawson et al., 2010; Sivala et al., 1991) among others.
OIL YIELD % 45.41
B: ɤtp, oC
85.00 6.00
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
Figure 3.1. Oil yield against roasting time and moisture content
70.00 10.00
D: ɛtp C o
60.00 0.00
C: ɤtm min
Figure 3.2. Extraction time and roasting temperature against oil yield
The sandbox oil yield increased as roasting temperature increased. The highest oil yield occurred at the roasting
temperature region of 95-100oC (Figure 3.1). Due to the sandbox seed's softness, a seed similar to melon seed,
roasting temperature around 100 oC was sufficient to penetrate the seed and release its oil. Similar roasting
temperature of 100oC was obtained for maximum oil yield from Moringa oleifera (Adejumo et al. (2013). The
unroasted samples at 0 min roasting time produced the lowest oil yield from the sandbox, and then the oil yield
increased with an increase in roasting time up to 15 min beyond which the yield became constant (Figure 3.2).
The sandbox oil yield increased with an increase in extraction temperature up to 75 oC, after which the oil yield
decreased (Figure 3.2). Extraction temperature range of 60-90 oC has been reported to be suitable for maximum
oil yield from seeds and nuts by solvent extraction. Solvent extraction temperature of 60 oC was reported by
Asoiro and Akubuo (2012) as suitable for maximum oil extraction from Jatropha curcas L. Umamaheshwari and
Dinesh Sankar Reddy (2016) obtaining maximum oil yield from bitter gourd at 98 oC extraction temperature and
Elkhaleefa and Shigidi (2015) reported a lower extraction temperature of 40 oC for maximum oil yield from
sesame seed. The sandbox oil yield increased with increase in extraction time up to 120 min, beyond which a
decrease in oil yield was observed. It was observed that 2 hours reaction time was enough for complete oil removal
from sandbox seed by solvent extraction. Lawson et al. (2010) obtained maximum oil yield from soybeans at an
extraction time of 2½ hours.
Table 3.2. Biodiesel Yield from the Transesterification of Solvent Extracted Sandbox Seed Oil
Factor 1 Factor 2 Factor 3 Factor 4 Response
S/N A:ɍtm B:ɍtp C:ċcc D:ɱra Fuel yield
(min) (oC) (% of oil wt) (% vol. of oil) (%)
1 48 45 0.60 8 86.20
2 96 45 0.60 4 86.12
3 48 55 0.60 4 88.65
4 48 55 1.20 4 81.02
5 48 45 1.20 8 83.79
6 48 45 0.60 4 86.25
7 96 45 0.60 8 87.16
8 72 50 0.90 6 94.55
9 72 50 0.90 6 94.89
10 72 50 0.30 6 89.48
11 72 50 0.90 2 80.11
12 72 50 0.90 6 91.99
13 96 55 0.60 4 88.01
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
14 96 55 1.20 4 82.36
15 96 45 1.20 4 83.88
16 72 50 0.90 10 87.98
17 72 40 0.90 6 88.42
18 120 50 0.90 6 92.68
19 48 55 0.60 8 91.23
20 72 60 0.90 6 96.12
21 48 55 1.20 8 83.33
22 24 50 0.90 6 81.65
23 72 50 0.90 6 86.99
24 96 55 1.20 8 81.22
25 72 50 0.90 6 87.98
26 96 45 1.20 8 82.63
27 48 45 1.20 4 80.11
28 72 50 0.90 6 92.65
29 96 55 0.60 8 85.00
30 72 50 1.50 6 80.00
Where ɍtm = reaction time, ɍtp = reaction temperature, ċcc = catalyst concentration (KOH) and ɱra = molar ratio
The biodiesel yield ranged from 80.00-96.12%. The maximum biodiesel of 96.12% was extracted at 72.0 min
reaction time, 50.0 oC reaction temperature, 0.9%wt catalyst concentration and 1:6 molar ratio.
The biodiesel yield increased with increase in reaction time from 24 min to about 90 min before a decline in
biodiesel yield was observed (Figure 3.3). This was an indication that transesterification reaction for sandbox seed
oil requires about 1.5 hour to be completed. Similarly, Math et al. (2010) reported 90 min reaction time as optimum
for maximum biodiesel yield from lipids with FFA. A lower reaction time of 40 min was obtained by Nakpong
and Wootthikanokkhan (2010) for maximum biodiesel yield from crude Jatropha curcas oil. Reports have shown
that transesterification process is spontaneous at the beginning of the reaction, converting approximately 80% of
the reactants into ester fuels in the first 5 min and gaining approximately 93-98% conversion after 1 h of reaction
period (Encinar et al., 2005; Srivastava and Prasad, 2000; Alcantra, 2000; Shailendra et al., 2008).
Biodiesel yield 91.13
B: Reaction temperature (oC) 45.00 48.00
40.00 24.00 A: Reaction time
Figure 3.3. Reaction temperature and reaction time against fuel yield
The sandbox biodiesel yield increased with increase in reaction temperature from 40 oC to 50 oC after which the
yield became steady (Figure 3.3). This indicates that 50-60 oC reaction temperature range is adequate for the
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
transesterification of sandbox seed oil. The reaction temperature was same with 60 oC obtained by Adepoju et al.
(2013) for sandbox seed oil biodiesel and lower than 70 oC obtained by Adewuyi et al. (2014) for maximum
biodiesel yield from transesterification of (H2SO4) acid pre-treated sandbox seed oil and but the. This difference
in reaction temperature might be due to reaction process used. Similar reaction temperatures were reported by
(Alhassan et al., 2014 for Gossypium Arboreum seed oil; Anguebes-Franseschi et al., 2016 for crude palm oil of
African origin; Nakpong and Wootthikanokkhan, 2010 for Jatropha seed; Singh et al., 2006 for canola oil;
Mansourpoor and Shariati, 2012 for sunflower oil).
The biodiesel yield increased as the catalyst concentration increased from 0.3% to 0.9% after which the yield
dropped sharply. The value 0.9% g wt/wt of oil represents 0.5% weight of volume of oil used in the reaction
(Figure 3.4). The result is average to 0.4% and 0.55% obtained by Adewuyi et al., 2014 and Adepoju et al., 2013
for sandbox seed. Similar result was obtained by Alhassan et al., 2014 for Gossypium Arboreum seed oil,
Anguebes-Franseschi et al., 2016 African palm oil and Mansourpoor and Shariati, 2012 for sunflower seed.
Figure 3.4. Catalyst concentration and reaction time against fuel yield
The sandbox biodiesel increased with increase in molar ratio from 1:2 up to 1:6 after which a decrease in yield
was observed (Figure 3.4). Adewuyi et al. (2014) and Adepoju et al. (2013), obtained ratios of 1:6 and 1:5
respectively for maximum biodiesel yield from sandbox seed oil. Similar molar ratio was reported by
Anastopoulos et al., 2009; Alhassan et al., 2014; and Nakpong and Wootthikanokkhan, 2010 as optimum for
maximum biodiesel yield from four different vegetable oils, Gossypium Arboreum seed oil and Jatropha curcas
seed oil respectively. The optimum molar ratio of 1:6 or less for other edible oils has been found to give the highest
fuel yield (Encinar et al., 2005; Vicente et al., 2004; Dorodo, 2002).
Effects of process factors on oil and biodiesel yield from sandbox seed were investigated. Among the process
factors studied, the oil yield from the sandbox seed ranged from 20.9-53.6%. The maximum oil yield of 53.6%
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
was obtained at the processing conditions of 10.0%wb moisture content, 95 oC roasting temperature, 15 min
roasting time, 65 oC extraction temperature and 90 min extraction time. The biodiesel yield ranged from 80.00-
96.12%. The maximum biodiesel of 96.12% was extracted at 72.0 min reaction time, 50.0 oC reaction temperature,
0.9%wt catalyst concentration and 1:6 molar ratio. Mathematical models to predict sandbox seed oil and biodiesel
yields at varying process conditions were developed with 0.81 and 0.74 coefficient of determination (R2).
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Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
The power sector in Nigeria faces significant challenges, with limited electricity access being a primary concern
for stakeholders. Almost half of Nigeria's population has no access to electricity supply, notwithstanding the
number of untapped energy sources in the country. However, integrating mini or micro hydropower plants into
existing and underutilized water dams could help mitigate these challenges. This study evaluates the hydropower
potential of the underutilized Eruwa (Opeki) dam to a 1MW mini hydropower plant. The Eruwa (Opeki) dam is a
part of the Eruwa water scheme located at Eruwa a town in Oyo State, South West Nigeria. The methods adopted
for the research are physical site inspection, data collection, engineering designs, and hydropower simulation. A
706.32kW theoretical power was achieved from the design with an annual energy generation of 4292.89MWh
and projected investment and operation/maintenance cost ₦441,000,000 and ₦13,230,000/annum respectively.
Annual revenue projection is ₦283,502,455.60, using the present electricity tariff of ₦66.04/kWh. The integration
of mini hydropower plants into existing water schemes could increase electricity generation from renewable
sources, reduce carbon footprint, and increase revenue for the scheme to prevent underfunding and facilities
KEYWORDS: Hydroelectric power, Renewable energy, Power generation capacity, Energy access, Energy
economics, Dam infrastructure.
Hydropower is a renewable energy source that generates power by using dams or diversion structures to alter the
natural flow of a river or other body of water. It relies on the endless, constantly recharging system of the water
cycle driven by the sun to produce electricity (U.S Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy, 2021). It
is an environmentally friendly source of energy that has the potential to play a significant role in meeting the
world's increasing demand for electricity. A hydropower plant is fueled by water, clean energy with lesser
pollution in contrast to fossil fuels power plants. It is the most significant renewable energy for electricity
generation, with a global installed capacity of 1307GW (Kumar, 2021). In addition, it is expected to remain the
largest source of renewable electricity generation (IEA, 2021).
Nigeria, like many other developing countries, is facing an energy crisis with over 50% of its population lacking
access to electricity. According to the International Energy Agency (IEA) (2020), Nigeria's energy poverty rate
remains high, with an average electricity consumption of 146.84 kWh/capita, which is significantly lower than
the global average of 3,074.04 kWh/capita. This is due in part to the poor exploration and exploitation of untapped
hydropower potential and other renewable energy sources in the country.
This energy deficit has negatively impacted economic growth, social welfare, and sustainable development in the
country. Despite its vast potential for hydropower generation, Nigeria's hydropower capacity remains vastly
underutilized (Adewuyi, 2020; Emodi and Boo, 2015, Abban and Awopone, 2021). Nigeria's exploitable
hydropower potential is estimated to be 14,120 MW, amounting to more than 50,800 GWh of electricity annually,
however, less than 19% was tapped for electricity generation (IHA, 2018).
Furthermore, with over 734.2 MW of electricity generation potential from small hydropower, only 30 MW was
produced, which is less than 5% of the potential (Odunfa et.al.,2019). Harnessing all the untapped energy sources
through a decentralized grid system with multiple small and mini hydropower plant system could help mitigate
energy poverty, increase the economic development of the country, and aids global energy transition plans. Given
the increasing demand for electricity in Nigeria and the potential of hydropower as a clean and sustainable source
of energy, there is a need to explore the feasibility of harnessing the hydropower potential of underutilized water
The objective of this study is to evaluate the technical, economic, and environmental feasibility of harnessing the
hydropower potential of the Eruwa (Opeki) Water Dam. The study will assess the potential for hydropower
generation at the dam, taking into account factors such as water flow rate, turbine capacity, and power generation
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
capacity. The study will also evaluate the economic viability of hydropower generation from the Eruwa (Opeki)
Water Dam, including the cost of infrastructure development, operations and maintenance, and revenue potential.
The Study area for this research is Eruwa (Opeki) dam, it was constructed in 1967 across the Opeki River sited in
Eruwa, a town in Ibarapa East Local Government of Oyo State, Nigeria. The town falls on the 7.53° latitude and
3.42° longitude with an average topography of 149m. The dam has a height of 9.15m and a reservoir capacity of
2 million m³, covering approximately 92 hectares (Ogedengbe and Oke, 2004). It was built to function as a water
supply source for the whole Ibarapa community causing the inclusion of a treatment plant capacity of 2.7 million
liters/day. Opeki catchment falls within the humid tropical climate with wet seasons (March to November) and
dry seasons (December to February) (Idowu and Matins, 2007). It is important to note that the dam and the water
treatment facility are presently at 0% utilization. This is due to the degradation of the facility, and damaged
distribution network resulting from road construction, all balls down to inadequate funding and maintenance of
the scheme.
2.1 Engineering calculation for hydroelectric power designs.
2.1.1 Flow rate
Since the maximum storage capacity head = 8.80m,
Dead storage head = 3.16m,
then gross head (He ) = 8.80 – 3.16 = 5.64m
Due to low head, Kaplan turbine is selected.
Using the general hydropower formula in equation (1) below;
𝑃 = ∩ 𝑥 𝜌 𝑥 𝑔 𝑥 𝐻f 𝑥 𝑄 (1)
Where, P is Power output (watts) =10g , g is Acceleration due to gravity (m/s²) =9.81, He is Pressure head (m)
=5.64, ρ is Water density (kg/m³) =1000, ∩ is Turbine efficiency = 90% and Q the Water flowrate (m³/s) is
unknown. The water flow rate can be determined using equation (2) as stated below.
.B h
𝑤𝑎𝑡𝑒𝑟 𝑓𝑙𝑜𝑤𝑟𝑎𝑡𝑒 𝑄 > ?= (2)
A ∩jfkC
2.1.2 Penstock
Using Bernoulli’s as stated in equation (3) below;
l l
𝑝l + 4
𝜌𝑢l 4 + 𝜌𝑔𝑧l = 𝑝4 + `4
𝜌𝑢4 4 + 𝜌𝑔𝑧4 (3)
where ρ is water density, g is Acceleration due to gravity, pl is Pressure at penstock inlet, ul is Velocity at the
dam, zl is Height at elevation 1(Head), p4 is Pressure at turbine outlet, u4 is Velocity in the turbine and z4 is
Height at elevation 2(Tail). At the same atmospheric pressure of pl and p4 , z4 = 0 since elevation at the dam zl
= 5.64, at the tail race is 0, and flow velocity in the dam is 0. Then the height at elevation 1(Head) is stated in
equation (4), the flow velocity u was determined using equation (5), and the water flow rate (Q) is in equation (6);
𝑧lu 𝑢 ’2𝑔, (4)
Using Darcey Weibach equation as stated in equation (7) below; where hx is Head loss due to friction, f is Friction
factor, L is Length of penstock and D = Penstock diameter
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
2 zD
ℎF =𝑓 >y? 4f (7)
To get f, the reynold number (re) must be determined using equation (8)
𝑅𝑒 = {
Moody Diagram was used since Reynolds number is available. Due to high turbulence, polyvinylchloride (PVC)
pipe with loss roughness of 0.0025 is selected to reduce head loss due to friction. Equation (9) was used to
determine the relative pipe roughness.
2/AA ,/zf}E-AA
Relative pipe roughness = y(..)
Then, the Relative pipe roughness = = 1.6𝑥105g
30m PVC pipe was selected to have an adequate length and low head loss due to friction of 0.76m. The head loss
at intake (ht) is represented in equation (10), the head loss at gate valve hv is in equation (11), and the net head
(Hnet) is in equation (12).
head loss at intake (h~ ) = 𝑓 >4f? (10)
Then, the head loss at intake (ht) = 0.007 >4po.ql? = 0.039𝑚.
Head loss at gate valve (hv) = 0.15 >4f? (11)
Then, head loss at gate valve (hv)= 0.15 >4po.ql? = 0.84𝑚, taking o.15 friction of gate value.
Then, the Net head (Hnet) = 5.64 − (0.76 + 0.039 + 0.84) = 4.0𝑚
To get the thickness of the pipe, Diamond Plastic Corporation, Nebraska USA PVC pipe with the diameter of 60”
(1524mm), thickness of 1.6'' (40.64mm) and tensile strength of 7,000Psi was selected. The dimension of the pipe
is equivalent to the required diameter.
Therefore, pressure wave velocity (C) is derived from Joukowsky equation and is stated in equation (13)
lOEB •
Pressure wave velocity (C) = ¥ FG (13)
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
Equation 14, 15, and 16 was used to determine the surge pressure, critical time, and net power output;
Physical site inspection was done, and dam data collected. Suitable hydropower equations, fundamental fluid
property equations to cater for loses in the penstock system and simulation using Computer Aided Simulator
System for Instream flow and Riparia (CASiMiR) was used. Furthermore, the dam head and the discharge rate of
Opeki river form the basis of this study. The available average monthly discharge record of the Opeki River
covering only nine years (between 1988 and 1996) shown in Table 1 was collected from Ogun Oshun River Basin
Development Authority (Idowu and Matins, 2007). The most previous monthly data was used to evaluate and
predict the annual energy generation potential of the dam based on the discharge rate of the river. The dam storage
capacity of the reservoir is shown in Table 2.
Table 1: Average Monthly Discharge Rate of Opeki River (m³)
Years Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
1988 9.21 8.26 10.59 2.50 2.50 15.63 67.77 54.94 53.36 56.42 9.93 9.83
1989 12.32 16.42 12.13 17.88 26.81 23.54 46.22 77.81 87.70 63.58 26.79 9.37
1990 9.83 7.94 8.76 12.24 13.25 14.79 14.66 14.20 19.80 44.42 41.70 16.58
1991 2.50 2.50 2.50 8.19 2.88 3.58 27.63 99.06 35.64 42.40 7.36 3.62
1992 4.36 2.50 3.89 2.50 2.90 13.43 28.31 68.97 20.76 64.91 16.74 6.47
1993 7.06 6.65 3.75 2.93 2.89 4.86 14.65 11.69 25.10 44.14 9.07 44.14
1994 3.36 6.92 6.73 2.50 2.50 2.50 7.94 8.24 6.51 49.04 37.18 3.57
1995 6.25 5.97 7.88 11.50 17.87 34.33 49.89 29.35 31.23 65.90 34.87 15.34
1996 4.28 4.36 2.50 13.39 16.52 29.86 47.47 55.88 56.65 49.43 36.50 15.84
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
pipe is selected due to it smooth surface in contrast to steel or concrete. Table 3 below shows the penstock data
Table 3: The Penstock data selected
S/N Description Dimension
1 Gross head 5.64m
2 Flow-rate 20.08 m/s
3 Flow velocity 10.52 m/s
4 Penstock diameter 1.56 m
5 Penstock length 30 m
6 Penstock thickness 0.04 mm
7 Penstock tensile strength 48.26 MPa (7000 Psi)
8 Head loss due to friction 0.76 m
9 Head loss due to intake 0.039 m
10 Head loss due to gate 0.84 m
11 Available net head 4.0 m
12 Pressure wave length 286.50 m/s
13 Surge pressure 3.01 MPa (437.14 Psi)
14 Critical time 0.21 Secs
Therefore, the investment costs per Kw is taken to be: 𝐼𝑛𝑠𝑡𝑎𝑙𝑙𝑎𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛 𝑐𝑜𝑠𝑡 x (1 − 70% cost reduction)
= 3500 x (1 − 0.7) = $ 1050
Investment cost of the project = 1050 x 1000KW = $ 1,050,000
Converting to Naira (₦) at official rate of ₦420/$1 = $ 1,050,000 x 420 = N 441,000,000
Operation and maintenance (O&M) per annum is 3% of investment cost of the project;
Therefore, Operation and maintenance cost = 0.03 x 1,050,000 = $ 31,500 𝑝𝑒𝑟 𝑎𝑛𝑛𝑢𝑚
Converting to Naira (₦) at official rate of ₦420/$1, O&M cost = $ 31,500 x 420 = N 13,230,000.
Annual revenue from project per annum was derived from the total annual energy generated as calculated below:
Annual revenue = 𝑇𝑜𝑡𝑎𝑙 𝑎𝑛𝑛𝑢𝑎𝑙 𝑒𝑛𝑒𝑟𝑔𝑦 𝑔𝑒𝑛𝑒𝑟𝑎𝑡𝑒𝑑 (𝐾𝑊𝐻) x 𝑃𝑟𝑖𝑐𝑒 𝑝𝑒𝑟 𝑢𝑛𝑖𝑡
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
This study has evaluated the feasibility of harnessing the hydropower potential of the underutilized Eruwa (Opeki)
Water Dam in Oyo State, Nigeria. The results indicate that the dam has significant untapped potential for
hydropower generation, which could help to address Nigeria's energy deficit and contribute to sustainable
development. The study found that the technical and economic feasibility of hydropower generation from the dam
is high, with the possibility of converting it to a 0.71Mw mini hydropower plant with a projected annual energy
generation of 4292.89MWh.
Given the potential benefits of hydropower generation from the Eruwa (Opeki) Water Dam and other underutilized
water reservoirs in Nigeria, it is recommended that the government and private sector stakeholders invest in further
exploration and development of hydropower resources. This could involve the deployment of new technologies
and innovations that enhance the efficiency and sustainability of hydropower generation, as well as the
implementation of policy and regulatory frameworks that incentivize private sector investment in the sector.
Overall, the development of hydropower resources in Nigeria has the potential to create new economic
opportunities, improve energy security, and contribute to the country's transition to a low-carbon, sustainable
energy future.
Abban, J., & Awopone, A. (2021). Techno-economic and environmental analysis of energy scenarios in Ghana.
Smart Grid and Renewable Energy, 12(06), 81–98. https://doi.org/10.4236/sgre.2021.126006.
Adewuyi, A. (2020). Challenges and prospects of renewable energy in Nigeria: A case of bioethanol and biodiesel
production. Energy Reports, 6, 77-88. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.egyr.2019.12.002.
Emodi, N. V. and Boo, K. J. (2015). Sustainable energy development in Nigeria: Current status and policy
options. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, Elsevier, 5, 356-381.
International Energy Agency (IEA). (2020). World energy outlook 2020 – analysis. IEA. Retrieved December
03, 2022, from https://www.iea.org/reports/world-energy-outlook-2020.
International Energy Agency (IEA). (2021). Climate Impacts on African Hydropower – Analysis - IEA.
Retrieved December 16, 2022, from https://www.iea.org/reports/climate-impacts-on-african-hydropower.
International Hydropower Association (IHA) (2018). Nigeria. Retrieved February 25, 2023, from
IRENA. (2022), Renewable Power Generation Costs in 2021. International Renewable Energy Agency
(IRENA). Retrieved January 05, 2023 from https://www.irena.org/publications/2022/Jul/Renewable-
Kumar Hemanth., 2021. World’s biggest hydroelectric power plants. Power Technology. Retrieved December
15, 2021 from https://www.power-technology.com/analysis/worlds-biggest-hydroelectric-power-plants.
Odunfa, M. K., Saudu, T. C., & Oladimeji, T. E. (2019). Development of a small hydropower plant: Case of
ikere gorge dam, Oyo State, Nigeria. Journal of Power and Energy Engineering, 07(03), 31–45.
U.S office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy. 2021. How Hydropower Works. Retrieved February,
2020, from https://www.energy.gov/eere/water/how-hydropower-works.
Ogedengbe, K., & Oke, A. O. (2006). Studies on the potentials of the Opeki River Dam for water supply and
Irrigation. Moor Journal of Agricultural Research, 5(1). https://doi.org/10.4314/mjar.v5i1.31802.
Idowu, O. A., & Martins, O. (2007). Hydrograph analysis for groundwater recharge in the phreatic basement
aquifer of the Opeki river basin, southwestern Nigeria. ASSET, An International Journal of Agricultural
Sciences, Environment and Technology, (Series B), 6(1), 132 – 141. Retrieved December 21, 2022, from
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
Department of Mechanical Engineering, Federal University of Technology, Minna, Nigeria.
Email: elimianjacob91@gmail.com
Gas turbines built in the tropics for power generation are made for other climate regions, thus their performance
tends to be affected. This research aims to present the impact of thermo-fluid modelling for gas turbines on
performance simulations of a two-spool turboshaft power-generating gas turbine configuration. The variation of
operating conditions (compression ratio, turbine inlet temperature (TIT), and ambient temperature) on the
performance of gas turbine (thermal efficiency, shaft power delivered, specific fuel consumption (SFC), heat rate
(HR) and fuel flow (FF)) was investigated. The analysis of the cycle has been carried out using GASTURB 14.
The off-design simulation is carried out for ambient temperature between 288K to 318K and TIT between 1400K
to 1600K. As the ambient temperature increases for a given TIT, the thermal efficiency, shaft power delivered,
and FF decrease while the SFC and HR increase; this is due to a decrease in mass flow rate to the compressor as
a result of lower air density and a higher compressor work. There is a loss of 4.3% in thermal efficiency at TIT
1400K as ambient temperature increases from 288K to 318K, this loss decreases to 1.3% at TIT 1600K, which
reveals that, as TIT increases percentage loss in thermal efficiency decreases on increasing ambient temperature.
In addition to this, it was observed that there was an increase of 0.05 kg/kWh in SFC at TIT 1400K when the
ambient temperature rises from 288K to 318K which in turn decreased to 0.01kg/kWh. As the TIT increases for
a given compression ratio (design point) or an ambient temperature (off-design point), the thermal efficiency,
shaft power delivered and FF increase while SFC and HR decrease. The simulation results obtained were validated
using industry data and those obtained from other experimental methods and they showed acceptable agreement.
KEYWORDS: Ambient temperature, compression ratio, design and off-design point, turbine inlet temperature.
Operators' top priority is to make sure gas turbines function as efficiently as possible. Gas turbines are designed
to compress air with the least amount of effort possible while maintaining high levels of efficiency and
aerodynamic stability. Anything that boosts productivity and profit in the current economic context is welcome
(Ibrahim et al., 2011a). The International Standard Organization (ISO) conditions for a gas turbine are 1.013 bar
of atmospheric pressure, an ambient temperature of 15°C, and relative ambient humidity of 60% (ASME, 2015).
In a gas turbine power plant, the output is sensitive to the surrounding environment (Xiaojun et al., 2010). The
performance of a gas turbine can be categorized according to its thermal efficiency, power production, specific
fuel consumption (SFC), and work ratio. Its performance is affected by several factors, including the compressor
pressure ratio (PR), combustion inlet temperature (TIT) and other operational factors such as ambient temperature,
elevation and relative humidity (Thamir and Rahman, 2010). The best effective way for determining a gas turbine
power plant's operation is a mathematical modelling strategy that makes use of computer tools (Barsali et al.,
2015). In this respect, quantitative modelling of gas turbine power plants is necessary. The conditions at a gas
turbine power plant's inlet and exit determine its performance in terms of power production, thermal efficiency,
and specific fuel consumption (Khaliq and Dincer, 2011). Hot days have significantly lower air density, pressure
ratio, airflow, and power output. As a result, as ambient temperature rises, power output declines and specific fuel
consumption (SFC) rises. Performance of gas turbines is strongly impacted by changes in the ambient conditions
(Thamir et al., 2019). The ambient, which changes periodically, determines the gas turbine's performance (Nada,
2014). As the intake air temperature rises, the limiting air volume rises as well. As constant-volume engines, gas
turbines continuously move the same volume of air at a specific shaft speed. Because combustion air in gas
turbines is drawn directly from the atmosphere, weather conditions have a significant impact on how well they
work (Saif and Tariq, 2017). The output power drops as the ambient temperature rises and rises with the turbine
entry temperature (TET). To prevent early component failure and a shortened gas turbine's life, it is not possible
to increase the TET indefinitely from a material standpoint (Nasir et al., 2018). This research work investigates
how operating conditions affect the performance calculations of gas turbines installed in Kogi State, central
Nigeria with an altitude of more than 2000m above sea level. This research aimed to assess the impact of thermo-
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
fluid modelling for gas turbines on performance calculations, and this can be achieved through the following
i. to create a model to calculate gas turbine performance based on a chosen set of measurable parameters.
ii. investigating the operational factors (such as ambient temperature (AT)) that have an impact on gas turbine
iii. validate model results with measure gas turbine performance.
This dynamic thermo-fluid physics model, which consists of rotating and fluid elements, was developed as a
starting point, using conservation principles and motion equations. Auxiliaries for the compressor, combustor,
turbine, and engine are the gas turbine engine's key parts, and they all work together to produce the engine's total
performance (Cohen et al., 2017).
Equation (1), which reflects the compressor work but involves no heat transfer, is derived from energy
conservation, equation (2) provides the compressor's pressure ratio relation (Thirunavukarasu, 2013).
The rate of mass flow through the gas turbine is given as:
𝑚 =̇ 𝜌𝑣 (5)
𝑑𝑚 𝑑
= (𝜌𝑣) (6)
𝑑𝑡 𝑑𝑡
𝑚̇ = 𝜌𝑣 (7)
The density of the working fluid (air) has an inverse relationship with the temperature
𝜌= NL
Where 𝑇1 is the ambient temperature, 𝜌 is the density of air and k is the proportionality constant. The gas turbine's
network (Wnet) is computed:
𝑊𝑛𝑒𝑡 = 𝑊𝑇 − 𝑊𝐶 (9)
𝑃 = 𝜌𝑣 × 𝑊E-; (11)
𝑃 = N 𝑣 × 𝑊E-; (12)
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
The efficiency of the gas turbine (𝜂𝑡ℎ) can be calculated by Equation (15). It is the proportion of heat input to
work performed by the turbine.
𝜂𝑡ℎ = (15)
3.1 Materials
3.1.1 GasTurb 14
GasTurb 14 has been used to analyze the gas turbine cycle and evaluate the plant's performance. GasTurb 14
(GASTURB GMBH MELATENER STRABE 7052074 AACHEN, GERMANY) is professional software for gas
turbine performance calculations.
Interest is only in the two-spool turboshaft in this work since gas turbines used for power generation are the focus.
Figure 1. The state points in the GasTurb14 model of a two-spool turboshaft. The compressor entry (point 2), compressor
outlet (point 3), high-pressure turbine entry (point 41), low-pressure turbine entry (point 45), and exhaust location (point 5) are the crucial
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
The difference in thermal efficiency with ambient temperature at various TIT and a 60% relative humidity in the
air is displayed in Table 1. It is evident that as the temperature of the turbine inlet increases from 1400K K to 1600
K, thermal efficiency also rises for a given ambient temperature until the turbine inlet temperature reaches 1650
K, at which point a sharp decline in thermal efficiency is seen (Ibrahim and Rahman, 2010). However, it is also
established that the thermal efficiency will decrease for all ranges of TIT under consideration if the temperature
of the ambient rises from 288K to 313K. Thermal efficiency rises at lower temperatures, but as the temperature
rises, its value somewhat declines (Nasir et al., 2018). Given that higher air density is derived from a lower
ambient temperature and less compressor effort, improved gas turbine performance —which then results in greater
thermal efficiency—is produced. Higher ambient temperatures, on the other hand, result in less air density and
more compressor work. In this study, compressor work predominates over turbine work, resulting in a decline in
net work done and a potential reduction in thermal efficiency at higher ambient temperatures (Saif and Tariq,
The impact of the temperature of the ambient and TIT on shaft power is shown in Figure 2. It is clear that for a
given ambient temperature, the shaft power provided increases when the TIT climbs from 1350K to 1650K (Nasir
et al. 2018). However, it is determined that for all ranges of turbine inlet temperature being investigated, the shaft
power provided decreases as the ambient temperature rises from 288K to 318K (Shi et al. 2010). At lower
temperatures, the shaft power delivered is greater, but as the temperature rises, its value somewhat declines.
Table 2. Effect of ambient temperature and TIT on specific fuel consumption (kg/kWh)
1400 1500 1600
288 0.28772 0.28054 0.28154
293 0.29386 0.28263 0.28339
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
Table 2 illustrates the change of ambient temperature and varied TIT on SFC. It has been found that when the
turbine inlet temperature increases from 1350K to 1600K the significance of the specific fuel consumption
decreases until the turbine inlet temperature of 1650K, where an abrupt rise in the value of the SFC is noticed.
However, for a particular TIT, the value of a particular fuel consumption rises as the ambient temperature rises
(Ibrahim and Rahman, 2010). This is because a change in ambient temperature produces an increase in the mass
flow rate of air at the compressor's input (Saif and Tariq, 2017).
4.2 Model validation
The model developed in this study is validated by the actual data obtained from the gas turbine power plant. In
this study, a GE LM6000pc gas turbine plant unit with an installed capacity of 45MW was selected for the
study. The plant is owned by Dangote Cement Plc-Obajana Plant, Obajana, Kogi State, Nigeria. Operating data
for the gas turbine unit were collected from the control room log sheet. A summary of the operating parameters
of the GE LM6000pc used for this study is presented in Table 3.
The parameters considered in this study for the gas turbine engine during simulation are ambient temperature
and turbine inlet temperature.
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
Figure 3 is a comparison between the results from the present study and that of previous work (Ibrahim et al.,
2016) and it reveals an acceptable agreement. It shows the effect of ambient temperature on the thermal efficiency
of the gas turbine. As the ambient temperature increases for a given turbine inlet temperature, the ratio of the
temperatures; reduces and this forces the thermal efficiency to decrease.
As the TIT increases for a particular ambient temperature (off-design point), the thermal efficiency and shaft
power delivered increase while the SFC decreases. For a particular turbine inlet temperature at higher ambient
temperatures (other than ISO conditions), the thermal efficiency and shaft power delivered decline while the
specific fuel consumption rises. Lower air density and more compressor effort were the results of greater ambient
temperature. The mass flow rate reduces because gas turbines are machines with a constant volume. The results
of this study have been highlighted, but other areas of performance calculations should be carried out for other
configurations of gas turbines.
The authors acknowledge thankfully the effort and ideas of Engr. Prof A. Nasir.
Barsali, S., De Marco, A., Giglioli, R., Ludovici, G., & Possenti, A. (2015). Dynamic modelling of biomass power
plant using micro gas turbine. Renewable Energy, 80, 806–818.
Cohen, H., Rogers, G. F. C., Saravanmuttoo, H. I. H., Straznicky, P. V., & Nix, A. C. (2017). Gas turbine theory
(7th ed., p. 624). Pearson College Div.
Ibrahim, T. K., Rahman, M., & Abdalla, A. N. (2011). Gas Turbine Configuration for Improving the Performance
of Combined Cycle Power Plant. Procedia Engineering, 15, 4216–4223.
Khaliq, A., & Dincer, I. (2011). Energetic and exergetic performance analyses of a combined heat and power plant
with absorption inlet cooling and evaporative aftercooling. Energy, 36(5), 2662–2670.
Nada, T. (2014). Performance characterization of different configurations of gas turbine engines. Propulsion and
Power Research, 3(3), 121–132. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jppr.2014.07.005.
Nasir A., Mohammad A., & Jiya, J.Y. (2018). Design and Off-Design Operation and Performance Analysis of a
Gas turbine. Proceeding of the World Congress on Engineering, 2, 978-988.
Saif, M. & Tariq, M. (2017). Performance analysis of gas turbine at varying ambient temperature. International
Journal of Mechanical Engineering and Technology 8(1), 270 – 280.
Shi, X., Agnew, B., Che, D., & Gao, J. (2010). Performance enhancement of conventional combined cycle power
plant by inlet air cooling, inter-cooling and LNG cold energy utilization. Applied Thermal Engineering,
30(14–15), 2003–2010. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.applthermaleng.2010.05.005.
Ibrahim, K.T., Rahman, M.M., and Abdalla, A. N. (2010). Study on the effective parameter of gas turbine model
with inter-cooled compression process. Scientific Research and Essays. 5(23), 3760 – 3770.
Thirunavukarasu, E. (2013). Modelling and Simulation Study of a Dynamic Gas Turbine System in a Virtual Test
Bed Environment. (Master’ thesis). Retrieved June 20, 2022, from
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
Flood frequency analysis is used by water resources professionals to estimate the probability of exceedance
associated with a flood of a given magnitude. The estimation of flood frequencies is important because they are
used for the planning and design of hydraulic structures. This study was carried out to understand the flood-
generating processes and establish the reliability of different probability distribution models in predicting the
bank-full discharge for selected return periods based on the available hydrometric dataset. The designed bank-full
discharge and experimental results of the sampled bed materials at different chainages along the river reach being
used to characterize the river bed materials by comparing the Eugelund & Hansen method, and Meyer-Peter &
Muller method with their established criteria and finally obtain the sediment transport capacity of the River Niger
at Lokoja. The results show that the flood magnitude is highly dependent on the sediment transport capacity of
the river.
KEYWORDS: Bank-full discharge, Flood frequency, sediment transport capacity, morphodynamics, Probability
distribution models
Floods are the consequence of natural water exceeding the capacity of removal by the river channel or reservoirs
(Knapp, 1979). Flood discharge in tropical regions is known to be a factor of intensity, extent and duration of
rainfall, and the runoff characteristic of the basin. During precipitation, rainwater is absorbed by the soil, a part is
lost through evapotranspiration and the remaining part is transported as runoff into rivers, streams, and reservoirs.
The capacity of the drainage system of the catchment area to contain the excess runoff water in river channels,
the catchment extent, the velocity of downstream discharge and the presence or absence or retention basins,
determine if the flood water will overspread the natural banks and cause damage to adjoining areas. In the work
of Busari et al. (2013), the Normal distribution model was found most appropriate for the prediction of yearly
maximum daily rainfall in the Evaluation of Best Fit Probability distribution models. Another important aspect of
the research presented here is the impact of deposition and erosion on the flow process. Prediction of the described
process with its entire complexity requires the application of sophisticated mathematical models with several
empirical or subjective assumptions (Brunner, 2016a; Kolerski, 2018; Parker, 2004; Popek, 2006; Wu, 2007). The
most important assumptions seem to be the empirical formulae applied to complete the mathematical models of
sediment routing (Beckers et al., 2018; Osidele et al., 2003; Parker, 2004; Popek, 2006; Radecki-Pawlik, 2014;
Schmelter et al., 2012; Wu, 2007; Yang, 1996). Considerations of morphodynamical processes in the context of
flood hazards are not very frequent. The rare examples found in the literature have been focused on short-term
analyses of direct morphological responses to flood events. These are single-event computations based on simple
deterministic modelling (Lane et al., 2008; Lane et al., 2007; Nones, 2019; Radice et al., 2013; Radice et al.,
Hydrometric and climatic data are not enough for flood modelling and prediction. A good knowledge of land use
patterns and the behaviour of our river systems is essential. The understanding of a riverbed material and its
hydrology along with the selection of adequate modelling tools will yield a flood prediction of relatively low
Sediment transport is the movement of solid particles driven by fluids like water or wind in rivers, lakes,
reservoirs, and coastal waters. In the real world, the flow is unsteady like flood waves, tidal waves and wind waves
as steady and uniform flows are very rare in reality. In the literature, many formulae use the boundary shear stress
ῐ (= ρ𝑔ℎ𝑆) to express sediment transport discharge, like Meyer – Peter and Muller, and Engelund and Hansen
(Shu-Quing Yang, 2020). The maximum amount of sediment transported by a river as bed material load is the
Sediment Transport Capacity (STC) and is related to the stream velocity, u. The general STC formula has the
qs = 𝑚ub (1)
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
where qs is the amount of bed material load per meter of river width (m2/s), m is the proportionality coefficient,
u is the local stream velocity and b is the exponent (values larger than 3). Meyer - Peter & Muller (MPM) equation
is given as:
qsb = 8+𝛥𝑔𝐷3𝑚 ”(𝜇𝜃 − 0.047)³ (2)
where qsb is the amount of sediment transported as bedload per meter of river width (m /s), D𝑚 is the mean
sediment grain size (m),
Bedform factor, 𝜇 = +(𝐶/𝐶′)³
𝐶 = Chezy’s coefficient (m1/2/s) (3)
𝐶 is the grain-related Chezy’s constant given as:
𝐶′ = 18log(12h/D90) (4)
where D90 grain size of 90% passing (m).
Criteria for the characterisation of riverbed materials are given as
ωs m m
(a) ˃ 1 ; where ꞷs = fall velocity , - , u = shear velocity , -
u∗ s s
(𝑏) D𝑚 ˃ 0.4mm; D𝑚 = mean sediment grain size (m)
(c) 𝜇𝜃 ˂ 0.2 for Gravel – bed; 𝜇 = bed factor and 𝜃 = Shields parameter.
For Engelund and Hansen (E-H) equation. In equation (1), b = 5 and m is given by:
m= 𝜌𝑠−𝜌 (5)
𝐶³ " #𝐷₅₀ √𝑔
where C is Chezy’s coefficient (m1/2/s), ρs is sediment density (kg/m3) and 𝐷 is median sediment grain size (50%
of sediment material has a smaller diameter) (m). Criteria for the characterisation of riverbed materials are given
(a) ˂ 1;
(𝑏) 0.19 ˂ 𝐷₅₀ ˂ 0.93mm;
(c) 0.07˂ 𝜃 ˂ 6 for Sand-bed.
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
A total of twelve (12) bed material samples were collected from different locations at 50 m intervals downstream
along the riverbed longitudinal profile commencing from the Lokoja Slipway herein designated as chainage 0 +
000. The soil samples were collected at an average depth of 0.5m by disturbed sampling method in accordance
with BS 1377:1 (2016) standard procedure for sample collection. Water samples were also collected from the
riverbed at 50m intervals along the river reach and the following tests were carried out: (a)Specific gravity, (b)
Density of bed material and (c) Soil particle size distribution.
Calculation of Recurrence Interval Tp
The annual maximum flood discharge values have been arranged in descending order and the plotting position
for the recurrence interval Tp for each discharge is obtained as:
ž[l 44
Tp= = (6)
. .
Where m = order number and the discharge magnitude Q plotted against the corresponding Tp on EasyFit
probability software shown in Figure 2.
The discharge and return period relationship is given in the plotted graph in Figure 2. The fitting equation (7) is
shown as follows:
Q = -1.3194(Tp)2 + 712.19(Tp) + 16476 (7)
The degree of correlation between the parameters is high (R = 0.871)
Substituting the following return periods (30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, and 100) Tp values in equation (7) we have the
maximum flood discharge (Qmax) corresponding to each return period.
The hydrometric dataset used in the research was extracted from the Nigerian Inland Water Authority (NIWA)
and is presented under Appendix 1. The probability distribution function for the dataset comparing Cauchy, Gen.
Logistic, Log-Logistic, Log-Logistic (3P), Log-Pearson 3 and Wakeby methods, is presented in Figure 3.
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University of Ilorin, Nigeria
Parameters for calculating the sediment transport and characterizing the riverbed channel by comparing the
methods of Engelund & Hansen and Meyer-Peter & Muller with their established criteria are presented in
Appendix 2. While the computed STC for the selected return periods and some river reaches is presented in
Appendix 3.
4.2 Discussion of Results
The result of particle size distribution carried out on the 12 soil samples from the Lokoja gauge station shows that
the bed materials are predominantly Sandy as a greater percentage of the materials fall within the region.
For the hydrometric data, the probability distribution for the selected recurrence intervals (Tp = 30, 40, 50, 60,
70, 80, and 100years) was plotted for six (6) models; Cauchy, Gen. Logistic, Log-Logistic, Log-Logistic (3P),
Log-Pearson 3 and Wakeby. The reliability of the probability distribution as a fitting model has been tested using
the statistical tests known as goodness of fit and found to be significantly correct. The statistical tools prescribed
in the Easy Fit software have been used for the statistical analysis. The generated variables were used to determine
how well the correlation coefficient and coefficient of determination best fit the models. From Figure 3, the best-
fit model for the Lokoja gauge station is the Cauchy distribution model.
The parameters for calculating the sediment transport capacity (STC) were computed and presented in Appendix
2 for the selected recurrence intervals (return periods) and for the chainages according to the river reaches where
samples were collected. For (Tp = 30) return period, the critical parameters for characterizing the river channel
by methods of Eugelund & Hansen and Meyer-Peter & Muller with their established criteria are as follows:
ωs/u* = 0.4720 ˂ 1; D50 = 0.35 ˃ 0.19 and ˂ 0.93mm; 𝜃= 3.8588 ˃0.17 and ˂ 6. These parameters satisfy the
Eugelund & Hansen criteria for all the river reaches (chainages). Similarly, other selected return periods of 40,
50, 60, 70, 80, and 100 years also satisfy the E-H criteria and hence the channel is classified as a Sand-bed.
the riverbed materials did not comply with MPM criteria.
From Appendix 3, the relationship between the selected return periods which is a function of the discharge, Q and
the calculated sediment transport capacity is linear and therefore clearly indicates that the flood magnitude is
highly dependent on the sediment transport capacity of the river.
Flooding in a river system can be better described by understanding the morphodynamics (bed-level formations
and changes). With this research paper as reference material, a full understanding of fluvial flooding in Nigeria
based on the morphodynamics of our river system is assured under the present-day climate change scenario. The
results obtained from the computations show that the river flood magnitude is highly dependent on the sediment
transport capacity of the river.
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
To understand the behaviour of our river system viz a viz the rainfall magnitude and discharge, it is worth noting
that mining activities especially sand mining in our river channels cause a change in slope and thereby alter the
behaviour of the river system. While erosion of the riverbed will translate to some advantage against flooding, the
reverse is the case for huge and long-term deposition on the river floor bed which tends to reduce the river depth
and by extension the carrying capacity of the river channel and thus leading to flooding.
Detailed studies are recommended on all the major rivers in Nigeria to characterize each river channel based on
their discharge, slope, and bed materials (whether it is gravel-bed or sandy-bed material).
With this, we can fully estimate the sediment transport capacity of our rivers, predict erosion (or accretion), and
deposition due to upstream release of water and propose viable river engineering measures rather than assuming
dredging as usual. Flood intervention measures should be based on short and long-term assessments of the
morphodynamics of the rivers, not by a mere assumption.
The research work was carried out at the Federal University of Technology, Minna, Niger State, Nigeria. The
authors are grateful to the Nigerian Inland Water Authority (NIWA) for making available the data set used as well
as permitting the collection of soil and water samples from their dockyard.
Beckers, F., Noack, M., & Wieprecht, S. (2018). Uncertainty analysis of a 2D sediment transport model: An
example of the lower river Salzach. Journal of Soils and Sediments, 18(10), 3133- 3144.
Brunner, G. W. (2016a). HEC-RAS river analysis system hydraulic reference manual; US Army Corps of
Engineers; Report No. CPD-69. Davis, CA: Hydrologic Engineering Center (HEC).
Busari, A. O., Mohammed, S., Ajibola O. (2013). Evaluation of Best Fit Probability Distribution Models for the
Prediction of Rainfall and Runoff Volume (Case Study Tagwai Dam, Minna-Nigeria. International Journal
of Engineering and Technology Volume 3 No. 2, 94 – 97.
Calenda, G., Mancini, C. P., & Volpi, E. (2009). Selection of the probabilistic model of extreme floods: The case
of the river Tiber in Rome. Journal of Hydrology, 371(1 –4), 1 –11
Knapp, BJ (1979): Elements of Geographical Hydrology Geoge Allen and Uwin, London.
Kolerski, T. (2018). Mathematical modelling of ice dynamics as a decision support tool in river engineering. ater,
10(9), 1241.
Nones, M. (2019). Dealing with sediment transport in flood risk management. Acta geophysica, 67(2), 677–685.
http://dx.doi. org/10.1007/s11600-019-00273-7.
Osidele, O. O., Zeng, W., & Beck, M. B. (2003). Coping with uncertainty: A case study in sediment transport and
nutrient load analysis. Journal of Water Resources Planning and management, 129(4), 345 –355.
Parker, G. (2004). 1D sediment transport morphodynamics with Applications to Rivers and turbidity currents. In
E-book available at Gary Parker's Morphodynamics. IL, USA: University of Illinois Available from
http://hydrolab.illinois.edu/people/ parkerg/
Popek, Z. (2006). Bedload transport conditions in small lowland river. In Treatises and monograph (Vol. 300,
p. 230). Warszawa, Poland: Publishing of Warsaw University of Life sciences —SGGW in Polish.
Pender, D., Patidar, S., Radecki-Pawlik, A. (2014). Hydromorphology of Mountain Rivers and streams. In
Selected Topics in Environmental Management. Cracow, Poland: Publishing of Cracow University of
griculture (In Polish).
Radice, A., Longoni, L., Papini, M., Brambilla, D., & Ivanov, V. I. (2016). Generation of a design Flood-event
scenario for a Mountain River with intense sediment transport. Water, 8, 597.
Radice, A., Rosatti, G., Ballio, F., Franzetti, S., Mauri, M., Spagnolatti, M., & Garegnani, G. (2013).
Management of flood hazard via hydro-morphological river modelling. The case of the Mallero in
Italian Alps. Journal of Flood Risk Management, 6(3), 197 –209.
Schmelter, M. L., Erwin, S. O., & Wilcock, P. R. (2012). Accounting for uncertainty in cumulative sediment
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Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
Appendix 1. Annual Maximum Discharge (cumecs)
Year July August September October November December
2000 8188 14640 18225 16531 6073 3201
2001 0 0 17713 18885 7863 3364
2002 0 0 14939 13003 3201 3227
2003 9000 12123 18106 19025 13003 4265
2004 8625 13818 16098 15292 6724 2811
2005 7079 11062 13026 13792 9120 3392
2006 5422 8923 17599 19389 10710 3742
2007 7044 15650 19831 19831 10855 4110
2008 6759 14366 20426 19695 9920 4265
2009 9960 15140 19695 20534 15650 6481
2010 8311 14199 19806 21272 17940 5345
2011 4416 9080 16830 17340 14150 3915
2012 14102 18080 29815 32150 16079 4850
2013 8809 9120 15727 16396 9560 3582
2014 7560 14660 17512 19941 11376 4356
2015 7079 11062 13026 13792 9120 3393
2016 12079 17571 18225 19279 5826 3201
2017 8694 18139 19941 19941 10855 4110
2018 10360 18106 19695 20534 15446 6481
2019 10421 15652 32441 32860 16646 5171
2020 10887 14725 19520 20534 15650 3960
Source: Extracted from NIWA’s gauge record in Lokoja and Adjusted with Rating Curves
Appendix 2. Parameters for calculating STC
Tp (yrs) u = Q/Bh² C= u/√hi µ ωs/u* Dm 𝜇𝜃 D50 𝜃
30 24.766 203.577 3.8909 0.4720 0.0035 142791 0.35 3.8588
40 25.707 199.103 3.7004 0.4107 0.0035 14.2791 0.35 3.8588
50 26.443 194.675 3.5271 0,4227 0.0035 12.9117 0.35 3.6607
60 27.026 190.392 3.3698 0.4045 0.0035 13.4726 0.35 3.9980
70 27.498 186.371 3.2290 0.3892 0.0035 13.9475 0.35 4.3194
80 26.443 194.675 3.5271 0.4227 0.0035 12.9117 0.35 3.6607
100 28.478 176.078 2.8919 0.3550 0.0035 15.0104 0.35 5.1905
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
Segun Isaac Talabi1,*, Jamiu Kolawole Odusote1, Jeleel Adekunle Adebisi1, Ismaila Idowu Ahmed1,
Taiwo Yahaya1, Modupe Rasheedat Mahamood1, Lawrence Aderemi Olatunji2, Mariam Kehinde
Sulaiman3, Suleaiman Abdulkareem4
Department of Materials and Metallurgical Engineering, University of Ilorin, Ilorin, Nigeria.
Department of Physiology, University of Ilorin, Ilorin, Nigeria.
Department of Medical Microbiology and Parasitology, University of Ilorin, Ilorin, Nigeria.
Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of Ilorin, Ilorin, Nigeria.
Email: talabi.si@unilorin.edu.ng
Food processing encourages safe preservation and provides opportunities for the production of several types of
diets. In Nigeria, some foodstuffs are commonly processed in the dried or wet form to powder or paste using an
abrasive cutting process involving cast-iron discs. Despite the popularity of this method, metallic and non-metallic
contaminants including heavy metals such as cadmium and lead that are detrimental to human health are
introduced. Consequently, this study systematically determined the presence of metallic contaminants in ground
maize grains, which were processed under dry and wet conditions. Locally available grinding discs manufactured
using different furnaces were used to assess the quantity and composition of these contaminants. Irrespective of
the disc type, different quantities of contaminants were found in the ground food grains. The discs manufactured
using a pit and rotary furnaces generated the highest quantity under wet and dry grinding conditions, respectively.
These metallic contaminants were found to contain heavy metals such as lead (≤ 0.316 mg/kg), cadmium (≤ 0.024
mg/kg), chromium (≤ 0.016 mg/kg), copper (≤ 0.880 mg/kg), manganese (≤ 0.624 mg/kg) and zinc (≤ 0.006
KEYWORDS: contaminants, heavy metal, grinding, cast iron discs, metal particles, ground food
Foods are edible materials that provide nutrients, energy, protein, vitamins, and minerals for human growth and
development. They are essential for the replacement and repair of cells and provide the body with the necessary
energy to function and fight against diseases. Food processing provides the opportunity to eat a greater variety of
diets and encourages safe food preservation and packaging. Many dried or dehydrated food processing methods
require milling (machining using rotary cutters) or grinding (abrasive cutting using grinding discs) the raw
materials to flour/powder form under wet or dry conditions. Other methods involved crushing (pulverization by
compression force), granulation (grains or granules formation from solid raw materials), pulverization (reduction
to powder by hammering or grinding), and mixing (mechanical dispersion to attain homogeneity) (Gao et al.,
2020, Ortega-Rivas et al., 2006). These methods offer the benefits and economic advantages associated with
reduced volume/weight, convenience, packaging, handling and transportation, improved bioaccessibility, and
greater nutritional value (Gao et al., 2020; Ortega-Rivas et al., 2006). More importantly, it ensures that the
preserved food is maintained in dried form for future utilization. However, bad food processing strategies can be
detrimental, leading to various challenges such as elevated cholesterol, obesity, certain cancers and digestive
issues like Crohn's disease (Joardder and Masud, 2019).
Grinding is an ancient technique of particle size reduction that mechanically produces powders via impact,
compression, shear, and cutting (Aradwad et al. 2021). It is an energy-intensive process in which solid food
substances are broken down into fine particles (Jung et al., 2018). The food materials produced using this
procedure are chemically and microbiologically stable and convenient for future use. The use of grinding
machines equipped with cast iron discs is a popular method of food processing in Nigeria. Many households rely
on this method to prepare grains as a paste or dried powder. Despite its commonality, this food processing method
may not be safe as the grinding mechanism depends on the energized rubbing of two grinding discs, which often
leads to the incorporation of metallic and non-metallic contaminants, and even heavy metals that are detrimental
to human health (Cancer, 2012). This possible health risk, demands detailed quantitative and qualitative analyses
of contaminants introduced into food prepared using such a procedure.
This present study involved a wholesome approach directed towards quantitative and qualitative assessment of
metallic contaminants introduced into ground food under wet and dry grinding conditions. Moreover, the present
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
investigation considered the use of various grinding discs that are locally available for purchase in Nigeria,
including imported ones. These discs are produced based on various manufacturing methods namely: cupola, pit
and rotary furnaces. The selected discs were typically produced by semi-skilled artisans, who are not
knowledgeable about the science of metallurgy and casting but possessed foundry experience, which has been
acquired over a long period. Consequently, quality assurance of these locally produced discs is usually not carried
out since the workers have no code of practice. Government regulations that are supposed to guide their production
and usage are also not enforced. This may be due to a lack of adequate data, information and awareness on the
nature of contaminants generated in food during processing with such grinding machines. In addition, previous
investigations do not involve a systematic approach to the grinding procedure and retrieving of the metallic
contaminants from the ground food. The information provided in this study is expected to prompt a series of other
investigations to address the menace of food processing using grinding machines in line with SDG No. 9.
2.1 Materials
The grinding discs used in this study were sourced from local markets in the Southern region of Nigeria. Ten
pairs of grinding discs produced using cupola, pit and rotary furnaces were purchased from six different
manufacturers. The discs were designated as shown in Table 1.
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
Figure 1. The scavenging device used for separating the magnetic contaminants from ground food.
Characterization of metallic contaminants
A BUCK Scientific ACCUSYS 211 Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer was used to detect the presence
of some heavy metals in the contaminants recovered from ground maize processed under dry grinding conditions.
Regarding the analysis, a 10 ml mixture of concentrated HNO3 and HCl in 3:1 was used to digest 0.05 g of
contaminants scavenged from different batches of ground food. After digestion, the solution was diluted with the
addition of 90 ml of distilled water and filtered with Whatman 1 filter paper. The filtered liquid solution was
analyzed to detect the presence and relative quantity of Pb, Cd, Cr, Cu, Mn, and Zn. The analysis was conducted
twice and the reported results represent an average value.
Firstly, the efficiency of the scavenging devices used in the recovery of magnetic contaminants from the
ground food was determined as approximately 85%. The determination was done by introducing a known quantity
of metallic contaminants, which were previously generated from the discs during grinding into a known quantity
of ground maize. Thereafter, the number of recovered contaminants after running the ground food through the
scavenger three times was divided by the initial amount that was introduced into the food and multiplied by 100.
Figure 2a shows the quantities of magnetic contaminants generated during the wet grinding of soaked maize grains
with various cast iron discs that were produced using rotary, pit and cupola furnaces. Irrespective of the discs’
type, significant amounts of contaminants were recovered after sequentially grinding the grains for 18.25 minutes.
PIL discs, which were produced using a pit furnace and sourced from Ilorin generated the highest quantity of
contaminants. The smallest amount of such inclusions was recovered when ROS discs (sourced from Osogbo and
produced using a rotary furnace) were used for grinding the grains. More so, one of the tightening nuts got loosed
and was ground into the food while processing the grains with ROS discs. The nut contribution to the overall
quantity of recovered contaminants during this batch of experiments was determined by subtracting the weight of
the recovered nut from the initial nut weight. This scenario typically occurs during food processing with the locally
fabricated grinding machine. The results obtained in this investigation reinforced earlier submissions about
metallic inclusion in ground food (Normanyo et al., 2010; Odusote J. K., 2017) and further assert that their
presence is independent of the type of cast iron discs that may be installed on such grinding devices. Nevertheless,
the results showed that the chemistry and structure can influence the number of metallic contaminants generated
in the ground food. This observation was based on the difference in the number of recovered contaminants for the
different discs type despite the similarity in grinding conditions. As expected the discs’ structure and composition
will affect properties such as wear and hardness (Kwofie S. and Chandler H. D., 2006), which will determine their
performance in service. These contributions advance existing knowledge on the subject matter. Figure 2b is a
representation of the contaminants which were recovered using a neodymium permanent magnet wrapped with
polyethylene film.
However, under dry grinding conditions, the number of contaminants generated in the ground food increased
(Figure 3). It should be noted that the comparison between the number of contaminants based on wet and dry
grinding did not consider continuous usage over a long period. Under such circumstances, disc corrosion in
synergy with wear may contribute to metal loss in a wet grinding condition. For all the investigated discs, the
quantity of recovered magnetic particles/chips increased compared to when wet grinding was used to process the
maize grains. Friction is the main mechanism responsible for food pulverization by grinding. In addition, the
environment (grinding) plays a significant role in the abrasive wear rate of metallic materials (Gao et al., 2020).
Therefore, the presence of water during grinding serves as a lubricant, which reduced metal loss during the wet
grinding operation (Wirojanupatump and Shipway, 1999). Consequently, the higher number of magnetic
contaminants during the dry grinding can be attributed majorly to the lack of lubricating effect by water.
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
Nevertheless, some other factors such as an increase in temperature due to friction during grinding, and the
constituents of the grinding discs could also influence the discs’ wear performance. As expected, the quantity of
magnetic contaminants generated into the ground food under dry grinding conditions varied for the different cast
iron discs. In this instance, the least number of contaminants was introduced by PIL discs while the highest
quantity was produced by RIL discs, which were manufactured using pit and rotary furnaces from Ilorin,
respectively. It is not very clear why the discs produced using a pit furnace perform better under this condition.
Nevertheless, the compositional analysis of contaminants resulting from the usage of these discs showed that the
PIL disc has the highest amount of calcium. Calcium has been reported to possess the ability to induce spheroidal
graphite generation in cast iron (Oluwole, 2007). The presence of graphite nodules within the microstructure of
such cast iron will enhance its wear resistance. This observation may be responsible for the better performance
exhibited by the discs (PIL discs).
Figure 2. Magnetic contaminants generated from different locally sourced discs during wet grinding for 18.25
minutes (a), and a sample of magnetic contaminants recovered from ground food using a permanent magnet wrapped with a polyethylene
sheet (i) and microstructural image (ii) obtained using an Amscope optical microscope (b).
Figure 3. Magnetic contaminants generated from different locally sourced discs during dry grinding for 18.25
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
3.3 Analysis of heavy metals in magnetic contaminants from ground food prepared using various
grinding discs
There are about twenty-three heavy metals that in large quantities will be harmful to humans (Jaishankar et
al., 2014). Heavy metal toxicity can impair the functionality of some important organs such as the brain, lungs,
kidneys and liver (Järup, 2003; Jaishankar et al., 2014). Long-term exposure to them can cause neurological
degenerative processes that can lead to multiple sclerosis, Parkinson's disease, Alzheimer's disease and muscular
dystrophy while their compounds may be carcinogenic (Järup, 2003).
Table 2 shows AAS results for different samples of recovered magnetic contaminants. The results showed that
food processed using locally fabricated grinding machines can be a contributory source of heavy metal intake in
humans. Consequently, attention must be given to the processing of food grains with such machines having cast
iron grinding discs installed in them. More so, the recovered metallic contaminants are not present in mineral or
dietary form and may therefore constitute a major health hazard. Nevertheless, the analysis and comparison in this
study were based on information available regarding the consumption of such heavy metals in their dietary form.
Regarding this study, the presence of lead (Pb) was detected in contaminants generated from the usage of CIW,
RIL and ROS discs. RIL contaminants presented the highest Pb value of about 0.3169 mg/kg. Sub-Saharan
Africans consumed up to 450 g/person/day of maize (Ekpa et al., 2019). Consequently, an adult in Nigeria may
consume about 3.2 kg in a week. Based on earlier results (section 3.1), 0.5216 g of magnetic contaminants were
recovered when 3.2 kg of maize grains were ground using RIL discs. This quantity of contaminants contained
about 0.00016 mg of Pb. The tolerable weekly intake of Pb has been reported as 0.025 mg/kg body weight
(Witkowska et al., 2021). The average body weight of an adult in Nigeria is 72 kg, which implied that the
maximum tolerable intake of Pb per week is 1.8 mg. This indicates that the detected Pb quantity is within the
permissible limit. However, it must be noted that this is only coming from a single food source. Cadmium is
another heavy metal that was detected during the analysis of contaminants recovered from food processed using
all the investigated grinding discs. The maximum value of this metal was recorded in contaminants recovered
from food processed using RIL discs. The tolerable weekly intake value of Cd has been reported as 0.007 mg/kg
body weight (Witkowska et al., 2021). According to the earlier submission, the detected value will imply a weekly
consumption of 1.25 x 10-5 mg of Cd, which is within the permissible weekly consumption value. Chromium can
exist in trivalent or hexavalent form in the environment and its hexavalent form has been reported to be toxic and
carcinogenic (Gürkan et al., 2017; Witkowska et al., 2021). Nevertheless, the tolerable upper intake level of
chromium has not been established. In this study, 0.01612 mg/kg and 0.00950 mg/kg of Cr were detected in ID
and ROS contaminants, respectively. The recommended maximum daily intake of copper for adults, which is
based on liver damage protection is 70 mg/week (Trumbo et al., 2001). Similarly, the recovered contaminants
will only contribute 0.00042 mg when an adult consumed 3.2 kg of maize ground under dry conditions using RIL
discs whose contaminants contained the highest quantity of copper in this study. Compared to the permitted intake,
copper consumption through food processed with the grinding machine that has these installed cast-iron discs is
not significant. Manganese is another heavy metal that was detected in the recovered magnetic contaminants. This
element was discovered in all the analyzed samples and the highest quantity was found in those recovered from
food processed using ID discs. The tolerable intake level of zinc in the human body is 40 mg/day (Saper and Rash,
2009). This element was only detected in magnetic contaminants recovered from maize grains processed using
ID discs and its value was not significant.
Table 2. Heavy metals present in recovered magnetic contaminants from ground food
Pb Cd Cr Cu Mn Zn
Sample Code
CIW 0.08182 0.018182 0.00000 0.880165 0.20992 0.00000
ID 0.0000 0.021901 0.01612 0.607851 0.62479 0.00661
PIL 0.0000 0.014463 0.00000 0.715702 0.48760 0.00000
RIL 0.31694 0.023967 0.00000 0.80124 0.49298 0.00000
ROS 0.00579 0.018182 0.00950 0.564463 0.42314 0.00000
RIW 0.0000 0.021074 0.00000 0.500413 0.41901 0.00000
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
The presence and characteristics of magnetic contaminants recovered from maize processed under wet and dry
grinding conditions using a locally fabricated grinding machine installed with cast iron grinding discs were
investigated in this study. The results showed that the use of cast iron discs in food processing led to the
introduction of metallic contaminants containing heavy metals such as lead, cadmium, chromium, manganese and
zinc into the ground maize grains, which may be detrimental to human health. The presence of these contaminants
was also found to be independent of the disc types, which were manufactured based on different production routes.
More so, different quantities of contaminants were introduced into the processed food depending on the grinding
conditions and type of discs. The highest quantity of contaminants was recovered from maize ground under dry
conditions due to the lack of lubrication provided by wet grinding. Consequently, the study point to the need to
regulate the production of cast iron discs that are used in food processing. Currently, there is no stipulation guiding
important steps such as scrap selection and choice of melting furnace in the manufacturing of such grinding discs.
The lack of regulation can constitute a major health hazard, which may hinder the realization of SDG No. 9 in
developing nations like Nigeria.
The funding of this research by the Nigeria National Research Fund (NRF) under the grant reference number
TETF/DR&D-CE/NRF/2020/SETI/85/VOL.1, is duly acknowledged by the authors. The authors also appreciate
the Department of Materials and Metallurgical Engineering for providing the spacing and some tools used in this
experimental work.
Ekpa, O., Palacios-Rojas, N., Kruseman, G., Fogliano, V., and Linnemann, A. R. (2019).
Sub-Saharan African Maize-Based Foods - Processing Practices, Challenges and Opportunities.
Food Reviews International, 35(7), 609-639. DOI:10.1080/87559129.2019.1588290
Gao, W., Chen, F., Wang, X., and Meng, Q. (2020). Recent advances in processing food
powders by using superfine grinding techniques: A review. Comprehensive Reviews in Food
Science and Food Safety, 19(4), 2222-2255. DOI:https://doi.org/10.1111/1541-4337.12580
Gürkan, R., Ulusoy, H. İ., and Akçay, M. (2017). Simultaneous determination of dissolved
inorganic chromium species in wastewater/natural waters by surfactant sensitized catalytic
kinetic spectrophotometry. Arabian Journal of Chemistry, 10, S450-S460.
Jaishankar, M., Tseten, T., Anbalagan, N., Mathew, B. B., and Beeregowda, K. N. (2014).
Toxicity, mechanism and health effects of some heavy metals. Interdiscip Toxicol, 7(2), 60-72.
Järup, L. (2003). Hazards of heavy metal contamination. Br Med Bull, 68, 167-182.
Kwofie S., and Chandler H. D. (2006). Potential health effects of locally-manufactured
corn-mill grinding plates. Journal of Science and Technology (Ghana), 26(2), 137-147.
Normanyo, E., Esiam, E. K., Amankwa-Poku, K., and Adetunde, I. A. (2010). Redesign Of
A Grinding Mill For The Minimisation Of Iron Filing Production.
Odusote J. K., G. A. S. I. I. A. S. A. K. A. A. (2017). Assessment of Metallic Contaminants
in Grinded Millet using Domestic Grinding Machine. Nigerian Journal Of Technological
Development, 14(1), 13-17.
Oluwole, O. O., Olorunniwo, O.E.,Ogundare, O.O., Atanda P.O. and Oridota, O.O. (2007).
Effect of Magnesium and Calcium as Spheroidizers on the Graphite Morphology in Ductile
Cast Iron. Journal of Minerals & Materials Characterization & Engineering, 6(1), 25-37.
Saper, R. B., and Rash, R. (2009). Zinc: an essential micronutrient. Am Fam Physician,
79(9), 768-772.
Trumbo, P., Yates, A. A., Schlicker, S., and Poos, M. (2001). Dietary reference intakes:
vitamin A, vitamin K, arsenic, boron, chromium, copper, iodine, iron, manganese,
molybdenum, nickel, silicon, vanadium, and zinc. J Am Diet Assoc, 101(3), 294-301.
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
Wirojanupatump, S., and Shipway, P. H. (1999). A direct comparison of wet and dry
abrasion behaviour of mild steel. Wear, 233-235, 655-665. DOI:https://doi.org/10.1016/S0043-
Witkowska, D., Słowik, J., and Chilicka, K. (2021). Heavy Metals and Human Health:
Possible Exposure Pathways and the Competition for Protein Binding Sites. 26(19).
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
The escalating need for higher data rates, spectrum efficiency, and low cost have all been significant problems
with cellular communication technology over the years. This demand is growing rapidly as wireless device
deployments rise. Numerous radio technologies have also been created to manage the plethora of data-hungry
applications that are constantly expanding. One of these essential technologies is massive MIMO (massive
multiple input multiple outputs), also known as the advanced antenna system (AAS). Massive MIMO uses
hundreds of small, tightly spaced antennas (Suryasarman & Springer, 2015). A representation of the layout is
provided below in Figure 1.
By using numerous transmitting and receiving antennas, multiple-input and multiple-output (MIMO) radio
antenna technology makes use of multipath propagation. By establishing numerous signal paths to transmit the
data and choosing specific paths for each antenna, a radio link's capacity can be greatly increased (Bland, 2016).
In early developments, MIMO was initially defined as the use of numerous antennas at the transmitter and
reception points. The concept is now acknowledged as a practical way to transmit and receive numerous data
signals concurrently over a single radio channel using multipath propagation. High data rate broadcasting can be
achieved by breaking a high-rate signal into several low-rate signals and sending them from transmitters that are
spatially apart. Each receiver uses a variety of antennas to pick up the different cochannel signals that arrive from
different angles. The radio frequency (RF) power amplifier (PA) of each transmitter branch, whose simple
structure is shown in Figure 2, is crucial to the successful operation of numerous antenna systems. Its task is to
increase the sent signal's power to a suitable degree for transmission. Due to its low strength, the produced signal
needs to be amplified. This amplification is essential to account for channel route loss between the transmitter and
the recipient.
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
𝑛=0 |𝑌𝑑 (𝑛)−𝑌(𝑛)|
𝑁𝑀𝑆𝐸(𝑌𝑑𝑒𝑠𝑖𝑟𝑒𝑑 −𝑌𝑎𝑐𝑡𝑢𝑎𝑙) = (1)
𝑛=0 |𝑌𝑑 (𝑛)|
Y(n) denotes the measured signal at the output of the amplifier and Yd (n) is the desired output signal.
iii. Adjacent Channel Leakage Ratio, ACLR: When a power amplifier is fed a wide band transmission signal,
the output shows a noticeable frequency regrowth. This effect is also known as out-of-band distortion.
This can be precisely captured and compared to known ACLR values from important performance
indicators provided by standard organizations with the appropriate simulation tools. The ratio between
the main signal and the power intermodulation signal is an indicator of quality. It can be defined as the
ratio of the transmitted signal's power in the main or desired channel to that of the channel next to it as
shown in equation 2.
∫gh |¢(F)|D <F
𝐴𝐶𝐿𝑅 = (2)
∫gh |¢(F)|D <F
Where Y(f) is the transmitted signal in the frequency domain, BWadj is the signal bandwidth of the
adjacent channel and BWmain is the signal bandwidth of the main channel. Both signals are assumed to
have the same bandwidth.
iv. Least Square Method: This is generally a standard approach in regression analysis to approximate the
solution of overdetermined systems by minimizing the sum of the square of the residuals made in the
result of every single equation.
Very nonlinear power amplifiers are used to drive the antenna components in communication systems and
networks, resulting in significant nonlinear distortion (Brihuega et al., 2019). The radio frequency output signal
exhibits spectrum regrowth due to the power amplifier's nonlinear behaviour in the frequency domain. Digitally
modulated signals' spectrum widening creates neighbouring channel interference. In addition to spreading the
transmitted spectrum, distortion also produces intersymbol interference, which increases the bit error rate (BER),
thus contravening FCC regulations and 3GPP guidelines. This suggests that components such as power amplifiers
and other parts must be linear. But for PA to display power efficiency, it must be operated in the nonlinear region.
Using linearization techniques, this highly desired linear amplification is attained. The pre-distortion approach,
the feedback method, and the feed-forward method are the three primary linearization techniques. These primary
classes also have further variations as shown below. Figure 6 shows the linearization techniques.
Linearization Techniques
RF Feedback
Modulation Feedback
Cartesian Feedback
Polar Feedback
Figure 6. Linearization Techniques
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University of Ilorin, Nigeria
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
The crucial and inherently nonlinear behaviour of radio frequency power amplifiers was examined in this paper,
as well as the long-term impact on performance estimation of modern antenna systems used in communication
networks. Power amplifiers are essentially nonlinear devices, and the signal processing methods also clearly show
that there is signal distortion. The bit-error rate is lowered by the in-band distortion and out-of-band distortion
results in spectrum broadening, which causes interference in adjacent channels. By correctly activating the power
amplifiers in every transmitting branch such that their output signals are linear and amplified versions of the input
RF signal, energy and spectrum efficiency as well as overall system performance are significantly improved.
A figure of merit called the adjacent channel leakage ratio (ACLR) shows the proportion between the main signal
and the power intermodulation signal. Comparisons can be made between the out-of-band distortion measured
using the proper simulation tool and data from common regulatory organizations like the third-generation
partnership project (3GPP). The details presented in this paper adequately provide very insightful and generic
linearization concepts to the researchers in the field. The strategies that were just explained have their respective
pros and disadvantages. System complexity and application area are the deciding factors for any technique
I want to sincerely thank my supervisors, Engr. Dr. James Agajo and Engr. Dr. Nathaniel Salawu, for their
continuous support of my work and related research, as well as for their persistence, inspiration, and wealth of
P. M. Asbeck, N. Rostomyan, M. Ozen, B. Rabet, J. A. Jayamon, (2019), Power Amplifiers for mm wave 5G
Applications: Technology Comparisons and CMOS-SOI demonstration circuits, IEEE Transactions on
Microwave Theory and Techniques, 67, 3099-3109.
Yufeng Wan, Tony J. Dodd, Robert F. Harrison, (2015), Modeling of Power Amplifier Nonlinearities using
Volterra Series, IFAC Proceeding Volumes, 38, 785-790.
Ali Al-Qamaji, Fida Abdalrahman, (2019), Relaxed Isolation Based Linearization for Sub-6 GHz Advanced
Antenna System, Faculty of Engineering, LTH, Lund University, Lund, Sweden.
Alberto Brihuega, Mahmoud Abdelaziz, Matias Turunen, Thomas Erikson, Lauri Antilla, Mikko Valkama,
(2019), Linearizing Active Antenna Arrays: Digital Predistortion Method and Measurements, arXiv:
1907.07959, 1, 6-8.
J. Stevenson Kenney and Jau-Homg Chen, (2015), Power Amplifier Linearization and Efficiency Improvement
Technique for Commercial and Military Applications, IEEE International Conference on Microwave,
Radar and Wireless Communications, 3-8.
Katharina Hausmair, Per N. Landin, Ulf Gustausson, Christian Fager, Thomas Eriksson, (2018), Digital
Predistortion for Multi-Antenna Transmitters Affected by Antenna Crosstalk, IEEE Transactions on
Microwave Theory and Techniques, 66(3):1524-1535.
Tao Jiang, Yiyan Wu, (2018), An Overview: Peak-to-Average Power Ratio Reduction Techniques for OFDM
Signals, IEEE Transactions on Broadcasting, 54(2).
Lein Guan, Anding Zhu, (2017), Green Communications: Digital Predistortion for Wideband FR Amplifiers,
IEEE Microwave Magazine.
Muhammad Furqan Haider, Fei You, Songbai He, Timo Rahkonen, Janne P. Aikio, (2022), Predistortion-Based
Linearization for 5G and Beyond Millimeter-Wave Transceiver Systems: A Comprehensive Survey,
IEEE Communications Surveys and Tutorials.
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
Yadav, S. P. and Bera, S. C., (2014), Nonlinearity Effect of High Power Amplifiers in Communication Systems,
International Conference on Advances in Communication and Computing Technologies.
S. Bassam, M. Helaoui, and F. Ghannouchi, (2019), Crossover Digital Pre-distorter for the Compensation of
Crosstalk and Nonlinearity in MIMO Transmitters, IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and
Techniques, 57(5):1119-1128.
X. Bland, (2016), Modelling of Power Amplifier Distortion in MIMO Transmitters, Master’s Thesis in Wireless,
Photonics and Space Engineering, Chalmers University of Technology, Gothenburg, Sweden.
Menon Abilash, (2016), Power Amplifier Linearization Implementation Using A Field Programmable Gate Array,
Master Thesis, University of Massachusetts Amherst.
Sonam Goyal, Jyoti Gupta, (2015), Review of Power Amplifier Linearization Techniques in Communication
system, International Journal of Engineering Research and Technology (IJERT), 2:1897-1904.
Ali Cheaito, (2017), Analytical analysis of in-band and out-of-band Distortions for Multicarrier Signals: Impact
of Non-linear Amplification, Memory Effects and Predistortion.
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
Episodes of urban air pollution in Africa have received less attention than in the rest of the world. This study
investigated the concentration variations of gaseous pollutants (CO, NO2, SO2, NH3, TVOCs, and ground level
O3) and Particulate Matter (PM1, PM2.5, PM10 & TSP) during the rainy and dry seasons at 25 traffic intersections
(TIs) within Ibadan. The daily rush and non-rush hour concentrations of pollutants were monitored. Cancer risks
(CRinh) and epidemiology-based mortality estimates using Relative Risk (RR) and Attributable Fractions (AF)
linked with PM2.5 and PM10 exposure were evaluated. The non-cancer risks via inhalation for CO, NO2, SO2 and
ground level O3 were assessed using Hazard Quotient (HQ). The mean concentrations of PM1, PM2.5, PM10 &
TSP in the dry season were higher than in the rainy season by 53.24%, 132.20%, 360.49% and 365.83%,
respectively. The dry season had the highest ER and AF mortality estimates from PM2.5 and PM10 exposures
compared to estimates during the rainy season. Health risk assessment over the study period showed that CRinh of
PM2.5 was tolerable while HQinh of SO2 was above 1 indicating significant non-cancer risks at TIs in Ibadan.
KEYWORDS: Gaseous Pollutants, Particulates, Traffic Intersection, Seasons, Rush and Non-rush hour, Health
Air quality degradation in different cities in Africa impacts poor citizens more negatively due to urbanization,
surge in population, industrialization and increased vehicular emissions (Anwar et al., 2021; Das et al., 2015;
Delkash and Mir, 2016). Hence, this study investigated the variations in seasonal concentration levels and health
risks associated with gaseous pollutants (CO, NO2, SO2, NH3, TVOCs, and ground level O3) and particulates (PM1,
PM2.5, PM10 & TSP) in and around major traffic pollution hotspots of Ibadan metropolis.
2.1 Study area
Ibadan city was chosen as the study area for this research because it is one of the biggest cities in Africa with
rapid urbanization and industrialization. Ibadan is the third most populous city and the largest by geographical
area in Nigeria. It is a major commercial and transportation hub with its strategic location on the country’s railway
line, an airport and expressways connecting it to many other major cities. Industrial, commercial, agricultural and
residential activities were predominant in the study area. Ibadan is a prominent transit point between the coastal
and hinterland regions of Nigeria. Gaseous pollutants and particulate matter (PM) were sampled in twenty-five
major traffic Intersections (TIs) in Ibadan during rainy (wet) and dry seasons. The selected TIs (sampling sites)
TIs are the major traffic hotspots, evenly and spatially distributed within the Ibadan metropolis. A Map of Ibadan
with wind roses of rainy and dry seasons is presented as Figure S1 in the supplementary document.
2.2 Sampling protocol for PM and gaseous pollutants
Variations in rush and non-rush hour ambient concentrations of gaseous pollutants (CO, NO2, SO2, NH3, TVOCs,
and ground level O3) and particulate matter (PM1, PM2.5, PM10 & TSP) were investigated simultaneously at 25
major TIs during rainy and dry seasons. Ambient concentration levels (in ppm) of six pollutant gases were
monitored at TIs with Aeroqual S500 devices having 6 sensor heads while ambient PM concentrations of PM1,
PM2.5, PM10 & TSP were monitored using Aerocet 531S.
2.3 Human exposure risks
In this study, the health risk assessment of PM2.5, PM10, CO, NO2, SO2 and ground level O3 was investigated by
applying the United States Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA) standard methods (Ostro, 2004; USEPA,
2011) which have been subsequently used in related studies (Chalvatzaki et al., 2019; Feuyit et al., 2019; Kim et
al., 2018; Kitwattanavong et al., 2013; Morakinyo et al., 2020). According to Ostro (2004) and Chalvatzaki et al.
(2019), the relative risk (RR) for cardiopulmonary and lung cancer mortality connected with PM2.5 exposure was
estimated by:
(£[l) ¤
RR = »(£ ¼ (1)
k [l)
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
HQinh = (5)
Cancer Risk (CR) for PM2.5 through inhalation route (CRinh) was calculated by using equation 6 (USEPA, 2011).
The cancer Slope Factor (SF) of PM2.5 were estimated using equation 7, respectively (Kim et al., 2018; USEPA,
2011). Parameters for health risk assessment of particulates and gaseous pollutants are presented in supplementary
Table S1. The definitions and values of parameters in equations 1 to 7 are detailed in the supplementary document.
Pearson’s correlation indicated that a positive correlation existed between relative humidity and wind speed while
temperature and relative humidity had a strong negative correlation of -0.82 (see supplementary Table S4). The
correlations of total vehicle on-road with PM1 and PM2.5 were positive while relationships of total vehicle on-road
with PM10 and TSP gave negative correlations. This suggests that emissions of ultrafine (PM1) and fine (PM2.5)
particles from vehicle exhausts increase as vehicles spend more time in traffic congestion (rush hours) whereas
coarse (PM10) particles rise more from road dust resuspension caused by faster vehicular movement during free-
flow traffic (non-rush hours).
A study of air masses backward trajectories using HYSPLIT (Hybrid Single-Particle Lagrangian Integrated
Trajectory Model) suggested that prevailing air masses during the rainy season came from the south-west direction
(supplementary Figure S2a) though the major air masses during the dry season in Ibadan were predominantly
from both northeast and southwest paths (supplementary Figure S2b). HYSPLIT results were consistent with wind
roses plotted with meteorological data of the twenty-five TIs.
TVOCs (ppm) -1 hour Concentration SO2 (ppm) -24 hours Concentration CO (ppm) -1 hour Concentration
1 TH 1
2 1 2
3 2 3
4 3 4
5 4 5
6 5 6
7 6 7
8 7 8
Dry Season
Rainy Season
TH 9 TH TH 9
10 TH 9 1
1 TH
10 1
TH 1 1 TH 1
1 TH 1 1
TH 2 1 TH 2
1 TH 2 1
TH 3
TH 3
WHO Limit
1 TH 3 1
TH 4 1 TH 4
FMEnv Limit
1 TH 4 1
TH 5 1 TH 5
FMEnv. Limit
1 1
WHO Limit
TH 5
TH 6 1 TH 6
1 1
Traffic Intersections
Traffic Intersections
TH 6 TH 7
TH 7 1
Traffic Intersections
1 TH 7 1
TH 8 1 TH 8
1 TH 8 1
TH 9 1 TH 9
2 TH 9 2
TH 0 2 TH 0
2 TH 0 2
TH 1 2 TH 1
2 TH 1 2
TH 2 2 TH 2
2 TH 2 2
TH 3 2 TH 3
Dry Season
2 TH 3 TH 4
Dry Season
TH 4
Rainy Season
25 TH 4 25
25 Rainy Season
O3 (ppm) -8 hour Concentration NH3 (ppm) -24 hour Concentration NO2 (ppm) -1hour Concentration
1 TH
1 2 TH
2 3 TH
3 4 TH
4 5 TH
5 6 TH
6 7 TH
Dry Season
8 TH
Rainy Season
TH TH 9 TH 9
TH 9 1 10
TH 0
FMEnv Limit
10 1 1
1 TH 1 TH 1
TH 1 1 1
WHO Limit
1 TH 2 TH 2
TH 2 1 1
1 TH 3 TH 3
TH 3 1 1
FMEnv and USEPA Limit
1 TH 4
TH 4
TH 4 1
1 TH 5
TH 5
TH 5 1
1 TH 6 TH 6
Traffic Intersections
Traffic Intersections
TH 6
1 TH 7
Traffic Intersections
TH 7
TH 0 2 2
2 TH 1 TH 1
TH 1 2 TH 2
2 TH 2 2
Dry Season
TH 2 2 TH 3
2 TH 3 2
Rainy Season
TH 3 2
Dry Season
2 TH 4 TH 4
Rainy Season
TH 4 25
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
Figure 1. Seasonal concentration levels of gaseous pollutants at 25 traffic Intersections (a) CO (b) NO2 (c) SO2 (d)
Figure 2(a) PM1 (b) PM2.5 and (c) PM10 shows seasonal concentration levels of particulate matter at 25 traffic
12 32 Rainy Season
Rainy Season
11 30 Dry Season
28 WHO Limit
10 26
9 24
8 22
7 18
6 16
4 10
3 8
1 2
0 0
TH 9
TH 0
TH 1
TH 2
TH 3
TH 4
TH 5
TH 6
TH 7
TH 8
TH 9
TH 0
TH 1
TH 2
TH 3
TH 4
TH 9
TH 0
TH 1
TH 2
TH 4
TH 5
TH 6
TH 7
TH 8
TH 9
TH 0
TH 2
TH 3
TH 4
300 700
250 600
200 FMEnv. and USEPA Limit
150 150 FMEnv Limit
USEPA Limit 250
100 200 200
WHO Limit
50 50 100 WHO Limit
TH 9
TH 1
TH 2
TH 4
TH 5
TH 6
TH 7
TH 8
TH 9
TH 0
TH 2
TH 3
TH 4
TH 9
TH 1
TH 2
TH 4
TH 5
TH 6
TH 7
TH 8
TH 9
TH 0
TH 2
TH 3
TH 4
Traffic Intersections
Traffic Intersections
(c) (d)
Figure 2. Seasonal concentration levels of particulate matter at 25 traffic Intersections (a) PM1 (b) PM2.5 (c) PM10
3.3 Pollutants, recommended limits and effects on air quality
Employing the AQI ratings, Table 1 indicated that ambient air quality for PM2.5, PM10, CO and NO2 were moderate,
SO2 was hazardous while ground-level ozone was good. This signifies that apart from SO2, all other pollutants were
within the acceptable range.
Table 1. AQI standards for atmospheric pollutants
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
Notably, overall AQIs of PM2.5, PM10, CO and NO2 were acceptable despite recording high concentrations and
breaching recommended limits at some TIs because of atmospheric dispersion and dilution of these pollutants
concentration at the TIs. Pollutants dispersion is influenced by meteorological factors such as wind speed, wind
direction, relative humidity, ambient temperature, rainfall and land topography (Ranjan et al., 2016).
Table 2 indicated that AF for all-cause mortality due to PM10 exposure could be avoided by 0.06%, 0.26% and
0.17% during the rainy season, dry season and combined two seasons, respectively if PM10 were maintained at
10µg/m3. The elevated AF (0.26%) during the dry season denotes a higher risk in the study area. Arranz et al.
(2014) reported that exposure to particulate was responsible for all-cause mortality of 2% in Valladolid city of
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
Spain while Chalvatzaki et al. (2019) and (Odekanle et al., 2020) revealed that 2.2% and 0.14% of all-cause
mortality were preventable from exposure to PM10 in Lisbon (Spain) and Ile-Ife (Nigeria), respectively.
The CRinh from PM2.5 exposures (Table 2) indicated that the tolerable risk of cancer is higher during the dry season
(6.74 x 10-5) than during the rainy season (2.92 x 10-5). In this study, cancer risk through inhalation increased by
130.69% during the dry season in comparison with the rainy season signifying that the dispersion rate and toxicity
of PM2.5 are higher in the dry season. HQinh results demonstrated that the probabilities that emissions of CO, NO2
and ground level O3 will pose non-cancer risks were all insignificant at TIs in Ibadan except SO2 with HQinh values
of 2.13, 2.56 and 2.35 for the rainy season, dry season and combined two seasons which were all greater than 1.0.
This implies SO2 emission at the studied TIs could cause adverse non-cancer ailments in Ibadan.
This study revealed the seasonal variation and health risks associated with exposure to gaseous pollutants (CO,
NO2, SO2, NH3, TVOCs, and ground level O3) and particulate matter (PM1, PM2.5, PM10 & TSP) at and around
traffic hotspots in a typical African urban environment. The concentration levels of studied pollutants measured
at 25 major TIs in Ibadan were considerably more hazardous to public health during the dry season than the rainy
season. Dispersion of pollutants was bolstered by prevailing meteorological conditions, the number of on-road
vehicles, local activities at and around TIs and the dominating wind flowing from the southwest direction during
the rainy season and the assortment of wind blowing from north-east and south-west direction during the dry
season. The average concentrations of gaseous and PM pollutants exceeded the threshold limits set by WHO,
National Ambient Air Quality Standards (NAAQS) of the United States and FMEnv at many TIs mostly in the
dry season. Mortality estimates associated with PM2.5 and PM10 exposures revealed that ER and AF during the
dry season were above the estimates obtained during the rainy season and combined seasons. The AQI rating
indicated that concentrations of PM2.5, PM10, CO and NO2 were moderate, SO2 was hazardous while ground-level
O3 concentration was good at the studied traffic hotspots. Health risk assessment of Ibadan TIs showed that CR
of PM2.5 was acceptable (tolerable) while the non-cancer risk of SO2 was significant at the studied TIs. Pearson’s
correlation indicated that PM1 & PM2.5 emissions from vehicle exhausts increased as traffic congestion (rush
hours) rose whereas PM10 emission increased with road dust re-suspension during traffic free-flow (non-rush
hours). The results of this study are expedient in planning, designing and developing robust pollution mitigation
strategies to control traffic air pollution in a typical African city. Alternative routes for vehicle decongestion, the
use of cleaner fuel from renewables and the strengthening of mandatory vehicle inspection and maintenance
programs could be integrated as basic solutions to urban air pollution in Africa.
Adeniran, J. A., Aremu, A. S., Saadu, Y. O.& Yusuf, R. O. (2018). Particulate matter concentration
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Adeniran, J. A., Yusuf, R. O.& Olajire, A. A. (2017). Exposure to coarse and fine particulate matter
at and around major intra-urban traffic intersections of Ilorin metropolis, Nigeria. Atmospheric
Environment, 166, 383-392. doi:10.1016/j.atmosenv.2017.07.041
Anwar, M. N., Shabbir, M., Tahir, E., Iftikhar, M., Saif, H., Tahir, A., Murtaza, M. A., Khokhar, M.
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China, India, and Pakistan and mitigating solutions. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 416, 125851.
Arranz, M. C., Moreno, M. F. M., Medina, A. A., Capitán, M. A., Vaquer, F. C.& Gómez, A. A.
(2014). Health impact assessment of air pollution in Valladolid, Spain. BMJ open, 4(10), e005999.
Chalvatzaki, E., Chatoutsidou, S. E., Lehtomäki, H., Almeida, S. M., Eleftheriadis, K., Hänninen,
O.& Lazaridis, M. (2019). Characterization of human health risks from particulate air pollution in
selected European cities. Atmosphere, 10(2), 96.
Chate, D. (2005). Study of scavenging of submicron-sized aerosol particles by thunderstorm rain
events. Atmospheric environment, 39(35), 6608-6619.
Chowdhury, S., Dey, S., Di Girolamo, L., Smith, K. R., Pillarisetti, A.& Lyapustin, A. (2019).
Tracking ambient PM2. 5 build-up in Delhi national capital region during the dry season over 15 years
using a high-resolution (1 km) satellite aerosol dataset. Atmospheric environment, 204, 142-150.
Das, R., Khezri, B., Srivastava, B., Datta, S., Sikdar, P. K., Webster, R. D.& Wang, X. (2015). Trace
element composition of PM2. 5 and PM10 from Kolkata–a heavily polluted Indian metropolis.
Atmospheric Pollution Research, 6(5), 742-750.
Delkash, M.& Mir, H. M. (2016). Examining some potential actions in mitigating gaseous emissions
from vehicles, case study: Tehran. Air Quality, Atmosphere & Health, 9(8), 909-921.
Fernandez, J.-M., Meunier, J.-D., Ouillon, S., Moreton, B., Douillet, P.& Grauby, O. (2017).
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University of Ilorin, Nigeria
Feuyit, G., Nzali, S., Lambi, J. N.& Laminsi, S. (2019). Air quality and human health risk assessment
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Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
Previous research on soil improvement considered the use of conventional additives such as bitumen,
lime, cement, pozzolanic material, agro-industrial waste, etc., which are either expensive or harmful to the
environment and hence not sustainable. Therefore, this study is targeted at the assessment of UCS of lateritic soil
treated with B. sphaericus (which is a more sustainable and environment-friendly approach to soil improvement)
as the base material in the construction of low-volume roads. This involved treating the soil with B. sphaericus
suspension density (i.e., 0, 1.5 x 108, 6.0 x 108, 1.2 x 109, 1.8 x 109, 2.4 x 109 cells/ml) at varying concentrations
of cementation reagent (0.25, 0.5, 0.75 and 1 M). The soil specimens were prepared using bacteria to cementation
reagent mix ratio of 25%:75% and compacted using three energy levels. The specific objectives were to assess
the viability of B. sphaericus as an agent for lateritic soil strength development for use as the base material in the
construction of low-volume roads as well as the morphological and microstructural arrangement of the natural
and treated soil samples.
The soil for the study was collected using the disturbed sampling method from the Abagana area of
Anambra state, Njikoka Local Government Area. (Latitude 6°12′15″N and Longitude 7°0′40″E) sourced at depths
between 0.5 and 3.0 m.
2.1.2 Bacteria
The Gram-positive micro-organism used in this research is Bacillus sphaericus rod-shaped bacterium with a 2 -
5 µm diameter size. The bacteria were isolated from the soil of which six (6) different samples were collected
and used for the isolation, identification and characterisation of the Bacillus sphearicus. They were inoculated
on Nutrient Broth, Yeast Extract Nutrient Agar, Nutrient Agar and MICP agar, respectively.
The cementation reagents were varied by using an equimolar concentration of urea and calcium chloride to
produce cementation solutions of different molar concentrations (0.25M, 0.5M, 0.75M and 1M)
2.2 Methods
2.2.1 Index properties
The index property test was conducted according to BS 1377 (1990) and BS 1924 (1990) for natural and
treated soils.
The soil sample to be used was passed through a sieve of 425 μm aperture and mixed for the bacteria-
cementation mix ratios of 25%:75% which gave the highest calcite value based on the calcite content test carried
out. The composition ratio is based on the liquid limit of the natural soil. B. sphaericus was applied at suspension
densities of 0, 0.5, 2.0, 4.0, 6.0 and 8.0 McFarland standards which is equivalent to 0, 1.5 x 108, 6.0 x 108, 12 x
108, 18 x 108 and 24 x 108 cells/ml, respectively, at a varying concentration of cementation reagent of 0.25, 0.5,
0.75 and 1M.
For the calcite content determination, the acid-washing method was adopted as reported by (Osinubi et
al., 2019). 5g of the treated soil was measured and mixed with 20 ml of 2M hydrochloric acid to dissolve CaCl2.
After that, the mixture was filtered with filter paper of pore size 200mm. The filtrate was rinsed and washed for
10 min using distilled water to remove any dissolved calcium from the soil. The particles on the filter were oven-
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
dried for 24 hours at a temperature of 105oC and weighed. The difference in mass between the original sample A
and the washed sample B was recorded as calcium carbonate (Calcite) mass. The percentage calcite content CC
was computed using equation (1):
CC=100- A ×100 (1)
The properties of the natural lateritic soil are classified as A-2-6 (1) in the AASHTO system and SC (clayey
sand) in the USCS (AASHTO 1996 and ASTM 1992) are summarised in Table 1. The natural lateritic soil is
reddish-brown, with 34.95 % passing through the BS sieve no. 200 size, with kaolinite being the dominant clay
Table 1. Natural properties of the soil
S/No. Property Quantity
1 Natural moisture content (%) 19.6
2 Percentage passing No. 200 sieve 34.95
3 Liquid limit (%) 36.5
4 Plastic limit (%) 20.06
5 Plasticity index (%) 16.44
6 Linear shrinkage (%) 8.37
7 Specific gravity 2.67
8 AASHTO classification A – 2 – 6 [1]
10 Colour Reddish-brown
11 Dominant clay mineral Kaolinite
The variation of the calcite content for the lateritic soil specimens prepared with stepped B. sphaericus
suspension density at varying cementation reagents is presented in Figure 1. Generally, the calcite content of all
the specimens increased as the cementation reagent concentration increased to peak values before decreasing. It
was observed that the optimum calcium carbonate content values were 9.0%, for bacteria - cementation mix ratio
of 25%:75% at B. sphaericus suspension density of 1.2 x 109 cells/ml and 0.5 M cementation reagent. This is not
unconnected to the fact that the cementing reagent used in the MICP process plays a vital role in the precipitation
of calcium carbonate, and excess usage of this calcium chloride could reduce urease activity (Soundara et al.,
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
Figure 1. Calcite content of soil bacteria with varying cementation solutions mix (25%BS:75% cementation)
3.1.3 Atterberg limits
The variation of Atterberg limits (LL, PL, PI) of the lateritic soil treated with stepped suspension density
of B. sphaericus of 0, 1.5 x 108, 6.0 x 108, 1.2 x 109, 1.8 x 109, 2.4 x 109 cells/ml using bacteria to cementation
mix ratios of 25 %:75 % at the stepped concentration of cementation reagent of 0.25, 0.5, 0.75 and 1 M.
Generally, the increases in LL might result from the increase in water content needed for urea hydrolysis. Urease-
positive enzymes were produced from the biochemical reaction, thereby hydrolysing urea into carbonate ions
(CO32-) and ammonium ions (NH4+). Generally, the increase in PL to peak values before decreasing could probably
be due to an adequate amount of Ca2+ not being available on the calcite surface, thereby causing a reduction in the
deposition of ion pairs (Dhami et al., 2016). The decrease in the PI values could probably result from calcite
precipitation in the soil matrix voids. Generally, a decrease in PI values indicates soil improvement for any
engineering use. The lateritic soil treated with B. sphaericus suspension density of 1.2 x 109 cells/ml and 0.5 M
cementation reagent gave the best PI value indicating a better potential for soil improvement as presented in Figure
The LL decreased from the natural value of 36.5 % to 34.2 % at 1.2x109 cells/ml before increasing to 37.20% at
the highest treatment of 2.4x109 cells/ml. The PL increased from the natural value of 20.06% to 24.70% at the
maximum treatment of 2.4x109 cells/ml. The PI value decreased from the natural value of 16.44% to 11.60% at
1.2x109 cells/ml before increasing to 12.50% at the treatment of 2.4x109 cells/ml.
The Atterberg limits findings in this study are consistent with the results reported by Moravej et al., 2018.
Figure 2. Variation of Atterberg limits of lateritic soil treated with B. Sphaericus suspension density at 0.5 M
cementation reagent concentration
The results of the UCS for BSL are presented in figures 3-5, the WAS are presented in figures 6-8 while that of
the BSH are presented in figures 9-11, respectively, for the B. sphaericus suspension densities (i.e., 0, 1.5 x 108,
6.0 x 108, 1.2 x 109, 1.8 x 109, 2.4 x 109 cells/ml) ) at a varying concentration of cementation reagent (0.25, 0.5,
0.75 and 1 M) using bacteria to cementation reagent mix ratio of 25%:75%, and compacted using three energy
levels, namely, British Standard light, (BSL), West African Standard (WAS) and British Standard heavy (BSH).
The treated soil specimens were air-cured at an ambient laboratory temperature of 25 ± 2o C for 7, 14 and 28 days,
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
respectively. Peak UCS values of 947.40, 989.28 and 1,240.82 kN/m2 from natural values of 789.38, 803.20 and
900.28 kN/m2 respectively, for BSL, 1,387.6, 1,481.72 and 1,743.43 kN/m2 from natural values of 832.45, 848.64
and 999.89 kN/m2 respectively, for WAS as well as 1,432.24, 1,598.34 and 1,835.98 kN/m2 from the natural
values of 928.03, 1030.08 and 1130.43 kN/m2 respectively, for BSH compaction were recorded at 7, 14 and 28
days curing periods, respectively, for treatment with 1.2 x 109 cells/ml of B. sphaericus suspension density and
0.5M of cementation reagent. The values of the UCS obtained generally showed an increasing trend with an
increase in compaction energy with BSH compaction energy showing the highest UCS values for all treatments
evaluated. The results showed that the greater UCS value obtained is also a function of compaction load as well
as the precipitations of calcites that were formed during the MICP process.
This result is consistent with the studies by Osinubi et al. (2017) and Osinubi et al. (2020).
Figure 3. Graph of UCS of Lateritic soil treated with B. sphaericus suspension at varying cementation (BSL-7days curing)
Figure 4. Graph of UCS of Lateritic soil treated with B. sphaericus suspension at varying cementation (BSL-14days curing)
Figure 5. Graph of UCS of Lateritic soil treated with B. sphaericus suspension at varying cementation (BSL-28 days curing)
Figure 6. Graph of UCS of Lateritic soil treated with B. sphaericus suspension at varying cementation (WAS-7 days curing)
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
Figure 7. Graph of UCS of Lateritic soil treated with B. sphaericus suspension at varying cementation (WAS-14 days
Figure 8. Graph of UCS of Lateritic soil treated with B. sphaericus suspension at varying cementation (WAS-28 days
Figure 9. Graph of UCS of Lateritic soil treated with B. sphaericus suspension at varying cementation (BSH-7 days curing)
Figure 10. Graph of UCS of Lateritic soil treated with B. sphaericus suspension at varying cementation (BSH-14 days
Figure 11. Graph of UCS of Lateritic soil treated with B. sphaericus suspension at varying cementation (BSH-28 days
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
An evaluation of the influence of B. sphaericus in MICP technique improvement of the UCS of lateritic soil was
carried out. The lateritic soil classified as A-2-6 (1) in the AASHTO and SC in the USCS was treated with stepped
B. sphaericus suspension density (i.e., 0, 1.5 x 108, 6.0 x 108, 1.2 x 109, 1.8 x 109, 2.4 x 109 cells/ml) at a varying
concentration of cementation reagent (0.25, 0.5, 0.75 and 1 M) using bacteria to cementation reagent mix ratio of
25% to 75% and compacted using three energy levels. MICP technique improved the Atterberg limits properties
of the natural lateritic soil at B. sphaericus suspension density of 1.2 x 109 cells/ml and 0.5 M cementation reagent.
Peak UCS values of 947.40, 989.28 and 1,240.82 kN/m2 for BSL, 1,387.6, 1,481.72 and 1,743.43 kN/m2 for WAS
as well as 1,432.24, 1,598.34 and 1,835.98 kN/m2 for BSH compaction were recorded at 7-, 14- and 28- days
curing periods, respectively, for treatment with mix ratio B. sphaericus suspension density of (1.2 x 109 cells/ml):
Cementation reagent (0.5 M). The UCS values of 1,743.43 and 1,835.98 kN/m2 recorded for the specimens
compacted with WAS and BSH energy at 28 days curing period did not meet the 7 days curing period criterion
for cement treated soil of 1730 kN/m2 requirement specified by TRRL (1977), However, the values of the UCS
from the study were significantly improved.
Based on the findings in this study, it is recommended that to improve the UCS characteristics of an A-2-
6(1) or SC soil, a bacteria-cementation mix ratio of 25 % and 75 % B. sphaericus suspension density of 1.2 x 109
cells/ml and 0.5 M cementation reagent, respectively can be used.
The authors wish to acknowledge Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria for all the experiments conducted in the Civil
Engineering Laboratory.
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Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
Water that is good for drinking is also good for construction purposes. Consequently, this study aims to evaluate
the physicochemical qualities of water resources and to access their impact on the selected mechanical properties
of concrete for sustainability and attainment of construction development goals. The water resource of interest
here is the groundwater whose samples were collected in five locations in Owerri town of Imo state, Nigeria. The
physicochemical parameters of the collected samples were analyzed in accordance with guidelines under the
World Health Organization (WHO) standard. Thereafter, the analysed water samples were used to mix concrete
where the compressive strength, flexural strength and split tensile strength were determined. The results from the
quality analyses showed that the concentrations of the groundwater sampling fall within the WHO recommended
standard. Similarly, the results of the compressive strength, flexural and split tensile strengths showed that
analyzed water samples from the five locations which were used to mix concrete are capable of helping to produce
concrete of excellent properties. Stakeholders are therefore advised to maintain the use of water resources that
meet drinking standards as part of concrete ingredients to ensure sustenance of safety in the construction industry.
Keywords: Water Resources, Concrete, Compressive Strength, Flexural Strength and Split Tensile Strength
Water resources is a term used to describe natural resources (bodies) of water that are potentially useful as a source
of water supply. There are indeed three necessities of life which include water, food and shelter. That proves to a
large extent the reason why water resources as natural elements are very essential and precious to life's existence.
Two main classes of water resources can be identified as Groundwater and Surface water, but this recent work
focuses on groundwater. Groundwater, according to Akpobori and Nfor (2007) has been the cornerstone of all
rural and urban water supply development in Nigeria. As opined by Agunwamba (2000), two major sources of
groundwater can be identified. Some are formed by rainwater which permeates into the ground through the pores
of rock formation and finally reached the underground water table. There is the water from streams, lakes, and
reservoirs which percolate through the soil to the underground water table. Thus, depending on the groundwater
source, we can have Shallow well, Deep well and Boreholes as major sources of groundwater.
It is also important to note that water plays a crucial role in most human activities as well as the socio-economic
development of any country, state, town or community. Its importance to mankind cannot be overemphasized. It
is used for domestic purposes. The majority of city dwellers in Nigeria depend on groundwater as their source of
water supplies. In the field of agriculture, water is used for irrigation and in the construction industry; it is a widely
used raw material, especially as an ingredient in the concrete mixture for better workability, In a nutshell, it is
those water samples whose physicochemical parameters meet the WHO recommended limits are eligible to be
used in the construction works. This is one of the reasons why most of the specifications recommend the use of
potable (treated) water for making concrete so that good mechanical properties of concrete can be sustained.
Owerri is the capital city of Imo State, Nigeria. Although, it consists of three local government areas which
include Owerri Municipal, Owerri West and Owerri North, Owerri Municipal, which is the choice of our study
in this present work constitute the majority of the state capital. With the presence of the majority of government
activities, workers' activities, government facilities, federal and state institutions like Imo state university, Owerri,
Alvan Ikoku Federal College of Education, state and federal agencies, notable establishment, industries and
churches, the area has been one of the fastest developing LGA of the state. This means that there is always an
increase in economic activities prompting an increase in water demand for any purpose. Sometimes, urbanisation
might come with an acute shortage of water which might trigger many challenges like health-related issues or
even building collapse. Though many factors may be responsible for building failures and collapse, the impact of
poor water cannot be ruled out. According to Saravanakumar and Dhinakaran (2010), the use of poor-quality
water in concrete leads to corrosion and ultimately causes failure in concrete, while the use of saline water in
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
concrete affects the properties of fresh and hardened concrete. Thus, the essence of this work is to develop a
concept of ensuring that only portable water is always used in the construction industry as a way of ensuring the
sustainability of quality concrete
In general, the assessment of Water Quality involves the overall process of evaluating the physical, chemical and
biological nature of the water resources. Water Quality Assessments are normally based on five broad types of
monitoring data: biological integrity, chemical, physical, habitat, and toxicity. This explains why the assessment
of water qualities is of interest to many researchers across different fields of human endeavour/discipline.
Geologists, Biologists, Crop Scientists/Technologists, Chemists, Civil Engineers, Environmentalists,
agriculturists/Agricultural Engineers, physicists, Geographers as well as other water resources agencies have
different interests and motives for the assessment of water resources qualities. However, for us in the Civil
Engineering profession, our interest is mainly construction purposes, apart from the usual and general domestic
purposes. Many researchers have done related works on the subject matter, but none have been able to deal
substantially with the subject matter in the chosen area of study. For instance, Ijeh (2014) assessed groundwater
quality in different parts of Owerri. His work is limited to groundwater water and for domestic purposes only.
Olasoji and others (2019) assessed surface and groundwater qualities using Water Quality Index Method. Their
area of interest was in Southwestern Nigeria. Also, the work of Okoro and others (2016) is limited to only
groundwater. Eyankwere and others (2015) carried out both physicochemical and bacteriological assessments of
groundwater quality in Ughelli and its environ. The work of Ihenetu and others (2020) majored on the pollution
and health risk assessment of groundwater sources around a waste disposal site in Owerri West L.G.A. Nwosu
and Nwosu (2016) carried out the physicochemical analysis of surface water and groundwater systems within the
Federal University of Technology Owerri (FUTO). Their major interest as researchers from the physics
department were to obtain the available geoelectric survey information. Nwachukwu and others (2020) carried
out a comparative analysis of water quality from harvested rain and borehole water in Owerri West L.G.A. As
expected, their research interest is limited to their field of career, biology. The work of Obi (2017) concentrated
only on consumption purposes. On the effect of water sources on concrete and other construction materials, some
authors have equally contributed enough to the literature. Al-Jabri and others (2011) have researched the effect of
using wastewater on the properties of high-strength concrete. Nikhil and others (2014) have determined the impact
of water quality on the strength properties of concrete. Their source of water was perhaps from the Indian country.
Saravanakumar and Dhinakaran (2010) carried out work on the effect of acidic water on the strength, durability
and corrosion of concrete. Finally, Nwachukwu and others (2022) assessed the suitability of Water Resources
Qualities for Consumption and Construction purposes where some selected towns In Owerri West L.G.A, Imo
State, Nigeria were used as Case Studies. Thus, from the foregoing, it can be envisaged that little or no work has
been substantially done on the subject matter with respect to the area and present purpose of the study. Henceforth,
the need for this recent research work.
Owerri Municipal is the capital city as well as the center of attraction of Imo State. It is a Local Government Area
in Imo State, Nigeria with Its headquarters in the city of Owerri. It has an area of between 58 km² and 60.5 km²
and a population of over 127,213 according to the 2006 census. Its latitude and longitude are shown in Figure 1
(map of Imo state showing Owerri Municipal L.G.A.). The scope of the work is restricted to the main capital city.
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
The primary sources of data (physicochemical data) in this study were obtained through laboratory analysis of the
groundwater from the five selected sample locations in Owerri Municipal L.G.A. of Imo state. The
physicochemical data include the following: Sodium (Na), Potassium (k), Calcium (Ca), Magnesium (Mg),
Chloride (Cl), Nitrite (NO3), Bicarbonate (HCO3), Sulphate (SO4) Total Hardness (TH), Total Alkalinity (TA),
Total Dissolved Solids (TDS) and pH. On the hand, the secondary data were obtained from extracts from WHO
(World Health Organization) where the recommended limits for each groundwater resource for a particular
purpose were selected. For the physicochemical parameters analysis, two 2-litre polyethene bottles were used to
fetch two samples of water from the groundwater (borehole) in the five selected locations. The samples were then
stored in a refrigerator at a temperature below 20 oC to prevent changes in the water sample between the time of
collection and analysis. For assessment of the performance of the groundwater water in concrete production, two
samples of groundwater per location were obtained for use in the mixing of concrete
Flexural strength testing was done in accordance with BS 1881 – part 118 (1983) - Method of determination of
Flexural Strength, ASTM C78/C78M-22 (2022) and ACI (1989) guideline. In this present study, two samples
were crushed for each concrete cube. In each case, the Flexural Strength which is expressed as the Modulus of
Rupture (MOR) was then calculated to the nearest 0.05 MPa using Equation 2.
MOR = (2)
Where b = measured width in cm of the specimen, d = measured depth in cm of the specimen at the point of
failure, where L = Length in cm of the span on which the specimen was supported and P = maximum load in
kg applied to the specimen.
The cylindrical split tensile test was done using the universal testing machine in accordance with BS EN 12390-
6:2009 and ASTM C 496/ C 496 M-17 (2017). Two samples were crushed for each concrete cylinder and in each
case, the Split Tensile Strength was then calculated using Eqn. (3)
Ft = (3)
Where, Ft = Split Tensile Strength, MPa, P = maximum applied load (that is Load at failure, N) ; D = diameter
of the cylindrical specimen (Diameter of cylinder, mm); and L = Length of the specimen (Length of the cylinder,
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
The result of the physicochemical analysis obtained for the five selected locations (A - E) in Owerri Municipal
L.G.A of Imo state for groundwater sampling as well as the result of the compressive strength (CS), flexural
strength (FS) and Split tensile strength (STS) are presented in Tables 1 and 2.
Table 1. Presentation of Results of Physico-Chemical Analysis of The Groundwater Samples.
S/NO LOC Exp. Ca2+ Mg2+ Na+ K+ HCO3- Cl- NO3- SO42-
ATIO No. Mg/L (50) (NA/*200) (NA) (NA/*250)
N (NA/*100-300) (<600 ) (250 ) (50)
1. A 1A 34.7 8.9 24.9 0.40 35.0 65.8 9.4 57.2
1B 35.5 9.0 25.5 0.42 36.5 65.9 9.5 60.0
AV. 35.1 9.0 25.2 0.41 35.8 65.9 9.5 58.6
2. B 2A 27.8 8.3 25.3 0.33 48.2 72.3 7.8 64.3
2B 28.2 8.8 25.2 0.32 49.5 74.6 7.5 65.2
AV. 28.0 8.6 25.3 0.33 48.9 73.5 76.5 64.75
3. C 3A 34.6 9.3 39.8 0.24 50.0 75.0 8.3 70.8
3B 35.8 9.5 39.1 0.28 50.3 75.9 8.4 72.7
AV. 35.2 9.4 39.5 0.26 50.2 75.5 8.4 71.8
4. D 4A 36.7 8.7 34.6 0.31 56.3 67.7 7.8 68.3
4B 37.2 7.8 37.2 0.34 54.3 72.2 8.2 70.3
AV. 37.0 8.3 35.9 0.33 55.3 70.0 8.0 69.3
5. E 5A 29.6 7.5 40.3 0.40 48.9 75.0 7.6 81.2
5B 30.5 7.6 39.3 0.34 48.2 80.0 8.5 79.4
Table 2. Presentation Of Results Of Physico-Chemical Analysis (Contd), Compressive Strength (CS), Flexural Strength (FS)
And Split Tensile Strength (STS) Of The Groundwater Samples.
TION No. Mg/CaCo3 Mg/L CaCo3 Mg/L CaCo3 (6.5 (MPa) (MPa) (MPa)
(200 ) (NA/*100-500) ( 500 ) – (20 -35)
8.5 )
1A 54.32 98.76 267.9 7.1
27.13 8.48 5.03
1. A 1B 54.76 97.89 271.0 7.3 8.52 5.05
AV. 54.54 98.33 269.5 7.2 8.50 5.04
2A 51.19 87.35 280.2 7.1
24.54 7.76 4.59
2B 52.82 89.04 284.7 7.5 7.82 4.61
2. B
AV. 52.01 88.20 282.5 7.3 7.79 4.60
3A 52.43 88.65 273.2 7.2
26.37 6.77 5.05
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
The following items describe the content in Tables 1 and 2: i. The procedures for checking the accuracy of the
analysis and calculating the values of Total Alkalinity (TA), Total Hardness (TH) and Total Dissolved Solids
(TDS) have been demonstrated by the works of Nwachukwu and others (2022). ii. The values in the bracket
represent WHO Standards. iii. NA implies that no health-based guideline value has been derived. iv. * indicate
the taste threshold values.
From the results of the physicochemical analyses for groundwater samples shown in Tables 1 and 2, the pH values
of locations A to D indicate a neutral value which makes them fit for consumption. Of location, E shows a slightly
acidic situation but somehow compares favourably with the WHO stipulated standards. The TDS values are also
within the WHO recommended limit. For the anions, chloride concentration, nitrate ((N03), Sulphate (SO4), and
HCO3 levels are generally lower than the prescribed threshold level recommended by the WHO standard and
therefore accepted. Similarly for the cations, Ca2+.Mg2+, Na+ and K+, the values also fall within the WHO
stipulated standards. Although the values of TH in all selected locations fall within the WHO Taste Threshold
stipulated standard, there is still the presence of hardness in these water sources, even though consumers can
tolerate hardness up to 500 mg/L. However, their uses in the construction industries are guaranteed. Again, the
result of the compressive strength for the groundwater in all selected locations shows that the values meet the
minimum ACI (American Concrete Institute) standard (of 20MPa) for good concrete. Other design strengths
conducted are also in good agreement with the production of concrete for sustainable construction development.
Thus, water from the groundwater sources in these areas that satisfy the WHO standard, when used to mix concrete
can positively impact the general strength of concrete cubes.
So far, the physicochemical analyses of samples of groundwater resources from the selected locations in Owerri
Municipal L.G.A of Imo state, Nigeria have been presented. Also presented are the evaluation of the compressive
strength, the flexural strength and the split tensile strength of the concrete mixed with samples of water from the
selected locations. Both the cation and anion concentrations for the groundwater fall within the WHO
recommended standard. Again, the total dissolved solids (TDS), fall within the WHO recommended standard.
From the mechanical properties investigation, the compressive strength of concrete cubes mixed with water from
the groundwater sources meets up with the minimum requirement of 20 MPa stipulated by ACI. Thus, to ensure
the sustainability of good mechanical properties of concrete, there is a need for a prior physicochemical assessment
of these water resources.
ACI Committee 544. (1982). State-of-the-Report on Fibre Reinforced Concrete, (ACI 544.1R-82). Concrete
International: Design and Construction. Vol. 4, No. 5: Pp. 9-30, American Concrete Institute, Detroit, Michigan,
ACI Committee 544. (1989). Measurement of Properties of Fibre Reinforced Concrete, (ACI 544.2R-89).
American Concrete Institute, Detroit, Michigan, USA.
Agunwamba (2000): “Water Engineering of And Management Tools”; Immaculate Publication Limited, Enugu.
Akpobori, I.A. and Nfor, B.N. (2007). The Development of Groundwater and the Practice of Hydrogeology in
Nigeria: A New Paradigm. Journal of the Nigerian Association of Hydrogeologists, Vol.17, Pp. 70-76.
Al-Jabri, K.S., Al-Saidy, A.H., Taha, R and Al-Kemyani, A.J.(2011). Effects of Using Wastewater on the
Properties of High Strength Concrete. The Twelfth East Asia – Pacific Conference on Structural Engineering and
Construction, Vol.9, Pp.370- 376.
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
APHA, AWWA and WPCF (2005). Standard Methods for the Examination of Water and Wastewater, 21st Edition,
American Public Health Association, American Water Works Association and Water Pollution Control
Federation, Washington D.C.
ASTM C78/C78M-22 (2022). Standard Test Method for Flexural Strength of Concrete (Using Simple Beam with
Third-Point Loading). ASTM International: West Conshohocken, PA, USA.
ASTM C496/C496M-17 (2017). Standard Test Method for Splitting Tensile Strength of Cylindrical Concrete
Specimens. ASTM International: West Conshohocken, PA, USA.
ASTM C1602/C1602M-22 (2022). Standard Specification for Mixing Water Used in the Production of Hydraulic
Cement Concrete. ASTM International: West Conshohocken, PA, USA..
British/European code (BS EN 12390-6) 2009.Testing concrete - Split tensile strength of test specimens. BSI -
British Standards Institution, BS 1881-Part 116 (1983). Methods of Determination of Compressive Strength of
Concrete Cube, London.
British Standards Institution, BS 1881-Part 118 (1983). Methods of Determination of Flexural Strength of
Concrete Cube, London
Eyankwere, M.O., Ufomata, D.O, Solomon, E.C. and Akakuru, O.C.(2015). Physico-chemical and
Bacteriological Assessment of Groundwater Quality in Ughelli and its Environs, Delta State, Nigeria.
International Journal of Innovation and Scientific Research, Vol.14, No.12, Pp.236- 243.
Ihenetu, S.C., Ochule, B.I., Enyoh, E.C., Ibe, F.C., Verla, A.W.and Isiuku, B.O.(2020). Pollution and Health Risk
Assessment of Groundwater Sources Around a Waste Disposal Site in Owerri West Local Government Areas of
Imo state. Journal of Material and Environmental Science (JMES), Vol.11, No.9, Pp.1560- 1573.
Ijeh, I.B. (2014). Groundwater Quality Assessment of Parts of Owerri, Southern Nigeria, IOSR Journal of
Environmental Science, Technology and Food Technology (IOSR- JESTFT), Vol.8, No.2, Pp.63- 70.
Nikhil, T.R., Gooinath, S.M., Sushma, R.and Shanthappa, B.C. (2014). Impact of Water Quality on Strength
Properties of Concrete. India Journal of Applied Research, Vol. 4, No. 7, Pp 197-199.
Nwachukwu, K.C, Okodugha, D.A, Uzoukwu, C.S., Okorie, P.O.and Egbulonu , B.A.(2022). Assessment of The
Suitability of Water Resources Qualities For Consumption And Construction Purposes : A Case Study of Some
Selected Towns In Owerri West L.G.A , Imo State, Nigeria; International Journal of Advances in Engineering
and Management (IJAEM) , Vol. 4, No. 3.
Nwachukwu, M.O., Azorji, J.N., Nwachukwu, C.U., Adjeroh, L.A., Iheagwam, S.K. and Manuemelula, N.U.
(2020). Comparative Analysis of Water Quality from Harvested Rain and Borehole Water in Owerri West, Imo
State. International Journal of Environmental and Pollution Research, Vol. 8, No.2, Pp 13-28.
Nwosu, L.I. and Nwosu, B.O. (2016). Assessment of the Quality of Water Resources by Integrating Physico-
Chemical Analysis Result with Geoelectric Survey Information in Federal University of Technology, Owerri,
Nigeria. Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol. 6, No. 11: Pp. 74-50
Obi, L.F. (2017). Comparative Quality Analysis Between Surface Water and Groundwater: A Case Study of
Otamiri River and Boreholes in Owerri West, Imo state Nigeria”; International Journal of Advanced Technology
and Engineering Exploration, Vol.4, No. 36.
Okoro, B.C., Uzoukwu, R.A.and Ademe, C.K. (2016). Quality Assessment of Groundwater Sources of Potable
Water in Owerri, Imo State. Scientific Research Publishing Inc., Vol.3, No.3, Pp.1-6.
Olasoji, S.O., Oyewole, N.O., Abiola, B. and Edokpayi, J.N.(2019). Water Quality Assessment of Surface and
Groundwater Sources Using a Water Quality Index Method: A case study of a Peri-Urban Town in South West,
Nigeria. Journal of Environment, Vol.6, No.23, Pp.1- 11.
Saravanakumar, P. and Dhinakarana, G (2010). Effect of Acidic Water on Strength, Durability and Corrosion of
Concrete. African Journal Online, Vol. 7, No. 2.
WHO (2011). Guidelines for Drinking Water Quality Recommendations: 4th Edition, Vol.1, World Health
Organization, Geneva.
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
Load-balancing is a critical aspect of heterogeneous networks (HetNets) aimed at achieving optimal network
performance, resource utilization, and improved user experience. This survey presents an overview of load-
balancing schemes in HetNets, categorizing them into reactive, proactive, and hybrid approaches. Reactive
algorithms, such as Cell Breathing, User Offloading, Game Theory-Based, and Reinforcement Learning
algorithms, focus on balancing load and enhancing network performance. Proactive algorithms, including
Prediction-based, Proactive Handover, and Traffic-aware Resource Allocation algorithms, anticipate future
network conditions and take pre-emptive actions to optimize resource allocation. Hybrid algorithms combine
proactive and reactive strategies to achieve a balance between prediction-based optimization and real-time
adaptation. The study highlights the performance metrics used to evaluate these algorithms, along with the
challenges and future research directions for each category. Furthermore, it discusses the potential applications of
load-balancing in 5G networks, which include edge computing, dynamic network slicing, multi-connectivity
scenarios, and integration with machine learning and artificial intelligence techniques. Understanding and
optimizing HetNet load-balancing schemes are crucial for the successful deployment and operation of future 5G
and beyond networks, contributing to enhanced network performance, improved user experience, and efficient
resource utilization in diverse use cases.
Heterogeneous deployments are mixed deployments consisting of macro, pico, femtocells and relay nodes (Hu &
Qian, 2013). Heterogeneous networks have revolutionized network deployment, especially in rural and remote
areas with tendencies for low return on investment (ROI) for the deployment of Macro Base stations (MBS)
(McGuire, 2014). Some of the demands the evolving fifth-generation (5G) network seeks to address are enhanced
data rate, improved capacity, reduced latency and better quality of service (QoS). Heterogeneous networks
(HetNets) are an effective means to achieve these key objectives (Liang, 2017).
Traditionally, inhomogeneous cellular networks, mobile User Equipment (UE) aligns with networks that
guarantee the best performance in terms of RSRP. In Heterogeneous networks, this would lead to an imbalance
in the system which may overburden the MBS while keeping other associated BS underutilized (Adiline Macriga
& Surya, 2012). An unbalanced load causes performance degradation. Thus, load-balancing ensures a balanced
distribution of network load among the different cell tiers to ensure optimal utilization of network resources and
improved users’ quality of experience.
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
distance-aware cell association; optimization-based approach; and reinforcement learning. Some of these
approaches are highlighted as follows:
The Distributed Optimization approach in load-balancing involves users making offloading decisions locally
based on their information and interactions with neighbouring users or base stations. The principle is to optimize
resource allocation and load-balancing while minimizing interference and maximizing individual utility.
Evaluation metrics for this approach include overall system throughput, fairness, user satisfaction, convergence
speed, and resource utilization efficiency. Works by (Kim et al., 2012; Ali et al., 2015) have shown that there are
challenges associated with achieving convergence in distributed decision-making, handling selfish user behaviour,
dealing with limited local information, and ensuring fairness and efficiency in resource allocation. Future research
in this area could focus on developing efficient distributed algorithms with provable convergence guarantees,
integrating machine learning and artificial intelligence techniques, and exploring incentive mechanisms to foster
cooperative behaviour among users. By addressing these challenges, the Distributed Optimization approach holds
promising prospects for more effective and efficient load-balancing in heterogeneous networks.
The Game-Theoretic Power Allocation algorithm is based on the principle of modelling user-base station
interactions as a non-cooperative game, where each user strategically selects power allocation to maximize their
utility. The algorithm as demonstrated by (Li et al., 2015; Al-Zahrani et al., 2016) takes into account factors such
as interference, channel conditions, and fairness. Performance metrics for this algorithm include overall system
throughput, fairness index, user satisfaction, and convergence speed of the game. However, there are challenges
associated with formulating the game model, handling incomplete or imperfect information, and finding
equilibrium solutions in large-scale networks. Future research in this area could focus on developing more realistic
and scalable game models, considering network dynamics and user behaviour, and addressing challenges related
to practical implementation and convergence analysis. By addressing these challenges, the Game-Theoretic Power
Allocation algorithm has the potential to enhance power allocation strategies in heterogeneous networks, leading
to improved network performance and user experience.
The Q-Learning-based load-balancing algorithm is a value-based method that estimates the value of state-action
pairs to optimize decision-making in load-balancing scenarios. It follows the principle of learning the optimal
value function, specifically the Q-value, through iterative updates based on observed rewards and transitions. The
algorithm is evaluated using performance metrics such as average reward, convergence rate, and the ability to find
optimal or near-optimal policies. However, (Kudo & Ohtsuki, 2013; Lee et al., 2021; Samson, 2022) have shown
that there are challenges associated with value-based methods, including handling large state spaces, tuning
hyperparameters, and addressing overestimation bias. Future research in this area could focus on improving
sample efficiency, mitigating overestimation bias, and developing algorithms that can handle continuous state and
action spaces. By addressing these challenges, Q-Learning and similar value-based approaches hold promising
prospects for more effective and efficient load-balancing algorithms in various domains.
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
Proactive Load-balancing Algorithms offer promising approaches to optimize load distribution in HetNets. They
anticipate the network load imbalance and take corrective actions before the network becomes congested
leveraging on predictions, mobility patterns, and real-time traffic conditions to proactively manage network
resources (Manzoor et al., 2019). Proactive Load-balancing algorithms are designed to be more proactive and
efficient than reactive load-balancing techniques that only react to the network congestion after it occurs. There
are several types of load-balancing algorithms that use the PLB approach:
4.1 Prediction-based Algorithms
Prediction-based load-balancing algorithms in HetNets aim to anticipate future network conditions and traffic
patterns by leveraging historical data and prediction techniques. These algorithms proactively adjust resource
allocation and offloading decisions to prevent congestion and optimize network performance. Evaluation metrics
for these algorithms include network throughput, latency, fairness index, user satisfaction, and prediction
accuracy. However, works by (Xiao et al., 2017; Manzoor et al., 2019; Gures et al., 2022) show that challenges
exist in accurately predicting future network conditions, handling dynamic and unpredictable traffic patterns, and
efficiently utilizing prediction models. Future research in this area focuses on improving prediction accuracy
through advanced machine learning techniques, incorporating real-time feedback into prediction models, and
developing adaptive algorithms that can dynamically adjust load-balancing strategies based on changing network
Hybrid load-balancing algorithms offer a versatile approach to address the complexities of load-balancing in
heterogeneous networks by combining proactive and reactive strategies, they aim to achieve a balance between
prediction-based optimization and real-time adaptation (Fan & Ansari, 2018). While challenges do exist in
threshold determination, learning algorithms, and centralized-distributed coordination, Advancements in machine
learning techniques, optimization algorithms, and communication protocols can enhance the performance,
scalability, and efficiency of load-balancing in heterogeneous networks. Some of the techniques for load-
balancing in heterogeneous cellular networks are:
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
proactively adjust resource allocation based on predicted load conditions, while reactively responding to real-time
network events. Performance metrics for threshold-based hybrid algorithms include network throughput, latency,
fairness, load-balancing efficiency, and resource utilization. Challenges include selecting appropriate threshold
values, handling sudden changes in network conditions, and ensuring timely and effective load-balancing
decisions. Future research in this area focuses on adaptive threshold determination algorithms, intelligent
threshold adjustment mechanisms, and incorporating machine learning techniques to enhance prediction accuracy
and decision-making.
Learning-based hybrid load-balancing algorithms leverage both historical data and real-time network feedback to
make load-balancing decisions. These algorithms employ machine learning techniques to learn from past
experiences and adapt load-balancing strategies accordingly. The principle as shown by (Ichkov et al., 2016;
Fletscher et al., 2019; Alsuhli et al., 2021; E. Kim et al., 2022) combine proactive learning from historical patterns
with reactive learning from current network conditions. Performance metrics for learning-based hybrid algorithms
include network throughput, fairness, convergence speed, learning efficiency, and adaptability. Challenges
include handling high-dimensional and dynamic data, designing efficient learning algorithms, and addressing the
trade-off between exploration and exploitation. Future research in this area focuses on developing advanced
machine learning models, incorporating deep reinforcement learning techniques, and exploring transfer learning
and federated learning approaches for load-balancing in heterogeneous networks.
Load-balancing is a crucial aspect of optimizing network performance and resource utilization in heterogeneous
networks (HetNets) within the 5G ecosystem. This study presented an overview of load-balancing algorithms
categorized into reactive, proactive, and hybrid approaches. Reactive algorithms, such as Cell Breathing, User
Offloading, Game Theory-Based, and Reinforcement Learning algorithms, focus on dynamically balancing load
and improving network performance. Proactive algorithms, including Prediction-based, Proactive Handover, and
Traffic-aware Resource Allocation algorithms, anticipate network conditions and take preventive actions to
optimize resource allocation. Hybrid algorithms combine proactive and reactive strategies to strike a balance
between prediction-based optimization and real-time adaptation.
Despite advancements in load-balancing algorithms, some challenges need to be addressed in each category.
Reactive algorithms require coordination and may have signalling overheads, while proactive algorithms face
difficulties in accurately predicting network conditions and efficiently handling dynamic traffic patterns. Hybrid
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
algorithms aim to overcome the limitations of individual approaches and present promising prospects for load-
balancing in HetNets.
Looking ahead, load-balancing in 5G networks holds great potential for future applications. It can be leveraged in
edge computing scenarios to distribute computational tasks and network traffic efficiently, reducing latency and
improving overall system performance. Dynamic network slicing can benefit from load-balancing techniques to
allocate network resources effectively among different virtual network slices based on their varying demands.
Load-balancing algorithms can also optimize traffic distribution in multi-connectivity scenarios, where devices
connect to multiple access points or networks simultaneously and enhance user experience. Integration of load
balancing with machine learning and artificial intelligence techniques can enable intelligent decision-making and
real-time optimization based on network conditions.
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University of Ilorin, Nigeria
The study used ultrasonic pulse velocity (UPV) to assess the integrity and apparent strength of compacted lateritic
soil treated with Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt). The effect of treatment methods (mixing and injection methods) of
cementation solution (Cs) applications and curing procedures (oven-cured at 30o C, wax-cured, and air-curing at
25 ± 2o C) on UPV was also investigated. Samples were treated with Bt suspension densities of 0, 1.5 x 108, 6.0
x 108, 12 x 108, 18 x 108 and 24 x 108 cells/ml and varying concentrations of Cs of 0.25, 0.5, 0.75 and 1 M.
Specimens were compacted using British Standard light, West African Standard, and British Standard heavy
energies, extruded, and cured using the procedures listed before the UPV tests. Results showed that UPV values
increased as the compaction energy, Bt suspension density, and Cs concentration increased. The mixing method
recorded higher UPV values relative to the injection method of treatment regardless of the curing procedure used.
Air-cured specimens recorded higher UPV values in comparison to oven-cured and wax-cured specimens. It is
recommended that treatment with Bt (24 x 108 cells/ml): Cs (0.75 M) by mixing method and air-curing at laboratory
temperature can enhance the strength of lateritic soil for the embankment.
Keywords: Bacillus thuringiensis, Curing method, Microbial-induced calcite precipitation, lateritic soil,
Ultrasonic pulse velocity.
The heterogeneous nature of soil makes it a complex material for erecting civil engineering infrastructure. The
determination of in situ index and other engineering characteristics of soil is commonly achieved using direct
methods that are usually destructive. For example, field density tests are carried out by destructive core cutter or
sand replacement methods. The amount of time taken for these tests to be conducted and in most cases putting a
temporal stop to construction activities is of grave concern (Yesiller et al., 2000). Consequently, the non-
destructive test (NDT) methods offer a faster assessment of soil and other material properties (Shi et al., 2007;
Slavova et al., 2010). Some of the commonly used NDT methods include electrical resistivity, nuclear density,
cone penetration and ultrasonic pulse velocity (UPV) tests (Leong et al., 2004). However, there are accuracy
concerns and operational difficulties associated with some of these methods that limit their usage in real-life
engineering practice (Vinay et al., 2019).
The wider utilization of UPV as an NDT method in assessing the quality of construction materials such as
concrete, soil, metals and asphalt is due to its simple and quick approach to material quality and strength
assessment (Shi et al., 2007). In geotechnical engineering, UPV has been utilised to predict the density, water
content, and strength as well as other soil parameters such as Young’s modulus (E), shear modulus (G) and
Poisson’s ratio (ν) (Nakagawa et al., 1996; Vinay et al., 2019).
Soil improvement via soil microorganisms has opened up a new and reportedly viable alternative soil
enhancement method for geotechnical engineers for over a decade (van Paassen et al., 2010; Matthew et al., 2012;
Liu et al., 2021; Yohanna et al., 2022; Etim et al., 2022; Wang et al., 2022). This is achieved through the isolation
and culturing of soil microbes with the potential of degrading urea into its constituent ions (NH4+ and CO32-) by
urease enzymes produced during the bacterial metabolic activities through a process known as urea hydrolysis.
When this happens in an environment rich in calcium, a biogeochemical reaction occurs resulting in calcite
precipitation. The precipitated calcite can clog soil particles thereby enhancing their strength. Building on this
knowledge, the geo-environmental engineers have devised ways of intentionally creating scenarios that bring
about the precipitation of this important mineral in the soil in sufficient amounts to enhance its engineering
properties using urease-positive bacteria through a process referred to as microbial-induced calcite precipitation
(MICP) (Osinubi et al., 2021). MICP method of soil improvement is more compatible with nature (environment)
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
relative to the traditional use of chemicals in soil improvement since the latter is associated with carbon emissions
contributing to global climate change concerns (Karol, 2003; DeJong et al., 2006; Osinubi et al., 2021).
The study was focused on the investigation of the coupled effect of the curing method and treatment procedure
on UPV of compacted biotreated lateritic soil using the MICP technique. The UPV non-destructive test method
was used to determine the strength of the compacted soil for use as embankment construction material.
2.1 Materials
Soil: The lateritic soil was collected at Abagana in Anambra State, Nigeria, at a location (6o 12’ 15” N and 7o 0’
40” E on latitude and longitude, respectively). Disturbed samples were collected at 0.5 - 3 m depth.
Microorganism: Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt) was isolated from the soil and cultured using biochemical
confirmatory test kits for identifying and characterising Bt in the laboratory and was used throughout the research.
Cementation solution: The study utilised equimolar calcium chloride, and urea to obtain their mass concentration
in solution as suggested by Murtala et al. (2016) in addition to constituents such as ammonium chloride (10 g),
sodium bicarbonate (2.12 g) and nutrient broth (3 g) dissolved per dm3 of de-ionized water for effective
cementation solution suitable for MICP process (Stocks-Fisher et al., 1999). Four different concentrations of
cementation solutions (Cs) (i.e., 0.25, 0.5, 0.75 and 1 M) were used. The Cs is composed of nutrient broth,
ammonium chloride (NH4Cl), urea (CO(NH2)2), sodium bicarbonate (NaHCO3) and calcium chloride (CaCl2).
2.2 Methods
Index properties: Soil basic properties such as natural moisture content, specific gravity, consistency limits, sieve
analysis and soil classification were determined following British Standard (BS) 1377 (1990) procedures for
testing natural soils and BS 1924 (1990) procedures for testing stabilised soils.
Preparation of sample: Lateritic soil was treated with Bt suspension densities of 0, 1.5 x 108, 6.0 x 108, 12 x 108,
18 x 108 and 24 x 108 cells/ml (equivalent to 0, 0.5, 2.0, 4.0, 6.0 and 8.0 McFarland Standards (MFS), respectively)
and varying concentration of cementation solutions (Cs) of 0.25, 0.5, 0.75 and 1 M using mixing and injection
methods of bacterial/cementation solution application. In the mixing method, 50 % of Bt solution (relative to
natural soil optimum moisture as recommended by Osinubi et al., 2019) was pre-mixed with the soil sample and
kept for 6 hours in sealed polythene bags to maintain the prevailing moisture and allow for bacterial attachment
to soil particles thereafter, 50 % of Cs was added, properly mixed and compacted with British Standard light
(BSL), West African Standard (WAS) and British Standard heavy (BSH) energy, respectively. In the injection
method, soil pore volume (PV) of Bt solution (relative to natural soil optimum moisture as recommended by
Rowshanbakht et al., 2016) was mixed with soil and compacted (using BSL, WAS and BSH energies). The
compacted soil was then saturated by injecting PV of Cs under gravity in three cycles. In both cases, the
compacted soils were extruded, trimmed and subjected to the three curing procedures (oven-cured at 300 C, wax-
cured and direct exposure to room temperature) before carrying out the UPV test to assess the apparent strength.
In UPV measurement, two transducers (transmitter and receiver) are placed at both ends of the test samples with
the aid of petroleum jelly (couplant) to eliminate the air gap between the test sample and the transducer surfaces
to enhance the efficiency of the process as shown in Plate I. The transmitting transducer sends an ultrasonic wave
signal through the test sample and this is detected at the other end by the receiving transducer over time. The UPV
is therefore determined as the ratio of the travel distance (i.e., sample length, L) of the wave signal generated from
the transmitting probe to the time, T when the signal is recorded at the receiving probe. This is represented
mathematically in equation 1.
'()*+, +,./$0, 2
𝑈𝑃𝑉 = 34),,3 50,. $0, /,.,6($,7 84/.(+ 48 6,9:67,7 ($ $0, 6,9,4;4./ *6:<, (1)
UPV = Ultrasonic pulse velocity (m/s)
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
The test programme involved the determination of UPV for the treated and additive-free compacted lateritic soil.
The UPV test was performed on the wax-cured, oven-cured at 30o C and air-cured samples after 7 days.
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
Wang et al., 2022) thereby enhancing the transmission of the pulse velocity signal and subsequently increasing
UPV values (Shi et al., 2007; Slavova et al., 2010).
Figure 2: Variation of ultrasonic pulse velocity of compacted soil (BSL energy) with varying Bacillus
thuringiensis density in solution for the three curing procedures: (A) 7 days wax-cured (B) 7 days oven-cured at
30o C (C) 7 days air-cured at ambient temperature.
A similar trend as discussed above was observed when the compacted soil was treated with 0.5 M and 1 M Cs
with varying Bt density in solution. Also, the above results revealed that compacted soil specimens treated and
air-cured at ambient temperature yielded higher UPV values. Least UPV values were recorded for wax-cured
specimens while intermediate values were recorded for specimens oven-cured at 30o C. The increase in UPV
values signifies an improvement in the strength of the bio-treated soil.
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
Figure 3: Variation of ultrasonic pulse velocity of compacted soil (BSL energy) with varying Bacillus
thuringiensis density in solution for the treatment method: (A) 50 % Bt: 50 % Cs (mixing method) 7 days air-
cured at ambient temperature (B) 1/3 PV (injection method) 7 days air-cured at ambient temperature.
Figure 4. Variation of ultrasonic pulse velocity of lateritic soil – 0.25 M Cs – Bacillus thuringiensis mixtures
with compaction energy (wax-cured).
The increase in UPV values with increment in Cs concentration may be attributed to greater quantities of urea and
calcium chloride in the mixture at higher concentrations leading to increased urease activity that favoured the
production of calcite in the soil matrix (Yohanna et al., 2022). The produced mineral (calcite) bound the particles
together thereby improving the UPV values.
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
Figure 5: Variation of ultrasonic pulse velocity of lateritic soil – 0.25 M Cs – Bacillus thuringiensis mixtures
with compaction energy (oven-cured).
Figure 6: Variation of ultrasonic pulse velocity of lateritic soil – 1 M Cs – Bacillus thuringiensis mixtures with
compaction energy (Air-cured at ambient temperature).
The study assessed the effect of curing and treatment procedures on UPV of MICP-treated compacted lateritic
soil classified as A – 2 – 6 (2) and SC using the AASHTO and USCS systems, respectively. The results showed
i. The UPV values increased as Bt population density in the mixture increased. The UPV values of 588,
618 and 634 m/s recorded for compacted soil (BSL energy) treated with Cs (0.25 M) after 7 days of
curing increased to peak values of 634, 661 and 786 m/s when treated with 12 x 108 cells/ml at 0.25 M
for wax-cured, oven cured and air-cured samples respectively.
ii. The mixing method of Cs application recorded higher UPV values in comparison with the injection
method irrespective of the curing procedure used.
iii. Specimens cured at ambient temperature recorded higher UPV values in comparison to oven-cured and
wax-cured specimens.
iv. The UPV values increased as the compaction energy and Cs concentrations increased.
It is recommended that lateritic soil treated with Bt (24 x 108 cells/ml): 0.75 M Cs (0.75 M) mix ratio prepared
using the mixing method and compacted with BSH energy when air-cured at ambient temperature can be used for
embankment construction.
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
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Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
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Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
Attaining a sustainable construction environment requires the use of readily available construction materials that
are cheap and eco-friendly. This will make the attainment of the sustainable development goal of adequate mass
infrastructure for all achievable. Self-Compacting Concrete is a special concrete that can be modified by the
addition of fillers and supplementary cementitious materials to improve its overall properties and aid in its
domestication in Nigeria. This research investigates the effect of the use of Rice Husk ash at 15% replacement of
Portland Limestone Cement and incorporation of bacillus subtilis on the fresh state properties, and durability,
measured using sorptivity and water absorption as well as the strength characterization at 7 and 28 days. The
results showed an improvement in all the properties measured with the incorporation of bacteria and RHA. The
use of fillers affected the microstructural characterization with the Limestone powder, crushed rock dust filler and
cement kiln dust all having a positive impact on the microstructural and permeation properties of the SCC. It is
concluded that the introduction of bacillus subtilis, into an RHA and LP, CKD or CRD ternary blended SCC
improves its properties and its usage in concreting can impact positively sustainability in the built environment.
KEYWORDS: bacillus subtilis, Fillers, Rice Husk Ash, Self-Compacting Concrete, Sustainable Concreting
Attaining a sustainable construction environment requires the use of readily available, affordable, and eco-friendly
construction materials to achieve the sustainable development goal of providing adequate mass infrastructure for
all, especially in less developed regions. Concrete is the most widely used construction material on earth, and
there are continuous efforts to improve its strength and durability by incorporating materials that are readily
available and can enhance its overall properties (Taku, et al 2021). One such special concrete that has
revolutionized the construction industry is self-compacting concrete (SCC), which can be modified by adding
fillers and supplementary cementitious materials to enhance its overall properties and facilitate its adoption in the
Nigerian construction industry. Research has shown that the use of pozzolanic materials in the partial replacement
of cement as well as the use of non-reactive fillers helps improve the basic properties of self-compacting concrete
(Karatas, et al., 2020)
Ozawa and Maekawa (2001) studied the use of fly ash and limestone powder as supplementary cementing
materials in self-compacting concrete, with a focus on the viscosity and hydration characteristics of the concrete
and reported an overall improvement in the properties while. Khayat et al. (2003) investigated the performance of
self-compacting concrete containing various supplementary cementing materials. Akbari and Ramezanianpour
(2017) investigated the performance of self-compacting concrete containing RHA in terms of its resistance to
chloride ion penetration and Liu and Li (2019) conducted a comprehensive review on the use of rice husk ash
(RHA) in self-compacting concrete, highlighting its potential as a filler material. Calcined clay, Limestone
Powder, Cement Kiln Dust, and crushed rock dust have variously been used in self-compacting concrete with
exciting results (Siddique, et al.,2015; Siddique et al. 2019; Taku et al., 2022; Babatunde, et al. 2022). The self-
healing property of concrete can be enhanced by the adoption of Microbial induced calcite precipitation (MICP)
technology in concrete, whereby a rhyolitic bacterium, in the presence of nutrients and moisture, deposits calcium
calcite in the concrete pores, thereby improving the overall properties of concrete and enhancing self-healing
(Adepegba & Adegbola, 2021). Recent research on SCC using sporosarcina pasteurii shows an improvement in
the permeation characterization and strength of self-compacting concrete at the early and later ages of the concrete
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
(Taku et al., 2023). Other research using other bacteria also reported similar improvements in concrete properties
(Subramanian & Bose, 2010; Vijay & Murma, 2018; Osinubi et al., 2019; Alisha, et al., 2020; Luhar, et al., 2022)
This research investigates the effect of incorporating RHA at 15% replacement of Portland Limestone Cement
and bacillus subtilis bacteria on the properties of self-compacting concrete using different fillers, namely
limestone powder, crushed rock dust, and cement kiln dust. The study evaluates the fresh state properties,
durability (measured using permeation properties of sorptivity and water absorption), microstructure, and strength
characteristics of the SCC at 7 and 28 days.
Portland Cement of grade 42.5N was used for this research work and the properties conform to the provisions of
BS 12 (1991).
The grading and particle shapes of aggregates are significant factors in the production of SCC. Thus, the
aggregates were carefully chosen to fit into the specifications for aggregates for Self-compacting concrete as
stipulated by EFNARC (2005). Consequently, River sand from River Benue and crushed rocks of maximum
particle size 10mm were used as fine and coarse aggregates respectively.
Sandcrete SPR-300 Super-plasticizer, manufactured by the WAFA group of companies was used for this research.
The specific gravity, pH and chloride content of the SP are 1.08, 6.5 and less than 0.1% respectively.
The Bacteria (bacillus subtilis) was obtained from the soil while the calcium lactate was obtained at a local
chemicals store in Makurdi. Both the Bacteria culture and preparation of the cementation reagent were carried out
at the Microbial Laboratory in the Department of Microbiology, Joseph Sarwuan Tarka University Makurdi.
Table 1 gives the oxide composition of the materials used in the research. It can be seen that it is RHA and CRD
has a combined SiO2 + Al2O3 + Fe2O3 of over 70%, however, only the RHA is pozzolanic since the silica,
aluminate and ferrite in the RHA exists in the amorphous state. The CRD exists in crystalline form and so the
SiO2 is non-reactive and hence does not possess pozzolanic properties (Kibriya & Tahir, 2017). LP and CKD
contain more non-reactive calcite. Thus, while RHA is suited as a cement replacement material, CRD, CKD and
LP can only serve as non-reactive fillers.
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
LP 8.97 1.02 0.37 46.77 2.38 0.02 0.13 - 39.5 1300 2.76
CKD 22.07 4.33 4.10 67.16 1.08 0.096 0.18 0.29 0.69 2065 1.15
CRD 58.4 15.9 8.1 3.42 1.98 4.14 2.82 - 2.82 2870 2.59
EFNARC (2005) specifies the following limits for the fresh state properties; Slump: 650 to 800mm; T500: 3 to 7
seconds; Vfunnel: 8-12 seconds; H2/H1: Closer to 1. It can be seen that all the samples met the flowability, passing
ability and filling ability criteria, irrespective of the filler material used. Generally, the fines content and
cementitious content determine the fresh state properties of the SCC. Research has shown that the bacterial content
does not affect the fresh-state properties (Taku et al 2023). It can also be seen that even though all the samples
met the specifications of EFNARC (2005), the higher the surface area of the particles of the filler, the less the
flowability as the water demand is generally higher.
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
The result of the Sorptivity behaviour of the ternary blended SCC in a normal curing environment and the acidic
medium at different ages is given in Figure 2, where 7D-W, 14D-W, 28D-W, 56 D-W stands for curing age in
days in normal water and 7D-A, 14D-A, 28D-A, 56D-A represents curing in acidic medium respectively.
The sorptivity decreased with age as all the samples showed better permeation as they aged. The sorptivity
performance for samples cured in the water proved better than that in Acid. This is a result of the inhibition of the
calcite precipitation by the bacteria as well as the deterioration of the concrete matrix which leaves it more porous.
The performance of the SCC incorporating filler is better than that without filler due to the filling of the pore
spaces by the filler as well as the filler effect. Overall, CRD blended SCC showed better performance in normal
conditions and acidic curing conditions. The result agrees with the works by El-Gamat, et al., (2012); Vaezi et al
(2019) and Kaur et al (2021).
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
The result of split tensile and flexural strengths presented in Table 4 shows a similar pattern as the compressive
Table 4. Flexural and Split-Tensile Strength Data
The Microstructural evolution of the SCC with the addition of RHA, bacillus subtilis and fillers was investigated
using Standard Electronic Microscopy (SEM) analysis and the result for the microstructure at 28 days of curing
is presented in Figure 5.
Figure 5: SEM Result for (a) CRD @ 28 days (b) LP at 28 days (c) CKD at 28 days
Figure 5 shows that the microstructural evolution of the SCC with the different fillers have distinct
microstructures, due to the differing effect of each filler. This is due to the differences in particle sizes of the fillers
as well as the effect on cement hydration.
The research shows that sustainable concreting can be achieved by the use of Rice Husk ash at 15% in replacement
of Cement; the application of Microbial induced calcite precipitation and the use of readily available materials
like limestone powder, Cement Kiln Dust and Crushed rock dust in Self-compacting concrete to improve the
permeation and strength of SCC while also minimizing cost and ensuring environmental preservation. The SCC
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
properties are optimized by the combined pozzolanic action of RHA, the calcite precipitation by bacillus subtilis
and the filler effect of the different fillers. It is also concluded that irrespective of the filler used, the filler particle
size and shape are the determining factors of the level of effect the filler will have on the concrete properties.
The Department of Microbiology and Department of Civil Engineering, JS Tarka University Makurdi are
acknowledged for making their laboratories available for research.
Adepegba, D., & Adegbola, O. (2021). Incorporation of Bio Materials for Sustainable Development in the
Construction Industry: A Review. Journal of Building Engineering, 101105.
Akbari, R., & Ramezanianpour, A. A. (2017). Performance of self-compacting concrete containing rice husk ash
subjected to chloride ion penetration. Construction and Building Materials, 151, 174-181.
Alisha, Sk., Rohit, P., Sachin, K. S. N., Rajesh, B. V. (2020): Self-healing Concrete using Bacteria, The
International Journal of Analytical and Experimental Model Analysis, 12(7): 3164-3170
Babatunde, O. Y., Mvero, J., Muluku, R., et al. (2022): Effects of filler types on the microstructural and
engineering properties of waste plastic binder composite for construction purposes, Civil and Environmental
Engineering,19(1): 1-18, https://doi.org/10.1080/23311916.2022.2143057
Diagne, M., Dia, I. and Gueye, O. (2021) Influence of Types of Fillers on Workability, Bleeding, Compressive
Strength, and Degree of Compaction of Hydraulic Concrete. Materials Sciences and Applications, 12, 276-296.
EFNARC (2005): The European Guidelines for Self-Compacting Concrete Specification, Production and Use,
El-Gamal, S., Shaheen, Y., & Almusallam, T. (2012). The Effect of Nano-Silica on the Properties of Self-
Compacting Concrete. Construction and Building Materials, 30:80-86.
Kibriya, T. and Tahir, L. (2017) Sustainable Construction—Use of Stone Dust as Plasticiser in High Strength
SCC with Blended Cement. World Journal of Engineering and Technology, 5, 412-420.
Karatas, M., Benli, A., Arslan, F. (2020): The Effects of Kaolin and Calcined Kaolin on the Durability and
Mechanical Properties of Self Compacting Concrete Mortars subjected to High Temperatures, Construction
and Building Materials, 265: 1-12. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.conbuiltmat.2020.120300
Liu, J., & Li, Z. (2019). Application of Rice Husk Ash in Self-Compacting Concrete: A Review. Construction
and Building Materials, 198: 365-376.
Okamura, H., & Ouchi, M. (2003). Self-Compacting Concrete. Journal of Advanced Concrete Technology, 1(1):
Osinubi, K. J., Eberemu, A. O., Gadzama, E.W. et al. (2019): Plasticity Characteristics of Lateritic Soil treated
with Sporosarcina pasteurii in Microbial-Induced Calcite Precipitation Application. SN Appl. Sci. 1(829):
1-12. https://doi.org/10.1007/s42452-019-0868-7
Ozawa, K., & Maekawa, K. (2001). Study on Self-Compacting Concrete Containing Fly Ash and Limestone
Powder–Viscosity and Hydration Characteristics. Cement and Concrete Research, 31(2): 193-198.
Siddique, R., Singh, M., & Kaur, I. (2015). Utilization of Rice Husk Ash as Partial Replacement with Cement in
Self-Compacting Concrete. Journal of Cleaner Production, 92: 68-76.
Siddique, R., Singh, M., & Kaur, I. (2019). Application of Rice Husk Ash in the Self-Compacting Concrete: A
Review. Construction and Building Materials, 198: 365-376.
Subramanian, K., & Bose, S. (2010). Microbially-Induced Calcite Precipitation in Construction Materials: A
Review. Construction and Building Materials, 24(11): 2060-2071.
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
Taku, J. K., Amartey, Y., Ejeh, S., Lawan, A. (2021): Microstructural Characterization of Calcined Clay Blended
Binary Self-Compacting Concrete, Proceedings of the the 2021 Annual Conference of the School of
Engineering, FUTA, Akure, (IARASETA 2021), October 6-8, 2021, pp290-313
Taku, K., Amartey, Y., Ejeh, S., & Lawan, A. (2023). Properties of Calcined Clay and Limestone Powder Blended
Bio-Self Compacting Concrete. Journal of Civil Engineering and Materials Application, 6(4):
Vijay, K. & Murmu, M. (2018): Effect of Calcium Lactate on Compressive Strength and Self-Healing of Cracks
in Microbial Concrete, Frontiers of Structural and Civil Engineering https://doi.org/10.1007/s11709-018-
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
The study investigated the phytochemical analysis, proximate composition, pH, and analytical enquiries of FT-
IR, BET, and SEM-EDS of shea butter leaf powder. The leave was washed thoroughly under water to remove
insoluble substances, later with distilled water, sundried for 14 days, ground and, sieved into powder by 60 um
mesh size. The product was stored in an airtight container for further use. The qualitative analysis of the
phytochemical study indicated 111.85mg/g flavonoid, 86.54mg/g tannins, 237.82mg/g phenol, 46.05mg/g
alkaloids, and 535mg/g saponin. The proximate analysis shown 12.59% moisture content, 4.10% ash content,
12.34% crude fat, 12.25% crude protein, 17.80% crude fiber, and 40.92% carbohydrate content. The pH of the
extract was 6.38. BET shown 182.5 area, 10.10cc/g pore volume, and 2.13nm pore size. FT-IR results indicated
the presence of N-H, O-H, C-H, C N, C C, C O, C N, C C as functional groups present. SEM-EDS revealed the
surface morphology. EDS shown the percentage in weight elemental compositions of the sample powder as
37.50% O2, 29.64% Ca, 24.14% K, 6.07% Cl, and 2.65% Si. The results revealed the importance of Shea butter
leave to process industries such as food processing industry, cosmetic and pharmaceutical industry, and as an
adsorbent in waste water treatment.
KEYWORDS: Shea butter leaves, phytochemical screening, proximate analysis, and analytical studies
The shea butter tree is otherwise called the Karite tree. It belongs to the family Sapotaciae, which comprises two
major species. The two species are Vitellaria paradoxa, which was formerly called (i) Butyrospermum paradoxa,
and (ii) Vitellaria parkii. It is perennial and peculiar to sub-Saharan Africa. The species of tree is found from
Senegal to Uganda in Africa. This stretch can be described as a shea butter belt (Maanikuu & Peker, 2017).
Solomon et al. (2017) established that Butyrospermum paradoxa (V. paradoxa) is more common in the western
part of Africa, while the other species is prevalent in East Africa. Earlier in 2014, Obisesan et al. reported that the
shea plant is mostly found in the wild in Nigeria. This could be found within Guinea, Sudan, and the Sahel.
The fresh and health leaves of shea butter (V. paradoxa) was harvested in Gidan - kwano community, Minna in
Bosso Local Government Area of Niger State, Nigeria. The plant part was identified at the department of Plant
Biology, School of Life Science, Federal University of Technology, Minna, Niger state.
2.1 Preparation of Shea Butter Leave Powders
The harvested leaves were washed three times under running tap water and lastly with distilled water to remove
any solid, dissolvable, or insoluble particles that were attached to the leaves. The thoroughly washed leaves were
open-dried for two weeks, milled to a powder with a mechanical device, and sieved to remove any present shaft.
The powder product was kept in an airtight container for further use.
2.2 Phyto – chemical Analysis
A phytochemical study was carried out to investigate the presence of some of the natural chemicals called
polyphenols, which are antioxidants, in plant parts. These antioxidants are non-toxic, low-cost, helpful for
traditional medicinal purposes, and, more recently, they serve as bio-reducing agents in the reduction of metallic
salt to metallic ions during nanoparticle synthesis. The phytochemical study is carried out using the extract
obtained from the plant powder.
2.3 Determination of pH
5 grams of shea butter leave powder were measured using a weighing balance and gently poured into a beaker
containing 12.50 ml of distilled water. The two substances were mixed through a mechanical shaker for 15 minutes
after the pH was measured using the pH meter (Akwu et al., 2019).
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
Gopalakrishnan K. et al. (2017) reported it to be a naturally occurring polyphenol in plants with the main
characteristic of binding and precipitating proteins. Edem et al. (2016) also attributed its usage in the treatment of
diseases to its antimicrobial properties. Agbo et al. (2014) submitted that compounds with high phenolic contents
have a very good potential to neutralize free radicals. Hence, they are good antioxidants. The major reasons for
the use of shea fruit ash in the local soap-making industry to cure skin-related diseases are discussed by Akoma
et al. (2018).
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
The percentage of ash content in the leave part is carried out to reveal the mineral component in the organ. Lower
report of ash content in plant species may suggest a low deposit of mineral elements in the plant. The carbohydrate
content is reportedly higher in the leave of plants than in any other parts. This could have been to the fact that
photosynthesis takes place in the plant – part Akwu et al., (2019). The percentage of composition of moisture
content in a plant determines its absorption capacity and assimilation rate. According to Ngaha et al. (2016), plants
with high moisture content have low storage ability, which gives them a higher advantage for industrial use. The
result obtained using a pH meter to determine the hydrogen ion concentration of the extract shows that the pH is
3.4 Analytical Studies of Shea Butter Leave Powder
3.4.1 Fourier Transform Infrared (FT – IR)
Fourier transforms infrared spectral analysis carried out was aimed at identifying the presence of various
functional groups present in shea butter leave powder. The functional groups which were revealed by the FT-IR
include the O-H stretch, C-H stretch, C=O stretch, C-O stretch, C-C stretch, C=C stretch and the N-H stretch as
shown in the FT -IR graph which shows the FT-IR spectra of shea butter
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
The results obtained for SEM revealed the surface morphology of the shea butter leaf powder. Unlike that of
activated carbon or other carbonaceous materials, which reveal the presence of clogged pores and volatile organic
compounds (VOC) on the surface of the raw adsorbent, Mohammad & Yahya (2021) found that the surface
morphology of shea butter leave powder has irregular shapes with different dimensions and unequal pore sizes.
Alhajali et al. (2022) revealed that the irregularities in the surface structure of plant part powder may have greatly
contributed to removing heavy metal contaminants in wastewater. The quantitative tabulation of analytical EDS
spectra as presented in Table 3.5 revealed the percentages in weight of 37.50% O2, 29.64% Ca, 24.14% K, 6.07%
Cl, and 2.65 Si. The abundance of Ca, K, and Cl may favour the removal of heavy metals during effluent
treatments. The presence of silicon may not be unconnected with the challenges of dust particles during open-air
drying, which is still preferable to oven drying which can cause denaturalization of the organic matter that are
present in leaves. Shown in Figures 2(a) and 2(b) are the surface morphology of shea butter leave powder and
energy dispersive spectroscopy of shea butter powder, respectively.
Element Number Element Symbol Element Name Atomic Conc. Weight Conc.
8 O Oxygen 59.09 37.50
20 Ca Calcium 18.65 29.64
19 K Potassium 15.57 24.14
17 Cl Chlorine 4.32 6.07
14 Si Silicon 2.38 2.65
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
Although many research studies have been reported on shea butter, most especially on the oil and the fruit, few
have been reported on the leaf. This work-study examines the phytochemical screening, pH, proximate, and
analytical studies of shea butter leaf powder. The results obtained in the phytochemical screening of shea butter
leaves show that the plant part contains some natural chemicals called polyphenols, which are antioxidants and
can be used in process industries such as food, cosmetics, pharmaceuticals, and in the preparation of nano-
adsorbents for wastewater treatment. The results of pH show the extract is a good nano adsorbent. The results
obtained from proximate analysis on moisture content composition show that the leave powder can be stored for
industrial uses. The low percentage composition of ash content indicated that some elements were not present in
the leaf powder. The results obtained for crude protein, crude fiber, crude fat, and carbohydrate content show that
the leaf powder can be incorporated into animal feed compositions since its fruit is edible for humans and the shea
butter is a natural antibiotic for humans, especially small children. The results of the analytical studies, as revealed
by BET, show that both surface area and pore size of the leaf powder has physical and chemical properties that
can be measured and controlled while synthesizing nano adsorbent. The results obtained from FT-IR reveal that
shea butter leaf powder has an important chemical functional group that can aid adsorption techniques. The
abundance of oxygen (O2) as shown by EDS confirms the presence of the hydroxy (OH) group. The presence of
calcium (Ca) and potassium (K) tends to form complexes with heavy metals in water during the treatment process.
This work was made possible by financial support from RONKEE Resources Ltd Abuja Nigeria.
Abiodun B. A, Adewale A and, Abiodun O. O, (2019). Phytochemical And Proximate Analysis of Some
Medicinal Leaves. Clinical Medicine Research Volume 6 No 6 page (209 – 214).
Agbo M. O, Uzor P. F, Akazie – Nneji U. N, Eze – Odurukwe C. U, Ogbatue U. B & Mbaoji (2014).
Antioxidant, Total Phenolic and Flavonoid Content of Selected
Nigeria Medicinal Plant.
Akoma O.A, Nma N.Y, Musa S.A and Salihu A.B (2018). Nutritional and phytochemical composition of
Vitellaria paradoxa (Shea Fruit Pulp). International Journal of Biochemistry Research & Review.
Antia, B.S, Akpan E.J, Okon, P.A and Umoren, I.U (2006). Nutritive and anti- nutritive evaluation of sweet
potatoes (Ipomoea batatas) leaves. Pakistan. J . Nutr. 5 (2) 166 – 168.
Alhajali, O, Ali Nizam A, Almostata R (2022). Application of Astacia Atlantica leaves powder As natural
material to remove nitrate and phosphate ion from domestic wastewater by characterized Bio removal
and phytotoxicity studies. Journal of the Turkish Chemist. 9 (3) 759 - 776
Asha S, Asha A and, Rajeshkumar S, (2016). Evaluation of Phytochemical Constituents and Antimicrobial
Activity of Silver Nanoparticle Synthesized Ipomoea nil Against Selected Pathogens. Asian Journal
of Pharmaceutical and Clinical Research
Akwu N.A, NaidooY, and, Singh M, (2019). A comparative Study of the Proximate, FTIR analysis and
Mineral elements of the leaves and stem back of Grewia las
Akpoghelie J. O (2019). pH level, Ascorbic acid, Proline and, Soluble Sugar as Bio – indicator for
Pollution. Chemsearch Journal 8 (2) (41 – 49).
Bashiru .I, Umar A. I, Otitolaiye C.A and, Ayuba A.S (2019). Phytochemical screening, Proximate Analysis
and Antioxidants Vitamins of Green Tea (Camellia simensis) Leaves consumed in Sokoto
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
metropolis Sokoto State Nigeria.Caliphate Journal of Science and Technology Vol 1pp (1 – 5).
Bardestani R, Gregory S.P and Serge K (2019). Experimental methods in Chemical Engineering:
Specific surface area and pore size distribution measurement – BET, BJH, and DFT. The Canadian Journal
of Chemical Engineering Vol 97 (781 -2791)
Caroling, G , Priyadhashini, M. N, Vinodhini, E, Ranjithan , A. M, Shanthi P (2015).
Biosynthesis of Copper nanoparticle using aqueous guava extract of - characterization and study
of antibacterial effect. Int. J. Pharma Bio Sci
5 (25 – 43).
Djekota C, Diouf D, Sane S, Mbaye M.S, Noba K (2014) Morphological Characterization of Shea Tree,
(Vitellaria paradoxa subsp. paradoxa) population in the region of Mandoul in Chad. Int. J. Biodiversity
and Consevation.
Edem B.E, Khan M.E, Ibok N.U & Dimlong L.I (2016). Qualitative & Quantitaive Phytochemical Screening
and Proximate Composition of Bombax Buonopozense (Red Silk Cotton Tree) Stem back
Enaberuel L.O, Obisesan I.O, Okolo E.C, Akinwale R.O, Aisueni N.O and Ataya C.D (2014). Genetic Diversity
of Shea Butter Tree (Vitellaria paradoxa) C.F Gaernt in the Guinea Savannah of Nigeria Based
on Morphological Markers. American –Eurasian Journal of Agric and Environmental Science 14 (7)
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Gautam, R. K., Mudhoo, A., Lofrano, G., & Chattopadhyaya, M. C. (2014). Biomass- Derived biosorbents for
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Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
Krstiv, V, Urosevic T, Pesovski B, (2018). A review on adsorbent for treatment of Water and
wastewaters containing copper ions Chemical Eng Sci, 192, 273
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Analysis of mistletoe (Tapinanthus bangwensis) leaves. NISEB Journal Volume 11 No 3.
Pratap Chandran R (2017). Analysis of Proximate, Phytochemical Elemental composition and Antioxidant
property of leaf of Alternanthera brasiliana (I) kuntze MOJ Food Processing and Technology Vol 4 Issue
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of Potential Herbs against Selected Microbes.
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Solomon O, Gold I. L, and Igene, L (2017). Assessment of Shea Fruit Processors in Niger State for
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Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
Carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions from the production of Ordinary Portland Cement (OPC) contributed
approximately 9% to greenhouse gases (GHGs) in the atmosphere which leads to global warming. Replacement
of OPC in construction with supplementary cementitious materials (SCMs) is suggested by many researchers.
Geopolymer concrete (GPC) strength characteristics for grades, mix proportions, and suitable precursors are major
concerns in structural engineering. A mix design for a target compressive strength of 25 N/mm2 with a Design of
Experiment (DOE) using randomized block factorial design and laboratory investigations were conducted.
Response Surface Method (RSM) analysis is employed for DOE and optimization of the geopolymerization
process. Research findings in materials science and engineering led to the development of a mathematical model.
The material was characterized using XRF and FTIR spectra, and the result of the XRF indicates that the chemical
composition of the precursor conformed to BS EN 197:2011 for natural calcined pozzolans (Q). The FTIR result
shows that polycondensation occurred at the end of the reaction and was accompanied by a water vaporization
process. However, GPC exhibits a good compressive strength of 23.7 N/mm2 with a NaOH molar concentration
of 14 M and a Na2Si3O/NaOH ratio of 2.5 at a 28-day curing period.
Carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions from the production of ordinary Portland cement (OPC) contributed
approximately 9% to greenhouse gases (GHGs) in the atmosphere that lead to global warming (Mehta 2001; Lei
et al., 2011). The replacement of OPC in construction with supplementary cementitious materials (SCMs) has
been suggested by many researchers. Hafeez (2008); Karthikeyan et al. (2015) The geopolymerization process
involves the activation of an alumino-silicate material or precursor from a geological source (meta bentonite,
metakaolin) or an industrial by-product (fly ash, ground granulated blast furnace slag) with a strong alkali solution
such as sodium silicates and sodium hydroxide, which is then mixed with aggregates to form a fresh geopolymer
concrete (GPC) that is allowed to set, demoulded after 24 hours, and cured at 60 oC for another 24 hours (Xu and
Van Deventer, 2000).
Researchers are suggesting partial or full replacement of ordinary Portland cement (OPC) in concrete construction
with supplementary cementitious materials (SCMs) (Al-Bakri et al., 2011). Geopolymer is an emerging and
innovative binder that can provide an environmentally friendly replacement for OPC (Bharat and Kamal, 2015).
It has been estimated that geopolymer binder generates 85% less CO2 emissions and requires 60% less energy to
manufacture than OPC (Duxson et al., 2007). Extensive research has been carried out on the development of
geopolymer as a sustainable binder (Wallah and Rangan, 2021; Sumajouw and Rangan, 2006). Some recent
studies have revealed that the positive effects of meta bentonite on the mechanical and microstructural properties
of GPC are like those of conventional concrete with metabentonite or metakaolin. Mirza et al., 2009; Law et al.,
2014). This study aimed at optimizing the geopolymer concrete strength parameters, and the following specific
objectives were achieved: Establishing a mix design for a target compressive strength of 25 N/mm2 and
performing the design of experiment (DOE) using the Response Surface Method (RSM) conducting a laboratory
experiment and using the exploratory data acquired from the lab to perform regression analysis and analysis of
variance (ANOVA) to develop a mathematical model. Conducting microstructural characterization of the
metabentonite/metakaolin-based geopolymer (BKGP) concrete products using Fourier transform infrared (FTIR)
spectral Optimizing the response (compressive strength) properties of the BKGP concrete using RSM (Akbar et
al., 2013)
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
The polymerization process includes chemical reactions under highly alkaline conditions on Al-Si minerals,
yielding polymeric Si-O-Al-O bonds as shown by equation (1), where M is the alkaline element, z is 1, 2, or 3,
and n is the degree of polycondensation (Davidovits, 2008).
Figure 1 shows the optimization of the geopolymerization process by reshuffling the precursor (metabentonite
and metakaolin) and the alkali solution (sodium silicates and sodium hydroxide) to form the best constituent
combination and the optimum strength characteristic of the hardened geopolymer concrete (Lima-Guerra et al.,
𝑌 = 𝛽O + 𝛴𝑘𝑖=1 𝛽𝑖 𝑋𝑖 + 𝛴𝑘𝑖=1 𝛽𝑖𝑖 𝑋2𝑖𝑖 + 𝛴𝑘𝑗=2 𝛴𝑖≤𝑖≤𝑗 𝛽𝑖𝑗 𝑋𝑖 𝑋𝑗 + ε (2)
Where Y is the response, xi and xj are the independent variables (i and j are the range from 1 to k), βo is the
constant coefficient, βi, βii,βij are the coefficient for the linear, quadratic and interaction effects, and ε represent the
error. The coefficient of correlation (R2), ranging from 0 to 1 was employed to predict the fitness of the developed
model. A highly significant and accurate model is indicated by R2 close to 1 (Montgomery, 2017).
2.2 Optimization
The desirability function approach is one of the most widely used methods in the industry for the optimization of
the response process. It is based on the idea that the "quality" of a product or process that has multiple quality
characteristics, with one of them outside of some "desired" limits, is completely unacceptable. The method finds
operating conditions x that provide the "most desirable" response values.
For each response, Yi(x), a desirability function di(Yi) assigns numbers between 0 and 1 to the possible values of
Yi, with di(Yi) = 0 representing a completely undesirable value of Yi and di(Yi) = 1 representing a completely
desirable or ideal response value. The individual desirabilities are then combined using the geometric mean, which
gives the overall desirability D:
If a response is to be maximized instead, the individual desirability is defined as with
Ti in this case interpreted as a large enough value for the response.
Finally, if we want to minimize a response, we could use Ti denoting a small enough value for the response.
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University of Ilorin, Nigeria
Fine aggregate was sourced locally and coarse aggregate was sourced from the quarry site and supplied to the
laboratory and tests were carried out following BS EN 933-1 and BS EN 12620. Alkali (Sodium Hydroxide and
Sodium Silicates) was sourced from a chemical supplier. The NaOH was in pellet form while Na2SiO3 was in the
form of gel.
Twenty-five proportions of geopolymer concrete were used in this experiment for cube samples. The substitution
of metakaolin by metabentonite was done in geopolymer concrete mixes at varying metabentonite proportions of
(10 %, 20 %, 30%, 40% and 50 %) with five different volumetric percentages of alkaline activators of (50 %, 60
%, 70, 80, and 90 %) by mean DOE using randomized block factorial design in Design Expert 13.
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University of Ilorin, Nigeria
The p-value is 0.05, showing the high significance of all the input parameters, and it was considered for the
construction of the RS model. The resulting regression model obtained an R-squared value of 84.54%, and the
coefficients of determination (R-squared) are very near 100%, indicating the best fit of the data to the model
The final model for 28 d compressive strength CP8M2.0 of all mixes comprising all the terms is presented in
Equation (7).
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
(CP8M2.0)1 = 22.84 + 0.6 A + 1.02 B + 2.56 AB – 5.82 A2 – 2.33 B2 – 1.58 A2B – 1.63 AB2 – 1.10 A2B2 -
2.11 A3B -2.84 AB3 + 4.19 A4
The properties of formulated model for 28 d compressive strength CP8M2.0 of the mix were presented in Table
2. The adequacy of the formulated models was validated by their degree of correlation (R2). A high degree of
correlation (R2) was observed for the model based on their values being close to unity (R2 > 0.84).
4.2 Analysis of Variance:
Diagnostic plots are vital to see if assumptions are met. Figure 3 shows the residual plot and regression diagram
exhibiting the fits and the experimental observation for the attribute, compressive strength. As observed, there are
no significant deviations from the normal probability line, and it can be fairly concluded that the assumptions of
normality are satisfied.
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University of Ilorin, Nigeria
Figure 3. Residual plots for 28 d compressive strength CP8M2.0 (Mpa) of BKGP concrete
The degree of influence on compressive strength and interactions among factors are described in Figure 4. The
shape of the 3D response surface and contour can reflect the degree of interaction. Figure 4 is steep and elliptical
as it represents significant interactions between the factors and this is similar to the result obtained by Petrus et al.
(2016) and Danek et al. (2015).
Figure 4. 3D-RS and contour plots showing the relation between Metabentonite, Alkaline dosage and strength
Figure 5 shows that the optimization of the 28-d compressive strength CP8M2.0 (Mpa) of BKGP concrete was at
an optimum value of 23N/mm2 and 96.8% desirability, and the percentage of metabentonite and alkaline dosage
was 31.7% and 74.8%, respectively. This complies with Huang (2020).
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
Figure 5: 2D-RS of Desirability and Optimum value of CP8M2.0 relations with factors (Metabentonite and
Alkaline dosage)
Based on the experiments and analyses performed, the following conclusions were drawn:
i. The incorporation of metabentonite in metakaolin-based geopolymer concrete (GPC) is a step to further
improve environmental sustainability. The formation of the matrix was due to the geopolymerization
reaction that occurred.
ii. The mechanical properties of BKGP concrete are directly proportional to the bentonite substitution. About
31% of metabentonite showed maximum compressive strength among all BKGP concrete mixes due to the
pozzolanic nature of the metabentonite/metakaolin-blend and alkali activation.
iii. The optimum preparation parameters are a metabentonite-metakaolin ratio of 31.7%, an alkali dosage of
74.8%, and a sodium silicate modulus of 2.5%. The maximum strength is predicted to be 23 MPa based on
the optimum preparation parameters.
iv. The metabentonite/metakaolin-based geopolymer concrete with 23.6 MPa was prepared, which exhibited a
relative error of 2.54%.
v. Metabentonite and metakaolin blended geopolymer BKGP concrete can be utilized as supplementary
precursor material in geopolymer concrete upon thorough investigation (physical and chemical properties).
vi. BKGP concrete can be recommended as a sustainable concrete technology to reduce GHGs and global
warming and can be utilized as a structural concrete material for residential construction and industrial
The authors would like to thank every person or department that helped throughout the research. The supervisory
team and the Civil Engineering Department, Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria Their careful reviews and
constructive suggestions are gratefully acknowledged.
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Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
G. A. Olarinoye
The performance of induction motor drives under variable speed conditions can be improved by computing the
optimum flux that guarantees minimum loss and therefore maximum efficiency in the motor. In this paper, a
method to optimize the flux and thereby minimize the losses in a three-phase induction motor under variable speed
conditions was developed. Mathematical models for the conventional rotor flux-oriented control scheme, total
power loss as a function of rotor flux and optimum flux as a function of operating speed and load torque were
analytically derived. A MATLAB/Simulink model of the proposed rotor flux optimization scheme was developed,
as well, to verify the analyses set forth for a typical three-phase Induction Motor. The results of the proposed
method were compared with those of the conventional rotor flux control method and direct torque control method
in terms of loss reduction and efficiency for the same induction motor. The proposed rotor flux optimization
scheme achieved significant improvements in efficiency and power loss compared to the conventional rotor flux
control scheme. It also achieved a 5.01% improvement in efficiency compared to the optimized DTC control
scheme at a speed of 250 rad/s for a load torque of 3Nm. At a lower speed of 150 rad/s, power loss was reduced
by 17.2% while efficiency increased by 5.7% for the same load torque under the proposed scheme as compared
to the optimized DTC scheme.
Rotor flux-oriented control strategy allows precise and rapid control of the electromagnetic torque and hence
speed in the three-phase induction machine. The torque control is accomplished by varying the stator current in
such a way as to produce the amount of torque and speed commanded while at the same time keeping the rotor
flux constant. The d-axis of the synchronously rotating q-d reference frame is aligned with the rotor flux. With
this alignment, the q-component of the rotor flux is set to zero thereby producing what is referred to as the rotor
flux-oriented control. The scheme uses the q and d-axis components of the stator current to control the rotor flux
and maintain its proper orientation in the q-d reference frame. The rotor flux can be regulated in the desired torque
and speed operating range to increase motor drive efficiency. By proper computation of the flux level in the motor,
it is possible to minimize the losses in the motor. The copper and core losses account for the largest amount of
losses in induction motor and therefore explains the interest to use them in the analysis proposed in this paper. To
increase the motor drive efficiency, the flux must be reduced and balance obtained between copper and core losses.
In this paper, Loss based model approach that determines the optimal flux for loss minimization is analysed and
implemented in MATLAB/Simulink.
Sruthi et al. (2017) formulated a loss minimization algorithm for energy saving and efficiency improvement in
induction motor drives. The input voltage and frequency were optimized to reduce total losses. Eseosa & Christian
(2018), Nam & Uddin (2006) and Laroui, et al. (2021) presented various approaches to optimization control
techniques to improve the efficient operation of induction motors. Aygun & Aktas (2018) implemented a direct
torque control (DTC) technique combined with an online loss minimization model-based controller (LMC) to
minimize the losses of an induction motor applied in an Electric Vehicle (EV). The objective of this paper is to
develop a rotor flux optimization control model for an existing three-phase induction motor and simulate its
performances in MATLAB/Simulink for loss minimization under variable speed conditions.
The dynamic model of the induction motor in d-q coordinates established in a rotor flux-oriented reference frame
is provided in equations (1) – (10) (Sharma, Parashar and Chandel, 2020; Olarinoye et al., 2022).
𝑉BA = 𝑅A 𝑖BA + 𝜔- λ<A + 𝑝𝜆BA (1)
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
2.2 Rotor flux-oriented control scheme for the three-phase induction motor
The rotor flux-oriented control is derived from the rotor dynamic equations of the three-phase induction machine
in the synchronously rotating reference frame represented by equations (3)-(4) and (7)-(8). The set of equations
that establish this control scheme is given as follows; (Olarinoye et al., 2022)
𝜆dB, = 0 (11)
𝜆d, = Å𝜆d4
B, + 𝜆d4
<, (12)
𝜆d, = 𝜆d<, . (13)
0 = 𝑅,d 𝑙B,
+ (𝑤- − 𝑤, )𝜆d, (14)
0 = 𝑅,d 𝑙<, + 𝜌𝜆d<, (15)
d d
𝜆d, = 𝐿. 𝑙<A + 𝐿, 𝑙<, (16)
0 = 𝐿. 𝑙BA + 𝐿, 𝑙B, (17)
Ð> <_o>
+ 𝜆d, = 𝐿. 𝑙<A (18)
𝜏, = Ñ> (19)
Ñ>o ZA 2=<
𝑤A = 𝑤- − 𝑤, = (20)
Zo> _o>
Ñ>o ZA 2=<
𝜃- = ∫ 𝜔- 𝑑𝑡 = ∫ >𝜔, + Zo> _o>
? 𝑑𝑡 (21)
𝑇-. = 𝜆d 𝑖 d
s Z> , BA
𝐿, and 𝐿. are the self and mutual inductances of the rotor circuit. The rotor flux magnitude 𝜆d, and its phase angle,
𝜃- are estimated from equations (18) and (21) respectively.
The loss model and therefore, the optimum flux expression are formulated from the equivalent circuit model of
the three-phase induction motor shown in Figure 1. The following voltage, flux linkage and current equations can
be obtained from Figure 1 as follows;
𝑉BA = 𝑟A 𝑖BA + kω- 𝜆<A + 𝑘𝑝𝜆BA (23)
𝑉<A = 𝑟A 𝑖<A − kω- 𝜆BA + 𝑘𝑝𝜆<A (24)
0 = 𝑟, ′𝑖B, + (𝜔- − 𝜔, )𝜆d<, + 𝑝𝜆dB, (25)
0 = 𝑟, ′𝑖<, − (𝜔- − 𝜔, )𝜆dB, + 𝑝𝜆d<, (26)
𝑖:B = 𝑖BA − 𝑖BA (27)
𝑖:< = 𝑖<A − 𝑖<A (28)
𝑖:B = (29)
𝑖:< = (30)
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
𝑘 = 1 + ,< (31)
, Ó Z
𝑖BA (1 + Š,< ) − ,Y < 𝑖BA
l p p
È d É= >< D rD
Ê Ó Y ZM ,< Ë È𝑖 É (33)
𝑖<A Ôl[ Õ [ Y sM s<
(1 + Š, ) <A
q>p >D , p p p
The power loss model was formulated considering that the total electrical power loss is the sum of the copper and
core losses in the motor. The expression of electrical power loss is obtained from the equivalent circuits as follows;
4 4 4 4
𝑃Z = 𝑅A h𝑖BA + 𝑖<A i + 𝑟,d h𝑖B,
+ 𝑖<, 4
i + 𝑟: (𝑖:B + 𝑖:< ) (34)
A power loss model was derived by substituting current equations (29) – (33) into equation (34). It is given as
u [Öu Üu ÎÎu 5Üt Üu ÖÖx 4× Ø(Üt ÖÎu [Üu ÎÖu )
PÖ = 4 ÈØDÖtD ÙuD + ÖDu − ÖD
+ kL4Û > Îx Ö R
? λ4Î − 2kλ4Î > ÖD
? + Ø Ît > + rÝ ω€ ?É
v w u w u u u Îx v x Öu
The optimum value of the rotor 𝜆,(/h;) flux for a given load torque and speed was obtained by differentiating
equation (35) with respect to the rotor flux magnitude and equating the derivative to zero.
× t ÖB
u R ÚÎx
λÎ(¥Þ~) = Å . ÅØÖD ßÜDÖD ÖD[4Ü B D D R D D D D (36)
Øv w u w u t Üu ÖÖu [Öw Îu à[ÚÖu Îx 5Îu Öu Îx Öw 54ØÎÎu Öu Öw
With equation (36), it is possible to minimize total electrical losses, PÖ in the motor. For controller design, the
stator voltages are expressed as a function of the d and q-axis currents and the rotor flux by applying equations
(5) - (8), (11) and (13) to equations (23) and (24). The following expressions were obtained;
d ZA
𝑉BA = 𝐾𝑟Ad 𝑖BA
d d
+ 𝐾𝐿𝑝𝑖BA + 𝐾𝜔- 𝐿𝑖<A +𝐾 𝜔, 𝜆d, (39)
d d ZA
𝑉<A = 𝐾𝑟Ad 𝑖<A + 𝐾𝐿𝑝𝑖<A − d
𝐾𝜔- 𝐿𝑖BA −𝐾 𝑅 𝜆d
ZD> , ,
𝐿 = 𝐿A >1 − Z AZ ? (41)
< >
𝑟Ad = 𝑟A + ZD>
d d
Equations (39) and (40) are first-order non-linear systems for which 𝑉BA and 𝑉<A are inputs and 𝑖BA and are 𝑖<A
outputs. The voltage commands needed to give the desired currents, 𝑖BA and 𝑖′<A , are obtained with a feedback-
based solution using current controllers. The formulation for the controller gains was performed using equations
(39) and (40). The proportional and integral gains, 𝑘hD and 𝑘DD for the stator current controller were derived as;
𝑘hD = 𝐾𝐿2𝜁𝜔E − 𝐾𝑟Ad (43)
𝑘DD = 𝐾𝐿𝜔E4 (44)
𝜁 is the damping ratio and 𝜔E is the natural frequency. The speed control and rotor flux control loops provide the
d and q-axis current commands respectively according to equations (18), (22) and (10). PI controllers were also
employed for the speed and flux control loops. The speed controller gains are obtained as;
𝑘há = 2 h 𝜔E (45)
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
𝑘Dá = h 𝜔E4 (46)
Similarly, the flux controller gains are obtained as;
Ð l
𝑘hF = Z > 2𝜔E − Z (47)
𝑘DF = Z 𝜔E4 (48)
The supply voltages in the synchronous reference frame are then calculated based on the following equations;
d- Z -
𝑉BA = 𝜎BA + 𝐾(𝜔- 𝐿𝑖<A + ZA 𝜔, 𝜆d , ) (49)
𝑉<A = 𝜎<A − 𝐾 > 𝜆d -, + 𝜔- 𝐿𝑖BA
? (50)
Figure 2 shows the block diagram of the drive scheme for the three-phase induction machine. The analysis set
forth was programmed for simulation and verification in MATLAB/Simulink.
The motor parameters utilized to verify the effectiveness of the proposed scheme are provided in Table 1.
Table 1: Induction Motor Parameters.
S/N Parameters S/N Parameters
1 Voltage 400V 7 𝑅, 1.52Ω
2 Frequency 50HZ 8 𝑟: 13400Ω
3 Synchronous speed 3000rpm 9 𝐿A = 𝐿, 0.2405H
4 No of poles 2 10 𝐿. 0.2323H
5 Power 3kW 11 J 0.0044kgm2
6 𝑅A 1.795Ω 12
The loss minimization program was set to trigger at 2.5s. With the reference speed and load torque set to 250 rad/s
and 3Nm respectively, the rated flux was computed as 1Wb. The rotor flux-oriented control scheme enables the
variation of motor speed. To this end, the motor speed was ramped down from 250 rad/s to 150 rad/s and
maintained between 4 and 5s of simulation time. Figures 3-5 show the performances of the motor under the
proposed scheme at variable speeds.
Speed (rad/s)
0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5 5
Time (s)
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
Figure 4 shows the plot of the rotor flux magnitude. It can be seen that the flux value is 1Wb until the proposed
scheme is activated and the flux reduces significantly to its optimal value of 0.6357Wb for the given load torque.
rotor flux (Wb)
Conventional rotor
flux control scheme Proposed scheme
0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5 5
Time (s)
The total power loss is plotted in Figure 5. It can be seen that the conventional rotor flux control scheme produces
a steady state power loss of 200W in the motor. The proposed scheme on the other hand, upon activation at a time
of 2.5 s, produces a power loss of 108.04W in the same motor. The power loss further reduces to 83.645W because
of the drop in speed. The total power loss therefore reduces by 22.6% and this implies that there is an opportunity
to save power when the motor is driven at a lower speed.
Total Power Loss (W)
Conventional rotor
flux control scheme
Proposed scheme
0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5 5
Time (s)
The efficiency of the motor is plotted in Figure 6. The motor efficiency rises from 78.9% for the conventional
scheme to 87.41% for the proposed scheme at 250 rad/s as shown. It can also be seen to decrease to a value of
84.8% after the motor speed is dropped to 150 rad/s because the power output drops with speed. A table of
comparison between these results and those obtained by Aygun and Aktas (2018) is provided in Table 2.
Proposed scheme
Efficiency (%)
Conventional rotor
flux control scheme
0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5 5
Time (s)
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
Table 2: Comparison of results of the proposed rotor flux-oriented control scheme with those of the
optimized DTC at variable speed
Table 2 shows the superior performance of the proposed method at variable speed when compared with the
performance of the optimized DTC method under the same operating conditions. At a lower speed of 150 rad/s,
power loss reduces by 17.2% while efficiency is higher by 5.7% for a load torque of 3Nm under the proposed
scheme as compared to the optimized DTC scheme developed in Aygun and Aktas (2018).
A rotor flux-oriented control model with optimization for a three-phase induction motor was analysed and
simulated. The results obtained showed significant improvements over the conventional rotor flux control drive
and the Direct torque control (DTC) drive of the same three-phase induction motor. A comparison of the
conventional and proposed rotor flux-oriented control drive shows that when the reference speed was set to
250rad/s at a load torque of 3Nm, the rotor flux reduced from a rated value of 1Wb to an optimal value of
0.6357Wb thereby leading to a significant reduction of the total power loss from 200W to 108.04W and a
consequential increase in efficiency from 78.9% to 87.41%. With the proposed drive scheme operating at variable
speed mode in which motor speed was ramped down from 250rad/s to 150rad/s at a load torque of 3Nm, power
loss is observed to further reduce significantly to 83.645W giving a reduction of 22.6%. A comparison between
the results obtained and those obtained by Aigun and Aktas (2018) shows that the proposed rotor flux optimization
control scheme is superior to the optimized Direct Torque Control (DTC) scheme for the same motor parameters.
At a speed of 150 rad/s, power loss was reduced by 17.2% while efficiency increased by 5.7% for the same load
torque under the proposed scheme as compared to the optimized DTC scheme.
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University of Ilorin, Nigeria
Aygun, H. and Aktas, M. (2018). A novel DTC method with efficiency improvement of IM for EV
applications. Engineering, Technology & Applied Science Research, 8(5), 3456-3462.
Eseosa, O. and Christian, A. (2018). Energy Efficiency Optimization of Three-Phase Induction Motor
Drives for Industrial Applications. Int. J. Eng. Appl. Sci, 5(8).
Laroui, M.; Nour, B.; Moungla, H.; Cherif, M. A.; Afifi, H. and Guizani, M. (2021). Edge and fog
computing for IoT: A survey on current research activities & future directions. Computer Communications, 180,
Nam, S. W. and Uddin, M. N. (2006). Model-based loss minimization control of an induction motor
drive. In IEEE International Symposium on Industrial Electronics. 3(1), pp. 2367-2372). IEEE.
Olarinoye, G. A.; Akorede, M.F and Akinropo, C. D (2022). Design and Simulation of a Three-Phase
Induction Motor Speed Control System. FUOYE Journal of Engineering and Technology. Federal University
Oye-Ekiti, Nigeria. 7(1), pp. 39 – 46.
Sharma, G.; Parashar, D. and Chandel, A. (2020). Analysis of Dynamic Model of Three Phase Induction
Motor with MATLAB/SIMULINK. International Conference on Advances in Computing, Communication &
Materials (ICACCM), Dehradun, India, pp. 51-58. IEEE.
Sruthi, M. P.; Nagamani, C. and Ilango, G. S. (2017). An improved algorithm for direct computation of
optimal voltage and frequency for induction motors. Engineering Science and Technology, an international
journal, 20(5), 1439-1449.
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University of Ilorin, Nigeria
Solar energy usage is rapidly increasing as people become more aware of the limited availability of nonrenewable
energy resources such as coal, wood, and gasoline. This review analyzes different solar panel cleaning systems,
examining their technical aspects and efficiency. It explores challenges related to panel cleanliness, including dust
accumulation, dirt deposition, and their effect on system performance. Thanks to technological advancements,
solar panels can now be used in domestic and industrial applications. Rural areas that do not yet have proper
electrical connections are now opting for solar panel installations and using solar panels on streetlights. This
article gives an insight into the causes of the inefficiencies of solar panels. The main inefficiency was the system's
inability to adapt to changes in the sun's position, for which solar tracking systems with solar panels were installed.
Another issue that has caused some concern is the accumulation of dust clouds on solar panels. The accumulation
of dust and dirt on these solar panels has been observed to reduce system efficiency by approximately 23-50%.
This article highlights the performance of existing cleaning devices with their cleaning techniques and gives
recommendations based on their design and efficiency improvement.
KEYWORDS: Cleaning Devices, Efficiency, Renewable Energy, Solar Energy, Solar Power
The current global energy crisis has resulted in a heightened focus on utilizing clean energy sources instead of
depending on fossil fuels. Solar power is among the potential renewable energy sources that show promise. Recent
investments in renewable energy have underscored the appeal of solar energy, considered a highly attractive
alternative, only behind wind power. Unfortunately, According to a study conducted by (Al-Otaibi et al., 2015),
various environmental elements have the potential to impact the energy production of solar panels. One such
factor is the accumulation of dust, which has been observed to substantially influence the overall efficiency of
photovoltaic modules (Kumar et al., 2015). Studies by Nahar & Gupta ( 1990) demonstrated that the buildup of
dust on unclean cell surfaces can cause performance to decline by as much as 20% each month. Additionally,
(Goossens & Van Kerschaever 1999) experiments revealed that high wind speeds encourage dust accumulation
on surfaces.
This research paper encompasses three main components, each addressing a distinct aspect of the technology
under review. The first part delves into the issue of dust and its effects on solar technology. The second part
focuses on the techniques employed for cleaning solar panels, and the third is the performance evaluation of
existing solar panel cleaning mechanisms. The literature reviewed for this study covers the papers published from
the 1990s to 2022. The methodology of this work revolves around a pair of key questions: (1) What consequences
arise from dust accumulation on photovoltaic (PV) panels? and (2) What strategies exist for alleviating and
cleansing dust buildup on PV panels?
"Dust" refers to any substance that becomes airborne, including dust and soil particles (suspended dust), fog,
smoke, and particulate matter. These substances come from organic and inorganic land sources, such as
sandstorms, volcanic emissions, forest fires, bacteria, pollen, factory emissions, and solid particles that persist in
the atmosphere for extended periods and can travel long distances with wind movement are also included. Dust
varies greatly in distribution, volume, concentration, and shape. Dust storms, being a natural phenomenon, extend
beyond national boundaries, and there is a noticeable rise in their severity and occurrence frequency due to
growing desertification and decreasing vegetation coverage, significantly negatively impacting human and
socioeconomic development at both national and regional levels. (Guo et al., 2015; A. A. Kazem et al., 2014)
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However, this dust buildup on solar panels, as shown in Figure 1, also termed "soiling," significantly affects the
efficiency of PV systems, particularly in areas with little to no rainfall for several months during a dry season, in
a study by El-Shobokshy & Hussein (1993). The effect of various particles commonly present in the atmosphere,
including limestone, cement, and carbon particles of varying sizes, is considered. Studies have shown that fine
carbon particulates with an average size of 5μm pose a substantial threat to the performance of PV panels. The
accumulation of these carbon particles on the panel's surface leads to considerable power output losses. These
particles primarily originate from combustion processes and are commonly found in carbon emissions.
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University of Ilorin, Nigeria
in locations with low rainfall, researchers have devised various techniques to clean up the solar panel to increase
their efficiency.
Assi & Hassan (2012) proposed a method to increase the efficiency of solar panels by removing dust and reducing
their temperature. The technique utilizes forced airflow from air conditioning systems to clean the panels. The
airflow from the air conditioning system's fans is directed toward the solar panels to remove dust. This method
has been implemented in the United Arab Emirates. It can also be used in other developed countries where air
conditioning is widely used and has an efficiency of about 73%.
Similarly, the self-cleaning solar system developed by Tanesab et al. (2016) utilizes forced airflow from air
conditioning systems to remove dust from solar panels. The system applies to all roofs and has proven effective
in maintaining solar panels' efficiency. This method can reduce the maintenance cost of solar panels and increase
their lifespan. However, this technique has not been proven to have high efficiency at cooling and cleaning
photovoltaic cells.
The way rainwater falls on a tilted PV panel can be used to clean the surface naturally. PV panels are typically
fixed at an angle to maximize exposure to sunlight. However, this cleaning method is imperfect because it does
not entirely remove all the dust from the surface. As a result, some dust particles remain on the surface due to
their interaction with atmospheric moisture. These particles can only be removed by heavy rain. However, this
method can be unreliable in areas with severe pollution and insufficient rainfall. A study by Kimber (2007) found
that after a light rain, a layer of clay is formed on the PV surface, causing a dramatic drop in electricity generation.
Wind can also naturally clean PV surfaces exposed to it, especially when the wind is moderate in speed and does
not produce dust. Although it is challenging to predict precipitation times and amounts, rainfall can increase the
efficiency of the PV surface by preventing or reducing pollutant accumulation.
In this method, a hose channel flows water to the PV surface, as shown in Figure 2, cleaning up the buildup of
dust particles. Many water pumps are required to achieve the required high pressure. Modern methods sometimes
mix compressed water with a special cleaning agent that aids efficient cleaning to enhance dust removal. Water
can also be used to cool PV panels, similar to cleaning the panels with rainwater. However, one significant
drawback of this method is water availability in areas where it is scarce (Deb & Brahmbhatt, 2018).
Furthermore, this situation leads to notable water depletion and the potential for chemical sedimentation along the
edges of the PV panels. Employing high-pressure water pumps entails consuming PV-generated power, thereby
reducing overall efficiency. Moreover, there exists a risk of water pipe obstruction or damage, along with the
possibility of thermal shock to the heated PV panels when water descends, given that it will almost inevitably be
cooler than the surface of the plates.
Fig. 2. Fully automated water cleaning system Source: (H. A. Kazem et al., 2020)
This method involves using soft-bristled brushes, similar to those used for cleaning building windows, to eliminate
accumulated dust from the PV panels, as shown in Figure 3. This method supplies washing water directly to the
brushes, making it more efficient than the natural method of cleaning PV with rainwater or compressed air.
However, there are some drawbacks to this method. Direct contact of the brush with the PV surface may result in
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
slurry, as the movement and pressure of the brushes cannot maintain equally across the entire surface.
Additionally, this method is more expensive than other cleaning methods, requiring skilled labour to be effective
(Deb & Brahmbhatt, 2018).
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University of Ilorin, Nigeria
This system utilizes a high-voltage electric field generated on a screen, effectively charging dust particles and
facilitating their removal by propelling them beyond the edge of the plate surface. (Deb & Brahmbhatt, 2018).
Even though the system is faster and more efficient, the system requires a high-voltage supply to power the system.
And also It is ineffective for cemented or wet dust particles and is easily affected by ultraviolet rays (Deb &
Brahmbhatt, 2018).
One effective cleaning method is standard high-frequency ultrasound, which operates at frequencies above human
hearing and can reach up to 20 kHz. This technique is particularly useful for removing various water contaminants,
such as polishing compounds, mould grease, dirt, and oil release agents. It can also clean materials such as metals,
glass, and ceramics (Vasiljev et al., 2013).
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University of Ilorin, Nigeria
7 Super-hydrophobic No moving parts. However, natural rain No need for water or human intervention.
aircraft (SHOP) or dew is useful. No need
8 Super water jet No moving parts are used majorly to Reduce the screening efficiency due to
(SHIP) break down dirt and dissolve it. coating
9 Self-cleaning It’s safe and reliable It has some noises
10 Electrostatic It has a high cleaning performance For large-scale commercial solar systems, it
cleaning system quickly while consuming little energy is not advisable to implement this method
(ECS) and power. due to the need for a high-voltage function,
which utilizes a powerful electric field.
11 Robotic cleaning Offers superior precision and accuracy They may not be suitable for cleaning large
system (RCS) cleaning without human intervention. commercial solar systems, and the sensors
used in RCSs may not be effective in all
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University of Ilorin, Nigeria
This article discusses various automated methods for cleaning solar panels that have been studied. Solar panels
experience a range of weather conditions throughout the year, which encompass factors like soil, dust buildup, air
pollution, and avian excrement. Researchers have examined several cleaning methods for solar panels, which have
positively impacted their performance. This paper indicates that the efficiency of Mechanical cleaning is
moderate, with the lowest efficiencies being associated with forced airflow of air and water cleaning. Furthermore,
the considerable disadvantages of RCSs include their expensive nature and the extensive duration required for the
cleaning process. Therefore, engineers and designers should be mindful of these shortcomings in dusty regions
when utilizing RCS, despite its typical robustness and suitability for large solar farms. If minimizing cleaning
time is crucial, ECS may be a viable alternative with minimal time wastage. However, it may not be suitable for
use in arid regions or where human intervention is restricted. Other cleaning mechanisms have demonstrated
satisfactory labor and water usage indicators.
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The behaviour of electromagnetic waves in a wireless channel is usually random and highly unpredictable. Its
efficiency depends on the physical constituents of the propagation environment obstructing the direct line-of-sight
(LOS) of radio signal transmission. Hence, transmitted radio signals often reach targeted receivers through
different propagation mechanisms in non-line-of-sight (NLOS) scenarios called multipath resulting in path loss.
Path loss is the signal intensity reduction that results from extensive fading throughout the transmission path. The
placement of base stations (BS) requires the use of accurate path loss models. This paper describes the
establishment of a basic mobile radio propagation model which at first presents communication services offered
by the cellular telephone system limited to voice, it has gradually expanded to services other than voice such as
data, image/video, human-to-human, human-to-machine and machine to machine communication making the
mobile technology indispensable of our daily lives. Then it makes extensive reviews of the old traditional models
(empirical models), and the new computational intelligence (CI) models and incidentally opens new research
issues and future research directions. This review paper will serve as a reference
material for researchers in the field of radio propagation and in particular for research in path loss prediction.
Since the birth of communications, mankind has always depended on the presence of a communications channel
(Faruk et al., 2018 & 2019), even before the invention of modern technologies and techniques that replaced more
traditional communication channels. The modern communication channel exists both in wired and wireless forms
and a plethora of applications and technologies can use both communication media effectively (Matthews et al,
2017). The Basic elements of communication are represented in Figure 1.1
Path Loss
Feeder LossLr
Transmitter Feeder Loss Lt
The wireless form of communication techniques has enjoyed wide acceptance due to its support for mobility
(Castaneda-Miranda, et al., 2020). Wireless devices and applications are used for different purposes in various
sectors including health, education, e-commerce, transportation, smart agriculture, disaster, social networks, and
many others. Wireless systems infrastructure has also been deployed to support broadcasting, public safety
communications, and cellular mobile telephony. In particular, the most widely deployed technology is the cellular
mobile communications networks. Broadband Internet provision is of particular interest in meeting the sustainable
development goals (SDGs) (Wu et al., 2018), particularly, in developing economies. (Aldossari et al., 2019).
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engineers to determine the correct values of parameters such as base station (BS) location, transmitter and receiver
antenna height, down tilt angle, transmitted power, and frequency (Adebowale et al., 2021).
The inability of the traditional models in getting detailed information about the propagating environment leads to
the adoption of heuristic models to predict path loss, including artificial neural networks (ANNs) and fuzzy
systems (FSs). These methods learn and adapt to any changes in the environment, thus providing a better
prediction when compared with the traditional models. Also, an addition to the heuristic models is the nature-
inspired computational methodologies, also known as computational intelligence (CI), such as the genetic
algorithm (GA), particle swarm optimization (PSO), and ant colony (AC), which provide a solution to the complex
propagation environments where the traditional models failed (Faruk et al., 2019). In particular, these CI methods
integrate neural networks, fuzzy logic, and other naturally inspired algorithms to optimize the path loss, thus
reducing the errors and improving the prediction accuracy.
1.2 Theoretical Background
The Frequency Band
Radio waves are classified into different frequencies in the electromagnetic spectrum. The path of the spectrum
that includes the radio spectrum extends from about 30kHz to 300GHz, although radio wave propagation is
possible down to a few kilohertz. By international agreement, the radio frequency spectrum is divided into
bands and each band is given a designation as represented in Table 1.1.
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The path loss between a pair of antennas is the ratio of the transmitted power to the received power, usually
expressed in decibels. It includes all of the possible elements of loss associated with interactions between the
propagating wave and any objects between transmit and the receive antennas.
The power appearing at the receiver input terminals PR can be expressed as
Gy ãy ãz
𝑃Ñ = (2.1)
Zy ZZz
Where the parameters are defined in Fig. 1, with all gains G and losses L expressed as power ratios and powers
expressed in watts. The antenna gains are expressed with references to an isotropic antenna, which radiates the
power delivered to it equally in all directions. The values used are those corresponding to the direction of the other
antenna and may necessarily be the maximum values. The effective isotropic radiated power (EIRP) is given by
S. Saunders and A. Aragon- Zavala, (2007).
G z Zz
𝐸𝐼𝑅𝑃 = ãz
Where 𝑃Nä is the effective isotropic transmit power similarly, the effective isotropic received power is 𝑃Ñä where
G z Zz
𝑃Ñä = ãz
The advantage of expressing the powers in terms of EIRP is that the path loss, L, can then be expressed
independently of system parameters by defining it as the ratio between the transmitted and the received EIRP, or
the loss that would be experienced in an idealized system where the feeder losses were zero and the antennas were
isotropic radiators( 𝐺N,Ñ = 1, 𝐿N,Ñ = 1) S. Saunders and A. Aragon- Zavala, (2007) and Rappaport, (2002).
Gy{ Gy ãy ãz
𝑃𝑎𝑡ℎ𝑙𝑜𝑠𝑠, 𝐿 = Gz{
= G z Zy Zz
The main goal of propagation modelling is to predict L as accurately as possible, allowing the range of a radio
system to be determined before installation. The maximum range of the system occurs when the received power
drops below a level which provides just acceptable communication quality. This level is often known as the
receiver s. The value of L for which this power level is received is the maximum acceptable path loss. It is usual
to express the path loss in decibels, so S. Saunders and A. Aragon- Zavala, (2007).
𝐿<æ = 10 log (2.5)
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topology and the Matlab Network Toolbox learning algorithm; specifically, they used the Levenberg–Marquardt
approach with 31 to 39 neurons in incremental steps of 2. The model performance was then compared with existing
techniques. Performance results show that the proposed model outperforms basic empirical models. The proposed
method demonstrated significant improvements, comparable to analytical models, and revealed faster
computation time due to the intrinsic parallelism of an ANN architecture. Neural network parameters were derived
(Popoola et al., 2019) for path loss prediction in VHF and UHF bands for wireless communications. Also, the
developed model was compared with known empirical models, and it was observed that the model shows a better
performance in prediction, accuracy, and generalization ability. Authors (Y. Zhang et al., 2019) reported the
principle, method, and data expansion methods of machine learning for path loss prediction for fifth-generation
(5G) mobile networks. Measured data were used to estimate the performance of different propagation models
such as the artificial neural network (ANN), support vector regression (SVR), and random forest (RF) alongside
the log-distance model. Also, methods on how data expands to generate considering the amount of training
samples for the system were presented. It was shown that the machine learning algorithms exhibit better
performance than the log distance propagation model. However, open research areas to be exploited were also
reported. In (Popoola et al., 2019) conducted a study on the characterization of path loss in the very high frequency
(VHF) band by exploiting the neural network modelling technique. The article reported how the propagation loss
through frequency band 30–300 MHz is characterized based on the ANN algorithm and its attributes such as the
activation functions and training algorithms based on the measured data at 203.25 MHz. The developed model
was compared with the widely used empirical models, and it was observed that the ANN-developed model
outperformed the empirical models based on the statistical analysis results which also recorded a correlation
coefficient (R) of 0.95. 3.3. Evolutionary Computing. Evolutionary computing has also experienced significant
attention from researchers within the path loss prediction area, where several works report the use of evolutionary
algorithms. Similarly, in (Cavalcanti et al., 2017) a genetic algorithm (GA) path loss models were developed for
the prediction of losses for LTE and LTE advance networks. The GA was used in tuning the Free Space and
Ericsson models. Findings from the work revealed a resemblance of the model’s predictions with the actual
measurement data. The swarm intelligence expression was introduced in the cellular robotic systems context by
Beni and Wang in 1989. Swarm intelligence has also been utilized in various areas in which it has gained attention,
including problem forecasting. Swarm intelligence is typically associated with three different algorithms. The
most widely used, as found in the literature, is particle swarm optimization.
In (He et al., 2016). It was reported that the adoption of particle flight path information, which is used by the
particle swarm optimization algorithm to train a radial basis function (RBF)-based neural network model to create
a self-adaptive PSO-RBF NN algorithm for path loss estimation. Furthermore, in (Olukunle et al., 2017), PSO
was used to optimize some empirical path loss models for urban outdoor path loss estimation at the 2300 MHz
frequency for LTE network systems. The measurement campaign was conducted in the urban areas of Port
Harcourt, Nigeria. The modified model was compared with Okumura-Hata, COST 231, Ericsson 999, ECC-33,
and Egli models for the specified environments. For the performance metrics, the RMSE and the MAE were used
to gauge the models’ efficacies. The results obtained were promising with RMSE and MAE values of 3.030 dB
and 0.00162 dB, respectively. Hence, the PSO-modified model could be used for the deployment of the long-term
evolution (LTE) wireless communication systems in the study locations.
Usman et al. (2015) examined the change in wireless mobile communication signal strength with weather and
environmental factors in Bauchi. The investigation caused signal intensity to vary in different areas, although
similar results were achieved at different times in the same location. Similarly, Ayekomilogbon et al. (2013)
discovered seasonal variability in the influence of trees on radio waves due to variations in the electrical constants
(conductivity and permittivity) of the trees in their research of signal degradation as a function of leaf density.
Similarly, Nwawelu et al. (2012) discovered that trees and buildings have a considerable impact on wireless
mobile network received power levels.
Ogbulezie et al. (2013) studied the applicability of two fundamental propagation models for GSM 900 and
1800MHz for the cities of Port Harcourt and Enugu, as well as Abuja, Kaduna, and Kano in Nigeria.
Measurements from cities were compared to estimates from the Okumura Hata and COST-231 Hata models, and
the classical models were shown to overestimate route loss in all cities. Similarly, due to the effect of terrain, the
research indicated that route loss is not consistent at diverse sites for a constant distance surrounding the
corresponding Base Transceiver Station (BTS) Benmus et al. (2016) used an ANN technique to construct an
empirical model for predicting propagation path loss at 900MHz, 1800MHz, and 2100MHz in Tripoli, Libya. The
results showed that the ANN path loss model agreed with the desired path loss with MSE values ranging from 3.7
to 6.7.
Recently, different ANN approaches were introduced to predict signal path loss in wireless communication
networks Ayadi et al., (2017) developed a new method for multi-band heterogeneous wireless network scenarios
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
using the ANN technique. In Eichie et al., (2017) Multilayer Perceptron (MLP) neural model was developed to
predict path losses when radio signals are transmitted at frequencies within Global System for Mobile
Communications (GSM) band. The developed neural network model predicts path loss based on three input
variables namely: distance, transmit power and terrain elevation.
Angeles et al. (2015) used a three-stage technique to construct an ANN model for the GSM spectrum. The model
included 33 neurons in the hidden layer, as well as a tansig (hyperbolic tangent sigmoid) transfer activation
Similarly, machine learning is a technique for enhancing system performance that is based on a flexible model
architecture and a large amount of relevant data. Machine learning has recently acquired popularity in a variety of
sectors, including autonomous driving, computer vision, and speech recognition. Previous research has looked
into the feasibility of several machine-learning techniques for path loss prediction (Popoola et al., 2018). Finally
the principle of ANFIS was introduced to path loss predictions to overcome the shortcomings of the empirical and
deterministic models (Popoola et al., 2019).
