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BSI Standards Publication: Metallic Industrial Piping

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BS EN 13480‑8:2017+A1:2019

BSI Standards Publication

Metallic industrial piping

Part 8: Additional requirements for aluminium and aluminium alloy piping

BS EN 13480‑8:2017+A1:2019 BRITISH STANDARD

National foreword
This British Standard is the UK implementation of EN 13480‑8:2017+A1:2019.
It supersedes BS EN 13480‑8:2017, which is withdrawn.
The UK participation in its preparation was entrusted to Technical Committee
PVE/10, Piping systems.
A list of organizations represented on this committee can be obtained on
request to its secretary.
This publication does not purport to include all the necessary provisions of a
contract. Users are responsible for its correct application.
© The British Standards Institution 2019
Published by BSI Standards Limited 2019
ISBN 978 0 539 12336 4
ICS 23.040.01
Compliance with a British Standard cannot confer immunity from legal
This British Standard was published under the authority of the Standards
Policy and Strategy Committee on 30 September 2017.

Amendments/corrigenda issued since publication

Date Text affected

31 December 2019 Implementation of CEN amendment A1:2019: See

European Foreword for details
BS EN 13480‑8:2017+A1:2019



ICS 23.040.01 Supersedes EN 13480-8:2012

English Version

Metallic industrial piping - Part 8: Additional requirements

for aluminium and aluminium alloy piping
Tuyauteries industrielles métalliques - Partie 8 : Metallische industrielle Rohrleitungen - Teil 8:
Exigences complémentaires relatives aux tuyauteries Zusatzanforderungen an Rohrleitungen aus Aluminium
en aluminium et alliages d'aluminium und Aluminiumlegierungen

This European Standard was approved by CEN on 21 June 2017.

This European Standard was corrected and reissued by the CEN-CENELEC Management Centre on 26 June 2019.

CEN members are bound to comply with the CEN/CENELEC Internal Regulations which stipulate the conditions for giving this
European Standard the status of a national standard without any alteration. Up-to-date lists and bibliographical references
concerning such national standards may be obtained on application to the CEN-CENELEC Management Centre or to any CEN

This European Standard exists in three official versions (English, French, German). A version in any other language made by
translation under the responsibility of a CEN member into its own language and notified to the CEN-CENELEC Management
Centre has the same status as the official versions.

CEN members are the national standards bodies of Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia,
Finland, Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania,
Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland,
Turkey and United Kingdom.



CEN-CENELEC Management Centre: Avenue Marnix 17, B-1000 Brussels

© 2017 CEN All rights of exploitation in any form and by any means reserved Ref. No. EN 13480-8:2017 E
worldwide for CEN national Members.
BS EN 13480‑8:2017+A1:2019
EN 13480‐8:2017
Issue 1 (2017‐06)


European foreword....................................................................................................................................................... 4
1 Scope .................................................................................................................................................................... 6
2 Normative references .................................................................................................................................... 6
3 Terms, definitions, symbols and units .................................................................................................... 8
4 General requirements ................................................................................................................................... 8
5 Materials............................................................................................................................................................. 8
5.1 General ................................................................................................................................................................ 8
5.2 Material grouping system ............................................................................................................................ 8
5.3 Elongation after fracture .............................................................................................................................. 9
5.4 Chemical composition ................................................................................................................................ 10
5.5 Lamellar tearing ........................................................................................................................................... 10
5.6 Design temperature and properties...................................................................................................... 10
5.7 Prevention of brittle fracture .................................................................................................................. 10
5.8 Specific requirements for fasteners made of aluminium and aluminium alloys .................. 11
5.9 Lined piping ................................................................................................................................................... 11
5.10 Clad products ................................................................................................................................................. 11
5.11 Technical delivery conditions for welding consumables .............................................................. 11
6 Design ............................................................................................................................................................... 11
6.1 General ............................................................................................................................................................. 11
6.2 Time‐independent nominal design stress .......................................................................................... 11
6.3 Straight pipes ................................................................................................................................................. 12
6.4 Pipe bends and elbows ............................................................................................................................... 12
6.5 Mitre bends..................................................................................................................................................... 12
6.6 Socket welds................................................................................................................................................... 14
6.7 Designing with transition joints ............................................................................................................. 14
6.7.1 Design considerations ................................................................................................................................ 14
6.7.2 Location of transition joints ..................................................................................................................... 14
6.7.3 Requirements for transition joints ........................................................................................................ 14
6.8 Port‐hole extruded tubes .......................................................................................................................... 14
6.9 Alternative methods ................................................................................................................................... 14
7 Fabrication and installation ..................................................................................................................... 15
7.1 General ............................................................................................................................................................. 15
7.2 Material grouping ........................................................................................................................................ 15
7.3 Tolerances ...................................................................................................................................................... 15
7.3.1 Welded pipes and connection dimensions of pipe fittings ........................................................... 15
7.3.2 Welded piping construction ..................................................................................................................... 15
7.4 Cutting and bevelling .................................................................................................................................. 16
7.5 Bending and other forming ...................................................................................................................... 16
7.5.1 General ............................................................................................................................................................. 16
7.5.2 Definition of cold‐ and hot forming ....................................................................................................... 16
7.5.3 Heat treatment after cold forming ......................................................................................................... 16
7.5.4 Heat treatment after hot forming ........................................................................................................... 18

BS EN 13480‑8:2017+A1:2019
EN 13480‐8:2017
Issue 1 (2017‐06)

7.6 Welding ............................................................................................................................................................ 19

7.6.1 Welding personnel ....................................................................................................................................... 19
7.6.2 Welding processes........................................................................................................................................ 19
7.6.3 Weld joint preparation ............................................................................................................................... 19
7.6.4 Preheating ....................................................................................................................................................... 20
7.6.5 Backing rings and backing strips ............................................................................................................ 21
7.6.6 Post‐weld heat treatment (PWHT) ......................................................................................................... 21
8 Inspection and testing................................................................................................................................. 21
8.1 General ............................................................................................................................................................. 21
8.2 Formed pressure retaining parts............................................................................................................ 22
8.2.1 General ............................................................................................................................................................. 22
8.2.2 Testing of formed parts .............................................................................................................................. 22
8.2.3 Destructive testing of formed and heat treated parts ..................................................................... 22
8.3 Welding ............................................................................................................................................................ 23
8.4 Visual and non‐destructive testing of welds ....................................................................................... 23
8.4.1 Application of NDT ....................................................................................................................................... 23
8.4.2 Circumferential, branch, socket and seal welds ................................................................................ 23
8.4.3 Longitudinal welds and spiral welded tubes/pipes ......................................................................... 24
8.5 VT and NDT Methods ................................................................................................................................... 24
8.6 Production test plates for welded pipes............................................................................................... 25
9 Final assessment and documentation ................................................................................................... 26
9.1 General ............................................................................................................................................................. 26
9.2 Pneumatic pressure test ............................................................................................................................ 27
9.3 Documentation for components ............................................................................................................. 27
Annex A (informative) Dimensional tolerances ............................................................................................. 29
Annex B (normative) Transition joints .............................................................................................................. 31
Annex C (normative) Nominal design stress values ...................................................................................... 36
Annex Y (informative) History of EN 13480‐8 ................................................................................................. 43
Annex ZA (informative) Relationship between this European Standard and the Essential
Requirements of EU Directive 2014/68/EU aimed to be covered .............................................. 44
Bibliography ................................................................................................................................................................. 45

BS EN 13480‑8:2017+A1:2019
EN 13480‐8:2017 (E)
Issue 2 (2019‐06)

European foreword

This document (EN 13480-8:2017) has been prepared by Technical Committee CEN/TC 267 “Industrial
piping and pipelines”, the secretariat of which is held by AFNOR.

This European Standard shall be given the status of a national standard, either by publication of an
identical text or by endorsement, at the latest by December 2017, and conflicting national standards
shall be withdrawn at the latest by December 2017.

Attention is drawn to the possibility that some of the elements of this document may be the subject of
patent rights. CEN [and/or CENELEC] shall not be held responsible for identifying any or all such patent

This document has been prepared under a mandate given to CEN by the European Commission and the
European Free Trade Association, and supports essential requirements of EU Directive(s).

For relationship with EU Directive(s), see informative Annex ZA, which is an integral part of this

This European Standard EN 13480 for metallic industrial piping consists of eight interdependent and not
dissociable Parts which are:

 Part 1: General;

 Part 2: Materials;

 Part 3: Design and calculation;

 Part 4: Fabrication and installation;

 Part 5: Inspection and testing;

 Part 6: Additional requirements for buried piping;

 CEN/TR 13480-7, Guidance on the use of conformity assessment procedures;

 Part 8: Additional requirements for aluminium and aluminium alloy piping.

Although these Parts may be obtained separately, it should be recognised that the Parts are inter-
dependant. As such the manufacture of metallic industrial piping requires the application of all the
relevant Parts in order for the requirements of the Standard to be satisfactorily fulfilled.

This European Standard will be maintained by a Maintenance MHD working group whose scope of
working is limited to corrections and interpretations related to EN 13480.

BS EN 13480‑8:2017+A1:2019
EN 13480‐8:2017 (E)
Issue 2 (2019‐06)

The contact to submit queries can be found at http://www.unm.fr (en13480@unm.fr). A form for
submitting questions can be downloaded from the link to the MHD website. After subject experts have
agreed an answer, the answer will be communicated to the questioner. Corrected pages will be given
specific issue number and issued by CEN according to CEN Rules. Interpretation sheets will be posted
on the website of the MHD.

This document supersedes EN 13480-8:2012. This new edition incorporates the Amendments/the
corrigenda which have been approved previously by CEN members, and the corrected pages up to
Issue 4 without any further technical change. Annex Y provides details of significant technical changes
between this European Standard and the previous edition.

Amendments to this new edition may be issued from time to time and then used immediately as
alternatives to rules contained herein. It is intended to deliver a new Issue of EN 13480:2017 each year,
consolidating these Amendments and including other identified corrections. Issue 2 (2019-06) includes
the corrected pages listed in Annex Y.

According to the CEN-CENELEC Internal Regulations, the national standards organizations of the
following countries are bound to implement this European Standard: Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria,
Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia,
France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta,
Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland,
Turkey and the United Kingdom.

BS EN 13480‑8:2017+A1:2019
EN 13480‐8:2017 (E)
Issue 2 (2019‐06)

1 Scope
This Part of EN 13480 specifies requirements for industrial piping systems made of aluminium and
aluminium alloys in addition to the general requirements for industrial piping according to the series of
standards EN 13480 and CEN/TR 13480-7.

