Stat Mech 2018

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2018 HC
S. No. of Paper 6686

Unique Paper Code 32221602

Name of the Paper Statistical Mechanics

Name of the Course :B.Sc. (Hons.) Physics

Semester :VI

Duration :3 hours

Maximum Marks : 75

(Write your Roll No. on the top immediately

on receipt of this question paper.)

Attempt five questions in all.

Question No. 1 is compulsory. Answer one question from
each Section
Symbols have their usual meanings.

1. Answer any five of the following:

(a) Write two properties of photons which make them

different from other bosons.
(b) Derive Stefan's law using thermodynamics.
(c) What is the significance of partition function
statistical mechanics?
List three characteristics of liquid Helium at low
(e) What do you mean by ultraviolet catastrophe?
Explain with the help of a diagram.
() Let QMB, MBE and QFD be the number of ways in
which 3 particles can be distributed in 3 energy
P. T. O.
B-E and F-D statistics
according to M-B
respectively. Find S2MB:2pE:S2FD
electrons in silver at
(g) Calculate the Fermi energy of
zero. Given electron density
= 5.86 x 1028
equipartition of
(h) Give two examples where we can use
5 x3 = 15
energy theorem.


22. (a) Establish the relation between entropy and thermo-

dynamic probability. Show that the constant occurring in
the relation is the Boltzmann constant. 7
(b) A Maxwell-Boltzmann system consisting of 4
particles has a total energy Se. The permitted energy
levels are equally spaced with energies 0, e, 2, 3e. (i)
Write all the possible macrostates, (i) Determine the
thermodynamic probability of each macrostate. 8

3. (a) Discuss the concept of negalive temperature from the

statistical point of view. Show that it is possible to attain
a state of negative temperature for a systerm of
paramagnetic dipoles subjected to an external magnetic
field induction B. 10
(b) Differentiate between 100K and -100K on the basis
of entropy-energy diagram. 2
(c) Consider a system of 13 classical particles distributed
initially in three energy states of energies e=0, E2=2¬,
E34e, such that nj=6, n^=4, ns=3. If ôn3-2, find Enj and
on2 and the new distribution of the
particles. 3

4 (a) Show that the number of modes of vibrations per unit
volume of an enclosure in the frequency range v to v+dv
is given by N,dr = and hence derive Rayleigh
Jeans formula for blackbody radiation. 12

(b) A black body is placed inside an evacuated chamber

maintained at temperature 27"C. If the surtace area of the
black body is 500 cms, find energy radiated per time per
unit area from the black body when its temperature is
127°C. 3

5. (a) Derive Saha's ionization formula stating its basic

assumptions, and highlight its two applications. 10
(b) Show that the pressure exerted by a diffuse radiation
is given byp=, where u is the radiation density. 5


6. (a) Give the Bose derivation of Planck's radiation law. 7

(b) Derive the expression for entropy (S) and specific
heat capacity (C) for photon gas and hence show that
C 3S 8

7. (a) What is Bose-Einstein condensation and how is it

different from ordinary condensation? Derive the
expression for the temperature (T.) at which the Bose
Einstein condensation sets in. 10
(b) Obtain the expressions for fractions of degene
rate Bosons in the ground state (N/N) and in the excited
State (Nexe/N) as functions of temperature 7. Plot them. 5

Given that the chemical potential for a strongly

8. (a)
degenerate Fermi gas (0<T<<TF)
Obtain the expressions for the internal energy, pressure,
entropy and specific heat capacity.
Find its
(b) The Fermi energy of metal A is 8.4 eV.
value formetal B if the free electron density in metal B is
27 times that in metal A. 3

9. (a) Give typical characteristics of a white dwarf star.
Show that electronn gas inside a white dwarf star is
strongly degenerate and relativistic.

(b) Obtain an expression for the mass-radius rela-

tionship for a white dwarf star and hence discuss the
importance of Chandrasekhar mass limit. 10

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