Iitm Pune Contract Job Notification 2024

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पृथ्वी विज्ञान मंत्रालय, भारत सरकार

Ministry of Earth Sciences, Govt. of India

भारतीय उष्णदे शीय मौसम विज्ञान संस्थान
डॉ होमी भाभा मार्ग , पाषाण पुणे -411008 /
Dr. Homi Bhabha Road, Pune-411008
Advertisement Number: PER /07/2023


The Indian Institute of Tropical Meteorology (IITM) is an autonomous research organization

fully funded by Ministry of Earth Sciences, New Delhi. It is a premier Institute of National and
International repute, devoted to research in various aspects of atmospheric sciences with emphasis
on tropical meteorology, particularly on the Climate Change and Indian Monsoon.
It is proposed to recruit the following posts as detailed below:

Sr. No Name of Post Pay Age Limit In

No of posts
1 Project Scientist -III ₹78,000/- + HRA 04 45
2 Project Scientist –II ₹ 67,000/- + HRA 11 40
3 Project Scientist –I ₹ 56,000/- + HRA 04 35
(SC- 1 & ST- 1)
4 Training Coordinator ₹ 42,000/- + HRA 01 40
5 Senior Project Associate ₹ 42,000/- + HRA 02 40
6 Project Associate-II ₹ 35,000/- + HRA* 08 35
(OBC- 1) ₹ 28,000/- + HRA
7 Project Associate-I ₹ 31,000/- + HRA * 33 35
(SC- 5, ST-2, OBC- 6, & ₹ 25,000/- + HRA
8 Research Associate ₹ 58,000/- + HRA 02 35
(Deep Ocean Mission)
Total Posts 65

*[Emoluments for Candidates having NET/CSIR-UGG / GATE or having passed national level
examination conducted by Central Govt. Dept. and their agencies and Institutions]
$ The number of vacancies mentioned in the advertisement may vary depending upon the
requirements of the project.
 The appointment is purely on temporary and contractual basis initially for a period of one year.
Extension of tenure is co-terminous with the project period and subject to the satisfactory
 Aspiring candidates may submit their applications along with their CV online only:
 Hard copy of the applications will not be accepted.
 Other relevant details about the posts are available under www.tropmet.res.in/Careers
Facility for submitting online applications for the posts will commence on 22nd May, 2024
(1700 hrs.)

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1. The last date of submission of online application is 18th June, 2024 (1700 hrs.). The last date is
the cut of date for all purposes including age/qualification/experience etc.
2. Only Indian Nationals are eligible to apply.
3. Mere possession of required qualification will not entitle the candidates to be selected for
interview. If the number of applications received in response to advertisement is large, it will
not be convenient or possible for the selection Board to interview or conduct written test for all
those candidates. The Institute may short list the candidates to a reasonable limit based on the
essential and desirable qualifications / record of academic performance / relevant experience
for the post or any other benchmarks as decided by a committee constituted to screen the
4. No correspondence will be entertained with candidates who are not called for Interview.
5. Upper age limit is relaxed for SC/ST/ OBC/Physically Handicapped persons/Ex- servicemen as
per Government of India norms.
6. Experience claim should be supported by valid documentation.
7. Selection will be on the basis of performance of the screened in candidates, in the online/ offline
8. Candidates must produce all original documents as proof of details furnished in the application
and photocopy of each, at the time of joining. Any discrepancies found in the certificate will
attract the disqualification of applications. Non production of the original certificates at the time
joining will also make the candidate disqualified.
9. Selected candidate may have to join the post immediately, on being found fit by Medical
10. Essential qualification, experience and age limit can be relaxed at the discretion of the
appointing authority in exceptional cases.
11. Doctorate Degree will count as 3 years of experience (in case the doctorate degree is not
mentioned as the essential qualification).
12. No TA/DA will be paid for attending the interview. For SC/ST candidates admissible TA/DA
shall be considered as per Government of India orders.
13. CGPA grading is to be converted in percentage.
14. Online application submitted without scanned copies of the certificates will be rejected.
15. Applicants working in Government/ Semi-Government/ Public Sector Undertakings/
Autonomous bodies should produce the requisite ‘No Objection Certificate’ from their employer
at the time of interview.
16. Director, IITM reserves the right to fill-up or not to fill up the post advertised without assigning
any reasons thereof.
17. Canvassing in any form and /or bringing any influence, political or otherwise will be treated as
disqualification of candidature. No interim correspondence/inquiry will be entertained.
18. Details/updates regarding Phase-III will be uploaded on the IITM website only.

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Post Code : CVP2022-001
Name of the post : Project Scientist –III
(Climate Variability and Prediction)
Number of post : 01 No.
Essential :  Master’s Degree in Meteorology/ Oceanography/ Atmospheric Sciences/
Qualification Earth Sciences/Climate Sciences / Physics/ Geophysics
(Meteorology)/ Electronics/Mathematics with minimum 60% marks from
recognized university or equivalent.
Bachelor’s degree in Engineering or Technology with minimum
60% marks from recognized university or equivalent.
 7 years proven research experience in Global Data Assimilation/Decadal
prediction/ Decadal Predictability/Decadal
Variability/ Climate Variability/ Climate Extremes/ Climate prediction/
Earth system modelling/ Climate modelling/ Coupled (ocean atmosphere)
modelling/Sea ice modelling/Land surface modelling.

