Bankruptcy Law
Bankruptcy Law
Bankruptcy Law
Def: An insolvent enterprise or insolvent cooperative is an enterprise or cooperative
having failed to meet the debt liability for 03 months from the deadline of repayment.
Bankruptcy is a legal status of an insolvent entity that is declared bankruptcy by the
people court. ( 1,2 Article 4- Bankruptcy law)
Bankruptcy Dissolution
Consequences of may exist in case if they can fulfill all After the dissolution procedure ,
enterprise debt, they can operate again the company stopped operation
and does not exist any more.
Consequences of suffer restricted liability, they are not Not suffered any restricted liability
manager allowed to open new company wth 3 at all
year/ or not be a manager of other
2. Bankruptcy procedure:
2.1 . Application of bankruptcy procedure:
Eligibility: ( A5- Bankruptcy law)
Any creditors of unsecured debt or partly- secured debt ( after 3 months from
deadline of payment. ( K1 )
Shareholders ( owning > 20% of ordinary shares for at least six months
consecutive months) K5
Employees, internal trade union ( after 3 months from the day on which the entity
have to pay salaries and other debts to the employees) K2
The legal representative of each enterprise or cooperative. ( K6 )
K3: The legal representative of each enterprise or cooperative.
K4: The owner of any private enterprise, the president of the board directors of
any joint stock company, President of member asemm….