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Vehicle Exhaust Extraction..Guide

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Vehicle Exhaust Extraction

System Design Guide

T H E Ha z a rd s o f Diese l H ow to use th is guid e
E XH AUST For more than 40 years, Plymovent has been a global leader in developing
systems and expertise to ensure your facility selects the right equipment for
Exhaust fumes and pollutants can impair source capture ventilation.
health as well as safety. Specifically, diesel
exhaust (as soot or chemical extracts) has Plymovent offers Construction Specifications Institute (CSI) format, Division
been found to cause changes in cells’ DNA. 23 exhaust system specifications. We support architects and engineers with
International Agency for Research on Cancer public works garages, mass transit servicing areas, vocational schools, truck
(IARC), part of the World Health Organization and heavy equipment repair, military repair, airport servicing areas, and others.
(WHO), classifies diesel engine exhaust as In addition, Plymovent provides expertise and guides to help you with fire
“carcinogenic to humans,” based on sufficient station and EMT facility design and installation.
evidence that it is linked to an increased risk
of lung cancer. As you examine a facility to determine the most effective way to capture and
extract dangerous exhaust, you can rely on Plymovent experts to share their
The US National Institute for Occupational experience with installing thousands of systems in a wide range of buildings.
Safety and Health (NIOSH), part of the CDC,
has determined that diesel exhaust is a In this guide we provide a design checklist you can use to determine
“potential occupational carcinogen.” requirements and determine proper air flow, hoses, ductwork and fans. We
walk through the many challenges you may face as you determine the needs of
for your particular facility.

Plymovent and our distributor network have the experience and knowledge
to help you work through these questions and offer a solution to almost any
application.We invite you to contact Plymovent and our authorized distributors
with any questions you have.

Insi de th is Gui de

Gather Facility and User Details Page 4

Calculate Airflow Volumes Page 6
Select the Right Exhaust Removal System Page 8
Select the Proper Hose Page 10
Select an Exhaust Fan Page 11
Select a Tailpipe Adapter Page 12
Select a Fan Star ter Page 13
Design the Ductwork System Page 14
Calculate Static Pressure Page 15

WHY Diese l e xh aus t e xtr ac t io n So


Diesel engines produce a mixture of toxic gases and particulates

from the combustion process. These hazardous vehicle exhaust
emissions in a garage or storage facility represent the most
significant cancer health risk and a serious legal liability to the
owners and operators of these buildings. It is essential to create
healthy and safe working conditions by reducing these risks.
Protective measures are an important aspect of this effort.

High-quality exhaust removal systems are recommended for

existing and new facilities, to make sure that legal exposure limits
are not exceeded. Plymovent is a global leader in providing systems
that capture, extract and remove gas and diesel exhaust emissions,
creating a cleaner and healthier work environment.

G athe r Facility and USE R DE TAILS

1. What type and size vehicles will be serviced?

2. Are there multiple-sized vehicles being serviced within the facility?

a. Does the facility provide dedicated service bays for cars, light trucks and
other areas for larger vehicles?

3. What are the engine operating conditions?

a. How long and under what conditions will the engines be run? Generally
speaking, 10 to 15 minutes running at idle do not present temperature
b. Are the engines placed under load while testing AC units, transmissions,
hydraulic testing or other Power Take Off operations? These will all
increase exhaust volume and temperatures.
What type of fuel is being used? For example, vehicles fueled by
Compressed Natural Gas (CNG) can present a number of challenges.

4. How big are the work areas?

a. Service bays for cars (or “small work areas”) do not generally require
long hoses. However, open plan service areas (“large work areas”) may
require a boom arm or motorized hose reels with long exhaust hoses.

5. How many mechanics are there vs. the number of service bays? Do you need
exhaust flow for every service bay at once?
a. Can a single hose / hose reel serve two work areas that are side by side?

6. Gather data on ceiling height, light fixtures, HVAC ductwork, overhead

cranes and the type of building structure; all of these need to be considered
when laying out and selecting equipment.

7. Understand height requirements. Generally spring recoil hose reels are

mounted at 12-16’ AFF; motorized hose reels can be mounted higher. It may
make sense to initially mount the reel lower so a shorter hose can be used,
thereby lowering future hose replacement cost if needed.

8. How many fans will you need? Will a fan be provided with each hose or hose
reel? Or is a centrally located fan the better choice? Should the fan be
located inside or outside? Keep in mind that while an outside-mounted fan
reduces noise, it may be more difficult to service.

