Computing Mock 3

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COM – BECE/sc/lr


COMPUTING 2&1 Index Number: ………………………………………………..

Date: ………………………………………………………………

This paper consists of two sections: A and B. Answer question 1 in section A and any other
two questions in section B. All questions carry equal marks. Answer all the questions in the
spaces provided in this question paper.
[20 marks]
Answer Question 1 (compulsory)
1. Study the devices in Figure 1 carefully and answer the questions that follow.


Figure 1
a) i. Write the general name given to the devices in Figure 1. 2 marks
ii. Name the devices in Figure 1. 10 marks
iii. Mention two advantages of the device labelled II. 4 marks
b) Identify the names of the following icons as used in desktop publishing. 4 marks
Figure 2
c. Rearrange the following steps used for opening a Microsoft Excel application. 4 marks
i. Click on Microsoft Excel.
ii. Click on ‘All Programs’ or ‘All Apps’
iii. Click on Microsoft Office folder.
iv. Click on the Start button.
[36 MARKS]
Answer three questions only from this section.
2. a. What is artificial intelligence? 2 marks
b. Give two (2) advantages of using Instagram. 4 marks
c. List four (4) examples of data entry devices 4 marks
d. State two (2) uses of USB flash drives 2 marks
3. a. What is search engine? 2 marks
b. Write down four (4) layers in the OSI model. 4 marks
c. Give two (2) storage devices that use flash memory 2 marks
d. Draw the following flowchart symbols. 4 marks
i. Start/End
ii. Input/Output
iii. Process
iv. Decision
4. a. What is an expression in programming? 2 marks
b. State three (3) programming languages. 3 marks
c. State three (3) non-physical data threats. 3 marks
d. Write two (2) examples each of the following. 4 marks
i) MS Excel formula ii) Functions in MS Excel
5. a. Classify the following social media sites into the headings into Photo Sharing social media
Video sharing social media.

(YouTube, TikTok, 500px, Vimeo, Snapchat, Pinterest) 6 marks

b. Give any two (2) uses of smart watch. 4 marks
c. Write the following acronyms in full as used in computer networking. 2 marks
i. TCP ii. DNS

Answer All Questions
1. Fifth generation of computers used ……
A. microprocessor. B. artificial intelligence. C. vacuum tube based D. integrated circuit
2. A cartoon avatar that represents you is called A. Emoji. B. bitmoji. C. filter. D. Flickr.
3. A special photo overlays which are used to dress up a snap is referred to as
A. stickers. B. emojis. C. geo-filters. D. pinboard.
4. Which of the following is true about quantum computing? Quantum computers…..
A. calculateswith cubits. B. have high error rates. C. are well-suited for data analysis.
D. calculates in transistors.
5. To upload images on the photo sharing website, first ………..them so that it is easy to find
them while uploading. A. remove B. organize C. create D. delete
6. Posting a picture or a video in Pinterest is known as………….. A. pinning. B. snapping.
C. tweeting. D. living.
7. One of the commonly used photo sharing website is A. Facebook lives B. TikTok
C. Google Photos D. Pinterest
8. To defraud someone or an organization by creating fake documents or modifying an
existing document is called A. forgery. B. vandalism. C. plagiarism. D. piracy.
9. Network fabrication attacks the …….of the system. A. confidentiality B. integrity
C. authenticity D. security
10. Which of the following hackers use their knowledge to hack to check their own security
system to make it more hack-proof? A. White hat hacker B. Black hat hacker
C. Grey hat hacker D. Red hat hacker
11. The type of threat in which an attacker floods the server resources and exhausts the
network bandwidth is known as A. network delivered threat. B. data extortion.
C. blackhole attack. D. data security.
12. The term used to describe a group of individuals who scam users is termed as
A. plagiarism. B. phishing. C. virus. D. malware.
13. Google uses automated programs known as ………which finds pages on the web.
A. crawlers B. meta search C. finders D. searcher
14. Which one of these is used to raise one value to the power of second value and
calculates it? A. Exponentiation B. Modulus C. Division D. Multiplication
15. Logical note takes only ……….operand(s). A. zero B. one C. two D. three
16. The errors that occur in MS Excel when the text in the formula is not recognized is ……
A. #### Error B. #REF! Error C. #NUM! Error D. #NULL! Error
17. In programming, the flowchart symbol for processing symbol is……… A. rectangular.
B. diamond. C. oval. D. square.
18. Visual impairment refers to the categories of people who are not able to ………..
A. blind. B. deaf. C. dumb. D. walk.
19. When a computer program runs, a value that does not change is termed as….
A. variable. B. constant. C. expression. D. statement.
20. All the listed below are examples of sites use for sharing video except ………….
A. Facebook Live. B. Vimeo. C. YouTube. D. Instagram.
21. Pi=3.14159 is an example of a constant in which programming language?
A. Java B. C++ C. Python D. Visual Basic
22. All data entry devices are…….devices. A. output B. input C. storage D. processing
23. Which type of expression is x + y, 10.75? A. relational expression. B. floating
expression. C. Boolean expression. D. logical expression.
Use this image to answer questions 24 to 26
24. The image is a/an ………… A. QR code B. barcode C. line code D. number code
25. Which device is used to read the image? A. Line code reader B. QR code scanner
C. Barcode reader D. Numbers code scanner
26. The image is used to ………… A. identify location on maps. B. access email account.
C. access the web. D. identify products in stores.
27. 3+4*5// This expression when being run which operator is the considered first in order
of operation precedence? A. + B. * C. // D. 3
28. The device used to feed your hand-made drawings into a computer is called……..
A. graphic tablet. B. magnetic card reader. C. optical card reader. D. QR code reader.
29. Constants are used in …….ways. A. 1 B. 2 C. 3 D. 4
30. Sitting in front of a computer for long hours with no physical activity is a major
contributing factor to A. cancer. B. diabetes. C. obesity. D. fever.
31. Print “Hello, world” is an example of…. A. variable. B. constant. C. expression.
D. statement.
32. The name of the symbol is …… A. decision. B. annotation. C. start and stop.
D. predefined process.
33. The function is used to count number of cells that meet certain criteria is………… .
34. How many elements are used to develop programs in computing?
A. One B. Two C. Three D. Five
35. The name of this symbol is….. A. decision. B. annotation. C. start and stop.
D. predefined process.
36. A hardware device which is used to print vector graphics is………….
A. printer. B. plotter. C. scanner. D. barcode reader.
37. A storage device that combines a conventional hard disk drive and a solid-state flash
module for data storage is called…………. A. hard disk drive. B. solid state drive.
C. hybrid hard drive. D. flash memory chips.
38. What does QR code stand for? A. Quite Reading B. Quiet Response C. Quick Rite
D. Quick Response
39. Desktop publishing software which is used to produce complex page layouts in
WYSIWYG formats is known as ………… A. QuarkXPress. B. Adobe In Design.
C. MS Publisher. D. MS Word.
40. All the following are uses of quantum computing except………….
A. playing video games. B. weather forecasting. C. database searching.
D. molecular modelling.

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