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This paper is focused on the attitude of gold buyers towards branded and non-branded jewellers. The objective of
the study is to analyse the reasons for preferring branded and non-branded gold jewellers and satisfaction of
buyers towards gold jewellers. This study will useful to the owners of gold jewellers for understanding the
choices and preferences of buyers, the criteria adopted by buyers in selecting a particular jeweller, in adopting a
suitable pricing strategy, and in devising suitable marketing strategies, so as to serve their customers in a better
KEYWORDS: Gold Purchase, Buyers Behaviour, Attitude of Gold Buyers, Branded Jewellery.
International Journal of Reviews and Research in Social Sciences. 6(3): July- September, 2018
statistical tools such as Description Statistics, Table 4: Type of Gold Jewellery Purchased
Friedman’s test, K-means cluster analysis and Chi- Type of Jewellery Always Sometimes Never Total
Stud /Earrings 11 77 52 140
square test have been used to analyse and interpret the Bangles / Bracelets 14 73 53 140
data. Finger rings 26 62 51 140
Necklace / Chains 67 46 27 140
In this section, gold purchase pattern of buyers is Others 20 65 55 140
analysed with respect to their amount invested in gold,
frequency of purchase, influencer in the purchase The type of gold jewellery preferred by the respondents
decision, reasons for purchasing gold, type of gold shows that majority of the buyers have purchased finger
jewellery purchased, criteria for selection of gold rings, followed by stud/ earrings, coins,
jewellery, preferred gold jewellery and reasons for bangles/bracelets and necklace/ chains (Table - 4).
preferring a particular gold jeweller. Table 5: Criteria for Selection of Gold Jewellery
Table 1: Amount Invested in Gold Variables Mean Std. Mean x2 Test Sig
Deviation Rank
Amount Invested in Gold Frequency Percent
Quality of 3.66 1.227 3.84 28.418 .000
Below 1,00,000 29 20.71
1,00,001-2,00,000 46 32.9
Workmanship 3.51 1.226 3.40
2,00,001- 3,00,000 45 32.1
Comfort of 3.85 1.229 4.01
Above 3,00,000 20 14.28
Total 140 100.0
Price 3.41 1.275 3.37
Antique value 3.31 1.270 3.19
The amount invested in gold by the respondents depicts Trendy 3.34 1.301 3.20
that 32.9 percent have invested 1,00,001-2,00,000, 32.1
percent have invested between 2,00,001-3,00,000, The result of Friedman’s Chi-square test shows that there
20.71 percent invested less than 1,00,000 and 14.28 is a significant difference found in the criteria for
percent have invested more than 3,00,000 in gold selection of gold jewellery (P=<0.05). The mean rank
(Table - 1). revealed the fact that the comfort of wearing, quality of
gold, workmanship, price, trendy and antique value are
Table - 2: Frequency of Purchasing Gold
the prime factors considered at the time of selecting gold
Frequency of Purchase Frequency Percent
Monthly 11 7.9 jewellery (Table - 5).
Yearly 66 47.1
Buying preference is a process, wherein various
Frequency of purchasing gold revealed that the 47.1 available mutually exclusive alternatives for buying are
percent of the respondents have been purchasing gold evaluated by the buyers. It can generally be made by the
once in a year followed by 45 percent have been respondents after thoroughly scrutinizes the pros and
purchasing occasionally and 7.9 percent have been cons of each alternatives. Keeping in mind, preferred
purchasing once in a month (Table - 2). jeweller, reasons for preferring a particular jeweler,
Table 3: Reasons for Gold Purchase sources of information about gold jewellers, and
Reasons Frequency Percent satisfaction towards preferred gold jeweller have been
Marriage 30 21.4 taken into consideration.
Gift 19 13.5
Investment 25 17.8
Table 6: Preferred Gold Jeweller
Personal aspiration 20 14.0
Preferred Jeweller Frequency Percent
Status 28 20.0
Branded 82 58.57
Festival 18 12.8
Non-branded 58 41.42
Total 140 100.0
Total 140 100.0
The reasons for purchasing gold indicates that 21.4
percent of the respondents have purchased gold for Most of the gold purchasers (58.57 percent) have
marriage, 20 percent have purchased gold on auspicious preferred to purchase from branded gold jewellers and
occasions like family functions, Akshayathirudhi, etc., 41.42 percent of the gold purchasers have preferred non-
17.85 percent have purchased gold for investment Branded gold jewellers (Table - 6).
purposes, 14.28 percent have purchased gold for their
personal aspiration, 13.5 percent have purchased gold for
gifting to friends and 12.85 percent have purchased gold
during festival occasions (Table - 3).
International Journal of Reviews and Research in Social Sciences. 6(3): July- September, 2018
Table 7: Reasons for Purchasing Gold from Branded Jewellers The preferred jeweller for purchasing gold indicates that
Variables Mean Std. Mean x2 Sig. 22.1 percent have preferred Tata Gold, 21.4 percent have
Deviation Rank Test
Reliability 3.96 1.079 4.33 26.446 .000 preferred Joy Alukkas, 17.9 percent have preferred AVR
Competitive 3.83 1.112 4.19 Swarna Mahal, 14.3 percent have preferred Malabar
price Gold and 13.6 percent have preferred Kalyan Jewellers
Goodwill 4.34 .828 5.22 and 10.7 percent selected in other show rooms (Table -
Advertisement 4.17 1.079 4.90 9).