Desirable :  Basic knowledge in model code handling. Working knowledge of

Qualification Atmospheric, Oceanic and Coupled General Circulation Models and issues
related to porting, installation and troubleshooting of dynamical models in
 The experience should be demonstrated through scientific
 Experience in using programming languages (like Python, FORTRAN-90,
C/C++ etc); Shell scripting is needed. Ability to write and prepare model
code using program language and shell scripts.
 Knowledge of parallel computing and porting general circulation models on
the high-performance computer architectures.
 Experience in handling of large volume of data and conversant with data
format like NetCDF, HDF, GRIB, GrADS etc.
 A knowledge in meteorological data analysis tools (like GrADS, FERRET,
NCL, NCO, CDO etc).
 Ability to work in large groups.
 Knowledge of UNIX/LINUX System Administration would be an added

Job Responsibilities : Scientists will be responsible for developing decadal prediction system,
handling the earth system model codes, its debugging etc. in HPC, preparing
initial conditions for the decadal prediction

Post Code : HPC2021-001

Name of the post : Project Scientist – III
(For High Performance Computing Program)
Number of post : 01 No.

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Essential Qualification : (i) Master's Degree in Computer/Computational Science, Computer
Application, Mathematics (including applied Maths and statistics), Physics
and Meteorology or in other subjects with majors in computing,
mathematics, or application to meteorology/ physics/ chemistry with
minimum 60% marks from a recognized University or equivalent.
Bachelor's Degree in Engineering, Technology with minimum 60% marks
(equivalent CGPA) from a recognized University or equivalent;
MS in interdisciplinary studies with minimum 60% marks (equivalent
CGPA) from a recognized University or equivalent;
(ii) Seven years experience in (a) Application/System software or
(b) AI/ML model development or (c) HPC System/Network administration

Desirable Qualification :  Doctoral Degree in Science or Master’s Degree in Engineering or

Technology from a recognized University or equivalent.
 Good knowledge of basic programming (Fortran, C, C++), Python and/or web
technologies and/or Operating systems, parallel file systems & Interconnect
 Handling of large volume of data and conversant with data format like NetCDF,
 Experience is development of system software's, tools and applications used in
high performance computing environment would be desirable.
 Prior experience on the development of AI/Ml models, such as regression
 Good experience in development of parallel code using high level languages
and/or in Python.
 Experience on visualization software or development of visualization tools.
 Knowledge of HPC Systems Administration would be an added advantage.
Job Responsibilities : The project scientist is expected to be involved in some of the following
 Development of AI/ML (deep learning) models for Earth Science
 Development and optimization of weather/climate
forecasting (dynamical) models on latest supercomputers.
 Development of 3D visualization libraries for model output data.
 To work in the development and troubleshooting of various
HPC applications-related issues. To work on the HPC system administration.

Post Code : WiFEX2021-001

Name of the post : Project Scientist-III (WiFEX)
No of Positions : 01 No.
Essential Qualification : Doctoral Degree in Atmospheric Sciences/ Meteorology/ Physics/Electronics/

Seven years of proven experience in conducting research and analyzing

scientific data, specializing in field experiments and observations. Proficient in
designing field experiments and utilizing remote sensing applications.
Experience in WRF/ WRF-Chem for forecasting.

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Desirable Qualification :  Working knowledge of Numerical Weather Prediction Models and Data
 Experience in Atmospheric Measurement Techniques.
 Operational Fog Forecast, Weather Data products.
 Experience in Atmospheric Measurement Techniques especially related
to fog and cloud.
 Working knowledge of Numerical Weather Prediction Models and Data
 Working with High Performance Computing System (HPCS)
 Working in Programming languages (like FORTRAN 90, Python etc.), Shell
scripting, Meteorological data analysis tools (like GrADS, MATLAB, Python,
CDO etc.).
 Handling of large volume of data and conversant with data format like
NetCDF, HDF, GRIB etc.
 Knowledge of Windows/UNIX/LINUX System Administration

Job Responsibilities :  The selected candidate will have to co-ordinate with the scientists from
IITM and run fog field experiment and WRF forecasting model.

Post Code : MAQWS2021-002

Name of the post : Project Scientist-III (MAQWS)
No of Positions : 01 No.
Essential Qualification :  M.E./M.Tech. (Atmospheric Science/ Climate Science/ Earth Science
System and Technology/ Environmental Sciences/ any equivalent subject)
 Master’s degree in Physics/Mathematics/ Atmospheric Sciences/
Environmental Sciences / Geophysics (Meteorology) with at least 60%
marks from a recognized University or equivalent.
 Bachelor degree in engineering (B.E) in
Electronics/Mechanical/Electrical/Environmental Science with at least
60% marks from a recognized University or equivalent
 Seven years of experience in air quality instrumentation, air quality
:  Experience in running AAQMS, calibrating, maintenance.
Desirable Qualification  Experience in programming languages (like python, scripting, etc), air
quality data analysis tools (Oracle, Java front end, etc), and handling large
volumes of AAQMS data.
Job Responsibilities : Supervision and coordination of SAFAR air quality monitoring stations in
Mumbai, Pune, Delhi and Ahmadabad, data management.

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Post Code : CCCR2022-003
Name of the post : Project Scientist – II
(Paleoclimate reconstruction using proxy records)
Number of post : 01 No.
Essential Qualification :  Master’s degree in Physics/Geology/Earth Science/Geophysics/Analytical
Chemistry with at least 60% marks from a recognized University or

 Three years of experience after Master’s degree in paleoclimate research

Desirable Qualification :  Experience in tree ring width analysis, cellulose extraction etc.

