Competitiveness and Enterprise Development Project
Competitiveness and Enterprise Development Project
Competitiveness and Enterprise Development Project
Public Disclosure Authorized
AF Additional Financing
CCO Certificate of Customary Ownership
CEDP Competitiveness and Enterprise Development Project
CLA Communal Land Association
COVID-19 Coronavirus Disease 2019
DLIs Disbursement Linked indicators
ESIA Environmental and Social Impact Assessment
FM Financial Management
FY Financial Year
GoU Government of Uganda
IDA International Development Association
IPF Investment Project Financing
MoFPED Ministry of Finance, Planning and Economic Development
MoLHUD Ministry of Lands, Housing and Urban Development
MoTWA Ministry of Tourism, Wildlife and Antiquities
MSME Micro Small and Medium Enterprise
MZO Ministry Zonal Office
NLIS National Land Information System
PBC Performance-Based Condition
PDO Project Development Objective
PDP Physical Development Plans
PIU Project Implementation Unit
SDR Special Drawing Rights
SLAAC Systematic Land Adjudication and Certification
UGX Uganda Shilling
UHTTI Uganda Hotel and Tourism Training Institute
URSB Uganda Registration Services Bureau
UWRTI Uganda Wildlife Research and Training Institute
UWEC Uganda Wildlife Conservation Centre
The World Bank
Competitiveness and Enterprise Development Project (CEDP) (P130471)
Product Information
Policy Waiver(s)
Does this restructuring trigger the need for any policy waiver(s)?
1. The Competitiveness and Enterprise Development Project (CEDP, Credit Number IDA-52690) was approved on May
9, 2013, and became effective on June 6, 2014. CEDP is financed by International Development Association (IDA) credit
in the amount of SDR 66.1 million (US$100 million equivalent) and US$2.5 million from the Government of Uganda
(GoU). The original project development objective (PDO) was to improve the competitiveness of enterprises in Uganda
by providing support for: (i) the implementation of business environment reforms, including the land administration
reform; and (ii) the development of priority productive and service sectors.
2. An additional Financing (AF, Credit Number IDA-65380) in the amount of SDR 72.7 million (US$99.8 million
equivalent) was approved on March 2, 2020, and became effective on April 6, 2021. Under the AF, the PDO was
changed as follows: “To support measures that facilitate increased private sector investment in the tourism sector and
strengthen effectiveness of the land administration system.” The AF enabled scaling up of two components: (i) land
administration reform and (ii) tourism development initiatives; and introduced performance-based conditions (PBC) -
formerly known as disbursement linked indicators - to incentivize key enabling activities in the land and tourism sectors.
3. In May 2021, following a request from the Government of Uganda (GoU), the closing date of the AF was extended
to May 30, 2024. The rationale for the extension was to address the effects of delayed effectiveness and to revise
project activities to address the significant impact of COVID especially in the tourism sector.
4. The progress towards achievement of PDO is currently rated ‘Moderately Satisfactory’. The overall Implementation
Progress rating was also recently upgraded to ‘Moderately Satisfactory’. The reason for the upgrade is attributed to
the pace of implementation significantly improving over the last 6-7 months as evidenced by the uptick in disbursement
rate from 52 percent in December 2023 to 79 percent in April 2024. Similarly, the absorption rate has more than
doubled, from 21 percent in December 2023 to 53 percent in April 2024.
5. As of April 15, 2024, the overall project disbursement stood at 84 percent; under the AF, 79 percent of funds have
been disbursed. The project is also on course to meet at least 7 out of 9 PDO indicators by May 2024, up from only 4
PDO indicators achieved or substantially achieved in September 2023.
6. On November 27, 2023, the World Bank received a request for one year no-cost extension from the Government. In
their request, the Government acknowledged that implementation had been delayed but underlined that key contracts
had recently been signed and under implementation at a much faster pace though they could not be completed within
the remaining time up to May 30, 2024, and the additional time would facilitate faster implementation.
7. Under the tourism component, most of the non-civil work activities are progressing and six out of seven
disbursement linked indicators have been fully achieved and disbursed. The construction works are progressing, at
The World Bank
Competitiveness and Enterprise Development Project (CEDP) (P130471)
four of the five sites but completion before current closing date is highly unlikely. There have also been challenges with
some of the other activities under the tourism component. For instance, the implementation of the Community sub-
projects also called the Tourism Enterprise Support Fund (TESF) was significantly affected by delays. Even a revision to
the scope of this activity which led to a focus on community enterprises rather than individual SMEs did not increase
the pace of implementation.