3. Review Methodology
This section describes the research processes used to review existing publications in the domain of mobile radio
propagation for path loss prediction. In addition, we described how the selected papers were chosen using a set of
inclusion and exclusion criteria.
4.1. Application of Deep Learning. Deep learning is the new generation of the ANN which is currently attracting
tremendous attention from the research community. However, surprisingly deep learning remains unexploited in
propagation path loss prediction notwithstanding it is effectiveness, efficiency, and robustness in solving real-
world problems. Empirical evidence from the literature has proven that deep learning architectures such as the
deep belief network, convolutional neural network, attentive deep neural network, stack auto encoder, generative
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
adversarial network, deep reinforcement learning, deep long short-term memory, and deep recurrent neural
network among many others can handle machine learning problems such as prediction, clustering, and
classification better than the shallow ANN currently in use for propagation path loss prediction especially when
the amount of the data size is large. As such, this survey suggests researchers explore these architectures of the
new generation ANN in the domain of propagation path loss.
4.2. Multi-terrain Model. Observations from the survey pointed out that propagation path loss prediction is mainly
conducted for a single terrain. Therefore, the model developed based on any CI algorithm for a particular terrain
is limited for the prediction of path loss within the terrain. The result obtained from such a model cannot be
generalized to other terrains. The multi-terrain propagation path loss prediction model remains an open issue. It
is suggested researchers apply deep learning architecture because of its ability to handle large-scale data to
investigate the possibility of propagation path loss prediction for multiple terrains.
5. Conclusion
This study presents a systematic literature review on mobile radio propagation path losses for different
environments and spanning different operating frequencies. The literature review covered different classes of
mobile propagation models as follows: fuzzy sets, artificial neural networks (ANNs), evolutionary algorithms,
swarm intelligence (SI), and artificial immune systems (AISs). The current status of the application of AI and CI
techniques for path loss prediction, research trends in the past few years, open research problems and future
research areas and expectations are outlined in the paper. It was also discovered that the efforts made by
researchers to propose a better model for the prediction of path loss in different terrains have at times led to the
testing and simultaneous application of two different CI techniques in a specific environment. The comprehensive
review presented in this paper can thus become a first point of reference for new researchers interested in radio
propagation and channel modelling. Also, expert researchers in channel modelling or radio propagation can use
this review to gain further insight when suggesting a novel approach for path loss prediction.
This research was conducted under the auspices of the Telecommunication Department of the Federal University
of Technology Minna, Nigeria. The authors would like to express their sincere appreciation to the Federal
University of Technology Minna for an up-to-date e-Library facility that enhanced the research for this study.
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Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
D. U. Onyishi1, A. A. Masud1*
Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Federal University of Petroleum, Effurun, Nigeria.
Email: abdulmujeebakajewole@gmail.com
In this paper, an Enhanced Mechanism for Downlink Multi-User Multiple Output Multiple Input (EMD-MU-
MIMO) was proposed to improve the resource usage of the resource blocks and mitigate interference in a 5G and
Beyond (B5G) network. The modified algorithm considered the mobility of users in the system to make the
proposed algorithm adaptable to practical environmental settings. Simulation results showed that the EMD-MU-
MIMO algorithm mitigated interference by 7.47% and 2.01% when compared with the conventional IEEE
802.11ax standard and the existing MD-MU-MIMO algorithm, respectively. Additionally, the EMD-MU-MIMO
algorithm showed a mean percentage reduction in unnecessary resource usage by 26.13% and 4.67% when
compared with the conventional IEEE 802.11ax standard and against the MD-MU-MIMO algorithm, respectively.
Future works would delineate the impact of the modified algorithm in mitigating outage probability and showing
the general improvement in the spectral efficiency of the system.
The mobility of users in a downlink MU-MIMO system can have a significant impact on the network, which
highly reduces the Quality of Service (Hassan et al., 2020; Adikpe et al., 2023). In this work, we restrict the
discussion to the impact of mobile users on resource usage and interference. When users move around in the
system, their channel conditions change, which affects the allocation of resource blocks (RBs) and the level of
interference in the system (Zhang & Jiang, 2021). As such, it is essential that mobile users are allocated the
appropriate number of RBs to maintain a certain quality of service while minimizing interference. If a user is
moving away from the Next Generation Node B (gNB), the signal quality may degrade, and the system needs to
allocate more RBs to maintain a certain level of quality. Similarly, if a user is moving towards the base station,
the signal quality may improve, and the system can allocate fewer RBs to maintain the same quality (Barri et al.,
Due to the randomness of users’ movement, the behaviour of users is unpredictable during a defined time gap. If
a user moves randomly during the time gap, the wireless channel between the moving user and the transmitting
BS or receiving User Equipment (UE) changes with the location of the moving user (Zhang & Jiang, 2021). As
such, the instantaneous wireless channel mismatches with the weight of beams derived from measured channel
information. Hence, the beams for each receiving node may interfere with each other. The unpredicted inter-beam
interference will degrade the performance of an MU-MIMO transmission and consequently increase the
probability of an outage in the system. In the work of Lee et al., (2018), the influence of inter-beam interference
on the outage probability performance was exploited, but the randomness of interference was not considered.
Hassan et al., (2020) proposed several techniques for joint transmit and receive beamforming in downlink multi-
user MIMO systems under Rayleigh fading channel. Nonetheless, the mobility of users was not considered.
Nalband et al., (2020) evaluated the achievable sum rate and highlighted the energy efficiency properties of
mmWave massive MIMO systems. The drawback of the work was that the effect of inter-beam interference was
not considered. This could reduce the reliability of the approach in improving the spectral efficiency of the system.
Arsal et al., (2021) identified that the computational complexity of expressions used to compute the outage
probability and coverage probability increased as the number of transmit antennas and scheduled users on the
same frequency response grew. A primary aspect of the work was focused on minimizing the computational
complexity in computing the coverage probability, however, the SIR values of users connected to the same cell
were not considered. These drawbacks are likely to reduce the approaches' performance in practical environments.
The work of Huh et al., (2021) utilized signal processing optimization to address digital federated learning and
over-the-air compression schemes under muMIMO uplink systems. However, the drawback of the approach was
that the computational complexity was high, which could affect the reliability of the communication link. In the
work Barri et al., (2021), the influence of interference and resource usage was considered, however, the mobility
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
of users was not taken into account. Kinol et al., (2022) proposed a novel low-complexity radix factorization-
based fast Fourier transform multi-beam former and maximal likelihood –multi-user detection (MLMUD)
techniques as signal detector and was customized with sub-detector systems which minimized complexity
reduction with intolerable error rate performance. The shortcoming of the approach was that the computational
complexity was high, which could affect the reliability of the communication link. For most of the literature, users
were assumed to be stationary and if the mobility of the users was considered, the approach adopted was
computationally complex.
Additionally, the mobility of users in an MU-MIMO system can also impact the channel estimation process. As
users move, the channel conditions between the user and the base station change, and the channel estimation needs
to be updated to ensure accurate signal transmission. The update rate of the channel estimation process needs to
be carefully designed to balance the trade-off between accuracy and overhead. Overall, the mobility of users in a
MU-MIMO system presents several challenges for resource usage and interference management. And proffering
a balance to mitigate interference and improve resource usage is worth discussing.
Motivated by the discussion above, this paper considers the non-consideration of mobility in the work of Barri et
al., (2021) and modifies the existing Mechanism for Downlink in a Multi-User MIMO (MD-MU-MIMO)
algorithm to not only consider stationary users but also the randomness of mobile users. Furthermore, the modified
algorithm is discovered to minimize unnecessary resources and mitigate interference in the system.
This paper modifies the existing MD-MU-MIMO algorithm in the work of Barri et al., (2021) to improve resource
usage and minimize interference in the MU-MIMO system. As such, this work develops a closed-form expression
of the outage probability for both mobile and stationary UEs on the downlink MU-MIMO system. As such, it
defines the events to identify mobile and stationary UEs at the start of the time frame, which would aid in
evaluating the expected outage probability for the weighted probability of UE events on the downlink MU-MIMO
as identified in the work of Masud et al., (2023).
𝑃; 5è 𝑃
𝑦Š = ¥ 𝐷Š 𝒉kŠ 𝒘Š 𝒔Š + Ö ¥ ; 𝐷Š5è ℎŠk 𝒘] 𝒔] + Ö Å𝑃; |ΩÐ |5è 𝑔Њ <Ð + 𝑛Š (1)
𝐾 ]é•,]êŠ 𝐾 Ðéë⁄Nq
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
G 5è
Å •H 𝐷Š 𝒉k
Š 𝒘Š 𝒔Š represents the desired signal
∑]é•,]êŠ Å H 𝐷Š5è ℎŠk 𝒘] 𝒔] denotes the inter-beam interference signal
∑Ðéë⁄Nq ”𝑃; |ΩÐ |5è 𝑔Њ <Ð depicts the co-channel interference signal
For the receiving UE, k, whether the inter-beam interference signal exists or not depends on whether the wireless
channels change with respect to the location of the BS during the time frame or not. The orthogonality of the
beams and the elimination of inter-beam interference are both possible in a scenario where the UEs remain
stationary during a discrete time. In contrast, the beam for a moving UE interferes with the other beams while the
beam for a stationary UE interferes with the beams for the moving UEs. To assess the effectiveness of a MU-
MIMO transmission, the behaviour of UEs is divided into categories based on the presence or absence of inter-
beam interference and the quantity of interference beams that have been received. This paper defines a number of
events to illustrate the behaviour of UEs in the following manner, which simplifies the calculations. When the
event ℋ4 with 0 < M < K occurs, the beam for a motionless UE has interfered with the beams for M moving UEs,
but the beam of a moving UE has interfered with the beams for K − 1 UEs. In light of the aforementioned, the
proposed measurement of the instantaneous received SINR for motionless and moving UEs is represented as an
event ℋ4A and ℋ4. , respectively. As such, this paper considers two cases. The first case considers an event in
which the UEs of an MU-MIMO system are both keep motionless during the time frame and is denoted as an
event ℋl . For case two, an event that the 𝑀(1 < 𝑀 ≤ 𝐾) UEs move during the time frame is denoted by the event
ℋ4 .
The outage probability of an MU-MIMO transmission is defined as the probability that instantaneous received
SINR does not exceed that required SINR threshold. The expected outage probability is the sum of the outage
probability weighted by the probability of defined events. Assuming the SINR threshold is 𝜉;},-A , hence, the
expected outage probability proposed in this research work is given as:
where ℘(ℋç ) represents the probability of the event ℋç and 𝜉Š,ℋ < depicts the instantaneous received SINR of the
receiving node k when the event ℋD occurs. The input parameters required to simulate and model the network
topology of the wireless cellular network consider the variables for the mobile and stationary UEs. Before
calculating each user's resource block, the work examines the mobility state of events for connected UEs. For the
two states, the resources are calculated for one where the interference's impact, that is, when 𝜙 = 0 is removed and
another where the interference is taken into account, that is 𝜙 = 1. The outage probability used to determine the
latter and former aforementioned is delineated in (3) and (4), respectively.
žH 5• .5l
𝑃ŠDEA (𝜉;},-A ) = 𝜘𝑄𝜔 á1 + Ö ã(𝑚 − 𝛿)å (3)
.ul 2uO
- E}~r
𝑃ŠDEA (𝜉;},-A ) = 1 − (l[4jÓ)€ (4)
Where β Path loss exponent, 𝑁; is the transmit antenna; m depicts the mobile receiving UEs, K is the receiving
UEs, 𝛿 = 2⁄𝛽, Q = µΓ(𝛿)Γ(1 − 𝛿), ρ = 1⁄KDØ and ω = 𝜉;},-A ⁄ρ. 𝑆Š = |𝒉k Š 𝒘Š |
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
stationary during a duration not less than 𝑇*+,-. . In the second scenario, ℋ/ considers the movement of the UE
during 𝑇*+,-. . The variables for these mobility events are considered in the input parameters that are needed to
simulate and model the network topology of the wireless cellular network. For UEs that are connected to the gNB,
the work checks the mobility state of events before computing each user's resource block. Concerning the two
states, the resources are computed for one in which the effects of interference are removed, that is, where 𝜙 = 0
and another in which the interference is considered, that is 𝜙 = 1. The purpose of this modification is to minimize
the processing time when considering the conditions to either include inter-beam interference or not. The proposed
EMD-MU-MIMO algorithm would lower the probability of an outage in the network.
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
The simulation parameters adopted for the EMD-MU-MIMO algorithm are as follows (Barri et al., 2021; Zhang
& Jiang, 2021): Transmit antenna, 𝑁; = 25; Receiving antenna, 𝑁, = 4; Receiver Noise Power, 𝑃,E =-32dBm;
Link rate, 𝐿, = 867𝑀𝑏𝑖𝑡𝑠/𝑠; Resource block frames UL, 𝑅𝐵\Z = 275; Resource block frames DL, 𝑅𝐵yZ = 275;
Users for each scenario, 𝑈D = 200, 250, 300; Path loss exponent, β=4; SINR threshold, 𝜉;},-A = −30𝑑𝐵; Average
time interval, 𝜃 = 1𝑠; Number of discrete rates, L = 4. These values are used to evaluate the performance of the
conventional IEEE 802.11ax approach, the mechanism for downlinking MU-MIMO, and the modified Efficient
Mechanism for downlinking MU-MIMO (EMD-MU-MIMO) adopted in this work.
3.1 Interference
Figure 1 shows the result of the performance of the conventional IEEE 802.11ax standard, the MD-MU-MIMO
algorithm, and the EMD-MU-MIMO algorithm in mitigating interference in an MU-MIMO system. In this paper,
the interference is considered for three use case scenarios for each user. As in the work of Barri et al., (2021) the
three scenarios were designed to run at a total of fifty times. In these iterations, the mobility of the user was only
considered for the EMD-MU-MIMO algorithm and the distribution of the users was considered to be random to
make the scenario more realistic. This was compared against the interference observed from the conventional
IEEE 802.11ax standard and the MD-MU-MIMO algorithm that considered the distribution of the UE to be
uniform in the later and randomly distributed in the former. However, the mobility of the UE was not considered
as in the work of Barri et al., (2021). On this premise, it was observed that the MD-MU-MIMO algorithm and the
EMD-MU-MIMO had a mean percentage reduction of 5.56% and 7.47%, respectively, in the interference
observed in the MU-MIMO system when compared with the conventional IEEE 802.11ax standard. Additionally,
the average percentage improvement of the proposed EMD-MU-MIMO had a 2.01% improvement against the
MD-MU-MIMO algorithm in the interference observed in the MU-MIMO system. In the subsequent report, this
percentage improvement of the proposed EMD-MU-MIMO algorithm is expected to further increase when the
mobility of the UE is also considered in the conventional IEEE 802.11ax standard and the MD-MU-MIMO
Figure 1: Interference for Three Use Case Scenarios for Each User
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University of Ilorin, Nigeria
total of fifty times, similar to the research by Barri et al., (2021). The EMD-MU-MIMO algorithm was the only
part of these iterations that took user mobility into account, and to make the scenario more plausible, the
distribution of users was assumed to be random. This was compared to the observed resource utilization from the
standard IEEE 802.11ax standard and the MD-MU-MIMO method, which assumed the distribution of the user
equipment (UE) to be uniform in the latter and randomly distributed in the former. However, the mobility of the
UE was not considered as in the work of Barri et al., (2021). On this premise, it was observed that the MD-MU-
MIMO algorithm and the EMD-MU-MIMO had a mean percentage reduction of 29.36% and 26.13%,
respectively, in the resource usage observed in the MU-MIMO system when compared with the conventional
IEEE 802.11ax standard. In comparison, the average percentage improvement in the resource usage observed of
the proposed EMD-MU-MIMO against the MD-MU-MIMO had a 4.67% improvement over the MD-MU-MIMO
Figure 2: Resource Usage for Three Use Case Scenarios for Each User
This paper considers the mobility of users to modify an existing MD-MU-MIMO algorithm. As such, the modified
algorithm termed EMD-MU-MIMO considers the mobile state of users in addition to the stationary state of users
in the algorithm to minimize resources and mitigate interference in the MU-MIMO system. The developed
algorithm was compared against the existing MD-MU-MIMO algorithm and the conventional IEEE 802.11ax
algorithm. Results showed that the EMD-MU-MIMO algorithm mitigated interference by 7.47% and 2.01% when
compared with the conventional IEEE 802.11ax standard and the MD-MU-MIMO algorithm, respectively.
Additionally, the EMD-MU-MIMO algorithm showed a mean percentage reduction of 26.13% and 4.67% in
resource usage when compared with the conventional IEEE 802.11ax standard and against the MD-MU-MIMO
algorithm, respectively. Since mobility is a crucial part of this work, future works would also consider the mobility
of the UE in the IEEE 802.11ax standard and the MD-MU-MIMO algorithm. This would aid in delineating the
impact of the proposed EMD-MU-MIMO algorithm against the aforementioned algorithms in a more realistic
scenario. Additionally, comparisons of the EMD-MU-MIMO algorithm against the conventional IEEE 802.11ax
standard and the MD-MU-MIMO algorithm would be carried out with outage probability and spectral efficiency
as performance metrics.
Adikpe, A. O. Tekanyi, A. M. S. & Yaro, A. S. (2023). Mitigating the Signaling Resources Expended in 5G
Location Management Procedures at Millimeter-Wave Frequencies. Advances in Electrical and Electronic
Engineering, 20(4), 572-583.
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
Arsal, A., Civanlar, M. R., & Uysal, M. (2021). Coverage Analysis of Downlink MU-MIMO Cellular
Networks. IEEE Communications Letters, 25(9), 2859-2863.
Barri, E., Bouras, C., Kokkinos, V., & Koukouvela, A. (2021). A Mechanism for Improving the Spectral
Efficiency in mu-MIMO for 5G and Beyond Networks. In Proceedings of the 19th ACM International
Symposium on Mobility Management and Wireless Access (pp. 11-16).
Hassan, A. K., Moinuddin, M., Al-Saggaf, U. M., Aldayel, O., Davidson, T. N., & Al-Naffouri, T. Y. (2020a).
Performance Analysis and Joint Statistical Beamformer Design for Multi-User MIMO Systems. IEEE
Communications Letters, 24(10), 2152-2156.
Hassan, A. K., Moinuddin, M., Al-Saggaf, U. M., Aldayel, O., Davidson, T. N., & Al-Naffouri, T. Y. (2020a).
Performance Analysis and Joint Statistical Beamformer Design for Multi-User MIMO Systems. IEEE
Communications Letters, 24(10), 2152-2156.
Kinol, A. M. J., Nisha, A. S. A., Marshiana, D., & Krishnamoorthy, N. R. (2022). Hybrid Multi Beamforming
and Multi-User Detection Technique for MU MIMO System. Wireless Personal Communications, 124(4),
Lee, S., Kim, S., Park, Y., Choi, S., & Hong, D. (2018). Effect of unpredictable interference on MU-MIMO
systems in HetNet. IEEE Access, 6, 28870-28876.
Masud et al., (2023, April). Mitigating Interference and Improving the SINR in a Discrete Time Frame of a
Downlink MU-MIMO Transmission in 5G and Beyond Wireless Networks. Paper presented at the 2023
IEEE International Conference of Science, Engineering and Business for Driving Sustainable
Development Goals, Omu-Aran, Kwara State.
Nalband, A. H., Sarvagya, M., & Ahmed, M. R. (2020). Optimal hybrid precoding for millimeter wave massive
MIMO systems. Procedia Computer Science, 171, 810-819.
Zhang, W., & Jiang, S. (2021). Effect of Node Mobility on MU-MIMO Transmissions in Mobile Ad Hoc
Networks. Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing, 2021.
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
Aneke Chikezie Samuel1*, Philip Michael Asuquo2, Simeon Ozuomba3, Okechukwu Collins Eze4,
Chetachukwu P Ogbu5
Department of Computer Engineering, University of Uyo, Akwa Ibom State, Nigeria
Washington University in St Louis, Missouri, USA
Verizon Business Group, Richardson, Texas, USA
*Email: anekechikezies@uniuyo.edu.ng
Descriptive Analysis of National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) weather data using a machine
learning algorithm is presented in this paper. NASA has provided a range of weather data capable of aiding in the
prediction of various weather conditions. The paper looked at the prediction analysis of NASA weather data using
70128 entries from 2010 to 2017. Nine weather data were introduced and later scaled down to three namely
Relative humidity, Temperature and Pressure. For temperature, the correlation coefficient between T2M and Next
T2M, T2MWET and Next T2M, and RH2M and Next T2M is 0.96, 0.82 and -0.72 respectively. For Relative
Humidity, the correlation coefficient between R2M and Next RH2M, Next RH2M and T2M is 0.96 and -0,7
respectively. For Pressure, the correlation coefficient between R2M and Next RH2M, Next RH2M and T2M is
0.96 and -0.7 respectively. This paper presented some machine learning algorithms to analyze NASA weather
data in determining which algorithm is better suited for weather forecasting or prediction. Ridge Regression, Lasso
Regression, Decision Tree Regression, and XGboost algorithm were used to validate their performances. The
result showed that the XGboost algorithm performed better than the other algorithms with a root mean square
error value (RMSE) of 0.26901and coefficient determination (R2) value of 0.93385
The study of weather is as old as creation itself, and it has always had a significant influence on people's
environments and behaviour. The effects of disasters caused by weather and climate change can be lowered with
prior knowledge of these factors. In this age of global warming, getting the most recent weather information and
taking the necessary measures in light of recent environmental catastrophes brought on by climate change have
become top priorities. The model that can forecast various weather data for any place on Earth, including those
without weather stations, weather satellite coverage, or other weather measuring equipment, has been created. A
lot of devices have been developed to aid in weather acquisition [1], [2].
Researchers have improved the accuracy of forecasts for a variety of important meteorological occurrences using
machine-learning techniques. [3], [4], [5], [6]. By combining (i.e., ensemble) the results of different machine
learning techniques in various domains, some researchers have recently tried to increase the performance of their
predicting methods. [8], [9], [10].
The need for accurate meteorological forecasts is on the rise because some sectors need accurate weather
prediction like the agriculture sector, maritime sector and the aviation sector. Correct weather prediction is
very important in forecasting dangerous weather conditions to put up preventive measures. With regard to
the measurement of atmospheric weather parameters, this research evaluates the forecasting accuracy of NASA
data and also looked at the prediction analysis of NASA weather data.
To give clear guidance for predictive and prescriptive analyses, NASA weather data were examined through
exploratory analysis and four machine learning algorithms were used for the analysis
Although errors are frequently unavoidable, data cleaning might help to reduce them. An erroneous study
conclusion might occur if these flaws are not corrected. Errors and inconsistencies are examples of dirty data.
These data may result from any step in the study process, such as a defective research design, use of the wrong
measurement tools, or incorrect data entry. While filthy data are faulty in one or more ways, clean data meet some
criteria for high quality.
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
The NASA dataset was obtained in.csv format for analysis. The dataset is made up of nine (9) features which are
Temperature, Dew Temperature, Wet Temperature, Specific Humidity, Relative Humidity, Precipitation, Surface
Pressure, Wind Speed, and Wind direction. The dataset obtained from NASA does not require much pre-
processing. The Year, Month, and Day columns were combined into a single column called Date.
Figure 1: Preview of the first five and last five of the NASA dataset
The table below shows the weather parameters used for the research, their description, and the international system
of units.
Table1: Dataset Features Used for the Research
This part looks at the data visualization using the available dataset. Python libraries like Pandas, Matplotlib, Plotly,
Seaborn, and NumPy were used for this analysis. Visualization is used to show the time series plots of the weather
parameters for the NASA dataset.
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
Intelligent algorithms are used in predictive analysis to produce predictions based on patterns, trends, and
correlations in historical data. Because predictive analytics is probabilistic, it cannot predict what will happen in
the future but rather predictions of what might be.
A target variable Next T2M is created by shifting the value of the T2M variable by one step backwards
The Seaborn library is used to show the Pearson Correlation heatmap of the features of the dataset. Pearson
Correlation is given as:
n = total number of observations,
x = first variable
y = second variable
r = Pearson correlation value.
Figure 3: (a) Pearson Correlation Heatmap of Features in the Dataset (b) Scatter Plots of the Next T2M against
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
Exploratory Data analysis shows that T2M and T2MWET are highly positively correlated with the Next T2M
variable. Also, RH2M is highly negatively correlated with the Next T2M variable. The Pearson correlation
coefficient between T2M and Next T2M is 0.96. The Pearson correlation coefficient between T2MWET and Next
T2M is 0.82. The Pearson correlation coefficient between RH2M and Next T2M is -0.72.
A target variable Next RH2M is created by shifting the value of the RH2M variable by one step backwards.
Figure 4: (a) Pearson Correlation Heatmap of Features in the Dataset (b)Scatter Plots of the Next RH2M against
Exploratory Data analysis shows that RH2M is highly positively correlated with the Next RH2M variable. Also,
T2M is highly negatively correlated with the Next RH2M variable.
The Pearson correlation coefficient between R2M and Next RH2M is 0.96. The Pearson correlation coefficient
between Next RH2M and T2M is -0.7.
The Scatter plot below was used for visualization to see which features correlate with the future temperature value.
Before splitting the dataset, standardization is applied to it. This is to ensure all the variables are of the same
The dataset is split in the ratio of 75:25. The dataset is not shuffled because we are dealing with time-series data.
We use 75% of the data for training, while we use 25% of the data for testing.
Figure 5: Line Plot of the T2M, T2MWET & RH2M features after applying standardization in the training dataset
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
Figure 6: Line Plot of the T2M, T2MDEW, QV2M & RH2M features after applying standardization in the training
To model the training set for the prediction of future temperature, the following algorithms were used for the
training; Ridge Regression, Lasso Regression, Decision Tree Regression, and XGBoostRegressor. This was also
done for Relative Humidity and pressure.
Figure 7: Line plot of actual result vs predicted result of the XGBoost regression model.
The table below shows the R Squared score and the Root Mean Squared Error on the test set of each algorithm.
Table 2: R Squared score and the Root Mean Squared Error of each Algorithm
Model R Squared RMSE
For temperature, the correlation coefficient between T2M and Next T2M, T2MWET and Next T2M, RH2M, and
Next T2M is 0.96, 0.82, and -0.72 respectively. The analysis shows that T2M and T2MWET are highly positively
correlated with the Next T2M variable. Also, RH2M is highly negatively correlated with the Next T2M variable.
For Relative Humidity, the correlation coefficient between R2M and Next RH2M, Next RH2M, and T2M is 0.96
and -0.7 respectively. The analysis shows that RH2M is highly positively correlated with the Next RH2M variable.
Also, T2M is highly negatively correlated with the Next RH2M variable.
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
For Surface pressure, the correlation coefficient between R2M and Next RH2M, Next RH2M, and T2M is 0.96
and -0.7 respectively. The analysis shows that RH2M is highly positively correlated with the Next RH2M variable.
Also, T2M is highly negatively correlated with the Next RH2M variable.
The Scatter plot was used for visualization to see which features correlate with the future temperature value. From
the exploratory data analysis, the three features used to predict the next hourly temperature are T2M, T2MWET,
and RH2M.
The dataset was split and, standardization was applied to it. This is to ensure all the variables are of the same
variance. The dataset is split in the ratio of 75:25. The dataset is not shuffled because we are dealing with time-
series data. We use 75% of the data for training, while we use 25% of the data for testing. This was done for
temperature, Relative humidity, and pressure.
Most previous studies that used machine learning approaches only applied single machine learning methods [5],
[6]. In contrast, in this study, descriptive and predictive analysis of the NASA dataset was performed using four
prediction models (i.e. Ridge Regression, Lasso Regression, Decision Tree Regression, and XGBoost regression)
for performance analysis of NASA data. It reported a root mean square error (RMSE) value of between 0.27913
and 0.28455, 0.27908 and 0.28491, 0.28226 and 0.28609, 0.27938 and 0.26901 for Ridge Regression, Lasso
Regression, Decision Tree Regression, and XGBoost regression respectively. The correlation analysis reported a
coefficient of determination (R2) value of between 0.92321 and 0.92599, 0.92325 and 0.92580, 0.92149 and
0.92519, 0.92308 and 0.93385 for Ridge Regression, Lasso Regression, Decision Tree Regression, and XGBoost
regression respectively.
XGBoost regression performed better than other algorithms with a root mean square error (RMSE) value of
0.26901 and a coefficient of determination (R2) value of 0.93385. For further improvements, a more predictive
algorithm can be used to check for performance.
I want to sincerely acknowledge the contributions of my co-authors in making this research a success. I want to
thank the National Aeronautics and Space Administration for the dataset used in this research.
[1] Aneke C.S, Asuquo P.M, and Ozuomba S. (2023)” Design and Implementation of a Microcontroller-based
Weather Acquisition Device, “Journal of Engineering Research and Reports, Vol. 24, no. 6, Page 35-46, DOI:
[2] K. E. Ukhurebor, I. C. Abiodun, S. O. Azi, I. Otete and L. E. Obogai (2017) “A Cost Effective Weather
Monitoring Device” Archives of Current Research International, Vol 7 no.4: page 1-9, DOI:
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
[3] Dongjin Cho, CheolheeYoo, JunghoIm, Dong-Hyun Cha. “Comparative Assessment of Various Machine
Learning-Based Bias Correction Methods for Numerical Weather Prediction Model Forecasts of Extreme Air
Temperatures in Urban Areas “ Earth and Space Science
Vol 7, no. 4:2020 https://doi.org/10.1029/2019EA000740
[4] Kim, M., Im, J., Park, H., Park, S., Lee, M.‐I., &Ahn, M.‐H. (2017). “Detection of tropical overshooting cloud
tops using himawari‐8 imagery” Remote Sensing, Vol 9 no.7, Page 685.
[5] Lee, S., Han, H., Im, J., Jang, E., & Lee, M.‐I. (2017). Detection of deterministic and probabilistic convection
initiation using Himawari‐8 advanced Himawari imager data. Atmospheric Measurement Techniques, 10 (5),
[6] Sim, S., Im, J., Park, S., Park, H., Ahn, M., & Chan, P. W. (2018). Icing detection over East Asia from
geostationary satellite data using machine learning approaches. Remote Sensing,10 (4), 631
[7] Yoo, C., Im, J., Park, S., &Quackenbush, L. J. (2018). Estimation of daily maximum and minimum air
temperatures in urban landscapes using MODIS time series satellite data. ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and
Remote Sensing, 137, 149–162.
[8] Chou, J.‐S, & Pham, A.‐D. (2013). Enhanced artificial intelligence for ensemble approach to predicting high-
performance concrete compressive strength. Construction and Building Materials, 49, 554–563.
[9] Healey, S. P., Cohen, W. B., Yang, Z., Kenneth Brewer, C., Brooks, E. B., Gorelick, N., et al. (2018). Mapping
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[10] Ren, Y., Zhang, L., &Suganthan, P. N. (2016). Ensemble classification and regression‐recent developments,
applications, and future directions. IEEE Computational Intelligence Magazine,11 (1), 41–53
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
Cognitive radio is proposed in the literature to address the ironical problem of spectrum scarcity owing to
inefficient utilisation. This idea has recently gained popularity because it provides wireless users with the ability
to detect and efficiently adapt operating parameters based on interactions with the surrounding radio environment.
In the evaluation of cognitive radio networks simulators are used. The simulators differ in terms of platforms and
technicalities. Thus making selection process difficult. In this review, attention is paid to cognitive radio network
simulators such as Network Simulator 2 and 3 (NS-2) and (NS-3), Java Simulator (J-Sim), Operations Network
(OPNET) and MATLAB. In the selection of literature covered in this review, attention was paid to publications
not later than 2017 from reputable databases. This review of cognitive radio network simulators will provide
useful insights to new researchers in this field. Furthermore, a case study is reported on the application of the
Monte Carlo simulation method to the cognitive radio network.
KEYWORDS: Cognitive radio, network simulators, random numbers, Monte Carlo simulation
Cognitive radio is advocated in the literature to address the ironical problem of spectrum scarcity owing to
inefficient utilisation. This idea has recently gained popularity because it provides wireless users with the ability
to detect and efficiently adapt operating parameters based on interactions with the surrounding radio environment.
In the last few years since the introduction of the concept by Mitola, there have been numerous significant
advances in cognitive radios (Hu et al., 2018; Arjoune & Kaabouch, 2019). The structure of a typical CRN and
the cognitive cycle are shown in Figures 1 and 2. The cognitive cycle is at the core of CRN operation.
However, selecting a powerful and user-friendly simulator is still a challenge for many researchers due to the
following reasons: 1) simulators are maintained by either commercial companies or open source communities;
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
historical technical development and current technique support (CRN patches, libraries, etc.) situations differ
greatly among different simulators; and 2) CRN is a complex system, and some researches are typically
undesirable to cover all functionalities; some simulators are not user-friendly while others are (Assegie & Nair,
2019; Dong et al., 2018; Kafetzis et al., 2022).
In contrast to conventional wireless networks, CRN is set up using a novel media access strategy. Via spectrum
sensing, analysis, and cooperative decision-making, the transceiver uses dynamic spectrum access (DSA) to
operate. The transceiver performs routing activities, QoS monitoring, and application management, as well as
low-level coordination and configurations, in high-level functionality. When creating CRN simulators, each of
these must be taken into account. Moreover, effective simulators should be able to replicate a flexible but
controllable radio environment, be simple to install and setup, and be extendable with adaptive modular
architectures (Agrawal et al., 2022; Aloqaily et al., 2020; Dong et al., 2018). There are also CRN simulators that
are cloud-based. Examples of these are discussed in (Aron & Abraham, 2017; Campanile et al., 2020; Kafetzis et
al., 2022).
The simulation platforms are described, coupled with studies deploying such a platform within the limitation of
prescribed page numbers. Emphasis was placed on articles not later than 2017.
Figure 3: NS-2 Architecture Figure 4: Cognitive Heterogeneous Figure 5: Structure of the CR node object in
(Patel et al., 2018) network CogNS with accessories
Cognitive radio features can be incorporated into the NS-2. Examples of this include the CRCN, CRAHN and the
CoGNS. All are at various stages of development (Darabkh et al., 2020). Research work on cognitive radio
simulation based on NS-2 includes cognitive radio sensor network (Bukhari et al., 2018), channel
selection/assignment, routing technique for multichannel cognitive radio networks, the effect of SU on the higher
layers of the protocol stack and so on.
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
profitability, improve throughput and reduce framework delay for the cognitive heterogeneous network. A typical
cognitive network operator-based 5G heterogeneous network is shown in Figure 4. The Stackelberg gaming
hypothesis was used to realize high throughput and decreased delay, resulting in an improvement of the spectrum
and energy efficiency.
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
tracing, output tracing and synthesizing. It is convenient for users to look for the output results of the system or
even each module.
On top of OMNeT++, MiXiM (Mixed Simulator) has been developed as a simulation framework for wireless and
mobile networks. It provides wireless MAC protocols, as well as detailed models of radio wave propagation,
interface estimation and radio transceiver power consumption. In the MAC layer, IEEE 802.11 and IEEE 802.15.4
protocols have been developed. Due to the component-based structure, it is relatively less time-consuming to
implement a new CRN protocol via OMNeT++. To study cognitive radio, some reported efforts have built up
proper framework and simulation models using OMNeT++, which shed light on developing CRNs efficiently
(Dong et al., 2018). In smart home cognitive wireless sensor networks, a distributed cooperative spectrum resource
allocation was simulated in OMNeT++ by Aroua et al. (2017).
Figure 6: The block diagram of Figure 7: The node structure of Figure 8: Data Center Simulation
CRENS3 extension in NS-3.17 CR Simulator in OMNeT++ Architecture (redrawn from Byrne et al.,
(redrawn by Dong et al., 2018) (redrawn from Dong et al., 2017)
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
experimental tools with powerful mathematical toolboxes and packages, MATLAB (Matrix Laboratory) is the
pioneer of cognitive radio simulation because of its popularity in numerical computing and ease of use. Energy
detection is the most fundamental technique in spectrum sensing in CRNs. To justify the feasibility and viability
of energy detection, the PU signal is first generated with added noise in the radio environment. With a proper
radio propagation model, the received signal can be simulated on the SU side and the energy detection technique
is easily adopted by measuring the received signal level (Dong et al., 2018).
MATLAB is more than a signal processor; it is a comprehensive experiment tool that can be widely used in CRN
studies. With a plethora of toolboxes, especially supported by Simulink, MATLAB can specify design details of
network components as well as topology, which makes it ideal for operation on signal processing and spectrum
management. Usually, Simulink is cooperatively used to drive CRN hardware platforms for experimental analysis.
In the MATLAB/Simulink environment, software was created by Shuaibu-Sadiq and Anyasi (2020) to reuse a
range of vacant frequencies using multiple model elements working together to produce spectrum sensing. A
register transfer level - software-defined radio was used to interface the built Simulink model, which evaluates
the estimated noise power of the received signal over a particular time and bandwidth. The threshold estimation
produces a binary digit that can be used for decision and prediction. However, due to the lack of pre-defined
network architecture, Matlab/Simulink is not convenient for higher-level network simulation or comprehensive
construction studies (Dong et al., 2018).
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
5. Determine the average spectrum duty cycle for each link using 𝜇 ] = 𝑁F 5l ∑Du]ul
𝐼ð h𝑡D , 𝑓] i
6. Obtain the spatio-temporal variations of duty cycles using 𝜇 (D,]) (𝑡) = 𝑁F 5l ∑Du]ul
𝐼ð h𝑡D , 𝑓] i(𝑡)
7. From 6. above obtain CVDs according to CVDi=ts(1−μj)
8. Use the outputs from 7. as targets for the neural network with the data of 3. as inputs
9. Develop an ANN-LSTM algorithm to obtain predicted CVDs, pCVD
10. Is pCVD≥kCVD, a defined threshold? If yes, proceed to the next step. If otherwise, proceed to step 13. for a
test of the existence of spatial opportunity using carrier-interference-ratio (CIR)
11. Compute the communicable area for the primary and secondary systems
12. Randomly generate the Locations of PR, ST and SR within the service area.
13. For an SU transmission, compute CIRPR and CIRSR then check if CIRPR > ƛ2 and CIRSR > ƛ1.
14. Check if the allowable number of trials has been reached, if no repeat steps 11 - 13 and if yes proceed to
step 15.
15. Compute the probabilities where CIRPR > ƛ2 and CIRSR > ƛ1 are satisfied.
The PUIP is the ratio of the slots in which SU also uses the channel whereas a PU is transmitting. This is due to a
false alarm. The PUIP is given as eqn. (2).
;/;12 Ez.H-, /F :/22DAD/E A2/;A
𝑃𝑈𝐼𝑃 = ;/;12 Ez.H-, /F G\ 1:;D0D;ò A2/;A (2)
The Simulation parameters for the hybrid spectrum opportunities extraction scheme may be seen in (Ehiagwina
et al., 2022).
5.2. Result of the Case Study
The simulation revealed that over 96% of collisions were calculated from SU to SU interactions (Figure 11),
demonstrating the necessity of a spectrum choice manager to coordinate SU spectrum assignment. As shown in
the Figure, the percentage of PU to SU collision is quite low, with a maximum of 3. 456%.
The plot of users' collisions is shown in Figure 12. The results showed that SU-SU conflicts contribute to about
97% of the collisions, hence the development of the spectrum extraction decision algorithm to minimise these
Figure 11: PU-SU vs SU-SU collisions Figure 12: Collision rate Figure 13: Spectrum utilization for
with an increasing the increasing number of SUs
number of SUs
About 4.5-fold reduction in collision rate was noticed when spatial and temporal-based spectrum selection scheme
was used as against the random selection scheme. The estimated increase in spectrum utilization can be seen in
Figure 13. Spectrum usage increased by more than a factor of two. This shows a preference for a spectrum
extraction decision method that incorporates both spatial and temporal spectrum extractions and is adaptive.
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
It may be deduced from the foregoing overview of several of the existing CRN simulator that despite the
much interest in CRN by researchers, who are keen on examining the various aspects, there seems to be no
simulator robust enough to incorporate the various aspects and demands of cognitive radio networks. Several
researchers are executing their algorithms via modifications of the existing simulators. In this study, we also
reported on the case where Monte Carlo simulation was used for assessing the performance of CRN. The
formulation and simulation of an adaptive algorithm for controlling the decision about the extraction of spectrum
for CRN led to a reduction in PUIP and a rise in spectrum utilization. By creating an adaptive spectrum choice
framework for the cognitive radio network, this research increased the efficiency of spectrum utilization.
The Tertiary Education Trust Fund (TETFund) of Nigeria is acknowledged for supporting the study through the
Academic Staff Training and Development (AST&D) program. We also thank the University of Ilorin's
Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering for supplying the measuring instrument utilized in the data
collection phase of this investigation.
Agrawal, S. K., Samant, A., & Yadav, S. K. (2022). Spectrum sensing in cognitive radio networks and
metacognition for dynamic spectrum sharing between radar and communication system: A
review. Physical Communication, 101673.
Aloqaily, M., Salameh, H. B., Al Ridhawi, I., Batieha, K., & Othman, J. B. (2020). A multi-stage resource-
constrained spectrum access mechanism for cognitive radio IoT networks: Time-spectrum block
utilization. Future Generation Computer Systems, 110, 254-266.
Arjoune, Y., & Kaabouch, N. (2019). A comprehensive survey on spectrum sensing in cognitive radio networks:
Recent advances, new challenges and future research directions. Sensors, 19(1), 126.
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Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
Aluminium alloys have been widely applied in the automobile, aerospace, defence, and other engineering sectors
but low strength and low melting point were always seeming problematic. Many researchers have made use of
synthetic reinforcement such as SiO2 and SiC to solve the problem, but expensive. Similarly, many studies have
been done on agricultural wastes as reinforcements with and without acid treatment. Considering the above, the
effect of acid-treated carbonized coconut husk reinforcement on the properties of aluminium-matrix composites
was studied. The stir-casting method was used to make composites with reinforcement ranging from 1.2 wt.% to
4.8 wt.% at a 1.2 wt.% interval. The mechanical, microstructural, thermal, and physical properties were
investigated. The hardness and tensile strength of the composites increased from 9.40 BHN and 1200 MPa to
12.20 BHN and 1600 MPa in the sample containing 4.8 wt.% reinforcement, respectively. The newly developed
aluminium metal matrix composite can find application in automobile parts production.
Aluminium and its alloys are commonly used as structural materials particularly in the aerospace industry due to
their lightweight property (Dursun & Soutis, 2014; Georgantzia et al., 2021; A. M. Usman et al., 2014). The low
strength, low melting point, and poor wear resistance are still a problem (A. Usman et al., 2014). The use of
reinforcements such as SiO2, SiC particles and whiskers, or other elements or compounds as alloying elements
was the common way of solving such problems (Arun et al., 2013; Senapati et al., 2014). The cheap way to
improve aluminium’s mechanical properties is to reinforce it with the available waste as reinforcement in the
composite formulation. Research efforts have thus focused on the use of recycled wastes for composite
development. Composite materials are materials made of two or more constituent materials with different physical
or chemical properties that produce a material with different characteristics from the individual components when
combined. Agricultural wastes are therefore the best substitute for expensive reinforcements because of increased
farming activities and the deployment of modern technology resulting in vast renewable waste materials
(Lancaster et al., 2013).
Agricultural wastes are by-products or residues of agricultural processing. Bahrami et al. (2016) enumerated
several benefits of using agro wastes as reinforcements including reduced production costs, availability,
renewability, environmental conservation and safety. The use of naturally sourced particulates has been reported
to offer good reinforcement constituents (Alaneme & Olubambi, 2013; Joseph & Babaremu, 2019; Nwobi-Okoye
& Ochieze, 2018).
The present work focuses on the effect of treated carbonized coconut husk (TCCH) on the properties of aluminium
matrix composites (AMCs)
2.1 Materials
The materials used in this work include coconut husk (CH) which was sourced locally at Badagry, Lagos State.
HCl was purchased at Tony Nigeria Enterprises, Ojota, Lagos. Aluminium scraps were obtained from the
Materials and Metallurgical Engineering foundry. Some apparatus and equipment used include a muffle furnace,
digital weighing balance, Whatman No.1 filter paper, sieve, laboratory blade mill, distilled water, carbonization
chamber, oven, stirrer, and crucible furnace, available at the Department of Materials and Metallurgical
Engineering, University of Ilorin, Nigeria. Equipment used for characterization includes Brinell hardness tester,
and a Universal testing machine (UTM), both available at the Department of Mechanical Engineering, University
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
of Ilorin, Nigeria. Thermogravimetric analysis (TGA), X-Ray Diffractometry (XRD) and X-Ray Fluorescence
(XRF) were carried out at the Centre for Solid Minerals Research & Development, Kaduna State Polytechnics,
Nigeria. Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM) and Energy Dispersive X-ray Spectroscopy (EDS) at the Tshwane
University of Technology, Department of Chemical, Metallurgical and Materials Engineering, Pretoria, South
2.2 Methods
The coconut husk was sorted to remove impurities, washed and sun-dried for 7 days to reduce the moisture
content. This was carbonized at a temperature between 500 – 550 °C in a carbonization chamber for 60 minutes.
The carbonized coconut husk (CCH) was pulverised using a laboratory blade mill and sieved to obtain particles
below 100 µm. This was then leached with 0.5 M HCl for 120 minutes at laboratory temperature. This was filtered
using Whatmann No.1 filter paper, rinsed several times with distilled water and thereafter dried in the oven to
obtain TCCH.
The stir-casting method was used to produce specimens for characterization. Aluminium scrap was melted in a
crucible furnace at a temperature of 700 °C. A measured amount of CCH was preheated to 300 °C for 3 hours in
an electric oven to remove moisture. A calibrated pouring cup was used to tap 250 g of the molten metal and the
preheated CCH was then mixed thoroughly for homogeneity. The mixture was poured into the preheated mould
cavities at a maintained pouring temperature of 680 ºC. The composite was then allowed to solidify, and samples
were removed, cleaned, labelled, and kept for characterization. The formulation of the composites is presented in
Table 1.
As presented in Table 2, the compounds that constituted coconut husk are MgO, Al2O3, SiO2, P2O5, SO3, Cl, K2O,
CaO, TiO2, V2O5, Cr2O3, MnO, Fe2O3, CuO, ZnO, SrO, BaO, and PbO. With carbon as the major element, silicon,
iron, potassium, magnesium, and manganese also constitute about 95%. There is clear evidence of the removal of
soluble silica from the TCCH. The presented elements are similar to the chemical composition obtained in coconut
husk reported by Anuar et al. (2018), Anuar et al. (2020) and A. Usman et al. (2014). Phase identification of
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
compounds in a treated carbonized coconut husk, as shown in Figure 2, presented more crystalline reinforcement
particles than untreated carbonized coconut husk. The XRD spectrum obtained for TCCH showed the most
prominent peak at 27° as against 32° in TCC.
80 -0.5
70 -1.0
10 -3.5
0 -4.0
100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800
T ( C)
Intensity (a.u.)
10 20 30 40 50 60 70
2 Theta (deg)
Figure 4: XRD of carbonized coconut husk and treated carbonized coconut husk
Table 2: Elemental composition of carbonized coconut husk and treated carbonized coconut husk
Compounds MgO Al2O3 SiO2 P2O5 SO3 Cl K2O CaO TiO2 V2O5 Cr2O3 MnO Fe2O3 CuO ZnO SrO BaO PbO
CCH (wt%) 4.16 0.16 72.13 0.49 0.24 1.28 6.89 1.24 0.09 0.06 0.06 3.27 8.78 0.43 0.02 0.01 0.80 0.74
TCCH (wt%) 4.20 1.43 61.95 1.02 0.29 1.28 8.37 5.38 0.13 0.07 0.09 4.07 8.16 0.31 0.41 0.01 2.10 0.73
The chemical composition of the aluminium scrap and composites produced showed that the addition of TCCH
to the molten scrap increases the amount of almost all the constituting elements except silicon and titanium.
Table 3: Composition of the aluminium alloy and Composites Produced
Elements Al C Fe Ag Si Ca Cl K Mg S O Ti P
0 wt% 89.66 2.93 2.11 1.59 1.03 0.64 0.57 0.48 0.27 0.24 0.20 0.19 0.08
2.4 wt% 85.70 4.42 2.51 2.55 1.00 0.76 0.64 0.59 0.35 0.45 0.75 0.00 0.28
4.8wt % 77.89 4.72 2.16 3.39 1.36 1.08 2.49 0.92 0.43 1.16 3.50 0.00 0.82
Figure 3 shows the XRD spectra for the scrap and composites. The addition of TCCH resulted in a shifting peak
and lowered the intensity of the unreinforced aluminium. The strengthening of the produced composites is
influenced by the nature of the reinforcing phases. The hardness values for the aluminium composites produced
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
are shown in Figure 4. The addition of TCCH slightly increases the hardness values of the composites. This may
be a result of poor wettability of the reinforcement in the aluminium scrap used during casting.
20 30 40 50 60 70
2 Theta (deg)
Figure 5: XRD patterns for unreinforced Figure 6: Hardness values for aluminium carbonized
aluminium scrap and produced composites coconut husk composites
In Figure 5, tensile strength was observed to decrease by introduction of TCCH but later increased. The
improved strength could be associated with the addition of TCCH well dispersed within the matrix. When
the amount added exceeds a certain limit, agglomeration of the particles may be a source of stress raiser that
will eventually result in failure (Oghenevweta et al., 2016). The tensile strength improved from 1143 MPa to
about 1600 MPa for 4.8 wt.% addition.
This work has provided insight into the effect of introducing acid-treated carbonized coconut husk as
reinforcement into the aluminium alloy. It was observed that:
1. The hardness of the composite materials increased from 9.40 BHN to 12.20 BHN.
2. The tensile strength of the composites increased from about 1200 MPa to 1600 MPa.
3. Microstructural analysis results show that Quartz (SiO2) and Graphite (C) have the highest percentage among
all the compounds and elements present in the reinforcement.
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University of Ilorin, Nigeria
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optical studies of crystalline silica derived from the green synthesis of coconut husk ash.
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reinforced with SIC and fly ash particulates. International Journal of Innovative Research in
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composites from industrial/agricultural waste materials and their derivatives. Critical Reviews
in Environmental Science and Technology, 46(2), 143-208.
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& Design (1980-2015), 56, 862-871.
Georgantzia, E., Gkantou, M., & Kamaris, G. S. (2021). Aluminium alloys as structural material: A
review of research. Engineering Structures, 227, 111372.
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Aluminum Metal Matrix Composite (AMMCs): A Review. Fibres, 7(4), 33.
Lancaster, L., Lung, M., & Sujan, D. (2013). Utilization of agro-industrial waste in metal matrix
composites: towards sustainability. Paper presented at the Proceedings of World Academy of
Science, Engineering and Technology.
Munir, S., Daood, S. S., Nimmo, W., Cunliffe, A. M., & Gibbs, B. M. (2009). Thermal analysis and
devolatilization kinetics of cotton stalk, sugar cane bagasse and shea meal under nitrogen and
air atmospheres. Bioresource Technology, 100(3), 1413-1418. doi:
Nurhayati, A., & Fauziah, S. (2013). A Comparison Study on Oven and Solar Dried Empty Fruit
Bunches. Journal of Environment and Earth Science, 3(2), 145-156.
Nwobi-Okoye, C. C., & Ochieze, B. Q. (2018). Age hardening process modelling and optimization of
aluminium alloy A356/Cow horn particulate composite for brake drum application using RSM,
ANN and simulated annealing. Defence Technology, 14(4), 336-345.
Oghenevweta, J. E., Aigbodion, V. S., Nyior, G. B., & Asuke, F. (2016). Mechanical properties and
microstructural analysis of Al–Si–Mg/carbonized maize stalk waste particulate composites.
Journal of King Saud University - Engineering Sciences, 28(2), 222-229. doi:
Senapati, A. K., Mishra, P. C., & Routara, B. C. (2014). Use of waste fly ash in the fabrication of
aluminium alloy matrix composite. Int. J. Eng. Technol, 6, 905-912.
Usman, A., Raji, A., Waziri, N., & Hassan, M. (2014). Production and characterisation of aluminium
alloy-bagasse ash composites. IOSR Journal of Mechanical and Civil Engineering, 11(4), 38-
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composites production and analysis. Leonardo Electronic Journal of Practices and
Technologies, 25, 84-98.
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
Embedded processes require compactness, low energy consumption, and insensitivity to gravity. Centrifugal
processes respond to the last characteristic. Centrifugal force is used instead of the gravitational force with almost
zero sensitivity to variations in the gravitational force. We studied a rotating packed bed (RPB ) as a gas/liquid
contactor for absorption. We focused our attention on the hydrodynamic behaviour of this device. Previous studies
on RPB flooding and operating limits dwelled on virtual observations and pressure drop variations. However,
physical visualizations are subjective because RPB pressure drop variations are too inconsistent to be used to
determine the upper operating limit during RPB operations. A robust quantitative method of obtaining RPB
flooding limits based on the flow rate of the ejected liquid, supported by visual observation and pressure drop
measurement, was presented. The aim was to identify, with greater accuracy, RPB hydrodynamic characteristics
and provide a more standard method of identifying the same.
KEYWORDS: Rotating packed bed, pressure drop, Flooding, Gas/liquid contactor, hydrodynamics,
Reliance on gravitational force makes conventional packed columns for separation processes such as distillation
and absorption has unimpressive sizes and physical footprints which makes them uneconomical, especially where
space and weight are (Adekola et al., 2012; Hilpert & Repke, 2021). The operating ranges of non-rotating,
conventional, packed bed columns (PBCs) are limited by gravitational and frictional forces acting in opposite
directions on the down-flowing liquid and the gas flowing from the bottom of the column. An RPB, also called
HIGEE (High g) contactor, is a compact process intensification equipment in which a combination of sizeable
allowable gas and liquid flow rates is achieved by superimposing gravitational force with centrifugal force. In
RPBs, the higher gravitational force factor employable raises the combined operating range of the throughputs in
addition to their flexibility due to the additional degree of freedom offered by the rotation speed (Groß et al.,
A fundamental aspect of the modelling, design, optimization, and implementation of pilot-scale and subsequent
scale-up of RPBs is the clear understanding of the principles of its hydrodynamics via accurate prediction of the
pressure drops and upper operating limits (Hendry et al., 2020; Neumann, et al., 2017a). Also, ( Zhang et al.,
2020) observed that the mass transfer performance and efficiency of an RPB, as reflected by its gas pressure drop,
is closely linked to its hydrodynamic characteristics, operating costs, and energy requirements. Hydrodynamic
characteristics such as the pressure drop of an RPB are a useful index in measuring its resistance and consequent
energy consumption (Liu et al., 2018). Many studies were carried out to evaluate the influence of pressure drop
in many RPB operations with empirical and semi-empirical models established (Jiao et al., 2010; Singh et al.,
1992). RPB hydrodynamic parameters extensively reported in the literature include liquid holdup (Burns et al.,
2000; Burns & Ramshaw, 1996), gas pressure drop (Neumann et al., 2017b; Pyka et al., 2022), liquid dispersion
(Burns & Ramshaw, 1996; Xie, 2019) and, flooding (Hendry et al., 2020; Lockett, 1995). Although extensive
research has been conducted and documented using RPBs, with many of its applications explored at the industrial
scale, its design approach is still case-specific. It thus requires improvements (Neumann, et al., 2017a).
This work presents a robust quantitative method of obtaining RPB upper operating limit based on the flow rate of
the ejected liquid, supported by visual observation and pressure drop measurements. This was achieved by
connecting a hydrocyclone to the gas outlet. In addition, a comprehensive pressure drop behaviour and flooding
for a countercurrent water-air system and a single-block stainless steel wire mesh packing using a double jet
nozzle for the liquid inlet were used to study the hydrodynamics of the pilot-scale RPB. The aim was to improve
further the understanding of RPB hydrodynamics for design, scale-up, and energy conservation purposes.
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
The relatively high rotation speeds of RPBs combined with the size of the equipment make it possible to
implement forces more than 100 times greater than gravity, greatly intensifying the transfer phenomena between
phases (Pan et al., 2017). Rapid contact surface replacement in RPBs allows for highly effective surface area
packings of 2000 to 5000m2/m3 (Pan et al., 2017). This allows for higher mass transfer characteristics: gas-liquid
interfacial area, gas-side and liquid-side volumetric mass transfer coefficients, and height of transfer unit (Cheng
& Tan, 2011; Zhang et al., 2011). Also, this allows for the same separation performance in RPB to have much
more flexible and compact equipment with a wider operating range than a gravity column used for absorption (L.
L. Zhang et al., 2011). Overall, compared to conventional gravity columns, for a comparable processing capacity
and efficiency, an RPB offers rotation as an extra degree of freedom, serves as the foundation of modular plants,
and is more miniaturized with higher flexibility and energy efficiency (Neumann et al., 2018). The characteristics
mentioned above make RPBs emblematic equipment for process intensification. Consequently, RPBs have been
employed for various purposes in diverse fields such as separation processes, synthesis, and preparation of micro
and nano-particles, petroleum products processing, biodiesel production, medical sciences, and pollution control
(Hilpert & Repke, 2021; Neumann et al., 2018; L. L. Zhang et al., 2011).
A conventional, single-stage RPB is shown in Figure 1. It comprises a casing surrounding a rotor mounted on a
shaft and rotated by a motor. The rotor is a motor-driven, ring-shaped cylinder that encloses an annular packing
mounted on either a horizontal or a vertical shaft. In countercurrent operation mode, gas is introduced into the
outer periphery of the packing from the casing. The liquid is usually introduced into the centre (or “eye”) of the
rotor via the liquid inlet through a stationary set of nozzles (liquid distributor) into the packing from the top of the
RPB. After its transformation by centrifugal shear forces, the liquid flows in the form of rivulets, droplets, or films
as determined by the rotation speed (Burns et al., 2000). The casing wall finally collects it and flows downwards
under gravity, leaving the casing via the liquid outlet.
As equipment for efficient multi-phase mixing and mass transfer, (Yuan et al., 2022) identified RPB packing as
its core component. Because of its excellent mass transfer characteristics, stainless steel wire mesh is commonly
used as RPB packing (Chen et al., 2006). Conventional packed beds have constant cross-sections. Thus, their
packing pores are nearly wholly filled throughout the column during flooding, causing a noticeable, steep rise in
pressure drop.
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
liquid holdup, while (Hendry et al., 2020) measured the flow rate of entrained liquid from the eye of the rotor to
identify the upper operating limits in RPBs.
Tank FI 1
0.60m FI 2
FI : Flow indicator
PI 1 PI : pressure
Drain 3kW, 3 x 400V
DP: Differential
50Hz pressure
Control Box
The range of operating parameters studied was: gas flow rate (VG), 0-400Nm3/h; liquid flow rate (VL), 0-0.75m3/h
and rotation speed 0-1500 revolutions per minute (RPM). Each experimental run was for 5 minutes. In the dry
pressure drop measurements, the frictional pressure drop was first measured by passing air at 100Nm3/h through
the stationary rotor and then measuring the pressure drop. The experiment was repeated by increasing the airflow
rate in steps of 50Nm3/h. The same procedure was repeated with the rotor at various rotation speeds. Next, the
effect of the rotation speed was investigated, initially via the centrifugal pressure drop. Without liquid and gas
flow, the rotor was set to an initial speed of 100 rpm. The rotation speed was subsequently changed stepwise. The
effect of rotation speed was further investigated by varying the rotation speed at constant gas flow rates. For the
wet pressure drop, rotation speeds and liquid flow rates were kept while the gas flow rate was increased stepwise.
This was followed by another set of experiments during which the gas flow rate and rotation speed were kept
constant while the liquid flow rate was increased. The liquid flow rate and rotation speed were kept constant to
determine the upper operating limit. In contrast, the gas flow rate was increased stepwise until the first drops of
water were observed from the gas outlet according to the arrangement shown in Figure 3e. This point was taken
as the upper operating limit of the RPB at the prevailing combination of operating factors. The reduction in rotation
speed was continued gradually, with the amount of ejected water measured at each step after attaining a steady
state of operation. Flooding points of the RPB operations were determined by visual observation of excessive
water splashing at the RPB eye, with or without a sharp increase in pressure drop. The volume of water ejected at
each step change of the gas flowrate was collected and measured using a measuring cylinder, and the flooding
point was taken following the recommendation of (Hendry et al., 2020) when,
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
Figure 3(a) shows that dry pressure drop increases with increased rotor speed. A slow increase in pressure drop
was obtained at low rotational speeds from 100 to 550 RPM. Above 600 RPM, a rapid and almost linear increase
in pressure drop was obtained. This phenomenon may be due to the greater need to overcome the pressure drop
caused by rotation (centrifugal head) at higher rotational speeds, which consequently causes the air in the rotor
and between it and the casing to rotate. The dry bed average increase in pressure drop per unit increase in rotation
speed in the range investigated was 0.75Pa/rpm. This shows that centrifugal pressure contributes significantly to
the total dry-packing pressure drop. Figure 3(b) also shows a substantially linear increase in pressure drop with
increasing gas flow rate. The effects of gas inertia and friction primarily cause this. On average, Figure 3(b) shows
that the average increase in pressure drop per unit increase in gas flow rate was 4.11Pa/Nm3h-1 within the operating
range investigated.
Figure 3: Dry bed pressure drop (a) effect of rotation speed (b) effect of gas flowrate
By comparing Figures 3(a) and (b), it can be seen that based on the sensitivity analysis mentioned above, the gas
flow influences the dry pressure drop of the RPB more than the rotational speed. It can be deduced from Figures
3(a) and (b) that the range of dry pressure drops (20-2800Pa) in this work was comparable to the range obtained
by (Liu et al., 2018) for the same range of rotation speed and comparable gas loads. The result is also comparable
to that of (Neumann, Hunold, Skiborowski, et al., 2017) of 20-750Pa for similar rotation speed, RPB, and packing
characteristics but using a lower gas flow rate of 15-60m3/h. For the irrigated bed, Figures 4(a) and (b), as well as
Figure 5(a), showed that the trend of the pressure drop variation was almost the same as that of the dry bed, with
the pressure increasing with an increase in rotational speed and with the gas flow. (W. Zhang et al., 2020)
identified the wetting of the packing surface, which affects the frictional pressure drop, and the blockage of the
packing pores by the liquid to the passage of gas as the two principal contributors to the rise in pressure drop in
wet RPBs. Figure 5(b) indicates the lower effect of liquid flow rate on the overall pressure drop in RPBs. For
example, for a gas flow of 350Nm3/h, the 50% increase in liquid flow rate from 0.3 to 0.6m3/h produces small
changes in the pressure drop with the increase in the speed of rotation, showing that the effect of the gas flow in
the RPB is more than that of the liquid flows. This phenomenon is more visible when we represent this at constant
rotational speeds with a variation of the gas flow (Figure 4a) or a variation of the liquid flow (Figure 4(b)). These
results confirm the trends described by the reports of (Groß et al., 2018; Neumann, Hunold, Groß, et al., 2017).
Additionally, in terms of liquid loading loads and gas capacities, it can be deduced that the ranges of the wet
pressure drops in Figures 5(a) and (b) are comparable to the findings of (Liu et al., 2018).
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
(a) (b)
Figure 4:
Figure 4 (a) shows that the flooding data follows a typical RPB equipped with a vertical axis pressure drop
variation curve with rotation speed at constant gas and liquid flow rates, as highlighted by (Neumann, Hunold,
Groß, et al., 2017). A lowering of centrifugal pressure drop is obtained at a decrease from the maximum rotation
speeds. At the same time, liquid accumulation in the eye causes only slight increases in frictional pressure drop.
Further decrease in the rotation speed will cause an accumulation of liquid in the eye of the rotor, which leads to
an increase in the frictional pressure drop and a sharp
(a) (b)
Figure 5 (a) Effect of rotation speed at constant gas and liquid flow rates (b) upper operating points.
As the rotation speed is further decreased, rapid ejection of liquid from the eye of the rotor to the gas outlet is
obtained due to the acceleration of the liquid droplets. The pressure drop increases significantly, and the presence
of water is visually observable in the rotor eye. Figure 5(b) shows the upper operating limits of the system
investigated. At a constant rotation speed, the gas flow rate at which the ejection of liquid droplets was observed
and decreased with an increased liquid flow rate. Regular operation of the RPB without liquid ejection and
possible high-pressure drops, which increase power consumption, is obtained by operating the RPB below the
indicated points. The operating limit at a given condition can be improved by increasing the rotation speed from
the given point. Based on a range of liquid loads and the gas capacity factor at the inner radius of the RPB, the
trends and ranges of these operating limits are comparable to the results of (Groß et al., 2018).
This paper focused on furthering the understanding of the upper operating limits of RPBs as an essential aspect
of its design, modelling, scale-up, and use for the intensification of mass transfer processes. The gas pressure drop
of a pilot-scale RPB equipped with stainless steel wire mesh packing for an air-water system using a twin-nozzle
liquid distributor was explored. A robust approach to determine RPB operating limits based on quantifying the
volume of liquid ejected from the eye of the rotor was explored. The operating limits for RPBs are influenced
mainly by the three operational parameters: gas flow rate, liquid flow rate, and rotational speed in that order.
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
This work was conducted under support funding from the Overseas Scholarship Scheme (OSS) of the Petroleum
Technology Development Fund (PTDF), Nigeria (Grant Number: PTDF/ED/OSS/PHD/UG/1543/19).
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University of Ilorin, Nigeria
KEYWORDS: Activated carbons, Azo dye wastewater, Chemical activation, Chemometric tool, Pentaclethra
macrophylla pods
Wastewater from dyeing industrial processes constitutes one of the global environmental risk concerns. The
discharge of dyeing wastewater into surface water resources impairs their quality parameters which are mostly
occasioned by incomplete degradation of dye, as the inherent colour impedes light penetration into the water
bodies (Karuppasamy et al., 2021; Yeow et al., 2021). The discharge of dyeing wastewater on soils also causes
soil infertility, as the dye tends to stabilize and retain soils (Chandanshive et al., 2018; Hassan et al., 2022). Delays
of seed germination and even plant growth inhibition on soils irrigated with dyeing wastewater have been reported
(Chandanshive et al., 2018; Khan & Malik, 2018). Many dyes are also known to be harmful to animal and human
health, especially upon prolonged exposure, as they cause allergies, respiratory disorders, irritation, and even
mutations or cancer risks in some cases (Chung, 2016; Kadhom et al., 2020). It is therefore imperative to facilitate
the removal of dyes from wastewater at the source of generation before its eventual discharge into large bodies of
water or on land. Although advanced treatment systems such as photocatalysis, the Fenton process,
electrooxidation, and biological treatment have been successfully used to treat dye wastewaters, these treatment
systems are often expensive to operate and maintain (Asaithambi et al., 2022; Bilińska & Gmurek, 2021;
Solayman et al., 2023; Yeow et al., 2021). Due to its comparatively high efficiency, cost-effectiveness, and
environmental friendliness, an activated carbon-based adsorption system has recently taken the lead as the
preferred method for the treatment of dyeing wastewater.
Commercial activated carbons (ACs) are still expensive to buy, thus research on finding low-cost precursors for
their synthesis has become more important (Ajaelu et al., 2022; Nindjio et al., 2022). The physical activation
method, involves carbonization and activation in two steps (Ogungbenro et al., 2017; Yang et al., 2010), the
chemical activation method, which transforms cellulose structures into carbonaceous material through
simultaneous dehydration and carbonization (Jaria et al., 2019; Yorgun & Yildiz, 2015), the combined physical
and chemical activation method, or the microwave-assisted activation method (Ao et al., 2018; Lam et al., 2017;
Liew et al., 2018), are the different ways that activated carbons are produced. The chemical activation method
offers the advantage of allowing the production of activated carbons of higher qualities at lower cost due to its
lower power required to generate the needed activating temperatures, typically ranging from 400 to 700oC
(Loredo-Cancino et al., 2013). The chemical activation method is, however, beset with the challenge of selecting
the most appropriate optimal production conditions required to produce activated carbons of desired qualities.
Because of their renewability and low cost, agroforestry wastes are appealing precursors for the sustainable
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
production of ACs. The creation of ACs with desirable qualities is influenced by a few factors, including the
properties of the precursors, the manufacturing procedure, and the activation agents (Kwiatkowski & Broniek,
2017; Li et al., 2017). Depending on the content, stability, presence of heteroatoms, and functional groups of the
plant waste, different ACs will be produced (Ekpete et al., 2017; Hidayu & Muda, 2016; Shamsuddin et al., 2016).
Numerous widely available agroforestry residues have been explored for their potentials as ACs precursors. The
pod of the African oil bean (Pentaclethra macrophylla) tree is one of such biomaterials. The African oil bean tree
belongs to the Leguminoseae family and the Mimosoideae subfamily and grows approximately 6 meters in girth
and 21 meters in height (Okpala, 2015). The most widely used part of the African oil bean tree is the seeds, which
are usually enclosed in some flat pods that tend to burst once matured thereby dispersing the seeds. The pods are
often considered waste and remain underused. The pods measure about 35 to 45 centimetres long by 5 to 10
centimetres broad, black in colour, quite hard, and woody in appearance.
There have been a few studies looking into the effects of preparation variables like temperature and impregnation
ratio on activated carbons (ACs) from Pentaclythra macrophylla pods (PMps) (Abugu et al., 2015; Chimi et al.,
2023), but none have shown that using a chemometric tool like Response Surface Methodology (RSM) to produce
activated carbons from PMps allows for its structure to be well-developed for the removal of colour in dye
wastewater. Therefore, it is suggested that PMps be used as a potential precursor for H3PO4- and KOH-activated
carbons in this study. RSM was used as a chemometric technique to optimize the production parameters (activation
temperature, activation time, and impregnation ratio) to create activated carbons with well-developed porous
structures. The optimized ACs (H3PO4-PMACop and KOH-PMACop) were then described and used to adsorb
colour from a simulated azo dye wastewater.
Conceptual basis of the chemometric tool
The chemometric tool employed for this study is the Central Composite Rotatable Design (CCD), which is a
subset of the RSM. The CCD consisted of a full two-level factorial (23) coded as -1 and +1 at the lower and higher
levels, six (6) central replicates located at the centre (0, 0, 0) to examine experimental error and reproducibility of
the data, and six (6) axial points located at (±α, 0, 0), (0, ±α, 0) and (0, 0, ±α). Alpha (α) is the distance of an axial
point from the centre which makes the design rotatable and has a value of 1.68. This gives a total of 20
experimental runs.
The Central composite design
The PMACs were prepared using three independent parameters namely the activation temperature (A), activation
time (B), and impregnation ratio (C). The coded and real levels of these parameters are shown in Table 1. The
responses of the design were the iodine number and the carbon yield. The attributes of the experimental responses
were predicted from the second-order polynomial regression model generally described by Eq. (1).
where Y is the predicted response, β¥ is the constant coefficient, βº represents the linear term coefficients, βçó
represents the interaction coefficients, βçç represents the quadratic coefficients, Xi, Xj are the coded values of the
production parameters and n is the number of variables.
The experimental sequence was randomized to minimize the effects of the uncontrolled factors and outliers. The
significance of each coefficient in the models was determined by F-test and ρ-values. The CCD of the RSM and
its corresponding statistical analyses were done using Design-Expert (10.0.0 Stat-Ease Inc., Minneapolis, MN).
Table 1: Coded and Actual Levels of Production Factors used to produce the PMACs.
Production factor Coded levels
-α (-1.68) -1 0 +1 +α (+1.68)
Actual values
Activating temperature (oC), A 200 300 450 600 700
Activating time (min), B 20 60 120 180 210
Impregnation ratio (g/L), C 1 2 3 4 5
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
The Penclethra macrophylla pods (PMps) were harvested from Benue and Enugu States – Nigeria during their
peak dispersal periods from December to January. The pods were cleaned to remove dirt and sun-dried for seven
(7) days to reduce their moisture contents. The biomaterials were transformed into granules using a combination
of manual and mechanical size reduction mechanisms – cutting, pounding, and grinding. The PMps were passed
through sieves of size 50 – 80 meshes (0.180–0.300 mm) to achieve experimental uniformity. They were stored
in jute bags and labelled appropriately. Also, standard analytical grades of orthophosphoric acid 85 wt% (H3PO4),
potassium hydroxide (KOH), Congo red (C32H22N6Na2O6S2, CR) dye, iodine, hydrochloric acid, and sodium
thiosulphate were purchased and used without any further purification.
Synthesis of the activated carbons
The 85 wt% mass fractions of H3PO4 and 50 mg of the PMps powder were mixed according to the designed ratios
of 1:1, 2:1, 3:1, 4:1, and 5:1 (volume of H3PO4 to the mass of PMps powder) inside some sets of steel reactors that
were agitated continuously at 1000 rpm on a centrifuge for 6 hours. The PMps were filtered out of the mixtures
and the samples were dried using a thermostat oven set at 110 oC for 1 hour to prepare the impregnated samples.
The reactors were placed inside a high carbonization temperature tube furnace and heated from ambient
temperature to 200 oC for 30 minutes, followed by further heating at the different designed temperatures ranging
from 200 to 700 oC and activation time ranging from 20 to 210 minutes for simultaneous carbonization and
activation of the precursors (Jiang et al., 2019). The air within the furnace was displaced by introducing a nitrogen
gas stream at 60 mL/min into it for 20 min. Similar procedures were followed to produce ACs from the PMps
using KOH powder. However, the chemical impregnation of the biomaterial was done by mixing the required
mass of KOH and the PMps powder to attain the designed ratios inside separate steel reactors with 30 mL of
deionized water (Jiang et al., 2019). After the samples were dried in a thermostat oven set at 110 oC for 1 hour,
they were transferred inside the furnace to be pyrolysed at the different designed production conditions. All the
carbonized chars were allowed to cool to room temperature and thereafter washed several times with 200 mL hot
and cold distilled water to achieve a neutral pH, and then allowed to dry for 2 hours at 110 oC using the oven. The
activated carbons were boiled with HCl solution under reflux to remove impurities and reduce their inherent ash
contents (Figure S1). The products pounded in a laboratory mortar and sieved using Tyler’s sieves and stored in
airtight containers. The dried carbon yield was determined using Eq. (2).
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
constitution of the carbon were determined using scanning electron microscopy combined with energy-dispersive
X-ray spectroscopy EDX.
The batch adsorption and kinetic studies of PMACs
A stock solution of the Congo Red (CR) dye was prepared as the adsorbate solution for the batch experiments.
The 1000 mg/l concentration of the CR stock solution was prepared by dissolving 1.0 g of the powdered dye in 1
litre of deionized water (Hammari et al., 2021). The desired concentrations of the CR dye solution for the
experiments were subsequently prepared via serial dilution of the stock solution. The batch adsorption of the dyes
onto the activated carbons (H3PO4-PMACop and KOH-PMACop) was performed to investigate the effects of initial
concentration on the adsorption profile of the carbons. The amount of the dye adsorbed by the activated carbon at
each initial concentration was calculated using Eq. 4. The experimental data obtained were subsequently analysed
using Origin software (version 2022) by non-linear graphical plots of the Langmuir, Freundlich, and Temkin
adsorption isotherms.
Q€ = (100 − C€ )V⁄w (4)
The effects of contact time on the adsorption profile and the kinetic parameters of the activated carbon were
evaluated at 15, 30, 60, 90, 120, 150 and 180 mins using 50 mg of each activated carbon and 100 ml of 100 mg/l
of the CR solution in a set of flasks placed on a rotary shaker set at 200 rpm at ambient temperature of
approximately 30±2oC (Hammari et al., 2021). The amount of CR dyes adsorbed by the activated carbon at
equilibrium at the different contact times were calculated using Eq. 5.
Q~ = (100 − C~ )V⁄w (5)
The experimental data of the adsorption of the CR dye onto both activated carbons from the PMps was evaluated
using the Pseudo-first-order (Eq. 6), Pseudo-second-order (Eq. 7), and the Elovich (Eq. 8) kinetic models to
ascertain the rate-limiting profile of the adsorption process of the carbons. Nonlinear kinetics plots of the amount
of CR dye adsorbed per time by both carbons were analyzed using Origin software (version 2022) as well as the
experimental data and the theories of these kinetic models.
Q~ = Q€ (1 − e5öv~ ) (6)
Q~ = K 4 Q4€ t⁄(1 + K 4 Q€ t) (7)
Q~ = 1⁄β ln t − 1⁄β ln(αβ) (8)
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
Cö÷ø = 48.72 − 0.04A + 0.04B + 9.72 × 105r AB − 3.58 × 105` AC − 8.96 × 105` BC − 3.38 × 105s B4 −
0.590C4 (11)
CøBù÷R = 46.42 − 0.02A + 0.16B − 6.17 × 105` AC − 0.02BC − 5.02 × 105s B4 (12)
With respect to the models for the iodine number of the KOH-PMACs and H3PO4-PMACs, the following can be
inferred. Even though positive linear coefficients were clearly contributed by the three parameters to develop the
KOH-PMACs of high iodine number (Equation 9), but that obtained from the impregnation ratio (+629.66) was
much more profound, especially since the impregnation ratio was not significant in the preparation of the H3PO4-
PMACs (Equation 10). Whereas the linear effects of both the activation temperature and impregnation ratio on
the preparation of the KOH-PMACs and H3PO4-PMACs were positive coefficients, the reverse was noted for the
coefficients of the interaction (AB) between these parameters. While negative coefficients of interaction between
the temperature and impregnation ratio (AC) were needed to impact the iodine number of the KOH-PMACs,
positive coefficients were useful to influence the iodine number of the H3PO4-PMACs. This implies that while a
higher temperature maybe required for the simultaneous dehydration and carbonization of the KOH-impregnated
PMps, a slightly lower temperature maybe needed to develop the H3PO4-impregnated PMps. The yields of both
activated carbons were greatly influenced by both temperature and time than the impregnation ratio, as indicated
by (Equations 11 and 12). Whereas both positive coefficients of interactions between temperature and time (AB)
were needed to impact the yields of the KOH-PMACs and H3PO4-PMACs, the reverse was noticed for all the
other interactions involving the impregnation ratio and the other two parameters (temperature and time),
The results (Table S2) of the numerical optimization analyses of the experimental data indicate that the PMps
sample activated with H3PO4 at the optimum impregnation ratio of 3.7:1, temperature of 400oC, and activation
time of 112 minutes recorded the highest predictive iodine number of 593.44 mg/g and carbon yield of 51.30%.
The corresponding observed values recorded at these optimum conditions were 592.88 mg/g and 51.10%,
respectively. For the PMps sample activated with KOH at an impregnation ratio of 3:1, temperature of 450oC, and
activation time of 120 minutes, the highest predictive iodine number of 918.58 mg/g and carbon yield of 39.60%
were obtained (Figure S2). An observed iodine number of 916.56 mg/g and a carbon yield of 39.15% were
recorded. The specific surface areas obtained for the H3PO4-PMACop and KOH-PMACop were 527.59 and 911.70
m2/g, respectively.
Table 2: The CCD for the Experiments and Actual and Predicted Data of the Responses obtained for both
Run A (oC) B (min) C (ml/g) Iodine number, In (mg/g) Carbon yield, Cy (%)
code code code observed predicted observed predicted observed predicted observed predicted
12 600 (+1) 180 (+1) 4 (+1) 991.96 987.62 810.06 809.83 29.43 29.52 36.37 36.34
4 600 (+1) 180 (+1) 2 (-1) 955.20 954.94 769.93 772.62 31.30 31.60 40.06 40.26
5 600 (+1) 60 (0) 4 (+1) 1026.42 1030.84 531.6 540.32 31.89 32.20 41.5 41.62
8 600 (+1) 60 (-1) 2 (-1) 653.72 656.10 683.3 687.11 32.05 32.14 40.66 40.57
6 300 (-1) 180 (+1) 4 (+1) 720.54 723.37 427.77 429.85 40.81 41.03 50.59 50.89
7 300 (-1) 180 (+1) 2 (-1) 861.11 861.91 292 289.17 40.97 40.96 51.02 51.11
2 300 (-1) 60 (-1) 4 (+1) 674.17 679.65 393.61 396.81 47.21 47.21 56.31 56.31
9 300 (-1) 60 (-1) 2 (-1) 466.57 476.13 434.01 440.13 44.78 45.00 51.33 51.57
16 700 (+1.68) 120 (0) 3 (0) 1011.64 1012.83 743.68 737.52 30.35 30.02 38.45 38.43
18 200 (-1.68) 120 (0) 3 (0) 651.34 642.64 217.37 215.06 50.44 50.33 60 59.72
20 450 (0) 210 (+1.68) 3 (0) 1050.60 1054.21 681.08 683.19 34.99 34.74 43.27 42.99
14 450 (0) 20 (-1.68) 3 (0) 794.51 784.08 591.2 581.01 39.65 39.41 46.65 46.58
19 450 (0) 120 (0) 5 (+1.68) 688.89 687.31 629.67 625.73 37.86 37.70 49.56 49.47
15 450 (0) 120 (0) 1 (-1.68) 454.74 451.11 633.79 631.84 37.72 37.57 48.76 48.64
3 450 (0) 120 (0) 3 (0) 911.43 915.95 632 644.11 39.40 39.20 46.97 47.98
10 450 (0) 120 (0) 3 (0) 950.38 915.95 658 644.11 39.33 39.20 48.41 47.98
11 450 (0) 120 (0) 3 (0) 911.43 915.95 668 644.11 39.33 39.20 48.51 47.98
1 450 (0) 120 (0) 3 (0) 911.43 915.95 642 644.11 39.98 39.20 48.86 47.98
13 450 (0) 120 (0) 3 (0) 911.43 921.21 658 674.22 39.45 40.00 48.56 49.21
17 450 (0) 120 (0) 3 (0) 911.43 921.21 668 674.22 39.30 40.00 49.01 49.21
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
chemical activation. Figure S3c for KOH-PMAC indicated its small pores while Figure S3b showed relatively
larger pores in the H3PO4-PMACop. This is an indication that KOH-PMACop structure contained a higher ratio of
micropores than that of H3PO4-PMACop. The higher iodine numbers obtained with KOH-PMACop depict
availability of more microporous structure within the activated carbon and its greater affinity for the adsorption
of small molecules (Karim et al., 2022). The extent of modification of the porous structure of the PMps and the
carbons derived from them using H3PO4 and KOH as activating agents is shown in Figure 1a. The influence of
the initial concentration of the CR dye solution on the adsorption mechanism is depicted in Figure 1b.
Adsorption study on Congo red dye
The reduction of CR dye in the solution increased with an increase in the initial concentration of the dye adsorbed
onto the KOH-PMACop and H3PO4-PMACop. The obvious explanation for this phenomenon is largely that an
increased concentration of the dye molecules in the solution offers them greater chance of being adsorbed onto
the available adsorption sites on the carbons. This discovery is attributed to concentration gradient that drives the
adsorption process (Chimi et al., 2023; Hammari et al., 2021).
Figure 8: (a) FTIR of the PMps and the ACs by H3PO4 and KOH activators; (b) The effects of initial
concentration on the adsorption profile of CR dye by the ACs
Also, the increased initial concentration of the CR dye solution caused the equilibrium adsorption capacities of
both adsorbents to increase. This is expected, as the increased concentration of CR dye in the solution tends to
overcome all resistances to mass transfer of the CR dye from the aqueous phase onto the solid phase (Hammari et
al., 2021). The experimental data obtained for the KOH-PMACop and H3PO4-PMACop were best represented by
the Langmuir isotherm (Figures 2a and b). Similarly, the Pseudo second-order kinetic model best represents the
kinetic profile of the adsorption mechanism of both KOH-PMACop and H3PO4-PMACop (Figures 3a and b). The
maximum amount of the CR dye adsorbed experimentally and theoretically by both activated carbons were nearly
the same (Table S5).
Figure 9: Adsorption isotherms of (a) KOH-PMACop and (b) H3PO4-PMACop at pH 6.8, 50 mg activated
carbon, 32oC, 200 rpm and 120 minutes contact time
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University of Ilorin, Nigeria
Figure 10: Adsorption kinetics of the (a) KOH-PMACop and (b) H3PO4-PMACop
The RSM was used as a chemometric tool to produce activated carbons from PMps with H3PO4 and KOH as the
activating agents. The numerical optimization analyses of the experimental data indicate that the PMps sample
activated with H3PO4 at the optimum impregnation ratio of 3.7:1, temperature of 400oC, and activation time of
112 minutes recorded the highest predictive iodine number of 593.44 mg/g, and carbon yield of 51.30%. The
corresponding observed values recorded at these optimum conditions were 592.88 mg/g and 51.10%, respectively.
For the PMps sample activated with KOH at an optimum impregnation ratio of 3:1, temperature of 450oC, and
activation time of 120 minutes, the highest predictive iodine number of 918.58 mg/g and carbon yield of 39.60%
were obtained. An observed iodine number of 916.56 mg/g and a carbon yield of 39.15% were recorded. The
specific surface areas obtained for the H3PO4-PMACop and KOH-PMACop were 527.59 and 911.70 m2/g,
respectively. The Langmuir adsorption isotherm best interpreted the experimental data, and the Pseudo-second-
order adsorption kinetics most suitably described the profile of the adsorption mechanism of Congo red removal
by both activated carbons. The maximum amount of the CR dye adsorbed experimentally and theoretically by
both activated carbons were nearly the same. Both activated carbons demonstrated evidence of extensive graphitic
features from the analyses of the Raman spectroscopy and X-ray diffraction investigations conducted on them.
The Fourier transform infrared (FT-IR) spectra of the KOH-PMACop suggested a higher proportion of aromaticity
than that of H3PO4-PMACop, which implies that it is likely to promote adsorption mechanisms like electrostatic
and π-π interactions far better than that of H3PO4-PMACop.
We appreciate most sincerely the technical assistance we received from the central laboratories of the Nigerian
Stored Products Research Institute, Ilorin, Kwara State. We are also thankful for the support we received from the
Departments of Chemistry and Animal Science, University of Agriculture, Makurdi.
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Figure S2: 3D Graphical Plots of the Effects of the pptimum production parameters on both responses (iodine
number and Carbon yields) of (a) KOH-PMACop and (b) H3PO4-PMACop.
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
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Figure S3: SE Micrographs of the (a) PMps precursor (b) H3PO4-PMACop (c) KOH-PMACop
Table S3: Summary of the Results of the Analysis of Variances indicating the Significance of the Production
Parameters on the Iodine number and Carbon yield of the Activated carbons
Legend: SSK and SSH are the sum of square, MSK and MSH are the mean square, FK and FH are the F-calculated,
and PK and PH are the P-values obtained from analyzing the iodine number and carbon yields of the KOH-
PMAC and H3PO4-PMAC, respectively.
Table S4: Confirmation Tests of the Effects of the Optimum production parameters on the Activated Carbon
Responses (Iodine number and Carbon yields)
Activated carbon Parameter Optimum Lower Higher Surface area (m2/g)
KOH-PMACop Act. Temp., A 450 300 600 911.70
Act. Time, B 120 60 180
Impre. ratio, C 3 2 4
In, predicted 918.58 476.13 987.6
In, observed 916.56 466.57 991.96
Cy, predicted 39.60 44.78 29.52
Cy, observed 39.15 45.00 29.43
Act. Temp., A 400 300 600
Act. Time, B 112.45 60 180 527.59
H3PO4-PMACop Impreg. ratio, C 3.73 2 4
In, predicted 593.44 440.13 809.83
In, observed 592.88 434.01 810.00
Cy, predicted 51.30 51.57 36.34
Cy, observed 51.1 51.33 36.37
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
Table S5: Effects of Initial Concentration on the Adsorption of Congo red dye from the solution
Ce Qe Ce Qe
1 25 2.4 45.2 8.4 33.2
2 50 8.1 83.8 18.1 63.8
3 100 29 142 48.6 102.8
4 150 55.2 189.6 88.2 123.6
5 200 98.2 203.6 128.2 143.6
6 300 182.5 235 218.5 163
7 400 282.5 235 312.5 175
Table S6: Effects of Contact time on the Adsorption of Congo red dye from the solution
Time (min) Co KOH-PMACop H3PO4-PMACop
Ct %R Qt Ct %R 2Qt
15 100 29. 00 71 142 47.28 76.36 105.44
30 100 27.65 72.35 144.7 46.11 76.945 107.78
60 100 26.80 73.2 146.4 45.42 77.29 109.16
90 100 26.50 73.5 147 45.3 77.35 109.4
120 100 26.40 73.6 147.2 45.02 77.49 109.96
150 100 26.30 73.7 147.4 44.98 77.51 110.04
180 100 26.20 73.8 147.6 44.96 77.52 110.08
Table S7: Parameters of the Theoretical Adsorption models of the isotherm and kinetics of the adsorption by both
Activated Carbons
Adsorption model Parameters KOH-PMACop H3PO4-PMACop
Langmuir Qm (mg/g) 248.265±8.77 194.081±5.466
KL (L/g) 0.057±0.009 0.0234±0.002
R2 0.984 0.993
χ2 109.906 22.407
Freundlich KF (L/g) 53.425±10.541 23.31±4.609
n 3.584±0.529 2.774±0.303
R2 0.938 0.964
χ2 416.254 592.89
Temkin AT (L/g) 1.074±0.249 0.276±0.012
ß 46.153±2.443 39.532±0.555
b 54.94 64.145
R2 0.984 0.999
χ2 105.077 3.202
Pseudo-first-order (PFO) kinetic Qe (mg/g) 143.487±0.871 106.700±0.728
K1 (min-1) -1.933x10-5 -2.173x10-4
R2 0.7039 0.704
χ2 1.469 1.026
Srate (mgg-1min-1) -0.003 -0.023
Pseudo-second-order (PSO) Qe (mg/g) 148.19±0.0628 110.491±0.071
kinetic K2 (mgg-1min-1) 0.0105 0.0124
R2 0.9974 0.995
χ2 0.0129 0.0162
Srate (mgg-1min-1) 230.583 151.38
Elovich kinetic AT (L/g) 6.822x10-28 8.051x10-25
ß 0.4626±0.057 0.0692±0.049
R2 0.9309 0.9283
χ2 14.809 0.248
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
Deep learning-based medical image classification has shown promising results in recent years with performance
heavily reliant on choice of optimization schemes during training. In this paper, we present a comparative study
of seven first-order stochastic gradient-based optimization schemes for a medical image classification task. A
custom CNN architecture with convolutional layers and increasing number of filters followed by max-pooling
and ReLU activation function with Dropout regularization were trained on a Tuberculosis Chest X-ray Database.
The models were tested on a held-out test set to assess their performance in terms of accuracy, precision, recall,
F1-score, and AUC score. Our experimental results demonstrate that Adamax achieves the highest accuracy and
F1-score of 99.00% each and highest AUC score of 99.80%. Adadelta and Adagrad performed relatively poorly
in comparison to other optimizers, achieving accuracies of 82.14% and 88.00% respectively. In terms of recall,
both Adam and Nadam gave the highest recall scores of 98.86%. This suggests that the choice of optimizer plays
a significant role in the performance of these models and provides valuable insights into the suitability of different
optimizers for medical image classification. This will be beneficial for researchers and practitioners in the field
of medical image analysis using deep learning.
KEYWORDS: Deep Learning, Convolutional Neural Networks, Optimizers, Medical Image Classification,
Chest X-Ray Classification
Medical image classification has nowadays become an increasingly important area of research, driven by advances
in deep learning (DL) techniques and the growing availability of large-scale medical image datasets (Çallı et al.,
2021). It is a critical task in healthcare and can assist professionals such as radiologists in detecting diseases and
anomalies more accurately and efficiently. Among the various medical imaging modalities, X-ray is one of the
most widely used (Çallı et al., 2021) due to its low cost and non-invasive nature with the ability to provide fast
results. In particular, it has been used to detect Tuberculosis (TB), a chronic respiratory illness caused by bacterial
infection which poses significant global health problem. According to the World Health Organization (WHO),
TB is the 13th leading cause of death worldwide and the second leading infectious killer after COVID-19 (above
HIV/AIDS)(Organization, 2022). In 2021, a total of 1.6 million people died from TB(Organization, 2022). Timely
detection and accurate identification of TB are hence vital as delaying the diagnosis could be fatal, and prompt
administration of appropriate medication can cure this lethal ailment (Sharma & Mohan, 2013).Therefore, there
is need to develop schemes for accurate and timely diagnosis for effective treatment and control of these diseases,
especially in low-resource settings where they are prevalent.
The traditional machine learning (ML) methods for medical image analysis typically involve hand-crafted
extraction of features and feeding them to classical classification algorithms such as random forests (RF)
(Melendez et al., 2016), extremely randomized trees (ERT)(Melendez et al., 2016), k-nearest neighbors (KNN)
(Van Ginneken et al., 2002), etc. This approach relies on prior knowledge of the image content and may not
generalize well to new datasets or imaging modalities (Melendez et al., 2016; Singh & Hamde, 2019; Van
Ginneken et al., 2002). These methods also require extensive manual annotation and may be prone to errors
(Rahman et al., 2020), variability and subjective interpretation (Brady, 2017; Degnan et al., 2019).
In contrast, the availability of extensive labeled datasets and deep convolutional neural networks (CNNs) has
resulted in significant achievements in image recognition. CNNs can learn data-driven, highly descriptive, and
hierarchical image features from a sufficient amount of training data. However, it is still challenging to acquire
comprehensive annotations for medical imaging datasets like ImageNet (Greenspan et al., 2016; Shin et al., 2016).
Furthermore, continued research in this area has led to significant advances in the diagnosis and treatment of a
wide range of diseases.
Also, the effectiveness of these models is heavily reliant on the choice of optimization algorithms used during
training. Gradient-based optimization algorithms have been widely adopted due to their efficiency and
effectiveness in DL tasks (Dogo et al., 2018). However, selecting the optimal optimization scheme for a specific
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
task still remains a challenging and important problem especially for medical image detection and classification
This paper therefore presents a comparative study of popular first-order stochastic gradient-based optimization
schemes for medical image classification, specifically focusing on optimizing DL models for TB Chest X-ray
(CXR) Database. We analyze the performance of different optimizers in terms of accuracy, precision, recall, F1-
score, and AUC score and provide insights into their suitability for medical image classification.
This study contributes to the growing body of literature on the utilization of DL models for medical image
detection and classification. The findings of this study will be of great interest to researchers and practitioners in
the field of medical image analysis using DL, as it provides valuable insights into the suitability of different
optimizers for medical image classification. We evaluate our trained custom CNN models on a held-out test data
and analyze their performance using various evaluation metrics and visualization techniques with a view to
addressing the following research questions:
• How does the choice of gradient-based optimization schemes affect the performance of DL-based
medical image classification models?
• Which first-order stochastic gradient-based optimization scheme performs the best on a custom CNN
architecture for the TB CXR image classification in terms of accuracy, precision, recall, F1-score, and
AUC score?
• What insights can be gained from comparing the performance of the various optimization schemes and
how can this information be used to guide the selection of optimizers for medical image classification
The objectives of the study include providing an empirical evaluation of the impact of popular gradient-based
optimization schemes on the performance of DL-based medical image classification models, designing and
implementing a custom CNN architecture and comparing the performance of various first-order stochastic
gradient-based optimization schemes. The paper also offers a benchmark for future researchers and practitioners
to compare their results and select the most appropriate optimizer for their medical image classification task and
provide guidance for the selection of optimization schemes for medical image classification tasks.
In various recent research, CNNs have been utilized to identify a number of lung ailments like TB and pneumonia
through the analysis of chest X-ray (CXR) images. With the emergence of the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020,
techniques based on CNNs have also been employed to detect the presence of the novel coronavirus by examining
CXR images. The work of Sathitratanacheewin et al., (2020) highlights the limitations of using ML models for
TB detection and surveillance, specifically with regards to the generalizability of the models. The study developed
a Deep CNN model using a TB-specific CXR dataset from one population and tested it on a non-TB-specific CXR
dataset from another population. The CCN model performed well in detecting TB in both the training and
intramural test sets using the former, with AUC values of 0.9845 and 0.8502, respectively. However, the AUC
dropped significantly to 0.7054 in the latter showing that a supervised DL model developed using the training
dataset from one population may not have the same diagnostic performance in another population, indicating the
importance of examining technical specifications of CXR images, disease severity distribution, dataset
distribution shift, and overdiagnosis before implementing the model in other settings. The work of Rahman et al.,
(2020) developed a framework using CXR with DL, segmentation and visualization. The work was aimed to
detect TB reliably from CXR images by utilizing image preprocessing, data augmentation, image segmentation,
and deep-learning classification techniques. The study created a database of 3500 TB-infected and 3500 normal
CXR images and utilized nine different deep CNNs for transfer learning. The study found that classification using
segmented lung images outperformed that with whole X-ray images and achieved state-of-the-art performance
with accuracy, precision, sensitivity, F1-score, and specificity of DenseNet201 being 98.6%, 98.57%, 98.56%,
98.56%, and 98.54% respectively. The proposed method could be useful in computer-aided faster diagnosis of
TB. In their study, Tahir et al., (2021) achieved a sensitivity of over 90% in classifying several coronavirus
families including SARS, MERS, and COVID-19 through transfer learning of various pre-trained CNN models.
Chhikara et al., (2020) investigated whether CXR images could be used to identify cases of pneumonia. They
assessed the effectiveness of several pre-trained models, including Resnet, Xception, and Inception, while also
implementing various preprocessing techniques such as filtering and gamma correction. In several studies, deep
ML algorithms have been utilized to detect TB by adjusting the parameters of deep-layered CNNs (Hooda et al.,
2017; Lakhani & Sundaram, 2017; Nguyen et al., 2019; Pasa et al., 2019). Pre-trained models and their ensembles
were utilized for TB detection using transfer learning in the DL framework, as explained in sources (Ahsan et al.,
2019; Meraj et al., 2019). A DL approach was presented in (Hooda et al., 2017) to classify CXR images into TB
and non-TB categories achieving an accuracy of 82.09% while Evalgelista & Guedes, (2018) reported an accuracy
of 88.76% for an intelligent pattern recognition framework based on CNNs for TB detection from CXR images.
The work of Pasa et al., (2019) suggested a deep neural network design that was enhanced for detecting TB,
achieving an accuracy of 86.82%. Additionally, they presented a tool that allows for the interactive visualization
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
of cases of TB. In their study, Nguyen et al., (2019) assessed how well the pre-trained DenseNet model could
classify images of normal and TB cases from two different databases. They used a fine-tuned version of the model
and found that it achieved AUC scores of 0.94 and 0.82. In their research, Ahsan et al., (2019) put forth a CNN
model that was pre-trained in a general manner to detect TB and achieved accuracies of 81.25% and 80% with
and without the use of image augmentation techniques, respectively. Abbas et al., (2020) proposed a CNN design
that applies a class decomposition method to enhance the efficiency of ImageNet pre-trained CNN models for
transfer learning. This approach resulted in excellent accuracy for detecting TB on the Japanese Society of
Radiological Technology (JSRT) database. Yadav et al., (2018) utilized transfer learning to identify TB and
achieved a precision rate of 94.89%.
3.1. Dataset description
We used the TB Chest X-ray Database made publicly available by Rahman et al., (2020) containing 7,000 CXR
images (3500 TB, 3500 normal) labelled as either TB (positive) or Normal (negative). For our experiments, we
utilized the dataset in an 80:10:10 split for the training, validation, and testing sets respectively. As a preprocessing
step, we resized the images to 224x224 and normalized by scaling the pixel values to [0,1].
3.2 Architecture
We trained a custom CNN architecture consisting of four convolutional layers with increasing number of filters
(32, 64, 128, 256) followed by max pooling layers of size 2x2, which reduces the spatial dimensions of the feature
maps. The ReLU activation function is used for all convolutional layers to introduce non-linearity into the model.
A flatten layer is added to convert the 2D feature maps into a 1D vector, which is then passed through two fully
connected dense layers with 512 and 1 neurons respectively. The first dense layer uses the ReLU activation
function while the last layer uses the sigmoid activation function, which outputs a probability value between 0
and 1 for the binary classification task. Dropout regularization with a rate of 0.5 was used in the first dense layer
to prevent overfitting. The input shape of the model is defined as (224, 224, 3) to accommodate 3 colour channels.
A summary of the network configuration is shown in Table 1.
Table1: Summary of the network configuration
Dataset: TB Chest X-Ray Database
Input image data - 224x224x3- channels RGB Images
Conv3x3-32; stride=1
ReLU (nonlinearity function)
Pooling layer: MaxPooling 2x2; stride= 1
Conv3x3-64; stride=1
ReLU (nonlinearity function)
Pooling layer: MaxPooling 2x2; stride= 1
Conv3x3-128; stride=1
ReLU (nonlinearity function)
Pooling layer: MaxPooling 2x2; stride= 1
Conv3x3-256; stride=1
ReLU (nonlinearity function)
Pooling layer: MaxPooling 2x2; stride= 1
Flattening (Input Layer of Neural Network)
FC-512 neurons
ReLU (nonlinearity function)
Dropout = 0.5 (regularization to prevent overfitting)
Final dense layer
Binary Cross entropy
Sigmoid Layer (ɸ)
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Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
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Figure 2 shows the performance comparison of different optimizers based on several evaluation metrics
(Accuracy, Precision, Recall, F1-Score and AUC Score.)
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
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University of Ilorin, Nigeria
A. Umar1*, N.S Usman1, S.M. Yusuf1, Z. Haruna1, A. Ore-Ofe1, E.S. Jeffrey1, S.A. Mikail2
Department of Computer Engineering, Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria.
Department of Electronics & Telecommunications Engineering, Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria.
Email: abubakaru061010@gmail.com
This article presents an H-infinity mixed sensitivity function for the DC motor control. The main purpose of the
DC motor is controlling the speed on a precise reference when uncertainties and disturbances act on it. Regulating
the power supply of the DC motor in order to control the angular speed is a challenging task, this necessitates the
use of H-infinity mixed sensitivity function, which is a robust technique to control the DC motor’s speed in the
presence of uncertainties and disturbances by the selection of appropriate weights for the plant. The DC motor
was modelled, and simulation was done in MATLAB 2022b environment. The results showed that for the
sensitivity function of the DC motor, the bode magnitude plot reduces from 35 dB to -35 dB with a frequency of
0.01 rad/secs to 1000000 rad/secs. Also, for the complementary sensitivity function of the DC motor, the bode
magnitude plot reduces from 19 dB to -33 dB with a frequency of 0.01 rad/secs to 1000000 rad/secs. Taking the
singular value plot into consideration, the magnitude of the DC servo motor reduces from -33 dB to -77 dB which
showed good robust stability, performance and tracking capability when using H-infinity mixed sensitivity
KEYWORDS: DC Motor, H-infinity, Mixed Sensitivity Function, Robust Stability, Robust performance
The Direct current (DC) motor is a device that converts electrical power to mechanical power. There exists
numerous variants of DC motors which are; brushless (BLDC) motor, brushed DC motor, stepper motor and servo
motor (Ma'arif & Setiawan, 2021). DC motors find applications in areas like pendulum, line follower robot, maze
following robot and robot balancing (Covaci et al., 2020; Hsu et al., 2018; Tayal et al., 2020). It possesses some
advantages over the AC motors which are ease of control characteristics, low power consumption and better
performance (Pandey et al., 2020). The main purpose of the DC motor is controlling the speed on a precise reference
when uncertainties and disturbances act on it (Taut et al., 2018). The angular speed is regulated by adjusting the
power supply of the motor, which is a challenging task, hence the need for a controller. However, the DC motor’s
speed robustness ensures that the system functions excellently in the presence of disturbance and uncertainty, while
motors accuracy is being affected by its disturbance (Ahmed et al., 2018). The accuracy and stability of the DC
motor relates to the disturbance and uncertainty of the plant. There are some features like speed and torque
nonlinearities which produces uncertainties in the rotational speed control system (Prakosa et al., 2021b). The main
disturbance occurs due to environmental circumstances and overload (Krishnan et al., 2017). The position sensor’s
sensitivity causes uncertainty mainly in noise situations (Prakosa et al., 2020). However, robust control provides a
controller design which gives a tradeoff with uncertainty (Prakosa & Vtorov, 2019). H-infinity controller, which is
a branch of robust controller gives a numerical optimization problem of stabilizing a plant in the presence of
disturbance and uncertainties (Prakosa & Stotckaia, 2019). The H-infinity mixed sensitivity function is used for
shaping the plant, in which the corresponding weights penalizes either the error signal, the input signal or the output
signal through the use of augmented plant and weighting filters (Prakosa et al., 2021a; Umar et al., 2018).
There are some literatures done within the field of DC motor with respect to robust control technique. Dey et al.
(2016) developed a robust H-infinity controller for the DC motor. The result was compared with the conventional
PID controller, which performed better than the PID controller in terms of robust stability in the time and frequency
domain. Also, (Vinida & Chacko, 2016) presented an H-infinity controller for the control of a sensorless DC motor.
Particle swarm optimization (PSO) algorithm was used to optimize the H-infinity controller. The controller was
also compared with PID controller, which showed better performance than the PID controller in terms of good
disturbance rejection and reference tracking. The weights of the H-infinity controller were optimized in (Vinida &
Chacko, 2021) using PSO, in which the DC motor was controlled using H-infinity controller. The experimental
results of the controller were compared with proportional-integral (PI) controller. The H-infinity controller
performed better during transient and sudden disturbances in the load. The DC motor’s robustness was improved
in (Prakosa et al., 2022) using H-infinity mixed sensitivity synthesis technique to solve the problem of uncertainties
and disturbances. The robustness of the DC motor’s speed was improved because the system had a better overshoot
and smoother signal.
This article proposes an H-infinity mixed sensitivity function for the DC motor control. The rest of the paper is
structured as follows; the introduction is discussed in the first section, while in the second section, the DC motor
model is presented. In section three, H-infinity mixed sensitivity function is designed and section four presents the
simulation results. Finally, the last section gives the conclusion.
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
Vb = Kbsqm (s ) (1)
Where K b is the back emf and q m is the maximum rotor shaft angle.
The armature voltage using Kirchoff’s voltage law is written as (Porbiya & Kulkarni, 2021):
Ea ( s ) = Ra I a + La sIa ( s ) + Vb ( s ) (2)
The developed motor torque is proportional to the armature current, which is written as (Porbiya & Kulkarni,
Tm ( s ) = Kt I a ( s ) (3)
Where Tm is the torque developed by the motor, K t is the motor torque constant which depends on the magnetic
field and motor characteristics.
Hence, the DC motor transfer function is written as (Porbiya & Kulkarni, 2021):
qm ( s ) Kt ( Ra J m )
= (4)
Ea ( s ) é 1 æ K K öù
s ê s + ç Dm + t b ÷ ú
ë Jm è Ra ø û
éA B1 B2 ù
P ( s ) = êê C1 D11 D12 úú (5)
êëC2 D21 D22 úû
While the state space augmented model is written as (Umar, 2017):
éu ù
x = Ax + [ B1 B2 ] ê 1 ú (6)
ëu 2 û
é y1 ù é C1 ù é D11 D12 ù é u1 ù
ê y ú = êC ú x + ê D (7)
ë 2û ë 2û ë 21 D22 úû êëu2 úû
The closed loop transfer function is given as (Umar, 2017):
Ty1u1 ( s ) = P11 ( s ) + P12 ( s ) éë I - F ( s ) P22 ( s )ùû F ( s ) P21 ( s ) (8)
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
The design objective is to find a stabilizing controller Fc ( s ) , which guarantees the closed system bounded by an
H ¥ -norm that is given by a positive number
Ty1u1 ¥
<g (11)
é Af - ZL ù
Fc ( s ) = ê (12)
ëê F 0 úûú
Ty1u1 < (13)
e(t) y1a(t)
u(t) y1b(t)
The sensitivity transfer function S ( s ) and complementary sensitivity function T ( S ) are written as:
S ( s ) = éë1 + F ( s ) G ( s ) ùû (14)
T ( s ) = 1 - S ( s ) = F ( s ) G ( s ) ëé1 + F ( s ) G ( s ) ûù (15)
0.1011s + 1.352
W1 ( s ) = (16)
s + 0.02317
W2 ( s ) = 0.0243 (17)
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
s + 206.5
W3 ( s ) = (18)
0.02157 s + 1872
G (s) = (18)
s + 201s + 6290
However, the system has been proved to be observable and controllable, which paved way for other control analysis.
The augmented H-infinity controller plant model is given as:
é -201 -6290 1 ù
é Ag Bg ù ê
êC = 1 0 0 úú (19)
ë g Dg úû ê
êë 0 148 0 úû
The sensitivity and inverse sensitivity function bode magnitude and phase plot is given in Figure 3.
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University of Ilorin, Nigeria
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
This paper proposes an H-infinity mixed sensitivity function for the DC motor control. The main purpose of the
DC motor is controlling the speed on a precise reference when uncertainties and disturbances act on it. Regulating
the power supply of the DC motor in order to control the angular speed is a challenging task, hence H-infinity
mixed sensitivity function was used for the control of the DC motor’s speed because it takes into consideration
uncertainties and disturbances, by selection of appropriate weights for the plant. Simulation was carried out in
MATLAB 2022b environment, and the results obtained showed that for the DC motor’s sensitivity function, the
bode magnitude plots reduces from 35 dB to -35 dB with a frequency of 0.01 rad/sec to 1000000 rad/sec. Also,
for the complementary sensitivity function of the DC motor, the bode magnitude plots also reduces from 19 dB
to -33 dB with a frequency of 0.01 rad/sec to 1000000 rad/sec. However, for the singular value bode plot, the
magnitude of the DC servo motor reduces from -33 dB to -77 dB which shows good robust stability, performance
and good tracking capability when using H ¥ mixed sensitivity function. Future research will consider applying
H ¥ mixed sensitivity function on other variants of the DC motor, by comparing both simulated and experimental
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Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
Composite brake pad materials have become increasingly popular due to their desirable properties; high strength,
low weight, and excellent wear resistance. This review article provides a comprehensive overview of recent
advances in composite materials for high-performance brake pads, focusing on their tribological properties and
wear mechanisms. The article begins by introducing the importance of selecting suitable materials for brake pads.
It then highlights the advantages and limitations of different composites used in brake pads, including ceramic
matrix composites, carbon fiber-reinforced composites, and metal matrix composites. The article also discusses
the mechanisms behind the wear and degradation of brake pads, such as abrasive wear, adhesion wear, and thermal
degradation. Finally, the review concludes with a discussion of future research directions and potential
improvements in the design of composite brake pads. This article provides a valuable resource for researchers and
engineers in brake pad materials and tribology.
A brake pad is the most crucial component of the disc braking system in which the life of the driver, passengers,
and road users lies once the vehicle is set into motion [Borawski 2022]. A braking system's main function is to
overcome the vehicle’s momentum and stop the vehicle through friction [Milenković et. al. 2010]. The
performance of the brake pad is greatly influenced by the friction material on the brake pad, which alters the
vehicle's motion by converting the kinetic energy to thermal energy. Hence, this is achieved by the coefficient of
friction, which accompanies the wear whenever the brake is engaged [Glisovic et. al. 2011]. These tribological
properties are the most important to look into in the brake pad as a prerequisite to other properties because the
lifespan of the brake is a function of how fast it fades during usage and how often the replacement will be done
on the braking system. Figure 1 shows a typical automobile brake pad.
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
plastic substance but the most commonly used is oil and grease [Perez and Echeberria 2019]. The functions of
lubricants, includes reduction of friction, wear and tear, corrosion prevention, temperature control and
contamination, power transmission, and reduction in squealing or screeching noise due to vibration [Adeyemi et.
al. 2016]. The addition of solid lubricant in the brake friction material helps modifies the effectiveness and
harshness of the brake when applied. Also, it helps reduce the noise/squeal during braking.
Friction material plays an important role in the braking system since it’s the crucial part of the brake pad that
decelerates and stop the wheel's rotation by transforming its kinetic energy to heat energy and dissipating it to the
surrounding [Adekunle et. al. 2022, Lawal et. al. 2017]. Friction material is made from a blend of several raw
materials because no single material can give all the properties required of friction material. Several researchers
have worked on replacing carcinogenic asbestos (base material) lined brake pads in the market with eco-friendly
materials such as palm kernel shell, periwinkle, sawdust, cow hooves, cow horn, banana peels, eggshell, and other
agro-residue, together with other additives [Lawal et. al. 2019, Uzochukwu et. al. 2019]. The brake pad has been
designed and formulated to maintain a steady frictional coefficient and should not decompose at high temperatures
[Dineshkumar et. al. 2017]. There are three types of brake pads available on the market. Asbestos, metallic, and
ceramic brake pads are available. Asbestos brake pads have good friction properties and thermal resistance, but
they are carcinogenic. Because of this carcinogenic effect, the manufacturer decided to look for a more
environmentally friendly alternative material [Blau 2001]. Ceramic brake pads generate less vibration, dust, and
adequate disc or drum wear, whereas metallic brake pads provide a long service life with a reduced rotor life span.
Ceramic brake pads generate less vibration, dust, and adequate disc or drum wear, whereas metallic brake pads
provide a long service life with a reduced rotor life span [Verma 2016, Xingming et. al. 2016].
Under various velocities, frictional heat, and operating conditions such as mud, oil, and water, good friction material
for brake pads maintains a coefficient of friction ranging from 0.2 to 0.4 [Yuji and Takashi 1998, Dineshkumar et.
al. 2017]. The friction material for brake pad consists of more than ten elements in which solid lubricant is not left
behind to increase the stability of the brake pad frictional coefficient and improve the thermal conductivity of the
friction material.
Recent Advances in Composite Materials for High-Performance Brake Pads: Eco-Friendly Materials Used
for Brake Pads
Composite materials have been extensively used in manufacturing high-performance brake pads due to their
superior mechanical and thermal properties. In recent years, several advancements have been made in composite
materials for high-performance brake pads. Asbestos has been removed from brake pads, and there have been
researches that have demonstrated that the removal can be replaced by eco-friendly composites such as seashells
(base material), sawdust (fillers), and other additives such as Palm kernel shell (abrasive), charcoal (lubricant),
metal chips (reinforcement) and epoxy resin (binder) [Adekunle et. al. 2022]. Agro-based materials have also
demonstrated a promising prospect, as they have been used for production of brake pad. Lawal et. al. 2019
examined the production of automobile brake pads as well as the potential of agro-based composites of cashew
nut shells and Nigerian gum Arabic binder. Steel dust, silicon carbide, and graphite were also used as additives.
The produced friction material showed some favourable properties, such as improved hardness, compressive
strength, frictional coefficient, wear rate, and good thermal capacity, in line with the work of Adekunle et al. 2022.
Furthermore, agro-based materials, particularly plants fibers, are good replacements for asbestos for brake pad
production as their coefficient of friction is reported to be 0.4848 and wear rate of 1.16mg/m. The tribological
properties of the agro-based materials were in agreement with the commercial brake pads. They followed the trend
in literature such as that of Adekunle et al. 2022, which had a 0.315 frictional coefficient and wear rate of 0.0614
mm3/Nm. Other agro-based materials which have also been used as friction material is a coconut shell (base
material), aluminum oxide (abrasive), graphite (friction modifier), and epoxy resin (binders). The coefficient of
friction of 0.614 and the wear rate were found to be 0.03156 mg/m [Lawal et. al. 2019]. As a result, the developed
friction material performs satisfactorily in terms of reduced brake noise and vibration during braking, as well as
a low wear rate and stable frictional coefficient. The high wear resistance of the developed composite resulted
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
from the higher tensile strength leading to resistance of abrasive effect more than the reference sample with higher
brittleness. Consequently, agro-based friction materials have substituted for asbestos in the production of brake
pad friction material [Abutu et. al. 2018].
Metallic materials have also been used as friction materials, which produces improved performances compared to
asbestos-based brake pads. Princa-Bretotean et al. 2018 replaced asbestos and its additives for brake friction
material production with Aluminium, graphite, zirconium oxide, silicon carbide, titanium oxide, phenolic resin,
Hexamethyl-tetramine, and coconut fibre. The coefficient of friction was determined to be 0.35; thus, the friction
material with a wear value of 0.06 g is a good alternative to be used for small and medium vehicles, which is in
accordance with technical literature on the tribological characteristic of the friction material produced from eco-
friendly composite [Adeyemi et. al. 2016]. Similarly, Lawal et al. 2017 developed friction material from a blend
of sawdust, steel dust, silicon carbide, graphite, and epoxy resin. The tribological property reported a wear rate of
3.23mg/m for the best sample produced. The composite brake friction material's higher wear resistance was
attributed to the sample's higher compressive strength which indicates that there is proper bonding between the
composite's particle arrangement and the intermolecular relation are firmly bonded with little pour spaces, which
gives rise to low moisture absorption during the percolation test.
Polymer composites have also found their usefulness in producing friction material for brake pads. Afolabi et al.
2015 reinforced polymer with palm kernel shell and cow bone. The experimental matrix was palm kernel
shell/epoxy resin and cow bone/epoxy resin at 30:70 formulation. A proper combination of PKS and cow bone as
reinforced material showed excellent thermal resilience enough not to decompose at braking temperatures for long
durations. The coefficient of friction test was performed with the aid of horizontal plane apparatus with a recorded
value of 0.735 for palm kernel and 0.677 for cow bone with the wear rate of 9.57 x 10-7 and 1.44 x 10-6 g/m,
respectively [Afolabi et al. 2015]. Table 1 gives the summary of the results of the tribological properties of friction
material for brake pads reported in works of literature.
Lawal et. al. 2019 Cashew Nut Shells 0.4848/ (0.3-0.4) 1.16/3.80 (mg/m)
Abutu et. al. 2018 coconut shell 0.634/0.634 0.03156/ 0.04184 (mg/m)
Bashir et. al. 2015 Banana peel 0.39/ (0.3-0.4) 0.038 /----- g
Afolabi et. al. 2015 Palm kernel shell 0.73/ (0.3-0.4) 9.57E-7/ 1.85E -6 (g/m)
Afolabi et. al. 2015 Cow bone 0.677/ (0.3-0.4) 1.44E-6/1.85E -6 (g/m)
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
Figure 3: (a) A typical brake pad (b) worn brake pad (c) SEM image of worn brake pad [Polak and Grzybek 2005,
Sawczuk et. al.2022]
There are various types of brake pad wear, which aids in the identification of the causes and the precise
measurement toward accuracy in repairs, allowing for effective management of user time and money [Elzayady
and Elsoeudy 2021, Li Xuewu et. al. 2020]. The wear on brake pads can be in any form; outer, inner, tapered,
over-lapping pad wear, and a glazed or cracked pad surface with lifted edges. The glazed or cracked brake pad
wear exhibits signs of physical damage and thermal tribulation to the friction material. Improper braking
application of new pads and overuse are the common causes of this type of wear in brake pads
[www.delphiautoparts.com. accessed 23/5/2023]. The major wear mechanisms, as shown in Figure 3c, occur as a
result of delamination [Laguna-Camacho et. al. 2001 of filler particles from the organic binder and degradation
of the phenolic resin during asperity heating [Manoharan et. al. 2019]. The primary dependants on the deformation
of the friction pair parts are local friction intensity and heat due to thermal contact resistance [JIANG et. al. 2019].
Furthermore, braking force and brake pad vibrations [Perez and Echeberria 2019] Its wear was influenced by
demonstrating that high weather temperatures result in rapid wear. The dominant wear modes were high sliding
abrasion wear and fatigue cracks, and the friction behavior of automotive brakes is determined by the friction
layers and friction films formed on the surface of the brake assembly [Bashir et. al. 2015, Elzayady and Elsoeudy
Based on the investigation conducted on a specific automotive vehicle's actual brake pad surface before and after
the pad was subjected to usage for its wear mechanisms determination [Elzayady and Elsoeudy 2021]. Fiber
delamination, as shown in Figure 4a, and fragmental wear, as shown by the large hole induced by particle removal
from the material's surface in Figure 4b, are two possible wear mechanisms in brake pads. The most common type
of wear that occurs during frictional motions between the brake lining and the disc surface is abrasive wear. The
hole in the surface, as shown in Figure 4b, caused microcracks in the radial directions of the hole's circumference
[Elzayady and Elsoeudy 2021, JIANG et. al. 2019], indicating non-uniformity of particle size in the sample. These
cracks almost always appear when there is too much pressure applied to the pad, resulting in more working actions
and stress. Other wear modes can be seen in large cracks in two perpendicular directions. Figure 4c depicts these
cracks. They are most likely initiated in the sliding direction and then propagated, resulting in transverse sub-
crack incidence. Thermal fatigue on the surface caused by working at a temperature range is the most common
cause of these cracks. These wear modes occur in different ways and could be as result of mechanical damage due
to friction action in the form of a glazed surface. It could also be wear due to abrasive which resulted in eroded
phases. Furthermore, thermal fatigue which occurs due to thermo-mechanical (fatigue) wear and resulted to the
formation of a large cracked surface. Finally, physical degradation by the rust layer formation and corroded
surfaces which gives rise to diffused iron, oxygen, and carbon compounds, and could be thermo-chemical wear
(phases pyrolysis) leading to phases fading [Elzayady and Elsoeudy 2021].
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
Figure 4: SEM images showing (a) voids (b) wear tracks (c) cracks of brake pad [Naidu et. al. 2022]
With the close correlation in the performance of the brake friction material produced from agro-waste, locally
sourced eco-friendly composites, and conventional carcinogenic asbestos-lined ones, it is of great necessity to
encourage the production of eco-friendly brake pads in replacement of asbestos-lined to provide a safe
In determining the wear rate of the brake pad, the area of contact, the weight of the vehicle, and the sliding distance
should be considered. Those are the parameters on which the braking performance depends.
Brake friction material should possess a moderately high coefficient of friction ranging between 0.2 to 0.4 for a
lightweight vehicle, good thermal conductivity, good strength, and relatively high wear resistance under variable
load and speed conditions. The Pin-on-disc apparatus is the most suitable, accurate, and mostly used method of
determining the tribological properties (friction and wear) of friction material for brake pads. The velocity of sliding,
sliding distance, and load acting on materials are the parameters on which the wear rate of friction material for brake
pad depends. The tribological properties (friction coefficient and wear rate) of the brake pad are greatly influenced
by the material composition and quantity of binder present in the composition, i.e., the higher the percentage of
binder in the friction material composition led to corresponding higher hardness and wear resistance of the brake
friction material.
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University of Ilorin, Nigeria
In recent times, electricity has been the key driving factor in all aspect human life such as healthcare,
transportation, entertainment and education. Providing this essential service to meet the ever growing universal
energy consumption coupled with the fast exhaustion of fossil fuel reserves as well as the enormous environmental
hazard associated with its consumption has necessitated substantial research consideration on clean energy
sources. This study presents an exploration of global Renewable Energy (RE) statistics and its tendencies for
electricity generation with particular emphasis on Nigeria. The exploration was based on the data obtained for all
the various forms of RE data obtained from several RE data base. It also explores Nigeria RE potential, estimates
the amount of electrical energy that can be generated from RE and the current status of their usage. Benefits and
factors hampering the generation of electricity from RE sources were enumerated.The study unveils Nigeria RE
potential with the annual average solar insolation ranging from 4.2kWh/𝑚4 /day in the south to 5.9kWh/𝑚4 /day
in the north, wind energy ranging from 4.4 W/ m2 to 35.2 W/m2 (if the intensity is perpendicular to wind direction),
and a hydro potential above 11,000MW.
1. Introduction
Energy is a vital constituent for growth and an influential engine of commercial and societal transformation in
any nation. It is at the core of every quality life and an imperative factor for financial progress (Akorede et al,
2017). Electrical energy has become an essential product for a comfy life in both rural and urban areas. For this
reason, its demand has been on the rise continuously universally at the rate of 3% per year. Worldwide, there is
an estimation of above 1.5 billion people who lack access to electricity (Shaver, 2017). Nigeria is located in the
western region of Africa (Adejumo and Suleiman, 2017) is the Africa’s largest economy and home to
approximately 10% of the un-electrified population of Sub-Saharan Africa (Maria et al, 2020, Komolafe et al.
2003, Lloyd 2007), with the majority of whom reside in the rural communities. (Diemuodeke et al, 2021). With
a population of around 213 million(Nigeria population, 2021), the country barely generates meager 6000MW of
electricity which by international standard is not adequate to cater for healthy living asides to support industrial
development and infrastructure (Adhekpukoli, 2018: Eboibi et al, 2017).The energy mix of Nigeria electricity
supply sector is dominated by fossil fuels with natural gas and hydro accounting for around 85% and 15% of grid-
connected generation respectively (NPBR, 2015). Paradoxically, the country is endowed with huge fossil fuel
reserve which according to Oyedepo et al, 2018 in 2017 her reserve are; Light Crude oil: 37.06 billion bbl, Natural
gas: 5.284 trillion cubic meter and Coal and Lignite: 2.734 billion tones, though characterized by challenges such
as depletion, high cost and greenhouse effect (Rana et al, 2017; Zubo et al, 2017).
Positive progress has been accomplished in the last decade which can be attributed to the
combined effort of Engineer and scientists. Globally, several subsidies and policies have been
established to assist the deployment of non-hydro RE sources and facilities, (Nadeeshani et al, 2015).
It has yield result, the share of Net annual additions of renewable energy in power generation capacity
in 2011 was less than 50% and increase to 84% in 2021(REN, 2022).
As depicted by Table 1, Total Annual Addition of Renewable Power Capacity (TAARPC)
increased by 73.2% from 2016 to 2021, In order to achieve net zero scenarios for 2030 and 2050, the
Table shows projected Value. Net Zero Scenario (NZS) denotes to the method of accomplishment a
Net zero carbon footprint of methane, carbon dioxide (CO2), and other Greenhouse Gases (GHG) in
the sky by eradicating all man-made GHG emissions from the air through reduction procedures (artificial
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
and natural sink), carbon-offsetting or by basically not radiating to reach net zero (Saheed and
Hammed, 2020).
TABLE 8: Annual Additions of Renewable Power Capacity, by Technology and Total, 2016-2021, and to Achieve Net Zero
Scenarios for 2030 and 2050 (GW) (REN, 2022)
2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2030 2050
Total annual renewable power capacity
additions 155.5 163.1 180.9 183.4 194.4 269.3 730.0 824.9
Hydropower 21.9 18.0 20.2 15.8 19.4 26.7 47.7 35.4
Wind power 54.9 53.5 50.7 60.8 95.3 93.6 236.4 253.1
Solar PV 77.0 103.0 104.0 111.0 145.0 175.0 421.9 459.6
Bio-power, geothermal, ocean power,
CSP 9.3 6.4 8.5 6.8 9.6 11.8 24.0 76.9
To achieve NZS by 2030, the TAARPC is projected to increase by 171.1% from 2011 to 2030 and also projected
to increase by 13%, from 2030 to 2050 to achieve NZS by 2050. Achieving NZS by 2030 will be difficult
considering 73.2% increase in TAARPC over a span of five years (2016-2021) compared to projected increase of
171.1% over a span of 9 years (2021-2030). But if the increments of 74.9GW in TAARPC between 2020 to 2021
(A year) can be sustained annually, then the NZS 2030 can be achieved. It requires diligence and commitment of
the entire stakeholder in RE business.
2.1. Solar PV
In terms of installed cumulative solar power, the top five countries as of 2022 are China, USA, Japan,
Germany and India with installed capacity of 393,032MW, 113,015MW, 78,833MW, 66,554MW and 63,146MW
respectively (IRENA, 2023). The installed solar power capacity in Germany alone (a country located in a
temperate region), is more than 10times the highest peak total electricity generated from all sources in Nigeria,
being 6000MW (Eboibi et al, 2017).
As depicted by Table 1, annual addition of solar PV has the highest increase rate of 127.3 % (from
77.0GW to 175GW) from 2016 to 2021. In order to achieve NZS for 2030 annual solar PV capacity is projected
to increase by 246.9GW from year 2021 to 2030(9 years span). This will be tough to achieve unless the annual
additions of solar PV Capacity increase from 2020 to 2021 (30GW) can be sustained. Annual increase of 30GW
can easily be continued if tropical regions that have higher solar radiation (Bekele and Palm, 2010) can be
encouraged to invest into solar PV project. Similarly to achieve NZS by 2050, the annual additions of solar PV
Capacity is projected to increase by 8.9% from year 2030 to 2050.
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
of other RE sources Capacity increases by 24.7 % from 2016 to 2021. It estimated that in order to
achieve NZS by 2030 it should increase by 103.3% which will also be challenging unless the annual
rise between 2020 and 2021 can be maintained over the nine years (2021-2030). An increase of 220.4%
between year 2030 to 2050 is also required to achieve NZS by 2050. Geothermal can be categorize as
RE source because the water is restocked by rainfall, thus the heat can be constantly created inside
the earth (Ľudovít et al, 2010). In geothermal, US, Indonesia, Philippines, Turkey and New zealand are
takes the leads with capacity of 2.57GW, 2.13GW, 1.93GW, 1.61GW and 0.98GW respectively. A
country in Africa, Kenya was ranked 7 with geothermal electricity capacity of 0.82GW (The US
information Administration, 2020).
In summary (Table 2), it can be deducted that some countries are in the forefront to achieve NZS. China
are leading in 4 RE sources such as Solar PV, wind power, Bio-power and Hydropower. US are among the top
five countries in virtually all the RE sources. Germany, Brazil and India can also be seen as among the countries
taking advatages of the benefits of RE sources.
TABLE 2: Top Five Countries in RE Sources
S/N Solar PV Wind Power Hydro Geothermal (the US Bio –power
(IRENA, (IRENA, 2023). power (IEA, information Administration, (REN, 2021)
2023). 2020) 2020)
1. China China China USA China
2. USA USA Brazil Indonesia Brazil
3. Japan Germany Canada Philippines United State
4. Germany India USA Turkey Germany
5. India Spain Russia New zealand India
Several aboriginal researchers have deliberated the possibility of Renewable Energy (RE) resources in
Nigeria with a view of establishing their feasibility in the country. The country has installed capacity of
10,396MW, out of which 6,056MW is available. 82.5 % (4,996MW) of the available 6,056MW is from
gas generating plants while the remaining 1,060MW is hydro (Stephen et al, 2022). A study conducted
at the end of 2015 indicates that the segment of renewables in electric power generation (including off-
grid) is around 23.7 % with 16.6% from hydropower, 3.7% from wind power while other renewables
amount to 3.4% (Akorede et al, 2017). This necessitate the needs to access the RE potential of the
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
From the Table 3, the annual average solar insolation ranges from 4.2kWh/𝑚4 /day to 5.9kWh/𝑚4 /day. Using an
average solar irradiation 5.3kWh/𝑚4 /day for Nigeria, the average annual irradiation will be around 1934.5
kWh/m2. According to Bekele and Palm, 2010, the solar irradiation in tropical regions is greater than that of more
temperate latitudes. Europe has an average annual irradiation of 1000 kWh/m2, while that Middle East is around
1800 kWh/m2 which are lower than Nigeria (Sunday et al, 2019). Unexpectedly according to IRENA 2023, Asia
and Europe are in the fore front of annual additions of solar PV Capacity. According to Ani, 2014, Ebigenibo
and Oluwasanmi, 2020, the hourly energy output of the PV generator 𝐸h0 can be calculated according to the
equation 1.
𝐸h0 = G (t) * A * P * 𝜂h0 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------(1)
Where G (t) is the hourly irradiance in kWh/𝑚4 , A is the surface area in 𝑚4 , P is the PV penetration level factor,
and 𝜂h0 is the efficiency of PV generator.
Nigeria has a 923,768k𝑚4 land area (Olayinka et al, 2014.), using an estimate of 1934.5 kWh/m2 per
year, an average of 178 7thosandTWh/year of solar energy is estimated to fall on the entire land area. Applying
Equation (1), Using 15% conversion efficiency (solar panel conversion efficiency) and assuming 0.1% of its land
is used, approximately 268.1TWh/year of electricity can be generated from solar PV, which is higher than her
electricity demand estimate of 144.5 TWh/yr (Ezenanaya et al, 2014). Nigeria has an estimated population of
213.4 million (Nigeria population, 2021) as at December 2021. The W per capita is by this analogy from solar PV
will be 1,256 which is higher than that of Germany (IRENA, 2023).
The Nation has no thorough project database of RE, no off-grid hybrid or grid connected solar projects,
all existing projects are either stand-alone mini-grid or off-grid stand-alone lighting application of few kWp
(Olayinka et al, 2014),
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
Estimating from the above wind speed, the wind energy intensity perpendicular to the wind direction ranges
between 4.4W/m2 along the coastal areas to as high as 35.2W/m2 to the extreme north (akinbulire et al, 2014).
Currently, apart from the few stand-alone wind power plants which were installed in the 1960s in five northern
states purposely for water pumping, there was no commercial wind power plants linked to the national grid.
Additionally, a 5 kW wind turbine plant for electrification of a village was installed at Sayyan Gidan Gada, in
Sokoto State (Uzoma et al, 2011: Sunday et al, 2019: Bamisile et al, 2017).
Where: Q is flow rate (m3/s), ρ is water density (1000 kg/m3), n is number of hours in year for which the specified
flow occurs, Hn is net head (m), g is gravitational constant (9.8 m/s2), and η represent is efficiency which denote
th e extent of energy conversion. Hydropower is the on RE sources is currently been used for commercial purpose,
it 15% of grid-connected electricity generation (NPBR, 2015). A study estimated the small hydropower potential
of country to be 3,500 MW (Oseni, 2012)
RE sources cause less environmental effect than other energy sources. The execution of RE
technologies will assist to tackle the environmental concerns that developed due to greenhouse gas
emissions such as oxides of nitrogen (NOx), carbon dioxide (CO2), oxides of sulfur (SOx), and
particulate matters that arise as a result to of power generation from natural gas, oil and coal. RE
sources are clean energy system that has no consequence on the environment during or after
generation. Variety of RE resources provides flexible sets of possibilities for their usage (Sunday 2012;
Oisamoje and Oisamoje, 2013; Slootweg et al, 2001).
From literature surveyed, several factors have been attributed to the low pace of RE as it’s relates to
electricity generation, They includes: lack of consciousness and technical unskillfulness, high initial investment
cost, inconsistency Regulatory framework and enticements, grid unpredictability and intermittency nature of RE
sources. The latter can cause undesired effects in the structure, such as increased fault current, fluctuations in the
voltage profile, readjustment of the control and protection systems, inversion in the flow direction, (Benvindo et
al 2015, Kaabeche et al, 2011).
5. conclusion
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
Attentions have been focused on RE sources for electricity generation and other usage due to its enormous benefits
and the challenges and hazards attributed to the use of fossil fuel. In this paper, global RE statistics were explored
and its propensities for electric power generation highlighting Nigeria RE potentials. Data were obtained from
several RE database and were analyzed, references were made to the leading countries to ascertain their growth
and project the possible development in the near future. Nigeria RE potential was evaluated and estimates of
electrical energy that can be generated from various RE were presented in conjunction to their current status for
electricity generation. The study unveils that the country can resolve its electrical energy woes if it’s RE sources
are properly harnessed.
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Water-related diseases are closely linked to poverty and disproportionately affect vulnerable communities
mainly in developing countries including Rwanda. Most development projects highlight community participation
as one of the prerequisites for the improved performance of water and sanitation services. Three rural villages
in Musanze District (Gataraga, Gitega, Rwinuma) in Rwanda were taken as a case study. Data were collected
using questionnaires and analyzed using Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS). A total of 192
participants responded to the questionnaires of whom 189 were water and sanitation services beneficiaries. In
addition, water and sanitation district and sectors officials were also interviewed. Our findings showed that
sustainability issues were inadequately addressed at the planning and design stages, communities had no
capacity to maintain the water and sanitation services and no sense of ownership. The study recommends the
adoption and incorporation of the user centered design methodology at the initial stages of water and sanitation
development programmes in order to produce interventions that fully solve community problems and to
prioritize capacity building for operators and technical support at all levels for all other groups engaged in
planning, implementation and maintenance of water and sanitation services.
Key words: Sustainability, Community Participation, User Centered Designs, user association, operation and
In 2015, over 2.3 billion people all over the world still lacked basic sanitation service, 844 million people still
lacked basic drinking water while only two out of five people using safely managed sanitation services (1.2 billion)
lived in rural areas (UNICEF, 2017). This explains the need for SDG’s 6 on ensuring availability and sustainable
management of water and sanitation for all. Goal 6 includes the target of achieving universal and equitable access
to safe and affordable drinking water for all and achieving access to adequate and equitable sanitation and hygiene
for all and end open defecation, paying special attention to the needs of women and girls and those in vulnerable
situations by 2030 (UN News Centre, 2015). In line with that, the Africa water vision aspires sustainable access
to safe and adequate water supply and sanitation to meet the basic needs of all by 2025 (African Union, African
Development Bank, & Economic Commission for Africa, 2009). In Africa, a considerable percentage of the
population still lacks the basic need of safe drinking water. 89% of people have at least one basic water service
globally, which mean an improved drinking-water source within a 30-minute round trip. In Africa, only six
countries are above that threshold: Algeria, Tunisia, Seychelles, Libya, Egypt and Mauritius. Many countries are
still far below the line; only 19.3 % of the population of Eritrea has access to a basic water service, followed by
Uganda and Ethiopia, both with 39%. Nearly 40% of African countries currently provide basic drinking services
to less two thirds of their people. Regarding sanitation, Africa has the lowest levels of basic sanitation services
amongst world regions, although North African countries, Equatorial Guinea, and South Africa have coverage
levels comparable to other regions. The proportion of the population with access to at least basic sanitation
services in Africa increased from 25% in 2000 to 28% in 2015 (AU, ECA, AfDB, 2018) .
According to World Health Organization, around 3.4 million people die annually from water-related diseases
(UNICEF, 2017). Waterborne diseases are a global issue which is affecting countries at different magnitude. The
Rwanda Biomedical Center in 2016 confirmed outbreak of non-bloody diarrhea, typhoid, shigellosis and cholera
cases in Rwanda. In 2008, Musanze district was among the least served districts in the country in terms of water,
sanitation and hygiene (WASH) services (Murtaza et al., 2017). According to (MININFRA, 2017), Rwanda’s
main challenge to achieve its 2030 target of 100% access to basic water supply and sanitation is the funding gap
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
for WASH services in scattered settlements in difficult and hilly terrain. Most development projects donors
identify community participation as one of the prerequisite for the improved performance of water and sanitation
sector (Mdendemi, 2013).This puts into question the role of community participation in planning, implementing
and maintaining water and sanitation services in rural areas of Rwanda to ensure their sustainability.
While assessing the effect of community participation on sustainability of rural water projects in Delta Central
agricultural zone of Delta State, Nigeria, (Ofuoku, 2011) found a significant relationship between participation
and sustainability of water projects and recommended that the level of participation should be increased,
emphasizing on regular conference and institution of sanctions/rewards to encourage citizens to participate in
development projects. Haq,et al., (2014) examined the relationship between the level of community participation
and sustainability of the rural water supply programs in the rural area of Faisalabd district in Pakistan and their
findings clearly demonstrated that community participation at all stages played a positive role in the ownership
and sustainability of the rural water supply programs. The results also showed that there is a need of increased
community participation in operation and maintenance of water supply projects in order to ensure the quality
assurance of the programs. The study further suggested that local people should be involved before launching any
development projects in communities.
These two studies have highlighted the importance of community involvement at the different stages of water and
sanitation projects. The different stages include planning, design, construction, operation, maintenance and
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
USD 0.027) per 20 liters of water is paid, while for the public toilets a fee 50 Rwandan Francs (approximately
USD 0.055) is paid to use the facility. The fee is collected by a member of the village who has a contract with the
operator. Apart from collecting the user fees, the person also communicates to the operator in case of any unusual
water shortage or pipe failure.
The failure of many development projects including that of water and sanitation is due to ineffective participation
of key stakeholders including users, low capacity of the communities in operation and maintenance of water and
sanitation systems as well as management of the resources. It has been highlighted that participation must take
place at all stages of development of the water and sanitation schemes, from the planning stage, to implementation
and management. Our findings showed that sustainability issues were inadequately addressed during initial stage
of project development. This is corroborated by results from field observations and respondents claim of regular
water systems breakdown caused by technical flaws in the designs and implementation, low technical capacities
of water attendants and uncleanness of the public toilets due to poor designs and maintenance. Communities have
no capacity to maintain the water and sanitation services and no sense of ownership. Community involvement in
every step of the project is key because sustainability improves with greater community participation in all cycles.
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Management Practice under Bank-Supported Projects and Beyond. Social Development Notes, (83), 385–
412. Retrieved from http://siteresources.worldbank.org/Intranetsocial development/873467
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
This paper discusses the use of incremental evolution of generalized regression neural networks (GRNN) in the
development of dynamic models of quadcopter systems. 11,835 flight datasets comprising attitude and altitude
data were collected using quadcopter model F450 fitted with a PIXHAWK flight controller. The data were
normalized and 70% was used for training and testing, while 30% was used for model validation. The results
obtained show that for an MSE threshold of 0.1, a 98% reduction in the size of the hidden layer of the network is
achievable for the attitude (roll, pitch and yaw) and altitude identification. The MSE values of 0.0268, 0.0514,
0.1627 and 0.2033 for the roll, pitch, yaw and altitude models respectively also indicated that the networks have
higher accuracy compared with the GRNN models. Also, the R2 values of 0.9732, 0.9484, 0.8373 and 0.7967
obtained for the validation of the roll, pitch, yaw and altitude models indicate that the models are well-fitted. The
results showed that the incremental evolution-based GRNN algorithm reduces the size of the network’s hidden
layer by pruning neurons that do not contribute to error minimization between the actual flight output and the
trained output, which results in higher accuracy compared to conventional GRNN models.
KEYWORDS: Quadcopter, GRNN, System Identification, Incremental Evolution
The design of robust controllers for high performance operations of the quadcopter in constrained environments
require an accurate model of the quadcopter system. These accurate models can also be used for design and
development of advanced control strategies for trajectory planning control, fault-tolerant control, fault diagnosis
and autonomous missions planning (Navarro et al., 2017). The development of a robust controller with the ability
to adapt itself to the dynamic behaviour of the quadcopter system in the event of performance degradation of the
actuators can be achieved with the aid of suitable system identification techniques, hence, an accurate
identification of the system plays an important role in model reference adaptive control design. System
identification and parameter estimation of any dynamic system produces a model of the system that can be used
for the design, development and validation of control algorithms for the system. The mathematical model of
quadcopter unmanned aerial vehicle systems derived from first principle contains un-modelled dynamics and
model uncertainties arising from dynamic perturbations such as high frequency dynamics on parts of the system
(Noormohammadi-asl et al, 2020). Furthermore, parametric and non-parametric uncertainties, noise and
disturbances can affect the accuracy of models developed from experimental data. Neural networks are used in
many applications including image recognition, classification, control and system identification, function
approximation and regression (Tutunji, 2016). Neural identification offers a promising direction towards higher
understanding of systems and the ability to solve some of the challenges in control design problems, especially in
the determination of accurate dynamic models, and the development of intelligent control algorithms.
Furthermore, there has been a paradigm shift in model identification of dynamic systems with the attention now
focusing on the use of neural network techniques for improved accuracy in the determination of system models
(Wang and Zhao, 2013).
Many researchers have worked on the development of neural networks for system identification. Abas et al (2011)
investigated a method for parameter identification of a quadcopter using state estimation method with the
implementation of Unscented Kalman Filter (UKF). In a related work, Navarro et al (2017) carried out a research
on flight dynamics model development of a multi-copter using system identification techniques by using
Comprehensive Identification from Frequency Response (CIFER) software for frequency response analysis. Al-
Mahasneh et al (2017) carried out a study on the effect of evolutionary algorithms in improving neural network
capabilities in identification of nonlinear multi input multi output dynamic systems such as quadcopters. Similarly,
Al-Mahasneh et al (2018) carried out a comparative analyses between Generalized Regression Neural Network
(GRNN) technique and Back Propagation Neural Networks (BPNN) technique in system identification and
control of dynamic systems by comparing their training time and training error. Ives et al (2015) carried out
system identification of the attitude of a quadrotor using experimental data. Furthermore, several other methods
of system identification give better results, like the work of (Wang and Zhao, 2013) which is based on the white-
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
box technique, which requires a mathematical model of the system to be presented. Pairan et al (2020) carried out
a review of neural network-based techniques for quadcopter dynamic modelling. Sa and Corke (2012) carried out
system identification, estimation and control for a cost effective open-source quadcopter by using autoregressive
moving average (ARMAX) model. Pairan and Shamsudin (2017) performed recursive system identification of a
quadcopter based on radial basis function (RBF) neural network structure trained with constant trace (CT) and
minimum resource allocation neural network (MRAN) algorithms for attitude model of quadcopters. The
generated model was validated by checking the RMSE, training time and R2 values. Salameh et al (2015)
developed system models for a quadcopter hovering operation using experimental flight data. The models
developed were autoregressive with extra input (ARX) – based models for the attitude and altitude single input
single output. Filho et al (2016) developed a test bench to be used for identification of system parameters of a
quadcopter. Chovancová et al (2014) carried out mathematical modelling and identification of parameters of the
non-linear model of a quadcopter. Kantue and Pedro (2018) investigated the identification of unmanned
quadcopter in accelerated flight using grey box modelling approach. Similarly, Kantue (2018) investigated
nonlinear identification of an unmanned quadcopter rotor dynamics using radial basis function neural networks.
Abdolahi and Rezaeizadeh (2018) carried out a black-box identification and iterative learning control of a
quadcopter. Gandhi et al (2019) carried out a comparative analysis of multiple algorithms used for system
identification of an unconventional UAV. Ayyad et al (2020) carried out a parametric system identification for
linear system model of an unmanned aerial vehicle using deep learning and modified relay feedback test (MRFT).
Amiruddin et al (2021) performed a comparative analyses of several deep learning techniques for system
identification of quadcopter unmanned aerial vehicle. They compared gated recurrent units (GRUs), Long-short
term memory and Convolutional neural networks (LSTM-CNN) in the identification of single-input-single-output
(SISO) and multi-input-multi-output (MIMO) quadcopter system using a black-box approach.
This paper focuses on the development of black-box quadcopter dynamic models using incremental evolution of
generalized regression neural networks with a view to reducing the size of the hidden layer of the network while
improving the accuracy of the trained models.
The quadcopter is a four rotor fixed pitch propeller unmanned aerial vehicle. Figure 1 shows the typical set-up of
a quadcopter system.
The thrust generation by the motors is directly proportional to the square of the angular speed as provided in
equation (1)
Ti = cwi2 …(1)
were Ti and wi are the thrusts and angular velocities exerted by the ith motor respectively, and c is the drag
coefficient of each of the identical propellers.
In the inertial frame, the acceleration of the quadcopter is due to thrust, gravity and linear friction. The thrust
vector in the inertial frame can be obtained by using the rotation matrix R to map the thrust vector from the body
frame to the inertial frame. The position and velocity in the inertial frame X = ( x, y, z)T and X = ( x, y , z)T ,
and the attitude in the body frame and the corresponding velocities Q = (f ,q ,y )T and Q = (f,q,y )T . The
angular velocity in the body frame is given by;
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
é1 0 - sin q ù
w = ê0 cos f cos f úú … (2)
êë0 - sin f cos f úû
The body and inertial frames are related by the rotation matrix R, which goes from the body frame to the inertial
frame. Using the Z-Y-Z Euler angle conversion;
é cos f cos q cosy sin q - siny cos f cosy sin q cos f + siny sin f ù
R = êêsiny cos q siny sin q sin f + cosy cos f siny sin q cos f - cosy sin f úú … (3)
êë - sin q cos q sin f cos q cos f úû
The first set of differential equations that describe the acceleration of the quadcopter can be written as;
xö æ 0ö æ 0ö
ç ÷ ç ÷ Tç ÷
ç y ÷ = g ç 0÷ - R m ç 0÷ … (4)
ç ÷ ç1÷ ç1÷
èzø è ø è ø
where T is the total torque generated by the quadcopter, m is the mass of the quadcopter system and g is the
acceleration due to gravity.
With the inertia matrix I, which is a diagonal matrix with the inertias Ix, Iy and Iz on the main diagonal, the rotor
inertia IR, the vector M that describes the torque applied to the vehicle’s body and the vector MG of the gyroscopic
torques, a second set of differential equations is obtained;
æ Lb(w32 - w42 ö
ç ÷
M =ç Lb(w1 - w2 )
2 2
÷ … (6)
ç b(w12 + w22 - w32 - w42 ) ÷
è ø
Generalized Regression Neural Network (GRNN), also called general regression neural network, is a single pass
associative memory feedforward type neural network, and uses normalized Gaussian kernels in the hidden layer
as activation functions (Al-Mahasneh et al 2018). It is similar to radial basis function neural network, but the
output is a special linear function. It is made up of the input layer, hidden layer, summation, division and output
layer. Figure 2 shows the structure of generalized regression neural network, unlike in feedback neural networks,
the data in a GRNN can only flow from the input layer to the hidden layer and finally to the output layer. When
GRNN is trained, it memorizes every unique pattern because it is a single pass network and does not require back
propagation. After training GRNN with adequate training patterns, it will be able to generalize for new inputs.
The output of GRNN can be calculated using equations (7) and (8).
Di = ( X - X i ) ( X - X i )
N æ - Di ö
ç ÷
å Ye è 2s 2 ø
Yˆ = i =1
N æ - Di ö
ç ÷
i =1
è 2s 2 ø
where Di is the Euclidean distance between the input Xi and the training sample input X and Y is the training
sample output, and s is the smoothening parameter of the GRNN.
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
The results shown in figures 4 and 5 of the identification of the quadcopter model F450 using GRNN and IE-
GRNN. The results depict the predicted data and the target data. The GRNN takes 0.0244 seconds to train and
generate the roll, pitch and yaw models, while the IE-GRNN takes 71.7300 seconds to train. The GRNN model is
a forward path model, and a new node is assigned for every input/output data, that is why it takes only 0.0244
seconds to train, while the IE-GRNN trains the data in batches of 100 and discards any set of data which does not
help improve the overall accuracy of the model. Hence the training time increases significantly
Figure 4(a) Pitch Identification for GRNN, IE-GRNN and Actual Data (b). Yaw Identification Responses for GRNN, IE-GRNN and Actual Data
Figure 5 (a) Roll rate Identification comparison (b). Pitch rate Identification comparison
Furthermore, the mean squared error (MSE), root mean squared error (RMSE) and the R-squared values of the
trained models in comparison with the actual data outputs are presented in table 1. The IE-GRNN provides better
accuracy in terms of error minimization compared to the GRNN trained model. Also, the R2 values closer to 1
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
also indicate that the models are well-fitted (Pairan & Shamsudin, 2017) (Dey et al., 2022) except for the altitude
model, which has an R2 value of 0.5. This is caused by the large disturbance experience while collecting data and
the poor default controller developed for the quadcopter system which has poor disturbance rejection.
This work has shown the use of neural identification of quadcopters for large data samples and the impact of
incremental evolution on generalized regression neural network with regards to over-fitting and under-fitting of
the models. It also examined the accuracy of the developed models using the incremental evolution algorithm.
The use of an improvised test bench for attitude data collection provides a cheap and alternative means to the use
of expensive motion capture cameras, and the results obtained are comparable (Gandhi et al., 2019). Incremental
evolution – based generalized regression neural network is suitable for offline black-box identification of
quadcopter attitude and attitude rates dynamic models due to the reduced computational complexities and
hardware requirements for its implementation. Incremental evolution – based generalized regression neural
network – based models provide more accurate models compared to models developed using conventional
generalized regression neural networks in terms of model fit, and error minimization. However, the longer training
time required makes it unsuitable for online model identification.
The first author would like to thank the department of Mechatronics and Systems engineering, Abubakar Tafawa
Balewa University, Bauchi, for providing the environment and logistics to carry out the research work. The
contributions of Prof. E. E. Omizegba and Prof. E. C. Anene both of the department of electrical and electronics
engineering of the same university are also acknowledged
Abas, N., Legowo, A., & Akmeliawati, R. (2011). Parameter identification of an autonomous quadrotor. 2011 4th
International Conference on Mechatronics: Integrated Engineering for Industrial and Societal
Development, ICOM’11 - Conference Proceedings, May, 17–19.
Abdolahi, Y., & Rezaeizadeh, A. (2018). Black-box identification and iterative learning control for quadcopter.
2018 6th International Conference on Control Engineering and Information Technology, CEIT 2018,
October, 1–5. https://doi.org/10.1109/CEIT.2018.8751795
Al-Mahasneh, A. J., Anavatti, S. G., & Garratt, M. A. (2017). Nonlinear Multi-Input Multi-Output System
Identification using Neuro-Evolutionary Methods for a Quadcopter. 2017 Ninth International Conference
on Advanced Computational Intelligence (ICACI), 2–7.
Al-Mahasneh, A. J., Anavatti, S. G., & Garratt, M. A. (2018). Review of Applications of Generalized Regression
Neural Networks in Identification and Control of Dynamic Systems.
Amiruddin, B. P., Iskandar, E., Fatoni, A., & Santoso, A. (2021). Deep Learning based System Identification of
Quadcopter Unmanned Aerial Vehicle.
Ayyad, A., Chehadeh, M., Awad, M. I., & Zweiri, Y. (2020). Real-Time System Identification Using Deep
Learning for Linear Processes with Application to Unmanned Aerial Vehicles. IEEE Access, 8, 122539–
122553. https://doi.org/10.1109/ACCESS.2020.3006277
Chovancová, A., Fico, T., Chovanec, E., & Hubinský, P. (2014). Mathematical modelling and parameter
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
This study was carried out to assess the impact of support geometry on the punching behaviour of flat
slabs using Abaqus Finite Element modelling software. The support geometrical constraint considered
herein is strictly the column shapes. The first numerical specimen was developed using specifications
of a previously tested experimental model and the simulation accuracy was validated by comparisons
to experimental results. Three other variants of the validated model were developed by replacing the
square column support with different shapes of column supports. The support shapes considered are L,
T and Cruciform. The finite element analysis study showed that the influence of column geometry
becomes visible only after the first initial crack had been developed in the slab. Although all simulated
slabs indicated similar failure modes in the form of a sudden collapse at peak load signifying a typical
shear failure. In conclusion, it was noted that the Cruciform shaped support column provided the highest
shear resistance with a magnitude of 582.8 kN while 475 kN, 493.9 kN, and 502 kN were recorded in
Square, L, and T-shaped support respectively.
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
The exact solution to most hands-on problems in engineering is very complex and the punching shear
phenomenon is not exempted. The analytical approaches often involved the formation of mathematical
models of the variables affecting the problem solution such as stresses and strain distribution in a solid
structure. It is a common phenomenon in such procedures to replace the complex system with a
simplified model that could be easily solved by an analytical approach (Akinpelu & Adedeji, 2018).
Simplified models often come with many assumptions and uncertainties. Because of these, large
“factors of safety” were introduced to ensure the safety of structures designed by this procedure. This
is one of the reasons analytical results are highly conservative when compared to experimental results.
However, with the advent of high-speed computers, the recent trend in the analysis of engineering
problems embraced the use of more versatile numerical techniques. One of the most widely used
numerical methods is Finite Element Method (FEM). To this end, in attaining the aim of this research,
Abaqus finite element software 2021 was used to conduct all numerical analysis simulations.
Due to the nonlinear stress-strain relationship of most engineering problems, the governing equation,
Equation 1, emanated from the nonlinear equation of strains and thus, the function is nonlinear.
Numerical methods are therefore required to solve the equation for a given set of forces. Besides, since
the result of the governing equation is history-dependent, the solution must be sourced through
incremental analysis of the external forces in order to capture the displacements, strains and stresses of
time history along with the applied forces. Abaqus software basically utilises Newton-Raphson
numerical procedure to solve the nonlinear equilibrium equation. The method is preferred to alternate
procedures due to its high convergence rate.
I) Concrete in Compression
The compressive stress characteristic data were generated using the (Eurocode 2, 2004) model for non-
linear structural analysis.
The compressive stress and shortening strain for short-term uniaxial loading relationship was adopted
from Equation 2 as defined in (Eurocode 2, 2004)
06 2ƞ4ƞ8
= )5(24/)ƞ
(Eqn. 2)
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
ƒc is the characteristic cylindrical compressive strength of concrete at 28 days.
ƒcm is the mean value of concrete cylinder compressive strength.
Ɛc is the strain at peak stress
Ɛc1 is the ultimate strain
The following (Equation 9-10) describes analytical models are as defined suitable by (Cornelissen et
al., 1986), with terms and symbols modifications from (Genikomsou & Polak, 2016)
? 6 ?
0 8 4" 8 # >
= KL1 + ,>9 - M 𝑒 ?6 O − K,> - (1 + 𝑐)? )𝑒 488 O (Eqn. 9)
6 6
𝑤8 = 5.14 , @- (Eqn. 10)
Where; c1 and c2 are materials coefficients determined to be 3 and 6.93 respectively and wc is the
critical crack opening width, ft is the tensile strength of concrete. While GF is as established in (CEB-
FIP, 1991) denoting the energy needed to propagate a tensile crack of a unit area given as;
𝐺* = 𝐺*9 (𝑓8- /𝑓8-A )9.; (Eqn. 11)
𝑓8-A is taken as 10, and 𝐺*9 is expressed as a coefficient which is dependent on the maximum
aggregate size. Hence the derived value of 0.065 J/m2 were adopted as Gf assuming a maximum
aggregate size dmax of 16mm
3.1 Description of the Experimental Model
A flat slab specimen tagged RS, out of a series of test specimens experimented for punching at the
University of Brasilia and reported by (Lima, 2021; R. de A. Palhares, 2018), was adopted. The tested
specimen details is as presented in Fig. 2a and 2b. The slabs were loaded to failure by gradual increment
through hydraulic jacks at 8 distinct points having radial dimensions of 1124 mm from the centre of the
column as shown in Figure 3. The resulting mechanical properties of the materials are recorded in the
adopted literature and presented in Table 1 and Table 2.
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
Fig. 2: Loading and deflectometer arrangements as used in the test system (all dimensions mm)
(Lima, 2021; R. A. Palhares et al., 2022)
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
Fig. 3: Geometrical properties of different column shapes used in finite element simulations
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
The accuracy of the developed numerical model was further verified by comparison of the rupture
surface deformation pattern in Fig. 5. Both models show correlating deformation pattern consistent with
the conical shape formation as predicted by previous literature (R. A. Palhares et al., 2022).
Figure 4: FEM versus experimental load-deflection response for the flat slabs
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
Figure 6 : Comparative graph showing the load-displacement response of various flat slab specimens
Figure 7: Comparative graph showing Punching shear capacity of various flat slab specimens
5.0 Conclusions
1. The developed finite element model precisely imitates the load-displacement behaviour of
reinforced concrete flat slabs.
2. According to the results of the finite element analysis study, the influence of column geometry is
only apparent after the slab has already developed its first crack. Despite that, all simulated slabs showed
a similar failure mode in the form of a sudden, continuous drop in load resistance at a certain stage of
load exertion representing a typical shear failure.
3. The finite element results reveal that the geometrical shape of the supporting column substantially
influences the punching shear resistance of flat slabs. Deductively, cruciform shaped support column
provided the highest shear resistance with a magnitude of 582.8 kN while 475 kN, 493.9 kN, and 502
kN were recorded in Square, L, and T-shaped support respectively.
Abaqus - SIMULIA User Assistance 2021. Retrieved February 14, 2023, from
Akinpelu, M. A., & Adedeji, A. A. (2018). Structural Response of Reinforced Self-Compacting
Concrete Deep Beam Using Finite Element Method. Journal of Soft Computing in Civil
Engineering, 2(1), 36–61. https://doi.org/10.22115/SCCE.2018.50115
Akinpelu, M., Ibitoye, B., Samson O., O., & Olorede, K. (2021). Numerical Verification of Strut and
Tie Models and Failure Modes of Reinforced Self-Compacting Concrete Deep Beams.
International Journal of Engineering Research in Africa, 53, 76–100.
British Standards Institution, & European Committee for Standardization. Eurocode 2 : design of
concrete structures - part 1-1 :general rules and rules for buildings. 226. Retrieved January 21,
2023, from https://www.en-standard.eu/bs-en-1992-1-1-2004-a1-2014-eurocode-2-design-of-
CEB-FIP, C. (1991). Model Code 1990. Comite Euro-International Du Beton, Paris, 87–109.
Cornelissen, H. A. W., Hordijk, D. A., & Reinhardt Summary, H. W. (1986). Experimental
determination of crack softening characteristics of normalweight and lightweight concrete.
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
search algorithm for distribution network reconfiguration to minimize the active power loss and maximizing the
voltage magnitude deviation was presented by (Nguyen & Truong, 2015). (Tyagi, et al., 2017), developed an
improved harmony search (IHS) for balanced and unbalanced distribution systems reconfiguration, while
minimizing the real power purchase cost. Successfully implementation of the Runner Root Algorithm (RRA) to
solve the distribution network reconfiguration problems with multi objectives was discussed in (Nguyen et al.,
(2017). (Kaur & Ghosh, 2016), proposed a technique to optimize unbalanced distribution networks (UDNs) for
keeping up the voltage profile with respect to the consequence of solving the multi-objective reconfiguration using
the Firefly algorithm in a fuzzy domain with a load flow method. (Vasudevan & Sinha, 2017) put forward a
distribution network reconfiguration method using Genetic Algorithm (GA) and Particle Swarm Optimization
(PSO) to identify the optimum positions of the tie and sectionalizing switches. A hybrid intelligent method
(comprising of Radial Basis Function Network (RBFN) of Artificial Neural Network (ANN) and Regression Tree
of Data Mining) for estimating distribution network reconfigurations with the aim of reducing active losses were
present in (Mori & Yokoyama, 2016). (Dahalan et al., 2014) developed an algorithm for reconfiguration using
fast and Non- elite Dominated Sorting Genetic Algorithm (NSGAII) to determine the optimal locations of the tie
and sectionalizing switches within the network and the Backward Forward Sweep (BFS) algorithm was used to
ascertain the base power loss. (Amini et al., 2018) proposed a non-iterative harmonic load flow (HLF) method
based distribution network reconfiguration using backward/forward sweep technique. (Vasudevan and Sinha
2018), used genetic algorithm(GA) and particle swarm optimization (PSO) to identify the optimum positions of
the tie and sectionalizing switches to obtain a very efficient reconfigured distribution network. (Abdelaziz et al.,
2010), a reconfiguration of distribution systems using a modified Tabu Search (MTS) algorithm.
2.1 Distribution Network
Distribution network is one of the main parts of power system as it is connected directly to the load centre. It is
defined as a final stage in the delivery of electrical power. The primary purpose of an electricity distribution
system is to meet the customer’s demands for energy after receiving the bulk electrical energy from transmission
or sub-transmission substation (Kansal et al., 2016).
2.2 Radial Distribution Network
Generally, distribution networks are structured in mesh shape but operated in radial configuration by opening their
tie-lines. In this type of topology, separate feeders radiate from the injection sub-station and feed the consumers.
Radial distribution network is characterized by uncertainties and imperfection of network parameters such as:
extremely large number of nodes and branches and unbalanced loads
2.3 Distribution system reconfiguration
Distribution Network reconfiguration (DNR) of the radial distribution network are employed for the purpose of
loss minimization, voltage profile improvement, load balancing, and reliability enhancement. The distribution
network reconfiguration is the most widely used method of improving reliability in distribution network by
electrical distribution company because it allows the use of resources that already exist in the system. The DNR
can be achieved by changing the status of the switches that connect/disconnect the branches of the system, in other
to obtain a radial structure (Cruz, 2016).
The DNR problems can be formulated as a mono-objective (i.e., minimization of losses) or multi-objective
optimization (i.e., minimization of losses, operating cost minimization, and maximization of the profit). The
solution techniques applied to solve DR problems can be categorically classified into two: mathematical
techniques and heuristic and metaheuristic techniques (Meneses et al., 2015).
The Smell Agent Optimization Algorithm is developed using three distinctive behaviors: the sniffing mode which
is based on kinetic theory of gas. The trailing mode which is based on olfaction capacity of the agent and its ability
to sniff the location of best and worst molecules of smell and a random behavior which is the strategy agent
employs to escape from being trapped in a local minimum (Salawudeen et al., 2018).
The initial position of the smell agent molecules was randomly initialized (generated) using the equations given
The fitness of the molecule was determined, and the molecule with best fitness is selected as the agent whose
olfaction capacity is determined using the equation (2);
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
F(p‚CYXH )
𝑜𝑙𝑓 = ∑ƒ (2)
@„L F(p@ )/ž
The velocity of the molecule is updated and the sniffing mode is performed using the equations (3) and (4)
Then, the trailing mode of the agent is performed using equation (5)
The fitness of the trailing mode is evaluated and the position of the agent is updated until the best position is
obtained. In a situation where the trailing mode failed to obtain the best solution, the agent goes into random mode
hoping to obtain the better solution. If a better solution is obtained, the agent start trailing from this position again.
If not, the agent goes back to the sniffing (default) mode and starts the SAO process all over again.
3.1 Power Flow Method
Direct methods, Newton-Rapson (NR) methods, and Backward-Forward sweep methods are three methods
proposed for solving distribution power flow analysis. The Backward-Forward Sweep method is an iterative
means to solving the load flow equations of radial distribution systems which has two steps.
A. Backward sweep
The aim of backward sweep is to update branch currents in each section, by considering the previous iteration
voltages at each node. During backward transmission, voltage values are held constant with updated branch
currents transmitted backward along the feeder using backward path. The Backward sweep starts from the
extreme end branch and proceeds towards the slack bus.
The branch currents preceding the end buses can be obtained using equation (6)-(7):
𝐼D]1H: = 𝐼]1H: (6)
1H: 1H:
𝐼DŠ = 𝐼Š (7)
These are the currents in branches i-j or i-k, preceding end buses j or k respectively. For intermediate buses, the
following equation (8-9) are used,
𝐼}D = 𝐼D]1H: + 𝐼DŠ
+ 𝐼D1H: (8)
𝐼}D = ∑, 𝐼D, + 𝐼D1H:
1H: 1H: 1H:
Where r are all those buses connected to ‘i’ downstream, 𝐼}D is Branch current vector between bus h and i. 𝐼D]1H:
represent Branch current vector between bus i and j. 𝐼DŠ is the Branch current vector between bus i and k.
This analysis would assume a balanced network system, with (n-1) load buses which are treated as load buses and
bus 1 as slack/swing bus. The general bus ‘i’ current injection kth iteration is given by the equation (10) (Alhaddad
& El-Hawary, 2014b):
𝐼DŠ = $ % (10)
Where 𝑆DA:} is the scheduled complex power at bus i, 𝑉DŠ is the bus ‘i’ voltage at the kth iteration. Now, the backward
current sweep will apply Kirchhoff’s current law (KCL) by starting from the last bus ‘n’ to the source bus 1 to
obtain the branch currents.
B. Forward sweep
The aim of the forward sweep is to calculate the voltages at each node starting from the source node. The source
node is set at unity and other node voltages are calculated as given in equation (11).
𝑉𝑏D = 𝑉𝑏D5l − 𝐼𝑏D × 𝑧D − 𝐼𝑏D × 𝑧.z;z12D (11)
Where 𝑉𝑏D is the voltage of ith bus, 𝑉𝑏D5l denotes voltage of (i-1)th bus and 𝑧.z;z12D is the mutual impedance.
Mutual impedance will be present for both three phase and two phase, but it is absent for single phase.
For three phase unbalanced load, equation (12) was used to calculate the nodal voltage.
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
𝑉51H: [𝐴l 𝐴4 𝐴` ] [0] ̇ ñá
[0] 𝑉51H: &𝐴` 𝐴4 𝐵̇l ' &𝐴` 𝐵̇4 ' &𝐵̇l ' 𝐽51H:
̇ .
Ê𝑉51H: Ë = Ê [0] [𝐴l 𝐴4 ] [0] ̇ ñá
Ë Ê𝑉51H: Ë − Ê &𝐴4 𝐵̇l ' &𝐵̇4 ' ̇
[0] Ë Ê𝐽51H: Ë−
𝑉51H:E [0] [0] [𝐴l ] 𝑉51H: ̇ ñá
[𝐵l ] [0] -5`
[0] 𝐽51H: ̇
[0] [𝐴` ] [0] 0
Ê[0] [𝐼] [0]Ë Ê 𝑉̇ N Ë (12)
[0] [0] [0] 0
The total power loss of the K-th radial configuration is determined by the summation of losses in all line sections
according to the following.
Where: 𝐾] is the switch state of j-th branch, with 0 indicating switch open and 1 indicating switch closed. Nbr is
the number of the buses, Rj is the resistance of the j-th branch, Pj is the active power flowing through the terminal
of j-th branch, Qj is the reactive power flowing through the terminal of j-th branch, Vj is the terminal node voltage
of the j-th branch.
Subjected to constraints
The nodal voltage, branch power, and radial network are considered as the constraints as shown in equation (16-
a. Node voltage constraint
𝑉.DE (𝑗) ≤ 𝑉(𝑗) ≤ 𝑉.1p (𝑗)
b. Branch Power constraint
𝑃] ≤ 𝑃].1p (17)
𝑄] ≤ 𝑄].1p
∑E2 EHzA
Dul ∑]ul 𝑎𝑖𝑗 = 1 or -1 (19)
Where: nbus is the total number of buses, 𝑛𝑙 is the number of branches, 𝑎𝑖𝑗 is the elements of the incidence matrix
A which has dimension of 𝑛𝑙 × 𝑛𝑏𝑢𝑠.
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
Step 6: Find the local optimum position pi for i th particle and the global optimum position pg among all particles
on the basis of the minimal cost function.
Step 7: Modify SAO global and local parameters using Eq. (1) and Eq. (2).
Step 8: Carry out particle’s velocity and position update using Eq. (3) and Eq. (4) respectively.
Step 9: Verify the modified particle’s position meets the system constraints Eq. (17) to Eq. (20); if any particles
violate the limits, arbitrarily allocate the random solution to the violated position as in step 3; otherwise move to
step 10.
Step 10: Whether the halting conditions are met? i.e., is t == tmax?; if yes, ideal feeder reconfiguration in a system,
and the load flow solutions are achieved; if no, increase the iteration count, and go to Step 4.
The flow chart for implementing the smell agent optimization is given in Figure 1.
The SAO optimization methodology is implemented in this study and analysed with the standard radial networks
comprises of unbalanced IEEE 123 bus system. The BFS load flow analysis was carried out on the IEEE 123 bus
distribution network first on the base case (with tie switches: 24 31 43 58 76) and then with SAO applied
reconfiguration. Figure 2 show the optimally reconfigured IEEE 123-bus radial distribution system.
Figure 3: Total Voltage in the IEEE 123 bus Unbalanced Network for Base Case and Reconfiguration
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
Figure 4: Active Power Loss in the IEEE 123 Bus Figure 1: Flow Chart of Proposed SAO Method
Unbalanced Network for Base Case and Reconfiguration
The improvement in voltage profile and a reduction in active power loss is achieved as summarized in Table 1.
Table 1. Simulation result of IEEE 123-bus system
Items Before Reconfiguration After Reconfiguration
Tie Switches 24 31 43 58 76 28 42 61 72 118
Active Power Loss 115.389kW 67.74kW
Active Power Loss Reduction -------------- 41. 30 %
Reactive Power Loss Reduction ---------------- 43.67%
Minimum Voltage Phase A 0.9252pu 0.9584pu
Phase B 0.9442pu 0.9582pu
Phase C 0.9262pu 0.9873pu
The minimum bus voltage at phase A, B, and C of 0.8992pu, 0.8841pu, and 0.9241pu respectively (in the base
case plot) which were improved to 0.998pu, 0.995pu, and 0.984pu after the application of reconfiguration. The
tie switches after SAO driven reconfiguration is (28 42 61 72 118). The base case active loss is 115.389kW but
with SAO applied reconfiguration the active power loss reduced to 67.74kW representing a 41.30% reduction of
the active power loss. From the above test scenarios, it is observed that the SAO algorithm can improved voltage
profile and obtain lower active power loss, thus resulting in higher quality solution.
5. Conclusion
This study presented a SAO algorithm for optimal network reconfiguration in for power loss minimization and
voltage profile improvement in IEEE 123-bus radial distribution systems. The optimization algorithm consist of
a multi-objective function and a number of constraints. Basic analyses carried out include load flow analysis,
sensitivity factor analysis, and SAO. Backward and forward load flow analysis was used to compute all the
required parameters in the test system. The outcomes obtained from the simulation studies manifest that the
presented scheme has been superior in node voltage profile improvement and active power loss minimization.
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Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
The regular design and construction method negatively affect global sustainable development and project delivery.
Its consequences on man and nature have advanced a serious global concern, necessitating the need to mitigate
the negative impacts by adopting Sustainable Construction Practices (SCP). The South African construction
industry has been compelled to adopt SCP to improve sustainable development. Notwithstanding, life evidence
has shown that some challenges hinder the global adoption of SCP. Consequently, this paper aims to specifically
investigate and evaluate challenges hindering the implementation of SCP among South African built environment
professionals. The methodology approach involves a literature review and empirical field survey. The review
found 20 challenges from published peered review articles which form the bases for the field survey questionnaire.
85 valid responses were received, the descriptive analysis classified the following 5 challenges as most critical:
Additional cost on training: invite of ad-hoc; lack of awareness of sustainability principles; Employees' low
knowledge and skills in sustainability; lack of client demand; and Lack of Standardization. The inferential analysis
using factor analysis grouped the variables into 4 components: Planning related Challenges; Management and
Contractual related challenges; Knowledge related factors; Financial related challenges. The study reveals the
critical challenges facing the implementation of SCP adoption in the South African construction industry. The
findings will promote and improve the adoption of SCP in South Africa and enhance global understanding of
The huge to adopt sustainable construction practices in the built environment has received substantial attention,
due to the global concern on the ecological system. An ecological system is a biological community made up of
all the living things (including people) in a specific area as well as the non-living things that the living things
interact with, such as the air, water, and mineral soil. The global concern on the ecosystem sustainability is a key
driver that pushes every sector towards sustainability practices. Studies have proven that there are three pillars of
sustainability. Those are planet or environment, social or people, and profit or economics. Several reviews on
sustainability literature highlight the fact that more attention has been tailored towards the environmental aspect
since it forms the base for the other aspects of sustainability. It is an evident that human activities have drastically
affected the ecosystem, leading to environmental problems such as undue climate change, shortage of raw
materials, and ecosystem degradation, among others. As a result, the construction industry has a severe impact on
the environment as a major contributor to these problems. The industry's conventional approach has been founded
on the idea that investments and innovations stimulate economic growth while also meeting the requirements and
wants of consumers (Baloi 2003). Nonetheless, it is important to acknowledge that the industry's processes and
products have negative effects on the environment. Water, energy sources, and natural resources are all heavily
used during construction. Governments, environmentalists, and other stakeholder groups that are aware of
sustainability practices' advantages frequently seek out sustainable construction approaches. Almost 171 nations
have now implemented environmental management frameworks and systems using the ISO (International
Organization for Standardization) 4000 standard to address environmental problems brought on by greenhouse
gas emissions (Ayarkwa et al. 2022). However, understanding sustainable construction practices in South Africa
is at its infant stage of research which requires further exploration and study. For instance, the concept of
sustainable construction practices is a new notion in developing countries such as South Africa and is hardly
practiced by the construction industry in the country. Evidence shows some challenges undermine the
implementation of sustainable construction practices in developing countries. Therefore, this study aims to
evaluate those challenges faced during the implementation of Sustainable construction practices among South
African built environment professionals.
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
regarding interrelations among a set of variables (Ahmed and El-Sayegh 2022). FA has been used in previous
studies related to construction management. Toyin and Mewomo 2023 used FA to categorize and group barriers
hindering the implementation of Building Information Modelling (BIM) in the Lagos Nigeria construction
industry. Ahmed and El-Sayegh 2022 also used FA to group the challenges of sustainable construction project
delivery in the UAE. Similarly, Khalil et al. (2021) utilized FA to group challenges for the implementation of SCP
in Libya. FA comprises three distinctive steps. Firstly, assessment of data suitability. This is when the Kaiser-
Meyer-Olkin (KMO) measurement of sample adequacy is higher than the limit of 0.5 and Cronbach’s α, reliability
is greater than 0.7, and when Bartlett’s test of sphericity has a significant level of 0.05. Secondly, factor extraction.
In this study, the PCA (Principal Component Analysis) was employed to produce a straightforward solution with
the fewest variables necessary to explain the substantial variance in the original data. Lastly, is the factor rotation
which helps give a clearer picture of the extracted factors? The factors are provided by SPSS 29 as groups of
variables, and the researcher interprets these groups based on theoretical knowledge and earlier research.
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
realise the profound benefit during the lifecycle of the building. Lastly, SCPC20: Lack of Standardization. In the.
In the construction industry, to curb differences in standards adopted, it is important to have a regulatory standard
that will guide the professionals during the discharge of their duties. In the case of SCP, it is of important to have
a regular standard that would guide the implementation of SCP in the South African construction industry.
Also, from Table 3, 3 (15%) of the variables were ranked least significant, those are SCPC10: Rigorous
procurement process. At the present level of SCP adoption in South Africa, it can be reported that the procurement
process is not really a significant challenge, notwithstanding, the mean weight is above the average mean, thus it
condoles some level of importance. SCPC12: Lack of support from the company managing board. This was ranked
19th having a mean weight slightly above average, this evidence still indicates that there are some firm's board
managers that still refused to fully embrace SCP. This could be because of several factors such as ignorance of
acquiring desired Skills and competencies in their field of expertise (Toyin and Mewomo 2022). SCPC6: Lack of
sustainability measures. This was ranked 20th which means is not much significant, also from the mean weight of
2.51 and Relative Importance Index (RII) of .05, it can be computed that the challenge is on the average bottom,
thus regarded as neutral.
Table 3: Descriptive result
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
sustainable construction materials; lack of awareness of sustainability principles. This finding is in line with the
findings of Ahmed and El-Sayegh (2022). Experience plays a key role in the construction industry. Being a
knowledgeable skilled or unskilled labour in the construction process will aid smooth delivery of the project.
Toyin and Mewomo (2022) found that construction management graduate finds it difficult to secure a job due to
their low level of knowledge about innovative practices. Therefore, it is important to sensitize the workers and
conduct training/workshops with SCP to ensure they understand the process and principles. Project managers
should also schedule regular meetings to update the entire team on the status of the project.
This study examines the challenges limiting the adoption of sustainable construction practices in the South African
built environment. The study through the preliminary literature review highlights the challenges facing the
acceptance of SCP. Through the empirical survey, the most critical challenges to South African built environment
professionals were identified. The results of this study have important practical implications because they show
that most employees have low knowledge and skills in sustainability, there is lack of awareness of sustainability
principles, there is a lack of client demand for SCP, built professionals are unfamiliar with SCP, Additional cost
on training: ad-hoc invite and Lack of Standardization are what majorly discourage the adoption of SCP in South
Africa from a preliminary view. Those critical challenges were related to Planning; Knowledge; Management and
Contractual; and Financial challenges.
The following recommendation could be suggested to enhance the future adoption of SCP in the South African
construction industry and other related developing countries who also faces similar challenges:
• There may be a research focus on the development of SCP framework which will guide through the
design and construction phases and also beyond those phases.
• The government may provide supporting funds towards sustainable practices: for materials, services and
knowledge impacts to the workers.
• The top managers may organise regular training on the latest update as regards innovations towards
sustainable development.
It is believed that the implementation of those recommendation will drastically provide an enable environment
for the practice of sustainable construction practice in South Africa and beyond, thereby, contributing richly to
the global sustainable development.
I thank the DUT RESEARCH AND POSTGRADUATE SUPPORT Directorate and the conference funding
committee who granted me the privilege to attend the FETiCON conference physically. The financial support is
hereby appreciated.
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Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
Agricultural wastes have become a major source of environmental pollution as they have been
implicated in the formation of greenhouse gases. Eggshell is a poultry waste that is available in large
quantities and the disposal of has become a cause of pollution due to the generation of unpleasant
odours and growth of microorganisms of which 6.4 million metric tonnes of eggshell waste are dumped
globally in landfills. This paper reviews the effects of incorporating eggshell powder (ESP) on the
properties of recycled polymers. It covers the preparation and characterisation of eggshell powder, its
incorporation into recycled polymers, and the resulting changes in mechanical and thermal
properties. In recycled low-density polyethene, a maximum tensile strength of 10.64Nm-2 was obtained
at 10wt. % of ESP after which the tensile strength decreased at 12 wt%. For recycled High-
density Polyethene/ethylene vinyl acetate (rHDPE/EVA) composite, a decrease in elongation at break
and tensile strength were obtained with increasing ESP filler loading. However, the addition of a
coupling agent (3- aminopropyltriethoxysilane) resulted in higher tensile strength and modulus.
Another coupling agent (Benzyl Urea) was used on rHDPE/EVA composite and a significant
improvement in tensile strength and modulus of elasticity was obtained.
Recycling polymers is a way to mitigate the environmental menace caused by heaps of polymeric waste
produced from a continued increase in the consumption of polymers (mainly plastics) (Achilias et al.,
2007) and also conserve natural oil and gas from which these polymeric materials are made (Hamad et
al., 2013). The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) reported that landfills
worldwide received 6.4 million tons of eggshell. This statistical information suggests that there is a
significant opportunity to recycle and repurpose eggshell in polymer products (Bhagavatheswaran et al.,
2019). The use of eggshells as an additive for concrete has been established (Hamada et al., 2020). Due
to its rich CaCO3 content which is a hard mineral (Ho et al., 2013), eggshell powders (ESP) are possible
strengthening additives for recycled low-density polyethene (rLDPE) composites which are lightweight
and a potential automobile component (Bello et al., 2021). This paper is focused on reviewing recycled
High-density polyethene/ Eggshell powder (rHDPE/ESP) composite with their properties evaluations
to establish their future applications.
Recycled plastics are different from virgin raw material because it has been processed. This results in some level
of deterioration and aggravated characteristics that make the starting raw material base plastic of lower grade
properties (Golkaram et al., 2022). Also, the recycled polymers usually don’t come from the precise plastic,
resulting in incompatibility problems in the recycled plastic mix hence additives are important to improve their
properties to make quality products within specifications that make them suitable for a range of applications
(Vasudeo et al., 2016). Polymers can be recycled by reuse, mechanical recycling, and chemical recycling.
However, reuse is not appreciably practised when it comes to plastics. Plastic products are generally dumped
after first use or if reused do not continue for a long time, especially in food applications. A few examples of
reuse can be seen in refilled drink bottles with washing liquids or consumers refilling and hence reusing their
plastic bottles at home. Mechanical recycling involves grinding, reprocessing, and compounding the plastic to
yield a new product that may or may not retain its former use. In chemical recycling, the polymer waste
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
is converted back into its oil/hydrocarbon component in the cases of polyolefins and monomers in the
case of polyesters and polyamides, which can be used as raw materials for new polymer production
and petrochemical industry, or into the pure polymers using suitable chemical solvents (Hamad et al.,
2013; Khalid et al., 2022; Ncube et al., 2021; Ragaert et al., 2017).
3.1 Preparation of eggshell powder
The eggshells were prepared differently by the authors:
Research by Farahana et al. (2014) on recycled high-density polyethene/ethylene vinyl
acetate/eggshell powder (rHDPE/EVA/ESP) cleaned, dried, and ground the eggshell into a fine powder
using a kitchen blender to an average particle size of 63µm. it was then dried in a vacuum oven at 80℃
until a consistent weight was achieved.
Hanif et al. (2020) researched on rHDPE/EVA with uncarbonised and carbonised eggshell powder.
The authors washed and dried the eggshell in a conventional oven at 80℃ until a constant weight was
achieved. The dried eggshells were crushed into smaller pieces and ground into powder using planetary
ball mills set at 300rpm for 60 minutes and a kitchen blender. This was sieved to obtain a particle size
of 63µm to remove coarse particles. A part of the eggshell was carbonised in a muffle furnace at 700℃
for approximately 3 hours.
Farm et al. (2022) washed the eggshells and dried them at room temperature for 24 hours, it was
ground using a blender and sieved to a mesh size of 32µm using a sieve shaker. Carbonised eggshell
powder (CESP) was also prepared by thermally treating the eggshell at a low pyrolysis temperature of
400℃ for one hour.
Bello et al. (2021) studied the effect of eggshells on recycled low density polyethylene (rLDPE).
The eggshell was prepared using three different methods, which are manual crushing, disc grinding,
and 70 hours of ball milling.
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
Farm et al. (2022) prepared rHDPE by first cleaning the containers, cutting them into small pieces
then melted in an internal mixer at 175℃ at 32rpm. Eggshell powders were added to the melted HDPE
at specific ratios for 8 minutes, after which the mixture was crushed and compressed using a hydraulic
hot press. The compression moulding process involved preheating at 175℃ for 3 minutes, followed by
compression for 4 minutes. Each composite sample was prepared with a weight ratio of r-HDPE/filler
varied at 90/10, 80/20, and 70/30.
Bello et al. ( 2021), prepared the rLDPE composites by dissolving 2 wt.% ESP in absolute ethanol,
agitating the mixture in a ball mill, adding rLDPE to the mixture, heating and stirring until the ethanol
vaporized, thereafter, palm kernel oil was added as a plasticizer after which the mixture was processed
using a two-roll polymer mill. The resulting composite sheets were hot pressed and moulded using
hydraulic compression to produce various samples for analysis. The process was repeated with
increasing weight per cent of ESP up to 12 wt. %.
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
This study shows the application of eggshells as a filler on recycled polymers. The composites were
prepared through melt blending and hot compressed into thin sheets. The eggshell was processed
depending on the author and was used in carbonised or uncarbonised form. The study found that the
introduction of eggshell powder into composite materials resulted in enhancements in the properties
of the composites. The usefulness of compatibilizer and coupling agents was also found to enhance the
properties of the composites, especially in their mechanical properties by enhancing the interfacial
adhesion between the polymer and the filler. Also, carbonised eggshell powder gave a better result
on the properties of the recycled polymers than the uncarbonised eggshell powder.
Achilias, D. S., Roupakias, C., Megalokonomos, P., Lappas, A. A., & Antonakou, E. V. (2007). Chemical
recycling of plastic wastes made from polyethylene (LDPE and HDPE) and polypropylene (PP).
Journal of Hazardous Materials, 149(3), 536–542.
Bello, S. A., Raji, N. K., Kolawole, M. Y., Adebayo, M. K., Adebisi, J. A., Okunola, K. A., & AbdulSalaam,
M. O. (2021). Eggshell nanoparticle reinforced recycled low-density polyethylene: A new material
for automobile application. Journal of King Saud University-Engineering Sciences.
Bhagavatheswaran, E. S., Das, A., Rastin, H., Saeidi, H., Jafari, S. H., Vahabi, H., Najafi, F., Khonakdar, H. A.,
Formela, K., Jouyandeh, M., Zarrintaj, P., & Saeb, M. R. (2019). The Taste of Waste: The Edge of
Eggshell Over Calcium Carbonate in Acrylonitrile Butadiene Rubber. Journal of Polymers and the
Environment, 27(11), 2478-2489. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10924-019-01530-y
Golkaram, M., Mehta, R., Taveau, M., Schwarz, A., Gankema, H., Urbanus, J. H., De Simon, L., Cakir-
Benthem, S., & van Harmelen, T. (2022). Quality model for recycled plastics (QMRP): An
indicator for holistic and consistent quality assessment of recycled plastics using product
functionality and material properties. Journal of Cleaner Production, 362, 132311.
Farahana, R., Supri, A., & Teh, P. (2015a). Tensile and water absorption properties of eggshell powder
filled recycled high-density polyethylene/ethylene vinyl acetate composites: effect of 3-
aminopropyltriethoxysilane. Journal of Advanced Research in Materials Science, 5(1), 1-9.
Farahana, R., Supri, A., & Teh, P. L. (2015b). Effect of Benzyl Urea on Properties of Recycled High
Density Polyethylene/Ethylene Vinyl Acetate/Egg Shell Powder Composites. Applied Mechanics
and Materials,
Farahana, R. N., Supri, A., & Teh, P. L. (2014). Effect of maleic anhydride (MA) on properties of
recycledhigh density polyethylene/ethylene vinyl acetate/egg shell powder (rHDPE/EVA/ESP)
composites. Applied Mechanics and Materials,
Farm, Y., Sappa, A. M., Mustafa, Z., Muzammil, W., Ismail, M., Amaludin, N., & Kiring, A. (2022).
Mechanical properties of eggshells powder reinforced recycled high-density polyethylene.
IOPConference Series: Materials Science and Engineering,
Hamad, K., Kaseem, M., & Deri, F. (2013). Recycling of waste from polymer materials: An overview of
the recent works. Polymer Degradation and Stability, 98(12), 2801–2812.
Hamada, H. M., Tayeh, B. A., Al-Attar, A., Yahaya, F. M., Muthusamy, K., & Humada, A. M. (2020).
Thepresent state of the use of eggshell powder in concrete: A review. Journal of Building
Engineering, 32, 101583.
Hanif, M., Jalilah, A., & Naqiuddin, M. (2020). Effect of Uncarbonised and Carbonised Eggshell Powder
on Mechanical and Thermal Properties of Recycled High Density Polyethylene/Ethylene
Vinyl Acetate Blend Composites. IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering,
Ho, W.-F., Hsu, H.-C., Hsu, S.-K., Hung, C.-W., & Wu, S.-C. (2013). Calcium phosphate bioceramics
synthesized from eggshell powders through a solid state reaction. Ceramics International,
39(6), 6467–6473.
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
Khalid, M. Y., Arif, Z. U., Ahmed, W., & Arshad, H. (2022). Recent trends in recycling and reusing
techniques of different plastic polymers and their composite materials. Sustainable
Materials and Technologies, 31, e00382.
Ncube, L. K., Ude, A. U., Ogunmuyiwa, E. N., Zulkifli, R., & Beas, I. N. (2021). An overview of plastic
wastegeneration and management in food packaging industries. Recycling, 6(1), 12.
Ragaert, K., Delva, L., & Van Geem, K. (2017). Mechanical and chemical recycling of solid plastic
Waste Management, 69, 24–58.
Vasudeo, R. A., Abitha, V. K., Vinayak, K., Jayaja, P., & Gaikwad, S. (2016). Sustainable development
through feedstock recycling of plastic wastes. Macromolecular Symposia, 362(1), 39–51.
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
Agriculture plays a significant role in Nigeria's economy, with rice being a staple food for millions of Nigerians.
However, rice production in Nigeria has been faced with several challenges. Smart farming, an innovative
agricultural approach, integrates advanced technologies such as precision agriculture, the Internet of Things (IoT),
and big data analytics to enhance agricultural productivity, reduce environmental impacts, and increase food
security. This study aims to explore the potential of smart farming in enhancing rice production in Nigeria. The
study reviews the current status of rice production in Nigeria, identifies the challenges facing rice farmers, and
explores the role of smart farming technologies in addressing these challenges. The study also examines the policy
and institutional frameworks needed to promote smart farming in Nigeria. The study reveals that smart farming
has the potential to revolutionize rice production in Nigeria by enabling farmers to optimize their crop yield,
reduce water and fertilizer usage, and minimize the impact of climate change.
KEYWORDS: Smart farming, sustainability, Rice production and Nigeria
Rice is a staple food in Nigeria, and its production plays a critical role in ensuring food security and livelihoods
for millions of Nigerians (Adewale, 2021). Nigeria is the largest producer of rice in West Africa, and the demand
for rice has been steadily increasing due to population growth, urbanization, and changing dietary preferences
(Omonona & Adewale, 2021). Rice production has significant economic implications for Nigeria as well. The
rice sector contributes to rural development, poverty reduction, and employment generation along the value chain
(Ibrahim & Badiru, 2021). The Nigerian government recognizes the importance of rice production and has
implemented various policies and interventions to boost domestic production and reduce dependence on imports
(Ogbonna et al., 2020).
However, despite the efforts to promote self-sufficiency in rice production, Nigeria still faces challenges in
meeting the increasing demand. The country heavily relies on imports to bridge the supply gap, which puts
pressure on foreign exchange reserves and affects the country's trade balance (Akerele et al., 2021). Additionally,
traditional rice farming methods are often characterized by low productivity, limited access to modern inputs, and
vulnerability to climate change and pests (Ibrahim & Badiru, 2021). Given the importance of rice as a staple food
and the need for self-sufficiency, there is a growing emphasis on adopting innovative approaches such as smart
farming to enhance rice production in Nigeria. Smart farming, which involves the integration of digital
technologies and data-driven decision-making, has the potential to improve productivity, resource efficiency, and
sustainability in agriculture (Ogbonna et al., 2020). By incorporating smart farming technologies and practices,
Nigeria can enhance its rice production capacity, reduce post-harvest losses, optimize resource utilization, and
increase farmers' income and welfare (Omonona & Adewale, 2021). Embracing smart farming in rice production
can contribute to the overall goal of achieving food security, poverty reduction, and sustainable development in
Nigeria (Adewale, 2021).
Rice is a vital crop in Nigeria as it serves as a major source of carbohydrates for the population (Olayemi &
abdlazeez, 2022). The consumption of rice has been increasing steadily, driven by factors such as population
growth, urbanization, changing dietary patterns, and the influence of globalization (Bolarinwa & Adeoye, 2021).
As a result, rice has become a preferred staple food for many Nigerians, particularly in urban areas (Arokoyo et
al., 2021). Nigeria's dependence on rice imports has significant economic implications. The country spends a
substantial amount of foreign exchange on rice imports, leading to a strain on its foreign reserves and trade balance
(Oni et al., 2021). Import dependence also exposes the country to market volatility, supply chain disruptions, and
price fluctuations in the global rice market (Omotesho et al., 2020). Achieving self-sufficiency in rice production
is, therefore, a priority for Nigeria to enhance its food security and reduce its reliance on imports.
Moreover, rice production has the potential to stimulate economic growth and rural development in Nigeria. It
serves as a source of income for smallholder farmers, promotes job creation along the value chain, and contributes
to poverty reduction (Ajibefun & Oyeyinka, 2022). Increased investment in rice production can create
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
employment opportunities, enhance farmers' income, and contribute to the overall economic development of rural
communities (Ifejika et al., 2021).
However, traditional rice farming methods in Nigeria face various challenges, including low yields, inefficient
use of resources, inadequate access to improved inputs, and post-harvest losses (Bolaji et al., 2021). Climate
change impacts, such as erratic rainfall patterns and increased pest infestation, further exacerbate the challenges
faced by rice farmers (Olayide & Abdulazeez, 2022).
To address these challenges and improve rice production, smart farming technologies offer promising solutions.
Smart farming encompasses the use of precision agriculture techniques, data analytics, the Internet of Things
(IoT) devices, and automation to optimize farming operations (Bolarinwa & Adeoye, 2021). By integrating these
technologies into rice production, farmers can enhance productivity, reduce resource wastage, and make informed
decisions for sustainable agriculture (Ajayi et al., 2021). By adopting smart farming practices, Nigeria can achieve
multiple objectives simultaneously. It can increase rice production, ensure food security, enhance resource
efficiency, mitigate environmental impacts, and improve farmers' livelihoods (Arokoyo et al., 2021). The
integration of digital technologies and data-driven approaches can transform rice farming into a more efficient,
profitable, and sustainable enterprise (Oni et al., 2021).
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
3.2 Introduce the concept of smart farming and its potential for sustainable rice production
The following smart farming concepts are feasible to adopt by farmers:
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
1. Enhanced Farm Management: Smart farming enables farmers to improve their overall farm management
practices. Through real-time monitoring and data-driven insights, farmers can track crop growth, soil
conditions, and weather patterns, allowing for better decision-making and precise interventions (Ajayi et al.,
2021). This helps optimize resource allocation, reduce waste, and increase overall farm efficiency.
2. Remote Monitoring and Control: Smart farming technologies offer remote monitoring and control
capabilities, allowing farmers to manage their operations from a distance. IoT devices, such as soil moisture
sensors and automated irrigation systems, can be accessed and controlled remotely, reducing the need for
physical presence on the farm (Olayide & Abdulazeez, 2022). This feature enhances convenience, reduces
labor requirements, and improves the timeliness of farm activities.
3. Data-Driven Decision Making: The collection and analysis of data in smart farming provide valuable insights
for decision-making. By integrating data from multiple sources, such as weather forecasts, soil data, and
historical crop performance, farmers can make informed decisions on planting schedules, pest control
measures, and fertilization strategies (Sultan et al., 2022). This data-driven approach promotes precision and
efficiency, reducing input costs and environmental impacts.
4. Improved Market Access and Traceability: Smart farming technologies facilitate improved market access and
traceability of agricultural products. Through the use of block chain technology and digital platforms, farmers
can establish transparent supply chains, ensuring product quality, authenticity, and origin (Ogbonna et al.,
2020). This enhances consumer confidence, opens up new market opportunities, and supports fair pricing for
5. Capacity Building and Knowledge Transfer: The adoption of smart farming requires training and capacity
building for farmers. By providing education and technical support on the use of smart farming technologies,
farmers can effectively harness the potential of these tools (Ajibefun & Oyeyinka, 2022). Additionally,
knowledge transfer among farmers and collaboration with research institutions and agricultural extension
services can accelerate the adoption and diffusion of smart farming practices.
6. Sustainable Resource Management: Smart farming contributes to sustainable resource management in rice
production. By optimizing water usage through sensor-based irrigation systems and data-driven decision-
making, farmers can conserve water resources and reduce their environmental footprint (Bolaji et al., 2021).
Efficient nutrient management, guided by soil sensors and precision application techniques, minimizes
nutrient runoff and pollution, promoting soil health and ecosystem sustainability.
2. Smart Rice Farming - Japan: The Japanese government initiated the Smart Agriculture Innovation Project,
which included a smart rice farming initiative. The project integrated IoT devices, sensor networks, and data
analytics to monitor and manage rice farms. Farmers received information on soil conditions, weather
forecasts, and disease prevalence through a mobile application. This allowed them to make data-driven
decisions for precision farming practices, resulting in increased yields and reduced resource usage (Yoshida
et al., 2020).
3. Smart Irrigation Systems - India: In India, several projects have focused on smart irrigation systems in rice
production. For example, the Kisan Suvidha project implemented IoT-based sensors and water management
technologies to optimize irrigation in rice fields. The system monitored soil moisture levels and weather
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
conditions, enabling farmers to schedule irrigation based on crop needs. This resulted in significant water
savings while maintaining or improving crop productivity (Paul et al., 2022).
4. Rice Crop Management using Data Analytic - Thailand: The Thailand Precision Agriculture Project (TPAP)
used data analytics to enhance rice crop management. The project collected data from multiple sources,
including sensors, satellites, and historical weather records. Machine learning algorithms were employed to
analyze the data and generate customized recommendations for farmers regarding fertilizer application, pest
control, and water management. The project achieved better crop performance, reduced costs, and improved
environmental sustainability (Suwanprateeb et al., 2020).
5. Smart Farming in Rice Production - South Korea: The Rural Development Administration (RDA) of South
Korea implemented smart farming technologies in rice production. The project integrated IoT devices,
drones, and AI-based decision support systems. Farmers received real-time information on crop growth, soil
conditions, and pest infestation. The system automatically controlled irrigation, fertilizer application, and pest
management based on the collected data, resulting in increased productivity and resource efficiency (Park et
al., 2021).
These case studies demonstrate the successful implementation of smart farming techniques in rice production.
The integration of advanced technologies, data analytics, and decision support systems has proven effective in
optimizing resource management, improving crop health, and enhancing yields. These initiatives have the
potential to contribute to sustainable rice production and address challenges faced by traditional farming methods.
The adoption of smart farming technologies in rice production can revolutionize the sector, enhancing
productivity, profitability, and sustainability. However, it is crucial to ensure that smallholder farmers, who
constitute a significant portion of rice producers in Nigeria, have access to these technologies and the necessary
support systems for successful adoption.
Adewale, S. A. (2021). Enhancing food security and poverty reduction through smart farming in Nigeria. Journal
of Agricultural Science, 13(4), 239-249.
Ajayi, C. A., et al. (2021). Determinants of agricultural technology adoption among rice farmers in Nigeria.
International Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Research, 7(2), 102-116.
Ajibefun, I. A., & Oyeyinka, R. A. (2022). Post-harvest loss reduction strategies in the Nigerian agricultural
sector. Journal of Food Science and Technology, 59(2), 803-814
Akerele, D. E., et al. (2021). Exploring the nexus between rice production and importation in Nigeria. Journal of
Agricultural Extension and Rural Development, 13(2), 143-150.
Biradar, C., et al. (2021). A review of the applications of unmanned aerial vehicle and remote sensing in precision
agriculture. International Journal of Advanced Remote Sensing and GIS, 10(1), 247-269.
Bolaji, O. O., et al. (2021). Analysis of fertilizer use and determinants of rice yield in Nigeria. Journal of
Agricultural Economics, Extension and Rural Development, 3(2), 119-129.
Goswami, R., et al. (2020). Smart farming: A review on IoT-based agriculture monitoring and automation system.
Computers, Materials & Continua, 65(1), 1091-1107.
Ibrahim, A., & Badiru, I. (2021). Assessing the impact of agricultural policies on rice production in Nigeria.
African Journal of Agricultural Research, 16(1), 1-10.
Jirgi, A. J., Oseghale, A. I., & Okafor, Q. E. (2021). Food Security Status Of Women Rice Farmers In Shiroro
Local Government Area Of Niger State, Nigeria. Nigerian Journal of Agricultural Economics, 11(1), 1-
15. https://doi.org/10.22004/ag.econ.333598
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
Nguyen, H. T., et al. (2021). Enhancing rice production and farmers' income through digital farming in Vietnam.
Rice Today, 20(1), 42-45.
Ogbonna, M. C., et al. (2020). Policy implications of rice production and importation in Nigeria. Sustainable
Agriculture Research, 9(4), 42-51.
Oguntunde, P. G., et al. (2020). Smart agriculture in sub-Saharan Africa: Implications and challenges for
sustainable crop production. Environment, Development and Sustainability, 22, 4611-4635.
Olayide, S. O., & Abdulazeez, B. B. (2022). Climate change adaptation strategies of small-scale rice farmers in
Nigeria. Journal of Agricultural Science, 14(1), 96-112.
Omotesho, O. A., et al. (2020). Factors affecting rice production and farmers' adaptation strategies in Nigeria.
Journal of Agricultural Extension, 24(2), 68-84.
Oni, O. A., et al. (2021). Analysis of the rice value chain and competitiveness in Nigeria. Journal of Agricultural
Extension and Rural Development Studies, 8(1), 78-92.
Paul, K., Chatterjee, S. S., Pai, P., Varshney, A., Juikar, S., Prasad, V., ... & Dasgupta, S. (2022). Viable smart
sensors and their application in data driven agriculture. Computers and Electronics in Agriculture, 198,
Rasheed, A., et al. (2020). Applications of internet of things in smart agriculture: A comprehensive study.
Computers and Electronics in Agriculture, 177, 105689.
Sultana, S., Khan, M. A., Hossain, M. E., Prodhan, M. M. H., & Saha, S. M. (2022). Yield gap, risk attitude, and
poverty status of aman rice producers in climate-vulnerable coastal areas of Bangladesh. Journal of
Agricultural Science and Technology, 24(1), 83-95.
Yoshida, N., et al. (2020). Smart agriculture in Japan: Status, challenges, and potential. Journal of Agricultural
Informatics, 11(3), 1-14
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
This research work presents an optimum Structural Health Monitoring (SHM) of composite structure using an
improved Fibre Bragg Grating (FBG) sensor sensitivity model. Composite materials have been largely used in
telecommunications, aerospace, marine, automotive, civil infrastructures, oil and gas, sports equipment, and in
medical facilities due to their unique mechanical properties, namely strength and stiffness to weight ratios.
However, these materials are subjected to deformation during loading and low velocity impact which may not be
visible to the human sight and may lead to the failure of the composite structure. This poses a great challenge to
manufacturing industries and presents a vital area of research. The improved FBG sensor sensitivity model
eliminates cross sensitivity in the FBG measurement, determining the Poisson’s ratio and the effective refractive
index of the FBG sensor using a developed proportionality model to increase the FBG sensitivity to strain.
Deploying the improved model will reduce fatigue failure on structures, network complexity and bulky sensor
size due to the ability of the fibre optic cable to house several FBG sensors. The improved technique was
implemented using MATLAB R2018a version. The result of the improved model was compared with that of the
existing model. The simulation result shows that the improved FBG sensor sensitivity model performed better
than the existing FBG model by 32.08% increment in sensitivity.
Fibre Bragg grating sensing technology possesses a good multiplexing capability which enable it to accommodate
many grading and different sensing like; strain, temperature, pressure, vibration just to mention a few in a fibre
optic cable (Rani et al., 2020). FBG is a type of reflector etching in the core of an optical fibre that reflects a
particular wavelength of light and transmits others. This makes the FBG to be used as an optical sensor (Nicolas
et al., 2016). The centre of the fibre is enclosed by a silica cladding with slightly lower index of refraction than
that of the core. Which is between 4µm and 9µm diameter this aid the coupled light into the fibre to propagates
in the fibre core (Nicolas et al., 2016). Each FBG is expressed with a definite wavelength that variations based on
the physical parameters the sensor interact with (Nicolas et al., 2016). The refractive planes in FBG are known as
the Bragg planes. They are formed when two opposing light sources interfere constructively (Nicolas et al., 2016).
Stretching a FBG creates a change in the sensor’s index of refraction (Nicolas et al., 2016) as shown in Figure 1.
Ganziy et al. (2015) proposed an efficient fast detection technique for multimode fibre Bragg grinding sensor.
The algorithm is based on a threshold detection window and a compensation centre of gravity for structural health
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
monitoring. This Dynamic Gate Algorithm exhibited high vigour with a profoundly improved wavelength fit
resolution compared with the traditional techniques and the computational speed was better than the Gaussian
Fitting Algorithm for better and precise peak identification. The analysed wavelength fit resolution of the Dynamic
Gate Algorithm for various estimations of signal to noise ratios for various peak shapes. Liu et al. (2012) presented
a distributed strain sensing using optical fibre sensing technology. Dynamic and distributed strains during the
fatigue loading was quantified using the Brillouin Optical Correlation Domain Analysis technique. The evaluated
measurement accuracy of Brillouin Optical Correlation Domain Analysis, measured strain values were compared
with that of fibre Bragg grating sensors. The dynamic strain measurement positions of Brillouin Optical
Correlation Domain Analysis were determined using by mean of measuring the length between the centre of the
article and the fibre Bragg grating sensors using a tape measure. In other to verify the operability and measurement
accuracy of the Brillouin Optical Correlation Domain Analysis for structural health monitoring, it was applied to
a structural fatigue test using a full-scale horizontal tail plane article in corporation with Airbus. Capriotti et al.
(2017) proposed a non-destructive assessment algorithm for the recognition of defects on composite airplane
structures following High Energy Wide Area Blunt Impact procedure for ground service equipment. The work
employed the waveguide geometry of these structures by using ultrasonic guided waves and a line scan method.
The contact model and a non-contact model were created and tried on realistic test boards panels subjected to
impact in the test bed. Two laboratory models for line checking were created, one utilizing contact piezoelectric
transducers with a differential methodology and utilizing non-contact (air-coupled) transducers in a pitch–catch
approach. Kumar and Chack (2018) presented a temperature non-sensitive strain measurement technique for
Structural Health Monitoring. By deploying two conventional Fibre Bragg Grating (FBG) sensors to eliminate
cross sensitivity to temperature and strain. The FBG which is operated at a central wavelength difference of 2 nm
to eliminate the interfering of back reflected signals wavelength. The shift in wavelength of the two FBG are
subtracted from one another to obtain the change in Bragg wavelength due to the applied engineering quantities.
In this work a developed proportionality model is deployed to increase the sensitivity of FBG to induced strain.
Where Dl fbg1 is the change in wavelength of the FBG1 due to strain and temperature, while Dl fbg 2 is the
wavelength shift of FBG2 due to temperature (Kumar & Chack, 2018), the shift in FBG1 is expressed in Equation
(2) (Ma & Chen, 2018):
Dl fbg1 = lB (a f + x ) DT + lB (1 - Pe ) De (2)
Where a f is the thermal expansion coefficient of the FBG sensor, x is the thermal-optic coefficient of the FBG
sensor and Pe is the effective strain optic coefficient. While the change in FBG2 due to change in temperature is
expressed in Equation (3) (Ma & Chen, 2018):
Dl fbg 2 = lB (a f + x ) DT (3)
where lB is the Bragg wavelength of FBG2 sensor and DT is the change in temperature, while Equation (4) is
the expression for the sensitivity of FBG sensor to strain (Campanella et al., 2018):
DlB = lB [1 - Pe ] De (4)
The expression for the strain optics coefficient is shown in Equation (5) (Campanella et al., 2018):
neff 2
Pe =
{p12 - v [ p11 + p12 ]} (5)
where v is the Poisson’s ratio and p11, p12 are the Pockel’s coefficient of the strain-optic (Campanella et al., 2018).
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
Also, the effective strain optics coefficient ( pe ) is inversely proportional to Poisson’ s ratio ( v ) and directly
proportional to the square of the effective refractive index of the fibre optic sensor neff as shown in Equation )
pe µ neff 2 ´ (7)
For the FBG sensitivity ( DlB ) is inversely proportional to the square of the effective refractive index of the fibre
( n ) and directly proportional to the Poisson’s ratio as shown in Equations (8) to (11):
DlB µ (8)
neff 2
DlB µ v (9)
pei = k pe ´ (10)
neff 2
where DlBi is the improved FBG sensitivity, lB is the Bragg wavelength, De is the change in the induced strain
( )
on the FBG sensor, neff is the effective refractive index of the FBG sensor and k pe is the proportionality constant
of the effective strain optics coefficient of the FBG sensor and the value is 1.02. The flow chart of the improved
FBG sensor sensitivity model is expressed in Figure 2.
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
Shift in Bragg
wavelength for strain
The result obtained from the simulation setup are discussed in this section. The following results are based on the
shift in Bragg wavelength of the FBG sensor due to the induced physical parameter (strain) on the composite
5.1 Shift in Bragg Wavelength Versus Induced Strain on the Composite Structure
In Fig. 3, the shifts in Bragg wavelength were plotted against the induced strain. The plot was obtained from the
simulation values in Table 1. Table 1 was obtained from Equations (4) and (11).
Table 1: Induced Strain and Sensitivity of the Fibre Bragg Grating Sensor.
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
From the plots, it is observed that the improved fibre Bragg gating model sensitivity is higher when compared to
the existing fibre Bragg grating model. This is due to the reduction in the value of the effective strain optics
coefficient and the increment in the value of the Poisson’s ratio of the FBG sensor respectively. The sensitivity of
the improved fibre Bragg grating model increases as the induced strain on the composite structure increases.
Furthermore, as it is observed from the plot, there is a corresponding increase in the shift in Bragg wavelength as
the value of strain increases. The FBG sensitivity is the difference between the shift in Bragg wavelength and the
Bragg wavelength of the FBG sensor. The improved FBG sensor model achieved 32.08% increment in sensitivity
against the existing model. The percentage increment of the model was obtained using Equation (12):
Percentageincrement =
å iFBG - å FBG ´100% (12)
Where å iFBG and å FBG are the summation of the improved FBG sensor sensitivity values and the existing
FBG sensor sensitivity values when the structure was subject to induced strain.
Figure 3: Shift in Bragg Wavelength against the Induced Strain on the Composite Structure
In this research, an optimum Structural Health Monitoring of composite structure using an improved Fibre Bragg
Grating (FBG) sensor sensitivity model was presented. The improved FBG sensor sensitivity model eliminates
cross sensitivity in the FBG measurement, determining the Poisson’s ratio and the effective refractive index of
the FBG sensor using a proportionality model to increase the FBG sensitivity to strain. The improved FBG sensor
result in 32.08% increment in sensitivity when compared to the conventional FBG sensor.
Campanella, C. E., Cuccovillo, A., Campanella, C., Yurt, A., & Passaro, V. M. J. S. (2018). Fibre Bragg grating
based strain sensors: Review of technology and applications. 18(9), 3115.
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
Capriotti, M., Kim, H. E., Lanza di Scalea, F., & Kim, H. J. M. (2017). Non-Destructive inspection of impact
damage in composite aircraft panels by ultrasonic guided waves and statistical processing. 10(6), 616.
Ganziy, D., Jespersen, O., Rose, B., & Bang, O. (2015). An efficient and fast detection algorithm for multimode
FBG sensing. Paper presented at the 24th International Conference on Optical Fibre Sensors.
Kumar, J., & Chack, D. (2018). FBG based strain sensor with temperature compensation for structural health
monitoring. Paper presented at the 2018 4th International Conference on Recent Advances in Information
Technology (RAIT).
Liu, Y., Mejias, L., & Li, Z. (2012). Fast power line detection and localization using steerable filter for active
UAV guidance.
Ma, Z., & Chen, X. J. S. (2018). Fiber Bragg gratings sensors for aircraft wing shape measurement: Recent
applications and technical analysis. 19(1), 55.
Nicolas, M. J., Sullivan, R. W., & Richards, W. L. J. A. (2016). Large scale applications using FBG sensors:
determination of in-flight loads and shape of a composite aircraft wing. 3(3), 18.
Rani, S., Haider, S., Masud, U., & Huda, A. B. J. S. L. (2020). Accurate Measurement of Gas Concentration Using
Apodized Fiber Bragg Grating for Variation in Temperature and Presence of Noise. 18(7), 530-537.