2 Normative references
The following documents, in whole or in part, are normatively referenced in this document and are
indispensable for its application. For dated references, only the edition cited applies. For undated
references, the latest edition of the referenced document (including any amendments) applies.

EN 485-2:2013, Aluminium and aluminium alloys — Sheet, strip and plate — Part 2: Mechanical
EN 485-3, Aluminium and aluminium alloys — Sheet, strip and plate — Part 3: Tolerances on dimensions
and form for hot‐rolled products
EN 485-4, Aluminium and aluminium alloys — Sheet, strip and plate — Part 4: Tolerances on shape and
dimensions for cold‐rolled products
EN 573-3:2013, Aluminium and aluminium alloys — Chemical composition and form of wrought products
— Part 3: Chemical composition and form of products
EN 586-2:1994, Aluminium and aluminium alloys — Forgings — Part 2: Mechanical properties and
additional property requirements
EN 754 (all parts), Aluminium and aluminium alloys — Cold drawn rod/bar and tube
EN 755 (all parts), Aluminium and aluminium alloys — Extruded rod/bar, tube and profiles
EN 764-3, Pressure equipment — Part 3: Definition of parties involved
EN 1779:1999, Non‐destructive testing — Leak testing — Criteria for method and technique selection
EN 10204:2004, Metallic products — Types of inspection documents
EN 12392:2000, Aluminium and aluminium alloys — Wrought products — Special requirements for
products intended for the production of pressure equipment
EN 13445-4:2014, Unfired pressure vessels — Part 4: Fabrication
EN 13480-1:2017, Metallic industrial piping — Part 1: General
EN 13480-2:2017, Metallic industrial piping — Part 2: Materials
EN 13480-3:2017, Metallic industrial piping — Part 3: Design and calculation
EN 13480-4:2017, Metallic industrial piping — Part 4: Fabrication and installation
EN 13480-5:2017, Metallic industrial piping — Part 5: Inspection and testing
EN ISO 148-1:2010, Metallic materials — Charpy pendulum impact test — Part 1: Test method
(ISO 148‐1:2009)
EN ISO 3452-1:2013, Non‐destructive testing — Penetrant testing — Part 1: General principles
(ISO 3452‐1:2013)

BS EN 13480‑8:2017+A1:2019
EN 13480‐8:2017
Issue 1 (2017‐06)

EN ISO 3452‐1:2013, Non‐destructive testing — Penetrant testing — Part 1: General principles

(ISO 3452‐1:2013)
EN ISO 3834‐2:2005, Quality requirements for fusion welding of metallic materials — Part 2:
Comprehensive quality requirements (ISO 3834‐2:2005)
EN ISO 3834‐3:2005, Quality requirements for fusion welding of metallic materials — Part 3: Standard
quality requirements (ISO 3834‐3:2005)
EN ISO 4063:2010, Welding and allied processes — Nomenclature of processes and reference numbers
(ISO 4063:2009, Corrected version 2010‐03‐01)
EN ISO 4136:2012, Destructive tests on welds in metallic materials — Transverse tensile test
(ISO 4136:2012)
EN ISO 5173:2010 + A1:2011, Destructive tests on welds in metallic materials — Bend tests (ISO
5173:2009 + Amd 1:2011)
EN ISO 6892‐1:2009, Metallic materials — Tensile testing — Part 1: Method of test at room temperature
(ISO 6892‐1:2009)
EN ISO 6892‐2:2011, Metallic materials — Tensile testing — Part 2: Method of test at elevated
temperature (ISO 6892‐2:2011)
EN ISO 7438:2005, Metallic materials — Bend test (ISO 7438:2005)
EN ISO 9606‐2:2004, Qualification test of welders — Fusion welding — Part 2: Aluminium and aluminium
alloys (ISO 9606‐2:2004)
EN ISO 10042:2005, Welding — Arc‐welded joints in aluminium and its alloys — Quality levels for
imperfections (ISO 10042:2005)
EN ISO 10893‐8:2011, Non‐destructive testing of steel tubes — Part 8: Automated ultrasonic testing of
seamless and welded steel tubes for the detection of laminar imperfections (ISO 10893‐8:2011)
EN ISO 10893‐11:2011, Non‐destructive testing of steel tubes — Part 11: Automated ultrasonic testing of
the weld seam of welded steel tubes for the detection of longitudinal and/or transverse imperfections
(ISO 10893‐11:2011)
EN ISO 11666:2010, Non‐destructive testing of welds — Ultrasonic testing — Acceptance levels
(ISO 11666:2010)
EN ISO 15614‐2:2005, Specification and qualification of welding procedures for metallic materials —
Welding procedure test — Part 2: Arc welding of aluminium and its alloys (ISO 15614‐2:2005)
EN ISO 16810:2014, Non‐destructive testing — Ultrasonic testing — General principles (ISO 16810:2012)
EN ISO 16811:2014, Non‐destructive testing — Ultrasonic testing — Sensitivity and range setting
(ISO 16811:2012)
EN ISO 16823:2014, Non‐destructive testing — Ultrasonic testing — Transmission technique
(ISO 16823:2012)
EN ISO 16826:2014, Non‐destructive testing — Ultrasonic testing — Examination for discontinuities
perpendicular to the surface (ISO 16826:2012)

BS EN 13480‑8:2017+A1:2019
EN 13480‐8:2017
Issue 1 (2017‐06)

EN ISO 16827:2014, Non‐destructive testing — Ultrasonic testing — Characterization and sizing of

discontinuities (ISO 16827:2012)
EN ISO 16828:2014, Non‐destructive testing — Ultrasonic testing — Time‐of‐flight diffraction technique
as a method for detection and sizing of discontinuities (ISO 16828:2012)
EN ISO 17636‐1:2013, Non‐destructive testing of welds — Radiographic testing — Part 1: X‐ and gamma‐
ray techniques with film (ISO 17636‐1:2013)
EN ISO 17636‐2:2013, Non‐destructive testing of welds — Radiographic testing — Part 2: X‐ and gamma‐
ray techniques with digital detectors (ISO 17636‐2:2013)
EN ISO 17637:2011, Non‐destructive testing of welds — Visual testing of fusion‐welded joints
(ISO 17637:2003)
EN ISO 17639:2013, Destructive tests on welds in metallic materials — Macroscopic and microscopic
examination of welds (ISO 17639:2003)
EN ISO 17640:2010, Non‐destructive testing of welds — Ultrasonic testing — Techniques, testing levels,
and assessment (ISO 17640:2010)
EN ISO 23277:2009, Non‐destructive testing of welds — Penetrant testing of welds — Acceptance levels
(ISO 23277:2006)
CEN ISO/TR 15608, Welding — Guidelines for a metallic materials grouping system (ISO/TR 15608)
ISO 857‐1:1998, Welding and allied processes — Vocabulary — Part 1: Metal welding processes

3 Terms, definitions, symbols and units

For the purposes of this document, the terms, definitions, symbols and units of EN 13480‐1:2017,
EN 13480‐2:2017, EN 13480‐3:2017, EN 13480‐4:2017 and EN 13480‐5:2017 apply.

4 General requirements
The general requirements of EN 13480‐1 shall apply.

5 Materials
5.1 General

Materials for pressure‐bearing parts compliant with the requirements of this European Standard shall
be accompanied by inspection documents in accordance with EN 10204:2004.

The type of inspection document shall be in accordance with EN 764‐5:2002 and include a declaration
of compliance to the material specification.

The requirements of EN 13480‐2:2017 shall apply with the following additions/exclusions:

5.2 Material grouping system

Annex A of EN 13480‐2:2017 is not applicable for aluminium and aluminium alloys. The allowable
materials for industrial piping of aluminium and aluminium alloys shall be according to Table 5.2‐1.

Any product form available in the EN standards referenced in Annex C for a material and temper listed
in Table 5.2‐1 is acceptable for construction to this European Standard. Other materials not defined

BS EN 13480‑8:2017+A1:2019
EN 13480‐8:2017
Issue 1 (2017‐06)

here may be used by agreement (see EN 13480‐2:2017, 4.3) if they meet the requirements of 5.2 and
5.3 of this standard and a Particular Material Appraisal is produced (see EN 764‐4:2002).

Table 5.2‐1 — Grouping system based on CEN ISO/TR 15608 and

EN AW numbers according to EN 573‐3:2013

Sub Type of aluminium and Designation

group aluminium alloys EN AW number Chemical symbol Temper
21 Pure aluminium with ≤ 1 % EN AW – 1050A EN AW–Al 99,5 O, H111, H112
impurities or alloy content EN AW – 1070A EN AW–Al 99,7 O, H111, H112
EN AW – 1080A EN AW–Al 99,8(A) O, H111, H112
22 Non heat treatable alloys
22.1 Aluminium‐manganese alloys EN AW – 3003 EN AW–Al Mn1Cu O, H111, H112
EN AW – 3103 EN AW–Al Mn1 O, H111, H112
EN AW – 3105 EN AW–Al O, H111
22.2 Aluminium‐magnesium alloys with EN AW – 5005 EN AW–Al Mg1(B) O, H111, H112
Mg ≤ 1,5 % EN AW – 5005A EN AW–Al Mg1(C) O, H111, H112
EN AW – 5050 EN AW–Al Mg1,5 (C) O, H111
22.3 Aluminium‐magnesium alloys with EN AW – 5049 EN AW–Al Mg2Mn0,8 O, H111, H112
1,5 % < Mg ≤ 3,5 % EN AW – 5052 EN AW–Al Mg2,5 O, H111, H112
EN AW – 5154A EN AW–Al Mg3,5(A) O, H111, H112
EN AW – 5251 EN AW–Al Mg2 O, H111, H112
EN AW – 5454 EN AW–Al Mg3Mn(A) O, H111, H112
EN AW – 5754 EN AW–Al Mg3 O, H111, H112
22.4 Aluminium‐magnesium alloys with EN AW – 5083 EN AW–Al O, H111, H112
Mg > 3,5 % EN AW – 5086 Mg4,5Mn0,7 O, H111
EN AW–Al Mg4
23 Heat treatable alloys
23.1 Aluminium‐magnesium‐silicon EN AW 6060 EN AW–Al MgSi T4a
alloys EN AW 6061 EN AW–Al Mg1SiCu
T4b, T6c
a for seamless pipes and profiles only
b for seamless pipes and flanges only
c for flanges only

5.3 Elongation after fracture

Aluminium and aluminium alloys used for parts of industrial piping that are subjected to cold forming
shall have a specified minimum elongation after fracture measured on a gauge length

Lo  5,65 S o (5.3‐1)

that is ≥ 14 % in the longitudinal or transverse direction as defined by the material specification.

