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Impact of jet
Nov 27, 2019 • 27 likes • 17,922 views

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Impact of jet on plate - flat, inclined,

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Impact of jet
2. Impact of Jet The jet is a stream of liquid coming out from nozzle with a high velocity under constant
pressure. Impact of Jet means the force exerted by the jet on a plate which may be stationary or moving. The
plate may be flat or curved. This force is obtained from Newton’s 2nd law of motion or Impulse – Momentum
3. Impulse-Momentum Theorem The impulse-momentum theorem states that the change in momentum of an
object equals the impulse applied to it. For constant mass dm = 0. change in momentum may occurs due to a
change in the magnitude of velocity or in its direction or due to both.
4. The following cases of the impact of jet, i.e. the force exerted by the jet on a plate will be considered:- Force
exerted by the jet on a stationary plate 1) Plate is vertical to the jet 2) Plate is inclined to the jet 3) Plate is curved
Force exerted by the jet on a moving plate 1) Plate is vertical to the jet 2) Plate is inclined to the jet 3) Plate is

direction of x d = diameter of the jet a = area of c/s of the jet = 𝜋 𝑑 4 2

5. Force exerted by the jet onVertical Flat Plate 1. When the plate is stationary Let, V =Velocity of the jet in the

6. Consider a jet of water strikes a stationary vertical flat plate as shown in fig. The jet a!er striking the plate will
deflected through 90°. So final velocity of fluid in the direction of the jet a!er striking plate will be zero. The force

𝐼𝑛𝑡𝑖𝑎𝑙 𝑚𝑜𝑚𝑒𝑛𝑡𝑢𝑚 − 𝐹𝑖𝑛𝑎𝑙 𝑚𝑜𝑚𝑒𝑛𝑡𝑢𝑚 𝑇𝑖𝑚𝑒 = 𝑀𝑎𝑠𝑠 𝑋 𝐼𝑛𝑡𝑖𝑎𝑙 𝑉𝑒𝑙𝑜𝑐𝑖𝑡𝑦 − 𝑀𝑎𝑠𝑠 𝑋 𝐹𝑖𝑛𝑎𝑙 𝑉𝑒𝑙𝑜𝑐𝑖𝑡𝑦 𝑇𝑖𝑚𝑒 = 𝑀𝑎𝑠𝑠 𝑇𝑖𝑚𝑒 [
exerted by the jet on the plate in the direction of jet. Fx = Rate of change of momentum in the direction of force =

𝐼𝑛𝑡𝑖𝑎𝑙 𝑉𝑒𝑙𝑜𝑐𝑖𝑡𝑦 – 𝐹𝑖𝑛𝑎𝑙 𝑉𝑒𝑙𝑜𝑐𝑖𝑡𝑦] = Mass/sec [Velocity of jet before striking -Velocity of jet a!er striking ] = ρaV (V - 0)
[Mass/sec = ρ x aV] = ρaV2
7. 2.When the plate is moving Let, u = Velocity of the plate Consider a jet of water strikes a vertical flat plate which
is moving with a uniform velocity. In this case jet strikes the plate with a relative velocity. Relative velocity of jet
with respect to plate = V – u Fx = Rate of change of momentum in the direction of force = ρa (V – u)[(V - u) – 0] = ρa (V
− u)2
8. Fx = Rate of change of momentum in the direction of force = ρa (V – u)[(V – u) – 0] = ρa (V − u)2 In this case, work
is done by the jet on the plate as the plate is moving, for stationary plate the work done is zero. Work done by the
jet on the flat moving plate Wd/sec = Force x Distance in the direction of force/ Time = ρa (V − u)2 x u
9. 1. When the plate is stationary Let V =Velocity of the jet in the direction of x a = area of c/s of the jet θ = Angle
between the jet and plate Mass of water striking the plate per sec = ρ x aV Force exerted by the jet on a Inclined
Plate (90º˗θ)
10. Force exerted by jet on the inclined plate in the direction normal to the plate, Fn Fn = Mass of water
striking/sec x [Initial velocity – Final velocity] =ρaV (V sinθ – 0) =ρaV2 sinθ This normal force can be resolved into
two components one in the direction of jet and other perpendicular to the direction of jet. Fx = Component of Fn in
the direction of flow = Fn cos (90º – θ) = Fn x sinθ = ρaV2 sin2θ Fy = Component of Fn perpendicular to the flow = Fn
sin (90º – θ) = Fn x cosθ = ρaV2 sinθ cosθ
11. 2. When the plate is moving Let V =Velocity of the jet a = area of c/s of the jet u =Velocity of the plate θ = Angle
between the jet and plate In this case jet strikes the plate with a relative velocity. Relative velocity of jet with
respect to plate = V – u Mass of water striking the plate per sec = ρ x a(V–u)
12. Force exerted by jet on the inclined plate in the direction normal to the plate, Fn Fn = Mass of water
striking/sec x [Initial velocity – Final velocity] =ρa(V–u)((V–u)sin θ – 0) =ρa(V–u) 2 sin θ This normal force can be
resolved into two components one in the direction of jet and other perpendicular to the direction of jet. Fx =
Component of Fn in the direction of flow = Fn cos (90º – θ) = Fn x sin θ = ρa(V–u) 2 sin2θ Fy = Component of Fn
perpendicular to the flow = Fn sin (90º– θ) = Fn x cos θ = ρa(V–u) 2 sinθ cosθ Wd/sec = Fx x u = ρa(V–u) 2 sin2θ x u =
ρa(V–u) 2 u sin2θ