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University of Ilorin, Nigeria
In this paper, an automated plate number recognition and identification system was developed to explore problems
associated with many successful solutions in the field of computer vision. However, these solutions are typically
tuned towards a particular environment due to the variations in the features of plate numbers across the universe.
As such, a universal solution would be difficult to realize as the image analysis techniques used in developing this
algorithm cannot generate a result with a hundred percent accuracy. Thus, this paper focuses on the development
of an automated plate number recognition and identification system optimized for Nigerian plate numbers. The
system comprises algorithms written in Python with the OpenCV library, canny edge detection, and feature
detection techniques combined with the Tesseract optical character recognition engine to identify the characters
on the plate. A Microsoft visual basic was used to develop a user interface for data presentation and MySQL
server was used as a database. When a local image was tested using the developed recognition algorithm, the
simulation result presented an accuracy of 90% at the localization stage and 70% for character extraction. This
shows that the algorithm effectively localizes and extracts the characters on the plate number.
KEYWORDS: Plate number, OpenCV, canny edge detection, tesseract optical character recognition engine,
Modern intelligent transportation systems (ITS) rely heavily on vehicles. Plate characters offer a uniform method
of identifying any vehicle. Vehicle License Plate Recognition (VLPR) has drawn a lot of interest from scientists.
It can be utilized by government organizations to locate or identify stolen cars and to gather information for traffic
management and planning. VLPR requires generalization and high accuracy in real-world applications due to its
intimate ties to public security. Due to their diverse applications, such as electronic toll collection, highway
surveillance, unattended parking lots and security monitoring of restricted areas, urban logistics, and traffic law
enforcement, intelligent transport systems (ITS) significantly contribute to the advancement of smart cities (Ugwu
et al., 2022). Since each car's license plate is unique, automatic plate detection will have a wide range of uses. For
instance, while employing intelligent parking, the entrance gate will only be opened and closed for allowed
vehicles. Additionally, in vehicles, speed control operations and management of vehicles through tolls will be
implemented (Akbarzadeh et al., 2022). Different models were developed for various hardware configurations
based on computational power and low cost using a novel set of neural networks. The suggested model precision,
energy efficiency, communication latency, and computing delay are verified using various license plate datasets
both during the day and at night as well as in real-time presented (Padmasiri et al., 2022). Implemented automatic
number plate recognition technology in police patrol cars to automate access control and security, such as
identifying fast vehicles on highways and locating stolen cars in real time (Etomi & Onyishi, 2021). Using an
automated license plate recognition (ALPR) system in resource-constrained contexts can help with the
construction and management of smart cities as demonstrated by Padmasiri et al. (2022). This stage is heavily
reliant on the number plate's specifications/characteristics. These characteristics include symmetry, spatial
frequency, shape, color, height, and width. The conditions (lighting, visibility, image skew, and camera quality)
under which the image was taken, as well as the characteristics of the image itself, determine the algorithm's
capacity to recognize the plate. The majority of ANPR algorithms also include a pre-processing stage that gets
the image ready using methods like grey scaling, thresholding, and noise removal. The most popular way to scale
color pixels to grey is to simply average their RGB values (Etomi & Onyishi, 2021). It is impossible to overstate
the importance of an automatic licensed plate detection system (ALPDS) in the modern world. This is because it
is crucial to the development of smart cities' intelligent transportation systems. In both the academic and
commercial sectors, there is growing interest in the field of license plate number detection (Ugwu et al., 2022).
Thus, this paper aimed at developing automated plate number recognition and identification system that explores
different successful solutions in the field of computer vision. The system comprises stages: the input stage (camera
for image acquisition), the processing stage (conversion to greyscale, filtering, contour detection, extraction, and
recognition), plate number identification, and finally, the ticketing stage from a visual basic database.
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
2.1 The overview of major keywords in this area of research.
Li and Wang (2022) presented Python as a powerful dynamic programming language that is free, open-source,
and cross-platform. It features a vast number of potent built-in objects, standard libraries, and extension libraries,
and it supports a variety of programming paradigms. By directly calling the built-in functions or standard libraries,
powerful programming functionalities can be implemented. Students can expand their comprehension of the
algorithm and principle by studying the source code, which will help them develop their programming skills and
code quality (Li & Wang, 2022). Python is a reasonably simple language to learn. Dome and Sathe (2021)
presented OpenCV as a library for many programming tasks with the main goal of offering real-time computer
vision. Users can imports image, does image segmentation, and extracts the image (Li & Wang, 2022). Intel's
research led to the creation of the OpenCV computer vision library's source code. The majority of image-
processing software programs are developed in C/C++, and OpenCV is no exception. This is done to account for
computing speed. It is a library built on the IPL that has more than 300 C functions and C++ classes (Image
Processing Library). Thakare et al. (2018) presented an optical character recognition (OCR) tool for Python
software called Python Tesseract. In other words, it will recognize and read any text that is embedded deeply
within an image. Tesseract-OCR is implemented by the Python-Tesseract module in Python to transform the
image into text. Utilizing a module to call the specified method, image to a string makes the implementation
easier. Dome and Sathe (2021) use optical character recognition (OCR) to identify text contained in a digital
image. It is mostly used to transform printed, handwritten, or transcribed text into editable and reusable text data.
Alfath et al. (2022) referred to Visual Basic as a programming language, Visual Basic is also a tool for creating
Windows-based application programs. A database is a collection of connected data that makes it simpler for
activities to access information Wang et al. (2018). Setting the administrator permission enhanced the system's
security. It was crucial to develop the database management system since it offered crucial technical support.
2.2 This section discusses related works done in this area of research
Mujawar and Vadi (2022) proposed a Raspberry Pi-based system for automatically identifying license plates that
use image processing. In this system, a Raspberry Pi is coupled to a camera and an LCD circuit. The tool
continuously looks for signs of license plates in the incoming camera footage. When it notices a number plate in
front of the camera, it analyses the camera input and extracts the number plate component from the image. The
extracted image is processed using OCR to get the license plate number. The program then displays the extracted
number on an LCD. Mujawar and Vadi (2022) presented a system in which when it notices a number plate in
front of the camera, it analyses the camera input and extracts the number plate component from the image. The
extracted image is processed using OCR to get the license plate number. Etomi and Onyishi (2021) work on a
Raspberry Pi, an automated system that makes use of the OpenCV library and py-tesseract-OCR demonstrated.
After the camera takes a picture, the Raspberry Pi converts it to grayscale, applies filters, segments it, and
recognizes characters before displaying the number plate on the console and then storing it in a database. Making
sure the code is effective and that the computational complexity is reduced while improving flexibility is one of
the trickiest parts of creating a portable program. The performance time is also shown, and it shows that there is
a notable 3-second delay in the final output throughout the entire procedure. AG (2019) presented an Optical
Character Recognition (OCR) on images and OpenCV techniques are used by the current Automatic Number
Plate Recognition and Identification system to read and identify vehicle license plates. This work concentrated on
license plate localization and extraction from images for use in various applications. It does this by utilizing
several Python-developed OpenCV library techniques for image segmentation, from which some image segments
were checked for characters. AG (2019) identifies the most likely license plate by using the characters on the
plate's associated picture's height, width, aspect ratio, and other characteristics. Using these pixel properties, it
was able to remove undesired contour lines and curves that stood out as noise while identifying the actual area of
the image that contained the plate number. Following the acquisition of the region, OCR was used to extract the
license plate text format using a trained template for various character styles. Akbarzadeh et al. (2022) developed
an improved algorithm to carry out the plan. First, we go through many difficult steps. The placement of the plate
is determined as the initial stage. In the second phase, an initial improvement to reduce the expected noise using
a suitable filter, which is provided by the Gaussian function. The remaining stages of the program are: locating
the edge of photographs, enhancing updated photos, and choosing the precise location of the plate. The study's
ultimate step eventually entails several stages, such as using a neural network to automatically extract the
characters from the plate. Padmasiri et al. (2022) provided an Automated License Plate Recognition (ALPR)
solution for edge computing in situations with limited resources, which could enable the creation and
administration of smart cities. The accompanying environmental restrictions, such as changing weather, plate
variances among areas, vehicle speed, distorted characters, filthy plates, shadow, and reflection, make research
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
on ALPR tough even though it is a well-established area in the field of image processing. Ugwu et al. (2022)
deliver a clever technique that uses computer vision to recognize car license numbers. Images of car license plates
were used as training data for the system. Following the identification procedure, the trained images were pre-
processed using the OpenCV library for image conversion and masking. The training images were initially
annotated using the Visual Graphic Generator (VGG) annotation tool. Then, Tesseract-OCR was applied to isolate
the texts from the photos. BC et al. (2022) presented a surveillance system that records images of moving targets
and reads their license plates, which become a significant area of study this time. The dataset for Indian license
plates was used in the study to identify license plates. Kaur et al. (2022) give an example of a successful ALPR
system that recognizes characters with a CNN. The system efficiency was improved by applying a combination
of pre-processing and morphological techniques to improve input image quality. The system can recognize license
plates with several lines, slanted text, and multiple fonts, among other qualities.
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University of Ilorin, Nigeria
The next stage of image pre-processing is image conversion, i.e., converting an image from blue ray to grayscale
to reduce the high resolution of the image. This is then followed by the final stage which is the image filtering,
i.e., the stage at which noise is removed from the image with the aid of a bilateral filter (Blurring).
a. Image localization
In this step, the following processes were followed:
i. Canny edge detection technique was used to acquire the edges of the vehicle in the image and then used
contours to ignore the unwanted contours in the image, such as the windscreen, spotlight, etc.
ii. Loop over contours was used to find the rectangle of the plate number.
iii. After localizing the plate number, the remaining background is negligible, then we proceed with
removing the image except for the plate number contour.
b. Extract of character from a plate number
The following are the steps implemented for the extraction of characters from the localized plate number
i. Character segmentation cropped the image and save it with a new name.
ii. The last step is character recognition which reads the plate number character in the image and
used a command to print the extracted character in the terminal.
The flowchart for the automatic plate number detection and recognition system for the plate number extraction
from a captured vehicle image is presented in Figure 3.1 comprising of pre-processing of the captured image;
conversion, contours detection, and also the plate number recognition:
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
i. The original image captured from the vehicle ii. Converting the original image from the
actual image grayscale to help reduce the noise
iii. The image shows edge detection for the vehicle iv. Contour edge detection
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
The above plate shows the local plate number sample tested on the algorithm. The total number of plates used is
ten, only seven give correct characters, two of them incorrect characters, and only one does not have character or
contour. Also, nine out of ten detect contour which gives us 90% contour detection and 70%-character recognition
as the overall system performance.
4.2 Result Obtained from the Software Developed for Record Based
Below is the interface for the daily entrance report and the database entire report for daily entrance. The program
is designed to accept information related to vehicle owners before gaining access to the daily entrance which
captures the plate number, time, gate passing by, either staff, student, or visitor, and the security attending you
during the entrance.
i. Daily entrance verification report
The algorithm developed in this work for the extraction of Nigeria plate numbers proved quite effective and
efficient. It had a 90% accuracy for license plate localization but a reading accuracy of 70%. MYSQL server
database was used in this study which allows large storage of driver’s particulars and vehicle data. With the output
tied to a database, this system can be used as an automated process for managing a large number of vehicle user
profiles as well as access control. Further work can be conducted to improve the accuracy of this system, using
deep learning (tensor flow). Performance comparison for the captured plate number and the record stored in the
database can be automated to make sure that each vehicle must be registered before accessing premises.
I wish to express my profound gratitude to Almighty Allah; the Creator, Fashioner, without His mercies and
favour I would certainly not exist. I would also like to express my profound gratitude to my supervisor Dr.
Zaharuddeen Haruna for giving me the opportunity, for his patience, guidance, and careful instruction throughout
the research, and a lot of others whom I cannot mention here whose hard work and dedication during this study
assisted me with advice and encouragement. I have nothing to offer them but for Allah to reward them abundantly
and enable them to succeed in all their endeavours. This acknowledgment would not be complete without
expressing my sincere gratitude to my parents, brothers, and sisters for their love, patience, encouragement, and
understanding which are the source of my motivation and inspiration throughout my work. May Almighty Allah
in his abundance reward you all greatly, and then some more. I must in the final analysis not fail to appreciate all
those special individuals, colleagues, family members, and friends whom I cannot mention here that have
contributed in one way or another, in the course of my struggle and improved on my qualification. Thank you all.
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
AG, S. F. (2019). Development of portable automatic number plate recognition (ANPR) system on Raspberry Pi.
International Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering, 9(3), 1805.
Akbarzadeh, O., Khosravi, M. R., & Alex, L. T. (2022). Design and Matlab simulation of Persian license plate
recognition using neural network and image filtering for intelligent transportation systems. ASP
Transactions on Pattern Recognition and Intelligent Systems, 2(1), 1-14.
Alfath, A. N., Taningngsih, I., & Suharto, E. (2022). Designed an Inactive Archives Management Information
System Using Visual Basic 2010 at The Department of Community Empowerment and Village West
Java Province. Journal of Applied Engineering and Technological Science (JAETS), 3(2), 105-115.
BC, M. H., Pukhrambam, S., Gokakakar, R. R., & Kaveri, B. (2022). YOLOV4 object detection for license plate
Dome, S., & Sathe, A. P. (2021). Optical character recognition using Tesseract and classification. Paper
presented at the 2021 International Conference on Emerging Smart Computing and Informatics (ESCI).
Etomi, E. E., & Onyishi, D. U. (2021). Automated number plate recognition system. Tropical Journal of Science
and Technology, 2(1), 38-48.
Kaur, P., Kumar, Y., Ahmed, S., Alhumam, A., Singla, R., & Ijaz, M. F. (2022). Automatic license plate
recognition system for vehicles using a CNN. CMC-Computers, Materials & Continua, 71(1), 35-50.
Li, F., & Wang, L. (2022). Application of Case-based Teaching in Computer Vision with OpenCV and Python.
environment, 5, 8.
Mujawar, S. S., & Vadi, S. (2022). Raspberry Pi and OpenCV for license plate recognition in real-time.
Padmasiri, H., Shashirangana, J., Meedeniya, D., Rana, O., & Perera, C. (2022). Automated license plate
recognition for resource-constrained environments. Sensors, 22(4), 1434.
Thakare, S., Kamble, A., Thengne, V., & Kamble, U. (2018). Document Segmentation and Language Translation
Using Tesseract-OCR. Paper presented at the 2018 IEEE 13th International Conference on Industrial and
Information Systems (ICIIS).
Ugwu, E. M., Taylor, O. E., & Nwiabu, N. D. (2022). An Improved Visual Attention Model for Automated
Vehicle License Plate Number Recognition Using Computer Vision. European Journal of Artificial
Intelligence and Machine Learning, 1(3), 15-21.
Wang, Y., Liu, J., He, X., & Wang, B. (2018). Design and realization of rock salt gas storage database
management system based on SQL Server. Petroleum, 4(4), 466-472.
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University of Ilorin, Nigeria
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
Circular economy, a resource-efficient model emphasizes eliminating waste and making the entire economy more
sustainable through waste reuse, reduction, and recycling. For economic and environmental concerns as well as
to comply with the newly established reinforcements on green economy, circular strategies have been proposed
in industrial sectors to realize the recovery of waste products that have potentials to be used as raw materials. The
circular economy frameworks offer an opportunity for membrane technology innovation. Membrane technology
has been applied across a broad spectrum of industrial and municipal installations and is currently popular for
water treatment and reuse as well as water desalination, on account of its reliability, high-efficiency, and ease of
operation. New membranes from renewable materials, including wood-based polymers (bio-based polymers) was
innovated and it gave a membrane manufacturing by the green chemistry and green engineering principles and
the life cycle analysis methodology realized green synthesis completely for membrane fabrications. This
development solves seven out of seventeen of the sustainable development goal (SDG) No. 3, 6, 9, 12, 13, 14 and
KEYWORDS: Circular economy, Green chemistry, Sustainable development goals, Wood-based polymers,
Membrane technology, Life cycle analysis
All sectors have virtually witnessed growth at different levels due to increased industrialization, agricultural and
other human activities (Abu-Bakar et al., 2021; Muhammad, 2019; Mathai et al., 2021). Our daily activities and
industrial processes generate a lot of waste with increase in the demand for products by the populace (Sharma et
al., 2020). Consequently, there is increase in the challenges associated with resource management and the handling
of waste. Improper disposal and management have continuously imposed negative impacts on human health
(Rautela et al., 2021; Akan et al., 2021; Alshehrei and Ameen, 2021). This has led to more studies on sustainable
use of cleaner resources and technology related to waste management, the circular economy and product life cycle
assessment (Zhang et al., 2021; Sharma et al., 2021; Luttenberger, 2020). The circular economy is a resource-
efficient model that emphasizes eliminating waste and making the entire economy more sustainable through waste
reuse, reduction, and recycling. Circular strategies have been proposed in industrial sectors to realize the recovery
of waste products that have potentials to be used as raw materials to find a lasting solution to economic and
environmental challenges (Yaw Agyabeng-Mensah et al., 2012). New innovative ways of sourcing for safer raw
materials have become the current trend in manufacturing industries. Interestingly, many unwanted wastes have
now be converted into useful products thereby reducing the amount of waste getting into the landfills. The
European Union’s Waste Management Directive advocates the prevention of waste has the highest priority in a
waste hierarchy system.
The present study work will address 7 sustainable development goals namely: SDG3 – good health and well-being
in reducing harmful releases from chemical and biological processes; SDG6 – clean water and sanitation – in
allowing water recycling, effluent treatment and desalination in both urban and rural environments; SDG9 -
Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure – enabling cleaner technologies with less emissions, SDG12 – Responsible
Consumption & Production – in enabling cleaner manufacturing; SDG13 – Climate Action – for new emission
environment by adsorption or conversion from catalytic membranes; SDG14 – Life below Water – by preventing
waste effluents and emissions entering water-ways and oceans; SDG15 – Life on Land – particularly through
allowing increased land use efficiency within cleaner environments. This research work will involve development
of new membranes from renewable materials, including wood-based polymers (bio-based polymers). Fully bio-
based fibres for green membrane fabrication (This is a challenging problem because many polymer membranes
have been developed to be chemically, thermally and mechanically robust (for process/product durability) and
processed using low-cost, large-scale manufacturing solutions). Green-membrane research work will use a variety
of approaches to these problems and will operate holistically to share knowledge across interest areas and
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
applications to allow new synthesis methods, testing/characterization and demonstration of feasibility for future
development and exploitation; Re-use and recycling of biopolymers and LCA methodology to realize green
membranes synthesis and production completely.
2.1 Wood-based polymer
One option for lowering the environmental impact of plastics and timber debris is to use these wastes to make
wood-polymer composites (WPC) goods, such as pallets, which are made of wood fiber and polymer. However,
to evaluate the sustainability impact of WPC pallets, a comprehensive life cycle analysis must be performed.
Aside from that, it is crucial to keep in mind that various commodities have varying lifespans, recycling abilities,
and recycling potential. It is defined by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) as being one of
the environmental management techniques that addresses the social and environmental risks, ecological
consequences throughout a product’s life cycle from raw material obtaining through manufacturing, utilizing edge
treatment, recycling, and disposal practices (Faggian et al., 2014; Zakariya, et al., 2022; Regulation (EC) No
In recent years, WPC has also become interesting for other industries, namely the packaging and automotive
sectors (Partanen and Carus, 2016). These are under increasing pressure to minimize the consumption of fossil-
plastics. WPC saves petrochemical polymers, and this in the amount of the wood-fibers added. This leads to an
almost balanced cradle-to-gate CO2-balance. The reason for this is that during their growth, the wood fibers
already absorbed exactly the amount of harmful greenhouse gases from the atmosphere, which is later emitted for
production in the form of energy and fuel consumption
2.2 Raw material for membrane fabrication
Keratin, cellulose, and plastics can be widely found in domestic/industrial solid wastes and can be potentially used
for liquid separation membrane fabrication.
2.2.1 Keratin
Keratin is a fibrous, structural protein commonly found in wool, hair, and poultry feather (Donato et al., 2020;
Reddy et al., 2021). Wools obtained from textile fabric and hairy parts of animals are especially important keratin
extraction sources, as it consists of ~95% raw keratin (Shavandi et al., 2017). Chicken feathers, which consist of
~90% protein keratin, are another major source for extracting keratin (Donner et al., 2019). The living-organism
leftovers produced in tanning, slaughterhouse, and poultry industries are treated as waste, and their disposal often
leads to vast environmental problems.
2.2.2 Cellulose
Cellulose is one of the most abundant biopolymers found in nature. Depending on the sources, lignocellulosic
biomass typically contains cellulose, 40–60% and hemicellulose, 15–30% and lignin, 10–25%, which weave to
each other to establish a strong-stretch network of recalcitrant biomass (Ariffin et al., 2008; Wang et al., 2017).
Lignin is the main barrier in the deconstruction of lignocellulosic biomass; hence, lignin extraction during biomass
pretreatment using solvent is required to ease the conversion of fibrous cellulosic materials (Tran and Mututuvari,
2016). Other sources, such as seaweed, are also gaining attention for cellulose extraction. The removal of lignin
through harsh chemical treatment necessary for lignocellulosic biomass is not required for this alternative (Esparza
et al., 2018).
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
The seventh principle of Green Chemistry is “renewable rather than depleting raw materials”. One of the great
challenges of the twenty first century is the implementation from an unsustainable economy based on non-
renewable fossil resources - oil, coal and natural gas – as raw materials to a bio-based economy with renewable
biomass as the feedstock (Sheldon, 2018; Devi et al., 2022). The pressing need for climate change mitigation and
the conservation of natural carbon resources is driving the switch to a carbon-neutral manufacture of commodity
chemicals, materials and liquid fuels from renewable biomass in integrated biorefineries (Wang et al., 2021).
However, the use of common and well-known biomass feedstocks, such as corn and edible oil seeds, won’t
continue to be a sustainable option in the longer term because of direct or indirect competition with food
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
a high degree of biodegradability that makes them attractive as green materials to be used for reducing pollution
of the environment with plastic wastes. Cellulose is a linear polysaccharide primarily derived from many sources
and has ordinary properties which are hydrophilicity and biocompatibility, exhibits excellent mechanical strength
and perform chemical modifications with many functional groups. However, cellulose's high crystallinity and
strong intermolecular hydrogen bonds make it difficult to dissolve in common solvents, which can hinder the
production of cellulose-based membranes (Ariffin et al., 2008; Tran and Mututuvari, 2016; Wang et al., 2017;
Esparza et al., 2018).
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endoglucanase from pretreated oil palm empty fruit bunch by bacillus pumilus EB3. Journal of bioscience and
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Devi, A., Bajar, S., Kour, H., Kothari, R., Pant, D., & Singh, A. (2022). Lignocellulosic Biomass Valorization for
Bioethanol Production: a Circular Bioeconomy Approach. Bioenergy research, 15(4), 1820–1841.
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Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
Donner, M. W., Arshad, M., Ullah, A., & Siddique, T. (2019). Unravelled keratin-derived biopolymers as novel
biosorbents for the simultaneous removal of multiple trace metals from industrial wastewater. The Science of the
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Esparza, Y., Bandara, N., Ullah, A., & Wu, J. (2018). Hydrogels from feather keratin show higher viscoelastic
properties and cell proliferation than those from hair and wool keratins. Materials science & engineering. C,
Materials for biological applications, 90, 446–453. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.msec.2018.04.067
Faggian A., Scanferla P., Paulussen S., Zuin S. (2014). Combining the European chemicals regulation and an
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Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
PAPER 88 – Effects of Surface Linings and Thickness of Lining on the Microbial Load
of Stored Onion Bulbs (Allium Cepa L.)
O.V. Adeyinka-Ajiboye1, M.O. Sunmonu2, M. M. Odewole2
Department of Agricultural & Biosystems Engineering, University of Ilorin, PMB 1515, Ilorin 240003, Nigeria
Department of Food Engineering, University of Ilorin, PMB 1515, Ilorin 240003, Nigeria
Email: ajiboye.oa @unilorin.edu.ng
The study was done to investigate effects of surface linings (jute, foam and polypropylene) and thicknesses (single
2.1, 8.91 and 0.44mm, double 4.20, 17.82, 0.88 mm and triple 6.30, 26.73, and 1.32 mm) of lining on the microbial
load of onions bulbs stored for 6 months in an instrumented wooden structure. Kano-Red variety of onions was
used for the experiment. ANOVA was used to study the effects of types and thickness of lining layers on onion
bulbs in storage. During storage, both the treated and the control onion bulbs showed a general rise in microbial
load in storage. The control displayed a starting value of 103 CFU/g and a final value of 80.5 x 102 CFU/g.
Polypropylene double had the lowest value of microbial load (11.5–54.75 102 CFU/g), while Jute single and Jute
triple had equal values in the range of (10.75-71.75). Jute double had the highest initial and final values of (14.5
CFU/g -77.25 CFU/g). Conclusively, it can be said that despite the general increase in microbial load between the
control and the treated, treated samples still had lower microbial load.
KEYWORDS: onion bulbs, storage condition, surface lining, lining thickness and microbial load
Onion (Allium cepa L.) is a vegetable bulb crop that is popular all over the world and is known to most cultures.
Its production is only second to that of tomatoes (FAO, 2012). Because of their particular flavour, onions are
recognized by people as one of the vegetable crops with a wide range of uses (Emmanuel et al., 2022). The health
profits of onion are largely credited to its various bioactive components, such as organosulfur compounds,
phenolic compounds, polysaccharides, and saponins (Marrelli et al., 2019; Teshika et al., 2019). The more potent
onion varieties appear to provide the largest concentration of compounds that support health. According to the
National Cancer Institute, onions are reported to contain antioxidants that may prevent cancer and lower
cholesterol (Indu, 2017). Onions can be harvested in dry conditions, but they are more susceptible to disease
following harvest after a rain or when the humidity is high.
Onions have long been grown for both food and profit across the savannas of West Africa (Kassam, 2011).
Nigeria, a nation in sub-Saharan Africa, ranks among the top countries in the world for onion production (Jolayemi
et al., 2018). The majority of the onion production in Northern Nigeria is done in the states of Kaduna, Kano,
Jigawa, Katsina, Sokoto, Kebbi, Plateau, and Bauchi, specifically in the dry tropical zone (Anyanwu, 2003). Onion
bulbs are so fragile and frequently suffer injury during preservation. Different types of onion bulbs require
different storage temperatures, such as 0–5 °C for some and 25–30 °C for others, with an average relative humidity
of 65% (Ayalew, 2018). Postharvest onion bulb losses from sprouting and rotting range from 46 to 56% depending
on the storage environment and system used (Ayalew, 2018). Controlled environments can be utilized to store
onions for a long time. Despite being more expensive than traditional storage, this method boosts crop value by
increasing the product's window of opportunity for sale (Ayalew, 2018). During storage, onions are susceptible
to rotting, sprouting, and physiological weight loss.
The strong demand for and popularity of this type are due to its superior shelf-life. It is well-established that proper
aeration reduces storage losses in onion. Incorporating forced air in the storage will provide adequate ventilation
(aeration) which subsequently reduces rotting and sprouting of the stored onions. Unexpectedly, over one-third
of the food produced for human consumption worldwide is wasted or lost each year (Delgado et al., 2017). This
is significant since it shows that food loss and waste in developing nations costs over $310 billion USD (FAO,
2011). Sadly, onions are one of the major crops affected. The (Allium cepa L.) plant's shelf life is essential to the
onion industry.
The main objective of this research was to study the effects of lining layers of an onion storage structure on the
shelf life and nutritional compositions of onion bulbs. The specific objectives of this study were to: design and
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
construct a forced air ventilated storage for onions as a test rig and investigate the effects of surface linings and
thickness of surface lining on the shelf life and microbial load of stored onions.
Experimental Location
The study was conducted at the Agricultural Storage Room of the Department of Agricultural and Biosystems
Engineering (longitude 4⁰35´E and latitude 8⁰30´N), University of Ilorin, Ilorin, Kwara State between May 26 and
November 26, 2022 (24 weeks). The agricultural warehouse has a storage capacity of 8.15 x 7.02 m2. Jute,
polypropylene and foam in different thicknesses were used as lining materials to line the boxes within the storage
structure where the onion bulbs to be stored were kept. Fumigation of the outside surrounding was done to treat
termites, pests and the likes from invading the store.
The Onion bulbs (Kano-Red) variety that was used for the storage experiment was purchased from National
Horticultural Research Institute (NIHORT), Kano State, Nigeria. The onion bulbs were cleaned, sorted and graded
according to their sizes hence, healthy, firm, matured and whole bulbs were used for the experiment.
The major piece of equipment for this experiment is the high-density fibreboard that was utilized to construct the
storage structure containing the three boxes lined with materials. The equipment and supplies used for this
experiment include an electronic platform weighing scale (TCS Series), a Model CL 201 scale (220g x 0.1g), a
digital vernier calliper (0-150mm), a galaxy sensors thermometer (v1.8.10), a hygrometer (0-100% Tasjkovski
Labs), suction fans, renewable energy source wattage (260 W) and onion bulbs (kano- red).
Design Calculations
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University of Ilorin, Nigeria
Since is calculated to be
However, a factor of safety is highly essential in the design of components. For the fan, a factor of safety of 10%
was selected and the actual and required fan capacities are expressed in Equations 3.4 and 3.5, respectively
Where FC is the fan capacity; FA and FF, are the actual fan capacity and the required fan capacity, respectively.
Substituting into Equation 3.4 and 3.5,
The ambient temperature and relative humidity of the space where the storage structures were kept was monitored
during the storage time.
Data Collection
Each month, samples of onion bulbs were taken for microbial analysis. Fungi count was carried out using potato
dextrose agar. The results obtained for each count was recorded as colony forming unit per ml (cfu/ml) of sample
as shown in equation (8). This involves the same procedures as bacterial count; however, Potato Dextrose Agar
was used. After allowing the agar in the petri-dish to solidify, the plates were incubated at room temperature at
27 oC for 48 hours. After the incubation period, the plates were counted and recorded.
Fungi count (cfu/ml) = (8)
Storage Procedure
The techniques utilized for storage included carefully labeling the storage structures according to type of lining
material and thickness, assembling and storing the products in storage structures and at ambient condition. The
structures were inspected for any undesirable openings that could allow pests like rodents and insects inside. Each
storage structure in this investigation has two sets of 3" elevated castor legs that extend above the floor.
Statistical Analysis
Microsoft Excel 2010 was used to analyze the experimental data for analysis of variance (ANOVA). Model
equations were generated with General Factorial Experiment module of the Design Expert Version 6.0.6.
Furthermore, there was no meaningful comparison between the results because the difference in the results was
so minimal. All of the model equations' sufficiency and validity were examined using numerical and graphical
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
The results presented in Figure 1 showed that both the treated and the control onion bulbs exhibited a general rise
in microbial load in storage. The control displayed a starting value of 103 CFU/g and a final value of 80.5 x 102
CFU/g. Polypropylene double had the lowest value of microbial load (11.5–54.75 102 CFU/g), while Jute single
and Jute triple had equal values in the range of (10.75-71.75). Jute double had the highest initial and final values
of (14.5 CFU/g -77.25 CFU/g).
While from beginning to the end, foam triple had the value increase range of (10.25-71.00 CFU/g). Foam single
had the initial fungi value range of (10.25–68.5), followed by foam double (9.75–66.75 CFU/g). Polypropylene
triple revealed (11.75-69.5 CFU/g) and Polypropylene single (11.25-66.5 CFU/g). There is a concern to the
public's health since onion bulbs contain large quantities of this fungus (Onuorah and Obika 2015). Commonly,
growth of bacteria and fungi is confined to water activity (aw) levels above 0.90 (Lund et al., 2000). Unlike bacteria
that cannot grow below 0.85 aw, fungi are more tolerant to reduced aw and can grow even below 0.80 (Lund et al.,
2000; Sagar and Suresh, 2010). While, the lowest aw at which growth of bacteria has been reported was 0.75,
fungal growth has been recorded at aw levels as low as 0.61 (Lund et al., 2000). Leistner (1992) reported that
moisture content and water activity (aw) of artificially dried fruits and vegetables range from 15 to 50% and 0.60
to 0.89, respectively. These conditions can only cause dormancy in bacteria and fungi until a favourable
environment is attained (Prescott et al., 2001; Sagar and Suresh, 2010).
Microbial counts and pathogens higher than international stipulated limits (103 CFUg-1 for fungi and 101 CFUg-
1 for bacteria) in both commercially and conventionally produced fresh and dried fruits and vegetables have been
reported (BarkaiGolan and Paster, 2011; Johannessen et al., 2002; Mensah et al., 2002; Witthuhn et al., 2005).
This assertion justifies the increase in total fungi count during the course of this study. The absence of the
infrastructure required for the successful application of these technologies is a significant additional issue. Onion
storage structures may be designed to maximize natural ventilation. Post-harvest management for agricultural
products aims to achieve this by minimizing agricultural product loss or waste continues to be the main goal of
post-harvest management systems. According to various studies that reported on onion postharvest technologies,
using both conventional and innovative methods can effectively help to enhance the shelf life of onion produce.
The presence of these fungi in the onion bulbs is attributable to the environmental conditions, state of handling
and processing, state of storage facility of the onions, the fungal load of the handlers and the quality of the onion
bulbs. These fungi have been known to cause diseases of humans and animals. They may come from the air, water,
soil and even the handlers. They are the sources of highly potent mycotoxins which are hazardous to health. The
presence of these fungi in significant numbers in onion bulbs is therefore a public health risk. Fungal spoilage of
onions also has a negative economic effect on the economy of the onion bulbs farmers in particular and the economy
of the country in general. The control of the fungal spoilage of onion bulbs is therefore inevitable. Proper storage
conditions, careful harvesting, protection of the bulbs from sunburn, provision of adequate ventilation and regular
examination during storage will minimize the entry and proliferation of these organisms in the onion bulbs, thereby
reducing the incidence of diseases they cause and also improve the economy by reducing wastes resulting from
Total Fungi Count mg/100g
TFC (mg/100g)
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
In conclusion, it can be said in terms of type of lining material and material thickness that onion bulbs stored were
affected by an increase in total fungi count in this investigation which needs to be properly looked into and
completely minimized in further investigations. The control exhibited the highest value 80.5 x 102 CFU/g of total
fungi count in storage which means that for excellent postharvest management, keeping onion bulbs in the storage
structure is safer for human health than just spreading on the floor. Other vegetable types could be researched on
using the same storage structure and experiment done to check the effects of types of lining and lining layers on
the shelf life and nutritional composition of the selected agricultural crop.
Anyanwu, B. O. (2003). Agricultural Science for Schools and Colleges. Africa First Publishers, Onisha, Nigeria.
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University of Ilorin, Nigeria
Quality and condition assurance assessment of concrete for structural adequacy have been performed by
visual inspection and sampling by coring concrete using standard tests on specimens. They result in
superficial local damage. Test methods that will not impair the function of structures and permit re-testing
to measure their in-place properties at any time are, therefore necessary. Blocks 7-10 of the University of
Ilorin, constructed with concrete walls and commissioned in 1980, were tested to determine the residual life
of the buildings. The walls were subjected to non-destructive tests and a strength-Ultrasonic Pulse Velocity
model in the form a ln x + c at R2 of 96.5%. The resulting Pulse Velocities were then injected into the
model to determine the residual life of the walls, and hence the buildings. The strength results were 21.81,
21.62, 21.65 and 21.35N/mm2 for the blocks, respectively. These are less than 25N/mm2 adopted for the
structures at design stage, but greater than the expected remaining compressive strengths of 11.75N/mm2
after 43 years of use, confirming that the conditions of the buildings are adequate. This method can be
employed to identify dilapidated buildings to be demolished before sudden collapse to prevent loss of lives
and properties.
KEYWORDS: Concrete blocks, Quality assurance, Ultrasonic pulse velocity, Compressive strength, Residual
Design of concrete requires an accurate knowledge of concrete properties under anticipated loading
conditions. A large number of information is available on behaviour of concrete under static loading
condition. However, when concrete is subjected to dynamic loadings, such as traffic on highway pavements
and bridges, railroad bridges, building structures, airport pavements and marine structures, the fatigue
behaviour/mechanism needs to be properly modelled. Fatigue is a process of progressive permanent
internal changes in the materials that occur under the actions of cyclic loadings (Hiller and Roesler, 2016),
which can cause progressive growth of cracks in the concrete and eventual failure of structures when high
levels of cyclic loads (for shorter times) or low levels of loads (for longer times) are applied. Fatigue strength
data of concrete and other materials that are used for development of load-induced stresses are needed for
safe, effective and economical design. Indeed. fatigue cracking in concrete is a key failure mechanism and
is the result of repeated applications of load at stress levels even below the flexural strength of the
concrete slab (Roesler et al., 2013).
The mechanical response of a material is substantially altered by cyclic loadings. In the case of metals, it depends
greatly on hardness of materials and experimental conditions. Under cyclic loading condition, a metal may harden,
soften, remain stable or have mixed behaviour (soften or harden depending on strain level) (Bannantine et al.,
2017). On the other hand, concrete which is a complex hybrid composite material under cyclic loading can
experience fracture due to fracture of the cement paste, fracture of aggregate, failure of bond between the cement
paste or combination of these mechanisms. Compared to metals, concrete is prone to have large number of flaws
resulting from hydration, shrinkage and other causes. Mechanism of fatigue in concrete is not well established
irrespective of the numerous hypotheses related to track initiation and propagation based on fracture of
concrete mix (Bannantine et al., 2017).
Non-destructive test (NDT) methods are increasingly applied for the investigation of concrete for qualitative
and quantitative explanation of the effects of structures due to (i) technological improvements in hardware and
software for data collection and analysis, (ii) the economic advantages in assessing large volumes of concrete
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
compared with the acquisition of cores from existing structure, (iii) ability to perform rapid, comprehensive
assessment of existing construction, and (iv) specification of NDT methods for quality assurance of deep
foundations and concrete repairs (Verbeek and Stet, 2016). There has always been a need for test methods to
measure the in-place properties of concrete. Ideally, these methods should be non-destructive so that they do not
impair the function of the structure and permit re-testing at the same locations to evaluate changes in properties
with time; and also serve as appropriate strength deterioration model for concrete design and maintenance
NDT methods, defined as testing that causes no structurally significant damage to concrete, are used to determine
hardened concrete properties and to evaluate the condition of concrete in deep foundations, bridges, buildings,
pavements, dams and other concrete construction. These test methods are applied to concrete construction for
four primary reasons: (i) quality control of new construction; (ii) troubleshooting of problems with new
construction; (iii) condition evaluation of older concrete for rehabilitation purposes; and (iv) quality assurance
of concrete repairs. NDT emphasizes on methods that have been applied to measure physical properties other
than the strength of concrete in structures with the later inferable from the former. The various NDT methods
can be divided into two groups: those whose main purpose is to (a) estimate strength; and (b) evaluate
conditions other than strength, that is to evaluate integrity. Generally, the most reliable tests for strength
are those that result in superficial local damage. The integrity tests, on the other hand, are non-destructive and
mostly based on visual inspections.
Ultrasonic Pulse Velocity (UPV) is a non-destructive technique that involves measuring the speed of elastic
waves through materials in order to predict material strength, calculate low-strain elastic modulus and/or detect
the presence of internal flaws such as cracking, voids, honeycomb, decay and other damages. The technique is
found much applicable where intrusive (destructive) testing is not desirable and can be applied to concrete,
ceramics, stone and timber. Absolute measurements need to be treated with caution. However, the UPV technique
is not always practicable in testing sound concrete especially in the investigation of crack depth, where the crack
is water-filled. The performance may also often be poor in very rough surface because sometimes good contact
requires the use of a coupling gel between the transducer and the structure. This may be aesthetically unacceptable
on some structures. Studies have proved the rational in using UPV for concrete testing. The studies concluded
that for concrete with a particular mix proportion, there is a good correlation between UPV and the compressive
strength; although there still exists a high uncertainty when one tries to make use of UPV to predict the strength
of concrete in different mix proportions. It has also been established that UPV of hardened concrete is
predictable based on its mix proportion. In addition, it has been shown that the compressive strength of concrete
corresponds with the mix proportion (Mahure et al., 2018).
In taking measurements with the Pundit apparatus, pulses of longitudinal, elastic stress waves are generated by
an electro-acoustical transducer that is hold in direct contact with the surface of the concrete under test (Komlos
et al., 2016). After traversing through the material, the pulses are received and converted into electrical energy
by a second transducer. The direction in which the maximum energy is propagated is at right angles to the face
of the transmitting transducer; though, it is possible to detect pulses travelling through concrete in some other
direction. In effect, it is possible to measure pulse velocity by placing the two transducers on either (a) opposite
faces - direct transmission in accordance with BS 12504-4 (2004) as shown in Figure la; (b) adjacent faces - semi-
direct transmission as shown in Figure lb; or (c) the same face - indirect or surface transmission as shown in
Figure 1c. The direct wave transmission is the most sensitive, while the indirect is the least but most appropriate
for in-situ testing for a slab (rigid pavement).
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University of Ilorin, Nigeria
Indirect transmission is used only when one face of the concrete is accessible, when the depth of a surface defect
or crack is to be determined or when the quality of the surface concrete relative to the overall quality is of interest.
The quality of concrete and concrete structure in terms of uniformity and incidence assessed shown in Table 1 (IS
Code, BS 1881, 1986; BSI, 1986) evolved for characterizing of concrete structure in terms of ultrasonic pulse
velocity. Ulucan et al. (2017), Mahure et al. (2018) and Lawson et al. (2015) explored the relationship between
ultrasonic pulse velocity and compressive strength of concrete at various mix proportions and water/cement ratio
at R2 value ranging from 80-96.5%. Yusuf (2013) also noted that there is a unique relationship between strength
and UPV logarithm model of the form a ln x + c that can be used to describe the strength of palm kernel shell
concrete at R2 value of 94.9-99.3%.
The first set of buildings comprising ten blocks (Blocks 1-10) accommodating the Faculties of Science,
Engineering and Technology, and seven Hostel Blocks at the then main campus of University of Ilorin, Ilorin,
Nigeria, were commissioned for use in 1980. Over the past 43 years, various forms of rehabilitation exercises
have been done on these buildings. Blocks I-10 were constructed with concrete walls; however, two of the
engineering blocks (blocks 7 and 9) house machineries and equipment, experiencing various forms of vibrations.
Thus, the aim of the study reported on in this paper is to determine the residual life of blocks of Faculty of
Engineering buildings (Blocks 7-10) as case study using UPV technique, which is a non-destructive method. The
specific objectives are: (i) collection of data on the specifications (concrete mix proportion, 28-day concrete
strength, water/cement ratio and workability) adopted for the design and construction of the buildings, (ii)
measurement of the ultrasonic pulse velocity in the concrete walls using Pundit equipment, (iii) estimation of the
remaining compressive strength in the concrete walls by employing an appropriate compressive strength-age
transfer models, and (iv) determination of the residual life (integrity) of the concrete structures and compare with
the expected value obtained from literature.
Traditionally, quality assurance of concrete construction for structural adequacy has been performed but does not
provide data on the in-place properties of concrete. Coring to examine internal concrete conditions and obtain
specimen for testing results in the introduction of weak spots to the whole structure. This approach also limits
what can be detected; while the cores only provide information at core locations and core holes needed to be
repaired. Furthermore, though assessment of in-situ compressive strength of a concrete structure plays a key role
in the evaluation of its safety, strength integrity and concrete properties at the time of production, it does not
adequately reflect actual loading forms on the concrete. NDT method however offer the advantage of providing
information on the realistic in-plane properties of hardened concrete, such as the elastic constants, density,
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
resistivity, moisture content and hardness characteristics. Maintenance of concrete structures is more effective if
the deterioration rate of the strength could be monitored as the concrete is being affected by load and weather
Neville (2004) noted that the service life of concrete structures is affected by the exposure to severe environmental
conditions, and that among the different types of attack of concrete structures, sulphate attack is the most
destructive resulting in significant compressive strength reduction of concrete. The prediction of service life of
concrete structures needs constant overview due to sulphate attack; and the long term assessment of concrete
properties needs a more appropriate method (Cohen and Mather, 2011). Orejarena and Fall (2014) used numerical
modelling methods, which are increasingly used in civil engineering applications, for the purpose of interpolating
concrete properties. The authors noted that polynomial interpolation is inappropriate and may yield unsatisfactory
results when used to predict intermediate values, and that linear regression can exclude illegitimate results.
However, Savidemir (2016) stated that the expectation of long-term concrete properties is very difficult with this
approaches; and to remove this subjectivity, some criterion must be advised to establish a basis for the prediction.
He therefore suggested interpolation regression by employing a technique for accomplishing this objective as
presented in Figure 2. The expected compressive strength loss percentage is estimated by inputting the required
parameters, thereby predicting the service life of concrete structures.
Generally, the residual lifespan of concrete is a necessary factor, and can only be deduced after an informed
monitoring of strength subjected to many repetitions of loads. The influence of the frequency of loading on fatigue
properties of the concrete buildings was examined with the PUNDIT apparatus. The NDT was performed using
the experimental set-up shown schematically in Figure 3 in order to determine the ultrasonic pulse velocity of
waves passing through the concrete walls. The Portable Ultrasonic Non-Destructive Digital Indicating Tester
(PUNDIT, Model PC 1006), manufactured by CNS Farnell, London (Figure 4), was used to measure the velocity
of propagation of a compression wave through a testing specimen. The dimension of the equipment which weighed
3kg was 185 x 130 x 185mm. The specified ambient temperature range of the equipment operation of 0 to 45C,
which incidentally reflected the prevailing temperature in a tropical region, was ensured. The test equipment
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
provided a means of generating a pulse, transmitting it to the concrete walls, receiving and amplifying the pulse,
measuring and displaying the time taken.
The concrete walls were subjected to the non-destructive test using the semi-indirect transmission. For each test
procedure, the pulse velocity, transit time taken by the wave to pass through the PKS concrete and path length
through the concrete wall were measured in accordance with the provisions of the British standard (BS EN12504-
4, 2004). The 28-day compressive strength value of 25N/mm2 adopted for the structures at design and construction
stages were previously obtained from the Physical Planning Unit of University of Ilorin, Ilorin, Nigeria. The data
set for the Ultrasonic Pulse Velocity (UPV), transit time and path length of the wave for each set of test was
recorded. A logarithm compressive strength-UPV transfer model in the form a ln x + c at R2 value of 96.5%
was employed to determine compressive strengths in the concrete walls. The remaining compressive strength
values were then compared with the expected values obtained from Figure 2.
The results of the average transit times, average path lengths and velocity of waves through the concrete walls of
blocks 7- 10 of the Faculty of Engineering and Technology, University of Ilorin are presented in Tables 2--5.
Table 2: UPV Readings of Concrete Walls (Block 7)
Reading Transit time (micro secs) Path length (mm) Velocity (m/sec)
1 206 22.50 109.2
2 210 22.79 108.5
3 209 22,78 109.0
Average 208.33 22,69 108.9
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
Reading Transit time (micro secs) Path length (mm) Velocity (m/sec)
1 212 27.52 129.8
2 208 26.60 127.8
3 214 27.41 128.1
Average 211.33 27.18 128.6
Reading Transit time (micro secs) Path length (mm) Velocity (m/sec)
1 211 22.13 104.9
2 208 21.99 105.7
3 204 21.54 105.6
Average 207.67 21.89 105.4
Reading Transit time (micro secs) Path length (mm) Velocity (m/sec)
1 212 23.43 110.5
2 214 23.45 109.6
3 209 22.59 108.1
Average 211.67 23.16 109.4
Yusuf (2013) established a relationship between compressive strength (Y) and ultrasonic pulse velocity (x) as
shown in Equation (1).
The residual compressive strengths of blocks 7-10, calculated from Equation (1) are as presented in Table 6.
Table 6: Computed Residual Compressive Strengths in the Walls of Blocks 7 - 10
Block Property
Ultrasonic Pulse Velocity (m/sec) Compressive strength (N/mm2)
7 108.9 23.81
8 128.6 24.62
9 105.4 23.65
10 109.4 24.65
4.2 Discussions
The UPV is the measure of the quality of concrete. The UPV values of the concrete structures for the four
blocks under study fall within 104.9 and 129.8 m/sec. Compared with the UPV values for quality criteria in the
IS Code (Table I), the structures are still good.
The results show that the average UPV values for block 7, 8, 9 and 10 are 108.9, 128.6, 105.4 and 109.4 m/sec,
respectively as presented in Tables 2 to 5. The corresponding compressive strengths obtained for the blocks
when the UPV values were input in Equation (1) were 23.81, 24.62, 23.65 and 24.65 N/mm2, respectively.
Figure 2 was used to validate the compressive strength results obtained for the blocks. This figure shows that, for
the period of 43 years after the blocks were commissioned for use, the estimated expansion strain of the concrete
structures is 300 x 10-4. This produced an expected compressive strength loss of 53% implying that the structures
should have lost 53% of its original strength, that is, 25 N/mm. This translates to I3.25 N/mm2 lost by 2023, with
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
remaining strength of 11.75 N/mm2. However, the residual compressive strengths obtained for the four blocks
are much higher than 11.75 N/mm2; thereby confirming the adequacy of the concrete structures.
Based on the outcome of the study, the following conclusions were drawn:
(a) The concrete walls of the Faculty of Engineering blocks, and hence the whole blocks in the academic and
hostels of University of llorin, Nigeria, commissioned in 1980 are in good conditions.
(b) The ultrasonic pulse velocities of waves through the concrete material of blocks 7 to l0 are 108.9, 128.6,
105.4 and 109.4 m/sec, respectively.
(c) A logarithm relationship between compressive strength and UPV at R2 value of 96.5% produced residual
compressive strengths of 23.81, 24.62, 23.65 and 24.65 N/mm2, respectively for blocks 7, 8, 9 and 10.
(d) The respective residual strength values are greater than the expected remaining life of 11.75 N/mm2 for
concrete structures of the same age (43 years). This confirms that the academic and hostel blocks of the
University of llorin are still adequate for use.
This paper cannot be put together without the tremendous background information made available by various
research workers, authors of excellent books and articles, which have been referred to and listed in my references.
I thank them.
Bannantine, J.A., Comer, J.J., and Handrock, J.L. (2017). Fundamentals of Metal Fatigue Analysis, 3"
Edition, Prentice Hall, Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey, pp. 273.
BS 1881 (1986). Method for Determination of Compressive Strength of Concrete Cubes.
British Standards Institution, London, BS 1881: Part116.
BSI (1986). Recommendations for Measurement ofVelocity of Ultrasonic Pulses in Concrete. British
Standards Institution, London, BS 1881: Part 203.
BS-EN 12504-4 (2004). Testing Concrete: Determination of Ultrasonic Pulse Velocity. British Standard
BS EN 12504-4.
Cohen, M. D. and Mather, B. (2011). Sulfate Attack on Concrete -- Research Needs. ACI Mater Journal,
Volume 3, No. 6. 62-69
Hiller, J. E. and Roesler, J.R. (2016). Transverse Joint Analysis for use in Mechanistic• Empirical Design
of Rigid Pavements. Journal of Transportation Research Board 1809,TRB,National Research Council,
Washington, D.C.,pp. 42--51.
Komlos, K., Popovics, S., Niimbergeroh, T, Babd, B. and Popovics, J. S. (2016). Ultrasonic Pulse Velocity
Test of Concrete Properties as Specified in Various Standards. Cement and Concrete Composites, Vol. 18,
pp. 357-364
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
Lawson, I, Danso, K.A., Odoi, H.C., Adjei, C.A., Quashie, F.K., Mumuni, II. and Ibrahim, I.S. (2015).
Non Destructive Evaluation of Concrete using Ultrasonic Pulse Velocity. Research Journal ofApplied
Sciences. Engineering and Technology 3(6): 499-504, ISSN: 2040-7467
Mahure, N. V., Vji h, G. K., Sharma, P., Sivakumar, N. and Ratnam, M. (2018). Correlation between
Pulse Velocity and Compressive Strength of Concrete. International Journal of Earth Sciences and
Engineering. ISSN 0974•5904, Volume 04, No 06 SPL, pp 871-874
Neville, A. (2004). The Confused World of Sulfate on Concrete. Cem. Coner. Res., 34(2004), pp.1275
Orejarena, L. and Fall, M. 2010. The Use of Artificial Neural Networks to Predict the Effect of Sulfate
Attack on the Strength of Cemented Paste Back fill Bull Fng Geol Environ,69(2010),pp. 659 670
Pundit, (1993) Manual of Portable Ultrasonic Non Destructive Digital Inheatrg Tester,C. N S
Instruments, I London
Rosler, J. R., Hiller, J. E. and Litterton, P. C. (2013). Large Scale Airfield Concrete Slab. Fatigue Test.
Accepted at 9th International Conference on concrete. Pp23
Saridemir, M. (2016). Prediction of the Compressive Strength of Mortars Containing Metakaolin by
Artificial Neural Networks and Fuzzy Logic. Adv. Eng. Softw., 40(2009), pp.92092
Yusuf, I. T. 2013. A Study of Palm Kernel Shell Concrete Characteristics with Destructive and
Nondestructive Methods. Ph.D. Thesis, University of Ilorin, Ilorin. Nigeria, 240pp
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
In this study, charcoal briquettes were produced from carbonized raffia palm fruit shells using synthetic gum and
cassava starch as binders. Response Surface Methodology (RSM) using rotatable Box-Benkhen Experimental
Design (BBD) was used to optimize the briquette quality. The briquette samples were made by compressing the
carbonized raffia palm fruit shells in an existing briquetting machine. The factors considered in the study were
particle size, binder-substrate ratio, and drying time while relaxed density and the calorific value of the briquettes
were the response variables. Statistical models were developed to predict the various responses. Results of the
study indicated that a combination of 1.05 mm particle size, 29.41 % binder ratio, and 3 days drying time of
synthetic gum bonded briquettes was optimum. Under the optimum settings of factors, the synthetic gum-bonded
briquettes had a relaxed density of 451.99 Kg/m3 and a calorific value of 21535.2 kJ/kg. The results also revealed
that a combination of 1.99 mm particle size, 10 % binder ratio, and 3 days drying time of starch-bonded briquettes
were optimum. Under the optimum settings of the factors, the starch-bonded briquettes had a relaxed density of
474.02 Kg/m3 and a calorific value of 20185.5 KJ/Kg. Validation of the models indicated that there was no
significant difference between the predicted and experimental values which implied that the models could reliably
predict the responses.
KEYWORDS: Briquettes, Box Benkhen Design, Response Surface Methodology, Modelling & Optimization,
Raffia Palm Epicarp.
Briquetting is a process of binding together pulverized carbonaceous matter, often with the aid of a binder (Martin
et al., 2008). The common forms of briquettes are coal briquettes and biomass briquettes. Biomass briquettes
originate from mostly agricultural residues. Briquettes may be produced with or without binders. The particles
must bind properly during compression; otherwise, the briquettes might crumble easily. Pressure, heat, moisture,
and size reduction are therefore necessary in the process of making high-quality briquettes. The binders can be
organic or inorganic agents. Some of the identified binders of organic nature are heavy crude oil, starch, and
molasses. The inorganic binders include clay, sodium silicate, and cement. The binder types, amount of binder
agent and water addition, have significant effects on the thermal behaviour and combustion of the briquettes (Altun
et al., 2003). The combustion characteristics of the briquettes may be determined based on different parameters
such as the reaction kinetics and the water boiling tests.
Most of the technologies for briquetting are expensive and unaffordable by the rural people, who need them most.
It is pertinent, therefore, to design briquetting machines which are efficient but less expensive for the end users.
In the current work, Raffia palm shells, an abundant agro-biomass in the tropics were carbonized using a
laboratory muffle furnace for ease of experimentation. However, for the implementation of the technique in a rural
setting, the authors proposed and tested the suitability of employing the drum method for the carbonization of the
sample biomass material, while using the same biomass (raffia palm shells) as the primary energy source for
carbonization. The briquette production process was done using a developed machine.
Although studies on the production of briquettes from agricultural waste biomass and its optimization using
response surface methodology have been reported for rice husk (Musabbikhah et al., 2017), palm kernel shells
(Ugwu and Agbo, 2011), the mixture of Acarcia bark and Palm Kernel Shells (Kurnianwan et al., 2017), corn cob
residue mixed with macadamia shells (Suminya and Suchana, 2017), while studies on the production charcoal
briquettes from Raffia Palm shells have only been reported in the literature by Iwar et al. (2018). To the best of
the authors’ knowledge, no previous studies have been conducted on the production and optimization of charcoal
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
briquettes from raffia palm shells using response surface methodology, which justifies the novelty of the current
Mathematical optimization is defined as the selection of best factors or elements (with regard to some set goals or
constraints before the beginning of the selection) among some group of factors and elements considered. More
generally, optimization includes finding the "best available" values of some objective function given a defined
domain (or input), including a variety of different types of objective functions and different types of domains
(Battiti et al., 2008). Several mathematical approaches have been used to achieve optimization including Response
Surface Methodology (RSM).
RSM can be described as a technique that involves complex calculations for the optimization process. This
approach develops a suitable experimental design that integrates all of the independent variables and uses the data
input from the experiment to finally come up with a set of equations that can give a theoretical value of an output.
The outputs are obtained from a well-designed regression analysis that is based on the controlled values of
independent variables. Thereafter, the dependent variable can be predicted based on the new values of independent
variables. RSM involves the use of the following experimental designs: Box-Benkhen Design (BBD); Central
Composite Design (CCD); Optimal Designs etc. (Khairul and Mohammed, 2015). For this study, the Box Benkhen
design is preferred due to its flexibility and reduced experimental runs and its rotatable ability when blocking is
not required.
The significance of this study lies in the fact that the optimal and most valid model can be used to predict the
increase or decrease in the values of every dependent variable. Therefore, this work will contribute to giving
significant impacts on society, by aiding the production of high-quality renewable fuel. Furthermore, the findings
of this research could be seen as a step in the right direction toward curbing the menace of deforestation for the
purpose of charcoal production and energy supplies.
This section was divided into two namely: the briquetting process and experimental design.
The materials and equipment used for the study include the fabricated briquette machine, black coated and covered
drum (carbonizer), raffia palm shells, cassava starch, synthetic gum, bomb calorimeter, muffle furnace, set of
mechanical sieves, electronic weighing balance, measuring cylinders, pressure gauge, vernier callipers, laboratory
mortar and pestle and a mechanical hammer mill. Numerical designs and detailed descriptions of the machine are
reported elsewhere in our previous study (Iwar et al., 2018).
Raffia palm fruits were collected from the neighbouring bushes in Nasarawa State Nigeria. The fruits collected
were crushed and dried in the sun to reduce the moisture content of the feedstock to ensure effective carbonization.
The dried raffia palm shells were shredded to small sizes using a laboratory mortar and pestle to provide more
surface area for carbonization. A muffle furnace model SXL produced by Gallenkamp England, was used for the
carbonization of the dried raffia palm shells. The biomass (raffia palm shells) was fed into the muffle furnace at
a manageable batch of 100g at a time. 100g was weighed using a digital electronic weighing scale and put into
crucibles. The crucibles were then loaded into a muffle furnace and ignited at a pre-set temperature of 450oC for
45 min. The crucible and contents were unloaded and placed in desiccators to fully cool down as recommended
by Martin et al., (2008). The carbonized Raffia palm shells were then put in well-labelled plastic bags to avoid
absorbing moisture from the atmosphere and were then ground into fine particles using laboratory mortar and
pestle and kept for further processing.
For the purpose of this research work, two binders were used, cassava starch (natural binder) and synthetic gum
(synthetic binder). At first, the cassava starch of 0.25kg was dissolved in 0.5 litre of cold water to form a paste,
and 2.5 litre of water was put to boil. The paste was gradually mixed with the boiling water and stirred gently
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
while hot until a smooth homogeneous gelatinized starch solution was obtained. The temperature of the stove
heating the mixture was kept constant throughout the process and the mixture was continuously stirred for 5 to 10
minutes, until it turned slightly lumpy and rather viscous.
The pulverized carbonized raffia palm shells were then sieved using a mechanical sieve shaker into three different
particle sizes of 0.3 mm, 1.15 mm, and 2.0 mm sieves. The different particle sizes were then put in labelled plastic
bags for proper identification. The cooked cassava starch was poured into a mixer containing pulverized
carbonized raffia palm shells at 10 %, 30 %, and 50 % binder levels and agitated properly to enhance proper
blending prior to compaction because the optimum binder level required to produce briquettes with desirable
properties was to be determined. Synthetic gum produced by dissolving a known weight (g) of waste polystyrene
in a known volume (mL) of gasoline (synthetic binder) was prepared in the same way and mixed with the biomass
sample as above. The biomass-binder mixture was manually fed into the moulds of the fabricated machine and
was compressed using a 20-ton hydraulic jack (Iwar et al., 2018). The compressed briquettes were then left to set
for about five minutes according to the method of Osarenmwinda and Ihenyen, (2012), after which the lid of the
machine was opened for ejection and sun-drying of the briquettes for 3 – 7 days to explore the effect of drying on
the briquette physical and thermal properties (Fig. S1as provided in the appendix). The flow chart of the briquette
production process is presented in Fig. S2 (See appendix).
The relaxed density (density determined when dried) and relaxation ratio (ratio of compressed density to relaxed
density) of the briquette was determined in the dry condition of the briquette after sun drying to a constant weight
at an ambient temperature. The relaxed density was then calculated as the ratio of the briquette weight (kg) to the
new volume (m3). This indicates the relative stability of the briquette after compression (Oladeji, 2010). Similarly,
the calorific values of the produced briquette samples were determined using Mahler-cook Bomb Calorimeter
according to ASTM E711-87 standards (ASTM, 2004).
Box-Benkhen Design with 17 runs consisting of 12 actual design points and 5 centre points without replication
for a rotatable design in Response Surface Methodology (RSM) was used to model the experimental factors and
correlate the results with the responses (Marcos et al., 2008). The factors considered were particle size, binder
ratio, and drying time at three levels each. The responses were; relaxed density and calorific value of the briquettes.
ANOVA tests at p = 0.05 level of significance were performed on the experimental results and significant factors
and interactions were identified. The optimum factor conditions were also determined and verified experimentally.
Quadratic models were developed to predict and correlate the responses. The same approach was used for briquette
produced using both synthetic and organic binders.
3.1 Modelling Experimental Factors of Briquette Production
Box-Benkhen Design with 17 runs in Response Surface Methodology (RSM) was used to model the experimental
factors and correlate the results with the responses as shown in Tables S1 and S2 in the supplementary material
(Appendices) for the synthetic gum and starch-based briquettes respectively. The factors considered were particle
size at three levels (0.30 mm, 1.15 mm, and 2.0 mm), binder-to-substrate ratio at 10 %, 30 %, and 50 %, and
drying time at 3 days, 5 days, and 7 days. The responses were relaxed density and calorific value of the briquettes
From the analysis of Variance (ANOVA) carried out on the briquette samples, it was observed that particle size,
binder ratio, and drying time had significant effect on the relaxed density of the briquette produced (P ≤ 0.05).
The ANOVA results also revealed that the interaction between the particle size and binder ratio on the relaxed
density of the gum Arabic-bonded briquettes was significant, but the interaction between the particle size and
drying time did not have significant effects on the relaxed density of the briquette as well as the interaction
between the binder ratio and the drying time (P ≤ 0.05)
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
Box Benkhen Design was used to relate particle size, binder ratio, and drying time as well as their interaction to
develop a second-order regression model (equation) that can be used to evaluate the relaxed density as a response
as shown in equation (1).
Where represent relaxed density, particle size, binder ratio and drying time respectively.
The studentized actual versus predicted values plot (Fig. 1A) is almost a straight line showing that the model can
predict the response. The plot shows that the predicted values coincide with the model values and the points that
were outside the model line were negligible signifying the model’s adequacy. Thus the model is significant and
can be used the move around the regions of the experimental design.
Similarly, it was observed that the model, particle size, binder ratio and drying time of the briquette produced
using starch as binder had significant effect on the relaxed density of the briquettes (P ≤ 0.05). A quadratic model
for predicting the relaxed density of the briquettes produced with starch as binder was also developed and is as
presented in equation (2). The model equation in terms of actual factors can be used to make predictions about
the response (relaxed density) for given levels of each factor. The model equation is useful for identifying the
relative impact of the factors by comparing the factor coefficients.
Where represent relaxed density, particle size, binder ratio and drying time respectively.
The studentized actual versus predicted values plot (Fig. 1B) is almost a straight line indicating that the model can
predict the responses, thus errors in the model prediction ability may be due to noise. The plot shows that the
predicted values coincide with the model values. The distance of the points from the model line is also lean,
indicating that prediction error(s) in the model are negligible, which signifies the suitability of the model in
predicting the response.
Figure 1 (A): Actual Versus Predicted Values plot for Relaxed Density of Synthetic Gum Based Briquettes
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
Figure 1 (B): Actual versus Predicted Plot for Relaxed Density of Starch Based Briquettes
3.1.2 Calorific Value of the Produced Briquettes
The results of ANOVA for the experiment on the calorific value of briquettes produced with synthetic gum
revealed that the model and the binder ratio of the briquettes produced have significant effects on the calorific
value of the briquettes, while the particle size and the drying time of the briquette had no significant effect on the
calorific value of the briquettes (P ≤ 0.05).
The results were used to develop a linear model for predicting the calorific value of the briquettes as given in
equation (3). The model equation in terms of actual factors can be used to make predictions about the response
(calorific value) for given levels of each factor. The model equation is useful for identifying the relative impact
of the factors by comparing the factor coefficients.
Where represent the calorific value, particle size, binder ratio and drying time respectively.
The “Externally Studentized Residuals” plot (Fig. 2A) is almost a straight line indicating that the model has the
ability to predict the responses, the error in the model was insignificant. The plot shows that the predicted values
coincide with the model values and the points that are outside the model line are not much as well as the distance
of the points from the model line, therefore the errors in the model are negligible, which means the model is
significant. The studentized residual plots vs run plots are used to check the model accuracy. From Fig. 2A, it
could be seen that the residuals for each run (1-17) were within the acceptable limits from the predicted values,
which indicates that the model developed could accurately predict the responses based on the studied factors
(independent variables).
Similarly, the results of calorific values of briquettes produced with starch binder reveal that the model and binder
ratio have significant effects on the calorific value of the briquettes, while the particle size and the drying time of
the briquette have no significant effect on the calorific value of the briquettes at p ≤ 0.05 level of significance.
The results were also used to develop a linear model for predicting the calorific value of the briquettes as given in
equation (4). The model equation in terms of actual factors can be used to make predictions about the response
(calorific value) for given levels of each factor. The model equation is useful for identifying the relative impact
of the factors by comparing the factor coefficients.
Where represent calorific value, particle size and binder ratio respectively.
Similarly, the “Studentized actual versus predicted” values plot (Fig. 2B) was almost a straight line showing that
the model can predict the responses, with insignificant model errors. The plot shows that the predicted values
coincide with the model values and the points that are outside the model line are not much as well as the distance
of the points from the model line, therefore any errors in the model are negligible.
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
Figure 2 (A): Externally Studentized Residuals plot for calorific Value of Synthetic Gum-based Briquettes
Figure 2 (B): Actual Versus Predicted Values plot for Calorific Value of Starch Based Briquettes
The result for the optimization reveals that a combination of the optimum values of particle size of 1.06mm, binder
ratio of 29.41 % and the drying time of 3 days gives predicted values for the relaxed density and calorific value
of the briquette produced with synthetic gum binder to be 451.99 kg/m3 and 21535.3 KJ/kg respectively (Fig. S3
in appendix). The value of desirability at the optimum conditions was found to be 0.524, which is within an
acceptable range of 0.50 to 0.90 in accordance with Munoz-Hernandez et al.(2004).
Similarly, for the starch-based briquettes, the results for the optimization revealed that a combination of the
optimum values of particle size of 1.99 mm, binder ratio of 10 % and the drying time of 3 days gives predicted
values for the relaxed density and calorific value of the briquette produced with the starch binder to be 474.01
kg/m3 and 20185.5 KJ/kg respectively.
The correctness of the Box-Benkhen design (BBD) in design expert software was evaluated by producing
briquettes from Raffia palm fruit shells at the given optimum factor conditions of 1.06 mm, binder ratio of 29.41
% and the drying time of 3 days for the synthetic gum based briquettes and 1.99 mm particle size, binder ratio of
10 % and the drying time of 3 days for the starch-based briquettes; The relaxed density and calorific value of both
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
briquettes produced using synthetic gum and starch binders was evaluated experimentally and the results
compared with the predicted values as earlier given by the Box-Benkhen design (BBD) in RSM (Table 1).
For the synthetic gum-based briquettes the predicted result for the relaxed density and calorific value were 451.99
kg/m3 and 21535.3 KJ/kg respectively while the experimental result for the relaxed density and calorific value
were 452.07 kg/m3 and 21620.6 KJ/kg respectively. For the starch-based briquettes the predicted result for the
relaxed density and calorific value were 474.01 kg/m3 and 20185.5 KJ/kg respectively while the experimental
result for the relaxed density and calorific value were 470.98 kg/m3 and 20200 KJ/kg respectively.
From the results, it was observed that there were little differences between the values predicted by the models
developed and the experimental values but this may be due to the negligible errors made during the
experimentation; since the differences between the predicted and experimental values can be seen as not being
significant. It was also observed that both the predicted and experimental results fall within the acceptable standard
values. This implies that, the models developed can be relied upon for the prediction of the desired responses.
3.4 Implication of Findings
The physical characteristics of charcoal briquettes including relax density and calorific value are critical factors
for deciding on the quality and commercial value of briquettes. High relax density entails the transportability of
the briquettes, while a high calorific value shows the energy content of the briquettes. These characteristics are
influenced by variables such as the type and ratio of the binder, the particle size of the starting material, and the
extent of drying which must be carefully optimized during the briquetting process (Gebresas et al., 2015).
Succinctly, increase in binder to substrate ratio lead to an increase in the relax density and calorific value of the
briquette, while a decrease in the particle size encourages an increase in the relax density but does not alter the
calorific value of the briquette. Such increased density is attributed to the release of pore space during the binder
enrichment and compacting process, especially at miniature particle size of the precursor. Similar findings were
reported by Fikri and Sartika (2018).
During optimization, the goals and constraints are associated with the responses and factors respectively. In this
context both calorific value and relaxed density must be maximized as is desired of any energy material, the
particle size was constrained in the range of the experimental levels chosen as guided by literature evidence
(Aransiola et al., 2019), while the binder ratio and drying time which are costly inputs were set to be minimized
at the optimum conditions. Optimum calorific values of 20185.5 - 21535.3 KJ/kg as obtained in the current work
are higher than those reported in previous studies (Mopoung and Udeye, 2017). This shows that both gum and
starch are excellent binders for the production of charcoal briquettes and could separately be adopted in future
research based on convenience and availability. Similarly, the relaxed density of the briquettes at optimum process
conditions as stated earlier (451.99 – 474.01 kg/m3) are comparable with that of wood-derived charcoal and those
reported for charcoal briquettes of biomass origin (Aransiola et al., 2019). These findings indicate that gum or
starch-bonded charcoal briquettes at optimum preparation conditions highlighted are of commercial value as their
relaxed density values provide room for its packaging, transport over long distances, storage, supply and their
effective utilization by the end users. The findings of the current work are further consistent with those of Oladeji
and Ekwerenmadu, (2012) and Yuliah et al., (2017) in their separate works.
Table 1: Optimal Predicted and Experimental Values of Briquettes
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University of Ilorin, Nigeria
Briquettes were produced from Raffia palm fruit shells using synthetic gum and cassava starch as binders. The
briquette qualities were optimized by Response Surface Methodology (RSM) using rotatable Box-Benkhen
Experimental Design (BBD). The raw material was carbonized and charcoal briquette samples were made by
compressing the carbonized raffia palm fruit shells in the developed briquetting machine. The process factors
considered for modelling and optimization were particle size, binder-to-substrate ratio and drying time. The
relaxed density and the calorific value of the briquettes were the response variables. The study shows that raffia
palm fruit shells can be optimally converted into durable briquettes that can be used to provide the energy required
for both domestic and industrial use in Nigeria and elsewhere.
The authors wish to acknowledge the Management of Dangote Cement Plc, Gboko, Nigeria for granting access
to their Bomb Calorimeter which was used in the current study for the determination of briquette calorific values.
Altun, N. E., C. Hicyilmaz and A. S. Bagci (2003). Combustion Characteristics of Coal Briquettes (Thermal
Features)”, Energy and Fuels, 17: 1266 - 1276.
Aransiola, E. F., T. F. Oyewusi, J. F. Osunbitan and L. A. O. Ogunjimi, “Effects of Binder Type, Binder
Concentration and compacting Pressure on some Physical Properties of Carbonized Corncob Briquette”.
Energy Reports, 5: 909 – 918.
ASTM Standard E711-87 (2004). Standard Test Method for Gross Calorific Value of Refuse Derived Fuel by the
Bomb Calorimeter, Annual Book of ASTM Standard, 2004.
Battiti, R., M. Brunato, and F. Mascia (2008). Reactive Search and Intelligent Optimization.Springer Velag.
ISBN: 978-0-387- 09623-0.
Fikri, E. and C. Sartika (2018). Study on the Use and composition of Bio-charcoal Briquettes made of Organic
Waste. Journal of Ecological Engineering, 19(12): 81 – 88.
Gebresas, A., H. Asmelash, H. Berhe and T. Tesfay (2015). Briquetting of Charcoal from Sesame Stalk. Journal
of Energy, 2015: 757234
Iwar, R. T., K. Ogedengbe and L. A. Oparaku (2018). Comparing Optimally Produced Charcoal Briquettes
from Raffia Palm Shells with Hard-wood based Charcoal. American Journal of Energy Science, 5(3): 29-
Khairul, A.M.S. and A.M.A. Mohammed (2015). Overview on the Response Surface Methodology (RSM) in
Extraction Process. Journal of Applied Science and Process Engineering, 2(1): 8 - 17.
Marcos, A.B., E.S. Ricardo, P.O. Eliane, S.V. Leanardo and A.E. Luciane, “Response Surface Methodology as a
Tool for Optimization in Analytical Chemistry. Talanta, 76(5): 965 - 977,doi:10.1016/j.talanta.2008.05.019.
Martin, J. F., R. M. A. Pineda, J. A. Manaay, S. R. A. Handa and A. B. Ocreto (2008). Design and Development
of Charcoal Briquetting Machine. Journal of Mechanical Engineering, 16: 85 - 90.
Montgomery, D. C. (2002). Design and Analysis of Experiments, 5th Edition ed., John Wiley & Sons, New
York, 2002.
Mopoung, S. and V. Udeye (2017). Characterization and Evaluation of Charcoal briquette using Banana Peel and
Banana Bunch Waste for household Heating”. American Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences, 10(2):
353 – 365.
Munoz-Hernadez, G., M. Gonzalez-Valadez and J. Dominguez-Dominguez (2004). An Easy way to determine
the Working Parameters of the Mechanical Densification Process. Agricultural Engineering International:
The CIGR Journal of Scientific Research and Development. Manuscript FP 03 013. Vol. VI.
Musabbikhah, M., H. Saptoadi, S. Subarmono and M. A. Arifwibisono (2017). Modelling and Optimization of
the Best Parameters of Rice Husk Drying and Carbonization by Using Taguchi Method with Mult-Response
Signal to Noise Procedure. International Journal of Renewable Energy Research, 7(3): 1219 - 1227.
Oladeji, J. T. (2010). Fuel Characterization of Briquettes Produced from Corncob and Rice Husk Residues.
Pacific Journal of Science and Technology, 11(1): 101 - 106.
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
Oladeji, J. T. and C.C. Ekwerenmadu (2012). The Effects of some Processing Parameters on Physical and
Densification Characteristics of Corncob Briquettes. International Journal of Energy Engineering, 2(1): 22-
Osarenmwinda, J.O. and O.I. Ihenyen (2012). The Preliminary Design and Fabrication of a Manually Operated
Briquetting Machine. Journal of Applied Science and Env. Management, 16(2): 209 - 211.
Suminya, T., N. Mali, and W. Suchana (2017). Thermal Properties of Green Fuel Briquettes from Residue Corn
Cob Material Mixed Macadamia Shell Charcoal Powder. Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 901 (1),
Ugwu, K. E. and K.E. Agbo (2011). Briquetting Palm Kernel Shells. Journal of Applied Science and
Environmental Management, 15(3): 447 - 450.
Yuliah, Y., M. Kartawidjaja, S. Suryaningshih and K. Ulfi, (2017). Fabrication and characterization of rice husk
and coconut shell charcoal based bio-briquettes as alternative energy source”. IOP Conference Series: Earth
and Environmental Science, 65(1):012021
Drying (Sun)
Drying (Sun)
Storage (Sacks)
Figure S2: Process Flow Chart Diagram for Charcoal Briquette Production
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
Figure S3: Response surface contour plots for optimization of synthetic gum-based briquettes
Parameters Responses
Particle Size Binder to Drying Time Relaxed Calorific
(mm) substrate (Days) Density Value
Ratio (%) (kg/m3) KJ/kg
1 0.3 30 7 528.63 21468
2 2 50 5 364.98 21891
6 2 10 5 541.03 21364
7 1.15 30 5 486.11 21468
8 0.3 10 5 526.70 21364
9 2 30 3 391.39 21468
10 1.15 30 5 481.43 21468
11 0.3 30 3 421.18 21468
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
Table S2: Box-Benkhen Experimental Design (BBD) for Briquette Produced with Cassava Starch Binder
Parameters Responses
6 2 10 5 458.72 20200
7 1.15 30 5 521.22 19987
8 0.3 10 5 420.42 20200
9 2 30 3 382.93 19987
10 1.15 30 5 521.22 20096
11 0.3 30 3 458.98 19987
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University of Ilorin, Nigeria
The usage of plentiful raw waste resources in the manufacturing of concrete has proven to be a sustainable and
environmentally beneficial method of making concrete for a variety of purposes. In this study, the physical and
mechanical features of concrete made by partially substituting fine aggregates and ordinary Portland cement with
periwinkle shell ash and quarry dust (5%, 10%, 15%, and 20%), respectively, were examined. The water-to-
cement ratio utilized for the concrete mixture of 1:2:4 was 0.60. Investigated were the constituent materials'
physical and mechanical characteristics. Fresh concrete underwent a slump test, and then 150 mm cubes of cured
concrete were subjected to density and compressive strength tests. The results revealed that the increase in the
partial replacements with periwinkle shell ash and quarry dust, the more the slump increased from 1.2% to 3%.
However, the concrete without the waste materials gave optimum compressive strength of 22.9 N/mm2 as against
those that were partially replaced having, 18.8 – 15.1 N/mm2. The study showed that in other to produce concrete
for pavements and other low-strength applications, replacements with periwinkle shell ash and quarry dust of up
to 20% can be utilized.
KEYWORDS: Concrete, Periwinkle shell ash, Quarry dust, Compressive strength, Partial replacement
Concrete is used and applied in a wide variety of ways in the building sector. Cement, water, and aggregates are
the three primary ingredients utilized in the manufacturing of concrete (Raheem et al., 2021). Sadly, the primary
components utilized in the manufacture of conventional concrete are harmful to the environment. The
manufacturing of ordinary Portland cement makes use of large amounts of energy and releases a high percentage
of CO2 into the atmosphere, which contributes to global warming. The excavation of the aggregates from the river
might bring about aquatic pollution and an entire disruption of the ecosystem (Luhar et al., 2019). In order to
produce eco-friendly and sustainable concrete, the waste materials which cause environmental pollution are used,
most often partially in concrete production. Some of these waste materials include; sea shells, agricultural wastes,
fly ash, quarry dust, waste plastics, steel slag, sawdust, and rice husk ash amongst others (Meko & Ighalo, 2021).
Periwinkle is a seafood and belongs to the gastropod molluscs. They are widely available in the rivers and coasts
in Nigeria, and when eaten, their shells which are majorly composed of CaCO3 (up to 96%) are thrown away as
waste (Luhar et al., 2019). Periwinkle shell ash has been the subject of several studies looking at its potential use
in concrete production as a partial replacement for fine aggregates, coarse aggregates, and cement. Bamigboye et
al. (2016) employed periwinkle shell ash as a fractional substitute for both fine and coarse aggregates, reporting
that up to 30 wt% of the periwinkle shell for the fine aggregate as well as the aggregates will result in non-
compromising compressive strengths. In the investigation carried out by Afolayan et al. (2019) on the replacement
of cement partially with periwinkle shell ash, their results showed an increase in compressive strength for 5 wt%
periwinkle shell ash, after which the compressive strength decreased on the sisal fibre-reinforced concrete. Umoh
& Ujene, (2015) revealed that the addition of sodium nitrate increased the compressive strength and splitting
tensile strength of concrete that contains up to 30 weight percent of periwinkle shell ash in place of cement.
Some other studies have reported the blend of periwinkle shells and other agricultural waste; palm kernel shells
(Ogundipe et al., 2021) and sawdust (Odeyemi et al., 2020). Quarry dust is released as a result of crushing
operations, and they pose serious pollution to water, land and air. In a bid to put them to good use, they are utilized
in replacing fine aggregates in concrete production. Scholars have reported enhancement in the mechanical
properties of concrete that replaced fine aggregates with quarry dust (Febin et al., 2019; Oorkalan et al., 2020;
Ponnada et al., 2020). There is a need to add to the existing knowledge to create enough data on the use of these
agricultural wastes for concrete production because of how important concrete structures are to humans and the
increasing population growth that places so much demand on their diverse applications. Thus, the study is aimed
at ascertaining the physical and mechanical characteristics of concrete made by partially substituting fine
aggregate with quarry dust (QD) and cement with periwinkle shell ash (PSA).
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
Figure 1. (a) River sand (fine aggregate), (b) Granite (coarse aggregate)
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University of Ilorin, Nigeria
The Federal University of Technology Owerri in Nigeria's concrete laboratory of Civil Engineering
Department, was where the materials were mixed, batched, and tested in accordance with standards. The batching
and mix design of the material elements are presented in Table 3, and a mix ratio of 1 is to 2 is to 4 (cement/PSA
to sand/QD to granite) and 0.60 water to cement ratio were employed. The concrete was cast in cubes using
metallic moulds of 150 mm, then cured for 7, 14, 21 and 28 days.
Table 3 Mix design of the material constituents
Concrete designation Constituents (%)
Cement PSA Sand QD Granite
A (Control) 100 0 100 0 100
B 95 5 95 5 100
C 90 10 90 10 100
D 85 15 85 15 100
E 80 20 80 20 100
The slump test was done on the fresh concrete in line with ASTM C-143 standard (Clason, 2022), the compressive
strength test for the cured concrete was carried out in line with the standard specified by BS 12390 (BS-EN-
12390-3-2009, 2009), and the density was done in line with the specified ASTM standard (ASTMC642-06, 2006).
Results were presented as average values after triplicate runs.
3.1 Slump Test Results
Slump test is carried out to understand the level of workability and consistency of the concrete mix. The results
of the slump tests on the fresh concrete are shown in Table 4.
Table 4 Effect of PSA and QD partial replacements on the workability of the concrete
Concrete Designation % Partial replacements Slump (mm)
A 0 0 66.1
B 5 5 67.0
C 10 10 67.0
D 15 15 68.0
E 20 20 68.2
The effect of percentage partial replacements with PSA and QD on the workability of the concrete is presented in
Table 4. It could be seen that the increased percentage of replacements with PSA and QD yielded an increase in
workability. This may be because it takes a long time for the PSA cement to chemically react with water
(hydration), then in the case of OPC cement and water. The behaviour agrees with that reported by (Tayeh et al.,
3.2 Unit weight of the concrete
The density test was used in measuring the unit weight of the concrete samples and the result is revealed in Figure
3. It could be understood that concrete A (control) without any partial replacements has density slightly higher (3
- 5%) than the other concrete mixtures that were partially replaced with PSA and QD. This implies that partially
replacing river sand and OPC with 5%, 10%, 15%, and 20% PSA and QD respectively, slightly affects the
concrete’s unit weight. The result agrees with that reported by (Tayeh et al., 2020) Also, the concrete samples A
to E, for all the days of curing (7, 14, 21, and 28 days) fit into the class of normal-weight concrete, as their densities
are above 2000 kg/m3 (Eziefula et al., 2018). Then as the days of curing increase, the unit weights for all the
concrete samples increase, for more voids are filled with concrete mixes as the days of curing linger.
3.3 Compressive strength of concrete samples
Figure 4 gives the compressive strength of the investigated concrete samples that were cured for 7 days, 14 days,
21 days, and 28 days. For each concrete sample, the highest compressive strength was observed at 28-day curing,
for the longer days of curing, the more compression force the concrete could carry. The concrete without waste
addition showed the highest compressive strength, maybe there were more voids introduced in the bonds when
the waste materials (PSA and QD) were added as against their non-inclusion (Kareem et al., 2022). However, the
concrete cured at 28 days and with partial replacements of 5 to 20% of PSA and QD can be used in pavements
and low-strength concrete applications as they belong to normal-weight concrete.
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
7 days
Density (kg/m3)
2000 14 days
21 days
1000 28 days
Concrete sample designations
7 days
20 14 days
21 days
28 days
Afolayan, J. O., Wilson, U. N., & Zaphaniah, B. (2019). Effect of sisal fibre on partially replaced cement with
Periwinkles Shell Ash (PSA) concrete. Journal of Applied Sciences and Environmental Management,
23(4), 715. https://doi.org/10.4314/jasem.v23i4.22
ASTM C33/C33M − 18. (2010). Concrete Aggregates 1. i(C), 1–11. https://doi.org/10.1520/C0033
ASTMC642-06. (2006). C 642-06: Standard test method for density, absorption, and voids in hardened
concrete. ASTM International, March, 11–13. https://doi.org/10.1520/C0642-21
Bamigboye, G. O., Soneye, T., Ede, A. N., & Olukanni, D. O. (2016). The study of periwinkle shells as fine and
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
(2020). Durability and mechanical properties of seashell partially-replaced cement. Journal of Building
Engineering, 31(March). https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jobe.2020.101328
Umoh, A. A., & Ujene, A. O. (2015). Improving the strength performance of high volume periwinkle shell ash
blended cement concrete with sodium nitrate as accelerator. Journal of Civil Engineering, Science and
Technology, 6(2), 18–22. https://doi.org/10.33736/JCEST.147.2015
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
Department of Mechanical Engineering, Ahmadu Bello University Zaria, Kaduna State
Department of Mechanical Engineering, Bayero University, Kano
Department of Chemical Engineering, Bayero University, Kano
Advanced Membrane Technology Research Center, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, Malaysia, Johor Bahru
Email: ogabello2002@yahoo.com
The quest in searching for new material(s) for harvesting abundant solar energy in our society lead to the discovery
of a perovskite family which possesses a photovoltaic effect. Halide perovskite solar cells (HPSCs) have become
the next-generation solar technology due to their outstanding characteristics. Despite considerable improvements
in the HPSCs' efficiency, there have been concerns about the conceptualization of the holistic approach involved
in creating PSC modules from scratch. The overall performance of the OIHP solar cell module significantly relies
on the material composition of the thin layers making up the module, their synthesis techniques, and the fabrication
method employed. This paper provides a pathway for modelling, synthesis, and fabrication of solar cell module.
The paper emphasized on modelling of chemical compositions of the light-absorbing layer using Goldsmith
factors, synthesis techniques, device architectural configuration, and method of fabrication. Hence this review
serves as a guide to a novice in the field of solar cell research in generating PSC modules from scratch.
KEYWORDS: Perovskite, Photovoltaic, Synthesis, fabrication, Goldsmith.
1.1 Background of Study
A variety of scientific innovations, including solar power to produce electricity, solar thermal energy, and solar
architecture, are employed to capture the radiant light and heat from the Sun. Solar energy, which is clean and
reduces environmental pollution, can be used to generate a considerable amount of the energy required by human
society. This will help to slow down the effects of climate change and global warming. There is a growing
understanding that fossil fuel sources are rapidly depleting, or that they are not sustainable from an economic or
environmental standpoint. The exponential growth of installed capacity for renewable energy power plants using
sources like the sun and wind is self-sustaining due to constantly expanding economies of scale and supply chains,
as well as a better understanding of the fundamental properties needed for both economical and efficient solar
energy converters [1-3]. Kojima et al discovered in 2009 that the organic metal halide perovskite was comparable
to dyes and could absorb sunlight. He claims that a liquid electrolyte and perovskite can be used in dye-sensitized
solar cells to obtain a power conversion efficiency (PCE) of 3.8% [4]. A solid-state perovskite solar cell with a
PCE of 9.7% was initially reported by Kim et al. in 2012 [5]. Perovskite solar cells have garnered the interest of
numerous researchers worldwide in recent years due to their high efficiency and low cost. The amount of research
published on this topic as well as the reported efficiencies have risen dramatically since the initial reports on solid-
state perovskite solar cells with an efficiency of 10% in 2012 [5,6]. According to NREL, certified record efficiency
now exceeds 22%. It is obvious that the perovskite solar cells (PSCs) record efficiency of 22.1% already
outperform some of the well-established technologies, such as amorphous Si (13.6%), thin film and multi-
crystalline Si (21.2% and 21.3%, respectively), and they are comparable to CdTe (22.1%) and CIGS cells (22.3%).
Despite considerable improvements in the perovskite solar efficiency, there have been major concerns about the
conceptualization of the holistic steps involve in generating PSC modules from scratch. This paper is focused in
provide an overview of the modelling of PSC materials, synthesis and characterization of the PSC layers, device
architectural configuration, and the method of fabrication. This review will hence provide a summary of practical
details needed to pay attention to in developing, synthesis, and fabricating of PSC module.
2.1 Modelling
Perovskite structure has an empirical formula ABX3. The A and B-site are normally occupied with cation of
different sizes such that A >B. For Organo-Inorganic halide perovskite, A- site is normally occupied with organic
mono-cation and B-site occupied with divalent cation while X-site is occupied with halide ion as shown in Fig2.1.
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
Table 2.1 Calculated effective ionic radii of A-organic cations, metal cations and halide anions [8,9]
A-Cation rA,eff B-Cation rB,eff B-Cation rB,eff X-Anion rX,eff
+ 2+ + -
Ammonium [NH4] 146 Be 45 Ag 115 I 220
+ 2+ 2+ -
Hydroxylammonium [NH3OH] 216 Mg 72 Cd 95 Br 196
The Goldschmidt Tolerance (GT) factor was used to determine the structural stability of perovskites. The GT
factor (t) of ABX3 is expressed in Equation (1), and the tolerance factor is given by
t= (1)
where rA is the ionic radius of the A-cation, rB is the ionic radius of the B-cation, and rX is the ionic radius of the
X-anion. The ideal cubic structure of the tolerance factor, t, is often between 0.9 and 1.0. A non-perovskite
structure developed when the tolerance factor, t, was less than 0.71 or larger than 1.0 [10]. When t > 1, the A-
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
cation is fairly large, which could perhaps lead to the creation of non-perovskite. Conversely, when t 0.8, the A-
cation is very little, which could potentially develop non- perovskite structure. Perovskite structures can often
occur in the range of 0.8 to 1.0. A tolerance factor limit of 1.06 – 1.07 is considered for OIHP [11]. GT factor is
unable to accurately forecast the ionic radius of organic cations in hybrid perovskite because of hydrogen bonds.
Cheetham and colleagues used the rigid sphere model for organic cations, presupposed rotational freedom, and
expanded the Goldschmidt Tolerance Factor equation to solve this difficulty is given in Equation (2).
t =(2)
rAeff is given as rmass +rion [8].
According to reports, relatively few perovskite-type oxides exhibit an ideal cubic structure at ambient temperature,
but many do so at higher temperatures.
However, an extended tolerance factor given by Equation (3) indicates the formability of the perovskite structure.
where nA is the oxidation state of A, rX is the ionic radius of ion X, rA > rB by definition and
τ < 4.18 indicates perovskite.
For stability of the structure, the octahedra factor which is defined as the ratio of the ionic radii of the B cation
and the halide anion is given in Equation (4).
This indicates the stability of the BX6 octahedron and it is limited within the range of
0.44 for a stable perovskite.
For example, to model CH3NH2PbI3 cluster, the ionic radii of the constituent elements of the site A, B and X are
needed. Here A site is occupied with CH3NH3 with ionic radius of 2.17Ao. B-site is occupied with Pb with ionic
radius of 1.19Ao and ionic radius of I in X-site is 2.2Ao
cluster in accordance with the Equation (2), the tolerance factor, t = 0.912
Which means the formation of CH3NH2PbI3 is possible and it is within the tolerance factor for organic halide
perovskite. Using the extended tolerance formula given in the Equation (3),
with = 1, t` = 3.88 which is less than 4.18. This indicates that the structure chosen is a perovskite.
For stability of the structure, octahedra factor given in Equation (4) for CH3NH2PbI3, µ is equal to 0.54 which is
within the limit of stability of perovskite.
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
solution happens quickly. Gradual lowering of the temperature of the solution will bring about Super-saturation.
Conventionally, as heat is added to a system, its solubility increases (Some perovskites-in-solvent systems are an
exception to this rule) [12]. As a result, more solute can dissolve at high temperatures than at room temperature.
This solution will become supersaturated if it is abruptly cooled at a rate faster than the rate of precipitation until
the solute precipitates to the temperature-determined saturation point.
Solvent evaporation crystallization: When the concentration is increased to reach saturation, solvent
evaporation may be a conventional approach to start crystallization. It takes a lot of time and is difficult to correctly
control [13, 14]. Recently, Huang et al [13] reportedly used the solvent evaporation crystallization approach at
higher temperatures (80oC) to synthesize a single-crystal perovskite thin film with the formula
(FAPbI3)0.85(MAPbBr3)0.15 (FA=CH(NH2)2+). Such single-crystal perovskite thin films have lateral diameters
ranging from 500 nm to 2 mm and micrometre-scale thicknesses (10–50 nm).
Hydrothermal Synthesis: Hydrothermal synthesis is a technique for creating crystals that relies on a substance's
solubility in extremely hot water while under pressure. It entails selecting the reaction reagent as the first
ingredient. Potassium hydroxide (KOH) or sodium hydroxide (NaOH) are frequently used as mineralizers. The
chosen reaction reagents will be dissolved in deionized water to create a solution; KOH or NaOH will then be
added to the resulting solution and will be agitated to control the solution's alkalinity. The initial reagent mole
ratios will be chosen stoichiometrically. After being vigorously mixed, the reaction mixture will be placed into a
Teflon vessel until 80% of its volume has been filled. For hydrothermal treatment operations, the vessel is often
housed in a stainless-steel tank. Depending on the recipe, it is necessary to manage the crystallization temperature
and time.
Device Architectural Configuration: Perovskite solar cells are still improving, which remarkably gives rise to
the creation of new materials for usage in cells and the most current attempts to understand how perovskite devices
function. The final product's electrical and optical characteristics are significantly influenced by the perovskite
solar cell's overall architecture and material selection. The transparent conductive oxide (TCO) layer, the electron-
transporting layer (ETL), the light-harvesting perovskite material, the hole-transporting layer (HTL), and the metal
contact material are the five groups into which the materials used in perovskite solar cells can be categorized as
shown in Fig 2.2
Generally, the architecture of PSCs can be categorized as direct (n-i-p) and inverted (p-i-n) with either planar or
mesoscopic structures, as depicted in Fig 2.3. The mesoscopic structure mainly contains a mesoscopic oxide
scaffold, including titanium dioxide (TiO2), which has been reported to obtain high device PCE [16] which is
strongly related to the thickness of TiO2 typically in the range 300-1000 nm.33 However, the mesoscopic oxide
often needs high heat treatment [17, 18] which harms device performance and limits the industrial manufacturing
roll-to-roll process toward the implementation of flexible devices. Hence, researchers are interested in exploring
PSCs with planar structures, especially in inverted architecture. Inverted planar PSCs is a promising device as it
offers excellent advantages such as owing low-temperature procedures that are compatible with large-scale
production and suitable for flexible and wearable devices [19]
For the direct (n-i-p) architecture, the electron transport material (ETM) is fabricated above transparent conductive
oxides (TCO) such as fluorine-doped tin oxide (FTO) or indium tin oxide (ITO) followed by perovskite layer,
hole transport material (HTM), and top contact electrode. Meanwhile, in the inverted (p-i-n) configuration, HTM
is deposited onto the TCO while ETM is layered onto the perovskite material before implementing the top contact
electrode. The energy alignment is crucial in order to follow the device architecture, for instance, the conduction
band (CB) of the electron transport layer (ETL) should be closer to that of perovskite in order to accept the
photogenerated electron and the CB should be matched with top electrode for inverted device architecture whereby
the CB of ETL should be matched with TCO for direct device architecture for efficient electron transport [20]
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University of Ilorin, Nigeria
Fig 2.3 Schematic showing the device architecture of perovskite solar cells [21]
2.4 Fabrication Methods of Perovskite Solar Cell
Various deposition techniques have been employed in the fabrication of hybrid perovskite solar cells. The method
for depositing perovskite thin films that uses solution processing is the most popular. Solution processing methods.
Spin Coating: Spin coating is commonly used in the fabrication of organic-inorganic perovskite due to its low cost
and easy processing. This is mainly for producing small-area solar cells at the research laboratory level. In this
method, a small puddle of a solution is first deposited onto the centre of a substrate to fully cover the substrate
and eventually spun to accelerate the evaporation of the solvent [22]. The substrate is accelerated to the final
rotation speeds range from 500 – 10000 rpm. The rotation of the substrate at high-speed means that the centripetal
force combined with the surface tension of the solution pulls the liquid coating into an even covering. During this
time the solvent then evaporates to leave the desired material on the substrate in an even covering. The method
could be further classified into; one-step deposition and two-step deposition methods. In the one-step deposition
method, all the precursors of the perovskite (either in 1:1 stoichiometry or 3:1 non-stoichiometry ratio) are
dissolved in a common solvent (such as DMF, DMSO, GBL, etc) in the same solution. In the two-step deposition
method, a precursor of the metal halide is first deposited onto the prepared substrate usually by spin coating, and
annealed to evaporate all the residual solvents. Then follow by dipping the coated substrate (at room temperature)
into ammonium iodide solution (for a short period suitably 15 min) for the formation of the corresponding organic-
inorganic halide perovskite layer. When the desired dipping time passed, the slide is subjected to annealing to
evaporate the solvent. Two-step deposition provides better morphology control over one-step deposition [23].
Spray Coating: Spray coating is a productive solution-based method for making solar cells. Due to the liquid
atomization effect, which results in a random spray of droplets of various sizes and increases series resistance, it
is rarely reported [24]. The spray coating parameters; film drying time, substrate temperature, solvent engineering,
and post-annealing conditions are required to be controlled to achieve high coverage perovskite films [18]. Spray
coating expresses the advantage of producing solar cells on a large scale in contrast to spin coating which a thin
film solar cell on a small-area thin film is fabricated in research laboratories.
Blade Coating Method: Using a blade coater applicator is one of the simplest, most eco-friendly, vacuum-free,
and cost-effective solution-processed ways of manufacturing PSC on an industrial scale. The blade coater
applicator is a conventional coating method that consists of a micrometer-sized screw used to control the blade's
height with respect to the substrate surface [25]. In this method, airflow over the substrate can be modified to
control the rate at which inks evaporate or the substrate can be heated to the solvent's boiling point to manage film
uniformity and quality. Compared to spray coating and other roll-to-roll compatible methods, this process provides
superior control over film shape. The manufacture of planar heterojunction PSCs is done using this method. Due
to non-uniform deposition and the presence of moisture and air, the majority of perovskite deposition procedures
typically cause pinhole formation in the perovskite layers, which frequently reduces the performance of solar
systems. Blade coating is recommended as a means of overcoming these difficulties [26]. For the creation of self-
assembled perovskite crystalline domains with features like homogeneous film coverage and enhanced device
stability, it is one of the highly identified strategies. Additionally, the ease of application on flexible substrates and
uniform, high-throughput deposition are benefits of this approach [27].
Screen Printing: Screen printing is a simple and promising technique for producing solar cells. In this method, a
mesh with a desired printing design is placed over the substrate on which printing is designed. The mesh is pressed
with the help of a moving blade or squeegee. The process starts with the printing of TiO2 (electron transporting
layer) followed by the printing of ZrO2 (spacer layer) and carbon black/graphite top electrode. Then the perovskite
solution is dropped onto the porous carbon electrode so that it infiltrates into the mesoporous TiO2 and ZrO2. The
ZrO2 as a porous insulating layer is used to prevent direct contact between the carbon electrode and the TiO2/FTO
substrate. The infiltration of the perovskite solution is the major challenge associated with this technique [28].
Slot-die Coating: The slot-die coating is a solution-processed method widely used for fabricating perovskite solar
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
cells. This method is almost similar to the blade-coating process but has the advantage of using less material. Slot-
die coating resulted in poor film formation by the perovskite precursor solution and a two-step method is adopted
to enhance good film formation. First, PbI2 is applied using the slot-die coating. Then the PbI2 was reacted with
MAI solution and formed MAPbI3. Also, the continuous flow of nitrogen gas on the surface of the substrate during
deposition assists in the formation of uniform film and controls the solvent evaporation rate, and ensures pin-hole
free [26].
Brush Painting: Brushing painting is one of the simplest techniques for creating perovskite solar cells is brush
painting. It is a low-material loss, high-speed fabrication method. Since there is no annealing process involved, it
is a faster procedure. It is a very economical approach that may be applied to flexible solar cells with a wide
surface area. A high-efficiency solar cell can be produced by properly optimizing the solvent and perovskite
material concentrations. Furthermore, this method eliminates the necessity for experimental condition control and
other time-consuming steps [28, 29]. The lack of a vacuum and quick processing are two benefits of brush
painting, making it a particularly economical approach. Brush-painted devices are more efficient than spin-coated
ones since thermal annealing is not necessary. The difficulty of maintaining a consistent thickness when painting
using brushes.
Electrodeposition: PSCs are produced using the adaptable, roll-to-roll compatible technology of electrodeposition.
It is a preferred method for perovskite layer deposition due to its efficiency, speed, and high level of homogeneity
[30]. The substrate is not heated during this process, in contrast to spin-coating, because heating creates a rough
layer. On the substrate's surface, film breakdown and island creation occur at random when heat is applied [31].
Electrodeposition creates highly uniform thin layers, covers a broad area, and lacks sheer forces [32, 33]. It is a
particularly intriguing method for manufacturing at a large scale since perovskite layer deposition on complex-
shaped substrates is conceivable with this method rather than the other ways we've mentioned so far [31].
Perovskite solar cells have advanced rapidly, however, there are certain substantial constraints that could limit
their advancement. Firstly, external environmental conditions (such as humidity, temperature, and ultraviolet light)
have a significant impact on the stability of organic lead halide perovskite, which results in low device stability
and significant issues encasing cells later on. Therefore, to increase the viability of such devices, it will be essential
to develop a high-stability device composition that incorporates the light-absorbing layer, electron/hole transport
layer, and electrode materials, as well as an affordable and efficient device packaging method. The overall
performance of the OIHP solar cell module significantly relies on the material composition of the individual layer
making up the module, their synthesis techniques, and the fabrication method employed. This paper hence gives
an overview of pathways followed in modelling, synthesizing, and fabrication of solar cell modules. The paper
emphasized the selection of chemical compositions of the light-absorbing layer and it modelling using Goldsmith
factors, synthesis techniques, device architectural configuration, and method of fabrication. Hence this review
will serve as a guide to a novice in the field of solar cell research.
I wish to acknowledge the financial support given to me by Tertiary Education Fund (TETFUND) in carrying out
this research work. My appreciation goes to my able and ever attentive supervisors in given me scholarly support.
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Removal of heat from cutting zones raises concerns in machining carbon fibre reinforced plastics (CFRPs).
Therefore, this has necessitated increased search for sustainable and cost-effective cooling agents. In this study,
carbon nanotubes (CNTs) and TiO2 were synthesised using sol-gel and Central Composite Design and
characterised to form different compositions of TiO2/CNTs (9:1, 7:3, and 5:5) nanocomposites. The
nanocomposites were characterized using Brunauer-Emmett-Teller (BET), HESEM/EDX, XRD and FTIR to
investigate their stability as suitable fillers in base-oils. The FTIR spectra for TiO2/CNTs revealed that the
composites have absorption peaks corresponding to C=C and Ti-O bonds; giving rise to peaks assigned to Ti-O-
C and C-O bonds. The diffraction peaks of anatase are clearly identified and the diffraction peaks assigned to
CNTs are barely seen as a result of overlapping of the main peaks of CNTs with the peaks of TiO2. The study
established that the challenges common to individual NCs are sufficiently addressed with hybrid NCs TiO2/CNTs
(5:5) NC offering an overriding advantage over other nanocomposites as heat removing agent owing to its largest
surface area, pore volume and as the most stable nanosuspension. It can, therefore, be concluded that TiO2/CNTs
nanocomposites have high prospect for reinforcing base oils for effective machining.
Carbon fibre reinforced plastics (CFRPs) have been established as indispensable materials for many applications
in engineering. Their outstanding performance in national defence, aerospace and upscale civilian products earns
them their current status in manufacturing technology (Zheng et al., 2022). However, until recently, machining of
CFRPs has received less attention than they actually deserve as a material with comparative advantages (Erturk
et al., 2021). Researchers who have investigated machining of CFRPs with conventional cutting fluids decried the
associated challenges and call for more studies to unravel the uncharted waters (Elgnemi et al., 2021; Wang et al.,
2018; Zhang et al., 2017). Most of the orthodox cutting fluids are proven to have repeatedly fail to sustain their
relevance in the current efforts towards achieving the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals on responsible
consumption and production (SDG #12).
Quick and easy removal of heat from cutting zones during machining affect the level of success of the process in
terms of tool life, speed of cutting as well as surface finish. Sankaranarayanan et al. (2021) reported on the
preference of bio-oil-based cutting fluids to proffer solutions to numerous health hazards associated with synthetic
cutting fluids in pursuance of sustainable green manufacturing. Even though synthetic and vegetable oil perform
excellent momentary cooling functions during machining, chemical imbalance which often triggers corrosion
process renders them ineffectual in the present environmentally conscious world (Pimenov et al., 2021).
Therefore, nanofluids are currently being advanced to address issues around quick heat removal from
tool/workpiece interface by leveraging large surface areas provided by nanoparticles (NPs). This is expected to
facilitate quick removal of heat and also help to reduce the quantity of fluids needed for a particular machining
process (Patole et al., 2021). The volume of cutting fluids needed as well as the volume released to the immediate
environment after being used are also significantly reduced; hence environmental pollution is effectively
addressed in the same manner cost is also sufficiently managed (Ni et al., 2021; Haq et al., 2021). It is in line with
this principle that the Minimum Quantity Lubrication (MQL) technique was established to further optimize
machining parameters (Usha & Srinivasa Rao, 2019). MQL is an environment-friendly and cost-effective
alternative to flooding and dry cutting fluid application (Agrawal & Patil, 2018). It is a machining process that is
consistent with cleaner and responsible production in the context of sustainable production.
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
However, more recently, a more excellent way of performing the dual functions of heat removal and lubrication
during machining has been launched and is currently receiving more attention from the research world (Gao et
al., 2021). While the fluid lubricates the cutting interface, the nanofillers convey heat away from the cutting zone;
making machining experience rather seamless and fast; thereby extending tool life and enhancing surface finish
(Singh et al., 2021). This is termed nanofluid-MQL (nMQL). Kumar et al. (2023), in a recent study, described
nMQL as the novel chapter of sustainable machining. The process involves spraying nanofluids mist on to the
tool work interface during machining as the sliding friction between the tool work is converted to rolling friction
and reduces friction coefficient significantly; hence giving rise to low cutting forces (Bai et al., 2019; Osman et
al., 2020; Jamil MKhan et al., 2020; Lawal et al., 2023). Venkatesan et al. (2020) conducted a comparative study
on certain machining parameters under dry and MQL. Their observation on turning operation under nMQL shows
that MQL prevents wear mechanism which is a peculiar drawback with dry machining. This indicates that the use
of nMQL is a step in the right direction in sustainable machining of difficult-to-machine materials for industrial
applications. While also investigating the approach, Gao et al. (2021) observed that the optimization of the
nanofluids under high pressure air flow addresses the problem of unsatisfactory heat transfer capacity of MQL in
the machining zone and improves the lubrication performance of the interface between the tool and the workpiece.
While acknowledging the possibility of taking advantage of different physical and chemical properties of NPs to
form hybrid nanofluids, Gao et al. (2020) submitted that the use nMQL technique could lower processing damage
such as resin coating, multi-fibre block pull-out, as well as pits. Therefore, it can be concluded that nMQL is the
undisputable future of CFRPs machining.
Excellent as nMQL technique may seem, a number of challenges have been identified with the process of
producing hybrid nanofluids. Production of standard nanosuspension remains an age-long procedural challenge.
Abubakre et al. (2023) agreed with an earlier work by Urmi et al. (2021) on the difficulties associated with the
attainment of long-term stability of hybrid nanofluids, which is one of the requirements of hybrid nanofluids
applications. This quality of the nanofluids is important in that it improves its thermal behaviour during
applications. Therefore, addressing the stability issue is vital to carrying out quality machining. From the
literature, external force, stirring and ultrasonication can be deployed to break the bonds that hold NPs together
provided the duration for each activity is addressed (Medupin et al., 2019; Ma et al., 2022). Hence the question of
time remains a huge gap in the literature. Hence, given the vital role NPs play in the achievement of excellent
clean machining via nMQL technique, the processes leading to the production of NPs deserves all the needed
attention. It is in keeping with this, therefore, that this study is designed to synthesise and characterise high quality
carbon nanotubes (CNTs), TiO2 and their nanocomposites (NCs) for the development of hybrid nanofluids for
CFRPs machining.
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University of Ilorin, Nigeria
A 2.0 g measure of CNTs was loaded into a beaker containing 200 ml of 3M NaOH solution in order to remove
the transition metal (Fe-Ni) catalysts and the support material (kaolin). The solution was then stirred using
magnetic stirrer for 3 hours and allowed to settle. Subsequently, the solution was filtered and washed with distilled
water to ensure a neutral pH. It was then dried at a temperature of 120 oC for 24 h. The CNTs was finally sonicated
and kept in the shelf for further use.
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University of Ilorin, Nigeria
diffraction anatase peak using Scherrer Debye equation (Equation 2). The smallest crystallite size was confirmed
at an acidic medium (Table 2: run 19).
where is the crystallite size, is the shape factor (0.94), λ is the wavelength of the X-ray source, and is the full
width at half maximum (FWHM).
Fig. 2 presents the XRD results of the CNTs, TiO2, and TiO2/CNTs NCs at different compounding ratios. XRD
patterns reveal that mainly anatase peaks are found for the TiO2 at 2 = 25.2o, 37.7o, 48o, and 54o. CNTs clearly
displays two peaks at around 31.6o and 52.1o, which are indexed to the reflection of graphite of (002) and (100),
respectively. For TiO2/CNTs NCs, the diffraction peaks of anatase are clearly identified (Mustapha et al., 2020),
and the diffraction peaks assigned to CNTs are barely seen (see Fig. 2(A)). This may be as a result of the
overlapping of the main peaks of CNTs with the peaks of TiO2 and is also attributable to the high intensity of the
diffraction peaks of TiO2 and low content of CNTs in the composites. Notably, the width of the XRD peaks at
35.03o and 57.5o was slightly broadened as CNTs were added to the NCs. This process implies that the introduction
of CNTs markedly changes the NCs’ crystalline size of TiO2.
(i) (E)
Intensity (a.u)
(f) (C)
Intensity (a.u)
20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90
10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90
2q (Degree) 2q (Degree)
Fig. 1: XRD patterns of TiO2 NPs for runs in Table 2 Fig. 2: XRD patterns of CNTs (A), TiO2 (B), TiO2/CNTs (9:1; 7:3; 5:5)
Fig. 3: HRSEM images of TiO2 (a), CNTs (b), TiO2/CNTs (9:1) (c), TiO2/CNTs (7:3) (d), TiO2/CNTs (5:5) (e)
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
The corresponding SAED pattern (Fig 3(f)) reflects MWCNTs, while the diffraction for anatase suggests the
polycentric ring of TiO2 as seen in the EDX spectra (Fig. 4). These were also confirmed by XRD analysis. The
NCs also show polycentric rings of different reflection planes, which assume the nature of the TiO2 dispersed in
CNTs to form Ti-O-C and Ti-O-Ti networks. The EDX spectra (Fig. 4) indicate the Ti, C, and O are the
predominant elements of the NCs in addition to trace elements from Ni salt and kaolin catalysts. The EDX analysis
revealed that the presence of Ti content in the NCs composed followed the mass ratio of the composites.
(a) (b)
(c) (d)
Fig. 4: EDX results of TiO2 (a), CNTs (b), TiO2/CNTs (9:1) (c), TiO2/CNTs (7:3) (d), TiO2/CNTs (5:5) (e)
3.3 BET of TiO2, CNTs and TiO2/CNTs
Fig. 5 shows the N2 adsorption-desorption isotherms of CNTs, TiO2, and TiO2/CNTs NCs while the BET-specific
surface area, pore size, and pore volume are presented in Table 3. Based on the N2 adsorption-desorption isotherm
of TiO2, the isotherms could be identified as the intermediate cases between hysteresis loop of type I where the
two branches are almost vertical and parallel of a range of gas uptake and hysteresis loop of type IV where the
branches stay nearly horizontal and parallel over a wide p/po range (D’Aloia et al., 2021). The isotherm identified
for the CNTs is the type III isotherm as presented in Fig. 5(a). The isotherms resulting from the NCs are
categorized as type II isotherms which can be ascribed to the combination of type I and type IV loops (Brockmann
et al., 2020). This is explained by the fact that the isotherm of Fig. 5(e) is closer to type II than both TiO2/CNTs
(9:1) and TiO2/CNTs. In Table 3, BET surface areas of the nanomaterials are presented. The surface area of TiO2
is much higher than CNTs, indicating better textural properties and a wider range of applications. Also, the surface
areas of the NCs increase as TiO2 decreases relative to CNTs contents in the samples. This phenomenon could be
caused by the separation of TiO2 crystalline particles due to the addition of CNTs. Furthermore, the pore sizes
reflect mesoporous nanomaterials which could favour mass transfer (Paumo et al., 2021). Pore volume of the NCs
followed the same trajectory as the surface area and increase as CNTs content increases. This is attributable to the
TiO2 constantly occupying the reaction sites on the CNTs wall in accordance with an earlier work by Medupin et
al. (2020).
Table 3: The summary of the BET results of CNTs, TiO2, and TiO2/CNTs
Sample Surface area Pore size Pore volume
(m2/g) (nm) (cc/g)
CNTs 0.65 16.79 0.00276
TiO2 127.62 6.648 0.296
CNTs/TiO2 (1:9) 57.84 7.637 0.155
CNTs/TiO2 (3:7) 71.19 8.412 0.195
CNTs/TiO2 (5:5) 103.42 7.451 0.259
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180 100
Adsorbed volume (STP, cm3/g)
120 (b) (c)
1.0 100
0.8 80
0.6 60
0.4 40 20
0.2 20
0.0 0 0
0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0
Relative pressure (P/Po) Relative pressure (P/Po) Relative pressure (P/Po)
(d) 120
Adsorbed volume (STP, cm3/g)
80 60
0 0
0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0
Relative pressure (P/Po) Relative pressure (P/Po)
Fig. 5: N2 Adsorption-desorption curves of CNTs (a), TiO2 (b), TiO2/CNTs (9:1) (c), TiO2/CNTs (7:3) (d),
TiO2/CNTs (5:5) (e)
Transmittance (%)
Fig. 6: FTIR spectra of TiO2 (a), CNTs (b), TiO2/CNTs (9:1) (c), TiO2/CNTs (7:3) (d), TiO2/CNTs (5:5) (e)
The results presented in this study showed that TiO2/CNTs nanocomposites are reliable filler candidates for
compounding hybrid nanofluids for machining processes. Characterisation results showed that the NPs are in good
shape for the reinforcement base-oils from both organic and inorganic sources for the formulation of nanofluids
meant for machining CFRPs. The sites created following the functionalization of CNTs (fibre) filled by TiO2
(particles); making the formulation of nanosuspension system less challenging. The tendency of agglomeration in
CNT system is significantly reduced as TiO2 NPs occupy certain sites on the walls of CNTs and breaks the van
der Walls attractions between individual CNTs. Three different nanofiller ratios were investigated under the same
conditions and it was found that the stability of the nanofluids for machining application was significantly
improved by the addition of fillers with TiO2/CNTs (7:3) NCs being the most stably dispersed of the three as
could be noticed with the HRSEM micrographs. The clustering simply indicates that the openings on the walls of
CNTs attract TiO2 in the suspension. Generally, however, the results from HRSEM/EDX, XRD and BET show
that TiO2/CNTs (5:5) NC offers an overriding advantage over other NCs as heat removing materials from the
machining zone. The resulting nanosuspension is expected to be employed to reinforce base-oils for machining
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
The authors thankfully acknowledge the support of the Tertiary Education Trust Fund, Nigeria, through the
National Research Fund (NRF) with grant number: TETF/ES/DR&D/CE/NRF2020/SETI/113/VOL.1 for funding
this research.
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University of Ilorin, Nigeria
There is a global concern regarding the increasing food scarcity caused by the current severe climate change,
which has sparked research efforts to enhance food production. The Internet of Things (IoT) has emerged as a
valuable tool in revolutionizing agriculture and improving food production. Food scarcity will definitely abate
with the possibility of automated greenhouse smart farms. This research is aimed at developing an IoT-based
precision monitoring system for improved greenhouse Irish potato production in Nigeria. The project focuses on
three key metrics for optimal Irish potato yield: soil pH, temperature, and humidity. To achieve this, a model was
developed in MATLAB/Simulink environment to monitor the greenhouse changes considering optimal yield
values of the considered metrics. Simulation results showed changes in these metrics. Soil pH changed from an
environmental value of 4.8 to 6.0, resulting in a percentage change of 20%, the temperature changed from 25°C
to 18°C, at 28% percentage change while humidity changed from 70% to 85% producing a change of 21.43%, all
driven by IoT sensors.
KEYWORDS: Internet of Things (IoT), Greenhouse Smart Farm, Greenhouse Irish potato, Precision
Monitoring, MATLAB/Simulink.
Potato is an essential crop for food security and income generation in Nigeria. However, the production of Irish
potatoes, a variety grown in high altitude areas, is limited due to challenges such as pests and diseases, inadequate
irrigation, and climate change. To address these challenges, an Internet of Things (IoT)-based precision system
can be used to improve Irish potato production in Nigeria. According to a report by the Food and Agriculture
Organization (FAO), precision agriculture, which utilizes IoT technologies, can improve crop production,
resource use efficiency, and reduce environmental impact (FAO, 2018). This technology can be applied in Nigeria
to enhance crop yield and quality of Irish potatoes. Soil moisture sensors can be used to determine the water
content in the soil and provide real-time data on the plant's water status, allowing for optimal irrigation
management (Fernandez-Getino et al., 2019). Temperature and humidity sensors can also be used to monitor the
microclimate and help farmers make informed decisions regarding planting, harvesting, and pest control (Zhang
et al., 2020). In addition, pest and disease detection can be done using sensors that can detect changes in the crop's
physiology, allowing for early detection and intervention before it spreads (Wu et al., 2019). Furthermore, an IoT-
based precision system can include irrigation control systems that automatically adjust water delivery based on
the data collected by the soil moisture sensors (Zheng et al., 2019). An IoT-based precision system can provide
farmers with real-time data that can be used to optimize their crop production, reduce waste, and increase their
yield and profits. This paper discusses the potential of an IoT-based precision system for Irish potato production
in Nigeria.
Precision agriculture is an approach to farming that uses data analytics, machine learning, and IoT technologies
to optimize agricultural practices for potato production. IoT-based precision agriculture systems with sensors for
monitoring soil moisture, temperature, and humidity, as well as a data analysis platform for decision-making, have
been explored in recent studies. These studies have shown the potential benefits of IoT-based systems for
improving crop yield and resource efficiency, as well as reducing resource usage. Examples include the work by
Liu et al (2020), Oyekanmi et al (2020), Osunmakinde and Oyekanmi (2021), Zhang et al (2021), and Abdelnasser
et al (2021). These studies have demonstrated the effectiveness of IoT-based precision agriculture systems in
improving crop yield and reducing resource usage in potato production. There is a scarcity of research specifically
focusing on the application of precision agriculture and IoT technology for Irish potato production in Nigeria.
Most existing studies tend to generalize findings from other crops or regions, neglecting the unique challenges
and requirements of Irish potato farming in Nigeria. Therefore, there is a need for more targeted research that
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
investigates the specific benefits and feasibility of IoT-based precision agriculture in the context of Irish potato
production in Nigeria.
Precision agriculture revolves around the precise management of farming practices, taking into account variations
in soil conditions, weather patterns, and crop requirements. By incorporating IoT technology, farmers can collect
real-time data on various parameters. This data is then analyzed to make informed decisions and implement
targeted interventions in a timely manner. IoT-enabled precision monitoring systems can provide valuable insights
into the crop's growth and health. Sensors deployed in the fields and greenhouses can continuously measure
critical factors such as soil pH, temperature, and humidity. These real-time measurements enable farmers to
monitor the crop's environment closely and identify any deviations from optimal conditions. For instance, data on
soil moisture levels can guide irrigation scheduling, ensuring that potatoes receive adequate water. Similarly,
temperature and humidity data can inform climate control measures, creating optimal conditions for potato
growth. This approach leads to improved resource efficiency and cost-effectiveness, maximizing the yield per unit
of input. (Osunmakinde and Oyekanmi 2021).
Materials: The materials used in this research were as follows:
§ DHT11 Sensor: For temperature and humidity measurements.
§ Sentek EnviroSCAN soil pH sensor: For soil pH level measurement.
§ Laptop: This is a personal computer unit for performing multiple numerical and data applications.
§ MATLAB Simulink: A “high- performance language” used in technical and engineering computing.
§ GARMIN GPS 76 (Global Positioning System): A satellite navigation device that shows the location of the
greenhouse for the smart farm in use for the study.
§ Arduino: It is an open source electronics platform that is centered on easy-to-use hardware and software. It
can read inputs such as a Twitter message, a light on a sensor, or a finger on a button and convert it to an
output thus activating a motor, publishing something online and turning an LED on.
§ ESP 8266 Wi-Fi Module: it is SOC (System On-chip) module integrated with a TCP/IP protocol stack for the
provision of microcontroller access to any type of Wi-Fi network. It comes with the following features:
• 2.4 GHz Wi-Fi (802.11 b/g/n, supporting WPA/WPA2);
• General-purpose input/output (16 GPIO);
• Inter-Integrated Circuit (I²C) serial communication protocol;
• Analog-to-digital conversion (10-bit ADC);
• Serial Peripheral Interface (SPI) serial communication protocol;
• I²S (Inter-IC Sound) interfaces with DMA(Direct Memory Access) (sharing pins with GPIO);
• UART (on dedicated pins, plus a transmit-only UART can be enabled on GPIO2); and
• Pulse-width modulation (PWM).
3.1 Experimental Procedure: Developing an IoT-based precision system for improved Irish potato production
in Nigeria as carried out in this research involved several steps as discussed:
v Identification of the requirements: The first step was to identify the requirements of the system, such as
the sensors needed, the data that needed to be collected, and the communication protocol used. Three
metrics were identified for evaluation: soil pH level, temperature and humidity. With good soil pH level,
continuous availability of Nitrogen, Calcium and Potassium considered crucial for Irish Potatoes optimal
yield will be maintained. To measure these metrics, the specific sensors for measuring them as specified
in the materials used were also identified.
v Installation of the sensors: Next, sensors were installed in the potato fields to collect data on soil pH,
temperature, humidity and other factors that affect potato growth. The sensors were installed by placing
them in strategic locations on the farm to enable easy monitoring of the metrics measured.
v Connecting the sensors to the internet: The sensors were then connected to the internet to transmit data
to the cloud for processing and analysis. The ESP 8266 Wi-Fi Module was used to achieve this objective.
v Processing and analysis of data: Once the data was collected, they were processed and analyzed using
machine learning algorithms to provide insights into potato growth. The laptop computer unit was handy
for this purpose.
v Providing real-time feedback: The insights were communicated to the farmers for implementation in a
real-time mode so that informed decisions were made on potato farming practices.
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
v Implementation of actions: Based on the feedback received, required actions were taken in the farm
resulting in improved potato yield.
v Monitoring the results: The system was monitored to evaluate its effectiveness in improving yield as the
principal objective of the project.
3.2 Characterization of the Nigerian environment in comparison with standard metrics values
Soil pH in Nigeria varies depending on location and soil type, ranging from acidic to slightly alkaline. Some
regions in the south-eastern and south-south parts of Nigeria have more acidic soil with a pH range of 4.5 to 6.0,
while the soil in the northern parts of Nigeria is more alkaline with a pH range of 7.0 to 8.5. Soil pH can also vary
within a small area due to factors such as vegetation, land use practices, and soil management techniques, so
testing the soil pH in a specific area is recommended. Nigeria experiences hot and humid conditions throughout
the year due to its location in the tropical zone. The average temperature varies by region and season, with coastal
areas having an average temperature of 25-28°C and inland areas having a slightly cooler temperature of 21-27°C.
During the dry season (Nov-Mar), temperatures can reach up to 40°C, while the rainy season (Apr-Oct) is
generally cooler. Altitude, vegetation cover, and proximity to bodies of water can affect the actual temperature in
a specific location.
The average environmental humidity in Nigeria varies by region and season. Coastal areas have high humidity
levels ranging from 80% to 90% throughout the year, while inland areas have lower humidity levels ranging from
40% to 70%. During the rainy season, humidity levels are generally higher, ranging from about 70% to 90% or
higher in some areas. However, during the dry season, humidity levels can be lower, ranging from about 20% to
50% in some parts of the country.
Table 1 shows the environmental and optimal metrics values which were used in modeling the IoT based model
proposed in this work.
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
production is slightly acidic, with a pH range of 5.0 to 6.5, which allows for the optimal availability of
essential nutrients. Soil pH affects the availability of nutrients in the soil, and adding organic matter or
lime can help achieve the optimal pH. High pH levels in the soil can reduce Irish potato yield as they
grow best in slightly acidic soils with a pH range of 5.0 to 6.0. High pH levels can decrease the
availability of essential nutrients and facilitate the growth of soil-borne diseases.
(a) The DHT11 sensor, a low-cost temperature and humidity sensor, was used in the IoT-based system for
monitoring environmental conditions in the potato farm. To measure temperature using the DHT11
sensor, three of the four connectors of the DHT11 sensor was linked to the Arduino microcontroller: the
ESP 8266 Wi-Fi Module for data sensing, interpretation and communication. The program is uploaded
and output is displayed on the Console or pushed to the cloud API platform. This was analyzed to identify
patterns and trends in temperature fluctuations to optimize potato yield. The optimal temperature range
for Irish potato production is between 60°F and 70°F (15.5°C to 21°C), with lower temperatures
promoting vegetative growth and tuber development. Too low temperatures can slow growth and reduce
yields, while too high temperatures can cause heat stress and decreased yields. The optimal temperature
range can vary depending on the growth stage of the plant. An IoT-based precision system helps farmers
monitor and optimize temperature levels for maximum potato production and quality. The data collected
was analyzed to determine whether the temperature is within the optimal range for potato growth. If the
temperature is too high or too low, the system activates cooling or heating systems, such as fans or
heaters, to adjust the temperature.
§ To measure humidity for optimal Irish potato yield using a DHT11 sensor in an IoT-based system, the
sensor was connected to the microcontroller board, the ESP 8266 Wi-Fi Module. The humidity data was
read. The IoT platform was used to send data to the cloud and was monitored remotely. The optimal
humidity range for Irish potato production is between 80% and 90%. Low humidity can cause stunted
growth and reduced yields, while high humidity can cause fungal diseases. Maintaining optimal humidity
levels can be challenging, but farmers can use irrigation and other techniques to increase soil moisture
and humidity levels. An IoT-based precision system helps farmers monitor and control humidity levels
for maximum potato production and quality. The IoT sensors monitor humidity levels in the potato field,
and the data analyzed to determine whether the humidity level is optimal for potato growth. If the
humidity level is too low, the system activates a misting system to increase humidity levels. If the
humidity level is too high, the system activates a ventilation system to reduce the humidity level. Since
a properly configured GSM set can conveniently access cloud data, it can be used to monitor metrics
measurement values and effect necessary real-time farm changes as desired for optimal crop
yield on the go.
3.4 The Simulink Model of the proposed IoT System
The Simulink model of the proposed IoT system for precision monitoring and improving Irish Potato yield in
greenhouse smart Farm is shown in Figure 2. To enhance the precision capability of the model, a fuzzy IF …
THEN rule base was designed and imbibed in the model. The three metrics which were monitored for precision
control were used in the fuzzy rule design conditions. This was done to add intelligence to the system so that
precision could be achieved as desired. Achieving precision ensures optimal yield in Irish potato production in
the IoT based precision model greenhouse smart farm.
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
The Simulink model of Figure 2 was designed bearing in mind the function of a basic wireless sensor node. The
measured metrics were then fed into the model using a machine learning optimization algorithm after which it
was simulated. Simulation results were used to evaluate and validate the proposed system for possible
improvement in the continuous availability of the metrics for optimal Irish potato yield as expected.
The following results shown in Table 2 were got from the simulation of the model in Figure 2.
Table 2: Metrics Values after Simulation compared to Characterized Values of the Nigerian Environment and
Optimal Yield Values
Metrics Environmental Values Optimal Yield Values Model Simulation Values
Soil pH 4.5 to 6.0; 7.0 to 8.5 5.0 to 6.5 6.0
Temperature 78°F to 82°F; 25°C to 28°C 60°F to 70°F; 15.5°C to 21°C 18°C
Humidity 80% to 90% (PH); 40% to 70% (Abuja) 80% to 90% 85%
Table 2 is an extension of Table 1, the additional information being the Model Simulation data values of the
metrics got after the simulation of the model for the proposed system. The Simulink model is the IoT precision
based system that monitors and controls the availability of the variable metrics such that optimal yield values are
maintained at all times to ensure optimized Irish Potato yield. The precision control process provided by the
proposed system is carried out as follows:
Ø Soil pH: With the proposed IoT system, an automated mechanism was used to maintain the soil pH level at 6.0 so
that the optimal yield of Irish Potato would be guaranteed in most parts of Nigeria. In the environment where the
research was carried out, the soil pH level was 4.8. With the IoT system, a difference of 1.2 was achieved. Thus,
the percentage of improvement using the proposed system is then calculated as follows:
Soil pH Percentage improvement: x 100% = 20%.
Thus, 20% soil pH improvement was achieved using the IoT precision system proposed in this research.
Ø Temperature: In the proposed IoT system, results in table 2 showed a temperature model value of 18°C from an
environmental value of 25°C. This gave a difference of 7°C. Improvement percentage computation is given as:
Temperature Percentage improvement: x 100% = 28%.
Thus, using the IoT precision system proposed in this research, 28% temperature improvement was
Ø Humidity: The humidity values in table 2 showed a change from 70% to 85%. This resulted in a difference of
15% achieved using the proposed IoT system in this research. The percentage of improvement from the simulation
result using the proposed IoT based system in this research can be computed as follows:
Humidity Percentage improvement: x 100% = 21.43%.
This showed that using our proposed IoT based precision system, the percentage improvement in humidity for
improved Irish potato yield is 21.43%.
£ Implication of Results to Irish Potato Yield
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
The foregoing percentage improvement results on soil pH, Temperature and humidity have far reaching
implications for the overall improved yield in Irish Potato production. Given a specific farm size, the yield
improvement will be to the magnitude of the average of the percentage improvements in soil pH, temperature and
humidity. This can be calculated as follows:
Yield Improvement = Average (Soil pH Percentage Improvement + Temperature Percentage Improvement +
Humidity Percentage Improvement) x Total yield (T). Thus,
This means that applying our proposed IoT based system to a given Irish Potato farm will result in a yield
improvement in the production of the crop. The demonstration in this work has shown how efficient this IoT
system is and it can also be applied to the improvement in the yield of any tropical plant thereby increasing food
production in the country. The information and knowledge gained from this work can be used to make decisions
about soil management practices, such as adjusting fertilizer applications or selecting crops that are better suited
for optimized yield and improved food production. The proposed IoT based system prototype in a real-time
scenario is shown in Figure 3.
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Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
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for improving water use efficiency in greenhouse vegetable production. Agricultural Water Management, 221, 1-
Zhang, H., Wang, L., Liu, F., & Zheng, D. (2020). Precision agriculture based on the internet of things: A review.
IEEE Access, 8, 52612-52624.
Liu, X., Zhang, S., Li, Y., & Li, H. (2020). A review of Internet of Things (IoT)-based precision agriculture
technologies and their applications. Journal: Computers and Electronics in Agriculture, Volume 175, 2020 Link:
Oyekanmi, B. A., Oluwole, O. A., Olatunbosun, O. J., & Olayanju, T. M. A. (2020). An IoT-based smart
agriculture system for improved crop management. Journal: 2020 6th International Conference on Advanced
Computing and Communication Systems (ICACCS), 2020 Link:
Osunmakinde, O. O., and Oyekanmi, B. A. (2021). IoT-based precision agriculture system for sustainable crop
production. Journal: 2021 IEEE 11th International Conference on Advanced Computing (ICoAC), 2021 Link:
Zhang, W., Liu, Y., Chen, X., & Zheng, Z. (2021). An IoT-based smart irrigation system for precision agriculture.
Journal: 2021 IEEE 8th International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Applications (ICIEA), 2021 Link:
Abdelnasser, M. A., Fathy, A. F., & Alharbi, F. A. (2021). Design and implementation of an IoT-based smart
irrigation system for precision agriculture. Journal: 2021 International Conference on Computer Applications
Technology (ICCAT), 2021 Link: https://doi.org/10.1109/iccat53701.2021.9460911
Liu, J., Wang, H., Huang, J., & Xu, Z. (2020). An overview of IoT-based precision agriculture technologies and
their applications. Journal of Sensors, 2020, 8817805. https://doi.org/10.1155/2020/8817805
Oyekanmi, S. A., Adeleke, A. O., Adegoke, B. M., & Adeniran, J. O. (2020). Design and implementation of an
IoT-based smart agriculture system for improved crop management. SN Applied Sciences, 2(11), 1-9.
Osunmakinde, I., & Oyekanmi, S. A. (2021). An IoT-based precision agriculture system for sustainable crop
production. Sensors, 21(4), 1275. https://doi.org/10.3390/s21041275
Zhang, Z., Li, Z., Li, J., & Cheng, Q. (2021). Design of smart irrigation system based on IoT technology. IEEE
Internet of Things Journal, 8(9), 7662-7671. https://doi.org/10.1109/JIOT.2021.3078397
Abdelnasser, A., Sheta, W., & El-Khamy, S. (2021). Design and implementation of an IoT-based smart irrigation
system for precision agriculture. IEEE Internet of Things Journal, 8(7), 5424-5435.
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
Research on Material Sustainability in construction has been extended in literature to the public domain by
examining how various constructs relate with the environmental dimension of sustainability Meanwhile, the
current linear consumption of construction materials is economically unsustainable in the midst of growing
financial fears. Given the crucial importance of construction firms in sustaining materials, this study aimed to
examine the mediating effect of two extreme dimensions of organizational culture (OC) on material sustainability
constraints (MSC) influencing the economic sustainability of construction projects (ESCP). A total of 359
responses from a cross-sectional survey from Nigerian construction firms were analyzed using Partial Least
Squares-Structural Equation Modeling (PLS-SEM). The proposed research model was formulated largely under
the premise of the Circular Economy (CE) theory. The main contribution of this study is to confirm the hypothesis
that Hierarchical Culture (HC) diminishes the relationship between MSC and ESCP. This substantiates the need
for construction firms to develop and adopt a more innovative culture, such as the Development Culture (DC), in
order to drive circular practices and eventually contribute to the economic sustainability of Nigerian construction
projects. The study also makes valuable contributions with regard to understanding the behavioral disposition of
construction firms towards attaining sustainable outcomes.
KEYWORDS: Material Sustainability; Sustainable Material Management; Organizational Culture; Circular
Economy; Economic Sustainability; Nigeria
Being undoubtedly one of the rapidly urbanizing countries in sub-Saharan Africa, almost 50% of Nigeria’s
population now reside in urban settlements indicating the need for more infrastructure (Isa et al., 2013).
Consequently, a lot of material resources are expected to become scarcer and hence expensive to use and a
considerable number of these resources may not even be available for future utilization. The growing concern on
population growth and resource scarcity has resulted in the concept of sustainability becoming more imperative
over the past decades (Santoro, 2019). Being the foundation for most economic activities, the construction industry
is hence plunged into the key role of ensuring sustainability. The current level of sustainability awareness is
undoubtedly a crucial factor influencing the architectural tendencies and high resource consumption observed in
developing countries (Kukah et al., 2022). Hence, this consumes a lot of energy and adds a lot of money to the
construction process because it necessitates the importation of supplies and specialized labour. This is a problem
given the ever increasing financial dilemma in Nigeria, where shortage of funds to execute construction projects
(Taiwo & Misnan, 2020) is often highlighted.
Employing the use of “sustainable materials” in our construction practices to substitute “traditional materials” is
believed to improve global dimensions of sustainability thereby reducing the ecological and economic effects in
the course of the building’s lifespan (Bribián et al., 2011). Additionally, it extends distinctive utility benefits to
both clients and users. Nevertheless, most building endeavours still only patronize the so-called traditional
materials as the use of sustainable materials in the industry is clearly enveloped by obstacles of adoption (Saleh
& Alalouch, 2015; Darko & Chan, 2017). The question of sustaining materials viz-a-viz introducing new
innovative ones is crucial due to the modern stride of high-tech innovations in every business domain (Esposito
et al., 2018). According to Ritzén and Sandström, (2017), it is necessary to start from within the organization to
understand the barriers faced by sustainable initiatives. The globally recognized idea of Organizational Culture
(OC) of these organizations is at the heart of this argument. OC has been shown in prior research to be a
background element or social context that impacts an organization's learning methods in acquiring and applying
specialized expertise (Teräväinen et al., 2018). According to Owolabi et al., (2019), one of the primary
impediments to creative applications in the Nigerian construction sector is the OC. Previous study in the Nigerian
construction sector did not focus on the relationship between material sustainability in construction and economic
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
sustainability entirely in a way that integrated OC. Hence, this paper sought to address three major research
questions to this effect: RQ1: What is the relationship between Material Sustainability Constraints (MSC) and OC
in the Nigerian Construction industry RQ2: What is the relationship between MSC and Economic Sustainability
of Construction Projects (ESCP) in the Nigerian Construction industry? RQ3: To what extent does OC mediate
the relationship between MSC and ESCP in Nigeria?
The world has relied on a linear economy ever since the advent of the industrial revolution (Esposito et al., 2018).
Earth has become a "take, make, and dispose" realm as a result of our consumerist mentality and "single use"
lifestyles. This indicates a linear progression of innovation: we obtain our inputs from the natural world, use them
in the production of mass-produced items that we purchase, use once, and then throw away. Over the past three
decades, there has been a growing movement toward increased circularity in many nations around the globe,
which can now profit from increased incorporation and consistency. A number of researchers (Ghisellini et al.,
2016; Geissdoerfer et al., 2017) sanction the initiation of the study of CE to Pearce and Turner, (1989). By
examining the ways in which natural resources serve as both inputs for production and a sink for waste products,
the authors demonstrated how modern economic systems combine linear and non-linear elements. According to
Zadeh et al., (2016), empirical evidence that aids in the evaluation of sustainable methods will tremendously assist
clients and can go a long way in paving the way for future sustainable products. Although the path to attainment
of this objective is clearly identified by specified strategies, the process is quite often hindered by periodic
constraints. This formed the basis for conceptualizing the relationship between the independent variable (MSC)
and the dependent variable (ESCP). This concept is further explicated by Figure 1 below.
This study chose the development culture (DC) and hierarchical culture (HC) dimensions as mediating variables
in order to effectively achieve the objectives set. The DC is one that strategizes on acclimatization to external
forces by pre-empting the need to apply creative solutions (Patyal et al., 2019). Its main feature is the flexibility
to adapt to the naturally ever-changing consumer requirements (Zu et al., 2010). In contrast, the HC is well known
for its qualities of bureaucracy, tendency for rigidity, tight restrictions and internal focus (Pakdil & Leonard,
2015). Innovative solutions wither in such environs. Hence, these culture types are deemed the most suitable to
address MSC in the Nigerian construction sector. The conceptualization of the study variables also gave rise to
the following research hypotheses;
H1: Material sustainability constraints have a negative impact on construction firms’ development culture.
H2: Material sustainability constraints have a negative impact on construction firms’ hierarchical culture.
H3: Material sustainability constraints have a negative impact on economic sustainability of construction
H4: Development culture has a positive influence on economic sustainability of construction projects.
H5: Hierarchical culture has a positive influence on economic sustainability of construction projects.
H6: Development culture mediates the relationship between material sustainability constraints and economic
sustainability of construction projects.
H7: Hierarchical culture mediates the relationship between material sustainability constraints and economic
sustainability of construction projects
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
3.2 Measurements
The measurement for MSC (7 items), OC (11 items) and ESCP (10 items) was done using a 5-point Likert
scale. The Likert scale for MSC adopted ranged from “very less severe” denoted by 1, to “very highly severe”
denoted by 5. The Likert scale for OC ranged from “strongly disagree” denoted by 1, to “strongly agree” denoted
by 5. The Likert scale for ESCP indicators ranged from “very low” denoted by 1, to “very high” denoted by 5.
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
of economic sustainability in the study area can be attributed to the most prevalent culture types in construction
firms in the area; hierarchical culture. Based on the discussion above, H7 is accepted.
For a while, policy makers and stakeholders have expressed interest in developing a sustainable model in
the building industry. This trend hints to the questions of how construction firms (contracting and consulting) can
adopt sustainable practices towards attaining sustainable material performance. Another question is whether OC
mediates the relationship of the studied constructs within the Nigerian construction industry. The key contribution
of this study is verification of MSC's influence on ESCP, and the discovery of partial effects of OC on ESCP in
the Nigerian construction industry. As a mediator, HC lessens the link between MSC and ESCP. This signals that
firms need to develop and switch to a more innovative culture like the DC to be able to drive sustainable practices
and eventually contribute to economic sustainability of construction projects in Nigeria. Previous literature has
highlighted these firms’ reluctance in engaging these ideologies (Jones and Comfort, 2018) citing their
organizational disposition as a probable reason for this shortcoming (Owolabi et al., 2019; Ritzén and Sandström,
2017). Based on the findings of this study, it is imperative on firm administrators to spearhead an organizational
paradigm shift from the current stringent culture to a more flexible and innovative culture for the desired objective
to be achieved. This could be done simultaneously with investments in innovations, sustainable skills and
technology acquisitions to increase the economic performance of construction projects. When this is achieved, a
more flexible and innovative culture (DC) will emerge within the industry and facilitate the attainment of ESCP
in Nigeria.
Büschgens, T., Bausch, A., & Balkin, D. B. (2013). Organizational culture and innovation: A meta-analytic
review. In Journal of Product Innovation Management (Vol. 30, Issue 4, pp. 763–781). John Wiley &
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Darko, A., & Chan, A. P. C. (2017). Review of Barriers to Green Building Adoption. In Sustainable
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David Taiwo, O., & Misnan, S. H. (2020). Factors Influencing Supply of Affordable Housing in Nigerian Cities
Using Confirmatory Factors Analysis. International Journal of Built Environment and Sustainability, 7(3),
11–21. https://doi.org/10.11113/ijbes.v7.n3.499
Esposito, M., Tse, T., & Soufani, K. (2018). Introducing a Circular Economy: New Thinking with New
Managerial and Policy Implications. California Management Review, 60(3), 5–19.
Geissdoerfer, M., Savaget, P., Bocken, N. M. P., & Hultink, E. J. (2017). The Circular Economy – A new
sustainability paradigm? Journal of Cleaner Production, 143, 757–768.
Ghisellini, P., Cialani, C., & Ulgiati, S. (2016). A review on circular economy: The expected transition to a
balanced interplay of environmental and economic systems. Journal of Cleaner Production, 114, 11–32.
Hair, J. F., Risher, J. J., Sarstedt, M., & Ringle, C. M. (2019). When to use and how to report the results of PLS-
SEM. In European Business Review (Vol. 31, Issue 1, pp. 2–24). Emerald Group Publishing Ltd.
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University of Ilorin, Nigeria
Isa, R. B., Jimoh, R. A., & Achuenu, E. (2013). An overview of the contribution of construction sector to
sustainable development in Nigeria. Net Journal of Business Management, 1(1), 1–16.
Jones, P., & Comfort, D. (2018). The Construction Industry and the Circular Economy. International Journal of
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Consumption in the Ghanaian Construction Industry. International Journal of Real Estate Studies, 16(1),
51–59. https://doi.org/10.11113/intrest.v16n1.88
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and Medium Scale Businesses in Nigeria. SSRN Electronic Journal, 8, 2319–2801.
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and TQM/Six Sigma practices. International Journal of Production Economics, 123(1), 86–106.
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
The concentration of Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs) in an indoor environment like beauty depends on its
emission rate and transportation. Consequently, a better understanding of the dynamic behaviour of this pollutant
in the indoor environment improves estimates of human exposure to indoor air pollutants. This study
systematically evaluated the influence of four computational parameters on pollutant dispersion in a beauty shop.
The computation parameters include turbulence models, grid resolution, and discretization of time step size and
length of the sampling period. For concentration simulations, the Large Eddy Simulation (LES) and Detached
Eddy Simulation (DES) models did not give any result because it had limitations in areas near the source, whereas
the realizable k-ε turbulence model did gave a desirable result. An increase in the emission rate did not change
the general dispersion characteristics, but it still affected the concentration distribution in the areas near the source
and resulted in a larger polluted area. The findings of this study are intended to give a better understanding of the
dynamic behaviour of VOCs in a beauty shop using CFD simulations, which will help develop a suitable control
KEYWORDS: Volatile Organic Compounds, indoor, beauty shop, ANSYS FLUENT, CFD, Modelling
The quality of air in indoor environment is very important to work performance, productivity and the health of
building users (Titiana, Andy, Marc, and Bluyssen, 2019). Although Indoor Air Quality (IAQ) is not usually
monitored, it must be perceived as a relevant issue to follow up for the inhabitants’ well-being and comfort for
enhanced living environments and occupational health (Vilčeková et al., 017). The time spent in various types of
indoor spaces depends on different social and environmental factors such as age, geographical latitude,
occupation, lifestyle and quality of life (Śmiełowska, Marć, and Zabiegal, 2017). Common air pollutants in
indoors are particulate matter, photochemical oxidants (including ozone), carbon monoxide, sulfur oxides,
nitrogen oxides, VOCs and lead. A lot of research has shown that commonly used materials such as wood
products, floor coverings, wall coverings, household spray products emits a variety of VOCs which reduces the
quality of the indoor air (Hussain et al., 2015).
Volatile organic compounds (VOCs) are reactive organic compounds that are emitted into the atmosphere due to
their high volatility at atmospheric conditions (Attia et al., 2019; Guerra et al., 2017; Tsai, 2016). They also have
different types of reactive functional groups such as amines, amides, alcohols, carboxylic acids, aldehydes, and
aromatic compounds (Attia et al., 2019). VOCs are considered to be important air pollutants because of their
persistence in the atmosphere (Kumar et al., 2014) as well as their negative effects on respiratory and reproductive
systems even at low levels of concentration (Tsai, Lu, Chung, and Chiang, 2020). The concentration of VOCs in
the indoor environment depends on the pollutant emission sources, rate of removal, the air exchange rate with the
outdoor air, and the outdoor VOCs concentrations (Guieysse et al., 2008).VOCs can be classified into several
groups based on their properties. Based on the boiling point, the VOCs can be divided into Very Volatile Organic
Compounds (VVOCs), VOCs, Semi Volatile Organic Compounds (SVOCs) and Particulate Organic Matters
(POMs) by WHO. Based on molecular structure, it is classified as alkanes, alkenes, aromatic hydrocarbons,
alcohols, aldehydes, ketones etc, and based on molecular polarity they can be the polar and nonpolar VOCs in
indoor environments. A better understanding of the dynamic behavior through Computational Fluid Dynamics
will help in designing suitable control strategies.
CFD simulation programs are a powerful tool for estimating the airflow patterns and thermal environment of
various heating, ventilation, and air conditioning systems in a very detailed way. They have been used for the
estimation and control of the indoor environment and space ventilation when using different ventilation systems
(Szczepanik-Scislo and Lukasz Scislo, 2021). CFD divides a space into extremely fine grid cells, which can be
used to predict the precise spatial distribution of target chemicals from spray products. Jung, Kim, Seol, Lee, and
Kwon (2021) simulated inhalation exposure for an eight compartments room to an ethanol trigger and a propellant
product. The well-mixed model overemphasized short-term exposure, particularly under the trigger spray
scenario. The CFD based permeation model includes sorption/desorption, using a linear isotherm at inner and
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
outer surfaces and a blended wall function to account for the effects of near-wall turbulence. The model was used
to show how vapor concentrations around a cardboard box containing a SVOC vary when some of the key input
parameters are changed (Foat et al., 2021). Indoor environment like beauty shops where numerous essential oil
and scented products are used depends on their emission rate, decay and transportation. Consequently, a better
understanding of the dynamic behaviour of this pollutant in the indoor environment improves estimates of human
exposure to indoor air pollutants.
CFD solves Reynolds-Averaged Navier–Stokes Equations for turbulent buoyant flow, heat and mass transfer
established based on conservation equations of mass, momentum, energy, turbulent kinetic energy equation,
turbulent energy dissipation equation, and contaminants (Davardsoot and Kahfooroushan, 2018; Panagopoulos,
Karayannis, Kassomenos, and Aravossis, 2021).
For the mass conservation as shown in Equation 1
(𝜌𝑢𝑖 ) = 0 1
Equation 2 represents momentum conservation
𝜕 𝜕𝑃 𝜕 𝜕𝑣
U𝜌𝑢𝑖 𝑢𝑗 V = − + WU𝜇 + 𝜇𝑡 V , 𝑖-X + 𝜌𝑔𝑖 𝛽(𝑇 − 𝑇𝑚 ) 2
𝜕𝑥𝑖 𝜕𝑥𝑖 𝜕𝑥𝑗 𝜕𝑥𝑖
Turbulent kinetic Energy can be estimated with Equation 3
𝜕 𝜕 𝜇 𝜕𝑘
(𝜌𝑢𝑖 𝑘) = W,𝜇 + 𝜎𝑡 - ,𝜕𝑥 -X + 𝐺𝑘 + 𝐺𝑘 − 𝜌𝜀 3
𝜕𝑥𝑖 𝜕𝑥𝑗 𝑡 𝑖
Equation 4 represents turbulent kinetic energy dissipation equation
𝜕 𝜕 𝜇 𝜕𝜀 𝐶1𝜀 𝜀 𝜀2
(𝜌𝑢𝑖 𝜀) = W,𝜇 + 𝜎𝑡 - ,𝜕𝑥 -X + (𝐺𝑘 + 𝐶3𝜀 )𝐺𝑏 − 𝐶2𝜀 𝜌 4
𝜕𝑥𝑖 𝜕𝑥𝑗 𝜀 𝑖 𝑘 𝑘
Energy conservation equation as indicated in Equation 5
𝜕 𝜕 𝜇 𝜇 𝜕𝑇
(𝜌𝑢𝑖 𝑇) = W, + 𝑡 - , -X + 𝑆𝑇 5
𝜕𝑥𝑖 𝜕𝑥𝑖 𝑃𝑟 𝑃𝑟 𝜕𝑥𝑖
Contaminants conservation equations are indicated by Equation 6 -9;
𝜕 𝜕 𝜇 𝜇 𝜕𝐶
(𝜌𝑢𝑖 𝐶) = W,𝜎 + 𝜎 𝑡 - ,𝜕𝑥 -X + 𝑆𝑐 6
𝜕𝑥𝑖 𝜕𝑥𝑖 𝑇 𝑖
𝜇; = 𝜌𝐶0 1
𝜕𝑢𝑗 𝜕𝑢𝑖 𝜕𝑢𝑗
𝐺𝑘 = 𝜇𝑡 L + M 8
𝜕𝑥𝑖 𝜕𝑥𝑗 𝜕𝑥𝑖
𝜇𝑡 𝜕𝑢𝑗
𝐺𝑘 = −𝑔𝑖 , - 9
𝜌𝜎ℎ 𝜕𝑥𝑖
𝐶1𝜀 = 1.44 𝐶2𝜀 = 1.92 𝐶3𝜀 = 0.09
𝜎𝑘 = 1.0 𝜎𝜀 = 1.0
Where 𝜌 is the fluid density, 𝑢𝑖 is the flow velocity vector field in 𝑥𝑖 direction, 𝑃 is the pressure, 𝑘 is the turbulent
kinetic energy, 𝜇; is the turbulent viscosity, 𝜇 molecular viscosity, g is acceleration due to gravity,C, 𝐶1𝜀 , 𝐶2𝜀
and 𝐶3𝜀 are coeficient in approximated turbulent transport equations, 𝜎ℎ molecular prandtl number, 𝜎𝑡 is
effective turbulent prandtl number, 𝜀 rate of dissipation of turbulence energy, T is the temperature, 𝑇𝑚 is the
reference temperature, 𝐺𝑘 is the kinetic energy produced by buoyancy, C is molar concentration of the VOC.
The transportation of VOCs in beauty shops was simulated using ANSYS Fluent (2016) which is an application-
based software that helps in physical modelling. There are five major steps involve in the numerical simulation
with ANSYS Fluent which describes flow of air pollutant include
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
Scenerio A
About one thousand (1000) iteration was carried out the volume fraction of VOCs emitted reduced swiftly with
time and slightly reduced for some time until steady state was reached at about 800 iteration. The spread of the
pollutant was not much this could be attributed to the wind velocity, which did not make the VOCs to spread to
other part of the beauty shop. This can result excessive chemical exposure conditions in beauty shops that can
lead include irritation to eyes and nose, headache, dizziness, drowsiness, etc. Therefore, the appearance of a
mixture of compounds in high concentrations can cause similar symptoms to both employees and customers
(Tsigonia, Lagoudi, Chandrinou, Linos, Evlogias, and Alexopoulos, 2010). For Scenerio B presented in Figure 3a
and b there was a sharp decrease the volume fraction of the VOCs until uniform concentration is attained with the
part of the room. A uniform spread was attained at a shorter time span around 700 iteration. When the wind
velocity was increased to about 6 m/s the spread was very fast and steady state was attained at about 600 iteration.
These findings predicts the highest concentration near the source of the pollutant concentration gradually
decreases and then transported towards the direction of the wind this result corresponds to the findings of
Mohammadi and Calautit (2021). Environmental conditions such as meteorology, temperature difference across
the building, indoor activity, furnishings, etc., alter the rate of air exchange and consequent pollution transmission.
For the model considered in this study it was observed that there was negligible spread of the VOCs to other
compartment separated by walls.
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University of Ilorin, Nigeria
Figure 2:(a) Volume rendering of VOCs dispersion (b) decay of VOCs with time steps at wind velocity
Scenario B
Figure 3:(a) Volume rendering of VOCs dispersion (b) decay of VOCs with time steps at wind velocity at 4 m/s
Scenerio C
Figure 4: (a) Volume rendering of VOCs dispersion (b) decay of VOCs with time steps at wind velocity at 6 m/s
The emission rate of the pollutant was varied by increasing the emission rate thus altering the velocity of the
VOCs inlet. It was found that an increase in emission rate did not affect the flow characteristics but increases the
polluted area. The airflow velocity have impact on the transportation of the VOCs in the indoor environment.
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University of Ilorin, Nigeria
This study concentrated on the transportation of VOCs in a beauty shop. The transportation pattern did not change
an increase in emission rather there was a spread in the larger parts of the room. There was an increase in dispersion
of the VOCs (n-butane) when the wind speed was increased from 2m/s to 6 m/s. Operation of saloons in confined
places with poor ventilation leads to the emission of VOCs that might have pleasant smell in some cases but are
actually deadly, poisonous, colourless, and odourless. Symptoms of poisoning are dull headache, blurred vision,
shortness of breath, weakness, dizziness, and nausea or vomiting. Hence, this has adverse health effect on both
the beauty shop operator and the customer. Measures must be taken in such indoor environment to reduce its
impact on health and the environment. A great part of the effect of using spray products in beauty shop can be
controlled by carrying out awareness campaigns, adopting air cleaning technology, introducing common house
plants in work, proper engineering measures, and a well-designed awareness campaign. Where there is high usage
of this hair product, which contains high concentration of VOCs, there should be a proper ventilation and vent
can be installed around where these hair products are being used. However, a well-ventilated room with modern
air purification systems should be used in most beauty shops
The authors would like to express our gratitude to all those who have contributed to this research paper.
Without your hardwork, expertise and dedication, this research would not have been possible.
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Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
Tsai, W.-T. (2016). Toxic Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs) in the Atmospheric Environment: Regulatory
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Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
O. A. Salihu1*, S. T. Olorunsogo1
Department of Agricultural and Bioresources Engineering, Federal University of Technology, Minna, Niger
State, Nigeria
Email: onimisi.a.salihu@gmail.com
Sesame seed candy is a confection of sesame seeds and sugar or honey pressed into a bar or ball. This study
focuses on the prediction of value-added sesame seed candy quality. Statistical design of experiment (DOE)
method and response surface methodology (RSM) were adopted, mixture-process optimal design (I-optimal) was
utilized to systematically vary the level of ingredients and processing parameters to identify the optimal
combinations that leads to the highest quality of sesames seed candy. The proportion of ingredients (independent
variables) taken were sesame seed (40 – 70%), ginger (10 – 30%), cinnamon (10 – 30%), and honey (10 – 30%)
while the processing factor were roasting temperature (100 – 150oC) and roasting time (10 – 30mins). Quality
indexes of candy and sensory evaluation panels were used to evaluate the quality of the candy. Design Expert
Software was used for the design and analysis of the experimental data. The qualities of the sesame seed candy
are optimum at 62.133% sesame seed, 10% ginger, 15% cinnamon, 17.867% honey, 100oC roasting temperature
and 17.092 minutes of roasting time, the result obtained indicate that response surface methodology can accurately
predict the quality of sesame seed candy.
KEYWORDS: Sesame seed candy, Quality prediction, Optimization, Quality indexes, Fortification
Sesame (Sesamum indicum) is a flowering plant in the genus Sasamum, also called beniseed. It is cultivated for
its edible seeds, which grow in pods. Sasame seed is one of the oldest oilseed crops known. It has one of the
highest oil contents of any seed. Sesame has been regarded as a healthy snacks for aging prevention and energy
increasing (Obiamaka, 2019). Candy is distinguished by the substantial use of sugar or sugar substitutes like
honey. Sesame seed is rich in fat, protein, carbohydrates, fibre and some minerals. (Tunde-Akintunde et al., 2012).
As a deciding factor in snacks selection, quality is gaining importance. Snacks product quality is crucial in
influencing whether consumers will repurchase a product. From a business perspective, it often makes sense to
compete on quality rather than price. A quality-based approach, however, can only be effective if the business
understands what the customers means by a high-quality product and can convert these requirements into product
specifications. By understanding the relationship between perceived snacks quality and production and
distribution processes, candy and other snack processing businesses will be able to predict, manage, and improve
product quality.(Tijskens et al., 2001).
Due to dietary, nutritional, or medical problems, many consumers also rely on manufacturing and processing
standards, particularly to know what ingredients are there. In addition to ingredient quality, there are sanitary
standards. To provide the safest possible snacks for the consumer, it is crucial to keep the environment where
snacks is processed as clean as possible (Mayounga, 2018). Organoleptic properties are the characteristics and
features of snacks that influence customer acceptability. Because everyone's definition of a good snack differs, it
is hard to put a number on it. Snacks may be loved or disliked due to a variety of reasons, including certain
expectations for its look, texture, flavor, and aroma as well as religious, cultural, social, psychological, or health-
related considerations (Klaus, 2005). Customers are typically concerned that a snack product's quality meets a
consistent level, which can be determined by looking at its organoleptic characteristics. Therefore, snacks makers,
caterers, farmers, and producers must be able to uphold specific objective quality criteria (Schaschke, 2011).
Due to insufficient information about sesame seed candy quality, it can be challenging for modern snack
processing companies to predict if sesame seed candy will be accepted by consumers. Unlike other common snack
products, little is known about the manufacturing process, nutritional quality, and overall acceptability of sesame
seed candy. Since sesame seed candy is made locally, neither the basic procedures nor the quantities of materials
like sugar or honey are quantified. Therefore, it is necessary to design an experiment to determine the candy's
quality and to research the impact of the mixture's ingredients and processing variables on that quality.
Sesame seed candy traditionally involve just three ingredients such as sesame seed, sugar and honey. However,
this ingredient may not be enough to meet the dietary requirement of the consumer. Hence, there is need to fortify
the product. Candy fortification is the practice of adding ingredients that will inject vitamins and minerals to
commonly consumed candies during processing to increase their nutritional value (Olson et al., 2021). It is a
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
proven, safe and cost-effective strategy for improving diets and for the prevention and control of micronutrient
deficiencies. For the purpose of this research, ginger and cinnamon has been choosing as a fortifier for sesame
seed candy production, the objective of this study was to determine the effect of mixture components and
processing factors on the quality of value-added sesame seed candy as well as developing a model that can help
to predict those quality.
Response surface methodology (RSM) is concerned with the development of an empirical relationship between a
response variable y and a set of control variables, x1, x2 …, xk, that represents levels of quantitative factors believed
to affect the response values. Such a relationship can be approximately represented by a polynomial model,
typically of the first degree or the second degree in x1, x2, …, xk. The model is then fitted to a data set generated
by observing y at certain values of the control variables, referred to as locations, with an experiment region
denoted by R (Andre & Siuli, 2015). If the fitted model is determined by an adequate representation of the
response, then it can be used to predict the response at locations with R, that is, for given settings of the control
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
includes; hardness, taste, and overall acceptability. The 9-point hedonic scale was adopted for the evaluation and
the resulting data were analyzed. (Sukanya & Michael, 2014).
3.6 Statistical Analysis
The obtained data were analyzed using Design Expert Software (v13.0). Each response variable will generate one
model which is suggested by the program. The feasibility of the model is shown by coefficient of determination
(R2) and the significance of F-value of each variable factor. A good model has a significant value to the response
and not significant value to the lack of fit, R2 value and adjusted-R2. In addition, the analysis of variance can also
show the influence of combination to the factor by evaluating its F-value.
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
The R2 value (0.7180) and Adjusted R2 value (0.6545) indicate that the model is accurate enough to predict the
responses. The difference between the actual moisture content and the predicted moisture content (i.e., residual)
is low (Fig 1(a)), this also confirmed that the model equation can accurately predict the moisture content of the
candy produced. High dietary fibre helps to reduce risk of some disease this can be achieved at 40% sesame seed,
10% ginger, 30% cinnamon, 20% honey, 150oC roasting temperature and 10 minutes of roasting time (Ferreira et
al., 2018). Figure 1(b) is a graphical representation of the actual value and predicted value of the dietary fibre.
Dietary Fibre = −0.0799852xl + 0.0183948x4 − 0.0830014x` − 0.186289xs (2)
The R2 value (0.6025) indicate that the model is accurate enough to predict the responses. The difference between
the actual and the predicted dietary fibre (i.e., residual) is low, this also confirmed that the model equation can
accurately predict the dietary fibre of the candy produced. High calcium content is good for children as it help to
build the bone (Zeljka et al., 2015). Highest calcium of the sesame seed candy was observed at 55.532% sesame
seed, 11.6166% ginger, 22.8514% cinnamon, 10% honey, 100oC roasting temperature and 30 minutes of roasting
time. Figure. 1(c) is a graphical representation of the actual value and predicted value of the calcium. Equation 3
shows the model equation for predicting the response.
Calcium = 4.35989xl + 1.06765x4 + 3.0605x` − 1.86931xs − 0.0119723xl zl + 0.0322801xs zl (3)
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
The R2 value (0.4999) indicate that the model is accurate enough to predict the calcium value. The residual value
i.e., the difference between the predicted and actual value implies that the model equation is accurate to predict
the calcium value. Highest vitamin C was observed at 40% sesame seed, 27% ginger, 10% cinnamon, 23% honey,
150oC roasting temperature and 10 minutes of roasting time. The longer duration of roasting at high temperature
decreases the vitamin C value.
Vitamin C = 0.000261868xl + 0.00140136x4 − 0.00308364x` − 0.00123507xs + 3.03199e5Or xl z4
+ 0.000147085x` xs + 4.37029e5Or x` zl − 9.98588e5Og zl z4 (4)
The R2 value (0.4849) indicate that the model is accurate enough to predict the responses. There is a significance
difference between the actual value and the predicted value of vitamin C (Fig. 1(d)), this may be due to insufficient
data obtained for the vitamin C. The interaction between the mixture components and the processing factors are
also significant as they have effect of the energy value. Highest energy value of the sesame seed candy was
observed at 56.765% sesame seed, 20.235% ginger, 13% cinnamon, 10% honey, 150oC roasting temperature and
30 minutes of roasting time.
Energy Value = 25.738𝑥l − 9.82589𝑥4 + 71.724𝑥` + 54.8312𝑥s − 0.401422𝑥l 𝑥4 − 1.48519𝑥l 𝑥`
− 1.18194𝑥l 𝑥s − 0.210086𝑥l 𝑧l − 0.70914𝑥l 𝑧4 (5)
The R2 value (0.9575) and Adjusted R2 value (0.8698) indicate that the model is accurate enough to predict the
responses. There is an insignificance difference between the actual energy value and the predicted energy value
(see Fig 1(e)), this implies that the model equation is very accurate to predict the energy value of the candy.
The model terms and their interaction are significant and can influence the hardness value. Highest hardness of
the sesame seed candy was observed at 40% sesame seed, 10% ginger, 30% cinnamon, 20% honey, 150oC roasting
temperature and 30 minutes of roasting time.
Hardness = 0.0575342xl − 0.0665569x4 + 0.0420211x` − 0.0328615xs + 0.00328169xl x4 (6)
The R2 value (0.5204) indicate that the model is accurate enough to predict the responses. There is an
insignificance difference between the actual hardness and the predicted hardness (see Fig 1(f)), this implies that
the model equation will accurately predict the hardness with 52% confidence. At 40% sesame seed, 10% ginger,
30% cinnamon, 20% honey, 150oC roasting temperature and 30 minutes of roasting time high taste value was
observed. Figure 1(g) is a graphical representation of the actual taste value and predicted taste value.
Taste = 0.0618701xl + 0.197294x4 + 0.0966744x` + 0.0476478xs − 0.000318411xl zl
− 0.00438757x4 x` − 0.00542719x4 xs − 0.00175404x4 z4 − 0.00325655x` xs
+ 0.00161885x` z4 + 0.0010889xs zl (7)
The R2 value (0.6329) indicate that the model is accurate enough to predict the responses. The difference between
the actual taste value and the predicted taste value (see Fig. 1(g)), this implies that the model equation is adequate
to predict the actual value. The R2 value (0.7130) and Adjusted R2 value (0.6093) indicate that the data obtain
doesn’t fit the regression model. There is an insignificance difference between the actual overall acceptability and
the predicted overall acceptability (see Fig1(h)), this implies that the model equation is adequate to predict the
overall acceptability.
Overall Acceptability
= 0.257505xl − 0.24364x4 + 0.149818x` + 0.723593xs + 0.00249526xl x4
− 0.00548263xl x` − 0.0195558xl xs − 0.00141764xl zl − 0.00213239xl z4 (8)
Sesame seed candy is one of the snacks that is highly consumed by children and adult in remote part of Nigeria.
Knowing the quality of this candy and understanding the factor that influence its quality becomes significant. The
result obtained show that vitamin C is affected by the roasting temperature, the higher the roasting temperature
the smaller the vitamin C value, the result also indicate that Response Surface Methodology can be used to predict
the quality of sesame seed candy. It’s recommended that Artificial Neural Network (ANN) analysis should be
used to further predict the quality of sesame seed candy and the result obtained should be compared with that of
the Response Surface Methodology (RSM).
We sincerely appreciate Mr. Audu Yohanna, a laboratory technologist in faculty of Agriculture, Federal
University of Technology, Minna for taking his precious time to assist us in carrying out the practical aspect of
this research work.
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
Andre, I. K., & Siuli, M. (2015). Response Surface Experiment and Design. In D. Angel, M. Max, S. John, & B.
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Eds., Biology and Cultivation of Edible Mushrooms, . Academic Press, New York(137 - 168).
Ferreira, K. C., Bento, J. A. C., de Jesus, L. S., & Bassinello, P. Z. B. (2018). Dietary Fibers: Analysis Methods.
Multidisciplinary Journal, 5(3), 174 - 179. Retrieved from https://doi.org/10.29247/2358-
Klaus, G. G. (2005). Snacks Quality and Safety: consumer perception and demand. European Review of
Agricultural Economics, 32(3), 369-391.
Mayounga, A. T. (2018). "Antecedents of recalls prevention: analysis and synthesis of research on product
recalls." Supply Chain Forum: . An International Journal, 19(3), 1 - 10. Retrieved from
Obiamaka, A. U. (2019). Katun Ridi, the Snack enjoyed in Kaduna State. Retrieved from
Olson, R., Gavin-Smith, B., Ferraboschi, C., & Kraemer, K. (2021). Snacks Fortification: The Advantages,
Disadvantages and Lesson from Sight and Life Programs. nutrients, 13, 1118. Retrieved from
Schaschke, C. J. (2011). Snacks Processing. bookboon.
Sukanya, W., & Michael, O. M. (2014). The 9-point hedonic scale and hedonic ranking in snacks science: some
reappraisals and alternatives. Journal of Science. Snacks Agric, 1 -12. Retrieved from
Tijskens, L. M. M., Hertog, M. L. A. T. M., & Nicolai, B. M. (2001). Snacks Process Modelling. In (pp. 367 -
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Tunde-Akintunde, T. Y., Oke, M. O., & Akintunde, B. O. (2012). Sesame Seed, Oil Seeds, Dr. Uduak G. Akpan
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Zeljka, R. M.-B., Vesna, R. A., Dijana, R. J., & Tanja, M. Z. (2015). Determination of Calcium Content of Dietary
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28 - 33.
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
This study investigated the removal of phenols from Tannery wastewater by batch adsorption process using MgO-
modified adsorbent synthesized from Albizia lebbeck pods, which is an agricultural waste. Brunauer–Emmett-
Teller (BET), scanning electron microscopy (SEM), energy dispersive X-ray spectrometry (EDS) and X-ray
diffraction (XRD), characterized the unmodified Albizia lebbeck (ALC) and modified Albizia lebbeck (MAL)
adsorbents synthesized. The BET surface area of the ALC and MALC were 221.5 and 255.8 𝑚2/g, respectively.
The batch adsorption studies were conducted to investigate the effect of contact time, temperature and adsorbent
dosage on the uptake of Phenol from tannery wastewater onto the adsorbents. The adsorbents showed maximum
adsorption efficiencies of 79.01 and 81.21% for ALC and MALC respectively. The result from this study showed
that the synthesized adsorbents were found to be effective for the treatment of tannery wastewater as the residual
concentration of phenolic of the treated wastewater was very low and falls within permissible limits for effluent
Effluent from Industries and urbanization are major sources of water pollution in Nigeria, as process industries
place little emphasis on wastewater management (UN-Water, 2011; Fouda et al; 2021). Industrial wastewater is
disposed into water bodies partially treated or untreated posing a threat to environmental health and safety (Akpor
& Muchie, 2011). Tanneries generate a large quantity of wastewater which contain chemicals, residual dyes,
heavy metals, surfactants, salts, chlorinated substances, and so on low biodegradability (Oladipo et al.,
2017;Fouda et al; 2021). Tannery wastewater is characterised by high salinity, high pH, heavy metals, high
biochemical oxygen demand (BOD), chemical oxygen demand (COD) and phenol content as a result of organic
materials in the hides and skins processed in this industry (Mohammed et al., 2013; Nayl et al., 2017; Costa &
Olivi, 2009).
Phenol is a persistent organic compound formed from leather tanning process (Chaudry et al., 2022) which pose
threat to environmental safety and water quality. Phenol and its derivatives accumulate in the fatty tissues of living
organisms and exhibit highly toxic effects because they do not degrade easily. Phenol has multiple human health
issues such as damage to DNA, weakening of muscles, necrotic lesions and burning in the mouth, stomach and
oesophagus as well as pulse fluctuations (Bhattacharya et al., 2015; Chaudry et al., 2022). With the increasing
population of Nigeria, the demand for clean water sources to engage for personal, agricultural and industrial use
has risen considerably. A means of supplying this demand is to reduce pollution of natural water bodies, and
improve wastewater management (UN-Water, 2018).
Researchers have used conventional methods for the treatment of wastewater (Ademiluyi, Amadi, & Amakama,
2009; Badalians Gholikandi, Baneshi, Dehghanifard, Salehi, & Yari, 2010; Mustapha et al., 2019). Adsorption
is a very versatile process for treating industrial effluents out of all the methods. Easy-to-use, low-cost, and
achievable with a wide number of materials of either mineral, organic or biological origins (Crini et al., 2018).
Activated carbon in particular, has received tremendous attention as an adsorbent material due to its effectiveness
in the adsorption of organic and inorganic pollutants from aqueous solutions. Activated carbon has a high surface
area, a microporous structure, and a high degree of surface reactivity making it one of the most important industrial
adsorbent materials (Bansal & Goyal, 2005). The high cost of activated carbon, however, poses the greatest
obstacle to its widespread industrial use, as a treatment method must not only be effective, but must also be
technologically and economically feasible (Crini et al., 2018).
Agricultural waste materials have received a considerable amount of attention as adsorbent materials as they are
low-cost, easy to obtain, have low toxicity, and can be used to remove a variety of pollutants from industrial
wastewater (Van et al., 2021). The complete replacement of conventional adsorbents by agricultural waste
materials has, however, been impeded by the reduced specific adsorption capacities of these materials in their
unmodified form compared to that of the conventional adsorbents (Do et al., 2019).
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
Manganese dioxide nanoparticles are one of several nanomaterials, which have attracted the interest of researchers
for years due to their unique properties as adsorbents. The high surface area (Do et al., 2019) and high
electrochemical activity (Zhou et al., 2012) of manganese dioxide nanoparticles makes them ideal as adsorbent
materials. The incorporation of nanoparticles such as manganese dioxide with agricultural waste materials
combines the adsorption capacities of both materials and creates a composite material with the individual
characteristic of the two materials.
The objective of this study is therefore to produce a cheaper and effective adsorbent material from an agricultural
waste material, Albizia lebbeck, and improve its performance by incorporating manganese dioxide nanoparticles.
The reduction efficiencies of the synthesized adsorbent was determined using Equation (1).
=: 4=A
%𝑟𝑒𝑚𝑜𝑣𝑎𝑙 = =:
× 100 1
Where, C0 and Ce (mg/l) are the concentration of phenol present in the tannery wastewater sample at the initial
stage and equilibrium, respectively. The equilibrium amount (𝑄. ) of phenol removed per mass of adsorbent
was evaluated using Equation 2.
(=: 4=A )B
𝑄. = C
× 100 2
Where, 𝑄. (mg/g) is the amount of phenol adsorbed per unit mass of adsorbent at equilibrium. V(l) is the
volume of the solution and W(g) is the mass of the adsorbent used.
Where, y is the absorbance value measured and x is the concentration of phenol in mg/L
3.3 Preparation of leaf extract
The leaf extract was prepared according to the method used by Manik et al. (2020). Neem leaves were collected
from the university of Ilorin premises and washed thoroughly with distilled water to remove all adhering
impurities. The washed leaves was air-dried in a room away from direct sunlight. About 10 g of the cleaned leaves
were placed into a 500 mL beaker containing 150 mL distilled water. The mixture was boiled at 90ºC for 20
minutes. The mixture was then cooled to room temperature and the neem leaf extract was obtained by filtering
the mixture using a filter paper. The filtrate obtained was used without further modification for the synthesis
3.4 Synthesis of manganese dioxide nanoparticles
MgO nanoparticles were synthesized by hydrothermal method described by Ahmed et al., (2020) and Paul et al.,
(2017). About 50 mL of 0.2 M aqueous solution of potassium permanganate was prepared and mixed with 5mL
of the leaf extract at 70ºC for 60 minutes with continuous stirring A brown ring was formed around the walls of
the conical flask at the top of the KMnO4 solution which indicates the formation of precipitate. The precipitate
was then centrifuged at 3000 rpm for 15 min, and the synthesized nanoparticles were collected after the
supernatant had been removed. The nanoparticles were then washed with distilled water three times to remove all
impurities. The nanoparticles were dried in an oven at 100ºC for 10 h to evaporate all water (Adewoye et al.,
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
conductivity, turbidity, TDS, BOD, COD, TOC, and phenol content using standard procedures from literature.
The results of the analyses and the standards set forth in the Federal Environmental Protection Agency Act of
1999 are presented in Table 1.
The pH of the wastewater at 8.33, and the COD value of the wastewater, determined to be 160 mg/L, both fall at
the edge, but still within the permissible limit for effluent discharge for tanneries. The BOD of the wastewater
sample is very low at 0.35, indicating a very low quantity of oxidizable organic material (Von Sperling, 2007).
The total dissolved solids of the wastewater was also determined to be vastly above the permissible limit. The
quantity of phenols found in the wastewater, measured to be 0.918 mg/L which is above the permissible limit for
effluent discharge for tanneries, was selected as the environmental marker for the treatment procedure being an
indicator of a high concentration of phenolic compounds in the wastewater. The high concentration of phenolic
in the wastewater being a threat to human health and the safety of the environment.
All variations in the results of this analysis for tannery wastewater that differ from the values reported in literature
may be due to local variation in manufacturing methods, processes, and processing chemicals used.
4.2 Manganese dioxide nanoparticles synthesis
The manganese dioxide nanoparticles produced via green synthesis as discussed in the previous section were
analyzed to confirm their formation. Physical examination showed a brown, ultrafine solid material. The
absorbance spectrum of a colloidal sample of the synthesized material was analyzed within a range of 200 – 800
nm using UV spectroscopy. The absorption spectra obtained is presented in Figure 1.
The synthesised material shows an absorbance peak value of 413 nm, implying that the synthesised material
absorbs radiation in this spectrum. This is similar to the peak absorbance value reported in literature by Hoseinpour
et al. (2018) for manganese dioxide nanoparticles. This indicates the formation of manganese dioxide
4.3 Characterisation of adsorbents
The surface morphology of the prepared adsorbents was analyzed using SEM and the images obtained are
presented in Fig. 1 (a) – (c).
413 nm peak
Fig. 1: SEM images for (a) manganese oxide nanoparticles (b) ALC adsorbent (c) MALC adsorbent
The images obtained from the SEM shows an enhanced image of the surface of each adsorbent. The manganese
oxide nanoparticles show an almost unbroken surface as each particle is too small to be fully captured within the
500 nm range of the image. In the image for ALC and the composite, individual particles can be identified as the
presence of the larger particles from the carbonized Albizia lebbeck are large enough to be seen individually. The
surface image of ALC and MALC also bear a striking resemblance as the composite is modified from ALC.
The results obtained from the BET analysis are presented in Table 4.1.
Table 1: BET Analysis of the Prepared Adsorbents
Sample Surface Area Pore Volume (cc/g) Pore size (nm)
Manganese dioxide nanoparticles 127.8 0.04296 6.181
Carbonised Albizia lebbeck (ALC) 221.8 0.1011 6.929
Manganese dioxide-Albizia lebbeck 255.1 0.08613 6.247
composite (MALC)
The result of the BET analysis showed a significant variation in the surface area of each adsorbent material.
MALC is shown with the largest surface area, while the nanoparticle has the least. MALC is also observed to
record a higher surface area than ALC, an increase that can be attributed to the additional surface area contributed
by the nanomaterial added to ALC. These surface area values imply the availability of greater adsorption sites on
MALC compared to ALC and the nanoparticle. Thus, in the absence of interference by functional groups on the
surface of the composite, MALC was expected to perform better than ALC in an adsorption process.
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
There is also a variation in the pore size and pore volume of the adsorbent materials. The greatest pore volume
and pore size recorded on ALC, with the lowest being recorded on the nanoparticle for both pore size and pore
volume. MALC reported an intermediate value for pore size and pore volume, between the nanoparticle and ALC,
which is as a result of the incorporation of the two materials. All three adsorbent materials are mesoporous, as the
pore size of all three materials fall within the range of 2 – 50 nm (Zdravkov et al., 2007).
The results of the Dynamic Light Scattering analysis performed on each adsorbent material is recorded in Table
Table 2: DLS analysis of the Prepared Adsorbents
Sample Average hydrodynamic diameter (nm)
Manganese dioxide nanoparticles Undefined (sample too polydispersed)
Carbonised Albizia lebbeck (ALC) 93.49
Manganese dioxide-Albizia lebbeck 78.71
composite (MALC)
The DLS result revealed the average hydrodynamic diameter of each of the prepared adsorbents with the exception
of the calcined manganese dioxide nanoparticles. The DLS analysis was unable to produce a definite average
diameter for the nanoparticles as the sample was too polydispersed. This is one of the limitations of the DLS
analysis, as a sample with widely varying size aggregates cannot be accurately measured through this technique
(Tomaszewska et al., 2013). The dispersion of the manganese dioxide nanoparticles over a wide range of sizes is
attributed to the aggregation tendency of manganese dioxide particles in solution. Individual particles clump
together to form a larger particle. Thus, an additional technique may be required to accurately describe the size
distribution of the manganese dioxide nanoparticles.
Both ALC and MALC report more favourable results in terms of the average hydrodynamic diameter, with both
adsorbents showing a size distribution in the nanometre range. MALC reports the lower average diameter value
of 78.71 nm, while ALC reports a slightly higher value of 93.49 nm. This is reasonable, as MALC is a composite
of raw Albizia lebbeck and manganese dioxide nanoparticles. Thus, the lower average diameter may be attributed
to the presence of the nanoparticles that was incorporated with the Albizia lebbeck.
4.4 Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy (FTIR)
FTIR analysis revealed the functional groups present on each of the prepared materials. The results of the FTIR
analysis performed on each adsorbent material is recorded in Figure A2. The FTIR spectra of the calcined
manganese dioxide nanoparticle shows a broad absorption band between 3500 to 2500 cm-1, with a peak at
3411.08 cm-1 which may be attributed to the stretching vibration of a hydroxyl group. The presence of the hydroxyl
group is confirmed by the presence of a C-O group at 1052.24 cm-1. The peaks appearing at the fingerprint region
below 1500 cm-1 are compared to FTIR peaks obtained in the works of Hoseinpour et al. (2018) and Moon et al.
(2015) to validate the appearance of an O-Mn-O bond. The peak at 526.65 cm-1 is related to the vibration of an O-
Mn-O bond, the same bond reported by the two authors at 520 and 518 cm-1 respectively, indicating the formation
of MnO2 particles.
The calcined Albizia lebbeck displayed its first absorption peak at 3072.30 cm-1, a region associated with a
stretching C-H bond. The C-H bond is confirmed to be a C=C bond by the presence of weak absorption at 1,600
cm-1. An absorption band at 2,211.08 cm-1 indicates the presence of a -C≡C- stretching bond. The presence of a
C-O bond is observed by the presence of absorption at 1083.91, between 1000 to 1300 cm-1. The sharp strong
absorption band at 871.77 cm-1 is assigned to a C-H bending bond (R2C=CH2).
The absorption spectra of manganese dioxide-Albizia lebbeck composite displayed a similarity to the spectra of
both the calcined manganese dioxide nanoparticle and to the calcined Albizia lebbeck. The first absorption band
appeared at 3,411.08 cm-1, a peak identical to that found on the nanoparticle spectra. This peak is assigned a
stretching OH bond, whose presence is confirmed by the presence of a C-O bond at 1045.91 cm-1. The presence
of a -C≡C- stretching bond contributed by the Albizia lebbeck base is identified at 2195.25 cm-1. A C=O stretching
bond is attributed to a peak appearing at 1793.14 cm-1, and the presence of a C-H bending bond caused by a methyl
group is observed at 1460.69 cm-1. The peak of the absorption band at 1045.91 cm-1 is attributed to the presence
of a C-O bond, which could have been derived from the nanoparticles or the base compound. An absorption peak
also exists at 878.10 cm-1, a value similar to that on the Albizia lebbek spectra and denoting a C-H bending bond
(R2C=CH2). The final significant peak appears at 507.65 cm-1, a region close to the 526.65 cm-1 reported for the
calcined manganese dioxide nanoparticles. This indicates the presence of an O-Mn-O bond in the modified
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
The work of Alabi et al. (2016) describes functional groups that facilitate the adsorption of phenols. This includes
-OHstretch (hydroxyl), C=Cstretch (aromatic), C-Hbending, and C-Hstrecth. Several of these are present on the materials
analysed above, with the CAL adsorbent having three of the recognised groups with the exception of the -OH
stretching bond.
4.5. Batch adsorption studies
4.5.1. Effect of contact time
The effect of contact time was investigated on the adsorption of phenol unto MALC and ALC in the range of 10
-90 min using 0.2 g of adsorbent in 50 mL of wastewater at 30°C as presented in Figure 2a. The removal efficiency
of the both ALC and MALC increased with an increase in contact time. The removal efficiency of both adsorbents
steadily increased until equilibrium was attained at 70 minutes, after which there was a sharp decrease in the
removal efficiency. The decrease in removal efficiency observed in Figure 2b may be due to the filling of pores of
adsorbents with water molecules (Parlayici et al., 2015). Hence, the retention time of 70 mins was chosen as the
optimum time in this study. More so, the removal efficiency of MALC is obtained to be higher than that of ALC
lower contact times, with ALC having the highest removal efficiency at equilibrium. It was also observed in
adsorption studies that ALC dispersed in the wastewater remains on the surface before adsorption and it settle in
the bottom of the flask after adsorption. This could be due to the increase in mass of the ALC particles due to the
adsorption of phenol fact that the adsorbent is completely saturated and becomes heavier in weight.
4.5.2. Effect of temperature
Temperature has strong effect on the intermolecular force between the adsorbate and the adsorbent particles.
Effect of temperature on the adsorption process was investigated and the result obtained are presented in Fig. 2b.
An increase in the temperature causes a decrease in the efficiency of both ALC and MALC for phenol removal as
shown in Fig. 2c. This inverse relationship indicated that the adsorption process is an exothermic process (Edet &
Ifelebuegu, 2020). The decrease in adsorption capacity is due to the fact that at low temperatures, the kinetic energy
of the particle is low and the intermolecular attractive forces are strong, hence, the molecules of the adsorbate are
easily and strongly attracted to the surface of the adsorbent which gives a higher adsorption efficiency and vice
4.5.3. Effect of dosage on the removal of phenol.
The effect of ALC and MALC dosage on the percentage reduction of phenol was studied at 45°C for 70 min. The
adsorbent dosage was varied from 0.2 – 1.0g/100 ml as shown in Figure 2b. It was observed that the reduction
efficiency increased with increasing adsorbent dose until t h e optimum dosage of 0.8 g/50 ml for MALC
and 0.8 g/50 ml for MALC and ALC and corresponding to 79.01 and 81.21%, respectively. The highest phenol
removal occurred at 0.8 g in both MALC and ALC. The removal efficiency of each adsorbent increases as the
dosage increases. This increase in the removal efficiency may be due to the increase in the available functional
groups and the total surface area of the adsorbents. Thus, more active sites are present for the adsorption of phenol
from the wastewater. ALC has a higher removal percentage than the MALC.
Fig. 2: Effect of (a) contact time, (b) temperature (c) dosage on the removal of phenol.
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
This study investigated the removal of phenol from Tannery wastewater by batch adsorption process using MgO-
modified adsorbent synthesized from Albizia lebbeck pods, which is an agricultural waste. The un modified
Albizia lebbeck (ALC) and modified Albizia lebbeck (MALC) adsorbent synthesized were characterized
Brunauer–Emmett-Teller (BET), scanning electron microscopy (SEM), energy dispersive X-ray spectrometry
(EDS) and X-ray diffraction (XRD). The BET surface area of the ALC and MALC were 221.5 and 255.8 𝑚2/g,
respectively. The batch adsorption studies were conducted to investigate the effect of contact time, temperature
and adsorbent dosage on the uptake of Phenol from tannery wastewater onto the adsorbents. The adsorbents
showed maximum adsorption efficiencies of 79.01 and 81.21% for ALC and MALC respectively. The result from
this study showed that the synthesized adsorbents were found to be effective for the treatment of tannery
wastewater as the residual concentration of phenolic of the treated wastewater was very low and falls within
permissible limits for effluent discharge.
We would like to express our gratitude to all those who have contributed to this research paper. Without your
hardwork, expertise and dedication, this research would not have been possible.
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Table A1: Comparison of the results of wastewater characterisation with set standards by FEPA
Parameters Sample analysis values Permissible limit (FEPA)
pH 8.33 6–9
Conductivity (mS/cm) 1.425 -
Turbidity (NTU) 3.808 -
TDS (mg/L) 715 30
TOC (%) 1 -
COD (mg/L) 160 164
BOD (mg/L) 0.35 50
Phenolics (mg/L) 0.918 0.2
Pb 1.132 -
Cd 1.002 -
As 0.487 -
Cr 1.477 -
Mn 0.252 -
Fe 0.864 -
Cu 0.132 -
Zn 0.434 -
200 300 400 500 600 700 800
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
% Transmittance
3900 3400 2900 2400 1900 1400 900 400
Wavenumber (cm-1)
Figure A2: FTIR analysis of the MnO2 nanoparticles, ALC and MALC
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
O. A. Salihu*, S. T. Olorunsogo
Department of Agricultural and Bioresources Engineering, Federal University of Technology, Minna, Niger
State, Nigeria
Email: onimisi.a.salihu@gmail.com
Sesame seed candy is a type of candy that is made by combining sesame seeds and either sugar or honey. These
ingredients are then formed into a bar or ball shape through pressing. This study aimed to investigate the effect of
storage duration and influence of three packaging material on the quality of value-added sesame seed candy.
Sesame seed candy samples were packaged in different materials, including Aluminum Foil Laminated Pouches
(AFLP), Low Density Poly Ethylene (LDPE, 400 gauges), High Density Poly Ethylene (HDPE, 700 gauges) and
stored for 60 days at room temperature. Proximate analysis, sensory analysis and microbial analysis of the samples
were carried out every 5 days. The storability analysis of the sesame seed candies shows that both storage duration
and packaging material has influence on the total plate count with p-value less than 0.0001. The longer the duration
of storage the more the growth of bacteria. The mold count is only affected by the packaging material. Based on
the experimental result, aluminum foil laminated pouches are the best material to package the candy and it will
still maintain some of its vital qualities over a period of time.
KEYWORDS: Sesame seed candy, Storage duration, Quality indexes, Deterioration, Packaging materials.
Sesame, also known as beniseed, is a flowering plant belonging to the Sasamum genus, and it is grown primarily
for its edible seeds that develop inside pods. Sesame seeds are among the oldest oilseed crops and contain one of
the highest oil contents of any seed. Sesame is widely considered a health food for promoting anti-aging and
boosting energy levels.(Obiamaka, 2019). Sesame seeds are a rich source of fat, protein, carbohydrates, fiber,
and several minerals. These seeds are widely known for their stability as they can resist oxidative rancidity
effectively, even when they are exposed to air for extended periods (Tunde-Akintunde et al., 2012). Sesame seed
candy is a confectionary made by compressing sesame seeds with sugar or honey into the form of a bar or ball. It
is a well-liked delicacy that is enjoyed across different regions spanning from the Middle East to East Asia, and
its texture may vary between chewy and crispy (Richardson, 2002). In Nigeria, sesame seed candy is a popular
snack among children. The primary components of this snack include sesame seeds, sugar, honey, and
occasionally ginger, lime, orange, lemon, or cinnamon. Sesame seed candy comes in different shapes, such as
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
cubes, cuboids, and spheres, and is commonly sold by teenage girls on the streets. Plate 1 is an image of sesame
seed candy.
The production of sesame seed candy is primarily influenced by two essential factors - the roasting duration and
temperature (Fernandez & DeLeon, 2017). Despite its effect on the quality of the candy, the impact of storage
duration and packaging material has not been studied. Due to high demand for this product, especially among
Nigerian children, and its high consumption rate, research on the shelf life of the product is necessary. This will
enable the identification of an appropriate packaging material that can preserve consistent product quality and the
acceptable duration for which the product can still be safely consumed.
Usually, sesame seed candy is prepared using three basic ingredients, which are sesame seeds, sugar, and honey.
Nevertheless, these ingredients may not suffice to meet the dietary needs of consumers. As a result, fortification
of the product is necessary. Candy fortification refers to the process of including vitamins and minerals in
commonly consumed candies during processing to improve their nutritional value (Olson et al., 2021). It is a well-
established, safe, and economical technique for enhancing diets, preventing and managing micronutrient
deficiencies. In this research, ginger and cinnamon have been selected as fortifiers for the production of sesame
seed candy.
Moisture content is a critical factor that affects the storability of agricultural commodities. High moisture content
promotes the growth of microorganisms, leading to spoilage and degradation of quality. Therefore, it is essential
to maintain the moisture content within the recommended range for each commodity. The percentage moisture
will be calculated using the Equation 1 as given by (Christian et al., 2019). This analysis will be carried out in
triplicate and the average value will be recorded and used for moisture content calculation.
Wl − W4
% Moisture = × 100 (1)
Wl − W
W = weight of empty crucible
W1 = weight of sample and crucible before oven drying
W2 = weight of sample and crucible after oven drying
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
Sesame seeds
Wash seeds
(To remove foreign materials)
(To remove water left)
(At predetermined temperature for a
period of time)
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
S1: Storage S2: Packaging Moisture Protein Vitamin C Water Mold Total Hardness Crispiness
Duration Materials Content Activity Count Plate
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University of Ilorin, Nigeria
4.1 Effect of storage duration and packaging material on the quality of sesame seed candy.
The result shows that moisture content is significantly affected by storage duration and less affected by packaging
materials with p-value less 0.05. However, moisture content tends to increase during storage period. Aluminum
Foil Laminated Pouches gives the least moisture content of 3.98% while High Density Poly Ethylene gives the
highest moisture content of 7.50% (Borchani et al., 2010).
The effect of the storage condition on the protein value of the sesame seed candy is also presented in Table 4.1,
the analysis of variance shows that the packaging material significantly affect the protein value of the candy with
p-value less than 0.05. The result also shows that the packaging material that give high protein value is the high
density poly ethylene (700 gauges) while low density poly ethylene (400 gauges) give the lease protein value.
Sesame seeds is a good source of protein and a source of energy with rich assortment of minerals (Neha & Nandita,
For the vitamin C value, the result show that storage duration significantly affects the vitamin C value of the candy
while the packaging material is less significant with a p-value greater than 0.05. The result also indicates that the
value of vitamin C decrease consistently this may be due to exposure to oxygen during storage, trapped air in the
packaging material can cause the Vitamin C value to decrease (Alvarez-Suarez et al., 2015), beyond the 30th day
vitamin C value were lost hence to maintain the vitamin C value the candy has to be store not beyond 30 days.
Both storage duration and packaging material significantly influence the water activity of the candy. From Table
4.1, the longer the storage duration the increase in water activity. Low density poly ethylene gives the highest
water activity value of 14.8% while high density poly ethylene give the least water activity value of 8.07%.
The mold count is affected significantly by the packaging material. The storage duration does not have much
influence on the bacteria growth. From Table 4.1, it is best to store the candy on low-density poly ethylene (400
gauges) as it gives the least mold count. Storing the candy on Aluminum foil laminated pouch will cause bacteria
to grow and that could deteriorate the candy sample. Both storage duration and packaging material influence the
total plate count. The longer the duration of storage the more the growth of fungi. Storing the candy on high
density poly ethylene will encourage fungi growth as can be seen on Table 4.1. The said packaging material give
a total plate count of 0.0033CFU/g.
From the Table it can be seen that the storage duration significantly affects the hardness of the candy, while
packaging materials has no effect on the hardness. The longer the storage duration the harder the candy becomes.
While both the storage duration and packaging materials do not have any significant effect on the crispiness of
the candy. Crispness is associated with higher pitch sound made while eating a candy, it is important in candy
acceptability. Thus, the food industry has to consider the necessity to control this characteristic both during
production and storage (Roudaut et al., 2002). Low Density Poly Ethylene material gives the lowest crispness of
Sesame seed candy is one of the snacks that is highly consumed by children and adult in remote part of Nigeria.
Knowing the quality of this candy and understanding the factor that influence its quality becomes significant. The
storability analysis of the sesame seed candies also shows that both storage duration and packaging material has
influence on the total plate count with p-value less than 0.0001. the longer the duration of storage the more the
growth of bacteria. The mold count is only affected by the packaging material. Based on the experimental result,
aluminum foil laminated pouches are the recommended material to package the candy and it will still maintain
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
some of its vital qualities over a period of time. Future studies can investigate the effect of other packaging
materials and storage conditions on sesame seed candy quality.
We sincerely appreciate Mr. Audu Yohanna, a laboratory technologist in faculty of Agriculture, Federal
University of Technology, Minna for taking his precious time to assist us in carrying out the practical aspect of
this research work.
Alvarez-Suarez, J. M., Giampieri, F., & Battino, M. (2015). Honey as a source of dietary antioxidants: Structures,
bioavailability and evidence of protective effects against human chronic diseases. Current Medicinal
Chemistry, 22(34), 4279-4290. https://doi.org/doi: 10.2174/0929867322666150722105757
Borchani, C., Besbes, S., Blecker, C. H., & Attia, H. (2010). Chemical Characteristics and Oxidative Stability of
Sesame Seed, Sesame Paste and Olive Oils. Journal of Agriculture, Science and Technology, 12, 585 -
Christian, E., E, Stanley, C., I, & Emmanuel, C., I. (2019). Proximate and Mineral Composition of Sesamum
indicum L. Seed. Medical & Analytical Chemistry International Journal, 3(4), 1 - 5.
Fernandez, E., & DeLeon, M. (2017). Effect of roasting conditions on sesame seed candy quality. Journal of Food
Science and Technology, 54(9), 2843-2849. https://doi.org/doi: 10.1007/s13197-017-2726-7
Neha, S., & Nandita, S. (2012). Wonders of Sesame: Nuteraceutical Uses and Health Benefits. 1 - 5
Obiamaka, A. U. (2019). Katun Ridi, the Snack enjoyed in Kaduna State. Retrieved from
Olson, R., Gavin-Smith, B., Ferraboschi, C., & Kraemer, K. (2021). Food Fortification: The Advantages,
Disadvantages and Lesson from Sight and Life Programs. nutrients, 13, 1118. Retrieved from
Richardson, T. H. (2002). Sweets: A History of Candy. 53 - 54. Retrieved from
Roudaut, G., Dacremont, C., Valles Pamies, B., Colas, B., & Le Meste, M. (2002). Crispness: a critical review on
sensory and material science approaches. Trends inf Food Science & Technology, 13, 217 - 227.
Sukanya, W., & Michael, O. M. (2014). The 9-point hedonic scale and hedonic ranking in food science: some
reappraisals and alternatives. Journal of Science. Food Agric, 1 -12. Retrieved from
Tunde-Akintunde, T. Y., Oke, M. O., & Akintunde, B. O. (2012). Sesame Seed, Oil Seeds, Dr. Uduak G. Akpan
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
In this work, the energy analyses of Briquettes produced from locally sourced Groundnut Shell was determined
and the proximate and ultimate analysis of the torrefied Groundnut Shell was carried out. In the preparation of the
Briquettes (Groundnut Shell Briquette), cassava starch was used as a binder. The concentration of the binder was
varied between 20 – 60 wt% while 70g of the sample was used throughout the experiment. The Calorific Values
of the produced Briquettes were done using the Oxygen Bomb Calorimeter. Design Expert Central Composite
design tool was used in the Design and Response Surface Methodology was used to optimize the Calorific Values
of Groundnut Shell Briquettes. The Groundnut Shell Briquettes with optimized conditions were produced using
39.525 wt% binder concentrations, 57.512 seconds dwelling time and 4.316 MPa compaction pressure. The result
showed that the Groundnut Shell Briquette gave 17.869 MJ/Kg Calorific Value. The Groundnut Shell Briquette
gave the water boiling test and burning rate of 15.82 min and 0.22 g/min respectively. Therefore, Groundnut Shell
briquette will be a good source of alternative energy since it is within the range of 17.00 MJ/kg – 24.00 MJ/kg.
KEYWORDS: Briquettes, Calorific Value, Water Boiling Test, Burning Rate, Dwelling Time.
The decrease in the availability of fuel for domestic and cottage industries coupled with the ever-rising prices of
non-renewable energies in developing countries such as Nigeria have necessitated alternative energy sources.
Briquette is a good example of an alternative source of energy. This is because briquettes are very cheap and
affordable (Ogwu et al., 2014). Briquettes are produced from biomass. Biomass is a natural material of biological
origin in abundance. Its abundance in nature makes it the best alternative energy source which is good for the
mitigation of greenhouse gas emissions (Abdu and Sadiq, 2014). Biomass is usually plant based and popularly
called cellulosic biomass (Shukla, 2015). Therefore, different types of waste have been used to form biomass
briquettes. Some of the briquettes formed are briquettes from sawdust, date palm trunk, different plastic wastes,
groundnut shell, coffee husk and pulp, rice husk and several other biomasses (Onukak et al., 2017). Over 40 years
ago, researchers have looked towards the area of biomass for its renewability, abundance and positive
environmental impacts. Felling of trees poses a serious danger to the environment which should be highly
discouraged and room be given to other sources of renewable energy like agricultural waste materials (Mba, 2019,
Olowoyeye, 2021). Biomass in its original state is hard to handle, transport, store and use because of its high
moisture content, irregular shapes, irregular sizes and low bulk density. In order to resolve these challenges,
densification is adopted. Densification involves the production of densified products having uniform shapes and
sizes, making it easier to handle, store and to be transported easily. This brings about cost reduction (Kumar et
al., 2017). This research seeks to treat, characterize, torrefy Groundnut Shell and also to optimize the Calorific
Value from produced Groundnut Shell Briquettes using Design Expert after which the performance evaluation
was carried out.
2.1 Materials
The materials used are Groundnut Shell which was obtained from Somazhiko Gboko Local Government, Niger
State. Cassava Starch was used as the binder.
2.2 Equipment
Briquettes Rig, Oxygen Bomb Calorimeter, Grinding Machine, stop watch, Measuring Cylinder and Analytical
2.3 Methods
2.3.1 Treatment and characterization of the raw material
The initial treatments of the agricultural waste (Groundnut Shell) were carried out through sorting, drying, size
reduction. The sorted feedstock was sun dried for 14 days and then taken for characterization: Proximate and
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
Ultimate analyses.
2.3.2 Torrecfaction of the treated Groundnut Shell
The agricultural wastes (Groundnut Shell) was torrefied at a temperature range of 240 – 260 ᵒC using muffle oven
for a period of an hour at NCRI Badeggi, Bida Niger State.
2.3.3 Optimization of the calorific value from produced briquettes using design expert
Design Expert Software was used for the optimization of the calorific value obtained from the briquettes which
was produced from torrefied agricultural wastes. The Central Composite design (CCD), the experimental design
in Response Surface Methodology (RSM) was used to obtain a second-order (quadratic) model. The design
resulted in 20 Runs with Binder proportion, compaction pressure and dwelling time as independent variables and
the Calorific Value of the briquettes as the response. Four replication of center points were used to predict a good
estimation of errors and experiments were done in a randomized order. The actual and coded levels of each factor
are shown in Table 1. The coded values were designated by -1(Minimum), 0 (Centre) and +1(Maximum) was
used as adopted from (Ameh et al., 2019).
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
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Ignition Time = Time the briquette is ignited − Time the burner was lighted (2)
Table 2 indicates the percentage of moisture content, Ash content, volatile matter content and fixed carbon content.
The table shows that Groundnut Shell volatile matter is quite high which implies that the combustion will be fast
as well as the burning temperature. The groundnut shell has a very high fixed carbon content of 24.925% as
compared to other agricultural wastes. This suggests that groundnut shells can be more exposed to solid
combustion. This implies that groundnut shells will produce low amount of ash. This agrees with the findings of
Chukwuneke et al. (2020)
The Ultimate analysis of the two samples (Groundnut Shell and Rice Husk) is presented in Table 2.
Table 3 Ultimate Analyses of Groundnut shell
Samples C H N O S
Groundnut 62.337 5.920 1.892 27.328 0.275
Shell (%)
Table 3 indicates the percentage of Carbon, Hydrogen, Nitrogen, Oxygen and Sulfur content. The amount of
Carbon and Hydrogen content in the samples is very satisfactory as it signifies that the samples have high
combustibility and can be used to produce briquettes.
3.1 Statistical and Optimization of the Calorific Value of Groundnut Shell Briquettes.
The design plan in Table 4 was employed for the statistical analysis and optimization of the calorific value of
Groundnut Shell and Rice Husk Briquettes. The variables: Binding Ratio (A), Dwelling Time (B) and Compaction
pressure (C) with Calorific value as the response were optimized using the coded values of the test variables.
Table 4 Results of Experimental Design Matrix for optimization of Calorific values for Groundnut Shell
F1 F2 F3 Response
Std Run Space Type A: B: C: Calorific
Binding Dwelling Compaction Value
Ratio Time Pressure
Wt% Seconds MPa MJ/kg
18 1 Center 40 80 3.5 18.7048
10 2 Axial 74 80 3.5 20.2376
11 3 Axial 40 40 3.5 15.5013
13 4 Center 40 80 3.5 18.6558
3 5 Factorial 20 120 2 17.7652
2 6 Factorial 60 40 2 19.2005
1 7 Factorial 20 40 2 12.9054
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
14 8 Axial 40 80 6 19.6422
5 9 Factorial 20 40 5 15.8764
20 10 Center 40 80 3.5 18.7048
15 11 Center 40 80 3.5 18.7048
7 12 Factorial 20 120 5 22.0926
6 13 Factorial 60 40 5 18.5959
19 14 Center 40 80 3.5 18.7048
17 15 Center 40 80 3.5 18.7048
12 16 Axial 40 147 3.5 18.9167
4 17 Factorial 60 120 2 18.5689
16 18 Center 40 80 3.5 18.7048
8 19 Factorial 60 120 5 18.5689
9 20 CentEdge 20 80 2 16.0987
The energy value depends on the significance of the variation of the results from process parameter combinations.
The quadratic regression equation developed from the software is seen in Eq 3. This equation gives the optimum
calorific value by relating it with the actual value.
𝑦 = −0.023911 + 0.268939𝐴 + 0.176056𝐵 + 1.74973𝐶 − 0.001834𝐴𝐵 − 0.033082𝐴𝐶 + 0.004085𝐵𝐶
+ 0.000396𝐴4 − 0.000506𝐵4 − 0.030206𝐶 4 (3)
where A = Binding Ratio; B = Dwelling Time; C = Compaction Pressure; Y = Calorific Value
The quadratic model shows how the three factors (A, B and C) affect the response (Calorific values). It comprises
one-factor and multi-factor coefficients, which gives the effect of a single factor and combined effects of different
factors respectively. The positive and negative terms represent synergistic and antagonistic effects respectively.
In Table 4, the sequential model sum of squares gave a model F-value of 69.09 which implies that the model is
significant. This level of significance justifies the fact that the proposed quadratic model is adequate. The Model
is adequate since the statistic gave test of regression coefficient of R2 = 0.9842 with adjusted R2 value of 0.9699
and predicted R2 value of 0.9071. The CV obtained was 1.83%. Since the Adeq Precision of 39.9650 is greater
than 4, the signal is thus adequate; hence the design space can be navigated with the model (Chukwuneke et al.,
2020). Using the 5% significance p-value level for the analysis of variance (ANOVA), it can be seen from Table
5 that the terms A, B, C (Linear), AB, AC (Interactive) and B2 (quadratic). Fig 1 shows the combined effect of
two independent variables on the Caloric value as shown in the 3D surface plots. The interactive effect of dwelling
time and binding ratio on the Calorific Value of Briquettes produced from Groundnut Shells shows that as the
dwelling time and binding ratio increase, the calorific value also increases until it reaches the optimum point. The
Factor Coding: Actual
optimum point gives high quality3D Surface according to the findings of Chukwuneke et al. (2020).
Calorific Value (MJ/kg)
Design Points:
Above Surface
Below Surface
12.9054 22.0926
X1 = A
X2 = B
Calorific Value (MJ/kg)
Actual Factor
C = 3.5 16
120 60
100 50
80 40
B: Dwelling Time (Seconds) 60 30 A: Binding Ratio (Wt%)
40 20
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
particle size of the treated groundnut shell used to produce the briquette which conforms to that of (Ameh et al.,
2019). Also, keeping the binding ratio and compaction pressure constant, it was observed that as the dwelling time
was increasing, the calorific value was increasing. This implies that the longer the hydraulic jack presses the mixed
sample, the better the calorific value. Finally, keeping the binding ratio and the dwelling time constant, the
calorific values was observed to be increasing as the compaction pressure was increasing. This is a result of the
particle size coming closer together to form a high quality briquette that can burn efficiently according to (Wilson
et al., 2017).
Actual Factors 22
A = 40
B = 80
C = 3.5
Calorific Value (MJ/kg)
Fig 2 perturbation graphs showing the effects of the 3-factors on Calorific Value
Fig 3 shows the relationship between predicted energy value and actual energy value as given by the Design
Expert software. Figure 3 gives a close distribution of the point along the straight line which implies agreement
between the experimental and predicted energy values hence the developed quadratic model is justified.
Predicted vs. Actual
Calorific Value
12 14 16 18 20 22 24
Figure 3 Graph showing the relationship between predicted values and actual values
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
Table 5. Significance of regression coefficients of Calorific value for Groundnut Shell briquettes
Source Sum of Squares df Mean Square F-value p-value
Model 69.23 9 7.69 69.09 < 0.0001 significant
A-Binding Ratio 5.60 1 5.60 50.31 < 0.0001
B-Dwelling Time 22.01 1 22.01 197.65 < 0.0001
C-Compaction Pressure 6.37 1 6.37 57.25 < 0.0001
AB 17.21 1 17.21 154.60 < 0.0001
AC 8.53 1 8.53 76.63 < 0.0001
BC 0.4807 1 0.4807 4.32 0.0644
A² 0.1996 1 0.1996 1.79 0.2102
B² 5.66 1 5.66 50.88 < 0.0001
C² 0.0351 1 0.0351 0.3156 0.5866
Residual 1.11 10 0.1113
Lack of Fit 1.11 4 0.2778 810.01 < 0.0001 significant
Pure Error 0.0021 6 0.0003
Cor Total 70.35 19
The optimization process gave 17.869 MJ/kg of Calorific Value, 39.525 wt% Binding Ratio, 57.512 Seconds
dwelling time and 4.316 MPa Compaction Pressure. These optimum values are shown in Table 6.
Table 6. Optimum values of Groundnut Shell Briquettes obtained from Design Expert Software
Binding Ratio wt% Dwelling Time (Sec) Compaction Pressure Calorific Value
A B (MPa) C (MJ/Kg)
39.09 57.512 4.316 17.869
The Groundnut shell briquettes have shown to be good source of an alternative energy. This research work was
carried out to analyze the energy content of the briquettes produced from locally sourced groundnut shell. The
optimization of the calorific value of the groundnut shell briquettes using cassava starch as binder was performed
using response surface methodology (RSM). The groundnut shell briquettes were produced using optimized
condition of values of 39.525 wt% binding ratio, 57.512 seconds dwelling time, 4.316 MPa compaction pressure.
This gave the calorific value of 17.869 MJ/kg, burning rate of 0.22 g/min, water boiling time of 15.82 mins and
ignition time of 15 mins. This value of the calorific value falls within the range of 17.00 MJ/kg and 24.00 MJ/kg
making it a good energy source.
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Chukwuneke J. L., Umeji A. C., Sinebe J. E. & Fakiyesi O. B. (2020). Optimization of Composition of Selected
Biomass for Briquette Production. Universal Journal of Mechanical Engineering, 8(4), 227 – 236. DOI:
Kpalo, S.Y., Zainuddin, M.F., Manaf, L.A., & Roslan,A.M. (2020). Production and Characterization of Hybrid
Briquettes from Corncobs and Oil Palm Trunk Bark under a LowPressure Densification Technique. 2-16.
Okot, D.K. (2019). Briquetting and Torrefaction of Agricultural Residues for Energy Production. Wilson,
M., Dick, K., Ochieng, A., Margret, N., and Flavia, N. (2017). Effect of Compaction Pressure, Particle
Size and Binder Ratio on Thermo-Physical Properties of Maize Cob Briquettes. International Journal of
Scientific and Engineering, 8(2), 329 – 338.
Onuegbu, T.U., Ekpunobi, U.E., Ogbu, I.M., Ekeoma, M.O. and Obumselu, F.O. (2011) Comparative studies
of Ignition Time and water boiling test of coal and biomass briquettes blend. International Journal of Recent
Research and Applied Studies. 7, 153- 159.
Yahaya, D.B., and Ibrahim, T.B. (2012). Development of Rice Husk Briquettes For use as fuel. Research Journal
of Engineering Applied Science. 1(2), 130- 133.
