Meal Plan Brochure

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7. Transfer the cooked shrimps to a plate and set aside.

8. Using the same skillet, heat the remaining 2

tablespoons of oil. Saute garlic followed by the
onions. Cook until onions are translucent.
9. Add the tomatoes and saute for about 2 minutes.
10.Add the shrimp broth you set aside earlier and bring
to a boil. Simmer for 5 minutes.
11. Add the squash and cook for 10 minutes or until
texture is soft.
12. Now add the remaining vegetables and stir to mix
the ingredients together.
13. Next add shrimp paste and mix again. Season with
sugar and pepper as desired.
14. Simmer for about 10 minutes or until all the
vegetables are cooked, but not overcooked.
15. Add more water if desired.
16. Now add the shrimps back to the pan and stir to mix

it all together. Appetizer
17. Transfer the pinakbet to a serving dish to cool. Serve VIETNAMESE SPRING
with steamed white rice and enjoy
Nutrition Value
SMOOTHIE BOWL with Calories: 245kcal
Carbohydrates: 47g Main Course
Protein: 7g
Ingredients: For Topping: In fulfillment of the
1 1/2 cups milk avocado Course Subject
1/2 cup chia seeds chia seeds Dessert
1 1/2 cups plain yogurt For Herbal Tea: NCM 107
4 tablespoons honey 1 tea bag of chosen tea
1. Add the milk, 2 tablespoons honey and chia seeds to a
bowl. Blend with an blender for one minute. Cover BSN 2B - RLE GROUP 2
and refrigerate. The chia seeds will set up to a thick
pudding consistency. Bolanio, Cagape, Enanoza, Gabuya, Lim,
2. In a separate bowl combine the yogurt, 2 tablespoons Paylado, Roxas, Segundo
honey, and 1 cup avocado. Blend with an immersion
blender until smooth. Cover and refrigerate.
3. Next, assemble the smoothie bowls. On one side of the
bowl, pour about ½ cup chia seed mixture.
4. Top with chopped avocado and more chia seeds.
Appetizer Nutrition Value
firmly. The rice paper is sticky, it will seal Main Course
itself. Nutrition Value
Calories: 135kcal

Calories: 153kcal
Carbohydrates: 19.2g 12.Serve immediately with the peanut dipping Carbohydrates: 26.88g
Protein: 11.5g
Protein: 10.53g
Fat: 1.1g

Fat: 2.69g
Saturated Fat: 1.1g
Cholesterol: 75mg
Sodium: 201mg Appetizer Nutrition Value
Calories: 158kcal Fiber: 5g Ingredients:

Carbohydrates: 31g Sugar: 8g 1 pound of large, whole, head-on shrimp
Ingredients: Protein: 2.6g
1 piece large eggplant, sliced into 1-inch thick
Fat: 6g
1 tbsp peanut butter, preferably smooth
2 tbsp Hoisin Sauce
1 1/2 tbsp white vinegar (or lime juice)
SQUASH SOUP Saturated Fat: 4g
Cholesterol: 10mg
Sodium: 249mg
diagonal pieces
1/2 pound of okra, ends trimmed
1 piece of large ampalaya, halved, deseeded and
1/3 cup (almond milk ) (or water) sliced into 1-inch thick diagonal pieces
1 garlic clove, minced Ingredients: 1/2 pound of string beans stalks, ends trimmed
3 lb roasted butternut squash and cut in 3 inches length
Instructions: 2 tbsp butter or olive oil, for dairy free option 1 pound of squash, peeled, deseeded and cut
1. Peanut Sauce: Combine the Peanut Dipping 1.5 cups chopped yellow onion into chunks
Sauce ingredients. Mix briefly , then microwave 1/4 tsp salt 1 tablespoon of garlic, minced
for 30 seconds. Mix again until smooth. Set 1/8 tsp black pepper 1 medium-sized onion, sliced
aside to cool. Adjust sour with vinegar, salt with 1/8 tsp ground cinnamon 1 piece of large-sized tomato, sliced
salt and spiciness to taste. Thickness can be 6 cups vegetable or chicken broth 3 tablespoons of oil
adjusted with milk or water once cooled. drizzle of heavy cream optional, for garnish 2 cups of water
2. Place vermicelli noodles in a bowl and cover toasted pumpkin seeds optional, for garnish 1 teaspoon of sugar
with warm water for 2 minutes, then drain. Ground pepper
3. Peel the prawns, slice in half lengthwise and Instructions: 1 cup cooked rice (or as desired)
even. 1. You will need Roasted Butternut Squash cubes
4. Remove the crunchy core of the lettuce leaves for this recipe. Get the squash in the oven Instructions:
5. LETTUCE BUNDLE : Place some vermicelli before you start sauteing the onion and such 1. Remove the shells from the shrimp, then devein
noodles and bean sprouts in a lettuce leaf, then for this soup, since roasting takes about 30 them. Now remove the heads from the shrimp
roll it up, finishing seam side down. Repeat. minutes. and set them aside.
6. Fill a large bowl with warm water. The bowl 2. Melt the butter in a large pot over medium 2. Put all the shrimp heads in a strainer then
doesn’t need to be large enough to fit the whole heat, then add the onion, salt, and pepper, and crush shrimp heads using a mallet.
rice paper in one go. cook for 10 minutes, until the onions are soft. 3. Put 2 cups of water in a saucepan then bring it
7. Place two rice papers together. . Submerge the 3. Add the Roasted Butternut Squash cubes, and to a boil. With the shrimp heads still in the
rice papers into the water for 2 seconds. stir for 2 minutes. strainer, steep them in the boiling water.
8. Place both the rice papers on a board or the 4. Add the stock, bring the liquid to a boil over 4. Boil the shrimp heads for about 2 minutes or
counter with the smooth side down. high heat, then reduce to a simmer. Cook for 2 until you have extracted all the juice from the
9. On the top part of the rice paper, place 3 prawns minutes at a simmer. shrimp heads
with a mint leaf in between, as per the photo 5. Puree everything together, either using an 5. Then remove the shrimp heads from the broth
below. immersion blender, or by cooling the soup and discard them. Take the broth off of the
10. Place the lettuce bundle with the seam side slightly and blending in a blender heating element then set the broth aside.
down onto the middle of the rice paper. 6. Taste, and see if it needs more salt or pepper. 6. Heat a skillet with 1 tablespoon of oil over
11. Fold the left and right edges of the rice paper 7. Serve as is, or with a drizzle of heavy cream medium-high heat. Saute the shrimps for 2
in, then starting from the bottom, roll up to and a few pumpkin seeds, if desired. minutes or until they turn pink in color.
cover the lettuce bundle. Then keep rolling

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