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1 author:
Pavithra A.
Sree Saraswathi Thyagaraja College
All content following this page was uploaded by Pavithra A. on 25 January 2020.
Abstract- Immersive technology refers to technology In today‘s world immersive plays an important role
that attempts to emulate a physical world through the in everywhere. It is applied in several areas,
means of a digital or simulated world by creating a including retail and e-commerce, the adult industry,
surrounding sensory feeling, thereby creating a sense of
art, entertainment and video games and interactive
immersion. Immersive technology enables mixed
storytelling, military, education and medicine. There
reality; which is a combination of Virtual reality and
augmented reality or a combination of physical and
are several ways to use Immersive Technology.
digital. Immersive technology is applied in several 2.1 Exploration of Physical Locations
areas, including retail and e-commerce, the adult Travel brands can use Immersive Technology to help
industry, art, entertainment and videogames and those who are afraid of riding an airplane or even a
interactive storytelling, military, education, and boat by using the technology to immerse them in an
medicine. In this article we have discuss about the uses environment that would calm them down or allow
of Immersive Technology, Realties, devices along with them to think of something else.
the advantages and disadvantages in it. Also it is
explained with the Virtual and mixed reality, future of
2.2 Marketing & Advertising
immersive technology in different fields and its
2.2.1 Immersive Advertising
Immersive Advertising is an entirely new ad format
Index terms- Immersive Technology, Augmented that leverages Immersive Technology while still
Reality, Virtual Reality, Mixed Reality, AR hologram, being able to use today‘s current ad channels and
VR suit ecosystems. This new ad technology takes advantage
1. INTRODUCTION of a mobile phone‘s sensory inputs (like its
gyroscope, magnetometer, and accelerometer). These
Immersive Technology is an integration of virtual sensory inputs allow the immersive ad to respond to
content with the physical environment in a way that device motion, which makes it very effective for
allows the user to engage naturally with the blended mobile advertising.
reality. The definition of immersion is wide and
variable but here it is assumed to mean simply that 2.2.2 Experiential Marketing
the user feels like they are part of the simulated Experiential marketing is one of the most common
―universe‖. An immersive digital environment could implementations of Immersive Technology in
be a model of reality, but it could also be a complete business where brands can set up interactive booths
fantasy user interface or abstraction, as long as the in trade shows, country fairs, malls or even sporting
user of the environment is immersed within it. The events where people can try promotional VR
success with which an immersive digital environment experiences. These promotional experiences can be
can actually immerse the user is dependent on many based on an upcoming movie or show or they can
factors such as believable 3D computer graphics, even be a promotional experience for a product.
surround sound etc… New technologies are currently
under development which claims to bring realistic 2.2.3 Immersive Web Apps
environmental effects to the player‘s environment Immersive Ads work best in mobile and it can be
effects like wind, seat vibration and ambient flexible as it works either in mobile web or in-app.
lightning. Immersive Ads allow consumers to explore a brand
within an ad unit seamlessly while browsing the
internet-all without having to be redirected into a visual and audio but also olfactory and haptic media.
page. Immersive Web App (IWA) is a bigger and Immersive Technology like AR or even MR can even
deeper implementation of an immersive help students learn about the human body and how
advertisement. each part functions by overlaying digital images on
an actual person and highlighting where the different
2.2.4 Ecommerce and Shopping Tools parts are located.
Immersive Technology has put new meaning to the
term ‗‖online shopping.‖ There are more stores are 2.5 Art
using AR apps to allow users to test out their Many museums are finding that using Immersive
products beforehand. Even with VR, brands like Technologies allows visitors to engage with pieces
those within the car industry are using virtual and ―feel a connection with the artist‖. By
showrooms where consumers can look at cars, take revitalizing old works of art in the museum into
virtual test drives and even ―sit inside‖ them. The virtual spaces, visitors no longer have to stand in line
experience is made even more immersive by letting among large crowds in order to stare at a painting
users sit in actual car seats to make them feel like from 5 feet away. Now they can be immersed within
they‘re actually inside a car. NOTE: In marketing & a classic painters studio or find themselves placed in
advertising, Immersive Technology allows brands to the landscape of the painting. And with the ability to
reach consumers in every stage of the consumer download immersive technology apps, those who are
purchasing funnel. unable to travel to popular museums are now given
an opportunity to view rare works of art and limited
2.3 Healthcare run collections.
Doctors and healthcare providers have discovered
that Immersive Technology helps with relieving a 2.6 Gaming
patient‘s pain as immersing them in an experience The gaming industry has been one of the first movers
distracts them from what‘s going on. For example, in of Immersive Technology. Because of this, Gaming
a university in Canada, students developed a VR and Immersive Technology have become almost
game that would immerse cancer patients during synonymous to each other-causing a barrier for
chemotherapy and thus, distract them from their pain. brands to leverage this technology. The launch of the
Another benefit (which ties in with Education) is that Play station VR and even Pokemon Go has definitely
Immersive Technology allows medical students and helped in this aspect.