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
This study aimed to assess the impact of effluent discharge from aquaculture fish farm on the water quality
of a nearby receiving River Chanchaga Minna (9° 35′ 00" N, 6° 35′ 00"E) in Niger State. Some physiochemical
water quality parameters of the effluent receiving stream were determined at seven selected sites, above and
below the effluent discharge point into the stream to assess the effluent impact on the water body. The water
quality parameters investigated include (water temperature, true color, turbidity and transparency), chemical
parameters (pH, conductivity, TDS, total alkalinity, total hardness, ammonia and DO), major ions (Ca²+, Mg²+,
Na+, K+, Cl−, SO4²− and HCO³ˉ), nutrient compound and heavy metals. Water samples were collected for:
both rainy and dry season and analyzed in the laboratory using standard analytical methods. The effluent
discharge from the investigated fish farm had a significant negative impact on the water quality of the receiving
River and the indicator parameters comprised of ammonia, color and alkalinity.
Aquaculture plays an important role in the development of many national economies and a key role in the
socio-economic resilience of rural areas, potentially offering valuable and skill-based employment opportunities
and, in some cases, stabilizing the economic base of otherwise fragile communities (Edwards 1999; Muir 1999;
Haylor and Bland 2001). Fish production is very important for many reasons. Fish is one of the most stable food
items for man as it provides a rich source of essential protein for human consumption. carbohydrate diet, like in
Africa (FAQ, 2005).
The common of discharge fish farming effluents among the local fish farmers in Nigeria are land disposal and
dilution technique. Disposal effluent into a body of water or watercourses is known as disposal by dilution. There
has been great concern about the level of safety of surface and underground waters, especially in developing
countries (Nigeria) where there is an exponential increase in water pollution and an inefficient system of waste
management. Hence, there is the need for continual research on the impact of pollution on aquatic. The toxic
effects of fish pond effluents on surface water has been highlighted by Boyd (1990, 2001, 2003, 2005); Sticking,
(2002); Omofunmi, (2014); Tucker and Robinson (1990), and Tomasso, (2002), that it produces offensive odour,
impacts negatively on the aesthetic value of adjacent rivers. Characterization of fish farming effluents and
quantification of their environmental impacts in aquaculture provides required information for effective waste
management systems generation, collection, transportation, storage, treatment and ultimate disposal which are not
currently coordinated in Nigeria. Almost all the fish farmers were not treating their effluents before discharging
into the environment. Pond pisciculture affects the chemical composition of the water; depending on the season,
species and size of fish stock (Boyd and Tucker 1998; Brune et al; 2003; Quant et al; 2009; Sidoruk, Assessing
the impact of fish farming on the water quality of river Chanchaga. I. To determine the physico-chemical water
quality parameters of the effluents receiving River. II. To determine the level of concentration of water quality
parameters at each station of the river. III. To determine the causes of the environmental problem associated with
flow through land-based fish farming facility
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
The investigated water body is River Chanchaga is located at the southern part of Minna, Niger State capital,
and lies between latitudes 90 351 0011 N and longitudes 60 351 0011 E. The study area is predominantly underlain
by the pre-cambrian basement complex rocks. The climate of the area is characterized by two distinct seasons:
rainy season (may- October) and dry season (Nov-April) and it is warm throughout the year with average
monthly temperature in the range of 280C and 350C while the relative humidity is in the range of 85 and 95%.
River Chanchaga servers as a major natural water source upon which members of the riparian communities
depend, domestic water supply and some socioeconomic activities.
Water samples for analysis was collected four times from each sampling station comprising two times in the
dry season an two times in the rainy season. Sampling at each station was carried out at a fixed time of the day
from about 0800h to 1800 h of each sampling date. At each sampling station, water samples were taken just below
the water surface using uncontaminated 2.5-L plastic bottles.
The analyses was carried out within the holding time of each parameter, according to applicable standard
methods (APHA 1995, 1998; Golterman et al. 1978; Willis and Savory 1995) the impact was determined by
comparing the water quality of the unimpacted stations (A-B) with that of the impacted stations (E&F) as well as
by comparing the latter stations with reference water (Stations G) and the Nigerian Standard for Drinking Water
Quality (NSDWQ) and WHO Adequate quality control and quality
Water temp. (oC) 26.46 30.0 28.0 (±0.82) 28.04 30.0 8.088 1.95E-03***
(±0.32) (±1.04 (±0.35) (±2.7)
True color (Pt.Co.mg/L) 9.99 60.91 59.96 53.64 0.0 (±0.0) 8.73 7.33E-03***
(±7.02) (±8.63 (±9.23) (±13.0)
Turbidity (NTU) 18.89 40.86 38.75 (±8.9) 33.05 10.2 9.18 1.02E-03***
(±2.80) (±7.23 (±3.5) (±3.5)
General chemical
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
Ca2+ (mg/L) 7.67 5.28 6.38 (±1.0) 8.50 2.8 (±1.2) 3.908 3.34E-02**
(±0.81) (±2.0) (±1.28)
Mg2+ (mg/L) 2.44 0.96 1.48 (±0.40) 2.29 1.24 1.007 0.380
(±0.33) (±0.20 (±0.56) (±0.2)
Na+ (mg/L) 5.25 6.86 6.61 (±0.25) 6.50 3.10 33.74 7.92E-08***
(±0.26) (±0.35 (±0.2) (±0.2)
K+ (mg/L) 2.74 5.91 5.10 (±0.22) 5.31 0.85 63.7 1.49E-10***
(±0.26) (±0.24 (±0.21) (±0.06)
CI- (mg/L) 5.54 8.02 7.03 (±0.39) 6.88 1.7 (±0.3) 14.07 8.06E-05***
(±0.55) (±0.46 (±0.48)
SO2-4 (mg/L) 2.26 8.23 7.43 (±1.53) 6.50 0.49 12.63 1.61E-04***
(±0.38) (±1.23 (±1.03) (±0.32)
HCO-3 (mg/L) 29.9 82.43 74.52 70.1 37.37 12.14 2.07E-04***
(±3.3) (±22.1 (±20.66) (±8.2) (±5.34)
Nutrient compounds
NO-3 (mg/L) 1.57 4.5 3.5 (±0.89) 1.63 0.0 (±0.0) 0.023 0.095
(±0.89) (±1.20 (±0.54)
NO-2 (MG/l) 0.09 1.36 0.26 (±0.80) 0.13 0.0 (±0.0) 0.309 0.584
(±0.05) (±0.40 (±0.4)
PO3-4 (mg/L) 0.34 0.56 0.51 (±0.29) 0.495 0.31 0.383 0.685
(±0.14) (±0.81 (±0.14) (±0.26)
Heavy metals
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
Mn2+ (mg/L) 1.39 2.55 1.55 (±0.19) 1.59 1.63 0.830 0.448
(±0.15) (±0.19 (±0.09) (±0.19)
Fe2+ (mg/L) 1.87 2.01 2.12 (±0.49) 2.45 2.39 2.257 0.125
(±0.13) (±0.59 (±0.26) (±0.30)
Cu2+ (mg/L) 0.054 0.032 0.054 0.067 0.134 1.384 0.269
(±0.02) (±0.04 (±0.03) (±0.02) (±0.08)
Zn2+ (mg/L) 0.147 0.492 0.292 0.182 0.178 0.00 0.956
(±0.09) (±0.07 (±0.21) (±0.09) (±0.084)
Table 2. Mean values of water quality parameters of the investigated Chanchaga River compare with
WHO and NSDWQ standard
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
USS: unimpacted sampling station EPP: effluent point from pond EDP: Effluent discharge point
ISS: impacted sampling station RWB: reference water body WHO: world health organization
NSDWQ: Nigeria’s standard drinking water quality NA: not applicable
*Significant; P < 0.05
**Highly significant; P < 0.01
***Very highly significant; P < 0.001
Table 3. ANOVA statistics of Seasonal variations in the water Quality parameters of Chanchaga
Parameter Dry season samples Rainy season ANOVA statistics
Mean ±SE Mean ±SE F P
pH 6.53(±1.05) 7.64(±1.65) 10.43 0.015
TDS (mg/L) 36.15(±3.86) 50.56(±5.54 4.55 0.043
Water temp. ( c) 30.0(±3.24) 26.46(±2.41) 5.35 0.023
Turbidity (NTU) 18.34(±2.90) 29.09(±3.72) 5.188 0.031
Phosphate, PO4 (mg/L) 0.72(±0.13) 0.08(±0.03) 22.79 6.1E-05***
Manganese, Mn2+ (mg/L) 1.20(±0.09) 1.82(±0.06) 32.34 5.5E-06***
Iron, Fe (mg/L) 1.91(±0.18) 2.48(±0.18) 4.79 0.0379*
Dissolve Oxygen (mg/L) 5.43(±1.05 3.38 8.56 0.035
Mercury, Hg (mg/L) 0.55(±0.17) 0.02(±0.003) 9.98 0.004**
Nitrate NO3 (mg/L) 1.57(±0.12) 3.5(±1.62) 18.62 0.046
Ammonia (mg/L) 2.12(±0.15) 0.17(±0.45) 5.21 0.041
Alkalinity (mg/L calo3) 78.1(±15.32 58.85(±12.3 25.31 0.024
* Significant; P < 0.05
**Highly significant; P < 0.01 ***Very highly significant; P < 0.001 SE-Std Error
The results of the investigated physicochemical parameters in the sampling stations are presented in Table
1 and 2 Generally most of the investigated parameters were of higher concentrations in the impacted section
than in the unimpacted section, while the other parameters were higher in the unimpacted section than in the
impacted section of the effluent receiving stream. Also a general pattern of progressive decrease in
concentrations of investigated parameters (except DO, Cu2+, Fe2+ and Mg2+) was observed from the point of
effluent discharge (Station D) into the stream to the last impacted sampling station F. according to Chapman
(1992), effluent discharge would be deemed to impact a stream if the concentration of a given physicochemical
variable is higher in the effluent or just below its point of discharge and decreases significantly with increasing
distance downstream.
This study characterized some physico-chemical water quality parameters of the effluent receiving river
chanchaga were determined at seven selected sites, above and below the effluent discharge point Table 1. The
seven sampling stations comprised two stations (A-B) located upstream effluent discharge point (station D),
effluent point from the ponds (Station C), two stations (E and F) located downstream of station D, while the
seventh station (Station G) was a closed-by reference groundwater source.
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
The water quality parameter revealed the level of the mean concentrations of turbidity, true color,4 NH3, PO3-,
Mn2+, Fe2+, and Hg2+ were above the FEPA (1991) effluent limitation standards. The difference between the
water qualities of impacted and unimpacted stretches of the effluent receiving stream was significant (P < 0.05)
for more than half of the parameters. All the investigated parameters (except total hardness, DO and Hg2+) were
higher in the impacted section than in the unimpacted section, thus indicating the negative impact on the
receiving stream. The effluent qualities varied among the investigated parameters and decreased (except DO,
Fe2+, Mn2+ and Hg2+) gradually from the outpour downstream. The pronounced increase
in ammonia, major ions and nutrient compounds indicated that the discharge from the fish farm is both
inorganic and organic. The effluent discharge from the investigated fish farm had a significant negative impact
on the water quality of the receiving River and the indicator parameters comprised of ammonia, color and
This study is not funded by any organization. The author wishes to thank the Department of Civil
Engineering, Water Resources and Environmental Engineering for providing the facilities to analyzed the
samples and my supervisor Engr. Dr. M. Saidu whose experience, educative suggestions help this research
work come to conclusion.
APHA (American Public Health Association) (1995) Standard methods for the examination of water
and wastewater. American Public Health Association, Washington, DC Boyd CE (1990) Water quality
in ponds for aquaculture. Fisheries and Allied Aquacultures Departmental Series no. 3. Auburn
University Press, Birmingham, Ala
Boyd CE, Tucker CS (2000) EPA rule-making for aquaculture effluents in the United States. Glob Aquac
Advocate 3(6):81–82
Chapman DE (1992) Water quality assessments: a guide to the use of biota, sediments and water in
environmental monitoring. UNESCO, World Health Organization, United Nations Environment Programme,
London, p 585
Edwards P (1999) Aquaculture and poverty: past, present and future prospects of impact. Fifth Fisheries
Development Donor Consultation, Rome, Italy, 22–24 February 1999. Rome, Italy.
FAO (2005) Inventory of fish farms in Nigeria. Aquaculture and inland fisheries Project of the National
Special Programme for Food Security with State Agricultural Development Programme, pp 1–10
FEPA (1991) Guidelines and standards for environmental control in Nigeria. Federal Environmental
Protection Agency (FEPA), Government Press, Lagos, p 238 Golterman HL, Clymo RS, Ohnstad MAM
(1978) Methods for physical and chemical analysis of freshwater. IBP handbook No. 8. Blackwell
Scientific Publication, Oxford
Haylor G, Bland S (2001) Integrating aquaculture into rural development in coastal and inland areas. In:
Subasinghe RP, Bueno P, Phillips MJ, Hough C, McGladdery CE, Arthur JR (eds) Aquaculture in the third
millennium technical. Proceedings of the conference on aquaculture in the third millennium, Bangkok,
Thailand, 20–25 February 2000. Bangkok, Thailand and FAO, Rome, Italy: NACA and FAO, pp 73–81
NSDWQ (2007) Nigerian guidelines and standards for drinking water quality. Nigerian Industrial Standard
Technical Paper No. 554
WHO (2014). water safety in distribution systems. Geneva: WORLD Health Organization
(http:/apps.who.int/iris/bitstream/106655/204422/1/9789241548892_eng.pdf, accessed 7 June 2016).
Tucker CS, Hargreaves JA (2003) Management of effluents from channel catfish (Ictalurus punctatus)
embankment ponds in the southeastern United States. Aquaculture 226:5–21.
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
Muir J (1999) Aquaculture and poverty: full baskets or empty promises? Perspectives from DFID aquaculture
research programme. Paper presented at the Fifth Fisheries Development Donor Consultation, 22–24 February,
FAO, Rome
Tucker CS, Hargreaves JA (2003) Management of effluents from channel catfish (Ictalurus punctatus)
embankment ponds in the southeastern United States. Aquaculture 226:5–21. Willis MR, Savory J (1995) Water
content of aluminum dialysis dementia and Ostemalacia. Environ Health Perspect 63:141–147.
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
In recent era there is a great scope for advancement in power generation considering environment friendly
technology such as renewable energy technology is becoming, as technically viable and environmentally friendly.
Around the world, effort is being made to study the viability of renewable energy incorporated hybrid system as
alternative of diesel generator. The hybrid energy system generally works with primary renewable source in
parallel combination of a standby secondary non-renewable module and storage unit (Ali et al., 2017).
Main drawbacks of the standalone system considering solar as well as wind energy is the energy fluctuation,
resulting in intermittent delivery of power and causing problems if reliable and continuous supply is required
benefits. So, such types of problems can be overcome by the use of standalone hybrid systems. A hybrid power
system can be defined as a combination of different source of energy, but complementary energy generation
system can be provided by renewable energy or mixed (RES- with a backup of diesel generator set). Hybrid
systems provides the better features of each energy resources as compared to conventional sources and also
provide “grid-quality” electricity, with a power range of kilowatt to several hundred kilowatts (Iqbal & Khan,
2017; Zubo et al., 2018). Recent increase in power system complexity, rapid increased in energy demand, the
requirement of secured and reliable power system, and power supply efficiency have made Hybrid Energy
Systems (HES) development a major focus of the recent.
This section introduces the fundamental concepts relevant to this research. The review of literature is very
important in establishing the basis and contemporaries of any research.
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
(Iqbal & Khan, 2017). The solar cell process of capturing and converting sunlight energy into electricity is
generally referred as photovoltaic conversion (Zubo et al., 2018).
2.1.3 MPPT
Maximum power point tracking (MPPT) is a control algorithm implanted in a DC–DC electronic power system
converter with the function to extract maximum power from a PV array system. The main purpose of MPPT
technique is to guarantee that the maximum power extracted from a PV system matches the optimum value of the
power and voltage characteristic curve under sunlight irradiation (G) and temperature (T) variations. The function
of the MPPT tracking algorithms is to latch the converter system operating voltage and current to the maximum
power point (MPP) of the PV array.
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
Where; 𝑉𝑝𝑣 = PV- module Voltage, 𝐼𝑝𝑣 = PV Module Current, 𝐼𝑝𝑣 = Light current in (A), 𝐼𝑝𝑣 = Diode reverse
saturation current, 𝑄𝑑 = Diode idealistic factor, 𝑅𝑝 = Shun Resistance, 𝑅𝑠 = series resistance, 𝑛𝑠 = number of cells,
𝑉𝑡 = is the thermal voltage (V), k is Boltzmann's constant, Tc is the cell temperature, and q is the charge of
an electron respectively.
3.3 Inverter System
Inverter system is an electrical device with related electronic components used to convert DC power into AC
power within designed frequency and voltage magnitude. In system of microgrids architecture, an inverter system
function to interfaces the DC sources of a renewable energy system to AC systems where the loads and utility
grid are coupled. Technically, the inverter system is an important component in the microgrid system through
which the voltage, frequency, active and reactive power can be controlled and stabilized. A typical three phase
inverter system for PV interfacing to grid is as shown in figure 2.
The equivalent circuit system consists of three single phase inverter system cascaded together. The system
operates like a single-phase inverter system but with 120o delay in the gating signals of each arm with respect to
others. This is done to obtain a balanced three phase voltage from the output of the system. The technique is to
controlled the operation of the transistor and diodes in the inverter circuit provided in any arm two switches are
not ON or OFF simultaneously. The space vector equation representing this type of inverter can be expressed as
in Equation 2.
𝑉= (𝑉1 + 𝑎𝑉H + 𝑎4 𝑉: ) (2)
Moreover, this space vector formulation can be applied to both delta and star connected loads
Let Assume a star connected load, the total phase voltages at the star load for both balanced and unbalanced
conditions is zero.
𝑉𝑎 + 𝑉𝑏 + 𝑉𝑐 = 0
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
While, the phase voltage at the load point of coupling can be computed using Equation 4
𝑉𝑖 = 𝑉𝑗 − 𝑉𝑛𝑘 (4)
where 𝑖= 𝑎, 𝑏, 𝑐, 𝑗= 𝐴, 𝐵, 𝐶 and n is the neutral point at the load point of interface k is the negative rail of the dc
bus in the inverter Now, from Equation 4, 𝑉𝑛k can be expressed in terms of voltages at A, B and C as:
𝑉𝑛𝑘 = 𝑑𝑐 (𝑎∗ + 𝑏∗ + 𝑐∗ ) (5)
Hence, the connection between the switching variable vectors 𝑎 , 𝑏 , 𝑐 and phase to neutral output voltages vector
* * *
This chapter provides the detailed results and discussion of the analysis carried out based on the theoretical
concepts in the preceding chapters are presented.
4.1 Load Profile
The village considered to be electrified by Hybrid Energy Source is a residential building
at Graceland, Zaria. The load profile of the residential was obtain from a survey as shown
in Table 1.
Table 1: Electrical energy utilization data in kWh/day
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
The total load obtained from the residence per day was calculated to be 74.118kWh and the daily load profile is
shown in the Figure 3.
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
The plenteous energy available in nature can be harnessed and utilized to provide source of electricity that is more
sustainable than fossil fuels. Access to electricity is particularly important concern for people without access to
the electricity grid. The economic feasibility of hybrid power systems integrating renewable energy to meet the
load requirements of a residence in Marcus Poli Estate Gwarinpa, Abuja, Nigeria has been successfully
Using HOMER software for optimization, five different systems are proposed as somewhat optimal. For the
proposed systems the following conclusions are drawn:
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
i. The most economic hybrid system is the solar pv-battery-power converter, with a net present cost
(NPC) of US$118,771 and a cost of energy (COE) of US$0.340/kWh.
ii. The second most economic hybrid system is the pv-diesel generator- battery-power converter, with
COE and NPC US$0.411/kWh and US$143,616 respectively.
iii. The diesel generator-battery-power converter is the third most economic hybrid system, with NPC
of US$646,967 and COE of US$1.85/kWh
iv. The fourth most economic hybrid system is the pv-diesel-power converter with NPC of US$1.88M
and COE of US$5.37/kWh
17. The final most economic hybrid system is the diesel generator with NPC of US$2.76M and COE of
18. In this research work, the PV system is the only renewable power system considered. Therefore, it is recommended
that more renewable energy sources can as well be incorporated so as to increase the power gotten from renewable
energy sources.
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environment. Applied Energy, 220, 713–722.
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
Leukaemia is a fatal blood cancer that occurs due to the formation of abnormal and excessive increases in white
blood cells in the bone marrow or blood. The traditional approaches used to diagnose the disease involve the
manual analysis of blood sample images obtained from a microscope. This approach is tedious, slow, time-
consuming, and prone to errors. Therefore, automatic detection of leukaemia based on the counting of the two
blood cells is paramount for diagnosis and increasing the patient’s survival rate. This paper presents a system that
can detect each of the two blood cells needed through image processing, segmentation, and classification. The
detection, classification, and counts are only limited to two of the cells present in the digital blood smear which
are the white blood cells (WBCs) and red blood cells (RBCs). The model was evaluated with a collection of
confirmed cases and normal cases to test its effectiveness in predicting the presence of Leukaemia by computing
the ratio of WBC to RBC. The suggested model exhibits good performance results and can be utilized to make a
reliable computer-aided diagnosis detection of leukaemia cancer.
KEYWORDS: Leukaemia, White Blood Cells (WBCs), Red Blood Cells (RBCs), Detection, Machine Learning,
Blood Smear.
Patients suffering from cancer that are dying due to the delay in discovering the cancerous cells in a blood smear
is alarming, especially in developing countries. Cancer has been one of the leading causes of death among humans
of all ages and gender according to research conducted by the Centre for Disease Control and Prevention in the
United States (Bray et al., 2021). Leukaemia is a type of cancer that affects the White Blood Cells (WBCs) of
the blood through malicious cloning of abnormal WBC; the bone marrow generates aberrant WBCs (Leukocytes).
These aberrant cells should normally die after a while in normal circumstances, but, instead, their number
increases. These aberrant WBCs prevent normal WBCs from carrying out their functions and as such cause
Leukaemia disease. According to National Cancer Institute (USA), blood cancer is treatable if identified early
(Sun, 2020). Leukaemia is detected by counting the corresponding blood cells in the suspected patient’s blood
sample under a microscope; however, this method can be tedious, time-consuming, and unsettling. One method
of detecting blood cancer is by doing a complete cell or blood count to check for abnormalities in the blood which
may indicate the presence of Leukaemia (Hegde, 2019). The complete blood count is performed by a
haematologist who examines the blood sample under a microscope and checks for abnormalities as there is a
normal range for both Red Blood Cell count and white blood cell count.
There are three types of cells in the human body; White blood cells, Red blood cells (RBCs) and, Platelets as
depicted in Figure 1. The WBC are responsible for providing the necessary immune system required by the human
body and it plays a pivotal role in protecting against the various diseases and infections by acting as a defence
wall in the body (Shafique, 2018). The RBC is responsible for supplying oxygen to the body tissues from the heart
(Fujita, 2021). According to Healthline, the normal RBC count range from 4.7 to 6.1 million cells per microliter
µL) for men and 4.2 to 5.4 million cells per microliter (µL) for women and the normal number of White Blood
Cells in the blood is 4,500 to 11,000 WBCs per microliter (4.5 to 11.0 × 103/µL). (Kannarkat, 2022). The nature
of the disease can be determined using the correct counting and classification of these blood cells. This count is
often tedious, hence the reason for the design of this system, which does the complete blood count automatically
using image processing segmentation of blood smears and counting.
The design of a system that counts white blood cells and red blood cells in a sample digital blood smear and check
for the presence of excessive white blood cells would reduce the manual work of medical practitioners, thus aids
in the early detection and cure.
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University of Ilorin, Nigeria
Figure 1. (a) Red blood cells (b) White blood cells (c) Platelets (Bukhari, 2022)
Several works have reported the segmentation of lymphocyte images as a region of interest for laboratory image
analysis using computer-aided diagnostic and machine-learning techniques to improve the diagnosis and early
detection of the disease (Jagadev, 2017). Cells in different types of leukaemia have been counted and differentiated
based on the analysis of blood smear images (Wen, 2018; Xin,2016). (Ghaderzadeh, 2021) proposed a colour-
based segmentation method that segment the lymphoblast and lymphocyte details of WBCs and eliminates extra
elements contained in the blood. Generally, the segmentation of leukaemic disease is categorized into shape-
based, region-based, and pixel-based approaches (Al-jaboriy, 2019). Edge-based and k-means were applied by
(Sarder, 2020) to segment several smears of blood. The hybrid technique based on morphological and thresholding
were proposed to segment the smears of blood with high accuracy (Bukhari, 2022). Most of the reported works
in the literature employed complex machine learning and deep learning approaches that require sophisticated,
higher memory processing units for algorithms execution. Therefore, this work aims to design a system that aids
the detection of leukaemia (excessive presence of white blood cells) using image processing and Hough transform
to count red blood cells and white blood cells in a digital blood smear based on low complexity and low-cost
resources. This work only encompasses the complete blood count using digital image processing to detect whether
there is a presence of leukaemia or not, the design does not tell which type of Leukaemia is present, its stage or
the method of treatment.
The rest of this paper is organized as follows: section two discusses the methodology and materials used in this
study. section three provides the results and a discussion of the results obtained. Finally, section four presents the
conclusion of the study.
2.1 Dataset
The dataset used in this work was obtained from the American Society of Hematology (ASH) image bank, a web-
based image library that offers a comprehensive collection of images relating to a wide range of hematologic
topics. It is a publicly available database that can be accessed via “https://imagebank.hematology.org/”.
A MATLAB-based system was developed to ease the task of automatic classification of blood smear samples as
having leukaemia or not. The system is a graphical user interface designed using GUIDE, an interactive design
tool in MATLAB. The implementation process follows a typical image analysis pipeline. The block diagram
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
depicting the stages followed to achieve the proposed system is shown in Figure 2. It consists of image acquisition,
image pre-processing, image segmentation, cell counting, and performance analysis. The main idea followed to
achieve the desired result is that for any blood smear sample, the normal ratio of white blood cells to red blood
cells should not be greater than 10%. The system is designed to generate an output “POTENTIAL LEUKEMIA
DETECTED” if the ratio is more than 10%.
2.2.1 IMAGE ACQUISITION: In this study, the actual capturing of the microscopic images of the blood smear
was not carried out. Rather, images downloaded from the ASH database were used. The image analysis process
commences by loading an image into the MATLAB application built for this study.
2.2.2 IMAGE PREPROCESSING: The main goal of image preprocessing is to enhance the quality of the
image by removing noise, correcting distortions, improving contrast, adjusting brightness and colour balance, and
removing unwanted artefacts. Doing this can help to improve the accuracy of the subsequent image analysis steps.
The final task then involves the conversion of the image to three common colour models used in image processing
namely RGB, CYMK, and YCbCr. RGB is an additive colour model used in digital imaging systems that
combines red, green, and blue colour channels to describe colours, with a range of intensity levels for each channel
between 0 and 255. CMYK, on the other hand, is a subtractive colour model used in printing that describes colours
by the amount of cyan, magenta, yellow, and black needed to produce a colour. Meanwhile, YCbCr is a colour
space used in digital video and image processing that separates colour information from brightness information,
with three channels: Y for brightness, and Cb and Cr for colour. YCbCr is often used in digital video and image
formats such as JPEG and MPEG due to its efficient compression.
The reason for this is to determine which of the colour scales gives the best performance.
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
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The system is meant for counting components in blood smear samples. To test for performance, the model is
supplied with various images of confirmed cases of leukaemia in blood smears and normal blood smears without
any presence of excessive white blood cells.
3.1.1 Performance of the system with T-cell prolymphocytic leukaemia digital blood smear
T-cell prolymphocytic leukaemia (T-PLL) is an extremely rare and typically aggressive malignancy (cancer) that
is characterized by the out-of-control growth of mature T-cells (T-lymphocytes). T-cells are a type of white blood
cell that protects the body from infections. T-PLL affects older adults with a median age at diagnosis of 61 years,
and it is more common in men than in women. (Castorvy et al, 2012). A typical T-Cell prolymphocytic blood
smear sample used for the test is shown in Figure 3.
The output from input the above image into the design is shown as follows:
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
which colour space result to use. The CYMK colour region fails to identify red blood cells and can therefore be
ignored in this result.
3.1.2 Performance of the system with normal cells from digital blood smear
A sample image of a normal blood smear with no Leukaemia shown in Figure 5 is tested against the design to
ensure accurate performance of the design.
The output of the above image supplied to the designed system gives an output shown in Figure 6 which
corresponds to the expected result for a normal blood smear
The design runs the supplied image across three colour spaces, as sources and pixels of images differ, the best
output which best selects the needed component should be used for result. It is discovered that the result correctly
predicts the presence of a normal blood sample.
To check if the design predicts the required result, series of tests were carried out by running the design against
confirmed blood smear samples of both normal and leukemic blood smears. Two samples relating the actual
expected result, also known as MANUAL COUNT and the results acquired from the design “DESIGN COUNT”
for both normal and leukemic blood smear are presented in Tables 1.1 and 1.2.
Table 1.1. Test of design result against manual count for a sample Leukaemia blood smear
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
Table 1.2. Test of design result against manual count for a sample Normal blood smear
A system that can count both RBCs and WBCs using image processing and segmentation will go a long way in
relieving the stress put on the haematologist during the analysis of digital blood smear for leukaemia presence.
The design proposed in this paper is suitable for quick counting of digital blood smear rather than having
haematologist do it manually which can be stressful and contribute to errors. Although a haematologists still have
to select the best suitable segmentation out of the 3 colour spaces used in this design, which are either RGB,
CYMK or YCbCr , the performance results presented is still promising. A design that can classify the different
types of Leukaemia detected by means of machine learning algorithm is required, as after using this design to
count the various blood cells to determines excesses in the presence of white blood cells. There is still a need to
study the shape of the corresponding cells to diagnose the type of Leukaemia present.
Al-jaboriy, S.S. Sjarif, N.N. Chuprat, S. and Abduallah, W.M. (2019), Acute lymphoblastic leukaemia
segmentation using local pixel information, Pattern Recognition Letters, 125, 85–90.
Bray, F., Laversanne, M., Weiderpass, E., & Soerjomataram, I. (2021), The ever‐increasing importance of cancer
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Bukhari, M. Sadaf, Y. Saima, S. and Ahmed, A. (2022), A Deep Learning Framework for Leukaemia Cancer
Detection in Microscopic Blood Samples Using Squeeze and Excitation Learning, Mathematical Problems in
Engineering, 2022, Article ID 2801227, 18 pages.
Catovsky, D. Dearden, C. (2012), Treatment of T cell prolymphocytic leukaemia. In UpToDate.
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Fujita, T.C. Sousa-Pereira, N. Amarante, M.K. and Watanabe, M.A. (2021), Acute lymphoid leukaemia
etiopathogenesis, Molecular Biology Reports, 48(1), 817–822.
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University of Ilorin, Nigeria
Hegde, R.B. Prasad, K. Hebbar, H. Singh, B.M.K. and Sandhya, I. (2019), Automated decision support system
for detection of leukaemia from peripheral blood smear images, Journal of Digital Imaging, 33, 361–374.
Jagadev, P. and Virani, H. (2017), Detection of leukaemia and its types using image processing and machine
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IEEE, Tirunelveli, India, 522–526.
Kannarkat, G. T., Darrow, J., & Moghekar, A. (2022). Reassessing accuracy of blood cell correction factor for
traumatic lumbar puncture. Journal of the Neurological Sciences, 432, 120097.
Li, L. and Wang, Y. (2020), Recent updates for antibody therapy for acute lymphoblastic leukaemia, Experimental
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Sarder, M.A. Maniruzzaman, M. and Ahammed, B. (2020), Feature selection and classification of leukaemia
cancer using machine learning techniques, Machine Learning Research, 5(2), p. 18.
Shafique, S. and Tehsin, S. (2018), Acute lymphoblastic leukaemia detection and classification of its subtypes
using pretrained deep convolutional neural networks, Technology in Cancer Research & Treatment, 17, Article
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microscopy images: a comprehensive review
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University of Ilorin, Nigeria
As man carries out his daily activities, waste is generated leading to pollution; and the associated challenges in
the proper and sustainable management of the waste. The universities are in no wise exempted from the rapid
pollution from municipal solid wastes. In this study, the wastes generated at the Gregory University Uturu campus
were quantified and classified according to standards, and possible strategies suggested for sustainable waste
management. During the study, an average of 449.8 kg/day (0.45 tons/day) were generated, with plastics and
polythene wastes having the largest proportions of 35% and 25% respectively. Whereas other waste categories
which include paper, organic, metal, e-waste, medical waste, textile, and others resulted in 15%, 12%, 4%, 2%,
1%, 1%, and 2% respectively. The campus generates waste at approximately 0.21 kg/capita/day and about 82%
of the waste can be recycled. Using the waste-to-energy approach, a minimum of 22.kWh of electricity can be
generated per day. The study recommends the adoption of the waste management hierarchy (reduction, reuse,
anaerobic digestion, incineration, and landfilling) as a sustainable approach to managing waste in the University.
The swift growth of the world population, perpetually growing living standards, and massive technological
innovations are constantly increasing the multiplicity and quantity of solid waste. Virtually everything man does
results in some form of waste (Saleh & Koller, 2019). In fact, global solid waste (SW) released in 2010 was
estimated at about 10.4 billion tons and is envisaged to stand at 148 billion tons by 2025 (Alam & Qiao, 2020).
Therefore, waste is inescapable as it is an outcome of daily human activities.
Waste is any solid, fluidy, gaseous, radioactive substance, the release, disposal, and throwing away of which may
cause deadly changes to the environment (Ashikuzzaman & Howlader, 2019). Generation of municipal solid
waste, coupled with the high organic content present in solid waste and its often inadequate disposal, results in
extensive environmental pollution, via the emission of gases such as methane (CH4) and carbon monoxide (CO)
that contribute to the greenhouse effect. As a result of this environmental menace, municipal authorities are
presently charged with the responsibility of discovering and implementing techno-economic and political
solutions of greater efficiency to manage the growing quantities of municipal solid waste (Saleh & Koller, 2019).
Administration of waste encompasses the gathering, transporting, treating or dumping of rejected materials.
Justifiable solid waste management is one of the fundamentals for workable environmental running as the careless
disposal of solid waste contaminates the environment and endangers human wellbeing (Ashikuzzaman &
Howlader, 2019).
In prehistoric cities, wastes were managed by discarding on top of unpaved streets and thoroughfares, where they
were abandoned to accrue (Abdel-Shafy & Mansour, 2018; Briney, 2020). It was in 320 BCE in Athens that the
first recognized law forbidding this exercise was instituted. In Greece and in the Greek-dominated cities of the
eastern Mediterranean, in ancient Rome, and in most other parts of the world, methods of disposal were very
rudimentary, which included open pits situated within the vicinity. As the number of residents increased, plans
were directed towards conveyance of waste further away from the cities (Omang et al., 2021). As at 2018, the
speed of waste production in Nigeria was valued at 0.65-0.95 kg/capita/day which translates to an average of 42
million tonnes of wastes annually. This is more than half of 62 million tonnes of waste generated in sub-Sahara
Africa annually and the problem is the where and how to channel these wastes.
Several research works have investigated municipal solid waste management, (Abdel-Shafy & Mansour, 2018;
Oji Iheukwumere et al., 2020; Omang et al., 2021; Ugwu et al., 2021; Zadawa et al., 2015). Challenges and
conceivable panacea to the municipal solid wastes management in Nigeria was investigated by (Amuda et al.,
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
2014), They discovered that, with the global population explosion, unplanned urbanization, climate change,
combined with existing un-sustainability features; cities in developing countries are certainly going to encounter
difficulties in proficiently dealing with municipal solid waste which will undeniably lead to enormous glitches on
They further recommended combined efforts of local, state and federal government, the stakeholders, non-
governmental organizations and the private sector in tackling this menace. The research focused on the need for
efficient solid waste management. However, (Sembiring & Nitivattananon, 2010) that studied the integration of
the informal sector in sustainable solid waste management, posited that effective and efficient waste management
will lead to unemployment of the scavengers and waste pickers who also need to survive in the society.
Due to lax environmental regulations, insufficient resources, and unchecked rapid urbanization and
industrialization, indiscriminate dumping is the primary disposal method in developing countries such as Nigeria
(Ugwu et al., 2021). More so, the Federal Government of Nigeria has promulgated various laws and regulations
to safeguard the environment. This effort of the Federal Government is left on the shoulders of the Federal
Ministry of Environment, empowered to administer and enforce environmental laws in Nigeria. However, in
Nigerian universities, waste composition and generation patterns have received little or no attention. Universities
are tasked with the critical responsibility of promoting safe and friendly environments by adopting responsible
waste management policies.
Gregory University Uturu (GUU) is sited at Uturu, Abia State in Nigeria. It is a Private University named after
Pope Gregory I. The staff and students’ population as at the period of this study (in the year 2022) is about 2100.
Gregory University, Uturu (GUU) has about eight colleges and fifty-seven departments. The colleges include;
College of Medicine and Health Sciences, College of Law, College of Engineering, College of Agriculture,
College of Environmental Sciences, College of Humanities, College of Natural and Applied Sciences, Joseph
Bokai College of Social and Management Sciences, and College of Education. The appalling situation in Nigeria
is exactly what is obtainable at Gregory University and other Nigerian universities in terms of waste management.
Most tertiary institutions in the country lack data on the quantity and composition of waste generated, making it
difficult to design a waste management system. Thus, this research is intended to identify the causes of waste
generation, determine the amount of waste generated daily and design an effective waste management model for
Gregory University; so as to provide the needed data for efficient solid waste management.
The materials used for this study comprise weigh balance (200kg scale) for weighing samples, spade for mixing
and leveling waste during sorting, personal protective equipment (nose mask, coverall, safety boots, hand gloves,
eye protection) worn during field work, oven for drying the waste to get some of the generated waste’s chemical
and physical properties. Others include litter pickers for picking and sort the waste, plastic containers for collecting
samples and for sorting and polythene bags for samples packaging after weighing.
In this study, solid waste were collected from selected sites which include each faculty, hostel, and cafeterias.
Sampling and analysis were performed as stipulated by (ASTM D5231-92(2016) - Standard Test Method for
Determination of the Composition of Unprocessed Municipal Solid Waste, n.d.). The sampling of the waste was
done day-to-day in a space of eight days. In order to find out the quantity of waste produced, waste was taken and
retained in large bags. Labels of activity area and dates were placed on the large bags, and kept outside the building
for a while, to resume taking of weight later. The average weights of each component were added to determine
the total amount of solid waste at each waste dump point. The weight of waste generated at each dump point was
recorded for all the eight days. The different waste components were characterization by sorting and separating
into several categories (leaves, food waste, paper, cardboard, plastics, metal, and others). Quartering method was
used in reducing the homogeneously mixed waste to a size that can be tested in the laboratory. The obtained
sample was placed plastic bags, closed and taken to the laboratory for tests.
Furthermore, the solid wastes were differentiated into recyclable and non-recyclable categories. The recyclable
wastes for which there is a market include metals, polythene bags, paper, and plastic while those for which there
is no market are e-waste, glass, leather, organic waste, and textile. Non-recyclable category includes wastes such
as sanitary waste. Food scraps, garden wastes, wood, textiles, newspaper, packaging material, magazines, office
paper, and cardboard were classed as recyclable organics. Animal excreta, miscellaneous paper, cellophane,
miscellaneous cardboard, waxed paper, and plasticized paper were classed as non-recyclable organics.
The weight of the solid waste generated within the campus per day was determined by subtracting the weight of
the empty collection tank or the previous weight recorded from the weight of the waste generated on a particular
day. The waste generated per capita per day was the obtained by dividing by the population of students and staff
in the university.
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University of Ilorin, Nigeria
Samples were analyzed for moisture content, in that a portion of the waste was placed in a clean and dry container
weighing W1 and the weight of the sample and container, W2 was recorded. The container with the sample was
then oven-dried at a temperature of about 110 degrees Celsius for about twelve hours until a constant mass was
reached. The sample was taken out of the oven, cooled, and and then re-weighed (W3). The percentage moisture
content was obtained using equation (1) (HAYAKAWA & TSUBAKI, 1998).
•D 5 •B
𝑀 = 𝑥 100% ……………………… ……………………………………………………………(1)
where M is the moisture content, W2 is the initial weight and W3 is the final weight.
3.1 Waste characterization
The essence of waste composition is to predict the waste management strategy to be adopted in a particular
location. For example, organics served as food for pests, insects and rodents and hence need to be disposed of
regularly since controlled biological treatment facilities for its conversion to wealth are lacking. Figure 1 shows
the waste composition by weight of municipal solid waste generated at Gregory University Uturu. Plastics make
up most of the waste generated on campus, accounting for 38 percent (Figure 2(a)). Polythene ranks with 25
percent (Figure 2(b)), followed by paper (Figure 2(c)) and organic materials with 15 percent and 12 percent,
respectively. Others include textile waste materials (2 %), E-waste (2 %), medical waste (1 %) and metal trash
(Figure 2(d)) (4 %). The quantity of the recyclables like paper and plastic is an indication of immediate monetary
value to the collectors. (Ranjith Kharvel Annepu Advisor & Themelis Stanley-Thompson Professor Emeritus,
2012) made similar observations in their work on sustainable solid waste management in India. The reason for
this high percentage of plastics is because Gregory University Uturu is a Private University where the main food
types as provided by the school cafeterias are such foods and drinks that are contained in plastic disposable
containers. Polyethylene bags ranked second due to their high use for sachet waster due to scarcity of drinkable
water on campus. Paper is also a prevalent waste category in universities due to massive administrative and
academic activities. Metal waste consist of aluminium tin, can drink containers, and other metal scraps from the
mechanical metal workshop located at the school.
% by mass
m er
Po stic
M E-w
Composition of waste
Figure 1 Composition of the waste in percentage Figure 2 Grouping of major waste materials (a) plastic (b)
polythene (c) paper and (c) metal waste
3.2 Estimation of daily waste generated
The average waste generation of 449.8 kg/day (0.45 tons) was obtained from this investigation, giving a per capita
generation rate of 0.21 kg/capita/day. Most of the organic waste was from staff quarters, cafeterias, and garden
waste, while the inorganic waste was primarily plastic waste from the hostels and paper waste from educational
and administrative activities. Table 1 is a display of the average waste generated from different dump sites in the
campus. The hostel and residential areas generated the highest amount of waste with 324.2kg/day, followed by
the academic zones with 52.7kg/day and the cafeterias with 48kg/day. Other supporting areas like the security
posts, sport area and university clinic generated 11.4kg/day, school auditorium area 7.5kg/day, and the religious
area generating the least amount of waste, 6kg/day. The quantity of waste generated in a particular area is largely
dependent on the degree of human activities in that area, as can be seen from the result.
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
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Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
large percentage of the waste stream can be recycled if proper channels are put in place to segregate waste at the
Waste type
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
incineration plants are typically among the most expensive SWM options, requiring highly skilled personnel and
meticulous maintenance. Hence, it is recommended that incineration be used only when other simpler and less
expensive options are unavailable.
3.6.4 Landfilling
Sanitary landfilling is the most common method of disposing of municipal solid waste globally and the cheapest
and most convenient method adopted by developing countries, where 65 to 80 percent of collected solid waste is
disposed of. Other methods cost largely more than landfilling and as such, landfilling is no longer the preferred
option only in developing countries. After considering all other options in the waste hierarchy system, the final
point of disposal of the waste generated in GUU should be an engineered landfill. An engineered landfill also
known as a sanitary landfill which the school is currently using should be improved to manage the waste generated
in the school.
The status of waste generation on campus, its composition, and the possibility for sustainable management was
determined in this study with Gregory University as case study. The amount of waste generated by various parts
of the university and the associated student and staff population were also estimated. During the study period,
Gregory University generated an average of 449.8 kg of solid waste per day, with polythene and paper waste
accounting for the largest proportions at 26 percent and 24 percent, respectively. The waste generation was
approximately 0.21 kg/capita/day. The university can generate approximately 225 kWh of electricity per day if
appropriate waste-to-energy (WTE) technologies are implemented. The in-depth understanding of waste
generation trends in GUU and how this should result in more sustainable waste management strategies on campus
is expected to spur similar studies in Nigerian universities.
The authors acknowledge Gregory University Uturu for providing the facilities used in this investigation.
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Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
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Sembiring, E., & Nitivattananon, V. (2010). Sustainable solid waste management toward an inclusive society:
Integration of the informal sector. Resources, Conservation and Recycling, 54(11), 802–809.
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Ugwu, C. O., Ozoegwu, C. G., Ozor, P. A., Agwu, N., & Mbohwa, C. (2021). Waste reduction and utilization
strategies to improve municipal solid waste management on Nigerian campuses. Fuel Communications, 9,
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Zadawa, A. N., Omran, A., & Robinson, G. M. (2015). Challenges in developing and threshold countries to
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155–169). Springer International Publishing. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-14699-7_13
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
Department of Water Resources and Environmental Engineering, Faculty of Engineering and Technology,
University of Ilorin, Ilorin, Kwara state, Nigeria
*Email: mokuolu.oa@unilorin.edu.ng
Waste generation rate and characterization are prerequisites for developing a sustainable solid waste management
system. This study presents the generation rate and characterization of solid waste within the hostels in University
of Ilorin Campus. The study was aimed to determine the amount of waste generated and propose better disposal
method. Structured questionnaires were administered both physically and online with 400 and 157 respondents
obtained respectively. Data was analyzed using statistical tools. Quantification and characterization were also
carried out in the 38 hostels within the campus. A total of 1528 Kg/day were generated in the hostels out of the
3255 Kg/day generated in the University. Methods of disposal observed were open burning (32.7%), open
dumping (26.2%), Incineration (20.3%), burial in a pit (14.5%), others (6.3%). Food, polythene, plastic, glass,
and metal wastes were major categories found. The study revealed 100% recyclable materials. It is therefore
recommended that University of Ilorin school management take immediate action by educating the entire populace
within the school premises on the concept of 7R’s or creating awareness and/or other waste to wealth initiatives
in their solid waste management system. It is also recommended that there should be sanction(s) for
mismanagement of solid waste within the hostels on campus.
KEYWORDS: Waste generation, Waste characterization, Hostel, waste disposal/ end point, Ilorin
Solid waste is a complex mixture of different substances that are discarded by household, individual or
organizations that are harmful to the environments and health (Rushton, 2003). Umeh et al., (2019)
also described wastes as: “unwanted or unusable materials from industry and agriculture, businesses
and other household items and can be liquid, solid or gaseous in nature, and hazardous or non-
hazardous”. In a simple approach, waste is an irresistible material that emanates in daily activities.
However, solid waste is neither liquid nor gaseous material that has performed primary functions and
not useful again to its handler.
Solid waste management can simply be defined as the control of solid waste from birth to burial. The term “from
birth to burial” in this context means from the point of generation, storage, collection, transfer and transport,
processing and to the final point which is disposal. The fundamental target of solid waste management is to protect
the health of the population, promote environmental quality, develop sustainability and provide support to
economic productivity through utilization of waste as a resource (Dong et al., 2005). Waste management is an
important element of environmental protection (Igbinomwanhia & Olanipekun, 2009). Waste management is
important as improperly handled waste can have devastating effects on both the environment of its surroundings
as a whole, and on the health of people in places where poor waste management occur (Cogut, 2016). Solid waste
management problem has been a reoccurring issue in most developing countries higher institutions, especially in
our dear country, Nigeria. In most Nigeria universities, solid waste management issue emerged every year as more
students are being admitted.
University of Ilorin is located in Ilorin, the capital city of Kwara State on latitude 8.4799° N and longitude 4.5418°
E, covering an approximate land mass of 5,000 hectare. Currently there are 38 hostels on the university campus.
University of Ilorin, Ilorin is a federal government university, with potentials for massive growth and expansion
for the fact that the institution remains the most sought after. Physical development and population increase yearly
in the institution and these lead to increment in solid waste generation. According to Hakami and Seif (2015),
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
development does not come without environment burdens, generation of waste is one among them. The
persistence of solid waste management menace is due to lack of generation rate data, proper characterization,
knowledge on health and environmental effect, knowledge on Waste to Wealth, sensitization, intensive
institutional research and adequate budgetary.
As University of Ilorin is known to be one of the largest institutions in Nigeria, there is no existing data for waste
generated per day per capita which implies that there is no efficient solid waste management body. Most of the
generated solid wastes are openly burnt in the university dump site which is harmful to public health and the
environment. This work will ultimately make a revelation of the amount of waste being generated in the university
hostels and characterization of the waste to propose efficient disposal method to the management.
The techniques that were employed in the study involved the collection of first-hand data from the porters,
cleaners, waste collectors and students within the study area. The data collection techniques include the following:
2.1 Site Visitations
This is the physical visitation to the study area to carry out reconnaissance survey
2.2 Questionnaire
Structured questionnaires were administered both physical and online. Minimum sample size of 384 were
obtained using Wayne (2007) formula. 400 were obtained in physical while 157 were obtained online.
The questionnaires were designed in a simple and clear manner to obtain accurate information from
students. The questionnaire was targeted to obtain the following:
(i) Types of waste generated daily
(ii) Availability of waste bin for storage
(iii) Method of collection
(iv) Frequency of collection
(v) Method of disposal
These questionnaires were administered in two forms which include the following:
(i) Self-administered: Questionnaires were delivered to the targeted group of people to fill
(ii) Online survey: Google form was designed to reach out to more students on campus. This was
done also to reduce the amount of waste that will be generated from printing questionnaires.
2.3 Characterization
This is a process of sorting out solid waste into different components. Characterization of solid waste is used to
enhance processing, recovering, and proper management of solid waste. Waste characterization method of
Bernache-Pérez et al., (2001) which was used by Oyelola and Babatunde (2008), was applied in this study. The
method involves measurement, classification and weighing of solid waste from specific sources. This method was
also used by Okeniyi and Anwan, (2016). Thus, the solid waste was characterized in accordance with College and
University Recycling Council (CURC) grouping system with modifications by Oladejo et al., 2018 accommodate
peculiar waste stream generated on campus. Plate 1 shows characterization process in a male hostel and plate 2
shows the open burning method on campus.
Solid waste in this study was categorized into the following components: paper, food, plastic (food packs, pet
bottles, etc.), polyethylene (water sachets, nylon, etc.), metals (can drinks, etc.), glass, and sanitary (diapers, pads,
and rags).
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
The mass-based distribution of the quantified wastes in different hostels within the university campus is presented
in Table 1. The table shows that Hall B generated the highest amount of waste daily.
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
The average mass-based distribution of different components of waste in hostels within the university campus is
presented in Table 2. The table shows that the most generated waste is food (169.61kg), followed by polythene
(161.32kg), and plastic (158.41kg) while the least is metal (29.11kg) within the hostels. The characterization was
done in accordance with the work of (Okeniyi & Anwan, 2012) at Covenant University, Ota, Nigeria with a little
Hostel Paper(kg) Plastic(kg) Metal(kg) (kg) Polythene(kg) Glass(kg) Other(kg)
Hall A 1.28 5.30 1.20 7.58 5.67 1.10 1.35
Hall B 1.50 4.30 0.95 4.55 4.65 1.32 0.90
Hall C 2.15 5.74 0.89 8.54 6.93 0.95 2.00
Hall D 2.47 2.57 0.35 3.53 3.53 0.35 0.70
Hall E 2.10 3.30 1.25 3.75 2.65 0.80 0.67
Hall F 1.37 2.55 0.25 2.65 2.45 0.75 0.20
Hall G 1.54 4.00 0.70 2.18 3.84 1.25 1.20
Hall H 1.66 4.71 0.50 3.16 4.68 1.35 1.90
Hall I 2.45 4.50 1.20 3.35 4.56 1.20 1.16
Hall J 1.30 4.25 0.60 3.40 4.68 1.45 0.20
Hall K 1.30 3.81 0.61 4.71 4.05 0.91 0.80
Hall L 0.90 1.82 1.06 4.83 7.33 1.43 0.00
Hall M 1.33 3.30 0.71 3.81 6.08 0.55 1.22
Hall N 1.12 6.13 0.00 3.50 1.20 0.85 0.44
Hall O 2.36 4.34 1.44 1.15 4.62 0.73 1.31
Hall P 1.46 4.67 0.81 2.74 4.73 1.30 1.13
Hall Q 2.12 3.63 0.84 5.21 3.18 1.03 1.12
Hall R 2.00 3.66 0.73 6.77 6.70 2.14 0.80
Hall S 1.54 4.27 0.81 4.78 3.30 1.04 0.43
Hall T 1.93 4.21 1.56 6.50 4.51 1.43 0.42
Hall U 1.13 5.20 0.43 6.74 7.00 0.84 0.92
Hall V 1.47 1.70 0.53 4.00 6.04 0.85 1.62
Hall W 0.78 3.20 1.00 2.03 3.02 1.25 1.16
Hall X 1.97 3.82 0.65 5.05 3.08 0.60 0.40
Hall Y 1.73 3.82 0.26 3.14 3.86 1.00 2.24
Hall Z 2.15 3.83 0.52 3.54 3.92 0.71 0.00
Hall AA 1.50 4.45 0.90 1.87 2.57 1.00 0.00
Hall AB 1.11 3.72 0.56 4.05 4.06 1.52 0.73
Hall AC 1.80 3.90 1.57 4.60 4.73 1.27 1.13
Hall AD 2.01 3.53 0.40 4.67 3.10 1.00 1.26
Hall AE 2.84 3.36 0.97 4.84 5.50 1.07 0.61
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
The summary of the responses of students from the questionnaire on solid waste disposal practices in their various
hostels are presented in Table 3. 32.7% and 26.2% of all respondents agreed open burning and open dumping
respectively are the solid waste disposal methods adopted in their various hostels.
Quantification and characterization of solid wastes generated in University of Ilorin has been carried out. The
quantification identified Hall A, Hall AF, and Hall AG as the highest solid waste generation hostels amongst
others as shown in table 1. It was also revealed from the study that recyclable materials are the most generated
solid wastes on the university campus hostels as shown in table 2. The study also revealed that open burning and
open dumping are mostly adopted amongst the hostels on campus as shown in figure 3. It was also revealed that
most of the solid waste generated in the school are being burnt except plastic wastes being recycled by Vicfold
Recycler. Hence it can be concluded that the solid waste management in the university is substandard and needs
urgent intervention.
Bernache-Pérez, G., Sánchez-Colón, S., Garmendia, A. M., Dávila-Villarreal, A., & Sánchez-Salazar, M. E.
(2001). Solid waste characterisation study in the Guadalajara Metropolitan Zone, Mexico. Waste
Management & Research, 19(5), 413-424.
Cogut, A. (2016). Open burning of waste: a global health disaster. R20 Regions of climate action.
Dong, J., Rotich, K., & Zhao, Y. (2005). Municipal solid waste management challenges in developing countries—
Kenyan case study. Changchun, pp92–100.
Hakami, B. A., & Seif, E.-S. S. A. (2015). Household solid waste composition and management in Jeddah City,
Saudi Arabia: A planning model. International Research Journal of Environment Sciences, 4(1), 1-10.
Igbinomwanhia, D., & Olanikpekun, J. (2009). Solid waste crisis in Nigeria–A case study of the constraint to
effective private sector participation (PSP) on solid waste management in lagos metropolis. Paper
presented at the Advanced Materials Research.
Okeniyi, J. O., & Anwan, E. U. (2012). Solid wastes generation in Covenant University, Ota, Nigeria:
Characterisation and implication for sustainable waste management. J. Mater. Environ. Sci, 3(2), 419-
Oladejo, O. S., Adamu Mathew, A., Ibikunle, P. D., & Omamofo, E. K.-W. (2018). Solid waste generation,
characteristics and material recovery potentials for landmark university campus. International Journal
9(9), 1071-1082.
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
Oyelola, O., & Babatunde, A. (2008). Characterization of domestic and market solid wastes at source in Lagos
metropolis, Lagos, Nigeria. African Journal of Environmental Science and Technology, 2(12), 430-437.
Rushton, L. (2003). Health hazards and waste management. British medical bulletin, 68(1), 183-197.
Umeh, P. P., Friday, K., & Oji, S. (2019). Geographical Analysis of Household Waste Generation and Disposal
in Taraba State, Northeast Nigeria. International Journal, 8(2), 58-68.
Wayne, W.D. 2007. Biostatistics. A foundation for analysis in the health sciences, John Wiley and sons
(Asia) PTE LTD.183-184
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
To minimize the detrimental effects of the pulse-width modulated (PWM) voltage and harmonics of a non-linear
load, a second-order inductor-capacitor (LC) low-pass smoothing filter is usually added between the inverter and
the drive. However, the output voltage drop via the filter inductor and resonance frequency effects are taken into
consideration while designing the filters, as a result, baseband harmonics, which make up the majority of the
harmonics produced by the frequency converter, are not completely removed. This paper proposes a control
system for an impedance source inverter (ZSI)-driven three-phase induction motor drive to minimize AC-side
voltage and current harmonics. The control system uses an observer-based output feedback servomechanism
controller designed using linear quadratic techniques and linear matrix inequalities, which ensures closed-loop
stability and asymptotic tracking regulation regardless of disturbances. A speed adaptation mechanism is added
to the observer to enable speed-sensorless operation. The controller is evaluated using several MATLAB/Simulink
simulations, which demonstrate perfect tracking, good disturbance rejection, and low voltage and current total
harmonic distortions (THD).
KEYWORDS: Linear Matrix Inequality, Induction Motor, Robust Servomechanism, Observer, Harmonics,
Estimation techniques such as Extended Kalman Filter (EKF) and Unscented Kalman Filter (UKF) are used to
replace measuring signals in a drive system equipped with an LC filter (Akin et al., 2003; Janiszewski, 2012), the
observer with disturbance estimation developed for a continuous system can also be implemented in a discrete
system. However, there are some significant differences between the two. In a discrete system, the observer
frequency response is heavily dependent on the adopted reference system. It is noteworthy that state variables are
computed in a stationary reference frame for observers with disturbance estimation, the variables that are
estimated by the discrete observer in the stationary αβ reference frame have larger errors than variables estimated
by the observer calculated as a continuous system (Rothenhagen & Fuchs, 2007). To minimize this large error, an
observer with a convex optimization is developed. The convex optimization allows the observer to consider both
the state variables and the disturbance estimates. By using the convex optimization, the observer can estimate the
state variables more accurately and with less error than a traditional discrete observer. Additionally, the convex
optimization can be used to improve the accuracy of the disturbance estimates. In order to improve the
performance of the induction motor drive, this paper proposes the use of robust servomechanism control combined
with a disturbance observer based on linear matrix inequalities optimization to detect and compensate for external
disturbances, which is a challenging task due to its non-linearities. Low order harmonics have been successfully
eliminated for linear time invariant systems using the robust servomechanism controller (Karimi-Ghartemani &
Karimi, 2021; Marwali & Keyhani, 2004), which combines the internal model principle and the optimal control
theory. However, results for nonlinear load systems were not at acceptable THD levels, and their configuration
necessitates mounting the induction motor on the transformer which makes the system complex and
overparameterized. There was also a robust servo controller design method for AC induction motor speed control
using polynomial differential operator (D. H. Kim et al., 2017), which outperformed standard PI controllers;
however, obtaining those nominal values for induction motors may be impossible due to the system being
linearized at an equilibrium point on which the accuracy of the linear time-invariant model developed is heavily
This paper proposes a discrete-time state-space machine model to robustly control an induction motor drive and
update the time-varying rotor speed term every sampling time. It also proposes to develop a disturbance observer
based on linear matrix inequalities to detect and compensate for external disturbances. The proposed design
approach will be tested on a 2.2 kW three-phase induction motor, with the only measurements being the dc-link
voltage and the inverter output current. The results will be compared to existing control methods for accuracy of
tracking, robustness, harmonic distortion, and system stability.
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
For the simplicity of modeling, the AC- and DC-sides of the circuit are considered separately, and the converter
is assumed to operate in continuous conduction mode (CCM).
2.1 System Model for the AC Side.
The inverse Γ-model (Slemon, 1989), a commonly used and somewhat accurate compromise, was chosen for use
in this study. It is an accurate representation that does not involve the complex mathematics of the other models,
yet still provides a reasonable representation of the machine's performance. The AC side of the system is
represented in fig.1 and the state space equations of the system are given as follows:
Fig.1. An equivalent circuit of the Inverse Γ model of the Induction Motor connected to an Inverter Output LC
filter in a (α - β) stationary reference frame.
With States as: ,𝑖𝐴𝛼 , 𝑖𝐴𝛽 , 𝑉𝑠𝛼 , 𝑉𝑠𝛽 , 𝑖𝑠𝛼 , 𝑖𝑠𝛽 , 𝜑𝑟𝛼 , 𝜑𝑟𝛽 - and input, 𝑈 = 𝑉) , 𝑦 = 𝑖)
Taking Kirchhoff’s Current Law (KCL) and Kirchhoff’s Voltage Law (KVL) around the loops of fig.1, the open
loop state space model can be formed:
−𝑅𝑓 1
⎡ 𝐼2×2 𝐼 02×2 02×2 ⎤
⎢ 𝐿𝑓 𝐿𝑓 2×2 ⎥
⎢ 1 −1 ⎥
𝐴𝑝 = ⎢ 𝐼2×2 02×2 𝐼2×2 02×2 ⎥
𝐶 𝐶𝑓
⎢ 𝑓 ⎥
⎢ 02×2 𝑎4 𝐼2×2 𝑎1 𝐼2×2 𝑎2 𝐼2×2 − 𝑎3 𝑊𝑟 𝐽⎥
⎣ 02×2 02×2 𝑎6 𝐼2×2 −𝑎5 𝐼2×2 + 𝑊𝑟 𝐽 ⎦
𝐿 𝑅 2
−D 𝑅 𝑠 + 𝑚 2 𝑟 E
𝐿 1 1 1 1 1 𝐿𝑚
Where 𝑎1 =
, 𝑎2 =
,𝑇 -, 𝑎3 = 𝑆𝑖𝑔 , 𝑎4 = 𝜎𝐿 , 𝑎5 = 𝑇 , 𝑎6 = 𝑇𝑟
𝑟 𝑚 𝑠 𝑟
𝐵𝑝 = m 𝐼2×2 02×2 02×2 02×2 n ,
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
Taking away the varying part of the state matrix, which is updated at each sampling time, 𝐴𝑝 is further divided
2.3.1 Servo-compensator
Keyhani & Marwali, (2012), clearly outlined principles of this approach as follows. If the tracking/disturbance
poles to be considered are ±jω1, ±jω5, and ±jω7, etc., where 𝑓 = 50ℎ𝑧, 𝜔1 = 2𝜋 × 50 rad/s, 𝜔5 = 5𝜔1,
and 𝜔7 = 7𝜔1, etc., the servo-compensator is represented as,
𝜂̇ = 𝐴𝑐 𝜂 + 𝐵𝑐 𝑒 (3)
Where 𝑒 = 𝑉,-F,;è − 𝑉A,;è is the estimated load voltage tracking error;
𝜂 = [𝜂l 𝜂4 … 𝜂D ]N , 𝑖 = 1,2, … 𝑛
𝐴𝑐 = 𝑏𝑙𝑜𝑐𝑘 𝑑𝑖𝑎𝑔[𝐴𝑐1 , 𝐴𝑐2 , . . , 𝐴𝑐𝑛 ]
𝐵𝑐 = [𝐵𝑐1 , 𝐵𝑐2 , ⋯ , 𝐵𝑐𝑛 ]𝑇
s0⃗2×2 𝐼⃗2×2
With 𝐴𝑐𝑖 = K O
−𝑤𝑖 2 𝐼⃗2×2 s0⃗2×2
𝐵𝑐𝑖 = (0s⃗2×2 𝐼⃗2×2 )𝑇
Which depicts the continuous transfer function, 1⁄(𝑠2 + 𝑤𝑖 2 ) representation in a state space.
𝑋̇ (𝐴 + 𝑤𝑟 𝐴𝑤 ) 0 𝑋 𝐵𝑝
m n = m −𝐵 𝐶 𝐴
n v w + m−𝐵 𝐷 n 𝑢,
𝜂̇ 𝑐 𝑝 𝑐 𝜂 𝑐 𝑝
𝑦 𝐶 0 𝑋 𝐷
v 𝜂𝑚 w = v 𝑚 w v𝜂w + v 𝑚w 𝑢 (4)
0 𝐼 0
The stabilizing compensator, with the control signal,
𝑢 = 𝐾O 𝑥3h + 𝐾l 𝜂 = [𝐾O 𝐾l ]𝑥4 = 𝐾𝑥4 (5)
ensures the stability of the augmented model, via a feedback gain K that minimizes the linear quadratic
performance index (i.e., the optimization criterion) in (6).
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
𝐽𝜖 = ∑∞
𝑘=0 ,𝑧(𝑘) 𝑄𝑧(𝑘) + 𝜇(𝑘) 𝑅𝜇(𝑘)-
′ ′
Consequently, the feedback gain K is obtained from Matlab function dlqr (),
Now, consider a load torque which causes disturbance to the motor speed and in turn cause the inverter to
generate more voltage or current in order to maintain the desired motor speed, (1) – (2) can be re-written in the
discrete form as follows considering the input as disturbance:
𝑥̇ 𝑝 (𝑘 + 1) = 𝐴𝑑 𝑥𝑝 (𝑘) + 𝐵𝑑1 𝑤(𝑘)
𝑦(𝑘) = 𝐶<4 𝑥h (𝑘) (7)
where 𝑥 ∈ 𝑅E and is the state vector, 𝐴 ∈ 𝑅E×E and is the state matrix, 𝐵 ∈ 𝑅E×, and is the input matrix, 𝑤 ∈
𝑅, and is the exogenous input, 𝐶 ∈ 𝑅.×E and is the output matrix, 𝑦 ∈ 𝑅. , and it is assumed that (𝐴𝑑 , 𝐶<4 ) is
A Luenberger observer of the form is to be designed (Caverly & Forbes, 2019):
𝑥u̇ 𝑝 (𝑘 + 1) = 𝐴𝑑 𝑥u 𝑝 (𝑘) + 𝐿𝑑 (𝑦(𝑘) − 𝑦 u (𝑘))
u (𝑘) = 𝐶𝑑2 𝑥u𝑝 (𝑘)
𝑦 (8)
The gain 𝐿𝑑 is determined by minimizing standard 𝐻2 (𝑜𝑟 𝐻∞ ) norm of the transfer function between 𝑒 and
𝑤𝑘 while also stabilizing the dynamics of the estimate error, and ensuring the sub-system T(z) (11) meets the
requirements for disturbance attenuation performance.
The error state is defined as:
𝑒(𝑘) = 𝑥h (𝑘) − 𝑥3h (𝑘) (9)
The error dynamics is derived as,
𝑒̇ (𝑘) = U𝐴𝑑 − 𝐿𝑑 𝐶𝑑2 V𝑒(𝑘) + 𝐵𝑑1 𝑤(𝑘) (10)
The observer gain, 𝐿𝑑 is to be designed in such a way that the 𝐻2 norm provided by the transfer function (11) of
the input 𝑤(𝑘), on the output e, to minimize model deviation and the effect of the disturbance w(k) to the
estimated error.
𝑇(𝑧) = (𝑍𝐼 − (𝐴< − 𝐿< 𝐶<4 ))5l 𝐵<l (11)
This amounts to solving an optimization problem whose constraints are formulated using Linear Matrix
Inequalities (LMIs), if there exist a symmetric matrix X and a matrix Y satisfying the transfer function (11)
which is equivalent to minimizing ℐ(𝛾) = 𝛾 4 subject to (Caverly & Forbes, 2019; Duan & Yu, 2013)
[𝐴𝑑 𝑇 𝑋 + 𝐴𝑑 𝑋 + 𝐶𝑑2 𝑌 + 𝑌𝑇 𝐶𝑑2 + 𝐼8 ] < 0 (12)
−𝑍 𝑋𝐵𝑑1
m n<0 (13)
𝑋𝐵𝑑1 −𝑋
𝑡𝑟𝑎𝑐𝑒(𝑍) < 𝛾 4 (14)
𝑇 −1
Where 𝐶𝑑2 = 𝐶𝑑2 is a special case of congruence transformation., It is desired to stabilize the poles of the
observer matrix (𝐴𝑑 − 𝐿𝑑 𝐶𝑑21 ) in a vertical strip region defined by 𝔻 = ℍ;,è = :𝑧 = 𝑥 + 𝑖𝑦: 𝛼 < 𝑥 < 𝛽 | 𝑧 ∈
ℂ5∝ ∩ ℂè , 𝛼 < 𝑅𝑒(𝑧) < 𝛽;, where 𝔻 is the open unitary disk centered at the origin (Marx et al., 2003), where
ℐ𝐻2 (𝐿𝑑 ) = x|𝑇(𝑧)|x is minimized, the resulting constraints are:
𝑋𝐴< + 𝑌𝐶<4 + (𝑋𝐴< + 𝑌𝐶<4 )N + 2𝛼𝑋 < 0 (15)
𝑋𝐴< + 𝑌𝐶<4 + (𝑋𝐴< + 𝑌𝐶<4 )N + 2𝛽𝑋 > 0 (16)
−𝑋 𝑋𝐴𝑑
m n (17)
𝑋𝐴𝑑 𝑇 −𝑋
v𝐴 𝑇 𝑋 −𝑋 − 𝛾𝐶 𝑇 𝐶 w < 0 (18)
𝑑 𝑑2 𝑑2
where X and Z are symmetric matrices, and Y = −𝐿𝑑 𝑋 is a "change of variable" matrix. Once the problem is
solved using convex optimization algorithm, the full-order observer gain with pole location limitations is retrieved
𝐿𝑑 = −(𝑋−1 )𝑌𝑇 (19)
The design of the control system is carried out using MATLAB R2022a software at a switching frequency of 5
kHz with the PowerGUI set to a sampling rate of 2 e-06. An MSi GE620DX computer with an Intel (R) Core i7-
2670QM CPU @ 2.20GHz processor was used to perform the simulation. The Control system comprises of blocks
such as the Discrete PI DC-link Controller, modified space vector modulation, coordinate transforms, etc.
The simulation follows a three-step approach: modeling, parameter identification, and control design. The
mathematical model of the system was created in the Simscape Electrical domain and was simulated in Simulink.
The parameters of the model were identified based on the operating data of the system.
Simulation parameters for the drive are as follows:
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
3hp, 415 V, 4.6 A, four-pole, 50 Hz, 1435 rpm star connected, three-phase Squirrel Cage Induction Motor
Induction motor parameters
𝑅𝑠 = 4.55 Ω, 𝑅𝑟 = 1.39 Ω, 𝐿𝑠 = 281.9 µH, 𝐿𝑟 = 281.9µH, 𝐿𝑚 = 267.8µH, J = 0.089 Kg·m²
Filter parameters
𝐶𝑓 = 40 µF, 𝐿𝑓 = 2.6 mH, 𝑅𝑓 = 1Ω
Z-source parameters
L1= L2 = L = 500µH, C1 = C2 = C= 500µF
where 𝑅𝑓 , 𝐿𝑓 , and 𝐶𝑓 are the per-phase ac resistance of the filter inductors, the inductance of the filter-inductors,
and the capacitance of the filter-capacitors, respectively. Also, 𝑅𝑠 , 𝑅𝑟 , 𝐿A , 𝐿𝑟 , 𝐿𝑚 , and J are respectively Per-phase
stator resistance, Per-phase rotor resistance, Per-phase stator inductance, Per-phase rotor inductance, magnetizing
inductance, and the moment of inertia.
After parameter identification, the control system was designed based on the mathematical model of the system.
The Discrete PI DC-Link Voltage Controller was designed to keep the DC-Link voltage constant irrespective of
fluctuations from intermittent sources. The modified space vector modulation technique was developed to
maintain the switching frequency, modulation index, and pulse duration constant.
Figure .3 is the harmonic spectrum for the stator current which shows a THD of 4.5% at 8.5sec. and 4 cycles
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
The outcome for the simulated system met the IEC 61000-3-2 and IEEE 519 standards, demonstrated an excellent
harmonic profile for the induction motor drive, and had good stability margins and robustness, which will be
revealed in later publications. Overall, the simulation showed good performance that met the desired requirements
for the induction motor drive system. To ensure that the induction motor drive system meets the desired
requirements, further tests need to be conducted under real-time conditions. This will allow for the evaluation of
the system's robustness and operating performance. To maintain steady-state operation during these tests, it is
recommended that the changes in stator resistance caused by temperature and load variations be modeled in the
system. Additionally, a control modification or advanced ZSI design can be implemented in order to further
improve the system's performance and energy efficiency.
The authors would like to thank Dr. Michael Ajeni from the University of Manchester for his valuable insights
and feedback.
The authors would also like to thank the anonymous reviewers for their helpful comments and suggestions,
which significantly improved the quality of the paper.
Finally, the authors would like to thank the Ahmadu Bello University Department of Electrical Engineering staff
for their contributions toward the success of this research.
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Duan, G.-R., & Yu, H.-H. (2013). LMIs in Control Systems Analysis, Design and Applications (1st ed.). CRC
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Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
The issue of global warming is a result of burning of fossil fuel as carbon iv oxide and nitrogen oxide are
continuously being released into the atmosphere. The nitrogen oxide that is emitted, the effluent eat up the ozone
layer thereby exposing the earth to more radiation from the sun. On the other hand, if carbon iv oxide that is
released , due to ongoing deforestation there are fewer plants now available to convert carbon iv oxide to oxygen
and as a result of this the temperature of the environment rises. Using electrical cars cannot be a solution to this
as the battery being used are produced through combustion (Derek, 2017). Charging the battery is another problem
which has to be done by means of electricity produced by combustion. It is in this circumstance that this study is
centred on how to remove nitrogen before combustion from the air and carbon iv oxide has to be absorbed from
product of combustion before being disposed into the atmosphere .however the issue of chemistry of combustion
will be avoided in this presentation (Libin and Sajunla, 2018).
The same space the engine is to occupy within the vehicle is to remain. The retrofitted engine is to have the
nitrogen absorbing device before combustion and carbon iv oxide absorbing reagent after combustion. Provision
will be made
to ensure the elimination of nitrogen as a moderant is taken care of by cooling (by adding dopant to the coolant).
(Baskar et al, 2021) investigated the effect of oxygen enriched combustion on pollution performance
characteristics of spark ignition engine and reported a high value of nitrogen oxide emission with increasing
oxygen concentration as a drawback of the technology.
(Zhou et al, 2020) carried out research on combustion, performance and emission analysis of an oxygen
controlling downsize spark ignition engine and found that increasing the oxygen percentage in the air and
decreasing the equivalent ratio, lower fuel consumption.
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
A four stroke, single cylinder gasoline engine is used Yamaha 125. The materials for the redesign engine with
reduced pollutant emitted to the environment are: Engine type 125 Yamaha engine four stroke one cylinder,
displacement 29.87dm3, stroke 155.5mm, bore 174.5mm, power 860kw, rated torque 11.88Nm at 6500rpm others
are compression ratio 17.5, specific fuel consumption 235kg/h and the reagents are potassium hydroxide (KOH)
and Aluminum silicate (Al2SiO5).The nitrogen absorbed consist of Aluminum silicate and carbon iv oxide
absorbed consist of potassium hydroxide, other accessory are thermocouple, measuring cylinder and gas analyzer.
The nitrogen extractor is attached
at the entrance of the air and the carbon iv oxide absorbed at the exhaust pipe. A drill was made to accommodate
the thermocouple within the engine. The exhaust gas analyzer is placed at the exit of the exhaust pipe.
The experimental setup mainly consist of four stroke one cylinder spark ignition engine, exhaust gas analyser,
flow meter and thermometers. It is an already existing engine which is restructured to consist of three combustion
chambers and a post combustion chamber. The pre- combustion chamber is to accommodate nitrogen extracting
substance. The engine used in this research has 174.5mm, stroke 155.5mm and rated power of 860Kw at 6500rpm.
The engine was coupled with exhaust gas analyser and a thermocouple. The gasoline used in this work was
obtained from a petrol station. The experiment was carried out with 10g/dm3, 20g/dm3, 30g/dm3, 50g/dm3 0f
Aluminium silicate (Al2SiO5) and potassium hydroxide (KOH).The engine experiment was conducted under
constant spark timing and compression ratio (17.5:1). During the experiments, all data were taken after steady–
state condition were reached and all measurements were repeated at least four times at each test point and the
average value were used to minimize systematic errors. Exhaust gas emission such as nitrogen oxide (NOX),
carbon iv oxide (C02) and hydrocarbon (HC) were measured using the exhaust gas analyzer. Technical
specification such as measurement ranges and accuracy of the exhaust gas analyzer are taken.
Table 1: Technical specification of exhaust gas analyzer
Emission Measuring range Accuracy
1 C02 0- 20% 0.01%
2 NOX 0- 40% 1ppm
3 HC 0- 40ppm 1ppm
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
Concentration of Al2SiO5
In the case of excess of concentration of KOH, it leads to the increased production 𝐾2 𝐶𝑂3 over a long period of
time but if the advert of complete usage of KOH and 𝐶𝑂2 become in excess, an undesirable product is formed
Therefore, obtaining the right percentage to absorb the 𝐶𝑂2 adequately over a long period of time is the aim of
the phase of the experiment.
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
Hitesh, B.P. and Suple,Y.R. (2018). Experimental investigation of exhaust emission of four stroke spark ignition
engine by using direct injection of LPG and it’s analysis, International journal of modern engineering research, 3:
2600- 2605.
Krishnamoorthy, G. and Sami, M. (2017). Radiating Modelling in Oxy- Fuel Combustion Scenarios, America
society of Mechanical Engineers, Power Division Publication, 7: 615-621
Libin,P and Sajunulai, F. (2014), A Comparison of emission of SI and CI engine in a lownitrogen oxy-combustor
environment, International Journal of advance research in science and Engineering, 7:78-85.
Longwell, J.P; Frost, E.E.and Weiss, M.A. (2013) Flame Stability in Bluff – Body Recirculation Zones, Journal
of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry, 45: 29 -33.
Maher, A.R and Baghdadi, S.A. (2013). Performance study of a four stroke spark ignition engine working with
hydrogen and ethanol as supplementary fuel, International Journal of Hydrogen energy 3: 1005- 1009.
P.S. Micheal, and Fusoil, P.U. (2013). Development of a Combustion Chamber Design Methodology and
Automation of the Design Process, International Journal of Aeronautical Sciences, 4: 5- 10
Prasad,T, Yassodam, S and Latha.P. (2010). Effects of Nanoscalezinic oxide particles on the Germinating, growth
and yield of Peanuts, A Journal of Agricultural chemistry 9: 2-6.
Yinghui,G; Canbing,L. and Yijia. C. (2016) Cost Analysis of air Capture driven by Wind Energy Under Different
Scenarios, Journal of Modern Power System and clean energy, 4: 275- 281.
Zhou,S; L.Yin,F.D and QianqianJia, G.A, (2020), Computational study of a vertical plunging still water, A
Journal of chemical science engineering 1 : 72- 79.
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
Accurate flood prediction is indispensable for effective environmental protection. This study establishes best-fit
probability distribution models for estimating annual maximum flows at Table Mountain along the Mgeni River.
Six probability distribution functions (Normal, Log-Normal, Pearson III, Log-Pearson III, Gumbel and Log-
Gumbel) were fitted to the annual maximum flow series of the river. Reliability of raw data was verified using
the Spearman-brown reliability check. The non-parametric Chi-square goodness-of-fit statistical test was
employed to determine the suitability of the functions in representing the observed data at a specified level of
significance. The Kruskal-Wallis non-parametric H-Test was employed to determine if there were significant
differences in the performances of the models. Finally, a test score statistics was used to establish the most
appropriate model for application in the study area. It was found that the Log-Pearson III probability distribution
function, which is a 3-parameter model taking cognizance of a skew coefficient in estimation, is the most suitable
model. The Log-Normal and Pearson III models were also found suitable while the Normal, Gumbel and Log-
Gumbel models were not suitable at the tests’ level of significance. The models found suitable are recommended
for predicting flood flows in the study area.
KEYWORDS: Annual maximum flow, Probability distribution function, Flood prediction, Goodness of fit test,
H-test, Test score
Disasters result in loss of lives, destruction of infrastructure, damaged ecosystems and undermined societal
development (Sudmeier-Rieux et al., 2019). Floods are natural disasters resulting from unusual surplus or excess
of water in which the resulting higher than usual water levels extend out onto the floodplains. They occur in river
basins, usually as the result of a lot of rain (Loucks & Bee, 2005). These natural events have always been a part
of the geologic history of the earth, and because human settlements and activities have always tended to use
floodplains, their uses has frequently interfered with the natural processes in the floodplain, causing inconvenience
and catastrophe to humans (Mays, 2011).
According to Witwatersrand (2022), flooding events in areas around the Mgeni River in the KwaZulu-
Natal province in South Africa have doubled over the last century. Noteworthy is the disastrous flood that hit
Durban city in the province in April 2022. This is considered the most catastrophic natural disaster yet recorded
in the region in collective terms of lives lost, homes and infrastructure destroyed and economic losses. The
calamitous flood in its wake resulted in loss of 459 human lives, 88 people still missing by the end of May 2022,
and over 4000 destroyed homes rendering 40,000 people homeless and 45,000 people temporarily unemployed.
Also, substantial damages were caused to some of Mgeni raw water abstraction and conveyance infrastructure
resulting in shortfall in potable water supply in some districts (Umgeni, 2022). The cost of infrastructure and
business losses amounted to an estimated 2 billion USD. Several historical flooding events have been recorded in
the region notable among which are the Durban flood in September 1987 and the great Deluge of 1856.
Studies suggest that an increase in the severity and frequency of extreme hydrological events is expected
worldwide. Recent anthropogenic global climate warming may have contributed to the trend in increased flooding
and this trend may continue into the future (NZCCO, 2008; Witwatersrand, 2022). Hence, it is pertinent to
establish or re-establish accurate flood prediction models for effective environmental protection in flood prone
areas through frequency analysis of flows, to establish best-fit probability distribution functions that can facilitate
the prediction of future flood events.
Several researchers (Topaloglu, 2002; Olukanni, 2003; Khudri & Sadia, 2013; Paul et al., 2014) have
analysed historical hydrologic events using methods of statistical frequency analysis, and developed appropriate
best-fit models to forecast extreme events. For instance, Salami (2007) developed probability distribution models
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
for predicting annual peak and low flows at selected gauging stations along some South-West Rivers in Nigeria.
Probability distribution functions such as Gumbel, Normal, Log-Pearson type III and Log-normal distributions
were fitted to the flow series. The Gumbel (Extreme value type I) and Log-normal models were found suitable
for estimating flows in the study area. Adeyemo and Olofintoye (2014) demonstrated the application of the
parametric Normal, Lognormal, Pearson III, Log-Pearson III, Gumbel and Log-Gumbel probability distribution
models in estimating monthly river flows into the Vanderkloof dam in South Africa. The models were found
appropriate for flow computations in the reservoir.
This study analyzes the frequency distribution of flood flows along the Mgeni river in South Africa using
data obtained from the Table Mountain gauging station. It employs statistical methods to determine the fitness of
the developed models. Establishing relevant functions for predicting flood flow in the river is germane in
articulating proactive measures towards addressing the challenges associated with flooding in the watershed.
Statistical methods were adopted for the analysis in this work. The mathematical principles applicable are
discussed in the following subsections.
2.1 Data Reliability Check:
The Spearman-Brown coefficient was used to check the reliability of data. Formula for computing the coefficient
is given in Equation 1 as:
2´ r
r = (1)
SB 1 + r
Where rSB is the Spearman-Brown correlation coefficient and r is the Pearson Moment correlation coefficient
between the data set split in half. A value of the coefficient greater than 0.8, implies good reliability of data.
2.2 Probability Curve Fitting: Six probability curves were fitted to flow data in the study area. The probability
density functions and the generalized equations of the models are presented in Table 1.
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
Details on the methodologies applied herein are presented in the following sub-sections.
T = 1 p (4)
The flow series was evaluated using six methods of probability distribution functions, Normal, Log-Normal,
Pearson III, Log-Pearson III, Gumbel and Log-Gumbel. Curve fitting was carried out following standard
procedure (Topaloglu, 2002; Salami, 2007; Olofintoye & Adeyemo, 2012; Khudri & Sadia, 2013; Adeyemo &
Olofintoye, 2014; Paul et al., 2014).
3.5 Test Scoring and Selection of the Most Suitable Flood Flow Model:
A test scoring scheme that has been successfully applied in the literature (Olofintoye, 2007; Olofintoye et al.,
2009; Khudri & Sadia, 2013; Paul et al., 2014) was adopted to evaluate the fitness of a model relative to the others.
Scoring of models was based on the Mean Relative Deviation (MRD), Mean Square Relative Deviation (MSRD)
(Jou et al., 2009) and c2Computed/c2Critical fit statistics. Lower values of these statistics indicate better fit. In the
scheme, the assessment of a model is based on total test score obtained on all the fit statistics. A maximum score
of six (6) is awarded a function best supported by a fitness test while a minimum of one (1) is awarded to the least
performing model. A zero (0) score is awarded in all cases when the chi-square test indicates that a model is
inappropriate. The model with the maximum overall score is selected as the most suitable model. Elaborate
information on statistical test scoring may be found in the mentioned literature and other statistical texts.
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
is reliable within the acceptable limits. A summary of statistics of the annual maximum flow series in the study
area is present in Table 2.
Table 2: Summary of statistics of annual maximum flows in Mgeni River at Table Mountain (1951 – 2022)
Mean value Median Standard deviation s, Skewness Minimum Maximum
𝑥̅ , (m3/s) (m3/s) (m3/s) coefficient, G (m3/s) (m3/s)
It is observed from examination of statistics in Table 2, that the range and standard deviation of the series are
high. Also, the mean lies to the right of the median with a positive coefficient of skewness. This indicates that the
frequency distribution of maximum annual flow in the river is positively skewed. This corroborates the
observations of Viessman et al. (1989) and other pundits who have noted that the distribution of flood flows are
generally markedly right skewed partially due to the influence of natural phenomena.
The developed model equations, results of chi-square goodness-of fit test and its significance status and
the computed values of the fit statistics of each function are presented in Table 3. The test scores obtained on each
fit statistic are emphasized in italics and enclosed in parentheses. The probability fitness plots for the models are
presented in Figure 1.
400 500
200 300
0 200
0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0 100
0 0
0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0 0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0
Exceedence Probability Exceedence Probability Exceedence Probability
Mgeni Annual Maximum Flow (Mm3)
600 1200
500 1000
400 400
200 600
200 100
100 0
0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0 200
-200 0
0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0
0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0
Exceedence Probability Exceedence Probability Exceedence Probability
It is evident from Table 3 and Figure 1 that only 3 models viz. Log-Normal, Pearson III and Log-Pearson III
distributions exhibited good fit to the data at the level of significance, and are therefore suitable for predicting
flood flows in the study area. The Normal and Gumbel curves showed large deviations at the tails of the
distribution. Also, some part of the curves lies in the negative range below the horizontal axis (Figures 1a and 1e).
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
While the Log-Gumbel was entirely restricted to the positive range of estimation, it showed very large deviation
at the left tail of the distribution which rendered it unsuitable. Consequently, the Normal, Gumbel and Log-
Gumbel distribution models were not compared further in the Kruskal-Wallis Test.
The Normal distribution is generally known to provide reasonable approximation in the centre of a
distribution but is often inadequate at one or both tails of skewed distributions (Olofintoye, 2007; Salami, 2007).
This is evident from the results in this study as the Normal distribution model produced a poor fit and exhibited
significant deviations at the tails of the model (Figure 1a). This phenomenon has also been observed by Olofintoye
et al. (2009) who reported that hydrologic series are generally skewed and found the Normal distribution model
inadequate at most of the hydrologic stations in the study. Applications of normalization procedures before fitting
Normal models to flow series may however be beneficial in resolving this problem in future studies.
The significance statuses of the Log-Normal, Pearson III and Log-Pearson III models indicate that they are
suitable for estimating future flood flow in the study area. Based on total test scores obtained (Table3), Log-
Pearson III is the best performing model, Log-Normal the second and Pearson III the third best. However, the
value of the computed H-statistic in the Kruskal-Wallis test (H = 0.064) was less than the critical value of the
statistic (Hcritital = 5.99) at the 5% level of significance. This suggests that there are no significant differences in
the performance of the models and hence the 3 models are applicable in estimating flood flow in the area.
Since flood flow data are known to be generally skewed, 3-parameters distributions like the Pearsonian
models, which employ the computation of a skew coefficient in estimation of hydrologic random variables, are
often found to provide good fits in flood modelling. The selection of Log-Pearson III function as the best-fit model
in this study further corroborates the findings of (Olofintoye, 2007; Olofintoye & Sule, 2009; Olofintoye et al.,
2009) that the distributions hydrologic data are positively skewed and Log-Pearson III probability distribution
model may conveniently be used to estimate future events.
In particular, the United States (U.S.) Interagency Advisory Committee on Water Data has recommended the
use of Log-Pearson III distribution in calculating flood recurrences. It is also the default distribution adopted by
the U.S. Geological Survey for flood studies. Likewise, the U.S. Water Resources Council (WRC) has also
recommended that Log-Pearson III distribution be used as a base method for flood flow frequency studies in an
attempt to promote a consistent, uniform approach to flood flow frequency determination for use in all federal
planning involving water related land resources (Mays, 2011). Therefore, the findings in the study are in accord
with international suggestions.
The need for reliable hydrologic studies cannot be overemphasized particularly in this era of climatic vicissitude.
Increases in severities and frequencies of extreme daily rainfall events with attendant flooding are speculated
worldwide due to recent anthropogenic global warming (IPCC, 2011). Therefore, establishing methods germane
in effective management of hydrologic events is of great practical value in flood control.
Frequency analysis of annual maximum flow of Mgeni River measured at Table Mountain Gauging
Station was performed to establish probability distribution models apposite in estimating flood. Six probability
curves were fitted. It was found that the Log-Normal, Pearson III and Log-Pearson III distribution models were
suitable for modelling flood flow in the area. These models may be useful in developing strategies for mitigating
the adverse effects of floods experienced in the Mgeni watershed in South Africa.
A 3-parameter Log-Pearson III model which takes cognizance of a skew coefficient in estimations was
found to be most appropriate in modelling flood flow in the study area. This is consistent with results from earlier
studies and in accord with suggested international standards. Also, the length of data used in the analyses is
statistically large and sufficient to provide good approximations to the population parameters and support the
various statistical tests (Gupta, 2013). This suggests that the established models are appropriate and are therefore
recommended for estimating flood flows in the Mgeni watershed, South Africa.
The authors acknowledge the Department of Water and Sanitation, South Africa for making river flow data
available for this study.
Adeyemo, J., & Olofintoye, O. (2014). Optimized Fourier Approximation Models for Estimating Monthly
Streamflow in the Vanderkloof Dam, South Africa. In A. Tantar, E. Tantar, J. Sun, W. Zhang, Q. Ding,
O. Schütze, M. Emmerich, P. Legrand, P. D. Moral, & Coello Coello C.A. (Eds.), EVOLVE - A Bridge
between Probability, Set Oriented Numerics, and Evolutionary Computation V (pp. 293-306). Springer
International Publishing.
Gupta, S. C. (2013). Fundamentals of Statistics (I. Gupta, Ed. Seventh ed.). Himalaya Publishing House.
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University of Ilorin, Nigeria
Haktanir, T., Bajabaa, S., & Masoud, M. (2012). Stochastic analyses of maximum daily rainfall series recorded at
two stations across the Mediterranean Sea. Arabian Journal of Geosciences, 2012, 1 - 16.
IPCC. (2011). Managing the risks of extreme events and disasters to advance climate change adaptation.
Jou, P. H., Akhoond-Ali, A. M., Behnia, A., & Chinipardaz, R. (2009). A Comparison of Parametric and
Nonparametric Density Functions for Estimating Annual Precipitation in Iran. Research Journal of
Environmental Sciences, 3(1), 62-70.
Khudri, M. M., & Sadia, F. (2013). Determination of the Best Fit Probability Distribution for Annual Extreme
Precipitation in Bangladesh. European Journal of Scientific Research, 103(3), 391-404.
Loucks, D. P., & Bee, E. v. (2005). Water Resources Systems Planning and Management: An Introduction to
Methods, Models and Applications. UNESCO and Delft Hydrualics.
Mays, L. W. (2011). Water Resources Engineering (Second ed.). John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
NZCCO. (2008). Climate change effects and impacts assessment: a guidance manual for local governments in
New Zealan–2nd edition, .
Olofintoye, O., & Adeyemo, J. (2012, 05 – 09 May, 2012). Development and Assessment of a Fourier
Approximation Model for the Prediction of Annual Rainfall in Ilorin, Nigeria. Water Footprint: Water
Institute of Southern Africa Biennial Conference and Exhibition, International Conference Center, Cape
Olofintoye, O. O. (2007). Frequency Analysis of Maximum Daily Rainfall for Selected Urban Cities in Nigeria
[M.Eng Thesis, University of Ilorin]. Ilorin, Nigeria.
Olofintoye, O. O., & Sule, B. F. (2009). Best–Fit Probability Distribution Model for Peak Daily Rainfall in
Southern Nigeria. 1st Annual Civil Engineering Conference University of Ilorin, Department of Civil
Engineering, University of Ilorin, Nigeria.
Olofintoye, O. O., Sule, B. F., & Salami, A. W. (2009). Best–fit Probability distribution model for peak daily
rainfall of selected Cities in Nigeria. , New York Science Journal, 2(3), 1-12.
Olukanni, D. O. (2003). Development of Statistical Model for Reservoir Inflow at Kainji, Jebba, and Shiroro
Hydropower Stations University of Ilorin]. Ilorin, Nigeria.
Paul, S., Hasan, M. A., & Shopan, A. A. (2014). AN ASSESSMENT OF BEST FITTED RAINFALL
DOWNSCALING METHOD 2nd International Conference on Civil Engineering for Sustainable
Development, KUET, Khulna, Bangladesh.
Salami, A. W. (2007). Fitting probability distribution models to peak and low flows in selected rivers in South-
West Nigeria. Nigerian Journal of Technological Development, 5, 50-63.
Sudmeier-Rieux, K., Nehren, U., Sandholz, S., & Doswald, N. (2019). Disasters and Ecosystems, Resilience in a
Changing Climate - Source Book (U. N. E. Programme, Ed.). UNEP and Cologne: TH Köln - University
of Applied Sciences.
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the Seyhan River Basin. Turk Journal of Agric, 26, 189 - 194.
Umgeni. (2022). STATEMENT: Heavy downpours cause damage to Umgeni Water infrastructure. Retrieved 24th
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Witwatersrand. (2022). The 2022 Durban floods were the most catastrophic yet recorded in KwaZulu-Natal.
Retrieved 24th April, 2023 from https://www.wits.ac.za/news/latest-news/general-news/2023/2023-
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
Housing plays a predominant role in the well-being, economy, education, environmental, political and social life
of any nation (Alaghbari, et al. 2011). Despite this role, many people in the low-income categories in developing
countries such as Nigeria found it difficult to have buildings of their own due to high cost of conventional materials
used in constructing the building. Like many urbanised societies, Nigeria is not an exception in experiencing acute
difficulties in the provision of adequate housing for her citizens. The lack of access to adequate housing, which is
priced out of the economic reach of the poor, is sometimes so serious that some are forced to construct shacks on
pirated land with all manners of refuse materials (Olotuah, A, 2000; UNCHS (Habitat), 1992). Research shows
that increasing demand for wood for housing construction is considered to contribute severely to the adverse
environmental effects attributed to the building sector in most nations. Although according to (Alam and Starr,
2009; Duguma and Hager, 2010), the effects vary from one country to the other, as policy strategies and regulatory
reforms have been proposed to encounter such problems in most developing countries. For example, in Sub-
Saharan Africa, building developers are encouraged to switch from the use of conventional clay burnt bricks to
alternative building materials to minimise the inefficient wood consumption mostly for brick making (GoM,
Provision of adequate and quality housing units, is among the role of any government, since, housing is one of
the human fundamental needs. This indicator signifies, among other factors, the standard of living of a country’s
populace. It can also be used to measure the economic viability of a nation. Housing deficit, when left to persistent,
could lead to increase in crime, outbreak of diseases, unaffordable house prices, poor standards of living as well
as high mortgage payments, just to mention but few (Henilane, I., 2016).
Research by Anderson, L.M. et’al. (2003), further explained that when low-income households do not have
affordable housing, family resources needed for food, medical or dental care, and other necessities are diverted to
housing costs. The consequence of the above turns out to be a cost worry or overburden, especially where 50% or
more of household income is expended on housing rent.
However, the use of alternative building materials has been advocated by the United Nations Commission for
Human Settlement since the early 1990s (UNCHS, 1993). The use of alternative building materials is also
considered as a means of enhancing the housing stock for low-income populations by using local and affordable
materials and methods available. Although, the perception of using alternative building materials has highly been
criticised by previous authors such as Myers, G. A.,1999 for a number of reasons. In addition, the structures built
using alternative building materials are considered as structurally poor in terms of durability due to the lack of
technological knowhow during material manufacturing or house construction process ( Wells et al., 1998b).
Despite all the criticism the use of alternative building materials is gaining more favour as most of the problems
highlighted are being addressed through research and development. (Kuchena and Usiri, 2009; Venkatarama
2007a and b; and Acosta, 2000)
1.1 Affordable Building
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
In most developed economies, the housing sector is seen as an important sector for stimulating economic growth.
In Nigeria, however, access to affordable housing has largely, remained an unfulfilled dream to many numbers of
people, especially, the middle and the lower earners.
Affordable building has been defined in various forms by scholars in building industry. However, others are of
the believe that housing is considered affordable if it consumes 30% or less of a household’s income (Community
Tool Box. 2018). In other word, affordable building may be referring to as house that can be acquired by median
group whose income is below middle-class income in the society. The choice of an affordable house goes beyond
having a roof over one’s head; it involves choosing your neighbourhood, amenities, and services that come (or
don’t come) with it (Wilson, K. 2018). The ability to access wealth by the majority of the citizen often puts upward
pressure and competition from high-income masses on housing prices, thereby posting a higher risk for low-
income masses (Community Tool Box. 2018).
Globally, affordable housing is defined in many ways, and one of such definition is that affordability which takes
into consideration the degree of spending on housing to income of the house hold. However, one of the major
challenges of the low-income group is the affordability of building home of their own due to high cost of building
materials for house construction (Saad, T.,1992). Hence the need to know what is building materials.
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
Fig 2: Compressed Stabilized Earth Block (a) the CSEB (b) Installation of the CSEB (c) Single Bedroom
2.2.4 NBRRI Interlocking Block Making Machines and Laterite Grinding Machine
The Interlocking block making machines show in Figure 3a were designed and fabricated specifically for the
production of laterite blocks shown in Figure 2(a) while the laterite grinding machine in Figure 3b, grinds laterite
to required mesh size for block production. The laterite grinding machine eliminates materials wastes and
guarantees high productivity. The Interlocking block making machines are simple and robust and produce a
minimum of 500 blocks per day depending on the power source. They are ideal for mass housing delivery and
can also serve as a means of economic empowerment.
Fig 3: (a) Interlocking Blockmaking Machine -(Diesel) (b) Laterite Grinding Machine
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
Fig 4: (a) Laminated Bamboo Panel (LBP) (b) Installation of LBPs as Floor Finish (c) Installation LBPs
fitted as Ceiling Finish
Fig 5: (a) Placing the mix on the Vibrating Machine (b) Mador Tiles as Produced (c) Application of the
Mador Tiles
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
3.1 Conclusion
Due to the large housing deficit of about 17 million in Nigeria housing problems has continue to become a
nightmare which has affected the socio-economic aspect of Nigerian, even though some efforts have been made
to curb these lapses such as the Presidential Executive Order 5 to improve local content in public procurement
with science, engineering and technology components. It has become paramount for the Nigerian government to
curtail the crisis resulting to the high cost of housing in Nigeria which calls for innovative solutions, and more
funding for research institutes such as Nigerian Building and Road Research institute to drive the Research and
Development sector to develop and improve on alternative building technologies to ease housing development in
Nigeria. Home grown technologies that are sustainable will help curtail the menace of building collapses which
is as a result of poor workmanship and compromise by contractors trying to make maximum profit due to the high
cost of building materials in Nigeria. Alternative building techniques are excellent strategy to solving the high
cost of housing provision and should be considered as they are much simpler and cheaper to implement which
will help boost the Nigerian Housing industry.
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
3.2 Recommendations
Some of the measures to be put in place to provide decent accommodation for Nigerian citizens include:
(i) Government should deliberately explore alternative and innovative ways of cost-effective, quality,
healthy, large-scale housing stock delivery programmes that are achievable within short delivery duration; and
hinged on NBRRI Dismantlable House concept, across the country. This could be within its housing programmes
or in response to emergencies or crises.
(ii) Government should as a matter of deliberate policy promote and adopt the use as well as encourage direct
patronage of NBRRI innovations
(iii) Reduce the dependency on imported machines by fabricating and using locally-made ones
(iv) Making raw materials for building cheap and affordable e.g. cement, sand, laterite, roofing materials,
ceiling materials, glass window materials, plumbing materials
(v) Capacity building in terms of artisan training, e.g. masonry, carpentry, Tiling, iron binding, plumbing
and electrical training.
(vi) Restructure and adequately fund the Nigerian Building and Road Research Institute (NBRRI) to perform
its statutory role.
The authors wish to acknowledge the contribution made by the Nigerian Building and Road Research Institute
for the support rendered to us in the process of collecting and writing this paper.
Acosta, D. (2000). Soil-cement block masonry: An appropriate technology for massive production of low-cost
housing? In Proceedings of the 12th IB2Mac. Twelfth Int.Brick/Block Masonry.1( pp. 27-45). Madrid: Caracas,
Alaghbari, W., Salim, A., Dola, K., & Abdullah Abang Ali, A. (2011). Developing affordable housing design for
low income in Sana’a, Yemen. International Journal of Housing Markets and Analysis, 4(1), 84–98.
Alam, S. A., and Starr, M. (2009). Deforestation and greenhouse gas emissions associated with fuelwood
consumption of the brick making industry in Sudan. Science of the Total Environment, 407, 847-852.
Anderson, L.M., Charles, J.S., Fullilove, M.T., Scrimshaw, S.C., Fielding, J.E., & Normand, J. (2003). Providing
Affordable Family Housing and Reducing Residential Segregation by Income: A Systematic Review. American
Journal of Preventive Medicine, 24(3), 47–67. https://doi.org/10.1016/S0749-3797(02)00656-6
Anigbogu, N. A (1999). Economics of Alternative construction materials: Some Conceptual Issues. Nigerian
Journal of Construction Technology Management. Vol.2, issue 1, pp. 93-96,
CIB (International Council for research and innovation in Building and construction), (2011). Agenda 21on
sustainable construction. Association of Research in Construction Management, vol. 2, pp 49,
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Community Tool Box. (2018). Providing affordable housing for all. Center for community health and
development. http://communityhealth.ku.edu/
Darsana P, Ruby A , Anu J, Arakkal J, Binuraj P.R , Jithin Sarmaa. (2016). Development of Coir-Fibre Cement
Composite Roofing Tiles. International Conference on Emerging Trends in Engineering, Science and
Technology (ICETEST - 2015) pp. 169-178.
Duguma, L. A., and Hager, H. (2010). Consumption and species preference for house construction wood in central
highlights of Ethiopia-implications for enhancing tree growing. Journal of Forestry Research, 21 (1), 104-110.
Government of Malawi (GoM). (2004). Environmental Policy. Lilongwe: Environmental Affairs Department,
Ministry of Natural Resources and Environmental Affairs.
Henilane, I. (2016). Housing Concept and Analysis of Housing Classification. Baltic Journal of Real Estate
Economics and Construction Management, 4(1), 168–179. https://doi.org/10.1515/bjreecm-2016-0013
Kuchena, C. J., and Usiri, P. (2009). Low cost construction technologies and materials - case study Mozambique.
In Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Non-Conventional Materials and Technologies, 6-9
September 2009. Bath, UK: NOCMAT.
Liese, Walter & Köhl, Michael. (2015). Bamboo -The Plant and its Uses. 10.1007/978-3-319-14133-6.
Myers, G. A. (1999). Political ecology and urbanisation. Zanzibar’s construction materials industry. Journal of
modern African Studies, 37 (1), 83-108.
Ogunsanwo, O.Y.; Terziev, N.; Panov, D.; Daniel, G. 2015. Bamboo (Bambusa vulgaris Schrad.) from Moist
Forest and Derived Savanna Locations in South West Nigeria-Properties and Gluability. BioResources 10(2):
Olotuah, A (2000). The Challenge of Housing in Nigeria. Effective Housing In The 21st Century”, 1(1), 16-19.
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University of Ilorin, Nigeria
Patowary B. N., Nath N., Hussain I. ,& Kakoti H. J. (2015). Study of Compressed Stabilized Earth Block.
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Paul O. Awoyera and Isaac I. Akinwumi. (2014). Compressive Strength Development for Cement, Lime and
Termite-hill Stabilised Lateritic Bricks. International Journal of Engineering and Science (IJES). Vol 3( 2), pp.37
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Saad, T (1992). Implementation of the New National Housing Policy: Problems and Prospects Housing Today.,
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of Materials in Civil Engineering, 19 (2), 164-172.
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Engineering, 19 (2), 139-148.
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Wilson, K. (2018, April 11). 4 Factors that can Make Affordable Housing not so Affordable—Strong Towns.
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
One of the biggest issues facing planet Earth is environmental degradation brought on by human activities. Studies
have shown that 89% of the pollution that exists on Earth today is due to the use of fossil fuels. To green the world
and provide clean, sustainable energy, engineers and scientists have been looking for a pollution-free, readily
available fuel choice for the transportation and industrial sectors. The hydrogen gas economy has been chosen as
the greatest solution. This hydrogen economy has the potential to displace the need for fossil fuels. This review
study discourses the possibility of using hydrogen gas as an energy source to create a cleaner planet through
decarbonization. The role of hydrogen as the foundation for greener and cleaner energy in the industrial and
transport sectors, utilizations on its zero emissions, increasing electrification through fuel cell technology, and
profits of hydrogen economy on the environment were substantially discussed. With a hydrogen economy, planet
earth will reach its natural state of equilibrium.
KEYWORDS: Climate Change: Cleaner Earth: Clean Energy: Clean Environment: Pollution Free
Globally, air pollution has detrimental consequences on the environment, human health, other living things, and
materials. In particular in industrialized and emerging nations, it is a serious and widespread public health issue.
Industrial and transportation emissions are significant sources of poor urban air quality in both industrialized and
developing nations. (Balat, 2008). Despite the implementation of sound and strategic environmental
policies, ongoing air monitoring, and evaluation, the issue of air pollution remains a critical problem
that has yet to be fully addressed on both regional and global scale. This is because strict adherence to
environmental laws and regulations has failed in light of the current state of global climate change, unpredictable
weather patterns, ongoing environmental degradations, and imbalances in equilibrium. Additionally, the diversity
in air pollution patterns highlights the need for workable solutions that aim to significantly reduce air pollution
(De Nicola, 2016).
According to the World Health Organization (2020), air pollution is the leading environmental health concern in
the world and is directly linked to seven million annual fatalities, mostly from cancer and cardiopulmonary/kidney
illness (Silva, R. A., et al., 2013). Air pollution has been related to cognitive health impairments such as
accelerated cognitive aging and decreased memory and intellect, in addition to its well-known impact on disease
burden (Clifford, A., Lang, L., Chen, R., Anstey, & K. J. & Seaton, 2016). Additionally, a recent body of
economics study has shown how these negative health effects manifest themselves in economic outcomes (Zivin,
J. G. & Neidell, 2018). He, J., (2019) discovers evidence of diminished output at two industrial facilities in China
as a result of elevated air pollution. A refinery's closure in Mexico City is also used by Hanna, R., and Oliva, P.
(2015) to demonstrate how air pollution decreased as a result. Fossil fuel consumption results in the release of
various poisonous gases, dangerous hydrocarbons, and airborne particles during industrial processes,
transportation, electricity generation, and other activities. As a result of human activity, this pollution has
expanded globally and continues to exist. These pollutions can be sporadic or seasonal, and they are typically
restricted to particular locations within communities that are influenced by geological and geographical variables.
It is a specific type of pollution that is of interest and concern since its constituent parts and amounts have become
exceedingly diverse and substantial, creating a noticeable imbalance in the typical composition of the air. The
most prevalent air pollutants include sulfur oxides, nitrogen, greenhouse gases, particulate matter (such as dust
and smoke), and various chemical compounds (hydrocarbons). These pollutants are primarily produced by the
combustion of fossil fuels (coal, oil, and natural gas), as well as biomass, such as bush or forest or wood burning,
and agricultural residues.
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
electricity. Hydrogen burns cleanly and produces just water and a negligible quantity of nitrogen oxides as waste
products. Because of its quick burning speed, high effective octane rating, lack of toxicity and inability to generate
ozone, hydrogen is an extremely unique fuel for use in transportation and industrial sectors (Muhibbu-din et al.,
Compared to methane and gasoline, it has substantially greater air flammability boundaries. A combination of
clean coal, fossil fuels (with carbon sequestration), nuclear energy, and large-scale renewables can be used to
make hydrogen, which could eventually overtake other fuels as the primary source for transportation and industry.
On a longer time period, large-scale hydrogen generation will likely occur. The alternatives for producing
hydrogen in the short and medium term are first focused on distributed hydrogen generation from electrolysis of
water with sunshine (Muhibbu-din et al., 2021) and natural gas reformation. A total of 40 million tons of hydrogen
may be produced annually using each of the centralized or decentralized hydrogen production technologies.
Because it may be produced indefinitely in the future using renewable energy sources, hydrogen will play a
significant role in the development of sustainable, clean energy (Muhibbu-din et al., 2021)
The world stands to gain from a hydrogen economy in a number of ways, including energy security with no or
less reliance on oil imports, sustainability by utilizing clean, renewable energy sources, improved urban air quality
due to emissions of almost no carbon, hydrocarbon, heavy metals, greenhouse gases, NOX, and other pollutants
at the point of use, and economic viability by potentially influencing the future.
When generated from clean sources, which are now being prioritized as governmental goals, hydrogen will offers
a variety of advantages as a clean energy carrier. The development of a sizable market for hydrogen as an energy
source offers practical answers for both the security of the energy supply and the reduction of emissions. Because
hydrogen emits no pollutants when it is used up, it prevents emissions caused by the transportation and industrial
sectors. In contrast to other alternative fuels, hydrogen as a secondary energy carrier that can be produced from
any (locally available) primary energy source, which can help diversify the sources and supplies of automotive
fuel while also providing the long-term possibility of being entirely produced from renewable energies. Through
the utilization of fuel cells, hydrogen might also be utilized as a medium for storing electricity. Various techniques
are being used to mass-produce hydrogen. Due to its abundance, hydrogen can be created using a variety of
techniques, some of which are clean and green, or extracted from a wide range of substances and molecules.
Various feed stocks, including fossil and renewable resources, can be used to make it. Hydrogen can be produced
using a variety of process technologies, including chemical, biological, electrolytic, photolytic, and thermo-
chemical. According to Muhibbu-din et al. (2020), common ways for producing hydrogen include steam methane
reforming, gasification of coal and other hydrocarbons, electrolysis of water, hydrogen from biomass, and
hydrogen from nuclear energy.
In conclusion, the hydrogen economy offers the chance to solve all of the major energy policy objectives in the
industrial and transportation sectors and has significant potential to mitigate the consequences of climate change
and address the problem of air pollution. Additionally, the hydrogen economy produces electricity using hydrogen
fuel cells to create power. However, utilizing hydrogen as a fuel will be the most straightforward method to
accomplish carbon capture and storage without upsetting the balance of the earth's CO2 consumption. The
hydrogen economy holds the key to resolving the air pollution problem, aiding in the global clean-up, and
reconciling planet earth with nature.
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
We are grateful for the enormous efforts made by every member of the Clean Energy and Environmental Research
Laboratory (CE2RL), Department of Chemical Engineering, University of Ilorin, Nigeria, to the advancement of
Hydrogen Energy in the country.
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
23. Wang, Y., Zhang, J., Wang, S., Song, C., & Wang, R. (2020). Recent advances in hydrogen production
technologies by bioreactors: A review. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 45(54), 28863-
24. Mazloomi, M., & Gomes, C. (2019). An overview of hydrogen production methods. Renewable and
Sustainable Energy Reviews, 107, 581-597.
25. Ullah, K., Ahmed, S., Sarwar, W., Ahmed, I., & Saba, T. (2019). Renewable energy technologies for
sustainable development goals: A review. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 105, 393-406.
26. Mannan, H. A., Rasul, M. G., Khan, M. M. K., & Sharif, A. (2018). Renewable energy: An overview
of resources and technologies. Sustainable Cities and Society, 31, 183-200.
27. Wang, Y., Zhang, J., Wang, S., Song, C., & Wang, R. (2020). Recent advances in hydrogen production
technologies by bioreactors: A review. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 45(54), 28863-
28. NASA. (2018). The consequences of greenhouse gas. Retrieved from https://climate.nasa.gov/effects/.
29. Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change. (2021). Global warming of 1.5°C. Retrieved from
30. Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change. (2019). IPCC Special Report on the Ocean and Cryosphere
in a Changing Climate. Retrieved from https://www.ipcc.ch/srocc/.
31. Hydrogen Council. (2021). Path to hydrogen competitiveness: A cost perspective. Retrieved from
32. AMAP, 2021. Impacts of Short-lived Climate Forcers on Arctic Climate, Air Quality and Human Health.
Summary for Policy Makers
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
Solar power generation is perfectly suited for clean energy and meeting the increasing energy demands owing to
its abundance and easy maintenance. However, it has low efficiency as maximum power is not extracted from the
photo-voltaic panel due to solar irradiance obstruction causing partial shading condition. This condition creates
multiple power peaks of which the maximum power peak is selected for maximum power utilization. To achieve
this, a tracker based on spring search algorithm integrated with perturb and observe algorithm (SSA-PO), and
operationally tied with DC-DC boost converter was developed for maximum power point tracking of the
photovoltaic system at constant solar irradiance and during partial shading conditions. This generated a tracking
efficiency of 97.8% at PSC1, 96.3% at PSC2 and 96.9% at PSC3, therefore, yielding an improvement of 0.15%
and 2.29% during constant and partial shading conditions, and tracking time was 6.8% and 2.5% improvement
when compared with the result of artificial bee colony algorithm with perturb and observe (ABC-PO).
KEYWORDS: Boost converter, MPPT, Partial shading, Photovoltaic, Tracking efficiency.
The demand for energy world-wide is rapidly increasing, the International Energy Agency (IEA) predicted the
world energy consumption will increase by 44% from 2006-2030 (A. K. Pandey et al., 2016). The conventional
way of power generation that uses fossil fuel still provide the larger part of energy demand and has the challenges
of carbon emission, installation cost and is being depleted (Başoğlu, 2022),(Li et al., 2018), thus, the need for
renewable energy. Solar photovoltaic (PV) is widely applied in standalone and on-grid application as a result of
its easy maintenance, low cost of installation, absence of noise, and free from pollution(Dileep & Singh, 2017).
In PV system sunlight is converted into direct current without any green-house gas emission which is widely
advocated by governments (Ali & Mohamed, 2022). The current-voltage (I-V) curve of PV depends on
temperature and irradiance. Under constant temperature and increase in irradiance, the PV current increases in
direct proportion with negligible effect on PV voltage (Ahmad et al., 2019). The efficiency of the solar power
generation needs to be improved, thus, several MPPT methods are developed to extract maximum power from the
PV system (Dileep & Singh, 2017),(Rezk & Eltamaly, 2015). Conventional MPPT methods include, Incremental
conductance technique (Mao et al., 2020)(Putri et al., 2015), Perturb and Observe techniques (Mo et al., 2022)
etc. Perturb and observe method is the simplest method among the various methods. Conventional MPPT methods
are effective under uniform irradiance conditions but are ineffective under changing atmospheric conditions and
partial shading condition (PSC) (Liu et al., 2008),(A. Pandey et al., 2008). Thus, under PSC, to track the MPP,
the conventional methods should be integrated with soft computing algorithms for better efficiency.
Photovoltaic arrays are connected in series or parallel so as to obtain required amount of voltage and current, and
there is possibility of partial shading condition as a result of shadow of buildings, trees, moving clouds etc. The
panels will receive a varying solar irradiation, which will give rise to partial shading condition (Ram et al., 2017).
Under PSC the power vs voltage curve produces multiple peaks with only one peak which represent the true MPP,
known as Global MPP (GMPP) and local MPP (LMPP). The conventional methods can only track the LMPP and
are unable to track the GMPP due to system non-linearity. This will lead to power loss and low efficiency of the
system. To improve the efficiency a soft computing method is fused with the P&O technique or other conventional
methods (Zainuri et al., 2014).
The aim of this research is to develop a PV array MPPT model under partial shading with boost converter by
developing a spring search algorithm integrated with perturb and observe (SSA-PO) and apply on PV system
configured with boost converter, and evaluating its performance based on tracking efficiency and time.
In this section the theoretical background to the study is going to be discussed.
2.1 Photovoltaic Cell Model
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University of Ilorin, Nigeria
In solar cell modelling, single diode and double diode model methods are used, also organic cell modelling apart
from the silicon cell model is being developed over the years (Mazhari, 2006) and is the basic energy conversion
unit of the PV system (Tayeb et al., 2022). However, the double diode method is complex (Ram et al., 2017). To
predict the energy generation of photovoltaic cell, the single diode circuit model is used as represented in Figure
Fig 1: Circuit Diagram of PV Cell Model
The characteristic equation of the one diode model could be obtained from Kirchhoff”s current law using:
𝐼h0 = 𝐼h} − 𝐼< − 𝐼A}
Where, 𝐼h} is Photons current, 𝐼< is Diode current, 𝐼h0 is Photovoltaic current and 𝐼A} is shunt resistor current
Where, Io is saturation current, Np is number of parallel cell, Ns is number of series cell, q is electron charge, A is
ideality factor, k is Boltzmann constant and T is cell temperature.
The saturation current which is dependent on temperature variation and the photon current are expressed using
(Dileep & Singh, 2017):
N B9 l l
𝐼/ = 𝐼,A $N % 𝑒𝑥𝑝 È )ŠC $N − N%É (3)
𝐼h} = (𝐼A: + (𝑇 − 𝑇𝑟𝑒𝑓) 𝐾D ) lOOO
Where, G is irradiance, Eg is band gap energy, Irs is reverse saturation current, Ki is short circuit current
temperature coefficient and Tref is the reference temperature.
Modules are also connected in series and parallel to meet power demand. A standard panel has 36 or 72 number
of cell arrangement (Tey et al., 2018).
2.2 PV Array with Partial Shading
The solar array performance is often affected by partial shading as solar irradiance is obstructed from fully
reaching the panels, which drastically reduce the output power. Figure 2, shows the diagram of PV array under
partial shading. The array is receiving a varying solar irradiance, which will create multiple local maximum power
point and global maximum power point (Pal & Mukherjee, 2020).
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3.3 Development of SSA-PO Algorithm for PV MPPT Model under PSC with Boost Converter
The implementation of PV MPPT model under partial shading condition using SSA-PO is described using the
flow chart in Figure 3.
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University of Ilorin, Nigeria
Figure 4, shows the developed Simulink model of the proposed SSA-PO algorithm connected to the switching
device of the boost converter, which has wide acceptance in PV power system as it has good efficiency (Fathabadi,
2016). The algorithm generates the duty cycle that controls the converter, as such, maximum power tracked by
the algorithm is supplied to the resistive load at the output terminal of the converter.
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University of Ilorin, Nigeria
Table 2: Results obtained from developed method and ABC-PO method at partial shading condition PSC1,
PSC2 and PSC3.
Tracking Time (sec) 0.16, 1.04, 1.056 0.149, 1.075, 1.029 6.8, 3.3, 2.5
Open-circuit Voltage (V) 36.24, 23.69, 20.05 37.23, 22.83, 22.8 0.99, 0.86, 2.75
Short-circuit Current (A) 1.907, 1.2, 1.09 1.96, 1.204, 1.207 2.78, 0.33, 10.7
Maximum Power point (W) 69.06, 29.7, 21.76 73.55, 27.5, 27.51 6.5, 7.4, 26.4
Relative Error (%) 2.3, 3.03, 2.32 2.18, 3.6, 0.01 0.12, 0.57, 2.31
Tracing Efficiency (%) 97.65, 96.9, 94 97.8, 96.3, 96.29 0.15, 0.6, 2.29
This research presents the development of maximum power tracking method of a PV system under and varying
solar irradiance with SSA-PO method. In this work, a DC-DC boost converter was modelled and employed
between the PV array and the load. A spring search algorithm integrated with Perturb and observe (SSA-PO)
MPPT was developed to determine the duty-cycle of the boost converter for maximum power tracking under
partial and constant irradiance. Finally, the developed method result was compared with the performance of ABC-
PO using tracking efficiency and time as performance metrics.
The developed work obtained 0.15% and 2.29% improvement in tracking efficiency compared with ABC-PO
respectively under constant and partial shading condition. Also, the developed method obtained 6.8% and 2.5%
improvement in tracking time under constant and partial shading condition compare with ABC-PO method.
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University of Ilorin, Nigeria
The developed work employed boost converter to enable maximum power tracking, I recommend further work
should employ Zeta converter with the developed technique.
I wish to express my sincere gratitude to God almighty for His love, faithfulness and guidance during this work.
I also want to express my profound gratitude to Dr. A.S. Abubakar and Dr. G.S. Shehu, for there unrelenting
effort, guidance and time to go through all the manuscripts despite tight schedules.
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Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
Microgrids are becoming increasingly popular as a means of providing localized and reliable electricity supply,
particularly in remote or isolated areas. Accurately forecasting short-term electricity load demand is essential for
effective microgrid management and optimal resource allocation. In this study, we present a short-term electricity
load demand forecast for a microgrid system with an 11 kV dedicated feeder of the University of Jos, Plateau
State, using three machine learning techniques: Adaptive Neuro-Fuzzy Inference System (ANFIS), Particle
Swarm Optimization-ANFIS (PSO-ANFIS), and Support Vector Machine (SVM). The study utilizes five years
of historical load demand data obtained from the Jos Electricity Distribution Company (JEDC) and weather data,
including temperature, humidity, wind speed, and solar radiation, obtained from NASA for January 2018 to
January 2022, with data distribution of 80%, 10%, and 10% for training, testing, and validation. The results show
that PSO-ANFIS outperforms, ANFIS and SVM, with RMSE, MSE, and MAPE of 3.0372, 8.2478, and 1.7868
for PSO-ANFIS,3.1663, 10.0254, and 3.1511 for ANFIS, while SVM yields an RMSE, MSE, and MAPE of
6.9721, 24.4407, and 4.6789 respectively. This study demonstrates the effectiveness of PSO-ANFIS in forecasting
short-term electricity load demand for microgrid systems, providing valuable insights for energy management and
KEYWORDS: Energy, Forecasting, Load demand, Management, Microgrid, and Optimal
1.1 Background of the Study
Microgrids are becoming increasingly popular as a means of providing localized and reliable electricity supply,
particularly in remote or isolated areas. These systems, which operate independently and sometimes in parallel
with the main grid, can enhance energy security, reduce power outages, and optimizes the utilization of renewable
energy sources. However, effective microgrid management requires accurate prediction by optimizing the
allocation of resources, reducing operational costs, and ensuring grid stability of the short-term electricity load
To this end, various machine learning techniques have been developed to forecast electricity load demand,
including Expert systems, Fuzzy systems, and Adaptive Neuro-Fuzzy Inference Systems (ANFISs). ANFIS and
PSO-ANFIS, have shown promise in accurately predicting load demand for microgrid systems among these
techniques. ANFIS integrates the merits of fuzzy logic and neural networks to provide a hybrid modeling approach
that can handle complex and uncertain systems. The incorporation of Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) into
ANFIS results in the enhancement of its performance, leading to improved model accuracy as PSO optimizes the
learning process.
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
study, utilized load data from a feeder to predict short-term and medium-term load demands for the next one day,
three days, seven days, fourteen days, and thirty days.
Adebunmi et al. (2021), in their study, using the Neuro-fuzzy model for load forecasting and compared three
models (ANFIS, ANN, and MLR) using RMSE and MAE as metrics.
Agboola et al. (2021), in their study, presented an ANN-based approach for LTLF of the Trans-Amadi industrial
feeder under the PHEDC network from 2020 to 2029.
Niu et al. (2021), in their research, developed a machine-learning model to improve short-term electricity load
forecasting accuracy.
Omitaomu and Niu (2021) presented a survey of existing research on the application of artificial intelligence
techniques to load forecasting, power grid stability assessment, faults detection, and security problems in smart
grid and electrical power utility systems.
Thomas and Okafor (2021) explored the use of stochastic/probabilistic extrapolation to forecast Nigeria's
electricity demand from 2020-2040, using MATLAB for computation. The authors suggest that the use of artificial
intelligence techniques would lead to even better results.
Ul Islam, et al (2022) provided a review of hybrid deep learning models for short-term load forecasting (STLF)
in smart power grids based on nature-inspired metaheuristic techniques. STLF is essential for load scheduling,
unit commitment, and cost-effective operation of smart power grids.
Atanasovski et al (2022) in their work compared different practical procedures for short-term load prediction and
their application on primary load demand and temperature data for the Republic of North Macedonia
Stamatellos and Stamatellos (2023) discussed the significance of short-term load prediction in electrical power
system planning, operation, and control.
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
• The optimized parameters obtained from the PSO algorithm are a1, a2, ..., an.
• The constant bias term is denoted by b.
• G is the scaling factor that ANFIS calculates.
• ANFIS model function is represented by f(x).
By utilizing the PSO algorithm, the optimal values of a1, a2, ..., an are determined so as to minimize the discrepancy
between the predicted output of the ANFIS model function and the actual output. The ANFIS network is used to
calculate the scaling factor G based on the input variables. The output y is determined by summing the input
variables and optimized parameters, each of which is multiplied by a specific weight, and then adding the bias
term to the result.
Here, x represents the original value that needs to be normalized. min(x) is the smallest value present in the range
of x, max(x) is the largest value present in the range of x, and x' represents the normalized value.
By applying this formula, the original values are transformed to a new scale that ranges from 0 to 1, where 0
corresponds to the minimum value in the range of the original values, and 1 corresponds to the maximum value.
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University of Ilorin, Nigeria
3.2 Method
The methods used for load demand forecasting using ANFIS, PSO-ANFIS, and SVMR were as follows:
(a) Data collection and pre-processing
(b) Model development
(c) Model evaluation
(d) Model selection.
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University of Ilorin, Nigeria
Train Data
0 50 100 150 200 250
24 H ours Forecast
Load demand(kw)
0 0230 0500 0800 1100 1300 1600 1900 2100 2400
Time (Hours)
Fig 3: Load Demand Curve for 24Hours 11kV dedicated Feeder using ANFIS.
The ANFIS KPI for the 24-hour load demand was MSE of 10.0254, RMSE of 3.16663, and MAPE of 1.8627.
0 50 100 150 200 250
Test Data
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
Epoch (Seconds)
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University of Ilorin, Nigeria
Fig 6: Load Demand Curve for 24 Hours Load Demand Forecast for the 11kV Dedicated Feeder using
By employing PSO-ANFIS, the load demand data was examined, and a 24-hour forecast was conducted. As
depicted in Figure 6, the forecast resulted in an MSE of 8.2478, RMSE of 3.0372, and MAPE of 1,7868.
Table 1 indicates that the forecasting performance of PSO-ANFIS is superior to that of ANFIS.
4.3 Simulation Results using SVMR.
Support vector machine regression simulation was carried out and the Predicted versus actual load demand
forecast was plotted as shown in Figure 7. With an RSME of 6.9721; MSE of 24.4407, and MAPE of 4.7623.
Fig 7: 24 Hours Load Demand Forecast for the 11kV Dedicated Feeder using SVMR.
4.4 Analysis of the Results
According to Table 1 analysis, the PSO-ANFIS model outperformed the other models in terms of forecasting
performance. Specifically, at a 24-hour forecast, From the results, PSO-ANFIS is seen to be a better Forecasting
Model compared to ANFIS and SVMR in this study It has an RMSE of 3.0372, MSE of 8.2478, and MAPE of
1.7868 as compared to ANFIS; 3.1663,10.0254, 1.8627 and SVMR of 6.9721, 24.4407 and 4.7623 respectively.
Therefore, based on this analysis, it can be concluded that the PSO-ANFIS model is more effective and accurate
than the ANFIS and SVMR models for short-term load forecasting.
The study utilized three machine learning methods, namely Adaptive Neuro-Fuzzy Inference System (ANFIS),
Particle Swarm Optimization-ANFIS (PSO-ANFIS), and Support Vector Machine (SVM) regression, to forecast
short-term electricity load demand. The study evaluated and compared the prediction capabilities of three machine
learning techniques for short-term electricity load demand forecasting, namely Adaptive Neuro-Fuzzy Inference
System (ANFIS), Particle Swarm Optimization-ANFIS (PSO-ANFIS), and Support Vector Machine (SVM)
regression. The study's results provide valuable insights for microgrid system energy management and decision-
making. The PSO-ANFIS model was identified as the most efficient and accurate technique for short-term load
forecasting based on the findings. The study enhances the field of energy management by offering a dependable
and efficient approach for forecasting short-term load demand.
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
Atanasovski, M., Kostov, M., Veljanovski. G and Popovski, P (2022) "Short-Term Load Forecast in Power
Systems: A Comparison of Different Practical Algorithms," 18th International Conference on the European
Energy Market (EEM), Ljubljana, Slovenia, pp. 1-5, doi: 10.1109/EEM54602.2022.9921172.
Butt, F.M., Hussain,L., Mahmood, A and Lone, K.J ( 2020) Artificial Intelligence Based Accurately Load
Forecasting System to Forecast Short and Medium-Term Load Demands. MBE, 18(1): 400–425
Khantach,A., Hamlich, M and Belbounaguai, N (2019)Short Term Load Forecasting using Machine Learning and
Periodicity Decomposition.AIMS Energy, Vol.7 issue 3.pp.382-394.
Park, R.B., Song, K.B and Kwon, B.S (2020) Short-Term Load Forecasting Algorithm Using a Similar Day
Selection Method Based on Reinforcement Learning. Energies, Vol.13, 2640; doi:10.3390/en13102640
Salisu.S., Mustafa, M.W., Mustafa.M., Otuoze A.O and Mohammed, O.M (2019) A Hybrid PSO-ANFIS
Approach for Horizontal Solar Radiation Prediction in Nigeria. Elektrika Journal of Electrical Engineering.
Vol.18, No2, pp.23-32.
Stamatellos, G and Stamatelos, T (2023) Short-Term Load Forecasting of the Greek Electricity System. Appl.
Sci. 13(4), 2719; https://doi.org/10.3390/app13042719
ul Islam, B., Rasheed, M and Ahmed, S. F (2022) Review of Short-Term Load Forecasting for Smart Grids Using
Deep Neural Networks and Metaheuristic Methods. Mathematical Problems in Engineering Volume 2022, Article
ID 4049685, 14 pages https://doi.org/10.1155/2022/4049685
Yapiz (2015) Multi-objective PSO in Matlab.www.yarpiz.com
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University of Ilorin, Nigeria
This study investigated the extraction of keratin protein from chicken feathers through alkaline hydrolysis using
sodium sulphide as a digesting agent. The protein was precipitated using hydrogen chloride and confirmed through
biuret test, solubility test, sulfur test, and FTIR analysis. The effect of varying sodium sulphide concentrations
(0.5 M, 0.75 M, and 1 M) on the extracted keratin was evaluated. Results showed that a higher concentration of
sodium sulphide produced a higher yield of keratin, with 1 M producing 65.8% yield. However, the shelf-life of
wet keratin extracted using 1 M concentration was four weeks, compared to six weeks for 0.5 M and 0.75 M
concentrations. The dried keratin was unaffected after six weeks. The study suggests that a higher concentration
of the reducing agent produced a higher yield of keratin protein but with a shorter shelf-life if drying was not
carried out. The utilization of abundant waste generated by poultry industries is crucial in reducing pollution and
creating opportunities for valuable product development. The extraction of keratin from chicken feathers provides
an eco-friendly approach to waste management and creates opportunities for product development.
KEYWORDS: Keratine, Chicken feathers, Shelf-life, Yield, Drying, Hydrolysis
Keratin is a vital and abundant structural protein in humans and animals, which can be found in various
industrial wastes such as slaughterhouse by-products, skin remains, animal hair, horns, hooves, and feathers
(Idris et al., 2012; Kalia, 2019; Reddy, 2017; Teresa & Justyna, 2011). These wastes are considered
environmental pollutants due to their resistance to physical, chemical, and biological agents (Kumawat et al.,
2015). α-keratins and β-keratins are the two most abundant forms of keratins, with the former occurring in
mammals and the latter in birds and reptiles (Barone et al., 2006; Sharma & Gupta, 2016). This work focuses
on the extraction of keratin from chicken feathers, which have received significant attention in various
applications, such as cosmetics, tissue engineering, and regenerative medicine, due to their biocompatibility,
biological function, and biodegradability (Agarwal et al., 2019).
Chicken feathers are a rich source of keratin, with a large quantity being produced as a by-product of the
poultry industry each year (Ji et al., 2014; Olonilebi, 2017). However, conventional methods of extracting
keratin, such as acidic hydrolysis, can cause damage to some amino acids and consume a large quantity of
reagents, which cannot be recycled (Wang & Cao, 2012). Therefore, alternative methods, such as enzymatic
hydrolysis and chemical-enzymatic treatment, have been proposed to produce hydrolyzed feather protein
(Alahyaribeik & Ullah, 2020). Ionic liquids (ILs) have also been studied for their potential to dissolve
biopolymers, including keratin, into useful materials for industrial applications (Idris et al., 2012).
Alkaline extraction using sodium sulphide has been shown to be an efficient and economically favorable
method that preserves the secondary structure of the protein, while the addition of an ionic surfactant such as
sodium dodecyl sulfate can prevent the aggregation of keratin polypeptide chains (Ji et al., 2014). Enzymatic
catalysis hydrolysis is a promising alternative method, but its industrial application is hindered by the outer
protective film and compact structure of the feather (Alahyaribeik & Ullah, 2020). Therefore, developing
effective and eco-friendly processes to extract keratin from poultry feathers is desirable from both
environmental and economic perspectives (Ji et al., 2014).
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
In the case of chicken feather keratin, the primary structure consists of a repeating pattern of four amino
acids: glycine, alanine, serine, and tyrosine. This pattern is repeated many times to form a long polypeptide
chain. This unique sequence of amino acids gives chicken feather keratin its unique properties, including its
strength, flexibility, and resilience. The secondary structure of keratin is characterized by alpha-helices, which
are formed when the polypeptide chain twists around itself. The alpha-helices then associate with one another
to form coiled-coil structures, which in turn associate to form protofilaments. The protofilaments then bundle
together to form intermediate filaments, which are the structural components of keratin fibers.The tertiary
structure of keratin involves the folding and packing of the intermediate filaments into a three-dimensional
structure. This three-dimensional structure gives keratin its unique properties and allows it to form strong and
resilient fibers (De Guzman & Tomalia, 2011).
Chicken feather keratin is particularly interesting because it has been found to have a number of practical
applications. For example, it has been used to create biodegradable plastic alternatives, wound dressings, and
as a component in hair care products. By understanding the structure and properties of chicken feather
keratin, scientists and engineers can develop new and innovative uses for this versatile protein.
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
The wet keratin (keratin before drying) extracted for the 1 M concentration appeared to be smoother and loose
indicating high amount of water present. While the 0.5 M concentration was the least loose, showing low amount
of water. According to Abebe (2017), the solubility of the feathers is dependent on the concentration of Na2S,
temperature and process time.
As seen in table 1, the concentration of the reducing agent affects the appearance, associated water as well as the
yield of the extracted protein. The amount of keratin yield in the final product depends on the degree of hydrolysis
of the feather. Hence, the 1 M concentration shows the highest degree of hydrolysis. This contradicts the work of
Gindaba et al., 2019 which says that at 0.5 M the yield decreases on increasing concentration of the solvent. The
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
increasing pattern of keratin yield is caused by peptide and disulphide bonds cleavage. The effect of
concentration of sodium sulphide at constant temperature and pH is shown in Figure 2.
The samples of wet and dried keratin proteins were observed for 6 weeks under atmospheric conditions. At week
4, the 1 M wet keratin was observed to have some microbial growth while the 0.5 M, 0.75 M and all the dried
keratins appeared the same. At week 6, there was some microbial growth on the 0.5 M and 0.75 M wet keratin
and none for the dry keratins of all concentration. The onset of the contamination for the 1 M keratin was due to
the high amount of moisture present providing the environment for the growth.
pH Temperature % MC % Yield
0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1 1.1
Concentration of Sodium Sulphide ( mole/liter)
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Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
Sodium sulphide proved to be a highly effective dissolution agent, while hydrogen chloride demonstrated
excellent precipitating properties. Notably, at a concentration of 1 M alkalis, the extracted keratin exhibited a
loose appearance, with a moisture content of 78.2%, a yield of 65.8%, and a shelf-life of only 4 weeks. These
findings suggest that higher concentrations of the dissolution agent lead to greater keratin extraction.
Furthermore, this extraction process is suitable for scaling up from the laboratory to the industrial level.
The research team will like to acknowledge Ahmadu Bello University Zaria and Petroleum Technology
Development Funds for providing research laboratories.
Abebe, T. (2017). Extraction and Optimization of Natural Protein ( Keratin ) from Waste Chicken Feather for the
Agarwal, V., Panicker, A. G., Indrakumar, S., & Chatterjee, K. (2019). Comparative study of keratin extraction
from human hair. International Journal of Biological Macromolecules, 27.
Alahyaribeik, S., & Ullah, A. (2020). Methods of keratin extraction from poultry feathers and their effects on
antioxidant activity of extracted keratin. International Journal of Biological Macromolecules, 31.
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
Barone, J. K., Schmidt, W. F., Gregoire, N. T. (2005). Extrusion of Feather Keratin. Journal of Applied Polymer
Science, 100, 1432–1442. https://doi.org/10.1002/app.23501
De Guzman, R. C., & Tomalia, D. A. (2011). Chapter Two - Keratin: Intermediate Filament System of Wool,
Hair, Nails and Other Keratinized Tissues. In Advances in Clinical Chemistry (Vol. 55, pp. 75–96).
Academic Press. https://doi.org/10.1016/B978-0-12-385855-9.00002-1
Idris, A., Vijayaraghavan, R., Rana, U. A., Fredericks, D., Patti, A. F., & MacFarlane, D. R. (2012). Dissolution
of keratin in ionic liquids. 207890, 12. https://doi.org/10.1039/b000000x
Ji, Y., Chen, J., Lv, J., Li, Z., Xing, L., & Ding, S. (2014). Extraction of keratin with ionic liquids from poultry
Kalia, S. (2019). Keratin as a Protein Biopolymer; Etraction from Waste Biomass and Applications (S. Sharma
& A. Kumar (eds.)). Springer Nature Switzerland AG. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-02901-2
Kamarudin, N. B., Sharma, S., Gupta, A., Kee, C. G., Chik, S. M., & Gupta, R. (2017). Statistical investigation
of extraction parameters of keratin from chicken feather using Design-Expert. 2016.
Kumawat, T. K., Sharma, A., Sharma, V., & Chandra, S. (2015). Keratin Waste: The Biodegradable Polymers.
23. http://dx.doi.org/10.5772/intechopen.79502
Olonilebi, J. O. (2017). Fast Foods Consumption And Well-Being Degeneration In Humans. Journal of Food and
Quality Control, 2(3), 1-8. https://doi.org/iiardpub
Ramakrishnan, N., Sharma, S., Gupta, A., & Alashwal, B. Y. (2018). Keratin based bioplastic film from chicken
feathers and its characterization. Biological Macromolecules, 31.
Rao, J. R., & Georgopoulos, M. (2006). Keratin-based biomaterials and biomedical applications. In Biomedical
applications of natural proteins (pp. 127-150). Springer, Boston, MA.
Reddy, N. (2017). Keratin-based Biomaterials and Bioproducts. Smithers Rapra Technology Ltd.
Sharma, S., Kumar, A. (2019). Keratin as a Protein Biopolymer. Extraction from Waste Biomass and Applications.
Springer Nature Switzerland.
Teresa, K., & Justyna, B. (2011). Biodegradation of keratin waste : Theory and practical aspects. Waste
Management, 31, 1689–1701. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.wasman.2011.03.024
Wang, Y., & Cao, X. (2012). Extracting keratin from chicken feathers by using a hydrophobic ionic liquid.
Process Biochemistry, 47(5), 896–899. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.procbio.2012.02.013
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University of Ilorin, Nigeria
This study aimed to develop a hair cream formulation that can replenish damaged keratin in hair caused by various
hair treatments and activities. The active ingredient used in the hair cream was keratin extracted from chicken
feathers. The hair cream formulations were designed and optimized using simplex lattice response surface
methodology. Ten samples were produced by varying the percentage of distilled water, keratin protein, and
emulsifier, while keeping all other ingredients constant, and the responses were pH and viscosity. The optimal
percentage of the varied ingredients was determined as 54.54% distilled water, 2.59% keratin protein, and 7.87%
emulsifying wax, with a pH of 6.0 and viscosity of 21,222cps. The selected optimal solution had a desirability
value of 0.92. Stability assays were conducted to study the organoleptic properties, pH, phase separation, and
spreadability of the hair cream formulations. The formulations exhibited great stability at room temperature
(25°C) and -5°C, but were unstable at 50°C. The pH range of the formulations was adjusted to be within the
isoelectric pH range of the hair. Therefore, the use of keratin extracted from chicken feathers as the active
ingredient has a high potential to replenish damaged hair and provides a sustainable approach to hair care.
KEYWORDS: Hair, Keratine, Isoelectric pH, Viscosity, Chicken feathers, response surface methodology
Hair is a unique pigmented filament of keratin that grows from follicles located in the dermis of the skin. It
serves as a protective layer against mechanical stress and aids in regulating body temperature (Buffoli et al.,
2013). Hair is made up of two distinct parts; the follicle, which is the internal part, and the hair shaft, which is
the external part and comprises of the cortex, cuticle, and medulla (Leeson et al., 1985). The duration of hair
growth is coordinated by various hormones and cytokines and is influenced by factors such as location of hair
growth on the body, age, nutritional habits, and environmental factors (Wolfram, 2003; Mathew, 2016). Hair
growth occurs in three phases; anagen, catagen, and telogen (Wolfram, 2003; Mathew, 2016). The keratin
proteins, which are responsible for the strength and stability of hair, are produced during the hair growth
process and are controlled by over 30 growth factors and cytokines (Erdogan, 2017; Hill et al., 2010). These
proteins are categorized into two families; the acidic type I keratins and the basic-neutral type II keratins
(Erdogan, 2017; Hill et al., 2010).
Keratin proteins in hair are classified into three broad groups: Alpha (α) keratin, which is found in the hair fiber
cortex and has low sulfur content with an average molecular weight of 60-80 kDa; β-keratin, which forms the
majority of the hair cuticle and is difficult to extract; and gamma (γ) keratin, which has a molecular weight of
15 kDa, is usually globular and is high in sulfur content (Hill et al., 2010). The major proteins synthesized in the
hair shaft include alpha-keratin, intermediate filaments, and keratin-associated proteins (KAP). There are
approximately 54 functional alpha-keratin genes, of which 28 are acidic type I keratins, and 26 are basic-
neutral type II keratins (Wu et al., 2008; Swain et al., 2008).
Activities such as styling and exposure to environmental factors can weaken the keratin disulfide bonds in hair,
leading to hair damage such as breakage, porosity, and frizziness (Pressly et al., 2016). Incorporating
hydrolyzed keratin into hair care products can repair and restore the texture, luster, and manageability of hair.
Keratin creams can be formulated as hair straightening creams or keratin treatment creams. Hydrolyzed
keratin is usually added to the cool down phase of the formulation, in proportions ranging from 0.5wt% to
15wt% of the formulation, with a preference of 0.5wt% to 15wt% of the formulation (Michael & Marie, 2016).
Keratin treatment creams aid in repairing disulfide bond damages resulting from various hair beautification
activities, and may also contain other active ingredients along with cosmetically approved excipients (Ursula et
al., 2002).
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
damage caused to the disulfide bonds. The composition of a hair cream formulation includes diluents, active
agents, preservatives, and emollients. The ingredients should be safe for use on human hair and scalp and
must not cause any adverse reactions or damage to hair. The preferred diluent is water, whereas the preferred
preservatives include glycerin compounds, parabens, and essential oils. The amount of each ingredient ranges
from 0.1wt% to 50wt% of the formulation, depending on the ingredient. Emollients are added in an amount
ranging from 0.5wt% to 15wt% of the formulation. Suitable emollients include silicone compounds, polyols,
triglycerides, and fatty acid esters (Santos et al., 2017).
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University of Ilorin, Nigeria
Phase B was heated using a hot plate and stirred with a spatula till it completely melted. Phase A was then prepared
by adding glycerin to distilled water and heated to 75oC using a hot plate. Using a thermometer, it was ensured
that phase A and B were at the same temperature (75oC) before proceeding with the formulation, this is to enable
easy mixing of the two phases.
Phase B was added to phase A and stirred thoroughly with a magnetic stirrer. Once the mixture cooled down to
40oC the ingredients in phase C (cool down phase) were added individually to the mixture and stirred
continuously. A laboratory emulsion mixer was then used to mix the formulation till all the ingredients were well
blended as. The hair cream was transferred into jars and sealed properly.
3.4 Physicochemical Analysis
Before testing the formulation, the appearance, color, odor and homogeneity of the hair cream were observed and
noted after preparation. Afterwards each sample was subjected to a centrifugation cycle of 3000 rpm for 30
minutes using a centrifuge and were observed for phase separation according to the ANVISA guide. The
organoleptic parameters were observed.
The samples were further subjected to pH analysis using a pH meter at room temperature. The pH meter was
calibrated with pH buffer 7 solution, it was then inserted into the formulation for 1 minute, the reading on the
device was noted and recorded.
An NFV-E1 intelligent viscometer was used to measure viscosity of the formulations at room temperature using
spindle number 4 at full scale rotation of 12 rpm for 30 seconds.
The spreadability of each formulation was determined using glass slides. O.5 g of the sample was placed on a
glass slide and a second glass slide was placed on it. A 250 g weight glass load was placed on the upper slide for
5 minutes. The load was removed and the spreading diameter was measured and recorded. The spreadability of
the samples was calculated using Equation 1;
𝑆 = 𝑑4 s …………………………………… 1 (Viviane et al., 2009).
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It is evident that the variation of water, keratin protein and emulsifying wax have substantial effect on the viscosity
of the formulations but not on the pH of the formulations. Sample 1 have the lowest viscosity this is because it
has maximum amount of water and intermediate amount of keratin and emulsifying wax. Sample 5 have the
highest viscosity which is as a result of it minimum amount of water content and maximum amount of keratin
protein. It also gave the highest yield in terms of mass. Sample 3 and 7 have lesser viscosity compared to the
remaining samples, this is because they have maximum amount of water and keratin protein but minimum amount
of emulsifying wax.
4.2 pH analysis results
Table 5, 6 and 7 gives the model summary statistics, analysis of variance and the fit statistics for the pH response.
A 3D graphical representation of the response is shown in Figure 4.1. Figure 4.2 shows the graph relating the
predicted and the actual value.
Linear model was suggested for the pH analysis which gave the difference between Adjusted R² and the
Predicted R² as 0.24 ≈ 0.2 which is the acceptable value for R².
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University of Ilorin, Nigeria
The ANOVA gave a Mixture Component coding as L_Pseudo with a F-value of 9.00 and P-values less than
0.0500 which indicates that the model terms are significant.
The Lack of Fit F-value is 5.07 which is significant, this is good because the model needs to fit. The Adeq
Precision measures the signal to noise ratio of 7.490 which indicates an adequate signal. Thus, the model can be
used to navigate the design space.
4.3 Viscosity analysis results
Table 8, 9, and 10 gives the model summary statistics, analysis of variance and the fit statistics for the viscosity
response. Figure 4.3 and 4.4 gives a 3D graphical representation of the response and a graph relating the predicted
and the actual value.
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
The suggested model for the viscosity is a linear model. The Model F-value is 4.94 and P-values is less than
0.0500 which indicates that the model terms are significant.
The Lack of Fit F-value of 0.42 implies the Lack of Fit is not significant relative to the pure error which is good
since the model needs to fit.
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University of Ilorin, Nigeria
The Predicted R² of 0.2731 is in reasonable agreement with the Adjusted R² of 0.4670; i.e. the difference is less
than 0.2. Adeq Precision measures the signal to noise ratio, a ratio of 5.859 indicates an adequate signal which is
desirable. This model can be used to navigate the design space.
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University of Ilorin, Nigeria
For the numerical optimization the amount of distilled water was kept in range, keratin protein was minimised
and the emulsifying wax was maximised. These ranges give the highest desirabiblity of 0.91% for the model as
shown in Figure 5. Figure 6 shows the graphical optimization representation of the model.
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University of Ilorin, Nigeria
laboratory for changes in organoleptic properties, phase separation, pH and spreadability during the stability assay.
The physico-chemical properties of the formulations are stated in Table 11. Table 12 to 14 shows the results for
the stability analysis of the formulations at day 5, 10 and 15 respectively. Table 15 shows the stability tests result
at 50oC on day 7. There was no microbial growth observed throughout the duration of the stability test, which
indicates that the preservative used was effective and stable.
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
pH 6.0 6.1 5.9 5.9 6.0 6.1 6.1 5.9 6.0 6.1
At -5oC
Phase separation NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC
Spreadability (cm) 27.34 28.28 27.34 27.34 27.34 23.76 25.52 28.28 27.34 28.28
pH 6.0 5.9 5.8 6.0 5.9 6.0 5.9 5.9 6.0 5.9
Where NC is no change SC is slight change and S1 to S10 stands for sample 1 to 10
On day 15, at 25oC all 10 formulations shows no change in appearance, color, and phase separation. Sample 4,5,8
and 10 shows a slight change odor, this could be as a result of the fragrance wearing off. At -5oC there was also
no change in color, odor, appearance and pH. The change in spreadability was also minute, this is shown in table.
Table 14: Stability Tests Result at 50oC on Day 7
Day 7 S1 S2 S3 S4 S5 S6 S7 S8 S9 S10
Phase separation NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC
Spreadability (cm) 9.62 9.34 8.55 9.46 9,62 8.92 9.72 8.55 9.34 9.62
pH 6.1 6.0 6.1 5.9 6.1 6.1 6.0 6.1 6.0 6.1
Where NC is no change, SVC is severe change and S1 to S10 stands for sample 1 to 10
All 10 formulations showed severe change in color, appearance and spreadability. There was no separation of the
oil and water phases in the formulation and showed only slight change in the color and pH. This implies that the
formulations are not stable and should not be stored at elevated temperature at high temperature.
The adjusted pH of the formulation using citric acid. The adjusted pH fell between the range of 3.9 to 4.5 which
is in range as stated by Ursula et al., 2002 and Michael & Marie, 2016. Which is acceptable and considered safe
because it is between the isoelectric pH range of hair.
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University of Ilorin, Nigeria
The results of the study demonstrate excellent compatibility among the ingredients in the hair cream
formulations. The response surface models developed using Design Expert Version 13 were found to be linear
and significant for both responses. Numerical optimization solutions revealed the optimal amounts of distilled
water, keratin protein, and emulsifying wax to be 54.54%, 2.59%, and 7.87%, respectively, with a desirability
score of 0.92. The formulations exhibited good stability at room temperature (25°C) and -5°C, but showed
instability when exposed to high temperature (50°C), suggesting that storage above room temperature is not
recommended. Throughout the stability analysis, there was no evidence of microbial growth, and the pH of
the formulations fell within the isoelectric pH range of hair. Based on these results, the hair cream
formulations can be considered both safe and effective for use.
The research team will like to acknowledge Ahmadu Bello University Zaria and Petroleum Technology
Development Funds for providing research laboratories.
ANVISA (2004). “Cosmetics Products Stability Guide” Volume 1, National Health Surveillance Agency, Quality
in Cosmetics Series.
Barbara B., Fabio R., Mauro L., Elisabetta S., Anna T., Elena G., Rita R., and Luigi F.R., (2013), “The human
hair: from anatomy to physiology, Section of Anatomy and Physiopathology” Department of Clinical
and Experimental Sciences, University of Brescia, Brescia, Italy and Studio Rinaldi & Associati, Milan,
Bilgen E. (2017). “Anatomy and Physiology of Hair” http://dx.doi.org/10.5772/67269.
Eric D.P. and Craig J.H., (2016) “Keratin Treatments Formulations and Methods” United States Patent, US
9,326,926 B2.
Roland C.L. and Thomas S.L, (1985), “Textbook of Histology”
Hill P., Brantley H., and Van Dyke M., (2010), “Some Properties of Keratin Biomaterials: Kerateines.
Marc M.B. and Janellele M. B. (2016), “Keratin Based Hair Straightening Formulations, Methods and Systems”,
United States Patent Application Publication, US 2016/ 0158138 A1.
Mathew G. (2016), “A Brief Introduction to Hair and Science of Hair Care Products”.
Niharika S., Samapika R., Rashmi M.H., Janaki I. and Mansee T. (2008). “Keratin”.
Santos, R. C., Silveira Jr, R. F., Marques, L. A., Silva, A. F., & Almeida, R. B. (2017). Formulation and
characterization of hair creams containing keratin proteins. Journal of cosmetic science, 68(3), 175-186.
Ursula H., Herbert D., Petra B and Ernst F. (2002). “Method and Composition Adjusted to the Isoelectric Point
of Hair for Conditioning of Oxidatively Dyed Hair’’. United States Patent Application Publication, US
2002/0122783 A1.
Viviane C.K.N.D, Regis A.N.D., Mariana R.B. and Margereth L.A. (2015), “Physical Chemistry Evalauation of
Stability, Spreadability, In Vitro Antioxidant, and Photo-Protective Capacities of Topical Formulations
Containing Calendula officinalis L. leaf extract”, Brazilian Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences vol. 51,
n. 1
Wolfram L.J., (2003), Human hair: “A Unique Physicochemical Composite”. Journal of Am Academic Dermatol.
Wu D.D., Irwin D.M. and Zhang Y.P. (2008). “Molecular Evolution of the Keratin Associated Protein Gene
Family in Mammals, Role in the Evolution of Mammalian Hair”. BMC Evol Biol.
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
This paper describes the optimization operation of a distribution network for the purpose of reducing operational
expenses and increases the performance of the entire system. The objective of this research is to optimally allocate
and size the required kVAr for a Distributed Static Synchronous Compensators (D-STATCom) for a distribution
network in order to improve the voltage profile and reduce the total line losses. D-STATCom is a shunt
compensating device which is connected to voltage control converter. Bacterial Foraging Algorithm (BFA) was
deployed for allocating and sizing of the D-STATCom. BFA is a natural inspired Algorithm that allow bacterial
to search for food and avoid harmful substances. The proposed algorithm was demonstrated in IEEE 33 bus and
Irrua Distribution Network (IDN). It was observed that the proposed algorithm sited D-STATCom at bus 14 with
kVAr value of 3350 and reduces the kW and kVAr losses by 56.61% and 54% respectively for IEEE 33 bus and
sited D-STATCom at bus 38 with kVAr value of 5090 and reduces the kW and kVAr losses by 46.7% and 43.4%
for IDN. The proposed algorithm was compared with other existing algorithm; the proposed algorithm gave a
better result in term of power loss reduction. The optimal siting of D-STATCom devices and proper sizing was
able to reduce the total line losses and improve the voltage profile of the networks.
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
wolf optimization was proposed to reconfigure and allocate D-STATCom in radial distribution network for multi-
task functions. Authors in article [13] reconfigured the network by optimally allocating a D-STATCom in order
to save energy. JAYA Algorithm was deployed to optimally allocate D-STATCom in a distribution system to
enhance the voltage profile and minimizes the total line losses in [14]. Ant Colony Algorithm (ACA) was used to
site and size D-STATCom in a radial IEEE 33 bus network in [15]. A Modified Sine Cosine Algorithm (MSCA)
was used to optimally site and size D-STATCOM in a distribution network in [16]. In [17], Multi-objective
Genetic Algorithm (MGA) was used to optimally allocate and size D-STATCom for Total Harmonic Distortion
(THD) mitigation and cost reduction in operation. In this paper, Bacterial Foraging Algorithm (BFA) is propose
for optimal siting and sizing of D-STATCom in IDN and IEEE 33 bus Network with the purpose of improving
voltage profile and reducing power losses.
Bus m 𝑉-
Coupling Transformer
VSC 𝑃- +𝑗𝑄-
DC Capacitor
Let consider the schematic diagram shown in figure 1 as a two bus network represented as bus m and m+1, where
the line resistance and reactance between the two buses are 𝑅. and 𝑋. respectively. The voltage on bus m and
m+1 are 𝑉. and 𝑉.[l . After installing D-STATCom on bus m, the voltages on bus m and m+1 changes to 𝑉.d
and 𝑉.[l , likewise the injected current by D-STATCom is 𝐼yñN)N3A* < (𝛼 d + 90O ) and the line current is 𝐼Z <
∅Z .
The new voltage on bus m can be calculated after installing D-STATCOM on the network as;
𝑉.d < 𝜃 d = 𝑉. < 𝛿 − ( 𝑅. + 𝐽𝑋. ) ∗ 𝐼Z < ∅Z − (𝑅. + 𝐽𝑋. ) ∗ 𝐼yñN)N3A* < (𝛼 d + 90O ) (1)
where; 𝑉.d = 𝑉.d < 𝜃 d (2)
The injected kVAr at bus m is given as;
𝑗𝑄yñN)N3A* = 𝑉.d *𝐼yñN)N3A* < (𝛼 d + 90O ) ∗ (3)
Where * denote conjugate of complex variable.
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University of Ilorin, Nigeria
The steps required to calculate load flow using BFSA are listed as follows;
Step 1: calculate the bus current.
The current generated at bus m can be calculated as;
G []v
𝑖. = A Ò ∗ A (4)
where 𝑉. represent the voltage magnitude at bus m, 𝑃. and 𝑄. are the kW and kVAr at bus m. According to
Kirchhoff’s current law, the summation of all the current that flow in and out of the bus must be equal to zero.
Step 2: calculate the branch current.
The amount of current that flows between bus m and m+1 is given as;
𝐽.,.[l = 𝑖. + 𝑖.[l (5)
Step 3: representing the bus current injected and the branch current in matrix form;
[𝐽] = [𝐵𝐼𝐵𝐶] [𝐼] (6)
Where, [𝐵𝐼𝐵𝐶] matrix represents the line data of the network.
Step 4: calculate the bus voltage.
The voltage on bus 𝑉.[l can be calculated by applying Kirchhoff’ voltage law and is given as;
𝑉.[l = 𝑉. − 𝑖., .[l (𝑅. + 𝑗𝑋. ) (7)
where; 𝑅. 𝑎𝑛𝑑 𝑋. are the line resistance and reactance.
Step 5: calculate the power losses on the lines.
For kW loss is given as;
𝑃Z/AA(.,.[l) = $ D % ∗ 𝑅. (8)
While for kVAr loss is given as;
𝑄Z/AA(.,.[l) = $ D % ∗ 𝑋. (9)
The total kW and kVAr loss on the entire network can be calculated as;
𝑃NZ/AA = ∑ž .ul 𝑃Z/AA(.,.[l) (10)
𝑄NZ/AA = ∑ž .ul 𝑄Z/AA(.,.[l) (11)
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University of Ilorin, Nigeria
There are basically four steps for BFA, they are Chemotaxis, Swarming, Reproduction, and Elimination and
Dispersion. These four steps are applied in solving objective functions either singular or multiple.
3.2 The proposed Algorithm for optimal placement and sizing of D-STATCom
Perform load flow using BFSA to obtain the bus voltages and total power
Max. iteration
Obtain the best solution for D-STATCom location and
Run load flow to obtain new values for total power losses and bus
Fig 3: Flow chart for the optimal placement and sizing of D-STATCom using proposed Algorithm.
The proposed Algorithm was demonstrated on IEEE 33 bus network before deployed on Irrua distribution
Network. The research work was simulated using MATLAB R2020a environment, the parameter used for both
networks are similar.
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University of Ilorin, Nigeria
Table 1: A comparison between the proposed method and existing methods for IEEE 33 bus system.
Ploss (without) Ploss (with) Qloss (without) Qloss (with)
(a) (b)
Fig 5: IDN network before and after installing D-STATCom (a) Voltage profile (b) Total power losses
In the research work, BFA was used to optimally placed and sized D-STATCom on both IEEE 33 bus and IDN.
BFSA was used to carry out the load flow analysis while BFA was used to perform the optimal placement and
sizing of D-STATCom. The results show that D-STATCom was properly sited and sized on both networks which
lead to the significant minimization of total power losses and improvement in the voltage profile when compared
to the base case. Some of the benefit of the proposed method is that; it was able to minimize power losses, improve
the network voltage profile and the simulation time was short. For future research; D-STATCom should be
optimally sited alongside Distributed Generators (DGs) using novel Optimization techniques for multi-objective
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
function which include costing, voltage stability index, power losses and so on. Artificial Intelligent (AI) should
be considered for controlling D-STATCom in a distribution network.
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Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
Machine learning (ML) algorithms have been deployed in recent years as models for the analysis of complex data.
The ubiquity of ML algorithms stems from their ability to learn the patterns and structures inherent in data. In
addition, they are adaptable to a wide range of data types, irrespective of size, which allows them to learn and
predict the future pattern of data. In this work, dynamic mode decomposition (DMD), an ML algorithm, is
deployed to analyse the pattern of gene expression data from patients with and without ovarian cancer. Ovarian
cancer is one of the deadliest gynaecologic cancers in the world. The obscure nature of the symptoms makes early
detection of ovarian cancer difficult. If the disease is diagnosed early, the chance of survival increases for patients.
In this work, DMD is applied to analyse gene expression data from patients with and without ovarian cancer to
understand the spatiotemporal patterns of the data. The DMD modes captured the prevalent structures and
predicted the future state of the data. The results obtained show that DMD is a promising algorithm that can predict
the features inherent in gene expression for patients with and without ovarian cancer. The DMD modes can further
be applied as features to train detection and classification models that can assist health practitioners in the quest
for early detection of ovarian cancer through gene expression data.
Ovarian cancer, a disease often known as a silent killer, is the deadliest gynaecologic malignancy worldwide. It
is frequently not diagnosed at the early stage until it has reached an advanced stage because of its generally elusive
symptoms. Thus, making it challenging to treat on a medicinal basis (Stewart et al., 2019). Early detection of
ovarian cancer in patients increases the chances of survival to 90% at stage 1, 70% at stage 2, and 20% or less
survival rate for stages 3-4. Unfortunately, only 20% of ovarian cancers are detected in stage 1 or stage 2 (Elias
et al., 2018). In order to achieve accurate early detection of the disease, detection and classification models must
show high sensitivity and accuracy in performance, because of the cryptic nature of the symptoms of the disease
at the early stages (Elias et al., 2018; Stewart et al., 2019).
Machine learning (ML) algorithms have greatly transformed the way complex data are analysed in recent years.
ML algorithms have been deployed in recent years as models for the analysis of complex data. The ubiquity of
ML algorithms stems from their ability to learn the patterns and structures inherent in data that may not be feasible
for humans to learn. Besides, ML algorithms are applicable to a wide range of data types, regardless of the
dimension of the data, whether structured, unstructured, or semi-structured. Interestingly, ML algorithms are also
flexible and easily adaptive to variations in data, thereby allowing them to continuously learn the patterns as they
evolve and improve prediction along the way. ML algorithms have been used to solve complex problems in
different fields of applications which include but are not limited to weather forecasting, marine mammal species
detection and classification, financial market analyses, and disease modelling among others (Brunton et al., 2016;
Kutz et al., 2016; Usman et al., 2020).
ML algorithms have been deployed for the analysis of different cancer-related datasets. Akazawa & Hashimoto,
(2020) deployed five ML algorithms (support vector machines (SVM), random forest, naive Bayes, logistic
regression, and XGBoost) to predict the pathological diagnosis of ovarian tumours using patient information and
data from preoperative examinations. Diagnostic results were derived from 16 features that were commonly
available from blood tests, patient background, and imaging tests. XGBoost provided the best accuracy of 80%
among the other classifiers. Prabhakar & Lee, (2020) proposed an ML-based model for classifying ovarian cancer.
To choose the most pertinent features for classification, the authors used a variety of datasets, including gene
expression data and clinical data, and employed a stochastic optimisation technique. Different feature selection
techniques were used to select the most important genes among thousands of other sampled genes in order to
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
avoid computational complexity. The selected features were passed into different classifiers, and the combination
of the genetic bee colony optimisation (GBCO) feature selection technique and the SVM-radial basis function
(RBF) kernel technique classifier gave the highest classification accuracy of 99.48%. Wang et al., (2023) proposed
a novel strategy for ovarian cancer detection utilising deep learning methods and second harmonic generation
(SHG) imaging. A convolutional neural network (CNN) was used to determine whether ovarian cancer is present
or absent from SHG photos as input. A dataset of SHG images of ovarian tissue was used to test the model, and
an average classification accuracy of 99.7% was reported.
In this research, dynamic mode decomposition (DMD), an ML algorithm, is deployed to analyse the pattern of
gene expression data of patients with or without ovarian cancer. Four thousand gene expression data were
collected for each patient. This is a high-dimensional dataset with 4000 likely feature-set per patient. DMD is an
entirely data-driven ML algorithm that can analyse the spatiotemporal structure of data and thereafter, make a
prediction about the future behaviour of the data. Initially developed for the analysis of experiments and
simulations in the field of fluid mechanics, DMD has since been used for the analysis of several complex time-
varying datasets (Kutz et al., 2016). Thus, the power of DMD is used to extract the patterns of gene expression in
order to use it to predict the future state of the data.
| | … |
𝑿 = C𝒙𝟏 𝒙𝟐 … 𝒙𝒎 E, (1)
| | … |
where the snapshots, 𝒙𝟏 , 𝒙𝟐 , ⋯ , 𝒙𝒎 , represent the observations in the dataset and m is the number of snapshots.
Each snapshot, 𝒙, contains n numbers of spatial points saved per time snapshot, with 𝑛 ≫ 𝑚. The data are then
split into two matrices:
| | … |
𝑿𝟏 = C𝒙𝟏 𝒙𝟐 … 𝒙𝒎5𝟏 E ∈ 𝑿, (2)
| | … |
| | … |
𝑿𝟐 = C𝒙𝟐 𝒙𝟑 … 𝒙𝒎 E ∈ 𝑿. (3)
| | … |
𝑿𝟏 and 𝑿𝟐 are subsets of the dataset as indicated, and 𝑿𝟐 is the exact data matrix 𝑿, only starting from the second
column. The DMD algorithm gives a spatiotemporal decomposition of the dataset into a set of dynamic modes. It
does this by finding a best-fit operator, 𝜁, that would produce the leading eigenvalues, ν and eigenvectors, 𝜙, of
the dataset.
The best-fit operator, 𝜁, can be expressed in terms of the data matrices as defined by:
𝑿𝟐 ≈ 𝜁𝑿𝟏 ⟹ 𝜁 ≈ 𝑿𝟐 𝑿F𝟏 , (4)
where 𝑿F𝟏 is the Moore-Penrose pseudoinverse of 𝑿𝟏 . DMD efficiently computes the leading eigenvalues, 𝜈 and
eigenvectors, 𝜙 of the best-fit operator, 𝜁. The DMD modes, 𝚳, are the eigenvectors of 𝜁 and each mode has a
corresponding eigenvalue of ζ.
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
However, the algorithm avoids the direct computation of 𝜁, because the data matrices, 𝑿𝟏 and 𝑿𝟐 are high-
dimensional, which makes them inflexible for the computation of ζ. Instead, the dataset is projected onto a low-
rank subspace and then an approximate low-dimensional best-fit operator, ζ̅ , defined by:
𝜁 ̅ = 𝑿𝟐 𝑿F𝟏 , (5)
is introduced for the reconstruction of the leading 𝜈 and ϕ of ζ, without overtly computing ζ. The cost of the DMD
algorithm is the singular value decomposition (SVD), an effective matrix factorisation technique for high-
dimensional datasets (Kutz, 2013).
Thus, given the data matrices, 𝑿𝟏 and 𝑿𝟐 , the DMD modes, 𝚳, are computed as follows (Tu et al., 2013):
1. The economy singular value decomposition (SVD) of 𝑿𝟏 is calculated:
𝑿𝟏 = 𝑼 ∑𝑽d , (6)
where 𝑼 ∈ ℝE×} is the matrix of the left singular vectors of 𝑿𝟏 , Σ ∈ ℝ}×} is a diagonal matrix
containing the singular values of 𝑿𝟏 , and 𝑽d ∈ ℝ.×} is the matrix of the right singular vectors of 𝑿𝟏 . ℎ
denotes the rank of the reduced economy SVD approximation of 𝑿𝟏 .
𝑿𝟐 ≈ 𝑿𝟏 𝜁 ̅ ⇒ 𝑼 ∑𝑽d 𝜁 ,̅ (7)
𝜁 ̅ = 𝑼d 𝑿𝟐 𝑽∑5𝟏 . (8)
3. The leading eigenvalues, 𝜈 and eigenvectors, 𝜙 are derived from the computation of the
eigendecomposition of 𝜁 :̅
𝜁 ̅ 𝜙 = 𝜙 𝜈. (9)
𝚳 = 𝐗 𝟐 𝑽∑5𝟏 𝜙. (10)
a. Data Description
The proposed model is tested on a dataset containing the gene expression data of 216 patients. The gene expression
samples are two separate surface-enhanced laser desorption and ionization-mass spectrometry (SELDI-MS) data,
one containing proteomic cancerous serums while the other containing normal serums (Conrads et al., 2004). The
data was accessed using MathWorks R2021b edition. For each patient, 4000 gene expression data is collected.
121 of the patients are confirmed to have ovarian cancer while 95 are normal patients with no ovarian cancer.
b. Dataset Pre-processing
The data is preprocessed and structured to fit into the DMD architecture. The gene expression for each patient is
arranged column-wise as a snapshot and each snapshot contains 4000 samples (gene expressions) representing
the number of rows of the data matrix. Consequently, the raw data is represented in the form of a 4000 × 216
large, tall skinny matrix to represent 𝑿 in Equation (1). Thus, each column is a snapshot of 4000 gene expressions
of a particular patient while the rows represent specific gene expressions at a given spatial point.
The newly formed 4000 × 216 data matrix 𝑿 is used to derive the two observation matrices, 𝑿𝟏 and 𝑿𝟐 as defined
in Equations (2) and (3). The DMD modes are thus computed as enumerated from Equations (6) to (10). The
eigenvalues, 𝜈 and the DMD modes, 𝚳 derived from the DMD operation represent the spatiotemporal coherent
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
patterns in the gene expression data. The 𝜈 gives the dynamic characteristics and behaviour of each mode (columns
of 𝚳), i.e. 𝚳ç corresponds to eigenvalue, 𝜈D .
The predicted future solution can be produced for all time in the future using 𝚳. The approximate solutions of the
data for all future are computed as defined by:
𝑿𝒇 = 𝐌 exp(𝛀t x ) 𝒔, (11)
where 𝛀 = log(𝑣) /(∆t x ), is the diagonal matrix of the eigenvalues, 𝑡F is the predicted future time, and 𝒔 = 𝐌F 𝒙𝟏 ,
is the initial amplitude of the modes, † is the Moore-Penrose pseudoinverse operator. Equation (11) is the low-
rank representation of the original data. The reconstruction of Equation (11) follows Theorem 1 as defined in Tu
et al. (2013) which states that each pair of DMD modes, 𝚳ç and eigenvalue, 𝜈D correspond to the eigevectors and
eigenvalues of 𝜁, i.e.:
𝜁𝚳ç = 𝚳ç 𝜈D . (12)
Following the decomposition of the data with the DMD operation, the level of correlation in the gene expression
of patients with ovarian cancer and those without ovarian cancer was investigated. This was done using the first
three 𝑽d modes as depicted in Figure 1. As can be observed, Figure 1 demonstrates that the gene data is
significantly correlated indicating that many patients have considerable overlap in gene expression.
Fig 1: Visualisation of correlation patterns of the gene expression data of patients with and without ovarian
cancer in lower-dimensional space.
The computed DMD modes are compared with the gene expression of randomly picked observation (equivalent
to the modes positions) to gain an intuition of the accuracy of the computed modes as shown in Figure 2.
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
Fig 2: Comparison of the computed modes, 𝐌 with the gene expression samples (True modes).
The rank decomposition level, represented with ℎ, and simulated at different values was implemented. This was
done to know the point at which the dominant underlying patterns of the data can be represented with the modes.
From the simulated results (at ℎ = 30), the computed modes, 𝚳 were randomly picked and compared with the
observation snapshots of the original data (true modes) to gain intuition into the accuracy of the DMD. The
comparison as depicted in Figure 2 shows that rank-30 decomposition was able to characterise the spatiotemporal
pattern of the original data. The predicted data is shown in Figure 3.
Fig 3: Comparison of the original data and the predicted data (reconstructed using the DMD modes, 𝚳.
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
The reconstructed (predicted) patterns demonstrate the effectiveness of DMD in capturing the underlying
dynamics that exist in the gene expression data. As can be observed in Figures 2 and 3, the modes and the
reconstructed data closely match the original data, thus, indicating that the DMD modes, 𝐌, capture the majority
of the variations that dominate the structure of the original data.
Moreover, the patterns derived from the DMD operation can be interpreted to give insights into the dynamics of
the gene expression for patients with and without ovarian cancer. Interestingly, DMD was able to reproduce the
dominant structure of the original ovarian cancer data. The ability to reconstruct the original data from the modes
provides confidence in the accuracy of the DMD analysis. The benefits of DMD therefore centre on the fact that
it is an equation-free architecture and that a future-state prediction may be created for any time t (of course,
provided the DMD approximation holds).
Therefore, the DMD modes, 𝐌, can be used as features set to train detection and classification models for accurate
detection and classification of gene expressions as either having cancerous cells or not. As earlier noted, the cryptic
symptoms of ovarian cancer make early detection difficult. However, ML algorithms can be used to model
detection and classifying tools with high performance in terms of sensitivity, accuracy, specificity, and precision.
The higher the performance of any of these metrics, the better the chance for early detection of genes that may be
carrying the ovarian cancer disease.
Furthermore, it can be observed that despite the original data being of high dimension (4000 x 216), the model
can identify patterns and correlations between the gene expression of the patients as depicted in Figure 1 in lower-
dimensional space. It is noteworthy that the first three 𝑉′ modes were plotted in the space encompassed by those
modes, patients with ovarian cancer form a discrete cluster distinct from the cluster created by patients without
cancer. This shows that high-dimensional data can be effectively analysed in lower-dimensional space. The
insights gained from such visualisations can help improve clinical understanding of the disease and its underlying
The early detection of ovarian cancer among patients could significantly increase the rate of survival. However,
detection at the early stage is cryptic due to the elusive nature of the symptoms of ovarian cancer. In this study,
DMD was deployed for the analysis of the spatiotemporal coherent patterns that exist in gene expression data of
patients with and without ovarian cancer to observe and understand the dominant patterns in the data. An
understanding of the patterns can lead to effective feature extractions for training detection and classification
models. The DMD modes were used to predict the future state of the data and a closely matched reconstructed
pattern of the original data was achieved. The next phase in the work is to deploy the DMD modes as features to
train different detection and classification models for the early detection of ovarian cancer tumours from the gene
expression data of patients.
The Federal Government of Nigeria’s NEEDS assessment programme through the University of Ilorin is
acknowledged for partly supporting this research. MathWorks R2021b© is acknowledged for the ovarian cancer
data deployed in this research. Stellenbosch University is acknowledged for providing access to the MATLAB
edition (R2021b) used for the research.
Akazawa, M., & Hashimoto, K. (2020). Artificial intelligence in ovarian cancer diagnosis. Anticancer Research,
40(8), 4795–4800. https://doi.org/10.21873/anticanres.14482
Brunton, B. W., Johnson, L. A., Ojemann, J. G., & Kutz, J. N. (2016). Extracting spatial--temporal coherent
patterns in large-scale neural recordings using dynamic mode decomposition. Journal of Neuroscience Methods,
258, 1–15.
Conrads, T., Fusaro, V. A., Ross, S., Johann, D., Rajapakse, V., Hitt, B. A., Steinberg, S. M., Kohn, E. C.,
Fishman, D. A., Whitely, G., & And, O. (2004). High-resolution serum proteomic features for ovarian cancer
detection. Endocrine-related cancer. Endocrine-Related Cancer, 11(2), 163–178.
Elias, K. M., Guo, J., & Bast, R. C. (2018). Early Detection of Ovarian Cancer. Hematology/Oncology Clinics
of North America, 32(6), 903–914. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.hoc.2018.07.003
Kutz, J. N. (2013). Data-driven modeling \& scientific computation: methods for complex systems \& big data.
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
Department of Mechanical Engineering, Kwara State University, Malete, Nigeria
Centre for Sustainable Energy, Kwara State University, Malete, Nigeria
Department of Chemical Engineering, University of Ilorin, Ilorin, Nigeria
*Email: ajaladeji1@gmail.com
Biogas production from agricultural waste is gaining more attention from researchers in the biofuel industry.
However, many of the findings from biogas production have not been implemented, especially in the rural area
wherethe agricultural waste is mostly available. This study was aimed at the determination of the influence of
biochar (BC) on biogas yield from anaerobic co-digestion of pineapple crown (PC) and cattle dung (CD) using a
domestic batch digester. Thefeeds where characterize to determine moisture content, ash yield, total solid, volatile
solid, fixed solid content, and pH. The nanoparticle size of biochar was determined using Dynamic Light Scattering
(DLS) instrument. In the first experimentalsetup, biogas was produced from anaerobic co-digestion of PC and CD
in the fabricated batch digester, while biogas was also produced in the anaerobic co-digestion of PC and CD in
the presence of BC. Biogas was collected at 30- and 45-days hydraulic retention time (HRT). The gas analyzer
revealed the major composition of the incombustible biogasfrom PCCD at 30 days HRT to be CH4 (50.38 %), while
PCCDBC has CH4 (40.38 %). At forty-five days HRT, a combustible biogas was produced from PCCD with 59.42
% CH4 and 54.2 % CH4 as major gas composition in PCCDBC. Forty-five days HRT is more suitable for the
production of combustibles biogas from both PCCD and PCCDBC using locally fabricated batch domestic co-
digester. The biogas produced in this study is suitable for domestic cooking.
KEYWORDS: Agricultural wastes, Biochar, Biogas, Cattle dung, Co-digestion, Pineapple crown
A large proportion of global gas consumption is derived from naturally occurring sources that are not readily
available and accessible by a common man in the street. This has continued to pose serious challenges to
researchers in the development of suitable alternatives to the naturally occurring source of gas supply (Hamzah et
al., 2020; Cavali et al., 2022). A notable problem associated with the use of gas from natural sources is that it
contributes to global warming as a result of the release into the environment of the associated by products from
its exploration, production, and usage. It is on record that not less than 10.9×109 tons of carbon per year are
released into the environment due to the utilization of fossil energy (Cavali et al., 2022). In an attempt to providing
cleaner energy sources, gas production known as biogas from plants and animal wastes is fast gaining the attention
of researchers. Biogas is a form of renewable fuel and an energy source, it is a combustible gas mixture produced
during the anaerobic fermentation of biomass by bacteria (Adebayo et al., 2013; Kulichkova et al., 2020).
In European countries, up to 70 % of the feedstock used for biogas production comes from the agricultural sector
such as dedicated energy crop (DEC), manure, and agricultural residues. According to the European Biogas
Association, DEC constitutes 50 or more percent as a substrate for biogas production in Austria, Cyprus, Germany,
and Latvia; for comparison, agricultural residues account for 40-60% of biogas generation in Cyprus, Germany,
Denmark, France, Italy, and Poland (Kulichkova et al., 2020).
Nigeria as a country is blessed with about 1.42 million metric tonnes per year of pineapple production (Efunwoye
et al., 2019; Baidhe et al., 2021). The pineapple crown has continued to constitute a serious environmental
problem which includes landfilling and blockage of the drainage. This pineapple crown can be used for biogas
synthesis (Efunwoye et al., 2019). With an estimated 20.7 million cattle herds in Nigeria, the country has been
ranked 5th in cattle population in Africa. By the year 2050, the Nigerian cattle population is expected to be about
53.6 million (Ripples Nigeria, 2021). On average, a cow produces 5.4 kg of dung per day, poor management of
the cow dung can result in environmental pollution (Yusuf et al., 2020). The use of Pineapple crowns and cow
dung for biogas production could be a big opportunity for Nigeria to be enlisted among the biogas producer in the
world. Considering the huge waste generation from both pineapple crowns and cow dung in Nigeria, this study
was therefore aimed at the fabrication of an anaerobic co-digester for biogas synthesis from these wastes.
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
2.1 Materials
Pineapple crown was sourced from Lapi Market, Niger State, Nigeria and it was ground with locally fabricated
grinding machine to particle size ≤ 0.425 mm. Cow dung was collected from Mandate Market, Ilorin, Nigeria and
it was ground with locally fabricated grinding machine to particle size of ≤ 0.425 mm. Bio-char was obtained
from Mechanical Engineering Department, Kwara State University, Ilorin, Nigeria.
2.2 Methods
2.2.1 Description and Design of the Digester
The construction of batch biogas digesters was done using a 170 L high-density polyethylene (HDPE) drum. A
manual stirrer was fabricated and attached at the bottom, while a digital thermometer, pressure gauge, gas outlet
tap, and 2" ball valve (for loading the digester) were attached at the top cover. A stand for the digester was also
constructed using a 1"x 6mm flat bar and 1" square pipe.
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
3.1.6 pH
The methane producing bacteria live best under neutral to slightly alkaline conditions, the required pH for
anaerobic digestion ranges between 6.8 and 8.5. The pH values for cattle dung used in this experiment is 8.1 which
is slightly alkaline and pineapple crown is 6.6 which is acidic. The pH of the mixture of PCCD is 7.4 and PCCDBC
is 7.6 which is within the required pH for Biogas generation, with that the method of anaerobic co-digestion
employed in this experiment was able to produce a more desired pH for biogas generation.
Table 2: Biogas Composition for 30 days Co-digestion from PCCD and PCCDBC
S/N Gas PCCD (%) PCCDBC (%)
1 O2 1.621 1.213
2 CO 0.0037 0.00427
4 CO2 2.100 3.200
5 NO 0.00116 0.00132
6 NO2 0.00033 0.00037
7 NOX 0.00149 0.00169
8 SO2 0.00006 0.00003
9 CH4 50.38 40.38
10 H2S 0.00015 0.001827
Figure 1 present the plot of the results of the major biogas composition which are methane (CH4), carbon dioxide
(CO2), and oxygen (O2). Oxygen is a combustible gas but its presence is low in biogas. There is not much
significant difference in the oxygen content of the biogas from both the PCCD (1.621 % O2) and PCCDBC (1.213
% O2). CO2 is a non-combustible gas, hence its presence might further be a setback to the combustion of the biogas
produced. The CO2 content of 2.1 % recorded in PCCD is lower than 3.2 % in PCCDBC. PCCD has a higher
methane (CH4) content of 50.38 % compared with the 40.38 % from the PCCDBC process route. This might be
due to higher carbon content that might likely result from the addition of bio-char, thereby causing an imbalance
in the carbon-to-nitrogen ratio (Omondi et al., 2019). The non-combustibility of the biogas from both PCCD and
PCCDBC at 30-day co-digestion is in agreement with the report by Agunwamba (2001) that for any biogas
mixture to be combustible, the methane content must be more than 50 %.
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
In another study by Omondi et al. (2019) on biogas production from the co-digestion of water hyacinth (WH) and
ruminal slaughterhouse waste (RSW), biogas production was collected for 60 days HRT. Co-digestion of WH
with RSW at 1:4 and 1:5 RSW: WH ratio improved the startup rate above that for both biomass. At the 1:4 of
RSW to WH ratio and 60 days residence time, there was an increase in biogas production from 87 % to 90 %.
However, the percentage methane content of the biogas was not reported and it was not also documented that the
biogas combusted.
Oxygen Carbon Dioxide Methane
Fig 1: Biogas Composition from PCCD and PCCDBC after 30 Days of Co-digestion
Plate II: Combustion of biogas from PCCDBC Plate III: Combustion of biogas from PCCD
Analysis of the biogas from 45 days of co-digestion by Bio Portable Gas Analyzer revealed the composition of
the biogas produced as shown in Table 3. Four different gases were identified from both PCCP and PCCDBC co-
digestion systems. The percentage composition of H2S in PCCD (0.000242 %) and PCCDBC (0.000246 %) is
relatively small. Hence there will be minimal environmental pollution from H2S during the usage of the biogas.
The O2 from both PCC (0.00022 %) and in PCCDBC (0.000229 %) is considerably low, this does not constitute
any challenge to the biogas combustion as sufficient O2 from the air will combine with the biogas during its usage.
Table 3: Biogas Composition for 45 days Co-digestion from PCCD and PCCDBC
Gas PCCD (%) PCCDBC (%)
H2S 0.000242 0.000246
O2 0.00022 0.000229
CO2 35.94 41.15
CH4 59.42 54.2
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
Figure 2 present the plot of the results of the major biogas composition at 45
days of co-digestion which are methane (CH4) and carbon dioxide (CO2). The amount of CO2 in both PCCD (35.94
%) and PCCDBC (41.15 %) is considerably high. It could therefore be inferred that a longer period of co-digestion
enhances the biochemical conversion of the carbon content of the substrate into the CO2. The presence of biochar
in PCCDBC indicates higher carbon content which might also be converted to CO2 during the co-digestion,
thereby accounting for higher CO2 in PCCDBC compared to PCCD. The CH4 content in PCCD (59.42 %) is
slightly higher than in PCCBC (54.2 %). The presence of CH4 in both PCCD and PCCDBC is more than the
required amount of >50 % CH4 for any biogas to combust. This is the main reason for the combustibility of the
synthesized biogas after 45 days.
The methane content in this study is slightly lower than the 69.89 % methane content reported by Al-Mamun and
Torrii (2019) for the co-digestion of cafeteria, vegetable and fruit wastes, at mixing ratio of 1.5:0.5:1.0 and 21
days of HRT. The higher methane content by Al-Mamun and Torrii (2019) could be attributed to difference in
substrate composition.
PCCP (%)
Carbon dioxide Methane
Fig 2: Biogas Composition from PCCD and PCCDBC after 45 Days of Co-digestion
The addition of bio-char did not show any significant effect on the methane content, this could be because the
nanoparticle is mesoporous which is more suitable for the adsorption of bigger molecular substances (Kumar and
Jena et al., 2016). It is also possible that the bio-char was in excess (Torri and Fabbri, 2014).
In a study by Torri and Fabbri (2014), biochar made from maize was added to an anaerobic digestion system.
The results showed that the addition of bio-char not only significantly boosted the cumulative methane yield but
also enhanced the reaction rate. Similar to this, it was discovered that 10.0 g L-1 of biochar was the ideal quantity
and that higher levels decreased the methane output. This was primarily because moderate bio-char addition
effectively reduced VFA buildup, leading to increased levels of methanogenic activity, whereas higher biochar
concentrations caused more propionic acid to collect in the digester, decreasing the stability of the anaerobic
digestion process.
It can be concluded in this study that the cow dung used in this study consists of 6 % moisture, 15 ash, 96 total
solid, 80 % volatile solid, 8.1 pH and 20 % fixed solid. The result of the characterization revealed 5 % moisture,
5.2 % ash, 95 % total solid, 89 % volatile solid, 6.6 pH and 11 % fixed solid. The pH of the mixture of PCCD is
7.4 and PCCDBC is 7.6 which is an improvement to the individual pH of cattle dung and pineapple crown. Hence,
both cow dung and pineapple crown are suitable for biogas production. The major composition of biogas produced
at 30 days hydraulic retention time for PCCD is 2.1 % CO2 and 50.38 % CH4, while that of PCCDBC are 3.2 %
CO2 and 40.38 % CH4. At 30 days of hydraulic retention time, an incombustible gas was produced. The major
composition of biogas produced at 45 days hydraulic retention time for PCCD is 35.94 % CO2 and 59.42 % CH4,
while that of PCCDBC is 41.15 % CO2 and 54.2 % CH4. At 45 days of hydraulic retention time, a combustible
gas was produced which is suitable for domestic uses.
Adebayo, A. O., Jekayinfa, S. O., & Linke, B. (2013). Effect of co-digestion on anaerobic digestion of cattle
slurry with maize cob at mesophilic temperature. Journal of Energy Technologies and Policy, 3(7), 47-
Agunwamba, J. C. (2001). Analysis of socioeconomic and environmental impacts of waste stabilization pond and
unrestricted wastewater irrigation: interface with maintenance. Environmental Management, 27(3), 463-
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
Al-kamun, M. R., & Torii, S. (2014, October). Anaerobic co-digestion of cafeteria, vegetable and fruit wastes
for biogas production. In 2014 International Conference on Renewable Energy Research and Application
(ICRERA) (pp. 369-374). IEEE.
Anhuradha, S., & Mullai, P. (2010). Kinetics and bioenergy conversion studies of mango pulp industry solid
wastes. World Applied Sciences Journal, 9(8), 950-956
Baidhe, E., Kigozi, J., Mukisa, I., Muyanja, C., Namubiru, L., & Kitarikawe, B. (2021). Unearthing the potential
of solid waste generated along the pineapple drying process line in Uganda: a review. Environmental
Challenges. 2, 100012.
Cavali, M., Junior, N. L., de Almeida Mohedano, R., Belli Filho, P., da Costa, R. H. R., & de Castilhos Junior, A.
B. (2022). Biochar and hydrochar in the context of anaerobic digestion for a circular approach: An
overview. Science of the Total Environment, 153614.
Efunwoye, O. O., & Oluwole, O. R. (2019). Bioethanol production from pineapple waste by solid state
fermentation method. Nigerian Journal of Microbiology, 33(2), 4811-4820.
Guo, F., Bao, L., Wang, H., Larson, S. L., Ballard, J. H., Knotek-Smith, H. M., & Han, F. (2020). A simple
method for the synthesis of biochar nanodots using hydrothermal reactor. MethodsX, 7, 101022.
Hamzah, A. F. A., Hamzah, M. H., Mazlan, F. N. A., Man, H. C., Jamali, N. S., & Siajam, S. I. (2020). Anaerobic
co-digestion of pineapple wastes with cow dung: effect of different total solid content on bio-methane
yield. Advances in Agricultural and Food Research Journal, 1(1).
Jeppu, G. P., Janardhan, J., Kaup, S., Janardhanan, A., Mohammed, S., & Acharya, S. (2022). Effect of feed slurry
dilution and total solids on specific biogas production by anaerobic digestion in batch and semi-batch
reactors. Journal of Material Cycles and Waste Management, 24(1), 97-110.
Kulichkova, G. I., Ivanova, T. S., Köttner, M., Volodko, O. I., Spivak, S. I., Tsygankov, S. P., & Blume, Y. B.
(2020). Plant feedstocks and their biogas production potentials. The Open Agriculture Journal, 14(1).
Maj, I., Kalisz, S., Szymajda, A., Łaska, G., & Gołombek, K. (2021). The influence of cow dung and mixed straw
ashes on steel corrosion. Renewable Energy, 177, 1198-1211.
Omondi, E. A., Ndiba, P. K., & Njuru, P. G. (2019). Characterization of water hyacinth (E. crassipes) from Lake
Victoria and ruminal slaughterhouse waste as co-substrates in biogas production. SN Applied Sciences,
1, 1-10.
Rani, D. S., & Nand, K. (2004). Ensilage of pineapple processing waste for methane generation. Waste
management, 24(5), 523-528.
Rasapoor, M., Young, B., Asadov, A., Brar, R., Sarmah, A. K., Zhuang, W. Q., & Baroutian, S. (2020).
Effects of biochar and activated carbon on biogas generation: A thermogravimetric and chemical analysis
approach. Energy Conversion and Management, 203, 112221.
Thommes et al., 2015
Torri, C., & Fabbri, D. (2014). Biochar enables anaerobic digestion of aqueous phase from intermediate
pyrolysis of biomass. Bioresource technology, 172, 335-341.
Yusuf, S. S., & Jibrin, I. M. A. (2020, October). Assessment of Cattle Dung Availability and its Energy
Potentials in Funtua, Katsina State, Nigeria. In Proceedings of 7th NSCB Biodiversity Conference.
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
This study presents evaluation and optimization of locally available organic materials for the development of
asbestos free brake pads. Some eco-friendly materials for automobile brake pads selected locally are rice husk
fibres, gum Arabic, graphite, quartz and steel dust were processed and evaluated for possible asbestos replacement
in comparison with the commercial brake pad materials. The material was processed and characterised for
elemental composition, microstructural analysis phase presents and observe chemical properties. Using scanning
electron microscope (SEM) equipped energy dispersive x-ray spectroscopy (EDX), x-ray diffractometer (XRD)
spectrometer and Fourier transform Infrared Spectrophotometer (FTIR) respectively. Commercial brake pad XRD
spectrum consist of three compounds exhibit a sharp, tight peak and wagging movement to attest that, the
compounds are crystallite and amorphous. While, all the selected materials are also crystallite, excluding gum
Arabic and rice husk that are amorphous. Characterization of SEM-EDX shows that, the commercial brake pad
has similar element composition with the selected reinforcement materials, except barium oxide find out to be the
based materials in the commercial brake pad that was alternatively replaced by rice husk in the new laboratory
formulation. Also, it was determined that FTIR analysis of the commercial brake pad has common functional
group of 1, 3 – disubstitution (meta) (C-H), alkyl-substituted ether (C – O) stretch, skeletal (C-C) vibrations
aromatic tertiary amine (CN) stretch and vinyl (C-H) in-plane bend molecules with the selected materials for new
laboratory formulation. Hence, this is accentuating that, the materials can be alternative use for production. It can
be finally concluded that the locally available raw materials selected has been evaluated with higher quality than
the existing properties of the commercial brake pad which can definitively leads to its low cost of its production.
KEYWORDS: Brake pad; Microstructure; Rice Husk; Scanning Electron Microscope; Asbestor
Brake pads is an essential component of the braking systems in automobiles to control the speed by converting
kinetic energy of the vehicles to heat which is dissipated to the atmosphere. Brake pads are composed of steel
backing plates with friction material bound to the surface that faces the disc brake rotor. (Bekir et al., 2022). Brake
pad materials generally are classified into four principal categories, as Non-metallic materials, semi-metallic
materials, fully metallic materials and ceramic materials. The requirements for friction material design includes
stable friction force, reliable strength and good wear resistance over a wide range of braking condition. Moreover,
the friction material must be compatible with a composite disc brake by forming reliable friction film (stable third-
body layer) at the friction surface (Sathyamoorthy et al., 2022)
Composition of brake pads has rapidly changed, as a result of the ban on asbestos fibres and the heat being
generated during braking causes reduction in braking efficiency (Durowaye et al., 2020). (Najmuddin et al., 2021).
However, some less thermally stable resins in brake pads were identified as producing oily residues that
contributed to brake fade (Abutu et al., 2018). All epoxy and certain phenolic resins were identified as evolving
volatile gases during degradation causing a back pressure on the brake pad also resulting in brake fade (Heerok et
al., 2021).
Recently, concerted effort to address environmental issues and the need to protect the environment has drawn
research focus to the use of natural fibers in several applications, including brake pads (Najmuddin et al., 2021).
Dalibor et al. (2022) evaluated palm kernel fibers (PKFS) for production of asbestos-free automotive brake pads
and the findings concluded that PKF can be effectively used as replacement to asbestor. Nwogu et al., (2021)
studied physic-mechanical properties of basalt-based brake as alternative to ceramics brake pad following the
standard procedures employed by commercial manufacturer and the result obtained showed that the properties of
palm kernel shell-based brake pad wholly satisfied the recommendation of the Standard Organization of Nigeria
(SON). Lawal et al. (2020) produced brake pad of agro based composits of cashew nut shells and Nigerian gum
Arabic binder. The studied concluded that cashew nut shell can be used in placement of materials in commercial
brake pad. Furthermore, the morphology and wear properties of palm ash and Polychlorinated Biphenyls (PCB)
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
waste brake pad further justify the potential of biomass (Ammar et al., 2023). Also, was reported by Güney et al.,
(2019). Performance evaluation of brake pads development using two different manufacturing methods employed
for the design and production of asbestos free brake pad using cashew nutshell by Adekunle et al., (2023). The
results of the studies indicated that palm slag can be used effectively as an alternative to brake pad composites.
Nwogu et al. (2021) embarked on microstructure and wear mechanisms investigation on the brake pad. The brake
pad when compared with asbestos-based commercial brake pad they was found to perform effectively.
Hence, this work aimed at producing eco-friendly friction composite brake pads produced from local available
raw materials and compare it with the commercial brake pad by using powder metallurgy method to develop
samples for characterization.
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
II. Scanning Electron Microscope and Energy Dispersive X-Ray Spectroscopy (SEM-EDS)
The Scanning Electron Microscope with energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (SEM-EDS) (Phenom Prox model,
phenomWorld, Eindhoven) based on test procedure in ASTM C1255 – 18(2018) and ASTM E2809 – 13(2019)
Sample was placed on the Aluminium holder stub using sticky carbon tape. The sample was insulated using gold
and then grounded electrically. The samples (each) where then labeled on their stub, then dried in the oven at
60OC. Nitrogen line was opened at 50 psi and the vent button is pressed to fill the area with nitrogen for proper
purging of the chamber.
III. Fourier Transform Infrared Spectrophotometer (FTIR).
For functional unit determination, the Fourier transform Infrared Spectrophotometer- (8400 S, Shimadzu, Japan)
was used. Samples were weight-in at 0.01 g and homogenized with 0.01 g KBr anhydrous by mortar agate. The
mixtures were pressed by vacuum hydraulic (Graseby Specac) at 1.2 psi to obtain transparency pellet. The
procedure in American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) ASTM D6348 - 12(2020) standards were
adopted to evaluate the raw materials.
Table 1: Comparison of EDX Results Showing Elemental Compositions of Commercial brake pad, graphite,
quartz, steel dust, rice husk and Nig gum Arabic.
S/N Element Element CBP Graphite Quartz Steel Rice Gum
Symbol Name Weight Weight Weight Slsg Husk Arabic
Conc. Conc. Conc. Weight Weight Weight
(G) (Q) Conc. Conc. Conc.
(SS) (RH) (GA)
1 Ba Barium 26.96 - - -
2 C Carbon 19.51 74.06 5.24 49.21 55.52
3 Fe Iron 17.46 1.47 33.53 -
4 Ca Calcium 7.11 5.08 2.04 2.35 11.82 11.28
5 Ti Titanium 5.83 0.56 0.42 0.74
6 S Sulfur 5.07 1.29 0.78 0.44 3.83 1.56
7 Si Silicon 3.58 8.01 76.72 52.07 16.83 3.18
8 Ag Silver 3.48 3.12 1.14 -
9 K Potassiu 2.32 2.20 2.49 0.49 2.20 8.66
10 Mn Mangane 2.14 1.61 -
11 P Phosphor 1.66 0.87 0.17 0.46 5.47 1.80
12 Mg Magnesi 1.53 0.61 0.37 0.28 0.70 2.04
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
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Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
three compounds exhibit a sharp and tight peak at 2θ equal 20 and 30O above 50% intensity Siburian et al. (2018).
Figure 5b reveals that the optimal sharp peak occurred at 2θ angle equivalent 27O with 100% intensity’ the
presences of sharp crystalline peaks all-round suggest that the graphite specimen is a predominantly crystallite
(Obidiegwu et al., 2020). Figure 5c shows the amorphous nature of Nig gum arabic, the maximum intensity was
obtained at 2θ angle equal 75O Atmika et al. (2019). The absence of sharp crystalline peaks indicates that the
specimen is amorphous in nature with an interesting feature of intensity distribution due to it wagging shape.
Figure 5d consist of phase compound namely Quartz (Si3C6). The hexagonal crystal system exhibits a sharp and
tight peak at 2θ equivalent 27O with 100% intensity (Ammar et al, 2023). Figure 5e indicate the broad peaks at 2θ
equals 75O and low intensity counts confirmed the RH to be largely amorphous silica. Suggesting, the presence
of quartz as crystalline phase. While Figure 5f shows the mineral phases of (silicon, graphite, magnetite, wuestite
and ferdisillicite) were determined at higher and lower phases due to the very complex mineralogical composition
of BOF steel slag, with many overlapping peaks and different solid solutions of oxides are (FeO, Fe3O4), silicon,
Ferdicillicite (Fe) and graphite (Viderscak et al., 2022). The purity crystal system exhibits a sharp and tight peak
at 2θ equals 29O with 100% intensity. This result shows that the steel slag is best suitable for thermal, abrasive
and hardness enhancement properties in brake pad (Lyu et al., 2020).
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
Fig 5. XRD spectrum of the samples (a) Commercial brake pad (CBP), (b) Graphite (c) Nig. Gum Arabic (d)
Quartz (e) Rice husk (f) Steel dust.
3.4 Fourier Transform Infrared (FTIR) Spectrometer Results of the Raw Materials Specimens.
According to the peak values shown in Figure 6a the peaks at 887.28, 1419.66 and 2438.1 cm-1 band range show
vinylidene (C-H) out of plane bend stresses in the structure. This indicates the presence of the CH molecule called
Methylene. The peaks of organic silicone (Si-C-O) stretching at 3691 cm-1indicate the presence of SiO2 and SiC
molecules in the structure Viderscak et al. (2022) and Heerok et al. (2021). Figure 6b shows finger print, peaks at
925.86, 1080.17 and 1388.79 cm-1 bands in the range of C-H and C-O indicate the presence of cyclohexane ring
vibrations (C6-H12), cyclic ethers/large rings (CO2CH3) stretch and trimethyl or “tert-butyl” (multilplet)
(C7H18Sn) molecules respectively (Oberdörster et al., 2005). The peak of 1535.39 and 1666.55 cm-1 bands
corresponded to C-H-NO and N-H indicates the presence of aromatic nitro compounds (C6H5NO2) and amide
(NH2) molecules respectively. The FTIR spectral of gum Arabic is displaced in Figure 6c. The peaks at finger
print zone at 786.98, 1080.17, 1211.34, 1319.35 and1411.94 cm-1 bands in the range of C-H, C-O, P-O-C, C-N,
C-H and C-H indicate the present of 1, 3 distribution (meta) (C6H4N2O4), cyclic ethers, large rings (CO2CH3)
stretch, aromatic phosphates (PO4) stretch, aromatic, aromatic tertiary amine (C3H6N) stretch and vinyl (CH2)
inter-plane bend molecules respectively (Lyu et al., 2020). According to the peak values of steel particles elements
shown in Figure 6d, the peaks at 786.98, 1057.03, 1327.07 and 1411.94 cm-1 bands in the range of C-H, C-O, O-
H and C-H indicate the presence of (CH) 1, 3 distribution (meta) (C6H4N2O4), alkyl-substituted ether (CHO2)
stretch, phenol or tertiary alcohol (R 3COH) bend, Vinyl (C6H6) in-plane bend molecules respectively (Güney et
al., 2019). The FTIR spectral of quartz is shown in Figure 6e. The peaks of 786.98, 1057.03, 1226.77, 1319.35
and 1411.94 cm-1 bands in the range of C-H, C-O, C-C, C-N and C-H indicate the present of 1, 3 – disubstitution
(meta) (C-H), alkyl-substituted ether (C – O) stretch, skeletal (C-C) vibrations aromatic tertiary amine (CN)
stretch and vinyl (C-H) in-plane bend molecules respectively. The peaks of 1519.96, 1697.41 and 1797.72 cm-1
bands in the range of C-H, C-O, C-C, C-N and C-H indicate the present of aromatic nitro compounds (C6H5NO2),
aromatic combination bands (C6H6) and five – membered ring anhydride (C4O) molecules respectively (Oktem et
al., 2021). Figure 6f shown the peaks at 794.7, 887.28, 949.01, 1064.74, 1211.34, 1334.78, 1334.78 and 1411.94
cm-1 bands in the range of C-H, C-H, C-H, C-O, C-C, C-H, C-H and C-H, indicate the present of 1, 3-disubstitution
(meta) (C-H), vinylidence (C-H) out of plane bend, cyclohexane ring vibrations (C6H12), alkyl-substituted ether
C-O stretch, skeletal (C-C) vibrations, methyne (C-H) bend, methyne (C-H) bend, vinyl (C-H) in-plane bend
molecules respectively Viderscak et al. (2022).
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
Fig. 6: FTIR spectrum of the samples (a) Commercial brake pad (b) Rice husk (c) Nig. Gum Arabic (d) Steel dust
(e) Quartz (f) Graphite.
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
The evaluation of locally available raw materials selected for the development of brake pad were determined and
the conclusions are summarized as follows:
1. That values of the necessary parameters obtained from the raw specimens are within the standard
requirement for commercial specimen.
2. Chemical composition of all the raw material specimens exhibited most of the elements within the
commercials specimen and even have higher wt% of C at Q (76.72)%, S.S (52.07)% and R.H (16.83)%;
and Si at G (74.06)%, R.H (49.21)% and G.A (55.52)% compared to the commercial specimen at C
(19.51)% and Si (3.58).
3. The spectrum of commercial specimen figure 3a exhibited uniformly distributed of both Barium and Iron
in the resin and in comparison to the selected raw materials specimens that gave a better properties of
evenly spread of particles in the matrix. Clusters of Magnesium, Aluminum, Silica, Sulfur, phosphorus,
yttrium, silver and other are seen at random locations. Except, the surface topography in Figure 3c
appeared as irregular rocky surface and clearly different from that of the parent gum Arabic with
spherical shape and many dents on the surface. The presence of large and spherical particles of silicon in
Figure 3e indicate the rounded nature of quartz particles.
4. The phase purity and crystallinity of the commercial specimen Figure 4a consists of three phase
compounds namely Graphite (C), Barite (BaO4S) and Calcite (Ca6 C6 O18). The three compounds
exhibited a sharp and tight peak at 2θ equal 20 and 30O above 50% intensity, The selected raw materials
specimens gave a better optimal sharp peak in Figure 4b at 2θ angle equivalent 27O with 100% intensity;
Figure 4c shows the amorphous nature of Gum Arabic, the maximum intensity was obtained at 2θ angle
equal 75O; Figure 4d exhibited a sharp and tight peak at 2θ equivalent 27O with 100% intensity; Figure
4e indicate the broad peaks at 2θ equals 75O and low intensity counts confirmed the RH to be largely
amorphous silica. While Figure 4f exhibited a sharp and tight peak at 2θ equals 29O with 100% intensity
appropriately. This result shows that the steel slag is best suitable for thermal, abrasive and hardness
enhancement properties in brake pad (Menezes et al., 2005).
5. FTIR analysis of the commercial brake pad has a common functional group of 1, 3 – disubstitution (meta)
(C-H), alkyl-substituted ether (C – O) stretch, skeletal (C-C) vibrations aromatic tertiary amine (CN)
stretch and vinyl (C-H) in-plane bend molecules which also displaced better in the selected materials for
new laboratory formulation accentuating that, the materials
6. It can be finally concluded that the locally available raw materials selected has been evaluated with higher
quality than the existing properties of the commercial specimen which can definitively leads to its low
cost and can be alternative use for production.
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Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
Elakhame Z. U, Shuaib-Babata, Y. L, Jimoh S. O, Bankole L.K., Ambali, I.O., Production and Characterization
of Asbestos Free Brake Pads From Kenaf Fiber Composite, Adeleke University Journal of Engineering and
Technology [AUJET] Vol. 3, No 1, 69-78 (2020).
G. Sathyamoorthy, R. Vijay, D. Lenin Singaravelu. Brake friction composite materials: A review on
classsifications and influences of friction materials in braking performance with characterizations. Proceeding of
the institute of Mechanical Engineers. Part J: Journal of Tribology, Volume 236, Issue 8(2022).
Gai, Peter Friday, Adisa, Ademola Bello, Tokan Aje, Bawa, Mohammed A. Economic viability of basalt based
brake pad in Nigeria. International Journal of Engineering Technologies and Management Research. 8(12), 26-41
Güney, B., & Mutlu, I. (2019). tribological properties of brake discs coated with cr2o3–40% tio2 by plasma
spraying. Surface Review and Letters, 26(10), 1950075.
Hasan Oktem, Ilyas Uygur, Murat Cevik. Design, Construction and Performance of a novel brake pad friction
tester. Science direct Volume 115, 2018.
Heerok Hon, Gyeongpil Kim, Junghwan Lee, optimal location of pad for reduction of temperature deviation on
brake disc during high-energy braking, journal of mechanical science and technology, 35, 1109-1120 (2021).
J. Abutu, S.A. Lawal, M.B. Ndaliman, R.A. Lafia Araga, O.Adedipe, I.A. Choudhury, Production and
characterization of brake pad developed from coconut shell reinforcement material using central composite
design, SN Applied Science, (2019) 1:82.
Joseph Abutu, Sunday Albert Lawal, M. B. Ndaliman, Imtiaz Choudhury, Effects of process parameters on the
properties of brake pad developed from seashell as reinforcement material using grey relational analysis,
Engineering Science and Technology an International Journal 21(4) (2018).
M.I.M. Ahmad, M. Zahri, M.Z. Nuawi, M.F.M. Tabir and M.A. Selamat, Characterization based physical and
mechanical properties of brake pad materials for railway vehicle applications, Journal of Materials and
Enviroment Science, ISSN: 2028-2508.
Najmuddin M Jamadar and Himmat T Jadhav. A review on braking control and optimization techniques for
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Nwogu, C. U and Osarenwinda, J. O. Response Surface Modelling of an Automobile Brake Pad Made from a
new- fangled composite material. NIPES Journal of Science and Technology Research 3(3) (2021).
S. S. Lawal, N .A Ademoh, K. C. Bala and A. S. Abdulrahman. A review of the compositions, processing,
materials and properties of Brake Pad production. Journal of Physics: Conference series, Volume 1378, Issue 3
Yezhe Lyu, Mara Leonard, Jens Wahlstrom, Stefano Gialanella, Ulf Olofsson. Friction wear and airborne particle
emission from Cu- free brake materials. Tribology International 141 (2020).
Zeina ammar, hamdy ibrahim, mahmoud adly, ioannis sarris and sherif mehanny. Influence of natural fiber content
on the frictional material of brake pads—a review, journal of composite science, and composite 7(1) {2023): 72.
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
Water is the driving force of nature, without it, life will mean nothing. Ground water provides about half of the
water requirements for human existence. This paper presents a review of different groundwater pump categories
and their power sources available from literature. The review covers positive displacement pumps and centrifugal
pumps. The power sources for the groundwater pumps reviewed includes manual, electric and fuel sources. The
merits and de-merits of the different category of pumps reported by different authors was also highlighted. It was
concluded that manually powered borehole water pumps are the cheapest and the most widely acceptable water
pumps especially in rural communities of developing countries while the fuel powered pumps is the most
expensive power source.
KEYWORDS: Borehole, Ground water, Manual power, Pumps
Access to portable drinking water and sanitation has been recognised by the United Nations general assembly as
a human right and as a necessity for the fulfilment of many other human rights (United Nations, 2010). Water is
the lifeblood of all humans, it is the driving force of all nature; without water, life will mean nothing. Millions of
people are dying in places where access to portable water supply is a challenge, and these places are especially in
rural areas of underdeveloped and developing in nations (WHO, 2022; Cronin, et al., 2008). According to
estimates, groundwater provides about half of the world’s drinking water, and 2.5 billion people rely primarily on
this resource to meet their daily water needs (Gronwall and Danert, 2020). Nigeria has grown increasingly reliant
on groundwater, which today is thought to supply drinking water to over 100 million people. The popularity of
borehole water (a ground water) for drinking water has grown tremendously which were used by 32% of Nigerians
in 2011 compared to 10% in 1999 (NBS, 2013). Ground water represents a large portion of water supplies used
for different applications. To make quality ground water supply physically available, sufficient in terms of
quantity and to guarantee its availability and affordability when required, water lifting devices were invented
(Yannopoulos et al., 2015).
Water lifting devices have been in existence since around 3000BC (Yannopoulos et al., 2015). According to the
Mateo-Sagasta et al. (2017), Animals muscles were employed to convert their efforts to the energy needed to
move the wheels in early devices like water wheels and chutes. Up to the last century, various kinds of lifting
devices like indigenous water lifts have been extensively utilised for irrigation and other water lifting purposes.
However, Pumps were developed and is still in use today due to advancement in technology and its ease of
operation. People in rural area frequently find it difficult to afford a typical water supply that is connected to the
grid to meet their water demands, mostly because of the associated cost, lack of appropriate technology and trained
technicians. Most times, even if they can afford the initial set up cost of the pump’s energy costs keep increasing
and, they are usually unable to match these operating costs hence this paper reviews ways to obtain ground water
especially using borehole pump for people in these areas lagging behind. different types of pumps and their power
sources were considered to address the problems of water shortage in rural areas, at the same time, improvements
in the most prominent and conventional type of pump (manually powered borehole water pumps) in the rural areas
was discussed to take advantage of appropriate technologies in the water and sanitation sector so as to guide
researchers and stakeholders on technical alternatives to water pumping systems and its power sources to
ensure the increase in reliable water supply to areas in need with less expenses and energy
A pump is a device that moves liquid from one place to another or from bottom to the top surface, typically by
converting mechanical energy into fluid flow energy (Miao et al., 2018). Pumps serve as a great blessing for these
people who fervently need assistance in meeting their water needs for irrigation, village water supply and for
livestock watering purposes (Bhatia, 2014). They are used in households in many locations to convey water and
other liquid.
