Java Qs Bank - All Modules
Java Qs Bank - All Modules
Java Qs Bank - All Modules
1. Identify the need for Exception handling with suitable example.
2. Summarize the hierarchy of Java Exception classes with neat sketch.
3. Classify the Types of Exceptions and its Java Exception Keywords with suitable example.
4. Discuss the Common Scenarios of Java Exceptions with suitable example.
5. Summarize the Java Built-in Exceptions with suitable example.
6. Identify the need for Multithreading with suitable example.
7. Demonstrate with diagram for Thread Life Cycle model and its Life Cycle methods with
suitable example.
8. Identify the need for Thread Priorities and Synchronization.
9. Classify how many ways to create a thread. Write all the types with suitable example with
1. Identify the need for Database Applications with JDBC Layout.
2. Implement the steps involved to connect Ms-Access database using JDBC driver with example
and output.
3. Classify the Four types of JDBC drivers with neat diagram, advantages and disadvantages of each
4. Discuss with neat sketch for JPA Architecture in details.
5. Summarize the need for Object-Relation Mapping (ORM) in details.
6. Outline the use of CRUD operations in details.
Wish you all the best.