 Experience in geochemcial analytical techniques, operation of analytical

instruments such as Isotope Ratio Mass Spectrometer (IRMS)

 Experience of Computer, MS office, handling of geochemical and isotopic

data sets.
Job Responsibilities :  The selected candidate will be involved in sample preparation and
geochemical analysis of tree rings, speleothem, water samples, etc.
 Participate in field trips for sample collection in remote locations.
 The selected candidate will be involved in lab maintenance, data handling,
preparing reports, etc.

Post Code : ART_Bhopal2021-003

Name of the post : Project Scientist – II
( For ARTs/ Radar Remote Sensing) (To be posted at ART-CI
facility at Silkheda, Sehore District)
Number of post : 01 No.
Essential Qualification :  Master’s Degree in Science (Physics/ Instrumentation/Meteorology/
Electronics/ Radio Physics) or Bachelor Degree in Engineering and
Technology (Electronics / Instrumentation/ EEE/E&T) from a recognized
University or equivalent with at least 60% marks
 Three years relevant experience in the field of atmospheric science such as
(i) operation and maintenance of Doppler Weather Radars or radar wind
profilers, ii) processing, analysis and interpretation of Doppler weather
radar or
Radar wind profiler data sets.
Desirable Qualification :  Doctoral Degree in Science or Master’s Degree in Engineering
or Technology from a recognized University or equivalent.
 High quality publications in SCI index journals in the relevant field
 Handling of large volume of data and conversant with data format like
NetCDF, HDF, GRIB etc.
 Ability to work in group and in remote environments.
 Familiarity with Linux and computer programming like Python, MATLAB,
NCL, GrADS, CDO etc.

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Job Responsibilities :  Operation and maintenance of scanning Doppler weather radar systems
for understanding precipitation and cloud formation processes.
 Operation and maintenance of radar wind profilers for understanding
vertical profiles of atmosphere and retrieval of
wind profiles.

Post Code : ART_Bhopal2021-003A

Name of the post : Project Scientist – II
( For ARTs/A tmospheric Instrumentation ) (To be posted at ART-
CI facility at Silkheda, Sehore District)
Number of post : 01 No.
Essential Qualification :  Master’s Degree in Science (Physics/ Instrumentation/Meteorology/
Electronics/ Radio Physics) or Bachelor Degree in Engineering and
Technology (Electronics / Instrumentation/ EEE/E&T) from a recognized
University or equivalent with at least 60% marks
 Relevant experience in (i) operation /maintenance and calibration of
atmospheric instrumentation relevant to weather parameters, atmospheric
radiation (Radiation sensors, Sun Photometer, MFRSR), precipitation
(Impact disdrometer, Video disdrometer, Micro Rain Radar, Rain guage etc)
and Radiosonde operation (ii) demonstrated experience in participation in
observational campaigns and interpretation of atmospheric observations.
 High quality publications in SCI Index journals.
 Handling of large volume of data and conversant with data format like
NetCDF, HDF etc.
Desirable Qualification :  Doctoral Degree in Science or Master’s Degree in Engineering
or Technology from a recognized University or equivalent.
 High quality publications in SCI index journals in the relevant field
 Handling of large volume of data and conversant with data format like
NetCDF, HDF, GRIB etc.
 Ability to work in group and in remote environments.
 Familiarity with Linux and computer programming like Python, MATLAB,
NCL, GrADS, CDO etc.
Job Responsibilities :  To manage observational Systems related to Aerosol, or cloud, or Rain and
radiation measurements and operation of radiosonde.

Post Code : HACPL2021-002

Name of the post : Project Scientist – II ( For Atmospheric Instrumentation)
(To be posted at Mahabaleshwar, Satara District, Maharashtra)
Number of post : 01 No.

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Essential Qualification :  Masters Degree in Physics/ Electronics / Instrumentation or Bachelors
Degree in Engineering or Technology (Electronics / Instrumentation/
EEE/E&T) from a recognized University or equivalent with at least 60%
 Three years of relevant experience in R&D in industrial and Academic
Institutions or S&T organizations and scientific activities (i) operation
/maintenance and calibration of atmospheric instrumentation relevant to
weather parameters, atmospheric radiation (Radiation sensors, Sun
Photometer, MFRSR), precipitation (Impact disdrometer, Video
disdrometer, Micro Rain Radar, Rain guage etc) and Radiosonde
operation (ii)
demonstrated experience in participation in observatonal campaigns and
interpretation of atmospheric observations.
Desirable Qualification :  Doctoral Degree in Science or Masters Degree in Engineering or
Technology from a recognized University or equivalent.
 High quality publications in SCI Index journals.
 Handling of large volume of data and conversant with data format like
NetCDF, HDF etc.
Job Responsibilities :  To manage observational Systems related to Rain and radiation
measurements and operation of radiosonde.

Post Code : DOM2024-001

Name of the post Project Scientist II
(Deep Ocean Mission-IITM)
Number of post 01 No.
Essential Qualification  Master’s Degree in Physics/ Mathematics/ Meteorology Oceanography /
Earth Sciences/Climate Sciences /Atmospheric Sciences with minimum 60%
marks or Master’s degree in Engineering or Technology from a recognized
University or equivalent.
 Three years proven research experience in Decadal prediction/ Earth
system modelling/ Climate modelling / Coupled (ocean atmosphere)
modelling/Ground water or surface water modelling/Numerical
Modelling/Cyclone modelling/Climate
variability/Hydrometeorology/Atmosphere dynamics/Ocean dynamics/Air
Sea interaction.
Desirable Qualification  Doctoral Degree in any of the above subjects.
 The experience should be demonstrated through scientific
 Knowledge in programming languages (like Python, FORTRAN-90, C/C++
etc); Shell scripting and meteorological data analysis tools (like GrADS,
 Experience in handling of a large volume of data and conversant with data
format like NetCDF, HDF, GRIB, GrADS etc.
 Ability to work in large groups.
 Knowledge of UNIX/LINUX System Administration would be an added
 Experience in AI/ML techniques
Job Responsibilities Scientists will be responsible for developing decadal prediction of tropical
cyclones, developing strategies for projection of tropical cyclones, handling
decadal prediction system, analyzing large climate model projections and
predictions etc. at IITM.