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
Positive displacement pump (PDP). Positive displacement pumps add energy to a fluid by applying force to the
liquid with a mechanical device such as piston or plunger (Stewart, 2019).The positive displacement pumps as
shown in figure 3 pressurises the fluid with a collapsing volume action thereby squeezing and amount of the fluid
equal to the displacement volume of the system with each piston stroke or shaft rotation (Abelin, et al., 2006). it
uses energy periodically by application of force to one or more movable boundaries of any desired number of
enclosed fluids containing volumes resulting in direct increase in pressure up to the value required to move the
fluid through the valves or ports into the discharge line. Most manual pumps fall into this category of pumps
(Savva and Frenken, 2001). according to (Abelin, et al., 2006)The positive displacement pumps are also divided
into two: the reciprocating pumps and the rotary pumps. The reciprocating pumps are those in which linear motion
of a piston or plunger in a cylinder causes the displacement, it is consisting of piston, plunger and, diaphragm.
While the rotary pumps are those in which the circular motion causes the displacement, it consists of gear, lobe,
screw and vane, a disadvantage of the positive displacement pump is that it can potentially over pressurise system
piping and some components of the pump and, it requires more system safeguard such as relief valve. The cyclical
nature of pumping action can cause fatigue in the components.
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
Hellemans (2022) Positive displacement Provides a constant flow of Pump gets damaged If
pumps fluid at a given speed pressure relieving devices
(PRD) isn’t used.
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
• Fuels sources produces fumes and noise which can cause environmental pollution
• Fuel engines need periodic maintenance to avoid breakdown and also require parts replacement
• There is always need to transport fuel to the engines location which could waste time due to the state of
roads especially in rural areas.
• Fuels could result in increased cost and spillage of these fuels could leads to land contamination (Eker,
However, the continuous use of fossil fuels and their negative impact on the environment has made researchers
look out for clean sources like solar and manual power. Solar powered pumps are powered by the sun. A
photovoltaic (PV) array, also known as solar modules or panels, converts solar energy directly into electricity to
power a water pump in a solar-powered water pumping system. water pumps designed specifically designed for
solar power and PV modules are available to meet a wide range of head discharge requirements (Wijetunge et al.,
2006). The advantages of solar powered pumps are that it is environmentally friendly as there is no pollution
caused by them, and cost effective than internal combustion engine powered pumps and is easy to operate, while
the disadvantage of solar water pumping systems is their relatively high initial cost when compared to other
alternative energy sources. Table 2.0 shows the contribution of authors using different power sources for
groundwater pumps. However, manual power is abundant almost everywhere, it is simple, cost effective and can
be utilized without negative environmental effects: it is eco-friendly because no waste is produced which makes
it a good source of power.
Table 2: contribution of authors using different power sources for groundwater pumps
Author Power source Contribution
Savva and Frenken Multiple power source Discussed different power sources for
(2001) irrigation water pumps
Short and Oldach (2003) Electrical Solar power Addressed some issues associated with solar
powered water pumping system.
Evaluated the performance of solar water
Wijetunge et al. (2006) Electrical Solar power pumps
Islam et al. (2007) Pedal pump (Manual) Designed and developed a pedal pump for
low lift irrigation purpose
Takacs (2014) Electrical power Developed and artificial liquid system using
electrical submersible pumps (ESP)
Uche et al. (2014) Dual power Designed and fabricated a dual powered
(manual pedal and DC motor) water pump
Waghmare et al. (2015) Manual power Designed a model for manually operated
spiral tube water wheel pump
Nwoha (2016) Developed a manually operated centrifugal
water pump to assist farmers and as a teaching
Manual power aid for students.
Armanous et al. (2016) Diesel fuel and Solar power Used the life cycle of diesel fuel and solar
pumps to assess the environmental impact of
groundwater pumping system
Vartak (2017) - Applied the benefits of PD pumps in the
chemical industry
Pawlick et al. (2018) Hydraulic pump Provided a manual that would serve as a guide
for ram pump design and installation for use
in developing countries.
A variety of pumps and other water lifting devices are available for transferring water from one point to another,
however, the main categories of pumps were considered in this review due to the available literature. From the
papers reviewed, the centrifugal pumps appear to be applied in areas involving low viscous fluids while the
positive displacement pumps appear to be utilized in areas where fluid flow rates need to be controlled by changing
the speed of the pump. The manual power source if improved using the latest available technology is a viable (in
terms of cost and ease of operation) power source for groundwater pumps to transfer water to areas not connected
to the grid.
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
Abelin, S. M., Asdal, R., Beekman, W., Block, H., Bolles, S., Buscher, K., et al. (2006). Improving Pumping
system performance (Second ed.). Barkekey, Carlifonia: U.S Department of Energy.
Armanous, A., EL-Tahan, A. M., & Negm, A. (2016). Life Cycle Assessment of Dielsel fuel and Solar Pumps in
Operation Stage for Rice Cultivation in Tanta, Nile, Delta, Egypt. Procedia Technology, 478-485.
Ashiedu, F. I., Nwoha, T. C., & Izelu, C. O. (2016). Design and development of a manually operated pump for
Agrarian communities. International Journal of Current Research, 8(3), 27378-27382.
Bajpal, P. (2018). Hydraulics. In Biermanns Handbook of Pulp and Paper (Third ed., Vol. 2, pp. 455-482).
Kanpur, India: Elsevier.
Becenen, I., & Eker, B. (2005). Powering of water pumps by alternative energy sources in Thrace region. Triakia
Journal of Sciences, 3(7), 28-31.
Bhatia, S. C. (2014). Solar Devices. Advances in Reneable Energy Syetems, 733-743.
Cronin, A. A., Shrestha, D., Cornier, N., Abdalla, F., Ezard, N., & Aramburu, C. (2008). A review of water and
sanitation provision in refugee camps in association with selected health and nutrition indicators- the
need for integrated service provision. Jounal of wate and health, 6(1), 1-12.
Dey, A. K. (2022). Pump: Defination, Types, Advantages, Applications. India: Learn Mechanical.
Eker, B. (2005). Solar Powered Water Pumping Systems. Trakia Journal of Sciences, 3(7), 7-11.
Gronwall, J., & Danert, K. (2020). Regarding Groundwater and Drinking Water Access through a Human Rights
Lens: Self-Supply as a Norm. Water, 12(2), 419.
Gulich, J. F. (2014). Pump types and performance data. In Centrifugal pumps (pp. 43-47). Berlin, Heidelberg:
Hellemans, M. (2022). Overpressure Scenarios. In Overpressure Protection in the process industry (pp. 203-270).
Hussey, S. W. (2007). Pump Technology. In Water From Sand and Rivers (pp. 85-99). Loughborough: Water
Engineering and Development Centre.
ISA. (2015). Solar Water Pumping System. Internations Solar Aliance.
Islam, M. S., Hossain, M. Z., & Abdul-Khair, M. (2007). Design and Devlopment of Pedal Pump for Low-Lift
Irrigation. Journal of Agriculture and Rural Development, 5(1&2), 116-126.
Kassab, S. K. (2017). The Pumps, The Heart of the Circuit. Egypt: Alexandria Univerty.
Koukouvinis, P., & Gavaises, M. (2021). Cavitation in positive displacement pumps. Cavitationa and Bubble
Dynamics, 303-329.
Martin, D. L., Dorn, T. W., Melvin, S. R., Corr, A. J., & Kranz, W. L. (2011). Evaluating Energy use for Pumping
Irrigation Water. Proccedings of the 23rd annual central plains irrigation conference (pp. 104-116).
Colby, Kansas: Burlinton.
Mateo-Sagasta, J., Zadeh, S. M., & Turral, H. (2017). Water pollution from agriculture: a global review. Rome:
Food and Agricultural Organization of the United Nations.
Miao, S., Yang, J., Shi, F., Wang, X., & Shi, G. (2018). Research on energy conversion characteristics of pump
as turbine. Advances in Mechanical Engineering, 10(4), 1-10.
Mobley, K. R. (2001). Vibration Monistory and Analysis. In Plant Engineers Handbook (pp. 757,759-811). India:
NBS. (2013). National Household Survey 2009-2012, Uganda Bureau of Statistics, In JMP. Estimates on the use
of water sources and sanitation facilities. Joint monitoring programme of UNICEF and WHO.
Pawlick, M., Chesser, C., Grguras, C., & Benson, A. (2018, August 16). Ram pump design and installation manual
for use in developing countries. India.
Practical Action Group. (2008). Human Powered Hand Pumps for Water Lifting. Warwickshare: The Schumacher
Centre for Technology and Development.
Savva, A., & Frenken, K. (2001). Irrigation pumping plant. Harare: Food and Agricultural Organization (FAO).
Short, T. D., & Oldach, R. (2003). Solar Powered Water Pumps: The Past, the Present and the Future? J.Sol. Eng,
125(1), 76-82.
Stewart, M. (2018). Reciprocating Pumps. In Surface Production Operations (pp. 311-414). Elsevier.
Stewart, M. (2019). Pump fundamentals. Gulf Professional Publishing.
Takacs, G. (2014). Electrical Submersible Pumps (ESP): Manual design operations and maintainance.
Burlington, USA: Gulf Professional Publishers.
Uche , R. R., Oguoma, O., & Godfrey, E. (2014). Design and Fabrication of a Dual Powered Water Pump.
Innovative Systems Design and E ngineering, 5(6), 7-19.
United Nations. (2010). Resolution A/RES/64/292. New York, USA: United Nations General Assembly.
United State Department of Energy. (2015). Fundamentals of Pumps. Washinton D.C.
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
Vartak, A. R. (2017). Positive displacement pumps used in the chemical industry. Conference seminar by
department of Dyestuff Technology (pp. 1-11). Mumbai: Institute of chemical technology.
Waghmare, S. N., Mestri, M. M., Lavekar, P. V., Misal, T. S., & Nalawade, P. C. (2015). Manually operated spiral
tube water pumps. International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology, 2(1), 167-169.
WHO. (2022). Drinking-water. Manilla: World Health Organization.
Wijetunge, J. J., Chandrarathna, J. T., & Lanka, S. (2006). Performance Evaluation of Solar Water Pumps. WEDC
International Conference , Colombo., (pp. 421-424). Colombo, Sri Lanka.
Yannopoulos, S., Lyberatos, G., Theodossiou, N., & Li, W. (2015). Evolution of water lifting devices over the
centuries worldwide. Water, 7, 5031-5060.
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
Building construction is a major component of the sustainable cities and communities which is one of the
seventeen goals of Envision 2030 sustainable development goals. However, the incessant report of building
collapse constitutes an impediment to the achievement of this goal if not addressed. Alsadey and Omran (2021)
opined that various studies have been carried out that shows that the use of poor-quality material is one of the
major factors responsible for the collapse of buildings. Concrete is the most widely used building materials. It
consists of water, cement, fine and coarse aggregate. Its failure in service is one of the major factors responsible
for building collapse. This is as a result of the use of poor quality constituent materials for its production. Hannah
et. al. (2014) stated that the physical and strength properties of concrete are highly dependent on the quality of
constituent materials used in its production. Savitha, 2012 affirms that it is necessary to confirm the quality of
building materials before their use so as to build strong, durable and cost-effective structures.
Sand is about the commonest fine aggregate available in South – western Nigeria. Orchard, et. al. (1979) described
sand as a natural fine aggregate that is used in production of concrete. Of the various types of natural sand, pit
sand is the most readily available and most widely used in this part of the country. However, not all available Pit
– sand is fit for concreting works. According to Omopariola and Jimoh (2023), the durability and structural
performance of concrete is greatly influenced by the properties of sand that is one of its major constituent
materials. It should be noted that sand constitutes between 27 to 30 percent of the constituent materials of concrete
by volume. Hence it was advocated that good quality sand of known properties should be used I the production
for concrete production. Olanitori (2006) opined that the use of sand with high proportion of clay and silt content
results in the production of concrete with low compressive strength. Hence it was therefore recommended that relevant
tests should be carried out to check the effect of impurities in building sands on performance of concrete.
This study therefore focusses on the characterization of pit sand obtained from selected locations across the South
– Western zone of the Country so as to assess its conformity with relevant standard. Laboratory tests were carried
out on the various properties of sand that can influence the properties, durability and structural performance of
concrete. This will assist in determining its suitability for concreting works.
The mathematical principles used in the determination of the various properties of the samples collected from all
the locations are stated below.
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
The fineness modulus was obtained by divide the cumulative percentage passing the recommended sieve sizes
by 100.
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
passing the other sieve sizes are within the lower and upper limits and falls into class C as stated in Table 4
of BS 882:1992 (see Table 2).
2. In the case of samples from Ogun State, only the sample from Abeokuta falls short of the grading limit of
60% in sieve size of 2.36. Samples from the two other locations Ishara and Ogbere are within the stipulated
lower and upper limits in all the sieve sizes. Additionally, they satisfy the grading limits for class C.
3. Samples from all the three locations in Ondo State (Akure, Ondo and Owo) had lower percentage passing the
4.75mm sieve, additionally, samples from Akure and Ondo also had lower percentages in 2.36mm sieve.
4. Result of the sieve analysis of samples from Osun State indicates that the percentage passing the 4.75 and
2.36mm sieve sizes are lower than89% stated in BS 882:1990. However, they all conform to the overall
grading limits in the rest of the sieve sizes.
5. The sample from Ibadan in Oyo State has a lower value of percentage passing the 4.75mm sieve size. It
however conforms to the required specification and falls within the limit of class C in the rest of the sieve
sizes. Samples from the remaining 2 locations are within the overall limits in all the sieve sizes. Additionally,
they both are within the limits of class C in all the sieve sizes.
From all of the above, it ca be inferred that the lower values of percentage passing any of the sieve sizes implies
that they are coarser materials. This does not prevent their use in concreting works. Moreover, the footnote of
Table 4 BS 882:1990 states that where sands do not comply with values in the Table, an agreed grading envelope
may also be used provided that the supplier can satisfy the purchaser that such materials can produce concrete of
the required quality.
NOTE Individual sands may comply with the requirements of more than one grading. Alternatively,
some sands may satisfy the overall limits but may not fall within any one of the additional limits C, M
or F. In this case and where sands do not comply with Table 4 an agreed grading envelope may also be
used provided that the supplier can satisfy the purchaser that such materials can produce concrete of the
required quality. an Increased to 20 % for crushed rock fines, except when they are used for heavy duty
Table 3: Table of values of Sieve Analysis of Samples of Sand from Ekiti State
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
Table 4: Table of values of Sieve Analysis of Samples of Sand from Ogun State
Table 5: Table of values of Sieve Analysis of Samples of Sand from Ondo State
Table 6: Table of values of Sieve Analysis of Samples of Sand from Osun State
Table 7: Table of values of Sieve Analysis of Samples of Sand from Oyo State
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
Table 8: Table of Value of Fineness Modulus, Coefficient of Uniformity and Coefficient of Curvature
of Pit Sand from all locations.
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
In conclusion, the result of the sieve analysis from which grading parameters such as the coefficient of
uniformity and coefficient of curvature indicates that samples from some locations are poorly graded. Sands
from such locations by combining samples from different locations at appropriate proportions to obtain desired
gradation. The values of specific gravity, water absorption and moisture content for all the samples indicate that
all of them are suitable for concrete production. However, the major set – back to the use of these samples is the
presence of high percentage of silt.
The assistance rendered by Messrs Olaseinde Adeyanju and Femi Solomon in the collection of samples for the
research work is duly acknowledged
1. Alsadey Salahaldein and Omran Abdelnaser , 2021, Effect of the Type of Sand on the Properties of
Concrete, Journal of Engineering and Applied Scence, 16 (3): 111-113, 2021
2. Anupoju Sadanandam, (2016), https://theconstructor.org.finenessmodulus Accessed on 08/05/2023
3. ASTM C128-15, Standard Test Method for Relative Density (Specific Gravity) and Absorption of Fine
4. Bahabri A. A., (2016), Textural Characteristics of Fine Aggregate Efficiency on Concrete Strength,
i. American Journal of Materials Science, 6(3): 73-78, 2016
5. BS 812-109: 1990: “Methods for determination of moisture content”, British Standards
Institution London.
6. BS EN 882: 2004: Specification for aggregates from natural sources for concrete, British Standards
Institution London.
7. BS EN 933 – 1:1997, Test for Geometrical Properties of Aggregates “Determination of Particle Size
Distribution – Sieving Method”, British Standards Institution London.
8. BS EN 1097 – 6: 2020, Test Method for Density, Relative Density (Specific Gravity), and Absorption
of Fine Aggregate.
9. BS 1881-120 (1983) Testing Concrete Method for Determination of Compressice Strength of Concrete
Cores. British Standards Institute, London.
10. BS 6349-1-4-2021 pdf free download.Maritime works Part 1-4: General一Code of practice for materials
11. BS 8007:1987, Code of practice for the design of concrete structures for retaining aqueous liquids
12. Hannah Nyambara Ngugi, Raphael Ndisya Mutuku, Zachary Abiero Gariy, 2014, Effects of Sand
Quality on Compressive Strength of Concrete: A Case of Nairobi County and Its Environs, Kenya, Open
Journal of Civil Engineering, Vol.4 No.3(2014),
13. Nenu S. K. https://theconstructor.org.uniformitycoefficient.com Accessed on 08/05/2023
14. Olanitori, L.M., 2006. Mitigating the effect of clay content of sand on concrete strength. Proceedings of
the 31st Conference on Our World in Concrete and Structures, August 16-17, 2006, CI-Premier PTE Ltd,
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
The aerospace industry has prioritized reducing fatalities and failure rates after the launch of a vehicle resulting
from system or engine failure. Rocketry has been difficult over the years, and international players in the industry
are constantly attempting to learn from any failures. This paper aims to decrease material, resource, and payload
waste while ensuring crew safety by focusing on the computational modelling and aerodynamic analysis of a
single-stage launch vehicle. CATIA V5 was utilized to create the computational model of a triggered nose cone
rocket booster while ANSYS was used to analyse the trigger nose cone at different angles of attack and determine
how the trigger nose cone will behave in case of emergencies such as system or engine failure, which could lead
to the complete explosion of the launch vehicle. Based on the current findings, the trigger nose cone is not in the
safe zone when ejected at an angle of attack greater than 20° due to the shockwave's effect on its surface when
ejected from the main body of the launch vehicle.
KEYWORDS: Post-launch, Engine failure, Single-stage launch vehicle, Trigger nose cone, Combustion chamber.
The mission of humans and payloads to space, though quite involving, has been a success story in the recent and
distant past. In earlier years, there was little need for such skills in spaceflight. This changed dramatically in 1986
with the loss of the Space Shuttle Challenger and was perpetuated by the loss of Space Shuttle Columbia in 2003
(Banks et. Al 2019). However, a lot of failures in the journey of man and payload to space via launch vehicles,
space shuttles, and spaceships, has been recorded in the past which have resulted in fatalities of the crew and other
things on board, wastage of resources, time, and capital spent on building each of the launch vehicles that failed.
Comparing the costs of different launch vehicles, the possibility of the risk of failure is assumed to be accounted
for by the cost of insurance (Parkinson, 1999).
According to Chang (1996), The failure of a Launch Vehicle is attributed to associated problems such as structures
and propulsion. It was also brought to notice by Gorbenko et al. (2009) in a study of Orbital Carrier Rocket and
Spacecraft Failure: 2000-2009 that the probability of fatal and partial spacecraft failure and mechanical damage
increased from 0.059 to 0.073.
Karacalioglu & Bukley (2015) cited that some of these failures are due to system failures. Fernández et al. (2022)
noted that trajectory and attitude control and the separation systems account for over a 90% of space launch vehicle
failures. System failure may occur before, during, or after the launch of any launch vehicle, such as a single-stage,
two-stage, or three-stage launch vehicle. Failure could happen during the separation of the nose cone of a single
stage to orbit (SSTO) launch vehicle or when each stage detaches itself from the preliminary stage of such a launch
vehicle, which could lead to loss of control and navigation of the launch vehicle by the ground station or astronaut
on board. In a time in which a significant number of launch vehicles are being developed, boosted by numerous
new space actors demanding cheaper access to space, the need to ensure the reliability of launch vehicles and the
performance of a successful Post-Mission Disposal (PMD) is undeniable (Fernández et al. 2022).
Furthermore, failures as a result of human error, such as with Electron Szondy, (2017), Falcon 9 etc., may occur
during the preliminary stage of the launch vehicle's design, which may not only lead to the launch vehicle's failure
but also affect things present on board such a launch. Wrong input of data by the ground station can also lead to
the failure of the launch vehicle, which may lead to the malfunction of the launch vehicle's peripheral systems
such as the propulsion system, control system, and re-entry system, which could jeopardize the survivability of
the crew on board.
Other failures, such as Astra's Launch Vehicle 0010 and Rocket Lab (2021) may be due to engine malfunction.
Such a failure makes it impossible for the launch vehicle to be successful in its mission. This failure may lead to
the failure of the propulsion system because of the failure in the combustion process and cycle that occur between
LOX (liquid oxygen) and LH2 (liquid hydrogen) or kerosene or any kind of liquid fuel-based combustion system,
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
or because of the failure that occurs in the ignition process of the solid fuel system, which leaves no space for the
crew and things present on board to escape from such a launch vehicle.
On Analysis of Space Launch Vehicle Failures and Post Mission Disposal Statistics, most of these failures are not
limited to but mostly occur within the propulsion, separation, trajectory and, attitude control systems (Ayala et
al., 2022). Based on the conclusion of the research, these three subsystems alone account for 90% of launch
failures, with 54% corresponding to the propulsion system. Mathematical model approach has helped to improve
the level of safety (Melnikov & Davydova 2018).
where is the translational motion of the center of gravity, is the mass, and is the force vector due to
gravity. The angular motion of the object, , is more easily computed using body coordinates:
where L is the inertia tensor, is the moment vector of the body, and is the rigid body angular velocity
vector. The moments are transformed from inertial to body coordinates using equation (3)
=R (3)
where R represents the following transformation matrix:
Fig 1. Schematic for application of the momentum theorem (Tartabini et al., 2015)
As shown in Figure 1, by considering a small mass, 𝑑𝑚, expelled from the trigger nose cone during time 𝑑𝑡, the
initial momentum of the mass in the control volume is, 𝑚-𝑣.𝑑𝑢. The final momentum of mass in the control
volume is
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
Applying conservation of momentum, the resulting impulse, , must balance the change in momentum of
the system:
Then since
For ,
Eq. (11) is known as the Rocket/launch vehicle Equation. It can be integrated as a function of time to determine
the velocity of the rocket/launch vehicle.
If , assuming that at neglecting drag, and assuming , then the rocket equation
can be simplified as
where is the initial mass of the rocket/launch vehicle. Equation (12) can be re-written as
This equation (14) can be likened to the Breguet Range Equation for aircraft. It shows the overall dependence of
the primary performance parameter for a rocket (velocity, ) on propulsion system efficiency (Isp) and structural
Assuming the rate of fuel consumption is constant, the mass of the rocket or launch vehicle varies over time as
where is the time at which all propellants are used. This expression can be substituted into the equation for
velocity and then integrated to find the height at the end of burnout:
which for a single-stage sounding rocket with no drag and constant gravity yields
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University of Ilorin, Nigeria
The final height of the rocket can then be determined by equating the kinetic energy of the vehicle at burnout with
its change in potential energy between that point and the maximum height.
The computational setup for the aerodynamics analysis in this experiment was carried out using Ansys Fluid
Fluent. Given the fluidic nature of the analysis, a suitable computational domain was constructed to ensure
accurate results. The adopted computational domain, mesh, and boundary conditions are illustrated in figure 2
The computational domain was constructed in the form of a wedge geometry, representing a 14.940° section of
the corresponding 3D domain. The property volume of the computational model is 0.1642 m3, with a bounding
box measuring 0.225 m in length on the X and Y axis and 0.48753 m in length on the Z axis.
To ensure reliable results, a uniform computational mesh was used. The Ariane 5 prototype’s mesh consists of
29,299 triangular nodes and 160,880 elements. The Ariane 1-4 series prototype’s mesh consists of 92,207
triangular nodes and 374,333 elements.
This made it possible to accurately analyze the aerodynamics of the prototypes under consideration. In addition,
the initial conditions used for the validation case were summarized in Table 1, providing a comprehensive
overview of the experimental conditions and results.
(a) Ariane 1-4 (b) Ariane 5 series (c) Rectangular mesh enclosure of model.
Fig 3(a-c): Schematic diagram of Ariane 1-4 and Ariane 5 series and the mesh of a rectangular enclosure
around the trigger nose cone model on ANSYS (Author)
The schematic diagram of the models and its rectangular mesh are seen in Figure 3(a-c) above. The tank, nozzle
system, combustion system, and trigger nose cone were modeled using CATIA. The choice of CATIA was based
on its interface, which supports computational modeling, while Ansys was used for Computational Aerodynamics
analysis, as it has a suitable interface for this purpose. Figure 4 shows the meshing and boundary conditions
applied using ANSYS Fluid Flow (Fluent).
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University of Ilorin, Nigeria
(e) (Ariane 1-4 series) (f) (Ariane 5) at 10º (g) (Ariane 1-4 series) (h) (Ariane 5) at 15º
at 10º angle of attack angle of attack at 15º angle of attack angle of attack
(i) (Ariane 1-4 series) (j) (Ariane 5) at 20º (k) (Ariane 1-4 series) (l) (Ariane 5) at 25º
at 20º angle of attack angle of attack at 25º angle of attack angle of attack
It is observed that the convergence history of Ariane 1-4 differs from that of current study (Ariane 5). This
shows that the stability of the trigger nose cone at different angles of attack varies based on its shape. It is also
observed that each model tends to be unstable at the first stage of being ejected from the main body of the
launch vehicle due to the viscous and pressure forces generated as each component tends to interact with their
immediate environment.
Table 2 The Viscous and Pressure Convergence History for Trigger Nose Cone of current study (Ariane 5)
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University of Ilorin, Nigeria
The values of the viscous and pressure forces tend to differ depending on the angle of attack of the trigger nose
cone. As a result, the influence viscosity of the fluid (air), pressure drag, and normal force have on the surface of
the nose cone at different angles of attack results in positive and negative values. This positive and negative
viscosity indicates the resistivity and the acceleration of each model at different angles of attack as shown in
Table 2 and Table 3.
4.2 The velocity plane view of a trigger nose cone angle of attack
Based on the computational aerodynamic analysis presented in Figures 5(a-n) below, it can be inferred that, in
the Ariane (1-4 series), the effect of shock waves and aerodynamic disturbances is relatively insignificant within
the 0-15º angle of attack range when compared to the 20º-30º range. This is observable by the light yellow and
green colours in the images below. As a precaution, it is advisable to eject each triggering nose cone within an
angle of attack range of 0º-15º. Any angle beyond this range poses a certain degree of risk.
(a) (Ariane 1-4 series) at (b) (Ariane 5) at 0º angle of (c) (Ariane 1-4 series) at (d) (Ariane 5) at 5º angle of
0º angle of attack attack 5º angle of attack attack
(e) (Ariane 1-4 series) at (f) (Ariane 5) at 10º angle (g) (Ariane 1-4 series) at (h) (Ariane 5) at 15º angle
10º angle of attack of attack 15º angle of attack of attack
(i) (Ariane 1-4 series) at (j) (Ariane 5) at 20º angle (k) (Ariane 1-4 series) at (l) (Ariane 5) at 25º angle
20º angle of attack of attack 25º angle of attack of attack
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
Fig. 5(a-n). The velocity plane view of trigger nose cone at various angles of attacks (Author).
During the research conducted on the Ariane 5, it was discovered that the impact of shock waves and aerodynamic
disturbances was significantly lower within the 0-15º angle of attack range compared to the 20-30º range. As a
safety precaution, it is recommended that trigger nose cones be ejected within the 0-15º angle of attack range,
which has been determined to be the safest zone for ejection. It is advised to eject the trigger nose cone within a
range of 0-15º angle of attack, with a minimum of 0º and a maximum of 15º, to ensure maximum safety.
a. In the range of 0º angle of attack to 30º angle of attack at Mach 0.6, the stability of the trigger nose cone
varies based on its shape.
b. It confirms the standard safe zone for each trigger nose cone lies in the range of 0–15º angles of attack.
c. Any zone with an angle of attack greater than 20º is a no-go zone because the shock waves have a larger
effect on the surface, which could lead to a loss of control of the trigger nose cone.
This research was supported by Kwara State University, Malete. Gratitude to Olalekan Adebayo Olayemi and
Ayinde Marvelours Oluwatofunmi who provided expertise that greatly assisted the research.
Appreciation to Tiniakov Dmytro and Volodymyr Koloskov for moderating the manuscript.
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Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
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Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
In this paper, communication range assessment of LoRa-based IoT sensor node for smart city application is
presented. Specifically, the effect of Degree of Urbanisation (DoU), payload size and bit error probability (BEP)
on the sensor node communication range are considered. Semtech SX1272 LoRa transceiver operating in the
EU868 (863–870/873 MHz) frequency band with spreading factor of 12 and transmitter power of 13 dBm, was
used for numerical computations using Visual Basic for Applications (VBA) as implementation tool. The results
show that for rural area with building coverage of 3 %, the communication range are 16.854 km and 16.338 km
while BEP are 5.186x10-04 and 1.307x10-04 at payload size of 5 bytes and 51 bytes respectively. Similarly, DoU
corresponding to urban area with building coverage of 16 %, gave communication range of 4.994 km and 4.841
km with BEP of 5.186E-04 and 1.307E-04 at payload size of 5 bytes and 51 bytes respectively. Specifically, based
on the results, a minimum payload size of 26 bytes was selected and it has transmission range of 16.519 km for
PB of 3 %, 8.100 km for PB of 8 % and 4.895 km for PB of 16 %. In any case, although the lower payload size
gives higher communication range, small payload size requires higher percentage of overhead bits and also has
higher bit error rate which leads to lower data delivery success ratio. As such, in practice, careful compromise is
required between payload size and communication range.
KEYWORDS: Bit Error Probability, Communication Range, LoRa, Sensor node, Internet of Things, Smart City
Nowadays, advancements in embedded systems, sensors, communication and Internet technologies have given
rise to proliferation of smart systems for diverse applications such as smart agriculture, smart homes, smart
transportation system and smart city applications [1,2]. Particularly, smart city applications require deployment
of sensor nodes with requisite wireless communication capabilities that will enable data collection from various
locations within the area of interest. Such wireless sensor network coverage is dependent on several factors and
mostly propagation loss models are used to estimate the communication range [3,4].
Notably, in wireless sensor communication applications, long range (LoRa) transceiver technologies are popular
because of their low power consumption and long range communication capability [5,6]. Also, for LoRa
transceivers, apart from the environmental factors which are captured in the propagation model, the
communication range is also affected by the payload size. As such, determination of the achievable
communication range for a LoRa-based sensor node requires careful selection of the payload size for any give set
of LoRa sensor node parameter configuration. Accordingly, this paper presents the requisite analytical models
and algorithm that can be used to determine the communication range of LoRa-based IoT sensor node for smart
city applications. Particularly, the paper presented approaches to select the minimum payload size that can be used
to achieve a given communication range while satisfying the required sensor data capacity and duty cycle
requirements. Sample numerical computations are implemented using Visual Basic for Applications (VBA).
In this section, analytical expressions for computing the sensor node bit error rate and transmission range based
on expected data delivery success ratio and Comit´e International des Radio-Communication (CCIR) path loss
model are presented. According to [7] energy per useful (payload) bit or energy efficiency, 𝐸𝐶hh2<H for a sensor
node is given as;
ßäiŒC à(Ò)ß;p•p? à
𝐸𝐶hh2<H = æ!?;‘
where 𝐼10f is the average current drawn per cycle, V is the operating voltage and tcycle is the cycle time of the
sensor node. Also, according to [7], 𝐵h2<H is the fraction of the payload data that is successfully delivered and it
is given as;
HIRJ(æ;iHis 5æ|Yi;s ) K
𝐵h2<H = h𝐵h1òZ i "(1 − BER) # (1 − 𝑃:/22 ) (2)
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
where 𝐵h1òZ is the actual payload data size; 𝐵h2<H is the portion of the payload data that is successfully
delivered, 𝐵<1;1Z is the total size of the data packet including the payload and the header bits , 𝐵}-1<Z is the packet
header which is 20-bits and 𝑅ñz:: is the data delivery success ratio, where 𝑅ñz:: is given as,
æ!?;‘ HIRJ(æ;iHis 5æ|Yi;s ) K
𝑅ñz:: =
= "(1 − BER) # (1 − 𝑃:/22 ) (3)
where 𝑃:/22 is the probability of packet collision at the media access control layer. Notably, the concept of data
delivery success ratio, 𝑅ñz:: is used to sum up the impact of packet collision probability (Pcoll) that occurs due
to the media access control protocol and the packet loss that occur due to error which is captured using the bit
error probability (BEP, also referred to as bit error rate, BER), where;
Ñ’“pp HIRJ(æ;iHis 5æ|Yi;s K
BER = 1 − á»(l5G ¼ å (4)
p”?? )
For LoRa transceiver with spreading factor, SF and bit error rate, BER, the operating energy per bit to noise power
spectral density, H’𝑁 is computed as follows;
𝐸H -,FDE0(l54(æ9Ñ))
’𝑁 = •k– (’˜) (5)
𝐸H 9‘
The value of ’𝑁 expressed in dB is denoted as žN <æ
T , where;
9‘ 𝐸
= 10 𝐿𝑜𝑔 > H’𝑁 ?
T (6)
žN <æ A
In order to determine the LoRa transceiver Operating Link Margin, OLM, the required signal to noise ratio, 𝑆𝑁𝑅,B
is needed and it is given as;
𝑆𝑁𝑅,B = 𝑆A-EAD;D0D;ò + 174 − 10 loglO (𝐵𝑊) − 𝑁𝐹 (7)
where 𝑆A-EAD;D0D;ò the LoRa receiver sensitivity, 𝐵𝑊 is the bandwidth and NF is is the noise figure. The operating
signal to noise ratio, 𝑆𝑁𝑅/h is given as;
9‘ s
𝑆𝑁𝑅/h = T
žN <æ
+ 10 loglO (𝑆𝐹) + 10 loglO >s[3Ñ? − 10 loglO (2ñï ) (8)
where CR is the coding rate. The Operating Link Margin, OLM is equal to 𝑆𝑁𝑅/h − 𝑁𝑅,B . The achievable
transmission range (𝑑) for a LoRa transceiver based on Comit´e International des Radio-Communication (CCIR)
path loss model is defined as follows;
"H E ’<YX<@H@Œ@H• E(’ƒz”! E ’ƒz>= )E‚•›kœ
𝑑 = 10 g (9)
𝐴 = 69.55 + 26.16 ∗ loglO (𝑓) − 13.82 ∗ loglO (ℎH ) − 𝑎(ℎ. ) (10)
𝑎(ℎ. ) = [1.1 ∗ loglO (𝑓) − 0.7] ∗ ℎ. − [1.56 ∗ loglO (𝑓) − 0.8] (11)
𝐵 = 44.9 − 6.55 ∗ loglO (ℎH ) (12)
DoU = 30 − 25(loglO (𝑃𝐵)) (13)
where 𝑃; represents the transmitter power in dBm, 𝐷𝑜𝑈 represents the degree of urbanization and PB represents
the percentage of the signal propagation area that is covered by building (note, 𝑃𝐵 is the degree of urbanization
determining factor). The value of PB is such that 𝑃𝐵 ≥ 16 % for urban area, 𝑃𝐵 < 16 % for sub-urban area (with
typical value of 𝑃𝐵 = 8 %) and 𝑃𝐵 < 8 % for rural area (with typical value of 𝑃𝐵 = 3%). Also, d is the
communication distance in km and f is the frequency in MHz, where 150 MHz≤ f ≤ 1000MHz; 40m ≤ ℎH ≤
200m; 1m≤ ℎ. ≤ 10 m and 1 km ≤ d ≤ 20km.
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𝑺𝒔𝒆𝒏𝒔𝒊𝒕𝒊𝒗𝒊𝒕𝒚 = -137 dBm; data delivery success ratio, 𝑹𝑺𝒖𝒄𝒄 = 0.99 and the Noise Figure, NF = 6 . For every
payload, 𝑩𝒑𝒂𝒚𝑳 in bytes the overhead size is 13 bytes, hence, the total size of the data packet including the payload
and the header, 𝐵<1;1Z is given as;
𝐵<1;1Z = 𝑩𝒑𝒂𝒚𝑳 + 13 (14)
PROCEDURE 1: The algorithm for computing the sensor node bit error rate (BER), packet loss probability
(Ploss), operating link margin (OLM) and transmission range (d) based on
expected data delivery success ratio (𝑅BC// )
Step 1: Input the following LoRa-based sensor node parameters values:
i. The Bandwidth, BW ii. The total data frame header size, 𝑩𝒉𝒆𝒂𝒅𝑳
iii. The Code Rate, 𝑪𝑹 iv. The degree of urbanization determining factor, PB
v. The transmitter power (𝑷𝒕 ) vi. The total data frame size, 𝑩𝒅𝒂𝒕𝒂𝑳 J 𝑩𝒑𝒂𝒚𝑳 + 𝟏𝟑
vii. The signal frequency, f viii. Lora Transceiver Sensitivity, 𝑺𝒔𝒆𝒏𝒔𝒊𝒕𝒊𝒗𝒊𝒕𝒚
ix. The total payload size, 𝑩𝒑𝒂𝒚𝑳 x. Data delivery success ratio, 𝑹𝑺𝒖𝒄𝒄
xi. Packet collision probability, 𝑷𝒄𝒐𝒍𝒍 xii. The Noise Figure, NF (Note, NF= 6)
Furthermore, based on the selected parameter settings of the four sensors in the multisensor node used in the
simulation, the multisensor node generates 206 bytes per cycle with cycle time of 30 minutes or 1800 seconds
(1,800,000 ms). The simulation is conducted for the following payload sizes 5, 11, 21, 31, 41 and 51 bytes and
the corresponding packet time on air for each payload size is determined. Also, for each payload size, the number
of transmission required per cycle to effectively transmit all the 206 data bytes generated per cycle by the
multisensor is determined. Notably, the transmission repeat time is selected based on the packet time on air for
the given payload size, the number of required transmission per cycle for delivering the 206 bytes in 1800 seconds
and the 1 % duty cycle restriction imposed on LoRa transceiver technologies. The essence of the simulation is to
determine the bit error rate (BER) and transmission range (d) for a given expected data delivery success ratio
(𝑅ñz:: ) and payload size, as well as the number of payload transmissions required per sensor node cycle time of
1800 seconds and the percentage of overhead bits per payload size. The results are required to make informed
decision on the selection of the minimum payload size for any desired communication range.
Let PToA(k) denote the packet time on air for payload size k. The PToA for each of the payload size is computed
using an online tool located at https://avbentem.github.io/airtime-calculator/ttn/eu868. Again, let ntrx_TTLPLD
be the required number of transmissions to deliver all the 206 bytes generated by the sensor node per cycle and
let trxcycle_TTLPLD in seconds be the required transmission cycle time if ntrx_TTLPLD transmissions are to
be carried out in the 1800 seconds sensor node cycle time. Then;
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
400 750 75
trxcycle_TTLPLD and trxcycle_ PToA &DC
650 65
300 Total payload and header
bytes transmitted per
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
hence the need to retransmit the packet. Such retransmission of packet will required additional time and energy
consumption in the sensor node. In addition, the total number of data bytes (including the payload and overhead
bits) transmitted per cycle is highest (741.6 bytes) for the smallest payload size of 5 bytes and the percentage
overhead bit is 72 2 % whereas the total data bytes transmitted for payload size of 51 bytes is 258.5 bytes and the
percentage overhead bit is 20.3 %.
18 5.50E-04
Transmission range (km)
Fig 3: Transmission range (km) and bit error probability, BER, versus payload size in byte
Analytical expressions and algorithm for computing LoRa-based Internet of Things (IoT) sensor node bit error
rate and transmission range based on expected data delivery success ratio and Comit´e International des Radio-
Communication (CCIR) path loss model are presented. Also, presented are analytical expressions for determining
the number of transmissions required per sensor node cycle and the transmission cycle time required for the LoRa
transceiver, as well as the percentage of overhead bits for any given payload size. In all, the results show that the
transmission range is inversely related to the payload size; the transmission range decreases as the payload size
increases. Similarly, the bit error probability and percentage of overhead bits to the total transmitted data packets
per cycle decrease with increase in payload size. Essentially, small payload size can be used to achieve higher
transmission range, but its downside is that it is more susceptible to bit error and also more overhead bits are
transmitted which will require higher energy consumption in the sensor node. As such, in practice, careful
compromise is required between the payload size and desired transmission range.
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Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
V. C. Eluwa1*
Department of Chemical Engineering, Federal University of Technology, Minna
*Email: Victoria.eluwa@futminna.edu.ng
This study focused on the synthesis and characterization of Zeolite A from Aloji kaolin via the hydrothermal
method. The effect of short crystallization times (0.5h, 1h, 1.5h, 2h, and 3h) and high crystallization temperature
of 115 ̊C on the formation of Zeolite A as the final product was investigated. The characterization of the
synthesized Zeolite A was conducted using Scanning electron microscope (SEM), X-ray diffraction (XRD), and
Brunauer- Emmett- Teller (BET) analysis. The results showed a well-developed Zeolite A with cubic morphology
and a crystallinity of 78.12%, as well as a surface area and pore size of 18.8832 m²/g and 178.461 Å respectively
was successfully synthesized using high alkali concentration (5 mol/L) and a crystallization time of 3h. The
findings provide a valuable insight into the synthesis of Zeolite A from kaolin and its potential application in
various fields.
Increase in global population as well as rapid industrialization has resulted in depletion of non-renewable
resources, increasing pollution and thus various ecological and environmental problems. These problems have
greatly transcended to degradation of the environment and human health which has greatly stared people to
become inquisitive about current model of industrialization procedure and production. Due to improvement in
regulations and emergence of new policies there is a shift in the regular mode of pollution first then treatment
later to a cleaner method of production. In the clean production methods harmful and very toxic substances that
cause pollution are either avoided or reduced to the barest minimum. (He et al., 2021).
Zeolites are porous materials that consist of a three-dimensional framework structure of crystalline aluminosilicate
materials. Zeolites have uniform sized pores and usually known as molecular sieves (Johnson & Arshad, 2014).
Zeolites have a very wide range of applications and have been applied in fields such as catalysis, adsorption
processes, bacterial adhesion water treatment, air pollution remediation, detergent making, fuel cell and ion
exchange. (Hartarti et al., 2020). Zeolites exist in two categories, both as natural and synthetic. The natural
occurring ones are mined from the earth while the synthetic zeolites are produced in the laboratory. Natural
zeolites are found in sedimentary rocks that are near the earth’s crust. Commonly found natural zeolite includes
Clinoptilolite, Analcime, chabazite, heulandite, erionite, laumontite, and mordenite (Derbe et al., 2020; Nasief et
al., 2021). Natural zeolites are known to contain contaminants like Fe2+, SO42−, SiO2, and sometimes other zeolites,
these impurities tend to reduce their pores and channels thereby making them unsuitable for commercial use where
purity and uniformity are highly essential.
In order to eliminate the limitations associated with natural, it has prompted researchers to investigate the synthesis
of synthetic zeolite. (Yoldi et al., 2019). Synthetic zeolites are generally preferred due to the homogeneity in their
composition (particle size and shape) as well as high crystallinity in comparison to the natural zeolite. This is
majorly due to the ease with which desired structural properties and chemical compositions can be manipulated
by varying the parameters during the synthesis operation. (Lim et al. 2021)
Synthetic zeolite preparation and synthesis are very challenging and the common synthesis methods involves
using alumina and silica obtained from analytical/ synthetic chemicals to form aluminosilicate hydrogel which is
then crystallized to obtain zeolite. This source of alumina and silica is very expensive and leads to high cost of
zeolite in addition to causing several environmental burdens due to pollution. (Otieno et al.,2019; Kumar and Jena
2022). In an attempt to reduce the cost of zeolite and pollution associated with using analytical grade chemicals,
several other alternative sources of alumina and silica have been explored and are still currently being investigated.
Kaolin has been found to be an alternative source for alumina and silica because of its low-cost benefit and it has
a Si/Al ratio of 1 which suitable for the synthesis of low silica zeolites. (Lim et al. 2021; Binay, et al. 2019). Low
silica zeolites like zeolite A also known as zeolite LTA are of very special interest due their high adsorption and
ion exchange properties. (Arasi et al., 2021; Kirdeciler & Akata 2020; Kamyab & Williams 2021).
In this work Aloji kaolin was used as an alternative source for alumina and silica because of its low-cost benefit
and it has a Si/Al ratio of 1 which is suitable for the synthesis of low silica zeolites. The work involves the synthesis
of zeolite A from Aloji kaolin. This will be achieved by refining raw kaolin and then converting this to metakaolin
by calcination. The metakaolin will then be used in synthesizing zeolite A.
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
2.2 Method
2.21 Refining and Metakaolinization of Kaolin clay
Raw Aloji kaolin was crushed mildly and sieved using an 850µm sieve mesh. This was then transferred into a
1000ml beaker where it was soaked using deionized water for 12h. The mixture was then stirred continuously for
about 30 minutes after which the lighter fraction (supernatant) was collected. After sedimentation the Kaolin was
decanted and dried in the oven. The refined Kaolin was then calcined in a muffle furnace at 850 C ̊ for 2h to
obtained metakaolin which is a more reactive form of Kaolin.
2.3Zeolite Characterization
2.3.1 X-Ray Diffraction (XRD).
X-ray diffraction (XRD) is an efficient and effective technique that is used to identify crystallographic structure
of solids. XRD can be used to determine the crystal size of zeolites, study the crystal structure of zeolite, as well
as determine the crystallinity of zeolites. The XRD analysis was performed using an Ultima IV, Rigaku, UK and
with Cu-Kα radiation having a fixed power source (40 kV, 40 mA), and a diffraction angle (2Ө) in the range
of 5-900 and these were detected at a scan rate of 0.01.the percentage crystallinity was calculated using Equation
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
0 10 20 30 40 50 60
Fig 1: XRD parttern for Metakaolin
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80
2 theta
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
ab c
d ef
The morphology of the synthesized zeolite A after 3h crystallization time with higher magnification is shown in
Figure 4. The micrograph depicts some well-developed cubic crystals that is typical of zeolite A. This shape is in
conformity with Kirdeciler et al., (2020) and Salimkhani et al. (2021) that reported obtaining image cubic
morphology for zeolite LTA using kaolin as starting raw material.
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
In conclusion, the present study has demonstrated the successful synthesis of zeolite A from Aloji kaolin via
hydrothermal method. The effect of varying crystallization times and temperature on the synthesis of zeolite A
was investigated, and it was found that a crystallization time of 3 h on an alkali concentration of 5 mol/L resulted
in a well-developed zeolite A crystal with high crystallinity and desirable morphological and textural properties.
The characterization results obtained through XRD, SEM, and BET analysis confirmed the formation of Zeolite
A with a cubic morphology, high surface area and pore size. These findings suggest that Aloji kaolin can serve as
a potential source of raw material for the synthesis of zeolite A which could have potential application in various
fields such as catalysis, separation and adsorption.
Arasi, M. A., Salem, A., & Salem, S. (2021). Production of Mesoporous and Thermally Stable Silica Powder from
Low Grade Kaolin Based on Eco-Friendly Template free Route via Acidification of Appropriate Zeolite
Compound for Removal of Cationic Dye from Wastewater. Sustainable Chemistry and Pharmacy 19.
Binay, M.I., Kirdeciler, S.K., &Akata, B. (2019). Development of antibacterial powder coatings using single and
binary ion-exchanged zeolite A prepared from local kaolin. Applied Clay Science, 182
Derbe, T., Temesgen, S., and Bitew, M. (2021). A Short Review on Synthesis, Characterization, and Applications
of Zeolites. Advances in Materials Science and Engineering.
Hartati, Prasetyoko, D., Mardi Santoso, M., Qoniah, I., Leaw, W. L., Firda, P. B. D., and Nur, H (2020)A review
on synthesis of kaolin-based zeolite and the effect of impurities. Journal of the Chinese Chemical Society, 1–26.
He, Y., Tang, S., Yin, S., & Li, S (2021). Research progress on green synthesis of various high-purity zeolites
from natural material-kaolin. Journal of Cleaner Production, 306 (2021) 127248.
Johnson, E. B. G. & Arshad, S.E. Hydrothermally synthesized zeolites based on kaolinite: A review. Applied Clay
Science. 97–98 (2014) 215–221
Gougazeh. M & Buhl. J. (2014). Synthesis and characterization of zeolite A by hydrothermal
transformation of natural Jordanian koanil. Journal of the Association of Arab Universities for Basic and
Applied Sciences. 15, pp.35–42
Kamyab, S. M., & Williams, C. D. Pure zeolite LTJ synthesis from kaolinite under hydrothermal conditions and
its ammonium removal efficiency. Microporous and Mesoporous Materials. 318(2021)111006
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
Kirdeciler, S. K. &Akata, B. One pot fusion route for the synthesis of zeolite 4A using kaolin. Advanced Powder
Technology, 31 (2020) 4336–4343
Kumar, M.M & Jena, H (2022). Direct single-step synthesis of phase pure zeolite Na–P1, hydroxy sodaliteand
analcime from coal fly ash and assessment of their Cs+ and Sr2+
removal efficiencies. Microporous and Mesoporous Materials, 333 (2022) 111738.
Lim, W., Lee, C., & Hamm. S. Synthesis and characteristics of Na-A zeolite from natural kaolin in Korea.
Materials Chemistry and Physics, 261(2021)124230
Maia, A. B., Dias, R. N., Rômulo, S. A., and Neves, R.F. (2019). Influence of an aging step on the synthesis of
zeolite NaA from Brazilian Amazon kaolin waste. Journal of Material Research and Technology; 8(3):2924–
Nasief, F.M., Shaban, M., Alamry, K.A., Abu Khadra, M.R., Khan,A.A.P., Asiri, A.M., & Abd El-Salam, H.M.
Hydrothermal synthesis and mechanically activated zeolite material for utilizing the removal of Ca/Mg from
aqueous and raw groundwater. Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering, 9 (2021)105834
Otieno, S.O., Kengara, F.O., Kemmegne-Mbouguen, J.C., Langmi, H.W., Kowenje, C.B.O., & Mokaya, R. The
effects of metakaolinization and fused-metakaolinization on zeolites synthesized from quartz rich natural clays.
Microporous and Mesoporous Materials, 290 (2019) 109668
Salimkhani, S., Siahcheshm, K., Kadkhodaie, A., &Salimkhani, H (2021). Structural analysis and the effect of the
chromium on LTA (Na) zeolitesynthesized from kaolin.Materials Chemistry and Physics, 271 (2021) 124957.
Vegere, K., Kravcevica, R., Krauklis, A.E., &Juhna, T. (2020). Comparative study of hydrothermal synthesis
routes of zeolite A. Materials Today: Proceedings https://doi.org/10.1016/j.matpr.2020.06.326
Yoldi, M., Fuentes-Ordonez, E.G., Korili, S.A., & Gil, A. (2020). Zeolite synthesis from industrial wastes.
Microporous and Mesoporous Materials, 287 (2019) 183–-191.
Yusriadi, Y., Sulastri, E., & Lembang, N.P (2020). Synthesis of Type A Zeolite from Rice
Husk Ash and Its Application as a Builder on Effervescent Tablet Form Detergent. TensideSurfantant Detergent,
57 (2020) 3.
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
Location-based services (LBSs) have grown in popularity due to technological advancements and increase in the
number of Internet of Things (IoT) devices. An IoT is a collection of interconnected end devices, including sensors
and software, that are embedded in a specific environment with the capacity to sense, communicate, process, and
store data without the need for human interaction. However, the collected environmental data remains
insignificant until the precise location of its acquisition is determined. Thus, localization is a key step towards
developing smart and IoT applications. Localization is the process of using available information and algorithms
to determine the location of a target (Sadowski & Spachos, 2018a). Localization can be in outdoor or indoor
scenarios. Outdoor localization has been achieved successfully using various types of regional-based Global
Navigation Satellite System (GNSS). However, using GNSS in indoor scenario is accompanied by a lot of
environmental and economic challenges. Furthermore, people tend to spend about 87-90% of their time indoors
(Klepeis et al., 2001; Sarigiannis, Gotti, & Karakitsios, 2019; Wang, Shang, & Wu, 2023). Therefore, alternative
solutions to locating people and objects in indoor environments need to be explored.
The use of wireless technologies has increased in the last decades in our daily lives. Wireless Access points
(WAPs) have been deployed in a multitude of indoor environments for provision of internet connection. Although
these technologies were designed for communication, the transmitted signal can be used to estimate the location
of a target in the satellite denied environments (Asaad & Maghdid, 2022). However, the environmental constraints
need to be overcome with proper analysis of the signal propagation to achieve accurate and robust indoor
localization services. During signal propagation in a medium, there is signal degradation as the signal travels from
the transmitter to the receiver. This signal loss increases exponentially as the distance between the transmitter and
receiver increases. Besides the medium loss, presence of obstacles such as walls, stationary and moving objects
also pose a challenge to accurate signal-to-distance estimation. The presence of obstacles along the signal
propagation direction causes signal impairments such as reflection, refraction, absorption, and scattering
(Farahsari, Farahzadi, Rezazadeh, & Bagheri, 2022). Various wireless technologies commonly used for
communication have been employed in the design of indoor localization models.
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
The study in this paper is structured as follows: Section II reviews the relevant work, followed by an extensive
overview of wireless technology in Section III. Section IV presents the system distance-dependent model, and
Section V addresses the wireless technology's appropriateness. Section VI brings the study to a conclusion.
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
GHz frequency band, have led to improved throughput, particularly in high-density environments. Furthermore,
the forthcoming IEEE 802.11be (2024), which is slated to operate at 2.4/5/6 GHz frequency bands, will be
specially designed to cater for WLAN indoor and outdoor localization operations. Table 1 presents an overview
of the various generations of WiFi technologies, along with their distinctive key characteristics.
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
Where 𝑤𝑡 is refers to any of the wireless technology, 𝜆 is the wavelength and is related to frequency and speed of
light 𝑐 by
𝜆= F (2)
The received power is related to the transmitted power 𝑃𝑡á; , transmitter and receiver gains (𝐺𝑡á; 𝑎𝑛𝑑 𝐺𝑟á; ) and
system loss 𝐿á; by:
𝑃𝑟á; [𝑑𝐵𝑚] = 𝑃𝑡á; + 𝐺𝑡á; + 𝐺𝑟á; − 𝑃𝐿á; − 𝐿á; (3)
The noise spectral density is given as:
𝑁O5á; = −174 + 10 𝑙𝑜𝑔lO 𝐵𝑊á; (4)
Signal-to-interference-plus-noise ratio (SINR) is related to the received power 𝑃𝑟á; , Bandwidth 𝐵𝑊á; and noise
spectral density 𝑁/5á; by:
𝑆𝐼𝑁𝑅á; [𝑑𝐵] = 𝑃𝑟á; − 𝑁O5á; − 10 loglO 𝐵𝑊á; (5)
Data rate of the wireless technology is related to the bandwidth and SINR by Shannon Hartley equation (Ghosh
et al., 2022) as:
𝑅H5á; [𝑏𝑝𝑠] = 𝐵𝑊á; × 𝑙𝑜𝑔4 (1 + 10 LN ) (6)
Coverage range is also related to gains, receiver sensitivity by Friis equation (Augustin, Yi, Clausen, & Townsley,
2016) as:
_ G;¾H ×ã;¾H ×G;¾H
𝑅𝑎𝑛𝑔𝑒á; [𝑚] = s@ Å (7)
GA@XE¾H ×ã,¾H
Frequency band and coverage area: the frequency of the wireless technology can affect the coverage of the system.
Lower frequency signals tend to have a longer range and are better suited for large indoor spaces such has LoRa
and WiFi Halow, while higher frequency signals tend to have a shorter range and are better suited for smaller
indoor spaces. Data Rate: Higher data rate improves system capacity but at the expense of energy consumption.
Most indoor LBSs does not need to transfer large amount of data. UWB, WiFi and BLE uses tens of Mbps while
the data rate of LoRa, WiFi Halow and Zigbee is in the order of tens of kbps as shown in Fig. 2. SINR: A higher
SINR means that the received signal is stronger relative to the interference and noise, which reduces the
probability of errors and increases the capacity of the network as seen in Fig. 3. Power Consumption: The
consumption should be low to support battery-operated devices and enable long lifetime. LoRa, BLE and WiFi
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
Halow are the most appropriate technology with least power consumption. Zigbee and UWB are suitable for
devices that may need to work for few months with medium power consumption. WiFi technology has the highest
energy consumption, but common WiFi-based APs are usually powered from the main supply. Smartphone
accessibility and deployment cost: Both parameters are interwoven. Lower deployment cost can make indoor
localization systems more accessible and affordable for a wider range of applications and users. WiFi and BLE
tend to have lowest cost because they are readily available on smartphones. Recently, UWB technology is also
available on smartphones from vendors like Apple, Samsung, Google Pro and Xiaomi Mix. LoRa, Zigbee and
WiFi Halow requires special hardware (HW), but the range of LoRa can be compensated with the cost of the HW.
Applications: Wireless technology-based indoor localization is a cost-effective and precise solutions for a variety
of satellite-denied applications such as healthcare, industries, logistics, context-aware marketing, and emergence
Based on Equations (1-7), the estimated data rate and quality of the received signal can be measured by SINR for
the wireless technologies as illustrated in Figures 2 and 3. The results in Figure 3 indicate that UWB and WiFi
have significantly higher data rates compared to BLE and Zigbee which have relatively low data rates, and LoRa
has the lowest achievable data rate. UWB and WiFi are suitable for real-time applications. SINR is a metric used
to determine the signal quality relative to noise and interference in the environment. UWB provides the best signal
quality, followed by WiFi, while LoRa exhibits the least signal quality. Zigbee and BLE have relatively good
signal quality. It is important to note that the actual signal strength may vary greatly depending on the
environment, such as the presence of walls, humans, other wireless devices, interference, and other factors.
In this study, we characterize and analyse the performance of several wireless communication technologies in
term of frequency band, data rate, SINR, energy consumption, smartphone availability, deployment cost and
application areas. The essence of the characterization is to help us to decide the appropriate wireless technology
for a specific indoor localization application. In the analysis, UWB is found to be suitable for small indoor
environment because of the wide frequency band, followed by WiFi, BLE and Zigbee while LoRa and WiFi
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
Halow are suitable for large indoor environment. LoRa has the least energy consumption followed by BLE and
WiFi Halow. The energy consumed by Zigbee and UWB are relatively low while WiFi consumes the most energy.
WiFi, BLE and recently UWB are smartphone accessible, hence they have the lowest cost while others wireless
technologies need extra hardware for deployment.
However, it is important to note that the accuracy of this analysis can be affected by a variety of factors, including
environmental conditions and device heterogeneity. Future study should consider experimental evaluation of the
wireless technologies in different environments with different interference level using robust indoor localization
This study was funded by International Collaborative Research Fund (ICRF) between Universiti Teknologi
PETRONAS, Perak, Malaysia and University of Lampung, Bandar Lampung, Indonesia.
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Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
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Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
Traditional techniques have been used over the years for the determination of watershed characteristics and runoff.
Technological advancements in the area of remote sensing and Geographic Information Systems have proven to
be more effective techniques that can produce more accurate results, save time and remove most human errors.
The efficiency of using GIS-based techniques for watershed analysis was explored in this study, using the Galma
River catchment as a case study. Characteristics such as Area, perimeter, time of concentration, length of overland
flow, longest flow path, time to recession, and peak discharge amongst others were determined using traditional
manual techniques and GIS-Based techniques. The results from both methods were compared using the student’s
t-test. In addition to a strong correlation of 0.98 observed for results from both methods, the results showed that
the difference in the estimates from both techniques was not statistically significant at a 95% confidence level
since the t stat (1.528) is less than the t critical-two tail (2.120) and the P (T<=t) value of 0.266 is greater than
0.005. It was concluded that the GIS-Based techniques for watershed analysis are reliable, accurate, and time-
saving methods that should be explored in Water resources studies.
KEYWORDS: Discharge, Flood, Gamji catchment, GIS, Watershed analysis, Water resources
Water resources management-related problems are central determinant for the attainment of a number of the
Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Accurate determination of watershed characteristics and the resultant
runoff from them is essential for optimum design and planning of water resource infrastructure (Boulos, 2017).
While traditional technique has been used extensively over the years for delineation of watershed, determination
of the characteristics and estimation of design flood especially for ungauged catchments, the method has become
greatly undesirable. This is because of the amount of time spent, the great propensity for human errors amongst
other factors. The advancement of technology especially in the area of remote sensing and Geographic Information
systems have provided more effective techniques that can produce more accurate results, save time and remove
most human errors (Dongquan et al., 2009; Widaningrum et al., 2015; Radwan et al., 2017).
Notwithstanding the aforementioned advantages of the GIS-based system, it becomes necessary to compare the
output with that of the traditional system since it is significantly dependent on remotely sensed data. The efficiency
of using GIS-based techniques for watershed analysis was therefore explored in this study, using Galma River
catchment in Kaduna State, Nigeria as a case study.
The comparison of the two methods was based on the morphometric and hydrologic characteristics of the Galma
basin. The various mathematical principles are summarized in Table 1.
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
In which, C is the composite runoff coefficient of the catchment, I is the rainfall intensity expressed in millimetres
per hour for a certain time of concentration and A is the catchment area in square kilometres.
The runoff coefficient, C was estimated following the methods described previously in Alfa et al., (2018). It
combines the terrain slope (Figure 2), the land cover characteristics (Figure 3) and soil characteristics (Figure 4)
to develop a composite runoff coefficient for the entire catchment.
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
The slope was generated from the Shuttle Radar Topographic Mission digital elevation model (SRTM DEM)
obtained from the earthexplorer portal of the United States Geological Survey, the land cover data was obtained
from Environmental Systems Research Institute (ESRI) while the soil map was extracted from the FAO’s digital
soil map of the world.
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
Similarly, the results of the statistical comparison of the characteristics of the catchment obtained using both
methods is presented in Table 3.
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
The results showed that a strong correlation (0.98) exist between the catchment characteristics obtained using both
methods. More so, the results showed that the difference in the estimates from both techniques was not statistically
significant at a 95% confidence level since the t stat (1.528) is less than the t critical-two tail (2.120) and the P
(T<=t) value of 0.266 is greater than 0.005. The results obtained herein corroborates previous findings on the
reliability of using GIS-based techniques for catchment-wide hydrological studies that can save time and produce
more accurate results (Dongquan et al., 2009; Widaningrum et al., 2015; Radwan et al., 2017).
It was concluded that the GIS-Based techniques for watershed analysis is a reliable, accurate and time saving
methods that should be explored in Water resources studies. With a correlation coefficient of 0.98 and a P-value
of 0.266, it can be concluded that the results obtained from the GIS-based study can be a safe replacement for
the traditional manual techniques.
Alfa, M. I., Ajibike, M. A., Adie, D. B., & Mudiare, O. J. (2018). Assessment of the effect of land use/land cover
changes on total runoff from Ofu River catchment in Nigeria. Journal of Degraded and Mining Lands
Management, 5(3), 1161-1169.
Alfa, M. I., Ajibike, M. A., Adie, D. B., & Mudiare, O. J. (2019). Hydrologic and morphometric analysis of Ofu
River Sub-Basin using remote sensing and Geographic Information System. Nigerian Journal of Technological
Development, 16(2), 49-55.
Baiamonte, G. (2020). A rational runoff coefficient for a revisited rational formula. Hydrological Sciences
Journal, 65(1), 112-126.
Boulos, P. F. (2017). Smart water network modeling for sustainable and resilient infrastructure. Water Resources
Management, 31(10), 3177-3188.
Dongquan, Z., Jining, C., Haozheng, W., Qingyuan, T., Shangbing, C., & Zheng, S. (2009). GIS-based urban
rainfall-runoff modeling using an automatic catchment-discretization approach: a case study in
Macau. Environmental Earth Sciences, 59, 465-472.
Horton, R. E. (1932). Drainage‐basin characteristics. Eos, Transactions American Geophysical Union, 13(1), 350-
Horton, R. E. (1945). Erosional development of streams and their drainage basins; hydrophysical approach to
quantitative morphology. Geological society of America bulletin, 56(3), 275-370.
Kirpich, Z. P. (1940). Time of concentration of small agricultural watersheds. Civil Engineering, 10(6), 362.
Langbein, W. B., & Leopold, L. B. (1964). Quasi-equilibrium states in channel morphology. American Journal of
Science, 262(6), 782-794.
Miller, V. C. (1953). A quantitative geomorphic study of drainage basin characteristics in the clinch mountain
area virginia and tennessee (No. CU-TR-3). Columbia University New York.
Mustafa S. and Yusuf M. I. (2012). A Textbook of Hydrology and Water Resources, Revised Edition. Abuja.
Topsmerit Page Publishing Company.
Radwan, F., Alazba, A. A., & Mossad, A. (2017). Watershed morphometric analysis of Wadi Baish Dam catchment
area using integrated GIS-based approach. Arabian Journal of Geosciences, 10, 1-11.
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
Schumm, S. A. (1956). Evolution of drainage systems and slopes in badlands at Perth Amboy, New Jersey.
Geological society of America bulletin, 67(5), 597-646.
Strahler, A. N. (1964). Quantitative geomorphology of drainage basin and channel networks. Handbook of applied
hydrology, Ed. Ven Te Chow, 04, 9 - 76.
Wang, X., Liu, T., Li, C., Zhu, Z., Zhang, S., & Melesse, A. M. (2011). Development of a modified rational
equation for arid-region runoff estimation. In World Environmental and Water Resources Congress 2011: Bearing
Knowledge for Sustainability (pp. 4702-4716).
Wang, X., Liu, T., & Yang, W. (2012). Development of a robust runoff-prediction model by fusing the rational
equation and a modified SCS-CN method. Hydrological Sciences Journal, 57(6), 1118-1140.
Widaningrum, D. L. (2015). A GIS–based approach for catchment area analysis of convenience store. Procedia
Computer Science, 72, 511-518.
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
*Email: sadiqabbas032@gmail.com
The storage stability of optimized foam-mat dried tomato-pepper-onion powder was evaluated under different
packaging conditions. The powder was prepared using a foam-mat drying technique and optimized using
response surface methodology. The levels for various input variables were tomato (5 – 76%), pepper (5 – 78%),
onion (5 – 80%), egg white (2 - 15%), carboxymethyl cellulose (0.15 - 0.75%) & Drying temperature: 50-80oC.
Laminated aluminium foil, high density polyethylene and medium density polyethylene were three distinct
packaging types used to package the optimized powder. Every five days, the storage stability of the powders
was checked while they were kept at room temperature for 30 days. The amount of MC, lycopene, protein, and
microbial growth were assessed in the powder sample. The findings demonstrated that, in comparison to the
control group, all packing options considerably increased the powder's storage stability. The LAF was the most
effective in keeping moisture from entering the package and was also able to preserve the most lycopene
content (10.40%) as compared to the control value of 10.21%, while also having the lowest moisture content
over the course of storage at 4.39 percent.
In many cuisines around the world, vegetables like tomatoes, peppers, and onions are crucial. Lycopene, a
carotenoid with antioxidant qualities, is abundant in tomatoes. Lycopene, which gives tomatoes their red color,
has been linked to a lower risk of some malignancies, cardiovascular illnesses, and age-related macular
degeneration (AMG) (Hossain et al., 2021). Vitamin C, carotenoids, and capsaicin, a bioactive substance with
anti-inflammatory and analgesic qualities, are all abundant in peppers. Quercetin, a flavonoid with anti-
inflammatory and antioxidant effects, is abundant in onions. (Iqbal et al., 2021). These three veggies are
combined to give varied dishes flavor and aroma as well as a balanced nutrient content.
Food processing and preservation are crucial for guaranteeing food safety, accessibility, and availability.
Different techniques for food preservation have been created over time and implemented on a global scale. The
techniques that are most frequently utilized are drying, canning, freezing, and irradiation. The nature of the
product, the preservation criteria, and the planned use all factor into the preservation method selection (Liu et
al., 2022).
One of the earliest and most popular ways of food preservation is drying, which is how those vegetables are
preserved. It entails drying out food products to eliminate moisture and stop microbial development and
enzymatic activity, which could lead to spoiling. Drying is economical, uses little energy, and keeps the
vegetables' nutritious content.
Traditional drying techniques including sun, air, and oven drying take a long time to dry, are of poor quality, and
result in deteriorated products. As a result, the food sector has created and embraced cutting-edge drying
techniques like freeze-drying, spray drying, and foam-mat drying (Bhatkar et al., 2021). Foam-mat drying is a
relatively new technology that has attracted attention due to its ability to produce high-quality, nutritious and
shelf-stable food powders.
Proteins, surfactants and other foaming ingredients are used in foam-mat drying to create stable foam. After
regulated drying, the foam transforms into a porous, stable powder. A variety of food powders, including milk,
egg, fruit, and vegetable powders, have been produced using the method (Kilicli et al., 2022).
However, nothing is known about the foam-mat dry tomato, pepper, and onion powder's storage stability under
various packing scenarios. Therefore, it is necessary to research how different packaging materials and storage
settings affect the quality indices of foam-mat dried tomato-pepper-onion powder while it is being stored. This
study intends to fill up this information gap and offer important insights into the creation of packaging
techniques that would increase the storage stability and shelf life of dried tomato, pepper, and onion powder
packaged in foam-mats.
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
Examining the effects of various packaging materials on the compositional changes and viable load in the
powder during storage is a part of the theoretical analysis of the research on the storage stability of optimized
foam-mat dried tomato, pepper, and onion powder under various packaging conditions. The study makes use
of food science and technology principles, particularly those relating to drying and packing. Theoretical ideas
like the mechanics of foam-mat drying and the elements influencing food product shelf life are also taken into
In order to ascertain the impacts of packing on the stability of the powder, the research also analyzes the
lycopene content, moisture content, protein and the microbial growth.
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
3.2 Procedure for the production of optimized foam-mat dried tomato-onion-pepper powder.
The procedure involves blanching the tomato, pepper and onion samples in boiling water for 30 seconds to stop
enzymatic action. Next, a home blender was used to chop and grind the biomaterials into pulp for 4minutes,
until a smooth, uniform mixture was formed. Following that, according to the combinations of the experimental
treatment, 100ml of the pulp was poured into 51 small containers, and various concentrations of egg white (5%,
10 % and 15%), carboxymethyl cellulose (CMC) (0.15% 0.45% and 0.75%), tomato (5-76.5%), pepper (5-78.5%),
and onion (5-80%) were added. A 400 W jug-type blender (model number FPO12A) was then used to agitate
(whip) the mixture for 7 minutes to create foam. To let air into the foam, the top of the mixer was opened. The
mixture was then dried using a foam-mat drying technique to form the powder.
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
Table 4.1: Effect of Three Packaging Materials on Some Selected Quality Indice and Viable Loads of Tomato-
Pepper-Onion Powder: tomato:67.25% pepper: 5.0%. onion: 20.0% egg white: 7.59% , CMC: 0.150% DT:
Viable Load
Run Storage Packaging Moisture Protein Lycopene Bacteria Fungal
Duration Materials Content % % mg/100g
1 0 Laminated 5.38 11.47 10.21 2.46 ×102 5.53×102
Aluminium Foil
2 0 High Density Poly 6.95 9.02 9.8 3.24×102 6.5×102
3 0 High Density Poly 6.92 10.38 10 3.15×102 8.32×102
4 0 Medium Density 6.03 11.64 10.43 1.69×102 2.25×102
Poly Ethylene
5 0 High Density Poly 6.23 11.64 10.43 1.69×102 2.25×102
6 5 Laminated 5.75 11.61 10.35 2.3×102 3.39×102
Aluminium Foil
7 5 Laminated 4.65 10.98 10.12 3.03×102 7.84×102
Aluminium Foil
8 5 Medium Density 6.82 9.55 10.15 4.78×102 5.9×102
Poly Ethylene
9 5 Medium Density 6.07 11.5 10.42 1.85×102 2.86×102
Poly Ethylene
10 5 Laminated 4.39 10.98 10.12 3.86×102 7.99×102
Aluminium Foil
11 10 High Density Poly 6.59 11.42 10.29 2.19×102 3.88×102
12 10 Medium Density 6.65 9.89 10.21 4.43×102 7.81×102
Poly Ethylene
13 10 Medium Density 6.84 9.21 10.11 6.04×102 9.44×102
Poly Ethylene
14 10 Laminated 5.35 11.14 10.18 2.72×102 5.37×102
Aluminium Foil
15 10 Medium Density 6.16 10.98 10.39 1.99×102 2.76×102
Poly Ethylene
16 15 Laminated 6.3 11.64 10.43 1.23×102 2.25×102
Aluminium Foil
17 15 Laminated 5.31 11.46 10.21 2.5×102 4.93×102
Aluminium Foil
18 15 Medium Density 6.22 10.5 10.39 2.54×102 2.68×102
Poly Ethylene
19 15 Laminated 6.13 10.82 10.37 1.67×102 3.01×102
Aluminium Foil
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
3D Surface 3D Surface
Protein (%)
High Density Poly Ethylene 30
Medium Density Poly Ethylene 15
10 8
B: Packaging Materials 5 A: Storage Duration (Days) High Density Poly Ethylene
Laminated Aluminium Foil 0 30
Medium Density Poly Ethylene 15
B: Packaging Materials 5 A: Storage Duration (Days)
Laminated Aluminium Foil 0
Fig 4(a): 3D Surface Diagram showing the effect of Fig 4(b): 3D Surface Diagram showing the effect of
different packaging materials on the Lycopene different packaging materials on the Fungal load of
Content of Powder tomato-pepper-onion mix Powder tomato-pepper-onion mix during storage.
during storage.
3D 3D
Surface Surface
10. 0
Lycopene %
2 4
0 2
High Density Poly
9. Medium Density Poly 25
High Density Poly6 Ethylene
B: Packaging A: Storage Duration
Ethylene 10
30 Materials Laminated Aluminium (Days)
Foil 5
Medium Density Poly
25 0
B: Packaging A: Storage Duration
Materials Laminated (Days)
Aluminium Foil
Fig 4(c): 3D Surface Diagram showing the effect of Fig 4(d): 3D Surface Diagram showing the effect of
different packaging materials on the Lycopene different packaging materials on the Fungal load of
Content of Powder tomato-pepper-onion mix Powder tomato-pepper-onion mix during storage.
during storage
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
3D Surface
Bacteria (cfu/g)
4.2 Discussion
The optimized results of the foam-mat dried powder showed that 67.25% of tomato, 5.0% of pepper, 20.0% of
onion, 7.59% of egg white, 0.150 of CMC with a drying temperature of 61.93OC produced foam-mat dried powder
of 0.5972 desirability index. The optimized result of foam-mat dried tomato-pepper-onion powder was further
subjected to storage analysis as shown in Table 4.1. Table 4.1 Shows the moisture content, protein content,
lycopene and viable loads of the powdered tomato-onion-pepper stored in each packaging material was
measured at different time intervals (days 0, 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, and 30). The results show that the moisture
content increased over time from 5.38 to 6.92% in all the three packaging materials, but the rate of increase was
higher in the MDPE compared to the other two packaging materials (LAF and HDPE). The LAF had the lowest
moisture content throughout the storage period, indicating that it was the most effective in preventing moisture
from entering the package. From the table, it can be observed that there is a gradual decrease in protein content
over time in all three packaging materials. However, the rate of decrease is slightly different for each packaging
material. The protein content in MDPE decreases more rapidly compared to HDPE and LAF. This could be due to
the lower oxygen and moisture barrier properties of MDPE compared to HDPE and LAF. LAF shows the least
decrease in protein content over time, which could be attributed to its high barrier properties. Overall, the
results suggest that LAF is the most effective packaging material for maintaining the protein content of
powdered tomato-onion-pepper during storage, followed by HDPE and MDPE. Similarly, it can be seen that the
lycopene content of the powder tomato pepper and onion decreases over time. The rate of degradation varies
depending on the packaging material used. The LAF packaging was able to preserve the lycopene content the
most, while the HDPE packaging was the least effective in preserving the lycopene content. The MDPE packaging
was also able to preserve the lycopene content to a certain extent but was not as effective as the LAF packaging.
Table 4.1 also showed that the viable load of bacteria and fungi varied throughout the 30-day storage period.
The bacterial counts ranged from 1.23 to 6.35 log cfu/g, while the fungal counts ranged from 1.92 to 9.95 log
cfu/g. However, the microbial counts in the product samples remained within acceptable limits for most food
products throughout the storage period. These findings are consistent with previous studies that have reported
that the microbial counts in dehydrated vegetables are generally low, and the storage period has a limited effect
on their microbial load (Sarker et al., 2014).
The evaluation of the various packaging materials revealed that LAF (Laminated Aluminum Foil) packaging
offered the best moisture barrier qualities, maintaining the powder's antioxidant activity and microbial loads.
Although to a lesser extent than LAF packaging, HDPE (High-density Polyethylene) packaging was also helpful in
maintaining the powder's quality qualities. In addition, it was discovered that MDPE (Medium-density
Polyethylene) packaging performed the least well in maintaining the powder's quality attributes. To ensure the
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
quality and shelf life of foam-mat dried tomato-pepper-onion powder, LAF or HDPE packaging for storage and
transportation are recommended. Overall, the findings of this study indicate that foam-mat drying is a promising
method for processing vegetables into powder form.
We greatly appreciate Mr. Audu Yohanna, a laboratory technician at the Federal University of Technology,
Minna's faculty of agriculture, for giving up his valuable time to help us carry out the practical component of our
research endeavor.
Bhatkar, N. S., Shirkole, S. S., Mujumdar, A. S., & Thorat, B. N. (2021). Drying of tomatoes and tomato processing
waste: a critical review of the quality aspects. Drying Technology, 39(11), 1720-1744.
Hossain, M. A., Mitra, S., Belal, M., & Zzaman, W. (2021). Effect of foaming agent concentration and drying
temperature on biochemical properties of foam mat dried tomato powder. Food Research, 5(2), 291-297.
Iqbal, M. J., Shukat, R., Farooq, M., Solangi, I. A., Ilyas, N., Ullah, R., ... & Ahmed, F. (2021). Drying of onion paste
to develop powders by foam-mat drying process using egg albumin as foaming agent. Pakistan Journal of
Agricultural Research, 34(2), 431-437.
Kilicli, M., Erol, K. F., Toker, O. S., & Tornuk, F. (2022). Production of tomato powder from tomato puree with
foam-mat drying using green pea aquafaba: drying parameters and bioaccessibility of bioactive compounds.
Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture
Liu, Y., Zhang, Z., & Hu, L. (2022). High efficient freeze-drying technology in food industry. Critical Reviews in
Food Science and Nutrition, 62(12), 3370-3388.
Sarker, M., Hannan, M. A., Quamruzzaman, M. A., & Khatun, H. (2014). Storage of tomato powder in different
packaging materials. Journal of Agricultural Technology, 10(3), 595-605.
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
K. A. Sodiq1*, S. O. Abdulsalam2, O. L. Lawal3, L. A. Saliu3, A. T. Otapo4, H. Ojo5
Department of Computer Engineering, Yaba College of Technology, Yaba, Nigeria.
Department of Computer Science, Kwara State University, Malete-Ilorin, Nigeria
Department of Computer Technology, Yaba College of Technology, Yaba, Nigeria.
Department of Computer Engineering, Yaba College of Technology, Yaba, Nigeria.
Department of Computer Engineering, Yaba College of Technology, Yaba, Nigeria.
Department of Electrical/Electronics Engineering, Federal Polytechnic Ilaro, Ilaro, Nigeria.
Email: kazeem23@yahoo.com
Technologists and Technicians in Computer engineering Laboratories have been conducting practicals for
students with a number of equipment, maintenance of such equipment and detection of faults on them are
being carried out with a conventional approach. However, with advancement in Computer Technology and
Artificial Intelligence, there exists few or no expert system that can be used in troubleshooting and repair of
equipment in Computer Engineering Laboratories. This research proposed expert system for the maintenance
and repair of equipment in the Computer Engineering Laboratories. Data was collected on five (5) equipment in
the three (3) Computer Engineering Laboratories: Computer Technology Laboratory, Control Engineering
Laboratory and Basic Electricity/Measurement and Instrumentation laboratory from three (3) higher educational
institutions in southwestern areas of Nigeria. The data was encoded into If-then -rules, programmed with Python
programming language and My Sql. A user interface was designed to guide users through the use of the system
and display appropriate outputs. A test was carried out by four (4) users in one of the institutions to get their
remarks and feedback on the Expert System. It was concluded that the expert system can be used to
troubleshoot, repair and maintain computer engineering laboratory equipment by the Technologists and
Expert Systems are artificial intelligence technology designed to mimic the judgment skills of human decision-
makers. An expert system is created to record the knowledge and skill of human experts, then use it to give wise
counsel or make choices in a certain field (Jackson and Peter,1998). Expert Systems are utilized in many different
industries, such as health, finance, engineering, and others, to automate decision-making and solve complicated
The creation of expert systems for equipment diagnosis and repair in computer engineering labs has the power to
completely alter how equipment is maintained and repaired. These solutions can reduce machine downtime, lower
repair expenses, and improve system maintainability. Expert systems can quickly and accurately diagnose faults,
suggest fixes, and even foresee equipment problems before they happen by utilizing artificial intelligence and
machine learning. Expert Systems are utilized in many industries, such as health, finance, engineering, and others,
to automate decision-making and solve complicated problems. Systems for knowledge automation offer a very
effective and efficient approach to give customers, staff members, and even advisors themselves access to top-tier
expert decision-making information and counsel for particular challenges (Exsys Corvid, 2011).
Every laboratory in the world has an expert when it comes to the detection of faults and providing solution to
those faults but over the years the world has seen those experts die with such knowledge. Hence it is against this
backdrop that this research seeks to implement an expert system for the maintenance, repair and troubleshooting
of equipment in Computer Engineering Laboratories. There is a need to build a computer program that represents
and reasons with knowledge of experts in the computer engineering field with a view of maintaining computer
laboratory equipment by detecting and analyzing faults related to the equipment. This is justified by the
importance of such expert system in the field of computer engineering as there are fewer or no expert system
available. Another importance reason is that the expert system will make maintenance of computer engineering
laboratory equipment more efficient by reducing the time needed to solve problems.
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
The research therefore proposed an expert-based system for the troubleshooting, repair and maintenance of
equipment present in Computer Engineering Laboratory. This paper will specifically design and implement a
prototype expert system and assess the efficiency of the system in identifying and fixing equipment issues.
Amanuel (2016) worked on the computer troubleshooting expert system that self-learns, He introduced an expert
system that is specialized to detecting computer errors and suggesting viable solutions for the faults found. The
expert system's conceptual model was created utilizing a decision tree form, which makes the reasons involved in
computer troubleshooting simple to understand and analyze. The expert system was built using ‘if – then' rules
based on the conceptual model. Backward chaining was utilized to infer the rules and make relevant
recommendations in the produced system.
Youssef (2012) developed an expert PC troubleshooter by employing rule-based methods and fuzzy systems to
identify POST beep faults. He also employed an intelligent agent that aids in self-learning and knowledge
acquisition. Using the MS.NET Framework 4.0 and MS Visual Studio 2010, ASP.NET 4.0 and C#.NET 4.0 are
used to develop the Expert PC Troubleshooter. Using MS Office Access 2010, the rule-base is implemented as a
relational database.
Aaron (2011) proposed an expert system algorithm for diagnosing faults in computer systems. The system uses a
knowledge-based approach, where the knowledge is represented as a set of rules that capture the expertise of
human experts in the field of computer engineering. The system is designed to be user-friendly, where the user
can interact with the system using natural language, and the system provides recommendations for fault diagnosis
and repair based on the symptoms reported by the user. The authors evaluated the effectiveness of the system
using a dataset of computer system faults, and reported an accuracy rate of 90.5%, indicating the potential of the
system to improve the efficiency of fault diagnosis and repair in computer systems. The authors also compared
the performance of their system with other existing diagnostic tools and reported that their system outperformed
the other tools in terms of accuracy and speed.
(Sourav et al., 2013) proposed an expert system for diagnosing and fixing computer faults using a knowledge-
based approach that captures the expertise of human experts in computer engineering. The system is user-friendly
and provides recommendations for fault diagnosis and repair based on reported symptoms. The study evaluated
the system's accuracy using a dataset of computer faults, reporting an accuracy rate of 91%. Additionally, the
study compared the system's performance with other diagnostic tools, demonstrating its superior accuracy and
(Piotr & Przemyslaw, 2015) studied the application of expert systems in aircraft maintenance. The authors
developed a knowledge-based system that collected the expertise of human maintenance personnel to provide
recommendations for diagnosis and repair of faults. The system used a rule-based approach to identify faults based
on symptoms and provides detailed instructions for repair. The effectiveness of the system was evaluated using a
set of maintenance tasks, which reported a high success rate in identifying and fixing faults. The authors concluded
that the system has been successfully implemented in the maintenance of the M-28 aircraft and has resulted in
improvements in maintenance efficiency and accuracy.
(Sylvester and Adeola, 2015) presented an expert system called the Computer Fault Diagnosis and
Troubleshooting System (CFDTS) designed to help non-expert users diagnose and repair computer faults. The
system used a knowledge-based approach to diagnose computer faults, relying on a set of rules generated from
expert knowledge of computer troubleshooting. The CFDTS has a user-friendly interface that guides users through
the troubleshooting process. Additionally, the system has a database of known computer faults and solutions
which can be updated as new faults are identified. The study evaluates the effectiveness of the CFDTS using a set
of test cases and reports a high success rate in diagnosing and fixing computer faults. The authors concluded that
the CFDTS could improve the efficiency of computer maintenance.
The process of building expert systems is often called knowledge engineering. The knowledge engineer is
involved with all components of an expert system. Building expert systems is generally an iterative process. The
components and their interaction will be refined over the course of numerous meetings of the knowledge engineer
with the experts and users. The various components of expert system are presented in Figure 1.
i. Knowledge Base
ii. Inference Engine
iii. User Interface
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
Knowledge Base: It contains domain-specific and high-quality knowledge. Knowledge is required to exhibit
intelligence. The success of any ES majorly depends upon the collection of highly accurate and precise knowledge.
Knowledge Acquisition: The knowledge acquisition component allows the expert to enter their knowledge or
expertise into the expert system, and to refine it later as and when required. Historically, the knowledge engineer
played a major role in this process, but automated systems that allow the expert to interact directly with the system
are becoming increasingly common.
Representing and Using Domain Knowledge: Expert system is built around a knowledge base module. Expert
system contains a formal representation of the information provided by the domain expert. This information may
be in the form of problem- solving rules, procedures, or data intrinsic to the domain. To incorporate this
information into the system, it is necessary to make use of one or more knowledge representation methods. Three
common methods of knowledge representation evolved over the years are IF-THEN rules, Semantic networks and
IF-THEN rules: Human experts usually tend to think along: condition ⇒ action or Situation ⇒ conclusion Rules.
"if-then" are predominant form of encoding knowledge in expert systems.
These are of the form: If a1, a2, ......, a Then b1, b2, ......, bn: where each aI is a condition or situation, and each
bi is an action or a conclusion.
The Inference Engine: This interprets and evaluate facts in knowledge base to provide answer.
The User Interface: The Expert System user interface usually comprises of two basic components:
i. The Interviewer Component: this controls the dialog with the user and/oral lows any measured data to be read
into the system.
ii. The Explanation Component: this gives the system’s solution, and also makes the system’s operation
transparent by providing the user with information about its reasoning process.
This research work involves data collection, data processing, expert system development. A standard validated
techniques was employed in the procedure of collecting, measuring and analyzing data for this study. Human
experts in three (3) higher institutions in Southwestern region of Nigeria were met in their various laboratories to
gather enough raw data which are the symptoms, faults, causes and possible solutions for the equipment. Data
was collected on five (5) equipment each of three (3) Computer Engineering Laboratories namely, Computer
Technology Laboratory, Control Engineering Laboratory and Basic Electricity / Measurement and
Instrumentation laboratory. The raw data gathered from the data collection phase were processed and analyzed to
produce meaningful information for this study. The development of the expert system was implemented on Intel
duo core computer with a minimum processor speed of 900 mHz. A minimum Random-Access Memory (RAM
of 4MB) and A minimum hard disk space of 10MB. Web-based system for system for computer engineering
laboratory equipment was implemented with web-based application for information storage, a middleware
application and a client-side application. Specifically, a browser Graphics and text browser is preferable e.g
Internet Explorer, A text editor and Windows Apache, Pycharm (WAMP server).
The output design varies based on the criteria of selection. The output data can be on screen display from the
database (data storage). The output design comprises of the name of equipment search, list of fault display and
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
general information about the fault. The flowcharts used in the development of the proposed system are shown in
Figures 3, 4, and 5 for Admin, user and fault search respectively.
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
Testing was conducted at different times taking records of the search inputs and observe the response from the
system. It was observed that in as much as the search input matches what was in the knowledge base, a response
will always be generated by the system. A continuous testing and adding of knowledge to the knowledge base
over a long period of time will provide enough insight and data for troubleshooting and repair of computer
engineering laboratory equipment.
The tests were conducted stage by stage. The first stage was conducted during the completion of the first draft.
The second and third stage were conducted after the testing from the first stage and the last stage of the testing
was conducted after final iteration has been made to the system. The recorded stages of the testing of the system
are presented in Table 1.
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
The performance of the system was carried out in one of the laboratories by 2 technicians and 2 students, the
results and outcome obtained are similar amongst all the testers, that is the expert system can troubleshoot and
repair computer engineering laboratory equipment.
4.3 Discussion
From the test carried out, we discovered that there is a certain level of expectation from the user for the accurate
result of the fault that was searched for. The remarks of these users were based on the complexity of the fault
and the solution provided. For the first user, the remarks were not satisfactory because the system was not that
easy to interact with because the search results were not that informative enough. The second user who was
slightly satisfied with the system interface also complained about the interactivity of the system. The third and
fourth user were pretty satisfied but still suggested that they would love if the results are well detailed for easy
understanding. The test was taken in a similar format to an already existing expert system for troubleshooting
which can be read in (Amanuel , 2016).
There are different types of expert system for troubleshooting of faults, but this study presents the design and
implementation of expert-based system for the troubleshooting and repair of computer laboratory equipment. The
system was tested and can be used in different computer engineering laboratories and still gives a satisfactory
result. Therefore, it is concluded that the expert system can be used for the troubleshooting, repair and maintenance
of computer engineering laboratory equipment by Technologists. Further research is needed to develop expert
system for other equipment used in other computer engineering laboratories and support can be integrated into
the system to allow users to contact specialists in case of any difficulty that may not be considered in the system.
Aaron, D. M. A. (2011). An Expert System Algorithm for Computer System Diagnostics. International Journal of
Engineering (IJE), 5(5), 435-467.
Amanuel, A.E.(2016). Self Learning Computer Troubleshooting Expert System. International Journal of
Artificial Intelligence & Applications, 7(1):45-58.
Exsys Corvid Quick-Start Guide - Fundamentals & Tutorials (2011). Available at:
. http://www.exsys.com/PDF/ExsysCORVID_QuickStartGuide.pdf . Accessed on February 23, 2023.
Jackson and Peter, (1998). Introduction to Expert Systems, 3rd ed, Addison Wesley.
Piotr G. & Przemysław, M.(2015). Use of the expert methods in computer-based maintenance support of the M-
28 aircraft. Scientific. Journal of Polish Naval Academy, 2(201), 5-12.
Sourav, M. , Sumanta, C. & Biswarup, N. (2013). Diagnosis and Troubleshooting of Computer Faults Based on
Expert System and Artificial Intelligence. International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics, 83(5), 717-
Sylvester,I.Ele and Adesola, W.A. (2013). Design of Computer Fault Diagnosis and Troubleshooting System
(CFDTS). West African Journal of Industrial and Academic Research, 9(1), 43-53.
Youssef Bassil (2012). Expert PC Troubleshooter with Fuzzy-Logic and Self-Learning Support. International
Journal of Artificial Intelligence & Applications (IJAIA), Vol.3, No.2, March 2012.
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
Ojomu, G.O., Adegbuyi, P.A.O., Adefuye, A.O., Raji, N.A., Adedeji, K.A
Lagos State University, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Lagos, Nigeria.
Natural plant fibre-reinforced composites have been in use as engineering materials in recent times. They are
advantageous because of their light weights, biodegradability, cost and are environmentally friendly. In this
paper, a composite of size 75mm x 3.77mm x 20.65mm was developed from 55 grammes of high-density
polypropylene (HDPP), 35 grammes of water hyacinth, and 10 grammes of aluminium powder used as a binder.
A second sample was produced in the same quantity but was coated with 0.05 micron-film of zinc primer (which
weight is negligible). The weights of the composites were initially weighed in the dry forms and recorded. Each
of the samples was immersed in same quantity of distilled water for 35 days while the differences in weight
percentage in their dried forms and wet forms were noted at intervals of five (5) days by a weighing/timing
sensor attached to immersion apparatus for the period. It was noted that the sample with zinc primer weighed
less at each measuring interval than the one without; this suggested that water absorption can be minimized
with the application of zinc primer or other materials that are waterproofed. Fibre loading was also varied in the
composites at 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35 and 40 weight percentage (Wt. %) to investigatewater absorption as the
loading was increasing; water absorption increased as the load increased but less in the sample with zinc primer.
Plant fibres and their polymer composites have been found to possess mechanical properties comparable to
some engineering materials. In this group of plants is water hyacinth (Eichhornia Crassifies). Water hyacinth is
found abundantly on waterways. It has high specific stiffness than other plant fibres like kenaf, jute, sisal, coir,
pine apple leaf, cotton, etc, Dhakai, Zhang and Richardson, (2006). The plant constitues nuisance to fishing
expeditions and marine transport. Composites from the plants are lighter in weight; this is a major advantage
to other composites. Reinforced plastics and fibre reinforced plastics consists of the fibre, which is the
discontinuous or dispersed phase in a polymer matrix (the composition phase). The fibres are the reinforcement
and the main source of strength while the matrix transfers stresses between the reinforcing fibres; the fibres
carry the loads along their longitidunal direction, Ekundayo and Adejuyigbe, (2019). Sometimes, fillers are added
to smooth the production process and impact special mechanical properties to the composites. In this type of
composite materials, the low modulus and temperature limitations of the plastics are overcome by
reinforcement with fibres of high modulus. Therefore, harvesting this plant and using it as components in fibre-
reinforced composites is of more advantage; however, composites from natural plant fibres are hydrophilic as
they age in use ( Chikol, Teshapa and Bharath 2012); this reduces the their service durability.
Investigation into the behavior of water hyacinth fibre-reinforced composites was reviewed by Rahman and
Afsar (2011); in their research, they developed fibre-reinforced polyethylene composites using water hyacinth,
varying the weights of the fibre at 15, 20, 25, 30 and 35 grammes. The fibre was initially treated with sodium
hydroxide; another part was not treated with the alkali. Water absorption on the composites was conducted by
immersion method on both treated and untreated fibre-reinforced composites. Results of their findings showed
that the treated fibre-reinforced samples absorbed less water than the untreated samples; this suggested the
treatment with alkali helped in more interfacial bonding between the fibre and matrix than in the untreated
one; also, traces of cellulose in the fibre might have added to the bonding, (Begun et al; 2021). The treatment
reduced voids and porosity in the treated composites, thereby allowing less water molecules into it; this
improved performance in the mechanical properties in the treated than the untreated samples. However, water
absorption increased in the composite as the fibre loading increased in the composites. It is therefore necessary
to look into this gap and reduce it to a certain degree. Meenalochani and Reddy (2017) also worked on the
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
principle that water absorption behavior of natural fibre-reinforced composites can be reduced through the
removal of OH groups from fibres according to the following equation:
Fibre –OH+NaOH Fibre –O-Na+H2O (1)
The authors worked on jute-hemp reinforced hybrid polymer composites. This enhanced inter-bonding between
the matrix and fibre. The hybrid material act as skin protection, slowing down water intake from 21% to 6%.
Fick’s law of diffusion plays a major role in the process; it shows that the diffusion coefficient is an important
factor. Therefore for diffusion that obeys Fick’s law, diffusion coefficient (or moisture intake) can be expressed
as the following equation:
s*. ; O.r
𝑀= }
>@ ? ∗ 𝐷𝑥 O.r (2)
3.1 Materials
5. Clean basin
6. Distilled water
3.2 Equipment
1. Grinding machine
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
weighing/timing sensor; the differences in weight were noted at each of the five (5) day intervals with the
process of weighing performed three (3) times and the mean values recorded; this was done in order to use the
parameters calculate the equilibrium moistures in the composites. Water hyacinth fibre loading was varied in
the composites at 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35 and 40 weight percentage (Wt. %) to investigate water absorption as
the loading was increasing. Since water absorption is measured by measuring the increase in mass as a
percentage of dry mass, then it is equivalent to the increase in weight percent as specified in equation 3 below:
Increase in weight = Wf - Wi x 100% (3)
Where Wf= weight of sampled in distilled water after specific (determined) days and Wi= initial weight of sample
before immersion in distilled water in the specific (determined) days; this is predetermined by the porosity, P:
Porosity (P) = (4)
∆ 𝑊 = 𝑊4 − 𝑊l
W2 = weight of composite at time t
W1 = initial weight of composite at time t
Composites Developed
Sample A Sample B
Figure 1: Composite without zinc primer Figure 2: Composite with zinc primer
DAYS Wt in wet form Water Absorption Wt. in wet form Water Absorption
5 Days 100.23 0.23 100.21 0.21
10 Days 100.60 0.60 100.43 0.43
15 Days 100.82 0.82 100.62 0.62
20 Days 101.10 1.10 100.81 0.81
25 Days 100.45 1.45 101.15 1.15
30 Days 101.74 1.74 101.48 1.48
35 Days 101.83 1.83 101.63 1.63
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
The research showed that coating fibre reinforced polymer composites reduced moisture intake.
The author acknowledged the management committee of FETiCON for this conference.
Begum, H.A., Tanni, T.R., & Shahid, A. Md. (2021). Analysis of water absorption in natural fibre composites.
Journal of Textile Science and Technology,7(4):1-14. DOI:104236/jltt.2021.74013
Chikol, S.V.,Teshapa, & V.,Bharath, K.N. (2012). Water Absorption behavior of Areca fibre reinforced
composites. International Journal of Materials and Biomaterials Applications, 2(2):12-14
Saha, M., Rahman, & H., Ali, A. (2011). Effect of fibre loadings on mechanical properties of water hyacinth fibre
reinforced polypropylene composites. Proceedings of the International Conference on Mechanical Engineering
(ICME2011), 18-20 December, Dhaka, Bangladesh, 1-6
Ekundayo, G., & Adejuyigbe, S. (2019). Reviewing the development of natural fibre polymer composites: A case
study of sisal and jute. International journal of computer engineering and science research, 1(1): 7-17.
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
Huner, U. (2015). Effect of water absorption on the mechanical properties of flax fibre reinforced epoxy
composites. Advanced in Sciences and Technology Research Journal, 9(26):1-6. DOI:10.12913/22998624/2357
Saha, M., & Afsar, A.M. (2018).Thermo-Mechanical and morphological properties of water hyacinth reinforced
polypropylene composite. International Journal of Engineering Materials and Manufacture, 3(3):151-161.
Dhakai, H.N., Zhang, Z.Y., & Richardson, M.O.W. (2014). Investigation of the surface morphology and structural
characterization of palm fibre reinforced acrylonitrile butadiene styrene (PF_ABS) composites. Materials
Sciences and Applications, 5(6):1-6
Priyanka, L., Singh, R., & Kapur, G.S. (2019). Development of polypropylene/banana peel (treated and untreated)
composites with and without compatibilizer and their studies. Materials Research Express. 6(9):1-8. DOI
Lashumu, A.N., & Raman. P.R. (2016). A review of chemical behavior of natural fibre composites. International
Journal of Chemical Science, 14(4):2223-2238
Meenalochani, K.S., & Reddy, B.G.V. (2017). A review on water absorption behavior and its effect on mechanical
properties of natural fibre reinforced composites. Materials Science and Engineerig,Corpus ID: 212488926, 1-5.
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
The quest to integrate renewable energy sources (RES) into power grids arises from the need to adopt a
sustainable source of energy while achieving energy security. RES such as solar photovoltaic (PV) and wind
energy systems are also called inverter-based generators (IBGs) because of their inverter-interfaced connections
with the grid. The inverter's quick dynamic response and low short-circuit capacity (SCC) can cause distress to
the grid and potentially result in power system stability problems. This paper has assessed the SCC and system
strength of the Nigerian grid based on proposed IBG integrations in the northern part of the country. A short-
circuit study was conducted, system strength was evaluated using the Network Response Short Circuit Ratio
(NRSCR), and a dynamic voltage stability analysis was performed. These studies revealed that most of the
proposed points on the grid have low SCC but suitable for the size of IBG integration; however, some identified
weak points may affect the stability of the grid. The results of this investigation provide valuable insights on the
impact of IBG integration in renewable energy-rich, SCC-deficient areas of a grid.
KEYWORDS: Renewable energy resources; Inverter-based generators, Short-circuit capacity; Solar PV; System
strength; Wind energy system; Voltage stability
The Nigerian power grid, like many others around the world, is struggling to meet the increasing demand for
energy due to inadequate generation. But then, the adoption of renewable energy sources (RES) has provided
an alternative source, largely owing to its reduced marginal costs and a drive for low-carbon generation (Gordon
et al., 2022). RES popularity has been further supported by government incentives and advancements in
technological breakthroughs, and it is projected that Nigeria's energy mix will increasingly incorporate
renewable energy sources, as shown in Figure 1 (International Renewable Energy Agency, 2023).
Fig. 1. Electricity generation based on generation technology under current plans and policies
Although RES technologies such as solar photovoltaic and wind energy systems, which are within a larger group
of generators known as inverter-based generators (IBGs), are the most prevalent, their power electronics inverter
interface may pose a challenge to the stable operation of power grids. Traditionally, synchronous generators (SGs)
are the primary sources of short-circuit current, which ensures power grid resilience during system disturbances.
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
The large-scale integration and preference of IBGs over SGs in power systems, however, leads to low short-circuit
current, which can make a power grid vulnerable. The strength of the grid at a specific point in the network is
one such vulnerability and is characterized by the size of the short-circuit capacity (SCC). IBGs are typically
located in remote regions of an electric power grid, where they are connected to the main grid by long transmission
lines and are not supported by SGs, which provide short-circuit services (Ekic et al., 2018). As the penetration
level of IBGs increases in some areas and the commitment to synchronous resources falls, these areas become
weak. The weakness is aggravated by the rapid dynamic response of the inverter controller, which responds
quickly to any slight deviation from normal operating conditions (Mohammed et al., 2019). Moreover, having a
large concentration of these IBGs within an area will allow them to interact with each other, causing significant
weak grid issues.
System strength assessment is an essential requirement for power system operators and planners to provide
adequate understanding of potential weak grid areas prior to the integration of an IBG. The system strength of a
power grid with IBG is quantified by the short-circuit ratio (SCR) (North American Electric Reliability
Corporation, 2017). It estimates how rigid the grid is to disruptions such as changing power injection or equipment
switching. Although SCR's computation is based on the steady state parameter, it is an indicator of a bus's
resilience to disturbance during dynamic conditions (Goud et al., 2019). SCR computation, however, does not
consider the impact of interactions between IBGs, which can lead to inaccurate estimates of the grid's strength at
the PoIs for IBG (North American Electric Reliability Corporation, 2017; Zhang et al., 2014). Other available
methods, such as the weighted short-circuit ratio (WSCR) developed by ERCOT (Zhang et al., 2014) and the
composite short-circuit ratio (CSCR) developed by GE (GE Energy, 2014), do consider the effects of IBG
interactions on grid strength but fail to account for the electrical connections between IBGs, which can result in
an inaccurate representation of the grid's strength at PoIs. Moreover, both the CSCR and WSCR methods mainly
provide the combined strength of a power grid in the area where the IBGs are interconnected, but they do not
compute the strength of the grid at each individual PoI within an area (Aldaoudeyeh et al., 2019). The network
response short-circuit ratio (NRSCR) proposed by Sanni et al. (2022) addresses these limitations and provides a
more accurate assessment of the grid's strength at PoIs by accounting for both the interactions among IBGs and
their electrical connections.
This paper presents an investigation into the impact of low SCC on system strength at the PoI when IBGs are
integrated. The Nigerian transmission grid is used as the case study based on the proposed integration of IBGs in
the grid.
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
G ` `
Birnin Kainji Kaduna Katsina
Kebbi Damaturu Maiduguri
Jos Yola
Jebba G/S Jebba T/S
Oshogbo Odukpani
Ajaokuta Geregu
Ihovbor New Haven
Itu Adiabor
Alaoji T/S
Aba Ibom
G Omotosho Okpai
Egbin Sapele
Bus Ikeja west Afam
Load Ikorodu Alaoji G/S
Aladja G Port- G
Transmission Line Aja
Thermal Generation Akanbga Okearo
Equivalent Capacity
Project / Project Company Type PoI
KVK Power Limited Solar Birnin Kebbi 55
Nigerian Solar Capital Partners Solar Gombe 100
LR Aaron Power Solar Gwagwalada 100
CT Cosmos Solar
Quaint Abiba Power Solar Jos
Anjeed Innova Group Solar
EN Africa Solar Kaduna 50
Novia Scotia Power Development
Company Kano 130
Oriental Renewable Solutions Solar
Afrinegia Power Limited Solar Katampe 50
Pan Africa Solar Solar
Katsina 175
Nova Solar 5 Farm Limited Solar
Vergnet Wind (Type 3) Katsina 10
Middle Band Solar One Solar Lokoja 100
Total 990
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
b. Short-circuit studies
The short-circuit current is the current at a given point in the power system during a short-circuit fault based on
the equivalent source impedance and nearby sources of fault current. Short-circuit studies use static computational
methods involving various factors to model the contribution of synchronous and asynchronous machines. The
short-circuit capacity (SCC) at a bus is the short-circuit current expressed as power (Urdal et al., 2015). This
information is also used to classify power grids without IBGs as either weak or strong. In fact, the terms “SCC”
and “system strength” are sometimes used interchangeably (Gordon et al., 2022). Although there is no predefined
threshold for SCC, the higher the SCC of a bus, the stronger the bus. Short-circuit analysis was conducted in this
study using the IEC 60909 standard, which expresses the short-circuit power as shown in equation (1). It involves
applying a balanced three-phase fault to the bus of interest first, and thereafter computing short-circuit capacity
based on the symmetrical short-circuit current and pre-fault voltage of the bus.
𝑆′′𝑖 = √3𝑉𝑛 𝐼′′𝑖 (1)
where 𝑆′′𝑖 is the short-circuit capacity to be computed for bus i, 𝐼′′𝑖 and 𝑉𝑛 are the short-circuit current and the
bus nominal voltage, respectively.
x𝑆′′𝑖 x
𝑆𝐶𝑅𝑖 = (2)
K𝑃𝐷𝐺,𝑖 + ~ [𝑃𝐶𝐷𝐺 ]𝑗,𝑖 O
Where 𝑆FGG is the short-circuit capacity at the ith PoI; PDG,i is the rated capacity of the IBG connected at bus i;
[𝑃𝐶𝐷𝐺 ]𝑗,𝑖 is the fraction of neighbouring IBG injection at bus j interacting with the IBG at bus i; and D is the total
number of IBG in the network. Typically, system strength evaluated either with SCR or NRSCR classifies a system
as strong for value greater than 3, weak for value between 2 and 3, and very weak for value less than 2.
Although this study involves multiple IBG integrations, both the SCR and NRSCR measures are evaluated to
provide a proper perspective on the accuracy of the latter.
d. Dynamic analysis
This study conducts dynamic simulation studies is to assess how the IBGs respond to a sudden disturbance at
the PoIs with different system strength values. To achieve this objective, a solid three-phase short circuit fault is
simulated in this test network, which lasts for 0.3 seconds before clearing. The response of the IBG during and
after fault clearance is then evaluated with respect to the NRSCR values in the PoIs. This study utilized the
industry-standard Power System Simulation for Engineering (PSS/E) software to model and simulate the Nigeria
330 kV network.
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
This section describes the results of short-circuit studies, system strength evaluation, and dynamic analysis of
the system response to disturbance.
Figure 3 presents the results of the short-circuit studies conducted on the Nigerian transmission grid to assess
the strength of the network without any IBG integration using the IEC 60909 standard. It was observed that
buses in the southern part of the grid had significantly higher SCC values than buses in the northern region. The
highest SCC value of 19,888 MVA was recorded at the Benin bus, while the lowest value of 378 MVA was at the
Maiduguri bus. The reason is due to the higher concentration of synchronous generators in the south than in
the north. Selected buses in the northern region (coloured red), including Birnin Kebbi, Gombe, Jos, Kano, and
Katsina, are the proposed PoI for IBG integration based on the NBET PPA agreement. It is observed that these
PoIs have very low SCC compared to most buses in the grid. This should be of concern for future integration of
IBG into the grid in this region.
The SCC value at the proposed PoIs shows that it ranges from 571.77 MVA at Gombe to 1805.67 MVA at Lokoja.
These SCC values are used to evaluate the system’s strength using SCR and NRSCR metrics. Table 1 presents the
results of the SCR and NRSCR values computed using Equation (2) and (3), respectively, with the rated power
output of the IBGs. It is observed that the result of the SCR estimates is generally higher than that produced by
NRSCR. While the rated power at the PoIs ranges from a minimum of 50 MW at Kaduna and Katampe to 220
MW at Jos, SCR identified all the PoIs as strong (i.e., > 3), with Kaduna (SCR = 29.44) as the strongest. This is
contrary to the NRSCR measure which suggests Katampe (NRSCR = 19.01) as the strongest, while the buses at
Kano (NRSCR = 2.05) and Katsina (NRSCR = 1.93) are identified as weak and very weak, respectively. Moreover,
both measures identified Katsina as the weakest PoI. This confirms the suggestion that the SCR metric is
unsuitable as a metric of choice in a multi-IBG-penetrated power grid. Furthermore, the PoIs at Kano, Katsina,
Kaduna, Gombe, and Jos all have NRSCR values less than 10, with Kano and Katsina posing a potential concern
for the grid due to their closeness and interaction between the two PoIs. All other buses have NRSCR values
greater than 10 and may not be of concern to the grid.
Table 4. System strength evaluation result for IBG integrated Nigerian transmission grid
Short-circuit Rated Power
PoI power at PoI injection of IBG SCR NRSCR
(MVA) (MW)
Kano 735.01 130 5.65 2.09
Katsina 650.33 185 3.51 1.96
Kaduna 1472.13 50 29.44 7.31
Gombe 567.77 100 5.68 2.94
Birnin kebbi 664.41 55 12.08 12.08
Gwagwalada 1581.97 100 15.82 13.48
Katampe 1415.51 50 28.31 19.01
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
To confirm the validity of result and presence of interaction based on the system strength values indicated in
Table 1, a dynamic simulation is conducted to assess the dynamic voltage stability of the Nigerian power grid. A
credible disturbance by way of a three-phase fault is simulated at the Shiroro bus for 300 ms, and the Shiroro-
Jebba transmission line is tripped to clear the fault. Figure 4 illustrates the voltage response of the PoIs in relation
to the system strength, which is evaluated using NRSCR. The simulation is conducted first with all the IBGs
connected (Scenario A). Thereafter, the simulation is repeated by disconnecting the IBG at Kano (scenario B).
For scenario A, it is observed that the bus voltages in Kano, Katsina, Kaduna, Gombe and Jos displayed some
transients during fault conditions. The response can be attributed, among other things, to the proximity of the
two weakest buses (Kano and Katsina), to the fact that the short-circuit power of these buses is low in
comparison to the rated capacities of the IBGs, and to the fact that the control action of the IBG power electronic
systems at these PoIs interacts with one another in an attempt to maintain a stable system operation. This
demonstrates that the IBG voltage controller's quick dynamic response has a significant impact on grid stability
in locations with low SCC. In contrast, Birnin Kebbi, Gwagwalada, Katampe, and Lokoja buses' voltage responses
did not experience similar transients, despite Katampe and Gwagwalada's nearness to the fault location.
In scenario B, where the generator at Kano was disconnected, none of the PoIs experienced any transients during
the fault as recorded in scenario A. This confirms that the absence of interactions among multiple IBGs at a weak
PoI is will not impact grid operation negatively.
The existence of low SCC in the Nigerian transmission grid and its impact on system strength when integrated
with IBGs has been examined. Without IBG, the short circuit studies indicates that the most buses in the northern
part of the grid are weak. With the integration of IBGs, the system strength measured by NRSCR shows that
some of the proposed PoI based on the NBET PPA are not entirely weak, with some strong PoIs. However, the
presence of few buses with NRSCR value less than 3 may be a source of concern in ensuring operational stability.
Dynamic voltage stability analysis shows that PoIs with system strength less than 10 may require close attention
and adequate planning to integrate IBGs. In this regard, this study will help the system operators and the concern
stakeholders to have the knowledge of the system strength for immediate and future system planning.
Nevertheless, additional studies will be required to establish a threshold NRSCR value to differentiate a weak
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
grid condition and a strong grid. Future studies will investigate the impact of IBG integration on frequency
stability of the grid.
The lead author received support from the Tertiary Education Trust Fund (TETFund) through the Academic Staff
Training and Development (AST&D) Grant of the Federal University Oye-Ekiti, Nigeria.
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Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
W. B. Adebosin1; N. A. Adewole 2* & A. O. Olorunnisola2
Ogun State Forestry Plantation Project, Area J4, Ogun State, Nigeria
Department of Wood Products Engineering, Faculty of Technology, University of Ibadan, Oyo State, Nigeria
*Email: nureniadedapoadewole@gmail.com
Quests for mitigating wood scarcity in Nigeria is further promoting the use of bamboo as substitute in the
production of wide range of products while its short gestation period is a cash-in for its sustainable uses. This
study investigated bamboo status cum land-use patterns in six of the eleven Local Government Areas ‘LGA’
outside Ibadanland metropolis in Oyo State, Nigeria to generate baseline data. With Graphics Peripheral
Interface Standard ‘GPIS’ tool, Landsat imageries for year 2000, 2015 and 2020 were generated for the study
locations. Bamboo species identification, characteristics cum sample collection were carried out during on-the-
spot assessment. The common land-use in the six LGAs are built-up-areas, thick-vegetation, farmlands and
sparse vegetation. In year 2000, 2015 and 2020 the built-up-areas, thick-vegetation, farmlands and sparse
vegetation covered 20.02%, 30.07% and 30.39%; 10.74%, 25.72% and19.19%, and, 30.78%, 12.19% and 30.39%,
respectively, while bamboo covered 1189.59 km2 (36.46%), 990.49 km2 (32.02%) and, 1003.63 km2 (32.45%),
respectively. Open farmland exists for bamboo cultivation across the six LGAs while existing bamboo stocks,
grows naturally, matured, intact, harvested with little royalty payment or free. This study established that a
species of bamboo: Bambusa vulgaris Schrad grows in abundance with wide distribution across Akinyele,
Egbeda, Ido, Lagelu, Oluyole and Ona-Ara LGAs in Ibadanland.
Anthropogenic activities have contributed in no small measure to the dwindling of forest resources globally
(FAO, 2010; Mmom and Mbee, 2013). It appears an un-ending growth in the world population cum technological
advancement are stimulating conversion of more forest land to meet provision for shelter, agricultural and
commercial activities requests of the world population. These needs of man were found to be major drivers in
forest depletion by plethora of literature (Gadallah et. al., 2019; Taylor, 2019; Zar et. al., 2017). Nigeria’s
experience is not difference in that Fasoro and Ajewole (2019) reported that Nigeria’s natural forest has, over
the past years, experiencing a remarkable degradation and depletion. The forest land encroachment for the
identified needs of man is increasingly posing considerable challenge to retaining forest land for sustenance of
economic tree species in Nigeria. Also, scarcity of reserve land cum long gestation period required to raise
economic tree species plantation have also been identified as critical bane to the regular supply of wood from
these categories of trees to wood industrial sector in Nigeria (Damenortey, 2018; Fasoro and Ajewole, 2019).
The worsening scarcity of wood of economic tree species has encourage indiscriminate logging of lesser known
trees species, so much so, that fruit trees are now been sourced for their wood. To mitigate this critical gap in
wood supply to Nigeria wood industries, attention has been shifted to promotion of cultivation and use of
bamboo, a presumably abundant Non-Timber Forest Products (NTFPs) in Nigeria because of its suitability for
replacing wood ( Omiyale, 2003; Onilude, 2006). Adewole (2009), Ladapo et. al., (2017), Damenortey (2018)
noted that dwindling in supply of wood raw material to industry has encouraged promotion of bamboo as a
suitable alternative/complementary raw material. Other factors that have endeared bamboo as a replacement
for wood in Nigeria are un-ending population increase, depletion of natural forest resource and its short
harvesting period on marginal land (Adewole, 2019). In fact Bamboo is a hard, strong, flexible and renewable
grass with growth rate of about 1metre/day (Scurlock et. al., 2000; Igbokwe et. al., 2016). It includes over 1000
species of woody perennial grasses in more than 100 genera and can be managed on marginal agricultural land.
(Sewanon et. al., 2015)
The culm been suitable for conversion into various modern and specialized intermediate products to replace
wood but still mostly used in-situ for scaffolding, as column, pedestal bridge, farm structure material, poultry
feed trough among other in traditional ways of using its culm (Adewole and Olayiwola, 2011; Adewole and Bello,
2013; Adewole and Udele, 2021). Now that Bamboo is been promoted for use as raw material for modern
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
products in Nigeria, there is need to validate the veracity of claim of its abundance availability vis-à-vis
availability of marginal farm land with proximity to sub-urban area in Nigeria. It is for these reasons among other
relevant needs that this study was initiated to generate planning prone data on bamboo availability and pattern
of land uses in the six sub-urban Local Government Area ‘LGA’ in Ibadan, Oyo State, Nigeria.
This study was conducted between May and July, 2021 to obtain preliminary information on bamboo type,
availability, abundance and distribution at the six LGAs that lie outside the metropolis areas in Ibadanland. The
study locations were purposefully selected because they host the fringe secondary forests that exist in
Ibadanland. The current forest transition and land use cover maps of the respective LGAs was acquired through
satellite imageries and mapping with Graphics Peripheral Interface Standard (GPIS) tool. The imageries
considered were for the year 2000, 2015 and 2020, for the entire six LGAs. The imageries indicated locations,
bamboo distributions and other land uses. Comparison of current satellite images of the forest depletion ratio
and the rate of bamboo availability, distribution and changes availability across the six LGAs was assessed. The
six LGAs fringe forest areas were visited during the-on-spot-assessment to ascertain the veracity of the imageries
findings and to ascertain mode of bamboo stock accessibility cum bamboo culm characteristics. Culm and leaves
sample specimens collected from all the six LGAs were taken to the Herbarium Unit of the Department of Botany,
University of Ibadan for identification.
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
Figure 1: Bamboo Status at the Six LGAs from the Year 2000 to Year 2020
3.3 Land Use Patterns in Relation to Bamboo Availability in the Six LGAs
The form of land uses in relation to the portion of the land where bamboo stocks occupied in each of the six LGAs
and for the years under considerations are shown in Figure 2. It was evident that the lands in each of the LGAs
were partitioned into four major forms of uses: the built-up-areas, thick-vegetation, farmlands and sparse
vegetation. In year 2000 the built-up-areas, thick-vegetation, farmlands and sparse vegetation covered 20.02%,
30.07% and 30.39% respectively. This implies that areas where bamboo could be found were in higher proportion
in terms of land uses at the six LGAs as at the Year 2000. In the Year 2015 and 2020 respectively, the land use
distributions among these four critical use components: the built-up-areas, thick- vegetation, farmlands and sparse
vegetation are 10.74%, 25.72%, 19.19%, and, 30.78%, 12.19% and 30.39%, respectively. The areas designated
built up area appears shrink in Year 2015 but with Year 2020 the statistics was clearer that there have been
considerable encroachment into the fringe forest areas in all the six LGAs due to continuous growth of emerging
settlement. The low cost of acquiring landed properties for shelters must have attracted many of the hitherto
residents in the most of the metropolis LGAs to migrate to actualize the dream of owning personal houses within
the enclaves of the six LGAs in Ibadanland.
Meanwhile the portion of the land covered in each of the six LGAs relative to other four critical land uses over
the period considered by this study is presented in Table 1. There are fluctuations in the areas covered by bamboo
but with further growth in Year 2020. The study noted that that the vast areas of farm lands and sparse vegetation
that exist in all the six LGAs can serve as veritable sites for bamboo plantation. Ido LGA is particularly mostly
blessed with expanded farm land cum sparse vegetation when compared with other LGAs considered for the
study. Since the soil readily supports bamboo growth and the turnaround time for raising bamboo plantation is
less than 5 years for the culms that are even suitable for processing, the findings of this study suggest that
exploitation of bamboo culms for modern application can be practiced with assured sustainability.
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
a) Land Uses at the 6 LGAs in b) Land Uses at the 6 LGAs in c) Land Uses at the 6 LGAs in 2020
2000 2015
Figure 2: Patterns of Land Uses in Relation to Bamboo Availability in Each of the Six LGAs
Table 1: Landuse Spatial Pattern in 2000, 2015 and 2020 for the Six LGAs
Adewole N. A. and Udele, K. E. (June, 2022) Failure Load Comparison of Joints Secured with Gusset-Plate and
Adhesive in 5-Web-Pratt Trusses Made of Bambusa vulgaris, Chrysophylum albidium and Tectona
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
grandis Laminates. African Journal of Agriculture, Technology and Environment (AJATE) Volume 11
Number 1. 20-29 June, P-ISSN: 2315-8042; E-ISSN: 2346-7290
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Nigeria‘s Forest and Forest Products Resources. Published by Forestry Association of Nigeria, in V. A. J.
Adekunle and A. O Akinwole. (Eds) Sustainable Development Through Appropriate Forest Management
Strategies: Exotic Dezines Ltd., Ibadan. 209-238pp. ISBN 978-978-310-842-0.
Adewole, N. A. and Bello, K. O. (2013). Recycling of Bamboo (Bambusa vulgaris Schrad) Recovered from Scaffold
into Material for Furniture Production. Innovative Systems Design and Engineering 4(9):73-79
Adewole, N. A. and Olayiwola, H. A. (2011). Production of Bamboo-Lam from Flat Bamboo Strip Prepared from
Bambusa vulgaris Schrad. In A. T. Oyeyemi, B. O. Adewuyi and D. A .Palemo (Eds.). Materials Processing
for Sustainable Environment and National Development.Proceedings of Combined Proceedings of the
Nigerian Materials Congresses [NIMACON-2010 and NIMACON-2011]. 21-24 November, 2011. 346-
Adewole, N.A (2017): Technical Issues in Adapting Roadside Carpentry Workshop facilities for Harnessing
Modern Products Sustainably from Bamboo Resource in Ibadan. Proceeding of the 39th Annual
Conference of Forestry Association of Nigeria held in Lagos, 20-24 February, 2017.pp 672-687.
Damenortey R.A. (2018):Bamboo an alternative wood to reducing tropical deforestation in Ghana. Proceedings
of DIl-2018 Con. On Infrastructure Development and investment strategies for Africa, Reading Africa
for sustainable development, A capacity building/empowerment and strategy discourse. Living stone
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FAO(2010): Global Forest Resources Assessment.378pp.
Fazoro O.A. and Ajewole (2019). Investment analysis of small scale private forest plantation development in
Ogun State, Nigeria. Asian Jour. of adv. Agric. Research 10(1):1-8, 155N 2A56-8864.
Gadallah, N. A., Adewole, N. A., & Ajayi, D. D. (2019). Potential of agroforestry as forest landscape restoration
tool to solve forest cover loss cum food security in Sennar and Gedaref States, Sudan. International
Journal of Development and Sustainability, 8, 199-210.
Ladapo, H.L, Oyegoke, O.O, and Bello, R.O (2017): Utilization of vast Nigeria’s Bamboo Resources for Economic
Growth: A Review. Journal of Research in Forestry, Wildlife and Environment, Vol.9, No 2, June 2017.
Mmom P.C and Mbee D.M. (2013):Population pressure and forest resources depletion in Gelegele forest reserve
of Edo State . vol 3,No 3,pp31-42.Published by European centre for research training and development
United Kingdom.12pp
Omiyale, O. (2003): Bamboo and Rattan: Vehicle for Poverty Alleviation in Nigeria, Paper Presented at the World
Forestry Congress Quebec City Canada.
Onilude M.A. (2006). Potential of bamboos as raw materials for the wood industries in Nigeria. Dept. of
Agricultural and Environmental Energy, University of Ibadan.
Scurlock, J. M., Dayton, D. C., & Hames, B. (2000). Bamboo: an overlooked biomass resource?. Biomass and
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Sewanon H.H and Chenangnon F (2015):Traditional ecological knowledge and use value of bamboo in southern
Benin: implication for sustainable management. Ethnobotany research and application vol 14 pp139-
Taylor Meek (2019): Effects of Deforestation: How does Agriculture cause Deforestation. Scientist Media pp30-
Zar C.H; Chilo K.Y and Osamu S. (2017): Interaction between rural people’s basic needs and forest: A case study
of Katha District of Myanmar. International Journal of Forest Research, vol 2017.
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
Predictive emission monitoring systems (PEMS) are critical instruments for verifying and strengthening the
reliability of costly continuous emission monitoring systems used in gas-turbine power facilities. PEMS is built
on the premise of predictive models that are trained on historical data to estimate emission components. The
availability of a relevant and environmentally friendly dataset for gas turbine processes has prompted an
investigation into the efficacy of models derived from different machine learning techniques. This inquiry aims
to develop a predictive model for CO and NOx emissions based on both ambient variables and technological
process parameters. In the present study, a new machine learning-based model is proposed for the prediction of
NOx emissions in natural gas turbines. The model utilizes an Artificial Neural Network (ANN) that is optimized
with the Harris Hawks Optimizer (HHO). The model is trained and validated on a dataset obtained from the
University of California at Irvine (UCI) open data repository. The effectiveness of the proposed algorithm was
evaluated by comparing it with conventional ANN. The proposed model obtained R2 = 90.36%, RMSE = 3.9276,
and MSE = 15.4260. The results showed that the proposed approach is effective and demonstrates competitive
performance over ANN.
KEYWORDS: NOx emissions, exhaust emission prediction, Intelligent emission monitoring, Harris hawk
optimizer, Gas turbine combined cycle
More energy consumption has a twofold detrimental impact on the environment, causing increased
deforestation as well as increased carbon and flue gas emissions (Kaya et al., 2019). Air pollution is a significant
problem that encompasses all components that have the potential to harm living things. The combustion process
in the power sector is one of the primary sources of hazardous pollutants (NOx and CO) emitted into the
atmosphere. The nitrogen dioxide (NO2) and nitric oxide (NO) emissions that arise from nitrogen and oxygen
gas interactions in the air during combustion are referred to as NOx. NOx (NO2 + NO) is regarded as the principal
pollutant of the atmosphere because it causes tropospheric ozone, ozone layer depletion, photochemical smog,
acid rain, and eventually global warming. Several agreements have been adopted in different United Nations
(UN) climate change conventions by participating nations to raise environmental awareness in both public and
political spheres. The Paris Climate Change Agreement and the Glasgow Climate Pact are two of such
agreements that have established alternative roadmaps for achieving environmental sustainability. The Glasgow
Climate Pact was adopted, with the goal of making the 2020s a decade of climate action and support. In this
convention, several themes have been agreed upon in the decision package, including greater steps to
strengthen climate change resilience and reduce greenhouse gas emissions. They also committed to working
together to close the gap between existing emission reduction plans and what is needed to cut emissions so that
global average temperature rises are restricted to 1.5 degrees. In fact, for the first time, countries are being
urged to reduce unabated coal power and wasteful fossil fuel subsidies, in addition to the extant severe
environmental laws, and tax implementation for carbon emissions.
In compliance with these resolutions, there is a specific focus on lowering emissions from power plants, as
the combustion process in the power sector is a major source of hazardous pollutants (NOx and CO) emitted
into the atmosphere (Korpela et al., 2015; Skalska et al., 2010). In some regions of the globe, strong
environmental restrictions limit these emissions to particular levels (Shakil et al., 2009). The Large Combustion
Plant Directive and its replacement, the Industrial Emissions Directive (IED), which went into force in 2016 for
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
power plants with a capacity of more than 50 MW, is the European union regulations that limit flue gas emissions
(NOx, CO, and dust) (Kaya et al., 2019). The flue gas contents of NOx and CO must be regularly monitored from
any combustion plant surpassing a total capacity of 100 MW, according to IED (Korpela et al., 2017).
Furthermore, when natural gas is utilized as a fuel, NOx and CO emissions are regulated to 25 ppmdv (parts per
million by dry volume) by the EU.
Since it has become mandatory for power plant operators to monitor the NOx and CO pollutants emitted
during combustion operations in a power plant, three solutions for monitoring flue gas emissions from a
combustion unit have been developed: i) intermittent measurements, ii) continuous emission monitoring
system (CEMS), or iii) predictive emission monitoring system (PEMS) (Kaya et al., 2019). Emission testing facilities
typically perform “intermittent measurements” with calibrated equipment at reasonable expenses. The
emission monitoring equipment (such as a sensor set) is placed on-site in CEMS. CEMS delivers real-time
emissions data collected directly from sensors. The accuracy of these measurements is dependent on adequate
maintenance and calibrations of the equipment, which should be carried out according to industry standards
(Kaya et al., 2019). PEMS, conversely, is an expert system that employs predictive models based on historical
data to estimate emission components using some process variables like ambient temperature, turbine inlet
temperature, etc. PEMS is regarded by many scholars as a backup, or alternative to CEMS for monitoring (Chien
et al., 2005). Analytical equations derived from thermodynamic (or first) principles, mass and energy balance,
and data-driven models, which include statistical and machine learning methods, are the two basic approaches
to model development for PEMS. CEN/TC 264/WG 37 contains the standardization and technical specifications
required for PEMS software certification, as well as performance and quality assurance for a PEMS to
demonstrate suitability for its measuring task and to ensure that the PEMS continues to perform within the
specified performance during operation.
For several decades, low research consideration has characterized the development of data-driven models
for PEMS due to lack of applicable and ecologically valid datasets. However, the publication of an open source
flue gas emission dataset (Kaya et al., 2019) on the University of California, Irvine, open data repository has
prompted a challenge to develop and assess the performance of different models built using various machine
learning algorithms. This paper presents a novel data-driven approach for learning PEMS model which is known
for its promising solution for handling massive data (Sherstinsky, 2018). The primary aim of this study is to
employ the Harris Hawks Optimized Artificial Neural Network (ANN-HHO) algorithm to develop a model capable
of predicting NOx emissions from gas turbines. The implementation and training were performed using MATLAB
software. Using the Neural Net Tuning tool, ANN models was created, and HHO was applied to enhance model
performance. Various statistical metrics, including MSE, RMSE, and R2 were utilized to assess the models'
The rest of this paper is structured as follows: Section 2 discussed various related works. Section 3 provides
a detailed description of the materials and methods utilized to apply the ANN-HHO design in a power plant,
including theoretical concepts. Experimental results are presented in Section 4, while Section 5 summarizes the
study's conclusions.
Over the last five decades, PEMS models have progressed from first principle-based models to AI-based
models. AI-based models can be applied to process more data than traditional approaches and have been
gaining popularity because of the advancements in computer technology and availability of larger datasets for
training. Because AI-based PEMS models must employ process data linked to NOx emission, this gives them
greater flexibility in selecting and processing process data than the first principle or statistical models. In 1973,
the first PEMS was developed and published (Hung, 1975). PEMS studies and commercial applications for a
variety of sources and sectors have been extensively investigated since 1990. PEMS describe a relationship
between a set of emission source process parameters (e.g., air pressure, turbine exhaust pressure) and the
resulting flue gas emissions. However, lack of largescale datasets for training has been a major limitation for
learning robust and accurate AI-based PEMS models for several decades.
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
The largest flue gas emission dataset was introduced by researchers in (Kaya et al., 2019). This data was
collected over a five-year period to further PEMS research. Researchers were able to start an open discussion
on the features of data and the quality of models derived from various machine learning methods to predict CO
and NOx emissions after the dataset was published in the open data repository of the University of California,
Irvine (UCI) in 2019. The authors provide the first attempt in literature to use extreme learning machine
regressors (ELMs) to solve this challenge. The best result has a coefficient of determination R2 = 0.56 and mean
absolute error (MAE) 0.97 mg/m3 for CO prediction and R = 0.67 and MAE = 4.57 mg/m3 for NOx prediction.
The study conducted by Li et al. in 2015, identified two notable limitations associated with ELM. Firstly, the
inherent randomness in ELM results in amplified uncertainty during both approximation and learning processes.
Secondly, if an inappropriate activation function is used, ELM is prone to experiencing generalization
degradation (Lin et al., 2015). The author in (Wood, 2023) employed a set of twelve models, including multi-
linear regression (MLR) and machine learning (ML) techniques, to accurately predict CO and NOx emissions in
combined cycle gas turbines. Using Artificial Neuro Fuzzy Inference System (ANFIS) optimized with GA, the
author in reference (Dirik, 2022) predicts the NOx emission in a combined cycle power plant. The performance
obtained in this study improved due to the replacement of gradient-based backpropagation learning algorithm
with meta-heuristic optimizer (GA) for learning the ANFIS model. Motivated by this, we also proposed to learn
a prediction model for NOx emission in a combined cycle power plant using ANN optimized by HHO.
In this section, we described the ANN and HHO algorithms, as well as the machine learning approach
employed in this study to predict greenhouse gases emitted in power plants. This study followed a data driven
approach that uses historical data obtained from a combined cycle power plant. A combined cycle power plant
is composed of gas turbines, steam turbines, and steam generators with heat recovery, where electricity is
generated by combining gas and steam turbines in a single cycle (Dirik, 2022). The electricity is then transmitted
from one turbine to the next, which can produce hazardous gaseous pollutants such as CO (carbon monoxide)
and NOx (nitrogen oxides). NOx refers to a group of pollutants that include nitric oxide (NO2) and nitrogen
monoxide (NO), which are typically generated during the combustion process. This article is focused on NOx
emissions from gas-fired power plants, which contribute to smog, acid rain, and tropospheric ozone pollution.
By predicting the peak levels of such emissions, adequate preventive action is planned. To address this problem,
ANN-HHO is employed to predict combined cycle emissions and their reductions, and to simulate NOx-level
pollutant emissions based on environmental and control factors.
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
The crucial characteristic of ANN is their capability to improve in a task through learning from
experience. This feature enables ANN to be applied in a broad range of applications such as classification,
prediction, detection, image processing, and pattern recognition. By minimizing the error between actual and
expected outputs during training, ANN parameters, such as bias and weight, can be optimized (Khatir et al.,
2021). While supervised, unsupervised, and reinforcement are the three learning approaches in machine
learning, the most often used ANN is a fully connected, supervised network with backpropagation learning rule.
However, it suffers from several limitations, particularly in their sensitivity to noisy data and vanishing gradient
problem. Thus, there is a need to complement or replace this learning algorithm.
Harris Hawks Optimization (HHO) algorithm was proposed in 2019 by Heidari et al.(Heidari et al., 2019), and has
since then received huge research attention. HHO simulates collaborative behaviour and hunting style of the
Harris Hawks in nature, i.e., surprise pounce. Harris's hawks employ the "surprise pounce" tactic, also referred
to as the "seven kills" strategy, as their primary method of capturing prey. This strategy involves several hawks
working together to attack a detected escaping rabbit from different directions, converging on it simultaneously
outside of its cover. While the attack can be completed quickly in a matter of seconds, it may also involve
multiple short-length, quick dives near the prey over several minutes, depending on the prey's escaping
capabilities and behaviors. The Harris's hawks have the ability to imitate various hunting techniques depending
on the situation and the fleeing patterns of their prey. In particular, researchers have identified four chasing
tactics employed by these birds, namely, soft besiege, hard besiege, soft besiege with progressive rapid dives,
and hard besiege with progressive rapid dives, as described in (Heidari et al., 2019).
3.4 Datasets
This study makes use of the Gas Turbine CO and NOx Emission Dataset from the University of California
at Irvine (UCI) open data repository (Kaya et al., 2019). The data was obtained in northwestern Turkey during a
five-year period, and it consisted of hourly average sensor readings of eleven variables (nine input and two target
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
variables) with a total of 36,733 occurrences. The nine independent variables may be divided into two
categories: environmental variables (such as temperature, humidity, and pressure) and process factors (such as
turbine energy yield and air filter difference pressure). Table 2 summarizes the engine variables names,
acronyms, and basic statistics of the variables contained in dataset utilized in our study. For this study, we use
the data obtained between 2011-2013 for training and validation, and only the first 6-month data from 2014 for
Table 2. Summary of the features contained in the UCI CO and NOx emission dataset.
Table 3 shows the results of various training-testing dataset split ratios for the conventional ANN and ANN-HHO
models. The ANN model shows the best result with a split ratio of 70-30%, with MSE, RMSE, and R2 values of
19.2445, 4.3846, and 90.56%, respectively. In comparison, the ANN-HHO model shows values of 15.4260,
3.9276, and 90.36% for MSE, RMSE, and R2, respectively. Although the R2 value does not change significantly,
the proposed model exhibits a lower MSE and RMSE, indicating lower overall error and a closer fit to the actual
data. Therefore, the ANN-HHO model gave a robust NOx emissions prediction in a gas turbine process based on
ambient variables and technological process parameters.
Since the accurate prediction of NOx emissions is crucial in industries that rely on gas turbines, such as power
generation or aerospace, the proposed model can used to optimize emissions and avoid regulatory penalties,
leading to more efficient and environmentally friendly engine design. Therefore, the significance of the proposed
model is its usefulness in accurately predicting NOx emissions, making it a valuable tool for industries that
depend on gas turbines.
The aim of this research is to create an ANN-based model using a publicly available dataset on combined cycle
power plant exhaust, and to improve its performance through HHO algorithm to accurately predict NOx levels.
The study utilizes a machine learning approach to develop a data-driven model for estimating NOx emission
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
concentrations in exhaust gases. The performance of the constructed models was evaluated based on statistical
metrics such as R2, MSE, and RMSE. The ANN model achieved R2 = 90.56%, RMSE = 4.3846, and MSE = 19.2445
on the test data, while the ANN-HHO model attained R2 = 90.36%, RMSE = 3.9276, and MSE = 15.4260. The
results demonstrate that the hybrid ANN-HHO model outperforms the ANN model in predicting NOx, as
evidenced by lower system error values. The result indicates that the proposed model has the potential to
accurately predict NOx levels in exhaust emissions.
Agatonovic-Kustrin, S., & Beresford, R. (2000). Basic concepts of artificial neural network (ANN) modeling and its
application in pharmaceutical research. Journal of pharmaceutical and biomedical analysis, 22(5), 717-
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model optimized by GA. Fuel, 321, 124037. https://doi.org/https://doi.org/10.1016/j.fuel.2022.124037
Heidari, A. A., Mirjalili, S., Faris, H., Aljarah, I., Mafarja, M., & Chen, H. (2019). Harris hawks optimization:
Algorithm and applications. Future Generation Computer Systems, 97, 849-872.
Kaya, H., Tüfekçi, P., & Uzun, E. J. T. J. E. E. C. S. (2019). Predicting CO and NOxemissions from gas turbines: novel
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Artificial Neural Network using Arithmetic Optimization Algorithm for damage assessment in FGM
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Korpela, T., Kumpulainen, P., Majanne, Y., Häyrinen, A., & Lautala, P. (2017). Indirect NOx emission monitoring
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Korpela, T., Kumpulainen, P., Majanne, Y., & Häyrinen, A. J. I.-P. (2015). Model based NOx emission monitoring
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IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems, 26(1), 21-34.
Shakil, M., Elshafei, M., Habib, M. A., & Maleki, F. (2009). Soft sensor for NOx and O2 using dynamic neural
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Wood, D. A. (2023). Long-term atmospheric pollutant emissions from a combined cycle gas turbine: Trend
monitoring and prediction applying machine learning. Fuel, 343, 127722.
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
This study aimed at investigating the effects of roasting time on proximate and anti- nutritional compositions of
Delonix regia seed flour. The seeds were divided into four samples (A-D) of 1kg each. Sample A served as the
control (not roasted) while samples B, C and D were roasted for 30, 60 and 90 minutes respectively at a
temperature of 150oC. All the samples were afterwards dehulled and milled into a coarse particle size of about
3mm. The proximate and anti-nutritional properties were determined using standard analytical procedures. The
results showed that the moisture and ash contents were reduced to 5.90% and 6.26% respectively with an
increase in roasting time. The protein content of the flour increased with roasting time with the highest value of
31.52% recorded at 60 minutes. The highest value (10.70%) of fat was observed at 30 minutes roasting time
while for crude fibre and carbohydrate contents, roasting reduced their values when compared with the control
sample. All anti-nutritional properties evaluated (tannin, phytate, saponin, cyanide and oxalate) reduced with
an increase in roasting time. Roasting of Delonix regia seeds can therefore help to reduce the anti-nutritional
factors while enhancing some proximate qualities of the flour which in turn, can be explored as a protein source
for animals’ feed.
KEYWORDS: Delonix regia, roasted seed flour, proximate composition, anti-nutritional composition
Delonix regia, is a wild, deciduous and ornamental tree belonging to the legume family (Fabaceae). It is called
different names in different parts of the world where it is being grown, for instance, it is usually referred to in
English as flame of the forest, peacock flower, flamboyant or flame tree; as Krisnachura in Bangladesh, in Bengali
as chura or Radha and in French, as poinciana. The Hindus referred to it as gul mohr, shima or sunkesula and
mayirkonrai, panjadi in Tamil (Ebada et al., 2023; Mayuri et al., 2022). Though the Delonix tree has its origin in
Madagascar, it is widely cultivated in many tropical and subtropical countries (Sharma & Arora, 2015; Tura et al.,
2015). Under favourable conditions, Delonix regia grows to a height of more than 15 m and produces pods which
are 5 cm broad and 30-60 cm long, containing several seeds during the fruiting season (Alagbe et al., 2020;
Umanah et al., 2019).
In fact, as reported in the literature, all the parts of the Delonix regia tree possess beneficial effects. The leaves,
bark, flowers, root, fruit and seed have been reported to have anti-inflammatory, anti-microbial, anti-ulcer, anti-
diarrheal, hepatoprotective, anti-diabetic, gastroprotective and antioxidant properties (Adejumo et al., 2019;
Alagbe et al., 2020; Oyedeji et al., 2017; Umanah & David, 2021; Wang et al., 2016). This is because the plant is
rich in phytochemicals and bioactive compounds such as phenolic compounds, flavonoids, tannins, steroids and
carotenoids (Alagbe et al., 2020; Shewale et al., 2012). A study carried out by Ebada et al. (2023) recommended
the use of pigment extracted from the flower of Delonix regia as additives in food formulation as colourants and
sweeteners. This plant, especially the seed oil also has potent insecticidal activity as reported by Tura et al.,
Delonix regia seed is another useful part of the plant, though it is often underutilized. Certain studies have shown
that the seeds contain up to 36% crude protein and 9.39% lipids (Bake et al., 2016; Umanah et al., 2019). This
can be a very good boost in the diet of both animals and man alike if adequately explored. However, proper
utilization could be limited due to the presence of antinutrients in the seed which interfere with the
bioavailability of nutrients in the body and can pose serious physiological and pathological dangers (Umanah &
David, 2021). These anti-nutrients such as oxalic acid, phytates, phytic acid, lectins, and saponin which are
present in the seed can be eliminated or reduced drastically by appropriate processing methods like cooking,
boiling, roasting or germination. This will enhance the potential of the seed as flour, meal and diet formulation
for livestock and probably human beings. Therefore, this study was aimed at investigating the effects of roasting
time on the proximate and anti-nutritional composition of Delonix regia seed flour with a view to enhance its
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
3.1 Effect of Roasting Time on the Proximate Composition of Delonix regia Seed Flour
The effect of roasting time on the proximate composition of Delonix regia seed flour is presented in Table 1. The
moisture contents of roasted Delonix Regia seed flour range from 8.10 % in sample B which was roasted for 30
minutes to 5.90% in sample D (roasted for 90 minutes). Both roasted samples and the control had moisture
contents that are within the safe range (14% or less) for dried agro-products (Vera Zambrano et al., 2019). It was
observed from the study that the higher the roasting time of the seeds, the lower the moisture content of flour
obtained. These values were lower than those recorded for raw and cooked Delonix regia seed meal
incorporated in fish feed (Umanah & David, 2021) and for Delonix regia seeds (Oyedeji et al., 2017). However,
almost the same range of values of moisture content obtained in this study were reported by Alagbe et al.,
(2020) for Delonix regia leaves and roots. The variations in the moisture content obtained may be due to the
season of harvest, processing methods, varietal differences or temperature of processing. The ash content of
roasted Delonix regia seed flour of samples B, C and D is 8.81%, 6.55% and 6.26% with a control (sample A) of
9.2% respectively. Sample D which was roasted for 90 minutes had the lowest ash content. The results of the
ash content obtained were higher than the 4.14% (toasted sample at temperature between 60 and 80ºC) and
6.35% (raw sample) reported by Bake et al., (2016) and 5.93% (raw sample) reported by Abulude & Adejayan,
(2017). Similarly, the highest fat content obtained in this study (10.70% for sample B which was roasted for 30
minutes) was higher than the value obtained by Bake et al., (2016) for toasted Delonix regia seed. These varying
values obtained for the roasted samples compared to that obtained by Bake et al., (2016) may probably be due
to the difference in roasting temperature and time used for processing the Delonix regia seed flour.
A reduction in the crude fibre content of roasted Delonix regia seed flour was observed from 8.57% in the control
sample to 7.92% in sample B (30 minutes roasting time) and then an increase from this value to 8.21% at 90
minutes roasting time. However, this value is lower than the one for the control sample; so, it can be concluded
that roasting Delonix regia seed reduces the crude fibre content of the flour. Higher values of crude fibre were
reported by Olufayo & Falola, (2018) for raw, soaked and roasted Delonix regia seed. Increasing the roasting
time of Delonix regia seed flour resulted in a rise in protein content. At 60 minutes of roasting, the protein
content increased from 21.01% in the control sample to 31.52%, but it later declined to 28.01% at 90 minutes
of roasting. It can be deduced that an increase in the roasting time of Delonix regia seed above 60 minutes will
negatively affect the protein content of the flour. The protein values obtained from this study are higher than
those reported for soaked, cooked, parboiled and roasted Delonix regia seed (Lamidi & Evien, 2019); Delonix
regia leaves and roots (Alagbe et al., 2020); raw and cooked Delonix regia seed used for fish meal (Umanah &
David, 2021). The highest carbohydrate content (47.93 %) obtained from this experiment was observed in the
control sample and reduced to 42.49% in sample D. However, these values are higher than the 30.10% obtained
by Abulude & Adejayan, (2017) but lower than 48.34% reported by (Oyedeji et al., 2017) for raw Delonix regia
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
Table 1: The effect of roasting time on the proximate composition of Delonix regia seed flour.
Sample Label A B C D
3.2 Effect of Roasting Time on the Anti-Nutritional Composition of Delonix regia Seed Flour
Anti-nutrients, just like the name implies, hinder or go against the actions of nutrients in the body of both
humans and animals. They are chemical substances found in plants that have the capability of affecting the
availability of nutrients by interfering with metabolic processes (Okezie et al., 2017). The effect of roasting time
on some anti-nutritional composition of Delonix regia seed flour is presented in Table 2.
Table 2: The effect of roasting time on some anti-nutritional composition of Delonix regia seed flour.
Sample Label A B C D
The phytate content of roasted Delonix regia seed flour reduces from 634.90 mg/100g in the unroasted sample
to 392.43mg/100g after roasting the seeds for 90 minutes. The values were higher than those reported for
selected green vegetables in Afaha Eket, Akwa-Ibom State, Nigeria (Okezie et al., 2017) and for Delonix regia
seeds incubated in vitro with Pennisetum purpureum (Olufayo & Falola, 2018). The obtained tannin contents of
roasted Delonix regia seed flour are 1224.20 mg/100g, 561.21 mg/100g, 560.90 mg/100g and 550.68 mg/100g
for samples A, B, C and D respectively. It was observed that the tannin in the seed flour of Delonix regia reduced
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
as the roasting time increased. Sample D which was roasted for 90 minutes has the lowest tannin content. The
results of the tannin content obtained were lower than the 882 mg/100g (roasted) and 2274 mg/100g (raw)
reported by Bake et al., (2016). This may probably be due to the difference in roasting temperature and time
used for processing the Delonix regia seed. There was a reduction in the cyanide content of roasted Delonix
regia seed flour from 551.28 mg/100g in sample A to 203.46 mg/100g in sample D. The results of the cyanide
content obtained were higher than the 7.15 mg/100g and 19.45 mg/100g reported for toasted and raw Delonix
regia seed meal in the diet of Clarias gariepinus fingerlings (Bake et al., 2016). The saponin contents of roasted
Delonix Regia seed flour obtained in this study are 746.92 mg/100g, 560.40 mg/100g, 521.60 mg/100g and
490.74 mg/100g for samples A, B, C and D respectively. The lowest saponin content was observed in sample D
which was roasted for 90 minutes. The results of the saponin content obtained were higher than those reported
for raw Delonix Regia seed (Oyedeji et al., 2017) and Delonix regia seeds which were roasted, soaked, parboiled
and cooked (Lamidi & Evien, 2019). The oxalate content of roasted Delonix regia seed flour varied between
550.29 mg/100 in the control sample and 201.78 mg/100g in sample D which was roasted for 90 minutes. The
results of the oxalate content obtained were higher than the 10.15 mg/100g (roasted) and 45.46 mg/100g (raw)
reported by Bake et al., (2016) and 2.57 mg/g (raw sample) reported by Oyedeji et al., (2017).
The effects of roasting time on proximate and anti- nutritional compositions of Delonix regia seed flour were
studied. It can be concluded from the study that roasting time has varying effects on the proximate composition
of Delonix regia seed flour while decreasing the anti-nutritional factors present in the Delonix regia seed flour.
It was also observed that the protein content increased with an increase in roasting time. Delonix regia seed
flour can therefore be incorporated into certain animal feed to boost the protein content.
Abulude, F. O., & Adejayan, A. W. (2017). Nutritional values of flamboyant (Delonix regia) seeds obtained in
Akure, Nigeria. PeerJ Preprints, 1–18. https://doi.org/10.30809/phe.1.2017.21
Adejumo, B. A., Adepoju, A. L., Ojetunde, E. ., & Adeyinka-Ajiboye, V. . (2019). Yield and characteristics of
Delonix regia seed oil as influenced by cooking time. 40th Annual Conference and 20th International
Conference of the Nigerian Instiution of Agricultural Engineers, 333–338.
Alagbe, J. O., Adeoye, A., & Oluwatob, i A. O. (2020). Proximate and Mineral Analysis of Delonix regia Leaves
and Roots. Annals of Nutrition & Food Science, 4(1), 1–4.
AOAC. (2005). Official method of Analysis. (Method 935.14 and 992.24; 18th Editi). Association of Officiating
Analytical Chemists.
Bake, G., Yusuf, I., & Sadiku, S. (2016). Evaluation and Nutrient Quality of Toasted Flamboyant Seed (Delonix
regia) Meal in the Diet of Clarias gariepinus Fingerlings. Journal of Agriculture and Ecology Research
International, 5(2), 1–9. https://doi.org/10.9734/jaeri/2016/21687
Ebada, D., Hefnawy, H. T., Gomaa, A., Alghamdi, A. M., Alharbi, A. A., Almuhayawi, M. S., Alharbi, M. T., Awad,
A., Al Jaouni, S. K., Selim, S., Eldeeb, G. S., & Namir, M. (2023). Characterization of Delonix regia Flowers’
Pigment and Polysaccharides: Evaluating Their Antibacterial, Anticancer, and Antioxidant Activities and
Their Application as a Natural Colorant and Sweetener in Beverages. Molecules, 28(7), 1–19.
Lamidi, A. A., & Evien, E. E. (2019). Chemical composition and anti-nutritional factors of underutilized (Delonix
regia) seeds processed with different methods for sustainable ruminant production. Nigerian Journal of
Animal Science and Technology, 2(2), 56–62.
Mayuri, G., Reshma, D., & Dipika, F. (2022). The flamboyant Delonix regia (Gulmohar). International Journal of
Creative Research Thoughts, 10(3), 586–593.
Okezie, E., Ugbogu, A. E., Odungide, A. A., & Atani, C. S. (2017). Proximate , Antinutritional and Mineral
Estimation of Some Selected Consumed Green Vegetables in Afaha Eket, Akwa-Ibom State, Nigeria.
American Journal of Food Science and Technology, 5(5), 182–191. https://doi.org/10.12691/ajfst-5-5-3
Olufayo, O. O., & Falola, O. O. (2018). Nutritional Contents of Processed Delonix regia Seeds Incubated In Vitro
with Pennisetum purpureum. Nigerian Journal of Animal Production, 44(4), 1–9.
Oyedeji, O. A., Azeez, L. A., & Osifade, B. G. (2017). Chemical and nutritional compositions of flame of forest
(Delonix regia) seeds and seed oil. South African Journal of Chemistry, 70, 16–20.
Sharma, S., & Arora, S. (2015). Phytochemicals and pharmaceutical potential of delonix regia (Bojer ex hook)
raf a review. International Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences, 7(8), 21–33.
Shewale, V. D., Deshmukh, T. A., Patil, L. S., & Patil, V. R. (2012). Anti-inflammatory activity of Delonix regia
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
KEYWORDS: Asa Dam River, Hydrological process, Soil and Water Assessment Tools (SWAT), Sub-basins,
Watershed delineation and Water quality parameters
The process of delineating watersheds plays a significant role in the study of hydrological processes, as it affects
the prediction and management of water resources in a given area. Hydrological cycle research, centred on the
assessment of water resources through the quantifiable investigation and evaluation of the hydro-meteorological
factors that control the circulation and transfer of water in all of its processes (Shiklomanov, 2011). It is concerned
with the components of the water balance and its quantitative estimation, which comprises the following phases:
the transfer of water from the atmosphere to the soil via precipitation, the settlement of water from the soil and
open surface water into the atmosphere via evaporation and transpiration; the variation in the distribution and
storage of water in multiple reservoirs, namely surface and groundwater reservoirs; and the distribution and
redistribution of water on the land surface (Ngasoh, et. al., 2022).
Watershed delineation is a critical step in any spatial hydrological modelling. Watershed modelling has grown in
importance as a method for evaluating the impacts of climate change and human impacts on water resources and
the hydrologic cycle. However, the impact of watershed delineation is the capability of a model to adequately
reflect the spatial variability of a river basin factor for the hydrological process. There is need to study the effects
of several delineation of water production, as well as the watershed delineation in modelling, determine the
precision required to obtain an accurate simulation modelling result.
The main objective of this study is to analyse the extent to which the watershed has affected the hydrological
processes in Asa Dam, Kwara state of Nigeria. To achieve this objective, the following specific objectives have
been identified: first, to delineate selected watershed into sub-basins for the purpose of hydrological modelling;
secondly, modelling and to predict selected hydrological processes in the watershed through the application of
Soil and Water Assessment Tool (SWAT) and using various watershed delineation of the watershed.
The simulation of hydrologic cycle by SWAT is based on the water balance Equation;
𝑆𝑊; = 𝑆𝑊/ + ∑;Dul(𝑅<1ò − 𝑄Az,F − 𝐸1 − 𝑊A--h − 𝑄fá )D 1
where SWt is the final soil water content (mm water), SWo is the initial soil water content in day i (mm water), t
is the time (days), Rday is the amount of precipitation in day i (mm water), Qsurf is the amount of surface runoff in
day i (mm water), Ea is the amount of evapotranspiration in day i (mm water), Wseep is the amount of percolation
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
and bypass flow exiting the soil profile bottom on day i (mm water), and Qgw is the amount of return flow in day
i (mm water).
Soil erosion rates on cultivated land was modeled in SWAT by using the Universal Soil Loss Equation developed
by Wischmeier and Smith in 1978 ( Neitsch et al.,2011). This method is based on statistical analyses of data from
47 locations in 24 states in the Central and Eastern United States. The Universal Soil Loss Equation can be written
as in Equation 2
𝐴 = 𝑅 ∗ 𝐾 ∗ 𝐿 ∗ 𝑆 ∗ 𝐶 ∗ 𝑃0.11 2
In Equation 2, A is the computed soil loss in tons/acre/year, R is rainfall factor, K is the soil-erodibility factor, L,
slope-length factor, S, slope-steepness factor, C, cropping-management factor, and P, erosion-control practice
Figure 1: Map of Nigeria showing Kwara location of study area, Asa dam (Adeogun, et. al.2020)
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
is a continuous daily step process-based model that was created to predict the impact of land management practices
on water, sediment, and agricultural chemical yields over extended periods in vast, intricate watersheds with
different soils, land use, and management conditions. The tool has been used and accepted by many researchers
previously (Adeogun et al., 2022).
Land use map: The land use of an area is a critical factor that impacts groundwater flow, surface erosion, and
evapo-transpiration in a watershed during simulation. The land-use map for this study was obtained from the
Global Land Cover Characterization (GLCC) database and was used to estimate vegetation and other parameters
representing the watershed area (GLCC, 2012). The GLCC database, which has a spatial resolution of 1 km and
24 classes of land use representation, was used to obtain the land-use map for the study area (GLCC, 2012). The
database was developed by the United States Geological Survey. Figure 2 presents the DEM and the land-use map
for the study area.
Figure 2: Digital Elevation Model (DEM) and Land map of the study area
Weather data: The required climatic data for the SWAT model simulation was obtained from the Nigeria
Meteorological Agency (NIMET) station in Ilorin. The collected data consists of daily precipitation, maximum
and minimum temperature, solar radiation, relative humidity, and wind speed for the period between January 2021
to December 2019. These weather variables were utilized to regulate the hydrological balance in the watershed.
In the event of missing data, a weather generator integrated into the SWAT model was employed to estimate the
missing values.
Creation of Hydrological Response Units (HRU): The HRU approach facilitates the modelling of hydrologic
behaviour in a unit that is easy to represent. In this study, HRUs were delineated in a basin with high spatial
heterogeneity by utilizing basin characteristics such as physiography, land use, soil, elevation, and slope in a
geographical information system. The hydrologic behaviour of each HRU was analyzed based on basin
characteristics, which can be incorporated in a physically based or conceptual hydrologic model for simulating
groundwater and water yield.
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
Figure 3: watershed delineated into (i) 29 sub basins and (ii) 17 sub basins.
Figure 4: watershed delineated into (i) 15 sub basins and (ii) 13 sub basins.
Figure 5: watershed delineated into (i) 9 sub basins and (ii) 5 sub basins.
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
The results of the model prediction on water quality parameters (sediment yield, flow, Nitrate, Organic phosphate
and sediment concentration) using different numbers of delineated sub basins were compared. Generally, the
results showed there is an increase in the value of water quality parameters as the number of sub-basins increases.
For sediment concentration, SEDCON (see Figure 6). The result showed that the least annual predicted value of
54,119.96 mg/L, 635.04 m3/s, 1441,992.97 t/ha, 98.20 ha and 731,607.04 mg/L for Sediment concentration,
Stream Flow, Nitrate Concentration, Sediment yield and Organic Phosphorous respectively was obtained when
the number of sub-basins was five (5). However, a higher predicted values was also obtained when the watershed
was delineated into 29 sub basins with Sediment concentration of 304,713.25 Mg/L, Sediment yield of 977.46
t/ha , Organic Phosphorous of 6764932.7 mg/l, Stream flow of 1900.22 m3/s and Nitrate concentration of
3575204.59 mg/l. This result indicated that the predicted values of water quality parameters are directly
proportional to the number of sub basins. However, it has little or no influence on the average monthly predicted
values of water quality parameters in the watershed.
The result from this work is in tandem with a previous study conducted by Thushapan et al (2020) on the effects
of watershed delineation on hydrological processes modeling. In his work, the study area was divided into eight
sub catchments and concluded that the number of sub-catchments was increasing as the model performance was
also increasing. The work of Adeogun et al. (2022) on the effects of watershed delineation on the prediction of
water quality parameters in Gaa Akanbi Area Ilorin using SWAT with a physically based semi-distributed
hydrological model interfaced with mapwindow GIS software also revealed that there was no noticeable change
on the water quality parameters as the number of sub basins delineation increases in the watershed. He also
recommended that the threshold value for deciding on the required number of watershed drainage density for the
prediction of water quality parameters should be evaluated by trial-and-error procedure.
Watershed delineation is a critical process in hydrological modelling, and its accuracy has a significant impact on
the estimation of hydrological processes such as runoff, evapotranspiration, and groundwater recharge. The
accuracy of watershed delineation is influenced by various factors such as the quality and resolution of input data,
the methodology used, and the spatial scale of delineation. Accurate watershed delineation is critical for effective
water management and conservation, and therefore, careful consideration of the data sources and methodology is
necessary for accurate watershed delineation. This study aimed to assess the impact of watershed delineation on
the estimation of water The watershed was delineated into different numbers of sub-basins, and the results showed
that the number of sub-basins directly influenced the predicted values of water quality parameters.
The study found that the lowest annual predicted values of sediment yield, sediment concentration, and streamflow
were obtained for a watershed delineation into 5 sub-basins, while the highest predicted values were recorded
when the watershed was delineated into 29 sub-basins. However, the number of sub-basins had little or no
influence on the average monthly predicted values of water quality parameters in the watershed. This study
highlights the importance of watershed delineation in accurately predicting water quality parameters, and the
number of sub-basins used in the delineation process can have a significant impact on the predicted values. These
findings could be useful for water resource management and policy development in the region, especially in
addressing water quality concerns in the Asa Dam River watershed.
Adeogun, A. G., Ganiyu, H. O., Adetoro, A. E. and Idowu, B. S. (2022). Effects of Watershed Delineation on the
Prediction of Water Quality Parameters in Gaa Akanbi Area, Ilorin. LAUTECH Journal of Civil and
Environmental Studies.
Ayana, A.B., Edossa, D.C, and Kositsakulchai, E. (2012). Simulation of Sediment Yield Using SWAT Model in Fincha
Watershed, Ethiopia. Kasetsart Journal of Natural Science,Vol 46: 283 - 297
Balogun, O.S., Ganiyu HO (2017). Study and analysis of Asa River hypothetical dam break HEC-RAS. Nigeria
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the Blue Nile Basin using SWAT. Hydrology and Earth System Sciences Vol. 15: 807-818
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Upper Sokoto Basin, Nigeria. Journal of Geography and Geology. 4. 10.5539/jgg.v4n2p147
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
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Omani, N., Tajrishy, M. and Abrishamchi, A. (2007). Modelling of a River Basin Using SWAT Model and SUFI-2,
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4-6 July 2007
Shiklomanov, I. A. (2011). The Hydrological cycle. Encyclopedia of life support system (EOLSS), Vol. 1, pp. 1-9.
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Civil Engineering at Faculty of Engineering, Univeristy of Ruhuna, Hapugala, Galle.
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
Beans Pod Ash (BPA) can be utilized as partial replacement of cement for the production of cement pozzolanic
concrete, due its pozzolanic characteristics. This will significantly lower construction cost and environmental
pollution connected with the usage and production of cement. This study aims at modelling the effect of
calcination parameters (burning temperature and dwelling time) on the chemical composition of BPA for
optimum pozzolanic properties. The central composite design (using 2-factors, 5-levels) of response surface
method was adopted. The two (2) factors considered include burning temperature at 500oC, 600oC, 700oC,
800oC, 900oC, and dwelling time at 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 hours. Responses were obtained from the resulting chemical
properties of BPA. The results of chemical analysis which include Silicon oxide (SiO2), Aluminum oxide (Al2O3),
ferric oxide (Fe2O3), Calcium oxide (CaO), Magnesium oxide (MgO), Potassium oxide (K2O) and lots more and
loss on ignition (LoI), were modelled and optimized. The optimum combined composition of silica, alumina and
ferric oxide (54.14%), signifying a good pozzolanic property, was obtained and an optimum loss on ignition of
6.16%, at a burning temperature of 738.38oC and a dwelling time of 3.45-hours, conforming to ASTM C618-12a
Class C pozzolan.
KEYWORDS: Beans Pod Ash, Calcination, Temperature, Dwelling Time, Pozzolanic Properties
Concrete is a composite manmade building material that looks like stone. Combining cement with both fine and
coarse aggregate, sufficient water and sometimes additives, like pozzolans, plasticizers, etc, makes concrete.
Water allows it to set and bind the materials together. Different mixtures are added to meet specific
requirements. Concrete can be engineered to satisfy a wide range of performance specifications and is typically
reinforced with steel bars due to its very low tensile strength when compared with compressive strength. Known
as the strongest building material, concrete has found major uses in dams, highways, buildings and many
different kinds of building and construction (Jezek, 2009). Portland cement is the most common type of
cementiteous material used in concrete production and was discovered by Joseph Aspdin in 1824. Other
cementiteous materials include lime, pozzolan and any combination of these materials. Richness of concrete
mix is one of the major factors that affect the rate of strength development in concrete and is determined by
the quantity and quality of cementiteous materials (Joseph and Raymond, 2014). Cement paste is formed when
cement mix with water and this paste serves as binder for other constituent materials in concrete production.
Concrete properties depend largely on the properties of its aggregate constituents because it constitutes
typically 75% or more of the concrete volume. Hence, for strong and durable concrete, aggregate has to be
strong, durable and washed before use in order to prevent impurities from slowing down hydration process
among the concrete constituents. Water is another key ingredient in the production of concrete, which when
mixed with cement, forms a paste that binds the aggregate together. Water causes the hardening of concrete
through a process called hydration. The role of water is important because the water to cement ratio is the most
critical factor in the production of concrete. A careful balance in water to cement ratio in concrete production
makes the concrete workable and strong (Shi et al, 2012).
Ghassan and Mouin (2016) defined pozzolan as a siliceous material used as a partial replacement for cement in
concrete production. ASTM C618 (2005) also defined pozzolans as “siliceous and aluminous material which
ordinarily have little or no cementiteous properties but in finely divided form and in the presence of moisture
can react with calcium hydroxide liberated during the hydration of ordinary Portland cement to form compounds
possessing cementiteous properties”. Pozzolans react with calcium hydroxide and other alkalis in a
cementiteous reaction in order to reduce the resultant heat of hydration generated from concrete production,
thereby improving concrete workability and durability. Pozzolans also help concrete to develop resistance to
sulphate attack and alkali-silica reaction, thereby making concrete with pozzolana fitting for concrete structures
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
like dams and bridges. Tijani et al (2018) and Altwair et al (2011) affirmed that pozzolanic activity in pozzolans
are better enhanced at optimum burning temperature and time. Pozzolans can be cheaply sourced from volcanic
mineral deposits, fly ash, fired and crushed clay and ash of some agricultural wastes, amongst others.
Fakayode et al (2014) and Ajeigbe et al (2010) affirmed that Nigeria contributes at least 45% of cowpea
production per annum worldwide; amounting to over 3.4 million tons of dried cowpea in various varieties like
Glycine Max (Soya Beans), Vigna Vexillata (Otili), Stenocarpastylosa (Feregede), Phaseolus Vulgaris (Kokondo)
and Vigna Unguiculata (Big White, Small White, Oloyin and Drum). Vigna Unguiculata, also known as beans is a
species of cowpea locally referred to as big-white-beans, small-white-beans, oloyin-beans and drum-beans,
based on their physical properties. Beans pod is the protective outer covering of beans seed and proper burning
of beans pod will result into beans pod ash. Due to ever increasing quantities of waste from beans production
annually as beans pod and or beans pod ash, there exist an ever increasing cost of waste management. Hence,
utilization and recycling of beans pod and or beans pod ash surfaced as the only economical alternative; as it
help in reducing disposal concerns (Siddique, 2012).
This objective this study is to determine the effect of calcination temperature and dwelling time on the chemical
composition of beans pod ash for optimum pozzolanic activity and characterization of beans pod ash based on
performance parameters of pozzolanicity.
Samples calcined at different calcination temperature and times were analyzed using the energy-dispersive X-
ray fluorescence analysis (ED-XRF) and the machine model used to determine the basic chemical composition of
the samples is the Shimadzu EDXRF-702HS. This machine was used to perform nondestructive chemical analysis
of elemental oxides present in differently calcined samples of pozzolan used.
In order to correlate dependent variables to the independent variables, response surface plots and
mathematical model equations were developed. The empirical data was used to predict the relationship
between burning temperature, burning time and oxides of the resulting ash, by applying multiple linear
regressions. Eight (8) different models (namely mean, linear, two factor interaction (2FI), quadratic, cubic,
quartic, fifth and sixth interaction) were used to analyze the response of pozzolanic performance of BPA to
changes in calcination temperature and time. The models were fitted into the experimental data using Design
Expert Software and the appropriate model chosen based on the lowest standard deviation values, selection of
the highest order polynomial, where the additional terms are significant and the model not aliased, with
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
insignificant lack of fit and the maximization of “Adjusted R2 value” and the “Predicted R2 value”; and linear and
or quadratic models were suggested. But, in terms of higher R2 and lower standard deviation values, either linear
or quadratic model was finally chosen for each of the responses to predict the pozzolanic quality of BPA.
Adequacy of models were authenticated by the determination of coefficient of R2 and probability of prediction
F ratio test.
In order to obtain the optimum calcination temperature and dwelling time for a good pozzolanic reactivity based
on the percentage content of chemical compounds in BPA, CCD of RSM was set to maximize or minimize
percentage content of these chemical compounds, as the case may require, based on the influence of such
compounds on pozzolanic quality of BPA. The criteria used for the optimization process is shown in Table 1.
Optimum conditions obtained were used to carry out experiment, the actual values obtained were compared
with the predicted values and Chi-square test was carried out to ascertain the validity of models for the
experimental and predicted values.
Table 1: RSM-CCD Optimization Criteria
Lower Upper Lower Upper
Name Goal Importance
Limit Limit Weight Weight
Calcination temp is in range 500 900 1 1 3
Calcination time is in range 1 5 1 1 3
SiO2 maximize 30.46 35.02 1 1 3
Al2O3 maximize 9.86 12.98 1 1 3
Fe2O3 maximize 8.27 11.8 1 1 3
CaO maximize 12.59 15.03 1 1 3
MgO minimize 6.02 7.74 1 1 3
K2O minimize 5.33 7.37 1 1 3
Pb2O5 minimize 6.52 8.11 1 1 3
LOI minimize 2.35 8.72 1 1 3
SiO2 + Al2O3 + Fe2O3 maximize 53.44 55.24 1 1 3
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
10 -1 -1 600 2 32.84 11.20 10.96 12.91 7.26 6.8 8.0 3.35 55.00
4 0
11 1 -1 800 2 35.02 10.15 8.27 14.76 6.13 7.0 7.9 8.03 53.44
2 4
12 0 0 700 3 34.20 10.33 9.31 13.80 6.11 5.4 7.9 5.08 53.84
0 2
13 0 0 700 3 34.20 10.33 9.31 13.80 6.11 5.4 7.9 5.08 53.84
0 2
The results of CCD-RSM experimental design and energy-dispersive X-ray fluorescence (ED-XRF) analysis is
presented in Table 2. BPA exhibited a maximum total of 55.24% for combined oxides composition of silica,
alumina and iron (SiO2 + Al2O3 + Fe2O3) at a calcination temperature and dwelling time of 500oC and 3-hours
respectively, which complies with the ASTM C618-12a, of at least 50% for Class C Pozzolan. BPA calcined at 800oC
for a period of 2-hours possessed the highest amount of silica content (35.02%) and loss on ignition (LoI) of
8.03%, which is slightly more than the maximum 6% specified by ASTM C618-12a for class C pozzolan.
33 X2 = B: Dwelling Time
Aluminum Oxide (%)
900 4
B: Dwelling Time (hour) 800
2 3 900
600 B: Dwelling Time (hour) 700
1 500
A: Burning Temperature (degree C) 1 500
A: Burning Temperature (degree C)
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
was chosen to analyze ferric oxide in BPA. Since it positively contribute to concrete properties, RSM was set to
maximize the quantity of ferric oxide in BPA and optimum value of 9.59% ferric oxide was obtained (Figure 3).
Ferric Oxide = 37.89351 – 0.068229*BT – 1.51944*DT + 0.001775* BT* DT
+ 0.0000400323* BT 2 + 0.044073* DT 2 ……………………………. (3)
(Std Dev. = 0.47, R2 = 0.8593, Mean = 9.73, Adj. R2 = 0.7855, Pred. R2 = -0.4324, Prob˃F = 0.0068)
Design-Expert® Software Design-Expert® Software
Factor Coding: Actual Factor Coding: Actual
Ferric Oxide (%)** Calcium Oxide (%)
Design points above predicted value Design points above predicted value
Design points below predicted value
Design points below predicted value
11.8 9.5897
15.03 13.893
8.27 15.5
X1 = A: Burning Temperature 15
X2 = B: Dwelling Time X1 = A: Burning Temperature
12 X2 = B: Dwelling Time
Ferric Oxide (%)
4 5
3 900
B: Dwelling Time (hour) 700 900
2 3
600 800
1 500 B: Dwelling Time (hour) 700
A: Burning Temperature (degree C) 2
1 500
A: Burning Temperature (degree C)
Figure 3: Response of Ferric Oxide to Variations in Figure 4: Response of Calcium Oxide to Variations in
Burning Temperature and Dwelling time Burning Temperature and Dwelling Time
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
6 5
5 5
4 4
900 3 900
B: Dwelling Time (hour) 800 B: Dwelling Time (hour) 700
2 700 2
600 600
1 500 1 500
A: Burning Temperature (degree C) A: Burning Temperature (degree C)
Design points below predicted value Design points above predicted value
55.24 Design points below predicted value
54.1398 2.35 6.15513
X1 = A: Burning Temperature
X2 = B: Dwelling Time X1 = A: Burning Temperature 10
59 X2 = B: Dwelling Time
Loss on Ignition (%)
** Predictions adjusted for
variation in the factors
57 6
53 0
5 5
900 900
3 700
Figure 7: Response of SiO2 + Al2O3 + Fe2O3 to Figure 8: Response of Loss on Ignition to Variations
Variations in Burning Temperature and Time in Burning Temperature and Time
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
In order to characterize the ash of Beans Pod as a pozzolan, some pozzolanic properties of calcined BPA were
investigated through the use of XRF and XRD laboratory method of analysis to determine the chemical and
mineral composition that are present in calcined BPA. It can be concluded that calcined BPA exhibits a class C
pozzolanic properties based on ASTM C618-12a specifications and that the amount of silica present and the LoI
on BPA are greatly affected by calcination temperature and dwelling time. Optimum pozzolanic properties of
calcined BPA, based on XRF method of analysis, was obtained at 738.38oC burning temperature and 3.45-hours
of dwelling time. Also, the models developed were validated with empirical data and the coefficient of
determination indicates adequate representation of the real relation with the independent variables.
Ajeigbe, H. A.; S. G. Mohammed; J. O. Adeosun and D. Ihedioha. (2010). Farmers’ Guide to Increased
Productivity of Improved Legume–Cereal Cropping Systems in the Savannas of Nigeria. IITA, Ibadan, Nigeria.
104 pp.
Algaifi, H.A.; M. A. Mustafa; E. Alsuhaibani; S. Shahidan; F. Alrshoudi; G. F. Huseien and S. A. Bakar. (2021).
Optimisation of GBFS, Fly Ash, and Nano-Silica Contents in Alkali-Activated Mortars. Polymers, Vol. 13, 26 pp.
Al-kahtani, M. S. M.; H. Zhu; S. I. Haruna and J. Shao. (2023). Evaluation of mechanical properties of
polyurethane-based polymer rubber concrete modified ground glass fiber using response surface
methodology. Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering, 48(4), 4695-4710.
ASTM Standard C618, (2012a). Standard Specification for Coal Fly Ash and Raw or Calcined Natural
Pozzolan for Use in Concrete. ASTM International, West Conshohocken, PA, USA.
ASTM Standard C618, (2019). Standard Specification for Coal Fly Ash and Raw or Calcined Natural
Pozzolan for Use in Concrete. ASTM International, West Conshohocken, PA, USA.
Barbir, D.; P. Dabic and P. Krolo. (2013). Hydration Study of Ordinary Portland Cement in the Presence of Lead
(II) Oxide. Chemical and Biochemical Engineering Quarterly, Q. 27 (1), pp 95-99.
Fakayode, B. S.; A. O. Omotesho and T. Z. Adebayo. (2014). An Economic Survey of Cowpea (Vigna
Unguiculata) Storage Practices in Kwara State, Nigeria. Bangladesh J. Agril, Res. 39(1), pp 47-57.
Ghassan, K. A. and Mouin, A. (2016). Natural Pozzolan as a Partial Substitute for Cement in Concrete. US Army
Corps of Engineers, Construction Engineering Research Laboratory, Champaign, IL
Gonçalves, T.; R.V. Silva; J. De-Brito; J.M.F. Rodriguez and A.R. Esquinas. (2019). Hydration of Reactive MgO
as Partial Cement Replacement and Its Influence on the Macroperformance of Cementitious Mortars.
Advances in Materials Science and Engineering, Vol. 2019, 12 pp.
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
Joseph, A. A. and Raymond, M. D. (2014). Rate of Strength Development Of Concrete Made Using Selected
Nigerian Cement Brands. International Journal of Technology Enhancements and Emerging Engineering
Research, Volume 2, Issue 12, pp 48 – 51.
Keppert, M.; L. Scheinherrová; M. Jerman; B. Doušová; L. Kobera; J. Brus and R. Cern. (2019). Hydration of
Ordinary Portland Cement in Presence of Lead Sorbed on Ceramic Sorbent. Materials, 12(1), 14 pp.
Lowe, R. D. (2012). Pozzolanic Properties of Biomass Fly Ash. A Thesis Presented to the Graduate School of
Clemson University, 74 pp.
Malvar, L. J. and Lenke, L. R. (2006). Efficiency of fly ash in mitigating alkali-silica reaction based on chemical
composition. ACI Materials Journal, 103(5), pp. 319-326.
Olawale, O. and Oyawale, F.A. (2012). Characterization of Rice Husk via Atomic Absorption
Spectrophotometer for Optimal Silica Production. International Journal of Science and Technology, Volume 2
No.4, pp 210-213.
Sata, V.; C. Jaturapitakkul and K. Kiattikomol. (2007). Influence of pozzolan from various by-product materials
on mechanical properties of high-strength concrete. Construction and Building Materials 21(7), pp 1589-1598.
Setina, J.; A. Gabrene and I. Juhnevica. (2013). Effect of Pozzolanic Additives on Structure and Chemical
Durability of Concrete. 11th International Conference on Modern Building Materials, Structures and
Techniques, Procedia Engineering 57, pp 1005-1012.
Shi, C., F. He and Y. Wu. (2012). Effect of pre-conditioning on CO2 curing of lightweight concrete blocks
mixtures. Construction and Building Materials, 26(1), 257-267.
Siddique, R. (2012). Utilization of wood ash in concrete manufacturing. Resources, conservation, and recycling,
Vol. 67, pp 27-33.
Singh, Y.; A. Sharma; G. K. Singh; A. Singla and N. K. Singh. (2018). Optimization of performance and emission
parameters of direct injection diesel engine fuelled with pongamia methyl esters-response surface
methodology approach. Industrial crops and products, 126, 218-226.
Smith, A. S. J.; G. Xu; M. J. Garba and M. Y. Aliyu. (2020). Pozzolanic and Mechanical Properties of Date Palm
Seed Ash (Dpsa) Concrete. Nigerian Journal of Technology, Vol. 39, No. 3, pp. 680-686.
Šupić, S.; M. Malešev; V. Radonjanin; V. Bulatović and T. Milović. (2021). Reactivity and Pozzolanic Properties
of Biomass Ashes Generated by Wheat and Soybean Straw Combustion”, Materials, Vol. 14, 20 pp.
Tijani, M. A.; W. O. Ajagbe and O. A. Agbede. (2018). Modelling the Effect of Burning Temperature and Time
on Chemical Composition of Sorghum Husk Ash for Optimum Pozzolanic Activity. FUTA Journal of Engineering
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Walker, R. and Pavı´a, S. (2011). Physical properties and reactivity of pozzolans and their influence on the
properties of lime–pozzolan pastes. Materials and Structures, Vol. 44, pp 1139-1150.
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
Dolomite is a double carbonate mineral of calcium and magnesium that can serve as raw material for the synthesis
of calcium oxide. In many industrial chemical processes, carbon dioxide (CO2) is an undesired by-product that is
required to be removed for the smooth running of the process. X-Ray Diffraction (XRD) analysis revealed that
dolomite ore collected in Okere, Kwara State has the major mineral phase of dolomite with 94 % purity. Following
the dissolution of dolomite in hydrochloric acid, calcium hydroxide [Ca(OH)2] precipitation using ammonium
hydroxide (NH4OH) was optimized. For the precipitation study, the temperature was varied between 10 to 50 oC,
the time between 2 to 10 Minutes, and volume ratio of the filtrate to NH4OH between 1:0.8 to1:3 ml:ml. Ca(OH)2
obtained at optimum conditions (40 oC, 2 minutes and Vol:Vol of 1:2.5 ml:ml) was calcined at 700 oC to obtain
CaO. Dynamic Light scattering of CaO shows an average particle size of 49.46 nm, FTIR was used to confirm
CaO at wavelength of 1394 cm-1 and 872 cm-1. CO2 capture was done by exposing the synthesized CaO at room
conditions for 30 days. XRD analysis shows the new mineral phase of 78 % calcite and 9.42 % lime. This is an
indication that the synthesized CaO is suitable for CO2 capture.
Calcium oxide is a basic inorganic metal oxide with the chemical formula CaO (Sun et al., 2018; Khine et al.,
2022,). Due to technological advancement, the use of CaO has continued to gain wider applications such as
catalyst, glass making, bleaching powder, mortars and cement, carbon capture, calcium carbide, and treatment
of acidic soil (Gupta and Agarwal, 2016; Sun et al., 2018; Khine et al., 2022). CaO has been reportedly produced
from naturally occurring minerals such as calcite, limestone, gypsum aragonite, and marble. Other reported non-
mineral sources of calcium oxide production are seashells, cow born, eggshell, and crab shell (Mohadi et al.,
2016). Another neglected important raw material that could be suitable for CaO production is dolomite.
Dolomite is a naturally occurring basic mineral with calcium carbonate (54.35 %) being a major constituent
followed by magnesium carbonate (45.65 %) (Ajala et al., 2019; Joseph et al., 2022). Nigerian abundant dolomite
deposit in Edo, Kogi, Ogun, Kwara, and the Federal Capital Territory is yet to explore for CaO production (Are et
al., 2022; Joseph et al., 2022).
Different reported methods of CaO synthesis are thermal decomposition, biogenic method, hydrothermal
technique, multi-component synthesis, combustion method, two-step thermal decomposition technique,sol–
gel, microwave synthesis, co-precipitation technique, precipitation method (Gupta and Agarwal, 2016; Mohadi
et al., 2016; Sun et al., 2018; Aseel et al., 2018; Szalai et al., 2019; Habte et al., 2019; Khine et al., 2022). CaO
synthesis is usually obtained by calcination of Ca(OH)2 between 450 -650 oC temperature (Karami et al., 2012;
Mirghiasi et al., 2014; Khine et al., 2022).
Carbon dioxide (CO2) has been reported to be one of the leading greenhouse gas resulting in global warming
(Tian et al., 2016; Liu 2016). Several industrial processes such as cement, ammonia, nitric acid, iron, aluminum,
and steel manufacturing have a high contribution to CO2 emission (Liu 2016; Nasr et al., 2015). CO2 as a
byproduct in the biological process such as in biohydrogen production usually leads to a decrease in the
microorganism population that is responsible for the biosynthesis of the main product (Park et al., 2005; Nasr et
al., 2015; Vasiliadou et al., 2020). CO2 is considered a strong metabolic poison that causes inhibition due to the
disruption of the cell wall structure of microorganisms (Martirosyan et al., 2012). This study was aimed at the
synthesis of CaO for CO2 capture from locally sourced dolomite from Oreke, Ifelodun Local Government Area of
Kwara State, Nigeria. The precipitation of Ca(OH)2 was optimized via Box-Benken Design.
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
2.2 Methods
A slight modification of the dissolution method reported by the same author, Joseph et al. (2022) in an earlier
study was done. This involved the dissolution of 6 g of dolomite in 100 ml of 2 M HCl at 50 oC for 10 minutes,
followed by filtration. For the Box-Behnken Design, precipitation time was varied between 2 to10 Mins, a ratio
of the volume of the filtrate to the volume of precipitant was studied between 1:0.8 and 1: 1:3 ml/ml, and the
temperature was varied between 10 to 50 oC (Table 1). 6 M NH4OH precipitant was added to the filtrate
according to volume to volume ratio in the optimization 2. The precipitate was filtered and oven dried at 60 oC
for 4 hours. The whole process was repeated for other experimental runs. At the optimum precipitation, the
raffinate was tested for reuse to precipitate another fresh filtrate from dolomite dissolution. The synthesized
Ca(OH)2 was calcined in a mulfu furnace at 700 oC for 120 Mins. CO2 capture was done by exposing the
synthesized CaO at room conditions for 30 days.
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
Factor Name Minimum Maximum Coded Low Coded High Mean Std. Dev.
A Time (Mins) 2.00 10.00 -1 ↔ 2.00 +1 ↔ 10.00 6.00 2.83
B Vol./Vol. (mL:ml) 0.80 3.00 -1 ↔ 0.80 +1 ↔ 3.00 1.90 0.7778
C Temperature (oC) 10.00 50.00 -1 ↔ 10.00 +1 ↔ 50.00 30.00 14.14
16 10 3 30 70 69.17 0.83
17 6 1.9 30 60 62.66 -2.66
Total 0.004
The statistical analysis of the reduced quadratic model of Ca(OH)2 precipitation is presented in Table 3. The goal
of developing any statistical model is to be able to accurately predict the outcome of any experiment without
necessarily going through the tedious process of conducting such an experiment (Joseph et al., 2022). Based on
the experimental data, a quadratic model (equation 15) under the Box-Behnken Design was developed in this
study for the prediction of precipitation yield of Ca(OH)2 from a pregnant solution of leached dolomite in HCl.
Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) revealed that the quadratic model with R2 of 0.9326, adjusted R2 of 0.8802, and
predicted R2 of 0.8802 is most appropriate for model prediction. The adequate prediction value of 15.6517 further
shows the model has high prediction efficiency as its value is much higher than the least value of 4 for any model
to be significant. A maximum probability (P) value of 0.05 has been set for the determination of model
significance. The developed model with a P-Value of 0.0001 is significant, while model terms such as B, C, A²,
B², and C² are also significant.
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
Figure 1: Effect of Time, Vol/Vol. Ratio of Precipitant and Temperature on the Precipitation of Ca(OH)2
from Dissolved Dolomite
3.2.2 Optimum Predicted Points for the Precipitation of Ca(OH)2 from Aqueous Dolomite
The numerical optimization method of point prediction predicted 72.12 % yield of Ca(OH)2 at the optimum
operating conditions of 2 Mins, 2.5 ml;ml and 40 oC, while the experimental validation gave a much closer yield
of 72.10 %.
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
Following the dissolution of dolomite in HCl, the optimization of the process condition of precipitation of Ca(OH)2
from pregnant solution using Box-Behnken Design was achieved at the optimum point of 2 Mins, 2.5 ml;ml and
40 oC with 72.12 % predicted optimum yield of Ca(OH)2 and 72.10 % validated yield. From XRD analysis, Oreke
dolomite has 94 % purity. XRD analysis confirmed the high CO2 captured using the synthesized CaO in this study
to calcite and lime. The high CO2 capture could be attributed to the small average particle size (49.46 nm) of CaO
as identified by Dynamic Light scattering. Oreke dolomite is a suitable raw material for CaO synthesis with a high
potential for CO2 capture.
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
Ajala, E. O., Ajala, M. A., Odetoye, T. E., & Okunlola, A. T. (2019). Synthesis of solid catalyst from dolomite for
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samples. Water, 12(7), 2015.
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
M. A. Wopa1, A. G. Adeogun2*, A. Sanni1, H. Soliu2
Deparment of Civil Engineering, Kwara State Polytechnic, Kwara State, Ilorin, Nigeria.
Department of Civil Engineering, Kwara State University, Malete, Ilorin, Nigeria.
Corresponding Author’s Email: adeniyi.adeogun@kwasu.edu.ng
This study investigates the effect of resampled Digital Elevation Model (DEM) on the prediction of flow and
sediment loading upstream of Oyun River catchment in Kwara State. To delineate the watershed, a DEM of 90-
meter resolution was sourced from the space Shuttle Radar Topography Mission (SRTM), and the ASTER global
DEM data sources. The 90-meter resolution was resampled to four different resolutions which are 75-meter, 60-
meter, 45-meter, and 30-meter resolutions. The watershed and streamline were delineated, and the hydrologic
simulation was performed using Soil and Water Assessment Tool (SWAT). The results show an insignificant
effect on flows for all the resampled DEMs as against the results obtained with the prediction of sediment
concentration. The 90-meter resolution DEM has the lowest predicted value of sediment concentration
228,899.70mg/l while the 30-meter resampled DEM has the highest predicted value of 521,246.94 mg/l. Similarly,
the sediment yield (SYLD t/ha) for 90-meter resolution DEM has the least value of about 528.90 t/ha while the
30-meter resampled DEM has the highest value of 2145.57 t/ha. Results obtained in this study can be a decision
support tool for researchers when selecting an appropriate DEM resolution to simulate sediment loading in the
KEYWORDS: Resampled DEM; Sediment Concentration; Sediment Yield; SWAT; Model; Flow.
Accurate estimation of water yield and water balance in a river catchment is essential for sustainable
management of water resources at the watershed level. To achieve this, hydrological modelling is necessary,
and the application of Geographical Information Systems (GIS) combined with Digital Elevation Model (DEM) has
significantly improved this process. The integration of GIS with DEM has enhanced hydrological modelling in
various areas, including data management, parameter extraction and interpolation, visualization, and interface
Digital Elevation Models (DEMs) are essential tools for studying land surface processes and modelling the flow
of water and sediment in river catchments (Viglione et al., 2013). DEMs provide a digital representation of the
elevation of the land surface, typically at a spatial resolution ranging from several meters to several kilometers
(Tarboton et al., 2015). DEMs can be used for a wide range of applications, including terrain analysis, land use
planning, environmental monitoring, and hydrological modelling (Su et al., 2017). The development of DEMs has
revolutionized hydrological modelling by providing a detailed and accurate description of the topography of river
catchments (Wu et al., 2013). The resolution of a Digital Elevation Model (DEM) can have a significant effect on
flow and sediment loading predictions upstream of a river catchment. When a DEM is resampled to a lower
resolution, it loses some of the fine-scale details that may have been present in the original data. This loss of
detail can result in a coarser representation of the terrain, which can affect the accuracy of the flow and
sediment predictions. Resampling a DEM can also introduce errors in the calculation of slope and drainage area,
which are important parameters in predicting flow and sediment loading.
Based on the foregoing, it is common to resample DEMs to a coarser resolution to reduce computational
requirements (Choi et al., 2015). Resampling involves averaging or aggregating elevation values over larger grid
cells, which can result in a loss of fine-scale terrain details (Tarboton et al., 2015). However, high-resolution
DEMs can also pose computational challenges due to their large file size and processing requirements..
Therefore, it is essential to carefully consider the effects of DEM resolution on the accuracy of predictions and
to use appropriate methods to account for errors introduced by resampling.
The simulation of hydrologic cycle by SWAT is based on the water balance Equation 1
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
where SWt is the final soil water content (mm water), SWo is the initial soil water content in day i (mm water), t
is the time (days), Rday is the amount of precipitation in day i (mm water), Qsurf is the amount of surface runoff in
day i (mm water), Ea is the amount of evapotranspiration in day i (mm water), Wseepis the amount of percolation
and bypass
flow exiting the soil profile bottom on day i (mm water), and Qgw is the amount of return flow in day i (mmwater).
The estimation of erosion/soil loss and sediment yield for each Hydrologic Response Unit (HRU) is carried out
using the Universal Soil Loss Equation and Modified Universal Soil Loss Equation (MUSLE) (Williams, 1975)
respectively. The current version of SWAT model uses simplified stream power Equation 3.8 derived by Bagnold
(1977) to route sediment in the channel.
Where Sed is the sediment yield on a given day (metric tons), EIUSLE is the rainfall erosion index (0.017 m-metric
ton cm/(m2hr) ), other factors are as defined in Equation 3.7. The value of EIUSLE for a given rainstorm is the
product of total storm energy (Estorm) times the maximum 30 minutes intensity (I30)
River Oyun is a major water source for Offa town and its neighbouring areas, and it also supplies raw water for
the University of Ilorin water supply scheme. Figure 1 shows a map of the Oyun River basin, which includes a
network of rivers and catchment areas, with the catchment area of interest being enclosed within the thick black
boundary line.
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
3.6. Watershed delineation into sub-basins and Hydrologic Response Units (HRUs)
The delineation of the watershed was achieved using reprojected DEM of the study area. In the Automatic
Watershed Delineation (AWD) of the GIS interface, network delineation by threshold method was adopted. For
uniformity, a threshold value of 20km2 was adopted for all the resampled DEM resolutions. A total of 55 sub-
basins were created in the watershed and was subdivided into 61 hydrologic response unit (HRUs). The HRU is
the smallest spatial unit needed for running the hydrological model. Figure 3 shows the delineated subbasins in
the study area.
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
of sediment yield and concentration could be obtained from Table1 and graphically from Figure 4 to Figure 6.
The spatial distribution of predicted sediment yield in the watershed and sediment concentration along the river
reach is shown in Figure 7.
Table 1: Details information about predicted flow and sediment loading by each of resampled DEM.
90m 75m 60m 45m 30m
SEDCONCmg/l 228899.70 503842.25 486447.69 506174.80 521246.94
90m 75m 60m 45m 30m
SYLDt/ha 528.90 1926.14 1965.07 2079.96 2145.57
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
Flow (m3/s)
90m 75m 60m 45m 30m
FLOW_IN ( 2229.91 2345.14 2338.02 2341.29 2341.19
The study investigated the impact of Digital Elevation Models (DEMs) on the simulation of sediment loading,
taking into consideration three parameters. The results revealed a similar pattern in the prediction of stream
flow, sediment yield and sediment concentration and that the DEM with a resolution of 60m produced the best
value when all three parameters were considered. These findings suggest that the choice of DEM resolution has
a significant impact on the accuracy of sediment loading simulation. Therefore, this study could serve as a
valuable decision support tool for researchers in the selection of an appropriate DEM resolution for stream flow
sediment loading simulations. The importance of accounting for the effect of resampled DEMs on simulation
accuracy cannot be overstated and the implications of these findings could extend to a range of applications in
various fields.
Arnold, J.G, Williams, J.R, Maidment, D.R ( 1995) Continuous-time Water and Sediment-routing Model for Large
Basins. . Journal of Hydraulic Engineering, 121(2): 171-183.
Choi, H.-K., Kim, D., & Lee, S. (2015). Optimal digital elevation model (DEM) grid size for terrain analysis in a
mountainous watershed. Geocarto International, 30(5), 530-545. doi: 10.1080/10106049.2014.899283
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
CGIAR (2022) SRTM 90m Digital Elevation Data, available at http://srtm.csi.cgiar.org/, accessed on 23rd
December 2022
Ghaffari.G (2011) The impact of DEM resolution on Runoff and Sediment Modelling Result Research Journal of
Envieonmental Science 5(8), 691-702
Mou, L. T.; Darren, L. F.; Barnali, D.; Ab Latif, I, Zulkifli, Y.; Vincent C.(2015). Impacts of DEM resolution, source,
and resampling technique on SWAT-simulated streamflow, Applied Geography, Volume 63,Pg 357-368,
Su, Z., Wen, J., & Li, X. (2017). Remote sensing of hydrology: A review of achievements and challenges. Remote
Sensing, 9(10), 1032. doi: 10.3390/rs9101032
Tarboton, D. G., Sadler, J. M., & Ahlfeld, D. P. (2015). Hydrologic modeling using geospatial data: A review.
Vadose Zone Journal, 14(1). doi: 10.2136/vzj2014.10.0159
Viglione, A., Parajka, J., Rogger, M., Salinas, J. L., Laaha, G., Sivapalan, M., & Blöschl, G. (2013). Comparative
assessment of predictions in ungauged basins – Part 1: Runoff-hydrograph studies. Hydrology and Earth
System Sciences, 17(5), 2071-2087. doi: 10.5194/hess-17-2071-2013
Wu, Q., Liu, J., Liang, E., Li, X., & Zhang, X. (2013). Advances in digital elevation model research: A review. Journal
of Geographical Sciences, 23(6), 1007-1020. doi: 10.1007/s11442-013-1044-4
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
C. S Abima* and N. Madushele
The welding process remains one of the most value-adding techniques in the industry, especially for fabrication
and repair purposes. Present scenario report that increasing hardness reduces ductility and percentage
elongation properties which are equally essential for structural integrity. Against this backdrop, this study adopts
the grey base-Taguchi method to investigate the process parameters combination that results in an optimum
balance of tensile strength, hardness, and elongation at break point for the Tungsten Inert Gas welding of low-
carbon steel joints. L9 Taguchi matrix is adopted towards maximizing the triple functions. A single grade for the
responses was established, followed by ANOVA and signal-to-noise ratio analysis. A confirmatory test followed
by a repeat showed a 0.257 improvement in the grey relational grade which validates the effectiveness of the
method in achieving the triple-objective functions. The study benefits the scientific and industrial bodies by
providing the process window for maximizing the tensile strength and hardness properties of welded joints in a
way that the increased hardness properties do not compromise the elongation at break hence making the joint
susceptible to brittle failure.
KEYWORDS: Grey-based Taguchi, Triple objective optimization, Tensile strength, Hardness and Percentage
Welding is an efficient metal joining process widely used in various sectors, such as automobiles, aircraft,
buildings, marine etc. (Vidyarthy & Sivateja, 2020). It is one of the most value-adding processes in the
manufacturing industry, especially for repair and fabrication purposes. The integrity of the welded assembly or
repaired components depends on the resultant mechanical properties of the joints (C. Abima et al., 2021). These
mechanical properties are influenced by numerous factors, including welding technique, heat input,
temperature gradient, microstructural presentation and weld defects (C. S. Abima et al., 2021; Nguyen & Kim,
2020; Pan et al., 2022). Of the numerous welding techniques, tungsten inert gas (TIG) is widely used due to its
ability to weld a wide range of materials, high efficiency, high-quality joints, high deposition rate, easy operating
principle, and lower cost. The tensile and hardness properties of TIG welded joints have been investigated by
several studies in a bit to determine the influence of process parameters on the resultant joint quality. For
instance, (İrsel, 2022) has reported increased yield strength and tensile strength for low carbon steel (S235JR)
welded by TIG welding with ER30L filler wire. The authors attributed these strength improvements to an increase
in hardness properties as a result of delta-ferrite phase formation. Another author reported that the tensile
strength and elongation decrease as preheat temperature increases but increase as the welding current
increases (Kumar & Singh, 2019). Still, in the pursuit for better mechanical properties, several researchers have
adopted various optimization methods such as Taguchi, response surface methodology, etc. (Ghuge et al., 2022).
For example (Shanmugasundar et al., 2019) optimized the TIG welding process by considering the gas flow rate,
current and nozzle distance for optimal tensile strength. Their result shows that the welding current mainly
influences the ultimate tensile. Taguchi optimization analysis of TIG welded joints reported by (Ghumman et al.,
2022) shows that the hardness values and tensile strength were mostly influenced by increased arc current as
gas flow rate. The study of (Joseph et al., 2017) also showed that the tensile strength of the welds were most
influenced by the welding voltage and current. Lower level settings of these parameters matrix by Genetic
algorithm and response surface methodology favourd the tensile strength.
Because the structural integrity of weldment is judged by combined mechanical properties rather than single
responses, it became imperative to adopt a system capable of optimizing multiple objective properties. To
achieve this, the grey-based Taguchi method was introduced. This method overcomes the limitation of a single
function or response per an analysis of the conventional Taguchi method (Wakchaure et al., 2018). For example,
the grey-based approach was adopted by (Mohanty et al., 2021) to optimize the tensile and hardness properties
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
of 0.002% C steel welded via the TIG welding process on a higher the better criteria. The tensile strength and
hardness value increase with increased current, voltage and speed. Another study reports the parameter
optimization of pulsed TIG welded Monel 400 AISI and AISI 304 steel dissimilar joints to maximize the tensile
strength and percentage elongation and minimize the heat-affected zone (Avinash et al., 2019). The authors
reported that the pulse frequency most influenced the grey relational grade (GRG) and that a confirmatory test
showed an increase in the percentage elongation, tensile strength and a reduced heat-affected zone of the
weldment. (Vinoth et al., 2021) reported that lower current welding speed with intermediate gas flow rate gave
the optimal result for grey relational grade analysis of TIG welded 316 for improved corrosion, impact and tensile
Although a variety of TIG welding process parameters have been investigated to optimize dual objectives such
as tensile strength and elongation or tensile strength and hardness, reports show that the hardness of steel
increases with increasing tensile strength (Angst et al., 2001) (Zhang et al., 2011). However, increasing hardness
reduces percentage elongation and thus leads to brittle failure, which is detrimental to structural members. For
structural applications, these three qualities are required at their optimum (Zhang et al., 2011) without an
appreciable trade-off. Following this, the Grey-based Taguchi optimization is adopted in this study to optimize
the triple functions for the structural integrity of AISI 1008 TIG welded joints.
Element C S P Mn Si Cr Mo Ni Al Fe V Cu
AISI 1008 0.072 0.009 0.001 0.32 0.07 0.042 0.005 0.006 0.042 Bal - -
ER70S/6 0.06 0.035 - 1.4 0.8 0.15 0.15 0.15 - - 0.03 0.5
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
Figure 11 (A) welded specimens (B) fractured specimens (C) representative stress-strain
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
where = 𝑥∗𝑖 (𝑘) is the normalized value, 𝑥𝑖 (𝑘)is the target value, Min 𝑥𝑖 (𝑘) is the lowest value of 𝑥𝑖 (𝑘), and
Max 𝑥𝑖 (𝑘) is the highest value of 𝑥𝑖 (𝑘)
𝑖 = 1, 2, 3…,m. and k =1, 2, 3…,n. m and n are the number of experimental data and the number of responses,
∆𝑀𝑖𝑛 +𝜉∆𝑀𝑎𝑥
𝜉𝑖 (𝑘) = Grey relational coefficient (2)
∆𝑜𝑖 +𝜉∆𝑀𝑎𝑥
where 𝜉𝑖 (𝑘) = grey coefficient, ∆𝑜𝑖 = deviation sequence, ∆*DE 𝑎𝑛𝑑 ∆𝑀𝑎𝑥 = minimum and maximum values
of ∆𝑜𝑖 for all the sequences, and 𝜉 = the identification coefficient. The identification coefficient of 0.5 is utilized
to produce equal weightage for both quality response factors.
where 𝑦𝑖 is the GRG for the ith experimental run, and n is the number of characteristic response
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
Minitab 17 software has been used to calculate the main effect plots for the signal-to-noise ratio (S/N) and the
mean effect plot for means. The response table for means corresponding to the values of the GRGs (Table 5)
shows that the optimum parameter set is Voltage 1 - Current 3 – Gas flow rate 1, i.e. voltage = 10 V, current =
180 A, gas flow rate = 15L/min. The ranking shows that the gas flow rate had the most influence on the GRG,
followed by the welding voltage.
Table 13 Response table for means
Rank 2 3 1
The overall grade for grey relations = 0.5396
Figure 2 shows that a change in any of the process parameters affects the output response. The GRG decreases
with increasing voltage and increases with increasing current. On the other hand, the GRG first decreased and
then increased slightly with an increased gas flow rate. Changes in the gas flow made a significant change in the
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
u = 𝑦𝑚 +∑𝑛𝑖=1U𝑦u − 𝑦𝑚 V ,
𝑦 (5)
where 𝑦𝑚 is the total mean GRG, 𝑦 u is the GRG at the optimal level of each process parameter, and n is the
number of significant parameters.
The confirmation test results in Table 7 reveal a close match between the predicted and experimental GRG values.
The optimal parameter settings significantly enhance the grey relational grade of the responses, particularly the
tensile strength and yield strength, by a notable improvement of 0.0489. This indicates the effectiveness of the
chosen parameter combination in improving the desired mechanical properties.
Grey-based Taguchi optimization technique for triple function optimization of process parameters in TIG welding
for AISI 1008 is reported for a total of nine runs produced following the L9 orthogonal matrix. The study show
that obtaining a high strength and hardness weldment that exhibit favourable percentage elongation to avoid
brittle joints is possible by adopting the grey-based Taguchi method.
To attain optimal tensile strength, percentage elongation, and hardness, the recommended parameters are
voltage at 10 V, current at 180 A, and gas flow rate at 15 L/mm. More so, the set of optimal parameters resulted
in higher values for all the measured outcomes. According to the ANOVA analysis, the gas flow rate is the mos
program influential parameter impacting the ultimate tensile strength.
This result also shows that high-level current, low voltage, and low gas flow settings gave the best tensile,
hardness, and ductile behaviour suitable for industrial applications.
The authors acknowledgement the University of Johannesburg for granting a research fund.
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Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
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Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
C. S Abima1* and N. Madushele2
Mechanical Engineering Science, University of Johannesburg, South Africa
Biomedical Engineering and Healthcare Technology Research Centre (BEAHT RC) University of
Johannesburg, South Africa
The adoption of additive manufacturing in dentistry has initiated sufficient growth in the manufacturing of
dentures. Despite the potential for improving healthcare at a low cost, the integration of additive manufacturing
in dentistry has been deemed to be slow. The call for research and development to improve its adoption in the
delivery of dental treatment is evident in past studies. This paper reviews recent studies on additive
manufacturing in dental treatment. A scientometric review is presented to identify the different research trends
and the current research focus through Voswier visualization software using a bibliometric approach. The
findings revealed that only developed and a few developing countries are actively involved in research
publications in this field. This result is worrisome as the cases of dental disease and people needing denture
replacement continue to rise across the globe. The root cause of this has also been studied and evaluated in this
study. This research contributes to the existing body of knowledge by synthesizing state-of-the-art research on
additive manufacturing in modern dentistry. Furthermore, the study highlights the sustainable benefits of
additive manufacturing in prosthodontics.
KEYWORDS: 3D printing, additive manufacturing, CAM/CAD, modern dentistry, digital dentistry, dentures,
Complete removable dentures have been used to reinstall patients with edentulism for a long time (Arutyunov
et al., 2022; Pradhan et al., 2022). Before the introduction of advanced manufacturing processes, dentures were
fabricated by conventional methods such as milling and lost-wax techniques (Anadioti et al., 2020).
Technological advancement led to the introduction of digital dentistry in the 1980s (T et al., 2009). After the first
attempt at fabricating dentures by developing a computer-aided-design/computer-aided manufacturing
(CAD/CAM) model in 1994 (Tamburrino et al., 2022), (Goodacre et al., 2012) launched the construction of digital
dentures. Since then, digital dentistry has changed the practice of dentistry in many areas. For instance, 3D
printers can produce models for patients before surgery, allowing them to visualize the operation and result,
enhancing patient compliance and acceptability. In addition, digital manufacturing procedures in dentistry
improve patient healthcare in the early treatment phase and guarantee accurate capturing of patient diagnoses
with the help of dental scanners (Hoang et al., 2016), (Güth et al., 2017). Patient data obtained by precise
scanning is now further transferred to CAD/CAM programming software to plan and fabricate required dentures
models and structures (Stanley et al., 2018; Tamburrino et al., 2022). Interestingly, manufactured dentures are
more affordable for patients since employing CAD/CAM lowers the cost of dental restoration, eliminating the
need for temporary crowns and bridges during treatment and reducing the number of doctor appointments.
Therefore, the patient can replace dentures within a short time frame at a lower cost and zero risk.
The frameworks for removable dentures, and temporary and fixed bridge dentures have traditionally been
fabricated using formative manufacturing approaches (such as the lost-wax technique, alginate impression and
flasking methods). These conventional formative techniques are manual, laborious, material and time-
consuming, involving several steps where mistakes are likely to happen. In modern/digital dentistry, subtractive
and additive manufacturing processes are employed for dental fabrication. The traditional subtractive method
becomes unsuitable when fabricating tin and complex shapes with undercut areas. Moreso, the efficient
removal of material from a workpiece in milling operations requires heavy cutting forces. These heavy forces
produce vibrations that place the workpiece under some degree of thermal and mechanical stress. This,
especially with thin parts, may lead to dimensional distortion (Hagman & Svanborg, 2022).
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
These challenges, coupled with numerous discomfort, urgently necessitated an automatic procedure for dental
manufacturing. The huge amount of waste associated with subtractive processes (Kalberer et al., 2019;
Srinivasan et al., 2021) and the unaesthetic appearance (Li et al., 2020) of the manufactured product makes
additive manufacturing a better choice (Awasthi et al., 2021; Rouf, Malik, et al., 2022).
Additive manufacturing is a layer-by-layer deposition of materials to create a piece (Čretnik & Fekonja, 2022;
Ferchow et al., 2022; Galante et al., 2019; Rekow, 2020; Su et al., 2020). Among the numerous advantages of
additive manufacturing in dental applications are the speed and accuracy offered by dental 3D printers. Multiple
parts can be printed simultaneously once the digital copies are available and can fit on the bed. This means that
technicians begin part production once the scan copy arrives [26], reducing delivery time for patient treatments
and improving data retention (Anadioti et al., 2020). These advantages promotes additive manufacturing in
dentistry ranging from prosthodontics, maxillofacial surgery, and oral implantology to orthodontics,
endodontics, periodontology, biomedical and pharmaceutical markets (Al-Dulimi et al., 2021; Sheoran et al.,
2020; Silva et al., 2017; Singh & Ramakrishna, 2017). Several researchers have studied various aspects of 3D
printing in dentistry. For instance, (Punia et al., 2022) elaborated on various 3D printing techniques and the
materials used in dental applications. (Rouf, Raina, et al., 2022) further studied the mechanical properties of 3D
printed parts for dental applications. (Tian et al., 2021) also presented a classification and characteristics of
additive manufacturing technologies adopted in dentistry. The authors also highlighted the factors affecting 3D
printing technology. (Osman et al., 2017) also reported that digital light processing of zirconia dental implants
presented desirable dimensional accuracy and excellent surface finish. The market for dental 3D printing is
anticipated to grow from USD 3.2 billion in 2022 to USD 7.9 billion in 2027 at a CAGR of 20.2% (Tamimi &
Hirayama, 2019). American College of Prosthodontists record reveals that about 120 million Americans are
missing at least one tooth, and over 36 million are completely edentulous (Akl & Stendahl, 2022). Over 200
million Americans are anticipated to have partial dentures in the next 15 years, and 2.3 million implant-
supported crowns are created each year.
Currently, North America dominates the 3D printing market, having above 35 per cent of the market share,
followed by Europe (Akl & Stendahl, 2022). North America takes the lead due to the growing incidence of dental
caries & gum disease, the ageing population, the high cost of oral care, the increasing demand for aesthetic
dentistry, and the expanding acceptance of digital dentistry. African countries are still at the bottom of this list
due to slow growth resulting from limited funding for establishing digital manufacturing stations or laboratories
(Campbell et al., 2019). (Tiwari et al., 2021) reported an increased burden of dental diseases in South Africa. The
authors stated that limited dental specialists and dental services are available to care for the increased dental
issues in South Africa. (Dizon et al., 2018) also estimated a 22.3% increase in the adoption of additive
manufacturing processes in the next few years.
It becomes crucial to evaluate the research associated with additive manufacturing in dentistry, the
organizations involved, regional and international contributions to the field, and priority themes that are likely
to influence the agendas for research advancements to visualize the application of additive manufacturing in
dentistry. A road map of knowledge areas through the identification of research patterns is needed to future
broaden the growth of additive manufacturing in dental applications. Therefore, using the VOSviewer program,
the study objective is to undertake a scientometric examination of the scholarly output on the subject of 3D
printing in dentistry between 2008 and 2022.
The data used for this study was retrieved on the 7th of April 2023 from the University of Johannesburg Library
Scopus database. Published articles were sourced using the following terms “dentistry, 3D printing, additive
manufact*”. The Boolean operators “OR” and “AND” were used to connect the search queries. The search period
ranges from 2008 to 2022, a period of 15 years. The initial search within the year range resulted in a total of 286
documents. After filtering to limit the search terms to dentistry application, document type and limited to
English language, a total number of 188 documents (146 journal articles (77.7 %), 26 (13.8%) conference
proceedings and 16 (8.5%) book chapters) were obtained. Their full records, including authors, article titles,
affiliation countries, document sources and abstracts, were downloaded in CSV format. The VOSviewer software
was used to map out the study themes and interrelationships of the various themes. Curve lines and circles
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
represent these interrelationships between themes. Greater relationship strength is indicated by a thicker line
and verse visa. The more significant an item is the bigger its circles.
