3F Filippi - General Catalogue 2023 - en

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/ 3F Filippi
/Commercial Network

The use of text, images, drawings or any other content from
this General Catalogue, or their modification or reproduction,
in whole or in part, is strictly prohibited without the express
authorisation of 3F Filippi S.p.A.
Any company or product names or registered trademarks
referred to in this publication are the property of their
corresponding owners.

Beppe Giardino
Fabrizio Carbone
Fabio Lercara
Fiat Chrysler Automobiles
Francesco Rioda
Ing. Ferrari S.p.A.
Ivan Rossi
Martex S.p.A.
Massimo Spada
Miro Zagnoli
3F Filippi S.p.A. © | 06/2023 Stefano Anzini
/Product range Update New

/ 3F Architectural

3F Hal 3F HD 3F HD R 3F Mirella 3F Mirella Floor

Page 20 Page 22 Page 42 Page 86 Page 102 Page 122

/ Surface
luminaires and

3F Trittico 3F Solo 3F Filoluce 3F Eldorado Zero 3F

Page 128 Page 138 Page 154 Page 164 Page 176 Page 178

3F C8 3F Travetta 3F Zeta 3F Dìagon P 3F Petra P 200

Page 198 Page 206 Page 222 Page 244 Page 252 Page 264

/ Recessed

P 250 Mira 3F Six R 3F LED Panel 3F Dìagon

Page 272 Page 280 Page 284 Page 286 Page 296 Page 302

L 320 L 340 L 350 L 360 L 490 L 560

Page 326 Page 338 Page 356 Page 362 Page 366 Page 370

/ Systems and

L 600 L 650 3F Reno Lucequadro Zero 3F Track

Page 376 Page 384 Page 390 Page 414 Page 420 Page 422

/ Waterproof
and corrosion-

3F Zeta Track 3F Linux 3F Six 3F Emilio Track Binario 3F

Page 426 Page 438 Page 488 Page 502 Page 514 Page 522

3F Tank Beta 500 3F Linda 3F LEM Beta 235 Beta i3F

Page 524 Page 544 Page 554 Page 598 Page 636 Page 666

/ Outdoor

Retrofit Beta
3F Cub A3F-i3F Retrofit Beta 430 Retrofit 3F Cub 3F Manta
Page 672 Page 680 Page 686 Page 690 Page 694 Page 696

/ Light

3F 66 Light Management 3F Easy Dim 3F Sensor 3F Smart Dimming

Page 714 Page 718 Page 720 Page 722 Page 726 Page 732

/ Infopoint

3F HCL 3F & Casambi 3F & KNX 3F CLO 3F Wireless

Page 742 Page 746 Page 750 Page 752 Page 754 Page 756

Lighting engineering and
Infopoint 3F LED Technology engineering Electronics Mechanics Analytical guide
Page 758 Page 760 Page 774 Page 792 Page 800 Page 806

This Catalogue is an informative product which is distributed free of charge.

While all efforts have been taken to ensure the accuracy of its contents, 3F Filippi shall not under any circumstances be held liable for errors, omissions, interruptions or
delays concerning the information provided in the Catalogue, or for any resulting damage.
The data listed in this Catalogue may be approximate: please visit our website at www.3f-filippi.com or contact our Sales network to check for any updates.
As 3F Filippi S.p.A. are constantly striving to improve our products, we reserve the right to modify the contents of this publication and the technical specifications of
products contained herein without prior notice.

/ The Group

Three companies, one reality that shares

common values, expressions of Made in Italy.

With extensive experience and the Today the Group can meet and
combination of their respective satisfy any kind of design and project
expertise in technical and architectural requirements. Our partners can
lighting the three brands together choose from a huge selection of
provide a complete portfolio of products and solutions; from high-
products that proudly bringMade tech and functional products from
in Italy to more than 50 countries the 3F Filippi catalogue to indoor and
worldwide. outdoor architectural lighting fixtures
designed by Targetti, right up to a
wide range of LED lamps and fixtures
from the Duralamp brand.

/ 3F Filippi

3F Filippi, a Company that has The most important vallue: absolute

transparency with the market. Ever
since it was founded, our company
shaped the history of lighting has always offered fixtures that offer
guaranteed performance, establishing
in Italy is now a reality at the itself as a reliable partner for the
creation of any lighting project.

service of professionals and

designers looking for quality

/ Our values

We want to contribute to spread Our products have always been built

as platforms that can adapt to the
customer’s needs and technological
and develop a new consumption development, for solutions that are
always more efficient.
model that is not based on a To reach this goal, we focus
on increasing the performance
of the products and reducing
“disposable” economy but on the environmental impact of the
manufacturing processes.
products that can be updated 3F Filippi actively collaborates

over time.
with Lighting Europe to develop
increasingly advanced systems, in
line with European and International
It is also a member of ASSIL (Italian
Association of Lighting Manufacturers),
a partner and institutional supporter
of IES (Illuminating Engineering
Society of North America), AIDI
(Italian Lighting Association), and APIL
(Association of Lighting Professionals)
with whom it shares the values of the
Carta della Luce (Light Charter).

/ RELIABILITY first of all
Our commitment is to offer its
customers the best technology
available on the market. Whenever
a customer chose from our product
he must be certain he is chosing
the best technology available on
the market in terms of technical
performance, reduced energy
consumption, and reliability.

/ SAFETY at the maximum level

All 3F Filippi products are tested
in-house in special laboratories in
accordance with the current national
CEI 34-21, European EN 60598-
1 and international IEC 60598-1
standards, guaranteeing the safety,
quality and long life of the devices.

We have always been
environmentally sensitive: each
product is designed as a platform
adaptable to our customers’
needs, so that it can be reused,
reconditioned, improved (upgraded)
and recycled.

/ READY for any emergency

3F Filippi is one of the few companies
in Europe to have the tools to
certify its products according
to the recent standards UNI EN
13032 and IES LM-79 which
determines the requirements for the
emergency lighting with or without
interchangeable luminous sources.

/ Ecodesign and sustainability

We use photovoltaic panels that cover 30%

of the energy needs, with the remaining 70%
from certified renewable energy sources.

At 3F Filippi, we make products that - assessment of the life cycle of

are increasingly efficient and less a product to achieve the highest
impactful on the environment, with the possible energy efficiency and
aim of achieving the goal of reducing maximisation of its lifespan: we
greenhouse gas emissions by 2030. currently already reach 100,000 hours
of operation, an important result that
For this reason, for several years we intend to surpass in the coming
now we have undertaken various years.
actions that focus particularly on
the application of Lean Production
- a production system that aims
to minimise waste to the point of
eliminating it - and through the
use of Life Cycle Assessment

/ The laboratories

3F Filippi is one of the very few companies

in Europe to own a Goniophotometer with a
rotating mirror.

The use of this technology allows us This makes it possible to carry out
to guarantee quality, reliability tests valid for product certification
and authenticity of the data independently, guaranteeing the
reported, through tests such as: quality and durability of products to
photometric measurements the benefit of the customer.
(intensity, distribution, luminance),
colorimetric measurements (light Within our laboratories, the following
spectrum, colour temperature, colour tests can be performed:
rendering) and punctual thermal
measurements on the luminaire’s Temperature
internal components. Electromagnetic compatibility
UL Conformity: Rain and Sprinkler
3F Filippi also has a Photometric EMC Compatibility: Burst and Surge
Laboratory and a Test and Liquid seal tests
Inspection Laboratory that have Ball impact resistance (DIN 18032-3)
obtained the Customer Testing Dust seal
Facilities CTF Stage2 recognition Resistance to salt spray
from IMQ S.p.A. capable of carrying Impact Resistance
out its activities under the supervision
of one of Italy’s major certification
bodies, IMQ S.p.A.

/ Connected. Everywhere.

Targetti UK Limited
London – United Kingdom

3F Filippi Latin America

Cali – Colombia

Targetti USA, Inc.

Costa Mesa, California – USA

The company works through a The 3F Filippi | Targetti group,

represents a cohesive reality that
presents itself as a unique partner
close-knit network of regional at the service of professionals
and designers in search of quality
and foreign offices in the solutions, providing them with the
most advanced tools and the support
of our Sales Offices present all over
European, Latin American, Asian, the world.

and Oceanian markets.

3F Filippi S.p.A.
Pianoro (BO)

3F Filippi GmbH Targetti India Targetti Lighting Co., Ltd

Munich Bangalore Beijing/Shanghai/Changzhou
Germany India China

Targetti Sankey S.p.A.

(Dubai Branch)
Dubai - EAU

3F Filippi | Targetti France S.a.S


3F Filippi | Targetti Spain S.A.U.


/ Photobiological safety

Among 3F Filippi’s top priorities there is the

well-being of the people illuminated by our
products: for this reason we use only the best
sources with low health impact, paying the
utmost attention to photobiological safety.

Unfortunately, some less scrupulous Risk classes:

manufacturers use low-quality sources
during prolonged exposure, emit RG0 (Risk Exempt) RG2 (Moderate Risk)
radiation which is damaging to organs The source does not cause any The source does not cause a risk due
of the human body, such as the eyes photo-biological risk. Requirement to an instinctive reaction when looking
and skin. met by any lamp that does not cause at very bright light sources (or due to
a blue light (BL) retinal risk with an a sensation of thermal discomfort.)
A number of Photobiological Safety exposure time of up to 10,000 s Requirement met by any source that
Risk Groups (IEC62471) have (about 2.8 h). exceeds the limits of Risk 1 Group but
now been defined for the amount of does not cause a blue light (BL) retinal
radiation emitted from all sources in RG1 (Low Risk) risk with an exposure time of up to
the range of wavelengths from 200 The source does not cause risk due to 0.25 s (aversion response).
nm to 3000 nm, providing a clear normal operating limitations on
indication of the limits of maximum exposure. Requirement met by any RG3 (High Risk)
exposure for each group. source that exceeds the limits of the The source can constitute a risk even
Exempt Group but does not cause due to momentary or brief exposure.
a blue light (BL) retinal risk with an Sources that exceed the limits of Risk
exposure time of up to 100 s. Group 2 are included in Risk Group 3.

3F Filippi is committed to providing the most technologically advanced luminaires and always chooses the LED sources with the lowest
photobiological risk group available on the market for its customers.
If customers are offered product solutions similar to those which 3F Filippi declares for a certain class (for example RG1 - low) but other
manufacturers state as being of a lower class (e.g. RG0 – risk absent), they can protect themselves by requesting that those manufacturers
provide the certificates proving that the sources actually meet this photobiological risk class.





RG0 Exposition time

Short 0,25s 100s 10.000s

The standard EN 60598-1:2021 on Currently, therefore, there is no The demand for RG0 light sources
indoor luminaires states in paragraph regulation that declares the various could be considered redundant,
4.24.2: photo-biological risk groups to be but it is not stated anywhere that it
“For luminaires that use light sources equivalent, or indeed that united them, is prohibited to request the use of
from risk group RG1 (unlimited), in rendering both exempt. RG0 luminaires, or that these can
accordance with IEC/TR 62778, Exposure to RG1-group luminaires be considered equivalent to those
or which have been judged as is not considered dangerous under belonging to the RG1 risk category.
being finished products ready ordinary conditions of use, due to the As explained above, the RG0 risk
for use, belonging to risk group fact that periods of exposure of over group represents a cautionary,
RG1 (unlimited), the requirements 100 seconds are considered to be optimal class of light source.
concerning blue light retinal risk do “unlikely”, although not impossible, as
not apply.” this cannot be predicted in the design A company that exhibits extra
For luminaires that have an ETHR phase. caution with regard to the safety of
illuminance threshold, evaluated in Risk group RG0, on the other hand, its operators, and decides to install
accordance with IEC/TR 62778, has a period of exposure greater equipment belonging to the risk-
additional requirements are applied than 2.8h and as such, it can be exempt RG0 category, could therefore
for evaluating how far the product is stated with greater confidence that a be seen to be excessively
from the threshold between RG2 and luminaire would not be viewed directly conservative, but cannot certainly
RG1. In such cases, although the for this long. be criticised for having requested
luminaire cannot be considered to be compliance with a parameter that
dangerous, warnings and markings provides greater safety for all involved.
are used to alert the installer or user
to the possible risks associated with
direct and prolonged viewing of the

/ Instruments

All the results we report are measurements

made in full compliance with regulations.
This way we provide lighting designers with
absolutely real and reliable values.

The 3f-filippi.com website has All of our fixtures have identity cards
been designed to make the research showing their technical features and
process more straightforward. performance.

We decided to structure the Once product has been selected on

information following the “Research our website, it is possible to download
by code” that leads directly to its data sheet with all the required
the item, the “Product filter” to information.
choose the most suitable product
from a dynamic screen and the
‘Configurators’ that also helps less
practised users with guided creation
of modular products.

/ catalogue

_3F Architectural

/ 3F Filippi

Update New

3F Hal 3F HD

3F HD Direct
3F Hal 3F Hal Direct Single
Direct Direct/Indirect Single Tunable White
Page 22 Page 32 Page 36 Page 42 Page 52 Page 62


Direct Direct/Indirect Direct/Indirect Recessed Recessed
Channel Single Channel Single Channel
Page 66 Page 72 Page 78 Page 86 Page 90 Page 96

3F Mirella 3F Mirella Floor

3F Mirella 3F Mirella 3F Mirella Soft 3F Mirella Soft

Direct Direct/Indirect Direct Direct/Indirect
Page 102 Page 106 Page 110 Page 114 Page 118 Page 122

3F Trittico 3F Solo

3F Solo 3F Solo
3F Mirella Floor 3F Trittico Direct Direct/Indirect
Page 124 Page 128 Page 134 Page 138 Page 144 Page 148

3F Filoluce 3F Eldorado

3F Eldorado 3F Eldorado
3F Filoluce Frame Twin
Page 154 Page 160 Page 164 Page 168 Page 172

3F Hal
www.3F-Filippi.com/3F Hal

Design by [SCANDURRA]

3F Hal is the new linear product in the 3F Architectural line,

developed in collaboration with architect Alessandro Scandurra.
Elegant and clean design characterise the aesthetics of the product
which is equipped with the most advanced LED technology on the
lighting scene.
The uniqueness of 3F Hal is represented by an internal spot located
between the light source and the LGS screen that can act as a
courtesy or accent light, thus creating unique and multi-purpose
lighting scenarios.
In this way, up to 6 light combinations can be created with a single
Thanks to this enormous distinguishing feature, 3F Hal, just like its
cinematic counterpart, succeeds in "conducting" everyday life of
every single person, taking care of the smallest details, making it
more pleasant and comfortable according to their needs.

Page Product
32 NEW 3F Hal Direct
36 NEW 3F Hal Direct/Indirect

Screens and finishes
3F Hal is composed of a microprismatic screen that This feature, which makes 3F Hal unique, transforms and
guarantees very high luminous uniformity with a luminance varies according to the type of configuration it is chosen
control <3000 cd/m2 and an internal spot mounted for the luminaire, making this product capable of recreating
between the light source and the LGS screen, which multiple lighting combinations according to different needs.
characterises the product by being invisible when the
luminaire is switched off.

3F Hal Spotlight
LGS screen
comfor table lighting
3F Hal Spotlight
Interior Spotlight
accent lighting

White Black

3F Hal
LGS screen,
UGR <19

3F Hal Spotlight
Interior spot + LGS screen
full lighting
3F Hal is available in 3 widths (75, 150 and 300 mm) and in 4 lengths (600, 1200, 1500 and 1800 mm), each characterised
by horizontal stripes that naturally slender the luminaire only 45 mm high, thanks to the wiring that is remotely mounted
above the product.
Inside the product, the spot is mounted differently depending on the type of version, due to its different width.
For the 75 version, in fact, the spotlight is installed centrally, while in the other two versions - 150 and 300 - the spot is
asymmetrically positioned towards one of the two closing heads.
This diversified set-up increases the versatility of the product, which is therefore able to meet the numerous design
requests while also offering the possibility of being configured as anyone wishes.

A. Hal 75
central Spot,
single suspension cable.

B. Hal 150
side Spot,
Y-shaped / four suspension cables.

C. Hal 300
side Spot,
Y-shaped / four suspension cables.

Scale 1:1




Product advantages
All versions of 3F Hal, can also be channel mounted. This Furthermore, 3F Hal has been designed with DALI wiring to
type of solution is made possible by specially designed guarantee the regulability of the 3 different emissions (direct,
accessories that allow the product to be easily and quickly indirect and spot) individually and independently.
aligned and mounted head-to-head for pendant and ceiling
installations. This incredible versatility makes 3F Hal the perfect choice
for multifunctional spaces, both in terms of practicality and

Product range
Suspended Ceiling

3F Hal 81
Emission 75 150 300

3F Hal

Version 75 150 300

Average luminance
for angles> 65 <3000 <3000 <3000
(cd / m²)

UGR <19 <19 <19

Finishes White | Black


Installation steps Dt 1,11 1,16 1,17

Dl 1,16 1,18 1,18


3F Hal 81
Direct / Indirect
Emission 75 150 300

3F Hal Spotlight

Version 75 150 300

Average luminance
for angles> 65 <3000 <3000 <3000
(cd / m²)

UGR <19 <19 <19

Finishes White | Black


Installation steps Dt 1,11 1,16 1,17

Dl 1,16 1,18 1,18


/ 3F Architectural


75 150 300

3F Hal Direct
Direct symmetric distribution. Ceiling mounted or suspension installation.
Average luminance <3000 cd/m² for radial angles >65°.
Lifetime (L80/B10): 100000 h. (tq+25°C)
Photobiological safety RG0 (page 16). APPLICATIONS
Environments: with VDTs, meeting rooms, offices.
SOURCE Environments: architectural, commercial, staterooms, banks.
Environments where dynamic, soft and diffuse light is required for
Linear LED modules and COBs. optimal visual comfort.
Colour initial tolerance (MacAdam): SDCM 3.

The DALI products can be controlled with 3F Easy Dim (page 722) or
Extruded aluminium housing with linear side grooves. 3F Smart Dimming technology (page 732).
Steel end caps.
Removable flow recuperator.
LGS micro‑prismatic flat diffuser in transparent methacrylate (PMMA), ON REQUEST
multi‑lenticular exterior, anti‑glare.
Anti‑glare opal polycarbonate filter for brightness uniformity. • different powers or colour temperatures
Adjustable suspension fixtures with chrome studs and rapid adjusters, • housing in different RAL colours
galvanised steel cable of 2 m long. • wiring: CLO (page 752)
• CRI >90 sources
Spotlight version • emergency versions
Invisible interior spot in central position (75 mm version) or lateral
position (150 and 300 mm verions), for accent or service lighting.
Internal parabolic element in black aluminium.

In compliance with EN 60598‑1.
Compliance with the EN 60598‑2‑22 standard for power supply from a
centralised CPSS emergency system must be verified in the technical
data sheets of each individual device on our website.
5‑pole terminal block, single 230V circuit, 2 DALI addresses (depending
on the type of lighting fixture).
5‑pole transparent power cable protrudes by 1.5 m with sheared end.

3F Hal Spotlight


Code 6886 L<3000 cd/m² 65° Version with central spot (SC) or side spot (SL).

3F Hal 75 - DALI electronic wiring 230V-50/60Hz

Code Item W lm K CRI LxAxH
6880 NEW
3F Hal75 WH 12/830+1SC10 D LGS L12 26 1764 3000 >80 1200x75x72
6881 NEW 3F Hal75 WH 16/830+1SC10 D LGS L15 31 2277 3000 >80 1500x75x72
6882 NEW
3F Hal75 WH 18/830+1SC10 D LGS L18 32.5 2533 3000 >80 1800x75x72
6911 NEW 3F Hal75 BK 12/830+1SC10 D LGS L12 26 1764 3000 >80 1200x75x72
6912 NEW 3F Hal75 BK 16/830+1SC10 D LGS L15 31 2277 3000 >80 1500x75x72
6913 NEW
3F Hal75 BK 18/830+1SC10 D LGS L18 32.5 2533 3000 >80 1800x75x72
3F Hal 150 - DALI electronic wiring 230V-50/60Hz
Code Item W lm K CRI LxAxH
6884 NEW 3F Hal150 WH 11/830+1SL10 D LGS L06 26 2137 3000 >80 600x150x81
6885 NEW 3F Hal150 WH 22/830+1SL10 D LGS L12 38 3682 3000 >80 1200x150x81
6886 NEW 3F Hal150 WH 28/830+1SL10 D LGS L15 44 4454 3000 >80 1500x150x81
6887 NEW
3F Hal150 WH 33/830+1SL10 D LGS L18 49 5213 3000 >80 1800x150x81
6915 NEW 3F Hal150 BK 11/830+1SL10 D LGS L06 26 2137 3000 >80 600x150x81
6916 NEW
3F Hal150 BK 22/830+1SL10 D LGS L12 38 3682 3000 >80 1200x150x81
6917 NEW 3F Hal150 BK 28/830+1SL10 D LGS L15 44 4454 3000 >80 1500x150x81
6918 NEW 3F Hal150 BK 33/830+1SL10 D LGS L18 49 5213 3000 >80 1800x150x81
3F Hal 300 - DALI electronic wiring 230V-50/60Hz
Code Item W lm K CRI LxAxH
6890 NEW
3F Hal300 WH 43/830+1SL10 D LGS L12 60 6804 3000 >80 1200x300x81
6891 NEW 3F Hal300 WH 54/830+1SL10 D LGS L15 72 8289 3000 >80 1500x300x81
6892 NEW
3F Hal300 WH 65/830+1SL10 D LGS L18 84 9774 3000 >80 1800x300x81
6921 NEW 3F Hal300 BK 43/830+1SL10 D LGS L12 60 6804 3000 >80 1200x300x81
6922 NEW
3F Hal300 BK 54/830+1SL10 D LGS L15 72 8289 3000 >80 1500x300x81
6923 NEW 3F Hal300 BK 65/830+1SL10 D LGS L18 84 9774 3000 >80 1800x300x81

Performances are measured and certified by our CTFs stage 2 Photometric Laboratory (more information on page 12).
34 Datasheets, product updates and specifications on our website: architectural.3f-filippi.com
3F Hal


Code 6945 L<3000 cd/m² 65° Version without spot.

3F Hal 75 - DALI electronic wiring 230V-50/60Hz

Code Item W lm K CRI LxAxH
6879 NEW
3F Hal75 WH 6/830 D LGS L06 8.5 785 3000 >80 600x75x72
6940 NEW 3F Hal75 WH 12/830 D LGS L12 14 1571 3000 >80 1200x75x72
6941 NEW 3F Hal75 WH 16/830 D LGS L15 19 2095 3000 >80 1500x75x72
6942 NEW
3F Hal75 WH 18/830 D LGS L18 20.5 2356 3000 >80 1800x75x72
6910 NEW
3F Hal75 BK 6/830 D LGS L06 8.5 785 3000 >80 600x75x72
6960 NEW 3F Hal75 BK 12/830 D LGS L12 14 1571 3000 >80 1200x75x72
6961 NEW 3F Hal75 BK 16/830 D LGS L15 19 2095 3000 >80 1500x75x72
6962 NEW
3F Hal75 BK 18/830 D LGS L18 20.5 2356 3000 >80 1800x75x72
3F Hal 150 - DALI electronic wiring 230V-50/60Hz
Code Item W lm K CRI LxAxH
6943 NEW
3F Hal150 WH 11/830 D LGS L06 14 1575 3000 >80 600x150x81
6944 NEW
3F Hal150 WH 22/830 D LGS L12 26 3150 3000 >80 1200x150x81
6945 NEW 3F Hal150 WH 28/830 D LGS L15 32 3938 3000 >80 1500x150x81
6946 NEW
3F Hal150 WH 33/830 D LGS L18 37 4712 3000 >80 1800x150x81
6963 NEW 3F Hal150 BK 11/830 D LGS L06 14 1575 3000 >80 600x150x81
6964 NEW 3F Hal150 BK 22/830 D LGS L12 26 3150 3000 >80 1200x150x81
6965 NEW 3F Hal150 BK 28/830 D LGS L15 32 3938 3000 >80 1500x150x81
6966 NEW 3F Hal150 BK 33/830 D LGS L18 37 4712 3000 >80 1800x150x81
3F Hal 300 - DALI electronic wiring 230V-50/60Hz
Code Item W lm K CRI LxAxH
6947 NEW
3F Hal300 WH 43/830 D LGS L12 48 6064 3000 >80 1200x300x81
6948 NEW 3F Hal300 WH 54/830 D LGS L15 60 7581 3000 >80 1500x300x81
6949 NEW
3F Hal300 WH 65/830 D LGS L18 72 9097 3000 >80 1800x300x81
6967 NEW 3F Hal300 BK 43/830 D LGS L12 48 6064 3000 >80 1200x300x81
6968 NEW 3F Hal300 BK 54/830 D LGS L15 60 7581 3000 >80 1500x300x81
6969 NEW
3F Hal300 BK 65/830 D LGS L18 72 9097 3000 >80 1800x300x81

3F Hal Direct 35

/ 3F Architectural


75 150 300

3F Hal Direct/Indirect
Symmetric direct‑indirect distribution. Suspension installation.
Average luminance <3000 cd/m² for radial angles >65°.
Lifetime (L80/B10): 100000 h. (tq+25°C)
Photobiological safety RG0 (page 16). APPLICATIONS
Environments: with VDTs, meeting rooms, offices.
SOURCE Environments: architectural, commercial, staterooms, banks.
Environments where dynamic, soft and diffuse light is required for
Linear LED modules and COBs. optimal visual comfort.
Colour initial tolerance (MacAdam): SDCM 3.

The DALI products can be controlled with 3F Easy Dim (page 722) or
Extruded aluminium housing with linear side grooves. 3F Smart Dimming technology (page 732).
Steel end caps.
Removable flow recuperator.
LGS micro‑prismatic flat diffuser in transparent methacrylate (PMMA), ON REQUEST
multi‑lenticular exterior, anti‑glare.
Anti‑glare opal polycarbonate filter for brightness uniformity. • different powers or colour temperatures
Translucent polycarbonate upper diffuser. • housing in different RAL colours
Adjustable suspension fixtures with chrome studs and rapid adjusters, • wiring: CLO (page 752)
galvanised steel cable of 2 m long. • CRI >90 sources
• emergency versions
Spotlight version
Invisible interior spot in central position (75 mm version) or lateral
position (150 and 300 mm verions), for accent or service lighting.
Internal parabolic element in black aluminium.

In compliance with EN 60598‑1.
Compliance with the EN 60598‑2‑22 standard for power supply from a
centralised CPSS emergency system must be verified in the technical
data sheets of each individual device on our website.
5‑pole terminal block, single 230V circuit, 2 DALI addresses (depending
on the type of lighting fixture).
5‑pole transparent power cable protrudes by 1.5 m with sheared end.

3F Hal DI Spotlight


Code 6901 L<3000 cd/m² 65° Version with central spot (SC) or side spot (SL).

3F Hal 75 - DALI electronic wiring 230V-50/60Hz

Code Item W lm K CRI LxAxH
6895 NEW
3F Hal75DI WH 12+23/830+1SC10 D LGS L12 52 4742 3000 >80 1200x75x81
6896 NEW 3F Hal75DI WH 16+23/830+1SC10 D LGS L15 57 5255 3000 >80 1500x75x81
6897 NEW
3F Hal75DI WH 18+23/830+1SC10 D LGS L18 58 5511 3000 >80 1800x75x81
6926 NEW 3F Hal75DI BK 12+23/830+1SC10 D LGS L12 52 4742 3000 >80 1200x75x81
6927 NEW
3F Hal75DI BK 16+23/830+1SC10 D LGS L15 57 5255 3000 >80 1500x75x81
6928 NEW 3F Hal75DI BK 18+23/830+1SC10 D LGS L18 58 5511 3000 >80 1800x75x81
3F Hal 150 - DALI electronic wiring 230V-50/60Hz
Code Item W lm K CRI LxAxH
6899 NEW 3F Hal150DI WH 11+20/830+1SL10 D LGS L06 49 4725 3000 >80 600x150x81
6900 NEW 3F Hal150DI WH 22+23/830+1SL10 D LGS L12 64 6660 3000 >80 1200x150x81
6901 NEW 3F Hal150DI WH 28+23/830+1SL10 D LGS L15 69 7432 3000 >80 1500x150x81
6902 NEW
3F Hal150DI WH 33+23/830+1SL10 D LGS L18 75 8191 3000 >80 1800x150x81
6930 NEW 3F Hal150DI BK 11+20/830+1SL10 D LGS L06 49 4725 3000 >80 600x150x81
6931 NEW
3F Hal150DI BK 22+23/830+1SL10 D LGS L12 64 6660 3000 >80 1200x150x81
6932 NEW 3F Hal150DI BK 28+23/830+1SL10 D LGS L15 69 7432 3000 >80 1500x150x81
6933 NEW 3F Hal150DI BK 33+23/830+1SL10 D LGS L18 75 8191 3000 >80 1800x150x81
3F Hal 300 - DALI electronic wiring 230V-50/60Hz
Code Item W lm K CRI LxAxH
6905 NEW
3F Hal300DI WH 43+23/830+1SL10 D LGS L12 86 9782 3000 >80 1200x300x81
6906 NEW 3F Hal300DI WH 54+23/830+1SL10 D LGS L15 98 11267 3000 >80 1500x300x81
6907 NEW
3F Hal300DI WH 65+23/830+1SL10 D LGS L18 110 12752 3000 >80 1800x300x81
6936 NEW 3F Hal300DI BK 43+23/830+1SL10 D LGS L12 86 9782 3000 >80 1200x300x81
6937 NEW
3F Hal300DI BK 54+23/830+1SL10 D LGS L15 98 11267 3000 >80 1500x300x81
6938 NEW 3F Hal300DI BK 65+23/830+1SL10 D LGS L18 110 12752 3000 >80 1800x300x81

Performances are measured and certified by our CTFs stage 2 Photometric Laboratory (more information on page 12).
38 Datasheets, product updates and specifications on our website: architectural.3f-filippi.com
3F Hal DI


Code 6955 L<3000 cd/m² 65° Version without spot.

3F Hal 75 - DALI electronic wiring 230V-50/60Hz

Code Item W lm K CRI LxAxH
6950 NEW
3F Hal75DI WH 12+23/830 D LGS L12 40 4549 3000 >80 1200x75x81
6951 NEW 3F Hal75DI WH 16+23/830 D LGS L15 45 5073 3000 >80 1500x75x81
6952 NEW
3F Hal75DI WH 18+23/830 D LGS L18 46 5334 3000 >80 1800x75x81
6970 NEW 3F Hal75DI BK 12+23/830 D LGS L12 40 4549 3000 >80 1200x75x81
6971 NEW
3F Hal75DI BK 16+23/830 D LGS L15 45 5073 3000 >80 1500x75x81
6972 NEW 3F Hal75DI BK 18+23/830 D LGS L18 46 5334 3000 >80 1800x75x81
3F Hal 150 - DALI electronic wiring 230V-50/60Hz
Code Item W lm K CRI LxAxH
6953 NEW 3F Hal150DI WH 11+20/830 D LGS L06 37 4163 3000 >80 600x150x81
6954 NEW 3F Hal150DI WH 22+23/830 D LGS L12 52 6128 3000 >80 1200x150x81
6955 NEW 3F Hal150DI WH 28+23/830 D LGS L15 57 6916 3000 >80 1500x150x81
6956 NEW
3F Hal150DI WH 33+23/830 D LGS L18 63 7690 3000 >80 1800x150x81
6973 NEW 3F Hal150DI BK 11+20/830 D LGS L06 37 4163 3000 >80 600x150x81
6974 NEW
3F Hal150DI BK 22+23/830 D LGS L12 52 6128 3000 >80 1200x150x81
6975 NEW 3F Hal150DI BK 28+23/830 D LGS L15 57 6916 3000 >80 1500x150x81
6976 NEW 3F Hal150DI BK 33+23/830 D LGS L18 63 7690 3000 >80 1800x150x81
3F Hal 300 - DALI electronic wiring 230V-50/60Hz
Code Item W lm K CRI LxAxH
6957 NEW
3F Hal300DI WH 43+23/830 D LGS L12 74 9042 3000 >80 1200x300x81
6958 NEW 3F Hal300DI WH 54+23/830 D LGS L15 86 10559 3000 >80 1500x300x81
6959 NEW
3F Hal300DI WH 65+23/830 D LGS L18 98 12075 3000 >80 1800x300x81
6977 NEW 3F Hal300DI BK 43+23/830 D LGS L12 74 9042 3000 >80 1200x300x81
6978 NEW
3F Hal300DI BK 54+23/830 D LGS L15 86 10559 3000 >80 1500x300x81
6979 NEW 3F Hal300DI BK 65+23/830 D LGS L18 98 12075 3000 >80 1800x300x81

3F Hal Direct/Indirect 39
3F Hal | Accessories
Code Item
A01587 Slid.brack.w/reg.susp. 3F Hal 75

Free‑position sliding bracket with regulator in galvanised steel. Accessory dedicated to suspended
In the case of purchase of only one sliding bracket with controller (code A01587), the suspension
cable must be made of galvanised steel with 49 elementary wires of minimum 1.5 mm diameter
(for a weight of 15 kg).

Code Item
A01588 NEW kit 4 adjust. 1m susp. 3F Hal 150-300

Suspension installation kit consisting of 4 cables in galvanised steel and regulators.

Code Item
A01591 Y-Susp. 3F Hal 150

A01592 NEW Y-Susp. 3F Hal 300

Fixed suspension for Y‑shaped installations.

These accessories must ALWAYS be used with one of the following codes: A20485 ‑ A20486.

Code Item
A20485 Suspension without adjustment - 0.5 m
A20486 Suspension without adjustment - 1 m

Suspension without controller, galvanised steel cable 1.5 mm diameter, load 15 kg.

Code Item
A01593 5 pole round rose Ø90 (no cable) WH

A01594 NEW 5 pole round rose Ø90 (no cable) BK

Electric supply with olycarbonate case.

Code Item
A01598 NEW Conn. brack. for susp. 3F Hal 75
A01599 NEW Conn. brack. for susp. 3F Hal 150
A01600 NEW Conn. brack. for susp. 3F Hal 300

Pair of galvanised steel connecting brackets to form linear channels, for suspended installation.

Code Item
A01595 NEW Pair of brack. ceiling instal. 3F Hal 75
A01596 NEW Pair of brack. ceiling instal. 3F Hal 150
A01597 NEW Pair of brack. ceiling instal. 3F Hal 300

Free‑position sliding brackets in galvanised steel. Accessory dedicated to ceiling installation.

Accessory A01596 not compatible with 3F Hal150 L06 versions.

40 Datasheets, product updates and specifications on our website: architectural.3f-filippi.com

Code Item
A01672 Conn. brack. for ceiling instal. 3F Hal 75

A01673 NEW Conn. brack. for ceiling instal. 3F Hal 150

A01674 Conn. brack. for ceiling instal. 3F Hal 300

Pair of galvanised steel connecting brackets to form linear channels, for ceiling installation.

3F Hal 41
www.3F-Filippi.com/3F HD

Design by Park Associati Overview

3F HD is available with different photometric distributions that are • Luminous efficacy up to 123 lumen/watt.
obtained with opal and prismatic screens. • Luminous fluxes from 1250 to 13135 lumens.
The fixture is also available in a LEED compliant version equipped • Average luminance <200 cd/m² (OCB version).
with an OCB optic, a unique solution with innovative technology • Extensive installation pitch.
to control luminance in the workplace in compliance with LEED • UGR <16 (OCB version).
specifications. • LEED Compliant.
3F HD is composed of an H section aluminium linear profile. • Available with OC lenticular optics or diffusers.
Available in various lengths it provides direct or direct/indirect light • Module lengths optimised to reduce installation time and required
emission. accessories by up to 20%.
3F HD can be used easily in continuous lines with a significant • Quick and easy cleaning.
reduction in installation time thanks to the presence of concealed • Luminous end caps.
joints and standard mounted plug-sockets. • Seamless screens (up to 15 metres in length).
The lighting head it is equipped with allows for a 360° perception of • EcoDesign: power supplies and sources replaceable at the end
the fixture reaffirming its presence and uniqueness. of product life.
• Ease of assembly and maintenance.
This product is also available in this version 3F HD R (page 86). • Versatility of use in different environments.
• Thanks to the FastWiring system, the installation time is
drastically reduced.

Page Product Ceiling Suspended

52 3F HD Direct - Single • •
62 3F HD Direct - Single - Tunable White • •
66 3F HD Direct - Channel • •
72 3F HD Direct/Indirect - Single •
78 3F HD Direct/Indirect - Channel •

Product range
Suspended Ceiling


3F HD 50 57


Direct Emission


Average luminance
for angles> 65 >3000 <3000 <3000 <200 <1500
(cd / m²)

UGR <21 <19 <19 <16 <16

Finishes Silver | White | Black


Installation steps Dt 1,29 1,16 1,14 1,34 1,32

Dl 1,24 1,18 1,18 1,00 1,00

NEW Arrange the version that best suits your needs quickly and easily

Suspended Ceiling


3F HD 100 100


Direct / Indirect


Average luminance
for angles> 65 >3000 <3000 <3000 <200 <1500
(cd / m²)

UGR <21 <19 <19 <16 <16

Finishes Silver | White | Black


Installation steps Dt 1,40 1,50 1,45 1,50 1,50

Dl 1,20 1,25 1,25 1,20 1,20

Screens and finishes
3F HD can satisfy all lighting needs. The system can be Both filters do not require any visible joints for lengths of up to
equipped with two different rollable flat PMMA filters, a 15 metres thus ensuring the uniformity of the light diffusion.
prismatic screen designed especially for 3F Filippi and a
series of OCB (Optics Control Black) optics, depending on the The GSP (Glare Screen Prismatic) prismatic screen allows 3F
intended use of the environments. HD to reduce progressive luminance, using the OCB optic
The FDO opal screen is suitable for areas that are not visually on the other hand meets and widely exceeds luminance limits
demanding such as waiting rooms and corridors, while the provided for in LEED certification for corners of more than 45°
FDP (Flat Diffuser Micro prismatic) standard micro prismatic (<2500 cd/m²) and those of more than 65° (<200 cd/m²).
one ensures increased visual comfort for work stations.

Prismatic screen

Flat micro prismatic
Optics Control White
FDO Complies with LEED regulations
Flat opal diffuser

Optics Control Black
Complies with LEED regulations

Scale 1:1
Optimized distribution
The new optics from the OC (Optic Control) range were designed with the aim of obtaining the best lighting performance in
terms of low luminance and uniformity of light distribution in the space: modern offices need spaces where the furniture can be
arranged in a flexible way. For this reason the first step is to accept an ambitious challenge: to create an optic that can meet
the stringent requirements of LEED certification with a product that can be installed at wide distances. With the solutions that
were previously available on the market the distance was too contained and meant it was necessary to install a large number of
fixtures to achieve the required performance in compliance with existing legislation.

DT=fino a 1,50 x hu
DT competitors =1 x hu

Thanks to innovative Optic Control optics, the DT (transversal installation step, ie the installation distance between the luminaires)
offered by 3F HD OCB is up to 50% more than the average of the homologous products proposed by the major brands on the
market. The performance is obtained by maintaining 500 lux and ensuring, thanks to direct emission only, complete uniformity of
the luminous flux on work stations (Direct/Indirect emission versions are also available).

3F HD Competitors

LEED compliant
3F HD is the ideal technical solution to comply with indications from the most stringent environmental certifications and current
legislation. The 3F Filippi system is LEED compliant, with a luminance of less than 2500 cd/m² for corners of more than
45°. The performance of 3F HD substantially meets the requirements of European standard EN 12464-1: if the maximum
luminance required at 65° must be between 3000 cd/m² and 1500 cd/m², the performance of the fixture at the same angle
is lower than 200 cd/m² with UGR value <16.

EN 12464-1
<200 cd/m2
65° 45°

<2500 cd/m2

Product advantages
3F HD is a product created with two different types of end caps While the OC (Optic Control - OCB and OCW) have blind caps,
given that lighting and lighting distribution control are managed completely by the cells, those with screens use lighted end caps
that perform the following functions:
- Aesthetic: the lower screen connected to the two end caps creates luminosity that eliminates the typical two-dimensional
effect of similar products.
- Functional: when the product is installed near walls, the lighted caps mitigate the typical smudged light effect. On the other
hand, when installed in open areas, its perception and light diffusion improve, even in the most open corners.
- Lighting: the luminous front component reduces the visual contrast, making the perceived light under the same product axis
more comfortable.
All versions have a mirrored aluminium decoration that hides the access, giving the product visual depth.

3F HD 100 3F HD 50

Reflector in Reflector in
mirrored aluminium mirrored aluminium

Lighted end cap Blind end cap

In the channel versions, the FastWiring system
drastically reduces the installation time.

A plug and a socket are mounted at the beginning and

end of each bar. Simply join them together and the
connection is made automatically.
From the mechanical point of view, the connection
is ensured by the (already mounted) joining elements
inside the second body and fixing the safety hardware.

/ 3F Architectural

Municipio di Bastia Umbra

Bastia Umbra


50 100 20

3F HD Direct - Single
Direct symmetric distribution. Ceiling mounted or suspension installation.
Lifetime (L80/B10): 100000 h. (tq+25°C)
Photobiological safety RG0 (page 16).
SOURCE Environments: with VDTs, meeting rooms, offices.
Environments: architectural, commercial, staterooms, banks.
Linear LED modules. Environments where dynamic, soft and diffuse light is required for
Colour initial tolerance (MacAdam): SDCM 3. optimal visual comfort.

FDO version
MECHANICAL Environments where soft diffuse light is required for optimal visual
comfort and total shielding of the source.
Extruded aluminium housing.
Removable gear‑tray.
Lighting head caps with specular aluminium frieze. LIGHT MANAGEMENT
The DALI products can be controlled with 3F Easy Dim (page 722) or
ELECTRICAL 3F Smart Dimming technology (page 732).

In compliance with EN 60598‑1.

Compliance with the EN 60598‑2‑22 standard for power supply from a ON REQUEST
centralised CPSS emergency system must be verified in the technical
data sheets of each individual device on our website. • different powers or colour temperatures
Entrance to the upper power supply in proximity to a power head. • housing in different RAL colours
Branching via an irreversible quick coupling plug to connect the cable • OC optic in different RAL colours
housing element to the socket. • wiring: CLO (page 752)
• CRI >90 sources
• emergency versions

3F HD OCW Single


Average luminance <2500 cd/m² for angles >45°.

Average luminance <1500 cd/m² for angles >65°.
Environments with very exacting visual tasks and control of
luminance at angles of >45° compared to the LEED certification.
Offices with video terminals and administrative, information and
school offices.
Transparent methacrylate (PMMA) lenses with different facets to
optimise the direction of the luminous flux.
Code 6216 L<2500 cd/m² 45° Anti‑reflective white polycarbonate alveolar optic.

3F HD 50 - DALI electronic wiring 230V-50/60Hz

Code Item W lm K CRI LxAxH
6215 3F HD50 WH 12/830 DALI OCW L1214 14.5 1713 3000 >80 1214x57x80
6216 3F HD50 WH 15/830 DALI OCW L1508 18 2143 3000 >80 1508x57x80
6217 3F HD50 WH 30/830 DALI OCW L2975 33 4285 3000 >80 2975x57x80

3F HD OCB Single


Average luminance <2500 cd/m² for angles >45°.

Average luminance <200 cd/m² for angles >65°.
Environments with very exacting visual tasks and control of
luminance at angles of >45° compared to the LEED certification.
Offices with video terminals and administrative, information and
school offices.
Transparent methacrylate (PMMA) lenses with different facets to
optimise the direction of the luminous flux.
Code 6301 L<2500 cd/m² 45° Anti‑reflective black polycarbonate alveolar optic.

3F HD 50 - DALI electronic wiring 230V-50/60Hz

Code Item W lm K CRI LxAxH
6300 3F HD50 BK 12/830 DALI OCB L1214 14.5 1586 3000 >80 1214x57x80
6301 3F HD50 BK 15/830 DALI OCB L1508 18 1984 3000 >80 1508x57x80
6302 3F HD50 BK 30/830 DALI OCB L2975 33 3967 3000 >80 2975x57x80
6385 3F HD50 AL 12/830 DALI OCB L1214 14.5 1586 3000 >80 1214x57x80
6386 3F HD50 AL 15/830 DALI OCB L1508 18 1984 3000 >80 1508x57x80
6387 3F HD50 AL 30/830 DALI OCB L2975 33 3967 3000 >80 2975x57x80

Performances are measured and certified by our CTFs stage 2 Photometric Laboratory (more information on page 12).
54 Datasheets, product updates and specifications on our website: architectural.3f-filippi.com
3F HD GSP Single


Average luminance <3000 cd/m² for angles >65°.

Non‑iridescent high efficiency specular aluminium with a titanium
and magnesium surface treatment flow recuperator.
SP flat diffuser in transparent methacrylate (PMMA), outside
prismatic, anti‑glare.
Code 6209 L<3000 cd/m² 65° Anti‑glare opal polycarbonate filter for brightness uniformity.

3F HD 50 - DALI electronic wiring 230V-50/60Hz

Code Item W lm K CRI LxAxH
6208 3F HD50 WH 13/840 DALI GSP L1214 14 1374 4000 >80 1214x57x80
6209 3F HD50 WH 16/840 DALI GSP L1508 18 1718 4000 >80 1508x57x80
6210 3F HD50 WH 32/840 DALI GSP L2975 35 3435 4000 >80 2975x57x80
6293 3F HD50 BK 13/840 DALI GSP L1214 14 1374 4000 >80 1214x57x80
6294 3F HD50 BK 16/840 DALI GSP L1508 18 1718 4000 >80 1508x57x80
6295 3F HD50 BK 32/840 DALI GSP L2975 35 3435 4000 >80 2975x57x80
6378 3F HD50 AL 13/840 DALI GSP L1214 14 1374 4000 >80 1214x57x80
6379 3F HD50 AL 16/840 DALI GSP L1508 18 1718 4000 >80 1508x57x80
6380 3F HD50 AL 32/840 DALI GSP L2975 35 3435 4000 >80 2975x57x80
3F HD 100 - DALI electronic wiring 230V-50/60Hz
Code Item W lm K CRI LxAxH
6227 3F HD100 WH 22/840 DALI GSP L1214 24 2617 4000 >80 1214x100x80
6228 3F HD100 WH 26/840 DALI GSP L1508 29 3271 4000 >80 1508x100x80
6229 3F HD100 WH 52/840 DALI GSP L2975 56 6428 4000 >80 2975x100x80
6312 3F HD100 BK 22/840 DALI GSP L1214 24 2617 4000 >80 1214x100x80
6313 3F HD100 BK 26/840 DALI GSP L1508 29 3271 4000 >80 1508x100x80
6314 3F HD100 BK 52/840 DALI GSP L2975 56 6428 4000 >80 2975x100x80
6397 3F HD100 AL 22/840 DALI GSP L1214 24 2617 4000 >80 1214x100x80
6398 3F HD100 AL 26/840 DALI GSP L1508 29 3271 4000 >80 1508x100x80
6399 3F HD100 AL 52/840 DALI GSP L2975 56 6428 4000 >80 2975x100x80

3F HD Direct - Single 55
3F HD HO GSP Single


Non‑iridescent high efficiency specular aluminium with a titanium

and magnesium surface treatment flow recuperator.
SP flat diffuser in transparent methacrylate (PMMA), outside
prismatic, anti‑glare.
Code 6794 Anti‑glare opal polycarbonate filter for brightness uniformity.

3F HD 50 - DALI electronic wiring 230V-50/60Hz

Code Item W lm K CRI LxAxH
6793 3F HD50 WH HO 22/840 DALI GSP L1214 25 2596 4000 >80 1214x57x80
6794 3F HD50 WH HO 26/840 DALI GSP L1508 30 3246 4000 >80 1508x57x80
6795 3F HD50 WH HO 52/840 DALI GSP L2975 58 6492 4000 >80 2975x57x80
6799 3F HD50 BK HO 22/840 DALI GSP L1214 25 2596 4000 >80 1214x57x80
6800 3F HD50 BK HO 26/840 DALI GSP L1508 30 3246 4000 >80 1508x57x80
6801 3F HD50 BK HO 52/840 DALI GSP L2975 58 6492 4000 >80 2975x57x80
6805 3F HD50 AL HO 22/840 DALI GSP L1214 25 2596 4000 >80 1214x57x80
6806 3F HD50 AL HO 26/840 DALI GSP L1508 30 3246 4000 >80 1508x57x80
6807 3F HD50 AL HO 52/840 DALI GSP L2975 58 6492 4000 >80 2975x57x80
3F HD 100 - DALI electronic wiring 230V-50/60Hz
Code Item W lm K CRI LxAxH
6796 3F HD100 WH HO 36/840 DALI GSP L1214 39 4434 4000 >80 1214x100x80
6797 3F HD100 WH HO 44/840 DALI GSP L1508 49 5542 4000 >80 1508x100x80
6798 3F HD100 WH HO 88/840 DALI GSP L2975 98 11085 4000 >80 2975x100x80
6802 3F HD100 BK HO 36/840 DALI GSP L1214 39 4434 4000 >80 1214x100x80
6803 3F HD100 BK HO 44/840 DALI GSP L1508 49 5542 4000 >80 1508x100x80
6804 3F HD100 BK HO 88/840 DALI GSP L2975 98 11085 4000 >80 2975x100x80
6808 3F HD100 AL HO 36/840 DALI GSP L1214 39 4434 4000 >80 1214x100x80
6809 3F HD100 AL HO 44/840 DALI GSP L1508 49 5542 4000 >80 1508x100x80
6810 3F HD100 AL HO 88/840 DALI GSP L2975 98 11085 4000 >80 2975x100x80

Performances are measured and certified by our CTFs stage 2 Photometric Laboratory (more information on page 12).
56 Datasheets, product updates and specifications on our website: architectural.3f-filippi.com
3F HD FDP Single


Average luminance <3000 cd/m² for angles >65°.

Non‑iridescent high efficiency specular aluminium with a titanium
and magnesium surface treatment flow recuperator.
Externally micro prismatic transparent flat anti‑glare polycarbonate
Code 6220 L<3000 cd/m² 65° Anti‑glare opal polycarbonate filter for brightness uniformity.

3F HD 50 - DALI electronic wiring 230V-50/60Hz

Code Item W lm K CRI LxAxH
6200 3F HD50 WH 13/840 DALI FDP L1214 14 1292 4000 >80 1214x57x80
6201 3F HD50 WH 16/840 DALI FDP L1508 18 1615 4000 >80 1508x57x80
6202 3F HD50 WH 32/840 DALI FDP L2975 35 3229 4000 >80 2975x57x80
6285 3F HD50 BK 13/840 DALI FDP L1214 14 1292 4000 >80 1214x57x80
6286 3F HD50 BK 16/840 DALI FDP L1508 18 1615 4000 >80 1508x57x80
6287 3F HD50 BK 32/840 DALI FDP L2975 35 3229 4000 >80 2975x57x80
6370 3F HD50 AL 13/840 DALI FDP L1214 14 1292 4000 >80 1214x57x80
6371 3F HD50 AL 16/840 DALI FDP L1508 18 1615 4000 >80 1508x57x80
6372 3F HD50 AL 32/840 DALI FDP L2975 35 3229 4000 >80 2975x57x80
3F HD 100 - DALI electronic wiring 230V-50/60Hz
Code Item W lm K CRI LxAxH
6219 3F HD100 WH 22/840 DALI FDP L1214 24 2468 4000 >80 1214x100x80
6220 3F HD100 WH 26/840 DALI FDP L1508 29 3085 4000 >80 1508x100x80
6221 3F HD100 WH 52/840 DALI FDP L2975 56 6062 4000 >80 2975x100x80
6304 3F HD100 BK 22/840 DALI FDP L1214 24 2468 4000 >80 1214x100x80
6305 3F HD100 BK 26/840 DALI FDP L1508 29 3085 4000 >80 1508x100x80
6306 3F HD100 BK 52/840 DALI FDP L2975 56 6062 4000 >80 2975x100x80
6389 3F HD100 AL 22/840 DALI FDP L1214 24 2468 4000 >80 1214x100x80
6390 3F HD100 AL 26/840 DALI FDP L1508 29 3085 4000 >80 1508x100x80
6391 3F HD100 AL 52/840 DALI FDP L2975 56 6062 4000 >80 2975x100x80

3F HD Direct - Single 57
3F HD HO FDP Single


Non‑iridescent high efficiency specular aluminium with a titanium

and magnesium surface treatment flow recuperator.
Externally micro prismatic transparent flat anti‑glare polycarbonate
Code 6815 Anti‑glare opal polycarbonate filter for brightness uniformity.

3F HD 50 - DALI electronic wiring 230V-50/60Hz

Code Item W lm K CRI LxAxH
6811 3F HD50 WH HO 22/840 DALI FDP L1214 25 2448 4000 >80 1214x57x80
6812 3F HD50 WH HO 26/840 DALI FDP L1508 30 3061 4000 >80 1508x57x80
6813 3F HD50 WH HO 52/840 DALI FDP L2975 58 6122 4000 >80 2975x57x80
6817 3F HD50 BK HO 22/840 DALI FDP L1214 25 2448 4000 >80 1214x57x80
6818 3F HD50 BK HO 26/840 DALI FDP L1508 30 3061 4000 >80 1508x57x80
6819 3F HD50 BK HO 52/840 DALI FDP L2975 58 6122 4000 >80 2975x57x80
6823 3F HD50 AL HO 22/840 DALI FDP L1214 25 2448 4000 >80 1214x57x80
6824 3F HD50 AL HO 26/840 DALI FDP L1508 30 3061 4000 >80 1508x57x80
6825 3F HD50 AL HO 52/840 DALI FDP L2975 58 6122 4000 >80 2975x57x80
3F HD 100 - DALI electronic wiring 230V-50/60Hz
Code Item W lm K CRI LxAxH
6814 3F HD100 WH HO 36/840 DALI FDP L1214 39 4182 4000 >80 1214x100x80
6815 3F HD100 WH HO 44/840 DALI FDP L1508 49 5227 4000 >80 1508x100x80
6816 3F HD100 WH HO 88/840 DALI FDP L2975 98 10454 4000 >80 2975x100x80
6820 3F HD100 BK HO 36/840 DALI FDP L1214 39 4182 4000 >80 1214x100x80
6821 3F HD100 BK HO 44/840 DALI FDP L1508 49 5227 4000 >80 1508x100x80
6822 3F HD100 BK HO 88/840 DALI FDP L2975 98 10454 4000 >80 2975x100x80
6826 3F HD100 AL HO 36/840 DALI FDP L1214 39 4182 4000 >80 1214x100x80
6827 3F HD100 AL HO 44/840 DALI FDP L1508 49 5227 4000 >80 1508x100x80
6828 3F HD100 AL HO 88/840 DALI FDP L2975 98 10454 4000 >80 2975x100x80

Performances are measured and certified by our CTFs stage 2 Photometric Laboratory (more information on page 12).
58 Datasheets, product updates and specifications on our website: architectural.3f-filippi.com
3F HD FDO Single


Non‑iridescent high efficiency specular aluminium with a titanium

and magnesium surface treatment flow recuperator.
Code 6224 Flat opal anti‑glare polycarbonate diffuser.

3F HD 50 - DALI electronic wiring 230V-50/60Hz

Code Item W lm K CRI LxAxH
6204 3F HD50 WH 13/840 DALI FDO L1214 14 1250 4000 >80 1214x57x80
6205 3F HD50 WH 16/840 DALI FDO L1508 18 1563 4000 >80 1508x57x80
6206 3F HD50 WH 32/840 DALI FDO L2975 35 3126 4000 >80 2975x57x80
6289 3F HD50 BK 13/840 DALI FDO L1214 14 1250 4000 >80 1214x57x80
6290 3F HD50 BK 16/840 DALI FDO L1508 18 1563 4000 >80 1508x57x80
6291 3F HD50 BK 32/840 DALI FDO L2975 35 3126 4000 >80 2975x57x80
6374 3F HD50 AL 13/840 DALI FDO L1214 14 1250 4000 >80 1214x57x80
6375 3F HD50 AL 16/840 DALI FDO L1508 18 1563 4000 >80 1508x57x80
6376 3F HD50 AL 32/840 DALI FDO L2975 35 3126 4000 >80 2975x57x80
3F HD 100 - DALI electronic wiring 230V-50/60Hz
Code Item W lm K CRI LxAxH
6223 3F HD100 WH 22/840 DALI FDO L1214 24 2304 4000 >80 1214x100x80
6224 3F HD100 WH 26/840 DALI FDO L1508 29 2880 4000 >80 1508x100x80
6225 3F HD100 WH 52/840 DALI FDO L2975 56 5660 4000 >80 2975x100x80
6308 3F HD100 BK 22/840 DALI FDO L1214 24 2304 4000 >80 1214x100x80
6309 3F HD100 BK 26/840 DALI FDO L1508 29 2880 4000 >80 1508x100x80
6310 3F HD100 BK 52/840 DALI FDO L2975 56 5660 4000 >80 2975x100x80
6393 3F HD100 AL 22/840 DALI FDO L1214 24 2304 4000 >80 1214x100x80
6394 3F HD100 AL 26/840 DALI FDO L1508 29 2880 4000 >80 1508x100x80
6395 3F HD100 AL 52/840 DALI FDO L2975 56 5660 4000 >80 2975x100x80

3F HD Direct - Single 59
3F HD HO FDO Single


Non‑iridescent high efficiency specular aluminium with a titanium

and magnesium surface treatment flow recuperator.
Code 6839 Flat opal anti‑glare polycarbonate diffuser.

3F HD 50 - DALI electronic wiring 230V-50/60Hz

Code Item W lm K CRI LxAxH
6829 3F HD50 WH HO 22/840 DALI FDO L1214 25 2286 4000 >80 1214x57x80
6830 3F HD50 WH HO 26/840 DALI FDO L1508 30 2858 4000 >80 1508x57x80
6831 3F HD50 WH HO 52/840 DALI FDO L2975 58 5716 4000 >80 2975x57x80
6835 3F HD50 BK HO 22/840 DALI FDO L1214 25 2286 4000 >80 1214x57x80
6836 3F HD50 BK HO 26/840 DALI FDO L1508 30 2858 4000 >80 1508x57x80
6837 3F HD50 BK HO 52/840 DALI FDO L2975 58 5716 4000 >80 2975x57x80
6841 3F HD50 AL HO 22/840 DALI FDO L1214 25 2286 4000 >80 1214x57x80
6842 3F HD50 AL HO 26/840 DALI FDO L1508 30 2858 4000 >80 1508x57x80
6843 3F HD50 AL HO 52/840 DALI FDO L2975 58 5716 4000 >80 2975x57x80
3F HD 100 - DALI electronic wiring 230V-50/60Hz
Code Item W lm K CRI LxAxH
6832 3F HD100 WH HO 36/840 DALI FDO L1214 39 3904 4000 >80 1214x100x80
6833 3F HD100 WH HO 44/840 DALI FDO L1508 49 4880 4000 >80 1508x100x80
6834 3F HD100 WH HO 88/840 DALI FDO L2975 98 9760 4000 >80 2975x100x80
6838 3F HD100 BK HO 36/840 DALI FDO L1214 39 3904 4000 >80 1214x100x80
6839 3F HD100 BK HO 44/840 DALI FDO L1508 49 4880 4000 >80 1508x100x80
6840 3F HD100 BK HO 88/840 DALI FDO L2975 98 9760 4000 >80 2975x100x80
6844 3F HD100 AL HO 36/840 DALI FDO L1214 39 3904 4000 >80 1214x100x80
6845 3F HD100 AL HO 44/840 DALI FDO L1508 49 4880 4000 >80 1508x100x80
6846 3F HD100 AL HO 88/840 DALI FDO L2975 98 9760 4000 >80 2975x100x80

Performances are measured and certified by our CTFs stage 2 Photometric Laboratory (more information on page 12).
60 Datasheets, product updates and specifications on our website: architectural.3f-filippi.com
/ 3F Architectural

Martignoni concessionario
Gallarate (VA)

100 20

3F HD Direct - Single - Tunable White
Direct symmetric distribution. Ceiling mounted or suspension installation.
Average luminance <3000 cd/m² for radial angles >65°.
The colour temperature can be adjusted between 2700 K and 6500 K.
Lifetime (L80/B10): 100000 h. (tq+25°C) APPLICATIONS
Photobiological safety RG0 (page 16).
Any environments requiring light which aims for the wellness of people.
Environments: with VDTs, meeting rooms, offices.
SOURCE Environments: architectural, commercial, staterooms, banks.
Environments where dynamic, soft and diffuse light is required for
Linear LED modules. optimal visual comfort.
Colour initial tolerance (MacAdam): SDCM 3.

Tunable White products can be controlled with wired control systems
Extruded aluminium housing. (page 742) or 3F & Casambi (page 746).
Removable gear‑tray.
Lighting end caps with mirrored aluminium frieze.
Non‑iridescent high efficiency specular aluminium with a titanium and ON REQUEST
magnesium surface treatment flow recuperator.
Externally micro prismatic transparent flat anti‑glare polycarbonate • different power levels or colour rendering indices
diffuser. • housing in different RAL colours
Anti‑glare opal polycarbonate filter for brightness uniformity. • emergency versions

In compliance with EN 60598‑1.
Compliance with the EN 60598‑2‑22 standard for power supply from a
centralised CPSS emergency system must be verified in the technical
data sheets of each individual device on our website.
Entrance to the upper power supply in proximity to a power head.
Branching via an irreversible quick coupling plug to connect the cable
housing element to the socket.
Cable with a DALI DT8 driver.
5‑pole terminal block (L‑N‑PE‑DA/DA) for line connection with
connection capacity 2x2.5 mm² per poles.

3F HD Tunable White FDP


Code 6869 L<3000 cd/m² 65° Variable light intensity and colour temperature.

3F HD 100 - DALI DT8 electronic wiring 230V-50/60Hz

Code Item W lm K CRI LxAxH
6868 3F HD100 WH 22 DT8 TW FDP L1214 27 2387 2700 >80 1214x100x80
26 4000
25 6500
6869 3F HD100 WH 26 DT8 TW FDP L1508 34 2984 2700 >80 1508x100x80
32.5 4000
31 6500
6870 3F HD100 WH 52 DT8 TW FDP L2975 66 5967 2700 >80 2975x100x80
63 4000
60 6500
6871 3F HD100 BK 22 DT8 TW FDP L1214 27 2387 2700 >80 1214x100x80
26 4000
25 6500
6872 3F HD100 BK 26 DT8 TW FDP L1508 34 2984 2700 >80 1508x100x80
32.5 4000
31 6500
6873 3F HD100 BK 52 DT8 TW FDP L2975 66 5967 2700 >80 2975x100x80
63 4000
60 6500
6874 3F HD100 AL 22 DT8 TW FDP L1214 27 2387 2700 >80 1214x100x80
26 4000
25 6500
6875 3F HD100 AL 26 DT8 TW FDP L1508 34 2984 2700 >80 1508x100x80
32.5 4000
31 6500
6876 3F HD100 AL 52 DT8 TW FDP L2975 66 5967 2700 >80 2975x100x80
63 4000
60 6500

Performances are measured and certified by our CTFs stage 2 Photometric Laboratory (more information on page 12).
64 Datasheets, product updates and specifications on our website: architectural.3f-filippi.com
/ 3F Architectural

Allen & Overy



50 100 L

3F HD Direct - Channel
Direct symmetric distribution. Ceiling mounted or suspension installation.
Lifetime (L80/B10): 100000 h. (tq+25°C)
Photobiological safety RG0 (page 16).
SOURCE Environments: with VDTs, meeting rooms, offices.
Environments: architectural, commercial, staterooms, banks.
Linear LED modules. Environments where dynamic, soft and diffuse light is required for
Colour initial tolerance (MacAdam): SDCM 3. optimal visual comfort.

FDO version
MECHANICAL Environments where soft diffuse light is required for optimal visual
comfort and total shielding of the source.
Extruded aluminium housing.
Removable gear‑tray.
Hot‑dip galvanised steel linear connecting element installed on the body LIGHT MANAGEMENT
for rapid mechanical connection.
The DALI products can be controlled with 3F Easy Dim (page 722) or
3F Smart Dimming technology (page 732).
In compliance with EN 60598‑1. ON REQUEST
Compliance with the EN 60598‑2‑22 standard for power supply from a
centralised CPSS emergency system must be verified in the technical • different powers or colour temperatures
data sheets of each individual device on our website. • housing in different RAL colours
Entrance to the upper power supply in proximity to a power head. • OC optic in different RAL colours
5 mm² section 2.5 pin through line with an irreversible quick coupling • wiring: CLO (page 752)
plug plug/socket fixed on the body for rapid electrical connection. • CRI >90 sources
Branching via an irreversible quick coupling plug to connect the cable • emergency versions
housing element to the socket.

3F HD OCW Channel


Average luminance <2500 cd/m² for angles >45°.

Average luminance <1500 cd/m² for angles >65°.
Environments with very exacting visual tasks and control of
luminance at angles of >45° compared to the LEED certification.
Offices with video terminals and administrative, information and
school offices.
Transparent methacrylate (PMMA) lenses with different facets to
optimise the direction of the luminous flux.
Code 6261 L<2500 cd/m² 45° Anti‑reflective white polycarbonate alveolar optic.

3F HD 50 - DALI electronic wiring 230V-50/60Hz

Code Item W lm K CRI LxAxH
6260 3F HD50 WH 12/830 DALI 5P OCW L1174 14.5 1713 3000 >80 1174x57x80
6261 3F HD50 WH 15/830 DALI 5P OCW L1468 18 2143 3000 >80 1468x57x80
6262 3F HD50 WH 30/830 DALI 5P OCW L2935 33 4285 3000 >80 2935x57x80

3F HD OCB Channel


Average luminance <2500 cd/m² for angles >45°.

Average luminance <200 cd/m² for angles >65°.
Environments with very exacting visual tasks and control of
luminance at angles of >45° compared to the LEED certification.
Offices with video terminals and administrative, information and
school offices.
Transparent methacrylate (PMMA) lenses with different facets to
optimise the direction of the luminous flux.
Code 6346 L<2500 cd/m² 45° Anti‑reflective black polycarbonate alveolar optic.

3F HD 50 - DALI electronic wiring 230V-50/60Hz

Code Item W lm K CRI LxAxH
6345 3F HD50 BK 12/830 DALI 5P OCB L1174 14.5 1586 3000 >80 1174x57x80
6346 3F HD50 BK 15/830 DALI 5P OCB L1468 18 1984 3000 >80 1468x57x80
6347 3F HD50 BK 30/830 DALI 5P OCB L2935 33 3967 3000 >80 2935x57x80
6430 3F HD50 AL 12/830 DALI 5P OCB L1174 14.5 1586 3000 >80 1174x57x80
6431 3F HD50 AL 15/830 DALI 5P OCB L1468 18 1984 3000 >80 1468x57x80
6432 3F HD50 AL 30/830 DALI 5P OCB L2935 33 3967 3000 >80 2935x57x80

Performances are measured and certified by our CTFs stage 2 Photometric Laboratory (more information on page 12).
68 Datasheets, product updates and specifications on our website: architectural.3f-filippi.com
3F HD GSP Channel


Average luminance <3000 cd/m² for angles >65°.

Non‑iridescent high efficiency specular aluminium with a titanium
and magnesium surface treatment flow recuperator.
SP transparent methacrylate (PMMA) diffuser, prismatic outside,
Code 6246 L<3000 cd/m² 65° Anti‑glare opal polycarbonate filter for brightness uniformity.

3F HD 50 - DALI electronic wiring 230V-50/60Hz

Code Item W lm K CRI LxAxH
6245 3F HD50 WH 13/840 DALI 5P GSP L1174 14 1374 4000 >80 1174x57x80
6246 3F HD50 WH 16/840 DALI 5P GSP L1468 18 1718 4000 >80 1468x57x80
6250 3F HD50 WH 32/840 DALI 5P GSP L2935 35 3435 4000 >80 2935x57x80
6330 3F HD50 BK 13/840 DALI 5P GSP L1174 14 1374 4000 >80 1174x57x80
6331 3F HD50 BK 16/840 DALI 5P GSP L1468 18 1718 4000 >80 1468x57x80
6335 3F HD50 BK 32/840 DALI 5P GSP L2935 35 3435 4000 >80 2935x57x80
6415 3F HD50 AL 13/840 DALI 5P GSP L1174 14 1374 4000 >80 1174x57x80
6416 3F HD50 AL 16/840 DALI 5P GSP L1468 18 1718 4000 >80 1468x57x80
6420 3F HD50 AL 32/840 DALI 5P GSP L2935 35 3435 4000 >80 2935x57x80
3F HD 100 - DALI electronic wiring 230V-50/60Hz
Code Item W lm K CRI LxAxH
6275 3F HD100 WH 22/840 DALI 5P GSP L1174 24 2617 4000 >80 1174x100x80
6276 3F HD100 WH 26/840 DALI 5P GSP L1468 29 3271 4000 >80 1468x100x80
6280 3F HD100 WH 52/840 DALI 5P GSP L2935 56 6428 4000 >80 2935x100x80
6360 3F HD100 BK 22/840 DALI 5P GSP L1174 24 2617 4000 >80 1174x100x80
6361 3F HD100 BK 26/840 DALI 5P GSP L1468 29 3271 4000 >80 1468x100x80
6365 3F HD100 BK 52/840 DALI 5P GSP L2935 56 6428 4000 >80 2935x100x80
6445 3F HD100 AL 22/840 DALI 5P GSP L1174 24 2617 4000 >80 1174x100x80
6446 3F HD100 AL 26/840 DALI 5P GSP L1468 29 3271 4000 >80 1468x100x80
6450 3F HD100 AL 52/840 DALI 5P GSP L2935 56 6428 4000 >80 2935x100x80

3F HD Direct - Channel 69
3F HD FD Channel


Average luminance <3000 cd/m² for angles >65° (FDP).

Non‑iridescent high efficiency specular aluminium with a titanium
and magnesium surface treatment flow recuperator.
For diffusers see accessories (page 83).
Code 6237 FDP: luminaire suitable for offices.

3F HD 50 - DALI electronic wiring 230V-50/60Hz

Code Item W lm K CRI LxAxH
6236 3F HD50 WH 13/840 DALI 5P FD L1174 14 1292 FDP 4000 >80 1174x57x80
1250 FDO
6237 3F HD50 WH 16/840 DALI 5P FD L1468 18 1615 FDP 4000 >80 1468x57x80
1563 FDO
6241 3F HD50 WH 32/840 DALI 5P FD L2935 35 3229 FDP 4000 >80 2935x57x80
3126 FDO
6321 3F HD50 BK 13/840 DALI 5P FD L1174 14 1292 FDP 4000 >80 1174x57x80
1250 FDO
6322 3F HD50 BK 16/840 DALI 5P FD L1468 18 1615 FDP 4000 >80 1468x57x80
1563 FDO
6326 3F HD50 BK 32/840 DALI 5P FD L2935 35 3229 FDP 4000 >80 2935x57x80
3126 FDO
6406 3F HD50 AL 13/840 DALI 5P FD L1174 14 1292 FDP 4000 >80 1174x57x80
1250 FDO
6407 3F HD50 AL 16/840 DALI 5P FD L1468 18 1615 FDP 4000 >80 1468x57x80
1563 FDO
6411 3F HD50 AL 32/840 DALI 5P FD L2935 35 3229 FDP 4000 >80 2935x57x80
3126 FDO
3F HD 100 - DALI electronic wiring 230V-50/60Hz
Code Item W lm K CRI LxAxH
6266 3F HD100 WH 22/840 DALI 5P FD L1174 24 2468 FDP 4000 >80 1174x100x80
2304 FDO
6267 3F HD100 WH 26/840 DALI 5P FD L1468 29 3085 FDP 4000 >80 1468x100x80
2880 FDO
6271 3F HD100 WH 52/840 DALI 5P FD L2935 56 6062 FDP 4000 >80 2935x100x80
5660 FDO
6351 3F HD100 BK 22/840 DALI 5P FD L1174 24 2468 FDP 4000 >80 1174x100x80
2304 FDO
6352 3F HD100 BK 26/840 DALI 5P FD L1468 29 3085 FDP 4000 >80 1468x100x80
2880 FDO
6356 3F HD100 BK 52/840 DALI 5P FD L2935 56 6062 FDP 4000 >80 2935x100x80
5660 FDO
6436 3F HD100 AL 22/840 DALI 5P FD L1174 24 2468 FDP 4000 >80 1174x100x80
2304 FDO
6437 3F HD100 AL 26/840 DALI 5P FD L1468 29 3085 FDP 4000 >80 1468x100x80
2880 FDO
6441 3F HD100 AL 52/840 DALI 5P FD L2935 56 6062 FDP 4000 >80 2935x100x80
5660 FDO

Performances are measured and certified by our CTFs stage 2 Photometric Laboratory (more information on page 12).
70 Datasheets, product updates and specifications on our website: architectural.3f-filippi.com
/ 3F Architectural

Radio Deejay


50 100 20

3F HD Direct/Indirect - Single
Direct‑indirect distribution. Suspension installation.
Lifetime (L80/B10): 100000 h. (tq+25°C)
Photobiological safety RG0 (page 16).
SOURCE Environments: with VDTs, meeting rooms, offices.
Environments: architectural, commercial, staterooms, banks.
Linear LED modules. Environments where dynamic, soft and diffuse light is required for
Colour initial tolerance (MacAdam): SDCM 3. optimal visual comfort.

FDO version
MECHANICAL Environments where soft diffuse light is required for optimal visual
comfort and total shielding of the source.
Extruded aluminium housing.
Removable gear‑tray.
Translucent polycarbonate upper diffuser. LIGHT MANAGEMENT
Lighting head caps with specular aluminium frieze.
The DALI products can be controlled with 3F Easy Dim (page 722) or
3F Smart Dimming technology (page 732).
In compliance with EN 60598‑1. ON REQUEST
Compliance with the EN 60598‑2‑22 standard for power supply from a
centralised CPSS emergency system must be verified in the technical • different powers or colour temperatures
data sheets of each individual device on our website. • housing in different RAL colours
5‑pole terminal block, single 230V circuit, 2 DALI addresses (depending • OC optic in different RAL colours
on the type of lighting fixture). • wiring: CLO (page 752)
Entrance to the upper power supply in proximity to a power head. • CRI >90 sources
Branching via an irreversible quick coupling plug to connect the cable • emergency versions
housing element to the socket.

3F HD DI OCW Single


Average luminance <2500 cd/m² for angles >45°.

Average luminance <1500 cd/m² for angles >65°.
Environments with very exacting visual tasks and control of
luminance at angles of >45° compared to the LEED certification.
Offices with video terminals and administrative, information and
school offices.
Transparent methacrylate (PMMA) lenses with different facets to
optimise the direction of the luminous flux.
Code 6471 L<2500 cd/m² 45° Anti‑reflective white polycarbonate alveolar optic.

3F HD 50 - DALI electronic wiring 230V-50/60Hz

Code Item W lm K CRI LxAxH
6470 3F HD50DI WH 12+20/830 DALI OCW L1214 37 4312 3000 >80 1214x57x80
6471 3F HD50DI WH 15+26/830 DALI OCW L1508 48 5451 3000 >80 1508x57x80
6472 3F HD50DI WH 30+52/830 DALI OCW L2975 90 10914 3000 >80 2975x57x80

3F HD DI OCB Single


Average luminance <2500 cd/m² for angles >45°.

Average luminance <200 cd/m² for angles >65°.
Environments with very exacting visual tasks and control of
luminance at angles of >45° compared to the LEED certification.
Offices with video terminals and administrative, information and
school offices.
Transparent methacrylate (PMMA) lenses with different facets to
optimise the direction of the luminous flux.
Code 6556 L<2500 cd/m² 45° Anti‑reflective black polycarbonate alveolar optic.

3F HD 50 - DALI electronic wiring 230V-50/60Hz

Code Item W lm K CRI LxAxH
6555 3F HD50DI BK 12+20/830 DALI OCB L1214 37 4185 3000 >80 1214x57x80
6556 3F HD50DI BK 15+26/830 DALI OCB L1508 48 5292 3000 >80 1508x57x80
6557 3F HD50DI BK 30+52/830 DALI OCB L2975 90 10596 3000 >80 2975x57x80
6640 3F HD50DI AL 12+20/830 DALI OCB L1214 37 4185 3000 >80 1214x57x80
6641 3F HD50DI AL 15+26/830 DALI OCB L1508 48 5292 3000 >80 1508x57x80
6642 3F HD50DI AL 30+52/830 DALI OCB L2975 90 10596 3000 >80 2975x57x80

Performances are measured and certified by our CTFs stage 2 Photometric Laboratory (more information on page 12).
74 Datasheets, product updates and specifications on our website: architectural.3f-filippi.com
3F HD DI GSP Single


Average luminance <3000 cd/m² for angles >65°.

Non‑iridescent high efficiency specular aluminium with a titanium
and magnesium surface treatment flow recuperator.
SP transparent methacrylate (PMMA) diffuser, prismatic outside,
Code 6464 L<3000 cd/m² 65° Anti‑glare opal polycarbonate filter for brightness uniformity.

3F HD 50 - DALI electronic wiring 230V-50/60Hz

Code Item W lm K CRI LxAxH
6463 3F HD50DI WH 13+20/840 DALI GSP L1214 37 4081 4000 >80 1214x57x80
6464 3F HD50DI WH 16+26/840 DALI GSP L1508 46 5164 4000 >80 1508x57x80
6465 3F HD50DI WH 32+52/840 DALI GSP L2975 91 10340 4000 >80 2975x57x80
6548 3F HD50DI BK 13+20/840 DALI GSP L1214 37 4081 4000 >80 1214x57x80
6549 3F HD50DI BK 16+26/840 DALI GSP L1508 46 5164 4000 >80 1508x57x80
6550 3F HD50DI BK 32+52/840 DALI GSP L2975 91 10340 4000 >80 2975x57x80
6633 3F HD50DI AL 13+20/840 DALI GSP L1214 37 4081 4000 >80 1214x57x80
6634 3F HD50DI AL 16+26/840 DALI GSP L1508 46 5164 4000 >80 1508x57x80
6635 3F HD50DI AL 32+52/840 DALI GSP L2975 91 10340 4000 >80 2975x57x80
3F HD 100 - DALI electronic wiring 230V-50/60Hz
Code Item W lm K CRI LxAxH
6482 3F HD100DI WH 22+20/840 DALI GSP L1214 46 5394 4000 >80 1214x100x80
6483 3F HD100DI WH 26+26/840 DALI GSP L1508 61 6805 4000 >80 1508x100x80
6484 3F HD100DI WH 52+52/840 DALI GSP L2975 113 13510 4000 >80 2975x100x80
6567 3F HD100DI BK 22+20/840 DALI GSP L1214 46 5394 4000 >80 1214x100x80
6568 3F HD100DI BK 26+26/840 DALI GSP L1508 61 6805 4000 >80 1508x100x80
6569 3F HD100DI BK 52+52/840 DALI GSP L2975 113 13510 4000 >80 2975x100x80
6652 3F HD100DI AL 22+20/840 DALI GSP L1214 46 5394 4000 >80 1214x100x80
6653 3F HD100DI AL 26+26/840 DALI GSP L1508 61 6805 4000 >80 1508x100x80
6654 3F HD100DI AL 52+52/840 DALI GSP L2975 113 13510 4000 >80 2975x100x80

3F HD Direct/Indirect - Single 75
3F HD DI FDP Single


Average luminance <3000 cd/m² for angles >65°.

Non‑iridescent high efficiency specular aluminium with a titanium
and magnesium surface treatment flow recuperator.
Externally micro prismatic transparent flat anti‑glare polycarbonate
Code 6475 L<3000 cd/m² 65° Opal polycarbonate internal anti‑glare filter for lighting uniformity.

3F HD 50 - DALI electronic wiring 230V-50/60Hz

Code Item W lm K CRI LxAxH
6455 3F HD50DI WH 13+20/840 DALI FDP L1214 37 3999 4000 >80 1214x57x80
6456 3F HD50DI WH 16+26/840 DALI FDP L1508 46 5061 4000 >80 1508x57x80
6457 3F HD50DI WH 32+52/840 DALI FDP L2975 91 10134 4000 >80 2975x57x80
6540 3F HD50DI BK 13+20/840 DALI FDP L1214 37 3999 4000 >80 1214x57x80
6541 3F HD50DI BK 16+26/840 DALI FDP L1508 46 5061 4000 >80 1508x57x80
6542 3F HD50DI BK 32+52/840 DALI FDP L2975 91 10134 4000 >80 2975x57x80
6625 3F HD50DI AL 13+20/840 DALI FDP L1214 37 3999 4000 >80 1214x57x80
6626 3F HD50DI AL 16+26/840 DALI FDP L1508 46 5061 4000 >80 1508x57x80
6627 3F HD50DI AL 32+52/840 DALI FDP L2975 91 10134 4000 >80 2975x57x80
3F HD 100 - DALI electronic wiring 230V-50/60Hz
Code Item W lm K CRI LxAxH
6474 3F HD100DI WH 22+20/840 DALI FDP L1214 46 5245 4000 >80 1214x100x80
6475 3F HD100DI WH 26+26/840 DALI FDP L1508 61 6619 4000 >80 1508x100x80
6476 3F HD100DI WH 52+52/840 DALI FDP L2975 113 13144 4000 >80 2975x100x80
6559 3F HD100DI BK 22+20/840 DALI FDP L1214 46 5245 4000 >80 1214x100x80
6560 3F HD100DI BK 26+26/840 DALI FDP L1508 61 6619 4000 >80 1508x100x80
6561 3F HD100DI BK 52+52/840 DALI FDP L2975 113 13144 4000 >80 2975x100x80
6644 3F HD100DI AL 22+20/840 DALI FDP L1214 46 5245 4000 >80 1214x100x80
6645 3F HD100DI AL 26+26/840 DALI FDP L1508 61 6619 4000 >80 1508x100x80
6646 3F HD100DI AL 52+52/840 DALI FDP L2975 113 13144 4000 >80 2975x100x80

Performances are measured and certified by our CTFs stage 2 Photometric Laboratory (more information on page 12).
76 Datasheets, product updates and specifications on our website: architectural.3f-filippi.com
3F HD DI FDO Single


Non‑iridescent high efficiency specular aluminium with a titanium

and magnesium surface treatment flow recuperator.
Code 6479 Flat opal anti‑glare polycarbonate diffuser.

3F HD 50 - DALI electronic wiring 230V-50/60Hz

Code Item W lm K CRI LxAxH
6459 3F HD50DI WH 13+20/840 DALI FDO L1214 37 3957 4000 >80 1214x57x80
6460 3F HD50DI WH 16+26/840 DALI FDO L1508 46 5009 4000 >80 1508x57x80
6461 3F HD50DI WH 32+52/840 DALI FDO L2975 91 10031 4000 >80 2975x57x80
6544 3F HD50DI BK 13+20/840 DALI FDO L1214 37 3957 4000 >80 1214x57x80
6545 3F HD50DI BK 16+26/840 DALI FDO L1508 46 5009 4000 >80 1508x57x80
6546 3F HD50DI BK 32+52/840 DALI FDO L2975 91 10031 4000 >80 2975x57x80
6629 3F HD50DI AL 13+20/840 DALI FDO L1214 37 3957 4000 >80 1214x57x80
6630 3F HD50DI AL 16+26/840 DALI FDO L1508 46 5009 4000 >80 1508x57x80
6631 3F HD50DI AL 32+52/840 DALI FDO L2975 91 10031 4000 >80 2975x57x80
3F HD 100 - DALI electronic wiring 230V-50/60Hz
Code Item W lm K CRI LxAxH
6478 3F HD100DI WH 22+20/840 DALI FDO L1214 46 5081 4000 >80 1214x100x80
6479 3F HD100DI WH 26+26/840 DALI FDO L1508 61 6414 4000 >80 1508x100x80
6480 3F HD100DI WH 52+52/840 DALI FDO L2975 113 12742 4000 >80 2975x100x80
6563 3F HD100DI BK 22+20/840 DALI FDO L1214 46 5081 4000 >80 1214x100x80
6564 3F HD100DI BK 26+26/840 DALI FDO L1508 61 6414 4000 >80 1508x100x80
6565 3F HD100DI BK 52+52/840 DALI FDO L2975 113 12742 4000 >80 2975x100x80
6648 3F HD100DI AL 22+20/840 DALI FDO L1214 46 5081 4000 >80 1214x100x80
6649 3F HD100DI AL 26+26/840 DALI FDO L1508 61 6414 4000 >80 1508x100x80
6650 3F HD100DI AL 52+52/840 DALI FDO L2975 113 12742 4000 >80 2975x100x80

3F HD Direct/Indirect - Single 77
/ 3F Architectural

HDI Assicurazioni


50 100 L

3F HD Direct/Indirect - Channel
Direct‑indirect distribution. Suspension installation.
Lifetime (L80/B10): 100000 h. (tq+25°C)
Photobiological safety RG0 (page 16).
SOURCE Environments: with VDTs, meeting rooms, offices.
Environments: architectural, commercial, staterooms, banks.
Linear LED modules. Environments where dynamic, soft and diffuse light is required for
Colour initial tolerance (MacAdam): SDCM 3. optimal visual comfort.

FDO version
MECHANICAL Environments where soft diffuse light is required for optimal visual
comfort and total shielding of the source.
Extruded aluminium housing.
Removable gear‑tray.
Hot‑dip galvanised steel linear connecting element installed on the body LIGHT MANAGEMENT
for rapid mechanical connection.
Translucent polycarbonate upper diffuser. The DALI products can be controlled with 3F Easy Dim (page 722) or
3F Smart Dimming technology (page 732).

In compliance with EN 60598‑1.
Compliance with the EN 60598‑2‑22 standard for power supply from a • different powers or colour temperatures
centralised CPSS emergency system must be verified in the technical • housing in different RAL colours
data sheets of each individual device on our website. • OC optic in different RAL colours
5‑pole terminal block, single 230V circuit, 2 DALI addresses (depending • wiring: CLO (page 752)
on the type of lighting fixture). • CRI >90 sources
Entrance to the upper power supply in proximity to a power head. • emergency versions
Branching via an irreversible quick coupling plug to connect the cable
housing element to the socket.

3F HD DI OCW Channel


Average luminance <2500 cd/m² for angles >45°.

Average luminance <1500 cd/m² for angles >65°.
Environments with very exacting visual tasks and control of
luminance at angles of >45° compared to the LEED certification.
Offices with video terminals and administrative, information and
school offices.
Transparent methacrylate (PMMA) lenses with different facets to
optimise the direction of the luminous flux.
Code 6516 L<2500 cd/m² 45° Anti‑reflective white polycarbonate alveolar optic.

3F HD 50 - DALI electronic wiring 230V-50/60Hz

Code Item W lm K CRI LxAxH
6515 3F HD50DI WH 12+20/830 DALI 5P OCW L1174 37 4312 3000 >80 1174x57x80
6516 3F HD50DI WH 15+26/830 DALI 5P OCW L1468 48 5451 3000 >80 1468x57x80
6517 3F HD50DI WH 30+52/830 DALI 5P OCW L2935 90 10914 3000 >80 2935x57x80

3F HD DI OCB Channel


Average luminance <2500 cd/m² for angles >45°.

Average luminance <200 cd/m² for angles >65°.
Environments with very exacting visual tasks and control of
luminance at angles of >45° compared to the LEED certification.
Offices with video terminals and administrative, information and
school offices.
Transparent methacrylate (PMMA) lenses with different facets to
optimise the direction of the luminous flux.
Code 6601 L<2500 cd/m² 45° Anti‑reflective black polycarbonate alveolar optic.

3F HD 50 - DALI electronic wiring 230V-50/60Hz

Code Item W lm K CRI LxAxH
6600 3F HD50DI BK 12+20/830 DALI 5P OCB L1174 37 4185 3000 >80 1174x57x80
6601 3F HD50DI BK 15+26/830 DALI 5P OCB L1468 48 5292 3000 >80 1468x57x80
6602 3F HD50DI BK 30+52/830 DALI 5P OCB L2935 90 10596 3000 >80 2935x57x80
6685 3F HD50DI AL 12+20/830 DALI 5P OCB L1174 37 4185 3000 >80 1174x57x80
6686 3F HD50DI AL 15+26/830 DALI 5P OCB L1468 48 5292 3000 >80 1468x57x80
6687 3F HD50DI AL 30+52/830 DALI 5P OCB L2935 90 10596 3000 >80 2935x57x80

Performances are measured and certified by our CTFs stage 2 Photometric Laboratory (more information on page 12).
80 Datasheets, product updates and specifications on our website: architectural.3f-filippi.com
3F HD DI GSP Channel


Average luminance <3000 cd/m² for angles >65°.

Non‑iridescent high efficiency specular aluminium with a titanium
and magnesium surface treatment flow recuperator.
SP transparent methacrylate (PMMA) diffuser, prismatic outside,
Code 6501 L<3000 cd/m² 65° Anti‑glare opal polycarbonate filter for brightness uniformity.

3F HD 50 - DALI electronic wiring 230V-50/60Hz

Code Item W lm K CRI LxAxH
6500 3F HD50DI WH 13+20/840 DALI 5P GSP L1174 37 4081 4000 >80 1174x57x80
6501 3F HD50DI WH 16+26/840 DALI 5P GSP L1468 46 5164 4000 >80 1468x57x80
6505 3F HD50DI WH 32+52/840 DALI 5P GSP L2935 91 10340 4000 >80 2935x57x80
6585 3F HD50DI BK 13+20/840 DALI 5P GSP L1174 37 4081 4000 >80 1174x57x80
6586 3F HD50DI BK 16+26/840 DALI 5P GSP L1468 46 5164 4000 >80 1468x57x80
6590 3F HD50DI BK 32+52/840 DALI 5P GSP L2935 91 10340 4000 >80 2935x57x80
6670 3F HD50DI AL 13+20/840 DALI 5P GSP L1174 37 4081 4000 >80 1174x57x80
6671 3F HD50DI AL 16+26/840 DALI 5P GSP L1468 46 5164 4000 >80 1468x57x80
6675 3F HD50DI AL 32+52/840 DALI 5P GSP L2935 91 10340 4000 >80 2935x57x80
3F HD 100 - DALI electronic wiring 230V-50/60Hz
Code Item W lm K CRI LxAxH
6530 3F HD100DI WH 22+20/840 DALI 5P GSP L1174 46 5394 4000 >80 1174x100x80
6531 3F HD100DI WH 26+26/840 DALI 5P GSP L1468 61 6805 4000 >80 1468x100x80
6535 3F HD100DI WH 52+52/840 DALI 5P GSP L2935 113 13510 4000 >80 2935x100x80
6615 3F HD100DI BK 22+20/840 DALI 5P GSP L1174 46 5394 4000 >80 1174x100x80
6616 3F HD100DI BK 26+26/840 DALI 5P GSP L1468 61 6805 4000 >80 1468x100x80
6620 3F HD100DI BK 52+52/840 DALI 5P GSP L2935 113 13510 4000 >80 2935x100x80
6700 3F HD100DI AL 22+20/840 DALI 5P GSP L1174 46 5394 4000 >80 1174x100x80
6701 3F HD100DI AL 26+26/840 DALI 5P GSP L1468 61 6805 4000 >80 1468x100x80
6705 3F HD100DI AL 52+52/840 DALI 5P GSP L2935 113 13510 4000 >80 2935x100x80

3F HD Direct/Indirect - Channel 81
3F HD DI FD Channel


Average luminance <3000 cd/m² for angles >65° (FDP).

Non‑iridescent high efficiency specular aluminium with a titanium
and magnesium surface treatment flow recuperator.
For diffusers see accessories (page 83).
Code 6492 FDP: luminaire suitable for offices.

3F HD 50 - DALI electronic wiring 230V-50/60Hz

Code Item W lm K CRI LxAxH
6491 3F HD50DI WH 13+20/840 DALI 5P FD L1174 37 3999 FDP 4000 >80 1174x57x80
3957 FDO
6492 3F HD50DI WH 16+26/840 DALI 5P FD L1468 46 5061 FDP 4000 >80 1468x57x80
5009 FDO
6496 3F HD50DI WH 32+52/840 DALI 5P FD L2935 91 10134 FDP 4000 >80 2935x57x80
10031 FDO
6576 3F HD50DI BK 13+20/840 DALI 5P FD L1174 37 3999 FDP 4000 >80 1174x57x80
3957 FDO
6577 3F HD50DI BK 16+26/840 DALI 5P FD L1468 46 5061 FDP 4000 >80 1468x57x80
5009 FDO
6581 3F HD50DI BK 32+52/840 DALI 5P FD L2935 91 10134 FDP 4000 >80 2935x57x80
10031 FDO
6661 3F HD50DI AL 13+20/840 DALI 5P FD L1174 37 3999 FDP 4000 >80 1174x57x80
3957 FDO
6662 3F HD50DI AL 16+26/840 DALI 5P FD L1468 46 5061 FDP 4000 >80 1468x57x80
5009 FDO
6666 3F HD50DI AL 32+52/840 DALI 5P FD L2935 91 10134 FDP 4000 >80 2935x57x80
10031 FDO
3F HD 100 - DALI electronic wiring 230V-50/60Hz
Code Item W lm K CRI LxAxH
6521 3F HD100DI WH 22+20/840 DALI 5P FD L1174 46 5245 FDP 4000 >80 1174x100x80
5081 FDO
6522 3F HD100DI WH 26+26/840 DALI 5P FD L1468 61 6619 FDP 4000 >80 1468x100x80
6414 FDO
6526 3F HD100DI WH 52+52/840 DALI 5P FD L2935 113 13144 FDP 4000 >80 2935x100x80
12742 FDO
6606 3F HD100DI BK 22+20/840 DALI 5P FD L1174 46 5245 FDP 4000 >80 1174x100x80
5081 FDO
6607 3F HD100DI BK 26+26/840 DALI 5P FD L1468 61 6619 FDP 4000 >80 1468x100x80
6414 FDO
6611 3F HD100DI BK 52+52/840 DALI 5P FD L2935 113 13144 FDP 4000 >80 2935x100x80
12742 FDO
6691 3F HD100DI AL 22+20/840 DALI 5P FD L1174 46 5245 FDP 4000 >80 1174x100x80
5081 FDO
6692 3F HD100DI AL 26+26/840 DALI 5P FD L1468 61 6619 FDP 4000 >80 1468x100x80
6414 FDO
6696 3F HD100DI AL 52+52/840 DALI 5P FD L2935 113 13144 FDP 4000 >80 2935x100x80
12742 FDO

Performances are measured and certified by our CTFs stage 2 Photometric Laboratory (more information on page 12).
82 Datasheets, product updates and specifications on our website: architectural.3f-filippi.com
3F HD | Accessories
Code Item
A01536 Channels diffusers 3F HD50 - FDP - 6m
A01537 Channels diffusers 3F HD50 - FDP - 9m
A01538 Channels diffusers 3F HD50 - FDP - 15m
A01544 Channels diffusers 3F HD100 - FDP - 6m
A01545 Channels diffusers 3F HD100 - FDP - 9m
A01546 Channels diffusers 3F HD100 - FDP - 15m

FDP Flat diffuser, externally microprismatic and made of transparent polycarbonate, with internal anti‑glare
opal polycarbonate filter for luminous uniformity. Supplied in roll.
Accessory compatible with 3F HD FD Channel and 3F HD DI FD Channel.

Code Item
A01540 Channels diffusers 3F HD50 - FDO - 6m
A01541 Channels diffusers 3F HD50 - FDO - 9m
A01542 Channels diffusers 3F HD50 - FDO - 15m
A01548 Channels diffusers 3F HD100 - FDO - 6m
A01549 Channels diffusers 3F HD100 - FDO - 9m
A01550 Channels diffusers 3F HD100 - FDO - 15m

FDO Flat diffuser, smooth outside and made of opal polycarbonate. Supplied in roll.
Accessory compatible with 3F HD FD Channel and 3F HD DI FD Channel.

Code Item
A01563 Dilator joint FD channels>15m - HD50 WH
A01564 Dilator joint FD channels>15m - HD100 WH
A01568 Dilator joint FD channels>15m - HD50 BK
A01569 Dilator joint FD channels>15m - HD100 BK
A01570 Dilator joint FD channels>15m - HD50 AL
A01571 Pair of end caps 3F HD50R WH channel GSP

Dilator coupling to connect flat diffusers FDP or FDO.

Accessory compatible with 3F HD FD Channel and 3F HD DI FD Channel.
To be used for channels longer than 15 metres.

Code Item
A01558 Pair end caps for 3F HD50 WH channel OC
A01559 Pair end caps for 3F HD50 BK channel OC
A01560 Pair end caps for 3F HD50 AL channel OC

Pair of end caps for light channels equipped with OCB and OCW optics; made of plastic material reinforced
with fibreglass and supplied with fixing screws. Thickness: 20 mm each cap.
Accessory compatible with 3F HD OCW Channel, 3F HD OCB Channel, 3F HD DI OCW Channel
and 3F HD DI OCB Channel.
These accessories are not suitable for single‑unit installation.

3F HD 83
Code Item
A01578 Pair of end caps for 3F HD50 WH channel GSP
A01579 Pair of end caps for 3F HD50 BK channel GSP
A01580 Pair of end caps for 3F HD50 AL channel GSP
A01581 Pair of end caps for 3F HD100 WH channel GSP
A01582 Pair of end caps for 3F HD100 BK channel GSP
A01583 Pair of end caps for 3F HD100 AL channel GSP

Pair of end caps for light channels equipped with GSP screens; made of plastic material reinforced with
fibreglass and supplied with fixing screws. Thickness: 20 mm each cap.
Accessory compatible with 3F HD GSP Channel and 3F HD DI GSP Channel.
These accessories are not suitable for single‑unit installation.

Code Item
A01552 Pair of end caps for 3F HD50 WH channel FD
A01553 Pair of end caps for 3F HD50 BK channel FD
A01554 Pair of end caps for 3F HD50 AL channel FD
A01555 Pair of end caps for 3F HD100 WH channel FD
A01556 Pair of end caps for 3F HD100 BK channel FD
A01557 Pair of end caps for 3F HD100 AL channel FD

Pair of end caps for light channels equipped with FDP and FDO screens; made of plastic material reinforced
with fibreglass and supplied with fixing screws. Thickness: 20 mm each cap.
Accessory compatible with 3F HD FD Channel and 3F HD DI FD Channel.
These accessories are not suitable for single‑unit installation.

Code Item
A01530 Ceiling/recessed sliding brack. 3F HD50
A01531 Ceiling/recessed sliding brack. 3F HD100

Stainless steel sliding bracket that can be positioned freely. Accessory dedicated to ceiling installation.

Code Item
A01532 Slid.brack.w/reg.susp.instal. 3F HD50
A01528 Slid.brack.w/reg.susp.instal. 3F HD100

Free‑position sliding bracket with regulator in stainless steel. Accessory dedicated to suspended installation.
In the event of buying the sliding bracket with a regulator (code A01532 ‑ A01528) on its own, the
suspension cable must be made of galvanised steel with 49 elementary wires with a minimum
diameter of 1,5 mm² (for a load of 15 kg).

84 Datasheets, product updates and specifications on our website: architectural.3f-filippi.com

Code Item
A20485 Suspension without adjustment - 0.5 m
A20486 Suspension without adjustment - 1 m
A20487 Suspension without adjustment - 2 m
A20488 Suspension without adjustment - 3 m
A20489 Suspension without adjustment - 4 m
A20490 Suspension without adjustment - 5 m
A20491 Suspension without adjustment - 6 m

Suspension without controller, galvanised steel cable 1.5 mm diameter, load 15 kg.
Accessory compatible with sliding bracket code A01532 and A01528.
In the case of purchase of only one sliding bracket with controller (codes A01532 ‑ A01528), the
suspension cable must be made of galvanised steel with 49 elementary wires of minimum 1.5 mm
diameter (for a weight of 15 kg).

Code Item
A0716 Coil galv. cable diam. 1.5mm - 100m
The pack contains 100 metres.
A0717 Coil galv. cable diam. 1.5mm - 500m
The pack contains 500 metres.
A0718 Coil galv. cable diam. 1.5mm - 1000m
The pack contains 1000 metres.

Galvanised steel cable, diameter 1.5 mm, composed of 49 wires. 15 kg capacity (ratio 5:1).
Accessory compatible with one of the following codes: A01532 ‑ A01528 ‑ A0714.

Code Item
A0714 Clamp 2 holes susp.- 100 pcs
The pack contains 100 pieces.

Clamp in nickel‑plated brass suitable for fixing and adjustment of galvanised steel wire (diameter 1,25 mm
1,5 mm ‑ 2 mm), complete with locking screws. The 2 hole clamp allows to block and adjust the cable on a
bearing element (part of the building) or on rounded eye bolt.
Accessory compatible with one of the following codes: A0716 ‑ A0717 ‑ A0718.

Code Item
A01567 3F HD - 5P socket/plug terminal block

Terminal block (plug/socket) with irreversible snap‑in double clamp, for power‑supply connection at
beginning and end of the channel, 5 poles.
Accessory compatible with 3F HD - Direct - Single - Tunable White, 3F HD - Direct - Channel, 3F
HD - Direct/Indirect - Channel.

Code Item
A0679 5 pole rectangular rose (no cable) WH

Electric supply with white polycarbonate case, internal bracket in galvanised steel.
Accessory compatible with 3F HD - Direct - Single, 3F HD - Direct - Single - Tunable White, 3F HD
- Direct/Indirect - Single, 3F HD - Direct/Indirect - Channel.

3F HD 85
www.3F-Filippi.com/3F HD R

Design by Park Associati Overview

3F HD R is available with different photometric distributions that are • Luminous efficacy up to 123 lumen/watt.
obtained with opal and prismatic screens. • Luminous fluxes from 1250 to 9997 lumens.
The fixture is also available in a LEED compliant version equipped • Average luminance <200 cd/m² (OCB version).
with an OCB optic, a unique solution with innovative technology • Extensive installation pitch.
to control luminance in the workplace in compliance with LEED • UGR <16 (OCW version).
specifications. • LEED Compliant.
3F HD R is composed of an H section aluminium linear profile and • Available with OC lenticular optics or diffusers.
it can be used easily in continuous lines with a significant reduction • Module lengths optimised to reduce installation time and required
in installation time thanks to the presence of concealed joints and accessories by up to 20%.
standard mounted plug-sockets. • Quick and easy cleaning.
• Seamless screens (up to 15 metres in length).
This product is also available in this version 3F HD (page 42). • EcoDesign: power supplies and sources replaceable at the end
of product life.
• Ease of assembly and maintenance.
• Versatility of use in different environments.
• Mechanical and electrical assembly without tools.
• Thanks to the FastWiring system, the installation time is
drastically reduced.

Page Product Recessed

90 3F HD R Recessed - Single •
96 3F HD R Recessed - Channel •

Product range

3F HD R 50 71


3F HD 50 R


Average luminance
for angles> 65 >3000 <3000 <3000 <1500
(cd / m²)

UGR <21 <19 <19 <16

Finishes White


Installation steps Dt 1,29 1,16 1,14 1,32

Dl 1,24 1,18 1,18 1,00

NEW Arrange the version that best suits your needs quickly and easily


3F HD R 100 71


3F HD 100 R


Average luminance
for angles> 65 >3000 <3000 <3000
(cd / m²)

UGR <21 <19 <19

Finishes White


Installation steps Dt 1,40 1,50 1,45

Dl 1,20 1,25 1,25

/ 3F Architectural


50 100 L

3F HD R Recessed - Single
Direct symmetric distribution. Recessed installation.
Lifetime (L80/B10): 100000 h. (tq+25°C)
Photobiological safety RG0 (page 16).
SOURCE Environments: with VDTs, meeting rooms, offices.
Environments: architectural, commercial, staterooms, banks.
Linear LED modules. Environments where dynamic, soft and diffuse light is required for
Colour initial tolerance (MacAdam): SDCM 3. optimal visual comfort.

FDO version
MECHANICAL Environments where soft diffuse light is required for optimal visual
comfort and total shielding of the source.
Housing in white painted extruded aluminium.
Removable gear‑tray.
End caps in white steel. LIGHT MANAGEMENT
The DALI products can be controlled with 3F Easy Dim (page 722) or
ELECTRICAL 3F Smart Dimming technology (page 732).

In compliance with EN 60598‑1.

Compliance with the EN 60598‑2‑22 standard for power supply from a ON REQUEST
centralised CPSS emergency system must be verified in the technical
data sheets of each individual device on our website. • different powers or colour temperatures
Entrance to the upper power supply in proximity to a power head. • housing in different RAL colours
Branching via an irreversible quick coupling plug to connect the cable • optic in different RAL colours
housing element to the socket. • wiring: CLO (page 752)
• Optics Control Black
• CRI >90 sources
• emergency versions

3F HD R OCW Single


Average luminance <2500 cd/m² for angles >45°.

Average luminance <1500 cd/m² for angles >65°.
Environments with very exacting visual tasks and control of
luminance at angles of >45° compared to the LEED certification.
Offices with video terminals and administrative, information and
school offices.
Transparent methacrylate (PMMA) lenses with different facets to
optimise the direction of the luminous flux.
Code 6726 L<2500 cd/m² 45° Anti‑reflective white polycarbonate alveolar optic.

3F HD 50 - DALI electronic wiring 230V-50/60Hz

Code Item W lm K CRI LxAxH
6725 3F HD50R WH 12/830 DALI OCW L1188 14.5 1713 3000 >80 1188x67x71
6726 3F HD50R WH 15/830 DALI OCW L1482 18 2143 3000 >80 1482x67x71
6727 3F HD50R WH 30/830 DALI OCW L2949 33 4285 3000 >80 2949x67x71

3F HD R GSP Single


Average luminance <3000 cd/m² for angles >65°.

Non‑iridescent high efficiency specular aluminium with a titanium
and magnesium surface treatment flow recuperator.
SP flat diffuser in transparent methacrylate (PMMA), outside
prismatic, anti‑glare.
Code 6719 L<3000 cd/m² 65° Anti‑glare opal polycarbonate filter for brightness uniformity.

3F HD 50 - DALI electronic wiring 230V-50/60Hz

Code Item W lm K CRI LxAxH
6718 3F HD50R WH 13/840 DALI GSP L1188 14 1374 4000 >80 1188x67x71
6719 3F HD50R WH 16/840 DALI GSP L1482 18 1718 4000 >80 1482x67x71
6720 3F HD50R WH 32/840 DALI GSP L2949 35 3435 4000 >80 2949x67x71
3F HD 100 - DALI electronic wiring 230V-50/60Hz
Code Item W lm K CRI LxAxH
6737 3F HD100R WH 22/840 DALI GSP L1188 24 2617 4000 >80 1188x110x71
6738 3F HD100R WH 26/840 DALI GSP L1482 29 3271 4000 >80 1482x110x71
6739 3F HD100R WH 52/840 DALI GSP L2949 56 6428 4000 >80 2949x110x71

Performances are measured and certified by our CTFs stage 2 Photometric Laboratory (more information on page 12).
92 Datasheets, product updates and specifications on our website: architectural.3f-filippi.com
3F HD R HO GSP Single


Non‑iridescent high efficiency specular aluminium with a titanium

and magnesium surface treatment flow recuperator.
SP flat diffuser in transparent methacrylate (PMMA), outside
prismatic, anti‑glare.
Code 6848 Anti‑glare opal polycarbonate filter for brightness uniformity.

3F HD 50 - DALI electronic wiring 230V-50/60Hz

Code Item W lm K CRI LxAxH
6847 3F HD50R WH HO 22/840 DALI GSP L1188 25 2596 4000 >80 1188x67x71
6848 3F HD50R WH HO 26/840 DALI GSP L1482 30 3246 4000 >80 1482x67x71
6849 3F HD50R WH HO 52/840 DALI GSP L2949 58 6492 4000 >80 2949x67x71
3F HD 100 - DALI electronic wiring 230V-50/60Hz
Code Item W lm K CRI LxAxH
6850 3F HD100R WH HO 36/840 DALI GSP L1188 39 4434 4000 >80 1188x110x71
6851 3F HD100R WH HO 44/840 DALI GSP L1482 49 5542 4000 >80 1482x110x71
6852 3F HD100R WH HO 88/840 DALI GSP L2949 98 11085 4000 >80 2949x110x71

3F HD R FDP Single


Average luminance <3000 cd/m² for angles >65°.

Non‑iridescent high efficiency specular aluminium with a titanium
and magnesium surface treatment flow recuperator.
Externally micro prismatic transparent flat anti‑glare polycarbonate
Code 6730 L<3000 cd/m² 65° Anti‑glare opal polycarbonate filter for brightness uniformity.

3F HD 50 - DALI electronic wiring 230V-50/60Hz

Code Item W lm K CRI LxAxH
6710 3F HD50R WH 13/840 DALI FDP L1188 14 1292 4000 >80 1188x67x71
6711 3F HD50R WH 16/840 DALI FDP L1482 18 1615 4000 >80 1482x67x71
6712 3F HD50R WH 32/840 DALI FDP L2949 35 3229 4000 >80 2949x67x71
3F HD 100 - DALI electronic wiring 230V-50/60Hz
Code Item W lm K CRI LxAxH
6729 3F HD100R WH 22/840 DALI FDP L1188 24 2468 4000 >80 1188x110x71
6730 3F HD100R WH 26/840 DALI FDP L1482 29 3085 4000 >80 1482x110x71
6731 3F HD100R WH 52/840 DALI FDP L2949 56 6062 4000 >80 2949x110x71

3F HD R Recessed - Single 93
3F HD R HO FDP Single


Non‑iridescent high efficiency specular aluminium with a titanium

and magnesium surface treatment flow recuperator.
Externally micro prismatic transparent flat anti‑glare polycarbonate
Code 6857 Anti‑glare opal polycarbonate filter for brightness uniformity.

3F HD 50 - DALI electronic wiring 230V-50/60Hz

Code Item W lm K CRI LxAxH
6853 3F HD50R WH HO 22/840 DALI FDP L1188 25 2448 4000 >80 1188x67x71
6854 3F HD50R WH HO 26/840 DALI FDP L1482 30 3061 4000 >80 1482x67x71
6855 3F HD50R WH HO 52/840 DALI FDP L2949 58 6122 4000 >80 2949x67x71
3F HD 100 - DALI electronic wiring 230V-50/60Hz
Code Item W lm K CRI LxAxH
6856 3F HD100R WH HO 36/840 DALI FDP L1188 39 4182 4000 >80 1188x110x71
6857 3F HD100R WH HO 44/840 DALI FDP L1482 49 5227 4000 >80 1482x110x71
6858 3F HD100R WH HO 88/840 DALI FDP L2949 98 10454 4000 >80 2949x110x71

3F HD R FDO Single


Non‑iridescent high efficiency specular aluminium with a titanium

and magnesium surface treatment flow recuperator.
Code 6734 Flat opal anti‑glare polycarbonate diffuser.

3F HD 50 - DALI electronic wiring 230V-50/60Hz

Code Item W lm K CRI LxAxH
6714 3F HD50R WH 13/840 DALI FDO L1188 14 1250 4000 >80 1188x67x71
6715 3F HD50R WH 16/840 DALI FDO L1482 18 1563 4000 >80 1482x67x71
6716 3F HD50R WH 32/840 DALI FDO L2949 35 3126 4000 >80 2949x67x71
3F HD 100 - DALI electronic wiring 230V-50/60Hz
Code Item W lm K CRI LxAxH
6733 3F HD100R WH 22/840 DALI FDO L1188 24 2304 4000 >80 1188x110x71
6734 3F HD100R WH 26/840 DALI FDO L1482 29 2880 4000 >80 1482x110x71
6735 3F HD100R WH 52/840 DALI FDO L2949 56 5660 4000 >80 2949x110x71

Performances are measured and certified by our CTFs stage 2 Photometric Laboratory (more information on page 12).
94 Datasheets, product updates and specifications on our website: architectural.3f-filippi.com
3F HD R HO FDO Single


Non‑iridescent high efficiency specular aluminium with a titanium

and magnesium surface treatment flow recuperator.
Code 6863 Flat opal anti‑glare polycarbonate diffuser.

3F HD 50 - DALI electronic wiring 230V-50/60Hz

Code Item W lm K CRI LxAxH
6859 3F HD50R WH HO 22/840 DALI FDO L1188 25 2286 4000 >80 1188x67x71
6860 3F HD50R WH HO 26/840 DALI FDO L1482 30 2858 4000 >80 1482x67x71
6861 3F HD50R WH HO 52/840 DALI FDO L2949 58 5716 4000 >80 2949x67x71
3F HD 100 - DALI electronic wiring 230V-50/60Hz
Code Item W lm K CRI LxAxH
6862 3F HD100R WH HO 36/840 DALI FDO L1188 39 3904 4000 >80 1188x110x71
6863 3F HD100R WH HO 44/840 DALI FDO L1482 49 4880 4000 >80 1482x110x71
6864 3F HD100R WH HO 88/840 DALI FDO L2949 98 9760 4000 >80 2949x110x71

3F HD R Recessed - Single 95
/ 3F Architectural


50 100 L

3F HD R Recessed - Channel
Direct symmetric distribution. Recessed installation.
Lifetime (L80/B10): 100000 h. (tq+25°C)
Photobiological safety RG0 (page 16).
SOURCE Environments: with VDTs, meeting rooms, offices.
Environments: architectural, commercial, staterooms, banks.
Linear LED modules. Environments where dynamic, soft and diffuse light is required for
Colour initial tolerance (MacAdam): SDCM 3. optimal visual comfort.

FDO version
MECHANICAL Environments where soft diffuse light is required for optimal visual
comfort and total shielding of the source.
Housing in white painted extruded aluminium.
Removable gear‑tray.
Hot‑dip galvanised steel linear connecting element installed on the body LIGHT MANAGEMENT
for rapid mechanical connection.
The DALI products can be controlled with 3F Easy Dim (page 722) or
3F Smart Dimming technology (page 732).
In compliance with EN 60598‑1. ON REQUEST
Compliance with the EN 60598‑2‑22 standard for power supply from a
centralised CPSS emergency system must be verified in the technical • different powers or colour temperatures
data sheets of each individual device on our website. • housing in different RAL colours
Entrance to the upper power supply in proximity to a power head. • OC optic in different RAL colours
5 mm² section 2.5 pin through line with an irreversible quick coupling • wiring: CLO (page 752)
plug plug/socket fixed on the body for rapid electrical connection. • CRI >90 sources
Branching via an irreversible quick coupling plug to connect the cable • emergency versions
housing element to the socket.

3F HD R OCW Channel


Average luminance <2500 cd/m² for angles >45°.

Average luminance <1500 cd/m² for angles >65°.
Environments with very exacting visual tasks and control of
luminance at angles of >45° compared to the LEED certification.
Offices with video terminals and administrative, information and
school offices.
Transparent methacrylate (PMMA) lenses with different facets to
optimise the direction of the luminous flux.
Code 6771 L<2500 cd/m² 45° Anti‑reflective white polycarbonate alveolar optic.

3F HD 50 - DALI electronic wiring 230V-50/60Hz

Code Item W lm K CRI LxAxH
6770 3F HD50R WH 12/830 DALI 5P OCW L1174 14.5 1713 3000 >80 1174x67x71
6771 3F HD50R WH 15/830 DALI 5P OCW L1468 18 2143 3000 >80 1468x67x71
6772 3F HD50R WH 30/830 DALI 5P OCW L2935 33 4285 3000 >80 2935x67x71

3F HD R GSP Channel


Average luminance <3000 cd/m² for angles >65°.

Non‑iridescent high efficiency specular aluminium with a titanium
and magnesium surface treatment flow recuperator.
SP flat diffuser in transparent methacrylate (PMMA), outside
prismatic, anti‑glare.
Code 6756 L<3000 cd/m² 65° Anti‑glare opal polycarbonate filter for brightness uniformity.

3F HD 50 - DALI electronic wiring 230V-50/60Hz

Code Item W lm K CRI LxAxH
6755 3F HD50R WH 13/840 DALI 5P GSP L1174 14 1374 4000 >80 1174x67x71
6756 3F HD50R WH 16/840 DALI 5P GSP L1468 18 1718 4000 >80 1468x67x71
6760 3F HD50R WH 32/840 DALI 5P GSP L2935 35 3435 4000 >80 2935x67x71
3F HD 100 - DALI electronic wiring 230V-50/60Hz
Code Item W lm K CRI LxAxH
6785 3F HD100R WH 22/840 DALI 5P GSP L1174 24 2617 4000 >80 1174x110x71
6786 3F HD100R WH 26/840 DALI 5P GSP L1468 29 3271 4000 >80 1468x110x71
6790 3F HD100R WH 52/840 DALI 5P GSP L2935 56 6428 4000 >80 2935x110x71

Performances are measured and certified by our CTFs stage 2 Photometric Laboratory (more information on page 12).
98 Datasheets, product updates and specifications on our website: architectural.3f-filippi.com
3F HD R FD Channel


Average luminance <3000 cd/m² for angles >65° (FDP).

Non‑iridescent high efficiency specular aluminium with a titanium
and magnesium surface treatment flow recuperator.
For diffusers see accessories (page 100).
Code 6747 FDP: luminaire suitable for offices.

3F HD 50 - DALI electronic wiring 230V-50/60Hz

Code Item W lm K CRI LxAxH
6746 3F HD50R WH 13/840 DALI 5P FD L1174 14 1292 FDP 4000 >80 1174x67x71
1250 FDO
6747 3F HD50R WH 16/840 DALI 5P FD L1468 18 1615 FDP 4000 >80 1468x67x71
1563 FDO
6751 3F HD50R WH 32/840 DALI 5P FD L2935 35 3229 FDP 4000 >80 2935x67x71
3126 FDO
3F HD 100 - DALI electronic wiring 230V-50/60Hz
Code Item W lm K CRI LxAxH
6776 3F HD100R WH 22/840 DALI 5P FD L1174 24 2468 FDP 4000 >80 1174x110x71
2304 FDO
6777 3F HD100R WH 26/840 DALI 5P FD L1468 29 3085 FDP 4000 >80 1468x110x71
2880 FDO
6781 3F HD100R WH 52/840 DALI 5P FD L2935 56 6062 FDP 4000 >80 2935x110x71
5660 FDO

3F HD R Recessed - Channel 99
3F HD R | Accessories
Code Item
A01536 Channels diffusers 3F HD50 - FDP - 6m
A01537 Channels diffusers 3F HD50 - FDP - 9m
A01538 Channels diffusers 3F HD50 - FDP - 15m
A01544 Channels diffusers 3F HD100 - FDP - 6m
A01545 Channels diffusers 3F HD100 - FDP - 9m
A01546 Channels diffusers 3F HD100 - FDP - 15m

FDP Flat diffuser, externally microprismatic and made of transparent polycarbonate, with internal anti‑glare
opal polycarbonate filter for luminous uniformity. Supplied in roll.
Accessory compatible with 3F HD R FD Channel.

Code Item
A01540 Channels diffusers 3F HD50 - FDO - 6m
A01541 Channels diffusers 3F HD50 - FDO - 9m
A01542 Channels diffusers 3F HD50 - FDO - 15m
A01548 Channels diffusers 3F HD100 - FDO - 6m
A01549 Channels diffusers 3F HD100 - FDO - 9m
A01550 Channels diffusers 3F HD100 - FDO - 15m

FDO Flat diffuser, smooth outside and made of opal polycarbonate. Supplied in roll.
Accessory compatible with 3F HD R FD Channel.

Code Item
A01563 Dilator joint FD channels>15m - HD50 WH
A01564 Dilator joint FD channels>15m - HD100 WH
A01568 Dilator joint FD channels>15m - HD50 BK
A01569 Dilator joint FD channels>15m - HD100 BK
A01570 Dilator joint FD channels>15m - HD50 AL
A01571 Pair of end caps 3F HD50R WH channel GSP

Dilator coupling to connect flat diffusers FDP or FDO.

Accessory compatible with 3F HD R FD Channel.
To be used for channels longer than 15 metres.

Code Item
A01561 Pair end caps 3F HD50R WH chan. FD
A01562 Pair end caps 3F HD100R WH chan. FD
A01572 Dilator joint FD channels>15m - HD100 AL
A01573 Pair of end caps 3F HD100R WH chann GSP
A01574 Pair of end caps 3F HD50R WH channel OCW

Pair of end caps for channels, in grey painted aluminium, with screws for fixing to housing, always required.
Thickness: 10 mm each cap.
Accessory compatible with 3F HD R FD Channel.
These accessories are not suitable for single‑unit installation.

Code Item
A01565 Pair fixing brack. plasterboard 3F HD50R
A01566 Pair fixing brack.plasterboard 3F HD100R

Set of galvanised steel brackets necessary to recess install the fixture in plasterboard.

100 Datasheets, product updates and specifications on our website: architectural.3f-filippi.com

Code Item
A01567 3F HD - 5P socket/plug terminal block

Terminal block (plug/socket) with irreversible snap‑in double clamp, for power‑supply connection at
beginning and end of the channel, 5 poles.
Accessory compatible with 3F HD R - Recessed - Channel.

3F HD R 101
3F Mirella
www.3F-Filippi.com/3F Mirella

Design by Andrea Ciotti Overview

Essential yet at the same time refined the fixture is composed of • Luminous efficacy up to 110 lumen/watt.
an aluminium body that houses the LED technology and a shaped • Luminous fluxes from 4741 to 9051 lumens.
methacrylate (PMMA) part that accompanies the luminous flux. • Average luminance <3000 cd/m².
Available in various models and finishes the new system is designed • Extensive installation pitch.
to integrate discreetly in professional or residential contexts. • UGR <19 (SP version).
The integration of the two elements makes the visual perception of • Driver integrated in the fixture.
the light source change inside the space during the day. • Quick and easy cleaning.
Elaborate, essential and flexible 3F Mirella is a solution that is • EcoDesign: power supplies and sources replaceable at the end
suitable for multiple configurations in modern architectural spaces. of product life.
It can be equipped with diffusers of different types and colours, all • Ease of assembly and maintenance.
interchangeable to give customers the possibility to select the best • Versatility of use in different environments.
light quality and required visual comfort.

This product is also available in this version 3F Mirella Floor (page


Page Product Suspended

106 3F Mirella Direct •
110 3F Mirella Direct/Indirect •
114 3F Mirella Soft Direct •
118 3F Mirella Soft Direct/Indirect •

Screens and finishes
3F Filippi takes their lighting competence to the architectural sector with products with advanced technology and excellent per-
3F Mirella was developed with an optical system composed of three elements that make it possible to have extraordinary glare
values and luminance without compromising on luminous flux output.

A . Secondar y transparent PMMA
lens to optimise light distribution.
B. Secondar y satin PMMA lens
for sof t lighting.

White Black Silver

Flat opal PMMA filter Flat prismatic PMMA filter
Transparent lens Transparent lens

/ 3F Architectural

Ciotti Associates


3F Mirella Direct
Controlled symmetric distribution. Suspension installation.
Lifetime (L80/B10): 100000 h. (tq+25°C)
Photobiological safety RG0 (page 16).
SOURCE Environments involving accurate visual tasks where a diffused and soft
light for an optimum visual comfort and the source total shielding are
Linear LED modules. required.
Colour initial tolerance (MacAdam): SDCM 3. In environments with VDTs, managerial offices and staterooms.

OP version
MECHANICAL Environments where soft diffuse light is required for optimal visual
comfort and total shielding of the source.
Extruded aluminium body, zamak heads.
External lens of particular aesthetic value in transparent methacrylate
Adjustable suspension fixtures with chrome studs and rapid adjusters,
galvanised steel cable of 2 m long. The DALI products can be controlled with 3F Easy Dim (page 722) or
3F Smart Dimming technology (page 732).

In compliance with EN 60598‑1.
Compliance with the EN 60598‑2‑22 standard for power supply from a • different power levels, colour rendering indices and colour
centralised CPSS emergency system must be verified in the technical temperatures
data sheets of each individual device on our website. • wiring: CLO (page 752)
• power and suspension cables of >2 m long
ON/OFF versions • CRI >90 sources
Transparent 3‑pole power cable with white ceiling power supply case. • emergency versions
DALI versions
Transparent 5‑pole power cable with white ceiling power supply case.

3F Mirella SP


Average luminance <3000 cd/m² for radial angles >65°.

Methacrylate (PMMA) primary lens for total source shielding.
Flat transparent prismatic methacrylate (PMMA) filter,
Code 10922 L<3000 cd/m² 65° multi‑lenticular exterior, anti‑glare.

ON/OFF electronic wiring 230V-50/60Hz

Code Item W lm K CRI LxAxH
10920 3F Mirella WH 40 SP L1480 46 4741 4000 >80 1480x112x91
10921 3F Mirella WH 60 SP L2200 66 7112 4000 >80 2200x112x91
10898 3F Mirella BK 40 SP L1480 46 4741 4000 >80 1480x112x91
10899 3F Mirella BK 60 SP L2200 66 7112 4000 >80 2200x112x91
10942 3F Mirella AL 40 SP L1480 46 4741 4000 >80 1480x112x91
10943 3F Mirella AL 60 SP L2200 66 7112 4000 >80 2200x112x91
DALI electronic wiring 230V-50/60Hz
Code Item W lm K CRI LxAxH
10922 3F Mirella WH 40 DALI SP L1480 45 4741 4000 >80 1480x112x91
10923 3F Mirella WH 60 DALI SP L2200 66 7112 4000 >80 2200x112x91
10900 3F Mirella BK 40 DALI SP L1480 45 4741 4000 >80 1480x112x91
10901 3F Mirella BK 60 DALI SP L2200 66 7112 4000 >80 2200x112x91
10944 3F Mirella AL 40 DALI SP L1480 45 4741 4000 >80 1480x112x91
10945 3F Mirella AL 60 DALI SP L2200 66 7112 4000 >80 2200x112x91

Performances are measured and certified by our CTFs stage 2 Photometric Laboratory (more information on page 12).
108 Datasheets, product updates and specifications on our website: architectural.3f-filippi.com
/ 3F Architectural

LCA Architetti


3F Mirella Direct/Indirect
Direct‑indirect distribution. Suspension installation.
Lifetime (L80/B10): 100000 h. (tq+25°C)
Photobiological safety RG0 (page 16).
SOURCE Environments involving accurate visual tasks where a diffused and soft
light for an optimum visual comfort and the source total shielding are
Linear LED modules. required.
Colour initial tolerance (MacAdam): SDCM 3. In environments with VDTs, managerial offices and staterooms.

OP version
MECHANICAL Environments where soft diffuse light is required for optimal visual
comfort and total shielding of the source.
Extruded aluminium body, zamak heads.
External lens of particular aesthetic value in transparent methacrylate
Adjustable suspension fixtures with chrome studs and rapid adjusters,
galvanised steel cable of 2 m long. The DALI products can be controlled with 3F Easy Dim (page 722) or
3F Smart Dimming technology (page 732).

In compliance with EN 60598‑1.
Compliance with the EN 60598‑2‑22 standard for power supply from a • different power levels, colour rendering indices and colour
centralised CPSS emergency system must be verified in the technical temperatures
data sheets of each individual device on our website. • power and suspension cables of >2 m long
• twin‑circuit
ON/OFF versions • wiring: CLO (page 752)
Transparent 3‑pole power cable with white ceiling power supply case, • CRI >90 sources
single ignition. • emergency versions
DALI versions
5‑pole transparent power cable with white power supply case for
ceiling, single 230V circuit, 2 DALI addresses.

3F Mirella DI SP


Methacrylate (PMMA) primary lens for total source shielding.

Flat transparent prismatic methacrylate (PMMA) filter,
multi‑lenticular exterior, anti‑glare.
Code 10926 L<3000 cd/m² 65° Average luminance <3000 cd/m² for radial angles >65°.

ON/OFF electronic wiring 230V-50/60Hz

Code Item W lm K CRI LxAxH
10924 3F Mirella WH DI 40+8 SP L1480 58 5849 4000 >80 1480x112x91
10925 3F Mirella WH DI 60+14 SP L2200 84 8907 4000 >80 2200x112x91
10902 3F Mirella BK DI 40+8 SP L1480 58 5849 4000 >80 1480x112x91
10903 3F Mirella BK DI 60+14 SP L2200 84 8907 4000 >80 2200x112x91
10946 3F Mirella AL DI 40+8 SP L1480 58 5849 4000 >80 1480x112x91
10947 3F Mirella AL DI 60+14 SP L2200 84 8907 4000 >80 2200x112x91
DALI electronic wiring 230V-50/60Hz
Code Item W lm K CRI LxAxH
10926 3F Mirella WH DI 40+8 DALI SP L1480 58 5849 4000 >80 1480x112x91
10927 3F Mirella WH DI 60+14 DALI SP L2200 84 8907 4000 >80 2200x112x91
10904 3F Mirella BK DI 40+8 DALI SP L1480 58 5849 4000 >80 1480x112x91
10905 3F Mirella BK DI 60+14 DALI SP L2200 84 8907 4000 >80 2200x112x91
10948 3F Mirella AL DI 40+8 DALI SP L1480 58 5849 4000 >80 1480x112x91
10949 3F Mirella AL DI 60+14 DALI SP L2200 84 8907 4000 >80 2200x112x91

Performances are measured and certified by our CTFs stage 2 Photometric Laboratory (more information on page 12).
112 Datasheets, product updates and specifications on our website: architectural.3f-filippi.com
/ 3F Architectural

OLI S.p.A.
Medolla (MO)


3F Mirella Soft Direct
Controlled symmetric distribution. Suspension installation.
Average luminance <3000 cd/m² for radial angles >65°.
Lifetime (L80/B10): 100000 h. (tq+25°C)
Photobiological safety RG0 (page 16). APPLICATIONS
Environments involving accurate visual tasks where a diffused and soft
SOURCE light for an optimum visual comfort and the source total shielding are
Linear LED modules. In environments with VDTs, managerial offices and staterooms.
Colour initial tolerance (MacAdam): SDCM 3.

The DALI products can be controlled with 3F Easy Dim (page 722) or
Extruded aluminium body, zamak heads. 3F Smart Dimming technology (page 732).
Methacrylate (PMMA) primary lens for total source shielding.
Brushed methacrylate (PMMA) prismatic flat anti‑glare filter, multi
lenticular on the outside. ON REQUEST
External lens of particular aesthetic value in satin methacrylate (PMMA).
Adjustable suspension fixtures with chrome studs and rapid adjusters, • different power levels, colour rendering indices and colour
galvanised steel cable of 2 m long. temperatures
• wiring: CLO (page 752)
• power and suspension cables of >2 m long
ELECTRICAL • CRI >90 sources
• emergency versions
In compliance with EN 60598‑1.
Compliance with the EN 60598‑2‑22 standard for power supply from a
centralised CPSS emergency system must be verified in the technical
data sheets of each individual device on our website.

ON/OFF versions
Transparent 3‑pole power cable with white ceiling power supply case.
DALI versions
Transparent 5‑pole power cable with white ceiling power supply case.

3F Mirella Soft SP


Code 12894 L<3000 cd/m² 65°

ON/OFF electronic wiring 230V-50/60Hz

Code Item W lm K CRI LxAxH
12892 3F Mirella SF WH 40 SP L1480 46 3964 4000 >80 1480x112x91
12893 3F Mirella SF WH 60 SP L2200 66 5947 4000 >80 2200x112x91
12870 3F Mirella SF BK 40 SP L1480 46 3964 4000 >80 1480x112x91
12871 3F Mirella SF BK 60 SP L2200 66 5947 4000 >80 2200x112x91
12914 3F Mirella SF AL 40 SP L1480 46 3964 4000 >80 1480x112x91
12915 3F Mirella SF AL 60 SP L2200 66 5947 4000 >80 2200x112x91
DALI electronic wiring 230V-50/60Hz
Code Item W lm K CRI LxAxH
12894 3F Mirella SF WH 40 DALI SP L1480 45 3964 4000 >80 1480x112x91
12895 3F Mirella SF WH 60 DALI SP L2200 66 5947 4000 >80 2200x112x91
12872 3F Mirella SF BK 40 DALI SP L1480 45 3964 4000 >80 1480x112x91
12873 3F Mirella SF BK 60 DALI SP L2200 66 5947 4000 >80 2200x112x91
12916 3F Mirella SF AL 40 DALI SP L1480 45 3964 4000 >80 1480x112x91
12917 3F Mirella SF AL 60 DALI SP L2200 66 5947 4000 >80 2200x112x91

Performances are measured and certified by our CTFs stage 2 Photometric Laboratory (more information on page 12).
116 Datasheets, product updates and specifications on our website: architectural.3f-filippi.com
/ 3F Architectural

Huda Lighting
Il Cairo


3F Mirella Soft Direct/Indirect
Direct‑indirect distribution. Suspension installation.
Average luminance <3000 cd/m² for radial angles >65°.
Lifetime (L80/B10): 100000 h. (tq+25°C)
Photobiological safety RG0 (page 16). APPLICATIONS
Environments involving accurate visual tasks where a diffused and soft
SOURCE light for an optimum visual comfort and the source total shielding are
Linear LED modules. In environments with VDTs, managerial offices and staterooms.
Colour initial tolerance (MacAdam): SDCM 3.

The DALI products can be controlled with 3F Easy Dim (page 722) or
Extruded aluminium body, zamak heads. 3F Smart Dimming technology (page 732).
Methacrylate (PMMA) primary lens for total source shielding.
Brushed methacrylate (PMMA) prismatic flat anti‑glare filter, multi
lenticular on the outside. ON REQUEST
External lens of particular aesthetic value in satin methacrylate (PMMA).
Adjustable suspension fixtures with chrome studs and rapid adjusters, • different power levels, colour rendering indices and colour
galvanised steel cable of 2 m long. temperatures
• wiring: CLO (page 752)
• power and suspension cables of >2 m long
ELECTRICAL • twin‑circuit
• CRI >90 sources
In compliance with EN 60598‑1. • emergency versions
Compliance with the EN 60598‑2‑22 standard for power supply from a
centralised CPSS emergency system must be verified in the technical
data sheets of each individual device on our website.

ON/OFF versions
Transparent 3‑pole power cable with white ceiling power supply case,
single ignition.
DALI versions
5‑pole transparent power cable with white power supply case for
ceiling, single 230V circuit, 2 DALI addresses.

3F Mirella Soft DI SP


Code 12898 L<3000 cd/m² 65°

ON/OFF electronic wiring 230V-50/60Hz

Code Item W lm K CRI LxAxH
12896 3F Mirella SF WH DI 40+8 SP L1480 58 5018 4000 >80 1480x112x91
12897 3F Mirella SF WH DI 60+14 SP L2200 84 7641 4000 >80 2200x112x91
12874 3F Mirella SF BK DI 40+8 SP L1480 58 5018 4000 >80 1480x112x91
12875 3F Mirella SF BK DI 60+14 SP L2200 84 7641 4000 >80 2200x112x91
12918 3F Mirella SF AL DI 40+8 SP L1480 58 5018 4000 >80 1480x112x91
12919 3F Mirella SF AL DI 60+14 SP L2200 84 7641 4000 >80 2200x112x91
DALI electronic wiring 230V-50/60Hz
Code Item W lm K CRI LxAxH
12898 3F Mirella SF WH DI 40+8 DALI SP L1480 58 5018 4000 >80 1480x112x91
12899 3F Mirella SF WH DI 60+14 DALI SP L2200 84 7641 4000 >80 2200x112x91
12876 3F Mirella SF BK DI 40+8 DALI SP L1480 58 5018 4000 >80 1480x112x91
12877 3F Mirella SF BK DI 60+14 DALI SP L2200 84 7641 4000 >80 2200x112x91
12920 3F Mirella SF AL DI 40+8 DALI SP L1480 58 5018 4000 >80 1480x112x91
12921 3F Mirella SF AL DI 60+14 DALI SP L2200 84 7641 4000 >80 2200x112x91

Performances are measured and certified by our CTFs stage 2 Photometric Laboratory (more information on page 12).
120 Datasheets, product updates and specifications on our website: architectural.3f-filippi.com
3F Mirella Floor
www.3F-Filippi.com/3F Mirella Floor

Design by Andrea Ciotti Overview

Essential yet at the same time refined, 3F Mirella Floor is a floor • Luminous efficacy up to 130 lumen/watt.
lamp that can be freely positioned in space, composed of an • Luminous flux 6754 lumens.
aluminium body that houses the LED technology and a shaped • Average luminance <3000 cd/m².
methacrylate (PMMA) volume that accompanies the luminous flux. • UGR <19.
Elaborate, essential and flexible, 3F Mirella Floor is a solution • Quick and easy cleaning.
suitable for the multiple configurations of contemporary architectural • EcoDesign: power supplies and sources replaceable at the end
spaces - smart working above all - in which a high degree of of product life.
flexibility of the individual workstations is required. • Ease of assembly and maintenance.
Its light (direct-indirect) is perfect for environments in which • Versatility of use in different environments.
electronic equipment such as tablets, personal computers and
smartphones are used daily, thanks to its average luminance level of
less than 3000 cd/m² for radial angles >65°.

This product is also available in this version 3F Mirella (page 102).

Page Product Floor

124 3F Mirella Floor •

/ 3F Architectural


3F Mirella Floor
Direct‑indirect distribution. Floor installation.
Average luminance <3000 cd/m² for radial angles >65°.
Lifetime (L80/B10): 100000 h. (tq+25°C)
Photobiological safety RG0 (page 16). APPLICATIONS
Environments which cannot, for technical reasons, be equipped with
SOURCE points of light directed onto the ceiling.
Open‑space offices and environments in which a high degree of
Linear LED modules. workstation flexibility is required.
Colour initial tolerance (MacAdam): SDCM 3. Environments: staterooms, with VDTs, offices.
Environments where soft diffuse light is required for optimal visual
Extruded aluminium body, zamak heads. LIGHT MANAGEMENT
Transparent methacrylate (PMMA) micro prismatic primary anti‑glare
lens, multi lenticular on the outside. DALI versions
Anti‑glare opal polycarbonate filter for brightness uniformity. The TOUCH DALI control integrated in the stem, allows independent
External lens of particular aesthetic value in satin methacrylate (PMMA). switching on, off and adjustment of the two emissions.
Painted stainless steel square section pole.
Base in painted steel.
ELECTRICAL • different power levels, colour rendering indices and colour
In compliance with EN 60598‑1. • body, pole and base in different RAL colours
Compliance with the EN 60598‑2‑22 standard for power supply from a • wiring: CLO (page 752)
centralised CPSS emergency system must be verified in the technical • different power cables
data sheets of each individual device on our website. • CRI >90 sources
Power supply with a 2.5 m long transparent cable, schuko plug.