doctors to do surgery simulations. Immersive Immersive Technology is here to stay and is ushering
Technology can help doctors watch other surgeons in the next Industrial Revolution. This new
perform operations remotely-maybe even from a first technology is opening up a realm of possibilities that
person perspective. It improves the healthcare sector the world has never seen before and is making
because it is a really good tool that promotes empathy improvements in industries that have not had a major
as well. Doctors and healthcare providers would technological shift in a long time.
better understand their patients by immersing them in
experiences that allow them to walk in their patient‘s 3. TRENDING REALITIES IN IMMERSIVE
shoes and see what they experience. TECHNOLOGY
through head-mounted displays that replace or Flight simulators are a classic use of VR; the
supplement your view of the real world. simulator is an enclosed room built on a mechanical
1.1 Uses of Virtual Reality platform that reproduces the motions encountered
A technology first prototyped in the 1970‘s virtual during flight. In the room, pilots manipulate realistic
reality simulates a real or imagined physical event, controls while responding to a variety of flying
such as a walk through the park, or on mars. Modern conditions. In much the same way, tractor- trailer and
VR typically produces artificial scenes in software other commercial and construction truck simulators,
and renders them as an immersive experience of sight improving safety and driver confidence
and sound. VR has found many uses in education,
entertainment, medicine and science. Advantages & Disadvantages of Computerized
1.1.1 VR Hardware Advantages & Disadvantages of computerized
The hardware for VR begins with a computer or systems will depend on user‘s own experience. For
console capable of high-speed graphics processing; those who use computerized systems both at home
high performance is essential to VR because and at work, you may even find that you have
generating realistic, moving scenery involves lots of opposite perspectives on whether advantages
math. To view the graphics, VR system users wear a outweigh disadvantages or the other way around
special set of goggles or a closed, enveloping helmet when it comes to comparing your home computerized
that incorporates a wide-angle display. In addition to system with your office‘s system.
displaying imagery, the device tracks head
movement; when you turn or tilt your head, you can 1.2ADVANTAGE
see what‘s behind, above or below you in the virtual Efficiency
world. Other VR setups employ a wraparound screen Computerized systems allow for greater efficiency in
in a small enclosed room or chamber in which you performing specific tasks both more accurately and
sit. In either case, the VR system creates a detailed more rapidly than doing the same task using, for
visual panorama. example, a pencil and paper or a pencil and ledger
book. Computerized systems also offer storage
1.1.2 Computer Games capacity efficiency. For example, a computerized
VR adds new dimensions of realism and engagement systems hard drive taking up a relatively small
to computer games; the virtual world of the game amount of space can store a large collection of
surrounds you, allowing you to explore it and interact business or paper documents. A paper-based system,
with the characters. The characters may be avatars— in contrast, would take up at least one, and usually
graphical stand-ins—used by other players or may be more, file cabinets for storage of the same document
entirely fictional characters with computer-generated collection.
personalities. Many VR games handle movement and
action with a traditional joystick or game controller. Learning
Computerized systems can also enliven young
1.1.3. Health Care people‘s learning activities, as well as and
People suffering from phobias and post-traumatic accommodate a variety of different learning styles. In
stress disorder have in some cases found relief an office setting, computer training, or CBT, allows
through VR-based treatments; the system puts the management training flexibility. At the most
patient in a series of progressively challenging fundamental level, CBT learning modules
emotional encounters, helping him gradually cope incorporate only slide-like pages of text and perhaps
with anxiety-inducing situations. Also using VR, some simple questions to test comprehension. At the
surgeons can explore and plan complex medical most sophisticated level, CBT training can
procedures by evaluating virtual patients created incorporate simulations of complex situations that the
from CT scans. learner may encounter in her profession. Both the
aviation and the medical professions make use of
1.1.4 Vehicle Simulators computer-based simulations in some of their training
activities. Management also has the flexibility to computerized systems has also resulted in the
combine CBT instructional activities with more creation of challenging new jobs, sometimes opening
traditional forms of training, such as instructor-led up entirely new professional fields.
classroom training.