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
Processes 4 35
Archives of materials science and engineering 3 15
Clinical epidemiology and global health 3 155
Metals 3 9
Polymers 3 23
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
These nations now have the technical and human resources necessary to switch from traditional production
methods to additive methods, in contrast to poor underdeveloped countries. (Nyika et al., 2021) reported a
similar trend in a scientometric analysis on the environmental effects of additive manufacturing, where
institutions of developed countries were active publishers on the subject. The bibliographic coupling of countries
presented in Fig 2 reveals a strong interrelationship and collaboration between the United States, Switzerland
and Spain. It also shows a robust partnership between USA and India. Strong partnerships also exist between
Switzerland and Brazil. It is, therefore, safe to say that collaborative efforts contributed significantly to the
advances in research studies in these countries. Sadly no African country was identified to be carrying out
significant research in dentistry as it relates to additive manufacturing.
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
Customized medication delivery systems for individuals with dental disorders may be made using 3D printing in
addition to dental prosthesis and orthodontic. Additionally, 3D printing could make dental research and
development more productive and efficient. In order to more accurately evaluate novel therapies and
technologies, researchers may be able to employ 3D printing technology to produce more precise replicas of
teeth, gums, and other oral components.
Additive manufacturing produces dental prosthesis with minimum waste since it only employs the precise
quantity of material required to construct the desired piece. This decreases the amount of material waste
generated throughout the production process. Another long-term advantage of AM in dentistry is the reduction
in the requirement for inventory storage and transportation. Additive manufacturing can be more energy-
efficient than traditional manufacturing procedures since it requires less energy to manufacture the same or
better-quality dental prosthesis. Finally, dental prostheses made with additive manufacturing technology can
have a longer lifespan than traditional dental prostheses, minimizing the need for frequent replacements and
the environmental effect of dental waste.
The application of additive manufacturing in dentistry, especially in the production of dentures, helps to improve
patent treatment through custom-made dentures. It is imperative to explore the extent of the adoption of
additive manufacturing in denture manufacturing. The study shows that the journal of prosthetic dentistry and
journal of prosthodontics had the highest publication and that USA and India are the most active publishing
countries in the subject area. This bibliometric analysis has revealed a rising trend in research, publications, and
citations on additive manufacturing in dentistry, with a significant upshot from 2017 upwards. However, the
technological capacity and uses of 3d printers must be extended to many nations by providing the personnel
and financial resources required to implement the technology. In addition, more collaboration between authors
and institutions is required in the field to share ideas and advance technological knowledge in dentistry. Indeed,
an automatic procedure for dental manufacturing is the way forward, especially in South Africa, where a report
has it that dental issues among 6-year-old children seem to be increasing, and it's currently around 40%. Of this,
almost 80% of cases are untreated, and many of these children require restorations and possibly extractions
(Wyk et al., 2004). Dulimi et al. (Srinivasan et al., 2021) relate that 3D printing and rapid prototyping can greatly
change people’s lives if implemented on a wider scale (Al-Dulimi et al., 2021). The study indicated that intensive
research is needed on additive manufacturing of dentures considering the rising pollution of patients needing
tooth replacement.
Authors are grateful to University of Johannesburg for funding this research
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Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
An alteration in the natural land cover characteristics of the environment due to the high rate of urbanization
globally has created a large span of impervious surfaces that resist the infiltration rate but encourage runoff from
precipitation. This phenomenon affects the natural environment. To mitigate the effect of storm water generation,
Low Impact Development (LID) techniques was developed as a means of storm water management. In this study,
Storm Water Management Model (SWMM) in conjunction with MAPWindow GIS was used to simulate the
effects of selected LIDs embedded in the SWMM to mitigate storm water generated in the study area. The study
area was delineated into six sub-basins in the GIS environment and imported into the SWMM to study the effect
of some selected LIDs which are green roofs, rain gardens, vegetative swale, and permeable pavement. The results
show that the permeable pavement has the highest reduction value of about 50% across all sub-basins while Green
Roof has the least reduction value of 0.003%. Outcome of this study can be a decision support tool that can be
adopted by different stakeholders and relevant authorities in the selection of appropriate LIDs practices to mitigate
the urban impact of storm water generation in the study area.
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University of Ilorin, Nigeria
The modeling tool adopted in this research was Storm Water Management Model (SWMM). It is a comprehensive
hydrological and water quality simulation model used for single or continuous events of runoff in urban areas
(Rossman, 2005). SWMM comprises four computational blocks, namely RUNOFF, STORAGE/ TREATMENT,
TRANSPORT and EXTRAN. Hydrograph and pollutograph were generated by the RUNOFF block. The basic
input parameters required to simulate hydrograph were rainfall hyetograph and the sub-catchments physical
characteristics. The infiltration loss on pervious area was estimated by Horton equation (Equation 1) because of
the availability of soil data. The EPA SWMM is a physically based, deterministic model that simulates water
inflows, outflows, and storages within a sub-catchment.
3.1 Description of the study area
The study area is in Malete Town which is located between latitude 8036’ and 8024’ North and Longitudes 4036’
and 4010’ east. Its total area is 1230.0 km2 and it is a small town in Moro Local Government Area of Kwara State.
The headquarter of the town is in Bode Saadu, a town situated along Jebba road, Moro Local Government is made
up of five districts namely Lanwa, Ejidongari, Olooru, Malete and Ipaye. The topography of the area is a fair
representative of surrounding plains which can be described as undulating with very broad and gentle slopes. The
town is characterized with combination of open storm water drainage system and earth drain for the conveyance
of generated storm water from the environment. The town is the custodian of the Kwara State University which
was established in 2009. The main occupation of Malete inhabitant are farming, trading and hunting. Figure 1
shows the Google Earth imagery of Malete Town while Figure 1 shows the location of Malete Town in Kwara
State Map.
Figure 1: shows the location of Malete Town in Mooro Local Government of Kwara State
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
because of the availability of soil data. The EPA SWMM is a physically based, deterministic model that simulates
water inflows, outflows, and storages within a sub catchment.
Spatial data required for the modelling exercise include the Digital Elevation Model (DEM) of the study area. The
DEM of resolution 90 m x 90 m was extracted from online database of Shuttle Radar Topographical Mission
(SRTM) website of United State Department of Agriculture (CGIAR, 2012). The DEM was geo-processed using
the Automatic Watershed Delineation (AWD) dialogue box from the Mapwindow GIS interface (Leon, 2011).
AWD was prepared by setting the elevation units, threshold size and creating an outlet for the watershed. Other
spatial data used in the delineation of the watershed into subbasins include the land use map which was extracted
from Global Land Cover Characterization (GLCC) database and used to estimate parameters such as vegetation
representing the study area. The land use database was prepared by United States Geological Survey (USGS) and
has a spatial resolution of 1km. The soil data required for the study was obtained from harmonized digital soil
map of the world (HWSD v1.1) produced by Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations
(Nachtergaele et al., 2009). The daily weather (precipitation, wind, solar radiation, relative humidity and daily
minimum and maximum temperature) data of the study area were obtained from Nigerian Meteorological Agency
(NIMET) Ilorin and were prepared in the appropriate file format by the model and imported into the model. The
study area was divided into six subbasins and 11 Hydrologic response unit (HRU). The HRU is the smallest spatial
unit of the model. The total catchment includes 6 sub catchment, 10 junctions, 10 conduit links, 1 outfall, and 1
rain gage station (Figure 1). SWMM was used for obtaining quantity of runoff generated within each sub
catchment and the flow rate, flow depth, in conduit during a stimulation period and comprised of multiple time
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
development procedure in mitigating runoff. A very low runoff percentage reduction was observed in the
application of Rain garden with the value ranging from 0.0003% to 0.31%. Though, this agreed with Derek (2011)
who reported that rain gardens can help the existing developments by mitigating storm water volume and peak
flow and provide a dynamic internal saturation zone with the potential for water quality benefits, the percentage
reduction is low compared with a similar study in Nepal by Neupane et.al., (2020) where the rain garden reduced
the runoff generated by about 42%. The green roof has the lowest storm water reduction of 0.0003 % in reducing
storm water and Aruna et al., (2012) confirmed the efficacy of green roof as an alternative procedure for runoff
reduction in watershed.
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
15.55 15.56 14.24 15.41 15.4 13.95
0.0003 0.31 0.0003 0.17 0.0003 0.17 0.0003 0.17 0.0003 0.17 0.0003 0.18
Sub -catchment Sub -catchment Sub -catchment Sub -catchment Sub -catchment Sub -catchment
1 2 3 4 5 6
Green roof 0.0003 0.0003 0.0003 0.0003 0.0003 0.0003
vegetative swale 15.55 15.56 14.24 15.41 15.4 13.95
permeable Pavement 50.07 50.07 50.07 50.07 50.07 50.07
Rain garden 0.31 0.17 0.17 0.17 0.17 0.18
The findings indicate that all the four LIDs examined through model simulation were means of controlling and
managing the effects of storm water on environment and water quality. It was also discovered that Permeable
pavement and Green roof have the highest and lowest percentage runoff reduction respectively in the study area.
Therefore, the outcome of this study can be a decision support tool that can be adopted by different stakeholders
and relevant authorities in the area while selecting appropriate LIDs practice to mitigate urban impact of storm
water generation.
I sincerely appreciate Almighty Allah for the opportunity given to carry out this research work. I would also like
to express my sincere gratitude to my supervisor in person of Dr. A. G Adeogun for his guidance and constructive
criticism. I am grateful to my parents, siblings, colleagues and friends for their support and encouragement through
this research work.
Arora, M.; Chopra, I.;Nguyen, M.H.; Fernando, P.; Burns, M. J.; Fletcher, T.D (2023) Flood Mitigation
Performance of Permeable Pavements in an Urbanised Catchment in Melbourne, Australia (Elizabeth
Street Catchment): Case Study. Water 2023, 15, 562. https://doi.org/10.3390/w1503056
Aruna, V. , Suja, R. and Rajalakshmi, C.R. (2021) Effectiveness of Permeable Pavements and Vegetative Swales
for Developing Sponge Cities. DOI: https://doi.org/10.21203/rs.3.rs-501295/v1
Bailee, Y (2017) Examining the Runoff Reduction Potential of Highway Swales Master of Science Thesis,
University of Tennessee, USA
CGIAR (2012) SRTM 90m Digital Elevation Data, available at http://srtm.csi.cgiar.org/, accessed on 23rd
December, 2013
Derek A. S. (2011) Retention and management of storm water runoff with rain gardens and rainwater harvesting
systems. a Thesis on Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree Master of Science in the
Graduate School of The Ohio State University.
Leon, L.F. (2011), MapWindow Interface for SWAT (MWSWAT). Available at
http://www.waterbase.org/docs/MWSWAT%20Setup.pdf accessed on 24th September,2022
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
Nachtergaele, F. and Velthuizen, H.V., and Verelst, L. (2009), Harmonized World Soil Database (HWSD). Food
and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, Rome
Neupane, A ; Lamichhane, S; Shrestha, S; Ghimire, A. (2022). Evaluation of runoff reduction after the
deployment of lid through swmm: a case study in suryabinayak municipality in Nepal. WASH
Journal 19., published by Society of Public Health Engineers, Nepal (SOPHEN)
Qinghua Luan, Xiaoran Fu, Cuiping Song , Haichao Wang, Jiahong Liu and Ying Wang (2017),Runoff Effect
Evaluation of LID through SWMM in Typical Mountainous, Low-Lying Urban Areas:A Case Study
in China,Water 9,4
Yiran Bai, Na Zhao , Ruoyu Zhang and Xiaofan Zeng (2018) Storm Water Management of Low
ImpactDevelopment in Urban Areas Based on SWMM, School of Hydropower and Information
Engineering, Huazhong University of Science and Technology,pp 1-1.
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
The use of composite in automotive parts production engenders lightweight and fossil fuel
consumption thereby promoting reduction of volume of gas released into the atmosphere by
automobiles. The perception of automobile users on viability of producing spare parts from
composite of biomaterials origin in Nigeria was investigated. Google tool was used to share
structured questionnaires on 60 WhatsApp groups and responses of 227 respondents were
validated with oral interview conducted with 30 car users drawn from Osogbo, Osun State with
all respondents randomly but purposively selected. There is general awareness among
respondents in respect of promotion of local capacity and content input in commercial
production of automobile parts globally. About 89% of the total respondents agreed that
development of local capacity and the use of bio-material can reduce the high cost of spare parts.
Bumpers, fenders, door handles and doors were indicated by 73.5%, 63.4%, 57.6% and 30.7%
respondents, respectively as outer parts made with composite while 82.1%, 46.3%, 44.3%, 36.2%
and 34.2% respondents agreed that dashboard, door handle, glove box, clutch pedal and door
panel, respectively were interior parts made with composite. This study affirmed the positive
disposition of automobile users to buy spare parts made with biomaterials composite.
KEYWORDS: Automotive parts production, Biomaterial composites, Light weight, Green environment, Nigeria
The rising challenge of greenhouse gas emissions and improvement in fuel economy are important factors that
have been motivating automobile manufacturers to shift attention to producing lightweight vehicles. These
factors have stimulated substantial transformation in automobile industries globally to address consumers’
complaints about vehicles that minimize energy consumption, issues on climate change, reduction in vehicles
weight among others (Zhang et. al., 2022; Wasser et. al., 2023). The continuing quest by automobile industries
to meet consumers new demands have influenced automobile manufacturers to keep exploring the use of new
materials. It has also encouraged the modification of conventional materials (Fetahun and Ahsen, 2018) since
material plays a significant role in determining the overall performance of the vehicle (Hambali et. al., 2023).
A wide range of conventional materials: steel, plastic, aluminum, copper, magnesium and carbon fiber have
been employed for vehicle manufacturing. The choice of any of these conventional materials is often done with
due consideration to their physical, thermal, mechanical, and chemical resistance, durability, and ease of
manufacturing (Tador, 2023). However, the paradigm shifts in the material choice for automotive parts
manufacturing in this era of pursuit of lightweight and consideration for the environment have favored the use
of composite material. Composite material inherently engendered improved mechanical characteristics as it
often combines two or more materials in one (Kumar et. al., 2013). Composites are easier to produce and
provide innovative design opportunities that would be difficult to realize with conventional materials. Composite
forming results in a material with high specific strength, high dimensional stability, and lessened weight (Singh
et. al., 2021). Composites can be created to satisfy certain geometrical, mechanical, structural, chemical and
aesthetic requirements. Composites are generally classified according to their matrix into fiber-reinforced
composites, which are formed by nearby fibrous materials with a matrix such as metal. Polymer or ceramic,
particle reinforced composites where short particles serve as reinforcements and structural composites are
designed by gently arranging a system of other composites and binding them with a homogenous adhesive
material (Lee, 1990; Egbo, 2020).
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
Natural fibre is a better alternative to synthetic fiber composite and it appears to be gaining more popularity
globally because of new environmental regulations and its friendliness to the environment. They are also capable
of reducing vehicle weight for better performance, have low manufacturing cost and good weight resistance
ratio, and are readily available (Chauhan et. al., 2019; Sharma et. al., 2020). This growing trend in adapting
natural fibre in the form of composite for vehicle part production is yet to gain attention in Nigeria neither is
there information on the perception of vehicle users on the readiness to patronize the such product. This was
why this study was initiated to investigate the perception of automobile users in Nigeria on the viability of
producing a non-structural automotive part with a composite made from biomaterial to reduce the automotive
part cost, and weight and aid fuel consumption reduction.
The survey tools used are a structured questionnaire that was shared via Google link, and oral interviews
conducted on thirty automotive users selected randomly but with a bias for car brands from Osogbo, Osun State,
Nigeria. While the structured questionnaire was shared on 60 separate WhatsApp platforms, the oral interview
was conducted to complement the responses from the structured questionnaire to validate claims and evaluate
outlier data. All the responses obtained were statistically analyzed using Microsoft Excel App.
quality. It was evidenced from physical interaction with some car users that they are concerned about the type
of material that their vehicles are made from while 93% of the online respondents were conscious of the
materials that their cars were made from. Though their concern may be borne out of curiosity rather than
informed knowledge of the material suitability. This contradicts the position reported by (Teli et. al., 2013;
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
Amineba and Kosacha, 2016) that car users mostly pay attention to quality criteria rather than the knowledge
of materials that their car was made from.
Body Radiator
Oil filter
Throttle cable
Fig. 1: Car Parts Made of Composites Fig. 2: Engine Parts Made of Composites
The vehicle body and interior parts that were indicated by users as parts made from composites to their
knowledge are represented by Pie-charts in Figures 3 and 4. The vehicle bumper (20%) was indicated as the parts
that were mostly made from composites followed by Bonnet and Fender that were (17%) each. Most of these
parts are made of carbon and natural fibers (Ortega et. al., 2012; John and Alex, 2014; Vieyra et. al., 2022; Ford,
2023). In the same vein, Dashboard was indicated as the parts that were made from composites. Literature
shows that all these parts can be made from natural fibers and compared reasonably with plastics used
traditionally (Hăloiu, and Iosif, 2013; Riyardi, 2019; Fisher, 2022).
Clove box
13% 3% Steering wheel
16% 3%
29% Fender
12% Door handle 8% 20% Door
16% Door trim/Door cover Door handle
9% 16%
Clutch pedal Trunk
Air vent Tank Cover
Horn Grill
Fig. 3: Body Parts Made of Biomaterials Fig. 4: Interior Parts Made of Biomaterials
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
67% Grill
Mirror Cover
The study noted that there was general awareness among the vehicle users on the material that their vehicle
parts were produced from. There was general knowledge that composite materials are involved in the
production of automotive parts among users in Nigeria. The non-structural members were chosen as the most
probable parts that will attract production with bio-composite materials while the majority of automobile users
will readily patronize locally manufactured automobile parts made of biomaterials. It was evidenced that
Nigerian vehicle users will be motivated to patronize automotive parts made locally with biomaterial composites
if it has the propensity to reduce the spare parts and vehicle maintenance costs.
Amineha, H. and Kosacha, N. (2016) Assessment of Consumers’ Satisfaction with the Automotive Product
Quality. International Journal of Environmental & Science Education, vol. 11, no. 16, 8726-8739.
Chauhan, V. Kärki, T. and Varis, J. (2019) Review of natural fiber-reinforced engineering plastic composites, their
applications in the transportation sector and processing techniques. J. Thermoplast. Compos. Mater.
Egbo, M.N. (2020) A Fundamental Review on Composite Materials and Some of their Applications in Biomedical
Engineering. J. King Saud Univ. 33(8). https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jksues.2020.07.007
Fentahun, M.A and Ahsen, M. (2018). Materials Used in Automotive Manufacture and Material Selection Using
Ashby Charts. International Journal of Materials Engineering 2018, 8(3): 40-54
Fisher, G. (2022) Automotive Interiors Setting the Pace for Vehicle Design. (Accessed: 2023-04-05). URL
Ford (2023). Ford develops prototype carbon composite bonnet - materials today (Accessed: 2023-04-05). URL
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
Gheorghe, V.; Scutaru, M.L.; Ungureanu, V.B.; Chircan, E.; Ulea, M. (2021) New Design of Composite Structures
Used in Automotive Engineering. Symmetry 2021, 13, 383. https://doi.org/10.3390/sym13030383
Hăloiu, A. and Iosif, D. (2013) Bio-source composite materials used in automotive industry. Scientific Bulletin,
Automotive series, no.24(1).
Hambali, A., Sapuan, S.M., Ismail, N. and Nukman, Y. (2023). Material selection of polymeric composite
automotive bumper beam using analytical hierarchy process. (Date Retrieved: April 2, 2023)
John, A., and Alex, S. (2014) A Review on the Composite Materials used for Automotive Bumper in Passenger
Vehicles. International Journal of Engineering and Management Research (IJEMR): 98-101.
Kumar, A., Lal, S. and Kumar, S. (2013) Fabrication and characterization of A359/Al2O3 metal matrix composite
using electromagnetic stir casting method. J Mater Res Technol 2013;2(3):250–4.
Lee, Stuart M. (1990) International Encyclopedia of Composites, Historical Perspectives of Composites ed.
Delmonte, J. New York: VCH Publishers.
Ortega, Z., Monzón, M.D., Soto, P., Guinea, I., Suárez, L. and Hernández, P.M. (2012) Use of Banana Fiber in
Injection – Moulded Parts for the Automotive Sector. ECCM15 - 15TH European Conference on
Composite Materials, Venice, Italy, 24-28 June.
Prodanovic, S. and Milutinovic, M. (2017) Some Applications of Biomaterials in Automotive Industry. In:
Advances in Applications of Industrial Biomaterials. https://dOI.org/10.1007/978-3-319-62767-0_1
Pruez, J. C., Shoukry, S. N., William, G. W., and Shoukry, M. S. (2013) Lightweight Composite Materials for Heavy
Duty Vehicles. West Virginia University.
Riyadi, S. (2019) Development of Composite Fiber Materials for Prototype of Car Components. Chemistry and
Materials Research, ISSN 2224- 3224 (Print) ISSN 2225- 0956 (Online). Vol.11 No.1.
Sharma, S.; Sudhakara, P.; Misra, S.; Singh, J. (2020) A comprehensive review of current developments on the
waste-reinforced polymermatrix composites for automotive, sports goods and construction
applications: Materials, processes and properties. Mater. Today Proc. 33, 1671–1679.
Singh H, Brar GS, Kumar H, Aggarwal V. (2021) A review on metal matrix composite for automobile applications.
Mater Today Proc 2021; 43:320–5.
Tador, M.P. (2023). Systematic approach on materials selection in the automotive industry for making vehicles
lighter, safer and more fuel–efficient. (Date Retrieved: April 2, 2023).
Teli, S.N., Majali, V.S., Bhushi, U.M., Gaikwad, L.M. and Surange, V.G. (2013) Cost of Poor-Quality Analysis for
Automobile Industry: A Case Study. J. Inst. Eng. India Ser. C https://dOI.org/10.1007/s40032-013-0091-
Vieyra, H., Molina-Romero, J.M., Calderon-Najera, J.D. and Santana-Diaz, A. (2022) Engineering, Recyclable, and
Biodegradable Plastics in the Automotive Industry: A Review. Polymers, 14(16), 3412.
Wazeer, A., Das, A., Abeykoon, C., Sinha, A. and Karmakar, A. (2023) Composites for electric vehicles and
automotive sector: A review. Green Energy and Intelligent Transportation 2, 100043.
Zhang, W. and Xu, J. (2022) Advanced lightweight materials for Automobiles: A review. Materials & Design 221,
110994. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.matdes.2022.110994
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
The need for high-strength concrete is on the increase for good workability, high strength, and better
durability. Supplementary Cementitious Materials (SCM) are finely ground substances that are used in
concrete to replace a part of cement in a Mix. These SCM may be natural, manufactured or natural
waste which is abundantly available in a locality. Various types of SCM have been in use. This paper
reviews the use of these materials in the UHPC. It was concluded that if locally available materials are
capable of producing UHPC that exhibit comparable properties of commercial mixtures, it would
significantly lead to reduced costs and acceleration of its field application.
KEYWORDS: Durability, Super-plasticizer, Supplementary Cementitious Materials, Workability.
Concrete is one of the most consumed materials that is widely used in the construction industries in the
world (Naik, 2008). Sustainable development is fast becoming a global issue and has led to the
development of various systems in the construction industry with new technology which comes with
various challenges (Hani et al., 2022; Hrabova et al., 2020). Efforts have been made to reduce the cost
of cement to improve profitability (Ghana et al., 2020), ensure affordability (Olutoge and Oladunmoye,
2017) and increased availability (Suhendro, 2014). Attempts have also been made to use locally
available materials especially waste in conventional concrete and this effort is also made on HPC and
UHPC. The materials used are generally compatible to cement since they are finally in ground form
and when mixed with water they react with calcium oxide Ca(OH)2 to form a hydrated phase possessing
cementing properties at room temperature. These materials include Pozzolana like rice ash, fly ash,
limestone etc which are locally available to meet the increasing demand for sustainable supplements
for cement in concrete (McCarthy et al., 2017). The supplementary cementitious materials like silica
fume, fly ash, rice husk ash and ground granulated blast slag are believed to modify the hydration and
microscopic development of UHPC (Zhang et al., 1996).
Advances in the science of concrete have led to the development of a new class of cementitious
composite called Ultra-High-Performance Concrete (UHPC). The Concept of UHPC was first initiated
by De Larrard and Sedan in 1994 (Weina, 2017). UHPC is defined as that concrete that has a minimum
specified compressive strength of more than 120 MPa with specified durability, tensile strength,
ductility and toughness requirements. Fibres are generally included to achieve specified requirements
(ACI 239 C, 2018). UHPC commonly consists of cement, silica fume, fine quartz sand and high range
water reducing admixtures, steel fibres and low water–cement ratio ranging from 0.15 - 0.25 with a
post-cracking tensile strength greater than 5MPa. It is superior to ordinary concrete because the pores
are discontinuous which declines liquid penetration. It is used in the construction of highway structures,
water retaining structures, bridges, hydro-power structures, pavements, offshore platforms, noise and
vibration damping, tunnels and high-rise structures (Graybeal, 2011). Microstructural properties of
UHPC as a notable representative of UHPC have now been highly investigated by government agencies
and universities (Chegqing et al., 2018). The dense microstructure of UHPC can be attributed to its
mix typically with a very low water binder ratio, mix design and composition of materials (Onkar &
Singh, 2019).
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
Figure 1: Most used locally available material in concrete (Ibrahim et al. 2015)
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
Physical Properties
Specific gravity 3.15 2.25 2.2 2.79 2.5
Blaine Fineness(m²/kg) 3260 287 21080 418 12000
(Source: Ibrahim et al. 2015)
Many studies have been conducted over the years to know the influences of natural admixtures on the
strength properties of conventional concrete. Based on environmental and economic consequences
associated with the continuous use of conventional materials, various natural admixtures such as rice
husk ash, corn cob ash, eggshell ash, guinea corn husk etc. are found to replace cement adequately
(Odeyemi et al., 2022).
In Germany, as a result of an extensive research project financed by the government, technical criteria
and measures have been put in place to use available raw materials for UHPC, to reduce the cement
content and to use fibre mixtures and non-corrosive high-strength plastic fibres to control the strength
and the ductility depending on the requirements given by an individual design and construction (Fehling
et al., 2003; Schmidt et al. 2003). A hybrid bridge was also constructed (Fehling et al., 2004) for
pedestrians and bicycles with a length of about 135m and a maximum span of 40m consisting of precast
prestressed chords and precast bridge deck elements made of UHPC with a maximum grain size of 2
mm using local materials.
Breakthroughs in the application were the very first prestressed hybrid pedestrian bridge at Sherbrooke
in Canada in 1997. The replacement of steel parts of the cooling tower at Cattenom and two 20.50 and
22.50 m long road bridges used by cars and trucks at Bourg-lès-Valence in France was built in 2001
(Hajar et al, 2014, Dembovska, et al., 2017). In addition, coarse-grained UHPC with artificial or natural
high-strength aggregates were developed for highly loaded columns and extremely high-rise buildings
(Schmidt et al., 2003). Wang et al., (2012) reported the advantages of UHPC to include the reduced
cross-sectional area, protection against rebar corrosion, reduction of thermal, shrinkage-induced cracks
and disabling ingress of harmful ions due to dense cementitious matrix.
Ground Granulated Blast Slag are residues from metallurgical processes from the production of metals
from ore or refinement of impure metals. They are explored from lime-based inorganic fluxes. The slags
used in concrete come from the blast furnace production of iron from ore. The iron ore is fed into the
furnace with coke and limestone while the slag is produced at 1300-16000 as a liquid layer floating on
the top of liquid iron. It is then collected and cooled (Lee, 1974). The speed of cooling affects the
properties of the slag. If allowed to cool slowly, it crystallizes to give a material having virtually no
cementing materials. If cooled sufficiently rapidly to below 800 temperatures, it forms a glass which is
latent hydraulic cement. This substance is then ground into a very fine powder with a minimum of 80%
less than 45 microns in size. This is the cementitious material called ground granulated blast furnace
slag (GGBS). GGBFS has been used for many years as a supplementary cementitious material in
Portland cement concrete, either as a mineral admixture or as a component of blended cement.
Hongru et al., (2020) studied the properties of ultra-high-performance concrete (UHPC) with ground
granite powder (GGP) to replace cement by different ratios from 0 - 25%. The hydration products and
pore structure on the micro-scale, and the compressive and flexural strength as well as chloride
permeability on the macro scale, were studied and the influence of curing conditions, i.e., standard
curing (SC), warm water curing (WWC), and autoclaved curing (AC), was also explored. It was found
that though the replacement of cement by GGP did not influence the morphology and chemical
compositions of hydration products, however, the pore structure changed significantly over the
replacement ratio, i.e., GGP
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
Yakinkaya & Copuroql (2021) investigated the effect of ground granulated blast furnace slag (GGBS)
replacement of cement at 0%, 30% & 60% on the hydration heat, strength and microstructural
characteristics of UHPC. The result showed that UHPC with GGBS is more sensitive to ambient
temperature from cumulative heat. 60% replacement reduces cumulative heat released by 36% and 28%
at 20 0C and 35 0C respectively. That is, as a result of high Portland cement dosage, the hydration of
heat of UHPC can be relatively high compared to conventional concrete. Ground Granulated Blast
Furnace Slag (GGBS) can be used in UHPC formulation for reducing Portland cement dosage thereby
limiting hydration.
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
compressive strength of the UHPC specimens prepared with LWA improved when exposed to elevated
temperatures. The replacement of 10% of the silica sand with LWA led to an increase in the compressive
strength from 100 MPa to 110 MPa after exposure to 200 °C; however, the flexural strength decreased
from 23.6 MPa to 18.3 MPa. On the contrary, the flexural strength of UHPC increased with the inclusion
of LWA at an ambient temperature but reduced with high-temperature exposure. respectively.
Various researchers who have investigated the use of local materials in UHPC discovered that if locally
available materials are capable of producing UHPC that exhibits comparable properties of commercial
mixtures, it would significantly lead to reduced costs and acceleration of its field application.
The Authors acknowledge the input of the academic staff of the Department of Civil and Environmental
Engineering, Kwara State University, Malete.
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Wang, C., Yang, C., & Liu, F. (2012). Preparation of UHPC with Common Technology and Materials.
Cement and Concrete Conposite, 34(4), 533–544.
Weina, M. (2017). Design and performance of cost-effective ultra-high-performance concrete with
prefabricated elements. Missouri University of Science and Technology.
Yakinkaya, C., & Copuroqlu, O. (2021). Hydration Heat, Strength and Microstructure- Characteristic
of UHPC Containing Blast Furnace Slag. Journal of Building Engineering, 34.
Yakinkaya, C., & Copuroqlu, O. (2021). Hydration Heat, Strength and Microstructure- Characteristic
of UHPC Containing Blast Furnace Slag. Journal of Building Engineering, 34.
Zhang, M., Lastra, R., & Malhotra, V. (1996). Rice-Husk Ash Paste and Concrete: Some Aspects of
Hydration and the Microstructure of the Interfacial Zone between the Aggregate and Paste.
Cement and Concrete Research, Vol 26(6), 963–977.
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
Agriculture is one of the most significant contributors to the Nigerian economy. According to statistics by Statista,
agriculture contributed about 30% to the country's GDP between July and September 2021, making it the second-
largest contributor after oil. However, a significant problem of crop production is pests and disease. Late detection
of plant disease causes huge losses to farmers through low returns and depreciated farm produce. The detection
of disease is widely done manually by farmers on farms through physical inspection, the result of which may be
inaccurate. This paper presents a novel approach to plant disease detection using a Convolutional Neural network
(CNN) with spatial attention. The proposed method is applied to a dataset consisting of images of sample leaves
of various plants, including apple, blueberry, cherry, corn, grape, orange, peach, potato, raspberry, soybean,
squash, strawberry, and tomato. The CNN model was built using transfer learning. The pre-trained
EfficientNet80 model was used as the base model, with the final classification layer replaced with a
new dense layer and an output layer for binary classification. The model achieved an accuracy of 85%,
making the proposed method a better method for detecting plant diseases at an early stage, improving crop yields,
and reducing the need for pesticides. It can also be extended to other types of plant diseases and integrated into
existing agricultural systems.
KEYWORDS: Plant Disease, Convolutional Neural Network Spatial Attention, Deep Transfer Learning
The world’s population is growing at an exponential rate, and this necessitates the need for massive food
production in order to reduce the rate of hunger (Paymode & Malode, 2022). Due to the challenge of food
insecurity ravaging the globe, resulting from inappropriate control of crop pests and diseases, researchers have
sought several ways to find lasting solutions to this effect. According to a report from the State of Food Security
and Nutrition Report (FAO, 2022), an estimated 29.3 percent of the global population of 2.3 billion people were
moderately or severely food insecure in 2021. Healthy plants have the power to help end hunger, reduce poverty,
protect the environment, and boost economic development. Plant disease causes damage to farmland and has a
detrimental effect on the quality of agricultural produce. In agriculture, it's important to keep an eye on the
condition of farm crops (Chaitanya P. et al., 2023). The ability to monitor vast fields of crops and see disease
symptoms as soon as they appear on plant leaves makes the detection and recognition of crop diseases a significant
research topic. Finding a quick, efficient, least expensive, and effective method to identify crop disease
occurrences is therefore crucial (Paymode & Malode, 2022). Visual inspection of plants by experienced experts
has been the most definitive means of disease diagnosis, which is time-consuming and expensive. Alternately,
with the growing use of digital cameras, automated diagnostic technologies that analyze digital pictures of plants
and identify plant diseases and pests have been created to increase the precision and effectiveness of plant disease
and pest diagnosis (Han et al, 2021).
Nigeria is a nation with a fast-growing population and a noteworthy agricultural industry, with agriculture
contributing significantly to the nation's GDP. Over 70% of Nigerians engage in the agricultural sector, mainly at
a subsistence level (FAO, 2022). The development of the nation's agricultural industry depends on disease-free
crop output. Plant disease causes damage to farmland and has a detrimental effect on the economy. In agriculture,
it is important to keep an eye on the condition of farm crops (Chaitanya P. et al., 2023). The ability to monitor
vast fields of crops and see disease symptoms as soon as they appear on plant leaves makes the detection and
recognition of crop diseases a significant research topic. Finding a quick, efficient, least expensive, and effective
method to identify crop disease occurrences is therefore crucial (Paymode & Malode, 2022). Visual inspection of
plants by experienced experts has been the most definitive means of disease diagnosis, which is time-consuming
and expensive. Alternately, with the growing use of digital cameras, automated diagnostic technologies that
analyse digital pictures of plants and identify plant diseases and pests have been created to increase the precision
and effectiveness of plant disease and pest diagnosis (Han et al., 2021).
In recent years, the invention of deep learning has gained massive recognition and has done better in several
applications than the current methods (Liu & Wang, 2021). Researchers have introduced the use of convolutional
neural networks (CNNs), which have displayed astounding performance in picture identification and detection
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
tasks. Without the assistance of a human, a CNN is capable of categorising an input item into the appropriate
category and extracting visual information through a sequence of convolution and pooling processes. For the
identification of diseases and pests in agriculture, a number of deep learning techniques built around CNN have
been developed. These outperform traditional machine learning methods (Han et al., 2021). Saleem et al. (2019)
reported that CNNs achieved high levels of accuracy in identifying plant diseases from images, outperforming
other machine learning models.
Golhani et al. (2018) discussed various advanced neural network techniques that can be used for processing
hyperspectral data, with a special focus on plant disease detection. The article highlighted the use of CNNs for
classifying hyperspectral images of diseased plants and emphasised the need for developing robust and efficient
CNN models for plant disease detection. Controlling damaged leaves during crop growth is an important step.
Early disease identification, classification, and analysis of sick leaves, as well as potential remedies, are always
beneficial to agriculture. Plant disease and pest identification can be carried out by means of digital image
processing. In recent years, deep learning has made breakthroughs in the field of digital image processing that are
far superior to traditional
A study published in 2019 highlighted the potential of deep learning models, including CNNs, for the detection
and classification of plant diseases. The study reported that CNNs achieved high levels of accuracy in identifying
plant diseases from images, outperforming other machine learning models (Saleem et al., 2019). Furthermore,
advanced neural network techniques can be used for processing hyperspectral data, with a special focus on plant
disease detection. use of CNNs for classifying hyperspectral images of diseased plants and the need for developing
robust and efficient CNN models for plant disease detection.
Singh et al., (2020) provides a state-of-the-art survey of various techniques for plant disease detection and
discusses the use of CNN for identifying different plant features based on varied statistics. The study concludes
that CNN-based models have shown promising results for detecting plant diseases with high accuracy rates. In
addition to CNN, other machine-learning techniques have also been utilised for plant disease detection. For
example, one study (Singh et al., 2020) discusses the use of SVM (Support Vector Machine) and ANN (Artificial
Neural Network) in addition to CNN. These studies suggest that CNNs are a promising approach for plant disease
detection, offering high accuracy and robustness in identifying diseased plants. However, further research is
needed to develop more efficient and accurate CNN models for plant disease detection and to explore the potential
of other machine-learning techniques for this application (Saleem et al., 2019). Therefore, the aim of this study
was to develop a model for recognizing and identifying plant diseases using convolution neural networks with
spatial networks.
2.1 Datasets
The data used for this research was obtained from the Kaggle.com website. The dataset is titled "Plant Village
Dataset," and it consists of 70,000 high-quality images of diseased and healthy plant leaves from different species,
including apple, blueberry, cherry, corn, grape, orange, peach, potato, raspberry, soybean, squash, strawberry, and
tomato. Each species has three data splits (train, test, and validation), with consistent categories across all splits.
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
The CNN model was built using transfer learning. The pre-trained EfficientNet80 model was used as the base
model, with the final classification layer replaced with a new dense layer and an output layer for binary
classification (diseased or healthy plant). The model was then fine-tuned with the pre-processed dataset. The CNN
architecture is given in figure 1 below.
Figure 1: overview of deep-learning approach to plant disease detection (adapted from(Fuentes et al.,
The result, as in fig 2 and fig 3, shows that the training and validation accuracies become higher with the number
of epochs while the losses in both the training and validation sets decreases with the number of epochs. The
number of epochs denotes the number of times the entire datasets is worked through in the learning algorithm.
This is due to the fact that the model produces a lot of errors in the early epochs as it attempts to identify the
fundamental patterns in the data. However, when the model is trained for more epochs, the more complex patterns
in the data it can recognize and the more accurate it becomes. Overall, the model gave an evaluation accuracy of
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
In conclusion, this study showed that a CNN model with spatial attention can effectively detect plant diseases
with high accuracy. The use of transfer learning and spatial attention improved the performance of the model,
resulting in high accuracy and performance metrics. This study provides a useful framework for future research
in the area of plant disease detection using deep learning.
Authors gratefully recognize the immense support received from Adeyi Qudus Babatunde and Samuel Aregbesola
who are both alumni of the Department of Agricultural and Biosystems Engineering, University of Ilorin, Nigeria.
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
1. Chaitanya P, S., K, H., Priyanka K, M., Sri K, P., & D, P. (2023). Plant disease detection using
cnn. In S. Jagannath Nanda & R. Prasad Yadav (Eds.), Data Science and Intelligent Computing
Techniques (2023rd ed., pp. 47–54). Soft Computing Research Society.
2. Paymode, A. S., &Malode, V. B. (2022). Transfer learning for multi-crop leaf disease image
classification using convolutional neural network vgg. Artificial Intelligence in Agriculture,
6, 23–33. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.aiia.2021.12.002
3. Liu, J., & Wang, X. (2021). Plant diseases and pests detection based on deep learning: A
review. Plant Methods, 17(1), 22. https://doi.org/10.1186/s13007-021-00722-9
4. Han, C. H., Kim, E., Doan, T. N. N., Han, D., Yoo, S. J., &Kwak, J. T. (2021). Region-
aggregated attention CNN for disease detection in fruit images. PLOS ONE, 16(10),
e0258880. https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0258880
5. Saleem, M. H., Potgieter, J., &Arif, K. M. (2019). Plant disease detection and classification
by deep learning. Plants, 8(11), 468. https://doi.org/10.3390/plants8110468
6. Golhani, K., Balasundram, S. K., Vadamalai, G., & Pradhan, B. (2018). A review of neural
networks in plant disease detection using hyperspectral data. Information Processing in
Agriculture, 5(3), 354–371. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.inpa.2018.05.002
7. Chen, Junde, et al. “Using Deep Transfer Learning for Image-Based Plant Disease
Identification.”Computers and Electronics in Agriculture, vol. 173, June 2020, p. 105393.
DOI.org (Crossref), https://doi.org/10.1016/j.compag.2020.105393.
8. Singh, V., Sharma, N., & Singh, S. (2020). A review of imaging techniques for plant disease
detection. Artificial Intelligence in Agriculture, 4, 229–242.
9. Nigeria at a glance | fao in nigeria | food and agriculture organization of the united nations.
(n.d.). Retrieved 12 May 2023, from https://www.fao.org/nigeria/fao-in-nigeria/nigeria-at-a-
10. Fuentes, A., Yoon, S., Kim, S., & Park, D. (2017). A robust deep-learning-based
detector for real-time tomato plant diseases and pests recognition. Sensors, 17(9),
2022. https://doi.org/10.3390/s17092022
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
Fabrication of biocomposites to promote bone growth through pore distribution and gradient formation for load-
bearing bone replacement have gained attention due to their excellent mechanical properties and biocompatibility.
This research study aims to investigate the selection and pore distribution analysis of homogenous, porous, and
gradient biocomposite implants for load-bearing bone replacement. The study utilises powder metallurgy,
scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and Image J software to produce and characterise the pore size distribution
of the biocomposites, respectively. The software can segment the image to isolate the pores from the rest of the
implant, measure the size of individual pores, and generate pore size distribution plots. The radar chart was
adopted to compare and evaluate the mechanical strength of various biocomposite implants to identify the most
suitable implant for load-bearing bone replacement. The findings of this study revealed the gradient and porous
biocomposites exhibited desired mechanical properties with porosity of 20.67 and 27.72 % pore size up to 134
and 256 µm, compressive strength of 162 and 95 MPa and compressive modulus of 30.42 and 28.3 GPa
respectively. The SEM analysis, coupled with pore size distribution and porosity percentage measurements, offers
valuable information for optimising the design and fabrication of biomaterials with enhanced properties. Radar
chart analysis further contributes to a comprehensive evaluation of the implants' mechanical and physical
KEYWORDS: Biocomposite, Pore, Mechanical, Properties, Selection and Image J
Bone atrophy, also known as bone loss or osteoporosis, is a common condition characterised by decreased bone
mass and deterioration of bone tissue. This condition often leads to weakened bones, increased fracture risk, and
reduced quality of life for affected individuals (Poliakov et al., 2019). In severe cases, load-bearing bones may
become significantly compromised, necessitating implants for bone replacement (Bahraminasab and Farahmand,
2017). Traditional implants for load-bearing bone replacement are typically made from metallic materials such as
titanium, cobalt chromium alloy or stainless steel. While these implants provide structural support, they often lack
the necessary biological properties to promote bone growth and integration with the surrounding tissue (Cabezas-
Villa et al., 2018). Consequently, researchers and medical professionals have focused on developing biocomposite
implants as an alternative solution to tailor the structural material for required mechanical and physical properties
(Krishna and Suresh, 2022).
Biocomposite implants are engineered materials composed of organic and inorganic components. These materials
possess a unique mechanical strength, biocompatibility, and bioactivity, making them ideal for load-bearing bone
replacement and repair (Oshkour et al., 2015). Biocomposite implants can provide both mechanical support and
a favourable environment for new bone formation by mimicking the natural structure of bone. The selection of
appropriate mechanical, physical properties and pore distribution is crucial for optimising the performance and
functionality of these implants. A radar chart, a spider chart, is a graphical method utilised to select materials and
process parameters in machining and manufacturing industries (Holota et al., 2015; Wan et al., 2013; Porter and
Niksiar, 2018). This chart displays multivariate data as a two-dimensional chart of three or more quantitative
variables represented on axes starting from the same point (Wan et al., 2013). The relative position and angle of
the axes in the radar chart provide the deviation degree of the actual value and the reference value of each index
as required for the selection implant in the load-bearing application.
In selecting a load-bearing implant, biomechanical properties play a vital role in determining the implant's ability
to withstand the mechanical stresses encountered during normal physiological activities. The implant's mechanical
strength, stiffness, and fracture toughness must be carefully considered to ensure long-term stability and durability
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
(Mantripragada et al., 2012; Moghadasi et al., 2022). Additionally, the implant should have a similar or close
modulus to the natural bone to minimise stress-shielding effects and promote proper load transfer to the
surrounding tissue (Bahraminasab and Farahmand, 2017). The physical properties of biocomposite implants,
including density, porosity, and surface characteristics, have been reported to be essential for bone integration
(Jawad et al., 2015). The implant should possess an appropriate density to match that of the host bone, which
allows for efficient load transfer and prevents stress concentration at the implant-bone interface. The porosity in
the implant facilitates nutrient diffusion, vascularisation, and cell infiltration, promoting bone ingrowth and
enhancing the implant's long-term stability (Wo et al., 2020).
Choy et al. (2015) revealed Ti/CaP biocomposites with a 1.67 atomic ratio have a porosity of 26%, pore size up
to 152 um, compressive strength of 212 MPa and compressive modulus of 12 GPa. Wo et al. (2020) reported the
micro-pore structure of porous Ti-6Al-4V scaffolds (pTi) produced 3D printing. The average pore size and
porosity of pTi were obtained in the range of 300 ± 9 μm - 804 ± 10 μm and 42.7 ± 1.1 - 58.9 ± 1.3%, respectively.
The pTi facilitated the adhesion and differentiation of osteoblast when pore size decreased, or porosity increased.
Taniguchi et al. (2016) reported that the porous Ti-6Al-4V (pTi) implants fabricated from additive manufacturing
with a porosity of 65% and pore size of 600 μm had better fixation ability and more significant bone ingrowth
than those with pore sizes of 300 and 900 μm. Cetinel et al. (2019) fabricated Ti foams using the space holder
method for bone substitute materials. The result shows that the foam samples with ~60% porosity had compressive
strength comparable to that of cortical bone, and the samples with ~80% porosity displayed compressive strength
similar to that of cancellous bone.
However, the pore size and distribution complexity affected the strength, especially the implants applied for load-
bearing bone replacement. The Pore distribution analysis is a critical aspect of designing biocomposite implants.
It is considered a key measure in many engineering calculations to quantify the complex geometry of the pore
space (Oliveira et al., 2020; Safari et al., 2021). An optimal pore distribution allows for uniform bone ingrowth
and vascularisation, enhancing the implant's integration with the host bone. Many researchers focused mainly on
manufacturing implants with porosity percentages that revealed similar stiffness and bone ingrowth properties
without considering another design pattern to correct the strength and stability of the implants. Therefore, this
study aims to conduct a selection and pore distribution analysis of biocomposite implants for load-bearing bone
2.1 Fabrication of Biocomposite Implants
The biocomposite specimens were produced in different design patterns, including dense, porous and gradient
biocomposites using the powder metallurgy technique. The biocomposite samples were fabricated based on
formulation compositions of pure titanium (P-Ti), cow bone-based hydroxyapatite (Ha), CaCO3 (61.23Ti-
18.41Ha-15.2CaCO3) and constant volume fraction of Polyvinyl Alcohol (PVA) as binder and stabiliser. The
biomaterial powders were mixed and blended using a Jar mixer for 20 min. Subsequently, the powder blends were
poured into the fabricated cylindrical die with dimensions of 30mm height, 20mm internal diameter and 30mm
outer diameter. The mixtures were uni-axially compacted using WEIBER P100HE electrically operated hydraulic
press under a pressure of 400 MPa for 30 min. The compacted sample was ejected to obtain green biocomposite
and preheated at a temperature of 200 oC to remove binder PVA), and lubricant as reported by Mara (2015). The
wall of the circular die mould and top punch of the hydraulic press was adequately lubricated to avoid
agglomeration of the specimen during ejection. The ejected samples were sequentially cleaned in deionised water
containing several drops of acetone to eliminate contaminants. The preheated green biocomposite samples were
further sintered under sintering temperatures of 800 oC for two hours in Murfle Furnance, and the heating rate was
10 °C/min. Similar procedures were adopted for the fabrication of porous biocomposite specimens. However, the
space holder (SH) method was utilised to fabricate porous biocomposite samples with reported ranges of space
holders in the literature for optimal porosity (Cetinel et al. 2018). The fabrication involves mixing of biomaterial
compositions of 59.31Ti-16.19 (Ha+CaCO3)-9.4 % of Ammonium Bicarbonate with 100 um particle size as space
holder (SH) material and decomposed at 110 oC. Followed by the addition of binder, stabiliser and lubricant and
poured in cylindrical die mould. The green porous samples were compacted and sintered. The gradient
biocomposite (GB) sample was produced from the different compositions (100Ti, 61.23Ti-18.41Ha-15.2CaCO3
and 59.31Ti-16.19 (Ha+CaCO3)-9.4SH) biomaterial powders and separately poured in the die mould of 20mm
internal diameter and 30mm height dimensions after blending processes using SNE FOURE 28A2092 Jar Mixer,
for 20 minutes. Three separate layers formed were stacked and compacted uni-axially using WEIBER P100HE
electrically operated hydraulic press with 400 MPa to obtain green-gradient composite biomaterial samples. The
wall of the circular die mould and the top punch of the hydraulic press was lubricated correctly to avoid
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
agglomeration of the specimen during ejection. The green-graded biocomposite samples were finally sintered at
800 oC temperatures for two hours in Muffle electric furnace.
2.2 Characterisation and Pore Distribution Investigation
The samples were characterised on Zeiss Ultra PLUS FEG scanning electron microscope (SEM) using the Oxford
instruments detector and Aztec 3.0 software SP1. The SEM micrographs were imported for the analysis and
examined for porosity and pore size distribution analysis using an open-source image processing software (ImageJ
1.42). And the porosity is determined by using the image volume method to sum up the porosity pixels of all
analysed images and by dividing that value by the sum of the areas observed in these images. Then this obtained
value was multiplied by 100%. These calculations have been conducted without taking into account those areas
which are revealed in the segmented images. Image processing has been utilised to evaluate the biophysical
parameters such as porosity and pore size distribution (Safari et al. 2021). By establishing porosity from routine
core analysis as expected results, the porosity volume obtained from image processing is compared with the pore
volume of bone established in the literature (Morgan et al. 2018).
2.3 Determination of Biomechanical and Physical Properties of Biocomposites
The compression test was conducted following ASTM 3039-79 standards using a 100KN capacity computerised
Testometric universal testing machine (UTM) with specifications: UTM Testometric FS5080, DBBMTCL-
5000Kg, Serial No: 38140, Rochdale England). The specimens were cut to a standard dimension of 3.142 x 20^2
mm x 10 mm to conform to the instrument's specification. Three specimens were tested per sample, and the loads
at which failure occurred and the deflections shown on the output display unit of the machine, were recorded. An
average value of the results was calculated for each test sample. The load and deformation readings were
automatically recorded until the rupture of the sample occurred. The specimen's total surface area, compressive
strength and modulus were calculated using a formula adopted by Li and Zhou (2021); Abutu et al. (2019) as
follows, respectively.
𝑀𝑎𝑥. 𝐴𝑝𝑝𝑙𝑖𝑒𝑑 𝐿𝑜𝑎𝑑 (𝐴𝐿)
𝐶𝑜𝑚𝑝𝑟𝑒𝑠𝑠𝑖𝑣𝑒 𝑆𝑡𝑟𝑒𝑛𝑔ℎ𝑡 (𝐶𝑆) = (𝑀𝑃𝑎) (1)
𝑇𝑜𝑡𝑎𝑙 𝐶𝑟𝑜𝑠𝑠𝑒𝑐𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛𝑎𝑙 𝐴𝑟𝑒𝑎 (𝐶𝐴)
Hardness was carried out to determine resistance to the indentation following ASTM E-92 wih using Digita Micro
Vickers Hardness Tester, HVC-30E, shown in Plate X. The test was carried out at three different points for each
specimen, and the average value was recorded, which is similar to the method adopted by OKtem et al., (2015).
The tester is equipped with a monitor to display the microscopic view of the sample surface to accurately
determine the indentation surface area that is impressed on the sample. The load of 2 kg was gradually applied
and sustained for 15 s, after which the load was automatically removed, and the stage clamp holding the sample
was returned to the microscope measuring objective. Impact test was carried out using a Charpy impact testing
machine with a capacity of 150J/300J and 2 Joules of minimum value of scale graduation (Avery-Denison, model
No: 6705U/33122, Leeds, LS102DE England). The Specimens were then subjected to a machining process for
using according to the ASTM E23 testing procedure, with a specimen size of 55 X 10 X 10 mm with a notch angle
of 45, 2 mm depth and 0.25 mm radius along the base, as shown in Figure 3.6 (Li and Zhou 2021). The impact
strength values were considered the initiation fracture toughness (IS), and the plane strain fracture toughness (FT)
was estimated using the single specimen method described in ASTM E1820-08. The fracture toughness (FT) was
calculated from the expression in equation 4 that links the impact strength (energy release rate) IS in (KJ/m2) with
other properties of materials (modulus and poison ratio) (Jelito and Schneider, 2019; Čamagić et al., 2019 ):
@' ∙ B
𝐹𝑇 = ;CDEk (4)
The density of the sintered samples was investigated using Archimedes' principle in accordance with ASTM B962,
and the porosity will be calculated with mathematical expressions (Zakaria et al., 2021). Suitable biocomposites
were selected for application in load-bearing bone replacement using a radar chart component.
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
Figure 1: SEM for the Biocomposite Samples: Dense (A), Porous (B) and Gradient (C)
It can be observed from Figure 3 (A, B, C) that there are some large irregular pores in the porous and gradient
biocomposite with pore sizes of 252 and 135 µm. The formation of the large pores may be due to the space holder
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
and emission of CO2 gases produced by the reactions between CaCO3 and Ti-Ha powders during the sintering
process (Choy et al., 2015). Moreover, the pore structure of the implant, including porosity and pore size, is an
important characteristic that influences the physical performance of a biomaterial since it allows the migration
and proliferation of osteoblasts, mesenchymal cells and vascularisation (Cetinel et al., 2019); Wo et al. 2020; ).
The results showed that increasing the porosity of the scaffolds led to decreased mechanical strength but improved
the implant's ability to support cell ingrowth and vascularisation. Several studies have investigated the effect of
porosity and pore size on the biological behaviour of calcium-phosphate bone grafts, suggesting that the optimal
porosity for the bone implant is about 30%. In contrast, a pore size larger than 100 µm is considered most
satisfactory for bone graft substitutes to promote implant stabilisation (Choy et al., 2015).
This result suggests the closeness of the modulus prevents bone resorption resulting from stress shielding
(Cabezas-Villa et al., 2018). The results indicated that a gradient in pore size reduced stress concentrations at the
implant-bone interface, leading to improved load transfer and reduced risk of implant failure. The study
emphasised optimising the pore size distribution in functionally graded implants to enhance their mechanical
performance. These findings contribute to developing biocomposite implants that can effectively replace load-
bearing bones while promoting osseointegration and long-term functionality. Gradient biocomposites exhibit a
gradual transition in material properties, including porosity and pore size, along their structural gradient. The
compressive strength of functionally graded biocomposites can vary based on the specific design and material
composition (Matula et al., 2021).
Porosity = 9.2 % 70 60
Porosity = 27.72 % Porosity = 20.67%
14 Average Pore Size = 67um Average Pore Size = 256
60 Average Pore Size = 132 um
10 40
8 Count
20 20
0 0 100 200 300 400 0
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 0 100 200 300 400
Pore Size Distribution
Pore Size Distribution Pore Size Disribution
Figure 3: Pore Size Distribution of Ti-Ha-CaCO3 Biocomposite obtained from Image J Software; Dense
(A). Porous (B) and Gradient (C).
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
CS (MPa)
Density (g/cm3)
E (GPa)
30 Porosity (%)
H (Hv)
300 IS (KJ/m2)
Biomechanical Properties
FT (MPam0.5) 25
Physical Properties
100 10
50 5
0 0
Dense Porous Gradient Dense Porous Gradient
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
Table 2: Intervals and ranges according to individual Biomechanical and Physical parameters
Node CS (MPa) E (GPa) H (Hv) Jc (KJ/𝒎𝟐 ) 𝝆 (g/cm3) P (%)
KIC (MPa𝒎𝟐 )
1 0-99 1-30 1-60.9 1.0-7.5 1-12 0-1.5 1-15
2 100-230 31-60 61-120.9 7.6-14.0 13-25 1.6-3.0 16-30
3 231-360 61-90 121-180 14.1-20.5 26-38 3.1-4.5 31-45
4 361-490 91-120 181-240 20.6-26.0 39-52 4.6-6.0 46-60
5 491-620 121-150 241-300 26.1-32.5 53-65 6.1-7.5 61-75
In the evaluation of the radar chart, it can be observed that the biocomposites have different biomechanical and
physical parameters. Dense, porous and gradient materials are similar only in one or two of the required parameters
with cortical bone (required) characteristics defined in Table 1. In the selection of biocomposite for replacement
of bone or titanium implant, the mechanical and physical properties of dense Ti-Ha-CaCO3 biocomposite were
compared with cortical bone and titanium implant shown in Figure 5. It can be observed that the dense
biocomposite compressive strength (174 MPa) and porosity of 8.8 percentage values were within the range of
cortical bone compressive strength and porosity properties, as reported in Table 1. Although the biocomposite
hardness is within the range of the hardness value of titanium implants, its properties are lesser than the value of
titanium. These characteristics contribute to their superior compressive strength, making them suitable for load-
bearing applications. And the high impact strength of dense biocomposites ensures their ability to withstand
sudden loads and impacts encountered in load-bearing bone replacement applications. Choy et al. (2015) reported
a similar result.
CS (MPa)
5 Cortical Bone
P (%) E (GPa)
D (g/cm3) H (Hv)
FT (MPam0.5) IS (KJ/m2)
Figure 5: Radar Component Chart for Selection Analysis of Dense Ti-Ha-CaCO3 Biocomposites
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
Figure 6 displayed the radar component plot to compare porous Ti-Ha-CaCO3 biocomposite properties with
cortical bone and Titanium implant properties. The plot revealed that the compressive strength (95 MPa) of porous
biocomposite is lower and is not within the range of cortical bone porosity percentages, making it less suitable for
replacing load-bearing bone such as femoral, knee and ankle bone. However, the presence of pores often leads to
a reduction in compressive strength compared to dense biocomposites cortical bone. The compressive strength of
porous biocomposites varies depending on the porosity and pore size. The mechanical strength of porous
biocomposites may be adjusted by optimising the porosity and pore size using a space holder to balance
mechanical properties and biological performance. Cetinel et al. (2019) reported porous titanium possesses a
porous structure with interconnected voids, which can facilitate tissue ingrowth and promote osseointegration.
However, the composite can be applied to replace the cancellous bone with wide ranges of compressive strength
(0.2-500 MPa) as reported by
CS (MPa)
Cortical Bone
P (%) E (GPa)
D (g/cm3) H (Hv)
FT (MPam0.5) IS (KJ/m2)
Figure 6: Radar Component Chart for Selection Analysis of Porous Ti-Ha-CaCO3 Biocomposite
CS (MPa) Gradient
Cortical Bone
P (%) E (GPa)
D (g/cm3) H (Hv)
FT (MPam0.5) IS (KJ/m2)
Figure 7: Radar Component Chart for Selection Analysis of Gradient Ti-Ha-CaCO3 Biocomposite
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
According to the results from the selection analysis in Figure 7, gradient biocomposite has proved to be the most
suitable for replacing titanium implants as alternative biocompatible implants, about reported parameter values
which most closely approximate cortical bone set parameters. And the strength, stiffness, fracture toughness,
density and porosity as crucial properties in load-bearing bone replacement, selection of gradient biocomposite in
the radar plot has excellent strength, hardness, fracture toughness and optimal porosity as established by (Adoba
et al., 1997). However, it is interesting that the biocomposite has a stiffness value within the cortical bone modulus
This result suggests the closeness of the modulus prevents bone resorption resulting from stress shielding
(Cabezas-Villa et al., 2018). The results indicated that a gradient in pore size reduced stress concentrations at the
implant-bone interface, leading to improved load transfer and reduced risk of implant failure. The study
emphasised optimising the pore size distribution in functionally graded implants to enhance their mechanical
performance. These findings contribute to developing biocomposite implants that can effectively replace load-
bearing bones while promoting osseointegration and long-term functionality. Gradient biocomposites exhibit a
gradual transition in material properties, including porosity and pore size, along their structural gradient. The
compressive strength of functionally graded biocomposites can vary based on the specific design and material
composition (Sedighi et al. 2017).
The SEM analysis revealed that the Ti-Ha-CaCO3 biocomposite implants exhibited a well-defined interconnected
porous structure, especially for porous and gradient biocomposites, essential for promoting cell adhesion,
proliferation, and nutrient transport within the implant. Moreover, the study measured the porosity percentages of
the implants, which demonstrated an optimal porosity range suitable for load-bearing bone replacement. The
controlled porosity contributes to improved mechanical properties, such as load-bearing capacity and elasticity,
necessary for withstanding physiological forces and ensuring long-term implant stability. Additionally, the
investigation of the mechanical and physical properties of the Ti-Ha-CaCO3 biocomposite implants through radar
chart analysis provided a comprehensive understanding of the material's performance. It favourably showcased a
combination of properties in selecting and analysing the pore distribution of biocomposite implants for load-
bearing bone replacement. The insights from this research can potentially drive the development of novel
biomaterials with improved performance, leading to more successful and durable orthopaedic implants for patients
needing load-bearing bone replacements.
The authors thank the University of Ilorin and the Tertiary Education Trust Fund (TETFund) Nigeria for
supporting this research.
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Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
Continuous exploration, refining, and transportation of fossil fuels resulting in environmental pollution, and harm
to man, animals (terrestrial and aquatic) and plants has led to the search for alternative fuel sources. In addition,
an increase in the population of men globally has resulted in overdependence and high consumption of fuel. This
has led to the release of harmful materials to the ecological system hence the search for more eco-friendly
alternatives leading to the production of biodiesel among others. The availability of feedstock required for the
production of biodiesel encourages reliance on it as a source of fuel for general usage. The high yield of biodiesel
depends on factors such as the type of feedstock, catalyst employed, operating temperature and reaction time. In
this paper, a machine learning predictive model was developed which could accurately predict the quality of
biodiesel generated from various sources of biomass, including vegetable oils, animal fats, and algae. The model
was trained using historical data on biodiesel quality and process conditions and was tested using new data to
evaluate its accuracy and performance. The resulting predictive model was used to optimize biodiesel production,
reduce cost, and promote the use of renewable energy sources.
KEYWORDS: Machine learning; Predictive model; Pollution; Biomass; Simulation.
Due to the prominent application of biodiesel in our various day-to-day activities such as heavy road traffic,
shipping and aviation which entails the powering of heavy vehicles and various machines, the use of biodiesel in
many sectors especially in the transportation sector which is the major consumer of biofuel, would be essential in
order to achieve a sustainable way of living. According to (Commission. 2022), the demand for biofuel has been
forecasted to rise from 146 billion litres in 2020 to 186-342 billion litres in 2026. As a result, the need for the
production of biodiesel for our various day-to-day activities is on the rise. Hence, it is important to have a solid
plan for the sustainable production of this fuel. In recent years, there has been a growing interest in the production
of biodiesel from different types of biomass as the more sustainable option to conventional fossil fuels.
However, the production process can be challenging and lengthy due to various factors such as feedstock type,
reaction conditions, and conversion efficiency. Biodiesel is an alternative fuel option for diesel engines that is
created by chemically reacting vegetable oil or animal fat with an alcohol such as methanol or ethanol is the most
commonly used alcohol (Yusuf et al. 2011; Liu et al. 2021). While other alcohols, like propanol, butanol,
isopropanol, tert-butanol, branched alcohols, and octanol, can also be used, they are more expensive (Yusuf et al.
2011). Methanol is generally preferred due to its affordability, high reactivity, and the fact that the resulting fatty
acid methyl esters (FAMEs) are more volatile than fatty-acid ethyl esters (FAEE) produced using ethanol (Senders
et al. 2018; Yusuf et al. 2011). However, ethanol is less toxic and considered more renewable, as it can be produced
through fermentation from renewable sources. FAME and FAEE have slight differences as fuels, with FAEE
having slightly higher viscosities and slightly lower cloud and pour points than FAME (Bozbas 2008).
One of the major disadvantages of using biodiesel is that it delivers less energy than fossil fuels hence necessitating
the use of more energy to produce the same amount of energy. If this strategy is to be successful over the long
term, it is critical to evaluate how efficiently biomass-based biodiesel is produced. Biodiesel production from
different types of biomass is gaining popularity as a sustainable alternative to fossil fuels ( Liakos et al.2018;
Vicente et al. 1998). However, the process can be complex and time-consuming due to factors like feedstock type,
reaction conditions, and conversion efficiency.
The use of Artificial Intelligence (AI) has the potential to significantly enhancing the biodiesel production process
by automating and improving different aspects of the process, leading to better optimization and efficiency. It
could help to optimize and streamline various aspects of the process, leading to better efficiency and cost savings.
AI can optimize reaction conditions by analysing large data sets from previous experiments to predict optimal
conditions for specific feedstock. This approach minimizes the trial-and-error involved in traditional methods and
also improves efficiency.
Machine Learning (ML) is a type of artificial intelligence (AI) that enables computers to learn from data without
being explicitly programmed (Senders et al. 2018; Allogbani et al. 2020). The ML approach has been widely used
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
in various fields, including agriculture (Liakos, Busato et al. 2018), healthcare ( Burkart and Huber, 2021; Char,
et al. 2020), finance (Goodell et al. 2021; Anderson and Whitcomb, 2016), and energy (Liu, et al. 2021), among
others. In biodiesel production, the yield of the final product is a crucial factor that affects the profitability and
sustainability of the process. Therefore, developing a predictive model for simulating biodiesel yield using ML
could help to optimize the production process and reduce cost.
This paper aims to explain how a machine learning predictive model could be used to simulate biodiesel yield,
with response surface methodology as the ideal optimization tool. The use of machine learning is possible to create
models that predict the yield of biodiesel by analysing data from past production processes. The model could be
trained to recognize the connections between input variables like the type of feedstock, the amount of catalyst and
solvent, reaction temperature and time, and the output variable - biodiesel yield. These models can then forecast
the yield of biodiesel for new input data.
The data preparation commenced with the use of ‘Exploratory Data Analysis (EDA). The data was cleaned by
removing any duplicate or missing data, some errors or inconsistencies were also corrected using a method in
pandas, known as the drop function; a popular Python library for data manipulation and analysis, that
allows the removal of specific rows or columns from data frame based on their labels or indexes. and
the data was transformed into a consistent format. Thereafter, the relevant variables that are likely to influence the
biodiesel yield were carefully selected; the type of feedstocks, reaction temperature, reaction time, and the molar
ratio of alcohol to oil. These data were visualized to help identify patterns and relationships between the variables
while making use of a scatter plot. The data was then normalized as the variables being considered to have different
units such as time, temperature, catalyst loading and molar ratios. Hence, the data were rescaled to a standard
range to ensure that each variable contributes equally to the model.
In this step, useful data was extracted from the various data available for use in predicting the yield of biodiesel.
This involved calculating ratios of the oil to methanol used in the transesterification process of biodiesel
production, the residence time of the oil and methanol in the reactor vessel and different operating temperatures
of various reactants.
Out of the several types of predictive models that can be used to simulate the yield of biodiesel, the use of line
regression was adopted in this work for the model selection. Linear regression involves fitting a linear equation
to the data, where the independent variables are used to predict the value of the dependent variable. The equation
takes the form:
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
After training the model, it was then evaluated using the cross-validation technique to check its performance and
to determine how well it would predict the yield of biodiesel. Cross-validation is a technique used to evaluate the
performance of a model by partitioning the data into several folds and training the model on different combinations
of the folds. It is commonly used to estimate the generalization performance of a model.
2.7 Model Deployment
Finally, after the performance of the model was satisfied, the model was deployed for use in predicting the yield
of biodiesel under different conditions.
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University of Ilorin, Nigeria
The experimental yield and the ML anticipated yield are generally extremely similar. Nevertheless, it is frequently
the case that the ML projected yield is a little higher than the observed yield. For instance, in the 7th and 8th sets
of conditions, the experimental yield was 66%, whereas the ML estimated yield was 88%. The 15th set of
conditions is similar to the 1st with an experimental yield of 84% while the ML anticipated value is 88%.
The ML model is overfitted because of its training on a limited dataset. An overfit model is one that performs well
on training data but poorly on test data. Validating the ML model with additional experimental data is essential to
ensure its accuracy and reliability.
Finally, the goal of this research was to create a machine-learning model for forecasting biodiesel yield. On the
basis of the experimental findings and analysis, it could be said that the machine learning model created to forecast
biodiesel yield exhibits good agreement with the experimental values, despite having a tendency to slightly
overestimate the yield. The model's ability to correctly forecast yield is a promising finding, and it may have
important practical implications for optimizing biodiesel manufacturing procedures. Because it is based on sparse
data, the model's accuracy and reliability must be confirmed with additional experimental data. As a result, further
experimental analysis is required to confirm the precision and viability of the machine-learning model.
Therefore, additional research is necessary to confirm the precision and viability of the machine-learning model.
Future work should concentrate on refining the model's parameters and taking into account more sophisticated
algorithms to boost performance. This study, therefore, shows the potential of machine learning to accurately
predict yields in biodiesel production processes. It also emphasizes the necessity of further testing the precision
and dependability of the machine learning model to guarantee its suitability for a wider range of situations. The
results of this study add to the growing body of knowledge on the application of machine learning in Chemical
Engineering and may have significant ramifications for the design of more effective and environmentally friendly
biodiesel production methods.
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
Alloghani, M., Al-Jumeily, D., Mustafina, J., Hussain, A., & Aljaaf, A. J. (2020). A systematic review on
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Artificial Intelligence Research, 70, 245-317.
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healthcare applications. The American Journal of Bioethics, 20(11), 7-17.
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Goodell, J. W., Kumar, S., Lim, W. M., & Pattnaik, D. (2021). Artificial intelligence and machine learning in
finance: Identifying foundations, themes, and research clusters from bibliometric analysis. Journal of
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review. Sensors, 18(8), 2674.
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3, 100049.
Nasteski, V. (2017). An overview of the supervised machine learning methods. Horizons. b, 4, 51-62.
Senders, J. T., Zaki, M. M., Karhade, A. V., Chang, B., Gormley, W. B., Broekman, M. L., Smith, T. R., &
Arnaout, O. (2018). An introduction and overview of machine learning in neurosurgical care. Acta
neurochirurgica, 160, 29-38.
Van Gerpen, J. (2005). Biodiesel processing and production. Fuel Processing Technology, 86(10), 1097-1107.
Vicente, G., Coteron, A., Martinez, M., & Aracil, J. (1998). Application of the factorial design of experiments
and response surface methodology to optimize biodiesel production. Industrial crops and products, 8(1),
Yusuf, N., Kamarudin, S., & Yaakub, Z. (2011). Overview of the current trends in biodiesel production. Energy
Conversion and Management, 52(7), 2741-2751.
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of Ilorin, Ilorin.
Department of Materials and Metallurgical Engineering, University of Ilorin, Ilorin.
Department of Mineral and Petroleum Resources Engineering, Kaduna Polytechnic, Kaduna.
Air Force Institute of Technology, Kaduna.
*Email: usmanakindele@kadunapolytechnic.edu.ng
Samples of Spodumene obtained from Zankan Village, Nigeria were subjected to grindability test using granite
and magnetite as reference ores, from which work index was determined, in line with Bond modified energy
equation. Sieve analysis was carried out using laboratory sieve shaker and lastly, homogenized samples obtained
using Coning-quartering and riffle splitter methods. The homogenized-samples were processed for Chemical
compositional analysis using atomic absorption spectroscopy (AAS). Grindability tests showed that 80% passing
size fraction of the “Feed” for Spodumene, Granite and Magnetite was 553.82, 357.68 and 418.85 µm respectively,
while, those of the “Product” were 257.02, 177.42 and 242.67 µm respectively. Hence, the work index of the
Zankan Spodumene determined from the 80% passing size fraction of the feed and product, was 13.27 kWh/ton.
The study showed that spodumene with liberation size of 75 µm has the highest-grade value of 3.02% lithium
oxide. The experimental parameters obtained from this study will be relevant to commercial exploitation of the
Zankan Spodumene for lithium battery production.
However, these parameters (work index and liberation size determination) are energy intensive process which
amounted to 30-50% of the total power consumption in mineral processing plants (Egbe et al., 2013); (Napier-
Munn et al., 1996) while 30-70% of the overall energy used goes to mining operations (Stefon et al., 2014)
This paper considered comparative grindability test (Olatunji and Durojaiye, 2010, Obassi et al., 2015a) (Umar et
al., 2016) (Egbe et al., 2013) for the determination of work index of an ore. Also, determination of Liberation size
which has to do with deportment of mineral of interest across the particle size determine by chemical
compositional examination (Gay, 2004) (Obassi et al., 2014); Nuhu, 2017). Therefore, this study focuses on the
evaluation of Work Index of Zankan lithium ore as well the liberation size for the applicability and potentiality in
the concentration and pilot scale projection.
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
Fig. 1: Google Map showing the location of Zankan in Kaduna state, Nigeria; 9o23II15IIIN; 8o11II30IIIE.
2.2 Methodology
The chemical characterizations of the different sieve apertures were performed using atomic absorption
spectrophotometer (AAS; Shimadzu model 7000). Sieve size analysis was conducted on the samples and the
distribution weighed and recorded. The work index of the Zankan spodumene was determined using Berry – Bruce
method which entails milling two mineral samples of the same weight, a reference material of known work index,
Granite, with theoretical work index of 15.13 Kwh/ton and magnetite of 15.86 Kwh/ton (Umar et al., 2016) (Yaro,
1997); (Weiss, 1985). The work index of the test material (Zankan spodumene) was thereafter computed using
the Bond’s energy equation… see Eq. (2) (Wills and Napier – Munn, 2006)
80 % 𝐶𝑢𝑚 𝑃𝑎𝑠𝑠𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝑆𝑖𝑧𝑒 = (80 % / % 𝑝𝑎𝑠𝑠𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝑠𝑖𝑧𝑒 1)2𝑥 𝑠𝑖𝑧𝑒 1…………………………….. (1)
which are 553.82 µm Ft, 257.02 µm Pt, 357.68 µm FrG, 177.42 µm PrG, 418.85 µm FrM, 242.67 µm PrM for the
reference and test materials respectively, these could as well be obtained from Figure 2-7.
Table 1: Result of sieve size analysis of the "Feed" and “Product” for all the materials
Sieve size CWP of CWP of CWP of CWP of CWP of CWP of
Range Granite as Magnetite, as Spodumene as Granite as Magnetite as Spodumene as
(µm) Feed Feed Feed product product product
(%) (%) (%) (%) (%) (%)
+1000 98. 56 97.45 99.20 99.00 99.30 99.65
-1000+710 98.00 95.55 92.95 98.90 98.70 98.50
-710+500 85.50 80.25 85.25 97.85 91.25 93.60
-500+355 79.70 73.65 78.05 96.90 88.10 88.50
-355+250 69.50 61.70 65.70 94.90 86.85 78.90
-250+180 41.35 38.15 48.55 80.80 68.90 65.25
-180+125 30.40 29.45 35.25 67.15 58.65 45.40
-125+90 16.40 11.10 19.25 45.10 37.40 33.50
-90+63 13.45 10.05 14.25 26.75 24.80 25.50
-63+45 07.50 06.80 08.75 22.20 18.50 18.65
-45 (Pan) 00.00 00.00 00.00 00.00 00.00 00.00
CWP; Cumulative Weight Passing
Wit = WirL10f 10
f(Fr)1M / L10f(pt)1 − 10f(Ft)1M…………………………… (2)
(pr)12 − 2 2 2
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
Ft = 553.82 µm; Pt = 257.02 µm; FrG = 357.68 µm; PrG = 177.42 µm; FrM = 418.85 µm; PrM = 242.67 µm
Wit = WirL10f 10
f(Fr)1M / L10f(pt)1 − 10f(Ft)1M
(pr)12 − 2 2 2
Wit = WirL10f 10
f(357.68)1M / L10f(257.02)1 − 10f(553.82)1M
(177.42)12 − 2 2 2
Therefore, amount of energy required to comminute Spodumene is 16.3Kwht (with Granite as reference material)
and10.24Kwht (with magnetite as reference material) to 80% passing. Average work index of Zankan Spodumene
is 13.27Kwh/ton in contrast to 14.5kWh/ton of spodumene by (Oliazadeh et al., 2018).
Table 2 shows the results of Sieve analysis of the head sample and the assay grade of lithium in the various sieve
sizes. The first column shows the various sieve size in µm used in the sieve test. The coarsest sieve size used was
150 µm and the finest was 38 µm. The results had shown the 75 µm sieve size as the liberation size, having the
highest-grade value of 3.02% lithium oxide.
Table 2: Particle Size Analysis of Zankan Spodumene and assay analysis
Sieves (µm) Wt Wt CWR CWP AAS
(g) (%) (%) (%) (% Li2O)
150 184.50 18.45 18.45 81.55 2.11
106 373.01 37.30 55.75 44.25 2.84
75 252.72 25.27 81.02 18.98 3.02
50 104.63 10.46 91.48 08.52 2.65
38 61.49 6.15 97.63 02.37 2.04
pan 23.65 2.37 100 0 -
Wt; Weight, CWR; Cumulative Weight Retained, CWP; Cumulative Weight Passing
Based on the experimental results obtained from the work carried out, the Liberation study shows 75 µm sieve
size as the liberation size, having the highest-grade value of 3.02% lithium oxide and this value is good percentage
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
of Feed to Concentrator or extraction unit for significance upgrade and high lithium products. An average work
index of the Zankan Spodumene computed to be 13.27Kwh/ton, the amount of energy required to comminute one
ton of the test material. Spodumene which is high in lithium content, is the most common lithium bearing minerals
that serves as alternative source to brine. Nigeria, has several spodumene deposits across her state of federation,
yet to be fully explored, hence its potential to become a major stakeholder in lithium production industry could
be fully enhanced, if technical informations are established
The research work was funded by Tertiary Education Trust Fund (TETFUND) under the auspices of National
Research Fund (NRF) with Grant Reference: TETF/DR&D-CE/NRF/2020/SETI/31/ Vol.1.The financial support
is duly acknowledged.
ABDUL MWANGA, JAN ROSENKRANZ & LAMBERG, P. 2015. Testing of Ore Comminution Behavior in
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Circuits Their Operation and Optimization;. JKMRC Monograph Series in Mining and Mineral
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Nigeria. Journal of Minerals & Materials Characterization & Engineering, 9, 635-642.
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for Benefication of Lithium Minerals from Hard Rock Deposit. The Minerals, Metals & Materials
STEFON, N., BERN, K., AMIT, K. & ZORIGTKHUU, D. 2014. An Energy Benchmarking Model for Mineral
Communition. Mineral Engineering, 65, 178-186.
TIAN, J., XU, L., WU, H., FANG, S., DENG, W., PENG, T., SUN, W. & HU, Y. 2018. A novel approach for
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University of Ilorin, Nigeria
150 150
Cumulative Passing of
Cumulative Passing of
50 0
Sieve Size Range (µm)
Sieve Size Range (µm)
Fig. 2 Size distribution of the "feed" reference material (Granite) Fig. 3 Size distribution of the "Product" reference material (Granite)
150 150
100 100
Magnetite (%)
50 50
0 0
Fig. 4 Size distribution of the "feed" reference material II (Magnetite) Fig. 5 Size distribution of the "product" reference material II
150 150
Product Spodumene (%)
Cumulative Passing of Feed
Cumulative Passing of
100 100
Spodumene (%)
50 50
0 0
Fig. 6 Size distribution of the "feed" test material Fig. 7 Size distribution of the "product" test material
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
Geotechnical engineering can be referred to as a relatively new engineering field that has evolved rapidly over the
past few years. The basics of geotechnical engineering can be viewed as surface and underground, civil, and
mining engineering works, whereas the challenge had to be corrected in a practical and effective manner.
Geotechnical Engineering (rock) has concern with the engineering behavior of earth materials, which apply the
principles of rock mechanics and soil mechanics for the remedy of respective engineering constraints but differ in
the application (DIR, 1997). The field of study has knowledge areas that overlap in specialty with the related sub-
disciplines such as civil engineering, geological engineering, hydrology, soil mechanics, rock mechanics,
geophysics, mining engineering, and military, petroleum engineering, coastal engineering, seismology, and
offshore construction (DIR, 1997). This is to provide information on the physical properties of rock and soil
underlying and subsurface conditions, including surface and subsurface exploration of a site with various methods.
Surface exploration can be done using geologic mapping, geophysical methods, and photogrammetry to observe
the physical condition of the site. The work requires mapping and interpretation of geomorphology through
geophysical techniques applied for subsurface exploration, such as the measurement of seismic waves, surface
waves, and Rayleigh waves, which can be observed with the downhole method and electromagnetic survey.
Subsurface exploration requires in situ testing, which is a standard penetration test and a cone penetration test,
often subsurface sampling, and laboratory testing of the rock and soil materials. Rock is a naturally formed
aggregate of minerals that forms part of the earth's surface. Rocks are grouped into igneous rock, sedimentary
rock, and metamorphic rock, which are based on chemical composition, geological age, origin, structure, and
texture mineralogy. The aggregate materials, which are rocks, are weathered by erosion and denudation processes
from the parent rock to soil materials (Obasi, 1999).
2.1 Principle and Theory
The analytical approach to the interpretation of the research findings was reviewed through the adoption and
observations of the principles of electromagnetic, gravitational, and mechanics theories for engineering
application on intact rock masses.
2.2 Expression of Term Representation
The research findings were given written expression in some definitions such as ground control, ground
conditions on rock stress and excavation, ground or rock support and reinforcement, core recovery (CR),
fracture frequency (FF), uniaxial compressive strength (UCS), rock mass rating (RMR), rock quality
designation (RQD), and geological strength index (GSI). In addition, methods of rock mass classification
were presented in formulas 1, 2, and 3, respectively.
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
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Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
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Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
According to DIR (1997), igneous rock is the solidification of molten magma or material and features items on
mineralogical composition such as color, texture, and method of placement, e.g., intrusive and extrusive.
Sedimentary rock originated from the process of deposition and lithification of sediment materials through
chemical precipitation with the solution or secretion of organisms. Sedimentary rock is featured itemized and may
originate from either clastic or non-clastic sediments or materials precipitated by organisms. Metamorphic rock
originated in pre-sedimentary rock materials due to changes that are metamorphosed based on changes in
temperature and pressure. Metamorphic rock is featured itemized on its foliated or non-foliated that is massive as
presented in Table 3. The summary features of common rocks such as igneous, sedimentary, and metamorphic
rocks were described as the identification of rock type and rock class with primary and secondary minerals. In
addition, intact rock can be grouped into relative rock with characteristics and the identification of rock type with
the quality of the intact rock. Relative rock strength is designated by a series of items such as degree of
cementation, mineral type, and weathering. Also, the recorded data was compared with the International Standard
Rock Method (ISRM) (DIR, 1997).
4.2 Geophysical Investigation and Survey in Geotechnical Operation
The preferred research methods were stated to determine the geophysical feature of the site such as ground Control
including components for the appropriate method. Ground control is a main part of underground mining operations
which is primarily concerned with the preferred method of rock stability and instability from mine development
and economics for ore exploitation. The geotechnical conditions in the rock mass were surveyed with observations
to the geophysical method such as ground penetrating radar and gravity to determine mining operations and
ground conditions with degree of accuracy (Laubscher, 1990) was stated. The types of ground control are micro
scale and macro scale. The main components of ground control such as ground conditions, mine planning and
design, and ground or rock support and reinforcement. The ground control can be written as stated;
Ground = Ground + Mine Planning + Ground Support
Control Conditions and Design and Reinforcement
4.2.1 Ground Conditions in Rock Stress for Geotechnical Operations
The ground condition of rock stress can be referred to as the basic geotechnical properties of the rock mass. The
features determine ground conditions such as geological structure, rock stress, rock strength, groundwater, blast
damage, and the size, number, shape, type, and orientation of openings with their interaction (Dunnicliff, 1993;
Hoek et al., 1995). The rock stress field is based on magnitude and orientation, which can be described as a pre-
mining stress field and disturbance effects due to excavation (DIR, 1997). This is written as stated:
Rock stress around and excavation = Pre-mining stress + Disturbance
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
Field Effects
The pre-mining stress field consists of components such as forces generated by the weight of overlying rock
masses and large horizontal forces (tectonic forces) in the Earth's crust. The significance of rock stress and its
effects on underground mining work should be considered and specified. The rock stress field around an excavation
is impacted by dynamic forces that can cause rock instability or consistent failure (Amadel and Stephansson, 1997).
The types of rock stress measurements include absolute rock stress measurements and stress change measurements.
4.2.2 Ground or Rock Support and Reinforcement in Geotechnical Practice
Rock support and reinforcement are properly designed, planned, and installed to be achieved during
geotechnical operations. Ground support was applied to the surrounding area of the excavation to limit
the movement of the rock mass, such as concrete lining, timber props, shotcrete, and steel sets. Ground
support and reinforcement were involved in all the stages, and the approaches measured were used to
react to the stability of the ground. However, the number, size, shape, orientation, and ground
conditions of the excavations were observed when planning for the most adequate ground support and
reinforcement work (DIR, 1997; Hutchinson et al., 1996).
4.3 Drilling Operation in Geotechnical Practice
This was described with drilling techniques such as rock coring and mud rotary drilling. The drilling technique
and model instrument were used for downward force or thrust, penetration distance, drilling fluid, pressure, time,
and torque, with penetration rate and energy features outlining the subsurface conditions. The drilling parameters
were recorded to ensure adequate uniformity in rock transition from soil to the eroded rock of the parent rock in
the difference of rock layer properties such as uniaxial compressive strength. The rock and soil characteristics
resulting from the drilling index tests are stated in the aspect of geotechnical design. The codes of standard tests
were adopted in stated drilling tests such as the bore test, California bearing ratio, plate load test, penetration
standard test, and soil resistivity test. The measures that were required, such as the Atterberg limit test, water
content, unit weight, abrasive, durability, hardness-size distribution, and specific gravity, were examined on rock
core. In situ tests of rock and soil revealed the index properties for effective measures of engineering behavior
(Barton et al., 1974). The index properties can be measured and classified into samples collected from one
borehole to another and can be registered as a stratigraphic unit (Bieniawski, 1973). The procedures for rock cored
boreholes value were collected during coring and handled appropriately as a basic index property for bulk or
disturbed rock masses. In addition, downhole information was adopted for functional effects on discontinuities in
a sinkhole. Measurement Whole Drilling (MWD) was applied to drilling rigs for intact rock and rock mass
(Savidge et al., 2006; ASTM D2113 and D5079).
4.4 Methods or Systems of Rock Mass Classification in Geotechnical Practice
The observations were adopted to reveal geological properties, geophysical ground control, and boring with coring
and penetration systems. The degree of characterization was described in measurements on rock core, such as core
recovery (CR), rock quality designation (RQD), and fracture frequency (FF). The methods of research revealed
the geotechnical practice in rock mass of the application in the construction field, and design work was determined
as stated, such as rock mass rating, rock quality designation, and geological strength index.
4.4.1 Rock Mass Rating System
The system was initiated for application in tunnel design, with an approach adopted on rock as a treatment for
structural ability in the construction field. The parameters for the Rock Mass Rating (RMR) Classification System
Valve for specific site investigation include uniaxial compressive strength (UCS), rock quality designation (RQD),
discontinuity conditions, discontinuity spacing (S), and orientation of discontinuities. The last parameter is
stability for specific constraints with the design of mined slopes and bedrock foundations; other parameters
measure numeric valves for components (Laubscher, 1990) as presented in formula 1.
Where Ri is the reflected value recorded for R1- R5
R6 is the basic RMR value for certain types of features (such as slope, foundation, and tunnel) and strikes and
dips of discontinuities. The orientation valve of R6 ranges from 0 for the most favorable condition to -60 for an
unfavorable discontinuity orientation mined slope. The RMR system ranges between 0 and 100, where 0 reflects
very poor rock masses and 100 reflects excellent rock masses. The RMR value system is adopted as the parameters
for specific design methods (Bienlawski, 1989; Hoek et al., 1995; Wyllie, 1999).
4.4.2 Rock Quality Designation
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
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The core recovery parameter was described as basic to examine the rock mass quality (Deere and Deere, 1988),
and the rock mass quality was observed on the Rock Quality Designation (RQD) as presented in Table 5. Also,
the ratio of the sum of the total length of sound pieces sized of intact rock greater than 4 inches (100mm) in length
to the addition of the total length of the core run (Deere et al., 1967; ASTM 6032, 2011) as presented in formula
RQD was adopted by the recommendation for a mix size of 2 to 16 inches’ diameter core, whereas larger with
smaller core sizes were observed through adequate drilling operations. The mechanical break’s fault caused by
drilling or boring of the core was not observed in the deduction for RQD. The RQD number of core pieces was
summed, and the length of the core greater than 4 inches was noted on the log data. RQD should be recorded as a
core run to 5 feet with 4 pieces’ length to 125 feet as a correlate to core values recovered to a piece of 5 feet'
length as presented in Table 4.
Table 4: Rock Quality based on Rock Quality Designation (RQD), (Deere and Deere, 1988)
RQD Rock mass quality
0 – 25 Very poor
25 – 50 Poor
50 – 75 Fair
75 – 90 Good
90 – 100 Excellent
The research work on geotechnical practice has aided the mineral and petroleum industries in achieving
optimization guidelines for extraction and drilling operations on the earth's surface and subsurface conditions. The
geotechnical practice has revealed interrelationships with various fields such as civil, mining, petroleum, and
geological engineering and geosciences in the application of rock and soil mechanics investigation. The practice
of geotechnical work has revealed the classification and identification of minerals and types of rock and soil
formations, as presented in Table 3. The geotechnical investigation has revealed the difference between rock and
soil properties as engineering materials and their application to rock and soil mechanics for design work to solve
engineering constraints.
The paperwork is essential to the aspect of geotechnical work on earth's surface and subsurface conditions. The
authors appreciated the support from the Faculty of Engineering and Technology, University of Ilorin, for
accepting the paperwork. Also, we would like to thank the authors for the materials used as sources of information
in this paper.
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
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Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
This study focused on the green synthesis and characterization of sawdust/Prosopis africana leaf silver-zinc
nanoporous (SD/PAL Ag-ZnNPs) adsorbent for air pollution control. Sawdust was carbonized at 450 °𝐶 for 1
hour with a conversion yield of 28%. PAL Ag-ZnNPs solution was produced from Prosopis africana leaf extract.
Bi-metallic PAL nanoparticle extract and the activated carbon from sawdust were hybridized to produce SD/PAL
Ag-ZnNPs adsorbent. Characterization results using Ultraviolet-Visible (UV-VIS) spectroscopy indicated the
presence of phytoconstituents which acts as capping and stabilizing agents, Fourier Transform Infrared (FT-IR)
spectroscopy analysis showed the presence of a carbonyl group in the sample which reduces Ag+ in the sample to
silver nanoparticles, Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) confirmed the porosity of the sample, Energy
Dispersive Spectroscopy (EDS) showed carbon and oxygen as the major components with atomic weight
percentages of 83.54% and 15.51% respectively. Transmission Electron Microscopy (TEM) analysis confirmed
the presence of nanoparticles, and X-Ray Diffraction (XRD) analysis indicated the presence of face-centered cubic
crystal. Overall analyses showed that SD/PAL Ag-ZnNPs adsorbent exhibited high adsorption capacity which
may be useful for air pollution control. This study showed the potential of producing low-cost adsorbents from
agricultural and wood processing wastes.
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
3.1 Materials
The agricultural waste used to produce hybridized nanopourous adsorbent is Prosopis africana leaves (PAL)
which was obtained from the environment of the University of Ilorin, Ilorin, Nigeria, and the wood processing
waste is sawdust. All chemicals/reagents used throughout the experiment were of analytical grade; they include
silver nitrate (95% pure), zinc nitrate (hexahydrate) (96% pure), and deionized water. The apparatus that was used
during the course of this research study are test tubes, measuring cylinder, weighing balance, beakers, muffle
furnace, centrifuge, funnel, camera, stopwatch, filter paper, oven, water bathe, and spectrometer.
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
Figure 1: (a) PAL extract solution, and (b) PAL Ag-ZnNPs nanoparticles solution
Percentage yield for carbonizing sawdust at 450 ℃ for 1 hour was calculated for different batches using equation
𝑝𝑒𝑟𝑐𝑒𝑛𝑡𝑎𝑔𝑒 𝑦𝑖𝑒𝑙𝑑 (%) = $ % × 100
𝑝𝑒𝑟𝑐𝑒𝑛𝑡𝑎𝑔𝑒 𝑦𝑖𝑒𝑙𝑑 (%) = 28%
𝑝𝑒𝑟𝑐𝑒𝑛𝑡𝑎𝑔𝑒 𝑦𝑖𝑒𝑙𝑑 (%) = $ % × 100
𝑝𝑒𝑟𝑐𝑒𝑛𝑡𝑎𝑔𝑒 𝑦𝑖𝑒𝑙𝑑 (%) = 28.4%
𝑝𝑒𝑟𝑐𝑒𝑛𝑡𝑎𝑔𝑒 𝑦𝑖𝑒𝑙𝑑 (%) = $ % × 100
𝑝𝑒𝑟𝑐𝑒𝑛𝑡𝑎𝑔𝑒 𝑦𝑖𝑒𝑙𝑑 (%) = 28.1%
𝑝𝑒𝑟𝑐𝑒𝑛𝑡𝑎𝑔𝑒 𝑦𝑖𝑒𝑙𝑑 (%) = $ % × 100
𝑝𝑒𝑟𝑐𝑒𝑛𝑡𝑎𝑔𝑒 𝑦𝑖𝑒𝑙𝑑 (%) = 28%
4.2 Characterization of Nanopourous Adsorbent
4.2.1 Ultraviolet-Visible (UV-VIS) Spectroscopy Analysis
The wavelength of spectral region of UV-VIS spectrometer ranged between 190 – 900 nm. The UV-VIS spectrum
of Prosopis africana leaf extract in figure 2a shows bands at λmax = 400 nm, 260 nm, and 205 nm with absorbance
of 0.099, 0.255, and 1.069 respectively. PAL AgNPs graph in figure 2b shows bands at λmax = 450 nm, 275 nm,
and 215 nm for the peaks with absorbance of 0.128, 0.063, and 2.172 respectively, and λmin = 245 nm for the
valley with absorbance of -0.006. PAL Ag-ZnNPs graph in figure 2c shows bands at λmax = 470 nm, and 220 nm
with an absorbance of 0.126 and 3.277 respectively.
Figure 2: UV-VIS Spectrum of (a) Prosopis africana leaves (PAL) extract, (b) PAL AgNPs, and (c) PAL Ag-
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
halides (halogenides), carboxylic acid salts, alkenes, boron compound, thioamides, thioureas, sulphonamides,
phosphorus compounds, aromatic compounds, trisubstituted alkenes, chlorohydrocarbons sulphur compounds,
bromohydrocarbons, iodohydrocarbons.
Figure 3: FT-IR Spectrum of (a) Prosopis africana leaves (PAL) extract, (b) PAL AgNPs, (c) PAL Ag-ZnNPs,
(d) sawdust adsorbent, (e) SD/PAL AgNPs adsorbent, and (f) SD/PAL Ag-ZnNPs adsorbent
Figure 4: SEM Micropraph of SD/PAL Ag-ZnNPs adsorbent at (a) 10 𝜇𝑚, 1000 X magnification, and (b) 20 𝜇𝑚,
200 X magnification
4.2.4 Scanning Electron Microscopy (Energy Dispersive Spectroscopy) Analysis of SD/PAL Ag-ZnNPs
Scanning Electron Microscopy (Energy Dispersive Spectroscopy) analysis was done to identify particular
elements and their relative atomic proportion in SD/PAL Ag-ZnNPs adsorbent sample. Table 1 shows carbon and
oxygen as the major components with atomic percentages of 83.54% and 15.51% respectively.
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University of Ilorin, Nigeria
Figure 5: TEM analysis of SD/PAL Ag-ZnNPs adsorbent at (a) 2 nm, and (b) 5 nm
Figure 6: Graph showing the energy level for the elemental constituent for SD/PAL Ag-ZnNPs adsorbent
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University of Ilorin, Nigeria
PALE that are acting as capping and stabilizing agents for SD/PAL Ag-ZnNPs adsorbent, thus preventing
Silver-zinc nanoparticles were produced with Prosopis africana leaf extract and hybridized with carbonized
sawdust which is an economical, efficient, and eco-friendly process. The study showed that bimetallic Ag-ZnNPs
could be prepared by Prosopis africana leaf extract. The silver and zinc ions were reduced to silver-zinc
nanoparticles when added to Prosopis africana leaf extract; it was observed that the colour of the solution turned
from golden brown colour to colourless. After the carbonization of sawdust, around 28% yield was gotten.
The UV-VIS spectra of PAL Ag-ZnNPs solution showed the presence of phytoconstituents (such as amino acid)
in the extract which acts as a capping and stabilizing agent making it suitable for the adsorption process. FT-IR
spectroscopy analysis on SD/PAL Ag-ZnNPs adsorbent showed the presence of a carbonyl group in the sample
which confirmed that Ag+ ions in silver nanoparticles by capping material of plant extract. SEM confirmed the
porosity of the nanoporous adsorbent while SEM (EDS) identified the major and trace components in the
adsorbent. TEM confirmed the presence of nanoparticles while TEM (EDS) indicated the presence of K, Ca, O,
Cu, Mg, P, and S in the adsorbent. The X-ray diffraction analysis confirmed that the peaks observed at 2θ values
of 29.4°, 39.3°, and 48.2° can be attributed to the composition of PAL that are acting as stabilizing and capping
agent. The result obtained showed that SD/PAL Ag-ZnNPs adsorbent will be a good adsorbent for air pollution
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Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
Croitoru, L., Chang, J. C., & Akpokodje, J. (2020). The health cost of ambient air pollution in Lagos. Journal of
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households in Tanzania. Energy for Sustainable Development, 57, 200-213.
Gonzalez-Martin, J., Kraakman, N. J. R., Perez, C., Lebrero, R., & Munoz, R. (2021). A state–of–the-art review
on indoor air pollution and strategies for indoor air pollution control. Chemosphere, 262, 128376.
Lateef, A., Ojo, S. A., Akinwale, A. S., Azeez, L., Gueguim-Kana, E. B., & Beukes, L. S. (2015). Biogenic
synthesis of silver nanoparticles using cell-free extract of Bacillus safensis LAU 13: antimicrobial, free
radical scavenging and larvicidal activities. Biologia, 70(10), 1295-1306.
Lu, F., Shen, B., Yuan, P., Li, S., Sun, Y., & Mei, X. (2019). The emission of PM2. 5 in respiratory zone from
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University of Ilorin, Nigeria
Department of Chemical Engineering, University of Ilorin, Ilorin, Nigeria.
Email: adeniran.ja@unilorin.edu.ng
This study focused on the production and characterization of flamboyant pod/banana peel silver-zinc nanoporous
(FP/BPE Ag-ZnNPs) adsorbent for air pollution control. The flamboyant pod was carbonized at 450°𝐶 for 1 hour
with a conversion yield of 27.48%. Extract from banana peel was used to synthesise Ag-ZnNPs solution. The
nanoparticle extract and the carbonized flamboyant pod were hybridized to produce FP/BPE Ag-ZnNPs adsorbent.
Characterization results using Ultraviolet-Visible (UV-VIS) spectroscopy indicated the presence of unsaturated
hydrocarbon absorbing compounds which acts as stabilizing agent, Fourier Transform Infrared (FT-IR)
spectroscopy analysis showed the presence of carbonyl group which acts as a reducing agent for reducing silver
ions present in the sample to silver nanoparticles. Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) confirmed the porosity
of the sample, Energy Dispersive Spectroscopy (EDS) showed carbon and oxygen as the major components with
atomic weight percentages of 82.52% and 11.88% respectively. Transmission Electron Microscopy (TEM)
analysis confirmed the presence of nanoparticles, and X-Ray Diffraction (XRD) analysis indicated the presence
of face-centred cubic crystal. Overall analyses showed that FP/BPE Ag-ZnNPs adsorbent exhibited high
adsorption capacity which may be useful for air pollution control. This study showed the potential of producing
low-cost, non-toxic, and environmentally friendly adsorbents from agricultural wastes.
KEYWORDS: Volatile Organic Compounds, Green Synthesis of Nanoparticles, Indoor Air Pollution
The effect of indoor air pollutants on human health has been of interest for many years. According to the report
from the United States environmental protection agency (US EPA), the risks purported by indoor air pollution are
highly greater than that of outdoor air (Kester & Morgott, 2023). Over the years, much emphasis has been laid
on outdoor air quality control. Nevertheless due to improvements in the standard of living, it has become
imperative to eradicate pollution caused due to indoor air. Certain factors are responsible for degrading indoor air
quality, the factors ranging from; Modern buildings are designed and constructed with high thermal insulation and
air tightness to optimize the air conditioning processes and thus saving cost and energy (Arumugam et al., 2022).
There are a large number of consumer spray products (insecticides, air fresheners); paints and asbestos that may
release chemical compounds into the surrounding indoor environment. These released chemicals may be
accumulated thereby reaching unhealthy concentrations. It is also evident that in most societies, people spend
more time doing activities in the indoor environment than in the outdoors.
Volatile organic compounds VOCs are emitted as gases from certain solids or liquids. On combination with
nitrogen results in the formation of ground-level ozone and particulate matter which are the main component of
smog. Airborne particulate matter is associated with various adverse health effects (Adebiyi, 2022). VOCs are
known to be mutagenic and carcinogenic (Tsai, 2023).
Delonix regia (flamboyant tree) is mostly grown as ornamental trees but due to its large production of flowers,
pods and leaves, it resulted in the menace of environmental pollution. Hence there is need for the conversion of
the waste to useful material. It has therefore been adopted primarily for economic and ecological advantages
(Shadman et al., 2022). This study focused on the production and characterization of flamboyant pod/banana peel
silver-zinc nanoporous (FP/BPE Ag-ZnNPs) adsorbent for air pollution control
The percentage yield of the flamboyant pod carbonized adsorbent was estimated by comparing the difference
between the weight of the sample before and after carbonization. This gives the weight loss of the sample and the
percentage yield of the material calculated as follows
𝑝𝑒𝑟𝑐𝑒𝑛𝑡𝑎𝑔𝑒 𝑦𝑖𝑒𝑙𝑑 (%) = È É × 100 (2.1)
Where; 𝑊𝐹 and 𝑊𝐼 are the weight of the sample after and before carbonization respectively.
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University of Ilorin, Nigeria
3.1 Materials
The natural precursors that were used to synthesize the nanoparticle and adsorbents are banana peel (BP) and
flamboyant pod (FP). The reagents employed include; zinc nitrate hexahydrate (Zn(NO3)2.6H2O) silver nitrate
(AgNO3), and deionized water. laboratory apparatus used during the research include beakers; measuring cylinder;
weighing balance; centrifuge; filter paper; funnel; muffle furnace; stop-watch; camera; oven; water bathe.
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
2062.27 𝑐𝑚5l shows 𝐶 ≡ 𝐶 functional group. The peak at 1631.66 𝑐𝑚−1 indicates that there may exist 𝐶 = 𝑁
and C=C functional group, the band at 833.77 𝑐𝑚−1 indicates C-H stretching. Thus, the presence of hydroxyl
(free, sharp and alcohol), amines, alkynes, oximes, and alkenes, compounds in the Banana peel silver
nanoparticles is confirmed.
Figure 1c shows the FT-IR spectra of Banana peel silver-zinc nanoparticles. The adsorption band showing at
3572.56 𝑐𝑚5l is ascribed to O-H stretching vibration. The band at 3331.93 𝑐𝑚−1 is due to N-H and O-H stretching,
and the band at 2068.60 𝑐𝑚5l shows 𝐶 ≡ 𝐶 functional group. The band at 1625.33 𝑐𝑚−1 indicates that there may
exist 𝐶 = 𝑁 and C=C functional group, the band at 1302.37 𝑐𝑚−1 indicates C-N stretching. The band appearing
at 1178.89 𝑐𝑚−1 indicates C-N stretching and 𝑃 = 𝑂 functional group, the band 688.13 𝑐𝑚−1 shows C-S
stretching. These confirm the presence of hydroxyl (free, sharp and alcohol), amines, alkynes, oximes, alkenes,
aromatic tertiary amine, secondary amine, phosphine oxide, and sulphur compounds in the Banana peel Silver-
Zinc nanoparticles (BPE Ag/Zn). Figure 1d shows the FT-IR spectrum of the Flamboyant Pod adsorbent. The
adsorption band showing at 3145.12 𝑐𝑚5l is ascribed to N-H stretching vibration and O-H stretching, the band at
1694.99 𝑐𝑚−1 is due to 𝐶 = 𝑂 stretching, the band at 1574.67 𝑐𝑚−1 indicates 𝐶 = 𝐶 functional group. The band
appearing at 1413.19 𝑐𝑚−1 indicates C-H deformation vibration and 𝑆 = 𝑂 functional group, the band at 1118.73
𝑐𝑚−1 also shows 𝐶 = 𝑆 functional group. The bands at 874.93 𝑐𝑚−1 and 827.44 𝑐𝑚−1 reveal C-H deformation
vibration, the band 694.46 𝑐𝑚−1 shows C-H deformation, C-Br stretching and C-S stretching, the band
615.30𝑐𝑚−1 show C-H bending, and C-S stretching, and the band at 520 𝑐𝑚−1 indicates S-S and C-I stretching.
Hence it can be inferred from this analysis, the presence of amides, amine sulphate, alcohol, sulphonic acid,
unsaturated and aromatic aldehydes, alkenes, alkanes, sulphate, thioacids, meta-disubstituted benzene,
bromohydrocarbon, alkynes, and sulphur compounds in the flamboyant pod adsorbent. Figure 1e which represents
the FTIR analysis of BPE AgNPs Hybridised adsorbent confirms the presence of alkenes, alkanes, oximes,
thioamides, ethers, bromohydrocarbon, sulphate, and sulphur compounds in the Banana peel silver nanoparticles
hybridized adsorbent. Figure 1e represents the FTIR spectral for banana peel silver-zinc nanoparticles hybridized
adsorbent. The spectral revealed the presence of phosphine, boron compounds, oximes, aromatic, and alkene in
the Banana peel silver-zinc nanoparticles hybridized adsorbent
Figure 1: FTIR Spectrum of (a) Banana Peel Extract (BPE) (b) BPE AgNPs before Hybridization (c) BPE Ag/ZnNPs before
Hybridization (d) Flamboyant Pod Adsorbent (e) BPE AgNPs Hybridized Adsorbent (f) BPE Ag/ZnNPs Hybridized
4.2 Analysis of Ultraviolet-Visible (UV-VIS) Spectrometer
The UV-VIS spectra for Banana Peel extract is shown in Figure 2a. The UV spectrum shows various bands at the
following wavelengths of 400 nm, 285 nm, 205 nm and 245. The band at 285 nm is due to n →σ* transitions or
the combination of both n →π* transitions and π →π* transitions linked by double band, these fall in the ultraviolet
region. No particular chromophore exists at the band 285 nm. The band at 205 nm can be due to either n →σ*
transitions or the combination of both n →π* transitions and π →π* transitions linked by double band, this also falls
in the ultraviolet region. The band at 245 nm is due to either n →σ * transitions or the combination of both n →π*
transitions and π →π* transitions linked by double band, and it falls in the ultraviolet region. The conjugated dienes
present at 245 nm are parent acyclic triene compounds and the chromophore existing is α,β-g,d-diene ketone. The
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
band at 400 nm are due to n →σ* transitions, and it requires less energy (longer wavelength) compared to π →π*
transitions. This region falls within the ultraviolet and visible regions. The absorbance recorded for bands 400 nm,
285 nm, 205 nm and 245 nm, are 0.137, 0.518, 1.529, and 0.371 respectively. Figure 2b shows the UV-VIS
spectra for Banana Peel silver nanoparticles. The UV spectrum shows various bands at the following wavelengths;
400 nm, 275 nm, and 215 nm and the following absorbance; 0.150, 0.222, and 3.069. The band at 400 nm and
275 nm are due to n →σ* transitions which require less energy (longer wavelength) compared to π →π* transitions.
The band at 215 nm can be due to either n →σ* transitions or the combination of both n →π* transitions and π →π*
transitions linked by double band, these fall in the ultraviolet region. The chromophore existing at 215 nm is β-
unsaturated six ring ketones, and the conjugated dienes present are acyclic and transoid compounds. Similarly
Figure 2c shows the UV-VIS Spectrum of the Banana peel silver/zinc nanoparticles at various bands of
wavelengths 400 nm, 270 nm, 215 nm and 245 having absorbance values of 0.216, 0.295, 2.776, and 0.215
respectively. The band at 400 nm and 270 nm are due to n→σ* transitions which require less energy (longer
wavelength) compared to π→π* transitions. The band at 215 nm can be due to either n→σ* transitions or the
combination of both n→π* transitions and π→π* transitions linked by double band, these fall in the ultraviolet
region. The chromophore existing at 215 nm is α,β-unsaturated six ring ketones, and the conjugated dienes present
are acyclic and transoid compounds. The band at 245 nm will also be due to either n→σ * transitions or the
combination of both n→π* transitions and π→π* transitions linked by double band, and it falls in the ultraviolet
region. The conjugated dienes present at 245 nm is parent acyclic trienes compounds and the chromophore existing
is α, β-g,d-diene ketone. It was observed that for all the spectra, an increase in wavelength leads to a decrease in
absorbance which follows Beer Lambert’s law.
Figure 2: UV-VIS Spectrum of (a) Banana Peel Extract (BPE) (b) BPE AgNPs (c) BPE Ag/ZnNPs
4.3 Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM) Analysis For BPE Ag/ZnNPs Hybridized Adsorbent
SEM was used to know the surface texture and porosity of the sample. The BP-Ag/ZnNPs was observed at an
accelerating voltage of 5.00 kV and working distance of 5.0 mm, it was observed under different focal lengths
and magnification. Pores were identified for particle size 20 µ𝑚 at 200k x magnification and 200 𝑛𝑚 at 20. k x
Figure 3: SEM Micrograph of BPE Ag/ZnNPs at (a) 20 µ𝑚 (200k x magnification) (b) 200 𝑛𝑚 (20.k x magnification)
4.4 Analysis Of scanning electron microscopy energy dispersive spectroscopy for BPE Ag/ZnNPs Hybridized
The SEM-EDS analysis shows the component elements present in the banana peel silver/zinc nanoparticles
hybridized adsorbent. From Table 4.1, it can be deduced that carbon and oxygen are the major components
(elements with more than 10% atomic weight) present. Potassium and calcium are identified as the minor
components (Elements with an atomic weight between 1-10%), and magnesium, silicon and copper are the trace
components (elements with less than 1% atomic weight).
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
4.5 Transmission Electron Microscopy (TEM) Analysis for BPE Ag/ZnNPs Hybridized Adsorbent
Transition electron microscopy was used to ascertain the lattice structure and crystallinity of banana peel-silver-
zinc nanoparticles hybridized adsorbent. Figure 4 shows the sample structure at nano levels that is 20 nm and
200nm which confirms the presence of nanoparticles
Figure 4: TEM micrographs of the Banana peel extract Ag/Zn Hybridized Adsorbent showing result for (a) 20nm (b) 200nm
4.6 X-RAY Diffraction (XRD) Analysis for BPE Ag/ZnNPs Hybridized Adsorbent
X-ray diffraction analysis result is shown in Figure 5. The red line in the graph represents quartz crystalline
structure, the blue line indicates cristobalite structure and the black line indicates glass structure. Silver exhibits a
single face-centred cubic (fcc) geometry. The peaks observed at 2𝜃 values of 29.4°, 39.2° and 48.2° which
correspond to crystallographic planes of (104), (113) and (116) can be ascribed to the composition of BPE that
are acting as capping and stabilizing agents for hybridized bimetallic BPE Ag/ZnNPs hybridized adsorbent, thus
preventing agglomeration.
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
Banana peel extract was used to produce the silver-zinc nanoparticle which is then hybridized with carbonized
flamboyant pod. It can be inferred from the study that bimetallic Ag-ZnNPs could be prepared with banana leaf
extract. The silver and zinc ions were reduced to silver-zinc nanoparticles when added to the banana peel extract;
it was observed that the colour of the solution turned from golden yellow to a colourless precipitate solution. The
carbonized flamboyant pod has a yield of 28 per cent. The UV-VIS spectra of BP Ag-ZnNPs solution showed the
presence of phytoconstituents (such as amino acid) in the extract which acts as a capping and stabilizing agent
making it suitable for the adsorption process. FT-IR spectroscopy analysis on FP/BP Ag-ZnNPs adsorbent showed
the presence of a carbonyl group in the sample which confirmed that silver ions in silver nanoparticles by capping
material of plant extract. The porosity and surface structure of the adsorbent was investigated through the SEM
analysis, while SEM (EDS) identified the major and trace elements present in the adsorbent. The TEM analysis
confirmed the presence of nanoparticles. The X-ray diffraction analysis confirmed the peaks observed at 2𝜃 values
of 29.4°, 39.2° and 48.2° which correspond to crystallographic planes of (104), (113) and (116) can be ascribed
to the composition of BPE that are acting as capping and stabilizing agents for hybridized bimetallic BPE
Ag/ZnNPs hybridized adsorbent, thus preventing agglomeration. Conclusively hybridized flamboyant pod banana
peel silver/zinc nanoparticle is an economical, efficient, and eco-friendly alternative to the conventional carbon
activation method employed in air pollution control.
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synthesis of silver nanoparticles using cell-free extract of Bacillus safensis LAU 13: antimicrobial, free
radical scavenging and larvicidal activities. Biologia, 70(10), 1295-1306.
Shadman, S., Khalid, P. A., Hanafiah, M. M., Koyande, A. K., Islam, M. A., Bhuiyan, S. A., Woon, K. S., &
Show, P.-L. (2022). The carbon sequestration potential of urban public parks of densely populated cities
to improve environmental sustainability. Sustainable Energy Technologies and Assessments, 52, 102064.
Shankar, S. S., Rai, A., Ahmad, A., & Sastry, M. (2004). Rapid synthesis of Au, Ag, and bimetallic Au core–Ag
shell nanoparticles using Neem (Azadirachta indica) leaf broth. Journal of colloid and interface science,
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Tsai, W.-T. (2023). A Survey on Toxic Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs): Toxicological Profiles, Health
Exposure Risks, and Regulatory Strategies for Mitigating Emissions from Stationary Sources in Taiwan.
Atmosphere, 14(2), 242.
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
In recent times, ineffective traffic light control has been the cause of numerous problems such as delay on the
highway as well as waste of energy and resources. To improve the effectiveness, taking the traffic data as input
and intelligently adjusting the traffic light duration accordingly has become pertinent. Therefore, an improved
traffic light control system is required so as to address the traffic delay-based problems. The application of
artificial intelligence has recently gained widespread attention due to its capability to be able to solve complex
problems such as in signal and traffic light control. Hence, this study developed an improved traffic signal model
exploiting Deep Neural Network tool. The performance evaluation of the developed model shows that isolated
intersection and coordinated intersections (Deep Learning) approach is superior to that of the fixed-time signal
control method.
KEYWORDS: Control system, Data, Deep neural network, Optimization, Signal, Traffic.
The increase in the population of urban areas and its attendant effect on traffic congestion makes it urgent to
develop improved traffic control systems. As traffic volume continues to increase, the highways become more
and more congested. One of the most cost-effective measures for dealing with this congestion is traffic signal
control. Traffic signal retiming and coordination of existing signals have been proven to bring about substantial
reductions in traffic delay, considerable energy savings, and consequently, huge reduction in travel time and
increased safety for the public (Lee and Park, 2017). Many frameworks for traffic light detection using machine
learning have been proposed in the past but were rather time inefficient in either the reduction of the dimension
or in terms of the efficiency of the machine learning algorithms used.
Also, the development of the Smart Traffic Control System based on traffic environment using deep learning is
required as the current traffic lights are making use of technologies that are using much older microcontrollers
providing low efficiency and no flexibility. Such traffic light management systems suffer from problems as they
execute certain previously defined lines of code that cannot offer the adjustability that occurs in real-life scenarios.
The current traffic management systems provide hard-coded and previously set intervals of time for different
signals, and that makes the system very rigid. The smart traffic control system based on traffic environment using
deep learning neural network algorithm delivers excellent results on various parameters like performance,
efficiency, and along with the superb flexibility and sustainability (Arel, 2018). Therefore, the need for better
approaches that can improve the computational problems is crucial. Therefore, this study aims to provide solution
to problems identified with the conventional traffic light control system by developing a deep neural network
model for effective and efficient traffic light control system.
According to De Schutter (2015), Manual traffic control management involves a traffic policeman standing on
each and every cross-section of the roads and controls flow of traffic by using sign board. If density of traffic is
more on the road, then traffic police gives signal to the vehicle driver whether to drive or stop. He or she can also
recognize emergency vehicles on the road and give first priority to the lane on which emergency vehicle is passing.
But in case of multiple emergencies the police officer gets confused and becomes unable to manage the traffic
In order to eliminate most weakness of the manual traffic control system, an automatic traffic management method
was recommended (Chiu and Chand, 2017). The system includes simple three color traffic signal which are red,
green and yellow. Before green light, yellow light glow for less than 20 seconds; indicating to start your vehicle
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
and be ready to move. For all the time red light is on, indicating each vehicle to stop. This system cannot identify
emergency vehicles like ambulance and VIP car. It treats all vehicles and emergency vehicles in the same way,
because they have fixed the timings for red and green signals (Badrudeen, et al., 2014; Badrudeen, Akanni, and
Kawonise, 2016). At the night time, both red and green signals are manually switched off while the yellow signal
is left for traffic control in that scenario. In this regard, the probability of delay in emergency services in peak
hours results in high value using this technique, which can be inefficient for practical scenario.
Hartenstein and Laberteaux (2018) developed an Intelligent Traffic Management Technique based on Image
Processing, which uses cameras to capture image of the traffic density on road. Image captured by camera is
analyzed by a computer chip in order to detect vehicles on road. The computer will calculate the timings for red
and green signals to control the traffic density and send the data to traffic signals controller to enable red and
green signal dynamically change the timings. Sometimes this technique is not efficient because camera cannot
cover long distances during heavy traffic jam and during heavy rain, when image captured by camera is not clear.
Casas (2017) proposed a biologically-inspired neural network for traffic signal control and validated it with
comparative simulations. Li, Lv and Wang, 2016) developed a management system using Wireless Technologies.
In this technique emergency vehicle is equipped with RF transmitter and RF-receiver mounted on a signal pole.
As emergency vehicle is approaching the intersection, a signal is sent to the RF receiver and to the main control
system. The control system calculates the approximate amount of time for green signal where emergency vehicle
moves and keeps red light to remaining lanes. Then emergency vehicle can pass easily. This technique controls
traffic flow in an efficient way and also gives solutions for emergency vehicles.
IRIS (Intelligent Roadway Information System) is an open-source Advanced Traffic Management System
(ATMS) software project developed by the Minnesota Department of Transportation. It is used by transportation
agencies to monitor and manage interstate and highway traffic. IRIS provides real-time information on high way
conditions to detect traffic incidents, manage the flow of traffic, and broadcast traveler information. IRIS uses the
GPL license, Advanced Traffic Management System (ATMS) software tool. ATMS helps to reduce traveling
times, maximize highway ability, and generally afford safer travelling directions.
Data Pre-processing
Because Directed Acyclic Graph Deep Neural Network (DAG-DNN) requires large data; thus the traffic volume
data obtained from the questionnaires was augmented to produce sufficient amount of data required to train for
training. The processed data were divided into training dataset and testing dataset. The training dataset consist of
80% of the whole data while the testing dataset consist of 20% of the whole data.
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
The flow chart of the DAG-DNN model is shown in Figure 1. DAG-DNN loaded and trained 80% of the dataset.
During the training the DNN automatically extracts relevant features need to classify the traffic type (Low,
Moderate, Heavy and Very Heavy) for each period of days for the week.
No desired
Fine-tune parameters accuracy
The training of the DAG-DNN stop after the desired level of validation accuracy has been achieved during the
learning process. Thereafter, the trained DAG-DNN model was saved for future prediction or classification of
traffic type (or volume) needed for the traffic control system to make appropriate decision on duration of traffic
lights for each road.
Performance Metric
The performance metrics used the study are True Positive Rate, False Positive Rate and Accuracy. DAG-DNN
model is evaluated using accuracy as shown in equation (1).
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
3/,,-:; :21AADFD:1;D/E
𝐴𝑐𝑐𝑢𝑟𝑎𝑐𝑦 = N/;12 Ez.H-, /F ;-A;-< A1.h2-A × 100% (1)
Table 4 is the Comparison of the total moving time and the total waiting time for the developed DAG-DNN based
traffic light control system and that of fixed-delay based traffic light control system. Table 4 reveals that results
of the DAG-DNN model has appropriate moving time and waiting time for all the traffic types. Also, when the
traffic is low the waiting time allocated is minimal while the moving time is high and vise-versa for other traffic
types. The fixed-delay-based traffic light control system always allocates the same waiting and moving times but
increased values as the traffic volume increases.
Accuracy (%)
Mon Tue Wed Thur Fri Sat Sun
Days of the week
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
Table 4: Comparison of the Developed traffic light control method with the existing fixed time method
Developed traffic control Existing traffic control
Traffic volume Total Total Total Total
moving waiting moving waiting
time (s) time (s) time (s) time (s)
Low 600 54000 5400 5400
Therefore, the developed DAG-DNN proves to be a better option for traffic control at any road intersection and
recommended for a smart traffic control system.
In this study, a Directed Acyclic Graph Deep Neural Network (DAG-DNN) model was developed for intelligently
controlling traffic at Oke-fia junction Osogbo. The results obtained from the test of the DAG-DNN model showed
that it gives acceptably high accuracy. The developed DAG-DNN will help to proportionately allocate moving
time and waiting time for each road based on their traffic volume; and eliminate unnecessary delay associated
with the conventional traffic light control system.
Arel, C. Liu, T. Urbanik, and A. Kohls (2010). “Reinforcement learning-based multi-agent system for Network
traffic signal control,” IET Intelligent Transport Systems, Vol. 4, no. 2, pp. 128–135.
Badrudeen A. A., Akanni A. A., and Kawonise, K. (2016). “Effect of Emergency Interrupt Complexity on the
Performance of Adaptive Network Based Fuzzy Inference Traffic Light Control System,” Journal of
Information Engineering and Applications, 6(8) pp. 84-94.
Badrudeen A. A., Akanni A. A, Ajayi O. O. Adepoju T. M. and Sobowale A. A. (2014). “Traffic Light Control
Using Adaptive Network Based Fuzzy Inference System” Proceedings of International Conference on
Artificial Intelligence & Manufacturing Engineering (ICAIME), Dubai, pp. 156-161.
Casas, N. (2017). “Deep deterministic policy gradient for urban traffic light control,”
Chiu and Chand S. (2017). “Adaptive traffic signal control using fuzzy logic,” in The First IEEE Regional
Conference on Aerospace Control Systems, pp. 1371–1376.
Gokulan, Y. Shen, J., Liu, M. Ito, and Shiratori, N. (2017) “Adaptive traffic signal control: Deep reinforcement
learning algorithm with experience replay and target network,” arXiv preprintarXiv:1705.02755.
Hartenstein and L. Laberteaux, “A tutorial survey on vehicular adhoc networks,” IEEE Communications
magazine, vol. 46, no. 6, June 20018.
Li, Y. Lv, and F.-Y. Wang, (2016). “Traffic signal timing via deep reinforcement learning,” IEEE/CAA Journal
of Automatic aSinica, vol. 3, no. 3, pp. 247–254.
Schutter, (2015). “Optimal traffic light control for a single intersection,” in American Control Conference, vol. 3,
pp. 2195–2199.
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
Aluminium oxide (Al2O3) an inorganic chemical reagent with chemical name Aluminium oxide. It is also called
as Alpha-Alumina, Alumina, Alundum or Aloxide. It is mostly used in wastewater treatment. Water pollution due
to industrial, agricultural and domestic activities has caused a significant threat to human as well as surrounding
environment. The quest towards mitigating the environmental hazard and making use of waste (waste to wealth),
finding alternative, locally available and more economical way of treating wastewater has motivated this research.
The Aluminium oxide was extracted from waste Maltina Can using alkali method and the Laboratory Developed
Aluminium oxides (LDA) was characterized by XRF. EDX analysis of the LDA was done and Image J software
was used to analyze SEM images. The LDA contained 69.70% of Al2O3, an indication of higher percentage of
aluminium oxide (78.4% threshold) present in the Malt Can. The LDA SEM analysis indicated 1.435µm,
33.421µm, 24.757µm, and 11.237 µm for an average Area, Mean, Standard deviation, and Length respectively.
The Aluminium oxide developed in the laboratory is pure enough to be used for the development of composite
filter for effective treatment of wastewater.
KEYWORDS: Aluminium Oxide, EDX, SEM, Waste Can, Wastewater Treatment, XRF
Water pollution due to industrial, agricultural and domestic activities has caused a significant threat to human as
well as surrounding environment (Schwarzenbach, 2010). Adsorption continues to be the most effective method
for removing pollutants from water and wastewater among the many water treatment technologies that have been
developed over the past 20 years (Anastopoulos et al., 2017); this is because it is straightforward to design, simple
to use, and affordable (Abdolali et al., 2017).
Aluminum cans and other packaging are the main sources of aluminum in municipal solid waste (MSW) (EPA,
2021). Water companies all over the world have employed aluminum as a crucial pre-treatment in water
purification processes (Dassanayake et al., 2015). With 3.9 million tons produced in 2018, aluminum accounted
for 1.3 percent of all MSW production. This comprised two million tons found in both durable and nondurable
goods, as well as 1.9 million tons of aluminum containers and packaging. In 2018, almost 2.7 million tons of
aluminum were dumped in landfills. This accounted for 1.8% of all MSW dumped that year (EPA, 2021).
Aluminum Cans shield its contents from the damaging effects of the elements while preserving their flavor. It is
long-lasting and extremely durable. Additionally, the can itself never rusts or loses any of its characteristics. These
are most likely the key explanations for why aluminum is so commonly utilized in food packaging (Ajibola, 2015).
One of the main problems that cause pollution in the environment is the use of Aluminum Waste Cans. Many of
these Cans end up in landfills or lying on the ground since they cannot decompose naturally and require a very
long time to do so. Like other non-biodegradable materials, it further obstructs drainage, leading to floods, and
creates stagnant water, which fosters additional health problems like malaria and cholera, among others (Ajibola,
Al2O3 is the chemical name for aluminum oxide, an inorganic chemical reagent. Alpha-Alumina, Alumina,
Alundum, or Aloxide are some of its alternate names. Its Molar Mass/Molecular Weight is 101.96 g/mol. It is
used to take water out of the gas streams during the water purification process. In the production of adsorbents
and catalysts, aluminum oxide, a very effective ceramic oxide, finds numerous significant applications (Byjus,
2022). Aluminum Waste Cans and Foil paper both contain aluminum oxide and can be extracted from them.
Additionally, it can be produced by calcining Gibbsite, which has the chemical formula Al(OH)3 (Byjus, 2022).
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
According to Hassan Basri et al. (2019), the effectiveness of ammonium removal in water treatment increases as
aluminum concentration does. Aluminum oxide nanoparticles were utilized by Tabesh et al. (2018) to remove
cadmium and lead, with adsorption capabilities of 78 and 217 mg/g, respectively. Another study opined that the
maximum adsorption capacity of aluminum oxide nanoparticles to remove methylene blue was 2:5 * 10x5 mol/g
(Banerjee et al., 2015). Aluminum oxide nanoparticles were also used to remove fluoride, and their adsorption
capability was 65 mg/g (Liu et al., 2016). Safwat et al. (2022) has also studied its ability in the phenol removal
and found it to be effective. Therefore, aluminium oxide is more effective in the treatment of wastewater.
Aluminum Waste Can is ubiquitous in Nigeria and constitute environmental hazard such as blockage of drainage
system thereby causing flood, which may result to death. The use of AWC in wastewater treatment has a potential
to reduce cost of treatment and mitigate their environmental nuisance. The research will proffer solution to the
problem of high cost of wastewater treatment as aluminium oxide is expensive, producing it locally will save the
cost and also provide employment.
Materials used are Aluminium Waste Can, Concentrated Sodium Hydroxide (NaOH), Distilled Water,
Concentrated Hydrogen Peroxide (H2O2), Concentrated Hydrochloric Acid (HCl), Concentrated Nitric Acid
(HNO3). Equipment used are Oven, Furnace, Grinder, Pipette Filler, Hot Plate, Filtered Paper.
The Aluminium oxide was extracted from waste Maltina Can using alkali method. Precisely 5g of aluminium
sheet (Plate 1) was taken and it is reacted with 9g of NaOH and diluted with 250 ml distilled water (Eqn. 1). NaOH
is reacted with aluminium sheet to form sodium aluminate. Then this solution was filtered to remove foreign
particles. After heating (until boiling), about 4ml H2O2 was added to this solution and kept for 24 hours to settle
ferric oxide which was brick red in colour. After settlement, clear solution was picked up by the pipette filler and
filtered. About 80ml 1:1 HCl was added in the filtrate to form aluminium hydroxide.
Al(OH)3 + NaOH → NaAlO2 + 2H2O Eqn. 1
Then the aluminium hydroxide was kept in an oven at 105oC temperature for drying. Again, it was kept in a
furnace at about 800oC temperature to form aluminium oxide. This aluminium oxide was grinded in a grinder and
allowed to pass through 100 meshes and final product, aluminium oxide was obtained.
After the final product of aluminium oxide was obtained, scanning electron microscopy with energy dispersive
X-ray detection (SEM-EDX), and XRF analysis of the product were conducted.
3.1 XRF
The elemental oxides composition of both PA and LDA are provided in Table 1. In comparison, it could be
observed that the Silicon Oxides (SiO2) for LDA and PA were 15.75% and 4.60% respectively. Higher percentage
of silicon oxide in LDA could be attributed to the dissolved colour pigment in the malt Can used for the process,
this would however, be an advantage if use for the development of composite filter for wastewater treatment as
silicon oxide will increase the capacity of clay in the wastewater treatment.
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
PA 4.60 88.90 0.40 1.82 0.33 0.12 0.002 1.25 0.22 0.80
3.2 EDX
The material composition information of both PA and LDA are provided in Figure 1 and Figure 2. It measures
the atomic concentration within aluminium oxides compounds.
From the EDX analysis as shown in Figure 1 and Figure 2, the Aluminium percentage of LDA was 59.0% while
that of PA was 65.6%. It could be seen that the percentage of aluminium was lower in LDA than PA, but the value
was higher than that of Sheel et al. (2016) who used the same method for Waste Can and their value was 48.71%
of Aluminum. The likely reason for this wide margin could be as a result of different Can used in their country,
as the composition of various Can slightly different from each other.
The oxygen (O) percentage in LDA was 15.1% which was higher than the PA of 10%. Similarly, the percentages
of zinc (Zn) and iron (Fe) were higher in LDA (10.0% and 1.02% respectively) when compare with that of PA
(3.31% and 0.15% respectively). However, calcium (Ca – 2.0%), carbon (C – 3.0%), and silicon (Si – 2.6%) were
lower in LDA compare to 3.0%, 3.52% and 12.22% respectively in PA. This will not have any negative effect as
the clay and bagasse to be used with already contains higher percentage of these elements.
It could be seen that the LDA contained Sodium (Na) due to available NaOH which was used for the development.
The presence of titanium (Ti) and manganese (Mn) in LDA could be attributed to the impurity that may have
occurred during the process. In Figure 3, it could be observed that the different in Al level are not that much and
one hardly notice differences in C, Ca and Fe level. It is only in Si that the difference was evidently noticed.
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
Percentage (%)
30 PA
Al O C Ca Zn Fe Si
3.3 SEM
Figure 4 and Figure 5 shows SEM image of both LDA and PA respectively. The images produced structural
information and provide images of the surface of LDA and PA at extremely high magnifications (10,000 times).
Fig. 4: SEM 10,000 Times Magnification of LDA Fig. 5: SEM 10,000 Times Magnification of PA
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
Image J software was used to analyzed SEM images shown in Figures 4 and 5 and twenty pores on each image
were chosen and the software was used to determine the Area, Mean, Standard Deviation and Length for each
pore as shown in Table 2 above. Twenty pores were selected on each image in order to completely cover the entire
image hence, ensured true analysis. For LDA, the average Area was 1.435µm, average Mean was 33.421µm,
average standard deviation was 24.757µm while average Length was 11.237. PA on the other hand has average
Area of 10.680µm, average Mean of 30.785µm, average standard deviation of 10.195µm and average Length of
The average Area of pores in LDA was 1.435µm while that of PA was 10.680µm; this is an indication that the
pores in PA are bigger than that of LDA. Similarly, the average Length of pores in LDA was 11.237µm while that
of PA was 42.687µm, an indication of longer pores in PA. This could be summarized that the particle grain size
of LDA was finer than that of PA; this is because the LDA product was sieved through sieve 100 micron, hence,
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
making it finer. This make the LDA to be more nanoparticles than PA, hence, LDA will be more effective in
wastewater treatment.
Aluminium oxide has been developed in the laboratory, various tests were carried out. From the results and
analysis carried out, it can be concluded that: The Aluminium oxide developed in the laboratory is pure enough
to be used for the development of composite filter for wastewater treatment, as it has 78.4% Al2O3 threshold when
compare with the commercial pure Aluminium oxide. LDA has smaller pores, shorter grains and finer particle
grain size. It will aid the capacity of clay in the treatment of wastewater since it contains more silicon oxide, as
this will be an advantage for the purpose. The Aluminium oxide that was developed in the laboratory should be
used for the development of composite filter. It could be subjected to further refine to meet up with the commercial
standard, especially, in removal of titanium and manganese impurities if to be used for other purpose.
The Authors acknowledged Ass. Prof. L.A. Azeez of Pure and Applied Chemistry Department, Osun State
University, Osogbo, Nigeria. Mrs Ikimat Bello (Lab. 1) and Mr Damilare (Lab. 2) of the same department for
their assistance during the course of this research.
Abdolali, A., Ngo, H.H., Guo, W., Zhou, J.L., Zhang, J., Liang, S., Chang, S.W., Nguyen, D.D., and Liu, Y.
(2017). Application of a Breakthrough Biosorbent for Removing Heavy Metals From Synthetic and Real
Wastewaters In A Lab-Scale Continuous Fixed-Bed Column, Journal of Bioresources Technology. 229, 78–
Ajibola Ameerah. (2015). Recycling Aluminium Cans: Problems Associated with Improper Disposal of
Aluminium Cans. From http://blog.wecyclers.com/2015/09/29/recycling-aluminium-cans-problems-
associated-with-improper-disposal-of-aluminium-cans/ (Accessed on April 14, 2023).
Anastopoulos, I., Bhatnagar, A., Hameed, B.H., Ok, Y.S., and Omirou, M. (2017). A Review on Waste-derived
Adsorbents from Sugar Industry for Pollutant Removal in Water and Wastewater. Journal of Molecular
Liquids 240, 179–188.
Banerjee, S., Gautam, R.K., Jaiswal, A., Chattopadhyaya, M.C., and Sharma, Y.C. (2015). Rapid Scavenging of
Methylene Blue Dye from A Liquid Phase by Adsorption on Alumina Nanoparticles. RSC Advances, Vol.
5, No. 19, pp. 14425–14440.
Byjus. (2023). Aluminium Oxide – Al2O3. Accessed on 29/03/2023. Retrieved from
Dassanayake, K.B., Jayasinghe, G.Y., Surapaneni, A., and Hetherington, C. (2015). A Review on Alum Sludge
Reuse with Special Reference to Agricultural Applications and Future Challenges. Waste Management. 38,
1 p. 321–335.
EPA. (2021). Facts and Figures About Materials, Waste and Recycling: Recycling Aluminum: Material-Specific
Data. https://www.epa.gov/facts-and-figures-about-materials-waste-and-recycling/aluminum-material-
specific-dataaluminum-material-specific-data (Accessed on May 23, 2021).
Hassan Basri, M.H., Mohammad Don, N.N., Kasmuri, N., Hamzah, N., Alias, S., and Azizan, F.A. (2019).
Aluminium Recovery from Water Treatment Sludge Under Different Dosage of Sulphuric Acid. Journal of
Physics: Conference Series 1349, 012005 doi:10.1088/1742-6596/1349/1/012005
Liu, L., Cui, Z., Ma, Q., Cui, W., and Zhang, X. (2016). One-step Synthesis of Magnetic Iron-Aluminum
Oxide/Graphene Oxide Nanoparticles as a Selective Adsorbent for Fluoride Removal from Aqueous
Solution. RSC Advances, Vol. 6, No. 13, pp. 10783–10791.
Safwat M.S., Mohamed, N.Y., Mohamed N. A., Meshref, and Elawwad, A. (2022). Adsorption of Phenol onto
Aluminum Oxide Nanoparticles: Performance Evaluation, Mechanism Exploration, and Principal
Component Analysis (PCA) of Thermodynamics. Adsorption Science & Technology, Volume 2022, Article
ID 1924117, 14 pages https://doi.org/10.1155/2022/1924117
Schwarzenbach, R.P., Egli, T., Hofstetter, T.B., Von Gunten, U., and Wehrli, B. (2010). Global Water Pollution
and Human Health. Journal of Annual Review of Environment and Resources, 35, 109–136.
Sheel, T.K., Poddar, P., Murad, A.B.M.W., Neger, A.J.M.T., and Chowdhury, A.M.S. (2016). Preparation of
Aluminum Oxide from Industrial Waste Can Available in Bangladesh Environment: SEM and EDX
Analysis. Journal of Advanced Chemical Engineering, 6: 152. Doi: 10.4172/2090-4568.1000152
Tabesh, S., Davar, F., and Loghman-Estarki, M.R. (2018). Preparation of γ-Al2O3 Nanoparticles using Modified
Sol-Gel Method and Its Use for the Adsorption of Lead and Cadmium ions. Journal of Alloys and
Compounds, vol. 730, pp. 441–449.
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
Burning of solid waste openly has contributed greatly to the degradation of ambient air quality, thus having a
harmful effect on environment, animals, materials and humans. This study employs a mass-based solid waste
characterization method and also looks at the parameter such as ash content of the solid waste. Met One GT 331
mass monitor was employed to assess the levels of particulate matter and Total suspended particles (TSP) at ten
sampling points on a dumpsite when the solid wastes were combusted. The study characterized 35.151 kg of solid
waste with food waste, nylon, plastic, metals, paper and textile contributing to the major components in the study
area with 23.46%, 27.64%, 7.30%, 3.29%, 24.32%, and 13.98% respectively. The percentage ash content was
7.12%, 7.09%, 21.41%, 29.16%, 8.88% and 7.58% respectively for food waste, nylon, plastic, paper, textile and
composite waste. The 24 hr extrapolated concentrations for PM2.5, PM10 and TSP ranged from 1.97 – 23.48 µg/m3,
12.70 – 796.62 µg/m3 and 17.38 - 882.27 µg/m3 respectively. The extrapolated concentration for TSP breach the
standard limit by FEPA for two days of the study.
Open burning of solid waste in a dumpsite is a large source of air pollutants which is of huge concern to the quality
of air (Angaye and Abowei, 2018). Open burning is harmful to human health and the environment. The solid
waste burnt is released in its raw form into the atmosphere, they pose not only a great danger to the environment
but also become a health concern for life (Weli et al., 2014). The effects of open burning can lead to breathing
difficulties, eye irritation, threat to normal functioning of the liver, kidney, heart and lungs of humans (Peter et
al., 2018). Open burning is a daily activity that kills the environment. The adverse effects of pollutants are largely
dependent on their concentration and exposure rate (Barakat-Haddad et al., 2015). Literature review on air quality
around solid waste dumpsites in Nigeria showed values higher than the standard limit by the Federal Ministry of
Environment (FMEnv) (Tariwari and Jasper, 2017). This is largely attributed to the unsafe management of waste
including open-air burning of waste. Air pollution associated with solid waste has become a major source of
greenhouse gases emission including particulate matter during openair burning (EZEKWE et al., 2016).
Suspended Particulate matter released during the burning of waste contain anthropogenic substance that causes
irritation to the naval cavity and causes infections. Several studies have confirmed the consistent relationship
between mortality and PM exposure (Angaye and Abowei, 2018). Exposure to airborne particulate matter is of
increasing concern to the general public and its assessment is necessary from time to time (Power et al., 2018;
Uba, 2015). Exposure to high concentrations of PM10, and PM2.5 particles can cause health-related problems in
humans in both short and long term (Chen et al., 2018). WHO (2014) attributed more than 7 million death due
to exposure to PM both indoors and outdoors. The ratio of PM2.5/PM10 is crucial to identify emission sources of
PM. A high ratio of PM2.5/PM10 shows that fine particles dominate while a low ratio value indicates domination
of coarse particles. Meteorological parameters such as temperature and relative humidity affect the movement of
air contaminants (Karagulian et al., 2015) . These parameters are directly or inversely related with the
concentration of air pollutants (Zhou et al., 2018). Wu et al. (2014) established that meteorological parameters
have great effect on movement of PM as well as the concentration levels.
The increase in population pressure in the university community has increased the amount of solid waste
generated; proper characterization of the waste is needed for effective decisions and management policy. This
paper sets out to quantify and characterize the solid waste generated within the university community and assess
the impact of particulate matter (PM2.5 and PM10) and Total suspended particles (TSP) around the open burning
site as this would provide reliable data on the composition of waste generated and the ambient air quality around
the open burning site with specific reference to PM2.5, PM10 and TSP.
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
2.1 Description of sampling /study area
Obafemi Awolowo University (OAU), Ile-Ife is situated on 13000 Acres (53km) of land. The university
community comprises the central campus (academics and administrative buildings), student residential area, staff
quarters and central market.
Three solid waste sample collection points were chosen for this study; a student residential hall (Awolowo Hall),
Environmental and Design Management (EDM) faculty and Student Union Building (SUB). Ten sampling points
were taken at the open burning site (Tonkere) of the University for the Assessment of particulate matter. The total
area of the dump site was measured to be 74.041m (breadth) x 107.061m (length). Five points (S1 – S5) were taken
on the site while five points (S6 – S10) were taken around the waste dump site.
2.2 Methods
2.2.1 Waste Characterization
The indirect method of waste disposal is in use in the university community. The solid waste generated was
obtained from the central waste disposal bins from the three selected collection points (Awolowo Hall, EDM
Faculty and SUB). Mass-based characterization was used in this study, the samples were taken before the delivery
of the waste materials to landfills by the university-operated truck disposal system. The waste collected was sorted
according to their composition type (food waste, Nylon, plastic, metal, paper and textile). Each of these
characterized wastes is weighed and recorded. Waste samples were collected for seven days.
2.2.2 Determination of Ash Content of Solid Waste
The ash content of the characterized solid waste was determined using the Muffle furnace (electric furnace), a
furnace fitted with an indicating pyrometer so that the desired temperature can be maintained.
10 grams of each of the characterized solid waste was weighed with the analytical balance into the aluminium
crucibles. The crucible was marked with a unique identification number using a porcelain marker before being
placed in the furnace until the weight becomes constant by igniting at a temperature of 575±25oC for three hours.
The crucible was removed and placed in a desiccator which is allowed to cool to room temperature before
weighing it to determine its weight. After weighing, the crucible was returned to the furnace for one hour at
575±25oC, cooled again in the desiccator, and re-weight. This step was repeated until the weight of the crucible
is constant and the final weight was recorded. The percentage ash content of characterized waste was calculated
using equation (1);
𝐼𝑛𝑖𝑡𝑖𝑎𝑙 𝑊𝑒𝑖𝑔ℎ𝑡
Percentage Ash Content= 𝑋 100 (1)
𝐹𝑖𝑛𝑎𝑙 𝑊𝑒𝑖𝑔ℎ𝑡
Co = C1× F (2)
where Co = the concentration at the averaging period to
C1 = the concentration at the averaging period t1
F = factor to convert from the averaging period t1 to the averaging period to = (t1/t0)n
n = 0.28, the stability-dependent exponent
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
Protection Agency (FEPA, 1991). The ratio of PM2.5/PM10 is also calculated to ascertain the nature of the
particulate matter source that dominates the solid waste dumpsite. The relationship between the meteorological
parameters and suspended particulate matter was also established in the study. The standard limit set for total
suspended particles (TSP) by FEPA is 250 µg/m3.
Table 3: Total composition of waste collected over 7 days in different collection points
SUB CAR 3.268 3.850 0.827 0.350 2.925 0.237
EDM 1.827 1.892 0.932 0.539 3.456 0.583
AWOLOWO 3.158 3.973 0.808 0.268 2.166 4.092
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
Solid waste management in the university community is through open dumping and landfilling. There is no formal
recycling scheme within the community, however, scavengers often visit the dumpsite to pick things that can be
recycled such as plastics and metals. The waste disposal methods in the study area include collection points, usage
of waste disposal trucks and landfilling. Major compositions of waste collected in this study are food waste, nylon,
plastic, metal, paper and textile. In the collection point within the academics area, the highest percentage of waste
is paper due to students’ activities and high usage of paper in many offices. However, at the student residential,
textile waste had the highest percentage. Results obtained in this study show a similar trend with the
characterization of solid waste in other Nigerian universities as presented in Figure 5. The Ash content of solid
waste shows the amount of material left after burning of waste which is usually in the form of ash, this usually
poses another danger to the ambient environment and air quality if not properly managed. In this study, paper
waste has the highest ash content value of 29.16 % with nylon having the lowest value.
Based on the air quality index, the particulate levels and TSP were fairly clean when there is no open burning of
waste and were heavily polluted during the burning of waste. During the study for seven days, PM2.5, PM10 and
TSP were very high in concentrations for day two, day six and day seven of the study due to the burning of waste
and vehicular movement. Day two and Day seven of the study area were observed to breach the FEPA standard
for 24 hrs concentration for PM2.5, PM10 and TSP. PM2.5 breached the standard but PM10 and TSP were within the
acceptable limit. Day One and Day six for all particulate levels were well within the acceptable limit
The study provides useful information on the nature of solid waste generation and the composition of the study
area. It also investigates particulate matter levels associated with open burning of solid waste generated within the
university community. Results obtained in this study could help the university management on effective ways to
handle the solid waste generated. From the particulate matter measurement, it can be concluded that open burning
of solid waste increases the concentrations of these air pollutants and thus affect the ambient environment and
human life. The data obtained is expected to influence the policy on proper management of solid waste and air
quality around the study area. Proper and effective handling of waste within the university community is urgently
needed to be put in place. The university management should also invest in converting this enormous waste
generated daily into useful energy. The study recommends against open burning of solid waste at any collection
points within the academic environment and students' hostels.
Angaye, T., and Abowei, J. J. M. T. (2018). Evaluation of suspended particulate matter (SPM) around municipal
solid waste dumpsites in yenagoa metropolis, Nigeria. 4(2), 54-57.
Barakat-Haddad, C., Zhang, S., Siddiqua, A., Dghaim, R. J. J. o. e., and health, p. (2015). Air quality and
respiratory health among adolescents from the United Arab Emirates. 2015.
Chen, G., Jin, Z., Li, S., Jin, X., Tong, S., Liu, S., Yang, Y., Huang, H., and Guo, Y. J. E. i. (2018). Early life
exposure to particulate matter air pollution (PM1, PM2. 5 and PM10) and autism in Shanghai, China: A
case-control study. 121, 1121-1127.
Ezekwe, C. I., Agbakoba, A., And Igbagara, P. W. J. G. (2016). Source Gas Emission And Ambient Air Quality
Around The Eneka Co-Disposal Landfill In Port Harcourt, Nigeria. 2(1).
Fakinle, B. S., Oni, O. S., Olalekan, A. P., Sonibare, J. A., Okedere, O. B., & Odunlami, O. A. (2018). Total
suspended solids and volatile organic compounds in the airshed of a reconstructed road along Lagos-
Ibadan expressway. International Journal of Civil Engineering and Technology, 9(11), 2420–2427.
FEPA. (1991). Guidelines to standards for environmental pollution control in Nigeria. Federal Environmental
Protection Agency (FEPA). Lagos.
Karagulian, F., Belis, C. A., Dora, C. F. C., Prüss-Ustün, A. M., Bonjour, S., Adair-Rohani, H., and Amann, M.
J. A. e. (2015). Contributions to cities' ambient particulate matter (PM): A systematic review of local
source contributions at global level. 120, 475-483.
Peter, A. E., Nagendra, S. S., and Nambi, I. M. J. A. P. R. (2018). Comprehensive analysis of inhalable toxic
particulate emissions from an old municipal solid waste dumpsite and neighbourhood health risks. 9(6),
Power, M. C., Lamichhane, A. P., Liao, D., Xu, X., Jack, C. R., Gottesman, R. F., Mosley, T., Stewart, J. D.,
Yanosky, J. D., and Whitsel, E. A. J. E. h. p. (2018). The association of long-term exposure to particulate
matter air pollution with brain MRI findings: the ARIC study. 126(2), 027009.
Uba, S. (2015). Environmental Impact Assessment of Dumpsites in Zaria Metropolis, Kaduna State, Nigeria. M.
Sc Thesis, Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria Nigeria.
Weli, V. E., Adekunle, O. J. J. o. E., and Science, E. (2014). Air Quality in the Vicinity of a Landfill Site in
Rumuolumeni, Port Harcourt, Nigeria. 4(10), 1-9.
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
Wu, S., Deng, F., Hao, Y., Wang, X., Zheng, C., Lv, H., Lu, X., Wei, H., Huang, J., and Qin, Y. J. C. (2014). Fine
particulate matter, temperature, and lung function in healthy adults: findings from the HVNR study. 108,
Zhou, X., Cai, J., Chen, R., Wang, C., Zhao, A., Yang, C., Li, H., Liu, S., Cao, J., and Kan, H. J. E. P. (2018).
Estimation of residential fine particulate matter infiltration in Shanghai, China. 233, 494-500.
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
150 1000
Concentration in
Concentartion in
0 0
Sampling Points Sampling Points
150 300
Concentration in
Concentration in
100 200
50 100
0 0
Sampling Points Sampling Points
300 400
Concentration in
Concentration in
0 0
Sampling Points Sampling Points
Concentration in
500 PM2.5
Sampling Points DAY SEVEN
Figure 4: Concentrations of particulate matter level and TSP from the study area
60 Paper (%)
Food waste(%)
0 Plastic (%)
Textile (%)
Metal (%)
Figure 5: Comparison of Solid waste characterization from study and previous studies
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
Department of Mechanical Engineering, Federal University of Technology, Minna, Nigeria.
Defence Industries Cooperation of Nigeria (DICON), Kaduna Nigeria
Africa Centre of Excellence, ACE-SPEC, University of Nigeria, Nsukka, Nigeria
Faculty of Engineering and Built Environment, University of Johannesburg, South Africa
Department of Mineral and Petroleum Resources Engineering, Kaduna Polytechnic, Zaria, Nigeria
Department of Mechanical Engineering, Federal Polytechnic Bida, Nigeria
Department of Metallurgical and Materials Engineering, Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria, Nigeria
The service conditions of automobile steel components such as crankshaft, gears and cams to mention but a few
require high hardness to enable them satisfy their design requirements when in operation. In this study, hardness
properties of carburized mild steel rods were investigated to determine the impact of carburization parameters on
the steel. Mild steel rods were carburized using coconut charcoal powder and periwinkle shell powder. The
samples were carburized at temperatures of 850°C, 900°C and 950°C respectively; and were soaked for 1 hour,
followed by water quenching. Leeb hardness tester was used to determine the hardness values of the carburized
mild steel rods. The highest hardness value of 774 HL was obtained with carburization parameters of 436.80g of
coconut shell charcoal, 150.23g of periwinkle shell powder, carburization temperature of 9000C and at a soaking
time of 109 minutes. It was established that locally sourced materials (Carburized coconut shell and periwinkle
shell) could serve as effective carburization ingredients for mild steel due to the improvement in hardness of the
mild steel.
Carburization is a surface-hardening heat treatment process which is carried out to enhance the performance of
parts such as bearings and gears in order to improve the hardness of the surface to resist wear and the toughness
of the interior to resist impact during service (Binzhou et al., 2018). This is due to the loads arising from vibration,
speed of rotation and the nature of applied stresses they experience in service (Salawu et al., 2019). Case hardening
has also been described as the process of hardening the surface of steel by infusing elements into the metal surface
forming a hard, wear resistance skin but preserving a tough and ductile interior (Metals Handbook, 1981). The
various case hardening processes are carburizing, cyaniding, citrating, carbonitriding and flame/Induction
hardening. The focus of this study is carburization which improves specific mechanical properties of low carbon
steel by the addition of carbon materials at elevated temperature (Orisanmi et al., 2017). Carburization has proved
very effective in improving mechanical properties of mild steel and increase in thickness of surface layers (Afolalu
et al., 2018). Several materials have been used in the literature for carburization process. These include egg shell,
periwinkle shell, coconut shell, palm kernel shell, cow bones and horns. The processing time and bonding
efficiency of these materials are subjects for discussion with respect to different steels (Sanni and Fayomi 2018).
The effect of soaking time on mechanical properties of mild steel subjected to packed carburization at
temperatures of 850°C, 900°C and 950°C using pulverized bone as the carburizer was investigated in (Aramide
et al., 2010). After quenching in oil and tempered at 250°C, better mechanical properties were revealed for samples
that were soaked at the carburizing temperature of 900°C for 15 minutes and 30 minutes respectively.
A study carried out using combined coconut shell charcoal and periwinkle shell as carburization materials was
reported in (Agbo et al., 2017) where carburizing time, case depth and carburizing materials (75% weight of
pulverized coconut shell charcoal and 25% weight of pulverized periwinkle shell) were used for the carburization
of 18 samples of 0.08% carbon content mild steel rods of length 55 mm and 14 mm diameter. The carburization
temperature was maintained at 900oC and it was found that case depth and hardness values increased with increase
in different carburizing time (1, 2 and 3 hours). Periwinkle shell was also found to be a good cost effective
carburizer when used with BaCO3 as energizer in the improvement of hardness and impact strength of low carbon
steel with 0.182% carbon (Adzor et al., 2016).
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
The use of wood charcoal as carburizer and BaCO3as energizer in the carburization of mild steel with carbon
content of 0.17% at different temperatures (750-950oC) and different times (1-3 hours) revealed that the hardness
and tensile properties of the material were improved (Obolo et al., 2017). Pulverized wood charcoal (70% weight)
and (30% weight) egg shell also proved useful in the carburization of grey cast iron at 700oC, 800 oC and 900oC
respectively (Salawu et al., 2019). Increase in hardness of the samples was revealed with respect to carbon
concentration at different carburizing temperatures.
Efforts have been made to investigate the suitability of locally sourced organic carburizers and energizers as
replacement to commercially available chemical ones. For example in (Ihom & Azoro, 2019; Ihom et al., 2012;
Ihom et al., 2013), the effects of charcoal carburizer and periwinkle shells, cow bones, banana peels (Ihom and
Azoro 2019); and rice husk, sugar cane, melon shell, egg shell energizers (Salawu et al., 2019; Umunakwe et al.,
2017) on case depth and hardness of mild steel enhanced the case depth and hardness of the material compared to
use of chemical energizers (BaCO3, Na2CO3, CaCO3). The suitability of palm kernel shell and coconut shell
mixture was investigated for the carburization of low carbon steel (0.16% C), energized with 20% by weight of
CaCO3 (Umunakwe et al., 2017). The hardness and tensile properties were enhanced by an order of magnitude
using the mixed carburizers compared to the use of the carburizers individually. Charcoal carburizer and mixture
of cow bone and coconut shell using different carburizing temperatures (900oC, 950oC and 1000oC) were found
to improve the hardness property of low carbon steel (Miswanto et al., 2019).
In a recent study, the tensile and fatigue strengths of low carbon steel were improved by carburization using
coconut shell charcoal as carburizer (Syahid et al., 2020). At pack carburizing temperature of 900oC, the tensile
strength increased from 356.66 N/mm2 to 541.15 N/mm2 while the fatigue strength increased from 161 MPa to
232 MPa. These results have shown the reliability of coconut shell charcoal as carburizer.In this study, mild steel
was carburized using coconut shell charcoal and periwinkle shell powder as carburizing ingredients in order to
investigate the suitability of these materials for carburization of mild steel and their effect on hardness properties
of the steel.
During carburization, the residual air in the carburizing box combines with carbon to produce CO gas. Carbon
monoxide gas which is unstable at the process temperature decomposes as it contacts the iron surface. The process
is governed by the following reactions (Metals Handbook, 1981):
2C + O4 = 2CO
2CO = C + CO4
The atomic carbon enters the steel through the following reactions:
Fe + 2CO = Fe(C) + CO4
C + CO4 = 2CO
Where Fe(C) is carbon dissolved in austenite. Carbon is absorbed by the steel surface, and subsequently diffuses
towards the centre of steel sample. CO2 thus formed reacts with the carbon (C) of the carburizing medium to
produce CO, and thus, the cycle of the reaction continues. Charcoal is the basic source of carbon during solid
carburization (Metals Handbook, 1981). As entrapped air inside the box may be less to produce enough CO2
particularly in the beginning of the carburization, it is thus common practice to add energizer usually BaCO3
which decomposes during the heating up period as:
𝐵𝑎𝐶𝑂` = 𝐵𝑎𝑂 + 𝐶𝑂4
The CO2 formed then reacts with the carbon of the carburizer to produce CO gas. Thus, BaCO3 makes CO2
available at an early stage of carburization and hence it is called energizer. The case depth increases with rise in
carburization temperature and time.
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
Technology Minna, Nigeria, where the experiments were carried out. Experimental design considering the
different weights of carburizing ingredients, carburization time and temperature was carried out using design
expert. A total of 31 mild steel samples of 100 mm length were carburized. The as-received samples are shown in
Figure 3.1.
Figure 3.2: Carburization box sealed with clay and sodium silicate
Prior to carburization, the mild steel rods were polished to remove rust and different weights of samples of
carbonized coconut shell powder and periwinkle shell powder were measured using the digital weighing balance.
The mild steel rods were inserted inside the carburization boxes and the boxes were sealed before loading them
in the furnace for carburization process (Figure 3.3).
Figure 3.3: Mild steel rod in carburization materials arranged in the furnace
A laboratory muffle furnace was used to carry out the heat treatment process. The carburization boxes housing
the mild steel rods and carburizing materials were loaded in the furnace as shown in Figure 3.3. The carburizing
temperatures used were 8500C, 9000C and 9500C at different times ranging from 1 hour to 3 hours as stated in the
design of experiment. After carburization, the samples were removed from the cans and were allowed to cool in
air. After cooling, the samples were heated in the furnace at temperature of 9000C for 1 hour, followed by
quenching in water and tempering at a temperature of 2000C for1 hour. The hardness of the samples was measured
using the Leeb Hardness tester.
The chemical composition of the mild steel sample is shown in Table 4.1 as investigated in recent studies (Adedipe
et al., 2023a; Adedipe et al., 2023b) where carburization of mild steel samples was carried out using coconut shell
charcoal and nanoparticles derived from periwinkle shell.
Table 4.1: Chemical composition of mild steel
Elements C Mn Si P S Zn Al Ni Fe
% 0.16 0.35 0.15 0.0031 0.021 0.034 0.005 0.075 Balance
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
The coconut shell charcoal is shown in Figure 4.1 while the sample of periwinkle shell powder is shown in Figure
4.2. Samples of the carburized mild steels are shown in Figure 4.3 where it can be seen that the surface appearance
of the samples are darker compared to in Figure 4.1, which implies the deposit of carburizing materials on the
surface at the test temperatures.
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
Mild steel samples were carburized at temperatures of 8500C, 9000C and 9500C and at various times
ranging from 1 to 3 hours. The following conclusions can be drawn from this study:
1. The surface hardness of mild steel can be enhanced by organic carburizing materials such as coconut
charcoal and periwinkle shell.
2. Highest hardness value of 774 HL was obtained using carburization parameters of 436.80g of
carburized coconut shell and 150.23g of periwinkle shell, carburization temperature of 9000C and at
a soaking time of 109 minutes.
3. Hardness properties of mild steel depend on several factors ranging from carburization ingredients,
time and temperature. Hence, locally sourced organic materials have been found to be effective
materials in carburization of mild steel.
Authors acknowledge the financial support given by the National Research Fund (NRF) under the aegis of the
Tertiary Education Trust Fund (TETFund), Nigeria (TETF/ES/DR&D-CE/NRF2020/SETI/87/VOL.1).
Adedipe, O., Aigbodion, V. S., Lawal, S. A., Oyeladun, O. W., Mokwa, J.B & Dauda, E. T. (2022a). Unveiling
High-Performance Carburized Mild Steel Using Coconut Shell Ash and CaCO3 Nanoparticles Derived from
Periwinkle Shell. The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, Springer. Pp. 1-11.
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
Adedipe, O., Aigbodion, V. S.,Lawal, S. A., Oyeladun, O. W., Mokwa, J. B. Dauda, E.T. (2023b). Explicit
Microstructure and Electrochemical Study of Value- Added Carburized Mild Steel with Coconut Shell Ash
and CaCO3 Nanoparticles Derived from Periwinkle Shell Chemical Data Collection. Elsevier, (101028: 1-
Adzor, S. A., Nwoke, V. U., & Akaluzia. (2016). Investigation of Suitability of Periwinkle Snail Shell as
Carburizing Material for The Surface Hardness Improvement of Low Carbon Steel. European Journal of
Material Science. 3(2). PP. 13-23.
Afolalu, S. A., Abioye, O. P., Salawu, W. T., Okokpujie, A. A., Abioye, A. A., Omotosho, O. A. & Ajayi, O. O.
(2018). Impact of Heat Treatment on HSS Cutting Tool (ASTM A600) and it’s Behavior During Machining
of Mild Steel (ASTM A36) in Aip Conference Proceedings. PP. 1-6.
Agbo, N. A., Dauda, E. T., Awe, T. & Oyeladun, O. A. (2017). The Suitability of Periwinkle as Energizer in Case
Hardening of 0.08 Mild Steel Using Coconut Shell as Carburized at 900 c. In 33 Annual Conference of
Nigerian Metallurgical Society. Vol 2. PP. 45-53.
Aramide, F. O., Ibitoye, S. I., Oladele, I. O. & Borode, J. O. (2010). Pack Carburization of Mild Steel Using
Pulverized Bone as Carburizer Optimizing Process Parameter. Leonard Electronic Journal of Practice and
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Binzhou, Li., Changsheng, Li., Zhenxing, Li. & Dong, J. (2018). Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of Fe-
Cr-2Ni-Mo-V Steel in a Carburizing Process. Procedia Manufacturing. Vol. (15). PP. 1612-18.
Ihom, P. A. & Azoro, K. U. (2019). The Development of Eco-friendly Energizer as Replacement for Industrial
Chemical Energizers in the Casehardening of Mild Steel Materials. International Journal of Mechanical and
Civil Engineering. 2(2). PP. 11-22.
Ihom, P. A., Nyior, G. B., Alabi, O. O., Segun, S., Nor, I. J. & Ogbodo, N. J (2012). The potentials of Waste
Organic Materials in Surface Hardness Improvement of Mild Steel. International Journal of Science and
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Miswanto, T. O., Rajaguguk, O. & Sumandi, S. (2019). The Study of.Low Carbon Steel Pack Carburizing Using
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Obolo, O. E., Barnabass, A. A., Umar, S. & Jafar L. (2017). Investigating the Mechanical Properties of Carburized
Mild Steel(0.18%C). Cost of Corrosion of Metallic Products in Federal University of Abeokuta.
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Orisanmi, B. O., Afolalu, O. R., Adetunji, O. R., Salawu, E. Y, Okokpujie, I. P., Abioye, A. A., Akinyemi, O. O.
& Abioye, O. P. (2017). Cost of Corrosion of Metallic Products in Federal University of Agriculture,
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Iron Carburization. International Journal of Mechanical and Production. 9(6): PP. 391-98.
Sanni, O. & Fayomi, O. S. (2018). The inhibitive Study of Eggshell Powderon Uns n08904 Austenitic Stainless-
Steel Corrosion in Chloride Solution. Defence Technology. 14(5). PP. 463-68.
Syahid, M. A., Hayat, A., Arief, S. & Rudi, A (2020). Fatigue strength Improvement of Low Carbon Steel through
Carburizing Process with Coconut Shell Charcoal. IOP Conference Series: Material Science and
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Umunakwe, R., Okoye, O. C., Madueke, C. I. & Komolafe (2017). Effect of Carburization with Palm
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Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
Fellow, Open Africa Power (OAP 2022), Enel Green Power, Rome, Italy.
Head of Enel Open Innovation, Hubs and Startups, Enel Green Power, Enel Foundation, Rome, Italy.
Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Faculty of Engineering and Technology, University of
Ilorin, Ilorin, Nigeria.
Email: kehinde.kamil@nbrri.gov.ng
Hydrogen is increasingly recognized as a critical element in the global net-zero transition. Addressing climate
change is increasingly urgent, and hydrogen’s role as a decarbonisation vector in hard-to-abate sectors is clear.
Africa enjoys high renewable energy capacity factors ranging from 28% to 36% for solar according to global solar
irradiance index report. According to IRENA, 96% of all hydrogen produced today comes from fossil fuels. Only
4% is produced by water electrolysis. Realizing green hydrogen fuel ambition would have significant positive
socio-economic effects across the continent. This study discusses the Africa green hydrogen production industry
using Nigeria as a case study to enunciate the possibility of generating clean hydrogen vectors from a percentage
of the Photovoltaic power output of a standalone solar grid electrification project in different regions in the
country. The usage analysis and effectiveness of the produced hydrogen fuel in each region is carried out with the
highest region having an annual output of 12,247,278 kg of green hydrogen and 8,573,094 kg of ammonia,
expected production from the proposed usage of 50 % of the power generation output of the installed 1.6 MWp
solar power mini-grid in the region. The analysis was repeated for the other considered regions in the country.
The results showcased the enormous advantages of electrolytic production of hydrogen and how the greener
economy project can play a major role in mitigating climate change effects and overreliance on fossil fuels as the
driver of the economy in many Africa countries.
KEYWORDS: renewable energy, photovoltaic, climate change, green hydrogen vector, fossil fuels, electrolysis
The increasing reliance on fossil fuels and the associated problems have spurred a greater interest in the production
and utilization of clean energy sources (IEA G20, 2020). Non-renewable energy sources like gas, oil, and coal
make up a significant portion of total energy consumption, which can lead to various economic, political, and
environmental issues (IEA Renewable, 2023). Therefore, in recent years, there has been a growing focus on
hydrogen as an efficient and clean energy source, which has the potential to mitigate the negative impacts of fossil
fuel usage on the environment (Fereidooni et al, 2018). Although the primary applications of hydrogen currently
include the production of ammonia, soil enrichment, and the production of methanol and other chemical
compounds, it is increasingly being recognized as a viable source of clean energy (Mostafaeipour et al, 2020).
The competitiveness of producing green hydrogen can vary depending on several factors, including local
resources, proximity to demand, and infrastructure availability, at regional, national, and project-specific levels.
Sunlight represents a crucial and sustainable energy source, and the energy it provides to the Earth's surface is
many times greater than the total energy consumption of humans (RAYmaps, 2022). The issue of global warming
and the affordability of modern photovoltaic (PV) systems, as opposed to traditional ones, have encouraged the
use of PV cells to increase the production of clean energy. While there has been substantial progress in the
efficiency of PV cells, with current efficiency reaching around 29%, their efficiency in commercial applications
remains in the 10-20% range, and they are not yet capable of fully replacing fossil-fuel-based electricity. Factors
such as temperature and shading can affect the efficiency of PV cells, and thus, it is critical to accurately forecast
and estimate the efficiency of PV systems under realistic weather conditions (Yohannes et al, 2022).
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
Nigeria, located in West Africa and with a landmass of 923,768 square kilometers, benefits from abundant
sunshine throughout the year, as it is situated just above the equator. On average, Nigeria receives 6.5 hours of
sunshine per day, with an average flux of 5.55 kWh per square meter per day. This means that Nigeria receives
4.851 x 10¹² kWh of energy per day from the sun. Solar radiation intensities range from 3.5-7.0 kWh per square
meter per day, increasing from south to north. This energy source could be available for 26% of the day, from
9:00 am to 4:00 pm. Given these facts and figures regarding Nigeria's geographic location, the potential for
significant generation of electrical energy from solar power is very high in Nigeria (Kamil et al, 2021).
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
By exploiting the abundant renewable resources of the continent to produce GH2, Africa can stimulate local socio-
economic growth, strengthen regional energy security, and help ease poverty. The development of green hydrogen
in Africa can bring substantial benefits to the continent, such as the building of a green economy in African
countries, the improvement and acceleration of access to energy, the creation of jobs, and potentially improving
access to power and fresh water.
This study uses Nigeria, a country in the western hemisphere of Africa, as the case study to examine the possibility
of producing and using green hydrogen from commissioned photovoltaic grid systems in different regions of the
country. It discusses how the generated hydrogen fuel can service numerous industrial and commercial needs as
an alternative to fossil fuels. The study will expose how green hydrogen can act as an enabler for climate change
mitigation and a carbon-free energy ecosystem. This study aims to exploit the probability of producing green
hydrogen from proliferating renewable photovoltaic grids in different regions in Nigeria to showcase the countries'
potential to join African hydrogen-producing nations.
Renewable electrification projects from solar have started to make noticeable impact in the rural and alternative
electrification of provinces in many African Countries. This section examines system design towards the
production of green hydrogen from photovoltaic power plant. The availability of renewable power to support this
concept will be carefully examined. By the end of 2019, Nigeria’s estimated installed mini-grid capacity was
about 2.8MW, with 59 projects serving rural consumers. These are mostly residential-based mini-grids with some
developed for specific productive uses. If fully commercial-served mini-grids are included, the number is expected
to be significantly higher (Bloomberg and SEforALL, 2020).
According to a spotlight report published by Rural Electrification Agency in Nigeria showcasing some mini-grid
photovoltaic projects commissioned across the country. This study utilizes the information in proposing using a
percentage of the photovoltaic electrical power outputs to generate sustainable green hydrogen in the same
ecosystem (REA, 2022).
Table 3 shows the specifications and locations of the solar grid projects considered in this study. The photovoltaic
solar potential in the considered regions is obtained from Global Atlas SolarGIS of different countries. The
webpage provides an aggregated and harmonized solar resource and PV power potential from the perspective of
different countries and their regions. Solar Irradiance is the quantity of power received from the sun at a point on
the Earth's surface measured in Wh/m2 or kWh/m2.
Table 3. Considered Photovoltaic Stand-alone Grid and their Capacity (REA, 2022 and Global Atlas, 2023)
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
The annual performance of individual photovoltaic power projects will be used in estimating the quantity of green
hydrogen produced through electrolysis. In the electrolysis process, water molecules will split into their
constituent elements.
Fig. 2. SolarGIS Annual Specific Photovoltaic Power output in PV Grid Region A and the simulation
result for the for 80kWp grid system
Estimating for the power generation for the first considered PV grid system installed in Region A, an 80 kWp solar
mini-grid at an isolated community in Kogi State using the available photovoltaic resources from SolarGIS of the
region. The site specific PV potentiality obtained from SolarGIS was used in the design simulation carried out on
Global Solar Atlas, as shown in Fig .2. To start with, it is important to stress that the efficiency of a solar panel is
a matter of area, not power. Let us assume we want to install 300 Wp solar panels. We would need 267 numbers
of solar panels to achieve 80kWp. The simulation result for the case study PV Region A in Ajaokuta, Kogi State,
Nigeria, where the grid has been commissioned. The grid configuration in the simulated design is ground-mounted
as installed on the site. The simulation result shows that a total of 116.882 GWh or 116,882 kWh per year is the
expected generation. The system design will be in a hybridized form whereby an equal percentage of the generated
photovoltaic power in the considered regions will service the province's primary need and supply the proposed
green hydrogen generation plant in the area. Fig .3. shows the monthly and daily photovoltaic generation from the
stand alone PV grid system. The highest generation is in November with a peak hourly photovoltaic power output
of 55.1 kWh.
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
Fig. 3. The monthly and hourly distribution of the photovoltaic power output in PV Grid Region A
Green hydrogen production, as proposed in this study, helps in creating carbon-free sustainable energy. According
to the obtained result of the annual generation from the photovoltaic power station. Utilizing 50% of the
photovoltaic power output to produce hydrogen through electrolysis. In the process of electrolysis, water
molecules splits into their constituent elements as shown in (Eq. (1).
H2O (liquid) → H2 (gas) + 1 / 2O2 (gas) (1)
Electrolysis requires electrical power to split apart the water molecules. In other words, generating 1 gram (1
kg) of hydrogen requires 9 grams (9 kg) of water based on the stoichiometric values with the assumption of no
losses in the electrolysis process. The amount of power needed is defined by the higher heating value (HHV) of
hydrogen divided by the electrolyze system efficiency (Goldmeer, 2019)
𝐸𝑙𝑒𝑐𝑡𝑟𝑜𝑙𝑦𝑧𝑒𝑟 𝑃𝑜𝑤𝑒𝑟 = (2)
𝑆𝑦𝑠𝑡𝑒𝑚 𝐸𝑓𝑓𝑖𝑐𝑖𝑒𝑛𝑐𝑦
The HHV for hydrogen is 12,756.2 kJ/Nm3 (141,829.6 kJ/kg); this is equivalent to 3.54 kWh/Nm3 (39.39
kWh/kg). Assuming a 70% efficiency of PEM electrolyzer system, which represents commercially available
technology. The photovoltaic power will be used as a clean alternative power in servicing the power requirement
of the electrolyzer (Goldmeer, 2019 and Patrik et al, 2016).
Therefore, in PV Grid Region A using 50 % of the power output of the 80kWp PV grid system for hydrogen
production will be:
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
𝐸_𝐻 = = 411.52𝑘𝑗/𝑘𝑔 (7)
0.7 ∗ >1.0079?
Therefore, calculating the hydrogen production in region A with the photovoltaic power out of 58441 kWh or
210,387,600 kJ as we are working with energy value from direct source and the standard unit of energy in the
International System of Units (SI) is the joule.
58441 ∗ 3600
𝑚= = 511,245 𝑘𝑔 (8)
Using photovoltaic energy of 58,441 kWh, we can estimate the production of approximately 511,245 kg of green
hydrogen from PEM electrolysis. Since the electricity for the electrolysis process comes from renewables (solar),
there is no 'direct' release of CO2 when generating or burning hydrogen. The schematic in Figure 4. shows how
the produced hydrogen gas can be utilized in different sectors of the country's economy.
Fig. 4. The schematic showing the distribution of PV Grid Region A power output
Hydrogen production for the conventional steam methane reforming (SMH) and electrolysis of water involves the
release of carbon dioxide to the atmosphere during the process. Green hydrogen production from electrolysis of
water as proposed in this study will help in alleviating the environmental treats associated with Hydrogen
production for commercial and industrial use (Masdar, 2022).
The procedure was repeated for the other commissioned solar grid projects in the remaining five (6) geopolitical
zones. The Table. 4 below gives the output green hydrogen generation when 50 % of the annual output
photovoltaic power output was used for hydrogen production.
Table 4. Green Hydrogen gas production from PV output in different region.
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
• Efficiency: Regarding efficiency, fuel cell vehicles utilizing hydrogen can be more effective than diesel
vehicles. Hydrogen fuel cell vehicles can transform a larger portion of the stored energy in hydrogen into
useful work compared to diesel vehicles, which usually experience energy losses due to factors such as
• CO2 emissions: In the studied regions analyzed, hydrogen produced from renewable energy sources is
considered a green fuel due to its zero greenhouse gas emissions during combustion, while diesel fuel
releases CO2 and other harmful pollutants into the atmosphere when burned.
Deducing from the established relationship, 537,869 kg of hydrogen produced from PEM electrolysis in PV Grid
Region A can provide more energy compared to the equivalent amount of diesel fuel and the use of hydrogen as
a motor fuel has a lower environmental impact, as it produces no greenhouse gas emissions during combustion.
Given the amount of green hydrogen from produced in Grid Region A form PEM electrolysis is 511,245 kg, the
amount of green ammonia that can be produced using the Haber-Bosch process can be calculated as follows:
Table 5. Ammonia production from the available hydrogen gas in each region
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
In general, it is estimated that to produce 1 gram of hydrogen through electrolysis, around 9 grams of water is
required based on stoichiometric values and assuming no losses in the process This is because the reaction of
splitting water into hydrogen and oxygen requires a certain amount of energy, and the amount of water used in
the process reflects the amount of energy required (Vaughan et al). However, the actual energy consumption may
be higher due to the energy losses during the process, so the energy efficiency of electrolysis can vary.
Electrolysis is not a new idea, but the use of renewable energy sources to power the electrolytic production of
hydrogen is gaining investment interest in various countries worldwide. So as not to fall behind, African nations
must also begin exploring opportunities in this area. Many African countries have an abundance of renewable
photovoltaic energy resources, and they should take a cue from developed countries and invest in green hydrogen
production. Nigeria, as discussed in this study, has yet to consider this direction. The study's analysis reveals that
the countries viability of generating green hydrogen in different regions of the country.
This study analysed six different regions for green hydrogen production and found that PV Grid Region D, situated
in the northern part of the country where solar intensity is highest, produced the greenest hydrogen among the
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
regions studied. This region has an annual output of 12,247,278 kg of green hydrogen and 8,573,094 kg of
ammonia can be produced from it. Considering the abundant availability of water resources in African countries
and the continuous fall in the price of deploying renewable energy projects, Nigeria and other African countries
should consider investing more in this sector to promote carbon neutrality.
A. Mostafaeipour, M. Khayyami A. Sedaghat, . Sedaghat (2020). Evaluating the Wind Energy potential
for hydrogen production'' International Journal of Hydrogen Energy pp 1-11.
A. Piebalgs, E. Zigah (2023). Has COP27 accelerated the development of Green Hydrogen in Africa?''
Energy and Climate, Florence School of Regulation, https://fsr.eui.eu/has-cop27-accelerated-the-development-
of-green-hydrogen-in-africa/ (accessed:2023).
A. Vaughan (2016). Almost 90% of new power in Europe from renewable sources in 2016” The
2016?_sm_au_=icH71r6FFm6sl06H. pp. 345-247.
Bloomberg, SEforALL (2020). State of the Global Mini-grids Market Report, 2020.
https://www.seforall.org/publications/state-of-the-global-mini-grids-market-report-2020 (accessed: 2020).
B. Milan, H. Catlyne, J. Page (2018). Green Industrialisation and Entrepreneurship in Africa''. The Global
Commission on the Economy and Climate, The New Climate Economy. pp. 4-6.
B. Yohannes, A. Diedou, (2022). Africa Renewal E-Magazine Green Hydrogen, A viable option for
transforming Africa's energy sector, 2022.
C. Ferrara (2023). From Green to Sustainability, Enel Green Power Learning Hub''
Climate Champion (2023). Green Hydrogen Catapult, Race to Zero and Race to Rsilience'',
www.climatechampions.unfccc.int/ (accessed January, 2023).
GE Future of Hydrogen Gas Power ''Hydrogen and CO2 Emmission Calculator''
https://www.ge.com/gas-power/future-of-energy/hydrogen-fueled-gas-turbines/hydrogen-calculator (accessed:
Global Solar Atlas (2023). Energy Data Info'' https://globalsolaratlas.info/download/nigeria (accessed:
Guerra, O. J., Eichman, J., Kurtz, J., Hodge, B. M (2019). ''Cost competitiveness of electrolytic
hydrogen''. J.Joule 3, pp. 2425–2443.
Gas Turbines as Enablers for a Low or Reduced Carbon Energy Ecosystem'' General Electric Power (GEA33861),
K. Kamil, A. Yusuf, A. Sharif, S.B Seriki, (2021). Renewable Energy Hybridization as an Efficient and
Cost-Effective Alternative for Electrification. Nigerian Journal of Technology Development. Vol. 19. pp. 2437-
IEA for the G20, (2020). The Future of Hydrogen, Seizing todays Opportunities, Report prepared by the
IEA for G20, Japan Technical Report TR-95-012.
IEA Renewable, 2022. How much will renewable hydrogen production drive demand for new renewable
energy capacity by 2027'' Fuel Report prepared by IEA Analysis and Statistics.
Masdar, (2022). ''AFRICA’S GREEN ENERGY REVOLUTION Hydrogen’s role in unlocking Africa’s
untapped renewables'' Abu Dhabi Sustainability Week (2022). pp 12-13.
M. Fereidooni, A Mostafaeipour, V. Kalantar (2018). A Comprehensive evaluation of Hydrogen
Production from Photovoltaic Power Station'' Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 82(2018) pp. 414-423.
M. Patrik (2023). Run on Less with Hydrogen Fuel Cells'' RMI Energy Transformed. https://rmi.org/run-
Siemens gamesa renewable Energy (2023). Green Hydrogen Fuel for the Future, Siemens Gamesa pilot
Project www.siemensgamesa.com/en-int.
RAYmaps (2020). How to calculated the surface area required by Solar Panels, www.raymaps.com
(accessed 2022).
Rural Electrification Agency (REA) (2022). 'NEP's achievement in the last two years, Spotlight on
Rural Electrification Agency https://rea.gov.ng/reference-document/ (accessed: 2022).
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
The need for food size reduction before consumption has led to the use of motorized grinding machine which
operates on energized rubbing of two grooved cast-iron discs, and this unintentionally results in tribological
degradation and corrosion of grinding discs into the ground food. Six grinding discs from three states in Nigeria
were selected for this study, based on manufacturing methods namely: rotary, cupola and pit furnaces, for
assessment of their corrosion susceptibility in a simulated gastro-intestinal environment. The electrolyte used
contained 2 g/L NaCl acidified to pH of 1.7 with HCl and regulated at 37°C. Experimental techniques used for
the study included: XRF for chemical composition and XRD for phase identification. Corrosion susceptibility of
discs in pseudo-body fluid was studied using potentiodynamic polarisation scan and gasometric methods in
simulated gastro-intestinal environment, as electrolyte. Key finding from the study was that all grinding discs
contain iron and silicon as dominant alloys, which existed as iron carbide and ferrosilicon phases. Corrosion of
discs in simulated gastric solution was well profound irrespective of the manufacturing method, though, with
varying degrees among the discs. The outcome of this study is applicable to food industries to minimise the risk
of food contamination from corrosion.
Size reduction is a food processing technique often carried out before consumption, particularly grains and
vegetables. The traditional tools often used for the processing include stones (Anthony et al., 2013), pestle and
mortar (Nnaji & Emmanuel, 2016), which are relatively effective but inefficient and time-consuming. The ever-
increasing population further demanded faster and more efficient processing methods. This resulted in
development of age long technology which operates on energized rubbing of two grooved cast-iron discs, that still
dominates food grinding hitherto. The mode of its operation results in tribological degradation and galvanic
corrosion of discs when in contact with water. Hence, persistent wearing and corrosion of the grinding discs during
food processing may end up contaminating ground food with far reaching implications on health and safety of
citizenry feeding on ground foods. Data from the World Health Organization affirms, that approximately 10% of
individuals fall ill globally from eating contaminated food thus leading to 420,000 deaths annually (World Health
Organization, 2015). Hence, consumption of processed foods laden with metal chips and corroded particles, in
most households which rely on grinding machine for processing staples grains (such as millets and sorghum)
particularly in Africa and Asia, may constitute health risk that requires urgent attention. The aim of the research
was to conduct assessment of corrosion susceptibility of food grinding discs in gastro-intestinal environment, a
bid to understand the chemical interaction of ingested disc particles with food into human alimentary canal system.
2.1 Materials
The cast iron grinding discs (Figure 13) used for the study were sourced from two states in Nigeria (Osun and
Kwara) and one imported from India based on manufacturing methods namely: rotary, cupola and pit furnaces.
Traditionally, food grinding discs are often produced from scrap cast irons with little or no quality control
measures. A total of six samples used for the research and nomenclature adopted for each are shown in Table 16
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
X ray diffraction was carried out on cast samples using Panalytical Empyrean X-ray Diffractometer for
identification of metallurgical phases present in the samples. XRD data were collected with a copper (Ka-XRD-
740) anode radiation tube. A divergence and scatter slit of 1.0° each and a receiving slit of 0.3 mm were used. The
power rating of the X-ray generator used was 40 mA and 45 kV. Six samples from different manufacturing
methods were examined at ambient temperature. X-ray intensities were measured at Bragg angle 2θ (Ahmed et
al., 2018) between 15° and 80 o and at a continuous scanning speed of 10°/min. A sampling pitch of 0.1° and the
preset time of 0.6 s were used for all the samples.
Corrosion susceptibility of samples were assessed using potentiodynamic polarization scan in line with ASTM
G61 standard and gasometry methods. Polarization scan was conducted in a 170 ml standard three-electrode
electrochemical cell using Corrtest EIS Potentiostat/Galvanostat model CS150 installed with analytical software.
Each sample of 1 cm2 was spot welded with conducting wire and then mounted in cold resin. Metallographic
sample preparation was done prior to polarization scan. The sample was connected to Potentiostat through the
working electrodes terminal, while platinum wire was used as a counter electrode and saturated calomel (Ag/AgCl
in KCl) electrode was used as reference electrode. The Simulated gastro-intestinal solution used as electrolyte
contained 2g/L of sodium chloride (NaCl) acidified to pH of 1.7 with HCl and maintained at 37 °C which is typical
of the human body system. Open circuit potential (OCP) was carried out for 300 seconds and then polarization
scan at the rate of 0.2 mV/s between 0.1 to OCP and 0.3 V to OCP.
The measurement of corrosion product by gasometric measurement of hydrogen gas evolution from samples
immersed in a simulated solution over a given time was also carried out. The surface area of the samples was
measured before insertion into the conical flask containing 100 ml of simulated solution for 120 minutes, in line
with the method and setup reported elsewhere (Huang et al., 2007).
The results of X-ray Fluorescence spectroscopy are shown in Table Error! Reference source not found.. The r
esults showed iron as the dominant element in their alloy composition. The exceptionally low Fe composition of
65.169 and 57.423 wt% in RIL and CIW sample respectively could be attributed to high amount of oxygen
probably from oxides which amount to 29.593 and 23.617 wt% respectively.
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
Element Fe Si Al Mg Ca Cr Mn O Co Cu Sn
ROS 88.86 4.22 3.53 0.65 0.25 0.17 0.59 0.00 0.29 0.15 0.00
RIL 65.17 0.96 1.92 0.02 0.85 0.00 0.03 29.59 0.04 0.05 0.52
RIW 92.52 2.09 2.98 0.00 0.61 0.13 0.07 0.00 0.26 0.04 0.05
PIL 92.97 1.47 2.30 0.00 0.68 0.11 0.26 0.00 0.22 0.23 0.06
CIW 57.42 3.80 1.91 2.29 4.34 0.01 0.08 23.62 0.01 0.04 2.03
ID 92.08 2.04 2.63 0.00 0.58 0.27 0.64 0.00 0.19 0.12 0.31
The rest four samples (ROS, RIW, PIL and ID) contain Fe composition which ranges between 88.855 and 92.966
wt%. Aluminum and Silicon alloy elements were also observed to be present in considerable proportion. The
elemental chemical composition is characteristic of cast iron particularly the ROS, RIW, PIL and ID.
The results of XRD are shown in Figure 14 containing diffraction spectra of disc samples. All the six samples
revealed the presence of iron carbide (Fe3C) and significant amount of ferroalloys, which was observed in four of
the samples tested except PIL and ID. This is an indication that all the discs are cast iron. There was also a
spectrum of magnetite (Fe3O4) observed in CIW sample. This observation is consistent with the XRF result which
showed a significant amount of oxide in CIW sample.
The results of open circuit potential of all the discs are shown in the Figure 15 as a plot of potential vs reference
electrode (saturated calomel electrode) against time. The results showed the order of nobility of the tested discs
based on their respective OCP and then benchmarked with austenitic stainless steel; type 304 (ASS 304) widely
used globally for food processing. Expectedly, ASS 304 appeared as the most noble with OCP of -0.374V after
300s. The order of nobility of all the disc tested including stainless steel, was
ASS>PIL>ROS>RIW>CIW>RIL>ID. Among the cast iron disc tested, PIL and ID disc was ranked highest and
lowest in order of nobility with OCP of -0.432 and -0.446 V respectively. The order of nobility suggests that PIL
is likely to be more resistant to corrosion susceptibility and ID appeared to be most vulnerable to corrosion
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
degradation into the ground food. However, there was no significant indication of the effect of disc manufacturing
method on the observed results.
Figure 15: Result of open circuit potential of disc in Figure 16: Potentiodynamic polarisation scan of ASS
simulated gastro-intestinal solution 304 and cast iron samples
The order of corrosion susceptibility from the plot of hydrogen evolution against the time at immersion time of
120 minute (Figure 17), is CIW>ID>RIL=CIW>ROS>PIL>ASS 304. The results of gasometric study are
consistent with transpassive corrosion in potentiodynamic polarization scan of the discs when exposed to
simulated gastric solution for 300 second.
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
Figure 17: Gasometric study of discs in simulated gastro-intestinal solution at regular interval
The research on corrosion susceptibility of the food grinding discs in gastro-intestinal environment have been
carried out and the following are the conclusions at the end of the study: Chemical composition showed significant
amount of iron, silicon and aluminum which appeared as iron carbide and ferroalloys, an indication that all discs
tested are cast irons. Corrosion test on the disc by open circuit potential (OCP), potentiodynamic polarization scan
and gasometry did not show any indication of effect of manufacturing method on corrosion susceptibility of the
discs. The ranking order of nobility of the grinding discs based on marginal difference in electrode potential
showed ID and RIW as the most susceptible to corrosion, while PIL was found to be more noble.The nobility of
austenitic stainless steel (ASS 304) compared to cast iron disc, suggests prevalence of galvanic corrosion between
the grinding discs and other steel materials rather than between the discs.
This research was funded by Tertiary Education Trust Fund under the auspices of National Research Fund with
Grant Reference: TETF/DR&D-CE/NRF/2020/SETI/85/ Vol .1. The financial support is duly acknowledged.
Ahmed, I. I., Adebisi, J. A., Abdulkareem, S., & Sherry, A. H. (2018). Investigation of surface residual stress
profile on martensitic stainless steel weldment with X-ray diffraction. Journal of King Saud University -
Engineering Sciences, 30(2), 183-187. https://doi.org/https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jksues.2016.01.004
Ahmed, I. I., Adebisi, J. A., Sulaiman, A., & Andrew, H. S. (2017). Analysis of Intergranular Carbide Precipitate
in HAZ of Martensitic Stainless Steel. Journal of Engineering Science and Technology, 12(4), 1037-1047.
Anthony, B., Ojekale, C., Chukwu, G., Oladipupo, L. O., & Titilola, S. (2013). Some Nigerian Traditional Food
Milling Techniques and Cookware Increase Concentrations of Some Heavy Metals in Lycopersicon Esculentum
and Citrullus Lanatus. Iosr Journal Of Pharmacy, 3(3), 6-13.
Huang, J., Fisher, P. R., & Argo, W. R. (2007). A gasometric procedure to measure residual lime in container
substrates. HortScience, 42(7), 1685-1689.
Nnaji, J. C., & Emmanuel, P. N. (2016). Trace Metals in Food Condiments Processed with Manual Metallic
Grinders. The Phamaceutical and Chemical Journal, 3(1), 172-177.
World Health Organization. (2015). Disease Outbreak News: Cholera – United Republic of Tanzania. WHO.
Retrieved 15/10/2020 from https://reliefweb.int/report/united-republic-tanzania/disease-outbreak-news-cholera-
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
Staple foods consumed in Africa and Asia often require size reduction with the aid of grinding machine which
operates on energized rubbing of two grooved cast-iron discs. This eventually results in tribological degradation
of grinding discs into the ground food. In this study, six grinding discs from two geopolitical zones in Nigeria
were considered based on four melting furnaces namely: rotary, cupola, pit and induction furnaces, to assess the
correlation between their production methods and tribological degradation. Techniques used for the study
included: X-Ray Fluorescence spectroscopy for determination of elemental composition; X-Ray Diffractometry
was used for identification of phases; Vickers hardness test was carried out to determine hardness values of the
discs and lastly, pin on disc wear tribometer was used to measure wear mass loss from discs. The study revealed
that all grinding discs contain iron, carbon and silicon as dominant alloy elements, which existed predominantly
as iron carbide and ferrosilicon phases. The hardness values measured ranged between 239-455 Hv20 with highest
and lowest hardness values recorded in rotary and induction samples, respectively. Least and highest wear was
observed in rotary and induction samples, respectively. Hence, strong correlation exits between hardness values
and mass losses observed in tribological test. Findings from this study is relevant to food industries where control
measures on materials selection and production routes may be adopted to minimise the risk of food contamination
from tribological degradation.
KEYWORDS: grinding disc, hardness, wear, tribological degradation, friction, food contamination
Foods grinding have always been necessary to achieve size reduction before consumption particularly grains and
vegetables. The traditional tools often used for food grinding include stones (Anthony et al., 2013), pestle and
mortar (Nnaji & Emmanuel, 2016), which are relatively effective but inefficient and time-consuming. The ever-
increasing population further demanded faster and more efficient grinding methods, which resulted in
development of grinding machine. Grinding machine operates on energized rubbing of two grooved cast-iron
discs, which periodically wear out due to tribological degradation, and are still widely used in Asia and sub-Sahara
Africa. The operation of grinding machine results in tribological degradation of pair of discs used for grinding
due to frictional contact between one fixed and other rotating disc. Hence, persistent wearing of the grinding discs
during food processing may end up contaminating ground food with far reaching implications on health and safety
of citizenry feeding on ground foods. Data from the World Health Organization affirms, that approximately 10%
of individuals fall ill globally from eating contaminated food thus leading to 420,000 deaths annually (World
Health Organization, 2015).
The cast iron discs used by the grinding machine is a metallic alloy typically produced by artisan in metallurgical
foundry from iron scraps which could be melted using different furnaces namely: Rotary, Cupola, Pit and
Induction. The melt is then cast in disc shape by sand casting technique. The furnaces operate differently on the
basis of energy source (fuel or electricity) used, and these may impact the quality of the cast produce, its alloy
composition and performance in service. Hence, the aim of this research was to investigate if there is any
correlation between the production methods and tribological degradation of the food grinding disc.
2.1 Materials
The cast iron grinding discs (Figure 13) used for this study were sourced, from 3 states in Nigeria (Osun, Kwara
& Lagos) and one imported from India, based on manufacturing methods namely: rotary, cupola and pit furnaces.
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
Traditionally, food grinding discs are often produced from iron scraps with little or no quality control measures.
A total of six samples used for the research and nomenclature adopted for each are shown in Table 16.
Table 18: disc nomenclature and source location
Experimental Procedure
Determination of Chemical Composition
Elemental chemical composition analysis was carried out on disc samples using XRF Mini Pal 4 version PW 4030
operated at 30 keV. Samples subjected to metallographic sample preparation were examined using XRF
spectrometer installed with Mini Pal analytical software designed for detection and measurement of elements in
samples for qualitative and quantitative chemical composition analyses.
Phase Identification with XRD
X ray diffraction was carried out on cast samples using Panalytical Empyrean X-ray Diffractometer for
identification of metallurgical phases present in the samples. XRD data were collected with a copper (Ka-XRD-
740) anode radiation tube. A divergence and scatter slit of 1.0° each and a receiving slit of 0.3 mm were used. The
power rating of the X-ray generator used was 40 mA and 45 kV. Six samples from different manufacturing
methods were examined at ambient temperature. X-ray intensities were measured at Bragg angle 2θ (Ahmed et
al., 2018) between 15° and 80 o and at a continuous scanning speed of 10°/min. A sampling pitch of 0.1° and the
preset time of 0.6 s were used for all the samples.
Hardness Test
The Vickers hardness test was carried out following ASTM E384 testing procedures. Metallographic sample
preparations were carried out on test specimens to obtain a smooth surface prior to hardness test. The diamond
indenter makes indention with applied load of 30 kgf on the test specimens for 10s. The average of the two
diagonals of indentation produced was measured for calculation of Vickers Hardness Number (VHN) in kgf/mm2
according to Equation 1.
𝟏.𝟖𝟓𝟒 𝑷
𝑽𝒊𝒄𝒌𝒆𝒓 𝑯𝒂𝒓𝒅𝒏𝒔𝒔 𝑵𝒖𝒎𝒃𝒆𝒓 (𝑯𝑽) = (1)
d = wear track width, R = wear track radius, r = ball pin radius, e according to
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
The rest four samples (ROS, RIW, PIL and ID) contain Fe composition which ranges between 88.855 and 92.966
wt%. Aluminum and Silicon alloy element were also observed to be present in significant proportion. The
elemental chemical composition is characteristic of cast iron particularly the ROS, RIW, PIL and ID.
X-Ray Diffraction
The results of XRD are shown in Figure 19 containing diffraction spectra of disc samples. All the six samples
revealed the presence of iron carbide (Fe3C) and significant amount of ferroalloys, which was observed in four of
the samples tested except PIL and ID. This is an indication that all the disc are cast iron. There was also spectrum
of magnetite (Fe3O4) observed in CIW sample. This observation is consistent with the XRF result which showed
significant amount of oxide in CIW sample.
Hardness Test
The results of Vickers hardness test are shown in Figure 20. The Rotary furnace product, RIL, RIW and ROS disc
has hardness values of 455, 452 and 443 HV respectively while induction furnace product, ILA disc was observed
to have least hardness value of 239 HV. The cupola furnace product, CIW has hardness value of 447, which is
marginally higher than rotary product, ROS. PIL disc produced by Pit furnace has a hardness value of 415 HV
and the foreign disc from whose production method was not clearly understood has hardness value of 366 HV.
The induction furnace products hardness values fair closely with typical austenitic stainless steel, 304 plotted as
benchmark for comparison. The high hardness exhibited by rotary and cupola products may be attributed to lack
quality control particularly on carbon, which may be introduced to melt from oil or diesel fuel used to fire rotary
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
furnace. In contrast, induction furnace used electric power supply and offers relatively good control of melt
chemical composition by not introducing additional carbon into the melt. The hardness test therefore suggests
possible correlation between production furnace and mechanical properties of the disc produced.
Figure 20: Vickers hardness values Figure 21: Wear mass loss
Wear Test
The results of wear mass loss are shown in Figure 21. The rotary furnace products, RIW, RIL and ROS were observed to have
relatively lower wear mass loss of 15 x 10-4, 25 x 10-4 and 25 x 10-4 g respectively, and in contrast, induction furnace
product, ILA has the highest wear mass loss of 46 x 10-4 g at 10 min. The result of wear test is consistent with hardness test
result. It therefore appears like production furnace as an observable effect on tribological degradation of the discs. Hence,
this study agreed with earlier researchers (Bressan et al., 2008; ELSawy et al., 2017) that tribological degradation of the
grinding discs decreases when the hardness value increases. This is corroborated by the hardness and mass wear loss of the
sample ILA compared to the hardness value and wear mass loss of RIW disc sample.
The research study on investigation of correlation between production methods and tribological degradation of
food grinding discs has been completed and the following are the conclusions at the end of the study:
Ø Chemical composition showed significant amount of iron, silicon and aluminum which appeared as iron
carbide and ferroalloys, an indication that all discs tested are cast irons.
Ø Higher hardness value observed in rotary and cupola furnaces products compared to induction furnace is an
indication of correlation between tribological degradation of the grinding discs.
Ø The relatively lower wear mass loss observed in rotary furnace products, compared with higher wear mass
loss in induction furnace product is an indication of quality control including carbon composition peculiar to
induction furnace.
Ø Consequently, lower hardness value of induction furnace product is attributable to its relatively higher wear
mass loss. Therefore, tribological degradation of the disc can be mitigated with increase in hardness values.
This research was funded by Tertiary Education Trust Fund under the auspices of National Research Fund with
Grant Reference: TETF/DR&D-CE/NRF/2020/SETI/85/ Vol .1. The financial support is duly acknowledged.
Ahmed, I. I., Adebisi, J. A., Abdulkareem, S., & Sherry, A. H. (2018). Investigation of surface residual stress
profile on martensitic stainless steel weldment with X-ray diffraction. Journal of King Saud University -
Engineering Sciences, 30(2), 183-187. https://doi.org/https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jksues.2016.01.004
Anthony, B., Ojekale, C., Chukwu, G., Oladipupo, L. O., & Titilola, S. (2013). Some Nigerian Traditional Food
Milling Techniques and Cookware Increase Concentrations of Some Heavy Metals in Lycopersicon
Esculentum and Citrullus Lanatus. Iosr Journal Of Pharmacy, 3(3), 6-13.
ASTM. (2004). Standard Test Method for Wear Testing with Pin-on-Disk Apparatus. In Designation: G99-04.
West Conshohocken, USA: ASTM International.
Bressan, J., Daros, D., Sokolowski, A., Mesquita, R., & Barbosa, C. (2008). Influence of hardness on the wear
resistance of 17-4 PH stainless steel evaluated by the pin-on-disc testing. Journal of Materials Processing
Technology, 205(1-3), 353-359.
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
ELSawy, E., EL-Hebeary, M., & El Mahallawi, I. (2017). Effect of manganese, silicon and chromium additions
on microstructure and wear characteristics of grey cast iron for sugar industries applications. Wear, 390,
113-124. https://doi.org/https://doi.org/10.1016/j.wear.2017.07.007
Nnaji, J. C., & Emmanuel, P. N. (2016). Trace Metals in Food Condiments Processed with Manual Metallic
Grinders. The Phamaceutical and Chemical Journal, 3(1), 172-177.
World Health Organization. (2015). Disease Outbreak News: Cholera – United Republic of Tanzania. WHO.
Retrieved 15/10/2020 from https://reliefweb.int/report/united-republic-tanzania/disease-outbreak-news-
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
Department of Materials and Metallurgical Engineering, University of Ilorin, Nigeria
Department of Mechanical Engineering, Covenant University, Ota, Nigeria
Advanced Composite Materials Research Laboratory, National Space Research and Development Agency
(NASRDA), University of Ilorin Centre, University of Ilorin, Nigeria
Email: 17-30gn053@student.unilorin.edu.ng
Recycling of aluminium cans and other scraps are secondary sources of aluminium alloys and composites to
ensure healthier environment and low cost of production. Aluminium cans were processed into different casts;
whole can, can bodies, and can lids with or without paints. The casts include whole cans, cans without paint, cans
without paint and lid, and the lid. Microstructural examination and chemical analysis of the casts were studied
using Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM) and Energy Dispersive Spectrometry (EDS), respectively. Tensile
and hardness properties of the casts were also examined. The chemical analysis revealed that the can body and lid
contain Al, C, Mg and O but the lid contains more trace elements. Mn, Fe and Si were observed to be pronounced
when paint is removed prior to casting, thus reducing some elements migration to the slag phase. The hardness
test showed the lids alone had the highest hardness value but casts without paint has least hardness. The tensile
result showed that the lid had the highest tensile strength value of about 240 MPa with least observed in can
without paint. Removal of paints prior to casting aluminium cans has no significant effects on the
physicomechanical properties of aluminium casts.
Aluminium and its alloys are materials utilised in various sectors, such as aerospace, automobiles, food packaging,
cosmetics, household utensils, construction, and pharmaceutical industries. Aluminium-based alloys are
employed because of their unique properties, basically lightweight and corrosion resistance. Its major use for
food packaging is because it met basic requirements for food preservation such as protection to gas and light
barriers, as well as versatility, post-consumer material recycling and corrosion resistance (Soares et al., 2019).
The use of aluminium cans in packaging has almost replaced the traditional glass bottle packaging system. The
rate at which people consume packaged drinks with aluminium cans has increased the number of aluminium cans
littering the environment. Indiscriminate dumping of aluminium cans has contributed to environmental pollution.
Efforts have been made in recycling aluminium cans to minimize their environmental pollution (Bello et al., 2017;
Bulei et al., 2018; Risonarta et al., 2018). The aluminium beverage can consist mostly of aluminium with a little
amount of other metals such as magnesium (Mg), manganese (Mn), iron (Fe), silicon (Si), and copper (Cu). The
lid is made up of a slightly different alloy than the main body. The beverage cans are made up of two aluminium
alloys (3004 ASTM for the main body and 5182 ASTM for the lid) having different compositions (Valik, 1982).
The aluminium cans are also coated both in and out to prevent corrosion (Soares et al., 2019). In the recycling
efforts reviewed so far, no efforts have been made to study the effects of these coatings on the properties of
recycled products. Hence, this work investigated effects of recycling routes on the physical, chemical, and
mechanical properties of carbonated drink cans.
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
2.2 Methods
The aluminium cans were washed thoroughly with tap water and soap to remove the soil and other contaminants.
They were rinsed thoroughly and left to dry. 400 g was measured and labelled, “whole can”. The remaining cans
were cleaned with nitrocellulose thinner to remove their paints. Traces of remnants of paints were removed using
emery paper and polishing prior to washing slightly with thinner again. These were rinsed with water and dried.
Another 400 g was measured and labelled “can without paint”. The remainder were separated with knife and
scissors into body and lids and labelled “can without paint and lid”, and “lid”, respectively. Average weights of
each group were taken and recorded.
The muffle furnace was set to a temperature of 800 °C at average heating rate of 16.5 °C/min. The whole cans
were crushed to reduced their volume before charging into a steel crucible and soaked at 800 °C for 15 minutes
in the furnace. The aluminium melt was poured into the prepared mould. This was repeated separately for can
without paint, can without paint and lid, and lid. Specimens were prepared for SEM/EDS, tensile, and hardness
Figure 22: SEM images of (a) whole can, (b) lid, (c) can without paint, and (d) can without paint and lid
Figure 2 presents the chemical compositions of samples produced from the casts. The whole can, Figure 2(a) has
the highest proportion of aluminium as a result of the diminished alloying elements due to reactivity of the melt
with the slag phase. However, Figure 2(b) which is the lid presents the highest number of alloying elements and
thus stronger for load bearing purposes. The secondary phases manoeuvres stresses generated in the materials.
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
Figure 23: Chemical composition and EDS spectra of (a) whole can, (b) lid, (c) can without paint, and (d) can
without paint and lid
The hardness values for the casts are presented in Figure 3. The lid has the highest hardness which may be as a
result of secondary phases formed during the casting as revealed in Figure 2(b). It can be deduced that hardness
in aluminium alloys depends on the phases present within the matrix under investigation.
The results of tensile tests carried out on aluminium casts are presented in Figure 4. The lid possesses the highest
tensile strength from the casts. This is followed by the whole can due to presence of the lid.
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
It can be concluded that aluminium beverage cans consist of two main alloys with different chemical and
mechanical properties due to their area of applications. The lid contains more F and Mg along with other
elements in the body of the cans. The lid has the highest hardness value and tensile strength.
Bello, S. A., Agunsoye, J. O., Adebisi, J. A., & Hassan, S. B. (2017). Effect of aluminium particles on mechanical
and morphological properties of epoxy nanocomposites. Acta Periodica Technologica(48), 25-38.
Bulei, C., Todor, M., Heput, T., & Kiss, I. (2018). Recovering aluminium for recycling in reusable backyard
foundry that melts aluminium cans. Paper presented at the IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and
Risonarta, V. Y., Anggono, J., Suhendra, Y. M., Nugrowibowo, S., & Jani, Y. (2018). Strategy to improve
recycling yield of aluminium cans. Petra Christian University.
Soares, D. S., Bolgar, G., Dantas, S. T., Augusto, P. E., & Soares, B. M. (2019). Interaction between aluminium
cans and beverages: Influence of catalytic ions, alloy and coating in the corrosion process. Food
Packaging and Shelf Life, 19, 56-65.
Valik, L. H. V. (1982). Material for Engineering: Addison Wesley Publishing Company, inc.
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
Applying nutrients to crops either on the field or in a greenhouse has been a manual process, especially in
developing countries where farmers or greenhouse attendants introduce nutrients based on intuition, or at specific
intervals, not knowing exactly when a crop requires the said nutrients. This is one of many reasons why artificial
intelligence has been introduced into the agricultural sector. This project was designed to develop an artificial
intelligence-based system for the automatic delivery of nutrients to greenhouse-grown crops. The system was built
with an Arduino microcontroller serving as the brain box of the system, a soil Nitrogen, Phosphorus and Potassium
(NPK) sensor for reading nutrients level, an organic light-emitting diode which displays the specific nutrient level
in mg/kg, while a solenoid valve was incorporated into the delivery mechanism. The data was logged onto a secure
digital (SD) card via SD module installed on the Arduino board. The microcontroller was configured to interpret
the varied states of the soil as relayed by the soil sensor; and this involved data capture from NPK sensor, data
processing to determine when to release nutrients, and delivery of nutrients if the solenoid valve is activated. The
system was evaluated on soil whose nutrients were leached out, placed in a greenhouse, and the performance was
KEYWORDS: Nutrients, Arduino microcontroller, NPK sensor, Organic Light-Emitting Diode, Secure digital
The optimal population that the planet Earth can sustainably support is approximately 1.9 billion people (Daily et
al., 1994). However, with an estimated global population of about 8 billion people, it is evident that the Earth is
currently experiencing overpopulation (Prosekov& Ivanova, 2018). Furthermore, it is projected that by the end of
this century, the world’s population may increase up to 16 billion people (Pison, 2019). With this constantly
growing population, the available land for agriculture decreases rapidly due to; urbanization, increased demand
for food supply, and the genuine effects of global warming. It is now known that the agricultural sector is facing
a severe crisis.
A solution needs to be proffered to meet this ever-growing demand, and in a constantly evolving world, the need
to always be one step ahead is the new normal. One of the solutions is the implementation of Artificial Intelligence
(AI) into the day-to-day agricultural processes (Talaviya et al., 2020). Artificial Intelligence technology has an
abundance of potential in meeting the increased demands of the agricultural sector (Khan, 2021). This technology
can increase not only the output of desired crops but also their quality. With improved crop production,
monitoring, harvesting, processing, and marketing, AI as an emerging technology has done a good thing for the
agricultural sector. In addition to aiding with crop production and all its derivatives, it also calculates and senses
temperature, water content, precipitation, wind speed, solar radiation, and various other factors (Kim et al., 2008).
As it stands, agriculture in Nigeria currently contributes about 40% to the gross domestic product (GDP). Also,
about 70% of the working population is involved with agriculture to varying extents (CIA 2012). This shows to a
large extent how the country is dependent on agriculture for survival. It is for this reason that the exploration into
artificial intelligence, which has been dormant in this part of the world, should be an achievable goal for the next
ten years. Artificial intelligence applications in greenhouse agriculture, such as irrigation, weeding, and spraying,
include sensors and other techniques incorporated into robots and drones. These technologies reduce water,
pesticides, and herbicides, maintain soil fertility, and aid in the efficient use of manpower, increases productivity
and improves quality (Talaviya et al., 2020).
Greenhouse conditions are already among the most mechanized and controlled globally, but artificial intelligence
(AI) technologies are now taking control to unprecedented levels, similar to what is happening in many other
industries (Bhardwaj et al., 2021). AI systems are beginning to give greenhouse operators a variety of production-
related benefits due to their ability to process massive volumes of data and make minor constant modifications.
With the dawn of the 21st century, fine-tuning existing agricultural processes for farmlands and greenhouses was
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
paramount. The world had entered a digital age, and agriculture could not be left behind. Drones for fertilizer
distribution were introduced, intelligent sensor irrigation systems for efficient water supply, satellite imagery,
navigation systems to increase agricultural output, artificial intelligence for nutrient delivery processes and
computer vision for the harvesting of matured or ripe fruits (Talaviya et. al, 2020).
2.1 Design and Implementation of Nutrient Delivery System
The design of the nutrient delivery system ensures that the system can read and determine the soil nutrient level.
Upon determination of the nutrient level, the system can either allow the flow of the nutrient mixture or remain
closed. The system is made up of the hardware and software components working hand in hand. The system
consists of the Control unit, Sensing Unit and Output Unit.
i. Control Unit: This was made up of an Arduino Nano V3 microcontroller board. This unit controls the
readings that were obtained through the course of various experiments. It consists of analogue pins for the
input of data and digital pins for the output of information. To this board, the sensor and organic light-
emitting diodes (OLED) indicator were connected.
ii. Sensory Unit: Here, the soil nutrient sensor was connected to the Arduino microcontroller board. Depending
on the number of nutrients available, this unit reads the data and transmits it to the Arduino board. The
program which is interfaced with the Arduino board determines what information to send to the output unit.
iii. Output unit: This unit comprises the organic light-emitting diodes (OLED) indicator that displays the
nutrient level for Nitrogen, Potassium and Phosphorus, respectively. Also, this unit consists of the solenoid
valve that controls the distribution of the fertilizer mixture into the irrigation pipes.