ON/OFF versions
Foot switch, single switch‑on.
DALI versions
TOUCH DALI control integrated in the stem.

3F Mirella Floor


Code 12961 L<3000 cd/m² 65°

ON/OFF electronic wiring 230V-50/60Hz

Code Item W lm K CRI LxAxH
12961 3F Mirella Floor SF WH 23+23 52 7042 4000 >80 843x280x2060
12960 3F Mirella Floor SF BK 23+23 52 7042 4000 >80 843x280x2060
TOUCH DALI electronic wiring 230V-50/60Hz
Code Item W lm K CRI LxAxH
12965 3F Mirella Floor SF WH 23+23 Touch DALI 52 7042 4000 >80 843x280x2060
12964 3F Mirella Floor SF BK 23+23 Touch DALI 52 7042 4000 >80 843x280x2060

Performances are measured and certified by our CTFs stage 2 Photometric Laboratory (more information on page 12).
126 Datasheets, product updates and specifications on our website: architectural.3f-filippi.com
3F Trittico
www.3F-Filippi.com/3F Trittico

Design by Atelier(s) Alfonso Femia Overview

Light fixture equipped with LED sources. • Luminous efficacy up to 130 lumen/watt.
3F Trittico is composed of three arms of around 800 mm, two for • Luminous flux 5841 lumens.
direct lighting and one for indirect lighting. • Average luminance <3000 cd/m².
Conceived mainly to light offices this fixture is ideal to adapt to • Adjustable light source according to customer needs.
changes in the layout of spaces. • UGR <19.
The three arms on the fixture can rotate perpendicularly to the • Quick and easy cleaning.
supporting rod to provide the best lighting depending on the activity • EcoDesign: power supplies and sources replaceable at the end
carried out in the space and the arrangement of the furniture. of product life.
• Ease of assembly and maintenance.
This product is also available in this version 3F Solo (page 138). • Versatility of use in different environments.

Page Product Suspended

134 3F Trittico •

Minimum angle between light elements of 52 degrees.
Maximum angle between light elements 308 degrees.

Screens and finishes
3F Trittico is available with an opaque black and white finish with aluminium arms and a steel supporting rod.
Indirect lighting is filtered by a translucent PMMA screen, while the desktop version is diffused with a satin extruded PMMA lens
with a design that minimises the level of glare.

Flat opal
PMMA filter


White Black

Hybrid optic with ex truded lens
and an anti-glare filter

/ 3F Architectural

Banca Ersel


3F Trittico
Direct‑indirect distribution. Installing mineral fibre or metal panels in plasterboard ceilings.
Lifetime (L85/B10): 50000 h. (tq+25°C) Warning: to install this fixture it is necessary to buy one of the following
Photobiological safety RG0 (page 16). four accessories (A0828 / A0829 / A0830 / A0831) depending on the
kind of ceiling to be used.

Linear LED modules.
Colour initial tolerance (MacAdam): SDCM 3. Environments: with VDTs, meeting rooms, offices.
Environments: architectural, commercial, staterooms, banks.
Environments where dynamic, soft and diffuse light is required for
MECHANICAL optimal visual comfort.

Extruded aluminium housing with horizontal side stripes.

Fixture composed of three independent adjustable arms that can be LIGHT MANAGEMENT
moved separately.
Non‑iridescent high efficiency aluminium with a titanium and magnesium The DALI products can be controlled with 3F Easy Dim (page 722) or
surface treatment flow recuperator. 3F Smart Dimming technology (page 732).
Transparent methacrylate (PMMA) anti‑glare filter.
Arms for direct lighting with satin methacrylate (PMMA) lenses.
Arm for indirect lighting with a translucent polycarbonate screen. ON REQUEST
Polycarbonate heads.
Steel suspension fixture with poles H 300‑500‑800 mm with a brass • different colour temperatures
rotation mechanism. • housing in different RAL colours
• wiring: CLO (page 752)
• version for ceiling installation
ELECTRICAL • maximum pole height 1.3 m
• CRI >90 sources
In compliance with EN 60598‑1. • emergency versions
Compliance with the EN 60598‑2‑22 standard for power supply from a
centralised CPSS emergency system must be verified in the technical
data sheets of each individual device on our website.
Peripheral cabling unit to recess into the ceiling.
Class II.
4‑pole terminal block, single 230V circuit, 2 DALI addresses.

3F Trittico


Code 6104

DALI electronic wiring 230V-50/60Hz

Code Item W lm K CRI øxH
6157 3F Trittico WH 12+12+15/830 DALI H300 45 5901 3000 >80 1560x300
6160 3F Trittico WH 12+12+15/830 DALI H500 45 5901 3000 >80 1560x500
6163 3F Trittico WH 12+12+15/830 DALI H800 45 5901 3000 >80 1560x800
6158 3F Trittico BK 12+12+15/830 DALI H300 45 5901 3000 >80 1560x300
6161 3F Trittico BK 12+12+15/830 DALI H500 45 5901 3000 >80 1560x500
6164 3F Trittico BK 12+12+15/830 DALI H800 45 5901 3000 >80 1560x800

Performances are measured and certified by our CTFs stage 2 Photometric Laboratory (more information on page 12).
136 Datasheets, product updates and specifications on our website: architectural.3f-filippi.com
3F Trittico | Accessories
Code Item
A0828 Trittico fixing metal panels 60x60

Hot‑dip galvanised steel fixture installation bracket for metal panel false ceilings 600x600 with hidden
structure with perpendicular adjustment rod screws.

Code Item
A0829 Trittico fixing mineral fiber pan. 60x60

Hot‑dip galvanised steel fixture installation bracket for mineral fibre panel false ceilings 600x600 with visible
structure with perpendicular adjustment rod screws.

Code Item
A0830 Fixing Trittico plasterboard WH

Hot‑dip galvanised steel fixture installation bracket for plasterboard false ceilings with perpendicular
adjustment rod screws. White painted canopy with a Ø 120 mm hole.

Code Item
A0831 Fixing Trittico plasterboard BK

Hot‑dip galvanised steel fixture installation bracket for plasterboard false ceilings with perpendicular
adjustment rod screws. Black painted canopy with a Ø 120 mm hole.

3F Trittico 137
3F Solo
www.3F-Filippi.com/3F Solo

Design by Atelier(s) Alfonso Femia Overview

The excellence of light combined with the elegance of the shape. • Luminous efficacy up to 130 lumen/watt.
3F Solo is the result of the thinking behind the creation of the 3F • Luminous fluxes from 1826 to 15689 lumens.
Trittico: it is a simple, linear element that integrates discretely into • Average luminance <3000 cd/m² (L version).
environments. • Extensive installation pitch.
An elegant, deliberately simple product enriched with technical • UGR <19.
details that become significant aesthetic characteristics. • Driver integrated in the fixture.
The design of the fluted lens developed by the 3F Filippi optical • Quick and easy cleaning.
laboratory, ensures that the light is diffused into the space softly and • EcoDesign: power supplies and sources replaceable at the end
without glaring: the complex shape characterised by horizontal lines of product life.
becomes a symmetry motif of the entire fixture in an interplay of • Ease of assembly and maintenance.
surfaces that lighten the body when the fixture is lit. • Versatility of use in different environments.
In the version with the prismatic screen the contrast between the
smooth surface of the body and the fluted diffuser creates a dualism
that enhances its technical spirit.
The direct and indirect versions provide a feeling of greater space
to the surrounding environment and make the product appear even
more suspended in space.

This product is also available in this version 3F Trittico (page 128).

Page Product Ceiling Suspended

144 3F Solo Direct • •
148 3F Solo Direct/Indirect •

Product range
Suspended Ceiling

3F Solo L


3F Solo
Direct Emission

Model L L HO HO SP

Average luminance
for angles> 65 <3000 >3000 >3000
(cd / m²)

Percentage of Up 0 0 0
emission D/DI (%) Down 100 100 100

Finishes White | Black


Installation steps Dt 1,35 1,35 1,06

Dl 1,13 1,13 1,25

Suspended Ceiling

3F Solo SP



3F Solo
Direct / Indirect

Model L L HO HO SP

Average luminance
for angles> 65 <3000 >3000 >3000
(cd / m²)

Percentuale di Up 76 61 60
emissione D/DI (%) Down 24 39 40

Finishes White | Black


Installation steps Dt 1,35 1,35 1,06

Dl 1,13 1,13 1,25

3F Solo distinguishes itself given the precision of the lighting provided
and as a result complete visual comfort. In particular, the version
equipped with a fluted U shaped opaque PMMA lens makes it possible
to widen the distance between fixtures without increasing luminance and
decreasing the number of products installed in the space. Luminous flux
of the fixture from 1800 to 15000 lumen. Symmetrical direct (or direct
and indirect) distribution. Installation distance Dt 1,35 x hu - Dl = 1,13 x
hu. Average luminance <3000 cd/m² for >65° radial angles. UGR <19
(EN 12464-1). Product length from 1475 mm, 2205 mm and 2935 mm.

Screens and finishes
3F Solo is designed as a flexible element thanks to the various into the architectural context of the workplace. Developed as a
options provided by the designer. In addition to being able to single element the light fixture comes in three different lengths
choose the version with the prismatic screen or the one with (1500mm, 2200mm and 2900mm), to increase the options
the U-shaped fluted lens, lighting designers can choose from available to architects and lighting designers.
a black or white finish to facilitate the insertion of the fixture

3F Solo 3F Solo

70 mm Finishes

100 mm

White Black

in frosted PMMA

Flat PMMA prismatic
dif fuser

/ 3F Architectural

Banca Ersel



3F Solo Direct
Direct symmetric distribution. Ceiling mounted or suspension installation.
Lifetime (L85/B10): 50000 h. (tq+25°C) Warning: to install this fixture it is necessary to buy the accessory
Photobiological safety RG0 (page 16). (A0820 ‑ A0821), according to the type of installation.

Linear LED modules. Environments: with VDTs, meeting rooms, offices.
Colour initial tolerance (MacAdam): SDCM 3. Environments: architectural, commercial, staterooms, banks.
Environments where soft diffuse light is required for optimal visual
Extruded aluminium housing with horizontal side stripes. LIGHT MANAGEMENT
End caps in polycarbonate.
Upper film in translucent polycarbonate, self‑extinguishing, UV The DALI products can be controlled with 3F Easy Dim (page 722) or
stabilised. 3F Smart Dimming technology (page 732).

In compliance with EN 60598‑1. • different colour temperatures
Compliance with the EN 60598‑2‑22 standard for power supply from a • housing in different RAL colours
centralised CPSS emergency system must be verified in the technical • wiring: CLO (page 752)
data sheets of each individual device on our website. • CRI >90 sources
5‑pole terminal block, single 230V circuit. • emergency versions
5‑pole transparent power cable of 2 m long.

3F Solo L


Average luminance <3000 cd/m² for radial angles >65°.

Transparent methacrylate (PMMA) anti‑glare filter and striped‑satin
methacrylate (PMMA) lens.
Non‑iridescent high efficiency specular aluminium with a titanium
Code 60010 L<3000 cd/m² 65° and magnesium surface treatment flow recuperator.

DALI electronic wiring 230V-50/60Hz

Code Item W lm K CRI LxAxH
60010 3F Solo L WH 14/830 DALI L1475 17 1845 3000 >80 1475x35x100
60011 3F Solo L BK 14/830 DALI L1475 17 1845 3000 >80 1475x35x100
60013 3F Solo L WH 21/830 DALI L2205 24 2768 3000 >80 2205x35x100
60014 3F Solo L BK 21/830 DALI L2205 24 2768 3000 >80 2205x35x100
60016 3F Solo L WH 28/830 DALI L2935 32 3690 3000 >80 2935x35x100
60017 3F Solo L BK 28/830 DALI L2935 32 3690 3000 >80 2935x35x100

3F Solo L HO


Transparent methacrylate (PMMA) anti‑glare filter and striped‑satin

methacrylate (PMMA) lens.
Non‑iridescent high efficiency specular aluminium with a titanium
Code 60019 and magnesium surface treatment flow recuperator.

DALI electronic wiring 230V-50/60Hz

Code Item W lm K CRI LxAxH
60019 3F Solo L WH HO 28/830 DALI L1475 33 3510 3000 >80 1475x35x100
60020 3F Solo L BK HO 28/830 DALI L1475 33 3510 3000 >80 1475x35x100
60022 3F Solo L WH HO 41/830 DALI L2205 46 5265 3000 >80 2205x35x100
60023 3F Solo L BK HO 41/830 DALI L2205 46 5265 3000 >80 2205x35x100
60025 3F Solo L WH HO 54/830 DALI L2935 58 6660 3000 >80 2935x35x100
60026 3F Solo L BK HO 54/830 DALI L2935 58 6660 3000 >80 2935x35x100

Performances are measured and certified by our CTFs stage 2 Photometric Laboratory (more information on page 12).
146 Datasheets, product updates and specifications on our website: architectural.3f-filippi.com
3F Solo HO SP


SP flat diffuser in transparent methacrylate (PMMA), outside

prismatic, anti‑glare.
Code 60052 White aluminium non‑iridescent high efficiency.

DALI electronic wiring 230V-50/60Hz

Code Item W lm K CRI LxAxH
60052 3F Solo WH HO 28/830 DALI SP L1475 33 3505 3000 >80 1475x35x70
60053 3F Solo BK HO 28/830 DALI SP L1475 33 3505 3000 >80 1475x35x70
60055 3F Solo WH HO 41/830 DALI SP L2205 46 5258 3000 >80 2205x35x70
60056 3F Solo BK HO 41/830 DALI SP L2205 46 5258 3000 >80 2205x35x70
60058 3F Solo WH HO 54/830 DALI SP L2935 58 6651 3000 >80 2935x35x70
60059 3F Solo BK HO 54/830 DALI SP L2935 58 6651 3000 >80 2935x35x70

3F Solo Direct 147

/ 3F Architectural

Banca Ersel



3F Solo Direct/Indirect
Symmetric direct‑indirect distribution. Suspension installation.
Lifetime (L85/B10): 50000 h. (tq+25°C) Warning: to install this fixture it is necessary to buy the accessory
Photobiological safety RG0 (page 16). A0820.

Linear LED modules. Environments: with VDTs, meeting rooms, offices.
Colour initial tolerance (MacAdam): SDCM 3. Environments: architectural, commercial, staterooms, banks.
Environments where soft diffuse light is required for optimal visual
Extruded aluminium housing with horizontal side stripes. LIGHT MANAGEMENT
End caps in polycarbonate.
Upper film in translucent polycarbonate, self‑extinguishing, UV The DALI products can be controlled with 3F Easy Dim (page 722) or
stabilised. 3F Smart Dimming technology (page 732).

In compliance with EN 60598‑1. • different colour temperatures
Compliance with the EN 60598‑2‑22 standard for power supply from a • housing in different RAL colours
centralised CPSS emergency system must be verified in the technical • wiring: CLO (page 752)
data sheets of each individual device on our website. • CRI >90 sources
5‑pole terminal block, single 230V circuit. • emergency versions
5‑pole transparent power cable of 2 m long.

3F Solo L DI


Average luminance <3000 cd/m² for radial angles >65°.

Transparent methacrylate (PMMA) anti‑glare filter and striped‑satin
methacrylate (PMMA) lens.
Non‑iridescent high efficiency specular aluminium with a titanium
Code 60031 L<3000 cd/m² 65° and magnesium surface treatment flow recuperator.

DALI electronic wiring 230V-50/60Hz

Code Item W lm K CRI LxAxH
60031 3F Solo L WH DI 14+38/830 DALI L1475 57 7022 3000 >80 1475x35x100
60032 3F Solo L BK DI 14+38/830 DALI L1475 57 7022 3000 >80 1475x35x100
60034 3F Solo L WH DI 21+58/830 DALI L2205 92 10900 3000 >80 2205x35x100
60035 3F Solo L BK DI 21+58/830 DALI L2205 92 10900 3000 >80 2205x35x100
60037 3F Solo L WH DI 28+67/830 DALI L2935 99 12884 3000 >80 2935x35x100
60038 3F Solo L BK DI 28+67/830 DALI L2935 99 12884 3000 >80 2935x35x100

3F Solo L DI HO


Transparent methacrylate (PMMA) anti‑glare filter and striped‑satin

methacrylate (PMMA) lens.
Non‑iridescent high efficiency specular aluminium with a titanium
Code 60040 and magnesium surface treatment flow recuperator.

DALI electronic wiring 230V-50/60Hz

Code Item W lm K CRI LxAxH
60040 3F Solo L WH DI HO 28+38/830 DALI L1475 73 8687 3000 >80 1475x35x100
60041 3F Solo L BK DI HO 28+38/830 DALI L1475 73 8687 3000 >80 1475x35x100
60043 3F Solo L WH DI HO 41+58/830 DALI L2205 115 13397 3000 >80 2205x35x100
60044 3F Solo L BK DI HO 41+58/830 DALI L2205 115 13397 3000 >80 2205x35x100
60046 3F Solo L WH DI HO 54+67/830 DALI L2935 127 15854 3000 >80 2935x35x100
60047 3F Solo L BK DI HO 54+67/830 DALI L2935 127 15854 3000 >80 2935x35x100

Performances are measured and certified by our CTFs stage 2 Photometric Laboratory (more information on page 12).
150 Datasheets, product updates and specifications on our website: architectural.3f-filippi.com
3F Solo DI HO SP


SP flat diffuser in transparent methacrylate (PMMA), outside

prismatic, anti‑glare.
Code 60064 White aluminium non‑iridescent high efficiency.

DALI electronic wiring 230V-50/60Hz

Code Item W lm K CRI LxAxH
60064 3F Solo WH DI HO 28+38/830 DALI SP L1475 73 8682 3000 >80 1475x35x70
60065 3F Solo BK DI HO 28+38/830 DALI SP L1475 73 8682 3000 >80 1475x35x70
60067 3F Solo WH DI HO 41+58/830 DALI SP L2205 115 13390 3000 >80 2205x35x70
60068 3F Solo BK DI HO 41+58/830 DALI SP L2205 115 13390 3000 >80 2205x35x70
60070 3F Solo WH DI HO 54+67/830 DALI SP L2935 127 15845 3000 >80 2935x35x70
60071 3F Solo BK DI HO 54+67/830 DALI SP L2935 127 15845 3000 >80 2935x35x70

3F Solo Direct/Indirect 151

3F Solo | Accessories
Code Item
A0820 Pair of sliding brack. + reg. susp. 3F Solo

Free‑position sliding bracket with regulator in stainless steel. Accessory dedicated to suspended installation.
This accessory must ALWAYS be used with one of the following codes: A20485 ‑ A20486 ‑ A20487.

Code Item
A0821 Pair of sliding brack. ceiling 3F Solo

Stainless steel sliding bracket that can be positioned freely. Accessory dedicated to ceiling installation.

Code Item
A20485 Suspension without adjustment - 0.5 m
A20486 Suspension without adjustment - 1 m
A20487 Suspension without adjustment - 2 m

Suspension without controller, galvanised steel cable 1.5 mm diameter, load 15 kg.
Attention: each product requires two suspensions with regulator.

Code Item
A0679 5 pole rectangular rose (no cable) WH

Electric supply with white polycarbonate case, internal bracket in galvanised steel.

152 Datasheets, product updates and specifications on our website: architectural.3f-filippi.com

3F Filoluce
www.3F-Filippi.com/3F Filoluce

Design by GEZA Architettura Overview

A free-standing steel luminaire fitted with a white opal methacrylate • Luminous efficacy up to 110 lumen/watt.
(PMMA) diffuser and a prismatic screen designed for the workplace. • Luminous fluxes from 4706 to 4953 lumens.
The lightness of the shape allows 3F Filoluce to fit easily into every • Average luminance <3000 cd/m².
context, establishing a relationship with the same through the • Adjustable light source according to customer needs.
various curves that form the sinuous vertical arm with a constant • UGR <19.
diameter of 38 mm, from the base right up to the diffuser. • Quick and easy cleaning.
Fitted with a touch ignition system located in the vertical part the • EcoDesign: power supplies and sources replaceable at the end
fixture provides comfortable lighting that is particularly suitable for of product life.
office environments. • Ease of assembly and maintenance.
With 3F Filoluce design and quality combine in a single element with • Versatility of use in different environments.
a sleek, unusual shape designed to enhance the work environment
from a technical and aesthetic point of view.

Page Product Floor

160 3F Filoluce •

The light element has a 180 degree rotation

Product advantages
Particularly eye-catching opal and transparent prismatic PMMA Touch DALI touch control integrated in the stem, for
diffuser to optimise light distribution. switching on and off and independent adjustment of the
two emissions.

Power supply with a 2.5 m long transparent cable, schuko plug.

Screens and finishes
3F Filoluce is available in black, white, red and anthracite opal element: a mix that makes the working environment
versions. Its direct and indirect light is distributed downwards relaxing while at the same time ensuring excellent visual
using a trapezoidal prismatic diffuser and upwards using an comfort on work stations.

Flat opal
PMMA filter

PMMA filter


White Black Red Anthracite

/ 3F Architectural


3F Filoluce
Direct‑indirect distribution. Floor installation.
Average luminance <3000 cd/m² for radial angles >65° (direct
Lifetime (L85/B10): 50000 h. (tq+25°C) APPLICATIONS
Photobiological safety RG0 (page 16).
Environments which cannot, for technical reasons, be equipped with
points of light directed onto the ceiling.
SOURCE Open‑space offices and environments in which a high degree of
workstation flexibility is required.
Linear LED modules. Environments: staterooms, with VDTs, offices.
Colour initial tolerance (MacAdam): SDCM 3. Environments where soft diffuse light is required for optimal visual

Painted steel filiform tubular body.
Aluminium LED housing compartment with a thermal heat sink function. The TOUCH DALI control integrated in the stem, allows independent
Particularly eye‑catching opal and transparent prismatic methacrylate switching on, off and adjustment of the two emissions.
(PMMA) diffuser to optimise light distribution.
The luminous part can be rotated 180° horizontally to optimise
positioning in the workplace. ON REQUEST
• different power levels, colour rendering indices and colour
ELECTRICAL temperatures
• single‑circuit wiring
In compliance with EN 60598‑1. • different power cables
TOUCH DALI control integrated in the stem. • CRI >90 sources
Power supply with a 2.5 m long transparent cable, schuko plug.

3F Filoluce


Code 6098 L<3000 cd/m² 65°

TOUCH DALI electronic wiring 230V-50/60Hz

Code Item W lm K CRI LxAxH
6063 3F Filoluce WH 16+23W/830 Touch DALI 45 4754 3000 >80 1410x400x2400
6098 3F Filoluce WH 16+23W/840 Touch DALI 45 4953 4000 >80 1410x400x2400
6064 3F Filoluce BK 16+23W/830 Touch DALI 45 4754 3000 >80 1410x400x2400
6099 3F Filoluce BK 16+23W/840 Touch DALI 45 4953 4000 >80 1410x400x2400
6065 3F Filoluce AN 16+23W/830 Touch DALI 45 4754 3000 >80 1410x400x2400
6100 3F Filoluce AN 16+23W/840 Touch DALI 45 4953 4000 >80 1410x400x2400
6066 3F Filoluce RD 16+23W/830 Touch DALI 45 4754 3000 >80 1410x400x2400
6101 3F Filoluce RD 16+23W/840 Touch DALI 45 4953 4000 >80 1410x400x2400

Performances are measured and certified by our CTFs stage 2 Photometric Laboratory (more information on page 12).
162 Datasheets, product updates and specifications on our website: architectural.3f-filippi.com
3F Eldorado
www.3F-Filippi.com/3F Eldorado

The world of work is constantly evolving, codes are renewing and

behaviour and the way we experience environments are changing:
smart working, flexible workstations and the use of smartphones
and tablets.
As a result of increasingly careful investments by those building or
renovating workplaces it is necessary to design products with a
multifunctional approach: this is why we developed 3F Eldorado
as an open platform capable of integrating products and extra
functions simply to meet the needs of workers. All this by placing
lighting quality at the centre of our research.
3F Eldorado is equipped with state-of-the-art sources and a
prismatic diffuser that can light environments in an effective way
and minimise the level of glare as required by the most stringent
international regulations.
3F Eldorado is a unique, customisable product capable of
integrating seamlessly into different areas and furnishings in the
workplace, being able to act on various aspects such as:
• colour temperature variable over time
• integration of spot fixtures
• diffused lighting with custom graphics
• emergency lighting
• aesthetic and functional finishes that provide added value to the
product and the lighting and architectural design
• audio or sound-absorption functions

For further information we invite you to consult our website


Page Product Recessed

168 3F Eldorado Frame •
172 3F Eldorado Twin •

Product range

3F Eldorado

Model Frame

Average luminance
for angles> 65 <3000
(cd / m²)

Output flux (lm) 3000 | 4000

UGR <19

CCT (K) 4000

Protection class IP40

Finishes White


Installation steps Dt 1,08

Dl 1,08


3F Eldorado

Model Twin (Frame) Twin (Centre)

Average luminance
for angles> 65 <3000 >3000
(cd / m²)

Output flux (lm) 3000 | 4000 3000

UGR <19 <22

CCT (K) 4000

Protection class IP40

Finishes White


Installation steps Dt 1,08 1,20

Dl 1,08 1,20

/ 3F Architectural



3F Eldorado Frame
Controlled symmetric distribution. Lay‑in installation.
Average luminance <3000 cd/m² for radial angles >65°.
Lifetime (L80/B10): 100000 h. (tq+25°C)
Photobiological safety RG0 (page 16). APPLICATIONS
Any environment in which flexibility of lighting and customisation is
SOURCE required, capable of integrating perfectly into the areas and furnishings
of different workspaces.
Linear LED modules. Environments: with VDTs, meeting rooms, offices.
Colour initial tolerance (MacAdam): SDCM 3. Environments: architectural, commercial, staterooms, banks.
Environments where dynamic, soft and diffuse light is required for
optimal visual comfort.
Housing in hot‑galvanised steel, painted in white polyester. LIGHT MANAGEMENT
LGS micro‑prismatic flat diffuser in transparent methacrylate (PMMA),
multi‑lenticular exterior, anti‑glare. The DALI products can be controlled with 3F Easy Dim (page 722) or
Anti‑glare opal polycarbonate filter for brightness uniformity. 3F Smart Dimming technology (page 732).
Central part in hot‑galvanised steel, painted in white polyester.
The 621x621 version is dedicated to false ceilings that have modular
dimensions of 625x625. ON REQUEST
• different power levels, colour rendering indices and colour
ELECTRICAL temperatures
• emergency versions
In compliance with EN 60598‑1. • different central screens and screen prints
Compliance with the EN 60598‑2‑22 standard for power supply from a • equippable central covers
centralised CPSS emergency system must be verified in the technical
data sheets of each individual device on our website.

3F Eldorado Frame White LGS


Code 2326 L<3000 cd/m² 65°

DALI electronic wiring 230V-50/60Hz

Code Item W lm K CRI LxAxH
2326 3F Eldorado 29/840 DALI LGS 596 33 3251 4000 >80 596x596x65
2327 3F Eldorado 39/840 DALI LGS 596 45 4256 4000 >80 596x596x65
2328 3F Eldorado 29/840 DALI LGS 621 33 3251 4000 >80 621x621x65
2329 3F Eldorado 39/840 DALI LGS 621 45 4256 4000 >80 621x621x65

Performances are measured and certified by our CTFs stage 2 Photometric Laboratory (more information on page 12).
170 Datasheets, product updates and specifications on our website: architectural.3f-filippi.com
/ 3F Architectural



3F Eldorado Twin
Symmetrical distribution controlled and diffused according to the type of Lay‑in installation.
Average luminance <3000 cd/m² for radial angles >65°.
Lifetime (L80/B10): 100000 h. (tq+25°C) APPLICATIONS
Photobiological safety RG0 (page 16).
Any environment in which flexibility of lighting and customisation is
required, capable of integrating perfectly into the areas and furnishings
SOURCE of different workspaces.
Environments: with VDTs, meeting rooms, offices.
Squared or linear LED modules. Environments: architectural, commercial, staterooms, banks.
Colour initial tolerance (MacAdam): SDCM 3. Environments where dynamic, soft and diffuse light is required for
optimal visual comfort.

Housing in hot‑galvanised steel, painted in white polyester.
LGS micro‑prismatic flat perimeter diffuser in transparent methacrylate The DALI products can be controlled with 3F Easy Dim (page 722) or
(PMMA), multi‑lenticular exterior, anti‑glare. 3F Smart Dimming technology (page 732).
Anti‑glare opal polycarbonate filter for brightness uniformity.
OP flat screen in the central part in opal methacrylate (PMMA),
anti‑glare. ON REQUEST
The 621x621 version is dedicated to false ceilings that have modular
dimensions of 625x625. • different power levels, colour rendering indices and colour
• emergency versions
ELECTRICAL • different central screens and screen prints

In compliance with EN 60598‑1.

Compliance with the EN 60598‑2‑22 standard for power supply from a
centralised CPSS emergency system must be verified in the technical
data sheets of each individual device on our website.

3F Eldorado Twin White LGS + OP


Code 2330 L<3000 cd/m² 65° Dual lighting functionality.

DALI electronic wiring 230V-50/60Hz

Code Item W lm K CRI LxAxH
2330 3F Eldorado 29+30/840 DALI LGS+OP 596 67 5940 4000 >80 596x596x95
2331 3F Eldorado 39+30/840 DALI LGS+OP 596 78 6945 4000 >80 596x596x95
2332 3F Eldorado 29+30/840 DALI LGS+OP 621 67 5940 4000 >80 621x621x95
2333 3F Eldorado 39+30/840 DALI LGS+OP 621 78 6945 4000 >80 621x621x95

Performances are measured and certified by our CTFs stage 2 Photometric Laboratory (more information on page 12).
174 Datasheets, product updates and specifications on our website: architectural.3f-filippi.com
3F Eldorado | Accessories
Code Item
A0579 Safety wire with brackets

Anti‑fall safety cable with pair of brackets for fixing the housing to the building structure. Length 2.5 m.

3F Eldorado 175
/ catalogue

_Surface luminaires and suspensions

/ 3F Filippi

Update New

Zero 3F 3F C8

Zero 3F Zero 3F 3F C8
Zero 3F Channel Tunable White Direct
Page 178 Page 182 Page 188 Page 194 Page 198 Page 198

3F Travetta 3F Zeta

3F C8 3F Travetta 3F Travetta 3F Travetta

Direct/Indirect Direct Direct/Indirect Tunable White
Page 202 Page 206 Page 206 Page 210 Page 214 Page 222

3F Dìagon P

3F Zeta 3F Zeta 3F Zeta 3F Zeta

L D DR DT 3F Dìagon P
Page 222 Page 228 Page 232 Page 238 Page 244 Page 244

3F Petra P 200

3F Dìagon P 3F Petra
Tunable White 3F Petra 3F Petra Sensor Suspended
Page 248 Page 252 Page 252 Page 256 Page 260 Page 264

P 250 Mira

P 200 P 250
P 200 IP54 P 250 Diffused Light
Page 264 Page 268 Page 272 Page 272 Page 276 Page 280

Mira Wall
Page 280

Zero 3F
www.3F-Filippi.com/Zero 3F

In modern study and work spaces, the homogeneity of light is a • Luminous efficacy up to 140 lumen/watt.
fundamental element to reduce shadow areas and improve volume • Luminous fluxes from 1897 to 6227 lumens.
perception. • Average luminance <3000 cd/m².
Minimising the contrast between areas that are lit differently limits • Extensive installation pitch.
eye stress making the environment more comfortable. • UGR <19.
The new Zero 3F was designed specifically to cope with visual tasks • Uniformly illuminated screen.
efficiently in task-areas, thanks to an increase in the surrounding • Asymmetrical version.
and background areas. • Driver integrated in the fixture.
Light is distributed widely even on the walls to limit the "cave effect" • Quick and easy cleaning.
and to enhance the furnishings and information present on vertical • Luminous end caps.
surfaces. • Essential and functional design.
• EcoDesign: power supplies and sources replaceable at the end
This product is also available in this version Zero 3F Track (page of product life.
422). • Ease of assembly and maintenance.
• Can be installed on the 3F Linux S electrified track.
• Versatility of use in different environments.
• Continuous Channel version.
• Tunable White version.

Page Product Ceiling Suspended Wall

182 UPDATE Zero 3F • • •
188 UPDATE Zero 3F Channel • • •
194 Zero 3F Tunable White • • •

Zero 3F
Zero 3F is the result of more than a decade of experience The result is a fixture with a micro prismatic lower surface to
of 3F Filippi in school and work environments, where visual obtain the shielding required by regulations and an opal side
comfort and light diffusion are the basis of a lighting project. area to softly diffuse light into the space and give a sensation
To obtain low luminance values we maximised the area of the of suspension to the fixture.
emitting surface to obtain the best luminous intensity possible. It is a simple, clean design that integrates discreetly in all types
of environment.

Opal side screen for

increased indirect light

microprismatic lower
screen for increased
luminace control.

To obtain a perfect 360° light we created an end cap

using the best mould technology available and using
state-of-the-art LED sources that are not visible from any

The diffusion and homogeneity obtained give a sense

of incomparable luminance fullness to enhance any
environment to the full whether it is a school classroom, an
office or simply a corridor.

As you can see from the simulations below increasing the if it is installed on the ceiling, and the mix between this and the
luminosity of vertical surfaces is a significant element that direct light rays generate a uniform light right up to the joins
improves the visibility of information like that contained in between the walls and the ceiling.
bookshelves. The indirect light component reduces visual
contrast and makes the product seem to be suspended even

Standard fixture Zero 3F

Direct Direct/indirect
photometric distribution photometric distribution


/ Surface luminaires and suspensions

IIS "Podesti ‑ Calzecchi Onesti"

Chiaravalle (AN)
H Italia/Italy

Zero 3F
Lifetime (L80/B10): 100000 h. (tq+25°C) Ceiling, suspension or wall installation.
Photobiological safety RG0 (page 16). Luminaires suitable, from a hygienic point of view, for use in production
plants in the food industry (HACCP / IFS / BRC‑Standard).
Thanks to the full compatibility for dimensions and fixing distances, this
SOURCE product becomes the perfect solution for updating existing installations.

Linear LED modules.

Colour initial tolerance (MacAdam): SDCM 3. APPLICATIONS
Environments: with VDTs, meeting rooms, offices.
MECHANICAL Environments: recreational, transit areas, corridors, schools, stairwells.
Environments where soft diffuse light is required for optimal visual
Housing in hot‑galvanised steel, painted in white polyester. comfort.
Diffuser with differentiated geometry, made of transparent methacrylate
(PMMA) with microprismatic finish, anti‑glare on the flat part and opal on
Anti‑glare opal methacrylate (PMMA) filter for brightness uniformity.
Lighting end caps in methacrylate (PMMA) opal. The DALI products can be controlled with 3F Easy Dim (page 722) or
3F Smart Dimming technology (page 732).

In compliance with EN 60598‑1.
Compliance with the EN 60598‑2‑22 standard for power supply from a • different power levels, colour rendering indices and colour
centralised CPSS emergency system must be verified in the technical temperatures
data sheets of each individual device on our website. • wiring: CLO (page 752)
The luminaires with EP permanent emergency wiring on board comply • emergency versions
with EN 60598‑2‑22 standard, high risk areas excluded.

Zero 3F


Controlled symmetric distribution.

Code 1857 L<3000 cd/m² 65° Average luminance <3000 cd/m² for radial angles >65°.

ON/OFF electronic wiring 230V-50/60Hz

Code Item W lm K CRI LxAxH
1811 NEW
03F 14W/830 L620 16 1933 3000 >80 620x119x64
1812 NEW 03F 28W/830 L1204 31 3868 3000 >80 1204x119x64
1813 NEW 03F 35W/830 L1506 40 5251 3000 >80 1506x119x64
1814 NEW
03F 42W/830 L1787 46 5800 3000 >80 1787x119x64
1855 03F 14W/840 L620 16 2014 4000 >80 620x119x64
1856 03F 28W/840 L1204 31 4029 4000 >80 1204x119x64
1857 03F 35W/840 L1506 40 5469 4000 >80 1506x119x64
1858 03F 42W/840 L1787 46 6042 4000 >80 1787x119x64
1859 03F 18W/940 L620 20 1983 4000 >90 620x119x64
1860 03F 35W/940 L1204 42 4152 4000 >90 1204x119x64
1861 03F 44W/940 L1506 50 5190 4000 >90 1506x119x64
1862 03F 53W/940 L1787 58 6227 4000 >90 1787x119x64
DALI electronic wiring 230V-50/60Hz
Code Item W lm K CRI LxAxH
1815 NEW
03F 14W/830 DALI L620 16 1933 3000 >80 620x119x64
1816 NEW 03F 28W/830 DALI L1204 31 3868 3000 >80 1204x119x64
1817 NEW 03F 35W/830 DALI L1506 40 5251 3000 >80 1506x119x64
1818 NEW 03F 42W/830 DALI L1787 46 5800 3000 >80 1787x119x64
1863 03F 14W/840 DALI L620 16 2014 4000 >80 620x119x64
1867 03F 18W/940 DALI L620 20 1983 4000 >90 620x119x64
1868 03F 35W/940 DALI L1204 40 4152 4000 >90 1204x119x64
1869 03F 44W/940 DALI L1506 49 5190 4000 >90 1506x119x64
1870 03F 53W/940 DALI L1787 57 6227 4000 >90 1787x119x64
DALI-2 DATI electronic wiring 230V-50/60Hz
Code Item W lm K CRI LxAxH
1864 03F 28W/840 DALI L1204 31 4029 4000 >80 1204x119x64
1865 03F 35W/840 DALI L1506 39 5469 4000 >80 1506x119x64
1866 03F 42W/840 DALI L1787 46 6042 4000 >80 1787x119x64

Performances are measured and certified by our CTFs stage 2 Photometric Laboratory (more information on page 12).
184 Datasheets, product updates and specifications on our website: www.3f-filippi.com
EP maintained emergency wiring, 1hr duration with 24hrs recharge (page 772)
Code Item W lm K CRI LxAxH
1819 NEW
03F 28W/830 EP L1204 32 3868 3000 >80 1204x119x64
1820 NEW 03F 35W/830 EP L1506 40 5251 3000 >80 1506x119x64
1821 NEW
03F 42W/830 EP L1787 47 5800 3000 >80 1787x119x64
1871 03F 28W/840 EP L1204 32 4029 4000 >80 1204x119x64
1872 03F 35W/840 EP L1506 41 5469 4000 >80 1506x119x64
1873 03F 42W/840 EP L1787 47 6042 4000 >80 1787x119x64
1874 03F 35W/940 EP L1204 43 4152 4000 >90 1204x119x64
1875 03F 44W/940 EP L1506 51 5190 4000 >90 1506x119x64
1876 03F 53W/940 EP L1787 59 6227 4000 >90 1787x119x64
DALI - EP maintained emergency wiring, 1hr duration with 24hrs recharge (page 772)
Code Item W lm K CRI LxAxH
1822 NEW
03F 28W/830 DALI EP L1204 32 3868 3000 >80 1204x119x64
1823 NEW 03F 35W/830 DALI EP L1506 40 5251 3000 >80 1506x119x64
1824 NEW
03F 42W/830 DALI EP L1787 47 5800 3000 >80 1787x119x64
1877 03F 28W/840 DALI EP L1204 32 4029 4000 >80 1204x119x64
1878 03F 35W/840 DALI EP L1506 40 5469 4000 >80 1506x119x64
1879 03F 42W/840 DALI EP L1787 47 6042 4000 >80 1787x119x64
1880 03F 35W/940 DALI EP L1204 41 4152 4000 >90 1204x119x64
1881 03F 44W/940 DALI EP L1506 50 5190 4000 >90 1506x119x64
1882 03F 53W/940 DALI EP L1787 58 6227 4000 >90 1787x119x64

Zero 3F 185
Zero 3F AS


Asymmetric distribution.
Code 1885 Internal recuperator in white painted steel.

ON/OFF electronic wiring 230V-50/60Hz

Code Item W lm K CRI LxAxH
1825 NEW
03F 14W/830 AS L620 16 1933 3000 >80 620x119x64
1826 NEW 03F 28W/830 AS L1204 31 3868 3000 >80 1204x119x64
1827 NEW 03F 35W/830 AS L1506 40 5251 3000 >80 1506x119x64
1828 NEW
03F 42W/830 AS L1787 46 5800 3000 >80 1787x119x64
1883 03F 14W/840 AS L620 16 1927 4000 >80 620x119x64
1884 03F 28W/840 AS L1204 31 3854 4000 >80 1204x119x64
1885 03F 35W/840 AS L1506 40 5232 4000 >80 1506x119x64
1886 03F 42W/840 AS L1787 46 5780 4000 >80 1787x119x64
1887 03F 18W/940 AS L620 20 1897 4000 >90 620x119x64
1888 03F 35W/940 AS L1204 42 3971 4000 >90 1204x119x64
1889 03F 44W/940 AS L1506 50 4965 4000 >90 1506x119x64
1890 03F 53W/940 AS L1787 58 5957 4000 >90 1787x119x64

Performances are measured and certified by our CTFs stage 2 Photometric Laboratory (more information on page 12).
186 Datasheets, product updates and specifications on our website: www.3f-filippi.com
Zero 3F HO


Code 1893 Controlled symmetric distribution.

ON/OFF electronic wiring 230V-50/60Hz

Code Item W lm K CRI LxAxH
1829 NEW
03F HO 18W/830 L620 20 2322 3000 >80 620x119x64
1830 NEW 03F HO 35W/830 L1204 40 4860 3000 >80 1204x119x64
1831 NEW 03F HO 44W/830 L1506 49 6076 3000 >80 1506x119x64
1832 NEW
03F HO 53W/830 L1787 57 7290 3000 >80 1787x119x64
1891 03F HO 18W/840 L620 20 2418 4000 >80 620x119x64
1892 03F HO 35W/840 L1204 40 5063 4000 >80 1204x119x64
1893 03F HO 44W/840 L1506 49 6329 4000 >80 1506x119x64
1894 03F HO 53W/840 L1787 57 7593 4000 >80 1787x119x64
DALI electronic wiring 230V-50/60Hz
Code Item W lm K CRI LxAxH
1833 NEW
03F HO 18W/830 DALI L620 20 2322 3000 >80 620x119x64
1834 NEW
03F HO 35W/830 DALI L1204 40 4860 3000 >80 1204x119x64
1835 NEW 03F HO 44W/830 DALI L1506 49 6076 3000 >80 1506x119x64
1836 NEW
03F HO 53W/830 DALI L1787 57 7290 3000 >80 1787x119x64
1895 03F HO 18W/840 DALI L620 20 2418 4000 >80 620x119x64
1896 03F HO 35W/840 DALI L1204 40 5063 4000 >80 1204x119x64
1897 03F HO 44W/840 DALI L1506 49 6329 4000 >80 1506x119x64
1898 03F HO 53W/840 DALI L1787 57 7593 4000 >80 1787x119x64

Zero 3F 187

/ Surface luminaires and suspensions

Zero 3F Channel
Controlled symmetric distribution. Continuous light channel installation on ceiling or suspension.
Average luminance <3000 cd/m² for radial angles >65°.
Lifetime (L80/B10): 100000 h. (tq+25°C)
Photobiological safety RG0 (page 16). APPLICATIONS
Environments: with VDTs, meeting rooms, offices.
SOURCE Environments: recreational, transit areas, corridors, schools, stairwells.
Environments where soft diffuse light is required for optimal visual
Linear LED modules. comfort.
Colour initial tolerance (MacAdam): SDCM 3. Luminaires suitable in production plants in the food industry
(HACCP / IFS / BRC‑Standard).

Housing in hot‑galvanised steel, painted in white polyester.
Diffuser with differentiated geometry, made of transparent methacrylate The DALI products can be controlled with 3F Easy Dim (page 722) or
(PMMA) with microprismatic finish, anti‑glare on the flat part and opal on 3F Smart Dimming technology (page 732).
the side.
Anti‑glare opal methacrylate (PMMA) filter for brightness uniformity.
ELECTRICAL • different power levels, colour rendering indices and colour
In compliance with EN 60598‑1. • wiring: CLO (page 752)
Compliance with the EN 60598‑2‑22 standard for power supply from a • emergency versions
centralised CPSS emergency system must be verified in the technical
data sheets of each individual device on our website.
Entrance to the upper power supply in proximity to a power head.
5 mm² section 1.5 pin through line with an irreversible quick coupling
plug plug/socket fixed on the body for rapid electrical connection.

Zero 3F Starting channel


Opal methacrylate (PMMA) luminous end cap.

Hot‑dip galvanised steel connecting element in white.
Code 1907 L<3000 cd/m² 65° White polycarbonate union collar.

ON/OFF electronic wiring 230V-50/60Hz

Code Item W lm K CRI LxAxH
1775 NEW
03F 28W/840 3P SC L1204 31 4029 4000 >80 1204x119x64
1776 NEW 03F 35W/840 3P SC L1506 40 5469 4000 >80 1506x119x64
1777 NEW
03F 42W/840 3P SC L1787 46 6042 4000 >80 1787x119x64
1778 NEW 03F 28W/830 3P SC L1204 31 3868 3000 >80 1204x119x64
1779 NEW
03F 35W/830 3P SC L1506 40 5251 3000 >80 1506x119x64
1780 NEW 03F 42W/830 3P SC L1787 46 5800 3000 >80 1787x119x64
DALI electronic wiring 230V-50/60Hz
Code Item W lm K CRI LxAxH
1837 NEW 03F 28W/830 DALI 5P SC L1204 31 3868 3000 >80 1204x119x64
1838 NEW 03F 35W/830 DALI 5P SC L1506 40 5251 3000 >80 1506x119x64
1839 NEW 03F 42W/830 DALI 5P SC L1787 46 5800 3000 >80 1787x119x64
DALI-2 DATI electronic wiring 230V-50/60Hz
Code Item W lm K CRI LxAxH
1905 03F 28W/840 DALI 5P SC L1204 31 4029 4000 >80 1204x119x64
1906 03F 35W/840 DALI 5P SC L1506 39 5469 4000 >80 1506x119x64
1907 03F 42W/840 DALI 5P SC L1787 46 6042 4000 >80 1787x119x64

Performances are measured and certified by our CTFs stage 2 Photometric Laboratory (more information on page 12).
190 Datasheets, product updates and specifications on our website: www.3f-filippi.com
Zero 3F Central channel


Hot‑dip galvanised steel connecting element in white.

Code 1914 L<3000 cd/m² 65° White polycarbonate union collar.

ON/OFF electronic wiring 230V-50/60Hz

Code Item W lm K CRI LxAxH
1781 NEW
03F 28W/840 3P CC L1204 31 4029 4000 >80 1204x119x64
1782 NEW 03F 35W/840 3P CC L1506 40 5469 4000 >80 1506x119x64
1783 NEW
03F 42W/840 3P CC L1787 46 6042 4000 >80 1787x119x64
1784 NEW 03F 28W/830 3P CC L1204 31 3868 3000 >80 1204x119x64
1785 NEW
03F 35W/830 3P CC L1506 40 5251 3000 >80 1506x119x64
1786 NEW 03F 42W/830 3P CC L1787 46 5800 3000 >80 1787x119x64
DALI electronic wiring 230V-50/60Hz
Code Item W lm K CRI LxAxH
1840 NEW 03F 28W/830 DALI 5P CC L1204 31 3868 3000 >80 1204x119x64
1841 NEW 03F 35W/830 DALI 5P CC L1506 40 5251 3000 >80 1506x119x64
1842 NEW 03F 42W/830 DALI 5P CC L1787 46 5800 3000 >80 1787x119x64
DALI-2 DATI electronic wiring 230V-50/60Hz
Code Item W lm K CRI LxAxH
1912 03F 28W/840 DALI 5P CC L1204 31 4029 4000 >80 1204x119x64
1913 03F 35W/840 DALI 5P CC L1506 39 5469 4000 >80 1506x119x64
1914 03F 42W/840 DALI 5P CC L1787 46 6042 4000 >80 1787x119x64

Zero 3F Channel 191

Zero 3F End channel


Code 1920 L<3000 cd/m² 65° Opal methacrylate (PMMA) luminous end cap.

ON/OFF electronic wiring 230V-50/60Hz

Code Item W lm K CRI LxAxH
1787 NEW
03F 28W/840 3P EC L1204 31 4029 4000 >80 1204x119x64
1788 NEW 03F 35W/840 3P EC L1506 40 5469 4000 >80 1506x119x64
1789 NEW
03F 42W/840 3P EC L1787 46 6042 4000 >80 1787x119x64
1790 NEW 03F 28W/830 3P EC L1204 31 3868 3000 >80 1204x119x64
1791 NEW
03F 35W/830 3P EC L1506 40 5251 3000 >80 1506x119x64
1792 NEW 03F 42W/830 3P EC L1787 46 5800 3000 >80 1787x119x64
DALI electronic wiring 230V-50/60Hz
Code Item W lm K CRI LxAxH
1843 NEW 03F 28W/830 DALI 5P EC L1204 31 3868 3000 >80 1204x119x64
1844 NEW 03F 35W/830 DALI 5P EC L1506 40 5251 3000 >80 1506x119x64
1845 NEW 03F 42W/830 DALI 5P EC L1787 46 5800 3000 >80 1787x119x64
DALI-2 DATI electronic wiring 230V-50/60Hz
Code Item W lm K CRI LxAxH
1918 03F 28W/840 DALI 5P EC L1204 31 4029 4000 >80 1204x119x64
1919 03F 35W/840 DALI 5P EC L1506 39 5469 4000 >80 1506x119x64
1920 03F 42W/840 DALI 5P EC L1787 46 6042 4000 >80 1787x119x64

Performances are measured and certified by our CTFs stage 2 Photometric Laboratory (more information on page 12).
192 Datasheets, product updates and specifications on our website: www.3f-filippi.com
/ Surface luminaires and suspensions

IIS "Podesti ‑ Calzecchi Onesti"

Chiaravalle (AN)
H Italia/Italy

Zero 3F Tunable White
Controlled symmetric distribution. Ceiling, suspension or wall installation.
Average luminance <3000 cd/m² for radial angles >65°. Thanks to the full compatibility for dimensions and fixing distances, this
The colour temperature can be adjusted between 2700 K and 6500 K. product becomes the perfect solution for updating existing installations.
Lifetime (L80/B10): 100000 h. (tq+25°C)
Photobiological safety RG0 (page 16).
SOURCE Any environments requiring light which aims for the wellness of people.
Environments: with VDTs, meeting rooms, offices.
Linear LED modules. Environments: recreational, transit areas, corridors, schools, stairwells.
Colour initial tolerance (MacAdam): SDCM 3. Environments where soft diffuse light is required for optimal visual
Luminaires suitable in production plants in the food industry

Housing in hot‑galvanised steel, painted in white polyester.

Diffuser with differentiated geometry, made of transparent methacrylate LIGHT MANAGEMENT
(PMMA) with microprismatic finish, anti‑glare on the flat part and opal on
the side. Tunable White products can be controlled with wired control systems
Anti‑glare opal methacrylate (PMMA) filter for brightness uniformity. (page 742) or 3F & Casambi (page 746).
Lighting end caps in methacrylate (PMMA) opal.

• different power levels or colour rendering indices
In compliance with EN 60598‑1. • emergency versions
Compliance with the EN 60598‑2‑22 standard for power supply from a
centralised CPSS emergency system must be verified in the technical
data sheets of each individual device on our website.
Cable with a DALI DT8 driver.
5‑pole terminal block (L‑N‑PE‑DA/DA) for line connection with
connection capacity 2x2.5 mm² per poles.

Zero 3F Tunable White


Code 1932 L<3000 cd/m² 65° Variable light intensity and colour temperature.

DALI DT8 electronic wiring 230V-50/60Hz

Code Item W lm K CRI LxAxH
1930 03F 28W DT8 TW L1204 35 4115 2700 >80 1204x119x64
34 4000
33 6500
1931 03F 35W DT8 TW L1506 43 5144 2700 >80 1506x119x64
41.5 4000
40 6500
1932 03F 42W DT8 TW L1787 50 6172 2700 >80 1787x119x64
49 4000
47 6500

Performances are measured and certified by our CTFs stage 2 Photometric Laboratory (more information on page 12).
196 Datasheets, product updates and specifications on our website: www.3f-filippi.com
Zero 3F | Accessories
Code Item
A0052 Wall-mounting brack

Wall‑mounting bracket, in white painted steel.

Code Item
A0660 Suspension with adjustment - 1m
A0661 Suspension with adjustment - 2 m
A0662 Suspension with adjustment - 3 m
A0663 Suspension with adjustment - 4 m
A0664 Suspension with adjustment - 5 m
A0665 Suspension with adjustment - 6 m

Suspension with regulator, galvanised steel cable 1.5 mm diameter, load 15 kg.
Attention: each product requires two suspensions with regulator.

Code Item
A0679 5 pole rectangular rose (no cable) WH

Electric supply with white polycarbonate case, internal bracket in galvanised steel.

Code Item
A0455 Wireguard 180x1330 3F Linda
A0456 Wireguard 180x1630 3F Linda

Wire‑guard for applications in dry environments, against shocks coming from any directions, galvanised steel
rod Ø 5 mm.
Only for luminaires fixed without hooks.

Zero 3F 197
/ Surface luminaires and suspensions


3F C8 Direct
Direct symmetric distribution. Suspension installation.
Lifetime (L80/B10): 100000 h. (tq+25°C)
Photobiological safety RG0 (page 16).
SOURCE Environments involving accurate visual tasks where a diffused and soft
light for an optimum visual comfort and the source total shielding are
Linear LED modules. required.
Colour initial tolerance (MacAdam): SDCM 3. In environments with VDTs, managerial offices and staterooms.


Extruded aluminium body, zamak heads. The DALI products can be controlled with 3F Easy Dim (page 722) or
SP flat diffuser in transparent methacrylate (PMMA), outside prismatic, 3F Smart Dimming technology (page 732).
Anti‑glare opal polycarbonate filter for brightness uniformity.
Adjustable suspension fixtures with chrome studs and rapid adjusters, ON REQUEST
galvanised steel cable of 2 m long.
• different power levels, colour rendering indices and colour
ELECTRICAL • wiring: CLO (page 752)
• power and suspension cables of >2 m long
In compliance with EN 60598‑1. • different dimensions
Compliance with the EN 60598‑2‑22 standard for power supply from a • housing in different RAL colours
centralised CPSS emergency system must be verified in the technical • emergency versions
data sheets of each individual device on our website.
Transparent 5‑pole power cable with white ceiling power supply case.



Code 6128 L<3000 cd/m² 65° Average luminance <3000 cd/m² for angles >65°.

DALI electronic wiring 230V-50/60Hz

Code Item W lm K CRI LxAxH
6128 3F C8 WH 30/840 DALI GSP L1480 35 2880 4000 >80 1480x77x54
6136 3F C8 BK 30/840 DALI GSP L1480 35 2880 4000 >80 1480x77x54



Code 6140

DALI electronic wiring 230V-50/60Hz

Code Item W lm K CRI LxAxH
6140 3F C8 WH HO 44/840 DALI GSP L1480 51 3912 4000 >80 1480x77x54
6148 3F C8 BK HO 44/840 DALI GSP L1480 51 3912 4000 >80 1480x77x54

Performances are measured and certified by our CTFs stage 2 Photometric Laboratory (more information on page 12).
200 Datasheets, product updates and specifications on our website: www.3f-filippi.com
/ Surface luminaires and suspensions


3F C8 Direct/Indirect
Symmetric direct‑indirect distribution. Suspension installation.
Lifetime (L80/B10): 100000 h. (tq+25°C)
Photobiological safety RG0 (page 16).
SOURCE Environments involving accurate visual tasks where a diffused and soft
light for an optimum visual comfort and the source total shielding are
Linear LED modules. required.
Colour initial tolerance (MacAdam): SDCM 3. In environments with VDTs, managerial offices and staterooms.


Extruded aluminium body, zamak heads. The DALI products can be controlled with 3F Easy Dim (page 722) or
SP flat diffuser in transparent methacrylate (PMMA), outside prismatic, 3F Smart Dimming technology (page 732).
Anti‑glare opal polycarbonate filter for brightness uniformity.
Adjustable suspension fixtures with chrome studs and rapid adjusters, ON REQUEST
galvanised steel cable of 2 m long.
• different power levels, colour rendering indices and colour
ELECTRICAL • wiring: CLO (page 752)
• power and suspension cables of >2 m long
In compliance with EN 60598‑1. • twin‑circuit
Compliance with the EN 60598‑2‑22 standard for power supply from a • different dimensions
centralised CPSS emergency system must be verified in the technical • housing in different RAL colours
data sheets of each individual device on our website. • emergency versions
5‑pole transparent power cable with white power supply case for
ceiling, single 230V circuit, 2 DALI addresses.



Code 6130 L<3000 cd/m² 65° Average luminance <3000 cd/m² for angles >65°.

DALI electronic wiring 230V-50/60Hz

Code Item W lm K CRI LxAxH
6130 3F C8 WH DI 30+8/840 DALI GSP L1480 45 4147 4000 >80 1480x77x54
6138 3F C8 BK DI 30+8/840 DALI GSP L1480 45 4147 4000 >80 1480x77x54



Code 6142

DALI electronic wiring 230V-50/60Hz

Code Item W lm K CRI LxAxH
6142 3F C8 WH DI HO 44+8/840 DALI GSP L1480 62 5179 4000 >80 1480x77x54
6150 3F C8 BK DI HO 44+8/840 DALI GSP L1480 62 5179 4000 >80 1480x77x54

Performances are measured and certified by our CTFs stage 2 Photometric Laboratory (more information on page 12).
204 Datasheets, product updates and specifications on our website: www.3f-filippi.com
/ Surface luminaires and suspensions

Scuola primaria "R. Mazzetti"

Loiano (BO)

3F Travetta Direct
Direct symmetric distribution. Ceiling mounted or suspension installation.
Lifetime (L80/B10): 100000 h. (tq+25°C) Thanks to the full compatibility of dimensions, fixing spacing and
Photobiological safety RG0 (page 16). accessories with the previous fluorescent version, this product becomes
the perfect solution for updating existing installations.

Linear LED modules.
Colour initial tolerance (MacAdam): SDCM 2. Environments: exhibition areas, staterooms, with VDTs, halls, shops,
great halls, offices.
Environments where soft diffuse light is required for optimal visual

Housing with squared shape in white painted galvannealed steel, with

nonreflecting surface. LIGHT MANAGEMENT
The DALI products can be controlled with 3F Easy Dim (page 722) or
ELECTRICAL 3F Smart Dimming technology (page 732).

In compliance with EN 60598‑1.

Compliance with the EN 60598‑2‑22 standard for power supply from a ON REQUEST
centralised CPSS emergency system must be verified in the technical
data sheets of each individual device on our website. • different power levels, colour rendering indices and colour
Terminal block for cascade line connection with connection capacity temperatures
2x2.5 mm². • different dimensions
• housing and accessories in different RAL colours
• wiring: CLO (page 752)
• emergency versions

3F Travetta 2MG


Average luminance <1000 cd/m² for radial angles >65°.

2MG parabolic louvre, high efficiency, in specular aluminium with
superficial titanium‑magnesium treatment, non‑iridescent, with
transverse blades closed at the top.
Prismatic methacrylate (PMMA) diffuser for total shielding of the
louvre compartment.
Film protective against dust and finger marks, adhesive, attached
Code 11481 L<1000 cd/m² 65° to louvre.

DALI electronic wiring 230V-50/60Hz

Code Item W lm K CRI LxAxH
11481 3F Travetta LED 1x22W DALI 2MG L1590 24.5 3168 4000 >80 1590x190x60
11484 3F Travetta LED 2x22W DALI 2MG L1590 49 6236 4000 >80 1590x190x60
11515 3F Travetta LED 1x30W/940 DALI 2MG L1590 34 3264 4000 >90 1590x190x60
11516 3F Travetta LED 2x22W/940 DALI 2MG L1590 49 5114 4000 >90 1590x190x60

3F Travetta OP


OP opal methacrylate (PMMA) flat diffuser, anti‑glare.

Code 10735 Flow recuperator in semi‑specular aluminium, high efficiency.

ON/OFF electronic wiring 230V-50/60Hz

Code Item W lm K CRI LxAxH
10731 3F Travetta LED 1x18W OP L1290 20 2265 4000 >80 1290x190x60
10732 3F Travetta LED 1x22W OP L1590 24.5 2920 4000 >80 1590x190x60
10734 3F Travetta LED 2x18W OP L1290 40 4409 4000 >80 1290x190x60
10775 3F Travetta LED 1x40W OP L2200 45 4887 4000 >80 2200x190x60
10735 3F Travetta LED 2x22W OP L1590 49 5683 4000 >80 1590x190x60
10777 3F Travetta LED 2x40W OP L2200 90 9511 4000 >80 2200x190x60
DALI electronic wiring 230V-50/60Hz
Code Item W lm K CRI LxAxH
11494 3F Travetta LED 1x18W DALI OP L1290 20 2265 4000 >80 1290x190x60
11495 3F Travetta LED 1x22W DALI OP L1590 24.5 2920 4000 >80 1590x190x60
11497 3F Travetta LED 2x18W DALI OP L1290 40 4409 4000 >80 1290x190x60
11511 3F Travetta LED 1x40W DALI OP L2200 45 4887 4000 >80 2200x190x60
11498 3F Travetta LED 2x22W DALI OP L1590 49 5683 4000 >80 1590x190x60
11513 3F Travetta LED 2x40W DALI OP L2200 90 9511 4000 >80 2200x190x60

Performances are measured and certified by our CTFs stage 2 Photometric Laboratory (more information on page 12).
208 Datasheets, product updates and specifications on our website: www.3f-filippi.com
3F Travetta LGS


Average luminance <3000 cd/m² for radial angles >65°.

Flow recuperator in semi‑specular aluminium, high efficiency.
LGS micro‑prismatic flat diffuser in transparent methacrylate
(PMMA), multi‑lenticular exterior, anti‑glare.
Code 11533 L<3000 cd/m² 65° Anti‑glare opal polycarbonate filter for brightness uniformity.

ON/OFF electronic wiring 230V-50/60Hz

Code Item W lm K CRI LxAxH
11528 3F Travetta LED 1x24W LGS L1290 27 3022 4000 >80 1290x190x60
11530 3F Travetta LED 1x30W LGS L1590 34 3783 4000 >80 1590x190x60
11531 3F Travetta LED 2x18W LGS L1290 40 4550 4000 >80 1290x190x60
11533 3F Travetta LED 2x22W LGS L1590 49 5865 4000 >80 1590x190x60
11566 3F Travetta LED 1x24W/940 LGS L1290 27 2478 4000 >90 1290x190x60
11567 3F Travetta LED 1x30W/940 LGS L1590 34 3102 4000 >90 1590x190x60
11568 3F Travetta LED 2x18W/940 LGS L1290 40 3731 4000 >90 1290x190x60
11569 3F Travetta LED 2x22W/940 LGS L1590 49 4809 4000 >90 1590x190x60
DALI electronic wiring 230V-50/60Hz
Code Item W lm K CRI LxAxH
11537 3F Travetta LED 1x24W DALI LGS L1290 27 3022 4000 >80 1290x190x60
11539 3F Travetta LED 1x30W DALI LGS L1590 34 3783 4000 >80 1590x190x60
11540 3F Travetta LED 2x18W DALI LGS L1290 40 4550 4000 >80 1290x190x60
11542 3F Travetta LED 2x22W DALI LGS L1590 49 5865 4000 >80 1590x190x60
11570 3F Travetta LED 1x24W/940 DALI LGS L1290 27 2478 4000 >90 1290x190x60
11571 3F Travetta LED 1x30W/940 DALI LGS L1590 34 3102 4000 >90 1590x190x60
11572 3F Travetta LED 2x18W/940 DALI LGS L1290 40 3731 4000 >90 1290x190x60
11573 3F Travetta LED 2x22W/940 DALI LGS L1590 49 4809 4000 >90 1590x190x60

3F Travetta Direct 209

/ Surface luminaires and suspensions

Municipio di Bastia Umbra

Bastia Umbra

3F Travetta Direct/Indirect
Direct‑indirect distribution. Suspension installation.
Lifetime (L80/B10): 100000 h. (tq+25°C) Thanks to the full compatibility of dimensions, fixing spacing and
Photobiological safety RG0 (page 16). accessories with the previous fluorescent version, this product becomes
the perfect solution for updating existing installations.

Linear LED modules.
Colour initial tolerance (MacAdam): SDCM 2. Environments: exhibition areas, staterooms, with VDTs, halls, shops,
great halls, offices.
Environments where soft diffuse light is required for optimal visual

Housing with squared shape in white painted galvannealed steel, with

nonreflecting surface. LIGHT MANAGEMENT
Upper holes closing film made of opal polycarbonate.
The DALI products can be controlled with 3F Easy Dim (page 722) or
3F Smart Dimming technology (page 732).
ELECTRICAL The DALI Sensor (LS) products are all fitted with light and presence
sensors integrated (page 730).
In compliance with EN 60598‑1.
Compliance with the EN 60598‑2‑22 standard for power supply from a
centralised CPSS emergency system must be verified in the technical ON REQUEST
data sheets of each individual device on our website.
Terminal block for cascade line connection with connection capacity • different power levels, colour rendering indices and colour
2x2.5 mm². temperatures
• different dimensions
• housing and accessories in different RAL colours
• wiring: CLO (page 752)
• emergency versions

3F Travetta DI 2MG


Average luminance <1000 cd/m² for radial angles >65°.

Light emission: direct 85%, indirect 15% .
2MG parabolic louvre, high efficiency, in specular aluminium with
superficial titanium‑magnesium treatment, non‑iridescent, with
transverse blades closed at the top.
Prismatic methacrylate (PMMA) diffuser for total shielding of the
louvre compartment.
Film protective against dust and finger marks, adhesive, attached
Code 10748 L<1000 cd/m² 65° to louvre.

ON/OFF electronic wiring 230V-50/60Hz

Code Item W lm K CRI LxAxH
10747 3F Travetta LED DI 2x15W 2MG L1590 33 3958 4000 >80 1590x190x60
10748 3F Travetta LED DI 2x22W 2MG L1590 49 5865 4000 >80 1590x190x60
10758 3F Travetta LED DI 2x15W/940 2MG L1590 33 3245 4000 >90 1590x190x60
10759 3F Travetta LED DI 2x22W/940 2MG L1590 49 4809 4000 >90 1590x190x60
DALI electronic wiring 230V-50/60Hz
Code Item W lm K CRI LxAxH
11503 3F Travetta LED DI 2x15W DALI 2MG L1590 33 3958 4000 >80 1590x190x60
11504 3F Travetta LED DI 2x22W DALI 2MG L1590 49 5865 4000 >80 1590x190x60
11596 3F Trav. LED DI 2x15W/940 DALI 2MG L1590 33 3245 4000 >90 1590x190x60
11597 3F Trav. LED DI 2x22W/940 DALI 2MG L1590 49 4809 4000 >90 1590x190x60

3F Travetta DI DALI Sensor 2MG



Average luminance <1000 cd/m² for radial angles >65°.

Light emission: direct 85%, indirect 15% .
2MG parabolic louvre, high efficiency, in specular aluminium with
superficial titanium‑magnesium treatment, non‑iridescent, with
transverse blades closed at the top.
Prismatic methacrylate (PMMA) diffuser for total shielding of the
louvre compartment.
Film protective against dust and finger marks, adhesive, attached
to louvre.
Integrated DALI light and presence sensor on the luminaire, to
keep lighting levels constant in accordance with the amount of
natural light and the presence of persons.
Code 11523 L<1000 cd/m² 65°
Turns on and off and is regulated according to the level of light and
the presence of persons.

DALI electronic wiring 230V-50/60Hz

Code Item W lm K CRI LxAxH
11522 3F Trav. LED DI 2x15W DALI LS 2MG L1590 35 3958 4000 >80 1590x190x60
11523 3F Trav. LED DI 2x22W DALI LS 2MG L1590 49 5865 4000 >80 1590x190x60

Performances are measured and certified by our CTFs stage 2 Photometric Laboratory (more information on page 12).
212 Datasheets, product updates and specifications on our website: www.3f-filippi.com
3F Travetta DI LGS


Average luminance <3000 cd/m² for radial angles >65°.

Light emission: direct 85%, indirect 15% .
Flow recuperator in semi‑glossy aluminium.
LGS micro‑prismatic flat diffuser in transparent methacrylate
(PMMA), multi‑lenticular exterior, anti‑glare.
Anti‑glare opal polycarbonate filter for brightness uniformity.
Code 11656 L<3000 cd/m² 65° On request, indirect emission versions enhanced.

ON/OFF electronic wiring 230V-50/60Hz

Code Item W lm K CRI LxAxH
11656 3F Travetta LED DI 2x18W LGS L1290 40 3954 4000 >80 1290x190x60
11657 3F Travetta LED DI 2x24W LGS L1290 54 5116 4000 >80 1290x190x60
11599 3F Travetta LED DI 2x22W LGS L1590 49 5096 4000 >80 1590x190x60
11600 3F Travetta LED DI 2x30W LGS L1590 66 6403 4000 >80 1590x190x60
11658 3F Travetta LED DI 2x18W/940 LGS L1290 40 3242 4000 >90 1290x190x60
11659 3F Travetta LED DI 2x24W/940 LGS L1290 54 4195 4000 >90 1290x190x60
11602 3F Travetta LED DI 2x22W/940 LGS L1590 49 4179 4000 >90 1590x190x60
11603 3F Travetta LED DI 2x30W/940 LGS L1590 66 5251 4000 >90 1590x190x60
DALI electronic wiring 230V-50/60Hz
Code Item W lm K CRI LxAxH
11660 3F Travetta LED DI 2x18W DALI LGS L1290 40 3954 4000 >80 1290x190x60
11661 3F Travetta LED DI 2x24W DALI LGS L1290 54 5116 4000 >80 1290x190x60
11629 3F Travetta LED DI 2x22W DALI LGS L1590 49 5096 4000 >80 1590x190x60
11630 3F Travetta LED DI 2x30W DALI LGS L1590 66 6403 4000 >80 1590x190x60
11662 3F Trav. LED DI 2x18W/940 DALI LGS L1290 40 3242 4000 >90 1290x190x60
11663 3F Trav. LED DI 2x24W/940 DALI LGS L1290 54 4195 4000 >90 1290x190x60
11632 3F Trav. LED DI 2x22W/940 DALI LGS L1590 49 4179 4000 >90 1590x190x60
11633 3F Trav. LED DI 2x30W/940 DALI LGS L1590 66 5251 4000 >90 1590x190x60

3F Travetta Direct/Indirect 213

/ Surface luminaires and suspensions

Politecnico di Torino

3F Travetta Tunable White
Direct symmetric distribution. Ceiling mounted or suspension installation.
Average luminance <1000 cd/m² for radial angles >65°. Thanks to the full compatibility of dimensions, fixing spacing and
The colour temperature can be adjusted between 2700 K and 6500 K. accessories with the previous fluorescent version, this product becomes
Lifetime (L70/B10): 100000 h. (tq+25°C) the perfect solution for updating existing installations.
Photobiological safety RG0 (page 16).

Any environments requiring light which aims for the wellness of people.
Linear LED modules. Environments with VDTs.
Colour initial tolerance (MacAdam): SDCM 3. Environments where demanding visual tasks are performed and soft
diffuse light is required for optimal visual comfort and total shielding of
the light source.
Housing with squared shape in white painted galvannealed steel, with LIGHT MANAGEMENT
nonreflecting surface.
2MG parabolic louvre, high efficiency, in specular aluminium with Tunable White products can be controlled with wired control systems
superficial titanium‑magnesium treatment, non‑iridescent, with (page 742) or 3F & Casambi (page 746).
transverse blades closed at the top.
Opal methacrylate (PMMA) diffuser for total shielding of the louvre
compartment. ON REQUEST
Film protective against dust and finger marks, adhesive, attached to
louvre. • different power levels or colour rendering indices
• different dimensions
• housing and accessories in different RAL colours
ELECTRICAL • emergency versions

In compliance with EN 60598‑1.

Compliance with the EN 60598‑2‑22 standard for power supply from a
centralised CPSS emergency system must be verified in the technical
data sheets of each individual device on our website.
Cable with a DALI DT8 driver.
5‑pole terminal block (L‑N‑PE‑DA/DA) for line connection with
connection capacity 2x2.5 mm² per poles.

3F Travetta Tunable White 2MG


Code 10763 L<1000 cd/m² 65° Variable light intensity and colour temperature.

DALI DT8 electronic wiring 230V-50/60Hz

Code Item W lm K CRI LxAxH
10763 3F TRAV. LED 2X22W DALI DT8 TW 2MG L1590 50 5550 2700 >80 1590x190x60
6236 4000
6236 6500

Performances are measured and certified by our CTFs stage 2 Photometric Laboratory (more information on page 12).
216 Datasheets, product updates and specifications on our website: www.3f-filippi.com
3F Travetta | Accessories
Code Item
A0052 Wall-mounting brack

Wall‑mounting bracket, in white painted steel.

Code Item
A0875 Connecting bracket Travetta

Connecting bracket to form linear channels or branches of single luminaires, in galvanised steel with upper
holes for adjustable suspensions.

Code Item
A0892 White connect.elem.190x190 3F Travetta
A0894 White connect.elem.190x210 3F Travetta
A0895 White connect.elem.190x510 3F Travetta
A0896 White connect.elem.190x810 3F Travetta
A0897 White connect.elem.190x1110 3F Travetta
A0941 White con.elem.lum/wall 810 3F Travetta
A0942 Wh.conn.elem.lum/wall 1110 3F Travetta

Linear connecting element and for branch, between luminaires or between luminaires and wall, to form
channels, in steel with accessorizable cover, white colour. It allows the passage of the power‑supply line.
Concerning the use of connecting elements in false ceilings 600x600, see installation.
On request: elements of desired length. Connecting elements for false ceiling 625x625.

Code Item
A0951 White branch elem. 190x310 3F Travetta
A0952 White branches elem. 190x460 3F Travetta
A0877 Bracket for T-branch for 3F Travetta
A0878 Bracket for X-branch for 3F Travetta

Branching in correspondence with the steel linear connecting elements with a white colour accessory cover.
It allows the passage of the power‑supply line. The 190x190 linear connecting element can also
be used for T junctions (request a bracket code A0875) and X junctions (request two brackets
code A0875). To obtain an excellent T or X junction for connecting elements of a false ceiling with
600x600 visible profiles, the combination of a 1110 mm linear element with a 460 mm junction and
the combination of a 810 mm linear element with a 310 mm junction are recommended.

Code Item
A0870 White conn. elem. with boss for lum.
A0872 White conn.elem. to wall w/boss for lum.

Connecting element between luminaires or between luminaire and wall, white colour, composed of
aluminium tube 1.5 m long Ø20 mm, which can be sectioned to any desired length, it allows the passage of
the power‑supply line.

3F Travetta 217
Code Item
A01368 Travetta B joint closing cap

Linear connecting element end cap to be used when there are connecting elements at the beginning or end
of a channel.

Code Item
A01318 White rectangular case adj. susp. 1 m
A01325 Wired adj. susp. 5P wh.rect.case 1 m

Adjustable suspension with polycarbonate case in white colour, internal bracket in galvanised steel. Wired
version with transparent power‑supply cable 5x1.5 mm². Stainless steel cables Ø 1.25 mm, length 1 m,
leaded at one end with adjusters for coupling on the luminaire.
On request: for suspensions longer than 1 m, it is necessary order stainless steel cables Ø
1,25 mm in spool of 100 m and pack of n° 100 clamps.
Accessory always required for 2200 mm long products.

Code Item
A01314 White rectangular case fixed susp. 0,3m
A01315 White rectangular case fixed susp. 0,5m
A01317 White rectangular case fixed susp. 1m
A01321 Wired fixed susp. 5P wh.rect.case 0,3m
A01322 Wired fixed susp. 5P wh.rect.case 0,5m
A01324 Wired fixed susp. 5P wh.rect.case 1m

Fixed suspension with white polycarbonate case, internal bracket in galvanised steel. Wired version with
transparent power‑supply cable 5x1.5 mm². Ø 1.25 mm stainless steel cables leaded at the end for coupling
on the luminaire.

Code Item
A0620 Spool stain.ste.cab.diam. 1,25mm 100 m
The pack contains 100 metres.

Coil of stainless steel cable Ø 1.25 mm, length 100 m.

Code Item
A0622 Clamp 1 hole suspension - 100 pcs
The pack contains 100 pieces.

Clamps in nickel‑plated brass suitable for fixing of steel wire (diameter 1.25 mm 1.5 mm ‑ 2 mm), complete
with locking screws.

Code Item
A0679 5 pole rectangular rose (no cable) WH

Electric supply with white polycarbonate case, internal bracket in galvanised steel.

218 Datasheets, product updates and specifications on our website: www.3f-filippi.com

3F Travetta LED
Mounting with fixed suspension H = 300-500-1000mm


Connecting bracket Connecting element

Versions A B C
code code
3F Travetta 1290 1200 A0875 1290 A0892 280
A A D D E E A0894F F 300
A0895 600
A0896 900
H H A0897 1200
3F Travetta 1590 1200 A0875 1590 A0892 580
A0894 600
A0895 900
A0896 1200
B B A0897C
C/C* C/C*
C 1500
3F Travetta 2200 1800 A0875 2200 A0892 590
A0894 610
H H A0895 910
A0896 1210
A0897 1510
Mounting with
A Aadjustable suspension
A H max
A 1000mm



Connecting bracket Connecting element

Versions A D E F
code code
3F Travetta 1290 1250 A0875 1270 1290 A0892 190
A A A A B B A0894C/C* C/C* 210
A A A A B B A0895C C 510
600 600 A0896 810
A0897 1110
3F Travetta 1590 H
1550 H A0875 1570 1590 A0892 190
A0894 210
A0895 510
A0896 810
A0897 1110
3F Travetta
A 2160 A0875D D
2180 E
2200 E
A0892F F
A A B A0894 C 210


A0895 510
A0896 810
H A0897 1110
Ceiling mounting H

A A A A B B C/C* C/C*
600 600
H Connecting bracket Connecting element
Versions A B C C*
code code
3F Travetta 1290 (C) 1075
H A0875 215 A0892 405
A (C) A
3F Travetta 1590 1375 A0875A A B
215 B A0892 405 690
3F Travetta 2200 (C*) 1700 A0875 500 A0894 425 710
600 600 A AA A B A0895 725 C/C* 1010
A0896 1025 1310

A A B A0897 1325
C/C* 1610
Installation on 3F Linux system A A B B
fissa fissa
This type of installation avoids the use of connecting elements for 3F Travetta direct version.

A 600

Versions A B
3F Travetta 1290 1075 215
regolabile regolab
3F Travetta 1590 1375 215
3F Travetta 2200 1700 500
600 600 A A


220 C C
fissa fissa

Installation to false ceiling with exposed structure 600x600 - 600x1200

B C/C*
For this type of installation only fixed suspensions are to be used.

Linear connecting Connecting elements

elements codes for branches codes
B A0894 A0895 A0896 A0897 A0951 A0952
Versions A A A/B A/B C C
3F Travetta 1290 510 1110/505
600 A

600 B A 3F Travetta 1590 210 810/405 310



Formation Aof composition

or branch
Versions A B
3F Travetta 1290 1100 95
3F Travetta 1590 1400 95

Linear connecting Connecting elements for

elements codes branches codes
C A0892 A0894 A0895 A0896 A0897 A0951 A0952
D Sospensione fissa
190 210 510 810 1110 310 460 Sospensione fissa


Wall power-supply Sospensione regolabile
Sospensione regolabile

A B Fixed suspension
Versions A Connecting bracket B
Sospensione fissa
3F Travetta 1290 1200 A0941 855
A0942 1155
3F Travetta 1590 1200E A0941F 1005
E A0942F 1305
Fissaggio a soffitto
3F Travetta 2200 1800 A0941 1010
C D A0942 1310
Fissaggio a soffitto

Adjustable suspension
Sospensione regolabile C Connecting bracket D
3F Travetta 1290 1270 A0941 810
A0942 1110
3F Travetta 1590 1570 A0941 810
A0942 1110
3F Travetta 2200 2180 A0941 810
E F A0942 1110
Ceiling mounting
Fissaggio a soffitto E Connecting bracket F
3F Travetta 1290 1075 A0941 918
A0942 1218
3F Travetta 1590 1375 A0941 918
A0942 1218
3F Travetta 2200 1700 A0941 1060
A0942 1360

/ Surface luminaires and suspensions

CAW (Centrum Algemeen Welzijn)


3F Zeta L
Wide, direct and asymmetric controlled distribution. Ceiling, suspension or wall installation.
Lifetime (L80/B10): 100000 h. (tq+25°C)
Photobiological safety RG0 (page 16).
L UGR version
Average luminance <3000 cd/m² for radial angles >65°. Environments: architectural, commercial, transit areas, cornices, boards.
Luminaires suitable in production plants in the food industry
(HACCP / IFS / BRC‑Standard).
L UGR version
Linear LED modules. Environments: exhibition areas, staterooms, with VDTs, halls, shops,
Colour initial tolerance (MacAdam): SDCM 3. great halls, offices.


Housing in hot‑galvanised steel, painted in white polyester, obtained The DALI products can be controlled with 3F Easy Dim (page 722) or
through rolling process. 3F Smart Dimming technology (page 732).
Light unit in hot‑galvanised steel, painted in white polyester base with
fixing springs and retractable safety hooks in stainless steel.
End caps in white polycarbonate. ON REQUEST
Stainless steel mounting brackets with anti‑slip screws.
• different power levels, colour rendering indices and colour
ELECTRICAL • housing and accessories in different RAL colours
• wiring: CLO (page 752)
In compliance with EN 60598‑1. • HACCP versions for use in the food industry
Compliance with the EN 60598‑2‑22 standard for power supply from a • IP54 version
centralised CPSS emergency system must be verified in the technical • emergency versions
data sheets of each individual device on our website.
The luminaires with EP permanent emergency wiring on board comply
with EN 60598‑2‑22 standard, high risk areas excluded.

3F Zeta L


Lenses for wide distribution, in transparent methacrylate (PMMA)

Code 10892 L<3000 cd/m² 65° with external flat surface.

ON/OFF electronic wiring 230V-50/60Hz

Code Item W lm K CRI LxAxH
10894 3F Zeta L 15 LED L605 17 2749 4000 >80 605x62x65
10893 3F Zeta L 30 LED L1194 31 5498 4000 >80 1194x62x65
10892 3F Zeta L 40 LED L1489 38.5 6872 4000 >80 1489x62x65
10891 3F Zeta L 50 LED L1783 46 8247 4000 >80 1783x62x65
DALI-2 DATI electronic wiring 230V-50/60Hz
Code Item W lm K CRI LxAxH
10977 3F Zeta L 30 LED DALI L1194 31 5498 4000 >80 1194x62x65
10976 3F Zeta L 40 LED DALI L1489 38.5 6872 4000 >80 1489x62x65
10975 3F Zeta L 50 LED DALI L1783 46 8247 4000 >80 1783x62x65
EP maintained emergency wiring, 1hr duration with 24hrs recharge (page 772)
Code Item W lm K CRI LxAxH
10988 3F Zeta L 40 LED EP L1489 40 6872 4000 >80 1489x62x65
10987 3F Zeta L 50 LED EP L1783 47 8247 4000 >80 1783x62x65

Performances are measured and certified by our CTFs stage 2 Photometric Laboratory (more information on page 12).
224 Datasheets, product updates and specifications on our website: www.3f-filippi.com
3F Zeta L UGR


Average luminance <3000 cd/m² for radial angles >65°.

Transparent methacrylate (PMMA) controlled distribution lenses
Code 10864 L<3000 cd/m² 65° with flat external surface.

ON/OFF electronic wiring 230V-50/60Hz

Code Item W lm K CRI LxAxH
10864 3F Zeta L UGR 30 LED L1194 31 5481 4000 >80 1194x62x65
10840 3F Zeta L UGR 30/940 LED L1194 33 4494 4000 >90 1194x62x65
10863 3F Zeta L UGR 40 LED L1489 38.5 6851 4000 >80 1489x62x65
10839 3F Zeta L UGR 40/940 LED L1489 40 5618 4000 >90 1489x62x65
11026 3F Zeta L UGR 50 LED L1783 46 8221 4000 >80 1783x62x65
11027 3F Zeta L UGR 50/940 LED L1783 50 6742 4000 >90 1783x62x65
DALI electronic wiring 230V-50/60Hz
Code Item W lm K CRI LxAxH
10867 3F Zeta L UGR 30 LED DALI L1194 31 5481 4000 >80 1194x62x65
10842 3F Zeta L UGR 30/940 LED DALI L1194 33 4494 4000 >90 1194x62x65
10866 3F Zeta L UGR 40 LED DALI L1489 38.5 6851 4000 >80 1489x62x65
10841 3F Zeta L UGR 40/940 LED DALI L1489 40 5618 4000 >90 1489x62x65
11028 3F Zeta L UGR 50 LED DALI L1783 46 8221 4000 >80 1783x62x65
11029 3F Zeta L UGR 50/940 LED DALI L1783 50 6742 4000 >90 1783x62x65
EP maintained emergency wiring, 1hr duration with 24hrs recharge (page 772)
Code Item W lm K CRI LxAxH
10844 3F Zeta L UGR 30 LED EP L1194 32 5481 4000 >80 1194x62x65
10846 3F Zeta L UGR 30/940 LED EP L1194 34 4494 4000 >90 1194x62x65
10843 3F Zeta L UGR 40 LED EP L1489 40 6851 4000 >80 1489x62x65
10845 3F Zeta L UGR 40/940 LED EP L1489 41 5618 4000 >90 1489x62x65
11030 3F Zeta L UGR 50 LED EP L1783 47 8221 4000 >80 1783x62x65
11031 3F Zeta L UGR 50/940 LED EP L1783 51 6742 4000 >90 1783x62x65

3F Zeta L 225
3F Zeta L AS


Transparent methacrylate (PMMA) asymmetric distribution lenses

Code 10605 with a flat external surface.

ON/OFF electronic wiring 230V-50/60Hz

Code Item W lm K CRI LxAxH
10605 3F Zeta L AS 40 LED L1489 38.5 6894 4000 >80 1489x62x65
DALI electronic wiring 230V-50/60Hz
Code Item W lm K CRI LxAxH
10606 3F Zeta L AS 40 LED DALI L1489 38.5 6894 4000 >80 1489x62x65
EP maintained emergency wiring, 1hr duration with 24hrs recharge (page 772)
Code Item W lm K CRI LxAxH
10607 3F Zeta L AS 40 LED EP L1489 40 6894 4000 >80 1489x62x65

Performances are measured and certified by our CTFs stage 2 Photometric Laboratory (more information on page 12).
226 Datasheets, product updates and specifications on our website: www.3f-filippi.com
/ Surface luminaires and suspensions

Hangar Fashion
Bat Yam

3F Zeta D
Diffused symmetric distribution. Ceiling, suspension or wall installation.
Lifetime (L80/B10): 100000 h. (tq+25°C)
Photobiological safety RG0 (page 16).
SOURCE Environments: architectural, commercial, transit areas, cornices, large
mirrors, boards.
Linear LED modules. Luminaires suitable in production plants in the food industry
Colour initial tolerance (MacAdam): SDCM 3. (HACCP / IFS / BRC‑Standard).


Housing in hot‑galvanised steel, painted in white polyester, obtained The DALI products can be controlled with 3F Easy Dim (page 722) or
through rolling process. 3F Smart Dimming technology (page 732).
Light unit in hot‑galvanised steel, painted in white polyester base with
fixing springs and retractable safety hooks in stainless steel.
Curved screen in self‑extinguishing polycarbonate, UV stabilised, opal, ON REQUEST
with smooth outer surface.
End caps in white polycarbonate. • different power levels, colour rendering indices and colour
Stainless steel mounting brackets with anti‑slip screws. temperatures
• housing and accessories in different RAL colours
• wiring: CLO (page 752)
• emergency versions
In compliance with EN 60598‑1.
Compliance with the EN 60598‑2‑22 standard for power supply from a
centralised CPSS emergency system must be verified in the technical
data sheets of each individual device on our website.
The luminaires with EP permanent emergency wiring on board comply
with EN 60598‑2‑22 standard, high risk areas excluded.

3F Zeta D


Code 10873

ON/OFF electronic wiring 230V-50/60Hz

Code Item W lm K CRI LxAxH
10872 3F Zeta D 1x9 LED L605 10 1209 4000 >80 605x62x81
10871 3F Zeta D 1x18 LED L1194 20 2419 4000 >80 1194x62x81
10875 3F Zeta D 2x9 LED L605 20 2418 4000 >80 605x62x81
10870 3F Zeta D 1x22 LED L1489 24.5 3118 4000 >80 1489x62x81
10874 3F Zeta D 2x18 LED L1194 40 4838 4000 >80 1194x62x81
10873 3F Zeta D 2x22 LED L1489 49 6236 4000 >80 1489x62x81
DALI electronic wiring 230V-50/60Hz
Code Item W lm K CRI LxAxH
10962 3F Zeta D 1x18 LED DALI L1194 20 2419 4000 >80 1194x62x81
10961 3F Zeta D 1x22 LED DALI L1489 24.5 3118 4000 >80 1489x62x81
10965 3F Zeta D 2x18 LED DALI L1194 40 4838 4000 >80 1194x62x81
10964 3F Zeta D 2x22 LED DALI L1489 49 6236 4000 >80 1489x62x81
EP maintained emergency wiring, 1hr duration with 24hrs recharge (page 772)
Code Item W lm K CRI LxAxH
10980 3F Zeta D 1x22 LED EP L1489 25.5 3118 4000 >80 1489x62x81
10982 3F Zeta D 2x22 LED EP L1489 50 6236 4000 >80 1489x62x81

Performances are measured and certified by our CTFs stage 2 Photometric Laboratory (more information on page 12).
230 Datasheets, product updates and specifications on our website: www.3f-filippi.com
/ Surface luminaires and suspensions

3F Zeta DR
Diffused, direct and asymmetric controlled distribution. Ceiling, suspension or wall installation.
Lifetime (L80/B10): 100000 h. (tq+25°C)
Photobiological safety RG0 (page 16).
SOURCE Environments: architectural, commercial, transit areas, cornices, large
mirrors, boards.
Linear LED modules. Luminaires suitable in production plants in the food industry
Colour initial tolerance (MacAdam): SDCM 3. (HACCP / IFS / BRC‑Standard).

UGR version
MECHANICAL Environments: exhibition areas, staterooms, with VDTs, halls, shops,
great halls, offices.
Housing in hot‑galvanised steel, painted in white polyester, obtained
through rolling process.
Light unit in hot‑galvanised steel, painted in white polyester base with LIGHT MANAGEMENT
fixing springs and retractable safety hooks in stainless steel.
End caps in white polycarbonate. The DALI products can be controlled with 3F Easy Dim (page 722) or
Stainless steel mounting brackets with anti‑slip screws. 3F Smart Dimming technology (page 732).

In compliance with EN 60598‑1. • different power levels, colour rendering indices and colour
Compliance with the EN 60598‑2‑22 standard for power supply from a temperatures
centralised CPSS emergency system must be verified in the technical • housing and accessories in different RAL colours
data sheets of each individual device on our website. • wiring: CLO (page 752)
The luminaires with EP permanent emergency wiring on board comply • class II
with EN 60598‑2‑22 standard, high risk areas excluded. • CRI >90 sources
• emergency versions

3F Zeta DR


Diffused symmetric distribution.

Rectangular screen in self‑extinguishing polycarbonate, UV
Code 10880 stabilised, opal, with smooth outer surface.

ON/OFF electronic wiring 230V-50/60Hz

Code Item W lm K CRI LxAxH
10879 3F Zeta DR 1x9 LED L605 10 1212 4000 >80 605x62x81
10878 3F Zeta DR 1x18 LED L1194 20 2425 4000 >80 1194x62x81
10882 3F Zeta DR 2x9 LED L605 20 2424 4000 >80 605x62x81
10877 3F Zeta DR 1x22 LED L1489 24.5 3126 4000 >80 1489x62x81
10881 3F Zeta DR 2x18 LED L1194 40 4851 4000 >80 1194x62x81
10880 3F Zeta DR 2x22 LED L1489 49 6253 4000 >80 1489x62x81
DALI electronic wiring 230V-50/60Hz
Code Item W lm K CRI LxAxH
10968 3F Zeta DR 1x18 LED DALI L1194 20 2425 4000 >80 1194x62x81
10967 3F Zeta DR 1x22 LED DALI L1489 24.5 3126 4000 >80 1489x62x81
10971 3F Zeta DR 2x18 LED DALI L1194 40 4851 4000 >80 1194x62x81
10970 3F Zeta DR 2x22 LED DALI L1489 49 6253 4000 >80 1489x62x81
EP maintained emergency wiring, 1hr duration with 24hrs recharge (page 772)
Code Item W lm K CRI LxAxH
10984 3F Zeta DR 1x22 LED EP L1489 25.5 3126 4000 >80 1489x62x81
10986 3F Zeta DR 2x22 LED EP L1489 50 6253 4000 >80 1489x62x81

Performances are measured and certified by our CTFs stage 2 Photometric Laboratory (more information on page 12).
234 Datasheets, product updates and specifications on our website: www.3f-filippi.com
3F Zeta DR AS


Asymmetric distribution.
Rectangular screen in self‑extinguishing polycarbonate, UV
stabilised, opal, with smooth outer surface.
Code 10887 Internal recuperator in white painted steel.

ON/OFF electronic wiring 230V-50/60Hz

Code Item W lm K CRI LxAxH
10886 3F Zeta DR AS 1x30 LED L1489 34 3451 4000 >80 1489x62x81
10887 3F Zeta DR AS 2x22 LED L1489 49 5096 4000 >80 1489x62x81
DALI electronic wiring 230V-50/60Hz
Code Item W lm K CRI LxAxH
10973 3F Zeta DR AS 1x30 LED DALI L1489 34 3451 4000 >80 1489x62x81
10974 3F Zeta DR AS 2x22 LED DALI L1489 49 5096 4000 >80 1489x62x81

3F Zeta DR 235
3F Zeta DR UGR


Controlled symmetric distribution.

1x ‑ Average luminance <1500 cd/m² for radial angles >65°.
2x ‑ Average luminance <3000 cd/m² for radial angles >65°.
Rectangular transparent polycarbonate diffuser.
Semi‑specular aluminium internal louvre with prismatic
methacrylate (PMMA) filter above the louvre blades for complete
Code 10998 L<1500 cd/m² 65° shielding of the louvre compartment.

ON/OFF electronic wiring 230V-50/60Hz

Code Item W lm K CRI LxAxH
10599 3F Zeta DR UGR 1x12 LED L605 14 1497 4000 >80 605x62x81
10598 3F Zeta DR UGR 2x9 LED L605 20 2078 4000 >80 605x62x81
10592 3F Zeta DR UGR 1x24 LED L1194 27 2786 4000 >80 1194x62x81
10998 3F Zeta DR UGR 1x30 LED L1783 34 3487 4000 >80 1783x62x81
10591 3F Zeta DR UGR 2x18 LED L1194 40 4159 4000 >80 1194x62x81
10997 3F Zeta DR UGR 2x22 LED L1783 49 5361 4000 >80 1783x62x81
11003 3F Zeta DR UGR 2x22/940 LED L1783 49 4396 4000 >90 1783x62x81
DALI electronic wiring 230V-50/60Hz
Code Item W lm K CRI LxAxH
10601 3F Zeta DR UGR 1x12 LED DALI L605 15 1497 4000 >80 605x62x81
10600 3F Zeta DR UGR 2x9 LED DALI L605 20 2078 4000 >80 605x62x81
10594 3F Zeta DR UGR 1x24 LED DALI L1194 27 2786 4000 >80 1194x62x81
11000 3F Zeta DR UGR 1x30 LED DALI L1783 34 3487 4000 >80 1783x62x81
10593 3F Zeta DR UGR 2x18 LED DALI L1194 40 4159 4000 >80 1194x62x81
10999 3F Zeta DR UGR 2x22 LED DALI L1783 49 5361 4000 >80 1783x62x81
11004 3F Zeta DR UGR 2x22/940 LED DALI L1783 49 4396 4000 >90 1783x62x81
EP maintained emergency wiring, 1hr duration with 24hrs recharge (page 772)
Code Item W lm K CRI LxAxH
11002 3F Zeta DR UGR 1x30 LED EP L1783 35 3487 4000 >80 1783x62x81
11001 3F Zeta DR UGR 2x22 LED EP L1783 50 5361 4000 >80 1783x62x81

Performances are measured and certified by our CTFs stage 2 Photometric Laboratory (more information on page 12).
236 Datasheets, product updates and specifications on our website: www.3f-filippi.com

/ Surface luminaires and suspensions

Belval Campus

3F Zeta DT
Controlled symmetric distribution. Ceiling, suspension or wall installation.
Average luminance <3000 cd/m² for radial angles >65°. Luminaires suitable, from a hygienic point of view, for use in production
Lifetime (L80/B10): 100000 h. (tq+25°C) plants in the food industry (HACCP / IFS / BRC‑Standard).
Photobiological safety RG0 (page 16).

Environments: with VDTs, meeting rooms, offices.
Linear LED modules. Environments: recreational, transit areas, corridors, schools, stairwells.
Colour initial tolerance (MacAdam): SDCM 3. Environments where soft diffuse light is required for optimal visual

Housing in hot‑galvanised steel, painted in white polyester, obtained
through rolling process. The DALI products can be controlled with 3F Easy Dim (page 722) or
Light unit in hot‑galvanised steel, painted in white polyester base with 3F Smart Dimming technology (page 732).
fixing springs and retractable safety hooks in stainless steel.
Diffuser with differentiated geometry, made of transparent methacrylate
(PMMA) with microprismatic finish, anti‑glare on the flat part and opal on ON REQUEST
the side.
Anti‑glare opal methacrylate (PMMA) filter for brightness uniformity. • different power levels, colour rendering indices and colour
End caps in white polycarbonate. temperatures
Stainless steel mounting brackets with anti‑slip screws. • housing and accessories in different RAL colours
• wiring: CLO (page 752)
• class II
ELECTRICAL • emergency versions

In compliance with EN 60598‑1.

Compliance with the EN 60598‑2‑22 standard for power supply from a
centralised CPSS emergency system must be verified in the technical
data sheets of each individual device on our website.
The luminaires with EP permanent emergency wiring on board comply
with EN 60598‑2‑22 standard, high risk areas excluded.

3F Zeta DT UGR


Code 10612 L<3000 cd/m² 65°

ON/OFF electronic wiring 230V-50/60Hz

Code Item W lm K CRI LxAxH
10612 NEW
3F Zeta DT UGR 2x22 LED L1783 49 7261 4000 >80 1783x118x95
10613 NEW 3F Zeta DT UGR 2x15 LED L1489 34 4900 4000 >80 1489x118x95
10614 NEW
3F Zeta DT UGR 2x12 LED L1194 28 3915 4000 >80 1194x118x95
10615 NEW 3F Zeta DT UGR 2x6 LED L605 15 1953 4000 >80 605x118x95
DALI electronic wiring 230V-50/60Hz
Code Item W lm K CRI LxAxH
10616 NEW 3F Zeta DT UGR 2x22 LED DALI L1783 49 7261 4000 >80 1783x118x95
10617 NEW 3F Zeta DT UGR 2x15 LED DALI L1489 34 4900 4000 >80 1489x118x95
10618 NEW 3F Zeta DT UGR 2x12 LED DALI L1194 28 3915 4000 >80 1194x118x95
10619 NEW
3F Zeta DT UGR 2x6 LED DALI L605 15 1953 4000 >80 605x118x95
EP maintained emergency wiring, 1hr duration with 24hrs recharge (page 772)
Code Item W lm K CRI LxAxH
10620 NEW
3F Zeta DT UGR 2x22 LED EP L1783 50 7261 4000 >80 1783x118x95
10621 NEW 3F Zeta DT UGR 2x15 LED EP L1489 35 4900 4000 >80 1489x118x95
10622 NEW
3F Zeta DT UGR 2x12 LED EP L1194 29 3915 4000 >80 1194x118x95

Performances are measured and certified by our CTFs stage 2 Photometric Laboratory (more information on page 12).
240 Datasheets, product updates and specifications on our website: www.3f-filippi.com
3F Zeta | Accessories
Code Item
A0660 Suspension with adjustment - 1m
A0661 Suspension with adjustment - 2 m
A0662 Suspension with adjustment - 3 m
A0663 Suspension with adjustment - 4 m
A0664 Suspension with adjustment - 5 m
A0665 Suspension with adjustment - 6 m

Suspension with regulator, galvanised steel cable 1.5 mm diameter, load 15 kg.
Attention: each product requires two suspensions with regulator.

Code Item
A02562 Caddy for exposed profiles of 24 mm

Caddy hook to create a point from which to suspend the system or the loads to false ceilings with visible
To be installed on exposed profiles (width 24 mm) of false ceilings. We recommend reinforcing the
false‑ceiling fixing at the point where the Caddy is to be installed. Supplied complete with nut and
washer. The suspension must be purchased separately.
These accessories must ALWAYS be used with one of the following codes: A0660 ‑ A0661 ‑
A0662 ‑ A0663 ‑ A0664 ‑ A0665.

Code Item
A20452 Stainless steel hook for chain

Hook to suspended luminaires to a chain.

Code Item
A20433 Linear connecting element

Element to connect in hot‑galvanised steel.

Code Item
A0716 Coil galv. cable diam. 1.5mm - 100m
The pack contains 100 metres.
A0717 Coil galv. cable diam. 1.5mm - 500m
The pack contains 500 metres.
A0718 Coil galv. cable diam. 1.5mm - 1000m
The pack contains 1000 metres.

Galvanised steel cable, diameter 1.5 mm, composed of 49 wires. 15 kg capacity (ratio 5:1).
These accessories must ALWAYS be used with one of the following codes: A20452 ‑ A0714 ‑

Code Item
A0714 Clamp 2 holes susp.- 100 pcs
The pack contains 100 pieces.

Clamp in nickel‑plated brass suitable for fixing and adjustment of galvanised steel wire (diameter 1,25 mm
1,5 mm ‑ 2 mm), complete with locking screws. The 2 hole clamp allows to block and adjust the cable on a
bearing element (part of the building) or on rounded eye bolt.

3F Zeta 241
Code Item
A0659 Adjustable clamp 2 holes - 10 pcs
The pack contains 10 pieces.

Clamp suitable for fixing and adjustment of galvanised steel wire (diameter 1.5 mm), with quick adjustment
through unlock buttons. The clamp with 2 holes allow to fix and adjust the cable on the carrier structural
element (belonging to the building) or with eye screw fixing.
This accessory can be used with one of the following codes: A0716 ‑ A0717 ‑ A0718.

Code Item
A20478 Anti-slip term. incli. 3F Linux

Safety bracket in white painted steel to secure lighting elements if installed vertically.
This accessory must always be used in combination with end terminals.

Code Item
A0052 Wall-mounting brack

Wall‑mounting bracket, in white painted steel.

Code Item
A0679 5 pole rectangular rose (no cable) WH

Electric supply with white polycarbonate case, internal bracket in galvanised steel.

242 Datasheets, product updates and specifications on our website: www.3f-filippi.com

/ Surface luminaires and suspensions

A=L Ospedale di Avigliana



3F Dìagon P
Direct symmetric distribution. Ceiling installation.
Average luminance <3000 cd/m² for angles >65°.
Colour temperature available /830 ‑ /840, /930 ‑ /940.
Lifetime (L75/B10): 100000 h. (tq+25°C) APPLICATIONS
Photobiological safety RG0 (page 16).
Environments: staterooms, with VDTs, offices.
Environments with exacting visual tasks, where diffused soft light for
SOURCE optimum visual comfort is required.

Squared LED modules.

Colour initial tolerance (MacAdam): SDCM 3. LIGHT MANAGEMENT
The DALI products can be controlled with 3F Easy Dim (page 722) or
MECHANICAL 3F Smart Dimming technology (page 732).

White painted frame.

Height only 40 mm. ON REQUEST
Housing in hot‑galvanised steel, painted in white polyester.
Honeycombed diagonal screen in white anti‑glare polycarbonate. • suspension installation
Opal methacrylate (PMMA) rhomboid lenses with differentiated, • different power levels, colour rendering indices and colour
engraved and prismatic surfaces for diffused, soft lighting and excellent temperatures
visual comfort. • wiring: CLO (page 752)
• DALI Sensor version
• transparent lens versions
ELECTRICAL • emergency versions

In compliance with EN 60598‑1.

Compliance with the EN 60598‑2‑22 standard for power supply from a
centralised CPSS emergency system must be verified in the technical
data sheets of each individual device on our website.
The luminaires with EP permanent emergency wiring on board comply
with EN 60598‑2‑22 standard, high risk areas excluded.
Quick connection.

3F Dìagon P Soft UGR


Installation Interdistance Transv.D = 1.20 x hu ‑ Long.D = 1.20 x

Code 12126 L<3000 cd/m² 65° hu.

ON/OFF electronic wiring 230V-50/60Hz

Code Item W lm K CRI LxAxH
12126 3F Diagon P 25W/830 SOFT UGR 596x596 28 3532 3000 >80 596x596x40
12130 3F Diagon P 25W/840 SOFT UGR 596x596 28 3679 4000 >80 596x596x40
12134 3F Diagon P 39W/930 SOFT UGR 596x596 40 3890 3000 >90 596x596x40
12138 3F Diagon P 39W/940 SOFT UGR 596x596 40 4116 4000 >90 596x596x40
DALI electronic wiring 230V-50/60Hz
Code Item W lm K CRI LxAxH
12127 3F Diagon P 25W/830 DALI SOFT UGR 596x596 28 3532 3000 >80 596x596x40
12131 3F Diagon P 25W/840 DALI SOFT UGR 596x596 28 3679 4000 >80 596x596x40
12135 3F Diagon P 39W/930 DALI SOFT UGR 596x596 40 3890 3000 >90 596x596x40
12139 3F Diagon P 39W/940 DALI SOFT UGR 596x596 40 4116 4000 >90 596x596x40
EP maintained emergency wiring, 1hr duration with 24hrs recharge (page 772)
Code Item W lm K CRI LxAxH
12128 3F Diagon P 25W/830 EP SOFT UGR 596x596 29 3532 3000 >80 596x596x40
12132 3F Diagon P 25W/840 EP SOFT UGR 596x596 29 3679 4000 >80 596x596x40
12136 3F Diagon P 39W/930 EP SOFT UGR 596x596 41 3890 3000 >90 596x596x40
12140 3F Diagon P 39W/940 EP SOFT UGR 596x596 41 4116 4000 >90 596x596x40

Performances are measured and certified by our CTFs stage 2 Photometric Laboratory (more information on page 12).
246 Datasheets, product updates and specifications on our website: www.3f-filippi.com
/ Surface luminaires and suspensions

A=L Ospedale di Avigliana



3F Dìagon P Tunable White
Direct symmetric distribution. Ceiling installation.
Average luminance <3000 cd/m² for angles >65°.
The colour temperature can be adjusted between 2700 K and 6500 K.
Lifetime (L75/B10): 100000 h. (tq+25°C) APPLICATIONS
Photobiological safety RG0 (page 16).
Any environments requiring light which aims for the wellness of people.
Environments: staterooms, with VDTs, offices.
SOURCE Environments with exacting visual tasks, where diffused soft light for
optimum visual comfort is required.
Squared LED modules.
Colour initial tolerance (MacAdam): SDCM 3.
MECHANICAL Tunable White products can be controlled with wired control systems
(page 742) or 3F & Casambi (page 746).
White painted frame.
Height only 40 mm.
Housing in hot‑galvanised steel, painted in white polyester. ON REQUEST
Honeycombed diagonal screen in white anti‑glare polycarbonate.
Opal methacrylate (PMMA) rhomboid lenses with differentiated, • suspension installation
engraved and prismatic surfaces for diffused, soft lighting and excellent • different power levels or colour rendering indices
visual comfort. • emergency versions

In compliance with EN 60598‑1.
Compliance with the EN 60598‑2‑22 standard for power supply from a
centralised CPSS emergency system must be verified in the technical
data sheets of each individual device on our website.
Cable with a DALI DT8 driver.
Quick connection.

3F Dìagon P Soft UGR Tunable White


Installation Interdistance Transv.D = 1.20 x hu ‑ Long.D = 1.20 x

Code 12142 L<3000 cd/m² 65° hu.

DALI DT8 electronic wiring 230V-50/60Hz

Code Item W lm K CRI LxAxH
12142 3F Diagon P 25W DT8 TW SOFT UGR 596x596 30 3567 2700 >80 596x596x40
29 4000
28 6500

Performances are measured and certified by our CTFs stage 2 Photometric Laboratory (more information on page 12).
250 Datasheets, product updates and specifications on our website: www.3f-filippi.com
/ Surface luminaires and suspensions

Scuola dell'infanzia
Cappella (CR)

3F Petra
Diffuse distribution. Wall or ceiling installation.
Lifetime (L80/B10): 100000 h. (tq+25°C) Thanks to the full compatibility of dimensions, fixing spacing and
Photobiological safety RG0 (page 16). accessories with the previous fluorescent version, this product becomes
the perfect solution for updating existing installations.

Circular LED module.
Colour initial tolerance (MacAdam): SDCM 3. Environments: architectural, transit areas, lobbies or waiting rooms,
Environments where ceiling indirect lighting and direct lighting supply a
MECHANICAL visual comfort.
Virtually in all environments compatibly with the use of any chemicals
Housing in self‑extinguishing V2 polycarbonate, UV stabilised, injection which could compromise the use of plastic materials.
moulded, glazed. Completely insect and dust proof.
Ecologic anti‑aging injected sealing gasket. Luminaires suitable in production plants in the food industry
Diffuser in opal methacrylate (PMMA), injection moulded. (HACCP / IFS / BRC‑Standard).
Gear‑tray reflector unit in aluminium, painted in white epoxy‑polyester,
fixed to the housing by quick‑fastening steel devices, hinged opening.
Snug fit safety snap‑lock clips for diffuser mounting in transparent LIGHT MANAGEMENT
polycarbonate, screwdriver opening.
The DALI products can be controlled with 3F Easy Dim (page 722) or
3F Smart Dimming technology (page 732).
In compliance with EN 60598‑1. ON REQUEST
Compliance with the EN 60598‑2‑22 standard for power supply from a
centralised CPSS emergency system must be verified in the technical • different power levels, colour rendering indices and colour
data sheets of each individual device on our website. temperatures
The luminaires with EP permanent emergency wiring on board comply • wiring: CLO (page 752)
with EN 60598‑2‑22 standard, high risk areas excluded. • emergency versions
Entry for power‑supply cable at the top by means of sealing grommet or
lateral after drilling.

3F Petra


ø300‑380: IP64.
Code 34330 ø620: IP65.

ON/OFF electronic wiring 230V-50/60Hz

Code Item W lm K CRI øxH
34229 3F Petra OP 300 12W LED 14 1660 4000 >80 300x120
34234 3F Petra OP 300 12W/940 LED 14 1361 4000 >90 300x120
34330 3F Petra OP 380 22W LED 25 2978 4000 >80 380x117
34335 3F Petra OP 380 22W/940 LED 25 2442 4000 >90 380x117
34407 3F Petra OP 620 50W LED 53 5955 4000 >80 620x134
DALI electronic wiring 230V-50/60Hz
Code Item W lm K CRI øxH
34230 3F Petra OP 300 12W LED DALI 14 1660 4000 >80 300x120
34235 3F Petra OP 300 12W/940 LED DALI 14 1361 4000 >90 300x120
34331 3F Petra OP 380 22W LED DALI 25 2978 4000 >80 380x117
34336 3F Petra OP 380 22W/940 LED DALI 25 2442 4000 >90 380x117
34408 3F Petra OP 620 50W LED DALI 52 5955 4000 >80 620x134
EP maintained emergency wiring, 1hr duration with 24hrs recharge (page 772)
Code Item W lm K CRI øxH
34231 3F Petra OP 300 12W LED EP 15 1660 4000 >80 300x120
34236 3F Petra OP 300 12W/940 LED EP 15 1361 4000 >90 300x120
34332 3F Petra OP 380 22W LED EP 26 2978 4000 >80 380x117
34337 3F Petra OP 380 22W/940 LED EP 26 2442 4000 >90 380x117
34409 3F Petra OP 620 50W LED EP 54 5955 4000 >80 620x134

Performances are measured and certified by our CTFs stage 2 Photometric Laboratory (more information on page 12).
254 Datasheets, product updates and specifications on our website: www.3f-filippi.com
/ Surface luminaires and suspensions

3F Petra Sensor
Diffuse distribution. Wall or ceiling installation.
Lifetime (L80/B10): 100000 h. (tq+25°C) Thanks to the full compatibility of dimensions, fixing spacing and
Photobiological safety RG0 (page 16). accessories with the previous fluorescent version, this product becomes
the perfect solution for updating existing installations.

Circular LED module.
Colour initial tolerance (MacAdam): SDCM 3. Environments: architectural, transit areas, lobbies or waiting rooms,
Environments where ceiling indirect lighting and direct lighting supply a
MECHANICAL visual comfort.
Virtually in all environments compatibly with the use of any chemicals
Housing in self‑extinguishing V2 polycarbonate, UV stabilised, injection which could compromise the use of plastic materials.
moulded, glazed. Completely insect and dust proof.
Ecologic anti‑aging injected sealing gasket. Luminaires suitable in production plants in the food industry
Diffuser in opal methacrylate (PMMA), injection moulded. (HACCP / IFS / BRC‑Standard).
Gear‑tray reflector unit in aluminium, painted in white epoxy‑polyester,
fixed to the housing by quick‑fastening steel devices, hinged opening.
Snug fit safety snap‑lock clips for diffuser mounting in transparent LIGHT MANAGEMENT
polycarbonate, screwdriver opening.
The products use 3F Sensor technology (page 726).

In compliance with EN 60598‑1.
Entry for power‑supply cable at the top by means of sealing grommet or • 3F Petra OP 620 50W Sensor
lateral after drilling. • different power levels, colour rendering indices and colour
Sensor mode: turns on and off depending on persons present. temperatures
Integrated presence sensor with ON/OFF function. • emergency versions

3F Petra Sensor


Code 34334

ON/OFF electronic wiring 230V-50/60Hz

Code Item W lm K CRI øxH
34233 3F Petra OP 300 12W LED Sensor 15 1660 4000 >80 300x120
34334 3F Petra OP 380 22W LED Sensor 26 2978 4000 >80 380x117

Performances are measured and certified by our CTFs stage 2 Photometric Laboratory (more information on page 12).
258 Datasheets, product updates and specifications on our website: www.3f-filippi.com
/ Surface luminaires and suspensions

3F Petra Suspended
Diffuse distribution. Suspension installation.
Lifetime (L80/B10): 100000 h. (tq+25°C)
Photobiological safety RG0 (page 16).
SOURCE Environments: transit areas, great halls.
Environments where ceiling indirect lighting and direct lighting supply a
Circular LED module. visual comfort.
Colour initial tolerance (MacAdam): SDCM 3. Virtually in all environments compatibly with the use of any chemicals
which could compromise the use of plastic materials.
Completely insect and dust proof.
Housing in self‑extinguishing V2 polycarbonate, UV stabilised, injection ON REQUEST
moulded, glazed.
Ecologic anti‑aging injected sealing gasket. • different power levels, colour rendering indices and colour
Diffuser in opal methacrylate (PMMA), injection moulded. temperatures
Gear‑tray reflector unit in aluminium, painted in white epoxy‑polyester, • wiring: dimmable, CLO (page 752)
fixed to the housing by quick‑fastening steel devices, hinged opening. • emergency versions
Snug fit safety snap‑lock clips for diffuser mounting in transparent
polycarbonate, screwdriver opening.
Adjustable suspension with Rose in white polycarbonate, with stainless
steel cables, 2 m long.

In compliance with EN 60598‑1.
Compliance with the EN 60598‑2‑22 standard for power supply from a
centralised CPSS emergency system must be verified in the technical
data sheets of each individual device on our website.
Entry for power‑supply cable at the top by means of double‑membrane
sealing grommet, or side‑entry after drilling.
Transparent 5x1.5 mm² power‑supply cable.

3F Petra Suspended


Code 34411

ON/OFF electronic wiring 230V-50/60Hz

Code Item W lm K CRI øxH
34411 3F Petra OP 620 50W LED SO 53 5955 4000 >80 620x134

Performances are measured and certified by our CTFs stage 2 Photometric Laboratory (more information on page 12).
262 Datasheets, product updates and specifications on our website: www.3f-filippi.com
/ Surface luminaires and suspensions

Ospedale SS. Salvatore

San Giovanni in Persiceto (BO)
H Italia/Italy

P 200
Direct symmetric distribution. Ceiling mounted installation.
Average luminance <1000 cd/m² for radial angles >65°.
Lifetime (L80/B10): 100000 h. (tq+25°C)
Photobiological safety RG0 (page 16). APPLICATIONS
Environments: with VDTs, schools, offices.
Linear LED modules. ON REQUEST
10W version • parabolic louvres 2M, 2MG, 3AO
Colour initial tolerance (MacAdam): SDCM 2. • different power levels, colour rendering indices and colour
24W, 30W versions temperatures
Colour initial tolerance (MacAdam): SDCM 3. • housing in RAL colours
• wiring: dimmable, CLO (page 752)
• emergency versions
Housing in galvannealed steel, painted in white epoxy‑polyester.
2US parabolic louvre in semi‑glossy aluminium with transverse blades
closed at the top and prismatic methacrylate (PMMA) diffusers for total
shielding of the louvre compartment.
Prismatic methacrylate (PMMA) diffuser for total shielding of the louvre
Film protective against dust and finger marks, adhesive, attached to

In compliance with EN 60598‑1.
Compliance with the EN 60598‑2‑22 standard for power supply from a
centralised CPSS emergency system must be verified in the technical
data sheets of each individual device on our website.

P 200 2US


Code 12680 L<1000 cd/m² 65°

ON/OFF electronic wiring 230V-50/60Hz

Code Item W lm K CRI LxAxH
12675 P 201x30W LED 2US 156x1531 34 3529 4000 >80 1531x156x82
12692 P 203x10W LED 2US 596x596 34 3748 4000 >80 596x596x82
12687 P 202x24W LED 2US 270x1231 54 5531 4000 >80 1231x270x82
12680 P 202x24W LED 2US 196x1231 54 5871 4000 >80 1231x196x82
12689 P 202x30W LED 2US 270x1531 66 6922 4000 >80 1531x270x82
12682 P 202x30W LED 2US 196x1531 66 7348 4000 >80 1531x196x82

Performances are measured and certified by our CTFs stage 2 Photometric Laboratory (more information on page 12).
266 Datasheets, product updates and specifications on our website: www.3f-filippi.com
/ Surface luminaires and suspensions

P 200 IP54
Direct symmetric distribution. Ceiling mounted installation.
Lifetime (L80/B10): 100000 h. (tq+25°C)
Photobiological safety RG0 (page 16).
SOURCE Environments: sterilized, aseptic.
Particularly suitable for environments where protection against water
Linear LED modules. and dust is required, such as hospitals, pharmaceutical and chemical
10W version In environments with foodstuffs or machines with moving parts, with
Colour initial tolerance (MacAdam): SDCM 2. considerable sudden temperature changes, and in general in any
24W version environments requiring total protection against falling fragments, use the
Colour initial tolerance (MacAdam): SDCM 3. P 200 LED IP54 SP PC version (polycarbonate diffuser) available on
Tempered glass is not immune to falling fragments from harmless and
MECHANICAL caused by shocks or exceptionally derived from the tempering process.
SP version
Housing in galvannealed steel, painted in white epoxy‑polyester. Luminaires suitable in production plants in the food industry
(HACCP / IFS / BRC‑Standard).

In compliance with EN 60598‑1.
Compliance with the EN 60598‑2‑22 standard for power supply from a • different power levels, colour rendering indices and colour
centralised CPSS emergency system must be verified in the technical temperatures
data sheets of each individual device on our website. • diffuser in SMP microprismatic methacrylate (PMMA) or
SP polycarbonate, Selfextinguishing V2
• housing in different RAL colours
• wiring: dimmable, CLO (page 752)
• emergency versions

P 200 IP54 VS


3x ‑ Average luminance <1500 cd/m² for radial angles >65°.

4x ‑ Average luminance <3000 cd/m² for radial angles >65°.
VS moulded glass, anti‑glare, tempered, non‑combustible,
thickness 4 mm, locked to the white painted aluminium perimetrical
Code 10852 L<3000 cd/m² 65° frame, sealing gasket, hinged opening.

ON/OFF electronic wiring 230V-50/60Hz

Code Item W lm K CRI LxAxH
10851 P 203x10W LED VS IP54 596x596 34 3986 4000 >80 596x596x82
10852 P 204x10W LED VS IP54 596x596 45 5253 4000 >80 596x596x82
10848 P 202x24W LED VS IP54 196x1231 54 6302 4000 >80 1231x196x82

P 200 IP54 SP


3x ‑ 4x ‑ Average luminance <3000 cd/m² for radial angles >65°.

SP transparent methacrylate (PMMA) diffuser, prismatic, anti‑glare,
locked to the pre‑painted white aluminium perimeter frame with
Code 10860 L<3000 cd/m² 65° sealing gasket, hinged opening.

ON/OFF electronic wiring 230V-50/60Hz

Code Item W lm K CRI LxAxH
10859 P 203x10W LED SP IP54 596x596 34 4142 4000 >80 596x596x82
10860 P 204x10W LED SP IP54 596x596 45 5474 4000 >80 596x596x82
10856 P 202x24W LED SP IP54 196x1231 54 6567 4000 >80 1231x196x82

Performances are measured and certified by our CTFs stage 2 Photometric Laboratory (more information on page 12).
270 Datasheets, product updates and specifications on our website: www.3f-filippi.com
P 200 | Accessories
Code Item
A0052 Wall-mounting brack

Wall‑mounting bracket, in white painted steel.

Accessory compatible with 196 mm wide versions.

P 200 271
/ Surface luminaires and suspensions

P 250
Direct symmetric distribution. Ceiling mounted installation.
Lifetime (L80/B10): 100000 h. (tq+25°C)
Photobiological safety RG0 (page 16).
SP version
Average luminance <3000 cd/m² for radial angles >65°. Particularly suitable for low height environments.
LGS version Luminaires suitable in production plants in the food industry
Average luminance <1500 cd/m² for radial angles >65°. (HACCP / IFS / BRC‑Standard).

SP version
SOURCE Environments with video terminals, offices.
Environments with exacting visual tasks, where diffused soft light for
Linear LED modules. optimum visual comfort is required.
OP version
10W version Environments where soft diffuse light is required for optimal visual
Colour initial tolerance (MacAdam): SDCM 2. comfort and total shielding of the source.
24W, 30W versions LGS version
Colour initial tolerance (MacAdam): SDCM 3. Environments: with video terminals, representative areas, offices.
Environments with exacting visual tasks, where diffused soft light for
optimum visual comfort is required.
Housing in galvannealed steel, painted in white epoxy‑polyester. ON REQUEST
Height only 55 mm.
• different power levels, colour rendering indices and colour
ELECTRICAL • diffuser in SMP microprismatic methacrylate (PMMA) or
SP polycarbonate, Selfextinguishing V2
In compliance with EN 60598‑1. • housing in different RAL colours
Compliance with the EN 60598‑2‑22 standard for power supply from a • wiring: dimmable, CLO (page 752)
centralised CPSS emergency system must be verified in the technical • emergency versions
data sheets of each individual device on our website.

P 250 SP


Average luminance <3000 cd/m² for radial angles >65°.

SP transparent methacrylate (PMMA) diffuser, prismatic, anti‑glare,
locked to the pre‑painted white aluminium perimeter frame with
Code 12824 L<3000 cd/m² 65° sealing gasket, hinged opening.

ON/OFF electronic wiring 230V-50/60Hz

Code Item W lm K CRI LxAxH
12824 P 253x10W LED SP 596x596 34 4360 4000 >80 596x596x55
12815 P 251x30W LED SP 156x1531 34 4364 4000 >80 1531x156x55
12826 P 254x10W LED SP 596x596 45 5765 4000 >80 596x596x55
12820 P 252x24W LED SP 196x1231 54 6916 4000 >80 1231x196x55
12822 P 252x30W LED SP 196x1531 66 8655 4000 >80 1531x196x55

P 250 OP


OP opal methacrylate (PMMA) flat diffuser, anti‑glare, locked to the

pre‑painted white aluminium perimeter frame with sealing gasket,
Code 12844 hinged opening.

ON/OFF electronic wiring 230V-50/60Hz

Code Item W lm K CRI LxAxH
12844 P 253x10W LED OP 596x596 34 4080 4000 >80 596x596x55
12835 P 251x30W LED OP 156x1531 34 4084 4000 >80 1531x156x55
12846 P 254x10W LED OP 596x596 45 5405 4000 >80 596x596x55
12840 P 252x24W LED OP 196x1231 54 6484 4000 >80 1231x196x55
12842 P 252x30W LED OP 196x1531 66 8116 4000 >80 1531x196x55

Performances are measured and certified by our CTFs stage 2 Photometric Laboratory (more information on page 12).
274 Datasheets, product updates and specifications on our website: www.3f-filippi.com
P 250 LGS


Average luminance <1500 cd/m² for radial angles >65°.

LGS micro‑prismatic flat diffuser in transparent methacrylate
(PMMA), multilenticular exterior, anti‑glare, locked to the white
painted aluminium perimetral frame, sealing gasket, hinged
Code 12864 L<1500 cd/m² 65° Anti‑glare opal polycarbonate filter for brightness uniformity.

ON/OFF electronic wiring 230V-50/60Hz

Code Item W lm K CRI LxAxH
12864 P 253x10W LED LGS 596x596 34 3696 4000 >80 596x596x55
12855 P 251x30W LED LGS 156x1531 34 3700 4000 >80 1531x156x55
12866 P 254x10W LED LGS 596x596 45 4894 4000 >80 596x596x55
12860 P 252x24W LED LGS 196x1231 54 5871 4000 >80 1231x196x55
12862 P 252x30W LED LGS 196x1531 66 7348 4000 >80 1531x196x55

P 250 275
/ Surface luminaires and suspensions

P 250 Diffused Light
Direct symmetric distribution. Ceiling mounted installation.
Lifetime (L80/B20): 50000 h. (tq+25°C)
Photobiological safety RG0 (page 16).
LGS version
Average luminance <1500 cd/m² for radial angles >65°. Particularly suitable for low height environments.
Luminaires suitable in production plants in the food industry
(HACCP / IFS / BRC‑Standard).
LGS version
Squared LED modules. Environments: with video terminals, representative areas, offices.
Colour initial tolerance (MacAdam): SDCM 3. Environments with exacting visual tasks, where diffused soft light for
optimum visual comfort is required.

Environments where soft diffuse light is required for optimal visual
Housing in galvannealed steel, painted in white epoxy‑polyester. comfort and total shielding of the source.
Height only 55 mm.

• different power levels, colour rendering indices and colour
In compliance with EN 60598‑1. temperatures
Compliance with the EN 60598‑2‑22 standard for power supply from a • wiring: CLO (page 752)
centralised CPSS emergency system must be verified in the technical • diffuser in SMP microprismatic methacrylate (PMMA) or
data sheets of each individual device on our website. SP polycarbonate, Selfextinguishing V2
• housing in different RAL colours
• emergency versions

P 250 Diffused Light LGS


Average luminance <1500 cd/m² for radial angles >65°.

LGS micro‑prismatic flat diffuser in transparent methacrylate
(PMMA), multi‑lenticular exterior, anti‑glare, locked to the white
painted aluminium perimeter frame, hinged opening.
Code 11686 L<1500 cd/m² 65° Anti‑glare opal polycarbonate filter for brightness uniformity.

ON/OFF electronic wiring 230V-50/60Hz

Code Item W lm K CRI LxAxH
10048 P 250 28W LED LGS 596x596 31 3707 4000 >80 596x596x55
DALI electronic wiring 230V-50/60Hz
Code Item W lm K CRI LxAxH
10049 P 250 28W LED DALI LGS 596x596 31 3707 4000 >80 596x596x55

P 250 Diffused Light OP



OP opal methacrylate (PMMA) flat diffuser, anti‑glare, locked to the

Code 11672 pre‑painted white aluminium perimeter frame, hinged opening.

ON/OFF electronic wiring 230V-50/60Hz

Code Item W lm K CRI LxAxH
10051 P 250 28W LED OP 596x596 31 4083 4000 >80 596x596x55
DALI electronic wiring 230V-50/60Hz
Code Item W lm K CRI LxAxH
10053 P 250 28W LED DALI OP 596x596 31 4083 4000 >80 596x596x55

Performances are measured and certified by our CTFs stage 2 Photometric Laboratory (more information on page 12).
278 Datasheets, product updates and specifications on our website: www.3f-filippi.com
P 250 | Accessories
Code Item
A0052 Wall-mounting brack

Wall‑mounting bracket, in white painted steel.

Accessory compatible with 196 mm wide versions.

P 250 279
/ Surface luminaires and suspensions

Liceo Brocchi
Bassano del Grappa (VI)


Mira Wall
Asymmetric indirect distribution. Wall installation.
Lifetime (L80/B10): 100000 h. (tq+25°C) Thanks to the full compatibility of dimensions, fixing spacing and
Photobiological safety RG0 (page 16). accessories with the previous fluorescent version, this product becomes
the perfect solution for updating existing installations.

Linear LED modules.
Colour initial tolerance (MacAdam): SDCM 3. Environments: with VDTs, meeting rooms, offices.
Environments: transit areas, lobbies or waiting rooms, corridors,
MECHANICAL Environments where soft diffuse light is required for optimal visual
Housing in galvannealed steel, painted in white epoxy‑polyester with
reticular slots for high direct light emission.
Flow recuperator in specular aluminium with superficial LIGHT MANAGEMENT
titanium‑magnesium treatment.
The DALI products can be controlled with 3F Easy Dim (page 722) or
3F Smart Dimming technology (page 732).
In compliance with EN 60598‑1. ON REQUEST
Compliance with the EN 60598‑2‑22 standard for power supply from a
centralised CPSS emergency system must be verified in the technical • housing in different RAL colours
data sheets of each individual device on our website. • wiring: dimmable, CLO (page 752)
• emergency versions

Mira Par Ind


Indirect lighting.
Upper closing diffuser in selfextinguishing V2 transparent
Code 1959 polycarbonate, UV stabilised.

ON/OFF electronic wiring 230V-50/60Hz

Code Item W lm K CRI LxAxH
1959 MIRA PAR LED 4x12W IND L675 56 6840 4000 >80 675x230x80
DALI electronic wiring 230V-50/60Hz
Code Item W lm K CRI LxAxH
1960 Mira Par LED 4x12W DALI IND L675 54 6840 4000 >80 675x230x80

Mira Par Dec



Average luminance <1000 cd/m² for radial angles >65°.

Indirect and direct decorative lighting.
Body with reticular slots.
Opal acrylic upper diffuser.
Code 1961 L<1000 cd/m² 65° Opal polycarbonate Inlay Cover for perforated housings.

ON/OFF electronic wiring 230V-50/60Hz

Code Item W lm K CRI LxAxH
1961 MIRA PAR LED DE 4x12W L675 56 6699 4000 >80 675x230x80
DALI electronic wiring 230V-50/60Hz
Code Item W lm K CRI LxAxH
1963 Mira Par LED DE 4x12W DALI L675 54 6699 4000 >80 675x230x80

Performances are measured and certified by our CTFs stage 2 Photometric Laboratory (more information on page 12).
282 Datasheets, product updates and specifications on our website: www.3f-filippi.com
Mira | Accessories
Code Item
A0090 Bracket/5-pole terminal block

5‑pole terminal block, connection capacity from 2.5 to 6 mm², on galvanised steel bracket for cascade
connection lines.

Mira 283
/ catalogue

_Recessed luminaires

/ 3F Filippi

Update New

3F Six R 3F LED Panel 3F Dìagon

3F Dìagon
3F Six R 3F LED Panel Lay-in installation
Page 286 Page 290 Page 296 Page 298 Page 302 Page 310

L 320 L 340

3F Dìagon
Lay-in installation 3F Dìagon L 340
Tunable White Pull-up installation L 320 Diffused Light
Page 316 Page 320 Page 326 Page 326 Page 338 Page 340

L 350 L 360

L 340 L 340
Lite Tunable White L 350 L 360
Page 348 Page 352 Page 356 Page 356 Page 362 Page 362

L 490 L 560 L 600

L 600
L 490 L 560 Diffused Light
Page 366 Page 366 Page 370 Page 370 Page 376 Page 376

L 650 3F Reno Lucequadro

L 650 3F Reno 3F Reno

Diffused Light White Black
Page 384 Page 384 Page 390 Page 396 Page 406 Page 414

Page 414

3F Six R
www.3F-Filippi.com/3F Six R

3F Six R is the new recessed luminaire particularly suitable for • Luminous efficacy up to 154 lumen/watt.
shopping centres, exhibition areas and warehouses with important • Luminous fluxes from 6628 to 13622 lumens.
installation heights. • Average luminance <3000 cd/m² (UGR version).
Thanks to the use of six methacrylate (PMMA) optical lenses • UGR <19 (UGR version).
installed on the fixture is it possible to obtain customised luminous • Essential and functional design.
distribution by choosing from the three types of optics available: • EcoDesign: power supplies and sources replaceable at the end
wide, medium and UGR. of product life.
The latter configuration, designed to be used in environments with • Ease of assembly and maintenance.
more stringent vision requirements or where there are VDTs, uses • Versatility of use in different environments.
lenses with controlled luminance and a UGR<19 glare index. • Product suitable for use in the food industry (HACCP / IFS /
3F Six R is available in a version with ON/OFF wiring or DALI control BRC-Standard).
to manage the fixture and the energy consumption of the entire
lighting system.

This product is also available in this version 3F Six (page 488).

Page Product Lay-installation Pull-up installation

290 3F Six R • with accessory

Product range

3F Six R


3F Six R

Model Wide Medium UGR

Average luminance
for angles> 65 >3000 >3000 <3000
(cd / m²)

UGR <21 <21 <19

Protection class IP40


Installation steps Dt 1,39 1,16 1,39

Dl 1,43 1,19 1,30

/ Recessed luminaires

Ipercoop Centro Borgo



3F Six R
Direct symmetric distribution. Lay‑in installation.
Lifetime (L80/B10): 100000 h. (tq+25°C)
Photobiological safety RG0 (page 16).
SOURCE Environments: commercial, exhibition areas, transit areas, lobbies or
waiting rooms, shops.
Linear LED modules. Luminaires suitable in production plants in the food industry
Colour initial tolerance (MacAdam): SDCM 3. (HACCP / IFS / BRC‑Standard).

UGR version
MECHANICAL Environments that need luminance control.

Housing in galvannealed steel, painted in white epoxy‑polyester.

Methacrylate (PMMA) lenses with external flat surface. LIGHT MANAGEMENT
The DALI products can be controlled with 3F Easy Dim (page 722) or
ELECTRICAL 3F Smart Dimming technology (page 732).

In compliance with EN 60598‑1.

Compliance with the EN 60598‑2‑22 standard for power supply from a ON REQUEST
centralised CPSS emergency system must be verified in the technical
data sheets of each individual device on our website. • different light distributions
Power cable type H05Z1Z1‑F 3‑5x1.5 mm² that protrudes by 1 m with • different power levels, colour rendering indices and colour
sheared ends. temperatures
• wiring: CLO (page 752)
• different dimensions
• emergency versions

3F Six R Wide

Code 22230 Wide distribution.

ON/OFF electronic wiring 230V-50/60Hz

Code Item W lm K CRI LxAxH
22230 3F Six R 85/840 WIDE 596x596 83 13622 4000 >80 596x596x70
22231 3F Six R 70/840 WIDE 596x596 67 11050 4000 >80 596x596x70
22232 3F Six R 60/840 WIDE 596x596 55.5 9530 4000 >80 596x596x70
DALI electronic wiring 230V-50/60Hz
Code Item W lm K CRI LxAxH
22233 3F Six R 85/840 DALI WIDE 596x596 83 13622 4000 >80 596x596x70
22234 3F Six R 70/840 DALI WIDE 596x596 67 11050 4000 >80 596x596x70
22235 3F Six R 60/840 DALI WIDE 596x596 55.5 9530 4000 >80 596x596x70

3F Six R Medium

Code 22237 Medium distribution.

ON/OFF electronic wiring 230V-50/60Hz

Code Item W lm K CRI LxAxH
22237 3F Six R 85/840 MEDIUM 596x596 83 13157 4000 >80 596x596x70
22238 3F Six R 70/840 MEDIUM 596x596 67 10673 4000 >80 596x596x70
22239 3F Six R 60/840 MEDIUM 596x596 55.5 9205 4000 >80 596x596x70
DALI electronic wiring 230V-50/60Hz
Code Item W lm K CRI LxAxH
22240 3F Six R 85/840 DALI MEDIUM 596x596 83 13157 4000 >80 596x596x70
22241 3F Six R 70/840 DALI MEDIUM 596x596 67 10673 4000 >80 596x596x70
22242 3F Six R 60/840 DALI MEDIUM 596x596 55.5 9205 4000 >80 596x596x70

Performances are measured and certified by our CTFs stage 2 Photometric Laboratory (more information on page 12).
292 Datasheets, product updates and specifications on our website: www.3f-filippi.com
3F Six R UGR

Controlled symmetric distribution.

Code 22244 Average luminance <3000 cd/m² for radial angles >65°.