Aluminium and aluminium alloys used for parts of industrial piping that are not subjected to cold
forming (e.g. straight flanges and nozzles) shall have a specified minimum elongation after fracture of
≥ 10 % in the longitudinal or transverse direction as defined by the material specification measured on
a gauge length as defined in equation (5.3‐1).

BS EN 13480‑8:2017+A1:2019
EN 13480‐8:2017
Issue 1 (2017‐06)

5.4 Chemical composition

The chemical composition shall be in accordance with the material specification.

NOTE EN 12392:2000, 5.1.3 recommends a maximum hydrogen level of 0,2 ml per 100 g aluminium, measured
in the liquid metal during casting for parts to be welded. EN 12392:2000, 4.1, recommends a maximum lead content
not exceeding 150 μg/g.

5.5 Lamellar tearing

Specific requirements to avoid lamellar tearing for industrial piping of aluminium and aluminium alloys
are not applicable.

NOTE Specific requirements apply to steel (see EN 1011‐2:2001) whereas in EN 1011‐4:2000 no

requirement is given because lamellar tearing is not a recognized phenomenon.

5.6 Design temperature and properties

NOTE 1 See also EN 13480‐2:2017, 4.2.2.

EN 13480‐2:2017,, 2nd paragraph is not applicable for aluminium and aluminium alloys.

Nominal design stress values are given in Table C.1, Table C.2, Table C.3 and Table C.4. Design
temperatures that exceed the respective temperature limit in Annex C are not permitted.

For materials of group 22.4 temperatures above 80 °C may result in grain boundary precipitation of Al3‐
Mg2. These materials may be used at temperatures above 80 °C up to 200 °C only for non‐corrosive

NOTE 2 For further material properties, see EN 12392:2000.

For welded parts and heat treated parts after forming only the values equivalent to the O temper shall
be used for design when 6 000 series flanges, etc. are welded. Nominal design stresses are given in C.6.
The weld area shall be based on the O temper but the flange strength away from the weld (2t) may be
based on the actual temper (T4 or T6).

For aluminium and aluminium alloys values of 0,2 % proof strength (or 1 % proof strength for material
group 21‐1 000 series aluminium) for temperatures above 20 °C shall be established by linear
interpolation between two adjacent values according to EN 12392:2000, Clause 8.

For material of group 22.4: For short periods, higher temperatures are permitted (e.g. when defrosting
refrigerating plant) up to 150 °C are permissible provided that the pressure is reduced to half the
working pressure for a period up to 8 h and to atmospheric pressure for a period up to 24 h.

5.7 Prevention of brittle fracture

EN 13480‐2:2017, Annex B is not applicable. All materials of Table 5.2‐1 are suitable for any minimum
metal temperature without impact testing.

NOTE See also EN 1252‐1 and EN 12392:2000, 8.4.

BS EN 13480‑8:2017+A1:2019
EN 13480‐8:2017
Issue 1 (2017‐06)

5.8 Specific requirements for fasteners made of aluminium and aluminium alloys

Threads of bolts and studs shall be rolled. Regarding prevention of brittle fracture for materials of
fasteners 5.7 applies.

NOTE 1 Other manufacturing techniques may be agreed by the parties involved. In this case, special
considerations regarding the application and testing requirements may be necessary. Such requirements are not
addressed by this standard.

NOTE 2 Materials other than aluminium and aluminium alloys may be used for bolting for piping constructions
according to this European Standard. The designer should give special consideration to these different bolting

5.9 Lined piping

Specific requirements for lined piping are not applicable for aluminium and aluminium alloys.

5.10 Clad products

Specific requirements for clad products are not applicable for aluminium and aluminium alloys.

5.11 Technical delivery conditions for welding consumables

The requirements of EN 13480‐2:2017, 4.3.5 shall apply.

6 Design
6.1 General

The requirements of EN 13480‐3:2017 shall apply with the following additions/exclusions.

6.2 Time‐independent nominal design stress

The design stresses for aluminium and aluminium alloys materials shall be in accordance with the Table

Table 6.2‐1 — Design stresses for aluminium and aluminium alloy material

Group according to Design stresses at test

Design stresses at design condition
Table 5.2‐1 condition
21 f = [Rp1,0,t / 1.5] ftest = [Rp1,0,20 / 1.05]
22 f = min ([Rp0,2,t / 1.5] or [Rm,20 / 2.4]) ftest = [Rp0,2, 20 / 1.05]
23 f = min ([Rp0,2,t / 1.5] or [Rm,20 / 3]) ftest = [Rp0,2, 20 / 1.05]

BS EN 13480‑8:2017+A1:2019
EN 13480‐8:2017
Issue 1 (2017‐06)

Table 6.2‐2 — Allowable design strength values for 6 000 series aluminium alloys
in the welded condition (see 5.6)

Material Value of f for design temperature (°C)

designation not exceeding
50 75 100 125 a 150 175 a
EN AW 6060 40 40 40 38 ‐ ‐
EN AW 6061 55 55 55 54 51 43
NOTE Data are derived from EN 13445‐8:2014.
a For maximum design temperature see 5.6. Values for 125 °C
(EN AW 6060) and 175 °C (EN AW 6061) shall be used for
interpolation only.

6.3 Straight pipes

In general, straight pipes shall be designed in accordance with EN 13480‐3:2017, 6.1.

For D0/Di > 1,2, Formula (6.3‐1) may be used. In this case pipes shall be seamless or tested in
accordance with 8.4.3 and 8.6 for z = 1,0 and the maximum allowable pressure pa shall be determined as

 2  D  1
pa   x Rp 0, 2, t x ln 0  x (6.3‐1)
 3  Di  1,5

For material group 21 Rp1,0,t shall be used instead of Rp0,2,t.

6.4 Pipe bends and elbows

The standard method for calculation of bends and elbows for aluminium and aluminium alloys shall be
the method described in EN 13480‐3:2017, B.4.1.3.

NOTE 1 This clause should not be understood as to prohibit the other methods given in EN 13480‐3, but to
reflect the actual situation at the bend manufacturers.

NOTE 2 Also see 6.2.3 and EN 13480‐3:2017, Formula B.4.1‐11.

6.5 Mitre bends

EN 13480‐3:2017, 6.3 may be used for the design of mitre bends for aluminium and aluminium alloys.

Alternatively the method described in Formulae (6.5‐1) to (6.5‐4) may also be used for multiple mitre
bends for aluminium and aluminium alloys according to Figure 6.5‐1 with a maximum angle Θ of 22,5°.
The pressure limit given in EN 13480‐3:2017, 6.3.1 is not applicable for this method.

NOTE 1 Current experiences are available up to pressures of 63 bar for time independent design stresses,
however this does not prohibit the calculation of mitre bends to the given formula for use of higher pressures, but
shows the reference pressure for which mitre bends made of aluminium and aluminium alloys and designed to the
rules are in safe operation.

NOTE 2 Source: FDBR Guideline, Design of power piping, July 1995

BS EN 13480‑8:2017+A1:2019
EN 13480‐8:2017
Issue 1 (2017‐06)

The following symbols apply for the alternative method in addition to those mentioned in Clause 3.

Table 6.5‐1 — Special symbols for subclause 6.5

Symbol Description Unit
σv Equivalent stress intensity MPa (N/mm2)

paa Maximum allowable pressure MPa (N/mm2)

div Design inside diameter mm

a See footnote a in EN 13480‐3:2017, Table 3.2-1.

B d 
 v  pa   i iv  0,5   f (6.5‐1)
2e z 

shall be met with regard to internal pressure loading, where with the smaller value of

 d  e  0,8  d iv  e   e
r1   iv  (6.5‐2)
 2  tan 
 

r2  (6.5‐3)
2  tan 

the value Bi is found as follows

r  0,25  d iv
Bi  (6.5‐4)
r  0,5  d iv  e 

Figure 6.5‐1 — Mitre bend

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6.6 Socket welds

Socket welds may only be used for pipes DN 50 and below.

6.7 Designing with transition joints

6.7.1 Design considerations

The use of transition joints shall be considered during design analysis. Transition joints should be
treated as elements within the piping and the designer should consider all the loadings likely to arise
under the design conditions.

6.7.2 Location of transition joints

A transition joint shall be positioned so that it does not undergo undue loading effects such as tensile
and shear forces or bending and torsional moments. Where appropriate, the transition joint fabricator
shall provide allowable loads or criteria for assessing pressure and combined external loads.

In general, positioning transition joints directly against piping elbows shall as far as possible be

6.7.3 Requirements for transition joints

Transition joints shall meet the requirements of Annex B.

6.8 Port‐hole extruded tubes

Port‐hole‐extruded tubes in accordance with EN 755 series may be used up to and including DN 25,
provided that a joint efficiency of 0,7 is applied. When these tubes are subject to a combined pressure‐
leak‐test for the entire length the joint efficiency may be set to a factor of 1. If this test is carried out

 by the tube manufacturer, the test pressure shall be

PT   0,95  Rpx (6.8‐1)

 by the piping manufacturer, the test pressure shall be

PT  1,43  PS (6.8‐2)

The combined pressure‐leak test for achieving a joint efficiency factor of 1 is to be carried out before
integration in the piping system either using helium or a gas mixture containing helium, depending on
the application. It does not replace the pressure test as specified in 9.1 and 9.2.

6.9 Alternative methods

Design by Analysis (DBA) according to EN 13445‐3:2014 may be applied, using the method based on
stress categories only.

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7 Fabrication and installation

7.1 General

The requirements of EN 13480‐4:2017 shall apply with the following additions/exclusions.

NOTE Reference to EN 14717 may be useful to avoid and reduce the possible environmental impacts of
aluminium and aluminium alloy piping.

7.2 Material grouping

Aluminium and aluminium alloy materials and their grouping shall be in accordance with Table 5.2‐1.

7.3 Tolerances
7.3.1 Welded pipes and connection dimensions of pipe fittings

Table 7.3‐1 applies for welded pipes fabricated in accordance with this European Standard. Connection
dimensions of pipe fittings (e.g. elbows, tees, reducers) shall comply with Table 7.3‐1. Greater values
may be acceptable provided they are verified by design calculation.

NOTE 1 For pipe/fitting to flange connection, see EN 1092‐4:2002, Table 9.

NOTE 2 Other tolerances may be applied if specified by the designer (see EN 13480‐1:2017, 3.1.6).

NOTE 3 For tolerances of material fabricated to other European Standards, see applicable European Standard
(e.g. EN 12392:2000, Clause 7 or EN 1092‐4:2002, 5.9).