9. Determine fan start/stop options and automated fan speed controls. Proper
controls provide required ventilation where and when it is needed. This is
done with a combination of high-quality motorized dampers, pressure
transmitters and a variable frequency drive control box.

G athe r FAcili ty an d USE R Details (Conti Nued )

Simple systems with two to five hoses could be set up with a single fan and
100% usage; larger systems will typically only have a 35-40% usage factor
and lend themselves to automated airflow controls with Plymovent DCV
fan controllers. This type of control system can handle a large number of
hoses/hose reels with a much smaller fan. Consider adding a DCV controller
and dampers to an older system, or expand an existing fan capability.

10. Tailpipe adaptors - what kind of tailpipes does the fleet have?
a. Undercarriage?
b. Rear of vehicle?
c. Underneath chassis, behind the cab?
d.Vertical Stack exhaust? (Single stack or dual stacks?)
e. Combination of these tailpipes?
f. Are tailpipes accessible?
g. What are the tailpipe diameters and shapes? Can you connect with one
standard nozzle, are multiple tailpipe adapters needed, or is a custom
solution needed?

11. Where are the equipment mounting points?

a. Consider the wall or column to which you can attach the hose reel or
boom arm. Steel columns and masonry walls are ideal for mounting hose
reels or boom arms because of their strength and stiffness. Sheet metal
structures may be problematic for mounting boom arms due to the
bending torque of the boom to the mounting point.Very high ceilings and
overhead cranes may present a challenge, as well as ductwork, piping and
other obstructions.

12. How much electrical power is available?

Do you have sufficient amperage and slots for new breakers in the
electrical panel? Keep in mind that DCV controllers only operate on
three-phase power.

H ow to Ach iev e Ener gy

Efficienc y with a DC V Sys t em
Consider a 20 hose drop system, operating at 500 cubic
feet per minute (CFM) per hose. This would require a fan
that could exhaust 10,000 CFM. The same system with
a Demand Control Ventilation (DCV) controller and
designed at a 40% usage factor (eight hoses in use at once)
would need a fan suitable for 4,000 CFM.

In this way, the DCV controller reduces energy costs and

overall operational costs:
■■ Reduced exhausted conditioned air.
■■ Reduced fan horse power and electrical consumption.
■■ Smaller diameter ductwork.
■■ Reduced sound levels.
■■ Smaller air make up unit. 5
ca l cu l atE ai rflow volu m es
Airflow volumes are typically based on the types of vehicle being serviced.
Below are vehicle types with hose diameter and exhaust volume

An automotive repair shop typically requires 275-300 CFM through a 4 in.
hose. In most cases, automotive garages do not have excessive exhaust
temperatures, given that the exhaust must flow all the way down the
tailpipe before it gets to the hose and nozzle. This volume can also be
applied to pick-up trucks.

General Recommendation: Plymovent EG hose (350°F / 170°C
continuous - 400°F / 205°C Spike) is the typical hose used for
automotive shop conditions.

Motorcycle repair facilities typically require 600-650 CFM through a 6 in.
hose (This may be split into two five-inch legs for dual exhaust).

General Recommendation: Plymovent EG type hose (350°F / 170°C

continuous, 400°F / 205°C Spike) is the typical hose recommended. If
the repair team loads the engine or is Dyno testing, then the EF2/SNF-
2 hose (550°F / 260°C continuous, 660°F / 350°C Spike) can be used.

Note: Two cycles make twice the exhaust volume as four cycle engines.

P lymoven t A irf low rec ommen dat ions

Our recommendation is that the airflow through the hoses exceed the
exhaust volume of the vehicle. We want to ensure that our systems
properly capture both the exhaust fumes AND ambient shop air into the

This additional airflow ensures that exhaust from the engine is captured
and the additional air flow provides cooling as it mixes with the hot
exhaust fume. Too much airflow through the hose is far better than too

These items should be considered when designing and laying out a Vehicle
Exhaust removal system. Plymovent experts can help you select the right
system based on your exhaust volume.

ca l c u l atE ai rf low volu m es (Conti Nued)

Repair garages could include public works (DPW), department of transportation
(DOT) garages, rental fleets, delivery fleet repair, etc. These typically require 500-
550 CFM through a 5 in. hose.