ON/OFF electronic wiring 230V-50/60Hz

Code Item W lm K CRI LxAxH
22244 3F Six R 40/840 UGR 596x596 40 6621 4000 >80 596x596x70
DALI electronic wiring 230V-50/60Hz
Code Item W lm K CRI LxAxH
22245 3F Six R 40/840 DALI UGR 596x596 40 6621 4000 >80 596x596x70

3F Six R 293
3F Six R | Accessories
Code Item
A0798 621x621 frame + brackets

Adapter frame in white‑painted steel, for installing luminaries with dimensions of 596x596 mm for pull‑up
installations on plasterboard false ceilings.

Code Item
A0579 Safety wire with brackets

Anti‑fall safety cable with pair of brackets for fixing the housing to the building structure. Length 2.5 m.

Code Item
A01489 3FLPLAFO604 - 60x60 ceiling frame kit

White aluminium frame. Height 80 mm.

294 Datasheets, product updates and specifications on our website: www.3f-filippi.com

3F LED Panel
www.3F-Filippi.com/3F LED Panel

3F LED Panel is 3F Filippi's new entry-level proposal: a functional • Luminous efficacy up to 130 lumen/watt.
product that aims to provide good lighting in indoor environments. • Luminous fluxes from 2316 to 5272 lumens.
Simplicity does not mean economy: the LED sources (available • Average luminance <3000 cd/m².
with CRI >80 and CRI >90) don't cause any photobiological risk, • Extensive installation pitch.
belonging to the RG0 class (Risk Exempt). • UGR <19.
Furthermore, the very low level of Flickering guarantees more • Excellent quality/price ratio.
comfort and safety, especially after prolonged use in environments • Technology by 3F Filippi.
with VDTs. • Multi-current power supply to choose different lighting levels.
The aluminium body guarantees lightness and gives a remarkable • Ease of assembly and maintenance.
rigidity to the product, supplied as standard with the anti-fall safety • Versatility of use in different environments.
cable to secure the body to the building structure. • Mechanical and electrical assembly without tools.
Particular attention was paid to the frame that outlines the perimeter • Reliability guaranteed over time.
(made in a single piece) and to the rapidity of installation: the quick- • Product suitable for use in the food industry (HACCP / IFS /
coupling terminal block also allows the connection in cascade of BRC-Standard).
several appliances.

Page Product Lay-installation

298 UPDATE 3F LED Panel •


/ Recessed luminaires

Porto di Savona


3F LED Panel
Direct symmetric distribution. Lay‑in or pull‑up installation, Ceiling or suspension via accessory.
Average luminance <3000 cd/m² for radial angles >65°.
Lifetime (L75/B20): 80000 h. (tq+25°C)
Photobiological safety RG0 (page 16). APPLICATIONS
Environments: with VDTs, meeting rooms, offices.
SOURCE Environments: recreational, transit areas, corridors, schools, stairwells.
Environments where soft diffuse light is required for optimal visual
Linear LED modules. comfort.
Colour initial tolerance (MacAdam): SDCM 3. Luminaires suitable in production plants in the food industry
(HACCP / IFS / BRC‑Standard).

Housing in white painted epoxy‑polyester powder aluminium.
Diffuser in SMP trasparent microprismatic methacrylate (PMMA) The DALI products can be controlled with 3F Easy Dim (page 722) or
externally, anti‑glare with high transmittance. 3F Smart Dimming technology (page 732).
Perimetral frame in white polycarbonate. In electrical systems without a regulation system (manual or automatic)
Anti‑fall safety cable. and DALI bus, a suitable jumper must be made on the DA‑DA terminals
of the appliance.

In compliance with EN 60598‑1.
Multi‑current power supply, to be ordered separately, that allows you to
choose the driving current of the fixture at the time of installation
according to the required illuminance.
Fixtures in compliance with EN 60598‑2‑22, for power supply from a
centralised CPSS emergency system.
Class II.
EP permanent emergency kit, to be ordered separately, compliant with
the EN S60598‑2‑22, high risk areas excluded.

3F LED Panel


23W, 27W, 29W, 31W, 34W, 36W, 39W, and 43W powers, are
available with DALI wiring.
27W, 29W, 31W, 34W and 36W powers, are available with ON/
Code 22802 OFF wiring.

Code Item W lm K CRI LxAxH

22790 3FLP6060UGR-830 23 2755 600mA 3000 >80 595x595x9
27 3207 700mA
29 3437 750mA
31 3640 800mA
34 3830 850mA
36 4010 900mA
39 4471 1000mA
43 4860 1100mA
22791 3FLP6060UGR-840 23 2990 600mA 4000 >80 595x595x9
27 3480 700mA
29 3730 750mA
31 3950 800mA
34 4160 850mA
36 4350 900mA
39 4850 1000mA
43 5272 1100mA
22796 NEW 3FLP30120UGR-840 23 2690 600mA 4000 >80 1195x295x9
27 3131 700mA
29 3355 750mA
31 3554 800mA
34 3744 850mA
36 3922 900mA
39 4372 1000mA
43 4754 1100mA
22792 3FLP6060UGR-930 23 2316 600mA 3000 >90 595x595x9
27 2696 700mA
29 2890 750mA
31 3060 800mA
34 3220 850mA
36 3370 900mA
39 3758 1000mA
43 4084 1100mA
22793 3FLP6060UGR-940 23 2513 600mA 4000 >90 595x595x9
27 2925 700mA
29 3135 750mA
31 3320 800mA
34 3500 850mA
36 3660 900mA
39 4081 1000mA
43 4436 1100mA
22794 3FLP30120UGR-940 23 2263 600mA 4000 >90 1195x295x9
27 2634 700mA
29 2823 750mA
31 2990 800mA
34 3150 850mA
36 3300 900mA
39 3679 1000mA
43 4000 1100mA

Performances are measured and certified by our CTFs stage 2 Photometric Laboratory (more information on page 12).
300 Datasheets, product updates and specifications on our website: www.3f-filippi.com
3F LED Panel | Accessories
Code Item

3F LED Panel Driver

Code Item
A01490 3FLPLAFO603 - 60x60 ceiling frame kit
A01491 3FLPLAFO1203 - 30x120 ceiling frame kit

Frame for ceiling installation of the product (driver included), made of white extruded aluminium. Kit to
assemble. Dowels and screws supplied as standard.
Attention: the code 3FLPLAF0603 is dedicated to 60x60 cm panels, while the code
3FLPLAF01203 is dedicated to 120x30 cm panels.

Code Item
A01495 600x600 carter for metal panels

600x600 carter in white painted steel, for installing 596x596 mm luminaires in abutment on false ceilings with
metal panels.
This accessory is suitable for square products only.

Code Item
A01492 3FKTLP-SPU - Suspension with adjustment - 1,5m

Adjustable suspension with 1.5 m long cables.

Code Item
A01493 3FKTLPW1-MS - Built-in springs

Kit of 4 metal springs for recessed installation of the product.

Code Item
A01496 3FLP Kit EP 1h-24h

A01497 UPDATE 3FLP Kit EP 3h-24h

EP maintained emergency wiring, 1h or 3hrs duration with 24hrs recharge. EN 60598‑2‑22 standard
compliant, high‑risk areas excluded. Dimensions 135x45x23 mm.


3F LED Panel 301

3F Dìagon
www.3F-Filippi.com/3F Dìagon

Light to improve working environments, shops and passage ways: • Luminous efficacy up to 161 lumen/watt.
providing this is 3F Dìagon, a square shaped recessed fixture whose • Luminous fluxes from 2738 to 5547 lumens.
16 recessed cells are equipped with state-of-the-art LED sources. • Average luminance <1500 cd/m².
The fixture is only 30 millimetres high which allows installation in • UGR <16.
ceiling cavities up to a minimum height of 110 mm. • Optics with 45° oriented light cells.
Every truncated square pyramid shaped cell is equipped with a lens • Available with integrated sensors.
that is designed to maximise the light output of the state-of-the-art • Emergency version with kit integrated into the body.
LED sources. • Driver integrated in the fixture.
This means a system efficiency of up to 160 lm/ W for the version • Essential and functional design.
with transparent lenses and up to 135 lm/ W for the Soft UGR • Tunable White version.
version. • EcoDesign: power supplies and sources replaceable at the end
Available in three different sizes (596x596 mm, 599x599mm and of product life.
621x621mm) and with two different types of lenses (transparent • Ease of assembly and maintenance.
and Soft UGR), the fixture comes with on/off wiring, DALI control, • Versatility of use in different environments.
Tunable White and an Emergence light. • Mechanical and electrical assembly without tools.
3F Dìagon is suitable for surface installation on false ceilings with a
visible support system, a pull-up installation version on plasterboard
false ceilings, metal ceilings and for ceiling installation.

This product is also available in this version 3F Dìagon P (page 244).

Page Product Lay-installation Pull-up installation

310 3F Dìagon Lay-in installation •
316 3F Dìagon Lay-in installation - Tunable White •
320 3F Dìagon Pull-up installation •

Product range

3F Dìagon
Lay-in 30

3F Dìagon

Model Standard Soft UGR Soft UGR TW

Average luminance
for angles> 65 <1500 <3000 <3000
(cd / m²)

UGR <19 <19 <19

Protection class


Installation steps Dt 1,40 1,20 1,20

Dl 1,40 1,20 1,20


3F Dìagon
Pull-up 60

More information on the “Mounting details” page

3F Dìagon
Pull-up installation


Average luminance
for angles> 65 <1500 <1500 <1500 <3000
(cd / m²)

UGR <19 <19 <19 <19

Protection class


Installation steps Dt 1,40 1,40 1,40 1,20

Dl 1,40 1,40 1,40 1,20

Screens and finishes

3F Dìagon | Transparent lenses

Versions equipped with transparent lenses, suitable for boardrooms with visual display terminals, offices or environments with
exacting visual tasks where a diffused soft light is required for optimal visual comfort.
The 15W, 19W and 25W power versions provide a glare degree lower than 1500 cd/m² and UGR <16. The 39W power version
provides luminances with values below 3000 cd/m², despite output fluxes from the luminaire exceeding 5500 lumens.

Finishes On request

White Black Grey

3F Dìagon | Soft UGR lenses

The versions equipped with Soft UGR lens are particularly suitable for illuminating environments where maximum comfort is
required for diffused and soft lighting.
Suitable for representative environments, with video terminals, offices, meeting rooms, transit areas, reception and waiting
rooms. They provide luminance control with values lower than 3000 cd/m² for angles> 65°.

Product advantages
The 45° angle cells were designed to minimise shadow areas inside the illuminated space. This idea came from careful analysis
of multi-lens fixtures on the market that have the lenses parallel to the edge of the fixture:

Light distribution of a Uniformity of light on the

Cell distribution single cell ground

Market solution

3F Dìagon

As can be seen with 45 degree angled cells uniformity on the ground is higher because the light distribution of the cell fills most
of the available space even by using micro prisms on the lens edges and state-of-the-art LED sources.

LED/Lens Features

Direct symmetric distribution

Colour temperatures available: /830 - /840, /930 -
/940 or HCL (on request)
Useful life (L80/B10): 80000 hours (tq+25°C)
Photobiological safety in compliance with IEC/TR
62778: RG0 risk exempt, (IEC 62471).
State-of-the-art square LED modules
Initial colour tolerance (MacAdam): SDCM 3
Transparent lens performance > 90%
Soft UGR lens efficiency> 75%

Body Wiring
White painted, hot-dipped Rapid connection with a satin
galvanized steel body. polycarbonate shell.

square LED modules.

Rhomboid lens
with a differentiated
Mounted using steel springs.

Anti-glare white polycarbonate alveolar diagonal screen.

Thanks to the compact height of 30 millimetres, 3F Dìagon is the ideal solution for installation in
false ceilings with limited space.

30 mm

/ Recessed luminaires

A=L Fimar
Villa Verucchio (RI)


3F Dìagon Lay-in installation
Direct symmetric distribution. Lay‑in installation.
Colour temperature available /830 ‑ /840, /930 ‑ /940. Installation and assembly diagrams on page 319.
Lifetime (L75/B10): 100000 h. (tq+25°C)
Photobiological safety RG0 (page 16).
SOURCE Environments where soft diffuse light is required for optimal visual
comfort and total shielding of the source.
Squared LED modules. Representative environments, with video terminals, offices, meeting
Colour initial tolerance (MacAdam): SDCM 3. rooms, transit areas, reception and waiting rooms.


Housing in hot‑galvanised steel, painted in white polyester. The DALI products can be controlled with 3F Easy Dim (page 722) or
Honeycombed diagonal screen in white anti‑glare polycarbonate. 3F Smart Dimming technology (page 732).
Height only 30 mm.
Installation in false ceilings with exposed structure.
The 621x621 version is dedicated to false ceilings that have modular ON REQUEST
dimensions of 625x625.
• different power levels, colour rendering indices and colour
ELECTRICAL • wiring: twin‑circuit, CLO (page 752)
• Sensor version
In compliance with EN 60598‑1. • CRI >90 sources
Compliance with the EN 60598‑2‑22 standard for power supply from a • emergency versions
centralised CPSS emergency system must be verified in the technical
data sheets of each individual device on our website.
The luminaires with EP permanent emergency wiring on board comply
with EN 60598‑2‑22 standard, high risk areas excluded.
Quick connection.

3F Dìagon


Average luminance <1500 cd/m² for radial angles >65°.

39W ‑ Average luminance <3000 cd/m² for radial angles >65°.
Installation Interdistance Transv.D = 1.40 x hu ‑ Long.D = 1.40 x
Rhomboidal lenses with differentiated surfaces, etched and
prismatic to optimise the orientation of the luminous flux, in
Code 23006 L<1500 cd/m² 65° transparent methacrylate (PMMA).

3F Dìagon 596x596 - ON/OFF electronic wiring 230V-50/60Hz

Code Item W lm K CRI LxAxH
23025 3F Diagon 15W/840 596x596 17 2694 4000 >80 596x596x30
23024 3F Diagon 19W/840 596x596 21 3354 4000 >80 596x596x30
23098 3F Diagon 25W/930 596x596 28 3294 3000 >90 596x596x30
23122 3F Diagon 25W/940 596x596 28 3485 4000 >90 596x596x30
23002 3F Diagon 25W/830 596x596 28 4080 3000 >80 596x596x30
23026 3F Diagon 25W/840 596x596 28 4250 4000 >80 596x596x30
23027 3F Diagon 39W/840 596x596 40 5796 4000 >80 596x596x30
23123 3F Diagon 39W/940 596x596 40 4861 4000 >90 596x596x30
3F Dìagon 596x596 - DALI electronic wiring 230V-50/60Hz
Code Item W lm K CRI LxAxH
23029 3F Diagon 15W/840 DALI 596x596 17 2694 4000 >80 596x596x30
23028 3F Diagon 19W/840 DALI 596x596 21 3354 4000 >80 596x596x30
23102 3F Diagon 25W/930 DALI 596x596 28 3294 3000 >90 596x596x30
23126 3F Diagon 25W/940 DALI 596x596 28 3485 4000 >90 596x596x30
23006 3F Diagon 25W/830 DALI 596x596 28 4080 3000 >80 596x596x30
23127 3F Diagon 39W/940 DALI 596x596 40 4861 4000 >90 596x596x30
3F Dìagon 596x596 - DALI-2 DATI electronic wiring 230V-50/60Hz
Code Item W lm K CRI LxAxH
23030 3F Diagon 25W/840 DALI 596x596 28 4250 4000 >80 596x596x30
23031 3F Diagon 39W/840 DALI 596x596 40 5796 4000 >80 596x596x30
3F Dìagon 596x596 - EP maintained emergency wiring, 1hr duration with 24hrs recharge (page 772)
Code Item W lm K CRI LxAxH
23033 3F Diagon 15W/840 EP 596x596 18 2694 4000 >80 596x596x30
23032 3F Diagon 19W/840 EP 596x596 22 3354 4000 >80 596x596x30
23106 3F Diagon 25W/930 EP 596x596 29 3294 3000 >90 596x596x30
23130 3F Diagon 25W/940 EP 596x596 29 3485 4000 >90 596x596x30
23010 3F Diagon 25W/830 EP 596x596 29 4080 3000 >80 596x596x30
23034 3F Diagon 25W/840 EP 596x596 29 4250 4000 >80 596x596x30
23035 3F Diagon 39W/840 EP 596x596 41 5796 4000 >80 596x596x30
23131 3F Diagon 39W/940 EP 596x596 41 4861 4000 >90 596x596x30

Performances are measured and certified by our CTFs stage 2 Photometric Laboratory (more information on page 12).
312 Datasheets, product updates and specifications on our website: www.3f-filippi.com
3F Dìagon 621x621 - ON/OFF electronic wiring 230V-50/60Hz
Code Item W lm K CRI LxAxH
23409 3F Diagon 15W/840 621x621 17 2694 4000 >80 621x621x30
23408 3F Diagon 19W/840 621x621 21 3354 4000 >80 621x621x30
23482 3F Diagon 25W/930 621x621 28 3294 3000 >90 621x621x30
23506 3F Diagon 25W/940 621x621 28 3485 4000 >90 621x621x30
23386 3F Diagon 25W/830 621x621 28 4080 3000 >80 621x621x30
23410 3F Diagon 25W/840 621x621 28 4250 4000 >80 621x621x30
23411 3F Diagon 39W/840 621x621 40 5796 4000 >80 621x621x30
23507 3F Diagon 39W/940 621x621 40 4861 4000 >90 621x621x30
3F Dìagon 621x621 - DALI electronic wiring 230V-50/60Hz
Code Item W lm K CRI LxAxH
23413 3F Diagon 15W/840 DALI 621x621 17 2694 4000 >80 621x621x30
23412 3F Diagon 19W/840 DALI 621x621 21 3354 4000 >80 621x621x30
23486 3F Diagon 25W/930 DALI 621x621 28 3294 3000 >90 621x621x30
23510 3F Diagon 25W/940 DALI 621x621 28 3485 4000 >90 621x621x30
23390 3F Diagon 25W/830 DALI 621x621 28 4080 3000 >80 621x621x30
23414 3F Diagon 25W/840 DALI 621x621 28 4250 4000 >80 621x621x30
23415 3F Diagon 39W/840 DALI 621x621 40 5796 4000 >80 621x621x30
23511 3F Diagon 39W/940 DALI 621x621 40 4861 4000 >90 621x621x30
3F Dìagon 621x621 - EP maintained emergency wiring, 1hr duration with 24hrs recharge (page 772)
Code Item W lm K CRI LxAxH
23417 3F Diagon 15W/840 EP 621x621 18 2694 4000 >80 621x621x30
23416 3F Diagon 19W/840 EP 621x621 22 3354 4000 >80 621x621x30
23490 3F Diagon 25W/930 EP 621x621 29 3294 3000 >90 621x621x30
23514 3F Diagon 25W/940 EP 621x621 29 3485 4000 >90 621x621x30
23394 3F Diagon 25W/830 EP 621x621 29 4080 3000 >80 621x621x30
23418 3F Diagon 25W/840 EP 621x621 29 4250 4000 >80 621x621x30
23419 3F Diagon 39W/840 EP 621x621 41 5796 4000 >80 621x621x30
23515 3F Diagon 39W/940 EP 621x621 41 4861 4000 >90 621x621x30

3F Dìagon Lay-in installation 313

3F Dìagon Soft UGR


Average luminance <3000 cd/m² for angles >65°.

Installation Interdistance Transv.D = 1.20 x hu ‑ Long.D = 1.20 x
Rhomboidal lenses with differentiated surfaces, etched and
prismatic to optimise the orientation of the luminous flux, in opal
Code 23826 L<3000 cd/m² 65° methacrylate (PMMA).

3F Dìagon 596x596 - ON/OFF electronic wiring 230V-50/60Hz

Code Item W lm K CRI LxAxH
23826 3F Diagon 25W/830 SOFT UGR 596x596 28 3532 3000 >80 596x596x30
23812 3F Diagon 25W/840 SOFT UGR 596x596 28 3679 4000 >80 596x596x30
23842 3F Diagon 39W/930 SOFT UGR 596x596 40 3890 3000 >90 596x596x30
23834 3F Diagon 39W/940 SOFT UGR 596x596 40 4116 4000 >90 596x596x30
3F Dìagon 596x596 - DALI electronic wiring 230V-50/60Hz
Code Item W lm K CRI LxAxH
23828 3F Diagon 25W/830 DALI SOFT UGR 596x596 28 3532 3000 >80 596x596x30
23814 3F Diagon 25W/840 DALI SOFT UGR 596x596 28 3679 4000 >80 596x596x30
23844 3F Diagon 39W/930 DALI SOFT UGR 596x596 40 3890 3000 >90 596x596x30
23836 3F Diagon 39W/940 DALI SOFT UGR 596x596 40 4116 4000 >90 596x596x30
3F Dìagon 596x596 - EP maintained emergency wiring, 1hr duration with 24hrs recharge (page 772)
Code Item W lm K CRI LxAxH
23827 3F Diagon 25W/830 EP SOFT UGR 596x596 29 3532 3000 >80 596x596x30
23813 3F Diagon 25W/840 EP SOFT UGR 596x596 29 3679 4000 >80 596x596x30
23843 3F Diagon 39W/930 EP SOFT UGR 596x596 41 3890 3000 >90 596x596x30
23835 3F Diagon 39W/940 EP SOFT UGR 596x596 41 4116 4000 >90 596x596x30
3F Dìagon 621x621 - ON/OFF electronic wiring 230V-50/60Hz
Code Item W lm K CRI LxAxH
23830 3F Diagon 25W/830 SOFT UGR 621x621 28 3532 3000 >80 621x621x30
23819 3F Diagon 25W/840 SOFT UGR 621x621 28 3679 4000 >80 621x621x30
23846 3F Diagon 39W/930 SOFT UGR 621x621 40 3890 3000 >90 621x621x30
23838 3F Diagon 39W/940 SOFT UGR 621x621 40 4116 4000 >90 621x621x30
3F Dìagon 621x621 - DALI electronic wiring 230V-50/60Hz
Code Item W lm K CRI LxAxH
23832 3F Diagon 25W/830 DALI SOFT UGR 621x621 28 3532 3000 >80 621x621x30
23821 3F Diagon 25W/840 DALI SOFT UGR 621x621 28 3679 4000 >80 621x621x30
23848 3F Diagon 39W/930 DALI SOFT UGR 621x621 40 3890 3000 >90 621x621x30
23840 3F Diagon 39W/940 DALI SOFT UGR 621x621 40 4116 4000 >90 621x621x30
3F Dìagon 621x621 - EP maintained emergency wiring, 1hr duration with 24hrs recharge (page 772)
Code Item W lm K CRI LxAxH
23831 3F Diagon 25W/830 EP SOFT UGR 621x621 29 3532 3000 >80 621x621x30
23820 3F Diagon 25W/840 EP SOFT UGR 621x621 29 3679 4000 >80 621x621x30
23847 3F Diagon 39W/930 EP SOFT UGR 621x621 41 3890 3000 >90 621x621x30
23839 3F Diagon 39W/940 EP SOFT UGR 621x621 41 4116 4000 >90 621x621x30

Performances are measured and certified by our CTFs stage 2 Photometric Laboratory (more information on page 12).
314 Datasheets, product updates and specifications on our website: www.3f-filippi.com
/ Recessed luminaires

A=L Andriani S.p.A.

Gravina di Puglia (BA)


3F Dìagon Lay-in installation - Tunable White
Direct symmetric distribution. Lay‑in installation.
The colour temperature can be adjusted between 2700 K and 6500 K. Installation and assembly diagrams on page 319.
Lifetime (L75/B10): 100000 h. (tq+25°C)
Photobiological safety RG0 (page 16).
SOURCE Any environments requiring light which aims for the wellness of people.
Environments where soft diffuse light is required for optimal visual
Squared LED modules. comfort and total shielding of the source.
Colour initial tolerance (MacAdam): SDCM 3. Representative environments, with video terminals, offices, meeting
rooms, transit areas, reception and waiting rooms.

Housing in hot‑galvanised steel, painted in white polyester.
Honeycombed diagonal screen in white anti‑glare polycarbonate. Tunable White products can be controlled with wired control systems
Height only 30 mm. (page 742) or 3F & Casambi (page 746).
Installation in false ceilings with exposed structure.

• different power levels or colour rendering indices
In compliance with EN 60598‑1. • CRI >90 sources
Compliance with the EN 60598‑2‑22 standard for power supply from a • emergency versions
centralised CPSS emergency system must be verified in the technical
data sheets of each individual device on our website.
Cable with a DALI DT8 driver.
5‑pole terminal block (L‑N‑PE‑DA/DA) quick connection for line
connection with connection capacity 2x2.5 mm² per poles.

3F Dìagon Soft UGR Tunable White


Average luminance <3000 cd/m² for angles >65°.

Installation Interdistance Transv.D = 1.20 x hu ‑ Long.D = 1.20 x
Rhomboidal lenses with differentiated surfaces, etched and
prismatic to optimise the orientation of the luminous flux, in opal
Code 23816 L<3000 cd/m² 65° methacrylate (PMMA).

3F Dìagon 596x596 - DALI DT8 electronic wiring 230V-50/60Hz

Code Item W lm K CRI LxAxH
23816 3F Diagon 25W DT8 TW SOFT UGR 596x596 30 3567 2700 >80 596x596x30
29 4000
28 6500
3F Dìagon 621x621 - DALI DT8 electronic wiring 230V-50/60Hz
Code Item W lm K CRI LxAxH
23823 3F Diagon 25W DT8 TW SOFT UGR 621x621 30 3567 2700 >80 621x621x30
29 4000
28 6500

Performances are measured and certified by our CTFs stage 2 Photometric Laboratory (more information on page 12).
318 Datasheets, product updates and specifications on our website: www.3f-filippi.com
Mounting details 3F Dìagon | Lay-in installation

Standard versions

Panels in mineral fibre with exposed structure 600x600 or 625x625.

Panels in mineral fibre with decoration in relief 600x600.




Installation following false ceiling mounting, supported by Installation simultaneously with the false ceiling, minimum
the exposed structure, minimum void of 110 mm from the void of 60 mm from the structure’s lower edge.
structure’s lower edge.

/ Recessed luminaires

Sushi Zero
A=L 575 Varese
FP H Italia/Italy
A 30
FCL H 30

3F Dìagon Pull-up installation
Direct symmetric distribution. Pull‑up installation.
Lifetime (L75/B10): 100000 h. (tq+25°C) Installation and assembly diagrams on page 324.
Photobiological safety RG0 (page 16). Do not hesitate to contact our Sales Network or our Technical Offices to
check the compatibility of the FCH and FCL models with the various
types of metallic false ceilings.
Squared LED modules. APPLICATIONS
Colour initial tolerance (MacAdam): SDCM 3.

FCL, FCH, FP versions

MECHANICAL Environments: staterooms, with VDTs, offices.
Environments with exacting visual tasks, where diffused soft light for
Housing in hot‑galvanised steel, painted in white polyester. optimum visual comfort is required.
Honeycombed diagonal screen in white anti‑glare polycarbonate.
Height only 30 mm. Version FP Soft UGR
The FP (For Plasterboard) version is dedicated to plasterboard false Environments where soft diffuse light is required for optimal visual
ceilings. comfort and total shielding of the source.
The FCL (For Complanar Low) version is dedicated to plasterboard with
metal panels and low structures.
The FCH (For Complanar High) version is dedicated to plasterboard with LIGHT MANAGEMENT
metal panels and high structures.
For all versions, spring fixing in stainless steel. The DALI products can be controlled with 3F Easy Dim (page 722) or
3F Smart Dimming technology (page 732).

In compliance with EN 60598‑1.
Compliance with the EN 60598‑2‑22 standard for power supply from a • different power levels, colour rendering indices and colour
centralised CPSS emergency system must be verified in the technical temperatures
data sheets of each individual device on our website. • wiring: twin‑circuit, CLO (page 752)
The luminaires with EP permanent emergency wiring on board comply • luminaires for pull‑up installation with brackets
with EN 60598‑2‑22 standard, high risk areas excluded. • 3F Tunable White versione
Quick connection. • 3F Dìagon Soft UGR, for FCL and FCH versions
• CRI >90 sources
• emergency versions

3F Dìagon FCL


Average luminance <1500 cd/m² for radial angles >65°.

Installation Interdistance Transv.D = 1.40 x hu ‑ Long.D = 1.40 x
Rhomboidal lenses with differentiated surfaces, etched and
prismatic to optimise the orientation of the luminous flux, in
Code 23787 L<1500 cd/m² 65° transparent methacrylate (PMMA).

3F Dìagon 599x599 - ON/OFF electronic wiring 230V-50/60Hz

Code Item W lm K CRI LxAxH
23785 3F Diagon FCL 19W/840 599x599 21 3354 4000 >80 599x599x60
23786 3F Diagon FCL 25W/840 599x599 28 4250 4000 >80 599x599x60
3F Dìagon 599x599 - DALI electronic wiring 230V-50/60Hz
Code Item W lm K CRI LxAxH
23787 3F Diagon FCL 19W/840 DALI 599x599 21 3354 4000 >80 599x599x60
23788 3F Diagon FCL 25W/840 DALI 599x599 28 4250 4000 >80 599x599x60
3F Dìagon 599x599 - EP maintained emergency wiring, 1hr duration with 24hrs recharge (page 772)
Code Item W lm K CRI LxAxH
23789 3F Diagon FCL 19W/840 EP 599x599 22 3354 4000 >80 599x599x60
23790 3F Diagon FCL 25W/840 EP 599x599 29 4250 4000 >80 599x599x60

3F Dìagon FCH


Average luminance <1500 cd/m² for radial angles >65°.

Installation Interdistance Transv.D = 1.40 x hu ‑ Long.D = 1.40 x
Rhomboidal lenses with differentiated surfaces, etched and
prismatic to optimise the orientation of the luminous flux, in
Code 23797 L<1500 cd/m² 65° transparent methacrylate (PMMA).

3F Dìagon 599x599 - ON/OFF electronic wiring 230V-50/60Hz

Code Item W lm K CRI LxAxH
23795 3F Diagon FCH 19W/840 599x599 21 3354 4000 >80 599x599x60
23796 3F Diagon FCH 25W/840 599x599 28 4250 4000 >80 599x599x60
3F Dìagon 599x599 - DALI electronic wiring 230V-50/60Hz
Code Item W lm K CRI LxAxH
23797 3F Diagon FCH 19W/840 DALI 599x599 21 3354 4000 >80 599x599x60
23798 3F Diagon FCH 25W/840 DALI 599x599 28 4250 4000 >80 599x599x60
3F Dìagon 599x599 - EP maintained emergency wiring, 1hr duration with 24hrs recharge (page 772)
Code Item W lm K CRI LxAxH
23799 3F Diagon FCH 19W/840 EP 599x599 22 3354 4000 >80 599x599x60
23800 3F Diagon FCH 25W/840 EP 599x599 29 4250 4000 >80 599x599x60

Performances are measured and certified by our CTFs stage 2 Photometric Laboratory (more information on page 12).
322 Datasheets, product updates and specifications on our website: www.3f-filippi.com
3F Dìagon FP


Average luminance <1500 cd/m² for radial angles >65°.

Installation Interdistance Transv.D = 1.40 x hu ‑ Long.D = 1.40 x
Rhomboidal lenses with differentiated surfaces, etched and
prismatic to optimise the orientation of the luminous flux, in
Code 23770 L<1500 cd/m² 65° transparent methacrylate (PMMA).

3F Dìagon 599x599 - ON/OFF electronic wiring 230V-50/60Hz

Code Item W lm K CRI LxAxH
24048 3F Diagon FP 19W/840 599x599 21 3354 4000 >80 599x599x60
24049 3F Diagon FP 25W/840 599x599 28 4250 4000 >80 599x599x60
3F Dìagon 599x599 - DALI electronic wiring 230V-50/60Hz
Code Item W lm K CRI LxAxH
24050 3F Diagon FP 19W/840 DALI 599x599 21 3354 4000 >80 599x599x60
24051 3F Diagon FP 25W/840 DALI 599x599 28 4250 4000 >80 599x599x60
3F Dìagon 599x599 - EP maintained emergency wiring, 1hr duration with 24hrs recharge (page 772)
Code Item W lm K CRI LxAxH
24052 3F Diagon FP 19W/840 EP 599x599 22 3354 4000 >80 599x599x60
24053 3F Diagon FP 25W/840 EP 599x599 29 4250 4000 >80 599x599x60

3F Dìagon FP Soft UGR



Average luminance <3000 cd/m² for angles >65°.

Installation Interdistance Transv.D = 1.20 x hu ‑ Long.D = 1.20 x
Rhomboidal lenses with differentiated surfaces, etched and
prismatic to optimise the orientation of the luminous flux, in opal
Code 23850 L<3000 cd/m² 65° methacrylate (PMMA).

3F Dìagon 599x599 - ON/OFF electronic wiring 230V-50/60Hz

Code Item W lm K CRI LxAxH
23853 3F Diagon FP 25W/840 SOFT UGR 599x599 28 3679 4000 >80 599x599x60
3F Dìagon 599x599 - DALI electronic wiring 230V-50/60Hz
Code Item W lm K CRI LxAxH
23855 3F Diagon FP 25W/840 DALI SOFT UGR 599x599 28 3679 4000 >80 599x599x60
3F Dìagon 599x599 - EP maintained emergency wiring, 1hr duration with 24hrs recharge (page 772)
Code Item W lm K CRI LxAxH
23854 3F Diagon FP 25W/840 EP SOFT UGR 599x599 29 3679 4000 >80 599x599x60

3F Dìagon Pull-up installation 323

Mounting details 3F Dìagon | Pull-up installation

Standard versions

29 mm

38 mm
FCL - Version for metal panels with low structures

40 mm

60 mm
FCH - Version for metal panels with high structures

Do not hesitate to contact our Sales Network or our Technical Offices to check the compatibility of the FCH and FCL
models with the various types of metallic false ceilings.

FP - Version for Plasterboard

In the event that the type of false ceiling reported is not that envisaged by the installation, it is necessary to consult our
Sales Network.

3F Dìagon | Accessories
Code Item
A0477 Safety wire

Anti‑fall safety cable for fixing the housing to the building structure. Length 2.5 m.

Code Item
A0686 596x596 Diagon frame ceiling instal.

White painted polyester hot‑dip galvanised steel frame for 3F Dìagon Plafone. Height only 40 mm.
Accessory compatible with 3F Dìagon - Lay-in installation, 3F Dìagon - Lay-in installation -
Tunable White.

Code Item
A0702 Suction cup for Diagon maintenance

Suction cup to extract "3F Dìagon" installed in abutment. To be used in false ceilings with metal panels,
where the space between the luminaire and the surrounding panels does not allow the use of other tools.
Accessory compatible with 3F Dìagon - Pull-up installation.

3F Dìagon 325
/ Recessed luminaires

3-4 x Forlì
6 6
12.5 12.5

6 6
12.5 12.5

L 320
Direct symmetric distribution. Lay‑in or pull‑up installation with brackets.
Lifetime (L80/B10): 100000 h. (tq+25°C) Installation and assembly diagrams on page 336.
Photobiological safety RG0 (page 16).

Environments: staterooms, with VDTs, offices.
Linear LED modules. Environments where demanding visual tasks are performed and soft
diffuse light is required for optimal visual comfort and total shielding of
10W version the light source.
Colour initial tolerance (MacAdam): SDCM 2.
18W version SP, LGS versions
Colour initial tolerance (MacAdam): SDCM 3. Environments: sterilized, aseptic.
Luminaires suitable in production plants in the food industry
(HACCP / IFS / BRC‑Standard).
Housing in hot‑galvanised steel, painted in white polyester. LIGHT MANAGEMENT
Attention: before ordering these products, we ask you to check
the Installation instructions if the type of installation requires The DALI products can be controlled with 3F Easy Dim (page 722) or
accessory brackets. 3F Smart Dimming technology (page 732).

In compliance with EN 60598‑1. • different power levels, colour rendering indices and colour
Compliance with the EN 60598‑2‑22 standard for power supply from a temperatures
centralised CPSS emergency system must be verified in the technical • wiring: CLO (page 752)
data sheets of each individual device on our website. • Sensor version
The luminaires with EP permanent emergency wiring on board comply • diffuser in OP opal methacrylate (PMMA) or SP polycarbonate,
with EN 60598‑2‑22 standard, high risk areas excluded. self‑extinguishing V2
• luminaires for pull‑up installation with brackets
• CRI >90 sources
• emergency versions

L 320 2MG


Average luminance <1000 cd/m² for radial angles >65°.

2MG parabolic louvre, high efficiency, in specular aluminium with
superficial titanium‑magnesium treatment, non‑iridescent, with
transverse blades closed at the top.
Prismatic methacrylate (PMMA) diffuser for total shielding of the
louvre compartment.
Film protective against dust and finger marks, adhesive, attached
Code 28844 L<1000 cd/m² 65° to louvre.

L 320 596x596 - ON/OFF electronic wiring 230V-50/60Hz

Code Item W lm K CRI LxAxH
28844 L 323x10W LED 2MG 596x596 34 4287 4000 >80 596x596x80
22722 L 323x10W/940 LED 2MG 596x596 34 3515 4000 >90 596x596x80
L 320 596x596 - DALI electronic wiring 230V-50/60Hz
Code Item W lm K CRI LxAxH
28856 L 323x10W LED DALI 2MG 596x596 34 4287 4000 >80 596x596x80
22724 L 323x10W/940 LED DALI 2MG 596x596 34 3515 4000 >90 596x596x80
L 320 596x596 - EP maintained emergency wiring, 1hr duration with 24hrs recharge (page 772)
Code Item W lm K CRI LxAxH
28847 L 323x10W LED EP 2MG 596x596 35 4287 4000 >80 596x596x80
22723 L 323x10W/940 LED EP 2MG 596x596 35 3515 4000 >90 596x596x80
L 320 296x1196 - ON/OFF electronic wiring 230V-50/60Hz
Code Item W lm K CRI LxAxH
28846 L 322x18W LED 2MG 296x1196 40 5024 4000 >80 1196x296x95
L 320 296x1196 - DALI electronic wiring 230V-50/60Hz
Code Item W lm K CRI LxAxH
28858 L 322x18W LED DALI 2MG 296x1196 40 5024 4000 >80 1196x296x95
L 320 296x1196 - EP maintained emergency wiring, 1hr duration with 24hrs recharge (page 772)
Code Item W lm K CRI LxAxH
28849 L 322x18W LED EP 2MG 296x1196 41 5024 4000 >80 1196x296x95

Performances are measured and certified by our CTFs stage 2 Photometric Laboratory (more information on page 12).
328 Datasheets, product updates and specifications on our website: www.3f-filippi.com
L 320 2S


Average luminance <1000 cd/m² for radial angles >65°.

2S parabolic louvre in semi‑specular aluminium, non‑reflecting,
with transverse blades closed at the top.
Prismatic methacrylate (PMMA) diffuser for total shielding of the
louvre compartment.
Film protective against dust and finger marks, adhesive, attached
Code 28826 L<1000 cd/m² 65° to louvre.

L 320 596x596 - ON/OFF electronic wiring 230V-50/60Hz

Code Item W lm K CRI LxAxH
28826 L 323x10W LED 2S 596x596 34 3997 4000 >80 596x596x80
22716 L 323x10W/940 LED 2S 596x596 34 3277 4000 >90 596x596x80
L 320 596x596 - DALI electronic wiring 230V-50/60Hz
Code Item W lm K CRI LxAxH
28838 L 323x10W LED DALI 2S 596x596 34 3997 4000 >80 596x596x80
22718 L 323x10W/940 LED DALI 2S 596x596 34 3277 4000 >90 596x596x80
L 320 596x596 - EP maintained emergency wiring, 1hr duration with 24hrs recharge (page 772)
Code Item W lm K CRI LxAxH
28829 L 323x10W LED EP 2S 596x596 35 3997 4000 >80 596x596x80
22717 L 323x10W/940 LED EP 2S 596x596 35 3277 4000 >90 596x596x80
L 320 296x1196 - ON/OFF electronic wiring 230V-50/60Hz
Code Item W lm K CRI LxAxH
28828 L 322x18W LED 2S 296x1196 40 4588 4000 >80 1196x296x95
L 320 296x1196 - DALI electronic wiring 230V-50/60Hz
Code Item W lm K CRI LxAxH
28840 L 322x18W LED DALI 2S 296x1196 40 4588 4000 >80 1196x296x95
L 320 296x1196 - EP maintained emergency wiring, 1hr duration with 24hrs recharge (page 772)
Code Item W lm K CRI LxAxH
28831 L 322x18W LED EP 2S 296x1196 41 4588 4000 >80 1196x296x95

L 320 329
L 320 SP


Average luminance <3000 cd/m² for radial angles >65°.

SP transparent methacrylate (PMMA) diffuser, prismatic exterior,
anti‑glare, locked to the prepainted white aluminium perimeter
Code 21244 L<3000 cd/m² 65° frame with sealing gasket, hinged opening.

L 320 596x596 - ON/OFF electronic wiring 230V-50/60Hz

Code Item W lm K CRI LxAxH
21244 L 323x10W LED SP 596x596 34 4163 4000 >80 596x596x80
22701 L 323x10W/940 LED SP 596x596 34 3413 4000 >90 596x596x80
21245 L 324x10W LED SP 596x596 45 5516 4000 >80 596x596x80
22702 L 324x10W/940 LED SP 596x596 45 4523 4000 >90 596x596x80
L 320 596x596 - DALI electronic wiring 230V-50/60Hz
Code Item W lm K CRI LxAxH
21256 L 323x10W LED DALI SP 596x596 34 4163 4000 >80 596x596x80
22703 L 323x10W/940 LED DALI SP 596x596 34 3413 4000 >90 596x596x80
21257 L 324x10W LED DALI SP 596x596 45 5516 4000 >80 596x596x80
22704 L 324x10W/940 LED DALI SP 596x596 45 4523 4000 >90 596x596x80
L 320 596x596 - EP maintained emergency wiring, 1hr duration with 24hrs recharge (page 772)
Code Item W lm K CRI LxAxH
21262 L 323x10W LED EP SP 596x596 35 4163 4000 >80 596x596x80
22705 L 323x10W/940 LED EP SP 596x596 35 3413 4000 >90 596x596x80
21263 L 324x10W LED EP SP 596x596 46 5516 4000 >80 596x596x80
22706 L 324x10W/940 LED EP SP 596x596 46 4523 4000 >90 596x596x80
L 320 599x599 - ON/OFF electronic wiring 230V-50/60Hz
Code Item W lm K CRI LxAxH
21617 L 323x10W LED SP 599x599 34 4163 4000 >80 599x599x80
21618 L 323x10W/940 LED SP 599x599 34 3413 4000 >90 599x599x80

Performances are measured and certified by our CTFs stage 2 Photometric Laboratory (more information on page 12).
330 Datasheets, product updates and specifications on our website: www.3f-filippi.com
L 320 599x599 - DALI electronic wiring 230V-50/60Hz
Code Item W lm K CRI LxAxH
21619 L 323x10W LED DALI SP 599x599 34 4163 4000 >80 599x599x80
21620 L 323x10W/940 LED DALI SP 599x599 34 3413 4000 >90 599x599x80
L 320 599x599 - EP maintained emergency wiring, 1hr duration with 24hrs recharge (page 772)
Code Item W lm K CRI LxAxH
21621 L 323x10W LED EP SP 599x599 35 4163 4000 >80 599x599x80
21622 L 323x10W/940 LED EP SP 599x599 35 3413 4000 >90 599x599x80
L 320 296x1196 - ON/OFF electronic wiring 230V-50/60Hz
Code Item W lm K CRI LxAxH
21287 L 322x18W LED SP 296x1196 40 5114 4000 >80 1196x296x95
L 320 296x1196 - DALI electronic wiring 230V-50/60Hz
Code Item W lm K CRI LxAxH
21290 L 322x18W LED DALI SP 296x1196 40 5114 4000 >80 1196x296x95
L 320 296x1196 - EP maintained emergency wiring, 1hr duration with 24hrs recharge (page 772)
Code Item W lm K CRI LxAxH
21293 L 322x18W LED EP SP 296x1196 41 5114 4000 >80 1196x296x95

L 320 331
L 320 LGS


2x ‑ 4x ‑ Average luminance <3000 cd/m² for radial angles >65°.

3x ‑ Average luminance <1500 cd/m² for radial angles >65°.
LGS micro‑prismatic flat diffuser in transparent methacrylate
(PMMA), multilenticular exterior, anti‑glare, locked to the white
painted aluminium perimetral frame, sealing gasket, hinged
Code 21580 L<1500 cd/m² 65° Anti‑glare opal polycarbonate filter for brightness uniformity.

L 320 596x596 - ON/OFF electronic wiring 230V-50/60Hz

Code Item W lm K CRI LxAxH
21580 L 323x10W LED LGS 596x596 34 3178 4000 >80 596x596x80
21581 L 324x10W LED LGS 596x596 45 4292 4000 >80 596x596x80
22709 L 324x10W/940 LED LGS 596x596 45 3520 4000 >90 596x596x80
L 320 596x596 - DALI electronic wiring 230V-50/60Hz
Code Item W lm K CRI LxAxH
21586 L 323x10W LED DALI LGS 596x596 34 3178 4000 >80 596x596x80
21587 L 324x10W LED DALI LGS 596x596 45 4292 4000 >80 596x596x80
22710 L 324x10W/940 LED DALI LGS 596x596 45 3520 4000 >90 596x596x80
L 320 596x596 - EP maintained emergency wiring, 1hr duration with 24hrs recharge (page 772)
Code Item W lm K CRI LxAxH
21589 L 323x10W LED EP LGS 596x596 35 3178 4000 >80 596x596x80
21590 L 324x10W LED EP LGS 596x596 46 4292 4000 >80 596x596x80
22711 L 324x10W/940 LED EP LGS 596x596 46 3520 4000 >90 596x596x80
L 320 599x599 - ON/OFF electronic wiring 230V-50/60Hz
Code Item W lm K CRI LxAxH
21623 L 324x10W LED LGS 599x599 45 4292 4000 >80 599x599x80
21624 L 324x10W/940 LED LGS 599x599 45 3520 4000 >90 599x599x80
L 320 599x599 - DALI electronic wiring 230V-50/60Hz
Code Item W lm K CRI LxAxH
21625 L 324x10W LED DALI LGS 599x599 45 4292 4000 >80 599x599x80
21626 L 324x10W/940 LED DALI LGS 599x599 45 3520 4000 >90 599x599x80
L 320 599x599 - EP maintained emergency wiring, 1hr duration with 24hrs recharge (page 772)
Code Item W lm K CRI LxAxH
21627 L 324x10W LED EP LGS 599x599 46 4292 4000 >80 599x599x80
21628 L 324x10W/940 LED EP LGS 599x599 46 3520 4000 >90 599x599x80
L 320 296x1196 - ON/OFF electronic wiring 230V-50/60Hz
Code Item W lm K CRI LxAxH
21600 L 322x18W LED LGS 296x1196 40 3979 4000 >80 1196x296x95
L 320 296x1196 - DALI electronic wiring 230V-50/60Hz
Code Item W lm K CRI LxAxH
21603 L 322x18W LED DALI LGS 296x1196 40 3979 4000 >80 1196x296x95
L 320 296x1196 - EP maintained emergency wiring, 1hr duration with 24hrs recharge (page 772)
Code Item W lm K CRI LxAxH
21606 L 322x18W LED EP LGS 296x1196 41 3979 4000 >80 1196x296x95

Performances are measured and certified by our CTFs stage 2 Photometric Laboratory (more information on page 12).
332 Datasheets, product updates and specifications on our website: www.3f-filippi.com
L 320 | Accessories
Code Item
A0477 Safety wire

Anti‑fall safety cable for fixing the housing to the building structure. Length 2.5 m.

Code Item
A0720 Wieland (white plug)
A0721 Wago (white plug)
A0722 Ensto white plug + adapter
A0725 Wieland (black plug)
A0726 Wago (black plug)
A0727 Ensto black plug + adapter

Plug for quick connection of the luminaire, 3‑pole irreversible to be snapped (Snap‑in), with integrated
locking device, H07 V2‑U HT90° 1.5 mm² cables, for the connection to the terminal block of the luminaire.
Connection for single‑circuit wiring: order white plug. Connection for twin‑circuit, dimmable, emergency
wiring: order white plug plus black plug.
This accessory is suitable for square products only.

Code Item
A0798 621x621 frame + brackets

Adapter frame in white‑painted steel, for installing luminaries with dimensions of 596x596 mm for pull‑up
installations on plasterboard false ceilings.
This accessory is suitable for square products only.

Code Item
A0173 15HI Brackets - L320-L350-L450
The pack contains 4 pieces.

Galvanised steel fixing bracket for pull‑up installation on plasterboard. Pack for 1 luminaire.
Excursion min. 0 mm, max. 25 mm.
This accessory is suitable for square products only.

Code Item
A0177 15ZH Brackets - L320-L350-L560
The pack contains 4 pieces.

Fixing bracket in galvanised steel. Pack for 1 luminaire.

For square luminaires with louvre (excursion min. 0 mm, max. 60 mm), with diffuser and glass
(excursion min. 15 mm, max. 60 mm).
For rectangular luminaires (excursion min. 45 mm, max. 72 mm), with diffuser and glass
(excursion min. 27 mm, max. 65 mm).
Suitable for pull‑up installation on plasterboard.

Code Item
A0170 15BS Brackets - L320-L400-L560
The pack contains 4 pieces.

Fixing bracket in galvanised steel for ceiling pull‑up installation. Pack for 1 luminaire.
For rectangular luminaires with louvre (excursion min. 18 mm, max. 45 mm), with diffuser
(excursion min. 0 mm, max. 40 mm).
Not suitable for diffused light recessed luminaires.

L 320 333
Code Item
A0179 15LB Brackets - L320-350 met.pan.
The pack contains 4 pieces.

Fixing bracket in galvanised steel for installation coplanar with metal panels with concealed structure. Pack
for 1 luminaire.
For square luminaires with louvre, mounting in two positions (23/36 mm, 53/66 mm) with diffuser
(36 mm and 66 mm).
Not suitable for diffused light recessed luminaires.

334 Datasheets, product updates and specifications on our website: www.3f-filippi.com

L 320 Mounting details

H80 version - 596x596

Panels in mineral fibre with exposed structure 600x600. Panels in mineral fibre with decoration 600x600, small voids.
Installed flush with bracket accessory 15 ZH.

Panels in mineral fibre with decoration in relief 600x600. Plasterboard.

Installed flush with bracket accessory 15 ZH.

Pull-up installation on grid false ceilings.

Installed flush with bracket accessory 15 ZH.

H80 version - 599x599

Plasterboard. Metal panels with structures 600x600.

Installed flush with bracket accessory 15 ZH.

Metal panels with structures 600x600. Metal panels with structures 600x600.

Metal panels with structures 600x600.

H80 version - 296x1196

300 300 300

Note: rectangular luminaires have a width of 296mm.

When installed on 600mm wide panels with exposed structure (600x600 or 600x1200), a further T profile must be used.


H80 version


85 80

Minimum void of 80 mm from

Installation following false ceiling mounting, supported by the structure’s lower edge.
the exposed structure, minimum void of 200 mm from the Luminaires on request,
structure’s lower edge. installed flush with bracket
accessory 15 ZH.

Installation simultaneously with

the false ceiling, minimum void of
85 mm from the structure’s lower

L 340
www.3F-Filippi.com/L 340

L 340 is the new recessed fixture dedicated to the world of • Luminous efficacy up to 131 lumen/watt.
offices, banks, architectural environments and commercial and • Luminous fluxes from 3338 to 6537 lumens.
representative spaces. • Average luminance <1500 cd/m² (LGS version).
Thanks to the low glare values obtained using glass or methacrylate • UGR <19.
(PMMA) prismatic and micro prismatic diffusers, it is particularly • Uniformly illuminated screen.
suitable for environments with video terminals, meeting rooms and • Essential and functional design.
offices where diffused and soft lighting is required for excellent visual • IP65 version, visible part for more severe applications.
comfort and to completely shield the source. • Tunable White version.
Furthermore, the L 340 is suitable from a hygiene point of view for • EcoDesign: power supplies and sources replaceable at the end
use in production plants in the food industry (HACCP / IFS / BRC- of product life.
Standard). • Ease of assembly and maintenance.
The fixture can be installed on lintels or abutments (thanks to the • Versatility of use in different environments.
frame accessory). • Product suitable for use in the food industry (HACCP / IFS /
From a photometric point of view the excellent visual comfort is BRC-Standard).
supported by LGS methacrylate (PMMA) (average luminance <1500
cd/m² >65° radial), SP (average luminance <3000 cd/m² >65°
radials) and VS glass screens (Average luminance <3000 cd/m²
>65° radials).
The L 340 is available in a version with on/off electronic cabling
or DALI, while there are also versions with Permanent Emergency
Versions equipped with DALI drivers can be controlled manually
with 3F Easy Dim technology or automatically/manually with 3F
Smart Dimming technology.

Page Product Lay-installation Pull-up installation

340 L 340 Diffused Light • with accessory
348 L 340 Lite • with accessory
352 L 340 Tunable White • with accessory

/ Recessed luminaires

Porto di Savona


L 340 Diffused Light
Direct symmetric distribution. Lay‑on or pull‑up installation using the frame accessory.
Lifetime (L80/B10): 100000 h. (tq+25°C)
Photobiological safety RG0 (page 16).
SOURCE In environments requiring protection and simplified cleaning.
Hospitals, pharmaceutical, chemical, aseptic laboratories, sterilised
Squared LED modules. rooms.
Colour initial tolerance (MacAdam): SDCM 3. Environments: with VDTs, meeting rooms, offices.
Environments: architectural, commercial, staterooms, banks.
Environments where demanding visual tasks are performed and soft
MECHANICAL diffuse light is required for optimal visual comfort and total shielding of
the light source.
Housing in hot‑galvanised steel, painted in white polyester. Luminaires suitable in production plants in the food industry
Perimetral frame in white polycarbonate. (HACCP / IFS / BRC‑Standard).
The 621x621 version is dedicated to false ceilings that have modular
dimensions of 625x625.
ELECTRICAL The DALI products can be controlled with 3F Easy Dim (page 722) or
3F Smart Dimming technology (page 732).
In compliance with EN 60598‑1.
Compliance with the EN 60598‑2‑22 standard for power supply from a
centralised CPSS emergency system must be verified in the technical ON REQUEST
data sheets of each individual device on our website.
The luminaires with EP permanent emergency wiring on board comply • different power levels, colour rendering indices and colour
with EN 60598‑2‑22 standard, high risk areas excluded. temperatures
Wiring on a separate unit. • wiring: CLO (page 752)
Class II. • diffuser in SP prismatic methacrylate (PMMA) or SP polycarbonate,
Selfextinguishing V2
• emergency versions

L 340 Diffused Light LGS


Average luminance <1500 cd/m² for radial angles >65°.

LGS micro‑prismatic flat diffuser in transparent methacrylate
(PMMA), multi‑lenticular exterior, anti‑glare.
Code 23857 L<1500 cd/m² 65° Anti‑glare opal polycarbonate filter for brightness uniformity.

L 340 596x596 - ON/OFF electronic wiring 230V-50/60Hz

Code Item W lm K CRI LxAxH
23857 L 340 25W/840 LGS 596x596 29 3785 4000 >80 596x596x80
23881 L 340 29W/940 LGS 596x596 35 3611 4000 >90 596x596x80
23858 L 340 38W/840 LGS 596x596 45 5677 4000 >80 596x596x80
23859 L 340 45W/840 LGS 596x596 52 6537 4000 >80 596x596x80
23882 L 340 45W/940 LGS 596x596 52 5361 4000 >90 596x596x80
L 340 596x596 - DALI electronic wiring 230V-50/60Hz
Code Item W lm K CRI LxAxH
23863 L 340 25W/840 DALI LGS 596x596 29 3785 4000 >80 596x596x80
23885 L 340 29W/940 DALI LGS 596x596 35 3611 4000 >90 596x596x80
23864 L 340 38W/840 DALI LGS 596x596 43 5677 4000 >80 596x596x80
23865 L 340 45W/840 DALI LGS 596x596 50 6537 4000 >80 596x596x80
23886 L 340 45W/940 DALI LGS 596x596 52 5361 4000 >90 596x596x80
L 340 596x596 - EP maintained emergency wiring, 1hr duration with 24hrs recharge (page 772)
Code Item W lm K CRI LxAxH
23869 L 340 25W/840 EP LGS 596x596 30 3785 4000 >80 596x596x80
23889 L 340 29W/940 EP LGS 596x596 36 3611 4000 >90 596x596x80
23870 L 340 38W/840 EP LGS 596x596 46 5677 4000 >80 596x596x80
23871 L 340 45W/840 EP LGS 596x596 53 6537 4000 >80 596x596x80
23890 L 340 45W/940 EP LGS 596x596 53 5361 4000 >90 596x596x80

Performances are measured and certified by our CTFs stage 2 Photometric Laboratory (more information on page 12).
342 Datasheets, product updates and specifications on our website: www.3f-filippi.com
L 340 621x621 - ON/OFF electronic wiring 230V-50/60Hz
Code Item W lm K CRI LxAxH
23860 L 340 25W/840 LGS 621x621 29 3785 4000 >80 621x621x80
23883 L 340 29W/940 LGS 621x621 35 3611 4000 >90 621x621x80
23861 L 340 38W/840 LGS 621x621 45 5677 4000 >80 621x621x80
23862 L 340 45W/840 LGS 621x621 52 6537 4000 >80 621x621x80
23884 L 340 45W/940 LGS 621x621 52 5361 4000 >90 621x621x80
L 340 621x621 - DALI electronic wiring 230V-50/60Hz
Code Item W lm K CRI LxAxH
23866 L 340 25W/840 DALI LGS 621x621 29 3785 4000 >80 621x621x80
23887 L 340 29W/940 DALI LGS 621x621 35 3611 4000 >90 621x621x80
23867 L 340 38W/840 DALI LGS 621x621 43 5677 4000 >80 621x621x80
23868 L 340 45W/840 DALI LGS 621x621 50 6537 4000 >80 621x621x80
23888 L 340 45W/940 DALI LGS 621x621 52 5361 4000 >90 621x621x80
L 340 621x621 - EP maintained emergency wiring, 1hr duration with 24hrs recharge (page 772)
Code Item W lm K CRI LxAxH
23891 L 340 29W/940 EP LGS 621x621 36 3611 4000 >90 621x621x80
23872 L 340 25W/840 EP LGS 621x621 30 3785 4000 >80 621x621x80
23873 L 340 38W/840 EP LGS 621x621 46 5677 4000 >80 621x621x80
23874 L 340 45W/840 EP LGS 621x621 53 6537 4000 >80 621x621x80
23892 L 340 45W/940 EP LGS 621x621 53 5361 4000 >90 621x621x80

L 340 Diffused Light 343

L 340 Diffused Light LGS IP65V

Average luminance <1500 cd/m² for radial angles >65°.

LGS micro‑prismatic flat diffuser in transparent methacrylate
(PMMA), multi‑lenticular exterior, anti‑glare.
Code 23972 L<1500 cd/m² 65° Anti‑glare opal polycarbonate filter for brightness uniformity.

L 340 596x596 - ON/OFF electronic wiring 230V-50/60Hz

Code Item W lm K CRI LxAxH
23972 L 340 25W/840 LGS IP65V 596x596 29 3785 4000 >80 596x596x80
23996 L 340 29W/940 LGS IP65V 596x596 35 3611 4000 >90 596x596x80
23973 L 340 38W/840 LGS IP65V 596x596 45 5677 4000 >80 596x596x80
23974 L 340 45W/840 LGS IP65V 596x596 52 6537 4000 >80 596x596x80
23997 L 340 45W/940 LGS IP65V 596x596 52 5361 4000 >90 596x596x80
L 340 596x596 - DALI electronic wiring 230V-50/60Hz
Code Item W lm K CRI LxAxH
23978 L 340 25W/840 DALI LGS IP65V 596x596 29 3785 4000 >80 596x596x80
24000 L 340 29W/940 DALI LGS IP65V 596x596 35 3611 4000 >90 596x596x80
23979 L 340 38W/840 DALI LGS IP65V 596x596 43 5677 4000 >80 596x596x80
23980 L 340 45W/840 DALI LGS IP65V 596x596 50 6537 4000 >80 596x596x80
24001 L 340 45W/940 DALI LGS IP65V 596x596 52 5361 4000 >90 596x596x80
L 340 596x596 - EP maintained emergency wiring, 1hr duration with 24hrs recharge (page 772)
Code Item W lm K CRI LxAxH
23984 L 340 25W/840 EP LGS IP65V 596x596 30 3785 4000 >80 596x596x80
24004 L 340 29W/940 EP LGS IP65V 596x596 36 3611 4000 >90 596x596x80
23985 L 340 38W/840 EP LGS IP65V 596x596 46 5677 4000 >80 596x596x80
23986 L 340 45W/840 EP LGS IP65V 596x596 53 6537 4000 >80 596x596x80
24005 L 340 45W/940 EP LGS IP65V 596x596 53 5361 4000 >90 596x596x80

Performances are measured and certified by our CTFs stage 2 Photometric Laboratory (more information on page 12).
344 Datasheets, product updates and specifications on our website: www.3f-filippi.com
L 340 621x621 - ON/OFF electronic wiring 230V-50/60Hz
Code Item W lm K CRI LxAxH
23975 L 340 25W/840 LGS IP65V 621x621 29 3785 4000 >80 621x621x80
23998 L 340 29W/940 LGS IP65V 621x621 35 3611 4000 >90 621x621x80
23976 L 340 38W/840 LGS IP65V 621x621 45 5677 4000 >80 621x621x80
23977 L 340 45W/840 LGS IP65V 621x621 52 6537 4000 >80 621x621x80
23999 L 340 45W/940 LGS IP65V 621x621 52 5361 4000 >90 621x621x80
L 340 621x621 - DALI electronic wiring 230V-50/60Hz
Code Item W lm K CRI LxAxH
23981 L 340 25W/840 DALI LGS IP65V 621x621 29 3785 4000 >80 621x621x80
24002 L 340 29W/940 DALI LGS IP65V 621x621 35 3611 4000 >90 621x621x80
23982 L 340 38W/840 DALI LGS IP65V 621x621 43 5677 4000 >80 621x621x80
23983 L 340 45W/840 DALI LGS IP65V 621x621 50 6537 4000 >80 621x621x80
24003 L 340 45W/940 DALI LGS IP65V 621x621 52 5361 4000 >90 621x621x80
L 340 621x621 - EP maintained emergency wiring, 1hr duration with 24hrs recharge (page 772)
Code Item W lm K CRI LxAxH
23987 L 340 25W/840 EP LGS IP65V 621x621 30 3785 4000 >80 621x621x80
24006 L 340 29W/940 EP LGS IP65V 621x621 36 3611 4000 >90 621x621x80
23988 L 340 38W/840 EP LGS IP65V 621x621 46 5677 4000 >80 621x621x80
23989 L 340 45W/840 EP LGS IP65V 621x621 53 6537 4000 >80 621x621x80
24007 L 340 45W/940 EP LGS IP65V 621x621 53 5361 4000 >90 621x621x80

L 340 Diffused Light 345

L 340 Diffused Light VS IP65V

Average luminance <3000 cd/m² for radial angles >65°.

VS moulded glass, anti‑glare, tempered, non‑combustible,
Code 23897 L<3000 cd/m² 65° thickness 4 mm.

L 340 596x596 - ON/OFF electronic wiring 230V-50/60Hz

Code Item W lm K CRI LxAxH
23897 L 340 25W/840 VS IP65V 596x596 29 3499 4000 >80 596x596x80
23921 L 340 29W/940 VS IP65V 596x596 35 3338 4000 >90 596x596x80
23898 L 340 38W/840 VS IP65V 596x596 45 5248 4000 >80 596x596x80
23899 L 340 45W/840 VS IP65V 596x596 52 6044 4000 >80 596x596x80
23922 L 340 45W/940 VS IP65V 596x596 52 4956 4000 >90 596x596x80
L 340 596x596 - DALI electronic wiring 230V-50/60Hz
Code Item W lm K CRI LxAxH
23903 L 340 25W/840 DALI VS IP65V 596x596 29 3499 4000 >80 596x596x80
23925 L 340 29W/940 DALI VS IP65V 596x596 35 3338 4000 >90 596x596x80
23904 L 340 38W/840 DALI VS IP65V 596x596 43 5248 4000 >80 596x596x80
23905 L 340 45W/840 DALI VS IP65V 596x596 50 6044 4000 >80 596x596x80
23926 L 340 45W/940 DALI VS IP65V 596x596 52 4956 4000 >90 596x596x80
L 340 596x596 - EP maintained emergency wiring, 1hr duration with 24hrs recharge (page 772)
Code Item W lm K CRI LxAxH
23909 L 340 25W/840 EP VS IP65V 596x596 30 3499 4000 >80 596x596x80
23929 L 340 29W/940 EP VS IP65V 596x596 36 3338 4000 >90 596x596x80
23910 L 340 38W/840 EP VS IP65V 596x596 46 5248 4000 >80 596x596x80
23911 L 340 45W/840 EP VS IP65V 596x596 53 6044 4000 >80 596x596x80
23930 L 340 45W/940 EP VS IP65V 596x596 53 4956 4000 >90 596x596x80

Performances are measured and certified by our CTFs stage 2 Photometric Laboratory (more information on page 12).
346 Datasheets, product updates and specifications on our website: www.3f-filippi.com
L 340 621x621 - ON/OFF electronic wiring 230V-50/60Hz
Code Item W lm K CRI LxAxH
23900 L 340 25W/840 VS IP65V 621x621 29 3499 4000 >80 621x621x80
23923 L 340 29W/940 VS IP65V 621x621 35 3338 4000 >90 621x621x80
23901 L 340 38W/840 VS IP65V 621x621 45 5248 4000 >80 621x621x80
23902 L 340 45W/840 VS IP65V 621x621 52 6044 4000 >80 621x621x80
23924 L 340 45W/940 VS IP65V 621x621 52 4956 4000 >90 621x621x80
L 340 621x621 - DALI electronic wiring 230V-50/60Hz
Code Item W lm K CRI LxAxH
23906 L 340 25W/840 DALI VS IP65V 621x621 29 3499 4000 >80 621x621x80
23927 L 340 29W/940 DALI VS IP65V 621x621 35 3338 4000 >90 621x621x80
23907 L 340 38W/840 DALI VS IP65V 621x621 43 5248 4000 >80 621x621x80
23908 L 340 45W/840 DALI VS IP65V 621x621 50 6044 4000 >80 621x621x80
23928 L 340 45W/940 DALI VS IP65V 621x621 52 4956 4000 >90 621x621x80
L 340 621x621 - EP maintained emergency wiring, 1hr duration with 24hrs recharge (page 772)
Code Item W lm K CRI LxAxH
23912 L 340 25W/840 EP VS IP65V 621x621 30 3499 4000 >80 621x621x80
23931 L 340 29W/940 EP VS IP65V 621x621 36 3338 4000 >90 621x621x80
23913 L 340 38W/840 EP VS IP65V 621x621 46 5248 4000 >80 621x621x80
23914 L 340 45W/840 EP VS IP65V 621x621 53 6044 4000 >80 621x621x80
23932 L 340 45W/940 EP VS IP65V 621x621 53 4956 4000 >90 621x621x80

L 340 Diffused Light 347

/ Recessed luminaires

Pontedera (PI)


L 340 Lite
Direct symmetric distribution. Lay‑on or pull‑up installation using the frame accessory.
Lifetime (L80/B10): 100000 h. (tq+25°C)
Photobiological safety RG0 (page 16).
SOURCE Environments: with VDTs, meeting rooms, offices.
Environments: architectural, commercial, staterooms, banks.
Linear LED modules. Environments where demanding visual tasks are performed and soft
Colour initial tolerance (MacAdam): SDCM 3. diffuse light is required for optimal visual comfort and total shielding of
the light source.
Luminaires suitable in production plants in the food industry

Housing in hot‑galvanised steel, painted in white polyester.

Perimetral frame in white polycarbonate. LIGHT MANAGEMENT
The 621x621 version is dedicated to false ceilings that have modular
dimensions of 625x625. The DALI products can be controlled with 3F Easy Dim (page 722) or
3F Smart Dimming technology (page 732).

In compliance with EN 60598‑1.
Compliance with the EN 60598‑2‑22 standard for power supply from a • different power levels, colour rendering indices and colour
centralised CPSS emergency system must be verified in the technical temperatures
data sheets of each individual device on our website. • wiring: CLO (page 752)
The luminaires with EP permanent emergency wiring on board comply • Sensor version
with EN 60598‑2‑22 standard, high risk areas excluded. • IP65 exposed part version
Wiring on a separate unit. • diffuser in LGS microprismatic methacrylate (PMMA) or
Class II. SP polycarbonate, Selfextinguishing V2
• emergency versions

L 340 Lite SP


Average luminance <3000 cd/m² for radial angles >65°.

SP transparent methacrylate (PMMA) diffuser, prismatic outside,
Code 23937 L<3000 cd/m² 65° antiglare.

L 340 596x596 - ON/OFF electronic wiring 230V-50/60Hz

Code Item W lm K CRI LxAxH
23937 L 343x10W/840 SP 596x596 34 4318 4000 >80 596x596x80
23940 L 343x12W/940 SP 596x596 43 4502 4000 >90 596x596x80
L 340 596x596 - DALI electronic wiring 230V-50/60Hz
Code Item W lm K CRI LxAxH
23938 L 343x10W/840 DALI SP 596x596 34 4318 4000 >80 596x596x80
23941 L 343x12W/940 DALI SP 596x596 43 4502 4000 >90 596x596x80
L 340 596x596 - EP maintained emergency wiring, 1hr duration with 24hrs recharge (page 772)
Code Item W lm K CRI LxAxH
23939 L 343x10W/840 EP SP 596x596 35 4318 4000 >80 596x596x80
23942 L 343x12W/940 EP SP 596x596 44 4502 4000 >90 596x596x80
L 340 621x621 - ON/OFF electronic wiring 230V-50/60Hz
Code Item W lm K CRI LxAxH
23957 L 343x10W/840 SP 621x621 34 4318 4000 >80 621x621x80
23960 L 343x12W/940 SP 621x621 43 4502 4000 >90 621x621x80
L 340 621x621 - DALI electronic wiring 230V-50/60Hz
Code Item W lm K CRI LxAxH
23958 L 343x10W/840 DALI SP 621x621 34 4318 4000 >80 621x621x80
23961 L 343x12W/940 DALI SP 621x621 43 4502 4000 >90 621x621x80
L 340 621x621 - EP maintained emergency wiring, 1hr duration with 24hrs recharge (page 772)
Code Item W lm K CRI LxAxH
23959 L 343x10W/840 EP SP 621x621 35 4318 4000 >80 621x621x80
23962 L 343x12W/940 EP SP 621x621 44 4502 4000 >90 621x621x80

Performances are measured and certified by our CTFs stage 2 Photometric Laboratory (more information on page 12).
350 Datasheets, product updates and specifications on our website: www.3f-filippi.com
/ Recessed luminaires

Porto di Savona


L 340 Tunable White
Direct symmetric distribution. Lay‑on or pull‑up installation using the frame accessory.
Lifetime (L80/B10): 100000 h. (tq+25°C)
Photobiological safety RG0 (page 16).
SOURCE Any environments requiring light which aims for the wellness of people.
Environments: with VDTs, meeting rooms, offices.
Squared LED modules. Environments: architectural, commercial, staterooms, banks.
Colour initial tolerance (MacAdam): SDCM 3. Environments where demanding visual tasks are performed and soft
diffuse light is required for optimal visual comfort and total shielding of
the light source.
MECHANICAL Luminaires suitable in production plants in the food industry
(HACCP / IFS / BRC‑Standard).
Housing in hot‑galvanised steel, painted in white polyester.
Perimetral frame in white polycarbonate.
The 621x621 version is dedicated to false ceilings that have modular LIGHT MANAGEMENT
dimensions of 625x625.
Tunable White products can be controlled with wired control systems
(page 742) or 3F & Casambi (page 746).
In compliance with EN 60598‑1. ON REQUEST
Compliance with the EN 60598‑2‑22 standard for power supply from a
centralised CPSS emergency system must be verified in the technical • different power levels or colour rendering indices
data sheets of each individual device on our website. • diffuser in SP prismatic methacrylate (PMMA) or SP polycarbonate,
Wiring on a separate unit. Selfextinguishing V2
Class II. • IP65 exposed part version
• emergency versions

L 340 Tunable White LGS


Average luminance <1500 cd/m² for radial angles >65°.

LGS micro‑prismatic flat diffuser in transparent methacrylate
(PMMA), multi‑lenticular exterior, anti‑glare.
Code 23953 L<1500 cd/m² 65° Anti‑glare opal polycarbonate filter for brightness uniformity.

L 340 596x596 - DALI DT8 electronic wiring 230V-50/60Hz

Code Item W lm K CRI LxAxH
23953 L 340 25W DALI DT8 TW LGS 596x596 31 3785 2700 >80 596x596x80
30 4000
29 6500
L 340 621x621 - DALI DT8 electronic wiring 230V-50/60Hz
Code Item W lm K CRI LxAxH
23954 L 340 25W DALI DT8 TW LGS 621x621 31 3785 2700 >80 621x621x80
30 4000
29 6500

Performances are measured and certified by our CTFs stage 2 Photometric Laboratory (more information on page 12).
354 Datasheets, product updates and specifications on our website: www.3f-filippi.com
L 340 | Accessories
Code Item
A0579 Safety wire with brackets

Anti‑fall safety cable with pair of brackets for fixing the housing to the building structure. Length 2.5 m.

Code Item
A0798 621x621 frame + brackets

Adapter frame in white‑painted steel, for installing luminaries with dimensions of 596x596 mm for pull‑up
installations on plasterboard false ceilings.

L 340 355
/ Recessed luminaires

Imola (BO)
H Italia/Italy


L 350
Direct symmetric distribution. Lay‑in or pull‑up installation with brackets.
Lifetime (L70/B20): 100000 h. (tq+25°C) Installation and assembly diagrams on page 360.
Photobiological safety RG0 (page 16).

Environments: architectural, commercial, exhibition areas.
Linear LED modules. Environments where high levels of light are required.
Colour initial tolerance (MacAdam): SDCM 3. Warning: 3AO luminaire not suitable for installation in false ceilings
Zhaga Book 7 compliant. without heat removal capacity.
Minimum void of 200 mm required.

Housing in hot‑galvanised steel, painted in white polyester.
Attention: before ordering these products, we ask you to check The DALI products can be controlled with 3F Easy Dim (page 722) or
the Installation instructions if the type of installation requires 3F Smart Dimming technology (page 732).
accessory brackets.

• different power levels, colour rendering indices and colour
In compliance with EN 60598‑1. temperatures
Compliance with the EN 60598‑2‑22 standard for power supply from a • SELV luminaires for pull‑up installation with brackets
centralised CPSS emergency system must be verified in the technical • wiring: CLO (page 752)
data sheets of each individual device on our website. • CRI >90 sources
Quick connection. • emergency versions

L 350 SP

SP transparent methacrylate (PMMA) diffuser, prismatic exterior,

anti‑glare, locked to the prepainted white aluminium perimeter
Code 260092 frame with sealing gasket, hinged opening.

ON/OFF electronic wiring 230V-50/60Hz

Code Item W lm K CRI LxAxH
260092 L 353x14W LED SP 54V 596x596 47 6297 4000 >80 596x596x80
DALI electronic wiring 230V-50/60Hz
Code Item W lm K CRI LxAxH
260094 L 353x14W LED DALI SP 54V 596x596 47 6297 4000 >80 596x596x80

Performances are measured and certified by our CTFs stage 2 Photometric Laboratory (more information on page 12).
358 Datasheets, product updates and specifications on our website: www.3f-filippi.com
L 350 | Accessories
Code Item
A0720 Wieland (white plug)
A0721 Wago (white plug)
A0722 Ensto white plug + adapter
A0725 Wieland (black plug)
A0726 Wago (black plug)
A0727 Ensto black plug + adapter

Plug for quick connection of the luminaire, 3‑pole irreversible to be snapped (Snap‑in), with integrated
locking device, H07 V2‑U HT90° 1.5 mm² cables, for the connection to the terminal block of the luminaire.
Connection for single‑circuit wiring: order white plug. Connection for twin‑circuit, dimmable, emergency
wiring: order white plug plus black plug.
This accessory is suitable for square products only.

Code Item
A0173 15HI Brackets - L320-L350-L450
The pack contains 4 pieces.

Galvanised steel fixing bracket for pull‑up installation on plasterboard. Pack for 1 luminaire.
Excursion min. 0 mm, max. 25 mm.

Code Item
A0177 15ZH Brackets - L320-L350-L560
The pack contains 4 pieces.

Fixing bracket in galvanised steel. Pack for 1 luminaire.

3AO (excursion min. 0 mm, max. 60 mm).
SP (excursion min. 15 mm, max. 60 mm).
Suitable for pull‑up installation on plasterboard.

Code Item
A0179 15LB Brackets - L320-350 met.pan.
The pack contains 4 pieces.

Fixing bracket in galvanised steel for installation coplanar with metal panels with concealed structure. Pack
for 1 luminaire.
For square luminaires with louvre, mounting in two positions (23/36 mm, 53/66 mm) with diffuser
(36 mm and 66 mm).

Code Item
A0477 Safety wire

Anti‑fall safety cable for fixing the housing to the building structure. Length 2.5 m.

Code Item
A0798 621x621 frame + brackets

Adapter frame in white‑painted steel, for installing luminaries with dimensions of 596x596 mm for pull‑up
installations on plasterboard false ceilings.
This accessory is suitable for square products only.

L 350 359
L 350 Mounting details

H80 version - 596x596

Panels in mineral fibre with exposed structure 600x600. Panels in mineral fibre with decoration 600x600, small voids.
Installed flush with bracket accessory 15 ZH.

Panels in mineral fibre with decoration in relief 600x600. Plasterboard.

Installed flush with bracket accessory 15 ZH.

Pull-up installation on grid false ceilings. L 350 SP IP54 exposed part

Installed flush with bracket accessory 15 ZH.


H80 version


85 80

Installation following false ceiling mounting supported by the By using fixing brackets item
exposed structure, minimum void 15 ZH, minimum void of 80
of 200 mm from the structure’s lower edge. mm from the structure’s lower
Installation simultaneously with 3x25 version with minimum
the false ceiling, minimum void void of 200 mm and with
of 85 mm from the structure’s capability of heat dissipation.
lower edge.
3x25 version with minimum
void of 200 mm and with
capability of heat dissipation.

/ Recessed luminaires


L 360
Direct symmetric distribution. Lay‑in installation.
Average luminance <2500 cd/m² for angles >45°.
Average luminance <1500 cd/m² for angles >65°.
Lifetime (L80/B10): 100000 h. (tq+25°C) APPLICATIONS
Photobiological safety RG0 (page 16).
Environments with very exacting visual tasks and control of luminance at
angles of >45° compared to the LEED certification.
SOURCE Environments: with VDTs, meeting rooms, offices.
Environments: architectural, commercial, staterooms, banks.
Linear LED modules.
Colour initial tolerance (MacAdam): SDCM 3.
MECHANICAL The DALI products can be controlled with 3F Easy Dim (page 722) or
3F Smart Dimming technology (page 732).
Housing in galvannealed steel, painted in white epoxy‑polyester.
Transparent methacrylate (PMMA) lenses with different facets to
optimise the direction of the luminous flux. ON REQUEST
Anti‑reflective white polycarbonate alveolar optic.
The 308x1246 version is dedicated to false ceilings that have modular • different power levels, colour rendering indices and colour
dimensions of 312x1250. temperatures
• wiring: CLO (page 752)
• anti‑reflective black polycarbonate alveolar optic
ELECTRICAL • CRI >90 sources
• different dimensions
In compliance with EN 60598‑1. • emergency versions
Compliance with the EN 60598‑2‑22 standard for power supply from a
centralised CPSS emergency system must be verified in the technical
data sheets of each individual device on our website.

L 360 OCW


Code 22783 L<2500 cd/m² 45° Optics Control White ‑ LEED Compliant.

ON/OFF electronic wiring 230V-50/60Hz

Code Item W lm K CRI LxAxH
22782 L 362x12W LED OCW 296x1196 27 3570 4000 >80 1196x296x40
22786 L 362x12W LED OCW 308x1246 27 3570 4000 >80 1246x308x40
DALI electronic wiring 230V-50/60Hz
Code Item W lm K CRI LxAxH
22783 L 362x12W LED DALI OCW 296x1196 27 3570 4000 >80 1196x296x40
22787 L 362x12W LED DALI OCW 308x1246 27 3570 4000 >80 1246x308x40

Performances are measured and certified by our CTFs stage 2 Photometric Laboratory (more information on page 12).
364 Datasheets, product updates and specifications on our website: www.3f-filippi.com

/ Recessed luminaires



L 490
Direct symmetric distribution. Pull‑up installation with brackets.
Lifetime (L80/B10): 100000 h. (tq+25°C)
Photobiological safety RG0 (page 16).
SOURCE Environments: with VDTs, meeting rooms, offices.
Environments: architectural, commercial, staterooms, banks.
Linear LED module.
Colour initial tolerance (MacAdam): SDCM 3. OP version
Environments where dynamic, soft and diffuse light is required for
optimal visual comfort.
Housing in steel painted in white epoxy‑polyester. LIGHT MANAGEMENT
The DALI products can be controlled with 3F Easy Dim (page 722) or
ELECTRICAL 3F Smart Dimming technology (page 732).

In compliance with EN 60598‑1.

Compliance with the EN 60598‑2‑22 standard for power supply from a ON REQUEST
centralised CPSS emergency system must be verified in the technical
data sheets of each individual device on our website. • different power levels, colour rendering indices and colour
Quick connection of the power supply from the outside of the body with temperatures
the possibility of cascade connection in / out. • wiring: ON‑OFF, CLO (page 752)
Wiring on a separate unit. • CRI >90 sources
Class II.

L 490 GSP


Average luminance <3000 cd/m² for radial angles >65°.

SP transparent methacrylate (PMMA) diffuser, prismatic outside,
Code 21924 L<3000 cd/m² 65° Anti‑glare opal polycarbonate filter for brightness uniformity.

DALI electronic wiring 230V-50/60Hz

Code Item W lm K CRI LxAxH
21922 NEW
L 490 12W LED DALI GSP 125x625 14 1326 4000 >80 625x125x65
21923 NEW L 490 24W LED DALI GSP 125x1225 27 2504 4000 >80 1225x125x65
21924 NEW L 490 30W LED DALI GSP 125x1525 33.5 3134 4000 >80 1525x125x65
DALI - EP maintained emergency wiring, 1hr duration with 24hrs recharge (page 772)
Code Item W lm K CRI LxAxH
21925 NEW
L 490 12W LED DALI EP GSP 125x625 15 1326 4000 >80 625x125x65
21926 NEW L 490 24W LED DALI EP GSP 125x1225 28 2504 4000 >80 1225x125x65
21927 NEW L 490 30W LED DALI EP GSP 125x1525 34.5 3134 4000 >80 1525x125x65

L 490 OP


Code 21936 OP opal methacrylate (PMMA) flat diffuser, anti‑glare.

DALI electronic wiring 230V-50/60Hz

Code Item W lm K CRI LxAxH
21934 NEW
L 490 12W LED DALI OP 125x625 14 1475 4000 >80 625x125x65
21935 NEW L 490 24W LED DALI OP 125x1225 27 2786 4000 >80 1225x125x65
21936 NEW L 490 30W LED DALI OP 125x1525 33.5 3487 4000 >80 1525x125x65
DALI - EP maintained emergency wiring, 1hr duration with 24hrs recharge (page 772)
Code Item W lm K CRI LxAxH
21937 NEW
L 490 12W LED DALI EP OP 125x625 15 1475 4000 >80 625x125x65
21938 NEW L 490 24W LED DALI EP OP 125x1225 28 2786 4000 >80 1225x125x65
21939 NEW L 490 30W LED DALI EP OP 125x1525 34.5 3487 4000 >80 1525x125x65

Performances are measured and certified by our CTFs stage 2 Photometric Laboratory (more information on page 12).
368 Datasheets, product updates and specifications on our website: www.3f-filippi.com
L 490 | Accessories
Code Item
A0173 15HI Brackets - L320-L350-L450
The pack contains 4 pieces.

Galvanised steel fixing bracket for pull‑up installation on plasterboard. Pack for 1 luminaire.
Excursion min. 0 mm, max. 20 mm.

Code Item
A0177 15ZH Brackets - L320-L350-L560
The pack contains 4 pieces.

Fixing bracket in galvanised steel. Pack for 1 luminaire.

Excursion min. 20 mm, max. 40 mm.

L 490 369
/ Recessed luminaires

Autostazione di Bologna


L 560
Direct symmetric distribution. Slat ceiling installation.
Lifetime (L80/B10): 100000 h. (tq+25°C) Installation and assembly diagrams on page 374.
Photobiological safety RG0 (page 16).

2S version
Linear LED modules. Environments: with VDTs, schools, offices.
Colour initial tolerance (MacAdam): SDCM 3. SP version
Environments where demanding visual tasks are performed and soft
diffuse light is required for optimal visual comfort and total shielding of
MECHANICAL the light source.

Housing in galvannealed steel, painted in white epoxy‑polyester.

Attention: before ordering these products, we ask you to check ON REQUEST
the Installation instructions if the type of installation requires
accessory brackets. • parabolic louvres 2M, 2MG, 2US, 3AO
• different power levels, colour rendering indices and colour
ELECTRICAL • diffuser in SMP microprismatic methacrylate (PMMA) or
SP polycarbonate, Selfextinguishing V2
In compliance with EN 60598‑1. • wiring: dimmable, CLO (page 752)
Compliance with the EN 60598‑2‑22 standard for power supply from a • CRI >90 sources
centralised CPSS emergency system must be verified in the technical • emergency versions
data sheets of each individual device on our website.

L 560 2S


1x ‑ Average luminance <1000 cd/m² for radial angles >65°.

2x ‑ Average luminance <1500 cd/m² for radial angles >65°.
2S parabolic louvre in semi‑specular aluminium, non‑reflecting,
with transverse blades closed at the top.
Prismatic methacrylate (PMMA) diffuser for total shielding of the
louvre compartment.
Film protective against dust and finger marks, adhesive, attached
Code 270935 L<1000 cd/m² 65° to louvre.

ON/OFF electronic wiring 230V-50/60Hz

Code Item W lm K CRI LxAxH
270931 L 561x12W LED 2S 221x647 14 1539 4000 >80 647x221x95
270933 L 561x24W LED 2S 221x1256 27 2906 4000 >80 1256x221x95
270937 L 562x12W LED 2S 221x647 28 2937 4000 >80 647x221x95
270935 L 561x30W LED 2S 221x1556 34 3637 4000 >80 1556x221x95
270939 L 562x24W LED 2S 221x1256 54 5547 4000 >80 1256x221x95
270941 L 562x30W LED 2S 221x1556 66 6943 4000 >80 1556x221x95

L 560 SP


SP transparent methacrylate (PMMA) diffuser, prismatic exterior,

anti‑glare, locked to the prepainted white aluminium perimeter
Code 270961 frame with sealing gasket, hinged opening.

ON/OFF electronic wiring 230V-50/60Hz

Code Item W lm K CRI LxAxH
270957 L 561x12W LED SP 221x647 14 1554 4000 >80 647x221x95
270959 L 561x24W LED SP 221x1256 27 2935 4000 >80 1256x221x95
270963 L 562x12W LED SP 221x647 28 3047 4000 >80 647x221x95
270961 L 561x30W LED SP 221x1556 34 3674 4000 >80 1556x221x95
270965 L 562x24W LED SP 221x1256 54 5755 4000 >80 1256x221x95
270967 L 562x30W LED SP 221x1556 66 7202 4000 >80 1556x221x95

Performances are measured and certified by our CTFs stage 2 Photometric Laboratory (more information on page 12).
372 Datasheets, product updates and specifications on our website: www.3f-filippi.com
L 560 | Accessories
Code Item
A0177 15ZH Brackets - L320-L350-L560
The pack contains 4 pieces.

Fixing bracket in galvanised steel. Pack for 1 luminaire.

Brackets for lay‑in installation on load bearing side profiles parallel to the luminaire with louvre
(min. adjustment 45 mm, max 72 mm) with diffuser (min. adjustment 27 mm, max 65 mm).

Code Item
A0170 15BS Brackets - L320-L400-L560
The pack contains 4 pieces.

Fixing bracket in galvanised steel for ceiling pull‑up installation. Pack for 1 luminaire.
Brackets for lay‑in installation on load bearing side profiles parallel to the luminaire with louvre
(min. adjustment 18 mm, max 45 mm) with diffuser (min. adjustment 0 mm, max 40 mm).

Code Item
A0174 15DP Brackets - L560
The pack contains 4 pieces.

Head fixings bracket for installation of the luminaire on load bearing structures (transverse by the luminaire).
Pack for 1 luminaire.
The bracket protruding 55 mm beyond the head side. Excursion min. 55 mm, max. 75 mm. Not
suitable for diffused light recessed luminaires.

Code Item
A0175 15GF Brackets - L560
The pack contains 4 pieces.

Head fixings bracket for installation of the luminaire on load bearing structures (transverse by the luminaire).
Pack for 1 luminaire.
The bracket protruding 60 mm beyond the head side. Excursion min. 37 mm, max. 55 mm.

Code Item
A0176 15XB Brackets - L560
The pack contains 4 pieces.

Head fixings bracket for installation of the luminaire on load bearing structures (transverse by the luminaire).
Pack for 1 luminaire.
The bracket protruding 55 mm beyond the head side. Excursion min. 20 mm, max. 37 mm.

L 560 373
L 560 Mounting details

Staves spaced 100 Staves spaced 100-200

Fixing brackets item 15 DP, 15 GF, 15 XB. Fixing brackets item 15 DP, 15 GF.

HD staves, spaced 100 Staves spaced 100-200

Fixing brackets item 15 DP,15 GF. Fixing brackets item 15 DP, 15 GF.

Staves spaced 100 Staves spaced 100-200

Fixing brackets item 15 DP,15 GF, 15 XB. Fixing brackets item 15 DP, 15 GF.

Spacing of load-bearing profiles

12W 630 - 640 mm

24W 1240 - 1250 mm
30W 1540 - 1550 mm

For perfect installation of the luminaires, the load-bearing profile sections should be positioned at the distances indicated
above (net space between profiles).

/ Recessed luminaires

Ospedale Maggiore "Carlo Alberto


L 600 Diffused Light
Direct symmetric distribution. 596 version
Lifetime (L80/B10): 100000 h. (tq+25°C) Lay‑on or pull‑up installation using the frame accessory.
Photobiological safety RG0 (page 16). 599 version
Coplanar installation with inspectable metal panels, through an
accessory which is always required.
SOURCE 621 version
Lay‑in installation.
Squared LED modules.
Colour initial tolerance (MacAdam): SDCM 3.
MECHANICAL Environments: hospital premises, aseptic, sterilised rooms, laboratories.
Environments requiring a high level of protection, high levels of light,
Housing in galvannealed steel, painted in white epoxy‑polyester. lamp shielding and simplified cleaning.
Perimetral frame in white polycarbonate with sealing gasket. Tempered glass is not immune to falling fragments from harmless and
caused by shocks or exceptionally derived from the tempering process.
Environments in which there are foodstuffs or machines with moving
ELECTRICAL parts, with large temperature fluctuations, and generally, in any
environments that require total protection against falling fragments,
In compliance with EN 60598‑1. SP PC version with a polycarbonate diffuser can be supplied. If
Compliance with the EN 60598‑2‑22 standard for power supply from a necessary an L/E version i.e. with the smooth part mounted externally,
centralised CPSS emergency system must be verified in the technical or specific luminaries with laminated glass with suitable frame can also
data sheets of each individual device on our website. be supplied.
The luminaires with EP permanent emergency wiring on board comply
with EN 60598‑2‑22 standard, high risk areas excluded. LGS, VSS versions
5‑pole terminal block (L‑N‑PE‑DA/DA) quick connection for line Luminaires suitable in production plants in the food industry
connection with connection capacity 2x2.5 mm² per poles. (HACCP / IFS / BRC‑Standard).

The DALI products can be controlled with 3F Easy Dim (page 722) or
3F Smart Dimming technology (page 732).

• diffuser in OP opal methacrylate (PMMA) or SP polycarbonate,
self‑extinguishing V2
• different power levels, colour rendering indices and colour
• 3F Tunable White versione
• wiring: CLO (page 752)
• brackets for pull‑up installation
• emergency versions

L 600 Diffused Light LGS

Average luminance <3000 cd/m² for radial angles >65°.

LGS micro‑prismatic flat diffuser in transparent methacrylate
(PMMA), multi‑lenticular exterior, anti‑glare.
Code 22822 L<3000 cd/m² 65° Anti‑glare opal polycarbonate filter for brightness uniformity.

L 600 596x596 - DALI electronic wiring 230V-50/60Hz

Code Item W lm K CRI LxAxH
22821 L 600 28W/840 DALI LGS 596x596 32.5 3978 4000 >80 596x596x95
22839 L 600 35W/940 DALI LGS 596x596 39 3978 4000 >90 596x596x95
22822 L 600 42W/840 DALI LGS 596x596 45 5776 4000 >80 596x596x95
22840 L 600 52W/940 DALI LGS 596x596 55.5 5843 4000 >90 596x596x95
22823 L 600 63W/840 DALI LGS 596x596 67 8000 4000 >80 596x596x95
22841 L 600 75W/940 DALI LGS 596x596 81.5 7936 4000 >90 596x596x95
L 600 596x596 - DALI - EP maintained emergency wiring, 1hr duration with 24hrs recharge (page 772)
Code Item W lm K CRI LxAxH
22830 L 600 28W/840 DALI EP LGS 596x596 33.5 3978 4000 >80 596x596x95
22848 L 600 35W/940 DALI EP LGS 596x596 40 3978 4000 >90 596x596x95
22831 L 600 42W/840 DALI EP LGS 596x596 46 5776 4000 >80 596x596x95
22849 L 600 52W/940 DALI EP LGS 596x596 56.5 5843 4000 >90 596x596x95
22832 L 600 63W/840 DALI EP LGS 596x596 68 8000 4000 >80 596x596x95
22850 L 600 75W/940 DALI EP LGS 596x596 82.5 7936 4000 >90 596x596x95
L 600 599x599 - DALI electronic wiring 230V-50/60Hz
Code Item W lm K CRI LxAxH
22824 L 600 28W/840 DALI LGS 599x599 32.5 3978 4000 >80 599x599x95
22842 L 600 35W/940 DALI LGS 599x599 39 3978 4000 >90 599x599x95
22825 L 600 42W/840 DALI LGS 599x599 45 5776 4000 >80 599x599x95
22843 L 600 52W/940 DALI LGS 599x599 55.5 5843 4000 >90 599x599x95
22826 L 600 63W/840 DALI LGS 599x599 67 8000 4000 >80 599x599x95
22844 L 600 75W/940 DALI LGS 599x599 81.5 7936 4000 >90 599x599x95

Performances are measured and certified by our CTFs stage 2 Photometric Laboratory (more information on page 12).
378 Datasheets, product updates and specifications on our website: www.3f-filippi.com
L 600 599x599 - DALI - EP maintained emergency wiring, 1hr duration with 24hrs recharge (page 772)
Code Item W lm K CRI LxAxH
22833 L 600 28W/840 DALI EP LGS 599x599 33.5 3978 4000 >80 599x599x95
22851 L 600 35W/940 DALI EP LGS 599x599 40 3978 4000 >90 599x599x95
22834 L 600 42W/840 DALI EP LGS 599x599 46 5776 4000 >80 599x599x95
22852 L 600 52W/940 DALI EP LGS 599x599 56.5 5843 4000 >90 599x599x95
22835 L 600 63W/840 DALI EP LGS 599x599 68 8000 4000 >80 599x599x95
22853 L 600 75W/940 DALI EP LGS 599x599 82.5 7936 4000 >90 599x599x95
L 600 621x621 - DALI electronic wiring 230V-50/60Hz
Code Item W lm K CRI LxAxH
22827 L 600 28W/840 DALI LGS 621x621 32.5 3978 4000 >80 621x621x95
22845 L 600 35W/940 DALI LGS 621x621 39 3978 4000 >90 621x621x95
22828 L 600 42W/840 DALI LGS 621x621 45 5776 4000 >80 621x621x95
22846 L 600 52W/940 DALI LGS 621x621 55.5 5843 4000 >90 621x621x95
22829 L 600 63W/840 DALI LGS 621x621 67 8000 4000 >80 621x621x95
22847 L 600 75W/940 DALI LGS 621x621 81.5 7936 4000 >90 621x621x95
L 600 621x621 - DALI - EP maintained emergency wiring, 1hr duration with 24hrs recharge (page 772)
Code Item W lm K CRI LxAxH
22836 L 600 28W/840 DALI EP LGS 621x621 33.5 3978 4000 >80 621x621x95
22854 L 600 35W/940 DALI EP LGS 621x621 40 3978 4000 >90 621x621x95
22837 L 600 42W/840 DALI EP LGS 621x621 46 5776 4000 >80 621x621x95
22855 L 600 52W/940 DALI EP LGS 621x621 56.5 5843 4000 >90 621x621x95
22838 L 600 63W/840 DALI EP LGS 621x621 68 8000 4000 >80 621x621x95
22856 L 600 75W/940 DALI EP LGS 621x621 82.5 7936 4000 >90 621x621x95

L 600 Diffused Light 379

L 600 Diffused Light VS

Average luminance <3000 cd/m² for radial angles >65°.

VS moulded glass, anti‑glare, tempered, non‑combustible,
thickness 4 mm.
Code 22858 L<3000 cd/m² 65° Anti‑glare opal polycarbonate filter for brightness uniformity.

L 600 596x596 - DALI electronic wiring 230V-50/60Hz

Code Item W lm K CRI LxAxH
22857 L 600 28W/840 DALI VS 596x596 32.5 3863 4000 >80 596x596x95
22875 L 600 35W/940 DALI VS 596x596 39 3863 4000 >90 596x596x95
22858 L 600 42W/840 DALI VS 596x596 45 5612 4000 >80 596x596x95
22876 L 600 52W/940 DALI VS 596x596 55.5 5677 4000 >90 596x596x95
22859 L 600 63W/840 DALI VS 596x596 67 7785 4000 >80 596x596x95
22877 L 600 75W/940 DALI VS 596x596 81.5 7724 4000 >90 596x596x95
L 600 596x596 - DALI - EP maintained emergency wiring, 1hr duration with 24hrs recharge (page 772)
Code Item W lm K CRI LxAxH
22866 L 600 28W/840 DALI EP VS 596x596 33.5 3863 4000 >80 596x596x95
22884 L 600 35W/940 DALI EP VS 596x596 40 3863 4000 >90 596x596x95
22867 L 600 42W/840 DALI EP VS 596x596 46 5612 4000 >80 596x596x95
22885 L 600 52W/940 DALI EP VS 596x596 56.5 5677 4000 >90 596x596x95
22868 L 600 63W/840 DALI EP VS 596x596 68 7785 4000 >80 596x596x95
22886 L 600 75W/940 DALI EP VS 596x596 82.5 7724 4000 >90 596x596x95
L 600 599x599 - DALI electronic wiring 230V-50/60Hz
Code Item W lm K CRI LxAxH
22860 L 600 28W/840 DALI VS 599x599 32.5 3863 4000 >80 599x599x95
22878 L 600 35W/940 DALI VS 599x599 39 3863 4000 >90 599x599x95
22861 L 600 42W/840 DALI VS 599x599 45 5612 4000 >80 599x599x95
22879 L 600 52W/940 DALI VS 599x599 55.5 5677 4000 >90 599x599x95
22862 L 600 63W/840 DALI VS 599x599 67 7785 4000 >80 599x599x95
22880 L 600 75W/940 DALI VS 599x599 81.5 7724 4000 >90 599x599x95

Performances are measured and certified by our CTFs stage 2 Photometric Laboratory (more information on page 12).
380 Datasheets, product updates and specifications on our website: www.3f-filippi.com
L 600 599x599 - DALI - EP maintained emergency wiring, 1hr duration with 24hrs recharge (page 772)
Code Item W lm K CRI LxAxH
22869 L 600 28W/840 DALI EP VS 599x599 33.5 3863 4000 >80 599x599x95
22887 L 600 35W/940 DALI EP VS 599x599 40 3863 4000 >90 599x599x95
22870 L 600 42W/840 DALI EP VS 599x599 46 5612 4000 >80 599x599x95
22888 L 600 52W/940 DALI EP VS 599x599 56.5 5677 4000 >90 599x599x95
22871 L 600 63W/840 DALI EP VS 599x599 68 7785 4000 >80 599x599x95
22889 L 600 75W/940 DALI EP VS 599x599 82.5 7724 4000 >90 599x599x95
L 600 621x621 - DALI electronic wiring 230V-50/60Hz
Code Item W lm K CRI LxAxH
22863 L 600 28W/840 DALI VS 621x621 32.5 3863 4000 >80 621x621x95
22881 L 600 35W/940 DALI VS 621x621 39 3863 4000 >90 621x621x95
22864 L 600 42W/840 DALI VS 621x621 45 5612 4000 >80 621x621x95
22882 L 600 52W/940 DALI VS 621x621 55.5 5677 4000 >90 621x621x95
22865 L 600 63W/840 DALI VS 621x621 67 7785 4000 >80 621x621x95
22883 L 600 75W/940 DALI VS 621x621 81.5 7724 4000 >90 621x621x95
L 600 621x621 - DALI - EP maintained emergency wiring, 1hr duration with 24hrs recharge (page 772)
Code Item W lm K CRI LxAxH
22872 L 600 28W/840 DALI EP VS 621x621 33.5 3863 4000 >80 621x621x95
22890 L 600 35W/940 DALI EP VS 621x621 40 3863 4000 >90 621x621x95
22873 L 600 42W/840 DALI EP VS 621x621 46 5612 4000 >80 621x621x95
22891 L 600 52W/940 DALI EP VS 621x621 56.5 5677 4000 >90 621x621x95
22874 L 600 63W/840 DALI EP VS 621x621 68 7785 4000 >80 621x621x95
22892 L 600 75W/940 DALI EP VS 621x621 82.5 7724 4000 >90 621x621x95

L 600 Diffused Light 381

L 600 Diffused Light VSS

Average luminance <3000 cd/m² for radial angles >65°.

VSS moulded laminated dipped glass, non‑combustible, thickness
7 mm.
Code 22894 L<3000 cd/m² 65° Anti‑glare opal polycarbonate filter for brightness uniformity.

L 600 596x596 - DALI electronic wiring 230V-50/60Hz

Code Item W lm K CRI LxAxH
22893 L 600 35W/940 DALI VSS 596x596 39 3593 4000 >90 596x596x95
22894 L 600 52W/940 DALI VSS 596x596 55.5 5283 4000 >90 596x596x95
22895 L 600 75W/940 DALI VSS 596x596 81.5 7187 4000 >90 596x596x95
L 600 596x596 - DALI - EP maintained emergency wiring, 1hr duration with 24hrs recharge (page 772)
Code Item W lm K CRI LxAxH
22902 L 600 35W/940 DALI EP VSS 596x596 40 3593 4000 >90 596x596x95
22903 L 600 52W/940 DALI EP VSS 596x596 56.5 5283 4000 >90 596x596x95
22904 L 600 75W/940 DALI EP VSS 596x596 82.5 7187 4000 >90 596x596x95
L 600 621x621 - DALI electronic wiring 230V-50/60Hz
Code Item W lm K CRI LxAxH
22899 L 600 35W/940 DALI VSS 621x621 39 3593 4000 >90 621x621x95
22900 L 600 52W/940 DALI VSS 621x621 55.5 5283 4000 >90 621x621x95
22901 L 600 75W/940 DALI VSS 621x621 81.5 7187 4000 >90 621x621x95
L 600 621x621 - DALI - EP maintained emergency wiring, 1hr duration with 24hrs recharge (page 772)
Code Item W lm K CRI LxAxH
22908 L 600 35W/940 DALI EP VSS 621x621 40 3593 4000 >90 621x621x95
22909 L 600 52W/940 DALI EP VSS 621x621 56.5 5283 4000 >90 621x621x95
22910 L 600 75W/940 DALI EP VSS 621x621 82.5 7187 4000 >90 621x621x95

Performances are measured and certified by our CTFs stage 2 Photometric Laboratory (more information on page 12).
382 Datasheets, product updates and specifications on our website: www.3f-filippi.com
L 600 | Accessories
Code Item
A0579 Safety wire with brackets

Anti‑fall safety cable with pair of brackets for fixing the housing to the building structure. Length 2.5 m.
Accessory compatible with luminaries with dimensions of 596x596 mm or 621x621 mm.

Code Item
A0477 Safety wire

Anti‑fall safety cable for fixing the housing to the building structure. Length 2.5 m.
Accessory compatible with luminaries with dimensions of 599x599 mm.

Code Item
A0798 621x621 frame + brackets

Adapter frame in white‑painted steel, for installing luminaries with dimensions of 596x596 mm for pull‑up
installations on plasterboard false ceilings.
Accessory not compatible with VSS versions.

Code Item
A0537 Pair of flush ceiling mounting brackets

Pair of brackets in galvanised steel, for installing luminaries with dimensions of 599x599 mm coplanar with
metal panels with concealed structure. For square luminaires (height profiles min. 29.6 mm, max 62.5 mm)
with possible intermediate adjustments of 3.7 mm.

Code Item
A0187 Anti-condensation cable gland

Anti‑condensation diffuser cable gland.

Recommended for installations in environments with temperature sudden changes or subject to
Suitable only for concealed profiles of max. height 42 mm.

Code Item
A0521 Reducing sealing ring diam.8mm

Reducing sealing ring, dedicated to the use of cables with an external diameter of up to 8 mm.
These accessories must ALWAYS be used with one of the following codes: A0187.

L 600 383
/ Recessed luminaires

Ospedale S. Maria delle Croci


L 650 Diffused Light
Direct symmetric distribution. 596 version
Lifetime (L80/B10): 100000 h. (tq+25°C) Lay‑in installation.
Photobiological safety RG0 (page 16). 599 version
Coplanar installation with inspectable metal panels, through an
accessory which is always required.
Squared LED modules. APPLICATIONS
Colour initial tolerance (MacAdam): SDCM 3.
Environments: hospital premises, transit areas, laboratories,
platform‑roof, underpasses.
MECHANICAL Environments: sterilized, aseptic.
In hospital environments, food industry or machines with parts in
Housing in galvannealed steel, painted in white epoxy‑polyester. motion, with considerable sudden temperature changes, and in general
Perimetral frame in white stainless steel. in any environments requiring total protection against falling fragments,
use luminaires with laminated glass only.
Tempered glass is not immune to falling fragments from harmless and
ELECTRICAL caused by shocks or exceptionally derived from the tempering process.
Environments requiring a high level of protection and simplified cleaning.
In compliance with EN 60598‑1. Environments with exacting visual tasks, where diffused soft light for
Compliance with the EN 60598‑2‑22 standard for power supply from a optimum visual comfort is required.
centralised CPSS emergency system must be verified in the technical Luminaires suitable in production plants in the food industry
data sheets of each individual device on our website. (HACCP / IFS / BRC‑Standard).
The luminaires with EP permanent emergency wiring on board comply
with EN 60598‑2‑22 standard, high risk areas excluded.
5‑pole terminal block (L‑N‑PE‑DA/DA) quick connection for line LIGHT MANAGEMENT
connection with connection capacity 2x2.5 mm² per poles.
The DALI products can be controlled with 3F Easy Dim (page 722) or
3F Smart Dimming technology (page 732).

• diffuser in OP opal methacrylate (PMMA) or SP polycarbonate,
self‑extinguishing V2
• different power levels, colour rendering indices and colour
• wiring: CLO (page 752)
• emergency versions

L 650 Diffused Light LGS

Average luminance <3000 cd/m² for radial angles >65°.

LGS micro‑prismatic flat diffuser in transparent methacrylate
(PMMA), multi‑lenticular exterior, anti‑glare.
Code 21857 L<3000 cd/m² 65° Anti‑glare opal polycarbonate filter for brightness uniformity.

L 650 596x596 - DALI electronic wiring 230V-50/60Hz

Code Item W lm K CRI LxAxH
21856 L 650 28W/840 DALI LGS 596x596 33 3780 4000 >80 596x596x90
21868 L 650 35W/940 DALI LGS 596x596 40 3780 4000 >90 596x596x90
21857 L 650 42W/840 DALI LGS 596x596 47 5488 4000 >80 596x596x90
21869 L 650 52W/940 DALI LGS 596x596 57 5551 4000 >90 596x596x90
21858 L 650 63W/840 DALI LGS 596x596 69 7605 4000 >80 596x596x90
21870 L 650 75W/940 DALI LGS 596x596 81 7545 4000 >90 596x596x90
L 650 596x596 - DALI - EP maintained emergency wiring, 1hr duration with 24hrs recharge (page 772)
Code Item W lm K CRI LxAxH
21862 L 650 28W/840 DALI EP LGS 596x596 34 3780 4000 >80 596x596x90
21874 L 650 35W/940 DALI EP LGS 596x596 41 3780 4000 >90 596x596x90
21863 L 650 42W/840 DALI EP LGS 596x596 48 5488 4000 >80 596x596x90
21875 L 650 52W/940 DALI EP LGS 596x596 58 5551 4000 >90 596x596x90
21864 L 650 63W/840 DALI EP LGS 596x596 70 7605 4000 >80 596x596x90
21876 L 650 75W/940 DALI EP LGS 596x596 82 7545 4000 >90 596x596x90
L 650 599x599 - DALI electronic wiring 230V-50/60Hz
Code Item W lm K CRI LxAxH
21859 L 650 28W/840 DALI LGS 599x599 33 3780 4000 >80 599x599x90
21871 L 650 35W/940 DALI LGS 599x599 40 3780 4000 >90 599x599x90
21860 L 650 42W/840 DALI LGS 599x599 47 5488 4000 >80 599x599x90
21872 L 650 52W/940 DALI LGS 599x599 57 5551 4000 >90 599x599x90
21861 L 650 63W/840 DALI LGS 599x599 69 7605 4000 >80 599x599x90
21873 L 650 75W/940 DALI LGS 599x599 81 7545 4000 >90 599x599x90
L 650 599x599 - DALI - EP maintained emergency wiring, 1hr duration with 24hrs recharge (page 772)
Code Item W lm K CRI LxAxH
21865 L 650 28W/840 DALI EP LGS 599x599 34 3780 4000 >80 599x599x90
21877 L 650 35W/940 DALI EP LGS 599x599 41 3780 4000 >90 599x599x90
21866 L 650 42W/840 DALI EP LGS 599x599 48 5488 4000 >80 599x599x90
21878 L 650 52W/940 DALI EP LGS 599x599 58 5551 4000 >90 599x599x90
21867 L 650 63W/840 DALI EP LGS 599x599 70 7605 4000 >80 599x599x90
21879 L 650 75W/940 DALI EP LGS 599x599 82 7545 4000 >90 599x599x90

Performances are measured and certified by our CTFs stage 2 Photometric Laboratory (more information on page 12).
386 Datasheets, product updates and specifications on our website: www.3f-filippi.com
L 650 Diffused Light VSS

Average luminance <3000 cd/m² for radial angles >65°.

VSS moulded laminated dipped glass, non‑combustible, thickness
7 mm.
Code 21880 L<3000 cd/m² 65° Anti‑glare opal polycarbonate filter for brightness uniformity.

L 650 596x596 - DALI electronic wiring 230V-50/60Hz

Code Item W lm K CRI LxAxH
21880 L 650 28W/840 DALI VSS 596x596 33 3411 4000 >80 596x596x90
21892 L 650 35W/940 DALI VSS 596x596 40 3411 4000 >90 596x596x90
21881 L 650 42W/840 DALI VSS 596x596 47 4965 4000 >80 596x596x90
21893 L 650 52W/940 DALI VSS 596x596 57 5023 4000 >90 596x596x90
21882 L 650 63W/840 DALI VSS 596x596 69 6884 4000 >80 596x596x90
21894 L 650 75W/940 DALI VSS 596x596 81 6830 4000 >90 596x596x90
L 650 596x596 - DALI - EP maintained emergency wiring, 1hr duration with 24hrs recharge (page 772)
Code Item W lm K CRI LxAxH
21886 L 650 28W/840 DALI EP VSS 596x596 34 3411 4000 >80 596x596x90
21898 L 650 35W/940 DALI EP VSS 596x596 41 3411 4000 >90 596x596x90
21887 L 650 42W/840 DALI EP VSS 596x596 48 4965 4000 >80 596x596x90
21899 L 650 52W/940 DALI EP VSS 596x596 58 5023 4000 >90 596x596x90
21888 L 650 63W/840 DALI EP VSS 596x596 70 6884 4000 >80 596x596x90
21900 L 650 75W/940 DALI EP VSS 596x596 82 6830 4000 >90 596x596x90
L 650 599x599 - DALI electronic wiring 230V-50/60Hz
Code Item W lm K CRI LxAxH
21883 L 650 28W/840 DALI VSS 599x599 33 3411 4000 >80 599x599x90
21895 L 650 35W/940 DALI VSS 599x599 40 3411 4000 >90 599x599x90
21884 L 650 42W/840 DALI VSS 599x599 47 4965 4000 >80 599x599x90
21896 L 650 52W/940 DALI VSS 599x599 57 5023 4000 >90 599x599x90
21885 L 650 63W/840 DALI VSS 599x599 69 6884 4000 >80 599x599x90
21897 L 650 75W/940 DALI VSS 599x599 81 6830 4000 >90 599x599x90
L 650 599x599 - DALI - EP maintained emergency wiring, 1hr duration with 24hrs recharge (page 772)
Code Item W lm K CRI LxAxH
21889 L 650 28W/840 DALI EP VSS 599x599 34 3411 4000 >80 599x599x90
21901 L 650 35W/940 DALI EP VSS 599x599 41 3411 4000 >90 599x599x90
21890 L 650 42W/840 DALI EP VSS 599x599 48 4965 4000 >80 599x599x90
21902 L 650 52W/940 DALI EP VSS 599x599 58 5023 4000 >90 599x599x90
21891 L 650 63W/840 DALI EP VSS 599x599 70 6884 4000 >80 599x599x90
21903 L 650 75W/940 DALI EP VSS 599x599 82 6830 4000 >90 599x599x90

L 650 Diffused Light 387

L 650 | Accessories
Code Item
A0579 Safety wire with brackets

Anti‑fall safety cable with pair of brackets for fixing the housing to the building structure. Length 2.5 m.
Accessory compatible with luminaries with dimensions of 596x596 mm.

Code Item
A0477 Safety wire

Anti‑fall safety cable for fixing the housing to the building structure. Length 2.5 m.
Accessory compatible with luminaries with dimensions of 599x599 mm.

Code Item
A0537 Pair of flush ceiling mounting brackets

Pair of brackets in galvanised steel, for installing luminaries with dimensions of 599x599 mm coplanar with
metal panels with concealed structure. For square luminaires (height profiles min. 29.6 mm, max 62.5 mm)
with possible intermediate adjustments of 3.7 mm.

Code Item
A0187 Anti-condensation cable gland

Anti‑condensation diffuser cable gland.

Recommended for installations in environments with temperature sudden changes or subject to
Suitable only for concealed profiles of max. height 42 mm.

Code Item
A0521 Reducing sealing ring diam.8mm

Reducing sealing ring, dedicated to the use of cables with an external diameter of up to 8 mm.
These accessories must ALWAYS be used with one of the following codes: A0187.

388 Datasheets, product updates and specifications on our website: www.3f-filippi.com

3F Reno
www.3F-Filippi.com/3F Reno

To combine comfort, effectiveness and efficiency: this is the • Luminous efficacy up to 125 lumen/watt.
objective of 3F Reno, the new recessed spotlight designed to • Luminous fluxes from 1150 to 4103 lumens.
provide quality lighting in every context, from professional to • Extensive installation pitch.
commercial environments. • UGR <16 (UGR version).
Available in 3 different sizes (100, 150 and 200 millimetre recessed • Essential and functional design.
holes), it provides maximum installation flexibility: a wide range of • EcoDesign: power supplies and sources replaceable at the end
luminous fluxes (from 900 lumen right up to more than 4000 lumen), of product life.
excellent colour rendering and a high level of visual comfort. • Ease of assembly and maintenance.
3F Reno is available with 4 different luminous flux distributions: • Versatility of use in different environments.
Wide, Spot, Elliptical and UGR. • Product suitable for use in the food industry (HACCP / IFS /
3F Reno comes in two different colours (black and white) to adapt BRC-Standard).
better to the different contexts it is used in.

Page Product Pull-up installation

396 3F Reno White downlight
406 3F Reno Black downlight

Progetto 1 Progetto 1 Progetto 1 Progetto 1
29.03.2018 29.03.2018 29.03.2018 29.03.2018
3F Filippi S.p.A. - Ufficio Progettazione Illuminotecnica Redattore Marco Dalle Donne 3F Filippi S.p.A. - Ufficio Progettazione Illuminotecnica Redattore Marco Dalle Donne 3F Filippi S.p.A. - Ufficio Progettazione Illuminotecnica Redattore Marco Dalle Donne 3F Filippi S.p.A. - Ufficio Progettazione Illuminotecnica Redattore Marco Dalle Donne
Via del Savena, 28 - 40065 Pian di Macina - Pianoro (Bologna/Italy) Telefono (+39) 051.6529611 Via del Savena, 28 - 40065 Pian di Macina - Pianoro (Bologna/Italy) Telefono (+39) 051.6529611 Via del Savena, 28 - 40065 Pian di Macina - Pianoro (Bologna/Italy) Telefono (+39) 051.6529611 Via del Savena, 28 - 40065 Pian di Macina - Pianoro (Bologna/Italy) Telefono (+39) 051.6529611
CF. 01033260371 - P.I. IT00529461204 Fax (+39) 051.775884 CF. 01033260371 - P.I. IT00529461204 Fax (+39) 051.775884 CF. 01033260371 - P.I. IT00529461204 Fax (+39) 051.775884 CF. 01033260371 - P.I. IT00529461204 Fax (+39) 051.775884
Registro imprese di Bologna n. 01033260371 - REA N. 234613 e-Mail 3f-filippi@3f-filippi.it Registro imprese di Bologna n. 01033260371 - REA N. 234613 e-Mail 3f-filippi@3f-filippi.it Registro imprese di Bologna n. 01033260371 - REA N. 234613 e-Mail 3f-filippi@3f-filippi.it Registro imprese di Bologna n. 01033260371 - REA N. 234613 e-Mail 3f-filippi@3f-filippi.it
Capitale Sociale Euro 3.000.000 i.v. Capitale Sociale Euro 3.000.000 i.v. Capitale Sociale Euro 3.000.000 i.v. Capitale Sociale Euro 3.000.000 i.v.
30409 3F Reno 150 WH 2000/840 UGR / Superficie utile / Livelli di grigio (E) 30453 3F Reno 150 WH 2000/840 ELL / Superficie utile / Livelli di grigio (E) 30341 3F Reno 150 WH 2000/840 WIDE / Superficie utile / Livelli di grigio (E) 30273 3F Reno 150 WH 2000/840 SPOT / Superficie utile / Livelli di grigio (E)
Scala 1 : 29 Scala 1 : 29 Scala 1 : 29 Scala 1 : 29
Posizione della superficie nel locale: Posizione della superficie nel locale: Posizione della superficie nel locale: Posizione della superficie nel locale:
Punto contrassegnato: Punto contrassegnato: Punto contrassegnato: Punto contrassegnato:
(0.000 m, 0.000 m, 0.000 m) (0.000 m, 0.000 m, 0.000 m) (0.000 m, 0.000 m, 0.000 m) (0.000 m, 0.000 m, 0.000 m)
Reticolo: 64 x 64 Punti Reticolo: 64 x 64 Punti Reticolo: 64 x 64 Punti Reticolo: 64 x 64 Punti
Em [lx] Emin [lx] Emax [lx] Emin / Em Emin / Emax Em [lx] Emin [lx] Emax [lx] Emin / Em Emin / Emax Em [lx] Emin [lx] Emax [lx] Emin / Em Emin / Emax Em [lx] Emin [lx] Emax [lx] Emin / Em Emin / Emax
133 43 190 0.321 0.224 94 52 132 0.549 0.393 110 68 132 0.615 0.513 143 35 386 0.244 0.090
Pagina 19 Pagina 15 Pagina 11 Pagina 23

<19 <21 <21 <19 200
<19 <21 / <21 150 UGR
/ <21 / <21 100
(cd / m²)
<1000 >3000 >3000 <3000 for angles> 65
Average luminance
UGR Elliptical Wide SPOT Model
3F Reno
200 150 100
135 100 90
3F Reno
Product range
Progetto 1 Progetto 1 Progetto 1 Progetto 1
29.03.2018 29.03.2018 29.03.2018 29.03.2018
3F Filippi S.p.A. - Ufficio Progettazione Illuminotecnica Redattore Marco Dalle Donne 3F Filippi S.p.A. - Ufficio Progettazione Illuminotecnica Redattore Marco Dalle Donne 3F Filippi S.p.A. - Ufficio Progettazione Illuminotecnica Redattore Marco Dalle Donne 3F Filippi S.p.A. - Ufficio Progettazione Illuminotecnica Redattore Marco Dalle Donne
Via del Savena, 28 - 40065 Pian di Macina - Pianoro (Bologna/Italy) Telefono (+39) 051.6529611 Via del Savena, 28 - 40065 Pian di Macina - Pianoro (Bologna/Italy) Telefono (+39) 051.6529611 Via del Savena, 28 - 40065 Pian di Macina - Pianoro (Bologna/Italy) Telefono (+39) 051.6529611 Via del Savena, 28 - 40065 Pian di Macina - Pianoro (Bologna/Italy) Telefono (+39) 051.6529611
CF. 01033260371 - P.I. IT00529461204 Fax (+39) 051.775884 CF. 01033260371 - P.I. IT00529461204 Fax (+39) 051.775884 CF. 01033260371 - P.I. IT00529461204 Fax (+39) 051.775884 CF. 01033260371 - P.I. IT00529461204 Fax (+39) 051.775884
Registro imprese di Bologna n. 01033260371 - REA N. 234613 e-Mail 3f-filippi@3f-filippi.it Registro imprese di Bologna n. 01033260371 - REA N. 234613 e-Mail 3f-filippi@3f-filippi.it Registro imprese di Bologna n. 01033260371 - REA N. 234613 e-Mail 3f-filippi@3f-filippi.it Registro imprese di Bologna n. 01033260371 - REA N. 234613 e-Mail 3f-filippi@3f-filippi.it
Capitale Sociale Euro 3.000.000 i.v. Capitale Sociale Euro 3.000.000 i.v. Capitale Sociale Euro 3.000.000 i.v. Capitale Sociale Euro 3.000.000 i.v.
30409 3F Reno 150 WH 2000/840 UGR / Superficie utile / Livelli di grigio (E) 30453 3F Reno 150 WH 2000/840 ELL / Superficie utile / Livelli di grigio (E) 30341 3F Reno 150 WH 2000/840 WIDE / Superficie utile / Livelli di grigio (E) 30273 3F Reno 150 WH 2000/840 SPOT / Superficie utile / Livelli di grigio (E)
Scala 1 : 29 Scala 1 : 29 Scala 1 : 29 Scala 1 : 29
Posizione della superficie nel locale: Posizione della superficie nel locale: Posizione della superficie nel locale: Posizione della superficie nel locale:
Punto contrassegnato: Punto contrassegnato: Punto contrassegnato: Punto contrassegnato:
(0.000 m, 0.000 m, 0.000 m) (0.000 m, 0.000 m, 0.000 m) (0.000 m, 0.000 m, 0.000 m) (0.000 m, 0.000 m, 0.000 m)
Reticolo: 64 x 64 Punti Reticolo: 64 x 64 Punti Reticolo: 64 x 64 Punti Reticolo: 64 x 64 Punti
Em [lx] Emin [lx] Emax [lx] Emin / Em Emin / Emax Em [lx] Emin [lx] Emax [lx] Emin / Em Emin / Emax Em [lx] Emin [lx] Emax [lx] Emin / Em Emin / Emax Em [lx] Emin [lx] Emax [lx] Emin / Em Emin / Emax
133 43 190 0.321 0.224 94 52 132 0.549 0.393 110 68 132 0.615 0.513 143 35 386 0.244 0.090
Pagina 19 Pagina 15 Pagina 11 Pagina 23

<19 <21 <19 <19 200
<19 <21 <21 <21 150 UGR
/ <21 / <21 100
(cd / m²)
<500 >3000 >3000 <3000 for angles> 65
Average luminance
UGR Elliptical Wide SPOT Model
3F Reno
Black White
3F Reno 150 3F Reno 150
Product advantages
3F Reno was developed to obtain the lowest luminance level from the product (as in open plan offices).
possible by working with the lens on flow distribution: the In installations where minimum luminance values are required,
percentage of light emitted directly (which therefore does not the BK version with black reflector has reduced values up to
interact with the reflector) is higher than 95%. 95%
The stepped surface visibly halves the reflective surface: this (3F Reno 200 BK WIDE) compared to the WH version made of
structure practically eliminates annoying reflections that can white polycarbonate.
affect the viewer’s eye even if they are at a discrete distance


3F Reno 100 WH 3F Reno 150 WH 3F Reno 200 WH


3F Reno 100 BK 3F Reno 150 BK 3F Reno 200 BK

Heat sink
Die-cast aluminium oversi-
zed passive heat sink, for
Springs excellent thermal manage-
Fixing with stanless steel ment of the LED module.

Thermal interface
Optimises thermal conductivity
LED source and heat transfer, improving
COB both cooling and dissipation.

Transparent outer lens with
differentiated glass and satin
surface with methacrylate coo-
ling and anti-insect system.
Direct symmetric distribution:
Wide, Spot, UGR or Elliptical.

parabola with
graded/concentric rings

Every environment is unique: to provide the most appropriate All versions share a significant advantage in terms of practica-
lighting according to specific needs and requirements 3F Reno lity: we have developed a highly efficient, compact heat sink
comes in 3 different sized recessed holes: 100mm, 150mm that facilitates installation in shallow technical spaces, ensuring
and 200mm (actual sizes 116mm, 166mm and 216mm). To that these sizes do not vary regardless of the photometric
facilitate the installation of every product every fixture is sup- distribution used (unlike what happens for most products
plied with a template to make the hole. on the market). This way the recessed dimensions from the
external edge of the plasterboard are as follows:

3F Reno 100 3F Reno 150 3F Reno 200

/ Recessed luminaires

Concessionario Peugeot Cuneotre

3F Reno 100 3F Reno 150 3F Reno 150 3F Reno 200 3F Reno 200
1000 - 2000 1500 - 2000 3000 2000 2500 - 3000 -

135 H 135 H
100 H 100 H
90 H

100 150 150 200 200


3F Reno White
Direct symmetric distribution: wide, spot, UGR, elliptical. Pull‑up installation.
Lifetime (L70/B10): 80000 h. (tq+25°C)
Colour temperature available /840 and /930.
UGR version
Average luminance <1000 cd/m² for radial angles >65°. Environments: architectural, commercial, exhibition areas, transit areas,
corridors, shops, display windows, service areas.
In false ceilings with narrow voids.
Wide version
Compact LED module. Luminaires suitable in production plants in the food industry
Colour initial tolerance (MacAdam): SDCM 3. (HACCP / IFS / BRC‑Standard).
Zhaga Book 3 compliant.
UGR version
In environments with VDTs, managerial offices and staterooms, public
MECHANICAL offices and schools.

Passive heat dissipator in die‑casting aluminium, oversized, for optimum

thermal management of the LED module. LIGHT MANAGEMENT
Parabolic element with graduated/concentric rings in white
polycarbonate. The DALI products can be controlled with 3F Easy Dim (page 722) or
Transparent external lens with glossy and satin differentiated surfaces, 3F Smart Dimming technology (page 732).
with a cooling and anti‑insect system in methacrylate (PMMA).
Internal specular metallic louvre to optimise control of the luminous flux
in polycarbonate in Spot, UGR and Elliptical versions. ON REQUEST
Fastening spring clips in stainless steel.
• different power levels, colour rendering indices and colour
ELECTRICAL • wiring: CLO (page 752)
• emergency versions
In compliance with EN 60598‑1.
Compliance with the EN 60598‑2‑22 standard for power supply from a
centralised CPSS emergency system must be verified in the technical
data sheets of each individual device on our website.
The luminaires with EP permanent emergency wiring on board comply
with EN 60598‑2‑22 standard, high risk areas excluded.
Wiring on a separate unit.
Class II.

3F Reno White Wide

EP 4

Wide lens in transparent methacrylate (PMMA).

Photobiological safety RG0, excluding versions 4000 ‑ RG1 (page
Code 30349 16).

3F Reno 100 - ON/OFF electronic wiring 230V-50/60Hz

Code Item α° W lm K CRI øxH
30073 3F Reno 100 WH 1000/930 WIDE 84° 14 1173 3000 >90 116x95
30069 3F Reno 100 WH 1000/840 WIDE 84° 14 1288 4000 >80 116x95
30077 3F Reno 100 WH 2000/840 WIDE 84° 20 1992 4000 >80 116x95
30081 3F Reno 100 WH 2000/930 WIDE 84° 24 1907 3000 >90 116x95
3F Reno 100 - DALI electronic wiring 230V-50/60Hz
Code Item α° W lm K CRI øxH
30107 3F Reno 100 WH 1000/930 DALI WIDE 84° 14 1173 3000 >90 116x95
30103 3F Reno 100 WH 1000/840 DALI WIDE 84° 14 1288 4000 >80 116x95
30111 3F Reno 100 WH 2000/840 DALI WIDE 84° 20 1992 4000 >80 116x95
30115 3F Reno 100 WH 2000/930 DALI WIDE 84° 24 1907 3000 >90 116x95
3F Reno 100 - EP maintained emergency wiring, 1hr duration with 24hrs recharge (page 772)
Code Item α° W lm K CRI øxH
30090 3F Reno 100 WH 1000/930 EP WIDE 84° 15 1173 3000 >90 116x95
30086 3F Reno 100 WH 1000/840 EP WIDE 84° 15 1288 4000 >80 116x95
30094 3F Reno 100 WH 2000/840 EP WIDE 84° 21 1992 4000 >80 116x95
30098 3F Reno 100 WH 2000/930 EP WIDE 84° 25 1907 3000 >90 116x95
3F Reno 150 - ON/OFF electronic wiring 230V-50/60Hz
Code Item α° W lm K CRI øxH
30341 3F Reno 150 WH 2000/840 WIDE 84° 20 2054 4000 >80 166x107
30345 3F Reno 150 WH 2000/930 WIDE 84° 24 1967 3000 >90 166x107
30349 3F Reno 150 WH 3000/840 WIDE 84° 28 2757 4000 >80 166x107
30353 3F Reno 150 WH 3000/930 WIDE 84° 37 2766 3000 >90 166x107
3F Reno 150 - DALI electronic wiring 230V-50/60Hz
Code Item α° W lm K CRI øxH
30375 3F Reno 150 WH 2000/840 DALI WIDE 84° 20 2054 4000 >80 166x107
30379 3F Reno 150 WH 2000/930 DALI WIDE 84° 24 1967 3000 >90 166x107
30383 3F Reno 150 WH 3000/840 DALI WIDE 84° 28 2757 4000 >80 166x107
30387 3F Reno 150 WH 3000/930 DALI WIDE 84° 37 2766 3000 >90 166x107

Performances are measured and certified by our CTFs stage 2 Photometric Laboratory (more information on page 12).
398 Datasheets, product updates and specifications on our website: www.3f-filippi.com
3F Reno 150 - EP maintained emergency wiring, 1hr duration with 24hrs recharge (page 772)
Code Item α° W lm K CRI øxH
30358 3F Reno 150 WH 2000/840 EP WIDE 84° 21 2054 4000 >80 166x107
30362 3F Reno 150 WH 2000/930 EP WIDE 84° 25 1967 3000 >90 166x107
30366 3F Reno 150 WH 3000/840 EP WIDE 84° 29 2757 4000 >80 166x107
30370 3F Reno 150 WH 3000/930 EP WIDE 84° 38 2766 3000 >90 166x107
3F Reno 200 - ON/OFF electronic wiring 230V-50/60Hz
Code Item α° W lm K CRI øxH
30621 3F Reno 200 WH 2000/840 WIDE 85° 20 1963 4000 >80 216x142
30625 3F Reno 200 WH 2000/930 WIDE 85° 24 1880 3000 >90 216x142
30629 3F Reno 200 WH 3000/840 WIDE 85° 28 2635 4000 >80 216x142
30637 3F Reno 200 WH 4000/840 WIDE 85° 36 3521 4000 >80 216x142
30633 3F Reno 200 WH 3000/930 WIDE 85° 37 2644 3000 >90 216x142
30641 3F Reno 200 WH 4000/930 WIDE 85° 43 3192 3000 >90 216x142
3F Reno 200 - DALI electronic wiring 230V-50/60Hz
Code Item α° W lm K CRI øxH
30671 3F Reno 200 WH 2000/840 DALI WIDE 85° 20 1963 4000 >80 216x142
30675 3F Reno 200 WH 2000/930 DALI WIDE 85° 24 1880 3000 >90 216x142
30679 3F Reno 200 WH 3000/840 DALI WIDE 85° 28 2635 4000 >80 216x142
30687 3F Reno 200 WH 4000/840 DALI WIDE 85° 36 3521 4000 >80 216x142
30683 3F Reno 200 WH 3000/930 DALI WIDE 85° 37 2644 3000 >90 216x142
30691 3F Reno 200 WH 4000/930 DALI WIDE 85° 43 3192 3000 >90 216x142
3F Reno 200 - EP maintained emergency wiring, 1hr duration with 24hrs recharge (page 772)
Code Item α° W lm K CRI øxH
30646 3F Reno 200 WH 2000/840 EP WIDE 85° 21 1963 4000 >80 216x142
30650 3F Reno 200 WH 2000/930 EP WIDE 85° 25 1880 3000 >90 216x142
30654 3F Reno 200 WH 3000/840 EP WIDE 85° 29 2635 4000 >80 216x142
30662 3F Reno 200 WH 4000/840 EP WIDE 85° 37 3521 4000 >80 216x142
30658 3F Reno 200 WH 3000/930 EP WIDE 85° 38 2644 3000 >90 216x142
30666 3F Reno 200 WH 4000/930 EP WIDE 85° 44 3192 3000 >90 216x142

3F Reno White 399

3F Reno White Elliptical

EP 4

Internal elliptical louvre in metallic polycarbonate.

External lens in transparent methacrylate (PMMA).
Code 30461 Photobiological safety RG1 (page 16).

3F Reno 100 - ON/OFF electronic wiring 230V-50/60Hz

Code Item α° W lm K CRI øxH
30209 3F Reno 100 WH 1000/930 ELL 90° - 64° 14 1246 3000 >90 116x95
30205 3F Reno 100 WH 1000/840 ELL 90° - 64° 14 1368 4000 >80 116x95
30213 3F Reno 100 WH 2000/840 ELL 90° - 64° 20 2116 4000 >80 116x95
30217 3F Reno 100 WH 2000/930 ELL 90° - 64° 24 2026 3000 >90 116x95
3F Reno 100 - DALI electronic wiring 230V-50/60Hz
Code Item α° W lm K CRI øxH
30243 3F Reno 100 WH 1000/930 DALI ELL 90° - 64° 14 1246 3000 >90 116x95
30239 3F Reno 100 WH 1000/840 DALI ELL 90° - 64° 14 1368 4000 >80 116x95
30247 3F Reno 100 WH 2000/840 DALI ELL 90° - 64° 20 2116 4000 >80 116x95
30251 3F Reno 100 WH 2000/930 DALI ELL 90° - 64° 24 2026 3000 >90 116x95
3F Reno 100 - EP maintained emergency wiring, 1hr duration with 24hrs recharge (page 772)
Code Item α° W lm K CRI øxH
30226 3F Reno 100 WH 1000/930 EP ELL 90° - 64° 15 1246 3000 >90 116x95
30222 3F Reno 100 WH 1000/840 EP ELL 90° - 64° 15 1368 4000 >80 116x95
30230 3F Reno 100 WH 2000/840 EP ELL 90° - 64° 21 2116 4000 >80 116x95
30234 3F Reno 100 WH 2000/930 EP ELL 90° - 64° 25 2026 3000 >90 116x95
3F Reno 150 - ON/OFF electronic wiring 230V-50/60Hz
Code Item α° W lm K CRI øxH
30453 3F Reno 150 WH 2000/840 ELL 90° - 62° 20 2139 4000 >80 166x107
30457 3F Reno 150 WH 2000/930 ELL 90° - 62° 24 2048 3000 >90 166x107
30461 3F Reno 150 WH 3000/840 ELL 90° - 62° 28 2871 4000 >80 166x107
30465 3F Reno 150 WH 3000/930 ELL 90° - 62° 37 2880 3000 >90 166x107
3F Reno 150 - DALI electronic wiring 230V-50/60Hz
Code Item α° W lm K CRI øxH
30487 3F Reno 150 WH 2000/840 DALI ELL 90° - 62° 20 2139 4000 >80 166x107
30491 3F Reno 150 WH 2000/930 DALI ELL 90° - 62° 24 2048 3000 >90 166x107
30495 3F Reno 150 WH 3000/840 DALI ELL 90° - 62° 28 2871 4000 >80 166x107
30499 3F Reno 150 WH 3000/930 DALI ELL 90° - 62° 37 2880 3000 >90 166x107

Performances are measured and certified by our CTFs stage 2 Photometric Laboratory (more information on page 12).
400 Datasheets, product updates and specifications on our website: www.3f-filippi.com
3F Reno 150 - EP maintained emergency wiring, 1hr duration with 24hrs recharge (page 772)
Code Item α° W lm K CRI øxH
30470 3F Reno 150 WH 2000/840 EP ELL 90° - 62° 21 2139 4000 >80 166x107
30474 3F Reno 150 WH 2000/930 EP ELL 90° - 62° 25 2048 3000 >90 166x107
30478 3F Reno 150 WH 3000/840 EP ELL 90° - 62° 29 2871 4000 >80 166x107
30482 3F Reno 150 WH 3000/930 EP ELL 90° - 62° 38 2880 3000 >90 166x107
3F Reno 200 - ON/OFF electronic wiring 230V-50/60Hz
Code Item α° W lm K CRI øxH
30785 3F Reno 200 WH 2000/840 ELL 90° - 65° 20 2093 4000 >80 216x142
30789 3F Reno 200 WH 2000/930 ELL 90° - 65° 24 2005 3000 >90 216x142
30793 3F Reno 200 WH 3000/840 ELL 90° - 65° 28 2810 4000 >80 216x142
30801 3F Reno 200 WH 4000/840 ELL 90° - 65° 36 3754 4000 >80 216x142
30797 3F Reno 200 WH 3000/930 ELL 90° - 65° 38 2819 3000 >90 216x142
30805 3F Reno 200 WH 4000/930 ELL 90° - 65° 43 3404 3000 >90 216x142
3F Reno 200 - DALI electronic wiring 230V-50/60Hz
Code Item α° W lm K CRI øxH
30835 3F Reno 200 WH 2000/840 DALI ELL 90° - 65° 20 2093 4000 >80 216x142
30839 3F Reno 200 WH 2000/930 DALI ELL 90° - 65° 24 2005 3000 >90 216x142
30843 3F Reno 200 WH 3000/840 DALI ELL 90° - 65° 28 2810 4000 >80 216x142
30851 3F Reno 200 WH 4000/840 DALI ELL 90° - 65° 36 3754 4000 >80 216x142
30847 3F Reno 200 WH 3000/930 DALI ELL 90° - 65° 37 2819 3000 >90 216x142
30855 3F Reno 200 WH 4000/930 DALI ELL 90° - 65° 43 3404 3000 >90 216x142
3F Reno 200 - EP maintained emergency wiring, 1hr duration with 24hrs recharge (page 772)
Code Item α° W lm K CRI øxH
30810 3F Reno 200 WH 2000/840 EP ELL 90° - 65° 21 2093 4000 >80 216x142
30814 3F Reno 200 WH 2000/930 EP ELL 90° - 65° 25 2005 3000 >90 216x142
30818 3F Reno 200 WH 3000/840 EP ELL 90° - 65° 29 2810 4000 >80 216x142
30826 3F Reno 200 WH 4000/840 EP ELL 90° - 65° 37 3754 4000 >80 216x142
30822 3F Reno 200 WH 3000/930 EP ELL 90° - 65° 38 2819 3000 >90 216x142
30830 3F Reno 200 WH 4000/930 EP ELL 90° - 65° 44 3404 3000 >90 216x142

3F Reno White 401

3F Reno White Spot

EP 4

Internal spotlight louvre in metallic polycarbonate.

