Solid Waste Management Plan
Solid Waste Management Plan
Solid Waste Management Plan
This Solid Waste Management Plan Statement outlines our commitment to effective and
sustainable solid waste management practices in Mactan Marina Mall. Recognizing the
importance of environmental stewardship, public health, and resource conservation, we aim to
develop and implement a comprehensive strategy for the responsible handling of solid waste
generated within our jurisdiction.
I. Types of Waste generated
General waste: This is a type of waste that cuts across every business irrespective of what
they produce or do. This type of waste includes everyday rubbish produced by a business that
cannot be recycled. Examples include lamination papers, polystyrene, contaminated packaging,
napkins, food, wood, used tissue paper, etc. Since such waste will end up in the general waste
bin, it is advisable to separate waste for easy recycling. When disposing of general waste,
always check your local regulations and guidelines for proper disposal. Some areas may have
specific rules and recycling programs to help reduce waste’s environmental impact. The goal is
to reduce the amount of waste going to landfills.
Biodegradable/Food waste: Food waste is produced from leftover food in most restaurants
and other businesses. When discarded, it becomes business waste. Examples of food waste
found commonly in businesses are banana skins, orange skins, bones, and leftovers scraped
off of plates. Restaurants undoubtedly produce the most food waste. Offsetting business food
waste involves taking proactive steps to reduce food waste at the source and then managing
remaining waste in an environmentally responsible manner such as composting.
Recyclable: It comprises waste that can be recycled. Examples include different types of paper,
plastic bottles, food cans, cardboard, etc.
Glass waste: Glass waste is any sort of waste that consists entirely of glass. Key examples of
glass waste are glass bottles and drinking glasses that have smashed and need to be disposed
Construction waste/debris: Most construction waste is produced during renovation and
construction. Examples of commercial construction wastes: woods, metals, concrete, cement,
glass materials, insulation, tiles, bricks, and ceramics are the common construction materials.
The excess of construction materials is an example of commercial construction wastes.
Construction waste and debris are usually hauled by the contractors who did the renovations.
Hazardous Wastes: Hazardous chemical wastes are categorized into various hazardous
classes. Wastes are not to be mixed unless the generator is sure the mixture will not result in a
hazardous compound as defined. Furthermore, different categories of hazardous wastes must
not be mixed in the same container in order to prevent dangerous, unwanted reactions or non-
compliance. The establishment will provide proper storage for hazardous wastes. Proper
handling and labeling must be observe & supervised by the assigned PCO. Responsibilities of
the PCO includes:
Segregating incompatible waste chemicals. Never mix chemicals that may react or
cause an unsafe condition.
Maintaining proper container management. Only use containers compatible with the
wastes' characteristics.
All containers must be labeled with the container’s actual contents.
Container lids shall be securely closed the at all times unless adding or removing waste.
Never remove a label or tag from a cylinder no matter what the size. Unlabeled
containers/cylinders can lead to violations of compliance and fines. Disposal of
unlabeled cylinders is also expensive and dangerous to have at any location.
Notify DENR accredited haulers that you have waste for disposal. Include information on
the type of waste to be picked up.
It is illegal to dispose of hazardous waste in any of the following ways:
Disposal through the sanitary drain such as sink drain, floor drain or urinal or toilets.
Evaporation inside or outside a fume hood.
Disposal in the regular trash.
Disposal through storm drain, unpaved surface, or on the ground.
II. Goals
Framework details
Waste Reduction: The company will strive to minimize the generation of solid waste at its
source through comprehensive waste reduction and minimization programs. This involves
implementing comprehensive waste reduction and minimization programs that target the root
causes of waste generation. Strategies may include promoting sustainable consumption habits,
encouraging the use of reusable products, and discouraging excessive packaging.
Reuse: The company will consider what types of waste the facilities can repurpose. For
instance, for construction materials, the company will find ways to reuse leftover materials from
a construction site or repurpose salvaged materials from a demolition; e.g. Reusing glass
panels removed from a renovation project. Repurposing doors & metal roll-up doors to other
projects. Reusing old roofing materials. Etc.
Recycle: The company will consider what waste the company can divert from disposal and
break down for recycling. For instance, for throwing away old electronics, the company will try to
look into sending them to a specialized facility that can recycle their metals. For waste paper,
glass, metal or plastic products, the company will collect and check to see if those products can
be recycled by an accredited recycler.
Resource Recovery: The company will promote and support recycling initiatives to maximize
the recovery of valuable materials from the waste stream. The company will emphasize the
importance of diverting recyclable materials away from landfills, reducing the need for raw
material extraction, and conserving natural resources. Strategies may involve establishing or
improving recycling infrastructure, educating the public/tenants on proper recycling practices,
and collaborating with businesses to enhance recycling capabilities. Waste products you can
recover for resale often include scraps of metal and leftover construction materials.
Dispose: Generally, everything that remains after exhausting the options above must go to a
landfill. With effective waste management practices, the company can often minimize the
amount of waste that falls into this category and develop strategies for responsible disposal.
III. Strategies
Source Separation/Segregation: Encourage and facilitate the separation of recyclable and
non-recyclable materials at the source to optimize resource recovery. This involves educating
the public & tenants on proper waste sorting practices and providing convenient and accessible
recycling options. Source separation ensures that valuable materials are not contaminated and
can be efficiently processed for recycling.
Composting: The composting component shall be included in the SWM Plan in combination
with the segregation of food waste/ biodegradable wastes at the waste generation sources to
comply with the diversion requirements of the Act in combination with the recycling plan to
recover valuable wastes.
Collection Optimization: Develop an efficient and cost-effective waste collection system that
meets the needs of establishment while minimizing environmental impact. This strategy involves
designing routes and schedules that maximize collection efficiency, considering factors such as
waste generation patterns. Optimizing collection systems can reduce fuel consumption,
emissions, and overall operational costs.
Compliance: Ensure strict adherence to local, state, and national regulations governing solid
waste management activities. This strategy involves staying informed about relevant laws and
regulations, obtaining necessary permits, and implementing practices that comply with legal
requirements. Compliance efforts contribute to responsible waste management and help avoid
legal issues.
Continuous Improvement: Establish a robust monitoring and evaluation system to regularly
assess the effectiveness of our solid waste management plan and make necessary
adjustments. This strategy involves setting up metrics and benchmarks, regularly collecting data
on waste management performance, and using this information to identify areas for
improvement. Continuous improvement ensures that the plan remains adaptive to changing
circumstances and evolving waste management practices.
IV. Implementation
In implementation of the improvement of solid waste system shall include the plans for; waste
reduction at sources, waste segregation/recovery at sources, establishment of material recovery
facility and small composting facility.
V. Collection
The practical waste collection activity shall take into account the volume of waste to be
collected to determine the schedule/frequency of collection. The establishment shall be
responsible in providing sufficient and PEZA-accredited waste collection service for its
residual waste and scrap waste collection.
Thus, in order to assess the efficiency of collection, it should also take into
account the following information:
(1) Availability or provision of properly designed containers or receptacles in
collection points for the temporary storage of solid waste while awaiting
the transfer to the main disposal area;
(2) Tenant must properly segregate their wastes and packed it on a garbage bag
before transferring it to the main disposal area;
(3) Hauling and/or transfer of solid waste and scrap waste from sources or collection
points to processing sites or final disposal sites must be collected by a PEZA-
accredited residual waste hauler and scrap buyer;