Post Code : NMM2022-001

Name of the post : Project Scientist II (Model development and data assimilation)
Number of post : 01 No.

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Essential :  Doctoral Degree in Meteorology/ Oceanography/ Atmospheric Sciences/
Qualification Physics/ Geophysics(Meteorology)/ Electronics/Mathematics
or Master’s degree in Engineering or Technology from a recognized
University or equivalent.
 Three years’ experience of research in Atmospheric
Science/Oceanography/Climate Sciences or allied fields.
Desirable :  Basic knowledge in model code handling and parameterization of different
Qualification atmospheric processes and their representation in general circulation
models. Working knowledge of Atmospheric, Oceanic and Coupled General
Circulation Models and issue related to porting, installation and
troubleshooting of dynamical models in HPC. The experience should be
demonstrated through scientific reports/publications..
 Experience in using programming languages (like FORTRAN-90, C/C++ etc);
Shell scripting is needed. Ability to write and prepare model code using
program language and shell scripts.
 Knowledge of parallel computing and porting general circulation models on
the high-performance computer architectures.
 Handling of large volume of data and conversant with data format like
 A knowledge in meteorological data analysis tools (like GrADS, FERRET, NCL,
NCO, CDOetc).
 Ability to work in large groups.
 Knowledge of UNIX/LINUX System Administration would be an added
 Expertise in AI/ML techniques relevant to weather and climate sciences.

Job Responsibilities : Scientists will be responsible for handling the model codes, its
debugging, parameterization of processes in the coupled models, data
assimilation etc for prediction purpose.

Post Code : AEQWS2021-002

Name of the post : Project Scientist-II (WiFEX)
No of Positions : 01 No.
Essential Qualification : M.Tech. Degree in Meteorology or Atmospheric Sciences from a recognized
university or equivalent.
B. Tech. / B.E. Degree in Mechanical or Electronics and Communication or
Electronics & Instrumentation or Computer Applications or ComputerSciences
subjects with at least 60% marks from a recognized university or equivalent.
Three years’ experience in Research and development in Industrial and
Academic Institutions or Science and Technology organizations and Scientific
activities and Services in Operational Weather Forecasting.
Desirable Qualification : Doctorate degree or M.E. Degree in Meteorology or Atmospheric Sciences from
a recognized university or equivalent.

 Operational Fog Forecast, Weather Data products, Services and Research.

 Working knowledge of Numerical Weather Prediction Models and Data
 Working with High Performance Computing System (HPCS)
 Working in Programming languages (like FORTRAN 90, Python etc.), Shell

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scripting, Meteorological data analysis tools (like Python, GrADS, FERRET,
NCL, NCO, CDO etc.).
 Handling of large volume of data and conversant with data format
likeNetCDF, HDF, GRIB etc.
 Working in the open-source geographical information tools for
meteorological applications.
 Knowledge of Windows/UNIX/LINUX System Administration. Working
knowledge of various statistical tools in research and data analysis.
Job Responsibilities :  The selected candidate will have to co-ordinate with the scientists from
IITM and run fog field experiment and WRF forecasting model.

Post Code : MAQWS2021-006

Name of the post : Project Scientist-II (MAQWS)
No of Positions : 01 No.
Essential Qualification : ● M.E./M.Tech. (Atmospheric Science/ Climate Science/ Earth Science System
and Technology/ Environmental Sciences.
● Master’s degree in Physics/Mathematics/ Atmospheric Sciences/
Environmental Sciences / Geophysics (Meteorology) with at least 60%
marks from a recognized University or equivalent.
● Three years of experience in Atmospheric regional/global chemistry
transport modeling, satellite data analysis relevant to air quality modeling,
experience in handling large atmospheric observations/modeling, and
satellite data and its analysis.
Desirable Qualification :  Ph.D. in any of the above subjects.
 Experience in running forecasting models (like WRF/WRF-Chem).
Experience in using Programming languages (like FORTRAN-90, IDL, C/C++
etc.), meteorological data analysis tools (like (GrADS, FERRET,ARCGIS, NCL,
NCO, CDO etc.), and handling large volumes of satellite data like NetCDF, HDF,
GRIB etc.
Job Responsibilities : Develop the chemical data assimilation for air quality predictions and decision
support system for air quality management.

Post Code : NMM2021-005

Name of the post : Project Scientist –II ( Model Diagnostic)
Number of post : 01 No.
Essential Qualification :  Doctoral Degree in Electronics/ Physics/ Mathematics/ Meteorology/
Oceanography/ Atmospheric Sciences or Master’s degree in Engineering or
Technology from a recognized University or equivalent.
 Three year experience of research in Atmospheric
Science/Oceanography/Climate Sciences or allied fields
Desirable Qualification :  A good knowledge in climate system and coupled models for prediction. The
experience should be demonstrated through scientific reports/publications.
 Knowledge in programming languages (like FORTRAN-90, C/C++ etc); Shell
scripting and meteorological data analysis tools (like GrADS, FERRET, NCL,
NCO, CDO etc).