Table 7.3‐1 — Tolerances for welded pipes

Type of tolerance Tolerance Reference

Mean external diameter ± 1,5 %
Out of roundness maximum 1,5 % for the ratio e/D < 0,01 EN 13480‐4:2017, Formula
maximum 1,0 % for the ratio e/D ≥ 0,01 (7.4.1‐1)

Wall thickness As for sheet, strip or plate EN 485‐3; EN 485‐4

Out of roundness shall be calculated in accordance with EN 13480‐4:2017, Formula (7.4.1‐1).

The determination of the out of roundness need not consider the elastic deformation due to dead‐
weight of the pipe.

7.3.2 Welded piping construction

EN 13480‐4:2017, 5.6 is not applicable for piping in aluminium and aluminium alloys. Guidance for the
tolerances of piping spools made of aluminium and aluminium alloys is given in Annex A.

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EN 13480‐4:2017, 7.4 is applicable for aluminium and aluminium alloys, except 7.4.4 concerning
induction forming.

The requirements according to EN 13480‐4:2017, 9.9 shall apply with the following modification for
aluminium and aluminium alloys: Replace the reference to EN 25817 with EN ISO 10042.

7.4 Cutting and bevelling

In addition to the requirements of EN 13480‐4:2017, 6.1 the following shall apply for industrial piping
of aluminium and aluminium alloys:

Aluminium and its alloys shall be cut to size and shape preferably by machining or by thermal cutting
process, e.g. plasma arc cutting, or by a combination of both. Additionally, hydro mechanical methods of
edge preparation are acceptable. Flame cutting is not permitted.

For plates of  25 mm thickness cold shearing is permissible. Edges that are cut by thermal process or
by cold shearing shall be dressed back by machining unless the manufacturer can demonstrate that the
material and the weldability has not been adversely affected by the cutting process.

The surface to be welded shall be thoroughly cleaned of aluminium oxide traces and greases by
mechanical means or by pickling. Chloride containing detergents are prohibited.

7.5 Bending and other forming

7.5.1 General

The requirements of EN 13480‐4:2017, Clause 7 shall apply with the following additions/exclusions.

7.5.2 Definition of cold‐ and hot forming

Cold forming of material groups 21 and 22 shall be carried out at temperatures below 200 °C.

Cold and hot forming of material of group 23.1 is not allowed.

Hot forming of aluminium and its alloys shall be carried out in a temperature range of 320 °C to 450 °C.
The last stage of the hot forming process shall be completed above 300 °C; otherwise, a subsequent heat
treatment to achieve the O Temper is required.

7.5.3 Heat treatment after cold forming General

For heat treatment after cold forming the requirements of EN 13480‐4:2017, 7.2 are not applicable for
industrial piping of aluminium and aluminium alloys. For aluminium and aluminium alloys, the heat
treatment shall be carried out as follows:

The heat treatment parameters shall be in accordance with the material specification of the material
manufacturer. The general heat treatment parameters shall be:

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a) the heating rate shall be as rapid as possible;

b) the holding temperature shall be in the range between 320 °C and 380 °C depending on the alloy

c) the holding time at the holding temperature shall be between 10 min and 60 min depending on the
ratio of cold forming;

d) the cooling shall be performed in still air, the cooling rate needs not to be controlled. Flat products

For aluminium and aluminium alloys heat treatment shall be carried out in accordance with Table 7.5‐1.

Table 7.5‐1 — Heat treatment of flat products after cold forming

Material groups according to Ratio of deformationd

Heat treatment
Table 5.2‐1 Vd (%)
21 ≤ 15 % no
21 > 15 % yesa, annealing
22.1b, 22.2b, 22.3b, 22.4b ≤5% no
22.1b, 22.2b, 22.3b, 22.4b >5% yesc, annealing
a With levels of cold forming and a ratio of deformation above 15 % for materials of group 21 or above, if it can be
demonstrated in specific cases that the residual elongation after rupture after cold forming remains at least 10 %, then in
these cases annealing is not required.
b Elongation prior to forming ≥ 14 %.
c With levels of cold forming and a ratio of deformation above 5 % for materials of group 22 or above, if proof can be
furnished in specific cases that the residual elongation after rupture after cold forming remains at least 10 %, then in these
cases annealing is not required.
d For Vd (%) for cylinders and cones, see EN 13480‐4:2017, 7.1.3; for Vd (%) for dished circular products, see
EN 13445‐4:2014, 9.2.1. Pipes

For aluminium and aluminium alloys heat treatment shall be carried out in accordance with Table 7.5‐2.

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Table 7.5‐2 — Heat treatment of pipes after cold forming

Material groups according Mean bending External Heat treatment

to Table 5.2‐1 radius of the diameter of
pipe the tube
rm do

21 ≥ 1,3 De all diameters no

21 < 1,3 De all diameters yes, annealing
22.1a, 22.2a, 22.3a, 22.4a ≥ 2,5 De all diameters no
22.1a, 22.2a, 22.3a, 22.4a < 2,5 De all diameters yes, annealing

NOTE For do and rm see EN 13480‐4:2017, Figure 7.2.2‐1.

a Elongation prior to forming ≥ 14 %.

7.5.4 Heat treatment after hot forming

For heat treatment after hot forming the requirements of EN 13480‐4:2017, 7.3 are not applicable for
industrial piping of aluminium and aluminium alloys. For aluminium and aluminium alloys the heat
treatment shall be carried out in accordance with Table 7.5‐3 and as following:

The heat treatment parameters shall be in accordance with the material specification of the material
manufacturer. The general heat treatment parameters shall be:

a) the heating rate shall be as rapid as possible;

b) the holding temperature shall be in the range between 320 °C and 380 °C depending on the alloy

c) the holding time at the holding temperature shall be between 10 min and 60 min depending on the
ratio of cold forming;

d) the cooling shall be performed in still air, the cooling rate needs not to be controlled.

Table 7.5‐3 — Heat treatment after hot forming

Material groups
Hot forming conditions Heat treatment
according to Table 5.2‐1
Heat treatment should be applied if the forming process of the Yes, annealing
last forming stage is completed at ≤ 300 °C.
21, 22
No subsequent heat treatment should be applied if the forming no
process of the last forming stage is completed above 300 °C.

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7.6 Welding
7.6.1 Welding personnel

The requirements according to EN 13480‐4:2017, 9.1 shall apply with the following modification for
aluminium and aluminium alloys: Replace the reference to EN 287‐1 by EN ISO 9606‐2:2004.

7.6.2 Welding processes

The requirements according to EN 13480‐4:2017, 9.3 shall apply with the following modification for
aluminium and aluminium alloys: Qualification of welding procedure specifications (WPQR).

The requirements according to EN 13480‐4:2017, 9.3.1 shall apply with the following modifications for
aluminium and aluminium alloys: Replace reference to EN ISO 15614‐1 by EN ISO 15614‐2:2005.

Furthermore, impact testing is not applicable for piping of aluminium and aluminium alloys, see 5.7.

Oxy fuel gas welding processes according to EN ISO 4063:2010 are not permitted.

For qualification of welding procedures for EN AW 6061 material, the result of the tensile tests carried
out in accordance with EN ISO 15614‐2:2005 shall show the following data with T = 1: minimum
Rm = 165 MPa; minimum Rp0,2 = 110 MPa.

7.6.3 Weld joint preparation

The weld joint preparation shall be in accordance with the applicable WPS.

Assembly and welding of socket welds shall be in accordance with Figure 7.6.3‐1. It is important that
the 1,5 mm internal gap is maintained prior to welding to allow for weld shrinkage and the fillet weld
leg length shall be 1,25 times the pipe minimum thickness calculated for pressure or 3 mm, whichever
is the greater.

Where the size of fillet weld permits, it should be completed in two runs with the stop/start positions of
the second run staggered relative to the first.

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a Approximate gap before welding

Cx (min) = 1 ¼ t but not less than 3 mm

t = Minimum thickness calculated under consideration of the maximum allowable pressure

Figure — Socket welds

7.6.4 Preheating

In addition to the requirements according to EN 13480‐4:2017, 9.11.1 the following shall apply for
industrial piping of aluminium and aluminium alloys:

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Preheating of aluminium is not required for metallurgical reasons and is therefore not mandatory.
Preheating may be applied by the manufacturer for practical reasons, e.g. a heating at about 50 °C may
facilitate the elimination of traces of moisture.

For aluminium alloys containing 3,0 % or more magnesium an extended preheating and interpass time
at temperatures of 150 °C and above may result in grain boundary precipitation of Al3‐Mg2
disintegration in weld areas. Manufacturing procedures should be designed to avoid significant times
above 150 °C for these alloys.

7.6.5 Backing rings and backing strips

In addition to the requirements according to EN 13480‐4:2017, 9.12 the following shall apply for
industrial piping of aluminium and aluminium alloys:

Permanent backing strips shall not be used for longitudinal seams.

Permanent backing rings may be used for circumferential seams in all categories only under the
following conditions:

a) non–destructive examination is carried out in accordance with the design/joint efficiency to the
same quality and acceptance criteria as a single sided butt weld;

b) the inside of the piping is not subject to corrosion;

c) backing ring material shall be of the same aluminium sub group as the piping unless the
combination of other backing ring material has been proven by a WPQR according to
EN ISO 15614‐2:2005.

7.6.6 Post‐weld heat treatment (PWHT)

The requirements according to EN 13480‐4:2017, 9.14 are not applicable for industrial piping of for
aluminium and aluminium alloys. The following shall apply for aluminium and aluminium alloys:

a) stress relieving heat treatment is normally not necessary or desirable for welded aluminium piping
except there is a risk of stress corrosion due to the operation service. Annealing heat treatment
carried out for obtaining the delivery state O is the only usable heat treatment;

b) for material group 23.1 PWHT is not permitted;

c) the heat treatment parameters (annealing) shall be in accordance with the material specification of
the material manufacturer or those as stated in 7.5.3.

8 Inspection and testing

8.1 General

The requirements according to EN 13480‐5:2017 shall apply with the following additions/exclusions:

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8.2 Formed pressure retaining parts

8.2.1 General

EN 13480‐5:2017, 7.2.1 shall not apply to aluminium and aluminium alloys.

The requirements for testing and inspection specified below shall apply to all formed parts of
aluminium and aluminium alloys fabricated according to this European Standard.

Formed parts, fabricated, tested and inspected according to EN 13445‐8 can be used without any
further testing and inspection.

NOTE If harmonized European Standards for formed parts (e.g. elbows, tees, reducers, welded pipes) are
available and requirements for testing and inspection are specified in these harmonized European Standards, the
requirements of the harmonized European Standards apply. At the time this European Standard was prepared, no
such harmonized European Standard is available.

Cold drawn tubes according to EN 754 series and extruded tubes according to EN 755 series are not
considered to be formed parts manufactured under this European Standard. For these tubes, the
requirements of EN 754 and EN 755 series apply.