General Recommendation: Plymovent EF2 or SNF-2 (550°F / 260°C
continuous, 660°F / 350°C Spike) hose is often recommended. However, diesel
engine repair shops may conduct tests that generate higher temperatures.
Engine loading for operation of the power take-off (PTO) to power hydraulic
pumps or AC unit testing can raise the temperature and volume, as the engine
is under load. It’s important to learn how much time the engines are tested
under load before determining the right hose.

Heavy Duty Trucks:

Dyn o Testing Questions
This would include over the road tractors, Kenworth/Detroit Allison/ Cummings/
Mack truck repair garages. Dyno testing involves running an engine under
its own power coupled to a controlled amount
General Recommendation: These facilities often demand 650-800 CFM of resistance. Here are questions you can ask to
through a 6 in. hose. Plymovent EF2 or SNF-2 hoses will meet these airflow determine the exhaust extraction equipment
and temperature requirements. Exhaust temperatures may be higher if the needed for a Dyno testing environment:
engines are under load during shop operations (this could be caused when the ■■ Is the Dyno for front wheel drive, rear
PTO is operating hydraulic pumps, A/C unit testing, or brake or transmission wheel drive, four wheel drive?
testing). In these cases, the facility may require combination hoses, such as 20 ■■ Are you dealing with an engine dyno, or
ft. of the EF2 or SNF-2 hose coupled to a lower section of 5-10 ft. of HT-750 chassis dyno?
hose. ■■ Where are the tailpipes located in relation
to the Dynometer drum(s)?
Off-Road Equipment and Construction Equipment: ■■ Is the exhaust coming from short engine
Examples of these facilities are construction equipment, compressor/generator/ headers or vehicle tailpipes?
pump repair shops, etc. ■■ What are temperatures and exhaust
volumes? These can vary wildly depending
General Recommendation: These facilities demand a 6 in. hose at 700-800 on the application.
CFM through the hose. For larger applications an 8 in. hose can be utilized.You ■■ Generally you cannot place a tailpipe
adapter directly onto the tailpipe as this
must confirm the exhaust temperatures to determine the proper hose, fan
may decrease the back pressure in the
and airflow selection. The 8 in. hose supports exhaust volumes up to 1200-
vehicle exhaust system which in turn may
1400 CFM. Whenever engines are operating under load, the exhaust flow and
change the engine mapping and skew the
temperature increase dramatically. test results.
■■ How long does each test take?
Dyno Testing:
Dyno testing requires a much larger volume exhaust system as it often generates
extremely high temperatures within the hoses and the fan. The text box on the
right provides more details.

S el ec t th e Rig ht Exhaust Remova l SyST EM

When to Consider a Fixed Extractor System

The Fixed Extractor, sometimes referred to as the Retractable Hose Drop or
Hose Dropper, is often appropriate for small to mid-size service areas in
which cranes and other equipment are not an issue. Hose drop systems are
typically available in two types:

Winch or Rope and Pulley systems: mounted several feet away from the
hose location, these systems are used to pull the hose up and away via two
pulleys connected to the ceiling structure. This is the less expensive option,
and while more difficult to use, they can support longer and heavier hoses
than other options.

Spring Recoil Balancer: a spring cassette pulls the hose up and away when
not in use.This is the more popular option. Hose lengths are typically 16 to 20
ft. long, but longer hoses are available.The hose’s weight and length need to be
considered when selecting the correct recoil balancer, so that it can fully lift
the exhaust hose and tailpipe adapter when not in use.

F ix ed Extr actors: Two Ques ti ons to A sk

Q. What if there is limited space?

A. Include a fan and mounting bracket. Plymovent provides a fixed extractor
system (FEF) that includes a fan and mounting bracket. These are useful for
small work areas and limited space. For example, a service garage may want
to locate the hose drop between two garage doors.

Q. How can I extend the reach of the system?

A. Use the Fixed Extractor on a pivoting boom.You can increase the reach and
coverage of the hose by connecting it to a swing boom. The FEB swing
boom positions the hose 15 to 26 feet out, away from the column or wall
mounting point.This swing boom is an ideal selection within these facilities:
- A prefabricated building that has no interior columns;
-Facilities that use overhead cranes, which require that hoses reach
- Facilities that have no defined work bays.

