Flag Ceremony EMCEE SCRIPT
Flag Ceremony EMCEE SCRIPT
Flag Ceremony EMCEE SCRIPT
Requesting all students, teachers and staff to please be here at the gym now for we are about to start
any minute from now.
Time check:
To formally start our flag ceremony, let us sing with pride the Philippine National Anthem, and in
silence let us listen for an invocation to be led by Ma’am Maricris U. Casabon, Teacher I,
followed by the singing of the Capiz Hymn and the Jamindan March, with Mrs. Arjie T. Clavaton,
Teacher II, conducting.
Moving on, let us welcome Mrs. Maricon V. Calixterio, Teacher III, for the Panunumpa ng
Watawat, followed by the Panunumpa ng Kawani ng Gobyerno to be led by Mrs. Rea Grace S.
Bade, Teacher II.
Back to School, one of the favorite moments of our students. Growing up, I know you are all
excited to use your new and fresh school supplies, new uniforms and outfits, and most of all,
excited kay may balon na. To all the students, to our dear principal, Dr. Leonardo F. Farillon, and
to our passionate teachers and staff, to our guests, a beautiful morning to all.
Today is the day the students to get to know about their new journey and build their future
from here. Without any further ado, let us lend our ears for an opening remarks given by our
ever-gorgeous and motherly Head Teacher III, Mrs. Donnah T. Valdemar. A round of applause
This time, let us be amused by a musical entertainment. Let’s give it up for our SSG Secretary,
Ms. Nina Danica T. Valdemar.
Starting with the Grade 7 Curriculum. To present, let us welcome their Curriculum chairperson,
Ms. Joecylil G. Ignacio.
Next, let’s have the Grade 8 Curriculum. To present, let us welcome their Curriculum
chairperson, Mrs. Nancy V. Flor.
And now, for the Grade 9 Curriculum. To present, let us welcome their Curriculum chairperson,
Mr. Jose Rico L. Laserna.
This time, let’s have the Grade 10 Curriculum. To present, let us welcome their Curriculum
chairperson, Mrs. Rheazel L. Vigo.
Let’s proceed to the Grade 11 Curriculum. To present, let us welcome their Curriculum
chairperson, Mrs. Roschel F. Robles.
Last but not the least, the Grade 12 Curriculum. To present, let us welcome their Curriculum
chairperson, Mrs. Salvacion V. Ricaforte.
At this moment, let us know the teachers from each department starting with the English
Department. To present, let us welcome our English Coordinator/Head Teacher III, Mrs. Donnah
T. Valdemar.
Next, let’s move on to our Mathematics Department. To present, let us welcome our
Mathematics Coordinator/Head Teacher III, Mr. Juvy V. Dugenio.
Alright, moving on, let’s have our TLE Department. To present, let us welcome our TLE
Coordinator/Head Teacher III, Mr. Helarion C. Llanera Jr..
This time, for the Science Department. To present, let us welcome our Science
Coordinator/Head Teacher III, Mrs. Rina L. Subade.
And now, for the Filipino Department. To present, let us welcome our Filipino
Coordinator/Master Teacher I, Mrs. Jeanette G. Panag.
To proceed, let’s have the MAPEH Department. To present, let us welcome our MAPEH
Coordinator/Teacher III, Mrs. Fideles C. Villanueva.
Lastly, for the EsP Department. To present, let us welcome our EsP Coordinator/Teacher III, Mrs.
Lucille G. Montorio.
According to Mother Teresa, “Kind words can be short and easy to speak, but their echoes are
truly endless.” At this point, let us hear a message from our hardworking and passionate
Principal III, our fatherly-figure Dr. Leonardo F. Farillon. A round of applause please.
(After) Thank you, Sir. Those encouragements will truly be remembered by all of us.
This time, let us hear another message from our SSG President, clap your hands for Mr. Mark
Leven Visto.
To officially end this short program, put your hands together for Mrs. Rina L. Subade, Head
Teacher III, for her closing remarks.
And that is all for today, I am Ms. Aira Jane V. Villa, your host. And once again, good morning!