External lens in transparent methacrylate (PMMA).
Code 30281 Photobiological safety RG1 (page 16).

3F Reno 100 - ON/OFF electronic wiring 230V-50/60Hz

Code Item α° W lm K CRI øxH
30005 3F Reno 100 WH 1000/930 SPOT 37° 14 1453 3000 >90 116x95
30001 3F Reno 100 WH 1000/840 SPOT 37° 14 1595 4000 >80 116x95
30009 3F Reno 100 WH 2000/840 SPOT 37° 20 2467 4000 >80 116x95
30013 3F Reno 100 WH 2000/930 SPOT 37° 24 2362 3000 >90 116x95
3F Reno 100 - DALI electronic wiring 230V-50/60Hz
Code Item α° W lm K CRI øxH
30039 3F Reno 100 WH 1000/930 DALI SPOT 37° 14 1453 3000 >90 116x95
30035 3F Reno 100 WH 1000/840 DALI SPOT 37° 14 1595 4000 >80 116x95
30043 3F Reno 100 WH 2000/840 DALI SPOT 37° 20 2467 4000 >80 116x95
30047 3F Reno 100 WH 2000/930 DALI SPOT 37° 24 2362 3000 >90 116x95
3F Reno 100 - EP maintained emergency wiring, 1hr duration with 24hrs recharge (page 772)
Code Item α° W lm K CRI øxH
30022 3F Reno 100 WH 1000/930 EP SPOT 37° 15 1453 3000 >90 116x95
30018 3F Reno 100 WH 1000/840 EP SPOT 37° 15 1595 4000 >80 116x95
30026 3F Reno 100 WH 2000/840 EP SPOT 37° 21 2467 4000 >80 116x95
30030 3F Reno 100 WH 2000/930 EP SPOT 37° 25 2362 3000 >90 116x95
3F Reno 150 - ON/OFF electronic wiring 230V-50/60Hz
Code Item α° W lm K CRI øxH
30273 3F Reno 150 WH 2000/840 SPOT 37° 20 2473 4000 >80 166x107
30277 3F Reno 150 WH 2000/930 SPOT 37° 24 2368 3000 >90 166x107
30281 3F Reno 150 WH 3000/840 SPOT 37° 28 3319 4000 >80 166x107
30285 3F Reno 150 WH 3000/930 SPOT 37° 37 3330 3000 >90 166x107
3F Reno 150 - DALI electronic wiring 230V-50/60Hz
Code Item α° W lm K CRI øxH
30307 3F Reno 150 WH 2000/840 DALI SPOT 37° 20 2473 4000 >80 166x107
30311 3F Reno 150 WH 2000/930 DALI SPOT 37° 24 2368 3000 >90 166x107
30315 3F Reno 150 WH 3000/840 DALI SPOT 37° 28 3319 4000 >80 166x107
30319 3F Reno 150 WH 3000/930 DALI SPOT 37° 37 3330 3000 >90 166x107

Performances are measured and certified by our CTFs stage 2 Photometric Laboratory (more information on page 12).
402 Datasheets, product updates and specifications on our website: www.3f-filippi.com
3F Reno 150 - EP maintained emergency wiring, 1hr duration with 24hrs recharge (page 772)
Code Item α° W lm K CRI øxH
30290 3F Reno 150 WH 2000/840 EP SPOT 37° 21 2473 4000 >80 166x107
30294 3F Reno 150 WH 2000/930 EP SPOT 37° 25 2368 3000 >90 166x107
30298 3F Reno 150 WH 3000/840 EP SPOT 37° 29 3319 4000 >80 166x107
30302 3F Reno 150 WH 3000/930 EP SPOT 37° 38 3330 3000 >90 166x107
3F Reno 200 - ON/OFF electronic wiring 230V-50/60Hz
Code Item α° W lm K CRI øxH
30521 3F Reno 200 WH 2000/840 SPOT 37° 20 2461 4000 >80 216x142
30525 3F Reno 200 WH 2000/930 SPOT 37° 24 2357 3000 >90 216x142
30529 3F Reno 200 WH 3000/840 SPOT 37° 28 3303 4000 >80 216x142
30537 3F Reno 200 WH 4000/840 SPOT 37° 36 4414 4000 >80 216x142
30533 3F Reno 200 WH 3000/930 SPOT 37° 37 3315 3000 >90 216x142
30541 3F Reno 200 WH 4000/930 SPOT 37° 43 4002 3000 >90 216x142
3F Reno 200 - DALI electronic wiring 230V-50/60Hz
Code Item α° W lm K CRI øxH
30571 3F Reno 200 WH 2000/840 DALI SPOT 37° 20 2461 4000 >80 216x142
30575 3F Reno 200 WH 2000/930 DALI SPOT 37° 24 2357 3000 >90 216x142
30579 3F Reno 200 WH 3000/840 DALI SPOT 37° 28 3303 4000 >80 216x142
30587 3F Reno 200 WH 4000/840 DALI SPOT 37° 36 4414 4000 >80 216x142
30583 3F Reno 200 WH 3000/930 DALI SPOT 37° 37 3315 3000 >90 216x142
30591 3F Reno 200 WH 4000/930 DALI SPOT 37° 43 4002 3000 >90 216x142
3F Reno 200 - EP maintained emergency wiring, 1hr duration with 24hrs recharge (page 772)
Code Item α° W lm K CRI øxH
30546 3F Reno 200 WH 2000/840 EP SPOT 37° 21 2461 4000 >80 216x142
30550 3F Reno 200 WH 2000/930 EP SPOT 37° 25 2357 3000 >90 216x142
30554 3F Reno 200 WH 3000/840 EP SPOT 37° 29 3303 4000 >80 216x142
30562 3F Reno 200 WH 4000/840 EP SPOT 37° 37 4414 4000 >80 216x142
30558 3F Reno 200 WH 3000/930 EP SPOT 37° 38 3315 3000 >90 216x142
30566 3F Reno 200 WH 4000/930 EP SPOT 37° 44 4002 3000 >90 216x142

3F Reno White 403

3F Reno White UGR

EP 4

150 WH ‑ Average luminance <1000 cd/m² for radial angles >65°.

200 WH ‑ Average luminance <500 cd/m² for radial angles >65°.
Internal UGR louvre in metallic polycarbonate.
External lens in transparent methacrylate (PMMA).
Code 30721 L<500 cd/m² 65° Photobiological safety RG1 (page 16).

3F Reno 150 - ON/OFF electronic wiring 230V-50/60Hz

Code Item α° W lm K CRI øxH
30408 3F Reno 150 WH 1500/840 UGR 64° 14 1846 4000 >80 166x107
30409 3F Reno 150 WH 2000/840 UGR 64° 20 2478 4000 >80 166x107
3F Reno 150 - DALI electronic wiring 230V-50/60Hz
Code Item α° W lm K CRI øxH
30430 3F Reno 150 WH 1500/840 DALI UGR 64° 14 1846 4000 >80 166x107
30431 3F Reno 150 WH 2000/840 DALI UGR 64° 20 2478 4000 >80 166x107
3F Reno 150 - EP maintained emergency wiring, 1hr duration with 24hrs recharge (page 772)
Code Item α° W lm K CRI øxH
30419 3F Reno 150 WH 1500/840 EP UGR 64° 15 1846 4000 >80 166x107
30420 3F Reno 150 WH 2000/840 EP UGR 64° 21 2478 4000 >80 166x107
3F Reno 200 - ON/OFF electronic wiring 230V-50/60Hz
Code Item α° W lm K CRI øxH
30721 3F Reno 200 WH 2000/840 UGR 65° 20 2458 4000 >80 216x142
30725 3F Reno 200 WH 2000/930 UGR 65° 24 2354 3000 >90 216x142
30730 3F Reno 200 WH 2500/930 UGR 65° 29 2689 3000 >90 216x142
30726 3F Reno 200 WH 3000/840 UGR 65° 28 3300 4000 >80 216x142
3F Reno 200 - DALI electronic wiring 230V-50/60Hz
Code Item α° W lm K CRI øxH
30753 3F Reno 200 WH 2000/840 DALI UGR 65° 20 2458 4000 >80 216x142
30757 3F Reno 200 WH 2000/930 DALI UGR 65° 24 2354 3000 >90 216x142
30762 3F Reno 200 WH 2500/930 DALI UGR 65° 29 2689 3000 >90 216x142
30758 3F Reno 200 WH 3000/840 DALI UGR 65° 28 3300 4000 >80 216x142
3F Reno 200 - EP maintained emergency wiring, 1hr duration with 24hrs recharge (page 772)
Code Item α° W lm K CRI øxH
30737 3F Reno 200 WH 2000/840 EP UGR 65° 21 2458 4000 >80 216x142
30741 3F Reno 200 WH 2000/930 EP UGR 65° 25 2354 3000 >90 216x142
30746 3F Reno 200 WH 2500/930 EP UGR 65° 29 2689 3000 >90 216x142
30742 3F Reno 200 WH 3000/840 EP UGR 65° 29 3300 4000 >80 216x142

Performances are measured and certified by our CTFs stage 2 Photometric Laboratory (more information on page 12).
404 Datasheets, product updates and specifications on our website: www.3f-filippi.com
/ Recessed luminaires

Cultural Centrum of Gembloux

3F Reno 100 3F Reno 150 3F Reno 150 3F Reno 200
2000 2000 3000 2500 - 3000 -

135 H
100 H 100 H
90 H

100 150 150 200


3F Reno Black
Direct symmetric distribution: wide, spot, UGR, elliptical. Pull‑up installation.
Lifetime (L70/B10): 80000 h. (tq+25°C)
Colour temperature available /840 and /930.
UGR version
Average luminance <500 cd/m² for radial angles >65°. Environments: architectural, commercial, exhibition areas, transit areas,
corridors, shops, display windows, service areas.
In false ceilings with narrow voids.
Wide version
Compact LED module. Luminaires suitable in production plants in the food industry
Colour initial tolerance (MacAdam): SDCM 3. (HACCP / IFS / BRC‑Standard).
Zhaga Book 3 compliant.
UGR version
In environments with VDTs, managerial offices and staterooms, public
MECHANICAL offices and schools.

Passive heat dissipator in die‑casting aluminium, oversized, for optimum

thermal management of the LED module. LIGHT MANAGEMENT
Parabolic element with graduated/concentric rings in black
polycarbonate. The DALI products can be controlled with 3F Easy Dim (page 722) or
Transparent external lens with glossy and satin differentiated surfaces, 3F Smart Dimming technology (page 732).
with a cooling and anti‑insect system in methacrylate (PMMA).
Internal specular metallic louvre to optimise control of the luminous flux
in polycarbonate in Spot, UGR and Elliptical versions. ON REQUEST
Fastening spring clips in stainless steel.
• different power levels, colour rendering indices and colour
ELECTRICAL • wiring: CLO (page 752)
• CRI >90 sources
In compliance with EN 60598‑1. • emergency versions
Compliance with the EN 60598‑2‑22 standard for power supply from a
centralised CPSS emergency system must be verified in the technical
data sheets of each individual device on our website.
Wiring on a separate unit.
Class II.

3F Reno Black Wide


Wide lens in transparent methacrylate (PMMA).

Photobiological safety RG0, excluding versions 4000 ‑ RG1 (page
Code 31233 16).

3F Reno 100 - ON/OFF electronic wiring 230V-50/60Hz

Code Item α° W lm K CRI øxH
30961 3F Reno 100 BK 2000/840 WIDE 83° 20 1737 4000 >80 116x95
30965 3F Reno 100 BK 2000/930 WIDE 83° 24 1663 3000 >90 116x95
3F Reno 100 - DALI electronic wiring 230V-50/60Hz
Code Item α° W lm K CRI øxH
30995 3F Reno 100 BK 2000/840 DALI WIDE 83° 20 1737 4000 >80 116x95
30999 3F Reno 100 BK 2000/930 DALI WIDE 83° 24 1663 3000 >90 116x95
3F Reno 150 - ON/OFF electronic wiring 230V-50/60Hz
Code Item α° W lm K CRI øxH
31233 3F Reno 150 BK 3000/840 WIDE 83° 28 2385 4000 >80 166x107
31237 3F Reno 150 BK 3000/930 WIDE 83° 37 2393 3000 >90 166x107
3F Reno 150 - DALI electronic wiring 230V-50/60Hz
Code Item α° W lm K CRI øxH
31267 3F Reno 150 BK 3000/840 DALI WIDE 83° 28 2385 4000 >80 166x107
31271 3F Reno 150 BK 3000/930 DALI WIDE 83° 37 2393 3000 >90 166x107
3F Reno 200 - ON/OFF electronic wiring 230V-50/60Hz
Code Item α° W lm K CRI øxH
31521 3F Reno 200 BK 4000/840 WIDE 84° 36 3013 4000 >80 216x142
31525 3F Reno 200 BK 4000/930 WIDE 84° 43 2732 3000 >90 216x142
3F Reno 200 - DALI electronic wiring 230V-50/60Hz
Code Item α° W lm K CRI øxH
31571 3F Reno 200 BK 4000/840 DALI WIDE 84° 36 3013 4000 >80 216x142
31575 3F Reno 200 BK 4000/930 DALI WIDE 84° 43 2732 3000 >90 216x142

Performances are measured and certified by our CTFs stage 2 Photometric Laboratory (more information on page 12).
408 Datasheets, product updates and specifications on our website: www.3f-filippi.com
3F Reno Black Elliptical


Internal elliptical louvre in metallic polycarbonate.

External lens in transparent methacrylate (PMMA).
Code 31345 Photobiological safety RG1 (page 16).

3F Reno 100 - ON/OFF electronic wiring 230V-50/60Hz

Code Item α° W lm K CRI øxH
31097 3F Reno 100 BK 2000/840 ELL 89° - 62° 20 1955 4000 >80 116x95
31101 3F Reno 100 BK 2000/930 ELL 89° - 62° 24 1872 3000 >90 116x95
3F Reno 100 - DALI electronic wiring 230V-50/60Hz
Code Item α° W lm K CRI øxH
31131 3F Reno 100 BK 2000/840 DALI ELL 89° - 62° 20 1955 4000 >80 116x95
31135 3F Reno 100 BK 2000/930 DALI ELL 89° - 62° 24 1872 3000 >90 116x95
3F Reno 150 - ON/OFF electronic wiring 230V-50/60Hz
Code Item α° W lm K CRI øxH
31345 3F Reno 150 BK 3000/840 ELL 89° - 61° 28 2662 4000 >80 166x107
31349 3F Reno 150 BK 3000/930 ELL 89° - 61° 37 2671 3000 >90 166x107
3F Reno 150 - DALI electronic wiring 230V-50/60Hz
Code Item α° W lm K CRI øxH
31379 3F Reno 150 BK 3000/840 DALI ELL 89° - 61° 28 2662 4000 >80 166x107
31383 3F Reno 150 BK 3000/930 DALI ELL 89° - 61° 37 2671 3000 >90 166x107
3F Reno 200 - ON/OFF electronic wiring 230V-50/60Hz
Code Item α° W lm K CRI øxH
31685 3F Reno 200 BK 4000/840 ELL 89° - 62° 36 3353 4000 >80 216x142
31689 3F Reno 200 BK 4000/930 ELL 89° - 62° 43 3041 3000 >90 216x142
3F Reno 200 - DALI electronic wiring 230V-50/60Hz
Code Item α° W lm K CRI øxH
31735 3F Reno 200 BK 4000/840 DALI ELL 89° - 62° 36 3353 4000 >80 216x142
31739 3F Reno 200 BK 4000/930 DALI ELL 89° - 62° 43 3041 3000 >90 216x142

3F Reno Black 409

3F Reno Black Spot


Internal spotlight louvre in metallic polycarbonate.

External lens in transparent methacrylate (PMMA).
Code 31165 Photobiological safety RG1 (page 16).

3F Reno 100 - ON/OFF electronic wiring 230V-50/60Hz

Code Item α° W lm K CRI øxH
30893 3F Reno 100 BK 2000/840 SPOT 37° 20 2422 4000 >80 116x95
30897 3F Reno 100 BK 2000/930 SPOT 37° 24 2319 3000 >90 116x95
3F Reno 100 - DALI electronic wiring 230V-50/60Hz
Code Item α° W lm K CRI øxH
30927 3F Reno 100 BK 2000/840 DALI SPOT 37° 20 2422 4000 >80 116x95
30931 3F Reno 100 BK 2000/930 DALI SPOT 37° 24 2319 3000 >90 116x95
3F Reno 150 - ON/OFF electronic wiring 230V-50/60Hz
Code Item α° W lm K CRI øxH
31165 3F Reno 150 BK 3000/840 SPOT 37° 28 3254 4000 >80 166x107
31169 3F Reno 150 BK 3000/930 SPOT 37° 37 3265 3000 >90 166x107
3F Reno 150 - DALI electronic wiring 230V-50/60Hz
Code Item α° W lm K CRI øxH
31199 3F Reno 150 BK 3000/840 DALI SPOT 37° 28 3254 4000 >80 166x107
31203 3F Reno 150 BK 3000/930 DALI SPOT 37° 37 3265 3000 >90 166x107
3F Reno 200 - ON/OFF electronic wiring 230V-50/60Hz
Code Item α° W lm K CRI øxH
31421 3F Reno 200 BK 4000/840 SPOT 37° 36 4287 4000 >80 216x142
31425 3F Reno 200 BK 4000/930 SPOT 37° 43 3887 3000 >90 216x142
3F Reno 200 - DALI electronic wiring 230V-50/60Hz
Code Item α° W lm K CRI øxH
31471 3F Reno 200 BK 4000/840 DALI SPOT 37° 36 4287 4000 >80 216x142
31475 3F Reno 200 BK 4000/930 DALI SPOT 37° 43 3887 3000 >90 216x142

Performances are measured and certified by our CTFs stage 2 Photometric Laboratory (more information on page 12).
410 Datasheets, product updates and specifications on our website: www.3f-filippi.com
3F Reno Black UGR


150 BK ‑ Average luminance <500 cd/m² for radial angles >65°.

200 BK ‑ Average luminance <200 cd/m² for radial angles >65°.
Internal UGR louvre in metallic polycarbonate.
External lens in transparent methacrylate (PMMA).
Code 31610 L<200 cd/m² 65° Photobiological safety RG1 (page 16).

3F Reno 150 - ON/OFF electronic wiring 230V-50/60Hz

Code Item α° W lm K CRI øxH
31293 3F Reno 150 BK 2000/840 UGR 65° 20 2461 4000 >80 166x107
3F Reno 150 - DALI electronic wiring 230V-50/60Hz
Code Item α° W lm K CRI øxH
31315 3F Reno 150 BK 2000/840 DALI UGR 65° 20 2461 4000 >80 166x107
3F Reno 200 - ON/OFF electronic wiring 230V-50/60Hz
Code Item α° W lm K CRI øxH
31614 3F Reno 200 BK 2500/930 UGR 64° 29 2645 3000 >90 216x142
31610 3F Reno 200 BK 3000/840 UGR 64° 28 3246 4000 >80 216x142
3F Reno 200 - DALI electronic wiring 230V-50/60Hz
Code Item α° W lm K CRI øxH
31646 3F Reno 200 BK 2500/930 DALI UGR 64° 29 2645 3000 >90 216x142
31642 3F Reno 200 BK 3000/840 DALI UGR 64° 28 3246 4000 >80 216x142

3F Reno Black 411

3F Reno | Accessories
Code Item
A01035 VS 3F RENO WH 150
A01037 VS 3F RENO WH 200

VS moulded glass, micro‑prismatic, anti‑glare, tempered, non‑combustible glass, affixed to the white
polycarbonate trim. Accessory suitable for versions with wide distribution.
Accessory compatible with 3F Reno - White.

Code Item
A01036 VS 3F RENO BK 150
A01038 VS 3F RENO BK 200

VS moulded glass, micro‑prismatic, anti‑glare, tempered, non‑combustible glass, affixed to the black
polycarbonate trim. Accessory suitable for versions with wide distribution.
Accessory compatible with 3F Reno - Black.

Code Item
A01023 VT 3F RENO WH 150
A01025 VT 3F RENO WH 200

VT transparent glass, tempered, not flammable, locked and in line with the trim, in white polycarbonate.
Accessory suitable for versions with spot, UGR and elliptic distribution.
Accessory compatible with 3F Reno - White.

Code Item
A01024 VT 3F RENO BK 150
A01026 VT 3F RENO BK 200

VT transparent glass, tempered, not flammable, locked and in line with the trim, in black polycarbonate.
Accessory suitable for versions with spot, UGR and elliptic distribution.
Accessory compatible with 3F Reno - Black.

Code Item
A01046 SMP 3F RENO WH 150
A01048 SMP 3F RENO WH 200

Micro‑prismatic SMP antiglare diffuser in methacrylate (PMMA), locked and in line with the trim, in white
polycarbonate. Accessory suitable for versions with wide distribution.
Accessory compatible with 3F Reno - White.


412 Datasheets, product updates and specifications on our website: www.3f-filippi.com

Code Item
A01047 SMP 3F RENO BK 150
A01049 SMP 3F RENO BK 200

Micro‑prismatic SMP antiglare diffuser in methacrylate (PMMA), locked and in line with the trim, in black
polycarbonate. Accessory suitable for versions with wide distribution.
Accessory compatible with 3F Reno - Black.


Code Item
A0804 SF 3F Reno 150
A0805 SF 3F Reno 200

Reinforcing bracket for panels 600x600, 600x1200 with exposed structure, in hot‑galvanised steel.

Code Item
A0806 SM 3F Reno 150
A0807 SM 3F Reno 200

Reinforcing bracket for metal panels 600x600 with concealed structure, in hot‑galvanised steel.

Code Item
A01090 WH adapter ring for 220 mm hole
A01091 WH adapter ring for 255 mm hole

White adapter ring for 3F Reno 200 installation in holes with a diameter of 220 or 255 millimetres. Realised in
Accessory compatible only with 3F Reno 200 models.
Versions for the 3F Reno 100 and 3F Reno 150 models are available on request.

Code Item
A01092 WH adapter ring for hole 300 mm <9 mm
A01093 WH adapter ring for hole 300 mm >9 mm

White adapter ring for 3F Reno 200 installation in holes with a diameter of 300 millimetres, supplied with a
reinforcement bracket for false ceilings with a thickness of less than or higher than 9 mm. Realised in steel.
Accessory compatible only with 3F Reno 200 models.
Versions for the 3F Reno 100 and 3F Reno 150 models are available on request.

Code Item
A0477 Safety wire

Anti‑fall safety cable for fixing the housing to the building structure. Length 2.5 m.

3F Reno 413
/ Recessed luminaires

Centro Porsche Erre Esse



Direct symmetric distribution. Pull‑up installation.
Lifetime (L70/B10): 80000 h. (tq+25°C)
Photobiological safety RG1 (page 16).
SOURCE Environments: commercial, exhibition areas, transit areas, halls, shops,
great halls, display windows.
Compact LED module.
Colour initial tolerance (MacAdam): SDCM 3.
Zhaga Book 3 compliant. ON REQUEST
• asymmetric louvre
MECHANICAL • different power levels, colour rendering indices and colour
Housing in white painted steel. • wiring: dimmable, CLO (page 752)
Passive heat dissipator in anodised aluminium, oversized, for optimum • IP54 version
thermal management of the LED module. • ceiling version
Flow recuperator in specular aluminium with superficial • CRI >90 sources
titanium‑magnesium treatment, non‑iridescent. • emergency versions
Lock‑in mounting of the glass/methacrylate (PMMA) in the lateral seats
in specular aluminium.
Fixing brackets in galvanised steel, supplied.

In compliance with EN 60598‑1.
The luminaires with EP permanent emergency wiring on board comply
with EN 60598‑2‑22 standard, high risk areas excluded.
Wiring on a separate unit.
Class II.

Lucequadro VS


Average luminance <3000 cd/m² for radial angles >65°.

VS moulded glass, anti‑glare, tempered, non‑combustible,
Code 36578 L<3000 cd/m² 65° thickness 4 mm.

ON/OFF electronic wiring 230V-50/60Hz

Code Item α° W lm K CRI LxAxH
36575 Lucequadro LED 2000 VS 58° 20 2291 4000 >80 235x235x116
36578 Lucequadro LED 3000 VS 58° 28 3076 4000 >80 235x235x116
EP maintained emergency wiring, 1hr duration with 24hrs recharge (page 772)
Code Item α° W lm K CRI LxAxH
36576 Lucequadro LED 2000 EP VS 58° 21 2291 4000 >80 235x235x116
36579 Lucequadro LED 3000 EP VS 58° 29 3076 4000 >80 235x235x116

Lucequadro VOP


Glazed VOP opal glass, tempered, non‑combustible, thickness

Code 36584 4 mm.

ON/OFF electronic wiring 230V-50/60Hz

Code Item α° W lm K CRI LxAxH
36581 Lucequadro LED 2000 VOP 113° 20 1437 4000 >80 235x235x116
36584 Lucequadro LED 3000 VOP 113° 28 1929 4000 >80 235x235x116
EP maintained emergency wiring, 1hr duration with 24hrs recharge (page 772)
Code Item α° W lm K CRI LxAxH
36582 Lucequadro LED 2000 EP VOP 113° 21 1437 4000 >80 235x235x116
36585 Lucequadro LED 3000 EP VOP 113° 29 1929 4000 >80 235x235x116

Performances are measured and certified by our CTFs stage 2 Photometric Laboratory (more information on page 12).
416 Datasheets, product updates and specifications on our website: www.3f-filippi.com
Lucequadro SOP


Code 36590 SOP opal methacrylate (PMMA) flat diffuser, anti‑glare.

ON/OFF electronic wiring 230V-50/60Hz

Code Item α° W lm K CRI LxAxH
36587 Lucequadro LED 2000 SOP 101° 20 2238 4000 >80 235x235x116
36590 Lucequadro LED 3000 SOP 101° 28 3003 4000 >80 235x235x116
EP maintained emergency wiring, 1hr duration with 24hrs recharge (page 772)
Code Item α° W lm K CRI LxAxH
36588 Lucequadro LED 2000 EP SOP 101° 21 2238 4000 >80 235x235x116
36591 Lucequadro LED 3000 EP SOP 101° 29 3003 4000 >80 235x235x116

Lucequadro 417
Lucequadro | Accessories
Code Item
A0189 Reinf. brack. Lucequadro pan./plast.

Pair of reinforcing brackets for mineral fibre, metal and plasterboard panels, height 20 mm.

418 Datasheets, product updates and specifications on our website: www.3f-filippi.com

/ catalogue

_Systems and track-mounted products

/ 3F Filippi

Update New

Zero 3F Track 3F Zeta Track

Zero 3F Track 3F Zeta Track L 3F Zeta Track DR 3F Zeta Track DT

Page 422 Page 422 Page 426 Page 426 Page 430 Page 434

3F Linux

3F Linux S 3F Linux S
IP40 IP54 3F Linux L 3F Linux D 3F Linux DR
Page 438 Page 446 Page 450 Page 454 Page 466 Page 470

3F Six 3F Emilio Track

3F Linux DT 3F Linux Track 3F Six Track 3F Six Blindo

Page 474 Page 478 Page 488 Page 492 Page 498 Page 502

Binario 3F

3F Emilio Track Binario 3F

Page 508 Page 514 Page 516


/ Systems and track-mounted products


Zero 3F Track
Controlled symmetric distribution. This product is suitable for installation on a 3‑phase electrified busbar
Average luminance <3000 cd/m² for radial angles >65°. "Binario 3F" (on page 514).
Lifetime (L80/B10): 100000 h. (tq+25°C)
Photobiological safety RG0 (page 16).
SOURCE Environments: with VDTs, meeting rooms, offices.
Environments: recreational, transit areas, corridors, schools, stairwells.
Linear LED modules. Environments where soft diffuse light is required for optimal visual
Colour initial tolerance (MacAdam): SDCM 3. comfort.


Housing in hot‑galvanised steel, painted in white polyester. The DALI products can be controlled with 3F Easy Dim (page 722) or
Diffuser with differentiated geometry, made of transparent methacrylate 3F Smart Dimming technology (page 732).
(PMMA) with microprismatic finish, anti‑glare on the flat part and opal on
the side.
Anti‑glare opal methacrylate (PMMA) filter for brightness uniformity. ON REQUEST
Lighting end caps in methacrylate (PMMA) opal.
Supporting mechanical adapter. • different power levels, colour rendering indices and colour
• wiring: CLO (page 752)
ELECTRICAL • emergency versions

In compliance with EN 60598‑1.

Truck adapter, 4/6‑way.

Zero 3F Track


Code 45574 L<3000 cd/m² 65°

ON/OFF electronic wiring 230V-50/60Hz

Code Item W lm K CRI LxAxH
45561 NEW
03F TK 14W/840 L620 16 2014 4000 >80 620x119x64
45562 NEW 03F TK 28W/840 L1204 31 4029 4000 >80 1204x119x64
45563 NEW 03F TK 35W/840 L1506 40 5469 4000 >80 1506x119x64
45564 NEW
03F TK 42W/840 L1787 46 6042 4000 >80 1787x119x64
45565 NEW
03F TK 18W/940 L620 20 1983 4000 >90 620x119x64
45566 NEW 03F TK 35W/940 L1204 40 4152 4000 >90 1204x119x64
45567 NEW 03F TK 44W/940 L1506 49 5190 4000 >90 1506x119x64
45568 NEW
03F TK 53W/940 L1787 57 6227 4000 >90 1787x119x64
DALI electronic wiring 230V-50/60Hz
Code Item W lm K CRI LxAxH
45569 NEW
03F TK 14W/840 DALI L620 16 2014 4000 >80 620x119x64
45570 NEW
03F TK 28W/840 DALI L1204 31 4029 4000 >80 1204x119x64
45571 NEW 03F TK 35W/840 DALI L1506 40 5469 4000 >80 1506x119x64
45572 NEW
03F TK 42W/840 DALI L1787 46 6042 4000 >80 1787x119x64
45573 03F TK 18W/940 DALI L620 20 1983 4000 >90 620x119x64
45574 03F TK 35W/940 DALI L1204 40 4152 4000 >90 1204x119x64
45575 03F TK 44W/940 DALI L1506 49 5190 4000 >90 1506x119x64
45576 03F TK 53W/940 DALI L1787 57 6227 4000 >90 1787x119x64

Performances are measured and certified by our CTFs stage 2 Photometric Laboratory (more information on page 12).
424 Datasheets, product updates and specifications on our website: www.3f-filippi.com
/ Systems and track-mounted products

Topsportschool Hasselt


3F Zeta Track L
Wide direct distribution. This product is suitable for installation on a 3‑phase electrified busbar
Lifetime (L80/B10): 100000 h. (tq+25°C) "Binario 3F" (on page 514).
Photobiological safety RG0 (page 16).

Environments: architectural, commercial, transit areas, cornices, boards.
LED modules.
Colour initial tolerance (MacAdam): SDCM 3.
MECHANICAL The DALI products can be controlled with 3F Easy Dim (page 722) or
3F Smart Dimming technology (page 732).
Housing in hot‑galvanised steel, painted in white polyester, obtained
through rolling process with adapters to busbar in white polycarbonate.
Light unit in hot‑galvanised steel, painted in white polyester base with ON REQUEST
fixing springs and retractable safety hooks in stainless steel.
Methacrylate (PMMA) lenses with external flat surface. • different light distributions
Supporting mechanical adapter. • different power levels, colour rendering indices and colour
End caps in white polycarbonate. temperatures
• housing and accessories in different RAL colours
• wiring: CLO (page 752)
ELECTRICAL • CRI >90 sources
• emergency versions
In compliance with EN 60598‑1.
Truck adapter, 4/6‑way.

3F Zeta Track L Wide


Code 47124

ON/OFF electronic wiring 230V-50/60Hz

Code Item W lm K CRI LxAxH
47136 3F Zeta TK L 15 AMPIO L605 17 2749 4000 >80 605x62x67
47132 3F Zeta TK L 30 AMPIO L1194 31 5498 4000 >80 1194x62x67
47124 3F Zeta TK L 50 AMPIO L1783 46 8247 4000 >80 1783x62x67
DALI electronic wiring 230V-50/60Hz
Code Item W lm K CRI LxAxH
47152 3F Zeta TK L 15 DALI AMPIO L605 17 2749 4000 >80 605x62x67
47148 3F Zeta TK L 30 DALI AMPIO L1194 31 5498 4000 >80 1194x62x67
47140 3F Zeta TK L 50 DALI AMPIO L1783 46 8247 4000 >80 1783x62x67

Performances are measured and certified by our CTFs stage 2 Photometric Laboratory (more information on page 12).
428 Datasheets, product updates and specifications on our website: www.3f-filippi.com
/ Systems and track-mounted products



3F Zeta Track DR
Controlled symmetric distribution. This product is suitable for installation on a 3‑phase electrified busbar
Average luminance <1500 cd/m² for radial angles >65°. "Binario 3F" (on page 514).
Lifetime (L80/B10): 100000 h. (tq+25°C)
Photobiological safety RG0 (page 16).
SOURCE Environments: exhibition areas, with VDTs, halls, shops, great halls,
Linear LED modules.
Colour initial tolerance (MacAdam): SDCM 3.
MECHANICAL The DALI products can be controlled with 3F Easy Dim (page 722) or
3F Smart Dimming technology (page 732).
Housing in hot‑galvanised steel, painted in white polyester, obtained
through rolling process with adapters to busbar in white polycarbonate.
Light unit in hot‑galvanised steel, painted in white polyester base with ON REQUEST
fixing springs and retractable safety hooks in stainless steel.
Rectangular transparent polycarbonate diffuser. • different power levels, colour rendering indices and colour
Semi‑specular aluminium internal louvre with prismatic methacrylate temperatures
(PMMA) filter above the louvre blades for complete shielding of the • wiring: CLO (page 752)
louvre compartment. • emergency versions
Supporting mechanical adapter.
End caps in white polycarbonate.

In compliance with EN 60598‑1.
Truck adapter, 4/6‑way.

3F Zeta Track DR UGR


Code 47167 L<1500 cd/m² 65°

ON/OFF electronic wiring 230V-50/60Hz

Code Item W lm K CRI LxAxH
47167 3F Zeta TK DR UGR 1x24/940 L1194 27 2285 4000 >90 1194x62x67
47168 3F Zeta TK DR UGR 1x30/940 L1783 34 2859 4000 >90 1783x62x67
DALI electronic wiring 230V-50/60Hz
Code Item W lm K CRI LxAxH
47169 3F Zeta TK DR UGR 1x24/940 DALI L1194 27 2285 4000 >90 1194x62x67
47170 3F Zeta TK DR UGR 1x30/940 DALI L1783 34 2859 4000 >90 1783x62x67

Performances are measured and certified by our CTFs stage 2 Photometric Laboratory (more information on page 12).
432 Datasheets, product updates and specifications on our website: www.3f-filippi.com

/ Systems and track-mounted products



3F Zeta Track DT
Controlled symmetric distribution. This product is suitable for installation on a 3‑phase electrified busbar
Average luminance <3000 cd/m² for radial angles >65°. "Binario 3F" (on page 514).
Lifetime (L80/B10): 100000 h. (tq+25°C)
Photobiological safety RG0 (page 16).
SOURCE Environments: with VDTs, meeting rooms, offices.
Environments: recreational, transit areas, corridors, schools, stairwells.
Linear LED modules. Environments where soft diffuse light is required for optimal visual
Colour initial tolerance (MacAdam): SDCM 3. comfort.


Housing in hot‑galvanised steel, painted in white polyester, obtained The DALI products can be controlled with 3F Easy Dim (page 722) or
through rolling process. 3F Smart Dimming technology (page 732).
Light unit in hot‑galvanised steel, painted in white polyester base with
fixing springs and retractable safety hooks in stainless steel.
Diffuser with differentiated geometry, made of transparent methacrylate ON REQUEST
(PMMA) with microprismatic finish, anti‑glare on the flat part and opal on
the side. • different power levels, colour rendering indices and colour
Anti‑glare opal methacrylate (PMMA) filter for brightness uniformity. temperatures
End caps in white polycarbonate. • housing and accessories in different RAL colours
• wiring: CLO (page 752)
• emergency versions
In compliance with EN 60598‑1.
Truck adapter, 4/6‑way.

3F Zeta Track DT UGR


Code 47179 L<3000 cd/m² 65°

ON/OFF electronic wiring 230V-50/60Hz

Code Item W lm K CRI LxAxH
47175 NEW
3F Zeta TK DT UGR 2x18/840 L1194 40 5633 4000 >80 1194x118x95
47178 NEW 3F Zeta TK DT UGR 2x22/840 L1489 49 7261 4000 >80 1489x118x95
47179 NEW
3F Zeta TK DT UGR 2x30/840 L1783 66 9122 4000 >80 1783x118x95
DALI electronic wiring 230V-50/60Hz
Code Item W lm K CRI LxAxH
47180 NEW
3F Zeta TK DT UGR 2x18/840 DALI L1194 40 5633 4000 >80 1194x118x95
47181 NEW 3F Zeta TK DT UGR 2x22/840 DALI L1489 49 7261 4000 >80 1489x118x95
47182 NEW
3F Zeta TK DT UGR 2x30/840 DALI L1783 66 9122 4000 >80 1783x118x95

Performances are measured and certified by our CTFs stage 2 Photometric Laboratory (more information on page 12).
436 Datasheets, product updates and specifications on our website: www.3f-filippi.com
3F Linux
www.3F-Filippi.com/3F Linux

3F Linux is more than a continuous line system: it was designed to • Luminous efficacy up to 162 lumen/watt.
compose channels in a simple and efficient way and significantly • Luminous fluxes from 3487 to 14130 lumens.
reduce the installation and maintenance costs of the system. • Average luminance <1500 cd/m² (DR UGR version).
Whether it's a relamping or a new project, 3F Linux is the winning • Extensive installation pitch.
choice in terms of performance and ease of installation: it has • UGR <19 (UGR version).
already been chosen by many big players in the retail, logistics and • Available with lenticular optics, recuperator or diffusers.
industrial production sectors all over the world. • Asymmetrical version.
It is fitted with high-efficiency LED sources and features a compact • Version with electrified track.
body, modular components and accessories which give unrivalled • Module lengths optimised to reduce installation time and required
freedom in terms of planning the installations. accessories by up to 20%.
• Available on request with integrated sensors.
• Driver integrated in the fixture.
• Essential and functional design.
• Double anti-fall springs in case of accidental impacts.
• Through line up to 11 poles (on request).
• IP54 version for more severe applications.
• EcoDesign: power supplies and sources replaceable at the end
of product life.
• Versatility of use in different environments.
• Mechanical and electrical assembly without tools.
• Union joint already assembled.
• Thanks to the FastWiring system, the installation time is
drastically reduced.
• Product suitable for use in the food industry (HACCP / IFS /

Page Product Screen Optic Lens

446 3F Linux S IP40
450 3F Linux S IP54
454 3F Linux L •
466 3F Linux D •
470 3F Linux DR • •
474 NEW 3F Linux DT
478 3F Linux Track

Product range
Suspended Ceiling

3F Linux S 65 82
3F Linux L 64
3F Linux D 64 64 118
3F Linux DR
3F Linux DT 65 82

64 64 64 118

3F Linux L

Model Wide Medium UGR AS BAT BAT WD Conc Iperconc

Average luminance
for angles> 65 >3000 >3000 <3000 / >3000 >3000 >3000 >3000
(cd / m²)

UGR <21 <21 <19 / <21 <21 <21 <21

Protection class IP40 | IP54


Power level 40 40 50 40 40 40 60 60
50 50 50 50 50 85 85
60 60 60 60 60
85 85 85

NEW Arrange the version that best suits your needs quickly and easily

Suspended Ceiling

3F Linux S 80
3F Linux L 76



3F Linux D
3F Linux DR
3F Linux DT


Average luminance
for angles> 65 >3000 >3000 <3000 / <3000
(cd / m²)

UGR <21 <21 <19 / <19

Protection class IP40


Power level 2x22 2x22 1x30 2x30 2x30

2x30 2x30 2x22

Screens and finishes

3F Linux DR | IP40
Rectangular screen in self-
ex tinguishing polycarbonate
3F Linux L | IP40
PMMA lenses with ex ternal flat
sur face

3F Linux D | IP40
Cur ved screen in self-
ex tinguishing polycarbonate

3F Linux DT | IP40
Trapezoidal screen in self-
ex tinguishing polycarbonate

3F Linux L | IP54
PMMA lenses with ex ternal flat
sur face.
Transparent polycarbonate
IP54 cover element

Simply modular

The FastWiring system reduces the time necessary to create a lighting channel:

1 Install the structures,

2 Connect the power-supply plug
connecting them together and secure the lighting element
with the connecting elements to the structure, moving it to the
(pre-fitted) and connect the required point
power-supply lines

Structure lengths optimised

to reduce the components in
the longest sections.

Installation requires just 3 steps, with limited tools required.

3 Once you have chosen the

required position, secure
the lighting element to the
structure until the retaining
spring clicks

/ Systems and track-mounted products

Reggio Emilia
H Italia/Italy


3F Linux S IP40
This fixture makes it possible to create light channels with IP40 protection.
Modular and flexible structural system with small dimensions to create continuous channels and compositions, transport electrical lines and fixing of
various types of products.
Quick and easy ceiling or pendant installation.

Hot‑galvanised wired structure, painted in polyester base white, Ceiling, suspension or wall installation.
obtained through rolling process.
Linear connecting element in hot galvanised steel for the formation of
continuous channels. Standard on L3556 versions (optional for other APPLICATIONS
For the completion accessories see accessories on page 481. Environments: commercial, exhibition areas, transit areas, lobbies or
waiting rooms, shops, schools.
Luminaires suitable in production plants in the food industry
(HACCP / IFS / BRC‑Standard).

• structure and accessories in different RAL colours
• through‑wiring up to 11 poles

3F Linux S IP40

Supporting structure with 5 or 7‑pole through power supply lines with H07Z‑U Halogen Free cables
(2.5 mm² HT90 cross‑section), equipped with quick connection start/end channel terminal blocks,
non‑reversible with intermediate power sockets.
2 sockets for 3556 mm structures, 1 socket for 1778 mm structures (5P=N/T/1/2/3,
Feeding input on top (at the beginning or in the middle of the structure).

Code Item LxAxH

A20019 3F Linux S 5P L1778 1778x62x38
A20026 3F Linux S 7P L1778 1778x62x38
A20017 3F Linux S 5P L3556 3556x62x38
A20024 3F Linux S 7P L3556 3556x62x38

3F Linux S-NL IP40

Supporting structure WITHOUT power supply line.

Polycarbonate reinforced cable supports (for use every 500 mm approx.).
Feeding input on top (at the beginning or in the middle of the structure).

Code Item LxAxH

A20012 3F Linux S NL L1778 1778x62x38
A20011 3F Linux S NL L3556 3556x62x38

Performances are measured and certified by our CTFs stage 2 Photometric Laboratory (more information on page 12).
448 Datasheets, product updates and specifications on our website: www.3f-filippi.com
/ Systems and track-mounted products

Marostica (VI)



3F Linux S IP54
This fixture makes it possible to create light channels with IP54 protection.

Hot‑galvanised wired structure, painted in polyester base white, Ceiling mounted or suspension installation.
obtained through rolling process, with expanded EPDM rubber profiles. Attention: to obtain a light system with IP54 protection rating, it is
Linear connecting element in hot galvanised steel with gasket for the necessary to use 3F Linux L light modules (or alternatively IP54 closing
formation of continuous channels, standard on L3556 versions (optional top) + closing terminals.
for other lengths).
Transparent polycarbonate IP54 cover element with methacrylate
(PMMA) flexible parts. APPLICATIONS
The L3556 versions have a locking collar for joining the covers.
For the completion accessories see accessories on page 481. Dry, dusty indoor environments, subject to occasional water splashes.
Virtually in all environments compatibly with the use of any chemicals
which could compromise the use of plastic materials.
ELECTRICAL Not suitable in environments where chlorine fumes, ligroin, hydrocarbon
mixtures, mineral oil vapours or fumes of lubricating emulsions to cool
Supporting structure with 5 or 7‑pole through power supply lines with down machine tools are present.
H07Z‑U Halogen Free cables (2.5 mm² HT90 cross‑section), equipped Not suitable for installation on surfaces subject to important vibrations,
with quick connection start/end channel terminal blocks, non‑reversible exposed to weather conditions, on ropes or poles.
with intermediate power sockets. For specific applications please contact our technical offices.
2 sockets for 3556 mm structures, 1 socket for 1778 mm structures Luminaires suitable in production plants in the food industry
(5P=N/T/1/2/3, 7P=N/T/1/2/3/+/‑). (HACCP / IFS / BRC‑Standard).
Feeding input on top at the beginning of the structure or at end cap.

• structure and accessories in different RAL colours
• through‑wiring up to 11 poles

3F Linux S IP54

All product codes include the support structure and cover element.
In the L3556 versions there is also an IP54 element that is used to protect the joins between the

Code Item LxAxH

A20726 3F Linux 5P IP54 L1778 System 1778x64x72
A20724 3F Linux 7P IP54 L1778 System 1778x64x72
A20725 3F Linux 5P IP54 L3556 System 3556x64x72
A20723 3F Linux 7P IP54 L3556 System 3556x64x72

Performances are measured and certified by our CTFs stage 2 Photometric Laboratory (more information on page 12).
452 Datasheets, product updates and specifications on our website: www.3f-filippi.com
/ Systems and track-mounted products



3F Linux L
Direct distribution. This lighting unit can be installed on profile 3F Linux S | IP40 and
Lifetime (L80/B10): 100000 h. (tq+25°C) 3F Linux S | IP54 (see dedicated product pages).
Photobiological safety RG0 (page 16).

Environments: industrial, commercial, exhibition areas, transit areas,
Linear LED modules. lobbies or waiting rooms, shops.
Colour initial tolerance (MacAdam): SDCM 3. Luminaires suitable in production plants in the food industry
(HACCP / IFS / BRC‑Standard).


Environments: staterooms, with VDTs, offices.
Light unit in hot‑galvanised steel, painted in white polyester base with
fixing springs and retractable safety hooks in stainless steel.
Methacrylate (PMMA) lenses with external flat surface (superimposed to LIGHT MANAGEMENT
obtain full protection of LED modules).
The DALI products can be controlled with 3F Easy Dim (page 722) or
3F Smart Dimming technology (page 732).
In compliance with EN 60598‑1. ON REQUEST
Compliance with the EN 60598‑2‑22 standard for power supply from a
centralised CPSS emergency system must be verified in the technical • different powers or colour temperatures
data sheets of each individual device on our website. • integrated light sensor
Connection to the structure with mobile plug with phase selection • HACCP versions for use in the food industry
(H05Z‑U Halogen Free cable section 0,5 mm² HT90). • housing in different RAL colours
• wiring: CLO (page 752)
• CRI >90 sources
• emergency versions

3F Linux L Wide


Wide distribution.
Structure height (3F Linux S | IP40 + 3F Linux L) equal to 65 mm.
Code A20127 Structure height (3F Linux S | IP54 + 3F Linux L) equal to 71 mm.

ON/OFF electronic wiring 230V-50/60Hz

Code Item W lm K CRI LxAxH
A20127 3F Linux L 40 LED AMPIO L1778 40 6936 IP40 4000 >80 1778x62x32
6607 IP54
A20126 3F Linux L 50 LED AMPIO L1778 46 8247 IP40 4000 >80 1778x62x32
7856 IP54
A20125 3F Linux L 60 LED AMPIO L1778 55.5 9855 IP40 4000 >80 1778x62x32
9388 IP54
A20124 3F Linux L 85 LED AMPIO L1778 84 14086 IP40 4000 >80 1778x62x32
13418 IP54
DALI electronic wiring 230V-50/60Hz
Code Item W lm K CRI LxAxH
A20141 3F Linux L 40 LED DALI AMPIO L1778 40 6936 IP40 4000 >80 1778x62x32
6607 IP54
A20140 3F Linux L 50 LED DALI AMPIO L1778 46 8247 IP40 4000 >80 1778x62x32
7856 IP54
A20139 3F Linux L 60 LED DALI AMPIO L1778 55.5 9855 IP40 4000 >80 1778x62x32
9388 IP54
A20138 3F Linux L 85 LED DALI AMPIO L1778 84 14086 IP40 4000 >80 1778x62x32
13418 IP54

Performances are measured and certified by our CTFs stage 2 Photometric Laboratory (more information on page 12).
456 Datasheets, product updates and specifications on our website: www.3f-filippi.com
3F Linux L Medium


Medium distribution.
Structure height (3F Linux S | IP40 + 3F Linux L) equal to 65 mm.
Code A20755 Structure height (3F Linux S | IP54 + 3F Linux L) equal to 71 mm.

ON/OFF electronic wiring 230V-50/60Hz

Code Item W lm K CRI LxAxH
A20757 3F Linux L 40 LED MEDIO L1778 40 6843 IP40 4000 >80 1778x62x32
6499 IP54
A20756 3F Linux L 50 LED MEDIO L1778 46 8136 IP40 4000 >80 1778x62x32
7728 IP54
A20755 3F Linux L 60 LED MEDIO L1778 55.5 9723 IP40 4000 >80 1778x62x32
9235 IP54
A20754 3F Linux L 85 LED MEDIO L1778 84 13898 IP40 4000 >80 1778x62x32
13200 IP54
DALI electronic wiring 230V-50/60Hz
Code Item W lm K CRI LxAxH
A20762 3F Linux L 40 LED DALI MEDIO L1778 40 6843 IP40 4000 >80 1778x62x32
6499 IP54
A20761 3F Linux L 50 LED DALI MEDIO L1778 46 8136 IP40 4000 >80 1778x62x32
7728 IP54
A20760 3F Linux L 60 LED DALI MEDIO L1778 55.5 9723 IP40 4000 >80 1778x62x32
9235 IP54
A20759 3F Linux L 85 LED DALI MEDIO L1778 84 13898 IP40 4000 >80 1778x62x32
13200 IP54

3F Linux L 457
3F Linux L UGR


Controlled symmetric distribution.

Average luminance <3000 cd/m² for radial angles >65°.
Structure height (3F Linux S | IP40 + 3F Linux L) equal to 65 mm.
Code A20661 L<3000 cd/m² 65° Structure height (3F Linux S | IP54 + 3F Linux L) equal to 71 mm.

ON/OFF electronic wiring 230V-50/60Hz

Code Item W lm K CRI LxAxH
A20661 3F Linux L 50 LED UGR L1778 46 8221 IP40 4000 >80 1778x62x32
7924 IP54
A20662 3F Linux L 40 LED UGR L1778 40 6914 IP40 4000 >80 1778x62x32
6664 IP54
A20664 3F Linux L 50/940 LED UGR L1778 50 6742 IP40 4000 >90 1778x62x32
6498 IP54
A20665 3F Linux L 40/940 LED UGR L1778 43 5670 IP40 4000 >90 1778x62x32
5464 IP54
DALI electronic wiring 230V-50/60Hz
Code Item W lm K CRI LxAxH
A20667 3F Linux L 50 LED DALI UGR L1778 46 8221 IP40 4000 >80 1778x62x32
7924 IP54
A20668 3F Linux L 40 LED DALI UGR L1778 40 6914 IP40 4000 >80 1778x62x32
6664 IP54
A20670 3F Linux L 50/940 LED DALI UGR L1778 50 6742 IP40 4000 >90 1778x62x32
6498 IP54
A20671 3F Linux L 40/940 LED DALI UGR L1778 43 5670 IP40 4000 >90 1778x62x32
5464 IP54

Performances are measured and certified by our CTFs stage 2 Photometric Laboratory (more information on page 12).
458 Datasheets, product updates and specifications on our website: www.3f-filippi.com
3F Linux L AS


Asymmetric distribution.
Structure height (3F Linux S | IP40 + 3F Linux L) equal to 65 mm.
Code A20744 Structure height (3F Linux S | IP54 + 3F Linux L) equal to 71 mm.

ON/OFF electronic wiring 230V-50/60Hz

Code Item W lm K CRI LxAxH
A20747 3F Linux L 40 LED AS L1778 40 6957 IP40 4000 >80 1778x62x32
6664 IP54
A20746 3F Linux L 50 LED AS L1778 46 8272 IP40 4000 >80 1778x62x32
7924 IP54
A20745 3F Linux L 60 LED AS L1778 55.5 9886 IP40 4000 >80 1778x62x32
9469 IP54
A20744 3F Linux L 85 LED AS L1778 84 14130 IP40 4000 >80 1778x62x32
13535 IP54
DALI electronic wiring 230V-50/60Hz
Code Item W lm K CRI LxAxH
A20752 3F Linux L 40 LED DALI AS L1778 40 6957 IP40 4000 >80 1778x62x32
6664 IP54
A20751 3F Linux L 50 LED DALI AS L1778 46 8272 IP40 4000 >80 1778x62x32
7924 IP54
A20750 3F Linux L 60 LED DALI AS L1778 55.5 9886 IP40 4000 >80 1778x62x32
9469 IP54
A20749 3F Linux L 85 LED DALI AS L1778 84 14130 IP40 4000 >80 1778x62x32
13535 IP54

3F Linux L 459
3F Linux L BAT


Double asymmetrical distribution.

Structure height (3F Linux S | IP40 + 3F Linux L) equal to 65 mm.
Code A20085 Structure height (3F Linux S | IP54 + 3F Linux L) equal to 71 mm.

ON/OFF electronic wiring 230V-50/60Hz

Code Item W lm K CRI LxAxH
A20085 3F Linux L 40 LED BAT L1778 40 6950 IP40 4000 >80 1778x62x32
6599 IP54
A20084 3F Linux L 50 LED BAT L1778 46 8264 IP40 4000 >80 1778x62x32
7847 IP54
A20083 3F Linux L 60 LED BAT L1778 55.5 9876 IP40 4000 >80 1778x62x32
9378 IP54
DALI electronic wiring 230V-50/60Hz
Code Item W lm K CRI LxAxH
A20099 3F Linux L 40 LED DALI BAT L1778 40 6950 IP40 4000 >80 1778x62x32
6599 IP54
A20098 3F Linux L 50 LED DALI BAT L1778 46 8264 IP40 4000 >80 1778x62x32
7847 IP54
A20097 3F Linux L 60 LED DALI BAT L1778 55.5 9876 IP40 4000 >80 1778x62x32
9378 IP54

Performances are measured and certified by our CTFs stage 2 Photometric Laboratory (more information on page 12).
460 Datasheets, product updates and specifications on our website: www.3f-filippi.com
3F Linux L BAT WD


Wide double symmetric distribution.

Structure height (3F Linux S | IP40 + 3F Linux L) equal to 65 mm.
Code A20610 Structure height (3F Linux S | IP54 + 3F Linux L) equal to 71 mm.

ON/OFF electronic wiring 230V-50/60Hz

Code Item W lm K CRI LxAxH
A20610 3F Linux L 40 LED BAT WD L1778 40 6928 IP40 4000 >80 1778x62x32
6528 IP54
A20609 3F Linux L 50 LED BAT WD L1778 46 8238 IP40 4000 >80 1778x62x32
7762 IP54
A20608 3F Linux L 60 LED BAT WD L1778 55.5 9845 IP40 4000 >80 1778x62x32
9276 IP54
DALI electronic wiring 230V-50/60Hz
Code Item W lm K CRI LxAxH
A20624 3F Linux L 40 LED DALI BAT WD L1778 40 6928 IP40 4000 >80 1778x62x32
6528 IP54
A20623 3F Linux L 50 LED DALI BAT WD L1778 46 8238 IP40 4000 >80 1778x62x32
7762 IP54
A20622 3F Linux L 60 LED DALI BAT WD L1778 55.5 9845 IP40 4000 >80 1778x62x32
9276 IP54

3F Linux L Concentrated


Concentrated elliptical distribution.

Structure height (3F Linux S | IP40 + 3F Linux L) equal to 65 mm.
Structure height (3F Linux S | IP54 + 3F Linux L) equal to 71 mm.
Recommended minimum installation height: 5 metres from the
Code A20167 ground.

ON/OFF electronic wiring 230V-50/60Hz

Code Item W lm K CRI LxAxH
A20167 3F Linux L 60 LED CONC L1778 55.5 9662 IP40 4000 >80 1778x62x32
9154 IP54
A20166 3F Linux L 85 LED CONC L1778 84 13810 IP40 4000 >80 1778x62x32
13084 IP54
DALI electronic wiring 230V-50/60Hz
Code Item W lm K CRI LxAxH
A20181 3F Linux L 60 LED DALI CONC L1778 55.5 9662 IP40 4000 >80 1778x62x32
9154 IP54
A20180 3F Linux L 85 LED DALI CONC L1778 84 13810 IP40 4000 >80 1778x62x32
13084 IP54

3F Linux L 461
3F Linux L Iperconcentrated


Symmetrical elliptical hyperconcentrated distribution.

Structure height (3F Linux S | IP40 + 3F Linux L) equal to 65 mm.
Structure height (3F Linux S | IP54 + 3F Linux L) equal to 71 mm.
Recommended minimum installation height: 5 metres from the
Code A20684 ground.

ON/OFF electronic wiring 230V-50/60Hz

Code Item W lm K CRI LxAxH
A20685 3F Linux L 60 LED IPERCONC L1778 55.5 9418 IP40 4000 >80 1778x62x32
8910 IP54
A20684 3F Linux L 85 LED IPERCONC L1778 84 13462 IP40 4000 >80 1778x62x32
12736 IP54
DALI electronic wiring 230V-50/60Hz
Code Item W lm K CRI LxAxH
A20699 3F Linux L 60 LED DALI IPERCONC L1778 55.5 9418 IP40 4000 >80 1778x62x32
8910 IP54
A20698 3F Linux L 85 LED DALI IPERCONC L1778 84 13462 IP40 4000 >80 1778x62x32
12736 IP54

Performances are measured and certified by our CTFs stage 2 Photometric Laboratory (more information on page 12).
462 Datasheets, product updates and specifications on our website: www.3f-filippi.com
3F Linux L
Design reference tables - Installation ACROSS aisles
Design data:

Maintenance factor K = 0.90

Reflection ceiling 50%

walls 50%
floor 40%

Shelves height 2.20 metres

reflection 40%

Work surface height 0.85 metres

Aisle width 2 metres

Luminaire: 3F Linux L 85 AMPIO Luminaire: 3F Linux L 60 AMPIO
Installation Installation height (metres) Installation Installation height (metres)
Calculation Calculation
pitch pitch
surface 3 3.5 4 4.5 5 surface 3 3.5 4 4.5 5
(metres) (metres)

Horizontal aisle 1601 1598 1571 1561 1569 Horizontal aisle 1196 1194 1173 1166 1171
3 3
Vertical shelf 813 802 800 792 798 Vertical shelf 607 599 598 591 596

Horizontal aisle 1353 1348 1336 1341 Horizontal aisle 1010 1007 997 1002
3.5 3.5
Vertical shelf 684 687 679 686 Vertical shelf 511 513 508 512

Horizontal aisle 1181 1177 1167 1172 Horizontal aisle 882 879 871 876
4 4
Vertical shelf 599 600 594 598 Vertical shelf 447 448 443 446

Horizontal aisle 1050 1042 1043 Horizontal aisle 784 778 779
4.5 4.5
Vertical shelf 540 529 532 Vertical shelf 403 395 398

Horizontal aisle 939 937 Horizontal aisle 702 700

5 5
Vertical shelf 481 478 Vertical shelf 359 357

Horizontal aisle 859 Horizontal aisle 641

5.5 439 5.5 328
Vertical shelf Vertical shelf

Luminaire: 3F Linux L 50 AMPIO Luminaire: 3F Linux L 40 AMPIO

Installation Installation height (metres) Installation Installation height (metres)
Surface Surface
pitch pitch
surface 3 3.5 4 4.5 5 surface 3 3.5 4 4.5 5
(metres) (metres)

Horizontal aisle 1014 1012 995 989 993 Horizontal aisle 854 852 838 833 836
3 3
Vertical shelf 515 508 507 501 506 Vertical shelf 434 428 427 423 425

Horizontal aisle 856 854 846 849 Horizontal aisle 722 719 712 716
3.5 3.5
Vertical shelf 434 435 430 435 Vertical shelf 365 367 363 366

Horizontal aisle 748 745 739 743 Horizontal aisle 630 628 622 625
4 4
Vertical shelf 379 381 376 378 Vertical shelf 319 320 317 319

Horizontal aisle 666 660 660 Horizontal aisle 561 555 557
4.5 4.5
Vertical shelf 341 335 337 Vertical shelf 287 282 284

Horizontal aisle 595 594 Horizontal aisle 501 499

5 5
Vertical shelf 305 303 Vertical shelf 257 255

Horizontal aisle 544 Horizontal aisle 458

5.5 278 5.5 234
Vertical shelf Vertical shelf


The values in the tables

are given in lux (lx).

Wide distrib.

Not recommended

Design reference tables - Installation ALONG aisles
Up to 5 metres height
Design data:

Maintenance factor K = 0.90

Reflection ceiling 50%

walls 50%
floor 40%

Shelves height 2.20 metres

reflection 40%

Work surface height 0.85 metres

Aisle width 2 metres

Luminaire: 3F Linux L AMPIO Luminaire: 3F Linux L MEDIUM

Luminaire Calculation Installation height (metres) Luminaire Calculation Installation height (metres)
power surface 3 3.25 3.5 3.75 4 power surface 3 3,25 3,5 3,75 4
Horizontal aisle 1946 1728 1604 1483 1416 Horizontal aisle 2513 2331 2170 2032 1918
Vertical shelf 1161 1064 947 855 782 Vertical shelf 1050 1060 1034 988 934
Horizontal aisle 1453 1290 1198 1108 1058 Horizontal aisle 1877 1741 1621 1518 1432
Vertical shelf 867 795 707 639 584 Vertical shelf 784 792 772 738 697
Horizontal aisle 1233 1094 1015 939 897 Horizontal aisle 1592 1477 1375 1287 1215
Vertical shelf 736 674 600 542 495 Vertical shelf 666 672 654 625 591
Horizontal aisle 1038 921 855 791 756 Horizontal aisle 1341 1243 1158 1084 1023
Vertical shelf 619 568 505 457 418 Vertical shelf 561 566 551 527 498

Luminaire: 3F Linux L BAT Luminaire: 3F Linux BAT WD

Luminaire Calculation Installation height (metres) Luminaire Calculation Installation height (metres)
power surface 3 3.25 3.5 3.75 4 power surface 3 3.25 3.5 3.75 4
Horizontal aisle 1408 1251 1116 995 923 Horizontal aisle 1073 915 803 699 616
60 BAT 60 BAT WD
Vertical shelf 890 863 825 792 740 Vertical shelf 1028 969 869 763 655

Horizontal aisle 1194 1061 947 844 783 Horizontal aisle 909 776 682 593 523
50 BAT 50 BAT WD
Vertical shelf 755 731 700 672 628 Vertical shelf 872 822 737 648 555

Horizontal aisle 1005 894 797 711 659 Horizontal aisle 766 653 573 499 440
40 BAT 40 BAT WD
Vertical shelf 636 616 589 566 529 Vertical shelf 735 692 621 545 467

The values in the tables are given in lux (lx).

Design reference tables - Installation ALONG aisles

Over 5 metres height
Design data:

Reflection Shelves Work surface height 0.85 metres

ceiling 50% height 4.5 / 5.5 / 6.5 / 7.5 metres
walls 50% reflection 40% Aisle width 2 metres
floor 40%

Luminaire: 3F Linux L CONC

Luminaire power Calculation Installation height (metres)
surface 5 6 7 8
Horizontal aisle 2106 1830 1595 1403
Vertical shelf 541 506 473 439

Horizontal aisle 1573 1366 1191 1048

Vertical shelf 404 377 353 328

/ Systems and track-mounted products

Bat Yam


3F Linux D
Diffused symmetric distribution. This lighting unit can be installed only on profile 3F Linux S | IP40 (see
Lifetime (L80/B10): 100000 h. (tq+25°C) dedicated product pages).
Photobiological safety RG0 (page 16).

Environments: commercial, exhibition areas, transit areas, lobbies or
Linear LED modules. waiting rooms, shops, schools.
Colour initial tolerance (MacAdam): SDCM 3. Luminaires suitable in production plants in the food industry
(HACCP / IFS / BRC‑Standard).

Light unit in hot‑galvanised steel, painted in white polyester base with
fixing springs and retractable safety hooks in stainless steel. The DALI products can be controlled with 3F Easy Dim (page 722) or
Curved screen in self‑extinguishing polycarbonate, UV stabilised, opal, 3F Smart Dimming technology (page 732).
with smooth outer surface.

• asymmetric lighting distribution
In compliance with EN 60598‑1. • different powers or colour temperatures
Compliance with the EN 60598‑2‑22 standard for power supply from a • housing in different RAL colours
centralised CPSS emergency system must be verified in the technical • wiring: CLO (page 752)
data sheets of each individual device on our website. • CRI >90 sources
Connection to the structure with mobile plug with phase selection • emergency versions
(H05Z‑U Halogen Free cable section 0,5 mm² HT90).

3F Linux D


Diffuse distribution.
Code A20336 Structure height (3F Linux S + 3F Linux D) equal to 81 mm.

ON/OFF electronic wiring 230V-50/60Hz

Code Item W lm K CRI LxAxH
A20336 3F Linux D 2x22 LED L1778 49 6236 4000 >80 1778x62x47
A20335 3F Linux D 2x30 LED L1778 66 7835 4000 >80 1778x62x47
DALI electronic wiring 230V-50/60Hz
Code Item W lm K CRI LxAxH
A20350 3F Linux D 2x22 LED DALI L1778 49 6236 4000 >80 1778x62x47
A20349 3F Linux D 2x30 LED DALI L1778 66 7835 4000 >80 1778x62x47

Performances are measured and certified by our CTFs stage 2 Photometric Laboratory (more information on page 12).
468 Datasheets, product updates and specifications on our website: www.3f-filippi.com
/ Systems and track-mounted products


3F Linux DR
Direct distribution. This lighting unit can be installed only on profile 3F Linux S | IP40 (see
Lifetime (L80/B10): 100000 h. (tq+25°C) dedicated product pages).
Photobiological safety RG0 (page 16).

Environments: commercial, exhibition areas, transit areas, lobbies or
Linear LED modules. waiting rooms, shops, schools.
Colour initial tolerance (MacAdam): SDCM 3. Luminaires suitable in production plants in the food industry
(HACCP / IFS / BRC‑Standard).

Light unit in hot‑galvanised steel, painted in white polyester base with
fixing springs and retractable safety hooks in stainless steel. The DALI products can be controlled with 3F Easy Dim (page 722) or
Rectangular screen in self‑extinguishing polycarbonate, UV stabilised, 3F Smart Dimming technology (page 732).
with smooth outer surface.

• different powers or colour temperatures
In compliance with EN 60598‑1. • housing in different RAL colours
Compliance with the EN 60598‑2‑22 standard for power supply from a • wiring: CLO (page 752)
centralised CPSS emergency system must be verified in the technical • CRI >90 sources
data sheets of each individual device on our website. • emergency versions
Connection to the structure with mobile plug with phase selection
(H05Z‑U Halogen Free cable section 0,5 mm² HT90).

3F Linux DR


Diffused symmetric distribution.

Rectangular opal polycarbonate diffuser.
Code A20512 Structure height (3F Linux S + 3F Linux DR) equal to 81 mm.

ON/OFF electronic wiring 230V-50/60Hz

Code Item W lm K CRI LxAxH
A20512 3F Linux DR 2x22 LED L1778 49 6253 4000 >80 1778x62x47
A20511 3F Linux DR 2x30 LED L1778 66 7856 4000 >80 1778x62x47
DALI electronic wiring 230V-50/60Hz
Code Item W lm K CRI LxAxH
A20526 3F Linux DR 2x22 LED DALI L1778 49 6253 4000 >80 1778x62x47
A20525 3F Linux DR 2x30 LED DALI L1778 66 7856 4000 >80 1778x62x47

3F Linux DR UGR


Controlled symmetric distribution.

1x30 ‑ Average luminance <1500 cd/m² for radial angles >65°.
2x22 ‑ Average luminance <3000 cd/m² for radial angles >65°.
Rectangular transparent polycarbonate diffuser.
Semi‑specular aluminium internal louvre with prismatic
methacrylate (PMMA) filter above the louvre blades for complete
shielding of the louvre compartment.
Code A20596 L<3000 cd/m² 65° Structure height (3F Linux S + 3F Linux DR) equal to 81 mm.

ON/OFF electronic wiring 230V-50/60Hz

Code Item W lm K CRI LxAxH
A20595 3F Linux DR 1x30 LED UGR L1778 34 3487 4000 >80 1778x62x47
A20596 3F Linux DR 2x22 LED UGR L1778 49 5361 4000 >80 1778x62x47
DALI electronic wiring 230V-50/60Hz
Code Item W lm K CRI LxAxH
A20599 3F Linux DR 1x30 LED DALI UGR L1778 34 3487 4000 >80 1778x62x47
A20600 3F Linux DR 2x22 LED DALI UGR L1778 49 5361 4000 >80 1778x62x47

Performances are measured and certified by our CTFs stage 2 Photometric Laboratory (more information on page 12).
472 Datasheets, product updates and specifications on our website: www.3f-filippi.com
3F Linux DR AS


Asymmetric distribution.
Rectangular opal polycarbonate diffuser.
Internal flow recuperator in white steel.
Code A20674 Structure height (3F Linux S + 3F Linux DR) equal to 81 mm.

ON/OFF electronic wiring 230V-50/60Hz

Code Item W lm K CRI LxAxH
A20674 3F Linux DR 2x30 LED AS L1778 66 6403 4000 >80 1778x62x47
DALI electronic wiring 230V-50/60Hz
Code Item W lm K CRI LxAxH
A20679 3F Linux DR 2x30 LED DALI AS L1778 66 6403 4000 >80 1778x62x47

3F Linux DR 473

/ Systems and track-mounted products

Colzani Moto


3F Linux DT
Controlled symmetric distribution. The DALI products can be controlled with 3F Easy Dim (page 722) or
Average luminance <3000 cd/m² for radial angles >65°. 3F Smart Dimming technology (page 732).
Lifetime (L80/B10): 100000 h. (tq+25°C)
Photobiological safety RG0 (page 16).
SOURCE • different power levels, colour rendering indices and colour
Linear LED modules. • housing and accessories in different RAL colours
Colour initial tolerance (MacAdam): SDCM 3. • wiring: CLO (page 752)

Housing in hot‑galvanised steel, painted in white polyester, obtained
through rolling process.
Light unit in hot‑galvanised steel, painted in white polyester base with
fixing springs and retractable safety hooks in stainless steel.
Diffuser with differentiated geometry, made of transparent methacrylate
(PMMA) with microprismatic finish, anti‑glare on the flat part and opal on
the side.
Anti‑glare opal methacrylate (PMMA) filter for brightness uniformity.
End caps in white polycarbonate.

In compliance with EN 60598‑1.
Truck adapter, 4/6‑way.

3F Linux DT UGR


Code A20767 L<3000 cd/m² 65°

ON/OFF electronic wiring 230V-50/60Hz

Code Item W lm K CRI LxAxH
A20766 NEW
3F Linux DT 2x15 LED UGR L1778 34 4900 4000 >80 1778x118x95
A20767 NEW 3F Linux DT 2x30 LED UGR L1778 66 9122 4000 >80 1778x118x95
DALI electronic wiring 230V-50/60Hz
Code Item W lm K CRI LxAxH
A20768 NEW 3F Linux DT 2x15 LED DALI UGR L1778 34 4900 4000 >80 1778x118x95
A20769 NEW 3F Linux DT 2x30 LED DALI UGR L1778 66 9122 4000 >80 1778x118x95

Performances are measured and certified by our CTFs stage 2 Photometric Laboratory (more information on page 12).
476 Datasheets, product updates and specifications on our website: www.3f-filippi.com
/ Systems and track-mounted products

Garage Vecchio


3F Linux Track
Light unit in hot‑galvanised steel with white polyester powder coating, This unit can be installed only on profile 3F Linux S | IP40 (see dedicated
with retractable fastening clips and stainless steel safety hooks. product pages).
Electrified busbar made from extruded white aluminium, Eurostandard
Plus compliant.
The wires are enclosed in rigid extruded profiles made of PVC insulating ON REQUEST
material with high dielectric strength.
Length of the electrified busbar: 1500 mm. • black and grey electrified busbar

Connection to the structure with mobile 7‑pin plug with phase selection
(H05Z‑U Halogen Free cable section 0.5 mm² HT90).
(L1/L2/L3/N/GRD/DA/DA) 16A/440V 2x1A/50V FELV AC (DALI).
Copper conductors.

3F Linux Track

Eurostandard Plus 6‑conductor (plus earth) busbar (L1/L2/L3/N/GRD/DA/DA) 16A/440V with power
supply cap and closing cap.

Code Item LxAxH

A20424 3F Linux TK L1778 1778x62x57

Performances are measured and certified by our CTFs stage 2 Photometric Laboratory (more information on page 12).
480 Datasheets, product updates and specifications on our website: www.3f-filippi.com
3F Linux | Accessories
Code Item
A20450 Slid.invis.brack.w/adj.for susp.3F Linux

Free‑position invisible sliding bracket with regulator in stainless steel.

Accessory compatible with 3F Linux S - IP40, 3F Linux S - IP54, 3F Linux DT.
The suspension cable must be made of galvanised steel with 49 elementary wires of minimum
1.5 mm diameter (for a weight of 15 kg) and 2 mm (for a weight of 25 kg).

Code Item
A20451 Slid.invis.brack.ceiling instal.3F Linux

Free‑position sliding bracket in stainless steel.

Accessory compatible with 3F Linux S - IP40, 3F Linux S - IP54, 3F Linux DT.

Code Item
A20453 S-shaped chain hook w/slid.bra. 3F Linux

Free‑position sliding bracket in stainless steel.

Accessory compatible with 3F Linux S - IP40, 3F Linux S - IP54, 3F Linux DT.
Supplied with S‑hook for galvanised steel chain.

Code Item
A0052 Wall-mounting brack

Wall‑mounting bracket, in white painted steel.

Code Item
A20474 Safety screw locking slid.bra.3F Linux S

Safety screw for locking the sliding bracket, made of hot galvanised steel.
Accessory compatible with 3F Linux S - IP40, 3F Linux S - IP54, 3F Linux DT.
These accessories must ALWAYS be used with one of the following codes: A20450 ‑ A20451 ‑

Code Item
A20452 Stainless steel hook for chain

Hook to suspended luminaires to a chain.

Accessory compatible with 3F Linux S - IP40, 3F Linux S - IP54, 3F Linux DT.
These accessories must ALWAYS be used with one of the following codes: A20451.

3F Linux 481
Code Item
A20485 Suspension without adjustment - 0.5 m
A20486 Suspension without adjustment - 1 m
A20487 Suspension without adjustment - 2 m
A20488 Suspension without adjustment - 3 m
A20489 Suspension without adjustment - 4 m
A20490 Suspension without adjustment - 5 m
A20491 Suspension without adjustment - 6 m

Suspension without controller, galvanised steel cable 1.5 mm diameter, load 15 kg.
Accessory compatible with 3F Linux S - IP40, 3F Linux S - IP54, 3F Linux DT.
In the case of purchase of only one sliding bracket with controller (code A20450), the suspension
cable must be made of galvanised steel with 49 elementary wires of minimum 1.5 mm diameter
(for a weight of 15 kg).

Code Item
A02562 Caddy for exposed profiles of 24 mm

Caddy hook to create a point from which to suspend the system or the loads to false ceilings with visible
Accessory compatible with 3F Linux S - IP40, 3F Linux S - IP54, 3F Linux DT.
To be installed on exposed profiles (width 24 mm) of false ceilings. We recommend reinforcing the
false‑ceiling fixing at the point where the Caddy is to be installed. Supplied complete with nut and
washer. The suspension must be purchased separately.
These accessories must ALWAYS be used with one of the following codes: A20485 ‑ A20486 ‑
A20487 ‑ A20488 ‑ A20489 ‑ A20490 ‑ A20491.

Code Item
A0716 Coil galv. cable diam. 1.5mm - 100m
The pack contains 100 metres.
A0717 Coil galv. cable diam. 1.5mm - 500m
The pack contains 500 metres.
A0718 Coil galv. cable diam. 1.5mm - 1000m
The pack contains 1000 metres.

Galvanised steel cable, diameter 1.5 mm, composed of 49 wires. 15 kg capacity (ratio 5:1).
Accessory compatible with 3F Linux S - IP40, 3F Linux S - IP54, 3F Linux DT.
These accessories must ALWAYS be used with one of the following codes: A20450,
(A20452+A0714) o (A20451+A0659).

Code Item
A0714 Clamp 2 holes susp.- 100 pcs
The pack contains 100 pieces.

Clamp in nickel‑plated brass suitable for fixing and adjustment of galvanised steel wire (diameter 1,25 mm
1,5 mm ‑ 2 mm), complete with locking screws. The 2 hole clamp allows to block and adjust the cable on a
bearing element (part of the building) or on rounded eye bolt.
Accessory compatible with 3F Linux S - IP40, 3F Linux S - IP54, 3F Linux DT.

Code Item
A0659 Adjustable clamp 2 holes - 10 pcs
The pack contains 10 pieces.

Clamp suitable for fixing and adjustment of galvanised steel wire (diameter 1.5 mm), with quick adjustment
through unlock buttons. The clamp with 2 holes allow to fix and adjust the cable on the carrier structural
element (belonging to the building) or with eye screw fixing.
Accessory compatible with 3F Linux S - IP40, 3F Linux S - IP54, 3F Linux DT.
This accessory can be used with one of the following codes: A20450 ‑ A0716 ‑ A0717 ‑ A0718.

482 Datasheets, product updates and specifications on our website: www.3f-filippi.com

Code Item
A20433 Linear connecting element

Element to connect in hot‑galvanised steel.

Accessory compatible with 3F Linux S - IP40, 3F Linux DT.

Code Item
A20434 T-Connecting element 3F Linux

T‑shaped connecting element in hot‑galvanised steel.

Accessory compatible with 3F Linux S - IP40, 3F Linux DT.

Code Item
A20436 L-Connecting element 3F L Linux

L‑shaped connecting element in hot‑galvanised steel.

Accessory compatible with 3F Linux S - IP40, 3F Linux DT.

Code Item
A20448 Pair of closing end 3F Linux

Pair of closing end 3F Linux S, made of white polycarbonate.

Accessory compatible with 3F Linux S - IP40, 3F Linux DT.

Code Item
A20478 Anti-slip term. incli. 3F Linux

Safety bracket in white painted steel to secure lighting elements if installed vertically.
Accessory compatible with 3F Linux S - IP40, 3F Linux DT.
This accessory must always be used in combination with end terminals.

Code Item
A20442 Closing Top HIGH - L1778

High closing top, with a length of 1778 mm that can be cut to 889 mm, made of impact‑resistant white
Accessory compatible with 3F Linux S - IP40, 3F Linux DT.

3F Linux 483
Code Item
A20743 IP54 - L1778 Closing Top

IP54 high closing top, with a length of 1778 mm that can be cut to 889 mm, made of impact‑resistant white
Accessory compatible with 3F Linux S - IP54, 3F Linux DT.

Code Item
A20428 Closing Top LOW - L1778

Cuttable low closing top, with a length of 1778 mm that can be cut, made of impact‑resistant white PVC.
Accessory compatible ONLY with 3F Linux S‑NL | IP40 and without 3F Linux L, 3F Linux D or
3F Linux DR light units.

Code Item
A20475 3F Linux Cable Support (10 pcs)
The pack contains 10 pieces.

Electric cable support. One every 50 cm is recommended. Made of polycarbonate.

Accessory compatible with 3F Linux S - IP40, 3F Linux S - IP54, 3F Linux DT.

Code Item
A20470 Pair of mounting brack. lum. 3F Linux S

Brackets for the installation of luminaries on 3F Linux S and S‑NL bars (check the compatibility with our
technical departments). Made of hot galvanised steel.
Accessory compatible with 3F Linux S - IP40, 3F Linux DT.

Code Item
A20504 Pair brack.3F Linda instal.in 3F Linux S

Brackets for installation of 3F Linda luminaries on 3F Linux S structures. Made from hot‑galvanised steel.

Code Item
A20740 IP54 3F Linux End terminal

Closing end 3F Linux S IP54, made of white polycarbonate.

Accessory compatible with 3F Linux S - IP54, 3F Linux DT.

484 Datasheets, product updates and specifications on our website: www.3f-filippi.com

Code Item
A20741 IP54 3F Linux End terminal with 1 hole

IP54 end terminal with a power‑supply line entry hole.

Accessory compatible with 3F Linux S - IP54, 3F Linux DT.

Code Item
A20742 IP54 3F Linux End terminal with 2 holes

IP54 end terminal with two power‑supply line entry holes.

Accessory compatible with 3F Linux S - IP54, 3F Linux DT.

Code Item
A20459 5-pole socket-plug L-branch 3F Linux S
A20460 7-pole socket-plug L-branch 3F Linux S

Electric branch with plug‑socket to realise L‑shaped connections.

Accessory compatible with 3F Linux S - IP40, 3F Linux DT.
These accessories must always be used in conjunction with L connecting elements. Accessories
not compatible with 3F Linux S‑NL (cod.: A20011, A20012).

Code Item
A20464 5-pole socket-plug T-branch 3F Linux S
A20465 7-pole socket-plug T-branch 3F Linux S

Electric branch with plug‑socket to realise T‑shaped connections.

Accessory compatible with 3F Linux S - IP40, 3F Linux DT.
These accessories must always be used in conjunction with T connecting elements. Accessories
not compatible with 3F Linux S‑NL (cod.: A20011, A20012).

Code Item
A20454 5-pole socket-plug term.block 3F Linux S
A20455 7-pole socket-plug term.block 3F Linux S

Quick connection non‑reversible plug‑socket terminal block, for connection to the power line at the start or
end of the channel.
Accessory compatible with 3F Linux S - IP40, 3F Linux S - IP54, 3F Linux DT.
Accessories not compatible with 3F Linux S‑NL (cod.: A20011, A20012).

Code Item
A20500 Cen.pow-sup.soc-plug ter-blo.3FLinuxS 5P
A20501 Cen.pow-sup.soc-plug ter-blo.3FLinuxS 7P

Quick connection non‑reversible plug‑socket terminal block, for connection to the power line at the centre of
the channel.
Accessory compatible with 3F Linux S - IP40, 3F Linux S - IP54, 3F Linux DT.
Accessories not compatible with 3F Linux S‑NL (cod.: A20011, A20012).

Code Item
A0490 Connection to the earth

Connection to the earth, by means of galvanised M5 screw and nut, for Ø 6 mm hole at the end of every
Accessory compatible with 3F Linux S - IP40, 3F Linux S - IP54, 3F Linux DT.

3F Linux 485
Code Item
A20479 Power cable for luminaires 3P-3F Linux
A20480 Power cable for luminaires 5P-3F Linux

Power cable for luminaires not part of the 3F Linux system.

Accessory compatible with 3F Linux S - IP40, 3F Linux DT.
Accessories not compatible with 3F Linux S‑NL (cod.: A20011, A20012).

Code Item
A0801 Electric ext. with plug 3F Linux DALI-EP
A0802 Electric extension with plug 3F Linux

Extension cord to connect some light modules interspersed with blind covers with a length of 889 mm
(contact our technical department).
Accessory compatible with 3F Linux S - IP40, 3F Linux S - IP54, 3F Linux DT.
Attention: the code A0801 is supplied with a 5‑pole electric line, while the code A0802 is supplied
with a 3‑pole electric line.

Code Item
A20476 Contact pin for 3F Linux plug (50 pcs.)
The pack contains 50 pieces.

Additional contact for light unit plug.

Accessory compatible with 3F Linux S - IP40, 3F Linux L, 3F Linux D, 3F Linux DR, 3F Linux DT, 3F
Linux Track.
Accessory not compatible with 3F Linux S‑NL (cod.: A20011, A20012).

486 Datasheets, product updates and specifications on our website: www.3f-filippi.com

3F Six
www.3F-Filippi.com/3F Six

3F Six is the new compact fixture designed by 3F Filippi. • Luminous efficacy up to 162 lumen/watt.
Thanks to its compact height and flat shape with a visible edge of • Luminous fluxes from 6843 to 14086 lumens.
only 3 cm, is particularly suitable for shopping centres, exhibition • Average luminance <3000 cd/m² (UGR version).
areas and warehouses. • Extensive installation pitch.
The fixture (available in both a square and rectangular version), can • UGR <19 (UGR version).
be installed in a flexible way on busways or electrified tracks. • Driver integrated in the fixture.
Thanks to the use of six methacrylate (PMMA) optical lenses • Essential and functional design.
installed on the fixture is it possible to obtain customised luminous • EcoDesign: power supplies and sources replaceable at the end
distribution by choosing from the eight types of optics available: of product life.
wide, double asymmetric, wide double asymmetric, asymmetric, • Versatility of use in different environments.
medium, concentrated, hyper concentrated and UGR. • Product suitable for use in the food industry (HACCP / IFS /
The latter configuration, designed to be used in environments with BRC-Standard).
more stringent vision requirements or where there are VDTs, uses
lenses with controlled luminance and a UGR<19 glare index.
3F Six is available in a version with ON/OFF wiring or DALI control
to manage the fixture and the energy consumption of the entire
lighting system.

This product is also available in this version 3F Six R (page 286).

Page Product Lens

492 3F Six Track •
498 3F Six Blindo •

Product range

3F Six
52 52

378 190

3F Six Track

Model Wide Medium BAT BAT WD UGR

Average luminance
for angles> 65 >3000 >3000 >3000 >3000 <3000
(cd / m²)

UGR <21 <21 <21 <21 <19

Protection class IP40


Installation steps Dt 1,39 1,16 / / 1,39

Dl 1,43 1,19 / / 1,30


3F Six



3F Six Blindo

Model Wide Medium UGR

Average luminance
for angles> 65 >3000 >3000 <3000
(cd / m²)

UGR <21 <21 <19

Protection class IP40


Installation steps Dt 1,39 1,16 1,39

Dl 1,43 1,19 1,30

/ Systems and track-mounted products

Coop Saffi
Squadred Italia/Italy




3F Six Track
Direct distribution. This product is suitable for installation on a 3‑phase electrified busbar
Lifetime (L80/B10): 100000 h. (tq+25°C) "Binario 3F" (on page 514).
Photobiological safety RG0 (page 16).

Environments: industrial, commercial, exhibition areas, transit areas,
Linear LED modules. lobbies or waiting rooms, shops.
Colour initial tolerance (MacAdam): SDCM 3.
UGR version
Environments that need luminance control.
Housing in galvannealed steel, painted in white epoxy‑polyester. LIGHT MANAGEMENT
Height only 52 mm.
Methacrylate (PMMA) lenses with external flat surface. The DALI products can be controlled with 3F Easy Dim (page 722) or
The fixture can be rotated horizontally from 0° to 330°. 3F Smart Dimming technology (page 732).

In compliance with EN 60598‑1. • different light distributions
Truck adapter, 4/6‑way. • different powers or colour temperatures
• housing in different RAL colours
• wiring: CLO (page 752)
• fixture rotation lock bracket
• CRI >90 sources
• emergency versions

3F Six Track Wide

Code 47720 Wide distribution.

ON/OFF electronic wiring 230V-50/60Hz

Code Item W lm K CRI LxAxH
47722 3F Six TK WH 40/840 WIDE 307x378 40 6936 4000 >80 307x378x52
47742 3F Six TK WH 40/840 WIDE 190x602 40 6936 4000 >80 602x190x52
47721 3F Six TK WH 50/840 WIDE 307x378 46 8247 4000 >80 307x378x52
47741 3F Six TK WH 50/840 WIDE 190x602 46 8247 4000 >80 602x190x52
47720 3F Six TK WH 60/840 WIDE 307x378 55.5 9855 4000 >80 307x378x52
47740 3F Six TK WH 60/840 WIDE 190x602 55.5 9855 4000 >80 602x190x52
DALI electronic wiring 230V-50/60Hz
Code Item W lm K CRI LxAxH
47725 3F Six TK WH 40/840 DALI WIDE 307x378 40 6936 4000 >80 307x378x52
47745 3F Six TK WH 40/840 DALI WIDE 190x602 40 6936 4000 >80 602x190x52
47724 3F Six TK WH 50/840 DALI WIDE 307x378 46 8247 4000 >80 307x378x52
47744 3F Six TK WH 50/840 DALI WIDE 190x602 46 8247 4000 >80 602x190x52
47723 3F Six TK WH 60/840 DALI WIDE 307x378 55.5 9855 4000 >80 307x378x52
47743 3F Six TK WH 60/840 DALI WIDE 190x602 55.5 9855 4000 >80 602x190x52

Performances are measured and certified by our CTFs stage 2 Photometric Laboratory (more information on page 12).
494 Datasheets, product updates and specifications on our website: www.3f-filippi.com
3F Six Track Medium

Code 47727 Medium distribution.

ON/OFF electronic wiring 230V-50/60Hz

Code Item W lm K CRI LxAxH
47729 3F Six TK WH 40/840 MEDIUM 307x378 40 6843 4000 >80 307x378x52
47728 3F Six TK WH 50/840 MEDIUM 307x378 46 8136 4000 >80 307x378x52
47727 3F Six TK WH 60/840 MEDIUM 307x378 55.5 9723 4000 >80 307x378x52
DALI electronic wiring 230V-50/60Hz
Code Item W lm K CRI LxAxH
47732 3F Six TK WH 40/840 DALI MEDIUM 307x378 40 6843 4000 >80 307x378x52
47731 3F Six TK WH 50/840 DALI MEDIUM 307x378 46 8136 4000 >80 307x378x52
47730 3F Six TK WH 60/840 DALI MEDIUM 307x378 55.5 9723 4000 >80 307x378x52

3F Six Track BAT

Code 47747 Double asymmetrical distribution.

ON/OFF electronic wiring 230V-50/60Hz

Code Item W lm K CRI LxAxH
47749 3F Six TK WH 40/840 BAT 190x602 40 6950 4000 >80 602x190x52
47748 3F Six TK WH 50/840 BAT 190x602 46 8264 4000 >80 602x190x52
47747 3F Six TK WH 60/840 BAT 190x602 55.5 9876 4000 >80 602x190x52
DALI electronic wiring 230V-50/60Hz
Code Item W lm K CRI LxAxH
47752 3F Six TK WH 40/840 DALI BAT 190x602 40 6950 4000 >80 602x190x52
47751 3F Six TK WH 50/840 DALI BAT 190x602 46 8264 4000 >80 602x190x52
47750 3F Six TK WH 60/840 DALI BAT 190x602 55.5 9876 4000 >80 602x190x52

3F Six Track 495

3F Six Track BAT WD

Code 47754 Wide double symmetric distribution.

ON/OFF electronic wiring 230V-50/60Hz

Code Item W lm K CRI LxAxH
47756 3F Six TK WH 40/840 BAT WD 190x602 40 6928 4000 >80 602x190x52
47755 3F Six TK WH 50/840 BAT WD 190x602 46 8238 4000 >80 602x190x52
47754 3F Six TK WH 60/840 BAT WD 190x602 55.5 9845 4000 >80 602x190x52
DALI electronic wiring 230V-50/60Hz
Code Item W lm K CRI LxAxH
47759 3F Six TK WH 40/840 DALI BAT WD 190x602 40 6928 4000 >80 602x190x52
47758 3F Six TK WH 50/840 DALI BAT WD 190x602 46 8238 4000 >80 602x190x52
47757 3F Six TK WH 60/840 DALI BAT WD 190x602 55.5 9845 4000 >80 602x190x52

3F Six Track UGR

Controlled symmetric distribution.

Code 47734 L<3000 cd/m² 65° Average luminance <3000 cd/m² for radial angles >65°.

ON/OFF electronic wiring 230V-50/60Hz

Code Item W lm K CRI LxAxH
47761 3F Six TK WH 40/840 UGR 190x602 40 6914 4000 >80 602x190x52
47734 3F Six TK WH 40/840 UGR 307x378 40 6914 4000 >80 307x378x52
DALI electronic wiring 230V-50/60Hz
Code Item W lm K CRI LxAxH
47762 3F Six TK WH 40/840 DALI UGR 190x602 40 6914 4000 >80 602x190x52
47735 3F Six TK WH 40/840 DALI UGR 307x378 40 6914 4000 >80 307x378x52

Performances are measured and certified by our CTFs stage 2 Photometric Laboratory (more information on page 12).
496 Datasheets, product updates and specifications on our website: www.3f-filippi.com
/ Systems and track-mounted products

Ipercoop Centro Borgo



3F Six Blindo
Direct distribution. This product is suitable for installation on a busway (hooking brackets
Lifetime (L80/B10): 100000 h. (tq+25°C) not included).
Photobiological safety RG0 (page 16).

Environments: industrial, commercial, exhibition areas, transit areas,
Linear LED modules. lobbies or waiting rooms, shops.
Colour initial tolerance (MacAdam): SDCM 3. Luminaires suitable in production plants in the food industry
(HACCP / IFS / BRC‑Standard).


Environments that need luminance control.
Housing in galvannealed steel, painted in white epoxy‑polyester.
Height only 52 mm.
Methacrylate (PMMA) lenses with external flat surface. LIGHT MANAGEMENT
Can be positioned transversally or longitudinally to the busway.
The DALI products can be controlled with 3F Easy Dim (page 722) or
3F Smart Dimming technology (page 732).
In compliance with EN 60598‑1. ON REQUEST
Compliance with the EN 60598‑2‑22 standard for power supply from a
centralised CPSS emergency system must be verified in the technical • different light distributions
data sheets of each individual device on our website. • different powers or colour temperatures
Power cable type H05Z1Z1‑F 3‑5x1.5 mm² that protrudes by 1 m with • housing in different RAL colours
sheared ends. • wiring: CLO (page 752)
• versions with rectangular shape
• CRI >90 sources
• different dimensions
• emergency versions

3F Six Blindo Wide

Code 47700 Wide distribution.

ON/OFF electronic wiring 230V-50/60Hz

Code Item W lm K CRI LxAxH
47700 3F Six WH 60/840 WIDE 307x378 55.5 9855 4000 >80 307x378x52
47699 3F Six WH 70/840 WIDE 307x378 67 11427 4000 >80 307x378x52
47698 3F Six WH 85/840 WIDE 307x378 83 14086 4000 >80 307x378x52
DALI electronic wiring 230V-50/60Hz
Code Item W lm K CRI LxAxH
47703 3F Six WH 60/840 DALI WIDE 307x378 55.5 9855 4000 >80 307x378x52
47702 3F Six WH 70/840 DALI WIDE 307x378 67 11427 4000 >80 307x378x52
47701 3F Six WH 85/840 DALI WIDE 307x378 83 14086 4000 >80 307x378x52

3F Six Blindo Medium

Code 47707 Medium distribution.

ON/OFF electronic wiring 230V-50/60Hz

Code Item W lm K CRI LxAxH
47707 3F Six WH 60/840 MEDIUM 307x378 55.5 9723 4000 >80 307x378x52
47706 3F Six WH 70/840 MEDIUM 307x378 67 11273 4000 >80 307x378x52
47705 3F Six WH 85/840 MEDIUM 307x378 83 13898 4000 >80 307x378x52
DALI electronic wiring 230V-50/60Hz
Code Item W lm K CRI LxAxH
47710 3F Six WH 60/840 DALI MEDIUM 307x378 55.5 9723 4000 >80 307x378x52
47709 3F Six WH 70/840 DALI MEDIUM 307x378 67 11273 4000 >80 307x378x52
47708 3F Six WH 85/840 DALI MEDIUM 307x378 83 13898 4000 >80 307x378x52

Performances are measured and certified by our CTFs stage 2 Photometric Laboratory (more information on page 12).
500 Datasheets, product updates and specifications on our website: www.3f-filippi.com
3F Six Blindo UGR

Controlled symmetric distribution.

Code 47712 L<3000 cd/m² 65° Average luminance <3000 cd/m² for radial angles >65°.

ON/OFF electronic wiring 230V-50/60Hz

Code Item W lm K CRI LxAxH
47712 3F Six WH 40/840 UGR 307x378 40 6914 4000 >80 307x378x52
DALI electronic wiring 230V-50/60Hz
Code Item W lm K CRI LxAxH
47713 3F Six WH 40/840 DALI UGR 307x378 40 6914 4000 >80 307x378x52

3F Six Blindo 501

3F Emilio Track
www.3F-Filippi.com/3F Emilio Track

3F Emilio is the high-end LED spotlight designed by Belgian • Luminous efficacy up to 131 lumen/watt.
designers Serge and Robert Cornelissen. • Luminous fluxes from 1823 to 4086 lumens.
The lighting body has been designed to obtain the best energy and • Essential and functional design.
lighting performance in various contexts. • EcoDesign: power supplies and sources replaceable at the end
In order to obtain excellent thermal efficiency with a high size to of product life.
luminous flux ratio, the body of the spotlight has inner fins, while the • Ease of assembly and maintenance.
outside is smooth to facilitate cleaning. • Versatility of use in different environments.
The 3F Filippi technology used in this system also allows effective
control of luminance, without affecting the optical performance and
visual comfort.
Its simple and refined lines, which alongside its reduced size
represent an additional advantage, makes 3F Emilio the most
suitable solution for numerous environments, from retail to contract.

Page Product Lens

508 3F Emilio Track •

Product range

3F Emilio 105

3F Emilio Track

Model SPOT Elliptical Iperconc

Beam angle 29°-39° 42°-88° 23°

CCT (K) BREAD 2400 2400 2400

2700 2700 2700
3000 3000 3000
MEAT 3000 3000 3000
CRISP 3000 3000 3000
4000 4000 4000


Different accents to create
your light

3F Emilio Track is the LED spotlight with a simple and refined design which, thanks to its high efficiency, represents the ideal
solution for emphasising products in points of sale, even those of significant size.

• The following versions of LED sources are available:

• Warm white (2700K).
• White (3000K).
• Neutral white (4000K).
• Meat (specific version for lighting meat).
• Crisp (specific version for clothing and perfumes).
• Bread (specific version for lighting bread).

High colour rendering index (CRI) on request.

Here is a brief guide for choosing the correct colour temperature version:

/840 /830 /827 /940 /930 /MEAT /BREAD /CRISP

Bread/baked goods

These are just provided as design tips and are not intended to replace personal taste or the choices of individual lighting
designers,rather they are meant only as a quick consultation tool.

/ Systems and track-mounted products

Foodies Market
L Waterloo

3F Emilio Track
Symmetrical (TK), elliptical (TK ELL) and hyperconcentrated (TK IPER) This product is suitable for installation on a 3‑phase electrified busbar
spot distribution. "Binario 3F" (on page 514).
Lifetime (L80/B20): 50000 h. (tq+25°C)
Photobiological safety RG1 (page 16).
SOURCE Environments: commercial, museums, shops.

Compact LED module.

Compact LED modules, /MEAT (version for meats), /BREAD (version for LIGHT MANAGEMENT
bakery) /CRISP (version for wardrobe with white enhancement).
Colour initial tolerance (MacAdam): SDCM 3. The DALI products can be controlled with 3F Easy Dim (page 722) or
Zhaga Book 3 compliant. 3F Smart Dimming technology (page 732).

Wired unit in polycarbonate with busbar adaptor. • different power levels, colour rendering indices and colour
Single‑piece in die‑cast aluminium with passive dissipation with temperatures
perimeter cooling slots on upper edge, giving a crown of light effect to • housing in different RAL colours
the fitting. • CRI >90 sources
Invisible lock for positioning the luminous flux.
Lens made from transparent methacrylate (PMMA) with glossy surface
and differentiated photo‑etched.
Positioning arm in galvanised brass with sphere to allow for vertical
positioning at angles from 0° to 90° and horizontal positioning from 0°
to 360°.

In compliance with EN 60598‑1.
Wiring unit separate from the body, invisible and integrated into the
Class II.

3F Emilio Track Spot


Spot lens.
Code 47552 Body and wired unit in polycarbonate with busbar adaptor.

ON/OFF electronic wiring 230V-50/60Hz

Code Item α° W lm K CRI øxLxH
47551 3F Emilio TK LED 3000/840 29° 29 3067 4000 >80 130x230x105
47562 3F Emilio TK LED 2000/930 29° 29 2462 3000 >90 130x230x105
47555 3F Emilio TK LED 3000/830 29° 31 3106 3000 >80 130x230x105
47559 3F Emilio TK LED 3000/827 29° 34 3142 2700 >80 130x230x105
47552 3F Emilio TK LED 4000/840 31° 34 3961 4000 >80 130x230x105
47566 3F Emilio TK LED 4000/830 31° 34 3807 3000 >80 130x230x105
47561 3F Emilio TK LED 3000/940 29° 36 3137 4000 >90 130x230x105
47563 3F Emilio TK LED 3000/930 29° 35 2868 3000 >90 130x230x105
47576 3F Emilio TK BK LED 3000/840 29° 29 2822 4000 >80 130x230x105
47587 3F Emilio TK BK LED 2000/930 29° 29 2266 3000 >90 130x230x105
47580 3F Emilio TK BK LED 3000/830 29° 31 2858 3000 >80 130x230x105
47591 3F Emilio TK BK LED 4000/830 31° 34 3502 3000 >80 130x230x105
47584 3F Emilio TK BK LED 3000/827 29° 34 2891 2700 >80 130x230x105
47577 3F Emilio TK BK LED 4000/840 31° 34 3644 4000 >80 130x230x105
47588 3F Emilio TK BK LED 3000/930 29° 35 2639 3000 >90 130x230x105
47586 3F Emilio TK BK LED 3000/940 29° 36 2887 4000 >90 130x230x105
DALI electronic wiring 230V-50/60Hz
Code Item α° W lm K CRI øxLxH
47536 3F Emilio TK LED 2000/930 DALI 29° 29 2462 3000 >90 130x260x105
47535 3F Emilio TK LED 3000/830 DALI 29° 31 3106 3000 >80 130x260x105
47534 3F Emilio TK LED 3000/840 DALI 29° 29 3067 4000 >80 130x260x105

Performances are measured and certified by our CTFs stage 2 Photometric Laboratory (more information on page 12).
510 Datasheets, product updates and specifications on our website: www.3f-filippi.com
3F Emilio Track Spot Meat/Bread/Crisp


Spot lens.
Meat ‑ Specific source to light up meat and cold cuts.
Bread ‑ Specific source to light up bread.
Crisp ‑ specific source for illuminating textile products and
enhancing white colours.
Code 47556 Body and wired unit in polycarbonate with busbar adaptor.

ON/OFF electronic wiring 230V-50/60Hz

Code Item α° W lm K CRI øxLxH
47556 3F Emilio TK LED 2000/MEAT 31° 32 2147 3000 87 130x230x105
47574 3F Emilio TK LED 2500/CRISP 31° 32 2433 3000 92 130x230x105
47572 3F Emilio TK LED 2000/BREAD 39° 35 1982 2400 >90 130x230x105
47581 3F Emilio TK BK LED 2000/MEAT 31° 32 1975 3000 87 130x230x105
47599 3F Emilio TK BK LED 2500/CRISP 31° 33 2238 3000 92 130x230x105
47597 3F Emilio TK BK LED 2000/BREAD 39° 35 1823 2400 >90 130x230x105

3F Emilio Track Elliptical



Horizontal ELL elliptical lens provides extensive installation pitch.

Code 47608 Body and wired unit in white polycarbonate with busbar adaptor.

ON/OFF electronic wiring 230V-50/60Hz

Code Item α° W lm K CRI øxLxH
47607 3F Emilio TK LED 3000/840 ELL 42° - 85° 29 3203 4000 >80 130x230x105
47618 3F Emilio TK LED 2000/930 ELL 42° - 85° 29 2571 3000 >90 130x230x105
47611 3F Emilio TK LED 3000/830 ELL 42° - 85° 31 3243 3000 >80 130x230x105
47615 3F Emilio TK LED 3000/827 ELL 42° - 85° 34 3281 2700 >80 130x230x105
47608 3F Emilio TK LED 4000/840 ELL 46° - 88° 34 4086 4000 >80 130x230x105
47622 3F Emilio TK LED 4000/830 ELL 46° - 88° 34 3927 3000 >80 130x230x105
47617 3F Emilio TK LED 3000/940 ELL 42° - 85° 36 3275 4000 >90 130x230x105
47619 3F Emilio TK LED 3000/930 ELL 42° - 85° 35 2994 3000 >90 130x230x105

3F Emilio Track 511

3F Emilio Track Elliptical Meat/Bread/Crisp


Horizontal ELL elliptical lens provides extensive installation pitch.

Meat ‑ Specific source to light up meat and cold cuts.
Bread ‑ Specific source to light up bread.
Crisp ‑ specific source for illuminating textile products and
enhancing white colours.
Code 47612 Body and wired unit in white polycarbonate with busbar adaptor.

ON/OFF electronic wiring 230V-50/60Hz

Code Item α° W lm K CRI øxLxH
47612 3F Emilio TK LED 2000/MEAT ELL 46° - 88° 32 2215 3000 87 130x230x105
47630 3F Emilio TK LED 2500/CRISP ELL 46° - 88° 33 2509 3000 92 130x230x105
47628 3F Emilio TK LED 2000/BREAD ELL 53° - 88° 35 1998 2400 >90 130x230x105

3F Emilio Track Iperconcentrated



Bright anodised parabola in semi‑specular, anti‑reflective,

anti‑iridescent aluminium.
Code 47641 Body and wired unit in polycarbonate with busbar adaptor.

ON/OFF electronic wiring 230V-50/60Hz

Code Item α° W lm K CRI øxLxH
47640 3F Emilio TK LED 3000/840 IPER 23° 29 3137 4000 >80 130x230x105
47654 3F Emilio TK LED 2000/930 IPER 23° 29 2518 3000 >90 130x230x105
47644 3F Emilio TK LED 3000/830 IPER 23° 31 3176 3000 >80 130x230x105
47648 3F Emilio TK LED 3000/827 IPER 23° 34 3213 2700 >80 130x230x105
47645 3F Emilio TK LED 4000/830 IPER 23° 34 3794 3000 >80 130x230x105
47641 3F Emilio TK LED 4000/840 IPER 23° 34 3948 4000 >80 130x230x105
47655 3F Emilio TK LED 3000/930 IPER 23° 35 2933 3000 >90 130x230x105
47652 3F Emilio TK LED 3000/940 IPER 23° 36 3208 4000 >90 130x230x105
47668 3F Emilio TK BK LED 3000/840 IPER 23° 29 3137 4000 >80 130x230x105
47682 3F Emilio TK BK LED 2000/930 IPER 23° 29 2518 3000 >90 130x230x105
47672 3F Emilio TK BK LED 3000/830 IPER 23° 31 3176 3000 >80 130x230x105
47676 3F Emilio TK BK LED 3000/827 IPER 23° 34 3213 2700 >80 130x230x105
47673 3F Emilio TK BK LED 4000/830 IPER 23° 34 3794 3000 >80 130x230x105
47669 3F Emilio TK BK LED 4000/840 IPER 23° 34 3948 4000 >80 130x230x105
47683 3F Emilio TK BK LED 3000/930 IPER 23° 35 2933 3000 >90 130x230x105
47680 3F Emilio TK BK LED 3000/940 IPER 23° 36 3208 4000 >90 130x230x105

Performances are measured and certified by our CTFs stage 2 Photometric Laboratory (more information on page 12).
512 Datasheets, product updates and specifications on our website: www.3f-filippi.com
3F Emilio Track Iperconcentrated Meat/Bread/Crisp


Bright anodised parabola in semi‑specular, anti‑reflective,

anti‑iridescent aluminium.
Meat ‑ Specific source to light up meat and cold cuts.
Bread ‑ Specific source to light up bread.
Crisp ‑ specific source for illuminating textile products and
enhancing white colours.
Code 47660 Body and wired unit in polycarbonate with busbar adaptor.

ON/OFF electronic wiring 230V-50/60Hz

Code Item α° W lm K CRI øxLxH
47657 3F Emilio TK LED 2000/MEAT IPER 23° 32 2140 3000 87 130x230x105
47664 3F Emilio TK LED 2500/CRISP IPER 23° 33 2425 3000 92 130x230x105
47660 3F Emilio TK LED 2000/BREAD IPER 23° 35 1975 2400 >90 130x230x105
47685 3F Emilio TK BK LED 2000/MEAT IPER 23° 33 2140 3000 87 130x230x105
47692 3F Emilio TK BK LED 2500/CRISP 23° 33 2425 3000 92 130x230x105
47688 3F Emilio TK BK LED 2000/BREAD 23° 35 1975 2400 >90 130x230x105

3F Emilio Track 513

Binario 3F
Binario 3F is an extruded aluminium busbar housing 6 conductors (4 for three-phase mode, 2 for
DALI mode): the 3 phase conductors (with common neutral) form 3 distinct circuits, allowing 3
separate on commands.
L2 L1 The conductors are enclosed in rigid extruded profiles made from high-rigidity insulating material.
L3 N

Scale: 1:1

N 16A N 16A
The versatility of this product allows the creation 16A
of ceiling-mount or suspended installations
(within the maximum suspendable load limit).
900 L1 450 16A

EN 60570 compliant. 16A

L2 16A
kg 5016A



Structural elements

4 9
2 7
2 8
5 2
2 2
1 6

1 - Power-supply cap 4 - Flexible connecting element 7 - T connector

2 - Binario 3F busbar 5 - Cross connector 8 - Central power supply
3 - Linear connecting element 6 - L connector 9 - Closing cap

Defining the earth conductor position
Note: the side positioning of the earth contact makes the busbar structure asymmetrical and the connectors must be chosen on the
basis of this. In particular, this indication applies only to the following components:

Power-supply cap

In the S (LH) version, the conductor is In the D (RH) version, the conductor is
located on the left when looking at the located on the right when looking at the
composition from above. composition from above.

L connector
In the EXT version, the conductor is In the INT version, the conductor is
located on the outside when looking at the located on the inside when looking at the
composition from above. composition from above.

T connector

In the EXT + D (external + RHS) In the INT + D (internal + RHS)

version, the third conductor is located version, the third conductor is located
on the right when looking at the on the right when looking at the
composition from above. composition from above.

In the EXT + S (external + LHS) In the INT + S (internal + LHS)

version, the third conductor is located version, the third conductor is located
on the left when looking at the on the left when looking at the
composition from above. composition from above.

Structure composition example - top-down view

L - EXT connection T - EXT + S connection D power supply cap

L - EXT connection L - EXT connection

/ Systems and track-mounted products

RSA "Beata Vergine Delle Grazie"


Binario 3F
The Binario 3F is a mixed 3‑phase system with two extra conductors for the management of any signal (eg DALI).
The system is certified according to EN 60570 and its installation must be performed by qualified personnel.
Three types of fixing:
• directly on the surface (using the holes already provided in binary)
• surface mounted using the metal clip
• suspended by tension steel cables and various clamps and brackets without exceeding the maximum loads are planned

Electrified track made from extruded aluminium, Eurostandard Plus
The wires are enclosed in rigid extruded profiles made of PVC insulating
material with high dielectric strength.
Length: 1000‑2000‑3000‑4000 mm.

(L1/L2/L3/N/GRD/DA/DA) 16A/440V 2x1A/50V FELV AC (DALI).

Copper conductors.

Binario 3F

Aluminium extruded track with 6 copper conductors (L1/L2/L3/N/GRD/DA/DA) 16A/440V.

Code Item LxAxH

A4070 Binario 3F A - L1000 - WH 1000x31x38
A4071 Binario 3F A - L2000 - WH 2000x31x38
A4072 Binario 3F A - L3000 - WH 3000x31x38
A4073 Binario 3F A - L4000 - WH 4000x31x38
A4076 Binario 3F A - L1000 - GR 1000x31x38
A4077 Binario 3F A - L2000 - GR 2000x31x38
A4078 Binario 3F A - L3000 - GR 3000x31x38
A4079 Binario 3F A - L4000 - GR 4000x31x38
A4064 Binario 3F A - L1000 - BK 1000x31x38
A4065 Binario 3F A - L2000 - BK 2000x31x38
A4066 Binario 3F A - L3000 - BK 3000x31x38
A4067 Binario 3F A - L4000 - BK 4000x31x38

Performances are measured and certified by our CTFs stage 2 Photometric Laboratory (more information on page 12).
518 Datasheets, product updates and specifications on our website: www.3f-filippi.com
Binario 3F | Accessories
Code Item
A4174 Power-supply head DX - WH
A4166 Power-supply head DX - GR
A4209 Power-supply head DX - BK
A4196 Power-supply head SX - WH
A4190 Power-supply head SX - GR
A4218 Power-supply head SX - BK

Power connection: polycarbonate body and copper alloy contacts. Warning: as the track structure is
asymmetrical because of the grounding element placed laterally, feeding heads and connecting joints must
be chosen accordingly.

Code Item
A4175 Central power-supply - WH
A4167 Central power-supply - GR
A4210 Central power-supply - BK

Central power supply with polycarbonate body and copper alloy contacts.

Code Item
A4180 End cap - WH
A4172 End cap - GR
A4215 End cap - BK

Polycarbonate closing cap with locking screw.

Code Item
A4188 Linear connecting element - WH
A4182 Linear connecting element - GR
A4217 Linear connecting element - BK

Linear connecting element with a polycarbonate body and copper alloy contacts.

Code Item
A4176 Flexible connecting element - WH
A4168 Flexible connecting element - GR
A4211 Flexible connecting element - BK

Flexible connecting element with polycarbonate body and copper alloy contacts.

Binario 3F 519
Code Item
A4177 L-joint - EXT - WH
A4169 L-joint - EXT - GR
A4212 L-joint - EXT - BK
A4197 L-joint - INT - WH
A4191 L-joint - INT - GR
A4219 L-joint - INT - BK

"L"‑shaped connecting element with polycarbonate body and copper alloy contacts. Warning: as the track
structure is asymmetrical because of the grounding element placed laterally, feeding heads and connecting
joints must be chosen accordingly.

Code Item
A4198 T-joint - EXT + DX - WH
A4178 T-joint - EXT + SX - WH
A4192 T-joint - EXT + DX - GR
A4170 T-joint - EXT + SX - GR
A4220 T-joint - EXT + DX - BK
A4213 T-joint - EXT + SX - BK
A4200 T-joint - INT + DX - WH
A4199 T-joint - INT + SX - WH
A4194 T-joint - INT + DX - GR
A4193 T-joint - INT + SX - GR
A4222 T-joint - INT + DX - BK
A4221 T-joint - INT + SX - BK

"T"‑shaped connecting element with polycarbonate body and copper alloy contacts. Warning: as the track
structure is asymmetrical because of the grounding element placed laterally, feeding heads and connecting
joints must be chosen accordingly.

Code Item
A4179 Cross joint - WH
A4171 Cross joint - GR
A4214 Cross joint - BK

Cross‑shaped connecting element with polycarbonate body and copper alloy contacts.

Code Item
A4181 PVC closing top - L1000 - WH
A4173 PVC closing top - L1000 - GR
A4216 PVC closing top - L1000 - BK

PVC cover for track closing.

520 Datasheets, product updates and specifications on our website: www.3f-filippi.com

Code Item
A4183 Steel bracket for ceiling installation

Sliding ceiling bracket with locking screw in galvanised steel.

Code Item
A4204 Adj. susp. boss + 1.5m bracket
A4205 Adj. susp. boss + 3m bracket
A4206 Adj. susp. boss + 5m bracket

Adjustable suspension kit with galvanised steel sliding bracket and locking screw, metal rose and steel cable
with diameter of 1.5 mm.

Code Item
A4225 Rigid support bracket

Rigid support bracket.

Binario 3F 521
/ catalogue

_Waterproof and corrosion-proof

/ 3F Filippi

Update New

3F Tank Beta 500 3F Linda

3F Tank 3F Tank
ATEX ICE Extreme Beta 500
Page 524 Page 530 Page 538 Page 544 Page 548 Page 554

3F Linda 3F Linda 3F Linda 3F Linda 3F Linda

3F Linda ATEX HS HT Transparent Ice
Page 560 Page 570 Page 574 Page 578 Page 582 Page 586


3F Linda 3F LEM 3F LEM 3F LEM

Sensor 3F LEM High Output Sensor High Temperature
Page 590 Page 598 Page 606 Page 612 Page 616 Page 620

Beta 235 Beta i3F

3F LEM 3F LEM Beta 235 Beta 235

Sport Sport High Output Steel Stainless Steel
Page 624 Page 628 Page 636 Page 642 Page 656 Page 666

3F Cub Retrofit Beta A3F-i3F Retrofit Beta 430

Beta i3F 3F Cub Beta A3F-i3F
Page 666 Page 672 Page 672 Page 680 Page 680 Page 686

Retrofit 3F Cub

Retrofit Retrofit
Beta 430 3F Cub IP64
Page 686 Page 690 Page 690

3F Tank
www.3F-Filippi.com/3F Tank

Safety is important in every workplace, but in high-risk production • Luminous efficacy up to 158 lumen/watt.
contexts it is fundamental. • Luminous fluxes from 1820 to 9767 lumens.
3F Filippi has created 3F Tank ATEX, the light fixture that ensures • Average luminance <3000 cd/m² (UGR version).
maximum safety for workers and provides quality lighting at the • Extensive installation pitch.
same time. • UGR <19 (UGR version).
The state-of-the-art LED sources are protected by a polycarbonate • 5 different photometric distributions.
cylinder that ensures maximum protection from dust, water and • Quick and easy cleaning.
impact. • Essential and functional design.
This fixture is the ultimate answer for those looking for the safest • EcoDesign: power supplies and sources replaceable at the end
lighting solution for more challenging industrial contexts thanks to of product life.
its IK10 maximum mechanical resistance and IP69K (IP66 ATEX • Ease of assembly and maintenance.
applications) protection rating, that makes it suitable for contexts • Versatility of use in different environments.
where equipment is cleaned intensely with high-pressure water or • ATEX - Group II, Category 3D, Ex tc IIIC T85°C Dc.
steam. • Product suitable for use in the food industry (HACCP / IFS /
• ICE Extreme - Version for use at low temperatures (down to

Page Product Polycarbonate

530 3F Tank ATEX •
538 3F Tank ICE Extreme •

Product range
Suspended Ceiling Busbar Wall

3F Tank O 80

3F Tank ATEX

Model Lite

Average luminance
for angles> 65 >3000
(cd / m²)

UGR <21

ATEX Certification
Group II, Categoy 3D, Ex tc IIIC T85°C Dc.
(Excluding Ice Extreme version)


Power level 2x29


3F Tank ATEX Lite 3F Tank ATEX
3F Tank ICE Extreme

3F Tank ATEX
3F Tank ICE Extreme

Model Wide Medium UGR Concentrated

Average luminance
for angles> 65 >3000 >3000 <3000 >3000
(cd / m²)

UGR <21 <21 <19 <21

ATEX Certification
Group II, Categoy 3D, Ex tc IIIC T85°C Dc.
(Excluding Ice Extreme version)


Power level 13 13 35 13
45 45 40 45
55 55 55
70 70 70

Challenging environments
3F Tank ATEX meets the compliance requirements listed in two EU ATEX directives, the acronym of “ATmosphere EXplosive”
relating to equipment intended for environments with explosive atmospheres and the safety conditions for those working in
these particular contexts.

3F Tank ATEX is a fixture that is designed to be installed on horizontal/vertical surfaces that, thanks to its dust proof body
ensures a very high level of protection in areas where explosive atmospheres may be present in the air (for short periods) in the
form of flammable dust clouds .

Fixture suitable for environments with

temperature from ‑30°C to + 40°C with
a humidity degree up to 95%. The Ice
Extreme version is not suitable for
environments with explosive atmospheres

Fixture suitable for environments with

explosive atmospheres ATEX, group
II, category 3D, Ex tc IIIC T85°C Dc.
Compliant with directive 2014/34/EU and
standard IEC/EN 60079. IP66 protection

Good resistance in the marine environment

and railway applications thanks to the
6082-T6 aluminium head and AISI 316
stainless steel brackets/screws.
Scale 1:1

Fixture with an IP69K protection rating

designed for environments where cleaning
of work areas is carried out intensely with
high pressure water or steam.

Fixture suitable from a hygiene point of

view to be used in production plants in
the food industry (HACCP, IFS, BRC

Fixture made of polycarbonate with a

HS (Hard Skin) finish that guarantees
high resistance in environments where
aggressive chemical agents are present
(high resistance especially to ammonia

On request: Fixture suitable for outdoor

installation, resistant to UV rays. If you
require more information, contact our
technical offices.
Product advantages
Exceptional results are obtained by paying attention to the smallest details. To develop 3F Tank ATEX and offer it as the ultimate
solution we considered every single detail of the fixture very carefully.


The screws and the brackets to install the fixture WATERTIGHT
are made of stainless steel to avoid oxidation and
wear over time. A very thick polycarbonate cylinder with
a high performance silicone seal ensure
it is completely watertight.

6082-T6 aluminium.
/ Waterproof and corrosion-proof

3F Tank ATEX
Direct symmetric distribution. Ceiling, suspension or wall installation.
Lifetime (L80/B10): 100000 h. (tq+25°C)
Lifetime (L85/B10): 50000 h. (tq+40°C)
Photobiological safety RG0 (page 16). APPLICATIONS
Environments with ATEX explosive atmosphere, group II,
SOURCE category 3D, T85°C, Zone 22 Dc (compliance with directive 2014/34/
EU and IEC/EN 60079 standard), severe industrial, food and agri‑food
Linear LED modules. industries, scientific and food processing laboratories, environments
Colour initial tolerance (MacAdam): SDCM 3. with high humidity, swimming pools, railway, aeronautical and port
Hygienically suitable product for installation in food production plants
MECHANICAL (HACCP), IFS (Food Version 6), BRC (GSFS Food Version 7).
In environments with temperature from ‑20°C to +40°C, except the
High thickness tubular body in high transparency polycarbonate surface ones where the luminaire materials are unsuitable.
treatment, which guarantees resistance to aggressive chemical agents. Body resistant to the following substances: Ethyl alcohol (24 hours at
Aluminium 6082‑T6 end caps. 20°C), aqueous detergents, hydrochloric acid (produces a slight halo),
Sealing gasket. DOT4 brake oil, sulfuric acid (produces a slight halo), ammonia.
Gear‑holder reflector in hot‑dip galvanised steel, painted with white When using this data, remember that it is the result of laboratory tests,
polyester base. and therefore valid only under those test conditions: the data is to be
Fixing brackets and screws in AISI 316 stainless steel. considered approximate and, in the absence of practical experience, it
is advisable to carry out tests under actual operating conditions.
Temperature and concentration of the chemical agent can have a
ELECTRICAL decisive impact on the materials and influence the LED technology.
For specific applications please contact our technical offices.
In compliance with EN 60598‑1.
Compliance with the EN 60598‑2‑22 standard for power supply from a
centralised CPSS emergency system must be verified in the technical LIGHT MANAGEMENT
data sheets of each individual device on our website.
Quick connection via M20x1.5 cable gland in fibreglass reinforced The DALI products can be controlled with 3F Easy Dim (page 722) or
polyamide with 2m H07RN‑F 3/5G1.5mm² cable. 3F Smart Dimming technology (page 732).

• different light distributions
• different power levels, colour rendering indices and colour
• wiring: CLO (page 752)
• CRI >90 sources
• AISI 316 stainless steel end caps
• UV Resistant versions
• emergency versions

3F Tank ATEX Lite



Diffuse distribution.
Code 56662 IP69K protection degree; IP66 ATEX applications.

ON/OFF electronic wiring 230V-50/60Hz

Code Item W lm K CRI Lxø
56660 3F Tank Lite 2x9W/840 L675 20 2962 4000 >80 676x80
56661 3F Tank Lite 2x18W/840 L1265 40 6209 4000 >80 1264x80
56662 3F Tank Lite 2x22W/840 L1560 49 7758 4000 >80 1558x80
56668 3F Tank Lite 2x9W/865 L675 20 2962 6500 >80 676x80
56669 3F Tank Lite 2x18W/865 L1265 40 6209 6500 >80 1264x80
56670 3F Tank Lite 2x22W/865 L1560 49 7758 6500 >80 1558x80
DALI electronic wiring 230V-50/60Hz
Code Item W lm K CRI Lxø
56664 3F Tank Lite 2x9W/840 DALI L675 20 2962 4000 >80 676x80
56665 3F Tank Lite 2x18W/840 DALI L1265 40 6209 4000 >80 1264x80
56666 3F Tank Lite 2x22W/840 DALI L1560 49 7758 4000 >80 1558x80
56672 3F Tank Lite 2x9W/865 DALI L675 20 2962 6500 >80 676x80
56673 3F Tank Lite 2x18W/865 DALI L1265 40 6209 6500 >80 1264x80
56674 3F Tank Lite 2x22W/865 DALI L1560 49 7758 6500 >80 1558x80

Performances are measured and certified by our CTFs stage 2 Photometric Laboratory (more information on page 12).
532 Datasheets, product updates and specifications on our website: www.3f-filippi.com
3F Tank ATEX Wide



Wide distribution.
Methacrylate (PMMA) lenses with external flat surface.
Code 56678 IP69K protection degree; IP66 ATEX applications.

ON/OFF electronic wiring 230V-50/60Hz

Code Item W lm K CRI Lxø
56676 3F Tank 13W/840 WIDE L675 14.5 2173 4000 >80 676x80
56677 3F Tank 45W/840 WIDE L1265 49 7231 4000 >80 1264x80
56678 3F Tank 55W/840 WIDE L1560 62 9039 4000 >80 1558x80
56679 3F Tank 70W/840 WIDE L1850 72 10846 4000 >80 1852x80
56684 3F Tank 13W/865 WIDE L675 15 1856 6500 >80 676x80
56685 3F Tank 45W/865 WIDE L1265 50 6459 6500 >80 1264x80
56686 3F Tank 55W/865 WIDE L1560 62 8073 6500 >80 1558x80
56687 3F Tank 70W/865 WIDE L1850 74 9688 6500 >80 1852x80
DALI electronic wiring 230V-50/60Hz
Code Item W lm K CRI Lxø
56680 3F Tank 13W/840 DALI WIDE L675 14.5 2173 4000 >80 676x80
56681 3F Tank 45W/840 DALI WIDE L1265 49 7231 4000 >80 1264x80
56682 3F Tank 55W/840 DALI WIDE L1560 60 9039 4000 >80 1558x80
56683 3F Tank 70W/840 DALI WIDE L1850 72 10846 4000 >80 1852x80
56688 3F Tank 13W/865 DALI WIDE L675 15 1856 6500 >80 676x80
56689 3F Tank 45W/865 DALI WIDE L1265 50 6459 6500 >80 1264x80
56690 3F Tank 55W/865 DALI WIDE L1560 62 8073 6500 >80 1558x80
56691 3F Tank 70W/865 DALI WIDE L1850 74 9688 6500 >80 1852x80

3F Tank ATEX 533

3F Tank ATEX Medium



Medium distribution.
Methacrylate (PMMA) lenses with external flat surface.
Code 56694 IP69K protection degree; IP66 ATEX applications.

ON/OFF electronic wiring 230V-50/60Hz

Code Item W lm K CRI Lxø
56692 3F Tank 13W/840 MEDIUM L675 14.5 2163 4000 >80 676x80
56693 3F Tank 45W/840 MEDIUM L1265 49 7197 4000 >80 1264x80
56694 3F Tank 55W/840 MEDIUM L1560 62 8997 4000 >80 1558x80
56695 3F Tank 70W/840 MEDIUM L1850 72 10796 4000 >80 1852x80
56700 3F Tank 13W/865 MEDIUM L675 15 1847 6500 >80 676x80
56701 3F Tank 45W/865 MEDIUM L1265 50 6429 6500 >80 1264x80
56702 3F Tank 55W/865 MEDIUM L1560 62 8035 6500 >80 1558x80
56703 3F Tank 70W/865 MEDIUM L1850 74 9643 6500 >80 1852x80
DALI electronic wiring 230V-50/60Hz
Code Item W lm K CRI Lxø
56696 3F Tank 13W/840 DALI MEDIUM L675 14.5 2163 4000 >80 676x80
56697 3F Tank 45W/840 DALI MEDIUM L1265 49 7197 4000 >80 1264x80
56698 3F Tank 55W/840 DALI MEDIUM L1560 60 8997 4000 >80 1558x80
56699 3F Tank 70W/840 DALI MEDIUM L1850 72 10796 4000 >80 1852x80
56704 3F Tank 13W/865 DALI MEDIUM L675 15 1847 6500 >80 676x80
56705 3F Tank 45W/865 DALI MEDIUM L1265 50 6429 6500 >80 1264x80
56706 3F Tank 55W/865 DALI MEDIUM L1560 62 8035 6500 >80 1558x80
56707 3F Tank 70W/865 DALI MEDIUM L1850 74 9643 6500 >80 1852x80

Performances are measured and certified by our CTFs stage 2 Photometric Laboratory (more information on page 12).
534 Datasheets, product updates and specifications on our website: www.3f-filippi.com



Controlled distribution.
Average luminance <3000 cd/m² for radial angles >65°.
Methacrylate (PMMA) lenses with external flat surface.
Code 56712 L<3000 cd/m² 65° IP69K protection degree; IP66 ATEX applications.

ON/OFF electronic wiring 230V-50/60Hz

Code Item W lm K CRI Lxø
56708 3F Tank 35W/840 UGR L1560 35 5258 4000 >80 1558x80
56709 3F Tank 40W/840 UGR L1850 41 6311 4000 >80 1852x80
56712 3F Tank 35W/865 UGR L1560 39 5258 6500 >80 1558x80
56713 3F Tank 40W/865 UGR L1850 47 6311 6500 >80 1852x80
DALI electronic wiring 230V-50/60Hz
Code Item W lm K CRI Lxø
56710 3F Tank 35W/840 DALI UGR L1560 35 5258 4000 >80 1558x80
56711 3F Tank 40W/840 DALI UGR L1850 41 6311 4000 >80 1852x80
56714 3F Tank 35W/865 DALI UGR L1560 39 5258 6500 >80 1558x80
56715 3F Tank 40W/865 DALI UGR L1850 47 6311 6500 >80 1852x80

3F Tank ATEX 535

3F Tank ATEX Concentrated



Concentrated distribution.
Methacrylate (PMMA) lenses with external flat surface.
Code 56718 IP69K protection degree; IP66 ATEX applications.

ON/OFF electronic wiring 230V-50/60Hz

Code Item W lm K CRI Lxø
56716 3F Tank 13W/840 CONC L675 14.5 2191 4000 >80 676x80
56717 3F Tank 45W/840 CONC L1265 49 7290 4000 >80 1264x80
56718 3F Tank 55W/840 CONC L1560 62 9112 4000 >80 1558x80
56719 3F Tank 70W/840 CONC L1850 72 10935 4000 >80 1852x80
56724 3F Tank 13W/865 CONC L675 15 1871 6500 >80 676x80
56725 3F Tank 45W/865 CONC L1265 50 6511 6500 >80 1264x80
56726 3F Tank 55W/865 CONC L1560 62 8139 6500 >80 1558x80
56727 3F Tank 70W/865 CONC L1850 74 9767 6500 >80 1852x80
DALI electronic wiring 230V-50/60Hz
Code Item W lm K CRI Lxø
56720 3F Tank 13W/840 DALI CONC L675 14.5 2191 4000 >80 676x80
56721 3F Tank 45W/840 DALI CONC L1265 49 7290 4000 >80 1264x80
56722 3F Tank 55W/840 DALI CONC L1560 60 9112 4000 >80 1558x80
56723 3F Tank 70W/840 DALI CONC L1850 72 10935 4000 >80 1852x80
56728 3F Tank 13W/865 DALI CONC L675 15 1871 6500 >80 676x80
56729 3F Tank 45W/865 DALI CONC L1265 50 6511 6500 >80 1264x80
56730 3F Tank 55W/865 DALI CONC L1560 62 8139 6500 >80 1558x80
56731 3F Tank 70W/865 DALI CONC L1850 74 9767 6500 >80 1852x80

Performances are measured and certified by our CTFs stage 2 Photometric Laboratory (more information on page 12).
536 Datasheets, product updates and specifications on our website: www.3f-filippi.com
/ Waterproof and corrosion-proof

3F Tank ICE Extreme
Direct symmetric distribution. Ceiling, suspension or wall installation.
Lifetime (L80/B10): 100000 h. (tq+25°C)
Luminous flux at ‑30°C: +7%.
Photobiological safety RG0 (page 16). APPLICATIONS
Cells with temperature from ‑30°C to + 40°C with a humidity degree up
SOURCE to 95%.
Before installation, we recommend checking that there are no
Linear LED modules. contraindications to the use of and polycarbonate inside the refrigerating
Colour initial tolerance (MacAdam): SDCM 3. room.
For applications in environments in which disturbances on the power
network may be present and/or involve use at low temperatures, surge
MECHANICAL protection devices should be fitted on the power supply and any causes
of undervoltages eliminated.
High thickness tubular body in high transparency polycarbonate surface Hygienically suitable product for installation in food production plants
treatment, which guarantees resistance to aggressive chemical agents. (HACCP), IFS (Food Version 6), BRC (GSFS Food Version 7).
Aluminium 6082‑T6 end caps. For specific applications please contact our technical offices.
Sealing gasket.
Gear‑holder reflector in hot‑dip galvanised steel, painted with white
polyester base. ON REQUEST
Fixing brackets and screws in AISI 316 stainless steel.
• different light distributions
• different power levels, colour rendering indices and colour
ELECTRICAL temperatures
• UV Resistant versions
In compliance with EN 60598‑1.
Compliance with the EN 60598‑2‑22 standard for power supply from a
centralised CPSS emergency system must be verified in the technical
data sheets of each individual device on our website.
Quick connection via M20x1.5 cable gland in fibreglass reinforced
polyamide with 2m H07RN‑F 3/5G1.5mm² cable.

3F Tank ICE Extreme Wide


Wide distribution.
Code 52095 Methacrylate (PMMA) lenses with external flat surface.

ON/OFF electronic wiring 230V-50/60Hz

Code Item W lm K CRI Lxø
52094 3F Tank ICE XT 45W/840 WIDE L1265 49 7231 4000 >80 1264x80
52095 3F Tank ICE XT 55W/840 WIDE L1560 62 9039 4000 >80 1558x80
52096 3F Tank ICE XT 70W/840 WIDE L1850 72 10846 4000 >80 1852x80

3F Tank ICE Extreme Medium



Medium distribution.
Code 52111 Methacrylate (PMMA) lenses with external flat surface.

ON/OFF electronic wiring 230V-50/60Hz

Code Item W lm K CRI Lxø
52110 3F Tank ICE XT 45W/840 MEDIUM L1265 49 7197 4000 >80 1264x80
52111 3F Tank ICE XT 55W/840 MEDIUM L1560 62 8997 4000 >80 1558x80
52112 3F Tank ICE XT 70W/840 MEDIUM L1850 72 10796 4000 >80 1852x80

Performances are measured and certified by our CTFs stage 2 Photometric Laboratory (more information on page 12).
540 Datasheets, product updates and specifications on our website: www.3f-filippi.com
3F Tank ICE Extreme UGR


Controlled distribution.
Average luminance <3000 cd/m² for radial angles >65°.
Code 52143 Methacrylate (PMMA) lenses with external flat surface.