The Plymovent Fixed Extractor with Boom (FEB) system utilizes a double
articulated boom with a Fixed Extractor at the end. When mounted to a
column, the articulated boom version can cover almost a 270 degree arc
around the mounting point. In some cases, depending on where the tailpipe
is located, the swing boom can nearly cover a 360 degree arc around the

S elect the Right Exhaust re moval Syst em
( Con tiN ued)

When to Consider a Hose Reel System

Hose reels are ideal for facilities where hoses need to be stored above the
service area when not in use. Here are general guidelines for choosing the right
hose reel:

Small Workshop with Multiple Service Areas: We recommend a spring

recoil hose reel, depending on the hose length and mounting elevation. An
operator pulls down the exhaust hose and attaches the nozzle to the vehicle and
pulls on the hose again to smoothly retract the hose.

Medium Workshop with Wide Service Areas: We recommend a spring

recoil hose reel on a boom arm, which is designed to cover a wide area and keep
the hose out of the way when not in use. The boom arm can be attached to a
W hen to co nsid er a
central fan system or connected to a direct-mounted fan depending on the
rail system
workshop situation.
To reduce the number of hose drops that cover
Heavy Duty Vehicle Workshop with Overhead Cranes: We recommend a maintenance or servicing area, consider an
a motorized hose reel, in some cases on a boom, which retracts the hose with extraction rail system.This systems is made with
the assistance of a high-torque electrical motor. We recommend this hose reel an extruded aluminum profile that has an open
in service areas where hoses and nozzles are heavy and/or overhead cranes and slot on the underside. The slot is sealed off with
other obstacles may exist. rubber “lip” material that allows a travelling crab
or trolley to move along the rail length. The rail
Note: Plymovent does not manufacture or recommend underground exhaust becomes a section of ductwork, and can
removal systems. All Plymovent exhaust systems are “above ground” accommodate future expansion by adding
ducted systems. additional trolleys or hose reels as needed.

Extraction rails are made from sections which

are field spliced together into the final length
required. Generally the longer the extruded
sections are, the more rigid the entire assembly
is and the less chance for leakage at the splice

Based on the rail length and airflow needs, the

manufacturer will recommend how many duct
connection taps are needed into the top of the
rail. Rail systems can use either fixed extractors
or spring recoil hose reels.

Consider issues such as preventing “lip loss” at

the sliding trolley to lip point, “airflow loss”
through the lips and balancing the system.

se lect th e prope r hose

All exhaust hoses used on these type systems require a fan to draw air
through them. Insufficient airflow through hoses can lead to hose failure.
Plymovent recommends an airflow velocity of 3500 FPM (plus/minus)
through the hose.

Plymovent offers hoses in a variety of temperature ranges, different

diameters and several standard lengths, based on the application needed.
Hose type selection can be made as the designer determines what the
actual operational conditions are, how the vehicles are operated in the
garage and the duration of the operation.

General Recommendation: Select a hose made of special-coated high

temperature fabric, with an external helix made of galvanized steel and
where possible having a plastic abrasion.

View the table below for recommendations of hoses based on their

temperature range capacities.

Managing Hig h
Type of Service
T EMPE RATUR ES Hose Temperature Range
Some high temperature hoses are actually
woven to have small holes in the fabric Automobile 300° to 350° Continuous Operation
which allow cooling air to be drawn in
through the fabric at our recommended
Diesel Truck Service 500° to 600° Continuous Operation
velocities. This provides a cooling effect to
the hose fabric. Insufficient airflows may Off-Road and
show up as black dots on the exterior of 500° to 600° Continuous Operation
the hose. 750° to 1200° if heavy load testing

If a facility does experience hose failure, 570° to 2010° depending on type of testing
Dyno Testing
simply upgrading to a hose that can endure being conducted
higher temperatures may not solve the
problem. Compressor / 750° to 2000° depending on type of testing
Generator Testing being conducted
Insufficient airflow through a hose system
may be a key reason that hoses fail. Sharp Note: These general recommendations can be changed to suit your
bends close to the tailpipe and tailpipe particular application or the needs of your particular project.
adapter may also contribute to hose

se l ec t An E XHAUS T FAN

The most common type of fan used in vehicle exhaust removal systems
is the centrifugal blower, built to Air Movement and Control Association
International (AMCA) Class B construction standards. These fans are
built with spark resistant materials, such as an aluminum Impeller and a
steel fan housing. Backward inclined impellers are often recommended
as they offer high efficiency.

Some manufacturers offer belt driven fans, while others offer direct
drive. There are benefits to both. Plymovent recommends that you
discuss your needs with your exhaust system manufacturer to identify
the most appropriate fan.

The fan is the heart of the system and facilities should invest in the best
fan possible.You can rely on the performance and sound listings offered
by manufacturers like Plymovent that have had their fans tested and
listed by AMCA.