8. Under the Land component, progress has been mixed. After significant delays in procurement process, the key
contracts were finally launched. These contracts focused on building institutional capacity of land administration
institutions through the implementation of the new Uganda National Land Information System (UgNLIS), Land
Valuation Management Information System (LaVMIS), and Uganda National Geodetic Reference Framework (UNGRF).
Similarly, activities for strengthening the Physical Planning Department to carry out Physical Development Plans (PDPs)
have advanced well, with some disbursement linked indicators achieved. However, other contracts have been
significantly delayed including those linked to the Systematic Land Adjudication and Certification (SLAAC), Data-
Processing Center staff, IT and Survey Equipment.
9. Land administration and tourism development remain fundamental to Uganda’s economic growth and post COVID
recovery. CEDP remains one of the most important interventions in both sectors, however the existing closing date
means some key activities will be incomplete. Building on the notable improvement in the pace of implementation in
recent months, a restructuring of the project will enable completion of ongoing activities – including civil works – and
rescoping some of the other activities, thereby enhancing overall project performance and facilitating full achievement
of the PDO.
10. Changes proposed for this restructuring include a six-month extension to the closing date, extending it to November
30, 2024; and adjustment of a few Results Framework (RF) Indicator targets to more realistic targets, and reallocation
of costs between disbursement categories. These changes have extensively been discussed, and agreed with the client.
11. The restructuring will not change the PDO and associated outcomes. The Project is compliant with all the legal
covenants. The CEDP PDO remains achievable despite existing constraints, however, restructuring is needed to
consolidate gains and adjust scope for activities, which cannot be completed within the remaining implementation
period. A six-month extension period will enable this to happen.
12. Proposed changes to the Result Framework will allow: (i) revision of selected result indicator statements to reflect
expected changes distinctly; (ii) clarification of the data collection methodology and indicator definition for several
indicators; (iii) adjustment of the end targets for some of the indicators; (iv) updating the responsibility of the
Implementing Agency for data collection; and (v) adding new indicators to capture Project’s key achievements.
13. Given that the restructuring is not expected to introduce new activities, it does not pose any additional Safeguards
risks and the Project’s environmental category remains Category B. The project has in place safeguards instruments
to guide compliance including a project Environmental and Social Management (ESMF) and Environmental and Social
Impact Assessments (ESIAs) for civil works currently under construction in the tourism component (UHTTI, UWEC and
UWRTI). Environmental and Social Audits for the civil works are to be completed prior to project closure. Under the
land component, preparation of the E&S plans for the SLAAC activities are also underway.
The World Bank
Competitiveness and Enterprise Development Project (CEDP) (P130471)
14. Project implementing agencies (PSFU and MLHUD) have in place safeguards staff who will continue to oversee and
monitor safeguards compliance.
15. There is no change in the composition of the Project components and their names. The Project will continue to follow
the existing Project Operational Manual. The financial management performance of the project is rated moderately
satisfactory and risk ratings are moderate. There are no outstanding audits.
16. The proposed restructuring includes the following changes: (i) extension of closing date from May 30 to November
30, 2024; (ii) changes to components and costs; (iii) reallocation between disbursement categories and schedules; and
(iv) changes in results framework.
17. The AF credit was originally designed to close in May 2022; however, it was extended by 24 months to May 2024.
The proposed six-month extension is the second extension to the AF credit. This will bring the cumulative project
extension period to 30 months. The proposed changes to the disbursement categories are elaborated under section
18. Work is progressing at four of the five civil work sites. Uganda Hotel, Tourism and Training Institute (UHTTI) Phase I
(Uganda Crested Crane Hotel); UHTTI Phase II (hotel management and training institute); Uganda wildlife Education
Centre (UWEC); and Uganda Wildlife and Research Training Institute (UWRTI). However there remains a high risk that
these works will still not be fully completed by the current closing date of May 30, 2024.
19. At the Uganda Museum, only the design of the building’s upgrade had been completed. With the proposed extension,
the scope of works at the museum will be downscaled significantly from what was originally planned but the details of
the revised scope will be determined by what is deemed feasible at the contract negotiation stage. The agreed contract
signing cut-off date is June 15, 2024.