1.3 DISADVANTAGE 2.1 What is Augmented Reality?
Miscellaneous Augmented reality is the technology that expands our
Rapid changes in technology can cause a computer to physical world, adding layers of digital information
become out dated relatively quickly, requiring onto it. Unlike Virtual Reality (VR), AR does not
upgrades on a regular basis for computerized systems create the whole artificial environments to replace
deployed in business use. Computerized systems can real with a virtual one. AR appears in direct view of
also give some users a sense of false security that can an existing environment and adds sounds, videos, and
result in catastrophic losses of massive amounts of graphics to it. A view of the physical real-world
present or past work unless the user learns to use environment with superimposed computer-generated
proper backup procedures. Computer work also has images, thus changing the perception of reality, is the
been implicated in a variety of health-related issues, AR. The term itself was coined back in 1990, and one
such as skeletal problems, eyestrain and a complex of of the first commercial uses was in television and
conditions known as repetitive stress injury-with military. With the rise of the Internet and smart
carpal tunnel syndrome illustrating the best-known phones, AR rolled out its second wave and nowadays
repetitive-stress condition. is mostly related to the interactive concept. 3D
models are directly projected onto physical things or
Social fused together in real-time, various augmented reality
Socially, children who spend excessive time using apps impact our habits, social life, and the
computers have less opportunity to learn such social entertainment industry. AR apps typically connect
skills as good manners or cooperation with others. digital animation to a special ‗marker', or with the
Adults whose work involves heavy computer use to help of GPS in phones pinpoint the location.
the extent of restricting social interaction may feel Augmentation is happening in real time and within
isolated or cut off from the world. While home-based the context of the environment, for example,
workers may suffer from the greatest sense of overlaying scores to live feed sport events.
isolation, this can affect certain employees of
traditional business, also. A programmer or a quality 2.2 Brief history of AR
tester who works alone in a lab or back office 2.2.1 AR in the 1960s: In 1968 Ivan Sutherland and
environment can also experience such a sense of Bob Sproull created a first head-mounted display;
seclusion. they called it The Sword of Damocles. Obviously, it
was a rough device that displayed primitive computer
Workplace Concerns graphics.
Computerized systems exemplify both advantages
and disadvantages in the workplace. The use of 2.2.2 AR in the 1970s: In 1975 Myron Krueger
computerized systems has resulted in streamlining created Video place – an artificial reality laboratory.
such that, for example, the same size organization The scientist envisioned the interaction with digital
needs fewer secretaries for the same number of stuff by human movements. This concept later was
executives or departments than it on once did. This used for certain projectors, video cameras, and
loss of many lower-and middle-level jobs, combined onscreen silhouettes.
with the rapid changes in technology that can fairly
rapidly outdate even some jobs within the rapid 2.2.3 AR in the 1980s: In 1980 Steve Mann
changes in technology that can fairly rapidly outdate developed a first portable computer called Eye Tap,
even some jobs within the computer or information designed to be worn in front of the eye. It recorded
technology field itself, has given rise to a perception the scene to superimposed effects on it later, and
of lack of job security. Conversely, the prevalence of show it all to a user who could also play with it via
head movements. In 1987 Douglas George and 2.3.2 Processing: AR devices eventually should act
Robert Morris developed the prototype of a heads-up like little computers, something modern smartphones
display (HUD). It displayed astronomical data over already do. In the same manner, they require a CPU,
the real sky. a GPU, flash memory, RAM, a GPS, etc. to be able
to measure speed, angle, direction, orientation in
2.2.4 AR in the 1990s: The year 1990 marked the space, and so on.
birth of the ―augmented reality‖ term. It first
appeared in the work of Thomas Caudell and David 2.3.3 Projection: This refers to a miniature projector
Mizell – Boeing company researchers. In 1992 Louis on AR headsets, which takes data from sensors and
Rosenberg of the US Air Force created the AR projects digital content (result of processing) onto a
system called ―Virtual Fixtures‖. In 1999, a group of surface to view. In fact, the use of projections in AR
scientists led by Frank Delgado and Mike Abernathy has not been fully invented yet to use it in
tested new navigation software, which generated commercial products or services.
runways and streets data from a helicopter video. 2.3.4 Reflection: Some AR devices have mirrors to
assist human eyes to view virtual images. Some have
2.2.5 AR in the 2000s: In 2000 a Japanese scientist an ―array of small curved mirrors‖ and some have a
Hirokazu Kato developed and published AR Toolkit double-sided mirror to reflect light to a camera and to
– an open-source SDK. Later it was adjusted to work a user's eye. The goal of such reflection paths is to
with Adobe. In 2004 Trimble Navigation presented perform a proper image alignment.