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 Handling of large volume of data and conversant with data format like
 Ability to work in large groups.
 Knowledge of UNIX/LINUX System Administration would be an added
 Expertise in AI/ML techniques relevant to weather and climate sciences.
Job Responsibilities : To analyze the model outputs and diagnosing the errors and model

Post Code : NMM2021-006

Name of the post : Project Scientist II
(Development of extended range prediction system)
Number of post : 01 No.
Essential Qualification :  Master’s Degree in Physics/ Mathematics/ Meteorology/
Oceanography/ Atmospheric Sciences with a minimum of 60% marks or
Master’s degree in Engineering or Technology from a recognized
University or equivalent.
 Three years of research experience in Atmospheric
Science/Oceanography/Climate Sciences or allied fields.
Desirable Qualification : • Doctoral Degree in any of the above subjects.
• Good knowledge of climate processes and their representation in
Models as indicated by research publications.
• Knowledge of programming languages (like Python, FORTRAN-90,
etc.); Shell scripting and meteorological data analysis tools (like GrADS,
• Expertise in AI/ML techniques relevant to weather and climate
• Conversant in handling a large volume of data with data formats like
GRIB, NetCDF, HDF, GrADS, etc.
• Ability to work in large groups.
• Knowledge of UNIX/LINUX System Administration would be an added
Job Responsibilities : The scientist will be working on the development of an extended-range
prediction system using a coupled/hybrid framework.

Post Code : DESK2024-001

Name of the post : Project Scientist-II (Inverse Modeling of source/sinks of longl-
lived greenhouse gases)
Number of post : 01 No.
Essential Qualification : MSc in Physics/Applied Physics/ Mathematics/ Applied Mathematics/
Atmospheric Sciences/Meteorology/ Atmospheric and Ocean Sciences/Earth
Sciences/Physical Oceanography/Oceanography with at least 60% marks
from a recognized university or equivalent.
M.Tech in Atmospheric Sciences/Modeling and Simulation/Meteorology/
Atmospheric and Ocean Sciences/Earth Sciences from a recognized university
or equivalent.
Three years experience in relevant field.

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Desirable :  PhD in any of the above subjects
Qualification  Experience in Inverse Modeling of Greenhouse gases, Data
Assimilation, Atmospheric Transport Modeling of chemical
constituents, Lagrangian Modeling
 Research experience supported by publications in relevant topic in
good impact journals.
 Very good knowledge in Computer programming using FORTRAN and
data analysis softwares such as Python, NCL, FERRET and CDO.
 Teaching experiences in relevant field of atmospheric chemistry,
greenhouse gases, atmospheric modeling or data assimilation
Job Responsibilities :  Work with scientists to do research on Inverse Modeling of CO2 and
CH4 fluxes using in-situe and satellite data.
 Selected candidate is expected to engage in teaching and R & D
activities of DESK MRFP and other training program at IITM.

Post Code : HACPL2021-006
Name of the post : Project Scientist – I
( For Atmospheric Instrumentation)
Number of post : 01 No.
(To be posted at Mahabaleshwar, Satara District, Maharashtra)
Essential Qualification :  Masters Degree in Science (Physics/ Electronics / Atmospheric Science)
or Batchelors Degree. in Engineering or Technology (Electronics /
Instrumentation/ EEE/E&T) from a recognized
University or equivalent with at least 60% marks.
Desirable Qualification :  Doctoral Degree in Science or Masters Degree in Engineering or
Technology from a recognized University or equivalent.
 Relevant experience in (i) operation /maintenance and calibration of
atmospheric instrumentation relevant to weather parameters,
atmospheric radiation (Radiation sensors, Sun Photometer, MFRSR),
precipitation (Impact disdrometer, Video disdrometer, Micro Rain Radar,
Rain guage etc) and Radiosonde operation (ii) demonstrated experience
in participation in observatonal campaigns and interpretation of
atmospheric observations.
 High quality publications in SCI Index journals.
 Handling of large volume of data and conversant with data format like
NetCDF, HDF etc.
Job Responsibilities :  To manage observational Systems related to Rain and radiation
measurements and operation of radiosonde.

Post Code : WiFEX2021-002

Name of the post : Project Scientist-I (WiFEX)
No of Positions : 01 No.
Essential Qualification : M.Sc. in Meteorology orAtmospheric Sciences with at least 60% marks at
from a recognized university
B. Tech. / B.E. in Mechanical or Electronics and Communication or Electronics
& Instrumentation or Computer Applications or ComputerSciences with at
least 60% marks from a recognized university or equivalent.

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M.Tech. in Meteorology orAtmospheric Sciences from a recognized
: Doctorate degree in Meteorology /Atmospheric Sciences from a recognized
Desirable Qualification university or equivalent.

 Operational Fog Forecast, Weather Data products, Services and Research.

 Working knowledge of Numerical Weather Prediction Models and
 Working with High Performance Computing System (HPCS)
 Working in Programming languages (like FORTRAN 90, Python etc.),
Shell scripting, Meteorological data analysis tools (like Python, GrADS,
 Handling of large volume of data and conversant with data format
likeNetCDF, HDF, GRIB etc.
 Working in the open-source geographical information tools for
meteorological applications.
 Knowledge of Windows/UNIX/LINUX System Administration. Working
knowledge of various statistical tools in research and data analysis.
Job Responsibilities : The selected candidate will have to co-ordinate with the scientists from
IITM and run fog field experiment and WRF forecasting model.