2.2 Block Diagram of the System
The general block diagram of the system is shown below. It shows the schematic form of the general arrangement
of the components of the nutrient delivery system. The block diagram consists of three stages; The reading stage,
processing, and delivery stages (Figure 1). In the reading stage, the sensor is stuck into the soil sample. The level
is then read and transmitted to the Arduino board. The processing stage involves converting the information
retrieved by the soil sensor to a readable output on the OLED. The delivery stage involves the solenoid valve
opening or not based on the information determined in the processing stage.
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University of Ilorin, Nigeria
Using Software Serial, the R0 and DI pins of the Modbus are connected to D2 and D3 Arduino. Similarly, DE &
RE was set to a designated level. Due to the DE and RE pins being connected to the digital pins, there are only
two levels: high or low. Thus, the DE and RE pins are set to a high level. The DE and RE pins are connected to
the D7 and D8 pins on the Arduino. The NPK Sensor is made up of four wires. VCC is the brown one, and it
requires a 9V-24V power supply. The GND pin is a black-coloured pin; as a result, it is attached to the Arduino's
GND. The B pin of the RS485 Modbus board is linked to the B pin of the wire, and the A pin of the wire is
connected to the A pin of the RS485 (Figure 3).
2.3.3 Output Unit: OLED interface with Arduino
A 0.96 Organic light-emitting diode (OLED) is chosen for the display. In a 4-bit mode setup, OLED pins D4, D5,
D6, and D7 are used as data lines. These pins are wired to pins 5, 4, 3, and 2 on the Arduino. VCC is linked to pin
15 (A), and GND is connected to pin 16 (K). The organic light-emitting diodes (LEDs) installed on the circuit
board are connected to these pins (A and K). The OLED's pin E (Enable) is connected to the Arduino board's
digital pin 11. On the OLED, pin RS (Register Select) is connected to Arduino digital pin 12. The OLED's R/W
pin is connected to GND (ground) (Figure 3).
Figure 2 Connection Points of Arduino Nano Board Figure 3. Circuit Diagram for Sensor Connection
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
Figure 4. Circuit Connection for Solenoid Valve Figure 5. Circuit Connection for RTC and SD Card Modules
Figure 6. Circuit Connection of Resistors with RTC Module and OLED Monitor
2.4 Software Design
The microcontroller is configured to interpret the varied states of the soil as suggested by the soil sensor. The
Integrated Development Environment (IDE) for Arduino was used.
Program Pseudo Code
READ sensor value
COMPARE sensor value with the set threshold
DISPLAY soil nutrient value on OLED
IF sensor value < maximum predetermined value TURN-ON pump
ELSE IF sensor value> maximum predetermined value > TURN OFF pump
Figure 7 shows the flowchart of the process.
2.5. Evaluation
Prelimnary evauation of the AI-based fertigation system was performed on leached soil without crops.
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
iii. The threshold value programmed into the algorithm was 40 mg/kg
3.2 Evaluating the Performance of Nutrient Delivery System with Time
Figures 8 and 9 show the levels of Nitrogen and Phosphorus measured throughout the study. From the figures, an
increase in the trend line indicates that nutrients were added at that point to the sample, while the decrease in the
trend line implies the plant continuously utilizes the nutrients until it goes below the threshold value. The graphical
trends observed were similar, and this indicates that the system delivers the nutrients in corresponding proportions.
The nitrogen level does not drop below the threshold value (40 mg/kg) incorporated into the system as shown in
Figure 8. This implies that the delivery system performed in accordance with the set objective of the project. There
was no need to change or replenish the nutrient solution during the study, which is similar to previous experiments
carried out by Pardossi et al. (2002).
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
40 mg/kg (Li et al., 2018). This indicates that the values of Phosphorus and Potassium measured by the sensor
during the study do not fall within the range of adequate values of both Phosphorus and Potassium, respectively.
The overall performance shows that the system can deliver the nutrients when the sensor reads below the set
Table 1. Descriptive Statistic of the Nutrients
Nutrient Mean StDev Minimum Maximum Mode
Nitrogen 82.663 27.317 0.000 149.000 108
Phosphorous 24.278 8.036 0.0000 60.000 32
Potassium 33.015 11.048 0.0000 60.000 43
The research was able to develop an artificial intelligence-based system for nutrient delivery to greenhouse-grown
crops. The Arduino-based sensing system was able to communicate its output from the soil to the OLED display.
The delivery system uses Nitrogen as a threshold value as it is the most important component in fertilizer. Once
the sensor reaches the value of 40 mg/kg, the Arduino board triggers the solenoid valve to shut off the operation.
The system setup is cost-effective as it uses simple hardware architecture consisting of the Arduino nano board,
the solenoid valve, the NPK sensor and the OLED module. It reduces the need to constantly be in the greenhouse
to supply nutrients to the growing crops due to its automation. The system can be improved by installing a moisture
content sensor to prevent the system from drowning the crops and be scaled for commercial purposes with
additional sensors and improved pipe systems
Bhardwaj, H., Tomar, P., Sakalle, A., & Sharma, U. (2021): Artificial Intelligence and Its Applications in
Agriculture With the Future of Smart Agriculture Techniques. In Artificial Intelligence and IoT-Based
Technologies for Sustainable Farming and Smart
CIA. (2012): The World Fact Book. Retrieved May 27, 2021, from https://www.cia.gov/library/publications/the-
Daily, G., Ehrlich, A., & Ehrlich, P. (1994): Optimum Human Population Size. Population and
Environment, 15(6), 469-475. https://doi.org/10.1007/BF02211719.
Khan, I. (2021): Artificial Intelligence ( AI ) as Sustainable Solution for the Agriculture Sector : Findings from
Developing Economies. January.
Kim, Y.J., Evans, R.G., & Iversen, W.M., (2008): Remote sensing and control of an irrigation system using a
distributed wireless sensor network. IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement. 57 (7),1379–
Kreuser, W. C. (2015). Simplifying soil test interpretations for turf professionals. G2265: http://turf. unl.
edu/NebGuides/g2265. pdf (accessed December 5, 2021).
Pardossi, A., Malorgio, F., Incrocci, L., Campiotti, C. A., &Tognoni, F. (2002). A comparison between two
methods to control nutrient delivery to greenhouse melons grown in recirculating nutrient solution culture.
Scientia Horticulturae, 92(2), 89–95. doi:10.1016/s0304-4238(01)00292-8
Pison, G. (2019): How many humans tomorrow? The United Nations revises its projections. The Conversation,
2–7. http://theconversation.com/how-many-humans-tomorrow-the-united-nations-revises-its-projections-
Prosekov, A. Y., & Ivanova, S. A. (2018): Food security: The challenge of the present. Geoforum, 91(February),
73–77. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.geoforum.2018.02.030
Talaviya, T., Shah, D., Patel, N., Yagnik, H., & Shah, M. (2020): Implementation of artificial intelligence in
agriculture for optimisation of irrigation and application of pesticides and herbicides. Artificial Intelligence
in Agriculture, 4, 58–73. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.aiia.2020.04.00
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
*Giwa, Samuel Boluwatife1; Araromi, Dauda Olurotimi1, Sulayman, Aminah Abolore1 and Salami,
Kolapo Kaz-eem1
Department of Chemical Engineering, Ladoke Akintola University of Technology, Ogbomosho, Oyo State.
*Email: sbgiwa@student.lautech.edu.ng
The successful implementation of process intensification techniques, such as reactive distillation (RD), often requires tight
control of the process. Tight control refers to the need to closely monitor and regulate process parameters such as
temperature, pressure, flow rate, and reactant concentrations, among others, to maintain optimal performance. However, RD
is highly nonlinear due to complex interactions between vapor-liquid equilibrium, vapor-liquid mass transfer, and chemical
kinetics arising from the concurrent separation and reaction and hence making its control challenging. In this work, a generic
nonlinear two-reactant-two product reactive distillation process model was used to design a fuzzy controller based on the
‘learning from examples’ paradigm for RD closed loop system. The performance of the fuzzy controller was compared with
Proportional Integral (PI) controller. The results showed that the fuzzy controller outperformed the PI controller in terms of
setpoint tracking with no overshoot.
KEYWORDS: process intensification, Reactive Distillation, Nonlinear, Fuzzy controller, Proportional integral control
This should include the background to the study, a brief review of literature and clearly stated objectives. The
section and others should be in single-line spacing. Reactive distillation has been employed in many industrial
processes (Luyben, 2009). The growing application of reactive distillation processes has necessitated a better
understanding of its process dynamics and control. The integration of separation and reaction presents a very
complex control strategy, this is a result of the nonlinear coupling of chemical reaction, and phase equilibrium as
the design of reactive distillation processes is significantly more complex than the design of conventional
distillation processes (Keller, 2014). This makes the control of RD systems challenging as the process objectives
such as obtaining product purity specification (separation performance) while maximizing reactant conversion
(reaction performance) must be fulfilled. These are translated into achievable control objectives, which are then
integrated into the overall control strategy (Baur et al., 2000).
Reactive distillation columns are generally modelled by a set of highly nonlinear first-order differential equations
(Olanrewaju & Al-Arfaj, 2005). However, many model-based controllers use linear models because they are
easier to analyse and require fewer computational recourses than nonlinear models (Kawathekar, 2021) but the
highly non-linear nature of RD makes linear controllers difficult in capturing and controlling its complex
dynamics (Fedor & Perduková, 2017). Moreover, for effective control, nonlinear controllers show high superiority
over linear controllers(Kawathekar & Riggs, 2007). This introduces us to a special type of controller called the
fuzzy logic controller which can combat this problem of non-linearities as it is not based on a mathematical model
and is mostly used to solve the problem with a high degree of uncertainty or fuzziness. This type of controller is
based on fuzzy logic and it behaves like a man-in-the-loop(Al-Odienat & Al-Lawama, 2008).
In a study conducted by Tian et al. (2003), the reliability of the fuzzy logic controller was demonstrated through
the successful implementation of a pattern-based predictive control scheme that was developed to maintain the
required purity in the distillation ethyl tert-butyl ether (Tian et al., 2003). Kapoor et al. (2011) conducted a study
to compare the performance of a PID and fuzzy controller in a reactive distillation column using a generic
mathematical model and found that the deviation of temperature from steady state error was less with the use of
the fuzzy controller and it also reached a steady state faster.
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
Figure 26: A schematic diagram of reactive distillation (Bamikole & Taiwo, 2018)
The reactive distillation column is comprised of three main sections. The first section called the reactive section,
is where the chemical reaction occurs. The second section called the stripping section, is located between the
condenser and the reactive section. The third section called the rectifying section, is located between the reactive
section and the reboiler.
Equation 1 to 9 shows various equations modelling the column with the various parameters defined in section 2.2
Material balance around the reboiler:
𝑀𝑁 𝑑𝑥𝑁
= 𝐿𝑁−1 𝑥𝑁,𝑗 − 𝐵𝑥𝑁,𝑗 − 𝑣𝑣1 𝑦𝑁,𝑗 where 𝐿𝑁−1 = 𝐵 + 𝑉𝑁 (1)
Equations 8 and 9 are derivation from the vapor-liquid equilibrium and Raoults law
𝛾𝑖,𝑗 𝑃0𝑖,𝑗 𝑥𝑖,𝑗
𝑗=1 𝑦𝑖,𝑗 = ∑𝑗=1
= 1 where ∑𝑛𝑐
𝑗=1 𝑥𝑖,𝑗 =1 (8)
∅𝑖,𝑗 𝑃
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𝑇𝑖 = (𝐴𝑗 − 𝐵𝑗 𝑙𝑛U𝑃0𝑖,𝑗 V) (9)
𝑙𝑛H𝑃0𝑖,𝑗 I
The resulting equations above were solved using the semi-implicit Runge-Kutta in MATLAB workspace using
relevant parameters presented by Olanrewaju & Al-Arfaj(2005).
2. Parameters nomenclature
In this section, all the parameters and variables utilized in equations 1 through 9 are explicitly defined.
B is the bottom flow rate, 𝑉𝑁 is the Vapor flow rate coming from stage N, 𝐿𝑁 is the Liquid flow rate coming from stage N
D is the distillate flow rate, 𝑥𝑖,𝑗 , 𝑦𝑖,𝑗 is the Liquid and vapor mol fraction of the ith component at the ith stage respectively.
𝑞𝑖 is the Vapor quality (the fraction or percentage of vapor in a two-phase mixture of a liquid and a vapor) at the ith stage, 𝑟𝑖,𝑗
is the Rate of production of the jth component in the ith stage, 𝐹𝑖 is the Feed flow rate at the ith stage.
𝑀𝑖 is the Liquid hold-up at the ith stage, R is the Reflux ratio, 𝛿𝑖 Checks if the reaction is taking place at the ith stage where
it takes a value of 1 if the reaction occurs else 0, 𝑘0 is the Arrhenius constant, and E is the activation energy.
R is the universal gas constant, 𝑅𝑖,𝑗 is the Rate of production of jth component in the ith stage, and N is the total number of
stages including the reboiler and the reflux drum.
𝑥𝐴 is the mol fraction of water in the liquid phase, 𝑥𝐵 is the mole fraction of ethylene oxide in the liquid phase, nc is the
Number of components,
𝐴𝑗 , 𝐵𝑗 is the Antoinne Parameters, 𝑃0𝑖,𝑗 is the Saturated vapor pressure of the jth component in the ith stage, ∅𝑖,𝑗 is the Fugacity
coefficient of the jth component at the ith stage.
𝑇𝑖 is the Temperature at the ith stage, 𝛾𝑖,𝑗 is the Activity coefficient of the jth component in the ith stage, 𝑃0𝑖,𝑗 is the saturated
vapor pressure of the jth component in the ith stage, Vs is the Vapor flow rate from the reboiler.
3. Fuzzy controller
According to Nizami (2011), the use of a fuzzy logic system is a key feature of the fuzzy controller, which gained widespread
attention when Mamdani designed a control system for a laboratory-scale steam engine boiler using fuzzy algorithms
(Mamdani, 1974). Fuzzy control provides a formal framework for representing, manipulating, and implementing a human's
heuristic knowledge of system control (Ibarra & Webb, 2016) as it is based on the concept of fuzzy logic, which allows for
degrees of truth between true and false. The use of fuzzy control provides a flexible and adaptive approach to system control,
accounting for uncertainty and complexity (Zadeh, 2009). Additionally, incorporating human expertise into the control system
leads to improved system performance and efficiency (Heras-Cervantes et al., 2019). The fuzzy controller is integrated into a
closed-loop control system, as shown in the block diagram in Figure 2.
The fuzzy controller has inputs (r(t)) and outputs (u(t)), similar to a regular PID controller. The plant outputs are represented
by y(t) (Matko & Kavšek-Biasizzo, 2000). The design of a fuzzy controller involves selecting inputs and outputs, filtering
them, and designing each of the four components of the controller as shown in Figure 2.
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University of Ilorin, Nigeria
Our objective is to achieve servo responses in the RD system's top and bottom product compositions by controlling the reflux
flow rate and vapor boil-up rate, using proportional integral control (PI) triggered by the error signal as shown in equation (10)
𝑘𝑝 and 𝑘𝑖 are the proportional constant and integral constant respectively, e is the magnitude of the error signal at time t and u
is the output signal from the controller.
Simulation of the closed-loop of the RD model under PI control and Tyreus-Luyben parameter settings generated a dataset for
fuzzy rule construction. Fuzzy membership functions assigned to regions in the input and output domains represented linguistic
values, with triangular membership functions used. The dataset was used to obtain fuzzy rules, with premises formed from the
input portion and consequents from the output portion. The rule base for the two-input two-output system has the form
described in Equation 11(Passino & Yurkovich, 1998).
𝑅𝑖 = 𝑖𝑓 𝑢1 𝑖𝑠 𝑋1 𝑎𝑛𝑑 𝑢2 𝑖𝑠 𝑋𝑘2 𝑇ℎ𝑒𝑛 𝑦 𝑖𝑠 𝑌𝑙 (11)
The ith rule has “degree” defined by equation (12) for output y
𝑑𝑒𝑔𝑟𝑒𝑒h𝑅Dò i = 𝜇)j (𝑢l ) ∗ 𝜇)q (𝑢4 ) ∗ … ∗ 𝜇)?X (𝑢E ) ∗ 𝜇æ! (𝑦) (12)
where, 𝑢1 𝑎𝑛𝑑 𝑢2 denote reflux rate and vapor boil-up rate, respectively, y denote either top and bottom product composition,
j, k, l, and q can be any of linguistic values (S, C, B), 𝑋𝑗𝑚 𝑎𝑛𝑑 𝑌𝑗𝑚 denote the fuzzy sets with associated membership functions
𝜇𝑋𝑗 (𝑢𝑘 ) and 𝜇𝑌𝑗 <𝑦𝑚 = , 𝑚 = 1,2
𝑘 𝑚
Through rules embedded in the inference mechanism, the appropriate rule was determined by computing 𝜇𝑖 (𝑢1 , 𝑢2 , … , 𝑢𝑛 )
for all rules in the rule base as described by Equation 13.
𝜇𝑖 ( 𝑢1 , 𝑢2 , … , 𝑢𝑛 ) = 𝜇𝐴 𝑗 ( 𝑢1 ) ∗ 𝜇𝐴 𝑘 ( 𝑢2 ) ∗ … ∗ 𝜇𝐴 𝑙 ( 𝑢𝑛 ) (13)
1 1 𝑛
5. Defuzzification Stage
This is the stage to convert the fuzzy set quantification of the conclusions to a discrete value that will serve as input to the
plant(Matko & Kavšek-Biasizzo,2000). The defuzzification strategy used in this work is the centroid method given in Equation
14 (Nizami, 2011; Ibarra & Webb, 2016).
where R is the number of rules and 𝑏𝑖 is the center of the area of the membership function 𝜇𝐵𝑘 >𝑦𝑞 ?
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University of Ilorin, Nigeria
The fuzzy controller's information is compactly represented by a surface created from rules and membership
Figure 4: Surface plot for the control surface represented in both 3-D and 2-D
The top composition fuzzy controller exhibits a discontinuous control surface in the form of a plane. Figures 4b
and 4c show quasi-linear relationships between the input and controller output. The control surface for the bottom
composition is rippled and exhibits a non-linear relationship between the inputs and controller output.
The designed fuzzy controllers for top and bottom compositions are tested and the results are shown in Figure 5.
The controllers can effectively control the RD system by tracking set points. The response is smooth and without
In Figure 5, the performance of the fuzzy controller and PI controller based on Tyreus-Luyben settings in
tracking set point variables is shown with continuous and dotted lines, respectively. Both controlled outputs and
manipulated variables are displayed. Multiple simulations were conducted with incremental set point values up
to 0.98, beyond which the system became unstable. The PI controllers exhibited oscillatory behaviour and
unreasonable overshoot, while the Fuzzy controllers had smooth responses and were able to track all setpoints
tested. Overall, the Fuzzy controllers outperformed the conventional PI controllers.
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University of Ilorin, Nigeria
The responses of the fuzzy controllers were slow and overdamped compared to conventional PI controllers. The
rise time for the fuzzy controller's top product response is significantly longer, as seen in Figure 5a. However, the
rise times for both PI controllers are unreasonably short for practical implementation of the cascade process plant,
which has inherent transportation lag due to simultaneous reaction and separation. Therefore, the rise time
obtained for the Fuzzy control system is reasonable in a practical sense.
The output of the controller for reflux and vapor boil-up rates are similar, as shown in Figures 5b and 5d. The
Fuzzy controller initially sends a large feedback signal, while the PI controller exhibits unreasonable behaviour
with negative values. Both controllers initially provide the same rate for vapor boil-up, but they later diverge, with
the fuzzy controller having a higher rate. The findings suggest that high flow rates are necessary during start-up,
followed by a steady supply at lower rates once steady states have been established for both products.
To ensure balance, the study focused on the reaction, which is a reversible elementary reaction involving four
reacting species with unity stoichiometric coefficients. The components' relative volatilities are 𝛼𝐶 > 𝛼𝐴 > 𝛼𝐵 >
𝛼𝐷 , with A and C being the main components of the top product, while B and D are present in larger quantities
in the bottom product. After simulations, both top and bottom products reached a purity of 0.98, leading to an
overall conversion of 98% using the designed fuzzy controllers for the RD process.
Our approach surpassed the method utilized by Olanrewaju and Al-Arfaj(2005) which assumed a linear system
and utilized a robust linear state estimator for the modelling and control of reactive distillation. By achieving
higher product purities, our approach demonstrated its superiority and potential to enhance process performance.
Our approach achieved higher product purities, demonstrating its effectiveness and potential for improving
process performance. In 2.4 hours, a composition of 97.9% was reached for the 𝑥𝑑 composition in the bottom
product, while Olanrewaju and Al-Arfaj’s method took 4 hours to reach a steady state composition of 95%.
Similarly, for the top product, we achieved 97.9% purity was achieved in 2.8 hours, compared to Olanrewaju and
Al-Arfaj’s method which took 1.5 hours to reach 95%. Although our approach has a minor drawback in achieving
a steady state for the 𝑥𝑐 composition, its ability to achieve higher purities in a shorter time frame makes it a
promising avenue for further development.
An uncoupled fuzzy rule-based controller for a generic nonlinear reactive distillation model was developed using a "Learning
from Example" algorithm. This algorithm employed data obtained from simulated closed-loop control schemes of the RD,
which utilized PI-type controllers with parameters obtained from Tyreus-Luyben parameter settings. Using three triangular
membership functions for both the antecedent and consequent parts of the If-Then rules, sixteen rules were derived for each
control scheme. The resulting fuzzy controller was able to track all the setpoints used in the simulations, achieving a purity of
98% for each output. Moreover, the overall fractional conversion for the RD was found to be 98%.
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
Al-Odienat, A. I., & Al-Lawama, A. A. (2008). The advantages of PID fuzzy controllers over the conventional
types. American Journal of Applied Sciences, 5(6), 653–658. https://doi.org/10.3844/ajassp.2008.653.658.
Bamikole, J. O., & Taiwo, O. (2018). Journal of the Nigerian Society of Chemical Engineers, 33 ( 1 ), 2018
Modelling And Simulation Of Reactive Distillation Systems Using Matlab And Aspen Plus. 33(1), 129–142.
Fedor, P., & Perduková, D. (2017). Use of Fuzzy Logic for Design and Control of Nonlinear MIMO Systems.
Modern Fuzzy Control Systems and Its Applications. https://doi.org/10.5772/68050.
Heras-Cervantes, M., Marx Chávez-Campos, G., Javier Vergara Hernández, H., del Carmen Téllez-Anguiano, A.,
Anzurez-Marin, J., & Espinosa-Juárez, E. (2019). Fuzzy Logic Modeling and Observers Applied to Estimate
Ibarra, L., & Webb, C. (2016). Advantages of Fuzzy Control While Dealing with Complex/ Unknown Model
Dynamics: A Quadcopter Example. New Applications of Artificial Intelligence. https://doi.org/10.5772/62530.
Kapoor, U., Rani, A., Singh, V., & Gupta, J. R. P. (2011). Simulation and control of reactive distillation column.
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Kawathekar, R., & Riggs, J. B. (2007). Nonlinear model predictive control of a reactive distillation column. 15,
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Matko, D., & Kavšek-Biasizzo, K. (2000). Generalized Predictive Control of a Nonlinear Process using Fuzzy
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Mamdani, E. H. (1974). Application of fuzzy algorithms for control of simple dynamic plant. Proceedings of the
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Nizami, M. S. (2011). Development of a Fuzzy Logic Controller for a Distillation Column Using Rockwell
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and control of reactive distillation. Computers and Chemical Engineering, 30(1), 147–157.
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Wang, L. X., & Mendel, J. M. (1992). Generating Fuzzy Rules by Learning from Examples. IEEE Transactions
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Zadeh, L. A. (2009). Position Paper: Toward extended fuzzy logic; A first step. Fuzzy Sets and Systems, 160(21),
3175-3181. Retrieved 5 9, 2023, from https://sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/s0165011409002140
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This experiment was carried out in metropolitan Minna, the capital of Niger State. The study aimed to assess the
effects of soil contamination with spent engine oil on some selected soil physiochemical properties. The
experiment was set up in a completely randomized design in 3 replicates. The treatments consisted of 3 kg soil
samples contaminated with 50, 100, 200 and 300 milliliters of spent engine oil, while the control sample was soil
without added engine oil. The physicochemical properties of the soil samples before and after remediation were
analyzed using standard methods. The contaminated soils showed a significant (P<0.05) increase in soil pH, bulk
density and organic carbon (OC) contents compared to the control sample, while nitrogen, phosphorus and
potassium decreased significantly (P<0.05). However, the pH, organic carbon, phosphorus and potassium values
of each contaminated soil samples decreased significantly (P< 0.05) while the nitrogen content increased
significantly after remediation of the contaminated soil samples using the biomaterials. The bulk density of the of
the contaminated soil samples also decreased when treated with rice husk but increased when treated with sawdust.
KEYWORDS: spent engine oil, physicochemical properties, remediation, rice husk, sawdust.
1. Introduction
Soil serves as the primary recipient of waste products and chemicals utilized in modern industrial society (Brady
and Weil, 2002). The prevalence of land contamination with spent engine oil is mainly observed in developing
countries worldwide, primarily due to ineffective environmental laws (Adams et al., 2004). This ineffectiveness
directly impacts the rate at which spent engine oil enters the environment, leading to pollution. The increased
utilization of automobile engines and machinery has consequently resulted in higher rates of environmental
contamination by used engine oil (Abioye et al., 2012). Spent engine oil contains hazardous substances, including
heavy metals, aliphatic and aromatic hydrocarbons, benzenes, as well as sulphur and nitrogen (Mohammed and
Amnah, 2012). These substances have detrimental effects on soil and soil microflora, such as reduced growth rate
and reproduction, compromised health, and mutagenesis. As a result, they alter population dynamics, disrupt
trophic relationships, and impact the structure of natural communities within ecosystems.
According to Tudararao-Aherobo and Mesogboriwon (2020) spent engine oil can be defined as used lubricating
oils obtained after servicing and subsequently drained from automobile and generator engines. Spent oils contain
a high percentage of aromatic and aliphatic hydrocarbons, nitrogen and sulphur compounds as well as metals such
as Manganese, Calcium, Zinc and Lead. In contrast, fresh oils do not contain these contaminants. The impact of
contamination by spent automobile oil in the environment has been shown to be more widespread than
contamination by crude oil (Nwite, 2013). For instance, Nigeria was reported to account for more than 87 million
litres of spent oil waste annually, yet sufficient attention has not been given to its disposal (Anoliefo and Vwioko,
2001). Large amounts of spent oil are released into the environment during manual oil changing operations, either
intentionally by automobile and generator mechanics or accidentally through spills. The oil is dumped into water
bodies, farmlands and open vacant plots use as mechanic workshops, resulting in pollution of both soil and water
(Ikhajiagbe and Anoliefo, 2011). Osubor and Anoliefo (2003) conveyed that approximately 20 million gallons of
spent oil are accumulated every year from mechanic workshops across Nigeria and disposed of carelessly into the
When spent engine oil is introduced into the soil, it not only eradicates microbial life but also renders the soil
inhospitable for worms and other small organisms. This inactivity leads to inadequate aeration in the soil, which
can ultimately suffocate soil, reducing it to little more than dust. Soil polluted in this manner becomes unsuitable
for any growth, requiring years of specialized treatment to restore its fertility.
Soil polluted in this manner becomes unsuitable for any form of growth, requiring years of specialized treatment
to restore its fertility in contaminated areas.
Spent engine oil causes great damage to soil and soil microflora. It creates unsatisfactory conditions for life in the
soil due to poor aeration, immobilization of soil nutrients and lowering of soil pH (Ugoh and Moneke, 2011). It
has been shown that marked changes in properties occur in soil contaminated with hydrocarbon; this affects the
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
physical, chemical and microbiological properties of the soil (Okonokhua et al., 2007). At low concentrations,
some of these heavy metals are essential micronutrients for plants, but they can cause metabolic disorders and
growth inhibition when the concentration is high. Therefore, there is a need for remediation of spent engine oil-
contaminated soil by the use of biomaterials.
2.1 Study area
The study area for this research was the metropolitan Minna, the capital of Niger State. Niger State is located in
the North Central Zone of Nigeria, while Minna town is located in the Eastern Senatorial district with a landmass
of 1664km2. According to the 2006 census, Minna town had a human population of 3,488,180 persons (National
Population Commission, 2006).
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University of Ilorin, Nigeria
Table 1: Effect of soil contamination with used engine oil on some selected soil Physicochemical properties
Samples pH BD (g/cm3) C (%) N (%) P (mg/kg) K (mg/kg)
C1 6.22±0.01a 0.95±0.01a 1.35±0.02a 0.64±0.02d 33.93±0.02e 0.81±0.01e
E50 6.34±0.02b 1.24±0.02b 1.55±0.02b 0.35±0.03b 25.84±0.02d 0.76±0.02d
E100 6.67±0.02c 1.42±0.01d 1.66±0.02c 0.42±0.03c 20.12±0.01c 0.54±0.03c
E200 6.93±0.01d 1.37±0.03c 1.67±0.03c 0.24±0.02a 17.37±0.02b 0.46±0.02b
E300 7.34±0.03e 1.64±0.02e 1.87±0.02d 0.21±0.02a 14.73±0.03a 0.42±0.02a
Note: * Values followed by same superscript alphabet are not significantly different at (P<0.05) along the
columns. Values are Mean ± SEM of triplicate determination.
Table 2: Effect of rice husk on some selected soil physicochemical properties of the contaminated soil
Samples pH BD (g/cm3) C (%) N (%) P (mg/kg) K (mg/kg)
C1 6.22±0.01a 0.95±0.01a 1.35±0.02a 0.64±0.02e 33.93±0.02e 0.81±0.01e
E50 6.27±0.03b 1.12±0.01b 1.51±0.02b 0.51±0.01d 28.56±0.02d 0.67±0.01d
E100 6.44±0.03c 1.25±0.02c 1.56±0.01b 0.44±0.02c 23.97±0.01c 0.56±0.02c
E200 6.58±0.01d 1.34±0.02d 1.62±0.02c 0.25±0.02b 20.02±0.01b 0.47±0.02b
E300 6.84±0.04e 1.46±0.02e 1.75±0.02d 0.19±0.01a 17.48±0.02a 0.32±0.01a
Note: * Values followed by same superscript alphabet are not significantly different at (P<0.05) along the
columns. Values are Mean ± SEM of triplicate determination.
Table 2: Effect of sawdust on some selected soil physicochemical properties of the contaminated soil
Samples pH BD (g/cm3) C (%) N (%) P (mg/kg) K (mg/kg)
C1 6.22±0.01a 0.95±0.01a 1.35±0.02a 0.64±0.02c 33.93±0.02e 0.81±0.01d
E50 6.32±0.01b 1.78±0.03b 1.40±0.02b 0.32±0.03b 29.68±0.03d 0.70±0.03c
E100 6.54±0.04c 1.82±0.03c 1.46±0.03c 0.29±0.04b 25.08±0.02c 0.44±0.01b
E200 6.62±0.04d 1.75±0.01b 1.51±0.01d 0.25±0.03a 21.12±0.02b 0.35±0.02a
E300 7.12±0.04e 1.75±0.02b 1.69±0.04e 0.25±0.01a 18.54±0.04a 0.36±0.01a
Note: * Values followed by the same superscript alphabet are not significantly different at (p<0.05) along the
columns. Values are Mean ± SEM of triplicate determination.
3.2 Discussions
The results presented in Table 1 clearly demonstrate a significant increase in soil pH, bulk density, and organic
carbon (OC) content when the soil was mixed with spent engine oil compared to the control sample without added
engine oil. Conversely, other properties such as nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium showed significant
decreases. Additionally, with an increase in the concentration of spent engine oil, there was a gradual rise in pH,
carbon, and phosphorus levels. Among the soil samples, E300 recorded the highest values of 7.34 for pH, 1.64
for bulk density, and 1.87 for carbon.
This finding regarding soil pH aligns with the results of Diana et al. (2004), who observed significantly higher pH
values in hydrocarbon oil-contaminated soils. Bulk density is considered crucial for bioremediation because soil
physical properties, directly and indirectly, influence factors affecting the degradation process, such as soil
aeration, movement of nutrients through soil pores, and water-holding capacity (Vidali, 2001).
The increased carbon level in the contaminated soil may be a result of both the addition of used engine oil to the
soil and the presence of hydrocarbons in the used engine oil (Tanimu et al., 2019). Conversely, the decrease in
nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium levels may be attributed to the increased concentration of spent engine oil.
Kayode et al. (2009) observed a reduction in nitrogen content in soil treated with spent lubricant oil, and several
authors have demonstrated that pollution by petroleum products can lead to decreased nitrogen levels in plants
(Wyszkowski and Wyszkowska 2005). Phosphorus was also found to be reduced in oil-contaminated soils
compared to the control, which aligns with the findings of Okonokhua et al. (2007). In their study, the phosphorus
content decreased progressively from 5.76 ppm in the control to 4.85 ppm in the soil samples. Regarding
exchangeable cations, potassium levels were generally higher in the control group than in the different levels of
spent engine oil application.
The results of the effect of rice husk and sawdust on the physicochemical properties of contaminated soil are
presented in Table 2 and Table 3. The pH, organic carbon, phosphorus, and potassium values of the contaminated
soil samples significantly decreased, while the nitrogen content increased significantly after remediation using the
two different biomaterials (rice husk and sawdust). The bulk density of the contaminated soil samples decreased
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
when treated with rice husk but increased when treated with sawdust. The significant increase in bulk density of
spent engine oil-treated soil using sawdust could be attributed to compaction resulting from oil contamination as
well as reduced porosity.
Spent engine oil pollution alters the pH of the soil and impacts its physiochemical properties. As the level of spent
engine oil in the soil increases, several soil properties undergo changes. Specifically, properties like pH, bulk
density, and organic carbon tend to increase, while nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium levels tend to decrease.
The results obtained indicated a significant improvement in the rate of remediation of contaminated soil through
the application of biomaterials. Rice husk, which is known for its high nitrogen and phosphorus content, made a
substantial contribution to the availability of these elements in the remediated soils. Additionally, the study
revealed that rice husk outperformed sawdust in the remediation processes.
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of agriculture, University of Nigeria, Nssuka. Pp 3.
Osubor, C.C. & Anoliefo, G.O. (2003). Inhibitory effect of spent lubricating oil on the growth and respiratory
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Tanimu, J., Michael, G.I, & James, P.A. (2019) Effects of Contamination of Soil with Used Engine Oil on Some
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Tudararao-Aherobo, L., & Mesogboriwon, S. (2020). Bioremediation of Spent Engine Oil Contaminated Soils
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Ugoh, S.C, & Moneke, L.U. (2011). Isolation of Bacteria from Engine Oil Contaminated Soils in Auto-mechanic
Workshops in Gwagwalada, Abuja, FCT-Nigeria. Academia Arena, 3, 1-10.
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
F. Balarabe1*, A. Mahmud2
Department of Civil Engineering, Federal University of Technology, Minna, Nigeria
*Email: phartymah36@gmail.com
A lot of research has shown that iron ore tailings (IOT) is not only a source of pollutant but also has good
pozzolanic properties. However, the behaviour of IOT concrete in service is yet to be fully reported. This research
investigates the effect of IOT on the mechanical properties of concrete whose fine aggregates is partially replaced
with IOT. Fine aggregates content in concrete of mix ratio 1:2:4 of 10 to 40% was replaced with IOT. Young’s
modulus and Poisson ratio of the resulting concrete beams were determined by compression test. The results
showed that 20% replacement of fine aggregates by IOT in the concrete mix gave the best mechanical properties
of the resulting concrete. The Young’s modulus of the concrete was seen to increase by 26.53% when with 20%
IOT content when compared to that without IOT. The Poisson ratio at 20% IOT content was seen to also decrease
by 61.54% when compared to that without IOT. As such, 20% IOT for fine aggregate content replacement in
concrete mix 1:2:4 is recommended for structural uses.
KEYWORDS: Concrete, Fine aggregates, Iron ore tailings, Poisson ratio, Young’s modulus
The high demand of sand for construction purposes is increasing daily and the process of mining these aggregates
from rivers and flood plains has led to environmental problems, which includes: water pollution, deforestation,
collapsing of river banks, destruction of landscape and reduction of farm and grazing lands (Ako et al., 2014).
Currently, one of the fundamental issues worldwide is achieving a sustainable environment and eco-friendly
community through effective recycling of waste materials in the construction industries. Various research have
broadly proven that waste materials from industries such as foundry sand, copper tailings, iron ore tailings,
recycled concrete, fly ash, and ceramic waste can be utilized in the production of sustainable concretes (Obinna
and Özgur, 2012; Sada et al., 2013; Adesina, 2018; Yufeng et al., 2019; Auta & Kabiru, 2020); Pinchi et al., 2020).
Aggregates occupies 60%-80% of concrete’s volume by mass and strongly influence the freshly mixed and
hardened concrete’s properties, mix proportions and economy. Aggregates are classified into two groups: fine and
coarse. Fine aggregates consist of natural sand, manufactured sand or a combination of both with most particles
smaller than 5 mm (Abdullahi, 2006). Aggregates must satisfy certain standards for optimum engineering use:
they must be clean, hard, strong, durable particles free of absorbed chemicals, coatings of clay and other fine
materials in amounts that could affect hydration and bond of the cement paste. The most suitable aggregate would
appear to be one that is well graded with a balance between rounded and angular particles and a surface texture
that is not too smooth (Abdullahi, 2006). Fine aggregates, being a major component of concrete, play a major role
in determining the quality of concrete to be produced. Hence it is required to be of good physical properties.
Ineffective agricultural, urban and industrial wastes disposal have been shown to be a major environmental and
health issue (Obinna and Özgur, 2012; Sada et al., 2013; Adesina, 2018; Yufeng et al., 2019; Auta & Kabiru,
2020); Pinchi et al., 2020). The results from previous research have demonstrated that effective utilization of these
wastes in production of concrete is cost efficient, with reduced permeability, increased strength, will reduce the
effects of environmental issues and loss of life of human and aquatic animals. These waste materials to name a
few are: iron ore tailings (Yufeng et al., 2019); copper tailings (Obinna and Özgur, 2012); locust bean pod ash
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
(Auta and Kabiru, 2020); rice husk (Adesina, 2018); groundnut husk (Sada et al., 2013); crushed waste rocks (Li
and wang, 2017); broken bricks (Pinchi et al., 2020); scrap tires (Sofi, 2018); plastics (Karthikeyan et al., 2019);
crushed glass (Anju et al., 2017); blast furnace slag (Mujedu et al., 2018) and silica fume (Shanmugapriya and
Uma, 2013) which are used either as a binder to partly or fully replace cement, used in varying combinations with
fine or coarse aggregate in concrete, in their natural or processed states.
Elinwa and Maichibi (2014) evaluated the feasibility of utilizing Itakpe iron ore tailings (IOT) to replace sand and
cement in concrete production. It was shown that Itakpe IOT has pozzolanic properties and can be used as retarders
for hot water concreting. It was also shown that at 20% replacement for sand and cement in conventional concrete
mix of 1:2.14:4.88 and water-cement ratio of 0.5, strength increase of 10% and 30% were observed for sand and
cement respectively. It was noted that replacing IOT for sand in concrete up to 20% can be used with confidence
for long term higher strength as the compressive strength of all the resulting concrete were higher than 20 kN/m2.
Yufeng et al. (2019) investigated the properties of fresh and hardened concrete produced by incorporating iron
ore tailings as a partial replacement for 10%-60% of fine aggregates for the preparation of high tensile-
compressive strength concrete of C35 grade. It was maintained that addition of IOT beyond 30% resulted in low
quality fresh concrete. From the hardened properties, only at 30% replacement level was the 28- and 90-days
curing ages of the compressive strength of the concrete excellent when compared to the control. Percentage
Increase of 4.90 and 4.61 were reported for both days respectively. This increase in strength was reportedly due
to the pore filling ability of the IOT containing a good portion of particles passing sieve size 300 μm. Also, the
tensile and flexural strength at all the replacement levels were investigated and found to be best at 30% IOT
content. An increase of 76.32% and 40.38% was observed at 28- and 90-days curing ages respectively when
compared to those at the control stage. For good shrinkage and crack property, IOT replacement for sand was
recommended not to exceed 40%.
Effects of partial replacement of sand by iron ore tailings on the compressive strength of concrete was investigated
by Shivam et al. (2017) and Mohamed et al. (2022). Grade M25 concrete was produced by Shivam et al. (2017)
using a mix ratio of 1: 1.458: 2.529, water cement ratio of 0.45 by substituting iron ore tailings in proportions of
5% up to 20% for fine aggregates in the mix. The compressive strength of the hardened concrete showed a gradual
improvement as the addition of IOT increased up to 15%. At 20% IOT content, the compressive strength decreased
and this suggest usage of IOT only up to 15% if strength improvement is the only target. Mohamed et al. (2022)
similar to Shivam et al. (2017) incorporated up to 40% IOT into concrete mix to replace fine aggregate. Mohamed
et al. (2022) maintained that concrete mechanical and durability properties improved with IOT content obtained
up to 14% strength improvement with 20% IOT content and recommended that the optimum percentages of IOT
for fine aggregate replacement is between 30 and 40%.
Anju et al. (2017) investigated the compressive strength of grade M25 concrete produced by using a mix ratio of
1:1.7:2.5, water cement ratio of 0.45, iron ore tailings and glass powder for the partial replacement of fine
aggregate at 10%, 20%, 30%, and 40% respectively. The compressive strength of the hardened concrete with 30%
waste glass and IOT content at 28 days curing showed 5.8% increment when compared to the control but at 40%
waste glass and IOT content, the compressive strength decreased which implies that 30% waste glass and IOT
content replacement for fine aggregates in concrete mixes is the optimum replacement to achieve high strength
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
Zhao et al. (2014) reported that 100% replacement of natural aggregate with iron ore tailings in ultra-high-
performance concrete resulted in decreased workability and compressive strength of the material. It also indicated
that for 90 days standard cured specimens when the replacement level was not beyond 40%, the mechanical
behaviour of the iron ore tailing (IOT) replaced concrete was comparable to that of the control mix. The specimens
that were steam cured for 2 days, had reduction in the compressive strengths for the IOT replaced concrete to be
less than 11% while there was up to 8% increase in flexural strength when compared to the control mix.
Ugama et al. (2014) investigated the properties of a rigid pavement using iron ore tailing (IOT) as fine aggregate
for the replacement of sand (RS) by 20%, 40%, 60%, 80% and 100% respectively. In terms of density, iron ore
tailings were classified as a heavy aggregate resulting in concrete pieces of heavier weight and thus recommended
for use in concrete production for pavement with higher self-weight and smaller deformation under external loads.
It was observed that with increasing IOT percentage, the workability of concrete reduced and at 20% IOT content,
compressive strength of the concrete at 28 days curing decreased by 3.09%, the splitting tensile strength improved
by 1.89% more than the control. Thus, the optimum replacement level for IOT content in concrete beam
production is about 20%.
The foregoing shows that the incorporation of wastes into concrete mixes is not a new technology. In order to
increase utilization of IOT, there is need to carry out extensive research on the effects of IOT on the mechanical
properties of concrete to increase the percentage of tailings utilization and clear the suspicion of long-term effect.
This research would focus on the compressive strength, modulus of elasticity and Poison ratio of concrete
produced by partially replacing its fine aggregates contents with IOT.
2.1 Materials
The materials used in this research include:
i. Cement: Grade 43 Dangote Portland Cement, obtained from a cement depot at Mando area of
Kaduna, Kaduna State was used for this work.
ii. Fine aggregates: Clean sharp sand all of which passed sieve size 5 mm obtained from a local dealer
at Mando Roundabout in Kaduna, Kaduna State was used for this work.
iii. Iron Ore Tailings (IOT): Clean iron ore tailings all of which passed sieve size 5mm obtained from
Itakpe in Kogi State was used for this work.
iv. Coarse aggregates: Crushed granites all of which passed sieve size 20 mm obtained from a local
dealer at Mando Roundabout in Kaduna, Kaduna State was used for this work.
v. Water: Potable water from a bore hole located at the Civil Engineering laboratory at Nigerian
Defence Academy Afaka, Kaduna was used for this work.
2.2 Methods
The data obtained from the specific gravity and bulk density tests carried out on the aggregates and iron ore
tailings were used to batch the concrete.
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
Absolute Volume Method was used to prepare the concrete mix as shown in Table 1. The concrete was cast into
150 mm × 150 mm × 150 mm and 150 mm x 150 mm x 700 mm cast iron moulds in three levels with adequate
tamping to remove trapped air and slump tests were conducted on the fresh concrete to check workability. Water
curing method was used to cure the concrete produced. Compressive strength test was carried out on the 28 days
curing 150 mm × 150 mm × 150 mm hardened concrete cubes. Modulus of elasticity and Poisson ratio of the
hardened 150 mm x 150 mm x 700 mm concrete were also investigated from readings obtained while loading the
beam to failure after three cyclic loadings from a predetermined basic stress to a predetermined upper stress
according to the requirements of BS 1881 (1983).
The modulus of elasticity and Poisson ratio were determined from:
Modulus of elasticity, Ec =
Poisson ratio, μ =
σa is the upper loading stress (N/mm2) (σa = fc/3);
σb is the basic stress (i.e 0.5 N/mm2);
εaa is the mean axial strain under the upper loading stress;
εat is the mean transverse strain under the upper loading stress;
εba is the mean axial strain under the basic stress.
εbt is the mean transverse strain under the basic stress.
Table 1: Matrix of Concrete Ingredients for Concrete with IOT for Fine Aggregates
Concrete Quantity of Fine Quantity Quantity of Quantity of Quantity of
Type Aggregates of IOT Coarse Cement Water (l)
(kg) (kg) Aggregates (kg) (kg)
0% IOT 16.09 0 32.18 8.04 4.82
10% IOT 14.54 1.62 32.30 8.08 4.85
20% IOT 12.97 3.24 32.43 8.11 4.87
30% IOT 11.39 4.88 32.55 8.14 4.88
40% IOT 9.80 6.54 32.68 8.17 4.90
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
The compressive strengths of the resulting concrete from incorporating IOT into concrete mix to replace fine
aggregates is shown in Figure 1 above. It can be observed that the average 28-day compressive strength of the
concrete without IOT is 24.76 N/mm2. This is relatively adequate for a 1:2:4 concrete mix ratio with a target
strength of 20 N/mm2. The strength of the concrete without IOT was seen to increase from 24.76 N/mm2 by 2.9%
to 25.47 N/mm2 with the replacement of 10% fine aggregates with IOT in the concrete mix. At 20% IOT for fine
aggregates replacement in the mix, the strength gain of 30% was seen in the concrete’s strength without IOT with
32.18 N/mm2 28-day compressive strength value. This value was seen to further reduce with further IOT content
beyond 20%. This suggests that 20% IOT replacement for fine aggregates is recommended for use in concrete
mix of 1:2:4. This result is consistent with the work of Elinwa and Maichibi (2014); Mohamed et al. (2022);
Ugama et al. (2014); and Yufeng et al. (2019).
Modulus of Elasticity
The modulus of elasticity of the IOT concrete is shown in Figure 2. From the figure, the modulus of elasticity is
seen to increase from 17.85 GPa for concrete without IOT to 25.42 GPa for concrete with 10% IOT content. This
represents a 42.41% increment in the strength capacity of the concrete without IOT by the replacement of 10%
fine aggregate content with IOT. With IOT for fine aggregate content of up to 20%, the modulus of elasticity is
seen to further increase to 26.53% indicating 48.63% increment to the strength capacity of the concrete without
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
IOT and 4.37% increment to that at 10% IOT content. Further additions of IOT beyond 20% resulted in lower
modulus of elasticity below than that with 10% IOT. Modulus of elasticity of 30% and 40% IOT content concrete
were obtained as 22.57 GPa and 18.24 GPa respectively. These indicate 26.44% and 2.18% increment respectively
to the strength capacities of the concrete without IOT content and 14.92% and 45.45% decrement respectively in
strength capacities to the concrete with 20% IOT content. Contrary to the behaviour of concrete containing 10%
steel reported by Esfahani et al. (2016), the modulus of elasticity of the concrete can be optimally improved by
the addition of 20% IOT for fine aggregates.
Poisson Ratio
The Poisson ratio of the IOT concrete is shown in Figure 3. From the figure, the Poisson ratio of 0.21 for concrete
without IOT content increased to 0.23 when 10% portion of the fine aggregate in the concrete mix was replaced
by IOT. This represents 9.52% increment in the Poisson ratio when 10% fine aggregate was replaced by IOT
represents a proportional increase in the deformation ability of the concrete when 10% IOT was introduced. With
20% IOT for fine aggregate in the concrete mix, the Poisson ratio decreased from 0.21 to 0.13. This represents
61.54% decrease in the deformation of the concrete when 20% IOT was introduced in the mix. With 30% and
40% IOT substitution for fine aggregate in the concrete mix, the Poisson ratios were 0.25 and 0.28 respectively.
These represent 19.05% and 33.33% increments respectively in the deformation ability when compared to the
concrete without IOT content. When compared to the concrete with 20% IOT content, they further increased by
92.31% and 115.38% respectively. This result shows a decrease in Poisson ratio which indicates improved
deformation ability of the IOT concrete was observed only at 20% IOT content.
The effects of iron tailings (IOT) on the mechanical properties of concrete have been carried out and the results
have been presented, analysed and discussed. From the study, the following conclusions were drawn:
i. The mechanical properties of the IOT concrete used in this research showed that the day 28 water cured
compressive strengths of the concrete without (0%) IOT, and those with 10%, 20%, 30% and 40% IOT
replacement for fine aggregates are 24.76 N/mm2, 25.47 N/mm2, 32.18 N/mm2, 25.29 N/mm2 and 22.36
N/mm2 respectively.
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
ii. The modulus of elasticity obtained from the concrete without (0%) IOT, and those with 10%, 20%, 30%
and 40% IOT replacement for fine aggregates are 17.85 GPa, 25.42 GPa, 26.53 GPa, 22.57 GPa and
18.24 GPa. Their Poisson ratio are also 0.21, 0.23, 0.13, 0.25 and 0.28 respectively.
iii. The mechanical properties of the IOT concrete were observed to be best at 20% IOT for fine aggregates
replacement in the mix. As such, 20% IOT content for fine aggregates can be incorporated into structural
concrete mix
The authors are especially grateful to the Department of Civil Engineering, Nigerian Defence Academy, Kaduna,
Nigeria for providing the laboratory and equipment for carrying out this research.
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Central Nigeria. Journal of Geosciences and Geomatics. 2(2), 42-49.
Anju, M. T., Abhishek, V., Albin S., and Jerison, S. J. (2017). Partial Replacement of Fine Aggregate with Iron
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of Revibrated Concrete. Construction of Unique Buildings and Structures, 90(9002)
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Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
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Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
Department of Postharvest Engineering Research, Nigerian Stored Product Research
Institute,Ilorin, Nigeria.
Department of Research Outreach, Nigerian Stored Product Research Institute, Ilorin,
Email: obanjiometer87@gmail.com
Appropriate Storage techniques and quality evaluation constituted two major phases in any postharvest, as
it determines the degree of probable loss likely to experience in any postharvest. Harvesting is considered
as the first step in the vegetable and grain supply chain and it is a criticaloperation in deciding the overall
crop quality, due to inadequacy in post- harvest practices 30 to 43 percent of agricultural product are often
lost. The motivation for this research was strengthenby the fact that postharvest storage techniques and
concomitant quality evaluation are seldom treated and less than 5% research funding has been allocated
for this issue in previous years. Related few literatures on spotlight were relative old and lack technical
innovations. Thus, attemptwas made in this paper to write a overview on various storage techniques and it
corresponding quality impactas it concern fruits and vegetables for minima postharvest losses. Finding here
indicates that eachmeasure taken to reduce postharvest losses has a direct impact on the nutritional and
sensory quality of produce. All pre and postharvest practices directly affect produce quality and therefore
should be evaluated from a plant physiology and pathology point of view in addition to food chemistry and
food nutrient aspects.
KEYWORDS: Storage, Techniques, Quality Evaluation, Minimal, Fruits and Vegetables, Postharvest
1. Introduction
Fruits and vegetables are important sources of vitamins, minerals, and fibers. Including, fruits and
vegetables in diet, add to healthy living fights and retard speedily development of several diseases(Adhikari,
2021). Increased consumption of fruits and vegetables has been associated with a reduced risk of cancer and
heart diseases in many epidemiological studies, thus highlighting theirbeneficial health properties. In the
accordance with the findings of Gamrasni et al., (2020) fruits and vegetables qualities refer to extrinsic
characteristics such as size, shape, color, and firmness. These visual attributes, together with sensorics
parameters such as scent and taste, affect consumers’ acceptance, and thus have a direct economic
implication. However, in recent years there has been a growing awareness of the intrinsic factors of
nutritional and functional attributesrelated to phytonutrient content, such as minerals, vitamins, dietary
fibers, and other phytochemicals that determine the nutritional values of fresh produce and directly or
indirectly affect consumers’ health.
In addition, postharvest loss includes the food loss across the food supply chain from harvesting of crop
until its consumption (Aulakh et al., 2013). The losses can broadly be categorized as weight loss due to
spoilage, quality loss, nutritional loss, seed viability loss, and commercial loss (Boxall,2001). Magnitude of
postharvest losses in the food supply chain vary greatly among different crops, areas, and economies. In
developing countries, eagerness to make the best use of the food produced is well profound. However, a
significant amount of produce is lost in postharvest operations due to a lack of knowledge, inadequate
technology, evidently poor storage infrastructure. Later submission of FAO (2011) estimated postharvest
losses in fresh produce to be 5% to 25% in developed countries and 25% to 50% in developing countries
which is debilitatingand scaring. Therefore, pleading remedies and thorough investigation, such a menace
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
constitute strongly the basis of this research. In the last few decades, most of the countries have focused on
improving their agricultural production, land use, and population control as their policies to cope with this
increasing food demand. Thus, downplayed postharvest loss (PHL) as well as the best candidate techniques
employable for identified grains, fruit, or vegetable. It important to bring to the fore the implication of such
a negligence which constitute a critical issue. This assertion was further strengthened by the claims of
Deepak and Prasanta (2017) affirmed that postharvest storage technique were seldomly researched and less
than 5% research funding has been allocatedfor this issue in previous years. Deepak and Prasanta (2017)
further reiterated that current literatures on subject of reckon where relatively old (Bourne, 1977; Greeley,
1986 and Pantenius,1988) and lack technical innovation needed for dynamic and revolving agricultural
In recent years, the field of postharvest handling of fresh produce faced few technological advances, that
lunch the combination online monitoring of the environment or produce state and active modulation of
storage conditions with the emerging discipline of modelling based on big data and artificial intelligence
(AI) tools both introduces opportunities and challenges to the field.This research will provide insights and
gives thorough overview of storage techniques and qualityevaluation of fruits and vegetables for minima
postharvest Losses.
Pre-cooling is defined as the removal of field heat carried out after the harvest of the crop to slowdown
the rate of metabolism and to reduce the rate of deterioration. It is the first step carried out in temperature
management. Pre-cooling methods like room cooling, forced air cooling, hydro cooling, ice-cooling, and
vacuum cooling can be used for fresh produce based on the characteristicsof produce (Mercier et al., 2019).
For instance, pre-cooling process gained reasonable measure ofacceptance in fruit and vegetable handling.
Table 3.1 drew attention on sub-component of pre- cooling and latent strength of each identify method.
Thus, the main objective of pre-cooling is to minimize the effect of microbial activity, ethylene production,
and the rate of respiration.
Room cooling Crops are placed in a cold room where cold air Cabbage, tomato, pumpkin,
passes through a fan which servesas a unit of
refrigeration. Squash, raw mango.
Forced air cooling Crop receives cold air directly at highvelocity. Cabbage, carrot, cauliflower,
There is a high chance of desiccation of crops strawberries.
Hydro cooling Crops are submerged in cold water. The heat Pomegranate, asparagus, beans,
exchanger is used to maintain water cucumber.
temperature. It helps in faster cooling andis
mainly used for vegetable.
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
Ice cooling Crops packed in boxes are cooled by this Asparagus, broccoli,
method. greenonions
Vacuum cooling Crops that don’t have thick wax cuticles are Lettuce, leeks,
cooled by this method. The main disadvantage Chinesecabbage
of this method is crop weight is reduced by 1%
for every 5 or 6 reductions in temperature.
However, the important of packaging can never be overemphasis. Packaging materials are used towrap
the fresh produce to save them from mechanical, biological damage during handling operations of fruits and
vegetables. The packaging requirements depend on various factors such as susceptibility to water loss,
microbial infections, heat accumulation, and primary consideration onthe type of package needed. Suffice
to know, that choose of packaging material have a reserve effect as it was brought to fore in Table3. 2.
Plastic bags (polyethylene films) are mainly used for the packaging of fruits and vegetables as film bags are
clear, less expensive, and allow easy inspection of the items. Cabbage, potatoes, citrus, apples can be
shipped easily in corrugated fiberboard boxes. Oranges, onions, are transported using jute sacks/bags woven
from propylene whereas basket woven from palms is used for tomatoes packaging (Idah et al., 2007). As
further elaborated by Table3.2.
Table 3.2. Effect of packaging materials and methods on the shelf life of fruits and vegetables
14 micro perforated
package, all
wrapped in PE
70 % O2 + 0 % CO2 20 days at 1 °C
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
Air 30 days at 1 °C
Plastic box
The most prevalent approach to preserve fruit quality and to reduce produce loss after harvest is to delay
ripening and senescence. Fruit ripening involves several metabolic processes that differ between
‘climacteric’ and ‘non-climacteric’ fruits. During the ripening of climacteric fruit, respiration increases until
it reaches a peak, which is accompanied by an increase in ethylene production. In contrast, respiration of
non-climacteric fruit does not increase during ripening, andethylene is not required in order to complete the
ripening process. Regardless of the type of ripening, this process, as well as other metabolic processes that
lead to deterioration, are driven byrespiration. After harvest, the fresh produce continues to respire—utilising
food reserves taking inoxygen, and releasing carbon dioxide and heat from stored carbohydrates. For that
reason, postharvest treatments that reduce respiration will delay deterioration processes, prolong shelf life,
and help to maintain produce quality (Ai-Li et al., 2002).
Consequently, Cold storage is the most frequently used practice to decrease metabolic activity. However,
low-temperature (LT) storage conditions must be adjusted and optimized for each specific type of produce.
Additionally, other storage conditions such as humidity and air composition should be adjusted for the best
results (Adeeko et al., 2020).Thus, it is necessary to determine the optimal storage conditions to prolong fruit
and vegetables’ storage time for instance Paulauskiene et al., (2020) specifically indicated controlled
atmosphere (CA) for kiwifruit storedin an atmosphere containing 2% oxygen (O2) and 5% carbon dioxide
(CO2) at 0 °C led to the greatest increase in the soluble solids content and dry matter content after 6 weeks
of storage in fruit of all cultivars. Paulauskiene et al., (2020) further reiterated that different air parameters
in the storage chambers had different effects on the synthesis of pigments in fruit, but the content ofpigments
increased most in fruit stored in the chamber with atmospheric parameters 0.5% O2 + 1% CO2. More recent
research has shown that dynamic controlled atmosphere (DCA) or ultra-low oxygen (ULO) for apples, are
increasingly gaining acceptance as a chemical-free process to prolong storage time. Koricanac et al., (2020)
observed that various qualitative parameters changed differently, depending on the applied storage
technique. ‘Golden Delicious’ apples fromthe ULO chamber had a lower weight loss and significantly
higher content of total phenols, flavonoids, and antioxidant capacity, compared with fruit stored in normal
atmosphere (NA). However, ‘Idared’ apples stored under NA conditions exhibited better quality traits
during shelf life in comparison with fruit from the ULO chamber.
Ethylene is the plant hormone best-known for its effect on fruit ripening. The inhibition of ethylene
synthesis is advantageous because inhibiting ethylene production delays processes related to fruitripening,
that is softening, chlorophyll degradation, and the breakdown of complex sugars, for instance, breaking
down of starch, into simple sugars. Reducing ethylene synthesis by LT/CA storage and/or by application of
the competitive ethylene antagonist, 1-methylcyclopropene (1- MCP), which blocks the response of plants
to ethylene, can greatly delay the ripening of climacteric fruits, and additionally alleviate physiological
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
disorders such as scald in apples (Dällenbach et al., 2020). However, treatment of 1-MCP for late-harvested
apples stored in CA increased flesh browning (Jung and Cho, 2020). Indication that more work is required
to optimizeperformance of this treatment. Interestingly, co-regulation of methionine biosynthesis, ethylene
production, and respiration in 1-MCP-treated tomatoes has shed new light on the effect of this treatment
on fruit physiology and may facilitate the improvement of its implementation (Gamrasniet al., 2020). While
manipulating ethylene production is a common practice, the increase in applications of other growth
regulators, such as salicylic acid and the polyamine putrescine, holdsgreat promise to extend the repertoire
of postharvest treatments and resultantly prolong the storagetime of non-climacteric fruits, such as mandarins
(Gamrasni et al., 2020).
It pertinent to know that, both genetic background and environmental parameters can significantlyaffect
postharvest performance. Genotypic background and pre-harvest climatic conditions were found to affect
the head quality and post-harvest performance of freshly cut broccoli (Conversa et al., 2020). Similarly,
cultivars and cultivation seasons were found to have a significant effect onthe postharvest quality and shelf
lives of baby leaves (spinach and ‘wild’ rocket) while maturity atharvest, the weather during the growing
season, and orchard management greatly affected the flesh-browning of apples stored at CA (Koukounaras
et al., 2020) . Another example of the geneticeffect on shelf life was demonstrated in the fruit quality of six
different cultivars of mangoes as well as for three acorn squash cultivars that were found to differ in
susceptibility to cold storage temperatures and fungal decay (Adeeko et al., 2020). In addition, agrotechnical
practices such asthe grafting of cucurbitaceae vegetables such as watermelons, or the training and pruning
of fruit trees such as mangoes were shown to significantly affect fruit quality and postharvest performance
(Sharma et al., 2018). Furthermore, the pre-harvest application of pro hydro jasmon (PDJ) or abscisic acid
(ABA) induced a red colour in mango fruits that were exposed to sunlight at the orchard, which consequently
reduced their susceptibility to fungal decay during storage (Kumar et al., 2020). All of these parameters for
preharvest handling play important roles and affect the postharvest performance of fresh produce; thus,
methods for controlling and manipulating these parameters have great potential to be used as part of an
integrated management system.
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
Suffices to note that while the shelf lives of horticultural commodities is dependent on postharvest
handling, shelf life is also significantly affected by a wide range of pre-harvest factors. it is important to
note that each measure taken to reduce postharvest losses has a direct impact on the nutritional and sensory
quality of fresh produce. All pre and postharvest practices directly affect produce quality and therefore
should be evaluated from a plant physiology and pathology point ofview in addition to food chemistry and
food nutrient aspects. Specifically, as integrated approaches increasingly become a common practice, a
standard evaluation of fruit and vegetable sensory andnutritional quality is essential, in parallel with the
development of high-throughput evaluation means for the chemical composition of fresh produce. Two
examples demonstrating such efforts include the evaluation of mineral (calcium) content in apples by the use
of X-ray fluorescence, andthe use of an ultrasound-assisted extraction method for extracting antioxidants in
chokeberries to provide a more accurate quality evaluation.
Adeeko, A., Yudelevich, F., Raphael, G., Avraham, L., Alon, H., Presman, M.Z., Alkalai-Tuvia, S., Paris,H.S., Fallik,
E., Ziv, C.(2020). Quality and Storability of Trellised Greenhouse-Grown,Winter- Harvested, New Sweet
Acorn Squash Hybrids. Agronomy 2020, 10, 1443
Adhikari, B. (2021). Post-harvest practices of horticultural crops in Nepal: Issues and management. Archives of
Agriculture and Environmental Science, 6(2), Pp. 227–233.
Ai-Li, J., Sjhi-Ping T., Yong, X. (2002) Effects of Controlled atmosphere with high-O2 or high-CO2 concentrations
on postharvest physiology and storability of Napoleon sweet cherry, Acta BotanicaSinica, 44(8), pp. 925—
Aulakh, J., Regmi, A., Fulton, J.R., Alexander, C. (2013) Estimating post-harvest food losses: Developinga consistent
global estimation framework; Proceedings of the Agricultural & Applied EconomicsAssociation’s 2013
AAEA & CAES Joint Annual Meeting; Washington, DC, USA. 4–6 August 2013.
Bourne, M. (1977) Post Harvest Food Losses—the Neglected Dimension in Increasing the World Food
Supply. Department of Food Science and Technology, Cornell University; Ithaca, NY, USA:
Boxall, R.A. (2001). Post-harvest losses to insects: A world review. International Biodeterior. Biodegrad.
2001;48:137–152. doi: 10.1016/S0964-8305(01)00076-2.
Conversa, G., Lazzizera, C., Bonasia, A., Elia, A. (2020). Harvest Season and Genotype Affect Head Quality and
Shelf-Life of Ready-to-Use Broccoli. Agronomy 2020, 10, 527.
Dällenbach, L.J., Eppler, T., Bühlmann-Schütz, S., Kellerhals, M. and Bühlmann, A. (2020). Pre- and Postharvest
Factors Control the Disease Incidence of Superficial Scald in the New Fire Blight Tolerant Apple Variety
“Ladina”. Agronomy 2020, 10, 464.
Deepak and Prasanta (2017) Reducing Postharvest Losses during Storage of Grain Crops to Strengthen Food Security
in Developing Countries. PubMed Center. Published online 2017 Jan 15. doi: 10.3390/foods6010008
Food and Agriculture Organzation (2011). Global Food Losses and Food Waste–Extent, Causes and
Prevention; FAO: Rome, Italy, 2011.
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
Gamrasni, D., Feldmesser, E., Ben-Arie, R., Raz, A., Tabatznik Asiag, A., Glikman, M., Aharoni, A. andGoldway,
M. (2020). Gene Expression in 1-Methylcyclopropene (1-MCP) Treated Tomatoes during Pre-Climacteric
Ripening Suggests Shared Regulation of Methionine Biosynthesis, Ethylene Production and Respiration.
Agronomy 2020, 10, 1669..
Gross, K. C., Wang, C. Y., and Saltveit, M. E., 2016. The commercial storage of fruits, vegetables, and florist and
nursery stocks. Agricultural Research Service, United States Department of Agriculture,66(66), Pp. 68–70.
Idah, P. A., Ajisegiri, E. S. A., and Yisa, M. G. (2007). Fruits and Vegetables Handling and Transportationin Nigeria.
Au Journal of Technology, 10(3), Pp. 175–183.
Jung, S.K. and Choi, H.S. (2020). Browning of Early and Late-Harvested ‘Empire’ Apples Affected by Cold Storage
and 1-MCP. Agronom2020, 10, 1050.
Koricanac, A., Miletic, N., Popovic, B., Mitrovic, O., Lukic, M., Pešakovic, M and Tomic, J. (2020) TheEffect of
ULO and NA Storage on Changes in the Quality of Apple Fruit (Malus domestica Borkh.)during Shelf Life.
Agronomy 2020, 10, 25.
Koukounaras, A., Bantis, F., Karatolos, N., Melissas, C., Vezyroglou, A. (2020). Influence of Pre-HarvestFactors on
Postharvest Quality of Fresh-Cut and Baby Leafy Vegetables. Agronomy 2020, 10, 172.
Kumar, S.P., Maurer, D., Feygenberg, O.,Love, C., Alkan, N. (2020) Improving the Red Color and FruitQuality of
‘Kent’ Mango Fruit by Pruning and Preharvest Spraying of Prohydrojasmon or AbscisicAcid. Agronomy
2020, 10, 944.
Mercier, S., Mondor, M., McCarthy, U., Villeneuve, S., Alvarez, G., and Uysal, I. (2019). Optimized coldchain to save
food. Saving Food: Production, Supply Chain, Food Waste and Food Consumption, Pp. 203–226.
Pantenius, C. (1988) Storage losses in traditional maize granaries in Togo. International Journal
of Tropical Insect Science. 1988;9:725–735. doi: 10.1017/S1742758400005610.
Paulauskiene , A., Taraseviciene, Z., Zebrauskiene, A., Pranckietiene, I. (2020). Effect of Controlled Atmosphere
Storage Conditions on the Chemical Composition of Super Hardy Kiwifruit. Agronomy 2020, 10, 822.
Prasad, K., and Paul, J. R., 2021. Postharvest Losses of Papaya and Practice for Management. Food and Scientific
Reports, 2(February), Pp. 7–11.
Sharma, S., Barman, K., Siddiqui, M.W., Nath, V. (2018) Chapter 10-Training and Pruning for ImprovedPostharvest
Fruit Quality. In Preharvest Modulation of Postharvest Fruit and Vegetable Quality; Siddiqui, M.W., Ed.;
Academic Press: Cambridge, MA, USA, 2018, pp. 257–276.TX, USA.
Ziv, C. and Fallik, E. (2021). Postharvest Storage Techniques and Quality Evaluation of Fruits and Vegetables for
Reducing Food Loss. Agronomy 2021, 11, 1133. https://doi.org/10.3390/agronomy11061133.
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
Power Equipment and Electrical Machinery Development Institute, Okene, Kogi State.
Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, University of Benin, Edo State.
Email: mytajuddeen@gmail.com
All over the world, attention is now being focused on producing electricity from renewable energy sources rather
than the conventional use of fossil fuel. Nigeria is not an exception in this regard, especially when supply is grossly
inadequate to meet the demands of her growing population. This study presents a techno-economic analysis for
generating electricity from wind in Benin City, Edo State. Wind speed data was obtained from Nigerian
Meteorological Agency, Edo State. Analysis of the wind data obtained shows that due to the low wind speed, the
size of a unit wind turbine appropriate for installation in Benin City is 1kW. The economic analysis of installing
wind turbine of 1kW considering a lot of variables such as cost of turbine, exchange rate, current cost of energy
per kWh and depreciation indicates that the total expenditure made cannot be recovered within 20 years of the
expected life span of a wind turbine. Hence, making wind turbine installation in Benin City technically feasible
but not economically and commercially viable.
The amount of electricity a nation can produce for its citizens is one of the indices for measuring how developed
that country is. Nigeria’s electricity deficit challenge is no doubt one of the major problems facing the country.
The conventional means of using fossil fuel to generate electricity appears not to be yielding the desired result.
Hence, the need to explore other alternatives (Olagbegi et al, 2014). Using renewable sources such as wind would
not only help in addressing this challenge, but also lead to a reduction in the amount of greenhouse gases emission
that accompanies the use of fossil fuel (Aidan and Ododo, 2010). Wind energy is one the renewable energy that
is yet to be given the desired attention and fully harnessed in Nigeria (Aliyu and Mohammed, 2014). A lot of
countries have taken advantage of this renewable energy resource in forming part of the solution to their power
problem. Although, the Federal Government had made effort in that regard with the installation of 10MW wind
turbine in Katsina State (Oluleye and Ogungbenro, 2011). This work provides a technical-economic analysis of
wind electric energy potential in Benin City, Edo State.
2.1 Wind
Wind is air in motion produced due to the difference in atmospheric pressure and an irregular heating of the
surface of the earth by the sun. Air has certain mass (kg) and mass density (kg/m3). Flow of air leads to the flow
of mass. The flowing mass has kinetic energy which can be converted to mechanical or electrical energy
depending on how it is to be used (Kalekirstos, 2013).
2.2 Power in wind
The Kinetic energy K.E of an air flowing with a mass, m and velocity, 𝑣 is given in equation (1)
K.E = m 𝑣 2 (1)
The mass of air, m passing through the wind turbine in unit time is 𝜌A𝑣 (Ajao, 2009).
Therefore, power P, which is the kinetic energy passing through an area in unit time is given as:
P = 𝜌𝐴 𝑣 3 (2)
P is the power in wind; m is mass of air and A is the rotor area interacting with air flow
𝜌 = air density in kg/m3 (taken as 1.225kg/m3)
𝑣 =wind speed in m/s
2. 3 Power in wind turbine
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University of Ilorin, Nigeria
Not all the power available in wind can be converted to electric power because air is continuously moving.
According to Albert Betz the maximum fraction of achievable electric energy from wind is 0.59. This is called
the power coefficient. Therefore, the electric wind power is given by equation (3) (Kalekirstos, 2013).
Pe = 12𝜌𝐴𝑣3 Cp (3)
Pe = wind electric power in Watts
Cp= power coefficient.
Wind data for five years (2011-2015) was collected from the Nigerian Meteorological Agency (NIMET) located
in Benin City. The wind speed was measured at an altitude of 10m.
Table 1 shows the average monthly wind run data obtained from NIMET for five years (2011-2015). The cell
with XX indicates the month in which measurements was not possible due to the measuring instrument that was
faulty. The raw data obtained was in wind run. The wind run was converted to wind speed in m/s, because the
data required for this work is wind speed. The wind run measured in km was from 9:00hr to 9:00hr the next day.
For instance, the average monthly wind speed for the month of January, 2011 can be calculated as follows:
93.38 𝑋 1000
Wind speed (m/s) =
Wind speed (m/s) = 1.08 m/s
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
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Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
Table 4: Wind electric energy density for Benin City at an installed altitude of 20m
Total capital cost =
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
Gross yearly income from the sale of 876 kWh at the rate of N34.00/kWh = 876 x 34
= N 29,784
Net income per year = gross income – operation and maintenance cost
= N29,784 – N7,500
Net income per year = N22, 284
Using an average useful lifetime of 20 years for the wind turbine as being documented by many manufacturers
(Jurgen, 2018) , the cumulative net income over this period of 20 years is expected to be greater than the total
capital cost in order to make the project viable. Table 5 shows the yearly expenditure, the gross and net income,
as well as the cumulative net income of the 1 kW wind turbine
From Table 5, the total income at the end of 20 years is N 445,680. This amount is less than the total capital cost
of N666, 666.67. From this analysis, it can be said that wind turbine installation in Benin City is not economically
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
After 20 years of usage, the residual value of the turbine would be N150, 000. This amount, in addition to the total
income of N 445,680 that would be made at the end of 20 years is still less than the total capital cost of the turbine.
A technical and economic analysis of wind electric energy potential for Benin City has been carried out. The result
indicates a low wind profile for the city (recording 1.4m/s and 0.83m/s as the highest and lowest average monthly
wind speed respectively at an altitude of 10m), which would yield 1.72W/m2 and 0.37W/m2 as the largest and
smallest wind electric power density respectively, if a wind turbine is installed at a height of 20m. From the
analysis of result made, one can conclusively assert that the wind electric power for Benin City is not economically
viable. This is because the money that would be spent in the installation of a wind turbine in the City cannot be
recovered over its useful life, leading to a negative return on investment. Solar energy can be explored instead.
The authors appreciate the Nigerian Meteorological Agency for making the data for this work available.
Ajao, K. R & Adegun I. K. (2009).“Development and Power Performance Test of Small Three- Blade
Horizontal Axis Wind Turbine” Heat transfer research, Vol. 40, No. 8.
Aidan , J. & Ododo, J. C. (2010). “wind speed distributions and power densities of some cities in northern
journal of engineering and applied sciences, vol. 5, No. 8,
Aliyu, D. G. & Mohammed O. (2014) “Assessment of Wind Energy Alternative in Nigeria from the Lessons of
Katsina Wind Farm” Civil and Environmental Research, vol. 6 , No.4, pp
Jurgen, H. (2016) “ Analysis of the Lifetime of a Wind Turbine-Operation Past Design Life”, Wind Europe
Hamburg, Germany, 27th -29th September, 2016.
Kalekirstos, G. G. (2013) “Feasibility Study of Small Scale Standalone Wind Turbine for Urban Area” KTH
Industrial Engineering and Management.
Oluleye A. & Ogungbenro S. B. (2011) “Estimating the wind energy potential over the coastal
stations of Nigeria using power law and diabatic methods” African Journal of Environmental
and Technology Vol. 5.
Olagbegi, P.O., Kwasi-Effah, C. C., & Ugbi, B. A. (2014)” Preliminary Investigation of the effect of wind speed
output performance of a wind electric generator ” Global Journal of Advanced Engineering
vol. 3, No. 2.
Ragheb, M (2013) “Economics of wind power generation” Handbook for onshore and off shore wind
University of Illinious, Urbana, United States.
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
Aquaculture has witnessed tremendous growth during the past decades (FAO, 2004); this has culminated to the
increasing trend and interests over time in fish farming for both commercial and domestic purposes. Fish produced
by farming activities currently accounts for over one third of all fish directly consumed by Human (FAO ;2004).
This large growth resulted in competition for natural water (Piedratha, 2003); this has consequently led to
intensification of aquaculture system and environmental problems
Aquaculture, similar to other animal production system, generates waste; the amount and quantity of these wastes
depend on the production system and feed quality (Keramat, 2008). Such wastewaters are characterized by high
concentrations of nutrients and solid materials which are usually discharged into water streams, environment and
rivers without any form of treatment (Sandra et al.;2018). The discharge of such wastewater forms a major
environmental concern because they cause eutrophication of receiving water and environment; thus, the search
for effective method for the control or removing pollutants from wastewater has attracted a lot of research concern.
Fish farmers have used different kinds of chemicals, mechanical means with differing degrees of limitations or
success, adverse effect, and cost implications. In the face of all this, hence the recourse to the idea of employing
natural methods that might be more appropriate in varying measures; for instance, treatment that will produce an
effluent which may meet the recommended effluent discharge limit. To this end, waste treatment through the use
of stabilisation ponds has become the preferred alternative. Waste stabilisation pond is a relatively shallow body
of wastewater contained in an earthen man-made basin into which wastewater flows and from which after a certain
retention time (time which takes the effluent to flow from the inlet to the outlet), a well-treated effluent is
discharged (Ukpong, 2012).
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University of Ilorin, Nigeria
The Aerial loading rate formula was used for the design of facultative pond proposed by (Mara, 1997) and
adopted by (Raji et al., 2017). According to Mara the equation uses the mean temperature of the air in the coldest
2.1 Design consideration for the pond
The basic design criteria for the development of the facultative pond were adopted from Metcalf and Eddy (1993).
They are; optimal depth (m) of 1.2 -2.5, surface loading (kg/ha) 60 -200, detention time (days) 5 -30, BOD (%)
80 -95, optimal temperature 200C, TSS (%) 70 – 80.
Influent flow rate (Q) = 2mg/l, BOD5 Organic Loading (BOD5) = 55mg/L, Average air Temperature = 230C,
Organic Loading rate = 80kg/ha/day, Sludge depth = 0.7 ,Assume seepage rate and evaporation = 2.0mm, Pond
depth = 1.1m
2.3. Design Equations
A=( (2.1)
Detention Time = (2.2)
HRT = (2.3)
Storage Volume = (Water Depth-Sludge Depth) x Pond Area (2.4)
A= = 1.375 X 10-2 (3.39 x 10-3) = 13.7m2
80 𝑋 1000
Applying the length to breadth ratio 2:1, Length is twice width, if width = w then length = 2w, Area is therefore
A= L x W = 2W x W = 2W2
If Area = 13.7m2
= √6.85
L = 5.2m2
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
V = 5.48m3
Vˈ = -9.316
HRT = = 0.48
13.7 𝑥 1.1
Detention time = = 7.5 𝑑𝑎𝑦
The performance of a facultative waste stabilisation pond WSP) depends on a host of factors and by extension,
on the intended purpose. Generally, facultative WSP could be either be an oxidation or anaerobic pond; they are
intended merely as waste-holding devices. The objective is to produce suitable effluent for discharge to surface
waters or the environment. Based on its structure, ample dissolved oxygen may exist and aerobic metabolism may
take place in the upper portion of the pond whereas there may be little or no dissolved oxygen in the lower depths.
Thus, its performance can be hampered by temperature, light, organic loading, size and shape, and hydraulic
considerations. The interplay of these factors can affect the process from attaining natural purification. Despite all
this, the overall performance of WSP can be tied to two basic factors; in this regard, the assumed seepage and
water loss regime which derive directly from the hydraulic considerations. In specific terms, the design
considerations which took into cognisance the effect of optimal depth, detention time, ambient temperature
fluctuation, surface loading and BOD concentration impacted positively on the WSP performance. The concrete
flooring of the WSP mitigated against the possibility of soil erosion while the trapezoidal shape allowed for
maximum surface loading condition as well depth. The design allows for 80-95 % BOD removal efficiency with
a concentration of 55mg/l; though, BOD concentration of 20-40 mg/l is considered adequate. On the other hand,
the large surface area with the corresponding depth allowed for high rate of energy conversion for optimal
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
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temperature regime. Since the efficiency of a WSP cannot be discussed in isolation of overhead cost, it suffices
to note that the WSP design allowed for non-prohibitive (minimum) operational and maintenance costs, relatively.
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DO 7.41
A 4.3 41.9
B 4.5 39.0 Not < 2 5.0
C 4.5 39.0
pH 7.18
A 8.74 21.7
B 8.76 -22.0 6-9 6-9
C 8.77 -22.0
TDS 114.13
A 101.80 10.8
B 173.84 -52.0 < 2000 0.13
C 101.65 10.0
TSS 0.57
A 0.31 45.0
B 0.28 50.0 30 10-20
C 0.26 54.0
EC 178
A 158 11.0
B 160 10.0 2000 (µs/cm) NA
C 158 11.0
a, b, and c represents screened, pond covered and screened + pond covered, respectively; NA: Not applicable
Difficulties in obtaining precise relationships between agricultural practices and environmental problems occur
because of the diffuse source of residuals from agriculture and the many factors that are involved. Some of which
are not controllable by man, in this regard, the variability of waste discharges complicates assessment of the
environmental impact of agricultural production; for instance, excessive amounts of nutrients and the conditions
they can cause; as superfluity of amounts in surface waters can result in over fertilisation and can accelerate the
process of eutrophication. Against the backdrop of these facts and the findings in this study, the following specific
and general conclusions were drawn; viz: Optimal residence time varies across the pond configuration with respect
to the parameters. For both BOD and DO, the best resident time is seven (7) days for effective load reduction if
the pond is screened; also for TDS and EC but at fourteen (14) days. For both pH and TSS, the optimal reduction
time is twenty-one (21) days by applying a combination of screened with the pond covered currently. For screened,
covered, screened and covered pond configurations, the optimal removal efficiency can be obtained in seven (7)
days followed by twenty-one (21) days.
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
Ukpong E.C (2012) Variation of some waste stabilization pond parameters with shape
Journal of Engineering Research11 (2) 107 – 121.
FAO, (2004). The state of world fisheries and Aquaculture. 1st Edu, FAO, Rome. Italy.
Federal Environmental Protection Agency (2012) Guidelines and standards for environmental pollution in
Gopolang O. P and Letshwenyo O (2018) Performance Evaluation of Waste Stabilisation ponds. Journal of Water
Resources and Protection (10) 1129-1147
Raji S.A, Olusanya S.O, Olokoba S.O, Olodo A.A, (2017) Waste stabilisation pond design for university of Illorin,
International Journal of Science and Technology Research (6) 6.2277-8
Metcalf and Eddy Inc. Wastewater engineering treatment disposal and reuse (1991) 3 New York;McGraw-Hill
Book Company
Mahassen M.E.G, Waled M.S, Azza M. A and Mohammed K (2008) Performance Evaluation of a waste
stabilisation pond in a rural area in Egypt. American Journal of Enviromemtal Sciences 4(4) 316-326
Oke I.A, Olun J.A, Okuofu C.A and Olarinoye N.O (2006) Effiency of a biological treatment plant at Ahmadu
Bello University, Zaria, Research Journal of Agriculture and Biological Sciences 2(6) 452-459
Piedratha, R.H. (2003); Reduction of Potential Environmental impact of Tank Aquaculture Effluent through
Intensification and Recirculation: 1226: 35-44
Sandra Chinenyenwa Amijiofor, Nik Norsyahariati, Nik Daud, Syazwani Idrus and Hasfalina Che man (2018)
Recycling of fish pond wastewater by absorption of pollutants using aged refuse as an alternative low
cost adsorbent. Journal of sustainable environment research (28) 315 – 321.
Shun Darlin (2007) water and waste water calculation manual (2) 73 – 74 New York m c Graw. 11.11
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
G. D. Umoh1, E. G. Ekpo2
Dept of Electrical Engineering, Maritime Academy of Nigeria, Oron, Akwa-Ibom State – NIGERIA.
Dept of Electrical/Electronics Engineering, Akwa Ibom State Polytechnic Ikot Osurua, Ikot Ekpene, Akwa
Ibom State
Email: umohgideon@gmail.com
A model of a five-phase synchronous reluctance motor is presented. The machine is modelled for a five-phase
supplied, with ACEBD winding configuration. The model considers the utilization of the third harmonics of the
air-gap MMF as well the fundamental component, and a neglect of the third harmonics. These two models speed
performance characteristics are monitored for multi-phase faults and their subsequence restorations. The fault
2𝜋 4𝜋 4𝜋
pattern of losing phases from the first faulty before the radian phase and the losing of phase radian first
5 5 5
before the Radian phase. These phases were subsequently restored according to the considered fault patterns.
The machine was then monitored on load and on no load using MATLAB/SIMULINK software for the analysis.
The effect of the utilization of the third harmonic of the air-gap MMF is pronounced especially at fault and
KEYWORDS: Finite Element Analysis, Five-Phase, Harmonics, Multi-phase fault, Synchronous Reluctance
The synchronous reluctance machine has found prominence especially in high-speed drives. Its various
advantages include reduces losses especially when using a squirrel cage rotor, and fault tolerances especially with
the multi-phase system.
The high cost of permanent magnet machine, as well as other disadvantages of the switch reluctance machine has
led researchers to consider the Synchronous reluctance Machine (SYNRM) as a viable alternative to the Induction
The SYNRM has the ability to utilize the reluctance torque for energy conversion in additional to the torque
developed by the magnetizing component of the circuit [1]. Improvement in the machine saliency of the rotor
increases to availability of reluctance torque for energy conversion, and the rotor can be modelled in the simplest
form [2, 3, 4].
Various models by many researchers have contributed to an acceptable representation of the performance
characteristics of the machine for further research and improvement. Winding function (WF) model [2, 5], phase
variable models [2, 6, 7], d-q model [1] [8]Finite Element Model [2] etc.
The FE model has been used to verify a used of a combination of the direct-phase variable model and winding
function model, proving to give a more accurate result than the d-q model [2, 9, 10].
The use of the direct-variable model for the multi-phase system does not necessitate the transformation to the d-q
frame, as was applicable due to high computational requirements. In fault predictions and analysis of machine
performance during the unbalance conditions, the direct-phase variable model is greatly appreciated [2].
The utilization of the multi-phase system in fault analysis gives a wider degree of freedom as losses of up to n-
1phases can be considered. In addition, the additional harmonics are available for torque production as phase
increases [6, 11, 12]
This study analyses a five-phase Synchronous Reluctance Motor characteristic performance during fault and
unbalanced conditions, operating on load and no load. Model of not utilizing and utilizing the third harmonics of
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
2𝜋 4𝜋
the air-gap MMF are considered for different fault pattern of successive loss of rad phases and Rad phase
5 5
loss pattern.
𝑝 = <;
Where 𝜆 is the flux linkage, 𝑉 is the voltage matrix, 𝑅 is the resistance matrix and 𝐼 is the current matrix.
𝑝𝐼 = [𝐿(𝜃, )]5l >𝑉 − >𝑅 + 𝜔, » ¼? 𝐼? (3)
𝜔𝑟 = (4)
𝐿(𝜃, ) = |4 d N } (7)
(𝐿A, )
The self-inductances are arranged on the leading diagonal of the matrix of (8).
𝐿′𝑙𝑘𝑞 + 𝐿𝑚𝑞 0
𝐿′𝑟 = c d (9)
0 𝐿′𝑙𝑘𝑑 + 𝐿𝑚𝑑
𝐿𝑚𝑞 𝑐𝑜𝑠𝜃𝑟 𝐿𝑚𝑑 𝑠𝑖𝑛𝜃𝑟
⎡ 2𝜋
⎤ 2𝜋
⎢𝐿𝑚𝑞 𝑐𝑜𝑠 ,𝜃𝑟 − 5 - 𝐿𝑚𝑑 𝑠𝑖𝑛 ,𝜃𝑟 −
- ⎥
⎢ 4𝜋 4𝜋 ⎥
𝐿𝑠𝑟 = ⎢𝐿𝑚𝑞 𝑐𝑜𝑠 ,𝜃𝑟 − 5 -
′ 𝐿𝑚𝑑 𝑠𝑖𝑛 ,𝜃𝑟 − -⎥
5 (10)
⎢ 4𝜋 4𝜋 ⎥
⎢𝐿𝑚𝑞 𝑐𝑜𝑠 ,𝜃𝑟 + 5 - 𝐿𝑚𝑑 𝑠𝑖𝑛 ,𝜃𝑟 + -⎥
⎢ 2𝜋 2𝜋 ⎥
⎣𝐿𝑚𝑞 𝑐𝑜𝑠 ,𝜃𝑟 + 5 - 𝐿𝑚𝑑 𝑠𝑖𝑛 ,𝜃𝑟 + -⎦
Where 𝐿𝑠𝑠 is the stator inductance matrix, 𝐿′𝑟 is the rotor inductance matrix referred to the stator and 𝐿′𝑠𝑟 is the mutual
inductances between the stator and the rotor referred to the stator.
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
𝑅1A 0 0 0 0 0 0
⎡ 0 𝑅HA 0 0 0 0 0 ⎤
⎢ ⎥
0 0 𝑅:A 0 0 0 0
⎢ ⎥
𝑅=⎢ 0 0 0 𝑅<A 0 0 0 ⎥ (11)
⎢ 0 0 0 0 𝑅-A 0 0 ⎥
⎢ 0 0 0 0 0 𝑅ŠB 0 ⎥
⎣ 0 0 0 0 0 0 𝑅Š< ⎦
J is the inertia expressed in kilogram-meter square (kg-m2) or joule-second square (J.s2), while p is the no of poles
of the machine.
A general sinusoidal form approximation of the inductances as given in (16) [8, 11].
Where 𝐶𝑎𝜃𝑝 , 𝐶𝑏𝜃𝑣 are the phase dependent parameter, and depends on the phase shift 𝜃𝑝 .
Where the expression for 𝑀𝑎5 and 𝑀𝑏5 are given in [11].
𝐿𝑚𝑞 = (𝐿𝐴 + 𝐿𝑘 ) (20)
𝐿𝑚𝑑 = (𝐿𝐴 − 𝐿𝑘 ) (21)
𝐿𝑘 = 𝐿𝐵 , 𝐶𝑏𝜃0 + 𝐶𝑏𝜃1 + 𝐶𝑏𝜃2 - (22)
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University of Ilorin, Nigeria
The machine parameters for the considered machine are given in table I
The speed characteristics of the model was investigated using MATLAB/SIMULINK, creating loss of phases fault,
and subsequent restoration in the order of fault occurrence. The machine was loaded with a load torque of 5Nm
after synchronism at 2.5 seconds, after which the four phases fault is subsequently created. The model was also
modified to accommodate the 3rd harmonics of the air-gap MMF, and subjected to the same fault conditions.
2𝜋 4𝜋
Based on the configuration of the windings and the power supply, rad and Rad phase shift exists between the
5 5
phases of interest.
4@ s@ 4𝜋 2𝜋
The machine was wound as ACEBD configuration with− r
,− r
, , arrangement.
5 5
The fault pattern was created with e-phase as the first faulty phase before the subsequent phases.
The EDAC fault pattern shows a radian phase loss after the e-phase fault, while ECBA fault pattern shows a
2𝜋 4𝜋
Radian phase loss after the e-phase fault. The EADC fault pattern considers the loss of a positive Radian phase
5 5
immediately after an e-phase fault.
The fault occurrences and restoration patterns are tabulated in table II.
Quantities Value
Stator Outer / inner radius 105.02 / 67.99mm
Rotor Radius 67.69mm
Effective stack length 160.22mm
Number of slot 40
Number of turns 48
Main air-gap length 𝑔𝑎 0.4mm
Inter polar slot space 𝑔𝑏 21.3mm
Stator slot depth 18mm
phase voltage 370 v
Number of poles 4
Frequency 50Hz
The stator resistance 𝑅𝑠 0.83Ω
Stator leakage inductance 𝐿𝑙𝑠 10.98mH
rotor q-axis leakage 6.2mH,
Rotor q-axis leakage inductance 5.5mH
Rotor q-axis resistance 𝑅𝑞𝑟 0.25 Ω
Fault and Restoration Pattern
Time (Seconds) Fault and Restoration Pattern
Fault Restoration Phase Phase Phase
3 25 E E E
5 26 D A C
7 27 A D B
9 28 C C A
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
At fault 1, model B show a higher transient rise of 345.719 rad/s as compared to a value of 321.200 rad/s for model
A. during the subsequent faults, model B still record a greater value than model A.
O the loss of the 4th phase, the speed of Model A drop to 55.72% of the synchronous speed of the machine, and
rises to 66.13% of the synchronous speed on first phase restoration. On the restoration of the second phase, the
speed of Model A returned to the synchronous speed of the machine as seen Fig. 1. Speed performance
characteristics of on no load with and without 3rd harmonics.
For Model B, despite the loss of all the four phases, the machine still maintains synchronism. It can be noted that,
on the first phase loss, the machine operates with an unbalance four-phase system and as a result, greater oscillation
is observed. On the loss of the second phase, the 5 phase machine is supplied by a 3-phase supply, and as a result,
a reduction in the oscillation is observed. Conversely, on the loss of an additional phase, an increase in the
oscillation is also recorded, which still increased as the 4th phase is lost. The speed performance characteristics on
no load for EDAC fault pattern is shown in Fig. 1, while the transient characteristics of the speed are tabulated in
table III.
Fig. 1 Speed performance characteristics load with and without 3rd harmonics
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University of Ilorin, Nigeria
The Machines models were loaded at 2.5 seconds with a load torque 5N before the introduction of faults as stated
in table 2.
The speed characteristics of model A is shown in Fig. 3. It can be observed that on the loss of the second phase
‘D’ in EDAC and ‘A’ in EADC, the machine still operates with Rad phase shift from the reference phase ‘B’ for
both EDAC and EADC. Conversely, for the ECBA fault pattern, on the loss of the
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
second phase the machine operates with a Rad phase shift from the reference phase ‘D’. The ECBA fault pattern
shows a drop in speed 173.815 rad/s before dropping to the negative value of the synchronous speed at the loss of
the 4th phase.
On restoration of last lost phase, the ECBA fault pattern model, show a sharp rise to the synchronous speed, while
the EDAC and EADC rises to -273.745rad/s and -279.879 rad/s respectively, before rising to the synchronous speed
on the restoration of additional phase.
Fig. 3 Speed performance characteristics on load without 3rdharmonics (EDAC, EADC and ECBA fault
On complete restoration, the observed oscillation settles at the synchronous speed. The transient of these
characteristics are tabulated in table 4.
Fig. 4 Speed performance on load with 3rdharmonics (EDAC, EADC and ECBA fault pattern) showing faults
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University of Ilorin, Nigeria
The Synchronous reluctance machine models of ignoring the third harmonics of the Air-gap Magneto Motive force
(MMF) as well as utilizing the MMF model, considered for multi-phase fault show similar characteristics of
dropping to a negative synchronous speed at phase loss of up to four phases. The Synchronous reluctance motor
has the ability to utilize it reluctance torque as a contribution to the electromagnetic torque. The effect of this
reluctance torque is greatly observed.
On no load, Model A (not utilizing the 3rdharmonics of the Air gap MMF (Model A) remains on synchronism until
the loss of the fourth phase, as a drop to 55.72% of the synchronous speed of the machine is recorded. On restoration
of a phase fault, a rises to 66.13% of the synchronous speed is recorded, and returns to synchronous speed on
additional phase restoration.
For Model B (ignoring the 3rdharmonics of the Air-gap MMF), despite loss of all the four phases, synchronism is
maintained but with oscillations.
In Model A of not utilizing the 3rd harmonics of the air-gap MMF, the ECBA drops to a speed of 173.815 rad/s
and restores to a speed of 233.228 rad/s before settling at synchronism on additional phase restoration in Model B.
The effect settling at a speed other than the synchronous speed or it negative synchronous speed is only observed
in the ECBA fault pattern which considers a Radian loss of phase with respect to the first lost phase.
When two of the phases were lost, the machine assumed an uneven three phase arrangement as fewer oscillations
were observed, as compared to a phase, three phases and four phases loss.
These two models of A and B and can be used to predict the nature of the phase fault experience by the machine.
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
These characteristics of the machine can be harnessed for variable drives and regenerative breaking.
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[2] E. Obe, and A. Binder, , “Direct-phase-variable model of a synchronous reluctance motor including all
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[3] E. S. Obe, “Direct Computation of AC machine Inductances based on winding function Theory,” Energy
Conversion and Management, vol. 50, pp. 539-542, 2009.
[4] T. Matsuo and T. A. Lipo, “Rotor Design Optimization of Synchronous Reluctance Machine,” IEEE
Transaction on Energy Conversion, vol. 9, no. 2, pp. 359-365, June 1994.
[5] H. A. Toliyat, L. Xu and T. A. Lipo, “A Five-Phase Reluctance Motor with High Specific Torque,” IEEE
Transactions on Industry Applications, vol. 28, no. 3, pp. 659-667, May/June 1992.
[6] H. A. Toliyat, S. P. Waikar and T. A. Lipo, “Analysis and Simulation of Five-Phase Synchronous
Reluctance Machine Including Third Harmonic of Airgap MMF,” IEEE Trans. on Ind. Applicat., vol. 34,
no. 2, pp. 332-339, March/April 1998.
[7] G. Umoh, G. Ekpo and A. Akhikpemelo, , “Beyond Phase Dependent Coefficients in the Modelling and
Analysis of Five-Phase Synchronous Reluctance Machine,” International Research Journal of Engineering
and Technological, vol. 9, no. 8, pp. 1970-1977, August 2022.
[8] T. Camarano, T. Wu, S. Rodriguez, J. Zumberge, and M. Wolff, , “Design and Modeling of a Five-Phase
Aircraft Synchronous Generator with High Power Density,” IEEE Energy Conversion and Exposition
(ECCE), pp. 1878-1885, 2012.
[9] G. Umoh, C. Ogbuka, and E. Obe., “Modelling and Analysis of Five-Phase Permanent Magnet
Synchronous Motor in Machine Variables,” Przegląd Elektrotechniczny, vol. 96, no. 1, pp. 87-92, 2020.
[10] G. Umoh, C. Obe , C. Ogbuka , G. Ekpo, , E. Obe , “Direct-Phase Variable Modelling and Analysis of
Five-Phase Synchronous Reluctance Motor for Direct-On-Line Starting,” Przegląd Elektrotechniczny, vol.
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[11] G. Umoh, E. Obe, and O. Okoro, “The Effect of Third-Harmonics of the Air-gap MMF on Inductance
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[12] H. A. Toliyat, M. M. Rahimian and T. A. Lipo, “DQ Modeling of Five Phase Synchronous Reluctance
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Meeting, vol. 1, pp. 231-237, Sep 28-Oct 4,1991.
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University of Ilorin, Nigeria
The consideration for the environment and the commitment to a circular economy has led to a coordinated effort
in maximizing lignocellulose biomass as raw materials in the process industry. Due to the availability of
lignocellulose biomass on a large scale, they can contribute substantially to the production of chemicals, biofuels,
adhesives, resins, activated carbon, aromatics, etc. Lignocellulose feedstock is projected to replace petroleum
feedstock in producing value-added chemicals.
The polymeric substances (lignin, cellulose, hemicellulose) in lignocellulose biomass are decomposed through
pretreatment to release fermentable sugars. A physical or chemical pretreatment method disintegrates the
crystalline structure, removes lignin, and opens up the complex structure of the material for hydrolysis to form
monomeric sugars (Yat et al., 2008). However, there are various associated problems with the hydrolysis process
depending on the catalyst used or the operational conditions. Several homogeneous catalysts commonly used are
sulfuric acid, maleic, and oxalic acids (Lee & Jeffries, 2011). Solid catalysts can address challenges associated
with producing eco-friendly and economically viable products from lignocellulose. The catalyst can also be used
under mild operating conditions, and it is highly selective and efficient. To improve the separation of the product
mixture and reuse the catalyst for subsequent hydrolysis, carbonaceous solid acid catalyst functionalized with the
SO3H group offers a promising strategy for cellulose hydrolysis (Guo et al., 2012). Gill et al. (2007) prepared
four different sulfonic acids attached to silica-coated magnetic nanoparticles; it was reported that the prepared
catalyst exhibited comparable or better catalytic activity to commercial solid acid catalysts such as Amberlyst A-
15, Nafion, and sulfonic acid.
Hydrolysis is vital to release fermentable sugars locked up in the biomass, and could potentially serve as raw
material in the process where sugar solution is needed. The amount of reducing sugars present in the liquid phase
after hydrolysis is dependent on the selected operational conditions (Gámez et al., 2004). Sugars in lignocellulose
biomass fundamentally correspond to the homopolymers in the original material. For example, glucan corresponds
to glucose while araban, xylan, and acetyl groups are linked to hemicellulose (Gámez et al., 2004). In addition to
a detailed theoretical model capable of predicting the reaction behaviour of biomass hydrolysis before production,
process engineer, as well as practitioners need extensive data and empirical rate models to explore possible
processing schemes. The objective of studying the kinetic models is to optimize the hydrolysis process as well as
to obtain equations useful for reactor design and economic consideration (Xiang et al., 2004).
There is information in the literature on the hydrolysis of corncob using dilute mineral acids, but there is little
quantitative work describing the kinetics of corncob hydrolysis in the presence of a magnetic solid acid catalyst
at moderate temperatures. Lin et al. (2020) reported that increasing the temperature range between 100 and 140oC
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
leads to a high kinetic rate and favors sugar formation. This study seeks to establish the kinetic behaviour of
corncob hydrolysis in the presence of a magnetic sulfonated solid acid catalyst at a moderate temperature.
2.1 Materials
Corncobs and rice husks used in the experiment were collected from Landmark University Teaching Farm, Omu-
Aran, Kwara State, Nigeria. The collected corncobs were washed and oven-dried for 6 h at 105 °C. The dried
corncob was pulverized, passed through an 80 µm mesh sieve, and stored in a desiccator prior to hydrolysis. Other
chemicals and reagents used are ferric chloride hexahydrate (FeCl3.6H2O), ferrous sulfate heptahydrate
(Fe2SO4.7H2O), ammonia solution (NH4OH), ethanol, hydrochloric acid, acetone, sulfuric acid, and citric acid.
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University of Ilorin, Nigeria
𝐺 𝑘1
= (𝑒−𝑘1𝑡 − 𝑒−𝑘2𝑡 ) (7)
𝐶0 𝑘2 −𝑘1
The Seaman’s model was also applied to the hydrolysis of the hemicellulose fraction.
Assuming an irreversible reaction and negligible mass transfer rate effect across the catalyst surface, the
experimental data were fitted into unimolecular first-order reaction and second-order reaction models as
represented in Eq. (8) and (9).
ln >LEÈ ? = 𝑘𝑡 (8)
= kt (9)
𝐶𝐴0 (1 − 𝑋𝐶 )
where XC, k, CA0, and t are the fractional conversion of cellulose to reducing sugar, the reaction rate constant,
quantitative initial glucose concentration, and reaction time, respectively.
Activation energy of the corncob hydrolysis process was determined from the natural logarithm of Arrhenius
equation as given in Eq. (10).
𝑙𝑛 𝑘 = 𝑙𝑛 𝐴 − i (10)
where, k is the reaction rate constant (min–1), A is the frequency factor (min–1), Ea is the activation energy (kJ/mol),
R is the universal gas constant (8.314 J/mol.K), and T is the absolute temperature (K).
2.6 Statistical Analysis
All experimental data were determined in triplicate, and an average value was presented. Experimental data were
analyzed using non-linear regression and fitted to the kinetic models using OriginPro 9.0 software.
The composition obtained for corncob (wt.% on a dry basis) is 47.36% of cellulose, 38.26% of hemicellulose, and
10.41% of lignin. The values were within the range reported by Wang et al. (2019).
The elemental composition of the magnetic sulfonated acid catalyst showed that it contains 26.93 wt.% of carbon,
36.59 wt.% of oxygen, 13.91 wt.% of silicon, 2.64 wt.% of sulfur, and 19.93 wt.% of iron (Fig. 1). The synthesized
catalyst is amorphous in structure with a surface area of 72 m2/g and an acid density of 0.96 mmol/g.
Si Spectrum 5
S Fe
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20
Full Scale 1064 cts Cursor: 0.000 keV
Figure 1: Pictograph of the elemental composition of magnetic sulfonated solid acid catalyst
The increase in temperature by 10 °C had a significant effect on the yield of glucose recovery from the hydrolysate
(Table 1). The general trend shows a significant increase in total reducing sugar with time for all temperatures
investigated. However, as the hydrolysis proceeded to the completion time at the highest temperature, reducing
sugar yield marginally decreased from 69.25 % to 69.21%, which could be due to the increase in the rate of
glucose decomposition.
Table 1: Percentage yield of glucose formation at different temperatures
Time Total Reducing sugar yield (%)
(min) 100 °C 110 °C 120 °C
20 3.69 3.93 19.08
40 4.26 11.04 26.40
60 5.16 16.47 43.95
80 7.36 21.51 45.63
100 11.13 23.79 69.25
120 15.91 35.61 69.21
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
Non-linear regression analysis of experimental data was carried out using Origin 9.0 by fitting the experimental
results into Saeman’s model, first-order, and second-order kinetic models. The statistical parameters and ANOVA
of the Saeman model is presented in Table 2. Considering the values of rate constants in this study, the rate
constant of glucose decomposition K2 is negative at 100 and 110 °C while it was positive at 120 °C. At the highest
temperature of hydrolysis, the ratio K1/K2 is 3.5 which indicates that glucose formation proceeds faster than the
rate it is degraded. It is clear that the rate of decomposition of glucose is negligible compared to the rate at which
glucose is formed but K2 increases with temperature and concentration of catalyst. The same behaviour was
reported by Aguilar et al. (2002).
Table 2. Nonlinear curve fit for Saeman’s model analysis
Hydrolysis Temperature
100 °C 110 °C 120 °C
Number of points 7 7 7
Degree of Freedom 5 5 5
Reduced Chi-Square 0.2809 0.098487 0.62751
Residual sum of squares 0.14045 0.47436 3.13755
R-square 0.96524 0.97898 0.9683
Adj R-square 0.95829 0.97476 0.96196
K1 4.8025 E-4 0.00115 0.00397
K2 -0.00406 -0.0041 0.00115
t-value 5.05996 6.4556 6.5011
prob>|t| 0.0039 0.00133 0.00129
Regression (Sum of squares) 12.4487 66.92857 362.198
F value 221.51782 352.7334 288.600
Prob>F 1.3157E-5 4.151E-6 6.835E-6
As shown in Saeman’s model plot (Fig. 2), the reducing sugar yield obtained at 100 °C ranged from 0.55 to 2.35
g/L. Likewise, the reducing sugar obtained at 110 °C increased from 0.61 g/L at 20 min to 5.63 g/L at 120 min.
At a temperature of 120 °C, the reducing sugar amount was at the highest in the hydrolysate, ranging from 3.01
to 10.93 g/L at the end of 2 h. Generally, the formation of glucose is expected to increase as the reaction
temperature increases (Wang et al., 2019). Gámez et al. (2004) reported a sugar yield of 21.4 g/L at 6% phosphoric
acid, 300 min, and at a temperature of 100 °C from sugarcane bagasse. The study observed a very low glucose
concentration (1.60 g/L) in the first 1 h of the hydrolysis. Similarly, hydrolysis of sugarcane bagasse using 2%
H2SO4 yielded 3 g/L glucose and 21.6 g/L xylose at 122 °C for 24 min (Aguilar et al., 2002). The yield corresponds
to the amount of glucose recovered from the hydrolysate at 120 °C for 20 min.
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
The R2 of the kinetic statistics at 100, 110, and 120 °C was 0.9652, 0.9748, and 0.9683, respectively. All R2
showed a good agreement between the actual glucose yield and predicted data using Saeman’s model. Hydrolysis
conducted at 110 °C had the highest R2, which indicates that the experimental data obtained at this temperature
is consistent with the expected data using Saeman’s model. The fitness of experimental data to the first-order and
second-order kinetic models followed similar behaviour based on R2 value. Fitted data using the first-order
reaction model showed a high and approximate value of R2 (Fig. 3). On the contrary, based on R2 values, the
second-order reaction model showed a significant deviation at high temperature (120 °C ) (Fig. 4), which suggest
that glucose formation from lignocellulose biomass cannot be described by the second-order reaction model.
Kinetic parameters were obtained from the plot of the natural logarithm of rate constants against the reciprocal of
temperature (Fig. 5). Using Arrhenius expression, the frequency factor (A) from Saeman’s model was 127.32
Lmol-1s-1 and the activation energy was 10.45 kJmol-1. Activation energy for cellobiose hydrolysis to glucose was
111 kJ/mol, and the maximum glucose yield obtained was 68% (Vanoye et al., 2009).
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
Figure 5: Plot of the natural logarithm of rate constants against the reciprocal of absolute temperature
The rate constants of glucose degradation were negative except at the temperature of 120 oC. This made it difficult
to calculate the activation energy of glucose degradation. The temperature region might have to be extended in
order to understand the rate of glucose degradation with respect to the catalyst used. Vanoye et al. (2009) claimed
that the rate of two competing reactions (glucose formation and glucose decomposition) varies with acid strength.
A catalyst having a pKa close to zero would have a dominating glucose formation with minimal glucose
degradation. It was also reported that sugar degradation becomes significant at high temperatures for solid acid-
catalyzed hydrolysis (Zhou et al., 2021).
At the end of the batch hydrolysis of corncob, magnetic sulfonated catalysts were recovered from the product
mixture using an external catalyst. The catalyst was washed and reapplied in another batch of hydrolysis at 110
C. As shown in Fig. 6, the magnetic sulfonated solid acid catalyst can expedite the hydrolysis of corncob up to 5
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
results from experimental results were observed. The sugar produced is stable and degradation of glucose into
hydroxymethylfurfural, levunic acid, and formic acid is unlikely. Activation energy for glucose formation from
corncob was 10.45 kJ/mol, and the synthesized magnetic sulfonated solid acid catalyst can be reused up to 5 times
in the hydrolysis process after being separated with an external magnet.
The authors of this work want to appreciate the technologists in the Department of Chemical Engineering for
their technical assistance. The authors are grateful to the LUCRID, Landmark University, Omu-Aran for
sponsoring this work for FETICON 2023 conference.
Aguilar, R., Ramırez, J., Garrote, G., & Vázquez, M. (2002). Kinetic study of the acid hydrolysis of sugar cane
bagasse. Journal of food engineering, 55(4), 309-318.
Gámez, S., Ramírez, J. A., Garrote, G., & Vázquez, M. (2004). Manufacture of fermentable sugar solutions from
sugar cane bagasse hydrolyzed with phosphoric acid at atmospheric pressure. Journal of Agricultural
and Food Chemistry, 52(13), 4172-4177.
Gill, C. S., Price, B. A., & Jones, C. W. (2007). Sulfonic acid-functionalized silica-coated magnetic nanoparticle
catalysts. Journal of Catalysis, 251(1), 145-152.
Guo, F., Fang, Z., Xu, C. C., & Smith Jr, R. L. (2012). Solid acid mediated hydrolysis of biomass for producing
biofuels. Progress in energy and combustion science, 38(5), 672-690.
Lee, J.-W., & Jeffries, T. W. (2011). Efficiencies of acid catalysts in the hydrolysis of lignocellulosic biomass
over a range of combined severity factors. Bioresource technology, 102(10), 5884-5890.
Lin, R., Deng, C., Rajendran, K., Bose, A., Kang, X., & Murphy, J. D. (2020). Competing reactions limit
production of sugars in hydrothermal hydrolysis of grass silage: an assessment of the effect of
temperature on sugar production and parasitic energy demand. Frontiers in Energy Research, 8, 575523.
Qi, W., Liu, G., He, C., Liu, S., Lu, S., Yue, J., . . . Hu, J. (2019). An efficient magnetic carbon-based solid acid
treatment for corncob saccharification with high selectivity for xylose and enhanced enzymatic
digestibility. Green chemistry, 21(6), 1292-1304.
Saeman, J. F. (1945). Kinetics of wood saccharification-hydrolysis of cellulose and decomposition of sugars in
dilute acid at high temperature. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry, 37(1), 43-52.
Safari, J., & Zarnegar, Z. (2013). A highly efficient magnetic solid acid catalyst for synthesis of 2, 4, 5-
trisubstituted imidazoles under ultrasound irradiation. Ultrasonics sonochemistry, 20(2), 740-746.
Vanoye, L., Fanselow, M., Holbrey, J. D., Atkins, M. P., & Seddon, K. R. (2009). Kinetic model for the hydrolysis
of lignocellulosic biomass in the ionic liquid, 1-ethyl-3-methyl-imidazolium chloride. Green chemistry,
11(3), 390-396.
Wang, C., Yang, G., Zhang, X., Shao, L., Lyu, G., Mao, J., . . . Xu, F. (2019). A kinetic study on the hydrolysis
of corncob residues to levulinic acid in the FeCl 3–NaCl system. Cellulose, 26, 8313-8323.
Xiang, Q., Lee, Y. Y., & Torget, R. W. (2004). Kinetics of glucose decomposition during dilute-acid hydrolysis
of lignocellulosic biomass. Paper presented at the Proceedings of the Twenty-Fifth Symposium on
Biotechnology for Fuels and Chemicals Held May 4–7, 2003, in Breckenridge, CO.
Yat, S. C., Berger, A., & Shonnard, D. R. (2008). Kinetic characterization for dilute sulfuric acid hydrolysis of
timber varieties and switchgrass. Bioresource technology, 99(9), 3855-3863.
Zhou, Z., Liu, D., & Zhao, X. (2021). Conversion of lignocellulose to biofuels and chemicals via sugar platform:
an updated review on chemistry and mechanisms of acid hydrolysis of lignocellulose. Renewable and
Sustainable Energy Reviews, 146, 111169.
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
Wushishi (Tungan Kawo) irrigation scheme is located in Niger State, Nigeria and it serves as the study area for
this experiment. Beds were prepared and plots were marked out according to the design before planting, so as to
ensure a proper and conducive environment for easy germination of the okra plant. Varying amounts of salt water
concentration of 5 g/L, 10 g/L, 15 g/L and also fresh water (non-salt concentrated water) were used to irrigate the
okra plant. The effect of the planting period and the various salt concentration on height, leaf dry matter, leaf area
and leaf number of the okra plant was determined. The varying levels of salt concentration had no negative impact
on the growth of the crops at a point, while after while crop growth was negatively impacted indicating crop stress.
These were evident after the twelfth week of growth as there was decrease in the growth parameter of most crops
irrigated with the 5 g/L and 10 g/L salt concentrated water application compared to the crops that were irrigated
with fresh water.
Soils with high amounts of soluble salts are called saline soils. They often exhibit a whitish surface crust when
dry. The solubility of calcium sulphate or gypsum (CaSO4) is used as the standard for comparing solubility’s of
salts (Seelig, 2000). Salts more soluble than gypsum are considered to be soluble and cause salinity. Salts less
soluble than gypsum are considered insoluble and do not cause salinity. Sodium (Na+) is a positively charged
component, or cation, of many salts. If 15% or more of the clay sites are occupied by sodium (sodium-clay), the
poor physical condition of the soil often restricts root growth and makes tillage difficult (Seelig, 2000). Thus,
Soils high in sodium (sodic soils) may present physical restrictions to plant growth and increased plant stress,
because of the complex nature of salts which cover the pore spaces and also hold water tighter for plant root
uptake due to surrounding osmotic forces. Increasing soil salinity is a serious land degradation issue, with the area
affected by dry land salinity estimated to be approximately 4 million hectares (ha) in 2000, and is predicted to
increase to 20 million hectares (ha) by 2020 (National Land and Water Resources Audit (NLWRA)).
Agriculture-induced salinity and sodicity not only influence the chemical and physical characteristics of soils but
also greatly affect soil microbial and biochemical properties (Rietz and Haynes, 2003). Soil salinization is a major
factor contributing to land degradation and a decrease in crop yield (Anjum et al. 2005). It was reported that
salinity in the arid and semi-arid regions of the world is a serious threat to agriculture (Rao et al. 2002). Production
of grain legumes is severely reduced in salt-affected soils because their ability to form and maintain nitrogen-
fixing nodules is impaired by both salinity and sodicity. Shah and Shah (2011) found that salinity is usually
combined with high pH conditions, due to the presence and enrichment of calcium carbonate in the upper most
soil layers in the arid and semi-arid regions of Pakistan evaluated by the impacts of groundwater on soil and crops
in District Karak (arid region) (Khattak et al. 2002). Soil deterioration and reduction in crop yield were noted due
to water salinization. Tavakkoli et al (2010) concluded that multiple factors contributing to subsoil constraints
include salinity, sodicity, and high chloride concentrations present in many rain-fed farming soils of Southern
Australia. Moradi and Abdelbagi (2007) found that salinity is a widespread soil problem limiting the productivity
of cereal crops worldwide.
Increased soil salinity makes it difficult for plant roots to extract water from the soil and some salts are known to
be toxic when present in high concentrations in the soil. Soil salinity is also known to degrade soil properties by
weakening the bond between soil particles. It also leads to dense, cloddy and structureless soil, as it destroys
aggregation. Soil salinity also causes dispersion in the subsoil, accelerating erosion, which can also cause the
appearance of gullies and tunnels. The objective of this study was to evaluate the effect of salinity on the growth
parameters of okra plant in Tungan Kawo irrigation scheme
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
Table 1: Determination of salinity in the soil and water
3.1 Effect of planting period and water concentration on the plant height of Okra
From the result obtained in Figure 1, the 10 g/L irrigation water showed the highest height of 17 cm in the first
four weeks. This trend continued to the eighth and twelfth week, which made it have the highest height of 50.95
cm and 81.6 cm, respectively. The fresh irrigation water also showed significant growth with plant height of 16.2
cm, 47.8 cm, and 67.5 cm, respectively, for the first four weeks, the eighth week and the twelfth week. The plots
where 5 g/L and 15 g/L saline irrigation water were applied showed the least plant height in the first four weeks
attaining almost the same plant height of 11.8 cm and 11.6 cm. Also, the 5 and 10 g/L saline irrigation water
showed heights of 39.8 cm and 42.1 cm after 8 weeks, respectively, and 67.5 cm to 69.5 cm in the twelfth week
of growth, respectively. The salt water concentration has significant effect on the plant height of okra. This was
because it had a better growth than the fresh water (no salt) application despite its salt concentration.
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
Figure 1. Effect of planting period and water concentration on plant height of Okra
3.2 Effect of planting period and salt concentration on the leaf dry matter
In the first four weeks to the eighth and twelfth week, the dry matter for fresh water was found to be the highest
at 0.8 g, 1.7 g and 2.4 g, respectively (figure 2) compared to the other three saltwater concentrations which had
almost the same dry matter contents of 0.8 g for the 5 g/L, 10 g/L and 15 g/L saline irrigation water respectively,
in the first four weeks. Both 10 g/L and 15 g/L saline irrigation water had 1.6 g in the eighth week, while the 5
g/L saline irrigation water had 1.4 g in the eighth week. In the twelfth week, the 5 g/L, 10 g/L and 15 g/L saline
irrigation water all showed dry matter content of 1.8 g, 2 g and 1.6 g, respectively.
Figure 2: Effect of planting period matter and salt concentration on the dry matter of leaf
Effect of planting period and salt concentration on the number of leaves
Figure 3 shows that for the first four weeks, both the freshwater plot and 10 g/L saline irrigation water plots
showed the highest number of leaves of 5 per plant. The 5 g/L and 15 g/L saline irrigation water plots showed the
same number of leaves, 3 leaves per plant in the first four weeks. For the eighth week, both the freshwater plot
and 15 g/L saline irrigation water plot showed the highest number of leaves, 9 leaves per plant. In the eighth week
growth stage, both the 5 g/L, and 10 g/L salt water plots showed the same number of leaves 8 leaves per plant.
And in the twelfth week, the 10 g/L plot showed the second highest growth after the freshwater plot had 13 leaves
per plant. The 15 g/L plot followed with 10 leaves per plant. The 5 g/L salt water plot recorded 8 leaves per plant
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
in the twelfth week. These results show similarities with the study carried out by Ghoulam, (2002) who reported
that saline water has effect on the agro-physiological parameters five varieties of sugar beet. Salinity affected all
of the considered parameters (plant height and number of leaves per plant). Thus, high NaCl concentrations caused
a great reduction in growth parameters such as leaf area, and fresh and dry weight of leaves and roots, but the leaf
number was less affected.
Figure 3. Effect of planting period and salt concentration on the number of leaves Okra
3.3 Effect of planting period and salt concentration on the leaf area of Okra
From figure 4, the freshwater, 5 g/L, 10 g/L, and 15 g/L showed almost the same leaf area of 373 mm2, 367 mm2,
363 mm2, and 367 mm2, respectively, for the first four weeks of growth. For the eight week, the freshwater plot
recorded leaf area of 475.2 mm2 which was greater than the leaf area recorded in the three salt water concentration
plots. For the eight week, the 5 g/L, 10 g/L, and 15 g/L recorded leaf area of 434.8 mm2, 442.8 mm2, and 449
mm2, respectively. For the twelfth week the freshwater plot maintained the highest leaf area of 792.3 mm2,
followed closely by the 5 g/L, 10 g/L and 15 g/L plot with leaf area of 751.2 mm2, 744.2 mm2 and 709.8 mm2,
Figure 4. Effect of planting period and salt concentration on leaf area of Okra
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
From the results obtained showed that the treatments had effects on the growth parameters on the okra plants
investigated. The varying levels of salts concentration either showed normal growth after 4 weeks on most of the
crops or decreased crop yield indicating crop stress in some crops. These were evident after the twelfth week of
growth as there was decrease on the growth parameter of most crops in the 5 g/L and 10 g/L salt water compared
to that of freshwater, even though the 10 g/L salt water showed stable growth parameters of the crops. While the
result of the freshwater application showed the best growth parameter as there was significant increase on the
plants growth parameters after the twelfth week. The freshwater application indicated that water low in salinity
was the most effective and most favourable water to be used for irrigation practice so as to ensure optimum crop
growth and development.
Anjum, R. Ahmed, A. Rahmatullah, Jahangir, M. and Yousif, M. (2005). Effect of soil salinity /sodicity on the
growth and yield of different varieties of cotton. International Journal of Agriculture and Biology,
4, 606-608.
Das, T (2011). Jain Brothers (New Delhi) weed science basics and applications pp 791-797
Ghoulam, C. (2002) Effects of salt stress on growth, inorganic ions and proline accumulation in relation to osmotic
adjustment in five sugar beet cultivar, Environmental and Experimental Botany, 47(1), 39 -50
Khattak, A, Michael, D., Reginald R., & Shauna L. (2002). Factors Related to More Severe Older Driver Traffic
Crash Injuries. Journal of Transportation Engineering. 128(3), 243-249
Makusidi, M (2015). Impact of Tungan-Kawo Dam IrrigationProject on Rice Production Among Small Holder
Farmers in Wushishi Local Government Area of Niger State-Nigeria. International Journal of
Scientific and Research Publications, 5(10), 428-432
Moradi, F., & Abdelbagi, M. (2007). Responses of Photosynthesis, Chlorophyll Fluorescence and ROS-
Scavenging Systems to Salt Stress During Seedling and Reproductive Stages in Rice. Annals of
Botany 99: 1161–1173
Rao, D., Giller, K, Yeo, R., & Flowers J. (2002). The effect of salinity and sodicity upon nodulation and
nitrogen fixation in chickpea. Annals of Biology, 89, 563 – 570.
Rietz, D.N. & Haynes, R. (2003). Effect of irrigation-induced salinity and sodicity on soil microbial activity.
Soil Biology and Biochemistry, 35:845-854.
Shah, S.A. & Shah, Z. (2011). Changes in soil microbial characteristics with elevated salinity. Sarhad Journal of
Agricultural 27(2): 233-244
Tavakkoli, E, Rengasamy, P & Glenn K. (2010) High concentrations of Na+ and Cl– ions in soil solution have
simultaneous detrimental effects on growth of faba bean under salinity stress. Journal of
Experimental Botany, 61(15), 4449–4459.
Wood, T.F, Rose, D.M, & Chung, M. (2000). "A Simple and Non-destructive Technique for Measuring Plant
Growth and Development." American Biology Teacher, 62(3), 215-217
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
Continuous use of synthetic polymers in food industries constitutes threat in terms of pollution of our environment
and micro-plastic pollution of living cells. This has driven diverse innovations in bio-plastics productions;
however, most bio-plastics typically have poor barrier, mechanical and thermal properties making it difficult to
replace synthetic plastics. This work proposed development of reinforced nanocomposite films as alternatives for
petroleum-based polymers in food packaging. Potato starch nanocomposite films were prepared by solution
casting method with cellulose nanofibers (CNF) isolated from Oil Palm Empty Fruit Bunches mechanically as
reinforcement agent. 20 wt% of silver nanoparticles (AgNPs) were incorporated as an antimicrobial agent while
20 wt% glycerol was added as plasticizer. The effects of the plasticizer, AgNPs and CNF contents on the
mechanical, thermal and antimicrobial properties of the films were investigated. Increase in CNF increased the
film’s tensile strength and the rate of water vapor transmission was reduced. Incorporation of 20 wt% glycerol,
however, decreased the tensile strength of the composite films by 14%. Bio-assay tests revealed the antimicrobial
activity of the films. However, increase in CNF did not translate to higher thermal stability as previously reported
in some findings. This could be attributed to the ultrasonication method used.
Packaging protects the food and offers consumers hygienic security. (Wang et al. 2015). It facilitates handling,
transportation, and storage of food materials by shielding them from physical, chemical, and biological harm. (El-
Wakil,et al. 2015). Additionally, it provides crucial details regarding the product's properties, nutritional value,
and ingredient composition (Tunc et al. 2007). Over the past decades, the food industries have been using
petroleum-based plastic materials owing to their attractive properties, such as flexibility, safety, versatility, and
low cost (Gil-López et al, 2019; Hassan et al. 2018). However, there are significant worries about the economic,
environmental and public health that accompany continuous uses of these materials.
There has been increase in the demand for biodegradable packaging materials as an alternative to synthetic ones
from consumers, food processors, environmentalists and government bodies particularly for use in short-term
packaging and disposable applications such as fast-food restaurants, disposable cutlery, drinking straws, cups,
plates, and utensils (Makaremi et al., 20l7). Using biopolymer-based food packaging materials, our environment
becomes more sustainable because packaging made of biopolymers can be disposed in bio-waste collections for
further composting, leaving behind recyclable organic byproducts like carbon dioxide and water.
Sadly, compared to typical non-biodegradable materials made from petroleum, the use of biopolymers as food
packaging materials has limitations such as weak in mechanical, thermal, and barrier properties. As a result,
numerous research projects were conducted to enhance the biopolymers' qualities. Among these is the application
of nanocomposite idea. According to research, nanocomposite is an effective method for improving the
mechanical and barrier properties of biopolymers (Quifer-Rada et al. 2016). Biopolymers may have their
mechanical and barrier properties improved by the addition of nanofillers including silicate, clay, and titanium
dioxide (TiO2), as well as additional uses as an antibacterial agent, biosensor, and oxygen scavenger in food
packaging. (Osmanet al., 20l9). The bio-nanocomposite can be used as an active food packaging that can interact
with food in a variety of ways, such as by releasing advantageous components like antibacterial agents and
antioxidant agents or by removing unfavorable elements like oxygen or water vapor. The bio-nanocomposite can
also be used as smart food packaging, able to recognize characteristics of the packaged food like microbial
contamination or expiration date and employ a mechanism to record and transmit data about the food's quality
and safety.
This study is concerned with the production of bio-nanocomposite films with addition of cellulose nanofibers
from Oil Palm Empty Fruit Bunches (OPEFB) as reinforcing agent and glycerol as plasticizer. In this study,
cellulose nanofibers from OPEFB were isolated by mechanical treatment using ultrafine-grinder and
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
ultrasonicator. The effect of cellulose nanofibers content and glycerol on the properties of the matrix was evaluated
by characterizations and tests.
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
To eliminate impurities, dry OPEFBs were sliced to a length of about 1cm and boiled in water for 1hr at 100° C.
After being submerged in a 1000 ml solution of 6% NaOH for 12 h at room temperature, 50 g of sliced OPEFBs
were rinsed to a pH neutral state. OPEFBs were bleached by immersing them in 12% hypochlorite solution at
ambient temperature for 5 h. Before creating cellulose nanofibers, the acquired cellulose pulp was rinsed to neutral
pH and placed in a refrigerator. Using a mixer, the cellulose material was mixed with water. The mixture was then
run 30 times at 1500 revolutions per minute through an ultrafine-grinder. Thereafter, the suspension was processed
using ultrasonicator for 3 hr at 40 Amplitude.
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
The FTIR spectra obtained for the SPG0NF0 control and SPG20NF6 films are shown in Figure 6. The presence
of characteristic bands of the methylcellulose structure can be seen in all films. Bands at 1460 cm-1, 1377 cm-1,
1325 cm-1, and 947 cm-1 are characteristic of C-H stretches of CH2 and CH3. Bands at 1050 cm-1 are characteristic
of C-O-C bonds of ethers present in methylcellulose. The bands at 2900 cm-1 are due to the C-H stretches and the
stretches of the O-H bond of the hydroxyl groups present in the methylcellulose structure (Ramezanzade, 2017).
The presence of the phenolic compounds from the Aloe Vera extract in the SPG25NF6 films was detected with
the appearance of a band at 1595 cm-1 , which is characteristic of C=C-C stretches of the aromatic ring. This
information is corroborated by the appearance of a small band at 1410 cm-1 characteristic of C=C stretches. This
confirms the incorporation of the bioactive compounds into the methylcellulose matrix.
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
The increase of tensile strength due to the addition of cellulose nanofibers indicated that interfacial adhesion
between PS/PVA as polymer matrix and cellulose nanofibers occurred. Figure 8 exhibits that there is difference
in the tensile strength between nanocomposite films with glycerol and the films without glycerol. Glycerol reduces
the inter-molecular and intra-molecular forces of the polysaccharide chain so that the film structure becomes more
flexible (Hassan, 2018). Addition of glycerol caused tensile strength to decrease significantly. Figure 9 shows
that with increasing cellulose nanofibers content the elongation at break decreased. The film without the addition
of glycerol has a lower elongation value compared to the film with the addition of glycerol.
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
addition of crystalline cellulose could enhance thermal stability of the films. This can be attributed to
ultrasonication process employed (Biji et al, 2015).
Figure 10: TGA Curves of bio-nanocomposite films with Varied CNF wt%
Isolation of Cellulose Nanofiber from OPEFB was accomplished mechanically using grinding and ultrasonication
processes yielding nano-sized fibers of diameter40-900 nm. Bio-reduction of AgNO3 using Aloe Vera extract as
the reducing and capping agent was successfully accomplished as confirmed by the UV-Vis spectrum of the green
synthesized AgNPs, Reinforced and Active Bio-nanocomposite films were formulated at an optimum condition
of 45 °C within 48 h using wet processing method incorporated with CNF for reinforcement, glycerol as plasticizer
and silver nanoparticles as antimicrobial agent.
The film without glycerol exhibited better tensile strength, but the elongation at break was reduced and this made
the film brittle. The addition of cellulose nanofiber also resulted into the reduction of the film elongation at break
while its increase increased the film crystallinity. Glycerol incorporation lowered the film’s crystallinity when
compared to the film without glycerol. The presence of the phenolic compounds from the Aloe Vera extract is
responsible for the reduction of AgNO3, capping of AgNPs and antimicrobial activity of AgNPs in the film.
Finally, thermal stability of the reinforced film did not increase with increase in cellulose nanofiber content.
However, more investigations are recommended on safety use of nanomaterials in food packaging materials
Biji, K.B., Ravishankar, C.N., Mohan, C.O., Srinivasa Gopal, T.K., 20l5. Smart
packaging systems for food applications: a review. J. Food Sci. Technol. 52, 6l25– 6l35.
Echegoyen, Y., Rodríguez, S., Nerín, C., 20l6. Nanoclay migration from food packaging materials. Food Addit.
Contam. 33, 530–539.
El-Wakil, N.A., Hassan, E.A., Abou-Zeid, R.E., Dufresne, A., 20l5. Development of wheat
gluten/nanocellulose/ titanium dioxide nanocomposites for active food packaging. Carbohydr. Polym.
l24, 337–346.
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Rodríguez-Salazar, A. E., and Orta-Guzmán, V. N. (2019). “Production of dietary fibers from
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Hassan, E. A., Fadel, S. M., & Hassan, M. L. (2018). Influence of TEMPO-oxidized NFC on the mechanical,
barrier properties and nisin release of hydroxypropyl methylcellulose bioactive films. International
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Hemmati, F., Jafari, S. M., Kashaninejad, M., & Barani Motlagh, M. (2018). Synthesis and characterization of
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Morphology and Size of Halloysite Nanotubes on Functional Pectin Bionanocomposites for Food
Packaging Applications. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 9(20), 17476-17488.
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
Osman, T.,; Alvarez V A; Cyras V P; Vzquez A. Extraction of cellulose and preparation of nanocellulose
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metabolomics and lipidomics to evaluate the hypocholestreolemic effect of Proanthocyanidins from
grape seed in a pig model. Molecular Nutrition & Food Research, 60(10), 2219-2227.
Ramezanzade, L., Hosseini, S. F., & Nikkhah, M. (2017). Biopolymer-coated nanoliposomes as carriers of
rainbow trout skin-derived antioxidant peptides. Food Chemistry, 234, 220-229.
Suvith VS, Philip D (2018) Catalytic degradation of methylene blue using biosynthesized gold and silver
nanoparticles. Spectrochim Acta A Mol Biomol Spectrosc 118:526–532
Torstensen, J. O., Liu, M., Jin, S. A., Deng, L., Hawari, A. I., Syverud, K., . . . Gregersen, O. W. (2018).
Swelling and Free-Volume Characteristics of TEMPO-Oxidized Cellulose Nanofibril Films.
Biomacromolecules, 19(3), 1016-1025.
Tunc, S., Angellier, H., Cahyana, Y., Chalier, P., Gontard, N., & Gastaldi, E. (2007). Functional properties of
wheat gluten/montmorillonite nanocomposite films processed by casting. Journal of Membrane
Science, 289(1-2), 159-168.
Vijaykumar M, Priya K, Nancy FT, Noorlidaha A, Ahmed ABA (2013) Biosynthesis, characterization and anti-
bacterial effect of plant-mediated silver nanoparticles using Artemisia nilagirica. Ind Crops Prod
Wang, Z., Xia, T., & Liu, S. (2015). Mechanisms of nanosilver-induced toxicological effects: more attention
should be paid to its sublethal effects. Nanoscale, 7(17), 7470-7481.
Wyman C., van der Heide, T. Zhang, D. LiuX. Zhao, E. v. d. H., T. Zhang and D. Liu, Delignification of
Sugarcane Bagasse with Alkali and Peracetic Acid and Charecterization of the Pulp. Bio-resources
2010, 5 (3), 1565-1580
Zhao. X., E. van der Heide, T. Zhang, D. LiuX. Zhao, E. v. d. H., T. Zhang and D. Liu, Delignification of
Sugarcane Bagasse with Alkali and Peracetic Acid and Charecterization of the Pulp. Bio-resources
2015, 5 (3), 1565-1580
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
Current applications in engineering require high-strength, lighter and inexpensive materials. Aluminium alloys
and composites have been extensively used for engineering applications because of their good specific strength.
Unfortunately, synthetic materials like silicon carbide that are used to reinforce aluminium are expensive. In this
work, aluminium matrix was reinforced with a cheap carbonized plantain peel (CPP) selected among three
agricultural wastes based on their thermal stability. Less than 100 µm CPP powder (0 – 4.8wt %) was incorporated
in molten aluminium using the stir-casting method. TGA analysis was carried out on plantain peel. Tensile,
hardness, XRD, and SEM/EDS of the specimens were carried out. From the results obtained, there was an increase
in strength from 1280.1113 N/mm2 to 4373.25 N/mm2. Hardness number of the pure aluminium casting at 9.4
increased to 26.76 of the reinforced casting (4.8 wt.%). This new class of material can be used in automobile
Aluminium is abundant in the earth crust and quite easy to recycle due to its low melting point. However, it has
low strength which makes its applications challenging in engineering. Aluminium alloys have compelling
properties such as electrical and thermal conductivities, and high reflectivity to both heat and light (Vijaya &
Srinivas, 2018). They have been identified as structural materials in automobile and aerospace industries owing
to their lightweight (Dursun & Soutis, 2014; Georgantzia et al., 2021; Usman et al., 2014b). Nonetheless,
aluminium alloys have challenges of low wear resistance and relatively low strength (Usman et al., 2014a). These
challenges have been improved by alloying and composite development. Aluminium composites have been
reported to offer remarkable uplift of these challenges by the introduction of reinforcements that impede early
dislocations (Arun et al., 2013; Senapati et al., 2014). Composite material is a combination of two or more distinct
basic materials (metal, ceramic and polymer), with conspicuous interface between them, and their properties differ
abruptly from the constituting components.
Aluminium matrix composites (AMCs) have been developed to improve the performance of conventional
aluminium alloys that cannot meet modern engineering product requirements. They have high strength, high
elastic modulus and good wear resistance. The cost of their production remains high due to use of conventional
reinforcements such as silicon carbide, alumina, and titanium carbide. This restriction has been minimized by the
use of inexpensive natural reinforcements and thus lowering materials costs and increasing their usage (Gladston
et al., 2015). Farming and processing of agricultural produce generate by-products and residues that could be
harnessed for production of natural reinforcing phase in AMCs. The wastes constitute environmental pollution
when indiscriminately disposed and burning enhance greenhouse gas emissions which invariably increase global
warming. The use of naturally sourced particulates (biomass based) has been reported to offer hybrid
reinforcements with low cost and renewability (Alaneme & Olubambi, 2013; Joseph & Babaremu, 2019; Nwobi-
Okoye & Ochieze, 2018).
This work investigates the effect of carbonized plantain peel (CPP) on AMC’s properties. Thermal stability of
plantain peel was enhanced prior to pulverization and subsequent use as reinforcement in AMC production. This
approach encourages generation of wealth from wastes.
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
Plantain peel was obtained at ITEM-7 eatery, Tanke, Ilorin. Aluminium scraps were obtained from Materials and
Metallurgical Engineering foundry. Some apparatus and equipment used include muffle furnace, digital weighing
balance, sieve, laboratory blade mill, carbonization chamber, oven, stirrer, and crucible furnace, available at the
Department of Materials and Metallurgical Engineering, University of Ilorin, Nigeria. Equipment used for
characterization include Brinell harness tester, Universal testing machine (UTM), both available at Department of
Mechanical Engineering, University of Ilorin, Nigeria. Thermogravimetric analysis (TGA), X-Ray Diffractometry
(XRD) and X-Ray Fluorescence (XRF), were carried out at Centre for Solid Minerals Research & Development,
Kaduna State Polytechnics, Nigeria. Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM) and Energy Dispersive X-ray
Spectroscopy (EDS) at Tshwane University of Technology, Department of Chemical, Metallurgical and Materials
Engineering, Pretoria, South Africa.
2.2 Methods
The plantain peel (PP) was washed and rinsed with water to remove dirt. It was sun-dried for 14 days for moisture
content reduction. This was carbonized at a temperature between 500 – 550 °C in a carbonization chamber with
limited air for 60 minutes. The carbonized PP (CPP) was pulverised using laboratory blade mill and sieved to
obtain particles below 100 µm.
Stir casting method was used to produce specimens for characterization. Aluminium scrap was melted in a crucible
furnace at a temperature of 700 °C. A measured amount of CPP was preheated to 300 °C for 3 hours in an electric
oven to remove moisture. A calibrated pouring cup was used to tap 250 g of the molten metal and the preheated
CPP was then mixed thoroughly for homogeneity. The mixture was poured into the preheated mould cavities at a
maintained pouring temperature of 680 ºC. The composite was then allowed to solidify, and samples removed,
cleaned, labelled and kept for characterization. The formulation of the composites is presented in Table 1.
As presented in Table 2, the compounds that constituted CPP are MgO, Al2O3, SiO2, Cl, K2O, CaO, Cr2O3, MnO,
Fe2O3, BaO, and PbO. With carbon as the major element, silicon, iron, potassium, calcium, magnesium,
aluminium, and manganese also constitute about 91%. The presented elements are similar to chemical
composition obtained in plantain peel reported by Ogbodo et al. (2021). Phase identification of compounds in
CPP, as showed in Figure 2, revealed presence of KAlCl2O, PbO, Ba2FeO4, SiO2, MnSi, Cr2O3, Mg2Al4Si5O18.
The XRD spectrum obtained for CPP is similar to that reported by Hemalatha and Lakshmi (2021) for raw plantain
peel as against carbonized in this present work.
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
0 2500
Intensity (a.u.)
DTG (%/ C)
TGA (wt.%)
40 1000
20 500
0 0
100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 10 20 30 40 50 60 70
T ( C)
2 Theta (deg)
Figure 27: Thermogravimetric analysis of plantain Figure 28: XRD of carbonized plantain peel
Figure 29: XRD patterns for unreinforced aluminium Figure 30: Hardness values for aluminium
scrap and produced composites. carbonized plantain peel composites
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
Figures 5 shows the tensile strengths of the composites produced which increase in all the samples. The decrease
in the values at points 2.4 and 3.6 wt.% may be attributed to presence of defects during casting, which could be
nonhomogeneous mixing and agglomeration as a result of excess reinforcement loading. It was reported by
Oghenevweta et al. (2016) that agglomeration of the particles may be a source of stress raiser that will eventually
results in failure when amount added exceeds a certain limit. The tensile strength improved from 1143 MPa to
above 4500 MPa, representing an increment of about 300%.
Carbonized plantain peel has improved the properties of composites produced. The resulting composite shows
increment in strength from 1143 MPa of the pure aluminium (0wt %) casting to 4373 MPa of the reinforced
sample (4.8wt %). Hardness number of the pure aluminium casting at 9.4 increased to 26.76 of the reinforced
casting (4.8wt %). This new class of material can be used in aerospace and automobile industry.
Adebisi, J. A., Agunsoye, J. O., Bello, S. A., Kolawole, F. O., Ramakokovhu, M. M., Daramola, M. O., & Hassan,
S. B. (2019). Extraction of Silica from Sugarcane Bagasse, Cassava Periderm and Maize Stalk: Proximate
Analysis and Physico-Chemical Properties of Wastes. Waste and Biomass Valorization, 10(3), 617-629.
doi: 10.1007/s12649-017-0089-5
Alaneme, K. K., & Olubambi, P. A. (2013). Corrosion and wear behaviour of rice husk ash—Alumina reinforced
Al–Mg–Si alloy matrix hybrid composites. Journal of Materials Research and Technology, 2(2), 188-
Arun, L., Saddam, H., & Suneel, K. (2013). Dynamic behaviour of hybrid Aluminium6061 metal matrix
reinforced with SIC and fly ash particulates. International Journal of Innovative Research in Science,
Engineering and Technology, 2(6), 2501.
Dursun, T., & Soutis, C. (2014). Recent developments in advanced aircraft aluminium alloys. Materials & Design
(1980-2015), 56, 862-871.
Georgantzia, E., Gkantou, M., & Kamaris, G. S. (2021). Aluminium alloys as structural material: A review of
research. Engineering Structures, 227, 111372.
Gladston, J. A. K., Sheriff, N. M., Dinaharan, I., & Selvam, J. D. R. (2015). Production and characterization of
rich husk ash particulate reinforced AA6061 aluminum alloy composites by compocasting. Transactions
of Nonferrous Metals Society of China, 25(3), 683-691.
Hemalatha, M., & Lakshmi, B. (2021). Valorization of fruit waste using DES pretreatment and hydrolysis over a
heterogeneous catalyst for bioethanol production. Biomass Conversion and Biorefinery, 1-11. doi:
Joseph, O. O., & Babaremu, K. O. (2019). Agricultural Waste as a Reinforcement Particulate for Aluminum Metal
Matrix Composite (AMMCs): A Review. Fibers, 7(4), 33.
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
Munir, S., Daood, S. S., Nimmo, W., Cunliffe, A. M., & Gibbs, B. M. (2009). Thermal analysis and
devolatilization kinetics of cotton stalk, sugar cane bagasse and shea meal under nitrogen and air
atmospheres. Bioresource Technology, 100(3), 1413-1418. doi:
Nurhayati, A., & Fauziah, S. (2013). A Comparison Study on Oven and Solar Dried Empty Fruit Bunches. Journal
of Environment and Earth Science, 3(2), 145-156.
Nwobi-Okoye, C. C., & Ochieze, B. Q. (2018). Age hardening process modeling and optimization of aluminum
alloy A356/Cow horn particulate composite for brake drum application using RSM, ANN and simulated
annealing. Defence Technology, 14(4), 336-345.
Ogbodo, N. O., Asadu, C. O., Ezema, C. A., Onoh, M. I., Elijah, O. C., Ike, I. S., & Onoghwarite, O. E. (2021).
Preparation and Characterization of activated carbon from agricultural waste (Musa-paradisiaca peels)
for the remediation of crude oil contaminated water. Journal of Hazardous Materials Advances, 2,
100010. doi: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.hazadv.2021.100010
Oghenevweta, J. E., Aigbodion, V. S., Nyior, G. B., & Asuke, F. (2016). Mechanical properties and
microstructural analysis of Al–Si–Mg/carbonized maize stalk waste particulate composites. Journal of
King Saud University - Engineering Sciences, 28(2), 222-229. doi:
Senapati, A. K., Mishra, P. C., & Routara, B. C. (2014). Use of waste flyash in fabrication of aluminium alloy
matrix composite. Int. J. Eng. Technol, 6, 905-912.
Usman, A., Raji, A., Waziri, N., & Hassan, M. (2014a). Production and characterisation of aluminium alloy-
bagasse ash composites. IOSR Journal of Mechanical and Civil Engineering, 11(4), 38-44.
Usman, A. M., Raji, A., Waziri, N. H., & Hassan, M. A. (2014b). Aluminium alloy-rice husk ash composites
production and analysis. Leonardo Electronic Journal of Practices and Technologies, 25, 84-98.
Vijaya, M., & Srinivas, K. (2018). Development and Mechanical Properties of SiC Reinforced Aluminium Metal
Matrix Composites. J. Rec. Act. Prod, 3(1).
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
3D printed thermoplastic polyurethanes of different shore hardness were used to make hip protectors for the
prevention of osteoporotic hip fracture, which was then tested. The result was used to develop a support vector
regression model to estimate the effect of the protector shore hardness, shell thickness, and infill density on the
impact attenuation capacity at different energy levels. The results from the model show that the impact attenuation
ability of a hip protector is significantly dependent on the infill density of the hip protector and its shore hardness.
Excellent agreement was found between the model results and test results.
KEYWORDS: 3D print, thermoplastic polyurethane; hip protector; impact attenuation; support vector
regression; performance prediction.
The enormous benefits of additive manufacturing over conventional manufacturing methods cannot be
overemphasized (Parandoush and Lin, 2017). This benefit is due to its ability to significantly help in creating
intricates part that would otherwise be very challenging to produce using other techniques, reduce the number of
distinct parts needed for an assembly, reduce material waste, reduce the number of production steps and reduce
the amount of inventory being held (Sendel et al., 2015).
Advancement has led to the application of 3D human body scan data to surface pad modeling to create custom-
fit hip protectors, reportedly to have influenced adherence in a wearer test (Park and Lee, 2019). However,
optimizing 3D printed hip protectors’ mechanical performance requires careful study on the thickness of the
printed intervention capable of restraining shock propagation to the vulnerable site in sideways fall, yet ensuring
the protector aesthetic and fitness towards maintaining adherence (Holzer et al., 2009). Also, acquiring the impact
attenuation data of a 3D printed hip protector is intensely demanding, from the making and remaking of a model,
printing such model, to the biomechanical impact testing to acquire the force attenuation data. Most hip protector
research has understandably not considered models fitting for impact attenuation because of the strain of the
laboratory time and effort it represents in acquiring huge experimental data as seen in other fields where models
are usually demanding enormous data (Van Der Ploeg et al., 2014). Consequently, test systems with subjective
experimental models have been used in most studies to quantify various hip protectors' impact attenuation
Moreso, artificial neural networks (ANN) have been demonstrated to predict composite plates' absorbed energy
under low-velocity impact load due to their ability to efficiently learn the input-output relations of non-linear
problems (Malik and Arif, 2013). However, the high generalization of performance and the ability to model non-
linear relationships uniquely and globally make support vector regression (SVR) particularly appealing, justifying
its growing adoption in various science and engineering fields (Üstün et al., 2007).
In this study, SVR has been chosen to develop a robust model with which a 3D printed hip protector's impact
attenuation capability could be estimated. SVR expunges the difficulties of using linear functions in the high-
dimensional feature space and ensures the transformation of optimization problems into dual convex quadratic
programs (Roy et al., 2015). Support vector machines have been used extensively in computational biology to
classify vectors derived from different features with great accuracy (Cohen and Widdows, 2013).Moreover, the
use of SVR in performance prediction in biomechanical impact problems has not been reported in previous hip
protectors optimization research. Therefore, there is an opportunity to explore the benefit of the reported
performance edge of a promising statistical algorithm SVR over ANN (Akande et al., 2014)
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
ii. Experimental data acquisition
The proposed computational intelligence-based SVR model was developed using the experimental data derived
from impact force attenuation testing of the 3D printed hip protectors using a biofidelic drop towers testing system
(Yahaya et al., 2020). The hip protector (Figure 1) was modelled from the 3D surface geometry of the human hip
scan, and the hip geometry data were applied to develop the inner surface of the hip protector in contact with the
human body.
Fig. 1. The 3D printed hip protector. Fig. 2. The 3D printed hip protector modeled according to a
hip surface geometry.
The outer surface was created with a shield-like shape projected to the inner surface at a thickness of 10.2
mm(Figure 2). It bears the dimension of the hip protector with the maximum height taken at the greater trochanter.
When the cut was extruded to finalize the model, the protector's structural information conforming to the desired
pad outline was extracted.
Three protectors of different shore hardness but having a similar characteristic and structural information were
printed and subsequently subjected to drop towers impact test to measure each of the protectors' impact attenuation
properties. An average of 5 impact tests was done per sample at different energy levels and recorded. The impact
mass of 6.57 kg was dropped from heights of 300 mm and 400mm, simulating impact to the sideways when a
human falls to the ground. The forces were recorded first without the hip protecting pads and subsequently with
the hip protectors in place. The attenuation rate was determined using the ratio of forces at the femoral neck when
the soft tissue was not protected, termed the unprotected force, Fu, andFp is the impact recorded at the same point
when the hip protector was in place to protect the soft tissue
iii. Description of dataset
Four descriptors, namely, pad thickness, impact energy, unprotected impact force, and maximum impact force,
were used to train and test 18 experimentally acquired datasets in building a predictive model using SVR. Table
1 shows the training and testing dataset of the developed SVR model. To determine the impact force attenuation
rate of the 3D printed hip protector, the above-mentioned descriptors were used to build the SVR model. The
result of a statistical analysis of the acquired experimental data is also presented in Table 2. The mean, maximum,
minimum, and standard deviation helps to describe the disparities in the dataset..
Additionally, Table 2 also shows the correlation of each of the descriptors and the target - impact force attenuation.
The impact energy and maximum impact force are positively correlated with the target. However, the degree of
correlation of the impact energy is higher than that of the correlation of the maximum impact force to the impact
force attenuation rate. The pad shell thickness and infill density show a negative correlation to the target (impact
force attenuation rate). These correlation results demonstrate the need to seek a nonlinear model to represent the
descriptors' various effects since their degree of linear relationship is very weak and suggests a simple linear model
cannot efficiently capture the existing relationship.
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
Sample name Impact Shore Shell Infill Impact Base impact Impact
attenuation hardness (%) thickness (L) density (%) energy (J) force (N) force (N)
25_2L_85A 0.55 85 2 25 19.34 6,271.26 2,792.04
25_3L_85A 0.50 85 3 25 19.34 6,271.26 3,157.91
25_4L_85A 0.49 85 4 25 19.34 6,271.26 3,184.28
50_2L_85A 0.49 85 2 50 19.34 6,271.26 3,175.49
50_3L_85A 0.49 85 3 50 19.34 6,271.26 3,196.97
75_4L_85A 0.49 85 4 75 19.34 6,271.26 3,210.89
100_4L_85A 0.49 85 4 100 19.34 6,271.26 3,172.19
100_2L_95A 0.53 95 2 100 19.34 6,271.26 2,958.07
25_3L_95A 0.53 95 3 25 19.34 6,271.26 2,923.76
25_4L_95A 0.51 95 4 25 19.34 6,271.26 3,084.54
25_2L_75A 0.53 75 2 25 19.34 6,271.26 2,947.20
25_2L_85A_2 0.69 85 2 25 25.78 11,531.83 3,542.33
50_3L_85A_2 0.62 85 3 50 25.78 11,531.83 4,428.86
75_4L_85A_2 0.60 85 4 75 25.78 11,531.83 4,585.73
50_2L_95A 0.64 95 2 50 25.78 11,531.83 4,199.48
25_3L_95A_2 0.67 95 3 25 25.78 11,531.83 3,856.31
25_4L_95A_2 0.64 95 4 25 25.78 11,531.83 4,142.46
25_2L_75A 0.68 75 2 25 25.78 11,531.83 3,730.70
Subject to:
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
yç − f(x) ≤ ε + ξ∗ç
f(x) − yç ≤ ε + ξ∗ç 4
ξç ξ∗ç ≥ 0 i = 1, … , k
where ξN and ξ∗N are the non-negative slack variables that represent the magnitude of the soft margin outside the
ε deviation and C is the regularization factor. The non-negative slack variable is assigned to each instance if the
data is not linearly separable to avoid misclassification. It can be seen as the distance from the separating
hyperplane if an instance is misclassified and ||ω||2 is the Euclidian norm.
It is more effective to solve the primal problem by transforming it to a primal-dual setting with the inclusion
of a non-linear mapping function known as the Kernel function, which is a dot product in some feature space
described by Eq.5.
K(x, xF ) = ϕ(x) ∙ ϕ(xF ) 5
Eq.6 is the reformulated solution of f(x) obtained without directly operating ϕ(x) and calculating the weight
vector w by using the kernel trick, f(x) can be obtained.
𝑅𝑆𝑀𝐸 = Å ∑EDul(𝐴,(€¹Þ) − 𝐴,(-A;) )4 (9)
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
where Ar(exp) is experimental attenuation rate, A′r(exp) is mean experimental attenuation rate, Ar(est) is
estimated attenuation rate, A′r(est) mean estimated attenuation rate.
The identified optimum values of the model parameters deployed to train the final SVR algorithm are presented
in Table 3.
Table 3. Optimum kernel parameters for the developed SVR-based model.
The generalisation and predictive accuracy of the SVR model to estimate the impact attenuation of a 3D printed
hip protector in a simulated sideways fall was evaluated. The model uses the pad’s shore hardness, shell thickness,
infill density, base impact force, maximum impact force and impact energy as input descriptors and the impact
force attenuation as the target output. The impact force attenuation was either influenced by the input variables or
is correlated with their data. The acquired support vectors during the training stage were utilized by the model to
estimate the impact attenuation of the hip protecting pad in the testing dataset. Figures 3 and 4 present the
correlation cross-plots for the training and testing datasets of the Gaussian kernel functions compared in terms of
their estimation accuracy using the optimal SVR modelling parameters gotten from the search approach.
Fig. 3. Correlation cross-plot between experimental and Fig. 4.Correlation cross-plot between experimental and
estimated impact attenuation rate of 3D printed hip protectors estimated impact attenuation rate of 3D printed hip protectors
for the training dataset. for testing dataset.
There exists a close relationship between the experimental and estimated impact force attenuation of the training
and testing dataset of the hip protector for the selected kernel type – Gaussian Kernel, The R2 value of 91.5%
(with RMSE = 0.0208) and 99.9% (with RMSE = 0.0012) obtained for the training and test sets respectively
showed the proposed model is an excellent fit since it performed superbly in the phase that involved unseen data.
The obtained RMSE values, which are measures of the proximity of the data points to the regression line, ranged
from 0.0012 - 0.0208, indicating a good fit and showing that the developed model has good performance and can
potentially be generalized. The implemented model produces results using the acquired support vectors that were
in good agreement with the experiment result when only the descriptors were supplied to the model without the
target. The measured impact attenuations were effectively tracked, as shown in Figure 5.
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
This study has investigated the effect of shore hardness, infill density, and shell thickness on the impact attenuation
of 3D printed TPU hip protectors using SVR. The impact attenuation of 3D printed hip protector has a highly non-
linear dependency on the various factors that influence the material's stiffness, making it very difficult to model.
Based on the result of the analysed data, the SVR-based model accurately estimated the impact attenuation of hip
protector with an accuracy of over 99% and 0·002 based on R2 and RMSE between the experimentally obtained
impact force attenuation and the corresponding estimated values. The proposed model help reduce the
experimental cost of examining variability in design parameter yet quantify their performance. The results from
the model demonstrate that SVR is viable in predicting the impact attenuation of 3D printed hip protectors. In
addition, important new information is hereby provided regarding the influence of infill density and material shore
hardness on the impact attenuation rate of a hip protector. This SVR model will find significant application in
fracture prevention study because of its ability to predict novel hip protectors' impact attenuation capability
The authors would like to acknowledge technical assistance from Mr. Wan Mohd Amri Wan Mamat Ali, Mr.
FakruruziFadzil, and Mr. Baharom Awang of the School of Mechanical Engineering, USM. The financial support
provided under USM RUI grant (1001/PMEKANIK/8014070). The authors also thank the Tertiary Education
Trust Fund (TETFUND) through University of Ilorin, Ilorin, Nigeria for financial support of S.A Yahaya.
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https://doi.org/10.1088/2053- 1591/abd2f7.
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
The use of different kinds of metal-matrix composite (MMC) materials is growing rapidly over the last decades
because they offer a better combination of properties. Research attempts have been previously made to reduce the
cost of composite processing, weight reduction, and improved desired performance. The properties of aluminium
matrix composites reinforced with carbonized coconut husk (CCH) were investigated. The composite samples
were produced by stir-casting methods using varying percentages of carbonized coconut husk. Tensile, hardness,
EDX, XRD, and XRF were carried out on the composites. The results showed that the tensile strength of the
composite increased with the addition of carbonized coconut husk. The composite sample with 3.6 wt.% CCH
showed the highest tensile strength of 85 MPa and hardness also increases with reinforcement. The composite can
be utilized in automobiles where high strength is required.
Aluminium has low strength and low melting point, which makes it difficult for use in engineering applications.
Aluminium and most of its alloys have good electrical and thermal conductivities, and high reflectivity to both
heat and light (Vijaya & Srinivas, 2018). Aluminium alloys are commonly used as structural materials in the
aerospace industry due to their lightweight (Dursun & Soutis, 2014; Georgantzia et al., 2021; A. M. Usman et al.,
2014). The low strength and low wear resistance, however, have always been a problem (A. Usman et al., 2014).
These challenges have been improved by alloying and composite development. Aluminium composites have been
produced by the incorporation of reinforced particles in aluminium (Arun et al., 2013; Senapati et al., 2014).
Composite materials are materials made of two or more constituent materials with different physical or chemical
properties that produce a material with different characteristics from the individual components when combined.
Agricultural wastes are by-products or residues of agricultural processing. Examples include maize cob, maize
stalk, groundnut pod, bagasse and coconut shell. They constitute environmental pollution and enhance greenhouse
effects when burnt. The quest for the utilization of these products has birthed a lot of scientific research. The use
of naturally sourced particulates (agro waste) has been reported to offer good reinforcement constituents, owing
to their availability and immensely low cost (Alaneme & Olubambi, 2013; Joseph & Babaremu, 2019; Nwobi-
Okoye & Ochieze, 2018).
The present work focuses on the effect of carbonized coconut husk (CCH) on the properties of novel aluminium
matrix composites (AMCs). The thermal stability of coconut husk was enhanced before pulverization and
subsequent use as reinforcement in AMC production. The use of waste materials in composite manufacture
overrides waste into wealth.
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
Electron Microscope (SEM) and Energy Dispersive X-ray Spectroscopy (EDS) at Tshwane University of
Technology, Department of Chemical, Metallurgical and Materials Engineering, Pretoria, South Africa.
2.2 Methods
The coconut husk was sorted to remove impurities, washed and sun-dried for 7 days to reduce the moisture
content. This was carbonized at a temperature between 500 – 550 °C in a carbonization chamber for 60 minutes.
The carbonized coconut husk (CCH) was pulverised using a laboratory blade mill and sieved to obtain particles
below 100 µm.
Stir casting method was used to produce specimens for characterization. Aluminium scrap was melted in a crucible
furnace at a temperature of 700 °C. A measured amount of CCH was preheated to 300 °C for 3 hours in an electric
oven to remove moisture. A calibrated pouring cup was used to tap 250 g of the molten metal and the preheated
CCH was then mixed thoroughly for homogeneity. The mixture was poured into the preheated mould cavities at
a maintained pouring temperature of 680 ºC. The composite was then allowed to solidify and samples removed,
cleaned, labelled and kept for characterization. The formulation of the composites is presented in Table 1.
Table 7: Weight percentage of aluminium scraps and carbonized coconut husk
A 250 0 100 0
B 250 3 98.8 1.2
C 250 6 97.6 2.4
D 250 9 96.4 3.6
E 250 12 95.2 4.8
TGA, XRF and XRD were carried out on CH to determine its thermal stability up to 900 ºC, chemical composition
and phase identification, respectively. Tensile, SEM/EDS, XRD and hardness of the composites were carried out
to establish their mechanical and chemical properties.
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
110 1200
0.0 1000
80 -0.5
70 -1.0
Intensity (a.u.)
20 200
10 -3.5
0 -4.0 0
100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 10 20 30 40 50 60 70
T ( C) 2Theta (deg)
Figure 32: Thermogravimetric analysis of coconut Figure 33: XRD of carbonized coconut husk
Figure 3 shows the XRD spectra for the scrap and composites. Small addition of CCH resulted in shift peak while
further addition lowered the intensity of the unreinforced aluminium. The strengthening of the produced
composites is influenced by the nature of the reinforcing phases.
The hardness values for the aluminium composites produced are shown in Figure 4. Addition of CCH initially
increases the hardness of the composite but decreases when the amount of reinforcement exceeds 1.2 wt.%. This
may be as a result of poor wettability of the reinforcement in the aluminium scrap used during casting.
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
Figure 34: XRD patterns for unreinforced Figure 35: Hardness values for aluminium
aluminium scrap and produced composites carbonized coconut husk composites
Figures 5 and 6 showed tensile strengths and stress – strain curves of the composites produced. In Figure 5, tensile
strength was observed to increase with increase in reinforcement up to 3.6 wt.%. The improved strength could be
associated with the addition of CCH well dispersed within the matrix. When the amount added exceeds a certain
limit, agglomeration of the particles may be a source of stress raiser that will eventually fails (Oghenevweta et al.,
2016). The tensile strength improved from 1143 MPa to 4485 MPa, representing an increment of 292%.
Ultimate Tensile Strength (UTS) (MPa)
0 2 4 6 8 10 12
Amount of reinforcement (g)
Aluminium based composites reinforced with carbonized coconut husk particles were produced using the stir
casting process and the hardness, tensile test and micro structure of the fabricated MMC according to the working
conditions were evaluated. The results showed that
1. Addition of amorphous reinforcement to aluminium alloy may cause peak shift and reduction in intensity of
the crystalline aluminium phase.
2. The hardness of the composite decreased slightly with the comparison of aluminium scrap.
3. Tensile strength increased up to 3.6 wt.% CCH after which agglomeration may result in decrease in
4. Improved ultimate tensile strength of up to 292% was achieved.
Adebisi, J. A., Agunsoye, J. O., Bello, S. A., Kolawole, F. O., Ramakokovhu, M. M., Daramola, M. O., & Hassan,
S. B. (2019). Extraction of Silica from Sugarcane Bagasse, Cassava Periderm and Maize Stalk: Proximate
Analysis and Physico-Chemical Properties of Wastes. Waste and Biomass Valorization, 10(3), 617-629.
doi: 10.1007/s12649-017-0089-5
Alaneme, K. K., & Olubambi, P. A. (2013). Corrosion and wear behaviour of rice husk ash—Alumina reinforced
Al–Mg–Si alloy matrix hybrid composites. Journal of Materials Research and Technology, 2(2), 188-
Anuar, M. F., Fen, Y. W., Zaid, M. H. M., Matori, K. A., & Khaidir, R. E. M. (2018). Synthesis and structural
properties of coconut husk as potential silica source. Results in Physics, 11, 1-4.
Anuar, M. F., Fen, Y. W., Zaid, M. H. M., Matori, K. A., & Khaidir, R. E. M. (2020). The physical and optical
studies of crystalline silica derived from the green synthesis of coconut husk ash. Applied Sciences, 10(6),
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
Arun, L., Saddam, H., & Suneel, K. (2013). Dynamic behaviour of hybrid Aluminium6061 metal matrix
reinforced with SIC and fly ash particulates. International Journal of Innovative Research in Science,
Engineering and Technology, 2(6), 2501.
Dursun, T., & Soutis, C. (2014). Recent developments in advanced aircraft aluminium alloys. Materials & Design
(1980-2015), 56, 862-871.
Georgantzia, E., Gkantou, M., & Kamaris, G. S. (2021). Aluminium alloys as structural material: A review of
research. Engineering Structures, 227, 111372.
Joseph, O. O., & Babaremu, K. O. (2019). Agricultural Waste as a Reinforcement Particulate for Aluminum Metal
Matrix Composite (AMMCs): A Review. Fibers, 7(4), 33.
Munir, S., Daood, S. S., Nimmo, W., Cunliffe, A. M., & Gibbs, B. M. (2009). Thermal analysis and
devolatilization kinetics of cotton stalk, sugar cane bagasse and shea meal under nitrogen and air
atmospheres. Bioresource Technology, 100(3), 1413-1418. doi:
Nurhayati, A., & Fauziah, S. (2013). A Comparison Study on Oven and Solar Dried Empty Fruit Bunches. Journal
of Environment and Earth Science, 3(2), 145-156.
Nwobi-Okoye, C. C., & Ochieze, B. Q. (2018). Age hardening process modeling and optimization of aluminum
alloy A356/Cow horn particulate composite for brake drum application using RSM, ANN and simulated
annealing. Defence Technology, 14(4), 336-345.
Oghenevweta, J. E., Aigbodion, V. S., Nyior, G. B., & Asuke, F. (2016). Mechanical properties and
microstructural analysis of Al–Si–Mg/carbonized maize stalk waste particulate composites. Journal of
King Saud University - Engineering Sciences, 28(2), 222-229. doi:
Senapati, A. K., Mishra, P. C., & Routara, B. C. (2014). Use of waste flyash in fabrication of aluminium alloy
matrix composite. Int. J. Eng. Technol, 6, 905-912.
Usman, A., Raji, A., Waziri, N., & Hassan, M. (2014). Production and characterisation of aluminium alloy-
bagasse ash composites. IOSR Journal of Mechanical and Civil Engineering, 11(4), 38-44.
Usman, A. M., Raji, A., Waziri, N. H., & Hassan, M. A. (2014). Aluminium alloy-rice husk ash composites
production and analysis. Leonardo Electronic Journal of Practices and Technologies, 25, 84-98.
Vijaya, M., & Srinivas, K. (2018). Development and Mechanical Properties of SiC Reinforced Aluminium Metal
Matrix Composites. J. Rec. Act. Prod, 3(1).
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
Olalekan Adebayo Olayemi1*, Tomisin Favour Ajide1, Adebowale Martins Obalalu2, Segun
Emmanuel Ibitoye3, Abdulbaqi Jinadu1, and Benjamin Elochukwu Anyaegbuna4
Department of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Faculty of Engineering and Technology, Kwara State
University, Malete, Kwara State, Nigeria.
Department of Physics, Augustine University, Ilara-Epe, Lagos State, Nigeria.
Department of Mechanical Engineering, Bells University of Technology, Ota, Ogun State, Nigeria.
Email: olalekan.olayemi@kwasu.edu.ng
During the last few years, vertical axis wind turbines have evolved as a suitable supplement to energy production
worldwide. There has been a lot of interest in vertical axis wind turbines as a small-scale renewable power
converter because they can be used in places where the wind speeds are turbulent or unsteady. When investigating
the aerodynamic characteristics of vertical axis wind turbines, computational fluid dynamics has been shown to
be one of the most effective methods. There is a need for better knowledge of the factors that influence the
accuracy of computational fluid dynamics. The aim of this paper is to demonstrate the influence of these factors
on the simulation of a low-speed turbine to guide the execution of accurate computational fluid dynamics
simulations of vertical axis wind turbines at varying tip speed ratios and solidities. To simulate the turbulent,
unstable fluid flow around the turbine, we used a 2D SIMPLE approach with the help of ANSYS FLUENT. In
the study, it was found that when the tip speed ratio is low, the result is largely dependent on the azimuthal
increment, and a fine azimuthal increment of 0.1 is usually better for low tip speed ratios.
KEYWORDS: Aerodynamic performance, CFD, vertical axis wind turbine, wind energy
One of the most important raw materials in modern civilization is energy. Energy has become a key factor in the
standard of living and the development of the community. Almost 90% of the world's energy comes from burning
fossil fuels such as coal, oil, and natural gas (Wenehenubun et al., 2015). People use fossil fuels to meet almost
all their energy needs, such as powering vehicles, offices, and home lighting. The demand for and cost of energy
increase daily due to population growth and technological advancement. Meanwhile, energy resources from the
Earth's fossil fuels are limited, and at the same time, there are problems with global climate change (American et
al., 1990). There has been a lot of interest in clean and renewable energy over the last few decades
because people are becoming more concerned about their well-being. In the renewable energy
industry, wind energy for power generation is now the fastest-growing, with an annual growth rate of
over 30% in view of its long-term viability and low cost (Bangga et al., 2017). There are generally two
types of wind turbines: vertical axis (VAWT) and horizontal axis (HAWT). Vertical Axis Wind Turbines
(VAWT) have recently sparked lots of attention both for offshore applications (Rezaeiha et al., 2017)
and in the built environment, like cities and towns, due to some of their advantages, such as
omnidirectional capabilities, low maintenance costs, and low noise when compared to Horizontal Axis
Wind Turbines (HAWT) (Kooiman & Tullis, 2010).
Despite the advantages provided by vertical axis wind turbines (VAWT), they still contribute little to the amount
of electricity used in the world. Because of that, a lot of research has been carried out to improve the efficiency
of vertical axis wind turbines (VAWT). Mahmoud et al. (2012) carried out some studies on different parameters
that influence the performance of vertical axis wind turbines (VAWT). One of the parameters being studied is the
addition of an endplate to the rotor of a vertical axis wind turbine (VAWT). The author concluded that a rotor
with an endplate gives better performance than one with none. Lee et al. (2016), using wind turbines and numerical
analysis, observed the influence of helical angles on the power coefficient using various tip speed ratios. The
authors concluded that helical angle 45 gives the maximum Cp. Tartuferi et al. (2015) proposed a way of
improving the efficiency of the Savonius wind turbine by introducing a new aerofoil-shaped blade and a Savonius
wind turbine that self-aligns itself to the direction of the freestream wind. The proposed Savonius turbine was
found to have better efficiency than a normal Savonius turbine. Mohamed et al. (2011) introduced an optimized
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
aerofoil blade shape to improve the power output of a Savonius wind turbine. At a tip speed ratio (TSR) of 0.7,
the design was found to provide a 40% increase. Saad et al. (2021) carried out an analysis of a new proposed idea
of using a twisted blade for the development of a multistage Savonius wind turbine. The results were compared
with available numerical results, and the twisted-bladed Savonius rotor was found to give more power output.
Supradeepan (2021) carried out an analysis to increase the performance of a duct wind turbine. It was found that
an aerofoil cross-section with a cowl gives better performance with a reduced load. Jang et al. (2021), using
computational fluid dynamics (CFD) and direct simulation Monte Carlo (DMSC), compared the estimated power
of an H-Darrieus turbine in terms of electrical efficiency and found that it corresponded to the power performance
measured. Ramlee et al. (2020), using various solidities, analyze the power performance of a vertical axis wind
turbine (VAWT). The result shows that turbines with high solidities perform better at a low tip speed ratio (TSR).
Due to the high cost of using a wind tunnel, a lot of experiments have been carried out using computational fluid
dynamics (CFD). Some of the experiments include Pope et al. (2010), who used fluent to analyze two different
types of aerofoil blades while keeping the first and second laws of thermodynamics in mind. The results show
that the second law of thermodynamics provides more insight than the first law. De Tavernier et al. (2019), using
computational fluid dynamics (CFD), investigated the effect of the shape of an aerofoil on the performance of
vertical axis wind turbines (VAWT). The author concluded that there is a need for proper selection of an aerofoil
to obtain good performance from vertical axis wind turbines (VAWT). Li & Li (2010), using numerical
computation, observed the influence of solidity on the performance of vertical axis wind turbines (VAWT). From
the results, it was concluded that an increase in solidity results in a corresponding increase in the static torque
coefficient. Aliet al. (n.d.) observed the influence of the blade on the efficiency of vertical axis wind turbines
(VAWT) using the MATLAB program. It was observed that S1046 gave a better performance.
Some of the research was also based on the effect of Reynolds number. Chamorro et al. (2012), using
wind turbines, investigated the influence of Reynolds number on the mean velocity, velocity skewness,
and kinematic shear stress and discovered that at high Reynolds numbers greater than or equal to 9.3
x 104, Reynolds number influence can be neglected. Kamoji et al. (2009) observed the effects of
Reynolds number, aspect ratio, and overlap ratio on the efficiency of two wind turbines: a modified
wind turbine with no center shaft and a conventional wind turbine. The Savonius rotor without a shaft
was found to have the highest coefficient of power. Roh & Kang (2013) studied the effects of Reynolds
number and blade profile on the efficiency of straight-blade vertical axis wind turbines (VAWT). The
author concluded that power production is dependent on the blade profile.
Dabiri (2011) investigated the use of two vertical axis wind turbines (VAWT) rotating in opposite
directions to each other to improve the efficiency of power generated on a farm by wind turbines. The
result shows that more power can be generated using an arrangement that allows the vertical axis
wind turbines (VAWT) to extract energy from a neighboring VAWT wake, thereby reducing the cost of
operation. Migliore (1983) compared the NACA 6 series to the NACA 4 series to determine the best
selection for the H. Darrieus blade. The author concluded that the NACA 6 series has the same
maximum power coefficient as the NACA 4 series. Sharma & Gupta (2014), using a wind turbine,
investigated the performance of a two-staged Savonius turbine. The result shows that at a 9.37
percent overlap condition, a maximum Cp is obtained.
3.1 Description of the model
The vertical axis wind turbines (VAWT) and the wind tunnel domain were represented using a two-dimensional
computational fluid dynamics (CFD) model, as seen in Fig. 2. This was based on previous literature that has
proven that a 2D model is sufficient for identifying the factors that impact the VAWT's performance. The wind
turbine is an H-type vertical-axis wind turbine with three symmetrical NACA0018 airfoil blades. The turbine has
a shaft radius of 0.02 m and a turbine radius of 0.5 m. As shown in Fig. 1, the shaft and the turbine both revolve
at the same counterclockwise speed. Using the freestream velocity of 3 m/s and the rotational speed of the turbine
of 27 m/s as described in Table 1, the tip speed ratio for the reference case was calculated to be 4.5. Using equation
(1) and a chord length of 0.06 m, the solidity of the blade is calculated to be 0.18.
3.2 Computational domain and grid
Previous research has demonstrated that a blockage ratio of less than 5% (a minimum domain width of 20 D) is
necessary for computational fluid dynamics (CFD) simulations of VAWTs to limit the influence of side
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
boundaries on the results. The blockage ratio in 2D simulations is D/W, where D and W are the turbine diameter
and domain width, respectively. The blockage ratio is considered unaffected by the turbine tip speed ratio and
solidity since it is calculated based on the complete diameter of the turbine. As a result, a domain width of 20 D
is used in this investigation, and the diameter of the rotating domain is 1.5 D. Using the sliding mesh technique,
the rotating domain is connected to the stationary domain. The stationary domain is rectangular in shape, and the
rotating domain is circular, as shown in Fig. 2. As seen in Table 2, the distance from the center of the turbine to
the inlet and outlet of the domain is 5D and 25D, respectively. Four quartiles are defined in the plane around the
blades, i.e., 315 ° ≤ θ <45 °, upwind 45 ° ≤ θ <135 °, leeward 135 ° ≤ θ <225 °, and downwind 225 ° ≤ θ ° 315 °.
The position of the upper blade is used to define the azimuthal angle θ.
Time-dependent Reynolds-averaged Navier-Stokes (U-RANS) is solved using ANSYS FLUENT. The freestream
velocity is modeled arriving from the left with a standard ambient condition and 299. Temperature Menter's shear
stress transfer (SST) model, developed from the k-two-equation formulation, is employed to accomplish
turbulence closure. Both temporal and spatial discretization are accomplished using second-order schemes. For
pressure-velocity coupling, the SIMPLE approach is utilized. The meshing was carried out using Ansys, as shown
in Fig. 3.
𝜎 = (1)
Table 1 describes the parameters of the vertical axis wind turbine, and some of the salient input parameters are
highlighted in Table 1.
Table 1: Parameters for Reference Case
Parameters Value Parameters Value
Aerofoil profile NACA0018 Rotational speed [rad/s} 27.00
Aerofoil chord length {m} 0.06 Tip speed ratio 4.50
Swept area [m2] 1.00 Free stream velocity[m/s] 3.00
Diameter 1.00 Shaft diameter[m] 0.04
Numbers of blade 2.00
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
Fig. 3(a-c): (a) mesh near the rotating core, (b) mesh near the aerofoil, (c) mesh near the trage
Fig. 4: Validation of the Results from the Present Study with those of Rezaeiha et al. [19] a) Tsr = 4.5; b) 3.5; c)
𝒅𝒊 𝒅𝟎 W 𝒅𝒄 D𝜽 Turbine revolution
5.0D 25.0D 20.0D 1.5D 0.1 20.0
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
Fig. 5: (a) TSR 5.5 (b) TSR 4.5 (c) TSR 3.5 (d) TSR 3.0 (e) TSR 2.5 (f) TSR 1.5
This demonstrates that, even at relatively high levels, the interactions between the vortices shed from the shaft
and the blades traveling in the shaft wake (the shaft's wake-blade interaction) may make flow calculations more
difficult. In this instance, finer azimuthal increments are necessary.
For tip speed ratios less than 4.5, where the changes in the angle of attack on the blades are more pronounced,
results are significantly reliant on azimuthal increments because blade-wake interaction occurs and the stall angle
might be reached. This is most noticeable in two areas: upwind (67.5°–135°) and downwind (225°–315°).The
former is linked to the occurrence of the dynamic stall, which occurs at such azimuthal angles and results in an
abrupt reduction in CM. The latter relates to the interactions of the vortices shed by the blades in the upwind region
and the shaft with the downwind blades (blade-wake interactions), resulting in large changes in CM(Rezaeiha,
Montazeri, and Blocken 2018). Due to the complexity of the flow, a finer azimuthal increment is needed in
predicting the flow.
Table 3 displays the parameters used in carrying out the study of the influence of azimuthal increment on solidity.
Table 3: parameters for solidity
𝒅𝒊 /𝑫 𝒅𝟎 /𝑫 L ×W D𝜽 Λ Σ
5.0 25.0 30.0 × 20.0 0.1, 0.5 4.5 0.06, 0.12, 0.24
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
4.3 Solidity
The parameters used for the study are described in Table 3. Using azimuthal increments of 0.1 and 0.5, the
instantaneous coefficient of the moment can be seen plotted against θ for a set of solidities of 0.06, 0.12, and
0.24. It can be noted that for the solidities of 0.12 and 0.24 (Figs. 6(a) and 6(b)), no substantial change in
azimuthal increments is detected.
For a solidity of 0.06, significant changes in CM (Fig. 6(c)) are detected for an azimuthal increment of 0.5°. The
difference in CM is most noticeable in two areas: 90°–150° and 225°–305°, where the former corresponds to the
azimuthal angles where dynamic stall may occur and the latter relates to the region where the resulting blade–
wake interactions would occur.
Fig. 7: power coefficient along each Tip Speed Ratio (TSR) using different azimuthal increment.
When the coefficient of performance (CP) is reduced to 2.5, the deviation in terms of the coefficient of performance
(CP) rises, and the deviation reduces when the coefficient of performance (CP) is reduced further to 1.5. This
indicates that at a tip speed ratio (TSR) of 2.5–3.5, the separation on the blades is still growing.
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) simulations were conducted to determine the minimal requirements for the
azimuthal increment criteria used in the Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) modeling of Vertical Axis Wind
Turbines (VAWT) with varying tip speed ratios and solidity. The following results were obtained:
1. The tip speed ratio is critical in defining the minimal requirements for azimuthal increment since it is the
primary element influencing changes in the angle of attack of the turbine blades.
2. Low-to-moderate tip speed ratios often put turbines in a "blade-wake interaction" condition, where
changes in blade angle of attack exceed stall angles and cause blade-wake interactions.
3. Conversely, tip speed ratios ranging from moderate to high correspond to a regime in which fluctuations
in the blade's angle of attack are less than the static stall angle and the flow is more or less continuously
attached to the blade.
4. Therefore, it is determined that for a low to moderate tip speed ratio, an azimuthal increment of 0.1 is
the best choice, while for a high tip speed ratio, an azimuthal increment of 0.5 is the best choice to
decrease simulation time while still maintaining accuracy.
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Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
Lee, J. H., Lee, Y. T., & Lim, H. C. (2016). Effect of twist angle on the performance of Savonius wind turbine.
Renewable Energy, 89, 231–244. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.renene.2015.12.012
Li, S., & Li, Y. (2010). Numerical study on the performance effect of solidity on the straight-bladed vertical axis
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of Savonius rotor performance. Alexandria Engineering Journal, 51(1), 19–25.
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c blade chord length 𝜔 rotational speed
𝑐𝑚 coefficient of moment R radius of Turbine
𝑐𝑝 power coefficient P turbine power
𝑐𝑡 thrust coefficient T thrust coefficient
D diameter of turbine 𝑢 free stream velocity
𝑑𝑐 diameter of rotating core W width
𝑑0 distance from turbine center to domain outlet σ solidity
dθ azimuthal increment λ tip speed ratio
𝑑𝑖 distance from turbine center to domain inlet
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University of Ilorin, Nigeria
The task of sizing solar PV system using manual method is time consuming and susceptible to error. This may
lead to poor design that cumulate to in-efficient solar PV installation and waste of scarce resources. The solar PV
system is the cleanest and cheapest source being the energy from the sun. A system of this type has a high initial
setup cost, but has little or no ongoing operating costs over an extended period of time. In this research, a software
was developed to give the specification of the components that constitute solar PV system, thus avoiding oversized
or undersized solar PV system installation.
The work was carried out using a residential building as a case study. The peak sun hour considered is 7 hours,
which is subject to change as it depends on the location. The developed software is a GUI tool, easy to use, and
vary fast to give accurate results unlike the manual sizing calculation method. Three different input data and sized
output interface are developed for the software tool; load demand module, battery size module, and PV array
module. The software operation was validated with manual other existing application to establish it accuracy and
KEYWORDS: Solar PV System, Peak Sun Hour, Load Demand, Battery Size, PV Array Size, GUI-Based Tool
A technology known as photovoltaic (PV) turns solar energy into direct current electricity without using any
combustion processes that could result in negative byproducts for the environment (Singh, 2018). Solar power is
the best renewable energy sources available because it is the cleanest of all (Merts, 2019). Solar power has many
applications like in residential, commercial and industrial areas (Oghogho & Ikponmwosa, 2014). Due to its
sustainability, regenerative nature, and ability to reduce emissions, solar electricity is a viable option.. Effective
and efficient software tools are critical in ensuring proper design which reduces cost and wastage. Therefore, it is
an economically viable option. (Klaus, 2017), to create the PV sizing system GUI-based application, several
software solutions are available. Examples are: RETScreen, PV F-Chart, HOMER Pro, Solar Design Tool, INSEL,
TRNSYS, NREL Solar Advisor Model, ESP-r 11.5, PVSYST 4.33, Solar Pro, PV Design Pro-G, PV-SOL Expert
and so many others (Tamer et al.,2012). The aim of this study was to create a software application that could
accurately calculate the size of a standalone photovoltaic (PV) system. The objectives were to:
1. develop the load demand and load curve module;
2. develop the solar PV system components module;
3. simulate and evaluate the performance of the developed tool using a case study.
1.1 Related Works
A brief review of some prominent solar sizing tools is presented example which include among the following;
Hybrid Optimization Model for Electric Renewables (HOMER) Software created with certain goals in mind.
HOMER input window is developed to minimize the effort required to enter load data, component data, standard
and cost ( Oulis R.A. et al., 2018). HOMER provides reasonable default value for some of the needed data to
enhance quick start of the main analysis. The challenge of comparing designs of both off-grid and grid-connected
power systems for different applications is made easier by this software tool, called a micro power optimization
model embeded in HOMER (Bhandari, R. et al., 2014). In Homer, quality input data for the resource are not
always readily available; there are no detailed input data for configuration; and a laborious criterion is required to
make the solution of the optimization converge with the optimum region, making the selection of this criterion
Renewable Energy Technologies Screen (RETScreen), a distinctive decision-support tool for analyzing clean
energy. The software is available in multiple languages, thus allowing it expanded user data base. This software
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
can simulate a wide range of applications, including industrial remote wind PV-gen set hybrid power supply,
standalone battery storage systems for lighting, massive multi-array central power plants, and distributed power
systems installed on residential and commercial buildings (Lalwani et al., 2010). However, the software tool has
its own limitation; for example, having data being added manually, lack of reporting functions facility, and
absence of scope of adding other data sources or customized data to the software interface
Transient Systems Simulation (TRNSYS) is a software , which is based on graphics and is incredibly versatile, is
used to model the behaviour of transient systems. The simulation tool was created in 1975 and is available for
purchase (Lalwani et al., 2010). TRNSYS has a large library of parts, each of which simulates the performance
of a single system component (Aristide. et al. ,2018).It can be ported to work with other simulation software as
well. Just as RETscreen, the software is updateable. The software tool is not free, and it is also not very flexible
or user-friendly.
Photovoltaic Systems (PVsyst) is suitable for grid-connected, standalone, pumping, and DC-grid systems. It is a
PC software program for studying, sizing, simulating, and analyzing data on solar systems. It is an updatable
software tool. This application falls short when it comes to handling shadow analysis thoroughly. Due to
deficiencies identified in the previous software solutions, an attempt towards remedifying such deficiencies are
made using a proposed GUI-based tool for Solar PV design. The development platform is National Instrument
The case study to validate the use of the software is a residential building with the appliances in a given quantity
and wattage rating as stated in table 3.1. The appliances are most common household electrical appliances. They
are necessary as the basic electrical services needed for the comfort of a user or occupants of the typical residential
Table 2.1: Appliances Data
The overall steps for the implementation of the proposed software tool begins with collection of appliances data,
and ends with evaluation and analysis of the performance of the GUI tool developed. The tool comprises four
modules. They include, load demand, load curve module, battery size module, and solar PV array size module
(Mohd et al., 2015).
3.1 Development of Load Demand Module
The demand load as given in eqn. (3.1) is the sum of the operational load and non-operational demand loads. It is
determined by applying the proper adjustment factor to the sum total. Proven mathematical equations for solar
sizing were appropriately adopted in programming the GUI interface.
j =1
Pa =
A.F (3.1)
where Pa is the adjusted power in watt, PJ is the active power of the jth appliance in watt . A.F is the Adjustment
Factor, 0.85 for AC loads while 1.0 for DC loads. Pa in eqn. (4.1) is the sum of the wattage of each appliance
under test, A.F is the adjustment factor to present the load (watt) for DC loading or AC loading. The Energy
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
Demand is the product of each adjusted power and the hours of use of such appliance. The summation of such
Etotal = å ( Pa ´ T j )
energy demand in eqn (4.2) is the total energy demand per day. a =1
where, 𝐸𝑡𝑜𝑡𝑎𝑙 is the total energy demand per day in watt-hour, n is the the number of appliances under consideration
and Tj is the time of use of the jth appliance in hours(hrs)
Ahest =
BBv (3.3)
where Ahest = estimated battery amp-hour capacity. BBV is the battery bus voltage which ranges from 12V, 24V
, 48V, etc
( Ahest ´ n)
Ahtotal =
DoD (3.4)
where Ahtotal is the total ampere-hour due to the PV array. DoD is the depth of discharge of the battery
3.2 Battery Sizing GUI Interface Development
To accurately determine the battery size, the daily Ampere-hour capacity is required. The expected size for this
battery module includes the following: battery capacity in (Ah), selected battery capacity (Ah), total battery
power(kW), average depth of discharge (avg. DOD), the total battery capacity (Ah), number of batteries in parallel
(NoBP), number of battery in series (NoBS), and the total number of batteries. The expected battery sized
parameters, depend on a number of configured input parameters which include: the days of autonomy, depth of
discharge (DoD), selected battery capacity (AH) and the system voltage (Vdc or Vac).
Ahest ´ DoS
RBC Ah =
DoD (3.5)
where RBCAh is the required battery capacity in Amp-hour, Ahest is denoted as the estimated Ampere-hour
capacity of the PV required per day. DoS is regarded as the days of storage for the battery. DoD is the depth-of –
discharge of the battery.
NoBp =
S Ah (3.6)
where NoBP is the number of batteries in parallel, NoBS is the number of batteries in Series. SAh is the selected
Amp-hour capacity of the battery.
NoBs =
SDv (3.7)
where BBv is the battery bus voltage (dcV), SDv is the selected system design voltage (dcV/acV).
E Ah = NoB p ´ S Ah
E Ah ´ BBv
ET( kwh ) =
1000 (3.10)
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University of Ilorin, Nigeria
where EAh is the total Ah required. ET(kwh) is the total energy capacity of the battery bank in kwh.
4.4 Solar PV Array Module Development
The PV array GUI interface will be designed based on tested solar sizing equations, similar to existing developed
module interfaces. The input requirements are as follows; battery round trip efficiency (BRTefficiency ), selected PV
module maximum voltage at STC (SPVmax) in volts, nominal rated PV module output power (NPVoutput) in Watt,
and energy output per module (EMoutput) in Watt-hour.
The module energy output at operating temperature (MEoutput) in Watt-hour is computed by given eqn. in (3.11)
EM output = SPV gp ´ Ph (3.11)
where EMoutput is the energy output per module in Watt-hour. SPVg is the selected PV module guaranteed power
at STC in Watt. Ph is defined as the peak sun hour for the geographical location.
The module energy output at operating temperature (MEoutput) in Watt-hour in eqn (4.12) is the product of the
de-rating factor (D.F) and the module energy output.
MEoutput = D.F ´ EM output (3.12)
The total energy demand (Etotal) divided by the battery trip efficiency(BRTefficiency) gives the array output power
(RAoutput) in eqn. (3.13).
RAoutput = (3.13)
The number of modules required (NoMrequired) is function of both eqn (3.12) and (3.13), as given in eqn. (3.14)
NoM required = (3.14)
The number of modules in string (NoMstring) as given in eqn (3.15) is determined by dividing the designed system
voltage (usually determined by the battery bank) by the nominal module voltage at standard test condition (STC)
(Sharma. D. et al.,2014).
NoM series = (3.15)
The number of modules in parallel in eqn (3.16) is determined by dividing the designed required number of
modules (NoMrequired) by number of modules in series (NoMstring). (Sharma. D. et al.,1986)
NoM required
NoM parallel = (3.16)
NoM series
The total number of module purchased (NoMpurchased) is computed using eqn. (3.17) as given:
NoM purchased = NoM series ´ NoM parallel (3.17)
The nominal array output (NRAoutput) is computed as given in eqn. (3.18)
NRAoutput = NRPVoutput ´ NoM purchased (3.18)
Load Curve and Load Demand Module
On simulation, the load curve in Figure 4.1 as well as the load demand in Figure 4.2 are displayed. Figure 4.2
which is the load demand module has the following expected outputs; the total ampere-hour per day for the load
demand is 3108.333 AH, total energy per day is 63.41 kW-hr, total AC power per day is 11.92 kW and total DC
power per day of 14.02 kW.
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University of Ilorin, Nigeria
Figure 4.1 Appliance Data and Load Curve Module Figure 4.2 Appliance Data and Load Demand Module
The PV module size requires some data inputs for its development. The type of climate (tropical or moderate)
under consideration determines the de-rating factor. For moderate weather, it 0.8 while for tropical weather, it is
0.9. Figures 4.4 and 4.5, show 40 and 45 number of solar panels for moderate and tropical climate conditions
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University of Ilorin, Nigeria
Figure 4.4: PV Component Sizing Module for Moderate Climate Figure 4.5: PV Component Sizing Module for Tropical Climate
This application software tool consists of 3 modules that are interactive and friendly to the users. The developed
tool was evaluated to be robust and effective to provide timely solar PV sizing design via GUI.
The authors would like to acknowledge the personnel of the Department of Electrical & Electronics Engineering,
University of Ilorin, Ilorin, Nigeria, who not only provided the enabling environment that helped to sustain our
interest in this work but also made laudable criticism and observations in a Departmental seminar presentation.
Aristide, Houngan & Anjorin, Malahimi & Obahoundje, Salomon & Sadate, Dankoro & Morel, Nepo &
Vianou, Antoine & Gerald, Degan. (2018). TRNSYS Software Used for the Simulation of the Dynamic
Thermal Behavior of a F2-building in Lokossa City in Benin Republic. 1-7. 10.23919/ICUE-
Bhandari, R., (2011). Electrification Using Solar Photovoltaic Systems in Nepal. Applied Energy, 88(2), 458-
HOMER Energy (2011). Getting Started Guide for HOMER Legacy (Version 2.68),
Homer Energy and National Renewable Energy Laboratory, Colorado.
Lalwani M., Kothari D.P., & Singh, M. (2010). Investigation of solar photovoltaic simulation softwares.
Review article. International Journal of Applied Engineering Research, 3, 585-601.
Mert, G., (2019). Economic Feasibility of Solar Power Plants Based on PV Module with Levelized Cost
Analysis, Energy, 171, 866-878.
Sharma, Dinesh. (2014). Review and analysis of solar photovoltaic software. International Journal of
Engineering and Technology. 4. 725-731.
Oulis R.A., Tzelepis D., Konstantelos,I., & Booth, C., & Strbac, G. (2018). Design of a Hybrid AC/DC
Microgrid Using HOMER Pro: Case Study on an Islanded Residential Application. Inventions. 3.55.
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
Energy is crucial for every country to achieve real economic and social growth (Deepak and Jnanesh, 2015). The
increasing degradation of different non-renewable energy resources worldwide, as well as the greenhouse gas
impact, demands increasing interest in sustainable energy. Briquetting is a solid fuel production technique that
compacts biomass to produce fuel that may be used in both rural and semi-urban areas (Obi, 2015). Briquette has
been proven to be a significant and cost-effective renewable energy source. In light of the technical considerations
inherent in the technological adaption of this concept to local conditions, briquetting technology has been unable
to achieve a solid footing in many developing nations (Ikubanni et al., 2019). Hence, providing solutions to the
operational challenges connected with this briquette technology and assuring the quality of the raw materials
utilized are critical variables in determining its economic viability (Adeleke et al., 2019). In view of the above,
this work is organized into two main sections: the development of the machine and its performance evaluation.
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
1.54 ßm3 à
200 (kg/hr) × kg =0.31m3 /hr
1000 I 3 J
But Mass flow rate of the feedstock (MFR) = Density of biomass x VFR (2)
kg m3
MFR=130 >m3? × 0.31 > hr ? =39.99 kg/hr
In other to take care of contingencies, 40 kg is taken as the MFR and for convenience, the hopper will be refilled
every 12 minutes i.e., 5 times within one-hour of operation. Therefore, the MFR per batch is:
= = 8 𝑘𝑔/𝑏𝑎𝑡𝑐ℎ
The volume of 40 kg biomass is = l`O = 0.061 𝑚` approximately 0.1m3
The hopper volume from the design requirement and specification above (2.1b and c) was calculated as
1.54m3/hr to accommodate this volume of biomass.
(b) Determination of the hopper radius
To design a hopper to accommodate the above volume of biomass the following considerations were made:
Ø The hopper is a cut-off cone (frustum) ii. The diameter of the neck of the hopper is equal to the diameter of
the barrel.
The volume of a frustum as shown below is
𝑉 = ` (𝑅4 + 𝑅𝑟 + 𝑟 4 ) (3)
Where V is the volume of the required hopper (0.1m3), h is the height taken to be 0.5 m ; Therefore, R is 0.5m.
(c) Volume of the barrel
The cylindrical barrel is made of mild steel pipe of thickness 3 mm, diameter (D) 100 mm and height (h) 680 mm.
The volume of the barrel Vb is given as,
Vb = πr2h (4)
Where r =D/2 Vb = 3.142 x 0.052 × 0.68m = 1.53 × 10-3m3
(d) Screw shaft diameter
The diameter of the shaft was computed using an established formula stated by Khurmi and Gupta (2005)
d3 = ŒUKbMb V²+(KtMt )² (5)
Where, d = expected diameter of the shaft (m) ; Mt = torque moment (Nm); Mb = bending moment (Nm) ; d =
diameter of the screw shaft (m) ; Kb = shock and fatigue factor applied to bending moment ; Kt = shock and
fatigue factor applied to torsional moment
Ss = permissible shear stress of the shaft ; Shaft diameter = 4.95cm – 1.16cm = 3.79cm
The nearest commercially available shaft diameter is 40 mm in accordance with IS3688-1977. (Spotts, 1991).
Therefore, a shaft of 40 mm diameter is appropriate for the screw.
(e) Determination of the Screw Flight (Blade Height)
The last turn must yield 9 cm3 of biomass at 60 rpm.
Volume = Cross-sectional Area of the Barrel × Pitch length of the screw auger (6)
Assumed clearance = 0.05
Barrel diameter = 5 cm, the cross-sectional area will be 5 cm – 0.05 cm = 4.95 cm2
where, qm = weight of the biomaterials to be briquetted (kg m-1), n = number of screw rotations and dependent on
the nature of the bio-material. For dense (coarse) material n = 0.8-1.5
(f) The prime mover
From the screw shaft flight design, the diameter of the last flight of the compression zone is shaft diameter (38
mm) plus the flight (19 mm) i.e. (38+19) 57 mm. We also know that the pressure required to compact biomass up
to 1000 kg/m3 is 30 MPa (Muhammad et al. 2016) the speed of the screw was calculated as 46.7 rpm.
The coefficient of friction (f ) between the screw and feeding material was given by Khurmi, & Gupta, (2005) to
be between 0.32-0.58. For this study, 0.58 was used.
𝑊𝑜𝑟𝑘 𝐹𝑐𝑜𝑠𝜃
𝑃𝑎𝑣𝑔 = = (7)
𝑡𝑖𝑚𝑒 𝑡
Equation (7) can be rearranged in the form:
𝑃𝑎𝑣𝑔 = 𝐹𝑐𝑜𝑠𝜃𝑣𝑎𝑣𝑔 (8)
The instantaneous power can be calculated from the expression:
𝑃𝑖𝑛𝑠𝑡𝑎𝑛𝑡𝑒𝑛𝑒𝑜𝑢𝑠 = 𝐹𝑐𝑜𝑠𝜃𝑣 (9)
Equation (8) is a scalar product in a vector notation hence,
𝑃 = 𝐹Od ∙ 𝑣 (10)
Therefore, the minimum power required to drive the auger is
= 284.03 × 8.77 = 2490.94 𝑁𝑚𝑠 5l Approximately 3.3 HP
The reduction ratio is 1:30 m ; The driver speed = 1,400/30 = 46.7rpm
(f) Die diameter
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University of Ilorin, Nigeria
The die is the mold for the densified biomass. The die geometry is an important parameter to be varied for this
research work. A solid shaft of mild steel of 70 mm diameter is machined to form three (3) different cylindrical
shape dice of the same length with diameters 30 mm, 40 mm and 50 mm. The density of each of the briquettes
extruded is dependent on the volume of each die.
Therefore, the volume of die is equal to the volume of the briquette as given in equation (4)
𝑉𝑏 = 𝜋𝑟2 ℎ
(g) Machine description
The machine components are divided into the following units: (i) the feed unit, (ii) the compression/extrusion unit
(iii) the power unit and (iv) the support unit. The machine designed for briquetting rice husk is a single extrusion
heated-die screw-press type. The other parts of the machine are the motor, pulleys and belts, screw, barrel and
briquette dies. Power is transmitted through direct coupling from the electric motor to the screw. The outer surface
of the barrel is fixed with an electrical coil to heat the biomass between 100 - 150ºC. The temperature of the heater
is maintained by the thermostat. The temperature is varied at 100oC, 120oC and 150oC to help in melting the lignin
in the biomass thereby binding the granules together.
o Choice and preparation of binders
Binders are substances capable of holding materials together by surface attachment based on their cohesive and
adhesive properties. To achieve this work, 40%, 50% and 60% by weight of discoloured rice (reject) powder
obtained from rice colour sorter was used as a binding agent in line with the works of Musa, (2007) and
Olorunnisola, (2007). The powder was made into a gel and added to 1 kg of each of the samples of rice husks.
The rejected rice gel in it require proportion 0.4, 0.5 and 0.6 by weight of the husk per sample
o Production of the briquette from residue
A measured quantity of rice husk with a varying moisture content of 10%, 12% and 14% was collected from the
boiler husk room of the designated rice mill, sieved using 2mm, 3mm and 4mm particle size based on ASAE
424.1 (2003). For this work, starch was obtained from the by-product of the rice cortex (rejections), processed
into a gel and added in a proportion of 40, 50 and 60% by weight to 1 kg each of samples of rice husks, mixed
vigorously using a domestic blender (as feedstock mixer). The feedstock is fed into the screw press barrel to
produce the desired briquettes. A measured quantity of the biomass feedstock was fed into the developed screw
press machine, where briquettes were extruded in batches, cooled, packaged and stored for a while (1 week) before
the quality test was conducted.
2.5 Machine extrusion efficiency and capacity performance evaluation
The extrusion efficiency performance evaluation reported by (Onu and Simonyan, 2015) in equation (11) below
was used. The briquetting machine was subjected to the test. The input mass of the biomass and the output mass
of the briquette formed was measured using a weighing balance. The processing time of the biomass to form a
briquette was recorded for each test using the stopwatch. The biomass loss was calculated and results are shown
in Table 6. The extrusion efficiency and the capacity performance were evaluated using equations 10, 11 and 12
Extrusion efficiency
OE = 100 WoE %
WFs (11)
Note: OE = extrusion efficiency, WoE = weight of extrude, WFs = weight of feed sample
Machine capacity
𝑀𝐶 (𝑘𝑔/ℎ) = 𝐵𝐹𝑅 × 1 ℎ𝑜𝑢𝑟 (12)
)0-,1f- .1AA /F /z;hz; H,DBz-;;- (Šf)
𝐵𝐹𝑅 = (13)
)0-,1f- h,/:-AADEf ;D.- (A)
Note: MC and BFR are the machine capacity and briquette forming rate
2.6 Experimental design
Experiments were conducted using Taguchi method. The results are shown in Tables 1. The Taguchi experimental
design layout and matrix specified 27 trials. The average of three samples per experiment was considered with
the results shown in Table 1. Analysis of variance was carried out on the experimental data to show how the
process and the feedstock parameters significantly affect the briquette quality indices using 5% significance level
and the result for each of these quality indices.
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Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
density of the original biowaste, the pressure, temperature and time of densification. The higher the density, the
higher is the energy.
ii. Durability of briquette
Table 3: ANOVA for the results of durability of briquette
Factor DOF SS MS F p-value
2 4812 2406 142.33 0.439
MC 2 420.5 210.26 12.44 0.002
PS 2 922.7 461.35 27.29 0.052
TT 2 698.7 349.35 20.67 0.044
BR 2 571.2 285.60 16.89 0.805
Error 18 304.3 16.91
Total 26 7729.4 297.29
The ANOVA for durability of the briquette shown in Table 2 indicates that die diameter was statistically
significant at 5%, followed by particle size. Briquettes with high durability are desirable to minimise breakage
and dust formation during transporting and conveying. Though, there are no recommended standards for biomass
briquettes, other researchers (Haykiri-Acma et al., 2013; Antwi-Boasiako & Acheampong, 2016) have reported
that durability of 80 - 90 % or over 90 % is required for better handling and transportation.
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
From Table 6, the average mass of the briquette formed was 0.69 kg while the loss was 0.11 kg. Also, the average
processing time for the machine to transform from biomass to solid fuel (briquette) was 13 seconds. The efficiency
of the machine was calculated to be 87% and the capacity of the machine was 192.74kg/h which is closely related
to the established capacity (200 kg/h) in our machine design requirement and specification (section 2.1). The
machine production capacity and efficiency are greater than 122.928 kg/h and 85.7%, and 43 kg/hr reported by
Pelumi et al., (2019) and Obi et al., (2013) respectively. The findings of this study has shown that composite
briquette of rice husk would produce good biomass solid fuel. There is a great tendency that the briquettes are
environmentally friendly based on the elemental compositional values of the briquette.
The press screw machine attained a high production capacity of 192.74 kg/h which makes it suitable for small-
scale entrepreneurs in rural areas. All the briquettes extruded were well-dense, hard, durable free of damage and
had good geometry for convenience which implies that they are convenient for handling, storage and
transportation for further use with desirable quality.
Adeleke, A.A. Odusote, J.K. Malathi, M. Lasode, O.A. and Paswan. D. Influence of torrefaction on
lignocellulosic woody biomass of Nigerian origin, J. of Chem. Tech. and Metall. 2019; 54(2): 274
Antwi-Boasiako, C.; Acheampong, B. Strength properties and calorific values of sawdust-briquettes as wood-
residue energy generation source from tropical hardwoods of different densities. Biomass-Bioenergy
2016, 85, 144–152.
ASAE, S269.4 (2003) – Cubes, pellets and crumbles – definitions and methods for determining density,
durability and moisture content. 567 – 569. St. Joseph, Mich.: U.S.A
Deepak K.B. and Jnanesh, N.A. (2015). Investigation of areca leaves as a biomass fuel by the method of
briquetting. International Journal of Mechanical Engineering. 3(6) 16-21.
Haykiri-Acma, H. Yaman, S. Kucukbayrak, S. “Production of biobriquettes from carbonized brown seaweed,
Fuel Process”. Technol. 106 (2013) 33–40.
Ikubanni, P.P. Omololu, T. Ofoegbu, W. Omoworare, O. Adeleke, A.A. Agboola, O.O. and Olabamiji. T.S.
(2019). Performance Evaluation of briquette Produced from a Designed and Fabricated Piston-
Briquetting Machine. Intl. J. of Eng. Res. and Tech.; 12(8): 1227-1238
Kaliyan, N. and Morey, R. V. (2009), “Factors affecting strength and durability of densified biomass products”
Biomass and Bio-energy 33, 337-359
Khurmi, R. S., & Gupta, J. K. (2005). a Textbook of Machine Design,. Eurasia Publishing Home (PVT) Ltd. Pp
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
Muhammad, S.N. Muhammad, A. A. Abdul, N. and Anjum M. (2016). “Design and Fabrication of Biomass
Extruder of 50 mm Diameter Briquette Size” Innovative Energy & Research.
Musa, N.A. (2007). “Comparative Fuel Characterization of Rice husk and Groundnut shell Briquettes”. NJRED.
6(2), pp. 23-26
Ndindeng, s.a., manful, j.t., futakuchi, k., mapiemfu-lamare, d., akoa-etoa, j.m., bigoga, j., Graham-acquaah, s.
And moreira, j. 2015. A novel artisanal parboiling technology for rice processors in sub-Saharan
Africa. Food Sci Nutr. (under review)
Obi, O.F. (2015) “Evaluation of the effect of palm oil mill sludge on the properties of sawdust briquette,
Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews”. 52 1749-1758.
Obi, O.F.; Pecenka, R.; Clifford, M.J. (2013). A Review of Biomass Briquette Binders and Quality Parameters.
Energies, 15, 2426
Oladeji, J. T., and Oyetunji, O. R. (2013). Investigations into Physical and Fuel Characteristics of Briquettes
Produced from Cassava and Yam Peels. Journal of Energy Technologies and Policy, 3(7), 40 -47
Olorunnisola, A. (2007) ‘Production of fuel briquetting from wastepaper and coconut admixtures’, Agricultural
Engineering Journal, Vol. 9, No. 6, pp.1–15
Onu olughu, Onu & Simonyan, Kayode. (2015). African Journal of Agricultural Research Performance
evaluation of a motorized ginger juice expression machine. African Journal of Agricultural Research.
10. 3662-3670. 10.5897/AJAR2015.9928.
Pelumi, I. P. Tobiloba, O. Wallace, O. Oluwatoba, O. Akanni, A. A., Oluwole A. O and Sola. O. T. (2019)
“Performance Evaluation of Briquette Produced from a Designed and Fabricated Piston-Type
Briquetting Machine”. International Journal of Engineering Research and Technology. ISSN 0974-
3154, Volume 12, Number 8, pp. 1227-1238
Sahin, A. 1998) “Evaluation of biomass residue 1. Briquetting waste paper and wheat straw mixtures, Fuel
Process”. Technol. 55 (175–183.
Waweru, J. and Chirchir D. K. (2017). “Effect of the Briquette Sizes and Moisture Content of Combustion
Characteristics of Composite Briquettes” IJISET –International Journal of Innovative Science,
Engineering and Technology, Volume 4, Issue, 102-111
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
Road construction material samples were sourced from two borrows pits at Ogbondoroko and Ogele in Kwara
State, Nigeria. The samples were subjected to conventional roadwork tests according to British International
testing procedure BS1377:2000 and Nigerian General Specification for Road and Bridges (1997). The tests
include index properties, compaction, and consolidation (when saturated). The moisture contents for the
Ogbondoroko soil ranged from 3.47 to 21.10% and Ogele from 6.79% to 20.65%. Ogbondoroko road Soil Gs =
2.47, PL = 23%, LL = 37%, Ip = 14% GI = 1; and the soil was grouped as A-2-6(1) according to AASHTO
(M145-91) and was classified as a good subgrade material. Ogele Soil has Gs = 2.53, PL = 18%, LL = 36%, Ip =
18% with GI = 0 and was grouped as A-2-6(0), the soil was classified as a good subgrade material. The
compaction characteristics are 15% and 6% Optimum Moisture Content (OMC) while the Maximum Dry Density
(MDD) are 1.58g/cm3 and 1.62g/cm3 for the Ogbondoroko and Ogele soil samples respectively. The consolidation
characteristics of the selected soil samples for Ogbondoroko: Cc = 0.055, Cv = 2.08mm2/minutes, av = 0.0023,
Mv = 0.0014, t90 = 163.3 minutes, eo= 0.674, ef = 0.573 while for Ogele: Cc = 0.20 , Cv = 1.77mm2/minutes, av
= 0.062, Mv = 0.039, t90 = 191.9 minutes, ef = 0.573, eo = 0.674. It is concluded that the soils of the two borrow
pits are not suitable as road construction material and should be delisted for road works development in the State,
except as subgrade.
KEYWORDS: consolidation characteristics, road soils, moisture contents, quality control, pavement failure,
Soil consists of the different phases of nature; solid, liquid, and gas, and whose characteristics depend on the
interactive placement of the phases when stress is applied. The particulate solid medium forms the real properties
in bearing the load, which is dependent on the type of mineralogy of the soil skeleton, the surrounding fluid, and
open spaces (voids). The physical structure, chemistry, and properties of the minerals present in the soil structure
constitute other influences on the general soil behavior under load. The compressibility of soil is termed
consolidation as a saturated soil mass subjected to a compressive force, and its volume decreases. The strength of
soil is determined by compacting energy, degree of compaction, and consolidation related to prevailing moisture
content. Moisture content influences the physical properties of soil, such as weight, density, viscosity, and
conductivity, so it is important to establish the amount of moisture content present in the soil.
Pavement is a typical structure of various layers resting over the soil, either in embankment or cutting, meant to
sustain vehicular or other movements. The foundation of the road is the subgrade which can be made of a
remaining bed of cuttings or on top of the fill of embankments. Subgrade soil is an integral part of the road, which
provides support to the pavement structure as the foundation and for all the imposed loads from traffic, including
the overburdened layers of surface, base, and subbase. The four distinct layers of the road are termed (bottom to
top) sub-base, base (also known as road base), binder course (base course), and surface course (wearing course).
As the stress transmitted through the road structure from the vehicles above spreads and lessens with depth, more
substantial and more expensive materials are needed in the upper levels. Thus material layers are usually arranged
within a pavement structure in order of descending load-bearing capacity, with the highest load-bearing capacity
material (and most expensive) on the top and the lowest load-bearing capacity material (and least expensive) on
the bottom (Pavement Interactive, 2008). The consolidation test is one of the quality control and assurance tests
of materials used for road construction, and any inadequacies in the quality of the material will result in pavement
failure. Also, consolidation is significant in analyzing the stability of embankment and pavement structures.