The tests specified in the European Standards for the base material shall be performed for the base

8.2.2 Testing of formed parts

The requirements according to EN 13480‐5:2017, 7.2.4 shall not apply to aluminium and aluminium

The following examinations shall be carried out on formed parts of aluminium and aluminium alloys:

a) verification of wall thickness,

b) dimensional check (ovality, angle of bend etc.),

c) examination for surface imperfection (VT).

8.2.3 Destructive testing of formed and heat treated parts

The requirements according to EN 13480‐5:2017, 7.2.5 shall not apply to aluminium and aluminium

Destructive testing to verify the heat treatment shall be performed for piping with DN > 25 for hot
formed parts and cold formed parts with subsequent heat treatment. No mechanical tests in respect of
forming are required for:

 — cold‐formed flat products and pipes for which heat treatment is not required by Table 7.5‐1
and Table 7.5‐2; and

 — cold‐formed and heat‐treated welded pipes and reducers.

One test shall be performed for parts of the same cast, wall thickness range and heat treatment lot. The
wall thickness range shall be by ± 20 % of the average wall thickness of the parts. The tests specified in
Table 8.2‐1 shall be performed.

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Destructive testing is not required for formed parts with welds for which the manufacturer holds a
welding procedure approval that includes heat treatment.

Table 8.2‐1 — Destructive testing of formed and heat treated parts

Size of formed part Type of test Testing criteria Requirements

Tensile test Tensile strength and Tensile strength as for the EN base
elongation after material standard and elongation after
rupture/fracture rupture/fracture ≥ 10 % (see 5.2)
DN < 100
Flattening test a EN 12392:2000, 5.3.6 EN 12392:2000, Table 3
Tensile test Tensile strength and Tensile strength as for the EN base
DN > 100 elongation after material standard and elongation after
rupture/fracture rupture/fracture ≥ 10 % (see 5.2)
a The flattening tests are performed if tensile test specimen cannot be obtained from the formed part. The flattening tests are
performed over the full section of the formed part.

8.3 Welding

The requirements according to EN 13480‐5:2017, 7.3 shall apply.

8.4 Visual and non‐destructive testing of welds

8.4.1 Application of NDT

The requirements according to EN 13480‐5:2017, shall apply with the following modification for
aluminium and aluminium alloys: The method for surface testing shall be PT.

8.4.2 Circumferential, branch, socket and seal welds

The requirements according to EN 13480‐5:2017, 8.2 shall apply with the following
additions/exclusions for aluminium and aluminium alloys:

In EN 13480‐5:2017, 8.2.1 b) replace reference to material groups 1.1, 1.2 and 8.1 with material groups
21, 22 and 23.1.

The extent of VT and NDT for circumferential, branch and seal welds shall be in accordance with Table

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Table 8.4‐1 — Extent of testing for circumferential, branch, socket and seal welds
All Circumferential Socket welds
Branch welds Seal welds
Material Cate‐ welds welds
Group gory Surface Volumetric Surface testing Surface Surface
Volumetric testing
testing testing testing testing

VT PT RT/UT Branch en PT Branch en RT/UT en PT en PT

% % % diameter mm % diameter mm % mm % mm %

I 0 5a 0 0 0 0
21, 22 II 100 0 5 All 0 0 All 5 All 5

III 0 10 0 > DN 100 > 15 10 N/A 5

I 5 5a 5 0 5 5
23.1 II 100 5 10 All 10 0 All 10 All 10

III 5 25 10 > DN 50 >7 10 N/A 10

a For weld configurations and dimensions, where UT or RT does not allow a clear assessment, PT shall be carried out

8.4.3 Longitudinal welds and spiral welded tubes/pipes

The requirements according to EN 13480‐5:2017, 8.3 for longitudinal welds shall apply with the
following additions/exclusions for aluminium and aluminium alloys:

The extent of VT and NDT for longitudinal welds and spiral welded tubes/pipes shall be in accordance
with Table 8.4‐2.

For material group 23.1, longitudinal welds and spiral welded tubes/pipes are not permitted.

Table 8.4‐2 — Extent of VT and NDT for longitudinal welds and spiral welded tubes/pipes
Joint coefficient VT PT RT or UT
Z % % %
Z  0,7 100 0 0
0,7 < Z  0,85 100 0 10
0,85 < Z  1,0 100 0 100

8.5 VT and NDT Methods

The requirements according to EN 13480‐5:2017, 8.4.1 and EN 13480‐5:2017, 8.4.3 shall apply with the
following additions/exclusions for aluminium and aluminium alloys: Sub‐clauses 8.4.2 and 8.4.4 shall
not apply.

Techniques, methods, acceptance criteria for welds in aluminium and aluminium alloys shall follow the
European Standards given in Table 8.5‐1 and the footnotes given in Table 8.5‐1.

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RT is first preferred for en < 8 mm and least preferred en > 40 mm. UT testing of aluminium and
aluminium alloys may be applied for en ≥ 4mm if qualified in accordance with Note e of Table 8.5‐1.

Table 8.5‐1 — Techniques, methods, acceptance criteria

Technique (abbreviations) Methods Acceptance criteria

Visual inspection (VT) EN ISO 17637:2011 EN ISO 10042:2005
Acceptance level Ba
Radiography (RT) EN ISO 17636‐1:2013 class Bb EN ISO 10042:2005
EN ISO 17636‐2:2013 class Bb Acceptance level Bc

Ultrasonic testing (UT) Manual UT, EN ISO 17640:2010 EN ISO 11666:2010

Automatic UT, EN ISO 10893‐8:2011 Acceptance level 2d
and EN ISO 10893‐11:2011e
For thickness en (mm)
4 ≤ en < 40 class A
40 ≤ en < 100 class B
en ≥ 100 class C
Penetrant testing (PT) EN ISO 3452‐1:2013 + testing EN ISO 23277:2009,
parameters of EN ISO 23277:2009, Acceptance level 2
Table A.1
a For imperfections 1.11 (502) (excess weld metal for butt weld), 1.12 (503) (excessive convexity for fillet welds), 1.14 (504)
(excess penetration), 3.1 (507) (linear misalignment, for circumferential welds only), 1.10 (5011) (continuous undercut, but max
depth 0,2 mm) 1.18 (5013/515) (shrinkage groove/root concavity), 1.16 (511) (incompletely filled groove) according to
EN ISO 10042:2005, level C is sufficient.
b However, the minimum number of exposure for circumferential weld testing may correspond to the requirements of
EN ISO 17636‐1:2013, class A and EN ISO 17636‐2:2013, class A.
c For imperfections No 2.7 (2016) (wormholes isolated), 2.8 (303) (Oxide inclusion), 2.9 (3041) (tungsten inclusion),
2.3 (2011) (Pore isolated), 2.5 (2013) (clustered (localized) porosity) according to EN ISO 10042:2005, level C is sufficient.
d No planar imperfections accepted. For en ≥ 60 mm UT shall include examination for imperfections perpendicular to the surface
in accordance with EN ISO 16826.
e EN ISO 10893‐8:2011 and EN ISO 10893‐11:2011 were formerly applied to steel tubes and shall further be used as the
reference standards for acceptable methods of automatic ultrasonic testing of aluminium and aluminium alloy materials according
to this European Standard.

8.6 Production test plates for welded pipes

Production test plates are required for welded pipes manufactured according to this European
Standard in the case of joint coefficient of 0,85 < z  1,0. If a joint coefficient of 0,85 or less is specified
by the designer, no production test plates are required.

The number of test plates specified under a) or b) takes into account the tolerance of a material group
to weld procedure variables, the welding process and the quality requirements for welding.

a) For aluminium materials of groups 21, 22.1, 22.3 and 22.4 production test plates in accordance
with Table 8.6‐1 shall be required, if all of the following requirements are met:

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 the quality requirements of EN ISO 3834‐2:2005 or EN ISO 3834‐3:2005 are fulfilled;

 the welding process is fully mechanised (see ISO 857‐1:1998) ensuring that the welding
procedure is applied consistently,

 the wall thickness en  30 mm.

b) Unless the requirements for production test plates given in a) apply, for all material production test
plates are required for each lot of welded pipes. A lot is defined as 100 m or fraction thereof of all
pipes of the same material and temper as well as the wall thickness range qualified in the WPQR.
After 10 consecutive test plates have successfully passed the test, testing can be reduced to 200 m
or fraction thereof. After further 10 consecutive test plates have successfully passed the test,
testing can be reduced to 500 m or fraction thereof, but at least 1 production test plate per year
shall be tested.

Table 8.6‐1 — Production test plates for welded pipes according to 8.6 a)
Longitudinal welds Spiral welds

One test plate per 200 ma or a fraction thereof of One test plate per coil but at minimum one test plate
longitudinal welds for the same material and temper per max [25 pipes; 375 m weld length]

a After 10 consecutive test plates have successfully passed the test, testing can be reduced to 300 m of longitudinal welds.
After further 10 consecutive test plates have successfully passed the test, testing can be reduced to 500 m of longitudinal
welds, but at least 1 production test plate per year shall be tested.

If production test plates are required either by a) or b) the tests specified in Table 8.6‐2 shall be
performed and the given acceptance criteria shall be met.

Table 8.6‐2 — Required tests and acceptance criteria for production test plates

Required test Acceptance criteria

1 face bend test FBB according to EN ISO 5173:2010 + A1:2011a According to EN ISO 15614‐2:2005
1 root bend test RBB according to EN ISO 5173:2010 + A1:2011a According to EN ISO 15614‐2:2005
1 transverse tensile test according to EN ISO 4136:2012 According to EN ISO 15614‐2:2005
1 macroscopic examination according to EN ISO 17639:2013 According to EN ISO 15614‐2:2005
a 2 side bend tests SBB for en > 12 mm.

9 Final assessment and documentation

9.1 General

The requirements according to EN 13480‐5:2017, Clause 9 shall apply with the following
additions/exclusions for aluminium and aluminium alloys:

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9.2 Pneumatic pressure test

The requirements according to 9.3.3 of EN 13480‐5:2017 shall apply with the following
additions/exclusions for aluminium and aluminium alloys:

a) The pneumatic test pressure shall be in accordance with EN 13480‐5:2017, 9.3.3. Piping subject to
this pressure shall be located in an enclosed and restricted area and adequate measures being
taken to prevent parts shooting away in the case of explosion. Alternatively the piping shall be
located in an area enough far away from any individuals (public or manufacturers employees) such
that in the case of explosion, people will not be affected by the blast (This does not include damage
from projectiles).

b) Alternatively a test may be performed at a test pressure of 1.1 times the maximum allowable
pressure. Before initial pressure tested, NDT (UT or RT, see Table 8.5‐1 of this European Standard)
shall be performed as shown in Table 9.2‐1.