Post Code : MAQWS2021-007

Name of the post : Project Scientist-I (MAQWS)
No of Positions : 01 No.
Essential Qualification : ● M.Tech. (Atmospheric Science/ Climate Science/ Earth Science System and
Technology/ Environmental Sciences.
● Master’s degree in Physics/Mathematics/ Atmospheric Sciences/
Environmental Sciences / Geophysics (Meteorology) with at least 60%
marks from a recognized University or equivalent.
Desirable Qualification : ● Experience in running forecasting models (like WRF/WRF-Chem).
● Experience in using Programming languages (like FORTRAN-90, IDL,
C/C++ etc.), meteorological data analysis tools (like (GrADS, FERRET,
ARCGIS, NCL, NCO, CDO etc.), and handling large volumes of satellite data
like NetCDF, HDF, GRIB etc.
Job Responsibilities : Develop and support the chemical data assimilation for air quality
predictions and decision support system for air quality management.

Post Code : DOM2024-002

Name of the post : Project Scientist I
(Deep Ocean Mission)
Number of post : 01 No.
Essential : Master’s Degree in Physics/ Mathematics/ Meteorology/ Oceanography/
Qualification Atmospheric Sciences/Earth Sciences/Climate Science/ Statistics with
minimum 60% marks from a recognized University or equivalent.

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Master’s degree in Engineering or Technology from a recognized University
or equivalent.
Desirable :  Two years of proven research experience after Master’s degree in Decadal
Qualification prediction/Climate prediction/ Earth system modelling/ Climate modelling
/Seasonal prediction/Decadal variability/Indian Ocean Variability/
Atmospheric modelling/Ocean modelling/Coupled (ocean atmosphere)
modelling/Monsoon teleconnection/Air Sea Interaction/ Climate
extremes/Statistical and dynamical downscaling.
 The experience should be demonstrated through scientific
reports/publications/book chapters.
 Knowledge in programming languages (like Python, FORTRAN- 90, C/C++
etc); Shell scripting and meteorological data analysis tools (like GrADS,
 Experience in handling of a large volume of data and conversant with data
format like NetCDF, HDF, GRIB, GrADS etc.
 Ability to work in large groups.
 Knowledge of UNIX/LINUX System Administration would be an added

Job Responsibilities : Scientists will be responsible for preparing the decadal hind casts,
understanding the decadal variability of Indian monsoon and its
teleconnection, Indian Ocean variability, analysis of CMIP6/CMIP5 decadal
hind casts, historical simulations and projections, preparation of climate
variability products.

Post Code : DESK2021-005

Number of post : 01 No.
Essential :  Masters degree in any discipline from a recognized university or
Qualification equivalent.
 Four year experience preferably in Government
Departments/Autonomous Bodies/PSU

Desirable :  Post Graduate Diploma in Human Resource Management / Personnel

Qualification Management/ Labour Management from recognized University /
 Experience in Govt. Dept./ Autonomous Bodies /PSU of which at
least 3 years should be in a supervisory grade.
 Operational Computer knowledge.
 Experience in Coordinating Training/ National and/or International
Conferences, Seminars and Workshops.
 Should have worked in the areas of coordinating with resource
persons of academia/research centres for conducting various
scientific workshops/training/ national/international conferences.

Job Responsibilities : To coordinate various training programs of DESK, MoES Research

Fellow Programs (MRFP), conducting workshops,
national/international workshops, seminars, online training etc.

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Post Code : MAQWS2021-009-A
Name of the post : Senior Project Associate (WiFEX)
No of Positions : 01 No.
Essential Qualification :  M.Sc./M.Tech Degree in Physics/Meteorology/Atmospheric Sciences
from a recognized university o r e q u i v a l e n t .

 4 years’ experience in Research and development in Industrial and

Academic Institutions or Science and Technology organizations and
Scientific activities and Services in Operational Weather Forecasting.

:  Basic knowledge of Atmospheric Instruments and data acquisition.

Desirable Qualification  Working in Programming languages (like FORTRAN 90, Python etc.),
Shell scripting, Meteorological data analysis tools (like Python, GrADS,
 Handling of large volume of data and conversant with data format like
NetCDF, HDF, GRIB etc.
 Working in the open-source geographical information tools for
meteorological applications.
 Knowledge of Windows/UNIX/LINUX System Administration.
 Working knowledge of various statistical tools in research and data
Job Responsibilities : The selected candidate will have to co-ordinate with the scientists from
IITM and run fog field experiment and WRF forecasting model.
Post Code : MAQWS2021-009
Name of the post : Senior Project Associate (MAQWS)
No of Positions : 01 No.
Essential Qualification : ● B. Tech / BE (Computer / IT / Electronics & Telecommunication)
fromarecognized University or equivalent.
● Four years experience in the relevant field.

: ● M. Tech / ME (Computer / IT /Electronics & Telecommunication)

Desirable Qualification from a recognized University or equivalent
● One year / Six Months CDAC Diploma in Advanced Software
● Domain experience in full-stack web application development with
thelatest technologies (PHP, Python, Bootstrap, MySQL, JavaScript).
● Knowledge of frameworks like Code Igniter and Django. Knowledge of
Functional Testing, Performance Testing, and SDLC.
Job Responsibilities : ● Build, design, and maintain websites and software applications.
● Executes assignments with the use of web applications, scripts, and
programming languages such as PHP, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, andAPIs.
● Evaluate written code to ensure it meets industry standards and is
compatible with all devices.

