Soal Pas English KLS 8 2022
Soal Pas English KLS 8 2022
Soal Pas English KLS 8 2022
24. Let me tell you that I got the … test than other students.
a. easy c. easiest 35. What does the notice mean?
b. easier d. most easy a. Keep your mask on!
b. Don’t take the picture
25. I’m so jealous of you, you got the … score of math. It c. Please wash your hand
was so close for me. d. Cars should not enter this area
a. good c. best
b. better d. more good This text is for question no 36 to 39
27. What is the message about? 37. What will Chika probably do after reading the message?
a. It’s about asking for help to do IT homework a. Visit the computer exhibition by herself.
b. It’s about learning IT homework b. Buy a Bluetooth speaker for Leana.
c. It’s about Kinara’s homework c. Ask Leana to buy Bluetooth speaker for her
d. It’s about Sabrina homework d. Accompany Leana to visit computer exhibition.
28. Who is the receiver of the message?
a. Sabrina c. Kinara 38. Who is the sender of the message?
b. Kinara’s brother d. Sabrina’s sister a. Leana c. Rey
b. Chika d. Lian
29. When will Sabrina come to Kinara’s house?
a. Next Monday night 39. Who is the receiver of the message?
b. Next Sunday morning a. Leana c. Rey
c. Next Sunday night b. Chika d. Lian
d. Next month
31. Look at the picture what kind of the text is it? 41. We usually read the text in a …
a. Short message c. Notice a. Bathroom c. Kitchen
b. Memo d. Message b. Class d. garden
32. Where can we find the notice? 42. Based on the text above, we should …
a. In the house c. In the office a. Throw paper towels in the toilet
b. In the park d. In the class b. Not use paper towel in the bathroom
c. Throw paper towel in the waste bin
33. What is “grass” in Indonesian? d. Use paper towel outside the bathroom
a. Pohon c. Bunga
b. Tangkai d. Rumput 43. Listen! Someone is … melodiously
a. Sing c. Song
b. Singing d. Singer
Good luck