Table 9.2‐1 — Extent of NDT in case of pneumatic pressure test according to 9.2b)

Type of weld Extent of NDT

Circumferential welds a; 10 %b,c RT or UT,

branch and nozzle welds DN  100 cross sections with longitudinal welds to be covered

Branch and nozzle welds DN  100 and socket welds Material groups 21and 22 5 % PT
Material group 23.1 20 % PT

Longitudinal welds, if not already subject to a NDT or 100 % RT or UT

pressure test at the pipe manufacturer’s premises

a See footnote a in Table 8.4‐1.

b Up to DN  600, 10 % of welds to be tested 100 %, from DN > 600, 10 % of the total length of welds.
c 25 % for circumferential welds for material group 23.1 for category III.

Where, during pneumatic test, the piping has been subjected to the pressure in accordance with 9.2 a),
EN 13480‐5:2017, Formula (9.3.3‐1) shall apply for the inspection pressure.

Where the alternative 1.1 times the maximum allowable pressure has been used in accordance with
9.2 b), the pressure shall be dropped to the maximum allowable pressure for inspection of the piping.

9.3 Documentation for components

This clause is applicable if the component manufacturer supplies single components manufactured
under the provisions of this European Standard to other parties.

Components which are manufactured from materials such as plates, coils and bars shall meet all the
relevant requirements of this European Standard related to the manufacturing process used; for
instance in the manufacturing of welded dished ends or welded pipes.

In order to prove the conformity to this European Standard of the pressure equipment containing the
component, the equipment manufacturer shall obtain either the documents a) to f) from the component

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a) inspection documents (of the plates, coils, bars …), and as relevant,

b) non‐destructive testing reports,

c) destructive testing reports,

d) heat treatment information,

e) for welded components, a statement that welding procedure approvals and welder/welding
operator approvals conform to the requirements of this European Standard,

f) for components with NDT, a statement that NDT operator qualifications conform to the
requirements of this European Standard,

or this information in the form of a component certificate.

Under 9.3 e), the component manufacturer shall also state that the welders/welding operators and
welding procedures are approved if the components are ordered for categories II and III.

Under 9.3 f), the component manufacturer shall also state that the NDT operator qualification is
approved if the components are ordered for piping category III.

If further information/documentation is required, the equipment manufacturer shall specify this in the
component order.

For recognized third party see EN 764‐3.

NOTE 1 Forgings (including forged flanges), castings and seamless tubes are generally considered to be

NOTE 2 Current practice may require components to be delivered with certificates based on EN 10204 or
corresponding requirement, when they are placed on the market as such.

NOTE 3 See EN 764‐5 for inspection documents.

BS EN 13480‑8:2017+A1:2019
EN 13480‐8:2017
Issue 1 (2017‐06)

Annex A

Dimensional tolerances
Guidance for the tolerances of piping spools made of aluminium and its alloys is given in Table A.1, for
all diameters.

Table A.1 — Tolerances

Dimensions number according to Figure A.1
Dimension 1 Dimension Dimension Dimension
Dimension 2 Dimension 3
4 5 6
1° 1° 1°
max. max. max.
5 mm 5 mm 5 mm
EN ISO 13920, class B See EN 13480‐4:2017, 7.4 ± 3 mm
at bolt at flange
circle periphery

BS EN 13480‑8:2017+A1:2019
EN 13480‐8:2017
Issue 1 (2017‐06)

Dimension No 1: face‐to‐face dimensions; centre‐to‐face dimensions; location of attachments; centre‐to‐centre

Dimension No 2: out‐of‐roundness of bends
Dimension No 3: lateral translation of branches or connections.
Dimension No 4: rotation of flanges, from the indicated position, measured as shown.
Dimension No 5: bevels on butt weld or plain ends – state diameter to which bevel applies.
Dimension No 6: out‐of‐alignment of flanges from the indicated position, measured across the full gasket face diameter.

Figure A.1 — Dimensional details of spools

BS EN 13480‑8:2017+A1:2019
EN 13480‐8:2017 (E)
Issue 2 (2019‐06)

Annex B

Transition joints

B.1 General
Annex B shall apply for transition joints.

The transition joint shall join aluminium and aluminium alloys to austenitic stainless steel piping or

A transition joint is a prefabricated, non-separable, component consisting of dissimilar metal parts.

A transition joint is a component that is used to join items of pressure equipment together in situations
where a permanent leak tight joint is required and fusion welding cannot be used because the materials
are incompatible with regard to fusion welding.

Transition joints may employ several metallic materials in the metallurgical bond interface. Care shall
be taken to ensure that materials used in the interface are compatible to the fluid service and design
temperature of the transition joint.

A transition joint does not rely on flanges or bolting to maintain leak tightness although some designs of
transition joint may be provided with additional external mechanical reinforcement to protect the bond
interface from external forces and moments.

B.2 Materials
For the ends of the transition joints aluminium and aluminium alloys (base metal 1) according to
Clause 5 and austenitic stainless steel (base metal 2) according to EN 13480-2:2017 shall be used.

B.3 Design
The ends of the transition joints shall be calculated to withstand at least the same pressure as the
connected piping using the design rules of the applicable clauses in EN 13480.

The transition joint shall withstand a pressure of 4 times the design pressure without leakage.

B.4 Permanent joining process

The dissimilar metal parts of a transition joint shall be joined by explosion bonding, friction welding or
special forging processes.

BS EN 13480‑8:2017+A1:2019
EN 13480‐8:2017 (E)
Issue 2 (2019‐06)

B.5 Testing
B.5.1 Qualification testing (QT)
B.5.1.1 Qualification of permanent joining process

Qualification testing shall be performed for each transition joint type of the same material grade
combination out of each of the following groups:

a) using base material(s) without weld seam(s):

1) Group I DN < 100;

2) Group II 100 ≤ DN < 400;

3) Group III DN ≥ 400;

b) using base material(s) with weld seam(s) (only applicable for transitions jointed by explosion

1) Group IV DN ≥ 600.

Qualification testing shall be carried out on one transition joint out of group I to III and one transition
joint out of group IV in case welded base material is used.

The qualification test shall cease to be valid if relevant aspects of the design or the manufacturing
process or the material subgroup (see Clause 5 and EN 13480-2) combinations are changed. Testing
methods, test conditions and scope shall be in accordance with Table B.1. For qualification testing of
group IV, the weld area shall be covered by destructive testing.
B.5.1.2 Procedure for thermal shock testing of transition joints

Thermal shock testing shall include immersion in liquid nitrogen to cool down the transition joint to
-196 °C followed by total immersion in hot water (T ≥ 80 °C). The joint shall be returned to room
temperature (usually by immersing in cold water) before the test is repeated. A minimum of 5 thermal
cycles is required.
B.5.1.3 Qualification of personnel

Personnel for carrying out permanent joining shall be qualified in line with the principles in
EN ISO 9606-2 and EN ISO 15614-2.

Qualification of personnel NDE and Visual Inspection shall be in accordance with EN 13480-5:2017,

B.5.2 Component testing (CT) of production joints

Each transition joint shall be subject to inspection and testing.

Testing methods, test conditions and scope shall be in accordance with Table B.1.

B.6 Marking
Each transition joint shall be marked by electrochemical etching, engraving or laser marking with the

BS EN 13480‑8:2017+A1:2019
EN 13480‐8:2017
Issue 1 (2017‐06)

 transition joint fabricators name or mark;

 material designation or material number (on base metal 1 and 2 sides);

 unique reference number.

A tag shall be firmly attached to the transition joint with a good visible warning regarding the
temperature limitation (if any) at the bond interface during welding.

B.7 Documentation
For all transition joints, independent of material and size, inspection documents according to
EN 10204:2004 shall be delivered, showing the results of all required tests.

The inspection document shall include a statement that all requirements of the applicable specification
and this annex have been met.

If further information or documentation is required, the purchaser shall specify this in the order.

The inspection documents for base metal 1 and 2 shall be attached.

B.8 Protection against overheating

The bond interface of a transition joint may be temperature sensitive and stringent measures shall be
taken by the manufacturer of pressure equipment to control and limit the maximum temperature of the
interface in accordance with the transition joint fabricator’s recommendations.

Each transition joint with temperature sensitive bond interface shall be provided with a thermal
sensitive indicator. The indicator shall enable the welder to check the temperature which shall be
within the given limit.

BS EN 13480‑8:2017+A1:2019
EN 13480‐8:2017
Issue 1 (2017‐06)

Table B.1 — Testing of transition joints (T.J.)

Id.‐ Test; requirements / Scope for
Scope for QT Test conditions
No. test standard CT
1 Destructive testsa
1.1 Testing specified under either Id.‐
‐ ‐
No. 1.1a or 1.1b
1.1a Impact test for notch orientation
along each of the bond interfacesh;
1 set each 1 set each Test temperature: Ambient
KV ≥ 12 J (single), ≥ 16 J (mean) /
EN ISO 148‐1:2010
1.1b Metallographic evaluation of micro
section (each bond interface); 1 ‐ 200X
requirements see footnoteb
1.2 Side bend test (Not applicable for
special forging process);
2 ‐ Test temperature: Ambient
90°, d = 12 x a, no cracks /
EN ISO 7438:2005
1.3 Hydrostatic pressure proof test; 4x 1 T.J. out of T.J. thermally cycledc
design pressure group I, II, III, ‐ Test temperature: Ambient
(IV) In combination with Id.‐No. 2.4
1.4 tensile test for Rm‐determination in Specimen shall include base metal 1
transversal direction of clad joint; and 2
tensile load ≥ base metal 1/ 2 2d
Specimen thermally cycledc
EN ISO 6892‐1:2009 and
EN ISO 6892‐2:2011 g Test temperature: Ambient

2 Non‐destructive tests
2.1e UT after each explosion clad; > 50 UT with normal beam, Ø 25 mm, 2,25
% full scale echo/ MHz
EN ISO 16810, EN ISO 16811, 100 % 100 % No disbonding permitted in plate
EN ISO 16823, EN ISO 16826, areas, which are to be used for the T.J.
EN ISO 16827, EN ISO 16828 machining
2.2 Helium leak test of T.J.; T.J. thermally cycledc for QT
leak rate < 10‐8 mbar l / s 2 all
/ EN 1779:1999 Test temperature: Ambient

2.3 Dye penetration test of T.J.; T.J. thermally cycledc for QT

EN ISO 23277:2009 acceptance level 2 all
1/ EN ISO 3452‐1:2013 Test temperature: Ambient

2.4 Pressure test; T.J. thermally cycledc for QT

1,43 x design pressure 1 allf Test temperature: Ambient
in combination with Id.‐No. 1.3 for QT

BS EN 13480‑8:2017+A1:2019
EN 13480‐8:2017
Issue 1 (2017‐06)

Table B.1 (continued)

Id.‐ Test; requirements / Scope for

Scope for QT Test conditions
No. test standard CT
3 Visual examinations of transition joints
3.1 Visual examination;
free from foreign material, corrosion All test pieces 100 % ‐
or any flaws > 0,3 mm
3.2 Dimensional check All test pieces 100 % ‐
3.3 Check of markings All test pieces 100 % ‐
a For explosion clad T.J. each finally clad plate (except for Id.‐No. 1.3).
b No non‐metallic phases or inclusions, no pores or other not binding areas, full bonding of joint metals.
c See B.5.1.2.
d Alternatively testing in accordance with Id.‐No. 2.4 / CT.
e For explosion clad T.J only.
f If testing according to Id.‐No. 1.4 / CT is not performed.
g As an alternative for special forging processes this test may be replaced by a hydrostatic proof test as in Id.‐No 1.3 at 7 times
the test pressure.
h In case welded base material is used, the weld shall be tested integrally.

