Chemistry Suggestions (1st Sem)

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Polytechnic, 1st Semester

Chapter wise Chemistry Suggestion

1. Atomic Structure, Chemical Bonding

and Solutions
Long answer type question:

1. Which chemical bond is strongest

between ionic, covalent and metallic
bonds, and why?
2. In 𝐶𝐻4 , 𝑁𝐻3 , and 𝐻2 𝑂, the central atom
undergoes 𝑠𝑝3 hybridisation-yet their
bond angles are different, why?
3. State and explain Aufbau principle.
4. Give one exception of Aufbau principle.
5. Why does graphite conduct electricity
whereas diamond does not?
6. 𝐻2 𝑂 is liquid while 𝐻2 𝑆 is gas at room
temperature. Explain.
7. State three differences between ionic
compound and covalent compounds.
8. State Bohr’s postulates of atomic model.
9. Write the electronic configuration of 𝐶𝑟24 ,
𝐶𝑢29 , 𝐹𝑒 3+
10. Write difference between sigma 𝛿 and
pi 𝜋 bond.
11. What is hydrogen bond? Give an example.
12. Define inner and intra molecular H-
Bonding with example.
13. Draw the orbital picture of 𝐶𝐻4 .
14. Show the bonding nature and orbital
picture of 𝑁𝐻4 𝐶𝑙 and 𝐵𝐶𝑙3 .
15. Show the bonding in 𝑁2 𝑂, 𝐶𝑎𝑂, 𝐻2 𝑆𝑂4 ,
𝐻𝑁𝑂2 , 𝑀𝑔𝐶𝑙2 , 𝑁𝑎𝐹, 𝐻3 𝑂+ , 𝑁𝐻4+
16. Explain Pauli exclusion principle with
17. State Hund’s Rule.
18. Define pH of solution.
19. Why ethyl alcohol soluble in water but
ether does not.
20. Mention difference between orbit and
2. Water
Long answer type question:

21. Write down the principle of removal of

hardness of water by ion exchange process.
22. Which type of water should be used for boiler
purpose and why?
23. Explain permanent and temporary hardness
with examples.
24. What is permutit?
25. Write the principles and reactions of
permutit process for removal of hardness of
26. What is Calgon? Mention the principle of
Calgon conditioning for prevention of scale.
27. Write down the full name of EDTA.
28. How EDTA is used to determine the total
hardness of water?
29. Which salts are responsible for permanent
hardness of water?
30. What are disadvantage of hard water?
31. What is deionized water? How it differs from
distilled water?
32. What is hardness of water?
33. Which ions are responsible for producing
34. What are different types of hardness?
35. How is hard water softened by ion exchange
resin? Mention the principle only.
36. What is soft water?
37. Discuss any modern method for the removal
of hardness of water.
38. What are the criteria that a sample of water
may be fit for drinking.
39. What is soap? What is the action of soap on
hard water?
40. How the hardness of water is measured and
how it is expressed in unit?
41. Numerical problem on calculation of

3. Engineering Materials
Long answer type question:

42. Write the chemical composition of Portland

43. What are the differences between
thermoplastics and thermosetting plastic?
44. How is Bakelite prepared?
45. What is refractory? Give an example
46. All ores are minerals but all minerals are not
ores explain.
47. What are the ingredients required to extract
aluminium from pure 𝐴𝑙2 𝑂3 .
48. Mention the raw materials to get iron from
roasted ore.
49. Define alloy with example.
50. Explain the purpose of making alloy with
suitable example.
51. Write the composition and use of alloy –
a) Nichrome
b) Bell Metal
c) Duralumin
d) Gun Metal
e) Stainless Steel
f) German Silver
g) Bronze
h) Brass
52. Give the reaction with temperature involved
in a blast furnace for extraction of iron.
53. What is copper matte?
54. How is copper extracted from ‘Copper Matte’
55. Write down the name and composition of ore
of copper.
56. Write the composition of carbon in three
types of iron.
57. Name of the ore from which aluminium is
extracted. What are the impurities normally
present in that ore.
58. Write the electrode, electrolyte and reactions
only to extract 𝐴𝑙 metal.
59. Why aluminium can not be extracted by
carbon reduction process?
60. What is anode mud in the copper extraction?
61. What is self reduction process? Name a metal
which can extracted by this process?

4. Chemistry of Fuels and Lubricants

Long answer type question:

62. Classify lubricants with examples.

63. Define flash point of lubricating oil.
64. Write the chemical composition of LPG and
water gas.
65. Write the principle including reactions to
prepare water gas.
66. Mention source, composition and use of – (i)
coal gas, (ii) producer gas
67. What is fuel? How are fuels classified? Give
68. What are octane number and cetane number?
69. What is knocking?
70. What are antiknock compounds? Name two
antiknock compounds.
71. What do you mean by cracking of petroleum?
72. Which compound is mixed with LPG to detect
gas leakage?
73. Write a short note on the following-
a) Calorific value of fuel
b) Power alcohol
c) Fire point
d) Flash point
5. Electro Chemistry
74. What is the oxidation number of oxygen atom
in 𝐾2 𝑂?
75. Oxidation and reduction process occurs
simultaneously. Explain with example.
76. How is corrosion prevented by metal plating?
Explain with example.
77. How is corrosion prevented by alloy
formation? Explain with example.
78. What is cathodic protection? Give example.
79. Differentiate between chemical corrosion
and electrochemical corrosion.
80. What is buffer solution? Explain with
81. State Faraday’s laws of electrolysis.
82. Balance with ion electron method of given
83. Explain the electrolysis of 𝐶𝑢𝑆𝑂4 solution
using Pt electrode.
84. Write the electrodes, electrolyte and
reactions in lead storage cell.
85. Determination of oxidation number.
86. Numerical Problems.

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