20. Some of the activities will be cancelled under the tourism component due to either delays in procurement or limited
time to satisfactorily implement them. These cancelled activities are: (i) provision of technical advisory services for
destination planning and identification of investment opportunities; (ii) development of regulations and codes of
conduct for the tourism sector in line with international best practice; (iii) building tourism regulation/oversight
capacity in the appropriate organizations; (iv) census of tourism establishments and the domestic tourism household
survey. (Information on tourism establishments will be drawn from the UBOS National Census of Firms when it is
published later this year). The allocated resources to these activities will compensate for overspent project
implementation budget, rise in market prices post COVID-19, and foreign exchange losses of approximately US$3.8
million due to exchange rate fluctuations.
21. The World Bank suggested to change the approach to gathering information on domestic tourism for the Tourism
Information Management System (TIMS), from conducting domestic tourism household survey which was costly and
unsustainable to more sustainable and practical measures to obtain data on domestic tourism, using research
assistants at selected tourist sites regionally.
The World Bank
Competitiveness and Enterprise Development Project (CEDP) (P130471)
22. The proposed restructuring will entail cancellation of a number of land sector activities due to delays. These activities
include: (i) construction of the Entebbe Archival Center and the National Land Information Center (NLIC); and (ii)
preparation of comprehensive human development plan for land sector.
23. For remaining period, the outputs of the SLAAC activity will be 250,000 titles for all 6 lots. The agreed contract signing
cutoff date for SLAAC lots is June 15, 2024. If the contractors manage to deliver 250,000 titles by July 2024, contracts
may be amended (in consultation with the World Bank) to include more land parcels.
24. The project will proactively reallocate or cancel funds that could not be utilized before the new closing date of
November 30, 2024.
25. It is proposed to revise the results framework and amend indicators to reflect changes introduced by adjustment of activities
and end targets. The proposed changes are aimed at measuring the recalibrated activities to reflect and reset targets more
PBC Targets
Current Revised
1. Progress is made in the June 2020: Creation of a module in the December 2023: Creation of a module in
enhancement and automation NLIS for uploading the CCOs, CLAs, SMS the NLIS for uploading the CCOs, CLAs,
of the NLIS notification service, and web portal SMS notification service, and web portal
access for Ministries, Departments and access for Ministries, Departments and
(SDR 5.1 million) Agencies and the public– ACHIEVED Agencies and the public. (SDR 1.45
AND VERIFIED million) –
June 2021: Integration of the NLIS with
MDA’s Spatial and Non-Spatial System May 2024: Operationalize the NLIS
module for SMS notification service and
May 2022: Customization of the NLIS to web portal access for MDA and the public.
support Land Administration (SDR 1.45 million)
Management Mobile Office at the sub-
county level. July 2024: Customization and
functionalizing the NLIS to support Land
Administration Management Mobile
Office at the sub-county level. (SDR 2.2
2. Physical Development Plans May 2020: 50 new parish physical March 2024: 72 new parish physical
(PDP) for rural land and peri- development plans are integrated into development plans are integrated into
urban parishes developed. the NLIS. the NLIS. (SDR 0.725 million)
May 2021: 200 new parish physical
development plans are integrated into June 2024: 300 new parish physical
the NLIS. development plans are integrated into
the NLIS. (SDR 4.35 million)
The World Bank
Competitiveness and Enterprise Development Project (CEDP) (P130471)
PBC Targets
Current Revised
May 2022: 122 new parish physical
development plans are integrated into
the NLIS.
3. Land titling scaled up through May 2020: 100,000 new titles June 2024:
systematic land adjudication registered in the system out of which (a) 105,000 new parcels have been
and certification including 40,000 are for women individually or adjudicated and demarcated out of
issuing new land titles to jointly. which 42,000 are for women
women individually or jointly. individually or jointly. (SDR 3.09
(SDR 5.49 million) May 2021: 200,000 new titles million)
registered in the system out of which
80,000 are for women individually or
jointly. (b) 10,000 new titles registered in the
system out of which 4,000 are for
May 2022: 200,000 new titles women individually or jointly (SDR 0.8
registered in the system out of which million)
80,000 are for women individually or
jointly. September 2024:
a) 145,000 new parcels have been
adjudicated and demarcated out of
which 40,000 are for women
individually or jointly (SDR 0.8
4. Uganda Hotel and Tourism May 2020: Cooperation agreement May 2022: Cooperation agreement signed
Training Institute (UHTTI): Sign signed with an international accredited with an international accredited hotel
a Cooperation Agreement hotel training and management training and management
between an international institution institution. (SDR 4.375 million)
accredited hotel, training and ACHIEVED AND VERIFIED
management institution and May 2021: UHTTI has commenced its
MoTWA, to maintain, invest, operation by recruiting and training its May 2023: UHTTI has commenced its
and operate the facility. first batch/cohort of students. operation by recruiting and training its
first batch/cohort of students. (SDR 2.2
REVISED: million)
Uganda Hotel and Tourism ACHIEVED AND VERIFIED
Training Institute (UHTTI): Sign
a Cooperation Agreement
between an international
accredited hotel, training and
management institution and
MoTWA, to collaborate on
management of the facility.