BS EN 13480‑8:2017+A1:2019
EN 13480‐8:2017
Issue 1 (2017‐06)

Annex C

Nominal design stress values

C.1 General
Material properties given in EN 12392:2000, Table 5 and Table 6, are considered when establishing the
nominal design stress values given in Table C.1, Table C.2, Table C.3 and Table C.4.

Nominal design stress values given in italics are time‐dependent.

For determining the exact temperatures for which the time‐dependent strength values become
dominant, see EN 12392:2000, Table 5 and Table 6.

EN 13480‐8:2017
Issue 1 (2017‐06)

C.2 Extruded rod/bar, tube and profile

Mechanical properties for extruded rod/bar, tube and profile shall comply with EN 755‐2:2013.
Table C.1 — Extruded rod/bar, tube and profile

Rp0,2/20°C Value of f for design temperaturea

EN AW number Temper MPa
20 °C 50 °C 75 °C 100 °C 125 °C 150 °C 175 °C 200 °C
EN AW‐1050Ab O/H111 20 20,0 19,3 18,7 16,7 13,3 10,0 8,0 6,3
EN AW‐1070Ab H112 23 25,6 24,5 23,5 21,5 20,4 19,4 — —

EN AW‐3003 O/H111 35 23,3 23,3 22,0 21,3 20,7 19,3 17,3 15,3
EN AW‐3103 O/H111 35 23,3 23,3 22,0 21,3 20,7 19,3 17,3 15,3

EN AW‐5005 O/H111 40 26,7 26,7 25,9 25,1 34,3 26,7 19,8 16,0
O/H111 40 26,7 26,7 26,0 25,3 32,0 24,7 18,0 14,7
EN AW‐5005A
H112 40 26,7 26,7 26,0 25,3 32,0 24,7 18,0 14,7
EN AW‐5049 H112 80 53,3 53,3 52,2 50,7 25,1 17,5 12,6 9,1

EN AW‐5052 O/H111 70 46,7 46,7 45,9 44,5 36,8 29,1 21,5 14,4
EN AW‐5154A O/H111 85 56,7 56,7 55,3 54,0 46,7 29,3 18,7 12,0
EN AW‐5251 O/H111 60 40,0 40,0 39,3 38,0 32,6 27,3 18,0 12,7
EN AW‐5454 O/H111 85 56,7 56,7 55,3 54,0 45,3 31,3 21,3 15,3
EN AW‐5754 O/H111 80 53,3 53,3 52,0 50,7 40,7 26,0 15,3 10,7
EN AW‐5083 O/H111 110 73,3 73,3 73,3 71,6 42,8 25,2 14,1 8,8
EN AW‐5083 H112 125 83,3 83,3 83,3 79,3 48,7 28,7 16,0 10,0
EN AW‐5086 O/H111 95 63,3 63,3 62,1 62,1 45,6 27,2 16,5 10,8
a Italic numerical values are creep‐range values.
b The nominal design stress values are based on Rp1,0‐strength values.
BS EN 13480‑8:2017+A1:2019

EN 13480‐8:2017
Issue 1 (2017‐06)

C.3 Cold drawn rod/bar and tube

Mechanical properties for cold drawn rod/bar and tube shall comply with EN 754‐2:2013.

Table C.2 — Cold drawn rod/bar and tube

Value of f for design temperaturea
EN AW number Temper MPa
BS EN 13480‑8:2017+A1:2019

20 °C 50 °C 75 °C 100 °C 125 °C 150 °C 175 °C 200 °C
EN AW‐3003 O/H111 35 23,3 23,3 22,0 21,3 20,7 19,3 17,3 15,3
EN AW‐3103 O/H111 35 23,3 23,3 22,0 21,3 20,7 19,3 17,3 15,3

EN AW‐5005 O/H111 40 26,7 26,7 25,9 25,1 23,3 21,5 19,8 16,0
EN AW‐5005A O/H111 40 26,7 26,7 26,0 25,3 22,8 20,4 18,0 14,7

EN AW‐5049 O/H111 80 53,3 53,3 52,0 50,7 44,0 30,7 22,0 16,0
EN AW‐5052 O/H111 65 43,3 43,3 42,7 41,3 34,2 27,1 20,0 13,3
EN AW‐5154A O/H111 85 56,7 56,7 55,3 54,0 46,7 29,3 18,7 12,0
EN AW‐5754 O/H111 80 53,3 53,3 52,0 50,7 40,7 26,0 15,3 10,7
EN AW‐5083 O/H111 110 73,3 73,3 73,3 71,6 42,8 25,2 14,1 8,8
EN AW‐5086 O/H111 95 63,3 63,3 62,1 62,1 45,6 27,2 16,5 10,8
a Italic numerical values are creep‐range values.

EN 13480‐8:2017
Issue 1 (2017‐06)

C.4 Forgings
Mechanical properties for forgings shall comply with EN 586‐2:1994.

Table C.3 — Forgings

Rp0,2/20°C Value of f for design temperaturea

Test Tem‐ MPa
EN AW number
direction per
20 °C 50 °C 75 °C 100 °C 125 °C 150 °C 175 °C 200 °C
EN AW‐5754 H112 80 53,3 53,3 52,2 50,7 23,2 14,9 8,8 6,1
EN AW‐5083 L H112 120 80,0 80,0 80,0 76,2 46,7 27,5 15,4 9,6
(12 %)

T H112 110 73,3 73,3 73,3 69,8 42,8 25,2 14,1 8,8
(10 %)
a Italic numerical values are creep‐range values.
BS EN 13480‑8:2017+A1:2019

EN 13480‐8:2017
Issue 1 (2017‐06)

C.5 Plate
Mechanical properties for plates shall comply with EN 485‐2:2013.

Table C.4 — Plate

Value of f for design temperaturea
Wall thickness Rp0,2/20°C
EN AW number Temper MPa
BS EN 13480‑8:2017+A1:2019

20 °C 50 °C 75 °C 100 °C 125 °C 150 °C 175 °C 200 °C
O/H111 20 20,0 19,3 18,7 16,7 13,3 10,0 8,0 6,3
EN AW‐1050Ac 6 ≤ t ≤ 12,5 30 20,0 19,3 18,7 16,7 13,3 10,0 8,0 6,4
12,5 < t ≤ 80 25 16,7 16,1 15,6 13,9 11,1 8,3 6,7 5,3
O/H111 15 16,7 16,0 15,3 14,0 13,3 12,7 — —
EN AW‐1070Ac
H112 6 ≤ t ≤ 12,5 20 22,2 21,3 20,4 18,7 17,8 16,9 — —
EN AW‐1080A O/H111 15 14,7 14,0 13,3 12,7 12,0 11,3 — —

O/H111 t ≤ 50 35 23,3 23,3 22,0 21,3 20,7 19,3 17,3 15,3

EN AW‐3003 6 ≤ t < 12,5 70 46,7 46,7 44,7 42,0 34,7 26,0 19,3 15,3
12,5 ≤ t < 80 40 26,7 26,7 25,5 24,0 19,8 14,9 11,0 8,8
O/H111 35 23,3 23,3 22,0 21,3 20,7 19,3 19,3 15,3
EN AW‐3103 6 ≤ t < 12,5 70 45,8 45,8 44,7 42,0 34,7 26,0 19,3 15,3
12,5 ≤ t < 80 40 26,7 26,7 25,5 24,0 19,8 14,9 11,0 8,8
EN AW‐3105 O/H111 40 26,7 26,7 25,3 24,0 30,0 23,3 17,3 14,0

EN AW‐5005 O/H111 35 23,3 23,3 22,7 22,0 20,4 18,8 17,3 14,0
EN AW‐5005A O/H111 35 23,3 23,3 22,8 22,2 20,0 17,9 15,8 12,8

EN 13480‐8:2017 (E)
Issue 2 (2019‐06)

Table C.4 (2/3)

Wall thickness
Value of f for design temperaturea
EN AW number Temper
Rp0,2/20°C MPa
mm MPa

25,8 22,9 20,0 14,7

20 °C 50 °C 75 °C 100 °C 125 °C 150 °C 175 °C 200 °C

EN AW‐5050
30,0 30,0 29,3 28,7

29,8 24,9 20,0 14,7

O/H111 45
36,7 36,7 36,0 34,7
H112 55

44,0 30,7 22,0 16,0

31,4 21,9 15,7 11,4
O/H111 80 53,3 53,3 52,0 50,7

EN AW‐5049
28,3 19,7 14,1 10,3
6 < t ≤ 12,5 100 66,7 66,7 65,2 63,3

25,1 17,5 12,6 9,1

H112 12,5 < t ≤ 25 90 60,0 60,0 58,7 57,0

34,2 27,1 20,0 13,3

25 < t ≤ 80 80 53,3 53,3 52,2 50,7

EN AW‐5052 31,5 30,1 14,5 9,7

O/H111 0,2 < t ≤ 80 65 43,3 43,3 42,7 41,3

27,6 26,3 12,7 8,5

6 < t ≤ 12,5 80 53,3 53,3 52,4 50,9

46,7 29,3 18,7 12,0

12,5 < t ≤ 80 70 46,7 46,7 45,8 44,5

EN AW‐5154A 46,7 29,3 18,7 12,0

O/H111 85 56,7 56,7 55,3 54,0

33,6 21,1 13,4 8,6

6 < t ≤ 12,5 125 83,3 83,3 81,3 79,3

EN AW‐5251 32,6 27,3 18,0 12,7

12,5 < t ≤ 80 90 60,0 60,0 58,6 57,1

45,3 31,3 21,3 15,3

O/H111 60 40,0 40,0 39,3 38,0

EN AW‐5454
32,6 22,6 15,4 11,0
O/H111 85 56,7 56,7 55,3 54,0

40,7 26,0 15,3 10,7

H112 40 < t ≤ 120 90 60,0 60,0 58,6 57,1

29,0 18,6 11,0 7,6

O/H111 80 53,3 53,3 52,0 50,7

EN AW‐5754
26,1 16,7 9,9 6,9
6 < t ≤ 12,5 100 66,7 66,7 65,2 63,3

23,2 14,9 8,8 6,1

H112 12,5 < t ≤ 25 90 60,0 60,0 58,7 57,0
25 < t ≤ 80 80 53,3 53,3 52,2 50,7
BS EN 13480‑8:2017+A1:2019