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Post Code : CVP2022-005
Name of the post : Project Associate II (Climate Variability and Prediction)
Number of post : 01 No.
Essential Qualification :  Master’s Degree in Physics/ Mathematics/ Meteorology/ Oceanography/
Atmospheric Sciences/Earth Sciences/Climate Sciences /Statistics or
Bachelor’s degree in Engineering or Technology from a recognized
University or equivalent
 Two years of proven research experience in / Earth system modelling/
Climate modelling/climate variability/climate extremes/statistical
downscaling etc.
Desirable Qualification :  The experience should be demonstrated through scientific
reports/publications/book chapters.
 Knowledge in programming languages (like Python, FORTRAN- 90, C/C++
etc); Shell scripting and meteorological data analysis tools (like GrADS,
 Experience in handling of a large volume of data and conversant with data
format like NetCDF, HDF, GRIB, GrADS etc.
 Ability to work in large groups.
 Knowledge of UNIX/LINUX System Administration would be an added
Job Responsibilities : They will be responsible for understanding the decadal variability of Indian
monsoon and its teleconnection, Indian Ocean variability,
analysis of CMIP6/CMIP5 decadal hind casts, historical simulations and
projections, preparation of climate variability products.

Post Code : UAS2021-003

Name of the post : Project Associate–II
Number of post : 02 Nos. [One to be posted at Pune and another at
Essential Qualification :  Bachelor’s degree in Engineering or Technology in
Electronics/E&T/Instrumentation/ Aeronautical/ or
Master’s degree in instrumentation/ Physics
/Meteorology/Atmospheric science from a recognized University or
 Experience in relevant field.
Desirable Qualification : Knowledge in UAVs/drones/ Avionics, & AI/ML. Experience in atmospheric
measurements, atmospheric instrumentation, data management and data
analysis, satellite data retrievals. Computer programming skills (like Matlab,
Python, Auto CAD, Ansys).
Job Responsibilities :  Participate in field campaigns, Sensor integration and
developmental activities
 Writing data retrieval algorithms/scripts
 Maintain & operate atmospheric instruments
 Data processing and data management

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Post Code : MESONET2021-003
Name of the post : Project Associate – II
(For Urban Radar Network in Mumbai)
Number of post : 01 No. (To be posted in Mumbai)
Essential :  Masters Degree in Science (Instrumentation/ Meteorology/ Electronics)
Qualification or Bachelors Degree Engineering or Technology (Electronics /
Instrumentation/ EEE/E&T) from a recognized University or equivalent.
 Two years experience in (i) operation and maintenance of Radars or wind
profilers or atmospheric instrumentation.
Desirable :  Doctoral Degree in Science or Masters Degree in Engineering or
Qualification Technology from a recognized University or equivalent.
 Handling of large volume of data and conversant with data format like
NetCDF, HDF, GRIB etc.
 Familiarity with Linux and computer programming like Python, MATLAB,
NCL, GrADS, CDO etc.
Job Responsibilities :  To monitor and maintain radar network and rain gauge network in
Mumbai Metropolitan region
 Maintaining all necessary documentation to ensure efficient use of Urban
Radar Network.

Post Code : HACPL2021-009

Name of the post : Project Associate – II ( For HACPL/Electrical Engineer)
Number of post : 1 No. (To be posted at Mahabaleshwar, Satara District,
Essential Qualification :  Bachelor Degree in Electrical Engineering or Electrical & Electronics
Engineering froma recognized University or equivalent.
 Two years’ experience in the electrical works
Desirable Qualification : Experience in (i) operation /maintenance of Electrical equipments, UPS and
HT sub-station.
Job Responsibilities : To maintain electrical sub-station and other electrical facilities in
the site.

Post Code : ART_Bhopal2021-007

Name of the post : Project Associate – II
( For ARTs/ Radar remote sensing)
Number of post : 02 Nos.
(To be posted at Silkheda, Sehore District, 50 km from Bhopal)
Essential Qualification :  Masters Degree in Science (Atmospheric Science) or Bachelors Degree in
Engineering or Technology (Electronics/Instrumentation/E&TC) from a
recognized University or equivalent.
 Two years experience in relevant field of electronics and
instrumentation maintenance.
Desirable : Experience in Electronics and Atmospheric Instrumentation in research
Qualification lab/industries
Job Responsibilities : To Assist in Radar and other atmospheric Instrumentation operations and
maintenance at ART-CI Facility in Madhya Pradesh.

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Post Code : TD2021-009
Name of the post : Project Associate -II
(For Atmospheric/Lightning Instrumentation)
Number of post : 01 No.
Essential :  M.Sc./M.Tech (Physics/Atmos. Sci/Meteorology) or BE
Qualification (Electronics/Instrumentation/EEE/Mechanical) from a recognized
University or equivalent.
 Two year’s work experience in projects Atmospheric/Lightning
Desirable : Experience in laboratory / measurement techniques and data
Qualification analysis/ Programming
Job Responsibilities : The selected candidate is expected to take part in collection and
analysis of data related to Atmospheric Electricity/lightning and to
work closely in lightning detection network maintained by IITM.

Post Code : NMM2024-001
Name of the post : Project Associate-I
Number of post : 25 Nos.
Essential Qualification : Master’s Degree in Physics, Applied Physics, Atmospheric Sciences,
Meteorology, Oceanography, Climate Science, Geophysics with Meteorology as
one of the subject/ Environmental Sciences
Bachelor’s degree in Engineering or Technology from a recognized University
or equivalent.
Desirable : Knowledge in Fortran, software such as GrADS, NCL, etc and background
Qualification knowledge in monsoon and its variability

Job Responsibilities : Analysis of monsoon mission model output for prediction and process studies
on short-medium, extended and seasonal scale monsoon variability.

