RMA G3Scoresheet v3
RMA G3Scoresheet v3
RMA G3Scoresheet v3
Task C:
Date of Task A: Number Task B: Number Missing
S/N LRN Name of Learner Sex Birthdate Age Mother Tongue Identification Discrimination Fractions
Asessment (4) (3)
Task I:
Task D: Missing Task E:
Task F: Task G: TOTAL % of Correct
Task H: Geometric
Numbers (3) Addition Subtraction Multiplication Division (4) Representation
SCORE (34) Answer
Levelling of Learners Remarks
(4) (4) (5)
Language Number of
Matched Learners
Grade Section Sex ( LOI vs Learners) Assessed
Grade 3 Camia Male #NAME? 3 3
Levelling of Learners
Female 50%
This Scoresheet is made possible with the assistance of USAID through ABC+: Advancing Basic Education in the Philippines. ABC+ Project is an
early grades education project of the Department of Education in partnership with USAID and implemented by RTI International together
with The Asia Foundation, SIL LEAD, and Florida State University.
This Scoresheet is made possible with the assistance of USAID through ABC+: Advancing Basic Education in the Philippines. ABC+ Project is an
early grades education project of the Department of Education in partnership with USAID and implemented by RTI International together
with The Asia Foundation, SIL LEAD, and Florida State University.
Total Assessed : 6
Male Female
ABC+ Project is an
tional together
ABC+ Project is an
tional together
rage Score Overall
Task G Task H Task I Average
d on Average Score
Task G Task H Task I Overall
nswer by Tasks