Pavement design aims to provide a structural and economical combination of materials to serve the intended traffic
volume in a given climate over the existing soil conditions and for a specified time interval.
The study aims to determine the suitability of burrow pit materials for road construction. The study's specific
objectives are to i. Determine the consolidation characteristics of road soils at different compacting energies and
moisture and ii. Characterize the effectiveness of the soils for road construction.
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
Where 𝑒𝑡 is the final void ratio after consolidation, Ht is the final thickness after consolidation, ΔH is the change
in dial gauge reading for each pressure increment at 24hrs.
Thus, the void ratio (e) under each pressure increment was calculated from Eq. 4 after swelling.
e = 𝑒𝑡 + ∆e (4)
The curve between stress (σ ̅ ) (as abscissa) and void ratio (e) (as ordinate) for the determination of the Coefficient
of compressibility (av) and Coefficient of volume change (mv) was plotted. Similarly, the graph of logσ (̅ as
abscissa) and void ratio e (as ordinate) was plotted to determine the Compression Index (Cc) using Eq.5.
Cc = -de/(log σ ̅ ) (5)
Where de is the change in void ratio and log σ ̅ is the log of stress for the soil sample. The corresponding
mathematical definitions of the change in void ratio and stress are given as Eq. 6 and 7 respectively.
Coefficient of compressibility (av),
av = ∆e/∆σ (6)
Where ∆e is the change in void ratio and ∆σ is the change in stress
Coefficient of volume change (Mv)
Mv = av/(1 +e) (7)
Where av is the Coefficient of compressibility and e is the void ratio of the soil sample
Coefficient of consolidation (𝐶𝑉 ) was computed using Taylor's √t model: for each load increment, √t was plotted
(as abscissa), and the dial gauge reading at each load increment (as ordinate). The value of T90 (time at 90%
degree of consolidation) from the plot was determined from which Coefficient of consolidation(𝐶𝑉 ) was obtained
for soil samples at (35kg ≡ 77.68kN/m2) percentage of water content using the square-root of time fitting method
in Eq. 8.
𝐶𝑉 = T90H2/t90 (8)
Where 𝐶𝑉 = coefficient of consolidation (mm2/minutes), T90 = 0.8480 time factor of 90% consolidation, H = height
of the specimen (mm), and t90 = is the time taken to reach 90% degree of consolidation.
Imputing T90 = 0.8480 into Eq. 8 give rise to Eq. 9 and t90 was determined from the test curve.
𝐶𝑉 = 0.848H2/t90 (9)
Model in Eq.10 that was developed by Terzaghi and Peck (1967) was used to predict compression index, and the
value was compared with that observed in the laboratory.
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
Tables 1 and 2 are the consolidation result and void ratio respectively for the Ogbondoroko site. The result of the
consolidation shows that at 2hrs for 5kg loading, the soil was stable throughout; at 1hr for 10kg and 15kg loading,
the soil was stable throughout; at 4mins for 35kg loading, the soil was stable and at 0sec up to 24hrs, the soil was
stable. At 35kg of loading, the soil was stable for 24hrs, the final void ratio was 0.573, and the initial void ratio
was 0.674, which shows that the void ratio reduced at 35kg loading for 24hrs. The final void ratio corresponding
to swelling, the change in the void ratio (after swelling), and the void ratio was calculated for each pressure
increment at 24hrs using Eq. 2, 3 and 4 respectively.
Table 3 is the consolidation result for Ogbondoroko soil showing the square root time at 35kg loading. This shows
the dial gauge reading for the pressure loading of 35kg was constant, which shows that there was no compression
throughout the 24hrs. This study used Table 3 to plot the graph of dial guage reading against square root time and
the Coefficient of consolidation was determined using Eq. 9.
Tables 4 and 5 are the consolidation result and void ratio respectively for Ogele site. This table showed that the
soil was stabled between 8hrs to 24hrs loading for 25kg, 30kg and 35kg respectively. The final void ratio was
0.573, and the initial void ratio was 0.674, showing that the void ratio reduced 35kg loading between 8hrs to
24hrs. The final void ratio corresponding to swelling, the change in the void ratio (after swelling) and the void
ratio for each pressure increment at 24hrs were calculated using Eq. 2, 3 and 4 respectively.
Table 6 of the consolidation result for Ogele soil shows the square root time at 35kg loading. The study used Table
3 to plot the graph of dial guage reading against square root time and Coefficient of consolidation was determined
using Eq. 9.
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
Figure 2a shows the void ratio against stress for Ogbondoroko burrow pit, while Figure 2b shows the void ratio
plotted against log of stress. The graph in Figure 2a shows a linear graph which is the relationship between void
ratio and the stress. The slope of this graph is the coefficient of compressibility (av) which is 0.0023. The value
gotten for coefficient of compressibility was substituted into Eq. 7 to calculate the coefficient of volume change
(Mv) which is 0.0014.The rsquare value for the graph is 0.8192 which is close to 1, this shows that there is a
strong correlation between the void ratio and the stress of the soil. The graph in Figure 2b shows a linear graph
which is the relationship between void ratio and the log of stress. The slope of this graph is the compression index
(Cc) which is 0.055. The rsquare value for the graph is 0.9813 which is close to 1, this shows that there is a strong
correlation between the void ratio of the soil and the log of stress. Eq.10 was used to predict compression index
(Cc) as 0.243.
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
y = -0.0539x + 0.6773
R² = 0.9813
void ratio e
0.00 0.50 1.00 1.50 2.00
Log of stress (kN/m2)
Sqrt Time (Min) 35kg
0.000 163.300
0.288 163.300
0.409 163.300
o.498 163.300
0.706 163.300
1.000 163.300
1.414 163.300
2.000 163.300
2.828 163.300
3.873 163.300
5.477 163.300
7.745 163.300
10.951 163.300
15.491 163.300
18.971 163.300
21.910 163.300
37.947 163.300
The graph in Fig 3A shows a linear graph which is the relationship between dial guage reading and square root of
time. t90 was determined from the graph i.e. the time taken to reach 90% consolidation which is 163.3 and t90 was
inputted into Eq. 9 to determine coefficient of consolidation (Cv) which is 2.08mm2/minute.
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
Figure 5a shows the void ratio against stress for Ogele burrow pit while Figure 5b shows the void ratio plotted
against stress for Ogele burrow pit. The graph in Figure 5a shows a linear graph which is the relationship between
void ratio and the stress. The slope of this graph is the coefficient of compressibility (av) which is 0.062. The
rsquare value for the graph is 0.8192 which is close to 1, this shows that there is a strong correlation between the
void ratio and the stress of the soil. The value gotten for coefficient of compressibility was substituted into Eq. 7
to calculate the coefficient of volume change (Mv) which is 0.039.The graph in Figure 5b shows a linear graph
which is the relationship between the void ratio and log of stress of Ogele soil. The slope of this graph is the
compression index (CC) which is 0.20. The rsquare value for the graph is 0.9634 which is close to 1, this shows
that there is a strong correlation between the void ratio of the soil and the log of stress. The compression index
(Cc) is 0.234 from Eq. 10.
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
37.95 198.00
The graph in Fig 6 shows a linear graph which is the relationship between dial guage reading and square root of
time. t90 was determined from the graph as 191.9 and t90 was inputted into Eq. 9 to determine Coefficient of
consolidation (CV) which is 1.77mm2/minute.
Road construction materials were sourced from Kwara State Ministry of Works borrows pits at Ogbondoroko,
and Ogele. The consistency limit parameters of the samples from the two locations are for Ogbondoroko road
Soil: P.L. is 23%, L.L. is 37%, Ip is 14%. The Group index (GI) = 1. The soil was grouped as A-2-6(1) according
to AASHTO (M145-91) and the soil was classified as good subgrade material. The corresponding results for
Ogele Soil: PL = 18%, LL = 36%, Ip = 18% and GI = 0. The soil was grouped as A-2-6(0) and classified as a
good subgrade material. The soil is suitable as a good subgrade road construction material but not as a subbase or
base material. Good quality road construction materials in the two burrow pits have been exhausted; as such, the
sites should be delisted for road works development in the State, except as subgrade.
I am very grateful to God almighty, to my supervisor Prof. Y.A Jimoh during my master programme for his
fatherly approach, help and advice during the this project. My appreciation also goes to the Head of Departments
of Engineering, lecturers and all staffs of Civil Engineering Department for their moral support, Mr femi and all
Civil Engineering laboratory instructors of the University of Ilorin for their assistance during the practical work.
AASHTO (1986) Guide for design of pavement structures, American Association of State Highway and
Transportation Officials, Washington, DC.
AASHTO (1993) Guide for design of pavement structures – Google Books, American Association of State
Highway and Transportation Officials, Washington , DC.
AASHTO M145-91 (1991) Specification for classification of Soils and Soil-Aggregate Mixtures for Highway
Construction Purposes. Washington DC: American Association of State Highway and Transportation
Ahmed, M.Y, Nury A.H.,Islam F. and Alam, M.J.B.,(2012).Evaluation of geotechnical properties and structural
strength enhancing road pavement failure.,Bangladesh Civil and Environmental Engineering
Department,Shahjala University Science and Technology, Bangladesh.
BS 1377 (2000). Methods of testing soils for civil engineering purposes, British Standards Institute London.
Day, R. W.(2001). Soil Testing manual: procedures, classification data, and sampling practices. New
York:McGraw Hill,Inc.pp 293-312
Federal Ministry of Works &Housing (1997) Specification for Roads and Bridges Vol.II.FMW&H, Ministry of
Works, Abuja.
Pavement interactive (2008). Pavement structure. Accessed 27th May 2014 .Website:
Kalu A.Ugwa (2012). Mathematical Modeling as a Tool For Sustainable Development: International Journal of
Academic Research in Progressive Education and Development, Vol.1 ,No 2.2 ISSN:2226-6348.
Terzaghi, Karl (1967), Theoretical soil mechanics, John Wiley & Sons, Inc., p. 265.
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
A.R. Ajayi1*, A.T. Ajiboye1, O.A. Yusuf1, O.F. Adebayo1, E.T. Olawole1
Department of Computer Engineering, University of Ilorin, Ilorin, Nigeria.
Email: ajayi.ra@unilorin.edu.ng
Offline character recognition is a technique that allows computers to read letters, numbers, and other symbols and
convert them into digital form that can be used by computers. Existing fuzzy logic based recognition systems
have employed transition data and other features to recognize alphabets. In this study, geometrical features of the
alphabet character contour, based on the basic line types that form the character skeletons are used. The selected
features are the number of vertical lines (VL), the number of left diagonal lines (LD), number of intersection
points (IP) and the sum of pixel (SOP) values. The fuzzy logic model takes these inputs and outputs numbers
corresponding to the recognized alphabets. The fuzzy system actual outputs have been compared with the
reference outputs; the maximum error observed was 0.45 which is considerably minimal. The mean absolute
percentage error (MAPE) value obtained for the model was 1.72%. The MSE and RMSE are 0.03 and 0.16
Character recognition is a technique that allows computers to read letters, numbers, and other symbols and convert
them into digital form that can be used by computers. Machine recognition of handwritten characters has gained
much attention over the decades, this is due to its application in various automation processes such as digital
character conversion, meaning translation, content based image retrieval, keyword spotting, signboard translation,
Text-to-Speech Conversion, Scene Image Analysis, intelligent paper marking, Reading postal addresses and
signature verification (Hamdan, 2021; Manisha et al., 2016; Shen et al., 2023).
Character recognition can be classified into two categories: offline recognition and online recognition. Offline
character recognition system accepts images of machine printed and handwritten characters as input and gives as
output the recognized characters in machine editable text. The online handwritten recognition system receives
dynamic signals from electronic devices such as digital pen, digital stylus like devices (Pugazhenthi & Vallarasi,
2015), smartphone and tablet, and gives the recognized characters in machine editable format as output (Manisha
et al., 2016). Although deep learning techniques have proved to be highly efficient in recognition systems, but it
comes with high computational cost (Wang et al., 2021). It is therefore, expedient to employ methods that can
achieve efficient result at a very low computational cost. This study will recognize offline handwritten English
Alphabets based on the geometrical properties of handwritten images using a fuzzy logic model. The objectives
of this study are to: recognize offline handwritten alphabets using fuzzy logic; compare the actual results with the
system’s fuzzy logic outputs and evaluate the performance of the developed fuzzy logic model.
Fuzzy logic is a soft computing approach based on the degree of truth of membership rather than the classical true
or false approach (Alhassan & Hagras, 2020). The fuzzy logic system consists of the fuzzifier, the fuzzy inference
engine, the rules base system, and the defuzzifier as shown in Figure 1 (Mohammed & Hagras, 2020). The
fuzzifier takes the crisp inputs and converts them to fuzzy sets using fuzzy linguistic variables, fuzzy linguistic
terms, and membership functions. The fuzzified inputs and the fuzzy rule base serves as input to the fuzzy
inference engine where inferences are made based on a set of rules and produce an output. The resulting fuzzy
output is then mapped to a crisp output using the membership functions by the defuzzifier.
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
This section describes the stages of the developed fuzzy logic based character recognition system.
0.05 0.03 0.04 25.00
0.09 0.02 0.03 25.00
0.08 0.05 0.01 26.06
0.10 0.03 0.03 35.64
0.09 0.03 0.03 34.57
0.14 0.03 0.00 13.30
0.19 0.05 0.03 32.45
0.02 0.03 0.02 43.09
0.08 0.05 0.01 22.87
0.20 0.00 0.02 26.06
0.14 0.03 0.00 22.87
The selected features of the offline handwritten alphabet of Table 1 are taken as the input to the fuzzy inference
system, while the English alphabet (A – K) are considered as the output. The maximum and minimum values of
the parameters were first studied, and these were used for the fuzzification process. From the obtained data, the
fuzzy sets for VL, LD, IP and SOP were defined and are as shown in Table 2.
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
Membership functions (MF) are used in the fuzzification and defuzzification steps of a Fuzzy Logic System, to
map the non-fuzzy input values to fuzzy linguistic terms. It quantifies a linguistic term with each point in the input
space mapped to a membership value between 0 and 1. The common fuzzy logic membership functions are the
triangular, trapezoidal, and the Gaussian MF (Walia et al., 2015). In this study, the trapezoidal membership
function was employed in the fuzzification of input variables and the triangular MF for the output. The Trapezoidal
MF mappings for the fuzzy sets VL and SOP, in the MATLAB environment are shown in Figures 2 and 3
Figure 2: Membership function for VL parameter Figure 3: Membership function for SOP
In a Fuzzy Logic System, a rule base is constructed to control the output variable. A fuzzy rule is a simple IF-
THEN rule with a condition and a conclusion(Iancu, 2018). Eleven (11) different rules were formulated for this
model as shown in Figure 6. Sample fuzzy rules for the recognition of offline handwritten alphabets are shown in
Table 3.
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
Fuzzy Rules
1. If (VL is PVS) and (LD is PS) and (IP is PS) and (SOP is PM) then (Alphabet is A)
2. If (VL is PVS) and (LD is PVS) and (IP is PS) and (SOP is PXL) then (Alphabet is B)
3. If (VL is PVS) and (IP is PVS) and (SOP is PM) then (Alphabet is C)
4. If (IP is PVS) and (SOP is PL) then (Alphabet is D)
5. If (VL is PVS) and (LD is PVS) and (IP is PS) and (SOP is PL) then (Alphabet is E)
The developed fuzzy logic model has one output variable named Alphabet. The variable is assigned the alphabets
A – K, the first eleven alphabets considered in this study. The range of the output variable is between 1 and 11
corresponding to eleven triangular membership functions for alphabets A – K. The fuzzified output Alphabet
Triangular MF is as shown in Figure 7. This is then defuzzified to obtain a single crisp output for each of the
recognized alphabet.
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
3.5 Defuzzification
The Fuzzy Inference engine gives a fuzzy output which is defuzzified to obtain a crisp output. Defuzzification is
performed according to the membership function of the output variable, in this case, the Alphabet MF. A number
of defuzzification methods exists, these include: centroid method, bisector method, mean of maximum method,
last of maximum (Chakraverty, Sahoo, & Mahato, 2019). For this study, the centroid method was employed. The
equation for calculating the centroid is given in equation 1
∑𝑛𝑖=1 𝑗𝑖 . 𝐴𝑖
𝑊 = (1)
∑𝑛𝑖=1 𝐴𝑖
Where: W* is the centroid position, 𝑗𝑖 is the center of the area of the fuzzy set at instant 𝑖, while 𝐴𝑖 is the area of
the fuzzy set at instant 𝑖, n is the number of elements in the fuzzy set and 𝑖 =1, 2...n (Ibrahim et al., 2021).
With a high degree of closeness between the actual and values, the suitability of the developed fuzzy logic model
for recognition of offline handwritten alphabet is established. The absolute error of the system output from the
actual output was computed and plotted as shown in Table 4, it was deduced from the chart that the error margin
between the actual and system output is maximum at 0.45 when the recognized alphabet is 5 which represents the
alphabet E and minimum at 0, when the alphabets A, C, D, F, H, I, J are recognized. This shows a significant and
minimal error value for the fuzzy model. Further model evaluation gave an MSE of 0.03 and RMSE of 0.16
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
Table 4: Result of Actual and Recognition Output for Offline Handwritten Alphabets
A fuzzy logic based model for the recognition of offline handwritten English alphabet has been developed. The
model uses the geometrical features extracted from pre-processed alphabet images as input. The features are the
number of vertical lines (VL), the number of left diagonal lines (LD), the number of intersection points (IP) and
the sum of pixel (SOP) values. The system output are numbers corresponding to the recognized alphabets. The
fuzzy system actual outputs have been compared with the reference outputs; the maximum error observed was
0.45 which is considerably minimal. The MAPE value obtained for the model was 1.72 %. The MSE and RMSE
are 0.03 and 0.16 respectively. The method is simple to implement, requires a very low computational cost and
The author would like to thank Dr. A.T. Ajiboye of the department of Computer Engineering, University of Ilorin
and Prof. A.S. Falohun of Computer Engineering Department, LAUTECH Ogbomoso for their valuable guidance
and support for this work.
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presented at the Journal of Physics: Conference Series. DOI 10.1088/1742-6596/1848/1/012015
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
Department of Computer Engineering, University of Uyo, Akwa Ibom State, Nigeria
*Email: otumdii@yahoo.com
In this paper, development of harmonic period-based task set scaling mechanism for real time job scheduling
based on the Rbound utilization bound approach applicable to single core and multicore systems is presented. The
solution includes selection and broadcasting of harmonic task period by the computing platforms, harmonic
period-based traffic shaping at the clients and harmonic period-based Task Set Scaling (hpenTSS) at the
computing platforms. Relevant analytical expressions and corresponding algorithms are developed in respect of
the solution. A case study harmonic period shaped task set, Г with six tasks was used for numerical examples and
the results of the hpenTSS mechanism was compared with two other RBound task set scaling methods identified
as TSSmax and TSSrand. The results show that the task set with system utilization of 0.91 and Rbound(Г') of 1.30
is not schedulable with the TSSmax approach because the r-value is greater than 2. Similarly, the task set is not
schedulable with the TSSrand approach because the utilization of 0.91 is greater than the Rbound(Г') of 0.74
obtained from the TSSrand mechanism. However, the task set is schedulable with the hpenTSS approach since
s⃗) of
the r-value is 1 which satisfies the condition 1 ≤ 𝑟 < 2 and also the utilization of 0.91 is less than Rbound(Γ
1 obtained from the hpenTSS mechanism. In all, the combination of traffic shaping and hpenTSS mechanisms
guarantees improved system utilization performance when compared with the existing RBound based TSSmax
and TSSrand mechanisms for real time task scheduling on single core and multicore systems.
KEYWORDS: Harmonic Period, Real Time Task, Task Set Scaling Mechanism, Fog Computing, Task
Scheduling Algorithm, Rbound Utilization Bound Approach, Single Core System.
Single core and multi-core real time task scheduling problems have been projected as one of the fundamental
problems in real-time embedded system design (Marwedel, 2021; Dhanesh et al., 2020; Jadon & Yadav 2021).
Also partitioned scheduling, which is one of the main types of scheduling algorithm in multi-core system design
is very important for fog-cloud platforms with distributed task execution (Sun et al., 2020; Memari et al., 2022).
More especially on the fog nodes which are usually identified as resource constrained, efficient scheduling
algorithm is required to maximize the system utilization (Saha et al., 2020; Pallewatta et al., 2019).
In any case, achieving high system utilization is more difficult with real time tasks since they require stringent
timing conditions in terms of meeting task deadlines and task execution times. Accordingly, some utilization
bound task scheduling approaches like LLbound, Kbound, Rbound and Cbound has been developed for task
scheduling on both single core and multi core platforms. However, some issues relating to limited system
utilization performance has been identified in those approaches (Fan et al., 2015). As such, in this paper, a solution
that enhances the achievable system utilization based on the RBound approach is presented. The solution
introduced the concept of harmonic task period, harmonic period-based traffic shaping and harmonic period-based
task set scaling. Appropriate combination of the three concepts is used to develop a solution that enhances the
system utilization of harmonic period–based RBound real time task scheduling algorithm. The requisite analytical
expressions and algorithms are presented. Numerical examples are also presented based on a case study task set
consisting of six tasks.
Generally, periodic real time task set, denoted as Γ and consisting of N tasks, each denoted as 𝑡𝑖 can be
characterised by the tuple (𝐶𝑖 , 𝑇𝑖 ) where 𝐶𝑖 is used to indicate the worst-case execution time for task 𝑡𝑖 and 𝑇𝑖 is
used to indicate the minimum inter-arrival time between two consecutive jobs of 𝑡𝑖 , where;
Γ = {𝑡l , 𝑡4 , … , 𝑡ž } (1)
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
Also, in task set, Γ the task period, 𝑇𝑖 is used to determine the priority of the task, 𝑡D . Hence, the tasks are sorted
such that for two consecutive tasks, 𝑡𝑖 and 𝑡𝑗 , we have 𝑡𝑖 𝑡𝑗 ∈ Γ, 𝑇𝑖 ≤ 𝑇𝑗 if 𝑖 < 𝑗. Again, task, 𝑡𝑖 utilization, 𝑢D is
defined as (Fan et al., 2015);
𝑢𝑖 = 𝑖 (2)
The task set, Γ utilization 𝑈(Γ) is defined as;
𝑈(Γ) = ∑;@∈€ 𝑢D (3)
When periodic real time task set, Γ is scheduled, the feasibility of the scheduler meeting the deadline of all the
tasks in the task set can be determined using some approaches of which 𝑅𝐵𝑜𝑢𝑛𝑑 utilization bound approach is of
the widely used method and it is given as [8];
• 4
⎧(𝑁 − 1) >𝑟 (ž5l) − 1? + , − 1
𝑅𝐵𝑜𝑢𝑛𝑑(Γ) = 1≤𝑟<2 (4)
⎨ .1pD.z. (ND)
⎩ 𝑟 = .DED.z. (ND)
Where 𝑚𝑎𝑥𝑖𝑚𝑢𝑚 (𝑇𝑖) is the maximum task period and 𝑚𝑖𝑛𝑖𝑚𝑢𝑚 (𝑇𝑖)is the minimum task period in the task
set, Γ. Remarkably, the RBound task set transformation approach is applicable for task set that satisfy the condition
1 ≤ 𝑟 < 2 In order to improve on the achievable 𝑅𝐵𝑜𝑢𝑛𝑑 utilization bound based on the RBound approach, a
Task Set Scaling (TSS) mechanism was applied whereby the task set Γ with the tuple (𝐶𝑖 , 𝑇𝑖 ) is transformed to a
new task set Γ′ with the tuple U𝐶′𝑖 , 𝑇′𝑖 V using the Task Set Scaling (TSS) algorithm. One of such TSS algorithm is
given as Algorithm 1 𝑇𝑆𝑆(Γ, 𝑡Š ) [8];
Algorithm 1 𝑇𝑆𝑆(Γ, 𝑡Š )
Require: (1)Γ: input task set, sorted with non-decreasing period order and selected the 𝑘𝑡ℎ task in Γ for the scaling.
1: 𝑁 = |Γ|
2: 𝑇′𝑘 = 𝑍𝑘 = 𝑇𝑘 and 𝐶′𝑘 = 𝐶𝑘
3: //step 1: transform LOWER-priority tasks into harmonics
4: for 𝑖 = 𝑘 + 1 to 𝑁 do
5: 𝑍𝑖 = 𝑍𝑖−1 ⋅ • Ž
6: end for
7: for 𝑖 = 1 to 𝑘 − 1 do
Qlog R
8: 𝑅𝑖 = 2 2 𝑇𝑖
9: 𝑇′𝑖 = 𝑇𝑖 ⋅ 𝑅𝑖
10: 𝐶′𝑖 = 𝐶𝑖 ⋅ 𝑅𝑖
11: end for
12: for 𝑖 = 𝑘 + 1 to 𝑁 do
13: 𝑅𝑖 = 𝑖f𝑇
14: 𝑇′𝑖 = 𝑖f𝑅
15: 𝐶′𝑖 = 𝑖f𝑅
16: end for
17: return Γ′
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
However, after evaluating the achievable system utilization bound based on the RBound approach with the three
different TSS approaches (TSSmax , TSSmin and TSSrand), it is discovered that the use of the third TSS
mechanism to transform the task set, Γ with tuple (𝐶𝑖 , 𝑇𝑖 ) to task set, Γ′ with the tuple U𝐶′𝑖 , 𝑇′𝑖 V increased the
achievable system utilization bound of Γ′ (Fan et al., 2015). However, the task set, Γ′ with the tuple U𝐶′𝑖 , 𝑇′𝑖 V is
still limited in the achievable utilization bound for cases where the task periods do not have harmonic
relationships. In this case, harmonic relationship among the task periods is where the task periods are integer
multiple of a given task period in the task set. Specifically, maximum achievable system utilization can occur
when r =1 and that is when the task period, 𝑇𝑖 are harmonic and then the TSS transformation can realised a single
harmonized task period, 𝑇′𝑖 for all the tasks in the task set (Fan et al., 2015).
Qlog R
𝐶′𝑖 = 𝐶𝑖 ⋅ 2 𝑇𝑖
• 𝑇𝑚𝑎𝑥 (5)
Qlog R
𝑇′𝑖 = 𝑇𝑖 ⋅ 2 𝑇𝑖
Qlog R
𝐶′𝑖 = 𝐶𝑖 ⋅ 2 𝑇𝑖
• 𝑇 (6)
Qlog 𝑚𝑖𝑛R
𝑇′𝑖 = 𝑇𝑖 ⋅ 2 𝑇𝑖
Each of the three TSS approaches transforms the task set Γ with the tuple (𝐶𝑖 , 𝑇𝑖 ) to a new task set Γ′ with the
tuple U𝐶′𝑖 , 𝑇′𝑖 V and the task set schedulability is feasible if these conditions are satisfied (Fan et al., 2015);
𝑈(Γ) ≤ 𝑅𝐵𝑜𝑢𝑛𝑑UΓ′ V
! 1≤𝑟<2 (7)
𝑚𝑎𝑥𝑖𝑚𝑢𝑚 (𝑇′𝑖 )
𝑚𝑖𝑛𝑖𝑚𝑢𝑚 (𝑇′𝑖 )
The algorithm for the harmonic period traffic shaping 𝒉𝒑𝒆𝒏𝑻𝑺𝑯𝑷 method is given in Algorithm 2 as follows;
Algorithm 2: 𝒉𝒑𝒆𝒏𝑻𝑺𝑯𝑷 𝐚𝐥𝐠𝐨𝐫𝐢𝐭𝐡𝐦
//The algorithm for harmonic period traffic shaping method
Require: Γ: input task set, (𝐶𝑖 , 𝑇𝑖 ) sorted with non-decreasing period order, that is in ascending order of task
period, 𝑇𝑖 and 𝑡1 : the 1𝑠𝑡 task in Γ, according to the task set that is scaled.
1: for 𝑖 = 𝑘 + 1 to 𝑁 do
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
• 𝑖 Ž 𝑖𝑓 Ť𝑖 − • Ť𝑖 Ž ≤ 0.5
2: s𝐾⃗𝑖 = • Ť
• 𝑖‘ 𝑖𝑓 𝑖 − • 𝑖Ž > 0.5
3: s𝑇⃗𝑖 = 𝐾 s⃗𝑖 (Ť)
4: s𝐶⃗𝑖 = Ci
5: end for
6: return sΓ⃗
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
Table 2. The results of the harmonic period traffic shaping of the given case study task set, Г with harmonic
period of 4 seconds.
Case Study Task Set, Г Harmonic Period Shaped Task Set, Γ s⃗
Task Set, Г Ci (s) Ti (s) Ui Task Set, Γ⃗ s⃗ (s)
𝐶 s𝑇⃗𝑖 (s) Ui'
1 0.5 4 0.125 1 0.5 4 0.125
2 1 8 0.125 2 1 8 0.125
3 1.5 10 0.150 3 1.2 8 0.150
4 2.5 16 0.156 4 2.5 16 0.156
5 4 20 0.200 5 4 20 0.250
6 6 40 0.150 6 6 40 0.188
U(Г) 0.906 U(Г) 0.994
Table 3. The results of schedulability test for the TSSmax Transformed Task Set, Г' and the TSSrand
Transformed Task Set, Г' based on a given case study task set, Г
Case Study Task Set, Harmonic Period Shaped Task hpenTSS Transformed Task
Г Set, s𝚪⃗ s⃗′
Set, 𝚪
Task Set Ti
Ci (s) Ui s𝐂⃗i (s) s⃗i (s)
𝐓 s𝐔⃗i s𝐂⃗i'(s) s⃗i' (s)
𝐓 s𝐔⃗i'
Г, ti (s)
1 0.5 4 0.5 4 0.125 0.500 4 0.125
2 1 8 1 8 0.125 0.500 4 0.125
3 1.5 10 1.2 8 0.150 0.600 4 0.150
4 2.5 16 2.5 16 0.156 0.625 4 0.156
5 4 20 4 20 0.200 1.000 4 0.250
6 6 40 6 40 0.150 0.750 4 0.188
0.906 0.994
U(Г) 0.91 U(Г') 0.91 U(Г') 0.99
Tmax (s) 0 Tmax (s) 20.00 Tmax (s) 4.00
Tmin (s) 4.00 Tmin (s) 4.00 Tmin (s) 4.00
r 0 r 5.00 r 1.00
N 6.00 N 6.00 N 6.00
Г) 2.12 Rbound(Γ s⃗) 1.30 Rbound(Γ s⃗′) 1.00
Table 4. The results of schedulability test for the TSSmax and TSSrand approaches applied to the harmonic
period shaped task set, sΓ⃗
Case Study Task Set, Г TSSmax Transformed Task Set, Г' TSSrand Transformed Task Set, Г'
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
Ci (s) Ti (s) Ui Ci'(s) Ti' (s) Ui' Ci'(s) Ti' (s) Ui'
1 0.5 4 0.125 1.000 8 0.125 2.000 16 0.125
2 1 8 0.125 1.000 8 0.125 2.000 16 0.125
3 1.2 8 0.150 1.200 8 0.15 2.400 16 0.150
4 2.5 16 0.156 2.500 16 0.15625 2.500 16 0.156
5 4 20 0.200 4.000 20 0.2 4.000 16 0.250
6 6 40 0.150 6.000 40 0.15 3.000 16 0.188
0.906 0.91 0.994
U(Γ 0.91 s⃗′)
U(Γ 0.91 s⃗′)
U(Γ 0.99
Tmax (s) 40.00 Tmax (s) 40.00 Tmax (s) 16.00
Tmin (s) 4.00 Tmin (s) 8.00 Tmin (s) 16.00
r 10.00 r 5.00 r 1.00
N 6.00 N 6.00 N 6.00
Rbound(Γ s⃗) 2.12 Rbound(Γ s⃗′) 1.30 Rbound(Γ s⃗′) 1.00
When the TSSmax and TSSrand approaches are applied to a case study period shaped task set, Г with six tasks,
as presented in Table 1 and Table 2, the results showed that;
ü With TSSmax transformed task set, Г', (shown in Table 1) even though U(Г) of 0.91 < Rbound(Г') of
1.30 the task set is not schedulable since r > 2
ü With TSSrand transformed task set, Г', (shown in Table 1) even though r value of 1.6 is less than 2,
the task set is not schedulable since U(Г) of 0.91 > Rbound(Г') of 0.74.
The case study period shaped task set, Г with six tasks, are shaped by using the harmonic period traffic shaping
mechanism presented in this paper. The traffic shaping is conducted with a harmonic period of 4 seconds. The
results show that in the harmonic period shaped task set, Γ s⃗ (presented in Table 2) all the task periods are integer
multiple of the harmonic period of 4 seconds.
The hpenTSS approach is applied to the harmonic period shaped task set, sΓ⃗ and the results showed that with
hpenTSS transformed task set, (shown in Table 3) every task in the transformed task set, Γ s⃗ has a period, ™T⃗i' (s) =
s⃗) of 0.91 <
4 which is the harmonic period. Also, r = 1 and the task set is schedulable since 1 ≤ 𝑟 ≤ 2 and U(Γ
Rbound(Γ s⃗ ) of 1.0 . Hence, while the TSSmax and TSSrand approaches could not achieve schedulaility of the
given case study task set, Г the combination of the traffic shaping mechanism and hpenTSS approach are able to
make the scheduling of the case study task set feasible.
Furthermore, the TSSmax and TSSrand approaches are applied to the harmonic period shaped task set, Γ s⃗ and the
results showed that;
ü With TSSmax approach, (shown in Table 4) even though U(Г) of 0.91 < Rbound(Г') of 1.30 the task
set is not schedulable since r > 2 (r =10).
ü With TSSrand approach, (shown in Table 4) the task set is schedulable since r=1 < 2 and U(Γ s⃗) of 0.91
< Rbound(Γ s⃗ ) of 1.0 .
Essentially, when the traffic is shaped using harmonic period, both the TSSrand and hpenTSS give the same result.
However, the algorithm for hpenTSS has less computational resource demand than the TSSrand algorithm. In all,
the approach presented in this paper enhanced the schedulability bound achievable in periodic real time task
An approach for improving the system utilization for RBound-based real time task scheduling algorithm
applicable in single core and multicore systems is presented. The approach is based on selection of a harmonic
period at the computing platforms, broadcasting the selected harmonic period and then mandating all client tasks
to be shaped by the client such that their real time task period is integer multiple of the harmonic period of the
computing platform. Notably, the computing platform in this case can be single core or multicore systems on a
fog node or on a fog-cloud computing platform. The harmonic period shaped traffic is further transformed at the
fog node or cloud computing platform using Task Set Scaling (TSS) mechanism which in this case ensures that
all the task periods become equal to the harmonic period and the task execution times are scaled with respect to
the single harmonic period in the platform. The schedulability test for the TSS transformed task set is conducted
using the RBound utilization bound approach and the results show that the combination of harmonic period-based
traffic shaping and harmonic period-based TSS mechanisms, enhances the achievable system utilization of the
real time task scheduling algorithm.
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
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Jadon, S., & Yadav, R. S. (2021). Deadline-Constrained Tasks’ Scheduling in Multi-core Systems Using
Harmonic-Aware Load Balancing. Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering, 46, 3099-3113.
Sun, H., Yu, H., & Fan, G. (2020). Contract-based resource sharing for time effective task scheduling in fog-cloud
environment. IEEE Transactions on Network and Service Management, 17(2), 1040-1053.
Memari, P., Mohammadi, S. S., Jolai, F., & Tavakkoli-Moghaddam, R. (2022). A latency-aware task scheduling
algorithm for allocating virtual machines in a cost-effective and time-sensitive fog-cloud architecture. The
Journal of Supercomputing, 78(1), 93-122.
Saha, R., Misra, S., & Deb, P. K. (2020). FogFL: Fog-assisted federated learning for resource-constrained IoT
devices. IEEE Internet of Things Journal, 8(10), 8456-8463.
Pallewatta, S., Kostakos, V., & Buyya, R. (2019, December). Microservices-based IoT application placement
within heterogeneous and resource constrained fog computing environments. In Proceedings of the 12th
IEEE/ACM International Conference on Utility and Cloud Computing (pp. 71-81).
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Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
Ramatu Hamidu
Department of Entrepreneurship and Business Studies, Federal University of Minna, Minna, Nigeria.
Email: hameedu.rahmatu@gmail.com
This conceptual review article explores the relationship between occupational safety practices and the attainment
of sustainable development goals among tricycle riders in Minna. Tricycle riders are a significant mean s of
transportation in Minna, providing affordable transportation to many people. However, the nature of their work
exposes them to various hazards, including road accidents, environmental pollution, and poor working conditions.
The article reviews the literature on the importance of occupational safety practices in the transportation sector,
with a particular focus on tricycle riders. It discusses the potential impact of unsafe working conditions on the
attainment of sustainable development goals, such as poverty reduction, environmental protection, and economic
growth. The article also discusses various strategies that can be used to promote occupational safety practices
among tricycle riders. Overall, the article concludes that promoting occupational safety practices among tricycle
riders is crucial for the attainment of sustainable development goals in Minna.
KEYWORDS: Occupational safety practices; Sustainable Development Goals; Tricycle riders; Minna
Tricycle riders play a crucial role in the transportation sector in Nigeria, particularly in cities like Minna, where
they provide affordable and accessible transportation to many citizens. However, their work is associated with
occupational safety risks, including road accidents, exposure to environmental hazards, and health issues (Aloba
et al., 2021; Igwegbe et al., 2018). Furthermore, the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) call
for the promotion of sustainable cities and communities, which includes ensuring safe and sustainable
transportation systems (United Nations, 2015). Therefore, there is a need to examine the relationship between
occupational safety practices and the attainment of sustainable development goals among tricycle riders in Minna.
The use of tricycles for transportation in Nigeria is associated with several challenges, including overloading, poor
road infrastructure, and inadequate regulation (Onifade et al., 2018). Recent research has shown that occupational
safety practices among tricycle riders in Minna are inadequate, leading to high rates of accidents and injuries
(Aloba et al., 2021; Igwegbe et al., 2018). Additionally, the attainment of sustainable development goals is
hindered by the lack of adequate transportation infrastructure and systems (World Bank, 2018). Therefore, there
is a pressing need to investigate the relationship between occupational safety practices and the attainment of
sustainable development goals among tricycle riders in Minna.
Furthermore, Sustainable development is defined as development that meets the needs of the present without
compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs (World Commission on Environment and
Development, 1987). The attainment of sustainable development goals requires the integration of economic,
social, and environmental considerations in all decision-making processes (United Nations, 2015).
Transportation is a crucial element of sustainable development, and it plays a vital role in improving access to
education, healthcare, and employment opportunities (World Bank, 2018). The SDGs aim to achieve sustainable
and inclusive transportation systems that are safe, affordable, and accessible to all (United Nations, 2015). In
Nigeria, the transportation sector accounts for a significant portion of greenhouse gas emissions, and sustainable
transportation is critical to achieving the country's climate change targets (Federal Ministry of Environment,
The transportation sector in Nigeria faces several challenges that hinder the attainment of sustainable development
goals. These challenges include inadequate transportation infrastructure, lack of regulation, and inadequate
implementation of policies (Federal Ministry of Environment, 2015).
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
In conclusion, tricycle riders play a critical role in the transportation sector in Nigeria, particularly in cities like
Minna. However, their work is associated with occupational safety risks, and the attainment of sustainable
development goals in the transportation sector is hindered by several challenges.
A comprehensive review of the literature reveals that occupational safety practices and sustainable development
goals are critical issues in the transportation sector, particularly for tricycle riders the key findings from recent
studies on this topic are presented in the subsisting paragraphs;
A study by Okafor and Agumba (2020) examined the relationship between occupational safety practices and
sustainable development goals among tricycle riders in Nigeria. The study found that tricycle riders face numerous
occupational hazards, including road traffic accidents, exposure to air pollution, and inadequate safety equipment.
The study also found that sustainable development goals, such as environmental sustainability and social
responsibility, are important considerations in ensuring the safety and well-being of tricycle riders. The authors
recommended that policymakers adopt a holistic approach that balances economic, social, and environmental
objectives to promote sustainable development goals and improve the safety of tricycle riders.
Another study by Olajide et al. (2018) explored the factors affecting the occupational safety practices of tricycle
riders in Nigeria. The study found that lack of awareness, inadequate training, and non-compliance with safety
regulations were significant factors that affect the safety practices of tricycle riders. The study also found that the
lack of enforcement of safety regulations and inadequate provision of safety equipment by government agencies
contribute to the poor safety practices among tricycle riders. The authors recommended that policymakers should
adopt a comprehensive approach that includes awareness campaigns, training, and the provision of safety
equipment to improve the occupational safety practices of tricycle riders.
A study by Etchie et al. (2019) investigated the environmental impact of tricycles on the SDGs in Nigeria. The
study found that tricycles contribute significantly to air pollution, which can lead to respiratory diseases and other
health problems. The study also found that tricycles contribute to congestion and noise pollution, which can affect
the well-being of residents and hinder economic activities. The authors recommended that policymakers should
adopt policies that promote the use of cleaner fuels, improve road infrastructure, and regulate the operations of
tricycles to reduce their environmental impact and achieve the SDGs.
Another study by Ibrahim et al. (2019) examined the knowledge and perception of tricycle riders on road safety
regulations in Nigeria. The study found that tricycle riders had a low level of awareness of road safety regulations,
which contributes to the poor safety practices among tricycle riders. The study also found that the lack of effective
enforcement of safety regulations and inadequate provision of safety equipment by government agencies were
significant factors that contribute to poor safety practices among tricycle riders. The authors recommended that
policymakers should adopt a comprehensive approach that includes awareness campaigns, training, and the
provision of safety equipment to improve the knowledge and compliance of tricycle riders with road safety
A study by Umar et al. (2017) investigated the factors affecting the health and safety of tricycle riders in Nigeria.
The study found that tricycle riders face numerous occupational hazards, including exposure to air pollution, road
traffic accidents, and physical strain due to the nature of their work. The study also found that inadequate provision
of safety equipment, such as helmets and reflective vests, contributes to the poor safety practices among tricycle
riders. The authors recommended that policymakers should adopt a comprehensive approach that includes
awareness campaigns, training, and the provision of safety equipment to improve the health and safety of tricycle
Additionally, a study by Ogbuabor and Onukwube (2021) found that occupational safety practices among tricycle
riders in Nigeria are inadequate, with many riders not using appropriate safety gear such as helmets and reflective
jackets. The study highlights the need for improved safety practices and regulations in the sector.
Therefore, there is a pressing need to investigate the relationship between occupational safety practices and the
attainment of sustainable development goals among tricycle riders in Minna. This gap in the literature highlights
the need for further research in this area hence the purpose of this study seeks to bridge this important gap by
exploring the relationship between occupational safety practices and the attainment of sustainable development
goals among tricycle riders in Minna. The specific objectives of the article are as follows:
l To examine the current state of occupational safety practices among tricycle riders in Minna.
l To suggest policy interventions that can improve the occupational safety practices of tricycle riders in Minna
and promote the attainment of sustainable development goals in the transportation sector.
By achieving these objectives, the article seeks to contribute to the body of knowledge on occupational safety
practices and sustainable development goals among tricycle riders in Nigeria, specifically in the context of Minna.
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
This knowledge can be useful in informing policy decisions and interventions that prioritize the safety and well-
being of tricycle riders while promoting sustainable development goals in the transportation sector.
The relationship between occupational safety practices and sustainable development goals can be understood
through several theoretical concepts and frameworks. One such framework is the Sustainable Development Goals
(SDGs) framework, which was adopted by the United Nations in 2015 to provide a comprehensive framework for
sustainable development. The SDGs framework comprises 17 goals and 169 targets that address various aspects
of sustainable development, including economic growth, social inclusion, and environmental sustainability
(United Nations, 2015). The framework recognizes that sustainable development is a multi-dimensional and
interconnected concept that requires integrated approaches and partnerships among different stakeholders.
Another theoretical concept that underpins the relationship between occupational safety practices and sustainable
development goals is the triple bottom line (TBL) framework. The TBL framework recognizes that sustainable
development requires balancing economic, social, and environmental objectives (Elkington, 2004). According to
this framework, organizations and societies should aim to achieve economic prosperity, social equity, and
environmental sustainability simultaneously, rather than focusing solely on economic growth at the expense of
social and environmental objectives. Occupational safety practices can contribute to the social and environmental
dimensions of the TBL framework by promoting the health and well-being of workers and reducing environmental
In the specific context of tricycle riders in Minna, the concept of vulnerable road users (VRUs) is relevant to
understanding the relationship between occupational safety practices and sustainable development goals. VRUs
refer to road users who are at higher risk of road accidents and injuries, such as pedestrians, cyclists, and tricycle
riders (World Health Organization, 2018). Tricycle riders in Minna can be considered VRUs due to their exposure
to road accidents and occupational hazards. Occupational safety practices that prioritize the safety and well-being
of tricycle riders can contribute to the social and environmental dimensions of sustainable development by
reducing the incidence of road accidents and injuries.
In conclusion, several theoretical concepts and frameworks underpin the relationship between occupational safety
practices and sustainable development goals. These frameworks emphasize the importance of integrated
approaches and partnerships among different stakeholders in achieving sustainable development objectives
To achieve the objectives of this study, the researcher reviewed the research trends in the area of occupational
safety practices and sustainable development. High impact papers were downloaded with the key words”
Occupational safety practice”, Sustainable development”, “Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)” and
“Tricycle Riders Nigeria”. 317 papers were downloaded out of which 23 were relevant to the research objectives.
They findings and recommendations on the relationship between occupational safety practice where summarized
and presented in the succeeding paragraph.
The study found that tricycle riders in Minna face various challenges related to occupational safety practices and
achieving sustainable development goals. These challenges include poor road infrastructure, lack of safety
equipment, limited access to healthcare, and inadequate social protection. These challenges have significant
implications for the wellbeing of tricycle riders, their families, and the wider community.
The study also found that implementing occupational safety practices and sustainable development goals can have
significant positive impacts on the livelihoods of tricycle riders. This can include improved safety practices,
increased earnings, and better access to healthcare and social protection. The study highlights the need for
interventions that address the specific challenges faced by tricycle riders in Minna, including improving road
infrastructure, providing safety equipment and training, and enhancing access to healthcare and social protection.
In conclusion, the literature highlights the importance of occupational safety practices and sustainable
development goals among tricycle riders. Poor safety practices and inadequate regulations in the sector can lead
to accidents and fatalities, while failing to address sustainable development goals can result in poor working
conditions and economic inequality. Addressing these issues requires a multi-sectoral approach, involving
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
government agencies, private sector stakeholders, and civil society organizations. The implementation of training
programs and awareness campaigns can also play a crucial role in promoting safety practices and achieving
sustainable development goals among tricycle riders.
This study clearly identified the key role of stakeholders (Governmental, private and civil societies) in the
sensitization, implementation and monitoring of safety practices in ensuring sustainability among tricycle riders.
This is emphasized considering the low rate of information dissemination which has resulted in the need for the
adoption of safety practices in the past, stakeholder’s involvement will create better chances for sustainability
among the study’s population.
Based on the key findings of the study, here are some recommendations for improving occupational safety
practices and achieving sustainable development goals among tricycle riders in Minna are put forward:
Improve road infrastructure: The government should prioritize improving the road infrastructure in Minna to make
it safer for tricycle riders. This can include repairing potholes, installing speed bumps, and creating dedicated
lanes for tricycle riders.
Provide safety equipment: Tricycle riders should be provided with safety equipment such as helmets, reflective
jackets, and gloves. This will help to reduce the risk of accidents and injuries on the road.
Increase access to healthcare: Tricycle riders should have better access to healthcare services. This can be achieved
by establishing health clinics and mobile health units that can provide medical care and emergency services to
tricycle riders.
Provide social protection: Tricycle riders should be provided with social protection such as insurance, pensions,
and other benefits. This will help to protect their income and improve their overall well-being.
Promote awareness and training: The government and other stakeholders should promote awareness and training
programs to educate tricycle riders on safe driving practices, health and safety, and sustainable development.
Engage stakeholders: The government should engage with relevant stakeholders such as tricycle riders’
associations, civil society organizations, and the private sector to develop policies and programs that address the
specific needs of tricycle riders.
Adekoya, A. F. (2016). Occupational health and safety practices among commercial motorcyclists in Lagos,
Nigeria. Journal of Environmental and Public Health, 2016, 1-7. https://doi.org/10.1155/2016/2082450
Adeyemi, A., & Afolabi, A. (2018). Occupational safety practices among tricycle riders in Ibadan, Nigeria.
Journal of Community Health, 43(5), 975-981. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10900-018-0523-3
Akande, T. M., Okorie, N. N., & Nwagbara, U. (2018). Occupational safety and health risks among commercial
tricycle riders in Nigeria: A case study of Nnewi metropolis. Journal of Environmental and Public Health,
2018, 1-8. https://doi.org/10.1155/2018/2352469
Ayodeji, S. O., & Ogunlade, O. A. (2019). Occupational safety and health practices among tricycle operators in
Nigeria. Journal of Health and Medical Sciences, 2(1), 38-48.
Federal Republic of Nigeria. (2015). Sustainable Development Goals: Nigeria's implementation framework 2016-
2030. http://www.ng.undp.org/content/nigeria/en/home/library/poverty/nigeria-sdgs-implementaion-
International Labour Organization. (2019). Safety and health at the heart of the future of work: Building on 100
years of experience. https://www.ilo.org/global/topics/safety-and-health-at-work/lang--en/index.htm
Minna, N. (2018). Minna: A vision of a smart and sustainable city.
National Bureau of Statistics. (2019). Road transport data (Q4 2018).
National Bureau of Statistics. (2020). Labor force statistics: Unemployment and underemployment report - Q4
2019. https://www.nigerianstat.gov.ng/pdfuploads/Q4_2019_UNEMPLOYMENT_REPORT.pdf
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
World Health Organization. (2021). Global status report on road safety 2018.
Elkington, J. (2004). Enter the Triple Bottom Line. In Henriques, A. and Richardson, J. (Eds.),The Triple Bottom
Line, Does It All Add Up? Assessing the Sustainability of Business and CSR(1-16). London: Earthscan.
Ilah, S. K., & Ahmad, I. T. An Evaluation of Occupational Hazards among Tricycle Drivers in Tarauni Local
Government Area, Kano State, Nigeria.
Etchie, T. O., Etchie, A. T., Adewyi, G. O., Pillarisetti, A., Sivanesan, S., Krishnamurthi, K. & Arora, N. K.
(2019). The gains of life expectancy by ambient PM2.5 pollution reductions in localities in
Nigeria.Environmental Pollution 236: 146-157.
Oni-Jimoh, T., Liyanage, C., Oyebanji, A., & Gerges, M. (2018). Urbanization and meeting the need for affordable
housing in Nigeria. Housing, Amjad Almusaed and Asaad Almssad, IntechOpen, 7(3), 73-91.
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
Department of Agricultural and Bioresource Engineering, Federal University of Technology Minna, Minna
920101, Nigeria
The edible coating is utilized to prolong the post-harvest lifespan of fresh food while simultaneously enhancing
the visual appeal property and ensuring food safety. These coatings can be derived from both animal and plant
sources. Edible coatings come in various forms such as proteins, lipids, polysaccharides, resins, or combinations
thereof. Edible coatings act as a protective barrier which effectively prevents moisture and gas exchange whenever
food is processed, handled or stored. They effectively mitigate food spoilage and promote protection by either
their inherent properties or the inclusion of antimicrobial compounds. In addition to their protective qualities,
edible coatings offer several other advantages such as minimizing packaging material wastage, prolonging the
lifespan of fresh and slightly treated products, and shielding fresh foods against detrimental atmospheric factors.
By facilitating the controlled spread of gas, water, aroma, and taste components within the food structure, these
coatings play a vital role in preserving product quality.
The role of edible coatings is vital in food protection by forming a thin consumable layer that acts as a protective
barrier against oxygen, external microbes, moisture, and solutes (Baldwin et al., 1996). These coatings create a
semi-permeable barrier, with the primary objective of lengthening the lifespan of food products. By minimizing
moisture and solute migration, gas exchange, oxidative reactions, and respiration, edible coatings help maintain
the freshness of fruits and reduce physiological disorders (Park, 1999). Edible coatings offer an alternative
approach to prolonging the postharvest lifespan of fresh fruits, whether stored at low temperatures or not. They
mimic the effects of improved atmosphere storage by modifying the inner gas configuration surrounding the food
(Park, 1999). Acting as semi-permeable barriers, Arvanitoyannis and Gorris, (1999) noted that edible coatings
effectively reduce the respiration level, moisture loss, and oxidation reactions, thus maintaining the inner value
and features of the food. In recent years, the usage of edible coatings has garnered significant consideration due
to several factors. There is an increasing awareness of decreasing ecological degradation resulting from plastics,
driving the exploration of edible coatings as a more sustainable option. Additionally, the necessity to prolong the
shelf life of food products and meet the mandate for better and ecologically friendly diets has further emphasized
the importance of edible coatings (Espino-Diaz et al., 2010)
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
establish polymer interactions, leading to the functional properties of the coatings (Min and Krochta, 2005).
Carrageenan and CMC are effective walls against oxygen, aroma, and oil, thereby providing value and reliability
to the coatings. Their firmly filled, ordered hydrogen-bonded system arrangement and little solubility contribute
to their excellent oxygen barrier properties (Banker, 1966). Carrageenan-based coatings have been useful for an
extensive variety of foods and have been used as carriers for antimicrobials or antioxidants, as well as for reducing
water loss, oxidation, or breakdown in food products (Lacroix and Le Tien, 2005).
Furthermore, edible coatings have the benefit of being able to integrate useful ingredients which include
antioxidants, antimicrobials, nutrients, and flavours. This capability allows for the enhancement of food stability,
value, functionality, and safety (Min and Krochta, 2005; Lin and Zhao, 2007). The use of antimicrobial mediators,
such as important oils, in edible coatings has been shown to effectively prolong the postharvest lifespan of foods.
These agents are released slowly on the fruit's surface, maintaining a high concentration, thereby, providing
protection against microbial agents (Ouattara et al., 2000; Xing et al., 2011). Incorporating oils into edible coatings
offers a potential solution for controlling postharvest diseases and enhancing fruit preservation. Tufan et al. (2021)
summarized the application of edible coatings to fresh fruits and vegetables (Table 1).
In recent literature, various instances of edible coatings used for fresh vegetables and fruits have been reported.
Edible coatings can be used for both fresh-cut and complete fruits and vegetables, offering a versatile approach to
preservation (Tufan et al., 2021).
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
Dehydration and drying processes are commonly utilised to increase the lifespan of perishable products through
the removal of moisture. However, these techniques can negatively impact the structure and properties of heat-
sensitive food (Song et al., 2017). To address this issue, researchers have found that applying edible coatings to
foods before drying would improve their nutritional and sensory properties, prevent vitamin losses, and inhibit
oxidation (Song et al., 2018; Garcia et al., 2014). According to Gonzalez-Aguilar et al. (2010), the combination
of edible coatings and reduced-temperature storage promising in preserving the freshness of tomatoes. Edible
coatings function by producing an improved surrounding around the food, acting as a temporal barricade to gas,
moisture, and aroma elements. This helps reduce the fruit's respiration level, minimize moisture loss, and
preserves its texture and sensory properties (Olivas et al., 2008).
In addition to their barrier properties, edible coatings can be supplemented with food additives to control
detrimental reactions in plant-based foods (Rojas-Grau et al., 2009). These barriers are typically made of
hydrocolloids, hydrophobic compounds, or a mixture of both in the form of composite coatings, which enhance
their coating properties for optimal handling (Espino-Diaz et al., 2010). Edibility is one of the main advantages
of edible coatings, as they can be consumed along with the coated food. According to Prasad and Batra (2015),
edible coatings are also safe and economical compared to synthetic coatings.
The fluidized bed coating method is used to fix an extremely thin layer to very minor or less dense substances.
The process involves fluidizing the particles with hot air while simultaneously spraying a liquid binder. This
promotes particle agglomeration, enhancing the dispersal and solubility of the coating substance. The
agglomerates are then been dried in batch or continuous processing systems (Debeaufort and Voilley, 2009).
Spraying is employed when a thin and selective coating is desired on a single surface. It offers more control
compared to pan or fluidized bed coating methods. Though, after coating and drying the upper surface, a separate
process is required to cover the lower surface. To achieve uniform coverage, the product must be rotated during
the coating process. Spray coating is particularly suitable for products with bulky surface areas. The spray nozzle's
design parameters which include flow rate, droplet mass, spray space and angle, and overlap speed are crucial in
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
the efficiency of the coating process. Factors such as coating fluid pressure, viscosity, temperature, surface
tension, and nozzle design impact spraying efficiency (Debeaufort and Voilley, 2009).
The pan coating is utilized for applying tinny or dense coatings on rigid and nearly round particles. It helps prevent
water and fat loss while adding aroma to the coated product. The pan-coating technique is commonly employed
in the pharmaceutical and confectionery industries. It involves placing the product in a revolving bowl and adding
the coating substance either by ladle or spray. The rotation of the pan ensures an even distribution of the coating
substance on the surface of the product (Dangaran, 2009).
For many years, the food industry has employed edible coatings to store food. These coatings utilize a range of
materials which include hydrocolloids, waxes, and proteins. Recently, researchers have developed new edible
coatings that are not only safe and environmentally friendly but can also be consumed together with food without
any concerns. According to the findings of this review, edible coatings have proven to prolong the lifespan of
fresh produce, decrease moisture loss, delay the maturing process, and effectively inhibit microorganism
development, particularly in food. A recent innovation in edible coatings is the introduction of herbal edible
coatings, which have demonstrated enhanced outcomes and health benefits. Food coated with herbal edible
coatings not only retain their nutrients but also exhibit medicinal properties, offering additional advantages.
Arvanitoyanni, A. & Gorris, L.G.M. (1999) Edible and biodegradable polymeric material for food packaging or
coating, In: Processing food quality optimisation and process assessment. 357-371, press Boca Raton, Florida.
Baldwin EA, Nesperos-Carriedo MO, Chen X, Hagenmaier RD. Improving storage life of cut apple and potato
with edible coating, Postharvest Biology and Technology, 9, 151-163
Banker GS (1966) Film coating theory and practice. Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences, 55, 81-89
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
Chauhan, S., Gupta, K.C & Agrawal, M. (2014). Development of Aloe vera gel to control postharvest decay and
longer shelf life of Grapes, Int. J. Curr. Microbio. App. Sc.3(3), 632-642.
Dangaran, K., Tomasula, P. M., & Qi, P. (2009). Structure and Function of Protein-Based Edible Films and
Coatings. In K. Huber, M. Embuscado (Eds.), Edible Films and Coatings for Food Applications Springer, New
York, NY. 25-56.
Debeaufort F., & Voilley A. (2009). Lipid-Based Edible Films and Coatings. In K. Huber, M. Embuscado (Eds.),
Edible Films and Coatings for Food Applications, Springer, New York, NY., 135-168.
Douglas, M., Heys, J., & Smallfield, B. (2005). Herb spice and essential oil: post- harvest operation in developing
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Ghaouth, E., Arul, J., Ponnampalam, R., & Boulet, M. (1991). Chitosan coating effect on stability of fresh
Strawberries, Journal of Food Science,57,1618-1620.
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Zamudio-Flores, P. B., & Olivas, G. I. (2010). Development and characterization of edible films based on
mucilage of Opuntiaficus-indica (L.). Journal of Food Science, 75, 347-352
Garcia, C.C., Caetano, L. C., Silva, K. S., & Mauro, M. A. (2014). Influence of Edible Coating on the Drying and
Quality of Papaya (Carica papaya). Food Bioprocess Technology, 7, 2828–2839.
Gonzalez-Aguilar, G., Ayala-Zavala, J, Olivas, G., Rosa, L & Alvarez-Parrilla, E. (2010). Preserving quality of
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processed meats by application of antimicrobial films prepared with chitosan. International Journal of Food
Microbiology, 62, 139-148.
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with Alginate Based Coating on Physical Quality Parameters of Cantaloupe Melon. Journal of Food Science,
83(4), 929-936.
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the post-harvest changes: A review, Asian Journal of Biochemistry & Pharmacology Research, (5),2231- 2560.
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O. (2007) Apple puree alginate edible coating as carrier of antimicrobial agents to prolong shelf life of fresh cut
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Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
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Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
Department of Chemical Engineering, Federal University of Technology, Minna
Department of Chemistry, Federal University of Technology, Minna
Nanotechnology Research Group, African Centre for Excellence on Mycotoxin, Federal University of
Technology, Minna.
*Email: Victoria.eluwa@futminna.edu.ng
This study investigates the effects of alkalinity (5,6.5,8 M), metakaolinization temperature (600, 725, 850 ˚C),
crystallization temperature (80, 115,150 ˚C), and stirring time during aging (1,2,3 h) on zeolite A synthesis from
kaolin. The hydrothermal method of synthesizing zeolite A was used in the study, and the synthesized zeolite was
characterized for XRD and SEM. The findings showed that, alkalinity of 5M yielded only pure zeolite A crystals.
The metakaolinization temperature of 850 ˚C, crystallization temperature 115 ˚C and stirring time of 2h gave the
best crystallinity and cubic morphology, a feature that is widely associated with zeolite A. Further, findings reveal
that increasing metakaolinization temperature and crystallization temperature increases crystallinity and crystal
size while stirring time did not have significant effect on zeolite A synthesis.
KEYWORDS: Zeolite, Metakaolinization, Crystallization, Temperature, Alkalinity, kaolin
Zeolites are crystalline, nontoxic microporous aluminosilicate materials formed by a three-dimensional network
of [AlO4]5- and [SiO4]4- tetrahedral sharing oxygen atoms. This tetrahedral framework consists of a highly ordered
system of cavities and pores having molecular dimensions which are occupied by either exchangeable cations or
water molecules. (Johnson et al., 2014; Olaremu et al., 2018; Kirdeciler and Akata 2020; Kamyab and Williams
2021). Zeolites, also known as molecular sieves have very unique system of channels and cages in the molecular
size range, hus resulting in their high surface area, adjustable porosity, fast diffusion characteristics, and high
mechanical strength over amorphous porous silica. (Johnson et al., 2014; Albert et al., 2018). This is the basis for
their applications in fields such as catalysis (Krisnandi et al., 2019; Liu et al., 2019), adsorption processes
(Salimkhani et al., 2021; Belachaw and Hinsene 2020), bacterial adhesion (Schwanke et al., 2022), water
treatment (Rozhkovskaya et al., 2021) and ion exchange (Rengaraj et al.,2001)
Zeolite was first discovered by Freiherr Axel Fredrick Cronstedt a Swedish mineralogist in the year 1756. The
term zeolite is a greek word coined from two words zeo and lithos meaning “boiling stone. This unique mineral
is made up of primary building units [TO4] that are linked together to form the secondary units and subsequently
the zeolite framework. The T is usually Silicon or Aluminuim, but can also be Boron, Phosphorous. The linking
of this individual units generates different structures having cages, channels, and cavities of molecular dimensions.
(Klunk et al., 2020; Schwanke et al., 2022)
Zeolites exist in two categories, both as natural and synthetic. They are natural occurring when they are mined
from the earth and synthetic when they are produced in the laboratory. Natural zeolites are found in sedimentary
rocks that are near the earth’s crust. Commonly found natural zeolite include Clinoptilolite, Analcime, chabazite,
heulandite, erionite, laumontite, and mordenite (Derbe et al., 2020; Nasief et al., 2021). Natural zeolites are known
to contain contaminants like Fe2+, SO42−, SiO2, and sometimes other zeolites, these impurities tend to reduce their
pores and channels thereby making them unsuitable for commercial use where purity and uniformity are highly
essential. Therefore, in order to eliminate these limitations prompted researches to investigate the synthesis of
zeolite. (Yoldi et al., 2019)
The International Zeolite Association (2021) has stated that there are over 250 synthetic zeolite framework that
have been reported. Synthetic zeolites are characterized by uniform composition (pore size and shape), high
surface area, lack of impurity, larger pore volume and are mostly synthesized to fit a specific purpose. (Kirdeciler
and Akata 2020; Khaleque et al., 2020). Some common synthetic zeolites are A, X, Y, ZSM5, P, L, J, N, and W.
Conventional synthesis of zeolite involves the mixing of Al and Si sources in an alkaline environment to generate
a supersaturated solution that is crystalized at particular temperature and time (Yoldi, et al. 2019).
Zeolite preparation and synthesis are very challenging and the common synthesis methods involves the use of
very expensive sources of alumina and silica (synthetic chemicals) which in turn leads to high cost of zeolite and
environmental burden due to pollution. (Otieno et al., 2019; Kumar and Jena 2022). In an attempt to reduce the
cost of zeolite, several other alternative sources of alumina and silicas have been explored and are still currently
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
being investigated. This include Halloysite (Meftah et al., 2017), Diatomite (Yao et al., 2018), Basalt powder (Ke
et al., 2019), Rice husk (Zhang et al., 2018; Klunk et al., 2020), illite clay (Liu et al., 2019), feldspar (Nyankson
et al., 2018), coal fly ash (Joseph et al., 2020; Kumar and Jena 2022) and Bentonite (Abukhadra et al., 2019).
Kaolinite clays mineral is another raw material that is being used in recent times as a starting material for zeolite
synthesis due to its purity and high content of alumina and silica. The Si/Al ratio of kaolin is 1, this therefore
makes it very suitable for the production of low silica zeolites. Low silica zeolites like zeolite A also LTA are of
very special interest due their high adsorption and ion exchange properties. (Arasi et al., 2021; Kirdeciler and
Akata 2020; Kamyab and Williams 2021).
Zeolite A as earlier stated are superior adsorbents and have high ion exchange capacities, as such they have very
high commercial usage and vast application. It has been used in detergent making (Shehu et al., 2018; Yusriadi et
al., 2020). Zeolites are used as fertilizers or stabilizers, when mixed with fertilizers they reduce the leaching of
nutrients (Nayak and Mohanty 2019). Zeolites are also very capable of controlling and completely removing
offensive odour from organic manure, since they can absorb volatile substances and gases such as H2S, CO2, NH3,
N2, H2O, SO2, HCHO and CH3OH (Mahesh et al., 2018). This work is concerned with synthesizing zeolite A
from Aloji kaolin, a low-cost material that is also readily available using hydrothermal synthesis technique. The
effects of metakaolinization temperature, crystallization temperature, stirring time during aging and alkalinity
were studied.
2.1 Materials
Raw kaolin was obtained from Aloji in Kogi state, Nigeria. The only chemical reagent used was analytical grade
sodium hydroxide (NaOH) pellet obtained from Sigma Aldrich. Similarly, the deionized and distilled water used
were all obtained within Chemical Engineering Laboratory Federal University of Technology Minna and were
used as at when received.
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University of Ilorin, Nigeria
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70
2 theta
R22 R3
R18 R2
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70
2 theta 2 theta
The XRD diffractions for the synthesized zeolites were compared and it was observed that all zeolites synthesized
at crystallization temperature of 80 ˚C for 3h had diffractions whose peaks had low intensities and as such were
not very pronounced and distinct. This is evident for run 1,4, and 6 in Figure3.1a. However, all zeolite synthesized
at crystallization temperature of 115 ˚C and 150 ˚C for 3h all had distinct and pronounced peaks with much higher
intensity thus indicating that the most crystalline products were obtained at these temperatures (Binary et al.,
Most zeolites synthesized in this study at 5M and 6.5M alkaline concentration regardless of the crystallization
temperature or metakaolinization temperature contained most of these diffraction peaks. This is in agreement with
the work of Maia et al. (2019) that reported a synthesis of zeolite A from kaolin calcined at 600 and 700 ˚C using
5M NaOH concentration and at a temperature of 110 ˚C, the authors successfully synthesized zeolite A having
peaks similar to those obtained from this work. Similarly, Pereira et al., 2018 synthesized zeolite A at a
crystallization temperature of 80 ˚C from kaolin calcined at 600 ˚C with an alkaline concentration of 5M. The
authors reported synthesized zeolite A with peaks whose 2 theta values were similar to that obtained from this
study. The peaks obtained for zeolite synthesized in this study that had the highest crystallinity had the diffraction
peaks at 2Ө values of 7.18, 10.24, 12.49, 16.04, 20.46, 21.71, 24.04, 25.15, 30.01, 30.89, 32.68, 34.21, 36.64,
38.04, 39.62, 40.27, 42.38, 44.20, 44.85, and 49.83. These peaks obtained from this work were somewhat similar
to that obtained from the works of Yusriadi et al. (2020) and Vegree et al. (2020)
However, zeolite synthesized at 6.5M also showed diffraction peaks that is similar to faujasites and this was also
very evident in zeolite synthesized at 8M alkaline concentration. The other diffraction peaks observed are at 2Ө
values of 6.19, 14.32, 24.75 28.87, 31.31, 32.13, 36.12, 37.81, 41.30, and 44.09. This result is in agreement with
Al-Jubouri et al. (2019) that reported synthesizing zeolite A to a crystallization temperature as high as 125 ˚C at
low alkalinity, but obtained a mixture of faujasite and zeolite A when the alkalinity is increased during the
synthesis of zeolite A.
The zeolite synthesized at 150 ˚C had diffraction peaks at 2Ө values 20.83, 24.40, 25.37, 27.41, 31.58, 32.64,
34.75, 36.69, 39.51 and 42.89. These peaks obtained are also similar to those obtained by Nasief et al. (2021).
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
Figure 3.2. SEM images for zeolite A synthesized at 5M, 850 ˚C, 115 ˚C and 2h
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University of Ilorin, Nigeria
This study found that zeolite A can be synthesized from Aloji kaolin via hydrothermal method. The effect of
varying alkalinity, metakaolinization temperature, crystallization temperature, and stirring time during aging was
investigated during synthesis. The characterization results of XRD and SEM indicated that, alkalinity of 5M,
metakaolinization temperature of 850 ˚C, crystallization temperature 115 ˚C and stirring time of 2h gave only
pure zeolite A with the best crystallinity and cubic morphology. In addition, it was found that increasing
crystallization temperature and metakaolinization temperature increases crystallinity and crystal size while stirring
time did not have significant effect on zeolite A synthesis. Alkalinity is the major parameter that determines the
type of zeolite synthesized, thus increasing alkalinity above 5M would yield a combination of zeolites.
The research was mostly carried out with funding support from Tertiary Education Trust Fund (TETFund)
National Research grant TETFUND/ES/DR/&D-CE/NRF/2020/SETI/116/Vol.1
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University of Ilorin, Nigeria
Starch-based bioplastics produced using waste cassava peel and potato peel. Glycerol and white vinegar used as
plasticizers, while Kenaf nanofiber used as reinforcement. 3:1 ratio of cassava to potato starch was mixed with
different proportions of additives (glycerol, kenaf and white vinegar) at a temperature of 50℃ for 20 minutes.
The percentage proportion of the two alpha glucan types (amylose and amylopectin) showed that Potato Peels
starch has 27.22% amylose and 72.78 % amylopectin while Cassava Peels starch has 13.13% amylose and 86.87%
amylopectin. Optimization was carried out on the waste starch (CP and PP) and was found that the optimal values
were gotten at 8. wt% K, 2 ml G, and 2.5 ml WV with a predicted TS and WA values of 2.465 MPa and 7.56 %
respectively. Aspergillus Niger was used as a microorganism to monitor weight loss after 10 days for
biodegradation. It was found that, run 1 (8% kenaf, 5ml glycerol and 2.5ml white vinegar) has the highest weight
loss of 69.66% while the optimized value for the weight loss was 42.05%. Therefore, the optimal sample in terms
of tensile strength and water intake can be degraded in 43.90 days.
KEYWORDS: Bioplastic, Cassava-peel, Potato-peel, Optimization, Mechanical Properties
In recent decades, interest in developing renewable materials with biodegradable properties has increased in order
to contribute to sustainable development and reduce the environmental impact of non-biodegradable petroleum-
based plastics (Thakur et al., 2018; Moshood et al., 2022). To solve this problem, several studies have been
reported using biodegradable starch from different sources to create films and coatings with different properties
(Kumar et al., 2022; Kocira et al., 2021; Shivangi et al., 2021). Starch is an important polysaccharide polymer
used in the design of biodegradable films due to its potential to form continuous matrices. Interest in antimicrobial
polymer packaging is growing rapidly today, especially in the medical, healthcare and food industries (Vieira et
al., 2022; Teixeira-Costa et al., 2022; Priyadarshi et al., 2022; Saha et al., 2020). Antimicrobial polymer wraps
are one of the most promising active packaging systems that have been used to protect surfaces from
microorganisms such as parasites, bacteria and fungi (Manzoor et al., 2023; Jafarzadeh et al., 2022; Nizam et al.,
2021; Suvarna et al., 2022).
Plastic waste can harm the environment if left unchecked, and affect living things such as humans, plants and
animals (Singh et al., 2020; Kilic, 2021; Olufunke 2022). This is because most plastics are made from non-
biodegradable petrochemical-based polymers. Economic, environmental, and safety concerns have led scientists
to invent biodegradable polymers (bioplastics) as an alternative (Sid et al., 2021; Rahman et al., 2019).
Unfortunately, the development of bioplastics is costly and process-dependent, requiring additives such as fillers,
colorants and plasticizers (Adams et al., 2022). In Southeast Asia, abundant agricultural waste such as cassava
husks is seen as an excellent alternative to replace synthetic plastics. Plasticizers and fillers must be added to
improve the properties of bioplastics (Acquavia et al 2021; George et al., 2021; Bhardwaj et al., 2020).
The main aim of this present work is to produce bioplastics from waste biomaterial by optimizing the amount of
reinforcement, plasticizers etc.
2.2 Methods
Figure 1 shows the flow chart for the production of bioplastic from the sourcing of the raw materials down to
the final production stage.
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Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
Figure 3 Bioplastics film before drying Figure 4 Bioplastic films after drying
2.2.3 Biodegradation preparation
Aspergillus Niger was homogenized with 10 mL sterile aquadest using McFARLAND turbidity standard a wire
loop to obtain spore suspension as the stock culture. Into 9 mL of sterile aquadest, 1 mL stock culture was added
and the mixture was mixed by vortex to get a 10−1 culture. Into 9 mL of sterile aquadest, 1 mL of 10−1 culture
was added and the mixture was mixed by vortex to get a 10−2 culture. An amount of 100 µL of 10−2 culture was
added into a sterile petri dish. Each dish was added with 20 mL of SA media (44°C - 47°C). Petri dish was then
stirred to make the mixture homogenous and the mixture was left for about 2 hours until it became solid. After 2
hours, samples of bioplastic, synthetic plastic were each placed onto solid Potato Dextrose Agar (PDA) media
surface. One-hundred µl of 10−2 culture was spread equally onto bioplastic samples. Bioplastic samples and
controls were incubated at 30°C for 10 days as shown in Figures 5 – 7.
Figure 5 A. niger culturing Figure 6 Samples preparation Figure 7 Samples after 10 days
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Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
i. Design expert software was used to obtain the optimum number of runs to perform in the laboratory using
response surface (RS) design and Box-Behnken (by varying three parameters glycerol, kenaf and white
vinegar at center point of three). A minimum of 17 runs was obtained.
ii. Starch extracted from cassava and potato peels has two types of alpha glucan (amylose and amylopectin).
potato peel starch has 27.22% amylose and 72.78% amylopectin while cassava starch contained 13.13%
amylose and 86.87% amylopectin.
iii. A material is defined as bioplastics if it is either biobased, biodegradable or features both properties. The
bioplastics produced are starch based and biodegradable.
iv. Converting waste that could have been wasted and pollute the environment due to their toxin smell into
useful product indeed added value to the waste.
v. Optimization was carried out on the waste starch (CP and PP) and was found that the optimal values were
gotten at 8. wt% K, 2 ml G, and 2.5 ml WV with a predicted TS and WA values of 2.465 MPa and 7.56 %
respectively. The experimental values gotten are 2.515 MPa and 6.12 % for tensile strength and water
absorption with an error of 2 % and 24 % respectively.
I will like to acknowledgement Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria for giving me the platform to carry out this
research work. Also, my special gratitude goes to my parents Alhaji Tambari Waziri and Hajiya sa’adatu umar
kigo and also my cousin Engr. Jamil Abubakar Marafa for their encouragement, moral upbringing and tireless
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containing aloe vera: A review. Journal of Materials Research and Technology, 15, 1572-1589.
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biopolymer composite films for active food packaging applications-a review. Sustainable Materials and
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pharmaceuticals. In Advanced Processing, Properties, and Applications of Starch and Other Bio-Based Polymers
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food packaging applications. Comprehensive Reviews in Food Science and Food Safety, 21(4), 3673-3716.
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
This study reports biodiesel production from waste cooking oil: the influence of hierarchical and conventional
beta zeolite catalyst on yield and qualities. Both commercial zeolite beta (CZB) and hierarchical zeolite beta
(HZB) synthesized from Ahoko kaolin were characterized using X-Ray diffraction (XRD), Scanning electron
microscopy (SEM), and Energy Dispersive X-ray (EDX) analysis. The XRD of CZB shows a series of
characteristic diffraction peaks assigned to the zeolite beta type as its fingerprint. It can be seen that zeolites beta
had strong characteristic peaks at position 2θ of 7.8°, 21.6°, 22.6°, 25.3°, 27.0°, and 29.6° while the SEM/EDX
determined the crystal size and the morphology, the sample maintains the same surface structure of beta zeolite
even after it was protonated. From the EDX, the CZB Si/Al ratio was calculated to be 1.59. HZB gave a biodiesel
yield of 91.67 % at a methanol-to-oil ratio of 9:1, while CZB gave a yield of 84.0 % at the same condition. The
reusability test carried out showed that at repeated 6th runs, biodiesel yield using the same HZB catalyst dropped
to 75 % which was still much more active compared to the commercial zeolite Y (CZY) catalyst.
In recent times, fossil-based fuels have been used to meet the global energy demand. These energy resources are
non-renewable, and over usage of these fuels will lead to an energy crisis in the coming years (Meena et al., 2019,
Sidhu et al., 2016). Hence, a need to research alternative sources of energy that are renewable to meet the ever-
increasing energy demand (Parthiba et al., 2018, Patel et al., 2019, Toor et al., 2020). Biodiesel has received
global attention in the energy sector due to its production from renewable materials (Anto et al., 2020, Bhatia et
al., 2019, Nguyen et al., 2020). This is also because of it biodegradability, low Sulphur content, and its application
in power engines with or without modification (Ma et al., 2018). Biodiesel mainly contains fatty acid alkyl esters
obtained from the transesterification of oils with alcohol (Bhatia et al., 2017). Generally, living organisms contain
oil present in the form of triacylglycerol. Biodiesel can be obtained from different edible (castor oil, sunflower
oil, mustard oil, vegetable oil) and non-edible oils (Jatropha, jojoba oil, pogamia oil) (Bhatia et al., 2018, Thushari
and Babel, 2018). The food security issues would restrict the use of edible oils for biodiesel production and the
need for extra land for non-edible oil crops would also affect the production of biodiesel on a large scale. Hence,
there is a need for alternative feedstock for biodiesel production.
Waste cooking oil (WCO) is the oil remaining after the deep-frying process (Bhatia et al., 2020). This oil is an
alternative for the production of biodiesel. It was reported that approximately 16.5 million tons of WCO are
produced annually (Loizides et al., 2019). The Management of WCO is also an issue as its disposal in open spaces
affects flora and fauna due to its lower solubility in water. The collection of WCO and its conversion into biodiesel
may help to solve its disposal problem and will contribute to the energy sector.
Biodiesel is produced through transesterification reactions and requires alkaline, acidic or enzymatic catalysts.
Alkali catalysts have a saponification problem and result in difficulty in product separation. Concentrated sulfuric
acid is able to catalyze esterification and transesterification reactions simultaneously but cause corrosion of
equipment and generates a lot of wastewaters (Li et al., 2014). Hierarchical Zeolite beta is an intergrowth hybrid
of two distinct structures and has a stacking order and disorder co-existing. This structure makes zeolite beta
hydrophobic and thermally stable even at high temperatures. Hierarchical Zeolite beta has many advantages due
to the improved mass transport and tunable active sites and hence can be used for the catalytic conversion of waste
vegetable oils to biodiesel (Tian et al., 2016).
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
In this work, Biodiesel was produced from waste cooking oils using the Hierarchical and conventional Beta Zeolite
catalyst. The influence of the two catalysts on the quality and yield of the biodiesel was also further investigated
to understand the optimum condition of production.
Waste cooking oil (WCO) was collected from Esther Restaurant Minna, Niger State, and pre-treatment processes
were carried out to remove impurities. The major pre-treatment processes conducted were filtration and
dehydration. The commercial beta zeolites that were used in this study as catalysts were provided by Zeolite
International, China.
The commercial beta zeolite sample was crushed and then brought into a protonic form whereby 0.1 M of NH4NO3
was prepared and then mixed with a certain amount of beta sample. The heat was applied to the mixture under
reflux at 90 °C for 2 h, and afterward, filters and oven dried at 80 °C then calcined in static air at 550 oC for 3 h.
The raw beta zeolite produced from Ahoko kaolin was also undergone a protonation process and then calcined at
550 oC for 3 h in order to compare the two-catalyst effectiveness on biodiesel production. Both samples obtained
were characterized using X-ray diffraction (XRD), Scanning Electronic Microscopy (SEM), and Brunnauer,
Emmett, and Teller (BET) analyses.
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
XRD patterns were taken to study the crystallinity of the zeolite beta sample. The XRD patterns of the zeolite
samples can be found in Figure 3.1, the well-defined characteristic peaks of zeolite beta can be seen in Figure 3.1.
These shows a series of characteristic diffraction peak assigned to the zeolite beta type as its finger print. It can
be seen that zeolites beta had strong characteristic peak whereby the peaks occur at position 2θ of 7.8°, 21.6°,
22.6°, 25.3°, 27.0° and 29.6° (Qiang et al, 2010). It was also be observed that minor noise and background
interferences were detected in patterns. The broad peaks observed are an indication of this structure’s disordered
SEM images were collected in order to study the shape and size of the particles, whereas EDX measurements
were taken to determine the elemental composition of the zeolite samples. The following sets of images illustrate
the SEM images collected, in varying magnifications, shown in Figure 1.
The SEM images in Figure 1a: showed the morphology of (CZB) catalyst. The sample maintains the same surface
structure of beta zeolite even after it was protonated (1b). The SEM image (1c) of this sample indicated that this
sample is crystalline.
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
(a) (b)
Figure 1: SEM micrograph of commercial zeolite beta (CZB) catalyst at different magnifications
Optimization of the transesterification process from Waste Cooking Oil) was conducted for both commercial
zeolite beta catalyst and hierarchical zeolite beta catalyst produced. The parameters considered include methanol
to oil ratio (A), reaction time (B), and catalyst dosage (C), and both results obtained were presented in Table 1.
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
Table 1: Result of optimization of biodiesel produced from WCO for both CZB and HZB catalyst
Run A (v/v) B (g) C (mins) Biodiesel Yield of CZB Biodiesel Yield of HZB
No. catalyst Value (%) catalyst Value (%)
1 6 1.4 120 66.00 74.0
2 9 1.8 90 65.33 79.33
3 6 0.2 60 72.00 70.15
4 3.9 0.8 90 66.67 69.33
5 14 0.8 90 72.0 77.79
6 12 0.2 120 66.67 80.07
7 9 0.0 90 47.67 48.00
8 9 0.8 90 70.99 82.01
9 6 0.2 120 67.00 74.99
10 9 0.8 90 84.00 92.00
11 12 1.4 60 62.50 83.00
12 9 1.0 90 70.93 86.50
13 9 0.8 40 58.87 77.98
14 9 0.8 90 68.33 83.00
15 12 1.4 120 66.67 80.06
16 6 1.4 60 66.67 77.99
17 14 0.8 90 75.33 81.77
18 9 0.8 120 67.48 83.00
19 12 0.2 60 66.67 69.94
20 9 0.8 140 77.33 87.00
The optimization study was carried out following the parameters investigated that is, methanol/oil molar ratio,
catalyst dosage, and reaction time which were shown in Table 3.3 It was observed that at methanol/oil molar ratio
of 9:1, 0.8 wt% catalysts, and 90-minute reaction time at a constant temperature of 55 °C, CZB catalyst gave the
optimum biodiesel yield of 84.00 % while HZB catalyst gave the optimum biodiesel yield of 92 % at the same
The biodiesel produced from both catalysts (CZB and HZB) was characterized through laboratory analysis in
order to determine the properties of the biodiesel, such properties carried out are shown in Table 2.
Table 2: Properties of biodiesel produced by both CZB and HZB catalyst
S/N Property Unit Result Obtained for Result Obtained ASTM D6751
CZB Catalyst for HZB Catalyst
Conclusively, quality biodiesel was produced using waste cooking oil and using both hierarchical zeolite beta and
commercial zeolite beta as catalysts via the transesterification process. The prepared catalyst was characterized
using X-Ray diffraction (XRD) and Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM/EDX) analyses and response surfaces
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
methodology was successfully applied for transesterification of methanol for both CZB and HZB. The process
parameters considered for the optimization study of the transesterification reaction for CZB catalyst resulted in
an optimum biodiesel yield of 84% at operating conditions of catalyst dosage of 0.8 g, methanol to oil ratio of 9:1
and a reaction time of 90 minutes while that of the transesterification reaction for HZB catalyst resulted in an
optimum biodiesel yield of 92 at the same conditions. Therefore, HZB proved to be a better catalyst for the
production of biodiesel in terms of yield and quality than CZB.
The authors wished to thank the staff of the Chemical Engineering Department, the Federal University of
Technology, Minna for their support towards the completion of the research work, the effort of Mr Friday Ohiani,
Mr Bulus of the Fishery Department, Federal University of Technology Minna, is also appreciated during the
laboratory procedure. We would also wish to extend our gratitude to Dr. Tijjani of the Chemistry Department,
Federal University of Technology Minna for assisting with the analysis.
Achanai, B., Nattawut, C., Vorrada, L., Phatsakon, W. & Sarinthip T. (2013). Calcium oxide derived from shells
of mussel, cockle, and scallop as heterogeneous catalyst for biodiesel production. The scientific World
Journal, 13, 1-7. doi:10.1155/2013/460-923.
Alalwan, H. A., Alminshid, A. H., & Aljaafari, H. A. (2019). Promising evolution of biofuel generations. Subject
review. Renewable Energy Focus, 28, 127-139.
Allori, V., Goldstein, S., Tumulka, R., & Zanghì, N. (2020). On the common structure of Bohmian mechanics and
the Ghirardi–Rimini–Weber theory. The British Journal for the Philosophy of Science.
Alsultan, A. G., Asikin-Mijan, N., Ibrahim, Z., Yunus, R., Razali, S. Z., Mansir, N., & Taufiq-Yap, Y. H. (2021).
A Short Review on Catalyst, Feedstock, Modernised Process, Current State and Challenges on Biodiesel
Production. Catalysts, 11(11), 1261.
Anto, S., Mukherjee, S.S., Muthappa, R., Mathimani, T., Deviram, G., Kumar, S.S., Verma, T.N. & Pugazhendhi,
A., 2020. Algae as green energy reserve: technological outlook on biofuel production. Chemosphere 242,
Arun, N., & Dalai, A. K. (2020). Environmental and socioeconomic impact assessment of biofuels from
lignocellulosic biomass. In Lignocellulosic Biomass to Liquid Biofuels (pp. 283-299). Academic Press.
Atabani, A. E., Silitonga, A. S., Badruddin, I. A., Mahlia, T. M. I., Masjuki, H., & Mekhilef, S. (2012). A
comprehensive review on biodiesel as an alternative energy resource and its characteristics. Renewable and
sustainable energy reviews, 16(4), 2070-2093.
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Recent advances in production and upgrading of bio-oil from biomass: A critical overview. Journal of
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Baskar, G., Ebenezer Selvakumari, I.A. & Aiswarya, R., 2018. Biodiesel production from castor oil using
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renewable energy. Renew. Sustain Energy. Rev. 79, 1078–1090.
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
Ahoko kaolin clay has been employed as the unique source of silica and alumina in the synthesis of hierarchical
beta zeolite using a simple hydrothermal method, first by transforming the kaolin into metakaolin. Zeolization of
the beta crystals was performed at optimized conditions using the top-down and bottom-up approach. In the top-
down approach, dealumination was carried using 8 M HCl at 90 oC for 3 h under reflux. The hierarchical form of
the beta zeolite was obtained by desilicating (bottom-up) the synthesized beta with 10 wt% urea solution. Different
analytical analysis such as XRD, XRF, SEM, BET and EDX were used to determine the structure and crystallinity
of the synthesized beta, elemental composition, morphology, pore volume and surface area. The characterization
results shows that hierarchical beta zeolite synthesized from Ahoko kaolin is a high silica zeolite (about 77 %
silica content) that possess good crystallinity and bimodal pore structure. The morphology of the synthesized
hierarchical beta zeolite also gives the spheroid shape of beta crystal with a hexagonal structure. Urea also proves
to be a mild desilicating agent in the generation of mesopores.
Zeolites are microporous, crystalline, aluminosilicate minerals composed of 3-dimensional framework of silica
(SiO4) and alumina (AlO4) tetrahydrally linked together by shared of oxygen atoms (Kovo, 2012). The framework
of zeolite is an open cage structure where cations could locate within the material pores, these cations neutralizes
the negative charge on the lattice of the framework (Breck, 1974). The movement of these cations gives the zeolite
its unique ion-exchange, adsorption and catalytic properties. There are about 250 zeolites structures identified by
the international zeolite association, about 40 of these structures exist in natural forms while the vast majority are
synthesized commercially in autoclaves in the laboratory (Rissheng et al., 2019). Although only about 13
structures of these synthetic zeolites have been utilized in commercial catalysis, only 5 (Ferrierite, Mordenite,
ZSM-5, Faujasite, and Beta) are produced in commercial quantity for catalytic application (Fernandez et al.,
Zeolite Beta is a high-silica zeolite with three dimensional (3D) 12-membered ring channels structure. As one of
the most predominantly used zeolite materials (Vogt et al., 2015), zeolite beta was first discovered in the
laboratory by Mobil Research and Development Corporation via a basic hydrothermal reaction of
tetraethylammonium ions with sodium, silicon and aluminum oxides (Wadlinger et al, 1967). It was discovered
to possess three mutually intersecting channels with a 12-membered ring pores. The structure has a large
micropores of about 0.55 x 0.55 nm and 0.76 x 0.64 nm (Fernandez et al., 2020), high thermal and hydrothermal
stability, high SiO2 / Al2O3 ratio and outstanding catalytic properties (Tran et al., 2018).
Even though, zeolite beta exhibit high performance superiority in diverse acid-catalyzed reactions, its practical
application is greatly hindered due to its high production cost (Shen et al., 2008,) and limited by mass transfer
diffusion when used as a microporous material (Yue et al., 2019).
Therefore, much effort has been made by researchers to reduce its production cost (Duan et al., 2011) either by
decreasing or eliminating the use of organic template which is expensive and causes environmental pollution or
substituting the synthetic organic chemical sources of silicon and aluminum with inexpensive, naturally occurring
sources of silica and alumina such as Kaolinite, Rectorite and Diatomite (Duan et al., 2011, Kovo et al., 2012,
Kerstens et al., 2020,). The use of these low-cost natural sources of aluminosilicate minerals with abundant
reserves worldwide have been investigated by different researchers such as Shen et al., 2009, Kovo et al., 2012,
Yue et al., 2019, Frink et al., 2020.
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
In addition to the high cost of zeolite synthesis, the diffusion limitation imposed by the sole presence of
microporous channel system in zeolite is another challenge hindering the catalytic performance of zeolite beta
(Duan et al., 20011). Therefore, to overcome this challenge, significant effort has been made by many researchers
towards fabrication of hierarchical zeolite beta. In 2006, Junliang et al., successfully synthesize hierarchical
zeolite beta via the steam-assisted technique and obtained a good result, but only few literatures are available on
synthesis of hierarchical zeolite beta, from lowcost material such as kaolin via a particular synthesis method.
Hierarchical beta zeolite is a type of zeolite that integrate bimodal pore systems of micro/mesopores structures
that have been developed to enhanced the diffusion of bulkier molecules in the zeolite structure, hence addressed
the issue of mass transfer limitations (Yu et al., 2019).
Kaolinite [(Al2SiO5(OH)4] materials are abundant worldwide and have a Si/Al ratio to that of zeolites. Kaolin
generally can be converted into zeolites by hydrothermal action (Kovo, 2012). This was achieved by the thermal
treatment of kaolin to obtain a more reactive phase metakaolin and hydrothermal treatment of the metakaolin with
an aqueous alkali medium to form the zeolite structure (Fernandez et al., 2020). Hence the main purpose of this
study is to synthesized and characterized hierarchical beta zeolite using a cheap and natural source of silica and
alumina (kaolin) using a simple hydrothermal technique that utilizes top-down and bottom-up approach without
the use of organic template. This will reduce the synthetic cost and also enhance the utilization of the catalyst.
Ahoko kaolin was gotten from Ahoko site in Kogi state, Nigeria, Sodium hydroxide pellet (NaOH) (>99 Sidmach
Aldrich), Sodium silicate nonahydrate (Na2SiO3.9H2O) (>99 Sidmach Aldrich, Hydrochloric Acid (HCl) (>99
Sidmach Aldrich, Urea powder (Dona Hills Chemical), Deionized Water. All reagent were of analytical grade and
used as purchased.
About 1 kg of the Ahoko kaolin clay collected was grinded for pretreatment. The pretreatment was carried out via
sedimentation process by soaking the grinded kaolin clay in water. The soaked kaolin clay was then stirred
thoroughly and allowed to settle down for 3 h. 3 layers were observed. The filtrate layer, middle layer and the
bottom layer. The filtrate consists of water which was decanted out, the middle layer was the kaolin which was
collected separately, the bottom layer was basically made up of quartz and other impurities this was discarded.
The sedimentation process was repeated thrice (3X) until white kaolin was obtained. The white kaolin collected
was then placed in crucibles and dried in an oven at 100 oC overnight. The refined kaolin clay was grinded into
powder form with the aid of a mortar and pestle and stored in clean plastic container. 500 g of the refined kaolin
was placed in a crucible and calcined at 700 oC for 1 h to obtain metakaolin. The metakaolin was used as silica
and alumina source and dealuminated using 8 M HCl for 3 h under reflux condition. Zeolization of the beta crystals
was performed with a mixture containing 2.76 g of acid-treated metakaolin added to 2.0 g of an aqueous solution
of NaOH under stirring for 10 mins, 0.93 g of zeolite beta seed was also added under stirring into the above
suspension and stirred for further 10 mins to form a homogenous mixture. The final mixture obtained had the
molar composition of: 30 SiO2 :1 Al 2 O3 : 1.5 NaO : 600 H2O (Yue et al., 2020).
The obtained mixture was then stirred for 4 h before transferring into a 100 ml Teflon-lined autoclave and
crystallized at 170 oC for 14 h under static conditions and autogeneous pressure. The solid product obtained after
crystallization was filtered, washed until neutral pH and dried in an oven at 80 oC overnight.
The hierarchical form of the zeolite beta was obtained by desilication method using 10 wt% urea solution at 80
C for 5 h. The solid obtained was filtered, washed until neutral pH and calcined at 550 oC for 3 h (Tian et al.,
2016) to obtain a template free hierarchical Beta (h-beta) zeolite.
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
Figure 2 : Process flow diagram for synthesis of H-beta zeolite from Ahoko Kaolin
Crystallinity and the phase purity of the zeolite beta samples were identified from their X-ray diffraction patterns.
The X-ray diffraction pattern (XRD) of all the samples were obtained using a BRUKER-binary V4 (RAW), Gonio,
using a monochromic Cu-Kα radiation. The chemical composition of the zeolites beta samples were analyzed
using by X-ray Fluorescence (XRF) conducted on a Bruker S4 explorer instrument, The morphologies and crystal
sizes of the synthesized samples were observed byMira3 TESCAN 435VP (Variable Pressure Scanning)Scanning
Electron Microscopy (SEM). The micrographs of SEM were taken in the magnification range of 3000 to 5000
times.Brunauer-Emmett-Teller(BET) analysis was used to calcite the specific surface area (SBET), the micropore
specific surface area (Smicro), and the pore volume (Vpore) were obtained using t-plot.
The XRD pattern of Ahoko kaolin in Figure 3.0 indicated two intense diffraction peaks at 2Ɵ = 12.5o and 25.3o (d
= 7.2 Å), a sharp and narrow peak with basal reflection which shows the crystallinity of Ahoko kaolin, these peaks
are similar to the once obtained by Kovo et al., 2012. It was also observed that Ahoko kaolin contain high level
of quartz and other trace elements such as illite and mica while the peak of metakaolin in Figure 3.1 reflect a
complete loss of crystallization water due to heating. The peak indicated that Ahoko metakaolin is a non-
crystalline (amorphous) material containing free silica and alumina.
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
Figure 3.2 shows the XRD pattern of the conventional beta zeolite which comprises of both sharp and broad
features due to highly faulty structures in BEA framework as shown by Treacy. The intense reflections at 2Ɵ = 7.
8o, and 22.6o and weaker once at 21.2o, 25.3o and 29.8o conforms well to the typical features of zeolite Beta topology
(Baerlocher et al., 2007). XRD pattern of the synthesized Beta zeolite in Figure 3.3 was compared with that of
conventional Beta (Figure 3.2). The characteristics peak of Beta zeolite synthesized from acid leached metakaolin
indicate high silica beta zeolite closely related to the peaks of the conventional Beta zeolite (Yue et al., 2020).
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
Table 3.0: XRF analysis of synthesized beta zeolite using acid treated metakaolin
Table 3.0 above shows the XRF analysis of synthesized beta zeolite using acid leached metakaolin as the unique
source of silica and alumina. The analysis was carried out to determine the elemental oxide and there percentage
weight composition of the synthesized beta zeolite. It was also used to determine the Si/Al of the H-Beta. The
result obtained shown that synthesized beta zeolite from Ahoko kaolin clay contains high level of silicon oxide of
about (77.16 %) weight percent as a major component follow by aluminium oxide of about of (12.7 %) weight
percent. Also present in varying proportions are Fe2O3, MgO, CaO, Na2O, K2O, TiO2 and P2O5. The Si/Al ratio of
Beta zeolite usually ranges between the values of 4 – 6 (Li et al., 2022), the Si/Al ratio was calculated to be 6.07
this high value is due to the process of dealumination. This value also have great influence on the crystallinity of
the H-beta zeolite.
Figure 3.2: XRD pattern of conventional beta zeolite Figure 3.3: XRD Pattern of synthesized Beta Zeolite
SEM was used to analyze the morphology, size and shape of the synthesized hierarchical beta zeolite. The SEM
has the ability to observe the solid-state topography with a resolution and depth of field far exceeding the
corresponding parameters of optical microscopes. The micrographs are shown in Figure 3.4 below.
a b c
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
The micrographs indicated in figure 3.4 above shows the formation of Beta crystals. The morphology indicates
the micro/mesoporous nature of H-beta zeolite. The micrographs at 1 µm (a) shows micropores attached to the
surface of the Beta crystals. From the micrographs at 2 µm (b) the tetragonal structure of the Beta crystals became
visible, these also indicates some degree of micro/mesopores. The micrographs at 10 µm (c) gives the proper
morphology on comparison with the one synthesized by Yue et al., 2019, Tamer, 2006, and Zhang et al., 2016.
Spheroid shapes of Beta were observed in addition to a hexagonal structure as seen in figure 3.4c.
In addition to SEM, Energy dispersive X-ray micro spectroscopy (EDX) was used to also determine the elemental
composition of the synthesized hierarchical Beta (H-beta). From the elemental composition of the EDX results it
can be seen that the synthesized H-beta zeolite is a highly siliceous material with a silica content of about 80 wt%
and alumina content of 22.4 wt%
The surface area was evaluated using Brunauer-Emmett-Teller (BET) analysis and it was found to be 488.1 m2/g.
and of 0.16 cm3/g. This results indicates a continuous uptake of N2 at from literature, Tian et al., 2016 obtained
481 m2/g as the total surface area and 0.10 as the pore volume. Also in another study Yue et al., 2019 obtained
542 m2/g and a pore volume of 0.17 respectively. Comparing these literature values and the S(BET) value obtained,
it can be deduced that the surface area of the synthesized beta zeolites falls within the acceptable range. Therefore,
on the basis of N2 physiosorption isotherm shows a continuous uptake of N2 at 0.7 from P/P0 due to the additional
porosity generated by urea, it can be concluded that synthesized H-beta zeolite possess high level of
Hierarchical beta zeolite has been successfully synthesized from Ahoko kaolin clay as a unique source of silica
and alumina. The synthesis was done mainly to substitute the chemical sources of silica and alumina with Ahoko
kaolin. The synthesis of beta zeolite was achieved by crystallization of a mixture of dealuminated metakaolin in
alkaline medium under optimized hydrothermal conditions. The H-beta zeolite was achieved via hydrolysis of the
synthesized beta zeolite with urea solution. Urea was chosen because it provides a stable, mild, and homogenous
alkaline medium for desilication. The synthesized hierarchical beta zeolites was characterized using various
techniques such as XRD, XRF, BET and SEM. The synthesis with dealuminated metakaolin gives beta crystals
with spheroid hexagonal shape. The synthesized H-beta was found to possess good crystallinity, intra and
intercrystals and large surface area. The synthesis method used would provide a low-cost and environmentally
friendly approach for the synthesis of H-Beta zeolite which could serve as a sustainable platform for large-scale
production of H-beta.
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
The authors wished to thank the staff of Chemical Engineering Department, Federal University of Technology,
Minna for their support towards the completion of the research work, the effort of Shehu Ahmed is also
appreciated during the laboratory procedure. We would also wish to extend our gratitude to Dr. Tijjani of
Chemistry Department, Federal University of Technology Minna for assisting with analysis.
Baerlocher, C., Mccusker, L.B., Olsom, D.H. (2007). Atlas of Zeolite Framework Types, Elsevier, Amsterdam,
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Yue, Y., Guo, X., Liu, T., Liu, H., Tinghai, W., Yuan, P., Haibo, Z., Bai, Z., & Bao, X. (2020). Template free
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Wadlinger R.L., Kerr, G.T., Rosinski, E.J. (1967). A crystalline zeolite with improved adsorption and catalytic
properties. United States patent 3,308,069.
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
Department of Cyber Security, African Centre of Excellence on Technology Enhanced Learning (ACETEL),
National Open University of Nigeria.
Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Faculty of Engineering and Technology, University of
Ilorin, Ilorin, Nigeria.
Email: hamedkarle@gmail.com
The exponential growth of computer networks and people sharing highly confidential information has driven data
security into high alert around the globe, several algorithms and models have been developed to conceal secret
information during communication over unsecured channels without suspicion. Different techniques such as
steganography and cryptography (i.e. encryption and hiding of secret messages in a cover file) have been adopted
to secure classified messages. However, the more the secret message the larger the file size of the message making
it suspicious and can be subjected to brutal attacks to access the information. The work proposed an improved
run-length encoding (RLE) compression algorithm to compress the cover image before applying the Least
Significant Bit (LSB) steganography technique to hide the secret message in the cover image to obtain the stego-
image. The lena.jpg with the file size of 36.9KB was used as a sample cover file to hide the secret messages of
5.08KB, 113KB and 655KB stego-image was obtained when the compressed cover file was used and
uncompressed cover file was used respectively. Hence the file size of the stego-image when the uncompressed
cover file was used is larger compared to the stego-file when the compressed cover file was used which gives
room for more messages. The Mean Squared Error (MSE) and Peak signal-to-noise ratio (PSNR) result was 0.03%
and 63.64dB respectively when comparing the cover file and the stego-file when the compressed cover file was
used. This signifies the proposed algorithm result is less distorted, effective, efficient, and less suspicious when
applied to secure secret messages during communication over unsecured channels.
KEYWORDS: Steganography, Secret Message, Cover Image, Visual C#, Image Compression Algorithm,
Steganography is the art of concealing the fact that communication is taking place by hiding secret information
within other information such as image files, text, audio files etc. The secret message or information may be a
text, image, audio, or video file that is required to be securely conveyed from the transmitter to the receiver over
an unsecured channel without suspicion, thus the information must be highly secured to avoid being revealed
when a vigorous attack is launched on the carrier which is also referred to as the cover file (Pramanik,
Bandyopadhyay, & Ghosh, 2020; Pramanik et al., 2021; Rakhra, Kumar, & Walia, 2021). The cover file is the
carrier or the container where the secret message or information is securely encrypted to. The cover file can be a
text, image, audio, or video file which is irrelevant or entails insignificant messages. The secret message is
encrypted into the cover file using the user-defined password to have a stego-file which can be used to secretly
communicate between two or more acknowledge parties. The secret message is embedded with high-level security
algorithms such as cryptography to avoid intruders from having access to the secret message (Basuki & Anugrah,
2019; Gladwin & Gowthami, 2020; Matted, Shankar, & Jain, 2021; Rasras, AlQadi, Sara, & Research, 2019).
Steganography and cryptography are parallel data security techniques which are mostly adopted in concealing
secrets, digital copyrights management, protection information, data confidentiality and digital forensics
investigation. As Steganography becomes a commonly used technique in secret communication between two or
more acknowledge parties, the size of the secret message represents a significant challenge for steganography
since the size of cover files mostly restricts the steganographic capacity. Hence there is a need to enhance and
increase the amount of data we can hide within a cover image (Bansal & Ratan, 2022; Hammad et al., 2022;
Varghese & Sasikala, 2023). There are three commonly used algorithms for the steganography process which are
Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) algorithm, Rivest, Shamir and Adleman (RSA) algorithm, and Least
Significant Bits (LSB). The two major methods used to secure data transmission over an open channel are
steganography and cryptography (Pramanik, Samanta, et al., 2020; Wahab, Khalaf, Hussein, & Hamed, 2021).
Hybrid data security techniques are always applied together to ensure robust data security during the data
transmission, cryptography is used for the secret message encryption and steganography is used for concealing
the secret message (Chavali, Kandavalli, Sugash, & Prakash, 2023; Khari et al., 2019).
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
The cover file compression entails the process of compressing the cover file, the cover file retrieved from the user
is in image format i.e Joint Photographic Experts Group (JPEG), Portable Network Graphics (PNG) etc., the image
compression technique is the process of reducing or minimizing the file size or quality of an image, the compressed
image tends to occupy less storage space or lower cost during transmission. Image compression is classified into
two categories which are lossless compression technique and lossy compression technique. The lossless
compression technique is the process of compressing images by using statistical/decomposition techniques to
eliminate/minimize redundancy by applying entropy coding. It involves no loss of information, and no noise is
added to the original image, thus it is referred to as the noiseless compression technique. The original image can
be perfectly retrieved from the compressed image, and it is used for a few applications such as medical imaging
because of its special requirements in the algorithm application. The various algorithms used to achieve lossless
compression techniques are Run length encoding, Huffman encoding, LZW encoding and Area coding. Saravanan
& Priya, (2019) and Subramanian, et. al. (2021) proposed a novel model for hiding image information by
converting the information into another format to reduce its computational complexity. The work encodes the
input image into an audio file at the transmitter end to obtain a stego-file, the process is reversed at the receiver
end to extract the image from the stego-file. Patnaik et. al. (2021) also presents the use of high-level security data
method in cloud computing by applying both symmetric key cryptography algorithm and steganography. The
developed algorithm uses Block-wise data security for the cryptography method extracted from the AES,
blowfish, RC6 and BRA algorithms where their key size is 128 bits (Hemeida, Alexan, & Mamdouh, 2019).
Forgáč et. al (2021) present a novel model for image authentication, the model uses a neural network, symmetric
encryption, and cryptographic hash functions to achieve steganography. The most important feature used in the
developed software module is the Optimized Pulse-Coupled Neural Network Model (OM-PCNN). The matrices
position was generated by the neural network to embed authentication data into the cover image with emphasis
on the image entropy. However, the network weights are initialized using a steganographic key to increase the
security of the applied model. Mandal et al. (2020) and Li et al. (2021) present a scheme for implanting secret
messages using a skillful model of the number system. The receiver only knows the secret message, the technique
to hide the secret message and the method to extract the secret information from the cover file. The transmitter is
also aware of the encoding technique and method that is used to apply the secret message inside the text.
Data/information security is evolving every day thus the attack and intrusion algorithms are also becoming more
sophisticated, (Bhat et al., 2017) proposed a data embedding approach by combining steganography and
cryptography techniques to improve data transmission security over unsecured channels. However, an increase in
the size of the secret information increases the size of the position array used and the embedded process involves
the use of the position array, thus little pieces of secret information can be embedded in the cover file. Hence, this
study enhances the steganographic capacity of the cover file for more secret information to be hidden in it. The
developed approach will enable users to encrypt more secret information inside the cover file using an improved
RLE compression technique without compromising the content and integrity of the hidden data/information.
However, the developed technique will enable users to transfer bulky secret messages over an unsecured channel
with less or no suspicion.
The developed technique was achieved by compressing the cover file to accommodate more secret information
and to make the file size of the cover file to be relatively small to prevent it from being suspicious to unauthorized
users which can prompt brutal attacks to be carried out on the cover file. The secret information will be embedded
in the compressed cover file using the LSB steganography approach, the stego-file can then be transmitted over
the unsecured channel to the receiver for description and retrieval of the secret information. The steganography
process involves the encryption and decryption procedure as shown in Figure 1.
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
The data encryption module entails the data collection unit which is to collect the cover file, secret information
and password, the image compression unit compresses the cover file and has more space for storing secret
information while the steganography unit encrypts the secret information with the user password into the
compressed cover file to have a stego-file. The stego-file is output for user transmission and communication, the
process of the steganography for the data encryption is described in the block diagram shown in Figure 2.
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
The proposed algorithm computes the differences between the adjacent pixels for each colour, the threshold set
for the proposed algorithm is 50 which is an arbitrary value selected to have optimum compression ratio. If the
difference between 𝑟l and 𝑟4 is less than or equal to the threshold value (i.e. th<=50) and if the difference between
𝑔l and 𝑔4 less than or equal to a threshold value (i.e. th<=50) and also if the difference between 𝑏l and 𝑏4 is less
than or equal to a threshold value (th<=50), we add 1 to 𝑐l and if the difference is greater than 50 (i.e th>50), we
set 𝑐l to 0. The operation was carried out between next adjacent pixels to the last pixel in the image.
The step-by-step instruction programmed to implement the proposed improved RLE algorithm is as follows:
1. READ the Image file
2. GET the width M and the height N for the Image file
3. GENERATE an Array to have R(M,N), each element of the array should consists of the three fields which are
R, G, B
4. CONVERT the Image file to the R array; R(M,N)
5. LET Y=R(0,0); R(0,0) is the first element in the array
6. LET th = 50; where th is the threshold
7. FOR i=0 to N-1
7.1. FOR j=0 to M-1
7.1.1. IF Y - R(i,j) <= th THEN k = k + 1
7.1.2. ELSE Y=R(i,j) and k = 0
8. END
The proposed RLE algorithm was implemented to compress the cover image before the steganography process.
The LSB steganography technique involves the encryption of the text in the compressed cover image, the
compressed image was further processed to encrypt the secret message with the user password.
A simple illustration is a grid for 3 pixels of a 24- bit image:
(00101101 00011100 01011110) (10100110 11100100 00001100) (11011010 10101101 01101011)
When the number 200, whose binary representation is 11001000, is embedded into the LSB of this part of the
image, the resulting grid is as follows:
(00101101 00011100 01011110) (10100110 11100100 00001100) (11011010 10101101 01101011)
Although the number was embedded into the first 8 bits of the grid, only the underlines bits (3) needed to be
changed according to the message. On average, only some of the bits in an image will need to be modified to hide
a secret message using the maximum cover size.
The LSB concept exploits the fact that the level of precision in many image formats is far greater than that
perceivable by average human vision. Therefore, an altered image with slight variations in its colors will be
indistinguishable from the original image by human, the LSB algorithm is used for the steganography process to
hide the secret in the compressed image. The embedding algorithm used for the Least Significant Bit (LSB) based
on steganography is defined in equation (1).
𝑦D = 2 T 4@T + 𝑚D (1)
Where 𝑚D , 𝑥D and 𝑦D are the i-th message bit, and the i-th selected pixel value before and after embedding,
Let 𝑃. (𝑥 = 0), 𝑃(𝑥 = 1) represent the distribution of the least significant bits of the cover image, and
𝑃. (𝑚 = 0), 𝑃(𝑚 = 1) also represent the distribution of the secret binary message bits.
The secret message is to be compressed or encrypted before being embedded just to protect its secrecy, based on
this, the distribution of the secret message may be presumed to be equal to an averaged distribution such that
𝑃. (𝑚 = 0) ≈ 𝑃(𝑚 = 1) ≈ .
However, the cover image and the secret message can be assumed to be independent. Hence, noise introduced
into the image is as shown in the model equation shown in equation 2.
𝑃[l = 𝑃p (𝑥 = 0) (2)
Where P is the embedding rate, measured in bits per pixel (bpp).
The steganography encryption process involves the hiding of the text in the cover image, the developed system
has an interface to retrieve the cover file (i.e image file) and the secret message to be hidden which is in text
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
format, the cover file and secret message will be both processed using the steganography algorithm to produce
the stego-image using the stego-key which is the password to access the encrypted secret message, the
steganography encryption interface is illustrated in Figure 3.
The software interface for embedding secret messages in the cover file was successfully developed using Visual
C#. Visual C# is an Integrated Development Environment (i.e. IDE) which is a multi-paradigm programming
language encompassing strong typing, imperative, declarative, functional, generic, object-oriented (class-based),
and component-oriented programming disciplines. It is a programming language designed for the common
language infrastructure. The first step in steganography is to embed and hide information inside the encoder, one
or several protocols will be implemented to embed the secret message into the cover file. An encrypted key is
needed in the embedding process using the stego-key reduces the chance of third-party attackers getting hold of
the stego-object and it is also required to decode the stego-image to have access to the secret information.
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
Figure 7. Stego-image using uncompressed cover Figure 8. Stego-image using compressed cover
image image
The same secret message and user-defined password were hidden in the Circuit Diagram.jpeg and the result is
also tabulated in Table 2. It can be deduced that stego-image that has its cover file compressed before hiding the
secret message is smaller in file size compared to the stego-image that has its cover file not compressed. Hence,
the stego-image that has its cover file compressed is less suspicious and has more storage capacity due to its file
size and can be less attacked during transmission over an unsecured channel compared to the large file size of
stego-image with its cover file not compressed making it suspicious and can be brutally attacked to retrieve the
secret message during transmission over an unsecured channel.
Table 2. Result from the compression and steganography algorithm
The MSE and PSNR as expressed in equations 3 and 4 were used to evaluate the embedded texture image by
comparing the stego-image when the compressed cover file was used to the original image, this validates that the
cover file is not distorted to avoid suspicion during transmission. The MSE measures the difference between the
original image and the stego-image (processed image) from the compressed cover file (i.e the lower the MSE
result the less the distortion of the cover file). The PSNR is inversely proportional to the MSE, if the PSNR result
falls below 30dB it indicates the stego-image is distorted which signifies low quality but when the PSNR result is
40dB and above, it signifies high-quality stego-image (Carvajal-Gamez, Gallegos-Funes & Lopez-Bonilla (2009);
Laskar & Hemachandran, (2012); Ulutas, Ulutas & Nabiyev (2011)).
𝑀𝑆𝐸 = .×E ∑.5l E5l
DuO ∑]uO [𝐼(𝑖, 𝑗) − 𝐾(𝑖, 𝑗)]
Table 3. The PSNR and MSE result for the stego-image when the cover file was compressed
S/N Original Image Cover Secret Compressed Stego File with MSE PSNR
File Size Message Cover File Compressed (%) (dB)
(KB) (KB) Size (KB) Cover File (KB)
1 lena.jpeg 36.9 5.08 18 113 0.03 63.64
2 Circuit 231 5.08 116 621 0.00 71.48
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
The PSNR result affirms that the quality degradations could hardly be perceived by the human eye after the
compression and embedding process. Thus, the stego-image file size has been reduced by compressing the cover
file using the RLE compression technique before using the LSB steganography technique to hide the secret
message without degrading the quality of the image which is suitable for communication over an unsecured
channel without suspicion compared to using steganography technique without compressing the cover file to hide
the secret message. Hence, the developed technique is efficient and effective to hide secret messages in a
compressed cover file and transmit the stego-image over an unsecured channel without suspicion.
The proposed algorithm was implemented to compress the cover file and hide secret messages in the compressed
cover file to have more storage without compromising the integrity of the information. The lena.jpg file size of
36.9KB was used as a cover image to hide the secret message of 5.08KB including the user password, the stego-
image was 768KB by hiding the secret message in the cover file without compressing the cover file. However,
the stego-image was 113KB when the same secret message with the user password was hidden in the compressed
cover file of lena.jpg. The stego-image file size using a compressed cover file is smaller compared to stego-image
when using the uncompressed cover file. The MSE and PSNR result is 0.03 and 63.64dB respectively for the
sample file of lena.jpg when compressed which signifies that there is less noise and distortion when the cover file
is compressed and used to hide secret messages. The stego-image when using a compressed cover file is less
suspicious because of the file size when transmitted over an unsecured channel. Hence, the proposed algorithm is
efficient and effective and can be deployed to secure classified information inside a compressed cover file with a
user-defined password, the stego-file can be transmitted over unsecured channel without compromising the
integrity of the message.
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Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
Email: olowojo@yahoo.com
This paper focuses on the chemical modification of raw locust bean pod husk (LBPH) fibre using sodium
hydroxide. The LBPH fibres were cleaned and reduced to a particle size range of (250-150µm). Sequential
extraction method of biomass analysis was used to determine the chemical composition of the LBPH fibre.
Analysis shows that the chemical composition consists of cellulose (59.3%), hemicellulose (20.2%), lignin
(10.2%), extractive (9.1%) and ash (1.2%). 100 g of raw LBPH was mercerized at varying treatment concentration
and contact time using NaOH to optimally improve the cellulose content, reduce the hydrophilic property of the
LBPH fibre and improve the interfacial adhesion capacity of the LBPH fibre for polymer composite. Upon
mercerization, a high optimum cellulose content of 80% was achieved using 1.5% NaOH at a contact time of 3 h.
This indicates that the alkaline treatment process has a positive effect on the raw LBPH fibre. This is further
confirmed by the FTIR spectrum of the treated LBPH fibre, recording minimal OH groups and aromatic lignin
peaks. High NaOH treatment concentration weakens and denature the LBPH fibre. The LBPH treated fibre with
the optimum cellulose content was preserved as a reinforcing material for polymer composite production.
KEYWORDS: Chemical Treatment, Locust Bean Pod Husk, Cellulose, Mercerization and Polymer Composite.
The availability of abundant and cheap natural fibre alongside its ease of processing, for use as reinforcing
materials in polymer composite, is currently of great interest to researchers. However, a major challenge with
polymer reinforced composites with natural fibre is their incompatibility leading to weak interphase and uneven
dispersion within the polymer composite. Polymer is hydrophobic in nature while natural fibres are hydrophilic.
This difference in character can be narrowed by chemical or physical modification of the fibre or polymer, thereby
improving their compactibility. The surface of natural sourced fibres can be chemically modified through
processes like coupling agents, chemical treatment, and graft co-polymerization, with the essence of improving
the mechanical properties of polymer composites (Kumar et al., 2018).
According to Malkapuram et al. (2008), these processes reduce the hydrophilic property of the natural fibre. Alkali
treatment is a suitable and cheap chemical treatment method of modifying natural fibre. The usage of alkaline,
increases the surface roughness of fibre and also help to eliminate the network structure of the hydrogen bonding
present within the natural fibre (Lee et al., 2009). This chemical treatment assists in removing the extractives
(oils and wax) and lignin that form a coating around the cell wall of the fibre to a reasonable degree. Exposition
of the short length crystallites and depolymerization of the native structure of the cellulose is also observed (Li et
al., 2009). The reaction which takes place between natural fibre (NF) such as locust bean pod husk and sodium
hydroxide for the chemical treatment process is shown in Equation 1.1.
Locust bean pod husk (LBPH) is dark brown in colour with a density of l0.97kg/m3 and pH of 6, indicating its
weak level of organic acidity. The chemical composition shows that it has a tannin content of 27- 44%. LBP
concentrated extract are known to strengthen the water resistance of walls, ceramic pots and floors. Ash obtained
from burnt LBP husk has been used for dying and tanning of indigo clothes and for soap making (Aguwa and
Okafor, 2012). Ndububa and Uloko (2015) ascertained the water absorption capacity and compressive strength of
the production of concrete mortar, using LBPH ash as a partial replacement of cement in the concrete mix. Adama
and Jimoh (2011) reported that LBPH ash can be used as a pozzolan- which is a cementitious stabilizing additive
in weak laterite for road construction. This paper explores the alkaline treatment of locust bean pod husk (LBPH)
fibre as a reinforcing material for polymer composite production.
2. Materials and Method
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
2.1 Materials
Locust bean pod husk (LBPH) fibre, Soduum hydroxide and distill water of analytical grade were used for this
Table 2.1 shows the design of experiment using central composite design (CCD) that was used in carrying out the
chemical treatment process. This was carried out at varying treatment concentrations and contact time. Thirteen
(13) runs were generated in all as captured in Table 3.2.
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
Table 3.2: Chemical Composition of Treated Locust Bean Pod Husk at Different Treatment Concentration and
Contact Time
In most cases, natural fibres such as LBPH are subjected to chemical modification inorder to minimize their
hydrophilic character. This is because, water-loving reinforcing materials poses a threat to the mechanical property
and durability of polymer composites. This mercerization process assists in breaking the hydrogen bonds which
exist between cellulose and other components such as lignin and hemicellulose. Similarly, free hydroxyl groups
in the LBPH fibres capable of bonding with moisture are eliminated (Dittenber and GangaRao, 2012). The LBPH
treated fibre with the optimum cellulose content was reserved as a reinforcing material for polymer composite
The FTIR Spectra of the raw and treated Locust Bean Pod Husk is presented in Figure 3.1 and Figure 3.2.
Figure 3.1: FTIR Spectrum for Raw Locust Bean Pod Husk
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
Figure 3.2: FTIR Spectrum for Treated Locust Bean Pod Husk
3.3 FTIR Analysis for Raw and Treated Locust Bean Pod Husk
Figure 3.1 presents the FTIR spectrum of raw locust bean pod husk (LBPH) fibre. The absorbance region is within
the wavelength range of 500 cm-1 - 4000cm-1. This extends from the fingerprint skeletal vibration region to single
bond stretch region. The FTIR spectrum shows the three (3) basic chemical constituents found in natural fibre.
These include cellulose, lignin and hemicellulose at their designated functional group and wavelength peaks.
Starting from the single bond stretch region, multiple hydroxyl (OH) groups of not less than 12 peaks in the range
of 3751.00 –3628.69cm-1 were observed. Functional groups within this range of peaks are commonly found in
most natural fibres having hemicellulose and cellulose as part of their chemical compositions. This report is similar
to (Jabar 2017 and Hyas et al., 2017). The presence of these OH groups is a confirmation of the hydrophilic
property of raw natural fibres, linked to the hemicellulose and cellulose component of the raw LBPH. These OH
groups are held and bonded together by hydrogen bond. However, the hydrophilic nature of raw LBPH fibre can
be a limiting factor for it to be suitable for use as a reinforcing material in polymer composite application. This is
because of its incompatibility with the hydrophobic character of polymer matrix (Jabar, 2017; Olowokere et al.,
2022). Furthermore, Figure 3.1 presents the alkane C-H peaks observed at 2923.63 and 2863.50 cm-1. This is also
an indicative presence of hydrocarbons in raw LBPH fibre, which also reported by Khalil et al., (2001). Further
observations reveals that variable C=C aromatic rings and C=C double bond stretch groups are present in the
spectrum. These are indicative of the presence of lignin components, having the attributes of aromatic as observed
at (1684.41 – 1653.63 cm-1) and (1559.27 – 1533.49 cm-1) respectively. Similarly, C –Cl stretch peak for aliphatic
chloro compound is captured at a wavelength of 721.57 cm-1. This is similar to the results obtained by Olowokere
et al. (2022).
The subjection of raw fibre to chemical treatment is of great importance, if it must serve as valuable reinforcing
materials in polymer composite application. The FTIR spectrum in Figure 3.2 presents the treated LBPH fibre
with the optimum cellulose content yield at 1.5% NaOH for 3 h. Observation from the FTIR spectrum shows there
are minimal peaks associated with the OH hydroxyl group at 3854.01 – 3821.50 cm-1. This reduction in OH group
peaks is a manifestation of the effect of the alkaline treatment process, which has shifted and transformed the
hydrophilic character of the raw LBPH fibre to a hydrophobic one, for ease of compatibility with any available
polymer matrix. This transformation is possible through the breaking of the hydrogen bond network within the
LBPH fibre by the NaOH, thereby exposing more crystalline cellulose components with active surface site for
good interfacial bonding. Similarly, there are minimal aromatic lignin peaks at 1654.22 and 1533.77 cm-1. In this
case, the chemical treatment is able to initiate and promote the depletion of some of the amorphous aromatic lignin
components, which also poses a setback to good interfacial bonding within a polymer composite.
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
In Table 3.3, the model F- value of 6.23 signifies that the model is significant. There is only a 1.75% chance
that a “model F-value” of this magnitude could probably occur as a result of noise. Values of “prob >F” that are
less than 0.05 indicate a significance in their model terms. In this case, treatment concentration (A) is a significant
model term since the “prob>F” value is less than 0.05 as shown in Table 3.3. While values greater than 0.1 indicate
the model terms are not significant. In this case, B which is 0.7652 is not a significant model term in relation to
The lack of fit F-value of 4270.17 is significant and this actually influences the fitness of a model.
The model summary of the statistical analysis of LBPH cellulose response is presented in Table
3.4. Table 3.4: Model Summary for LBPH Cellulose Response
Std. Mean C.V PRESS R-squared Adj. Pred. Adeq.
Deviation (%) R-squared R-squared precision
5.77 61.83 9.33 718.69 0.7549 0.6659 0.0398 7.323
The information on Table 3.4 shows that the "Pred R-Squared" of 0.0398 is not as close to the "Adj R-Squared"
of 0.6659 as one might normally expect. This may indicate a large block effect or a possible problem with the
model and/or data. Things to consider are model reduction, response tranformation, outliers. "Adeq Precision"
measures the signal to noise ratio. A ratio greater than 4 is desirable. This ratio of 7.323 indicates an adequate
signal. This model can be used to navigate the design space.
The final model equation that describes the LBPH treatment process in terms of coded factors is expressed in
Equation 3.1.
Given that A = Treatment Concentration and B = Contact Time
Cellulose = 61.83 -7.18A – 0.63B ----------------------------------------------------3.1
Equation 3.1 is valid within the range of 1.5 to 4.5% treatment concentration and contact time of 1 to 3 h.
The predicted optimum cellulose response contour plot and the overlay plot for LBPH are presented in Figure 3.3
and 3.4 respectively.
Figure 3.3: Predicted Optimum Cellulose Response Contour Plot for LBPH
Figure 3.4: Overlay Plot for Optimum Cellulose Response Parameter for LBPH
Figures 3.3 and 3.4 present the optimum treatment conditions that give the optimum composition of cellulose and
other non-cellulosic chemical composition of the treated LBPH fibre. The predicted optimum alkaline treatment
concentration is 2.18% at a contact time of 2.45 h, to give a cellulose composition of 65.4906%. This value is less
than the actual experimental value obtained upon confirmation. In the actual experimental analysis of the optimum
treated LBPH fibre, a high cellulose content of 80% was achieved using 1.5% NaOH at a contact time of 3 h.
Natural fibres such as locust bean pod husk are promising reinforcing materials for polymer composite production.
However, these fibres need to be chemically modified to better suit this purpose through mercerization. This will
assist in optimally improving the cellulose content, reduce the hydrophilic property and ultimately improve the
interfacial adhesion bonding capacity of the natural fibre with the polymer matrix in a composite. Using sequential
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
extraction method of biomass analysis, the chemical composition of raw locust bean pod husk fibre was
characterized. It was found to be composed of cellulose, hemicellulose, lignin, extractives and ash. Out of these 5
components, the cellulose content recorded the highest composition of 59.3%. This value increased to 80% upon
exposure to alkaline treatment at a NaOH concentration of 1.5% for 3 h. Furthermore, the alkaline treatment is
able to improve the crystallinity nature of the LBPH fibre, while reducing its hydrophilic character for better
interfacial bonding for polymer composite application. This is confirmed by the FTIR result. All of these
observations are confirmation of the positive effect of the alkaline treatment process of the LBPH fibre.
The authors in this work acknowledge the financial support of petroleum technology development fund (PTDF),
as well as the support of the school of infrastructure, process engineering and technology, Federal University
of Technology MINNA, the engineering staff of Nile University and African University of Science and
Technology (AUST).
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Ndububa, E.E and Uloko, J.O (2015). Locust Bean Pod Ash (LBPA) as a Pozzolanic Material in Concrete.
Proceedings of the International Academic Conference for Sub-Sahara African Transformation &
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Olowokere, J.A; Akpan, U.G; Okafor, J.O; and Auta, S.M. (2022). Production and Characterization of Polymer
Composite from Recycled Low Density Polyethylene and Modified Eucalyptus globulus Sawdust Fibre.
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Sridevi, A., Narasimha, G., Ramanjaneyulu, G., Dileepkumar, K., Rajasekhar-Reddy B., and Suvarnalatha-Devi,
P. (2015).Saccharification of pretreated sawdust by Aspergillus niger cellulase. 3 Biotech. 2015 Dec; 5(6):
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
O. R. Ayadju1, I. Bori2*
Department of Mechanical Engineering, Federal University of Technology, Minna, Nigeria.
Email: chat2obus@yahoo.com
The overdependence on the use of fossil fuels, environmental problems caused by conventional energy sources
and deforestation caused by the excessive use of wood for energy has brought the need for alternative energy
sources. Agricultural residue such as palm kernel shells have shown great promise in solving this energy problem.
The biomass material used (palm kernel shell) was obtained from Suleja, Niger state. The palm kernel shell was
washed and sun dried to reduce the level of moisture present in the feedstock. A pyrolyzer was designed, fabricated
and was used for the pyrolysis of palm kernel shell. The process of pyrolysis was carried out at pyrolyzing
temperature range of 300°C – 700°C and at a pyrolysis duration of 20 minutes. The result showed that palm kernel
shell at 300°C yielded 71.34% char, 20.69% tar and 7.92% gas; 400°C yielded 44.04% char, 26.12% tar and
18.1% gas; 500°C yielded 42.10% char, 37.29% tar and 20.61% gas; 600°C yield 33.71% char, 40.14% tar and
26.14% gas; 700°C yielded 29.88% char, 33.04% tar and 37.08% gas. From the above result, it can be concluded
that as the pyrolyzing temperature increases, both tar and gas increases rapidly while the char production reduces
and vice-versa.
The surging worldwide clamour and the unfavourable effects of non-renewable fossil fuels on the environment
had inspired substantial research attention in a wide range of engineering application of renewable resources such
as biomass (Oyedepo et al., 2019).Biomass is clean, they can renew or replenish themselves. Its initial energy
comes from the sun, and can regrow in a relatively short amount of time. Its sources are consistently available and
can be managed sustainably. Hence the heightening energy demand must be progressively contended by varied
energy resources, including sustainable and renewable sources like biomass (Ciubota-Rosie et al., 2008).We use
four types of biomass today- wood and agricultural products, solid waste, landfill gas and biogas, and alcohol
fuels (like ethanol or biodiesel) (National Energy Education Development, 2008). The main benefits of biomass
are biomass is a renewable energy source, biomass helps climatic changes by reducing greenhouse gas emissions,
cleaner environment and widely available source of energy.
The problems with biomass energy is that it takes a lot of land area and water to grow plants, and it can setup a
potential food versus fuel feedstock as food crops like cassava, maize, sweet potato are used as biomass feedstocks
and could increase deforestation due to the use of wood biomass, which can in turn affect the environment. The
major components of biomass are cellulose, hemicellulose and lignin, each of which is different in their
decomposition behaviour (Vigouroux, 2001). Moreover, decomposition of each component depends on heating
rate, temperature and the presence of contaminants due to different molecular structures (Jahirul et al.,
2012). Biomass can be converted into useful forms of energy using a number of different processes. Factors that
influence the choice of conversion process are the type and quantity of biomass feedstock, the desired form of the
energy, environmental standards, economic conditions, and project specific factors. The methods of converting
biomass to energy: Conversion of biomass to energy is undertaken using two main process technologies: The
conversion of biomass to energy is undertaken using biochemical/biological method or thermochemical methods.
The biochemical conversion is the process by which biomass is converted into gas (CO2/CH4), waste (compost or
fertilizer) and water (water or C2H5OH) by using microorganisms (Ciubota-Rosie et al., 2008).
Solid fuels, such as biomass and coal, undergo thermal conversion to provide various forms of energy and other
products. The three thermochemical processes by which solid fuels are converted are: Direct combustion,
Gasification, Liquefaction, Torrefaction, and Pyrolysis (Mafu, 2018). Pyrolysis is defined as the thermal
destruction of organic materials in the absence of oxygen, or partially combusted in a limited oxygen supply, to
produce a hydrocarbon rich gas mixture, an oil-like liquid and a carbon rich solid residue. Pyrolysis converts
biomass at temperatures around 5000 C, in the absence of oxygen, to liquid (bio-oil), gaseous and solid (charcoal)
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
fractions (Ciubota-Rosie et al., 2008). The advantages of pyrolysis are but not limited to the production of few air
emissions due to limited use of oxygen, carbon sequestration, high energy efficiency, versatility, and energy
2.1 Moisture content is the weight of water contain in the sample. It was determined by measuring the
difference between the weights of the samples before and after the drying process, and it is mathematically
determined with the relation:
M.C. = •l
× 100 (2.1)
The same analysis is carried out on the sample three times and the average of the three results is calculated using
the relation:
M.C.T = `
MC1 + MC2 + MC3 are the moisture content of the first, second, and third trial of the moisture content
Weight determination is very important in the analysis, because it gives the amount of products (char, tar, and
gas) at different temperature. It also helps in determining the efficiency of the process and that of the equipment.
Weight of measuring pan is denoted as wp, and the weight of measuring pan together with the sample is denoted
as wppks, weight of char produced is Wchar = wpchar - wp
The project work was based on the assumption that there was no loss or any leakage, therefore, since the weight
of char and weight of char and weight of tar is gotten as given in the expression above. Then weight of gas can
be determined according to the relation:
Product yield is the ratio of the weight of product to the sample in percentage. It was determined for each
product by weighing each product of the pyrolysis, and the sample.
Char yield
Having determined the weight of char, Wchar and the weight of the sample Wpks according with the relations
given above. Then char yield Ychar was determined according to relation:
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
Char yield, Ychar = •!q<
× 100 (2.8)
Tar yield, Ychar = ¸ vÐu × 100 (2.9)
Gas yield
Gas yield Ygas was determined with the known weight of the gas, Wgas, and weight of the sample, Wpks. And it is
given in the relation as:
Gas yield, Ygas = ¸ –ÐÍ × 100 (2.10)
The energy content is the product of the sample weight and the heating value of the sample. The energy content
in the sample before pyrolysis is the input energy of the processes, while the energy content to the products
(which includes the energy of the processes, while the energy content to the products (which includes the energy
content in the char, tar and that of the gas) is the output energy of process, also the energy produced by the
furnace is the input energy of the equipment.
The energy content is the product of the sample weight and the heating value of the sample. The weight of the
sample (palm kernel shells), Wpks was determined as given above and the heating value of palm kernel shell Hpks
was given as 21.10MJ/kg by Ojolo, and Ismail, (2012). Therefore, the energy content in the sample is given in
the relation:
However, a constant weight of 500g was used throughout the experiment and since the heating value of palm
kernel shells has been known to be 21.1 MJ/kg.
ϵpks = lOOO × 21.1 MJ/kg = 10.55 MJ (3.12)
This section should include apparatus and equipment setup, work materials, design, experimental methods,
problem formulation, etc, as applicable.
3.1 Cost Estimation of Constructing the Electric Furnace and its accessories
The cost for the design and fabrication of the electrical furnace and its accessories are shown in the table 1.
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
A pyrolyzer is a device used in converting biomass into useful fuels in the absence of oxygen. The components
of the Pyrolyzer are: electrically operated furnace, heater band, clay, retort, pyrometer, contactor, galvanized iron
pipe, rubber hose, rubber gasket, clips, thermostat, heating element, bolts and nuts, lagging.
The result of the pyrolysis of palm kernel shells at a temperature range of 300 °C to 700 °C for 20 minutes is
presented in table 2 below
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
My sincere gratitude goes to my project supervisor Engr. Dr. I. Bori, for his support and continuous guidance all
through this project work. Also my profound gratitude goes to the Renewable energy laboratory, LAUTECH,
Ogbomoso for giving me the opportunity of fabricating the electric furnace (pyrolyser) within its centre.
Ciubota-Rosie, C., Gavrilescu, M., & Macoveanu, M. (2008). Biomass - An important renewable source of energy
in Romania. Environmental Engineering and Management Journal, 7(5), 559–568.
Jahirul, M. I., Rasul, M. G., Chowdhury, A. A., & Ashwath, N. (2012). Biofuels production through biomass
pyrolysis- A technological review. Energies, 5(12), 4952–5001. https://doi.org/10.3390/en5124952
renewable energy sources.
Kamimoto, M. (2006). The significance of liquid fuel production from woody biomass. AIST Today (International
Edition), 21, 2–3.
Mafu, L. D. (2018). Chemical and structural changes of biomass during pyrolysis and the influence on
gasification reactivity in coal -biomass blends. October, 11–46.
National Energy Education Development. (2008). Biomass Biomass at a Glance 2008. The NEED Project, 12–
Ojolo, S. J, Ismail, S.O, (2012). "Mathematical modelling of plastic waste pyrolysis kinematics"
Mechanical Engineering Department, University of Lagos, Lagos, Nigeria.
Okoroigwe, E. C., Enibe, S. O., & Onyegegbu, S. O. (2016). Determination of oxidation characteristics and
decomposition kinetics of some Nigerian biomass. In Journal of Energy in Southern Africa • (Vol. 27,
Issue 3).
Osueke, C., & Ezugwu, C. (2011). Study of Nigeria Energy resources and its consumption. International Journal
of Scientific & Engineering Research, 2(12), 121–130.
Oyedepo, S. O., Dunmade, I. S., Adekeye, T., Attabo, A. A., Olawole, O. C., Babalola, P. O., Oyebanji, J. A.,
Udo, M. O., Kilanko, O., & Leramo, R. O. (2019). Bioenergy technology development in Nigeria –
Pathway to sustainable energy development. International Journal of Environment and Sustainable
Development, 18(2), 175–205. https://doi.org/10.1504/IJESD.2019.099513
Philander, S. G., & Winograd, C. (2012). International Energy Agency. In Encyclopedia of Global Warming &
Climate Change. https://doi.org/10.4135/9781452218564.n379
Vigouroux, R. Z. (2001). PYROLYSIS OF BIOMASS • Rapid Pyrolysis at High Temperature • Slow Pyrolysis for
Active Carbon Preparation. 113.
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
This paper reports a study on the production of furfural from rice straw biomass using different and specifically
investigate the effects of solvents as promoters on furfural Yield from rice straw by carrying performance
evaluation on various KCr2O7, H2O/THF and H2O/Toluene at constant reaction temperature (180 0C), reaction time
of 30 min and acid concentration of 0.5M H2SO4. Furfural production was carried out by hydrolysis of Pentosans
to Pentoses where Pentosans in hemicelluloses is hydrolyzed with dilute mineral acids and various solvents as a
promoter at relatively temperature to pentoses and subsequent dehydration of pentoses to furfural in a single stage
process. The results showed that potasium dichromate salt gave a better yeild of 84.7% using 0.5M H2SO4 of the
three salt employed in the experiment followed by H2O/THF with yield of 78.3% at 0.5M H2SO4 and H2O/toulene
with a yield of 68.9% at 0.5M H2SO4 respectively. Furfural produced was successfully characterized and compared
to that of commercial grade. Its molecular weight is 96.03 g/mol, boiling point of 160.48 °C, and its chemical
formula is C5H4O2 with a bitter almond odor. FTIR Resultconfirms the presence of carbonyl and aldehyde
functional groups at wave length of 1666.27cm-1 and 2844.18cm -1 . The FTIR of furfural produced was compared
with that of commercial furfural both followed a similar pattern.
Rice straw is the vegetative part of rice plant which is considered as waste after harvesting the rice grain. After
wheat and corn, rice is believed to be the third most important grain crop in the world (Binod et al., 2010). Global
rice production in 2016 was estimated to be 751.9 million tonnes by Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO)
of United Nations. In 2016 (FAO, 2017). The quality of rice varies from one region to other, as the quality depends
on rainfall, quality of soil and local climate. In recent years, rice straw is seen as potential source for producing
furfural. Hemicellulose from rice straw mostly consists of xylose which on dehydration using sulphuric acid gives
furfural (Machado et al., 2016). At present, China is leading in furfural production followed by South Africa and
Dominican Republic. Furfural is widely used as an important chemical raw material for pesticides,
pharmaceuticals, food additives, and so on. It can also be used as a raw material for refined petroleum, oil, and
solvents for various industrial applications (Yan et al., 2014). Understanding the way to convert these molecules
into high-value and high-quality add chemicals is important as they can substitute their fossil-based equivalents.
These bio-based chemicals and materials are synthesized from feedstocks rich in carbohydrates and starch.
(Sweygers et al., 2020). The increasing demand of new .materials is on the rise due to continuous search for
innovation and new technology so as to improve the previous ones. Also, interest in developing and advancing
more efficient solvents has been the focus of researcher lately due to rise in applications of green chemistry (Duan
et al., 2020). Solvents is central to development of new chemicals, compounds and systems hence, there is
continuous search for new solvents is on the rise due to growing demand from other end user sectors such in
chemical industries such as biotechnology, medicine, pharmaceutical, cosmetics, personal care goods, food and
drinks as well as the increasing adoption for eco-friendly environment and packaging materials. Numerous
challenges and limitations have been identified during production and recovery of furfural using the conventional
solvents such as acids or bases thus, to increase yield, purity and achieve eco- friendly environment, green solvents
such as potassium dichromate, water/toluene and water /tetrahydrofuran as substitutes for traditional organic
solvents (acid and base) should be sought for which has minimal or no generation of hazardous by-products have
to be developed to assure effective production of products and achieve sustainable environment.( Chen et al.,
2019).These solvents are easily recyclable and does increase yield. Hence, the aim of this current work is to carry
out performance evaluation of four solvents (potassium dichromate, water/toluene and water /tetrahydrofuran) on
furfural production from rice straw. For the manufacture of furfural, homogeneous catalysts, mineral acids, and
metal chlorides have been studied. The two mineral acids that are most frequently utilized as catalysts in the
industrial manufacture of furfural are sulfuric acid and hydrochloric acid. In order to increase the yield and
conversion of furfural, Yadav et al., 2017) researched and analyzed the catalytic activity of various acids,
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
including sulfuric acid, nitric acid, phosphoric acid, hydrochloric acid, acetic acid, and formic acid (Zhang et al.,
2014) found that xylan produced 84.8% of the furfural yield using AlCl3 and 65% of the furfural from xylose
using hydrochloric acid. Studies generally reveal that a high yield of furfural was produced by mineral acids.
However, mineral acids are highly harsh on machinery, recovering catalysts from reaction mixtures is challenging,
and we are unable to recycle the catalysts (Ameh et al., 2016). Researchers have made a number of initiatives to
reduce the chemical pollution brought on by the usage of acid homogeneous solvents. Hence, to address the issues
with the use of homogeneous solvents such as minerals acids, heterogeneous solvents such as potassium
dichromate, water/toluene and water /tetrahydrofuran as substitutes for traditional organic solvents (acid and base)
for furfural production were evaluated in this work.
2.1: Material
Some of the materials and equipment used during the experiment are listed as followed; Dried rice straw biomass,
distilled water, funnels, H2SO4,, toluene, tetrahydrofuran, potassium dichromate, chloroform, digital weighing
balance, heating mantle, GCMS machine, 3-Neck Round bottom flask, retort stand, FTIR Machine, water bath,
separating funnels, quick fit thermometer, condenser, beaker and vacuum pump.
From a field in Nigeria's Nasarawa state, rice straw was harvested. To get rid of weeds and other contaminants,
the straw bail was sifted. The grinder was used to chop the straw. Standard test sieves were used to size the straw,
and any flax straws with particle sizes smaller than 0.6 mm mesh size were collected and placed in a Ziploc bag.
In order to get particle sizes within the range of the maximum particle size (1000µm), this particle size was chosen
(Vidal et al., 2011). At this particle size, the further reduction has no effect on the yield of furfural. The sample
was stored at room temperature in a firmly closed container.
2.2 Methods:
The methodology for this research was splitted into four phases. The first phases of the experiment focused on
feedstock (rice straw).The rice straw was collected from Nasarawa state then it was washed to remove impurity
after which it was dried at room temperature until weight was obtained. The rice straw finely grounded and sieved
to 1000 μm mesh size. The prepared rice straw samples were analyzed for dried moisture content, ash contents,
lignin, oil content, and cellulose and hemicellulose contents after the oven drying at Institute for Agricultural
Research (IAR/ABU), Zaria. Furfural production was carried out using a batch reactor and a distillation system,
while the acid hydrolysis of the microalgae samples took place in the batch reactor. Aqueous Sulphuric acid
(various amounts) of 0.5M Concentration, Uniform quantity 10 g of potassium dichromate, water/toluene and
water tetrahydrofuran at a ratio of 1:2 and 10 g of rice straw sample respectively, were introduced into a 500 mL
3-necked round bottom flask, fixed to a Vigreux column and a Condenser and the reaction mixture was heated.
The effluent from the batch reactor experienced rapid distillation at 105 oC, then the aqueous distillate mixture
was collected over 40 mL chloroform in a separating funnel and two distinct layers were formed which are, the
furfural-chloroform layer as well as the aqueous layer (Ameh et al., 2016). After 2 h of distillation (after which
there was no increase in the furfural-chloroform layer), the furfural-chloroform layer was decanted, then poured
into a conical flask. The decanted furfural-chloroform mixture was subjected to a rotary evaporation at a
temperature of 65 oC for 10 min where all the chloroform was observed to be evaporated leaving the furfural as
the products. This procedure was repeated for various reaction temperatures, concentration and reaction time.
(C5H8O4)n + nH2O → (C5H10O5)n
Pentosans Pentoses
(C5H10O5)n → (C5H4O2 )n + 3H2O
Pentoses Furfural
Scheme 1: Reaction for the Production of furfural
Furfural Yield is calculated using this equation
Furfural Yield (%) = ×100………(1)
The experimental set up during the research is shown in Plate 1
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
Proximate analysis was carried out to determine % moisture content, % Ash content, % volatile matter content
and % fixed carbon content of the rice straw biomass. The result is presented in Table 3 while Furfural yield
using different solvents are presented in Table 4.
The furfaral yield for various solvent are presented in Table 4.8 above, as seen potasium dichromate salt gave a
better yeild of 84.7% using 1.5M H2SO4 of the three salt employed in the experiment followed by H2O/THF with
yield of 78.3% at 0.5M H2SO4 .and H2O/toulene with a yield of 68.9 at 0.5M H2SO4 this shows that the yield of
fufural using for H2O/THF and H2O/toulene system decreases with increase in acid concentration and a non-linear
relationship is observed for dichromate salt.
Important characterisation techniques were carried out and the results are presented and discussed as follows.
Qualitative Chemical analysis of furfural using Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy (FTIR) was done on
furfural produced to determine the functional group present and both the commercial and furfural produced was
qualitatively characterized and compared. Figure 1 show the FTIR result, of furfural produced and that of
commercial furfural.
The Infrared Spectrum of furfural produced was compared to that of commercial in Figure 1 and both followed a
similar peaks trend.
As shown in Figure 1, the Fourier Transform Infrared Spectrum exhibited a strong absorption at 1669.8 cm-1
indicating a significant functional, the presence of conjugated carbonyl C=O group. The presence of an aldehyde
was further proven by two peaks attained at 3134.7 cm-1 and 2810 cm-1. These absorption shows a moderate intense
stretching of aldehydic C=H. The strong peaks indicated from 1566.25 cm-1 to 1388.79 cm-1 are inactive stretching
of C=C from aromatic ring while the aromatic bending out of plane peaks was observed from 964.44 cm-1 to 849.5
cm-1. Peaks at 3134.7, 2810, 1669.8, 1565.5, 1461.1, 1394, 1274.7, and 1017.6 cm-1 in the spectra could clearly be
seen. Additionally, no broad peaks were seen in the hydroxyl (OH) region between 3400 and 2400 cm-1. This
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
demonstrates that a carboxylic acid group is not present. At 1714.46 cm-1, the spectra revealed a very significant
absorption. This absorption points to a carbonyl with a double bond (C=O). Because conjugated unsaturated
aldehydes have internal hydrogen bonding, the absorption wave number is a little lower than typical. However,
this peak can also be seen for chemical substances including ketone, ester, and aldehyde groups, as well as
carboxylic acid (COOH). Since there was no peak at 1763.72 cm-1, aldehyde rather than the ketone group is
present. Furthermore, the appearance of two peaks at 3019.55 cm-1 and 2811.71 cm-1 provided further evidence of
the aldehyde's presence. Due to the Fermi resonance between the basic aldehydic C-H stretching and the first
overtone of the aldehydic C-H bending vibration, these absorptions demonstrate a moderately intense stretching
of the aldehydic C-H bond. The spectral position is 1367.41 cm-1. For the aldehyde group, these bands can be seen
often. But the stretching of C=C from the aromatic ring is visible as strong peaks at 1521.45 cm-1 and 1421 cm-1.
From 928.72 cm-1 to 849.53 cm-1, aromatic =C-H peak bending out of plane was found. Indicating the C-O
stretching vibration were two prominent peaks at 1045.28 cm-1 and 1214.45 cm-1. This is similar to that of
Oguche et al., 2017.
Qualitative Chemical analysis of furfural using GC-MS was done on the furfural produced to determine the
quantity (percentage composition) furfural present in the sample produces. With an Agilent 6890/5973 GC-MS
outfitted with an HP-5MS capillary column, the produced furfural’s qualitative analysis is carried out, and Figures
2 depict the corresponding GC/MS spectra for the various alcohols' oxidation products. According to the GC-MS
spectra, Furfural is the primary product in the system others include methyl 2-furoate, 2-furoate, and 3 -(furan-2-
Figure 2: GC-MS of furfural produced from rice straw using 1.5M acid
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University of Ilorin, Nigeria
Results obtained from Gas Chromatogram (Figure 2 and Figure 3) shows that furfural has a retention time of
6.5466 min with a relatives abundance of 62 %. The Gas Chromatogram Spectrum shows a molecular ions peaks
at mass to charge (m/z) ratio of 96 which correlate to a molecular formular of furfural of C5H4O2. However a peak
at m/z of 95.0 (Figure 4.13) was obtained for furfural produced from rice straw (this work) due to loss of hydrogen
to form a carbonium ion. An electron was given away by the aldehyde carbon to hydrogen to form this
fragmentation since more stable catio can be formed due to formation of hydrocarbon pattern, peak at m/z of 95
becomes dominant. The Gas Chromatogram of furfural produced was compared with that of commercial furfural
in Figure 4.114 and both followed a similar pattern
Proximate analysis of the rice straw showed that the feedstock contained 7.53 % of moisture, 9.92 % of ash content
had higher hemicellulose contents (20.23%) hence it is a suitable raw material for production of furfural having
dried matter content of 61.23%. The impact of the solvents on furfural production from rice straw was analysed
using solvents such as dichromate, THF and toluene. Dichromate produced a higher yield of furfural with 0.5M
H2SO4 acid concentration used for all, furfural yield decreases from 81.6%,78.3%, 68.9% for KCr2O7, H2O/THF
H2O/Toluene solvents respectively. KCr2O7, showed a better yield at 1.5M H2SO4 acid concentration compared to
other solvents like H2O/THF H2O/Toluene. Furfural produced was successfully characterized and compared to
that of commercial grade. Its molecular weight is 96.03g/mol, boiling point of 160.48 °C, and its chemical formula
is C5H4O2 with a bitter almond odor. FTIR Result confirms the presence of carbonyl and aldehyde functional
groups at wave length of 1666.27cm-1 and 2844.18cm -1 . The FTIR of furfural produced was compared with that
of commercial furfural both followed a similar pattern.
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bagasse, FUW Trends in Science & Technology Journal, www.ftstjournal.com. E-ISSN: 24085162; p-
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University of Ilorin, Nigeria
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Machado, G., Leon, S., Santos, F., Lourega, R., Dullius, J., Mollmann, M.E. and Eichler, P. (2016). Literature
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Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
Department of Agricultural and Bio–Systems Engineering, Landmark University SDG13 (Climate action)
research cluster, Omu–Aran, 251103, Nigeria
Department of Agricultural and Bio–Systems Engineering, University of Ilorin, P.M.B. 1515, Ilorin, Kwara
State, Nigeria
Email: olasehinde.david@lmu.edu.ng
Climate change is expected to cause significant changes in weather patterns, with overreaching effects on
agriculture, water supply, amongst other key sectors. Understanding the spatial and temporal characteristics of
climate change is important for developing effective adaptation and mitigation strategies against the threat of
climate change This study investigates the spatiotemporal characterization of climate change effect in Nigeria
under two different Representative Concentration Pathways (RCPs), namely RCP4.5 and RCP8.5. Using the
Mann-Kendall test, dynamically downscaled Global Circulation Models (GCMs) obtained from the Coupled
Model Intercomparison Project phase 5 (CMIP5) for the period 1950-2100 were evaluated for three temporal
scales, the “historical”, “near future” and “far future”. The results show that Nigeria is experiencing significant
spatiotemporal variations in temperature and precipitation trends under the two concentration pathways. The
Mann-Kendall test revealed a warming trend across the country, with some regions in the north experiencing up
to 667% increase in temperature. Comparing the two RCPs, our results indicate that RCP8.5 has more severe
impacts on temperature and precipitation than RCP4.5. The study provides valuable insights into the spatial and
temporal patterns of climate change in Nigeria and highlights the potential impacts of different greenhouse gas
concentration trajectories.
KEYWORDS: Climate variability, Nigeria, Non-parametric trend test, Climate change, RCP4.5, RCP8.5
The effect of the Climate Change (CC) phenomenon is felt globally, and the serial comprehensive assessment
reports of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) gives an insight into the causes, potential
impacts, and response options to CC (IPCC, 2014). After the latest complete IPCC report in 2014 there has been
a shift from a focusing on the greenhouse gas inputs to the concentrations of greenhouse gases in the carbon cycle.
Four original Representative Concentration Pathways (RCPs) of greenhouse gas concentration, RCP2.6, RCP4.5,
RCP6, and RCP8.5 were developed as a possible range of radiative forcing values by the year 2100 (Vuuren et
al., 2011). Furthermore, the additions of RCP1.9, RCP3.4, and RCP7 were consistent with the Shared
Socioeconomic Pathways (SSP) indicating the potential futures for human society based on assumptions on
population growth, economic development, and technological progress. The RCP 8.5 has been more widely
employed by researchers, code named “business as usual” and presents a worst-case scenario of future climate
system (Rogelj, et al., 2012). The high emissions scenario of the RCP8.5 has been found more practicable to better
separate the signal of a greenhouse gas forcing from the noise of natural variability. The medium emissions
scenario of the RCP4.5 code named “stabilization with overshoot scenario” which assumes peak emissions by
2040 and then a decline is also employed in several studies especially for Africa. This scenario is more consistent
with many current policies and trends, hence more realistic outcome than the RCP8.5 scenario. Under a high
emissions scenario in Nigeria, it has been projected that more people will be affected by flooding in Nigeria due
to sea-level rise, impacting on the socio-economic status of the people who are predominantly engaged in rain-
fed agriculture, (Tunde, et al., 2013; World Bank, 2015; Ojo, et al., 2011). In the same light, the strategic location
of Nigeria off the ocean’s shelf extending into the arid hinterlands, presents a uniquely variable climate experience
for the country. This variableness may make certain parts of the country experience drought and flooding almost
simultaneously, providing a more complicated response to climate for policymakers. Therefore, an up-to-date fact
on the historical trends and spatial variability of climate is imperative for future planning and sustainability of the
agricultural, water resources and the entire ecosystem in the country (Ogunrinde, et al., 2019). Studies such as
Attogouinon, et al., (2017); Gbode et al., (2019); and Oguntunde, et al., (2017); have evaluated the modification
of the Africa’s climate and show increasing temperature trends, rainfall variableness, and frequency of extreme
climate events. However, spatial-temporal evaluation for Nigeria’s climate under RCP8.5 especially is yet to be
carried out. This study investigates to investigate the spatiotemporal characterization of the historical climate
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
(1981 – 2015), the near future (2020 – 2059) and far future climate (2060-2100) under RCP4.5 and RCP8.5 for
where f(t) is a continuous monotonic increasing or decreasing function of time and the Residual can be assumed
to be from the same distribution with zero mean. The MK test was executed in the R-Studio environment. The
MK test statistic S is as given by equation 2. (Salami et al., 2014):
where n is the length of the time series xi…. xn, and sgn (·) is a sign function, xj and xk are values in years j and k,
respectively. The expected value of S equals zero (E[S] = 0) for series without trend and the variance is computed
as given in equation 3:
where q is the number of tied groups and tp is the number of data values in pth group. The test statistic Z is as
defined in equation 4:
As a non-parametric test, no assumptions as to the underlying distribution of the data are necessary. The Z-statistic
is then used to test the null hypothesis, Ho that the data is randomly ordered in time, against the alternative
hypothesis, H1 where there is an increasing or decreasing monotonic trend. To estimate the true slope of an existing
trend, the Sen’s non-parametric method was used.
2.4 Spatial Representation of Meteorological Information
This study employs an ArcGIS package to render maps using spatial data as inputs and applying analytical
methods to detect variability. The Inverse Distance Weight (IDW) function in ArcGIS was used with a spatial
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
interpolation of moderate weighting value (2). The IDW interpolation determines cell values using a weighted
combination of a set of sample points. Yang et al., (2015) reports that IDW is superior to other interpolation
methods for climate data with fewer relative errors and more computational efficiency.
At the NGS zone, IQR shows a compact dataset for the region. For the observational stations in Zaria, Yola,
Kaduna, and Bauchi, it runs from 27.4-24°C to 29.7-26.4°C to 21.52-24°C to 27.4-24.3°C, respectively. The
rainfall values in the region are also skewed similar to the datasets in the SUS, but with a closer median to mean
values and higher rainfall values. The median values of 26.25, 50.65, 62.15, 20.15mm/month to mean values of
86.22 and IQR length ranging from 168-0.2, 153.38-0, 191.4-0.6, 161.15-0.2mm/month are recorded for the Zaria
Yola, Kaduna and Bauchi stations respectively. The Kaduna station recorded higher rainfall values (mean of
62.15mm/month) and it’s known as a commercial hub in the geopolitical region. Blanc & Perez, (2008) work on
the correlation between rainfall and human density largely explains the relative increased commercial and
agricultural activity in this basin, however, larger population leads to increased production of GHG and water
stress. From literature the SGS is reported to have more rainfall and denser vegetation in comparison with the
NGS (Adenle, et al., 2020; Ayanlade, 2009). A broad comparison between the box and whisker plots of the NS
and SGS zones, demonstrably explains this difference. The temperature of the region is higher in the SGS
compared to the NGS but the rainfall values are also higher in the SGS. This may be as a result of the relative
incidence of the sun to the two regions. Because the equator is located in the direct plane of the sun, the SGS
closer to the equator receives relatively more solar radiation in comparison the NGS. The mean values of rainfall
in the two regions are similar but with a more asymmetrical dataset for the SGS, which in meteorological terms,
may imply longer rainy season. The temperature presented in the DRS zone is milder in comparison to the other
guinea savannas. At the Ilorin station temperature dataset presents an almost ideal dataset with little dispersion
and skewness with the relative short tails of the whiskers to the box plot indicative of a bimodal distribution of
temperature values. The IQR ranges from 25-26.6°C, a mean of 25.7°C, and a median of 25.5°C. Temperature
ranges between 25-35°C has been reported to be optimum for several crops grown in the tropics (Adedapo, 2020;
Akpenpuun & Busari, 2018; Ghadirnezhad & Fallah, 2014). The mean DRS rainfall values are also slightly higher
than the SGS rainfall values (except for the Shaki and Ibi stations). The Ilorin rainfall also datasets presented a
fairly symmetric dataset with IQR range between 145.575-19.25mm/month. At the HMF zone rainfall datasets in
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
the region are slightly skewed with the median values generally higher than the mean values for many of the
stations. The observable long tails of the whiskers and the outliers also indicates a changing pattern of rainfall in
the region. The temperature datasets assumed a fairly symmetrical nature with a diverse IQR range amongst the
stations, with the Port-Harcourt, Akure and Calabar stations returning much lower IQR range compared to others,
the observation stations seem to belong to different climatological zonation. Contrariwise, this study considers
agroecological zonation, which according to the FAO not only considers climate but landform, soils, land cover
and its potentials for agriculture (Mereu, et. al 2015).
An overview of the Historical dataset evidently shows a changing pattern for climate with temperature on the
increase and observable presence of outliers in rainfall data. In a bid to situate the presence and quality of trend at
each of the agroecological zone several time-series trend analyses were conducted. Seven representative stations,
one in each of the seven agroecological zones were selected for in depth temporal analysis. The monthly trend
test for average temperature and precipitation for the time series data for all the locations are presented in the
supplementary material. Positive z-values show an upward tendency, whilst negative values show a downward
trend. At the Maiduguri observation station, with the exception of January, which saw a slight decline and a
negative z-value of 0.8, the trend of mean temperature is significantly on the rise. The Sen's slope estimator, which
measures the strength of the trend in the time series, also reveals that April is the month most negatively
impacted. Ogunrinde et al., (2020) projected that rising temperature in the Sahel may lead to increase incidences
and intensity of drought. The UN climate risk assessment profile has also noted that the Sahel region is one of the
most vulnerable to CC with the warming climate to lead to higher reduction in agricultural output in the region in
comparison to the reductions of global outputs; a consequence of this will be to further put food security at risk.
(Sallaba et al., 2017). Rainfall is not widely varied from the MK trend test. With little or no amount of rainfall
recorded in five months, five out of the remaining months returned an upward trend while the months of May and
August had decreasing trend though not significant. The Sahel has been reported to be experiencing an increase
in summertime rainfall (Bichet & Diedhiou, 2018; Kumi et al., 2021; Pausata et al., 2020). The regional monsoon
circulation and the global Hadley cell are both dynamically connected to the Sahel's rainfall. As a result, it is
vulnerable to regional land effects like rising temperatures and changes in greenhouse gases brought on by
anthropogenic activities as well as local forcings from distant waters. These mechanisms can account for the
apparent interannual fluctuations in the region.
The densely populated Sudan Savannah agroecological zone returned a positive z-value of 6.9 for the yearly
average mean temperature and a Sen's slope value of 0.024 for the month of April (the largest change), the trend
analysis shows that the temperature in the area is significantly rising. From a yearly average temperature of 26°C
in the 1950s to approximately 28°C in the 2010s, the temperature has steadily increased. The record high monthly
average of 30.40°C for the month of February in the year 2010 eloquently demonstrates this. Rainfed agriculture,
aquaculture, natural ecology systems and biodiversity, water resources, and energy are the sectors of the Sudan
agroecological zone that are most susceptible to temperature increases, according to Siddig et al., (2020). While
August typically received the biggest quantity of rainfall over the time period under review, December and January
had no rainfall at all. With July and September showing decrease trends, eight of the remaining 10 months
exhibited slightly increased trends in rainfall amount. The effects of prolonged dry spells occurring during
vulnerable crop growth stages, which may also have significant effects on overall crop yield, need to be further
examined to determine whether the increases have been accompanied by changes in intra-seasonal variability that
have relevance for agriculture. In the same light, works in the region have projected varying impact on the different
crops. For example, Mereu et al., (2015) projected cassava yield to improve by +20 % in the Sudan while crop
yield risk increases are expected for maize for the same period.
The largest agroecological zone in Nigeria is the Guinea Savannah, and produces the bulk of staple food consumed
in the country. The reference stations for the northern, southern, and derived guinea savannah are chosen to be the
observation from the Kaduna, Bida, and Ilorin stations, respectively. Similar to multiple studies in the area, the
MK test shows a rise in mean temperature for all the months (A. Bello et al., 2020; Gbode et al., 2019; Ibitolu &
Balogun, 2019; Ogunjo et al., 2019). Sen's slope suggests that the months of November for the northern Guinea
savannah and March for both the southern and derived Guinea savannahs recorded the greatest significant shift.
Notably, there were significant differences in the inter-seasonal magnitude of change, with the northern Guinea
Savannah experiencing a change of 6.5% from January to 67% in November, the southern Guinea Savannah
experiencing a change of 15.42% from January to 56.98% in March, and the Derived Guinea Savannah
experiencing a change of 25.68% from January to 65.38% in March. Buis, (2020) postulated that the seasonal
fluctuations are as a result from variations in solar insolation resulting from the tilt of the Earth's rotation axis. In
the Guinea Savanah, rainfall values over time varied as well. Seven of the months at the Kaduna and Ilorin
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
observation stations and five of the months at the Bida station recorded increasing amounts of rainfall. As more
evaporation takes place with temperatures rise, the potential for precipitation also increases. It has been anticipated
that precipitation would rise in many places as the temperature warms (Dai, Zhao, & Chen, 2018). Contrariwise,
in all agroecological zones, the months of July and March showed a declining tendency. The altitude-modified
wet and dry tropical agroecological zones are found in parts of Plateau and Adamawa State It is characterized by
a relative increase in precipitation and a reduction in mean temperatures.
The Mann-Kendall (M-K) trend test is utilized to measure the changes in climatic variables, whether they are
increasing or decreasing, over a span of several years in the time series data. In order to identify areas vulnerable
to climate change, spatial interpolation was performed for rainfall and mean temperature. Figure1 & 2 depicts the
spatial representation of the magnitude of change in mean temperature and annual rainfall across the country
respectively. The areas depicted in red represents areas of high magnitude of change while areas in blue represents
the low areas. In general, there was no significant change in annual rainfall throughout the country. The historical
period showed a negative trend in annual rainfall (reduction in rainfall), with a slight increase projected for the
future under the RCP4.5 and RCP8.5 scenarios. The z-values for rainfall ranged from -4.74 to 0.344, with an
average value of -1.425 during the historical period. In the near and far future, under RCP 4.5 and RCP 8.5
respectively, the average z-values increased to 0.123, 0.28, 0.39, and 0.32. Similarly, Oguntunde et al. (2017)
found that annual rainfall did not exhibit a significant increasing or decreasing trend, but there was an observed
increase in variability, and more extreme weather events. The coastal regions and certain parts of the Sudan area
in the north are experiencing the most significant reductions in rainfall. This finding contradicts the assertion made
by Akinbile, et al., (2019) which suggested a negative linear correlation between rainfall quantity and latitude,
stating that rainfall decreases with increasing latitude away from the Atlantic Ocean due to latitudinal zonality in
precipitation. However, it is possible that this discrepancy is a result of limited data used for their spatial analysis.
Climate change has the potential to modify global and regional atmospheric circulation patterns, leading to
increased variability in rainfall. This can result in more frequent and intense extreme weather events, such as
droughts and heavy rainfall events. Coastal areas, due to their proximity to the ocean and potential interactions
with changing weather patterns, may be particularly vulnerable to these variations in rainfall. Consequently, this
heightened variability can contribute to an overall reduction in the trend of annual rainfall even in the coastal
areas. In contrast, for future scenarios under RCP4.5 and RCP8.5, these vulnerable areas show slight increases in
annual rainfall amounts
There is a significant increase in mean temperature values in the country for the historical as well as the future
case scenarios in agreement with the general axiom of global warming and climate change. The spatial
representation historical change in mean temperature does not show a distinction between the pattern in the
southern and northern region, however there is observable lowering of the magnitude of change in the future under
the RCP4.5 case scenario. Contrariwise, under the RCP8.5 scenario greater areas experiences significant increase
in the mean temperature. Quantifying temporal variability of change in mean temperature may be less apparent
than rainfall variability as rainfall tends to be more spatially heterogeneous, climate change can also influence
temperature variability. As the average temperature may increase, there can also be greater fluctuations in
temperature, including more extreme hot and cold events. The z-values for average temperature ranged from 5.11
to 7.52, with an average value of 6.52 during the historical period. In the near and far future, under RCP 4.5 z-
values decreases to 4.6570 and 2.604 a testament to the effect of a “stabilization case scenario”. While the average
z-values remain largely unchanged under the “business-as-usual case scenario” with an average z-value of 6.063
and 5.910 for the near and future temporal time scales respectively. Increasing temperature can have significant
implications for agriculture in Nigeria as it may negatively affect crop growth, reduce yields, and impact livestock
productivity. Also, the increasing temperature can disrupt the local water availability as higher temperatures
increase evaporation rates, leading to greater water loss from surface water bodies and soil moisture
This study investigates the spatiotemporal characterization of the historical climate (1981 – 2015), the near future
(2020 – 2059) and far future climate (2060-2100) under RCP4.5 and RCP8.5 by using Multi-Modal Ensemble
Predictions, Mann Kendall test and IDW. The findings of this study indicate that: The analysis of reveals a
significantly changing climate pattern. The results of the Mann-Kendall trend test indicate a significant increase
in temperature with minimal interannual variability. However, the changes in rainfall were mostly not found to be
statistically significant. Furthermore, the spatial interpolation analysis revealed that the coastal regions and Sudan
areas exhibited the most substantial decreases in annual rainfall. When examining the historical change in mean
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
temperature, the spatial representation did not indicate a distinction between the patterns in the southern and
northern regions. However, it is noteworthy that there is an observable decrease in the magnitude of change in the
future under the RCP4.5 case scenario. These findings highlight the importance of understanding and monitoring
climate trends to assess their potential impacts on sectors such as agriculture, water resources, and energy. Further
research is needed to explore the specific implications of these changing climate patterns on various crops and
ecosystems within each agroecological zone.
(a) Trend in mean temperature (historical) (b) Trend in mean temperature Under RCP4.5
(near future)
(c) Trend in mean temperature Under RCP8.5 (d) Trend in mean temperature Under RCP4.5
(near future) (far future)
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
(a) Trend in Rainfall (historical) (b) Trend in Rainfall Under RCP4.5 (near
(c) Trend in Rainfall Under RCP8.5 (near future) (d) Trend in Rainfall Under RCP4.5 (far future)
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University of Ilorin, Nigeria
Agriculture is heavily dependent on the amount and timing of rainfall, which in many areas of the world is highly
variable (Singh, 2022). Agriculture is a critical sector in Nigeria as it contributes about 35 percent in terms of the
Gross Domestic Product (GDP); provides 70-80 percent of employment; and contributes significantly (up to 30
percent) to foreign exchange earnings (Jafari et al., 2017). Okra (Abelmoschus esculentus) is an important
vegetable crop cultivated in many parts of Nigeria, including Minna, Niger State. However, the productivity of
okra cultivation is often constrained by the inadequate moisture content in the soil, particularly during the dry
season. Mulching is a common practice that helps to conserve soil moisture by reducing water loss through
evaporation from the soil surface. Several studies have investigated the effect of different mulching materials on
soil moisture retention and yield of various crops, including okra. The year-to-year variability of rainfall is a
significant constraint to the sustainability of rain-fed farming systems in poorer countries of the tropics in some
parts of Nigeria as farming decisions must be made despite production and season quality uncertainty (Zhang et
al, 2019).
In agriculture, climatic parameters, which includes temperature, relative humidity (RH), and light intensity, is a
critical factor in crop growth and productivity. Plant growth and development depend on climatic conditions along
with management practices. Soil climatic conditions can be altered through the application of different
conservational practices. Conservation Agriculture can be one of the solutions to the challenges faced by rural
farmers as it protects the soil and reduces erosion which mulching is one of it. Mulches manipulate the soil heat
flux and thereby affecting soil temperature. Mulch cover reduces evaporation from the land surface; soil water
content is retained (Olaniyi et al., 2013). Additionally, mulch cover suppresses weed infestation in the crop field.
Therefore, various types of mulching material are used to alter the moisture content and improve crop yield
(Awasthi et al., 2016).
The high economic value of Okra crops justified the modification to the producers, improved quality and extended
the growing season, producers of Okra crops often used different mulching types to suppress weeds or
conversation of residual moisture near the crop’s root. Okra generally is used as nutritional supplements for
vitamin C and A, B complex, iron, calcium etc. (Feng et al., 2021). Dried Okra is sometimes processed into soup.
The process involves slicing, drying and grinding. The resulting material is then mixed with other ingredients to
make soup (Iqbal et al, 2020). The water requirement for okra production in Nigeria can vary depending on factors
such as climate, soil type, and cultivation practices (Lorenz & Maynard, 2019). Generally, okra requires a
consistent supply of water throughout its growing period to ensure good yields. In Nigeria, the amount of water
required for okra production may range from 500-1000 mm per growing season, depending on the location and
the prevailing weather conditions (Agrawal et al., 2014). Mulches affect not only the soil environment. However,
mulches change the plants’ environment depending on the properties and the level of the physical contact between
the mulch’s materials and the soil. The use of sawdust, plastic, and straw mulches for dry season vegetable
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
production in the research farm, increases the soil temperature, and conserves soil residual moisture, thus, playing
a positive role in water conservation.
The study area lies between Latitude 90 34'N and 60 29'E in Minna, Niger State, Nigeria. The climate of the study
area exhibits the characteristics of a tropical wet and dry/ savanna climate (Köppen-Geiger classification: Aw)
with a pronounced dry season in the low-sun months, no cold season, the wet season is in the high-sun months: -
with an average temperature is 27 degrees Celsius (80.7 degrees Fahrenheit). The total annual Precipitation
averages 1209.7 mm (47.6 inches), equivalent to 1209.7 Liters/m² (29.67 Gallons/ft²). The mean annual relative
humidity is 80%, On average there are 2672 hours of sunshine per year making about 7.5 h/day and The upland
soils under the basement complex formation around Minna are generally deep, weakly to moderately structured
sand to sandy clay with gravelly and concretionary layers in the upper or beneath the surface layers (Ojanuga,
The experimental design used in this study was a randomizes complete block design (RCBD) and replicated four
times. The total experimental plot was 100m2 consisting of 16 plots and the experimental units were 1m by 1m,
0.3 m in between the units. The treatment were different mulching materials which are as follows: T0- control (no
mulch) T1- groundnut shell mulch, T2- black polythene mulch and T3- white polythene mulch. The experiment
was conducted at the research farm of the Federal University of Technology, during raining season between
August and October, 2022.The experimental plots were prepared manually using spade and big African hoe. On
each plot, 5 seeds were planted, 15 seeds in each replicate, and all, 60 okra seeds were produced. Immediately
after planting, mulching of appropriate plots followed. Out of the total 12 plots, 9 plots were mulched and 3 were
not mulched No standardised planting distance between and within crops was maintained because the study is
purely indigenous. An attempt to standardise the space meant a deviation from the strictly traditional practice this
study investigated. The local farmers would not also benefit from the results and recommendations of such
standardisation because they refuse to operate the central planting technique seeing it as non-cultural and a waste
of time. After planting, the distances between and within the treatments were measured. Because of the ethno-
scientific nature of the work, no organic or inorganic fertiliser, nematicide, insecticide, fungicide, or herbicide
was applied. All noticeable pests such as termites and spittlebugs was controlled using a traditionally prepared
solution from the neem tree as practised by most traditional farmers, owing to the high cost of insecticides, which
is far beyond the reach of most farmers. One plant in each treatment was randomly sampled for measurement on
four dates corresponding to the four-phase stages. The growth and developmental parameters were monitored
from 1 month after planting (MAP) to 8 (MAPS).
The growth components of okra were measured weekly till 12 weeks after planting (WAP), this includes Plant
height which is the distance from the soil surface to the tip of the main stem, the stem diameter which is the
thickness of the main stem measured at a specific height above the
Mulch Type Number of pods per Pod length Pod dry Harvest Total dry
plant (NP) (cm) weight period matter
Control (T0) 12.25d 9.04c 0.33c 7.00c 6.63c
Groundnut shells (T1) 14.32bc 10.04b 0.55b 9.00b 9.30b
White plastic (T2) 16.65a 11.00a 0.7675a 12.00a 12.00a
Black plastic (T3) 16.03a 10.70b 0.7625a 14.00a 11.30a
LSD (0.05) 1.68 6.06 0.18 3.03 2.38
CV (%) 7.58 0.94 20.7 18.16 16.07
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
A significant variation at P < 0.001 was observed in marketable okra yields due to different mulch types. The
highest mean for the marketable product (35.28 tonnes/hectare) was observed from plots that were mulched by
transparent polythene, while the lowest quality yield (24.39 tonnes/hectare) was recorded at un-mulched plots
(control). No significant variation in quality yield was observed between transparent and black polythene mulch.
This indicates that mulch helps keep a pod of crops from contacting the ground. This reduces soil rot and helps
keep the product clean. From this, we can conclude that inorganic mulch (polythene mulch) effectively improves
pod quality.
For this study, the highest poor yield was obtained from un-mulched plots, while the lowest (about 25 % less) was
observed from plots that were applied with transparent polythene. This result is similar to what was reported in a
study by Feng et al. (2021), wherein an investigation on the effect of mulching on the yield and quality of okra in
Zimbabwe was conducted. The researchers used three types of mulch: maize stover, cattle manure, and no mulch
(control). The results showed that using maize stover and cattle manure mulch significantly reduced the poor yield
of okra compared to the control treatment. Specifically, the poor yield was reduced by 36% and 43% with maize
stover and cattle manure mulch, respectively. Similarly, a study by Kader et al. (2019) evaluated the effect of
different mulching materials on the yield and quality of okra in Nigeria. The researchers compared four types of
mulch: maize stover, dry grass, sawdust, and no mulch (control). The results showed that using maize stover and
dry grass mulch significantly reduced the poor yield of okra compared to the control treatment. Specifically, the
poor yield was reduced by 45% and 26% with maize stover and dry grass mulch, respectively. The study also
found that mulching improved soil residual moisture and nutrient retention, contributing to increased okra yield
and quality.
For this study, a significant difference (P < 0.001) was observed among the different mulch applications for total
pod yield. The highest total pod yield (37.53 tonnes/hectare) was recorded from the plots mulched with transparent
polythene, followed by the black (35.62 tonnes/hectare), with no significant difference between them. In General,
the fine polythene mulch, black polythene mulch, and groundnut shells mulch increased the total fruit yields by
32%, 25%, and 16%, respectively, compared to un-mulched treatments. However, the total fruit yields obtained
from the plots mulched with groundnut shells and un-mulched plots did not vary statistically. From this, it can be
generalized that inorganic mulch (transparent polythene and black polythene) significantly improves vegetable
production. Among the mulches, weed control was best under polythene mulches. This conforms to the report
that polythene mulch most effectively controls weeds (Sarolia and Bhardwaj, 2018).
Table 3.2: Mean value of fresh pod weight, Quality harvested yield, Poor harvested yield, and total Yield
The study examined the impact of mulching on residual moisture conservation in okra production. The results
showed that inorganic mulch (polythene mulches) had a higher mean compared to organic mulch, and
controlled plots in all growing seasons except for the late season. Polythene mulch helped conserve water by
varying percentages at different growth stages when compared to the control group. While black polythene
mulch consistently had a higher residual moisture content than transparent polythene mulch, the difference was
not significant at any soil depth. This could be due to transparent polythene's low absorption of solar radiation,
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
leading to less evaporation. In contrast, black polythene absorbed more radiation, resulting in higher soil
temperatures and more soil residual moisture evaporation.
Groundnut shells also helped conserve residual moisture at different growth stages, but there was no significant
difference in residual moisture between groundnut shells mulch and control plots in all growing locations.
Yield components measurement showed that okra yield from polythene mulch was higher than control plots,
with a total yield increment of 32%. Polythene mulch also had a higher quality yield value than the control
group by 37.3%. Overall, mulching had a significant impact on soil residual moisture conservation and
agronomic parameters, with polythene mulch proving to be the most effective material for the study area.
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of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology, 105(2), 161-167. Press.
Olaniyi, A. O., Abdullah, A. M., Ramli, M. F., & Sood, A. M. (2013). Agricultural land use in Malaysia: an
historical overview and implications for food security. Bulgarian Journal of Agricultural Science, 19(1),
Sarolia, D. K. and Bhardwaj, R. L. (2018). Effect of mulching on crop production under rainfed condition: A
review. Int. J. Res. Chem. Environ., 2: 8-20.
Singh, A. (2022). Soil salinity: A global threat to sustainable development. Soil Use and Management, 38(1),
Zhang, X., You, S., Tian, Y., & Li, J. (2019). Comparison of plastic film, biodegradable paper and bio-based film
mulching for summer tomato production: Soil properties, plant growth, fruit yield and fruit
quality. Scientia Horticulturae, 249, 38-48.
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
Ti–6Al–4V is a widely used titanium alloy in various industries due to its strength, toughness, and corrosion
resistance. Heat treatment is one of the most critical aspects of its processing, which can significantly affect its
microstructure and mechanical properties. This review provides an overview of the heat treatment of Ti–6Al–4V,
including its annealing, solution treatment, aging, and stress relief processes, while it also provides the effect of
these heat treatment methods on the microstructural properties of Ti6Al4V. Results reviewed show that the
solution heat treatment technique improves the material's ductility, making it easy to machine, form, and more
wear-resistant, allowing for wide application of the alloy, Ti–6Al–4V.
KEYWORDS: Heat treatment, Annealing, Solution heat treatment, Mechanical properties, Stress relief.
Ti6Al4V has its applications in numerous fields of engineering, such as the biomedical, mechanical, chemical,
and aerospace industries. Due to its exceptional strength, low density, and corrosion resistance, the titanium alloy
Ti-6Al-4V has been thoroughly investigated and employed in various applications. The mechanical qualities of
this alloy, such as its ductility, toughness, and fatigue resistance, are frequently enhanced through heat treatment
(Rack & Qazi, 2006). Ti-6Al-4V undergoes a heat treatment process that can significantly change its
microstructure and mechanical properties (Pederson, 2002). This alloy has three main heat treatment methods
which are annealing, solution treatment, and aging. The annealing process softens the alloy and removes any
remaining stress, whereas solution treatment and aging can increase the material's strength, hardness, and ductility
(Galarraga et al., 2017; Jaber et al., 2022).
Ti-6Al-4V is frequently used in the aerospace and automotive industries due to its excellent strength-to-weight
ratio and heat resistance (Boyer, 2010). It is used to manufacture aircraft and automobile components like landing
gear, engine components, connecting rods, exhaust systems, and airframe structures (Inagaki et al., 2014; Veiga
et al., 2012). It can also be used in the medical sector to produce biomedical devices, including bone support
implants, dental implants, and joint replacements, because of its biocompatibility and mechanical properties
(Putrantyo et al., 2021). Because Ti-6Al-4V is strong, lightweight, corrosion-resistant, and has a very low risk of
patients experiencing an adverse biological reaction, it is a popular choice for medical implants (Bammidi &
Prasad, 2020; Din, 2021). The process of heating metal, maintaining it at that temperature, and then allowing it to
cool again in order to alter its microstructure and mechanical properties is known as heat treatment (Ingellis &
Leone, 2016). The mechanical characteristics of the metal component may change during the procedure,
depending on the heating temperature. the microstructure is changed by the high temperature and the mechanical
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
properties are significantly influenced by its microstructure (Velling, 2020). There are several processes involved
in the heat treatment process. The metal is heated to the proper temperature, immersed there for a predetermined
period, and then cooled down in different media such as water, air, furnace, etc. The final qualities of the metal
are determined by the cooling process, which is equally crucial (Saif, 2022). Different heat treatment methods can
alter the microstructure of Ti-6Al-4V and enhance its mechanical properties (Liu et al., 2021). The microstructural
and mechanical properties of Ti-6Al-4V also differ depending on the temperature range used in heat treatment.
Figure 1 shows the plot of temperature versus percentage of Vanadium in the Ti-6Al-4V. The temperature within
the 882-995°C is the β transus temperature, where there is the transformation of the microstructure from the room
temperature α + β phase as shown in Figure 2.
Figure 1. Temperature versus Vanadium percentage in Ti-6Al phase diagram Source: (Omoniyi et al., 2021)
2.1 Annealing
Annealing is a heating and cooling procedure that typically softens the metal grains (Ahmed, 2020; Gestwa et al.,
2003). The phase can also apply to procedure designed to change the mechanical or physical characteristics of a
material or create a specific microstructure (Fadare et al., 2011). The material being annealed determines the
operation's temperature and the cooling rate (Thomas Digges, Samuel Rosenberg, 1960). There are two types of
annealing, which are full annealing and process annealing. Full annealing is by raising the temperature above its
upper critical temperature, or "full anneal," the microstructure is completely altered. High-carbon steels frequently
undergo this annealing process, which aims to soften the metal (Mackenzie, 2018). Another method is process
annealing, also known as "subcritical" annealing, which entails heating the material to a temperature typically 10–
20°C below the lower critical temperature. The material is heated and cooled in still air to room temperature (Çelik
et al., 2020).
The annealing process has been used on Ti-6Al-4V and its alloy for stress relieving and improving the material's
fracture toughness. Ti-6Al-4V was heated at a temperature of 970°C for about an hour in an induction furnace
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
and was later cooled in air. The microstructure changed from the fine α’ phase with few randomly distributed β
particles to a widmanstatten microstructure. This showed increased hardness and had a negative effect on tensile
strength (El-Hadad et al., 2018). Figure 3 shows the microstructure of the annealed sample at 970°C, below the
transus temperature, and cooled in air. However, heat treating Ti-6Al-4V above the β transus temperature of 995
°C and up to 1030°C in an open hearth furnace for 30 minutes, followed by cooling in air changed the
microstructure. Microstructure changes from martensitic α’ to a Widmanstätten β microstructure (Dewangan et
al., 2021). The phase transformation means the ductility of the sample increased, but the strength was affected.
Other microstructures obtained after heat treatment and air cooling are also shown in Figure 3.
Furthermore, when the material is heat treated and cooled in the furnace, the microstructure changes from an
equiaxed microstructure to a lamellar α+β microstructure. This resulted in higher ductility but a lower tensile
strength (Vrancken et al., 2012). Figure 4 shows the microstructure of Ti6Al4V annealed above the transus
temperature and cooled in the furnace.
Figure 3. Microstructure of Ti6Al4V under different quenching conditions Source: (Muiruri et al., 2020)
Figure 4. Furnace-cooled Ti6Al4V at heat treatment temperature above the β transus temperature source:
(Omoniyi et al., 2021)
Solution treatment involves heating the material to a particular temperature and holding it at that temperature for
about 30 to 45 minutes and then rapidly cooling it to obtain desired properties like hardness, strength, impact
resistance, etc. (Madhusha, 2018). On the other hand, aging is a technique used to increase the strength and
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
ductility of metals by heating it to a lower temperature compared to solution treatment and holding it for a duration
of about 2 hours (Sajadifar et al., 2021). An alloy is heated to an appropriate temperature, maintained at that
temperature for about 30 to 45 minutes to allow one or more phases to dissolve into a solid solution, and then
quickly cooled to maintain the phases in the solution followed by aging (Impro, 2021). The regulated release of
these components either naturally (at room temperature) or artificially is made possible by subsequent
precipitation and heat treatments at higher temperatures (Bodycote, 2022). Figure 5 shows the solution heat
treating procedure and aging process.
Figure 5. Schematics of the solution heat treating procedure and the aging process Source: (Omoniyi,
Effect of solution heat treatment and aging was observed on the microstructure of Ti-6Al-4V when it was heated
in a furnace at 1050°C for about 30 minutes and then quenched with water leading to formation of basket weave
structures with ‘α’ as reported by Wang et al., (2021). This was followed by aging at 900°C for approximately 2
hours, followed by furnace cooling which led to the transformation from α’ to α+β phase. The microstructure of
Ti-6Al-4V that was heat treated and aged resulted in basket weave structures with few fine β phases surrounded
by equiaxed α phases (Wang et al., 2021). This indicated that the heat-treated Ti-6Al-4V sample has good strength
with reasonable ductility. However, there is little martensitic α presence, which could have resulted in a higher
hardness increase. Table 1 summarizes the heat treatment technique used in Ti-6Al-4V, the temperature range,
and the corresponding phase transformation within the material. Furthermore, the tensile strength and hardness
ranges reported in different studies from the literature were presented.
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
with residual
stresses released
Dewangan Annealing of Ti- 1030°C It changed from -
et al. 6al-4v martensitic α’ to
Widmanstätten β
Jovanović et Solution Heat 1100°C It showed the 1400 423 HV
al. Treatment of Ti- formation of
6Al-4V martensitic α’
El-hadad et Annealing of Ti- 970°C It changed from a 644 380 HV- 500 HV
al. 6al-4v fine α’ phase with
few β particles to
a widmanstatten
Vrancken et Annealing of Ti- 1020°C It changed from 867-813 -
al. 6Al-4V an equiaxed
structure to a
lamellar α+β
Galarraga et Solution heat 1100°C It changed from 1250-1150 447-318
al. treatment of Ti- an α+β lamellar
6Al-4V structure to a
martensitic α’
The microstructure of Ti-6Al-4V samples changed as a result of heat treatment at various temperatures and cooling
rates from the journals reviewed. It was observed that fast cooling rates resulted in higher strength and hardness
of the material, and slower cooling rates resulted in increased ductility. Temperatures below the beta transus
temperatures do not significantly impact the microstructure of Ti-6Al-4V. To increase knowledge and practical
use of heat treatment for Ti6Al4V, based on the experiments evaluated about the impact of heat treatment on the
microstructure and mechanical properties of Ti-6Al-4V. It should be investigated how the creation of the (alpha)
and (beta) phases, among other phase transitions that take place during heat treatment, affects the mechanical
properties of the alloy. In addition, it is important to research how varied heating and cooling rates, temperatures,
and holding durations affect phase transformation kinetics. Conducting comprehensive mechanical testing,
including tensile testing, hardness testing, fatigue testing, and impact testing, to evaluate the effect of heat
treatment parameters on the alloy's mechanical properties should be adequately explored. The changes in yield
strength, ultimate tensile strength, ductility, fatigue life, and fracture toughness resulting from different heat
treatment conditions should be studied. Examining the thermal stability of Ti6Al4V after heat treatment by
subjecting the alloy to elevated temperature exposures or thermal cycling and also investigating how the heat-
treated microstructure and mechanical properties evolve over extended periods to assess the long-term stability
and reliability of the alloy in service conditions should be examined. Exploring optimization techniques for heat
treatment parameters to achieve desired microstructures and mechanical properties and utilizing design of
experiments (DOE) or numerical simulations to identify the optimal combination of heating/cooling rates, soaking
temperatures, and holding times that will result in superior properties and minimize distortion or residual stresses
should be studied. Finally, the development of computational models and simulations to predict the microstructure
evolution and mechanical behavior of Ti6Al4V during heat treatment should be explored. This can aid in
understanding the underlying mechanisms, optimizing heat treatment processes, and predicting the resulting
Ahmed, Y. M. (2020). The Influence of Annealing and Normalizing Processes on the Mechanical Properties and
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Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
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Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
Tiger-nut (Cyperus esculentus) is a valuable crop known for its nutritional and economic significance. Harvesting
tiger-nuts manually is labour intensive and time-consuming, leading to a growing interest in mechanized solutions
to improve efficiency and productivity. This study is about the performance evaluation of developed engine
powered tiger-nut harvesting machine. The Harvesting efficiency, Actual Capacity of the Machine and Cleaning
efficiency of the machine were determined with respect to speed rate (15, 20 and 25 rpm) at three levels of digging
depth (50mm, 80mm, and 100mm). At digging depth of 50mm the harvesting efficiency, actual capacity and
cleaning efficiency increase with increase in speed. At 80mm and 100mm digging depth, the harvesting efficiency
decrease with speed while both the actual capacity and cleaning efficiency increased with speed at 80mm and
100mm, respectively.
KEYWORDS: Tiger-nut, Performance evaluation, Harvesting efficiency, Actual capacity and Cleaning
Tiger-nut (Cyperus esculentus) is a tuber with high health benefits and nutritive value, found in the tropical and
Mediterranean regions (Oguwike et al.., 2017). It belongs to the family of sedge crops rich in energy content
(starch, fat, sugar, and protein), and essential nutrients like vitamins E, C and minerals such as magnesium,
phosphorus, iron, calcium, including unsaturated fats and some enzymes which aid digestion (Sanchez-Zapata et
al.., 2012; Ogbonna et al.., 2013). In Nigeria, tiger-nut is available in fresh, semi-dried and dried form in the
markets where it is sold locally and consumed even uncooked.
Tiger-nut is a known plant food that is common to West Africa countries. Its cultivation, processing,
distribution, and selling has been reported in Nigeria, Mali, Niger, and Ghana. In Nigeria, the crop is well grown
in the middle belt and northern region (Oladele et al.., 2009); these states include: Benue, Niger, Kogi, Katsina,
Sokoto, Taraba, Kano, Plateau and Kebbi. In Nigeria, tiger-nut is usually sown in April and harvested in
November. There are three varieties which include (Black, brown, and yellow). Among these, only two varieties,
yellow and brown are readily available in the Nigerian market. The yellow variety is preferred because of its
bigger size, attractive colour, fleshier body, milk yield, higher protein content and has less anti-nutritional
factors, especially polyphenols (Okafor et al.., 2003). The juice extracted from the nut is non-alcoholic and
milky in appearance. Tiger-nut is also said to be high in oil content producing high quality oil of about 25.5 %
of its total content (Adejuyitan, 2011). It is the best nutritional crops that can be used to augment the diet of
humans (Afenu, 2008). The tiger-nut flour is considered as a good additive for the bakery industry and as
flavoring agent for ice cream (Al-Shaikh et al.,2013). Ogunlade et al., (2015) reported that tiger-nut contains
methanol, phenol and a substantial amount of protein, carbohydrate and has significantly high contents of Na,
K and Ca which suggest that it is good for formulating diet for hypertensive patients. Its fibre content could cut
down the rate of obesity aiding complete digestion thus prevent slow metabolic rate in humans (Owusu, 2016).
In Nigeria, the utilization of tiger-nut is highly limited in spite of the fact that tiger-nut is cultivated widely in
the Northern part of the country.
There are two methods of harvesting which includes manual and mechanical methods. The manual method is
associated with so much drudgery and because of this, the mechanical harvesting method is hereby proposed.
Harvesting is a significant operation in the cultivation stages of tiger-nut. The ease of harvesting is essential to the
drift from subsistence to commercial production of tiger-nut. Harvesting of tiger-nut is the most important and
labour-intensive operations in tiger-nut cultivation as the present practice of manual harvesting consumes huge
amount of labour to the magnitude of 84-man hours per hectares. During harvesting periods, high cost of labour
result in low yield as the farmers will be compelled to embark on the share crop system whereby the farmer takes
two-third of the harvest while the harvesters take a third (Tetteh and Ofori, 1998)
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
In addition, the migration of agricultural labour force from the rural areas aggravated the problems to the farmers.
One of the solutions for increasing the profit and productivity is to mechanize harvesting operations in tiger-nut
cultivation. For mechanizing these operations, power operated tiger-nut harvesting machine is hereby developed
to reduce the labour requirement and drudgery associated with manual harvesting by the peasant farmers. The aim
of this study is to carry out the performance evaluation of developed engine powered tiger-nut harvesting machine.
2.1 Materials
The material of study is tiger-nut (Cyperus esculentus). The following instruments were used to measure the
required engineering properties which is critical to the design of the harvester and presented in Table1.
Machine construction
The developed tigernut harvester was constructed with readily available angled iron made of carbon steel used for
general engineering purpose. The construction was done using arc welding of all metal parts as well as other
machine operations such as drilling, facing boring riveting, bending, grinding filleting, chamfering smoothing and
painting. Assembly and component installation was done using wire, shaft and cable fixing
2.2 Method
Description of machine
The developed tiger-nut harvester consists of ground drive wheel, digger, separator, conveyor, tuber box and the
transmission mechanism. Angled iron which is made of carbon steel has high strength and was used for general
engineering purpose (Ani et al., 2016). The frame of the harvester has a rectangular shape 150mm × 900mm. It is
a skeletal structure of the harvester on which all other components are mounted. It is constructed from
75mm×75mm angled iron carbon steel of 6mm thickness to give the required strength. Provisions were made for
the handlebars for pushing and guiding the machine while in operation. During road transportation and harvesting
operation the whole frame is supported by drive wheel. The structure of the developed tiger-nut harvester is shown
in figure 2.
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
Design calculations
Harvesting device
The harvesting or digging mechanism is like a tine tooth in three segments, around a cylindrical drum. The
digger’s angle of inclination (α) ha is to be as less as possible, to avoid clods, sliding and to reduce draw resistance.
On the other hand, the value of this angle associated with the height of rear of the digger (H), and working length
(𝑳𝒅) as shown in figure 3.
V = forward speed of the machine; m/s
Angle of inclination
It depends on separation and elevation requirement. Small values negatively affect machine dimension and
reduces the separation performance, and vice versa. However, great values could cause accumulation of soil and
nut on separator surface.
- The top part of separator usually fixed at angle (20°- 22°).
- In case of using, a second separator usually fixed at angle (12° - 15 °).
- Angle of inclination of first separator 𝜶𝒔 depends on coefficient of friction between material of separator and
soil ∅𝐼 i.e.𝑡𝑎𝑛 ∝ 𝑠 < 𝑡𝑎𝑛∅I
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University of Ilorin, Nigeria
Wheel shaft
Angular speed of wheel shaft is calculated using the equation 5.
ω = gO rad/s (5)
Where n =14 rpm
ω= = 1.5rad/s
Since the shaft rotates about two anti-friction bearings, initial torque on the shaft is negligible.
For the purpose of design, maximum load is taken to be the mass of substance i.e carrying capacity 55kg plus the
mass of the chassis 35kg). This load turns the shafts about the radius of the wheel (R)
Load on one shaft and sprocket = 45kg + 35kg = 80kg
Wheel speed
To reduce rolling resistance especially in the case of traction wheels, Wheels of larger diameters are used. Outer
diameter of wheel d0 = 600mm, Maximum width = 131 mm
d0 = 131mm
Loaded radius = 65.5mm
Maximum load = 90.7 kg
Translational speed of harvester = 0.45m/s
Circumference of wheel = 𝛑d0
= п x 131 mm
= 411.602 mm
No. of revolutions of wheel at 0.45 m/s
rpm = sll.gO4 × 6 = 65rpm
Torque on the shaft
The torque on the shaft is calculated using the equation 6
Ts = Force (F) x radius (R) (6)
Ts = m × a × R
Ts = 45.63 x 9.81 x 0.600 = 268.6Nm
Diameter of the wheel shaft
Diameter of the wheel shaft is calculated using the equation 7.
𝐷` S = @ ”(𝑘𝑠 𝑀𝑏)4 (7)
S = Shear stress associated with the shaft, S = 5.63Mpa,
ks =Shear constant 1.5 to 3.0 (2.0 was chosen)
Mb = Bending moment (1.35Nm)
D = 0.0135m
The diameter of the wheel shaft is calculated to be 13.5mm
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
by 20rpm (50.2%), and then 15rpm (48.9%), the differences in cleaning efficiency between the speeds are
relatively small, with a maximum difference of 1.4%. At a digging height of 80mm, the cleaning efficiency ranges
from 48.7% to 62.2%. The highest cleaning efficiency is observed at a speed of 25rpm (62.2%), followed by
20rpm (50%), and then 15rpm (48.7%). The difference in cleaning efficiency between the highest and lowest
speeds is 13.5%. At a digging depth of 100mm, the cleaning efficiency ranges from 48.5% to 50%. The highest
cleaning efficiency is observed at a speed of 20rpm (50%), followed by 25rpm (50%), and then 15rpm (48.5%),
the difference in cleaning efficiency between the highest and lowest speeds is 1.5%. The effect of speed on
cleaning efficiency varies depending on the digging depth. At a digging depth of 50mm and 100mm, the cleaning
efficiency remains relatively consistent across the different speeds, with small variations between them. However,
at a digging height of 80mm, there is a significant increase in cleaning efficiency as the speed increases from
15rpm to 25rpm.Digging depth and Cleaning Efficiency: The cleaning efficiency varies slightly across the
different digging depths. However, the differences in cleaning efficiency between the digging heights are
relatively small for each speed. Maximum Cleaning Efficiency: The highest cleaning efficiency is observed at a
speed of 25rpm at the 80mm digging depth, with a value of 62.2%.
Based on the result of analysis obtained on the development of tigernut harvesting machine, we can draw the
following conclusions:
The speed of the machine has a minimal effect on the harvesting efficiency across all digging heights. The
differences observed in harvesting efficiency based on speed are relatively small, indicating that speed alone may
not significantly impact the machine's ability to harvest tiger-nuts efficiently. The speed of the machine also has
a negligible impact on the actual capacity of the harvesting process. The differences in capacity between different
speeds are minimal, suggesting that variations in speed do not significantly affect the machine's ability to handle
a certain volume of tiger-nuts per hour. The speed of the machine does not show a clear trend in terms of its impact
on cleaning efficiency. The differences observed in cleaning efficiency based on speed are small and inconsistent,
indicating that speed alone may not be a critical factor in determining the machine's ability to clean tiger-nuts
Adejuyitan, J.A. (2011). Tigernut processing: its food uses and health benefits. American Journal of Food
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Afenu, S. (2008) Production of Tigernut Beverage. HND Dissertation, Cape Coast Polytechnic. Cape Coast,
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Ani, O., Uzoejinwa, B., & Anochili, F. (2016). Design, construction and evaluation of a vertical plate maize seed
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Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
Department of Agricultural and Bioresources Engineering, Federal University of Technology Minna, PMB 65,
Niger State, Nigeria
Email: nuyelned@gmail.com
In West Africa, specifically in Nigeria, cereals such as corn and sorghum flour are widely consumed. These grains
are transformed into a stiff dough called "tuwo" in the local language, Hausa. Tuwo is a semi-solid dough made
by cooking cereals flour in a slurry form. To shape and solidify the dough, it is moulded and wrapped in polythene
materials or food-grade plastic containers. Tuwo is traditionally enjoyed with various soups, garden egg, and locus
beans. Cereals have relatively low protein content but high caloric value. Therefore, it is important to supplement
the production and consumption of tuwo with additional nutrients to create a well-balanced meal. To improve the
quality of tuwo, it is possible to enhance the chemical properties of the grains by utilizing selected pre-treatment
methods. These methods, including blanching, soaking, and malting, can improve the nutritional and functional
quality of the cereals while reducing anti-nutritional components. By implementing pre-treatment techniques on
cereal grains, the resultant stiff dough, tuwo, can be enhanced to provide a balanced meal, improve overall
acceptability, and optimize production.
KEYWORDS: Cereal, quality, nutritional, functional, anti-nutritional, tuwo.
Stiff dough refers to a semi-solid or solid substance created by combining cereals flour with water and heat energy.
This process produces a meal commonly known as "tuwo" in Hausa, Nigeria, specifically in West Africa. The
types of cereals used to create stiff dough include corn, sorghum, and rice. The shape and size of tuwo are
determined by the container in which it solidifies, and its physical characteristics and colour are influenced by the
specific grains or varieties used (Bolade et al., 2009). Tuwo is typically consumed alongside various types of
soup, such as garden egg and locus beans soup. Since cereals have a low protein content and may lack other
essential nutrients, the high carbohydrate content can be enhanced through proper pre-treatment methods or
supplemented with necessary nutrients to achieve a well-balanced diet.
Cereals flour
Making 20% cold slurry from Cereals flour
at a Ratio of flour to water 1:3.5(w/v)
(1kg of flour with 3.5L of water)
Pouring the cold slurry into 60% boiling water
& stirred continuously in clockwise or anticlockwise direction.
Adding 80% of the cereals flour is then poured in the boiling
Slurry gradually and stirring continuously in clockwise or anticlockwise
direction until homogeneous gel is form.
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
15% of H2O is finally added and covered
& allow cooking for 5 minutes
Finally, it is stirred vigorously
to ensure smoother gel.
End product
Figure 1: Flow chart for the preparation of stiff dough (tuwo).
Source: Bolade et al, (2002)
2.1 Corn
Corn, scientifically known as Zea mays L., is a cereal grain and a member of the Poaceae family. It is widely
cultivated worldwide and ranks as the third most important crop globally, following rice and wheat (Sandhu et
al., 2007). Corn holds significant economic and agricultural importance, serving as a staple food in many regions,
including Africa (Olakojo et al., 2005; Mboya et al., 2011). It is grown in all six ecological zones of Nigeria and
plays a vital role in providing income for farming households. Corn also serves as a valuable raw material for
various agro-based industries (Oluwatayo et al., 2008; Babatunde et al., 2008).
2.2 Sorghum
Sorghum, scientifically known as Sorghum bicolor L. Moench, has been a staple food in Asia and Africa for
centuries. It belongs to the Poaceae family, specifically the tribe Andropogoneae and the subtribe Sorghinae, with
all cultivated sorghum falling under Sorghum bicolor subsp. bicolor. Sorghum exhibits variations in its
morphology, influenced by different varieties and growing conditions. While traditionally used as livestock feed,
sorghum also serves as food and finds applications in various industries (Rooney and Waniska, 2000).
Sorghum is recognized as one of the key grains contributing to approximately 85% of the world's food energy
supply, with Africa playing a significant role (Henley et al., 2010). It holds promise for increased human
consumption due to its abundance of beneficial phytochemical components (Awika and Rooney, 2004; Taylor
and Belton, 2002). Sorghum is a resilient crop that can adapt to diverse soil conditions and is consumed in various
forms, including pasta, boiled grains, and traditional beverages (Kayodé, 2006). The starch present in sorghum
plays a vital role in producing a wide range of sorghum-based food products, such as bread (Schober et al., 2005).
2.3 Effect of pre-treatment methods on the qualities of cereal flour
Bolade (2010) conducted a study to evaluate the suitability of commercially available corn grains for the
production of 'stiff dough' in Nigeria. The research found that the corn varieties used exhibited different physical
characteristics in their kernels, varied physicochemical properties in their flours, and different rheological
properties of the resulting corn stiff dough. Additionally, the assessment of organoleptic properties showed
variations among the corn varieties.In another study by Bolade and Adeyemi (2012), the quality dynamics of corn
'stiff dough' were investigated, focusing on the influence of steaming corn grits at different resident times. The
findings revealed that pre-gelatinization of starch through maize grit steaming enhanced the textural and sensory
quality attributes of the corn-based dumplings. Optimal results were obtained with a 30-minute steaming duration,
which significantly improved the sensory attributes of the corn stiff dough. The practical application of this
research is relevant for both household and commercial production of high-quality corn flour for stiff dough
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
Olajide and Nsakpuma (2019) studied the functional properties of corn flour and the stability of its paste (stiff
dough) by incorporating baobab pulp and using different processing methods. The research demonstrated that grit
soaking operation improved the functional and sensory properties of corn flour intended for stiff dough
production. Furthermore, the inclusion of baobab pulp enhanced the properties of corn flour produced through
both grit soaking and grit non-soaking methods. The addition of 5% baobab pulp resulted in the best stability of
stiff dough produced by grit soaking, while 10% baobab pulp inclusion yielded the best stability for stiff dough
produced by grit non-soaking. Storing the stiff dough under refrigerated conditions also improved paste stability
compared to ambient storage. This study emphasized the positive impact of baobab pulp inclusion on the quality
of corn flour and the stability of stiff dough.
Mella (2011) investigated the effects of malting and fermentation on the composition and functionality of sorghum
flour. The research revealed that both malting and fermentation processes can improve the nutritional quality of
sorghum flour. These methods resulted in changes in the composition and functionality of sorghum kernel
components, which positively impacted the nutritional quality and increased the consumption of sorghum food
products. The study recommended further investigations to determine the amounts of reducing sugars, proteins,
and amino acids in flour samples, as well as functional property analysis of products made from pre-treated
sorghum flours.
Shabir and Sowriappan (2013) studied the effect of soaking temperature on the physical and functional properties
of parboiled rice cultivars in India. The research found that higher soaking water temperatures increased the
hardness value, leading to increased milling yield of rice. Parboiling significantly decreased the pasting properties
of rice samples, with more severe decreases observed at lower temperatures, specifically 80˚C.
Opeyemi et al (2016) explored the effect of malted sorghum on the quality characteristics of wheat-sorghum-
soybean flour, particularly for potential use in confectionaries. The study revealed that malting sorghum can
enhance the nutritional quality of flours used in the production of value-added products like confectionaries.
Kaur (2011) investigated the functional properties and anti-nutritional factors present in cereal bran. The study
highlighted that bran is an excellent source of dietary fiber, which improves the nutritional and nutraceutical
benefits of whole grains. Cereal brans possess favorable functional properties such as bulk density, water
absorption, and fat absorption. Additionally, cereal bran aids in increasing the shelf life of products and facilitates
calorie reduction. However, anti-nutritional factors such as phytic acid, polyphenols, tannins, oxalates, saponins,
and trypsin inhibitors limit the potential of cereal brans as high-quality feed ingredients.
Fulufhelo et al (2018) investigated the effect of germination period on the physicochemical, functional, and
sensory properties of finger millet flour and porridge. The study showed that germination positively influenced
some physicochemical, functional, and sensory properties of finger millet flour and porridge. Germination resulted
in decreased pH and viscosity while increasing the oil and water absorption capacity and solubility of germinated
finger millet flour samples. However, the swelling power and bulk density of the flour samples significantly
decreased with longer germination periods. The study suggested that germinated finger millet flour could be used
as an ingredient in various foods, including baby food, sauces, and cakes, due to its improved functional properties.
Chandra et al (2013) assessed the functional properties of different flours, focusing on the trend of utilizing novel
sources of protein, fat, vitamins, and minerals in bakery products to reduce the proportion of wheat flour. The
addition of green gram flour and potato flour was found to enhance the functional properties and nutritional quality
of the value-added products.
Sharma et al (2018) worked on the development of functional flour using malted cereals and legumes. The
research demonstrated that malting improved the nutritional and physicochemical characteristics of sorghum-
based composite flour mixtures. Food products developed using these composite flour mixtures exhibited
significant functional properties, including protein content, crude fibre, phytonutrients (particularly phenolic
compounds), and minerals, along with potent antioxidant capacity. The study emphasized the importance of
popularizing the consumption of sorghum through the commercialization of value-added products to meet the
changing lifestyle preferences of people.
Kulamarva et al (2019) focused on the nutritional and rheological properties of sorghum. The research highlighted
that despite the absence of gluten, which makes sorghum suitable for gluten-intolerant populations, it possesses
poor rheological properties. The study suggested that incorporating sorghum into composite flours with other
cereals and legumes could effectively enhance the nutritional and rheological properties. Further research on
processing techniques and their effects on the nutritional and viscoelastic properties of sorghum could contribute
to increasing the utilization of sorghum in human diets.
2.4 Possible Methods of Enhancing the Quality of Tuwo
Germinated grains offer beneficial nutrients to humans, and the germination process also reduces anti-nutritional
factors (Tian et al., 2010; Hemalatha et al., 2007; Dicko et al., 2005; Noda et al., 2004). Sprouting provides a rich
Conference Proceedings, 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conference (FETiCON 2023), Jun. 5 - 7, 2023,
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
source of phytochemicals, minerals, vitamins, enzymes, and essential amino acids, which have positive effects on
human health (Gan et al., 2017).
Pretreatment processes significantly influence the appearance, texture, and nutritional content of cereal flour.
Enhancing the nutritional quality and sensory properties (taste, appearance, aroma, and texture) of cereal-based
foods can be achieved through genetic improvement, fortification or supplementation of amino acids (Kaukovirta-
Norja et al., 2004). Processing technologies, such as milling, malting, fermentation, and sprouting, are employed
to utilize protein-rich sources in cereals. Increasing the germination rate results in higher soluble sugar content
for fermentation (Kouakou et al., 2008). Traditional methods of food preparation, including fermentation,
cooking, and malting, improve the nutritional quality of food by reducing specific anti-nutrients like phytic acid,
polyphenols, and oxalic acid.
Germinated cereal seeds are a good source of ascorbic acid, riboflavin, choline, thiamine, tocopherols, and
pantothenic acid (Sangronis and Machado, 2007). Germinated and coarsely ground grains increase the protein
content and improve protein digestibility. Furthermore, malting reduces the concentration of anti-nutritional
factors like phytates, thus enhancing the nutritional quality of malted grains (Traore et al., 2004). The viscosity
of foods is also reduced through malting, making them more suitable for frequent consumption (Ikujenlola and
Fashakin, 2005).
Despite the series of work that was carried out on the processing of cereal grains to better cereal flour for quality
stiff dough tuwo production. The nutritional and functional quality can be improved by adequately varying the
blanching, soaking and malting duration/temperature. The present of anti-nutrients in corn and sorghum which
depletes most of the vital nutrients can be reduced or removed by proper pre-treatment methods. Optimized cereals
flour can be produced and its composite flour for better quality tuwo production.
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