Post Code : CVP2022-006

Name of the post : Project Associate I
(Climate Variability and Prediction)
Number of post : 01 No.
Essential Qualification : Master’s Degree in Physics/ Mathematics/ Meteorology/ Oceanography/
Atmospheric Sciences/ Earth Sciences/Climate Sciences/ Statistics or
Bachelor’s degree in Engineering or Technology from a recognized University
or equivalent

Page 18 of 21
Desirable Qualification :  Experience in climate variability/ Earth system modelling/ Climate
modelling /climate extremes/statistical downscaling etc. demonstrated
through scientific reports/publications/book chapters.
 Knowledge in programming languages (like Python, FORTRAN- 90, C/C++
etc); Shell scripting and meteorological data analysis tools (like GrADS,
 Experience in handling of a large volume of data and conversant with data
format like NetCDF, HDF, GRIB, GrADS etc.
 Ability to work in large groups.
 Knowledge of UNIX/LINUX System Administration would be an added

Job Responsibilities : They will be responsible for understanding the decadal variability of Indian
monsoon and its teleconnection, analysis of CMIP6/CMIP5 decadal hind casts,
historical simulations and projections, preparation of climate
variability products.

Post Code : ART_Bhopal2021-008

Name of the post : Project Associate – I
( For ARTs/Electrical Engineer)
Number of post : 01 No.
(To be posted at ART-CI facility at Silkheda, Sehore District)
Essential Qualification : Bachelor Degree in Engineering or Technology (EEE/E&TC) froma recognized
University or equivalent.
Desirable Qualification : Experience in maintenance of HT sub-station.
Job Responsibilities : To maintain electrical sub-station and other electrical facilities in
the site.

Post Code : HACPL2021-011

Name of the post : Project Associate – I ( For Atmospheric Instrumentation
Installation works)
Number of post : 1 No. (To be posted at Mahabaleshwar, Satara District,
Essential Qualification : Masters degree in Physics or Chemistry from a recognized University or
Desirable Qualification : Knowledge on atmospheric physics/chemistry observations
Job Responsibilities : To Assist in maintenance and operation of atmospheric

Post Code : CCCR2021-011

Name of the post : Project Associate-I (Reactive Trace Gases observations)
Number of post : 01 No.
Essential Qualification : M.Sc in IT/Mathematics/Physics/Chemistry from a recognized University
or equivalent.

Desirable : Basic knowledge of instrumentation, fieldwork experience and programming

Qualification knowledge of MATLAB/Python.

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Job Responsibilities : The selected candidate will work on reactive trace gas observations using a
differential optical absorption spectroscopy instrument and will have to
participate in field campaigns in India, on ships and/or in polar regions like
Arctic/Antarctica or as per instructions from Project Leader/Director IITM. The
candidate will provide technical support to the Paleoclimate Lab at IITM
campus whenever required.

Post Code : WiFEX2024-001

Name of the post : Project Associate-I (WiFEX+AEQWS)
No of Positions : 03 Nos.
Essential Qualification : M.Sc in Physics/Meteorology or Atmospheric Sciences or B.Tech Degree in
Engineering & Technology from a recognized university or equivalent.

: Basic knowledge of atmospheric instrumentation, fieldwork experience and

Desirable Qualification programming knowledge of MATLAB/Python.

 Working in Programming languages (like FORTRAN 90, Python etc.), Shell

scripting, Meteorological data analysis tools (like Python, GrADS, FERRET,
NCL, NCO, CDO etc.).
 Handling of large volume of data and conversant with data format like
NetCDF, HDF, GRIB etc.
 Knowledge of Windows/UNIX/LINUX System Administration.
 Working knowledge of various statistical tools in research and data
Job Responsibilities : The selected candidate will have to analyse the data from field experiments and
model simulations using various statistical tools.

Post Code : MAQWS2021-008

Name of the post : Project Associate-I (MAQWS)
No of Positions : 01 No.
Essential Qualification : ● Master’s degree in Physics/Mathematics/ Atmospheric Sciences/
Environmental Sciences / Geophysics (Meteorology) from a recognized
university or equivalent.
● Bachelor’s degree in Engineering or Technology from a recognized
University or equivalent.
: ● Good knowledge of working in LINUX /UNIX system.
Desirable Qualification ● Experience in running forecasting models (like WRF/WRF-Chem).
● Meteorological data analysis tools (like GrADS, NCL).

Job Responsibilities : The selected candidate will work on Air quality and atmospheric chemistry

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Post Code : DOM2024-003
Name of the post : Research Associate
(Deep Ocean Mission)
Number of post : 02 Nos.
Essential Qualification :  Doctorate degree from a recognized University in Meteorology/ Atmospheric
: Sciences/ Earth Sciences/ Climate Sciences/Oceanography/ Physics/ Applied
Physics/ Mathematics.


 Three years of research experience after M.Tech in Meteorology/ Atmospheric

Sciences/ Oceanography/Earth Science in Climate modelling / Coupled (ocean
atmosphere) modelling/ Ground water or surface water modelling/ Cyclone
modelling/Climate variability/ Atmosphere dynamics/Ocean dynamics/Air
Sea interaction /Climate data analysis/Statistical and dynamical downscaling.


 Having at least one research paper in Science Citation Index (SCI)

Desirable Qualification  The experience should be demonstrated through scientific

reports/publications/book chapters.
 Knowledge in programming languages (like Python, FORTRAN-90, C/C++ etc);
Shell scripting and meteorological data analysis tools (like GrADS, FERRET,
NCL, NCO, CDO etc).
 Experience in handling of a large volume of data and conversant with data
format like NetCDF, HDF, GRIB, GrADS etc.
 Ability to work in large groups.
 Knowledge of UNIX/LINUX System Administration would be an added
 Experience in AI/ML techniques.

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