ON/OFF electronic wiring 230V-50/60Hz

Code Item W lm K CRI Lxø
52142 3F Tank ICE XT 45W/840 UGR L1265 49 7037 4000 >80 1264x80
52143 3F Tank ICE XT 55W/840 UGR L1560 62 8797 4000 >80 1558x80
52144 3F Tank ICE XT 70W/840 UGR L1850 72 10556 4000 >80 1852x80

3F Tank ICE Extreme Concentrated



Concentrated distribution.
Code 52127 Methacrylate (PMMA) lenses with external flat surface.

ON/OFF electronic wiring 230V-50/60Hz

Code Item W lm K CRI Lxø
52126 3F Tank ICE XT 45W/840 CONC L1265 49 7290 4000 >80 1264x80
52127 3F Tank ICE XT 55W/840 CONC L1560 62 9112 4000 >80 1558x80
52128 3F Tank ICE XT 70W/840 CONC L1850 72 10935 4000 >80 1852x80

3F Tank ICE Extreme 541

3F Tank | Accessories
Code Item
A0305 Pair of suspension brackets

Pair of AISI 316 stainless steel brackets for suspended installation.

Code Item
A0835 Pair brack.+hooks for wall

Pair of mounting brackets and hooks for wall‑mounting, with nuts and bolts for luminaire fastening,
everything in stainless steel.
This accessory must always be used in combination with pair of suspension brackets.

Code Item
A0660 Suspension with adjustment - 1m
A0661 Suspension with adjustment - 2 m
A0662 Suspension with adjustment - 3 m
A0663 Suspension with adjustment - 4 m
A0664 Suspension with adjustment - 5 m
A0665 Suspension with adjustment - 6 m

Suspension with regulator, galvanised steel cable 1.5 mm diameter, load 15 kg.
Attention: each product requires two suspensions with regulator.

542 Datasheets, product updates and specifications on our website: www.3f-filippi.com

Beta 500
www.3F-Filippi.com/Beta 500

Beta 500 is an extremely functional product that makes solidity • Luminous efficacy up to 160 lumen/watt.
and power its strengths: it is the result of 3F Filippi's many years of • Luminous fluxes from 23732 to 44310 lumens.
experience in the industry. • Extensive installation pitch.
Thanks to its high degree of protection IP66, it is totally protected • Uniformly illuminated screen.
against dust and powerful water jets: its shape facilitates cleaning • 3 different photometric distributions.
operations and this makes it suitable for many areas of application, • Quick and easy cleaning.
including food and pharmaceuticals sectors. • Essential and functional design.
Product reliability has been taken care of down to the smallest • Ease of assembly and maintenance.
detail: to obtain correct thermal management and guarantee the • EcoDesign: power supplies and sources replaceable at the end
quality of light for many years, our designers have combined a of product life.
sturdy aluminium body and a frame made of stainless steel to house • Versatility of use in different environments.
first-class LEDs and drivers. • Thanks to the FastWiring system, the installation time is
The uniformity of its light leaves maximum freedom of layout drastically reduced.
configuration in today's and future production departments, • Product suitable for use in the food industry (HACCP / IFS /
supported by innovative diffusers or "3F Lens" optics entirely BRC-Standard).
developed and manufactured by 3F Filippi.
The latest generation LED sources are available with 4000K or
6500K colour temperatures, offering lighting designers a wide range
of luminous fluxes (from 18,000 to more than 40,000 lumens).

Page Product Stainless steel

548 Beta 500 •

Product range
Ceiling Busbar
(Acc. A0861)


Beta 500



Beta 500

Model SP VA

UGR <21 <21

Finishes Prismatic PMMA Frosted glass


Installation steps Dt 1,25 1,25

Dl 1,25 1,25

Beta 500 SP Beta 500 VA Beta 500 SL | Beta 500 VT

Beta 500

Model Conc Conc

UGR <21 <21

Finishes Trasparent PMMA Trasparent glass


Installation steps Dt 0,75 0,75

Dl 0,75 0,75

/ Waterproof and corrosion-proof

Stabilimento FCA
Suzzara (MN)

Beta 500
Direct symmetric distribution. Ceiling mounted, suspension or busway installation.
Lifetime (L80/B10): 100000 h. (tq+25°C)
Photobiological safety RG0 (page 16).
SOURCE Ambient temperature from ‑20°C to +45°C.
Commercial and industrial environments and warehouses.
Linear LED modules. Luminaires suitable in production plants in the food industry
Colour initial tolerance (MacAdam): SDCM 3. (HACCP / IFS / BRC‑Standard).


Housing in white painted epoxy‑polyester powder aluminium. The DALI products can be controlled with 3F Easy Dim (page 722) or
White aluminium non‑iridescent high efficiency. 3F Smart Dimming technology (page 732).
Perimetrical frame in stainless steel with vandal‑proof opening and
stainless steel nuts and bolts.
Polyurethane foam seal, ecological, anti‑aging, installed using a NOTES
continuous automatic process with no joints.
Fixing bracket in stainless steel. HST glass
HST glass is composed of a tempered glass sheet which has
undergone a thermal stabilisation process (Heat Soak Test) which
ELECTRICAL reduces the risk of spontaneous breakage caused by nickel‑sulfide
inclusions inside the glass.
In compliance with EN 60598‑1. It is not immune from harmless falling fragments, caused byshocks or,
Compliance with the EN 60598‑2‑22 standard for power supply from a exceptionally, derived from the tempering process.
centralised CPSS emergency system must be verified in the technical It is the user's responsibility to identify the most suitable type of diffuser
data sheets of each individual device on our website. for the application type.
Quick connection in polycarbonate with M20x1,5 cable gland, to access
the terminal block positioned on a removable runner.
ON/OFF electronic wiring: twin‑circuit for 200W versions 300W. WARNING
Fixture not suitable for cold stores with an ambient temperature <0°C
and/or relative humidity >85%.

• different power levels, colour rendering indices and colour
• transparent or frosted polycarbonate diffuser, laminated glass
• wiring: dimmable, CLO (page 752), single‑circuit
• linear LED modules, with special protection against aggressive
chemically‑volatile substances, for standard LED technology
• emergency versions

Beta 500 SP


Medium distribution.
SP transparent methacrylate (PMMA) diffuser, prismatic outside,
Code 52002 antiglare.

ON/OFF electronic wiring 230V-50/60Hz

Code Item W lm K CRI LxAxH
52056 Beta 500 150W/840 SP L870 162 25755 4000 >80 870x515x105
52002 Beta 500 200W/840 SP L870 198 29399 4000 >80 870x515x105
52003 Beta 500 300W/840 SP L1230 298 46720 4000 >80 1230x475x130
DALI electronic wiring 230V-50/60Hz
Code Item W lm K CRI LxAxH
52057 Beta 500 150W/840 DALI SP L870 162 25755 4000 >80 870x515x105
52005 Beta 500 200W/840 DALI SP L870 198 29399 4000 >80 870x515x105
52006 Beta 500 300W/840 DALI SP L1230 298 46720 4000 >80 1230x475x130

Beta 500 VA


Medium distribution.
Code 52050 Frosted glass HST tempered, non‑combustible.

ON/OFF electronic wiring 230V-50/60Hz

Code Item W lm K CRI LxAxH
52072 Beta 500 150W/840 VA L870 162 26733 4000 >80 870x515x105
52050 Beta 500 200W/840 VA L870 198 30886 4000 >80 870x515x105
52051 Beta 500 300W/840 VA L1230 298 47690 4000 >80 1230x475x130
DALI electronic wiring 230V-50/60Hz
Code Item W lm K CRI LxAxH
52073 Beta 500 150W/840 DALI VA L870 162 26733 4000 >80 870x515x105
52053 Beta 500 200W/840 DALI VA L870 198 30886 4000 >80 870x515x105
52054 Beta 500 300W/840 DALI VA L1230 298 47690 4000 >80 1230x475x130

Performances are measured and certified by our CTFs stage 2 Photometric Laboratory (more information on page 12).
550 Datasheets, product updates and specifications on our website: www.3f-filippi.com
Beta 500 SL Concentrated


Concentrated distribution.
3F Lens lenses with high luminous efficiency, transparent
methacrylate (PMMA), fixed to the LED modules.
Code 52026 SL transparent methacrylate (PMMA) flat diffuser.

ON/OFF electronic wiring 230V-50/60Hz

Code Item W lm K CRI LxAxH
52064 Beta 500 150W/840 CONC SL L870 162 26336 4000 >80 870x515x105
52026 Beta 500 200W/840 CONC SL L870 198 30001 4000 >80 870x515x105
52027 Beta 500 300W/840 CONC SL L1230 298 47576 4000 >80 1230x475x130
DALI electronic wiring 230V-50/60Hz
Code Item W lm K CRI LxAxH
52065 Beta 500 150W/840 DALI CONC SL L870 162 26336 4000 >80 870x515x105
52029 Beta 500 200W/840 DALI CONC SL L870 198 30001 4000 >80 870x515x105
52030 Beta 500 300W/840 DALI CONC SL L1230 298 47576 4000 >80 1230x475x130

Beta 500 VT Concentrated



Concentrated distribution.
3F Lens lenses with high luminous efficiency, transparent
methacrylate (PMMA), fixed to the LED modules.
Code 52038 Transparent glass HST tempered, non‑combustible.

ON/OFF electronic wiring 230V-50/60Hz

Code Item W lm K CRI LxAxH
52068 Beta 500 150W/840 CONC VT L870 162 26336 4000 >80 870x515x105
52038 Beta 500 200W/840 CONC VT L870 198 30001 4000 >80 870x515x105
52039 Beta 500 300W/840 CONC VT L1230 298 47576 4000 >80 1230x475x130
DALI electronic wiring 230V-50/60Hz
Code Item W lm K CRI LxAxH
52069 Beta 500 150W/840 DALI CONC VT L870 162 26336 4000 >80 870x515x105
52041 Beta 500 200W/840 DALI CONC VT L870 198 30001 4000 >80 870x515x105
52042 Beta 500 300W/840 DALI CONC VT L1230 298 47576 4000 >80 1230x475x130

Beta 500 551

Beta 500 | Accessories
Code Item
A0187 Anti-condensation cable gland

Anti‑condensation diffuser cable gland.

Recommended for installations in environments with temperature sudden changes or subject to

Code Item
A0521 Reducing sealing ring diam.8mm

Reducing sealing ring, dedicated to the use of cables with an external diameter of up to 8 mm.

Code Item
A0858 Bracket for central suspension L870
A0859 Bracket for central suspension L1230

Stainless steel brackets for suspended installation.

Code Item
A0860 Adjustable suspension kit 2m

Suspension installation kit consisting of ceiling plate, 2 metre long galvanised steel cables and regulators.

Code Item
A0861 Pair of brack. ceiling instal. Beta500

Brackets for mounting of luminaire on ceiling.

552 Datasheets, product updates and specifications on our website: www.3f-filippi.com

3F Linda
www.3F-Filippi.com/3F Linda

3F Linda LED has become famous for its soft and smooth lines, • Luminous efficacy up to 140 lumen/watt.
its patented snug fit snap-lock clips, its compact egg-shaped • Luminous fluxes from 461 to 9533 lumens.
housing (110 millimetres maximum in the case of ceiling installation • Extensive installation pitch.
with brackets), its internal reinforcement structure and its elastic, • 5 different photometric distributions.
shatterproof polycarbonate diffuser. • Available with integrated sensors.
Thanks to its flexibility, it finds applications in residential, commercial • Emergency version with kit integrated into the body.
and even food industry environments (IFS, HACCP and BRC • Quick and easy cleaning.
certification). • Essential and functional design.
3F Linda LED is available in three different lengths (600, 1200 and • EcoDesign: power supplies and sources replaceable at the end
1500 mm) with different power and luminous flux levels, and with of product life.
both housing widths (100 millimetres and 160 millimetres). • Ease of assembly and maintenance.
Its efficient electronic wiring decreases power consumption and • Fast relamping thanks to the fixing centres compatible with
start-up times. previous generations.
Thanks to the photo-etched diffuser, 3F Linda LED is now even • Versatility of use in different environments.
higher-performance and economical, with improved diffusion and • ATEX - Group II, Category 3D, Ex tc IIIC T85°C Dc.
softer light, and increased visual comfort. • Product suitable for use in the food industry (HACCP / IFS /

Page Product Polycarbonate

560 UPDATE 3F Linda •
570 3F Linda ATEX •
574 3F Linda HS •
578 NEW 3F Linda HT
582 UPDATE 3F Linda Transparent •
586 3F Linda Ice •
590 3F Linda Sensor •

Product range
Suspended Ceiling Busbar

3F Linda
160 100

3F Linda

Model Standard/HQ HO Wide Concentrated Basic Soft ATEX

UGR <21 <22 <21 <21 <21 <21 <21


Dimensions 100 160 100 160 160 100 160 100 160 100 160

Installation Dt 1,77 1,52 1,74 3,54 0,89 1,77 1,35 1,39 1,35 1,77 1,52
steps Dl 1,17 1,17 1,23 1,32 1,18 1,17 1,24 1,21 1,24 1,17 1,17

3F Linda 100 mm 3F Linda 160 mm

3F Linda

Model Compact HS HT Transparent Ice Sensor Bluetooth

UGR <21 <21 <21 <21 <21 <21 <21


Dimensions 100 160 100 160 100 160 100 160 100 160 100 160 100 160

Installation Dt 1,87 1,32 1,77 1,52 1,77 1,52 1,72 1,54 1,77 1,52 1,77 1,52 1,77 1,35
steps Dl 1,39 1,45 1,17 1,17 1,17 1,17 1,16 1,17 1,17 1,17 1,17 1,17 1,17 1,24

Product advantages
3F Linda LED shows off the best of 3F Filippi's design philosophy in looking for the best production solutions which respect the
environment and lead to a reduction in materials and energy across the whole of the product's life cycle, by:

• Reducing power consumption and increasing the of the product at the end of its lifetime.
efficiency of our products thanks to the introduction
of intelligent electronic wiring, high-efficiency sources • Reduced ecological footprint, with products
and optimisation of the distribution of the luminous manufactured with energy from PV solar panels and
flux, thanks also to the possibility of installing flow product handling following a "zero-mile" philosophy.
• Installation compatibility with previous versions: the new
• Limited use of different materials in order to facilitate 3F Linda LED integrates perfectly in all environments,
the assembly, installation and recycling phases: only becoming the perfect solution to update existing
polycarbonate (body, diffuser, clips), aluminium or steel installations – thanks to its full compatibility with the
(flow recuperator, gear tray and stainless-steel clips) previous fluorescent version in terms of its size and
and the copper in the wires (completely removable) are accessories.
used in 3F Linda LED. Moreover, connection between
• Reuse of these elements means that less energy is used
components are all reversible and use completely
to create new products and accessories for adaption of
recyclable materials, facilitating disassembly and disposal
previous installations.

• Recyclable green packaging, like all of 3F Filippi’s • The sliding quick connection bracket can also be adjusted
products, in recycled cardboard. to suit the thermal expansion of the luminaire even in
environments with a notable temperature range. The set of
• Installation is quick and safe thanks to the fixing brackets three fixing brackets is supplied with each luminaire.
made entirely of stainless steel (both the internal and
external part); the weight is distributed optimally. • 3F Linda LED is a luminaire with Fire Reaction Class
1 as per Italian Ministerial Decree of 24 June 1984
• For installations with direct exposure to sunlight, use of the (Classification of reaction to fire and type-approval of
“Beta 235” or “Beta A3F - i3F” product is recommended. materials for fire-prevention purposes).

• This classification meets the requirements of Italian

Ministerial Decrees of 11 January 1988 (Fire-prevention
standards in subways) and of 28 October 2005 (Safety in
railway tunnels).

“New Fiat 500e” production line - Photo Courtesy: FCA


/ Waterproof and corrosion-proof

Stabilimento FCA
Melfi (PZ)


3F Linda
Controlled symmetric distribution. Dry, dusty indoor environments, subject to occasional water splashes.
Lifetime (L80/B10): 100000 h. (tq+25°C) Virtually shatterproof polycarbonate compatibly with the
Photobiological safety RG0 (page 16). fumes / atmospheres that compromise the elasticity of plastic materials
(page 805).
Not suitable in environments where chlorine fumes, ligroin, hydrocarbon
SOURCE mixtures, mineral oil vapours or fumes of lubricating emulsions to cool
down machine tools are present.
Linear LED modules. Not suitable for installation on surfaces subject to important vibrations,
Colour initial tolerance (MacAdam): SDCM 3. exposed to weather conditions, on ropes or poles.
Luminaires suitable in production plants in the food industry
(HACCP / IFS / BRC‑Standard).
MECHANICAL Suitable for illumination of public car parks and parking grounds referred
to DIN 67528:2018‑04.
Self‑extinguishing V2 polycarbonate housing, injection For specific applications please contact our technical offices.
moulded, RAL 7035 grey.
Ecologic anti‑aging injected sealing gasket.
Gear‑tray reflector unit in hot‑galvanised steel, painted in white WARNING
polyester, fixed to the housing by means of steel rapid devices, hinged
opening. Fixture not suitable for cold stores with an ambient temperature <0°C
Diffuser in self‑extinguishing V2 polycarbonate, photo‑engraved interior, and/or relative humidity >85%.
UV stabilised, injection moulded with smooth outer surface.
Stainless steel fixing brackets, L=300 mm versions excluded.
ELECTRICAL • different colour rendering indices and colour temperatures
• wiring: CLO (page 752), class II
In compliance with EN 60598‑1. • linear LED modules, with special protection against aggressive
Compliance with the EN 60598‑2‑22 standard for power supply from a chemically‑volatile substances, for standard LED technology
centralised CPSS emergency system must be verified in the technical • emergency versions
data sheets of each individual device on our website.
The luminaires with EP permanent emergency wiring on board comply
with EN 60598‑2‑22 standard, high risk areas excluded.

3F Linda


Snug fit safety snap‑lock clips for diffuser mounting in stainless

steel, screwdriver opening.
Code 58616 Fixing brackets in stainless steel.

ON/OFF electronic wiring 230V-50/60Hz

Code Item W lm K CRI LxAxH
58563 3F Linda LED 1x6W L660 7.5 1029 4000 >80 660x100x100
58561 3F Linda LED 1x12W L660 14 2033 4000 >80 660x100x100
58586 3F Linda LED 1x18W L1270 20 2967 4000 >80 1270x100x100
58608 3F Linda LED 1x22W L1570 25 3955 4000 >80 1570x100x100
58583 3F Linda LED 1x24W L1270 28 4065 4000 >80 1270x100x100
58585 3F Linda LED 1x24W/830 L1270 28 3903 3000 >80 1270x100x100
58584 3F Linda LED 1x24W/865 L1270 28 4065 6500 >80 1270x100x100
58572 3F Linda LED 2x12W L660 28 3955 4000 >80 660x160x100
58605 3F Linda LED 1x30W L1570 33.5 5180 4000 >80 1570x100x100
58607 3F Linda LED 1x30W/830 L1570 33.5 4973 3000 >80 1570x100x100
58606 3F Linda LED 1x30W/865 L1570 33.5 5180 6500 >80 1570x100x100
58597 3F Linda LED 2x18W L1270 40 6048 4000 >80 1270x160x100
58619 3F Linda LED 2x22W L1570 49 7557 4000 >80 1570x160x100
58594 3F Linda LED 2x24W L1270 54.5 7911 4000 >80 1270x160x100
58596 3F Linda LED 2x24W/830 L1270 54.5 7594 3000 >80 1270x160x100
58595 3F Linda LED 2x24W/865 L1270 54.5 7911 6500 >80 1270x160x100
58616 3F Linda LED 2x30W L1570 66 9715 4000 >80 1570x160x100
58618 3F Linda LED 2x30W/830 L1570 66 9327 3000 >80 1570x160x100
58617 3F Linda LED 2x30W/865 L1570 66 9715 6500 >80 1570x160x100
DALI electronic wiring 230V-50/60Hz
Code Item W lm K CRI LxAxH
58549 3F Linda LED 1x12W DALI L660 15 2033 4000 >80 660x100x100
58550 3F Linda LED 2x12W DALI L660 28 3955 4000 >80 660x160x100
58551 3F Linda LED 1x24W DALI L1270 28 4065 4000 >80 1270x100x100
58553 3F Linda LED 1x30W DALI L1570 33.5 5180 4000 >80 1570x100x100
58552 3F Linda LED 2x24W DALI L1270 54.5 7911 4000 >80 1270x160x100
58554 3F Linda LED 2x30W DALI L1570 66 9715 4000 >80 1570x160x100

Performances are measured and certified by our CTFs stage 2 Photometric Laboratory (more information on page 12).
562 Datasheets, product updates and specifications on our website: www.3f-filippi.com
EP maintained emergency wiring, 1hr duration with 24hrs recharge (page 772)
Code Item W lm K CRI LxAxH
58569 3F Linda LED 1x6W EP LA L660 8.5 1029 4000 >80 660x160x100
58567 3F Linda LED 1x12W EP LA L660 15 2033 4000 >80 660x160x100
58592 3F Linda LED 1x18W EP L1270 21 2967 4000 >80 1270x100x100
58614 3F Linda LED 1x22W EP L1570 26 3955 4000 >80 1570x100x100
58589 3F Linda LED 1x24W EP L1270 29 4065 4000 >80 1270x100x100
58591 3F Linda LED 1x24W/830 EP L1270 29 3903 3000 >80 1270x100x100
58590 3F Linda LED 1x24W/865 EP L1270 29 4065 6500 >80 1270x100x100
58611 3F Linda LED 1x30W EP L1570 34.5 5180 4000 >80 1570x100x100
58613 3F Linda LED 1x30W/830 EP L1570 34.5 4973 3000 >80 1570x100x100
58612 3F Linda LED 1x30W/865 EP L1570 34.5 5180 6500 >80 1570x100x100
58603 3F Linda LED 2x18W EP L1270 41 6048 4000 >80 1270x160x100
58626 3F Linda LED 2x22W EP L1570 50 7557 4000 >80 1570x160x100
58600 3F Linda LED 2x24W EP L1270 55.5 7911 4000 >80 1270x160x100
58602 3F Linda LED 2x24W/830 EP L1270 55.5 7594 3000 >80 1270x160x100
58601 3F Linda LED 2x24W/865 EP L1270 55.5 7911 6500 >80 1270x160x100
58623 3F Linda LED 2x30W EP L1570 67 9715 4000 >80 1570x160x100
58625 3F Linda LED 2x30W/830 EP L1570 67 9327 3000 >80 1570x160x100
58624 3F Linda LED 2x30W/865 EP L1570 67 9715 6500 >80 1570x160x100
ENP non-permanent emergency wiring, 1hr duration with 24hrs recharge (page 772)
Code Item W lm K CRI LxAxH
58705 3F Linda LED 1x12W ENP LA L660 543 4000 >80 660x160x100
58713 3F Linda LED 1x24W ENP L1270 544 4000 >80 1270x100x100

3F Linda 563
3F Linda HQ


LED sources with colour rendering index CRI >90.

Snug fit safety snap‑lock clips for diffuser mounting in stainless
steel, screwdriver opening.
Code 58872 Fixing brackets in stainless steel.

ON/OFF electronic wiring 230V-50/60Hz

Code Item W lm K CRI LxAxH
58867 3F Linda LED 1x12W/940 L660 14 1667 4000 >90 660x100x100
58868 3F Linda LED 2x12W/940 L660 28 3243 4000 >90 660x160x100
58869 3F Linda LED 1x24W/940 L1270 28 3333 4000 >90 1270x100x100
58870 3F Linda LED 2x24W/940 L1270 54.5 6487 4000 >90 1270x160x100
58871 3F Linda LED 1x30W/940 L1570 33.5 4248 4000 >90 1570x100x100
58872 3F Linda LED 2x30W/940 L1570 66 7967 4000 >90 1570x160x100
DALI electronic wiring 230V-50/60Hz
Code Item W lm K CRI LxAxH
58873 3F Linda LED 1x12W/940 DALI L660 15 1667 4000 >90 660x100x100
58874 3F Linda LED 2x12W/940 DALI L660 28 3243 4000 >90 660x160x100
58875 3F Linda LED 1x24W/940 DALI L1270 28 3333 4000 >90 1270x100x100
58876 3F Linda LED 2x24W/940 DALI L1270 54.5 6487 4000 >90 1270x160x100
58877 3F Linda LED 1x30W/940 DALI L1570 33.5 4248 4000 >90 1570x100x100
58878 3F Linda LED 2x30W/940 DALI L1570 66 7967 4000 >90 1570x160x100

Performances are measured and certified by our CTFs stage 2 Photometric Laboratory (more information on page 12).
564 Datasheets, product updates and specifications on our website: www.3f-filippi.com
3F Linda HO


High lumen output LED sources.

Snug fit safety snap‑lock clips for diffuser mounting in stainless
Code 57704 steel, screwdriver opening.

ON/OFF electronic wiring 230V-50/60Hz

Code Item W lm K CRI LxAxH
57703 NEW
3F Linda LED HO 1x50W/840 L1270 56 9042 4000 >80 1270x100x100
57704 NEW 3F Linda LED HO 1x62W/840 L1570 69 11194 4000 >80 1570x100x100
EP maintained emergency wiring, 1hr duration with 24hrs recharge (page 772)
Code Item W lm K CRI LxAxH
57711 NEW 3F Linda LED HO 1x50W/840 EP L1270 57 9042 4000 >80 1270x100x100
57712 NEW 3F Linda LED HO 1x62W/840 EP L1570 70 11194 4000 >80 1570x100x100
DALI electronic wiring 230V-50/60Hz
Code Item W lm K CRI LxAxH
57719 NEW
3F Linda LED HO 1x50W/840 DALI L1270 56 9042 4000 >80 1270x100x100
57720 NEW
3F Linda LED HO 1x62W/840 DALI L1570 69 11194 4000 >80 1570x100x100
DALI - EP maintained emergency wiring, 1hr duration with 24hrs recharge (page 772)
Code Item W lm K CRI LxAxH
57727 NEW
3F Linda LED HO 1x50W/840 DALI EP L1270 57 9042 4000 >80 1270x100x100
57728 NEW 3F Linda LED HO 1x62W/840 DALI EP L1570 70 11194 4000 >80 1570x100x100

3F Linda Wide


Wide distribution.
Flux recuperator in specular aluminium, high efficiency.
Snug fit safety snap‑lock clips for diffuser mounting in stainless
Code 58661 steel, screwdriver opening.

ON/OFF electronic wiring 230V-50/60Hz

Code Item W lm K CRI LxAxH
58659 3F Linda LED 2x24W AMPIO L1270 54.5 7893 4000 >80 1270x160x100
58661 3F Linda LED 2x30W AMPIO L1570 66 9694 4000 >80 1570x160x100

3F Linda 565
3F Linda Concentrated


Concentrated elliptical distribution.

Flux recuperator in specular aluminium, high efficiency.
Snug fit safety snap‑lock clips for diffuser mounting in stainless
Code 58632 steel, screwdriver opening.

ON/OFF electronic wiring 230V-50/60Hz

Code Item W lm K CRI LxAxH
58630 3F Linda LED 2x24W CONC L1270 54.5 7753 4000 >80 1270x160x100
58632 3F Linda LED 2x30W CONC L1570 66 9521 4000 >80 1570x160x100

3F Linda Basic


Snug fit snap‑lock clips for diffuser mounting, in polycarbonate,

tamper‑proof screwdriver opening.
Code 58765 In compliance with EN 60598‑1.

ON/OFF electronic wiring 230V-50/60Hz

Code Item W lm K CRI LxAxH
58762 3F Linda LED Basic 1x19W L1270 22 2956 4000 >80 1270x100x100
58764 3F Linda LED Basic 1x23W L1570 29 3708 4000 >80 1570x100x100
58766 3F Linda LED Basic ST 2x16W L1270 36 5005 4000 >80 1270x100x100
58763 3F Linda LED Basic 2x19W L1270 41 5357 4000 >80 1270x160x100
58767 3F Linda LED Basic ST 2x20W L1570 45 6291 4000 >80 1570x100x100
58765 3F Linda LED Basic 2x23W L1570 49 6722 4000 >80 1570x160x100

Performances are measured and certified by our CTFs stage 2 Photometric Laboratory (more information on page 12).
566 Datasheets, product updates and specifications on our website: www.3f-filippi.com
3F Linda Soft


Soft opal diffuser in self‑extinguishing V2 polycarbonate,

photo‑engraved interior, UV stabilised, injection moulded.
Snug fit safety snap‑lock clips for diffuser mounting in stainless
steel, screwdriver opening.
Code 58752 In compliance with EN 60598‑1.

ON/OFF electronic wiring 230V-50/60Hz

Code Item W lm K CRI LxAxH
58731 3F Linda LED Soft 1x12W L660 14 1866 4000 >80 660x100x100
58732 3F Linda LED Soft 2x12W L660 28 3578 4000 >80 660x160x100
58733 3F Linda LED Soft 1x24W L1270 28 3732 4000 >80 1270x100x100
58734 3F Linda LED Soft 1x30W L1570 33.5 4755 4000 >80 1570x100x100
58751 3F Linda LED Soft 2x22W L1570 49 6835 4000 >80 1570x160x100
58737 3F Linda LED Soft 2x24W L1270 54.5 7156 4000 >80 1270x160x100
58752 3F Linda LED Soft 2x30W L1570 66 8788 4000 >80 1570x160x100
DALI electronic wiring 230V-50/60Hz
Code Item W lm K CRI LxAxH
58735 3F Linda LED Soft 1x24W DALI L1270 28 3732 4000 >80 1270x100x100
58736 3F Linda LED Soft 1x30W DALI L1570 33.5 4755 4000 >80 1570x100x100
58753 3F Linda LED Soft 2x22W DALI L1570 49 6835 4000 >80 1570x160x100
58738 3F Linda LED Soft 2x24W DALI L1270 54.5 7156 4000 >80 1270x160x100
58754 3F Linda LED Soft 2x30W DALI L1570 66 8788 4000 >80 1570x160x100

3F Linda 567
3F Linda Compact


In compliance with EN 60598‑1.

Snug fit safety snap‑lock clips for diffuser mounting in stainless
Code 5068 steel, screwdriver opening.

ON/OFF electronic wiring 230V-50/60Hz

Code Item W lm K CRI LxAxH
5066 3F Linda LED 1x6W L300 7.5 883 4000 >80 300x100x100
5067 3F Linda LED 1x6W LA L300 7.5 870 4000 >80 300x160x100
5068 3F Linda LED 2x6W L300 13 1646 4000 >80 300x160x100
EP maintained emergency wiring, 1hr duration with 24hrs recharge (page 772)
Code Item W lm K CRI LxAxH
5069 3F Linda LED 1x6W EP LA L300 8.5 870 4000 >80 300x160x100
5070 3F Linda LED 2x6W EP L300 14 1646 4000 >80 300x160x100
ENP non-permanent emergency wiring, 1hr duration with 24hrs recharge (page 772)
Code Item W lm K CRI LxAxH
5071 3F Linda LED 1x6W ENP LA L300 557 4000 >80 300x160x100

Performances are measured and certified by our CTFs stage 2 Photometric Laboratory (more information on page 12).
568 Datasheets, product updates and specifications on our website: www.3f-filippi.com
/ Waterproof and corrosion-proof

Porto di Savona


3F Linda ATEX
Controlled symmetric distribution. Environments with ATEX explosive atmosphere, group II,
Lifetime (L80/B10): 100000 h. (tq+25°C) category 3D, T85°C, Zone 22 Dc (compliance with directive 2014/34/
Photobiological safety RG0 (page 16). EU and IEC/EN 60079 standard), severe industrial, food and agri‑food
industries, scientific and food processing laboratories, environments
with high humidity, swimming pools, railway, aeronautical and port
SOURCE applications.
Dry, dusty indoor environments, subject to occasional water splashes.
Linear LED modules. Virtually shatterproof polycarbonate compatibly with the
Colour initial tolerance (MacAdam): SDCM 3. fumes / atmospheres that compromise the elasticity of plastic materials
(page 805).
Not suitable in environments where chlorine fumes, ligroin, hydrocarbon
MECHANICAL mixtures, mineral oil vapours or fumes of lubricating emulsions to cool
down machine tools are present.
Self‑extinguishing V2 polycarbonate housing, injection Not suitable for installation on surfaces subject to important vibrations,
moulded, RAL 7035 grey. exposed to weather conditions, on ropes or poles.
Ecologic anti‑aging injected sealing gasket. Luminaires suitable in production plants in the food industry
Gear‑tray reflector unit in hot‑galvanised steel, painted in white (HACCP / IFS / BRC‑Standard).
polyester, fixed to the housing by means of steel rapid devices, hinged For specific applications please contact our technical offices.
Diffuser in self‑extinguishing V2 polycarbonate, photo‑engraved interior,
UV stabilised, injection moulded with smooth outer surface. WARNING
Snug fit safety snap‑lock clips for diffuser mounting in stainless steel,
screwdriver opening. Fixture not suitable for cold stores with an ambient temperature <0°C
Fixing brackets in stainless steel. and/or relative humidity >85%.

In compliance with EN 60598‑1. • different colour rendering indices and colour temperatures
Compliance with the EN 60598‑2‑22 standard for power supply from a • wiring: CLO (page 752), dimmable, class II
centralised CPSS emergency system must be verified in the technical • linear LED modules, with special protection against aggressive
data sheets of each individual device on our website. chemically‑volatile substances, for standard LED technology

3F Linda ATEX


Code 58471

ON/OFF electronic wiring 230V-50/60Hz

Code Item W lm K CRI LxAxH
58470 3F Linda LED 1x12W ATEX 3D L660 14 2033 4000 >80 660x100x100
58471 3F Linda LED 2x12W ATEX 3D L660 28 3955 4000 >80 660x160x100
58472 3F Linda LED 1x24W ATEX 3D L1270 28 4065 4000 >80 1270x100x100
58474 3F Linda LED 1x30W ATEX 3D L1570 33.5 5180 4000 >80 1570x100x100
58473 3F Linda LED 2x24W ATEX 3D L1270 54.5 7911 4000 >80 1270x160x100
58475 3F Linda LED 2x30W ATEX 3D L1570 66 9715 4000 >80 1570x160x100

Performances are measured and certified by our CTFs stage 2 Photometric Laboratory (more information on page 12).
572 Datasheets, product updates and specifications on our website: www.3f-filippi.com
/ Waterproof and corrosion-proof

Forming AG


3F Linda HS
Controlled symmetric distribution. Dry, dusty indoor environments, subject to occasional water splashes.
Lifetime (L80/B10): 100000 h. (tq+25°C) Hygienically suitable product for installation in food production plants
Photobiological safety RG0 (page 16). (HACCP), IFS (Food Version 6), BRC (GSFS Food Version 7).
Virtually shatterproof polycarbonate compatibly with the
fumes / atmospheres that compromise the elasticity of plastic materials
SOURCE (page 805).
Not suitable for installation on surfaces subject to important vibrations,
Linear anti‑sulfur LED modules (SiO2), with special protection exposed to weather conditions, on ropes or poles.
against aggressive chemically‑volatile substances, for standard Luminaire complete with linear anti‑sulfur LED modules (SiO2),
LED technology. with special protection against aggressive chemically‑volatile
Colour initial tolerance (MacAdam): SDCM 3. substances, for standard LED technology.
Body and diffuser resistant to the following substances: Ethyl alcohol
(24 hours at 20°C), aqueous detergents, hydrochloric acid (leaves slight
MECHANICAL mark), DOT4 brake oil, sulphuric acid (leaves slight mark), ammonia.
When using this data, remember that it is the result of laboratory tests,
Body and screen in polycarbonate with additional protective treatment and therefore valid only under those test conditions: the data is to be
for use in environments with aggressive substances. considered approximate and, in the absence of practical experience, it
Ecologic anti‑aging injected sealing gasket. is advisable to carry out tests under actual operating conditions.
Gear‑tray reflector unit in hot‑galvanised steel, painted in white Please refer to the resistance to corrosive substances table (page 805).
polyester, fixed to the housing by means of steel rapid devices, hinged The temperature and concentration of the chemical substance
opening. may significantly affect the materials and the LED technology.
Diffuser in self‑extinguishing V2 polycarbonate, photo‑engraved interior, For specific applications please contact our technical offices.
UV stabilised, injection moulded with smooth outer surface.
Snug fit safety snap‑lock clips for diffuser mounting in stainless steel,
screwdriver opening. WARNING
Fixing brackets in stainless steel.
Fixture not suitable for cold stores with an ambient temperature <0°C
and/or relative humidity >85%.
In compliance with EN 60598‑1. ON REQUEST
Compliance with the EN 60598‑2‑22 standard for power supply from a
centralised CPSS emergency system must be verified in the technical • different colour temperatures
data sheets of each individual device on our website. • wiring: dimmable, CLO (page 752), class II
• emergency versions

3F Linda HS


Luminaire complete with linear LED modules (SiO2), with

special protection against aggressive chemically‑volatile
Code 58730 substances, for standard LED technology.

ON/OFF electronic wiring 230V-50/60Hz

Code Item W lm K CRI LxAxH
58722 3F Linda LED HS 1x24W L1270 28 4065 4000 >80 1270x100x100
58724 3F Linda LED HS 1x30W L1570 33.5 5180 4000 >80 1570x100x100
58728 3F Linda LED HS 2x24W L1270 54.5 7911 4000 >80 1270x160x100
58730 3F Linda LED HS 2x30W L1570 66 9715 4000 >80 1570x160x100

Performances are measured and certified by our CTFs stage 2 Photometric Laboratory (more information on page 12).
576 Datasheets, product updates and specifications on our website: www.3f-filippi.com

/ Waterproof and corrosion-proof

Forming AG


3F Linda HT
Controlled symmetric distribution. Ambient temperatures up to +55°C.
Lifetime (L80/B10): 100000 h. (tq+25°C) Dry, dusty indoor environments, subject to occasional water splashes.
Luminous flux at +55°C: ‑10%.
Photobiological safety RG0 (page 16).
SOURCE Fixture not suitable for cold stores with an ambient temperature <0°C
and/or relative humidity >85%.
Linear LED modules.
Colour initial tolerance (MacAdam): SDCM 3.
MECHANICAL • different colour rendering indices and colour temperatures
• wiring: electronic, dimmable, DALI, CLO (page 752), class II
Self‑extinguishing V2 polycarbonate housing, injection • linear LED modules, with special protection against aggressive
moulded, RAL 7035 grey. chemically‑volatile substances, for standard LED technology
Ecologic anti‑aging injected sealing gasket.
Gear‑tray reflector unit in hot‑galvanised steel, painted in white
polyester, fixed to the housing by means of steel rapid devices, hinged
Diffuser in self‑extinguishing V2 polycarbonate, photo‑engraved interior,
UV stabilised, injection moulded with smooth outer surface.
Stainless steel fixing brackets.

In compliance with EN 60598‑1.
Compliance with the EN 60598‑2‑22 standard for power supply from a
centralised CPSS emergency system must be verified in the technical
data sheets of each individual device on our website.

3F Linda HT


Code 57745

ON/OFF electronic wiring 230V-50/60Hz

Code Item W lm K CRI LxAxH
57743 NEW
3F Linda LED HT 1x18W/840 L1570 21 3232 4000 >80 1570x100x100
57744 NEW 3F Linda LED HT 2x13W/840 L1570 30 4781 4000 >80 1570x160x100
57745 NEW
3F Linda LED HT 2x18W/840 L1570 40 6289 4000 >80 1570x160x100
57747 NEW 3F Linda LED HT 1x18W/865 L1570 21 3232 6500 >80 1570x100x100
57748 NEW
3F Linda LED HT 2x13W/865 L1570 30 4781 6500 >80 1570x160x100
57749 NEW 3F Linda LED HT 2x18W/865 L1570 40 6289 6500 >80 1570x160x100

Performances are measured and certified by our CTFs stage 2 Photometric Laboratory (more information on page 12).
580 Datasheets, product updates and specifications on our website: www.3f-filippi.com
/ Waterproof and corrosion-proof

Brandweer Hasselt


3F Linda Transparent
Controlled symmetric distribution. Dry, dusty indoor environments, subject to occasional water splashes.
Lifetime (L75/B10): 80000 h. (tq+25°C) Environments: transit areas, parking lots.
Photobiological safety RG0 (page 16). Environments where soft diffuse light is required for optimal visual
Virtually shatterproof polycarbonate compatibly with the
SOURCE fumes / atmospheres that compromise the elasticity of plastic materials
(page 805).
Linear LED modules. Not suitable in environments where chlorine fumes, ligroin, hydrocarbon
Colour initial tolerance (MacAdam): SDCM 3. mixtures, mineral oil vapours or fumes of lubricating emulsions to cool
down machine tools are present.
Not suitable for installation on surfaces subject to important vibrations,
MECHANICAL exposed to weather conditions, on ropes or poles.
Luminaires suitable in production plants in the food industry
Housing in transparent self‑extinguishing V2 polycarbonate, injection (HACCP / IFS / BRC‑Standard).
moulded. Suitable for illumination of public car parks and parking grounds referred
Ecologic anti‑aging injected sealing gasket. to DIN 67528:2018‑04.
Gear‑tray reflector unit in hot‑galvanised steel, painted in white
polyester, fixed to the housing by means of steel rapid devices, hinged
opening. WARNING
Diffuser in self‑extinguishing V2 polycarbonate, photo‑engraved interior,
UV stabilised, injection moulded with smooth outer surface. Fixture not suitable for cold stores with an ambient temperature <0°C
Snug fit safety snap‑lock clips for diffuser mounting in stainless steel, and/or relative humidity >85%.
screwdriver opening.
Fixing brackets in stainless steel.
ELECTRICAL • different colour rendering indices and colour temperatures
• wiring: dimmable, CLO (page 752), class II
In compliance with EN 60598‑1. • linear LED modules, with special protection against aggressive
Compliance with the EN 60598‑2‑22 standard for power supply from a chemically‑volatile substances, for standard LED technology
centralised CPSS emergency system must be verified in the technical • CRI >90 sources
data sheets of each individual device on our website. • emergency versions

3F Linda Transparent


Transparent polycarbonate housing.

Code 58856 Snug fit safety snap‑lock clips in stainless steel.

ON/OFF electronic wiring 230V-50/60Hz

Code Item W lm K CRI LxAxH
58852 3F Linda LED Lite TR 1x12W L660 14 2112 4000 >80 660x100x100
58853 3F Linda LED Lite TR 1x19W L1270 22 2962 4000 >80 1270x100x100
58854 3F Linda LED Lite TR 1x23W L1570 29 3716 4000 >80 1570x100x100
58855 3F Linda LED Lite TR 2x16W L1270 36 4923 4000 >80 1270x160x100
58856 3F Linda LED Lite TR 2x20W L1570 45 6188 4000 >80 1570x160x100

Performances are measured and certified by our CTFs stage 2 Photometric Laboratory (more information on page 12).
584 Datasheets, product updates and specifications on our website: www.3f-filippi.com
/ Waterproof and corrosion-proof

Cantine Banfi
Montalcino (SI)


3F Linda Ice
Controlled symmetric distribution. Cells with temperature from ‑30°C to + 40°C with a humidity degree up
Lifetime (L90/B10): 50000 h. (tq+25°C) to 95%.
Photobiological safety RG0 (page 16). Virtually shatterproof polycarbonate compatibly with the
fumes / atmospheres that compromise the elasticity of plastic materials
(page 805).
SOURCE For applications in environments in which disturbances on the power
network may be present and/or involve use at low temperatures, surge
Linear LED modules UR95. protection devices should be fitted on the power supply and any causes
Colour initial tolerance (MacAdam): SDCM 3. of undervoltages eliminated.
Luminaires suitable in production plants in the food industry
(HACCP / IFS / BRC‑Standard).
Self‑extinguishing V2 polycarbonate housing, injection NOTES
moulded, RAL 7035 grey.
Ecologic anti‑aging injected sealing gasket. Thanks to new 3F LED technology, the advantages of using
Gear‑tray reflector unit in hot‑galvanised steel, painted in white 3F Linda LED ICE technology are manifold:
polyester, fixed to the housing by means of steel rapid devices, hinged • switch‑on time less than 5 seconds
opening. • unlimited on cycles
Diffuser in self‑extinguishing V2 polycarbonate, photo‑engraved interior, • lifetime of LED source does not decline in relation to the number of on
UV stabilised, injection moulded with smooth outer surface. cycles
Snug fit safety snap‑lock clips for diffuser mounting in stainless steel,
screwdriver opening. All this results in cost reductions thanks to:
Fixing brackets in stainless steel. • power consumption lower than for fluorescent versions
• no heat transfer from the luminaire to the cooled environment

In compliance with EN 60598‑1.
Compliance with the EN 60598‑2‑22 standard for power supply from a • different colour rendering indices and colour temperatures
centralised CPSS emergency system must be verified in the technical • linear LED modules, with special protection against aggressive
data sheets of each individual device on our website. chemically‑volatile substances, for standard LED technology
Solid single‑core silicone rubber insulated wiring cable with fibreglass
braid type UG4T2/2 cross section 0.75 mm².

3F Linda Ice 1x

Code 58461 Controlled wide distribution.

ON/OFF electronic wiring 230V-50/60Hz

Code Item W lm K CRI LxAxH
58457 3F Linda LED Ice 1x24W UR95 L1270 28 4065 4000 >80 1270x100x100
58461 3F Linda LED Ice 1x30W UR95 L1570 33.5 5180 4000 >80 1570x100x100

3F Linda Ice 2x

Code 58463 Controlled wide distribution.

ON/OFF electronic wiring 230V-50/60Hz

Code Item W lm K CRI LxAxH
58459 3F Linda LED Ice 2x24W UR95 L1270 54.5 7911 4000 >80 1270x160x100
58463 3F Linda LED Ice 2x30W UR95 L1570 66 9715 4000 >80 1570x160x100

Performances are measured and certified by our CTFs stage 2 Photometric Laboratory (more information on page 12).
588 Datasheets, product updates and specifications on our website: www.3f-filippi.com
/ Waterproof and corrosion-proof

Hippisch Centrum Ruiterlijk

Oud Turnhout


3F Linda Sensor
Controlled symmetric distribution. Dry, dusty indoor environments, subject to occasional water splashes.
Lifetime (L80/B10): 100000 h. (tq+25°C) Environments: transit areas, parking lots.
Photobiological safety RG0 (page 16). Virtually shatterproof polycarbonate compatibly with the
fumes / atmospheres that compromise the elasticity of plastic materials
(page 805).
SOURCE Not suitable in environments where chlorine fumes, ligroin, hydrocarbon
mixtures, mineral oil vapours or fumes of lubricating emulsions to cool
Linear LED modules. down machine tools are present.
Colour initial tolerance (MacAdam): SDCM 3. Not suitable for installation on surfaces subject to important vibrations,
exposed to weather conditions, on ropes or poles.
Luminaires suitable in production plants in the food industry
Suitable for illumination of public car parks and parking grounds referred
Self‑extinguishing V2 polycarbonate housing, injection to DIN 67528:2018‑04.
moulded, RAL 7035 grey. For specific applications please contact our technical offices.
Ecologic anti‑aging injected sealing gasket.
Gear‑tray reflector unit in hot‑galvanised steel, painted in white
polyester, fixed to the housing by means of steel rapid devices, hinged LIGHT MANAGEMENT
Diffuser in self‑extinguishing V2 polycarbonate, photo‑engraved interior, The products use 3F Sensor technology (page 726).
UV stabilised, injection moulded with smooth outer surface.
Snug fit safety snap‑lock clips for diffuser mounting in stainless steel,
screwdriver opening. WARNING
Fixing brackets in stainless steel.
Fixture not suitable for cold stores with an ambient temperature <0°C
and/or relative humidity >85%.
In compliance with EN 60598‑1. ON REQUEST
Integrated presence sensor.
• different colour rendering indices and colour temperatures
• linear LED modules, with special protection against aggressive
chemically‑volatile substances, for standard LED technology
• emergency versions

3F Linda Sensor


Code 58642 Integrated presence sensor with ON/OFF function.

ON/OFF electronic wiring 230V-50/60Hz

Code Item W lm K CRI LxAxH
58638 3F Linda LED 1x30W Sensor L1570 34.5 5180 4000 >80 1570x100x100
58642 3F Linda LED 2x30W Sensor L1570 67 9715 4000 >80 1570x160x100

3F Linda Sensor Corridor Function



Integrated presence sensor with Corridor Function mode, even

with the environment free of people, the luminous flux is maintained
Code 58649 at 10%.

CF (Corridor Function) electronic wiring 230V-50/60Hz

Code Item W lm K CRI LxAxH
58645 3F Linda LED 1x30W Sensor CF L1570 34.5 5180 4000 >80 1570x100x100
58649 3F Linda LED 2x30W Sensor CF L1570 67 9715 4000 >80 1570x160x100

Performances are measured and certified by our CTFs stage 2 Photometric Laboratory (more information on page 12).
592 Datasheets, product updates and specifications on our website: www.3f-filippi.com
3F Linda Sensor Bluetooth


Integrated Bluetooth presence sensor that allows to adjust and

Code 58789 create a wireless network between DALI‑BLE fixtures.

DALI electronic wiring 230V-50/60Hz

Code Item W lm K CRI LxAxH
58786 3F Linda LED 1x24W Sensor DALI-BLE L1270 29 4065 4000 >80 1270x100x100
58787 3F Linda LED 1x30W Sensor DALI-BLE L1570 34.5 5180 4000 >80 1570x100x100
58788 3F Linda LED 2x24W Sensor DALI-BLE L1270 55.5 7911 4000 >80 1270x160x100
58789 3F Linda LED 2x30W Sensor DALI-BLE L1570 67 9715 4000 >80 1570x160x100

3F Linda Sensor 593

3F Linda | Accessories
Code Item
A0660 Suspension with adjustment - 1m
A0661 Suspension with adjustment - 2 m
A0662 Suspension with adjustment - 3 m
A0663 Suspension with adjustment - 4 m
A0664 Suspension with adjustment - 5 m
A0665 Suspension with adjustment - 6 m

Suspension with regulator, galvanised steel cable 1.5 mm diameter, load 15 kg.
Attention: each product requires two suspensions with regulator.
Accessory not compatible with 3F Linda LED Compact versions.

Code Item
A0160 Inox clips 3F Linda L660 -4pcs
The pack contains 4 pieces.
A0161 Inox clips 3F Linda L1270 -8pcs
The pack contains 8 pieces.
A0162 Inox clips 3F Linda L1570 -10pcs
The pack contains 10 pieces.

Snug fit snap‑lock clips for diffuser mounting, in stainless steel, safety opening.
Accessory compatible with 3F Linda, 3F Linda - ATEX, 3F Linda - HT.

Code Item
A0449 15 GZI w/brack.+ hooks Linda L300
A0450 15 RIT w/bra.+hooks Linda L660-1270-1570

Pair of brackets and hooks in stainless steel, with nuts and bolts for fixing to 3F Linda, for ceiling or
wall‑mounting, single and twin‑lamp luminaires. Minimum tilt angle = 45°.

Code Item
A0451 15 MBI w/brack.+ hooks Linda L300
A0452 15 FBR w/bra.+hooks Linda L660-1270-1570

Pair of brackets and hooks in stainless steel, with nuts and bolts for fixing to 3F Linda, for wall‑mounting,
single and twin‑lamp luminaires.

Code Item
A0462 13 GSI (pair of susp. hooks Linda L300)
A0463 13 TRM pair of susp.hooks Linda

Pair of stainless steel hooks for suspended installation, with cable clip and nuts and bolts for installation to
3F Linda.

Code Item
A0455 Wireguard 180x1330 3F Linda
A0456 Wireguard 180x1630 3F Linda
A0457 Wireguard 280x1330 3F Linda/3F Beta
A0458 Wireguard 280x1630 3F Linda/3F Beta

Wire‑guard for applications in dry environments, against shocks coming from any directions, galvanised steel
rod Ø 5 mm.
Only for luminaires fixed without hooks.

594 Datasheets, product updates and specifications on our website: www.3f-filippi.com

Code Item
A0447 3F Linda through-line L1570

5‑pole cascade connection line, stiff cable H07 V2‑U, HT 90°C, 1.5 mm², terminal blocks with connection
capacity 2x2.5 mm².
Accessory compatible with 3F Linda, 3F Linda - ATEX, 3F Linda - HS, 3F Linda - HT, 3F Linda - Ice,
3F Linda - Sensor.
Accessory not compatible with ST versions of 3F Linda LED Basic.

Code Item
A0187 Anti-condensation cable gland

Anti‑condensation diffuser cable gland.

Recommended for installations in environments with temperature sudden changes or subject to

Code Item
A0521 Reducing sealing ring diam.8mm

Reducing sealing ring, dedicated to the use of cables with an external diameter of up to 8 mm.

Code Item
A0464 26 CSG (pictogram P1 Linda L300)
A0465 26 MTH (pictogram P1 Linda L660)

Pictograms for warning signs to be applied on emergency luminaire's diffusers 160 mm wide. Pictogram,
135 mm high, 240 mm long for L300 luminaires, 605 mm long for L660 luminaires. Pictograms complying
with European standards concerning health and safety signals on the workplace.

Code Item
A0466 26 DVI (pictogram P2 Linda L300)
A0467 26 MVL (pictogram P2 Linda L660)

Pictograms for warning signs to be applied on emergency luminaire's diffusers 160 mm wide. Pictogram,
135 mm high, 240 mm long for L300 luminaires, 605 mm long for L660 luminaires. Pictograms complying
with European standards concerning health and safety signals on the workplace.

Code Item
A0468 26 GZM (pictogram P3 Linda L300)
A0469 26 PXN (pictogram P3 Linda L660)

Pictograms for warning signs to be applied on emergency luminaire's diffusers 160 mm wide. Pictogram,
135 mm high, 240 mm long for L300 luminaires, 605 mm long for L660 luminaires. Pictograms complying
with European standards concerning health and safety signals on the workplace.

Code Item
A0434 Safety screw locking Linda - 20 pcs
The pack contains 20 pieces.
A0435 Safety screw locking Linda - 100 pcs
The pack contains 100 pieces.

Safety screw for 3F Linda locking bracket

3F Linda 595
3F Linda LED
Examples of design
Comparison with waterproof Fluorescent 2x58 Starter
Design data:

Room dimensions 30x30 metres

Room height 7 metres
Installation height 5 metres

Number of luminaires: 60 luminaires

Like-for-like replacement of light points

Reflection ceiling 30%

walls 30%
floor 10%

Work surface height 0.85 metres

Like-for-like replacement of light

Current system points Reduction in light points
Waterproof Fluorescent 2x58W 3F Linda LED Basic ST 2x20W 3F Linda LED 2x30W L1570

Lighting values 300 lx 321 lx 329 lx

Number of light points 60 60 42**

8,460 W (starter)
Total luminaire 2,700 W 2,940 W
6,600 W (electronic)
-68% (starter) -65% (starter)
-59% (electronic) -55% (electronic)
10,000 hours (starter)
Average source life >50,000 hours >50,000 hours
18,000 hours (electronic)

2,000 hours annual operation (8 hours per day) 0.18 €/kWh

51€ (starter)
Energy costs 16€ 17€**
40€ (electronic)

Energy savings for each 35€* (starter) 34€* (starter)

luminaire currently installed 24€* (electronic) 23€* (electronic)

3000 hours annual operation (12 hours per day) 0.18 €/kWh

76€ (starter)
Energy costs 24€ 26€**
59€ (electronic)
Energy savings for each 52€* (starter) 50€* (starter)
luminaire currently installed 35€* (electronic) 33€* (electronic)

*Savings from the drastic reduction in maintenance costs should then be added to this!
**Less investment for the fixture purchase and installation

Comparison table between fluorescent and LED luminaires
Fluorescent Version Power Corresponding LED Power Savings
consumption (W) consumption (W)
T8 2x58W starter 141 3F Linda LED Basic ST 2x20W L1570 45 68%
HF 109 59%
2x36W starter 90 3F Linda LED Basic ST 2x16W L1270 36 60%
HF 71 49%
2x18W starter 45 3F Linda LED 1x12W L660 15 67%
HF 35 57%
1x58W starter 70 3F Linda LED Basic 1x23W L1570 29 59%
HF 55 47%
1x36W starter 45 3F Linda LED Basic 1x19W L1270 21 53%
HF 36 42%
1x18W starter 27 3F Linda LED 1x6W L660 7.5 72%
HF 19 61%

T5 2x49W 106 3F Linda LED Basic ST 2x20W L1570 45 58%

2x35W 76 3F Linda LED 1x30W L1570 35 54%
2x28W 60 3F Linda LED 1x24W L1270 28 53%
2x14W 31 3F Linda LED 1x12W L660 15 52%
1x80W 86 3F Linda LED 1x30W L1570 35 59%
1x49W 53 3F Linda LED Basic 1x23W L1570 29 45%
1x35W 38 3F Linda LED Basic 1x19W L1270 21 45%
1x28W 31 3F Linda LED 1x12W L660 15 52%
1x14W 16 3F Linda LED 1x6W L660 7.5 53%

Why choose 3F Linda LED?

Never-ending light
3F Linda LED is equipped with new 3F LED technology whose sources specially developed for demanding applications
guarantee an operating lifetime of over 50,000 hours, at the end of which at least 90% of the LED will still be providing
90% of their initial light output! (50,000h L90/B10).

You won't believe your wallet!

- 3F LED technology allows you to save up to 60% compared to traditional sources.
- Existing luminaires can be replaced while maintaining the same light locations and wiring system, but reducing energy
- Reduced maintenance significantly lowers running costs.

Beauty which doesn't blind!

The new 3F Linda LED photo-etched diffuser cancels out all glare to provide truly enviable lighting uniformity. Its clean,
elegant lines make 3F Linda LED a luminaire which can fit in perfectly with any environment.

3F Linda LED has been created according to the principles of Eco Design, and stands out for:
- Manufactured using energy from solar panels and assembled according to our “zero mileage” philosophy.
- Limited use of different materials, facilitating assembly, installation and recycling.
- Recyclable green packaging.

Significant reduction in maintenance costs

Longer life means less maintenance.
Less maintenance means greater savings.
Less maintenance means fewer problems.
Fewer problems means greater peace of mind.

www.3F-Filippi.com/3F LEM

3F LEM is a highly specialised product, designed to satisfy • Luminous efficacy up to 163 lumen/watt.
customers who need to light large areas evenly. • Luminous fluxes from 7066 to 56175 lumens.
We have designed and manufactured it with large injection-moulded • Extensive installation pitch.
shielding which permits different photometric distributions and • UGR <22.
lighting modules in aluminium alloy which are able to optimally • 3 different photometric distributions.
dissipate the heat generated by the latest LED sources. • Resistance against ball impacts in accordance with DIN 18032-3.
The design of the 3F LEM is based on simplification and modularity • Available with integrated sensors.
of design: "LEM" means "Light Emitting Modules", and thanks • Quick and easy cleaning.
to common platforms and structures it is possible to obtain • Essential and functional design.
advantages for the customer in terms of the use, during installation • EcoDesign: power supplies and sources replaceable at the end
and even when changing the sources at the end of the product life of product life.
cycle. • Ease of assembly and maintenance.
• Versatility of use in different environments.
• Thanks to the FastWiring system, the installation time is
drastically reduced.

Page Product Steel Stainless steel

606 3F LEM • •
612 3F LEM High Output • •
616 3F LEM Sensor • •
620 3F LEM High Temperature • •
624 3F LEM Sport • •
628 3F LEM Sport High Output • •

Product range
Suspended Ceiling Busbar

3F LEM 150

3F LEM 1
3F LEM 1+1


High High
Standard Output Sensor Temperature

Versions 3F LEM 1 3F LEM 1 3F LEM 2 3F LEM 2

3F LEM 1+1 3F LEM 1+1 3F LEM 3 3F LEM 3
3F LEM 2 3F LEM 2 3F LEM 4 3F LEM 4
3F LEM 3 3F LEM 3 3F LEM 5
3F LEM 4 3F LEM 4
3F LEM 5 3F LEM 5

Wide Medium Concentrated


Installation steps Dt 1,50 1,20 0,60

Dl 1,40 1,20 1,20

UGR <21 <19 <21

Suspended Ceiling Busbar

3F LEM 129

3F LEM 2
3F LEM 3 542
3F LEM 4
3F LEM 5


Sport High
Sport Output

Versions 3F LEM 2 3F LEM 2

3F LEM 3 3F LEM 3
3F LEM 4



Installation steps Dt 1,50

Dl 1,40

UGR <21

Optimized distribution
3F LEM is equipped with the highest quality LED sources with a CRI>80, but on request can be fitted with sources with CRI>90.
It is also possible to obtain light with a colour temperature of 4000K (neutral white), 6500K (cold white) and, on request, 3000K
(warm white).
With a UGR value of <22, we respect the vision of those who work under 3F LEM lights, as well as respecting health by ensuring
all luminaires are RG0 class (photobiological risk absent).

3F LEM fully complies with all applicable illuminotechnical standards and legislation: its lighting distribution comes from
careful analysis of BS EN 12464-1 which covers lighting of indoor work environments.
We have paid great attention to the requirements of the market and believe that the two different distributions are
capable of satisfying even the most demanding customers:

PMMA lenses with high luminous ef ficiency.


3F LEM 1 3F LEM 1+1

3F LEM 2 3F LEM 2 Sensor

3F LEM 3 3F LEM 3 Sensor

3F LEM 4 3F LEM 4 Sensor

3F LEM 5

Product range
3F Filippi is an Emilia-Romagna-based company, and a passion for mechanical engineering is part of our culture and expertise.
It is for precisely this reason that when creating the 3F LEM heatsink module we consulted the foremost authority in the field, the
mechanical engineering department at the University of Bologna.
Their precious support and expertise led to the creation of the heart of the 3F LEM, the heatsink, or dissipator, module. This
is the common denominator across all modules in the product family, and the performance of LEDs depends in large part on
their ability to dissipate the heat they generate. Our goal was to create a product which could be installed in high-temperature
environments and which would be able to make the sources work correctly.
The result is a body made from an innovative pressure die-cast body, which can be installed in environments with temperatures
up to 70°C.

Heat dissipation is not the only innovation on 3F LEM:

Air passage Wiring compartment separate from

3F LEM has been designed to have the best heat dissipators
possible air passage in all installation conditions. The power supplies are not affected by the
Aerodynamic analysis has allowed dust deposits heat emitted by the modules. This solution
on the heat dissipators to be avoided. also allows wiring compartments of different
lengths to be created.

Shielding, sources and power
supplies can be replaced at the end
of their life cycle, upgraded to next-
generation sources.

Mid-Power LED
Use of these LEDs offers improved
efficiency, less glare and optimised heat
distribution (less thermal stress on the

3F Lens lenticular lens LED photobiological safety: RG0

Available with Wide, Medium or The LEDs used are RG0 class
Concentrated controlled emission (photobiological risk absent).
(UGR <22).

Thanks to the FastWiring system, the installation time for 3f lem is significantly reduced:

3F LEM is supplied with our new “FastWiring”

quick connector.
Here is what it looks like when removed from
the packaging.

Remove the support by grasping the tab.

At this point the quick connection closing cap
and the cable gland are inserted onto the cable
and the electrical cables can be connected to
the quick connect terminal board. No tools are

Push the sliding support into the luminaire and

screw down the two phillips head screws on the
closing cap.

3F LEM is now ready for installation.

/ Waterproof and corrosion-proof

Fonderia Augusta s.r.l.


3F LEM 1 - 1+1 3F LEM

Wide, medium, concentrated symmetric elliptical distribution. Ambient temperature from ‑30°C to +55°C.
Lifetime (L80/B10): 100000 h. (tq+25°C) Dry, dusty indoor environments, subject to occasional water splashes.
Photobiological safety RG0 (page 16). Commercial, industrial and sporting environments (with no high‑flying
balls), as well as warehouses.
Environments in which it is necessary a total protection against falling
SOURCE fragments (eg environments with foodstuffs or machines with moving
parts or with extreme temperature changes), use luminaires with
Linear LED modules. polycarbonate lenses.
Colour initial tolerance (MacAdam): SDCM 3.

The DALI products can be controlled with 3F Easy Dim (page 722) or
Passive modular heatsinks in die‑casted aluminium, painted in white 3F Smart Dimming technology (page 732).
To optimize the thermal management of the LED module, the heatsinks
are oversized and provided with self‑cleaning of cooling fins. WARNING
Wiring body in aluminium and galvanised steel anchored solidly to the
sinks and thermally separated. Fixture not suitable for cold stores with an ambient temperature <0°C
3F Lens lenses with high luminous efficiency, transparent methacrylate and/or relative humidity >85%.
(PMMA), fixed to the LED modules.
Fixing brackets in stainless steel.
ELECTRICAL • different power levels, colour rendering indices and colour
In compliance with EN 60598‑1. • double quick connection
Compliance with the EN 60598‑2‑22 standard for power supply from a • polycarbonate lenses (IK08 ‑ 5J)
centralised CPSS emergency system must be verified in the technical • wiring: twin‑circuit, CLO (page 752)
data sheets of each individual device on our website. • linear LED modules, with special protection against aggressive
Quick connection in polycarbonate with M20x1,5 cable gland, to access chemically‑volatile substances, for standard LED technology
the terminal block positioned on a removable runner. • HACCP versions for use in the food industry
Power unit positioned on a separate compartment by the LED module • emergency versions
to ensure optimum temperatures of cabling components, to be
inspectable and maintainable.

3F LEM Wide


Code 58883 Wide distribution with rectangular shape.

ON/OFF electronic wiring 230V-50/60Hz

Code Item W lm K CRI LxAxH
58881 3F LEM 1 LED 50 CR AMPIO 56 8369 4000 >80 542x115x150
59157 3F LEM 1 LED 50/865 CR AMPIO 56 8369 6500 >80 542x115x150
58885 3F LEM 1+1 LED 100 CR AMPIO 109 16738 4000 >80 1099x115x150
59161 3F LEM 1+1 LED 100/865 CR AMPIO 109 16738 6500 >80 1099x115x150
58882 3F LEM 2 LED 100 CR AMPIO 109 16738 4000 >80 470x542x129
59158 3F LEM 2 LED 100/865 CR AMPIO 109 16738 6500 >80 470x542x129
58883 3F LEM 3 LED 150 CR AMPIO 165 25106 4000 >80 657x542x129
59159 3F LEM 3 LED 150/865 CR AMPIO 165 25106 6500 >80 657x542x129
58884 3F LEM 4 LED 200 CR AMPIO 218 33475 4000 >80 757x542x129
59160 3F LEM 4 LED 200/865 CR AMPIO 218 33475 6500 >80 757x542x129
58886 3F LEM 5 LED 250 CR AMPIO 274 41844 4000 >80 952x542x129
DALI electronic wiring 230V-50/60Hz
Code Item W lm K CRI LxAxH
58899 3F LEM 1 LED 50 DALI CR AMPIO 56 8369 4000 >80 542x115x150
58903 3F LEM 1+1 LED 100 DALI CR AMPIO 109 16738 4000 >80 1099x115x150
58900 3F LEM 2 LED 100 DALI CR AMPIO 109 16738 4000 >80 470x542x129
58901 3F LEM 3 LED 150 DALI CR AMPIO 165 25106 4000 >80 657x542x129
58902 3F LEM 4 LED 200 DALI CR AMPIO 218 33475 4000 >80 757x542x129
58904 3F LEM 5 LED 250 DALI CR AMPIO 274 41844 4000 >80 952x542x129

Performances are measured and certified by our CTFs stage 2 Photometric Laboratory (more information on page 12).
608 Datasheets, product updates and specifications on our website: www.3f-filippi.com
3F LEM Medium


Code 58893 Medium distribution with square shape.

ON/OFF electronic wiring 230V-50/60Hz

Code Item W lm K CRI LxAxH
58896 3F LEM 1+1 LED 100 CR MEDIO 109 17133 4000 >80 1099x115x150
58893 3F LEM 2 LED 100 CR MEDIO 109 17133 4000 >80 470x542x129
58894 3F LEM 3 LED 150 CR MEDIO 165 25700 4000 >80 657x542x129
58895 3F LEM 4 LED 200 CR MEDIO 218 34266 4000 >80 757x542x129
58897 3F LEM 5 LED 250 CR MEDIO 274 42833 4000 >80 952x542x129
DALI electronic wiring 230V-50/60Hz
Code Item W lm K CRI LxAxH
58914 3F LEM 1+1 LED 100 DALI CR MEDIO 109 17133 4000 >80 1099x115x150
58911 3F LEM 2 LED 100 DALI CR MEDIO 109 17133 4000 >80 470x542x129
58912 3F LEM 3 LED 150 DALI CR MEDIO 165 25700 4000 >80 657x542x129
58913 3F LEM 4 LED 200 DALI CR MEDIO 218 34266 4000 >80 757x542x129
58915 3F LEM 5 LED 250 DALI CR MEDIO 274 42833 4000 >80 952x542x129

3F LEM 609
3F LEM Concentrated


Code 58889 Concentrated elliptical distribution.

ON/OFF electronic wiring 230V-50/60Hz

Code Item W lm K CRI LxAxH
58887 3F LEM 1 LED 50 CR CONC 56 8567 4000 >80 542x115x150
58888 3F LEM 2 LED 100 CR CONC 109 17133 4000 >80 470x542x129
59164 3F LEM 2 LED 100/865 CR CONC 109 17133 6500 >80 470x542x129
58889 3F LEM 3 LED 150 CR CONC 165 25700 4000 >80 657x542x129
59165 3F LEM 3 LED 150/865 CR CONC 165 25700 6500 >80 657x542x129
58890 3F LEM 4 LED 200 CR CONC 218 34266 4000 >80 757x542x129
59166 3F LEM 4 LED 200/865 CR CONC 218 34266 6500 >80 757x542x129
DALI electronic wiring 230V-50/60Hz
Code Item W lm K CRI LxAxH
58905 3F LEM 1 LED 50 DALI CR CONC 56 8567 4000 >80 542x115x150
58906 3F LEM 2 LED 100 DALI CR CONC 109 17133 4000 >80 470x542x129
58907 3F LEM 3 LED 150 DALI CR CONC 165 25700 4000 >80 657x542x129
58908 3F LEM 4 LED 200 DALI CR CONC 218 34266 4000 >80 757x542x129

Performances are measured and certified by our CTFs stage 2 Photometric Laboratory (more information on page 12).
610 Datasheets, product updates and specifications on our website: www.3f-filippi.com
/ Waterproof and corrosion-proof

Iveco Brescia

3F LEM 1 - 1+1 3F LEM

3F LEM High Output
Wide, medium, concentrated symmetric elliptical distribution. Ambient temperature from ‑30°C to +45°C.
Lifetime (L80/B10): 100000 h. (tq+25°C) Dry, dusty indoor environments, subject to occasional water splashes.
Photobiological safety RG0 (page 16). Commercial, industrial and sporting environments (with no high‑flying
balls), as well as warehouses.
Environments in which it is necessary a total protection against falling
SOURCE fragments (eg environments with foodstuffs or machines with moving
parts or with extreme temperature changes), use luminaires with
Linear LED modules. polycarbonate lenses.
Colour initial tolerance (MacAdam): SDCM 3.

The DALI products can be controlled with 3F Easy Dim (page 722) or
Passive modular heatsinks in die‑casted aluminium, painted in white 3F Smart Dimming technology (page 732).
To optimize the thermal management of the LED module, the heatsinks
are oversized and provided with self‑cleaning of cooling fins. WARNING
Wiring body in aluminium and galvanised steel anchored solidly to the
sinks and thermally separated. Fixture not suitable for cold stores with an ambient temperature <0°C
3F Lens lenses with high luminous efficiency, transparent methacrylate and/or relative humidity >85%.
(PMMA), fixed to the LED modules.
Fixing brackets in stainless steel.
ELECTRICAL • different power levels, colour rendering indices and colour
In compliance with EN 60598‑1. • double quick connection
Compliance with the EN 60598‑2‑22 standard for power supply from a • polycarbonate lenses (IK08)
centralised CPSS emergency system must be verified in the technical • wiring: twin‑circuit, CLO (page 752)
data sheets of each individual device on our website. • linear LED modules, with special protection against aggressive
Quick connection in polycarbonate with M20x1,5 cable gland, to access chemically‑volatile substances, for standard LED technology
the terminal block positioned on a removable runner. • HACCP versions for use in the food industry
Power unit positioned on a separate compartment by the LED module • emergency versions
to ensure optimum temperatures of cabling components, to be
inspectable and maintainable.

3F LEM HO Wide


Code 58955 Wide distribution with rectangular shape.

ON/OFF electronic wiring 230V-50/60Hz

Code Item W lm K CRI LxAxH
58953 3F LEM 1 HO LED 70 CR AMPIO 71 11136 4000 >80 542x115x150
58957 3F LEM 1+1 HO LED 140 CR AMPIO 138 22271 4000 >80 1099x115x150
58954 3F LEM 2 HO LED 140 CR AMPIO 138 22271 4000 >80 470x542x129
58955 3F LEM 3 HO LED 210 CR AMPIO 207 33407 4000 >80 657x542x129
58956 3F LEM 4 HO LED 280 CR AMPIO 276 44543 4000 >80 757x542x129
58958 3F LEM 5 HO LED 350 CR AMPIO 345 55678 4000 >80 952x542x129
DALI electronic wiring 230V-50/60Hz
Code Item W lm K CRI LxAxH
58971 3F LEM 1 HO LED 70 DALI CR AMPIO 71 11136 4000 >80 542x115x150
58975 3F LEM 1+1 HO LED 140 DALI CR AMPIO 138 22271 4000 >80 1099x115x150
58972 3F LEM 2 HO LED 140 DALI CR AMPIO 138 22271 4000 >80 470x542x129
58973 3F LEM 3 HO LED 210 DALI CR AMPIO 207 33407 4000 >80 657x542x129
58974 3F LEM 4 HO LED 280 DALI CR AMPIO 276 44543 4000 >80 757x542x129
58976 3F LEM 5 HO LED 350 DALI CR AMPIO 345 55678 4000 >80 952x542x129

Performances are measured and certified by our CTFs stage 2 Photometric Laboratory (more information on page 12).
614 Datasheets, product updates and specifications on our website: www.3f-filippi.com
3F LEM HO Medium


Code 58965 Medium distribution with square shape.

ON/OFF electronic wiring 230V-50/60Hz

Code Item W lm K CRI LxAxH
58968 3F LEM 1+1 HO LED 140 CR MEDIO 138 22798 4000 >80 1099x115x150
58965 3F LEM 2 HO LED 140 CR MEDIO 138 22798 4000 >80 470x542x129
58966 3F LEM 3 HO LED 210 CR MEDIO 207 34196 4000 >80 657x542x129
58967 3F LEM 4 HO LED 280 CR MEDIO 276 45595 4000 >80 757x542x129
58969 3F LEM 5 HO LED 350 CR MEDIO 345 56994 4000 >80 952x542x129
DALI electronic wiring 230V-50/60Hz
Code Item W lm K CRI LxAxH
58986 3F LEM 1+1 HO LED 140 DALI CR MEDIO 138 22798 4000 >80 1099x115x150
58983 3F LEM 2 HO LED 140 DALI CR MEDIO 138 22798 4000 >80 470x542x129
58984 3F LEM 3 HO LED 210 DALI CR MEDIO 207 34196 4000 >80 657x542x129
58985 3F LEM 4 HO LED 280 DALI CR MEDIO 276 45595 4000 >80 757x542x129
58987 3F LEM 5 HO LED 350 DALI CR MEDIO 345 56994 4000 >80 952x542x129

3F LEM HO Concentrated


Code 58961 Concentrated elliptical distribution.

ON/OFF electronic wiring 230V-50/60Hz

Code Item W lm K CRI LxAxH
58959 3F LEM 1 HO LED 70 CR CONC 71 11399 4000 >80 542x115x150
58960 3F LEM 2 HO LED 140 CR CONC 138 22798 4000 >80 470x542x129
58961 3F LEM 3 HO LED 210 CR CONC 207 34196 4000 >80 657x542x129
DALI electronic wiring 230V-50/60Hz
Code Item W lm K CRI LxAxH
58977 3F LEM 1 HO LED 70 DALI CR CONC 71 11399 4000 >80 542x115x150
58978 3F LEM 2 HO LED 140 DALI CR CONC 138 22798 4000 >80 470x542x129
58979 3F LEM 3 HO LED 210 DALI CR CONC 207 34196 4000 >80 657x542x129

3F LEM High Output 615

/ Waterproof and corrosion-proof

Forming AG



3F LEM Sensor
Wide, medium, concentrated symmetric elliptical distribution. Recommended maximum height 13 m.
Lifetime (L80/B10): 100000 h. (tq+25°C)
Photobiological safety RG0 (page 16).
SOURCE Ambient temperature from ‑25°C to +50°C.
Recommended in environments with strong amount of natural light (or
Linear LED modules. areas with staff present discontinuously).
Colour initial tolerance (MacAdam): SDCM 3. Dry, dusty indoor environments, subject to occasional water splashes.
Commercial, industrial and sporting environments (with no high‑flying
balls), as well as warehouses.
MECHANICAL Environments in which it is necessary a total protection against falling
fragments (eg environments with foodstuffs or machines with moving
Passive modular heatsinks in die‑casted aluminium, painted in white parts or with extreme temperature changes), use luminaires with
colour. polycarbonate lenses.
To optimize the thermal management of the LED module, the heatsinks
are oversized and provided with self‑cleaning of cooling fins.
Wiring body in aluminium and galvanised steel anchored solidly to the LIGHT MANAGEMENT
sinks and thermally separated.
3F Lens lenses with high luminous efficiency, transparent methacrylate The DALI Sensor products are all fitted with light and presence sensors
(PMMA), fixed to the LED modules. integrated (page 730).
Fixing brackets in stainless steel.

Fixture not suitable for cold stores with an ambient temperature <0°C
In compliance with EN 60598‑1. and/or relative humidity >85%.
Quick connection in polycarbonate with M20x1,5 cable gland, to access
the terminal block positioned on a removable runner.
Power unit positioned on a separate compartment by the LED module ON REQUEST
to ensure optimum temperatures of cabling components, to be
inspectable and maintainable. • different power levels, colour rendering indices and colour
Integrated DALI light and presence sensor on the luminaire, to keep temperatures
lighting levels constant in accordance with the amount of natural light • presence function
and the presence of persons. • manual light intensity adjustment
Turns on and off and is regulated according to the level of light and the • double quick connection
presence of persons. • polycarbonate lenses (IK08)
• linear LED modules, with special protection against aggressive
chemically‑volatile substances, for standard LED technology
• HACCP versions for use in the food industry
• emergency versions

3F LEM Sensor Wide

Wide distribution with rectangular shape.

Integrated DALI light and presence sensor on the luminaire, to
keep lighting levels constant in accordance with the amount of
natural light and the presence of persons.
Turns on and off and is regulated according to the level of light and
Code 59254 the presence of persons.

DALI electronic wiring 230V-50/60Hz

Code Item W lm K CRI LxAxH
59253 3F LEM 2 LED 100 DALI Sensor CR AMPIO 110 16738 4000 >80 657x542x129
59254 3F LEM 3 LED 150 DALI Sensor CR AMPIO 166 25106 4000 >80 952x542x129
59255 3F LEM 4 LED 200 DALI Sensor CR AMPIO 219 33475 4000 >80 952x542x129

3F LEM Sensor Medium


Medium distribution with square shape.

Integrated DALI light and presence sensor on the luminaire, to
keep lighting levels constant in accordance with the amount of
natural light and the presence of persons.
Turns on and off and is regulated according to the level of light and
Code 59266 the presence of persons.

DALI electronic wiring 230V-50/60Hz

Code Item W lm K CRI LxAxH
59265 3F LEM 2 LED 100 DALI Sensor CR MEDIO 110 17133 4000 >80 657x542x129
59266 3F LEM 3 LED 150 DALI Sensor CR MEDIO 166 25700 4000 >80 952x542x129
59267 3F LEM 4 LED 200 DALI Sensor CR MEDIO 219 34266 4000 >80 952x542x129

Performances are measured and certified by our CTFs stage 2 Photometric Laboratory (more information on page 12).
618 Datasheets, product updates and specifications on our website: www.3f-filippi.com
3F LEM Sensor Concentrated

Concentrated elliptical distribution.

Integrated DALI light and presence sensor on the luminaire, to
keep lighting levels constant in accordance with the amount of
natural light and the presence of persons.
Turns on and off and is regulated according to the level of light and
Code 59260 the presence of persons.

DALI electronic wiring 230V-50/60Hz

Code Item W lm K CRI LxAxH
59259 3F LEM 2 LED 100 DALI Sensor CR CONC 110 17133 4000 >80 657x542x129
59260 3F LEM 3 LED 150 DALI Sensor CR CONC 166 25700 4000 >80 952x542x129
59261 3F LEM 4 LED 200 DALI Sensor CR CONC 219 34266 4000 >80 952x542x129

3F LEM Sensor 619

/ Waterproof and corrosion-proof

L Gruppo Del Conca

Savignano sul Panaro (MO)

3F LEM High Temperature
Wide, medium, concentrated symmetric elliptical distribution. Ambient temperature from ‑30°C to +70°C.
Lifetime (L80/B10): 100000 h. (tq+25°C) Dry, dusty indoor environments, subject to occasional water splashes.
Luminous flux at +70°C: ‑13.5%. Commercial, industrial and sporting environments (with no high‑flying
Photobiological safety RG0 (page 16). balls), as well as warehouses.
Environments in which it is necessary a total protection against falling
fragments (eg environments with foodstuffs or machines with moving
SOURCE parts or with extreme temperature changes), use luminaires with
polycarbonate lenses.
Linear LED modules.
Colour initial tolerance (MacAdam): SDCM 3.
MECHANICAL Fixture not suitable for cold stores with an ambient temperature <0°C
and/or relative humidity >85%.
Passive modular heatsinks in die‑casted aluminium, painted in white
To optimize the thermal management of the LED module, the heatsinks ON REQUEST
are oversized and provided with self‑cleaning of cooling fins.
Wiring body in aluminium and galvanised steel anchored solidly to the • different power levels, colour rendering indices and colour
sinks and thermally separated. temperatures
3F Lens lenses with high luminous efficiency, transparent polycarbonate, • double quick connection
fixed to the LED modules. • wiring: twin‑circuit, dimmable, CLO (page 752)
Fixing brackets in stainless steel. • linear LED modules, with special protection against aggressive
chemically‑volatile substances, for standard LED technology
• HACCP versions for use in the food industry
In compliance with EN 60598‑1.
Compliance with the EN 60598‑2‑22 standard for power supply from a
centralised CPSS emergency system must be verified in the technical
data sheets of each individual device on our website.
Quick connection in polycarbonate with M20x1,5 cable gland, to access
the terminal block positioned on a removable runner.
Power unit positioned on a separate compartment by the LED module
to ensure optimum temperatures of cabling components, to be
inspectable and maintainable.

3F LEM HT Wide


Code 59027 Wide distribution with rectangular shape.

ON/OFF electronic wiring 230V-50/60Hz

Code Item W lm K CRI LxAxH
59026 3F LEM 2 HT LED 60 CR AMPIO 68 10615 4000 >80 470x542x129
59027 3F LEM 3 HT LED 90 CR AMPIO 102 15922 4000 >80 657x542x129
59028 3F LEM 4 HT LED 120 CR AMPIO 136 21230 4000 >80 757x542x129
59030 3F LEM 5 HT LED 150 CR AMPIO 170 26537 4000 >80 952x542x129

3F LEM HT Medium


Code 59039 Medium distribution with square shape.

ON/OFF electronic wiring 230V-50/60Hz

Code Item W lm K CRI LxAxH
59039 3F LEM 4 HT LED 120 CR MEDIO 136 21725 4000 >80 757x542x129
59041 3F LEM 5 HT LED 150 CR MEDIO 170 27156 4000 >80 952x542x129

Performances are measured and certified by our CTFs stage 2 Photometric Laboratory (more information on page 12).
622 Datasheets, product updates and specifications on our website: www.3f-filippi.com
3F LEM HT Concentrated


Code 59033 Concentrated elliptical distribution.

ON/OFF electronic wiring 230V-50/60Hz

Code Item W lm K CRI LxAxH
59032 3F LEM 2 HT LED 60 CR CONC 68 10863 4000 >80 470x542x129
59033 3F LEM 3 HT LED 90 CR CONC 102 16294 4000 >80 657x542x129
59034 3F LEM 4 HT LED 120 CR CONC 136 21725 4000 >80 757x542x129

3F LEM High Temperature 623

/ Waterproof and corrosion-proof

Nunspeetse Ruiterclub


3F LEM Sport
Wide symmetric distribution. Ambient temperature from ‑30°C to +55°C.
Lifetime (L80/B10): 100000 h. (tq+25°C) Luminaire suitable for gyms as weel as sports, commercial, exhibition
Photobiological safety RG0 (page 16). and industrial environments.
Resistance against ball impacts in accordance with
DIN 18032‑3 (page 802).
SOURCE Dry, dusty indoor environments, subject to occasional water splashes.

Linear LED modules.

Colour initial tolerance (MacAdam): SDCM 3. WARNING
Fixture not suitable for cold stores with an ambient temperature <0°C
MECHANICAL and/or relative humidity >85%.

Passive modular heatsinks in die‑casted aluminium, painted in white

colour. ON REQUEST
To optimize the thermal management of the LED module, the heatsinks
are oversized and provided with self‑cleaning of cooling fins. • different powers or colour temperatures
Wiring body in aluminium and steel in white colour, specially • double quick connection
strengthened, anchored solidly to the sinks and thermally separated. • polycarbonate lenses (IK08 ‑ 5J)
3F Lens lenses with high luminous efficiency, transparent methacrylate • wiring: twin‑circuit, CLO (page 752)
(PMMA), fixed to the LED modules. • linear LED modules, with special protection against aggressive
Fixing brackets in stainless steel. chemically‑volatile substances, for standard LED technology
• emergency versions

In compliance with EN 60598‑1.
Compliance with the EN 60598‑2‑22 standard for power supply from a
centralised CPSS emergency system must be verified in the technical
data sheets of each individual device on our website.
Quick connection in polycarbonate with M20x1,5 cable gland, to access
the terminal block positioned on a removable runner.
Power unit positioned on a separate compartment by the LED module
to ensure optimum temperatures of cabling components, to be
inspectable and maintainable.

3F LEM Sport Wide


Code 59080 Wide distribution with rectangular shape.

ON/OFF electronic wiring 230V-50/60Hz

Code Item W lm K CRI LxAxH
59080 3F LEM 2 SPORT LED 100 CR AMPIO 109 16738 4000 >80 470x542x129
59081 3F LEM 3 SPORT LED 150 CR AMPIO 165 25106 4000 >80 657x542x129
59082 3F LEM 4 SPORT LED 200 CR AMPIO 218 33475 4000 >80 757x542x129
59275 3F LEM 2 SPORT LED 100/940 CR AMPIO 109 13725 4000 >90 470x542x129
59276 3F LEM 3 SPORT LED 150/940 CR AMPIO 165 20587 4000 >90 657x542x129
59277 3F LEM 4 SPORT LED 200/940 CR AMPIO 218 27450 4000 >90 757x542x129
DALI electronic wiring 230V-50/60Hz
Code Item W lm K CRI LxAxH
59093 3F LEM 2 SPORT LED 100 DALI CR AMPIO 109 16738 4000 >80 470x542x129
59094 3F LEM 3 SPORT LED 150 DALI CR AMPIO 165 25106 4000 >80 657x542x129
59095 3F LEM 4 SPORT LED 200 DALI CR AMPIO 218 33475 4000 >80 757x542x129
59281 3F LEM 2 SPORT LED 100/940 DALI CR AMPIO 109 13725 4000 >90 470x542x129
59282 3F LEM 3 SPORT LED 150/940 DALI CR AMPIO 165 20587 4000 >90 657x542x129
59283 3F LEM 4 SPORT LED 200/940 DALI CR AMPIO 218 27450 4000 >90 757x542x129

Performances are measured and certified by our CTFs stage 2 Photometric Laboratory (more information on page 12).
626 Datasheets, product updates and specifications on our website: www.3f-filippi.com
/ Waterproof and corrosion-proof

Centro Sportivo


3F LEM Sport High Output
Wide symmetric distribution. Ambient temperature from ‑30°C to +45°C.
Lifetime (L80/B10): 100000 h. (tq+25°C) Luminaire suitable for gyms as weel as sports, commercial, exhibition
Photobiological safety RG0 (page 16). and industrial environments.
Resistance against ball impacts in accordance with
DIN 18032‑3 (page 802).
SOURCE Dry, dusty indoor environments, subject to occasional water splashes.

Linear LED modules.

Colour initial tolerance (MacAdam): SDCM 3. WARNING
Fixture not suitable for cold stores with an ambient temperature <0°C
MECHANICAL and/or relative humidity >85%.

Passive modular heatsinks in die‑casted aluminium, painted in white

colour. ON REQUEST
To optimize the thermal management of the LED module, the heatsinks
are oversized and provided with self‑cleaning of cooling fins. • different powers or colour temperatures
Wiring body in aluminium and steel in white colour, specially • double quick connection
strengthened, anchored solidly to the sinks and thermally separated. • polycarbonate lenses (IK08 ‑ 5J)
3F Lens lenses with high luminous efficiency, transparent methacrylate • wiring: twin‑circuit, CLO (page 752)
(PMMA), fixed to the LED modules. • linear LED modules, with special protection against aggressive
Fixing brackets in stainless steel. chemically‑volatile substances, for standard LED technology
• emergency versions

In compliance with EN 60598‑1.
Compliance with the EN 60598‑2‑22 standard for power supply from a
centralised CPSS emergency system must be verified in the technical
data sheets of each individual device on our website.
Quick connection in polycarbonate with M20x1,5 cable gland, to access
the terminal block positioned on a removable runner.
Power unit positioned on a separate compartment by the LED module
to ensure optimum temperatures of cabling components, to be
inspectable and maintainable.

3F LEM Sport HO Wide


Code 59119 Wide distribution with rectangular shape.

ON/OFF electronic wiring 230V-50/60Hz

Code Item W lm K CRI LxAxH
59119 3F LEM 2 HO SPORT LED 140 CR AMPIO 138 22271 4000 >80 470x542x129
59120 3F LEM 3 HO SPORT LED 210 CR AMPIO 207 33407 4000 >80 657x542x129
59287 3F LEM 2 HO SPORT LED 140/940 CR AMPIO 147 17143 4000 >90 470x542x129
59288 3F LEM 3 HO SPORT LED 210/940 CR AMPIO 222 25715 4000 >90 657x542x129
DALI electronic wiring 230V-50/60Hz
Code Item W lm K CRI LxAxH
59132 3F LEM 2 HO SPORT LED 140 DALI CR AMPIO 138 22271 4000 >80 470x542x129
59133 3F LEM 3 HO SPORT LED 210 DALI CR AMPIO 207 33407 4000 >80 657x542x129
59293 3F LEM 2 HO SPORT LED 140/940 DALI CR AMPIO 147 17143 4000 >90 470x542x129
59294 3F LEM 3 HO SPORT LED 210/940 DALI CR AMPIO 222 25715 4000 >90 657x542x129

Performances are measured and certified by our CTFs stage 2 Photometric Laboratory (more information on page 12).
630 Datasheets, product updates and specifications on our website: www.3f-filippi.com
3F LEM | Accessories
Code Item
A0652 Pair of brack. ceiling instal. 3F LEM

Brackets for mounting of luminaire on ceiling or on bus ducts, stainless steel.

Please note: these brackets do NOT provide free orientation of the luminaire. To allow free
orientation, accessories A0651+A0632 must be installed.

Code Item
A0632 Pair of brack. ceiling instal. 3F LEM

Brackets for ceiling mounting, in hot‑galvanised steel painted in white polyester.

The bracket A0632 allows the luminaire to be ceiling mounted without the possibility to rotate it.
To allow free orientation, both accessories (A0651+A0632) must be installed.

Code Item
A0654 Pair of wall brackets - 3F LEM

Brackets for wall mounting, in in hot‑galvanised steel painted in white polyester.

The bracket A0654 allows the luminaire to be wall mounted without the possibility to rotate it. To
allow free orientation, both accessories (A0651+A0654) must be installed.

Code Item
A0651 Bracket rotation support 3F LEM

Additional bracket that, combined with the A0654 or A0632 accessories, makes it possible for the luminaires
to be oriented on the ceiling or the wall, in hot‑galvanised steel painted in white polyester.
This accessory must ALWAYS be used with one of the following codes: A0632 ‑ A0654.

Code Item
A0776 Horiz. rot. bracket 90° 3F LEM 1-2
A0777 Horiz. rot. brack. 90° 3F LEM 3-2 Sensor
A0778 Horizontal rotating bracket 90° 3F LEM 4

Brackets for rotating luminaries mounted on ceilings or on bus ducts.

Code Item
A0728 Cover for food appl. 3F LEM 1
A0733 Cov.food appl.single mod.3F LEM(2-3-4-5)

Dust covers for food processing areas in white‑painted galvanised steel.

For a LEM 3, for example, 3 pcs of the cod. A0733 must be ordered. Not available for the
1+1 version. Note: the maximum ambient operating temperatures of the fixtures decrease by 10°C
HACCP in all families, except for the High Output versions in which the reduction is 5°C. The reduction in
the luminous flux emitted is equal to 3% in all models in the range.

3F LEM 631
Code Item
A0653 Pair of fixing carab.for chain instal.

Snap hooks clips for chain suspension, galvanised steel.

Code Item
A0811 Transparent glass with gasket (10pcs)
The pack contains 10 pieces.
A0812 Moulded glass with gasket (10pcs)
The pack contains 10 pieces.

Glass with gasket to protect the louvre compartment from dust. Recommended for use in very dirty

Code Item
A0242 15SS galvanized steel cable coil 100m
The pack contains 100 metres.
A0243 15BF galvanized steel cable coil 500m
The pack contains 500 metres.

Anti‑fall safety cable Ø 2 mm for fastening the body to the building structure.
Coupling accessory A0714 to one of the two safety cables (A0242 or A0243) provides an anti‑fall
kit fixing and adjusting the cable on the load‑bearing element of the building structure. The
cable passes between the two passage holes on the hanging brackets mounted on the 3F LEM.
Suitable for environments subject to impacts or seismic zones.

Code Item
A0714 Clamp 2 holes susp.- 100 pcs
The pack contains 100 pieces.

Clamp in nickel‑plated brass suitable for fixing and adjustment of galvanised steel wire (diameter 1,25 mm
1,5 mm ‑ 2 mm), complete with locking screws. The 2 hole clamp allows to block and adjust the cable on a
bearing element (part of the building) or on rounded eye bolt.

Code Item
A0521 Reducing sealing ring diam.8mm

Reducing sealing ring, dedicated to the use of cables with an external diameter of up to 8 mm.

Code Item
A3021 IR DALI - Remote controller

IR remote control for user, compatible with DALI sensors (incompatible with On‑Off and Slave sensors).
Accessory compatible with 3F LEM - Sensor.

632 Datasheets, product updates and specifications on our website: www.3f-filippi.com

Code Item
A3020 IR DALI - Programmer

IR remote control for programmer, compatible with DALI sensors (incompatible with On‑Off and Slave
Accessory compatible with 3F LEM - Sensor.

Code Item
A3022 IR - Adapter for Smartphone

IR adapter for Smartphones, compatible with all programmable sensors. Free App available for Android and
iOS devices.
Accessory compatible with 3F LEM - Sensor.
Accessory always required to exclude the sensor presence function.

3F LEM 633
Examples of design
Comparison to 400W JM reflector
Design data:

Room dimensions 50x50 metres

Room height 11 metres
Installation height 10 metres

Like-for-like replacement of light points

Reflection ceiling 30%

walls 30%
floor 10%

Work surface height 0.85 metres

Current system Like-for-like replacement of light points Reduction in light points

400 JM reflector 3F LEM 2 HO LED 140 3F LEM 4 HO LED 280
Lighting values 290 lx 385 lx (MEDIO) - 361 lx (AMPIO) 325 lx (MEDIO) - 301 lx (AMPIO)
Number of light points 49 49 20
Total luminaire 21.560 W 6.762 W 5.520 W
Difference -69% -74%
Average source life 8.000 hours >100.000 hours >100.000 hours

Comparison to 250W JM reflector

Design data:

Room dimensions 50x50 metres

Room height 8 metres
Installation height 7 metres

Like-for-like replacement of light points

Reflection ceiling 30%

walls 30%
floor 10%

Work surface height 0.85 metres

Current system Like-for-like replacement of light points Reduction in light points

250 JM reflector 3F LEM 2 LED 100 3F LEM 2 LED 100
Lighting values 174 lx 287 lx (MEDIO) - 276 lx (AMPIO) 247 lx (MEDIO) - 237 lx (AMPIO)
Number of light points 49 49 42
Total luminaire 14.210 W 5.390 W 4.620 W
Difference -62% -67%
Average source life 8.000 hours >100.000 hours >100.000 hours

Beta 235
www.3F-Filippi.com/Beta 235

An extremely versatile lighting body, 3F Beta 235 is the ideal lighting • Luminous efficacy up to 149 lumen/watt.
design solution for working environments requiring increased levels • Luminous fluxes from 3372 to 16990 lumens.
of protection. • Extensive installation pitch.
It is equipped with LED sources with very high luminous fluxes • 4 different photometric distributions.
(135 lm/W) and is particularly suitable for environments such as • Quick and easy cleaning.
warehouses, garages and production areas thanks to the wide • Essential and functional design.
range of operation, from -20° C to 45° C. • EcoDesign: power supplies and sources replaceable at the end
Available in 655 mm, 1,265 mm and 1,565 mm widths, 3F Beta 235 of product life.
is composed of a steel or stainless steel body and offers a choice • Ease of assembly and maintenance.
between a glass or polycarbonate diffuser to achieve the best • Fast relamping thanks to the fixing centres compatible with
performance for the specific installation location. previous generations.
In addition to the technical performance and high strength of this • Versatility of use in different environments.
product is its ease of installation and maintenance: the new quick • Thanks to the FastWiring system, the installation time is
connection reduces installation time and makes the work of the drastically reduced.
installers much easier.

This product is also available in this version Beta i3F (page 666).

Page Product Steel Stainless steel

642 UPDATE Beta 235 Steel •
656 UPDATE Beta 235 Stainless Steel •

Product range
Suspended Ceiling Busbar Wall

Beta 235 L1565

Polycarbonate L655
screen /
glass screen


L655 135/140


Beta 235 PC

Model Lite Wide Medium Conc Iperconc UGR

UGR <22 <21 <19 <19 <19 <19

Finishes Steel | Stainless steel


Installation Dt 1,27 1,20 1,17 0,60 0,40 1,41

Dl 1,27 1,30 1,16 1,10 0,70 1,26

Beta 235 VS

Model Lite Wide Medium Conc Iperconc UGR

UGR <22 <21 <19 <19 <19 <19

Finishes Steel | Stainless steel


Installation Dt 1,24 1,30 1,00 0,60 0,50 1,16

Dl 1,25 1,30 1,00 0,90 0,70 1,08

Beta 235 VT

Model Wide Medium Conc Iperconc UGR

UGR <21 <19 <19 <19 <19

Finishes Steel | Stainless steel


Installation Dt 1,20 1,20 0,60 0,40 1,48

Dl 1,20 1,19 1,10 0,70 1,36

Product advantages
Beta 235 is available in two different versions and three different diffuser types:


Steel Stainless steel

Polycarbonate Diffuser

Moulded Glass

Transparent Glass
Thanks to the FastWiring system, the installation time for Beta 235 is significantly reduced:

Beta 235 is supplied with our new “FastWiring”

quick connector.
Here is what it looks like when removed from
the packaging.

Remove the support by grasping the tab.

At this point the quick connection closing cap
and the cable gland are inserted onto the cable
and the electrical cables can be connected to
the quick connect terminal board. No tools are

Push the sliding support into the luminaire and

screw down the two phillips head screws on the
closing cap.

Beta 235 is now ready for installation.

/ Waterproof and corrosion-proof

Borghi S.p.A.
Beta 235 L Castelfranco Emilia (MO)
Polycarbonate Glass


Beta 235 L 1265 -

Polycarbonate Glass



Beta 235 Steel
Symmetric distribution. Ceiling, suspended, on busbar or wall‑mounted.
Lifetime (L80/B10): 100000 h. (tq+25°C) For mounting hooks and brackets see accessories on page 663.
Photobiological safety RG0 (page 16).

Ambient temperature from ‑20°C to +45°C.
LED modules. Dry, dusty indoor environments, subject to occasional water splashes.
Colour initial tolerance (MacAdam): SDCM 3. Industrial environments, warehouses, environments requiring safety
luminaires, such as prisons, thanks to the clips that can be locked by
bolts (on request).
MECHANICAL Environments in which it is necessary a total protection against falling
fragments (eg environments with foodstuffs or machines with moving
Single‑piece housing in pressed steel, powder‑coated in white parts or with extreme temperature changes), use luminaires with
epoxy‑polyester. laminated glass.
Ecologic anti‑aging injected sealing gasket. Tempered glass is not immune to falling fragments from harmless and
Highly reflective white polyester painted, hot‑dip galvanised steel, caused by shocks or exceptionally derived from the tempering process.
oversized cable housing reflector, fixed to the body with screws.
Galvanised steel snap‑lock clips for attaching screens (safety n° 4 per PC version
fixture). Luminaires suitable in production plants in the food industry
(HACCP / IFS / BRC‑Standard).

On request, HACCP versions for use in the food industry.
Compliance with the EN 60598‑2‑22 standard for power supply from a
centralised CPSS emergency system must be verified in the technical
data sheets of each individual device on our website. LIGHT MANAGEMENT
Quick connection in polycarbonate with M20x1,5 cable gland, to access
the terminal block positioned on a removable runner. The DALI products can be controlled with 3F Easy Dim (page 722) or
3F Smart Dimming technology (page 732).

Fixture not suitable for cold stores with an ambient temperature <0°C
and/or relative humidity >85%.

• different power levels, colour rendering indices and colour
• laminated glass
• wiring: CLO (page 752), twin‑circuit
• linear LED modules, with special protection against aggressive
chemically‑volatile substances, for standard LED technology
• emergency versions

Beta 235 75 PC Lite


Symmetric distribution.
Polycarbonate screen etched internally, V2 self‑extinguishing, UV
stabilised, injection moulded.
Attention: the diffuser supplied with our L1265 long
luminaires is higher than the one which is supplied with our
L1565 long versions (please consult dimensions table).
Code 52642 L1565: mechanical strength to impacts IK09 (10 joule).

ON/OFF electronic wiring 230V-50/60Hz

Code Item W lm K CRI LxAxH
52639 NEW
Beta 235 LED 751x50 L1265 56 8119 4000 >80 1265x235x135
52640 NEW Beta 235 LED 751x60 L1565 65 10460 4000 >80 1565x235x107
52641 NEW
Beta 235 LED 752x45 L1265 92 14253 4000 >80 1265x235x135
52642 NEW Beta 235 LED 752x55 L1565 112 18332 4000 >80 1565x235x107
DALI electronic wiring 230V-50/60Hz
Code Item W lm K CRI LxAxH
52643 NEW Beta 235 LED 751x50 DALI L1265 56 8119 4000 >80 1265x235x135
52644 NEW Beta 235 LED 751x60 DALI L1565 65 10460 4000 >80 1565x235x107
52645 NEW Beta 235 LED 752x45 DALI L1265 92 14253 4000 >80 1265x235x135
52646 NEW
Beta 235 LED 752x55 DALI L1565 112 18332 4000 >80 1565x235x107

Performances are measured and certified by our CTFs stage 2 Photometric Laboratory (more information on page 12).
644 Datasheets, product updates and specifications on our website: www.3f-filippi.com
Beta 235 75 PC Wide


Wide symmetric lighting distribution.

Polycarbonate screen etched internally, V2 self‑extinguishing, UV
stabilised, injection moulded.
Attention: the diffuser supplied with our L655 and L1265 long
luminaires is higher than the one which is supplied with our
L1565 long versions (please consult dimensions table).
Methacrylate (PMMA) lenses with external flat surface.
Code 52762 L1565: mechanical strength to impacts IK09 (10 joule).

ON/OFF electronic wiring 230V-50/60Hz

Code Item W lm K CRI LxAxH
52931 Beta 235 LED 751x25 AMPIO L655 27.5 4143 4000 >80 655x235x140
52930 Beta 235 LED 752x20 AMPIO L655 42 6533 4000 >80 655x235x140
52849 Beta 235 LED 751x50 AMPIO L1265 56 8174 4000 >80 1265x235x135
52765 Beta 235 LED 751x60 AMPIO L1565 65 10276 4000 >80 1565x235x107
52846 Beta 235 LED 752x45 AMPIO L1265 92 14369 4000 >80 1265x235x135
52762 Beta 235 LED 752x55 AMPIO L1565 112 18003 4000 >80 1565x235x107
DALI electronic wiring 230V-50/60Hz
Code Item W lm K CRI LxAxH
52807 Beta 235 LED 751x60 DALI AMPIO L1565 65 10276 4000 >80 1565x235x107
52888 Beta 235 LED 752x45 DALI AMPIO L1265 92 14369 4000 >80 1265x235x135
52804 Beta 235 LED 752x55 DALI AMPIO L1565 112 18003 4000 >80 1565x235x107

Beta 235 Steel 645

Beta 235 75 PC Medium


Medium symmetric distribution.

Polycarbonate screen etched internally, V2 self‑extinguishing, UV
stabilised, injection moulded.
Attention: the diffuser supplied with our L1265 long
luminaires is higher than the one which is supplied with our
L1565 long versions (please consult dimensions table).
Methacrylate (PMMA) lenses with external flat surface.
Code 52552 L1565: mechanical strength to impacts IK09 (10 joule).

ON/OFF electronic wiring 230V-50/60Hz

Code Item W lm K CRI LxAxH
52567 Beta 235 LED 751x50 MEDIO L1265 56 7585 4000 >80 1265x235x135
52553 Beta 235 LED 751x60 MEDIO L1565 65 9781 4000 >80 1565x235x107
52566 Beta 235 LED 752x45 MEDIO L1265 92 13252 4000 >80 1265x235x135
52552 Beta 235 LED 752x55 MEDIO L1565 112 17035 4000 >80 1565x235x107
DALI electronic wiring 230V-50/60Hz
Code Item W lm K CRI LxAxH
52574 Beta 235 LED 751x50 DALI MEDIO L1265 56 7585 4000 >80 1265x235x135
52560 Beta 235 LED 751x60 DALI MEDIO L1565 65 9781 4000 >80 1565x235x107
52573 Beta 235 LED 752x45 DALI MEDIO L1265 92 13252 4000 >80 1265x235x135
52559 Beta 235 LED 752x55 DALI MEDIO L1565 112 17035 4000 >80 1565x235x107

Beta 235 75 PC Concentrated



Concentrated elliptical distribution.

Polycarbonate screen etched internally, V2 self‑extinguishing, UV
stabilised, injection moulded.
Attention: the diffuser supplied with our L1265 long
luminaires is higher than the one which is supplied with our
L1565 long versions (please consult dimensions table).
Methacrylate (PMMA) lenses with external flat surface.
Code 52510 L1565: mechanical strength to impacts IK09 (10 joule).

ON/OFF electronic wiring 230V-50/60Hz

Code Item W lm K CRI LxAxH
52511 Beta 235 LED 751x60 CONC L1565 65 9781 4000 >80 1565x235x107
52524 Beta 235 LED 752x45 CONC L1265 92 13397 4000 >80 1265x235x135
52510 Beta 235 LED 752x55 CONC L1565 112 17076 4000 >80 1565x235x107
DALI electronic wiring 230V-50/60Hz
Code Item W lm K CRI LxAxH
52518 Beta 235 LED 751x60 DALI CONC L1565 65 9781 4000 >80 1565x235x107
52531 Beta 235 LED 752x45 DALI CONC L1265 92 13397 4000 >80 1265x235x135
52517 Beta 235 LED 752x55 DALI CONC L1565 112 17076 4000 >80 1565x235x107

Performances are measured and certified by our CTFs stage 2 Photometric Laboratory (more information on page 12).
646 Datasheets, product updates and specifications on our website: www.3f-filippi.com
Beta 235 75 PC Iperconcentrated


Symmetrical elliptical hyperconcentrated distribution.

Polycarbonate screen etched internally, V2 self‑extinguishing, UV
stabilised, injection moulded.
Attention: the diffuser supplied with our L1265 long
luminaires is higher than the one which is supplied with our
L1565 long versions (please consult dimensions table).
Methacrylate (PMMA) lenses with external flat surface.
L1565: mechanical strength to impacts IK09 (10 joule).
Recommended minimum installation height: 4 metres from the
Code 52764 ground.

ON/OFF electronic wiring 230V-50/60Hz

Code Item W lm K CRI LxAxH
52848 Beta 235 LED 752x45 IPERCONC L1265 92 13051 4000 >80 1265x235x135
52764 Beta 235 LED 752x55 IPERCONC L1565 112 16890 4000 >80 1565x235x107
DALI electronic wiring 230V-50/60Hz
Code Item W lm K CRI LxAxH
52890 Beta 235 LED 752x45 DALI IPERCONC L1265 92 13051 4000 >80 1265x235x135
52806 Beta 235 LED 752x55 DALI IPERCONC L1565 112 16890 4000 >80 1565x235x107

Beta 235 75 PC UGR



Controlled symmetric distribution.

Average luminance <3000 cd/m² for radial angles >65°.
Polycarbonate screen etched internally, V2 self‑extinguishing, UV
stabilised, injection moulded.
Attention: the diffuser supplied with our L1265 long
luminaires is higher than the one which is supplied with our
L1565 long versions (please consult dimensions table).
Methacrylate (PMMA) lenses with external flat surface.
Code 52619 L<3000 cd/m² 65° L1565: mechanical strength to impacts IK09 (10 joule).

ON/OFF electronic wiring 230V-50/60Hz

Code Item W lm K CRI LxAxH
52614 NEW
Beta 235 LED 751x50 UGR L1265 56 8027 4000 >80 1265x235x135
52615 NEW Beta 235 LED 751x60 UGR L1565 65 10184 4000 >80 1565x235x107
52616 NEW
Beta 235 LED 752x45 UGR L1265 92 14023 4000 >80 1265x235x135
52617 NEW Beta 235 LED 752x55 UGR L1565 112 17755 4000 >80 1565x235x107
DALI electronic wiring 230V-50/60Hz
Code Item W lm K CRI LxAxH
52618 NEW Beta 235 LED 751x50 DALI UGR L1265 56 8027 4000 >80 1265x235x135
52619 NEW Beta 235 LED 751x60 DALI UGR L1565 65 10184 4000 >80 1565x235x107
52620 NEW Beta 235 LED 752x45 DALI UGR L1265 92 14023 4000 >80 1265x235x135
52621 NEW
Beta 235 LED 752x55 DALI UGR L1565 112 17755 4000 >80 1565x235x107

Beta 235 Steel 647

Beta 235 76 VS Lite


Symmetric distribution.
VS moulded anti‑glare glass, non‑combustible, single‑piece
Code 52650 perimeter frame in galvanised steel.

ON/OFF electronic wiring 230V-50/60Hz

Code Item W lm K CRI LxAxH
52647 NEW
Beta 235 LED 761x50 VS L1265 56 7548 4000 >80 1265x235x105
52648 NEW Beta 235 LED 761x60 VS L1565 65 9436 4000 >80 1565x235x105
52649 NEW
Beta 235 LED 762x45 VS L1265 92 12902 4000 >80 1265x235x105
52650 NEW Beta 235 LED 762x55 VS L1565 112 16128 4000 >80 1565x235x105
DALI electronic wiring 230V-50/60Hz
Code Item W lm K CRI LxAxH
52651 NEW Beta 235 LED 761x50 DALI VS L1265 56 7548 4000 >80 1265x235x105
52652 NEW Beta 235 LED 761x60 DALI VS L1565 65 9436 4000 >80 1565x235x105
52653 NEW Beta 235 LED 762x45 DALI VS L1265 92 12902 4000 >80 1265x235x105
52654 NEW
Beta 235 LED 762x55 DALI VS L1565 112 16128 4000 >80 1565x235x105

Performances are measured and certified by our CTFs stage 2 Photometric Laboratory (more information on page 12).
648 Datasheets, product updates and specifications on our website: www.3f-filippi.com
Beta 235 76 VS Wide


Wide symmetric lighting distribution.

VS moulded anti‑glare glass, non‑combustible, single‑piece
perimeter frame in galvanised steel.
Code 52776 Methacrylate (PMMA) lenses with external flat surface.

ON/OFF electronic wiring 230V-50/60Hz

Code Item W lm K CRI LxAxH
52937 Beta 235 LED 761x25 AMPIO VS L655 27.5 3793 4000 >80 655x235x110
52936 Beta 235 LED 762x20 AMPIO VS L655 42 5821 4000 >80 655x235x110
52863 Beta 235 LED 761x50 AMPIO VS L1265 56 7484 4000 >80 1265x235x105
52779 Beta 235 LED 761x60 AMPIO VS L1565 65 9355 4000 >80 1565x235x105
52860 Beta 235 LED 762x45 AMPIO VS L1265 92 12803 4000 >80 1265x235x105
52776 Beta 235 LED 762x55 AMPIO VS L1565 112 16005 4000 >80 1565x235x105
DALI electronic wiring 230V-50/60Hz
Code Item W lm K CRI LxAxH
52821 Beta 235 LED 761x60 DALI AMPIO VS L1565 65 9355 4000 >80 1565x235x105
52902 Beta 235 LED 762x45 DALI AMPIO VS L1265 92 12803 4000 >80 1265x235x105
52818 Beta 235 LED 762x55 DALI AMPIO VS L1565 112 16005 4000 >80 1565x235x105

Beta 235 Steel 649

Beta 235 76 VS Medium


Medium symmetric distribution.

VS moulded anti‑glare glass, non‑combustible, single‑piece
perimeter frame in galvanised steel.
Code 52556 Methacrylate (PMMA) lenses with external flat surface.

ON/OFF electronic wiring 230V-50/60Hz

Code Item W lm K CRI LxAxH
52571 Beta 235 LED 761x50 MEDIO VS L1265 56 7023 4000 >80 1265x235x105
52557 Beta 235 LED 761x60 MEDIO VS L1565 65 8780 4000 >80 1565x235x105
52570 Beta 235 LED 762x45 MEDIO VS L1265 92 12111 4000 >80 1265x235x105
52556 Beta 235 LED 762x55 MEDIO VS L1565 112 15140 4000 >80 1565x235x105
DALI electronic wiring 230V-50/60Hz
Code Item W lm K CRI LxAxH
52578 Beta 235 LED 761x50 DALI MEDIO VS L1265 56 7023 4000 >80 1265x235x105
52564 Beta 235 LED 761x60 DALI MEDIO VS L1565 65 8780 4000 >80 1565x235x105
52577 Beta 235 LED 762x45 DALI MEDIO VS L1265 92 12111 4000 >80 1265x235x105
52563 Beta 235 LED 762x55 DALI MEDIO VS L1565 112 15140 4000 >80 1565x235x105

Beta 235 76 VS Concentrated



Concentrated elliptical distribution.

VS moulded anti‑glare glass, non‑combustible, single‑piece
perimeter frame in galvanised steel.
Code 52514 Methacrylate (PMMA) lenses with external flat surface.

ON/OFF electronic wiring 230V-50/60Hz

Code Item W lm K CRI LxAxH
52515 Beta 235 LED 761x60 CONC VS L1565 65 8803 4000 >80 1565x235x105
52528 Beta 235 LED 762x45 CONC VS L1265 92 12260 4000 >80 1265x235x105
52514 Beta 235 LED 762x55 CONC VS L1565 112 15325 4000 >80 1565x235x105
DALI electronic wiring 230V-50/60Hz
Code Item W lm K CRI LxAxH
52522 Beta 235 LED 761x60 DALI CONC VS L1565 65 8803 4000 >80 1565x235x105
52535 Beta 235 LED 762x45 DALI CONC VS L1265 92 12260 4000 >80 1265x235x105
52521 Beta 235 LED 762x55 DALI CONC VS L1565 112 15325 4000 >80 1565x235x105

Performances are measured and certified by our CTFs stage 2 Photometric Laboratory (more information on page 12).
650 Datasheets, product updates and specifications on our website: www.3f-filippi.com
Beta 235 76 VS Iperconcentrated


Symmetrical elliptical hyperconcentrated distribution.

VS moulded anti‑glare glass, non‑combustible, single‑piece
perimeter frame in galvanised steel.
Methacrylate (PMMA) lenses with external flat surface.
Recommended minimum installation height: 4 metres from the
Code 52778 ground.

ON/OFF electronic wiring 230V-50/60Hz

Code Item W lm K CRI LxAxH
52862 Beta 235 LED 762x45 IPERCONC VS L1265 92 12293 4000 >80 1265x235x105
52778 Beta 235 LED 762x55 IPERCONC VS L1565 112 15366 4000 >80 1565x235x105
DALI electronic wiring 230V-50/60Hz
Code Item W lm K CRI LxAxH
52904 Beta 235 LED 762x45 DALI IPERCONC VS L1265 92 12293 4000 >80 1265x235x105
52820 Beta 235 LED 762x55 DALI IPERCONC VS L1565 112 15366 4000 >80 1565x235x105

Beta 235 76 VS UGR



Controlled symmetric distribution.

Average luminance <3000 cd/m² for radial angles >65°.
VS moulded anti‑glare glass, non‑combustible, single‑piece
perimeter frame in galvanised steel.
Code 52623 L<3000 cd/m² 65° Methacrylate (PMMA) lenses with external flat surface.

ON/OFF electronic wiring 230V-50/60Hz

Code Item W lm K CRI LxAxH
52622 NEW
Beta 235 LED 761x50 UGR VS L1265 56 7318 4000 >80 1265x235x105
52623 NEW Beta 235 LED 761x60 UGR VS L1565 65 9148 4000 >80 1565x235x105
52624 NEW
Beta 235 LED 762x45 UGR VS L1265 92 12606 4000 >80 1265x235x105
52625 NEW Beta 235 LED 762x55 UGR VS L1565 112 15757 4000 >80 1565x235x105
DALI electronic wiring 230V-50/60Hz
Code Item W lm K CRI LxAxH
52626 NEW Beta 235 LED 761x50 DALI UGR VS L1265 56 7318 4000 >80 1265x235x105
52627 NEW Beta 235 LED 761x60 DALI UGR VS L1565 65 9148 4000 >80 1565x235x105
52628 NEW Beta 235 LED 762x45 DALI UGR VS L1265 92 12606 4000 >80 1265x235x105
52629 NEW
Beta 235 LED 762x55 DALI UGR VS L1565 112 15757 4000 >80 1565x235x105

Beta 235 Steel 651

Beta 235 76 VT Wide


Wide symmetric lighting distribution.

VT transparent glass, non‑combustible, single‑piece perimeter
frame in galvanised steel.
Code 52769 Methacrylate (PMMA) lenses with external flat surface.

ON/OFF electronic wiring 230V-50/60Hz

Code Item W lm K CRI LxAxH
52856 Beta 235 LED 761x50 AMPIO VT L1265 56 8367 4000 >80 1265x235x105
52772 Beta 235 LED 761x60 AMPIO VT L1565 65 10460 4000 >80 1565x235x105
52853 Beta 235 LED 762x45 AMPIO VT L1265 92 14468 4000 >80 1265x235x105
52769 Beta 235 LED 762x55 AMPIO VT L1565 112 18085 4000 >80 1565x235x105
DALI electronic wiring 230V-50/60Hz
Code Item W lm K CRI LxAxH
52814 Beta 235 LED 761x60 DALI AMPIO VT L1565 65 10460 4000 >80 1565x235x105
52895 Beta 235 LED 762x45 DALI AMPIO VT L1265 92 14468 4000 >80 1265x235x105
52811 Beta 235 LED 762x55 DALI AMPIO VT L1565 112 18085 4000 >80 1565x235x105

Beta 235 76 VT Medium



Medium symmetric distribution.

VT transparent glass, non‑combustible, single‑piece perimeter
frame in galvanised steel.
Code 52554 Methacrylate (PMMA) lenses with external flat surface.

ON/OFF electronic wiring 230V-50/60Hz

Code Item W lm K CRI LxAxH
52569 Beta 235 LED 761x50 MEDIO VT L1265 56 7889 4000 >80 1265x235x105
52555 Beta 235 LED 761x60 MEDIO VT L1565 65 9861 4000 >80 1565x235x105
52568 Beta 235 LED 762x45 MEDIO VT L1265 92 13710 4000 >80 1265x235x105
52554 Beta 235 LED 762x55 MEDIO VT L1565 112 17138 4000 >80 1565x235x105
DALI electronic wiring 230V-50/60Hz
Code Item W lm K CRI LxAxH
52576 Beta 235 LED 761x50 DALI MEDIO VT L1265 56 7889 4000 >80 1265x235x105
52562 Beta 235 LED 761x60 DALI MEDIO VT L1565 65 9861 4000 >80 1565x235x105
52575 Beta 235 LED 762x45 DALI MEDIO VT L1265 92 13710 4000 >80 1265x235x105
52561 Beta 235 LED 762x55 DALI MEDIO VT L1565 112 17138 4000 >80 1565x235x105

Performances are measured and certified by our CTFs stage 2 Photometric Laboratory (more information on page 12).
652 Datasheets, product updates and specifications on our website: www.3f-filippi.com
Beta 235 76 VT Concentrated


Concentrated elliptical distribution.

VT transparent glass, non‑combustible, single‑piece perimeter
frame in galvanised steel.
Code 52512 Methacrylate (PMMA) lenses with external flat surface.

ON/OFF electronic wiring 230V-50/60Hz

Code Item W lm K CRI LxAxH
52513 Beta 235 LED 761x60 CONC VT L1565 65 9792 4000 >80 1565x235x105
52526 Beta 235 LED 762x45 CONC VT L1265 92 13693 4000 >80 1265x235x105
52512 Beta 235 LED 762x55 CONC VT L1565 112 17117 4000 >80 1565x235x105
DALI electronic wiring 230V-50/60Hz
Code Item W lm K CRI LxAxH
52520 Beta 235 LED 761x60 DALI CONC VT L1565 65 9792 4000 >80 1565x235x105
52533 Beta 235 LED 762x45 DALI CONC VT L1265 92 13693 4000 >80 1265x235x105
52519 Beta 235 LED 762x55 DALI CONC VT L1565 112 17117 4000 >80 1565x235x105

Beta 235 76 VT Iperconcentrated



Symmetrical elliptical hyperconcentrated distribution.

VT transparent glass, non‑combustible, single‑piece perimeter
frame in galvanised steel.
Methacrylate (PMMA) lenses with external flat surface.
Recommended minimum installation height: 4 metres from the
Code 52771 ground.

ON/OFF electronic wiring 230V-50/60Hz

Code Item W lm K CRI LxAxH
52855 Beta 235 LED 762x45 IPERCONC VT L1265 92 13578 4000 >80 1265x235x105
52771 Beta 235 LED 762x55 IPERCONC VT L1565 112 16973 4000 >80 1565x235x105
DALI electronic wiring 230V-50/60Hz
Code Item W lm K CRI LxAxH
52897 Beta 235 LED 762x45 DALI IPERCONC VT L1265 92 13578 4000 >80 1265x235x105
52813 Beta 235 LED 762x55 DALI IPERCONC VT L1565 112 16973 4000 >80 1565x235x105

Beta 235 Steel 653

Beta 235 76 VT UGR


Controlled symmetric distribution.

Average luminance <3000 cd/m² for radial angles >65°.
VT transparent glass, non‑combustible, single‑piece perimeter
frame in galvanised steel.
Code 52631 L<3000 cd/m² 65° Methacrylate (PMMA) lenses with external flat surface.

ON/OFF electronic wiring 230V-50/60Hz

Code Item W lm K CRI LxAxH
52630 NEW
Beta 235 LED 761x50 UGR VT L1265 56 8202 4000 >80 1265x235x105
52631 NEW Beta 235 LED 761x60 UGR VT L1565 65 10253 4000 >80 1565x235x105
52632 NEW
Beta 235 LED 762x45 UGR VT L1265 92 14253 4000 >80 1265x235x105
52633 NEW Beta 235 LED 762x55 UGR VT L1565 112 17817 4000 >80 1565x235x105
DALI electronic wiring 230V-50/60Hz
Code Item W lm K CRI LxAxH
52634 NEW Beta 235 LED 761x50 DALI UGR VT L1265 56 8202 4000 >80 1265x235x105
52635 NEW Beta 235 LED 761x60 DALI UGR VT L1565 65 10253 4000 >80 1565x235x105
52636 NEW Beta 235 LED 762x45 DALI UGR VT L1265 92 14253 4000 >80 1265x235x105
52637 NEW
Beta 235 LED 762x55 DALI UGR VT L1565 112 17817 4000 >80 1565x235x105

Performances are measured and certified by our CTFs stage 2 Photometric Laboratory (more information on page 12).
654 Datasheets, product updates and specifications on our website: www.3f-filippi.com

/ Waterproof and corrosion-proof

Carrozzeria Ford Azzurra

Beta 235 L 1565 Cuneo
Polycarbonate Glass


Beta 235 L 1265 - 655

Polycarbonate Glass



Beta 235 Stainless Steel
Symmetric distribution. Ambient temperature from ‑20°C to +45°C.
Lifetime (L80/B10): 100000 h. (tq+25°C) Dry, dusty indoor environments, subject to occasional water splashes.
Photobiological safety RG0 (page 16). Any environments except the ones where the luminaire materials are
Environments requiring safety luminaires, such as prisons, thanks to the
SOURCE clips that can be locked by bolts (on request).
Environments in which it is necessary a total protection against falling
LED modules. fragments (eg environments with foodstuffs or machines with moving
Colour initial tolerance (MacAdam): SDCM 3. parts or with extreme temperature changes), use luminaires with
laminated glass.
Tempered glass is not immune to falling fragments from harmless and
MECHANICAL caused by shocks or exceptionally derived from the tempering process.

Housing in AISI 304 stainless steel, pressed in one single piece. PC version
Oversized gear‑tray reflector unit in highly reflective white painted Luminaires suitable in production plants in the food industry
hot‑galvanised steel. (HACCP / IFS / BRC‑Standard).
Stainless steel snap‑lock clips for attaching screens (safety n° 4 per
fixture). VT version
On request, HACCP versions for use in the food industry.

In compliance with EN 60598‑1.
Compliance with the EN 60598‑2‑22 standard for power supply from a The DALI products can be controlled with 3F Easy Dim (page 722) or
centralised CPSS emergency system must be verified in the technical 3F Smart Dimming technology (page 732).
data sheets of each individual device on our website.
Quick connection in polycarbonate with M20x1,5 cable gland, to access
the terminal block positioned on a removable runner. WARNING
Fixture not suitable for cold stores with an ambient temperature <0°C
INSTALLATION and/or relative humidity >85%.

Ceiling, suspended, on busbar or wall‑mounted.

For mounting hooks and brackets see accessories on page 663. ON REQUEST
• different power levels, colour rendering indices and colour
• laminated glass
• wiring: CLO (page 752), twin‑circuit
• linear LED modules, with special protection against aggressive
chemically‑volatile substances, for standard LED technology
• emergency versions

Beta 235 92 PC Lite


Symmetric distribution.
Polycarbonate screen etched internally, V2 self‑extinguishing, UV
stabilised, injection moulded.
Attention: the diffuser supplied with our L1265 long
luminaires is higher than the one which is supplied with our
L1565 long versions (please consult dimensions table).
Code 52658 L1565: mechanical strength to impacts IK09 (10 joule).

ON/OFF electronic wiring 230V-50/60Hz

Code Item W lm K CRI LxAxH
52655 NEW
Beta 235 LED 921x50 L1265 56 7981 4000 >80 1265x235x135
52656 NEW Beta 235 LED 921x60 L1565 65 10276 4000 >80 1565x235x107
52657 NEW
Beta 235 LED 922x40 L1265 84 12738 4000 >80 1265x235x135
52658 NEW Beta 235 LED 922x50 L1565 103 15797 4000 >80 1565x235x107
DALI electronic wiring 230V-50/60Hz
Code Item W lm K CRI LxAxH
52659 NEW Beta 235 LED 921x50 DALI L1265 56 7981 4000 >80 1265x235x135
52660 NEW Beta 235 LED 921x60 DALI L1565 65 10276 4000 >80 1565x235x107
52661 NEW Beta 235 LED 922x40 DALI L1265 84 12738 4000 >80 1265x235x135
52662 NEW
Beta 235 LED 922x50 DALI L1565 103 15797 4000 >80 1565x235x107

Performances are measured and certified by our CTFs stage 2 Photometric Laboratory (more information on page 12).
658 Datasheets, product updates and specifications on our website: www.3f-filippi.com
Beta 235 92 PC Wide


Wide symmetric lighting distribution.

Polycarbonate screen etched internally, V2 self‑extinguishing, UV
stabilised, injection moulded.
Attention: the diffuser supplied with our L655 and L1265 long
luminaires is higher than the one which is supplied with our
L1565 long versions (please consult dimensions table).
Methacrylate (PMMA) lenses with external flat surface.
Code 52783 L1565: mechanical strength to impacts IK09 (10 joule).

ON/OFF electronic wiring 230V-50/60Hz

Code Item W lm K CRI LxAxH
52940 Beta 235 LED 921x25 AMPIO L655 27.5 4073 4000 >80 655x235x140
52939 Beta 235 LED 922x15 AMPIO L655 34.5 5175 4000 >80 655x235x140
52870 Beta 235 LED 921x50 AMPIO L1265 56 8036 4000 >80 1265x235x135
52786 Beta 235 LED 921x60 AMPIO L1565 65 10103 4000 >80 1565x235x107
52867 Beta 235 LED 922x40 AMPIO L1265 80 12843 4000 >80 1265x235x135
52783 Beta 235 LED 922x50 AMPIO L1565 99 15508 4000 >80 1565x235x107
DALI electronic wiring 230V-50/60Hz
Code Item W lm K CRI LxAxH
52828 Beta 235 LED 921x60 DALI AMPIO L1565 65 10103 4000 >80 1565x235x107
52909 Beta 235 LED 922x40 DALI AMPIO L1265 80 12843 4000 >80 1265x235x135
52825 Beta 235 LED 922x50 DALI AMPIO L1565 99 15508 4000 >80 1565x235x107

Beta 235 92 PC Iperconcentrated



Symmetrical elliptical hyperconcentrated distribution.

Polycarbonate screen etched internally, V2 self‑extinguishing, UV
stabilised, injection moulded.
Attention: the diffuser supplied with our L1265 long
luminaires is higher than the one which is supplied with our
L1565 long versions (please consult dimensions table).
Methacrylate (PMMA) lenses with external flat surface.
L1565: mechanical strength to impacts IK09 (10 joule).
Recommended minimum installation height: 4 metres from the
Code 52785 ground.

ON/OFF electronic wiring 230V-50/60Hz

Code Item W lm K CRI LxAxH
52869 Beta 235 LED 922x40 IPERCONC L1265 80 11674 4000 >80 1265x235x135
52785 Beta 235 LED 922x50 IPERCONC L1565 99 14552 4000 >80 1565x235x107
DALI electronic wiring 230V-50/60Hz
Code Item W lm K CRI LxAxH
52911 Beta 235 LED 922x40 DALI IPERCONC L1265 80 11674 4000 >80 1265x235x135
52827 Beta 235 LED 922x50 DALI IPERCONC L1565 99 14552 4000 >80 1565x235x107

Beta 235 Stainless Steel 659

Beta 235 93 VS Lite


Symmetric distribution.
VS moulded anti‑glare glass, non‑combustible, single‑piece
Code 52666 perimeter frame in stainless steel.

ON/OFF electronic wiring 230V-50/60Hz

Code Item W lm K CRI LxAxH
52663 NEW
Beta 235 LED 931x50 VS L1265 56 7419 4000 >80 1265x235x105
52664 NEW Beta 235 LED 931x60 VS L1565 65 9275 4000 >80 1565x235x105
52665 NEW
Beta 235 LED 932x40 VS L1265 84 11539 4000 >80 1265x235x105
52666 NEW Beta 235 LED 932x50 VS L1565 103 13902 4000 >80 1565x235x105
DALI electronic wiring 230V-50/60Hz
Code Item W lm K CRI LxAxH
52667 NEW Beta 235 LED 931x50 DALI VS L1265 56 7419 4000 >80 1265x235x105
52668 NEW Beta 235 LED 931x60 DALI VS L1565 65 9275 4000 >80 1565x235x105
52669 NEW Beta 235 LED 932x40 DALI VS L1265 84 11539 4000 >80 1265x235x105
52670 NEW
Beta 235 LED 932x50 DALI VS L1565 103 13902 4000 >80 1565x235x105

Performances are measured and certified by our CTFs stage 2 Photometric Laboratory (more information on page 12).
660 Datasheets, product updates and specifications on our website: www.3f-filippi.com
Beta 235 93 VS Wide


Wide symmetric lighting distribution.

VS moulded anti‑glare glass, non‑combustible, single‑piece
perimeter frame in stainless steel.
Code 52797 Methacrylate (PMMA) lenses with external flat surface.

ON/OFF electronic wiring 230V-50/60Hz

Code Item W lm K CRI LxAxH
52946 Beta 235 LED 931x25 AMPIO VS L655 27.5 3728 4000 >80 655x235x110
52945 Beta 235 LED 932x15 AMPIO VS L655 34.5 4613 4000 >80 655x235x110
52884 Beta 235 LED 931x50 AMPIO VS L1265 56 7355 4000 >80 1265x235x105
52800 Beta 235 LED 931x60 AMPIO VS L1565 65 9194 4000 >80 1565x235x105
52881 Beta 235 LED 932x40 AMPIO VS L1265 80 11449 4000 >80 1265x235x105
52797 Beta 235 LED 932x50 AMPIO VS L1565 99 13793 4000 >80 1565x235x105
DALI electronic wiring 230V-50/60Hz
Code Item W lm K CRI LxAxH
52842 Beta 235 LED 931x60 DALI AMPIO VS L1565 65 9194 4000 >80 1565x235x105
52923 Beta 235 LED 932x40 DALI AMPIO VS L1265 80 11449 4000 >80 1265x235x105
52839 Beta 235 LED 932x50 DALI AMPIO VS L1565 99 13793 4000 >80 1565x235x105

Beta 235 93 VS Iperconcentrated



Symmetrical elliptical hyperconcentrated distribution.

VS moulded anti‑glare glass, non‑combustible, single‑piece
perimeter frame in stainless steel.
Methacrylate (PMMA) lenses with external flat surface.
Recommended minimum installation height: 4 metres from the
Code 52799 ground.

ON/OFF electronic wiring 230V-50/60Hz

Code Item W lm K CRI LxAxH
52883 Beta 235 LED 932x40 IPERCONC VS L1265 80 10985 4000 >80 1265x235x105
52799 Beta 235 LED 932x50 IPERCONC VS L1565 99 13234 4000 >80 1565x235x105
DALI electronic wiring 230V-50/60Hz
Code Item W lm K CRI LxAxH
52925 Beta 235 LED 932x40 DALI IPERCONC VS L1265 80 10985 4000 >80 1265x235x105
52841 Beta 235 LED 932x50 DALI IPERCONC VS L1565 99 13234 4000 >80 1565x235x105

Beta 235 Stainless Steel 661

Beta 235 93 VT Wide


Wide symmetric lighting distribution.

VT transparent glass, non‑combustible, single‑piece perimeter
frame in stainless steel.
Code 52790 Methacrylate (PMMA) lenses with external flat surface.

ON/OFF electronic wiring 230V-50/60Hz

Code Item W lm K CRI LxAxH
52877 Beta 235 LED 931x50 AMPIO VT L1265 56 8229 4000 >80 1265x235x105
52793 Beta 235 LED 931x60 AMPIO VT L1565 65 10287 4000 >80 1565x235x105
52874 Beta 235 LED 932x40 AMPIO VT L1265 80 12933 4000 >80 1265x235x105
52790 Beta 235 LED 932x50 AMPIO VT L1565 99 15581 4000 >80 1565x235x105
DALI electronic wiring 230V-50/60Hz
Code Item W lm K CRI LxAxH
52835 Beta 235 LED 931x60 DALI AMPIO VT L1565 65 10287 4000 >80 1565x235x105
52916 Beta 235 LED 932x40 DALI AMPIO VT L1265 80 12933 4000 >80 1265x235x105
52832 Beta 235 LED 932x50 DALI AMPIO VT L1565 99 15581 4000 >80 1565x235x105

Beta 235 93 VT Iperconcentrated



Symmetrical elliptical hyperconcentrated distribution.

VT transparent glass, non‑combustible, single‑piece perimeter
frame in stainless steel.
Methacrylate (PMMA) lenses with external flat surface.
Recommended minimum installation height: 4 metres from the
Code 52792 ground.

ON/OFF electronic wiring 230V-50/60Hz

Code Item W lm K CRI LxAxH
52876 Beta 235 LED 932x40 IPERCONC VT L1265 80 12139 4000 >80 1265x235x105
52792 Beta 235 LED 932x50 IPERCONC VT L1565 99 14624 4000 >80 1565x235x105
DALI electronic wiring 230V-50/60Hz
Code Item W lm K CRI LxAxH
52918 Beta 235 LED 932x40 DALI IPERCONC VT L1265 80 12139 4000 >80 1265x235x105
52834 Beta 235 LED 932x50 DALI IPERCONC VT L1565 99 14624 4000 >80 1565x235x105

Performances are measured and certified by our CTFs stage 2 Photometric Laboratory (more information on page 12).
662 Datasheets, product updates and specifications on our website: www.3f-filippi.com
Beta 235 | Accessories
Code Item
A0187 Anti-condensation cable gland

Anti‑condensation diffuser cable gland.

Recommended for installations in environments with temperature sudden changes or subject to

Code Item
A0521 Reducing sealing ring diam.8mm

Reducing sealing ring, dedicated to the use of cables with an external diameter of up to 8 mm.

Code Item
A0653 Pair of fixing carab.for chain instal.

Snap hooks clips for chain suspension, galvanised steel.