PBC Targets
Current Revised
5. UWRTI: Training Agreement May 2020: Training Agreement with an June 2020: Training Agreement with an
with an international training International training partner Signed. – International training partner Signed.
partner executed and ACHIEVED AND VERIFIED (SDR 2.2 million) – ACHIEVED AND
international standard training VERIFIED
delivered. May 2021: A new curriculum developed
and at least 200 guides trained. May 2022: A new curriculum developed.
(SDR 2.925 million) (SDR 0.725 million) ACHIEVED AND
6. Uganda Museum. Sign a May 2021: Partnership agreement May 2021: Partnership agreement signed.
Partnership Agreement with signed. ACHIEVED AND VERIFEID (SDR4.375 million ) – ACHIEVED AND
an international museum to VERIFEID
modernize and improve its May 2022: A 5-year strategic and
management. business plan prepared. May 2023: A 5-year strategic and business
(SDR 6.575 million) plan prepared. (SDR 2.2 million)
The World Bank
Competitiveness and Enterprise Development Project (CEDP) (P130471)
Financing %
Current Allocation Actuals + Committed Proposed Allocation
(Type Total)
Current Proposed
iLap Category Sequence No: 3 Current Expenditure Category: Elig Exp prt1a(ii)1a(iii),prt 1b(v)
iLap Category Sequence No: 4 Current Expenditure Category: Elig Exp prt 2c(iii);2d(iii),2e(ii)
The World Bank
Competitiveness and Enterprise Development Project (CEDP) (P130471)
Results framework
Competitiveness and Enterprise Development Project (CEDP)
The MoLHUD will increase frequency of monitoring and reporting from yearly to monthly. The methodology for data
Action: This indicator has been Revised collection is clarified
The MoLHUD will increase frequency of monitoring and reporting from yearly to monthly. The methodology for data
Action: This indicator has been Revised
collection is clarified
Action: This indicator has been Revised The MoLHUD will increase frequency of monitoring and reporting from yearly to monthly. The methodology for data
collection is clarified
The World Bank
Competitiveness and Enterprise Development Project (CEDP) (P130471)
Reduction in time (days) and cost to register a business (as % of income per capita) (Action: This Objective has been Revised)
The methodology for indicator measurement and data source have been clarified. The end target has been adjusted to
Action: This indicator has been Revised
reflect the current situation.
The methodology for indicator measurement and data source have been clarified. The end target has been adjusted to
Action: This indicator has been Revised
reflect the current situation.
Action: This indicator has been Revised The baseline values for indicator measurement has been revised to reflect the post-COVID period recovery.
Action: This indicator has been Revised The baseline values for indicator measurement has been e revised to reflect the post-COVID period
Action: This indicator has been Revised The end target date of the indicator has been adjusted to the current Project Closing date
The baseline value and value date for indicator measurement have been revised to capture CEDP Parent interventions. The
Action: This indicator has been Revised
target value is cumulative. The end target date has been adjusted to the Project Closing Date.
The methodology for data collection and sources for the indicator has been revised to account for all the beneficiaries of
Action: This indicator has been Revised
Project under Tourism component. The current value of the indicator has been adjusted accordingly.
The baseline value and value date for indicator measurement have been revised to match with the main indicator baseline
Action: This indicator has been Revised
date. The target value is cumulative
The end targets have been adjusted to align with technical capacity and contracts signed which condition the outputs
Action: This indicator has been Revised
within remaining Project implementation period.
The end targets have been adjusted to align with technical capacity and contracts signed which condition the outputs
Action: This indicator has been Revised
within remaining Project implementation period.
The end targets have been adjusted to align with technical capacity and contracts signed which condition the outputs
Action: This indicator has been Revised
within remaining Project implementation period.
The end targets have been adjusted to align with technical capacity and contracts signed which condition the outputs
Action: This indicator has been Revised
within remaining Project implementation period.