an outdoor helmet-mounted AR system. In 2008
Wikitude made the AR Travel Guide for Android 2.4 TYPES OF AUGMENTED REALITY:
mobile devices. There are 4 types of augmented reality
1. Marker-based AR:
2.2.6 AR today: In 2013 Google beta tested the Some also call it to image recognition, as it requires a
Google Glass – with internet connection via special visual object and a camera to scan it. It may
Bluetooth. In 2015 Microsoft presented two brand be anything, from a printed QR code to special signs.
new technologies: Windows Holographic and The AR device also calculates the position and
HoloLens (an AR goggles with lots of sensors to orientation of a marker to position the content, in
display HD holograms). In 2016 Niantic launched some cases. Thus, a marker initiates digital
Pokemon Go game for mobile devices. The app blew animations for users to view, and so images in a
the gaming industry up and earned $2 million in a magazine may turn into 3D models.
just first week.
2. Marker less AR:
2.3 DEVICES: A.k.a. location-based or position-based augmented
AR can be displayed on various devices: Screens, reality that utilizes a GPS, a compass, a gyroscope,
glasses, handheld devices, mobile phones, head- and an accelerometer to provide data based on user's
mounted displays. It involves technologies like location. This data then determines what AR content
S.L.A.M. (simultaneous localization and mapping), you find or get in a certain area. With the availability
depth tracking (briefly, a sensor data calculating the of smart phones this type of AR typically produces
distance to the objects), and the following maps and directions, nearby businesses info.
components: Applications include events and information,
2.3.1 Cameras and sensors: Collecting data about business ads pop-ups, navigation support.
user's interactions and sending it for processing.
Cameras on devices are scanning the surroundings 3. Projection-based AR:
and with this info, a device locates physical objects Projecting synthetic light to physical surfaces, and in
and generates 3D models. It may be special duty some cases allows to interact with it. These are the
cameras, like in Microsoft hololens, or common holograms we have all seen in sci-fi movies like Star
smartphone cameras to take pictures/videos. Wars. It detects user interaction with a projection by
its alterations.
4. FUTURE OF IMMERSIVE TECHNOLOGY done. With augmented and virtual reality (VR)
applications creating workplace and home
Digital transformation will use data and emerging experiences, people will have access to the data they
technologies to create powerful new experiences and need to do work whenever, wherever they are.
will strengthen businesses and allow them to remain
competitive. Technology is immersed in our lives and 4.2 Customer engagement
our businesses more than ever: it is increasingly Immersive experiences are quickly becoming a focal
pervasive in the way we work and lead our point for companies‘ customer engagement
organisations. At the heart of this is data, which strategies, too. Globally, 8 in 10 business leaders
organisations have been stockpiling for years. By expect that they will be delivering hyper-connected
2020, this data volume will reach 44 trillion customer experiences with VR, by 2030, according to
gigabytes or 44 zettabytes, and organisations are our research. By combining machine intelligence
already working hard to extract greater value from with the latest augmented and virtual reality
that data. What are driving this is experiences: of solutions, providers of consumer technology are
being an employee, or a customer, or a business making virtual assistants more intelligent and
leader. The importance of data-derived insights in accessible than ever before. With the rising number
transforming experiences – within the workplace and of smart home technologies, ―things‖ and connected
outside – will continue to grow and is set to define cars – all of which can learn our preferences and
many leaders‘ priorities as they work towards proactively serve-up targeted content and information
creating digital-first organisations. based on previous interactions – immersive
intelligence will be increasingly important in terms of
4.1 Technology in the workplace its pervasiveness and its impact on the way we work,
Why is experience a driver? Look at the expectations live, and play. From enabling machine automation in
of the workforce today. Generation (Gen) Z, the first the workplace to tracking our personal health, the
true digital-natives who are just starting to enter the possibilities are endless.
workforce, provides a timely example. According to
our latest study, Gen Z: The future has arrived, 98% 4.3 Putting data at the heart
have already used technology as a part of their formal To deliver these experiences, organizations across
education, and 85% want to work with cutting-edge India need to create an experience-focused mindset
technology in their future careers. For this generation, that is built on extracting value from data. Indian
technology is an expectation, not a new factor in their businesses are amongst the top to use that data to add
lives or work. Organizations are being challenged to value to its customers. India is advanced in its
think about how they can attract the best talent, by re- innovation around emerging technologies, such as
examining the entire experience they are offering artificial intelligence (AI), machine learning, and the
their workforce: from learning to a commitment to Internet of Things. Indian business leaders have
accelerating career paths, to genuine enablement recognized that emerging technologies like AI need
through technology. These are strategies that have a to be at the heart of their transformation, and around
direct impact on business outcomes. To the latter 8 in 10 Indian leaders have predicted that they will be
point, immersive intelligence will continue to using AI to pre-empt customer demands within five
transform the workforce experience: half of the years.