Reasonable 3.85 1.314 4.38
wastage and
Making charges Table 10: Sources of Information about Gold Jewellers
Wide range of 3.87 1.168 4.28 Sources of Information Frequency Percent
collections Friends / Relatives 52 37.1
Brand image 3.89 1.245 4.34 News papers and Magazines 48 34.3
Quality 3.84 1.248 4.37 Radio / Television 20 14.3
Hoardings and Banners 20 14.3
Total 140 100.0
The result of Friedman’s Chi-Square test shows that
there is a significant difference (P=<0.05) found in the
In the various sources of information, friends and
reasons for purchasing gold from the branded jewellers
relatives (37.1 percent) constitute a major source of
(Table - 7). Goodwill is a major reason for buying gold
information, followed by Radio/ Television, hoardings
from the branded jeweller (Mean Rank= 5.22), followed
and banners and newspapers and magazines (Table - 10).
by advertisements (Mean Rank=4.90), reasonable
wastage and making charges (Mean Rank=4.38), quality
(Mean Rank=4.37), brand image (Mean Rank=4.34) and
competitive price (Mean Rank=4.19).
Satisfaction is a person’s feeling of pleasure or
Table 8: Reasons for Purchasing Gold from Non-branded
dissatisfaction and whether the buyer is satisfied after
Jewellers purchase depends upon the performance of products in
Variables Mean Std. Mean X2 Sig. relation to expectations of the buyers. If the performance
Deviatio Rank Test is not up to the expectations, the buyer is dissatisfied. If
the performance matches the expectations, the buyer is
Able to order 3.84 1.148 3.76 13.90 .000
designs 9 satisfied. If the performance exceeds the expectations of
according to my a buyer is highly satisfied or delighted. The level of
desire satisfaction of gold buyers might be varied with products
Free from taxes 3.57 1.067 3.37 and services offered by the Jewellers. In this connection,
Hereditary 3.83 1.193 3.72
bonding non-parametric Friedman’s test has been used to find out
Better Payment 3.39 1.273 3.11 the significant difference in the buyers’ satisfaction with
terms of local gold Jewellers.
Low making 3.56 1.337 3.50 Table 11: Buyers’ Satisfaction towards Gold Jewellers
charges Variables Mean Std. Mean X2 Sig.
Deviation Rank Test
The result of Friedman’s Chi-Square test shows that Wide range of 3.64 1.415 5.48 37.175 .000
there is a significant difference (P=<0.05) found in the collections
Wastage and Making 3.36 1.288 4.58
reasons for purchasing from non-branded gold jewellers charges
(Table - 8). The prime reason for purchasing gold from Exchange offers 3.81 1.256 5.55
the non-branded jewellers is buyers can able to order Discounts and free gifts 4.14 .941 6.29
designs according to their desire (Mean Rank=3.76), Store atmosphere 3.63 1.153 5.07
followed by hereditary bonding (Mean Rank=3.72), low Purity and Quality of 3.98 1.028 5.86
making charges (Mean Rank=3.50) and free from taxes Salesman responsiveness 3.68 1.183 5.14
(Mean Rank=3.37). Price 3.91 1.065 5.58
Service quality 3.89 1.145 5.69
Table 9: Preferred Gold Jewellers Advertisement 3.96 1.082 5.76
Gold Jewellers Frequency Percent
Malabar gold 20 14.3
The result of Friedman’s Chi-Square test shows that
Tata Gold 31 22.1
Kalyan jewellers 19 13.6 there is a significant difference (P=<0.05) found in the
Joy Alukkas 30 21.4 buyers’ satisfaction towards gold Jewellers (Table - 11).
AVR Swarna Mahal 25 17.9 The mean ranks revealed the fact that the buyers are
Others 15 10.7 more satisfied with discounts and free gifts (Mean
Total 140 100.0 Rank=6.29) followed by purity and quality of gold
International Journal of Reviews and Research in Social Sciences. 6(3): July- September, 2018
(Mean Rank=5.86) and price (Mean Rank=5.58). The (P=<0.05). Hence, the null hypothesis is rejected.
buyers are more dissatisfied with wastage and making Therefore, it is concluded that there is an association
charges (Mean Rank=4.58). found between preferred gold Jeweller and level of
satisfaction (Table - 14).
In this section the classification of different type of The branded Jewellery segment occupies only a meagre
clusters based on attitude of gold purchasers towards share of the total Jewellery market in India. Today, the
jewellers. K-means cluster analysis is applied to identify branded Jewellers are spread throughout the country,
heterogeneous groups of gold purchasers. This analysis meeting the demands of the consumers from all parts of
is helpful to identify the different groups of gold the country. The study proved that goodwill, reasonable
purchasers with homogeneous qualities. wastage and making charges, reliability, quality, brand
image, advertisement, wide range of collections and
Table 12: Level of Satisfaction with Gold Jewellers competitive price are the base for the selection of
Level of Satisfaction Frequency Percent
Medium 38 27.1
branded store. The study findings will explicitly serve as
High 65 46.5 an eye-opener for the gold jewellers to understand the
Low 37 26.4 attitude of the buyers.
Total 140 100.0
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