Course Outline - Introduction To Networks and Systems
Course Outline - Introduction To Networks and Systems
Course Outline - Introduction To Networks and Systems
Role of Delivers lectures, prepares reading assignments and topics for group discussion, prepares
lab exercise by discussion with student, gives consultation and advises students on individual
Instructor(s) and group assignments, prepares and evaluates quiz, assignment, tests and final examination.
Role of Students Attend lectures, laboratory session and presentation, work in team on group work, participate
in group discussion, discusses with the instructor on topics of interest for group work, delivers
and presents individual and group work, attend quiz, midterm and final examination.
Required software Hardware: Computers, printer, UTP cable, network toolkit, hub/switch, RJ-45 connectors.
and/or hardware Software: Network Operating systems, Simulators
Reference Textbook:
• Data Communications and Networking, 4th Ed., Behrouz A. Forouzan
• A S Tannenbaum " Computer Networks" Prentice Hall of India Publication, 2002
• Data and Computer Communications, 8th ed. William Stallings
• Computer Networking. Kurose & Ross. Addison Wesley
• Fred Halshall "Data Communication, Computer Networks & Open systems"
Publication Pearson Education
• Any Cisco Material (CCNA Module1) will be helpful