Sound Calculation
Sound Calculation
Sound Calculation
31, 2015
Speaker Power Requirements
for the Integrator
by Joe Ging, E.E.
1 Introduction pg. 3
2 Rule-of-Thumb pg. 4
4 Examples pg. 6
5 Summary pg. 9
One of the most often asked questions that Lowell Manufacturing receives from customers, is
“What power tap should I use on my speaker transformer?” Whether you are using an
8 ohm voice coil speaker, or a speaker with a 25V, 70V, or 100V matching transformer,
the method to determining how much power that loudspeaker needs for a particular application
is still the same (as long as the insertion loss of the transformer is negligible).
Notice this rule of thumb states minimum of 10dBSPL. Many designers prefer to use 15dB
over the ambient noise level so there is plenty of headroom in their sound system to
handle changing conditions. For the purpose of this paper, we will use the 10dBSPL design
So for the integrator that wants to design a sound system, how do you know what the ambient
noise level is?
Method 1: Simply stated, if the sound system is being designed for an existing building where
the acoustic environment and background noise conditions already exist, take a sound
pressure meter to the site and take multiple readings at the listening height during a typical day
and use the average of those readings as your average ambient noise level. Note: Your sound
pressure meter should be set on the A-Weighted scale. A properly designed distributed speaker
system must be able to achieve a minimum of 10dBSPL above that average ambient noise
Method 2: If the building is under construction, or if the inhabitants have not moved into the
building yet, then an educated guess is required. The chart below gives some design guidelines
for “Maximum Sound Pressure Levels Required for Adequate Sound System Performance.”
Note that this table includes the 10dBSPL above the average ambient noise level. Some
judgement on your part will be required to adjust your target SPL design level depending
upon your particular application, so SPL ranges are given. If your sound system design can
achieve greater than these SPL levels, you can be even more confident that your customer will
be satisfied with the performance of the system that you have designed.
The average sensitivity specification is typically given measured with a 1W input to the
speaker and with the measurement microphone at 1 meter directly on-axis (directly in
front of the speaker). In reality though, you are interested in the sound pressure level at
some distance greater than 1M. That calculation requires the use of the “Inverse-Square
The Inverse-Square Law is based on the fact that a sound wave emitted by a
loudspeaker travels as a sphere away from the loudspeaker. The formula for the area of a
sphere is 4πr . That means that as the distance from the speaker (the radius “r”)
doubles, the area of the sphere that the sound from the speaker has to cover is 4 times
as large because the radius term in the formula is squared.
In the formula for sound pressure level, the sound energy from the speaker is divided by
the area of the sphere to find the SPL at a certain point. Note that if X = Y/Z, that is the
same mathematically as X = 1/Z times Y. In math terms, 1/Z is called the inverse. In the
sound pressure level formula, the sphere area 4πr is in the denominator of the formula, so
that is mathematically the same as an inverse. In other words, the squared radius term is an
inverse in the SPL formula and that’s where the Inverse-Square Law gets its name.
The Inverse-Square Law says that every time you double the distance from the speaker,
the sound pressure level decreases by 6.02dB (most sound guys just round that off to 6dB).
The Inverse-Square Law formula can be simplified even further for use in SPL calculations for
speaker sensitivity.
D1 in the formula above will be 1 meter since sensitivity specs are given at 1 meter, so it does
not affect the formula.
The sound pressure level at the 4’ listening height will be 83dB with 1W input to the speaker
as shown in the detail below:
So what if we adjust the input power to more than 1W? The formula for SPL as is relates to
input power is:
Example 2: The average sensitivity of a speaker is given on the specification sheet as 95dB
1W 1M. My speaker will be mounted 1 meter above the 4’ average seated listening
height, but the speaker will be tapped at 2 watts.
The sound pressure level at the 4’ listening height will be 98dB with 2W input to the speaker
(as shown in the following illustration).
You may have heard sound guys using the old rule of thumb:
• Double the input power adds 3dB to the SPL.
• Double the distance from the speaker lose (subtract) 6dB from the SPL.
Let’s see if that rule of thumb works out in the following example.
Example 3: Speaker is mounted 4M above the average listening height. The speaker
transformer is tapped at 4W. The speaker sensitivity is given on the specification sheet as
92dB 1W 1M.
Same result !
So far we’ve talked about the input taps of transformers (notice that we’ve ignored
transformer insertion loss). What if your design includes an 8 ohm speaker without a
transformer? All of the formulas work the same as illustrated in the following example.
So with the system delivering the maximum 250W to this speaker, there will be 100.26dB
of sound pressure level at the 4’ average listening height.