S.N Name of the Experiment A [2] B [4] C [2] D [1] E [1] Total Conduction Faculty To explore the system setting -personalisation, 1 system devices, apps, network and internet. 9-10-23 To explore window explorer functionalities like 2 create, rename, move, delete folder and files etc. 16-10-23 To practice the use of basis formatting features - Format painter, Indentation, line spacing, 3 background color, find, replace, dictate commands. 23-10-23 To practice the use of Bullets, numbering, multilevel lists and use of Table Feature-Insert 4 table with rows and columns, draw tables, excel spreadsheet and quick tables etc. 23-10-23 To practice the use of Insert Features – add picture, Chart, SmartArt, WordArt, Equation, Symbols, Header and Footer, Page Numbering 5 etc. and the use of Design Features – Watermark, Page color, Page Border, Themes implementation etc. 23-10-23 To practice the use of Layout Features – Margins, 6 Orientation, Size, Columns, Indent, Spacing etc. 06-11-23 7 To practice the use of Mail Merge Feature to 06-11-23 generate Envelops and Labels. To practice the use of Excel basic formatting features – Wrap Text, Insert and Delete (Cells, 8 Sheet, Row or Column), Format – Cell Height, Cell Width, Hide, Un Hide Cell, Protection, Freeze and Unfreeze panes, Macros etc. 06-11-23 To practice the creation of Blank presentation and Selecting Themes and the use of the basic design 9 features – Adding New Slides, Reuse slides, Slides layout etc. 20-11-23 To practice the use of Slide Show Features – 10 Custom Slide Show, Rehearse Timing etc. 20-11-23 Create a Folder by your name in your system, 11 store all the work done in this semester inside that folder. 20-11-23 Create your Resume using basic formatting 12 features like: table, bullets, word art etc. 4-12-23 Write an Article for Magazine with 3 columns 13 and hyperlink. 4-12-23 Create your own marksheet using basic 14 formatting features. 4-12-23 Create a list of marks of 10 students create charts 15 and pivot table. 4-12-23 Max Marks [150] (a) Reduce to 30 (b) Internal Exam Final Viva & Quiz 10 (c) Final marks 40 (b+ c)
B: CONDUCTION D: VIVA/ ORAL E: RECORD WRITTNG Sign of the Student Sign of the Faculty Incharge Sign of HOD