Code Item
A0457 Wireguard 280x1330 3F Linda/3F Beta
A0458 Wireguard 280x1630 3F Linda/3F Beta

Wire‑guard for applications in dry environments, against shocks coming from any directions, galvanised steel
rod Ø 5 mm.
Only for luminaires fixed without hooks.

Code Item
A0324 Pair fixed brack. for ceiling Beta 235

Pair of mounting brackets and hooks for ceiling mounting, with nuts and bolts for fastening the luminaire,
everything in stainless steel.

Code Item
A0835 Pair brack.+hooks for wall

Pair of mounting brackets and hooks for wall‑mounting, with nuts and bolts for luminaire fastening,
everything in stainless steel.

Code Item
A0836 Pair of galv.hooks for susp.- Beta 235
A0837 Pair of stain.steel hooks susp.-Beta 235

Pair of steel hooks for suspended installation, with nuts and bolts for luminaire fastening.
In case of chain suspension installation, ALWAYS use one of the following codes: A0653.

Beta 235 663

Code Item
A0838 Pair of S-hooks for chain - Beta 235

Pair of hooks in galvanised steel for suspended installation, with nuts and bolts for luminaire fastening.

Code Item
A0325 Mounting kit on busbar - Beta 235

Safety screw for locking to busbar.

664 Datasheets, product updates and specifications on our website: www.3f-filippi.com

/ Waterproof and corrosion-proof

Impuls Küchen
i3F 75 i3F 76 Brilon


Beta i3F
Wide or concentrated direct distribution. Ceiling, suspended, on busbar or wall‑mounted.
Lifetime (L80/B10): 100000 h. (tq+25°C) For mounting hooks and brackets see accessories on page 671.
Photobiological safety RG0 (page 16).

Ambient temperature from ‑20°C to +35°C.
Linear LED modules. Dry, dusty indoor environments, subject to occasional water splashes.
Colour initial tolerance (MacAdam): SDCM 3. Industrial environments, warehouses, environments requiring safety
luminaires, such as prisons, thanks to the clips that can be locked by
bolts (on request).
MECHANICAL Environments in which it is necessary a total protection against falling
fragments (eg environments with foodstuffs or machines with moving
Single‑piece housing in pressed steel, powder‑coated in white parts or with extreme temperature changes), use luminaires with
epoxy‑polyester. laminated glass.
Oversized flux recuperator in specular aluminium, with Tempered glass is not immune to falling fragments from harmless and
titanium‑magnesium surface treatment, non‑iridescent. caused by shocks or exceptionally derived from the tempering process.
Gear‑tray unit in hot‑galvanised steel, painted in white polyester, fixed to
the housing by means of "Ribloc" rapid devices in galvanised steel,
hinged opening. WARNING
Stainless steel screen fixing clips.
Fixture not suitable for cold stores with an ambient temperature <0°C
and/or relative humidity >85%.
In compliance with EN 60598‑1. ON REQUEST
Compliance with the EN 60598‑2‑22 standard for power supply from a
centralised CPSS emergency system must be verified in the technical • different power levels, colour rendering indices and colour
data sheets of each individual device on our website. temperatures
The luminaires with EP permanent emergency wiring on board comply • laminated glass
with EN 60598‑2‑22 standard, high risk areas excluded. • wiring: dimmable, CLO (page 752), twin‑circuit, class II
Entry for power‑supply cable at one end cap, through • safety snap‑lock clips
M20x1,5 self‑extinguishing nylon cable gland. • linear LED modules, with special protection against aggressive
chemically‑volatile substances, for standard LED technology
• body in painted aluminium or stainless steel
• emergency versions

Beta i3F 75 PC Wide


Wide distribution.
Polycarbonate screen etched internally, V2 self‑extinguishing, UV
stabilised, injection molded, sealing gasket, hinged opening.
Luminaires suitable, from a hygienic point of view, for use in
production plants in the food industry
Code 55600 (HACCP / IFS / BRC‑Standard).

ON/OFF electronic wiring 230V-50/60Hz

Code Item W lm K CRI LxAxH
55596 i3F LED 752x12W AMPIO L655 28 3955 4000 >80 655x235x140
55598 i3F LED 752x24W AMPIO L1265 54 7471 4000 >80 1265x235x135
55600 i3F LED 752x30W AMPIO L1565 66 9351 4000 >80 1565x235x135
EP maintained emergency wiring, 1hr duration with 24hrs recharge (page 772)
Code Item W lm K CRI LxAxH
55607 i3F LED 752x12W EP AMPIO L655 29 3955 4000 >80 655x235x140
55609 i3F LED 752x24W EP AMPIO L1265 55 7471 4000 >80 1265x235x135
55611 i3F LED 752x30W EP AMPIO L1565 67 9351 4000 >80 1565x235x135

Beta i3F 75 PC Concentrated



Concentrated elliptical distribution.

Polycarbonate screen etched internally, V2 self‑extinguishing, UV
stabilised, injection molded, sealing gasket, hinged opening.
Luminaires suitable, from a hygienic point of view, for use in
production plants in the food industry
Code 55006 (HACCP / IFS / BRC‑Standard).

ON/OFF electronic wiring 230V-50/60Hz

Code Item W lm K CRI LxAxH
55006 i3F LED 752x30W CONC L1565 66 9236 4000 >80 1565x235x135
EP maintained emergency wiring, 1hr duration with 24hrs recharge (page 772)
Code Item W lm K CRI LxAxH
55017 i3F LED 752x30W EP CONC L1565 67 9236 4000 >80 1565x235x135

Performances are measured and certified by our CTFs stage 2 Photometric Laboratory (more information on page 12).
668 Datasheets, product updates and specifications on our website: www.3f-filippi.com
Beta i3F 76 VS Wide


Wide distribution.
VS molded antiglare glass, non‑combustible, monobloc
perimetrical frame in galvanised steel, with sealing gasket, hinged
Code 55138 On request, HACCP versions for use in the food industry.

ON/OFF electronic wiring 230V-50/60Hz

Code Item W lm K CRI LxAxH
55134 i3F LED 762x12W AMPIO VS L655 28 3591 4000 >80 655x235x110
55136 i3F LED 762x24W AMPIO VS L1265 54 6783 4000 >80 1265x235x105
55138 i3F LED 762x30W AMPIO VS L1565 66 8489 4000 >80 1565x235x105
EP maintained emergency wiring, 1hr duration with 24hrs recharge (page 772)
Code Item W lm K CRI LxAxH
55145 i3F LED 762x12W EP AMPIO VS L655 29 3591 4000 >80 655x235x110
55147 i3F LED 762x24W EP AMPIO VS L1265 55 6783 4000 >80 1265x235x105
55149 i3F LED 762x30W EP AMPIO VS L1565 67 8489 4000 >80 1565x235x105

Beta i3F 76 VT Wide



Wide distribution.
VT transparent glass, non‑combustible, monobloc perimetrical
frame in galvanised steel, with sealing gasket, hinged opening.
Code 55072 On request, HACCP versions for use in the food industry.

ON/OFF electronic wiring 230V-50/60Hz

Code Item W lm K CRI LxAxH
55072 i3F LED 762x30W AMPIO VT L1565 66 9402 4000 >80 1565x235x105
EP maintained emergency wiring, 1hr duration with 24hrs recharge (page 772)
Code Item W lm K CRI LxAxH
55083 i3F LED 762x30W EP AMPIO VT L1565 67 9402 4000 >80 1565x235x105

Beta i3F 669

Beta i3F 76 VT Concentrated


Concentrated elliptical distribution.

VT transparent glass, non‑combustible, monobloc perimetrical
frame in galvanised steel, with sealing gasket, hinged opening.
Code 55666 On request, HACCP versions for use in the food industry.

ON/OFF electronic wiring 230V-50/60Hz

Code Item W lm K CRI LxAxH
55666 i3F LED 762x30W CONC VT L1565 66 9454 4000 >80 1565x235x105
EP maintained emergency wiring, 1hr duration with 24hrs recharge (page 772)
Code Item W lm K CRI LxAxH
55677 i3F LED 762x30W EP CONC VT L1565 67 9454 4000 >80 1565x235x105

Performances are measured and certified by our CTFs stage 2 Photometric Laboratory (more information on page 12).
670 Datasheets, product updates and specifications on our website: www.3f-filippi.com
Beta i3F | Accessories
Code Item
A0503 15 CD pair of bracket/hooks A3F

Pair of mounting brackets and hooks for wall‑mounting, with nuts and bolts for luminaire fastening,
everything in stainless steel.

Code Item
A0500 13 DH pair susp.galv.steel hooks i3F
A0501 13 HC pair susp.stain.steel hooks A3F

Pair of steel hooks for suspended installation, with nuts and bolts for luminaire fastening.
In case of chain suspension installation, ALWAYS use one of the following codes: A0653.

Code Item
A0508 20 TKA (casc. conn. line i3F/A3F 1265)
A0509 20 ZFE (casc. conn. line i3F/A3F 1565)

5‑pole cascade connection line, stiff cable H07 V2‑U, HT 90°C, 1.5 mm², terminal blocks with connection
capacity 2x2.5 mm².

Code Item
A0457 Wireguard 280x1330 3F Linda/3F Beta
A0458 Wireguard 280x1630 3F Linda/3F Beta

Wire‑guard for applications in dry environments, against shocks coming from any directions, galvanised steel
rod Ø 5 mm.
Only for luminaires fixed without hooks.

Code Item
A0187 Anti-condensation cable gland

Anti‑condensation diffuser cable gland.

Recommended for installations in environments with temperature sudden changes or subject to

Code Item
A0521 Reducing sealing ring diam.8mm

Reducing sealing ring, dedicated to the use of cables with an external diameter of up to 8 mm.

Code Item
A0653 Pair of fixing carab.for chain instal.

Snap hooks clips for chain suspension, galvanised steel.

Beta i3F 671

/ Waterproof and corrosion-proof

Porto di Savona


3F Cub
Wide symmetric distribution. Environments: commercial, industrial, sports, stores, sports halls,
Lifetime (L70/B20): 100000 h. (tq+25°C) gymnasiums.
Photobiological safety RG0 (page 16). Environments in which it is necessary a total protection against falling
fragments (eg environments with foodstuffs or machines with moving
parts or with extreme temperature changes), use luminaires with
SOURCE laminated glass.
Tempered glass is not immune to falling fragments from harmless and
Linear LED modules. caused by shocks or exceptionally derived from the tempering process.
Colour initial tolerance (MacAdam): SDCM 3.
100W version
Ambient temperature from ‑20°C to +45°C.
150W version
Housing with double casing in pressed aluminium, powder‑coated in Ambient temperature from ‑20°C to +40°C.
white epoxy‑polyester, hinged opening.
Quick connection in polycarbonate M20x1.5 cable gland for access to SP version
the terminal block. Luminaires suitable in production plants in the food industry
Ecologic anti‑aging injected sealing gaskets. (HACCP / IFS / BRC‑Standard).
Stainless steel clips.
Total flow recuperator in specular aluminium, with superficial
titanium‑magnesium treatment, non‑iridescent. LIGHT MANAGEMENT
Fixing bracket.
The DALI products can be controlled with 3F Easy Dim (page 722) or
3F Smart Dimming technology (page 732).
In compliance with EN 60598‑1. WARNING
Compliance with the EN 60598‑2‑22 standard for power supply from a
centralised CPSS emergency system must be verified in the technical Fixture not suitable for cold stores with an ambient temperature <0°C
data sheets of each individual device on our website. and/or relative humidity >85%.
Quick connection.

• different colour rendering indices and colour temperatures
Suspension mounted on a bus bar or with a chain attached to the • concentrated distribution
ceiling. • laminated glass
For brackets see accessories on page 676. • wiring: single‑circuit, CLO (page 752)
• linear LED modules, with special protection against aggressive
chemically‑volatile substances, for standard LED technology
• double quick connection
• HACCP versions for use in the food industry
• emergency versions

3F Cub VT


Code 56333 Transparent glass VT tempered, non‑combustible.

ON/OFF electronic wiring 230V-50/60Hz, twin-circuit

Code Item W lm K CRI LxAxH
56330 3F CUB LED 100W CR VT 108 15195 4000 >80 680x680x187
56333 3F CUB LED 150W CR VT 159 22588 4000 >80 680x680x187
DALI electronic wiring 230V-50/60Hz
Code Item W lm K CRI LxAxH
56332 3F CUB LED 100W DALI CR VT 108 15195 4000 >80 680x680x187
56335 3F CUB LED 150W DALI CR VT 159 22588 4000 >80 680x680x187

3F Cub SP


SP transparent methacrylate (PMMA) diffuser, prismatic outside,

Code 56347 antiglare.

ON/OFF electronic wiring 230V-50/60Hz, twin-circuit

Code Item W lm K CRI LxAxH
56344 3F CUB LED 100W CR SP 108 14323 4000 >80 680x680x187
56347 3F CUB LED 150W CR SP 159 21176 4000 >80 680x680x187
DALI electronic wiring 230V-50/60Hz
Code Item W lm K CRI LxAxH
56346 3F CUB LED 100W DALI CR SP 108 14323 4000 >80 680x680x187
56349 3F CUB LED 150W DALI CR SP 159 21176 4000 >80 680x680x187

Performances are measured and certified by our CTFs stage 2 Photometric Laboratory (more information on page 12).
674 Datasheets, product updates and specifications on our website: www.3f-filippi.com
3F Cub VS


Code 56340 VS moulded glass, anti‑glare, tempered, non‑combustible.

ON/OFF electronic wiring 230V-50/60Hz, twin-circuit

Code Item W lm K CRI LxAxH
56337 3F CUB LED 100W CR VS 108 13981 4000 >80 680x680x187
56340 3F CUB LED 150W CR VS 159 20740 4000 >80 680x680x187
DALI electronic wiring 230V-50/60Hz
Code Item W lm K CRI LxAxH
56339 3F CUB LED 100W DALI CR VS 108 13981 4000 >80 680x680x187
56342 3F CUB LED 150W DALI CR VS 159 20740 4000 >80 680x680x187

3F Cub 675
3F Cub | Accessories
Code Item
A0213 Ceiling-mounted bracket

Ceiling‑mounted bracket in hot‑galvanised steel.

Code Item
A0210 Wireguard 3F Cub

Wire‑guard for indoor dry applications, with double fastening (wire‑guard and luminaire), for shocks coming
from any directions, not transmitting the shocks to the luminaire but to the ceiling; in galvanised steel rod Ø
5 mm. To install it, ceiling‑mounted bracket code A0213 is always necessary.

Code Item
A0521 Reducing sealing ring diam.8mm

Reducing sealing ring, dedicated to the use of cables with an external diameter of up to 8 mm.

676 Datasheets, product updates and specifications on our website: www.3f-filippi.com

3F Cub LED
Examples of design
Comparison to 400W JM reflector
Design data:

Room dimensions 50x50 metres

Room height 9 metres
Installation height 8 metres

Number of luminaires 56 luminaires

(6.3x7.1 metre grid)

Like-for-like replacement of light points

Reflection ceiling 30%

walls 30%
floor 10%

Work surface height 0.85 metres

400W JM reflector 3F Cub LED 150W CR VT Difference

Lighting values 345 lx 381 lx + 10%
Luminaire power 440 W 163 W - 63%
Circuit type Single circuit (100%) Twin circuit (50% - 100%)
Regulation of luminous flux and
No Yes, depending on requirements
Source life 8,000 hours >50,000 hours +42,000 hours

Comparison to 3F Cub R90 4x55 IP43

Design data:

Room dimensions 50x50 metres

Room height 9 metres
Installation height 8 metres

Number of luminaires: 56 luminaires

(6.3x7.1 metre grid)

Like-for-like replacement of light points

Reflection ceiling 30%

walls 30%
floor 10%

Work surface height 0.85 metres

3F Cub R90 4x55 IP43 3F Cub LED 150W CR VT Difference

Lighting values 334 lx 381 lx + 14%
Luminaire power 240 W 163 W - 32%
Circuit type Twin circuit (50% - 100%) Twin circuit (50% - 100%)
Regulation of luminous flux and
Yes, depending on requirements Yes, depending on requirements
Source life 15,000 hours >50,000 hours +35,000 hours

Comparison to 3F Cub 4x55 VT IP64
Design data:

Room dimensions 30x30 metres

Room height 7 metres
Installation height 6 metres

Number of luminaires: 30 luminaires

(6x5 metre grid)

Like-for-like replacement of light points

Reflection ceiling 30%

walls 30%
floor 10%

Work surface height 0.85 metres

3F Cub 4x55 CR VT IP64 3F Cub LED 100W CR VT Difference

Lighting values 334 lx 380 lx + 14%
Luminaire power 240 W 110 W - 54%
Circuit type Twin circuit (50% - 100%) Twin circuit (50% - 100%)
Regulation of luminous flux and
Yes, depending on requirements Yes, depending on requirements
Source life 15,000 hours >50,000 hours +35,000 hours

Why choose 3F Cub LED?

Never-ending light
3F Cub LED is equipped with new 3F LED technology whose sources specially developed for demanding applications
guarantee an operating lifetime of over 50,000 hours, at the end of which at least 50% of the LED will still be providing
80% of their initial light output.

You won't believe your wallet!

- 3F LED technology allows you to save up to 60% compared to traditional sources.
- Existing luminaires can be replaced while maintaining the same light locations and wiring system, but reducing energy
- Reduced maintenance significantly lowers running costs.

Beauty which doesn't blind!

The 3F Cub LED diffuser attenuates or cancels out all glare and creates a truly enviable lighting uniformity (in relation to the
installation height).
Its clean, elegant lines make 3F Cub LED a luminaire which can fit in perfectly with any environment.

3F Cub LED has been created according to the principles of Eco Design, and stands out for:
- Manufactured using energy from solar panels and assembled according to our “zero mileage” philosophy.
- Limited use of different materials, facilitating assembly, installation and recycling.
- Recyclable green packaging.

Significant reduction in maintenance costs

Longer life means less maintenance.
Less maintenance means greater savings.
Less maintenance means fewer problems.
Fewer problems means greater peace of mind.

/ Waterproof and corrosion-proof

Fischer Italia

Retrofit Beta A3F-i3F
Wide or concentrated direct distribution. Correct installation of the retrofit LED kit, compliant with
Lifetime (L80/B10): 100000 h. (tq+25°C) EN 60598‑1 and CE marked, must be only performed by qualified
Photobiological safety RG0 (page 16). personnel to ensure compliance with the national installation standards.

Linear LED modules. Evaluate the use of moulded anti‑glare glass according to the
Colour initial tolerance (MacAdam): SDCM 3. application.

Gear‑tray in hot galvanised steel, painted in white polyester, to be fixed Fixture not suitable for cold stores with an ambient temperature <0°C
to the body by rapid devices "Ribloc". and/or relative humidity >85%.

2x40W version
Methacrylate (PMMA) lenses with external flat surface. ON REQUEST
For installations prior to 2010, the hinge opening is lost.
• linear LED modules, with special protection against aggressive
chemically‑volatile substances, for standard LED technology
ELECTRICAL • retrofit Kit for luminaires of length 655mm (1‑2x18W), power
1x36W ‑ 1x58W, for Beta Stainless A3F 92‑93, for Beta Ice 90
In compliance with EN 60598‑1. • different power levels, colour rendering indices and colour
Compliance with the EN 60598‑2‑22 standard for power supply from a temperatures
centralised CPSS emergency system must be verified in the technical • wiring: dimmable, CLO (page 752), twin‑circuit
data sheets of each individual device on our website. • version with asymmetric lighting distribution
• wide flux recuperator to increase luminous flux by 5%
• emergency versions

Kit LED Retrofit for polycarbonate diffuser


Wide or concentrated symmetric lighting distribution.

Flow recuperator in specular aluminium, with superficial
titanium‑magnesium treatment, non‑iridescent (only for 2x22W
Internal transparent methacrylate (PMMA) lenses (only for 2x40W
Diffuser in self‑extinguishing V2 polycarbonate, photo‑engraved
interior, UV stabilised, injection moulded, with smooth outer
surface, sealing gasket.
The high output versions are NOT SELV.
Code A5027 40W: glow‑wire test resistance 650°C.

Version without recuperator - Driver/LED SELV - ON/OFF electronic wiring 230V-50/60Hz

Code Item W lm K CRI LxAxH
A5057 Kit LED i3F 75,A3F 90-92 L1265 2x18W +PC 40 5774 4000 >80 1265x235x135
A5027 Kit LED I3F 75, A3F 90, A3F 92-L1565 - 2X22W+PC 49 6996 4000 >80 1565x235x135
A5026 KIT LED i3F 75, A3F 90-L1565 - 2x30W+PC 66 8790 4000 >80 1565x235x135
Version with CONCENTRATED recuperator - Driver/LED SELV - ON/OFF electronic wiring 230V-50/60Hz
Code Item W lm K CRI LxAxH
A5013 Kit LED I3F75,A3F 90,A3F 92-L1565-2X22W CONC+PC 49 7351 4000 >80 1565x235x135
High output version with WIDE lenses - ON/OFF electronic wiring 230V-50/60Hz
Code Item W lm K CRI LxAxH
A5215 Kit LED i3F 75,A3F 90 - L1565 - L 2x40W AMPIO + PC 74 11519 4000 >80 1565x235x135
High output version with CONCENTRATED lenses - ON/OFF electronic wiring 230V-50/60Hz
Code Item W lm K CRI LxAxH
A5217 Kit LED i3F 75,A3F 90 - L1565 - L 2x40W CONC + PC 74 11124 4000 >80 1565x235x135

Performances are measured and certified by our CTFs stage 2 Photometric Laboratory (more information on page 12).
682 Datasheets, product updates and specifications on our website: www.3f-filippi.com
Kit LED Retrofit for glass diffuser


Wide or concentrated symmetric lighting distribution.

Flow recuperator in specular aluminium, with superficial
titanium‑magnesium treatment, non‑iridescent (only for 2x22W
Internal transparent methacrylate (PMMA) lenses (only for 2x40W
Glass diffuser is NOT included in the kit.
The high output versions are NOT SELV.
Code A5118 40W: glow‑wire test resistance 650°C.

Version without recuperator - Driver/LED SELV - ON/OFF electronic wiring 230V-50/60Hz

Code Item W lm K CRI LxAxH
A5148 KIT LED i3F 76,A3F 91,A3F 93-L1265-2x18W 40 5383 4000 >80 1265x235x105
A5118 Kit LED I3F 76, A3F 91, A3F 93 - L1565-2X22W 49 6938 4000 >80 1565x235x135
A5117 KIT LED i3F 76, A3F 91 - L1565-2x30W 66 8718 4000 >80 1565x235x105
Version with CONCENTRATED recuperator - Driver/LED SELV - ON/OFF electronic wiring 230V-50/60Hz
Code Item W lm K CRI LxAxH
A5104 Kit LED I3F 76, A3F 91, A3F 93-L1565-2X22W CONC 49 7525 4000 >80 1565x235x135
High output version with WIDE lenses - ON/OFF electronic wiring 230V-50/60Hz
Code Item W lm K CRI LxAxH
A5210 Kit LED i3F 76,A3F 91 - L1565 - L 2x40W AMPIO 74 11397 4000 >80 1565x235x105
High output version with CONCENTRATED lenses - ON/OFF electronic wiring 230V-50/60Hz
Code Item W lm K CRI LxAxH
A5212 Kit LED i3F 76,A3F 91 - L1565 - L 2x40W CONC 74 11260 4000 >80 1565x235x105

Retrofit Beta A3F-i3F 683

Retrofit Beta A3F-i3F | Accessories
Code Item
A5184 Moulded glass Beta 2x i3F 76 - L1565
A5185 Moulded glass Beta 2x i3F 76 - L1265

Moulded anti‑glare glass for retrofit LED kit, non‑combustible, tempered, mounted and locked by a
galvanised steel mono‑block perimetrical frame with a sealing gasket. For installations prior to 2010, the
hinge opening is lost. On request: versions with stainless steel frame for Beta 2x A3F91 A3F93.

684 Datasheets, product updates and specifications on our website: www.3f-filippi.com

/ Waterproof and corrosion-proof

Bon Prix
Valdengo (BI)

Retrofit Beta 430
Wide or concentrated direct distribution. Correct installation of the retrofit LED kit, compliant with
Lifetime (L80/B10): 100000 h. (tq+25°C) EN 60598‑1 and CE marked, must be only performed by qualified
Photobiological safety RG0 (page 16). personnel to ensure compliance with the national installation standards.

Linear LED modules. Evaluate the use of moulded anti‑glare glass according to the
Colour initial tolerance (MacAdam): SDCM 3. application.

Gear‑tray unit hot‑galvanised steel, painted in white polyester. Fixture not suitable for cold stores with an ambient temperature <0°C
Methacrylate (PMMA) lenses with external flat surface. and/or relative humidity >85%.

In compliance with EN 60598‑1. • different powers
Compliance with the EN 60598‑2‑22 standard for power supply from a • wiring: CLO (page 752), dimmable
centralised CPSS emergency system must be verified in the technical • linear LED modules, with special protection against aggressive
data sheets of each individual device on our website. chemically‑volatile substances, for standard LED technology
Twin‑circuit. • emergency versions

Kit Retrofit 2X

Wide or concentrated symmetric lighting distribution.

Transparent methacrylate (PMMA) lenses.
Code A5308 To replace the 4x49W T5 Amalgam or the 4x58W T8 version.

Version with WIDE lenses - ON/OFF electronic wiring 230V-50/60Hz

Code Item W lm K CRI LxAxH
A5308 Kit LED Beta 430 - L1551- 2X65W AMPIO 120 19205 4000 >80 1551x430x159
Version with CONCENTRATED lenses - ON/OFF electronic wiring 230V-50/60Hz
Code Item W lm K CRI LxAxH
A5309 Kit LED Beta 430 - L1551- 2X65W CONC 120 18071 4000 >80 1551x430x159

Kit Retrofit 3X


Wide or concentrated symmetric lighting distribution.

Transparent methacrylate (PMMA) lenses.
Code A5312 To replace the 4x80W ‑ 6x49W T5 Amalgam version.

Version with WIDE lenses - ON/OFF electronic wiring 230V-50/60Hz

Code Item W lm K CRI LxAxH
A5311 Kit LED Beta 430 - L1551- 3X65W AMPIO 173 28294 4000 >80 1551x430x159
Version with CONCENTRATED lenses - ON/OFF electronic wiring 230V-50/60Hz
Code Item W lm K CRI LxAxH
A5312 Kit LED Beta 430 - L1551- 3X65W CONC 173 27524 4000 >80 1551x430x159

Performances are measured and certified by our CTFs stage 2 Photometric Laboratory (more information on page 12).
688 Datasheets, product updates and specifications on our website: www.3f-filippi.com
Retrofit Beta 430 | Accessories
Code Item
A5322 Moulded glass with frame Beta 430-L1551

Moulded anti‑glare glass for retrofit LED kit, non‑combustible, tempered, mounted and locked by a
galvanised steel mono‑block perimetrical frame with a sealing gasket. For installations prior to 2010, the
hinge opening is lost.

Code Item
A0521 Reducing sealing ring diam.8mm

Reducing sealing ring, dedicated to the use of cables with an external diameter of up to 8 mm.

Retrofit Beta 430 689


/ Waterproof and corrosion-proof

Fagagna (UD)

Retrofit 3F Cub IP64
Wide symmetric distribution. Retrofit.
Lifetime (L70/B20): 100000 h. (tq+25°C) Correct installation of the retrofit LED kit, compliant with
Lifetime (L70/B10): 50000 h. (tq+40°C) EN 60598‑1 and CE marked, inside the 3F Filippi ‑ 3F Cub Fluorescent
Photobiological safety RG0 (page 16). luminaires must be only performed by qualified personnel to ensure
compliance with the national installation standards.

Linear LED modules.
Colour initial tolerance (MacAdam): SDCM 3. Evaluate the use of moulded anti‑glare glass according to the

Aluminium gear‑tray unit.
Tamper‑proof closures (2 pieces) to replace the two existing ones. Fixture not suitable for cold stores with an ambient temperature <0°C
and/or relative humidity >85%.
In order to maintain the degree of protection of the device and for the
ELECTRICAL purposes of validity of the guarantee of the new retrofit kits, it is
In compliance with EN 60598‑1. • follow the safety and operating instructions described in the
Compliance with the EN 60598‑2‑22 standard for power supply from a installation instructions
centralised CPSS emergency system must be verified in the technical • the use of the two self‑drilling screws supplied (one for each driver),
data sheets of each individual device on our website. will perform the dual function of drilling the body and fixing the driver,
The luminaires with EP permanent emergency wiring on board comply while maintaining the fixture's degree of protection
with EN 60598‑2‑22 standard, high risk areas excluded. • the replacement of existing tamper‑proof closures with new ones
• clean the screen glass to improve efficiency

Kit LED Retrofit 3F Cub IP64


Code A5224 To replace the 4x55W IP64 version.

ON/OFF electronic wiring 230V-50/60Hz

Code Item W lm K CRI LxAxH
A5223 NEW
Kit LED 3F Cub - 100W/840 108 12988 4000 >80 680x680x187
A5224 NEW Kit LED 3F Cub - 150W/840 159 19764 4000 >80 680x680x187
EP maintained emergency wiring, 1hr duration with 24hrs recharge (page 772)
Code Item W lm K CRI LxAxH
A5225 NEW Kit LED 3F Cub - 100W/840 EP 109 12988 4000 >80 680x680x187
A5226 NEW Kit LED 3F Cub - 150W/840 EP 160 19764 4000 >80 680x680x187
DALI electronic wiring 230V-50/60Hz
Code Item W lm K CRI LxAxH
A5227 NEW
Kit LED 3F Cub - 100W/840 DALI 108 12988 4000 >80 680x680x187
A5228 NEW
Kit LED 3F Cub - 150W/840 DALI 159 19764 4000 >80 680x680x187
DALI - EP maintained emergency wiring, 1hr duration with 24hrs recharge (page 772)
Code Item W lm K CRI LxAxH
A5229 NEW
Kit LED 3F Cub - 100W/840 EP DALI 109 12988 4000 >80 680x680x187
A5230 NEW Kit LED 3F Cub - 150W/840 EP DALI 160 19764 4000 >80 680x680x187

Performances are measured and certified by our CTFs stage 2 Photometric Laboratory (more information on page 12).
692 Datasheets, product updates and specifications on our website: www.3f-filippi.com
Kit LED Retrofit 3F Cub IP64 CR


Code A5232 To replace the 4x55W IP64 CR version.

ON/OFF electronic wiring 230V-50/60Hz

Code Item W lm K CRI LxAxH
A5231 NEW
Kit LED 3F Cub CR - 100W/840 108 12988 4000 >80 680x680x187
A5232 NEW Kit LED 3F Cub CR - 150W/840 159 19764 4000 >80 680x680x187
EP maintained emergency wiring, 1hr duration with 24hrs recharge (page 772)
Code Item W lm K CRI LxAxH
A5233 NEW Kit LED 3F Cub CR - 100W/840 EP 109 12988 4000 >80 680x680x187
A5234 NEW Kit LED 3F Cub CR - 150W/840 EP 160 19764 4000 >80 680x680x187
DALI electronic wiring 230V-50/60Hz
Code Item W lm K CRI LxAxH
A5235 NEW
Kit LED 3F Cub CR - 100W/840 DALI 108 12988 4000 >80 680x680x187
A5236 NEW
Kit LED 3F Cub CR - 150W/840 DALI 159 19764 4000 >80 680x680x187
DALI - EP maintained emergency wiring, 1hr duration with 24hrs recharge (page 772)
Code Item W lm K CRI LxAxH
A5237 NEW
Kit LED 3F Cub CR - 100W/840 EP DALI 109 12988 4000 >80 680x680x187
A5238 NEW Kit LED 3F Cub CR - 150W/840 EP DALI 160 19764 4000 >80 680x680x187

Retrofit 3F Cub IP64 693

/ catalogue


/ 3F Filippi

Update New

3F Manta 3F 66

3F Manta 3F 66
Page 696 Page 708 Page 714 Page 714

3F Manta
www.3F-Filippi.com/3F Manta

3F Manta was created to bring the outstanding lighting technology • Luminous efficacy up to 139 lumen/watt.
that our company has been offering for over 60 years inside • Luminous fluxes from 6193 to 22451 lumens.
production facilities, retail areas, and architectural spaces outdoors. • Extensive installation pitch.
Thanks to the intense activity in its research laboratories, 3F Filippi • 3 different photometric distributions.
is launching its first lighting fixture for outdoor work areas, a cutting • Available on request with integrated sensors.
edge solution dedicated to lighting private areas where vehicles and • Quick and easy cleaning.
pedestrians pass through such as parking lots, perimeter areas of • Essential and functional design.
production facilities, loading/unloading docks, and other areas that • LED sources with colour rendering: >70, >80.
refer to regulation EN 12464-2 "Lighting of outdoor work areas". • Class wiring: Class I, Class II.
3F Manta is the result of precise design covering every facet, from • EcoDesign: power supplies and sources replaceable at the end
the mechanical elements to the use of cutting-edge technological of product life.
components. • Ease of assembly and maintenance.
The sum of the individual details makes this fixture the ideal answer
to the expectations of those who are looking for perfect, durable
outdoor lighting.

Page Product Wall Bollard

708 UPDATE 3F Manta • •

Product range


3F Manta

Direct Emission

Wide Medium

Insulation classes Class I | Class II

Protection class IP66

Mechanical strength
to impact



3F Manta
(Acc. A01479)

(Acc. A01480)


Direct / Indirect


Insulation classes Class I | Class II

Protection class IP66

Mechanical strength
to impact


Precision optics
For 3F Manta we developed an ad hoc multifaceted optics, with total luminous flux recovery cells, entirely made of semi-specular
high reflection aluminium with titanium and magnesium surface treatment, without iridescence and luminous contrasts.

The aluminium allows the optical performance to be

maintained over time, even in the most severe weather
conditions, unlike chrome elements.

The versatile and mechanically solid optical group is

comprised of:

8 completely separate optical

compartments for maximum flux recovery.

Versatile parabolic sides, with

double optical focus, designed to
provide different beam angles and
optimise installation in different

Specifically modelled blades to create the right optical

shielding and optimise asymmetrical frontal distribution
without flux dispersion on the back of the fixture.
In designing and creating 3F Manta, special attention was paid to the light distribution, which is perfectly controlled and
guarantee the cancellation of light pollution (in compliance with current standards). The distributions, with three different optics,
are designed for lighting large spaces, meeting the depth or width requirements.

WIDE Progetto 1 Progetto 1

16.10.2020 16.10.2020

Asymmetric Optic Front 30° - Side 60° Redattore

e-Mail e-Mail

Asymmetric distribution with wide bilateral emission. 3FFILIPPI 7003 3F Manta AN 100/730 AMPIO L660 / CDL (polare)
3FFILIPPI 7003 3F Manta AN 100/730 AMPIO L660 / Diagramma della luminanza

Lampada: 3FFILIPPI 7003 3F Manta AN 100/730 AMPIO L660 Lampada: 3FFILIPPI 7003 3F Manta AN 100/730 AMPIO L660
Lampadine: 1 x LED Q 100W - 1x100W - 730 Lampadine: 1 x LED Q 100W - 1x100W - 730

MEDIUM Progetto 1 Progetto 1

16.10.2020 16.10.2020

Asymmetric Optic Front 40° - Side 60° Redattore

e-Mail e-Mail

Asymmetric distribution with medium bilateral emission. 3FFILIPPI 7011 3F Manta AN 100/730 MEDIO L660 / CDL (polare)
3FFILIPPI 7011 3F Manta AN 100/730 MEDIO L660 / Diagramma della luminanza
DIALux 4.13 by DIAL GmbH DIALux44.13 by DIAL GmbH
Pagina Pagina 5
Lampada: 3FFILIPPI 7011 3F Manta AN 100/730 MEDIO L660 Lampada: 3FFILIPPI 7011 3F Manta AN 100/730 MEDIO L660
Lampadine: 1 x LED Q 100W - 1x100W - 730 Lampadine: 1 x LED Q 100W - 1x100W - 730

FRONT Progetto 1 Progetto 1

16.10.2020 16.10.2020

Asymmetric Optic Front 50° - Side 50° Redattore

e-Mail e-Mail

Asymmetric distribution with wide bilateral and front emission. 3F FILIPPI 7053 3F Manta AN 100/730 FRONT / CDL (polare) 3F FILIPPI 7053 3F Manta AN 100/730 FRONT / Diagramma della luminanza

4.13 by FILIPPI
DIAL GmbH 7053 3F Manta AN 100/730 FRONT Lampada:
Pagina 3FDIAL
24.13 by FILIPPI
GmbH7053 3F Manta AN 100/730 FRONT Pagina 3
Lampadine: 1 x LED Lampadine: 1 x LED

DIALux 4.13 by DIAL GmbH Pagina
DIALux 64.13 by DIAL GmbH Pagina 7
Design examples

Loading / unloading area Site perimeter Perimeter road

Wall installation Pole installation Pole installation
3F Manta 135/830 Wide 3F Manta 50/830 Front 3F Manta 75/830 Wide
Installation height 8 m Installation height 8 m Installation height 8 m
Installation spacing 20 m Installation spacing 20 m Installation spacing 32 m
Average illumination at the Average illumination at the Average illumination at the
ground 35 lux ground 10 lux ground 25 lux

Input Roadway Parking Lot

Pole installation Pole installation Pole installation
3F Manta 185/830 Medium 3F Manta 100/830 Wide 3F Manta 50/830 Medium
Installation height 8 m Installation height 12 m Installation height 5 m
Average illumination at the Installation spacing 48 m Installation spacing 15 m
ground 50 lux Average illumination at the Average illumination at the
ground 20 lux ground 65 lux

Product advantages
3F Manta is made with top quality components to ensure excellent performance in every aspect.
The cutting-edge technology also make 3F Manta a reliable technical solution that maintains its performance over time.

Since 1952 we have been working to facilitate the work of planners and installers, even through very strict tests that we perform
in our CTFs Level 2 certified laboratories under the supervision of a recognised Third Party: 3F Manta followed strict internal
protocols to minimise any faults over the longest possible period of time.

Stainless Steel hardware

They prevent oxidation over time and are also used inside the
body, allowing easy access even in severe weather conditions.

Aluminium optics
They allow the photometric performance to remain constant over

Gasket in polyurethane
The watertight seal and IP66 protection rating are also
guaranteed by the gaskets made of polyurethane, which is
particularly resistant to weather and pollution.

Nema Socket - Ready (Zhaga Book 18)

The upper part of the fixture is made ready for the installation
of devices created for the creation of Smart Lighting solutions
(sensors, wireless antennas, video cameras, etc.).

SPD System
The SPD (Surge Protective Device) technology ensures adequate
protection against atmospheric or electrical surges.

NTC System
The LED module is equipped with a thermistor to prevent
exceeding the expected operating temperatures.

The 3F Filippi Team has designed and developed 3F Manta considering many technical and practical aspects.
Among these, our technicians were very attentive to installation and maintenance of the fixture in order to facilitate the installers’
work, allowing them to reduce work times and operate with maximum safety.

3F Manta is available in two insulation Classes:
Class I - connection to the earth system is necessary and mandatory.
Class II - connection to the earth system is prohibited.
This version is simplified for installation in systems without the earthing system.

Practical and flexible installation

The wide 40° adjustment angle allows the luminaire
to be tilted based on different needs, even after
installation is complete.

Safe and quick installation

The bayonet terminal block and the anticlosure
block eliminate the risk of accidents when working
on the luminaire.
Work well at night

During the design phase of 3F Manta fundamental factors to support work in external areas were taken into consideration:

• correct perception of space and objects to identify possible dangers and workers working alone
• maximum light diffusion in work areas and attenuation of shadows and glare to reduce visual adaptation time when moving
from lit to dark environments and vice versa
• compliance with regulations on limiting upward dispersion of luminous flux in Zone 1 (UNI 10819) and sources with
temperatures of 3000K (to align ourselves with recommendations from main regional regulations)

For this reason we equipped our fixtures with the best LED sources available with different colour rendering indexes:

CRI 70 for: CRI 80 for:

• roads • maintenance areas
• traffic areas • vehicle loading/unloading areas
• open areas • work areas with reading systems and where tools
• car parks are used
• passenger passage areas
• fruit and vegetable markets
• port and airport areas

Virtual midnight
In order to further increase energy savings when lighting outdoor areas (and others), when the light does not need to be
operating at full power, the “virtual midnight” system allows the creation of a stand-alone control of the fixtures without the need
for an external control infrastructure or any change to the existing system.
It consists of activating a multi-level power reduction on the luminaire through a self-learning process that, based on previous
times when switched on or off, determines the hypothetical “virtual midnight” between when it was switched on (sunset) and off
“Virtual midnight” is the reference point for applying the reduction of the output power according to the selected profile.
The default setting regulates it on two power levels: 100% and 50%.
A microprocessor calculates the reduction time starting from “virtual midnight”. The default setting calls for 2 hours before and 4
hours after “virtual midnight” as follows:

Output Level (%)


12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 00 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Time (h)

The system allows the implementation of customised adjustment profiles (optionals to be requested specifically during the order
process), which allow even greater control flexibility. In fact, it is possible to:

1. Set the output levels in an interval between 10% and 100%, with 1% increases divided over 5 different time intervals.
2. Create the passage from one adjustment level to the next by means of a fade with a programmed duration.
3. Switch the light on and off through a fade. This function allows further energy savings during the twilight stages.
4. Activate an adjustments that also takes into account the sunrise and sunset in the location described by the geographic
coordinates in order to further optimise the power reduction periods.

The graph below shows an example of a programming profiles that summarizes the possibilities described in points 1, 2, and 3.

Output Level (%)


12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 00 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Time (h)


/ Outdoor

GAB Tamagnini
Reggio Emilia


3F Manta
Asymmetric distribution with frontal, wide or medium bilateral. In compliance with EN 60598‑1, EN 60598‑2‑3.
No higher ULOR emission. Flicker: <10%.
Lifetime (L80/B10): 100000 h. (tq+25°C) Safety break switch to shut off the power supply when opening the
Photobiological safety RG0 (page 16). device.
Insulation voltage 6kV via Sourge Protector.
SPD type 2+3 (combined) device to protect against voltage surges up
SOURCE to 10 kV in common and differential mode.
Thermal protection of the LED module via NTC sensor (Negative
Squared LED module with special protection against aggressive Temperature Coefficient).
chemically‑volatile substances, for standard LED technology. M20x1.5 IP68 nylon cable gland for feeding input (cables with an
Colour initial tolerance (MacAdam): SDCM 5. min‑max diameter 6‑13mm).
Pressure compensating valve with anti‑condensation effect.

Aerodynamically‑shaped die‑cast aluminium double‑shell body for low
wind resistance, equipped with fins to optimize the cooling of the Pole or wall mounted using always necessary accessories (see on page
internal components. 713).
Shell closure using stainless steel screws on stainless steel bushings,
with hinged opening for easy access to the wiring compartment,
equipped with system against accidental closure. APPLICATIONS
Polyester powder coating with degreasing pre‑treatment and phosphate
layer deposit on the metal, UV stabilised, corrosion resistant, anthracite Ambient temperature from ‑30°C to +45°C.
colour, salt spray resistance ISO 9227 >1000 h. Outdoor environments, general lighting, work and roadway lighting,
Parabolic cellular optics with total recovery, entirely made of transit areas and building perimeters, parking lots, trade fairs.
semi‑specular high reflection aluminium with titanium and magnesium Control of light pollution, in accordance with the legislative requirements
surface treatment, to maintain optical performance over time. in force.
Polyurethane foam seals, ecological, anti‑aging, installed using a
continuous automatic process with no joints.
VT extra transparent tempered glass diffuser, 4 mm thick, ON REQUEST
Stainless steel internal and external screws. • different power levels, colour rendering indices and colour
• wiring: DALI, CLO (page 752), D1‑10V, Wireless
• Customised Virtual Midnight up to 5 independent intervals / levels
• watertight socket / plug connectors

3F Manta Wide


Asymmetric distribution with wide bilateral.

This model is available in two different Protection Classes
Code 7003 against electric shock (page 792).

Class I - ON/OFF electronic wiring 230V-50/60Hz

Code Item W lm K CRI LxAxH
7400 NEW
3F Manta AN 30/730 WIDE 34.5 5115 3000 >70 660x440x166
7001 3F Manta AN 50/730 WIDE 53 6950 3000 >70 660x440x166
7002 3F Manta AN 75/730 WIDE 78 9717 3000 >70 660x440x166
7003 3F Manta AN 100/730 WIDE 103 13101 3000 >70 660x440x166
7004 3F Manta AN 135/730 WIDE 149 17458 3000 >70 660x440x166
7401 NEW 3F Manta AN 30/830 WIDE 34.5 4572 3000 >80 660x440x166
7022 3F Manta AN 50/830 WIDE 53 6227 3000 >80 660x440x166
7023 3F Manta AN 75/830 WIDE 78 8707 3000 >80 660x440x166
7024 3F Manta AN 100/830 WIDE 103 11738 3000 >80 660x440x166
7025 3F Manta AN 135/830 WIDE 149 15642 3000 >80 660x440x166
Class II - ON/OFF electronic wiring 230V-50/60Hz
Code Item W lm K CRI LxAxH
7402 NEW
3F Manta AN 30/730 II WIDE 34.5 5115 3000 >70 660x440x166
7026 3F Manta AN 50/730 II WIDE 53 6950 3000 >70 660x440x166
7027 3F Manta AN 75/730 II WIDE 78 9717 3000 >70 660x440x166
7028 3F Manta AN 100/730 II WIDE 103 13101 3000 >70 660x440x166
7029 3F Manta AN 135/730 II WIDE 149 17458 3000 >70 660x440x166
7403 NEW 3F Manta AN 30/830 II WIDE 34.5 4572 3000 >80 660x440x166
7030 3F Manta AN 50/830 II WIDE 53 6227 3000 >80 660x440x166
7031 3F Manta AN 75/830 II WIDE 78 8707 3000 >80 660x440x166
7032 3F Manta AN 100/830 II WIDE 103 11738 3000 >80 660x440x166
7033 3F Manta AN 135/830 II WIDE 149 15642 3000 >80 660x440x166

Performances are measured and certified by our CTFs stage 2 Photometric Laboratory (more information on page 12).
710 Datasheets, product updates and specifications on our website: www.3f-filippi.com
3F Manta Medium


Asymmetric distribution with medium bilateral.

This model is available in two different Protection Classes
Code 7011 against electric shock (page 792).

Class I - ON/OFF electronic wiring 230V-50/60Hz

Code Item W lm K CRI LxAxH
7404 NEW
3F Manta AN 30/730 MEDIUM 34.5 5087 3000 >70 660x440x166
7009 3F Manta AN 50/730 MEDIUM 53 6912 3000 >70 660x440x166
7010 3F Manta AN 75/730 MEDIUM 78 9663 3000 >70 660x440x166
7011 3F Manta AN 100/730 MEDIUM 103 13028 3000 >70 660x440x166
7012 3F Manta AN 135/730 MEDIUM 149 17360 3000 >70 660x440x166
7020 3F Manta AN 185/730 MEDIUM 195 22451 3000 >70 660x440x166
7405 NEW 3F Manta AN 30/830 MEDIUM 34.5 4547 3000 >80 660x440x166
7035 3F Manta AN 50/830 MEDIUM 53 6193 3000 >80 660x440x166
7036 3F Manta AN 75/830 MEDIUM 78 8658 3000 >80 660x440x166
7037 3F Manta AN 100/830 MEDIUM 103 11673 3000 >80 660x440x166
7038 3F Manta AN 135/830 MEDIUM 149 15555 3000 >80 660x440x166
7039 3F Manta AN 185/830 MEDIUM 195 20116 3000 >80 660x440x166
Class II - ON/OFF electronic wiring 230V-50/60Hz
Code Item W lm K CRI LxAxH
7406 NEW
3F Manta AN 30/730 II MEDIUM 34.5 5087 3000 >70 660x440x166
7040 3F Manta AN 50/730 II MEDIUM 53 6912 3000 >70 660x440x166
7041 3F Manta AN 75/730 II MEDIUM 78 9663 3000 >70 660x440x166
7042 3F Manta AN 100/730 II MEDIUM 103 13028 3000 >70 660x440x166
7043 3F Manta AN 135/730 II MEDIUM 149 17360 3000 >70 660x440x166
7044 3F Manta AN 185/730 II MEDIUM 195 22451 3000 >70 660x440x166
7407 NEW
3F Manta AN 30/830 II MEDIUM 34.5 4547 3000 >80 660x440x166
7045 3F Manta AN 50/830 II MEDIUM 53 6193 3000 >80 660x440x166
7046 3F Manta AN 75/830 II MEDIUM 78 8658 3000 >80 660x440x166
7047 3F Manta AN 100/830 II MEDIUM 103 11673 3000 >80 660x440x166
7048 3F Manta AN 135/830 II MEDIUM 149 15555 3000 >80 660x440x166
7049 3F Manta AN 185/830 II MEDIUM 195 20116 3000 >80 660x440x166

3F Manta 711
3F Manta Front


Asymmetric distribution with deep bilateral.

This model is available in two different Protection Classes
Code 7051 against electric shock (page 792).

Class I - ON/OFF electronic wiring 230V-50/60Hz

Code Item W lm K CRI LxAxH
7408 NEW
3F Manta AN 30/730 FRONT 34.5 4578 3000 >70 660x440x166
7051 3F Manta AN 50/730 FRONT 51 7242 3000 >70 660x440x166
7052 3F Manta AN 75/730 FRONT 76 10266 3000 >70 660x440x166
7053 3F Manta AN 100/730 FRONT 105 12830 3000 >70 660x440x166
7054 3F Manta AN 135/730 FRONT 141 15913 3000 >70 660x440x166
7409 NEW 3F Manta AN 30/830 FRONT 34.5 4092 3000 >80 660x440x166
7055 3F Manta AN 50/830 FRONT 51 6474 3000 >80 660x440x166
7056 3F Manta AN 75/830 FRONT 76 9177 3000 >80 660x440x166
7057 3F Manta AN 100/830 FRONT 105 11969 3000 >80 660x440x166
7058 3F Manta AN 135/830 FRONT 141 14226 3000 >80 660x440x166
Class II - ON/OFF electronic wiring 230V-50/60Hz
Code Item W lm K CRI LxAxH
7410 NEW
3F Manta AN 30/730 II FRONT 34.5 4578 3000 >70 660x440x166
7059 3F Manta AN 50/730 II FRONT 51 7242 3000 >70 660x440x166
7060 3F Manta AN 75/730 II FRONT 76 10266 3000 >70 660x440x166
7061 3F Manta AN 100/730 II FRONT 105 12830 3000 >70 660x440x166
7062 3F Manta AN 135/730 II FRONT 141 15913 3000 >70 660x440x166
7411 NEW 3F Manta AN 30/830 II FRONT 34.5 4092 3000 >80 660x440x166
7063 3F Manta AN 50/830 II FRONT 51 6474 3000 >80 660x440x166
7064 3F Manta AN 75/830 II FRONT 76 9177 3000 >80 660x440x166
7065 3F Manta AN 100/830 II FRONT 105 11969 3000 >80 660x440x166
7066 3F Manta AN 135/830 II FRONT 141 14226 3000 >80 660x440x166

Performances are measured and certified by our CTFs stage 2 Photometric Laboratory (more information on page 12).
712 Datasheets, product updates and specifications on our website: www.3f-filippi.com
3F Manta | Accessories
Code Item
A0439 Pole mounting diameter 60mm
A0440 Pole mounting diameter 76mm

Pole mount in die‑cast aluminium with the same paint treatment as the body (for Ø 60 mm and Ø 76 mm
poles) equipped with special teeth for adjusting the inclination on the head of the device by ± 20° with an
adjustment pitch of 5°. Possibility of installing on vertical pole (pole head) and horizontal pole (arm). Mounting
on the device using the supplied stainless steel screws on self‑locking stainless steel nuts.
Not suitable for fixing on fibreglass pole.

Code Item
A0441 Reducer from 76 mm to 60 mm

Reducer in galvanised steel, suitable for poles with a diameter of 76 mm.

To install this accessory, it is always necessary to use the pole connection code A0439.

Code Item
A01480 Fixed position wall bracket

Galvanised steel bracket for fixing on flat facades. 3 mm thick and 200 mm long arm. Powder coated
polyester paint, anthracite colour. This bracket DOES NOT allow adjustment of the inclination of the product.
Options on request: painting in different RAL colour.

Code Item
A01479 Wall bracket 15° diam 60mm

Galvanised steel bracket for fixing on flat facades. Arm length 250 mm, diameter 60 mm, inclination of 15°.
This bracket allows adjustment of the inclination of the product.
To install this accessory, it is always necessary to use the pole connection code A0439. Options
on request: painting in RAL colours / 500 mm outreach / horizontal pole.

Code Item
A01481 Corner wall bracket 15° diam 60mm

Galvanised steel bracket for fixing on the corner between facades. Arm length 250 mm, diameter 60 mm,
inclination of 15°. This bracket allows adjustment of the inclination of the product.
To install this accessory, it is always necessary to use the pole connection code A0439. Options
on request: painting in RAL colours / 500 mm outreach / horizontal pole.


If you require more information, do not hesitate to contact our Sales Network or our Technical Offices.

3F Manta 713
/ Outdoor

3F Filippi
Pianoro (BO)


3F 66
Downward bilateral distribution. Wall mounting, particularly suitable for outdoor lighting of civil and
Lifetime (L70/B10): 50000 h. (tq+25°C) industrial buildings, porticos, underpasses and walkways.
Photobiological safety RG0 (page 16). Downwards bilateral controlled distribution allows to optimise the
perimeter lighting uniformity of buildings.
Control of light pollution, in accordance with the legislative requirements
SOURCE in force.

LED modules.
Colour initial tolerance (MacAdam): SDCM 4. ON REQUEST
• different powers or colour temperatures
MECHANICAL • emergency versions

Self‑extinguishing V2 polycarbonate housing, injection

moulded, RAL 7035 grey.
Flow recuperator in specular aluminium with superficial
titanium‑magnesium treatment, non‑iridescent.
Transparent methacrylate (PMMA) diffuser, injection moulded, with
smooth outer surface and differentiated prismatic inner surface.
Sealing gaskets between housing and diffuser in ecological anti‑aging
Diffuser safety seal with 4 latches attaching it to the housing, in stainless

In compliance with EN 60598‑1.
Double insulated cables.
Line entry at rear through rubber seal or at side after drilling.
Class II.

3F 66


Code 8357

ON/OFF electronic wiring 230V-50/60Hz

Code Item W lm K CRI LxAxH
8357 3F 66 1 LED 6 II 9 774 4000 >80 255x176x344
8358 3F 66 2 LED 12 II 15 1530 4000 >80 255x176x344

Performances are measured and certified by our CTFs stage 2 Photometric Laboratory (more information on page 12).
716 Datasheets, product updates and specifications on our website: www.3f-filippi.com
/ catalogue

_Light Management

/ 3F Filippi

720 Light Management
720 Overview

722 3F Easy Dim

722 Overview
722 Installation examples
724 Accessories

726 3F Sensor
726 Overview 3F Sensor / 3F Sensor CF
728 Overview 3F Sensor Bluetooth
730 Overview 3F DALI Sensor

732 3F Smart Dimming

732 Overview
733 Installation Reference - Office / Open space
734 Installation Reference - Industrial / Gymnasiums
735 Installation Reference - School classroom
736 Accessories

742 3F HCL
742 Overview
745 Accessories

746 3F & Casambi

746 Overview
748 Accessories

750 3F & KNX

750 Overview

752 3F CLO
752 Overview

754 3F Wireless
754 Overview

/ Light Management

3F Smart Lighting. Good for you, excellent for

the environment.

3F Filippi is always at the 3F Filippi uses the following tools

to improve everyday life in the
forefront when it comes • 3F Easy Dim
to proposing quality and •

3F Smart Dimming
3F Sensor (BT)
• 3F DALI Sensor
comfortable lighting while •

3F HCL for TW fixtures
respecting the energy impact •

3F & Casambi
3F & KNX

and the environment, proposing

• 3F Wireless

The implementation costs of these

lighting management systems solutions are largely absorbed by the
simplification of the electrical wiring

in accordance with the UNI and installation: the reduction in

the number of conductors required,
conduits, power and control panels
EN 15232 standard, which means that the payback time of the
investment is drastically reduced.

introduces a division into 4

energy efficiency classes for the
control functions of technical
installations in buildings.

Our sales and technical departments are at your disposal to support you in choosing the best available solutions, which can also be tailor-
made for your application.

/ 3F Easy Dim

SAVINGS in your hands.

3F Easy Dim technology lets you The advantage of this technology is • Installation phase: up to
regulate luminous flux in an easy, that it gives the user the possibility 6 ballasts with PUSH DIM
low-cost and customisable manner. to customise the quantity of function, controlled via a
In terms of the system, it is light present in the environment commercially available push-
composed of a commercially depending on taste and button (environments without
available push-button (up to 6 requirements, while using genuinely interference). Between 7 and 64
ballasts) and a DALI repeater (to low-cost components. The control ballasts requires a DALI repeater.
manage up to 64 ballasts). This provided is manual, and as such • Use: if the luminous flux output is
mode allows you to perform the savings will depend on how it is below 100%, power consumption
following functions: managed. of the luminaire is significantly
• Turning the luminaire ON/OFF. reduced.
• Manual regulation of the
lumiaire’s luminous flux on the
basis of specific requirements.

Up to 6 ballasts




Results obtainable
- Manually turning the luminaire ON/OFF.
- Manual regulation of the luminaire's luminous flux on the basis of user requirements.
Compatible luminaires
Any luminaire from the 3F Filippi range, as long as it is equipped with DALI PUSH DIM ballast.
Components required
- 1 commercial push-button.
in environments where there is signal interference present, and with dimmer wire lengths of over 20 metres, the installation of a DALI repeater
is advisable.

Up to 25 ballasts

Push-button 1 & 2





Results obtainable
- Manually turning the luminaire ON/OFF.
- Manual regulation of the luminaire's luminous flux on the basis of user requirements.
- Manual adjustment of luminaire colour according to user requirements (for DALI DT8 drivers only).
Compatible luminaires
Any luminaire from the 3F Filippi range, as long as it is equipped with DALI or DALI DT8 ballast.
Components required
- 1 commercial push-button for flux control and/or 1 button for colour control (DALI DT8 driver only).
- 1 DALI PCU fixture.

Up to 64 ballasts




Results obtainable
- Manually turning the luminaire ON/OFF.
- Manual regulation of the luminaire's luminous flux on the basis of user requirements.
Compatible luminaires
Any luminaire from the 3F Filippi range, as long as it is equipped with DALI ballast.
Components required
- 1 commercial push-button.
- 1 DALI repeater.

3F Easy Dim | Accessories
Code Item
A3008 DALI ext - Repeater

Signal Repeater for expansion of DALI systems (64 drivers 300 metres of line), size 189x30x21 mm,
integrated installation into the device or into the Box (cod. A3010).

Code Item
A3009 DALI DIN - Repeater

Signal Repeater for expansion of DALI systems (64 drivers 300 metres of line), size 96x72x62 mm, DIN rail

Code Item
A3010 DALI - Box for repeater

Box mounted housing DALI Repeater ext (cod. A3008), size 261x71x27 mm.

Code Item
A3064 DALI PCU TW G2 - push button interface

DALI‑2 control panel for recessed installation, dimensions 48x49x22 mm, allows to regulate the flow power
on/off of a up to a maximum of 25 DALI or DALI DT8 drivers (max 300 m in a line) with just one commercial
button (normally open).

724 Datasheets, product updates and specifications on our website: www.3f-filippi.com

/ 3F Sensor

3F Sensor



time T1 T2 T3


T1 --> T2 - switch-off delay - default 10s
T2 --> T3 - period of zero luminous flux

A SMALL revolution. Great advantages.

Sensor technology allows you to The advantages of this technology For the customer the benefits are
make savings and manage your create significant savings for the tangible:
lighting systems in an easy, low- end customer: • Installation: no expenditure on
cost and customisable manner • Time savings during electrical equipment.
without investing significant capital installation: no sensor network • Independence and precision:
in costly systems. required. each luminaire manages itself.
What we have done is extremely • Cost savings: fewer materials • Simplicity: no loss of time when
simple: we have incorporated and reduced calibration times. adjusting the system.
an ON/OFF high-frequency (HF) • Ease of installation: existing • Integration with existing
5.8GHz radar movement sensor installations are not modified. installations: no expenditure on
inside the luminaire. Simply connect the devices to the adapting installations.
• Customisation of brightness
levels: each unit is independent
of the others.

3F Sensor CF



time T1 T2 T3 T4 T5 T6


T1 --> T2 - luminous flux increase time T4 --> T5 - luminous flux decrease time
T3 --> T4 - switch-off delay - default 10s T5 --> T6 - luminous flux reduced 10%

up to 10 m
2.6 m
1.8 m
up to 10 m

Luminaire wall installation Installation Ceiling luminaires

RADAR technology goes beyond glass, wood and plasterboard, therefore for the correct functioning of the luminaire, the sensor detection field
(see instruction sheet) must be adjusted according to the type of installation/room.

Versions Sensor Corridor Sensor Function

Kept on
Standard position (no movement) Luminaire off
at 10% power

Automatic Via ON/OFF high-frequency (HF) 5.8GHz radar movement sensor

Mounting height Wall installation at max 2.7 metres - Ceiling installation at max 4 metres

Daylight / 300 lux / 150 lux / Twilight / Night / Programmable mode

Twilight function
(default setting “daylight”)

Switch-off delay From 10 seconds to 30 minutes (default setting 10s)

Sensitivity/detection field 20% - 30% - 50% - 75% - 100% (default setting 75%)

/ 3F Sensor Bluetooth

We have integrated a high frequency It is not necessary to modify the • Program Mode On / Off,
DALI radar motion detector (HF) existing electrical system, you just Permanent, Corridor.
5.8GHz inside the 3F Linda Sensor need to connect the fixtures to the • Soft-Dim: active / inactive.
DALI-BLE that operates Bluetooth power grid, saving on installation
with other DALI-BLE fixtures. time.
The onboard sensor makes it 3F Sensor DALI-BLE technology
possible to regulate individual or unlike 3F Sensor allows for:
groups of fixtures or profiles for a 1. Bluetooth communication
complete installation. between fixtures.
The distance between the fixtures 2. The creation of groups of fixtures
can be up to 20 m for indoor without any other physical
installations. Fixtures with 3F connections.
Sensor Bluetooth technology can 3. Different function profiles that can
be managed in the following way: be easily programmed by the end
• Individually - every fixture turns user using an APP on a Tablet or
on/off according to movement Smartphone (available for iOS and
and adjusts according to Android) for example:
programmed behaviour on the • Sensitivity 10 ... 100%.
APP. • Hold time 5 seconds ... 60
• Master-Slave configuration minutes.
--- using the APP it is possible • Daylight sensor 1 Lux ... 500 Lux;
to create groups of fixtures to teach in.
manage each area. • DIM level 0 ... 100%.

Luminaire with motion Luminaire with motion
sensor sensor

Mobile device with

dedicated app

RADAR technology goes beyond glass, wood and plasterboard; therefore for the correct functioning of the luminaire, the sensor detection field
(see instruction sheet) must be adjusted according to the type of installation/room.

/ 3F DALI Sensor

Luminaires with 3F DALI Sensor 1. Individually - each luminaire In both solutions, the initial
technology are equipped with a switches on/off and regulates its programming of the sensor can be
DALI brightness and presence flow independently with respect performed simply and conveniently
sensor which allows the luminous to the other luminaires, and it is with the use of the DALI IR
flux to be switched on/off and therefore no longer necessary to programmer (code A3020) or the
regulated automatically on the basis create or modify existing electrical IR adapter for Smartphones (code
of the natural light (to exclude the systems, only to connect the A3022).
presence detection, accessory luminaires to the mains supply, For technical specifications and
A3022 and the BEG APP are thus reducinginstallation times. for further information, see the
required). details in the “3F Smart Dimming
accessories” chapter, or contact
2. Master - Slave configuration –
Luminaires with 3F DALI Sensor our technical department.
each 3F DALI Sensor luminaire
technology can be installed in the can be connected to other
two following ways: standard 3F dimmable DALI
luminaires by following the
method given in the application
examples. In this case, switching
on/off and regulation of the
luminous flux will be managed
in zones/groups of luminaires,
saving on the number of sensors
in the field.

Typical application example for 3F LEM DALI Sensor:
Connection diagram for broadcast operation, between the 3F Travetta LED DALI LS luminaire (with
integrated DALI presence and brightness sensor - MASTER function) and 3F Travetta LED DALI luminaires
(equipped with DALI drivers - SLAVE function).
Allows the level of lighting to be kept constant between all connected luminaires, on the basis of the natural
light, as well as centralised on/off commands when motion is detected and with the twilight threshold set.
(to exclude the presence detection, accessory A3022 and the BEG APP are required).

Presence and brightness sensor

(presence function)


3F LEM 1/2/3/4/5 DALI (SLAVE)

DALI drivers can be connected to any
Master/Slave system: Max 40
• 3F LEM 1/2 DALI (1 driver DALI)
• 3F LEM 3/4 DALI (2 driver DALI)
• 3F LEM 5 DALI (3 driver DALI)

3F LEM 1/2/3/4/5 DALI (SLAVE)

the DALI line of the MASTER luminaires cannot be connected to buttons! If you require manual regulation, contact our technical department.

/ 3F Smart Dimming


Smart Dimming technology allows The advantages of this technology The advantages are real and
you to make savings and manage offer significant energy savings for tangible in these aspects for the end
your lighting systems in an easy, the end customer, calculated as customer:
low-cost and customisable manner being up to 80% compared to an • Quick, simple installation.
without investing significant capital on-off solution with combined • Energy savings.
in costly systems. sensors for light and presence • Reduced time to see return on
Products in this range have regulation. It is also possible to investment.
functions such as: create made-to-measure lighting
• Turning on and automatically based on the requirements of the
regulating the luminaire on the environment and the light level
basis of the chosen level of required.
• Luminaire switching on the
basis of presence of persons
in the radius of operation of the
luminaire (the detection area can
be extended using slave sensors).
• Manual regulation and ON/OFF
via accessory remote controls or

Installation Reference - Office / Open space
Up to 50 drivers/ballasts - Installation height up to 4 metres
Results obtainable
• Manual ON/OFF/regulation of the luminaire via optional remote control or push-button.
• Automatic regulation of the luminaire's light flow depending on the amount of natural light and/or presence of personnel.
• Extension of the presence detection area through the use of slave sensors.

Compatible luminaires
Any luminaire from the 3F Filippi range, as long as it is equipped with DALI ballast.
On request, can also be implemented with 1-10V components (drivers and sensors).

Components required
• 1 commercially available push-button (optional).
• Luminaire with DALI driver.
• 1 DALI Sensor A (recessed) or DALI ext Sensor A (ceiling mount).
• IR adaptor for Smartphones (optional).
• DALI IR programmer (optional).
• DALI IR remote control (optional).
• 1 Sensor A SLAVE or 1 Sensor A SLAVE-ext (optional for extending the presence detection area).

Wiring diagram


DALI sensor
(with Master function)

Recommended max
SLAVE sensor

Note: to deactivate presence sensing, accessory A3022 and the BEG APP are required.

/ 3F Smart Dimming
Installation Reference - Industrial / Gymnasiums
Up to 50 ballasts - Installation height between 4 and 9 metres
Results obtainable
• Manual ON/OFF/regulation of the luminaire via optional remote control or push-button.
• Automatic regulation of the luminaire's light flow depending on the amount of natural light and/or presence of personnel.
• Extension of the presence detection area through the use of slave sensors.

Compatible luminaires
Any luminaire from the 3F Filippi range, as long as it is equipped with DALI ballast.
On request, can also be implemented with 1-10V components (drivers and sensors).

Components required
• 1 commercially available push-button (optional).
• Luminaire with DALI driver.
• 1 DALI Sensor B (recessed) or DALI ext Sensor B (ceiling mount).
• IR adaptor for Smartphones (optional).
• DALI IR programmer (optional).
• DALI IR remote control (optional).
• 1 Sensor B SLAVE or 1 Sensor B SLAVE-ext (optional for extending the presence detection area).

Wiring diagram



DALI sensor
(with Master function)

Recommended max
SLAVE sensor

N.b.: to deactivate presence sensing, accessory A3022 and the BEG APP are required.

Installation Reference - School classroom
Up to 50 ballasts
Results obtainable
• Manual ON/OFF/regulation of the luminaire via optional remote control or push-button.
• Automatic regulation of the luminous flux of the luminaires in a differentiated manner depending on the natural light present in
two different areas: the sensor measures the brightness at two points (for example, near the window and in the darkest area of the
classroom), and adjusts the fluxes of the luminaires lighting those areas as a consequence.
• Extension of the presence detection area through the use of slave sensors.

Compatible luminaires
Any luminaire from the 3F Filippi range, as long as it is equipped with DALI ballast.
On request, can also be implemented with 1-10V components (drivers and sensors).

Components required
• 1 commercially available push-button (optional).
• Luminaire with DALI driver.
• 1 Dual-DALI Sensor B.
• IR adaptor for Smartphones (optional).
• DALI IR programmer (optional).
• DALI IR remote control (optional).
• 1 Sensor B SLAVE or 1 Sensor B SLAVE-ext (optional for extending the presence detection area).

Wiring diagram

Channel 1



DALI sensor
(with Master function)

Channel 2

Recommended max
SLAVE sensor 5 SLAVE

N.b.: to deactivate presence sensing, accessory A3022 and the BEG APP are required.

3F Smart Dimming | Accessories
Type A sensors (H max = 5mt)

Code Item
A3013 A on/off - Sensor

Presence detector On/Off, recessed, single channel (normally open, potential free) with a maximum load
of 2 kW (with power factor 0.9), can be controlled remotely, circular detection area Ø 10 m, with Master
function. Integrated twilight sensor. IP20 protection degree.
On request: programming with remote control code A3023 or with smartphone via accessory
code A3022.

Code Item
A3014 A on/off-ext - Sensor

Presence detector On/Off, ceiling mounted, single channel (normally open, potential free) with a maximum
load of 2 kW (with power factor 0.9), can be controlled remotely, circular detection area Ø 10 m, with Master
function. Integrated twilight sensor. IP20/IP54 rated (exposed part).
On request: programming with remote control code A3023 or with smartphone via accessory
code A3022.

Code Item
A3039 A DALI-2 - Sensor

Presence detector On/Off, recessed, with one DALI‑2 interface, can be controlled remotely, circular
detection area Ø 10 m, with Master function. Integrated light sensor for automatic constant light control.
Drive up to 40 DALI drivers. IP20 protection degree.
On request: programming/regulation with remote control code A3020 and A3021 or with
Smartphone via accessory code A3022.

Code Item
A3040 IP54 ceiling base for A DALI-2 sensor

IP54 base for ceiling installation of A DALI‑2 Sensor.

Code Item
A3025 A SLAVE - Sensor

Recessed Slave presence detector, compatible with sensors with Master function, such as Sensor A
DALI‑2 and Sensor A on/off, circular detection area Ø 10 m. IP20 protection degree.

736 Datasheets, product updates and specifications on our website: www.3f-filippi.com

Type A sensors (H max = 5mt)

Code Item
A3026 A SLAVE-ext - Sensor

Ceiling mounted Slave presence detector, compatible with sensors with Master function, such as Sensor A
DALI‑2 and Sensor A on/off, circular detection area Ø 10 m. IP20/IP54 rated (exposed part).
On request: IP54 cap code A3024, to obtain total IP54 rating.

Type B sensors (H max = 10mt)

Code Item
A3018 B on/off - Sensor

Presence detector On/Off, recessed, single channel (normally open, potential free) with a maximum load
of 2 kW (with power factor 0.9), can be controlled remotely, circular detection area Ø 24 m, with Master
function. Integrated twilight sensor. IP20 protection degree.
On request: programming with remote control code A3023 or with smartphone via accessory
code A3022.

Code Item
A3019 B on/off-ext - Sensor

Presence detector On/Off, ceiling mounted, single channel (normally open, potential free) with a maximum
load of 2 kW (with power factor 0.9), can be controlled remotely, circular detection area Ø 24 m, with Master
function. Integrated twilight sensor. IP20/IP54 rated (exposed part).
On request: IP54 cap code A3024, to obtain total IP54 rating. On request: programming with
remote control code A3023 or with smartphone via accessory code A3022.

Code Item
A3041 B DALI-2 - Sensor

Presence detector On/Off, recessed, with one DALI‑2 interface, can be controlled remotely, circular
detection area Ø 24 m, with Master function. Integrated light sensor for automatic constant light control.
Drive up to 40 DALI drivers. IP20 protection degree.
On request: programming/regulation with remote control code A3020 and A3021 or with
Smartphone via accessory code A3022.

Code Item
A3042 IP54 ceiling base for B DALI-2 sensor

IP54 base for ceiling installation of B DALI‑2 Sensor.

3F Smart Dimming 737

Type B sensors (H max = 10mt)

Code Item
A3027 B SLAVE - Sensor

Recessed Slave presence detector, compatible with sensors with Master function, such as Sensor B
DALI‑2 and Sensor B on/off, circular detection area Ø 24 m. IP20 protection degree.

Code Item
A3028 B SLAVE-ext - Sensor

Ceiling mounted Slave presence detector, compatible with sensors with Master function, such as Sensor B
DALI‑2 and Sensor B on/off, circular detection area Ø 24 m. IP54 protection degree.

Code Item
A3015 B Dual-DALI - Sensor

Presence detector, recessed, with two DALI interfaces, can be controlled remotely, circular detection area
Ø 24 m, with Master function. Two integrated light sensors for automatic constant light control. Drive up to
50 digital electronic drivers for each channel. IP20 protection degree.
On request: programming/regulation with remote control code A3020 and A3021 or with
Smartphone via accessory code A3022.

Type B GH sensors (H max = 16mt)

Code Item
A3043 DALI-2 Sensor - Type B - GH

Presence detector with one DALI‑2 interface, ceiling mounted, for mounting at great heights, transverse
detection area Ø 30 m, with Master function. Maximum installation height 16 m. Telescopic external light
sensor for precise light measurement in a single application. Integrated twilight sensor. IP54 protection

Code Item
A3038 IR DALI GH - Programmer

IR remote control for programmer, compatible with DALI sensors (incompatible with On‑Off and Slave
sensors), especially for long distances.

738 Datasheets, product updates and specifications on our website: www.3f-filippi.com

Type Corr sensors

Code Item
A3029 Corridor on/off - Sensor

Presence detector On/Off, recessed, special for corridors, single channel (normally open, potential free) with
a maximum load of 2 kW (with power factor 0.9), can be controlled remotely, detection area tangential Ø
40 m, frontal Ø 20 m, with Master function. Maximum installation height 2.70 m. Integrated twilight sensor.
IP20 protection degree.
On request: programming with remote control code A3023 or with smartphone via accessory
code A3022.

Code Item
A3030 Corridor on/off-ext - Sensor

Presence detector On/Off, ceiling mounted, special for corridors, single channel (normally open, potential
free) with a maximum load of 2 kW (with power factor 0.9), can be controlled remotely, detection area
tangential Ø 40 m, frontal Ø 20 m, with Master function. Maximum installation height 2.70 m. Integrated
twilight sensor. IP54 protection degree.
On request: programming with remote control code A3023 or with smartphone via accessory
code A3022.

Code Item
A3044 Corridor det. lens for B DALI-2 sensor

Corridors detection area lens for B DALI‑2 recessed and/or surface mounted sensors.

Code Item
A3033 Corridor SLAVE - Sensor

Recessed Slave presence detector, special for corridors, compatible with sensors with Master function,
such as Sensor Corr DALI and Sensor Corr on/off, tangential detection area Ø 40 m, frontal Ø 20 m.
IP20 protection degree. Maximum installation height 2.70 m.

Code Item
A3034 Corridor SLAVE-ext - Sensor

Ceiling mounted Slave presence detector, special for corridors, compatible with sensors with Master
function, such as DALI Corr sensor and Corr sensor on/off, tangential detection area Ø 40 m, frontal Ø
20 m. IP54 protection degree. Maximum installation height 2.70 m.

3F Smart Dimming 739

Cap for ceiling mounted sensors

Code Item
A3024 IP54 White fixing

Cap for ceiling mounted sensors, to obtain IP54 rating (total) for H 15 mm. Compatible with the following
• Sensor A on/off ext code A3014
• Sensor B on/off ext code A3019
• Sensor A SLAVE ext code A3026

Sensor programmers

Code Item
A3020 IR DALI - Programmer

IR remote control for programmer, compatible with DALI sensors (incompatible with On‑Off and Slave

Code Item
A3021 IR DALI - Remote controller

IR remote control for user, compatible with DALI sensors (incompatible with On‑Off and Slave sensors).

Code Item
A3022 IR - Adapter for Smartphone

IR adapter for Smartphones, compatible with all programmable sensors. Free App available for Android and
iOS devices.

Code Item
A3023 IR on/off - Programmer

IR remote control for programming on/off sensors incompatible with DALI and Slave sensors).

740 Datasheets, product updates and specifications on our website: www.3f-filippi.com

/ 3F HCL
for Tunable White fixtures

Colour TEMPERATURE variation.

The new standard EN 12464-1:2021 • Symmetrical light diffusion. Recent studies (performed by
elaborates on the importance of • Freedom of use for each Lighting Europe) have shown
lighting concepts in the workplace individual. that HCL luminaires improve
and the impact lighting has on concentration as well as the safety
circadian rhythms and moods HCL luminaires allow users and efficiency of the workplace or
leading to improved performance to change both intensity and training and school environments.
and well-being of people. temperature of the emitted light, For this reason, 3F Filippi has
thus improving comfort and decided to create a series of new
Natural light is one of the most increasing the feeling of well-being. luminaires to help people feel better
important sensory stimuli for our by putting their requirements at the
body, and it also has an enormous centre of the design, also from a
effect on our mental and emotional biological point of view.
state. For this reason, HCL
luminaires have been designed
to replicate natural light, taking
the following requirements into
• Dynamism of light over time.
• Dynamism of colour temperature
over time.

If you require more information, do not hesitate to contact our Sales Network or our Technical Offices.

In order to take proper advantage of HCL technology allows for:
these luminaires, it is essential that: • Control of variation of the white
• The artificial light follows the cycle colour temperature (Tunable-
of the natural light. white).
• The management systems can • Simulated changing of daylight
also be manually adjusted, over the course of the day.
according to each user’s • Modulation of the colour
sensitivity. temperature along the Planck
• Right from the lighting design curve from 2700K to 6500K.
stage, factors such as exposure • Colour rendering index CRI >80.
of the environment to natural light, • Colour tolerance: 3 MacAdam
the users’ biological situations ellipses.
and the tasks they must perform • LED source luminous efficiency -
are taken into account. up to 155 lm/W.
• Always consult a qualified and
reliable lighting designer.

ATTENTION: 2-channel DT8 driver - constant colorimetric on all attenuation levels:

The TW Tunable White fixtures can be regulated using two different systems:
1. Wired automatic control system.
2. 3F Casambi control system.

Detection scheme
The HCL DT8 presence and light sensors allow
the management of a group of Tunable White (TW)
devices, up to a maximum of 50 drivers.

The sensors have the following characteristics:

• Integrated presence detector capable of controlling

up to 50 DALI DT8 devices
• Integrated brightness detected for automatic
adjustment of the luminous flux of the luminaires,
based on the supply of natural light
• Integrated clock for automatically adjusting the
color temperature following the circadian rhythm by
programming from the free APP
• n. 3 output channels for HCL control of 3 groups of
TW devices
• n. 1 DALI output channel
1. Transversal approach to the detector
• n. 1 relay output channel (max 300W LED)
2. Frontal approach to the detector
• n. 3 NO button inputs: 1 button to adjust the
3. Fixed position: h 2,5 m
luminous flux of the HCL channel, 1 button for
DALI channel control and 1 button for relay channel

Electrical connection diagram


DA Colour Type TC

DA+ 92846



3F HCL | Accessories
Code Item
A3045 HCL2 DT8 - Sensor

Recessed presence detector with integrated clock for the management and control of Tunable White (TW)
devices, remotely controllable, circular detection area Ø 24 m, equipped with Master function. Integrated
light sensor for automatic regulation of constant light n. 3 output channels for HCL control of n. 3 groups of
TW appliances, n. 1 DALI output channel, n. 1 relay output channel (max 300 W LED). Drive up to 50 DALI
drivers. Maximum installation height 10 m.

Code Item
A3046 HCL2 DT8-ext - Sensor

Ceiling presence detector with integrated clock for the management and control of Tunable White (TW)
devices, remotely controllable, circular detection area Ø 24 m, equipped with Master function. Integrated
light sensor for automatic regulation of constant light n. 3 output channels for HCL control of n. 3 groups of
TW appliances, n. 1 DALI output channel, n. 1 relay output channel (max 300 W LED). Drive up to 50 DALI
drivers. Maximum installation height 10 m.

Code Item
A3022 IR - Adapter for Smartphone

IR adapter for Smartphones, compatible with all programmable sensors. Free App available for Android and
iOS devices.
Mandatory accessory for programming the HCL DT8 sensors.

3F HCL 745
/ 3F & Casambi

Control Type: Animation: Adaptable:
Casambi control can be done using: It is possible to create dynamic The Casambi system is adaptable
• Buttons and switches (manual scenes with fades from scene to both simple as well as more
control). to scene. Animated scenes can complex projects. It is based on the
• App (manual digital control). be recalled again or repeated as possibility to create an unlimited
• Sensors and timers (automatic required. It is possible to set both number of networks that can be
digital control). the duration of each scene and fade turned on and off.
times between scenes.
Grouping: Calendar:
Different fixtures can be grouped Gallery: With the calendar and timer function
together to be managed all together The exclusive gallery function it is possible to activate and
or individually. Grouping is easy makes control intuitive. Taking deactivate scenes and animated
a photo of an environment or scenes based on parameters
and the same as grouping apps on
uploading a floor plan on the app it such as: timetables, weekly
smart devices.
is possible to mark the fixtures and scheduling, seasonality etc. This
then recall them. Images are saved makes it possible to meet the
Scenes: in a special gallery on the app with needs of different users and the
It is possible to: the fixtures displayed. Users only environments to be lit. All Casambi
• Create lighting scenes for have to touch the ones they want to units keep track of time.
different occasions. manage.
• Manage several fixtures with just
one touch to create the perfect Gateway:
atmosphere for specific needs. With the gateway function it is
• Use the same fixture in different possible to access a Casambi
scenes. network remotely. Casambi enabled
fixtures can be managed and
Tunable control: network settings (administration
Casambi provides complete colour rights required) can be changed. To
temperature control for those enable the remote access feature,
permitted in the range for LED an iOS or Android device must
sources. Just swipe your finger over act as a gateway on the Casambi
the icon for the source to change network.
the colour temperature.

Single Groups

Unit control



Wifi / Bluetooth


1 2 3 4
Choose 3F Filippi fixtures Download the Casambi Launch the App: the Create one or two
by opting for the iOS or Android App fixtures in operation networks depending on
3F Filippi Casambi depending on the device will be detected the characteristics of
Ready package or used. automatically. the environment.
Casambi accessory

5 6 7
Create groups of devices Program scenes and/or Set the level of network
as needed. sequences. sharing.

3F & Casambi | Accessories
Code Item
A3090 BLE DALI Radio Module

BLE DALI radio module, a wireless control unit with a DALI interface. The module can only be used in a
closed system and must not be connected to an existing DALI network. The module is controlled using
an app for Smartphones and Tablets using Bluetooth 4.0 technology. The fixtures automatically create an
adaptive, robust and reliable Bluetooth mesh network allowing a large number of devices to be controlled in
a simple and efficient way.
For further details regarding all the functions obtainable from Bluetooth accessories, please
contact our technical offices.

Code Item
A3091 BLE DALI Radio push-button panel

BLE radio panel, Bluetooth user interface for wall installation. The BLE radio panel in addition to switching
the light fixtures on and off allows to dim, change the colour temperature in the case of fixtures equipped
with such technology, individual control of fixtures and to manage lighting or animation scenes.

Code Item
A3092 NEW BLE DALI DT8 radio module

BLE DALI DT8 radio module, a wireless control unit with a DALI DT8 interface for TW fixtures. The module
can only be used in a closed system and must not be connected to an existing DALI network. The module
is controlled using an app for Smartphones and Tablets using Bluetooth 4.0 technology. The fixtures
automatically create an adaptive, robust and reliable Bluetooth mesh network allowing a large number of
devices to be controlled in a simple and efficient way.
For further details regarding all the functions obtainable from Bluetooth accessories, please
contact our technical offices.

Code Item
A3099 BLE Radio control

BLE radio control, flat four button command with a 2.4 GHz radio transmitter, standard Bluetooth Low
Energy, energy harvesting power supplied by the integrated electrodynamic generator, optional version
with dedicated colour buttons Eikon 20506 or 20506.2, Arké 19506 or 19506.2 or Plana 14506 or
14506.2 2 modules.

Code Item
A3100 Kit ArkE support buttons plate for A3099

Arkè support kit, 2 buttons (4 switches) and a terminal panel to control the transmitter (code A3099).

748 Datasheets, product updates and specifications on our website: www.3f-filippi.com

/ 3F & KNX
Building automation

BUILDING management.
KNX is a worldwide open standard KNX improves comfort and security, 3F Filippi really believes in this
which meets the most important as well as providing a strong standard, and it is for this reason
European and international contribution to energy savings (up that we offer a range of luminaires
standards and offers automated to 50% for lighting and heating equipped with DALI ballasts which
and decentralised management management) and to reducing are able to interface with KNX
of technological systems for: environmental impact. systems seamlessly: the connection
commercial, industrial, public and The KNX system can be used both between the network and the
office buildings, schools and many in new and existing buildings. luminaire occurs via gateways
other structures besides. which allow information and
KNX installations can be easily commands to be transmitted via the
KNX can be used in all applications expanded and adapted to meet LAN network.
and for control functions in new requirements, quickly and with
minimal financial investment (for
buildings: from lighting to blinds,
example when new tenants enter a
security, HVAC supervision, control
commercial building).
of plumbing and alarms, energy
management, electricity meters,
domestic appliances, audio systems

/ 3F CLO

Service life L/B








Luminous flux



Lifetime 100.000 h

TIME passes. Light remains.

INTRODUCTION 3F Filippi has always worked At the same time the fixture has a
The initial luminous flux of light alongside professionals in the reduced initial energy consumption
sources diminishes gradually over industry to find and transmit (on average 15%) and an increasing
time. knowledge for a greener future. regular consumption until it reaches
The percentage of decay of the the declared 100%.
luminous output referred to the WHAT IS CLO The datasheets of fixtures equipped
hours of useful operation (50,000 CLO is the acronym of Constant with this technology will show the
hours) is determined with the Light Output which is a function of initial Power and the final Power (for
parameter “L”. LED sources the most evolved drivers to allow normal size electrical system).
classified as L85 (*) when they reach fixtures to emit constant output,
50,000 hours will supply 85% of the following natural decay of LED
initial output. source due to ageing.

The task of the lighting designer is Fixtures equipped with this function
to look at all possible systems that initially emit, and subsequently in
can achieve energy savings for the a constant way, a luminous output
final customer. decreased by 15% in consideration
of the decay of the light.

(*) data extrapolated from LM-80 (IES - Illuminating Engineering Society of North America) tests, performed as per standards after 6,000
hours of operation and calculated on the basis of the IESNA TM-21-11 guideline “Projecting Long Term Lumen Maintenance of LED Light

• Constant L100 luminous output • Energy savings The light fixtures will be constant
for the entire life of the fixture. The drivers are designed in the throughout their entire life.
Thanks to this technology adopted Company to feed the LED sources Drivers with the CLO function are
by 3F Filippi, it is no longer initially at reduced power to then able to compensate for the decay
necessary to oversize from the first increase gradually over time. in luminous output of the LED
day of use the lighting system (on Using the CLO function the energy sources and avoid output peaks/
average 15%) as was done in the savings that can be achieved over excess power at the beginning of
past, with an unprovoked energy the life of the fixture is around 10% the installation while maintaining the
expenditure. without any manual or system required luminance values constant
This makes it possible to design maintenance. You save simply over time.
lighting projects with K=1.00 without realising it. Energy consumption will increase
maintenance factors, given that the over time to reach maximum
fixture considers this integrated consumption which would normally
decay factor right from the first time occur when first turned on, only
it is turned on. after 100,000 operating hours.

Lighting levels required by regulations are ensured from the first to the last day without wasting any energy.
If you require more information, do not hesitate to contact our Sales Network or our Technical Offices.

/ 3F Wireless

Servers and software

applications JSON REST APIs
Modbus TCP
for the implementation of
integrated and centralised
systems Ethernet
RTLS applications
Third-party software

Luminaires, controllers and

for the implementation of Stand Control Server
interfaces Controller
Alone systems Sensors Controller

Bluetooth LE Zigbee 3.0 Wireless systems

RTLS Applications
Configuration App
for Bluetooth LE tags
of ZETAQLAB wireless systems
and beacons

Thanks to the 3F Wireless control between the 3F Wireless system The advantages are real and
modules, it is possible to manage modules takes place via radio tangible in these aspects for the end
DALI digital dimmable luminaires frequency signals with extremely customer:
and sensors directly via wireless. robust and encrypted 868 MHz • Installation.
Mesh Network technology. • Integration with existing
ADVANTAGES • Supervision and Control: installations.
3F Wireless technology is Configuration through manual • Energy savings.
particularly suitable for retrofitting and automatic, calendar-based • Quicker return on investment.
to existing networks which do not algorithms to control each
have regulation systems; by simply connected device.
installing new LED luminaires with • Smartphone configuration: For
wireless kits, without modifying the configuration and control of
the existing electrical system, it is the sensors, the dedicated web-
possible to obtain a management app can be used from any mobile
and regulation system with features device.
such as:
• Cloud Lighting: Management of
devices on a local network or via
the cloud.
• Monitoring of consumption:
Monitored energy consumption in
building automation contexts.
• Mesh Network: Communication

RTLS Server Light360 Server Light360 Cloud

Ethernet Ethernet


Sensors Control Server Server

interfaces Controller Controller

DMX, SPI, ArtNet wired systems

Ethernet WiFi
Configuration Applications
of ZETAQLAB wireless systems


Power supply 120-230 Vac 50/60Hz, 1W 85-305 Vac 47/63 Hz, 2W

Wireless Technology 2.4 GHz Mesh Network Bluetooth/Zigbee compatible, transmission power +10 dBm

Relay output - Normally closed, 500VA

Analogue output 1/10V - Max 32 driver

Max. 4 broadcast and addressed drivers,

DALI digital output Max. 32 broadcast and addressed drivers, DALI-2 D4i compatible
DALI-2 D4i compatible

PIR motion sensor - Hmax 10m - FOV 108° Hmax 17m - FOV 69°

Brightness sensor - Range 5-500 lux (direct) - Note: Hmax for constant light control 10-12m

Housing Plastic IP20, 120x33x20 mm Plastic IP54, 109x109x50 mm

/ catalogue


/ 3F Filippi

758 Infopoint
758 Overview

760 3F LED Technology

760 3F LED Technology
762 How to choose an LED luminaire?
768 Glossary
770 Flicker
772 Cabling of LED Emergency lighting
773 Centralised emergency lighting power supply

774 Lighting engineering

774 Lighting engineering
774 Lighting calculations
779 UGR - Unified Glare Rating: glare control
781 UNI EN 12464-1 - Illumination of indoor workplaces
791 12464-2: 2012 standard - Outdoor environments

792 Electrical engineering and Electronics

792 Electrical engineering: Marks and Standards
794 Explosive atmospheres (ATEX)
798 Electronic wiring

800 Mechanics
800 Mechanics and Design
802 Ball throw resistance certification (DIN 18032-3)
804 Mechanics: Marks and Standards
805 Resistance to corrosive substances

806 Analytical guide

806 Standards for correct use of products
808 Analytical guide

/ Infopoint

The real revolution is simplicity.

To create the new LED products, One of the most common

problems among lighting designers
is, unfortunately, the lack of a
3F Filippi has put more than 70 standardised way in which lighting
companies declare performance:
years of experience in the field at these ‘tricks’ make it difficult to
understand and compare products.

the side of designers.

And you can see the difference:
in a market for efficient sources
that is evolving and updating day
by day, 3F Filippi has decided to
equip its luminaires with sources
made from the best possible

The original technical features of LED lighting will change according to the operating conditions of each luminaire, and as such, it is incorrect
to assume that every LED has the same characteristics in terms of service life, decrease of luminous flux (L) life expectancy (B), etc.

/ 3F LED Technology

Comparison chart between luminaires of the same length

Total luminaire Total Annual saving

of luminaire energy consumption

2x58W Fluorescent Wiring

low-loss EEI=B2 141W 102 € 0%
2x58W Fluorescent Wiring
EEI A2 electronic wiring 109W 78 € 24%
2x30W LED wiring
ballast 70W 50 € 51%
2x22W LED electronic
ballast 49W 35 € 66%

linear COB circular square

The revolution is SIMPLICITY.

LEDs are electronic components Lighting: Environmental:
which emit light when an electrical • High luminous efficiency LED: up • Mercury free.
current passes through them – to 200 lm/W. • Lower CO2 emissions thanks to
the name, indeed, is an acronym • Immediate light on. lower power.
for Light Emitting Diode. This is • Control of the light flow, directed • Less use of polluting materials in
possible thanks to the optical light. LED production.
properties of some semiconductors • Absence of emission of IR and UV • Less heat lost to the environment.
which emit photons when current is components.
passed through them. • Very long lifetime, > 50,000 hours For the customer:
(professional range). • Reduction of energy costs.
• Lower power than traditional light • Reduction of maintenance costs.
sources with equal light output. • Fast return on investment.
• Increased brightness.
• Adjustment of luminous flux from
as low as 1%.

Table supposes electricity cost of €0.18 per kWh and total annual operation of 4,000 hours.

/ 3F LED Technology


When studying and designing light sources and luminaires. In order to ensure the correct
products, 3F Filippi refers to the operating temperature of the LEDs,
most recent specific reference IEC EN 62471 3F Filippi performs a series of
standards: Photobiological safety of lamps and thermal and lighting tests on its
lamp systems. luminaires, which allow an optimal
IEC 62722-2-1 combination of thermal dissipation,
Luminaire performance - Part 2-1: IEC EN 60598-1 luminous flux and power rating..
Particular requirements for LED Luminaires: General requirements
luminaires. and tests.

IEC 62717 REGULATION (EU) No. 1194/2012

LED modules for general lighting - sets out the rules for the application
Performance requirements. of European Parliament and
European Council Directive
CIE 121 2009/125/EC on the specifics of
The Photometry and environmentally-friendly design of
Goniophotometry of Luminaires. directional lamps, lamps with light-
IEC TR 62778 emitting diodes and other relevant
Application of IEC 62471 for the equipment
assestment of blue light hazard to

Luminous flux %

Junction temperature (°C)

LED Junction temperature Tj 25°C Tj 60°C

Lumens 1000 950

System 178 lm/W 169 lm/W

Useful life (50.000h) L 100 L 85

Life expectancy B0 B 10

AMBIENT PERFORMANCE to EN13032 standard requirements for luminaires with operating

TEMPERATURE “TQ” by the 3F Filippi CTFs2 certified temperatures greater than tq + 25°
(IEC 62722-2-1) photometric laboratory). C.
This value indicates the nominal
ambient temperature recorded In order for designers to evaluate THERMAL MANAGEMENT
around the tested device. the decays of different operating To increase LED luminaires’
durations in advance and to set up reliability to the maximum, correct
IEC standard 62722-2-1 “Luminaire maintenance programmes on the thermal dissipation is essential.
performance - Part 2-1: Particular system 3F Filippi also includes the The temperature is fundamentally
requirements for LED luminaires”, useful life (L) and life expectancy important as it influences the
requires the manufacturer to values (B) on the datasheet which luminosity and lifetime of the LED
declare the technical performance refer to: component.
data relating to the ambient 30,000 hours, at performance 3F Filippi pays great attention
temperature (tq) of +25°C. ambient temperature (tq+25°C); to this factor and as a result we
50,000 hours, at performance develop luminaires which ensure
The luminous output, total power ambient temperature (tq+25°C); optimum heat dissipation.
and the service life expectancy 80,000 hours, at performance
of fixtures indicated in official ambient temperature (tq+25°C);
documents (web site, datasheets 100,000 hours, at performance
and photometric curves), therefore ambient temperature (tq+25°C)
refer to the performance ambient 50,000 hours, at the maximum
temperature tq +25°C (according operating temperature (tmax)

Graph correlating performance values at different junction temperatures Tj.

/ 3F LED Technology

ref.illuminant -
Planckian radiator
CCT=4159 K


Auto: ref.illuminant - Planckian adiator CCT=4159 K

99 98 100
100 95 96 95 97
93 94 95 92 Ra=94
90 84 Ra=91
80 72
70 64

R 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14

CRI. Colour rendering index.

The CRI index of 100 has always CRI METHOD
been attributed to traditional CRI (Color Rendering Index) is a The less used parameter Re, on the
incandescent sources, with a measurement method for assessing other hand, provides a more precise
continuous spectrum but poor in the ability to recognize a color, average indication of the entire light
shades of blue (therefore not very developed by CIE 13.3. spectrum obtained in fact from
suitable for the enhancement of the average of the color rendering
objects with dominant blue). The Ra parameter provides an indexes of 14 colors (normally called
The LED sources, despite having average indication over the entire individually from R1 to R14).
a continuous spectrum with peaks light spectrum and is obtained from The added reference colors are the
on specific colors, have a maximum the average of the colour rendering 6 most common typologies in daily
CRI of 98. indexes of 8 unsaturated colors life.
(normally individually referred to as Index 100 means that the exposed
In the product documentation, the R1 to R8). color is recognized in a perfect way,
colorimetric characteristics are as in sunlight, while lower indices
expressed both through the CRI indicate a greater growing difficulty
method and through the TM30 in recognizing that particular color.
method in order to provide the
designer with all the information
necessary for choosing the best
light according to the specific need
in the application to be illuminated.

All 3F Filippi LEDs have an average colour rendering index Ra of 85. it is possible to request high colour rendering index Ra>90 on some

CRI 80 CRI 90
1 2 1 Approx, limits for
Ref sources on the
Planckian locus.
Test 130 2 Approx, limits for
pratical light



Gamut Index, Rg 100




50 60 70 80 90 100
Fidelity Index, Rf


Very precise measurement method Rf (Fidelity) is similar to CRI TEMPERATURE (CCT)
developed by the American IES but more precise and provides The CCT correlated color
(Illuminating Engineering Society), indications about the fidelity of color temperature is expressed in Kelvin
according to the TM30 as it is rendering. and is defined on the basis of
based on the color rendering Its maximum value is 100. comparison with the light emitted by
comparison of 99 sample colors an ideal black body of reference
(Color Evaluation Samples - CES). Rg (Gamut) provides an indication at the different temperatures. A
of the source’s ability to reproduce source will therefore have a color
The spectroradiometric color saturation (amplitude of the temperature of 4,000K, when the
measurement provides the color gamut). light emitted will have the same hue
evaluation of two quantities: A value of 100 indicates that, on as that of the black body brought
• Rf Loyalty index. average, the test source does not to the reference temperature of
• Rg Saturation index (Gamut). change the hue and saturation 4,000K.
It also introduces important of the ESCs, compared with the It is important to specify that CCT
indications on the ability of the sample source. is totally independent of the color
various sources to restore the A value> 100 indicates an increase rendering of the source and does
fidelity of the materials and the color in color saturation and therefore not provide any information on it.
distortion diagram that represents more vivid colors.
the variations in hue and saturation A value <100 indicates a decrease
of each source. in saturation.

Typical light spectrum of fluorescence Typical light spectrum of LED

Irradiance [W/(sqm*nm)]

380 400 420 440 460 480 500 520 540 560 580 600 620 640 660 680 700 720 740 760 780

λ [nm]

A warm light normally hovers around 3,000K, a neutral white hovers around 4,000K while a cold white hovers around

Combined with each other, “Rf” and “Rg” allow you to define the color rendering of a light source in a differentiated but more complete way.

/ Glossary

Luminous flux
The luminous flux, or light flow, coming from the luminaire represents the quantity of light actually coming out of the device, as its value is
defined having already taken into account the luminous efficiency of the luminaire.

Luminous efficacy of the luminaire

The luminous efficacy of the luminaire is the most useful parameter for the designer to determine the right lighting luminaire because
provides the practical data between the light emission and the overall absorption of the lighting luminaire.

Relative humidity UR
For correct maintenance and operation of traditional LED modules over time, the maximum permissible humidity on the component is
For specific applications, UR95 LED modules may be required, guaranteeing correct operation at humidity values of up to 95%.

Lifetime (L value)
As previously mentioned, LED sources, unlike traditional lighting, do not tend to suddenly blow at the end of their lifetime; LEDs rather
have a gradual reduction of their luminous output overtime before completely running out after a very long time.
The percentage decline of the luminous flux with reference to the useful number of operating hours (usually 50,000 hours) is therefore
determined with the parameter “L”.
L85:50000h therefore means that, having reached 50,000 h of operation, the LED module still provides 85% of its initial luminous flux.

LED life expectancy (B value)

In LED ratings the value B, followed by a value normally between 10 and 50, indicates the quality of the component used as it defines
the percentage of components which, after the normal 50,000 h has elapsed, maintain their rated luminous flux.

An LED with declared values of L85/B10=50,000h indicates that on reaching 50,000h, 90% (B10) of the components will have a residual
luminous flux of at least 85% of the initial value (L85).
If, in the listed characteristics of the LED luminaire, the value B is not indicated, this is considered to be a B50 device - or in other words,
50% of the LEDs do not guarantee the average useful life value indicated.
We should clarify that this parameter is strongly influenced by the operating conditions of the LED inside the luminaire, and the result is
therefore a combination of the quality of the component and good research.

LED failure rate (C value)

This value indicates the percentage of LEDs which are no longer operational at the end of their lifetime.
This value can be indicated with two combinations:
• L85/B10/C0: 50,000 hours - indicates that after 50,000 hours, the percentage of LEDs no longer working is 0%.
• L85/B10: 50,000 hours - L0/C10: 200,000 hours - indicates that after 200,000 hours, the percentage of LEDs no longer working is

All LEDs used by 3F Filippi have a failure rate C0 after 50,000 hours. If this value is not indicated, it should be considered C0.

Colour tolerance (MacAdam ellipses) - SDCM

Measurement of the chromatic co-ordinates performed during production of the LED allows selection (known as Binning) to classify the
LEDs on the basis of their chromatic differences.
This classification, performed via analysis of the so-called MacAdam ellipses (which express colour deviations on the XY axes),
allows constant tonality to be obtained among the individual LEDs in the same group and an SDCM (Standard Deviation of Colour
Matching) which can be classified as:
• With the value 1 there is no chromatic difference between the individual LEDs.
• With values 2 and 3 the difference is not visible to the human eye and the LEDs are considered of good quality.
• With a value of 4, the difference begins to become visible to the human eye.
• As the value increases, the difference is increasingly noticeable, and the type of application will dictate whether these differences in
colouration in the LED group used are acceptable or not.
3F Filippi provides both the initial value and the value over time. Indeed, due to the consumption of phosphors present in the LEDs,
the colour tolerance can change over time.
All LEDs used by 3F Filippi always have an initial colour tolerance value of less than 3 MacAdams SDCM, and a colour tolerance value
over time of less than 3.

/ 3F LED Technology

Flicker is defined as “the rapid This phenomenon became This fluctuation in light intensity,
variation of the intensity of a light increasingly important following according to the frequency,
source over time”; in particular that the introduction of LED light intensity, viewing angle, level of
relating to the frequency range sources for general lighting given light in the environment, age of the
between 0-80Hz. the combination of the following observer and their sensitivity level,
aspects: can be perceptible on a conscious
When fluctuations on the other • LED sources are characterised and/or unconscious level and
hand belong to the interval by a high speed response to generate a series of side effects
between 80Hz-2KHz this are called fluctuations in the power supply depending on the sensitivity level
“Stroboscopic effects” in which light which translate into variations of such as: headaches, visual fatigue,
fluctuation produces an incorrect the light emitted. distraction etc.
perception of the movement of • Unwanted residual fluctuations of
objects lit by the same source by a the driving current of LED sources In order to mitigate the risks on
static observer. generated by the electronic power health in lighting contexts using LED
supplies used. sources, recommendations have
• Modulation of the driving current been developed for the American
of LED sources for example market (see: IEEE Std 1789™- 015),
PWM (Pulse Width Modulation), and the European market with
necessary to adjust the emission Technical Reports IEC TR 61547-1
level. and IEC TR 63158.
• Any instability in the operation of
dimmers connected externally to
the LED source power supplies.

The graph on the opposite page summarises the limits set by the two different ‘regulatory’ frameworks, based on different evaluation
mechanisms, for determining when a device is ‘SAFE’ for the observer.

Magnetically Ballasted HPS SVM=1

Magnetically Ballasted Fluorescent

CA title 24 proposed limit

IEEE 1789 Low Risk
Modulation (%)

IEEE 1789 No Effect

Electronically Ballasted Fluorescent

Pst =1

Flicker Stroboscopic Effect

1 10 100 1000
Frequency (Hz) (Hz)

Fixtures with the “SAFE FLICKER” logo have parameters of Pst LM=1 and SVM≤0,4, in compliance with
regulations IEC TR 61547-1 and IEC TR 63158, to ensure a more comfortable and safe light.

Pst LM (Short-Term flicker) Quantifies visible Flicker that is harmful to human health caused by the modulation
of light in the frequency range between 0.3Hz and 80Hz. The recommended threshold is Pst LM =1.
Note – This value was determined based on a representative test group of people and identifies the average
perception threshold of visible flicker.

SVM (Stroboscopic Visibility Measure) Quantifies stroboscopic effects that can occur in situations relating to
objects in movement in the presence of modulation of light in the frequency range between 80Hz and 20KHz.
SVM=0,4 represents the visibility threshold in a test group of people that quantifies the stroboscopic effect
in defined laboratory conditions.

Fixtures that do not bear the “SAFE FLICKER” logo on the other hand show the flicker value declared by the
driver manufacturer which is not determined according to IEC criteria.
Constant renewal of drivers will bring about the introduction of new models in line with IEC requirements.
For more details and/or specific needs please contact our technical department.



/ Emergency


When power is on, EP luminaires In ENP luminaires, the LED module duration, 24 hours recharge, or
operate like normal luminaires. switches on only in emergency 1.5 hours duration and 12 hours
The LED module connected to the mode, when there is a power cut. recharge (according to feasibility),
emergency kit turns on or remains The luminous flux declared on maintaining the same percentage
on automatically in the absence of the datasheets are the minimum of the standard luminous flux.
mains voltage. required for the entire duration of • Emergency lighting with 2 hours
The luminous flux declared on nominal autonomy as required by battery life and 12 hours charging
the datasheets are the minimum the regulation CEI EN 60598-2-22 (according to feasibility), for the
required for the entire duration of and are those to be considered in emergency lighting luminous flux
nominal autonomy as required by the design phase. The luminous flux percentage contact our Sales
the regulation CEI EN 60598-2-22 indicated are the OUTPUT ratio of team or our technical department.
• Wiring with intelligent control
and are those to be considered in the fixture.
systems and centralised or local
the design phase. The luminous flux
self-diagnostics of emergency
indicated are the OUTPUT ratio of
the fixture.

CENTRALISED EMERGENCY ADJUSTABLE drivers maintain To check compliance with EN
LIGHTING POWER SUPPLY their power and as a result their 60598-2-22 and AC/DC operating
Fixtures in compliance with EN output flow at a maximum level. see the datasheets that can be
60598-2-22 to power a centralised downloaded from the website.
emergency system CPSS 230Vac Centralised power supply Assessment of compatibility
(Central Power Supply System), (As an example and subject to between the centralised source and
not integrated into the fixture – change without notice) drivers as well as compliance with
excluding high risk areas. When the centralised source is switching times between normal
in 230Vac alternating current, in and emergency power supplies
230Vdc Centralised power supply emergency lighting the following and battery life is the exclusive
(As an example and subject to functions occur: responsibility of the electrical
change without notice) • Fixtures equipped with DALI systems designer.
Normally when the centralised drivers by default increase their For more information please do
source is in 230Vdc direct current power and as a result their output not hesitate to contact our Sales
(nominal), in emergency lighting the flow at a maximum level (100%) Network or Technical Department.
following functions occur: (when the DALI system fails).
• Fixtures equipped with DALI • Fixtures equipped with NON
drivers by default reduce their ADJUSTABLE drivers maintain
power and as a consequence their power and as a result their
their output flow by 15%. output flow at a maximum level.
• Fixtures equipped with NON

/ Lighting engineering

DIALUX LIGHTING CALCULATION furnishing elements can be placed accordance with the UNI EN
3F Filippi provides its customers inside the program’s simulation 13032 and CIE 121 standards.
with a free lighting design service environment. 3F Filippi has the most advanced
thanks to the Dialux calculation • The software and the 3F Filippi computer programs for research
software by means of which it is plug-in are available free to and optimisation of louvres and flow
possible to process and calculate designers, installers and electrical recuperators in order to achieve
in detail the illuminance level and distributors. maximum efficiency and suitable
uniformity on horizontal and vertical • Updates of photometric files light distribution for the most widely
working planes, and to carry out the and of the lighting engineering varying applications.
calculation on irregularly shaped software can be downloaded free This commitment has been
rooms. of charge from our website. recognised and certified by the
This is possible thanks to a 2D • For further information, contact CSQ (Italian Company Quality
and 3D simulation of the reference our technical consultants. Systems Certification) also for the
environment. entire phase of lighting engineering
3F Filippi is UNI EN ISO 9001 design, thus allowing operation
The advantages of this system are: certified for lighting engineering under a Quality Assurance system
• To make the calculations more design too. that also covers interior lighting
precise and create very realistic The photometric tests are design in accordance with good
environments, architectural and performed by procedures in engineering practice.

3F Filippi, as further guarantee of the quality of its products and care to meet the strictest standards, is a sustainer of the most lighting
engineering associations in the world.

Standards - Indoor lighting
EN 12464-1: 2011
Illumination of interior workplaces

This European standard for illumination of interior workplaces replaces the previous one from 2011, with an increase in the importance of
illumination to allow workers to perform their visual tasks efficiently and accurately.

Lighting values are unchanged: the design must include calculation of a maintenance factor that considers both decrease of luminous
flux of lamps and level of dust accumulation in the room.

Three calculation areas are defined:


Task area where mean and maintained illuminances (Em) are required as minimum values and for normal visual conditions.
If the task area cannot be determined, the whole area of the room at an illuminance specified by the designer shall be considered and
the uniformity shall be as indicated in the table of values, always not less than Uo≥ 0.40.

NB: When more than one task is carried out in the area, the requirements for all individual tasks must be met.

Illuminance scale:

5 7,5 10 15 20 30 50 75 100 150 200 300 500 750 1000 1500 2000 3000 5000 7500 10000

Context modifiers for increase of maintained illuminance:

• visual work is critical;
• errors are costly to rectify;
• accuracy, higher productivity or increased concentration is of great importance;
• task details are of unusually small size or low contrast;
• the task is undertaken for an unusually long time;
• the task area or activity area has a low daylight provision;
• the visual capacity of the worker is below normal.

Context modifiers for decrease of required maintained illuminance:

• task details are of an unusually large size or high contrast;
• the task is undertaken for an unusually short time.


Area of at least 50 cm around the task area requiring minimal lighting changes Immediate
to avoid visual stress and discomfort. Task Area
surrounding area
The size and position of the immediate surrounding area must be stated and
documented. ≥ 750 lx 500 lx
500 lx 300 lx
The illuminance of the immediate surrounding area may be lower than the
illuminance on the task area, but shall be not less than the values given below 300 lx 200 lx
for each illuminance scale. 200 lx 150 lx

The uniformity of the area must always be at least U ≥ 0,40. ≤ 150 lx same as task area


The background area is a horizontal area on floor level and it is adjacent to the immediate surrounding area within the limits of space.
For larger rooms the band shall be at least 3 m wide. To avoid high impact on uniformity from calculation points near the wall, a band
next to the wall can be excluded from the calculation except when the task area is in or extends into this border area. The width of this
band is specified as 15 % of the smallest dimension of the area under consideration or 0,5 m (whichever of the two is smaller).

The required maintained illuminance shall be at least 1/3 of the value of the immediate surrounding area and the illuminance uniformity
must always be at least Uo ≥ 0,10.
The size and position of the background area shall be stated and documented.

Standards - Indoor lighting

For a good visual communication and recognition of objects it becomes very important to assess the volume of space occupied by
people, highlight objects, reveal texture and improve the appearance of people within the space.
The terms that describe this lighting conditions are:
• Cylindrical illuminance;
• Modelling.

Cylindrical illuminance
The cylindrical illuminance Ēz is calculated from the average of the vertical illuminances around the measuring point.
Special attention is given to those spaces where visual recognition and communication is of higher importance.
The required maintained average cylindrical illuminance (Ēm,z) to be determined on a horizontal plane. The height of the horizontal plane
shall be 1,2 m for seated people and 1,6 m for standing people above the floor.
The uniformity of the average cylindrical illuminance shall be Uo ≥ 0,10.

The lighting should not be too directional or it will produce harsh shadows, neither should it be too diffuse or the modelling effect will be
lost entirely, resulting in a very dull luminous environment.
Modelling describes the balance between diffuse and directed light and should be considered as ratio of cylindrical to horizontal
illuminance at a point is an indicator of modelling. Good modelling is achieved with a value between 0,3 and 0,6.
Daylight has a large impact on modelling. For this reason, the benefits can compensate the above values.

Surfaces illuminance
Illuminance on walls and ceilings (Em wall e Em ceiling), together with surface reflection factors, contribute to the illuminance value of the
task and to the perception of room brightness.
I valori minimi di illuminamento medio sono riportati dalla norma in tabella e le uniformità delle singole superfici dovrà essere sempre
almeno Uo ≥ 0,10.
In areas with high distance to the ceiling or where the surfaces do not contribute to the perception of brightness (e.g. industrial halls) the
illuminance levels can be accepted with reduced values or exclude the high parts of walls and ceiling.


The average luminance limits of luminaires required by EN 12464-1: 2021 to avoid disturbing reflections on computer screens:

Limits for the average luminaire luminance for radial angles >65°
High luminance Medium luminance
Screen high state luminance screen screen
L > 200 cd.m-2 L ≤ 200 cd.m-2
Case A
(positive polarity and normal requirements concerning colour and details of the shown ≤ 3000 cd.m-2 ≤ 1500 cd.m-2
information, as used in office, education, etc.)
Case B
(negative polarity and/or higher requirements concerning colour and details of the shown ≤ 1500 cd.m-2 ≤ 1000 cd.m-2
information, as used for CAD, colour inspection, etc.)

Section View from top

90° longitudinal

>65° 60°


Luminance <1000/1500/3000 cd/m²
for angles> 65° transverse

U.G.R. - Unified Glare Rating

EN 12464-1 requires for each individual application/activity a UGR limit value (RUGL) which can only be determined from the UGR
table provided by the manufacturer of the luminaire for standard reference conditions such as regular room, one type of luminaire and
symmetrical arrangement.

In case these conditions are not applicable it is possible:

• Consider possible practices for implementing the calculation (see Appendix A of the standard).
• Consider, only if the observer's position and viewing direction are known, determining the value using the point UGR formula for
analysis purposes only. In this case, the values resulting from the formula must be considered as a reference only, and not obligatory
for compliance with the limits required by the standard, and may be useful to the designer for evaluating the optimal position of the
operator inside the room.

It should be noted that the UGR value required by the standard for compliance with the individual application is an installation value
obtained from various factors (room dimensions, reflections, characteristics and installation orientation of the luminaire, etc.) and
therefore must be calculated for each project.

UGR is a unified international index developed by CIE (Commission Internationale de l'Eclairage) in publication 117 of 1995, to evaluate
direct glare in every specific application based on the position of luminaires, room characteristics (dimensions, reflections), and on the
observation point of workers.
UGR reference values on CIE tables range between 10 and 30 in steps of 3 units (10, 13, 16, 19, 22, 25 and 28) and apply to both
directions of view (transverse and longitudinal) to the luminaire: the lower the value, the less direct glare.
European standard EN 12464-1 for the lighting of indoor workplaces requires a UGR value for every application.
Respecting the UGR value in workplaces with VDTs is a necessary but not sufficient condition because the average luminance
requirement for luminaires (1000-3000 cd/m2) is still in effect (see the tables on the previous pages for specific values).

Example of calculation Ceiling 70 70 50 50 30 70 70 50 50 30

office with 15W OCW luminaire Walls 50 30 50 30 30 50 30 50 30 30
EN 12464-1 requires a UGR value of ≤19 for this application. Floor 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20
Data for room and installation: Enviroments
Transverse view Longitudinal view
of luminaire of luminaire
• Room height: 3.2 m X Y
• Height from worker’s eye to luminaire H: 3.2-1.2= 2 m 2H 2H 14.9 15.6 15.1 15.8 16.0 09.4 10.1 09.7 10.3 10.5
• Transverse distance: 8.0 m ÷ 2 m = 4H 3H 14.9 15.6 15.2 15.8 16.0 10.1 10.7 10.3 11.0 11.2
• Longitudinal distance: 16.0 m ÷ 2 m = 8H 4H 15.0 15.6 15.3 15.8 16.1 104 11.0 10.7 11.3 11.5
• Reflection index: Ceiling 70%; Walls 50%; Floor 20%. 6H 15.0 15.6 15.3 15.9 16.2 10.7 11.3 110. 11.5 11.8
8H 15.0 15.6 15.4 15.9 16.2 10.8 11.3 11.1 11.6 11.9
Calculations 12H 15.0 15.6 15.4 15.9 16.2 10.8 11.3 11.2 11.6 12.0
• Transverse UGR: 15.2 Value in direction of observation 4H 2H 14.7 15.4 15.0 15.6 15.9 09.6 10.2 09.9 10.5 10.7
transverse to luminaires. 3H 14.9 15.4 15.7 15.7 16.0 10.5 11.0 10.9 11.3 11.6
• Longitudinal UGR: 11.6 Value in direction of observation 4H 15.0 15.5 15.8 15.8 16.1 11.0 11.4 11.4 11.8 12.1
longitudinal to luminaires. 6H 15.1 15.5 15.9 15.9 16.3 11.4 11.8 11.8 12.2 12.5
8H 15.2 15.5 15.9 15.9 16.3 11.6 11.9 12.0 12.3 12.7
UGR Table - office luminaire 15W OCW 12H 15.2 15.5 15.9 15.9 16.3 11.6 11.9 12.1 12.3 12.8
8H 4H 15.0 15.3 15.4 15.7 16.1 11.2 11.6 11.6 11.9 12.3
6H 15.2 15.5 15.6 15.9 16.3 11.8 12.0 12.2 12.4 12.9
8H 15.3 15.5 15.7 15.9 16.4 12.0 12.2 12.4 12.6 13.1
12H 15.3 15.5 15.8 16.0 16.5 12.1 12.3 12.6 12.7 13.2
12H 4H 15.0 15.3 15.4 15.7 16.1 11.2 11.5 11.7 11.9 12.3
6H 15.2 15.4 15.6 15.8 16.3 11.8 12.0 12.3 12.5 12.9
GLARE 8H 15.3 15.5 15.8 15.9 16.4 12.1 12.2 12.5 12.7 13.2

Work surface and

Direct and reflected on VDT.

Reflection coefficients to use for lighting calculations
Reflections in % of painted surfaces and materials (ceiling max 85%; walls max 50%; floor max 30%).

White 75 ÷ 85 Panels in light-coloured mineral fibre 75 ÷ 85

Light cream 70 ÷ 80 Panels in light-coloured wood 50 ÷ 60
Yellow 60 ÷ 70 Plaster 70 ÷ 80
Light grey 45 ÷ 65 White paper 70 ÷ 80
Pink 45 ÷ 55 Window panes 06 ÷ 08
Light red 20 ÷ 30 Light-coloured curtains with narrow mesh 65 ÷ 70
Medium grey 20 ÷ 40 Light-coloured curtains with wide mesh 35 ÷ 40
Light blue, green 35 ÷ 55 Cement, rough concrete 20 ÷ 30
Dark grey, green, red 10 ÷ 20 Light-coloured marble 40 ÷ 60
Black 03 ÷ 05 Granite 15 ÷ 20

Maintenance factors to use for lighting calculations

The lighting of a room is the result of the interaction between the luminaires, their condition of use, the aging of the sources and the
environment in which they are installed.

The reference standard is certainly ISO/CIE TS 22012 "Light and lighting - Maintenance factor determination - Way of working" which
provides the designer with various information attachments with examples and reference values to be considered during the design

The maintenance factor fm is determined by the following formula:

f =f .f .f .f

fLF (Luminous flux factor) is the decay factor of the luminous flux of the source over time (for LEDs it is the declared factor Lx).
The luminous flux (lumen) of an operating source gradually decreases over time.
This reduction depends on the type of light source and on the operating conditions related to the thermal management of the lighting
This factor is defined on the basis of the drop in luminous flux before performing maintenance (changing the lamp or luminaire).
In the case of CLO (Constant light output) drivers the factor to be considered is 1.

fS (Survival factor) represents the mortality rate of the light sources.

After a certain period of time the light sources can go out. This phenomenon suddenly reduces the level of lighting inside the rooms.
In the case of sources that do not have mortality due to their technology (for example the LED), this factor must be considered equal to 1.

fLM (Luminaire maintenance factor) represents the reduction of the luminous flux of the luminaire due to dirt.
Dirt and dust present in almost all environments accumulate on the lamp, considerably reducing the amount of light emitted.
When they accumulate on the surfaces of the luminaire, the amount of light reflected or transmitted by these surfaces is also reduced.
This factor depends on the environment where the lighting luminaire is located, on the type of construction characteristics (for example:
luminaire with or without screen, indirect lighting with greater dust deposit, degree of protection, any chimney effect that removes dust
from the surfaces reflective), expected cleaning cycle (every 1-2-3-… years).

fSM (Surface maintenance factor) represents the reduction of reflections on the surfaces of the room due to dirt.
Dirt on the surfaces of rooms tends to reduce the amount of reflected light.
Clean surfaces maintain the ambient lighting level more.
This factor depends on the type of activity carried out and the type of processing, for example in an office with weekly cleaning and
repainting at regular intervals, this maintenance factor will be higher than in a factory with monthly cleaning intervals and repainting to be
carried out only in case of real need.

Average illuminations maintained by EN 12464-1: 2021 (indoor environments)

Ēm, Ēm,
Ēm R wall ceiling
Main tasks and activities Uo Ra
lx UGL lx lx lx
Circulation areas and corridors
100 0,4 40 28 50 50 30
(Illumination on the floor.)
Stairs, escalators, moving walkways, lifts, hoists
100 0,4 40 25 50 50 30
(Illumination on the floor.)
Area in front of lifts, lifts and escalators
200 0,4 40 25 75 75 50
(Illumination on the floor.)
Loading ramps/bays 150 0,4 40 25 50 50 -
Building entrance with canopy 30 0,4 - - - - -
Canteens and break areas 200 0,4 80 22 75 75 50
Rest rooms 100 0,4 80 22 50 50 30
Exercise rooms 300 0,4 80 22 100 100 75
Cloakrooms, toilets, bathrooms, changing rooms, lockers, showers,
200 0,4 80 25 75 75 50
washbasins and toilets
General cleaning 100 0,4 - - 50 50 30
Filing and copying 300 0,4 80 19 100 100 100
Writing, typing, reading, data processing, CAD workstations, conference and
500 0,6 80 19 150 150 100
meeting rooms
Technical drawing 750 0,7 80 16 150 150 100
Reception desk 300 0,6 80 22 100 100 75
Archives 200 0,4 80 25 75 75 50
Nurseries: Playroom and crèche 300 0,4 80 22 100 100 75
Kindergartens: classrooms for handicrafts 300 0,6 80 19 100 100 75
Classrooms - general activities, auditorium, reading rooms 500 0,6 80 19 150 150 100
Seating areas in auditoriums and training rooms 200 0,6 80 19 75 75 50
Blackboards and screens
500 0,7 80 19 - - -
(Vertical illuminance.)
Display board
200 0,6 80 19 - - -
(Vertical illuminance.)
Computer room 300 0,6 80 19 100 100 75
Art education classrooms in art schools
750 0,7 90 19 150 150 100
(4 000 K ≤ Tcp ≤ 6 500 K)
Technical drawing rooms 750 0,6 80 19 150 150 100
Classrooms for technical education and handicraft workshops 500 0,6 80 19 150 150 100
Preparation rooms and workshops 500 0,6 80 22 150 150 100
Entrances 200 0,4 80 22 75 75 50
Circulation areas, corridors, storage of teaching materials
100 0,4 80 25 50 50 30
(Illumination on the floor.)
150 0,4 80 25 50 50 30
(Illumination on the floor.)
Common rooms for students and lecture hall 200 0,4 80 22 75 75 50
Teachers’ rooms 300 0,6 80 19 100 100 50
Buildings, gyms, swimming pools
300 0,6 80 22 100 75 30
(See also EN 12193.)
Canteen 200 0,4 80 22 75 75 50
Kitchen 500 0,6 80 22 100 100 75

Average illuminations maintained by EN 12464-1: 2021 (indoor environments)

Ēm, Ēm,
Ēm R wall ceiling
Main tasks and activities Uo Ra
lx UGL lx lx lx
200 0,4 80 19 - - -
(Vertical illumination on shelves.)
Reading areas 500 0,6 80 19 100 100 50
Public service areas 500 0,6 80 19 150 150 50
General lighting 300 0,4 80 22 75 75 50
Inputs 100 0,4 80 22 50 50 30
Wardrobe 200 0,4 80 25 75 75 50
Waiting rooms 200 0,4 80 22 75 75 50
Ticket offices 300 0,6 80 22 75 75 50
Reception desk, cashier’s desk, doorman’s desk 300 0,6 80 22 100 100 75
Kitchen 500 0,6 80 22 100 100 75
Self-service restaurants 200 0,4 80 22 75 75 50
Buffet 300 0,6 80 22 75 75 50
Conference rooms 500 0,6 80 19 150 150 100
100 0,4 80 25 50 50 30
(Illumination on the floor.)
Test rooms 300 0,6 80 22 100 100 75
fitting rooms 300 0,6 90 22 100 100 75
Spectator seats - maintenance, cleaning
200 0,5 80 22 50 50 30
(Illumination on the floor.)
Stage area - facilities
300 0,4 80 25 75 75 30
(Illumination on the floor.)
Entrance/exit ramps (day)
300 0,4 40 25 75 75 50
(Illumination on the floor.)
Traffic lanes, internal ramps, pedestrian paths, entrance/exit ramps (at night)
75 0,4 40 25 50 50 30
(Illumination on the floor.)
Parking areas - not open to the public
75 0,25 40 - 50 30 15
(Illumination on the floor.)
Parking areas - open to the public with a large number of users (shopping
centres, etc.) 150 0,4 40 - 50 50 15
(Illumination on the floor.)
Ticket office 300 0,6 80 19 75 75 50
Sales areas 300 0,4 80 22 75 75 30
Cash desks 500 0,6 80 19 100 75 30
Packaging desk 500 0,6 80 22 100 - 50
Storage area 300 0,4 80 25 50 - -
Changing room / dressing room 300 0,4 90 - - - -
Trade fairs, exhibition halls (general lighting) 300 0,4 80 22 50 50 30
Plant rooms, switch room 200 0,4 80 25 50 50 30
Mail sorting, control panels 500 0,6 80 19 150 150 100
Surveillance station 300 0,6 80 19 100 100 75

Average illuminations maintained by EN 12464-1: 2021 (indoor environments)

Ēm, Ēm,
Ēm R wall ceiling
Main tasks and activities Uo Ra
lx UGL lx lx lx
Refrigerated warehouses
Warehouses, storage areas
100 0,4 80 25 50 50 30
(200 lx if continuously occupied)
Handling, packaging, shipping areas 300 0,6 80 25 100 50 30
Handout 200 0,4 80 25 - - -
Logistics and warehouses
Loading/unloading area 200 0,4 80 25 50 50 30
Packing and grouping area 300 0,5 80 25 100 100 30
Configuration and editing 750 0,6 80 22 150 150 30
Open goods depot 200 0,4 80 25 50 50 30
Warehouse aisles: with staff and storage shelves
150 0,5 80 25 - 30
(Illumination on the floor.)
Storage shelves - front
75 0,4 80 - - - -
(On the shelf side of the corridor.)
Central logistic corridor (heavy traffic) 300 0,6 80 25 100 100 30
Automated areas (unmanned) 75 0,4 80 25
Loading and handling of goods, moving equipment 200 0,4 80 25 50 50 -
Livestock buildings 50 0,4 40 - - - -
Preparation of fodder, dairies, tool washing, sick animal areas, farrowing cells 200 0,6 80 25 50 50 -
Ovens, bakeries and pastry shops
Preparation, baking 300 0,6 80 22 100 100 50
Finishing, glazing, decorating 500 0,7 80 22 150 150 75
Cement, concrete and brick industry
Drying 50 0,4 20 28 - - -
Preparation of materials, oven and mixer work 200 0,4 40 28 50 50 -
General machining, coarse shaping 300 0,6 80 25 100 100 -
Ceramic, tile and glass industry
Drying 50 0,4 20 28 - - -
Preparation, general machining, enamelling, laminating, moulding, forming of
300 0,6 80 25 100 100 -
simple parts, assembly, glassblowing
Glass grinding, engraving, polishing, precision forming, glass instrument
750 0,7 80 19 150 150 100
Optical glass and crystal grinding, hand grinding and engraving 750 0,7 80 16 150 150 100
Precision work, e.g. decorative grinding, hand-painting
1 000 0,7 90 16 150 150 100
(4 000 K ≤ Tcp ≤ 6 500 K)
Manufacture of synthetic precious stones
1 500 0,7 90 16 150 150 100
(4 000 K ≤ Tcp ≤ 6 500 K)
Chemical, plastic and rubber industry
Remote controlled process plant 50 0,4 20 - - - -
Process plant with limited manual intervention 150 0,4 40 28 50 50 30
Workstations in process plants with continuous staff presence 300 0,6 80 25 100 100 50
Precision measurement environments, laboratories 500 0,6 80 19 150 150 75
Pharmaceutical and tyre production 500 0,6 80 22 150 150 75
Colour control
1 000 0,7 90 19 150 150 100
(4 000 K ≤ Tcp ≤ 6 500 K)
Cutting, finishing, inspection 750 0,7 80 19 150 150 100

Average illuminations maintained by EN 12464-1: 2021 (indoor environments)

Ēm, Ēm,
Ēm R wall ceiling
Main tasks and activities Uo Ra
lx UGL lx lx lx
Electrical and electronics industry
Large coil winding, cable and wire manufacture, coil impregnation and
300 0,6 80 25 100 100 50
galvanising, coarse assembly (e.g. large transformers)
Medium-sized coil winding, medium assembly (e.g. electrical panels) 500 0,6 80 22 150 150 75
Winding small reels, fine assembly (e.g. telephones, radios and IT equipment
750 0,7 80 19 150 150 100
such as computers)
Precision assembly (e.g. measuring instruments, printed circuit boards) 1 000 0,7 80 16 150 150 100
Electronic laboratory, testing, fine-tuning 1 500 0,7 80 16 150 150 100
Food industries
in breweries, malt fermentation, sugar factories, tobacco fermentation and
200 0,4 80 25 50 50 30
drying, fermentation cellars, washing, barrel filling, cleaning, sieving, peeling,
cooking in canning and chocolate factories
Sorting and washing products, chopping, mixing, packaging, Vegetable and
300 0,6 80 25 100 100 50
fruit cutting and sorting
Workstations and critical areas in slaughterhouses, butchers, dairies, mills,
500 0,6 80 25 150 150 75
filtering in sugar refineries
Gastronomic production, kitchen work, cigar and cigarette production, glass
500 0,6 80 22 150 150 75
and bottle control, product control, garnishing, sorting
500 0,6 80 19 150 150 100
(4 000 K ≤ Tcp ≤ 6 500 K)
Colour inspection 1 000 0,7 90 19 150 150 100
Maintenance tunnels, basements, etc. 50 0,4 20 - - - -
Platforms 100 0,4 40 25 50 50 30
Sand preparation, changing rooms, workstations at the cupola and mixer,
200 0,4 80 25 50 50 30
casting area, detaching area, machine moulding
Manual core moulding 300 0,6 80 25 100 100 50
Die-casting 300 0,6 80 25 100 100 50
Model construction 500 0,6 80 22 150 150 75
Laundries and dry cleaners
Garment collection, marking and sorting, dry cleaning and washing, Ironing,
300 0,6 80 25 100 100 50
steam ironing
Inspection and repair 750 0,7 80 19 150 150 100
Leather industry
Interior work, tank, pit 200 0,4 80 25 75 75 30
Fleshing, fulling, pulling, polishing of skins 300 0,4 80 25 100 100 50
Saddlery work, shoe manufacture: stitching, polishing, shaping, cutting,
500 0,6 80 22 150 150 100
drilling, leather dyeing (by machine), shoe and glove manufacture
500 0,6 90 22 150 150 100
(4 000 K ≤ Tcp ≤ 6 500 K)
Quality control 1 000 0,7 80 19 150 150 100
Colour inspection
1 000 0,7 90 19 150 150 100
(4 000 K ≤ Tcp ≤ 6 500 K)

Average illuminations maintained by EN 12464-1: 2021 (indoor environments)

Ēm, Ēm,
Ēm R wall ceiling
Main tasks and activities Uo Ra
lx UGL lx lx lx
Metal working and transformation
Welding, die forging, drawing workshop, tube construction, cold forming,
300 0,6 80 25 75 75 30
Machining: coarse and medium: tolerance ≥ 0.1 mm, sheet processing:
300 0,6 80 22 75 75 30
thickness <5mm
Precision machining; grinding; tolerances < 0.1 mm 500 0,7 80 19 150 150 75
Coarse assembly, free forging and laminate processing: thickness ≥ 5 mm 200 0,6 80 25 50 50 30
Medium assembly 300 0,6 80 25 75 75 30
Fine assembly 500 0,6 80 22 150 150 75
Precision assembly, scribing, inspection, tool making and cutting tools 750 0,7 80 19 150 150 100
Surface preparation and painting 750 0,7 80 25 150 150 100
Equipment, preparation of templates and gauges, precision mechanics,
1 000 0,7 80 19 150 150 100
Paper industry and paper objects
Dough preparation and refining 200 0,4 80 25 50 50 30
Paper manufacturing and converting, paper and corrugated board machinery,
300 0,6 80 25 75 75 50
paperboard manufacture
Binding work, e.g. folding, sorting, gluing, cutting, embossing, sewing 500 0,6 80 22 150 150 100
Power plants
Fuel supply system 50 0,4 20 - - - -
Boiler rooms 100 0,4 40 28 50 50 30
Annexed rooms, e.g.: pump rooms, condenser rooms, internal control panels,
200 0,4 80 25 50 50 30
machine rooms
Control stations 500 0,7 80 19 150 150 100
Cutting, gilding, relief printing, stone engraving, stone and plate work, printing
500 0,6 80 19 150 150 75
machines, matrix construction, sheet sorting and hand printing
Character editing, retouching, lithography 1 000 0,7 80 19 150 150 100
Colour control in polychrome prints
1 500 0,7 90 16 150 150 100
(4 000 K ≤ Tcp ≤ 6 500 K)
Engraving on steel and copper 2 000 0,7 80 16 150 150 100
Rolling mills, iron and steel processing
Production systems without manual intervention 50 0,4 20 - - - -
Production plants with occasional manual intervention 150 0,4 40 28 50 50 30
Production equipment with continuous manual intervention, furnace 200 0,6 80 25 50 50 30
Rolling stock, maintenance tunnels, belt section, underground, etc. 50 0,4 20 - - - -
Rolling train, winders, cutting line 300 0,6 40 25 75 75 30
Control platforms, control panels 300 0,6 80 22 75 75 30
Testing, measurement and control 500 0,6 80 22 150 150 100

Average illuminations maintained by EN 12464-1: 2021 (indoor environments)

Ēm, Ēm,
Ēm R wall ceiling
Main tasks and activities Uo Ra
lx UGL lx lx lx
Textile processing and manufacturing
Workstations at the side of the washing tanks, opening of bales 200 0,6 60 25 50 50 30
Carding, washing, ironing, drawing, combing, sizing, gluing, punching cartons,
300 0,6 40 22 100 100 50
pre-spinning, spinning jute and hemp
Warping, weaving, braiding, knitting, spinning, twisting, reeling, bobbinage 500 0,6 60 22 150 150 75
Sewing, fine knitting, linking, darning 750 0,7 80 22 150 150 100
Hand drawing, weft drawing
750 0,7 90 22 150 150 100
(4 000 K ≤ Tcp ≤ 6 500 K)
Finishing, dyeing, manufacturing hair 500 0,6 80 22 150 150 100
Drying chamber 100 0,4 60 28 50 50 30
Automatic fabric printing 500 0,6 90 25 100 100 50
Knotting, weft control, trimmings 1 000 0,7 80 19 150 150 100
Colour control, fabric control
1 000 0,7 90 19 150 150 100
(4 000 K ≤ Tcp ≤ 6 500 K)
Invisible mending
1 500 0,7 90 19 150 150 100
(4 000 K ≤ Tcp ≤ 6 500 K)
Bodywork and assembly (automatic line), Large parts printing department 300 0,6 80 25 100 50 30
Bodywork and assembly (manual welding), Printing department visual
500 0,6 80 22 150 50 30
Painting, spraying chamber, polishing chamber 750 0,7 80 22 150 150 30
Painting, inspection, touching up and polishing, final inspection
1 000 0,7 90 19 150 150 30
(4 000 K ≤ Tcp ≤ 6 500 K)
Upholstery production (manual) 1 000 0,7 80 19 150 50 30
Assembly of sub-parts (doors, dashboard, upholstery, chassis), engine and
750 0,7 80 22 150 50 30
mechanical assembly, transport line final assembly
Working with electronics
750 0,6 90 22 150 50 30
(4 000 K ≤ Tcp ≤ 6 500 K)
General vehicle services, repair and testing 500 0,6 80 22 100 50 30
Lavorazione e manifattura del legno
Processi automatici, per esempio: essiccatura, fabbricazione compensato 50 0,4 40 28 - - -
Camere del vapore 150 0,4 40 28 50 50 30
Lavori al banco di falegnameria, incollaggio, assemblaggio, sega 300 0,6 80 25 100 100 50
Lucidatura, verniciatura, falegnameria di fantasia 750 0,7 80 22 150 150 100
Lavorazioni su macchine per lavorazione del legno, per esempio: tornitura,
500 0,6 80 19 150 150 75
scannellatura, sgrossatura, ribassatura, taglio, segatura, cavatura
Selezione legno per impiallacciatura, intarsio, lavoro di intarsio
750 0,7 90 22 150 150 100
(4 000 K ≤ Tcp ≤ 6 500 K)
Verifica e controllo di qualità
1 000 0,7 90 19 150 150 100
(4 000 K ≤ Tcp ≤ 6 500 K)

Average illuminations maintained by EN 12464-1: 2021 (indoor environments)

Ēm, Ēm,
Ēm R wall ceiling
Main tasks and activities Uo Ra
lx UGL lx lx lx
General use rooms
Waiting rooms and service lifts 200 0,4 80 22 75 75 30
Corridors: during the day and cleaning
100 0,4 80 22 50 50 30
(Illumination on the floor.)
Corridors: during the night
50 0,4 80 22 - - -
(Illumination on the floor.)
Multi-purpose corridors (e.g. pre-examinations of patients)
200 0,6 80 22 75 75 50
(Illumination at task level.)
Day rooms 300 0,6 80 22 75 75 50
Lifts, passenger and visitor lifts
100 0,6 80 22 50 50 30
(Illumination on the floor.)
Staff rooms 300 0,6 80 19 100 100 50
Night light, surveillance light
(Illumination on the floor. 5 - 80 - - - -
2 200 K ≤ Tcp ≤ 3 000 K)
Toilets, patient toilets 200 0,4 90 22 75 75 50
Maternity wards
Lanes (General lighting)
100 0,4 80 19 50 50 30
(Illumination on the floor.)
Simple visit and reading light 300 0,6 80 19 100 100 75
Delivery rooms (General lighting) 300 0,6 90 19 100 100 75
Diagnostic and examination rooms
Infirmary 500 0,6 80 19 150 150 100
General lighting
500 0,6 90 19 150 150 100
(4 000 K ≤ Tcp ≤ 5 000 K)
Examination and treatment
1 000 0,7 90 19 150 150 100
(4 000 K ≤ Tcp ≤ 5 000 K)
Analysis rooms
General lighting 300 0,6 80 19 100 100 75
Analysis with image amplifiers and television systems 50 - 80 19 - - -
Treatment rooms (general)
Dialysis, plaster cast 500 0,6 80 19 150 150 100
Dermatology 500 0,6 90 19 150 150 100
Endoscopy, medical baths, massage and radiotherapy 300 0,6 80 19 100 100 75
Sterilisation and disinfection 500 0,6 80 22 100 100 75
Operating theatres
Pre-operative local and recovery 500 0,6 90 19 150 150 100
Area surrounding the operating zone 1 000 0,6 90 19 150 150 100
Operating theatre 1 000 0,6 90 19 - - -
Autopsy and dissection table 5 000 0,7 90 - 150 150 100
Resuscitation and intensive care
General lighting
300 0,6 90 19 50 50 30
(Illumination on the floor.)
Simple visit
500 0,6 90 19 100 100 75
(Illumination at bed level)
Examination and treatment
1 000 0,7 90 19 150 150 100
(Illumination at bed level)
Night surveillance 20 - 90 19 - - -
Laboratories and pharmacies
General lighting 500 0,6 80 19 150 150 100
Colour control
1 000 0,7 90 19 150 150 100
(4 000 K ≤ Tcp ≤ 6 500 K)

Average illuminations maintained by EN 12464-1: 2021 (indoor environments)

Ēm, Ēm,
Ēm R wall ceiling
Main tasks and activities Uo Ra
lx UGL lx lx lx
Arrival and departure halls, baggage claim areas 200 0,4 80 22 75 75 30
Connecting zones 150 0,4 80 22 50 50 30
Information desks, reception 500 0,7 80 19 150 150 100
Customs and passport control 500 0,7 80 19 150 150 100
Waiting rooms 200 0,4 80 22 50 50 30
Luggage storage 200 0,4 80 25 50 50 30
Security control zones 300 0,6 80 19 100 100 75
Air traffic control tower 500 0,6 80 16 50 - -
Hangar: Repair and testing, Motor control zones, Measurement zones 500 0,6 80 22 50 50 30
Railway installations
Subways, platforms, stairs and escalators with small number of passengers
50 0,3 80 - - - -
(Illumination on the floor.)
Subways, platforms, stairs and escalators with medium number of
passengers 100 0,4 80 - - - -
(Illumination on the floor.)
Subways, platforms, stairs and escalators with large numbers of passengers
200 0,5 80 - - - -
(Illumination on the floor.)
Atria and counters
200 0,5 80 28 75 75 50
(Illumination on the floor.)
Ticket offices and luggage storage 300 0,5 80 19 100 100 75
Waiting rooms 200 0,4 80 22 75 75 30
Entrances, station halls 200 0,4 80 - 75 75 30
Switch rooms and installations 200 0,5 80 28 50 50 30
Railway control centre (dispatch area) 200 0,5 80 16 - - -
Access tunnels
50 0,4 20 - - - -
(Illumination on the floor.)
Coarse assembly work in maintenance halls 200 0,4 80 - - - -
Medium assembly work in maintenance halls 300 0,5 80 - - - -
Fine assembly work in maintenance halls 500 0,6 80 - - - -
Precision assembly work in maintenance halls 750 0,7 80 - - - -
Traffic zones in railway vehicle maintenance halls (without vehicle traffic) 100 0,25 80 - - - -
Traffic zones in railway vehicle maintenance halls (with vehicle traffic) 150 0,4 80 - - - -

Ēm Average illuminance maintained on the task plane, if not specified, generally referred to a height of 0.85 m from the floor for civil
work areas and 1 m industrial and floor for transit areas.
Uo Illuminance uniformity in the reference plane.
Ra Minimum colour rendering index of the light source (see page 764 and 766).
Tcp Correlated colour temperature of the light source.
RUGL Unified “limit” value of glare within the room based on installation characteristics (room size and reflections, luminaire type,
operator viewing direction, luminaire layout) developed by the CIE and required by European standard EN 12464-1 (See page 779).
Ēm z Average illuminance maintained cylindrical (see page 778).
Ēm wall Average illuminance maintained on the walls of the room.
Ēm ceiling Average illuminance maintained on the ceiling of the room.