The World Bank
Competitiveness and Enterprise Development Project (CEDP) (P130471)
Action: This indicator is New This is a major output under the project which should be captured
The end target date has been revised to May 2024 to align with the project closing date following the 2022 restructuring
Action: This indicator has been Revised
that enabled closing date extension to May 2024
The end target date has been revised to May 2024 to align with the project closing date following the 2022 restructuring
Action: This indicator has been Revised
that enabled closing date extension to May 2024
The end target date has been revised to May 2024 to align with the project closing date following the 2022 restructuring
Action: This indicator has been Revised
that enabled closing date extension to May 2024
This indicator measures the effort that UHTTI makes to apply for accreditation, so evidence is number of proposals. -This is
Action: This indicator has been Revised
within the control of UHTTI
Action: This indicator has been Revised The indicator definition has been revised to focus the result beyond the IDDPs and consider the ToC on how all project
activities in the tourism industry has attracted private sector investment.
The World Bank
Competitiveness and Enterprise Development Project (CEDP) (P130471)
The end target date has been revised to May 2024 to align with the project closing date following the 2022 restructuring
Action: This indicator has been Revised
that enabled closing date extension to May 2024
The end target date has been revised to May 2024 to align with the project closing date following the 2022 restructuring
Action: This indicator has been Revised
that enabled closing date extension to May 2024
The end target date has been revised to May 2024 to align with the project closing date following the 2022 restructuring
Action: This indicator has been Revised
that enabled closing date extension to May 2024
The World Bank
Competitiveness and Enterprise Development Project (CEDP) (P130471)
Type of PBC Scalability Unit of Measure Total Allocated Amount (USD) As % of Total Financing Amount
PBC 2 Physical Development Plans (PDP) for rural and peri-urban parishes developed.
Type of PBC Scalability Unit of Measure Total Allocated Amount (USD) As % of Total Financing Amount
Land Titling Scaled Up through Systematic Land Adjudication and Certification including issuing new land titles to women
individually or jointly.
Type of PBC Scalability Unit of Measure Total Allocated Amount (USD) As % of Total Financing Amount
Uganda Hotel and Tourism Training Institute (UHTTI): Sign a Cooperation Agreement between an International Accredited
Hotel, Training and Management Institution and MoTWA, to maintain, invest and oper
Type of PBC Scalability Unit of Measure Total Allocated Amount (USD) As % of Total Financing Amount
PBC 5 UWRTI: Training Agreement with an international training partner executed and International standard training delivered.
Type of PBC Scalability Unit of Measure Total Allocated Amount (USD) As % of Total Financing Amount
Type of PBC Scalability Unit of Measure Total Allocated Amount (USD) As % of Total Financing Amount
PBC 2 Physical Development Plans (PDP) for rural and peri-urban parishes developed.
Physical Development Plans (PDP) for rural and peri-urban parishes developed.
Data source/ Agency
Third party verifier (recruited and financed by PIU)
Verification Entity
The World Bank
Competitiveness and Enterprise Development Project (CEDP) (P130471)
May 2023: Confirm that 300 new parish physical development plans are integrated into the NLIS.
Procedure May 2024: Confirm that 72 new parish physical development plans are integrated into the NLIS.
Land Titling Scaled Up through Systematic Land Adjudication and Certification including issuing new land titles to women
individually or jointly.
Land Titling Scaled Up through Systematic Land Adjudication and Certification including issuing new land titles to women
individually or jointly.
Uganda Hotel and Tourism Training Institute (UHTTI): Sign a Cooperation Agreement between an International Accredited
Hotel, Training and Management Institution and MoTWA, to maintain, invest and oper
Uganda Hotel and Tourism Training Institute (UHTTI): Sign a Cooperation Agreement between an International
Accredited Hotel, Training and Management Institution and MoTWA, to maintain, invest and operate the facility.
May 2023: Cooperation Agreement signed with an international accredited hotel training and management institution.
May 2024: UHTTI has commenced its operation by recruiting and training its first batch/cohort of students.
PBC 5 UWRTI: Training Agreement with an international training partner executed and International standard training delivered.
Description UWRTI: Training Agreement with an international training partner executed and International standard training delivered.
Data source/ Agency
June 2020: 1 Training Agreement signed with an internationally recognizable University teaching Wildlife and Biodiversity
related research and endorsed by Permanent Secretary MoTWA.
May 2022: A new curriculum developed.
May 2023: 200 guides trained under new curriculum.
Verification Entity
Third party verifier (recruited and financed by PIU)
The World Bank
Competitiveness and Enterprise Development Project (CEDP) (P130471)