EN 13480‐8:2017 (E)
Issue 2 (2019‐06)

Table C.4 (3/3)

Wall thickness
Value of f for design temperaturea
EN AW number Temper
mm MPa
BS EN 13480‑8:2017+A1:2019

20 °C 50 °C 75 °C 100 °C 125 °C 150 °C 175 °C 200 °C

t ≤ 50 b 125 83,3 83,3 83,3 79,3 48,7 28,7 16,0 10,0

44,8 26,4 14,7 9,2

50 < t ≤ 80

42,8 25,2 14,1 8,8

115 76,7 76,7 76,7 73,0
80 < t ≤ 120 73,3 73,3 73,3 69,8

40,9 24,1 13,4 8,4

120 < t ≤ 200 105 70,0 70,0 66,6

EN AW‐5083 37,0 21,8 12,2 7,6

200 < t ≤ 250 95 63,3 63,3 60,3

35,0 20,6 11,5 7,2

250 < t ≤ 300 90 60,0 60,0 57,1

48,7 28,7 16,0 10,0

6 < t ≤ 40 125 83,3 83,3 79,3

44,8 26,4 14,7 9,2

H112 40 < t ≤ 80 115 76,7 76,7 73,0

42,8 25,2 14,1 8,8

80 < t ≤ 120 110 73,3 73,3 69,8

48,0 28,7 17,3 11,3


EN AW‐5086
100 66,7 66,7 63,3

38,4 22,9 13,9 9,1

O/H111 66,7
40 < t ≤ 80 100 66,7 66,7 63,5
H112 66,7
a Italic numerical values are creep-range values.
b Yield strength at room temperature of 125 MPa shall be guaranteed and verified by the plate manufacturer.
c The nominal design stress values are based on Rp1,0-strength values.

BS EN 13480‑8:2017+A1:2019
EN 13480‐8:2017 (E)
Issue 2 (2019‐06)

Annex Y

History of EN 13480‐8

Y.1 Differences between EN 13480‐8:2012 and EN 13480‐8:2017

The 2017 edition of EN 13480-8 contains the 2012 edition of the standard and all Amendment(s)
and/or correction(s) issued in the meantime.

Significant technical changes include:

 the Normative References have been updated;

 in 5.2 requirements for inspection documents were added;

 in 5.3 requirements for elongation after fracture have been revised;

 in 5.6 the requirements on design temperature and properties have been revised;

 subclause 6.8 on port-hole extruded tubes has been added;

 subclause 6.9 on alternative methods for design was added;

 in 8.2.3 requirements on destructive testing of formed and heat treated parts have been revised;

 in 8.5 requirements of Table 8.5-1 on VT and NDT techniques, methods and acceptance criteria has
been revised;

 in 8.6 requirements of Table 8.6-2 on required tests and acceptance criteria for production test
plates has been revised;

 in Annex B requirements of B.5.1.1 for qualification of permanent joining process and requirements
of Table B.1 for testing of transition joints have been revised;

 a normative Annex C including allowable design stress values has been added;

 revision of Annex ZA in relation with the Pressure Equipment Directive 2014/68/UE.

NOTE The changes referred include the significant technical changes but is not an exhaustive list of all

Y.2 List of corrected pages of Issue 2 (2019‐06)

Pages 5, 32, 42 and 43.

BS EN 13480‑8:2017+A1:2019
EN 13480‐8:2017 (E)
Issue 2 (2019‐06)

Annex ZA

Relationship between this European Standard and the Essential

Requirements of EU Directive 2014/68/EU aimed to be covered
This European Standard has been prepared under a Commission’s standardization request M/071
"Mandate to CEN for standardization in the field of Pressure equipment" to provide one voluntary
means of conforming to Essential Requirements of the New Approach Pressure Equipment Directive
Once this standard is cited in the Official Journal of the European Union under that Directive,
compliance with the normative clauses of this standard given in Table ZA.1 confers, within the limits of
the scope of this standard, a presumption of conformity with the corresponding Essential Requirements
of that Directive and associated EFTA regulations.

Table ZA.1 — Correspondence between this European Standard and

Directive 2014/68/EU on Pressure Equipment

Essential Safety
Requirements (ERs) of
Directive 2014/68/EU on Qualifying remarks/Notes
of this EN
Pressure Equipment,
Annex I
2.2.3 (b), 5th indent Clause 5 Provision and consideration of appropriate
material properties
4.1 (a) 5.3, 5.7 Materials sufficiently ductile and tough
4.1 (d) 5.4, 7.2, 7.4, 7.5, 7.6, Material suitable for intended processing
Annex B procedure
2.2.1, 2nd indent 5.6 Ambient and operational temperatures
2.2 6, Annex B Design for adequate strength
7.1.2 6.2 Nominal design stress
2.2.3 (a) 6.3, 6.4, 6.5, 6.6 Calculation method — Design by Formula
2.2.3 (a) 6.9 Calculation method – Design by Analysis
3.1.2 7.6, Annex B Operating procedure to carry out permanent
3.1.2 Qualified personnel to carry out permanent
3.1.1 7.4, 7.6.3, 7.6.5 Preparation of component parts
3.1.1 7.5 Forming
3.1.4 7.5.3, 7.5.4, 7.6.6 Heat treatment
2.2.3 (b), 6th indent 8.4, 8.6 Appropriate joint factors
3.2.1 8.4, 8.5, Annex B Internal and surface defect
7.2 8.4.3, 8.6 Joint efficiency
3.2.2 9.2, Annex B Proof test

WARNING 1 — Presumption of conformity stays valid only as long as a reference to this European
Standard is maintained in the list published in the Official Journal of the European Union. Users of this
standard should consult frequently the latest list published in the Official Journal of the European
WARNING 2 — Other Union legislation may be applicable to the product(s) falling within the scope of
this standard.

BS EN 13480‑8:2017+A1:2019
EN 13480‐8:2017 (E)
Issue 1 (2017‐06)


Directive 2014/68/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council of 15 May 2014 on the
harmonisation of the laws of the Member States relating to the making available on the market of
pressure equipment

EN 764‐4:2002, Pressure equipment — Part 4: Establishment of technical delivery conditions for metallic

EN 764‐5:2002, Pressure Equipment — Part 5: Compliance and Inspection Documentation of Materials

EN 1011‐2:2001, Welding — Recommendations for welding of metallic materials — Part 2: Arc welding of
ferritic steels

EN 1011‐4:2000, Welding — Recommendations for welding of metallic materials — Part 4: Arc welding of
aluminium and aluminium alloys

EN 1092‐4:2002, Flanges and their joints — Circular flanges for pipes, valves, fittings and accessories, PN
designated — Part 4: Aluminium alloy flanges

EN 1252‐1, Cryogenic vessels — Materials — Part 1: Toughness requirements for temperatures below

EN 13445‐3:2014, Unfired pressure vessels — Part 3: Design

EN 13445‐8:2014, Unfired pressure vessels — Part 8: Additional requirements for pressure vessels of
aluminium and aluminium alloys

EN 14717, Welding and allied processes — Environmental check list

CEN/TR 13480‐7, Metallic industrial piping — Part 7: Guidance on the use of conformity assessment

EN ISO 13920, Welding — General tolerances for welded constructions — Dimensions for lengths and
angles — Shape and position (ISO 13920:1996)

FDBR Guideline, Design of power piping, July 19951)

1) To be obtained from: Vulkan‐Verlag, Huyssenallee 52‐56, D‐45128 Essen.


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We can provide you with the knowledge that your organization needs It’s available 24/7 and is refreshed daily so you’ll always be up to date.
to succeed. Find out more about British Standards by visiting our website at You can keep in touch with standards developments and receive substantial
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Knowledge Centre. format, by becoming a BSI Subscribing Member.

Buying standards PLUS is an updating service exclusive to BSI Subscribing Members. You will
automatically receive the latest hard copy of your standards when they’re
You can buy and download PDF versions of BSI publications, including British and revised or replaced.
adopted European and international standards, through our website at bsigroup.
com/shop, where hard copies can also be purchased. To find out more about becoming a BSI Subscribing Member and the benefits
of membership, please visit bsigroup.com/shop.
If you need international and foreign standards from other Standards Development
Organizations, hard copies can be ordered from our Customer Services team. With a Multi-User Network Licence (MUNL) you are able to host standards
publications on your intranet. Licences can cover as few or as many users as you
Copyright in BSI publications wish. With updates supplied as soon as they’re available, you can be sure your
documentation is current. For further information, email cservices@bsigroup.com.
All the content in BSI publications, including British Standards, is the property
of and copyrighted by BSI or some person or entity that owns copyright in the Revisions
information used (such as the international standardization bodies) and has
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Save for the provisions below, you may not transfer, share or disseminate any We continually improve the quality of our products and services to benefit your
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Useful Contacts
Storing and using standards Customer Services
Standards purchased in soft copy format: Tel: +44 345 086 9001
• A British Standard purchased in soft copy format is licensed to a sole named Email: cservices@bsigroup.com
user for personal or internal company use only.
• The standard may be stored on more than one device provided that it is Tel: +44 345 086 9001
accessible by the sole named user only and that only one copy is accessed at Email: subscriptions@bsigroup.com
any one time.
• A single paper copy may be printed for personal or internal company use only. Knowledge Centre
Tel: +44 20 8996 7004
Standards purchased in hard copy format: Email: knowledgecentre@bsigroup.com
• A British Standard purchased in hard copy format is for personal or internal
company use only. Copyright & Licensing
Tel: +44 20 8996 7070
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This includes scanning of the document. Email: copyright@bsigroup.com

If you need more than one copy of the document, or if you wish to share the BSI Group Headquarters
document on an internal network, you can save money by choosing a subscription
product (see ‘Subscriptions’). 389 Chiswick High Road London W4 4AL UK

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