Emergency lighting EN 1838 : 2013 (indoor environments)

Ēm, Ēm,
Ēm R wall ceiling
Main tasks and activities Uo Ra
lx UGL lx lx lx
General lighting (minimum value)
0,5 - 80 - - - -
(Illumination on the floor.)
Escape routes (minimum value in the middle of the route)
(Illumination on the floor. 1 - 80 - - - -
Escape route width 2m.)
Exit routes in public places such as theatres, cinemas, concert halls,
entertainment (minimum value D.M.) 2 - 80 - - - -
(Illuminance 1m above the floor.)
Stairs and proximity to emergency exits (minimum value D.M.)
5 - 80 - - - -
(Illuminance 1m above the floor.)
High-risk task area (minimum value)
(Illuminance on the floor. 15 0,1 80 - - - -
Illuminance >10% expected under standard power conditions.)
Fire-fighting equipment, call point and first aid point (minimum value)
5 - - - - - -
(Vertical illuminance.)
For all calculations the light contribution from ambient inter-reflections must be ignored. In the case of indirect or upward directed
luminaires only the first surface reflection may be considered.

Illuminations in indoor sports environments (EN 12193 : 2019)

Horizontal Vertical
illuminance illuminance
Activities Reference area Category Ra
Ēm (lx) Uo Ēm (lx) Uo
III 300 0,50 -- -- 60
Bowls PA 13,7-40 x 1,8-4,5 m II 500 0,80 -- -- 60
I 500 0,80 -- -- 80
III 200 0,50 -- -- 60
School sports competitions (physical PA 10 x 10 m
II 500 0,70 -- -- 60
education) TA 17 x 17 m
I 750 0,70 -- -- 80
III 200 0,50 -- -- 60
PA 10 x 10 m
Judo II 500 0,70 -- -- 60
TA 17 x 17 m
I 750 0,70 -- -- 80
III 200 0,50 1000 0,80 60
PA 9 x 9 m
Freestyle wrestling II 500 0,70 1000 0,80 60
TA 12x 12 m
I 750 0,70 1000 0,80 80
III 200 0,50 -- -- 60
Swim PA 25-50 x 15-22 m II 300 0,70 -- -- 60
I 500 0,70 -- -- 80
III 200 0,50 -- -- 60
PA 28 x 15 m
Basketball II 500 0,70 -- -- 60
TA 32 x 19 m
I 750 0,70 -- -- 80
III 200 0,50 -- -- 60
Volleyball PA 24 x 15 m II 500 0,70 -- -- 60
I 750 0,70 -- -- 80
III 500 0,50 -- -- 60
PA 7,1 x 11,1 m II 1000 0,80 -- -- 60
(300 lx for training in all categories.)
I 2000 0,80 -- -- 80
III 300 0,50 -- -- 60
PA 30 x15 m
Tennis II 500 0,70 -- -- 60
TA 36 x18 m
I 750 0,70 -- -- 80
Fencing III 300 0,70 200 0,70 60
PA 14 x 2 m
(Vertical illuminance at 1.5m from floor II 500 0,70 300 0,70 60
TA 18 x 5 m
level) I 750 0,70 500 0,70 80
III 200 0,50 -- -- 60
PA 4 x 4 m
Weight lifting II 500 0,70 -- -- 60
TA 6 x 6 m
I 750 0,70 -- -- 80
III 300 0,70 -- -- 60
Table tennis PA 9 x 4,5 m II 500 0,70 -- -- 60
I 750 0,70 -- -- 80
Archery III 200 0,50 1000 0,80 60
(Vertical illuminance based on 25 m II 200 0,50 1000 0,80 60
PA 18-30 x 1,3 m
distance (for 50 m distance, doubled
illuminance levels)) I 200 0,50 1000 0,80 80

PA: Actual playing area for the performance of a given sport.
TA: Area generally comprising the main area (PA) plus an additional safety area outside the main area. The illuminance and uniformity of
this area should be >75% of that of the main area (PA).
Categories according to the level of competition carried out
Category I : Very high level competition (international and national competitions with many spectators and long viewing distances.
Category II : Intermediate level competition (regional or local competitions with medium spectators and medium viewing distances.
Suitable for high level training.
Category III : Low level competition (local competitions with low presence or absence of spectators. Suitable for general training,
physical education, school sports competitions or recreational activities.
Luminaire installation: No luminaires should be positioned on the part of the ceiling above the main area.

Average illuminations maintained by EN 12464-2: 2012 (outdoor environments)

Outdoor activities, task and activities Ēm (lx) Ra
Pavements 5 0,25 50 20
Circulation areas with slow vehicles (max. 10 km/h) 10 0,25 50 20
Movement of vehicles (max 40 km/h) 20 0,40 45 20
Pedestrian crossings and loading/unloading from vehicles 50 0,40 50 20
Hangar parking 20 0,10 55 20
Terminal parking 20 0,25 50 20
Loading Zone 20 0,25 50 20
Aircraft maintenance area 200 0,50 45 60
Loading and unloading of large solid goods 20 0,25 55 20
Loading and unloading of goods, lifting and descending areas for cranes 50 0,40 50 20
Covered loading areas, information reading, use of tools 100 0,50 45 20
Demanding installations and inspections 200 0,50 45 60
Light traffic (parking of shops and homes, bicycle parks) 5 0,25 56 20
Medium traffic (parking of supermarkets, offices, industrial plants, sports and
10 0,25 50 20
multipurpose complexes)
Heavy traffic (parking in large shopping centers and complexes of sports and
20 0,25 50 20
multipurpose buildings)
Open areas, train stops 5 0,20 55 20
Open areas, small number of passengers (e.g. rural and local trains) 10 0,25 50 20
Open areas, average number of passengers (e.g. suburban or regional trains or
20 0,30 45 20
intercity services)
Open areas, large number of passengers (e.g. intercity services) 50 0,40 45 20
Open areas, freight areas 20 0,40 50 20
Covered areas, small number of passengers (e.g. suburban or regional trains or
50 0,40 45 40
intercity services)
Covered areas, large number of passengers (e.g. intercity services) 100 0,50 45 40
Covered areas, goods areas, short-term service 50 0,40 45 20
Covered areas, goods areas, continuous service 100 0,50 45 40
Tracks in passenger station areas, including parking areas 10 0,25 50 20
Sidewalks in railway areas, open pedestrian bridges 10 0,25 50 20
Level crossings 20 0,40 45 20
Maintenance areas for trains and locomotives 20 0,40 50 40
Maintenance areas for railway yards 30 0,40 50 20
Stairways, small number of passengers 50 0,40 45 40
Stairways, large number of passengers 100 0,50 45 40
Inspection pit 100 0,50 40 40


Ēm: Average horizontal illuminances maintained referring to the reference surface of the application.

Uo: Minimum uniformity of illumination on the reference plane.

Ra: Minimum color rendering indexes for sources (see pages 764 and 766).

RUGL: Limit value of the glare Rg (Glare Rating) based on the observation characteristics and the layout of the luminaires, developed by
the CIE and required by the European standard EN 12464-2.

/ Electrical engineering
and electronics
Main features Safety precautions Symbols
of the material voltage

Classe 0 No earthing protection device Environment without earth

Classe I Earthing protection device provided Connection to protective earth

Additional insulation but no earthing protection

Classe II No precaution necessary
Intended for very low Connection to very low
Classe III safety voltage
safety voltage

MARKS and standards.

The single European mark

ENEC (European Norms Electrical
Certification) certifies that a
luminaire conforms to EN European
standards. IMQ is one of the
European certification bodies
belonging to ENEC. Luminaires
approved by IMQ on the basis of
European standards are therefore

All 3F Filippi luminaires bear the CE • The Ecodesign directive These must be adopted by all EU
marking. This marking attests to 2009/125/EC. member states by means of national
be fact that the luminaires conform • The 2017/2102/EU directive on regulatory bodies (in
to the requirements set out in the restriction of the use of certain Italy, the CEI).
Community Directives for electrical hazardous substances in electrical For luminaires, the reference
materials and that they may be and electronic equipment. standards are EN IEC 60598-1 and
freely marketed throughout the • The 2012/19/EU directive on IEC 60598-2-22 (luminaires for
European Union. waste electrical and electronic emergency lighting).
Directives applicable to lighting equipment (WEEE). Compliance with these standards
products are: • The 2019/2020/EU directive, ensures that the luminaires are
• The 2014/35/UE low-voltage setting eco-design requirements properly manufactured and can be
directive. for light sources and separate used to build electrical systems that
• The 2014/30/UE electromagnetic ballasts. conform to the requirements
compatibility directive. stipulated by the applicable
• The 2014/34/UE ATEX The acronym EN refers to the legislation (for example, Italian
“ATmosphere EXplosive” European standards issued by Decree Law no. 37 of 22 January
directive. CENELEC (European Committee for 2008).
• The RoHS 2011/65/EU directive. Electrotechnical Standardisation).

* Protection against electric shock

Standard EN IEC 60598-1.
Luminaires are divided into four classes according to the type of protection provided against electric shock.

/ Electrical engineering
and electronics

Explosive atmospheres (ATEX).

EXPLOSIVE ATMOSPHERES Example of certification Dc): equipment for explosive
(ATEX) atmospheres due to the presence of
ATEX is the French acronym for ATEX: II 3D Ex Tc IIIC T85 ° C dust, with an “increased” level of
“ATmosphères EXplosives”, which Dc protection which does not
means “explosive atmospheres”. constitute a source of ignition
The ATEX 2014/34/EU Directive Legend: during normal operation and which
(relating to protective equipment may have additional protections
and systems intended to be used in = Specific mark of explosion to ensure that it remains inactive
potentially explosive atmospheres), protection. how ignition source in the event of
published by the Official Journal II = Group II: equipment for surface regular and expected failures.
of the European Union (n° OJ EU work belongs to this group.
L96) on 29th of March 2014 and 3D = Category 3 - equipment or
implemented on the 30 March 2014, protective systems that guarantee a
pursuant to article 43, ratified the normal level of protection - D: Dust.
repeal of the previous Directive Ex tc = Protection method by
94/9/CE with effect from the 20 means of “t“ enclosures in the
April 2016, without a transitional presence of combustible dusts.
period. This applies to all electrical IIIC = Conductive dust.
and mechanical products intended T85°C = Maximum allowed surface
for potentially dangerous places. temperature of the equipment.
Dc = Level of protection (EPL

Directive 2014/34/EU classifies and categories on the basis of the level caused by gases, vapours, mists
divides ATEX equipment into two of protection (area of use); the or air/dust mixtures are likely to
groups: categories are identified as number occur occasionally. Equipment
1, 2, 3 followed by the letter G (Gas) in this category must ensure
Group I: equipment for work in or D (Dust). the requisite level of protection,
mines with the presence of mine • Category 1 - equipment or even in the event of frequently
gas and/or combustible dust is systems of protection that occurring disturbances or
included in this group. Group I in guarantee a very high level of equipment faults which normally
turn is divided into 2 categories: protection; for areas in which have to be taken into account.
• M1 - equipment or systems explosive atmospheres caused • Category 3 - equipment or
of protection that guarantee a by mixtures of air and gases, systems of protection that
very high level of protection; vapours or mists or by air/ guarantee a normal level of
they must remain operational dust mixtures are present protection; for use in areas in
in the presence of explosive continuously, for long periods which explosive atmospheres
atmospheres. or frequently. Equipment in caused by gases, vapours,
• M2 - equipment or systems of this category must ensure the mists, or air/dust mixtures are
protection that guarantee a high requisite level of protection, even unlikely to occur or, if they do
level of protection; they must be in the event of rare incidents occur, are likely to do so only
de-energised in the presence of relating to equipment. infrequently and for a short period
gas. • Category 2 - equipment or only. Equipment in this category
systems of protection that must ensure the requisite level
Group II: equipment for work on the guarantee a high level of of protection during normal
surface is included in this group. protection; for use in areas in operation.
Group II in turn is divided into 3 which explosive atmospheres

To summarise:
Dust Gas
1D 1G
Suitability in zones 20, 21 and 22 Suitability in zones 0, 1 and 2
2D 2G
Suitability in zones 21 and 22 Suitability in zones 1 and 2
3D 3G
Suitability in zone 22 Suitability in zone 2

Areas classified for the presence of gas, mists or vapours on the basis of the probability of the existence of the explosive atmosphere are
divided into three zones:

Zone 0 Zone 1 Zone 2

Zone 2 An area in which an An area in which an An area in which an
explosive mixture of explosive mixture explosive mixture is not
gas is continuously is likely to occur likely to occur in normal
present or frequently occasionally in normal operation and if it
Zone 0
present for long operation. occurs it will exist only
Zone 1 periods. for a short time.

Zone 0

In areas classified for the presence of dust the zones are identified on the basis of the frequency and duration of the formation of an
explosive atmosphere:
Zone 22
Zone 20 Zone 21 Zone 22
An area in which an An area in which an An area in which an
explosive mixture explosive mixture of explosive mixture of
of dust in the form dust in the form of a dust in the form of a
of a dust cloud is dust cloud, is likely to dust cloud, is not likely
continuously present or occur occasionally in to occur in normal
Zone 21
frequently present for normal operation. operation and if it
long periods . occurs it will exist only
Zone 20 for a short time.

COMPLIANCE procedures.
Per la marcatura degli apparecchi • All electrical equipment in
For equipment to be marked there Category 3 can be self-certified
are various compliance procedures by the manufacturer (CE marking),
according to the product function with internal manufacturing
and the category they belong to. controls.

• All electrical equipment in (1)

Category 1 and Category 2 must ATEX (G) for zones with GAS
mandatorily be certified by ATEX
(Notified Bodies), or bodies to
ATEX (D) for zones with Dust
which the national authority has
assigned the task of verifying
conformity with the Directive.
Companies that manufacture
electrical equipment in Category
1 and Category 2 are obliged
to report and audit the quality
systems and the identification
number of the body must be
displayed on the data plate label
alongside the CE marking.

/ Electrical engineering
and electronics

Electronic WIRING.
The main technical specifications of 3F Filippi uses two constant current DIMMABLE ELECTRONIC WIRING
the typical LED drivers: driver types, depending on the type Adjustable electronic wiring can be
• 230Vac, 50-60Hz power supply, of luminaire: realised with:
with tolerance+/- 10% of line • SELV Safety Extra Low Voltage • Drivers with 1-10V interface, with
voltage. output, below 60Vdc. SELV Driver/ dimming by means of an analogue
• 230Vdc power supply, with LED devices can be used in total signal ranging from 1V DC
tolerance +/- 10%. safety. (minimum light) to 10V (maximum
• Power factor greater than 0.95 (in • NON SELV without output light). For signals <1V the device
general, with exceptions). voltages greater than 60Vdc, switches off.
• Efficiency >90%. which may represent a hazard if
• Suitable for centralised touched. NON SELV Driver/LED
emergency lighting pursuant to luminaires may only be opened by
EN 50172 and EN 60598-2-22. a qualified electrician with special
• ENEC certification.
• Thermal and short-circuit
protection against overloads and
voltage surges.
• Protection against excess
• Constant current LED power • Drivers with DALI interface
supply. with digital dimming (Digital
• Safe FLICKER (Pst LM≤1; SVM Addressable Lighting Interface
≤0,4). protocol).

For further information and for use in harsh environments please contact our Technical Offices.

DALI - D2 (DALI-2) - D2D (DALI-2 DATI) - D4i

DALI® is the standard protocol for bi-directional digital communication between lighting control devices,
standardised by the global standard IEC 65386.
It is evenly designated by the DALI Alliance (DiiA - Digital Illumination Interface Alliance) and applied

NB: Luminaires containing DALI-certified drivers are identified by the abbreviation “DALI“ or “D“.

DALI-2™ is the latest version of the DALI protocol.

DALI-2™ guarantees interoperability through trademarked testing and certification.
DALI-2 certified drivers follow a standardised control curve and are fully compatible with DALI-1 systems.

NB: 3F Filippi’s luminaires containing DALI-2 certified drivers are identified by the initials “D2“.


Within the DALI-2 certification programme there are drivers that can also include the following features:
Part 251 - Luminaire Data
Drivers can store luminaire information, e.g. ID code, light output, CCT and CRI, light distribution, etc.).
Part 252 - Energy Data Reporting
Drivers provide real time power.
Part 253 - Diagnostics Data
Drivers provide operational data, operating and fault conditions.

NB: 3F Filippi’s luminaires containing DALI-2 certified drivers also with Parts 251, 252, 253 are identified by
the abbreviation “D2D“.

The luminaire, equipped with a D4i driver, in addition to being DALI-2 certified with Parts 251, 252, 253
makes power available on the DALI line (Part 250) and ensures interoperability between nodes and sensors
with the same certification.

NB: 3F Filippi’s luminaires containing those certified drivers are identified by the abbreviation “D4i“.

Devices with DALI, D2 and D2D drivers can be used in systems without a control system (centralized and/or stand-alone) with provided that a “bridge” is made on the
DA-DA terminals of the luminaire or on the DA-DA circuits of the supplied power cable (bridge prohibited in D4i equipment), if present. 3F Filippi however recommends
connecting DALI, D2, D4i devices to control systems (centralized/stand-alone/DALI repeater). 3F Filippi shall therefore bear no responsibility for any “malfunctions”
of DALI luminaires installed in systems without a regulation system, or with a poorly programmed one. Assessing compatibility between regulation systems and
drivers, as well as finding the technical data required for lighting design, are the sole responsibility of the designer of the electrical system. To assist in this task,
when requested 3F Filippi will provide the technical data sheets for the drivers used and specify the quantity for each luminaire. These indications relate to the bill of
materials at the time of communication and thus may be subject to changes due to technical developments and/or provisioning and production requirements; data
should therefore be checked before proceeding with the order.

/ Mechanics and Design

From the DESIGN...


For 3F Filippi, attention to detail, the Our products are made with a guarantee constant quality of all
quality of the light and the reliability craftsman’s passion and constant our products over time.
of our products are the starting point innovation, research and attention
on the path we travel alongside our to design and details: they combine Our care for the environment
customers. aesthetics and functionality, goes hand-in-hand with our
Efficiency is the culmination of our elements of precision and new 0-mile production, whereby all our
journey – we create a light that can technologies, maintenance and products are assembled in the
show and give emotion, while hiding reliability facilities, and are excellent same Bologna plant where they are
its technical soul, able to highlight value for money. produced.
what it illuminates. 3F Filippi’s entire production is
performed inside the headquarters
The right product starts first in Pian di Macina (province of
with a discussion, to gain an Bologna, Italy), from moulding of
understanding of the customer’s plastics and metals to machining
needs and expectations. and soldering and painting, all totally
The thoroughness and precision of
the checks throughout every phase
of the company’s processes


3D modelling

EDM tool

/ Mechanics and Design

BALL throw.
BALL THROW RESISTANCE Test for ceiling luminaires
CERTIFICATION (DIN 18032-3) The device is hit 36 times by a
This certification ensures the 3F Filippi for the luminaires handball (almost half a kilo) at a
suitability of the device in gyms, deriving from the standards issues speed of 16.5 ± 0.8 m/s (~ 60 km/h).
environments with gymnastic and an appropriate declaration of 12 times the ball must be thrown
sports activities. conformity and suitability following perpendicularly against the device
scrupulous tests laboratory. and 12 times from two different
3F LEM Sport luminaires (codes The tests are performed in the 3F directions (transversal and
59080 and 59081) are certified Filippi laboratories using a handball longitudinal) at an angle of 60°.
“Resistant to throwing the ball ball-gun.
according to DIN 18032-3” CSI The speed and launch angle of Test for wall luminaires
certification (IMQ group). the gun is adjustable to meet the The device is hit 54 times by a
requirements of DIN 18032-3. handball (almost half a kilo) at a
speed of 23.5 ± 1.2 m/s (~ 85 km/h).
For 30 times the ball must be thrown
at 90° perpendicularly against the
device and for 12 times from two
different directions (transverse and
longitudinal) at an angle of 45°.

At the end of the tests, the luminaire must not show any alterations that limit its solidity, operation and safety.

Marks and standards
Luminaires with Luminaires not suitable Ingress protection of housing (IP rating)
electronic wiring for direct installation IP As per IEC 60598-1.
bearing this mark are on normally flammable
versions with limited surface surfaces (suitable only for 1st number: protection against penetration by solid objects and
temperature installation on non-flammable against contact with live parts.
(EN 60598-2-24), and therefore surfaces).
suitable for installation in 0 No special protection.
Note: the symbol is present in
environments with greater risk in
edition 9 of IEC EN 60598-1.
case of fire as per variant V3 of 1 Protected against solid objects larger than 50 mm. E.g. hands.
IEC 64-8. Unless otherwise indicated by
the above symbol, luminaires 2 Protected against solid objects larger than 12 mm. E.g. fingers.
are suitable for installation on
normally flammable surfaces.
3 Protected against solid objects larger than 2.5 mm. E.g. tools.
A surface is considered
normally flammable if its ignition Protected against solid objects larger than 1 mm. E.g. threads
temperature is at least 200°C or tapes.
and if it does not deform or Protected against dust penetration
Flame and ignition resistance soften at such a temperature. that could damage the luminaire.
650°C, 850°C, 960°C. The 6 Fully protected against dust.
materials in luminaires bearing
this mark have passed the glow-
wire test at these temperatures 2nd number: protection against penetration by liquids.
in compliance with EN 60598-1
(IEC 34-21). 0 No special protection.

Temperature class 1 Protected against vertical water drips.

Standard 50014 defines the Mechanical strength
temperature classes as the Luminaires must have Protected against vertical water drips when tilted up to 15°.
adequate mechanical 2
maximum temperature of the
external surface of the housing strength and be built to sustain
stress deriving from any 3 Protected against rain when tilted up to 60°.
of the luminaire in the case of
abnormal operation unprotected treatment
during normal use. 4 Protected against splashes of water from any direction.
(EN 60598-1 Appendix C):
T1 max 450°C, T2 max 300°C, Luminaires with a closing
diffuser must pass a test with 5 Protected against jets of water coming from any direction.
T3 max 200°C, T4 max 135°C,
T5 max 100°C, T6 max 85°C. impact energy of 6.5J; impact
is produced by letting a 50 mm 6 Totally protected against sea waves or powerful jets of water.
diameter, 0.51 kg steel ball fall Protected against the effects of temporary submersion in
from a height of 1.3 metres, in 7 water.
compliance with IEC EN 60598-
8 m Protected against the effects of continuous submersion for
1 (CEI 34-21). long periods with indications of the maximum depth in metres.
The IK Code designates the
9 Protected against the effects of high pressure and high
level of protection of electrical (80°C) temperature water.
equipment housings against
mechanical impact (EN 62262 (15°C) Protected against the effects of high pressure cold water.
and IEC 70-4).
Protected against the effects of cleaning with high pressure
water or steam. The standard "ISO 20653 Road vehicles
9K (IP code)" introduces code “K” that describes the special
requirements for road vehicles not covered by "EN 60529 (IP

Protection of housing from impacts (IK rating)

Requirements as per IEC 34-139.
Coating and standard colours Luminaires - application of code IEC 62262 IK

0.2 J Resistance to a blow from an object weighing 200 g IK02

1. Polyester-based paint, white or grey Ral 9006, UV stabilised, dropped from a height of 10 cm.
on hot galvanised steel sheet. Salt spray resistance over 500hrs. 0.5 J Resistance to a blow from an object weighing 250 g IK04
dropped from a height of 20 cm.
2. Epoxy-polyester powder-coated in white Ral 9010, or grey 1 J Resistance to a blow from an object weighing 500 g IK06
Ral 9006, UV stabilised, applied with triboelectric system for dropped from a height f 20 cm.
constant and uniform thickness, oven polymerised at 180°C, 2 J Resistance to a blow from an object weighing 500 g IK07
with phosphate degreasing pretreatment using heavy iron salts. dropped from a height of 40 cm.
Salt spray resistance of 500h. 5 J Resistance to a blow from an object weighing 1.7 kg IK08
dropped from a height of 30 cm.
10 J Resistance to a blow from an object weighing 5 kg IK09
dropped from a height of 20 cm.
20 J Resistance to a blow from an object weighing 5 kg IK10
dropped from a height of 40 cm.

Resistance to corrosive substances
Chemical substance Methacrylate Polycarbonate Glass Aluminium Steel Stainless steel
Acetone – – • • • •
Acetic acid up to 10% – ∆ • – ∆ •
Arsenic acid up to 20% • • ∆ – ∆
Citric acid up to 10% • • • ∆ ∆ ∆
Hydrochloric acid up to 20% • • ∆ – – –
Chromic acid ∆ ∆ ∆ ∆ ∆ ∆
Formic acid up to 30% ∆ – – – ∆ ∆
Nitric acid up to 20% ∆ ∆ ∆ – – ∆
Sulphuric acid up to 30% • • ∆ – – –
Seawater • • ∆ ∆ ∆ ∆
Ethyl alcohol – • • • ∆ ∆
Isopropyl alcohol ∆ – • ∆ ∆ ∆
Ammonia • – ∆ • ∆ •
Aniline – – • • • •
Petrol • ∆ • • • •
Benzole – – • ∆ ∆ ∆
Bromine – ∆ • ∆
White lime • ∆ – • •
Diesel oils • ∆ • • •
Sea climate • • ∆ ∆ ∆ ∆
Liquid chlorine (fumes) – – – • – –
Chloroform – – • • • ∆
Calcium chloride • • • • ∆ ∆
Ferric chloride • ∆ ∆ ∆
Hexane • ∆ • • ∆ ∆
Ether – – • • •
Petroleum ether • ∆ • • •
Ethyl ether • – • • •
Phenols – – • ∆ • •
Glycerine • ∆ • • • •
Hydrocarbons – – • • • •
Methanol – – • ∆ • •
Silicone oils ∆ • • • •
Food oils and fats • ∆ • • •
Mineral oils • – • • • •
Vegetable oils ∆ • • •
Diesel oil - naphtha – – • • • •
Ozone • – • • ∆ •
Potassium permanganate • • • ∆ • •
PVC with plasticizers – – • • •
Soda • • – – – ∆
Caustic soda • – – – •
Zinc sulphate • • • ∆ ∆
Aluminium sulphate • • • • ∆ ∆
Copper sulphate • • • • ∆ ∆
Carbon tetrachloride – – • • • •
Toluene – ∆ • • •
Trichloroethylene – – • ∆ ∆

The table only provides a rough indication of the maximum amount Some versions of 3F luminaires are also proposed with laminated
of various chemical agents in different compositions. glass which, in addition to being resistant to the substances
When using these data, bear in mind that they are the results listed above, allows for these to be used in environments with
of laboratory tests and are therefore only valid under the same food products or with machines with moving parts, with sudden
conditions in which the tests were performed; the data should temperature changes and, in general, in all environments requiring
therefore be considered indicative, and it is advisable to perform tests total protection against falling fragments.
in their actual usage conditions if practical experience is not available.
It is not possible to talk about "compatibility" in general terms, • = resistant
since this depends on: ∆ = relatively resistant, suitability to be evaluated on basis
• Concentration. of application
• Temperature. – = not resistant
• Contact type.
• Contact duration.
• Mechanical action during contact.
• Simultaneous presence of multiple chemical compounds.
• The function of the potentially attacked material, mechanical
stress to which it is exposed and numerous other factors, which
are highly variable, making the indications given in this table
truthful but general, and therefore not exhaustive.

/ Get the best
from 3F Filippi

How to use our products correctly.

• 3F Filippi can only guarantee Headquarters to request a single plant powered by solar
products exclusively when they technical assessment. panels: these simple measures
are installed according to the • Turning on a luminaire leads to allow us to limit transport and
installation instructions provided an environmental “load” which optimise resources. 3F Filippi
with the luminaires. We therefore is often not justified. Despite 3F invites users to do the same
recommend you do not install our Filippi’s commitment to offering by recycling packaging after
products in any other way than our customers the best energy- installation and correctly disposing
those indicated. In the event that saving systems, using lighting of luminaires at the end of their
you have differing requirements, only when strictly necessary is still life-cycle.
please contact our Sales Network the best way to save money and
or the 3F Filippi Headquarters to respect the environment.
request a technical assessment. • Correct and sensible lighting
• As with installation, maintenance design can help save more money
of 3F Filippi products must than you might think: 3F Filippi
recommends that lighting projects
also be performed according to
are carried out by professional,
the instructions: we therefore
reliable designers who can
recommend keeping these safe so
recommend the best solutions
that you can consult them before both for you and the environment.
performing any kind of work on Lighting should only be used when
the luminaire. necessary.
• 3F Filippi products must only • 3F Filippi strongly believe in
be installed on supports which reusing raw materials, and for
are not subject to vibrations and this reason we are constantly
mechanical stress – this is critical optimising our products to make
for their correct operation. In them more environmentally-
the event that it is not possible friendly. For example, we use
to avoid this kind of installation, a high percentage of recycled
you are invited to contact our board in our packaging, and our
Sales Network or the 3F Filippi luminaires are all produced in a

/ Analytical guide

Price list
June 2023

General CONDITIONS of sale.

The acceptance of orders is always subject to the following Articles on request

• The delivery terms are not binding and due to force majeure, they Articles marked On Request are not normally in our warehouse.
can be changed at any time without recognizing any damage or Where not specified, delivery dates and prices are to be arranged
requests for penalties. from time to time based on quantity, production availability, and
• Goods are delivered ex-works. material procurement times.
• Samples are always supplied carriage forward and invoiced.
• Goods travel at the customer’s risk with any means of shipment, Because we are constantly improving our products, the luminaires
both carriage forward and carriage paid. supplied may differ in details, dimensions, equipment, and
• The purchaser may not demand the partial or total cancellation accessories from the dimensions and illustrations shown in this
of orders nor indemnification for delays and reductions of supply catalogue. Therefore, quantities, volumes, and indicated weights
caused by force majeure. are not binding.
• The prices in this price list can be changed without prior notice
and obligation of prior communication.
• Payments will be valid if made directly to our headquarters.
• VAT is payable by the customer.
• The Court in whose district the seller has its headquarters will
have exclusive jurisdiction in the event of any and all disputes.

di materiale

Code Item Pack Page

Pcs m³ Gross weight in kg

A0052 Wall-mounting brack 1 17.000 197, 217, 242, 271, 279, 481
A0090 Bracket/5-pole terminal block 1 10.000 283
A0160 Inox clips 3F Linda L660 -4pcs 1 7.000 594
A0161 Inox clips 3F Linda L1270 -8pcs 1 8.750 594
A0162 Inox clips 3F Linda L1570 -10pcs 1 9.500 594
A0170 15BS Brackets - L320-L400-L560 1 24.600 333, 373
A0173 15HI Brackets - L320-L350-L450 1 17.250 333, 359, 369
A0174 15DP Brackets - L560 1 29.000 373
A0175 15GF Brackets - L560 1 30.000 373
A0176 15XB Brackets - L560 1 22.500 373
A0177 15ZH Brackets - L320-L350-L560 1 23.000 333, 359, 369, 373
A0179 15LB Brackets - L320-350 met.pan. 1 18.000 334, 359
A0187 Anti-condensation cable gland 1 1.000 383, 388, 552, 595, 663, 671
A0189 Reinf. brack. Lucequadro pan./plast. 1 9.600 418
A0210 Wireguard 3F Cub 1 5.445 676
A0213 Ceiling-mounted bracket 1 8.850 676
A0242 15SS galvanized steel cable coil 100m 1 2.570 632
A0243 15BF galvanized steel cable coil 500m 1 8.700 632
A0305 Pair of suspension brackets 1 10.500 542
A0324 Pair fixed brack. for ceiling Beta 235 1 25.500 663
A0325 Mounting kit on busbar - Beta 235 1 3.500 664
A0434 Safety screw locking Linda - 20 pcs 1 0.320 595
A0435 Safety screw locking Linda - 100 pcs 1 16.000 595
A0439 Pole mounting diameter 60mm 1 1.360 713
A0440 Pole mounting diameter 76mm 1 1.080 713
A0441 Reducer from 76 mm to 60 mm 1 1.500 713
A0447 3F Linda through-line L1570 1 8.750 595
A0449 15 GZI w/brack.+ hooks Linda L300 1 2.600 594
A0450 15 RIT w/bra.+hooks Linda L660-1270-1570 1 2.500 594
A0451 15 MBI w/brack.+ hooks Linda L300 1 4.920 594
A0452 15 FBR w/bra.+hooks Linda L660-1270-1570 1 4.900 594
A0455 Wireguard 180x1330 3F Linda 1 3.235 197, 594
A0456 Wireguard 180x1630 3F Linda 1 3.535 197, 594
A0457 Wireguard 280x1330 3F Linda/3F Beta 1 3.720 594, 663, 671
A0458 Wireguard 280x1630 3F Linda/3F Beta 1 4.125 594, 663, 671
A0462 13 GSI (pair of susp. hooks Linda L300) 1 3.000 594
A0463 13 TRM pair of susp.hooks Linda 1 3.050 594
A0464 26 CSG (pictogram P1 Linda L300) 1 2.500 595
A0465 26 MTH (pictogram P1 Linda L660) 1 2.500 595
A0466 26 DVI (pictogram P2 Linda L300) 1 1.500 595
A0467 26 MVL (pictogram P2 Linda L660) 1 3.000 595
A0468 26 GZM (pictogram P3 Linda L300) 1 1.000 595
A0469 26 PXN (pictogram P3 Linda L660) 1 2.500 595
A0477 Safety wire 1 4.375 325, 333, 359, 383, 388,
A0490 Connection to the earth 1 5.000 485
A0500 13 DH pair susp.galv.steel hooks i3F 1 22.000 671
A0501 13 HC pair susp.stain.steel hooks A3F 1 22.000 671
A0503 15 CD pair of bracket/hooks A3F 1 29.000 671
A0508 20 TKA (casc. conn. line i3F/A3F 1265) 1 10.000 671
A0509 20 ZFE (casc. conn. line i3F/A3F 1565) 1 10.000 671
A0521 Reducing sealing ring diam.8mm 1 25.000 383, 388, 552, 595, 632
663, 671, 676, 689
A0537 Pair of flush ceiling mounting brackets 1 7.785 383, 388
A0579 Safety wire with brackets 1 6.250 175, 294, 355, 383, 388
A0620 Spool stain.ste.cab.diam. 1,25mm 100 m 1 1.015 218
A0622 Clamp 1 hole suspension - 100 pcs 1 0.355 218
A0632 Pair of brack. ceiling instal. 3F LEM 1 1.750 631
A0651 Bracket rotation support 3F LEM 1 4.400 631
A0652 Pair of brack. ceiling instal. 3F LEM 1 2.100 631
A0653 Pair of fixing carab.for chain instal. 1 1.000 632, 663, 671
A0654 Pair of wall brackets - 3F LEM 1 2.530 631

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Pcs m³ Gross weight in kg

A0659 Adjustable clamp 2 holes - 10 pcs 1 0.395 242, 482
A0660 Suspension with adjustment - 1m 1 10.000 197, 241, 542, 594
A0661 Suspension with adjustment - 2 m 1 7.000 197, 241, 542, 594
A0662 Suspension with adjustment - 3 m 1 10.000 197, 241, 542, 594
A0663 Suspension with adjustment - 4 m 1 13.500 197, 241, 542, 594
A0664 Suspension with adjustment - 5 m 1 14.000 197, 241, 542, 594
A0665 Suspension with adjustment - 6 m 1 14.500 197, 241, 542, 594
A0679 5 pole rectangular rose (no cable) WH 1 1.600 85, 152, 197, 218, 242
A0686 596x596 Diagon frame ceiling instal. 1 3.170 325
A0702 Suction cup for Diagon maintenance 1 0.100 325
A0714 Clamp 2 holes susp.- 100 pcs 1 0.515 85, 241, 482, 632
A0716 Coil galv. cable diam. 1.5mm - 100m 1 1.175 85, 241, 482
A0717 Coil galv. cable diam. 1.5mm - 500m 1 7.340 85, 241, 482
A0718 Coil galv. cable diam. 1.5mm - 1000m 1 12.045 85, 241, 482
A0720 Wieland (white plug) 1 5.000 333, 359
A0721 Wago (white plug) 1 5.000 333, 359
A0722 Ensto white plug + adapter 1 5.000 333, 359
A0725 Wieland (black plug) 1 5.000 333, 359
A0726 Wago (black plug) 1 5.000 333, 359
A0727 Ensto black plug + adapter 1 5.000 333, 359
A0728 Cover for food appl. 3F LEM 1 1 0.900 631
A0733 Cov.food appl.single mod.3F LEM(2-3-4-5) 1 0.940 631
A0776 Horiz. rot. bracket 90° 3F LEM 1-2 1 1.015 631
A0777 Horiz. rot. brack. 90° 3F LEM 3-2 Sensor 1 1.600 631
A0778 Horizontal rotating bracket 90° 3F LEM 4 1 2.000 631
A0798 621x621 frame + brackets 1 1.650 294, 333, 355, 359, 383
A0801 Electric ext. with plug 3F Linux DALI-EP 1 3.600 486
A0802 Electric extension with plug 3F Linux 1 1.600 486
A0804 SF 3F Reno 150 1 0.665 413
A0805 SF 3F Reno 200 1 0.755 413
A0806 SM 3F Reno 150 1 1.350 413
A0807 SM 3F Reno 200 1 1.350 413
A0811 Transparent glass with gasket (10pcs) 1 5.120 632
A0812 Moulded glass with gasket (10pcs) 1 5.000 632
A0820 Pair of sliding brack. + reg. susp. 3F Solo 1 2.750 152
A0821 Pair of sliding brack. ceiling 3F Solo 1 14.500 152
A0828 Trittico fixing metal panels 60x60 1 1.400 137
A0829 Trittico fixing mineral fiber pan. 60x60 1 1.900 137
A0830 Fixing Trittico plasterboard WH 1 1.070 137
A0831 Fixing Trittico plasterboard BK 1 1.070 137
A0835 Pair brack.+hooks for wall 1 26.000 542, 663
A0836 Pair of galv.hooks for susp.- Beta 235 1 8.500 663
A0837 Pair of stain.steel hooks susp.-Beta 235 1 10.000 663
A0838 Pair of S-hooks for chain - Beta 235 1 4.500 664
A0858 Bracket for central suspension L870 1 3.970 552
A0859 Bracket for central suspension L1230 1 2.900 552
A0860 Adjustable suspension kit 2m 1 1.800 552
A0861 Pair of brack. ceiling instal. Beta500 1 0.800 552
A0870 White conn. elem. with boss for lum. 1 4.200 217
A0872 White conn.elem. to wall w/boss for lum. 1 3.400 217
A0875 Connecting bracket Travetta 1 9.000 217
A0877 Bracket for T-branch for 3F Travetta 1 11.000 217
A0878 Bracket for X-branch for 3F Travetta 1 11.000 217
A0892 White connect.elem.190x190 3F Travetta 1 10.800 217
A0894 White connect.elem.190x210 3F Travetta 1 8.580 217
A0895 White connect.elem.190x510 3F Travetta 1 7.400 217
A0896 White connect.elem.190x810 3F Travetta 1 17.535 217
A0897 White connect.elem.190x1110 3F Travetta 1 23.660 217
A0941 White con.elem.lum/wall 810 3F Travetta 1 22.800 217
A0942 Wh.conn.elem.lum/wall 1110 3F Travetta 1 31.600 217

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Pcs m³ Gross weight in kg

A0951 White branch elem. 190x310 3F Travetta 1 8.800 217
A0952 White branches elem. 190x460 3F Travetta 1 6.600 217
A3008 DALI ext - Repeater 1 0.105 724
A3009 DALI DIN - Repeater 1 0.190 724
A3010 DALI - Box for repeater 1 0.130 724
A3013 A on/off - Sensor 1 0.250 736
A3014 A on/off-ext - Sensor 1 0.250 736
A3015 B Dual-DALI - Sensor 1 0.280 738
A3018 B on/off - Sensor 1 0.280 737
A3019 B on/off-ext - Sensor 1 0.280 737
A3020 IR DALI - Programmer 1 0.135 633, 740
A3021 IR DALI - Remote controller 1 0.180 632, 740
A3022 IR - Adapter for Smartphone 1 0.185 633, 740, 745
A3023 IR on/off - Programmer 1 0.100 740
A3024 IP54 White fixing 1 0.200 740
A3025 A SLAVE - Sensor 1 0.325 736
A3026 A SLAVE-ext - Sensor 1 0.300 737
A3027 B SLAVE - Sensor 1 0.300 738
A3028 B SLAVE-ext - Sensor 1 0.350 738
A3029 Corridor on/off - Sensor 1 0.300 739
A3030 Corridor on/off-ext - Sensor 1 0.350 739
A3033 Corridor SLAVE - Sensor 1 0.300 739
A3034 Corridor SLAVE-ext - Sensor 1 0.350 739
A3038 IR DALI GH - Programmer 1 0.350 738
A3039 A DALI-2 - Sensor 1 0.290 736
A3040 IP54 ceiling base for A DALI-2 sensor 1 0.200 736
A3041 B DALI-2 - Sensor 1 0.360 737
A3042 IP54 ceiling base for B DALI-2 sensor 1 0.200 737
A3043 DALI-2 Sensor - Type B - GH 1 0.350 738
A3044 Corridor det. lens for B DALI-2 sensor 1 0.200 739
A3045 HCL2 DT8 - Sensor 1 0.450 745
A3046 HCL2 DT8-ext - Sensor 1 0.490 745
A3064 DALI PCU TW G2 - push button interface 1 0.315 724
A3090 BLE DALI Radio Module 1 0.070 748
A3091 BLE DALI Radio push-button panel 1 0.315 748
A3092 BLE DALI DT8 radio module 1 0.070 748
A3099 BLE Radio control 1 0.030 748
A3100 Kit ArkE support buttons plate for A3099 1 0.060 748
A4064 Binario 3F A - L1000 - BK 1 0.001 1.020 518
A4065 Binario 3F A - L2000 - BK 1 0.002 2.080 518
A4066 Binario 3F A - L3000 - BK 1 0.003 3.000 518
A4067 Binario 3F A - L4000 - BK 1 0.005 4.140 518
A4070 Binario 3F A - L1000 - WH 1 0.001 1.005 518
A4071 Binario 3F A - L2000 - WH 1 0.002 2.200 518
A4072 Binario 3F A - L3000 - WH 1 0.003 3.020 518
A4073 Binario 3F A - L4000 - WH 1 0.005 4.105 518
A4076 Binario 3F A - L1000 - GR 1 1.100 518
A4077 Binario 3F A - L2000 - GR 1 2.200 518
A4078 Binario 3F A - L3000 - GR 1 3.300 518
A4079 Binario 3F A - L4000 - GR 1 4.400 518
A4166 Power-supply head DX - GR 1 0.105 519
A4167 Central power-supply - GR 1 0.200 519
A4168 Flexible connecting element - GR 1 0.210 519
A4169 L-joint - EXT - GR 1 0.200 520
A4170 T-joint - EXT + SX - GR 1 0.290 520
A4171 Cross joint - GR 1 0.390 520
A4172 End cap - GR 1 0.010 519
A4173 PVC closing top - L1000 - GR 1 0.120 520
A4174 Power-supply head DX - WH 1 0.105 519
A4175 Central power-supply - WH 1 0.445 519

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Pcs m³ Gross weight in kg

A4176 Flexible connecting element - WH 1 0.395 519
A4177 L-joint - EXT - WH 1 0.330 520
A4178 T-joint - EXT + SX - WH 1 0.330 520
A4179 Cross joint - WH 1 0.390 520
A4180 End cap - WH 1 0.025 519
A4181 PVC closing top - L1000 - WH 1 0.095 520
A4182 Linear connecting element - GR 1 0.050 519
A4183 Steel bracket for ceiling installation 1 0.020 521
A4188 Linear connecting element - WH 1 0.050 519
A4190 Power-supply head SX - GR 1 0.265 519
A4191 L-joint - INT - GR 1 0.200 520
A4192 T-joint - EXT + DX - GR 1 0.290 520
A4193 T-joint - INT + SX - GR 1 0.290 520
A4194 T-joint - INT + DX - GR 1 0.290 520
A4196 Power-supply head SX - WH 1 0.105 519
A4197 L-joint - INT - WH 1 0.335 520
A4198 T-joint - EXT + DX - WH 1 0.330 520
A4199 T-joint - INT + SX - WH 1 0.465 520
A4200 T-joint - INT + DX - WH 1 0.200 520
A4204 Adj. susp. boss + 1.5m bracket 1 0.065 521
A4205 Adj. susp. boss + 3m bracket 1 0.075 521
A4206 Adj. susp. boss + 5m bracket 1 0.160 521
A4209 Power-supply head DX - BK 1 0.255 519
A4210 Central power-supply - BK 1 0.200 519
A4211 Flexible connecting element - BK 1 0.210 519
A4212 L-joint - EXT - BK 1 0.255 520
A4213 T-joint - EXT + SX - BK 1 0.290 520
A4214 Cross joint - BK 1 0.390 520
A4215 End cap - BK 1 0.090 519
A4216 PVC closing top - L1000 - BK 1 0.070 520
A4217 Linear connecting element - BK 1 0.130 519
A4218 Power-supply head SX - BK 1 0.120 519
A4219 L-joint - INT - BK 1 0.200 520
A4220 T-joint - EXT + DX - BK 1 0.290 520
A4221 T-joint - INT + SX - BK 1 0.350 520
A4222 T-joint - INT + DX - BK 1 0.350 520
A4225 Rigid support bracket 1 0.050 521
A5013 Kit LED I3F75,A3F 90,A3F 92-L1565-2X22W CONC+PC 1 0.039 3.000 682
A5026 KIT LED i3F 75, A3F 90-L1565 - 2x30W+PC 1 0.039 6.450 682
A5027 Kit LED I3F 75, A3F 90, A3F 92-L1565 - 2X22W+PC 1 0.039 6.380 682
A5057 Kit LED i3F 75,A3F 90-92 L1265 2x18W +PC 1 0.039 5.360 682
A5104 Kit LED I3F 76, A3F 91, A3F 93-L1565-2X22W CONC 1 0.039 2.630 683
A5117 KIT LED i3F 76, A3F 91 - L1565-2x30W 1 0.019 6.105 683
A5118 Kit LED I3F 76, A3F 91, A3F 93 - L1565-2X22W 1 0.019 5.520 683
A5148 KIT LED i3F 76,A3F 91,A3F 93-L1265-2x18W 1 0.019 3.300 683
A5184 Moulded glass Beta 2x i3F 76 - L1565 1 14.070 684
A5185 Moulded glass Beta 2x i3F 76 - L1265 1 11.955 684
A5210 Kit LED i3F 76,A3F 91 - L1565 - L 2x40W AMPIO 1 0.019 7.440 683
A5212 Kit LED i3F 76,A3F 91 - L1565 - L 2x40W CONC 1 0.019 10.695 683
A5215 Kit LED i3F 75,A3F 90 - L1565 - L 2x40W AMPIO + PC 1 0.019 10.310 682
A5217 Kit LED i3F 75,A3F 90 - L1565 - L 2x40W CONC + PC 1 0.019 9.590 682
A5223 Kit LED 3F Cub - 100W/840 1 0.032 3.505 692
A5224 Kit LED 3F Cub - 150W/840 1 0.032 3.800 692
A5225 Kit LED 3F Cub - 100W/840 EP 1 0.032 4.100 692
A5226 Kit LED 3F Cub - 150W/840 EP 1 0.032 4.400 692
A5227 Kit LED 3F Cub - 100W/840 DALI 1 0.032 3.505 692
A5228 Kit LED 3F Cub - 150W/840 DALI 1 0.032 3.800 692
A5229 Kit LED 3F Cub - 100W/840 EP DALI 1 0.032 4.100 692
A5230 Kit LED 3F Cub - 150W/840 EP DALI 1 0.032 4.400 692
A5231 Kit LED 3F Cub CR - 100W/840 1 0.032 3.505 693

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Pcs m³ Gross weight in kg

A5232 Kit LED 3F Cub CR - 150W/840 1 0.032 3.800 693
A5233 Kit LED 3F Cub CR - 100W/840 EP 1 0.032 4.100 693
A5234 Kit LED 3F Cub CR - 150W/840 EP 1 0.032 4.400 693
A5235 Kit LED 3F Cub CR - 100W/840 DALI 1 0.032 3.505 693
A5236 Kit LED 3F Cub CR - 150W/840 DALI 1 0.032 3.800 693
A5237 Kit LED 3F Cub CR - 100W/840 EP DALI 1 0.032 4.100 693
A5238 Kit LED 3F Cub CR - 150W/840 EP DALI 1 0.032 4.400 693
A5308 Kit LED Beta 430 - L1551- 2X65W AMPIO 1 0.067 11.850 688
A5309 Kit LED Beta 430 - L1551- 2X65W CONC 1 0.067 5.500 688
A5311 Kit LED Beta 430 - L1551- 3X65W AMPIO 1 0.067 7.245 688
A5312 Kit LED Beta 430 - L1551- 3X65W CONC 1 0.067 7.060 688
A5322 Moulded glass with frame Beta 430-L1551 1 63.200 689
A01023 VT 3F RENO WH 150 1 1.050 412
A01024 VT 3F RENO BK 150 1 0.800 412
A01025 VT 3F RENO WH 200 1 1.500 412
A01026 VT 3F RENO BK 200 1 1.500 412
A01035 VS 3F RENO WH 150 1 1.000 412
A01036 VS 3F RENO BK 150 1 0.825 412
A01037 VS 3F RENO WH 200 1 1.975 412
A01038 VS 3F RENO BK 200 1 1.850 412
A01046 SMP 3F RENO WH 150 1 0.500 412
A01047 SMP 3F RENO BK 150 1 0.500 413
A01048 SMP 3F RENO WH 200 1 1.200 412
A01049 SMP 3F RENO BK 200 1 1.200 413
A01090 WH adapter ring for 220 mm hole 1 1.350 413
A01091 WH adapter ring for 255 mm hole 1 2.800 413
A01092 WH adapter ring for hole 300 mm <9 mm 1 6.950 413
A01093 WH adapter ring for hole 300 mm >9 mm 1 5.740 413
A01314 White rectangular case fixed susp. 0,3m 1 5.500 218
A01315 White rectangular case fixed susp. 0,5m 1 5.250 218
A01317 White rectangular case fixed susp. 1m 1 5.750 218
A01318 White rectangular case adj. susp. 1 m 1 6.750 218
A01321 Wired fixed susp. 5P wh.rect.case 0,3m 1 5.700 218
A01322 Wired fixed susp. 5P wh.rect.case 0,5m 1 8.200 218
A01324 Wired fixed susp. 5P wh.rect.case 1m 1 10.600 218
A01325 Wired adj. susp. 5P wh.rect.case 1 m 1 9.000 218
A01368 Travetta B joint closing cap 1 0.900 218
A01479 Wall bracket 15° diam 60mm 1 2.865 713
A01480 Fixed position wall bracket 1 2.755 713
A01481 Corner wall bracket 15° diam 60mm 1 3.125 713
A01485 ZK700-900EL DRIVER ON-OFF DIP-SWITCH 1 0.170 301
A01489 3FLPLAFO604 - 60x60 ceiling frame kit 1 0.850 294
A01490 3FLPLAFO603 - 60x60 ceiling frame kit 1 0.580 301
A01491 3FLPLAFO1203 - 30x120 ceiling frame kit 1 0.900 301
A01492 3FKTLP-SPU - Suspension with adjustment - 1,5m 1 0.110 301
A01493 3FKTLPW1-MS - Built-in springs 1 0.110 301
A01495 600x600 carter for metal panels 1 301
A01496 3FLP Kit EP 1h-24h 1 0.500 301
A01497 3FLP Kit EP 3h-24h 1 0.580 301
A01528 Slid.brack.w/reg.susp.instal. 3F HD100 1 15.000 84
A01530 Ceiling/recessed sliding brack. 3F HD50 1 8.000 84
A01531 Ceiling/recessed sliding brack. 3F HD100 1 18.000 84
A01532 Slid.brack.w/reg.susp.instal. 3F HD50 1 8.750 84
A01536 Channels diffusers 3F HD50 - FDP - 6m 1 1.100 83, 100
A01537 Channels diffusers 3F HD50 - FDP - 9m 1 1.345 83, 100
A01538 Channels diffusers 3F HD50 - FDP - 15m 1 1.600 83, 100
A01540 Channels diffusers 3F HD50 - FDO - 6m 1 0.750 83, 100
A01541 Channels diffusers 3F HD50 - FDO - 9m 1 1.000 83, 100
A01542 Channels diffusers 3F HD50 - FDO - 15m 1 1.500 83, 100

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A01544 Channels diffusers 3F HD100 - FDP - 6m 1 2.120 83, 100
A01545 Channels diffusers 3F HD100 - FDP - 9m 1 2.815 83, 100
A01546 Channels diffusers 3F HD100 - FDP - 15m 1 4.225 83, 100
A01548 Channels diffusers 3F HD100 - FDO - 6m 1 1.600 83, 100
A01549 Channels diffusers 3F HD100 - FDO - 9m 1 2.300 83, 100
A01550 Channels diffusers 3F HD100 - FDO - 15m 1 3.900 83, 100
A01552 Pair of end caps for 3F HD50 WH channel FD 1 24.000 84
A01553 Pair of end caps for 3F HD50 BK channel FD 1 14.500 84
A01554 Pair of end caps for 3F HD50 AL channel FD 1 11.000 84
A01555 Pair of end caps for 3F HD100 WH channel FD 1 26.500 84
A01556 Pair of end caps for 3F HD100 BK channel FD 1 14.000 84
A01557 Pair of end caps for 3F HD100 AL channel FD 1 14.000 84
A01558 Pair end caps for 3F HD50 WH channel OC 1 11.000 83
A01559 Pair end caps for 3F HD50 BK channel OC 1 10.500 83
A01560 Pair end caps for 3F HD50 AL channel OC 1 11.000 83
A01561 Pair end caps 3F HD50R WH chan. FD 1 7.500 100
A01562 Pair end caps 3F HD100R WH chan. FD 1 16.000 100
A01563 Dilator joint FD channels>15m - HD50 WH 1 18.000 83, 100
A01564 Dilator joint FD channels>15m - HD100 WH 1 26.000 83, 100
A01565 Pair fixing brack. plasterboard 3F HD50R 1 2.900 100
A01566 Pair fixing brack.plasterboard 3F HD100R 1 5.500 100
A01567 3F HD - 5P socket/plug terminal block 1 1.750 85, 101
A01568 Dilator joint FD channels>15m - HD50 BK 1 18.000 83, 100
A01569 Dilator joint FD channels>15m - HD100 BK 1 26.000 83, 100
A01570 Dilator joint FD channels>15m - HD50 AL 1 18.000 83, 100
A01571 Pair of end caps 3F HD50R WH channel GSP 1 26.000 83, 100
A01572 Dilator joint FD channels>15m - HD100 AL 1 8.000 100
A01573 Pair of end caps 3F HD100R WH chann GSP 1 17.000 100
A01574 Pair of end caps 3F HD50R WH channel OCW 1 8.000 100
A01578 Pair of end caps for 3F HD50 WH channel GSP 1 11.000 84
A01579 Pair of end caps for 3F HD50 BK channel GSP 1 11.000 84
A01580 Pair of end caps for 3F HD50 AL channel GSP 1 11.000 84
A01581 Pair of end caps for 3F HD100 WH channel GSP 1 14.000 84
A01582 Pair of end caps for 3F HD100 BK channel GSP 1 22.500 84
A01583 Pair of end caps for 3F HD100 AL channel GSP 1 14.000 84
A01587 Slid.brack.w/reg.susp. 3F Hal 75 1 40
A01588 kit 4 adjust. 1m susp. 3F Hal 150-300 1 40
A01591 Y-Susp. 3F Hal 150 1 40
A01592 Y-Susp. 3F Hal 300 1 40
A01593 5 pole round rose Ø90 (no cable) WH 1 40
A01594 5 pole round rose Ø90 (no cable) BK 1 40
A01595 Pair of brack. ceiling instal. 3F Hal 75 1 40
A01596 Pair of brack. ceiling instal. 3F Hal 150 1 40
A01597 Pair of brack. ceiling instal. 3F Hal 300 1 40
A01598 Conn. brack. for susp. 3F Hal 75 1 40
A01599 Conn. brack. for susp. 3F Hal 150 1 40
A01600 Conn. brack. for susp. 3F Hal 300 1 40
A01672 Conn. brack. for ceiling instal. 3F Hal 75 1 41
A01673 Conn. brack. for ceiling instal. 3F Hal 150 1 41
A01674 Conn. brack. for ceiling instal. 3F Hal 300 1 41
A02562 Caddy for exposed profiles of 24 mm 1 0.500 241, 482
A20011 3F Linux S NL L3556 1 0.021 7.160 448
A20012 3F Linux S NL L1778 1 0.011 3.470 448
A20017 3F Linux S 5P L3556 1 0.021 8.470 448
A20019 3F Linux S 5P L1778 1 0.011 4.040 448
A20024 3F Linux S 7P L3556 1 0.021 8.840 448
A20026 3F Linux S 7P L1778 1 0.011 4.310 448
A20083 3F Linux L 60 LED BAT L1778 1 0.009 2.700 460
A20084 3F Linux L 50 LED BAT L1778 1 0.009 2.740 460
A20085 3F Linux L 40 LED BAT L1778 1 0.009 2.650 460

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Pcs m³ Gross weight in kg

A20097 3F Linux L 60 LED DALI BAT L1778 1 0.009 2.780 460
A20098 3F Linux L 50 LED DALI BAT L1778 1 0.009 2.700 460
A20099 3F Linux L 40 LED DALI BAT L1778 1 0.009 2.700 460
A20124 3F Linux L 85 LED AMPIO L1778 1 0.009 2.700 456
A20125 3F Linux L 60 LED AMPIO L1778 1 0.009 2.640 456
A20126 3F Linux L 50 LED AMPIO L1778 1 0.009 2.665 456
A20127 3F Linux L 40 LED AMPIO L1778 1 0.009 2.670 456
A20138 3F Linux L 85 LED DALI AMPIO L1778 1 0.009 2.705 456
A20139 3F Linux L 60 LED DALI AMPIO L1778 1 0.009 2.725 456
A20140 3F Linux L 50 LED DALI AMPIO L1778 1 0.009 2.700 456
A20141 3F Linux L 40 LED DALI AMPIO L1778 1 0.009 2.725 456
A20166 3F Linux L 85 LED CONC L1778 1 0.009 2.635 461
A20167 3F Linux L 60 LED CONC L1778 1 0.009 2.650 461
A20180 3F Linux L 85 LED DALI CONC L1778 1 0.009 2.630 461
A20181 3F Linux L 60 LED DALI CONC L1778 1 0.009 2.635 461
A20335 3F Linux D 2x30 LED L1778 1 0.018 2.870 468
A20336 3F Linux D 2x22 LED L1778 1 0.018 2.780 468
A20349 3F Linux D 2x30 LED DALI L1778 1 0.018 2.795 468
A20350 3F Linux D 2x22 LED DALI L1778 1 0.018 3.000 468
A20424 3F Linux TK L1778 1 0.018 3.520 480
A20428 Closing Top LOW - L1778 1 5.310 484
A20433 Linear connecting element 1 1.700 241, 483
A20434 T-Connecting element 3F Linux 1 1.280 483
A20436 L-Connecting element 3F L Linux 1 0.730 483
A20442 Closing Top HIGH - L1778 1 10.530 483
A20448 Pair of closing end 3F Linux 1 3.500 483
A20450 Slid.invis.brack.w/adj.for susp.3F Linux 1 12.000 481
A20451 Slid.invis.brack.ceiling instal.3F Linux 1 12.000 481
A20452 Stainless steel hook for chain 1 6.000 241, 481
A20453 S-shaped chain hook w/slid.bra. 3F Linux 1 1.200 481
A20454 5-pole socket-plug term.block 3F Linux S 1 6.500 485
A20455 7-pole socket-plug term.block 3F Linux S 1 9.000 485
A20459 5-pole socket-plug L-branch 3F Linux S 1 0.450 485
A20460 7-pole socket-plug L-branch 3F Linux S 1 1.000 485
A20464 5-pole socket-plug T-branch 3F Linux S 1 1.250 485
A20465 7-pole socket-plug T-branch 3F Linux S 1 1.500 485
A20470 Pair of mounting brack. lum. 3F Linux S 1 7.500 484
A20474 Safety screw locking slid.bra.3F Linux S 1 2.100 481
A20475 3F Linux Cable Support (10 pcs) 1 0.100 484
A20476 Contact pin for 3F Linux plug (50 pcs.) 1 0.175 486
A20478 Anti-slip term. incli. 3F Linux 1 0.600 242, 483
A20479 Power cable for luminaires 3P-3F Linux 1 1.200 486
A20480 Power cable for luminaires 5P-3F Linux 1 3.600 486
A20485 Suspension without adjustment - 0.5 m 1 3.000 40, 85, 152, 482
A20486 Suspension without adjustment - 1 m 1 3.500 40, 85, 152, 482
A20487 Suspension without adjustment - 2 m 1 4.500 85, 152, 482
A20488 Suspension without adjustment - 3 m 1 6.000 85, 482
A20489 Suspension without adjustment - 4 m 1 22.500 85, 482
A20490 Suspension without adjustment - 5 m 1 9.000 85, 482
A20491 Suspension without adjustment - 6 m 1 8.500 85, 482
A20500 Cen.pow-sup.soc-plug ter-blo.3FLinuxS 5P 1 10.000 485
A20501 Cen.pow-sup.soc-plug ter-blo.3FLinuxS 7P 1 15.000 485
A20504 Pair brack.3F Linda instal.in 3F Linux S 1 8.300 484
A20511 3F Linux DR 2x30 LED L1778 1 0.018 2.885 472
A20512 3F Linux DR 2x22 LED L1778 1 0.018 2.795 472
A20525 3F Linux DR 2x30 LED DALI L1778 1 0.018 2.855 472
A20526 3F Linux DR 2x22 LED DALI L1778 1 0.018 2.860 472
A20595 3F Linux DR 1x30 LED UGR L1778 1 0.018 3.290 472
A20596 3F Linux DR 2x22 LED UGR L1778 1 0.018 3.350 472
A20599 3F Linux DR 1x30 LED DALI UGR L1778 1 0.018 3.320 472

Analytical guide
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Pcs m³ Gross weight in kg

A20600 3F Linux DR 2x22 LED DALI UGR L1778 1 0.018 3.335 472
A20608 3F Linux L 60 LED BAT WD L1778 1 0.009 2.745 461
A20609 3F Linux L 50 LED BAT WD L1778 1 0.009 2.650 461
A20610 3F Linux L 40 LED BAT WD L1778 1 0.009 2.650 461
A20622 3F Linux L 60 LED DALI BAT WD L1778 1 0.009 2.700 461
A20623 3F Linux L 50 LED DALI BAT WD L1778 1 0.009 2.700 461
A20624 3F Linux L 40 LED DALI BAT WD L1778 1 0.009 2.700 461
A20661 3F Linux L 50 LED UGR L1778 1 0.009 2.725 458
A20662 3F Linux L 40 LED UGR L1778 1 0.009 2.690 458
A20664 3F Linux L 50/940 LED UGR L1778 1 0.009 2.725 458
A20665 3F Linux L 40/940 LED UGR L1778 1 0.009 2.740 458
A20667 3F Linux L 50 LED DALI UGR L1778 1 0.009 2.750 458
A20668 3F Linux L 40 LED DALI UGR L1778 1 0.009 2.780 458
A20670 3F Linux L 50/940 LED DALI UGR L1778 1 0.009 2.760 458
A20671 3F Linux L 40/940 LED DALI UGR L1778 1 0.009 2.700 458
A20674 3F Linux DR 2x30 LED AS L1778 1 0.018 3.580 473
A20679 3F Linux DR 2x30 LED DALI AS L1778 1 0.018 3.615 473
A20684 3F Linux L 85 LED IPERCONC L1778 1 0.009 2.650 462
A20685 3F Linux L 60 LED IPERCONC L1778 1 0.009 2.650 462
A20698 3F Linux L 85 LED DALI IPERCONC L1778 1 0.009 2.670 462
A20699 3F Linux L 60 LED DALI IPERCONC L1778 1 0.009 2.650 462
A20723 3F Linux 7P IP54 L3556 System 1 0.021 12.380 452
A20724 3F Linux 7P IP54 L1778 System 1 0.011 6.140 452
A20725 3F Linux 5P IP54 L3556 System 1 0.021 12.500 452
A20726 3F Linux 5P IP54 L1778 System 1 0.011 5.980 452
A20740 IP54 3F Linux End terminal 1 5.500 484
A20741 IP54 3F Linux End terminal with 1 hole 1 6.500 485
A20742 IP54 3F Linux End terminal with 2 holes 1 18.000 485
A20743 IP54 - L1778 Closing Top 1 0.720 484
A20744 3F Linux L 85 LED AS L1778 1 0.009 2.650 459
A20745 3F Linux L 60 LED AS L1778 1 0.009 2.665 459
A20746 3F Linux L 50 LED AS L1778 1 0.009 2.650 459
A20747 3F Linux L 40 LED AS L1778 1 0.009 2.660 459
A20749 3F Linux L 85 LED DALI AS L1778 1 0.009 2.700 459
A20750 3F Linux L 60 LED DALI AS L1778 1 0.009 2.720 459
A20751 3F Linux L 50 LED DALI AS L1778 1 0.009 2.700 459
A20752 3F Linux L 40 LED DALI AS L1778 1 0.009 2.755 459
A20754 3F Linux L 85 LED MEDIO L1778 1 0.009 2.550 457
A20755 3F Linux L 60 LED MEDIO L1778 1 0.009 2.545 457
A20756 3F Linux L 50 LED MEDIO L1778 1 0.009 2.525 457
A20757 3F Linux L 40 LED MEDIO L1778 1 0.009 2.650 457
A20759 3F Linux L 85 LED DALI MEDIO L1778 1 0.009 2.575 457
A20760 3F Linux L 60 LED DALI MEDIO L1778 1 0.009 2.565 457
A20761 3F Linux L 50 LED DALI MEDIO L1778 1 0.009 2.700 457
A20762 3F Linux L 40 LED DALI MEDIO L1778 1 0.009 2.565 457
A20766 3F Linux DT 2x15 LED UGR L1778 1 0.018 3.350 476
A20767 3F Linux DT 2x30 LED UGR L1778 1 0.018 3.350 476
A20768 3F Linux DT 2x15 LED DALI UGR L1778 1 0.018 3.350 476
A20769 3F Linux DT 2x30 LED DALI UGR L1778 1 0.018 3.350 476
1775 03F 28W/840 3P SC L1204 1 0.010 2.870 190
1776 03F 35W/840 3P SC L1506 1 0.012 3.515 190
1777 03F 42W/840 3P SC L1787 1 0.014 4.035 190
1778 03F 28W/830 3P SC L1204 1 0.010 2.870 190
1779 03F 35W/830 3P SC L1506 1 0.012 3.515 190
1780 03F 42W/830 3P SC L1787 1 0.014 4.035 190
1781 03F 28W/840 3P CC L1204 1 0.010 2.870 191
1782 03F 35W/840 3P CC L1506 1 0.012 3.650 191
1783 03F 42W/840 3P CC L1787 1 0.014 4.205 191
1784 03F 28W/830 3P CC L1204 1 0.010 2.870 191
1785 03F 35W/830 3P CC L1506 1 0.012 3.650 191

Code Item Pack Page

Pcs m³ Gross weight in kg

1786 03F 42W/830 3P CC L1787 1 0.014 4.205 191
1787 03F 28W/840 3P EC L1204 1 0.010 2.870 192
1788 03F 35W/840 3P EC L1506 1 0.012 3.515 192
1789 03F 42W/840 3P EC L1787 1 0.014 4.035 192
1790 03F 28W/830 3P EC L1204 1 0.010 2.870 192
1791 03F 35W/830 3P EC L1506 1 0.012 3.515 192
1792 03F 42W/830 3P EC L1787 1 0.014 4.035 192
1811 03F 14W/830 L620 1 0.006 1.550 184
1812 03F 28W/830 L1204 1 0.010 2.570 184
1813 03F 35W/830 L1506 1 0.012 3.100 184
1814 03F 42W/830 L1787 1 0.014 3.665 184
1815 03F 14W/830 DALI L620 1 0.006 1.480 184
1816 03F 28W/830 DALI L1204 1 0.010 2.560 184
1817 03F 35W/830 DALI L1506 1 0.012 3.195 184
1818 03F 42W/830 DALI L1787 1 0.014 3.815 184
1819 03F 28W/830 EP L1204 1 0.010 2.910 185
1820 03F 35W/830 EP L1506 1 0.012 3.560 185
1821 03F 42W/830 EP L1787 1 0.014 6.600 185
1822 03F 28W/830 DALI EP L1204 1 0.010 4.600 185
1823 03F 35W/830 DALI EP L1506 1 0.012 5.500 185
1824 03F 42W/830 DALI EP L1787 1 0.014 6.600 185
1825 03F 14W/830 AS L620 1 0.006 1.550 186
1826 03F 28W/830 AS L1204 1 0.010 2.570 186
1827 03F 35W/830 AS L1506 1 0.012 3.100 186
1828 03F 42W/830 AS L1787 1 0.014 3.665 186
1829 03F HO 18W/830 L620 1 0.006 1.550 187
1830 03F HO 35W/830 L1204 1 0.010 2.570 187
1831 03F HO 44W/830 L1506 1 0.012 3.100 187
1832 03F HO 53W/830 L1787 1 0.014 3.665 187
1833 03F HO 18W/830 DALI L620 1 0.006 1.480 187
1834 03F HO 35W/830 DALI L1204 1 0.010 2.560 187
1835 03F HO 44W/830 DALI L1506 1 0.012 3.195 187
1836 03F HO 53W/830 DALI L1787 1 0.014 3.815 187
1837 03F 28W/830 DALI 5P SC L1204 1 0.010 2.870 190
1838 03F 35W/830 DALI 5P SC L1506 1 0.012 3.515 190
1839 03F 42W/830 DALI 5P SC L1787 1 0.014 4.035 190
1840 03F 28W/830 DALI 5P CC L1204 1 0.010 2.870 191
1841 03F 35W/830 DALI 5P CC L1506 1 0.012 3.515 191
1842 03F 42W/830 DALI 5P CC L1787 1 0.014 4.035 191
1843 03F 28W/830 DALI 5P EC L1204 1 0.010 2.870 192
1844 03F 35W/830 DALI 5P EC L1506 1 0.012 3.515 192
1845 03F 42W/830 DALI 5P EC L1787 1 0.014 4.035 192
1855 03F 14W/840 L620 1 0.006 1.550 184
1856 03F 28W/840 L1204 1 0.010 2.570 184
1857 03F 35W/840 L1506 1 0.012 3.100 184
1858 03F 42W/840 L1787 1 0.014 3.665 184
1859 03F 18W/940 L620 1 0.006 1.525 184
1860 03F 35W/940 L1204 1 0.010 2.575 184
1861 03F 44W/940 L1506 1 0.012 3.265 184
1862 03F 53W/940 L1787 1 0.014 3.900 184
1863 03F 14W/840 DALI L620 1 0.006 1.480 184
1864 03F 28W/840 DALI L1204 1 0.010 2.560 184
1865 03F 35W/840 DALI L1506 1 0.012 3.195 184
1866 03F 42W/840 DALI L1787 1 0.014 3.815 184
1867 03F 18W/940 DALI L620 1 0.006 2.000 184
1868 03F 35W/940 DALI L1204 1 0.010 2.610 184
1869 03F 44W/940 DALI L1506 1 0.012 3.095 184
1870 03F 53W/940 DALI L1787 1 0.014 3.905 184
1871 03F 28W/840 EP L1204 1 0.010 2.910 185
1872 03F 35W/840 EP L1506 1 0.012 3.560 185

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Pcs m³ Gross weight in kg

1873 03F 42W/840 EP L1787 1 0.014 6.600 185
1874 03F 35W/940 EP L1204 1 0.010 4.600 185
1875 03F 44W/940 EP L1506 1 0.012 5.500 185
1876 03F 53W/940 EP L1787 1 0.014 4.105 185
1877 03F 28W/840 DALI EP L1204 1 0.010 4.600 185
1878 03F 35W/840 DALI EP L1506 1 0.012 5.500 185
1879 03F 42W/840 DALI EP L1787 1 0.014 6.600 185
1880 03F 35W/940 DALI EP L1204 1 0.010 4.600 185
1881 03F 44W/940 DALI EP L1506 1 0.012 5.500 185
1882 03F 53W/940 DALI EP L1787 1 0.014 6.600 185
1883 03F 14W/840 AS L620 1 0.013 1.770 186
1884 03F 28W/840 AS L1204 1 0.021 3.810 186
1885 03F 35W/840 AS L1506 1 0.026 3.830 186
1886 03F 42W/840 AS L1787 1 0.027 6.000 186
1887 03F 18W/940 AS L620 1 0.013 2.200 186
1888 03F 35W/940 AS L1204 1 0.021 4.000 186
1889 03F 44W/940 AS L1506 1 0.026 4.900 186
1890 03F 53W/940 AS L1787 1 0.027 6.000 186
1891 03F HO 18W/840 L620 1 0.006 1.550 187
1892 03F HO 35W/840 L1204 1 0.010 2.695 187
1893 03F HO 44W/840 L1506 1 0.012 3.100 187
1894 03F HO 53W/840 L1787 1 0.014 3.665 187
1895 03F HO 18W/840 DALI L620 1 0.006 1.550 187
1896 03F HO 35W/840 DALI L1204 1 0.010 2.760 187
1897 03F HO 44W/840 DALI L1506 1 0.012 3.100 187
1898 03F HO 53W/840 DALI L1787 1 0.014 3.665 187
1905 03F 28W/840 DALI 5P SC L1204 1 0.010 2.885 190
1906 03F 35W/840 DALI 5P SC L1506 1 0.012 3.515 190
1907 03F 42W/840 DALI 5P SC L1787 1 0.014 4.035 190
1912 03F 28W/840 DALI 5P CC L1204 1 0.010 2.870 191
1913 03F 35W/840 DALI 5P CC L1506 1 0.012 3.650 191
1914 03F 42W/840 DALI 5P CC L1787 1 0.014 4.205 191
1918 03F 28W/840 DALI 5P EC L1204 1 0.010 2.840 192
1919 03F 35W/840 DALI 5P EC L1506 1 0.012 3.445 192
1920 03F 42W/840 DALI 5P EC L1787 1 0.014 3.980 192
1930 03F 28W DT8 TW L1204 1 0.010 2.820 196
1931 03F 35W DT8 TW L1506 1 0.012 3.100 196
1932 03F 42W DT8 TW L1787 1 0.014 3.665 196
1959 MIRA PAR LED 4x12W IND L675 1 0.014 3.480 282
1960 Mira Par LED 4x12W DALI IND L675 1 0.014 3.480 282
1961 MIRA PAR LED DE 4x12W L675 1 0.014 3.415 282
1963 Mira Par LED DE 4x12W DALI L675 1 0.014 3.480 282
2326 3F Eldorado 29/840 DALI LGS 596 1 0.038 6.000 170
2327 3F Eldorado 39/840 DALI LGS 596 1 0.038 6.000 170
2328 3F Eldorado 29/840 DALI LGS 621 1 0.041 6.000 170
2329 3F Eldorado 39/840 DALI LGS 621 1 0.041 6.000 170
2330 3F Eldorado 29+30/840 DALI LGS+OP 596 1 0.038 6.500 174
2331 3F Eldorado 39+30/840 DALI LGS+OP 596 1 0.038 6.500 174
2332 3F Eldorado 29+30/840 DALI LGS+OP 621 1 0.041 6.500 174
2333 3F Eldorado 39+30/840 DALI LGS+OP 621 1 0.041 6.500 174
5066 3F Linda LED 1x6W L300 1 0.004 0.655 568
5067 3F Linda LED 1x6W LA L300 1 0.006 0.880 568
5068 3F Linda LED 2x6W L300 1 0.006 0.925 568
5069 3F Linda LED 1x6W EP LA L300 1 0.006 1.070 568
5070 3F Linda LED 2x6W EP L300 1 0.006 1.250 568
5071 3F Linda LED 1x6W ENP LA L300 1 0.006 1.100 568
6063 3F Filoluce WH 16+23W/830 Touch DALI 1 0.260 19.715 162
6064 3F Filoluce BK 16+23W/830 Touch DALI 1 0.260 19.715 162
6065 3F Filoluce AN 16+23W/830 Touch DALI 1 0.260 19.715 162
6066 3F Filoluce RD 16+23W/830 Touch DALI 1 0.260 19.715 162

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Pcs m³ Gross weight in kg

6098 3F Filoluce WH 16+23W/840 Touch DALI 1 0.260 19.715 162
6099 3F Filoluce BK 16+23W/840 Touch DALI 1 0.260 19.715 162
6100 3F Filoluce AN 16+23W/840 Touch DALI 1 0.260 19.715 162
6101 3F Filoluce RD 16+23W/840 Touch DALI 1 0.260 19.715 162
6128 3F C8 WH 30/840 DALI GSP L1480 1 0.015 3.345 200
6130 3F C8 WH DI 30+8/840 DALI GSP L1480 1 0.015 3.565 204
6136 3F C8 BK 30/840 DALI GSP L1480 1 0.015 3.295 200
6138 3F C8 BK DI 30+8/840 DALI GSP L1480 1 0.015 3.645 204
6140 3F C8 WH HO 44/840 DALI GSP L1480 1 0.015 4.500 200
6142 3F C8 WH DI HO 44+8/840 DALI GSP L1480 1 0.015 4.800 204
6148 3F C8 BK HO 44/840 DALI GSP L1480 1 0.015 3.395 200
6150 3F C8 BK DI HO 44+8/840 DALI GSP L1480 1 0.015 3.650 204
6157 3F Trittico WH 12+12+15/830 DALI H300 1 0.038 3.400 136
6158 3F Trittico BK 12+12+15/830 DALI H300 1 0.038 3.400 136
6160 3F Trittico WH 12+12+15/830 DALI H500 1 0.038 3.700 136
6161 3F Trittico BK 12+12+15/830 DALI H500 1 0.038 3.700 136
6163 3F Trittico WH 12+12+15/830 DALI H800 1 0.038 4.000 136
6164 3F Trittico BK 12+12+15/830 DALI H800 1 0.038 4.000 136
6200 3F HD50 WH 13/840 DALI FDP L1214 1 0.006 2.940 57
6201 3F HD50 WH 16/840 DALI FDP L1508 1 0.008 3.380 57
6202 3F HD50 WH 32/840 DALI FDP L2975 1 0.015 7.500 57
6204 3F HD50 WH 13/840 DALI FDO L1214 1 0.006 2.940 59
6205 3F HD50 WH 16/840 DALI FDO L1508 1 0.008 3.380 59
6206 3F HD50 WH 32/840 DALI FDO L2975 1 0.015 7.500 59
6208 3F HD50 WH 13/840 DALI GSP L1214 1 0.006 2.940 55
6209 3F HD50 WH 16/840 DALI GSP L1508 1 0.008 3.260 55
6210 3F HD50 WH 32/840 DALI GSP L2975 1 0.015 7.500 55
6215 3F HD50 WH 12/830 DALI OCW L1214 1 0.006 3.280 54
6216 3F HD50 WH 15/830 DALI OCW L1508 1 0.008 4.200 54
6217 3F HD50 WH 30/830 DALI OCW L2975 1 0.015 7.570 54
6219 3F HD100 WH 22/840 DALI FDP L1214 1 0.011 3.875 57
6220 3F HD100 WH 26/840 DALI FDP L1508 1 0.013 4.695 57
6221 3F HD100 WH 52/840 DALI FDP L2975 1 0.027 8.270 57
6223 3F HD100 WH 22/840 DALI FDO L1214 1 0.011 3.875 59
6224 3F HD100 WH 26/840 DALI FDO L1508 1 0.013 4.375 59
6225 3F HD100 WH 52/840 DALI FDO L2975 1 0.027 8.270 59
6227 3F HD100 WH 22/840 DALI GSP L1214 1 0.011 3.875 55
6228 3F HD100 WH 26/840 DALI GSP L1508 1 0.013 4.695 55
6229 3F HD100 WH 52/840 DALI GSP L2975 1 0.027 8.270 55
6236 3F HD50 WH 13/840 DALI 5P FD L1174 1 0.006 3.210 70
6237 3F HD50 WH 16/840 DALI 5P FD L1468 1 0.008 3.635 70
6241 3F HD50 WH 32/840 DALI 5P FD L2935 1 0.015 6.725 70
6245 3F HD50 WH 13/840 DALI 5P GSP L1174 1 0.006 3.210 69
6246 3F HD50 WH 16/840 DALI 5P GSP L1468 1 0.008 3.635 69
6250 3F HD50 WH 32/840 DALI 5P GSP L2935 1 0.015 6.725 69
6260 3F HD50 WH 12/830 DALI 5P OCW L1174 1 0.006 3.475 68
6261 3F HD50 WH 15/830 DALI 5P OCW L1468 1 0.008 4.400 68
6262 3F HD50 WH 30/830 DALI 5P OCW L2935 1 0.015 8.800 68
6266 3F HD100 WH 22/840 DALI 5P FD L1174 1 0.011 4.250 70
6267 3F HD100 WH 26/840 DALI 5P FD L1468 1 0.013 4.585 70
6271 3F HD100 WH 52/840 DALI 5P FD L2935 1 0.027 8.475 70
6275 3F HD100 WH 22/840 DALI 5P GSP L1174 1 0.011 4.550 69
6276 3F HD100 WH 26/840 DALI 5P GSP L1468 1 0.013 5.450 69
6280 3F HD100 WH 52/840 DALI 5P GSP L2935 1 0.027 9.075 69
6285 3F HD50 BK 13/840 DALI FDP L1214 1 0.006 2.940 57
6286 3F HD50 BK 16/840 DALI FDP L1508 1 0.008 3.200 57
6287 3F HD50 BK 32/840 DALI FDP L2975 1 0.015 7.500 57
6289 3F HD50 BK 13/840 DALI FDO L1214 1 0.006 2.940 59
6290 3F HD50 BK 16/840 DALI FDO L1508 1 0.008 3.380 59
6291 3F HD50 BK 32/840 DALI FDO L2975 1 0.015 7.500 59

Analytical guide
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Pcs m³ Gross weight in kg

6293 3F HD50 BK 13/840 DALI GSP L1214 1 0.006 2.940 55
6294 3F HD50 BK 16/840 DALI GSP L1508 1 0.008 3.260 55
6295 3F HD50 BK 32/840 DALI GSP L2975 1 0.015 6.330 55
6300 3F HD50 BK 12/830 DALI OCB L1214 1 0.006 3.270 54
6301 3F HD50 BK 15/830 DALI OCB L1508 1 0.008 3.955 54
6302 3F HD50 BK 30/830 DALI OCB L2975 1 0.015 7.570 54
6304 3F HD100 BK 22/840 DALI FDP L1214 1 0.011 3.875 57
6305 3F HD100 BK 26/840 DALI FDP L1508 1 0.013 4.675 57
6306 3F HD100 BK 52/840 DALI FDP L2975 1 0.027 8.270 57
6308 3F HD100 BK 22/840 DALI FDO L1214 1 0.011 3.875 59
6309 3F HD100 BK 26/840 DALI FDO L1508 1 0.013 4.695 59
6310 3F HD100 BK 52/840 DALI FDO L2975 1 0.027 8.270 59
6312 3F HD100 BK 22/840 DALI GSP L1214 1 0.011 3.700 55
6313 3F HD100 BK 26/840 DALI GSP L1508 1 0.013 4.400 55
6314 3F HD100 BK 52/840 DALI GSP L2975 1 0.027 8.570 55
6321 3F HD50 BK 13/840 DALI 5P FD L1174 1 0.006 2.715 70
6322 3F HD50 BK 16/840 DALI 5P FD L1468 1 0.008 3.635 70
6326 3F HD50 BK 32/840 DALI 5P FD L2935 1 0.015 6.725 70
6330 3F HD50 BK 13/840 DALI 5P GSP L1174 1 0.006 3.210 69
6331 3F HD50 BK 16/840 DALI 5P GSP L1468 1 0.008 3.450 69
6335 3F HD50 BK 32/840 DALI 5P GSP L2935 1 0.015 6.725 69
6345 3F HD50 BK 12/830 DALI 5P OCB L1174 1 0.006 3.475 68
6346 3F HD50 BK 15/830 DALI 5P OCB L1468 1 0.008 4.240 68
6347 3F HD50 BK 30/830 DALI 5P OCB L2935 1 0.015 8.800 68
6351 3F HD100 BK 22/840 DALI 5P FD L1174 1 0.011 4.250 70
6352 3F HD100 BK 26/840 DALI 5P FD L1468 1 0.013 5.150 70
6356 3F HD100 BK 52/840 DALI 5P FD L2935 1 0.027 8.475 70
6360 3F HD100 BK 22/840 DALI 5P GSP L1174 1 0.011 3.850 69
6361 3F HD100 BK 26/840 DALI 5P GSP L1468 1 0.013 5.450 69
6365 3F HD100 BK 52/840 DALI 5P GSP L2935 1 0.027 9.075 69
6370 3F HD50 AL 13/840 DALI FDP L1214 1 0.006 2.940 57
6371 3F HD50 AL 16/840 DALI FDP L1508 1 0.008 3.380 57
6372 3F HD50 AL 32/840 DALI FDP L2975 1 0.015 7.500 57
6374 3F HD50 AL 13/840 DALI FDO L1214 1 0.006 2.940 59
6375 3F HD50 AL 16/840 DALI FDO L1508 1 0.008 3.380 59
6376 3F HD50 AL 32/840 DALI FDO L2975 1 0.015 7.500 59
6378 3F HD50 AL 13/840 DALI GSP L1214 1 0.006 2.940 55
6379 3F HD50 AL 16/840 DALI GSP L1508 1 0.008 3.260 55
6380 3F HD50 AL 32/840 DALI GSP L2975 1 0.015 7.500 55
6385 3F HD50 AL 12/830 DALI OCB L1214 1 0.006 3.280 54
6386 3F HD50 AL 15/830 DALI OCB L1508 1 0.008 4.200 54
6387 3F HD50 AL 30/830 DALI OCB L2975 1 0.015 7.570 54
6389 3F HD100 AL 22/840 DALI FDP L1214 1 0.011 3.875 57
6390 3F HD100 AL 26/840 DALI FDP L1508 1 0.013 4.695 57
6391 3F HD100 AL 52/840 DALI FDP L2975 1 0.027 8.270 57
6393 3F HD100 AL 22/840 DALI FDO L1214 1 0.011 3.875 59
6394 3F HD100 AL 26/840 DALI FDO L1508 1 0.013 4.695 59
6395 3F HD100 AL 52/840 DALI FDO L2975 1 0.027 8.270 59
6397 3F HD100 AL 22/840 DALI GSP L1214 1 0.011 3.875 55
6398 3F HD100 AL 26/840 DALI GSP L1508 1 0.013 4.695 55
6399 3F HD100 AL 52/840 DALI GSP L2975 1 0.027 8.270 55
6406 3F HD50 AL 13/840 DALI 5P FD L1174 1 0.006 3.210 70
6407 3F HD50 AL 16/840 DALI 5P FD L1468 1 0.008 3.635 70
6411 3F HD50 AL 32/840 DALI 5P FD L2935 1 0.015 6.340 70
6415 3F HD50 AL 13/840 DALI 5P GSP L1174 1 0.006 3.210 69
6416 3F HD50 AL 16/840 DALI 5P GSP L1468 1 0.008 3.635 69
6420 3F HD50 AL 32/840 DALI 5P GSP L2935 1 0.015 6.725 69
6430 3F HD50 AL 12/830 DALI 5P OCB L1174 1 0.006 3.475 68
6431 3F HD50 AL 15/830 DALI 5P OCB L1468 1 0.008 4.400 68
6432 3F HD50 AL 30/830 DALI 5P OCB L2935 1 0.015 8.800 68

Code Item Pack Page

Pcs m³ Gross weight in kg

6436 3F HD100 AL 22/840 DALI 5P FD L1174 1 0.011 4.250 70
6437 3F HD100 AL 26/840 DALI 5P FD L1468 1 0.013 5.150 70
6441 3F HD100 AL 52/840 DALI 5P FD L2935 1 0.027 8.475 70
6445 3F HD100 AL 22/840 DALI 5P GSP L1174 1 0.011 4.550 69
6446 3F HD100 AL 26/840 DALI 5P GSP L1468 1 0.013 5.450 69
6450 3F HD100 AL 52/840 DALI 5P GSP L2935 1 0.027 9.075 69
6455 3F HD50DI WH 13+20/840 DALI FDP L1214 1 0.006 3.200 76
6456 3F HD50DI WH 16+26/840 DALI FDP L1508 1 0.008 3.800 76
6457 3F HD50DI WH 32+52/840 DALI FDP L2975 1 0.015 7.290 76
6459 3F HD50DI WH 13+20/840 DALI FDO L1214 1 0.006 3.200 77
6460 3F HD50DI WH 16+26/840 DALI FDO L1508 1 0.008 3.800 77
6461 3F HD50DI WH 32+52/840 DALI FDO L2975 1 0.015 9.600 77
6463 3F HD50DI WH 13+20/840 DALI GSP L1214 1 0.006 3.000 75
6464 3F HD50DI WH 16+26/840 DALI GSP L1508 1 0.008 3.625 75
6465 3F HD50DI WH 32+52/840 DALI GSP L2975 1 0.015 9.600 75
6470 3F HD50DI WH 12+20/830 DALI OCW L1214 1 0.006 3.855 74
6471 3F HD50DI WH 15+26/830 DALI OCW L1508 1 0.008 4.465 74
6472 3F HD50DI WH 30+52/830 DALI OCW L2975 1 0.015 8.615 74
6474 3F HD100DI WH 22+20/840 DALI FDP L1214 1 0.011 4.000 76
6475 3F HD100DI WH 26+26/840 DALI FDP L1508 1 0.013 4.890 76
6476 3F HD100DI WH 52+52/840 DALI FDP L2975 1 0.027 9.445 76
6478 3F HD100DI WH 22+20/840 DALI FDO L1214 1 0.011 4.200 77
6479 3F HD100DI WH 26+26/840 DALI FDO L1508 1 0.013 4.890 77
6480 3F HD100DI WH 52+52/840 DALI FDO L2975 1 0.027 9.625 77
6482 3F HD100DI WH 22+20/840 DALI GSP L1214 1 0.011 4.200 75
6483 3F HD100DI WH 26+26/840 DALI GSP L1508 1 0.013 4.955 75
6484 3F HD100DI WH 52+52/840 DALI GSP L2975 1 0.027 9.685 75
6491 3F HD50DI WH 13+20/840 DALI 5P FD L1174 1 0.006 3.210 82
6492 3F HD50DI WH 16+26/840 DALI 5P FD L1468 1 0.008 4.200 82
6496 3F HD50DI WH 32+52/840 DALI 5P FD L2935 1 0.015 7.520 82
6500 3F HD50DI WH 13+20/840 DALI 5P GSP L1174 1 0.006 3.205 81
6501 3F HD50DI WH 16+26/840 DALI 5P GSP L1468 1 0.008 3.880 81
6505 3F HD50DI WH 32+52/840 DALI 5P GSP L2935 1 0.015 10.600 81
6515 3F HD50DI WH 12+20/830 DALI 5P OCW L1174 1 0.006 3.860 80
6516 3F HD50DI WH 15+26/830 DALI 5P OCW L1468 1 0.008 4.895 80
6517 3F HD50DI WH 30+52/830 DALI 5P OCW L2935 1 0.015 9.300 80
6521 3F HD100DI WH 22+20/840 DALI 5P FD L1174 1 0.011 4.500 82
6522 3F HD100DI WH 26+26/840 DALI 5P FD L1468 1 0.013 4.705 82
6526 3F HD100DI WH 52+52/840 DALI 5P FD L2935 1 0.027 9.265 82
6530 3F HD100DI WH 22+20/840 DALI 5P GSP L1174 1 0.011 4.700 81
6531 3F HD100DI WH 26+26/840 DALI 5P GSP L1468 1 0.013 5.500 81
6535 3F HD100DI WH 52+52/840 DALI 5P GSP L2935 1 0.027 10.500 81
6540 3F HD50DI BK 13+20/840 DALI FDP L1214 1 0.006 3.200 76
6541 3F HD50DI BK 16+26/840 DALI FDP L1508 1 0.008 3.800 76
6542 3F HD50DI BK 32+52/840 DALI FDP L2975 1 0.015 9.600 76
6544 3F HD50DI BK 13+20/840 DALI FDO L1214 1 0.006 3.200 77
6545 3F HD50DI BK 16+26/840 DALI FDO L1508 1 0.008 3.800 77
6546 3F HD50DI BK 32+52/840 DALI FDO L2975 1 0.015 9.600 77
6548 3F HD50DI BK 13+20/840 DALI GSP L1214 1 0.006 3.200 75
6549 3F HD50DI BK 16+26/840 DALI GSP L1508 1 0.008 3.600 75
6550 3F HD50DI BK 32+52/840 DALI GSP L2975 1 0.015 9.600 75
6555 3F HD50DI BK 12+20/830 DALI OCB L1214 1 0.006 3.695 74
6556 3F HD50DI BK 15+26/830 DALI OCB L1508 1 0.008 4.560 74
6557 3F HD50DI BK 30+52/830 DALI OCB L2975 1 0.015 8.640 74
6559 3F HD100DI BK 22+20/840 DALI FDP L1214 1 0.011 4.000 76
6560 3F HD100DI BK 26+26/840 DALI FDP L1508 1 0.013 4.890 76
6561 3F HD100DI BK 52+52/840 DALI FDP L2975 1 0.027 9.550 76
6563 3F HD100DI BK 22+20/840 DALI FDO L1214 1 0.011 4.200 77
6564 3F HD100DI BK 26+26/840 DALI FDO L1508 1 0.013 4.890 77
6565 3F HD100DI BK 52+52/840 DALI FDO L2975 1 0.027 9.625 77

Analytical guide
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Pcs m³ Gross weight in kg

6567 3F HD100DI BK 22+20/840 DALI GSP L1214 1 0.011 4.200 75
6568 3F HD100DI BK 26+26/840 DALI GSP L1508 1 0.013 4.880 75
6569 3F HD100DI BK 52+52/840 DALI GSP L2975 1 0.027 9.625 75
6576 3F HD50DI BK 13+20/840 DALI 5P FD L1174 1 0.006 3.500 82
6577 3F HD50DI BK 16+26/840 DALI 5P FD L1468 1 0.008 4.200 82
6581 3F HD50DI BK 32+52/840 DALI 5P FD L2935 1 0.015 10.200 82
6585 3F HD50DI BK 13+20/840 DALI 5P GSP L1174 1 0.006 3.700 81
6586 3F HD50DI BK 16+26/840 DALI 5P GSP L1468 1 0.008 4.500 81
6590 3F HD50DI BK 32+52/840 DALI 5P GSP L2935 1 0.015 10.600 81
6600 3F HD50DI BK 12+20/830 DALI 5P OCB L1174 1 0.006 3.860 80
6601 3F HD50DI BK 15+26/830 DALI 5P OCB L1468 1 0.008 4.695 80
6602 3F HD50DI BK 30+52/830 DALI 5P OCB L2935 1 0.015 9.300 80
6606 3F HD100DI BK 22+20/840 DALI 5P FD L1174 1 0.011 4.500 82
6607 3F HD100DI BK 26+26/840 DALI 5P FD L1468 1 0.013 5.200 82
6611 3F HD100DI BK 52+52/840 DALI 5P FD L2935 1 0.027 9.185 82
6615 3F HD100DI BK 22+20/840 DALI 5P GSP L1174 1 0.011 4.700 81
6616 3F HD100DI BK 26+26/840 DALI 5P GSP L1468 1 0.013 5.500 81
6620 3F HD100DI BK 52+52/840 DALI 5P GSP L2935 1 0.027 10.500 81
6625 3F HD50DI AL 13+20/840 DALI FDP L1214 1 0.006 3.200 76
6626 3F HD50DI AL 16+26/840 DALI FDP L1508 1 0.008 3.800 76
6627 3F HD50DI AL 32+52/840 DALI FDP L2975 1 0.015 9.600 76
6629 3F HD50DI AL 13+20/840 DALI FDO L1214 1 0.006 3.200 77
6630 3F HD50DI AL 16+26/840 DALI FDO L1508 1 0.008 3.800 77
6631 3F HD50DI AL 32+52/840 DALI FDO L2975 1 0.015 9.600 77
6633 3F HD50DI AL 13+20/840 DALI GSP L1214 1 0.006 3.200 75
6634 3F HD50DI AL 16+26/840 DALI GSP L1508 1 0.008 3.600 75
6635 3F HD50DI AL 32+52/840 DALI GSP L2975 1 0.015 9.600 75
6640 3F HD50DI AL 12+20/830 DALI OCB L1214 1 0.006 3.855 74
6641 3F HD50DI AL 15+26/830 DALI OCB L1508 1 0.008 4.465 74
6642 3F HD50DI AL 30+52/830 DALI OCB L2975 1 0.015 8.615 74
6644 3F HD100DI AL 22+20/840 DALI FDP L1214 1 0.011 4.200 76
6645 3F HD100DI AL 26+26/840 DALI FDP L1508 1 0.013 4.890 76
6646 3F HD100DI AL 52+52/840 DALI FDP L2975 1 0.027 9.625 76
6648 3F HD100DI AL 22+20/840 DALI FDO L1214 1 0.011 4.200 77
6649 3F HD100DI AL 26+26/840 DALI FDO L1508 1 0.013 4.890 77
6650 3F HD100DI AL 52+52/840 DALI FDO L2975 1 0.027 9.625 77
6652 3F HD100DI AL 22+20/840 DALI GSP L1214 1 0.011 4.200 75
6653 3F HD100DI AL 26+26/840 DALI GSP L1508 1 0.013 4.890 75
6654 3F HD100DI AL 52+52/840 DALI GSP L2975 1 0.027 9.625 75
6661 3F HD50DI AL 13+20/840 DALI 5P FD L1174 1 0.006 3.035 82
6662 3F HD50DI AL 16+26/840 DALI 5P FD L1468 1 0.008 3.735 82
6666 3F HD50DI AL 32+52/840 DALI 5P FD L2935 1 0.015 7.295 82
6670 3F HD50DI AL 13+20/840 DALI 5P GSP L1174 1 0.006 3.700 81
6671 3F HD50DI AL 16+26/840 DALI 5P GSP L1468 1 0.008 4.500 81
6675 3F HD50DI AL 32+52/840 DALI 5P GSP L2935 1 0.015 10.600 81
6685 3F HD50DI AL 12+20/830 DALI 5P OCB L1174 1 0.006 3.860 80
6686 3F HD50DI AL 15+26/830 DALI 5P OCB L1468 1 0.008 4.895 80
6687 3F HD50DI AL 30+52/830 DALI 5P OCB L2935 1 0.015 9.300 80
6691 3F HD100DI AL 22+20/840 DALI 5P FD L1174 1 0.011 4.500 82
6692 3F HD100DI AL 26+26/840 DALI 5P FD L1468 1 0.013 5.200 82
6696 3F HD100DI AL 52+52/840 DALI 5P FD L2935 1 0.027 10.000 82
6700 3F HD100DI AL 22+20/840 DALI 5P GSP L1174 1 0.011 4.700 81
6701 3F HD100DI AL 26+26/840 DALI 5P GSP L1468 1 0.013 5.500 81
6705 3F HD100DI AL 52+52/840 DALI 5P GSP L2935 1 0.027 10.500 81
6710 3F HD50R WH 13/840 DALI FDP L1188 1 0.006 4.700 93
6711 3F HD50R WH 16/840 DALI FDP L1482 1 0.007 5.100 93
6712 3F HD50R WH 32/840 DALI FDP L2949 1 0.015 9.400 93
6714 3F HD50R WH 13/840 DALI FDO L1188 1 0.006 4.700 94
6715 3F HD50R WH 16/840 DALI FDO L1482 1 0.007 5.100 94
6716 3F HD50R WH 32/840 DALI FDO L2949 1 0.015 9.400 94

Code Item Pack Page

Pcs m³ Gross weight in kg

6718 3F HD50R WH 13/840 DALI GSP L1188 1 0.006 4.700 92
6719 3F HD50R WH 16/840 DALI GSP L1482 1 0.007 5.100 92
6720 3F HD50R WH 32/840 DALI GSP L2949 1 0.015 9.400 92
6725 3F HD50R WH 12/830 DALI OCW L1188 1 0.006 3.500 92
6726 3F HD50R WH 15/830 DALI OCW L1482 1 0.007 3.800 92
6727 3F HD50R WH 30/830 DALI OCW L2949 1 0.015 7.600 92
6729 3F HD100R WH 22/840 DALI FDP L1188 1 0.010 3.505 93
6730 3F HD100R WH 26/840 DALI FDP L1482 1 0.012 4.975 93
6731 3F HD100R WH 52/840 DALI FDP L2949 1 0.024 10.000 93
6733 3F HD100R WH 22/840 DALI FDO L1188 1 0.010 4.975 94
6734 3F HD100R WH 26/840 DALI FDO L1482 1 0.012 5.400 94
6735 3F HD100R WH 52/840 DALI FDO L2949 1 0.024 10.000 94
6737 3F HD100R WH 22/840 DALI GSP L1188 1 0.010 4.975 92
6738 3F HD100R WH 26/840 DALI GSP L1482 1 0.012 5.400 92
6739 3F HD100R WH 52/840 DALI GSP L2949 1 0.024 10.000 92
6746 3F HD50R WH 13/840 DALI 5P FD L1174 1 0.006 4.900 99
6747 3F HD50R WH 16/840 DALI 5P FD L1468 1 0.007 5.300 99
6751 3F HD50R WH 32/840 DALI 5P FD L2935 1 0.015 9.800 99
6755 3F HD50R WH 13/840 DALI 5P GSP L1174 1 0.006 4.900 98
6756 3F HD50R WH 16/840 DALI 5P GSP L1468 1 0.007 5.300 98
6760 3F HD50R WH 32/840 DALI 5P GSP L2935 1 0.015 9.800 98
6770 3F HD50R WH 12/830 DALI 5P OCW L1174 1 0.006 3.700 98
6771 3F HD50R WH 15/830 DALI 5P OCW L1468 1 0.007 4.335 98
6772 3F HD50R WH 30/830 DALI 5P OCW L2935 1 0.015 8.000 98
6776 3F HD100R WH 22/840 DALI 5P FD L1174 1 0.010 5.175 99
6777 3F HD100R WH 26/840 DALI 5P FD L1468 1 0.012 4.585 99
6781 3F HD100R WH 52/840 DALI 5P FD L2935 1 0.024 8.035 99
6785 3F HD100R WH 22/840 DALI 5P GSP L1174 1 0.010 5.575 98
6786 3F HD100R WH 26/840 DALI 5P GSP L1468 1 0.012 4.945 98
6790 3F HD100R WH 52/840 DALI 5P GSP L2935 1 0.024 10.900 98
6793 3F HD50 WH HO 22/840 DALI GSP L1214 1 0.006 2.940 56
6794 3F HD50 WH HO 26/840 DALI GSP L1508 1 0.008 3.260 56
6795 3F HD50 WH HO 52/840 DALI GSP L2975 1 0.015 7.500 56
6796 3F HD100 WH HO 36/840 DALI GSP L1214 1 0.011 3.875 56
6797 3F HD100 WH HO 44/840 DALI GSP L1508 1 0.013 4.695 56
6798 3F HD100 WH HO 88/840 DALI GSP L2975 1 0.027 8.270 56
6799 3F HD50 BK HO 22/840 DALI GSP L1214 1 0.006 2.940 56
6800 3F HD50 BK HO 26/840 DALI GSP L1508 1 0.008 3.260 56
6801 3F HD50 BK HO 52/840 DALI GSP L2975 1 0.015 7.500 56
6802 3F HD100 BK HO 36/840 DALI GSP L1214 1 0.011 3.875 56
6803 3F HD100 BK HO 44/840 DALI GSP L1508 1 0.013 4.695 56
6804 3F HD100 BK HO 88/840 DALI GSP L2975 1 0.027 8.270 56
6805 3F HD50 AL HO 22/840 DALI GSP L1214 1 0.006 2.940 56
6806 3F HD50 AL HO 26/840 DALI GSP L1508 1 0.008 3.260 56
6807 3F HD50 AL HO 52/840 DALI GSP L2975 1 0.015 7.500 56
6808 3F HD100 AL HO 36/840 DALI GSP L1214 1 0.011 3.875 56
6809 3F HD100 AL HO 44/840 DALI GSP L1508 1 0.013 4.695 56
6810 3F HD100 AL HO 88/840 DALI GSP L2975 1 0.027 8.270 56
6811 3F HD50 WH HO 22/840 DALI FDP L1214 1 0.006 2.940 58
6812 3F HD50 WH HO 26/840 DALI FDP L1508 1 0.008 3.380 58
6813 3F HD50 WH HO 52/840 DALI FDP L2975 1 0.015 7.500 58
6814 3F HD100 WH HO 36/840 DALI FDP L1214 1 0.011 3.875 58
6815 3F HD100 WH HO 44/840 DALI FDP L1508 1 0.013 4.695 58
6816 3F HD100 WH HO 88/840 DALI FDP L2975 1 0.027 8.270 58
6817 3F HD50 BK HO 22/840 DALI FDP L1214 1 0.006 2.940 58
6818 3F HD50 BK HO 26/840 DALI FDP L1508 1 0.008 3.380 58
6819 3F HD50 BK HO 52/840 DALI FDP L2975 1 0.015 7.500 58
6820 3F HD100 BK HO 36/840 DALI FDP L1214 1 0.011 3.875 58
6821 3F HD100 BK HO 44/840 DALI FDP L1508 1 0.013 4.695 58
6822 3F HD100 BK HO 88/840 DALI FDP L2975 1 0.027 8.270 58

Analytical guide
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Pcs m³ Gross weight in kg

6823 3F HD50 AL HO 22/840 DALI FDP L1214 1 0.006 2.940 58
6824 3F HD50 AL HO 26/840 DALI FDP L1508 1 0.008 3.380 58
6825 3F HD50 AL HO 52/840 DALI FDP L2975 1 0.015 7.500 58
6826 3F HD100 AL HO 36/840 DALI FDP L1214 1 0.011 3.875 58
6827 3F HD100 AL HO 44/840 DALI FDP L1508 1 0.013 4.695 58
6828 3F HD100 AL HO 88/840 DALI FDP L2975 1 0.027 8.270 58
6829 3F HD50 WH HO 22/840 DALI FDO L1214 1 0.006 2.940 60
6830 3F HD50 WH HO 26/840 DALI FDO L1508 1 0.008 3.380 60
6831 3F HD50 WH HO 52/840 DALI FDO L2975 1 0.015 7.500 60
6832 3F HD100 WH HO 36/840 DALI FDO L1214 1 0.011 3.875 60
6833 3F HD100 WH HO 44/840 DALI FDO L1508 1 0.013 4.330 60
6834 3F HD100 WH HO 88/840 DALI FDO L2975 1 0.027 8.270 60
6835 3F HD50 BK HO 22/840 DALI FDO L1214 1 0.006 2.940 60
6836 3F HD50 BK HO 26/840 DALI FDO L1508 1 0.008 3.380 60
6837 3F HD50 BK HO 52/840 DALI FDO L2975 1 0.015 7.500 60
6838 3F HD100 BK HO 36/840 DALI FDO L1214 1 0.011 3.875 60
6839 3F HD100 BK HO 44/840 DALI FDO L1508 1 0.013 4.695 60
6840 3F HD100 BK HO 88/840 DALI FDO L2975 1 0.027 8.270 60
6841 3F HD50 AL HO 22/840 DALI FDO L1214 1 0.006 2.940 60
6842 3F HD50 AL HO 26/840 DALI FDO L1508 1 0.008 3.380 60
6843 3F HD50 AL HO 52/840 DALI FDO L2975 1 0.015 7.500 60
6844 3F HD100 AL HO 36/840 DALI FDO L1214 1 0.011 3.875 60
6845 3F HD100 AL HO 44/840 DALI FDO L1508 1 0.013 4.695 60
6846 3F HD100 AL HO 88/840 DALI FDO L2975 1 0.027 8.270 60
6847 3F HD50R WH HO 22/840 DALI GSP L1188 1 0.006 4.700 93
6848 3F HD50R WH HO 26/840 DALI GSP L1482 1 0.007 5.100 93
6849 3F HD50R WH HO 52/840 DALI GSP L2949 1 0.015 9.400 93
6850 3F HD100R WH HO 36/840 DALI GSP L1188 1 0.010 4.975 93
6851 3F HD100R WH HO 44/840 DALI GSP L1482 1 0.012 5.400 93
6852 3F HD100R WH HO 88/840 DALI GSP L2949 1 0.024 10.000 93
6853 3F HD50R WH HO 22/840 DALI FDP L1188 1 0.006 4.700 94
6854 3F HD50R WH HO 26/840 DALI FDP L1482 1 0.007 5.100 94
6855 3F HD50R WH HO 52/840 DALI FDP L2949 1 0.015 9.400 94
6856 3F HD100R WH HO 36/840 DALI FDP L1188 1 0.010 4.975 94
6857 3F HD100R WH HO 44/840 DALI FDP L1482 1 0.012 5.400 94
6858 3F HD100R WH HO 88/840 DALI FDP L2949 1 0.024 10.000 94
6859 3F HD50R WH HO 22/840 DALI FDO L1188 1 0.006 4.700 95
6860 3F HD50R WH HO 26/840 DALI FDO L1482 1 0.007 5.100 95
6861 3F HD50R WH HO 52/840 DALI FDO L2949 1 0.015 9.400 95
6862 3F HD100R WH HO 36/840 DALI FDO L1188 1 0.010 4.975 95
6863 3F HD100R WH HO 44/840 DALI FDO L1482 1 0.012 5.400 95
6864 3F HD100R WH HO 88/840 DALI FDO L2949 1 0.024 8.610 95
6868 3F HD100 WH 22 DT8 TW FDP L1214 1 0.011 3.975 64
6869 3F HD100 WH 26 DT8 TW FDP L1508 1 0.013 4.795 64
6870 3F HD100 WH 52 DT8 TW FDP L2975 1 0.027 8.370 64
6871 3F HD100 BK 22 DT8 TW FDP L1214 1 0.011 3.975 64
6872 3F HD100 BK 26 DT8 TW FDP L1508 1 0.013 4.795 64
6873 3F HD100 BK 52 DT8 TW FDP L2975 1 0.027 8.370 64
6874 3F HD100 AL 22 DT8 TW FDP L1214 1 0.011 3.975 64
6875 3F HD100 AL 26 DT8 TW FDP L1508 1 0.013 4.795 64
6876 3F HD100 AL 52 DT8 TW FDP L2975 1 0.027 8.370 64
6879 3F Hal75 WH 6/830 D LGS L06 1 0.004 2.800 35
6880 3F Hal75 WH 12/830+1SC10 D LGS L12 1 0.007 5.600 34
6881 3F Hal75 WH 16/830+1SC10 D LGS L15 1 0.009 7.000 34
6882 3F Hal75 WH 18/830+1SC10 D LGS L18 1 0.011 7.900 34
6884 3F Hal150 WH 11/830+1SL10 D LGS L06 1 0.008 3.000 34
6885 3F Hal150 WH 22/830+1SL10 D LGS L12 1 0.016 6.000 34
6886 3F Hal150 WH 28/830+1SL10 D LGS L15 1 0.020 7.400 34
6887 3F Hal150 WH 33/830+1SL10 D LGS L18 1 0.024 8.300 34
6890 3F Hal300 WH 43/830+1SL10 D LGS L12 1 0.032 8.000 34

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6891 3F Hal300 WH 54/830+1SL10 D LGS L15 1 0.040 9.400 34
6892 3F Hal300 WH 65/830+1SL10 D LGS L18 1 0.048 10.300 34
6895 3F Hal75DI WH 12+23/830+1SC10 D LGS L12 1 0.008 5.900 38
6896 3F Hal75DI WH 16+23/830+1SC10 D LGS L15 1 0.010 7.300 38
6897 3F Hal75DI WH 18+23/830+1SC10 D LGS L18 1 0.012 8.200 38
6899 3F Hal150DI WH 11+20/830+1SL10 D LGS L06 1 0.008 3.300 38
6900 3F Hal150DI WH 22+23/830+1SL10 D LGS L12 1 0.016 6.300 38
6901 3F Hal150DI WH 28+23/830+1SL10 D LGS L15 1 0.020 7.700 38
6902 3F Hal150DI WH 33+23/830+1SL10 D LGS L18 1 0.024 8.600 38
6905 3F Hal300DI WH 43+23/830+1SL10 D LGS L12 1 0.032 8.200 38
6906 3F Hal300DI WH 54+23/830+1SL10 D LGS L15 1 0.040 9.600 38
6907 3F Hal300DI WH 65+23/830+1SL10 D LGS L18 1 0.048 10.500 38
6910 3F Hal75 BK 6/830 D LGS L06 1 0.004 2.800 35
6911 3F Hal75 BK 12/830+1SC10 D LGS L12 1 0.007 5.600 34
6912 3F Hal75 BK 16/830+1SC10 D LGS L15 1 0.009 7.000 34
6913 3F Hal75 BK 18/830+1SC10 D LGS L18 1 0.011 7.900 34
6915 3F Hal150 BK 11/830+1SL10 D LGS L06 1 0.008 3.000 34
6916 3F Hal150 BK 22/830+1SL10 D LGS L12 1 0.016 6.000 34
6917 3F Hal150 BK 28/830+1SL10 D LGS L15 1 0.020 7.400 34
6918 3F Hal150 BK 33/830+1SL10 D LGS L18 1 0.024 8.300 34
6921 3F Hal300 BK 43/830+1SL10 D LGS L12 1 0.032 8.000 34
6922 3F Hal300 BK 54/830+1SL10 D LGS L15 1 0.040 9.400 34
6923 3F Hal300 BK 65/830+1SL10 D LGS L18 1 0.048 10.300 34
6926 3F Hal75DI BK 12+23/830+1SC10 D LGS L12 1 0.008 5.900 38
6927 3F Hal75DI BK 16+23/830+1SC10 D LGS L15 1 0.010 7.300 38
6928 3F Hal75DI BK 18+23/830+1SC10 D LGS L18 1 0.012 8.200 38
6930 3F Hal150DI BK 11+20/830+1SL10 D LGS L06 1 0.008 3.300 38
6931 3F Hal150DI BK 22+23/830+1SL10 D LGS L12 1 0.016 6.300 38
6932 3F Hal150DI BK 28+23/830+1SL10 D LGS L15 1 0.020 7.700 38
6933 3F Hal150DI BK 33+23/830+1SL10 D LGS L18 1 0.024 8.600 38
6936 3F Hal300DI BK 43+23/830+1SL10 D LGS L12 1 0.032 8.200 38
6937 3F Hal300DI BK 54+23/830+1SL10 D LGS L15 1 0.040 9.600 38
6938 3F Hal300DI BK 65+23/830+1SL10 D LGS L18 1 0.048 10.500 38
6940 3F Hal75 WH 12/830 D LGS L12 1 0.007 5.400 35
6941 3F Hal75 WH 16/830 D LGS L15 1 0.009 6.800 35
6942 3F Hal75 WH 18/830 D LGS L18 1 0.011 7.700 35
6943 3F Hal150 WH 11/830 D LGS L06 1 0.008 2.800 35
6944 3F Hal150 WH 22/830 D LGS L12 1 0.016 5.800 35
6945 3F Hal150 WH 28/830 D LGS L15 1 0.020 7.200 35
6946 3F Hal150 WH 33/830 D LGS L18 1 0.024 8.100 35
6947 3F Hal300 WH 43/830 D LGS L12 1 0.032 7.800 35
6948 3F Hal300 WH 54/830 D LGS L15 1 0.040 9.200 35
6949 3F Hal300 WH 65/830 D LGS L18 1 0.048 10.100 35
6950 3F Hal75DI WH 12+23/830 D LGS L12 1 0.008 5.700 39
6951 3F Hal75DI WH 16+23/830 D LGS L15 1 0.010 7.100 39
6952 3F Hal75DI WH 18+23/830 D LGS L18 1 0.012 8.000 39
6953 3F Hal150DI WH 11+20/830 D LGS L06 1 0.008 3.100 39
6954 3F Hal150DI WH 22+23/830 D LGS L12 1 0.016 6.100 39
6955 3F Hal150DI WH 28+23/830 D LGS L15 1 0.020 7.500 39
6956 3F Hal150DI WH 33+23/830 D LGS L18 1 0.024 8.400 39
6957 3F Hal300DI WH 43+23/830 D LGS L12 1 0.032 8.000 39
6958 3F Hal300DI WH 54+23/830 D LGS L15 1 0.040 9.400 39
6959 3F Hal300DI WH 65+23/830 D LGS L18 1 0.048 10.300 39
6960 3F Hal75 BK 12/830 D LGS L12 1 0.007 5.400 35
6961 3F Hal75 BK 16/830 D LGS L15 1 0.009 6.800 35
6962 3F Hal75 BK 18/830 D LGS L18 1 0.011 7.700 35
6963 3F Hal150 BK 11/830 D LGS L06 1 0.008 2.800 35
6964 3F Hal150 BK 22/830 D LGS L12 1 0.016 5.800 35
6965 3F Hal150 BK 28/830 D LGS L15 1 0.020 7.200 35
6966 3F Hal150 BK 33/830 D LGS L18 1 0.024 8.100 35

Analytical guide
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Pcs m³ Gross weight in kg

6967 3F Hal300 BK 43/830 D LGS L12 1 0.032 7.800 35
6968 3F Hal300 BK 54/830 D LGS L15 1 0.040 9.200 35
6969 3F Hal300 BK 65/830 D LGS L18 1 0.048 10.100 35
6970 3F Hal75DI BK 12+23/830 D LGS L12 1 0.008 5.700 39
6971 3F Hal75DI BK 16+23/830 D LGS L15 1 0.010 7.100 39
6972 3F Hal75DI BK 18+23/830 D LGS L18 1 0.012 8.000 39
6973 3F Hal150DI BK 11+20/830 D LGS L06 1 0.008 3.100 39
6974 3F Hal150DI BK 22+23/830 D LGS L12 1 0.016 6.100 39
6975 3F Hal150DI BK 28+23/830 D LGS L15 1 0.020 7.500 39
6976 3F Hal150DI BK 33+23/830 D LGS L18 1 0.024 8.400 39
6977 3F Hal300DI BK 43+23/830 D LGS L12 1 0.032 8.000 39
6978 3F Hal300DI BK 54+23/830 D LGS L15 1 0.040 9.400 39
6979 3F Hal300DI BK 65+23/830 D LGS L18 1 0.048 10.300 39
7001 3F Manta AN 50/730 WIDE 1 0.048 11.670 710
7002 3F Manta AN 75/730 WIDE 1 0.048 12.190 710
7003 3F Manta AN 100/730 WIDE 1 0.048 12.180 710
7004 3F Manta AN 135/730 WIDE 1 0.048 12.800 710
7009 3F Manta AN 50/730 MEDIUM 1 0.048 11.660 711
7010 3F Manta AN 75/730 MEDIUM 1 0.048 11.980 711
7011 3F Manta AN 100/730 MEDIUM 1 0.048 12.230 711
7012 3F Manta AN 135/730 MEDIUM 1 0.048 12.800 711
7020 3F Manta AN 185/730 MEDIUM 1 0.048 12.415 711
7022 3F Manta AN 50/830 WIDE 1 0.048 11.595 710
7023 3F Manta AN 75/830 WIDE 1 0.048 12.110 710
7024 3F Manta AN 100/830 WIDE 1 0.048 11.955 710
7025 3F Manta AN 135/830 WIDE 1 0.048 12.800 710
7026 3F Manta AN 50/730 II WIDE 1 0.048 11.560 710
7027 3F Manta AN 75/730 II WIDE 1 0.048 12.205 710
7028 3F Manta AN 100/730 II WIDE 1 0.048 12.800 710
7029 3F Manta AN 135/730 II WIDE 1 0.048 11.995 710
7030 3F Manta AN 50/830 II WIDE 1 0.048 11.670 710
7031 3F Manta AN 75/830 II WIDE 1 0.048 12.800 710
7032 3F Manta AN 100/830 II WIDE 1 0.048 12.800 710
7033 3F Manta AN 135/830 II WIDE 1 0.048 12.800 710
7035 3F Manta AN 50/830 MEDIUM 1 0.048 12.800 711
7036 3F Manta AN 75/830 MEDIUM 1 0.048 12.800 711
7037 3F Manta AN 100/830 MEDIUM 1 0.048 12.800 711
7038 3F Manta AN 135/830 MEDIUM 1 0.048 12.800 711
7039 3F Manta AN 185/830 MEDIUM 1 0.048 12.800 711
7040 3F Manta AN 50/730 II MEDIUM 1 0.048 12.800 711
7041 3F Manta AN 75/730 II MEDIUM 1 0.048 12.800 711
7042 3F Manta AN 100/730 II MEDIUM 1 0.048 12.800 711
7043 3F Manta AN 135/730 II MEDIUM 1 0.048 12.800 711
7044 3F Manta AN 185/730 II MEDIUM 1 0.048 12.290 711
7045 3F Manta AN 50/830 II MEDIUM 1 0.048 12.800 711
7046 3F Manta AN 75/830 II MEDIUM 1 0.048 12.800 711
7047 3F Manta AN 100/830 II MEDIUM 1 0.048 12.800 711
7048 3F Manta AN 135/830 II MEDIUM 1 0.048 12.800 711
7049 3F Manta AN 185/830 II MEDIUM 1 0.048 12.390 711
7051 3F Manta AN 50/730 FRONT 1 0.048 12.300 712
7052 3F Manta AN 75/730 FRONT 1 0.048 12.800 712
7053 3F Manta AN 100/730 FRONT 1 0.048 12.800 712
7054 3F Manta AN 135/730 FRONT 1 0.048 12.800 712
7055 3F Manta AN 50/830 FRONT 1 0.048 12.800 712
7056 3F Manta AN 75/830 FRONT 1 0.048 12.070 712
7057 3F Manta AN 100/830 FRONT 1 0.048 12.800 712
7058 3F Manta AN 135/830 FRONT 1 0.048 12.800 712
7059 3F Manta AN 50/730 II FRONT 1 0.048 12.800 712
7060 3F Manta AN 75/730 II FRONT 1 0.048 12.800 712
7061 3F Manta AN 100/730 II FRONT 1 0.048 12.800 712

Code Item Pack Page

Pcs m³ Gross weight in kg

7062 3F Manta AN 135/730 II FRONT 1 0.048 12.800 712
7063 3F Manta AN 50/830 II FRONT 1 0.048 12.800 712
7064 3F Manta AN 75/830 II FRONT 1 0.048 12.800 712
7065 3F Manta AN 100/830 II FRONT 1 0.048 12.800 712
7066 3F Manta AN 135/830 II FRONT 1 0.048 12.800 712
7400 3F Manta AN 30/730 WIDE 1 0.048 11.670 710
7401 3F Manta AN 30/830 WIDE 1 0.048 11.670 710
7402 3F Manta AN 30/730 II WIDE 1 0.048 12.800 710
7403 3F Manta AN 30/830 II WIDE 1 0.048 12.800 710
7404 3F Manta AN 30/730 MEDIUM 1 0.048 11.660 711
7405 3F Manta AN 30/830 MEDIUM 1 0.048 11.660 711
7406 3F Manta AN 30/730 II MEDIUM 1 0.048 12.800 711
7407 3F Manta AN 30/830 II MEDIUM 1 0.048 12.800 711
7408 3F Manta AN 30/730 FRONT 1 0.048 12.300 712
7409 3F Manta AN 30/830 FRONT 1 0.048 12.300 712
7410 3F Manta AN 30/730 II FRONT 1 0.048 12.800 712
7411 3F Manta AN 30/830 II FRONT 1 0.048 12.800 712
8357 3F 66 1 LED 6 II 1 0.015 4.700 716
8358 3F 66 2 LED 12 II 1 0.015 2.425 716
10048 P 250 28W LED LGS 596x596 1 0.023 5.830 278
10049 P 250 28W LED DALI LGS 596x596 1 0.023 5.200 278
10051 P 250 28W LED OP 596x596 1 0.023 5.590 278
10053 P 250 28W LED DALI OP 596x596 1 0.023 5.535 278
10591 3F Zeta DR UGR 2x18 LED L1194 1 0.008 3.500 236
10592 3F Zeta DR UGR 1x24 LED L1194 1 0.008 3.435 236
10593 3F Zeta DR UGR 2x18 LED DALI L1194 1 0.008 3.565 236
10594 3F Zeta DR UGR 1x24 LED DALI L1194 1 0.008 3.500 236
10598 3F Zeta DR UGR 2x9 LED L605 1 0.004 3.000 236
10599 3F Zeta DR UGR 1x12 LED L605 1 0.004 1.830 236
10600 3F Zeta DR UGR 2x9 LED DALI L605 1 0.004 3.000 236
10601 3F Zeta DR UGR 1x12 LED DALI L605 1 0.004 2.800 236
10605 3F Zeta L AS 40 LED L1489 1 0.010 3.595 226
10606 3F Zeta L AS 40 LED DALI L1489 1 0.010 4.000 226
10607 3F Zeta L AS 40 LED EP L1489 1 0.010 4.800 226
10612 3F Zeta DT UGR 2x22 LED L1783 1 0.012 4.800 240
10613 3F Zeta DT UGR 2x15 LED L1489 1 0.010 3.710 240
10614 3F Zeta DT UGR 2x12 LED L1194 1 0.008 3.500 240
10615 3F Zeta DT UGR 2x6 LED L605 1 0.004 3.000 240
10616 3F Zeta DT UGR 2x22 LED DALI L1783 1 0.012 4.800 240
10617 3F Zeta DT UGR 2x15 LED DALI L1489 1 0.010 3.710 240
10618 3F Zeta DT UGR 2x12 LED DALI L1194 1 0.008 3.500 240
10619 3F Zeta DT UGR 2x6 LED DALI L605 1 0.004 3.000 240
10620 3F Zeta DT UGR 2x22 LED EP L1783 1 5.400 240
10621 3F Zeta DT UGR 2x15 LED EP L1489 1 0.010 4.310 240
10622 3F Zeta DT UGR 2x12 LED EP L1194 1 0.008 3.500 240
10731 3F Travetta LED 1x18W OP L1290 1 0.018 4.485 208
10732 3F Travetta LED 1x22W OP L1590 1 0.022 5.555 208
10734 3F Travetta LED 2x18W OP L1290 1 0.018 4.685 208
10735 3F Travetta LED 2x22W OP L1590 1 0.022 5.660 208
10747 3F Travetta LED DI 2x15W 2MG L1590 1 0.022 5.480 212
10748 3F Travetta LED DI 2x22W 2MG L1590 1 0.022 5.410 212
10758 3F Travetta LED DI 2x15W/940 2MG L1590 1 0.022 5.200 212
10759 3F Travetta LED DI 2x22W/940 2MG L1590 1 0.022 5.410 212
10763 3F TRAV. LED 2X22W DALI DT8 TW 2MG L1590 1 0.022 5.800 216
10775 3F Travetta LED 1x40W OP L2200 1 0.030 7.000 208
10777 3F Travetta LED 2x40W OP L2200 1 0.030 7.500 208
10839 3F Zeta L UGR 40/940 LED L1489 1 0.010 3.665 225
10840 3F Zeta L UGR 30/940 LED L1194 1 0.008 3.040 225
10841 3F Zeta L UGR 40/940 LED DALI L1489 1 0.010 3.795 225
10842 3F Zeta L UGR 30/940 LED DALI L1194 1 0.008 3.500 225

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Pcs m³ Gross weight in kg

10843 3F Zeta L UGR 40 LED EP L1489 1 0.010 4.235 225
10844 3F Zeta L UGR 30 LED EP L1194 1 0.008 4.300 225
10845 3F Zeta L UGR 40/940 LED EP L1489 1 0.010 4.800 225
10846 3F Zeta L UGR 30/940 LED EP L1194 1 0.008 4.300 225
10848 P 202x24W LED VS IP54 196x1231 1 0.023 6.200 270
10851 P 203x10W LED VS IP54 596x596 1 0.037 7.450 270
10852 P 204x10W LED VS IP54 596x596 1 0.037 7.800 270
10856 P 202x24W LED SP IP54 196x1231 1 0.023 5.060 270
10859 P 203x10W LED SP IP54 596x596 1 0.037 5.865 270
10860 P 204x10W LED SP IP54 596x596 1 0.037 6.115 270
10863 3F Zeta L UGR 40 LED L1489 1 0.010 3.760 225
10864 3F Zeta L UGR 30 LED L1194 1 0.008 3.005 225
10866 3F Zeta L UGR 40 LED DALI L1489 1 0.010 4.000 225
10867 3F Zeta L UGR 30 LED DALI L1194 1 0.008 3.145 225
10870 3F Zeta D 1x22 LED L1489 1 0.010 3.600 230
10871 3F Zeta D 1x18 LED L1194 1 0.008 3.010 230
10872 3F Zeta D 1x9 LED L605 1 0.004 1.650 230
10873 3F Zeta D 2x22 LED L1489 1 0.010 3.725 230
10874 3F Zeta D 2x18 LED L1194 1 0.008 3.020 230
10875 3F Zeta D 2x9 LED L605 1 0.004 1.635 230
10877 3F Zeta DR 1x22 LED L1489 1 0.010 3.615 234
10878 3F Zeta DR 1x18 LED L1194 1 0.008 3.055 234
10879 3F Zeta DR 1x9 LED L605 1 0.004 1.630 234
10880 3F Zeta DR 2x22 LED L1489 1 0.010 3.710 234
10881 3F Zeta DR 2x18 LED L1194 1 0.008 3.070 234
10882 3F Zeta DR 2x9 LED L605 1 0.004 3.000 234
10886 3F Zeta DR AS 1x30 LED L1489 1 0.010 4.255 235
10887 3F Zeta DR AS 2x22 LED L1489 1 0.010 4.280 235
10891 3F Zeta L 50 LED L1783 1 0.012 4.210 224
10892 3F Zeta L 40 LED L1489 1 0.010 3.590 224
10893 3F Zeta L 30 LED L1194 1 0.008 3.040 224
10894 3F Zeta L 15 LED L605 1 0.004 4.110 224
10898 3F Mirella BK 40 SP L1480 1 0.027 6.245 108
10899 3F Mirella BK 60 SP L2200 1 0.039 8.700 108
10900 3F Mirella BK 40 DALI SP L1480 1 0.027 6.270 108
10901 3F Mirella BK 60 DALI SP L2200 1 0.039 8.980 108
10902 3F Mirella BK DI 40+8 SP L1480 1 0.027 6.350 112
10903 3F Mirella BK DI 60+14 SP L2200 1 0.039 9.100 112
10904 3F Mirella BK DI 40+8 DALI SP L1480 1 0.027 6.545 112
10905 3F Mirella BK DI 60+14 DALI SP L2200 1 0.039 9.550 112
10920 3F Mirella WH 40 SP L1480 1 0.027 6.100 108
10921 3F Mirella WH 60 SP L2200 1 0.039 8.700 108
10922 3F Mirella WH 40 DALI SP L1480 1 0.027 6.200 108
10923 3F Mirella WH 60 DALI SP L2200 1 0.039 8.800 108
10924 3F Mirella WH DI 40+8 SP L1480 1 0.027 6.400 112
10925 3F Mirella WH DI 60+14 SP L2200 1 0.039 9.100 112
10926 3F Mirella WH DI 40+8 DALI SP L1480 1 0.027 6.630 112
10927 3F Mirella WH DI 60+14 DALI SP L2200 1 0.039 9.455 112
10942 3F Mirella AL 40 SP L1480 1 0.027 6.100 108
10943 3F Mirella AL 60 SP L2200 1 0.039 9.085 108
10944 3F Mirella AL 40 DALI SP L1480 1 0.027 6.200 108
10945 3F Mirella AL 60 DALI SP L2200 1 0.039 8.800 108
10946 3F Mirella AL DI 40+8 SP L1480 1 0.027 6.400 112
10947 3F Mirella AL DI 60+14 SP L2200 1 0.039 9.435 112
10948 3F Mirella AL DI 40+8 DALI SP L1480 1 0.027 6.500 112
10949 3F Mirella AL DI 60+14 DALI SP L2200 1 0.039 9.200 112
10961 3F Zeta D 1x22 LED DALI L1489 1 0.010 4.000 230
10962 3F Zeta D 1x18 LED DALI L1194 1 0.008 3.500 230
10964 3F Zeta D 2x22 LED DALI L1489 1 0.010 3.725 230
10965 3F Zeta D 2x18 LED DALI L1194 1 0.008 3.700 230

