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Group Behaviour,

Team and Conflict

Gene May Adio

Darren Jean Gonzales
Stephanie Tawas
What is a Group?
Is a collection of two or more people
having the same perception,interacting
with one another and who shares a
common goal.
Definition of a Group
•The members of the group must see themselves as a unit
-to be considered as a group,members or individuals must
see themselves as a unit.
•Group Rewards
-membership must be rewarding for each individual in the
•Corresponding Effects
-an event that affects one member of a group will affect the
other group members.
•Common Goals
-an aim or purpose shared by members of a group.
Reasons for Joining a Group

Assignment Identification
Physical proximity Emotional support
Affiliation (to fulfill Assistance or help
the need to be with Common interest
people) Common goals
Factors Affecting Group
• Group cohesiveness • Communication structure
• Group homogeneity • Group size
• Stability of membership • Group roles
• Personality of group members • Group status
• Isolation •Presence of others
• Outside pressure •Individual dominance
Factors Affecting Group Performance
Group cohesiveness
- It is the extent to which group members like and trust
each other, committed to accomplish a team goal and
share a feeling of group pride.
Group homogeneity
- It is the extent to which members are similar.
Stability of membership
-The greater the stability, the greater the
-Thus members who remain for long periods of time
are more cohesive and perform better than groups that
have high turnover.
Factors Affecting Group Performance
-Group that is isolated tends to be highly cohesive
Outside pressure
- Groups that are pressured by external forces tend to be highly
cohesive; which can be explained by the phenomena psychological
reactance .
Group size
-Groups are most cohesive and perform best when the size is small.
Group status
-The higher the group status, the greater is the cohesiveness; thus a
group can be made more cohesive by increasing its status, at least in
the eyes of the members.
Factors Affecting Group Performance
Group ability and confidence
-Groups with high-ability members outperform groups
with low-ability members
-Groups whose members believe that their team can be
successful perform better than those whose members are not
Personality of group members
- Groups with members who score high in openness and
emotional stability will perform better that groups whose
members do not have these characteristics .
Communication structure
-variable that can affect a group performance is its
communication structure.
Factors Affecting Group Performance

Group role
-The extent to which the members of a group assume
their roles affect group performance
Presence of others
-Social facilitation provides the positive effects of the
presence of others, but for easy tasks or well learned tasks.
Individual dominance
- If the leader has an accurate solution to a problem in
the group, then the group performs at high level.
What is a Work Team ?
-is a collectionof three or more individuals
who interact intensively to provide an
organizational product,plan,decision or
Factors to be Considered Before Calling a
Group of Individuals a Team

•Power Differentation
•Social Distance
•Conflict Management Tactics
•Negotiation Process
Types Of Teams
Work Team- groups of employees who manage
themselves,assign jobs ,plan and schedule work ,make
work related decisions and solve work-related problems.
Parallel Team(cross-functional teams)- consists of
representative from various departments within an
Project Team-group forms to produce one time output
such as creating a new product,installing a new software
system or hiring a new employee.
Management Team -teams that coordinate,manage
,advice and direct employees and teams.
How Teams Develop Why Team Don’t Always Work
Forming Stage-in this first stage of
the team process,in which team •The Team is Not a Team
members feel out the team •Excessive Meeting
concept and attempt to make a Requirements
positive impression. •Lack of Empowerment
Storming Stage-group members •Lack of Skill
disagree and resist their team
•Distrust of the Team
Norming Stage -teams establish Process
rules and determine policies and •Unclear Objective
Performing Stage -teams work
toward accomplishing their goals.
-the psychological and behavioral reaction to a
perception that another person is keeping you from
reaching a goal,taking away your right to behave ina
particular way,or violating the expectancies of a

Types of Conflict
Interpersonal Conflict- between two people
Individual -Group Conflict-between an
individual and the other
Group-Group Conflict -between two or more
Causes of Conflict Conflict Styles
•Competition for •Avoiding Style
Resources •Accomodating Style
•Jurisdictional Ambiguity •Forcing Style
•Communication Barriers •Collaborating Style
•Beliefs •Compromising Style
Resolving Conflict
•Prevention/Prior to Conflict Occuring
- An organization should have a formal policy on how
conflict to be handled.
•When Conflict First Occurs
-the two parties should be encouraged to use the
conflict resolution skills they learned in training to resolve
the conflict on their own.
•Third Party Invention
-If conflict cannot be resolved, good to seek help-third
party intervention, through mediation or arbitration.

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