Week 3 - Profit and Loss
Week 3 - Profit and Loss
Week 3 - Profit and Loss
Anastasis Academy
Two articles are bought at the same price. One is sold at 20% profit and the other is sold
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at 10% loss. Find the overall profit/loss percentage.
(A) 10% profit (B) 10% loss
(C) 5% loss (D) 5% profit
The cost price of 80 articles is ₹12.50 per article. Twenty of them were sold for ₹18
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each. At what price should each of the remaining articles be sold so as to get an overall
profit of ₹4.50 per article?
(A) ₹15 (B) ₹16.66 (C) ₹17.25 (D) ₹18
Two successive discounts of 30% and 10% are equivalent to a single discount of
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A bicycle was sold at a loss of 18%. Had it been sold for ₹990 more, there would have
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been a profit of 15%. At what price (in ₹) should the bicycle be sold to make a profit of
A person sold two shirts each for ₹880. On one he gained 10% and on the other he lost
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20%. What is the overall profit or loss percentage?
(A) 55% profit (B) 5.5% loss
(C) 7.36% profit (D) 7.36% loss
Initially a television was being offered at a discount of 40%. The dealer reduced this
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discounted price further by 20% because the customer bargained. If the selling price of
the television is ₹9600, then what is its marked price?
(A) ₹19200 (B) ₹16000
(C) ₹20000 (D) ₹25000
A man bought 100 mangoes at a certain price, with the intention of selling each at a
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profit of 25%. But 20 mangoes got spoilt. If he sold the rest at the intended price, what
was his profit or loss percentage?
(A) 0% (B) 6.66% profit
(C) 6.25% loss (D) 12.5% profit
A trader sells an article at a profit of ₹25. If the cost price is reduced by ₹25 and
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consequently the selling price is reduced by 25% he would make a profit of 25%. What
is his initial cost price? (in ₹)
A shopkeeper always weighs 20% less than the correct weight. One day, he weighed
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20% more than the quantity usually weighed by him. If the profit on the correct weight
is 20%, what is the effective percentage of profit in this transaction?
(A) 10% (B) 25%
(C) 20% (D) 15%
A dealer bought 50 television sets at ₹10000 each. For every set purchased from him,
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he gave one set free. The loss made by him is equal to the selling price of 15 sets. What
is the selling price of each set, that is bought?
(A) ₹10000 (B) ₹15000
(C) ₹12500 (D) ₹20000
A printer undertook the task of printing 2000 pages for a client. The client provided the
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paper. The dimension of each page was 24 cm x 14 cm. A 2 cm gap was left on each
page on all the 4 sides of the margin. The cost of printing was ₹8 per sq. cm. If the
printer wants to make 8% profit, how much should he charge per page?
(A) ₹1728 (B) ₹2281
(C) ₹1628 (D) ₹1901
Ravi manufactures watches. Each day he manufactures as many watches as the cost
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price per watch (in ₹). Each day he sells all his watches at a profit of ₹60 per watch and
at the end of the day his profit percentage is 10%. Find his daily profit (in ₹).
Ajay sold an article at 20% profit to Balu. Balu sold it at 30% profit to Chetan. Dinesh
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sold a similar article at 20% loss to David. David sold it at 30% loss to Edward. The sum
of the price that Chetan and Edward paid for their respective articles is ₹28000 more
than what Ajay paid. If Ajay and Dinesh bought the article for the same price, Find the
sum of the prices paid by Ajay and Dinesh (in rupees) for their respective articles.
(A) 50000 (B) 40000
(C) 45000 (D) 52000
If the discount and profit percentage are both 20% by what percent is the marked price
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above the cost price?
A car dealer sold a car at a discount of ₹100000. Even after the discount, he made a
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profit of 15%. What is the marked price of the car, if the marked price is 25% more than
the cost price?
In a provision store, a packet of dal contains 20% less than the labelled weight. But it is
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sold to a customer at a discount of 4%. How much more, as a percentage by weight,
should the customer get, so that he gets the dal at the rate he would have got, if the
packet contained the correct quantity and there was no discount?
The aggregate cost of 2 apples, 3 mangoes and 4 oranges is ₹6 more than the aggregate
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cost 1 apple, 2 mangoes and 2 oranges, and the aggregate cost of 1 apple, 2 mangoes
and 1 orange is ₹8 less than the aggregate cost of 3 apples, 3 mangoes and 5 oranges. If
the aggregate list price of 3 apples, 1 mango and 6 oranges is ₹12, then find how much
percent discount one should give on the sale of 3 apples, 1 mango and 6 oranges such
that there is a net profit of 5%?
(A) 10% (B) 7.5%
(C) 15% (D) 12.5%
By selling 6 dozen oranges, a person incures a loss which is equal to selling price of 1
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dozen oranges. Find his loss percentage?
(A) 14.28% loss (B) 12.25% loss
(C) 16.66% loss (D) 14.66% loss
The Santabil shop offers that get a T-shirt free on the purchase of every three T-shirts.
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But they mark-up the price of the T-shirts by 60%. If a customer buys three T-shirts,
then what is the profit or loss percentage for the store?
On giving 3 pencils free with every 5 pens bought, a shopkeeper makes a profit of 20%
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and on giving 6 pencils free with every 2 pens bought, he suffers a loss of 25%. Find the
approximate profit percent made by the shopkeeper when he gives 4 pencils free with
every 6 pens bought. (Assume that the pencils are identical and the same applies to the
(A) 18% (B) 20%
(C) 24% (D) 16%
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Answer Key
Question No. Answer Question No. Answer
Q1 D Q11 A
Q2 B Q12 36000
Q3 37 Q13 A
Q4 3300 Q14 50
Q5 D Q15 1250000
Q6 C Q16 20
Q7 A Q17 D
Q8 100 Q18 A
Q9 B Q19 20
Q10 C Q20 A