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Pcs m³ Gross weight in kg

10967 3F Zeta DR 1x22 LED DALI L1489 1 0.010 4.000 234
10968 3F Zeta DR 1x18 LED DALI L1194 1 0.008 3.500 234
10970 3F Zeta DR 2x22 LED DALI L1489 1 0.010 3.760 234
10971 3F Zeta DR 2x18 LED DALI L1194 1 0.008 3.700 234
10973 3F Zeta DR AS 1x30 LED DALI L1489 1 0.010 4.500 235
10974 3F Zeta DR AS 2x22 LED DALI L1489 1 0.010 4.325 235
10975 3F Zeta L 50 LED DALI L1783 1 0.012 5.400 224
10976 3F Zeta L 40 LED DALI L1489 1 0.010 3.695 224
10977 3F Zeta L 30 LED DALI L1194 1 0.008 3.025 224
10980 3F Zeta D 1x22 LED EP L1489 1 0.010 4.800 230
10982 3F Zeta D 2x22 LED EP L1489 1 0.010 5.000 230
10984 3F Zeta DR 1x22 LED EP L1489 1 0.010 4.800 234
10986 3F Zeta DR 2x22 LED EP L1489 1 0.010 5.000 234
10987 3F Zeta L 50 LED EP L1783 1 0.012 6.000 224
10988 3F Zeta L 40 LED EP L1489 1 0.010 4.800 224
10997 3F Zeta DR UGR 2x22 LED L1783 1 0.012 4.800 236
10998 3F Zeta DR UGR 1x30 LED L1783 1 0.012 5.400 236
10999 3F Zeta DR UGR 2x22 LED DALI L1783 1 0.012 4.935 236
11000 3F Zeta DR UGR 1x30 LED DALI L1783 1 0.012 4.840 236
11001 3F Zeta DR UGR 2x22 LED EP L1783 1 0.012 6.100 236
11002 3F Zeta DR UGR 1x30 LED EP L1783 1 0.012 6.000 236
11003 3F Zeta DR UGR 2x22/940 LED L1783 1 0.012 5.500 236
11004 3F Zeta DR UGR 2x22/940 LED DALI L1783 1 0.012 5.500 236
11026 3F Zeta L UGR 50 LED L1783 1 0.012 5.400 225
11027 3F Zeta L UGR 50/940 LED L1783 1 0.012 5.400 225
11028 3F Zeta L UGR 50 LED DALI L1783 1 0.012 5.400 225
11029 3F Zeta L UGR 50/940 LED DALI L1783 1 0.012 5.400 225
11030 3F Zeta L UGR 50 LED EP L1783 1 0.012 6.000 225
11031 3F Zeta L UGR 50/940 LED EP L1783 1 0.012 6.000 225
11481 3F Travetta LED 1x22W DALI 2MG L1590 1 0.022 5.510 208
11484 3F Travetta LED 2x22W DALI 2MG L1590 1 0.022 5.670 208
11494 3F Travetta LED 1x18W DALI OP L1290 1 0.018 3.800 208
11495 3F Travetta LED 1x22W DALI OP L1590 1 0.022 4.800 208
11497 3F Travetta LED 2x18W DALI OP L1290 1 0.018 4.000 208
11498 3F Travetta LED 2x22W DALI OP L1590 1 0.022 5.000 208
11503 3F Travetta LED DI 2x15W DALI 2MG L1590 1 0.022 5.495 212
11504 3F Travetta LED DI 2x22W DALI 2MG L1590 1 0.022 5.465 212
11511 3F Travetta LED 1x40W DALI OP L2200 1 0.030 7.000 208
11513 3F Travetta LED 2x40W DALI OP L2200 1 0.030 7.500 208
11515 3F Travetta LED 1x30W/940 DALI 2MG L1590 1 0.022 5.510 208
11516 3F Travetta LED 2x22W/940 DALI 2MG L1590 1 0.022 5.670 208
11522 3F Trav. LED DI 2x15W DALI LS 2MG L1590 1 0.022 5.300 212
11523 3F Trav. LED DI 2x22W DALI LS 2MG L1590 1 0.022 5.300 212
11528 3F Travetta LED 1x24W LGS L1290 1 0.018 4.610 209
11530 3F Travetta LED 1x30W LGS L1590 1 0.022 5.570 209
11531 3F Travetta LED 2x18W LGS L1290 1 0.018 4.670 209
11533 3F Travetta LED 2x22W LGS L1590 1 0.022 5.675 209
11537 3F Travetta LED 1x24W DALI LGS L1290 1 0.018 4.585 209
11539 3F Travetta LED 1x30W DALI LGS L1590 1 0.022 5.560 209
11540 3F Travetta LED 2x18W DALI LGS L1290 1 0.018 4.710 209
11542 3F Travetta LED 2x22W DALI LGS L1590 1 0.022 5.740 209
11566 3F Travetta LED 1x24W/940 LGS L1290 1 0.018 3.800 209
11567 3F Travetta LED 1x30W/940 LGS L1590 1 0.022 5.570 209
11568 3F Travetta LED 2x18W/940 LGS L1290 1 0.018 4.000 209
11569 3F Travetta LED 2x22W/940 LGS L1590 1 0.022 5.675 209
11570 3F Travetta LED 1x24W/940 DALI LGS L1290 1 0.018 3.800 209
11571 3F Travetta LED 1x30W/940 DALI LGS L1590 1 0.022 4.800 209
11572 3F Travetta LED 2x18W/940 DALI LGS L1290 1 0.018 4.830 209
11573 3F Travetta LED 2x22W/940 DALI LGS L1590 1 0.022 5.740 209
11596 3F Trav. LED DI 2x15W/940 DALI 2MG L1590 1 0.022 5.495 212

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Pcs m³ Gross weight in kg

11597 3F Trav. LED DI 2x22W/940 DALI 2MG L1590 1 0.022 5.465 212
11599 3F Travetta LED DI 2x22W LGS L1590 1 0.022 6.000 213
11600 3F Travetta LED DI 2x30W LGS L1590 1 0.022 6.000 213
11602 3F Travetta LED DI 2x22W/940 LGS L1590 1 0.022 6.000 213
11603 3F Travetta LED DI 2x30W/940 LGS L1590 1 0.022 6.000 213
11629 3F Travetta LED DI 2x22W DALI LGS L1590 1 0.022 6.000 213
11630 3F Travetta LED DI 2x30W DALI LGS L1590 1 0.022 6.000 213
11632 3F Trav. LED DI 2x22W/940 DALI LGS L1590 1 0.022 6.000 213
11633 3F Trav. LED DI 2x30W/940 DALI LGS L1590 1 0.022 6.000 213
11656 3F Travetta LED DI 2x18W LGS L1290 1 0.018 4.595 213
11657 3F Travetta LED DI 2x24W LGS L1290 1 0.018 4.655 213
11658 3F Travetta LED DI 2x18W/940 LGS L1290 1 0.018 4.400 213
11659 3F Travetta LED DI 2x24W/940 LGS L1290 1 0.018 4.400 213
11660 3F Travetta LED DI 2x18W DALI LGS L1290 1 0.018 4.400 213
11661 3F Travetta LED DI 2x24W DALI LGS L1290 1 0.018 4.400 213
11662 3F Trav. LED DI 2x18W/940 DALI LGS L1290 1 0.018 4.585 213
11663 3F Trav. LED DI 2x24W/940 DALI LGS L1290 1 0.018 4.400 213
12126 3F Diagon P 25W/830 SOFT UGR 596x596 1 0.016 6.875 246
12127 3F Diagon P 25W/830 DALI SOFT UGR 596x596 1 0.016 6.600 246
12128 3F Diagon P 25W/830 EP SOFT UGR 596x596 1 0.016 7.200 246
12130 3F Diagon P 25W/840 SOFT UGR 596x596 1 0.016 6.970 246
12131 3F Diagon P 25W/840 DALI SOFT UGR 596x596 1 0.016 6.950 246
12132 3F Diagon P 25W/840 EP SOFT UGR 596x596 1 0.016 7.200 246
12134 3F Diagon P 39W/930 SOFT UGR 596x596 1 0.016 6.900 246
12135 3F Diagon P 39W/930 DALI SOFT UGR 596x596 1 0.016 6.600 246
12136 3F Diagon P 39W/930 EP SOFT UGR 596x596 1 0.016 7.795 246
12138 3F Diagon P 39W/940 SOFT UGR 596x596 1 0.016 6.865 246
12139 3F Diagon P 39W/940 DALI SOFT UGR 596x596 1 0.016 6.945 246
12140 3F Diagon P 39W/940 EP SOFT UGR 596x596 1 0.016 7.200 246
12142 3F Diagon P 25W DT8 TW SOFT UGR 596x596 1 0.016 7.225 250
12675 P 201x30W LED 2US 156x1531 1 0.024 5.165 266
12680 P 202x24W LED 2US 196x1231 1 0.023 4.870 266
12682 P 202x30W LED 2US 196x1531 1 0.030 6.055 266
12687 P 202x24W LED 2US 270x1231 1 0.031 5.780 266
12689 P 202x30W LED 2US 270x1531 1 0.041 7.450 266
12692 P 203x10W LED 2US 596x596 1 0.037 5.530 266
12815 P 251x30W LED SP 156x1531 1 0.015 4.685 274
12820 P 252x24W LED SP 196x1231 1 0.015 4.745 274
12822 P 252x30W LED SP 196x1531 1 0.019 5.545 274
12824 P 253x10W LED SP 596x596 1 0.023 5.135 274
12826 P 254x10W LED SP 596x596 1 0.023 5.390 274
12835 P 251x30W LED OP 156x1531 1 0.015 5.035 274
12840 P 252x24W LED OP 196x1231 1 0.015 4.400 274
12842 P 252x30W LED OP 196x1531 1 0.019 5.705 274
12844 P 253x10W LED OP 596x596 1 0.023 5.440 274
12846 P 254x10W LED OP 596x596 1 0.023 5.595 274
12855 P 251x30W LED LGS 156x1531 1 0.015 5.025 275
12860 P 252x24W LED LGS 196x1231 1 0.015 4.400 275
12862 P 252x30W LED LGS 196x1531 1 0.019 5.600 275
12864 P 253x10W LED LGS 596x596 1 0.023 5.500 275
12866 P 254x10W LED LGS 596x596 1 0.023 5.695 275
12870 3F Mirella SF BK 40 SP L1480 1 0.027 6.100 116
12871 3F Mirella SF BK 60 SP L2200 1 0.039 8.700 116
12872 3F Mirella SF BK 40 DALI SP L1480 1 0.027 6.200 116
12873 3F Mirella SF BK 60 DALI SP L2200 1 0.039 8.800 116
12874 3F Mirella SF BK DI 40+8 SP L1480 1 0.027 6.400 120
12875 3F Mirella SF BK DI 60+14 SP L2200 1 0.039 9.100 120
12876 3F Mirella SF BK DI 40+8 DALI SP L1480 1 0.027 6.500 120
12877 3F Mirella SF BK DI 60+14 DALI SP L2200 1 0.039 9.200 120
12892 3F Mirella SF WH 40 SP L1480 1 0.027 6.100 116

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Pcs m³ Gross weight in kg

12893 3F Mirella SF WH 60 SP L2200 1 0.039 8.700 116
12894 3F Mirella SF WH 40 DALI SP L1480 1 0.027 6.200 116
12895 3F Mirella SF WH 60 DALI SP L2200 1 0.039 8.800 116
12896 3F Mirella SF WH DI 40+8 SP L1480 1 0.027 6.400 120
12897 3F Mirella SF WH DI 60+14 SP L2200 1 0.039 9.100 120
12898 3F Mirella SF WH DI 40+8 DALI SP L1480 1 0.027 6.500 120
12899 3F Mirella SF WH DI 60+14 DALI SP L2200 1 0.039 9.200 120
12914 3F Mirella SF AL 40 SP L1480 1 0.027 6.100 116
12915 3F Mirella SF AL 60 SP L2200 1 0.039 8.700 116
12916 3F Mirella SF AL 40 DALI SP L1480 1 0.027 6.200 116
12917 3F Mirella SF AL 60 DALI SP L2200 1 0.039 8.800 116
12918 3F Mirella SF AL DI 40+8 SP L1480 1 0.027 6.400 120
12919 3F Mirella SF AL DI 60+14 SP L2200 1 0.039 9.100 120
12920 3F Mirella SF AL DI 40+8 DALI SP L1480 1 0.027 6.500 120
12921 3F Mirella SF AL DI 60+14 DALI SP L2200 1 0.039 9.200 120
12960 3F Mirella Floor SF BK 23+23 1 0.012 15.310 126
12961 3F Mirella Floor SF WH 23+23 1 0.012 15.310 126
12964 3F Mirella Floor SF BK 23+23 Touch DALI 1 0.012 15.310 126
12965 3F Mirella Floor SF WH 23+23 Touch DALI 1 0.012 15.310 126
21244 L 323x10W LED SP 596x596 1 0.029 4.415 330
21245 L 324x10W LED SP 596x596 1 0.029 4.865 330
21256 L 323x10W LED DALI SP 596x596 1 0.029 5.015 330
21257 L 324x10W LED DALI SP 596x596 1 0.029 4.965 330
21262 L 323x10W LED EP SP 596x596 1 0.029 5.415 330
21263 L 324x10W LED EP SP 596x596 1 0.029 5.020 330
21287 L 322x18W LED SP 296x1196 1 0.037 5.295 330
21290 L 322x18W LED DALI SP 296x1196 1 0.037 5.510 330
21293 L 322x18W LED EP SP 296x1196 1 0.037 5.835 331
21580 L 323x10W LED LGS 596x596 1 0.029 5.190 332
21581 L 324x10W LED LGS 596x596 1 0.029 5.215 332
21586 L 323x10W LED DALI LGS 596x596 1 0.029 5.000 332
21587 L 324x10W LED DALI LGS 596x596 1 0.029 5.230 332
21589 L 323x10W LED EP LGS 596x596 1 0.029 5.900 332
21590 L 324x10W LED EP LGS 596x596 1 0.029 5.795 332
21600 L 322x18W LED LGS 296x1196 1 0.037 5.835 332
21603 L 322x18W LED DALI LGS 296x1196 1 0.037 5.770 332
21606 L 322x18W LED EP LGS 296x1196 1 0.037 5.900 332
21617 L 323x10W LED SP 599x599 1 0.029 4.840 330
21618 L 323x10W/940 LED SP 599x599 1 0.029 4.840 330
21619 L 323x10W LED DALI SP 599x599 1 0.029 4.840 330
21620 L 323x10W/940 LED DALI SP 599x599 1 0.029 4.840 330
21621 L 323x10W LED EP SP 599x599 1 0.029 4.905 330
21622 L 323x10W/940 LED EP SP 599x599 1 0.029 5.415 330
21623 L 324x10W LED LGS 599x599 1 0.029 4.840 332
21624 L 324x10W/940 LED LGS 599x599 1 0.029 4.840 332
21625 L 324x10W LED DALI LGS 599x599 1 0.029 4.840 332
21626 L 324x10W/940 LED DALI LGS 599x599 1 0.029 4.840 332
21627 L 324x10W LED EP LGS 599x599 1 0.029 5.415 332
21628 L 324x10W/940 LED EP LGS 599x599 1 0.029 5.415 332
21856 L 650 28W/840 DALI LGS 596x596 1 0.037 7.500 386
21857 L 650 42W/840 DALI LGS 596x596 1 0.037 7.500 386
21858 L 650 63W/840 DALI LGS 596x596 1 0.037 7.500 386
21859 L 650 28W/840 DALI LGS 599x599 1 0.041 7.600 386
21860 L 650 42W/840 DALI LGS 599x599 1 0.041 7.600 386
21861 L 650 63W/840 DALI LGS 599x599 1 0.041 7.600 386
21862 L 650 28W/840 DALI EP LGS 596x596 1 0.037 8.100 386
21863 L 650 42W/840 DALI EP LGS 596x596 1 0.037 8.100 386
21864 L 650 63W/840 DALI EP LGS 596x596 1 0.037 8.100 386
21865 L 650 28W/840 DALI EP LGS 599x599 1 0.041 8.200 386
21866 L 650 42W/840 DALI EP LGS 599x599 1 0.041 8.200 386

Analytical guide
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Pcs m³ Gross weight in kg

21867 L 650 63W/840 DALI EP LGS 599x599 1 0.041 8.200 386
21868 L 650 35W/940 DALI LGS 596x596 1 0.037 7.500 386
21869 L 650 52W/940 DALI LGS 596x596 1 0.037 7.500 386
21870 L 650 75W/940 DALI LGS 596x596 1 0.037 7.500 386
21871 L 650 35W/940 DALI LGS 599x599 1 0.041 7.700 386
21872 L 650 52W/940 DALI LGS 599x599 1 0.041 7.700 386
21873 L 650 75W/940 DALI LGS 599x599 1 0.041 7.700 386
21874 L 650 35W/940 DALI EP LGS 596x596 1 0.037 8.100 386
21875 L 650 52W/940 DALI EP LGS 596x596 1 0.037 8.100 386
21876 L 650 75W/940 DALI EP LGS 596x596 1 0.037 8.100 386
21877 L 650 35W/940 DALI EP LGS 599x599 1 0.041 8.200 386
21878 L 650 52W/940 DALI EP LGS 599x599 1 0.041 8.200 386
21879 L 650 75W/940 DALI EP LGS 599x599 1 0.041 8.200 386
21880 L 650 28W/840 DALI VSS 596x596 1 0.037 10.200 387
21881 L 650 42W/840 DALI VSS 596x596 1 0.037 10.200 387
21882 L 650 63W/840 DALI VSS 596x596 1 0.037 10.200 387
21883 L 650 28W/840 DALI VSS 599x599 1 0.041 10.300 387
21884 L 650 42W/840 DALI VSS 599x599 1 0.041 11.195 387
21885 L 650 63W/840 DALI VSS 599x599 1 0.041 10.300 387
21886 L 650 28W/840 DALI EP VSS 596x596 1 0.037 10.800 387
21887 L 650 42W/840 DALI EP VSS 596x596 1 0.037 10.800 387
21888 L 650 63W/840 DALI EP VSS 596x596 1 0.037 10.800 387
21889 L 650 28W/840 DALI EP VSS 599x599 1 0.041 10.900 387
21890 L 650 42W/840 DALI EP VSS 599x599 1 0.041 10.900 387
21891 L 650 63W/840 DALI EP VSS 599x599 1 0.041 10.900 387
21892 L 650 35W/940 DALI VSS 596x596 1 0.037 10.200 387
21893 L 650 52W/940 DALI VSS 596x596 1 0.037 10.435 387
21894 L 650 75W/940 DALI VSS 596x596 1 0.037 10.200 387
21895 L 650 35W/940 DALI VSS 599x599 1 0.041 10.300 387
21896 L 650 52W/940 DALI VSS 599x599 1 0.041 10.300 387
21897 L 650 75W/940 DALI VSS 599x599 1 0.041 11.175 387
21898 L 650 35W/940 DALI EP VSS 596x596 1 0.037 10.800 387
21899 L 650 52W/940 DALI EP VSS 596x596 1 0.037 10.800 387
21900 L 650 75W/940 DALI EP VSS 596x596 1 0.037 10.800 387
21901 L 650 35W/940 DALI EP VSS 599x599 1 0.041 10.900 387
21902 L 650 52W/940 DALI EP VSS 599x599 1 0.041 10.900 387
21903 L 650 75W/940 DALI EP VSS 599x599 1 0.041 10.900 387
21922 L 490 12W LED DALI GSP 125x625 1 0.013 2.100 368
21923 L 490 24W LED DALI GSP 125x1225 1 0.024 3.000 368
21924 L 490 30W LED DALI GSP 125x1525 1 0.030 3.645 368
21925 L 490 12W LED DALI EP GSP 125x625 1 0.013 2.700 368
21926 L 490 24W LED DALI EP GSP 125x1225 1 0.024 3.600 368
21927 L 490 30W LED DALI EP GSP 125x1525 1 0.030 4.245 368
21934 L 490 12W LED DALI OP 125x625 1 0.013 2.100 368
21935 L 490 24W LED DALI OP 125x1225 1 0.024 3.000 368
21936 L 490 30W LED DALI OP 125x1525 1 0.030 3.645 368
21937 L 490 12W LED DALI EP OP 125x625 1 0.013 2.700 368
21938 L 490 24W LED DALI EP OP 125x1225 1 0.024 3.600 368
21939 L 490 30W LED DALI EP OP 125x1525 1 0.030 4.245 368
22230 3F Six R 85/840 WIDE 596x596 1 0.029 5.150 292
22231 3F Six R 70/840 WIDE 596x596 1 0.029 5.150 292
22232 3F Six R 60/840 WIDE 596x596 1 0.029 5.075 292
22233 3F Six R 85/840 DALI WIDE 596x596 1 0.029 5.440 292
22234 3F Six R 70/840 DALI WIDE 596x596 1 0.029 5.150 292
22235 3F Six R 60/840 DALI WIDE 596x596 1 0.029 5.150 292
22237 3F Six R 85/840 MEDIUM 596x596 1 0.029 5.150 292
22238 3F Six R 70/840 MEDIUM 596x596 1 0.029 5.150 292
22239 3F Six R 60/840 MEDIUM 596x596 1 0.029 5.150 292
22240 3F Six R 85/840 DALI MEDIUM 596x596 1 0.029 5.150 292
22241 3F Six R 70/840 DALI MEDIUM 596x596 1 0.029 5.150 292

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Pcs m³ Gross weight in kg

22242 3F Six R 60/840 DALI MEDIUM 596x596 1 0.029 5.150 292
22244 3F Six R 40/840 UGR 596x596 1 0.029 5.150 293
22245 3F Six R 40/840 DALI UGR 596x596 1 0.029 5.150 293
22701 L 323x10W/940 LED SP 596x596 1 0.029 4.870 330
22702 L 324x10W/940 LED SP 596x596 1 0.029 4.380 330
22703 L 323x10W/940 LED DALI SP 596x596 1 0.029 4.905 330
22704 L 324x10W/940 LED DALI SP 596x596 1 0.029 4.545 330
22705 L 323x10W/940 LED EP SP 596x596 1 0.029 5.900 330
22706 L 324x10W/940 LED EP SP 596x596 1 0.029 6.100 330
22709 L 324x10W/940 LED LGS 596x596 1 0.029 5.320 332
22710 L 324x10W/940 LED DALI LGS 596x596 1 0.029 4.765 332
22711 L 324x10W/940 LED EP LGS 596x596 1 0.029 6.100 332
22716 L 323x10W/940 LED 2S 596x596 1 0.029 4.850 329
22717 L 323x10W/940 LED EP 2S 596x596 1 0.029 5.150 329
22718 L 323x10W/940 LED DALI 2S 596x596 1 0.029 4.725 329
22722 L 323x10W/940 LED 2MG 596x596 1 0.029 4.610 328
22723 L 323x10W/940 LED EP 2MG 596x596 1 0.029 5.150 328
22724 L 323x10W/940 LED DALI 2MG 596x596 1 0.029 4.185 328
22782 L 362x12W LED OCW 296x1196 1 0.014 5.530 364
22783 L 362x12W LED DALI OCW 296x1196 1 0.014 5.625 364
22786 L 362x12W LED OCW 308x1246 1 0.015 6.800 364
22787 L 362x12W LED DALI OCW 308x1246 1 0.015 7.000 364
22790 3FLP6060UGR-830 1 0.014 2.605 300
22791 3FLP6060UGR-840 1 0.014 2.810 300
22792 3FLP6060UGR-930 1 0.014 2.640 300
22793 3FLP6060UGR-940 1 0.014 2.615 300
22794 3FLP30120UGR-940 1 0.015 2.765 300
22796 3FLP30120UGR-840 1 0.015 2.765 300
22821 L 600 28W/840 DALI LGS 596x596 1 0.037 5.805 378
22822 L 600 42W/840 DALI LGS 596x596 1 0.037 5.820 378
22823 L 600 63W/840 DALI LGS 596x596 1 0.037 5.875 378
22824 L 600 28W/840 DALI LGS 599x599 1 0.041 5.600 378
22825 L 600 42W/840 DALI LGS 599x599 1 0.041 5.600 378
22826 L 600 63W/840 DALI LGS 599x599 1 0.041 5.600 378
22827 L 600 28W/840 DALI LGS 621x621 1 0.041 5.700 379
22828 L 600 42W/840 DALI LGS 621x621 1 0.041 5.700 379
22829 L 600 63W/840 DALI LGS 621x621 1 0.041 5.700 379
22830 L 600 28W/840 DALI EP LGS 596x596 1 0.037 6.100 378
22831 L 600 42W/840 DALI EP LGS 596x596 1 0.037 6.100 378
22832 L 600 63W/840 DALI EP LGS 596x596 1 0.037 6.800 378
22833 L 600 28W/840 DALI EP LGS 599x599 1 0.041 6.100 379
22834 L 600 42W/840 DALI EP LGS 599x599 1 0.041 6.100 379
22835 L 600 63W/840 DALI EP LGS 599x599 1 0.041 6.300 379
22836 L 600 28W/840 DALI EP LGS 621x621 1 0.041 6.200 379
22837 L 600 42W/840 DALI EP LGS 621x621 1 0.041 6.200 379
22838 L 600 63W/840 DALI EP LGS 621x621 1 0.041 6.400 379
22839 L 600 35W/940 DALI LGS 596x596 1 0.037 5.600 378
22840 L 600 52W/940 DALI LGS 596x596 1 0.037 5.600 378
22841 L 600 75W/940 DALI LGS 596x596 1 0.037 5.600 378
22842 L 600 35W/940 DALI LGS 599x599 1 0.041 5.600 378
22843 L 600 52W/940 DALI LGS 599x599 1 0.041 5.600 378
22844 L 600 75W/940 DALI LGS 599x599 1 0.041 5.600 378
22845 L 600 35W/940 DALI LGS 621x621 1 0.041 5.700 379
22846 L 600 52W/940 DALI LGS 621x621 1 0.041 5.700 379
22847 L 600 75W/940 DALI LGS 621x621 1 0.041 5.700 379
22848 L 600 35W/940 DALI EP LGS 596x596 1 0.037 6.100 378
22849 L 600 52W/940 DALI EP LGS 596x596 1 0.037 6.100 378
22850 L 600 75W/940 DALI EP LGS 596x596 1 0.037 6.300 378
22851 L 600 35W/940 DALI EP LGS 599x599 1 0.041 6.100 379
22852 L 600 52W/940 DALI EP LGS 599x599 1 0.041 6.100 379

Analytical guide
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Pcs m³ Gross weight in kg

22853 L 600 75W/940 DALI EP LGS 599x599 1 0.041 6.300 379
22854 L 600 35W/940 DALI EP LGS 621x621 1 0.041 6.200 379
22855 L 600 52W/940 DALI EP LGS 621x621 1 0.041 6.200 379
22856 L 600 75W/940 DALI EP LGS 621x621 1 0.041 6.400 379
22857 L 600 28W/840 DALI VS 596x596 1 0.037 7.600 380
22858 L 600 42W/840 DALI VS 596x596 1 0.037 7.600 380
22859 L 600 63W/840 DALI VS 596x596 1 0.037 7.600 380
22860 L 600 28W/840 DALI VS 599x599 1 0.041 7.600 380
22861 L 600 42W/840 DALI VS 599x599 1 0.041 7.600 380
22862 L 600 63W/840 DALI VS 599x599 1 0.041 7.600 380
22863 L 600 28W/840 DALI VS 621x621 1 0.041 7.700 381
22864 L 600 42W/840 DALI VS 621x621 1 0.041 7.835 381
22865 L 600 63W/840 DALI VS 621x621 1 0.041 7.700 381
22866 L 600 28W/840 DALI EP VS 596x596 1 0.037 8.100 380
22867 L 600 42W/840 DALI EP VS 596x596 1 0.037 8.100 380
22868 L 600 63W/840 DALI EP VS 596x596 1 0.037 8.300 380
22869 L 600 28W/840 DALI EP VS 599x599 1 0.041 8.100 381
22870 L 600 42W/840 DALI EP VS 599x599 1 0.041 8.100 381
22871 L 600 63W/840 DALI EP VS 599x599 1 0.041 8.300 381
22872 L 600 28W/840 DALI EP VS 621x621 1 0.041 8.200 381
22873 L 600 42W/840 DALI EP VS 621x621 1 0.041 8.200 381
22874 L 600 63W/840 DALI EP VS 621x621 1 0.041 8.400 381
22875 L 600 35W/940 DALI VS 596x596 1 0.037 7.600 380
22876 L 600 52W/940 DALI VS 596x596 1 0.037 7.600 380
22877 L 600 75W/940 DALI VS 596x596 1 0.037 7.600 380
22878 L 600 35W/940 DALI VS 599x599 1 0.041 7.600 380
22879 L 600 52W/940 DALI VS 599x599 1 0.041 7.600 380
22880 L 600 75W/940 DALI VS 599x599 1 0.041 7.735 380
22881 L 600 35W/940 DALI VS 621x621 1 0.041 7.700 381
22882 L 600 52W/940 DALI VS 621x621 1 0.041 7.700 381
22883 L 600 75W/940 DALI VS 621x621 1 0.041 7.700 381
22884 L 600 35W/940 DALI EP VS 596x596 1 0.037 8.100 380
22885 L 600 52W/940 DALI EP VS 596x596 1 0.037 8.100 380
22886 L 600 75W/940 DALI EP VS 596x596 1 0.037 8.300 380
22887 L 600 35W/940 DALI EP VS 599x599 1 0.041 8.100 381
22888 L 600 52W/940 DALI EP VS 599x599 1 0.041 8.100 381
22889 L 600 75W/940 DALI EP VS 599x599 1 0.041 8.300 381
22890 L 600 35W/940 DALI EP VS 621x621 1 0.041 8.200 381
22891 L 600 52W/940 DALI EP VS 621x621 1 0.041 8.200 381
22892 L 600 75W/940 DALI EP VS 621x621 1 0.041 8.400 381
22893 L 600 35W/940 DALI VSS 596x596 1 0.037 7.600 382
22894 L 600 52W/940 DALI VSS 596x596 1 0.037 7.600 382
22895 L 600 75W/940 DALI VSS 596x596 1 0.037 7.600 382
22899 L 600 35W/940 DALI VSS 621x621 1 0.041 7.700 382
22900 L 600 52W/940 DALI VSS 621x621 1 0.041 7.700 382
22901 L 600 75W/940 DALI VSS 621x621 1 0.041 7.700 382
22902 L 600 35W/940 DALI EP VSS 596x596 1 0.037 8.100 382
22903 L 600 52W/940 DALI EP VSS 596x596 1 0.037 8.100 382
22904 L 600 75W/940 DALI EP VSS 596x596 1 0.037 8.300 382
22908 L 600 35W/940 DALI EP VSS 621x621 1 0.041 8.200 382
22909 L 600 52W/940 DALI EP VSS 621x621 1 0.041 8.200 382
22910 L 600 75W/940 DALI EP VSS 621x621 1 0.041 8.400 382
23002 3F Diagon 25W/830 596x596 1 0.014 4.100 312
23006 3F Diagon 25W/830 DALI 596x596 1 0.014 4.070 312
23010 3F Diagon 25W/830 EP 596x596 1 0.014 4.900 312
23024 3F Diagon 19W/840 596x596 1 0.014 4.080 312
23025 3F Diagon 15W/840 596x596 1 0.014 4.075 312
23026 3F Diagon 25W/840 596x596 1 0.014 4.085 312
23027 3F Diagon 39W/840 596x596 1 0.014 4.045 312
23028 3F Diagon 19W/840 DALI 596x596 1 0.014 3.995 312

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Pcs m³ Gross weight in kg

23029 3F Diagon 15W/840 DALI 596x596 1 0.014 4.040 312
23030 3F Diagon 25W/840 DALI 596x596 1 0.014 4.060 312
23031 3F Diagon 39W/840 DALI 596x596 1 0.014 4.075 312
23032 3F Diagon 19W/840 EP 596x596 1 0.014 4.900 312
23033 3F Diagon 15W/840 EP 596x596 1 0.014 4.760 312
23034 3F Diagon 25W/840 EP 596x596 1 0.014 4.900 312
23035 3F Diagon 39W/840 EP 596x596 1 0.014 4.900 312
23098 3F Diagon 25W/930 596x596 1 0.014 4.100 312
23102 3F Diagon 25W/930 DALI 596x596 1 0.014 3.975 312
23106 3F Diagon 25W/930 EP 596x596 1 0.014 4.865 312
23122 3F Diagon 25W/940 596x596 1 0.014 3.980 312
23123 3F Diagon 39W/940 596x596 1 0.014 4.080 312
23126 3F Diagon 25W/940 DALI 596x596 1 0.014 3.955 312
23127 3F Diagon 39W/940 DALI 596x596 1 0.014 3.955 312
23130 3F Diagon 25W/940 EP 596x596 1 0.014 4.835 312
23131 3F Diagon 39W/940 EP 596x596 1 0.014 4.835 312
23386 3F Diagon 25W/830 621x621 1 0.016 4.150 313
23390 3F Diagon 25W/830 DALI 621x621 1 0.016 4.300 313
23394 3F Diagon 25W/830 EP 621x621 1 0.016 5.100 313
23408 3F Diagon 19W/840 621x621 1 0.016 4.300 313
23409 3F Diagon 15W/840 621x621 1 0.016 4.300 313
23410 3F Diagon 25W/840 621x621 1 0.016 4.280 313
23411 3F Diagon 39W/840 621x621 1 0.016 4.300 313
23412 3F Diagon 19W/840 DALI 621x621 1 0.016 4.300 313
23413 3F Diagon 15W/840 DALI 621x621 1 0.016 4.300 313
23414 3F Diagon 25W/840 DALI 621x621 1 0.016 4.300 313
23415 3F Diagon 39W/840 DALI 621x621 1 0.016 4.275 313
23416 3F Diagon 19W/840 EP 621x621 1 0.016 5.100 313
23417 3F Diagon 15W/840 EP 621x621 1 0.016 5.100 313
23418 3F Diagon 25W/840 EP 621x621 1 0.016 5.100 313
23419 3F Diagon 39W/840 EP 621x621 1 0.016 5.100 313
23482 3F Diagon 25W/930 621x621 1 0.016 4.230 313
23486 3F Diagon 25W/930 DALI 621x621 1 0.016 4.285 313
23490 3F Diagon 25W/930 EP 621x621 1 0.016 5.100 313
23506 3F Diagon 25W/940 621x621 1 0.016 4.300 313
23507 3F Diagon 39W/940 621x621 1 0.016 4.300 313
23510 3F Diagon 25W/940 DALI 621x621 1 0.016 4.300 313
23511 3F Diagon 39W/940 DALI 621x621 1 0.016 4.300 313
23514 3F Diagon 25W/940 EP 621x621 1 0.016 5.100 313
23515 3F Diagon 39W/940 EP 621x621 1 0.016 5.100 313
23785 3F Diagon FCL 19W/840 599x599 1 0.037 4.685 322
23786 3F Diagon FCL 25W/840 599x599 1 0.037 4.545 322
23787 3F Diagon FCL 19W/840 DALI 599x599 1 0.037 4.685 322
23788 3F Diagon FCL 25W/840 DALI 599x599 1 0.037 4.550 322
23789 3F Diagon FCL 19W/840 EP 599x599 1 0.037 5.300 322
23790 3F Diagon FCL 25W/840 EP 599x599 1 0.037 5.300 322
23795 3F Diagon FCH 19W/840 599x599 1 0.037 4.555 322
23796 3F Diagon FCH 25W/840 599x599 1 0.037 4.500 322
23797 3F Diagon FCH 19W/840 DALI 599x599 1 0.037 4.500 322
23798 3F Diagon FCH 25W/840 DALI 599x599 1 0.037 4.500 322
23799 3F Diagon FCH 19W/840 EP 599x599 1 0.037 5.300 322
23800 3F Diagon FCH 25W/840 EP 599x599 1 0.037 5.300 322
23812 3F Diagon 25W/840 SOFT UGR 596x596 1 0.014 4.085 314
23813 3F Diagon 25W/840 EP SOFT UGR 596x596 1 0.014 4.900 314
23814 3F Diagon 25W/840 DALI SOFT UGR 596x596 1 0.014 4.100 314
23816 3F Diagon 25W DT8 TW SOFT UGR 596x596 1 0.014 4.105 318
23819 3F Diagon 25W/840 SOFT UGR 621x621 1 0.016 4.300 314
23820 3F Diagon 25W/840 EP SOFT UGR 621x621 1 0.016 5.100 314
23821 3F Diagon 25W/840 DALI SOFT UGR 621x621 1 0.016 4.300 314
23823 3F Diagon 25W DT8 TW SOFT UGR 621x621 1 0.016 4.300 318

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23826 3F Diagon 25W/830 SOFT UGR 596x596 1 0.014 3.980 314
23827 3F Diagon 25W/830 EP SOFT UGR 596x596 1 0.014 4.655 314
23828 3F Diagon 25W/830 DALI SOFT UGR 596x596 1 0.014 4.105 314
23830 3F Diagon 25W/830 SOFT UGR 621x621 1 0.016 4.265 314
23831 3F Diagon 25W/830 EP SOFT UGR 621x621 1 0.016 5.100 314
23832 3F Diagon 25W/830 DALI SOFT UGR 621x621 1 0.016 4.300 314
23834 3F Diagon 39W/940 SOFT UGR 596x596 1 0.014 4.090 314
23835 3F Diagon 39W/940 EP SOFT UGR 596x596 1 0.014 4.855 314
23836 3F Diagon 39W/940 DALI SOFT UGR 596x596 1 0.014 4.030 314
23838 3F Diagon 39W/940 SOFT UGR 621x621 1 0.016 4.300 314
23839 3F Diagon 39W/940 EP SOFT UGR 621x621 1 0.016 5.100 314
23840 3F Diagon 39W/940 DALI SOFT UGR 621x621 1 0.016 4.300 314
23842 3F Diagon 39W/930 SOFT UGR 596x596 1 0.014 4.100 314
23843 3F Diagon 39W/930 EP SOFT UGR 596x596 1 0.014 4.900 314
23844 3F Diagon 39W/930 DALI SOFT UGR 596x596 1 0.014 3.960 314
23846 3F Diagon 39W/930 SOFT UGR 621x621 1 0.016 4.300 314
23847 3F Diagon 39W/930 EP SOFT UGR 621x621 1 0.016 5.100 314
23848 3F Diagon 39W/930 DALI SOFT UGR 621x621 1 0.016 4.300 314
23853 3F Diagon FP 25W/840 SOFT UGR 599x599 1 0.037 4.500 323
23854 3F Diagon FP 25W/840 EP SOFT UGR 599x599 1 0.037 5.300 323
23855 3F Diagon FP 25W/840 DALI SOFT UGR 599x599 1 0.037 4.665 323
23857 L 340 25W/840 LGS 596x596 1 0.064 4.950 342
23858 L 340 38W/840 LGS 596x596 1 0.064 4.950 342
23859 L 340 45W/840 LGS 596x596 1 0.064 4.950 342
23860 L 340 25W/840 LGS 621x621 1 0.034 5.060 343
23861 L 340 38W/840 LGS 621x621 1 0.034 5.100 343
23862 L 340 45W/840 LGS 621x621 1 0.034 5.100 343
23863 L 340 25W/840 DALI LGS 596x596 1 0.064 4.950 342
23864 L 340 38W/840 DALI LGS 596x596 1 0.064 4.950 342
23865 L 340 45W/840 DALI LGS 596x596 1 0.064 4.950 342
23866 L 340 25W/840 DALI LGS 621x621 1 0.034 5.100 343
23867 L 340 38W/840 DALI LGS 621x621 1 0.034 5.100 343
23868 L 340 45W/840 DALI LGS 621x621 1 0.034 5.100 343
23869 L 340 25W/840 EP LGS 596x596 1 0.064 5.750 342
23870 L 340 38W/840 EP LGS 596x596 1 0.064 5.750 342
23871 L 340 45W/840 EP LGS 596x596 1 0.064 5.750 342
23872 L 340 25W/840 EP LGS 621x621 1 0.034 5.900 343
23873 L 340 38W/840 EP LGS 621x621 1 0.034 5.900 343
23874 L 340 45W/840 EP LGS 621x621 1 0.034 5.900 343
23881 L 340 29W/940 LGS 596x596 1 0.064 4.950 342
23882 L 340 45W/940 LGS 596x596 1 0.064 4.950 342
23883 L 340 29W/940 LGS 621x621 1 0.034 5.100 343
23884 L 340 45W/940 LGS 621x621 1 0.034 5.355 343
23885 L 340 29W/940 DALI LGS 596x596 1 0.064 4.950 342
23886 L 340 45W/940 DALI LGS 596x596 1 0.064 4.950 342
23887 L 340 29W/940 DALI LGS 621x621 1 0.034 5.100 343
23888 L 340 45W/940 DALI LGS 621x621 1 0.034 5.100 343
23889 L 340 29W/940 EP LGS 596x596 1 0.064 5.750 342
23890 L 340 45W/940 EP LGS 596x596 1 0.064 5.750 342
23891 L 340 29W/940 EP LGS 621x621 1 0.034 5.900 343
23892 L 340 45W/940 EP LGS 621x621 1 0.034 5.900 343
23897 L 340 25W/840 VS IP65V 596x596 1 0.064 6.950 346
23898 L 340 38W/840 VS IP65V 596x596 1 0.064 6.950 346
23899 L 340 45W/840 VS IP65V 596x596 1 0.064 6.950 346
23900 L 340 25W/840 VS IP65V 621x621 1 0.034 7.100 347
23901 L 340 38W/840 VS IP65V 621x621 1 0.034 7.100 347
23902 L 340 45W/840 VS IP65V 621x621 1 0.034 7.100 347
23903 L 340 25W/840 DALI VS IP65V 596x596 1 0.064 6.950 346
23904 L 340 38W/840 DALI VS IP65V 596x596 1 0.064 6.950 346
23905 L 340 45W/840 DALI VS IP65V 596x596 1 0.064 6.950 346

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Pcs m³ Gross weight in kg

23906 L 340 25W/840 DALI VS IP65V 621x621 1 0.034 7.100 347
23907 L 340 38W/840 DALI VS IP65V 621x621 1 0.034 7.100 347
23908 L 340 45W/840 DALI VS IP65V 621x621 1 0.034 7.100 347
23909 L 340 25W/840 EP VS IP65V 596x596 1 0.064 7.750 346
23910 L 340 38W/840 EP VS IP65V 596x596 1 0.064 7.750 346
23911 L 340 45W/840 EP VS IP65V 596x596 1 0.064 7.750 346
23912 L 340 25W/840 EP VS IP65V 621x621 1 0.034 7.900 347
23913 L 340 38W/840 EP VS IP65V 621x621 1 0.034 7.900 347
23914 L 340 45W/840 EP VS IP65V 621x621 1 0.034 7.900 347
23921 L 340 29W/940 VS IP65V 596x596 1 0.064 6.950 346
23922 L 340 45W/940 VS IP65V 596x596 1 0.064 6.950 346
23923 L 340 29W/940 VS IP65V 621x621 1 0.034 7.100 347
23924 L 340 45W/940 VS IP65V 621x621 1 0.034 7.100 347
23925 L 340 29W/940 DALI VS IP65V 596x596 1 0.064 6.950 346
23926 L 340 45W/940 DALI VS IP65V 596x596 1 0.064 6.950 346
23927 L 340 29W/940 DALI VS IP65V 621x621 1 0.034 7.100 347
23928 L 340 45W/940 DALI VS IP65V 621x621 1 0.034 7.100 347
23929 L 340 29W/940 EP VS IP65V 596x596 1 0.064 7.750 346
23930 L 340 45W/940 EP VS IP65V 596x596 1 0.064 7.750 346
23931 L 340 29W/940 EP VS IP65V 621x621 1 0.034 7.900 347
23932 L 340 45W/940 EP VS IP65V 621x621 1 0.034 7.900 347
23937 L 343x10W/840 SP 596x596 1 0.064 4.240 350
23938 L 343x10W/840 DALI SP 596x596 1 0.064 4.275 350
23939 L 343x10W/840 EP SP 596x596 1 0.064 4.740 350
23940 L 343x12W/940 SP 596x596 1 0.064 4.900 350
23941 L 343x12W/940 DALI SP 596x596 1 0.064 4.275 350
23942 L 343x12W/940 EP SP 596x596 1 0.064 5.700 350
23953 L 340 25W DALI DT8 TW LGS 596x596 1 0.064 5.100 354
23954 L 340 25W DALI DT8 TW LGS 621x621 1 0.034 5.100 354
23957 L 343x10W/840 SP 621x621 1 0.034 5.050 350
23958 L 343x10W/840 DALI SP 621x621 1 0.034 5.050 350
23959 L 343x10W/840 EP SP 621x621 1 0.034 5.650 350
23960 L 343x12W/940 SP 621x621 1 0.034 5.050 350
23961 L 343x12W/940 DALI SP 621x621 1 0.034 5.050 350
23962 L 343x12W/940 EP SP 621x621 1 0.034 5.650 350
23972 L 340 25W/840 LGS IP65V 596x596 1 0.064 5.000 344
23973 L 340 38W/840 LGS IP65V 596x596 1 0.064 5.000 344
23974 L 340 45W/840 LGS IP65V 596x596 1 0.064 5.000 344
23975 L 340 25W/840 LGS IP65V 621x621 1 0.034 5.250 345
23976 L 340 38W/840 LGS IP65V 621x621 1 0.034 5.100 345
23977 L 340 45W/840 LGS IP65V 621x621 1 0.034 5.445 345
23978 L 340 25W/840 DALI LGS IP65V 596x596 1 0.064 5.000 344
23979 L 340 38W/840 DALI LGS IP65V 596x596 1 0.064 5.000 344
23980 L 340 45W/840 DALI LGS IP65V 596x596 1 0.064 5.000 344
23981 L 340 25W/840 DALI LGS IP65V 621x621 1 0.034 5.100 345
23982 L 340 38W/840 DALI LGS IP65V 621x621 1 0.034 5.100 345
23983 L 340 45W/840 DALI LGS IP65V 621x621 1 0.034 5.100 345
23984 L 340 25W/840 EP LGS IP65V 596x596 1 0.064 5.800 344
23985 L 340 38W/840 EP LGS IP65V 596x596 1 0.064 5.800 344
23986 L 340 45W/840 EP LGS IP65V 596x596 1 0.064 5.800 344
23987 L 340 25W/840 EP LGS IP65V 621x621 1 0.034 5.900 345
23988 L 340 38W/840 EP LGS IP65V 621x621 1 0.034 5.900 345
23989 L 340 45W/840 EP LGS IP65V 621x621 1 0.034 5.900 345
23996 L 340 29W/940 LGS IP65V 596x596 1 0.064 5.000 344
23997 L 340 45W/940 LGS IP65V 596x596 1 0.064 5.000 344
23998 L 340 29W/940 LGS IP65V 621x621 1 0.034 5.100 345
23999 L 340 45W/940 LGS IP65V 621x621 1 0.034 5.100 345
24000 L 340 29W/940 DALI LGS IP65V 596x596 1 0.064 5.000 344
24001 L 340 45W/940 DALI LGS IP65V 596x596 1 0.064 5.000 344
24002 L 340 29W/940 DALI LGS IP65V 621x621 1 0.034 5.100 345

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Pcs m³ Gross weight in kg

24003 L 340 45W/940 DALI LGS IP65V 621x621 1 0.034 5.100 345
24004 L 340 29W/940 EP LGS IP65V 596x596 1 0.064 5.800 344
24005 L 340 45W/940 EP LGS IP65V 596x596 1 0.064 5.800 344
24006 L 340 29W/940 EP LGS IP65V 621x621 1 0.034 5.900 345
24007 L 340 45W/940 EP LGS IP65V 621x621 1 0.034 5.900 345
24048 3F Diagon FP 19W/840 599x599 1 0.037 4.720 323
24049 3F Diagon FP 25W/840 599x599 1 0.037 4.620 323
24050 3F Diagon FP 19W/840 DALI 599x599 1 0.037 4.500 323
24051 3F Diagon FP 25W/840 DALI 599x599 1 0.037 4.615 323
24052 3F Diagon FP 19W/840 EP 599x599 1 0.037 5.300 323
24053 3F Diagon FP 25W/840 EP 599x599 1 0.037 5.300 323
28826 L 323x10W LED 2S 596x596 1 0.029 4.730 329
28828 L 322x18W LED 2S 296x1196 1 0.037 5.155 329
28829 L 323x10W LED EP 2S 596x596 1 0.029 5.250 329
28831 L 322x18W LED EP 2S 296x1196 1 0.037 6.000 329
28838 L 323x10W LED DALI 2S 596x596 1 0.029 4.770 329
28840 L 322x18W LED DALI 2S 296x1196 1 0.037 5.200 329
28844 L 323x10W LED 2MG 596x596 1 0.029 4.710 328
28846 L 322x18W LED 2MG 296x1196 1 0.037 5.485 328
28847 L 323x10W LED EP 2MG 596x596 1 0.029 5.245 328
28849 L 322x18W LED EP 2MG 296x1196 1 0.037 6.000 328
28856 L 323x10W LED DALI 2MG 596x596 1 0.029 4.775 328
28858 L 322x18W LED DALI 2MG 296x1196 1 0.037 5.200 328
30001 3F Reno 100 WH 1000/840 SPOT 1 0.004 0.720 402
30005 3F Reno 100 WH 1000/930 SPOT 1 0.004 0.735 402
30009 3F Reno 100 WH 2000/840 SPOT 1 0.004 0.730 402
30013 3F Reno 100 WH 2000/930 SPOT 1 0.004 0.735 402
30018 3F Reno 100 WH 1000/840 EP SPOT 1 0.004 1.500 402
30022 3F Reno 100 WH 1000/930 EP SPOT 1 0.004 1.500 402
30026 3F Reno 100 WH 2000/840 EP SPOT 1 0.004 1.500 402
30030 3F Reno 100 WH 2000/930 EP SPOT 1 0.004 1.500 402
30035 3F Reno 100 WH 1000/840 DALI SPOT 1 0.004 0.700 402
30039 3F Reno 100 WH 1000/930 DALI SPOT 1 0.004 0.740 402
30043 3F Reno 100 WH 2000/840 DALI SPOT 1 0.004 0.775 402
30047 3F Reno 100 WH 2000/930 DALI SPOT 1 0.004 0.805 402
30069 3F Reno 100 WH 1000/840 WIDE 1 0.004 0.720 398
30073 3F Reno 100 WH 1000/930 WIDE 1 0.004 0.720 398
30077 3F Reno 100 WH 2000/840 WIDE 1 0.004 0.715 398
30081 3F Reno 100 WH 2000/930 WIDE 1 0.004 0.725 398
30086 3F Reno 100 WH 1000/840 EP WIDE 1 0.004 1.260 398
30090 3F Reno 100 WH 1000/930 EP WIDE 1 0.004 1.500 398
30094 3F Reno 100 WH 2000/840 EP WIDE 1 0.004 1.270 398
30098 3F Reno 100 WH 2000/930 EP WIDE 1 0.004 1.500 398
30103 3F Reno 100 WH 1000/840 DALI WIDE 1 0.004 0.720 398
30107 3F Reno 100 WH 1000/930 DALI WIDE 1 0.004 0.700 398
30111 3F Reno 100 WH 2000/840 DALI WIDE 1 0.004 0.765 398
30115 3F Reno 100 WH 2000/930 DALI WIDE 1 0.004 0.775 398
30205 3F Reno 100 WH 1000/840 ELL 1 0.004 0.730 400
30209 3F Reno 100 WH 1000/930 ELL 1 0.004 0.740 400
30213 3F Reno 100 WH 2000/840 ELL 1 0.004 0.745 400
30217 3F Reno 100 WH 2000/930 ELL 1 0.004 0.750 400
30222 3F Reno 100 WH 1000/840 EP ELL 1 0.004 1.500 400
30226 3F Reno 100 WH 1000/930 EP ELL 1 0.004 1.285 400
30230 3F Reno 100 WH 2000/840 EP ELL 1 0.004 1.500 400
30234 3F Reno 100 WH 2000/930 EP ELL 1 0.004 1.500 400
30239 3F Reno 100 WH 1000/840 DALI ELL 1 0.004 0.700 400
30243 3F Reno 100 WH 1000/930 DALI ELL 1 0.004 0.740 400
30247 3F Reno 100 WH 2000/840 DALI ELL 1 0.004 0.770 400
30251 3F Reno 100 WH 2000/930 DALI ELL 1 0.004 0.790 400
30273 3F Reno 150 WH 2000/840 SPOT 1 0.006 0.815 402

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30277 3F Reno 150 WH 2000/930 SPOT 1 0.006 0.830 402
30281 3F Reno 150 WH 3000/840 SPOT 1 0.006 1.460 402
30285 3F Reno 150 WH 3000/930 SPOT 1 0.006 1.485 402
30290 3F Reno 150 WH 2000/840 EP SPOT 1 0.006 1.600 403
30294 3F Reno 150 WH 2000/930 EP SPOT 1 0.006 1.600 403
30298 3F Reno 150 WH 3000/840 EP SPOT 1 0.006 2.100 403
30302 3F Reno 150 WH 3000/930 EP SPOT 1 0.006 2.100 403
30307 3F Reno 150 WH 2000/840 DALI SPOT 1 0.006 0.800 402
30311 3F Reno 150 WH 2000/930 DALI SPOT 1 0.006 0.870 402
30315 3F Reno 150 WH 3000/840 DALI SPOT 1 0.006 1.300 402
30319 3F Reno 150 WH 3000/930 DALI SPOT 1 0.006 1.300 402
30341 3F Reno 150 WH 2000/840 WIDE 1 0.006 0.800 398
30345 3F Reno 150 WH 2000/930 WIDE 1 0.006 0.810 398
30349 3F Reno 150 WH 3000/840 WIDE 1 0.006 1.450 398
30353 3F Reno 150 WH 3000/930 WIDE 1 0.006 1.455 398
30358 3F Reno 150 WH 2000/840 EP WIDE 1 0.006 1.600 399
30362 3F Reno 150 WH 2000/930 EP WIDE 1 0.006 1.350 399
30366 3F Reno 150 WH 3000/840 EP WIDE 1 0.006 2.000 399
30370 3F Reno 150 WH 3000/930 EP WIDE 1 0.006 2.100 399
30375 3F Reno 150 WH 2000/840 DALI WIDE 1 0.006 0.840 398
30379 3F Reno 150 WH 2000/930 DALI WIDE 1 0.006 0.850 398
30383 3F Reno 150 WH 3000/840 DALI WIDE 1 0.006 1.500 398
30387 3F Reno 150 WH 3000/930 DALI WIDE 1 0.006 1.510 398
30408 3F Reno 150 WH 1500/840 UGR 1 0.006 0.825 404
30409 3F Reno 150 WH 2000/840 UGR 1 0.006 0.895 404
30419 3F Reno 150 WH 1500/840 EP UGR 1 0.006 1.375 404
30420 3F Reno 150 WH 2000/840 EP UGR 1 0.006 1.600 404
30430 3F Reno 150 WH 1500/840 DALI UGR 1 0.006 0.830 404
30431 3F Reno 150 WH 2000/840 DALI UGR 1 0.006 0.865 404
30453 3F Reno 150 WH 2000/840 ELL 1 0.006 0.810 400
30457 3F Reno 150 WH 2000/930 ELL 1 0.006 0.825 400
30461 3F Reno 150 WH 3000/840 ELL 1 0.006 1.460 400
30465 3F Reno 150 WH 3000/930 ELL 1 0.006 1.300 400
30470 3F Reno 150 WH 2000/840 EP ELL 1 0.006 1.370 401
30474 3F Reno 150 WH 2000/930 EP ELL 1 0.006 1.600 401
30478 3F Reno 150 WH 3000/840 EP ELL 1 0.006 2.100 401
30482 3F Reno 150 WH 3000/930 EP ELL 1 0.006 2.100 401
30487 3F Reno 150 WH 2000/840 DALI ELL 1 0.006 0.800 400
30491 3F Reno 150 WH 2000/930 DALI ELL 1 0.006 0.800 400
30495 3F Reno 150 WH 3000/840 DALI ELL 1 0.006 1.520 400
30499 3F Reno 150 WH 3000/930 DALI ELL 1 0.006 1.530 400
30521 3F Reno 200 WH 2000/840 SPOT 1 0.011 0.975 403
30525 3F Reno 200 WH 2000/930 SPOT 1 0.011 0.975 403
30529 3F Reno 200 WH 3000/840 SPOT 1 0.011 1.500 403
30533 3F Reno 200 WH 3000/930 SPOT 1 0.011 1.500 403
30537 3F Reno 200 WH 4000/840 SPOT 1 0.011 1.630 403
30541 3F Reno 200 WH 4000/930 SPOT 1 0.011 1.635 403
30546 3F Reno 200 WH 2000/840 EP SPOT 1 0.011 1.900 403
30550 3F Reno 200 WH 2000/930 EP SPOT 1 0.011 1.900 403
30554 3F Reno 200 WH 3000/840 EP SPOT 1 0.011 2.300 403
30558 3F Reno 200 WH 3000/930 EP SPOT 1 0.011 2.300 403
30562 3F Reno 200 WH 4000/840 EP SPOT 1 0.011 2.300 403
30566 3F Reno 200 WH 4000/930 EP SPOT 1 0.011 2.300 403
30571 3F Reno 200 WH 2000/840 DALI SPOT 1 0.011 1.000 403
30575 3F Reno 200 WH 2000/930 DALI SPOT 1 0.011 1.100 403
30579 3F Reno 200 WH 3000/840 DALI SPOT 1 0.011 1.500 403
30583 3F Reno 200 WH 3000/930 DALI SPOT 1 0.011 1.500 403
30587 3F Reno 200 WH 4000/840 DALI SPOT 1 0.011 1.655 403
30591 3F Reno 200 WH 4000/930 DALI SPOT 1 0.011 1.500 403
30621 3F Reno 200 WH 2000/840 WIDE 1 0.011 0.960 399

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Pcs m³ Gross weight in kg

30625 3F Reno 200 WH 2000/930 WIDE 1 0.011 0.970 399
30629 3F Reno 200 WH 3000/840 WIDE 1 0.011 1.590 399
30633 3F Reno 200 WH 3000/930 WIDE 1 0.011 1.605 399
30637 3F Reno 200 WH 4000/840 WIDE 1 0.011 1.615 399
30641 3F Reno 200 WH 4000/930 WIDE 1 0.011 1.605 399
30646 3F Reno 200 WH 2000/840 EP WIDE 1 0.011 1.900 399
30650 3F Reno 200 WH 2000/930 EP WIDE 1 0.011 1.515 399
30654 3F Reno 200 WH 3000/840 EP WIDE 1 0.011 2.150 399
30658 3F Reno 200 WH 3000/930 EP WIDE 1 0.011 2.300 399
30662 3F Reno 200 WH 4000/840 EP WIDE 1 0.011 2.130 399
30666 3F Reno 200 WH 4000/930 EP WIDE 1 0.011 2.300 399
30671 3F Reno 200 WH 2000/840 DALI WIDE 1 0.011 1.055 399
30675 3F Reno 200 WH 2000/930 DALI WIDE 1 0.011 1.000 399
30679 3F Reno 200 WH 3000/840 DALI WIDE 1 0.011 1.655 399
30683 3F Reno 200 WH 3000/930 DALI WIDE 1 0.011 1.655 399
30687 3F Reno 200 WH 4000/840 DALI WIDE 1 0.011 1.670 399
30691 3F Reno 200 WH 4000/930 DALI WIDE 1 0.011 1.685 399
30721 3F Reno 200 WH 2000/840 UGR 1 0.011 0.970 404
30725 3F Reno 200 WH 2000/930 UGR 1 0.011 0.980 404
30726 3F Reno 200 WH 3000/840 UGR 1 0.011 1.620 404
30730 3F Reno 200 WH 2500/930 UGR 1 0.011 1.625 404
30737 3F Reno 200 WH 2000/840 EP UGR 1 0.011 1.900 404
30741 3F Reno 200 WH 2000/930 EP UGR 1 0.011 1.520 404
30742 3F Reno 200 WH 3000/840 EP UGR 1 0.011 2.105 404
30746 3F Reno 200 WH 2500/930 EP UGR 1 0.011 2.300 404
30753 3F Reno 200 WH 2000/840 DALI UGR 1 0.011 1.010 404
30757 3F Reno 200 WH 2000/930 DALI UGR 1 0.011 1.085 404
30758 3F Reno 200 WH 3000/840 DALI UGR 1 0.011 1.670 404
30762 3F Reno 200 WH 2500/930 DALI UGR 1 0.011 1.710 404
30785 3F Reno 200 WH 2000/840 ELL 1 0.011 0.970 401
30789 3F Reno 200 WH 2000/930 ELL 1 0.011 0.960 401
30793 3F Reno 200 WH 3000/840 ELL 1 0.011 1.500 401
30797 3F Reno 200 WH 3000/930 ELL 1 0.011 1.620 401
30801 3F Reno 200 WH 4000/840 ELL 1 0.011 1.500 401
30805 3F Reno 200 WH 4000/930 ELL 1 0.011 1.630 401
30810 3F Reno 200 WH 2000/840 EP ELL 1 0.011 1.900 401
30814 3F Reno 200 WH 2000/930 EP ELL 1 0.011 1.900 401
30818 3F Reno 200 WH 3000/840 EP ELL 1 0.011 2.300 401
30822 3F Reno 200 WH 3000/930 EP ELL 1 0.011 2.300 401
30826 3F Reno 200 WH 4000/840 EP ELL 1 0.011 2.300 401
30830 3F Reno 200 WH 4000/930 EP ELL 1 0.011 2.300 401
30835 3F Reno 200 WH 2000/840 DALI ELL 1 0.011 1.010 401
30839 3F Reno 200 WH 2000/930 DALI ELL 1 0.011 1.100 401
30843 3F Reno 200 WH 3000/840 DALI ELL 1 0.011 1.500 401
30847 3F Reno 200 WH 3000/930 DALI ELL 1 0.011 1.500 401
30851 3F Reno 200 WH 4000/840 DALI ELL 1 0.011 1.670 401
30855 3F Reno 200 WH 4000/930 DALI ELL 1 0.011 1.500 401
30893 3F Reno 100 BK 2000/840 SPOT 1 0.004 0.700 410
30897 3F Reno 100 BK 2000/930 SPOT 1 0.004 0.750 410
30927 3F Reno 100 BK 2000/840 DALI SPOT 1 0.004 0.700 410
30931 3F Reno 100 BK 2000/930 DALI SPOT 1 0.004 0.840 410
30961 3F Reno 100 BK 2000/840 WIDE 1 0.004 0.725 408
30965 3F Reno 100 BK 2000/930 WIDE 1 0.004 0.730 408
30995 3F Reno 100 BK 2000/840 DALI WIDE 1 0.004 0.765 408
30999 3F Reno 100 BK 2000/930 DALI WIDE 1 0.004 0.775 408
31097 3F Reno 100 BK 2000/840 ELL 1 0.004 0.730 409
31101 3F Reno 100 BK 2000/930 ELL 1 0.004 0.700 409
31131 3F Reno 100 BK 2000/840 DALI ELL 1 0.004 0.700 409
31135 3F Reno 100 BK 2000/930 DALI ELL 1 0.004 0.700 409
31165 3F Reno 150 BK 3000/840 SPOT 1 0.006 1.300 410

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31169 3F Reno 150 BK 3000/930 SPOT 1 0.006 1.300 410
31199 3F Reno 150 BK 3000/840 DALI SPOT 1 0.006 1.300 410
31203 3F Reno 150 BK 3000/930 DALI SPOT 1 0.006 1.510 410
31233 3F Reno 150 BK 3000/840 WIDE 1 0.006 1.445 408
31237 3F Reno 150 BK 3000/930 WIDE 1 0.006 1.475 408
31267 3F Reno 150 BK 3000/840 DALI WIDE 1 0.006 1.500 408
31271 3F Reno 150 BK 3000/930 DALI WIDE 1 0.006 1.510 408
31293 3F Reno 150 BK 2000/840 UGR 1 0.006 0.810 411
31315 3F Reno 150 BK 2000/840 DALI UGR 1 0.006 0.860 411
31345 3F Reno 150 BK 3000/840 ELL 1 0.006 1.300 409
31349 3F Reno 150 BK 3000/930 ELL 1 0.006 1.485 409
31379 3F Reno 150 BK 3000/840 DALI ELL 1 0.006 1.300 409
31383 3F Reno 150 BK 3000/930 DALI ELL 1 0.006 1.485 409
31421 3F Reno 200 BK 4000/840 SPOT 1 0.011 1.300 410
31425 3F Reno 200 BK 4000/930 SPOT 1 0.011 1.300 410
31471 3F Reno 200 BK 4000/840 DALI SPOT 1 0.011 1.675 410
31475 3F Reno 200 BK 4000/930 DALI SPOT 1 0.011 1.300 410
31521 3F Reno 200 BK 4000/840 WIDE 1 0.011 1.620 408
31525 3F Reno 200 BK 4000/930 WIDE 1 0.011 1.615 408
31571 3F Reno 200 BK 4000/840 DALI WIDE 1 0.011 1.705 408
31575 3F Reno 200 BK 4000/930 DALI WIDE 1 0.011 1.715 408
31610 3F Reno 200 BK 3000/840 UGR 1 0.011 1.605 411
31614 3F Reno 200 BK 2500/930 UGR 1 0.011 1.615 411
31642 3F Reno 200 BK 3000/840 DALI UGR 1 0.011 1.680 411
31646 3F Reno 200 BK 2500/930 DALI UGR 1 0.011 1.500 411
31685 3F Reno 200 BK 4000/840 ELL 1 0.011 1.500 409
31689 3F Reno 200 BK 4000/930 ELL 1 0.011 1.610 409
31735 3F Reno 200 BK 4000/840 DALI ELL 1 0.011 1.665 409
31739 3F Reno 200 BK 4000/930 DALI ELL 1 0.011 1.500 409
34229 3F Petra OP 300 12W LED 1 0.013 1.105 254
34230 3F Petra OP 300 12W LED DALI 1 0.013 1.105 254
34231 3F Petra OP 300 12W LED EP 1 0.013 1.510 254
34233 3F Petra OP 300 12W LED Sensor 1 0.013 1.185 258
34234 3F Petra OP 300 12W/940 LED 1 0.013 1.105 254
34235 3F Petra OP 300 12W/940 LED DALI 1 0.013 1.105 254
34236 3F Petra OP 300 12W/940 LED EP 1 0.013 1.500 254
34330 3F Petra OP 380 22W LED 1 0.022 1.770 254
34331 3F Petra OP 380 22W LED DALI 1 0.022 1.770 254
34332 3F Petra OP 380 22W LED EP 1 0.022 2.245 254
34334 3F Petra OP 380 22W LED Sensor 1 0.022 1.875 258
34335 3F Petra OP 380 22W/940 LED 1 0.022 1.770 254
34336 3F Petra OP 380 22W/940 LED DALI 1 0.022 1.770 254
34337 3F Petra OP 380 22W/940 LED EP 1 0.022 2.245 254
34407 3F Petra OP 620 50W LED 1 0.055 4.790 254
34408 3F Petra OP 620 50W LED DALI 1 0.055 4.790 254
34409 3F Petra OP 620 50W LED EP 1 0.055 5.170 254
34411 3F Petra OP 620 50W LED SO 1 0.055 5.855 262
36575 Lucequadro LED 2000 VS 1 0.008 2.310 416
36576 Lucequadro LED 2000 EP VS 1 0.013 3.400 416
36578 Lucequadro LED 3000 VS 1 0.008 2.335 416
36579 Lucequadro LED 3000 EP VS 1 0.013 3.400 416
36581 Lucequadro LED 2000 VOP 1 0.008 2.320 416
36582 Lucequadro LED 2000 EP VOP 1 0.013 3.400 416
36584 Lucequadro LED 3000 VOP 1 0.008 2.350 416
36585 Lucequadro LED 3000 EP VOP 1 0.013 3.400 416
36587 Lucequadro LED 2000 SOP 1 0.008 2.015 417
36588 Lucequadro LED 2000 EP SOP 1 0.013 3.200 417
36590 Lucequadro LED 3000 SOP 1 0.008 2.040 417
36591 Lucequadro LED 3000 EP SOP 1 0.013 3.200 417
45561 03F TK 14W/840 L620 1 0.013 1.710 424

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45562 03F TK 28W/840 L1204 1 0.021 2.970 424
45563 03F TK 35W/840 L1506 1 0.026 3.525 424
45564 03F TK 42W/840 L1787 1 0.027 4.120 424
45565 03F TK 18W/940 L620 1 0.013 1.710 424
45566 03F TK 35W/940 L1204 1 0.021 2.970 424
45567 03F TK 44W/940 L1506 1 0.026 3.525 424
45568 03F TK 53W/940 L1787 1 0.027 4.120 424
45569 03F TK 14W/840 DALI L620 1 0.013 1.710 424
45570 03F TK 28W/840 DALI L1204 1 0.021 2.970 424
45571 03F TK 35W/840 DALI L1506 1 0.026 3.525 424
45572 03F TK 42W/840 DALI L1787 1 0.027 4.120 424
45573 03F TK 18W/940 DALI L620 1 0.013 1.710 424
45574 03F TK 35W/940 DALI L1204 1 0.021 2.970 424
45575 03F TK 44W/940 DALI L1506 1 0.026 3.525 424
45576 03F TK 53W/940 DALI L1787 1 0.027 4.120 424
47124 3F Zeta TK L 50 AMPIO L1783 1 0.018 4.335 428
47132 3F Zeta TK L 30 AMPIO L1194 1 0.012 3.165 428
47136 3F Zeta TK L 15 AMPIO L605 1 0.007 1.890 428
47140 3F Zeta TK L 50 DALI AMPIO L1783 1 0.018 6.100 428
47148 3F Zeta TK L 30 DALI AMPIO L1194 1 0.012 3.095 428
47152 3F Zeta TK L 15 DALI AMPIO L605 1 0.007 2.900 428
47167 3F Zeta TK DR UGR 1x24/940 L1194 1 0.012 3.730 432
47168 3F Zeta TK DR UGR 1x30/940 L1783 1 0.018 5.060 432
47169 3F Zeta TK DR UGR 1x24/940 DALI L1194 1 0.012 3.730 432
47170 3F Zeta TK DR UGR 1x30/940 DALI L1783 1 0.018 5.060 432
47175 3F Zeta TK DT UGR 2x18/840 L1194 1 0.012 3.730 436
47178 3F Zeta TK DT UGR 2x22/840 L1489 1 0.008 4.030 436
47179 3F Zeta TK DT UGR 2x30/840 L1783 1 0.008 5.160 436
47180 3F Zeta TK DT UGR 2x18/840 DALI L1194 1 0.018 3.750 436
47181 3F Zeta TK DT UGR 2x22/840 DALI L1489 1 0.008 4.030 436
47182 3F Zeta TK DT UGR 2x30/840 DALI L1783 1 0.008 5.180 436
47534 3F Emilio TK LED 3000/840 DALI 1 0.004 0.915 510
47535 3F Emilio TK LED 3000/830 DALI 1 0.004 0.900 510
47536 3F Emilio TK LED 2000/930 DALI 1 0.004 0.930 510
47551 3F Emilio TK LED 3000/840 1 0.004 0.915 510
47552 3F Emilio TK LED 4000/840 1 0.004 0.910 510
47555 3F Emilio TK LED 3000/830 1 0.004 0.925 510
47556 3F Emilio TK LED 2000/MEAT 1 0.004 0.935 511
47559 3F Emilio TK LED 3000/827 1 0.004 0.900 510
47561 3F Emilio TK LED 3000/940 1 0.004 0.900 510
47562 3F Emilio TK LED 2000/930 1 0.004 0.910 510
47563 3F Emilio TK LED 3000/930 1 0.004 0.915 510
47566 3F Emilio TK LED 4000/830 1 0.004 0.925 510
47572 3F Emilio TK LED 2000/BREAD 1 0.004 0.920 511
47574 3F Emilio TK LED 2500/CRISP 1 0.004 0.900 511
47576 3F Emilio TK BK LED 3000/840 1 0.004 0.900 510
47577 3F Emilio TK BK LED 4000/840 1 0.004 0.900 510
47580 3F Emilio TK BK LED 3000/830 1 0.004 0.900 510
47581 3F Emilio TK BK LED 2000/MEAT 1 0.004 0.930 511
47584 3F Emilio TK BK LED 3000/827 1 0.004 0.900 510
47586 3F Emilio TK BK LED 3000/940 1 0.004 0.900 510
47587 3F Emilio TK BK LED 2000/930 1 0.004 0.945 510
47588 3F Emilio TK BK LED 3000/930 1 0.004 0.925 510
47591 3F Emilio TK BK LED 4000/830 1 0.004 0.900 510
47597 3F Emilio TK BK LED 2000/BREAD 1 0.004 0.900 511
47599 3F Emilio TK BK LED 2500/CRISP 1 0.004 0.900 511
47607 3F Emilio TK LED 3000/840 ELL 1 0.004 0.900 511
47608 3F Emilio TK LED 4000/840 ELL 1 0.004 0.935 511
47611 3F Emilio TK LED 3000/830 ELL 1 0.004 0.920 511
47612 3F Emilio TK LED 2000/MEAT ELL 1 0.004 0.935 512

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47615 3F Emilio TK LED 3000/827 ELL 1 0.004 0.900 511
47617 3F Emilio TK LED 3000/940 ELL 1 0.004 0.900 511
47618 3F Emilio TK LED 2000/930 ELL 1 0.004 0.925 511
47619 3F Emilio TK LED 3000/930 ELL 1 0.004 0.935 511
47622 3F Emilio TK LED 4000/830 ELL 1 0.004 0.935 511
47628 3F Emilio TK LED 2000/BREAD ELL 1 0.004 0.935 512
47630 3F Emilio TK LED 2500/CRISP ELL 1 0.004 0.900 512
47640 3F Emilio TK LED 3000/840 IPER 1 0.004 0.900 512
47641 3F Emilio TK LED 4000/840 IPER 1 0.004 0.900 512
47644 3F Emilio TK LED 3000/830 IPER 1 0.004 0.900 512
47645 3F Emilio TK LED 4000/830 IPER 1 0.004 0.900 512
47648 3F Emilio TK LED 3000/827 IPER 1 0.004 0.900 512
47652 3F Emilio TK LED 3000/940 IPER 1 0.004 0.900 512
47654 3F Emilio TK LED 2000/930 IPER 1 0.004 0.900 512
47655 3F Emilio TK LED 3000/930 IPER 1 0.004 0.900 512
47657 3F Emilio TK LED 2000/MEAT IPER 1 0.004 0.900 513
47660 3F Emilio TK LED 2000/BREAD IPER 1 0.004 0.900 513
47664 3F Emilio TK LED 2500/CRISP IPER 1 0.004 0.900 513
47668 3F Emilio TK BK LED 3000/840 IPER 1 0.004 0.900 512
47669 3F Emilio TK BK LED 4000/840 IPER 1 0.004 0.900 512
47672 3F Emilio TK BK LED 3000/830 IPER 1 0.004 0.900 512
47673 3F Emilio TK BK LED 4000/830 IPER 1 0.004 0.900 512
47676 3F Emilio TK BK LED 3000/827 IPER 1 0.004 0.900 512
47680 3F Emilio TK BK LED 3000/940 IPER 1 0.004 0.900 512
47682 3F Emilio TK BK LED 2000/930 IPER 1 0.004 0.900 512
47683 3F Emilio TK BK LED 3000/930 IPER 1 0.004 0.900 512
47685 3F Emilio TK BK LED 2000/MEAT IPER 1 0.004 0.900 513
47688 3F Emilio TK BK LED 2000/BREAD IPER 1 0.004 0.900 513
47692 3F Emilio TK BK LED 2500/CRISP IPER 1 0.004 0.900 513
47698 3F Six WH 85/840 WIDE 307x378 1 0.017 3.585 500
47699 3F Six WH 70/840 WIDE 307x378 1 0.017 3.535 500
47700 3F Six WH 60/840 WIDE 307x378 1 0.017 3.400 500
47701 3F Six WH 85/840 DALI WIDE 307x378 1 0.017 3.660 500
47702 3F Six WH 70/840 DALI WIDE 307x378 1 0.017 3.400 500
47703 3F Six WH 60/840 DALI WIDE 307x378 1 0.017 3.505 500
47705 3F Six WH 85/840 MEDIUM 307x378 1 0.017 3.400 500
47706 3F Six WH 70/840 MEDIUM 307x378 1 0.017 3.400 500
47707 3F Six WH 60/840 MEDIUM 307x378 1 0.017 3.400 500
47708 3F Six WH 85/840 DALI MEDIUM 307x378 1 0.017 3.445 500
47709 3F Six WH 70/840 DALI MEDIUM 307x378 1 0.017 3.400 500
47710 3F Six WH 60/840 DALI MEDIUM 307x378 1 0.017 3.400 500
47712 3F Six WH 40/840 UGR 307x378 1 0.017 3.400 501
47713 3F Six WH 40/840 DALI UGR 307x378 1 0.017 3.470 501
47720 3F Six TK WH 60/840 WIDE 307x378 1 0.017 3.505 494
47721 3F Six TK WH 50/840 WIDE 307x378 1 0.017 3.600 494
47722 3F Six TK WH 40/840 WIDE 307x378 1 0.017 3.510 494
47723 3F Six TK WH 60/840 DALI WIDE 307x378 1 0.017 3.600 494
47724 3F Six TK WH 50/840 DALI WIDE 307x378 1 0.017 3.555 494
47725 3F Six TK WH 40/840 DALI WIDE 307x378 1 0.017 3.615 494
47727 3F Six TK WH 60/840 MEDIUM 307x378 1 0.017 3.310 495
47728 3F Six TK WH 50/840 MEDIUM 307x378 1 0.017 3.600 495
47729 3F Six TK WH 40/840 MEDIUM 307x378 1 0.017 3.600 495
47730 3F Six TK WH 60/840 DALI MEDIUM 307x378 1 0.017 3.600 495
47731 3F Six TK WH 50/840 DALI MEDIUM 307x378 1 0.017 3.600 495
47732 3F Six TK WH 40/840 DALI MEDIUM 307x378 1 0.017 3.600 495
47734 3F Six TK WH 40/840 UGR 307x378 1 0.017 3.520 496
47735 3F Six TK WH 40/840 DALI UGR 307x378 1 0.017 3.600 496
47740 3F Six TK WH 60/840 WIDE 190x602 1 0.017 3.600 494
47741 3F Six TK WH 50/840 WIDE 190x602 1 0.017 3.600 494
47742 3F Six TK WH 40/840 WIDE 190x602 1 0.017 3.420 494

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47743 3F Six TK WH 60/840 DALI WIDE 190x602 1 0.017 3.600 494
47744 3F Six TK WH 50/840 DALI WIDE 190x602 1 0.017 3.600 494
47745 3F Six TK WH 40/840 DALI WIDE 190x602 1 0.017 3.600 494
47747 3F Six TK WH 60/840 BAT 190x602 1 0.017 3.600 495
47748 3F Six TK WH 50/840 BAT 190x602 1 0.017 3.600 495
47749 3F Six TK WH 40/840 BAT 190x602 1 0.017 3.600 495
47750 3F Six TK WH 60/840 DALI BAT 190x602 1 0.017 3.600 495
47751 3F Six TK WH 50/840 DALI BAT 190x602 1 0.017 3.600 495
47752 3F Six TK WH 40/840 DALI BAT 190x602 1 0.017 3.600 495
47754 3F Six TK WH 60/840 BAT WD 190x602 1 0.017 3.600 496
47755 3F Six TK WH 50/840 BAT WD 190x602 1 0.017 3.600 496
47756 3F Six TK WH 40/840 BAT WD 190x602 1 0.017 3.600 496
47757 3F Six TK WH 60/840 DALI BAT WD 190x602 1 0.017 3.600 496
47758 3F Six TK WH 50/840 DALI BAT WD 190x602 1 0.017 3.600 496
47759 3F Six TK WH 40/840 DALI BAT WD 190x602 1 0.017 3.600 496
47761 3F Six TK WH 40/840 UGR 190x602 1 0.017 3.600 496
47762 3F Six TK WH 40/840 DALI UGR 190x602 1 0.017 3.600 496
52002 Beta 500 200W/840 SP L870 1 0.054 10.055 550
52003 Beta 500 300W/840 SP L1230 1 0.085 13.335 550
52005 Beta 500 200W/840 DALI SP L870 1 0.054 9.600 550
52006 Beta 500 300W/840 DALI SP L1230 1 0.085 11.500 550
52026 Beta 500 200W/840 CONC SL L870 1 0.054 9.800 551
52027 Beta 500 300W/840 CONC SL L1230 1 0.085 15.255 551
52029 Beta 500 200W/840 DALI CONC SL L870 1 0.054 9.800 551
52030 Beta 500 300W/840 DALI CONC SL L1230 1 0.085 11.700 551
52038 Beta 500 200W/840 CONC VT L870 1 0.054 12.700 551
52039 Beta 500 300W/840 CONC VT L1230 1 0.085 16.500 551
52041 Beta 500 200W/840 DALI CONC VT L870 1 0.054 12.700 551
52042 Beta 500 300W/840 DALI CONC VT L1230 1 0.085 16.500 551
52050 Beta 500 200W/840 VA L870 1 0.054 12.500 550
52051 Beta 500 300W/840 VA L1230 1 0.085 16.300 550
52053 Beta 500 200W/840 DALI VA L870 1 0.054 12.395 550
52054 Beta 500 300W/840 DALI VA L1230 1 0.085 16.300 550
52056 Beta 500 150W/840 SP L870 1 0.054 8.905 550
52057 Beta 500 150W/840 DALI SP L870 1 0.054 9.400 550
52064 Beta 500 150W/840 CONC SL L870 1 0.054 9.600 551
52065 Beta 500 150W/840 DALI CONC SL L870 1 0.054 9.600 551
52068 Beta 500 150W/840 CONC VT L870 1 0.054 12.500 551
52069 Beta 500 150W/840 DALI CONC VT L870 1 0.054 12.500 551
52072 Beta 500 150W/840 VA L870 1 0.054 11.680 550
52073 Beta 500 150W/840 DALI VA L870 1 0.054 12.300 550
52094 3F Tank ICE XT 45W/840 WIDE L1265 1 0.012 4.205 540
52095 3F Tank ICE XT 55W/840 WIDE L1560 1 0.014 4.700 540
52096 3F Tank ICE XT 70W/840 WIDE L1850 1 0.016 5.570 540
52110 3F Tank ICE XT 45W/840 MEDIUM L1265 1 0.012 4.205 540
52111 3F Tank ICE XT 55W/840 MEDIUM L1560 1 0.014 4.700 540
52112 3F Tank ICE XT 70W/840 MEDIUM L1850 1 0.016 5.570 540
52126 3F Tank ICE XT 45W/840 CONC L1265 1 0.012 4.205 541
52127 3F Tank ICE XT 55W/840 CONC L1560 1 0.014 4.700 541
52128 3F Tank ICE XT 70W/840 CONC L1850 1 0.016 5.380 541
52142 3F Tank ICE XT 45W/840 UGR L1265 1 0.012 4.205 541
52143 3F Tank ICE XT 55W/840 UGR L1560 1 0.014 4.700 541
52144 3F Tank ICE XT 70W/840 UGR L1850 1 0.016 5.570 541
52510 Beta 235 LED 752x55 CONC L1565 1 0.039 9.750 646
52511 Beta 235 LED 751x60 CONC L1565 1 0.039 8.490 646
52512 Beta 235 LED 762x55 CONC VT L1565 1 0.039 12.640 653
52513 Beta 235 LED 761x60 CONC VT L1565 1 0.039 12.000 653
52514 Beta 235 LED 762x55 CONC VS L1565 1 0.039 12.425 650
52515 Beta 235 LED 761x60 CONC VS L1565 1 0.039 11.410 650
52517 Beta 235 LED 752x55 DALI CONC L1565 1 0.039 9.200 646

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52518 Beta 235 LED 751x60 DALI CONC L1565 1 0.039 8.875 646
52519 Beta 235 LED 762x55 DALI CONC VT L1565 1 0.039 12.900 653
52520 Beta 235 LED 761x60 DALI CONC VT L1565 1 0.039 12.000 653
52521 Beta 235 LED 762x55 DALI CONC VS L1565 1 0.039 12.900 650
52522 Beta 235 LED 761x60 DALI CONC VS L1565 1 0.039 11.195 650
52524 Beta 235 LED 752x45 CONC L1265 1 0.042 7.975 646
52526 Beta 235 LED 762x45 CONC VT L1265 1 0.031 10.500 653
52528 Beta 235 LED 762x45 CONC VS L1265 1 0.031 10.500 650
52531 Beta 235 LED 752x45 DALI CONC L1265 1 0.042 7.900 646
52533 Beta 235 LED 762x45 DALI CONC VT L1265 1 0.031 10.275 653
52535 Beta 235 LED 762x45 DALI CONC VS L1265 1 0.031 10.500 650
52552 Beta 235 LED 752x55 MEDIO L1565 1 0.039 9.625 646
52553 Beta 235 LED 751x60 MEDIO L1565 1 0.039 8.300 646
52554 Beta 235 LED 762x55 MEDIO VT L1565 1 0.039 12.495 652
52555 Beta 235 LED 761x60 MEDIO VT L1565 1 0.039 12.000 652
52556 Beta 235 LED 762x55 MEDIO VS L1565 1 0.039 12.900 650
52557 Beta 235 LED 761x60 MEDIO VS L1565 1 0.039 11.505 650
52559 Beta 235 LED 752x55 DALI MEDIO L1565 1 0.039 9.570 646
52560 Beta 235 LED 751x60 DALI MEDIO L1565 1 0.039 8.300 646
52561 Beta 235 LED 762x55 DALI MEDIO VT L1565 1 0.039 12.900 652
52562 Beta 235 LED 761x60 DALI MEDIO VT L1565 1 0.039 12.000 652
52563 Beta 235 LED 762x55 DALI MEDIO VS L1565 1 0.039 12.900 650
52564 Beta 235 LED 761x60 DALI MEDIO VS L1565 1 0.039 12.000 650
52566 Beta 235 LED 752x45 MEDIO L1265 1 0.042 7.960 646
52567 Beta 235 LED 751x50 MEDIO L1265 1 0.042 7.325 646
52568 Beta 235 LED 762x45 MEDIO VT L1265 1 0.031 10.500 652
52569 Beta 235 LED 761x50 MEDIO VT L1265 1 0.031 9.500 652
52570 Beta 235 LED 762x45 MEDIO VS L1265 1 0.031 10.500 650
52571 Beta 235 LED 761x50 MEDIO VS L1265 1 0.031 9.800 650
52573 Beta 235 LED 752x45 DALI MEDIO L1265 1 0.042 7.900 646
52574 Beta 235 LED 751x50 DALI MEDIO L1265 1 0.042 7.200 646
52575 Beta 235 LED 762x45 DALI MEDIO VT L1265 1 0.031 10.500 652
52576 Beta 235 LED 761x50 DALI MEDIO VT L1265 1 0.031 9.800 652
52577 Beta 235 LED 762x45 DALI MEDIO VS L1265 1 0.031 10.500 650
52578 Beta 235 LED 761x50 DALI MEDIO VS L1265 1 0.031 9.800 650
52614 Beta 235 LED 751x50 UGR L1265 1 0.042 7.405 647
52615 Beta 235 LED 751x60 UGR L1565 1 0.039 8.870 647
52616 Beta 235 LED 752x45 UGR L1265 1 0.042 8.125 647
52617 Beta 235 LED 752x55 UGR L1565 1 0.039 9.815 647
52618 Beta 235 LED 751x50 DALI UGR L1265 1 0.042 7.200 647
52619 Beta 235 LED 751x60 DALI UGR L1565 1 0.039 8.860 647
52620 Beta 235 LED 752x45 DALI UGR L1265 1 0.042 8.125 647
52621 Beta 235 LED 752x55 DALI UGR L1565 1 0.039 9.815 647
52622 Beta 235 LED 761x50 UGR VS L1265 1 0.031 9.710 651
52623 Beta 235 LED 761x60 UGR VS L1565 1 0.039 11.370 651
52624 Beta 235 LED 762x45 UGR VS L1265 1 0.031 10.465 651
52625 Beta 235 LED 762x55 UGR VS L1565 1 0.039 12.865 651
52626 Beta 235 LED 761x50 DALI UGR VS L1265 1 0.031 9.800 651
52627 Beta 235 LED 761x60 DALI UGR VS L1565 1 0.039 11.370 651
52628 Beta 235 LED 762x45 DALI UGR VS L1265 1 0.031 10.390 651
52629 Beta 235 LED 762x55 DALI UGR VS L1565 1 0.039 12.770 651
52630 Beta 235 LED 761x50 UGR VT L1265 1 0.031 9.710 654
52631 Beta 235 LED 761x60 UGR VT L1565 1 0.039 11.805 654
52632 Beta 235 LED 762x45 UGR VT L1265 1 0.031 10.430 654
52633 Beta 235 LED 762x55 UGR VT L1565 1 0.039 12.725 654
52634 Beta 235 LED 761x50 DALI UGR VT L1265 1 0.031 9.800 654
52635 Beta 235 LED 761x60 DALI UGR VT L1565 1 0.039 12.000 654
52636 Beta 235 LED 762x45 DALI UGR VT L1265 1 0.031 10.500 654
52637 Beta 235 LED 762x55 DALI UGR VT L1565 1 0.039 12.530 654
52639 Beta 235 LED 751x50 L1265 1 0.042 7.405 644

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Pcs m³ Gross weight in kg

52640 Beta 235 LED 751x60 L1565 1 0.039 8.870 644
52641 Beta 235 LED 752x45 L1265 1 0.042 8.125 644
52642 Beta 235 LED 752x55 L1565 1 0.039 9.815 644
52643 Beta 235 LED 751x50 DALI L1265 1 0.042 7.200 644
52644 Beta 235 LED 751x60 DALI L1565 1 0.039 8.860 644
52645 Beta 235 LED 752x45 DALI L1265 1 0.042 8.125 644
52646 Beta 235 LED 752x55 DALI L1565 1 0.039 9.815 644
52647 Beta 235 LED 761x50 VS L1265 1 0.031 9.710 648
52648 Beta 235 LED 761x60 VS L1565 1 0.039 11.370 648
52649 Beta 235 LED 762x45 VS L1265 1 0.031 10.465 648
52650 Beta 235 LED 762x55 VS L1565 1 0.039 12.865 648
52651 Beta 235 LED 761x50 DALI VS L1265 1 0.031 9.800 648
52652 Beta 235 LED 761x60 DALI VS L1565 1 0.039 11.370 648
52653 Beta 235 LED 762x45 DALI VS L1265 1 0.031 10.390 648
52654 Beta 235 LED 762x55 DALI VS L1565 1 0.039 12.770 648
52655 Beta 235 LED 921x50 L1265 1 0.042 6.840 658
52656 Beta 235 LED 921x60 L1565 1 0.053 8.000 658
52657 Beta 235 LED 922x40 L1265 1 0.042 7.595 658
52658 Beta 235 LED 922x50 L1565 1 0.053 8.855 658
52659 Beta 235 LED 921x50 DALI L1265 1 0.042 6.840 658
52660 Beta 235 LED 921x60 DALI L1565 1 0.053 8.300 658
52661 Beta 235 LED 922x40 DALI L1265 1 0.042 7.900 658
52662 Beta 235 LED 922x50 DALI L1565 1 0.053 9.200 658
52663 Beta 235 LED 931x50 VS L1265 1 0.031 9.080 660
52664 Beta 235 LED 931x60 VS L1565 1 0.039 10.540 660
52665 Beta 235 LED 932x40 VS L1265 1 0.031 9.825 660
52666 Beta 235 LED 932x50 VS L1565 1 0.039 11.795 660
52667 Beta 235 LED 931x50 DALI VS L1265 1 0.031 9.080 660
52668 Beta 235 LED 931x60 DALI VS L1565 1 0.039 12.000 660
52669 Beta 235 LED 932x40 DALI VS L1265 1 0.031 10.500 660
52670 Beta 235 LED 932x50 DALI VS L1565 1 0.039 11.860 660
52762 Beta 235 LED 752x55 AMPIO L1565 1 0.039 9.815 645
52764 Beta 235 LED 752x55 IPERCONC L1565 1 0.039 9.200 647
52765 Beta 235 LED 751x60 AMPIO L1565 1 0.039 8.870 645
52769 Beta 235 LED 762x55 AMPIO VT L1565 1 0.039 12.725 652
52771 Beta 235 LED 762x55 IPERCONC VT L1565 1 0.039 12.900 653
52772 Beta 235 LED 761x60 AMPIO VT L1565 1 0.039 11.805 652
52776 Beta 235 LED 762x55 AMPIO VS L1565 1 0.039 12.865 649
52778 Beta 235 LED 762x55 IPERCONC VS L1565 1 0.039 12.900 651
52779 Beta 235 LED 761x60 AMPIO VS L1565 1 0.039 11.225 649
52783 Beta 235 LED 922x50 AMPIO L1565 1 0.053 8.855 659
52785 Beta 235 LED 922x50 IPERCONC L1565 1 0.053 9.200 659
52786 Beta 235 LED 921x60 AMPIO L1565 1 0.053 8.000 659
52790 Beta 235 LED 932x50 AMPIO VT L1565 1 0.039 11.905 662
52792 Beta 235 LED 932x50 IPERCONC VT L1565 1 0.039 12.900 662
52793 Beta 235 LED 931x60 AMPIO VT L1565 1 0.039 11.085 662
52797 Beta 235 LED 932x50 AMPIO VS L1565 1 0.039 11.795 661
52799 Beta 235 LED 932x50 IPERCONC VS L1565 1 0.039 12.900 661
52800 Beta 235 LED 931x60 AMPIO VS L1565 1 0.039 10.540 661
52804 Beta 235 LED 752x55 DALI AMPIO L1565 1 0.039 9.730 645
52806 Beta 235 LED 752x55 DALI IPERCONC L1565 1 0.039 9.200 647
52807 Beta 235 LED 751x60 DALI AMPIO L1565 1 0.039 8.860 645
52811 Beta 235 LED 762x55 DALI AMPIO VT L1565 1 0.039 12.530 652
52813 Beta 235 LED 762x55 DALI IPERCONC VT L1565 1 0.039 12.900 653
52814 Beta 235 LED 761x60 DALI AMPIO VT L1565 1 0.039 12.000 652
52818 Beta 235 LED 762x55 DALI AMPIO VS L1565 1 0.039 12.770 649
52820 Beta 235 LED 762x55 DALI IPERCONC VS L1565 1 0.039 12.900 651
52821 Beta 235 LED 761x60 DALI AMPIO VS L1565 1 0.039 11.370 649
52825 Beta 235 LED 922x50 DALI AMPIO L1565 1 0.053 9.200 659
52827 Beta 235 LED 922x50 DALI IPERCONC L1565 1 0.053 9.200 659

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Pcs m³ Gross weight in kg

52828 Beta 235 LED 921x60 DALI AMPIO L1565 1 0.053 8.300 659
52832 Beta 235 LED 932x50 DALI AMPIO VT L1565 1 0.039 12.900 662
52834 Beta 235 LED 932x50 DALI IPERCONC VT L1565 1 0.039 12.900 662
52835 Beta 235 LED 931x60 DALI AMPIO VT L1565 1 0.039 12.000 662
52839 Beta 235 LED 932x50 DALI AMPIO VS L1565 1 0.039 11.860 661
52841 Beta 235 LED 932x50 DALI IPERCONC VS L1565 1 0.039 12.900 661
52842 Beta 235 LED 931x60 DALI AMPIO VS L1565 1 0.039 12.000 661
52846 Beta 235 LED 752x45 AMPIO L1265 1 0.042 8.125 645
52848 Beta 235 LED 752x45 IPERCONC L1265 1 0.042 8.075 647
52849 Beta 235 LED 751x50 AMPIO L1265 1 0.042 7.405 645
52853 Beta 235 LED 762x45 AMPIO VT L1265 1 0.031 10.430 652
52855 Beta 235 LED 762x45 IPERCONC VT L1265 1 0.031 10.500 653
52856 Beta 235 LED 761x50 AMPIO VT L1265 1 0.031 9.590 652
52860 Beta 235 LED 762x45 AMPIO VS L1265 1 0.031 10.465 649
52862 Beta 235 LED 762x45 IPERCONC VS L1265 1 0.031 10.500 651
52863 Beta 235 LED 761x50 AMPIO VS L1265 1 0.031 9.710 649
52867 Beta 235 LED 922x40 AMPIO L1265 1 0.042 7.595 659
52869 Beta 235 LED 922x40 IPERCONC L1265 1 0.042 7.545 659
52870 Beta 235 LED 921x50 AMPIO L1265 1 0.042 6.840 659
52874 Beta 235 LED 932x40 AMPIO VT L1265 1 0.031 9.870 662
52876 Beta 235 LED 932x40 IPERCONC VT L1265 1 0.031 10.500 662
52877 Beta 235 LED 931x50 AMPIO VT L1265 1 0.031 9.120 662
52881 Beta 235 LED 932x40 AMPIO VS L1265 1 0.031 9.825 661
52883 Beta 235 LED 932x40 IPERCONC VS L1265 1 0.031 10.500 661
52884 Beta 235 LED 931x50 AMPIO VS L1265 1 0.031 9.080 661
52888 Beta 235 LED 752x45 DALI AMPIO L1265 1 0.042 8.125 645
52890 Beta 235 LED 752x45 DALI IPERCONC L1265 1 0.042 7.900 647
52895 Beta 235 LED 762x45 DALI AMPIO VT L1265 1 0.031 10.500 652
52897 Beta 235 LED 762x45 DALI IPERCONC VT L1265 1 0.031 10.500 653
52902 Beta 235 LED 762x45 DALI AMPIO VS L1265 1 0.031 10.390 649
52904 Beta 235 LED 762x45 DALI IPERCONC VS L1265 1 0.031 10.500 651
52909 Beta 235 LED 922x40 DALI AMPIO L1265 1 0.042 7.900 659
52911 Beta 235 LED 922x40 DALI IPERCONC L1265 1 0.042 7.900 659
52916 Beta 235 LED 932x40 DALI AMPIO VT L1265 1 0.031 10.500 662
52918 Beta 235 LED 932x40 DALI IPERCONC VT L1265 1 0.031 10.500 662
52923 Beta 235 LED 932x40 DALI AMPIO VS L1265 1 0.031 10.500 661
52925 Beta 235 LED 932x40 DALI IPERCONC VS L1265 1 0.031 10.500 661
52930 Beta 235 LED 752x20 AMPIO L655 1 0.021 4.610 645
52931 Beta 235 LED 751x25 AMPIO L655 1 0.021 4.210 645
52936 Beta 235 LED 762x20 AMPIO VS L655 1 0.017 5.915 649
52937 Beta 235 LED 761x25 AMPIO VS L655 1 0.017 5.410 649
52939 Beta 235 LED 922x15 AMPIO L655 1 0.021 4.325 659
52940 Beta 235 LED 921x25 AMPIO L655 1 0.021 3.955 659
52945 Beta 235 LED 932x15 AMPIO VS L655 1 0.017 5.615 661
52946 Beta 235 LED 931x25 AMPIO VS L655 1 0.017 5.240 661
55006 i3F LED 752x30W CONC L1565 1 0.053 7.585 668
55017 i3F LED 752x30W EP CONC L1565 1 0.053 8.500 668
55072 i3F LED 762x30W AMPIO VT L1565 1 0.039 10.370 669
55083 i3F LED 762x30W EP AMPIO VT L1565 1 0.039 11.115 669
55134 i3F LED 762x12W AMPIO VS L655 1 0.017 4.775 669
55136 i3F LED 762x24W AMPIO VS L1265 1 0.031 8.450 669
55138 i3F LED 762x30W AMPIO VS L1565 1 0.039 10.300 669
55145 i3F LED 762x12W EP AMPIO VS L655 1 0.017 5.140 669
55147 i3F LED 762x24W EP AMPIO VS L1265 1 0.031 8.965 669
55149 i3F LED 762x30W EP AMPIO VS L1565 1 0.039 10.865 669
55596 i3F LED 752x12W AMPIO L655 1 0.017 3.470 668
55598 i3F LED 752x24W AMPIO L1265 1 0.042 6.250 668
55600 i3F LED 752x30W AMPIO L1565 1 0.053 7.360 668
55607 i3F LED 752x12W EP AMPIO L655 1 0.017 4.700 668
55609 i3F LED 752x24W EP AMPIO L1265 1 0.042 6.810 668

Analytical guide
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Pcs m³ Gross weight in kg

55611 i3F LED 752x30W EP AMPIO L1565 1 0.053 7.890 668
55666 i3F LED 762x30W CONC VT L1565 1 0.039 10.435 670
55677 i3F LED 762x30W EP CONC VT L1565 1 0.039 11.500 670
56330 3F CUB LED 100W CR VT 1 0.191 24.020 674
56332 3F CUB LED 100W DALI CR VT 1 0.191 24.730 674
56333 3F CUB LED 150W CR VT 1 0.191 24.740 674
56335 3F CUB LED 150W DALI CR VT 1 0.191 25.110 674
56337 3F CUB LED 100W CR VS 1 0.191 24.020 675
56339 3F CUB LED 100W DALI CR VS 1 0.191 24.300 675
56340 3F CUB LED 150W CR VS 1 0.191 24.120 675
56342 3F CUB LED 150W DALI CR VS 1 0.191 24.330 675
56344 3F CUB LED 100W CR SP 1 0.191 20.120 674
56346 3F CUB LED 100W DALI CR SP 1 0.191 20.110 674
56347 3F CUB LED 150W CR SP 1 0.191 20.240 674
56349 3F CUB LED 150W DALI CR SP 1 0.191 20.000 674
56660 3F Tank Lite 2x9W/840 L675 1 0.007 2.545 532
56661 3F Tank Lite 2x18W/840 L1265 1 0.012 3.495 532
56662 3F Tank Lite 2x22W/840 L1560 1 0.014 3.995 532
56664 3F Tank Lite 2x9W/840 DALI L675 1 0.007 2.610 532
56665 3F Tank Lite 2x18W/840 DALI L1265 1 0.012 3.685 532
56666 3F Tank Lite 2x22W/840 DALI L1560 1 0.014 4.800 532
56668 3F Tank Lite 2x9W/865 L675 1 0.007 2.300 532
56669 3F Tank Lite 2x18W/865 L1265 1 0.012 3.800 532
56670 3F Tank Lite 2x22W/865 L1560 1 0.014 3.975 532
56672 3F Tank Lite 2x9W/865 DALI L675 1 0.007 2.400 532
56673 3F Tank Lite 2x18W/865 DALI L1265 1 0.012 3.900 532
56674 3F Tank Lite 2x22W/865 DALI L1560 1 0.014 4.800 532
56676 3F Tank 13W/840 WIDE L675 1 0.007 2.815 533
56677 3F Tank 45W/840 WIDE L1265 1 0.012 4.205 533
56678 3F Tank 55W/840 WIDE L1560 1 0.014 4.745 533
56679 3F Tank 70W/840 WIDE L1850 1 0.016 5.420 533
56680 3F Tank 13W/840 DALI WIDE L675 1 0.007 2.935 533
56681 3F Tank 45W/840 DALI WIDE L1265 1 0.012 4.380 533
56682 3F Tank 55W/840 DALI WIDE L1560 1 0.014 4.975 533
56683 3F Tank 70W/840 DALI WIDE L1850 1 0.016 5.900 533
56684 3F Tank 13W/865 WIDE L675 1 0.007 2.500 533
56685 3F Tank 45W/865 WIDE L1265 1 0.012 4.120 533
56686 3F Tank 55W/865 WIDE L1560 1 0.014 4.795 533
56687 3F Tank 70W/865 WIDE L1850 1 0.016 5.800 533
56688 3F Tank 13W/865 DALI WIDE L675 1 0.007 2.600 533
56689 3F Tank 45W/865 DALI WIDE L1265 1 0.012 4.100 533
56690 3F Tank 55W/865 DALI WIDE L1560 1 0.014 5.000 533
56691 3F Tank 70W/865 DALI WIDE L1850 1 0.016 5.900 533
56692 3F Tank 13W/840 MEDIUM L675 1 0.007 2.660 534
56693 3F Tank 45W/840 MEDIUM L1265 1 0.012 4.100 534
56694 3F Tank 55W/840 MEDIUM L1560 1 0.014 4.675 534
56695 3F Tank 70W/840 MEDIUM L1850 1 0.016 5.235 534
56696 3F Tank 13W/840 DALI MEDIUM L675 1 0.007 2.600 534
56697 3F Tank 45W/840 DALI MEDIUM L1265 1 0.012 4.100 534
56698 3F Tank 55W/840 DALI MEDIUM L1560 1 0.014 5.000 534
56699 3F Tank 70W/840 DALI MEDIUM L1850 1 0.016 5.900 534
56700 3F Tank 13W/865 MEDIUM L675 1 0.007 2.500 534
56701 3F Tank 45W/865 MEDIUM L1265 1 0.012 4.000 534
56702 3F Tank 55W/865 MEDIUM L1560 1 0.014 4.900 534
56703 3F Tank 70W/865 MEDIUM L1850 1 0.016 5.800 534
56704 3F Tank 13W/865 DALI MEDIUM L675 1 0.007 2.600 534
56705 3F Tank 45W/865 DALI MEDIUM L1265 1 0.012 4.100 534
56706 3F Tank 55W/865 DALI MEDIUM L1560 1 0.014 5.000 534
56707 3F Tank 70W/865 DALI MEDIUM L1850 1 0.016 5.420 534
56708 3F Tank 35W/840 UGR L1560 1 0.014 4.795 535

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Pcs m³ Gross weight in kg

56709 3F Tank 40W/840 UGR L1850 1 0.016 5.800 535
56710 3F Tank 35W/840 DALI UGR L1560 1 0.014 5.055 535
56711 3F Tank 40W/840 DALI UGR L1850 1 0.016 5.900 535
56712 3F Tank 35W/865 UGR L1560 1 0.014 4.900 535
56713 3F Tank 40W/865 UGR L1850 1 0.016 5.430 535
56714 3F Tank 35W/865 DALI UGR L1560 1 0.014 5.000 535
56715 3F Tank 40W/865 DALI UGR L1850 1 0.016 5.705 535
56716 3F Tank 13W/840 CONC L675 1 0.007 2.500 536
56717 3F Tank 45W/840 CONC L1265 1 0.012 4.095 536
56718 3F Tank 55W/840 CONC L1560 1 0.014 4.685 536
56719 3F Tank 70W/840 CONC L1850 1 0.016 5.380 536
56720 3F Tank 13W/840 DALI CONC L675 1 0.007 2.600 536
56721 3F Tank 45W/840 DALI CONC L1265 1 0.012 4.100 536
56722 3F Tank 55W/840 DALI CONC L1560 1 0.014 5.000 536
56723 3F Tank 70W/840 DALI CONC L1850 1 0.016 5.900 536
56724 3F Tank 13W/865 CONC L675 1 0.007 2.500 536
56725 3F Tank 45W/865 CONC L1265 1 0.012 4.000 536
56726 3F Tank 55W/865 CONC L1560 1 0.014 4.900 536
56727 3F Tank 70W/865 CONC L1850 1 0.016 5.800 536
56728 3F Tank 13W/865 DALI CONC L675 1 0.007 2.600 536
56729 3F Tank 45W/865 DALI CONC L1265 1 0.012 4.100 536
56730 3F Tank 55W/865 DALI CONC L1560 1 0.014 5.000 536
56731 3F Tank 70W/865 DALI CONC L1850 1 0.016 5.900 536
57703 3F Linda LED HO 1x50W/840 L1270 1 0.016 2.340 565
57704 3F Linda LED HO 1x62W/840 L1570 1 0.020 2.765 565
57711 3F Linda LED HO 1x50W/840 EP L1270 1 0.016 2.755 565
57712 3F Linda LED HO 1x62W/840 EP L1570 1 0.020 3.310 565
57719 3F Linda LED HO 1x50W/840 DALI L1270 1 0.016 2.340 565
57720 3F Linda LED HO 1x62W/840 DALI L1570 1 0.020 2.765 565
57727 3F Linda LED HO 1x50W/840 DALI EP L1270 1 0.016 2.755 565
57728 3F Linda LED HO 1x62W/840 DALI EP L1570 1 0.020 3.310 565
57743 3F Linda LED HT 1x18W/840 L1570 1 0.020 2.765 580
57744 3F Linda LED HT 2x13W/840 L1570 1 0.030 2.765 580
57745 3F Linda LED HT 2x18W/840 L1570 1 0.030 2.765 580
57747 3F Linda LED HT 1x18W/865 L1570 1 0.020 2.765 580
57748 3F Linda LED HT 2x13W/865 L1570 1 0.030 2.765 580
57749 3F Linda LED HT 2x18W/865 L1570 1 0.030 2.765 580
58457 3F Linda LED Ice 1x24W UR95 L1270 1 0.016 2.560 588
58459 3F Linda LED Ice 2x24W UR95 L1270 1 0.024 3.225 588
58461 3F Linda LED Ice 1x30W UR95 L1570 1 0.020 2.975 588
58463 3F Linda LED Ice 2x30W UR95 L1570 1 0.030 3.830 588
58470 3F Linda LED 1x12W ATEX 3D L660 1 0.008 1.265 572
58471 3F Linda LED 2x12W ATEX 3D L660 1 0.013 1.845 572
58472 3F Linda LED 1x24W ATEX 3D L1270 1 0.016 2.330 572
58473 3F Linda LED 2x24W ATEX 3D L1270 1 0.024 3.050 572
58474 3F Linda LED 1x30W ATEX 3D L1570 1 0.020 2.765 572
58475 3F Linda LED 2x30W ATEX 3D L1570 1 0.030 3.760 572
58549 3F Linda LED 1x12W DALI L660 1 0.008 1.280 562
58550 3F Linda LED 2x12W DALI L660 1 0.013 1.820 562
58551 3F Linda LED 1x24W DALI L1270 1 0.016 2.355 562
58552 3F Linda LED 2x24W DALI L1270 1 0.024 3.110 562
58553 3F Linda LED 1x30W DALI L1570 1 0.020 2.890 562
58554 3F Linda LED 2x30W DALI L1570 1 0.030 3.660 562
58561 3F Linda LED 1x12W L660 1 0.008 1.265 562
58563 3F Linda LED 1x6W L660 1 0.008 1.285 562
58567 3F Linda LED 1x12W EP LA L660 1 0.013 2.160 562
58569 3F Linda LED 1x6W EP LA L660 1 0.013 2.225 562
58572 3F Linda LED 2x12W L660 1 0.013 1.845 562
58583 3F Linda LED 1x24W L1270 1 0.016 2.330 562
58584 3F Linda LED 1x24W/865 L1270 1 0.016 2.320 562

Analytical guide
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Pcs m³ Gross weight in kg

58585 3F Linda LED 1x24W/830 L1270 1 0.016 2.365 562
58586 3F Linda LED 1x18W L1270 1 0.016 2.340 562
58589 3F Linda LED 1x24W EP L1270 1 0.016 2.705 562
58590 3F Linda LED 1x24W/865 EP L1270 1 0.016 2.755 562
58591 3F Linda LED 1x24W/830 EP L1270 1 0.016 2.760 562
58592 3F Linda LED 1x18W EP L1270 1 0.016 3.100 562
58594 3F Linda LED 2x24W L1270 1 0.024 3.050 562
58595 3F Linda LED 2x24W/865 L1270 1 0.024 3.025 562
58596 3F Linda LED 2x24W/830 L1270 1 0.024 3.050 562
58597 3F Linda LED 2x18W L1270 1 0.024 3.020 562
58600 3F Linda LED 2x24W EP L1270 1 0.024 3.645 563
58601 3F Linda LED 2x24W/865 EP L1270 1 0.024 3.530 563
58602 3F Linda LED 2x24W/830 EP L1270 1 0.024 3.440 563
58603 3F Linda LED 2x18W EP L1270 1 0.024 3.465 563
58605 3F Linda LED 1x30W L1570 1 0.020 2.765 562
58606 3F Linda LED 1x30W/865 L1570 1 0.020 2.740 562
58607 3F Linda LED 1x30W/830 L1570 1 0.020 2.775 562
58608 3F Linda LED 1x22W L1570 1 0.020 2.940 562
58611 3F Linda LED 1x30W EP L1570 1 0.020 3.200 562
58612 3F Linda LED 1x30W/865 EP L1570 1 0.020 3.310 563
58613 3F Linda LED 1x30W/830 EP L1570 1 0.020 3.210 563
58614 3F Linda LED 1x22W EP L1570 1 0.020 3.090 562
58616 3F Linda LED 2x30W L1570 1 0.030 3.760 562
58617 3F Linda LED 2x30W/865 L1570 1 0.030 3.685 562
58618 3F Linda LED 2x30W/830 L1570 1 0.030 3.670 562
58619 3F Linda LED 2x22W L1570 1 0.030 3.620 562
58623 3F Linda LED 2x30W EP L1570 1 0.030 4.315 563
58624 3F Linda LED 2x30W/865 EP L1570 1 0.030 4.205 563
58625 3F Linda LED 2x30W/830 EP L1570 1 0.030 4.305 563
58626 3F Linda LED 2x22W EP L1570 1 0.030 4.265 563
58630 3F Linda LED 2x24W CONC L1270 1 0.024 3.335 566
58632 3F Linda LED 2x30W CONC L1570 1 0.030 4.065 566
58638 3F Linda LED 1x30W Sensor L1570 1 0.020 2.845 592
58642 3F Linda LED 2x30W Sensor L1570 1 0.030 3.810 592
58645 3F Linda LED 1x30W Sensor CF L1570 1 0.020 2.840 592
58649 3F Linda LED 2x30W Sensor CF L1570 1 0.030 3.725 592
58659 3F Linda LED 2x24W AMPIO L1270 1 0.024 3.335 565
58661 3F Linda LED 2x30W AMPIO L1570 1 0.030 4.025 565
58705 3F Linda LED 1x12W ENP LA L660 1 0.013 2.105 563
58713 3F Linda LED 1x24W ENP L1270 1 0.016 2.465 563
58722 3F Linda LED HS 1x24W L1270 1 0.016 2.350 576
58724 3F Linda LED HS 1x30W L1570 1 0.020 2.795 576
58728 3F Linda LED HS 2x24W L1270 1 0.024 3.100 576
58730 3F Linda LED HS 2x30W L1570 1 0.030 3.660 576
58731 3F Linda LED Soft 1x12W L660 1 0.008 1.260 567
58732 3F Linda LED Soft 2x12W L660 1 0.013 1.770 567
58733 3F Linda LED Soft 1x24W L1270 1 0.016 2.345 567
58734 3F Linda LED Soft 1x30W L1570 1 0.020 2.800 567
58735 3F Linda LED Soft 1x24W DALI L1270 1 0.016 2.310 567
58736 3F Linda LED Soft 1x30W DALI L1570 1 0.020 2.840 567
58737 3F Linda LED Soft 2x24W L1270 1 0.024 2.920 567
58738 3F Linda LED Soft 2x24W DALI L1270 1 0.024 3.100 567
58751 3F Linda LED Soft 2x22W L1570 1 0.030 3.670 567
58752 3F Linda LED Soft 2x30W L1570 1 0.030 3.770 567
58753 3F Linda LED Soft 2x22W DALI L1570 1 0.030 3.595 567
58754 3F Linda LED Soft 2x30W DALI L1570 1 0.030 3.765 567
58762 3F Linda LED Basic 1x19W L1270 1 0.016 2.350 566
58763 3F Linda LED Basic 2x19W L1270 1 0.024 3.010 566
58764 3F Linda LED Basic 1x23W L1570 1 0.020 2.650 566
58765 3F Linda LED Basic 2x23W L1570 1 0.030 3.655 566

Code Item Pack Page

Pcs m³ Gross weight in kg

58766 3F Linda LED Basic ST 2x16W L1270 1 0.016 2.255 566
58767 3F Linda LED Basic ST 2x20W L1570 1 0.020 2.750 566
58786 3F Linda LED 1x24W Sensor DALI-BLE L1270 1 0.016 2.320 593
58787 3F Linda LED 1x30W Sensor DALI-BLE L1570 1 0.020 2.775 593
58788 3F Linda LED 2x24W Sensor DALI-BLE L1270 1 0.024 3.320 593
58789 3F Linda LED 2x30W Sensor DALI-BLE L1570 1 0.030 3.810 593
58852 3F Linda LED Lite TR 1x12W L660 1 0.008 1.420 584
58853 3F Linda LED Lite TR 1x19W L1270 1 0.016 2.310 584
58854 3F Linda LED Lite TR 1x23W L1570 1 0.020 2.780 584
58855 3F Linda LED Lite TR 2x16W L1270 1 0.024 2.760 584
58856 3F Linda LED Lite TR 2x20W L1570 1 0.030 3.230 584
58867 3F Linda LED 1x12W/940 L660 1 0.008 1.265 564
58868 3F Linda LED 2x12W/940 L660 1 0.013 1.845 564
58869 3F Linda LED 1x24W/940 L1270 1 0.016 2.365 564
58870 3F Linda LED 2x24W/940 L1270 1 0.024 3.050 564
58871 3F Linda LED 1x30W/940 L1570 1 0.020 2.765 564
58872 3F Linda LED 2x30W/940 L1570 1 0.030 3.760 564
58873 3F Linda LED 1x12W/940 DALI L660 1 0.008 1.420 564
58874 3F Linda LED 2x12W/940 DALI L660 1 0.013 1.945 564
58875 3F Linda LED 1x24W/940 DALI L1270 1 0.016 2.355 564
58876 3F Linda LED 2x24W/940 DALI L1270 1 0.024 3.110 564
58877 3F Linda LED 1x30W/940 DALI L1570 1 0.020 2.890 564
58878 3F Linda LED 2x30W/940 DALI L1570 1 0.030 3.660 564
58881 3F LEM 1 LED 50 CR AMPIO 1 0.011 6.150 608
58882 3F LEM 2 LED 100 CR AMPIO 1 0.045 10.075 608
58883 3F LEM 3 LED 150 CR AMPIO 1 0.059 14.895 608
58884 3F LEM 4 LED 200 CR AMPIO 1 0.068 18.665 608
58885 3F LEM 1+1 LED 100 CR AMPIO 1 0.021 11.080 608
58886 3F LEM 5 LED 250 CR AMPIO 1 0.081 22.400 608
58887 3F LEM 1 LED 50 CR CONC 1 0.011 6.160 610
58888 3F LEM 2 LED 100 CR CONC 1 0.045 10.040 610
58889 3F LEM 3 LED 150 CR CONC 1 0.059 14.580 610
58890 3F LEM 4 LED 200 CR CONC 1 0.068 18.000 610
58893 3F LEM 2 LED 100 CR MEDIO 1 0.045 10.070 609
58894 3F LEM 3 LED 150 CR MEDIO 1 0.059 14.575 609
58895 3F LEM 4 LED 200 CR MEDIO 1 0.068 18.000 609
58896 3F LEM 1+1 LED 100 CR MEDIO 1 0.021 10.960 609
58897 3F LEM 5 LED 250 CR MEDIO 1 0.081 23.145 609
58899 3F LEM 1 LED 50 DALI CR AMPIO 1 0.011 6.535 608
58900 3F LEM 2 LED 100 DALI CR AMPIO 1 0.045 10.160 608
58901 3F LEM 3 LED 150 DALI CR AMPIO 1 0.059 14.885 608
58902 3F LEM 4 LED 200 DALI CR AMPIO 1 0.068 18.745 608
58903 3F LEM 1+1 LED 100 DALI CR AMPIO 1 0.021 11.285 608
58904 3F LEM 5 LED 250 DALI CR AMPIO 1 0.081 22.400 608
58905 3F LEM 1 LED 50 DALI CR CONC 1 0.011 6.595 610
58906 3F LEM 2 LED 100 DALI CR CONC 1 0.045 10.085 610
58907 3F LEM 3 LED 150 DALI CR CONC 1 0.059 15.600 610
58908 3F LEM 4 LED 200 DALI CR CONC 1 0.068 18.000 610
58911 3F LEM 2 LED 100 DALI CR MEDIO 1 0.045 10.110 609
58912 3F LEM 3 LED 150 DALI CR MEDIO 1 0.059 15.205 609
58913 3F LEM 4 LED 200 DALI CR MEDIO 1 0.068 18.290 609
58914 3F LEM 1+1 LED 100 DALI CR MEDIO 1 0.021 10.800 609
58915 3F LEM 5 LED 250 DALI CR MEDIO 1 0.081 22.400 609
58953 3F LEM 1 HO LED 70 CR AMPIO 1 0.011 6.240 614
58954 3F LEM 2 HO LED 140 CR AMPIO 1 0.045 10.115 614
58955 3F LEM 3 HO LED 210 CR AMPIO 1 0.059 14.870 614
58956 3F LEM 4 HO LED 280 CR AMPIO 1 0.068 18.685 614
58957 3F LEM 1+1 HO LED 140 CR AMPIO 1 0.021 11.100 614
58958 3F LEM 5 HO LED 350 CR AMPIO 1 0.081 23.445 614
58959 3F LEM 1 HO LED 70 CR CONC 1 0.011 6.135 615

Analytical guide
Code Item Pack Page

Pcs m³ Gross weight in kg

58960 3F LEM 2 HO LED 140 CR CONC 1 0.045 10.010 615
58961 3F LEM 3 HO LED 210 CR CONC 1 0.059 14.690 615
58965 3F LEM 2 HO LED 140 CR MEDIO 1 0.045 10.040 615
58966 3F LEM 3 HO LED 210 CR MEDIO 1 0.059 14.720 615
58967 3F LEM 4 HO LED 280 CR MEDIO 1 0.068 18.600 615
58968 3F LEM 1+1 HO LED 140 CR MEDIO 1 0.021 11.005 615
58969 3F LEM 5 HO LED 350 CR MEDIO 1 0.081 23.155 615
58971 3F LEM 1 HO LED 70 DALI CR AMPIO 1 0.011 7.000 614
58972 3F LEM 2 HO LED 140 DALI CR AMPIO 1 0.045 10.190 614
58973 3F LEM 3 HO LED 210 DALI CR AMPIO 1 0.059 14.925 614
58974 3F LEM 4 HO LED 280 DALI CR AMPIO 1 0.068 18.590 614
58975 3F LEM 1+1 HO LED 140 DALI CR AMPIO 1 0.021 11.100 614
58976 3F LEM 5 HO LED 350 DALI CR AMPIO 1 0.081 23.205 614
58977 3F LEM 1 HO LED 70 DALI CR CONC 1 0.011 6.480 615
58978 3F LEM 2 HO LED 140 DALI CR CONC 1 0.045 10.410 615
58979 3F LEM 3 HO LED 210 DALI CR CONC 1 0.059 15.530 615
58983 3F LEM 2 HO LED 140 DALI CR MEDIO 1 0.045 10.800 615
58984 3F LEM 3 HO LED 210 DALI CR MEDIO 1 0.059 15.165 615
58985 3F LEM 4 HO LED 280 DALI CR MEDIO 1 0.068 19.100 615
58986 3F LEM 1+1 HO LED 140 DALI CR MEDIO 1 0.021 11.100 615
58987 3F LEM 5 HO LED 350 DALI CR MEDIO 1 0.081 23.310 615
59026 3F LEM 2 HT LED 60 CR AMPIO 1 0.045 9.945 622
59027 3F LEM 3 HT LED 90 CR AMPIO 1 0.059 14.365 622
59028 3F LEM 4 HT LED 120 CR AMPIO 1 0.068 18.585 622
59030 3F LEM 5 HT LED 150 CR AMPIO 1 0.081 22.855 622
59032 3F LEM 2 HT LED 60 CR CONC 1 0.045 12.000 623
59033 3F LEM 3 HT LED 90 CR CONC 1 0.059 14.800 623
59034 3F LEM 4 HT LED 120 CR CONC 1 0.068 17.500 623
59039 3F LEM 4 HT LED 120 CR MEDIO 1 0.068 17.500 622
59041 3F LEM 5 HT LED 150 CR MEDIO 1 0.081 22.815 622
59080 3F LEM 2 SPORT LED 100 CR AMPIO 1 0.045 10.270 626
59081 3F LEM 3 SPORT LED 150 CR AMPIO 1 0.059 14.900 626
59082 3F LEM 4 SPORT LED 200 CR AMPIO 1 0.068 18.665 626
59093 3F LEM 2 SPORT LED 100 DALI CR AMPIO 1 0.045 10.205 626
59094 3F LEM 3 SPORT LED 150 DALI CR AMPIO 1 0.059 15.075 626
59095 3F LEM 4 SPORT LED 200 DALI CR AMPIO 1 0.068 18.665 626
59119 3F LEM 2 HO SPORT LED 140 CR AMPIO 1 0.045 10.155 630
59120 3F LEM 3 HO SPORT LED 210 CR AMPIO 1 0.059 15.700 630
59132 3F LEM 2 HO SPORT LED 140 DALI CR AMPIO 1 0.045 10.600 630
59133 3F LEM 3 HO SPORT LED 210 DALI CR AMPIO 1 0.059 15.635 630
59157 3F LEM 1 LED 50/865 CR AMPIO 1 0.011 7.000 608
59158 3F LEM 2 LED 100/865 CR AMPIO 1 0.045 10.100 608
59159 3F LEM 3 LED 150/865 CR AMPIO 1 0.059 14.795 608
59160 3F LEM 4 LED 200/865 CR AMPIO 1 0.068 18.480 608
59161 3F LEM 1+1 LED 100/865 CR AMPIO 1 0.021 11.090 608
59164 3F LEM 2 LED 100/865 CR CONC 1 0.045 10.500 610
59165 3F LEM 3 LED 150/865 CR CONC 1 0.059 15.600 610
59166 3F LEM 4 LED 200/865 CR CONC 1 0.068 18.470 610
59253 3F LEM 2 LED 100 DALI Sensor CR AMPIO 1 0.059 13.000 618
59254 3F LEM 3 LED 150 DALI Sensor CR AMPIO 1 0.081 17.100 618
59255 3F LEM 4 LED 200 DALI Sensor CR AMPIO 1 0.081 19.500 618
59259 3F LEM 2 LED 100 DALI Sensor CR CONC 1 0.059 13.000 619
59260 3F LEM 3 LED 150 DALI Sensor CR CONC 1 0.081 17.000 619
59261 3F LEM 4 LED 200 DALI Sensor CR CONC 1 0.081 19.500 619
59265 3F LEM 2 LED 100 DALI Sensor CR MEDIO 1 0.059 13.000 618
59266 3F LEM 3 LED 150 DALI Sensor CR MEDIO 1 0.081 17.000 618
59267 3F LEM 4 LED 200 DALI Sensor CR MEDIO 1 0.081 19.500 618
59275 3F LEM 2 SPORT LED 100/940 CR AMPIO 1 0.045 10.270 626
59276 3F LEM 3 SPORT LED 150/940 CR AMPIO 1 0.059 15.700 626
59277 3F LEM 4 SPORT LED 200/940 CR AMPIO 1 0.068 18.665 626

Code Item Pack Page

Pcs m³ Gross weight in kg

59281 3F LEM 2 SPORT LED 100/940 DALI CR AMPIO 1 0.045 10.315 626
59282 3F LEM 3 SPORT LED 150/940 DALI CR AMPIO 1 0.059 15.700 626
59283 3F LEM 4 SPORT LED 200/940 DALI CR AMPIO 1 0.068 18.665 626
59287 3F LEM 2 HO SPORT LED 140/940 CR AMPIO 1 0.045 10.600 630
59288 3F LEM 3 HO SPORT LED 210/940 CR AMPIO 1 0.059 15.700 630
59293 3F LEM 2 HO SPORT LED 140/940 DALI CR AMPIO 1 0.045 10.600 630
59294 3F LEM 3 HO SPORT LED 210/940 DALI CR AMPIO 1 0.059 15.700 630
60010 3F Solo L WH 14/830 DALI L1475 1 0.007 2.665 146
60011 3F Solo L BK 14/830 DALI L1475 1 0.007 2.665 146
60013 3F Solo L WH 21/830 DALI L2205 1 0.010 3.250 146
60014 3F Solo L BK 21/830 DALI L2205 1 0.010 3.715 146
60016 3F Solo L WH 28/830 DALI L2935 1 0.013 4.650 146
60017 3F Solo L BK 28/830 DALI L2935 1 0.013 4.650 146
60019 3F Solo L WH HO 28/830 DALI L1475 1 0.007 2.695 146
60020 3F Solo L BK HO 28/830 DALI L1475 1 0.007 2.675 146
60022 3F Solo L WH HO 41/830 DALI L2205 1 0.010 3.250 146
60023 3F Solo L BK HO 41/830 DALI L2205 1 0.010 3.250 146
60025 3F Solo L WH HO 54/830 DALI L2935 1 0.013 4.650 146
60026 3F Solo L BK HO 54/830 DALI L2935 1 0.013 4.650 146
60031 3F Solo L WH DI 14+38/830 DALI L1475 1 0.007 2.800 150
60032 3F Solo L BK DI 14+38/830 DALI L1475 1 0.007 3.170 150
60034 3F Solo L WH DI 21+58/830 DALI L2205 1 0.010 4.050 150
60035 3F Solo L BK DI 21+58/830 DALI L2205 1 0.010 4.450 150
60037 3F Solo L WH DI 28+67/830 DALI L2935 1 0.013 5.890 150
60038 3F Solo L BK DI 28+67/830 DALI L2935 1 0.013 5.525 150
60040 3F Solo L WH DI HO 28+38/830 DALI L1475 1 0.007 2.800 150
60041 3F Solo L BK DI HO 28+38/830 DALI L1475 1 0.007 2.800 150
60043 3F Solo L WH DI HO 41+58/830 DALI L2205 1 0.010 4.050 150
60044 3F Solo L BK DI HO 41+58/830 DALI L2205 1 0.010 4.050 150
60046 3F Solo L WH DI HO 54+67/830 DALI L2935 1 0.013 5.450 150
60047 3F Solo L BK DI HO 54+67/830 DALI L2935 1 0.013 5.450 150
60052 3F Solo WH HO 28/830 DALI SP L1475 1 0.007 2.665 147
60053 3F Solo BK HO 28/830 DALI SP L1475 1 0.007 2.485 147
60055 3F Solo WH HO 41/830 DALI SP L2205 1 0.010 2.750 147
60056 3F Solo BK HO 41/830 DALI SP L2205 1 0.010 2.750 147
60058 3F Solo WH HO 54/830 DALI SP L2935 1 0.013 4.100 147
60059 3F Solo BK HO 54/830 DALI SP L2935 1 0.013 4.100 147
60064 3F Solo WH DI HO 28+38/830 DALI SP L1475 1 0.007 2.400 151
60065 3F Solo BK DI HO 28+38/830 DALI SP L1475 1 0.007 2.400 151
60067 3F Solo WH DI HO 41+58/830 DALI SP L2205 1 0.010 3.550 151
60068 3F Solo BK DI HO 41+58/830 DALI SP L2205 1 0.010 3.550 151
60070 3F Solo WH DI HO 54+67/830 DALI SP L2935 1 0.013 4.850 151
60071 3F Solo BK DI HO 54+67/830 DALI SP L2935 1 0.013 4.850 151
260092 L 353x14W LED SP 54V 596x596 1 0.029 5.025 358
260094 L 353x14W LED DALI SP 54V 596x596 1 0.029 4.685 358
270931 L 561x12W LED 2S 221x647 1 0.016 2.725 372
270933 L 561x24W LED 2S 221x1256 1 0.031 5.000 372
270935 L 561x30W LED 2S 221x1556 1 0.039 6.270 372
270937 L 562x12W LED 2S 221x647 1 0.016 2.885 372
270939 L 562x24W LED 2S 221x1256 1 0.031 5.310 372
270941 L 562x30W LED 2S 221x1556 1 0.039 6.160 372
270957 L 561x12W LED SP 221x647 1 0.016 3.015 372
270959 L 561x24W LED SP 221x1256 1 0.031 5.490 372
270961 L 561x30W LED SP 221x1556 1 0.039 7.050 372
270963 L 562x12W LED SP 221x647 1 0.016 3.195 372
270965 L 562x24W LED SP 221x1256 1 0.031 5.670 372
270967 L 562x30W LED SP 221x1556 1 0.039 6.555 372


/Catalogue sections
Systems and
3F Architectural Light Management
track-mounted products

Surface luminaires and Waterproof and

suspensions corrosionproof Infopoint

Recessed luminaires Outdoor


Industry Retail Sport

Offices Healthcare Transport

Architecture Schools

Watertight product suitable for Resistance against ball impacts in
Certification ICE installation in cold rooms accordance with DIN 18032-3

Protection against electric shock

ENEC Certified product 650° Glow wire resistance temperature - Appliance class

SA F E Product compliant with IEC TR

61547-1 and IEC TR 63158 IP20 Overall IP rating Luminaire suitable for offices
standards (“Infopoint” section)

IP20 IP rating of recessed part Tunable White

EP Maintained emergency wiring
IP rating of exposed part

Product compliant with ATEX Safety Extra-Low Voltage

ENP Non-permanent emergency wiring ATEX regulations (“Infopoint” section) Separated power source

Luminaires suitable, from a hygienic point of

Luminaires with electronic wiring Mechanical
and limited surface temperature 5J IK08 strength to impacts
HACCP view, for use in production plants in the food
industry (HACCP / IFS / BRC-Standard)

WH | White / Matt White AL | Aluminium GR | Grey

BK | Black / Matt Black AN | Anthracite RD | Red


1x -> 6x Number of sources IND Indirect light output

2MG specular louvre, high efficiency INT Internal

2S semi-specular louvre IPERCONC Iperconcentrated distribution

2US semi-glossy louvre L Lenses

3AO Matt silver decorative louvre LA Wide version luminaire

3DEC White decorative louvre LED Light emitting diode

AB White trim LGS Flat PMMA, with low luminance microprismatic cover

AMPIO Wide distribution Lxxxx Appliance length xxxx millimetres

AS Asymmetric MEDIUM Medium distribution

BAT Batwing distribution - dual asymmetric MEDIO Medium distribution

BAT WD Batwing distribution - dual asymmetric wide NL No power line

CLO Constant light output ("Management of light" section) OCB Optics Control Black - LEED Compliant

CONC Concentrated distribution OCW Optics Control White - LEED Compliant

CR Fast connection OP Opal

D Curved diffuser P Surface luminaire

D1-10V Dimmable 1 - 10 volt wiring PC Polycarbonate

DA Twin-circuit PCD Phase cut dimmable wiring

DALI DALI digital dimmable wiring R Recessed version

DALI DT8 DALI dimmable cabling for Tunable White RSP Flow recuperator with prismatic screen

DE Dual emission RVS Flow recuperator and molded glass

DI Direct – indirect light output RVSS Flux recuperator and laminated moulded glass

DR Rectangular diffuser S Structure

DT Trapezoidal diffuser Sensor Sensor ("Management of light" section)

Sensor with corridor function ("Management of light"
DX Right Sensor CF
E Efficiency SL Flat smooth diffuser in methacrylate

ELL Elliptical transparent methacrylate lenses SMP Flat cover microprismatic

ENP Non-permanent emergency lighting SOP Opal PMMA flat diffuser

EP Permanent emergency lighting SP Flat diffuser, prismatic in methacrylate

EXT External SP PC Flat PMMA prismatic cover

FCH Version for metal panels with high structures SPOT Concentrated distribution

FCL Version for metal panels with low structures ST Narrow body

FD Fixture suitable FDP or FDO SX Left

FDO Flat Diffuser Opal TK Product installable on Binario 3F

FDP Flat Diffuser Microprismatic TW Tunable White

FP Version for Plasterboard UGR Luminance control lens

FRONT Asymmetric distribution with deep bilateral UR95 Resistent to relative humidity up to 95%

GSP Glare Screen Prismatic VA Frosted glass

HCL Human centric lighting (section"Management of light") VOP Opal enamelled glass

HO High Output VS Moulded glass

HS Hard Skin - high chemical resistant body VSS Laminated moulded glass

HST Glass stabilised via heat soak test VT Transparent glass

HT High temperature WIDE Wide distribution

3F Filippi S.p.A.
Via del Savena 28, Z.I. Piastrella
40065 Pian di Macina, Pianoro (Bologna), Italy
Tax Code. 01033260371 - VAT no. IT00529461204
Share Capital € 3,000,000 fully paid up
Bologna Register of Companies no. 01033260371
REA (economic administrative index) No. 234613

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