Fans should be selected by how much airflow they can move at a given
resistance, rather than horsepower, RPM, inlet diameter, etc. Here are
three criteria for selecting a fan:
■■ Volume of air that the fan needs to move at the total system static
pressure resistance;
■■ Exhaust air temperatures;
■■ Elevation of your building above sea level - the higher the elevation
or temperature the less dense the air becomes; the fan size needs
to align with these measurements; this is applicable if the facility is Q. How do I determine the best fan location?
located in a mountainous area or temperature exhaust flows are
very high. A. When selecting a location for the fan keep in mind
that it may need servicing from time to time. Make
It’s worth noting that UL does not list fans. UL lists and manages electrical sure a mechanic can access the fan when needed.
devices such as motors, lights, appliances and electrical controls, but not Direct drive fans typically need less maintenance,
fan assemblies. Only the motor is UL listed. The UL symbol on a motor especially if the motor has permanently greased
is a backwards R and an U, as shown below. and sealed bearings. Belt-driven fans need periodic
maintenance for belt tightening and pillow block

Flex connectors should be used on the fan inlet

and outlet to isolate the fan from the ductwork.
Rubber-in-shear or spring vibration isolators
should be used to isolate the fan from the building
structure. Also, the fan support structure should
be suitable for the weight of the fan.


Understanding the Range of Nozzles Required

Tailpipe adapters are often the most difficult item to select. It is

common to have many different tailpipe locations, shapes and
diameters within a single fleet. Tailpipes adapters may also be
referred to as nozzles, apparatus fittings, or boots.

Most exhaust system manufacturers offer numerous different

type and sizes of nozzles, based on the hose diameter as well as
tailpipe size/shape/location on the vehicle.

General Recommendation: For truck and vehicles with dual

tailpipes, consider a nozzle that takes in ambient cooling air,
thereby reducing the exhaust emission temperature. This type of
nozzle should be composed of moulded, high temperature
resistant rubber, and be equipped with a vise grip or pincher clip
to strengthen the connection with the exhaust pipe.

Consider having multiple types of tailpipe adapters available for

each hose. In these cases, consider using “Quick Disconnects” so
that nozzles can be easily added and swapped on the hoses.

Ve rt ica l Stack Cha llenges

Most trucks are made with different stacks based on the chassis and type
of body attached to them. For example, a truck chassis used for over the
road tractors can have a different vertical stack than if that same chassis is
used for a dump truck where the dump body would cover the cab.

As you are selecting tailpipe adapters for your project, you have to inspect
your fleet.You may find that you need more than one tailpipe adapter.

For example, Plymovent offers two vertical stack adapters that come with
telescopic pole handles so they can be placed onto the vertical stack from
ground level. With a telescopic arm, the nozzle can be easily fixed to the
tail pipe using a guide bar.

s EL EC T A FAN Starter

Fan starters make an exhaust system easier to use because it

maximizes the mechanics’ time. An exhaust system that
automatically starts or stops the exhaust fan as the hose is
being used provides convenience for mechanics as they service
their vehicles, and ensures consistent use.

When designing the system, the size of the project often

determines the type of fan starter that should be installed. On
a small system that includes two or three hoses, a manual motor
starter located in a convenient position within the work area
might be all that’s needed.

A larger system with four or more hose reels or fixed extractors

may benefit from having a low voltage fan start/stop system
included in the design. These generally include a toggle switch
of some type located on the hose reel or recoil balancer that
sends a start signal whenever a hose is brought down for use.

Determine the Usage Factor

As pointed out on page five, a 20 hose drop system, operating
at 500 CFM per hose, would require a fan that could exhaust
10,000 CFM. But many facilities should anticipate a 40% Usage
Factor (for example, only eight hoses in use at once). The Usage
Factor should be determined before the design is finalized.

DCV systems may add costs at the outset of the project, but a
DCV controller can be expected to reduce ventilation, heating,
and cooling loads by 10 to 30%.

In the April 2017 issue of Facility Executive, an airside efficiency

company calculated that DCV projects can reduce energy by Q. 
Why Use Demand Control Ventilation
38% in energy intensive environments such as laboratories. (DCV)?

A. E ven a larger system can benefit from having

a Demand-Control Ventilation (DCV) fan
speed control system installed.

With a DCV system in place, you can
downsize the fan and ductwork based on
the total number of hoses in use, rather
than the total number of hoses on the
system. That’s because in most facilities,
not all the hoses on a system are in use at
the same time.

