Weather in The UK: Celsius

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Weather in the UK

This is especially true in a country like

the UK which has a very changeable


The weather can change from rainy one In the UK there are four The British like to spend a lot of
day to sunny the next, or from strong seasons, spring, summer, time outdoors when the weather
winds and gales in the morning to snow autumn and winter, and the is nice in summer.
in the afternoon. weather is different in each of

Winter is the coldest season in

It takes several weeks for the the UK. The temperature is

weather to change enough for In this season the weather usually zero degrees

people to notice a difference. becomes colder and there are Celsius.

stronger winds, and it will also

rain more.
Then, when winter ends, spring

begins. The temperature will begin to

rise and the winds will not be as

Many people in the UK complain about the
weather, but because the weather changes

so much it is very interesting and gives

people something to talk about all year round.

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