Mass/sec X [ V1x – 𝑉2𝑥 ] Where, V1x = Initial velocity in the direction of jet = V V2x = Final velocity in the direction of
13. 1. Plate is stationary and Jet strikes at the centre Force exerted by jet in the direction of jet (x – axis) Fx =

jet = –V cosθ [–ve sign indicates velocity at outlet is in opposite direction of the jet of water coming out from nozzle]
Fx = ρaV [V – (–V cosθ)] = ρaV2 [1 + cosθ ] Force exerted by the jet on a Curved Plate

by jet in the direction of jet (x – axis) Fx = Mass/sec X [V1x – 𝑉2𝑥 ] Where, V1x = V – u , V2x = –(V – u) cosθ Fx = ρa(V −
14. 2. Plate is moving and Jet strikes at the centre Relative velocity of jet with respect to plate = V – u Force exerted

u)[(V − u) – (–(V − u)cosθ)] = ρa(V − u)2 [1 + cosθ ] Wd/sec = Fx x u = ρa(V − u)2 u [1 + cosθ ]
15. Jet strikes the curved Plate at one end tangentially The curved plate is symmetrical about x-axis. So the

with x-axis at inlet tip of the plate Force exerted by jet in the direction of jet Fx = Mass/sec X [ V1x – 𝑉2𝑥 ] Fx = ρaV [V
angle made by tangents at the two ends of the plate will be same. Let, V =Velocity of the jet θ = Angle made by jet

cosθ – (–V cosθ)] = ρaV [V cosθ +V cosθ)] = 2ρaV2 cosθ Force exerted by the jet on a Stationary Curved Plate
(Symmetrical Plate)
16. Jet strikes the curved Plate at one end tangentially The curved plate is unsymmetrical about x-axis. So the
angle made by tangents at the two ends of the plate will be di#erent. Let, θ = Angle made by jet with x-axis at inlet

Fx = Mass/sec X [ V1x – 𝑉2𝑥 ] Fx = ρaV [V cosθ – (–V cos φ)] = ρaV [V cosθ +V cos φ)] = ρaV2 [cosθ + cos φ)] Force
tip of the plate φ = Angle made by jet with x-axis at outlet tip of the plate Force exerted by jet in the direction of jet

exerted by the jet on a Stationary Curved Plate (Unsymmetrical Plate)

17. Force exerted by the jet on an unsymmetrical Moving Curved Plate
18. V1 = Absolute velocity of the jet at inlet u1 =Velocity of the vane at inlet Vr1= Relative velocity of the jet
and plate at inlet α = Angle between the direction of the jet and direction of motion of the plate at inlet = Guide
blade angle θ = Angle made by the relative velocity , with the direction of motion of the vane at inlet =Vane/blade
angle at inlet Vw1 and Vf1=The components of the velocity of the jet , V1 in the direction of motion and
perpendicular to the direction of motion of the vane respectively. Vw1 =Velocity of whirl at inlet Vf1 =Velocity
of flow at inlet V2 = Absolute velocity of the jet at outlet u2 =Velocity of the vane at outlet Vr2= Relative
velocity of the jet and plate at outlet β = Angle made by the velocity V2 with the direction of motion of the vane
at outlet Φ = Angle made by the relative velocity, Vr2 with the direction of motion of the vane at outlet
=Vane/blade angle at outlet Vw2 =Velocity of whirl at outlet Vf2 =Velocity of flow at outlet
19. If the vane is smooth and having velocity in the direction of motion at inlet and outlet equal then we have, u1 =
u2 = u =Velocity of vane in the direction of motion of vane and Vr1 = Vr2 Mass of water striking the vane per second,
m = ρaVr1 Force exerted by the jet in the direction of motion, Fx = mass of water striking per sec X [Initial velocity
with which jet strikes in the direction of motion – Final velocity of jet in the direction of motion] Initial velocity with
which jet strikes the vane = Vr1 and component of Vr1 in the direction of motion = Vr1cosθ = (Vw1 − u1) Similarly,
component of Vr2 at outlet = −Vr2cosφ = −(Vw2 + u2) Fx = ρaVr1 [Vr1cosθ − (−Vr2cosφ )] Fx = ρaVr1 [(Vw1 − u1) +
(Vw2 + u2)] As we know u1 = u2 Fx = ρaVr1 [Vw1 + Vw2] Work done per second on the vane by the jet, W = Fx x u W =
ρaVr1 u [Vw1 + Vw2]
20. Force exerted by a jet of water on a series of vanes
21. The force exerted by a jet of water on a single moving plate is not practically feasible. Its only a theoretical
one. In actual practice, a large number of plates/blades are mounted on the circumference of a wheel at a fixed
distance apart as shown in Fig. The jet strikes a plate and due to the force exerted by the jet on the plate, the
wheel starts moving and the 2nd plate mounted on the wheel appears before the jet, which again exerts the force
on the 2nd plate. Thus each plate appears successively before the jet and jet exerts force on each plate and the
wheel starts moving at a constant speed.
22. Let, V =Velocity of jet, d = Diameter of jet u =Velocity of vane In this case the mass of water coming out from
the nozzle per second is always in contact with the plates, when all the plates are considered. Hence, mass of
water per sec striking the series of plates = ρaV Also, The jet strikes a plate with velocity =V − u A!er striking,
the jet moves tangential to the plate and hence the velocity component in the direction of motion of plate is equals
to zero. Force exerted by the jet in the direction of motion of plate, Fx = ρaV [(V − u) − 0] Fx = ρaV (V − u) Work done
by the jet on the series of plates per second, W = Fx x u W = ρaV (V − u) x u W = ρaV u (V − u)

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