Design the Ductwork Sys te m

When designing the ductwork for an exhaust removal system, remember that
you are dealing with a carcinogenic product that may be damp. Plymovent
recommends transport velocities to be as high as is practical given the
ductwork diameters which work the best.

General Recommendation: Transport Velocity of 3000 FPM or higher. This

may not always be possible based on airflow through the various
components and duct connection fittings on the equipment. When
installing the ductwork and the possibility of condensation exists, it may be
advantageous to slope the duct and include a drain.

Position Exhaust Stack Above the Roof

In some cases a louver located in the side wall of the building is selected for
the exhaust system discharge. Plymovent does not recommend the side wall
louver because this can allow the exhaust to blow back against the outside of
the building - or worse - recirculate back into the building through doors or
other penetrations in the building envelope.

General Recommendation: In most projects an exhaust stack on the fan

should discharge vertically and terminate well above the roof, away from
all air intakes and air handling units.

i mportant precaut ions

Light duty lock seam HVAC duct and elbows should not be used. This type of
ductwork is not strong enough to handle the negative pressure the fan will
generate in these types of systems.

Plymovent does not recommend PVC piping as ductwork. Air flowing through
a pipe or duct can generate static electricity and PVC is difficult to ground.
Static electricity and flammable vapors are not a good mix.

Do not share the ducts of the vehicle exhaust system with common shafts or
ducts of other systems, such as welding exhaust systems, as the exhaust
system contains flammable vapors.

Follow the Sheet Metal & Air Conditioning Contractors’ National Association
(SMACNA) guidelines for ductwork design.

C al cu l atE Static Pressur e

Static Pressure is the resistance to airflow through all the components within the
exhaust system. This includes the hose, hose storage device, ductwork, fan and fan
exhaust stack.

For example, ductwork static pressure is figured as friction loss per 100 feet of
duct at a certain CFM. This resistance can be calculated by the design engineer or
the exhaust system specialists with which you are working. Pressure is measured
in Pascal (Pa) / Inches Water Gauge (w.g.).

Care and the manufacturers’ assistance should be sought to make sure the airflow
and static pressure is calculated correctly.

When extracting vehicle exhaust, it’s important to maintain a relatively high

velocity to avoid any liquids and particles from settling in the ducting system.
CalcuatIng Expected
Exhaust Flow when engines
To calculate how air pressure loss in a duct system, you must know how much air
a re op erating un der load
is passing through that duct, factoring in any bends in the system.
Refer to the American Conference of
Air volume is measured in m3/h (cubic meters per hour) / CFM (Cubic Feet per Governmental Industrial Hygienists (ACGIH®)
Minute) or l/s (liters per second). For example, here is a chart that provides duct design manual (“Industrial Ventilation: A Manual
pressure loss and typical bends, based on the duct dimensions. of Recommended Practice”), which provides
design criteria and a formula you can use to
calculate the expected exhaust flow at
operating conditions when the engine is under

You will need the exhaust temperature, RPM

and engine size in order to make an accurate
calculation (VS-85-01 and VS-85-02).

P lymov en t of f ers tota l
s olut i on s f or ai r cl ea n i n g

For more than 40 years we have made it our business to ensure

clean air in all types of garages and facilities.We provide high-
quality products to protect mechanics and employees from
exposure to hazardous diesel exhaust, dust and debris. We
offer a broad range of exhaust extraction systems, supported
by complete engineering services. Contact us to find out
what genuine commitment to customer requirements really

s olut i on

Plymovent is not just a manufacturer. We offer professional

advice and engineering services to provide a solution
tailored to your specific needs and requirements. In addition,
our worldwide network of distributors offer service and
maintenance to keep your system functioning optimally.

For more information, please contact your authorized

Plymovent distributor or visit www.plymovent.com.

Plymovent Corp. T +1 800 644 0911

5 Corporate Drive T +1 609 395 3500
Cranbury, NJ 08512 F +1 609 655 0569
USA E info.usa@plymovent.com

plymoventusa @plymoventusa plymoventusa

Plymovent Corp. is ISO 9001:2008 Certified.

Your Authorized Plymovent Distributor: Plymovent cares about the air you breathe. We offer
products, systems and services which ensure clean air at
work, anywhere in the world.

We respect the environment and we deliver high-quality

products. Our expertise gained over many years and
our genuine commitment to customer requirements
enable us to provide precisely the solutions you need.


Plymovent reserves the right to make design changes.


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