Melani Teletubbies
Melani Teletubbies
Melani Teletubbies
o Safety eyes.
R : Round
MR : Magic Ring
CH : Chain
SC : Single Crochet
DC : Double Crochet
INC : Increase
DEC : Decrease
FLO : Front Loop Only
SK : Skip
FO : Fasten Off
(Dipsy is dark colored)
R8-15. Sc (42)
R1. 6 sc in magic ring (6)
R3. Sc (12)
R5-12. Sc (8)
R1. 6 sc in magic ring (6)
R5. Sc (18)
R8. Sc (12)
R11. Sc (16)
Fasten off leg 1, do not fasten off leg 2. Continue and join with leg 1.
R14. 6 sc in leg 2, then puncture with a needle in leg 1 in the fifth chain
before end of row 13. Make 20 sc in leg 1, continue with 14 sc in leg 2. (40)
R8-19. Sc. Leave long tail to sew with the head. FO (49)
(gray colored)
R2. Sc (5)
No need to turn.
R1. 10 HDC in magic ring (face colored) (10)
Inc sc, inc HDC, (inc DC) x 6, inc HDC, inc sc (20)
Anttena Mast
R3. Sc (8)
Antenna Triangle
R2-24. Sc (4)
Shape it into triangle, each edge of the curve is sewn to hold the triangle
R1. 5 sc in magic ring (5)
R2. Sc (5)
R3. (1 sc, inc) x 2, 1 sc (7)
R4-5. Sc (7)
R6. (2 sc, inc) x 2, 1 sc. FO (9)
Antenna Mast
R1. 8 sc in magic ring (8)
R2. Sc BLO (8)
R3. Sc mengeliling (8)
Antenna Circle
R1. 4 sc in magic ring (4)
R2-20. Sc (4). Sew into a round shape.
R1. Insert head to hoodie. Sew around it.
R4. For eyes, count from the nose. First up one row up (from nose edge,
count 4 stitches, mark with straight pin).
Insert yarn and needle from below middle of the nose (7 rows down). Do
not pull it completely, but leave a little. Insert the needle to eye point that
has been marked with straight pin.
Take the needle out and insert it again in the chain next to it (towards the
nose) then do the same on opposite eye.
From there, take out again the needle in the bottom, next to chain 7 rows
below nose. Pull the yarn till the eye sunken a little bit, pull and then tie it
in the bottom. Tie a couple times, hide the yarn. Attach plastic eye with
glue or you can sew the eyes.
R6. Attach antenna in the head, 4 rows back from hoddie front.
Congrats..! You finished the baby tubbies doll.. Big hug..!
R1. CH 10. Start in 2nd chain from hook, fill 8 sc, in the hook fill 3 sc in
one chain. Continue in chain underneath 7 sc then inc. (20)
R2-9. Sc (20)
Fill with fiberfill then stitch both side of the bag till the hole is closed, in
the end make 20 CH for the strap. Slst in end of the other side.
With yellow yarn, make 1 slst, 3 CH and 1 slst again for the button. FO.
For black color, create it randomly, like tapestry (previous color stitched
R4. (1 sc, inc, 1 sc) x 6 (24) R14. (5 sc, inc) x 6. FLO (42)
Using dark blue. Create two pieces of deck. The first one is fasten off,
the second one immediately stitched with deck one using slst.
R1. CH 10. Start in 2nd chain, fill 8 sc, in the hook fill 3 sc in one chain.
Slst. (20)
R3. CH 1, 1 sc, inc, 8 sc, (inc, 1 sc) x 2, inc, 8 sc, inc, sc, inc (32)
Stack deck one and two, stitch the edge with slst BLO. FO.
Start with hot pink color
Fasten off red yarn, then stitch black on black and blue on blue.
R5-6. Sc (18)
Leave a long tail. With needle, take out the yarn and pull it to the other
side. FO.
(To make the wheel side flat, not bloated)
With a wire 10 cm long, fold it (see pict). Measure the height with Po.
Fold the wire. Cover all the wire with sc. FO.
Make CH 22. Join it into a ring, then fold into one. Stitch in the hook with
4 sc, take the bar you created before and stitch it together (bar and
handlebar) 3 sc, then rest of remaining handlebar chain, stitch again 4 sc.
Attach wheel to deck.
Attach the bar (see pict)
You just finished the ‘Teletubbies Accessories’
Well done..!!
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