business leaders expect to learn on the job with As organizations derive more value from data – with
augmented reality (AR) by 2030. The PCs and those insights driving faster innovation and more
devices we use every day will continue to learn from efficient business processes – exciting times lie ahead
our habits, proactively booting-up with the right apps for the technology sector. Digital transformation will
and services at the right time. Advances in natural use data and emerging technologies to create
language processing and voice technologies will powerful new experiences and will strengthen
create a more productive dialogue with machines, businesses and allow them to remain competitive.
while automation and robotics will create faster,
more fluid collaboration with technology to get more
only vision and sound are on the necessary level 5.7 Stroke Victims to Aid Recovery:
according to the company. The third and most VR could trick for stroke victims to aid recovery. We
important sense, touch, is still under developed. VR have seen how virtual reality can be used for
to reach its full potential, technology companies have allowing collaborative design and controlling robots
to consider touch in their offerings. The company‘s remotely. Now, researchers believe that VR may be
goal is therefore to create a full-body lightweight able to help stroke victims regain lost motor function.
wearable haptic device to allow for active Research conducted by University of Barcelona
manipulation and interaction in virtual environments. professor Mel Slater and Stanford professor Jeremy
Early stage businesses developing innovative and Bailenson has demonstrated that virtual experiences
commercially focused applications of AR and VR. can lead to changes in perceptions of oneself and
The program gives companies technical and business others. For example, having an avatar of a child in a
mentorship and access to state-of-the-art facilities. It virtual reality environment can encourage people to
concludes thereafter with the opportunity to pitch exhibit more childlike behaviour in the ‗real world‘.
their ideas at an exclusive investor showcase. A Inspired by this work, researchers at the University of
haptic VR glove has transformed the lives of blind Southern California are now examining how virtual
people by offering them the opportunity to reality could promote brain plasticity and recovery.
experience art. Applications such as this exemplify The team hopes that the resulting visual feedback
how VR is so much more than a gaming tool. In a through a VR headset could help strengthen neural
different industry, AR is being used for the fight pathways from the damaged motor cortex to the
against plastic pollution as a tool to advice customers impaired arm, leading to real improvements in
on product in a zero-packaging store. These varied mobility. The research group recently finished testing
examples demonstrate the potential of state-of-the-art the prototype with 22 healthy older adults, who
technology in multiple capacities. provided data on what the brain and muscle signals
look like when they move. They are now starting to
5.6 VR App: test with stroke patients in a controlled lab setting.
It is aids learner drivers. Virtual Reality (VR) has
weaved itself into every industry, proving itself to be 5.8 3D Data:
useful in different capacities. Spring wise has VR used to analyze 3D data. The technology helps
covered the technology in length, analyzing the users navigate data by grabbing and interacting with
multiple ways in which it is changing businesses and it. Lume, a VR technology startup, was chosen as
sometimes even people‘s lives. One VR tool used in part of Digital Catapult‗s Augmenter 2018 intake.
hospitals shows pediatric patients a 3D tour of their Augmenter is a 10-week programme supporting early
body, helping alleviate fear in a stressful situation. stage businesses developing innovative and
Elsewhere, the technology has proved useful in commercially focused applications of AR and VR.
business settings by connecting employees via a The programme gives companies technical and
teleconference to analyses data. Who knows how VR business mentorship and access to state-of-the-art
will expand next, but it is inevitable the system will facilities. This culminates with the opportunity to
reach the forefront of many business strategies. The pitch their ideas confidently at an exclusive investor
Drive VR app was developed to help people learning showcase. VR offers the opportunity to view age-old
to drive to gain experience. It can also be used to things in a different way. The technology is opening
boost confidence in everyday driving skills such as doors to helping to educate, inform and expand a
observation tasks. It is hoped the platform will help person‘s experiences. Its capabilities are a far cry
learners gain experience and knowledge for their from its native video game roots. From an
theory test through to the practical exam. App users educational perspective, a VR app has been built to
will get the chance to practice spotting hazards, assist learner drivers with boosting their confidence
checking blind spots and mirrors and looking out of and road awareness. This style of application could
windows at the right time. Observation skills are prove priceless in environments where young people
tracked, so learners can keep track of their progress struggle to consume information required for exams
rates. via books, for example.